#whereas moi
reflectismo · 5 months
In reflecting on Ringo’s comment about going to each Beatles’ house in 1968 to say that he felt the other three were closer and then each of them responding that they thought it was the other three, it’s peculiar how this crucial moment remains largely overlooked. I feel like this exchange speaks volumes about the band’s evolving dynamic, because it offers a peek into the shifts/sentiments that influenced their overall unity and break.
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apollo-cackling · 11 months
I've heard a lot about House of Chains being a slight step down from the previous two books but... idk I'm liking it better than Memories of Ice so far
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
It's funny when you remember originally Katamari Damacy would have been about hammerheaded people (hence their head shape that was kept in the end), the difference would have been the face would have been the head was reversed with the extremities backward and forward instead of on the sides and the face would have been on the forward tip) who can use their heads to hit to defend themselves or attack anf the plot was the Prince going on an adventure to save the Queen who was kidnapped and the King didn't give a shit and was too lazy to go himself so sent their son instead
A whole different game mechanic and plot as well as characters personalities
Because we know that as much of a lousy father he is and a lazy deabeat he is, the final result of the King ADORES his Queen, and he actually holds back his powers even when he mistreats the Prince since after all he does love him (probably why he is not that hurt despite being boxed by him or laserbeamed by his eyes ; and we see that he refuses to touch the bamboo staff his father used on himself on him, sure he can be verbally and physically abusive of a dad he refuses to be to the extent of the Emperor and does tell him he loves him or is proud at rare times and lets him have more fun and free time than he had himself as a child, not excusable but he tries), he is the King of all Cosmos who can create planets and stars and was shown able to stop a blackhole from forming and able to (accidentally) destroy all stars in the universe and terraform by harvesting forests, change the weather and even love the fucking sun and moon by hand, dude IS powerful even if he rarely shows it, he is nearly a god, if not God himself in that world. And he sends the Prince do stuff himself in his place as a "tough love" training (as well as laziness of course) because it is not much a bid deal either and he knows deep down he can do it and it is not dangerous
So if someone actually was a threat to his family, harmed his wife and kidnapped her, he would not send his son for once nor speak for nothing nor waste time showing off and be fabulous. He would go himself all serious even more scary and pissed than he is in the Game Over minigames and go John Wick on their asses and show why he is the King of the universe and show them how far his lifetime training went and his muscles are not just for looks
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This is inspired from Glow up blueprint video by Dear peachie. Dear peachie will help you to achieve the ultimate physical glow up
.First of all, get to know your features. People who have facial features with accurate facial proportions , stronger symmetry ,brighter colours , defined lines look better in the static image whereas disproportionate facial ratio , poor symmetry , dull complexion , uneven structures can affect how one looks in static image.
Look at the glow up pyramid. Every level is interrelated to each other and is equally important . The elements at each level serves as the foundation which steps towards a higher level. The overall aspects may get affected if insufficient attention are given to fundamental levels.
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Celebrities always appear gorgeous and sophiscated because they play attention they have invested a fortune and massive efforts in the detail that ordinary people never thought of.
There is a Chinese sayings which says one can recognize a beauty from 10 meters away. From a 10 meters distance, we cannot see the beauty looks like , her facial features and make up is blurry. However , we can see her body shape , posture , hair , clothing style. If we maintain 2 to 5 meter social distance , the focus point is skin , face shape and overall proportions. Body type , posture , clothing , hair , skin , face shape and overall proportion forms the impression of the body.
( A) Skin
- maintain a balanced diet
- good quality of sleep.
- stay hydrated lol ( common advice but it works )
- avoid smoking and eating too much sugary foods.
- Build a skin care routine which suits you the best.
- Visit a dermatologist regularly.
- Rub ice on face
- Do facial yoga
- Less is more
- The most simple way - just affirm that you have clear skin .
( B ) Body
- Workout !
- Maintain a healthy diet , don't starve yourself please !
- We can enhance our body proportions by wearing clothes which suit our body type.
- Love your body , don't abuse it by starving yourself or criticising it.
( C ) Posture
- You can do exercises to get a good posture.
- Try to maintain a good posture even if you are doing your daily tasks.
- Walk with a good posture , you will appear more graceful and elegant.
(D) Hairstyle
- Hairstyle is a great way to express oneself. You can choose different hairstyles which suit you.
- Healthy and beautiful hair can enhance your appearance so give some time to yourself and do hair care .
- A suitable hairstyle can draw visual attention towards your best features. For example : Long face framing bangs reduce impression of high cheek bones.
( E ) Body shapes
- Get to know your body type and dress up according to your body type.
👛🧁I didn't go into details , dear peachie has made videos for topics like posture, body shapes , hairstyles etc. I will make notes on those too . Those posts will be more detailed and in depth👛🧁
- Try mewing, you will get high cheekbones and sharp jawline.
- Get regular trims and hair scalp treatments.
- Yoga is so beneficial for both physical and mental health.
- Accessories to spice up your outfits !
- Develop a good fashion sense , you can take inspiration from celebrities too .
- Apply Vaseline on eye lashes .
- If you want to appear taller and slimmer, then wear high waist jeans and crop tops . ( This tip may vary from one body shape to another )
- DEVELOP SELF - LOVE. Be disciplined. Care for yourself . Cherish yourself. Love yourself no matter what.
- Listen to Guided Meditations and Podcasts
- Adopt the " OK and ? " or " So what? " mentality . They were talking behind your back , OK and ? They don't like you , OK and ? You tried something new and failed , So what ? They left you on seen and ghosted you , So what ?
- Adopt the " You are You , I am me " mentality.
- Listen to the wizard liz , Tam Kaur , Simone or Alessia.
- Watch good content. You are what you consume. You have control over it. Don't watch videos which are full of drama and negativity . Watch productive and educational videos.
- Meditate ! You will become more mindful and self- aware.
- Become selfish! No , don't use people for your own benefit but put yourself first. Posts you should read to understand it better ! - click me , click me !!
- Don't seek validation from others , don't listen to other's opinions . Others opinions are irrelevant.
- Watch documentaries. Read books .
- Cut off toxic people ! This is so important. If someone drains you , puts you down , always nitpicking or complaining about you or other things . Distance yourself. It doesn't matter if you know them in real life or if it's online friendship. It doesn't matter if you knew them for a decade .
- You don't need to share everything with your Close friends.
- Say affirmations out aloud while doing skin care infront of mirror or in your mind.
- Act like the person you want to become.
- Don't chase , attract
- Know you are the main character.
- Don't allow others to use you or treat you like a doormat.
- Be more organized.
- Don't compare yourself with others.
- Don't depend on others for your happiness .
- Journal.
- Try shadow work
- Have hobbies
-Being intelligent is hot. Prioritize your education.
- Find a reason to study. Do you want to top your exams ? Do you want to make your parents proud ? Do you want to be the smart kid ?
- Find a role model . It can be a fictional character or celebrity . Check this post to find some inspiration - click me !
- Your reason to study should be bigger than your distractions.
- Watch fayefilms and studyquill , they always have the best study tips.
-Teach your friends , family or even pet . You will be able to revise the concepts better. If you get stuck while explaining , you would know that the topic is not clear to you yet.
- Use Mnemonics
- You can use the SQ3R method. SURVEY. QUESTION. READ . RECITE . REVIEW.
- Romanticize being smart. Romanticize studying.
I hope this post helps you too - click me !
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fficway · 2 years
Distracting Dancing Donnie
Synopsis: You need a dance partner for an assignment, and your pride won't allow you to ask Donnie.
ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader insert. (No gender specified). Reader is either in high school and friends with the current turtles, or in college and friends with aged-up turtles, whichever is closer to your age/preference.
[This has all the fluff. A personal friend requested a one shot so I wrote this. I personally thought it was a little too cheesy or that I lost the characters' personalities somewhere along the line, but the friend who requested it loved it so I decided to share! I proofread it but I know there are still grammar mistakes. Also copying and pasting to Tumblr made me lose some of my typographical emphasis, so I did my best to fix it.]
In all the years you've known the turtles, you've never messed up so badly.
You've never hurt or betrayed any of them. Especially not to the extent that you've done today.
"How could you choose Señor Hueso as your dance partner over me?!" Donnie is whom you've betrayed on this historical day.
You had never let your grades slip in any of your classes, not even in the midst of pizza parties with the turtles or infiltrating The Foot with April. However in recent months you've become somewhat distracted.
Ok, more than somewhat. You had always had an affinity for the tech-wiz turtle, just an infatuation if you will. You thought it was something that would come to pass over time, just a small, childish crush. Until the years passed by and you've gotten that much closer with the turtles. Being with them through thick and thin, helping to bandage their injuries, cheering them on whether it be in a fight against mutants, or competition amongst themselves.
You've seen them laugh, you've seen them cry, you've seen them hurt, hell, you've even seen them sick with the rat flu (which you got 4 new gifts from thanks to the seventh "Must Say Yes" stage!) And what you thought to be a little crush did not fade. In fact, with every rescue Donatello had accomplished, saving you in the knick of time, every scwabble he took your side on, every invention he explained to you with that excited fire in his eyes, you found yourself incredibly distracted by your growing feelings for him.
Distracted enough that your history grade had slipped. Hence, where you are today. Your teacher was assigning a "historical dances around the world" assignment with a contest, the winner receiving extra credit, and you were given Salsa as your assigned dance. Writing a report to go with it is the easy part. Dancing it is an entirely different story. So you decided to go with who Leo describes as an expert: Señor Hueso.
"Donnie, if it were an 80's dance like Disco or The Robot, of course I'd have asked you. But my grade is on the line here and I need an expert!" You told him a half-truth. As much as you'd want to, you don't think you could ever bring yourself to ask Donnie to dance with you. You've seen him dance! You'd just get distracted again and short circuit right there on the dance floor! You want your grade to go up, not down!
"Actually Disco dancing was created in the 1960's, and whereas the Robot was popularized in the 60's as well, it's origins date back as early as the 1920's-" He was already on a roll, adding in a few dance poses as he elaborated.
"Donnie, look, I'm sorry but I'm trying to win, and Señor Hueso was nice enough to agree to help me. After some begging/convincing from Leo." You mumbled the last part to yourself.
"Scoff! You know as well as I do that you would not receive any award lower than first place with me! Failure is not in my vocabulary!" Donnie exclaimed.
"Yeah, but it's in your record" you mumbled to yourself.
"What! I don't have any failures on my record!" Donnie, who had apparently heard you, argued.
"What about the many L's you took in our shell games to moi?" Leo leaned his weight on his brother's head.
"I only recall besting you and taking your room from you." Donnie cockily brushed off Leo.
"And all the sports games we lost because of you?" Raph added from his seat on the couch.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, I don't even partake in sports ball." Donnie retorted with a couple flicks of his wrist, as if dusting off the allegation.
"And when you got us attacked by one of your many evil robots?" Mikey shouted from the skate ramp.
"That doesn't sound like me." He crossed his arms.
"And the many projects you failed to help me with?" April added showing the pictures on her phone of every one of Donnie's combustible experiments.
"That must be the work of a different, lesser genius mutant ninja turtle." Donnie crossed his arms.
You clicked the projector on where a video played of Donnie yelling "I can fix this!" repeatedly in multiple different clips where different inventions of his glitched, shut down, got destroyed, self-destructed, or turned evil.
"Hmm, does my shell armor really look that ingenious from the back?" He wondered with a hand under his chin and one eyebrow raised.
"Donnie!" April shouted.
"OK, I'll admit I may have forgotten a few data points. But I am still undefeated in my dancing! Which is why I feel betrayed that you of all people wouldn't pick me as your dance partner!" He turned back to you.
"Dee, I'm sorry but my mind is made up. I appreciate you wanting to help, but I've got too much at stake and need to take first place." You placed your hand on his shoulder as you explained.
"Et tu, Brute?" He quoted at you, hurt. He brushed off your hand as he turned and sulked stubbornly towards his lab. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when you realize that I was obviously the better choice!" He shouted back.
You felt awful. You felt like you really had betrayed Donnie. It was just dancing, but you knew how much he liked to be relied on, especially outside of his technology. You felt like a kicked puppy.
"Ouch!" Especially your shin that had actually been kicked just now!
"Compañero, you need to keep up."
"Sorry Señor Hueso. I'm just a little... distracted." That word keeps correlating with Donnie and it really needs to cease.
"Well then, if you are too distracted to learn, then I suppose this lesson is over." Señor Hueso sighed as he turned to walk back into his kitchen. He had been kind enough to let you use his restaurant as a makeshift dancefloor during closed hours.
"Hold on there Bone Man!" Leo slid to put his arm around him, stopping his exit. "If teaching the dance steps isn't working, you could at least take this time to teach about the history of the dance for the written report?"
"Yes! Yes please! That would be a huge help, and I'll be sure to pay attention this time!" You gleamed with hopeful eyes, silently thanking Leo's quick thinking. You only had a week to prepare after all.
Señor Hueso sighed, "Fine, as long as you listen closely." He moved over to one of the tables so you all can sit as he began.
"The Salsa was developed by Puerto Ricans and Cubans living here in New York in the late 60s and early 70s. Different regions of Latin America and the United States have distinct salsa styles of their own such as Cuban, Puerto Rican, Colombian, and New York's very own style. I am well learned in all of these styles, but for your dance, I will be teaching you the New York style." He continued on with showing the movements distinct to each style and the differences they show even in the same moves, and you found yourself forcing yourself to take notes even though your mind is wandering to Donnie and how he may have been lighting up with that excitement he wears so well as he explains this same information. Your brain may be wandering but you had turned on a recorder before the lesson started so that you could practice the dance steps at home, and you were smart to leave it recording as Señor Hueso taught about the history of the Salsa.
"Wait, so its similar to the Tango in that it's an improv dance, but more upbeat and free spirited. So then why am I learning choreography? Wouldn't it be more authentic to follow your lead at the contest?" You asked.
"You were under the impression that I was going to be your dance partner at the contest? There seems to be a misunderstanding. I agreed to teach you for a day, not to risk being spotted in your world." He had a point, but the crushing reality hit you in the face like a brick.
"What?! A day? But I thought you were going to teach, practice, and then wear a disguise or something to be my partner for the contest? Leo said that when you combine with your brother you pass for human with skin and bone-"
"No! I would never involve my brother in any kind of plan that could get us exposed to the human world. Additionally I would not stoop so low as to ask my brother for a favor." Hueso muttered to himself, crossing his arms.
"I would!" You exclaimed, panicked. "Leo! Do something!"
"Hey, I've already gotten myself on server and dish washer duty just from asking him to teach you to dance! I say just find a different partner! What about Donnie? You already know that he wanted to be your dance partner, so convincing him will be a piece of cake!" Leo leaned on his sword casually.
"Ugh! But if I ask him now I'll never live it down!" You grumbled with your hands over your face.
"I agree, Donnie can be a sore winner" Leo mused with a deadpan expression. Being defeated by any of his siblings was annoying enough, but Donnie's cocky way of rubbing it in their faces was worse than Leo's.
Ok, so Donnie is not necessarily worse than Leo at being a sore winner, but to Leo he was.
"What about you Leo? You're here with me at the lesson! So you can learn the choreography with me!" You pleaded.
"Woah, as much as I'd love to rub it in Donnie's face that I was picked as a dance partner over him... Ok, scratch that, I'd love to rub it in Donnie's face that I was picked as a dance partner over him, I'm in!"
You fist pumped at Leo agreeing. It's ok! You can still do this! You have time, and Leo's not a bad dancer!
"While I hate being the bearer of bad news, isn't the contest on Friday? The same day that papino here is supposed to be my server for an important dinner being held here in my restaurant?" Hueso interrupted. Leo had agreed to serve at the restaurant for the entire week, and then end his service after helping Hueso serve for an important dinner reservation.
"Relax! It'll be fine! I'll just portal back and forth, help you serve your restaurant," Leo gestures to Hueso, "and help you to win your contest!" He gestures to you. 'And help to make Donnie jealous.' Leo added to himself.
You and Señor Hueso looked at each other unsure.
Eventually it was decided that since Leo had agreed to help serve at the Run of The Mill Pizza for the entire week, that you can practice his portalling back and forth during your dance practice and see if you can get the timing down.
It was a disaster.
"That was a disaster!" Donnie laughed.
Leo and you had consistently topled over each other, stepping on each others feet as he popped in and out of the lair, sometimes with random dishes in hand, sometimes holding one of the restaurant's customers and spinning them instead of spinning you. Eventually you were sitting on the floor of the lair, rubbing your poor, abused feet as Donnie smugly looked down from the railing above.
"It was only our twelfth try! We still have plenty of time to improve!" You shouted up at him. You were mortified.
"Sure, if you subtract the seventeen attempts from yesterday, and the fourteen from the day before-" He started counting on his three fingers.
"Ok! But we almost had it that time! I had a fighting chance! Besides this is supposed to be an improv style dance in its origin so technically we're authentic!" You were spouting nonsense out of desperation. You knew it. And unfortunately for you, Donnie knew it. You had to look away from his smug and cocky grin he was giving you. It didn't help that he was so good looking with that look on his face. And it didn't help that he knew that too.
"Oh dear, if only there were someone proficient at dancing around that could take 'Nardo's place and help you to place first place at the contest. Oh wait, there is and you picked TWO other people over me!" Ugh, you hated when he has something over you to rub in your face like this.
"Look, Dee-"
"If you apologize now and, I don't know, beg maybe? I might agree to win that contest for you through the power of dance! You and I both know that you need the help." Donnie had his hand posed smugly by his face.
You hated when he had something to rub in your face, sure. But what you hated more was when he was a jerk about it too.
"'Beg?' 'Win it for me?' I'm not incompetent Donatello!" Ooh, you used his full name. Bad sign. "I don't need your help with this stupid dance contest. And frankly? I don't even want it!" You shouted up at him before turning away to gather your things. And here you were about to finally ask him as a last resort. Even with the risk that you'd mess it all up and somehow accidentally reveal to the turtle how badly you had fallen for him, you were desperate, and knew it was only logical to ask Donnie. But after the things he just said now, your pride wouldn't allow it.
"You only have a day before the contest! You’ll come crawling back to me! You'll see!" Donnie shouted after you as you left the lair. He sighed. He knew he messed up. He got full of himself with the notion that you'd maybe be desperate enough to finally ask him! He assumed that if he talked himself up enough and gave you the confidence of a definite win, that he could finally dance with you.
It was no secret that he loved to dance, especially when smitten with someone. Ever since he found himself wanting to ask you to dance with him every time music played in the background of a venue, after some kind of victory, or even when music played during a Jupiter Jim movie, he realised it was due to the growing feelings he had for you. He was not dense in his own feelings, he knew when he was attracted to someone. And he had fallen hard and fast for you years ago, and those feelings had not wavered.
It had hurt that when the opportunity for you to dance with someone came up you had not thought of him. What was worse, when your original partner had been a bust, you had picked his own brother over him, even after he had expressed his interest! (Ok, he expressed offense at not being chosen but in retrospect its the same thing!)
He sighed, slapping a hand over his face. He should apologize, and offer, or rather, ask you properly to dance with him for your contest instead. That's all he wanted was a chance to dance with you. Mixing two of his favorite things together is the ultimate dream. You already express a lot of interest in his tech. Letting him go into as much detail and as long a spiel as his heart desires, and even ask questions! The ultimate sign of interest in his scientific art!
He was just being greedy with wanting to dance with you too, he knew, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted you to himself. He wanted you to be as immersed in him as he is in you. He knew all of your favorite things and can even list them in alphabetical order! He knew your allergies and proofed the lair of every possible scenario that could come into contact with you, and even carried extra supplies in his first aid kits especially for you! He knew what makes you laugh, and which nicknames you enjoyed being called the most by him and each of his brothers (though he uses his nickname for you sparingly as he didn't want you to catch on to his knowledge of it).
But he did just overreact. It was probably for a reason that you didnt want to dance with him. Maybe this was a line you were drawing because you caught onto his feelings, and you were trying to distance yourself so you didnt have to hurt him with the rejection. He was spiraling now, thinking the worst when Leonardo popped back into the lair through a portal, laughing with a box of pizza in his hand.
"Hey, do we have that contest in the bag or what?" He smiled, looking around the lair but not finding you.
Donnie sighed as he yelled down to Leo that you already left.
"What? But we didnt even get to discuss how rad our preformance was today! Something must have come up." Leo wondered aloud with a shrug.
"Or, something must have driven them away. Sigh, why am I so bad at taking a hint?" Donnie complained.
"What are you talking about?" Leo asked, skating up to the second level to follow Donnie who was now going off towards his lab. He ate a slice of pizza from the box in his hand.
"Oh nothing. Just realizing that rejection tastes a lot worse than it sounds." Donnie mused aloud. He didn't want to go into detail to his brother, but he knew that if he didn't give an answer he'd never get any peace to sulk to himself.
"What, you were rejected? As a dance partner, or...?" Leo sounded hesitant and unsure but Donnie paid no mind.
"What does it matter? 'Tis but the same definition in my dictionary." Donnie confessed.
"Wait, are we talking about the same 'or?' Is this really happening?" Leo sounded excited, much to Donnie's disapproval. How insensitive to be excited at his brother's heartache.
Leo must have realized his brother's interpretation of his reaction and immediately added context. "Are you really finally admitting your feelings for Y/N? Is that what you're doing here? Did you confess earlier? I want the deets!" Leo sat across from Donnie excitedly. They had gone off track from going towards his lab and had ended up in the kitchen. Donnie needed rocky road to heal his rocky heart.
"Donnie confessed?!" Raph popped out from behind the refrigerator door and Mikey dropped the spoon he was using to stir ingredients together. He was cooking brustle sprouts. Leo put the box of pizza on the table and everyone grabbed a slice as they gathered around.
"No! I did not, exactly, confess anything as I have nothing to confess and you cannot prove otherwise because there is no proof!" Donnie was regretting his decision to go to the kitchen.
"Oh but you just said you being rejected as a dance partner and "or" were the same thing, so what is "or?" Leo smugly explained.
"Ugh! Does it matter? You're the dance partner, not me, and so I'm taking the hint and staying out of it! Now if you'll excuse me, I will be shutting myself inside my lab to work on FAB version 2.14 so that it's even more state of the art. If you need me, leave a message and I will get back to you at the next, convenient, never." Donnie left the kitchen without his ice cream or a goodbye, and the turtles looked around at each other.
"Wow, this dance partner thing really bothered him." Mikey said concerned.
"You know how soft his shell is. Especially for Y/N. We knew it would get to him, but I guess we didn't realize how badly it would hurt him." Raph said sadly.
"Relax you guys! It'll all work out!" Leo waved off their concerns with a smirk.
"Ok, what are you planning Leo?" Raph raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing!" Leo insisted, although him stretching out the word made it less convincing. "On an unrelated note, I need your help at the Run of The Mill Pizza Friday!"
"But that's when the contest is! We were going to root on Y/N at the contest!" Mikey complained.
"Oh, so I guess you don't want a rematch at who's the better waiter that I so obviously won last time." Leo taunted Mikey.
"Oh, you're so on!" Mikey jumped up at the challenge and Raph caught him by the shell.
"Leo, what's up your sleeve?" Raph held Mikey in the air who swung his arms and legs around.
"Only this measuring tape." Leo pulled out a measuring tape seemingly out of nowhere and started holding it up to different parts of Raph's torso. "Say, don't you think you'd look fantastic in the waiter's tuxedo uniform?"
Raph blushed, "Well I have always wanted to try it on."
"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!" Leo hugged his brothers. Now that they were distracted and agreed to working with him at the restaurant Friday, that would leave you no more options to turn to than Donnie when he "accidentally" won't be able to make it on Friday. Leo was a great dancer. Not as great as Donnie (though he'll never admit it aloud), and he had become a master at teleportation. He wasn't as bad as he had made you believe him to be. He knew your and Donnie's ego's and feelings for each other would prevent you both from dancing together, so he set this plan up as soon as you had asked him if he knew anyone who could Salsa dance. Señor Hueso was in on it too, in fact. He never would have asked Leo to work at his restaurant again unless absolutely necessary. But Leo had insisted that he needed to work there as a part of his master plan.
It was all going to work out accordingly. You may not win the prize considering the last minute changes, but you and Donnie would at least have a chance to dance together. And if nothing else were to come out of this, at least he wouldn't owe you a favor anymore for covering for him when he broke Donnie's mini Donnie statue.
["So none of you are coming tonight?"] You asked, texting the group chat with April and the turtles.
April had started a new intern job at a new's station and couldn't get off to come and cheer you on. You wouldn't have asked her to anyway considering this was a job she had wanted for a while. But you appreciated her fist pump emojis she sent to cheer you on instead.
Raph and Mikey had apparently been needed to help Señor Hueso and Leon at the restaurant so that it would be easier for him to pop in and dance with you while they cover his absence. It made sense so you sent your thanks. Yesterday's final practice had gone somewhat ok, you thought? Maybe having Leo not portal in would make it finally go somewhat well.
Donnie had apparently been left to babysit Mayhem, which you tried to tell yourself was a good thing. You didn't need him to distract you yet again, however you couldn't help how low in your chest it felt like your heart had fallen that even he had bailed on cheering you on. You wanted him to cheer you on. You wanted him to watch you partake in a hobby that he loved so much, to feel more apart of his world and passions. Hell, what you really wanted was to dance with him. You should have sucked up your pride days ago and just asked him. With all the practicing surely you would have had time to get over your embarrassment of dancing so closely to him. You were such an idiot to let an opportunity like this slip away because of your dumb pride!
The teacher's opening speech cut off your thinking. She was announcing the scores from the reports of the essays you all had turned in that morning, as well as saying how many points you needed to win.
You had received a perfect score on your essay! However so did a few other students! It was going to be close! There were 3 judges with the old fashioned score paddles ranging from 0-10. If any of the other students got a perfect 10/10 from even one of the judges, it would be hard to beat with you and Leon's dancing!
You texted Leo nervously, ["We've got this, right?"] But your nerves only grew when he didn't text back during the first student's dance. You kept clicking your phone on and off, checking if you had gotten any missed messages. The student who went 7th had gotten scores 10, 7, and 9! You wanted to throw up at how it made your nerves worse! You texted Leo a few more times before texting Raph, and then Mikey, asking if Leo's phone had died, and that your turn was coming up in two songs. Nothing! You were in a full panick and sent to the group chat asking if anyone had heard from Leo.
["What do you mean? Is he not there yet?" -Donnie]
Ugh, you were mortified that Donnie of course would be the only one to respond.
["No! No 1 is responding! Idk how 2 reach him!"] You texted back. You hated abbreviating texts but this was an emergency and you were almost out of time as the next student's dance ended with a score of 10, 8, and 10! The next student's number was called. Your turn was after.
You kept clicking on and off your phone again but Donnie hasn't respond now either.
["Did U reach him?"] You wished for a miracle that Leo's portal would pop up in front of you. It didn't even matter if everyone saw, you were desperate. If you danced this alone, you were sure to fail! Maybe you could ask one of the other students?
The song came to an end. The teacher was about to call your number. You clicked your phone on again and felt dread spread through you at yet again seeing no response. You felt yourself crumble on the inside in disappointment. Even if you danced it alone, you didn't even feel like dancing at this point!
You didn't move when the teacher called your number. You fiddled with your fingers around the phone that was still in your hands but the screen was no longer lit. You deserved this for letting your grades slip in the first place. But to be stood up by your own friends, who you had fought battles with? It hurt. You put your phone away and started walking up to the teacher to lie and tell her that you didn't prepare a dance, or maybe even tell her that you had stage fright or something? Either way you had to tell her that you couldn't do it.
"Number 17? Where are you?" The teacher asked on the microphone looking around the dim ballroom.
You sighed. You were mortified. "Right-"
"Here!" You were pushed forward from behind into the spotlights of the dancefloor and turned to find Donatello in snazzy clothes that covered his turtle appearance as much as possible. Behind him Mayhem's tail wagging caught your eye before you looked back at him.
"Donnie, what are you doing here?" You whispered to him looking towards the teacher as she announced that youll be performing the Salsa.
"Leo couldn't make it." Donnie looked at you apologetically. He stopped himself from saying more as the intro to the song started. He held out his hand, "Would you give me the honor of being your dance partner?"
You blushed. You didn't have time to think before the dance was supposed to start so you only nodded with a smile before placing your hand in his with your other hand in the air and a hip popped in your first dance pose.
The lyrics of the song started and Donnie matched your dancing flawlessly. He had watched you and Leo practice enough to memorize the choreography that you knew and were comfortable with. But now he couldn’t help himself to let the music get to him. This opportunity to dance with you was just too good to be true, so he let the music take over and added some improvised spins into the dance.
To his surprise, you matched him flawlessly, and even were smiling and laughing like you were enjoying yourself! He couldnt believe it! He was actually dancing with you! And you were enjoying it! You spun him a few times and you both parted to Salsa in place before coming back together for more spins.
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and you could feel your face on fire! Not only did he come to your rescue yet again, but you both still got to dance together! You couldn't believe it! Better than that, he was really good! Your fears were for nothing! Granted the rhythm in which he moved his hips was definitely distracting, but it felt so natural, so fun to dance with him! You'll definitely have to apologize to him after!
You were nearing the end of the song when it donned on you that you needed to score at least two 10s and a 9 to win, and the realization that you and Donnie had gotten lost in your own world while dancing suddenly made you nervous. Did this count as Salsa sancing still? Sure it's an improvisation dance but you had decided on choreography as the safest bet to insure you did it correctly, what if this was all for naught? What if you don't win and it causes Donnie to spiral and makes the situation between you worse?
Your nerves eventually won out as Donnie spins you inwards towards him. You found yourself falling backwards as you over-rotated, and dread filled you once more.
"Leg up!" Donnie's hushed voice was in your ear as his inner elbows scooped up under your arms and caught you in a dip. Your leg was already going up a bit during your fall so you took advantage of Donnie supporting your weight to kick your leg up high, making sure to point your toes so that it looks like all of this was on purpose, before he bounced you back on your feet and you spun back around to him. You finished the last quick step as he pulled you close and you both came to an abrupt stop right on time with the music.
Everyone was clapping and cheering around you as you and Donnie panted while still holding onto one another. Your face heated and you felt dizzy, whether from the spinning or from how close Donnie was to you, you were not sure. He glanced down at your lips before quickly backing off to your side and lifting one of your hands in the air. He looked at you expectantly to lead, and you smiled as you both bowed at the judges and your teacher.
He didn't let go of your hand as the judges reached for the scoring paddles, and you gave his hand a tight squeeze to ease your nerves. Your heart was pounding from the combination of the dance, the scoring, and from the intimacy of being so close to Donnie for this long.
The judges lifted their paddles. 10, 10, and 9.5! You squealed before you and Donnie hugged each other. He didn't know if you had hugged him or vice-versa, but he wasn't complaining. Although once you both realized your position you quickly separated and scurried off the dancefloor for the last few contestants to go. But Donnie noted that you hadn't let go of his hand yet.
Once you were off to a dimly lit corner of the room at the back of the crowd you were hugging Donnie again. Mayhem hopping up onto a water cooler beside you both.
"Donnie! You! I really can't believe you did this for me! You really saved me tonight, I don't know how I can thank you!"
"I could think of a few ideas." Donnie's blush went unseen in the dim light, and you were letting him go now, his hand included, much to his disappointment.
"Listen Donnie, I really owe you an apology. I... was honestly embarrassed to ask you to be my dance partner. You're such a good dancer, and I.. didn't think I could keep up." It's a half truth. You didn't think you could keep up because you assumed you'd be tripping over yourself being that close to him. Which did technically happen but he had saved your butt, both figuratively and literally.
"No! Stop no!" He waved his arms in front of him. He was so embarassed now at hearing your reasoning, he really felt like a jerk now at how he had acted. "I am the one who is in the wrong. I felt hurt at not being chosen to be your dance partner, and took it a little.. too personally if I am being honest." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "I.. overreacted, and behaved rather immaturely. Can you forgive me?"
To his pleasant surprise, you smiled at him and took his hands again. "For saving my butt tonight in all definitions of the phrase? Forgiven! Not only that, but if we win this because of you, I'll-"
"We will now be announcing the final scores!" The teacher's voice cut your conversation short. You just realized that you hadn't watched the scores for the final performances! What if someone got perfect 10s? You turned to watch nervously as your teacher introduced the judges and let them each give a little speech, postponing the results a little further.
Donnie had whispered to you a few times "You'll what? If we win, you'll what??" But you hadn't heard him. You squeezed his hand in yours absent-mindedly as your nerves got progressively more disoriented. Donnie's nerves rose at how you were still holding his hand. He was still elated at that he not only got to dance with you -the view of you laughing in joy as he spun you being a sight he would relive in his head (and in his tech as he records everything) for the rest of his life- but also due to the fact that you forgave him!
He heard who he assumed to be the teacher announce third place, who recieved 5 extra bonus points to their final grade, go to someone who had apparently performed a waltz.
Your hand squeezed his nervously as second place, the winner of 10 extra bonus points went to a student who had performed ballet. That was a fair choice, ballet was hard to learn in just a week after all and oh my gosh it was so hard for Donnie to focus when your hand fit so well in his! Was he sweating? He hoped he wasn't sweating!
"First place, winning a prize of 15 extra bonus points to the semester's final grade, goes to... number 17, who performed the Salsa!"
You hadn't heard passed your number being called before you jumped up and down.
"I won! Donnie! You-! Oh migosh, you-! Ahh come here!"
Your hands clamped over the sides of his face and pulled him towards your lips.
He didn't know how to react. He didn't have time to react, as the kiss was over in an instant, and you were already rushing back to the dancefloor to claim your certificate.
He stood there dumbfounded, feeling dizzy, smiling like a dum dum. That really just happened! You kissed him! In the same night that you danced with him! He couldn't believe it!
A portal opened up beside him with Leo popping in unnoticed by the rest of the students around. "Soooo, judging by your face and Y/N up there getting an award I assume the plan worked?"
"Plan?" Donnie snapped out of it as he rounded on his brother. "So this was apart of a plan of yours?"
Leo leaned on Donnie's shoulder, "Uh, yeah! And I'd say it was a success!"
Donnie felt himself boil at the thought of being played by Leo of all of his brothers, but as you bounced up to them he quickly thought that this is maybe the only time his brother having a hand in things turned out for the best.
"Leo! Where were you?! Actually, nevermind that! Thank you for not showing up! Donnie and I won!" You hooked your arms around Leo's neck in a hug, bouncing excitedly, and Donnie felt the boiling return.
"Yes, we did win, and you were saying something about if we won you'll...?" Donatello desperately tried to direct your attention back to his festering question. If nothing else, he wanted Leo gone and to have time with you to himself to ask you about that kiss! It was a matter of urgency!
Leo smirked, "So you won! Congrats! That calls for a celebration! Luckily everyone is back in the lair with some Run of The Mill Pizza ready for you!"
"Um, yeah ok, why don't you go ahead and tell everyone the good news while I take Y/N back after the event is over?" Donnie pushed Leo further away from you and out of your arm's reach.
"The event is over, Donnie." You laughed, "We can all head back together now!" In all honesty, you were too embarrassed at what you had just done.
You had moved without thinking earlier. You had been too engrossed in the moment and kissed Donnie without thinking about his feelings! He probably didnt like you that way! You were so thankful at seeing Leo there after recieving your reward so you didnt have to talk to Donnie about what you had just done. You weren't ready! You didn't want to tell him your feelings now! And apologizing would probably make it sound awful: "Hey, sorry I kissed you, that was an accident!" What if it hurt his pride, or he took it the wrong way? You didn't even know if he had liked it or not because you ran off before seeing his reaction. You wanted nothing more than to escape to the lair with everyone else and go back to how things were. You can tell him how you feel another time when you're ready!
"No, it isn't-" Donnie had tried to lie that the event was not over yet, but the students leaving the venue was hard to deny. Leon laughed as he opened a portal and pushed you inside it.
"See you and Mayhem there when you're ready to join us, Donnie." Leo winked at him to tease his brother before stepping through the portal after you.
Donnie didnt waste a second before opening his arms for Mayhem to teleport him to the lair after you both.
You were excitedly telling everyone about the contest, exaggerating how Donnie showed up at the last minute before the music started. You stepped around the room trying to mimic some of the dance steps from earlier as you excitedly told them more about the dance and at how Donnie was a natural, and his improvised steps were amazing.
He had to admit, dancing with you? Amazing! You singing his praises to his siblings about dancing with you? Even better! He was so smug right now that Leo's one liner's weren't phasing him one bit. You were so animated while reliving the dance, it was like you were talking about your favorite TV show, and he was so in love with this animated and excited side of you. He could watch you all night.
"And then suddenly, I found myself living out my biggest fear! I had tripped and was falling to my doom!" You were so dramatic, it was adorable. He got up without anyone noticing.
"Oh no!" Raph gasped, his voice an octave higher than normal.
"Did you fall in the middle of the dance?" Mikey asked, fearfully.
You smirked, "No, Mikey, no I didn't!"
Mikey gasped.
"But how did you not fall?" Raph questioned. They were eating this up.
"I swooped in with the magic of rhythm!" Donnie slid into the scene behind you, and you took the cue to fall back as you had during your dance.
"'Leg up!' He had told me! He knew exactly how to save the day!" You posed with Donnie holding you from behind with your leg in the air like you had done before, but now you both held it as you rambled. Everyone applauded.
"And like a natural, you pulled it off perfectly!" Donnie added proudly, now bouncing you back up to your feet. You blushed at him for a moment before turning back around to finish the story to the others, leaving out the hand-holding and kiss, and proudly showing your certificate.
"Congratulations! We all know how hard you worked this week for this win! You deserve it!" April said to you from her spot on the couch. "I wish I had been there to cheer you on, but Leo made me promise to turn my phone off and let Donnie handle it."
"Dahh! April! Ix-nay on the an-play!" Leo whispered loudly across to April, his hands making an "x."
"I'm sorry, he did what?" You turned towards Leo even though your question was for April.
"Hahaha! I uh-" Leo chuckled nervously as Mikey chimed in.
"He had us turn off our phones too! And made sure we were busy far away from you in case you needed a back up partner!"
You started stalking towards Leonardo who was awkwardly getting up from the couch to sneak away.
"I knew the moment he wasn't responding to his phone that something was amiss. Getting me to agree to look after Mayhem made sense when you had texted the group chat that he was a no-show. It had only taken me a minute to get dressed and teleport to the venue, and to archive how good I looked in a quick few selfies which was why I was almost late." Donnie explained, keeping the last bit to himself.
"Leo." You started, "Surely you didn't stand me up, leaving me to have a full blown panic attack and almost quit the contest entirely, did you? You wouldn't do that to a friend, right?" Your smile could freeze hell.
"I just remembered that I have something to do, uh, anywhere but here!" Leon opened a portal, and as he stepped through you turned to the rest of the family in the lair.
"And surely all of you didn't go along with this plan knowingly? Right? You wouldn't ditch your friend in need?"
There was a pregnant pause before everyone besides you and Donnie were scrambling for the portal, with Raph shouting something about a mission they forgot about and to not wait up.
You sighed as the portal closed. "I'm happy with the outcome, but I have mixed feelings about being played like this."
Donnie walked up to you. "Yes, I concur that the event did end with the most preferable of outcomes." He said this simply, but with the awkward habit he had of scratching his head when embarrassed you flushed at the possibility that he might be bringing up the kiss. Surely not!
You both looked at each other with a blush. No way, he can't seriously mean... he has to be talking about dancing with you! That's all!
"Yeah! Dancing with you was the best thing to happen! Your help winning the contest was just icing on the cake!" You smiled at him. This was honest. Winning of course was the goal, but the best part of tonight was getting to dance with Donnie and apologizing to him.
"That reminds me. You said that if you won thanks to my help you'd do something. What, uh, might that be that you were about to say earlier?" Donnie finally got a chance to bring it up again!
You blushed again and suddenly couldn't look him in the eye. "Um, well." Could you tell him that the kiss was what you were going to do? Would he take that as a thank you? Would it seem too conceited to think he would accept it? Is it too conceited to hope he'd liked it? You can't run anymore. (Literally, April took Mayhem with her!) So the best thing you can do is ask.
"What, uh, what would you like?"
At this Donnie covered his blush by putting his hand over his face as if thinking hard. He knew what he wanted! But would it be awkward to ask for another kiss? You had kissed him earlier so maybe there was a chance that you wanted to kiss him before a rush of dopamine from winning had taken over? No, but he can't hypothesize with only one data point! This seemed like a now or never moment, yet there were too many uncertainties! Too many questions!
That's it! He knew what to ask for.
"I want you to answer me honestly." He said looking you seriously in the eyes. You swallowed. You knew what he was going to ask before he asked, and you had wished he wouldn't.
"Why did you kiss me earlier?" Donnie asked carefully. He didnt want to seem too eager, but also didnt want to sound uninterested. He was trying to play it cool. Suave. Nonchalant. Luckily all of the sweat was pouring down the back of his neck and shell so you couldn't see it.
You hesitated, then eventually sighed, looking anywhere but his eyes. "Well I, I mean the obvious answer is that I kissed you because I was excited about the win, and since the win had had been because of you..."
"But..?" Donnie pushed. Saying that its the 'obvious answer' didn't mean that it was the only answer.
"But," you continued, finally looking back to him shyly, "I kissed you because... I wanted to kiss you. I really wanted to kiss you. I've wanted to for a while now and, tonight was just an excuse to do it." You carefully watched him as he raised a hand to his head.
"I.. Um, I mean. Wow, I'm short-circuiting." Donnie had a strange half-smile on his face. He was surely going to wake up from this dream any minute now! Tonight was beyond belief! He got to dance with you, got kissed by you, and now you're telling him that you've wanted to kiss him for a while?! That means you have feelings for him, right? That has to mean you do, obviously! Those two factors correlate! He found himself giggling a little to himself at how happy he was.
You on the other hand were so embarrassed that he had managed to squeeze a confession out of you tonight after all! You didnt want to do this! You were certain that reaction of his was positive, but this was all too embarrassing and you wanted nothing more than to escape.
"Ok, I answered your question! Thanks again for your help tonight! If you need me, I'll-"
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere!" Donnie grabbed ahold of your hand as you tried to slip away. You squealed as he spun you into him, and found yourself unable to hold back giggles as he dipped you low.
"I've wanted to do this for so long." He smirked down at you before leaning down and capturing your lips with his.
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tooneys-russo · 5 months
The Secrets We Keep
Plot: Ella and her twin Camden make the side for the Under 17 Jordan World Cup for England, there Alessia falls for Camden but she could never tell anyone outside of the camp.
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Chapter 1
There wasn’t much of a difference between the two Toone twins, they were both just as fiery as one another, but Camden was certainly a solo rider whereas Ella needed people around her. Both of the Toone twins were in the Manchester City academy and got a call up for the under 15 England team, Ella bonded with Alessia Russo and Camden got close with Lotte Wubben-Moy, the four of them always around each other. They all made it in the Under 17 World Cup side traveling to Jordan. Alessia arrived at the airport with her parents and her boyfriend Tom, they had been together a few  months and looked like a typical teen couple, they were cuddled up after check in when everyone was getting snacks. Camden rolled her eyes  as Ella joined the pair, she just joined Lotte at the store picking out a book. When they went to board the plane, Tom and Alessia shared a kiss. 
The four girls all sat together on the flight, Camden had packed a full bag of activities unable to sleep on any plane flights. After  three hours Lotte and Ella were both asleep leaving Camden and Alessia awake, the brunette grabbed out her PSP and the blonde stared at her. “You brought video games to the World Cup?” Camden nodded. “Yep, it will keep me occupied and it means I don’t have to talk to people.” Alessia rolled her eyes. “Oh yes because talking to me would be horrific.” Camden smirked and looked at Alessia. “I mean if you were the only person left to talk to then maybe I would have a five minute chat to you.” Alessia hit her gently. “Dick.” It was another few minutes of silence until Camden looked over and saw the blonde watching her play. “You want to play a video game too? I brought my Nintendo DS as well.” Alessia laughed softly. “Of course you did.” Camden reached into her backpack and handed the metallic blue device, handing it to the blonde. The two played their respective consoles, both girls glancing at the other. 
Alessia soon yawned and handed Camden back her device after an hour. “Thank you Cammie.” Camden blushed at the nickname, luckily the plane cabin was nice and dark. There was a weight on her shoulder as Alessia rested her head on Camden’s shoulder and was soon asleep. Camden couldn’t focus on her game with the blonde using her as a pillow, she soon joined the blonde falling asleep resting her head against the striker’s. The girls were woken by giggling, Ella and Lotte had taken a few pictures of them asleep, the two girls blushing as they looked at each other. 
Their room assignments were pretty typical, Lotte and Camden were in one room and their neighbours were Alessia and Ella. It was going to be a phenomenal experience, Lotte and Camden were sitting in the team lounge looking through a guidebook for Jordan. “I want to go to Petra.” Camden said excitedly as Alessia and Ella walked in. “Looking at tourist trips already?” Ella sat next to Camden and took the book. “What is that?” Camden gave Ella a run down of Petra. “Oh that sounds incredible.” Alessia smiled wide. “We will have a look at it in a few days when we have the day off. You are more than welcome to come with us.” Camden smiled. “Ellie is coming too.” The girls looked through and began planning their day off. 
Their first training session was hard, the girls were jet lagged and were struggling with the heat. Camden was a defender and was paired with Alessia in the drills, they were both physical and both were pulling at each other. Alessia pressed herself into Camden during one of the drills and the defender put her hands on Alessia’s hips, trying to focus on the drill itself. Before she knew it the ball was whipped into the box and Camden felt a hot pain on her face and immediately hit the ground. Alessia’s head had hit straight into Camden’s nose, leading to a bloody nose that made everything more dramatic than it was. “Oh my god Camden!” Alessia dropped to her knees and held Camden’s face in her hands. “I am so sorry! It was an accident, are you okay?” Alessia examined Camden as the medics ran over. “Nah it was my fault, I lost concentration.” She pinched her nose as the medics inspected her. Alessia stayed and put her hand on Camden’s knee as they checked over her. 
The medics stopped the blood and Alessia had made the decision to follow Camden while she was getting treated, there was blood on the defender’s shirt and Alessia examined Camden’s face. “Russo just relax. It happens, you are a tad taller than me so I am more impressed that I jumped that high.” Alessia sighed and pulled at Camden’s shirt. “Your shirt though Cammie.” Camden shrugged. “Makes me look tough. Might get me a girlfriend if I look badass.” Alessia laughed at Camden’s comment. “Oh yeah, total badass. Girls will be all over you.” Alessia wrapped her arm around Camden and they went back onto the field. 
After training the girls had a shower and met for dinner. Niamh came over and sat with Camden asking about her injury, a few of the other girls also came over and asked the girl how she was going. Alessia kept her eyes on Camden watching the interaction. Niamh invited Camden and then the rest of the table to watch a movie after dinner, which they were all more than happy to accept. As they all entered the theater Alessia sat with Ella and Lotte, Camden was lead by Niamh to another couch where they sat together, Alessia rolled her eyes and turned to Ella. “Is Niamh serious? It was just a blood nose she doesn’t need to check on her all night.” Ella smirked. “Don’t think Niamh is concerned about her nose, I think she is more focused on Camden in general.” Alessia sighed. “Yeah well she has been in a bunch of camps, she could have gotten to know her then.” Ella nudged the blonde. “Be careful Less, someone would think that you were a little jealous.” Alessia crossed her arms across her chest. “Not jealous.” 
Ella had always had a feeling that Alessia had a crush on Camden, it wouldn’t be the worst thing having the two date, but she knew that they were both too stubborn and nervous to ever admit it. They put on Bend It Like Beckham, Niamh was too close to Camden for Alessia’s liking, Camden put her arm around Niamh making her cuddle in a little. Alessia stood up and walked out of the theater and up to her room, Ella sighed and leant back on the chair sharing a knowing look with Lotte. The two followed Alessia back to the hotel room. “Less you okay?” Ella called out as she entered the room. “Yeah I am fine. Just seen that movie a bunch of times. Didn’t want to see it again.” She laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “Nothing to do with Niamh cuddling up with Camden? Maybe you have a little crush?” Ella sat on the end of the bed and Alessia turned so her back was facing Ella, she began crying and Ella and Lotte just cuddled the blonde until she fell asleep. Alessia would never admit to herself that she had feelings for another girl, even if those feelings had been bubbling for over a year. 
Camden walked Niamh back to her room, she kissed Niamh on her cheek gently wishing her goodnight. When Camden walked into her room she noticed that Lotte wasn’t there, she went to Ella’s room and knocked on the door. The Arsenal academy player opened the door, “Hey you weren’t in our room, everything okay?” Lotte nodded. “Yeah Less is just homesick.” Camden’s face dropped thinking about Alessia being upset, she walked past Lotte and saw Alessia asleep in the bed, Ella rubbing her back as she slept. “She okay?” Camden’s eyes didn’t move from the sleeping blonde. “Yeah Cam, she just misses home.” Camden sat in the chair by the table in the room and watched Alessia. There was silence between the three girls for about an hour, Ella was soon asleep on her own bed along with Lotte but Camden remained in the chair. Alessia woke up some time later and rubbed her eyes, she saw who she thought was Ella sitting in the chair and gasped. “Ella?” Camden smiled and shook her head. “Wrong one. Ella said you were homesick.” She slowly walked over to the bed and sat next to Alessia. “You okay? Our parents should be here before the first game. We will get to see them after that.” Alessia nodded and looked down. “Yeah, just homesick. How was the movie?” Camden shrugged. “Yeah you know, it’s a classic.” Alessia pulled her knees to her chest. “You seemed cuddled up, quite happy with Niamh.” Camden gently rubbed Alessia’s back. “I think she has a crush on me, she is sweet just not for me I don't think.” Alessia leant into Camden’s hand. “Why?” Camden sighed. “Dunno I just didn’t feel anything.”  Alessia nodded. “Want to come to mine and Lotte’s room? We can put on a movie or play video games or both. Whatever you want and need Less.” 
The blonde followed the defender into the other bedroom, it was incredibly neat and organised just like the two girls residing in it. It was the opposite of Alessia and Ella’s even though they had only been there a couple days. Camden motioned for Alessia to sit on her bed and grabbed out her video games, handing the DS to Alessia and sitting next to her. She picked a random movie and smiled at the blonde. “Hopefully this can take your mind off it.” They played for an hour until Camden yawned. “You need to sleep Cammie.” She shrugged. “Yeah and so do you.” Alessia nodded. “Yeah I do.” The two looked at each other, their eyes locked. Camden looked down. “I will sleep in Lotte’s bed.” Alessia grabbed her hand. “No.” She said quickly. “Can um, you sleep with me I am just so homesick.” Camden nodded and laid down with the blonde, she rubbed Alessia’s arm as she began to fall asleep. Camden cuddled into the girl who made her heart race and fell asleep soon after. 
Lotte and Ella woke up to Alessia not in her own bed and headed into Lotte and Camden’s room. They saw the striker and the defender cuddled up in the bed, Camden was holding Alessia close, spooning her. Ella rubbed Camden’s back to wake her. “Hey, you two need to start getting ready. We have breakfast and then another session.” Camden rubbed her eyes and got up from Alessia, she nodded and grabbed some clothes then headed to the bathroom. Once they heard the water running they woke up Alessia. “I see you had a great sleep last night.” Ella smirked and Lotte laughed. “We played some video games and we fell asleep. Simple as that.” Alessia stood up with a blush painting her cheeks. “You are wasting your time with Tom, just tell Camden how you feel.” Alessia sighed. “You and Camden are in Manchester, I am in London. It wouldn’t work.”
They headed to their training, Alessia and Camden had barely spoken at breakfast, Niamh sat with Camden but the twin’s eyes continued to glance at Alessia who would return the look every now and then. During training Alessia and Camden were paired again. “I promise not to give you a blood nose.” Alessia smiled. “Don’t worry, I will pay attention to your big head this time.” Alessia gasped and pushed Camden as she laughed. They were both impressive in the drills and even worked well together in the small sided game they played together in. They had an unspoken understanding of where each of them would be for the ball and the goal. After the training they showered, Alessia kept glancing at Camden as they headed to the game room. There was a pool table at the far end of the room, Camden and Lotte set up a game as Alessia and Ella came in. They split into teams Ella and Alessia up against Camden and Lotte. Alessia was shocking at pool, Ella was getting frustrated. “Alessia come on!” Camden laughed and got behind Alessia. “Hey, I can help you.” She held Alessia’s hips and pressed her body up against the blonde. She showed Alessia how to hold the cue, the two other girls shared a knowing look as Alessia bit her lip. She hit the ball perfectly and turned to Camden who was incredibly close to her. They stared at each other for a minute, Lotte cleared her throat and Camden stepped back quickly tripping over herself but steadying before she fell to the ground. “Um thanks.” Alessia said quickly and Camden nodded. The two girls didn’t look at each other for the rest of the pool game, with Camden and Lotte winning quite easily.
They headed back to their rooms and Camden laid back, covering her face. “Scale of 1 to 10 how big is your crush on Alessia?” Lotte smirked and sat on her own bed. “Is it that obvious?” Camden said into her hands. “You stare at her, glare at her boyfriend and spend as much time with her as you can without making it clear to everyone that you are desperate to be near her.” Camden groaned loud. “FUCK!” 
Ella got into bed as Alessia got dressed for bed. “You need to either tell Camden you like her, tell her you aren’t interested or dump Tom.” Alessia laid down and stared at the ceiling. “I know.” She turned out the light and kept staring at the ceiling. 
The following day a group of the girls headed on a tour of Petra. On the bus Ella and Lotte made a plan to sit next to each other forcing Alessia and Camden next to each other. It was around a two hour trip, Ella and Lotte were excited to see the two in close proximity for two hours. Alessia sat next to Camden and smiled at each other, Camden automatically handed the Nintendo DS to Alesia who began playing. Alessia leans against Camden to try and get more comfortable, she turns so that her back is against Camden’s arm and her legs hang in the aisle. Camden later turns so that she can put her back against the window, her legs on either side of Alessia and the blonde leans against her chest. Soon Camden put her game away and wrapped her arms around her waist and put her chin on her shoulder. Alessia smiled wide as she felt Camden on her shoulder and holding her tightly. Ella and Lotte took sneaky pictures of the two while giggling at the two cuddled up. “This level is hard Cammie.” Alessia pouted, Camden put her hands over Alessia’s and helped her with the level. 
Once they arrived at Petra the two girls had to separate from their cuddling, but they were so distracted by one another and didn’t even notice that Ella and Lotte weren’t with them. They took pictures and listened to the tour guide, Alessia tripped and grabbed onto Camden’s hand. “Hey you okay?” Camden steadied the blonde and she nodded. “Yeah, just clumsy.” They held hands for a moment then let them go. They walked towards the back, they took pictures together of the landmarks around them. There were some of the other girls whispering about the two of them being so close and away from everyone. Camden gave Alessia some facts about Petra and the blonde listened intently. The two were enthralled in each other and sat next to each other again on the bus, Alessia in between Camden’s legs on the bus ride back. They looked through their pictures together and took some more on the bus. 
Their first game was against North Korea, the girls sit in their changing rooms getting their last chat before they were heading out onto the field. Alessia grabbed onto Camden’s hand before they lined up. “Good luck Cammie, I know how amazing you are going to be.” Camden blushed and bit her lip. “You too Less. You are so phenomenal.” They smiled and lined up. It was an intense game, it was incredibly physical and they were 2-1 up at half time and were behind up until the 94th minute when Camden crossed a ball into the 18 yard box where Alessia jumped up and headed the ball into the goal. Alessia ran straight to Camden who jumped straight onto her and hugged her tightly. The rest of the team joined in on the celebrations. Alessia and Camden relished holding each other, even if the other girls were there as well. After the game Alessia hugged Camden again outside the changeroom. “What a ball Cammie! You are incredible!” Camden hugged Alessia back tightly. “You are the incredible one, what a goal!” The two stared at each other, Alessia leant in and kissed Camden quickly. Before Camden was able to process what had happened, Alessia was gone. 
At dinner that night Alessia scanned the room to see if Camden was there just to avoid sitting with her, Camden had never made it to dinner she had just gone straight to her room. Ella and Lotte sat with Alessia who just stared at her food. “You okay Less?” Ella looked at the blonde girl with some concern. “Yeah, just tired I guess.” Lotte and Ella looked at each other. “You and Cam are both stuffed, she went straight to our room.” Alessia looked up at Lotte. “She isn’t eating?” Lotte shook her head. Alessia got up and grabbed one of the cakes from the buffet and headed up to Camden and Lotte’s room. She stood outside the bedroom composing herself before she knocked on the door. “Ella I am not hungry I just -” The door opened and Camden stood there in a pair of shorts and an old Manchester United shirt. “You weren’t at dinner. Ella said you were tired so I brought you some cake.” Alessia handed over the cake wrapped in a napkin. Camden smiled softly at the gesture and took it, she stood aside allowing the blonde to enter. “I kissed you.” Alessia said after a moment of silence between the two. “I’m aware, I was kind of there.” Camden looked down, not moving from the now closed door, Alessia sat down on the bed. “I don’t know why I did it. Well I do. But I don’t know why I did it this time.” Camden looked at Alessia confused. “Alessia, what are you talking about?” Camden walked over to the blonde and sat in the chair across from where Alessia was sitting. “I have wanted to kiss you before. But I just bury it and pretend I don’t. I couldn’t this time. I had to, it was killing me.” Alessia let a tear fall from her eyes, Camden wiped it from her cheek. “It’s okay. I have wanted to kiss you for a while too. But that boyfriend of yours makes it a little tough.” Alessia hadn’t even thought about Tom the whole time. “I am only with him because my parents like him. I don’t know what they would do if they knew.” Camden sighed and put her hands on Alessia’s shoulders. “Look, I don’t want you worrying about that. We are away from them at the moment, it is just us here.” Camden lifted Alessia’s chin so she could look into her blue eyes. Alessia stared into Camden’s eyes, she leant in and kissed her softly to begin with then deepened it after a moment. Camden matched the blonde striker’s passion and put her hand on the back of Alessia’s neck. They pulled apart, both of them keeping their eyes closed as they caught their breath. 
“I am sorry I ran off before.” Alessia looked down, Camden smiled. “Don’t be. It was a really good kiss, plus you just made up for it.” Alessia smiled and grabbed Camden’s shirt, pulling her on top of her on the bed. The two girls laughed as they kissed deeply. Camden moved a piece of hair from Alessia’s face and tucked it behind her ear. “You are so beautiful.” Camden smiled wide at the girl below her. The two talked for a few hours before they fell asleep in each others arms in Camden’s bed. Ella and Lotte walked into the room to see if the girls were okay, once they saw they were more than okay they decided to sleep in Ella and Alessia’s room so the girl would have some privacy. 
The rest of the tournament had the same routine, the girls would have breakfast together, either train or have games then wind down together. The whole time Camden and Alessia were like the perfect couple, most of the girls on the camp knew exactly what was going on between the two of them. They were constantly together and cuddled up, they made sure not to do anything around the parents so that Alessia wouldn’t have to have an awkward conversation. 
Their last night was what everyone was looking forward to, everyone went to dinner and then for their last walk in Jordan. Alessia and Camden were holding hands as they walked through a garden, they took pictures together making sure they had memories of the time they had together. They shared kisses and whispered sweet nothings to each other, they were in their own world enjoying every second together. 
As the team got onto their flight home after their defeat to the eventual tournament winners North Korea, Alessia ensured that she sat next to Camden. The two watched movies together and when the other girls fell asleep they took their chance to make out, it was a five hour flight but they wished it were longer. They knew that once the plane landed they would have to go back to their old life, meaning that Alessia would go back to Tom and Camden would head back to Manchester. Both girls were close to tears as the plane landed, everyone got off the plane but Alessia and Camden just stayed in their seats holding onto their last moments together. Camden made the first move to stand up closely followed by Alessia, “I don’t want to get off the plane, Cammie.” Camden sighed and put on her backpack. “Me either, but we have to. The real world awaits. Maybe one day we can actually be together, for real.” Alessia pulled Camden close for one final passionate kiss, once they walked off the plane they were back to being just friends. Camden’s heart broke as Alessia hugged Tom once she got off the plane and saw her family again. Camden didn’t look over at the happy reunion, she kept her head down and went to baggage claim. 
The two girls parted ways until the next time they would see each other, who knew when that would be.
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lorienn-art · 7 months
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FR [Venus] Heyy Voici ma dernière illustration! J'avais le croquis prêt depuis quelques mois déjà mais je n'ai pu commencer la peinture que seulement depuis ces dernières semaines haha.. Mais je suis très heureuse de comment elle a tournée ! Évidemment cette illu a été inspirée par la représentation générale de la naissance de Vénus en art (en particulier celle de Botticelli) mais je voulais malgré tout faire ma propre version : alors que dans les tableaux représentant sa naissance, Vénus est souvent représentée comme timide/pudique ou passivement langoureuse, je voulais donner une vision de Vénus plus active et fière — je veux dire qu'elle est la déesse de l'amour et de la beauté, pourquoi voudrait-elle cacher son corps ? Pourquoi serait-elle une petite chose fragile et innocente ? Je voulais aussi insister sur son caractère adulte : même si le corps que je représente est jeune, ce n'est pas le corps d'une enfant ou d'une adolescente, c'est le corps d'une femme adulte Voilà, je pense que c'est tout ce que j'avais à peu près à dire sur cette illustration, j'espère qu'elle vous plaira ! 💖✨️ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
EN [Venus] Heyyy Here is my last illustration! I've had the sketch done for months but I was only able to paint it these past few weeks haha.. But I'm really happy of how it turned out! Obviously this piece was inspired by the general representation of the birth of Venus in art (especially Botticelli's) but I still wanted to do my own version: whereas in paintings representing her birth, Venus is often depicted as shy/modest or passively languid, I wanted to give a way more active and proud vision of Venus — I mean, she's the goddess of love and beauty, why would she hide her body? Why would she be a frail and innocent thing? I also wanted to insist on her "adultness": even if I depicted a young body, this is not the body of a child nor of a teenager, this is the body of an adult woman Yeah I think that's all I pretty much wanted to say on this piece, I hope you'll like it! 💖✨️
Uncensored version:
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magistralucis · 3 months
Observations on the French version of The Infinite and the Divine
1.. I always thought if English has to be translated into anything, French is one of the top 3 most straightforward languages to do it in. At first glimpse this is a direct translation of the English text. Good for cross-referencing, but I'm not anticipating a great deal of unusual localizations or woolseyisms, not that such things are usually at the translator's liberty with novels like these.
2. That said, the Trazyn vs. aeldari farseer encounter is excellent. The warning she gives him is the same (including the planet's demand for 'le sang de Trazyn'), but there's something special about watching him receiving this warning, immediately paying for it with his bodily death, then springing back up with a deadpan 'bon sang!'. Hits a lot better than 'this world sings for the blood of Trazyn' / 'damn!' imo. A nice little linguistical coincidence.
3. When I first read 'le tétrarque' I was thinking tetrarch of... what exactly??? But no that's just the French translation for a necron overlord. 😅 The term of address is 'messire', directly equivalent to 'my lord'
4. Sannet addresses Trazyn formally, while Trazyn tutoyers Sannet. I've yet to find out if Trazyn addresses anyone else in Solemnace this way.
5. Orikan and Trazyn, on the other hand, vousvoyer each other religiously. They don't even drop formality when they're insulting each other as the lowest of the low, and I'm not finding any instances of them doing so while skimming the pages. There's a great deal of coldness between them, but they don't deliberately talk down to each other either. I'll have to come back to this point later when I have a better grasp of French!T/O's dynamic
6. Not sure if I like 'factionnaires' as a translation for 'lychguard'. From what I can tell the French is simply the word for a sentinel or a guardsman, whereas the English is a pun on 'lych (lich)' + 'guard' = 'corpse/undead-guard' = 'body-guard'... just feels like they could've come up with a more clever translation, you know? Or am I missing something? Let me know if you can.
7. Wait Phillias is a svelte stunner? ('La femme élancée') She's definitely tall and stunning, but I always thought she was more on the side of 'built like a goddamned brick wall' or something
8. 'Salopard' 😩👎💢
9. I have emotions towards dream-pipes and wish Zuberkar could've gotten his back
10. Actually Orikan does tutoyer something: the Mysterios. And Trazyn referred to the aeldari gem earlier with a 'tu' as well. This is normal 'tu' usage in French, but it's notable that in the original English Trazyn and Orikan were both specifically addressing those objects as if they were persons. They're not that different, cooing softly at the objects they hold dear.
11. Trazyn is not on familiar terms with his chief librarian ('et apportez-moi tout ce que vous avez sur la Guerre Céleste…') or presumably his copyist crypteks, but he does use 'tu' consistently with his main crypteks (Khybur, Sannet, Tekk-Nev). 'Mes chers fidèles'!
12. Not a French-specific thing but oh my god the vicarious embarrassment Trazyn must've felt over seeing Orikan crowing his supposed victory over Vishani always gets me jghfhhdhshs
13. La tête 😳 ordonna Orikan💫 à l’Immortel 🔫 Prends ton temps 🤯🤪
That's it for Act 1. Will add more in further reblogs.
Disclaimer: not a native French speaker, also have not previously read French WH40K articles/wikis/literature/etc. I'm likely missing out on many linguistical curiosities, so if anyone else has this edition of I&D, I'd love to hear your thoughts ✨
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exy4life · 2 months
Hear me out.
Battle for the Sun by Placebo
= Tomarry.
listen to me. if you are an avid enjoyer, or a fanatic (like moi) you need to give this song a listen while reading the ship. it is quite literally the best suited song for the dynamic. The lyrics and the implications behind them are out of this world and so is the masterful scenery that gets visualized in you head while listening to it.
“Dream brother, my killer, my lover”
this is what caught me off guard when listening to this for the first time, since i think this is exactly their relationship.
dream brother = brother wands, souls intertwined, their existence depending on the ither to me is so biblical, but who am i to judge! anyways, there is so much familiarity between these two, they almost know the other if not as well as, than better than themselves. you can’t tell that familiarity so profound doesn’t hint at destiny to be with each other or not be at all.
my killer = now this is a prophecy. the intimate relationship between killer and victim is often so misguided and depicted in a horrifyingly disgusting way, that i genuinely feel sick. Whereas whenever i find myself perusing a fanfiction that involves one of them murdering the other, there is a perverse satisfaction that comes from your beloved taking the only thing that matter to them — your life. The Tomarry writers can make it out to be so romantic, and often times the actual act of killing doesn’t even occur — BUT horcruxes. ‘my killer’ reeks of simplicity, because how else could you interpret it? well in this fandom nothing is as simple as it seems. My Killer, because Harry destroys the horcruxes, because Voldemort kills Harry in the forest (while aslo killing a piece of himself, now isn’t this poetic justice?)
my lover = many people will contradict the relationship based on age appropriate reasons or even their own preference, but be that as it may, we all have to make the informed decision (even if we cannot come to terms with it) that Tomarry is superior to all the others regarding tropes, seldom writing as well.
If you’ve come so far, thank you for reading this!! I’m not posting out of my own volition, it is akin to Tom taking power over me and writing this himself. i feel like he would wholly agree with this.
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kilfeur · 5 months
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Alors je sais pas si ça compte comme une différence. Mais dans la version anglaise, le mc peut dire "Ne te rabaisse pas", "Tu es vraiment cool toi aussi" tandis que que dans la version française on a "Mais non te rabaisse pas" ou bien "Tu es génial comme tu es". Et autant la première phrase c'est pareil. Autant la deuxième je suis pas sûre, en terme de sens, je pense que ça marche. Car le mc lui dit qu'il est cool lui aussi malgré ce qu'il a fait. Mais j'ai une préférence pour "Tu es génial comme tu es" qui selon moi montre que malgré les torts de Kassis. Le mc voit Kassis tel qu'il est.
Le screenshot vient pas de moi mais d'un let's play
So I don't know if that counts as a difference. But in the English version, the mc can say "Don't sell yourself short", "You're really cool too" whereas in the French version we have "But no! Don't sell yourself short" or "You're great just the way you are". And while the first sentence is the same. I'm not sure about the second, but in terms of meaning, I think it works. Because the mc is telling him that he's cool too, despite what he's done. But I prefer "You're great just the way you are", which shows that despite Kieran's faults. The MC sees Kieran for what he is
The screenshot is not mine but from a let's play
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mejomonster · 8 months
Out of nowhere lol: atelier pierrot is one of my favorite lolita fashion brands and maybe worth checking out if you like gothic lolita, or some of the old school lolita look in terms of simpler colors/less patterns/more plaids/more frills. Atelier pierrot ships overseas so you can purchase it from their site instead of a reseller, the prices vary and during sales is a good time to check out. They carry a few gothic lolita brands (I like marble, atelier pierrot, and moi meme moite).
And for plus size specifically they have a Physical Drop line that I love. Personally I love every physical drop piece they've got ToT. I have 4 pieces from that line... the free waist is fairly generous (as in I think American XL fits it easily and comfortably, American 2XL would probably fit it as well, and if you like me often find yourself unable to fit lolita brand sizing or needing to buy like the 2XL-4XL on bodyline, the physical drop line is such a relief tbh) then you control the tightness of the waist with a tie bow. I really personally like the way the free waist was designed because like with my health situation sometimes I bloat 10 or more pounds within a day, or my abdomen hurts a lot, and being able to control how loose a dress feels immediately is really nice. If I'm having a bad health day I can still wear my physical drop pieces without pain or discomfort. Whereas a lot of my other lolita dresses are pretty unforgiving and only have about 1-2 inches maximum give room if I'm in pain (and usually the give is more like 0.5 an inch on most of them). For comfort reasons this line is my favorite line period of any fashion I've gotten... it's nice to be both styled cute the way I wanted and comfortable ToT also an FYI on the physical drop pieces, they're all made of thin breathable cotton and I love that about them. The quality feels amazing, and because of the thinness of the material I wasn't too hot wearing them in the summer. They're like my favorite dress clothes/professional clothes for work hands down. The sleeves also have breathing room if you have big arms like me, my problem with a lot of lolita brands is I usually can't even buy long sleeves (I have to get jsks usually) because if the arms aren't loose elastic cuffs with looser very roomy sleeve sections then my arms won't fit through them. So most of my stuff from other brands is jsks with straps.
I own this physical drop dress which probably surprises no one
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The whole look of the pieces also hits the kind of lolita look with frills on the sleeves and solid color/plaid patterns that looks more like the kind of lolita dresses that got me into it in the first place. Over the top sweet lolita fashion is super popular right now (and I get why, it's very cool) but like my tastes are not big on accessories and many patterns to work on coordinating together. Also I personally tend to use some of my lolita fashion pieces also for pieces of work outfits, or with vintage clothes i have, when I'm just making fun outfits not particularly lolita styled ones, and the simple colors make it easier for me to coordinate with more of the rest of my closet.
Ahh this marble dress. I'm in love. I dont own this cause I feel with a coat I own I could make a similar look but. Man I remember playing The World Ends With You and wanting to get the lolita brand clothes in the game that reminded me of this kind of look, and that's what I was really into honestly style wise
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This dress is also!! Although it's way too much for me
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natequarter · 4 months
sophie bone for the character asks?
favourite thing about them: only one? she's hot, she's smart, she's a dead tudor catholic, she takes the initiative, she refuses to communicate with her husband except in mime, okay maybe not that last one
least favourite thing about them: i mean attempted murder is pretty high up there, but probably that she decides to flee without humphrey?? this is admittedly also his fault but the actual extent to which he can hold off the guards is probably very limited and he's definitely going to die that way whereas if he flees he'll only probably die. take him with you, girl!
favourite line: not sure. none of her lines are particularly striking on their own, though 'moi... joyeuse?' has a classic charm and 'death to queen bess' says it all, really
brOTP: robin is the correct answer here, but since they never interact - humphrey. i mean, he also barely interacts with her, but there's something there, a shred of genuine affection that never has the chance to develop
OTP: see above. humphrey and sophie don't hate each other, they were just fucked over by circumstance and also sophie's stubbornness. within canon it doesn't make sense to me for their relationship to be romantic, but outside of that? bring on the pining and ust
nOTP: er. barclay? it's not like she's met most of the cast of ghosts...
random headcanon: she and humphrey have definitely had at least one ill-advised shag that they both tried to forget about. they couldn't look each other in the eyes for days, which was fine, because they already weren't doing that
unpopular opinion: her timeline makes no sense and she was definitely born in the mid-1540s not the 1530s she's a monarchist. she lived in the sixteenth century! she wants to replace one monarch and religious intolerance with another monarch and even more religious intolerance. not that she isn't cool, because she is, but she's not enlightened or feminist or anything like that. no one in the 1500s is
song i associate with them: i'm afraid i don't have one for sophie
favourite picture of them: when she's sitting around reading poetry instead of plotting england's destruction. she is so pretty
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ben-the-hyena · 2 years
You know I realized
Dick the 2nd admits in one comic that he knows he could just stop cheating to win but happily chooses not to because it's more fun to do it that way since he's a villain
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Which echoes to WRF Dick (whom I want to remind in my headcanon is Dick the 4th aka his grandson) who gets irritated at Muttley 4 for even suggesting crossing the line fairly, because as he insists cheating is what makes it fun
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If we go with my personal HC they're related and how it's obvious they both love to be evil racers, this could imply Dick the 2nd was a good (hem) influence for Dick the 4th who wanted to be like him and grew like him, even including red and a similar hat in his attire unlike Dick the 3rd who was closer to Dick the 1st. Dick the 2nd and Dick the 4th were perhaps close
Which then brings again Dick the 3rd's difference. He who resents his father and became a cheating racer only out of family pressure and as a possible subconscious mean to get closer to him, cheats to win not just because it's fun, but as if he often forgets he doesn't have to. Whenever he is reminded he can play fairly, unlike his father and son who go "yes and ? It's more fun that way" he bugs out as if that was an alternative he had never thought of, or something that literally makes no sense. He is even willing to do bets that he is able to do a whole race withour cheating (and even if he doesn't win he still wins the bet) As if not only showing the cheating part was part of the pressure, but also that even if he is a sadistic villain he mostly does it to mimick and not because he has as much fun as the others. Another proof the poor dude really doesn't have the life he wants no matter how he pretends to and just rolls with it instead of truly living it. Ouch
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skzhocomments · 7 months
Hello can i request one where the reader and Taemin casually meet eachother in Paris, and they have flashbacks because the city was their last trip together before breakup? Thanks:)))
Hello! TYSM for submitting a request. I know it took some time, but I got to writing it, and I hope you will enjoy it!
Rencontre moi à Paris (Lee Taemin)
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Pairing: Lee Taemin (of SHINee) x Reader / OC (story is written in first person and no name is mentioned)
Genre: angst, romance, mature
Word Count: ~3.8k
Warnings: mature, swearing, angst, explicit sexual content.
This is just a story that doesn’t describe Taemin's true character in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on Wattpad (click here) and AO3 (click here)
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
Summary: basically the request
Mature content ahead.
©storminsidemycore All Rights Reserved
Rencontre moi à Paris (Lee Taemin)
Bustling cafés, crowded streets, and people rushing either to their jobs, or to the newest art gallery with temporary exhibitions opened in town.
The rampant palaces, domes and monuments built in a Gothic style contrast the tall buildings with intricate sculpted designs, making the city the perfect mix between modern and traditional, between functional and pleasant to look at.
It's already been 5 years since I've last been here, and walking through these busy streets again feels simply surreal. Many memories I tried to forget about are resurfacing, and even though I enjoy seeing this city again, my mind wanders off to that time, and it feels bittersweet.
I breathe in the November air and continue walking, the familiar unfamiliarity somewhat comforting, and after 20 minutes of going through narrow passages in-between boulevards, I finally reach my destination, and I'm glad to see it's still here, opened, despite the unappealing area that's surely deprived of tourists to keep it alive.
Rencontre moi à Paris – or 'Meet me in Paris', a café I accidentally stumbled upon last time I came here after getting lost with my then-boyfriend.
The weather that time was similar as it is now, and I, too, am similar, even if it's been 5 years since then. The only difference is that now I have an umbrella, whereas then we stumbled upon this café soaked wet and dripping from the merciless rain outside, both of us unequipped and powerless against the black November clouds. That was nothing new, though, as we almost always ventured into things unprepared, head-first as if we were invincible, and our relationship was no different.
Maybe that's why it all went down in flames, leaving me this acidic feeling in my stomach.
It's funny, really. I haven't thought about him in years, but being here, all of the sudden I'm the same 25-year old girl with hopes and dreams, madly in love with him, and heartbroken by his absence, to the point of no return. This truly makes me realise that I never got over him, and I probably never will. It's just that the gaps between thinking about him got longer, they became years instead of seconds, and I somehow turned 30 and haven't seen or spoken to him in 5 years.
After standing like an idiot in front of the café in the pouring rain, I realise that it's best to walk in. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans immediately invades my nostrils, and I smile to myself noticing the décor is still the same, with vintage round metal tables and matching slightly rusted chairs in front of the large arched windows viewing the street.
I head to the table I once shared with him, displeased to notice a half drunk coffee cup with steam still coming out of it, and a discarded coat on the back of the chair.
Tsk. I utter to myself and sit down at the next table, my back turned to that space filled with good memories and laughter.
I lazily grab the menu and skim through it, pondering between a hot tea and a coffee. On one hand, I'm feeling pretty tired and could use the caffeine, but on the other, bad weather is most enjoyable with a cup of warm tea, so I settle for some green tea, the perfect mix.
Looking outside absent-mindedly, I follow the raindrops fallen on the large glass windows. There is no sign of anyone brave enough to set out in this weather. I don't hear the person behind me returning to their seat, and I get startled when they tap me two times on the shoulder.
I turn around, and my eyes can't believe what I'm seeing. I must've gone as white as a ghost, because he starts chuckling immediately, his warm smile sending alarm bells to my poor heart, that started beating faster.
There he is, dressed in black trousers and a black fitted turtleneck, with his brown hair and perfect pearly whites, looking at me with surprise in his eyes.
"It's really you! How weird to meet you here!" He exclaims with a soft chuckle, and I stand up, shocked.
"Taemin...?" His name plays on my lips, burning my tongue. I haven't said it out loud in years. In fact, I avoided it like the plague, afraid of what saying it would make me think about, but now that I said it, it felt like it was the most natural word that ever came out of my mouth, like my lips missed it, and they wanted me to shout it out all this time I've stayed silent.
All of a sudden, his arms encircle my body and he pulls me in for a hug, and my body reacts unconsciously, grabbing onto his waist and holding tightly, not wanting to let go.
However, we let go, as we can't possibly stay embraced in the middle of a café. I'm not sure he wanted to, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him, feeling my eyes swell up with tears that I try to swallow back. He looks like he's moved on, and his life looks amazing, and everything is fine, but I... don't really want him to know about mine. I tried so hard to stay away from him, but now...
"I should be asking you the same thing." He chuckles. "Would you join me for a cup of coffee? Or a warm tea, since I know it's your favourite drink when it rains."
I smile, remembering how attentive he's always been about my likes and dislikes. Even when we accidentally found this café 5 years ago, we got caught up in the rain because I mentioned in passing that I'd love to see an unknown painter's works and he found an exhibition in some obscure museum with 15 reviews on Maps. With his bad sense of direction and both our phones discharged, we unsurprisingly got lost, and ended up finding this place to take shelter in from the rain.
I nod and sit down at his table, in my exact same spot from the past, just as the waitress brings me my green tea, her eyes scanning the familiarity between me and the man in front of me.
"Being here, I kept thinking about us. What have you been up to?" He asks me with curiosity, slightly leaning in, as if he would hear me better. He always used to do that in the past, which I loved. It felt like being listened to, being heard.
"Oh, you know... just the usual. Work, chill in bed with Kkoong, meeting up with friends. Nothing much, and certainly not as interesting as what you've been doing." I smile, pointing at his successful career.
"Mhm. Even if my work took off, I truly am the same simple guy I was when we used to-" He abruptly stops and scans my face, before changing the subject. "Anyway, is Kkoong good? Ddaeng misses you two."
"I miss you- I mean, I miss Ddaeng as well." I correct quickly, mentally slapping myself for letting my heart take the lead.
Of course I missed him. So many years have passed, and I am still stuck in a state of inertia. Being with him here again, at this same café, feels like we are still the same clueless 25-year-olds, visiting Paris for the first time, full of hopes and dreams that would only end up crashing and burning in front of our eyes as the weight of the world got too much for us to bear, and love doesn't conquer all.
Taemin doesn't seem to mind my little slip-up. He knows how I've always worn my heart on my sleeve. After all, we've been together for many years, before ultimately breaking up. He knows me the best, and I know him like the back of my hand, still.
"The name of this café is pretty ironic." He says, and I raise an eyebrow.
"Ironic? How so?"
"I mean, Meet me in Paris? Isn't it funny that I've searched for you everywhere in Seoul, but I ended up finding you here, in a café lost in time on the outskirts of Paris?" He looks at his coffee cup, now empty.
Perhaps as empty as the two of us.
Taemin has always been like this, expressing himself in cryptic ways, especially when it comes to feelings that don't easily lend themselves to words.
He searched for me? I wouldn't have known.
When we broke up, I decided to let go of everything I once knew, and left my life with him behind. I took Daeng and I left, I changed my number, deleted my socials, and did everything to stay out of radar, while Taemin did the exact opposite, being everywhere: on billboards, in magazines, on TV...
We were simply too different from each other. We lived in incompatible worlds.
"I also didn't expect you to be here." I smile. "Isn't a star like you too busy to waste his time in a deserted café?" I mock his fame, and he blushes. "Also, I assume the drinks are on you."
"Of course they are!" He exclaimed quickly.
"I don't know, you used to be pretty stingy with money." I shrug playfully, and his cheeks only grow redder. He gets embarrassed and avoids my gaze, before scratching his nape and starting apologetically.
"I was kind of an ass, wasn't I?"
We both laugh, and we talk about anything and everything, watching as day turns to night and noticing the exasperated gaze of our waitress.
"The poor girl wants to go home." I say after a while, noticing her sighing for the 10th time in the past 3 minutes. We've been her only clients today, and she probably hated us for spending so many hours and ordering drinks one after another.
"Would it be so inappropriate of me... to invite you back to my hotel?" Taemin asks hesitantly, and I so desperately wished I had the power to refuse him.
But I don't refuse him, because I missed him, and I want him so much still, and just for these few hours spent talking to him, I felt like breaking up with him might've been a mistake, because I was so painfully still in love with him.
He is perhaps but a guilty pleasure.
We walk out of the café at the end of the world and begin walking slowly next to each other. The rain has stopped, and even if the ground is still wet, Paris stays pretty.
The way we are quietly walking next to each other is in such a stark contrast to how we left the café 5-years ago, embraced, and in love, and loud, that it's almost funny. Maybe we've matured in the meantime, or maybe we just aren't brave enough to grab onto each other so openly in the street anymore.
Maybe we simply aren't as happy. Taemin used to smile so much more brightly, being able to light up any room he was in with his cheerfulness. I've never been that joyful, except for when we were together, because he used to bring out the best in me, until he didn't.
Actually, thinking about it, Paris was not only our last trip together, but also the last time I recall being happy next to him. We broke up not even one month after, and it felt so life-altering in that moment, that it's funny to think that it was simply a regular Wednesday morning. Caught in the moment, he said things he regretted, and I paid him back in the same coin, and it was just the last drop that filled the glass of on-going arguments and differences between our life choices.
I know that we didn't work out because we wanted different things from life, but at the end of the day, it's just water under the bridge.
We continue walking to the hotel without saying much, and I wonder how people see us. In the past, they would be looking at us and chuckling to themselves seeing two dumb idiots in love, but now, there was a palpable tension in the distance between our bodies, that wanted nothing more than to touch each other again.
Of course, his hotel is 5 stars in a good area, and his room is on the last floor. We hop on the elevator and wait and wait and wait, and it's moving so slow, it's eating at me and making me reconsider if this really is a good idea.
Last time we were together, we made out everywhere. On the street, on empty hallways, under the burning eyes of the paintings at the museum – but now?
I turn around with determination and watch how awestruck he is still looking at me, 5 years later, and I wrap my arms around his neck and let my body take the lead, remembering his. Our lips brush against each other shily, but after a few seconds, automatism kicked in.
It's way too easy to fall back into each other's arms.
We start kissing passionately, his hands holding onto my hips so tightly, it might bruise, as if he were afraid I would disappear if he didn't hold onto me, and he pins me up against one of the walls and sticks his tongue down my throat. It's so obvious that my mouth missed him, as they sync perfectly, and it feels as good as it feels bad, like we're eating popping candy each time our tongues touch.
Thankfully no one joins us in the elevator, and Taemin keeps grabbing onto me as we make our way towards his room, that's so large it's ridiculous.
We had limited financial resources back then, so our rooms when travelling were always small and cramped, but we were in love, and it didn't matter. A room this large must've felt cold, when he was here alone.
My back finds the mattress of his king size bed quickly as he undresses me hungrily, and soon enough I am naked waist-down and he is towering over me with a look of raw desire in his eyes.
He presses small pecks on my abdomen and kisses downwards slowly and sloppily, until his mouth makes contact with my thigh, and he spreads my legs apart. I let him do whatever he wants, I just revel in the feeling and let my body remember how he felt like on top of me.
When his mouth connects to my core, tongue licking stripes up and down, I roll my head back and put my hand in his hair, caressing him gently, letting him know what a good job he's doing. He's always loved praise, especially in bed. I wonder if his partners after me knew how to praise him; these small gestures and touches that make him feel appreciated.
His tongue continues working on my clit for a bit, before he moves it down, teasing my entrance, just as he knows I like it.
"You taste so good, baby." He says, letting his tongue enter me, and I moan.
"Taemin, please." I whine, impatient to feel him more.
"Please what?" He chuckles, and I playfully slap him on the head, when he looks at me, a dumb smirk playing on his lips.
"I want you so bad." I whimper, and his smirk drops. He immediately gets on top of me, pressing his body against mine, as if he were my knight and I, his Queen, and I've commanded him something.
There is no time to think anything through with the urgency he's undoing his belt, and the feeling of fullness is quick to overcome me as he slips his dick in me, thrusting mercilessly as if it's the last time we're ever going to be together.
And it might be.
The room is filled with moans and whimpers, and we hang onto each other desperately, our bodies remembering each other perfectly. Our clothes are quick to disappear completely. He slips my blouse off and clasps off my bra, his mouth instantly connecting to my nipples, and I, with the same neediness, grab on his turtleneck and help him take it off. Seeing his naked body, I involuntarily clench around him, and the way he moans sends shivers down my spine.
"I missed you so fucking much." He says, voice full of painful beauty as he kisses my collarbones and nibbling on the sweet spot between them and my neck, and I melt once again against his touch, and I know that I'm going to get my heart broken again, but once you start something and the lines start blurring, it's already too late to stop, for you get greedy and you want more.
"I missed you too." I cry out and indulge myself in his touch.
The way he caressed my body was still the most intimate someone touched me. I've had my fair share of partners before him, and many others after, and this still hasn't changed. Taemin's body and mine are made for each other, and this fact gives my heart a sharp pang.
"My love, ever since I lost you, I searched for you in every woman I've been with. I am no longer creative, and I so desperately want it all back, the way it was. I want us back." He confesses while he's thrusting in me.
But what point is there in wanting? I think, but it's so hard to stay focused, with his dick grazing against my sweet spot over and over, when I'm almost seeing stars.
My toes become a curling mess and I wrap around him, and oh, how well he knows me, for he realises I'm so close, and knows exactly how to move his hips right, and I reach my high and hold him so tight, our shadows become one, completely indistinguishable. It's so good that I start getting ashamed of the loud sounds I'm making. Taemin, however, doesn't seem to mind, it even seems to send him over the edge, because his thrusts become sloppy, and his eyes are closed tightly; he looks focused, faint lines on his forehead giving him away.
I am moaning his name, and he is moaning mine, and dancing the Devil's tango has never felt so right, but in the end, if what we're doing is a sin, then we should just be sinners.
He presses his plum lips on mine, muffling both our moans, and he comes inside me, cupping my face with his hands.
"My muse, please don't leave me again... I promise you I won't make the same mistakes..." He kisses me hard, and if until now I was able to control my tears, they are now breaking my wall of strength, and he wipes them off my cheeks with his thumbs and kisses them away.
"Taemin... empty promises will wear..." I say, and he shakes his head.
"Please... don't leave me again... I've just found you..." He insists, sounding so needy, I melt. But how can I go back to how we were in the past? What if what he's feeling for me is not love, but limerence?
I no longer want to make any mistakes. We were so wrong for each other; what guarantee is there that this time we'll get it right?
At the end of the day, we are still different people, living our lives in different ways, so...
He guides me to the bathroom and we wash each other, just as we used to do. Five years ago, when we came here, we had such a small bathroom, we barely had space to shower at the same time. This bathroom now, however, is so much bigger, it's almost uncomfortable.
There's too much space between us we simply can't fill.
We then head to bed and fall asleep embraced, but as I always used to, I wake up way too early, and being tangled up in his sheets like this makes me think that maybe giving us another chance wouldn't be so bad. However, even if we share the same bed, we still have different dreams, and that's not something that can get changed easily. If it were, we would've never broken up in the first place.
I get up, careful not to wake him up, and get dressed slowly, thinking thinking thinking thinking.
I could get out and make sure he'll never see me again.
But... is that what I really want?
~one year later~
Paris is still the same bustling city I remembered it to be, but my safe corner is as quiet as usual.
Rencontre moi à Paris still smells of coffee beans, the chairs are still rusted, and not much has changed in a year, except for the wallpaper on the wall that's slightly ripped around the corners.
I slowly head to my table, occupied by a brunette man in a black fitted turtleneck, who sits with his back turned.
I don't say anything, I simply walk over and sit right in front of him, in my empty chair, and he raises his gaze from the cup, his eyes glimmering in the soft lights.
"Taemin." I smile. "You really came."
"You're fucking crazy." He shakes his head in disapproval. "Who leaves like that?"
"Like what?" I chuckle and play dumb.
"Like what?" He imitates me, and I stick out my tongue at him. "Normal people leave their phone numbers at least, but you?! You fucking- who the hell leaves a note like this?!" He angrily takes out a napkin carefully folded and throws it on the table in front of me.
Rencontre moi à Paris, 18 November, 15:00. Is what is written in pen in my handwriting.
Seeing it, I chuckle.
"You kept it!"
"What if I wouldn't have been able to change my schedule and come here?" He scolds me, but I just shrug.
"That would've meant nothing's changed, and that I made the right choice to not give you my number last year."
"I told you, didn't I? I won't make the same mistakes again. I really want to make us work."
"Then... shall we go back to your hotel? I really missed you. Besides, we don't want the waitress to stare daggers at us again, do we?" I whisper with a slight laugh and stand up, giving him my hand, and he takes it quickly and kisses it tenderly.
"I missed you too, my love. Please never disappear on me again..."
I smile and nod, and we get out of the café hand in hand. His thumb slowly brushes against the back of my hand, and I smile, because I truly missed him, and I was glad he actually listened to the stupid note I left on the napkin and came here.
Perhaps we won't fuck it up this time around, and we will finally be happy together, for we are already in madly love, and time apart hasn't changed that.
After all, two negative signs added together make a positive, right?
~The End~
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fugitive-96 · 1 year
Maid for Christmas (TG/FTF/ID)
Snow filled the dark grey sky of the winter day, trickling down to the ground below, before a pair of boots scraped through them, crinkling their way up towards a large manor house.
A group of eight people stood in the entranceway, all eagerly waiting to be let in. They had all seen an online advert for a Christmas temp position which many of the group figured was easy work, and had been invited to a group interview session on this very day.
The advert said the owner of the house needed several new employees for the Christmas season given the upcoming festivities. The exact nature of the job was unclear, but a job was a job and money was money.
Eric looked around in awe of the massive house.
"Man, wouldn't mind living here." Eric said to himself. He was a fairly tall decently built guy in his early twenties, with short brown hair and a pale face that was reddening from the cold.
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure a place this grand is probably pretty old, don't think it'd be easy to heat this time of year." Troy replied, who was a more average build with black hair.
"I don't know, maybe Eric's right. It'd be nice to get all warm and cozy in a place like this" Justine replied, throwing Eric a smile which he reciprocated.
The group of eight were all of similar age, all clearly in their early to mid twenties, save for one of them, Toby, who was clearly at least in his mid thirties.
Eric, Troy, Jake, Sean and Toby made up the male population of the group, whilst Beth, Sarah and Justine were the only three women. The entire group were fairly average looking, Sean seemed especially nerdy however with his large glasses and slight acne on his face, whereas Jake was slightly larger in build than the others.
Beth looked to be a bit more reserved, overdoing it with the number of layers she was wearing and having her hair block most of her face, whilst Sarah seemed a lot more outgoing with her makeup and fashion sense, Justine was somewhere in between.
"So, you guys doing this whilst studying?" Sean asked.
Most of the group nodded save for Toby, Sarah and Jake.
"Still haven't decided what I want to do yet, figured I'd just earn some money for now."
"Same." Jake replied.
"Oh, I graduated a while back. Just been doing small jobs here and there ever since." Toby replied, feeling a bit out of place amongst the group.
"Man, really hope they let us in soon." Eric said shivering on the spot.
"You said it, my nuts are freezing out here." Troy replied through gritted teeth.
"As opposed to roasting on an open fire?" Justine replied in a playfully witty tone.
"Ha ha." Troy responded sarcastically.
Beth walked up through the group and pushed lightly on the door, finding it to be open.
"Seriously?! It's been open this whole time?!" Said Sarah.
"Just figured I'd try, no-one else seemed to."
"Hang on, we sure were not supposed to be let in yet?" Eric said.
"What are they gonna do, fire us?" Troy replied as he entered, the rest of the group following suit.
Once inside they were immediately greeted by warmth. The interior was very spacious, with lavish wooden walls decorated with various engravings and sculptures, along with feminine statues lining one side. The place was old, but clearly well maintained, there wasn't a speck of dust or a cobweb to be seen with how much it glistened with a spotless sheen.
The group had little time to take any of it in as just then, the click of heels came from the hallway before a maid appeared from around the corner.
She was dressed in a latex maid outfit and carried herself very professionally, head held high as she addressed the group in a heavy French accent.
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"Ah. You are ze new employeez vor madame?" She asked.
"Um... yes! We were told to wait here?" Justine said slightly nervously, she along with the rest of the group all being rather taken aback by the sight of the maid.
"Parfaite. If you will follow moi and I shall began your tour of ze home." She said gesturing for the group to follow.
"First we have ze lounge. Zis is where Madame will have ze guests during ze Christmas party." She said opening a set of double doors leading to a lounge room. It had an extravagant design to the walls and ceilings, with various silver decorative pieces littering the room.
"I av been informed that two of you will be stationed here for your first introdhuctory lesson. Once you are done, you shall be given the tour of the remainder of ze house." The maid said gesturing for Beth and Troy to stay, before leading the rest of the group away.
"Guess we've got the job then?" Beth said.
"I guess so, don't get why they didn't tell us that on the invitation email, or why they said it was a group interview?" Troy replied.
Beth and Troy were left standing in the lounge before hearing the soft patter of heels against carpet coming from another doorway in the room, through which walked another maid dressed with a large grey coat over her outfit.
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"So, you ah mine for ze day?"
She had a mysterious yet sultry confidence to her voice and the way she carried herself, easing her way out of her coat allowing Beth and Troy to fully take in her figure encased in the sleek uniform, not noticing that she too was eyeing them as she removed her coat.
"I am Antoinette. I will oversee your... induction." She said coyly.
"Firstly, it is important that you adhere to ze strict dress code. All staff wear uniform of a similar style, but the materials are ze same." She said running her hands up and down her body, her fingers catching on slight folds and creases in the latex that caused it to crinkle and squeak loudly, all the while showing off her tightly encased figure.
Troy suddenly felt his temperature rise, it was hard to deny how sexy the woman was being, honestly it was bordering on something he'd see in a strip club, but for whatever reason something told him to just continue watching. He pulled at the collar of his shirt before releasing it, locked in on the view of Antoinette, but as he let go it did feel tighter around his neck, and the material seemed thinner and sleeker to his touch.
Beth too was feeling the heat as she watched, causing her to breathe heavily, her layers suddenly didn't feel as heavy over her anymore, and the feeling of weight on her chest seemed to grow slightly.
Antoinette then took a tray and carried it over to the nearby table, sliding it on in an exaggerated manner.
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"Uuh! Madame's guests expect... *moan!* Good presentation." She spoke between strained exaggerated moans.
"Hence your uniforms, ze are designed to highlight your figures."
Beth and Troy were both struggling to register what they were being told. They were both ensnared, their eyes and minds locked on the sight before them. With that Troy didn't notice his perspective shift slightly, his eyeline now being lower than before. His breathing had also become sharper and he generally felt somewhat lighter in his torso.
As she continued thrusting, the pair watching on couldn't take their eyes off her ass that jiggled with each thrust, with only a vague awareness that their clothing continued to make strange sounds, like they were straining or crinkling, especially somewhere low behind them that for both felt heavier than before.
As Beth watched on, she felt a need to instinctively reach a hand up to twirl a finger through her hair, but she never used to do that. Not to mention, it seemed shorter and curlier than before and more out the way of her face, like it had shortened, or something was holding it back on her head, like a cap or something.
Troy continued staring on, but he could vaguely notice some kind of straining sensation around his chest, with the crinkling sound being more like a pair of balloons slowly inflating and some degree of extra weight and sensitivity in that area.
The crinkling sound was now coming from all over the pair's bodies, with them feeling a sensation of tightness and encasement, but also a sensation of bareness, like whatever it was was a second skin to them. They could now register more of how their forms felt, even if their vision was still locked on Antoinette. Beth seemed to feel slightly more exaggerated in places, whereas Troy felt as though his entire body from the neck down was alien, completely unfamiliar to him.
Antoinette continued on, carefully placing items on the table whilst she flexed and bent her body into various positions to show it off, the material of her uniform still squeaking loudly.
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The pair rubbed their legs together as they watched, causing audible squeaks of material with a slick sound like it was pulling up, roughly to where a skirt would reach. Beth felt the material become looser in that area compared to Troy's which was to him felt tighter, more constrictive, tight enough to notice it feeling like something that was once between his legs was now gone. They heard the material move again, this time shortening their sleeves, causing Beth to feel a radiating sensation from her bear skin becoming exposed, as though it were more tanned than before.
They were completely entranced, unable to think or process anything resembling concern or fear at whatever was happening to them. Any trace of free will was sapped out of them with each second they continued looking on, completely ensnared in Antoinette's web.
"Organization and presentation is key."
Troy bit his lip, which the longer he held onto began to feel larger, along with the trace of a moan escaping his lips that was a far higher tone than his usual voice. Similarly with Beth she teased her lip with the tip of her tongue, hers also began to feel it was enlarging slightly, whilst also having a glossier texture than before.
"Her staff must adhere to the physical specifications she requires, your image reflects her image."
"That is, after all, why Madame hired you." Antoinette said playfully eyeing them as she arced her leg back into the air.
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"They expect to be fully served, and your bodies are fully capable of such varied... positions."
Troy pulled his face into a pleasured expression, which led to a small crunch, pop, and jolt at his head, it feeling lighter and sharper, nd generally more delicate than before, along with him hearing his hair trickle down the material in a ponytail against his neck.
Beth widened her eyes, causing her to feel a similar crunching sensation but not as extreme, more so feeling the weight of makeup on her face.
With that their clothing began gaining their final details, with white lining in places and a printed on apron for each, polished black heels on their feet, along with the area around Beth's chest lowering to show off her new cleavage. With that, there now stood two new maids for the manor.
Beth still somewhat resembled her prior self, just less reserved and more lively in expression whilst Troy bared no resemblance to his old self, his black hair now blonde, his face and wider form fully feminized, and overall he appeared more collected and mysterious with how 'she' carried herself.
"I expect you to dedicate yourselves to your tasks." Antoinette said in a slightly presumptuous tone, like a parent talking to their children.
"Of course, absolutely." Beth replied as she clapped her hands together, now sounding far more confident and outgoing with a wide-eyed expression, with her far more pronounced chest shaking with every movement she made.
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"We have much to do before the guests arrive. The room definitely needs further decorations for th-zis time of year. Are there any specific expectations about additional services?" She asked casually.
"I take it you are eager?" Antoinette replied.
"Well, we do have to fully dedicate ourselves to zeir service." Beth replied playfully giggling in response, her voice occasionally dipping into an accent.
"A time will come for zat. First, it is impehative that you know how to carry yourself."
"Like this?" Troy replied giving her leg a slight kick, holding out her hands in a delicate manner whilst giving a slight confident look to her face that was reflected in her voice.
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"Parfaite Mademoiselle!" Antoinette replied admiring the way the young woman was perfectly showing off the grace of her feminine figure.
"You av clearly trained very ard for this position."
"Merci, words cannot express how long I av wanted to be a part of ze staff ere, serving Madame." Troy replied, initially mimicking Antoinette's accent, before her voice completely shifted into a French accent.
"Aah, you will be a fun one." Antoinette said closely approaching Troy, resting a finger on her chin as she inspected the new maid.
"We av a few hours before we are expecting guests. I will show you ze rest of the uose, and we will then find ze rest of ze new staff."
"Ooh, I am so looking forward to meeting zem!" Beth responded, her bubbly voice now fully gaining an accent.
With that the three maids walked out, hips and arms swaying in a confident seductive manner as they ventured off into the rest of the manor.
To be continued?
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foxes-that-run · 1 month
Babe wake up, new "Taylor and Travis are so happy" article by ET just dropped 💀
Good morning ;) I find the different narratives interesting here and that again Taylor’s team used Deux Moi and Page Six over People.
The People article is really about Donna Kelce and Bradley Cooper. It says it was both a “vacation” and a “beach day” : which was it Donna?
Whereas the Page Six article is clearly from Taylor’s team, it includes lyrics, song titles, names the album, tries to explain why they are on the same side of the table. It also names Deux Moi, since Trees “ending” DM has had more Taylor scoops and entirely favourable posts. Was it an ‘ending’ or smoke and mirrors for her new go to gossip channel?
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Why same side? To juxtapose the December 2022 photo where she sat on the outside while and Joe looked to argue, here the last line emphasises eye contact and protection.
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