#well now i go to get not enough sleep. nighty night.
c-nstantine · 4 months
Phone Calls
Description: Based on this ask/discussion from @prettyvintageafternoon
Warnings: phone sex, mutual masturbation
Word Count: 0.7k
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She had been dozing off and on throughout the night. She never slept well without him and she wasn't thinking about her husband. No, never her husband but rather her companionship with Bruce Wayne. Should she be sleeping around with Bruce Wayne? Probably not, but he understood her, he listened to her. He touched her in ways that her husband never could have dreamed of reaching.
"Bruce? Is everything alright?" She answered her cell phone with slight worry. The time on her clock read 2:34 am and she knew they both should be asleep at this hour.
"I know I'm not supposed to call this late," His voice sounded out of breath and she could hear some slight ruffling going on in the background.
"It's fine, he's on a business trip in Greece," She sighed. Her husband never really cared to occupy the same space as her unless the kids were involved.
"You're in bed? Alone?" He damn near groaned at the realization. If he had known she was alone, he would've been there with her.
"Mhm. It's a shame you're not here. It's just me and this silk nightie because my kids are with their grandma," She spoke honestly.
"You're making it hard for me not to drive over there right now," Bruce admitted quietly,
"Why'd you call, Bruce?" She whispered. It's not that she didn't enjoy their conversations but this was cutting into her beauty sleep.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you and it's gotten me in a predicament," His voice had deepened with something that Y/N couldn't quite place. He was yearning for something from her.
"What kind of a predicament?" She wondered aloud.
"The kind that has my hand stroking my dick while listening to you talk," He spoke nonchalantly and the dots began to connect for Y/N. The lack of breath and ruffling was him jacking off to her.
"Oh, then you should know that I was lying about the nightie. I'm wearing your old Gotham U shirt." She admitted. It still vaguely smelled like him and it matched her bonnet perfectly.
"Y/N," It sounded like a warning but he knew better than any man that she didn't take too well to warnings.
"I thought about you earlier too. I had to get my vibrator and it almost wasn't enough," She thought just a few hours ago when she was in her bathtub with her vibrator and she contemplated calling Bruce, right then. had she known that he was just as needy as her, she would've.
"Damnit," He groaned.
"You close, Bruce?" Her voice was more seductive than before and her hand slipped between her thighs. She hadn't planned on getting off but since the opportunity presented itself, why not have some fun?
"If you were here, I'd probably be on top with my legs around your waist," She spoke with her fingers circling her clit. She swore it was like Bruce was next to her, watching her.
"I can almost feel your hands around my waist, helping me take your big cock," She heard Bruce's breath hitch and just a barely audible whimper came through the phone. She liked having this power over him. It was like a high and she needed more.
"You gonna cum? Cum all over your hand for me, Bruce," She brought herself to an orgasm at the same time he did. She heard the sheets ruffling on the other side of the call along with some footsteps.
"How long is he out of town for?" He spoke again but this time with water running in the background and Y/N simply assumed that he was in a bathroom now.
"Until next week," She didn't care about him right now, not when Bruce had made her feel more special in this arrangement than her husband did in their entire marriage.
"Brunch tomorrow?" He asked, politely as if he didn't just jack off to her voice.
"As long as you pick me up," She snorted slightly as she rolled over to fall asleep.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," He mused. He could hear the sleepiness in her voice and almost felt bad for waking her at this hour.
"Goodnight Bruce," She whispered.
"Goodnight, Y/N," He whispered back.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
My Turn
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating SMUT!
I woke as I often seem to find myself these days, my body laid in the cotton nightie I had worn to bid my mother and father goodnight, I'm honestly a little surprised it was still on me. I was warm and cosy, with a sweet cotton sheet over me, the mattress I laid on firm and functional with a metal bed frame which wasn't the best thing for secrecy as it tended to whine and squeak with every movement in the bed but I get this feeling in my stomach that was somewhat intentional. I laid on my back having turned there in my half awake state as I tended to sleep on my side or even my stomach sometimes, with a strong but slender arm draped over my waist, another I wasn't sure where, his warm body filled the other half of the single bed keeping things toasty and cozy for me, his grip lazier then it began from the tossing and turning and general relaxedness of sleep, I couldn't help but smile to realize I had woken up here again instead of my bed at home.
It may not creak, it may be double the size and may have more blankets then a girl will ever need but it doesn't have Jack. And this one does. Which makes me feel so very happy indeed. 
I began to stir more which seemed to have aroused him too as he began to stir with me until we found each other at the tip of the others nose 
“Good morning” I whispered
“morning, you don't have to whisper you know” he yawned 
“Walls have ears jack.”
“Do they know?” He chuckled “humm I think if these walls could listen, and of course then talk about what they listened, they might have some very interesting stories to tell” he smirked taking my hand intertwined our fingers together and peppering kisses on the top of my hand 
“I don't think those stories would be appropriate for children.” I giggled
“Absolutely not.” He smirked “I think many infact would fine some of them … highly deplorable” 
“Well your a deplorable boy” I giggled 
“Am I now?” He smirked “I'm sure the walls would have a good pile of stories that, if anyone was to hear about such a… innocent young lady, I'm sure they'd find you even more deplorable.” 
“I'm sure of it. Utterly despicable behavior” 
“Humm you're my despicable little darling aren't you?” He smirked finally connecting our lips immediately I tugged on his neck to pull him even closer as his arms wrapped tightly around me leaving me utterly in his grasp and rather unable to escape even if I wanted too, but I couldn't imagine a reason to want to, till he moved down to kiss my jaw, and then down my neck 
“I don't feel my actions would even reach the top twenty of the sortas of deplorable things these walls would speak of” 
“Don't you? Need I remind you, what my little angel was doing to me last night? Or will the meer suggestion of bouncing, bed creaking and … silk scarfs enough to jog your memory?” He smirked stroking his fingers across what little exposed skin I had in this nightie
“I'd hardly call that deplorable?”
“I don't know, a pretty little young lady creeping into a doctor's bedroom, for her to tie his hands to the bed with a silk scarf, strip naked and ride him like your personal  stallion. I don't know if I'd call it deplorable persay”
“What would you call it then?’ I giggled playing with his hair 
“Umm sexy as fuck -” he growled pulling me back to our kiss each kiss now getting more and more intense
“Humm I suppose you could call it that, but then if thats sexy as fuck, then what would we call a certain doctor who brought a young lady into his bed and kept her ankles above his shoulders for an hour and a half”
“i'd call it, a pretty tame Tuesday night” he growled stroking my cheek and kissing me intensely
“I need to go jack, I don't we could get in trouble.”
“We could, in so much trouble.” He growled pulling me back to a kiss and picking up my thigh to wrap it around his hip “tell me you don't want me, and I'll let you go” he smirked pushing up my nightie to stroke my bare leg 
“You know I can't do that” 
“Humm” he smirked “tell me you don't need me, and I'll let you slink on back to that big bed of yours.”
“That's not fair”
“Why not?”
“Because you know I can't” 
“No shame playing a game you know you win” he smirked moving his hand higher and higher “umm you had to wear that nightie didn't you? You know what it does to me darling, seeing you all… buttoned up and hidden away knowing what's under it. Knowing this big tent of a nightie hides the body that makes me cum” he whispered between his harsh kisses down my jaw and neck nibbling with his teeth a little as he tugged at me nightie which was enough for the top of it to get pulled down opening up where the buttons where undone and sitting just off my shoulders “ummm don't tease me” he growled kissing down my neck and now across my exposed chest gently moaning as he did until his hand found the tie of my nightie that would let it drop “there it is.” He gasped 
“No. I need to get back remember’ I told him stopping him from tugging at it 
“I don't recall this conversation” he lied
“Jack I want to stay you know I do but my parents come to look for me and I'm not there all hell will break loose” 
“I know, but…”
“You can't just, leave me like this.” He whined “you wound me up so tight last night, you have to let me go, or I might snap” 
“Humm like last time” he smirked 
“You became some evil little creature” I giggled
“You came here and sucked my dick almost to completion every day for two weeks straight. I'm surprised I didn't crack sooner! You wound me up far to tight darling, I had to let it out somehow.” He smirked “not my fault you wore that little blue dress, you know how good it m akes your … ummmmm” he growled staring at my breasts “and an hour long carriage ride with those things bouncing up and down in that little blue dress, how was I meant to do anything other then what I did”
“Pulling us over and making us two hours late arriving and I lacked a dress”
“You got a new dress didn't you?”
“After my first was torn utterly to shreds” 
“I can't help that you wind me up so much” he smirked his hand moving up to grab my ass “ummm fuck-”
“Jack I have to go, five minutes then I really need to go”
“Five minutes?’ he smirked “one can do an awful lot in five minutes”
“Can you?”
“You know I can” he growled “fine. Five minutes. Which would you rather? Repeating the deplorable conduct of last night, or something quick and loud?”
“Perfect’ he smirked slapping my ass before he pulled me into a heavy kiss till he pulled back ‘you know how this works, be nice and loud for me darling pompous twats in the office today”
“And we're right above him”
‘oh yes we are, so nice and loud for me give him something to be pouty in surgery later” he winked moving down kissing down mt nightie till he met my hips where he quickly grabbed my thighs and forced them apart, he didn't waste a second kissing my inner thigh until he my clit, which he clamped on to and sucked only breaking to kiss and lick leaving me an utter moaning mess gripping the pillow tightly I didn't hold back letting my moans and squeals fall from my lips reacting to his every tongue flick 
“Uhhhhh! Jack please -” I gasped knowing how close I was and already knowing five minutes was out the window I couldn't make him stop not now and even if I asked I doubt he would 
“What's the matter darling? This not despicable enough for you?” He growled before slipping his fingers inside me as he ate me out causing my thighs to clamp on his head and my hand to grab his hair tugging on his hair like crazy 
“Ahhhhhhhhh! Uhhh- jack- please - please!” I begged and he obliged speeding both up which was enough to tip me over “Uhhhh yes! Yes! YES! AHHHHHHH!” I squealed feeling pleasured wash over me he let me ride it out before he pulled back and loomed over me with an amused smile as he saw me sweaty, gasping my breasts almost popped out my nightie, the hem around my stomach, my legs still open and my juices leaking out of me onto his bed he slowly licked his fingers clean then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and then licking that up too 
“Why do you do that?’ I giggled as he got himself a drink of water from the side 
“Why would I wanna waste what tastes so good,” he smirked before he moved to sit on his knees leaning his back against the metal footboard of the bed he opened his knees wide and leant his elbows on the metal frame for the first time this morning I saw his fully naked form seeing just how hard he was “my turn” he smirked 
And I giggled moving to my knees fixing my nightie to expose more of me and crawling over to him 
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Between a rock and a hard place (5)
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Summary: You are in big trouble and in need of money. Two wolves are more than willing to help you. For a price…
Pairing: Mobster!Walter Marshall x fem!Reader x Mobster!August Walker
Warnings: angst, language, power imbalance, debts, scared reader, groping, gaslighting, darkfic, both brothers are not nice guys, mafia au, a tiny hint of fluff/aftercare, possessive Walter, jealousy?, cockwarming
Between a rock and a hard place (4)
Between a rock and a hard place masterlist
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Shutting the world around you off, especially the two men using you to their liking, you fell asleep on the couch at the club.
You slept for almost two hours before Walter finally decided it was time to go home. He covered your body with his large shirt and picked you up in bridal style.
August was less aggressive and loud on your way toward the car. He grinned and talked about your perfect ass the whole time.
At least you got him off your back by letting him fuck your ass. A silver lining in the dark pit your world became.
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“You’ve done so well for us. We made so much money,” Walter soothingly runs his big hand over your back as you try not to move too much.
You are in the largest bathtub you have ever seen. Walter insisted on running you a bath and on joining you. A trick, of course. You ended up impaled on his insatiable cock to keep him warm once again.
“Feels good keeping my big cock warm, doesn’t it?” He laughs when you hide your face in his chest. You’d love to tell him that you are sore and tired, but he wouldn’t listen to you. None of them does.
“You tricked me,” you murmur, afraid to speak louder. “You lied too.”
“Kinda,” he pats your head. “We let our customers fuck our employees but provide a different service too. I kept my word, didn’t I? I only shared you with August. No other man will touch you ever again, lamb.”
“We call it live-action porn,” August snickers as he joins you in the tub. He stretches his long legs out and you instinctively cling to his brother. “Don’t worry, I’m satisfied for tonight. The blowjob you gave me in the back of the car was mind-blowing. You’re a little minx.”
“She was such a good girl for me. I’m so proud of her for letting herself fall,” Walter’s praise, makes your heart flutter. “I rewatched the close-up and got hard again. My sweet little lamb is a star. I hate to say it, but I told you so.”
“Hmmm…you don’t hate to say it, brother.” You squeak when August leans forward to grope your ass. “As long as I can fuck her, you can keep her. I’ll figure out how to make her disappearance believable.”
You stiffen. “Relax, baby lamb. We only want to keep you to ourselves. Bad people are after your dead husband, and I can tell, they’d love to get their hands on you.”
“You’re ours now. No need to be officially alive, right?” August pinches your ass meaningly and snickers when you try to move away. But you are trapped, still impaled on his brother’s cock. “Right.”
“Don’t be an ass,” Walter slaps his brother’s hand away. “She made fifty thousand bucks in one night for us. I told you she’s going to be good for us.”
“Good for you,” you sniffle. “So good…”
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Walter showed mercy after he filled your cunt up for one last time. He cleaned you and put you into a barely-not-there nightie to present you to his brother.
“I like the way you dress her,” August laughs as you lie on the bed, worn-out, and tired. “She’s a damn porn star with a mouth and a tight hole like that.”
“She has had enough for one night,” Walter points at the door. “You can fuck her with me at the club, but nowhere else. The blowjob at the car was a one-time thing. She’s mine.”
“Christ, you are obsessed with her,” you hide your face in the cushions when the brothers start fighting over you again. “I want her at the club again next week. I got some VIPs waiting for a good show.”
“Next week,” Walter jerks his head toward the door. “Now leave. She needs sleep and me too. I fucked her so many times I’m a little tired myself.”
August glances at you one last time. He can’t help but feel a little jealous as you immediately move closer to his brother the moment he lies on the bed next to you.
“Night,” he walks out of the door, slamming it shut with a loud thud. You flinch and sniffle, knowing he’s mad at you again.
“Let him sulk, lamb,” Walter moves closer to you. “Come here. I’ll keep you safe and warm.”
You don’t argue or fight Walter when he tells you to lie on his chest. It’s easier to be good for him and do as he says. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.
“He’ll lose interest soon and then you are all mine,” he whispers. “I’ll make sure that he doesn’t hurt you, my sweet lamb. You’re too good for me to go to waste.”
Walter runs his big hand over your back up to your shoulders and back down. Your eyes flutter shut, and you feel warm.
“I knew you were special when I saw you the other day. You smiled and giggled, but your husband didn’t pay attention to what you had to say. I think you came to the event to show off your pretty new dress, but he only had eyes for some other woman.”
Your eyes snap open again as he continues.
You remember that night. It was the last time you went out with your husband.
That was over a year ago. – He must have watched you for a long time if he saw you that night. How could this happen to you? Maybe he even had a hand in what happened to your husband.
“You looked so cute in that dress,” he nuzzles his face in your hair. “I would’ve loved to take you right there and then.” He chuckles. “August told me to not pay attention to some pussy but I watched you all night. Your smile faded and you hid in a corner as your useless husband flirted with some other woman.”
You don’t say a word, even if your heart is racing. Closing your eyes you try to pretend you are asleep. His words replay in your mind while you struggle to not freak out.
“I set my eyes on you that night,” he tickles your skin with his fingertips. “I knew you’d be a natural submissive - a little lamb.” Walter hums. “You enchanted me with your innocent smile and soft laughter. You didn’t dress to impress but looked like a goddess to me. August calls it an obsession. I call it fate…”
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“Come with me,” Walter wraps his arm around your shoulders and guides you out of the safety of his bedroom. “I told you I got a surprise for you.”
You nod and let him lead the way. What else can you do? His admission from last night is still swirling in your mind. How could you not see that Walter knew you from the beginning?
“You’ll love it, lamb,” he murmurs and nuzzles his face in your neck.
“What is she doing here?” August grunts. He watches you like a hawk and squares his jaw. “I asked you a question, brother. We agreed on letting her stay in the guest room or your bedroom. The rest of this place is taboo.”
“Shut up,” Walter snaps at his brother. “After last night she has every right to be here. She let you fuck her ass and blew you off. We made fifty thousand bucks because of her. Now get out of my way.”
“What? I—”
It’s a small win, but watching August step out of his brother’s way makes you smirk for a second. At least he didn’t lie about protecting you from his brother.
“You heard me, brother. I bore your one-nighters and bimbos for years. If you don’t leave my lamb alone, you will not like my answer.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t live together if you always fight,” you murmur. With your eyes cast down, you can’t see the brothers turn their heads toward you to look down at you.
“Would you look at this cocky little bee,” August roughly cups your face, making you whimper as he forces you to look up at him. “What did you just say?”
“Fighting and arguing isn’t good for your well-being and blood pressure,” you recite one of the articles you read. “You are brothers and shouldn’t be mad at each other all the time.”
“Aw, she’s already worried about me,” Walter kisses your temple. “I knew she’d love me, brother. My sweet little lamb.”
August grunts. “She has a name. Maybe you should use it once in a while.” You glance at August, wondering if he’s as bad as you thought. He’s not wrong. You’d love hearing your name, not only a pet name.
“She likes it,” Walter bites back. “I can call her whatever I want. Maybe one day I’ll call her my wife!”
You suck in a breath.
“What?” August huffs. “You can’t be serious! Walter, you let me fuck her in front of dozens of guys jerking off while we destroyed her holes.”
“See, I share the most precious things with you, and you never appreciate it,” Walter possessively wraps his arm tighter around your shoulders. “Now, let me show Y/N my surprise.”
“Walter!” August calls after his brother. “This isn’t over!”
You follow Walter, stunned and speechless as he tells you how much you will love his surprise…
Part 6
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6lood1etting · 17 days
don't know how to put into words how exciting it is to see this blog!! willing to write dark tf2 stuff?!? thank you thank you thank you 🛐
ahhhh and ur art is beautiful!!
sorry if im bothering u at all and i don't wanna bombard u. since demoman is ur fav, would u be willing to write some yandere headcanons for him perhaps? 👉👈
AHHH !! NONNIE U DONT KNOW HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE IT !!! ur not bothering me in the slightest dw abt it at all!!!! since i joined the fandom about a month ago i QUICKLY noticed the lack of dark stuff, it made me so so sad cuz these guys all have such potential sigh </3 ALSO THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING MY WIFE FOR MY FIRST EVER RQ!!! ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
tw for : unhealthy behavior, intoxicated/noncon groping and stuff. i dont go too in depth in this.
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𖦹 out of most, he is probably one of your safest bets if he gains a fixation on you.
𖦹 he tries to worm himself into any aspect of your life as he can, he tends to be more annoying than anything at first. if you're compliant or reciprocating, most red flags don't tend to pop up!
𖦹 basically this only works if things go his way. a few plot twists he can handle! he keeps himself in check for the most part, he loves your quirks and doesn't mind a few diversions!
𖦹 but things still need to end with you starting to like him just as much as he likes you.
𖦹 he's a bad enabler, he will especially encourage an alcohol dependence if you show interest. he'll be your bombastic cheerleader as you destroy your own liver.
𖦹 you're so much more pliant when you're drunk! unfortunately he's not a master manipulator when he is drunk too. so, he just uses the pliancy to get touchy feely.
𖦹 you are just there enough to process the discomfort as he loudly kisses your neck and grips your hips like you're a toy.
𖦹 understandably the first time he gets like that you would put a distance between yourself and him because of the deep feeling of embarrassment and shame
𖦹 really bad fucking idea!
𖦹 despite the headstrong persona, he is deeply insecure. until the sudden cut off, he was sure things would be going his way. he'd let you off the hook in a weird hope you were just flustered, for about a week.
𖦹 after so long he WOULD come to you and be like. the fuck are you up to? in a drunken haze, he would loom at the entrance to your doorway and not move much from there.
𖦹 it'd probably be about 4 am, you'd blink the sleep out of your eyes and be like. the fuck are YOU up to?
𖦹 silence, weird and unlike him. just for a moment.
𖦹 "eh… I wanted tae make sure there wasn't any ill blood atween us. I dinnae wanna lose ye. " he spoke, reeking of drunkenness.
𖦹 before you could reply, opening your dry mouth- " we're good teammates, right? i'm aye sticking out fur ye, lassie! there'll be a bottle o' scrumpy I will leave out fur ye fur whenever yer feelin' better. aye? aye. nighty night! "
𖦹 door slam. okay, well, right!
𖦹 you'll ignore the uncanny, fervent tone he had. it was like he was warning you, but was unsure of how truthful he wanted to be about it.
𖦹 you were too tired for this shit.
𖦹 he decides the next day, nothing happened. he keeps close to you.
𖦹 whenever you decide you want to be around someone other than him, now, his heartbeat thrums visibly on his pulse point.
𖦹 while sober, he doesn't talk to anyone else first now. he makes sure to emphasize how much he appreciates your presence, how much he wants to be around you, how fucking cool you looked on the battlefield earlier.
𖦹 kind of weird, you already noted you didn't see him on the battlefield.
𖦹 when he's drunk, he is NOTICEABLY full of praise for you. turning on the waterworks does wonders sometimes. he reasons to himself its perfectly fucking fiiiine because he's just being honest!
𖦹 in truth, this is his indirect way of trying to get you on his level. he is tearing himself apart trying to make himself someone you want to be around.
𖦹 that kindness wears itself down the more you interact with others.
𖦹 he grits his fists, and snarl-grins at the distraction. he could SWEAR he was developing the ability to get hungover again with how his head throbbed painfully when you grin and cackle at someones joke.
𖦹 he starts taking every bit of laughter you spend on someone else as a personal offense.
𖦹 he's kind of torn between himself. in feeling more aggressive, its almost like he becomes partially subdued. this could come off as depression to others, so maybe his claims of you being like his thread to sanity were true?
𖦹 he leans into this HARD. he hates seeing you so concerned but hey, that meant there was something in your heart for him right?
𖦹 all in all he becomes this big sad cuddlebug in front of you meanwhile becoming increasingly violent with anyone who glances at you on the field.
𖦹 im not sure if he'd be honest with his intentions ever. he also doesn't entirely lie to you, he just... heavily dramatizes things. i think he's a bit too lucid, funnily enough, too let himself completely let himself express this.
𖦹 one thing is for certain, he is waiting for you. only cause for concern- the longer you make him wait the less he will be lying to you, and the more you are going to be late-night visited.
[ forgive this for being soo uneventful, this blog is partly a way to force myself to re-practice writing <3 these are also my first times writing most of these assholes.]
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q-talations · 1 year
How to Eat Life LN Chapter 1-2 Translation (1/2)
1-2 Imaginary Borderline (Part 1 of 2.)
Tobi was laying on his back on the bed in his room, staring at the pages of a pocket-size edition book. The title was “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”*, a translation of a science fiction novel from America or some other place.
* ”Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” is a science–fiction novel by Phillip K. Dick published in 1968.
In the facility, there were three steel racks filled with books donated by past inhabitants who had already moved out. The people living there now could read them to their heart’s content. All of the books that middle schoolers would be interested in were being read by someone else, so Tobi was using this barely-touched novel to kill some time.
He sort of just wanted to read something.  If there were words he didn’t know, he could just look them up in a dictionary. Thanks to this practice, he was able to memorize kanji well, but for some reason the contents of the books he’s read simply don’t want to stay in his head. Shortly after he’s done with them, he forgets almost everything.
Tobi glanced at his watch. 9:56 PM. The middle schoolers in the facility had to switch their lights off at 10 PM, so he had four minutes left.
For a good reason, like wanting to study, this time could be extended. Most of the others use this daily, but Tobi doesn’t.
“Shouldn’t you be going nighty-night, Tobi?” Baku laughed from the floor.
“What’s with the ‘nighty-night’? I’m not a little kid, you know.”  Tobi put the book on the edge of his bed. This room was originally intended for two people, so there are two beds, but Tobi lives here alone.
He never asked for his own room, and he used to share. His roommate at the time couldn’t stand him, though, so he filed a complaint against him to one of the workers that living with Otogiri Tobi was unbearable.
“How I see it, a middle schooler in his second year is right in the middle of being a kid.”
Tobi took his leg off the bed and pressed his foot lightly on Baku.
“Hey! That hurt, you BRAT!”
“You’re younger than me, aren’t you? That makes you even more of a child.”
“I’m an exception! You could say I’m a special case. Quite particular. Or rather extraordinary. Hey, stop it, Tobi! Don’t step on me or I’ll get all creased! I’m telling you!”
Tobi had enough of decorating Baku with his footprints after a short while, so he dropped it. He turned off the lights and went to bed.
The high schoolers’ lights-out time was at 11 PM, and some people would stay up late into the night saying they were doing their homework or studying. The nights at the facility were anything but calm.
Tobi wrapped himself in his blanket and rolled over to the side.
“You’re thinking about that woman, Tobi?”
“Not at all.” Tobi wanted to click his tongue. “If you didn’t mention her now, it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind.”
“Oh, really? I don’t believe you.”
“Really.” The words came out on their own. They were not prompted by that girl being on his mind. “……I’m serious.” Baku cracked up at Tobi trying to correct himself.
“She’s a real strange woman, huh.”
“Don’t say ‘woman.’”
“But she is.”
“Even so…”
“I know you were thinking about her. A big thing happened, after all. Can’t blame ya for getting curious.”
“I don’t really care.”
“Quit lying to yourself. Besides, even if you’re not interested, she on the other hand –“
“I’m going to sleep. Won’t you be quiet now?”
“Fine, I get it. Hope you don’t have a sleepless night.”
Tobi closed his eyes and pretended to snore, and Baku giggled again. That was none of his business. Tobi wasn’t the type to have problems falling asleep. He usually blacked out almost immediately. He was not thinking about that girl. He didn’t want to be, but she still ended up in his head.
“Speaking earnestly, there is something I wish to ask of you using this opportunity, Otogiri-kun.” After she had started talking to him that day, Shiratama Ryuuko raised her chin slightly, and spoke in an unusually formal manner, “Would you like to spend some time with me on friendly terms?”
The first thing Tobi did was try to understand what exactly he was being asked. Was it even a question in the first place? It didn’t feel like one. In any case, Shiratama was expecting an answer. That much was clear. But what was the right thing to say?
Unable to figure it out, Tobi just repeatedly voiced mindless “ehh—‘s”, “aaa—‘s” and “umm—‘s”.
“Oh,” Shiratama brought her right hand up to her mouth. “It is a sudden request, so I apologize if I have troubled you. You do not have to answer me immediately.” 
“Ah… is that… so.”
“Or soon, of course.”
“Well — I’m not sure…”
“Would you want more time to consider?”
“Understood.” Shiratama closed her eyes and slowly let out a breath. “I am glad I said it. I was really nervous.”
Tobi’s heart was racing as well. Somehow, it didn’t feel like he was being teased.
“See you tomorrow then, Otogiri-kun.” As if feeling relieved after getting what she had to say off her chest, Shiratama bowed goodbye and left as quickly as a bird flying off a branch.
What’s with this girl? As soon as that thought came to Tobi, Baku murmured:
“What the hell was that about…?”
In the end, Tobi slept poorly that night.
Of course, it was all Shiratama Ryuuko’s fault.
She had approached him all of a sudden and started saying odd things before he even had time to register what was going on.
“Would you like to spend some time with me on friendly terms?”
Being surprised like that left Tobi perplexed. Otherwise, he would’ve given a proper answer right there and then. He thought so, at least. For example, if you were suddenly asked to dance by a complete stranger, the answer you would give them would most definitely be “no.” You would refuse to.
He should’ve refused. 
He should’ve said he didn’t want to.
Tobi hadn’t rejected her on the spot because he was confused.
Not only that, but there was also Shiratama’s unorthodox speaking pattern.
“On friendly terms.”  There’s nothing wrong with that part, it’s about the other one.
“Would you like to spend some time with me?”
Wasn’t there something weird about it? Or was Tobi the weird one for assuming so? He might just have been overthinking it. If he were to only look at the first part: “Would you like to spend some time with me?”, that time spent together would have taken on a special meaning. But he couldn’t simply ignore the second part. Shiratama clearly said, “on friendly terms.” Because of those words, he ought to interpret them as such.
Shiratama had just asked to be his friend, to keep it short.
But her selection of words was something else, being so formal with a classmate and all. There was no reason to dwell on it, though. Shiratama just wanted to be friends with Tobi. And that was the real problem.
Friendship with Otogiri Tobi?
What on Earth?
What’s more, there was a way bigger problem at hand. You could even call it crucial.
Shiratama Ryuuko could hear Baku’s voice.
The chapter continues in Part 2. Click me for part 2 redirect. Split due to Tumblr's 4096 Character limit posting.
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flugmunk · 10 months
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-[DESCRIPTION: Phantom mis curled into a ball, sleeping. swan walks up to him, "hey. hey winlsow. wake up." Phantom does wake up. suddenly lifting his head up, he wears an angry expression at swan for waking him up. before swan can say another word, he reaches a hand out towards him, then grabs tightly onto his face. Swan is pulled into him and is held on as phantom goes back to sleep. when swan realizes whats going on, he dries to pull himself out, pushing against phantoms head. "HEY GET ME OUT OG HERE". phantom has had enough of his shit. "You could have just let me sleep peacefully." phantom jabs a finger to swans chest. "but instead... I'll be your hubris." tension rises between the two, phantom pressing his head right up against swans as he holds up two fingers, "so now you only have 2 options." At this point phantom is pretty angry, "stay in my arms... or BE IN MY MOUTH." swan is speechless for a moment. "w-what? excuse me?" now swan really wants to know what the fuck phantom meant by that. Phantom grips tightly around swans neck as he screams in his face. "I WILL RIP YOU APART WITH MY TEETH AND AS YOUR BLOOD DRIPS FROM MY CHIN I WILL FALL BACK ASLEEP AND USE YOUR SKIN AS A BLANKET UNTIL IT ROTS" Now its phantoms turn to have a smug ass grin on his face as he leans closer to swan "so either that... or... simply stay put." Swan doesn't know what to do. surely phantom is capable of doing such a thing and despite his deal, he doesn't want to push his own luck. "I'll choose arms!" he picks the better option for the both of them. "ah. well." phantom makes a genuine smile, the first time around swan, "nighty night." (April 4, 2023) im damn well definitely gonna use that whole speech line for my own personal use. probably it will be slapped over an oc.
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remyfire · 1 year
"I may not be a nurse, but I'd like to think that I have pretty good bedside manner." She pauses as her robe slips down her shoulders, leaving her in her silken powder blue nighty, hair bouncing as she shrugs. "Well. Bath-side manner." Having people in her home to share the burden, to even pamper her from time to time, did much to soften the edges Peg has developed to protect her daughter, her home...and herself.
But that means she has the energy and focus to not only care for herself but care for her partners in turn. He's weary after an unexpectedly chaotic shift at the hospital. Peg knows, from their stories, that often back in Korea, they'd collapse onto their cots, filthy and fully clothed, to try and earn a scant hour of sleep. But they were home now and Peg was not about to let him slip away to throw on dirty pajamas and doze off.
The tub is finished filling and she turns the tab off. Manicured fingers dip into the water to test the temperature, humming in satisfaction at the warmth that kisses her skin. "Now, sir, for your bathing pleasure, tonight we offer a choice between," she sing songs, turning to the cabinet to fetch the packets of powder before turning back to her partner, waving them enticingly, "Lavender, honeysuckle, or! Jasmine bubble bath."
(FLUFF. FLUFF, I SAY. Hawk and Peg fluff!!!!!!)
Hawk's still not used to this. He's a long way out from Korea and BJ's teasing, "I like taking care of people. And maybe I read you wrong, but I figured you'd like being pampered." He's received enough of it from that man here and there that he should more naturally sink into it by now.
Maybe it's because it's Peg. Maybe because he continues to have trouble believing he can just reach out, touch her, have a taste of what he'd craved so desperately that first month back stateside. But as his new psychiatrist prefers to remind him about other facets of his life, the more that Hawk repeats something safely, the more he's going to believe that this is his new reality—that he's not going to be shot, mortared, crushed by a falling building, that he gets to be safe now. So perhaps this applies as well.
Part of it, he thinks, is that Beej is pulling the midnight shift right now. It's just him, Peg, and Erin in this house, with the little one already tucked in with her favorite stuffed animal. It brings back the memory of the warm summer nights when Hawk had been invited to overstay his welcome here, when he would lay awake in the guest bedroom and think of Peg on the other side of the wall and BJ still fighting tooth and nail to get home, when he'd want and want and want and not let himself have.
It took so, so long to make good on those desires—only when he had pure, open confirmation that he could—and maybe these soft, sweet moments are his reward for being good when he didn't have to be.
He rubs the back of his neck with a drowsy smile, lids already half-closed as he watches her test the water. "Trust me, I never heard a bad word about your company, bed, bath, or otherwise." Hawk fights to stay on his feet, but he can't help leaning back into the wall as he waits. Waits to be invited. To be told. "Some nights, he...made me think maybe you were just a dream. Some impossible perfection."
He understands now. He recognizes the vital nature of having something mythical but perhaps unattainable to fight to return to. But the difference is while Crabapple Cove was that mythical yet unsatisfying dream that kept him alive, Peg is living and breathing and so very, very necessary.
"Turns out he wasn't making it up," Hawk murmurs. "You really are home, aren't you?" Even with the way she shuts down sometimes and refuses to say what she's worried about, like they can't handle the fullness of her anxiety. Even when she forgets how life can be collaborative after so long on her own and tries to take the reins herself in everything, no matter if she's about to break or not. Even when she gets overwhelmed by how easy it is for Hawk to raise his voice, to meet conflict, to drive it to the peak so they can get it out of the way rather than force him to chase and goad it out of her in a kitchen.
She isn't perfection. And he adores her exactly as she is.
As Peg makes the packets dance before him, Hawk can't help but grin. "All right, all right, c'mon, bring 'em here." He waves her closer, but once she's in reaching distance, he tugs her in by the waist. Fingers sink into the cotton of her robe—the only one he lets her keep when he keeps stealing her silky ones—and pulls her against him. It feels wrong, pressing his body against her when he's been worked to the bone today, covered in blood and trauma even so far from the jaws of hell, but he knows she can take it.
Hawk cranes down to touch the tip of his nose to the soft place right behind her ear. He lets himself have just a taste—sucking the lobe between his lips and worrying it between his teeth—but he doesn't let himself get any more distracted, not even after her breathy shiver. He trails his nose further up, through her soft hair, and breathes in deep.
"This one." He feels for where he remembers the jasmine being—third in the line. "This one's most like you."
He's still vain enough to smirk when Peg has to resteady herself, cheeks flushed, pupils so dark and wide. He gets it. Beej was her one and only man for so goddamn long. Hawk's not sure if either of them will ever see BJ let himself be overwhelmed by another woman after the unsteady close calls he came to with both Carrie and Aggie, but if they ever do, he imagines Beej will look much the same, stricken and almost guilty from the ache of wanting something so badly that he can have now.
Slowly, day by day, Peg is adjusting to how her body sings for them both in these different but equally rapturous ways, and he loves getting a front row seat to her transformation.
Peg perches on the edge of the tub as she stirs in the powder, and Hawk wishes he had more in him right now to come after her and slip his fingers under that nightie, find the heat. Maybe the bath will rejuvenate him, but he also imagines it'll put him straight to sleep.
But there's time. There's always more time.
The floral scent fills the entire room, blissing Hawk out, taking him right to that edge of a haze that he finds so seldom without booze, without sex. It's coming easier these days. It's relief.
"Here you go, love," Peg murmurs. She's so close. He opens his eyes, not realizing he'd closed them, and has no idea how he missed her approaching him. He's further gone than he thought. But when he reaches for the hem of his shirt, she finds it instead, peeling the wrinkled fabric off him, and he has no choice but to let her.
Little by little, she strips him down. It's almost achingly familiar. If he lets himself remember, there's a slideshow of the hundreds of times her husband has taken him down to nothing—sometimes for sex, but getting his numb body ready for a shower or bed just as often. Hawk sucks in a sharp breath, has to reach and rub a few locks of Peg's hair between his fingers just to remember that this is real—not some hallucination at the 4077th.
She turns her head and kisses his forearm and he can't help but grin.
"You're a dream come true, you know that?" Hawk rumbles, barely audible.
Peg dips her head, but it can't hide her smile. "And you're the dream I didn't know I had."
He hums. The words wrap around his heart and give it a squeeze, dousing him in enough endorphins to nearly make him pass out. "C'mon. Help me out before it gets cold, huh?"
He doesn't let himself be embarrassed that he has to lean into her for the three steps to the bathtub. If he's a dream, then that means even when he's fragile. He eases his way into the hot water and groans long and deep as he stretches out, sinks in all the way to his chin. "Thank fuck BJ's tall."
Peg laughs. "He was rather specific about this tub, it's true."
"He's a goddamn genius." Hawk beams as he rolls his neck to look at her, opens his eyes once more. Behind her head, the bathroom lights are a halo. Suddenly she's too far away, even sitting on the edge, and he catches the hem of her robe and tugs just a little—just a warning. "Peg. I should warn you, you have thirty seconds to get all this off and get in here with me before I pull you in myself."
Her eyebrows shoot up. "I-I—Hawk, I poured this bath for you. Don't you think you should enjoy—"
"Twenty-five," he begins, "twenty-four, twenty-three—"
She throws her head back and laughs in a way that reminds him just so of Beej, the way that Erin is already starting to do herself, and he's so dizzyingly, incandescently happy that he almost wants to burst into tears.
He's home. He really, really is. And nothing can take that away from him ever again.
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Everyone turns to her when they hear her coming, holding Jee-Yun in her arms. She knows that the hospital is not the right place for a 2 year old girl, she feels like the worst mother in the world at that exact moment, but deep down she knows it’s the right thing to do, because they don’t know if he’s ever going to wake up, and if not, his niece deserves to see him one last time. And above all that, she knows no one is judging her, in fact when she looks at them she sees only empathy, closeness and a few small smiles aimed at the little girl, who waves her little hand to every member of her little big family. Chim approaches them, kissing her on the temple and Jee on her cheek, then silently opens the door to Buck's room, moving to let them pass. He is their family too, he knows it, but he also knows that the two Buckleys and their little Buckley-Han need a moment alone, so he stops, leaning his forehead against the wall near the closed door, trying to stop all the bad thoughts that run through his mind.
Maddie sits in the chair next to the bed, holding Jee to her chest with one hand and taking her brother's hand with the other, kissing his knuckles then squeezing it in hers.
Jee squeezes her stuffed animal, leaning over to reach his uncle, placing a small hand on theirs. Maddie looks at their hands, thinking of all the times Buck put his hands on her belly before Jee was born, remembering his smile every time they felt her kicking, and she takes a deep breath. She needed to be strong for her family.
“Do you want to go to uncle Buck, baby?”
“Yes mama”
"Okay but be gentle, princess, okay? Uncle needs to sleep.”
She nods and Maddie carefully places her on the bed, and Jee leaves her peluche in her mother's hands, turning to face her uncle.
“Uncle Buck tired?”
“Yes, baby, he worked a lot and now he needs to rest.” She looks at her while she looks at Buck "so then he can play with you.”
Jee strokes his hand and then lies down next to him, putting a little arm around his waist and her face on his chest, on his heart. Just the way she hugs him when they sleep together on Maddie and Chim’s couch.
Maddie wipes away a tear before Jee can see her, and she sits back in her chair, leaving them close together. She forces herself up after a while, aware that she has to get Jee out of there, and she approaches the bed again “baby we have to go now, say goodbye to uncle Buck.”
Jee nods and sits down again, kissing him softly on the cheek and placing her little hand on his heart “nighty night uncle Buck, I love you like this” she says, opening her arms as much as she can, and Maddie takes her in her arms, then caresses his hair and she feels like she's going crazy because she can almost see a smile on Buck's face. But she knows he's not there with them right now, he's in a coma, and that’s not possible.
Jee takes the stuffed animal from her mother's hand -not just a simple peluche but her favorite one, the one she's always slept with, a firefighter teddy bear that Buck gave her the day after she was born, ‘cause she was a little firefighter according to him, she still remember the expression she made when Chim brought it to her, because Buck couldn’t go and visit them, a bad gift that the pandemic had given them- and places it on Buck's chest.
“Are you leaving it here, with uncle Buck?”
“Yes mommy, so he can sleep well”
And this is what breaks her. She storms out of the room, silently asking someone to pick Jee up (and Bobby immediately walks over picking her up in his arms and walking away) before she collapses to the floor, her back against the wall and her knees to her chest, finally letting the tears she's been holding back fall.
Chim immediately bends down in front of her, taking her face in her hands "I’m here, I’m here"
“I can't…I can't let her lose one of her favorite people in the world. I can't, Chim” she says, looking at him through tears “Jee needs us and she needs her uncle, too. I can't imagine a world where she grows up without him by her side. I want to see them get closer everyday, I want to see her smile and laugh with him, I want to get pissed when he’ll inevitably teach her stupid things, or when he’ll say yes to everything she asks, I want her to learn to be a Buckley from the best Buckley I know."
Chim sits next to her, squeezing her to himself with one arm, wiping away her tears and then his with his thumb, and rests his temple against hers "you will. He will come back, Maddie, I don’t really think he wants to leave his favorite girls so easily.”
They look at each other and then silence falls, and they remain on the floor together, hands intertwined, watching their broken friends around them.
He can't leave them, he would hurt them too much if he did, their lives would never be the same and he still has so many things to do in his life, she just hopes that he knows that too.
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kissorkill15 · 1 day
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 12
Nicky woke up at 3:47, not because of a nightmare, he was just thirsty. So he got up to get some water.
Half awake, he can barely remember his way to the bathroom, so he ended up taking the long way. He managed to wake up a little to realize he was going the wrong way.
He turned around to go to the right direction of the bathroom, but...
"Which way was the bathroom again?"
He was fully awake now, fully aware that he had absolutely no idea where he was going. Great, things were changing.
Aaron remembered how he mentioned how his dad liked to change his own house around, like it was a mix and match doll. Like it was a game.
But right now, Nicky was too thirsty for games.
Nicky nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a loud thud come from behind him. He scrambled to find somewhere to hide, frantically trying to pull doors open, but every door he tried to open was locked.
Fortunately, the last door he tried opening was unlocked, and he immediately ran inside and slammed the door.
When he turned around, the first thing he saw was a bulletin board full of old newspapers and photographs. He walked towards it to get a closer look.
The newspapers were full of news about how Mr. Peterson built a new rollercoaster. The first one he saw was in Germany, the next in Bosco Bay, and the next one he saw was how he was being interviewed on his latest creation.
His eyes traveled to a desk, and he saw a lot of blueprints for a rollercoaster. He took a closer look at it, and he was more than surprised. This rollercoaster had so many twists and turns, so many ways to go, so many tunnels, it was enough to make the average human being barf their innards out.
Aaron has been dying to find out what his dad was going to build next, so maybe he could show him this blueprint. He took out his phone, made sure it was on silent, and took many pictures.
He nearly dropped his phone when the door was slowly pushed open.
"What the heck?! Who had such quiet footsteps that no one would be able to hear them?!"
He got his answer when he saw a familiar looking argyle sweater in the corner of his eye. The first place he thought to hide was under the desk.
"Just wait for him to leave."
He waited, and waited, and waited, and waited. He checked the time on his phone, it was 4:30. He peeked from under the desk and saw Mr. Peterson with his back turned, probably looking for a book or something.
"If I'm quiet enough, I could sneak out of here and get back to bed."
Nicky slowly stood up from under the desk, and slowly tried to tip toe out of the room, but luck was not on his side as he stepped on a creaking floorboard. He nearly peed himself.
Mr. Peterson turned around, and Nicky wished the ground would just open up and just swallow him whole.
"Nicholas, what are you doing here?", he asked.
Nicky couldn't form any words, his voice was stuck in his throat, and it was excruciating. "I...uh...I..."
Nicky was starting to feel queasy.
"Young man, this is my private office. You shouldn't be here.", Mr. Peterson nearly growled.
Nicky forced the words out. "I got lost looking for the bathroom!", he squeaked.
Mr. Peterson stepped towards him, and Nicky curled in on himself. For some reason, he saw his grandmother in his place. Stepping towards him in a menacing threat, looking like he was about to hurt him. Nicky could feel tears forming in his eyes.
"Please don't hurt me.", he squeaked.
Instead, Mr. Peterson slowly wrapped his arms around the boy and picked him up. He carried Nicky out of his office, down the long corridor, and back to Aaron's room. He slowly set him down on his sleeping bag, and tucked him in.
"Nighty night, Nicky."
And with that, he left.
Nicky was so confused, yet so relieved. Mr. Peterson wasn't angry, he didn't even yell at him, he just put him back to bed.
It's not that Nicky wanted Mr. Peterson to be angry at him, he was just surprised. But he decided not to question it any further, and tried to get some sleep, with only one final thought in his head.
"That wasn't another nightmare. I'm not with Bubba. When I'm here, she can't hurt me."
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kiss-my-freckle · 2 months
Full Episode Commentary
1x3: Friday Night Bites
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Most of what you see with Elena in 4x16 can be found in this episode. It opens up on Damon's side of the story because Stefan is keeping half their truth from Elena. He's lying to her by omission. "But then the sun came up and reality set in."
Damon and Caroline are written similar to Katherine and Stefan in their opening scene. While some fans believe he bit her, then they had sex… I believe they had sex, then he bit her. I don't know any woman that would sleep in their bra, and it would likely have blood on it after he bit her, so they put her in a nightie. Fans should expect Caroline to pass out or even fall asleep after Damon fed on her as they show with most of their biting victims. Like Vicki, who was fed on first. She slept the entire time he fed on her friends to the point of their death, then took her to his house. She's still sleeping on his couch before he heals her in 1x6. When Klaus is draining Elena in 3x21, Tyler would've had to carry her because she would've been too weak to stand. That's why I believe Caroline changed into her nightie, but Damon would've needed to help her. While the bite was clearly uncomfortable for her, she looks quite comfortable in her bed at the open. The star tattoo on her foot is adorable af. I have a tattoo of a sun on the top of my foot that my son drew when he was 5. I call it my "Walking on sunshine" tattoo because he's the reason I'm still standing.
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Damon has to bury his face into Caroline's pillow to make himself vamp out. Obvious that he has more control over his bloodlust than Stefan. "You were the one who said to go for it." Bonnie's in a bit of a pickle. She was urging Elena to go for Stefan because she wanted to see her friend happy. But then she felt his death when she gave him Elena's phone number. She doesn't know what that means, but she knows something happened to him as she describes it as death. Now she's scared for her friend. She's so much as suggesting Elena play the field while Elena isn't the type. Best to keep this in mind as the writers throw in their football/game theme. Elena pushes the issue because she's desperate. That's what I consider a sad girl needing to be happy... Desperate. While she does listen to Bonnie, she doesn't take her advice. She's basically gonna force Bonnie to accept her new relationship.
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Again, Stefan hates being a vampire, but has no problem using his vampirism to impress Elena. He catches the football when Tyler throws it at his head. I consider this a lie by omission.
Matt: Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice. Tyler: Let her know she made the wrong one.
This bit of conversation plays well in the 4th season. Damon doesn't need to do anything to make Elena know she made the wrong choice. She already knows. You can find several "right" and "wrong" dialogues in seasons 3 and 4 because of it. Like Damon's, "It's right. Just not right now." Or Matt's, "So, you're just gonna let her call the shots? Even if they're wrong?" That's why The Right Kind of Wrong by LeAnn Rimes is a song I'd choose for Delena. Season 4 Stefan parallels season 1 Matt. And as I say this, I've already stated that lying is nothing short of compulsion because the end result is the same. Stefan is taking away Elena's fear by lying. So Damon gets the sire bond in season 4 while Stefan essentially compels his way into her heart in season 1. Damon's dialogue in season 6 supports this fact. "You've compelled enough people to know it's just a way of covering the truth. And no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn't make it any less of a lie, you know." It's up to the fans to decide which is worse, Damon compelling Caroline or Stefan gaslighting Elena. "Gloomy graveyard girl" is quite a reference, considering the very definition of gloomy. As I tell my followers, Elena was always dark. She has been since her parents died because death brings a certain darkness. If not for her parents dying, Stefan wouldn't stand a chance with her. He'd be an Augustine vampire, which I feel was the reason they introduced Damon's Augustine storyline early.
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As I said before, most of Bonnie's visions are Damon-related. She had to get closer to Stefan to feel him. I believe this is due to Stefan's direct connection. He's the one that stalked Elena and forced himself into her life, so it makes sense for Bonnie to have visions of the other brother. Again, Stefan hates being a vampire, but uses it to impress Elena. He has a date war with Mr. Tanner. Note the years because Stefan was alive for all of them. Their debate over 1952 or 1953 is their first note to Damon's Augustine storyline. He was abducted in 1953. "Years and years of crossword puzzles. It's a loner thing." This is another lie, and jumps off his opening journal voiceover. Like I said in my pilot post, Stefan's journal fit more to Damon than to him. That's why Elena herself refers to Damon as the lone wolf. He's the loner because he's the one truly alone. He lives as a vampire, doesn't trust anyone, and his family wants nothing to do with him.
It's insane to me how they show Stefan struggle signing up for football because he's a vampire when this is the brother they wrote living one human life after another. Who, if not for Elena, would already be signed up for football. Much like the contradiction that he can't be a doctor because he can't be around the blood, but he can somehow be a paramedic. As I said of Elena, she outwardly admits she's not the type to play the field. Combine this with Damon's comment in 1x4, then throw the football/game theme between them. "It might even the playing field. Football reference. Too soon." Matt is a football player, Elena is a cheerleader. Stefan signs up for football as Elena quits cheerleading. Damon was the one who taught Stefan how to play football to begin with. This is all shown in Katherine flashbacks, so it's doubled for Elena in current timeline.
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"I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind." This comment is reversed for Elena in 4x16 and specific to this scene right here. "By all means, Care, just take him out for a spin. He could use it." The two brothers have their "mystery/mysterious" parallels. The perfect color choice for mystery is purple. It's also a good color for Bonnie because she's a witch.
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Damon and Elena don't have to say anything to each other. Their body language is insane. It doesn't surprise me that fans shipped them from the very beginning. I didn't start shipping them until 1x20, and I'll note the scene when I get to it. I have no problem with Caroline asking Elena to observe because she's behind in their routines. It's their scene later in the episode that makes me dislike her. Elena shows that she has no interest in cheerleading. She'd rather watch Stefan play football. Stefan tells two lies on the field. His initial lie as he intrudes on Tyler's conversation with Matt, which is the reason he allows them to tackle him. This is done for the sake of fitting in with Elena's friends. The second being his broken pinky finger, which he fixes before they see it. "Maybe I can do it, too. That I can learn to be a non-living living person. Maybe there's hope for both of us." Damon continues to joke about living a human life because he has yet to feel it for himself. He hasn't felt human in a very long time. You can see how his references change once he falls in love with Elena. That's when he actually refers to himself as a non-living living person, and they do this before they have Isobel out him for his feelings. "You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon." Damon is being honest in his reply to Stefan as it jumps off his comment to Caroline. "This could have gone a completely different way." Damon is choosing to use Caroline because he's in love with Katherine while Stefan still believes Katherine is dead. That's why Stefan doesn't understand it. "I saw Elena today, BTW. That means "by the way." She was at cheerleading practice. She looked so perky in her little short shorts." Damon goats Stefan a lot. He'll do anything to piss him off or make him fear what he's gonna do next.
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This scene of Elena and Bonnie is insane because I consider it a double. "Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?" From Damon killing Coach Tanner to Elena falling in love with Damon. "Birthday candles." Just as Stefan does with Tyler and Matt, he uses his vampirism to fit in with Bonnie. If he weren't a vampire, he'd know nothing of witches. He speaks to her heritage without telling her how he knows. "Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity." So he's basically using his vampirism to impress her and lying by omission. That's when Damon and Caroline show up. "We're just finishing up." Again, lying by omission in his desire to stop Damon from getting an invite into Elena's house. At the same time, this whole belief he has that he's better than Damon. The same belief he has in the pilot episode. It's okay for him to be back home, but not Damon. It's okay for him to get invited into Elena's house, but not Damon. He belongs, but Damon doesn't. As much as fans talk about how Stefan treats Elena like a broken toy in season 4, fans should know that Stefan has been treating Damon this way since they became vampires. In his eyes, Damon is a broken toy solider. While Damon has no problem accepting the fact that Stefan is the "good" brother, he doesn't like being treated as less than just because he's the "bad" brother. They're both vampires, and because they're both vampires, they both pose an equal threat to Elena. It is their basic nature to feed on humans. For fans choosing to ignore the truth of this matter, Cade blames Stefan because he IS the one to blame. Stefan invited Damon into Elena's life the moment he forced himself into her life. Living as a human doesn't negate his relationship with Damon. They're still brothers, so Damon would've ended up in Elena's life at some point because of Stefan. So while Damon pushed Elena to own the darkest parts of herself, Cade blames Stefan for Damon being in her life to begin with. Because they're both vampires.
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More of Damon's alternate meanings. "You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." While watching Damon, even in the first season, it's important to understand that he's carrying on two separate relationships. "I'm sorry, Elena. I know what it's like to lose both your parents." His relationship with Elena should be viewed separately from his relationship with Stefan. "In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." He's being honest with Elena as he apologizes for her loss. "She used to be way more fun." This is Elena's partying scene in 4x16, that's why it comes from Caroline's mouth. She's the one who references Elena having fun without Stefan. Damon knows that Elena isn't a cheerleader anymore. He knows that girl died with her parents four months ago. He can see just by the way it makes her feel. "You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena." This doesn't just hit in 4x16, it hits in 3x22 when Dr. Fell heals her with Damon's blood. While Stefan helps Elena move on from the death of her parents, Damon helps Elena move on from the death of herself. That's why she drowns and becomes a vampire with Damon. "God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. I guess we can put her in the back." This is why I dislike Caroline. It's one thing to put her in the back to have her observe, and another to treat her like she can't learn the routines. Caroline likes being the center of attention. She's treating Elena like crap, and using Elena's need to learn the routines as an excuse to treat her like crap. While Damon's relationship with Elena should be viewed separately from his relationship with Stefan, he makes comments to both when he's speaking to both. That's why he references Katherine. "The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up." While Damon could've easily referenced the death of their mother, it's better that he reference Katherine. Their mother died when Stefan was still human, when he was just 10 years old. Katherine... it would be hard for Stefan to explain his girlfriend dying when he was 17 while he's stuck inside his 17 year old body lol... that's why Damon name-drops Katherine every chance he gets.
And it's not just the fact that Katherine is the vampire that turned them into vampires. It's the fact that they're literal doppelgangers. How insane it would be for Damon to simply rescue Katherine from the tomb just to spring this truth on Elena at the last second. "I find it pretty easy." Jeremy refers to Vicki as a slut. His comment coincides with Caroline's in 1x2. "Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!" He's going through the same pain as Damon in season 2, watching Vicki be happy with Tyler. This love triangle exists with Tyler and Jeremy because of Katherine. Tyler and Jeremy parallel both brothers just as Klaus and Elijah do, it's up to the fans to see their parallels. Matt's response is every bit Jeremy in 3x19 and 3x21, only it's his sister. "What are you doing, Vick?" Damon continues with his alternate meanings while being real with Elena. "I like you. You know how to laugh." He talks to her about Katherine, and at the same time, he's describing himself. "She was also very complicated and selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive." It's not until she sees the picture of Katherine in 1x10 that she understands his alternate meanings. "She was beautiful. A lot like you in that department." Elena picks up on some things, but remains blind to other things. Here, she picks up on the fact that both brothers dated Katherine, but is blind to the fact that both brothers are vampires. Damon needs to be there, not only for Elena to learn the whole truth, but for the sake of continuing to get the whole truth because Stefan doesn't stop lying to her. "Ask Stefan. I'm sure his answer differs from mine." This level of honesty is so damn refreshing. Damon opens up to Elena about her cheerleading. Even though he's a vampire, he's speaking to her as a human... as Oscar spoke to him when he considered deserting. "Quit, move on. Problem solved. Ta-da." Yet another theme that continues into seasons 3 and 4 as Damon is quite literally the problem. That's why Elena dies with Damon's blood in her system. It's her way of quitting and moving on. Living true to herself is the only way to truly live. Otherwise she's just existing. Like Damon, merely existing for 145 years while waiting to rescue Katherine from the tomb, Elena is merely existing while denying she fell in love with Damon. She has to drown to solve that problem. 4x1 has their largest number of "problem" dialogues because Elena fell in love with Damon.
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This is Damon's parallel to Anna in 1x14. He knows she's being honest, and he responds as he does because she's being honest. She actually cares about his feelings, his loss. This is something he's not used to. In this moment, she makes him feel human. Even though he views Elena as friendship material, he's not ready for a friendship with her. Not yet anyway. He's still busy playing with Stefan. While Damon speaks with Elena, Stefan speaks with Caroline. This is all based on how 1x2 ended. "That's a really nice scarf." Stefan knows exactly why she can't take it off, but he's acting dumb about it, so I consider this a lie by omission. I view compulsions a certain way due to wording and loopholes. Klaus' compulsion on Stefan in 3x5 is all-inclusive. No matter what Klaus tells him to do, Stefan has to do it. Katherine's compulsion on Stefan is strictly relationship-based. They're to continue as they have been, but that doesn't mean they won't break up eventually. Katherine would have to compel Stefan again to get him to feed on her for the sake of making him a vampire. It's made clear that Damon compelled Caroline to keep wearing the scarf, to not take it off. That's why she has no idea why she can't take it off. However, he needs to continue compelling her to do other things, like helping Elena in the kitchen. His compulsion isn't all-inclusive like Klaus'. If fans don't see the lie-compulsion parallel yet, I'll just make it clear right here and now. Caroline's scarf is a parallel to Stefan's vervain necklace. "I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, for good luck." This scene pushes into 4x16 as Elena feeds on a cheerleader just like Damon, then hands the cheerleader a scarf just like Damon. "Because that is what is normal to me." Damon speaks true to his existence. He's a vampire. He's simply acting as if his switch is off, as if he doesn't feel. It's because Stefan lives as a human that people aren't there for his amusement, but this exchange is yet another that works as a double for both brothers. Humans are there for Stefan's amusement, for him to feed on when he acts ripper... and Damon will try to stop him when he acts human.
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This is the first time Damon speaks true of himself. "Come on. Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be..." A truth he wants her to know despite his attempt to kiss her and put himself in her bed. It's also his ability to compel a dream that he knows Elena is wearing vervain rather than consuming it. The reason they show her grabbing the empty water glass when she wakes. Elena lets go of her cheerleader uniform, but understand there's a difference in letting go of the uniform and letting go of the girl. That's why she dies in season 3. Stefan writes in his journal. "There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother. Somewhere. I keep hoping. But how do I make him see it? And how do I protect her?" This is where Stelena fans have it wrong when it comes to the necklace. The necklace itself is for Damon, the vervain in the necklace is for Elena. Stefan is killing two birds with one stone. The "vervain necklace" is a Delena thing, period. The contents of the necklace is for Elena. "And how do I protect her?" The necklace itself is for Damon. "But how do I make him see it?" If Stefan cared about anyone other than Elena, he would've fed the vervain to Caroline and threw Damon in the cellar in this episode. The necklace itself is a long-game concept. That's why Caroline questions Elena after Stefan gives it to her. He's opting to protect one girl with the vervain, and protecting all girls with the necklace as it's meant to show Damon his humanity.
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"No, it's, uh… it's an herb. It's nice, huh?" This is a lie by omission. Stefan has been living on and off as a human since he became a vampire. He's had the necklace since the 20s. "It's something that I've had forever, and uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now." Another lie by omission, but not the point I'm driving here. He's been on the market so to speak since 1935, that's according to his own journals. He's had every chance for relationships with other women, both human and vampire, yet this is the first time he felt the desire to be with someone and she happens to be a human Petrova doppelganger. Apparently, no other human will do for him. She has to look like Katherine. Certainly not a coincidence that Katherine was there when he found the necklace, now he's giving it to Elena while stating he's had it forever. I view this as I view the photo of Katherine in his journal.
Elena: We're a pair. I quit, you start. Stefan: Right. We're a work in progress. 
I not only take offense to this while respecting the hell out of Damon's parallel dialogue in 2x4. "I'm a work in progress." I love it at the same time. I take offense because Stelena is as much a "work in progress" as any other human life Stefan has lived. This is something he's actually quite used to because he's lived one human life after another. I love it because true to the reality of life, they make it clear that they're a work in progress, but they're on separate paths. One is quitting while the other is starting. A sure fire sign that she'll end up with Damon as he talked her into quitting. Not the only thing Stefan isn't clued in on. He still has no idea that Damon and Elena met first, nor does he know that Katherine is still alive. To be honest, I consider Stefan draping Elena's neck with vervain a way of marking his territory. He might as well be a dog marking a tree. "Is that pee that I smell?" Caroline has no idea, she's just as blind as Stefan. "And you're not in uniform because..." That's why it's Stefan and Caroline in 4x16. Why Elena tells Caroline to take Stefan for a spin. Damon sees Elena as he sees himself. She's not that girl anymore. Just as he died when he died, she died when her parents did. Again, Stefan hating his vampirism, but reaping the benefits. "We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offense, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!" imo, Elena wouldn't have looked at Stefan twice if not for his vampirism because he'd have nothing to impress her with but his looks. He'd be an average high school human like Matt. I'm certain that's why Tyler is so bothered by it. "This blows. He can't start, the guy just got here." He's so bothered by it that he starts a fight with Jeremy, which in turn, reveals more of the very reason Stefan is starting. He's a vampire.
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"Yeah, you smell fine." Elena with Jeremy is hilarious because she can smell booze and she can smell vervain, but she has no idea what vervain is. "Is that rose that I smell?" Another lie by omission for Stefan. "No, no, no, it's fine. He missed. It's not my blood. See? I'm fine." Again, fan's choice. Is it worse to compel someone or to make them question their own sanity? To make them not believe what they're actually seeing? Every reason why Damon closed the door behind Elena in 1x2. "The door was... open." Elena turns to Bonnie and questions her, and this scene between them is written opposite their shared scene at the open. "When I touched Stefan, it was a feeling. And it vibrated through me, and it was cold, and it… It was death. It's what I imagine death to be like." Elena doesn't know how to take this. Damon catches up to Elena and talks to her about Caroline. "I'm hiding from Caroline. I needed a break. She talks more than I can listen. Well, she's awfully young. I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. I think she'd drive me crazy." I view these four comments as one because it's my opinion that he's not referring to her age, but her maturity. She acts too young for him.
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"I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. That's not my intention." Damon is being honest, actually. It's his intention to make Stefan uncomfortable while trying to give Elena their truth. Still, I think he enjoys her intelligence as much as I do. She's not completely incapable of picking up on certain things, like his alternate meanings. I've analyzed this scene for someone before. Damon truly believes he's compelling Elena. Not only because he was able to compel her a dream the night before, but because her shock is selling it. Her shock that he's actually trying to kiss her is coming off like she's being compelled. That's the only way I can explain it. The closer his lips get to hers, the more it's gonna hurt when she slaps him. Trust me, he feels the sting lol. I know some of my followers may not know this, but I love it when Bonnie and Elena use violence to ground Damon. While "good" Stefan marks Elena like a dog pissing on a tree with his vervain, Elena smacks Damon because he's being a "bad" dog when they're supposed to be man's best friend lol. I view it the same way I view Rebekah smacking Caroline when she's cutting herself because of Silas. Damon has to be reminded that he still has his humanity even though he's a vampire. What I'd expect for the brother that's been living as a vampire for 145 years. Violence isn't good, but it works for someone like Damon, and it's not like he can't take it. I consider the sting he feels punishment enough for trying to compel her. Yet another instance where Elena doesn't tell Stefan. It's Damon who tells him. "I bet you even dreamed about me." Every bit what I meant about Damon's compulsion coming in two parts. He was using her compelled dream as a prelude to his kiss. "And I don't know what happened in the past, but let's get one thing straight... I am not Katherine." Poor girl has no idea that she very much should know what happened in the past. The point of Damon name-dropping Katherine. They became vampires.
Damon: Where'd you get it? Stefan: Does it matter?
Stefan knows damn well that it matters and why because he knows Damon is the reason vervain hasn't grown in Mystic Falls since 1864. He's simply referring to things in the opposite. Meaning, Zach is gonna pay rather than Elena because it was used to catch Katherine, not protect her. This is why I fault Stefan for Zach's death. He clearly didn't care even though he knew. "Guess I could just seduce her the old-fashioned way." Any fan knowing the truth about vervain would know the truth Damon spits while making this comment. He doesn't need to seduce her the old- fashioned way. He could've kissed her if he wanted to simply by ripping the vervain off her neck. It only burns them when they touch it directly, and the vervain is inside the necklace. That's why Elijah rips it off her neck, tosses it on the floor, then compels her for information in season 2. Coach Tanner is what an impulsive "crime of passion" looks like because it's fueled by emotion. You can see the emotional shift in Damon as Stefan talks to him.
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This is the reason Damon kills Coach Tanner. "Katherine is dead. And you hate me because you loved her, and you torture me because you still do." Stefan has no idea that Damon tortures him because Katherine is still alive. If she were dead, Damon would've moved past it by now. He wouldn't still be torturing Stefan. "You're still haunting me. After 145 years." It's an eye for an eye as he believes Katherine has been desiccating in a tomb for 145 years. He can't let Stefan be happy when he's not happy, when at the same time, he blames Stefan for Katherine being caught in the first place. Stefan has no idea that he doomed Damon to more than two lifetimes of misery when he forced him to become a vampire because not only did his love for Katherine become magnified as a vampire, but he was forced to live in a world where he believed she was to desiccate in a tomb until the next comet. Just in believing that she's actually dead, Stefan should've known better than to pull her into their convo. "If that's my humanity... then what's this?" Damon's reply is intentional. It's his vampirism, and Stefan is the reason he's a vampire. "No! I want you to remember who you are!" He shifted from Stefan's vampirism in 1x2 to his own vampirism in this episode. Matt is still so blinded by Stefan that he's defending him against Tyler. "What's beating up the new guy going to prove?" It's gonna prove he's a vampire since vampires heal quickly lol. Matt then finds Coach Tanner's body. Damon left him there to be found because he's not the one pretending to be human, Stefan is. Stefan left him there to be found, and likely because he didn't wanna get caught moving his body.
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"It wasn't just for the drugs." I love this scene between Jeremy and Vicki based on their love triangle parallels. I'm referring to their track, Chemical by Kerli. Damon and Elena are themed in the unbreakable. They're what "Til death do us part" truly means. That's why the necklace becomes Damon's before they prove it unbreakable. Why they have multiple tracks speaking to how they're unbreakable. Because Elena doesn't know how to take Bonnie's comment and Damon just killed Coach Tanner, she starts to combine clues while Stefan continues to lie to her.
Elena: What kind of animal could be doing all this? Why would it come out of the woods and attack someone in the middle of town? Stefan: I don't know. I don't know. Elena: I was so sure that you cut your hand. I saw it.
I laugh at Elena's question because I live in a town smaller than Mystic Falls, so I get it. Our wild animals don't leave the woods and head for the school lol. "I thought there was hope that somewhere deep inside, something in Damon was still human, normal. But I was wrong. There's nothing human left in Damon. No good. No kindness. No love. Only a monster Who must be stopped." It's because Stefan has his journal entries backwards... because he has a relationship with Damon separate from Elena's relationship with him that he makes a huge mistake by locking up Damon in an attempt to desiccate him. He has no idea that he already affected his brother.
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This was the moment I saw their direction for Damon's character. He's connecting to his humanity, and Stefan has no idea. Fans must understand that this is a necklace scene for Damon, and he very well knows the purpose for the necklace. "No. You're not gonna hurt her, Damon. Because deep down inside, there is a part of you that feels for her." It's about his humanity, period. That's why he's gone when Elena wakes up to turn her light off. "You found it during your darkest time." And the voice of Damon's humanity is created.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Hopelessly P2
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Flirty Af
Could you please do a part 2? I loved this one 😍
Please part 2 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
You have to keep going with hopelessly PlZ
More hopelessly!
I woke slowly with a haze to my vision, for a few moments I couldn't be confident if I was still in the cling of sleep dancing with my dreams or if I had truly spilt back into reality. I had been so hard these last weekdays to try and discern the dreams from reality as my reality had become what I had always dreamt of. 
I laid on my back in the sweet glow of the morning sun, the mattress below me, as I wore only my nightie and even that, had been tugged up to my thighs, the soft cotton of the sheets against me. Below my head the soft warmth of tender skin my arm around his waist, my head on his chest, his own arms around me one on my waist the other on my upper arm, my leg wrapped around his. The only sound was the bird tweeting in the morning sun, the gentle hum of his slow sleepy breaths, and the muffled cluttering downstairs of hospital business only just begining for the day ahead. 
I was unable to prevent my smile as I nuzzled a little closer to him moving my hand to gently stroke across his bare chest, which was enough to cause him to stir. 
"Umm Good Morning," I cooed 
"Humm Good Morning" He smiled taking my hand in his to give my skin a gentle kiss I giggled glancing up at him "Humm hello down there." 
I giggled more "Hello up there," 
"What is a very pretty girl doing here then?" He asked 
"I live here you cheeky boy,"
"Ohh, Do forgive me I for a moment thought I was dreaming, I'd been spending the night in the company of an angel" He smiled "Now I see it's just you y/n"
"Very funny Jack" I smiled moving to give his lips a sweet kiss he happily pulled me closer to him so not an inch of us was a part, as he happily kissed me. Till I pulled back "You have that appointment this morning."
"Do I? Pity. rather hoped we'd get a nice morning" He cooed 
"A nice morning?"
"Humm you know I like when we get to stay in bed an extra few minutes." He smirked giving my lips another sweet kiss "You joining me this morning?" 
"I'm still deciding" I giggled bundling myself up in the covers 
"Evil little Nursey" He smirked kissing my head before he climbed out of bed over me and stretched himself slightly his back cracking as he did "Ow."
"You alright?"
"Ummm. I am not accustomed to staying in one place all night" He said going to the wardrobe to get dressed as he had only slept in his underwear
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't be. I just need to get accustomed to you."
"Why didn't you move if you wanted to?"
"I didn't want to disturb you." He said getting his trousers on and I couldn't help but watch which he spotted and winked at me "You know I don't. I'd never forgive myself if I woke you" He says coming to lean over the bed "You're really going to stay in bed while I go down to work?"
"I don't have to start work till half eleven"
"But you always get up with me."
"I did when I had to make your breakfast and run around after you all day" I giggled nuzzling into the covers and getting as cosy as possible 
"Ohh? So when you were just my nursey, I got breakfast, and work, and sweet words. Now you my lady I get kicked out of bed, no breakfast and an attitude do I?" He chuckled "Doesn't seem fair."
"You're getting kisses in return"
"Well I suppose that does add something" He smirked leaning down to kiss me again clearly meant an innocent peck but our kiss deepened and deepened until he knelt on the mattress crawling on top of me "You're just trying to make me jealous" 
"Maybe I am"
 "Don't make me go y/n" He groans 
"You have to Jack" I giggled petting his hair and stroking his face 
"I want to stay with you" he pouts
"I know, but Sneed will butcher the man if you're not there to do it."
"You're too clever" He smirked "Alright," He sighed before he continued getting dressed "But when I'm done with the rounds on the ward you are to be down to work yourself."
"I promise" I smiled "I wouldn't want to stay in bed too long without my sweet jack to keep me warm." 
"Good girl," he smiled as he finished getting dressed "And how about tonight, you and I finally make this bed squeak a little?" He smirked sitting on the bed with me rubbing his nose on mine 
I blushed hard "Really?"
"I think we've waited long enough, but only if it's what you desire."
I giggled but I nodded "Only if it squeaks all night" 
"Hum All night y/n" he smirked kissing me again this time far more intense slightly heard him groan into the kiss his hands slipping up the sheets until he met the top and he tugged them down to better reveal my nightie his hand met my waist and began to stroke the cotton of my nightie "Ummm Y/n!" He groans between kisses his hand moving higher but I grab it before he can touch my breast
"You can wait till tonight Jack."
"You don't know how long I can wait."
"Well, how long?"
"Not that long." 
"You can wait till tonight. Or tomorrow your choice" I warned him 
"Evil little Nursey" He smirked rubbing his nose on mine "Fine. Tonight, but not a second more" He said getting up and going to the door "I'll see you later won't I?"
"Of course."
"Good girl, Love you" He winked blowing me a little kiss 
"Love you too" I giggled blowing him a kiss too before he headed off 
I giggled nuzzling in the covers for a little while more,  I had over the last few days made this place my home as our two rooms had now been combined, my clothes took up half the wardrobe, my books half the shelf, and I now took half the bed. We graciously gave my room to Jack's servant which he was more than happy with. It had been about a week since my drunken confession and it had been the happiest week of my life, I had spent every night in his bed, and every day whenever we saw each other we'd share kisses and sweet words, I was living in a dream, in fact, my dream had not even gotten to a point of jack and I being so intertwined. I did blush at the thought of the bed squeaking for us all night, but I did feel for him. A week our lives had been utterly entwined living almost as husband and wife and yet I had not touched him, He had wanted to of course but wanted to wait until I was ready, Given we had spent years in utter admiration for one another but only a few days truly together he thought It didn't seem right to do so. That and the moment I told him of my innocence he wanted to make sure such a moment was worth all our years of waiting. But It has been a week of sharing a bed, and a room, I can't blame him for getting a little frustrated even if he did want to wait. But tonight... I can't deny I was utterly ecstatic, 
I forced myself up after a little while and got dressed for the day ahead and hurried down to the main part of the hospital and began my work rushing about as usual to do all my laundry work and as usual as if nothing were different a nurse past me as I stripped a newly empty bed.
"Dr Dawkins Needs to see you," She said 
So I quickly took the laundry down to the wash and then headed up to see him, before I'd have dropped everything but I suppose I could keep him waiting a little longer, and I found him in the prep surgery prep room.
"There you are. I was wondering where my nursey got herself off to."
"I've been busy." I giggled going over and standing close to him
"Busy? Too busy for me?" he asked taking my hand 
"That's my girl" He smiled kissing my hand "If you please" He smiled glancing to where his apron hung so I happily went over getting it for him and bringing it over helping him into it tightening the back a little more then he usual had "Oi! carefully." He warns playfully as his patient is brought in along with the crowd 
"I suppose I'll see you later then."
"You will, But aren't I missing something my little Nursey?" He smirked 
"Oh?" I asked 
"Where's my lucky kiss?"
"It's only a leg amputation." I giggled 
"Alright" I smiled giving him a lucky kiss, a ritual we had begun since my confession whatever surgery he was going to do be it a finger amputation or something more dangerous always he wanted his lucky kiss, 
"Am I interrupting something?" Her voice spoke up I glanced to the door and saw Belle ready to help with today's surgery I froze up given this was the first time we had all seen one another since he uhhh... politely told her to quote 'sod off' I wasn't sure how any of us would react, I get the feeling as she looked at me that she wanted to cut my head off. 
"You are actually Milady, go on I'll be there in a minute," He told her 
She pouted but headed in so I smiled and nuzzled with him 
"Awww, My little nursey happy with me?"
"Very happy" I smiled giving him another kiss "I'll see you later"
"See you later y/n darling" He smiled giving me one more kiss before he headed into surgery so I went back to work but I stopped short as I felt something... a twinge in my stomach, a knotting, twisting, stabbing feeling. 
"Oh shit-" I sighed throwing everything in the laundry and rushing up to our room immediately pulling my dress up seeing blood running down my leg "Fuck-" I sighed opening the wardrobe and quickly searching for my one of my rags 
Luckily I found one and managed to get it where it needed to be before any more blood came tumbling down my legs. I leaned on the bed frame trying to get my head straight given the cramping realising it wasn't sudden this had been happening most of the day I just hadn't paid it any attention as I often don't.
"You just had to show up today didn't you" I complained
Oh no! Tonight!
Oh no Jack will be so disappointed, 
he'll be so angry at me, 
so upset with me.
I feel awful I'd have to tell him, that and I'd of course have to hide it for the next few days now we share a room, that's not going to be fun or easy either.
I felt awful like crying but I went back to work knowing it'll be much harder to get things done now. I purposely didn't go and see him any time today I felt so terrible that he had been waiting so long we finally agree and then my body goes and changes its damn mind! once work was done for the day I made myself a hot tea and climbed into bed trying not to cry from the utter pain, the only words I could say to myself were simply "Sometimes... I hate being a woman" I sighed 
I heard footsteps and immediately I panicked but I knew I had to tell him, the door opened and quickly closed Jack smirked shutting the door and leaning his back on it as he looked at me immediately his smirk grew as he saw me "Ohhh there's my little nursey" He smirked locking the door slipping his jacket off hanging it on the door, undoing his waistcoat and dropping it to the floor as he stepped over "Ummmm now that is a perfect sight, my little y/n in bed waiting for me, you should be like this everyday" He growled, "Umm come here!" He smirked only managing to pull one of his suspenders off before he jumped on the bed, literally! he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me with such aggression and passion you'd think I was all that was keeping him alive, I kissed back a little almost giggling at his excitement "Ummmmm y/n! y/n!" he groans between kisses "Uhh my darling!" he groans ripping the covers off me "Uhhh I can't wait for a second longer y/n!" He groans tugging at my dress but I force him back and stop him
"Jack. Please." I began 
He knew something was wrong immediately he could tell from my face and my voice "Y/n? what's the matter?" He asked taking my hands  "Was I too intense? was it too much? I know it's your first I should be gentle I uhh I couldn't help it" He said adjusting his suspenders "Come on I've wanted this since I got here you can't blame me for getting a little excited" he smiled 
"I know, I know I'm sorry Jack"
"Are you alright? we don't have to do this if you don't want to" He reassured 
"No I want to, I do I really, really do jack -" I began
"Humm let me at my little nursey then" he smirked grabbing my leg to move them apart but the moment he did he saw - "Is that blood?" 
"Yes," I nodded as much as I had used my rags to try and prevent the leaking blood had been seeping through them and onto the white sheets 
"What happened?" He asked panic across his face
"What do you mean?"
"What happened? Did someone hurt you-"
"Jack. It's my period." I said my face turning as red as the sheets at the idea I told him such a thing, the mere idea I had uttered such a word to anyone let alone a man. but my words calmed him 
"Ohh..." He let out a sigh of relief "You. frit. me. to. death." He said tapping my nose with each word 
"I'm so sorry I- I'll go"
"Go? no, come on lay down get comfortable and I'll look after you" He cooed making me lay back down and wrapping the covers around me giving my head a kiss 
"But I should leave-"
"why would you leave?"
"I imagined you wouldn't want to be around me when I'm like this."
for a moment he looked very confused "You're not bloody contagious." He laughed "I hope, I mean if I spent a week with you like this and I start bleeding out my cock I think we have bigger problems," he said and I couldn't help but giggle "Don't you worry about a thing, I'm going to take care of my little nursey" He cooed stroking my hair 
"I'm so sorry-"
"About what? it doesn't bother me" 
"I know, I didn't mean to I am hopelessly at its mercy"
"I know, it's alright I know you can't" He smiled giving me little kisses 
"You really don't mind?"
"Of course not, Y/n I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you I have to get used to these things" He chuckled 
"You do?" I blushed "You- you really want that?"
"Of course I do, why wouldn't I want to marry the woman I love?"
"Y-you've never told me that before" 
"We have only been together a week... haven't really had time to tell you everything" 
"I guess not." I nodded "You'd really want to get married someday?"
"Someday, not too long I hope but someday" He smiled giving my head a kiss "You want anything? some warm tea? A hot bath? a nice massage? a cuddle?"
"I'm alright I don't want to be a bother"
"It's no trouble, I'd rather you be comfortable" 
"A little cuddle?"
"A little cuddle for my y/n" He smiled stripping off and climbing in so he could cuddle me spooning me gently not being careful not to squeeze my stomach or anywhere else that may have hurt "Why would you be so worried? I'm a doctor. I understand how ladies work"
"My father used to lock me in my room, told me I was disgusting like this."
"Well, I promise I am never going to look you away for anything." He smiled giving my cheek a kiss,
for a while we simply lay together he would give me little kisses to make me feel better and if ever the pain grew intense Jack would stroke my stomach until the cramps subsided 
"I'm really sorry about tonight Jack"
"Hey, I told you, you don't need to be sorry-"
"I know but, about tonight. Given our plans and all," I blushed 
"ohhh yeah, about that." He nodded "Well" he sighed "Y/n. I've waited this long for you, I can wait a few more days" 
"I'm sorry, I was so excited about tonight and then I went and messed everything up"
"Aww y/n you didn't mess anything up it's fine really" he cooed moving me gently to lay on my back so he could hover himself over me "I mean... if you really wanted to I'm not opposed" 
I looked at him a little surprised and he just playfully shrugged "Jack I'm bleeding."
"Yeah? Darling, I'm a surgeon. I'm not averse to a little blood" He smirked "and I have heard it can even soothe cramps" 
"Can it now?"
"I have heard so yes. Shall we experiment?" 
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faghubby · 2 years
Love of satin
As long as I could remember it was slips that turned me on. That flash of satin and lace. My mom always used to wear one, but it was also my teachers, random woman at the grocery store. Or even the old ladies at church. Some thing about the shimer knowing how soft they where and the hint of delicate lace. My mother worn satin night gowns. And that was my first step. I slipped one on one day and was hooked. Later I found satin panties. And would dress up and rub myself thru the slips and nighties. As I got older I put these things out of my mind. I focused on girls. Now girls my age rarely wore slips anymore. And although that was disappointing I discovered their soft skin and the touch of a woman more then enough.
I met Kate and we got married. Everything was great for a while. Till one day we went to a wedding. I noticed she was wearing a slip. The soft pink lace showed from the bottom of her dress when she crossed her legs. I couldn't keep my hands off her. When we got home I practically tore her clothes from her.
"No leave the slip on" I told her. I came almost as soon as I felt it. Kate didn't say a word but she knew. After that she started wearing slips alot. And satin nighties.
"I thought you like this" She would tease. One night she had worn a pink satin nightie with matching panties. After we made love she got up to change.
"Why don't you wear them to sleep?" I asked
"They ride up and I find them uncomfortable" She told me.
"Uncomfortable really I can't imagine" I told her.
"Well here you try them" She laughed throwing her satin panties at me. I got up and slipped them on I was hard immediately. Kate started to laugh then saw how turned on I was right after we had just had sex.
"Paul I knew you liked them but I never" She cooed and rubbed me thru her panties.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh" is all I could say. She grabbed the nightie and slid it over my head. She rubbed my nipples my penos was leaking into her panties.
She pushed me on the bed.
"You like wearing my lingerie?" She giggled.
"Yesssss, oh I missed this" I moaned.
"Missed? Do you wear panties often?" She asked. I realized I had said it out loud.
"Well when I was a kid I would try on my mom's and Kathy's ( my sister) I confessed.
"You look so cute" She scooted up. "Be my lesbian lover and eat my pussy" She told me. As she lowered herself I licked only then thinking I had just cum inside her.
"Its OK baby all girls taste cum eventually" She lowered herself down to my tounge and as she rubbed me thru her panties I didn't think about it just licked her dirty pussy. She kept me on edge until I, are her cum with my tounge then made me cum in her panties. She let me take off the soiled panties. But leave on the nightie. I fell asleep with 8n minutes.
I woke late Kate was already dressed
"I am going shopping with Amanda today" Kate informed me.
"Alright, I have alot of yard work to do anyway" I told her. I kissed her goodbye and went to start my day. It was a hot day I lost track of time it was after 4pm when Kate came home and called me inside.
"You stink go take a bath" She told me. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. Kate followed me in.
"No, I said a bath your going to need to soak out that stench" She told me and started to fill the tub. She added sweet smelling oils to the hot water.
"Now soak until I come to get you" She told me. Leaving me alone. I didn't like baths but thought why not. I slid into the hot water. The aroma was relaxing and my worn muscles started to relax. I kept adding hot water I must have been in there for an hour before Kate came in.
"Out" She said holding up a robe. I slipped it on and followed her to the bedroom. There where several small piles of clothes on the bed.
"I got you a few things" She told me. Picking up a pair of satin panties and handing them to me. They were a light purple.
"You liked them so much last night" She slid it against my chest letting the robe fall open. I looked at the other piles there seemed to be all satin. She bent and had me step into the panties. They fit better not as tight as hers last night. She then picked up a matching bra and wrapped it around me. I went to stop her but she just pushed my hands down.
"You don't like the way it feels?" She asked
"It feels wonderful" I moaned. She continued next a nightie slide over my head. She teased me and stroked me. Keeping me just from coming.
"Do you want to cum?" She asked. "Or do you want more?"
"Mooooorrrrreee" I pledded. Her hand slid inside the back of my panties she rubbed and massaged my ass. Her other hand was added and she kept pulling my cheeks apart. Her fingers teased my asshole.
"You want to be my girl?" She cooed in my ear.
"Noo" I whispered. She stopped and went back to the clothes.
"We got you all different girlie things for you to wear" She told me. Showing me a dozen pairs of panties, bras, nighties, slips and chimsoles all satin in pastel colors with lace trims.
"I want you to wear whatever makes you happy baby" She told me pushing back on the bed. She stripped off her clothes in a flash. Kate pulled my dick from my panties and lowered herself onto it. I lasted only moments before I filled her up with my seed. She lifted off me and scooted up sitting on my face. Cum dripped from her as my tounge was forced to clean it from her.
"Yes baby clean up all that warm yummy cum" She told me.
"You like it don't you?" She asked. I just kept pleasing her. Kate slid off my face and held me. She spooned me. My penis back in satin her hands caressed me. Her finger slid between my cheeks again. This time it applied a cool lotion. Her finger slid inside me.
"I want to fuck you like a woman" She told me. She moved her finger in and out.
"Would you like to experience what it's like to be a woman?" She continued
"Kate please stop" I begged.
"Are you not enjoying it?" She asked. She added a second finger and I came for a second time in under thirty minutes. This time inside my new panties. Kate picked out a new pair for me to wear.
"You have to hand wash, these and the pair from last night." She told me. I spent the rest of the night in the satin bra and panties and the nightie that didn't even cover my ass. We made dinner together then cuddled on the couch. Kate was in sweats. When we went to bed I realized she wore simple cotton white panties. I was dressed much more femine then her.
"Do you need to cum again" She asked as she spooned me taking the big spoon spot.
"No" I told her. I felt very small and submissive to her.
"Are you sure" her finger once again probed my ass.
"Kate, please no" I begged. She pushed in a second finger.
"Do you really want me to stop?" She bit my ear. She picked up the pace.
"Do you want a third" She whispered. I moaned and knodded. A third finger was pushed in. It hurt alittle as she worked it in and out. As she did I was rubbing against the bed. I cried out as I came in my panties.
"Go get cleaned up" She smacked my ass. I went to the bathroom when I returned she was working a vibrator in and out of her pussy. I had never seen this one before it was life like, but much bigger then me.
"Want to help" She replaced her hand with mine. She rubbed her nipples as I worked her toy.
"Faster baby" She moaned. I fucked her sinking the whole toy in over and over.
"Yes fuck me deep make me cum" She cried out. I was sure the neighbors would here. She slammed my hand down driving the toy all the way in as her body convosed and she screamed
"Yessssss" She laid there looking up at me as I held her toy.
"Put your panties on and come to bed" She closed her eyes and fell asleep. Over the next few weeks Kate kept me in satin panties. Had me wear slips around the house and nighties to bed. She also never took no for an answer to finger or just rub my ass. One night even sliding her hand down the back of my pants at an outdoor concert. I came in my pants as she fingered me. I was totally embarrassed but when I tried to talk to her about it later she pushed me on the bed and had me lick her to orgasm.
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shadeedee · 1 year
Nighty night time and hard truths - a fic with Nate the giant baby and his bedtime and poor SQ feels detached from his dad and Mr Benedict stands up for SQ..
Nate babbled in his giant crib, sucking his thumb. Mr Benedict smiled. Nate gazed at him with big brown eyes. Mr Benedict felt his heart melting. He began stroking Nate’s head, gently. The baby’s eyes began to close and he turned his head to face Mr Benedict. It was pure love. Nate cooed, sweetly. “You’re a beautiful boy. Yes you are. You’re beautiful,” Mr Benedict said. Nate touched his face with his hand and began to play with his beard. Mr Benedict chuckled. He started singing Brahms’ lullaby then the morning after song that he sang at the orphanage. By then, Nate had fallen fast asleep, still holding onto Mr Benedict’s arm, tenderly. Mr Benedict smiled. SQ slowly approached him. “He is cute. I have to admit,” he said. Mr Benedict stroked Nate’s head. “He’s the most beautiful boy. For once your father created something nice instead of evil,” he said. SQ agreed. Then, Nate grunted and rolled on his side. They both chuckled. SQ kissed his head. The baby made a soft, adorable babble. “Oh my. It’s just so beautiful,” Mr Benedict said. Then Curtain entered the room. They stopped smiling. Curtain smiled at Nate sleeping. “Well. He’s devoured his dinner, he’s had a diaper change, and now he’s in his slumber. How nice,” he gushed. He kissed Nate on the face. Mr Benedict frowned. “Babies don’t like to be kissed on their face when they’re asleep,” he said. “Well he does. He’s not bothered by it at all,” Curtain said. SQ looked at him. “Did you ever kiss me when i was asleep dad? You know, when i was a baby?” he asked. “No. I did not. I didn’t want to disturb you. Besides, you looked so adorable in your slumber,” Curtain replied. Mr Benedict was furious. “Oh, so you can kiss Nate but not your son?” he asked. Curtain frowned. “Like i said Nicholas, he was asleep. I didn’t want to disturb him,” he said. But SQ disagreed. “That’s not it though is it dad? You just didn’t want to give me any affection or love. In fact you still never do. You’re always cruel to me. You never have time for me and when you do you just treat me horribly. It’s like you love the baby more than me. I’m your son. He’s just an experiment to you,” he said. Curtain fell silent. Then he looked at SQ. “I’ve done nothing but love you. From the very day i adopted you i loved you. I’m sorry if it’s not good enough. I wasn’t loved much as a child. I grew up in a god damn orphanage. I wanted to give you the life i never had. You should be grateful. Instead you’re complaining. I’m sorry if i’m not the best father in this world, SQ. But nobody is perfect. No parent is perfect,” he replied. Mr Benedict sighed. “You’re using the past as an excuse to treat your son this way, and I won’t stand for it Nathaniel. Maybe i should get custody of him until you can prove that you can be a better father,” he said. Curtain was furious. “How dare you. I will not let you take my son. I won’t. You’ll have to fight me in court. I’ll get the best lawyers in this state against you, Nicholas,” he said. SQ felt terrible. He was caught in the middle. He watched sadly as the two brothers bickered. Nate grunted in his crib. “Stop it you’re going to wake him up,” he said. Mr Benedict went silent. Curtain did too, but not without scowling at each other.
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spookiifi · 2 years
Extreme Cuddling
No warnings. Just Moon being a cocky jealous bastard. Reader is gender neutral!
This is actually based off of the fact that I have an original foxy plush glaring at me right now.
ao3 link!
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Before Sun and Moon moved in, well, before the pizza plex burned down, you slept with stuffed plushies. Most of them being glamrock plushies and others that the Pizzaplex gave you instead of a raise.
You still did, until Moon found you cuddling a sun plushie one night while he was wandering your house. He was quiet enough for you to let him roam. To be honest, he didn’t give you a choice in the matter
You awoke to him poking your face, getting harsher every time.
“Moon what the hell? It’s 4 am dude.” Still groggy with sleep, you sat up in bed.
The 9 ft tall nap time attendant loomed over you, then locked onto the sun plushie in your arms.
“What is that?”
You had gotten used to holding different plushes that you barely noticed they were there. You didn’t have any pets, so they kept you company that’s really sad, wow forget I said that
“Oh right! Um...yeah about that.”
Moon’s faceplate swiveled back to you, his red eyes expanding into huge circles. 
“I know it’s childish but-HEY!”
He snatched the sun plush by it’s head and tossed it towards your laundry hamper. It let out a sad squeaky toy noise against the wall before falling. 
Without warning, he grabbed your waist, pulling you out of bed.
He twirled you around so your back was against him. Moon laughed as he flopped back dramatically on the bed with you still in his arms. You let out a surprised cry as you fell on top of his chest.
“What the fuck was that for?!”
“You’re cute when you’re heartbeat’s racing.”
Moon turned on his side, his arms still wrapped around you
Oh. It all made sense now.
“You’re jealous of a toy? That was your master plan?”
“God. You’re the worst, Moondrop.”
“But you love meee.” Moon ran his fingers through your hair.
He was right. You might as well get comfortable, since you weren’t going anywhere. It didn’t help that he was wearing one of the softest hoodies you made for him and sun.
Moon was your new pillow, and once again, you didn’t have a say in the matter. Your turned to face his chest as he pulled the covers over both of you.
“Aww. Nighty night.” 
“This isn’t going to be a regular thing, Moon.”
“That’s what you think. We’ll see tomorrow night.”
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laudthingcat · 3 years
Haikyuu captains when there’s only one bed // Part 1
Characters: Tetsuro Kuroo, Kotaro Bokuto, Wakatoshi Ushijima
Summary: the captains when they have to share a room with you, but there’s only one bed
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Tetsuro Kuroo:
The middle of the semester can get really boring, so alongside your group of friends, you decided to visit another city for the weekend
Everything has been spontaneous
So spontaneous that you guys left without even booking hotel rooms, sure of the fact that you’ll find something when you get there
Jokes on you
The only hotel you found open at the time you arrived, late at night, didn’t have enough rooms for everybody
“If you don’t mind, you may consider sharing the rooms?” the hotel staff said, an apologetical look on her face
After a few complains from the guys, you decided that it was the best option you got
So, as the grown ups you are, the room partners have been decided by raffling tickets with each other’s names on them
You looked around, trying to find the one who got the piece of paper with your name on it
Not too far away, you noticed Kuroo eyeing you, a big smirk on his face
I guess you found the one
You wished everybody a good night and then you headed towards your room, your temporary roommate following you, not too far away 
Entering the room, you stopped in the doorway 
There was only one bed
“What’s the problem kitten? You’re blocking the way” 
Then he looked around the room and understood, since the smirk was back on his face
He leaned down and whispered in your ear 
“I guess we gonna have to share the bed” 
“I guess one of us will have to sleep on the floor”
“Oh c’mon kitten. Not gonna do anything. Promise”
You didn’t listen so again, you decided who’s gonna take the bed by playing ‘rock, paper, scissors’ 
He won
Damn this game
He laughed at you all night for losing
But he kept inviting you to join him
“This bed is big enough for the two of us, ya know”
“Maybe. But I can sleep very well right here on the floor so don’t worry about me”
He tsk-ed in annoyance
Eventually you fell asleep
There’s no way he’d let you sleep all night on the floor
So when he was sure you were deep in your sleep, he carefully lifted and placed you on the left side of the bed
You woke up to somebody hugging you from the back
Curse this boy. You’re gonna have a talk with him. But that’s gonna be... later
Because his warmth felt kinda good
Bokuto Kotaro:
You were good friends with the Fukurodani boys, so when they told you their next match will be out of town, you didn’t think twice before tagging along
You didn’t miss one match and this wasn’t going to be an exception
Their manager took care of the rooms reservation, but what they didn’t know was that you didn’t book any room for yourself
You asked the hotel staff if there was any room left, and when they told you that unfortunately there wasn’t any, it was already too late to start looking for another place
Bokuto was with you all the time, so when he considered that there’s no other way, he told you that he can share his room with you
Because that’s what the captain should do, right?
You accepted without hesitation
You knew him for a while now so you were really close
Getting into the room you noticed that there’s only one bed
You turned your head so you could face him
As if he could understand your worries only by looking at your face, he smiled
“Don’t worry! I will sleep on the floor. You can have the bed” he said, patting your head
He didn’t wait for you to answer as he got some of his stuff and entered the bathroom
By the time he was done you were already in bed
As soon as you saw he started improvising a bed on the floor, you interrupted him
“There’s no way I’ll let you sleep on the floor. You’ve got an important match tomorrow”
He abandoned his improvised bed and quickly jumped onto the bed 
“Are you really fine with sharing the bed with me??” 
You were intending on switching places and letting him sleep on the bed, but when you heard him ask like that, with puppy eyes and enthusiastic voice, you couldn’t resist
You nodded your head and turned around so you back would be facing him, trying to avoid getting caught blushing
It was no use though 
He fell asleep immediately, and once he did, he unconsciously wrapped an arm around you.
You heart felt like it could explode any second now as you could feel his whole chest, pressed against your back
Why did it feel so right?
Wakatoshi Ushijima:
It was yet another victorious match for the Shiratorizawa team! To celebrate, their manager reserved a restaurant and organized a small party
Along a few other persons, you have been invited as well
You knew the boys and were pretty good friends with them, so you immediately accepted
The party has been amazing, but it ended very late at night
Your house was 1 hour away from the restaurant, and there was no bus available that late at night
You were also scared of going home by cab alone, thanks to the mysterious disappearances documentaries you kept watching
Ushijima noticed when you started panicking
“Everything alright?” 
You explained everything 
If he didn’t know you, he would never have done this
But since you were friends, he said it’s fine if you crash over his place for the night, because it was really close to the restaurant
Hearing him invite you over, with his incredibly deep voice and piercing gaze.. you blushed immediately 
But you accepted since that was the safest option
Tendou also invited himself, because he was “too tired” to get to his place
It didn’t take long to get to his house
Once Ushijima opened the door, Tendou took over the couch
“I’ll take this one. Nighty guys”
Ushijima only sighed and entered another room. You followed him.
It looked like it was his bedroom
“You will sleep on the bed. I will go sleep on the floor in the living room.”
You didn’t say anything, but you felt bad
He borrowed you a shirt and sweatpants
You looked at him, surprised, since you didn’t ask for spare clothes
“Your clothes looked uncomfortable so i thought..” 
He averted his gaze and started blushing
“I’ll be in the next room if you need anything. Good night”
You got changed and flopped onto the bed
But you couldn’t fall asleep as you kept thinking about him
Maybe what you were about to do was crazy, but being in his room, wearing his clothes and sleeping into his bed was already crazy
So you went for it
You got out of bed, and entered the living room where the boys were sleeping
Ushijima’s voice caught you by surprise, as you thought he’d be sleeping 
“Do you need anything?”
“Uhm, yes”
“What’s the matter?”
“Can you come over here for a bit?”
He carefully got up and entered the bedroom
“So? What is it?”
“I can’t sleep”
He gave you a puzzled look. “Is the bed uncomfortable?”
“No. That’s not it” 
Your heart was beating so fast and you could feel your cheeks burning already too
“I have to tell you something”
What you did caught him by surprise. You confessed your love. 
And what he did in return got you by surprise as well
He hugged you tightly
His warm body hugging you felt so comfortable
“Could you sleep here? With me?”
He left the room without saying anything and returned with his pillow. “If you don’t mind”
When you got into the bed, he confessed as well. He also said that he was disappointed because it was you who confessed first, but happy that you returned his feelings
The two of you spent the night into each other’s arms, talking about this and that, telling funny stories and recalling good memories you had together, until you both fell asleep
You woke up to Tendou intensely staring at the two of you
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
The Little Sister
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
A/N: Think this is slow enough of a burn?
Word Count: ~1,550
Pairing: Raymond Smith x F!reader/OFC; OMC x F!reader/OFC
Warnings: cursing, beginnings of masturbation (F), sexy thoughts
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You toss and turn in the bed. You’re pretty sure you’ve adjusted to the local time but for some reason you’re having trouble sleeping.  Your mind starts wandering, fantasizing about Ray. You and Brad were able to finally get in some sexy time but it lasted all of two minutes and didn't even get you off so you're still frustrated. You close your eyes and slide your hand down the front of the inside of your underwear, trying to imagine Ray's long slender fingers instead. Imagining Ray's gorgeous face in front of yours as he whispers naughty things to you. You remember how soft his lips felt on the back of your hand and starting thinking about where else you'd want to feel those luscious lips of his. Brad's sudden loud snoring interrupts your sexy thoughts. You huff and decide to get out of bed and head down to the kitchen to get some cold water to hopefully quench this thirst. When you get downstairs, you see the living room lamp is on. Curious, you walk in and run right into someone’s firm chest. You yelp and jump back.
“Ray?!” you whisper loudly.
“Hi, Y/N!” Ray greets. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to scare you," he says quietly, adjusting his glasses as his eyes scan you.
You then remember you’re wearing your short silky nighty. You didn’t expect to find anyone else up so you didn’t throw your robe on. You cross your arms over your breasts but you’re pretty sure he’s already got a glance at your nipples pointing out.
Ray looks a bit disheveled and tired. His tie is hanging loose around his neck, he's holding his waistcoat in his hand and his sleeves are rolled up. He smells like a mix of his cologne and whiskey. Maybe even a hint of marijuana.  
“W-what are you doing here so late?” You ask him.
“Michael and I had to finish up some important details for tomorrow.”
There is a moment of awkward silence.
“What are you doing up?” Ray asks.
“I couldn’t sleep.” 
“Is there something on your mind?”
His scent is intoxicating and it makes you want to jump on him. You open your mouth to say something but then stop yourself.
"No," you shake your head. "Maybe I'm still getting use to the time difference."
Ray hums and then leans in closer to your face, merely inches away. Your eyes meet his and you can feel your heart beating harder and faster. 
"I don't want to encourage my boss's wife's lit'el sister to do drugs, but try a lit'el puff of marijuana. It can help with sleep."
Being so close to you, you can feel the rumble and bass of his soft and deep low voice in your chest. You continue to look at him and you swallow and lick your lips, your mouth suddenly feeling dry.
"I-I will try that," you manage to say. One of the corners of Ray's lips turn up. You notice his eyes glancing down at your mouth and you mimic him until he finally puts some distance between you two.
"Well, I'm going to turn in. I have a super early day tomorrow. You have a good night." Ray starts walking off heading towards the stairs. 
"Wait--" You turn to follow him but you end up stubbing your toe and tripping. Ray quickly catches you. His hands are firmly gripping your waist and the front of your body is pressed up against his. His face is closer to yours than it was before. 
"Be careful, love. Can't have you falling for me now, can we?" Ray says. 
The both of you stay in that position for a few moments. Your body is now on fire from his touch, his closeness, his scent and now his words. Your breathing is labored. A man of his stature couldn't be bothered with someone like you, can he? 
Ray then helps you back up to your feet and separate the two of you.
"You... you're staying 'ere tonight?" you ask.
"Michael offers me one of the guest rooms whenever I stay late and am in no condition to drive," Ray answers. "You have a good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams." Ray smirks before heading up the stairs.
You finally go to the kitchen to get yourself an ice cold glass of water because you definitely need it now.
The next day you wake up pretty groggy from the lack of sleep but you didn't have plans for the day anyways. Brad decided to do fuck all and sit by the pool all day. You were going to catch up on some reading when you get a call from Ros.
"Hey, Rossy."
"'Ello. You want to meet for lunch today? Not sure if you 'ave any plans."
"No, didn't 'ave any. Thought maybe I'd just stay 'ome and fuck about." 
"Alright then. I 'ave to stop by the Princess Victoria anyway and thought I could use some company, but--"
"You know, I can use from fresh air," you jump in, tossing your book aside, not caring you lost your page.
"Well, alright. Is Brad coming along?" Ros asks.
You look out the window and glance over to where Brad is, comfortably lounging while on his phone.
"No, I think he's had a long week. He's going to stay 'ere." You quickly make your way to the bedroom to throw some decent clothes on. "See you in a bit, yeah?"
"Pick you up in 20?"
"I'll be waiting," you say before hanging up.
When you and Ros get to the Princess Victoria, you casually look around like it's your first time there. Well, you've been there before, but it's been a long while. 
"Good afternoon, Rosalind!" Bob greets from behind the bar. Bob nods at you and you politely do the same.
You follow Ros to the back of the pub where Mickey usually handles his business.
"Hello, love." Mickey gets up to greet his wife.
"Hi, babe," Ros greets Mickey with a kiss.
You look around and see no sign of Ray.
"Hi, Y/N. No Brad today?" Mickey asks.
"No, he's a bit knackered from all the sightseeing."
"There is a lot to see in London," Mickey nods. 
As you, Ros and Mickey are having lunch, you are hoping Ray shows up eventually. Or maybe not. After last night, you don't know if you're ready to see him again. Although the two of you wouldn't be alone so maybe it would be less awkward.
"So, uh, where's Ray?" you try to ask as casually as possible.
"He has a few errands to run," Mickey says and leaves it at that. 
"Does he have a family or something? I mean, I ran into him last night when I went to get up to um, use the loo and found out he was staying the night."
"You mean like wife and children? No," Ros answers. "He should find himself a nice wife though."
"He seems to spend a lot of time at the house."
"It's just the nature of his job," Mickey says. "I spend more time with him than with my own wife." 
You watch as Mickey looks over at Ros with complete love and adoration. You don't think you've ever seen Brad look at you that way. Ever.
You'd love to spend more time with Ray than Brad, actually. Maybe. Probably. Your body wants to at least. Suddenly you can't stop thinking about last night and how you wanted him to take you right then and there on the stairs, not caring if anyone heard the both of you. 
"So how are you and Brad doing? He seems like a... charming fellow," Mickey says.
"Uh, we're doing okay," you answer. "Why?"
"Just... small talk," Mickey shakes his head. "Don't mean anything by it."
"He's a cunt," Ros jumps in before taking a bite of her food.
"Ros--" Mickey warns.
"I ain't gonna fuck about. You Americans are too nice,” Ros says to Mickey. 
“I don't like Brad."Ros says to you.
"I know Brad can be a bit... " you're having trouble finding the right word.
"Daft? Stupid? Entitled?" Ros then looks over at Mickey. "Love, you can jump in at anytime." 
"I was going to say naïve and inexperienced," you tell her.
"You're naïve and inexperienced," Ros shoots back.
“Hi, boss.”
The three of you turn to Ray who just walked in. 
“Lovely to see the both of you.” Ray smiles at you and Ros and you each greet him. You notice Ray’s eyes lingering on you a bit longer than necessary as he walks further into the room. “I hope you all enjoyed your lunch. I’m sorry I have to pull Michael away. We have a meeting to attend to.”
“We’re just about done anyway,” Ros says. “I’ll see you at home.” Ros gives Mickey a kiss. 
“Later, Ray.” Ray nods at Ros as she walks past him.
“Bye Ray,” you smile. 
“Watch your step,” you hear him say lowly to you as you walk past him. You turn around and see him smirking at you.
You swear this man is going to be the end of you if the rest of your stay continues on this path.
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