#when he made him drop his ice cream lmaoo
Think the thing I liked best ab Nacho Varga was that the only thing that ever seemed to put a smile on his dour little face was tormenting Jimmy… like I’m clinically depressed time to go jumpscare that random lawyer I found in the desert… he was so real for that RIP king
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Okayy xjösmzkdkd i tried something like this xmdkf idk why...
Pov: You are dating Tsukasa and Fujio is your best friend 🙂
Your Insta🌟
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Liked by fujio,yasushi and 78 others
Y/n Happy birthday my one and only! Love you so much ♥️
|| tsukasa I love you too babe ♥️
--》y/n 🥺♥️
|| fujio you forgot me :(
--》y/n no i did it on purpose
--》fujio :((((
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 88 others
Y/n My precious boyfriend and his boyfriend
|| tsukasa y/n...
--》y/n :((
|| fujio i look handsome
--》y/n nobody cares
--》fujio you are just being jealous :)
--》y/n yeah i know :((
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Liked by tsukasa,yuken and 72 others
Y/n When I asked him what he was reading, he said I wouldn't understand. At least he's not saying it's none of your business anymore.I guess he hates me less now 😊
|| todoroki i dont hate you
--》y/n REALLY ??
--》todoroki yeah unfortunately
--》y/n this is the best thing you've ever said to me 😭😭😭
--》todoroki stop before i change my mind
|| tsuji so did you find out what he was reading ?
--》y/n no
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Liked by yuken,sachio and 72 others
Y/n bestie left a lot of selfies on my phone -again- the day we went fishing ... Todoroki-chan was with us too but he is not in that photo :((( anyways with @/yuken @/todoroki 😊
|| yuken i left them in case you miss me
--》y/n i wont
--》yuken :(
|| todoroki i wasnt
--》y/n yes you were.
|| tsukasa since when are you 3 besties ? And can you even fish ?
--》y/n im just watching
--》todoroki She is just annoying us
--》yuken stop being rude to my bestie
|| fujio i thought im your bestie ? 💔
--》y/n since when ?
--》fujio :((
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Liked by todoroki,shibaman and 85 others
Y/n they literally rolled in the mud and punched each other. And now they're smiling and flirting...
|| fujio you are being jealous again
--》y/n dont talk to me
|| tsukasa i love you babe, only you. ♥️
--》y/n I LOVE YOU TOO 😭♥️
|| shibaman why you didn't stop them
--》y/n they were hot when they were fighting
--》shibaman not asking anything else
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Liked by mercy,binzo and 99 others
Y/n Today me and my stupid bestie went to Suzuran and met these cool boys. Nice mask bro 🔥 @/mercy @/kamui
|| kamui thanks.
--》y/n ;)
|| mercy it was nice to meet you too y/n-san :)
--》y/n 😊
|| fujio you didnt even help me while we were fighting... YOU LITERALLY SUPPORTED THEM
--》y/n SO WHAT ???
--》yasushi at least she didnt deny that you are friends bro @/fujio
|| tsukasa YOU TWO DID WHAT ?
--》y/n we made new friends babe ♥️
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Liked by sachio,jinkawa and 103 others
Y/n the best leader ever 💕 and fujio @/sachio @/fujio
|| sachio thank you y/n-chan 😄💕
--》y/n 😍
|| fujio Why you hate me ????
--》y/n idk bro
--》fujio :(
--》tsukasa i guess this time you really hurt him :/
--》y/n WHAT NO
|| yasushi LMAOO
--》y/n DONT
|| yuken 😶😶😶
--》y/n DONT
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 79 others
Y/n i bought him milkshake and hugged... i guess we are good now 🥺💕@/fujio
|| fujio I PAID
--》fujio okay... so we are besties again 💕
--》y/n ��💕
|| todoroki Why milkshake ?
--》fujio :(
--》todoroki unbelievable...
--》fujio 😀
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Liked by tsuji,tsukasa and 67 others
Y/n they look angry :(
|| fujio whyy
--》y/n IM LATE
--》tsuji 45 fckn minutes...
|| tsukasa Where are you going babe ?
--》shibaman we gonna dye y/n-chan's hair
--》y/n you idiot it was gonna be a suprise for tsukasa
--》tsuji not anymore...
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 100 others
Y/n I met this dude today.He bought me new ice cream because he dropped mine :((( anyways thanks sameoka-kun 😊
|| shoji I just bought it for you to stop crying...
--》tsukasa DID YOU MAKE HER CRY ????
--》shoji i just didnt see her and she dropped her ice cream...
--》y/n it is okay sameoka-kun, you bought me new one you are good friend 😊
--》shoji we are not friends ??
--》y/n rudee
|| tsukasa Babe.stop.fckn.being.friends.with.everyone.pleaseee...
--》y/n :((
|| mercy we have ice cream in suzuran too y/n-chan
--》tsukasa y/N NO
--》fujio can i come too ?
--》magoroku no.
--》binzo no :p
--》fujio :((
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icannot3 · 11 months
"The Ice Cream Massacre"
(Peter Maximoff x reader)
Today, I got my wisdom teeth removed, so this is a bit of a self insert based on what happened lmaoo. But the idea came to me and I figured, why not have someone else also laugh at my actions? LMAOO hope you enjoy it. Hopefully, I'm not still too high and can actually write coherently :').
1.1k words
This is honestly really fluffy, no warnings unless the idea of getting your wisdom teeth taken out makes you squeamish!
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Peter rarely would ever drive, not with his ability to run anywhere at any given moment. But today, he'd found it to be something he needed to do. When you'd asked him to take you to get your wisdom teeth removed, he figured you knew about the fact that he would have little to no mercy when it came to photographing the moment. He considered capturing the experience a boyfriendly, no- a civic duty. He himself had never had them removed, nor did his sisters. This was just an entirely taboo experience for the both of you. But what he did know was the fact that this was going to be absolutely hilarious. That being said, he'd been looking forward to this particular moment for a while.
You were lucid and hardly able to sit in the car. He couldn't help but notice you were also unable to control your face, jaw gaped open and stuffed with gauze. Despite the roughness of your exterior, he still found your disheveled state all the more endearing. He closed the door behind you after making sure you were safely fastened in before entering the driver's side. The nurse that had wheeled you out was laughing. She was quick to inform him about a few of the comments you'd made in your high state of mind that had left she and the orthodontist in hysterics during the operation. This was perfect.
He looked over, and you were touching your chin as if you were confused it was there. Clearly distraught, your hand then went to caress the rest of your now rather ample cheek. "Peter, I can't v'eel my v'ace." Your words were almost incoherently slurred as you were unable to tongue certain syllables. You turn towards him and look over, eyes creased with concern. He'd already lost it.
"Babe, trust, it's still there." He was laughing whilst shaking his head, fully excited now for what he was getting into. He was careful to bring his finger to your cheek, gently squishing the inflamed area. "See? Right here." You shook your head in disbelief. "I don't f'ink so." He pulled down his car mirror, allowing you to examine yourself in disbelief. "My head is so big." You were touching your lips that were way beyond numb, unable to register the sensation beyond your fingertips.
"Peter, I want a frostie." The statement reminded him of what the nurse had said to him prior. She'd explained that you'd been talking about how badly you wanted to go to Wendy's for some ice cream. You were rather insistent and apparently repeated your desire for it a multitude of times. He switched the car into drive, obeying her wishes. "I can do that for ya', sweetie." You were smiling to the best of your abilities, but the swolleness of your cheeks made it look more like a joyous grimace if anything.
"I feel wonderful. I get why people smoke weed now. This is justtt- great!" You went on extatically, "they can pull another one of my teeth any day if they promise to do that." You were giggling, enjoying riding out this perfectly legal high. His jaw dropped, running his free hand across his forehead and through his hair. Not in annoyance, but rather shock over your boldness on the anesthetic. He hadn't stopped laughing since you entered the car and it was only getting louder with each small remark you made. "Kinda wish I had mine pulled now so I'd know how it feels." He spoke, eyeing you up in your blissfully unaware state.
"Yeah, you're missin' out, man." You stretched your arms out as if to exemplify the large amounts of happiness you were feeling. What would he do with you? Well, love you, of course. Finally, the two of you pulled into the Wendy's Drive through. It was still breakfast time because you were one of the first operations of the day.
"Can I please get a large Vanilla Frostie?" He spoke into the microphone, a hand squeezing your thigh playfully to respond to the small excited squeal you'd made in response. "I'm sorry, sir, we don't sell those until lunch." The service worker had singlehandedly crushed your dreams with just one statement. Peter looked over at you, frozen with a face of displeasure. Pulling out of the drive-through, he went into the parking lot to discuss another game plan.
But you didn't want another game plan. As a matter of fact, you were so set on your own craving that the sudden denial had you in tears. In any other state of mind, you wouldn't have taken this loss so hard. But this Frostie had felt like your lifeline, the excitement of the hour. You were left in complete, unfixable, distraught. In seconds, you were sobbing with despair. Peter panicked, unsure how to console your clearly shaken state. He rubbed your back, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. Acting fast, in the corner of his eyes, he saw a McDonald's restaurant. They sold ice cream, right? All hope towards pleasing his lady was restored. He turned his car quickly into the other drive-through. You'd surprisingly registered what was happening enough to calm down, finding contempt in more than just Wendy's ice cream. He rolled down his window, "Can I please get a plain vanilla sunday?"
And guess what was fucking broken? The ice cream machine, of course. Mcdonalds should have never even been a thought or suggestion when it comes to their ice cream machines known reliability. Peter had done a lot of stupid things in his life, but this felt like the absolute cap sealing it all, especially his unrelenting foolishness. Once again, you were in hysterics because the small town the two of you were in just so happened to only have a choice of three restaurants to choose from. Defeated, he had no choice but to take you home. When he did, he quickly ran to the nearest grocery store and opted to grab you ice cream in a tub instead. But even that was fruitless because the moment your head hit the pillow you were gone in a deep, drug-induced, comatose sleep that any reasonable force of nature wouldn't dare disturb.
It was that moment he realized he'd not yet taken a photo. Quickly, he grabbed his small Polaroid camera. A loud click followed underneath the pressure of his trigger finger. He watched the photo as it developed. It was a beautiful sight, truly. There you were, spread out across his bead, mouth wide open and drooling as if the other stresses of the day meant nothing. He just couldn't wait to remind you of it all once you awoke.
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filiaisasacrifice · 1 year
Love Witch
Yandere! Entity(DEV) x Reader
Note: He's going to kill me for putting him in an XReader lmao, also, Don't bully MLP, and don't be dumb lol, I actually like the series a little, and my favorite character is Pinky Pie!
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When you were a kid you were an ugly little shit, like, kicking your dad's balls with a butter sock style of ugly, you had the personality of a hyperactive rock and it's worth noting that your social status was "doubtful" to say the least.
Tv, the internet, radio, you name it! was a big part of what shaped you as a person, a semi-normal human person.
Entertainment was like your own mother! Who can blame you when the blue light from the store's computer screen fluttered in the dark like butterflies? the dust particles shimmered like snowflakes in the light, the thought was like a drop of poison shimmering and impacting directly on your loins.
In the first video a house twinkling like a Starfire, there were no people except for the breath of the person recording, it wasn't like a burning house ironically ignited the fire of curiosity in your reptilian brain (lizard brain?), it was something else, the fact that someone would do something so evil, was it an abandoned house or were there people inside? Are the police going to catch the perpetrator and treat them like the scumbag they are?
You breathed hot air, even though the back room was cold as a witch's dick.
The second page was a couple of illustrations
Particularly of a man with his arms and legs missing, you thought he was a man at least, it was just a black background with the white border of the "man",
Quite pixelated, like something taken from the fetishist side of Deviantart and artists of dubious quality, maybe the rawness caught your attention, a drawing made out of pure desire without being modified, the type of object that a Witch of Love physically would use for her Amarres.
Sometimes you feel curious and that curiosity leads you to strange places, like when you looked in the back of the ice cream freezer and saw that.
Curiosity was your seductress, your weakness, you would fight losing battles for curiosity, was it a siren or a succubus with all its nuances from "Where do coins go when you flush them down the toilet" to "On a scale of 1/10 how much does it hurt if I throw myself off the roof?"
you clicked the link dramatically.
It was a My Little Pony forum, an old one, ancient, in the number of active users it only had a sad and meek "1", the image was there with a few others of the same nature, if a little bit more boring, just the process of losing limbs in pixelated white lines, you've seen worse in flash games, to be honest, oh, those good days.
You muttered unimpressed, Your muse had teased you with her sensuality and left you high and dry.
On the bright side, you were number one in something besides clowns.
DEV666: Hey :)
Apparently, you weren't number one, It was a little surprising that the guy was still active, for that they have your respect, however, a stranger on the internet is still a stranger on the internet, as Shakespeare said once.
Anon#133: Suc my dic
short and to the point, an expression of your repressed feelings, it's been SUCH an exhausting few weeks…
DEV666: Rude, Not the rudest thing I've ever been told, I thought a fellow pony enjoyer would understand the concept of love and friendship, but, as always (in these circumstances), I was wrong.
Anon#133: Lmaoo who likes my little poneys, wht are you, six?
You laughed, nothing brightens your night like antagonizing a My Little Pony fan, maybe your adventures were worth it, the future seemed a little more sparkly.
DEV666: Those girls are a hundred times better than you right now, my dear, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave this conversation here >:(
Anon#133: Draama queen, ponis suck crybabyyyy you write like a grandmaaa
You like to think that you are a reasonable person, it was not very reasonable to send them thirteen more messages with random shit, also the lyrics of David Bowie's Space Oddity and the word "penis" twice at the end...
But hey, you could indulge a little.
Another response.
DEV666: That's it, I'm coming for you motherfucker.
With that, you closed the page and turned off the computer, time to go back to work.
The store phone rang
Weirdly, the only ones who call are the police and Snuffy from time to time, although he only breathes on the line, well, you think it's Snuffy, sometimes he whispers in Spanish but when you asked him he told you that he doesn't speak Spanish.
You take the phone, and the plastic sits at room temperature on your skin.
Someone was breathing on the phone, again, It sounded robotic, like a talking vacuum cleaner.
"What the fuck"
Seriously, what the fuck, who uses Loquendo these days? that's creepypasta-level bullshit.
You looked at the Jesus-shaped stain on the wall as if it was going to give you an answer.
"My little Pony is for losers"
with that, you ended the call.
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 years
hey i love ur blog btw. i just wanted to share a funny story that happened yesterday. im in school and theres a tim at my school and he told us that he uses "she/her/they/them" pronouns and idc about pronouns tbh do what u will okay. but the thing that made me just know that the tr*ns community has nothing to do w respect and treating them like humans it's about submission and never ever questioning them. so we all got ready to go lunch and he decided to sit at my table and i was just minding my own business and he asked me to get ice cream w him and i said sure. my friend called me and asked me where i was and i said "i'm with *fake name right here* and im gonna come back. yeah im with them right now" and i saw the look on his face when i used "them". like them can be used to refer to anyone correct? not for him. his face kinda dropped and i ignored it and he was like "why didnt u say she instead, im a girl remember" and i said to him "yeah but u said u use they as well" and he was like "what you are doing is what i call polite transphobia when u refer to me as them and not she because you don't see me as a real girl" and i stood there like okay????? he got mad and left and told his friends that i was terfy and being transphobic and i couldnt help but laugh because i wasnt. he even said and i quote i was doing "polite transphobia" my guy what??????
This is why i find it hard to understand these ppl. Them can be used for anyone right???? I didn't even care about the fact that you were a "real girl or not" I just said them and you are here crying and shitting your pants. You can never reason w these people. sorry is long but yeah also my english is not great. sorry this situation made me laugh
I graduated a little before all this stuff hit its peak so I commiserate, anon lmaoo. hope the ice cream was good, at least. 😭
also, your english was perfect 💜
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someone1348 · 2 years
Eee your CC!Punz caregiver stuff was so cute can I also get CC!Sapnap ones ?
Ahh! Thank you Kasey!! @kasey-writes-stuff
Let's goooo!!
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Sapnap <3
-He is just as amazing as Punz oh my goodness!
-Sapnap is more on the fun and upbeat side when it comes to caregiving while Punz is the fun but stern one
-The difference between them is while Punz will make sure you stick to bedtime Sapnap won't care if you stay up a little longer than your bedtime as long as your happy
-He is a "I'll give you 5 more minutes" kind of guy!
-He is so protective of you it is adorable!
-When it comes to bad situations though he is on top of things right away
-He is patient, calm, confident and respectful when it comes to you and bad situations, Same as Punz!
-If there is crying involved he will hold you until your heart rate is steady again but immediately will do anything he can to make you laugh or smile
-From funny faces to some light/gentle tickles he will do whatever it takes to cheer you up
-And for doing such an amazing job he will get you some ice cream or whatever your favorite dessert is as a reward for handling that bad situation like a champ!
-He may not show it on camera but Sapnap doesn't mind cuddles one bit! Well at least when it comes to you (and Karl lmaoo)
-One word Hoodies!
-He has a ton! So he will either give you his or you can climb into his hoodie, like go underneath the hoodie, pop your head out the top while he holds you close! So cute!
-You both also have matching panda onzies and have done an at home photoshoot together in them!
-Movie nights and Cuddles are a must!
-He knows all of your favorites but still asks you anyway which one you want to watch
-He knows a few littles that regress to a paci age so he has some stored in a drawer just in case! (If you regress to that age he is prepared!)
-He has all different types and every color, he even let you pick one out and decorate it!
-If he happened to be out without you and you slip and let him know that you are feeling "small" he will drop whatever he was previously doing and go home to you to take care of you
-Not only that but he will pick up your favorite snacks/drink/food on the way home and some other random goodies like stickers and fun stuff for you to enjoy when he gets home
-He just adores you so much!
-If you are getting sleepy he will point it out and say how adorable you are/how cute your yawn was
-He is just full of compliments!
-In public, if you slip into little space he will notice right away and make sure you stick to him when you two walk together
-Say you are at a grocery store and you accidentally slip into little space he will pull you closer to him and speedrun through the groceries so he can get you out of the big crowd and safely back into the car and back home
-He is so caring and considerate!
-If you are comfortable with others knowing about you being a little then all of his friends are fully prepared to take care of you too!
-The only one of his friends that knew before the others was Dream because the two of them live together and Dream had taken care of you a couple of times before if Sapnap wasn't around and you happened to slip into little space
-You didn't mind though, Dream made sure that you were comfortable and informed you that he knew about little space and had his little moments before but is fully prepared to be your temporary Caregiver if Sapnap was out of the house
-Both you and Sapnap were very thankful for that and for Dream
-But yeah all of his friends love you and are 100% ready to take care of you
-They all give you a safe and comfortable environment so if you were ever going to slip you would be safe there
-Cuddle piles are huge whenever you slip around the group!
-They are all very good caregivers
-Whenever you are little in front of the group though Sapnap makes it his duty to prove his "Manliness" in front of you and that starts the light saber wars which never fail to put a smile on your face
-Sapnap loves when you sit on his lap, he likes to hold you close and this makes him feel safe and comforted
-So if it is a chill day or it's getting late he will just hold you and hum whatever song was stuck in his head this time, it's very calming
-With this too he will hold you close to him on his lap while he plays video games
-If he wins he quietly cheers so you can sleep on his shoulder
-The faint background sounds of buttons being pressed or a keyboard clicking, maybe some soft and quite singing out of his mouth will drift you right off to sleep
-He will tuck you in at night too and will make up the most amazing stories to help spark some good dreams that night, a great bedtime story teller
-He likes to rub your back alot too he says it's calming
-He gives you nicknames too but loves when you call him 'sappy' he thinks it is adorable
-He will never get angry at you, if he is ever angry its in a joking way to make you laugh
-Which when that happens it will most likely result in tickles
-When he tickles you in LS he will make a whole bunch of silly sounds too to go along with it, and raspberries tickle extra because of his beard/scruff
-He is big on games so he will color with you, play hide and seek with you, board games, anything you want!
-He is awesome!
-Again we stan Caregiver Sapnap!
I love him so much! Thank you Kasey! I hope you all enjoyed!!
-K :]
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wonunuu · 3 years
iris beauty ❀
40: getting closer
✎ synopsis: falling for a guy is never easy, especially when your best friend of many years basically claimed him; you and mina have been friends for as long as you can remember, but your loyalty and trust are tested when she asks you to pretend to be her in meeting a guy she had been talking to online and you unintentionally start to develop feelings for him.
✎ genre: romance, angst, comedy
✎ pairing: reader x yoon jeonghan
✎ word count: 1.6k+
✎ warnings: suggestive
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a/n: i gotta question.. do you think pet names between couples is cute? cos like me, no lol i mean like the only one i'd accept is "my love" but idk i just don't know (this has nothing to do with the au lmaoo just a thought in pj's little brain)
After your overtime shift at the café, you head back to your apartment to grab your textbooks. Finals were approaching, and there is no doubt that you were stressed. You need to, not only pass in your exams, but also excel in all of them to get at least a 3.8 GPA, and this is the only acceptable grade for you if you wanted to get accepted into a medical school.
So, studying has been your number one priority for the past couple of days. You and Vernon, your study buddy, have been in and out of the campus library to do nothing else but study. And that’s where you’re heading again. 
“I’m almost there,” you manage to say, panting, while jogging towards the library where an impatient Vernon was waiting. For what felt like three weeks of jogging, the familiar building finally came in sight. There were countless students, some whose faces you’ve seen before, were making their way in--probably has the same reason as you. With this many students going there to study, you knew there would be competition in getting the tables and booths first, and you mentally scold yourself for arriving late. 
“Can you be any slower?” Vernon rolls his eyes teasingly, earning him a light punch on the shoulder from you. The two of you head in and look for available spots. You checked the first floor, but they were all packed. As well as the second, third and fourth floor. Your legs felt like they were about to fall off, tired and numb from climbing an endless amount of stairs. Not to mention, you were also carrying textbooks that’s equivalent to the weight of three elephants stacked together in your bag, and you say that with no exaggeration.
“There’s one,” he points to an empty desk just by the window. As you are walking, from the side of your eye, you see another group of students pointing at it and making their way. You increase your speed, dragging Vernon behind you, so that you could get there first before they could. Fortunately, just before they got there, you slapped your hand on the table. 
“Scram, freshmans,” you growled and Vernon crosses his arms, smirks. The group of friends roll their eyes before they walk away, and you smile in victory. Some would say your actions were a little immature, especially that comment you made, but you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. Afterwards, you and Vernon take your seats, and start your hours of studying. 
Opening the door to the apartment, you were surprised to see Jeonghan sitting on your couch, watching the television. You walk behind him and snake your hands around his shoulders, wrapping him in a warm hug, and nuzzle your head between his neck. 
“Another long day at the library?” He caresses your hands and you nod in response. “Have you eaten?” he asks. You remove your hands and walk around the couch. You lay down and place your head on his lap. “I can make you something if you want,” he offers. 
“Will you?” you look at him, smiling. You’ve never really imagined Jeonghan cooking before. You don’t even know if he knows how to. But you weren’t going to turn down his generous offer to cook for you, whatever the result may be.
Jeonghan stands up and heads to the kitchen, and you watch him from the couch. He opens the cupboards, takes out the pan and places it on the stove. He then opens the fridge, looking for anything he can cook. To your surprise, he takes out a bag with a logo of your favourite restaurant. 
You cock your head to the side as your eyebrows meet. “I thought you were going to cook for me. That’s take out.” You stated, pointing at the bag he was holding. “I am going to cook. I’m gonna heat it up. That counts,” Jeonghan looks at you and gives you a smile that displays his teeth. Disbelief is all you feel. You scoff at his reply, and feeling too tired to argue, you lay back down. 
Jeonghan has been nothing but supportive these past couple of days. When you and Vernon were at the library, he would drop by to give you two snacks and drinks. Sometimes, like today, he would use the spare keys you gave him to enter your apartment to clean up so you wouldn’t do it when you get home. Embarrassed, you told him to stop cleaning your mess, but he said it wasn’t a big deal and that he didn’t want you to come home to such an unkempt apartment--the unorganized sight causes more stress, he adds.
You were grateful for everything Jeonghan has done, yes. But you can’t help but think of one specific person who used to do the same. Who used to tell you to eat before you go to bed, who reminded you to drink water, who reassured you that you would pass your exams, and who comforted you when things didn’t turn out the way you hoped for. Joshua has never left your mind since he went away. Often, you wondered what he might be doing and where he might be. You’ve had multiple urges to send him a text or ring his phone to check up on him, but you thought he might want some space. You knew he would come back when he’s ready, and you were willing to move on from the past and start anew with him. Gosh, you miss him.
“Mind telling me what’s in that pretty head of yours?” Jeonghan disrupts your thoughts as he walks towards you, holding a plate. He sits down and offers his free hand to help you up. You grab his hand and use your abdominal muscle to sit up. 
He hands you the plate and you take it from him, and immediately, the aroma makes your mouth salivate. “Mhmm,” you murmured, “this looks delicious. Thank you, Han.” 
Your boyfriend nods and urges you to take a bite. So you did. 
“What about you,” you ask after swallowing your first bite. 
“I’m okay, babe. Just eat, hmm?” Jeonghan smiles while reaching his hand to your face to tuck your hair behind your ear. You felt bad that you were the only one eating, so you feed him. At first he refused, but quickly cave in when you pouted. 
The two of you sat on your couch, taking turns to feed each other. Sometimes, he would follow up a bite with a soft peck or two--he called it a quick served dessert. You rolled your eyes at his corny remark, but you couldn’t hide the rosy tint on your cheeks as the blood rushes through them.
Jeonghan absolutely loved spending these little moments with you. No words can ever explain the feelings he gets when he hears your laughter--your smile alone is enough to make his heart melt as if it was ice cream under a fifty degree celsius summer day. He would not exchange this moment for anything else. There is nothing he wants more than to spend time with the person he loves most. 
After your meal, you head to the kitchen and quickly wash the dishes before going back to sit with Jeonghan. You plop yourself beside him and he takes his arm and wraps it around your shoulder. You do the same as you snake both your arms around his waist and rest your head on his chest, where the sound of his heartbeat is clear and audible. You don’t know if you just really love to hear his heart beat because you love him, or if it’s because of your longing profession of becoming a doctor. You think it’s a combination of both. 
“What should we watch?” Jeonghan asks as he flips through shows and movies available on netflix. You shrugged your shoulders and told him you were okay with any. Soon, the two of you settled with Grey’s Anatomy--a show you absolutely loved. Jeonghan was never a fan of medical shows or whatsoever, but if his girl was going to be a doctor, he’ll have to get familiar with some terminologies, right? 
Three episodes have passed and the two of you were still in the same position as before, cuddled on the couch. You were still watching intently, but you were not so sure about Jeonghan though. Not seeing his face, you guess that he probably fell asleep when you guys were just halfway through the first episode. You didn’t mind though. He deserved to rest. 
However, your guess was proven wrong when you suddenly feel his kiss at the top of your head, causing you to giggle. He did it again, and again, and again, each lasting longer than the previous one, and moving lower and lower. Kissing as a form of affection has become a normal thing between the two of you now. But this time, Jeonghan’s kisses feel more than just affection.
Images in your head started popping in, making your heart rate increase and your breathing pattern to change. 
“Yn,” Jeonghan softly whispers to your ears, making your insides churn, “are you okay?”
Fuck it. 
You unwrap your arms from his body and take your hands straight to cup his face, taking him by surprise. You close your eyes and lean in to kiss his lips. He freezes for  ma second but quickly melts right into the kiss. He uses his hands to take hold of your waist and pulls you in front of him. You oblige and place your knees on either side of his lap.
You detach yourself to catch your breath, but your eyes remained closed as you relinquished the taste of his lips. He did the same, but eager to taste your lips once again, he leans in and kisses you, quite roughly this time. He takes his right hand and places it at the back of your neck, guiding you as the two of you made out on your couch. 
“You still have extra clothes here, right?” You ask between your kisses. Jeonghan doesn't respond, and instead kisses you harder. Soon, he trails kisses from your lips to the side if your neck. Whispers escape you lips as you cock your head to the side to give him more room.
This night is going to be long. 
@yyxyzti @acciofirewhiskey @doiewonu @shuajeong @wooziverse @boogyuu @rjsmochii @haniehae @twentysixofmays @suhfluffy @dancingddays @lovingyu04 @sydneyy-jade @itsdnguyenxoxo @fluffyhyeju @haoraecane @dy-mglzz @1800zuho @t-secretpot @floweryjeons @yaebbinnie @t-secretpot @not-sojoyuus @xcalicoups @ryuyalana @bubblywonu @youbloominsideofme @lavenonie @wonwoonlight @yoonzinow @mariecoura @juji-han @strawbinnie-shortcake @isa499 @pseudoyop @serenadesvt @glouraeswei @glowingjaehyun @sunflowergyeomie @kunmaid @apricottulips @hao-ling @cheolright @pancakeandfrogs @yanniezx @jeonjungkaka @sunflower-euphro @monstathedisco
unable to tag: @tyongs @jeongjungkaka @jammyjamjamss @hauntedprincessarbiter @scoffingscully
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muwur · 4 years
sneaky couple things
♡ scenarios ♡ for oikawa and yamaguchi
about dating behind your parents’/guardians’ backs uerifnrjginfej (yer looking at an expert here B))) hooray for strict parents)
❧ gn reader
✎ 847 words
a/n: requests are open! pls feel free to submit some pLEASE , you could even ask for other characters w this headcanon. tryna use my own experiences for writing this lolol, hopefully it all sounds ok fhnjegleg
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♡ sneaking him into your house after school and when the fam is all out
♡ this is really the only intimate alone time y’all can get, so you bet y’all both MAKE THE MOST OUT OF IT
♡ meanwhile it’s getting a little steamy in your bedroom when
♡ you both hear some doors unlock hOLY SHIT
♡ you fuckin pUSH HIm off you and he falls off the side of your bed with a thud
♡ “ow what the he--”
♡ y’all both screaming and freaking out internally, half naked and a f r a i d
♡ IMMEDIATELY SHUT UP when you hear footsteps getting close
♡ you jump up and shove oikawa in your closet “gAH--” and shut it
♡ your parent/guardian knocks on the door, “y/n? you home from school yet?”
♡ sweats nervously and frantically pulls on your shirt from before “yeah im in here! whats up?”
♡ they open the door and look around, an eyebrow raised “i bought us some food. come out and eat”
♡ “y-yeah! ill be out in a second”
♡ as soon as they leave, you dash over to your door, shut and lock it, then yank oikawa out of your closet and throw open your window
♡ “uh y/n, your window is a bit small are you sure i can fit--”
-aGGrEssIVELY ShovINg hIm towARdS the wINDow “tHeRE’s NO oTher wAY”
♡ “woah could you handle me a bit more gently babe ;)” he asks as you’re pushing his ass thru the window
♡ “bro theyre gonna kill me if they find you dO NOT JOKE RIGHT NOW UFOHEJF”
♡ he’s rlly tryna stifle his laughter and keep jokes to a minimum because of how freaked out you are
♡ you give him a final shove thats so hard his face collides w the ground outside
♡ *whisper yells to you* “you did that on purpose!”
♡ you: *snickers*
♡ o wait
♡ picks up his shirt that was on your floor and throws it outside at his head
♡ “okAY pUT that on then LEAVE! bye bye, get home safe, let me know when you get back! <3″
♡ shuts window and draws blinds
♡ oikawa rubs his face a bit as he walks home. looks at his phone screen and sees his face with a huGe ASS BrUISe
♡ at home, oikawa’s nephew looks at him funny
♡ “why are you looking at me like that?”
♡  “what’s wrong with your face? also what’s that on your neck?”
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♡ both y’all were just walking together outside. on a date. in public.
♡ holding hands until yams quickly pulls away and jumps like 8 feet away from you
♡  “uhhh” you ask “whats wrong tadashi?”
♡ “oh, yknow, we’re, like, in public and, uh, its crowded!”
♡  “uhhh and?”
♡ nervously darts eyes left n right, then puts a hand up to shield his mouth and whisper in your ear, “didnt you say your parents/guardians were out right now? like around here?”
♡ so thatsss what this was about
♡ you try offering a small smile. “yes, buuuut im sure we’ll be okay, tadashi, i dont think theyre here, per se... like, we probably wont run into them”
♡ you reassuringly take his hand into your own and keep walking along, talking casually as you do
♡ yams bby is still quite alert and scanning the area as he listens to you talking
♡ he finally relaxes when nearly an hour passes and nothing’s happened
♡ you both take a break and sit at a small table, sharing a soft serve ice cream yamaguchi bought for you two
♡ you hold out the ice cream for him to take a lick, and as he’s about to do so
♡ “y/n? what’re you doing here??”
♡ yamaguchi stood up from his seat sO fast
♡ man sPRINTS away in fear of being caught with you by your parents/guardians
♡ honestly should care as much as yamaguchi about being secretive but lmaoo
♡ you greet your parent/guardian, telling them you were hanging out with a friend to discuss your school project at the library then came here to get ice cream. just now, said friend reallyyyy needed to go to the bathroom so they ran off
♡  “hmm, alright, we’ll see you at home then. don’t come back too late” and with that, they were on their way
♡ you pull out your phone to text yamaguchi “it’s all good they left”
♡ yams returns and shlumps in his seat with an exasperated sigh. “you said we wouldn’t run into them ;(”
♡ “wellllll you know i can just say your my friend and project partner, right?”
♡ the cutie sheepishly scratches the back of his neck “oh. right. ahaha.”
♡ “also you almost made me drop the ice cream”
♡ you offer the soft serve to him again but your hands fumbled and it actually fell
♡ but dw, he buys y’all another one
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
The Outlaws x Reader x Deadpool - “Team Red” [Part 14]
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A/N: Oh my goood, this is the last part! T-T I hope you all liked this series as much as I did! I had a lot of fun writing it!
Warning: a little nudity, drinking, grumpy Wade and jealous Jason.
“One more shot!” Roy cheered as a shirtless Wade poured alcohol in Jason’s glass again.
“Come on, baby!” She encouraged, rubbing his arm in encouragement as he shook his head, feeling his cheeks flush a little .
“Here goes nothing,” he bit his lip, pushing the glass to his lips and downing the licking. Jason gritted his teeth, feeling it burn the back of his throat, “mmh, good shit!”
“Roy, it’s your turn, (Y/N) and I did, go before it’s too late!” Jason placed another glass in front of the ginger.
“Let’s get it on!!”
Turns out the whole who-gets-drunk-first-competition wasn’t a good idea, Roy was somehow sprawled over the glass table in front of the Are you still watching? Netflix menu, snoring softly, Wade was snoozing against the foot of the couch, head leaning back against the couch pillow.
Jason and (Y/N) were a bundle of limbs snuggling into each other like a drunken couple.
“Someone turn those stupid lights off,” Wade grumbled lazily, placing his arm over his eyes.
“Mmh,” the girl shuffled slowly, she frowned deeply before taking agonisingly long to open and adjust herself to the light.
“That’s the sun, dumbass,” she grumbled, before snuggling more into Jason’s chest and closing her eyes again.
“What time is it, Jay?” (Y/N) sensed he woke. Lazily, Jason extended an arm to the glass table, swatting Roy’s bicep away, eyes still closed and turning on his phone.
“Wade, what time is it?” He murmured in the girl’s hair.
“Turn it around,” The merc instructed. Jason did as he was told but accidentally dropped the phone out of his fingers.
“AH FUCK!” He yelled, holding his crotch after the device fell right on his baby maker (lmaoo omg). Jason and (Y/N) cringed lightly as the girl chuckled in his chest.
“So, uh, Wade, what time is it?” The Wayne asked again.
“11: 25, asshole,” The mutant groaned in pain.
“At least you’re awake now,” The girl snorted finally awakened by her teammate’s friend. Sitting up slowly, she held her head in pain.
“Aah, was yesterday really a good idea?”
“At least we didn’t have drunken sex, I wanna remember how it feels to have sex with you,” Jason smirked smugly, eyes still shut. Her head snapped in his direction before slapping his thigh hard.
“Since Wade wants to show everyone his new looks, how about we go out this afternoon, say, to the beach?” she proposed.  
“We’re a bit hangover over here,” Roy grunted, finally wake up.
“But fresh air will do us some good, come on guys,” She ushered, slowly standing up, “besides, it could be a little vacation for us.”
“Wow, so beautiful! Don’t you miss a sight like this Jason?” (Y/N) pulled his arm hurriedly.
“I’m here, I’m here,” he grumbled, “how about just here, it’s fine!” the man pointed to a nice area with a few people a comfortable distance away.
“Alright, fine you lazy oaf,” she grinned, helping him lay out the towels and the beach umbrella, “perfect,”
They both laid down on the towels, sighing in content. Jason readjusted his sunglasses before glancing over at the girl who was putting sunscreen on her legs and arms.
“You like what you see?” she sensed his eyes on her.
“Always,” he admitted.
“Can you help me?” Her hand extended the bottle to him as her back faced him.
“Sure.” The raven haired man sat up and put cream on his palm.
“YOU HAVE BEEN GRACED WITH OUR PRESENCE!” Roy cheered as he ran in the sun, dropping his things beside his teammates and rushing into the water.
“My god, it’s like he’s never had a hangover in the first place,” Jason shook his head as his eyes peeled towards Wade who had the same intention but was walking a lot slower. His shoulders were crouched over and he dragged his feet in the sand with a gloomy look.
“He looks like a hangover is the only thing he has,” (Y/N) teased, humming as he massaged her back.
“This is nice isn’t it?” The (H/C) haired inquired after thanking him and staring at him as he did the same to his body.
“Yeah, I guess,” he nodded, not wanting to meet her I-told-you-so expression.
They sat there, talking about everything and anything, occasionally hearing loud splashes below them as Roy soaked Wade like a little child as the latter just stood there unimpressed. So grumpy when he’s tired and hangover.
“Wanna go for ice cream?” The beautiful girl suggested.
“Yep!” He nodded eagerly, standing up after her, “guys, keep an eye on our stuff,” was his order before he scurried to her side. As the girl scanned over the flavours, Jason turned around, waiting in the queue. Suddenly, he frowned.
Why does that car look so familiar?
“Yes, sorry, I’ll take a scoop of cookie dough and a scoop of chocolate,”
“What was with that look on your face before?” The girl questioned as they walked back to the beach.
“Nothing, just a thought,” he dismissed, licking his ice cream.
“Oh my god, Jason?” A voice called out as they sat on Wade and Roy’s chairs to finish their ice cream.
“Huh?” The man in question gazed up in confusion before his eyes widened.
“Dick??” The girl beamed widely.
“Oh no,” Jason shook his head.
“Wow! You look hot in swimming shorts,” her eyes trailed over his abs before setting on his grin.
“You look beautiful as always,” Dick flirted back. Two other heads popped up by his side.
“Who’s she?” The youngest grimaced as the second youngest raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Way out of your league for sure,”  The first robin chuckled.
“Okay, this is an absolute no!” Jason shot off his seat, scooping the girl in his arms and making her drop her ice cream in the process, “Roy, Wade, pack up, we’re leaving!”
“My ice cream,” the girl sobbed.
“What? But we just got here!!” Roy frowned.
“Well fine, we’re leaving then!” Jason turned around, “Sayonara!” he snapped before rushing off.
“No wait, we’re coming!” the ginger raced towards their things.
“Why is he in a rush?” Tim asked.
“What the hell was that,” The girl slapped Jason’s arm once he let her go behind the ice cream shop, “I was having a good time and you made me drop my ice cream!” (Y/N) looked like everything had been taken away for her.
“I’ll buy you another ice cream,” The Wayne’s arms slid around her waist as he slowly backed her against the wall.
“What are you doing?” she shook her head in confusion.
“Claiming you,” he grunted before kissing her hungrily. The girl hummed, sliding her arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
“What was that for?” she asked, trying to catch her breath after that electrifying kiss, “wait, were you jealous?”
“N-no,” he blushed.
“Oh, baby, you were,” she cooed, cupping his cheek.
“I said I wasn’t,” the man denied again.
“Uh huh, well,” it was her turn to blush, “I’m yours, I-I mean, I’m only yours,” her nose touched his as her eyes stared intently at his.
“You mean l-like-”
“Should I-”
“Don’t make it too cheesy for me,” the girl teased, “my cute blushy boyfriend.”
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
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ftreactions-blog · 7 years
GOT7 as : Types of Dads
request : how would got7 be as dads?
requested by : no one, hope you enjoy!! also i’ll do bts next so make sure to comeback ((:
A/N : requests are open please come request anything you’d like!!
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Jaebum - the ‘Tough Love’ dad : as much as jaebum loves his tiny babies he can’t help but be a bit strict with them and let me tell you his hard work pays off bc his kids will be the most disciplined kids you’ve ever known and he’s just so proud of them and wants to keep all of them in a little bubble and hidden away from the world because to him they’re like precious gems. he probably cried so much when he held your baby for the first time bc he can’t believe he made that?? he actually can’t believe his baby is HIS, like he’s so smitten with his babies and sometimes his whole ‘ strict dad ’ attitude changes when he sees their tiny little smiles and their cute little cheeks because HE’S SO WHIPPED.
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Mark - the ‘Fun’ dad : much like Papa Tuan, mark will be the fun loving dad that all his babies could trust in. he’s a natural born dad (???) like he’s so good with them and he’s also an expert at taking care of them (sometimes lmaoo). he’s the type of dad to give them ice-cream for breakfast and pizza for dinner because he just wants them to be happy all day long. he later regrets in when it’s time for bed but he will never admit that tbh. he takes his kids to play in parks or signs them up for activities like soccer bc he can’t stand when kids use electronics all day. although he’s very chilled out, he’s not afraid to scold his kids 
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Jackson - the ‘Over Emotional’ dad : listen to me, jackson will be the best dad ever okay??? he will love his little babies so much and will want to show them off to the whole world and will probably never stop talking about them,if he was doing an interview about new music he’d suddenly start talking about his precious babies and will never stop!! the mc’s will be like “ haha yea, we asked about your new songs not about your kids?? ” what ever they do jackson will probably cry, if your baby walks jackson will be a mess, if your baby makes the tinniest sound jackson will be on the floor like “ mY bABY DID THAT!!! ” he’d be that dad that joins The Return of Superman just to show off how cute his babies are!! 
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Jinyoung - the ‘Over Protective’ dad : okay but the moment you told jinyoung you were pregnant he’d turn into eomma jinyoung™ and would not let you do ANYTHING!! oh you want a glass of water?? too bad he wont let you leave the couch. jinyoung would baby proof the WHOLE house just in case his baby fell, he’d have no chill. after your baby is born he’d want to be the first one to carry it and he wouldn’t want to let them go bc he’s so whipped and does not want any harm done to his little baby bun. will yell at yugyeom for staring at his baby tbh. he gets so sad bc his baby is finally growing and he wanted them to stay babies forever so you’d have to reassure him that they will always love him no matter what age they turn. he’s the type to cry in the schools parking lot on his babies first day of school.
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Youngjae - the ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’ dad : HELP THIS POOR BABY PLEASE!! he’d honestly be so scared to be a dad because he’s still a baby himself,, like how is a baby gonna raise another baby??? poor lil bun is too scared to carry your baby at first bc he feels like he’s gonna drop them but as soon as your baby wraps their tiny little hand around his finger youngjae’s heart will melt and he will turn into a puddle of goo, especially if you guys have a baby girl. OH MY GOD if youngjae has a baby girl she will be the cutest thing ever to him, that’ll be his one and only and he won’t be able to stop kissing her chubby lil cheeks and he will probably want to buy her cute little dresses and just spoil her to death! he’s the type to cry whenever his kids cry asdfghjkl;
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BamBam - the ‘I can’t control my kids’ dad - Bam will live for his babies and will spoil them with whatever they want! he’s the super chill and fun dad but when it comes to disciplining his kids HE DOESN’T HAVE THE HEART TO DO IT. he can’t say no to his precious little babies and he especially hates to see them cry so you have to be the no jam parent and ruin their little fun. he would go to the ends of the earth to make his babies the happiest beans in the world. legit matches with his kids and he doesn’t even care if it’s cheesy, he just wants his babies to look good!!
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Yugyeom - the ‘Childish’ dad : yugyeom will be such a fun dad he’d basically be a kid himself. he will play with them until 4 in the morning and will probably buy toys and says it’s for his babies but it’s actually for him lmaoo. he’d be such a fool for his kids like you don’t even know, i imagine him having all girls tbh and he’d be so soft and gooey for all of them. 
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choco-chip-cookie · 7 years
SugarDaddy!Cal Pt. 19
A/N: This chapter is long asf you guys, but I’m sure you expected it. The drama in this is to die for lmaoo, but I promised they’d be alright and I’m going to keep that promise. I wouldn’t ruin your little hearts like that. So, remember 100 notes and feedback and I hope you enjoy💕
At the rate this story gets notes, I’m pretty sure you’re all going to want the last chapter tmr. So, I’m gonna get to finishing that and try not to get upset that it’s over.
*WARNING**: Just a pinch/ mention of smut, nothing too detailed or serious.
One/ Two/ Three/ Four/Five/Six/Seven/Eight/ Nine/Ten/Eleven/Twelve/Thirteen/Fourteen/Fifteen Sixteen/ Seventeen/ Eighteen/ Nineteen/Twenty{END}
You all had been standing there in an eerie silence for what felt like hours after the recording had stopped. Calum was standing there stiffly with no sign of emotion on his face. It was as if the Māori had shut down completely after hearing the news. You were beyond nervous at this because Calum was usually one to let out his anger as soon as he felt it, he never thought about what to do, he kinda of just reacted. Luke on the other hand was praying for the ground to open up and swallow him whole instead of Calum getting to him.
“Mate…you okay?” Ashton was the first to speak as he took cautious steps towards Calum.
“You…you slept with Y/N?” Calum questioned Luke who now resembled a deer caught in headlights.
“Calum, I’m so sorry.”
“You slept with Y/N.” he repeated to himself, almost as if he had to get the words stuck in his brain so that he could believe it.“That’s got to be a joke right, you wouldn’t have…You know how much she means to me.”
“What the fuck, Luke?!” He shouted, knocking over the lamp on the couch side table. The glass shattered the second it hit the floor and you had to keep your thoughts focused on the situation and not how hot you found an angry Calum to be.
You advanced towards Calum and felt a flash of hurt when he took a step back away from you. “Calum it was my fault, okay? I made a move on him and-”
“Why would you…after we practically confessed our feelings the other night and…oh my God.”
“No, Cal, it was almost a week before that.” You admitted.
Calum had to take a seat on the couch to steady his breathing. Although he wanted nothing more than to beat Luke’s face in, he knew that he couldn’t do it. Ashton and Michael wouldn’t let him if he tried.
“I think I’m going to throw up.” Calum dry heaved and grimaced when you went to touch him.“No! Don’t fucking- just don’t.”
“I’m sorry, Cal.”
“No, fuck you!” He shouted, his face heating up from the anger.“You fucking give me shit about Nicole all the time and kept me on my toes just waiting for a text message or waiting until I knew I could come over again. You had me thinking that we were going to be something more then you go fuck my best friend?!”
“It wasn’t even like that!” You argued back.“ and besides, you have a girlfriend so-”
“It’s a fucking PR stunt!” He shouted with his hands thrown in the air in exasperation. All of your mouths dropped at the confession, leaving both you and Luke feeling ten times worse.“David forced me to do it to get rid of the negative attention, but it clearly didn’t work because I can’t stay away from you.”
“I didn’t know…”
“Of course you didn’t know, that was the point.” He rolled his eyes.“That’s why I always said I couldn’t explain to you why although I had a girlfriend I kept fooling around with you. She’s just obsessive and clingy for no reason because I don’t even like her as a friend.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry, mate.” Luke seemed as if he was near tears.“ We were both vulnerable and drunk and it was a stupid mistake and-”
“Save it.” Calum laughed coldly.“This is exactly why I don’t get close to anyone, they always fuck me over.”
You could feel your heart break the minute you saw tears cloud behind his normally twinkling, brown eyes.“I didn’t fuck you over, Calum. I do feel for you,honestly.”
“How do you feel for me when you fucked my best friend?” Having Calum laugh in your face felt like a stab in the heart.“You had sex with him, then pretended as if it didn’t happen, let me come into your apartment and confess my feelings…let me make love to you and just try to excuse it by saying it was a mistake? God, I should’ve listened to Ashton months ago.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Oh, but I do.”
Michael, Ashton, and Nicole stood and watched the drama unfold in front of them and not having a clue of what to do. Nicole was enjoying the mess she created, especially since she recently found out that Calum didn’t even like her a little bit. Michael was glaring at the redhead, pissed because this mess could’ve been avoided. Ashton, however,  just sat on the couch as if he was a fly on the wall. He knew it was better to allow Calum to let out his frustrations now rather than him keeping it pent up inside and becoming a walking tick bomb.
“Cal-” you tried to reach for him again, but he smacked your hand away.
“I fucking love you.” He admitted with a few tears sliding down his cheeks, causing you to freeze up at the confession.“I’ve fallen in love with you and you went and had sex with Luke so,” he couldn’t even finish his sentence before he began to silently sob.
The other three boys looked at you, waiting for you to say something, anything , to comfort their friend. He loved you? Calum Thomas Hood had fallen in love with you?
“It didn’t mean anything, we swear.” Luke tried again.“It was just a drunken one time thing.”
“Do you even love me back, Y/N?”
You knew you loved him. You’ve known ever since he made love to you that night, but for some reason you couldn’t get the words to leave your mouth. You watched him break right in front of your eyes and it only took three words to somewhat mend him back together again. Luke was waiting on you to say it back, knowing that you loved him as well from the drunken confessions a week ago. After you just stared at him for what seemed like forever he shook his head and chuckled darkly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Of course you don’t. ” Calum stood and ran his fingers through his messy hair, tugging at it slightly.“Why did I even think you would? Just go.”
“Get the fuck out, Y/N! It’s done, it’s over, okay?! Isn’t that what you’ve wanted for the past months?!”
“No, I-”
“I think he wants you to go.” Nicole smiled and you were about to retaliate until Calum beat you to it.
“You shut up and get out too. Fuck the contract, I’m done with it. I’m done with all of this.”
You watched as the dark haired boy left all of you in the living room and the sound of his room door slamming echoed throughout the apartment. No one said anything after what all took place, eyes just examining everyone’s expression. You were the first to speak once you gathered your belongings and went to bid your goodbyes.
“So, I uh…I guess this is it.” You have them a weak smile, reaching up to quickly swipe a tear from you eye. You weren’t going to cry in front of them, you refused to.
“I’m sorry.” Luke apologized to you and you shook your head.“
"Yeah, me too.”
Then you left your friends behind, hoping that maybe you’d see them again someday.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You heard your name being shouted and the sound of heavy feet quickly making its way towards you.
A couple of moments later Connor appeared in your doorway and hopped into bed with you, causing you to let out a groan of annoyance.
“Guess what.”
Another groan.
“Felix and I are back together.” Connor cheesed as he bounced up and down in your bed. He, to you, resembled an excited kid on Christmas morning.
When he got no reply from you, he poked his head underneath your duvet and his smile melted when he noticed your red eyes and puffy cheeks.
“You okay?”
“Me and Calum are officially done.” You confessed.“And Nicole was just a stupid PR stunt. Then he admitted he loved me in front of all of the boys and I froze and didn’t say it back.”
“Oh..oh wow.” Connor couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He would’ve never thought the two of you would actually end, and he definitely didn’t expect that you would fall in love. You were after all, Y/N Y/L/N. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No…can you go get the tub of ice cream?”
“Of course, darling.”
You and Connor laid in bed silently as you both chowed down on the ice cream without exchanging words. He knew the pain you were in, so he understood why it was better to not talk about it at the moment. You’d be ready eventually.
“I don’t feel too good.” You placed the spoon into the container, sitting up quickly and holding your hand to your mouth, running to the bathroom.
“You were probably just eating it too fast.” Connor spoke loudly over the sound of your retching.
He figured that was enough of the ice cream and left to return it to its spot in the freezer. When he came back you were laying in bed, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
“It’s not that.” You tossed out the idea.“I’ve been throwing up the past couple of days and sleeping more often. It’s probably just a little bug or something.”
“You should get that checked out.”
“You know I hate going to the doctors, C. It’s just a little throw up and a few extra naps, nothing too serious. Im fine.” You rolled your eyes at the worried look Connor shot you before  repeating yourself.“I’m fine.”
Three hard knocks sounded throughout the apartment and you rocked on your heels as you waited for someone to answer the door. You were terrified of the reaction you would get for returning to their home, but you desperately needed the load of clothes you had left behind. Practically half of your closet was in Calum’s room. You were pulled from your thoughts when the door opened revealing a shocked Ashton.
“Uhhh…hello. How’ve you been?” He questioned you cautiously, not wanting to upset you in anyway whilst scratching the back of his neck.
“I’ve been feeling shitty.” You laughed off your pain,“But I’m here to uh..I need all of my stuff.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll get it for you just-”
“I can’t get it myself?” You furrowed your brows together in confusion.“Why not?”
“It’s…we kind of have company and-”
“Ashton, that’s bullshit.” You rolled your eyes, beginning to become pissed off at his lame excuses. The house was completely silent and you knew if anyone was over there would at least some kind of indication of their presence. There weren’t even any cars to show that anyone was there besides the residents. “I know what I did was wrong, but the least you could do is allow me to get my own shit.”
“Y/N please don’t-”
“Excuse me.” You push passed him.
Who would’ve thought coming to get your clothes would be such a hassle. Ashton tried to get you to come back the whole walk to Calum’s room, and you were horrified once you saw the reason why.
When you opened the door, there Calum and Nicole were in all of their glory. She was riding him with her head thrown back and her eyes closed as she relished in the pleasure. Her moans aren’t even what bothered you, and neither didn’t her presence. It was more of the fact that Calum was enjoying himself, holding onto her much smaller butt the same way he used to do yours. Mumbling out the same dirty words he had told you multiple times. Running his hands along her slimmer body as if she was you. You closed the door and slowly trudged back into the living room where Ashton was already standing with open arms.
The minute he wrapped his arms around you, the tears began to flow endlessly. You had told yourself all your life that you would never cry over a boy, no matter what the circumstance was. Of course Calum would be the first one to cause that, no matter how hard you tried to fight the emotions. Ashton spoke sweet nothings into your ear as he rubbed soothing circles on your back. Seeing the toughest girls he’s ever met breakdown in his arms really tugged at his heartstrings.
“I uh…I’m sor-”
“No, I deserve it.” You interrupted with a laugh, furiously wiping the tears from you face.“I’ll just wait here until they’re done.”
“I can bring you your stuff, Y/N. You don’t have to stay.”
“I’m good.” You reassured as you took a seat on the couch.“I’ll just wait.”
Ashton decided to leave you be and went into the kitchen to finish cleaning. He had brought you a cup of lemonade while you waited for another thirty minutes before Calum had come downstairs with his sweatpants hung low on his waist. You knew he hadn’t even noticed your slouched form on the couch as he bid Nicole goodbye and sent her on her way. You assumed she called an uber since her car wasn’t parked outside. Still, Calum paid you no mind as he walked into the living room until you sniffed and made your presence known.
“Y/N? What are you-”
“Is she better than me?” You asked, fiddling with the hem of your t shirt dress and avoiding his eyes.
“Does Nicole fuck you better than I did?”
Calum’s eyes widened as he realized that you had seen he and Nicole together. He almost felt bad for you until he remembered you had done the same thing with Luke.
“Did Luke fuck you better than me?” He shot back and you shook your head.
“No, nothing’s like you.” You denied the assumption.“I just came to get all of my stuff, anyway. I’ll be gone in a  few minutes.”
Calum was thrown off by how small and quiet your voice seemed to be despite how loud and confident you usually were. He followed you up into his room and watched as you went through his closet  to retrieve your items, not a word leaving your lips. He wanted you to say something, anything to him about what you had just seen. You keeping to yourself made him realize that you’ve actually given up, and he was beginning to think that he didn’t want that. He still wanted you.
“You know, I can’t even be anything but hurt.” You finally spoke to him calmly.“Even though I did it and you found out through Nicole…seeing you underneath the girl I hate the most. The girl that fucked up what we had between us…that’s probably the worst pain I’ve felt in a long time.”
He still stood silently as you moved towards the hamper to sift through the clothes to find what belonged to you.
“I was drunk and beyond vulnerable when I had sex with Luke. We were both there for each other and we shared how much we were both hurting, how we felt about you and Arzaylea. It just felt right..completely platonic, but we were okay with it.”
“It’s still wrong.”
“You don’t think we didn’t know that?” You laughed.“We thought about you before we did it and I had to remember that you had a damn girlfriend and only came around when you were horny just to get myself to go through with it. I had thought you moved on and decided it was time for me to do the same.”
“With my best friend, though, Y/N? How’d did you possibly think that was okay?”
“I didn’t once I came to my right mind the next morning.”
He watched as you stopped searching through the clothes to look over at him, a tear slipping down your  cheek as you continued.“But that’s my excuse of why I did it. You’re not drunk. I’m sure she didn’t take advantage of your vulnerability because you seem fine, you’re glowing actually. So, what’s your excuse as to why you had sex with her?” You spat.
Calum didn’t have an answer and reached up to tug at his hair, a bad habit he’s always had. He could see all of your pain, feel your anger surrounding him. When you didn’t receive a reply from him you laughed coldly and balanced all of your clothes into your hands until you got downstairs to find a bag. His eyes followed your small frame as you passed by him with bloodshot eyes and a frown. He wanted to fight for you; he wanted to show just how much he really wanted you, but he couldn’t find himself to do it. Not with you feeling so much animosity towards him. You were almost out the door before you mumbled three words that sealed the deal for him.
“And I love you too, you asshole.”
He was positive that he had to fight for you then as he ran down the stairs to catch up with you. Calum grabbed you by your arm and spun you around, smashing his lips against yours. Your body melted against his as he poured every ounce of love and passion he could muster up into the kiss. The clothes pooled around at your feet and were completely forgotten at this point.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered just loud enough for you to hear, pulling your close to his chest as you cried.“I just wanted to feel like I got even with you and Im an idiot and I’m sorry.”
“Stop making me cry.” You whined,trying to stop the tears from pouring down your face. God, you hated crying.
“I love you so much, princess.” He pressed kisses to your forehead in a loving manner, squeezing you tighter if possible.“Fuck, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Are you okay, babe?” You heard Calum call for you as you finished emptying your dinner into the toilet.
God, did you feel awful. One minute you were scarfing down dinner as if you hadn’t eaten in days, and the next minute your stomach was telling you that you’ve clearly made the wrong mistake. It had been doing that a lot lately. You reached up to flush the toilet and sat on the cool tile floors to recompose yourself, then lifted yourself up with the counter. You quickly brushed your teeth and splashed cool water over your heated face, then left the bathroom to rejoin Calum in his bed.
“Yeah, I’m straight.”
“You just finished puking, Y/N, you’re not.”
“I am, Calum. Shut up.”
You laid your head on your shoulder and watched his scroll through his twitter feed, running your fingers through his raven curls. You examined his face while he sat peacefully, loving the feel of your body pressed against his. It had been so long since the both of you could be truly happy, but you knew deep down that something was bound to go wrong. You never got happy endings.
“Why’re you crying?” Calum furrowed his eyebrows and sat up to be able to see you properly. You didn’t even realise that you had tears rolling down your cheeks. What the hell had gotten into you? “Babe?”
“This isn’t going to work out.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Us.” You stated simply, toying with the loose string on the basketball shorts you’d borrowed from him.“Something’s going to happen and then we’re not going to be able to be together, then-”
“Stop being stupid.”
You immediately stopped your rambling due to the harshness of his voice, although it wasn’t harsh at all. You’d used that tone on him more times than you could count, so you knew that he didn’t mean any harm.
“You love me right?” He waited for you to confirm his assumption before he continued,“And I love you too, okay? After all the shit we’ve been through these past few months do you really think I’m just going to let you go so easily?”
“You’ve done it before.” You mumbled and he smacked his lips.
“You know I didn’t want to, and it was just for a week anyway.”
“Yeah, but-”
“I’m not about to argue with you right now, Y/N.” he laughed, shaking his head at how defensive and how quick you were to argue about little situations. Calum pulled you into his chest and pressed a kiss to your lips.“I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.”
“Promise?” You held out your pinky, looking at him with hopeful eyes. You smiled when Calum wrapped his larger digit around yours, bringing the interlocked pinkies to his lips to press a tender kiss to them.
“I promise.”
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kiroiimye · 7 years
Day 5: Summer
Hey everyone! Day 5 of LaxLu week! Enjoy 😉 Disclaimer: I don’t own Fairy Tail.
It was summer in Magnolia and Lucy and her friends, Levy, Erza, and Juvia were at the country club pool. “Go talk to him!” Levy giggled to Lucy as they stared at the new, hot lifeguard. The lifeguard was a huge, muscular man, with spiky blonde hair and striking gray eyes and a, holy shit, six pack. Damn. “No way!” Lucy squealed. “He’s looking over here!” Erza hissed. Lucy and Levy looked over to the lifeguard and he was, indeed, staring at them. More specifically, Lucy. “Omigod!” the blonde girl squeaked. She averted her eyes, blushing. “Go talk to him!” Juvia joined in, smiling. “It’s the only way Lucy will get a boyfriend.” “Shut up Juvia!” Lucy shrieked. “Ugh, I’m going swimming.” The girls giggled behind her and Lucy stepped into the view of the lifeguard. Making sure he was watching her, she turned her ass to him and made a show out of stripping her shirt and skirt off, to reveal her sexy pink and white bikini. She daintily slid herself into the crystal blue waters and there was a splash next to her. A girl with blue hair submerged. “You made quite the show for that lifeguard, Lu-chan,” Levy wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. “Oh shush,” Lucy muttered. “Well, if you don’t claim that sexy, sexy beast, someone else will,” Juvia commented, jumping in next to Levy. “Who?” the blonde girl queried. “Minerva,” Erza growled distastefully, eyeing the lifeguard chair. Lucy whirled around to see her black haired enemy chatting with the lifeguard. Minerva. She was obviously flirting with him, by the way she positioned herself and the fluttering of her eyelashes. “You gonna let her beat you?” Erza smirked, knowing that her friend would obviously get ruffled at the sight. “Bitch, keep your hands off my man. Hell to fuck no,” Lucy snarled underneath her breath. Calming her expression, Lucy smiled and climbed out of the pool, making a show out of it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the lifeguard eyeing her ass appreciatively. Smirking to herself, she stretched, making sure to point her butt towards him even more. She checked again. Definitely got his attention. Lucy licked her lips. It was go time. Lucy sauntered over to him, pushing Minerva away. “Hey babe! You feeling hot out here?” she chirped. The blonde girl draped her arms over his neck. “Oh hey Lucy! This your boyfriend?” Minerva asked sweetly. “Oh, Minerva! I didn’t see you there! Yeah, this is my boyfriend,” she replied with an equally sweet smile. “Really now? He seemed to have an interest in me,” the raven haired girl shot. “Oh that’s just him being polite,” Lucy brushed it off. “Right babe?” She lowered her face to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. The lifeguard’s mouth opened to speak, but Minerva cut him off. “I bet he’s not really your boyfriend,” she snapped. “Need me to prove it?” Lucy asked dryly. “Kiss him on the lips,” the ravenette deadpanned. Lucy tilted his face towards hers and leaned down to kiss him, but to her surprise, he grabbed her face and pulled her to him. He kissed her roughly, sliding his tongue into her mouth. Lucy moaned as their tongues fought for dominance. His hands drifted to her waist and she buried her hands in his spiky hair. When they pulled away, Minerva was gone. “So, what’s your name?” the lifeguard asked huskily. “I’m Lucy,” she replied breathlessly. “Laxus. Nice to meet you,” he responded with a devilish smirk. “So, are you free after your shift?” Lucy asked with a coy smile. She dropped her hands to Laxus’s pants and twiddled with the strings. “As a matter of fact, it ends in five minutes and I am. Are you asking me on a date?” Laxus teased. “I am. I’d like to get to know my boyfriend a bit more,” Lucy joked. “Alright. Me, you, ice cream shop in ten.” “Done.” It was a summer day in Magnolia and Lucy Heartfilia had just made out with a sexy beast of a lifeguard and got him to go on a date with her. Summer was definitely the best season.
Yosh! I love this one lmaoo ❤️ Hope you did too!
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shkon · 7 years
Also my dream was crazy as fuck. I haven’t had a dream this vivid in a long time. (Story time now) btw also included a setting from another dream of mine that was also vivid. My dream world is taking shape and it’s based around my home town.. (really good read actually)
So I visited home from my new “home” in riverside and went to the mall to get myself a deli sandwich and a Thai tea. The perfect realm since the real mall would never have that, I mean deli sandwiches and Thai tea what a perfect combo. Anyways, I barely get my Thai tea when I run into a couple street kids I used to roll with back in the day and they’re headed out so I decided to walk with them. We reach the end of the parking lot and see my best friend aka brother ivan, who at this point of our lives have reached a lot of hostility between eachother and haven’t seen eachother in about 6 months. Instantly we hug it out like two lovers split from the fires of war.. I know homo AF We start talking and the fix gear biker gang kids get frustrated and say something along the lines of “hey dude I know you’re in town and feel special n shit, but we got some blunts to smoke at a gig downtown, you comin or nah?” Butthurt for having to split up with my boy for a night of “booze and bitches,” their words not mine, I made a last ditch effort to combine all my plans in one. I brought up an idea, “why don’t I throw a party and you can invite all your little homies and I can invite my Friends, we mix groups and have ourselves a rager.” Everyone loved the idea since they know I have good taste, I mean Thai tea and deli sandwiches? You go dreamworld me you’re awesome. Ivan brought up a good point, he said, “bro your in town for one night you don’t even live here? Where the fuck are you going to throw a party?” Scurrying through the inner dimensions of my noodle I inquired about a desolate land I had explored with my other best friend kurren in another dream world. (I didn’t invite him to the party lol) This place had abandoned buildings we could party at, watering holes, even a haunted sewage treatment plant rampant in wildlife just a quarter mile up the hill. Everyone gets really excited, except ivan since he always disagrees with me, which is why there was hostility between us in the first place. I stared at him waiting for his approval which I didn’t need anyway but would only lock in my positive emotions for the weekend further, “fuck it, let’s do it!”
Excitedly we all split up awaiting the night full of shenanigans, I stay with ivan and I get ready at his place. As I’m changing in his bathroom I look at my reflection and I see an old lady with an odd bejeweled grill and white Irises, she was oddly beautiful for her age and I understood that she was a witch or some sort of banshee, being the sicko that I am I instantly start masturbating… at first she smiled and liked it but then I felt this weird burst of energy and a cat latched on to my legs and meows really loud knocking back the tv the mirror and the table it was standing on. I get super freaked out and run into the kitchen where ivan and his cousin are hanging out barely cupping my towel around my nads. “Dude your fucking house is haunted as fuck! Bro there’s a fucking demon in the mirror what the fuuuck!” Ivan knowing his house was a little out of wack decided to investigate for himself, flipping the mirror where the demon is still grooming herself smiling all sexy.. “Yup that’s a demon alright.” She winks at us and I get another boner sending another burst of energy from the mirror lmaoo. “Think you’re pissing off her husband sicko,” ivan points to my odd boner which was in plain sight for all to see since the last burst of energy knocked my towel away (witch lady winks at us and scene fades away)
Ivan’s cousin Orlando and I wait around in Ivan’s living room staring at the pictures and figurines on the wall making new faces at us everytime we blink. I point it out to Orlando who’s extremely high at this point just staring blankly at the pictures and didn’t even notice the changes. I point it out to him and he smiles chillingly and says “ we need to get the fuck out of here pronto.. I don’t know how ivan lives like this.” (We hear one last burst of energy from The bathroom and the scene faded again to us driving to the party)
As we arrive I notice a buncha friends and mutuals parked in front of the abandoned pad obviously the dumbest move they could have made. “Obviously they remodeled the place it’s cool to park here” a stranger (Ricky) replied to my “yall retarded” face pointing at a charred memory of a child’s treehouse that now only carried the foundation and support beams. I guide everyone to a place to park and head inside setting up snacks booze and a generator for the dj to power the house with tunez. Scene fades in and out with a devilish montage of natural good human fun; people talking shots, strobe lights flicking us through each scene, two girls making out, shrooms and acid being administered in young street kids mouths, Flashbacks of the banshee winking at me. At this point I’m sitting pool side with one of the girls who was making out at the cliff end of a watering hole, music still playing in the background just close enough to hear it all and far enough to have a conversation. “Ya I actually ran into this place with my boy kurren a couple months back, the devil resides in the peak of that tower, it’s an extreme hike not meant for the faint of heart. Dark tunnels you end up crawling through covered in evil sludge sent from the man himself” super engaged and smiling at me she lays her head on my arm all cozy laying almost upright sideways on the end of the cliff, “once you get out through the top of the elevator shaft there’s a vegetated area lost to time where coyotes and deer roam, a bridge leads to the water tower and the quickest way down is to jump off the tower and into this watering hole” She was a good girl light red head from a good family straight A student,it was her first night out, the fixxy crew was renown for poisoning young girls and introducing them to a life of drugs and dirty dicks; I wasn’t exactly going to let them do that to this one, she was special. “Wait deer? You can’t be serious how’d they make it out to the heart of Chula Vista?” “I know I don’t get it either, but they’re there, I can show you” “No thanks, I’ll stay away from satan’s lair thank you..” I start making out with her with love flushing her eyes and joy and lust flushing mine, I really felt attached to this girl already like I found the girl of my dreams. I found an angel in the devils playground and my goulish properties had come out to play. I grab her tight and passionately throw ourselves off the cliff holding on to a vine with my other hand swinging making out like Tarzan and Jane. “Let me go! Are you fucking crazy” she says smiling completely wooed by my spurts of impromptu actions. I let her go as she asked and she lands almost perfectly in the middle of the watering hole smacking her ankle on the edge of the pool. “You get a girl to fall in love with you, and you fuck it up by breaking her fucking ankle.. you’re an idiot” says the girl my young love was making out with judgingly and jealously, she was sitting above us tripping out on shrooms dropping eaves on our conversation the entire time. (I dive in and the scene cuts out to me tending to her wounds) “It’s not broken it’s just bruised, Im sorry once again I thought it would be cute,” “Don’t worry it was, you’re just an idiot” she replies halfway crying the other half flirting. I offer her anything her soul desires; Ice, sugary treats, weed, ice cream, she smiles and says “caramel macchiato” “Wait what?” “Caramel macchiato!” She replies vigorously a trait I admire in a woman that I did not know she carried until she was halfway in a daze due to love and pain, physical pain. Before I could get up and cover my end of the bargain a street kid, hella strung out on shrooms and acid, his hair floating in the wind, dirt on his evil Filipino grin, bone skinny staring right at me, fires burning behind him stanced fist at his side, framed perfectly like right out of an anime; chuckles at me and says “it was fun” not knowing if he meant the party or burning down the house putting many lives in danger and exterminating the rager..
I kiss the girl on the lips as she passes out and run off into the house to warn people and save a couple lives, some dudes enthralled deeply in their game of Mario kart thinking the heat from the flames was planned drinking their Bottled IPA’s sours and stouts without removing their eyes fixated on the screen, I throw their old tv onto their wii and tellem “get the fuck out!!!!” Obviously pissed they leave still sipping their micro brews scurrying off into the thick smoke.
I make love to my sweetheart with the biggest campfire of the century burning in the back lesbian girl still sprawled out above us meditating and listening to us fuck, pressing on the good girl Renee’s bruise as she moans letting me do anything I decide to as she cums into a deep comatosas. We cuddle into the night and wake up to a police woman writing notes on a paper, “Ashkan? Honey you in some deep shit. Word is all this was your doing is that right?” At this point the girls father arrived and escorted her out wrapped up in a grey police blanket giving me dirty looks, Renee giving me worried I’ll remember this moment forever looks as they walked off into their Mercedes SUV. “Trespassing, arson, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, multiple minors I might add.. you’re lucky I like you. You should be going away for a long time but your friend ivan tells me you’re trying to make a life outside of daygo and I appreciate the youth stepping out and actually doing something, but don’t think you’re getting away Scott free oooo he’ll no. I’m glad you enjoyed being back home because you’re gunna spend another year here now” I walk with the police lady making futile efforts to explain the situation and try to find a way out of it then get stuffed in the backseat as I lock eyes with my mom who’s staring at me from beyond the caution tape. “Hope it was worth it, she seemed like a nice girl”
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