#what do you do when your teenage crush/best friend contacts you again and wants to see you
anna-hawk · 7 months
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simp4pedropascal75 · 2 months
"Everywhere." (dbf!joel x reader)
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summary: Before beginning to work in your new job, you decided to visit your dad in Texas for the whole summer break. What you didn't know is, that you would meet your teenager's crush, your dad's best friend, again. Joel fucking Miller.
words: 5.4k
trigger warnings: dbf!Joel, age gap (reader is in her 20s, Joel is in his early 40s), no!outbreak!Joel, some mentions of y/n, a little bit angst, 18+, smut (f!nger!ng, praising, s3x, ect.)
a/n: well, it's been a while since I posted. I hope you're all doing well and I hope you'll enjoy this new ff. <3
(sorry for spelling mistakes, english is still not my first language)
-------------------♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡-------------------
It has been two months now since you have this special affair. Every time you sneak over to him, your breath quickens, and butterflies fly around in your stomach when you’re getting nearer to him.
Every time you lay in bed alone, you feel his hands and his kisses all over you.
Every time you think of him, thinking of every night you two had… you can't bear the ache between your legs.
But it is not just the sex…
Every time you’re with him, you forget all your worries and fears.
Every time you're with him, he makes you feel safe.
He makes you feel loved.
He makes you feel alive.
When you think of all this, it is just perfect.
But it's not.
No one can know.
No one can know that you sneak out mostly every night to go to him.
No one can know how you feel about him.
No one can see.
It has to be a secret.
When you’re not alone, you just have to act like your just neighbours…
Even if you are neighbours.
It’s not easy. It’s hard.
But even if the fear of having to end everything doesn’t let you go… it doesn’t keep you from doing it.
Maybe someday, you can let everybody see.
See that you love him.
But that’s all just in your head. You love him, you really do, but… it’s complicated.
You don’t know if he really feels the same way about you do.
But there’s one thing you really know.
You’re in love with Joel Miller.
Yes, the Joel Miller who’s nearly twenty years older than you.
The Joel Miller who’s you’re neighbour and has known you since you’re a teenager.
The Joel Miller you’ve watched doing work in his garden.
The Joel Miller with these beautiful eyes and strong arms.
And… the Joel Miller who’s unfortunately your dad’s best friend.
You were 14 when you moved to Texas with your dad. It was shortly after your mom and dad’s divorce. He got the legal custody of you. And you were kind of relieved that you didn’t have to live with your mother. Sometimes in the past, she got pretty impulsive towards you and your parents just kept fighting. But you still have some contact with her.
So, it was good to begin all over again. You went to a new school, made some friends and all kinds of that stuff. Your dad also found a new job and got along with the neighbors, especially Joel Miller.
They got along pretty well, since they were both a single dad with one daughter.
But all besides that, you never really knew him. You waved him when you saw him outside.
When he was over at, your dad's house you simply said hello. You never really wanted to talk to your dads' friends.
But everything changed when you became older. You remember how your dad asked you to look after Joel 8 years old daughter Sarah and you didn’t say no to that. It was a good way of earning some money of your own.
So, you’re started with 18 to babysit Joel's daughter. And that’s when you started getting a slight crush on him. You noticed over time that you feel different with him than with the two or three boys in your age, you dated in the past. Over the two years you’ve started getting an immense crush on him, but it was hopeless. It was just a dream fantasy of him and you getting together since he was that older than you. Just a teenager’s crush.
At the end of 19 you left for college in Louisiana and told yourself to grow up. You studied philosophy and even if it wasn’t always so easy, you finished from college and then even got a job as a professor in another university to teach philosophy.
But before you started working in your new job, there was a long summer break. And after all the learning and writing exams, you deserved it the most.
You decided to visit your dad in Texas and stay there for the whole break because you didn’t see him often for the past years. You also wanted to spend your 26th birthday with him and in your second hometown.
You pulled over your car in the driveway and parked. As you got out of the car, your dad already walked towards you. “Oh, there’s my girl!”, he smiled happily and hugged you tightly. “It’s so good to be back home!”, you said. Your dad and you small talked for a bit while he was getting out your luggage out of the car. Suddenly, you heard a very familiar voice.
“Hey buddy”, you heard, and you turned around. You saw them talking and then saw who he was.
“Hey, you still remember …?”, your dad says but you already finished the sentence in your thoughts.
When he stands in front of you, you freeze. He looks even hotter than before…
How can someone look that good in his 40s?
You cleared your throat. “Yea- of course”, you responded. Your heart begins to race. “Umm- How’s Sarah?”, you asked firmly. “She’s doing really well. She’s on a vacation with some of her school friends for the whole summer break. But she would be so happy to see you”, you remembered him replying with his texan accent.
And that’s how everything started. You saw him way more often and talked to him when he was at your dad’s house. He made you laugh and feel safe. Every time he was just near you, you couldn’t think rationally. The first weeks after your arrival, you spend a lot of time with Joel since there was a lot going on your dad’s work.
Every morning after breakfast you went over to his house and you two played UNO, chess or simple board games. He showed you around the neighbourhood and told you everything you’ve missed while your away. You noticed that during the time you spent together, he looked at you in a different way. You thought you’re just being delusional, but he acted differently towards you, but differently good.
You often caught him staring at you, every time he called you “darling” or “princess”, you got goosebumps and when you teased him, which you loved, he got so nervous.
There was just this tension between you two.
And one day, it just happened. You were at his house and put on your shoes to go home because it was already kind of late and you wanted to get home before your dad did.
Joel was sitting on the couch, watching football. “You’re sure you got everything?”, he asked you while looking at the TV. “Yea- I think so”, you replied and put on your jacket. You put your hands in your pockets and noticed that you forgot your keys. They were lying next to Joel on the other side of the couch.
You smirked, walked over to him and bend right over his lap to grab your keys. “ ‘just need to grab my keys…”, you mumbled and felt his whole body getting tense. “I know what you’re doing...”, you remember him mumbling under his breath.
“I’m not doing anything, old man”, you chuckled, grabbed your keys and walked towards the door. He stood up and you thought he would open the door for you, like he always did, like a gentleman. But now he was just standing there.
“Well, I wish you a good night, then”, you smiled and opened the door half way, until he closed it. He pushed you against it and the next second you felt his lips on yours. You froze and the butterflies in your belly got crazy. Your heart was racing but you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.
And that’s how this whole affair thing started.
Nearly every night you sneaked out to him, like today.
You’re in his bedroom and the only thing you can hear is heavy breathing, moans and skin clapping together. “Joel-“, you breath out while you’re lying on your stomach, and he’s fucking you from behind.
His one hand grabbing your waist and the other hand pulling your hair back, makes your eyes roll back. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight-“, he groans and thrusting into you even deeper.
You squeeze your eyes together, slowly feeling that very familiar feeling in your lower stomach. “Joel, I’m gonna-“, he cuts you off.
“No, not now. I wanna look at you-“, he gasps, and you suddenly feel an emptiness in you, as he pulls out.
“Joel-“, you whine, and he flips you around on your back. “Shh, you can take it”, he breathes. He leans over you and kisses you passionately. His tongue explores your mouth, and you still can taste yourself in his mouth from him eating you out earlier.
His hand slides over your belly, grabbing your breast and squeezing them harshly while his other hand spreads your legs. He breaks the kiss, and you gasp for air. You look right into his eyes… his beautiful eyes.
He rubs his tip over your wet pussy, teasing you. “Fuck Joel- I cant-“, you whimper and bite your lower lip. “You can…”, he whispers and pushes his hard dick into you.
You moan satisfied as the emptiness fades away. He begins thrusting into you while his hand is slowly wrapping around your neck.
“You’re such a good girl…”, he groans and pushing your waist into the mattress. It doesn’t take you long for you to feel that familiar feeling again. Joel feels it too.
Between your loud moans and breaths, you want to say it, but he places his lips on yours. “I know, baby… me too”, he breaths. Everything gets tense in your body.
You chuckle slightly, but your chuckle fades quickly, by feeling him directly hitting your g-spot. Your moans get louder and you roll back your eyes.
“Look at me…”, he slightly growls by being just concentrated on you. You feel his dick twitching inside of you. You pull yourself together and look at him. His strong arms, six-pack shining in the moonlight that comes through the window.
“My beautiful girl…”, he moans, and that’s it
“Cum for me.”, and you do. You cum all over his dick which leaves you breathless. You look at him, while he continues thrusting into you two more times, until you see his mouth opening and feeling him filling you right up.
You come fresh out of the shower wearing comfy shorts and a white tank top. You put your towel dried hair up in a bun and walk downstairs to the kitchen. You hear the shower still running upstairs, since Joel is still in there.
You walk to the fridge and open it. You get out a beer for Joel and an ice cream for you. You close the fridge and walk to the living room, placing the cold beer on the table and take a quick look at the clock.
While eating your ice cream, you look at Joels house plants, which just nearly survived because of you. You chuckle sightly and begin watering them.
“they would already be dead if I didn’t had you“, you hear Joels voice say behind you.
“I know”, you reply quietly and concentrated on the plants. You hear Joel sit down on the couch and open his beer. As you keep watering the plants, you see Joel searching for the TV remote.
“it is literally right next to you”, you sigh and let out a chuckle. You put the watering can away and jump on the couch next to him. His stare is fixed on the TV while he drinks his beer. You rest your head on his shoulder and he puts his hand on your thigh, caressing it.
“Joel”, you mumble and keep watching TV.
“Hm..?”, he hums.
“Í have been thinking about… well, how this all will go on, when the summer break ends..”, you whisper cautious, watching his reaction directly.
All you hear is a sigh from him while he takes a sip from his beer. “go on?”, he replies focused on the TV. You gulp, moving away from him and sitting up.
“well yes- how will this thing go on?”, you ask more seriously, pointing on him and you. “or don’t you want it goes on?”, you mumble, feeling your heart getting heavier.
“‘never really thought about it-“´, he replies with a sound like he doesn’t really give a shit, he’s just concentrated on his TV. You scoff and get up. You grab your bag pack and walk to the entrance, slipping into your shoes.
“wait-“, Joel sighs and you hear him get up. “that’s not what I meant”, he mumbles and rubs his forehead while watching you.
“well, I think its really clear what you mean and think”, you scoff again and grab your jacket. “look- I never really thought about it”, he grabs your hand and pulls you towards him.
“I don’t know what you expect from me-“, he mumbles. Your heart gets heavier again, and you shake your hand, while you can't believe what’s really going on.
“what I expect you to-“, you stop and take a deep breath, “I’ll go, my dad will come back from work soon”, you whisper and get your hand out of his grip.
Opening the door. “good night, Joel”, you mumble and walk to your house. The last thing you hear from Joel was a loud sigh, and then the closing of the door.
You’re laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. The bright sunlight was shining through the window. You think about last night and sigh.
‘Did he really never thought about it…?’, you think to yourself.
You stand up and walk over to your desk. You look in the mirror, noticing some hickeys on your neck.
Your mind plays back last night, his lips pressed on your neck, while his fingers are buried inside of you. How he- “y/n, would you come down please?”, you hear your dad calling from downstairs, ripping you out of your thoughts.
“Yes!”, you reply and sigh. You quickly grab your cute summer dress out of your closet and quickly make yourself ready in the bathroom, covering up all these hickeys. While you run downstairs, you put your hair up in a messy bun. “What is it, dad?”, you ask loudly and walk into the kitchen.
“You remember how I talked about these grill party’s, every neighbour does for the neighbourhood? Today its my turn”, you hear him talking out of the living room, while you grab yourself a coke. “yeah, what about it?”, you ask, making your way into the living room.
“well, I need your help in organising, Joel isn’t enough, you know”, he laughs, and you freeze in the doorway, looking at Joel who’s sitting next to your dad on the couch.
“Joel is helping us since we’ll help him next week when he has to do the grill party”, your dad says, looking with a smirk to Joel. You don’t answer.
“hey? Did you hear what I said, lazy head?”, your dad laughs while Joel looks at you. “yea- um sorry. I heard you”, you mumble as you pull yourself together and clear your throat. “I mean, yea, I can help you. What should I do?”, you ask, trying to ignore Joel and just looking at your dad.
“well, while I get everything prepared here, you and Joel can get groceries shopping”, he suggests and takes a look at Joel, looking for a reply.
“Sure”, Joel replies and gives him a pat on his back. “I mean-“, you get cut off. “We’re already on our way”, Joel says and gets up, grabbing his cars keys which are laying on the couch. You scoff, shaking your head. “Come on”, Joel calls and opens the door.
“bye dad”, you mumble quietly and grab your shoes, putting them on and walking through the door, towards his car.
“Thanks for asking me”, you whisper annoyed and open the car door and take a seat.
“You’re welcome, darling”, Joel replies and gets in the front seat and starts the engine. As he begins driving, you let the window down and close your eyes, relaxing under the warm breeze on your face.
“how did you sleep?”, Joel suddenly asks, trying to smalltalk and you chuckle. “you’re really bad at small talk, you know that? But I didn’t sleep well, no”, you reply and watch the kid's playing soccer as you pass by a house.
“look, because of yesterday-“, Joel begins talking but then stops. He rubs his forehead and takes a deep breath.
“I-“, he tries. “we’re there”, you cut him off and directly as he parks you get out of the car.
You have no nerves for this now.
You two arrive back at your home, and take out the whole groceries, placing them on the kitchen counter.
“thanks you two”, your dad says as he walks past you, kind of stressed. “I’ll be back in a minute, I need to go over to Veronica”, he shouts since he’s already out of the door. Veronica is one of your neighbours, she’s a really nice old lady.
You look over to Joel next to you, who just finished taking out all the groceries. You suddenly feel his hands on your waist, turning you around and pressing you against the kitchen counter.
You let out a sigh. “Joel-“, you mumble and try to get out of his grip. “Look at me”, he says clearly and stern.
“Come on, now-“, you whine and he pushes you against the counter even more. “I said, look at me”, he stated. You roll your eyes and look up to him. “what?”, you whisper annoyingly.
The next thing you feel are his lips pressed on yours. You try to resist, but your body replies to him by opening your mouth, allowing his tounge to explore yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to you.
“I’m sorry…”, he breathes as you pause the kiss. “I’m sorry about yesterday.. of course I want all this to keep going, but- it’s just difficult”, he mumbles and presses his lips on yours again.
“I know…”, you murmur against his lips.
“we’ll figure something out…”, he whispers as he stops the kiss again and caresses your cheek.
You let out a slight smile and nod. You look right into his eyes and that’s when this desire kicks in again. You immediately slam your lips on his again, grabbing onto his shirt. You grab his hand, placing it on your clothed breast. He squeezes it harshly, rubbing with his fingers in circles around your nipple.
You whimper into the kiss, feeling this ache between your legs again. You grab his hand, leading it down your stomach, but he stops. “We can’t- your dad.”, he points out and stops.
“he’s not there yet- I need you…”, you whisper desperately into his ear.
Joel hesitates. “fuck…”, he hisses under his breath. That’s when his hand slips under your dress, pushing away your panties and sliding two fingers into your wet pussy. You let out a satisfied moan and let your head fall back.
“You need to be quick, baby”, he mumbles into your ear while he grabs your waist with his other hand, so he can support you in standing. His fingers slide in and out, searching after your soft spot. As he finds this spot, your moans get louder and your legs weaker.
“fuck, joel…”, you breath out, squeezing your eyes together as you feel your climax building up in your lower stomach. “come on, baby..”, he whispers into your ear while he hits this exact spot with his fingers. You hear the door unlock. As he feels you’re cumming, he covers your mouth with his hand.
“cum for me, sweetheart…”, he demands as he hits this spot one last time and you cum with a loud moan, which his hand muffles.
“I’m back”, you two hear your dad call and hear his steps getting nearer the kitchen. He pulls his fingers out of you, releases you out of his grip and licks off his fingers. You pull down your dress again and that’s when your dad comes in.
“everything okay?”, he asks with a smile and you nod, still out of breath.
“yea”, you reply and give him a forced smile back.
‘That was close’, you think to yourself.
“Well then, let’s make everything ready for tonight”, he chuckles and walks out of the kitchen. You take a glance at Joel, who’s still a little shocked since you two almost got caught. You go on tiptoes and place a kiss on his cheek. You take the groceries and carry them out to the garden, with Joel looking after you.
You hear so many laughters coming out of the garden while you’re in the kitchen to grab some drinks for outside. The whole garden was full, since almost the whole neighbourhood was there.
You go out, with all the drinks in your hand, placing them on the table. You take a glass of water and give it to Veronica, the old lady, which as your neighbour.
“thank you, sweetheart”, she says with a kind smile. You look around, and see everyone chatting, drinking or eating. Your stare falls on Joel, who was talking and laughing with your dad while they are standing at the grill.
‘He would never really approve of you and Joel, would he?’
You sigh.
But you remember Joel words…
“We’ll figure something out“
And that’s how the next following weeks kept going. You keep sneaking over to him at night. But your dad often noticed or saw you going out when he came home late from work, and then you always had to come up with some random excuse.
You slowly noticed that your dad has got quiet of sceptical and tried to talk about you once because you always go out late. But you’re a adult. And you really couldn’t care, all you could care about was him.
Joel Miller.
It was midnight and you and Joel are laying in his bed. You lay in his arms while he’s running his fingers through your hair. Your breath was still fast, 5 minutes ago he fucked the shit out of you.
You feel so safe and comfortable in his arms, but thinking about that you have to go back to Louisiana… You let out a sigh and hug him tightly.
“you’re okay?”, you hear Joel mumbling. You nod slowly, “yea”
Joel knows exactly what’s on your mind. “tell me, when you could go anywhere you want on this earth, where would it be?”, he asks and looks down at you.
You chuckle slightly. “I don’t know… I always wanted to see the northern lights”, you reply.
“why are you asking?”, you ask confused and sit up, pulling the blanket over your body.
“maybe I can take you there someday”, he mumbles and gives you a slight smirk.
You roll your eyes. “yea sure…”, you mumble.
“somewhere else too?”, he raises his eyebrows and sits up too.
“come on joel, don’t play with me”, you hit him playfully. “no, I mean it”, he grabs your waist and pulls you onto his lap.
“something else?”, he asks again.
“hmm… maybe- the maldives… I was never on the maldives”, you whisper.
“noted.”, he mumbles and pretends to write it down. You giggle. “somewhere else?”, he asks again with a smile.
God, how you love his smile.
“really? You don’t even have that much money, old man”, you chuckle as he grabs you by your waist again and pushes you in the mattress while leaning over you.
“i don’t care, i’ll take you wherever you wanna go.”, he whispers and looks right into your eyes. Your thoughts about you leaving immediately vanish and you give him a smile. He presses his lips on yours.
“everywhere?”, you mumble into his kiss while your heart was pounding like crazy.
He nods. “everywhere.”,
He replies and places kisses on your neck, while he slowly moves down your stomach. You bite your lip, looking at him how he disappears under the blanket between your legs. You let out a soft moan as you feel his lips pressed against your clit and give yourself totally to him.
You put on your shoes while the sun starts to come out slowly. “i’ll come back tonight, then”, you mumble tired and go on tiptoes to place a kiss on Joel’s lips. He hums against your lips in agreement.
“I thought about showing you how to play guitar…”, he whispers while his lips can’t leave yours. You let out a chuckle, “okay…”.
You grab your jacket and open the door. “see you then”, you smile and walk out the door.
You’re in town alone. You’re walking around the shopping centre to get some ingredients for your birthday cake. You’ll get 26 years old in 4 days.
Old, you think.
While you were grocery shopping, Joel was knocking at the door of your dads house.
Your dad opens the door. “Hey buddy, what do you need?”, he asks and leans against the doorframe.
“I need to borrow this toolkit of yours, ‘need to repair something”, Joel says and clears his throat. “Yea sure, come in”, your dad smiles and walks with him into the living room. “Wait here”, he says and after some minutes he comes back with the toolkit and hands it over to Joel.
“Thanks, buddy”, Joel replies and gives him a pat on your dads back.
Joel makes his way to the exit. “Hey um, I wanted to ask you something”, your dad stops Joel. He turns around and raises his eyebrows. “sure, what is it?”, Joel replies.
“well um- I noticed y/n sneaking around at night and coming home super tired- I mean, I know she’s a grown up, but she’s still my daughter. I’m just a little concerned , since we usually talk about almost everything“, your dad says and Joel gulps.
“do you know anything? You know, since you two spend some time together while I was working, I’m really grateful for that, buddy”, your dad continues, and Joel pulls himself together.
“sure- no thing, but I know nothing, sorry”, Joel mumbles and shrugs his shoulders. “okay… yea, I just don’t want her to get in trouble or anything, not that she sneaks around with some creep or something“, your dad laughs.
Joel let’s out a fake laugh too while a wave of guilt runs over his whole body.
“you’ll tell me, when you know something, right? Since we’re buddies?”, your dad asks and places his hand on Joel’s shoulder.
“Sure”, Joel replies and takes a deep breath.
“I’ll have to get going then”, he clears his throat again and your dad nods.
“sure, good luck with the toolkit”, your dad smiles and waves at him while Joel walks over the street to his house.
It was 10pm and you walk over Joel’s house with these butterflies in your stomach going crazy again and knock on the door. He opens it.
“Hey”, you say with a smile and go on tiptoes to give him a kiss, but he turns his head. You look at him confused.
“You’re okay?”, you chuckle and stand in front him, waiting for him to answer. He lets out a sigh and rubs his forehead.
“fuck…”, he mumbles under his breath while you raise one eyebrow.
“look- this can’t go on”, he finally speaks out and your heart literally drops.
“w-wait what?”, you stutter in shock and can’t believe this is real right now.
“this won’t and can’t work out.”, he points at you and him.
“what the fuck, joel. Yesterday, you talked with me that you would take me everywhere on this world- and now, you’re like- ending it?”, you repeat everything to make it yourself clear what’s happening right now.
“Look- this was a huge mistake. It’s just too complicated and-“, you cut him off.
“You said, we’ll figure something out“, you get louder and more upset while everything around you gets hotter and your eyes wetter.
“well- unfortunately we can’t. It can’t go on like this, y/n. you need to find someone else”, he mumbles stern.
“find someone else?!”, you repeat and can’t believe every word what’s coming out of his mouth.
“what the actual fuck… I thought you loved me-“, you nearly shout and a tear runs down your cheek.
“love you? I never loved you-“, he suddenly says out loud without thinking. And that’s when your whole world stands still. You stare at him with tears in your eyes.
“fuck you, joel.”, you hiss and slap him right into the face.
Then you just turn around and walk over to your house again, trying to control the emotions which are running through your whole body right now. You quickly wipe your tears away and go into your room, not looking back.
And just like that, everything ended.
It has been four days now since Joel ended this special affair.
You didn’t sneak over to him anymore, but your breath still quickens, and butterflies fly around in your stomach when you see him, but this time, with a sharp pain right into your stomach.
Every time you lay in bed alone, you feel his hands and his kisses all over you.
Every time you think of him, thinking of every night you two had… you can't bear the ache between your legs.
But it was not just the sex…
Every time you were with him, you forgot all your worries and fears.
Every time you were with him, he made you feel safe.
He made you feel loved.
He made you feel alive.
When you think of all this, it was just perfect.
But it wasn’t.
No one could’ve known.
No one could’ve known that you sneaked out mostly every night to go to him.
No one can know how you still feel about him.
No one can see.
It had to be a secret.
When you’re not alone, you just have to act like your just neighbours, what you now just are.
It’s still not easy. It’s hard.
But now that the fear of having to end everything came true… it keeps you from doing it.
Now it’s just a fantasy that maybe someday, you can let everybody see.
See that you love him.
But that’s all just in your head. You love him, you really do, but… it’s more than complicated.
You know that he doesn’t really feel the same way about you do.
But there’s one thing you really know.
You’re in love with Joel Miller.
Yes, the Joel Miller who’s nearly twenty years older than you.
The Joel Miller who’s you’re neighbour and has known you since you’re a teenager.
The Joel Miller you’ve watched doing work in his garden.
The Joel Miller with these beautiful eyes and strong arms.
The Joel Miller who’s unfortunately your dad’s best friend.
And… The Joel Miller who broke your heart in thousand pieces.
You sit in front your birthday cake. Your dad nearly invited the whole neighborhood and now everyone waits for you to blow out your candles. You know Joel’s here too and you feel his eyes on you. That’s when the sharp pain kicks in again.
You look up from your cake and see him leaned against the doorframe of the living room.
‘You’ll regret it, Joel’, you think to yourself.
Then you look on your candles again and blow them out.
“Happy fucking birthday to me”
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— earbuds, my love + yoichi isagi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — a single train ride has you sharing your headphones and your feelings with your long time crush, yoichi isagi.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, fluff, friends to lovers, love confessions, mutual pining, pro player!isagi, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 1K.
⭑ notes — third fic queued for aali's away time, one of my many isagi wips! he's literally ceo of friends to lovers ngl !! i love him so bad... enjoy my lurvs - m.list ✩
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“this song makes me feel like i’m falling in love with someone.”
isagi glances up at you from his phone, no longer shuffling the playlist that you’re both listening to. you’re looking out of the window, your feet propped up on the back of the seat in front of you, your head resting on your closed fist. you miss the way he flushes red.
“do you want to keep listening to it then?” he mumbles softly, thumb hovering over the slip button and his voice just barely above a whisper. you almost don’t hear you despite the fact that you’re sharing headphones and only have one ear-bud in while he takes the other.
this time, you tilt your head away from the window and the scenery passing by to lock eyes with your childhood best friend. “no, s’okay,” you say, your voice equally as low. “you can change it if you’d like.” your facial expression is tranquil, the swell of your lips pressed into an appreciative smile and your eyes sparkling with the sunlight that glitters outside of your moving train.
isagi’s nerves quickly get the better of him and he breaks eye contact, swallowing thickly before looking away with his own smile (mostly for himself).
“i think we’ll keep listening to it.”
you’re both on the train from the bustling city of tokyo back to the tiny town you both grew up in. with the off-season approaching, japan’s beloved striker had finally managed to get some time away from the blue lock team to visit his parents, and you were off on your university’s allotted spring-break.
this was the first time, in what felt like forever, that your calendars were synced up.
your bond with isagi had always been strong — from the very first moment you’d met, back in middle school when he’d kicked a soccer ball straight into your lunch and then instantly offered to buy you a new one. impossible to separate, you were joined at the hip right up until he left for blue lock. these days, your paths rarely cross and while isagi’s career in soccer bloomed like you always knew it would — you went the more traditional route of life and found passion in your own university degree.
after some moments of quiet, aside from the children crying in their mother’s arms, teenagers gossiping on their way home from junior high and the calls from the attendant manning the snack cart — isagi speaks up, shyly. “who…who would you be in love with? yanno…because of this song…”
“some guy, i’ve known him for years.”
“does he know…how you feel about him?” you shake your head and isagi presses you again. “have you tried telling him?”
“gods no, yoichi!” you wave him off almost too quickly — curling in on yourself like a highschool girl handing her crush a confession letter or chocolates on white day. perhaps because this is exactly like that. you’ve liked him, loved him, for as long as you can remember. he makes your skin hot and your thoughts a mess and when isagi’s nearby you hardly remember who you are.
and he hardly realises how lovesick you’ve been for him over the years. it would be too embarrassing to admit that you have a raging crush on one of japan’s favourite athletes.
“why not?”
“because…if he felt the same he would have noticed by now.” you answer, trying to shut down the conversation. “i’ve been obvious with my feelings. the ball’s been in his court for a while.”
“maybe he’s just oblivious.” isagi keeps going and in the cramped space of your train seats you feel hot under the collar — your nerves shaking under the pressure.
you’re given a brief moment of relief when the attendant on the snack cart stops for the couple seated opposite you. they seem happy and in love, it makes your heart twist.
the train jolts, pushing the attendant into isagi, who then topples into you — invading your space once more, causing heat to build up under your skin.
“h-he’s a way too smart for that.”
“maybe…he’s unsure? maybe he doesn’t understand your signals?”
the song you’re listening too changes as you pull into the next station.
“or maybe he doesn’t love me, yoichi!” you snap, turning your head away so fast that the ear-bud slips from your ears and the wires are left dangling between the warmth of isagi’s body and your own. you try to sit still, fighting off burning, frustrated tears — lucky that no one’s heard your outburst over the busy ambience of the train. “believe me, i’ve held out hope for it.”
“but i do love you.” he snaps back, grabbing you by the wrist so that you’re forced to look at him. isagi’s eyes are wide and deep, swirling in their hypnotising shade of blue with an emotion you don’t recognise seeing on him. love. “maybe you’re the one who’s dumb enough not to have noticed. maybe i’ve been too shy or too caught up with soccer to say so. but i love you. i want that song to make you feel like you’re in love with me.”
“o-oh…yoichi i—“ your eyes widen, then soften all at once and you feel yourself melting fast — as if all of your dreams have come true. “i don’t know what to say…”
the tips of his ears are bright pink, the hue blooming across his cheeks like they’re roses in bloom. yoichi chews on his lower lip nervously before shoving the right bud of the headphones back into your ear. “just say you like me back ‘nd we’ll leave it at that for now, okay?” he mumbles like a teenager, very much unlike the confident, cocky isagi who everyone fears on the pitch.
wisps of a grin tug at the corners of your lips as you reach out and grab his larger hand with yours — giving it a squeeze. “alright then, yoichi,” you say, leaning over to kiss the warmth of his cheeks. “i like you too.” his eyes go wide.
this is all silly and new for the both of you — having been in love with one another for years without saying. you’ll have a lot to talk about once you reach his parents’ house, how you’ll make this work with his soccer career and your new life in the big city, what you want this to be, who you’ll tell. but for now you try not to dwell on it, letting your head flop to isagi’s shoulder and his on top of yours, sharing headphones and listening to songs that made him fall in love with you.
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emeritusemeritus · 3 months
hey! I love your work, you're incredibly talented ❤️ I was thinking, could you write something about y/n and george weasley going to hogwarts together (not best friends but not strangers either) but losing connection after the war and reuniting when she opens a cafe in diagon alley, so they start to see each other more often and hang out, and one day they confess that they used to have a crush on each other? very fluffy🥰
sorry if this is badly worded haha, english is not my first language
don't feel obligated to do it if you don't want to, no worries!
Hey Anon! Thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you! My love it would be a pleasure 🖤
Warnings: brief mentions of the war, George losing his ear, tooth rotting fluff. Fred’s only mentioned once, ambiguous if he’s alive or not. George calls us sweetness.
Word count: 2.2k
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It had to be him, you were almost certain of it.
The familiar shade of red hair exactly as you remembered, the towering height and the mischievous smile that seemed to light up a room. It was almost certainly George Weasley that you were looking at.
He was stood further down the line, his face partially blocked by the coffee machine as you prepared orders for your customers. Never once had you anticipated the butterflies that would appear at the very sight of George Weasley again when you opened your cafe in Diagon Alley, but here you were, plating up the homemade cakes with a smile, nerves building as he neared the counter.
"George?" You asked, drawing his attention away from the display of cakes and pastries in front of you as his eyes flicked up to your face. He remained expressionless for a few seconds, almost frozen as he looked at you and you could almost feel the sense of dread and embarrassment sinking in. Either it was George and he didn't recognise you or it was definitely not George and you'd made a huge fool of yourself.
"Y/n?" He says with a wide smile, suddenly slipping out of his little daydream, "what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in years!"
You smile and blush under his gaze, hardly believing that this was really happening.
"I came back about six months ago, I went to Paris to study. Decided it wasn't for me and I opened up this little place," you explained, hardly able to get your words out you were grinning so hard.
You and George were friends once upon a time, not overly close but friendly, friends of friends and definitely the person you'd wished you spent more time with at Hogwarts. He made you laugh, he was kind, polite, a great Quidditch player and more than anything he was absolutely gorgeous. He'd been the object of your desire since near enough your third year, with your school girl crush holding out until you eventually lost contact after the war. It seemed silly really but as you stood there in front of him, it was like that teenage crush was still having an affect on you, hear racing, cheeks flushed and butterflies fluttering in your belly.
Marcia, one of your employees kindly took over taking everyone's order as you and George stood for a while chatting like old friends by the side of the till. The years had been good to him, he looked so handsome in his three piece suit with vertical stripes, the colours complimenting him very well. You cursed yourself for not putting more effort into your appearance that morning, unaware that the boy you'd had a crush on for at least four of your seven school years would be standing right there. His laugh was like music, flowing out of him so effortlessly, the sound transporting you back to the time you'd longed to hear him laugh like that for you, the sound always capturing your attention wherever you were in the castle.
"I'm sorry I have to go and open the store," he says after a while, a guilty look on his face as he runs the back of his neck. "How much do I owe you?" He gestures towards the takeaway tea in his hand that Marcia had brought over for him and you frown at his ridiculous question.
"It's on the house," you say casually, as if it were obvious. "Wait one second."
You step over to the display cabinet and pull out one of the pastries you'd baked that morning, a lemon curd turnover that you favoured amongst all the other treats, quickly bagging it up and taking it over to George, holding it out for him to take.
"A deal," you explain as he takes the bag from you with a thankful smile, "free tea if you try this, come back and tell me what you think."
He beams, looking between you and the bagged up naked good in his hand whilst nodding.
"Deal," he smiles, a little moment shared between you.
It had been two weeks since George had stepped into your little cafe and truthfully you'd not stopped thinking about him since. It was like the past few years hadn't happened at all, like no time had gone by, the second he crossed your mind you were rendered useless, unable to concentrate on anything except him. It was ridiculous, you didn't know if he was single, married whatever, but each and every time he stepped through the door, you melted.
He'd been back nearly everyday since, always leaving with a different baked good and a steaming hot cup of tea ready to start the day. You'd started trying to guess his favourite, to find the thing he liked the most in all of the shop. It had become a game between you, he'd try something new and tell you the day after how it compared whilst you tried to guess what his favourite was but he was aloof and secretive, making you work for it.
Each time he'd been back, the lingering at the end had gotten worse, to the point it was dragged out significantly as you both giggled and fought to prolong the inevitable separation. You'd found out in  passing, a stroke of luck, that he was single. He said that he hadn't dated much since the war, too focused on the shop, which had admittedly eased your guilt a little, knowing that you weren't flirting with a married man. You were almost certain that George was flirting back with you, the devilish twinkle in his eye always present.
"What did you think?" You ask as George walks through the door Friday morning before the shop opens, the usual routine you'd built.
"It's was unbelievable," he says with a smile, walking towards you at the counter. "Crispy all over, not even a little bit soggy and the filling was perfect; not too sweet."
"Still not my favourite."
"Fuck sake George!" You laugh, encouraging him to laugh along with you, "I'm nearly out of recipes!"
"Then you'll just have to try harder, won't you sweetness."
There it was, the nickname he'd given you that was randomly dropped into conversation over a week ago and had been used everyday since. It made your cheeks heat up and your head spin every time, though you tried to hide it behind your fallen strands of hair. Talking to George was so easy, the conversation flowed so effortlessly that you lost track of time frequently, the two of you so caught up that you only realised the time when the timer went off on one of the ovens, signalling that the bread rolls were ready- and that it was 9am.
"What are you doing tonight?" He asks, grabbing his tea and bag of goodies to try.
"It's bread day, have to make the loaves ready for the weekend, why?" You asked, filling up the coffee beans as you prepared for the impending morning rush, finally springing back to work as you realised that you had barely even made a dent in the jobs you had planned to do.
"Oh, no reason," he says, "hope you have a good day sweetness."
He'd barely walked through the door when Marcia appears by your side, nudging you in the side.
"I thought you liked him?"
"What?" You ask, confused at her words.
"You light up like a Christmas tree whenever he's around, you giggle and I've seen raspberry tarts let pink than your cheeks when he calls you sweetness," she says with a knowing smile. "Poor bloke finally gets up the courage to ask you out and you turn him down."
"What? That wasn't him asking me out! He just wanted to... oh."
Any colour that had been in your face drained almost immediately as you realised your mistake. George had tried to ask you out and you'd waffled on about bloody bread loaves. The over-door bell chimed, signalling the influx of customers and you panicked, needing to stay and serve the line of customers piling on but also wanting to straighten things out with George. You were torn, stressed out by the obvious decision you had to make.
"Go, I've got it," she says, nudging you out the way with her hip. You blurt out a thank you and run out from around the corner, through the door and down the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley until you neared the huge orange building right at the top.
You pulled open the door and immediately tried to seek out George, trying to find his red hair in a sea of people. You spotted Ron on the stairs, finding his red hair first before trying again, sighing heavily feeling deflated after a minute or so of looking when you couldn't see George anywhere.
"Care to try our love potions miss? They really do work," you heard from behind you, the voice sending a shiver up your spine.
"Don't need it," you replied, turning and smiling when you saw George grinning down at you. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise," you paused, feeling like an idiot all of a sudden. What if he hadn't been asking you out? As you glanced up at him, feeling his gaze on you, you lost your nerve slightly.
"If I read this wrong I'm sorry, for you I'm free as a bird tonight," you say, adding. "But if you're not asking like that, then I'm baking bread and we never talk about this again."
You watch as his eyebrows raise slightly before a big smile stretches slowly across his face, eyes lighting up at your words.
“Pick you up at 7?” He asks rather quickly, sparing you from any embarrassment of the moment lingering on. You beam up at him with a nod of your head, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek before leaving, casting one last glance back to see George watching you walk away with a smirk.
7pm finally comes around and you’re a bundle of nervous energy, fingers twitching as you adjust your dress for the fifth time in two minutes.
“Relax,” Marcia says from behind you, grabbing her bag and coat ready to leave for the day. “You look incredible and if he doesn’t agree then I’d say he lost his eyes as well as his ear in the war.”
“Marcia!” You say but she simply laughs, waving you goodbye as she steps out of the door leaving you alone.
“You look incredible,” you hear George say and your eyes shoot up to see him looking so handsome, holding a small bouquet of flowers with a gorgeous smile on his face.
“So do you Mr Weasley,” you say, biting your lip slightly at the sight before you and then grinning once he hands you the flowers.
“Okay I have a bit of a confession,” he says as you sit at the intimate little table at the Cauldron, one of the nicest and newest restaurants in Diagon Alley. You look at him with a slight frown of concern, stomach twisting a little as you pray it’s not bad news. He smiles gently at you and you can almost see the hint of a blush upon his cheeks.
“I feel like I need to keep pinching myself, being here with you now, I had the biggest crush on you at school.”
George laughs when your mouth falls open, almost comically so as his words sink in.
“You’re kidding!” You sat, eyed glistening as you look across at him in disbelief.
“I’m completely serious,” he chuckles, “I wasn’t very good at showing it back then, never dreamt of actually being able to tell you. Fred used to tease me about it all the time. But then when I saw you again, I couldn’t let you slip away again without knowing.”
“That would have been very useful to know back then,” you say with a smile, taking a sip of your wine. “I also had a massive crush on you.”
“No way,” he says with a dismissive chuckle.
“Way,” you counter argue with a smirk, “started around third year, by fourth year it was already too late for me.” You laugh, as does George.
“I swear when you hit that rogue bludger away from Harry during the first match against Slytherin, you were right in front of me in the stand, thought I was gonna fall onto the pitch I was so attracted to you.”
“Was?” He says with a smirk, using your use of past tense against you.
“Am,” you corrected, taking another sip of wine and smiling behind the glass. There’s a moment where neither of you say anything, simply looking at each other with dangerously attracted eyes and smiles.
“Would you like to order dessert?” The waiter suddenly appears by your side, gesturing towards the dessert menus in front of you.
“I’ll have the cinnamon apple cake,” George says with a nod and you order your own, offering a thank you to the waiter.
“That your favourite?” You ask teasingly, calling back to the game of guessing his favourite sweet treats.
“‘Fraid not sweetness,” he says with a smirk and a little wink.
“I’m never going to guess am I?”
“Ask me again in 20 years, we’ve got plenty of time to find out.”
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facioleeknow · 7 months
Glamping with a twist•Lee Know
Tw: suggestive, swearing
Going glamping with Minho wasn’t something unusual for you; you two had been friends for years and it was your favorite activity, something you cherished that allowed you to spend time alone and unwind. It was also something you partially dreaded because of your big fat crush on your best friend. Sleeping in the same tent as him, even in separate beds made you extremely restless and fidgety. He made you feel like a teenager with a first crush, like a complete idiot and you hated it so by the morning you were always grumpy and looked at him like you wanted the man to combust on the spot. Minho never missed your grumpiness and usually made a snarky comment about waking up on the wrong side of the bed and pinched your cheek, which made you feel all types of things and, most importantly, made you forget about your sour mood.
This time around, though, something was different, and it wasn’t the fact that it was Minho’s birthday. The birthday boy forgot to phone the camping site to see if they had double tents.
“I have a bad feeling about this Minho,” you mumbled as you pulled into the parking lot.
“You always have a bad feeling, darling.”
You felt your face tingle at the nickname, but knew better than to read something into it. Minho called all of his friends darling.
“Was I ever wrong?” you quipped back. Minho just rolled his eyes at you and made his way to the little hut at the beginning of the site.
So damn sassy, you thought as you started to unload your bags from the car.
When Minho made his way back to the car, his expression was weird.
“What?” you asked mindlessly scrolling on instagram.
“They only have tents with a double bed, no separate beds.”
It took you a second to register what he said. Heat spreaded throughout your body at the thought of sharing a bed with Minho.
“What did I fucking tell?!?” you screamed. People turned around to look at you, you didn’t care, you were right.
“Yah, no need to yell, it’s not a big deal, we can share, we’re adults,” he seemed unimpressed and you were about to explode.
“Say it,” you yelled again as Minho grabbed his stuff and started to walk to the tent, “Lee Minho say it, say that I was right!”
After a long back and forth between you and Minho about being right and being wrong, the birthday boy dragged you to fish with him and thought it would be funny to throw you in the little lake with the fishes. The supersonic scream you let out when the freezing water came in contact with you made Minho cry out of laughter so you did the only thing that was right, you dragged him in with you.
By the time night rolled around you were both out of breath and drenched to the bone for having played in the water for so long. As you walked to your tent reality started downing on you. You. Minho. One bed, were your only thoughts.
MInho didn’t even look in the direction of the shower, he took his bag and started walking out of the tent.
“Where are you going?” you asked, puzzled.
“Communal showers, you shower here, there are weird guys there, I don’t want you to go,” he replied nonchalantly as if he wasn’t making your heart at an inhuman speed.
The time in the shower gave you time to calm down, you refused to fantasize about sleeping in the same bed with Minho. It would be weird and creepy and you were a decent person, right?
When you got out Minho wasn’t back yet, so you got into bed and made yourself comfortable. Soon the tiredness from the day caught up to you and the warmth of the blankets made it impossible for you to stay awake.
A gentle tug on the blanket, woke you up brutally.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Minho whispered, his hand came in contact with your cheek, his fingertips gentle on your warm skin.
“It’s okay,” you choked out. What was he doing? This was completely out of character for him. His hand dipped lower, his fingers traced your neck then your clavicles, your arm and stopped at your hip which he gripped and squeezed strongly.
“Minho, what are you doing?”
“I’m touching you, you can stop me if you want,” his eyes were completely focused on your lips.
“Friends don’t touch each other like this,” you whispered with a shaky voice.
“Friends also don’t dream about ripping each other’s clothes off, and I know you’ve done it and I’ve definitely done it.”
Minho’s lips came in contact with your neck, his touch like a feather, it made your skin hot and tingly. You wanted more.
“Minho, please,” you whined.
“Be a good girl and I’ll give you everything you want, okay darling?”
“Yes, sir.”
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justyanle · 1 year
could you please write some sappy Lo’ak x gn!reader head cannon’s?
Sappy Lo'ak headcanons!
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a/n: i was literally clenching so hard trying to write this because i didn't know how to stop hcs from turning into a full on story 😭 anyways, lets gaur!! reqs r still open
You and Lo'ak met while joining the warriors at the ground, the two of you supposed to be spotters, yet still disobeying orders and getting to the group of warriors handing out the rifles.
"Hey! Aren't you the Olo'eyktan's kid?" you yelled at the younger Sully son.
His eyes widened and lips parted slightly when he turned his head to turn his head to the source of the sound, the view he was being met with was almost sending him into a permanent shock, stunned by your features.
"Y-Yeah, aren't you one of the spotters that were at the campsite earlier?" he gives a wide smile at the sight of you, not believing that someone as beautiful as you could talk to him.
You laughed, "We aren't supposed to be here!" a giggle erupts from you, cocking the weapon handed to you.
A few months had passed since your first encounter together, growing closer since then, getting into more frequent trouble than ever.
The two of you would always be found leaving a place that looked like that was wrecked by a Thanator, you and your best friend being the cause of the ruckus.
He would often be bringing you trinkets, babbling you about the "useless shit" he found - in reality, he was practically blushing really hard from both the embarrassment and shyness he developed around his crush because he has observed that they keep all of the items he had retrieved for you.
He was also VERY, VERY, touchy whenever you guys are sneaking out, usually telling you something along the lines of "Shut up, I'm only doing this so you can go back alive to the camp in one piece or else your dad would kill me." but, he was always feeling jittery when he held you close to him, wanting to rush into his bed face first and let out a girly squeal with his legs kicking in the air due to the minimum distance you guys shared.
Once he introduced you to his family, you all basically clicked, although, he was being extra possessive and much more of a show-off when you two were close to Neteyam, being insecure that Neteyam would once take the spotlight again.
When the two of you would play with Tuk, you guys would play pretend marriage, smiling to yourself at the thought of Tuk in a make-shift gown made out of leaves.
"You may now kiss, newly wed!" The youngest Sully exclaimed, in the middle of you and Lo'ak that were facing one another.
Both of your hearts thumped in your chest as both of you awkward teenagers were just facing one another holding eye contact as if telepathically communicating.
"Well?! What are you two doing?! Waiting for air to push the both of you?! I said you may now kiss!"
Lo'ak engulfed your smaller build of hands into his five fingered ones, cupping them into his hands and landing butterfly-inducing pecks on your palms and fingers. Tuk squealing in the background.
He then soon lets go of your hands, cups your face, gazing at your perfectly sculpted features before bringing his lips closer to your forehead, leaving you blushing as your delicate skin and his hydrated lips made the intimate touch.
"OH MY GOODNESS!! AHH!! I DON'T THINK THIS WOULD JUST BE A PRETEND MARRIAGE ANYMORE!' Tuk cheerfully screamed with the butterflies in her stomach, thinking she could have just potentially found her sibling in law.
Ever since Tuk shared the eventful evening to her whole family, they were basically teasing Lo'ak to the point he couldn't even achieve a wink of a sleep.
They were all rooting for Lo'ak to make a move on the sweet Na'vi named [Y/N].
"Hey bro! Better make a move before they mate with someone else!" Neteyam says as he shrugs by his younger brother.
Though, not only his family was the only one teasing him. Your family was secretly observing the two of you from afar, often saying things like "Ah, our baby's all grown up already, ready to have a mate!" making you have a purple hue out of embarrassment.
More moons have passed, you and Lo'ak have made it a hobby to sing each other's songcords to one another.
You had already made it a routine to a point you had memorized his songcord, you had stopped because you had expected it to end already - though, what you failed to notice was that Lo'ak had added another cord to his songcord.
"I thank Eywa, for the gift she had given in the form of you. I let my heart choose, leading me off to, you. Ma [Y/N], Ma [Y/N].." his new cord ends as he kept his gaze on you.
"Ma Lo'ak."
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a/n: its like 2 days ever since i started writing fanfics guyz pls spare me i dont know how to write good yet 😭😭😭 i literally dont know how to write headcanons bcs theyre not supposed to turn into long ass stories 💔 anyways, reqs still open
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
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Harry has been your first ever crush. As your brother’s best friend, it was kind of inevitable to fall into the cliche of yearning after the boy that always hung out in your basement, playing video games with your brother and eating out the fridge. He was practically family. Well, not to you, because you always harboured deeper feelings for him, but you kind of always knew he only saw you as a little sister. with an age gap of four years, he always felt like he was out of your reach, way too old for you.
But the years went by, he went off to college with your brother and you did the same when your time came and suddenly you weren’t a little girl anymore but a 26 years old woman with a buzzing career and a whole new, independent life away from where you grew up.
You were visiting home and it happened to be at the same time your brother did too along with Harry who was still his best mate. Your mom invited him over for dinner and you were nervous to see the boy you were so desperately in love with as a teenager. You put on a nice dress, did your hair and makeup and excitedly waited for him to arrive.
When he walked in it was like all the air got knocked out of your lungs and suddenly you were thirteen again. He had the same smile on his face, a bouquet of flowers in his hands for your mom and he wore a blazer over a button down shirt which felt like an odd outfit for him but he somehow still made it work. His eyes locked on you and it seemed like he was speechless, taking the new, grown you in. Last time he saw you you barely just turned eighteen, you were definitely starting to look more mature then but you were nowhere near your current form.
“Y/N, hi!” he softly greeted you before pulling you into a hug.
Dinner felt like heaven and hell at the same time, because you couldn’t stop staring at Harry, you wanted to ask a million questions but you kept quiet, sipping on some red wine. You played some board games later and talked some more before the boys went down to the basement for some nostalgia and your parents called it a night. You showered and tried to get yourself to bed bout you felt so restless, you went down to the kitchen to make yourself a tea but were met with Harry already putting on the kettle.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked with a cheeky smile as he grabbed a mug for you as well, still moving around the place like it was his home.
“Too much on my mind,” you shrugged.
“Maybe it would be easier if you unloaded some of it,” he suggests, pouring the hot water into the mugs.
“You want to have a heart to heart with me, Styles?” you chuckle as he hands you the mug.
“Only if you want to.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t trust myself around you.”
Your bold answer surprised him as he looked at you over the brim of his mug, analysing your words wildly.
“Did I do something to earn that?” he asked at last.
You shook your head. “No. But I’m feeling very nostalgic right now and I feel like a teenager again. And as a teenager I was madly in love with you.”
You had no idea where this courage was coming from, the flirting, the eye contact, it was all so daring but you couldn’t and didn’t want to hold yourself back.
“Is that so?” he hummed and his face was unreadable.
“Yeah. Surprised?”
“Not entirely. I had a suspicion, but I guess it never registered in my mind.” He took a sip of his tea, his eyes glued to you. “But I guess it hit me in the head when I saw you tonight.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you tilted your head to the side.
“It means that I didn’t see the little girl anymore, just the beautiful woman you are today and for a moment I debated whether you still feel the dame about me or if you’ve moved on.”
Now he was definitely returning the flirting and you liked where it was going. There was a switch in the air that just added more to your confidence as you put your mug down and moved closer to him.
“What would you do if I still felt the same way?”
Harry stared down at you, his eyes lazily wandered down to your lips and then back to your eyes before he answered.
“I would find out how bad you really want me and then show you that I feel the same way.”
You couldn’t tell if you actually moaned or it was just in your head, but you both moved towards each other at the same time, only for the moment and opportunity to be crushed by your own brother who came into the kitchen with heavy steps, making you jump back instantly.
“Alright, I’ll give you a ride home, bud, I’m ready,” he announced, jiggling his car keys before he headed out.
“How long are you staying home?” Harry asked in a rush, pure lust swirling in his eyes.
“Come over tomorrow?” he asked, backing towards the door, but still looking straight into your eyes. You could only nod before he smirked and walked out, leaving you alone in the kitchen with your hammering heart and the realisation that you literally just seduced your brother’s best friend.
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baewriites · 9 months
Chemistry [ Kuroo x fem!reader ]
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"WHAT?!" you exclaimed in disbelief when you heard that your school, Nekoma lost against Fukurodani in the prelims, more specifically about your crush, Kuroo Tetsuro losing. Okay they still had a chance of making it to the nationals and...... They did it.
Rainy day, noise of chatter surrounding you and your best friend, Yuki who was mindlessly rambling. Your eyes were searching for a specific person, Kuroo and that's when he entered with his classic smug smile.
He was pretty popular in your school, owing to his somewhat good looks, good grades and since he was the captain of the volleyball team. There was a common perception that he was a fuckboy but in reality he was pretty much a dork who liked to play with balls.
In your peripheral vision, You watched him walk towards you and occupy the seat in front of yours. Did you two know each other? Yes. Did you two talk? No, not really. But there was this slight tension whenever you two made eye contact. Not to mention, both of you made a lot of eye contact.
It's not like you were afraid of talking to him or anything, it's just that...... you don't want to. Who likes socializing anyways? But your polar opposite bestie, Yuki was bent upon on making you two talk and she did succeed at times, but only small talks. But this time, this time she bribed with the latest Jujutsu Kaisen Manga. There was no way in hell you could refuse that offer.
Okay as per the plan you two whispered which probably half of the class heard was that you would go up to him during recess and ask him to teach you chemistry, conveniently ignoring that you were a bigger nerd than him in chem. Anyways simple right? You took a breath and saw Kuroo talking to Kenma, giggling like a teenage girl. Which idiot did you even choose to have a crush on? You sigh and walk towards him and as you were about to ask him for the favour,he interrupted you and said, "Can we study chem together? I have missed out on the new lessons due to the volleyball matches."
"S-sure" the way you mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when you stuttered in front of him. He said again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
It was finally D-day, Friday (as per how Yuki worded it). Him and you were sitting poles apart, sparing no glances. Everyone's energy was pretty much non existent as it was the last period. But Yuki? She was rambling and rambling about the delusional things she think would happen today. Although you secretly liked her rambling and delusionships, you still felt shy to admit that but finally you got a little annoyed when she started to give you sex education. Which motherfucker thinks you two will fuck at the first meet already?
The never ending class finally ended. Yuki cheered and left and you were walking alone to the stairs. Suddenly you feel a towering presence and see him. "Could we study at my place? " "Sure", you replied, a little startled. Surprisingly the session went well. Both decided to meet for more lessons.
And a few lessons afterwards, you two had gotten closer. It was pretty interesting to study with him. He is genuinely good at chemistry and is really smart in academics. Plus point that he is helpful smart instead of mean smart. But his humour....... no way it was that bad. He says the most randomest stuff.
Like one time, you two were solving past test papers, pretty quiet, just the shuffling of the pages. His pen stops and he looks at you and with a quiet voice he says, " Y/N.... you know why do I only say bad chemistry jokes?" "Why?" "What do I do? All the good ones ARGON" he said and proceeded to laugh as if it was the funniest thing.
One thing you always wondered about him was his hair, his rooster hair. You always had the urge to pet it. And one time your impulsive thoughts won and you just out of nowhere pet it, not noticing the way his entire face went red.
As for Kuroo, he was a total fool in matters of girl which led to him consulting another genius, Yaku. Kuroo whined, "YAKUNN WHAT DO I DO?" and Yaku replied, almost unbothered, "Confess to her. What else should you do?" Kuroo got a little pissed and yelled, "IS IT THAT EASY? YOU SURELY LACK DOCOSAHEXAENOIC ACID" Yaku yelled back and said, "HUH! SHUT UP YOU ASTAXANTHIN" Both of them kept on screaming until Fukunaga spilled water on them. Then Kuroo decided to ask Nobuyuki instead, who was actually mature. He pretty much praised you saying, "You should confess to her before it's too late. She is a good girl and anyone may take her before you do. Don't delay. And you can play the guitar so just sing her a love song" And our captain, Kuroo chose the most generic song, Perfect by Ed Sheeran but it was his feelings that mattered and his feelings were genuine and strong. And the plan was that he would confess to you at the end of your study session this weekend.
The day came and everything went normally, as it goes everytime. To be honest, you were content with the bond you two have now and didn't want more than that. You were focused when you noticed your phone vibrating from a phone call, It was Yuki and she seemed in an emergency, You quickly arrange your belongings and was about to go, when you heard Kuroo call you from behind. You turn around to see visible panic and hesitation on his face, probably from his plans being ruined and he just blurted out, "You- You know one thing, after studying chemistry with you, I realized that we have a lot of chemistry." And in a hurry you gave him a slight bow with a soft smile, your brain registering it as one of his stupid jokes. And after you left, he was pretty much rethinking his life choices.
What happened was that Yuki had found a stray injured cat and she took it to the vet but she had no money so she sent you to her house to collect money. After the vet you two went to her house and were chilling. Suddenly you remembered what Kuroo told you and you told her.
"YOU IDIOT!" Yuki yelled. "what?" "HE PROPOSED TO YOU!" "When?" "HE LITERALLY TOLD YOU THAT YOU GUYS HAD CHEMISTRY. ARE YOU DUMB OR WHAT? OH GOD" To sum it up, he indirectly asked you out and you just did... nothing. Which idiot did Kuroo even choose to have a crush on?
The following day, you two didn't even look at each other. And Yuki being Yuki was being all menacing. She had to be so much involved and unable to take the obvious awkwardness between you two and the taunts of Yuki, you just decide to ask Kuroo out. What could possibly go wrong?
It was departure time. Everyone was talking on the school ground. He was a little far away from you, walking with his teammates. It's now or never. You approached him and tapped on his shoulder. Then you said, "Kuroo wanna go on a date with me?" You said it really fast, not taking a breath. And the gasp you heard from him was a harm to not only yours but everyone near's eardrums. Everyone was staring at you two . Finally words come out of his mouth,"S-sure" the way he mentally cringed and wished to turn into a ball of nothingness and cease to exist when he stuttered in front of you. Yousaid again, "It's okay if you are busy" "No it's fine, what about Friday? After school?" "Sure, I am free"
A happy ending hehe :)
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samlacy · 3 months
Let me go, I’m starving
my first SPN as well as Ship fanfiction on here
I hope you like it :)) And Im sorry for the long ass hiatus…
Happy new years??
PLUS check out my ao3 Samlacy, I post on there!!
“Do you want me to touch you?”
Sam gathers his words,
“Cas, please, just this once.”
The book slammed down on the floor by a strong force, hitting the wood, hard enough to make a noise that notified the whole apartment (if there was anyone), Sam was seriously pissed off.
Cas looked up from his palms to Sam sitting on the hotel chair, his laptop on the desk and some book on the floor.
His hands were gripping his hair, giving the impression he could pull out his long hair-strands right out of his head.
Which was not a pleasure to Cas, since he loved Sam’s silky, straight and long for a man hair.
Cas hopped off the Hotel bed and walked up to the book on the floor. He picks it up and puts it, gently, back on the desk, still keeping his hand on it while his eyes focused on the stressed individual.
Sam noticed the book with the hand on it and looked up to, expectedly, see Castiel.
Not that it was a bad thing that he was here the whole time he was tearing himself up about this case, but the fact that he had such a harsh expression on his face that it didn’t quite fit in either the angry or disappointed category.
“I’m sorry”, slipped out of Sam’s mouth, with no control. Why was he sorry? He didn’t hurt the Angel in any kind of way, did he?
“You’re good”, Castiel whisper-says as he took the hand off the book and instead pulled the other chair back to sit right across Sam.
The silence filled and Sam decided to just keep working and try to find at least something, anything on the Web. Although
Cas eyes were piercing through his head and he felt it.
The angel once again had a worry or suspicion on Sam, and he was oh-so-curious to know what it is now.
Its almost like Castiel always is suspicious of him!
But this time, Sam felt the mood shift a little as soon as Cas sighed and leaned back into his seat.
Sam’s heart was beating in his chest, just like it always did when him and Cas were somehow alone or he had an interaction with the angel.
He doesn’t know if it was a demon instinct or that he had a big fat “teenage” crush on the so called angel.
Sam will rather go with option one.
Or neither, if possible.
Its not like Sam wants to feel this way, especially when Cas is his brothers best friend (and maybe almost boyfriend). He honestly doesn’t know, but he does notice the tension between those two.
The way Dean gets soft to Cas, like he never was to Sam, it is quite the scene.
He can honestly just hope for those feelings to disappear completely one day, its not like Cas would love him anyway.
“How long are you gonna keep this up, Samuel?” Cas breathes out, hinting a bit of exhaustion in his voice, looking straight at Sam.
Sam’s eyes widen immediately as his shallow yet uncoordinated breathing followed up. He tried calming down, tried making it less obvious that he could go crazy any minute.
With as much calmness he can get to in the moment, he asks shakily, “What do you mean, keep up what?”
Castiel slammed the laptop shut and was stood. Sams eyes were even more widened than before and had a hint of blush on his face, maybe also some reaction down there.
The Angel had a stern yet soft expression on his face as if he was genuinely sick, fed up of whatever Sam was doing.
The silence couldn’t be even more noisy after the slam, as it was exposing Sam’s shaky, caught off guard breathing.
Their eye contact was long and deep, as if Castiel could burn right through them any moment.
As it took long enough for Castiel to realize that this length of the pause was getting awkward and intense, he coughed and backed off, by standing straight in front of Sam.
He fixed his coat up a little before speaking, “You know. The avoiding of me, an angel, in your presence or maybe the lack of attention, even words, to me. Why is that?”
If Sam wasn’t nervous enough before, he might’ve hit the limit right now. His hands starting shaking as no words left his mouth, as if he froze in place.
What could he possibly reply to that?
Castiel got out of the way of the desk and walked to Sam’s side to cup the man by his cheek and turn his head to face him, the hand moving down to hold his chin up.
Sam’s lips turned dry and eyes were fixated on Castiel’s, blue like the Atlantic, eyes.
“I..”, Sam manages to get out, however didn’t help his case.
“Hm, tell me, Sam. What is up with the ignorance?”
Sam’s cheek heated up like crazy. His heart was basically already out of his chest beating like crazy. He managed to lick his lips and gulp down.
“Nothing, it’s nothing”, he breathed out trying to get out of Castiel’s grip, before he felt the tight squeeze and couldn’t move a bit.
Castiel sighed as he slightly loosen the grip, as to not hurt the man.
“You know that’s not true, Sammy”, the nickname made Sam’s head spin, do stuff to him.
‘Please, keep calling me that’ is what he wants to say, but how could he? It would only ruin everything that he tried so hard to build up between them.
Every single answer would ruin their friendship, relationship.
Why now, why exactly at the time he doesn’t know what to do?
“Do you like me, Samuel?”
Dead silence.
No, no, no, no, no. Don’t call me that. Please, please, please! Please just everything, but not that.
How is he supposed to answer that? Was it even really a choice at the moment to answer or not.
Im your Sammy, so please call me that, please.
Cas let go of Sam’s face as he turned his head to the side and proceeds to walk out the room while mumbling a ‘whatever. It was a stupid question.’
“Yes”, was all he had to hear for Cas to turn back and freeze at where he stood before, in front of the (to the side turned) sitting boy.
“Yes, I do. I like you”, Sam felt a hole in his stomach, scared shitless of the possibilities of Cas’ reaction right after he finishes talking, “Hell, I like you so much that I always start shaking, gasping for air and stutter like a teenage girl saying ‘hi‘ to her hallway crush for the first time.”
Corny, but worth it.
Yet again a silence that got broken off by a calm soft voice.
Not the good kind, but maybe curiosity.
“Are you not ashamed of how dean might react to this intimacy of ours? Your feelings towards me might really damage the relationship between you and your brother”, Cas talks in his yet always wise voice.
“It’s damaged enough, what do you want me to do? I just love you, I can’t control it”, Sam gasps out, tears threatening to fall as shame fulfills that pit in his stomach.
But yet, for fucked up reasons, his cock was hard in his jeans, with no shame.
Which seems like Castiel noticed it and had zero shame as well to ask.
“Do you want me to touch you?”
Sam gathers his words, looking up at him with teared up eyes and a shaking bottom lip,
“Cas, please, just this once.”
And he complied.
No other words exchanged as Cas took Sam by his wrist and dragged him to the bed, gently pushing him down so he lays flat down.
Sam was ashamed enough to move anyway. So he just watched Castiel unzip his jeans to reach to the hardened cock with underwear covering it.
Cas pulled Sam’s jeans off for him and let it drop onto the floor as he positioned himself on the bed, between his legs.
His hands rid up Sam’s shirt, slowly lifting it up until above his chest, which his fingers caressed over his nipples.
Sam never knew he would be this sensitive to Castiel’s touch as whimpers left his mouth with no control.
Cas was gentle with his expressions, yet his fingers were pinching and abusing his nipples.
He decides to lean down and wrap his lips around Sam‘s left nipple, his right hand on Sam‘s right nipple.
His tongue licked over the nipple, wetting it while looking up at Sam. The sight was immaculate enough to almost make Sam come in his underwear right there.
Fuck, Cas was a complete tease.
“Please, Cas, please, please, please—“,
Sam groans when Cas bites down and then let’s go to suck on them, as a way to sooth them.
Now tears of pleasure instead of shame were spilling from Sam’s eyes as he slowly put his hands on Castiel’s shoulders, gently gripping onto them for support.
The shirt was creasing under Sam‘s touch before Cas decided to let go of boy‘s body whole, only forcing the shirt off of him.
Now Sam was completely naked (apart from the boxers) in front of Cas while Cas just took of his upper body clothes, only unzipping his jeans and letting his lower part stay clothed.
Sam was desperate to see the Angel clothes free, as he slowly caressed his hands down to the cock of the man.
But before he could imagine anything further, Cas slid his hands in Sam‘s underwear, cupping his ass cheeks before he leans down to kiss the man.
Sam wraps his arms and legs around Cas as he melts into the oddly gentle kiss, mouth wet all over.
Cas gives the boy‘s ass a squeeze before one finger was teasing his hole. Sam gasped silently as it was sudden of Cas pushing in a whole finger, his walls hugging tightly on the dry finger.
It was burning, it did not feel good at all.
But Sam couldn’t get the words out as he really didn’t want to miss this chance.
His only chance of ever having this with Cas before he watches him run to his brother, Dean, and possibly even get together.
It’s not fair! He loved Cas first, he always loved Cas more, but why did the angel have to go and like Dean? Someone who denies his sexuality with all his strength just to go to some bar and drink his brains out.
Cas broke the kiss as he slowly went down Sam‘s neck leaving a peck before sitting straight, so he can pull Sam‘s underwear off and finger him normally. Quickly demanding Sam to suck a little on his fingers, taking them back immediately after.
The cold breeze hit Sam‘s cock and hole as he shivered. He sat his ass back down as he lifted it before to let Cas take his underwear down.
His legs were spread wide, his hands sneaking to his thighs, holding them open.
Cas had a small glitter in his eyes as he leaned down to nip at Sam‘s inner thigh, his index finger teasing his way into his hole.
Sam whimpered, his chest rising before dropping again when Cas‘ lips left his thigh alone and instead kissed his lower abdomen.
That one finger turned into two and then directly to three as he thrusted in and out. Sam‘s hands gripped for the sheets as he huffed fast.
Cas was still struggling with understanding some humans cant go as fast or have the stamina an angel does. But Sam is slowly trying to learn to last longer, so its a good challenge.
“Cas, please I need you in me. please—“, Sam gasped when he felt the fullness leave and get replaced with emptyness.
Cas still had the calm, straight face he always had around anyone, except dean of course. Always dean.
It broke Sam, he doesnt know why, but the angel just seeing him like any other person broke him. It really did.
Sometimes he might’ve caught himself wishing he was Dean.
Cas pulls his underwear under his balls, as he strokes his desperate hardening cock.
“Im going to enter now”, Cas warns as he slowly pushes in with a groan, stretching out Sam.
Sam’s vision went blurry, he felt the Angel already move before he could realize it any further.
Castiels hands were on his hips, holding tightly as he pounded into Sam with full force, showing no mercy, hitting the man’s prostate every time.
He begged for his release, by each thrust groans and whimpers slipping from each other as Sam’s cock slapped his own stomach.
It really didn’t take long before Sam was begging again, “Im gonna come, please Cas.”
And by that Cas wrapped his hand around Sam’s cock and started pumping to which Sam shot out, leaving out a scream.
He was shaking from the orgasm as Cas let go of his cock and pull out of the boy.
When Sam was feeling more conscious after the orgasm, he was confused as to why the Angel didn’t come yet.
He watched as Cas zipped his jeans up and threw his shirt on, neatly and not missing any buttons on his shirt.
“Why didn’t you come?” Sam took the courage to ask as he covered himself with the blanket.
Cas was done with the tie as he slowly turned to Sam, having an as confused expression as Sam.
“I did this purely for your pleasure, Sam. I was helping you out, and if we are done now, I’m going to have to leave and look for Dean”, Castiel calmly responded as he turned to the mirror, making sure his hair was in place, “Oh, and did you see my coat by any chance?”
Sam felt his world shudder into even more pieces than before. Anger and Sadness all in once taking over him.
Why couldn’t at least Castiel lie to him, tell him he loved him or just come for the shake of this!
“Just seriously go Castiel! I had it with you, just go and look for your Dean”, Sam spat as he threw the man’s coat at him. He stood up from the bed, his knees weak, but enough strength to pull his underwear on and try to fetch on some joggers and a shirt.
Cas was trying to keep up to the situation as he held Sam by his wrist, trying to get out some kind of information off the boy. Why was he throwing a tantrum?
Sam harshly waved the hand off of him as he turned to Cas with tears spilling down, a pained expression on the man’s face.
Did Cas do this to him?
“Just go, please. We are done for today”, Sam gasped as he watched the Angel take his arm back and disappear into thin air.
Sam broke into pieces as he just stood there and sobbed his eyes out to some feelingless Angel who would forget about this by the next minute.
Who didn’t even care if he had sex with Sam, he just did all those soft kisses and gentle touches to feed Sam’s pure delusions.
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Just a simple request teenage mutant ninja turtles 2012, Michelangelo teaching, male reader how to ride a skateboard. With the reader and Mikey being friend that like each other.
Friends to lovers cliché skateboard edition.
I got you fam! I was literally comsidering writing for 2012 anyway, but couldn't decide who, sooo, like perfect timing! Also thanks for the creative freedom! I appreactiate that!
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Summary: Mikey teaches Reader skateboarding basics, and it ends in a heartfelt confession.
Warnings: None!
Requested: Yep!
Male Reader!
"All right, dude, just put your foot here, like this. Then just figure out your balance, got it?"
Mikey smiled at you as he showed you the proper way to stand on a skateboard. You had asked him to teach you how to skate a while ago, having never had the opportunity to learn before.
At least that's what you told him.
In actuality, you just wanted to spend more alone time with him. Your crush was a powerful force, and it was winning the battle over your conscience.
To be honest, your crush scared you. I mean come on, Mikey is your best friend! Plus you don't even know if he like's you that way, and if he doesn't then things will just get awkward and complecated...
What if he wasn't even gay? Mikey never had told you his sexuality, what if he was only into girls? What if he was aromantic? There was a whole boatload of possibilities that kept you from your confession.
And it was frustraiting.
"Dude? You there?"
Mikey's voice snapped you out of your thoughts, "Huh? oh, uh- yeah, yeah. Sorry."
Mikey shrugged, rolling around you on his board with ease, "It's cool bruh, I zone out sometimes too. Like there was this one time when Leo was-"
You chuckled softly, watching Mikey as he skated around and spoke. Some found his chatty personality kind of annoying, but you thought it was adorable how he could talk for hours and hours-
"You're doing it again."
Mikey was smiling at you with his usual, childish grin, his face right up close to yours. You blushed at the proximinty, backing away a little, then coughing to hide your face.
"Uh- let's just- just get back to skating, yeah?"
"Oh, yeah! show me your foot placement, dude."
You nodded, positioning your feet like Mikey had taught you. You wobbled a bit, then steadied yourself.
"Like this?"
Mikey shook his head, "Nah, move your foot a little to the left." He then moved your foot to the proper place with his own.
"Perfect! Now try to copy me, got it, dude?"
"Yeah, I'll try."
Mikey began to roll around slowly, and you did your best to copy his movements. You were doing well, with a little wobbling here or there, but that was expected.
Just when you thought you had gotten the hang of it, you rolled your skateboard over a rock, causing you to lose your balance.
You closed your eyes, waiting to feel the impact of the cold concrete, but instead were surprised when you felt a pair of arms catch you.
You looked up to see Mikey, his wonderful blue eyes shining with worry.
He helped you upright, and you found the two of you in close contact for the third time that day. You once again felt your face flush.
"You ok, dude?" Mikey asked, softly, neither of you breaking eye contact.
You nodded, "Uh huh."
You had no idea how long the two of you stood there like that, holding onto one another while maintaining that blush inducing eye contact.
You both spoke at the same time, causing you both to freeze.
"You go first-"
"No you go,-"
"Really it's fine-"
"Dude, you go first."
You gulped, "O-ok... here goes nothing."
You took a deep breath and pulled away from Mikey, holding his hands in your own, "Michelangelo, I love you. Like alot. As more than a friend. A-and I understand if you don't like me back, o-or feel the same way. But I- I just needed to tell you, or I might have exploded."
You turned away from Mikey, looking anywhere but his eyes.
"Can you read minds?"
You whipped your head around. That is not what you had expected to hear.
"I- what?"
Mikey smiled at you, "Can you read minds? 'Cus I was literally going to day the same thing! I like you too (Name)!"
"Wait, really?" you smiled, giddy and excited.
Mikey nodded rapidly, "Yeah! Dude this is so great, wait- wait wait, are we dating now?"
"Well, if you-"
Mikey cut you off, continuing to talk, "Are we boyfriends? Am I your boyfriend? can we be boyfriends? I wanna be your boyfriend-"
Mikey stopped rambling, looking at you sheepishly, you continued, "If that's what you want that too, then yes. We are dating and I am your boyfriend."
Mikey let out a loud cheer, picking you up in a tight hug as he began to spin you around in the air.
"This is awsome! Oh, can we tell my bro's I want to rub it in their face that I got a boyfriend 'cus Raph said I was gonna die alone."
You nodded with a small, lovesick smile, "Sure, Mikey. We can tell your brothers."
Mikey then grabbed you by the hand, and all but dragged you to the lair. Upon arriving to his home, you chuckled as he loudly announced to his brothers, who were sat on the couch, that the two of you were now an official couple.
You chuckled lowly as you watched your now boyfriend poke fun at his older brothers for being single.
You couldn't wait to take this goofball on an official date.
There you go @jtbs4tuck !
I hope this is to your liking, and I'm sorry it took so long! But I really enjoyed writing it and I hope it turned out ok!
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maochira · 10 months
Hello! How are you? I kinda wanted to request something if you don't mind (sorry if too long)! Can I request Barou x Kunigami and/or Rin x Hiori as parents with a son who looks aloof and threatening at first glance, but they're actually the kindest, most introverted socially awkward guy that struggles keeping eye contact with even his parents. The scenario is that Reader has a crush but due to lack of self confidence they don't bother trying to win his crush over. However one of Reader's close friends ends up accidentally spilling the beans to Reader's parents.
Hi!! I'm good!! I'm not too familiar with these two ships but I did my best :'] oh also I only write gn!reader!!
Requests open! - ships as parents masterlist
Tags: gn!adopted child!reader, reader is a teenager, not proofread
Barou and Kunigami
-usually, you tell your fathers everything. You can talk to them about literally anything without ever feeling insecure about it
-but this is the first time you're having a crush on someone and it makes you feel insecure about who it's okay to tell. So far, you've only told your two closest friends
-Kunigami and Barou never really mind your friends coming to your place whenever you want to and they let them stay for dinner as well
-Barou does come across as judging to your friends a lot, which makes them a little nervous in his presence since he seems intimidating
-and that's why today one of your friends accidentally mentions your crush on one of your classmates during dinner today
-your fathers are completely caught off guard because they didn't expect this at all
-Barou actually stops eating for a moment and just stares at you with a look in his eyes that just asks "Is that true?"
-although, they don't make this a big topic while your friend is there so you won't feel any more awkward than you already do
-but the moment your friend is out of the house they start asking you all sorts of questions. Barou wants to know who exactly your crush is and what they are like so he can make sure they're good enough
-Kunigami wants to know how and why you started falling for them. Also, he keeps asking when you realized you have a crush and why you never told him and Barou about it
-you're not used to being bombarded with questions and it ends up making you feel a little guilty for not telling them. But you're also overwhelmed so you hide in your room for a while
-after an hour, Kunigami knocks and asks if you're ready to talk again. You agree, so he enters your room and talks to you more calmly than earlier
-he reassures you that he and Barou aren't mad or disappointed that you didn't tell them first because they know crushes can be an awkward topic to talk about with parents
-after this evening, they don't really mention your crush again. But you notice them trying to raise your self-confidence more and more. You didn't tell them, but they already know why you haven't confessed to your crush yet
-Barou and Kunigami know you feel too insecure to confess. They don't want to push you too much, so they try to be subtle with how they try to boost your self-confidence
Rin and Hiori
-your friend doesn't know you haven't told your parents about your crush yet. You talk a lot about them when you're alone with your friend, so they assumed Rin and Hiori already know as well
-you're currently in the hallway with your friend. They stayed at your place for a few hours but they're about to leave now. Just before they open the door, they say something about your crush
-the door to the living room is open, so both of your fathers can hear it very clearly
-both of them are a little clueless about what to do now. Do they talk to you about it? Or do they act like they didn't hear anything?
-Rin thinks they should act like they didn't hear what your friend said, but Hiori thinks they should talk to you about it
-your fathers have a little argument about what to do and even though they try to keep their voices low, you can hear them just good enough to realize they now know you have a crush on one of your other friends
-you awkwardly walk into the living room, so Hiori quickly takes the chance to ask you if they hear what your friend said correctly
-you have no other choice than to tell them the truth. You're not used to talking about feelings like this to your fathers, so at first you feel rather uncomfortable
-Rin and Hiori notice how uncomfortable you are, so they talk to you calmly. And somehow, the conversation goes from "Do you have a crush on someone?" to a deep conversation about why you don't feel good enough to confess your feelings to that person
-it's a bit odd at first, but you quickly start feeling more comfortable when it comes to talking about this with your fathers
-they already knew you have self-esteem issues, but only now you're properly opening up about what exactly makes you so insecure about yourself
-Rin and Hiori don't want to be pushy, but they try to encourage you to see that you're not as bad as you think. They don't focus much on the "you should confess to your crush" part, but more on trying to boost your self-confidence a bit more
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @luvcalico @remy-roll @truegoist @weichspuelertrinker @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @https-archangel @ririgards @userwithlotsoftime @nikokii @chaosinanutshell @quite-eerie @peachesncats
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love-wiiidow · 6 months
Beautiful Girl - Charles Leclerc x Bianchi!OC
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warnings: cursing, fluff, angst, friends to enemies to lovers, death, depression, smut, age gap (charles is 26, coco is 22)
summary: when corinne bianchi loses her older brother, the only person she can count on is charles. until she can’t.
authours note: get ready for the heartbreaking stuff guys. im also so sorry for not updating in months oh my gosh
my charles playlist—here
As the years went by, so did Charles’ relationship with Coco.
Coco and Arthur were now almost 11 years old, and Charles was almost 14.
Every weekend, the Leclercs and Bianchis would meet up for a dinner, and this weekend it was at the Bianchi house.
Charles and Coco were tasked with washing the dishes as Arthur and Lorenzo were tasked with cleaning up the living room from their fun night of board games.
For the last couple of weekends, Jules wasn’t able to attend.
The atmosphere between Coco and Charles had quickly gone sour.
“Charles, can you pass me that plate?” Coco politely asked, his head not even turning to look at her as he passed her the plate.
Coco frowned, unsure of why Charles had been acting this way.
Over the last few years, Coco had began to grow a small crush on Charles.
She realized just how attractive he was becoming, and since she was a young girl she wasn’t very good at hiding it.
It also didn’t help that Charles didn’t want to “hang out with little kids” anymore, distancing himself from Coco even more.
“Une autre éponge, s’il te plaît another sponge, please?” Coco asked, and once again Charles handed her a sponge without even sparing a glance.
She was silent the rest of the time they were washing dishes, trying to figure out what she did wrong.
She let him take all of her property in Monopoly, she purposefully messed up in Just Dance so that he could win, she also sacrificed her pawns in Sorry so that he would win.
She didn’t understand what she did wrong.
When they were done, they needed to dry off their hands, but there was only one towel.
“Charles-“ Coco began to say, but was cut off by the teenager snatching the towel out from under her.
She frowned once again and dried her hands on her red shirt.
A shirt Charles had gotten her for her birthday just last year.
The more she thought about it, the more upset she got.
She walked back into the living room before Charles did, and Arthur and Lorenzo could tell something was up.
“Hey, what’s up?” Lorenzo asked his goddaughter, seeing the solemn look on her face.
“Rien nothing.” She shrugged, sitting down at the dining table and playing with the spare napkins.
Their parents were out on the back patio, leaving the children all alone in the house.
Coco knew that if Jules were here he wouldn’t have let that slide.
Arthur looked onto his best friend sitting at the table, not sure how to cheer her up.
It would help a lot more if he knew what was making her so sad in the first place.
Charles walked into the living room a couple of minutes after her, seeing her sat at the table.
“Savez-vous ce qui se passe avec Coco do you know what’s up with Coco?” Lorenzo asked his younger brother, and Charles just shrugged.
The three brothers flopped down on the couch as Coco got up from the table and made her way out to the back patio.
“Salut, ma chérie hello, my dear.” Her mother smiled up at the girl from her spot in a chair, immediately seeing the look on her daughters face. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Can I have your phone?” She sniffed, fighting tears. “Can I call Jules?”
“He might be busy, Coco.” Christine frowned up at her.
“Maman, please.” She sniffed.
“Okay, okay.” She said, pulling out her phone and pulling up Jules’ contact.
Coco rushed back into the house and practically slammed the sliding door, making the Leclerc boys look back at her as she ran up the stairs to her room.
As soon as she got into her room, the tears started to fall.
She hit the call button and waited for Jules to pick up.
It was early in the morning where Jules was, but he knew that if his mother was calling it either concerned his little sister or she just wanted to talk to him.
“Salut, maman hello, mom.” Jules said into the phone.
“Jules.” Coco sniffed into the phone.
“Mon ange my Angel, what’s the matter?” Jules said, sitting up in his hotel bed.
Coco was contemplating telling her brother what had really happened.
She didn’t want to worry him on a race weekend, but she also felt like he was the only person she could tell this to.
She decided against it.
“Just needed to talk to you.” She sniffed. “Can you sing me goodnight?”
“Of course I can, Coco.” He smiled through the phone.
“Wait, hold on.”
The young girl quickly jumped out of her bed and changed into pajamas, hopping into her bed when she was finished.
“Ready now?” Jules chuckled.
“Ready.” She said, pretending that it was him who was tucking her in.
“Close your eyes, have no fear. The monsters gone, he’s on the run, and your brothers here.” Jules softly sang through the phone, the tears still falling from Coco’s face. “Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, girl.”
“Thank you, Jules.” She sniffled.
“Goodnight, Coco.” He smiled. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay.” She smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
Coco hung up the phone and placed it on her nightstand, not even bothering to say goodnight or goodbye to the Leclercs.
After they had left, her parents came into her room to check on her and found her sound asleep and cuddled into bed.
Her Ferrari bear hugged tight to her chest.
About 2 weeks later and Jules was finally home.
The season had ended for him, and he was back in Nice to see his family again.
This weekend the dinner was being held at the Leclercs house.
Jules could sense something was up with Coco the moment they walked into the house.
Usually she goes in a line when she greets the Leclercs.
Charles, Lorenzo, Arthur.
This time she brushed right past Charles and embraced her godfather into a hug, smiling widely as she looked up at Lorenzo.
Charles didn’t seem phased by this, walking up to Jules and giving him a hug.
Of course Jules hugged him back, but watched intently as Coco brought Arthur into a hug.
“It’s almost our birthday, Arthur!” Coco smiled. “Are you excited to turn 11?”
“Of course.” He smiled. “What theme is our party this year?”
Coco and Arthur had been attached at the hip since the moment they were born.
They did everything together.
Raced together, went to school together, celebrated their birthday with the same party, everything.
For the last 8 or so years the theme of their birthday parties was either racing in general, or Ferrari.
Every art class the two children would draw F1 cars and put their numbers on them.
From the moment Coco had been racing, she had always been number 14.
It was the day she was born, and the closest number to 17 and 16.
Jules’ number and Charles’ number.
Arthur had always been number 15.
Right in between 14 and 16.
“Ferrari?” She smiled at him, and he nodded. “Jules is getting very close to an F1 seat, you know.”
“I know.” Arthur said as he led the girl into his living room.
The “twins” chatted as the three older children stood in the kitchen with their mothers, wanting to help but being shooed away by the women.
They made their way into the living room, only to see Arthur and Coco with a giant piece of paper sat out in front of them.
“What themes the party this year?” Jules asked as he flopped down in the arm chair across from the couch.
“Ferrari.” Coco smiled. “Since you’re about to get a seat!”
“You’re about to get a Ferrari seat?” Charles said, his eyes widening.
“Yeah he-“ Coco began to answer his question, until he shot her a look.
“I asked Jules.” He said, and she quickly closed her mouth.
Jules took notice of this, but didn’t say any thing.
“Ouais, nous négocions pour un siège yeah, we’re negotiating for a seat.” Jules said as he looked up at his godson. “Hopefully next year.”
“That’s great, Jules!” Lorenzo smiled.
“You’re gonna try and get number 17, right?” Coco smiled up at her brother.
“Bien sûr, Coco of course, coco.” Jules smiled.
“Of course.” She smiled, looking back down at her and Arthur’s birthday plan.
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mal-urameshi · 1 year
Riri is oblivious to the fact that Shuri is in love with her,Mama Okoye has to give her hints and help her figure it out 😅
Chronicles of Mama Okoye and Riri! XVII 🌿
Gentle Guidance.
Okoye considered herself to be a very supportive mother. Anything Riri put her mind to and or expressed interest in, Okoye was behind her 100%.
Whether that be her bringing back foreign parts for one of Riri’s more…eccentric inventions, or being there for moral support while simultaneously worrying and asking Riri several hundred times in the backyard if her suit was not going to blow up with her in it. 
Even when Riri expressed to get the experience of jumping off a cliff, she supported it. Making sure there was a body of water to cushion her fall, of course. 
Even the little crush…or should she say gigantic crush on her longtime best friend, Shuri. Okoye supported it. It was quite adorable to say the least. 
And it was no secret that Shuri was unabashedly head over heels for her daughter. You’d have to be blind to not see it. Or at least be named Riri.
Even though her daughter was a genius, she still fell short in some places as people do. And that was the feelings department. It was so glaringly obvious in the way they were around each other that their feelings were reciprocated. But she gave them some leeway. Teenagers could be so…clueless. 
Okoye didn’t meddle much in her child’s affairs with her friend more than she had to. When Shuri comes over, she makes sure to entertain her as usual. Food, drinks, snacks for the girls. Make sure she’s comfortable. Join in on their conversations from time to time and have a good laugh. But usually the girls were left to their own devices.
But Bast. As Okoye leaned on the kitchen island and stared at their interaction in the living room, it was honestly painful how oblivious those girls were about each other’s feelings. They were literally flustered in each other’s presence.
Shuri couldn’t stop smiling and giggling at what Riri was saying. And Riri was eating up the attention Shuri was giving her, playing with her braids and refusing to break eye contact. Not to mention the close proximity they refused to embiggen. 
Now, again, she will give them some leeway because to them, this is no different from all the times they’ve hung out with each other in the past. Doing almost everything together and attached at the hip way before their pre-teen years. So potential romantic feelings they have for each other most definitely is not on their radar.
Okoye wasn’t one to meddle, but she figured steering her child in the right direction couldn’t hurt. The good ole lumping them together for bonding time definitely wasn’t going to work as they were as blind as a bat to one another’s affections. So she had to get creative.
Riri stood on the porch and hugged Shuri extra tight in goodbye, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Not even a question. You know I always look forward to seeing you.” Shuri grinned as they pulled away. 
“Bye.” Riri waved as Shuri and the Doras started their walk back home.
“Bye!” Shuri waved Riri back as she walked backward before tripping over her feet and almost falling down.
“Your pigeon toes turned against you!” Riri laughed as she leaned against the banister.
“If you’re jealous of my height, just say so!” Shuri shouted back before turning forward again.
Riri looked on until Shuri and the Doras disappeared in the distance before returning inside.
Okoye had taken her place on the couch and Riri joined her. Plopped herself on her lap, actually.
“You want to break my legs.” Okoye groaned as Riri adjusted herself on her thighs to get more comfy.
“I’m barely 114 pounds. You put more than that all the time on your thighs. Don’t play that. Gonna give me body image issues and everything.” Riri joked.
“Please. In your dreams.” Okoye grinned.
Okoye looked at Riri who was now fiddling on her beads, looking up those Youtube videos and laughing at something called ‘Vine.’ For the life of her she didn’t get children sometimes.
“So, Riri. Shuri seemed extra happy around you today, don’t you think?” Okoye began her mission.
Riri scrolled through her feed, “Yes. But she’s always happy, you know this.. Besides, why wouldn’t she be happy around me? I’m her best friend. She better be all smiles around me.”
Okoye had to fight the urge to roll her eyes. Bast, give her strength. She has to spin another angle.
Riri had just gotten off of a call with Shuri and her mood was elevated. She spun into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get herself some juice. She then danced her way until she got to the back porch where she saw her mother swinging on the hammock while enjoying some ice cream.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Riri extracted the cup of ice cream from Okoye’s hold and replaced it with her juice before sitting down on the wooden floor.
Used to being taken advantage of by her only child, Okoye just sipped her juice in silence. 
“Shuri invited me for a sleepover, Mama. Can I go?” She asked as she put a spoonful of the treat in her mouth.
“Yes, you may go.” Okoye consented, “Tell me, what do you do at your sleepovers with SHuri?”
“Uh, the usual.” Riri shrugged, “Eat a bunch of junk. Play pranks on her brother. Play around in her personal lab. Marathon shows on BET.”
“Do you talk about girls? And your feelings?”
Riri made a face, “Where’s this coming from?” Riri shook her head, “I don’t think we ever talked about that though.”
“Isn’t that what normal teenagers do though? Gush about crushes and such? I’m just curious is all.”
Riri jutted out her lip, “Hm… I never really thought about it…or never really wanted to think about it.” Because the thought of Shuri liking somebody else would be too much.
“So you were never curious about her type?”
“She likes Keke Palmer. And Coco Jones. H.E.R, Marsai Martin.” She ate another spoonful of ice cream.
“Do you think you’d be her type? A good portion of those girl are short.”
Riri choked on her spoon, “Mama!”
“What! I am just asking!” Okoye chuckled and used her hanging leg to rock herself some more.
Riri quieted, she never entertained that thought either, “Me? Shuri’s type? Shuri wouldn't even look at me in that way, much less be her ideal type.”
“So you don’t think Shuri could have feelings for you? Even the slightest possibility?” Okoye lightly pressed.
“She just sees me as a friend. Maybe…even like a sister?”
“But has she ever referred to you as her sister before?”
“No, but that’s probably what she thinks of me. Like a fun little sis.” Riri frowned.
Oh boy. Her daughter was more than blind.
Shuri was over to see Riri again today; they were making a more extravagant version of the American’s paper mache, baking soda volcanoes. The one they made was four feet tall and seven feet in width.
“You got the glacial acetic acid?” Riri grinned behind her mask.
“It can’t explode without it. You have the hydrogen peroxide and soap?”
“Oh, yea! The gunpowder is settled at the bottom too! Let’s fuck some shit up!”
Shuri and Riri made sure that the vibranium tarp covered the estimated surface area the liquid would erupt over. Just so they wouldn’t get chewed out by Okoye for messing up the lawn.
The girls poured the chemicals into the volcano and hastily made a run for it before it blew up.
They both ducked for cover as a loud bang permeated their ears before red suds spewed from the volcanic crater. 
“It is magnificent!”
“YO!! It’s smoking too!”
“We are the baddest of asses!” Shuri high fived Riri.
“Will you ever stop joking like that?” Riri laughed at Shuri’s purposeful botching of the phrase.
Okoye came outside to see the volcano the girls spent the better part of the morning constructing, smoking and still spewing red suds.
“Ma! Careful cover your mouth!”
Okoye was already a step ahead, as she put on her mask so her lungs wouldn’t collapse due to the girls’ shenanigans. She looked at the girls who dissolved into laughter on the grass. They checked their beads to make sure that everything was recorded.
“Ma! You have to check this footage! It’s amazing!” Riri leaned into Shuri as she rewinded the video for the third time.
“Riri is a genius! The gunpowder definitely was an excellent touch!”
Okoye smiled and she leaned on the banister, “Riri is definitely smart, you’re correct Shuri. Did she suggest anything else to make this experiment a success?”
“She was the one that brought it up, actually!” Shuri grabbed Riri’s shoulders and gently shook them while grinning at Okoye, “She said that we could definitely do something better than those lame American science fair projects and we got to work!”
Shuri cradled the sides of Riri’s head and pressed their foreheads together, “She has a big beautiful brain!” 
“She does, doesn’t she?” Okoye smiled at the interaction.
Riri gripped the blades of grass for dear life with the way Shuri was holding her face the way she did. Ugh! And all those compliments. She felt heat rise in her face.
“Riri? Are you okay?” Shuri placed her palm against the side of Riri’s neck and gently cupped her face, “You feel a bit warm. Is the chemical reaction irritating you?”
“Come inside, girls. All that excitement has you famished I’m sure.” She gestured for them to come inside.
Shuri held Riri’s hand as they walked into the house,  “You have any fruit punch, Okoye? You know that’s Riri’s favorite.”
“Of course! It’s right there on the table.”
Riri still was trying to get herself under control. That was just how Shuri usually was. She rubbed her cheek that Shuri just held.
Shuri poured the pitcher of juice into the glass and handed it to Riri who gulped down the whole glass.
“You girls always made such a good team.” Okoye glanced between the both of them.
Shuri smiled as her eyes darted over to Riri, “Yes. We always did. She just gets me and I get her. It’s like…this unspoken connection we have.”
Riri glanced over to Shuri who was fiddling with her thumbs.
“Oh, really? Huh. Do you ever think there is something more to it?” Okoye placed some snacks on the table.
“More…?” Shuri felt herself sweat but this time she didn’t look at Riri. Shit.
“To the connection you have. You know, a deeper meaning behind it. To why it is unspoken”
Riri looked at Shuri and then her Mother. What the hell was her mother doing?
“You care about her a lot, don’t you Shuri? What’s the matter?” Okoye chuckled lightheartedly as she took the pitcher up and poured her own glass, making her tone sound indifferent. 
“Of course I do, Okoye! I love Ri-” Shuri swallowed her tongue and slapped a hand over her mouth with bulging eyes.
No. No. No!
Shuri looked over to Riri in horror.
Okoye took that as her cue to leave as she sipped on her glass. She didn’t expect Shuri to fold that hard. All she did was query the bond. 
The girls didn’t even register Okoye’s exit because they were lost in each other’s gaze.
“Riri, I’m so, so sorry.” Shuri held up a palm and put some space between them on the couch. She didn’t expect it to come out like that. No!
Shuri liked her? “You like me? Well…love?”
Shuri cringed and dropped her head into her open palm before raising it again to regard Riri.
“Yes. But I didn’t intend to tell you. Ever. Because I didn’t want anything between us to change...”
“I like you too.”
“And I didn’t want you to feel weird around me. Just being around you and being friends forever was enough for me. Because I love being in your company….”
“I like you too, Shuri.”
“And I don’t want that to-” It finally registered to Shuri what Riri said.
“I love you too.” She sighed, “It’s been a while now. You know, having these feelings.”
Riri didn’t even register the words coming out of her mouth right then. It feels like everything was happening in hyper-speed and slow motion all at once.
“I didn’t think you’d ever like me in that way. I didn’t even think I was your type.”
“Smart girls named Riri are definitely my type.” Shuri giggled.
Riri shifted closer to Shuri and held a hand over hers that had a deathgrip on the couch.
“Will you be my girlfriend.” Shuri blurted out.
Riri snorted out loud, “Why’d you say it like that?”
“Because I felt it in my bones that you were going to ask me so I had to beat you to it!” She poked Riri’s sides.
“Bruh how are you so sure?” I probably was going to ask something else.
“Nope! I just know you were going to be like,” She put on her best Riri voice, “‘Will you be my girl?’”
“Nah! Nah! Don’t do me like that!”
“Yes! You said a few years ago if you ever ask a girl to be official, you’d be like,” Shuri gave Riri a smoldering look, “Will you be my girl?”
Riri shoved Shuri, “Oh my God. Now you have me feeling all embarrassed.”
Shuri fell into Riri’s side with laughter. She wiped her eyes and calmed herself down, “So?”
Riri huffed with a smile, “Yes, I’ll be your girl.”
Shuri jumped up and fistpumped, “Yes! I bagged a girlfriend! I have a girlfriend!”
Riri jumped up and did her own little dancey dance along with Shuri, “I caught a wild Shuri and I didn’t even need a Master Ball!” She mimicked throwing a Pokeball.
Shuri, not being able to contain herself pulled Riri in a hug. “I love you. A lot. So much I feel like my heart is going to explode.”
Riri returned the hug, “I could die right now and transition over to the Ancestral Plane and I’d have no regrets. And…I love you more.”
“Well I love you most.”
“I love you more than most.”
“I love you times infinity and beyond.”
Riri groaned with a laugh, “Not you quoting Buzz Lightyear.”
Okoye looked on at the spectacle from her place at the kitchen island, mentally patting herself on the back, “Aneka would be proud of me for not minding my business.”
Taggies: @somethingcleaverandwhitty @karimwillia @neptoons1998 @pantherheart
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dearhargrove · 2 years
oh, hiii! since i'm loving everything you wrote with billy and requests are open i would like to request a one shot with the reader being comforted by him as a boyfriend about her inexperience. like the reader still being a virgin, never drank alcohol, never smoked and trying not to be naive but couldn't help it, maybe neurodivergent coded. she tries to impress billy at first and pretends she's like an average teenager but he knows and she confesses in an angst way. thank you! ♡
Closer and closer
Summary Getting closer to Billy meant feeling more and more bothered by how little you knew about whatever lifestyle he had going on. So, you pretend to know what it was like to drink regularly, smoke and, well, sleep with someone.
word count 2783
tags/warnings implied sexual content, hickeys, drinking
notes saw the request. Wrote it. Felt good about it. Re read. Still felt good. Posted it ;)! This feels ungrateful to say but I haven't been getting as many notes, so iwas a little unmotivated to do anything haha. Enjoy this <3
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You sigh as you listen to your best friend try to explain what it's like to be wasted, but failing horribly to bring her point across. She sighs and falls on her back dramatically, "(y/n), seriously, just get drunk once. It's not a big deal, we get something and I'll take care of you!"
Shaking your head you put the pen you've been playing with aside and focus on her, "I don't want to. I just want to know what it's like so I can… you know." She knew and she hated it. In her opinion you should either just actually do what you were pretending to be doing or drop him.
"If he's stuck with you for so long without making any moves just tell him. That boy's got a crush on you, or something," you blush and throw a pillow against her head. "That's not true and you know it!" You're burning up from embarrassment - why would she even ask that? It's obvious he would grow bored of you sooner or later, you'd just rather it be later which was also the reason behind your pretense.
Besides everyone's belief he could be nice if he wanted to, it just took him trust and feeling safe - which most people didn't get the chance to know. When he found you waiting inside your car to bring your friend home after she was done partying he found it amusing at first, waiting to make fun of you because who waits inside their car while there's a party going on? It had turned into you timidly lecturing him about his alcohol intake and him flustering you in turn.
"C'mon, stop being so naive. He never sticks with someone, why with you?" The jealousy and confusion was obvious in her voice and it was kind of hurtful that she didn't expect you to be able to keep in contact with someone like him, but then again you could understand her point.
"All I know is that he's nice. To me, at least," you add while playing with your fingers. "You've been saying that all month and yet he never talks to you outside of you meeting up." That shuts you up because he really didn't. In school or whenever you met coincidentally he'd ignore you. Grace gets up and brushes off her pants, checking her pink wrist watch. "Shit, I gotta go. See you in school tomorrow!" She gathers her jacket and is out of your room in a split second, leaving you with your thoughts.
Should you do as she said? Get drunk and maybe even sleep with someone?
When you and Billy met up the next time it was awkward. All you thought about were Grace's words; when would he stop spending time with you? There was nothing he got from being with you like this.
"You listening, doll?" He asks with a small smile, pointing the singular fry he was holding in your direction. You smile a little and shake your head, then nodding to ensure you were paying attention.
But he stops talking and pushes the food to the side of the table, leaning his chin on his propped up arm.
"What's on your mind?" He sounds unlikely concerned but kept his cool facade, wanting to know what was going on, and it got you; how could you resist when he looked at you like that?
"It's nothing," you decline and reach for some fries in nervousness. He watches you carefully before huffing and leaning back, crossing his arms, "What? You tired of me?"
Your head shoots up and you vehemently deny it, where did he get that? "No! No… uh, I'm just distracted, I guess." He smiles a little at your loud disagreement, "Good. Wouldn't have let go of you anyway," he adds absentmindedly before inquiring further, "What's on your mind? Must be important enough to distract you from me."
You chuckle and hit his arm, why was he so arrogant and why did you like it when he was? "It's just, Grace said some things yesterday and I can't get them out of my head," you admit.
He nods, "I never liked her," his voice is dismissive and he drops his arms from where they were crossed to brush a hand through his hair, he scoffs, "She's really intrusive."
On one hand you want to defend her, she wasn't intrusive, just curious. But on the other hand you knew he was right, after all you'd seen her dozen attempts at getting in his pants yourself, so you stay quiet. "Listen, I don't care she's your friend and shit, you know who's good for you, but if she said something that stays on your mind, it better be something positive. Wouldn't want you upset on a date with me, huh?" He always jokes about your meetups being dates and it's got you shy with a capital S.
"No- that's not," you stop yourself and rub your hands over your face before breathing in, "I don't know. She made some comments about our, uh, acquaintance and it just stuck with me," you explain.
"What 'comments'? If it's about me I'd like to know, princess." His voice was a little demanding, but demanding enough for you to look up and make nervous eye contact with him. One raise of his eyebrow and you're talking, "She just questioned why you stick with me. That's all."
His reaction was different from what you expected; you thought he'd laugh about it and shrug it off, but instead he frowned. "Well, tell her I'm sticking around you because you're not as basic as she is and neither are you intrusive. As she is," you're a little shocked but also relieved because that was a good sign, right? To you, it sounded like he didn't plan on giving this up soon.
After that, the conversation died down into something more relaxed and the exchange was easy, just as it always was.
Looking at the glass bottle in front of you made you nervous - you'd bought it out of spite just to show Grace that you could be like everyone else! But now you're unsure. You were alone because your parents were on a trip to visit long distance relatives, leaving you alone for the week.
You had a stare down with the bottle when the doorbell rang, echoing through the house. Confused, you get up, going to look who it is.
Seeing Billy standing on your front door step was what you had been least expecting. Between his lips sat one of his Marlboros, halfway through already. "Evening, doll," he muses, his hand in the pockets of his jean jacket. "Uh, good evening?" You hesitated and then stepped aside, guessing he wanted to be let in.
You were a little embarrassed when the realization settled in that you were in your pajamas, a discarded old t-shirt with some sweatpants that definitely had holes in it.
Your face was hot but you ignored it, "Uh, what are you doing here?"
"Can I not visit my best friend?" He jokes and looks for an ashtray, only to find none. He watches you play with a string on the shirt and laughs a little, god were you cute.
"Let's get to your room," it was mostly out of curiosity of what it looked like but in the back of his head he was also afraid one of your parents would come home unexpectedly and catch him here.
You stood still for a second, "But… I didn't clean." At this he laughs out loud just to realize you were dead serious when you stay silent. "I really don't mind, princess," he very much knew how much you loved when he called you any pet names, so he did at any chance (apart from the fact he loved doing it, because what else would he call you?).
When he came into your room you waited at the door for a second before seeing something that made your eyes go wide. He turns to whatever you're staring at and bristles, vodka? You? He was utterly confused as you definitely had never touched alcohol before. He knew very well you were pretending with whatever you said about experience, but he enjoyed when you tried explaining something you hadn't experienced yourself.
"Who left this here?" He asks as he swiftly scoops it up and looks at you, waiting. "Uhm, no one." You try not to appear as nervous as you truly were, it'd ruin everything you had lied about so far.
With a barely audible whine you rush to excuse its presence, "Grace is coming over in a minute and I wanted to drink something with her." You're a little proud because it wasn't that bad of an excuse, was it?
"Love, I know you're lying. What's this doing here?" His posture was intimidating and you felt like you were being scolded, it was kind of scary. But at the same time your head was exploding because 'love' was new. And you liked it. A lot.
"I'm not lying," you defend yourself, knowing it was useless. He just sighs and sits on your bed, motioning for you to come close. You hesitantly do so, his hands settling on your waist after laying the bottle aside, the skin where his hands lay was tingling and warm. Was this what heaven was like?
He looks at you, and to others - that don't know him - it may have seemed indifferent. But you saw that wasn't what it was, he was… disappointed? Definitely nothing good, at least.
"I know you were pretending with everything, just tell me why you got this?" He asked, and God, why did his voice have to be so… luring? You caved in immediately, though you tried keeping yourself from it. "Well I wanted to know what I was talking about and Grace couldn't explain it… So I thought this would be the best to do."
He looks somewhat upset as he reaches up to lay a hand on your cheek. He was unnaturally sweet, but you still saw the rough edges of him with the way he struggled keeping his hands a light touch.
"Don't do it just because others want you to or make you feel like you have to, yeah? Being drunk is not all that, anyway." He says and you pout just a little, "Then why do you drink so much?"
He chuckles and takes his hand away again, "Because sometimes that's the best way to forget," he doesn't elaborate and you can feel he doesn't want to, so you stay quiet.
"Will you stay friends with me?" It was implied when he said he'd seen through you anyway but you wanted to make sure. "Why wouldn't I?"
"I'm nothing special. I've never done anything that you constantly do and I'm all naive and… I don't know. There's nothing you could talk about with me."
He stands up again and you flinch a little, would he leave now? Would he tell everyone and make fun of you? You don't dare look up so you keep your eyes on the now messy bed sheets from where he sat.
But he reaches out and places a hand under your chin, making you look up just in time to see him lean forward. The kiss is awkward but satisfying - awkward because you have no idea what you're doing and satisfying because he leads you as best as he can (and because you are kissing Billy Hargrove right now, what bad was there?).
When you part he smiles a little, "Don't do what you don't want to. But if you really want to get drunk I'll take care of you, yeah?"
After that night you start dating, and although there's a lot he has to explain and show you he doesn't seem to mind. In school you behave like you don't know each other - you hadn't wanted to be thrust into his social circles, enjoying the quiet atmosphere surrounding you.
The unseen winks and smirks were only between the two of you, his never ending flirting keeping you entertained all throughout the day.
Today evening is a pep rally, and since he played on the basketball team you came to watch. Grace was positively surprised, she had always wanted you two to go, just to fawn over all of the guys or get drunk with someone after the game (though that was just her).
Now, you have your own boy to appreciate all you want. You suppress your smile when he sends a wink to you, your best friend freaking out, claiming it was aimed at her. You just smile happily.
When the game is over, your school's team had won, with many points ahead of the other one. Billy loudly whooped and took his shirt off, something that made you shy but also a little jealous (which you hadn't experienced before). Him and the team celebrated a few minutes and you waited outside meanwhile. Grace had left a few minutes ago when she found someone to leave with.
You didn't really expect Billy to come home with you today as he was probably out partying with his team, but just in case you waited a little. And to your surprise he approached you - with his shirt on - and a big grin on his face.
"Saw me on the field, babe? Isn't your boyfriend so handsome?" You huff but hug him back when he wraps his arms around you. He smelled fresh, having showered right when he had the chance.
"Get in the car, your super amazing boyfriend needs appreciation and that fancy hair thing you do," he demands. It looked and sounded like he was pouting, and mentally he most definitely was, but to the outside he was still intimidating.
Grumbling about his spoiled behavior you got in as well.
When you arrived and got out most of it turned into a blur. Not only were you tired (it was nearing 11:30 after all), but also things got a bit… heated.
You were sitting in his lap while he kissed down your neck, sucking some hickeys here and there. You were enjoying it but were also worried when he found out you were completely inexperienced when it got to this.
Would he be turned off? Well, obviously, right? He'd have to explain everything and it would ruin the mood..! Would he leave you and get off by himself? Because you couldn't do it?
He must've noticed how stiff you were so he parted and placed soft pecks on your cheeks before cocking his head to the side, "What's wrong?"
You look to the side in embarrassment, disappointed in yourself. "I, uh… don't know how to..? I've never…"
You expect him to make fun of you or whatever, but instead he smiles warmly and turns your head back to him. "And? We don't have to do it right now. But I can show you if you want to. I'm probably the best example for this, hm?" He smugly says and you giggle, hitting his shoulder.
"Who knows if you are," You tease and his gaze darkens. He lurches the few inches still between you forward and leans his forehead against yours. "Allow me to show you, baby."
Throughout it he's awfully careful, always asking how you felt, if it was good, etcetera. You enjoyed every second, but your favorite was definitely being cuddled up against him after. You were both naked, except for your underwear, so his body heat warmed you up a lot.
"You were right." He lifts his head and sends you a tired, confused look. "You're the best example." When he gets it he rolls his eyes amusedly, before laying his head back down. You put your hand in his hair and slowly massage his scalp, happy you had him in your life.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
What are your "she’s all grown up" recommendations?
I feel like you can either do this as "he knew her when she was a child and there is an age gap" or "they knew each other as kids". My post was prompted by my currently reading Stephanie Laurens's A Rogue's Proposal, in which the hero, Demon (no it's not his legal name yes it's what everyone calls him yes it's great) is 31 and knew the heroine, his friend's ward, when she was a little girl but meets her again when she's 20 and is like "well I feel gross for this but that ass tho". I am greatly enjoying his sexual confusion.
Other recs:
--Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway. The hero is like 10-12 years older than the heroine and has known her since he rescued her from drowning when she was a child. He really doesn't see her in That Way until she starts coming on to him when she's like... 18 to 20. And he's like "oh NO" about it, because he is in fact her dad's friend.
--Another "dad's friend" one is Joanna Shupe's My Dirty Duke, wherein the heroine is 20 and the hero is like... 43. And her dad's best friend. She again starts coming on to him and he has to realize... she's A Woman Now.
--She Tempts the Duke by Lorraine Heath has a heroine who was the hero's childhood sweetheart; right after they share their first kiss as 12 (her) and 14 (him) he and his brothers have to run away because their uncle is literally trying to murder them. They come back 12 years later and she's on the brink of getting engaged to another man. I remember very distinctly the hero in this ballroom like "hello I am alive" and being obsessed with this freckle on her cleavage lol.
--The Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden is a brother's best friend book wherein the hero realizes at the beginning that he sees his best friend's sister in a new way now that she's all grown up; but he's too late and another guy swoops in before he can tell her. Years later, she's widowed and depressed when they meet up again during a house party.
--Ever Yours, Annabelle by Elisa Braden has a heroine who's obsessed with her brother's best friend when she's like... 10-13, and he gets injured in this maiming accident that sends him away from her. They come back into contact again over a decade later and he's shocked by how... grown she is.
--When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath. This is Lovingdon's (28) entire crisis when Grace (19) a family friend asks him to help her find a good husband. He was super in love with his wife and has been a mega rake ever since she and their daughter died. This is also RUM ON LIPS book, which means it Must be read. One of my top Lorraine Heath reads.
--Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas. Kev and Win were childhood friends and super devoted to each other already, but there's something extra special about Win coming back from the Continent after two years with her health restored and trying to find Kev, only for him to think she's a sex worker because she's wearing a cloak and bending her over a table before being like "WIN??????" I love it so much.
--A Rogue by Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean. Love this because Bourne and Penelope were separated for yeeeears and she super obviously had a childish crush on him, and when they're reunited as full adults he's like "she..... actually does it for me a lot...."
--Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale has the hero and heroine reunite when she's 17 (it's a medieval and released in 2003-04 lol) and he's... 27ish I want to say? After he dropped her off with her sister when she was like 5 and he was a very messed up teenager she idolized. He's very quickly Spellbound. TW: nonconsensual first encounter.
--Mercy by Sara Cate I offer as a gender-flipped version in that the heroine, 34, is matched with her best friend's son, 22, on a kink-driven dating app (he's a sub, she's a domme). She really only saw him as a spoiled brat (and he is) but begins to view him in a verrrry different way as they get to actually know each other.
Eyes On Me by Sara Cate--LOL WHOOPS. This one is a stepbrother/stepsister romance with a decent age gap--10ish years I want to say? They didn't live together long, and he accidentally finds her on a camgirl site (he's a major voyeur). He starts watching her cam while also dealing with falling for her in real life.
--It Seemed Liked A Good Idea At The Time by Kylie Scott is a contemporary romcom wherein the heroine (now 25) has been effectively banished from her dad's house ever since he saw her trying to seduce his best friend (15 years her senior) topless right after she turned 18. The friend was very resistant then and is pissed at her for almost ruining a very important personal and professional relationship, but when they reunite for her dad's wedding.... Feelings and lots of tension ensues because she's like. Not a kid anymore!!!!
--Deep by Kylie Scott. The hero really met the heroine when she was a legal adult lol, but there's still a lot of this vibe because he's late twenties/early thirties and one of his best friend's college coed sister-in-law, and everyone has been like "STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILD" since they met... Even though, again! She's not a kid! But basically they have an ill-advised one night stand that becomes significantly more complicated when she turns up pregnant.
--The Arrow by Monica McCarty. Classic ward/guardian romance, medieval, the hero saved the heroine when she was a kid and took her in, and years later returns to find her all grown up.... and very interested in seducing him.
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bisexualdawnsummers · 5 months
I saw somewhere that one of the reasons why people hated Michael is because he's too whiny and rude towards Justin. But imagine being in his shoes, tho. As someone who has a best friend I'm willing to ride or die for, I also think anyone will never be good for my best friend and I'm always suspicious towards anybody lol. Because I knew how hard they've worked, how much they suffered and how long of a journey it was for them to get this level of somewhat peace in their life. If anyone is ever trying to give them more stress in any way, I'm suddenly so pissed lol. For people who doesnt get it, Michael could definetely could come across as "posessive" & "overthinking" (the whole narrative of "He wanna fuck Brian so bad its pathetic" doesnt help either, which makes me roll eyes so bad because from time to time, it's mostly Brian that inniciate their physical contacts first so) but you can't help but always looking out for this particular one person that makes your life worth living, when you know they can be reckless like Brian especially. Especially with how escalated Justin's family life situation is after he met Brian. Through Michael's lense, Justin is a stranger with baggages that he doesn't want Brian to carry since he knew and understand Brian already has a lot in his plate. Guaranteed, I can't all justify every thing that Michael said and did in regards to Justin and I'm ok with that (part of liking Michael is to accept that he just makes human mistakes as a grumpy 30 years old gay Italian man lol), but the hatred that he receive literally degrade his existence into just "Another pathetic best friend that's in love with the main character" is just sad to see.
Yeah, I've always thought the idea of Michael being a big old meanie to poor little Justin as a bit overblown. Could Michael be snippy with him? Sure. And he occasionally went too far with some of his words, but his tendency to speak before thinking is one of his character flaws, and should hardly detract from his better qualities.
What a lot of people like to overlook/ignore is the fact that Michael was actually one of the first characters that tried to look out for Justin in a way. I think it's like ep. 2 where Justin comes looking for Brian again and when Brian ducks out on him, Ted and Emmett say that Justin is Brian's problem not theirs. Michael is the only one to act like a responsible adult and not let this teenage kid wander around on his own. He takes him to the diner and makes sure he has a ride home. Of course, it doesn't end very well when Michael tries to warn Justin off Brian. Justin is bratty to Michael in that moment. And Michael does come off jealous and a bit whiny, but I think in some way he was trying to look out for Justin. I don't think he was entirely selfishly motivated. He's probably witnessed Brian break countless hearts over the years, and was trying to save Justin a bit of grief by telling him the truth. He wasn't lying when he told Justin he wasn't Brian's boyfriend. Brian doesn't do boyfriends, he barely does repeats.
Also, I can see how Michael, or anyone in his situation would be annoyed by Justin's sudden and inescapable presence. Imagine being someone close to 30, and one of your friends sleeps with a teenager, and then that teenager shows up at your mother's house. The kid is not only stalking your friend but everyone in his life in hopes of getting closer to him. Anyone would feel a bit overprotective, and a lot frustrated.
And yeah, a lot of people like to downplay Michael's importance in Brian's life, reducing him to the guy with the hopelessly unrequited crush on his friend. But their relationship is so much deeper and more important than that (whether romantic or platonic). imo, if someone doesn't understand Michael's place in Brian's heart, then they just don't understand Brian.
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