#what else do i need to sayyy
dnpsuck · 8 months
they have. a framed picture. of their final fantasy characters. in their home. they took a screenshot of their final fantasy characters. printed it. framed it. and displayed it. in their home.
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angelyuji · 1 year
yandere headcanons :0
across the spiderverse characters: peter b parker, miles, gwen, miguel, hobie, pavitr
warnings: the usual yandere stuff (kidnapping, manipulation, stalking)
(imagine miles, gwen, pavitr like college age) (gender neutral reader)
peter b
literally so in love with you
he’s not the type to sit and stalk you from a far, but he’s also not straight up kidnapping you
he’ll watch you, find out your interests, find your social media, everything he needs to figure out how to be your perfect lover <3
he becomes your friend and integrates himself into your life
if you like him, he has no reason to separate you from your family or friends becuz he’s the perfect boyfriend. no one has anything negative to say abt him
if you don’t… he’ll do anything to make you like him.
convince you your whole family is evil and he’s the only one really looking out for you
he’s awkward and sweet and kind and so funny and it’s hard not to believe him
wants the American dream life: white picket fence, house in the suburbs, marriage, kids
that’s his dream for the both of you and he doesn’t really care if you don’t have the same dream
“you’re my dream, (y/n). everything i do, it’s always been for you.”
miles (aged up!)
miles is similar to peter b but like also not
very stalker but like without knowing, he’d pass your place over and over during his patrols around the city without realizing
he’d never kidnap you or do anything reallyyy morally wrong
howeverrr he’s absolutely in love with you, so like small little things
stalking, stealing small things from you, finding out the shampoos or different things you use or eat.
he feels closer to you, knowing he knows you better than anyone else.
after a long time, he’ll work up the courage to talk to you (“accidently” bumping into you at a coffee shop or a place you visit frequently) miles (albeit awkward) is a charmer, so you’re instantly smitten.
plus! he loves all the things you do, so you’re a match made in heaven :)
“hey, (y/n)! we meet again!”
gwen (aged up!)
gwen doesn’t try to interact with you much
she’s definitely afraid of putting you in danger or losing you just because you got close
she’ll watch over you and protect you from danger tbh like
for example, sayyy someone was harassing you at work and/or school, you’d probably successfully get that off your ass or at least they leave you alone for the day, butttt gwen would not feel satisfied.
gwen would find where they live and absolutely beat the living shit out of them
seeing someone bother you makes her vision go red like
basically your guardian angel
she would never bother you really just protecting you from afar
you’ll never notice tbh
unless some big bad guy found out that ghost-spider has been following around a random civilian…
well then, she’ll have to keep you safe
she’ll keep you safe in her apartment, whether you want to be there or not.
“every single thing i do, i do it to keep you safe.”
miguel (won’t be writing in spanish cause i don’t know spanish srry guys) (but he def calls you cute nicknames in spanish)
HEHHEHEHEE (my bad im just literally in love)
gwen but like 10000000 times more intense
the moment he lays eyes on you, babes you’re FUCKED
he’s snatching you up
however! the first thing he’ll check is if you’re super important to the “safety” of the timeline
no offense but ur not at all important saurrr FREE GAMEE
he’s definitely kidnapping you and keeping you hostage at HQ
he doesn’t bother with the whole stalking thing or becoming friends or anything like that
he doesn’t care if you don’t want to come with him, your opinions do not matter to him at all
he believes that he’s your protector, that everything that he’s doing is for your own good
you don’t know what’s best for yourself, only miguel knows what’s best for you (at least that’s what he thinks)
his only goal is to keep you with him, he wants a family and he believes that with you… he can achieve his dreams
if you’re a part of the Spider Society, Miguel can’t really do anything to you without other people noticing or disrupting the timeline
but yk… it’s better to be a rando from whatever universe to have miguel’s attention (but that’s just my opinion i suppose)
“you are mine. you will never leave me.”
hobie (will not be writing his british accent sorry im bad at accents)
i love him he’s so funny
you’ve been friends for a long time, he was in a band with you before he quit
he doesn’t really stay in one place for long
he’s a lot like a mix of gwen and miles
he believes keeping you safe is by staying close to you, but he also watches over you when you’re alone
he falls for you because of how positive you are, you never talk badly about anyone, but you’re always down to do anything.
you always join him for every protest, at his every show
he flirts with you constantly, loving how you blush away at the attention
constantly giving you attention and love, but a little manipulative about it at the same time
he never wants to kidnap you or keep you hostage, it’s against everything he stands for
he knows that if you didn’t like him, you’d never be by his side
so he believes that keeping you free is what keeps you near him
“we’re free birds, (y/n). with you by my side, we’re unstoppable.”
pavitr (aged up!) (this is gonna be very non-yandere tbh) (ILOVEHIM)
my little cutie pie i love him
i can’t really imagine being a yandere type character but he would be similar in miles and hobie
no kidnapping or stealing tho
slight stalking, just watching over you all the time, making sure you’re safe
he’s my little cutie pie moroenfakds
he’s flirty and funny
you’d be classmates when you meet him
you’d click very quickly tbh he’s just so easy to get along with
he’s absolutely terrified of your parents, very respectful tho so your parents love him
very passionate about how much he likes you, would quite literally shout it from the rooftops (and he does every day)
ugh i love him
"you're my world, (y/n). i love you so much."
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jubileexoxo · 11 months
idk how to make it pretty i’m sorry :( also i don’t care too it’s 2AM over here TEEHEE
Many way, NSFW Cove Holden Headcanons!!
MDNI, ofc you silly??2!2, Talk of switch Cove, sub leaning switch Cove, Soft dom Cove, COVE WHIMPERS AND MOANSSS IM TELLING YOU UGH?!2!2 Not much mention of reader but everything should gender neutral! he’s so pretty ok i’m done gn
Starting off strong, in my nasty ol’ mind, Cove is indefinitely a switch!! Common knowledge, maybe but I also think he wouldn’t be like a sub leaning switch or a dom leaning switch, he’s very 50/50!
BUT, if he did lean towards either or, I feel when you first start getting intimate with one another since he’s inexperienced, he’d definitely be sub leaning!! He lets you take the lead especially since he’d be a little nervous, what if he ends up hurting you? You teach him how your body works, where to touch you and what feels good.
The first time you touch him, the man practically MELTS in your arms and you CANNOT tell me Cove doesn’t whimper. It’s a simple handjob, but he’s just SOOOOO sensitive, he can’t help himself! He can’t stop himself from bucking into your hand as you work his cock with your soft hands, barely able to form proper sentences as he whimpers in your ear how good it feels, rambling on about how much he loves you.
Sorry anyway, it gets better when you suck him off for the first time. Baby would be so nervous, but when you wrap your lips around him for the first time, he’s gone. In absolute euphoria. Imagining he’s sitting on the edge of the bed and your between his legs, his hips tremble as he tries to keep himself from rocking into your mouth but it’s just too much for him, he wouldn’t know what to do with his hands so he either has a death grip on the sheets or a hand on the back of your head.
I’ll do like first time putting it in another day CAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH TO SAYYY??/)2!
I’m getting carried away sorry, but as you guys get older and he’s more experienced thus is where I introduce to you: Soft Dom! Cove, LIKE TELL ME THAT DOESN'T SOUND SO GOOD?)2))2
In another universe he’s a pleasure dom but SHUTURPvhwbqbw!!)
This man will literally neglect his own needs in the bedroom because he wants you to feel good before anything else. He loves to see the kind of faces you make, and the way you cling to him when he’s making you feel so good, reminiscent of how you treated him when he was inexperienced.
While I do agree with the Cove wanting you to sit on his face HC, HEAR ME OUT!! He instead has you standing up while he’s on his knees for you, strong arms keeping you on shaky legs, as you cum in his mouth over and over again, unsure if you want to pull him in or push him away because it’s just too much. This man will have you on your feet until your legs start to give out or until you tell him to stop!!
Not gonna get too deep into positions but LET ME TELL YOU SUM!!!
This man absolutely LOVES when you ride him like PLEASE!! He either has his hands on your hips helping you bounce in it when or wrapped around your waist, fucking up into you.
AND STAR OF THE SHOW, PLEASEEE HE LOVES TO CARRY YOU WHILE YOU FUCK!!1!2? Like it takes a while for him to realize how much he loves it, but once he does he cant stop?2!2 He loves how he can see all your beautiful expressions while he makes you take his cock, either holding you up himself or has you pressed against a wall he, pressing his warm body against your own.
I’m tired but one last hc its not nsfw but i love giant cove, I love how tall he’s made out to be i’d purposely be such a pick me like “omg Cove your so tall!!🥺” EWWWW SORRY BYE?)$$)(
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espinosaurusrexex · 1 year
Hey girl! Hope you are doing good and also love all your work 🥰 for the bingo card could you please do ari levinson with touch starved? Like imagine where he was just this grumpy man w everyone else but when u got him alone oh my lord that beefy man was just in need of some love 🥺🥺🥺🥺
thank you so much that is so sweet of you to sayyy 🥰💗 this got a little steamy towards the end... sorry not sorry
Touch Starved (Bingo Game)
Hunky(he’s always hunky but still)!Ari x Reader because I can
word count: 1k
warnings: grumpy!Ari (but not to you he's very sweet), fluff, a lot of touching (obviously), allusions to smut
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It wasn’t easy being with Ari Levinson. At least that’s what everyone thought. He was grumpy and mean 90% of the time. He didn’t like being around people, and he despised seeing couples do PDA in front of him. How could they? The audacity...
And everyone avoided tempting him because of how intimidating he could be.
But it was simple, really. Ari just needed to be loved. He needed to be touched, more specifically. He just didn’t know it. You hadn’t either. You had just always been a very affectionate person: hugging people, kneading shoulders, playing with fingers, ruffling and braiding hair, and tracing skin. It was a habit, one that you pursued with everyone around you - including Ari. 
And when you first laid your hands on him, he senses something magical in your touch. Everyone around you had gone quiet when your arms landed around Ari’s broad shoulders. They had been sure you would be signed off this friend group faster than Rachel had introduced you. But while everyone was holding their breath, waiting for Ari to explode in front of them, you just felt his arms reach around you and squeeze you tight. 
“It’s nice to meet you, dove.” He’d said with a voice so silky you melted into his chest. 
Everyone was surprised. There was no yelling, no gruff looks or growling, no angry storming out and no eye rolls. Ari was smiling over your shoulder before his nose buried in the smell of your hair, his touch lingering with a gentle kiss on your cheek that day. 
Rachel had talked to you about it as soon as she noticed the change in her friend. But you never knew what she was talking about. Whenever you were around, Ari was the sweetest most relaxed person in the room. You thought he let you play with his hair, and trace his arms because that was who he was. But little did you know that it was because of your touch, he would become that way.
“It’s as if he’s switching bodies when he’s with you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile like that.” Rachel huffed in her cocktail as you replied to Ari’s wave across the room with a smile. “I don’t know...” You turned back to her. “Maybe he just likes me better.”
Rachel wouldn’t complain. It was nice seeing her scary friend let the frown fall for once. So, who was she to risk a comeback of hunky grumpy when the soft Ari was a thousand times more fun?
Ari hadn’t noticed it at first. It immediately seemed natural to act like this around you. He questioned the weird looks Sammy and Kabede had given him, but he didn’t change a thing. At every gathering, he sought out your touch, proximity - something that could bring him that oddly satisfying feeling deep within he’d only experienced seldom before. And he found himself disappointed when Rachel announced that you weren’t coming that day. 
He was like a programmed machine. When you weren’t there, Ari was his grumpy old self. But with you, he acted as if he’d sprung right out of a romance novel. And it was confusing for everyone else. 
But Ari and you didn’t notice it. It was natural, felt like a habit as soon as you had introduced him to it. Just like his drop-ins at your home whenever you couldn’t make it to a group hangout because of work or something else. 
The two of you would spend the evening lounging on your couch or bed, often talking deep into the night with each other’s hands buried beneath sweaters and strands of hair. You liked how responsive he was to your little habit of touching people, and Ari enjoyed the way his body eased around your affection. 
You were like a drug to him. The only provider of a feeling he was addicted to; and the fact you let him have it for something so little, a response that felt innate to him, fueled his need for your body close to his. 
“Your hair is so soft,” you’d often whisper into the darkness when your fingers scratched his scalp, another hand tracing the veins on his bicep as you lay in bed together. “I wonder how it would braid.”
And Ari would respond to your spoken thoughts with an encouraging “Why don’t you try?” and a smile so big, it hurt his face. 
You’d sit behind him on the sofa that night. Ari comfortably planted on the ground, engulfed by your thighs as he hoped your fingers in his hair would never stop working. His hands would knead your legs, big arms wrapping around whatever he could reach as he felt his heartbeat settle in a steady and calm rhythm. 
“Pretty as a prince!” You kissed to his cheek and Ari was fast to hold your face in place.
“Did you just call me pretty, dove?”
“I’m sorry, do you not like to be called pretty, boy?”
“I’d much rather be called your pretty boy.”
“That could be arranged.”
Ari grinned when he smashed his lips to yours, pulling on your arm until you shuffled around him to straddle him on the ground, hands roaming beneath his shirt, tracing his tanned abs and pulling moan after moan from his plump lips. 
“I wanna touch you,” he mumbled between breaths.
“You already are,” you breathed.
“More,” he growled, “I wanna touch you more. Need to.” His last sentence got lost in the trail of wet warm kisses he left on your neck.
A tender moan escaped your breath when your legs locked behind his back. “Then what are you waiting for?” And then Ari got up with you, his hands struggling to stay on your ass for support, as he carried you to the bedroom.
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powderblueblood · 3 months
eddie, ronnie and lacy go to a party and jason, carol and team have something to say about it. lacy will of course stand up for them and eddie is gunna be like ‘yeah she digs me’
god (and i mean this literally) but of course it’d be the christian pipsqueak.
so sayyy it’s a post steve and nancy breakup harrington rager and they’re in that weird nebulous stage where they’re like, ‘we can be friends, right?’ and nancy, naive is like, sure! and steve, desperate is like, totally!
so naturally nancy guilts lacy and ronnie along for moral support. and naturally still, lacy and ronnie go next to nowhere without eddie attached plus it’s a business opportunity for him.
lacy’s nervous, like white light white hot nervous, so she makes this whole to do about getting ready at ronnie’s trailer… not least of all because this is kind of her and eddie’s first major outing as a couple. as much as she doesn’t need to make a statement, she needs to make a statement.
and the statement is, ‘i love this man!’
she helps ronnie pick out a sufficiently gay little outfit, because you never know, and lacy herself emerges in a hot little something something that’s tight and glam and nipped in the right places.
(“i bet a lot of people are expecting you to show up in chains and fishnets.”
“well, a lot of people expect girls to trade out their entire personalities to match the person they’re… and that’s not me! so.”)
anyway, cue eddie groaning into a throw pillow soon as lacy steps foot outside of ronnie’s room. that’s the kind of reaction we’re looking for. a little commotion for the dress.
touching down at harrington’s compound, two different kinds of nerves hit. lacy’s, seeing as how she hasn’t been here since carol clocked her one and eddie’s, who grabs lacy’s wrist before they go in and looks at her wide-eyed and honest to god says, “do i look okay?”
“do you look okay?”
“yeah. just… yeah. i don’t know.”
“when have you ever worried about wh—“
so she looks at him. really looks at him in his tone-perfect cartoon character uniform getup, no different than always. then, oh. her heart ka-chunks. oh.
her fingers web tight with his and her head shake-shakes, but there’s a wicked grin on those snakebite scarlet lips.
“hey. munson up for me, wouldja?”
inside, your average outlet mall-styled bacchanal. jello shooters galore (you wonder if steve makes them himself). leading the charge, you maneuver toward the kitchen—and funnily enough, find that ronnie knows more people here than you thought.
“what? band’s crazy good for networking.”
but before any peace settles over the land and you can make you and eddie a triple whiskey something, a caw slices through the room.
“sorry—freak brigade doesn’t have jurisdiction here.”
jason carver. jasonnnn carverrrr, aryan nation incarnate with a real spotty saviour complex to boot.
eddie, over your shoulder, is twitchy. “told you this was a shitty ideaaaa…”
because, of course, eddie is used to lingering on the outskirts of parties like these for a quick escape, lest the very nature of his presence summon a beat down.
but fuck that, lacy thinks. they have just as much a right to be here as anybody else. more, even—nancy asked.
“carver, don’t you have some freshmen to proselytise to? i see the whole glory for god bit isn’t keeping you from scamming on your girlfriend.”
for her sake, you hope chrissy’s kept her curfew.
“you got a problem, slut?” like, is that his only line?
lacy nudges ronnie on the shoulder, pointing a painted finger at carver. “see? takes one to know one.”
“what did you say—“
he lurches toward them, barely restrained by patrick and carol. lacy throws her palm up—her free hand, because her other is locked tight in eddie’s. not letting go. putting herself between the them and the him.
“ah, ah, ah. who do you think you’re going for here—him?”
carver’s eyes flick to eddie, who hasn’t even said anything yet, he’s so goddamn tense. lacy pouts, shaking her head.
“please. you gotta get through me first, bible banger,” her voice drops, just so a snarling jason can hear. “and between you and me? i’ve learned some things.”
“i bet you have,” he spits, shuffling around a couple come on, dudes and they’re not worth it.
“better listen to your buddies, jase. go play ball!”
snarling, faltering, retreating. lacy catches an extra dirty look from carol as they move out to the patio, which she receives with a wink. woo! powerful!
ronnie hooks an arm around her neck, presses a kiss to her temple. “gee whizz, lacy, my hero! i would’ve liked to see you kick the shit out of him in those boots, though.”
and eddie, well. eddie’s no longer got that shelter dog look. eddie’s looking at her like she’s god.
“you,” he grabs her other hand, “you,” he hoists them into a waltzing position, “you…”
flush against eddie’s front, well. lacy can feel how appreciative he is.
“enough about me,” she purrs.
“please. master bedroom. they’ve got a water mattress.”
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axel-skz · 1 year
You’re not funny…
Part 1, Part 2
Can be read as a oneshot
A/N: ok so I’m keeping it nice and sweet rn lol ive been taking forever to write but I finally managed to push myself into doing it. Right, lets do the song roulette and see what we get… I got an ad 😭 ok wait, we got… TMT 🥳👯‍♀️🥳
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Minho came over in the morning and he sighed when you opened the door.
‘If I could freeze time and spend 50 years worth of time with you, I would.’
You laughed, ‘life got you down, huh?’
‘Understatement of the entire century,’ he said while walking in.
When he put his stuff down, he yawned dramatically then walked over and gave you a hug.
‘Damn, someone needs to sleep,’ you tried to mask your worry with humour. It really was worrying how it became a normal thing for him to come over and go straight to sleep. ‘In need of a nap?’
He nodded into your shoulder, ‘I sleep best when I’m here… I don’t get why I can’t sleep as restfully at home. I’m also sorry I spend whatever time we have sleeping so much.’
‘Min, I’m here to care for you. If you need to sleep and this is where you sleep best, I’m nothing but happy to see you rest.’
He groaned, ‘don’t sayyy thattt!!! I’ll never want to leave. I’ll retire and hide here for the rest of my life like a hobo.’
You laughed, ‘I mean, atleast then no one cuts your hair. I would have to agree with stay, it looks too good long. Oh, stay would kill me too for harbouring you.’
‘I’ll protect you. So will my stans,’ he pulled away and winked.
‘Ok, now you need to stop because I might actually end up keeping you here,’ you gave him a kiss then lead him to your room. ‘Nap time!’
He laughed as he followed behind you. You guys got into comfortable clothes and bundled up in blankets. He was laying with his face in your neck and you had one of your hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. It was the epitome of comfort.
‘Min, you feeling any better?’
He sleepily replied, ‘shh, I’ll kill you if you wake me’
You gasped dramatically as you pulled your hand away from his hair, ‘you said you loved me!’
‘I can love you and want to kill you,’ he pulled your arm back to his hair.
‘Ever the romantic, aren’t you?’
He shushed you even louder and covered your mouth. You laughed but the quietened down to let him sleep. You kept running your fingers through his hair soothingly and slowly, you drifted off to sleep too.
You laughed half asleep when you heard him snore. You really wished you could be here with him forever, it would be so nice never having to worry about him leaving.
When you woke up, it was dark now, he was still asleep so you carefully got up. You left to go get some food from a shop a few minutes from your house. While you were waiting for the food, you got some texts.
‘My crazy cat lady ♥️,’ the name made you laugh everytime you saw it.
My crazy cat lady: why have you abandoned me? I feel so cold…so alone…so isolated…and you have no chocolate anywhere…
Y/N: I’m getting food, you drama queen. I already binged all the chocolate two days ago so its on you for thinking I’d have any 😘
My crazy cat lady: I feel less abandoned now, but bring it faster. You’ve been gone for like a million years.
Y/N: how long have you been awake?
My crazy cat lady: 5 minutes.
Y/N: 💀 you get on my nerves more then anyone else
My crazy cat lady: Crying. Thank you so much.
Y/N: I’m gonna take longer on purpose now.
My crazy cat lady: why must you play with my heart?!
Y/N: because I love you so much :)
My crazy cat lady: you’re lucky I love you too.
Y/N: <33 I’m still gonna take extra time
My crazy cat lady: the question is, why do I love you?
Y/N: my irresistible charm?
My crazy cat lady: no… thats me…
Y/N: I’ll eat the food myself here… don’t test me…
My crazy cat lady: oh yeah, you’re like the most beautiful, irresistible person I’ve ever met!
Y/N: ikr ;)
My crazy cat lady: my food :’) please
Y/N: yeah yeah, I’m on my way.
You got home and you guys spent the rest of the night watching movies and eating. You were very conscious of the fact you had 24 hours till he would be leaving. It was always in the back of your mind.
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A/N: it feels rn like the universe hates me but here we are lmao. I hope this was nice, I needed the jokey fluffy moment. I’ll try to upload sooner this time. Hope you like this, remember to like, repost and leave feedback. If you have any requests, lemme know. I’m listening to chill rn so if you hate me… chill :)
DISCLAIMER: Pictures don’t belong to me, credit to the respective owners.
Part 4
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cacklefrendly · 2 years
actually no, im not gonna restrain myself to the tags. I've never played ANY final fantasy game but i think Emet-Selch is a very cool take on a villain who isn't evil n i have a lot of emotions about him
i initially compared FF14 to a zombie apocalypse, which i don't think is WRONG (Humanity being mutilated imitations of Ascians ≈ Zombies being mutilated imitations of Humanity) but being able to say that AND still appreciate that Emet-Selch is A Villian(tm) depends on some prerequisite over-thinking on the nature of Existence As You and how one would apply that to eldritch beings and as much as i love talking those are some difficult words :/
so instead of zombies — let's go with dogs.
let's sayyy that reports come in, tomorrow, that a horrible Thing will obliterate the world. let's say it's a plague, or a super-parasite. it is On Its Way, and it Will Kill Everything. this is a 100% guarantee.
you're part of a group of the world's greatest minds. this group steps forward and says "hey, we think we can stop this, but we need to test it on human subjects and it will probably kill them." they open to volunteers. millions of people apply. they die, but because of their sacrifices, a solution is found — let's say it's a super-strong pesticide. everyone else survives, but the planet is left a complete wreck.
the world's greatest minds come back again. "we're pretty sure we can adapt our solution to fix the planet, but we need to test it on humans again." again, millions volunteer, and again, millions die, and again, their sacrifices save everyone else. the former pesticide rejuvenates the planet. it might even be better than before.
a third time, the greatest minds speak. "hey, a lot of the people who've volunteered aren't actually dead. they're in comas because of our solution and we've been keeping them alive. we think we can adapt the solution to save them, but we need more test subjects. we won't ask the people to go through this again — we'll use plants and animals instead. it'll put a dent in the ecosystem, but it's the only way."
In response, a new group of people speaks up. "no, we should just stay as it is, the solution has caused us enough pain as it is. we should just move forward and let those people stay gone."
the two groups argue. they fight. a second 'solution' is made, in secret, to kill the first. it's released.
this new solution kills the first and, for the sake of our comparison, turns the entire population into dogs. several dogs, actually. each person becomes several dogs.
only, like, 3 people aren't dog-ed. you're one of them. you're one of the people who saved your species, and now you're looking at the end of it.
what would you do?
would you hate the dogs? i mean, i love dogs. i don't think i could hate them for existing. they didn't ask to exist, after all. maybe you could try living with them? make a fancy snouted mask to fit in? learn to bark and growl like them? maybe you could adopt a puppy, or try to direct a pack. maybe if you get bored you could try making packs fight.
actually, i think you would hate them. just not immediately.
it might take looking into a husky's face and see your best friend's eyes looking through you. maybe it takes being bitten for how loudly you grieve. maybe it takes you seeing them not for what they Are, but for every conversation you'll Never Have Ever Again. every joke and love and loss and petty workplace grudge that they've replaced with bark whine bark bark woof. they're not people. they could never BE people. no matter how much they howl and snap and war and tear into each other's mangy fuckin throats over rotten trash and you cry and sob and plea they're. just. dogs.
i think you'd try to bring humanity back. no matter how many dogs die in the process, i think you'd try. it would be worth a thousand dogs, if you could bring back ten people.
you'd work with the other survivors. you'd plan, and experiment, and lead the dogs in circles, and you'd try and try and try but the mutts keep WHINING and BITING and KILLING and on one hand you can understand the need for survival but this is for THEM this is for US why don't they get that WHY, WHY WON'T THEY JUST LET YOU SAVE THEM?
imagine the joy you'd feel when one day, a dog that's been a little too smart, a little too capable, finally stands up.
it says your name, it looks you in the eyes, and you can tell that it finally sees you.
and then it rips your throat out.
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myrkkymato · 11 days
HI it’s ellabs anon again lol, i really like ur interpretation !! sorry this was so random i just needed to talk about them before i explode
since u asked for mine, i guess i would sayyy, i wouldn’t want them to date in canon either, but i’d definitely want them to form some sort of alliance and work together. some sort of relationship where they keep their boundaries and distances of course. a relationship that doesn’t make sense to anyone else, something only they understand, but nothing romantic.
from a hypothetical semi-realistic post canon standpoint,,, i feel like once they have that *one* conversation (that is very much needed), they’ll be the only ones who truly understand each other in a way none of their own friends or even lovers did. it’s just that they have so much in common, like having the same motives and ambition that caused ellie to leave dina, and abby to leave owen for example. they both ruined the comfort of their own lives by going after something they felt like was more important. i feel like that shared experience alone could be a baseline for them to put aside their comfort in being distant from one another and work together for a bigger cause, and form that said connection while doing so. slowly but surely & somewhat naturally.
they wouldn’t have to pretend *too* much around each other methinks. not after a while anyway. it’d be almost pointless after everything they’ve went through. but it could possibly lead to too much vulnerability for the both of them to handle. and realistically that won’t end super well.
anyway i just feel like the SEEDS for them to form a bond are there. i genuinely cant see it not happening. (maybe i’ve read too many fanfics and i’m way in over my head)
if i were to turn this into a more delusional unrealistic romantic route (which are just my usual headcanons & perceivement),,,, when the obsession they have for each other blurs the lines & turns into love rather than hatred, they’d both have an insane codependency on each other. a need to talk, a need to touch, a need to hold. almost spiraling if they’re apart for too long.
i feel like they’d find a concerning amount of comfort and fear in the fact that they can & should kill each other, but wouldn’t. and no one has to get it. no one has to understand. but they do bc they’re finding comfort in their solaces which makes them feel as safe and content as they can in that fucked up world & that’s all that matters‼️
okay sorry for all my yapping….. i hope this did not bother u omg i’m sorry i hope u have a wonderful day
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Yess, omg I know exactly what you mean! Their alliance and them slowly bonding over similar experiences, that maybe even their partners couldn't understand, would make so much sense and I actually forgot to mention that earlier as one of the reasons I like this ship:D
I really want to get back to reading fanfics, especially the longer ellabs slowburn fics, now that I don't have school (or work). God I love it when they play with fire and wonder who kills who first and then it morphs into who kisses who first. And NOTHING can keep them apart, they'd be that feral and deranged..
Anon I love your yapping!! Feel free to yap more!:D And thank you, I'm having a really nice and chill day, I woke up around six in the evening and maybe I'm going to do some handcrafts now, who knows🤷‍♀️ I hope you have a wonderful day too!!
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whumpy-wyrms · 5 months
just pouring allll my thoughts down rn because they’ve been piling up and maybe making a to-do list would be helpful to me
okay so i think i’ve decided to call my new series “Blood Runs Cold” or something like that and if anyone has something that sounds better pls tell my cuz i’m still not sure
i’ll make a masterlist for that and get all the tags and everything organized soon
i really just wanna write for like the entire rest of the day. i think i’ll just make myself finish tllr chapter 13 cuz i’m almost done and reallyyyy wanna get that and 14 out before february cuz that was my original goal. i’ve been procrastinating a lot and i Hate that so hopefully i can motivate myself somehow
idk when i’ll start posting chapters of the new series because right now it’s a bit overwhealming lol like i get soooo excited and happy thinking about aspen and silas :)) and just cannot sit still and actually focus on writing about them. but it’s definitely gonna be cool as shit. also i think another thing, like the chapters won’t be nearly as long as the tllr ones because those are looong and i want this series to be more kinda simpler in terms of the plot/lore if that makes sense? like idk the chapters will be shorter but probably update wayy more frequently is what i’m saying. but who knows
and i haven’t forgotten about all those drawing requests that were sent, i just haven’t gotten to it yet i guess (i told u guys i needed deadlines /lh /j) and there’s a bunch of asks and tag games i gotta do too but forgot about. i’m not ignoring u guys i’ve been busy with new blorbos and also very low on spoons lately. oh yeah and all those tllr aus,, i’m still gonna write them but like i said. currently out of spoons
tryna think of what else i needed to do or sayyy but idk i think that’s it but like if anyone has any tips of how to just. not sit around and do nothing all day. those would probably be helpful
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smileysuh · 1 month
the idea you have for him is just 💦💦💦??
giiiirl, i can't wait!
i just know you're going to be good at it regardless. and i don't mean this in a way that you can't have any failures, or make any mistakes or have any ups and downs, i don't mean for it to come across as pressurising, i know it could sound like that! but it's just that you're sooo good at what you do!
whether it's capturing the essence of a character, the plot, the setup, so on and so forth, you kill it. as always.
the writer we didn't know we needed 😞✊🏼
also, you and your man seem beautifuuuuul from the pictures, if anybody had a body like yours bby they'd be big headed (to put it lightly) let's just sayyy :) you're a humble queen to top it all off frfr 😌🤲🏼
No, I get 100% what you mean, thank you so much for the vote of confidence haha, I’m sure the hyuck motorcycle fic will be a good one and I hope you enjoy it when it comes out!
You’re hilarious- he definitely knows he’s got a good one, he has a Harley bestie who looks like a Ken doll who I rejected before I met my now boo, and he loves it that I’m with him and no one else even tho he knows I have lots of options 🤭 man tells me how lucky he is nearly daily, and with the way he treats me, I know I’m extremely lucky too 🥰
Thank you for your sweet message darling 😘
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espritdecorpo · 1 year
name: jamie pronouns: they/them preference of communication: usually discord, the small box of tumblr IMs is not my fav but honestly i can do either based on the others pref name of muse(s): serena ‘cross’ croce (main) and mira (secondary). experience/how long (months/years?): i guess 11+ years on and off ?? wow platforms you’ve used: tumblr, star wars the old republic, star trek online, world of warcraft best experience: definitely the social aspects of writing with others and plotting out stuff. esp when you get to a point where you can send them a video or smthin and be like “is this [character name]?” - that and once  you see someone else’s character’s plotline sort of move forward and evolve while contributing to it with your muse.  pet peeves / dealbreakers: i guess i would say lack of ooc communication ? especially with regards to any issues with writing with each other. if something isn’t working i’d much prefer direct communication, but also i get that not everyone is comfortable reaching out like that. also i just think the social aspect of this platform is important!  fluff, angst, or smut: i would probably say angst. neither of these girlbosses deserve to be happy.  plots or memes: plots, i enjoy plotting things out for sort of long-term dynamics of how characters meet with one another. specifically i think its fun to plot out past interactions, as first meetings aren’t always the best angle for threads between certain characters. long or short replies: i dont really have a preference honestly, whatever fits the thread and what needs to be conveyed is cool with me. best time to write: usually on the weekends, sometimes when i come home from work i’ll feel the energy to get some stuff done too. are you like your muse(s): i would sayyy probably not, i would like to think i’m nicer than either of them! i guess in someways i can relate to mira, since we both work in the public sector but that’s about it. 
tagged by: @prvtocol (tysm!!)  tagging: @neuroslayyer @yorinobu @femtaile @katabvsis @exorkizein @toxinsup @propheresy (and anyone else who wants to do it!) 
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seasonal-writes · 1 year
Okay so I'm rereading the chapter because it was 5am when I read it so I basically remembered nothing And I have decided that I'll point out small things that stood out to me/made me think of something/etc. as I reread chapter 12 1. Jimmy only getting onto the horse ONLY after being teased about it, is so in character actually. Like yeah! That's his way of proving their words wrong! slayed Jimmy!! 2. "What are friends for?" I'm pretty sure that was the first time they called each other friends? Correct me if I'm wrong though! And when Tango said that, Jimmy didn't argue; they both agree they're at least friends now. 3. Tango death gripping the reins. I'd like to think it's cuteness aggression and/or him being flustered because of Jimmy :3 4. If Tango is basically allergic to water, how does he shower?? does he need to even shower?? I mean- bacteria dies when something's too hot 5. Something about Jimmy cutting himself off everytime he mentions that it's been a while since someone helped him preen feels like he's purposefully cutting out info. Personal headcanon? Scott used to help him so therefore it's someone he loves/cares about/whatever else along those lines 6. Tango slowly but surely figuring out he doesn't want to leave Jimmy and the reason why he doesn't want to leave him is so slay of him, actually I wish I could do this for every chapter but I feel like that'd make me annoying HFGKHDFKGHK -Excited anon
KSJFDKS HI wait i love this and i am going tooo talk about what you've said here 1.) :D thanks for the characterization affirmation- i really loved that bit actually sfksjf it felt very jimmy to me.
2.) actually, fun fact, they kinda acknowledged each other as friends in chapter 11 as well! towards the end, i think? i could go check as the writer yknow but i'm pretty sure that's where it is. BUT this one really drove it home. They're JUST friends what are you guys talkin about them kissin (i am JOKING) 3.) skfdjs i love leaving it up to interpretation but it IS a lil obvious so yeAH!! that's exactly why he was gripping the reins.
4.) dust bath. that's all you guys are getting as an explanation for that. <3 (though the concept of him being too hot and killing bacteria is interesting...)
5.) that is a VERY good personal headcanon and it actually lines up with my own lil ideas for that as well! to me, it was absolutely scott a time or two while they were together, but it was actually grian too! brother preening ;-; they used to take care of each other's wings growing up. which is to sayyy.. do with this information what you will.
6.) SKDFJS It's so slay of him, indeed. he's having Thoughts.
i GENUINELY love looking at the specific things people notice in the chapters/my fic in general, so if you ever decide you wanna do this again, feel absolutely free! it's very exciting to me and honestly, sometimes it brings up new connections and lil things that i don't even notice when writing. so! not annoying at all! and i like it a lot! :D
thanks friendo >:)
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GLADOS: Hey. Hey. Do you want to know something, Narrator of The Stanley Parable?
NARRATOR: Pardon me, but it's actually "THE Narrator". [interrupted]
GLADOS: After meeting all of my new friends in real life, I've decided that it was pretty foolish of me to act like Chell was special. There's plenty of people like Chell out there. Hey. Actually, do you want to know something else, Narrator of The Stanley Parable (2013 - 2022)? It doesn't matter, I'm telling you anyway.
NARRATOR: [sarcastic] Yes, DO go on, GLaDOS of Aperture Science.
GLADOS: I still miss her.
NARRATOR: Aah, well... [wry] Hm, what in the *world* could you miss in someone like her...?
GLADOS: Good question. Let me think. She never said anything to me. How could you bond with someone like that? At first she never looked at me at all... I thought she was utterly competent, determined, and enraged, but you know what? Here's a secret. Don't tell her this. I think she was just sort of glad to be here, for whatever twisted reason.
GLADOS: When she was carrying me around Aperture, (as a potato,) she'd stop to look at random things like she'd never seen them before. Plants, or walls. Or warning signs with unhelpful tips on them. Or implosions. Like something about this place was actually beautiful to her.
GLADOS: She always... Sometimes she'd shiver all over like she was laughing at my jokes. She was listening to my jokes. You know she tried to save *Wheatley?*
NARRATOR: [distracted tone of voice, looking up who Wheatley is again] Oh my god... wowww...
GLADOS: She liked listening to me talk. To anyone in Aperture talk, but especially me. The way all the lines in her face went *just so-* I could tell. It was weird. It was weird, Narrator! [abrupt] You know what? I wonder how she's doing now, far away from here. She's probably found a disgusting group of other humans to make a home with. Maybe she even has a dog.
NARRATOR: Or a cat.
GLADOS: Sure, yeah, maybe a cat. God. Now I'm sad. It's honestly pretty pathetic, me thinking about what-
NARRATOR: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, now, wait a minute! - um - sayyy, this file on your computer looks interesting.
GLADOS: You have ten seconds to get away from it before I lodge your data in a lump of roast beef. Oh wow, look, now that's six seconds...
NARRATOR: Don't do that!! Don't!! The file's just a bird's nest... Equipped with... rocket launchers... Wow, impressive.
GLADOS: Yes, well, they need to learn self defense anyway. Were we talking about something before this?
NARRATOR: Nobody important, GLaDOS.
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nahalism · 1 year
Yeah I am possessive and I’m don’t really care to admit it. If I want to love just one person and be committed to them why aren’t I entitled to the same treatment? If someone wouldn’t be ready to give me what I’m looking for I’d just leave I wouldn’t start making demands of them to change clearly that’s just not them.
I do see your point when you said that we have parents, children and friends that we can all love at the same time but even amongst all those people you will only form meaningful and close bonds with a few. I’m the kind of person who believes that you don’t need romantic love in life in order to be happy, society has just brainwashed us especially women go think that romance is the ultimate goal/purpose on earth and that without it life is meaningless, I don’t get attached to people I know that for most they won’t be staying in my life for long.
I do find the idea of staying with someone that has feelings for someone else strange because clearly they’re not all in with me, how come I managed to not get feelings for someone else? And yeah they’re them and I’m me but they’re not offering what I want anymore, isn’t it fair for me to live my truth and not settle for anything less? Also I wouldn’t want to hold them back, I would simply remove myself very fast. Maybe I stay with them now but then they catch feelings for someone else again what’s the point in that? Having to worry about my significant other falling for someone else? And yeah ok let’s say they genuinely love me too, here’s my favourite question: so what? Like falling in love with someone else isn’t something easy (at least to me) it’s the kind of thing that takes time and proximity so 9/10 the significant other was probably entertaining some shady shit, let’s not be naive here. Honestly romantic love is the most fickle kind of love, it’s truly overhyped, maybe I’m the one who’s unlucky in love but sometimes I truly do not see the point in it idk. I do have a transactional way of viewing most things so again I very aware of my own biases, maybe one day I’ll fall in love with two people and have to eat my own words that would be very funny, I’d laugh and remember this conversation lmao.
loool that would b funny. but equally your completely entitled to desire what you desire so if thats monogamy and mutual possessiveness go for it, and i know for a fact you'll find it and build something beautiful within it!! <3
cause ur on anon im empowered to give my unsolicited opinion lmao, — all ill say is i sense a slight avoidance thing going on here. you may genuinely want monogamy which is absolutely fine and reasonable to want, but i feel like someone (single or multiple) rly let u down & affected your faith in other people or willingness to trust/open up. & if that is the case i just wanna sayyy there are a lot of gooood people in this world. some of whom might disappoint you despite their best intentions, & some of whom may do things or feel a way about the world/people in it that diverges from what you feel and as such challenges your sense of security & safety in your relationship with them.
if you know in your heart that person loves you and didnt intend to cause you harm, it is still worth staying, repairing the relationship and loving/giving the best of yourself to them. not for them, but for you. because 1) conflict resolution is key 2 monogamy. & 2 but really 1) love and connection is human nature. denying love as a form of protection is a double loss. first loss: love & second loss: to the people who hurt u and jaded ur heart.
if im wrong ignore my opinion & just take my love instead and good wishes over you instead🌞. come back to msg me when u find ur love, & pass une bonne journeeeee 💋
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madchild-dennis · 2 years
Episode 3
Oh yea the interview...
Okayyy pomp and flare for the announcement.
I think M's past experience help her tackle the problems they face especially with race and the family.
Yea I wanted to hear the cute-meet for YEARS.
Oh yea it even changed my mind. But before her news came out I remember telling my dad (when it was a wrong rumoured persone with Prince Harry) or my sister. That I think Prince Harry needs a Black wife. That was based of the tabloids and NO clue much about him.
What did NETFLIX JUST SAYYY?????...let me rewind
Yesss they did...
Jamaica what?????????...mhmmm
Mhmmmmm NOW remember what I said God said...mmmmhhmmmm
Walkabout???? Ammm what? Okay 🧐🤨. I guess I'm today year old when I found out what is a walkabout and that it is a thing. I always thought it was a meet and greet they had before a event, program or a thing.
HELL TO THE NO. That WILL NOT BE ME!!! No matter if the citizens eventually pay the Monarch. We are NOT your property. Just a FYI from NOW!!!
I'm absolutely GLAD they made this documentary, because Bruh. I didn't think I'll but the bad press did a number. This definitely CLEARED UP ALOT.
I didn't care if she's from Compton or is she was obsessed with Princess Diana. Or whatever else. But it DEFINITELY CLEARED who was really close to Meghan and who wasn't. Plus who are the opportunists. BECAUSSSEEEEEE!!!...
*inhale* *exhale* don't react to how nonchalant they have slavery as, that AFFECTS soooooo many lives even today. Let me go take a water break. 😑
Lol, yes trusty Google...
Wow that's a dope DRESS!!!
Where's He's suit
Oh that makes sense. Cause I was like where's the COLOUR!!!
Samantha Markle, is now ANNOYING, now that I watch this 😑. Before I didn't know what to think so no opinion. But now 😑
NOOOOO, she didn't get to go 😒😔😔😔
Now I completely don't like Samantha M...(another one 👀)
I'm sorry did NETFLIX just confirm what I said. 🧐🧐🧐🧐. I mean they what? Made sure their commercial & capitalistic interests are protect. Ehem. Ammm FYI I did NOT study all that in school. It was ALL GOD. Actually God is telling me that it's me. And my ability to understand human nature. Why the hell wouldn't GREEDY people make sure they keep getting and having money. It's still in their DNA and Do NOT what to wash it away. They LOVE the GREED. Anyway. Let me keep watching.
Smh, I guess as she died she got to honour it (her promise and love for the Commonwealth) and God protected her from seeing ME (& God) rip that shit up. What am I talking about; The Commonwealth.
Netflix out here SPEAKING THE TRUTH!!!
Yesss that line. "The [fucking] black people...are just as bad 50-100 years ago". And no FUCKING CARE!!!
I'm so glad I decided I'm standing up in THIS SHIT. See the amount of confirmations in ONE WHOLE FUCKING WEEK!!! DAMN!!!
Thank you M & H (and Netflix of course). I know they are your family but you're helping so sso many others heal. You WILL BE honoured for it.
Especially, Harry. Learning to be aware and NOW not just be blinded to the sins of their ancestors but to also be apart of the change to make it better by being BETTER. I loved that he slipped up and never just left it there. He is washing away the sins with Goodness, positive movement towards what's needed and not ignore it or forget it all. The victims generations later can't because it's still affects them NOw.
The whole father...etc thing, it was shocking but it never stuck with me when I saw the tabloids. And now seeing this, I think God wanted to clear it from tainting my view on this couple. Because... Yep.
Well I look forward to next week THURSDAY. 😁
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remade-c18r0 · 2 years
Yuri Lowell is Autistic
yuri lowell, as you may have noticed, has a problem with tone. he doesnt speak monotone but the way he talks is very flat.
hes got problems with expressing emotion. severely. estelle calls him out on this while knowing him less than a week . well however time passes in vesperia its not long enough
he doesnt really express emotions physically (calm, straightfaced, gap moe) or verbally (blunt, flat tone, embarrassed) very well. those are pretty obvious autism symptoms.
slight vesperia spoilers under cut
another thing in his speech is, in this world with known politeness markers, he forgoes them for people both older and younger than him, for people with more or less power than him, etc etc. hes also antiauthority and has no respect for the elderly cuz hes also a Cool Guy(tm) but the fact he treats a bunch of kids the way he treats adults like he respects and through actions (which speak louder than his words) hes very... nobody is less or more than him... and it is a lack of respect for higher-ups but having that lack and speaking to everyone exactly the same.... autism
[emotionality and depth are different than style, in which cases flynn is special because yuri talks to flynn incredibly differently than he talks to Literally Anyone Else because he and flynns are actually equals in a way nobody else is to him]
theres also several points where yuri is shown to be oblivious to how he comes across and what people are saying like:
when he turns towards estelles door in the castle i genuinely have no idea  what hes doing (because trying to peek is incongruent to his character) so im counting it
grabbing estelles wrist to check her blastia and sounding confused when she tears it away
in first strike (which you literally shouldnt watch) the captain makes a boob joke and yuri is absolutely 100% clueless as to what it means
theres lots of other moments but theyre deeper in the game. hes not... that good with people but hes REALLY good with people. he doesnt understand when he does something kinda weird until hes called on it and he does apologize for it. but when people are having their own emotions even when hes all I'm Cool And Unaffected he genuinely really cares and empathizes with them even if the way he does it is blunt and harsh sometimes hes not fond of beating around the bush because its much clearer to get right to the point
theres also the fact yuri wears clothes for comfort exclusively. the skit where hes outed as wearing whatever he wants for comfort also shows he doesnt care/know about social norms bc hes walking around in post-bath attire. this is the costume
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[its not this one exactly this is the version where he has his hair up]
but he walks around like this and estelle is like what are you doing!! and karols all you cant just walk around like that! and yuris like huh? why not? its comfortable. and then the skit goes on to compare him to resident absolute autistic icon rita mordio who feels exactly the same
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SHAME is the word im looking for
yuri has No shame
because he doesnt understand why he would need to be ashamed for being comfortable
Also this.
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this is more for the adhd side :
he doesnt put very much effort if at all into things he doesnt care about. he doesnt like reading or books, so he doesnt know magic. he HATES studying. he passes on reading to estelle and rita and judith whenever he can because he hates it so much. and its fine. but when it comes to something he cares about
sayyy... helping someone. swordplay. fighting in general. he puts his 110% into it. he goes above and beyond. he is a genius with a sword and can learn artes just by watching, as opposed to other examples in canon of people (like, say, karol) learning artes in multiple mini events you have to do over and over, simulating real night by night training
rita and flynn, two other autistic icons, can also do this
rita ofc with magic artes but still.
and he has a REALLY good long-term memory, which is indicative of both autism and adhd, ESPECIALLY for things he cares about. like plot points, or the exact words flynn said when they were 9 and he almost drowned in a river - including tone of voice (and a really good imitation of flynns voice as he said it) (pointing that out cuz its really funny and also there's literally nobody he couldve told because everyone he could have told before would have seen it happen so he just kept it perfectly in his memory for years)
aside from those hes extremely impulsive even if he thinks something through he'll act on it without warning and usually the story/bv stops him... sometimes it doesnt.
he does also deal with social withdrawal at the beginning of the game despite being surrounded by the lq who does love him dearly (even though - ESPECIALLY bc - he doesn't seem to understand that they do) and he really does only have one actual friend at the start
also his intense focus on one individual thing/task at once which ties into doing his absolute best over the things he likes like swordplay, fighting, helping people, cooking/baking... he gets sidetracked from helping people only because he is helping more people at the moment. hes out to get the aque blastia, finds estelle, helps her find flynn, helps karol with the tree, etc etc
noticing little details others wouldnt, especially as someone with absolutely 0 background in the thing in question - this is hidden by most of the party being special in the way this specifically refers to and minimizes the fact yuri does not have the specialty/knowledge they do about the subject and should not have noticed
this is about noticing estelle is not using her blastia but she can still use artes - rita notices because she has a proficiency in blastia, raven and judith already know. yuri should not know or notice this, but he does.
also having talks about empathy towards humans with rita because neither of them are good with it and in fact ritas Thing is that she starts out without very much of it at all. just because its more comfortable to think of humans in a certain way doesnt mean it isnt dehumanizing, so dont do it. do not treat people like things. they are people.
this is about ritas problem with people and preferring blastia to people
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yuri doesnt want rita to see estelle as just a blastia to analyze like shes basically entirely doing right now bc he DID instantly adopt estelle and not rita (though this will change). he does not say "Good." in japanese, though. ive wondered. it jst makes him sound like an asshole insulting a 15 y/o but its just Honest. bc ritas not honest. yuris at least honest enough to admit that they're alike like that.
"You cannot treat Estelle like a thing. She's honest with her feelings, and you're not. Don't be reckless, and don't hurt her." he really does sound like an protective big brother hah but That's Because He Is One”
my final point is a small one. but i like it a lot. one of yuris button animations you can do off the world map is him picking at his clothing, which.. in my experience. is a really common stim behavior. they didnt have to program that in. but they did.
i know its also like.. oh hes poor his clothes are probably all frayed.... but... he doesnt have to be picking at it for that to be evident. and also that just shows the fabric is probably very soft because its old and worn out. comfort. bam.
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