#well I guess it is now but like come om
fantasyinallforms · 5 months
If I'm gone/lurking for a few days I didn’t die I'm just very fatigued and trying to claw my way out of a mental sinkhole I willingly jumped into. I'll probably still queue some stuff.
But when I do come back there's another deep dive. So yeah *finger gungs* brb peeps drink some water before I get back or something.
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wosoamazing · 4 months
Emails, Transfer Disputes and Harper
Summary: You get a long awaited email, there are some transfer disputes at camp and you spend time with Harper
Warnings: Some swearing, yelling I guess, angst (I think)
A/N: Plot twist..... maybe, maybe not?
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You were sitting against the back wall of the common room finishing off the last of your schoolwork for the day. When you got an email, not just an email, the email, you opened the email and started reading, not caring that essentially the rest of the team was in the room.
‘Dear Y/F/N Williamson, this email is regarding your senior education, blah blah, after many discussions within our team and consultations with Arsenal FC and Football Australia we have come to a decision on your request, blah blah, I am pleased to inform you that your request has been fulfilled in addition to the removal of all internal exams, which will instead be replaced with assignments, thus in your final year of your education you will have three assignments per subject to complete. Blah blah blah’
It’s safe to say a wave of relief flooded over you, you had put in this request 6 months ago, your final year of school was looming just 3 weeks away now, and so too were the Olympics in a year, tears started to stream out your eyes, you couldn’t believe it, you didn’t think they would say yes, the request was purely put in to see, no one thought they would say yes, let alone do more.
“What’s wrong” a soft voice said as a small hand was placed on your shoulder, you looked up to see sweet little Harper in front of you.
“These aren’t sad tears Harps, these are happy tears,” you replied to her, pulling her in for a great big hug.
“What’s happening, are you okay Y/N/N?” Steph said as her and Sam walked in totally confused, everyone turned around to see you tears streaming down you face, hugging harper, with a huge smile on your face, they were also totally confused.
“They, they said yes Steph,” “Who did? Wait. No, they said yes! Om my God, I’m so happy for you.”
“Who said yes?” “The education people, she-”
“Read,” you said shoving the computer into Steph’s hands, standing up, now holding Harper, who just pressed her head into the crock of your neck and relaxed, which Mini took a photo of, she had so many photos of you and Harper together, she could fill a stadium with them.
“Dear Y/F/N Williamson, this email is regarding your senior education, whatever, whatever, after many discussions within our team and consultations with Arsenal FC and Football Australia we have come to a decision on your request, whatever, I am pleased to inform you that your request has been fulfilled in addition to the removal of all internal exams, which will instead be replaced with assignments, thus in your final year of your education you will have three assignments per subject to complete. Whatever, whatever.” Said read the email out loud, her mouth dropped in shock. “Wait, they’re doing more?”
“Yep” you replied emphasising the P.
“Wait this means you are available to be picked for the Olympics now, we need to go to Tony”.
“You do know there is no guarantee you will be picked though right” someone said.
“Uh, have you seen the girl play,” Sam responded.
“She makes the oppositions defence look like a joke; trust me I’ve been on the other side of it” Alanna added.
“Anyway, if I don’t get picked for this team, I have been promised there is a spot for me on another team. I’ll tell Tony tomorrow; I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been told as well though.”
“You know what I loved to see you place against Barca,”
“Well, if you accept Emma’s offer that could hap-” Sam started but you cut her off “Yeah and if I accepted Barca’s offer I could play for Barca.”
“Wait, you’ve got offers from Barca and Chelsea?” Steph asks.
“Yeah, and City, and like basically every other club, can we not talk about this right now?”
“But have you actually thought about this, this is serious,” “Yeah, I’m not an imbecile contrary to what you may think, Arsenal found out and offered more than Barca and Chelsea, but they raised them, I told Arsenal, and they are coming back to me,”
“Wait, Emma raised her offer? She was already offering more than she pays me, that’s insane, and Barca did too, and Arsenal might raise them again.” Sam questions with surprise in her voice.
“Yeah” you say back to her, slightly insulted by how much shock she is in.
“So, you’re staying at Arsenal?” Caitlin askes.
“I don’t know, I have to think about it, talk to my parents about it, have the dreaded conversation with Leah, honestly Leah is probably the reason Arsenal is trying to raise again, if I go, she’ll probably go too. But even if she doesn’t go lets be honest, the team works the way it does and its successful because of the dynamic we have, a very fragile dynamic at that, with any one of us gone, its going to fall down a cliff, which is risky, its risky to stay at Arsenal, Barca might not ever offer this sort of money again, or even worse they might not ever give me an offer again” you pause for a moment before you put Harper on the ground “why don’t you go back to your Mama” she nods and walks back over to Mini, who sends you an apologetic look, she knew why you put Harper down and it shouldn’t have to be that way but it is “Arsenal is the dream team, you are all amazing everyone there is my family, but Barca is also the dream team, playing with the best players day in day out at training, competing against some of the best, a +66 goal difference, I mean how could you not want that, and the fact that they increased their offer after Arsenal raised them that means something, you get an offer at Barca you jump at it you, don’t look at the figure, you don’t question, we all know how it works, you question, you hesitate Barca takes the offer away, and Lucy and Kiera say everyone there is super friendly and lovely and they think I would fit right in.”
“You’ve spoken to Lucy Bronze and Kiera Walsh about Barca? But haven’t mentioned a word about it to anyone at Arsenal, your club”.
“Yeah, it’s not like I owe you guys anything”.
“So, Chelsea isn’t on the cards th-” “No Sam Chelsea isn’t on the cards, Chelsea was never on the fucking cards, it was always going to be Baraca or Arsenal. Why am I letting you all do this to me? It’s my decision. It’s my fucking life! I’m going up” you start to walk away, before you turn around and look at Sam and Steph “and don’t you dare even think to follow me,” and with that your gone.
“Shit” Sam said.
“Well, we fucked that one up,” Steph added.
“Yep, you did” Raso replied as she got up.
“Where are you going?”
“To go check on her,”
“But-” “no, that was directed at you two, and also anyone else who said something, I’m neutral territory here”.
The team was left in silence until Steph broke it “Shit, I have our Room key. We were on better terms this morning; we didn’t think she would need her own”.
“I’ll go up, give it here, she probably won’t want to stay in there tonight anyway. She can stay with me. Here Charli take Harper, I’ll be back down for her though”.
“Hey kid, are you okay?” Hayley asks you; she seems very hesitant, she didn’t get much else in before Mini came up.
“Rass, I’ve got it from here” Mini said, Hayley got up and left, knowing this was more of a Mini job.
Mini sat down next to you, “No, but are you okay?” she asks while putting an arm around your shoulders, a few tears escape your eyes, which you quickly and aggressively wipe away.
“I-I, I don’t know” you sigh.
“They shouldn’t have done that, they immediately regretted it, but still they shouldn’t have done that, it’s absolutely incredible that, this is happening, they should be happy for you, but I think they let their pride and hurt egos get in the way.”
“I just don’t understand how they can go from talking about how ‘amazing’ I am to then being surprised I got an offer from more than one club, and from big clubs at that.”
“Yeah, I know, I think Steph was a bit caught out, she spends so much time with you and-”
“Yeah, but it’s not like anyone knew, not even Leah”.
“Yeah, I know, I think Steph was truly caught off guard, you talk like Arsenal is your home and then just blurt out you’re thinking about moving, I don’t think she thought you had thought about it.”
“Well, Arsenal is my home, but they say home is where the heart is, and I think if you take out the players my heart isn’t there, and I just feel like things are getting too easy at Arsenal, and I want a change, I’ve been part of arsenal for so long, first through Leah, then the academy and now, I love arsenal, it will always hold a piece of my heart, but I think I need to move, I want to improve, and that’s not going to happen at Arsenal”
“Well, that was easy”.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty certain you’ve made your decision, you just need to tell Leah, and the others. Trust me, once they get over their hurt egos, and feelings of betrayal they will be happy for you, and Leah has already been caught off guard by you once”.
“Yeah okay, where is my number one supporter by the way?”
“Oh she is downstairs with Charli, I thought it was best if I left her down there so we could have an adult conversation, but I have this which you might want.” She hands you your room key, “get the stuff you’ll need for tonight and tomorrow, you can have a sleepover with harper and me tonight, she is going to be so excited.”
“Y/N/N!” Harper exclaims when she walked into her room to find you sitting there.
“Harper” you exclaim back matching her energy, she jumps into your arms, and you throw her into the air and catch her, before jumping onto the bed, “what do you want to do?”
“Ice cream?” you look over to Mini.
“Why not, let’s go”. You Mini and Harper go out to ice-cream together, as you walk past the others in the common room you just ignore them, they all seem to be sitting in an awkward silence.
“Harper, you are all sticky, where are the wipes?” you exclaim as harper smushes her sticky face into you for a hug after she had finished her ice-cream.
“Here,” Mini slides the wipes over to you.
“No don’t, hey come back here,” Mini pulls her phone out to film the two of you, harper is running around the park to get away from you and you’re chasing her with a wipe in either hand.
“Ha, got you,” you say as you grab her, proceeding to wipe her sticky face and hands.
“Park?” “You want to go play in the park?” Harper nods her head, so you take her hand and walk over to the park together, you spent most of the afternoon in the park. You pushed harper on the swings. Unsuccessfully taught her how to pump herself on the swings. You went down the slide, a few too many times. Your afternoon was finished off by teacher harper how to do the monkey bars, which she was very good at – with help of course. Mini sat at the table while you two played, she looked up every now and then to check things were okay, but she seemed to make many phone calls, usually you would ask who it was, but you were having too much fun with harper to care.
“I just won’t have dinner tonight, I’ll be fine,” “No, you will be going to dinner, Tony said he wanted everyone there, especially after what happened today, and no one is allowed to leave until he has spoken to us” you huff “Come on lets go now, you can sit with us, just sit at one of the back tables, you can then sit somewhere so you don’t have to see them,” Mini said as she dragged you up.
“Here take her, go sit, I’ll get food,” Mini says handing Harper to you as you walk into the dining room,  there are only 4 people in there currently not including you three, yet somehow one of the people you really don’t want to see is standing at the food bar. You go and find a seat, Mini comes back, with food. You have finished yours, but Harper hasn’t even touched her diner, she insists you feed her, so that you do, until Mini saw something.
“Um,” “What?” “I’ll message you,” she pulls out her phone, you phone vibrates on the table, and you quickly pick it up to read her message.
Gorry: Steph just walked in, gave Sam a dirty look as she walked past and Sat down at a different table.
Your jaw drops and Mini nods her head, you make questioning eyebrows at her and she just shrugs. You two captains always sat next to each other during mealtimes, or at least at the same table, you were often seen with them too but every now and then you sat with others, trying to expand your social circle. So, the fact that they aren’t sitting together is very odd.
After everyone had basically finished their dinner Tony got up, and started to talk, “Girls, I would just like to say the behaviour today was unacceptable, and I am extremely ashamed at the actions of our captains and older teammates, if anything it was our youngest teammate who showed the most maturity by walking away. Please know that if this sort of behaviour ever happens again on camp there will be punishment, and I’m not just talking laps. Steph and Sam can I talk to you outside please, the rest of you are free to enjoy your night.”
“I can’t believe I am having to do this girl, and I still can’t believe I saw what I saw this afternoon.” Tony starts yelling at your captains not realising the door hasn’t shut completely.
“Wait what happened? Why am I not getting in trouble, he wasn’t there was he?” you ask Mini.
“I don’t know, and no he wasn’t”.
“Oh boy did you two miss something, it was kind of good you left when you did,” Macca started.
“Yeah so basically once you had gotten harper and left, Steph finally broke the really awkward silence and asked Sam why she reacted the way she did when you said Arsenal raised and then Barca and Chelsea did again, and Sam was like ‘She is only sixteen and getting paid more than me, and I’m assuming you too’, which to be honest was a low blow, like she just attacked Steph there but anyway, Steph then said ‘Well, yeah she is fucking good’, and Sam replied ‘oh course you would say that,’ Steph asked her what she meant and she was like ‘oh well she’s your little mini me, always with you, always coming to you for help, and you always drop everything to help her, you act as if she is the sun and we all revolve around her’ which obviously Steph was taken aback by and was like ‘Oh, so now I’m the bad guy for not only fulfilling my captain duties but being a nice person, you know Sam we are meant to be approachable and help our teammates especially the younger ones, and of course she comes to me for help, she’s a kid, like we joke Kyra and Charli and all that are kids but she is actually a kid, you have to take more care with her, help her more, help her understand. Just because your ego is hurt at the fact that a 16-year-old is going to get paid more than you and you don’t know how to feel because a 16-year-old is better than you doesn’t mean you can take it out on me, and you are blind if you actually were surprised that Barca and Chelsea raised their offers again, she is incredible, will be the player of her generation,’ and then Sam just scoffed and was like ‘whatever you suck up’ and then Tony walked in and got super mad and send us all to different rooms and stuff” Hayley gives you both a brief recount of the day.
“Yeah, you really did miss a lot,”
“Yeah, it seems we did,”
“But wait Steph was protecting me, I thought she was having a go at me? I think I was just so mad at Sam; I kept it going”.
“Yeah no, originally I don’t know if she was having a go or just questioning but after you left, she really did confront Sam and I mean Sam was in the wrong, Steph could’ve just dealt with it in a better way.”
“I think someone is tired, should we head up?” you say, after Harper yawns, looking at Mini for confirmation who nods, you pick harper up and rest her on your hip, she puts her head on your shoulders and her eyes start to droop. Once you arrive to your room you get dressed into your Pjs and so does Harper, you both already have had your showers for the day.
A phone vibrates and look over to mini, “that was you”, so you pick up your phone to see a message from Steph.
Steph: Hey can we talk? I understand if you don’t want too.
You: Hey um yeah but it’s easier if we message, Harper has fallen asleep on top of me.
Steph: Yeah, no that’s fine, I don’t know if I’m allowed to come out of our room anyway and if you even allowed to come in.
You: Oh
Steph: But I just wanted to say sorry for what happened this afternoon, I was out of line, and I just want to apologise, I am really sorry.
You: For what happened when I was there or what you said to Sam?
You: But in all honesty, it’s okay, I was getting defensive at Sam and snapped at you when you didn’t deserve it you were just questioning. But also thank you for stepping up and confronting Sam for me even if it got you in trouble.
Steph: Wait who told you about that?
Steph: But I was just telling her the truth and really, I should’ve stopped her earlier, it shouldn’t have gotten to the point that you had to walk away.
You: It’s okay Steph, I promise I forgive you but maybe not Sam, at least not yet. She was mean to both of us.
Steph: Okay, I will make it up to you I promise.
You: Hmmm, I will think about what I want…..
Steph: I never said I would by you anything, maybe I was just going to be nice, get you out of fitness testing
You: Hey no, that isn’t nice, I looove fitness testing
Steph: Weirdo
You: Hey
You: Love you heaps, good night (well not for you but for me), see you tomorrow, I can’t wait to see you! I have so much to tell you.
You: Shit that was meant for Leah not you
You: But love you anyway, see you in the morning.
Steph: Love you, sorry again, night night
You were standing at the breakfast bar contemplating your morning meal like you were contemplating life when you saw Steph walk in, you immediate walked over to her and hugged her, in which she returned wrapping her arms around you tightly as if to never let go, you could really sense her guilt, you stayed like that for at least a minute and only pulled away because Sam wanted to talk to you.
“Hey, I’m sorry for yesterday, I shouldn’t have said what I said, and I’m really sorry” she said very awkwardly.
“Okay, thank you.” You say bluntly before walking away.
“What so she is hugging you, but I don’t even get an I forgive you?”
“Well, she doesn’t like lying and I don’t think she does forgive you yet,” Steph said before walking away and following you.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
And the other one is for Yandere cowboy Knoxx,inspired by the previous what if,
what if reader is an immigrant wanting to work a job with high salary that's why she was at Knoxx's town,and reader want to visit her family back at her hometown,will Knoxx come and how would he greet reader's family?will he be accepted?What would he do to achieve his rightful place beside reader without murdering reader's family?
Yandere! Cowboy x New in town! Teacher! Fem! Reader
WHAT IF: The reader goes back to the city, but this time with Knoxx?
Okay. For Knoxx not to go haywire by the prospect of darling going home, this meant that there will be an established relationship! So, the reader is still a teacher, and is actually together with Knoxx already. You're an immigrant from a foreign country. Guess which one?
This one will also be short!
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Knoxx remembered the first time you got here in this town.
You, helping Red from getting washed away by the river, you in your teacher uniform, him staking his claim while putting a hat on you...
It felt so long ago.
Now, you're in a relationship with him.
He heard about your story from your own mouth.
An immigrant, you moved here in order to have a higher paying job. Especially that the country you came from had a weaker currency. So more money.
He admired your hardworking spirit, and vowed to help you as much as he can.
You're an amazing teacher. Despite being from a foreign country going to a small, tight knit town, everyone loved you. You're smart, kind, generous, and really good at teaching kids.
No wonder everyone was so on board with you dating Knoxx.
And, when you told Knoxx about your plans on going home AND introducing him, he was through the moon.
"Darlin! Are you sure? Then yes! I will gladly meet yer family!" He grinned, thinking of how it would be nice to meet the people who reared you to be such an amazing person.
The flight there was a bit scary, but Knoxx held you tight. Despite being rich, it was his first time flying. Because most of the time he was just in the town. The only time he left was for University.
You giggled, holding his hand and giving him the warmest smile with a squeeze on his hand.
"Calm down, okay?" You whispered, giving him a kiss on his temple that made him relax in your touch.
Touching down, he felt his heart pump wildly in nervousness.
He's a family man. The Wyatt's were known to be a tight knit family. So he's naturally eager to get the approval of yours too.
"Mama! I'm here!" You yelled.
Suddenly, footsteps raced towards the both of you and the gates opened.
"Iha! Come! Come!" Your mother, in her bestida, welcomed you back in her arms.
Your mother suddenly stilled, looking up at Knoxx who only flinched and bowed down.
"Hello missus! I am Knoxx, yer daughter's boyfriend." He said. His voice low and respectful. His cowboy hat perched on his chest.
"Ah! Knoxx! It's you, the cowboy! Ay, come in you too!" Your mother's thick accent comforted Knoxx, like a warm blanket covering him.
You both got inside the house, and the luggage were immediately taken by your siblings by the order of your mother.
"Is Papa here?" You asked.
"Ah, Papa's working. He's always busy you know." Your mother shooked her head. "Anyways, you both must be tired! Let's eat! I cooked sinigang."
Knoxx felt at home.
Your hometown is a province, filled with farmlands and ranches. It was the same as Knoxx's, and he knew he would have a great time spending time here.
"You have an amazing place 'ere, missus!" Knoxx said, looking around the knick knacks, medals, trophies, picture frames, and random memorabilia in your home. "It's very 'omely."
"Oh we try, cowboy." Your mother said. "Now come, let's eat."
Days passed by, and Knoxx integrated well with your family. Your dad likes him very much due to him being a rancher and also somebody well versed with farming. Your siblings treated him like a real brother, playing with him on the fields. Your mother spoiled him, cooking him your country's foods he never got to try.
Knoxx looked really happy.
And as you watched Knoxx help your father till the fields with a carabao and an old style tiller, you knew you found the man in your life.
Knoxx is sweet like that fr fr. He would never kill your family nor you. But, friends and acquaintances are not safe though LMAO
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Marcy: (trying to draw a page of her webcomic but keeps losing focus because of music from outside the room)
Lily, Percy, & Maddie: (listening to the music)
Marcy: (comes out) Will you turn that down?! What even is that?! It just sounds like noise!
Lily: Aw, c'mon, mom! It's the newest style!
Percy: Yeah! Get with it!
Marcy: ...
Maddie: Mommy? Mommy...? Moooooooommmmyyyyyyy...?
(Marcy flashbacks to when she and Anne were hanging out in her room as teenagers)
Mrs. Wu: (bursts in) Will you turn that racket off?! It's just a bunch of noise anyway!
Anne: It's not noise, Mrs. Wu! It's K-Pop!
Marcy: Don't waste your breath, Anne. She wouldn't understand. She's not with it.
Mrs: Wu: (crosses her arms) Oh, yeah? Well, I used to be "with it." But then they changed what "it" is. Now, whatever I'm "with" isn't "it" and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me. And mark my words, it'll happen to you!
(End of flashback)
Lily: -om? Mom? Are you okay?
Percy: Do you need to sit down?
Marcy: No, I'm fine... I think I just need a glass of water or something.
[Sasha comes home]
Sasha: I’m home! How’re my babies?
Calamity Siblings: *”Hi Mom”s mixed with mumbling*
Lily: Oh yeah, Mama Marcy is in her room crying after she asked us to turn our music down.
Sasha: Really? That’s why? Hmm, well I’m going to go check on her. I’ll be back depending on what happened.
[Sasha goes to Marcy’s office where she’s working on some sad art while dramatically crying]
Sasha: Marbles, what’s wrong?
Marcy: Sashy, I-I-I-I’m not with it anymor-or-ore! I’m old!!
Sasha: Oh, I see. Well I’ll let you in on a secret. I haven’t understood most of the new slang my patients have used in the last 5 years. So if anyone’s an old lady it’s me. And I think I’m still pretty hot, don’t you?
Marcy: Y-yeah. Smoking’.
Sasha: So you’ve nothing to fear about being old. Anne and I still love you and always will. Let’s turn into hot old ladies together, okay?
Marcy: *giggling* okay, okay. I guess I should’ve expected I’d eventually get out of the loop considering the internet moves way faster with trends and memes.
Sasha: That’s my wife, my adorable lil optimistic nerd.
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burst-of-iridescent · 4 months
atla live action thoughts: episodes 3 & 4
tw: opinions
things i liked:
jet, you beautiful, beautiful man. had me twirling my hair and kicking my feet fr i NEED this show to get a season 2 just so i can see more of him in the ba sing se arc please netflix
but looks aside, sebastian amoruso DELIVERED on the performance. the softness, the vulnerability, the charm, the intelligence, yet also the ruthlessness beneath it all? KILLED IT.
the moment between him and katara where he tells her to remember her mother as she was alive and not just her death was absolutely lovely. “remember the sunrise” made me very emotional
on that note, can’t believe jetara fake marriage is canon now lmao
i am SO here for desi omashu. i love the vibe and aesthetic of the city and again the visuals are STUNNING. live action repping the south asians better than the original ever did i’ll be honest
shameless fan service but “MY CABBAGES” being so fucking dramatic had me dying
of all the things i expected from the atla live action, secret tunnel and omashu being lesbians wasn’t even on the list but i’m not mad. hilarious that they turned the cave of two lovers into the cave of two platonic siblings though
jet, omashu and northern air temple arcs actually meshed together better than i thought. the NAT episode never sat well with me in the original so i’m glad they moved them to omashu instead.
the freedom fighters were RIGHT OUT OF THE ANIMATION. casting directors absolutely killed
love that they showed resistance movements within the fire nation and azula being part of rooting them out. it’s a nice nod to the deserter, since i’m guessing they’re not including that episode
really glad to see that the atla live action is following the tradition of having weirdly unnecessary zutara crumbs in every iteration of the story because what in the om shanti om was that zutara scarf moment. 10/10 no notes
having one of the earthbenders transporting iroh be angry over losing a loved one because of iroh’s siege of ba sing se was a really great change. i’ve always thought the original glossed over the true extent of the damage iroh did, so having him come face to face with what he’d done in the past was a great way to add some complexity
“how dare you beat up that child!” everyone go home seeing zuko being beat up by a random old lady is the highlight of this series. really love that they were just running around throwing things at each other that was major book 1 zuko/aang fight energy lmao
leaves from the vine instrumental was 100% to inflict emotional damage and it fucking worked. the scene between zuko and iroh at lu ten’s funeral was so beautiful & then to have it flipped around at the end when iroh says “everything i need is on this boat”… fuck you for this netflix i didn’t need these tears today
things i disliked/am conflicted about:
not a fan of what they’re doing with katara’s character. they’re toning down a lot of her rage and fierceness, and boiling her down to “trauma over mother’s death.” in the original katara didn’t freeze jet and splash water at him because he tried to fight her, she did it because she was hurt and pissed off! there’s no way animated katara would’ve just run away from jet without sending a water whip at his face first. i’m concerned for how the pakku fight is gonna go tbh
bumi my guy, what did they do to you 💀 this series seems hellbent on having everyone remind aang that he ran away which doesn’t work when a) you already changed aang actively running away to him just going off for a break and b) you’ve made that point! the original omashu episode was about bumi teaching aang to look at the world differently, here it just weirdly feels as though he’s punishing aang by venting all his anger and despair on him?? that’s NOT what animated bumi was like & they didn’t even have the two of them go sliding down the delivery system in the flashbacks so adding it in at the end felt very out of nowhere. they didn’t even genuinely seem to be FRIENDS
having aang immediately figure out it was bumi was… sigh. can we please not do the thing where characters already know everything it’s giving me trauma flashbacks to the percy jackson show
jet’s plan feels more reasonable here than it did in the original. i get they’re trying to show that he didn’t care about the collateral damage to innocent people and that’s bad, but idk him wiping out an entire town unilaterally felt more extreme than a few bombings.
heavily dislike what they’ve done with zhao. i know they’re trying to show him clawing his way to power but that’s more of a long feng move than a ZHAO move. it’s important that zhao always holds more power than zuko and that he has an overinflated sense of ego from the start for him to fulfil his narrative purpose of serving as a warning to zuko of what he might become.
i like seeing mailee but why are they in this show? it feels as though they’re cardboard cutouts there for fan service instead of being actual characters
overall i liked these episodes better than the previous two & i do enjoy how action-packed and visually pleasing the show has been so far.
overall rating: 8/10 for episode 3, 7/10 for episode 4
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ijjstlostthegame · 4 months
Hobby (ggrey JD drabble)
Floyd is honestly amazed by his brother's work, genuinly hes impressed, building a bunker this big and efficient mustve been hard and took lots of dedication, he is absolutely enamoured by the functionality of this place
But also very annoyed
Dont get him wrong this place is amazing, but boy is it buikt like a maze, he has no idea wgere hes going half the time
And right now hes been looking for his eldest brother for half an hour to no avail.
He hasbt seen John all day and he just wanted to check on him but now hes considering giving up and waiting for his brother to just show up naturally from wherever he is.
That is of course until he found hinsekf passing by a slightly ajar door with light emmitting from it, and the sound of humming could be heard.
"found you" he said to himsekf before approaching the door and knocking on it, manners always come first of course.
The humming ceases and floyd heard shifting inside before JD emerged from the other side, his brother looked surprised to see him at the door.
"Floyd? What are you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with branch today" John asks.
"yeah, well Branch went with clay to introduce him to princess Poppy, you know" he answered with a sly smirk on his face that his older brother read clearly as hesmirked back at him.
"i see i see" John says with a smirk, then they just stand there in silence for a good 5 seconda that felt longer, John clears his throat nervously.
"well... Woukd you like to come in?" he asks sounding unsure of himself, floyd smiles at the invitation, he really never had that much time to hang out with his brother alone.
"sure!" he replies, "if you don't mind of course"
"no no itd fine, i dont mind" JD replies, a nervous edge to his voice that Floyd doesnt miss.
John gets out of the way and bak into the room so floyd could enter.
"this is my workshop" JD says as floyd follows behind him, "I make stuff here"
Floyd looked around in mesmerisation, the workshop had a lot of things, a lot of tools and materials, an abstract painting here and there, but what caught his breath was the amount of wooden sculptures that sat on shelves covering the walls
He never knew John had a knack for carving wood, these sculptures were amazing he resisted the urge of just grabbing one and keepingbit forever
"i never knew you could do this" Floyd says looking back at his brother who wad sat infront of a station, focusing on what Floyd assumes is another work or project ofhis brother's.
"yeah, its something i picked up to pass the time" JD answers as Floyd gets closer to see what he's working on, "i started with carving lots of wooden stakes" JD explains as he points to a big pile of stakes discarded in the corner, "but a year ago i decided that maybe feeding into my paranoia isn't the best option so i stopped doing that and started carvibg otger things" he does ome finishing touches and lifts a tiny figure of Floyd, a younger Floyd and hands it over to his brother, "then thatjust spiraled into all of this" he finishes gesturing towards the room.
Floyd inspects the little younger him in his hands in awe.
"woah... Its so detailed, this is amazing"
John smikes warmly at the compliment before taking back the little Floyd so he can finish his work.
"thanks, i got a good reference i guess" he says pointing to a picture frane on top of the desk, it was a picture of him and all of his brothers togerher, well... All of them excoet for John...
Floyd stares at the picture for a bit, maybe a long time, as he swears that he has an exact copy of said picture with John Dory standing at the far right, but here he just seems to be... Removed from it, Floyd spares one concerned glance at his brother before clearing his throat.
"well ehat are you working on right now?"
John doesnt look up from his work, completely concentrated.
"I'm making a sculpture of all the family together in the past" John answers, Floyd smiles about to ask more before he was cut off by john, "this is the final pieace and I'll be done"
Floyd's smile drops
Cause JD saying that Floyd's figure is the last pieaxe means that nothing more will be added after it, abd looking down on the actual thing, there seems to be a lack of John Dory in there.
Which is stupid cause JD said that hes making the whole family, but hes excluding himself.
Floyd looks back at the picture frame before getting a determined look on his face.
"Can you teach me?" he asks and John pauses, seeming thrown for a loop.
"teach me! This hobby seems very fun i wanna have a try at it" he pushes on abd John stares back at him in surprise.
He looks surprised that Floyd wanted to spend more time with him
Floyd was about to speak again but a small smile cracks on JD's face.
"You want me to teach you?" John asks the smike growing, "I mean- yeah! Sure I'll teach you", Floyd thinks that this is the first time hes heard JD so excited in years.
John gets up and brings more would and another chair and set it next to him.
Floyd sat down and the lesson began
While he was doing that he also found himself falling into conversations with his brother, getting to know him more, it was fun, really fun
And at the end of the day, a new figure of Floyd's making was added to John's little project, a smalk figure of his eldest brother smiling and standing right there with them, as it always shoukd be
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sillygraham · 7 months
I Guess ✯
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pairing 。⁠*゚⁠+ jill valentine x fem ! reader
warnings 。⁠*゚⁠+ angst , hurt no comfort , break up , pet names (baby, babe ect.) , ooc (?) , not proof read , poor grammar...maybe , messy writing , very short sorry
a/n 。⁠*゚⁠+ i was writing this while i was still upset over my breakuo but now om fine.now. sorry for no posts lolol...i might post a bday special soon bcus my bday was like days ago too LMAO...I rly dont like rhis as well its so messy and i have like.major writers block🥹🥹
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I guess, I guess, I guess this is the end / I’ll have to learn to be somebody else / It’s been you and me since before I was me / Without you, I don’t yet know quite how to live
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You considered her your soulmate and you thought she did as well. If only you knew she had been planning to leave you.
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Jill had came back from her recent mission in Alcatraz and you jump to greet her.
“Hi, baby, how was the mission?” you go in for a hug only for her to push her arm out, rejecting your hug.
“It was...fine. Like any other mission.” words are muttered as she pushes past you to put her bag down.
“Oh. Okay, well, it's nice to have you back home.” smiling, trying to cover to ache in your heart. She rarely ever rejected your hugs after missions, she even said she loves your embrace after. You follow behind her as she walks to the kitchen.
“So...do you want to d—”
“Can you just leave me alone right now.” you blink, trying to process her reaction. You nod, understanding the mission was probably a lot. You never know what happens with those but all you know is that there's probably a chance one day she won't come home.
You sit down at the kitchen table to finish your work while Jill rummages through the fridge.
For the rest of the day, Jill avoids you. She just stays in the living room watching some television.
It's night time now - you're worried about how Jill's acting.
“Babe, you gonna come to bed?” voice quiet, you place your hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off and mutters a ‘no’
Nodding, you go to the bedroom and soon fall asleep.
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You're awaken to the sound of rustling and hurried steps. Reaching over to Jill — she's not there and her side is freezing. She hasn't came to lay down at all. You look at the time, it being 4:38 a.m.
What is she doing up this late?
Sitting up from your spot, you use your phone screen to shine around the room and you notice Jill is rummaging through her wardrobe.
“Babe? What're you doin’...” voice groggy from just waking up and you notice she stiffens for a moment.
“I'm sorry but—” a beat. Pure silence while the two of you stare at eachother.
“We're done.”
A pit in your stomach forms, an ache forming in your chest, at a lose for words. Everything hurts, you can only utter the word —
You get off the bed and walk towards her, you reach to rest your hand on her shoulder and she moves away.
“I'm sorry.”
She finishes packing her bags while you go back on the bed, the only thing filling the silence of the room was your choked out sobs.
Jill looks back at you and grabs her bags, uttering one last ‘goodbye’.
Now you're left alone in your bed that feels freezing, alone with your sobs and the memories you had of the great times the two of you had.
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a/n 2 。⁠*゚⁠+ im also in Another relationship. with the same person. i loce them si juch :3
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incessanttranquility · 7 months
Since I still don't feel sleepy yet, I have decided to make Part Two of Cook-Off! :33
Gehenna's First Ever Cook-Off! (Part 2)
Dish : Breakfast.
Minhyeok : For my dish, I'll be cooking fried rice with scrambled eggs, this is one of the few dishes that I cook for them for breakfast actually. I decided to basically just go for the dishes I cook for them on a daily basis, since I always do the cooking.
WHB!Satan : I forgot what fuck these are called, but they're flat and needs to be cooked in a pan, yeah, so this'll be my dish. Like I said, their mind will be so fucking blown once they taste this.
Sitri : Solomon would probably like some egg toast with tea, so I'm going to make it for them. I hope they'll like this more than Minhyeok's dish.. *Glares at Minhyeok again.*
OM!MC : While our contestants are busy preparing their meal, let's have a word from our judge once again, WHB!MC?
WHB!MC : Holy shit I don't know which dish that smell is coming from, but it smells so fucking good.. makes my mouth water.
OM!MC : Alrighty! Seems that our judge is getting hungry, so while we wait, let's have a word from our other guests once again.
MM!MC : I think Minhyeok is gonna win this cook-off if I'm gonna be honest, my man is literally so wife-coded
TWST!Yuu : Whoever's dish is that smell coming from literally just made me hungry again.
WHB!Leviathan : *Just got to the contest, already jealous of the contestants cooking for WHB!MC*
OM!Solomon : I wonder what they're cooking :D
WHB!Satan : *Pan is on fire but he doesn't give an absolute shit about that, way too smug to even care about the pancakes looking like a round flat piece of charcoal*
OM!MC : And..times up! Contestants, please present your dish.
Minhyeok : I made fried rice with scrambled eggs.
WHB!MC : Tastes good as always, I love you so fucking much literally, you're officially my wife now.
Minhyeok : :o :D
Sitri : *Gets even more jealous as a dark aura emits from him, he's not jealous, totally!*
OM!MC : Alright then, judge what would you rate this dish?
WHB!MC : If only I could rate this infinite stars I would've done that, but since it's only from 1 to 5 stars, I'm obviously gonna rate it a five.
OM!MC : It seems that Contestant number 1, Minhyeok has done a great job with his dish, it seems that he might be on the lead, next contestant.
WHB!Satan : Whatever the fuck these are called, I decided it would be my dish. *Literally just being smug about it*
OM!MC : ..Satan what the fuck is that?
WHB!Satan : Didn't I fucking say it already? I don't know what these are called. *Crunches teeth*
WHB!MC : ..It just straight up tastes like fucking charcoal, and my teeth feels like it just shattered into bits of pieces.
OM!MC : Well, his pan was on fire earlier while he was cooking, but I guess he was a little bit too smug to even care..
WHB!MC : ..Oh.
OM!MC : ...Alright, judge, what would you rate this sad excuse of a piece of round flat ass charcoal?
WHB!MC : I don't want to disappoint him nor make him mad because, y'know what will happen next If I do, so I'm gonna rate it three stars.
WHB!Satan : >:D
OM!MC : ..Next contestant.
Sitri : Solomon, I made egg toast and tea just for you.
WHB!MC : This tastes pretty good honestly.
Sitri : I am really glad that you like it, Solomon.
OM!MC : Hm, it seems that Contestant number 3, Sitri is trying to challenge Contestant number 1, Minhyeok, who will be on the lead? Sitri, or Minhyeok? We shall find out once our judge rates Sitri's dish. Judge, what would you rate this dish?
WHB!MC : I'm gonna give it a four, I like how it's simple but It didn't really spark anything special to me, still it's good though.
OM!MC : Great, Minhyeok is currently in the lead with Satan being the last.
Sitri : That human.. *glares at Minhyeok again*
WHB!Satan : I don't give a flying fuck If I'm the last, I can just make their mind blow even more with my next dish.
Minhyeok : I actually wasn't expecting to be in the lead, but I'm glad WHB!MC really liked my dish. *Smiles*
OM!MC : Before we move on, let us have words from our other guests.
WHB!Leviathan : ..I'm so fucking jealous of them, I should be the one cooking for WHB!MC.
OM!Solomon : I'm excited to see their next dish :D
TWST!Yuu : ..WHB!MC was being a bit too generous for those charcoal pancakes.
MM!MC : Knew it, my man Minhyeok is gonna win this, right Ppyong?
Ppyong : Yes! My human friend Minhyeok will certainly win this, aye! But don't tell Majesty Satan that I said that... But I'm cheering for them both, aye!
OM!MC : What will the contestants cook next? Who will become champion for this cook-off? Stay tuned!
Part 1 | Part 3.1
(and gonna go tag @takitafulily :33)
Edit : I have pretty much edited some stuff, so for the people who have seen this post BEFORE I edited this, you may notice that there are some words added, edited, or removed, but if you're not one of those people then just ignore this:33
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Prompt: Because I'm tired and want someone to cuddle me <3
Pairing: OM!Boys and GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort
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AN: Because I feel drained. You know that bone-deep tiredness that's there for no apparent reason? Yeah, that's what I've been feeling for the past 4 days. Add horrible, horrible summer heat with it and you have one very tired, sticky and frustrated Icey.
This is very self-indulgent btw. Not really happy with the ending, but oh well, this has spent too long in my drafts, so enjoy~
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The first sign that something was not right with you was when you woke up.
Your skin was clammy, the t-shirt you had slipped into the previous night sticking to your body despite it being a fairly cold night. An odd sense of exhaustion hung over as you sat up in bed, drowsily willing your limbs to move.
You jolted slightly at a sudden pounding at your door, groaning as you heard Mammon's voice telling you that you were late. Letting out a tired sigh, you swung your legs to get out of bed.
You went through your morning routine (that Asmo had all but wrestled you into following), trying to fight the alluring call of your still unmade bed. Normally you would make your bed as soon as you woke up, but considering the time constraints imposed upon you, you decided not to today. Besides, if you were to keep feeling this way the entire day, you would collapse into bed the moment you came home.
Mind made, you slung your bag (that you had the foresight to pack the day before, thank Diavolo-) over your shoulder. Time for another day of learning at RAD.
What could possibly go wrong?
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You had been feeling queasy the entire day, and that only heightened when it was time for lunch.
Solomon eyed you as you kept playing with the food on your plate. A glance at Simeon revealed that he too had noticed your off behavior. The brothers were all a bit pre-occupied with some student council related work, which was why you were currently sitting with the Purgatory Hall members; but that couldn't be the reason for the way you barely made a dent in the food provided by the cafeteria. And it was one of your favorites as well.
"MC?" he called out to you gently.
You hummed in response. "Yes Sol?"
"Is the food not to your liking?" Simeon asked, his careful question bringing Luke's attention to your mostly untouched food. The younger angel began fretting and worrying over you instantaneously.
Luke's actions brought out the very first smile from you all day. "I'm fine Luke, just a bit tired," you responded to his heart-warming actions, lightly ruffling his hair. Luke huffed, but still hovered close to you with a concerned expression on his face. Simeon took one of your hands in his, checking your well-being using his angelic powers. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, and he told you as much.
"But still, you shouldn't overexert yourself MC," Simeon added after some thought. Just as you were going to reply, a familiar voice cut in.
"Indeed MC. There is no need to force yourself to attend RAD if you're not feeling well," Diavolo gave you a smile as he took a seat next to Simeon. Barbatos stood at his side, a fond smile on his lips as well.
"You should take the day off. Lucifer won't mind, I'm sure."
Solomon lightly elbowed you, mischief in his eyes as he whispered, "Take the day off. You look dead on your feet, and I would prefer it if my little apprentice is in prime condition for all our experiments~"
You huffed in amusement. For all his cockiness, you could hear the concern in his words. "Fine," you conceded, missing the way everyone seemed relieved, "I'll go home, but only because I feel like trash. And i probably wont be able to concentrate in class." You stood to throw your uneaten lunch in the trash, coming back to your friends to get your bag. "Guess I'll get going now."
"Do you need someone to escort you MC?" Barbatos asked, his hand coming up to brush a few strands of your hair behind your ear. An innocent gesture that had your heart speeding up momentarily, and a red tint spreading all over your face. Barbatos chuckled at your flustered state as you squeaked out, "Nope! I'll be fine!"
"Rest well."
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As soon as you reached the House of Lamentation, it was like a switch had been flipped. The exhaustion you had been fighting to keep back hit you with all the force of a rampaging beast. You barely made it to the bathroom, stripping off your clothes and getting into the bathtub.
You lost track of time as you soaked in the warm water, the bath salts Asmo had gotten for you relaxing you and taking some of the tiredness away. Once the water lost its warmth and your fingers became all wrinkled, you decided to get out. You nearly slipped when you placed one foot on the bathroom floor, hand shooting out to hold onto the side of the bathtub. A breathless laugh tumbled out of your lips, your heart hammering away in your rib cage from the close call. Carefully this time, your extracted yourself and quickly changed into clean and comfortable clothes after drying yourself.
Now that you felt less like a grimy gremlin, you decided to take a nap. Unfortunately, your bed did not feel as comfortable as it looked anymore. You tossed and turned for a few minutes, huffing in frustration before finally sitting up and glaring at the offending piece of furniture.
You needed to sleep. You wanted to sleep. But you were not comfortable enough to and it was driving you mad. Grumbling, you got off your bed, shooting it another nasty glare, picked up your favorite fluffy blanket and left the room.
One long and arduous journey up a flight of stairs led you to the perfect place for taking naps; the attic. You sighed in bliss as you sank into the bed, fluffy blanket on top of you soft and comforting on your skin. Things couldn't be any better.
You slipped into dreamland soon after, not realizing that you had forgotten your DDD in your room.
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Lucifer frowned, looking at his chat with you.
When Diavolo first told him that you had gone home because you hadn't been feeling well, he wondered whether it was just an excuse. While he hadn't paid you much attention that morning, you seemed perfectly fine. When Simeon told him about your off behavior throughout the day, he got concerned enough to send you messages asking if you had reached the House of Lamentation safely and if you needed anything.
Messages that had gone unread and unanswered, even as it was nearing the end of the school day.
Lucifer wondered momentarily if he was the only one who went ignored, a belief shattered when he heard the loud voices of Asmo and Mammon complaining that you had ignored their messages and calls. Levi nervously asked, "D-do you think they're hurt or something? They don't usually ignore our messages..."
A ripple of panic passed through the brothers, but before anyone could act on that panic, Satan spoke up. "If something was wrong with them, we would have felt it through our pacts. Calm down."
"Satan's right. They must be resting right now," Lucifer hummed, hand resting on his hip as he looked at his brothers. "So you should all refrain from bombarding them with texts and calls. There are only two lectures remaining for the day to end; we can check up on them once we're home."
Garnet eyes watched as his brothers left the student council room one by one, before taking another look at his DDD.
Still unread...
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"MC? We're home darling!"
"Shut up Asmo, they're sleeping right now. I can feel it," Belphie grumbled, the soothing hum of the pact mark against his skin lulling him to sleep. It was a calm that washed over him when you were taking part in his sin, and with the intensity of it, he could tell you were in the house.
That was good. The House of Lamentation was safe, more or less.
He watched as Mammon bee-lined straight to your room. Then, in true Mammon fashion, he threw open the door, only to freeze instantaneously.
"Oi, MC?" he called out as he stepped inside the room, eyes finding it empty. "Hey human, where are you?"
"They're not in their room?" Satan asked as he peeked inside said room, frowning as though it could tell him where you went. "Their bag and DDD is still here," he observed.
"Maybe they've gone to one of our rooms? Oh, I do hope it's mine~" Asmo giggled before skipping away. Belphie watched all of his brothers try to get to their own rooms, including Lucifer, in hope they'd find you resting there. Idiots, the bunch of them.
"...Where do you think they are Belphie?"
"The attic, Beel."
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Levi made his way to the common room after having checked if you were in his room. It's not like he seriously thought you would be there. He sleeps in a bathtub, and that isn't the most relaxing place to sleep, he knows this. But he was surprised to see almost all of his brothers there as well.
Asmo pouted, leaning against Satan on the sofa. Lucifer sat on the armchair, watching as Mammon paced left and right.
"What's going on?"
"Oh, Levi! MC's not in any of our rooms, and I'm guessing they aren't in yours either?" Asmo hummed as Levi nodded.
"Did you check the twin's room?"
"I did, it was empty as well," Satan answered.
A beat of silence before... "Did anyone check the attic?"
The five brothers looked at each other, realization setting in as 4 of them scrambled to get to their resting human.
Lucifer sighed, before following his brothers up the stairs to the attic. Once he reached the top, he could see Asmo taking photos and cooing at the scene in front of them all.
You were cocooned in a fluffy blanket, your hair the only part of you visible. Beel slept comfortably on his side, his back facing the door to the attic, one arm over your swaddled figure securely. Belphie was on the other side, not asleep for once as he gave his older brothers a lazy smirk. "Took you guys long enough," he chuckled.
"Oi, you brat- mmph!"
"Shut up, they're sleeping," Belphie hissed, the arm used to throw a pillow at Mammon's face lowering and maneuvering the blanket around you so your face was now somewhat visible. "If you promise to be quiet, you can join us," he hummed, before closing his eyes and drifting off to dreamland.
Lucifer gave an exasperated smile as the rest of his brothers joined the cuddle pile, opting to pull a chair beside the bed for himself, content with watching over his family as they rested.
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moonrise! Seth in his wolf form getting zoomies (hopefully out in the woods)
Seth has been annoyed all day, his wolf wanted to go and run around saying how he's been cooped up for too long. The need to stretch his legs and run wild in the woods for a bit was growing stronger as Seth tried to work all day. Doll could see it too, they know that Seth only gets snappy before a moon or he needs to let his wolf run wild for a bit.
So Doll decided to help Seth today, they saw it was going to be a full moon and invited Seth out in the woods by their house. He agreed because the nagging of his wold was annoying him so much, so here they are now in the entrance of the woods. Shifting was itching beneath his skin as he finally let the wolf take control.
With a howl the wolf ran straight into the woods, energy flowing through him as he did so. Doll giggled at the sight and decided that they should join him. Grabbing the basket they packed with all the food they put together before this and walked into a clearing into he woods.
"Ah Doll! There you are. Sorry really needed to stretch my legs out!" Panting the wolf slowed down a but and came next to them on the blanket they just laid down. Doll smiled and handed him a big sandwich the wolf's tail wagged seeing the tons of meat on it.
"Here you go big boy. Guessed you'd need it after running that energy away off of you." Noises of eating was their answer as the wolf ate his fill. Doll ate a bit oft he sandwiches before asking the big furry creature in front of them.
"What's it like running through the woods?" Couriosity filled the question as they got a wolfish grin.
"Wanna find out?" Licking his hands clean he then got on the and his feet. Doll had stars in their eyes as they hopped on his back, making sure their secured first he then explained ground rules.
"Hold on me tight, make sure you lock your legs on me and enjoy the ride!" Excitement filled his rules as he then took off in a sprint. Doll whooped as wolf jumped over and off of things, he laughed as he ran through the woods he has yet to chart out.
"THIS IS AMAZING!!" Screaming Doll looked to the side and was in awe as they saw everything shot past them. Then the wolf got slower as he went into a light jog, panting he lowered himself and Doll got off.
"hoooo was that a work out!" Shaking himself a bit he then laid down on the floor. Tounge lopped out trying to cool himself down, luckily they were next to a river and Doll helped him cool down.
"Do you remember where our thing are? Also how's Seth?" The wolf nodded at the first question and then stretched again before getting uo after cooling off successfully.
"The boys fine he's gonna be sore tomorrow but not my problem. And he's I know where your things are Doll face." Leaning down once more Doll got on, as they rode the Moonlight illuminated the path showing off all the pretty things that show up during the night. Doll smiled to themselves as they enjoyed the ride back to their basket.
When they finally got to their things they hurried to pack everything. After getting everything in the basket the sun started to come up slowly. As they reached the house Seth slowly transformed back to his human form.
"Thanks for that Doll. He was bugging me all day for soemthing like that." The greater said as he gave the a kiss. Doll rolled their eyes and gave him a big pair of pajama pants.
"Don't thank me. I'm always happy to help ya with your zoomies." A huff is what they got as Seth slipped he clothing on and looked at them.
"They are not zoomies. I'm not a dog." Doll just nodded and opened the front door.
"I know your not love. Now come in let's go sleep. I'm so glad we got this day off!" Rubbing their eyes they placed the basket om the counter and walked to their bedroom with Seth in tow. He yawned as well kissing their lips before cuddling into bet with them.
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sturniolo-mairead · 5 months
LetsTripTour!MattSturniolo x Popstar!Reader
a/n: in this fic i dont use y/n, i may in some future fics if i cant come up with a name 😭🙏🏻 Hope you guys enjoy, its my first fic!
in which Matt Sturniolo announces his girlfriend of 6 months. Presley Evans, global popstar! Nick and Chris are shocked because they didnt even know. Shes on tour down the road from the triplets' tour. he has the camera footage that would be on the big screen of her stage. They decide to watch her tour on their screen and they figure out she wrote quite a few songs about him! they soon meet up at matts hotel room later on.
warnings: use of the word slut, like a lot 😭🙏🏻
Matts pov:
"Next question, 'does anyone have girlfriends or in nicks case a boyfriend' Well i'm very much single" my brother said. Shit. I've had a secret girlfriend for 6 months now. We have talked about going public. She said shes okay with it. It's just difficult because shes a global superstar! It's been stressing me out. I think i'm just gonna say it. I'll tell everyone here.
Presley pov:
Im about to go on stage. I talked to matt last night about going public with our relationship. It's kind of getting exhausting having to sneak around. I've been a target for slut shaming because of how many guys ive dated, but i got into the industry when i was 15! It's not my fault. My managers say it's good for 'traction' or whatever. I sent matt the camera footage that would be on the big screen of the stage. Im performing in a stadium tonight, it's my all stadium tour. I just hope he tells his crowd, thats coincidentally, down the road from the stadium. He could connect his phone to the screen behind him and his brothers and show them my show, but i don't know if he will. I understand his anxiety thats going to come with going public, especially him now going to have paparazzi following him and his brothers everywhere, and me. He's gonna be more worried about me than he's ever been before because of his female fan base, they'll send me death threats and hate, more than i normally get. It's not like I'm not used to it though. I just hope he does whats right for himself and how he's feeling. I don't want him to feel pressured to tell everyone because I am ready to.
Matts pov:
"Nah i'm still single, sadly." chris said. I stayed silent. I could just spit it out. "Matt? we all know your single" chris teased. "actually.. I do have a girlfriend." i spat out. "WHAT?" nick said, he was as shocked as he should be. "yeah, we've been talking and we think we want to go public. She is a celebrity," i went on, "her name is Presley, Presley Evans." The crowd went wild. "SO ALL THOSE TIMES IVE SCREAMED HER SONGS IN THE CAR YOU DIDNT THINK TO TELL ME YOU WERE DATING HER?!" I laughed, "i guess not, I have camera footage thats om the big screen of her tour thats going on right now, i could put it on?" i suggested.
Presley pov:
"Presley! Time to go in 5!" one of my managers told me. "Okay! coming!" i say, Matt told me he'd text me if he told everyone, and he hasnt texted me. Im starting to lose hope when, Ding! i rush to check my phone. Twitter. Not matt.
'Matt Sturniolo comes out saying hes dating global superstar Presley Evans!'
holy shit. he did it. I laugh and squeal as i jump in my bedazzled heel boots. "Presley? what happened? are you okay?" my manager asks. "HE DID IT!! HE TOLD EVERYONE!!" i scream and jump around and laugh. "Presley, are you serious?!" my manager says, she seems angry? "whats wrong?" "Presley! this could be so bad! you'll become a lightning rod for slut shaming!! His fan base is mostly girls, they'll be angry! You could be in danger! You didn't even ask me if it's a good idea!" My manager yelled. I hate to say it, she was right. I probably should've informed her i would do this. But she is not allowed to shit on my relationship. I wanted it to go public. "Listen, Trina. This is my relationship. I know where you're coming from, a place of worry. But i know i've been through worse. You were with me since i was 15, you know how strong i am. I appreciate the worry, but let me do my thing. Ive been hiding my relationship for 6 months. Putting Matt in the shadows. Im done doing that. I love him. Thats never going to change. Let me do things- no. Let me and Matt do things our way. Now i have to get to the stage. Thanks for the input." I finished. I walked away, I had on my white bedazzled heel-boots with my skirt that was tied on one side up, showing my whole thigh. the rest barley covered anything which was good because i had on a white bodysuit under. I had on a corset top. It was all white, the whole outfit. I looked amazing, i checked myself out as i walked past a mirror. I heard music start up, somebody came and handed me my mic as i walked toward the piece of my stage that moved up and down. I stood in the center preparing to go on.
Matt pov
I put on her show on the screen. I hear music start. Just in time. Everyone's eyes are glued to the screen. I look around, nobody recognized the opening notes.? I didn't either. As far as i know, theres no songs about me. As far as i know.
"Flamingo pink"
I really don't recognize this song, i feel terrible that i don't.
"sunrise boulevard, clink clink. being this young is art."
"who do you guys think this song is about?" nick asked. I know of all her exes. They all treated her like shit. I am determined to be different. I think this is a love song? she has some love songs, then breakup songs after because they put her through hell. I'd never do that, I will never.
"Being this young is art Aquamarine Moonlit swimming pool"
This could be anything, we're both still very young. Shes 20, Im 19. I turn 20 soon.
"What if all I need is you?"
So it is a love song.. i wonder which ex it's about? Maybe Johnny Orlando? (no hate to Johnny Orlando fans just needed an ex lmfao 😭) We all just stand and admire her. She looks gorgeous. Fucking beautiful, How do you fumble her? Shes like a goddess. "Maybe this songs about you lover boy" Chris says, jesus christ i hate that fucking nickname. "shut the fuck up chris! And i don't know, i don't know if she has songs about me" I say, I wish she had written a song about me.
"Everyone wants him,That was my crime The wrong place at the right time. And I break down, then he's pullin' me in. In a world of boys, he's a gentleman"
she always refers to me as a gentleman, she always says everyone wants me too.. "HOLY SHIT!" I scream, i didn't mean to, i just did. "What?!" nick said, "THIS SONGS ABOUT ME!!" "BITCH WHAT?!" "oh my god" i say.
Presley pov
I open with "slut!", a song about matt. I never tell him any songs a write about him because, well, theres a lot. I don't wanna seem creepy, but constantly writing songs about one person could be taken that way. I hope he catches on though. I always say everyone wants him and I always call him a gentleman. "And if they call me a slut. You know it might be worth it for once. And if I'm gonna be drunk. Might as well be drunk in love" I finish the song. I don't know what matts thinking, i don't even know if he was watching, i put on my best show nonetheless, just in case he was. I didn't want to disappoint him. Should i tell the crowd the songs about him? Maybe i will. "Hello! and welcome to the "Slut!" tour!"
cliffhanger! Okay so i've had this idea for a long while now i've just never gone through with writing it but i finally have! This gonna be a series and it's gonna be like every song she performs is a different chapter! This chapter is "Slut!" and thats also the name of the album! I've taken songs that already exist and made a whole new playlist/album type thing! Each song will be a surprise as the next chapter title! In total im thinking 19 parts as there are 18 tracks and then 1 extra chapter for after the tour when taylor and matt meet up 😉 I'll also be working on making my masterlist so you guys can easily access this series! See you next time 💕
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desiblr-gapshap · 1 year
Gapshap is here again to entertain you.
Good evening everyone, I'm your self proclaimed host तितली (@alhad-titli)
Humans can't endure boredom... Hence we found many things to entertain ourselves with. Plays, music, books, movies, shows, and many more things.
Most of the time, we indians get rid of our boredom by watching bollywood movies (old era ofc. new bollywood is uhh well we all know what am I talking about.) No matter what kind of international web series, show, drama you may watch but you will feel home in only movies which are in your native language. We are separated by states, languages, culture but united by bollywood.
Yes today is bollywood night. There are many masterpiece movies, Mughal-e-azam, umrao jaan (both), woh kaun thi, om shanti om, kabhi khushi kabhi gam, mein hoon na, but our tonight's guest's personal favorite is "Jab we met" can you guess who's that? Keep guessing.
If geet and aditya ever come out of movie and had to say something to us then it would have been this:
Aditya: "In your opinion, what keeps a person going?"
Geet: "Golgappe yaarrrrrrr."
Aditya: "Geet, I am serious, give me an answer, tumhe ek baar me samjh nhi aata?"
Geet: *stares at him with puppy eyes*
Aditya(sighs): let me answer it, it's the love that keep us going, love has the power to change us, rebuild us, love can make a dead person alive and can also kill a living being. love hurts but its important. There are many types of love, platonic, romantic. For example, you dont like your family in many terms but you still love them right?
Geet: *nodding*
Aditya: similarly we love the love things that may hurt us , because those things those people are our people . love is simple and very complex at th esame time its fragile like a bomb but remember in all these ups an downs of life dont forget to love yourself and the people around you .
Geet: *glares at him*
Aditya: so Geet meri sardarni, tell me who do you love the most now ???
Geet: *laughs* golgappeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Aditya sighs and takes her on date.
Back to reality everyone.
"Geet is not only person who loves pani puri" I said. Who else love it? We, brown GIRLS idiot.
But but the girl who loves panipuri the most is our own @mainapnifavouritehoon humari desiblr ki professional simple and desi girl.
Vo sab to theek hai but it's golgappeeeeee not pani puri *says chai* (@masalalala-chaii)
*Smacking her head!* Ignore her guys please.
Let us start the interview with rapid fire questions.
So Geet tell us,
About yourself, your blog.
What kind of vibes you want to give by your blog?
how you became simp for him? *ahm ahm*
And you golgappe wali come with me at the backstage for a second, let's have a talk. *Smiling and dragging chai away with her dupatta trying my best to not strangle her with it.*
So Arunima, the stage is all yours now. Do bhangra or whatever you want here.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
We Need To Talk About Nightbringer (the Person, Not the Game)
I'm still scratching my head over what Nightbringer's goal is here... How is MC involved? Why send them back in time? And, of course, who are they??
SPOILERS Up to Lesson 12 Below Cut
The Fuck is the Goal Here??
Sending the MC back just to form pacts makes no goddamn sense. If the MC acquiring pacts was the real aim, then that mission was already accomplished in the present-day. There's something more here.
Why send MC back to RIGHT NOW? What about making pacts AT THIS TIME is desirable to Nightbringer? Is the end game even having the pacts at all...?
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I posit that Nightbringer wants war, specifically, another war between angels and demons. The imagery of scales brings to mind the fragile balance of peace that Diavolo was mentioning between the realms before. RAD isn't built yet, his goal to improve relations is still in its infancy, and the times are so tumultuous that MC risks an all out fight starting just being there. So if Nightbringer wants to make things come to blows, then this is the PERFECT time to send them to.
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What is this "path to happiness" all about? What does Nightbringer think will make the MC most happy...? And what about THEIR happiness is linked to his? Is he assuming that in a war of the three realms, MC would side with the demons and thus if demons win then MC will be glad? That doesn't really track with the MC as presented in game... They're generally shown as a peacemaker or bridge builder. I don't think a war would make them happy at all!
Ultimately, I don't think we can answer this question in any way that makes sense until we have a better idea of WHO Nightbringer is so....
Who is Nightbringer??
It's Barbs
This goes for any version of Barbs: past, present, future, or even an alternate self I guess. This only makes sense because we're dealing with a demon who does time travel and there's only one demon we know who fits this bill but... why?
I can't imagine any reason why Barbatos would betray Diavolo, at least the one we know. This guy is so loyal to his lord that he's the ONLY character who won't completely kowtow to MC's whims even in the OG game. His true loyalty was always to Diavolo. Not the realm, not demons, DIAVOLO. And if Diavolo seeks peace, then why on earth would Barbs want to cause a war?? Is he more bitter about things than we thought...?
If it's a different version of Barbs, then I guess this goes out the window, but even then what's an alternate Barbs care about this world specifically? What would he hope to gain? MC? Why?? The means are all here, but I just can't figure out the motive, so...
It's Not Barbs, but Connected to Barbs
You know. I've been thinking a lot about this and I've been considering how, thematically, it could be appropriate for Diavolo not to be the only one with a progenitor/parental figure out of commission. We can assume that Daddy Devil must of had an attendant like Barbatos to aid him like Dia has Barbs so...
What if Nightbringer is the old King's previous attendant? And what's more, what if they aren't Barbs but related to Barbs? Like a sibling or parent? It's important to note that Barbs' time capabilities are not INTERNAL to him. It's his room of doorways to other timelines. Presumably, anybody with sufficient knowledge could inherit that room and just take over the role of the Devildom's time lord.
I know it goes against all of our previous notions to think that Barbatos was, at some point, just an everyday demon and not some primordial, OG force of nature but none of that was canon anyway. Something to think about.
It's Michael
I know people keep offering up this one, but I'm really not buying it... Yeah, Michael has always been this looming, shady figure over the OM universe and he's canonically and non-canonically done some eyebrow raising shit, but what's the motive here? Plus, Nightbringer's thematic ties to, well, night really feel more demon than angel... The Celestial Realm is always sunny, the Devildom is always dark. I think it's just a stretch...
Michael wanting another war could be interesting, especially since we've seen far more of angels being actively antagonistic to demons than the other way around, but I don't think that makes him Nightbringer. At most, he could end up being a shadow ally in his plot to bring everything to a head once again.
It's Solomon
In truth, even I don't think Nightbringer is the Solomon we're talking to. But I still think it's suspicious that all of this plays out so perfectly for our present-day Solo-pal... Personally, I take anything this guy tells us directly with a grain of salt since we know he'll lie openly, so here are the facts we're working with:
We are interacting with our present day Solomon (or at least one with knowledge of who we are and our timeline's events).
Solomon is the only one in this current space who knows of our full history in the OG timeline.
This Solomon put himself not only in the position of being the ONLY ONE who knows us that we can interact with, but happily isolated us from the brothers and made himself our main point of contact.
And last (and perhaps most importantly) HE'S STILL TRYING TO MAKE PACTS. He approaches Lucifer about it and successfully makes a pact with Asmo centuries before he's supposed to! If my guy is really from the present, that's like, Changing the Course of History 101! What the hell???
Let me present to you a theory. He is not present-day Solomon, sent back to help MC. He is past-Solomon, caught up to MC's identity through Barbs' time powers and just playing the part of our modern-day buddy. If he's from the past, he doesn't have to worry about changing the present timeline like we do because that ain't even him we've been speaking to. It feels like he has this bet going with Nightbringer... they have some kind of wager and MC is key to it. They're the one who'll tip the scales and Solomon is trying to get us to stay on his side.
It's Not Solomon, but Connected to Solomon
There's something off about Solomon that everybody, LITERALLY everybody, makes comments on: how he doesn't seem human anymore.
The OM timeline introduced the idea that a person can become something else, no matter what they started out as. The brothers were angels, but they fell, so they became demons. Simeon violated angel rules, so he was made into a human. The idea of corruption related to Solomon has always stuck in the back of my mind... The guy has over 70 pacts, he's lived for several centuries at least, and there's just something NOT RIGHT about him...
When Solomon and Nightbringer are speaking to each other, this line stuck out to me.
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I find this comment so damn weird. If Nightbringer is a demon and has always been a demon, why would Solomon feel the need to lampshade this? He's pointing it out as if it's meant to get under Nightbringer's skin... Why state the obvious?
What if Nightbringer wasn’t always a demon?
Nightbringer refers to and brings up his demonness as much as Solomon brings up his humanness. That, to me, reeks of insecurity. They may not just be fighting on the lines between demons and humanity, but fighting each other/themselves to prove who's side they're actually on.
What if Nightbringer is a fully-corrupted Solomon? Either a Solomon in the future who's fucking around with the past or a Solomon in this timeline/dimension that's trying to use MC to cause destruction for his world??
..... Okay, I do know this is a bit of a reach. As much as I would love to blame the sorcerer, Nightbringer still seems like a being who's just... been around a while. Far too long to start fucking up shit now. It's possible that if he is from the future and just hopping through time, there's nothing stopping him from going back however far he wants to, but then you could get into the "You are your own grandfather" paradox and the next thing you know we're in another installment of Kingdom Hearts where time is our worst enemy.
HOWEVER, the idea of corruption DOES bring me to my wildest theory yet.
What if Nightbringer wants MC to become a demon...?
Think about it.
It could explain why Solomon is trying so hard to make MC remember and side with their humanity.
It could explain why Nightbringer sent them there under the guise of demon to start with.
It could be why he wants them to make their pacts again. He's trying to seduce them into fully embracing the demonic world through their connection with the brothers.
Humans die, right? Why not be a demon and not have to worry about it?
Throw away the Ring of Light.
Stay by your demons' sides.
Embrace the darkness.
Join the damned.
And when that big'ol battle that he wants happens, he'll have the most powerful sorcerer/sorceress, fully demonized, fighting for his side against God himself.
..... Or that's my spec script anyway. Probably too out there, but man would it be fun...
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agere-sharks · 2 years
my take on sagau ... ♡
if you cant tell , my mental sillies make me a sucker for the obsessive cult aspect of sagau (burn me at the stake i guess) but idk the whole "imposter" thing feels weirdddddd i always prefer creator!reader to be like isekai'd into teyvat yk (can you tell i used to be obsessed with the kuroshitsuji time travel au .....) ?? anyways have this while i decide if i want this to be a full series or just a mini series
notes : gn!reader , creator!reader , r is not traveler , they them used , this - like most of my writing - is self indulgent hinted with some projection , bulleted list cause its 4am when im typing this and acrylic nails suck , i mainly refer to reader as either r or creator enjoy <3 i wrote this while listening to this playlist ♡
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okay so i feel like the self awareness began longgggg before this takes place ok
starts out with traveler , then albedo , then kaeya , etc
it takes a while but albedo finally finds a way to bring r to teyvat
i imagine that the acolytes can hear r when they play (esp the traveler)
if you're like me and dote on all of the characters you have they eat that shit uppppp bro
anyways so now r is isekai'd into teyvat yayyyy
it takes them a whileeeee to get used to being an all-powerful being cause like .......... ??? social anxiety ?? inability to communicate with neurotypical people ? depressive and manic eps ?????? mood swings ?????
eventually they kinda fall in the swing of things
damn if i was stuck in teyvat id just deal with it. you got some other way out ???
i view the acolytes as being obsessive in nature once r is like ....... there with them ( with due respect , that is the "creator" n all .... )
immediately wanting you to find a suitor ( or multiple )
by like the second month of being in teyvat r is WORNNNNN OUTTTT
everyone basically walks on egg shells around them oHMY GODDDDD
r has to basically beg the acolytes to stop being WEIRDDDDDDDDD
they feel weird being treated like a god ( well ....... )
they do kinda like their dreamy palace tho <3 its nice n has really cozy beds to nap in
their acolytes are also more than eager to nap with them om gee
r is a big fan of hanging out with the twins ( i like to think they're reunited when the creator comes to teyvat <3 ) they've all been to so many diff worlds they have a lot to chat about ( and also the twins are really the only charas to be semi chill around r )
oh ok random but also
r is visiting mondstadt and plays minecraft songs on the lyre and everyone goes CRAZYYYY
"it's their divinity's holy songs!!!!" cue the inner giggling cause its literally just minecraft music you memorized in like middle school
r is lowkey a huge flirt too once they get comfortable in teyvat ( they most likely hope this is just a dream and when they return home if they return home ...... that it'll have no real consequence cause it's EMBARASSINGGGG )
this leads to
jealousy lol
the acolytes basically beg them to find a consort or suitor or whtvr ( or even multiple :thumbsup: )
r tries to be fair and choose like 3 from each nation but cmonnnn ,,,,, wom en fdjfheskrf.vja
genshin makes me [ cries in bisexuality ] i wanna make out with like half of the characters
anyways def lots of fights between the nations about where their aforementioned palace will go ( r decides to station in inazuma , preferably near kokomi's shrine place ) and since r can still use the teleport points , it's fine by them if they wanna visit venti for some dandelion wine or zhongli for tales and tea
overlooking the whole imposter or villain au's i like to think being isekai'd into teyvat would be pretty chill
oooo r def likes to hangout / help out in bakeries n stuff
they're also besties with hu tao ( they kiss sometimes probably )
r and cyno have so many inside jokes pls help
idk maybe i'll continue this later or add onto it but im sleepy night guys
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twiceasfrustrating · 1 year
Welcome to the Hoard
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: GN/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Diavolo, Main Character, Barbatos 
Additional Tags: GN!MC (you/your), omegaverse, greater demon forms,
Summary: Diavolo hasn't been feeling well, but Lucifer needs something from him. You help out by running an errand, but it seems Diavolo wasn't quite suffering from an illness.
A/N: For those who haven't read up on my OM Omegaverse content yet you need to know two things. 1) Only demons have second genders and therefore follow Omegaverse rules. 2) Diavolo is an omega
Word Count: 742
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"I didn't know a demon as powerful as Diavolo could get so sick," you said as Barbatos welcomed you into the palace and shut the door behind you. You reached into the bag you were carrying and pulled out a stack of papers that you extended in his direction. "Here's the document. Lucifer already signed it." Now it just needed Diavolo's signature to be official.
"Thank you very much," he said but didn't reach for the papers. "Lord Diavolo is currently in his private chambers. Would you mind bringing him the documents?"
You raised a brow in confusion. "Me?"
Normally, Barbatos would be the one to bring Diavolo everything he needed, especially when it came to entering his room.
"Unfortunately," Barbatos started, "the Young Master is currently in a state where I cannot see him. It's… a particular issue for demons that would leave me unable to assist him properly. However, a human like you should be immune. If you wouldn't mind?"
You looked up toward where his room was located then at the papers on your hand.
It wasn't a large ask, all things considered. It was a quick jaunt up the stairs and the handoff would only take a few seconds. You could be done in only a few minutes; maybe a few more if Diavolo signed it on the spot for you, but you'd feel bad asking so much of him when he wasn't feeling well.
"Well?" Barbatos asked. "There is no obligation, of course. It would simply be more efficient for you to go yourself and get it signed than waiting for his… ailment to pass."
"Are you sure? I don't want to bother him when he's sick."
"It will be fine. He's well enough to receive guests."
"I guess I should then…" The sooner the documents were signed, after all, the better. Lucifer clarified how soon the deadline was for this particular project was.
"Thank you." Barbatos gave a shallow bow as you began to tread up the stairs. "Oh! And in the unlikely case you should need assistance, please feel free to scream."
That was strangely ominous, but as you glanced back down at his smile you couldn't read any malicious intent. That didn't stop your nerves from tensing for a brief moment before relaxing so you could continue up the stairs.
Diavolo's door seemed the same as always as you approached, but from just beyond the wooden barrier you could hear the muffled sound of pacing and shuffling. Also, there was a strange scent wafting through the air; like apple wood smoke and heavy spices with a hint of sweetness. It wasn't an unpleasant scent, but it also wasn't something you were used to. It almost smelled like Barbatos should be cooking but you hadn't smelled it downstairs at all.
You knocked your fingers against the door. "Hello? Diavolo?"
The sound beyond the door stopped suddenly before those same steps aggressively began to rush toward where you stood. They stopped just on the other side before a low growl took their place.
"Diavolo?" Your voice was more concerned this time. "Are you alright?"
"I'm… fine." The voice was labored, but it was clearly Diavolo's. Why are… you here?
"I brought something that Lucifer needs you to sign," you answered. "I can come back later if you still aren't feeling well."
"Pl…ease…" he stammered out.
"Alright," you said with slight worry. "I hope you feel better soon. Also, whatever medicine you're taking has a very strong scent. I hope it's as effective as it smells."
You turned away to go back downstairs, but just as you did you heard the door slowly creek open from behind you. The smell in the hallway got stronger, so strong you had to hold your hand up to your nose to block out some of the stench. It was like your were being constricted by the smell.
"Medi…cine? You can smell… it?"
"Sorry," you squeaked as you looked back at the door only to see darkness flooding out of his room. "Was it rude to mention it? I only meant that I'm happy you're taking care of yourself."
"No… No… Why don't you… come in?" The door opened wider, just enough for you to see a large hulking figure with glowing golden eyes through the open slit; something both familiar and entirely foreign. "I'm so glad… you're here. It felt… like my nest was missing… something. Now it'll be… complete."
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remembertheplunge · 9 days
Only 5 days left in the 1980s
December 26, 1989. Tuesday. Espresso Cafe, Modesto, California
So, only five days left to “feel” the 80’s.  Who om I now? For once out on the great “see” of the 90’s, which will rush more and more quickly toward the raging head waters of the next century, our little peace pool of time here will be long gone. It’s chance for seeing through compulsion is lost. So, as in place, sometimes in time we find ourselves at the crossroads .  So, what do ya do with it? You back off from the bigger, major world to allow that calling to come through. Which is what I’m doing today. So, what am I after these crazy 80’s? Well, really and truly, what I am is simply truer, deeper version of what I was.
I held many mirrors up to my face  in the 80’s in dark rooms so I could see—
The mirror of marriage, of private law practice, of 3rd year law student, of the bar exam, of new attorney, , of law firm attorney, of public defender
In a mirror, one sees what one is and what one is not.
 The image of the money seeker did not appear, nor did that of the loving partner and father, nor did that of the well dressed beauty or of the world traveler. All of these came up, filtered in and melted away in the heat of their own reflection. In times like today, I hold the mirror up to see these images gone or greatly reduced.
And, who looks back?
Who was looking out on 12/31/1979? And who, after all these years, is still looking out?
A lover of life. A lover of active tear paper art. A lover of deep fault line need to be, to know,. A lover of great pain juxtaposed to great beauty. A lover of fight for truth in his own way. Through the courts in word, deed, action. Through holding melting hands and whispy hearts that form solid images, more solid than any flesh and blood.
I see a sweet repository of the now brittle yet fragrant petals of flowers once full, now withered.
I apply my fire time and time again and am rewarded with a fragrance bittersweet that won’t die but enhances all life it touches.
I see a clearer image of the healing power of the word
I see guts, and bravado and gaudy humor and touch of Devine scarlet self pity.
I see an expanding of the love of the pause—of the listen. 
I see others, too, in the mirror.
 Not so much in a line, like in ’79 or invisible,but, more in a circle all with darks and lights that interlock or don’t here and there but form a union and unity just the same..
And, ya know, I truly believe that there ain’t much I gotta do. I t just lives itself through me. Guess I just got to ease up  and let it live, laugh, dance, cry, scream, be , create, waltz through me!
End of entry
Notes: 6/3/2024
In the 1980’s I married a woman, woke up to the fact I was gay, left the marriage before we had children. I worked with people with Aids and helped them through their illness and death through an organization called Han to Hand and another called the Stanislaus County Aids Project. I wrote in coffee house like Espresso Cafe and I journaled through the entire decade. 
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