#which is Kissing You Kissing You One Thousand Times Kissing You 😌
blujayonthewing ¡ 1 year
nyssa expresses my affectionate side as it would exist if I was not a human person bound and shaped by the social mores of the culture I was born into
were it not for the laws of my brain as dictated by the social boundaries of this land I would be climbing into your lap like a friendly cat
3 notes ¡ View notes
gimmethatagustd ¡ 2 months
venor (12) | kth + jjk
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The barista at the university’s café keeps telling Jungkook not to come back, but Jungkook is too busy daydreaming about kissing the beauty marks on his face to be paying attention to his warnings.
○ Pairing: Tiger!Taehyung x Bunny!Jungkook
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Hybrids, predator/prey, college au, strangers to lovers, slow burn, fluff, light angst, eventual smut
○ Word Count: 7,862
○ Warnings: Time for y'all to judge me for my smut writing, loss of virginity, blow job, what the gworlies call self-lubrication aka slick, Taehyung's got a big dick (in every universe imo), size difference, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, anal fingering, unprotected anal sex, alcohol, scenting, marking, self-esteem issues, jealousy, pet names
○ Notes: This is cliche and cute and smutty (don't @ me, I warned you in advance) and 2 days late 😌
○ Post Date: April 2, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Cross-Post
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
Series Masterlist
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“Considering everything you’ve put me through, I feel like I shouldn’t have to be here right now.”
The glare that Yoongi gives Jungkook is scary enough to rival the biggest, meanest predator hybrid on campus. It has been three weeks since Yoongi suffered through Jungkook and Taehyung’s little not PG date night, and he still won’t let it go, despite Jungkook’s numerous apologies — both verbal and in the form of sweets— which Jungkook surely thought Yoongi would accept by now. At this point, Jungkook doesn’t know if he should still be embarrassed by the fact that his roommate heard him loudly orgasm or if he should be annoyed that Yoongi won’t stop talking about it.
“Oh, come on, hyung! This is fun!”
“Is it?” Yoongi scowls.
Hooking his arm around Yoongi’s, Jungkook practically drags him through the front doors of the university’s basketball arena. The building is massive and packed with fans hurrying through the ticket lines to get to their seats as the announcer’s deep voice booms over the speakers. The announcement lets everyone know that the game is about to start. For as many months as Jungkook has been getting to know Taehyung, it’s surprising that this is his first time watching Taehyung play.
“Jungkook-ah! Yoongi oppa!”
Suyun waves her arms from where she stands in the lobby, past the ticket lines. She’s so small that Jungkook nearly loses her in the crowd once he and Yoongi have finally made it through the line, their printed tickets clutched between their fists. Luckily, her ears make it easy to relocate her.
“Yay, I’m so excited!” Suyun throws herself into Jungkook and Yoongi to squeeze them together in a hug her scrawny arms can barely maintain. “Let’s hurry up! They’re already playing.”
The sea of college students and locals eager to watch a Saturday evening basketball game against the university’s biggest rival pushes the three friends in waves down the arena’s wide hallways. It’s hard for Jungkook to keep up with where he’s going, easily getting confused by each rounded corner they turn and how everyone looks the same in their white and blue clothing to match the university’s colors. Occasionally, splotches of red and black are in the mix, but the rival’s fans are sparse. Even Jungkook knew how to dress the part, wearing a pair of powder blue overalls with one strap undone and hanging forward to expose more of the white sweater underneath and his all-white Converse. The 90s chic look might make him sweat down to his balls, but he looks cute, and that’s what matters.
“Is our basketball team really that big of a deal?” Yoongi asks, unable to hide the genuine curiosity that seeps through his words.
“How have you gone to school here for four years without knowing, oppa?”
Suyun clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth with a shake of her head as she guides Jungkook and Yoongi down the crowded halls until they reach a large, open doorway. At least Jungkook isn’t the only one new to this.
Thousands of fans are packed in the seats consisting of three separate levels circling the basketball court in the middle of the room. When Jungkook tilts his head back, he thinks he can see people nearly in the building’s rafters. It’s all very overwhelming, but there’s a sense of comradery that makes his body tingle. It’s cool to be part of something bigger than himself! And it especially feels cool knowing that all these people are here to see his Taehyung play.
“Jackson got us really good seats,” Suyun explains as she continues leading them through the crowd, though it’s not as busy down here on the ground level. “They aren’t courtside, but they might as well be.”
Their seats are only a few rows from the court, meaning Jungkook has a clear view of the basketball players huddled around men in suits, who he assumes are the coaching staff. From the huddle, Jungkook spots Jackson’s bushy orange tail and the silvery glint of Hoseok’s scales in the arena’s fluorescent lighting. As he takes his seat in between Suyun and Yoongi, Jungkook searches for the mop of coppery curls he loves so much.
Taehyung spots him first. Having been blocked by another player, Taehyung steps to the side just far enough to see around the huddled group and straight into Jungkook’s wide eyes.
Hey bun, Taehyung mouths to Jungkook with a waggle of his eyebrows.
Waving shyly, Jungkook tries to shoo Taehyung away so he’ll pay attention to whatever his coach is saying. Of course, Taehyung doesn’t listen. Instead, he elbows one of the players standing next to him. Jungkook watches with hot cheeks as Taehyung leans in to say something to the other player before turning to point at Jungkook.
Stop it, Jungkook mouths back, waving Taehyung off again.
The buzzer sounds, notifying the teams that the game is resuming. Taehyung blows a kiss at Jungkook before spinning around to get into place on the court.
“What position is Taehyung?” Yoongi asks over the roar of the crowd as the game advances.
“Point guard,” comes a response from Jungkook’s right. He and Yoongi turn to see a face that has become more familiar over the past few weeks.
“Hi, Jimin hyung,” Jungkook has to project his voice to greet the calico cat hybrid when the crowd boos after the rival team makes a basket.
“Jungkook-ah, Yoongi hyung.”
Jimin nods curtly before slinking into his seat beside Suyun, who immediately scratches behind one of his splotchy, multicolored ears. He sticks his arm down the row of seats to offer a large bag of popcorn, which Yoongi declines, but Jungkook takes a handful of the buttery goodness.
Like most domestic cats, it takes Jimin a while to become comfortable with strangers, so he has only recently started hanging out with Jungkook whenever Taehyung and Hoseok invite them to their apartment. Yoongi’s presence seems to help Jimin feel at ease, perhaps because of their shared prey hybrid species. It’s cute how aloof they are; Jungkook doesn’t know why he finds them so endearing, especially Jimin, who always seems to look simultaneously bored and conniving.
“What does a point guard do?” Jungkook asks between chewing his popcorn. He directs his question to Suyun, though Jimin may also know the answer. Yoongi is just as hopeless as Jungkook.
“Honestly, I don’t really understand all the rules…” Suyun admits sheepishly. “I think it’s Taehyung’s job to help set up the other players so they have the best opportunities to score. He’s always shouting things and telling everyone where to go when he passes the ball and stuff.”
Pride swells in Jungkook’s chest when he sits back to watch the game, knowing that his Taehyung plays an important role. Of course, all the players do, but not all the players are Taehyung, and Taehyung is the one who matters most. Obviously.
“It fits Taehyung. He’s so bossy,” Jimin rolls his eyes and tosses a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
“Is he?” Jungkook has never felt like Taehyung is bossy, but the annoyed look on Jimin’s face tells another story.
“So bossy. But all predators are, aren’t they?”
Yoongi snorts a resounding, “Yeah, they are,” while Suyun insists, “They’re not all like that.”
“Jackson doesn’t count,” Jimin licks his buttery lips, “He’s so whipped for you.”
“And Taehyung is whipped for Jungkookie,” Suyun giggles at Jungkook’s pink face.
“Let’s just watch the game…” Jungkook angrily scrunches his nose and glares at his friends until there’s more shouting from the crowd, and he quickly turns back to the court to see what he’s missed.
For the rest of the game, Jungkook won’t take his eyes off Taehyung, who spends it sprinting up and down the court, only taking a few breaks. He looks good in their university’s blue basketball uniform. The sleeveless jersey shows off the definition of his arms, especially when he raises them and bends them at the elbow to prepare to shoot or rushes down the court while dribbling the basketball. There’s too much distance between them to tell, but Jungkook is sure all the movement has made Taehyung’s veins raise slightly in his forearms — an occurrence capable of causing Jungkook ultimate psychological damage if he witnesses it up close. It’s good that Jackson got them seats that aren’t too close.
There aren’t many timeouts, but Taehyung takes advantage of the few scattered throughout the game to wink at Jungkook and blow him kisses. It makes Jungkook feel warm and fuzzy inside, something unordinary and special, like Taehyung is some kind of celebrity and Jungkook is the fan he’s fallen in love with. Unfortunately, his little dreamworld is rudely interrupted by obnoxious squealing.
“Did Kim Taehyung just blow a kiss at you?”
“I don’t know!”
“Oh my god, he totally did!”
Jungkook turns around to look at the group of girls sitting in the row behind him. Interestingly, the group is a mix of predator and prey hybrids, which Jungkook would usually find cute, but the current circumstances sour that realization. There’s no way these girls can possibly think that his Taehyung would be showering them with affection, girls he doesn’t even personally know! It takes everything in Jungkook’s power to slowly turn back around and stamp down the ugly feeling of jealousy that eats away at him like acid in his gut. He felt this once before, when Taehyung spoke with his friend in the library, and he hates it just as much now as he had then.
“You good, kid?” Yoongi asks with a flick of his tail against Jungkook’s arm to get his attention.
Jungkook’s response isn’t convincing, but the game is nearly over, and Yoongi can’t interrogate him in the middle of a basketball arena, so Yoongi lets the conversation go. The girls’ comments are harmless, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. To Jungkook, they’re a reminder of the one thing he desperately craves from Taehyung and still doesn’t know how to ask for: commitment.
Their university wins because of an iconic three-point basket made by Hoseok right before time runs out. The entire arena erupts in screaming and chants of his name—including Yoongi, whom Jungkook has never seen so animated. It’s cute, and it makes Jungkook wonder why Yoongi agreed to attend the basketball game with him.
It takes a while after the game ends for the players to return from the locker rooms. Jungkook, Suyun, Yoongi, and Jimin stand around the side of the basketball court, finishing up the last of Jimin’s popcorn and passing around an extra-large soda Suyun convinced Yoongi to pay for during the game’s halftime. It isn’t a sufficient dinner considering the group plans to go out drinking after this, but part of Jungkook was hoping that the guys on the team would be too tired to go out. Although Jungkook has yet to experience the city’s nightlife, he thinks he’d rather get cozy in bed with Taehyung and spend the rest of the night with each other. It’s Suyun and Jackson’s fault that everyone has jumped onto the idea of clubbing; it’s always their fault if the plans include drinking. Little, quiet Suyun! Jungkook never knew he was missing out on this side of her personality until he started hanging out with predator hybrids.
The first player to return is the one Jungkook has ignored all night. Byungchul has made himself scarce ever since the altercation at Jackson’s house. Although Jungkook is no longer angry or afraid, he’s still uncomfortable, and that’s enough to not want to be near Byungchul if he doesn’t have to be. So, when he realizes that Byungchul is heading straight for him, Jungkook finds it difficult to look him in the eyes.
“Hi,” Byungchul greets the floor once he approaches Jungkook, also avoiding eye contact.
Trying not to sound mean or defensive, Jungkook is quiet and slow when he responds, “Hello…”
Byungchul’s gray wolf tail hangs so low that it drags on the floor and his ears are flat to his head and only visible because the gray fur stands out against his black hair. His hair and fur are wet from showering in the locker room, and he’s wearing a university-branded tracksuit and a backpack thrown over one shoulder. Despite being much bigger than Jungkook, he looks small.
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry I was such an asshole to you and your friends. And, well, my friends, too,” Byungchul takes a deep breath and finally meets Jungkook’s gaze. His expression is softer than Jungkook has ever seen; the typically harsh, almost hateful look melted away into something less severe and almost… sad.
“No one put me up to this or anything,” Byungchul continues, “I was being a dick, and it fucked with the team’s dynamic, and, I don’t know, I realized it was all stupid. I know Suyun and Jimin are cool. And you must be cool if hyung likes you so much.”
Byungchul pauses for a moment to give Yoongi a strange look, with his eyebrows furrowed and his head slightly tilted to one side.
“I have no idea who you are, but, uh, I’m sure you’re cool, too.”
With a snort and a roll of his eyes, Yoongi mutters, “Cooler than any of you will ever be,” before walking off to throw away the empty soda cup.
“Anyway, yeah, that’s… that’s all I wanted to say.”
“Thank you for apologizing,” Jungkook says with heated cheeks because his senses alert him to the presence of Taehyung returning from the locker room with Hoseok and Jackson.
Byungchul must also grow shy from the sudden audience because he doesn’t say anything else. With a slight bow of his head, he bids everyone a silent goodbye and jogs over to a few other players hanging out by the exit, waiting for him. It’s odd to see Byungchul so quiet and not the boisterous, aggressive bully he wanted to make himself seem like. Despite understanding that Byungchul behaved from a place of insecurity, Jungkook is still confused by him. Jungkook can’t imagine ever wanting to make himself out to be a bad guy.
“Everyone alright?” Hoseok asks as he approaches the quiet group of prey hybrids.
Almost immediately, Jimin breaks away from the other prey to latch himself to Hoseok’s side, giving Taehyung a pinch on his arm on his way over.
“Jimin-ah!” Taehyung swats at the calico with a hiss, and Jungkook can’t help but giggle when Jimin hisses right back. Cats. How has Jungkook managed to surround himself with them?
“Byungchul apologized to Jungkook,” Suyun explains as she beckons for Yoongi to hurry up before the group leaves.
“Shocking, really,” Jimin says with a smirk, “Considering how big predators’ egos are, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be to find the capacity for empathy.”
Rather than be offended, Hoseok snickers. His laughter is a strange mix of hisses and giggles, making Jimin’s smirk morph into something a little closer to a genuine smile.
Jungkook isn’t the best at reading people’s scents to determine their moods, but he has lived with Yoongi long enough to tell when he’s getting worked up for whatever reason. The sour spike in Yoongi’s citrus scent doesn’t match the blush that paints his cheeks when Jimin begins openly scenting Hoseok by nuzzling his neck.
“Ugh, enough of Byungchul, I’m so tired of talking about all that bullshit,” Jackson groans. “Who needs a ride to my place? I can fit four other people.”
They’re all grown adults in college, but it takes counting on their fingers to figure out who goes in which car. Taehyung doesn’t bother worrying about it; he’s got his eyes on Jungkook while everyone else plans their next moves for the night. Jungkook tries not to stare at him, and he’s even proud of himself for not latching onto him — mainly because Jungkook promised Yoongi that he wouldn’t leave him alone with all the couples doing coupley things like a seventh wheel.
“Taehyung,” Hoseok pushes him on the shoulder for not paying attention. “Is it cool if you and Jungkook drive together?”
Taehyung’s grin is boxy and boyish when he replies, “I mean, I guess.”
Jungkook and Taehyung walk back to Taehyung’s dorm while their friends clamber into Jackson’s car. Whereas Jackson already showered in the arena’s locker room, Hoseok is too disgusted by the idea of showering where “who knows how many other athletes have showered,” and Taehyung is too married to his skincare regime to shower anywhere other than in his own bathroom. They split up, allowing Hoseok to get ready for the night at Jackson’s house and Taehyung the ease of not needing to share the bathroom in their apartment.
Jungkook is just happy to go wherever Taehyung goes.
“Did you have fun?” Taehyung asks with his lips pressed against the soft fur of Jungkook’s bunny ear. It tickles, and Jungkook tries to escape, but Taehyung’s arm is draped over his shoulders to pull him back in.
“Mhm, I had no idea what was going on, though,” Jungkook admits, laughing lightly when he remembers Suyun and Jimin trying to explain the rules, only for Yoongi to look them up online and find that they were wrong.
“I should have prepped you beforehand.”
Jungkook shrugs.
“We should play together instead. I think I could beat you.”
Taehyung steps away from Jungkook to open the front door of the residence hall. He gives Jungkook a shocked look, eyebrows raised, and one corner of his mouth tweaked into a half-smirk.
“Oh, really? You think you could?”
Jungkook pushes past Taehyung and leads them to the stairwell, skipping the elevator like always.
“I probably work out more than you,” Jungkook purposely gives Taehyung a long, hard look that drags from his feet to the fuzzy, striped ears on his head. “I’m strong and definitely more agile than you are.”
It’s all fun and games, just silly shit-talking until Taehyung gets that wild look in his eyes. Jungkook spins on his heel and launches himself up the stairs, taking them two at a time, knowing Taehyung is right behind him. He has the advantage of being lighter on his feet and not having been playing sports for nearly two hours straight, so he manages to scramble up the stairs without getting snatched until they’re outside Taehyung’s apartment door.
“Did you forget I’m a cute little bunny?” Jungkook teases through his heavy breathing, which matches Taehyung’s panting. “Hopping up the stairs is easy. I’ve got a good bounce to me.”
Pressed with his back against the door, Jungkook looks up into Taehyung’s eyes with his chin raised and a smug look on his face that quickly falters when Taehyung says,
“You bouncing sounds fun.”
“Ah, open the door, Tae!” Jungkook shoves Taehyung in the chest, forcing him to give Jungkook space to move away from the door. “You’re gross.”
Chuckling, Taehyung does as he’s told. 
“I’m going to shower now, but I’ll be quick,” Taehyung murmurs with a kiss on Jungkook’s forehead, his short exhale ruffling Jungkook’s bangs.
Jungkook smiles in response as Taehyung disappears through the bathroom door. Once the door clicks shut, he turns around and retreats into Taehyung’s bedroom. He likes the feel of Taehyung’s bedroom the most out of all the rooms in the apartment. The green walls and plants and earth-toned furniture are comforting. There must be some psychology about why natural hues induce relaxation in hybrids; Jungkook is sure it’s part of their biology. Or perhaps he feels relaxed as he flops onto his stomach on the bed because the comforter smells like Taehyung, and he can already sense how their scents dance around each other, mixing to create the aroma of peaceful spring rain. Perhaps Jungkook’s sense of comfort is a little bit of both, a combination of nature and nurture.
Catching himself metaphorically drooling over Taehyung yet again, Jungkook gives himself permission to keep gushing over the boy in his head. When Jungkook started getting to know Taehyung, he was a starry-eyed, silly bunny determined to crack the mysterious tiger’s hard exterior. Now, he sees Taehyung for what he really is: a quiet, somewhat reserved boy who feels deeply and has a heart of gold. 
As for Jungkook, he doesn’t think he’s very different from the bunny he was when he first transferred all those months ago. His identity hasn’t changed much, but how he thinks about himself has. He’s still starry-eyed and silly, but he’s confident in his desire to be a kind and accepting person, and he no longer worries about being considered naive.
Jungkook props himself up on Taehyung’s pillow as he sprawls out on the bed, phone in hand, to scroll through his phone for music to play on Taehyung’s speaker while he waits for Taehyung to finish showering. Most of his recent music has been random lofi playlists Taehyung showed him, perfect for relaxing or studying. Those don’t seem particularly fitting to prepare to go clubbing, so Jungkook searches for a playlist with a decent mix of mainstream hip-hop and pop songs to bop his head along to while he aimlessly scrolls through social media.
It’s still early, and Jungkook is sure that the rest of their friends will take a while to get ready, even with Jackson’s house having multiple bathrooms. Luckily, Suyun and Yoongi were already prepared to go out after the game; it’s the basketball players and Jimin who should be concerned about taking too long.
Jungkook can’t help but giggle when he thinks about his friends, particularly his poor Yoongi hyung, squished between Hoseok and Jimin in the backseat of Jackson’s car. He looked terrified — with his orange tail clutched in one hand to prevent anyone from accidentally sitting on it and his ears flattened against his hair — as if he didn’t love having two pretty boys trying to talk to him all night. 
With the right amount of alcohol, Yoongi will loosen up enough to enjoy himself despite going out not being high on his list of favorite things to do. It might not even be high on Jungkook’s list of favorite things to do, but considering he hasn’t ever gone clubbing before, he’s not sure. All he knows is that Taehyung is responsible for ensuring he doesn’t get messy, as Suyun said. 
Not long after Jungkook texts Yoongi and Suyun to confirm which nightclub Jackson wants everyone to meet up at, he hears the bathroom door open. Taehyung is always light on his feet, hardly making a sound as he walks down the hallway. Sneaky, a quality not uncommon for a predator hybrid.
Pushing himself up, Jungkook settles for sitting in the middle of Taehyung’s bed and turns toward the door when Taehyung crosses the threshold.
“Jackson said we should go to…”
Jungkook trails off, the name of the nightclub escaping out of his brain through his ears like all his common sense and body’s ability to remember how to breathe. Frozen in place, the only things that move on Jungkook are his throat when he swallows, despite how dry his mouth has gotten, and his eyes that follow Taehyung to his closet.
Seeing Taehyung shirtless isn’t shocking; they’ve slept in the same bed a few times, and Taehyung usually sleeps shirtless. Seeing Taehyung wearing only a fluffy white towel that sits low on his hips, with a few stray beads of water trickling down his chest and his copper hair slicked back away from his face… seeing that is more than Jungkook’s little soul can bear.
When Jungkook doesn’t speak, Taehyung turns around to look at him, his forehead wrinkled with worry lines.
“Bun? Go where?”
Heat climbs up Jungkook’s neck like scorching pinpricks in his skin when he realizes he has forgotten what he was supposed to say. It takes everything in his power to stare into Taehyung’s eyes instead of at the swell of his pecs and how his arms flex as he sorts through the clothes hanging in his closet.
“Um,” Jungkook quickly looks down at his phone, using clumsy fingers to open Suyun and Yoongi’s text messages. If he doesn’t chill out, he’s going to lose to his naturally horny bunny instincts, and he cannot do that right now. “Singularity. That’s the, uh…”
“Club?” Taehyung offers, one corner of his mouth twitching like he wants to smile or laugh but is holding it in.
“Do you know what time?”
Jungkook keeps his head down, using his ears and bangs to hide from Taehyung as he sorts through his text messages with trembling thumbs. He needs to calm down before he embarrasses himself.
“Suyun said thirty minutes, but Yoongi hyung said an hour,” Jungkook responds after deep breaths. “I’d trust hyung more, honestly.”
The slide of Taehyung’s fingers in Jungkook’s hair makes him look up from his phone. He tilts his head back far enough that he can look directly into Taehyung’s eyes — and not at his crotch, which is much closer to Jungkook’s face now that Taehyung stands at the edge of the bed.
“That’s enough time,” Taehyung reassures as he massages the base of Jungkook’s ears. The gentle caresses make Jungkook’s eyes flutter.
“Enough time for what?” Jungkook asks and leans into Taehyung’s touch.
Using his grip on Jungkook’s hair, Taehyung guides Jungkook closer until he’s kneeling on the bed in front of Taehyung, making it easier for Taehyung to whisper his response against Jungkook’s lips,
“For me to help you find new pants.”
Huffing, Jungkook tries to voice a complaint, embarrassed that it seems Taehyung will never let this terrible joke die, but Taehyung slots their lips together faster than Jungkook can keep up. 
Taehyung isn’t slow this time, and although he keeps his promise of being gentle, there’s more force in how he handles Jungkook as if he’s no longer concerned about scaring him. He digs his fingers into Jungkook’s silky black hair and tugs on the strands, not harshly, but enough to force Jungkook to tilt his head to the side so Taehyung can deepen the kiss. It’s wet and hot, Taehyung shoving his tongue in Jungkook’s mouth, curling his tongue around Jungkook’s like he curls his arm around his waist to pull him closer. 
“I can smell it on you,” Taehyung murmurs when he moves to nuzzle Jungkook’s throat, dragging his nose and pink lips along his soft skin. 
“How turned on you are. Don’t need you to get wet to know.” 
Taehyung bites Jungkook’s neck just above the scent gland where a mating bite is meant to go. Jungkook’s neck has been littered with deep red, almost purple, bruises ever since that night Taehyung lost control of himself. Jungkook thinks it’s another way for Taehyung to claim him, like mating bites that disappear rather than stay forever. Yoongi’s warning about mating echoes in Jungkook’s mind when Taehyung bites him again with enough pressure to leave an intent in his skin but not enough for it to hurt. 
It feels good. Jungkook whimpers as he hesitantly grabs the back of Taehyung’s head to keep him against his neck when he tries to pull away. 
“Shit,” Taehyung groans, and goosebumps spring up along Jungkook’s skin when he scrapes his teeth against his throat, “You like that? Like it when I leave marks on you?” 
Jungkook nods with his eyes fluttering closed, just a small hum in response. 
“Want me to bite you?” Taehyung’s warm, hypnotizing voice draws Jungkook in. It’s low and soothing, with a tantalizing edge that makes a shudder run through Jungkook’s body. 
“Please,” Jungkook whispers as Taehyung trails kisses along his jaw. 
“Want me to mate you, bun? Make you mine?” 
Tugging Taehyung’s hair, Jungkook pulls him backward until they both fall onto the bed with Jungkook on his back and Taehyung hovering over him. 
“Yes, Tae,” Jungkook begs, hardly knowing what he’s saying but can’t stop himself, as though Taehyung has genuinely hypnotized him. His voice is frantic, breathy, and pathetic like he needs it.
“Mmm, you know I can’t,” Taehyung smiles against the apple of Jungkook’s cheek, opening his mouth slightly to press his blunt front teeth there, too. “You naughty bunny. Don’t even know what you’re asking me.” 
Taehyung muffles Jungkook’s whine with his mouth, sucking his tongue with a slight bob to his head as he reaches with one hand in between their bodies to unclasp the other strap of Jungkook’s overalls. Pulling the flap down, he slips his hand beneath Jungkook’s sweater to run his fingers along his warm skin.
“Why are your clothes so complicated?” Taehyung leans back to kneel between Jungkook’s legs, which are bent at the knees and spread open to accommodate him.
“It’s a cute outfit,” Jungkook pouts, making Taehyung’s huffy expression blossom into a boyish grin.
“You do look really cute. I couldn’t stop looking at you.”
“I noticed.”
Taehyung’s slow curl of his fingers around the waist of Jungkook’s overalls is a silent request. Jungkook’s raise of his hips is the silent granting of permission.
“Almost fucked up that free throw because I could hear you cheering for me.”
Too distracted by what Taehyung is doing, Jungkook can’t bring himself to protest Taehyung’s accusations. How dare Taehyung blame him when all he was trying to do was give Taehyung encouragement! The complaint is lost, gently brushed to the side by Taehyung’s gentle caresses as he helps Jungkook take off the rest of his clothes, leaving a pile of white and powder blue amongst the swath of browns and greens that is his bedroom.
“You’re cute, but you’re also beautiful,” Taehyung’s tone is soft, as are his touches as he runs his hands up and down Jungkook’s bare torso.
It’s the first time Jungkook has been fully naked in front of Taehyung, in front of anyone. He thought he would be more nervous, that he would be petrified by insecurities. Instead, he feels heat spreading through his body, little fires burning in his chest and the inside of his thighs, like electrical sparks setting off flames in his veins. The longer Taehyung stares at his body, exploring it with light fingertips that flick his brown, perky nipples and skate across his hip bones, the hotter the fires burn.
Jungkook knows he’s attractive; people have always praised him for being pretty. But Jungkook doesn’t want to be pretty or cute; he wants to be hot, like the heat Taehyung’s gaze stirs inside him.
Leaning forward, Taehyung sucks one of Jungkook’s nipples into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it to hear the weak whimper that the action elicits from Jungkook.
“Ahh, Tae,” Jungkook curves his spine to press his chest against Taehyung’s mouth and digs his fingers in his damp hair when Taehyung lets go of one nipple to drag his lips across his sternum, sucking and licking the other once he reaches it.
“Hoseok hyung isn’t home,” Taehyung murmurs against Jungkook’s chest as he tosses his towel onto the floor.
Initially, the comment doesn’t sink in for Jungkook. He’s caught up in the wet kisses Taehyung plants down his stomach and the wave of slick-inducing pleasure that overtakes him when Taehyung takes his cock in his mouth. It takes barely any time for Taehyung to suck Jungkook until he’s fully hard, and it isn’t until he’s guiding Jungkook to turn around on his hands and knees when it finally hits him.
No one else is home.
The moan Taehyung coaxes out of Jungkook when he presses two fingers into his hole is uninhibited because there’s no one to offend by how loud he is. His moans come out stunted and quick with every thrust of Taehyung’s fingers. Eventually, they stretch out and shift into a higher pitch once Taehyung finds his prostate and focuses on pressing that spot every time he fucks into him with his fingers.
“You’re so wet, I don’t even think you need any prep,” Taehyung groans as he inserts a third finger.
Jungkook lowers onto his forearms to press his forehead against the mattress, unable to keep himself up when his arms shake so severely. He does his best to rock with Taehyung’s movements but is too embarrassed by how uncoordinated he is compared to Taehyung.
“It feels good,” Jungkook sighs when Taehyung pulls his fingers out.
Nodding, Jungkook twists around to meet Taehyung’s dark gaze. He’s got that look again, ardent and wild, with dilated pupils and his scent so strong that Jungkook can imagine the two of them getting lost in a thunderstorm of Taehyung’s making. It stirs that primal urge to run, to get away from the predator that drapes his body over Jungkook’s, pressing him into the mattress on his stomach so he can grind his cock in between his cheeks with practiced precision.
“What do you want, bun?” Taehyung’s breath comes out in hot puffs against Jungkook’s neck.
What does Jungkook want?
He digs his fingers into the bed sheets and turns his head to the side so Taehyung can kiss him. Each smooth, slow roll of Taehyung’s hips against his ass gently pushes him up the bed. It feels so good, even though the nerves about what they’re doing are finally starting to kick in. He can hardly breathe when Taehyung nips at his neck where his scent gland is.
What does Jungkook want?
“I want you.”
Taehyung’s hips still. He nuzzles his face further into Jungkook’s neck and leaves kisses there, each one planted on top of the sore hickeys he’d bitten and sucked onto Jungkook’s skin. There are so many reminders of the commitment they could have, but neither will offer out loud.
“Want me to fuck you, Jungkook?” His name sounds rough, coming from Taehyung, like a growl pulled from deep inside his chest.
Pressing his forehead to Jungkook’s shoulder, Taehyung whispers a quiet “Fuck,” before sitting back on his knees.
“I want you to ride me.”
It’s a command, even though it’s spoken softly. Jungkook could say no if he wanted to; he knows Taehyung would respect him. But he also feels like his instincts tell him that he must obey this predator who looms over him with a hungry glint in his eyes.
“I won’t be good,” Jungkook mutters as Taehyung trades places with him. He’s gorgeous, laid out on the bed, honey gold skin against white sheets, and his hair dry enough to start getting fluffy and poofy atop his head. Jungkook may be gorgeous, too, but he’s inadequate in other ways.
“What do you mean?” Taehyung leans slightly to reach for Jungkook, guiding him to straddle his hips like before.
“I don’t know what I’m doing, and you’ve…”
“I’ve what?”
Biting his lip, Jungkook looks off into the room, his eyes landing on his reflection in the darkened window. Seeing a distorted image of himself on top of Taehyung makes him even more nervous.
“You’ve had sex with other people before,” Jungkook says quietly.
“Bun,” Taehyung squeezes Jungkook’s tiny waist and glides his palms upward until they rest on his chest. “This is about me and you, that’s it. The other people are in the past for a reason. And I’d never judge you. You’re so perfect, Jungkook. You do it for me just by being you. I don’t care about you being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ or whatever. You’re you, and that’s enough, alright?”
Jungkook rests his hands on Taehyung’s and keeps them cradled to his chest when he nods in understanding. Maybe he’s naive, but he believes Taehyung, even though his insecurities tell him not to.
“I want you to ride me so you can determine our pace, okay?” Taehyung explains, and Jungkook nods again. “You can control how much you take, so you’re more comfortable. If I’m on top, I might hurt you.”
A bit of primal fear returns, spiking through Jungkook’s fiery veins with a shot of ice. Although they joke around about their differences, the reality is that Taehyung is bigger and stronger than Jungkook. He genuinely could hurt him, especially with this being Jungkook’s first time.
Choosing to trust him, Jungkook lets go of Taehyung’s hands so he can rest them on Jungkook’s waist. It feels nice having Taehyung’s hands there, like a comforting pressure to remind Jungkook that he has someone to support him through this.
“Okay,” Jungkook confirms breathily, with a sigh. “Okay. I’m ready.”
He wants to be sexy, but he doesn’t know if he can be when he’s trembling with nerves along with excitement. Taehyung genuinely doesn’t seem to mind. He rubs Jungkook’s sides, lightly dragging his nails across his ribs and occasionally brushing over his nipples while Jungkook works up the courage to do this.
“Do you want me to help? I can sit up and—”
“No!” Jungkook blushes from his sudden outburst, but Taehyung just grins.
“Alright, alright,” Taehyung says, lying back and crossing his arms behind his head. “I’ll be over here minding my own business.”
Something about the nonchalant pose makes Jungkook’s stomach flip, and not just because it makes Taehyung’s biceps bulge. Forcing himself out of that mindset, Jungkook presses his palm against Taehyung’s chest to steady himself as he leans forward, lifting onto his knees.
“Yeah, that’s it,” Taehyung murmurs as Jungkook reaches behind himself to gently grab Taehyung’s cock. He keeps his promise by staying still and letting Jungkook guide his cock, slippery with Jungkook’s slick, to his hole.
Jungkook is so wet that he takes Taehyung’s cock much easier than he expected, even with how thick it is. Still, it’s a lot, especially for a prey hybrid’s first time, and Jungkook’s body trembles as he sinks further down, taking it slow like Taehyung told him to.
“Tae,” Jungkook whimpers once Taehyung is fully inside him.
“Fuck, look at you.” Taehyung runs his palms up Jungkook’s thighs until he reaches his waist, giving him a light squeeze. “How do you feel, bun?”
“You’re big,” Jungkook’s voice trembles as severely as his body.
“Mmm,” Taehyung smirks, wild eyes sparkling despite their darkness. “That’s what I like to hear.”
Playfully hitting Taehyung’s firm chest with his fist, Jungkook scolds him for his vulgar comment during such a serious moment.
“Oh my god, Tae, shut up.”
Dropping the cocky attitude, Taehyung’s features soften despite maintaining the wild look, still stroking Jungkook’s instinct to run. Taehyung lightly squeezes Jungkook’s hips, pulling him forward just enough to understand the silent cue to start moving if he feels comfortable.
So Jungkook does, at first leaning forward with his hands holding Taehyung’s pecs as he tries rolling his hips. The angle lets him adjust to Taehyung’s size better, slowly easing away the stretch and light discomfort he’d felt earlier until he’s whimpering and calling Taehyung’s name in a rushed chant.
“Lean back a little,” Taehyung instructs as he bends his knees slightly so Jungkook has something to hold onto. “It’ll feel better if my little bunny bounces.”
The bad thing about being on top is that Jungkook can’t hide from Taehyung’s teasing. All he can do is blush until his face is on fire, and then do exactly as Taehyung says, lifting and easing down until he is bouncing on Taehyung’s cock.
“Oh my god, oh god,” Jungkook nearly wails when Taehyung grabs his hands and intertwines their fingers.
“Yeah, fuck yourself on my cock, baby,” Taehyung groans, “You look so pretty, fuck.” He squeezes Jungkook’s hands so tightly that it hurts, but Jungkook doesn’t care because Taehyung didn’t call him bun; he called him baby.
“Again, Tae,” Jungkook gasps, letting his head lull to the side as he moves. “Call me that again.”
Taehyung lets go of Jungkook’s hand and reaches up to wrap his hand around his throat, using his grip to force Jungkook to look at him.
“Hmm? What? Call you baby?”
With a quiet whine, Jungkook nods his head. He doesn’t think he’ll survive the swell of affection he feels inside his chest when Taehyung grins with so much boyish charm and repeats himself,
“Baby, you’re my baby, Jungkook-ah. Didn’t you know?”
“Harder,” Jungkook whispers in response, too overwhelmed to articulate himself in any other way.
That one word is all Taehyung needs, though. His hands find Jungkook’s waist as he plants his feet and thrusts upward, pulling Jungkook down on his cock to meet each thrust. It’s a miracle they found time to be alone, with Jungkook a crying, babbling, moaning mess on top of Taehyung, completely resigned to being a pillow princess who can do nothing but hold on as Taehyung fucks into him. It’s hard and fast, so desperate that Taehyung was otherwise good at hiding. His fingers dig into Jungkook’s hips hard enough to leave bruises that will match the ones scattered across his neck and collarbones, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He likes it.
“Feel good, baby?”
Jungkook nods quickly, not bothering to speak through his sounds of pleasure. He leans forward slightly to slide his hands through Taehyung’s hair and rubs his fuzzy tiger ears once his fingertips brush against them. The deep purr he gets in response makes him touch Taehyung more.
“Gonna cum with me, baby? Can you do that for me?”
He nods again as Taehyung grabs Jungkook’s cock and starts jerking him off at the same pace he fucks him. The buildup of pleasure has Jungkook wound so tightly that it only takes a few pumps before he cums with a loud sob.
“Fuck,” Taehyung hisses, continuing to jerk Jungkook off even when he starts to cry. He doesn’t stop until Jungkook cums for a second time, with Taehyung as he finally finds his release.
Jungkook can feel the moment Taehyung relaxes, when his hungry fervor slowly seeps away and exhaustion takes over. He feels it in himself, too, his arms and legs losing strength until Jungkook thinks he’s just a blob slumped onto Taehyung’s heaving chest.
“I didn’t pass out while conscious,” Jungkook whispers and Taehyung weakly laughs.
“Does that mean I didn’t perform well?”
Taehyung is cheeky and fishing for compliments that Jungkook will gladly give him.
“It was really nice, Tae,” Jungkook speaks against Taehyung’s neck, where he nuzzles his face to scent him despite them being covered in each other’s scents from sex. “I’m happy it was with you.”
There’s so much more Jungkook wants to say, but he can’t. Not now, when it could ruin the moment. Not now, when they must slowly pry themselves from each other and take another shower because Jungkook’s slick and cum are all over them. Later. Jungkook will tell Taehyung later, tell him everything he’s afraid to say as they cram into the shower together and take turns washing each other’s hair.
He promises himself that he’ll tell Taehyung later. 
Clubbing isn’t as terrible as Jungkook feared it would be. It’s pretty fun, though he wonders if he’s having a good time because he’s under the spell of a particular tiger hybrid with a dazzling smile and warm eyes that crinkle every time they happen to fall on Jungkook’s from across the room. Jungkook is also drunk, so that could also impact the level of enthusiasm he has when Suyun drags him out onto the dancefloor.
“You look unusually happy,” she shouts over the loud music with a hoarse voice.
“I’m always happy!” Jungkook gives Suyun a deep pout.
“Well, yeah, but like, more than usual!”
Jungkook doesn’t know if there’s such a thing as a post-sex afterglow, but he really hopes that Suyun doesn’t make any connections to what transpired before he and Taehyung arrived at the nightclub. He wonders if Taehyung has already told his friends or if they can tell.
Biting his lip, Jungkook looks away from Suyun’s swaying dance moves and finds Taehyung leaning against the bar with Jackson and the pretty panther predator Jungkook remembers from the library, Ten.
“Oh, I know what it is,” Suyun giggles and gulps half her drink. Jungkook has the same kind, though he doesn’t remember what it is; aside from that, it’s more vodka than anything else.
“What? No, you don’t!” Jungkook shoves Suyun, and she shoves him back until they’re both play-fighting while the other clubbers try to grind on each other. “Stop it!”
“You’re in looooove, Jungkook-ah! You’re all glowy in the face because you’re in love!”
“Shut up!”
“What, are you afraid he’ll hear me?” Suyun’s eyes are large and glazed over when she turns around to look for Taehyung. “Maybe I should tell him for you. TAEHYUNG! JUNGKOOK WANTS YOU TO KNOW THAT—”
Jungkook grabs Suyun’s arm and yanks her hard enough that she stumbles into him, causing the two of them to nearly trip. Some kind stranger struggles to straighten them up, but the damage is done. When Jungkook looks again, Taehyung and Ten are already walking over.
“Suyun, please,” Jungkook pleads with his big, round, starry eyes that typically get him what he wants.
Before he can get Suyun to promise not to completely ruin his life, Taehyung and Ten approach them.
“What’s up, bun?”
Taehyung reaches for Jungkook’s hand and intertwines their fingers. Despite it being an innocent gesture, arousal spikes through his stomach. Just over an hour ago, Taehyung had intertwined their fingers in an entirely different context.
Jungkook feels Taehyung’s tail curl around his calf and playfully tug him, and he’s reminded that Taehyung said Jungkook didn’t need to slick for him to smell his arousal. That knowledge makes him nervous like he’s going to be found out for being a horny freak. Taehyung’s smile is soft and innocent when he looks up, so maybe Jungkook is in the clear.
“Suyun is just being silly,” Jungkook explains, shooting Suyun a look.
Suyun shrugs, “I’m drunk.”
Taehyung snorts and gestures with a nod toward the bar.
“Jackson is over there. You should have him get you some water.”
Suyun skips away with an annoyed sigh, leaving Jungkook with Taehyung. and Ten, who gives Jungkook an odd look.
“I don’t think Taehyung properly introduced us,” Ten says with a pretty smile that makes Jungkook nervous. Jungkook doesn’t particularly want to be properly introduced to him.
“Ah, shit, sorry, I’m bad at introductions,” Taehyung apologizes with a laugh that eases Jungkook’s nerves. “Ten, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jungkook,” Ten says sweetly, though it seems obvious to Jungkook that the airiness to his voice is forced. “No wonder Taehyung hasn’t been around much lately. I hope you’re keeping him out of trouble.”
Jungkook twists to look up at Taehyung’s sparkling eyes and can’t stop himself from wiggling further into his side. Taehyung loops his arm around Jungkook’s waist and nuzzles his cheek against his soft bunny ears, and Jungkook feels like he might die from how quickly his heart is beating.
“He’s getting me into trouble, actually,” Jungkook admits sheepishly, and Ten throws his head back in laughter.
“That doesn’t surprise me at all.”
Unbothered by the allegations against him, Taehyung breathes Jungkook in and purrs, soft and low, and Jungkook feels all his nerves disappear.  
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Series Masterlist
Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
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tonberry-yoda ¡ 1 year
I would like to request something, More like a comedy/fun/silly request :3
So... Have you ever thought about how would Alastor, Husk, Angel Dust and Lucifer would react to their female s/o calling for them in a visibly mad tone for their complete name from the kitchen?? Maybe them knowing that they didn't thawed the chicken they try and run away from her but she teleports in front of them and tuggs them from the ear (motherly behaviors entered the chat) while saying something like
"Oh, honey, you're not gonna escape from me, and NOW you're gonna clean the house for ONE WEEK"
(in headcanon format please 😌) (also I rode on one of your posts that you got many HH and HB requests so if you wanna ignore this, go ahead I don't really mind, It's your decision ^^)
notes: OMG ANON THIS IS SO FUNNY! sorry this took so long btw, ive had so many requests to get through lol and this is a pretty difficult idea to actually turn into a writing piece, but that's what makes it more fun lol. and dont worry about the too many requests about HH! I just thought it was interesting that i had a lot of fans of the show lol. thanks for the request anon and I really hope you enjoy!! WARNINGS: I left out Lucifer because I don't know too much about him and kept the reader gn because Angel Dust is gay, so I didn't want to make it a female s/o. thanks for the request <333
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this man isnt easily intimidated by anyone
i mean he is the radio demon frrrr
but you?
oh this man is TERRIFIED OF YOU
not when you're lovey dovey, just when you're mad
which to be fair isnt often
but you went to leave the house and pressed a huge kiss onto Alastor's cheek before leaving. You told him that you wanted him to do the dishes while you were away and he gave you a thumbs up telling you that it would get done
but then you get home
and find out that not a single plate was clean
Alastor was relaxing upstairs and you were on the verge of losing
not helpful that you had an awful day on top of it
you called him by his full and complete name from when he was alive and while he was upstairs, he felt chills down his spine
he quickly ran downstairs and realized the mistake he had made a little too late
"do you expect me to do these, Al? you've been sitting on your ass ALL DAY, I am not doing any of this!" You pointed to the huge pile of dished and Alastor felt defeated
he apologized a thousand times and ended up getting them done both clean and fast in record time
and he bought you flowers to apologize
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you were at work when you remembered you needed the chicken pulled out of the freezer to thaw
you quickly texted husk and asked him to do it and all he sent was a thumbs up emoji
you prayed that he did what he needed to do
you got home in a very chipper mood from your day at work to find no chicken on the counter
you tilted your head and checked all over the kitchen
in the pantry, on the counter, in the cabinets, in the fridge
and finally
in the freezer
you almost lost your shit right then and there
you called Husk down to the kitchen and he walked in, picking at his fingernail before noticing you there
"hey babe, welcome home."
you crossed your arms and he noticed how pissed you look
the chicken
mans went to run off, but you quickly teleported in front of him and grabbed him by the ear
"oh no you dont, mister. where do you think you're going?"
"to my room?" he tried, shrugging
"not on my watch. it looks like you're not only getting me dinner out tonight, but you'll be doing the dishes for three weeks now."
husk sighed, but agreed to your terms. he hated it when you were upset
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omg mans is a brat
let me tell you
you wake up in the morning smiling
like so happy that you had the best sleep cuddled against this softie
and then you remember that you have a super important meeting that day
and then you ask angel in the NICEST voice "do you mind getting the dishes out of the way today, love? I have a meeting today."
he shoots you the DIRTIEST look and has the AUDACITY to say "no. im not up for that. Im tired"
and turns away from you
you poke him so hard in the back
"what?!" but he turns to you and recognizes that expression
mans effed up
he apologizes immediately and then tells you that he'll do them
he doesnt end up doing them btw
hazbin hotel masterlist | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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soloorganaas ¡ 2 months
Saturday Snippet
got tagged by the lovely @squintclover and @tracingpatternswrites for a wednesday wip but I was busy making gifs this week so I’m catching up now
sharing a gratuitously long snippet from rbwwsf bc I know at least mal will appreciate it 😂🫶🏻
The last week before Spring Break passed in a blur. When he wasn’t teaching, Sirius was scouring the daily news, or working with his erstwhile research assistants, or tracking down Remus every free moment he had.
“Professor Lupin,” Sirius said politely, sauntering into his classroom just as mid-morning break began.
“Professor Black. What can I do for you?”
Sirius shut and locked the door behind him with a lazy wave of his wand.
“Well, as you’re asking…”
Sirius pushed him back against the desk and descended on Remus’s mouth in one swift movement.
“Three hours was too long, hmm?” Remus mumbled between kisses as he hastily undid Sirius’s trousers.
Sirius sucked hungrily at Remus’s bottom lip, drawing a loud moan in response. He grappled for his wand, casting a wordless muffliato without ever breaking the kiss. Remus must have felt the ripple of magic, because he squeezed harder with the hand currently on Sirius’s ass.
“Why is every time you show off,” he mumbled. “I find it just as irresistible as it was when you were sixteen.”
Before Sirius could reply, Remus had already dropped to his knees.
In between all that, he was diligently preparing for their trip to California. Most of this consisted of laying out half his wardrobe onto his bed, trying to decide what to pack, or writing long lists of places to take Remus and sending owls to make arrangements with his friends.
It had felt so distant for so long, but now home was all Sirius could think about. The longing for so many little comforts had returned with a force and all he wanted was to sink back into his life as if he’d never left. Somewhere, five thousand miles away, his own bed was waiting for him - its lightweight comforter with the layers of blankets he added in the winter, the bright sunlight casting a warmth over it impossible in the depths of Scotland. Sirius could disappear into his sanctuary when the stresses of the world outside were too much - and even if so many no longer existed, or at least were put on hold, he longed for that impenetrable feeling of safety that was his.
Except Remus, impossibly, would be there too. The ghost always hovering around the edges of the life he’d built for himself was about to take a real, present place. Sirius should have felt nothing but excitement, surely, but there was some part of him which rebelled at the idea of bringing Remus anywhere near California. It was the life he’d built away from him, despite him; it was how he’d protected himself and Harry, and Sirius couldn’t help the lingering anxiety he felt at opening up something he’d kept so defiantly separate for so long.
tagging @strugglequill @kaymardsa @elder-millennial-trash @impishtubist and @lizlemonbennet if you have something to share 😌
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aclowntiny ¡ 8 months
hii I was rereading your work and i was wondering if you could do a Seonghwa + firsts when ur free!!!
Heck yes! He was next up in my head too bestie 😌 now we’ve only got one man left!
Seonghwa + Firsts
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First Date: This man is going to ruin men for you with this romance novel date. He brings you to a farm where you choose and cut flowers yourself make bouquets at the end of the day with them! It’s so cute how wide with wonder Seonghwa’s eyes are, soaking up the rainbows of flowers and your own gazes of shock and joy. You’re sure you looks like he does, filled with the most joyous wonder, but no matter what his infectious happiness is enough. When you finish, he asks if you’d like to exchange your bouquets, and with your heart thumping, you agree. He hands it gently it to you and you realize he picked almost all flowers in your favorite color, a few extras as accents to it, and it strikes you how much thought he put in!
First Time Holding Hands: Honestly, I think he’d do that the moment he first confesses to you. He takes your hand and looks deeply into your eyes as he tells you he really likes you, would you be interested in spending more time together?
First Kiss: It’s a few dates in. You’re not in a rush, and you know he’s a gentleman, which you appreciate because it means you’ve got a sweet guy who isn’t with you to get in your pants- not by a long shot! The moment is so classic it feels like something from a movie. You’re alone together just enjoying being in each other’s company, the feeling of the night breeze. Seonghwa asks permission, reaches over to get something out of your hair…but when his fingers leave it they trace along your jawline and suddenly he’s pulling you softly into his lips.
First ‘I Love You’: You enter the dorms and Seonghwa standing there with a smile, all your favorites laid out for dinner and a vase of your favorite flowers in the middle of it all. He knows it’s been a long day, he tells you, he wanted to do something for you. It wasn’t only that he couldn’t wait to see you. He has something to tell you, too, something to do with the fact that euphoric is the only way to describe how he feels around you. How light he feels every time you show him your caring heart. It means the world just to see you smile like you do when you walk in the door, tell him it’s amazing, and falter before both of you speak the words simultaneously: “I love you.”
First Fight: It’s more like a snip fest with him, like it starts with something kind of petty but you get ticked when he complains that you leave things a mess because it wasn’t that bad, you just lost one thing he came over to get and your home wasn’t a disaster. Then because he had an especially bad day, he replies passive aggressively and you end up icing him out for a bit. The afternoon passes like that, both of you just taking some much-needed space, and you come back together cooled off and ready to apologize.
First Anniversary: A true romantic, Seonghwa one hundred percent considers your hundred days an important celebration. He stays classic with the gift of flowers and matching couple rings for you, taking you out on a boat ride where he gifts them to you on the calm, sparkling water! He tells you then that he can’t wait to hit one thousand days with you.
First Pet: Ok, so Seonghwa really loves furry animals, right? But we all know his true favorite animal! You come home with a surprise, telling him he has his very own dragon now. His eyes light up and a smile spreads across his face as Seonghwa makes the assumption you’ve gotten him a plushie or a lego dragon. Wrong! What you have is a little tank for a bearded dragon lizard all set up with the cutest little decoration you could find- ok, fine, it was supposed to be for a fish tank, but shhh! Seonghwa can’t help but laugh and shake his head, but he also immediately coos and picks up the little guy gently in his hands. Your new baby’s name? Toothless, of course!
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whisperwillyou ¡ 1 year
Do you have any good Hunter fics that are long and non romantic up your sleeve? Super not asking for a friend it’s for me
*rolls up my sleeves* oh buddy DO I EVER
Fair warning, I’m an angst gremlin so these all contain a healthy dose of the Sads™ but considering you’re also a Hunter fan, odds are you also enjoy the angst lmaoo
Most of these are Luz and Hunter-centric bc I love the Noceda Siblings and I’m nothing if not predictable 😌
Let us begin…
What We are is the Sum of a Thousand Lies
Ongoing 59k+
FAV FAV FAV FAV FAV my all time favorite fic, they captured both my FAVORITE flavor of Hunter characterization, AND my favorite flavor of Luz & Hunter interactions (+bonus Eda, Darius, & Flapjack!) it’s just *chef kiss* PEAK content. I reread it regularly
Ongoing 108k
Inside you there are two wolves, one is a sad lil boy and the other is the psychological embodiment of the obedient, brainwashed, soldier you were created to be, which your uncle programmed into you when he built you in his evil lab.
Burnt Out
Complete 3K
This one’s a short one but it’s one of my favs so I had to include it. ✨Sic fic✨
Even Sad Birds Still Sing
Ongoing 54k+
Hunter gets turned into a cardinal by a cursed gemstone. Ngl when the first chapter of this fic came out I thought it was gonna be more of a crack fic. I was unbelievably wrong and it is so SO good.
La Gaundière
Complete 12k
This one is some really good post Hunting Palismen Golden Gaurd era Hunter
To be or Not to Be
Ongoing 28k
Hunter takes some ‘me time’ after Hollow Minds and camps. He has a horrible time.
Peak traumatized Hunter seasoned with some great Noceda siblings content and a garnish of Hunter and Hooty friendship. 👌
Blood Moon
Ongoing 48k
Honestly I don’t know how to summarize this fic without spoiling anything, so just trust me, it’s so good.
Your hands do more than Hurt
Ongoing 27k
Darius and Hunter-centric, mind the tags though, this is a sad one
With Clay and Star Scraps
Complete (open ended) 48k
Hunter discovers that being a grimwalker comes with some super fun, funky, and not at all distressing side effects.
Enough to Leave Scars
Complete 14k
Post King’s Tide shenanigans of a former child soldier. ie ptsd
Oop hit the link limit lol rip
Learned Response
Complete 11k
Hunter fabulously misinterprets Luz’s relationship with her mother like the traumatized autistic he is.
With His Beak He Tries to Soothe Me
Complete 10K
Some really sweet Hunter and Flapjack content
ongoing 10k+
Camila adjusting to having four new kids under her roof and is unsure what to make of Hunter being… the way he is.
The Golden Brat
Complete 5k+
Coven Scout meeting the Golden Guard for the first time in person: “what’s with this sassy lost child?”
Hopefully you enjoy these!
Special thanks to all theses authors for the platonic content. You’re doing the lords work, feeding us starving lil’ AroAces 💕💕
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imaginespazzi ¡ 4 months
Hi bestie 🥰
Sorry it took me a lil while to check in but I wanted to make sure I formed some sensical thoughts after reading part 1! Although, this might actually all be non-sensical because I’m still reeling from it all and I’m nowhere near as articulate but anyway, here goes (side note: am I listening to if the world was ending while writing this? you bet I am):
WOW WOW WOW, the beginning? My heart broke immediately and as the biggest angst fiend, I was like oh- this- this is gonna be immaculate I already know.
And of course it was. OF COURSE IT WAS.
The photos of them on the wall?? And Paige’s realisation of how much she fucked up cos Azzi never once let go even though Paige ignored her for a WHOLE FUCKING YEAR!!!
The flashback to when Azzi broke the UCLA news to Paige; yeah you ATE that. I know you said you might take inspiration from my suggestion and that’s pretty much how it played out in my mind, only your version was a hundred thousand times better- like the talent is just unmatched.
Paige’s first reaction being “BUT YOU NAMED YOUR DOG STEWIE!!!!” Is so fucking real lmao, I laughed and cried.
Nika standing ten toes down for her twin always, I respect it.
And Jealous Paige? Yeah my favourite trope fr ✊ (also the fact that she already got jealous of carol of all ppl?? lmao, i can't even imagine how she'd react to seeing Azzi with someone that's actually into her 😭)
And then the ending?? You’re sick for that cos see now that’s all I’ll be thinking about until we get the next part (making your fics my roman empire? it’s only fair)
Thoughts on what might come next (which you should totally ignore if it's not what you have in mind bcos again, your brain >>> my pea-sized brain):
Imma need Paige to suffer a lot bit LMAO, like sorry to her but girlie deserves to pay for freezing out princess FOR A YEAR.
Like I know that’s the love of your life Azzi babygirl, but you better make blondie work. beg. grovel.
I also feel like Azzi’s teammates wouldn’t be so accepting of Paige straight away? They’d be super protective of Azzi cos like that’s pookie, who wouldn’t be?? And they were the ones who witnessed just how much she was hurting during her freshman year and how often she waited for a call that never came, so yeah Paige really gonna have to prove herself 😌
Anyhooo, to sum it up, you outdid yourself and then some bestie. Your stories genuinely give me the best escape from reality and I cannot express how thankful I am for you taking the time and effort to write masterpieces like that for us.
Oh finally, the tagline for the story being "everything changes, except the ending" - pure genius, in my humble opinion.
Until next time 💗
-🙋‍♀️ (I’ve decided to fully stick to this as my signature)
Hi bestieeee, I'm so, so, so, glad you liked it. Like I wanted everyone to like it of course, but you especially, it's very important to me that you like it.
Bestie, you helped so much with how Azzi would reveal it/Paige's reaction, like so much of that is your brain work, I just put it into words and I'm glad it turned out how you imagined it.
Lmao I wanted Paige's initial reaction to be so random and I was like WAIT, how is she going to bring a dog named Stewie to UCLA (again more proof that it was always gonna be UConn for her).
Jealous Paige is my favorite version of Paige because it's a) really fun to write and b) really hot to imagine. And it's only going to get worse for her.
Nika needs to be team Paige because I fear Azzi's teammates are about to be menaces to her and not in a good way.
I was actually gonna end it with Azzi running out and then have none of the stuff outside but I think it was important for them to have that conversation and I wanted them to kiss teehee
My current (loose) summary for the next part in terms of plot is "Azzi goes on a date and Paige goes insane" so trust bestie, blondie will in fact suffer. 😈
Always so happy to see you babe, come back with more suggestions or just to ki-ki whenever. 💗💗💗
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pregnant-piggy ¡ 11 months
Uhm, can I send this one too? cherry - send me a song and a character and i'll write you a little blurb!
With George Weasley and the song when i fall in love by michael buble. Please? Thank you 😌
i am so sorry this took so long, jacky! i enjoyed writing this, but it took a loooong time before i had any inspo to write (anything at all) hopefully you like this! <3
When I fall in love
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The air was still warm and humid even after the sun had set. It was a cloudless night, thousands of stars spreading out in the heavens above. There was a light wind, but it was warm, like a lover’s hand brushing your cheek each time it blew past.
The garden was silent. Birds had gone to sleep an hour ago, which should have been a sign you should go to bed too, but with George’s arms around your shoulders and his hot breath travelling over your skin, you’d been content staying where you were. And now it was an hour later, temperature down a little, but after the hot day you’d had it felt nice.
The fairy lights in the tree provided a soft yellowish light that fell down on George’s face, catching every soft curve and strong angle, creating stars in his eyes when he looked up, a starry heaven even more beautiful than the one overhead.
He was perfect and perfectly yours. And maybe that thought should have worried you, but there wasn’t a single fibre in your body scared. You had given him your heart completely and one nights like these, when there was just you two, just his arms, just his smile, you knew that it had not been given in vain.
He turned to you, his blue eyes dark now there was no sun out. His entire face seemed to lit up when he found your gaze and you were sure you must be dreaming. What did you ever do to deserve this?
“Close your eyes,” he said.
“Just do it, please.”
You did as he told and as your vision turned black, your other senses came alive. His deep, pressing scent, the dark tones but the always lingering hint of mints from the sweets he was always  eating. The taste of the peach tea you’d had after dinner. The press of his arm on your shoulder, the heat of his skin on yours, so familiar but never ever tiring.
And the sound of the garden came alive. The soft rustle of the leaves being moved by the wind. The low humming of the house and its appliances. Far away, the softest tunes of music. His breath, that even rhythm that had brought you to sleep many, many nights.
Then came the sound of his deep voice. The sleep laced in his vowels. The smile from his lips.
“What do you see?”
You frowned with your eyes closed and heard him chuckle close to your ear. It set your body on fire.
“Obviously nothing,” you said.
“Try harder.”
You squeezed your eyes, tried to see on the inside of your eyelids, but no matter how you tried you couldn’t get your eyes to focus to see anything. There were smudges and sparkles, but nothing discernible.
“I don’t know, George,” you sighed. “It’s giving me a headache.”
You sensed his smile even before you opened your eyes. He looked down on you with a wide grin. “Now ask me.”
You raised one eyebrow, but got nothing more from him. “Close your eyes, then.”
George shut his eyes. His smile stayed on his lips, like he was already enjoying whatever it was that he expected to happen. You resisted the urge to just forget about it and kiss that gorgeous smile, but he seemed too excited.
“Okay. Now, what do you see?”
His arm fell from your shoulder to your waist. You were snugly stuck in his embrace like it was your home, which, over the past year, it had become.
Never could you have imagined being where you were now, but there was no place you’d rather be. You had found comfort and peace and love in the person you wanted to share the rest of your life with. It was a wonder and if you hadn’t stubbed your toe that morning and felt that pain was still real, you wouldn’t have believed it wasn’t a dream. But this was your reality, your life. A miracle.
George still had his eyes closed, but he easily brought his face closer, like just by feeling he could tell where you were. He smiled even wider, opened his eyes, a dark blue galaxy staring back at you, and finally spoke.
You had fallen in love. And it was forever.
- - - - - - -
hp taglist: @kingalrdy @missswriter @awritingtree @ananad1 @secretsthathauntus @izzyyy-1 @nyotamalfoy @xxinvisiblexx @idli-dosa  @lacunaanonymoused @kitkatkl @d22malfoys
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moumouton4 ¡ 1 year
thomas x reader are dating n thomas takes them on a /stargazing date in the glade <3
A Stargazing Date In The Glade || Thomas x reader
A/n : Finally the third part is out 🎨 Also my requests are open as always so let me know if you have any ideas 🔑
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : None just fluff 😌🌺
Summary : Your boyfriend Thomas takes you on a stargazing date
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 809
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He had spent the whole day working on what he has prepared for you. And what a task it was to prepare a date, here in the glade. You, on the other hand, had spent the day working with Newt in the plantations
"Do you know where Thomas is ? Is he back from his outing in the maze ?" you said with a slightly worried look
Newt who knew about his friend's intentions tried to play it cool so as not to spoil the surprise for you "I know he came back from the maze early this afternoon but no I don't know where the bloody hell he is" he said sweat dropping but you were to focus on his well being to notice
"Okay..." you answered and went back to your task. Soon the day was coming to an end. But you still hadn't seen your boyfriend
However, as night fell and you were about to join Gally and the others for dinner, a voice called out to you "Noooooo wait !" everyone turned their heads to the boy - the one you had been looking for all day
"Thomas !" you screamed before walking towards him "I'll borrow her for a while" he said before taking you by the arm and dragging you with him into the forest, as everyone resume to where heading to
As you walked he spoke "So how are you ? How was your day ?" "Other than the fact that I haven't seen you all day, it's fine. And-" you were about to ask him the same but he cut you off
"Here we are !" the brown haired man pointed to the ground
You looked down to see what he was talking about and when you saw it you squeezed his hand a little harder "Oooooh you did this for me !" you squeaked observing the blanket he had placed on the ground. On it were two plates, one with roasted corn on the cob and the other with pieces of pear and raspberries
He motioned for you to sit down, and you made yourself comfortable on the soft blanket before sitting cross-legged. He sat down across from you and did the same. He picked up one of the ears of corn and handed it to you "Here" you blushed as you took it "Thank you. For all of this"
"Don't worry, it's nothing crazy" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. You uncrossed your legs and leaned in to kiss his cheek "Still" as you pulled back you saw his cheek - even in the moonlight - take on a slight pinkish hue
You then turned your attention to the corncob in front of you, munching on it happily. Once finished you ate the juicy pears and tart raspberries 
Once you finished your nightly picnic you saw that Thomas looked a little stressed so you called him once but he was too engrossed in his thoughts to hear you. You called a second time "Thomas ? Are you okay ?"
He looked up at you fumbling with his fingers "Y-yeah I was just wondering if you'd want to stay here a bit" "Of course you idiot" you shuffled closer to him and wrapped an arm around his middle. He stiffened a bit before wrapping his arm around your shoulders
After some time, you yawned and he took it as his cue to ask you if you wanted to lay down. To which you answered yes to his surprise. You lay down a little awkwardly at first, not necessarily finding the right position to adopt. But finally you manage to find a comfortable position for you both. Him lying on his back, you with your head on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around your body and your own hand grabbing his
After a time of silence you began to discuss lighter topics, laughing and giggling at each other's jokes and then finally calm returned and your eyes naturally focused on the sky and more particularly on the thousands of stars that shone in the skies
The night in the ice was dark, really dark, allowing you to see the thousands of small suns that appeared once the big sun disappeared. Without realizing it Thomas squeezed your hand a little tighter than before which made you raise your head towards him. The glow of the moon allowed you to see a slight smile on his warm face, which you quickly returned
"Next time I'm the one to organize" you said, a smile appearing on your lips as you felt his hand start to caress yours calmly
"I'm sure it'll be great" he yawned, obviously exhausted after a long day "Love you Y/n/n" he mumbled making a red tint came to rest on your cheeks "Love you too Thomas"
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🎀✨ Again my requests are open 🎪🎭
Taglist : @malfoyscamander, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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safetycar-restart ¡ 1 year
enjoy this unhinged imagine of spending date night with sub!charles: on his yacht! with time stamps… and lots of kinky stuff 😌
[4 PM] the spot's isolated, the view’s great (it’s him. he is the view), paparazzi don’t bother this late when you’re far out, plus he knows the sea like the back of his sexy hand. before sunset, all you do is lay on your towel and watch him play in the water.
[4:30] charles is so silly, he always has to dive for the ball you’re passing him. you take so. many. fucking. pictures of your wet pretty boy. re-slathering him in sunscreen = mommy’s favorite activity. even the risque spots. you love when charles — ticklish as he is — squeals from all the relentless pinching. at least he won’t burn in the sun now 🦀😉
[5 PM] no, charles doesn’t have a red ass from spanking for once. it’s because he tried a rather experimental jump into the water. i swear he just craves pain. the man still can’t sit, so mister greek statue stands, dousing himself with a water hose for your viewing pleasure. he’s got the sexy yellow ICON swim shorts on because those are a must, and they really do fucking stick to his skin 👀
[5:30 PM] the barbecue? smoking like a stove. still not as hot as him! charles does all the cooking and cleaning for his goddess. even the dessert he prepped in the morning. you’ll probably eat it off his abs if we’re honest. a forehead kiss follows — you praise him for the tasty meal, only to snuggle and smooch together in a hammock on deck.
[6:45 PM] he makes sure he freshens/dresses up nicely in a black satin tux, black tie, cuffs, shiny shoes. mistress always picks his clothes. second dinner ahead: the yacht's master bedroom.
[7:10 PM] you rile up the incredulous cutie with a slow lapdance and pull his tie… which makes him go promptly insane 😊 no filter, these gorgeous moans are so damn loud. still dressed, he humps a pillow with no permission to cum, a thumb between your legs. you opt for riding his face to suffocate your honey bun as he deserves.
[8 PM] in typical fashion, charles is busy chugging liters of water after making you cum. the night gets worked up, you rip off his tuxedo, charles needs to feel some red ropes on his body. somebody ends up blindfolded, harnessed and tied to the bed with a hopeless erection unattended to. cue your favorite cock ring, some cane strokes to his thighs… until you edge him with a fleshlight, he swears his mind is breaking apart. pretty kitty will cry and gasp for air 😽
[8:30] this beautiful body twitching and straining is too stunning not to film. after charles feels like he died a thousand deaths and still throbs, you have him cum into his own curled palm. good boys lick up their mess! darling painstakingly cleans his hand with his mouth and chokes on those fingers like a champ. safe to say he’s all demolished… and you have so much juicy video footage of your beloved sub 💕
didn’t have a clue what aftercare/untying scenario would follow this up best, that’s where you come in ✍️ the suspense rises… how would the evening go on? 🤔
- george’s long legs anon 👕 enjoying your blog which is just marvelous, doing god’s work!! this is the place to be on f1 smutblr 🔥👌
👕 anon you are truly extraordinary. This is just… you keep on dropping these absolute masterpieces out of nowhere and I dont think I’ll ever recover from it.
Firstly, he’s planned this for AGES. One of his favourite things about owning a yacht is that he gets to take you on it, that you and him can just spend an evening or an entire day on the water together.
Especially because it’s something that Charles loves so so much? So getting to share it with his dom? Incredible. I also think he’s very protective of that time with you? He makes sure to not let his plans slip, because then his friends might ask to join. And he doesn’t want that!!! This is for his Dom and his dom only!!!
Of course charles knows the perfect place, and I think that he’s sentimental enough that he might always pick the same anchorage? Sure he’ll often explore new places with you, but when it’s time to just spend an evening today then he’ll always pick the same place.
He spends the first hour or so just playing in the water. Of course you’re more than welcome to join him in the water, but you could also just chill and watch him. He loves jumping into the sea, making a big plash and then coming out of the water and straight to you, giggling with his hair a complete mess.
And yes, sunscreen is VERY important. Your sweet boy is very sensitive to the sun and he completely forgets to put the sunscreen on himself. However he never complains when you call him over for more sunscreen, firstly because he’s a good boy but also because he would never complain about your hands on him.
Of course he always gets plenty of kisses to distract him until enough time has gone by that he can get back in the water.
Then, once he’s tired himself out then he simply must douse himself off with the water hose right in front of you. And yes, he does let his swim trunks fall dangerously low on his hips and yes he knows exactly what he’s doing. He knows his mommy’s eyes are on him and he wants to give a good show.
And yes he makes dinner himself. Honestly people who make fun of Charles cooking either haven’t experienced it or have only experienced it when he’s in a hurry. Because he does a great job for you.
Though that be because you’re the one who fucks him, yeah it’s probably that.
And the cuddles on the hammock after dinner and a requirement. You must do so. Charles literally got the hammock installed JUST for cuddles with you. He got one big enough for three people to ensure the two of you would fit comfortably and have the perfect cuddle space.
So he gets his cuddles and his kisses there. That’s where you start to work him up, praising him for the meal he made, thanking him for taking you out, calling him the sweetest prettiest sub you could ever ask for. He starts to get all wriggly in your arms, beginning to get turned on from all the touches and praise and kisses.
That’s when you send him off the bedroom to get changed into the clothes you’ve set out for him. He never knows what he’ll find there. You might have put a skirt out or lingerie or a full suit it something. Tonight it’s a full suit, because you want to undress him.
Riding his face while he’s still on the suit is incredible? You make him lay on his back so he doesn’t have anything to grind against, and you can see how hard he is in his fancy suit pants. His hips desperately on their own accord, trying to get some friction but he doesn’t ask for anything because he’s having the time of his life.
Even though he’s so desperate that there’s literally a wet spot of precum on his pants, he still doesn’t ask for more because he’s a good boy.
Then you have to undress him, treating him like you’re unwrapping the most fragile present and then you just have to tie him. You almost feel bad for edging him, but you desperately want to see him cry from pleasure.
And he does. Tears running down his cheeks as he’s begging you to let him cum. Of course you have to use your hand to actually make him cum, to hold him close and stroke his cock exactly how he likes until he’s crying out and spilling all over your hand.
Then he gets more cuddles on the hammock for a little while, feeling so happy and safe and warm and so so relaxed.
He gets cuddles for about an hour and then it’s time to head back to the dock. Charles drives the yacht and you hug him from behind. He’s fine being in control of that, as long as you hug him from behind the entire time and praise him once he’s docks the boat.
Then you’ll drive the two of you home, letting Charles keep his hand on your thigh for comfort and then he gets even more cuddles and praise.
It’s really just the perfect night.
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~ if [one of] the fabulous killjoys liked you (romantic headcanons) ~
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(Note: this is referring solely to the 4 band members' characters in the Danger Days/Killjoys lore, not the members of MCR themselves.)
Party Poison
They think they're sly, but are really the most obvious person on the planet
Will go out of their way to impress you, but acts like they have no idea (i.e. *kills several dozen Dracs with sick karate moves to save you* "it was nothing 😌 just doin' what I love 🤪")
Super protective: even if it's not necessary, they'll put their life on the line for you.
"I don't like them!" *literally does the most romantic things save for actually saying the words* "Like I said, I feel nothing for them"
"I'm a badass through and through who feels no such weak thing like love." - Narrator voice: They were very much not a badass through and through, and very much did feel such weak things like love.
Even if they do admit it, they'll act like it's surface level, solely physical. It's not.
Love language as far as giving is acts of service (that can be assumed): will happily help you with pretty much anything, even if they have no idea what they're doing just to impress you make you happy
But when receiving is physical touch
Like, it really really is
Again, they'll never admit it, but they absolutely love any form of physical affection. Like, they just completely melt into a hug no matter how small it's supposed to be; definitely still thinks about that one time your hands brushed whilst reaching for the same thing two months ago; that one time you kissed them on the cheek rewired their brain entirely
Fun Ghoul
The most confident of them all
Happily admits it a thousand times - to the point that it seems like a joke
Doesn't act very different around you, other than being a lot more sincere in his compliments
Speaking of which
Love Language is words, words, words
Somehow he finds the perfect balance of constantly giving you praise while not making it seem forced or old or cheesy
Writes poetry - the one thing he won't show to the other Killjoys
You're the first person he's ever (willingly) shown
It can be about anything, too: life as a Killjoy, his life before being a Killjoy, the way the moonlight shines on the mountains in the desert - but they're usually about you
Calls you his muse
Always asks if things are okay if he thinks they may make you uncomfortable
Though he's a cocky guy, he's always got room to be respectful
If you're seriously hurt physically or mentally, all of his massive amounts of pride and dignity go out the fucking window faster than you can say "ego"
And finally, Honesty 3000™
Kobra Kid
Way less of a cold quiet tough guy than it seems once u get to know him
Somehow the others are more aware of his feelings than he is (and constantly try to get you two together) - unlike Party, he's just oblivious, not in denial
But once he is aware of his feelings...
Huge fucking romantic
Super gentle, completely contradictory to the cold stoicism everyone else expects
Usually quiet, but the more he likes you → the more comfortable he is around you → the more talkative he is
He'll talk to you for hours about anything - even with things he's never shared with the other Killjoys (save for maybe his sibling)
Also listens to whatever you have to say in turn, always as if it's the most fascinating topic ever
Lots of trust comes from this; you two trust each other more than any other Killjoy combination
Enjoys spending time with you, no matter what you're doing
You don't even have to be doing anything special together, just your general presence makes him happy
Like his sibling, loves physical touch, both giving and receiving
Specifically giving it casually: putting arms around your shoulder, hugging you from behind, hand caressing/holding, forehead/cheek kisses, leaning his head on your shoulder, or just standing close to you in general - it comforts him just as much as you, that casual contact
(Non-)competitive motorcycle races to secret rendezvous spots in the desert after dark >>>>>
Also the kind of guy who would gently hold your face as he kisses you
100% kisses your scars
If the opportunity presents itself, that is what he will do
He thinks of it as "healing the pain just a little further, not just on the surface, either"
At first it seems like a strange gesture but it's so sincere and sweet that it's practically impossible to hate or be embarrassed by
Asexual (technically not a romantic headcanon but still)
Jet Star
The opposite of Kobra, he knows full well what these feelings mean but gets very shy and reserved and would rather die than confide in the others about it, but again, it's super noticeable
In fact even more noticeable than Party, surprisingly
He won't say anything directly to you, but he'll pretty much do anything to show it
It can be fleeting or lingering touches, the smallest of compliments delivered with the feeblest of voices, very very longing looks (which the others all make fun of) and/or doing pretty much anything to be around you - preferably alone
Once he finally gathers the courage to confess, he'd probably just lose the words and kiss you
(which he's really, really good at doing but y'know it's whatever)
The sweetest lover anyone in the Zones could hope for
Affectionate af in pretty much all ways
No real particular love language, it's a lil bit of everything
But he'll especially bring you gifts of the things he finds in the desert - the most random stuff. A necklace he found in the ground; a rock that just barely is heart-shaped; a ray gun off a Drac he didn't know what to do with
Sharing cigarettes on the roof and indulging in music (both your guys' own and others') with you until the sun rises is his ultimate fantasy
Doesn't say anything about it, but loves it when you do any and all kinds of tasks either with or for him, it makes him feel especially appreciated
Thank you for reading my weird degenerate fantasies that no one asked to know, love u for it :)
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chaoticevilorange ¡ 2 years
HELLO:))) I’m a new follower and I couldn’t find ur request rules so no hard feelings if u don’t even consider writing this! But Maybe the idea will give u some inspiration and I would def love to read it! How abt y/n plays volleyball for the girls team and her (or their up to u) bf helps her practice (let’s say she’s def not as good as them) my personal favorites are Atsumu,noya,asahi,Bokuto, and tendou but ultimately the characters (and entire story) is up to u!!! Thank you:)
I haven't settled any rules yet, I usually write around 6 characters I think, but no worries, got chur faves! 🐨✨💖
Similar work here
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Haikyuu x reader
Private lessons
The interhigh is coming soon, being one of the players of the female team on your highschool you've seen how your teammates put lot of effort lately, most of them have improved those last weeks, except for you and it's frustrating, so obviously you decide to do something and ask your boyfriend for a bit of help to practice under his supervision
Miya Atsumu
He's so cooky about it, teases you a lot when you asked him for a bit of help to improve your skills
He swings an arm around your shoulders pulling you close to him "sure! your amazing and lovely boyfriend will help ya babe!"
Of course he asked something in return 🐍 unlimited cuddles, and free pass to slap your rear once per day
When he watches you practice a bit his face remains straight until you asked for feedback
The blonde went full coaching mode, corrected your posture, told you to practice more on your spare time, gave you tips, gave you a training routine, etc
After a couple of sessions he offers to set for you, tells you to not worry, he'll make sure you spike
Truth to be told, he obviously turns the practice on something he can take advantage of, IF you can't improve you'll be doing his chores for a week
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Bokuto Kōtaro
Oversized puppy face shines like a thousand suns when you asked for his help
Of course he will help you! He's flipping! He even lifts you and place several kisses on your face
At practice he watches you patiently and corrects your postures here and there... But...
He also gets distracted, he's your boyfriend after all, so expect to get surprise kisses when he places his body behind you to lift your elbows
He also made a training routine specially for you! If you follow or not is up to you but you can't deny it was very sweet
Sometimes he practices with you, he sets for you and you for him, you both compliment each other after a spike
He asked for something in return too, he wanted to be able to show more PDA of course 😌💖
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Asahi Azumane
Gentle giant is surprised to say at least, he claims he's not a very good teacher and low-key asks you to ask someone else... Until...
You gave him puppy eyes, those beautiful pleading eyes he can't deny even if he wanted
Says he's going to try his best! And obviously he does! He's not used to give feedback like Kageyama but he surely gives you useful tips
Sometimes he watches you and corrects your postures, sometimes he gives you a demonstration
He also claps and compliments you for the effort, also ask you if you're tired or not and gives you water and towels
Is not used to being a setter but he tries his best to help you out!
Of course he didn't ask for anything, he's more than happy to help you
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Nishinoya YĹŤ
This short king is absolutely, undoubtedly happy! His s/o asked for guidance and he's willing to do anything on his power to help!
I think will depend in which position you are, if you're a libero, he will probably will simp while practicing
If you're in other like a setter or spiked he will probably do some research or ask Suga or Asahi for tips
Will probably suggest for you to have a secret move like his "rolling thunder" move
As he watches you practice, he practices with you, he ask you to give the spikes of your life!
As a premium simp he showers you in prises when you do it great, when you don't he gets on the gentle praise zone "was good but next one will be amazing I bet you"
Simp as he is, he ask for something on return, for you to be his Goddess forever, "please step on me my queen"
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Satori Tendō
He will smirk at you wiggling his eyebrows while getting closer to your face to taunt you
He will craddle your face and squeeze your cheeks "hohooo~ y/n-chan, didn't knew you needed my help this bad~"
You're definitely thinking about asking Ushijima for help After seeing your expression he immediately becomes a sweetheart
At practice his feedback is like having a teammate around and not an actual coach unlike Tsumu and Bo, he also praises your enthusiasm
After a few sessions of practice he proposes a challenge, he will set and if you miss a shot he can bite you anywhere he wants 👀
After a couple of sessions more he will be blocking you, so better get ready for some endless teasing
I think he will be asking for something to return the favour, but he knows he teased you too much during practice, so im pretty sure he'll ask for something he knows you want, like watching your fav show or something
Thanks for reading 🐨✨💖
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solomons-poison ¡ 11 months
Hi Tarren! I read (and re-read) your Geto Suguru + 7. 'Sharing a kiss after not seeing them for an extended period of time' and must say it elicited quite a bit of emotion from me. It cut deep and pulled quite a few tears from me lol 😅 Initially unexpected but then again I did request suguru who is the pinnacle of tragedy and with the upcoming episodes about him, I should have expected a heart ripping romance 😣
I honestly have been slacking on typing this feedback ask because life has been busy (as always 😌) but also because i was indecisive in articulating myself and whether to scale back or just come forward with some personal things that resonate with parts of your writing. Complaining about the cold and pumpkin spices are one thing but more serious things are another beast altogether 😟 In the end, I know it is a matter of comfort levels on both sides so I made sure to re check your pinned posts on both of your blogs before sending this so I wouldn't be crossing any of your boundary lines.
Basically, I related to this a lot. I know all too well the pain of being separated from a lover and being unsure if I would ever see them again only to give them as much love as I can when I am with them before being inevitably parted. It is one of the reasons I actually requested this in the first place. I had gone into this with love for suguru but also for another.
The moments you encapsulated stood out to me in multiple sentences from 'It probably should have been enough of a red flag for you to reject him when he tried to court you. But his levels of charisma were just too powerful' to 'It was just for a few days at a time, but when it happened, he was completly unreachable' to 'As days passed and he didn't show, didn't send you any kind of message, a feeling of dread formed a ball in your stomach, hard and heavy' to 'All you could do was keep moving, keep your mind occupied on anything but your missing lover, before you got overwhelmed with a thousand what-ifs' and finally 'putting on tv or music to fill up the space, make it feel a little less lonely'.
Overall, I am glad you didn't make him into kenjaku (i am never forgiving gege for pulling that on us I swear 😤 why couldn't he have just been a dude with a stitched forehead as either a weird tattoo or healing from a nearly fatal blow from satoru since he did not have shoko to heal him 😭) and I am impressed you were able to convey this all without a single line of dialogue 😮 I already thanked you in advance but I would like to thank you again for writing this. It means a lot to me and I hope that despite my vigilance to make note of your rules, I have not made you uncomfortable with my personal baggage. I noticed another fic with my name on it and I'm definitely coming back with another feedback ask after sleep and groceries 😏 (if you aren't sick of me yet 😖). In the meantime, I hope the rest of the day treats you kindly (as you have with surprising me with another gojo piece 😍)
You are always, ALWAYS appreciated for your feedback!!!!! It means a lot to me to hear people's thoughts on what I write. I don't want to sound egotistical, but at that risk, it's really nice having someone point out particular things I put in and how it impacted them, because as the author, of course it means so much to me that someone noticed. Or especially, that what I did worked as intended/had the impact that I was looking for. And thank you for taking the time to send me this response, too, when you're busy!
Yeah I am also not happy with the Kenjaku route that Gege took (not as in bad writing, but because poor Geto already went through so much and then now to have his body used like a puppet?? Is awful). I couldn't really think of a reason Geto would disappear for a while, which is why it ended up that angsty idea instead haha.
Like I just imagine knowing/loving Geto before he leaves, trying desperately to keep him there before he completely falls to the "dark side". You know that something is wrong, but you don't really know what you can do or how to help. It would just be heartbreaking watching him slowly leaving...
I'm glad I was able convey him! And no worries about it making me uncomfortable, I'll usually be pretty straightforward about what I don't like or isn't allowed, so if there ever is a problem, I'll just let you know. :) and the kiss requests were pretty generic in prompt, giving me a lot of freedom in choosing why you/the reader and Geto would be separated, so it was my fault that it ended up as sad as it did haha, you're not to blame.
And yes! I made a second post for Geto for you that has a much happier note haha, that I hope you like~ but no rush to read it, get your rest and errands, and I'll be awaiting your feedback~
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caveatscriptor ¡ 1 year
S.A.B. S2: Episode 8
Here we are. Not Kaz giving Nik the cane and saying he has more experience with pain. 😣
“Yes my man! I mean we haven’t put a label on it.” Jesper you are the only one who makes me laugh in such a dire mood.
“Make them redraw all the maps” ahhhhhh “I love you” “You know where to find me” When I tell you I cried. This scene right here, it hurt me a thousand times more in the tv show than in the books.
Inej should’ve been able to keep that blade after all the slaying she did with it and looking so good at the same time. I swear she should at least add a sword to her arsenal. That’s it. It’s all that I need
“The world doesn’t need a saint to protect it, it needs a monster.” And he was ready to be it. He even tried to save Alina from his own nichevoya. Which is also a big difference from the books. It really threw me off how he made sure she wouldn’t get hurt whatsoever. Anyhow, I which we got the darkling’s book quote while he lay dying, being afraid of dying alone. That’s all, otherwise, great performance. I also prefer that Alina kept her powers instead of passing them to random people.
So… Alina is the one that brings back Mal with merzost. I LOVE THIS CHANGE. ITS PERFECT CANNON DIVERGENCE. And they even mention the plan that actually happens in the books but, this is much better and less convoluted and it gives Alina’s character a “well, when are the consequences going to kick in?”.
The ruby and the ring schematics. I… don’t touch me. I can’t. We didn’t even have proper Genya and David time. Leave me in this corner crying alone.
“I don’t know what I’m meant for.” THIS! YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY I AM! Through the books I wanted and needed Mal to be his own person, and he’s getting it in the tv show. It’s going to be glorious. When I heard he got to be Sturmhond I shouted, TAKE INEJ WITH YOU! I’m so happy. This is really smart of the writers, truly. I want to be part of that ships’ crew. That really is one of the best ideas they had. And Mal really suits Sturmhond. It’s fantastic. I’m in love with it. I’m just a bit… were they foreshadowing Tolya and Inej or was that just me? Just me?
“I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I will not have you at all.” They said the quote, and all the other quotes. This convo at the church. Write this in my tombstone. It was perfect, and truly, both Inej and Mal need time apart from the people they love. They need a new perspective and finding themselves. Ah. But Kanej was so good this season.
The fact that I literally thought “huh maybe Nikolai will now give Mal the lucky compass” and he did. Ah! I wish we had more bonding time between these two. Honestly.
“I’m not kissing you if you’re not thinking of me instead of trying to forget him.” This was the line that made me fall for this man. Ahhhhhhh. So good 😍 and the fact that he admits that he would be completely alone if not for Alina. Oh, and Alina’s crown 😍😍😍 it looks so good on her
So Alina is actually staying and being the leader of the Second Army (this is all I’ve wanted for the books, you don’t understand); but the triumvirate being Zoya, Genya and Alina is a bit weird. I still wish they would get another person. But it’s fine. These three are actually becoming one of my favorite trios. It’s just really for logics’ sake that I wanted that. “I look amazing in blue.” Zoya!! The triumvirate will be a success I’m sure 😂
So they have the fjerdan jurda parem attack and Alina uses a shadow cut. I have theories, but it doesn’t make much sense, because in the show the darkling never hurt her, so it’s weird that she’s wielding his power. If it’s merely because he’s dead she gets both powers it doesn’t make sense, because for all the time he existed he never got that. So I don’t know? Will we see a power hungry Alina? That would be interesting 😌
Btw Nik… during the coronation… he looked so good it isn’t fair 😣
Love Kaz’s new cane. Love that we may be getting the ice court job. Hate that Pekka got into Matthias’ skin and Nina lost his pardon in the most stupid way possible. (Btw after the interviews when Matthias’ actor said he hadn’t been with the other crows yet, I immediately thought he would be on Hellgate the whole season… but like… I wish we had a bit more of him going insane from being in prison and from turning his back on being a druskelle… that’s all. Matthias deserved that… but oh well)
Final thoughts
Anyway, all in all a good season. Will we possibly have Ben Barnes back as the darkling??? Nobody knows. But I really liked most of the changes, especially to how it panned out during the confrontation between Alina and the darkling in the fold and especially Mal’s character.
Hate that Nina and Matthias didn’t even have a scene alone together. Anything. Or at least a more Matthias centric part of him not knowing how to cope. I don’t know. I didn’t like his cell mate bit, sorry.
Kanej dominated the ships. They had so much chemistry and so many good scenes. It was great really.
Wesper… WE’VE BEEN ROBBED OF THE FIRST TIME THEY MET! Other than that; quite good.
David and Genya, it was so brief. It got snatched away from us so quickly. I wish they had more cute moments together first.
Will we have a Zoyalai centric season next? If yes, sign me up. Sign. Me. Up.
Best friendship dynamics this season: 1) Kaz and Nina; 2) Zoya and Nina; 3) Tolya and Jesper. There’s something about Nina needling Kaz. I just love how Zoya is all “we are soldiers and you are just an idiot in love making us look bad”. Tolya and Jesper it’s like they are so alike but then Tolya is more calm and Jesper has no idea of what that word means 😂.
Best characters/character arcs: 1) Genya; 2)Mal; 3) Baghra. Genya had her poison monologue, and it was great in the books and the show carried it out well. But the actress was really outstanding, she had a lot of drama this season and she delivered. Mal… I just love the changes, and I truly hope we get to see him shine and be and discover himself. Well done writers/show runners. Baghra, I just love how we truly got her personality down and how she went down and still helped the good guys, even if it was against her son. She’s one of the most nuanced characters in the show.
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elettralightwood ¡ 2 years
I have just finished the first episode of season 4 Stranger Things (fucking awesome btw, they played a Kiss song so I'm happy 😌 and also FUCK YEAH HOPPER BETTER BE ALIVE) and there were SIX FUCKING TIKTOK THINGS FROM THAT EPISODE. SIX. AND EVERY SINGLE TIME I WAS SHOOK TO MY CORE
1. You look different yeah my hair was buzzed didn't have these tattoos etc
2. The clock think which I assume becomes more significant
3. That ominous sound effect (assume the exact one with the "oh my god" will come up later)
4. Running up that hill
5. I just don't think that's what Miss meant by famous people my dad is famous he's a hero etc
And when you add this to:
7. YOU are like papa in season 2
8. If the human body doesn't get water it will die in season 3
Also waiting for Jamie Campbell Bower to show up like
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Elettra I am so unhinged I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do when I finish season 4
Every time you mention anything Eddie related my heart literally explodes in thousands little pieces. THAT MAN OWNS MY FUCKING HEART COMPLETELY
Bestie i felt that so much 🥲
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hedghost ¡ 1 year
Wait yes book game I'm so here. Although kinda feel like these are very heavily influenced by 2021 booktok 😂 Drop yours too bestie 👀
P.s. apologies in advance for this very unnecessary long ask I do apologise
1. Current read - My Sister The Serial Killer (Oyinkan Braithwaite)
2. Fav book of all time - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (Taylor Jenkins Reid) - basic I know but I love it sm
3. Last 3 books - My Dark Vanessa (Kate Elizabeth Russel), How to Kill Your Family (Bella Mackie), The Radium Girls (Kate Moore)
4. Top 3 genres (+ a rec) -
Romance (any and every trope and I can't pick 1 rec so have 5 sorryyy🫣 - A Thousand Boy Kisses (Tillie Cole), One True Loves (Taylor Jenkins Reid), All Rhodes Lead Here (Mariana Zapata), Birthday Girl (💀🙈 Penelope Douglas), It's Not Like It's a Secret (Misa Sugiura))
Historical Fiction - All the Light We Cannot See (🤩 Anthony Doerr) OR Ariadne (Jennifer Saint)
Fantasy - Dance of Thieves (Mary E Pearson) OR Crooked Kingdom (Leigh Bardugo)
5. Book to avoid at all costs - It Ends with Us (Colleen Hoover, obvs 🙄), ACOSF (Sarah J Maas, jesus lord no I couldn't cope)
omg thank you anon i’m glad someone wanted to join in on my game 😌
i haven’t read like most of those icl, i’ve heard my sister the serial killer is good it’s on my list! as is the crooked kingdom, all the light we cannot see, the radium girls, and ariadne, but i’ll have to check the others out, i love a bit of romance every now and then !
evelyn hugo is so good i do agree i love a lot of tjr’s books
okay wait lemme think of mine:
current read: freshwater (akwaeke emezi) it’s so good so far rlly recommend it!
fave book of all time: this is how you lose the time war (amal el-mohtar & max gladstone) best book of all time everyone needs to read it asap!!! close second is the humans (by matt haig) made me fall in love with the little bits of being human again
last three reads: oranges are not the only fruit (jeanette winterson) so so good and amazingly written, highly recommend, the lesbiana’s guide to catholic school (sonora reyes) - such a good queer ya coming of age story, so so good (cw suicide attempt though!) and the confessions of frannie langton (sara collins) which is an amazingly written historical fiction ab slavery, racism, womanhood and queerness, v tragic in parts but so good (+ an element of mystery) (cw for rape/assualt)
top 3 genres:
magical realism: book of form and emptiness - ruth ozeki
sapphic ya romance: her name in the sky - kelly quindlen
sapphic fantasy: the priory of the orange tree - samantha shannon
book to avoid at all costs: gonna have to agree with you and go with it any colleen hoover book (also sally rooney i feel i would hate)
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