#we need more Fanficiton
oldtvserieslover · 2 years
I seriously need more fics about ThenaxGilgamesh, about Sang-hwa from Train to Busan and Jang Dongsu xTaeseok. Sadly there are only a few from the last two fandoms.
Give me the drama, the cute stuff, hurt, the spicy, anything! I will read it 💀😂🫶🏼
I hope someone will write some fics 'cause I really suck at writing. I have ideas about different scenarios but I can’t write LMAO what a struggle.
Spread love and peace out ✌️😂
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glorysalazar · 1 year
No Duolingo, no problem
Jere Pöyhönen / Käärijä x Fem! Reader
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Summary: You moved to Finland a few weeks ago and can't seem to feel at home: you're starting at a new job, you don't understand the language, you're kind of going through a break up... One tired and cold evening you head into the first bar you can find and briefly meet a cute guy you can't stop thinking about for the next few weeks. You try to forget about him, but when you go back to the same bar for some random gig your coworkers have invited you to go to, you find him again. [This takes place way before Eurovision]
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: English isn't my first language and I got a little lazy mid writing. Also they smoke a vape oops (seriously now don't do it it's shit for your health). Maybe smut implications at the end?
A/N: I didn't know what to name this lmao. I cannot believe I wrote fanficiton for the first time in YEARS because I fell in love with a Finnish guy after watching Eurovision. Anyway, I noticed an enormous shortage of Jere fics and decided to risk my final exams to serve the people. I hope it's worth it! Also apologies if the Finnish translation is shit I used a random website for it lol
"Anteeksi, pudotit takkisi" -> "Sorry, you dropped your coat"
"Jere, istuimme takapöydässä" -> "Jere, we are sitting at the back table"
"Olen tulossa" -> "I'm on my way"
"Hetkinen, kiitos!" -> "One moment, please!"
"Jere, sinun vuorosi on kymmenen minuutin kuluttua" -> "Jere, you're on in ten minutes"
"Minä menen nyt" -> "Coming"
"Hei kaikille, miten meillä menee tänään?" -> "Hi everyone, how are we doing today?"
"Kiitos, Mikko, arvostan sitä todella" -> "Thank you, Mikko, I really appreciate it"
"Miten uskallat tulla tänne?" -> "How dare she come here?"
"Meidän on hyödynnettävä sitä" -> "We'll have to make use of it"
"Mikä on sana?" -> "What's the word?"
It was cold. Hell, it was colder than she could have ever imagined before coming here. Sure, she had checked the country's temperatures before moving, researched online about what to expect for someone who was used to easy winters, had bought the fuzzy-fur-on-the-inside-boots and the heavy jacket and all that was recommended to face the never-ending snowing. But still, it somehow hadn't been enough.
A job offer and the need to find some new purpose to latch onto had led (Y/N) here. Now three weeks in, with no friends and hardly a place to call her home had helped regret start to settle in. So many things felt out of her control: the way her colleagues seemed to think she was a mess, the cashiers at the supermarket sighing because she still didn't understand the language, everyone from her hometown rolling their eyes when she announced she was leaving in a way that meant you're not gonna make it.
Yet being thrown outside her comfort zone, and being forced to move on however she could manage, made her feel at least some kind of thrive. Which was far more than she had back home.
As she walked down the street for some place to find shelter in, hands shaking and breaths almost uneven, a neon sign caught her attention. Even though she couldn't figure out the name, it looked like a pretty okay bar. She didn't need much convincing anyway; anything would do to get out of this freezing gale. She made her way in.
The warmth was a instant relief. Stripping down from the many layers of upper clothes, she took a quick glance to check the place out. Not many people, which was fair for a Wednesday evening. There was low music playing, mild chatter and a bunch of people sitting alone in the stools, which was a relief. At least she wouldn't be the only one.
As she ordered a beer (one of the few phrases she had made sure to master) she felt her hands come alive again. The beverage came along and she took a long, much anticipated sip. It tasted significantly different from the brands she was used to, but it was just fine. Alcohol is alcohol.
Finally feeling at ease, she took her phone out and started mindlessly scrolling through social media to kill some time. It was still early in the evening since she had just gotten out from work. An extra challenging day is what had led her to wander outside for a bit instead of heading back to the dull apartment she hadn't even been able to decorate yet. Going home right after would've led her to start overthinking if this job was even right for her, if she had gone crazy by moving hundreds of kilometres away from what she's always known, if her ex-girlfriend had been right when she accused her of being too impulsive, if it would be such a bad thing to give it up already and leave—
"Anteeksi, pudotit takkisi", she heard a voice say behind her.
When she turned around to give her "sorry I still don't speak Finnish" speech, she was met with a blue-eyed, dark-haired, funky but sweet looking guy holding her jacket, which she now understood had fallen to the floor. It caught her by surprise that she somehow forgot how to speak for a brief moment.
"Oh! Thank you, I hadn't noticed it was on the floor" she ended up answering, taking the jacket back as the man handed it to her with a confused look in his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not from here. I don't speak Finnish yet" she added with a small chuckle.
"No, don't worry, Finnish, uh- hard language to learn" he answered through an amusing smile, with a thick accent and a clear struggle to speak English.
She half laughed at his answer. Until now, people hadn't been so kind about the language-barrier impediment. "Yes, it is a little bit", she followed, now taking in his appearance.
Painted nails. Double nose piercings. Earrings. Facial hair. A bowl cut? Interesting choice, but it suited him surprisingly well. Her brain decided through that brief examination: he was cute. Attractively cute.
"You can try Duolingo. I use for my English, but don't work very very well" the man said the second part more as a correction to himself, making both of them laugh from the random half advice. He tried to fix it: "Maybe for you works better".
"Maybe. I'll check it out. Thank you again" her response was going to be followed by an invitation for him to sit down with her, as she felt a sudden wave of boldness: I need to make some friends in this town or else I'll go crazy. But a group of three other guys that had come in after him caught her stranger's attention.
"Jere, istuimme takapöydässä", one of them said to him, while walking to a table at the back corner of the bar.
"Olen tulossa" he turned around to answer, then looked at her once more, "I go now with my friends. Enjoy your beer" he smiled and small-waved goodbye, as she copied his gesture. "Enjoy your evening".
That small interaction was enough for her to spend the next half hour looking up from her phone, which she had retreated to, to glance at him from time to time. His group of friends and him seemed to be having a good time, and she enjoyed the view of him. He looked like a very interesting person, too, and if she was being honest, she hadn't been struck by someone new in quite some time. Not by her neighbors, not by the people she was starting to coincide with at the grocery shop, not even by her co-workers.
She noticed him looking at her from time to time as well.
When her glass was empty and just as the clock on her phone struck seven, she got up and got prepared to face the freezing wind once again. At least it wasn't that long of a walk to her place.
She lingered for a moment before exiting the bar, then finally did so while warning herself not to get too caught up on the nice stranger she suddenly felt she was leaving behind. It was just a one minute interaction. You probably won't see him again. Quit this teenager act. Focus on the important tasks ahead of you.
It was already pitch black outside, snow accumulated on the sidewalks, the air was even colder than before.
Excitement started to bubble up in the pit of her stomach.
Two weeks had gone by and although she had been meaning to return to the bar, she just hadn't find the time to do so. Once the job's training period ended, the hectic rythm started. In her free time, when she wasn't taking care of the house or just resting, she was trying to find some language academy where she could actually properly learn Finnish. Cute guy had been right: Duolingo just didn't do the trick.
She had hoped he would appear around the neighborhood, that maybe he lived nearby. But there had been no luck. It was fine, though. She knew she would let go of it rather quickly at that point, it's not like she had been thinking about his addictive smile or pretty eyes or soft-looking hands. Not at all.
It was Friday, and some acquaintances from work she had managed to pull off had invited her to a small gig. She didn't even remember the musician's name nor did she know where it was going to be, but nevertheless she was happy to go and actually get to have some fun with other people. Who knows, cute guy might even be there.
She didn't even realize they were headed to the bar until they were right in front of it. Inside, a small stage platform had been set up and tables and chairs had been removed to make space for the audience. It wasn't very spacey anyway, the place could hold about a hundred people squeezed together tops.
"Huh, hadn't even thought of this place as a venue" she let her thoughts trail out loud.
"Have you been here before?" her coworker Aubrey, who she had slightly bonded with because she was also a foreigner, asked her. "Only once" the girl explained, already searching for a certain someone's face in the crowd. "So, who have you brought me to see tonight?" she asked, in the hopes of at least getting some conversation non-work related flowing. "I don't really know, coming here was Mikko's idea. He's always trying to get us into these weird small rap-rock Finnish bands, and listen, I've lived here for over a year now and I still don't really get the hype" Aubrey explained making both of them laugh "But it always ends up being fun when we go out" she added.
The rest of the group had moved forward to get a good spot near the humble stage, as Mikko babbled on and on about nonsense the two women couldn't figure out from the distance. "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom real quick. Mind saving me a place?" (Y/N) asked her colleague, who answered affirmatively.
She made her way through the crowd in between "excuse me's" and "sorry's" but got there with quite ease. One of the two toilet doors had a sign that read "Out of order", so she knocked on the one that was left to check if anyone was inside. A voice that sounded vaguely familiar came from the other side: "Hetkinen, kiitos!"
Nervousness suddenly struck her. Is this who I think it is?
When the door opened there was no doubt. Cute stranger was standing in front of her.
"Oh! Hello" he blurted out just as he saw her, sounding surprised. Today he was wearing eye makeup and bottom eyeliner, which suited him very, very well. He has such a pretty face.
She realized now she had not been able to get over this guy in the two weeks of not seeing him, even though she didn't even know his name.
"Hi" was all she could manage to say. She had been looking for him when she entered the bar but she was convinced he was not actually going to be there, "It's good to see you!" she added, as a way of avoiding an awkward silence.
"You as well. You, uh, you come to... concert?" he inquired, struggling to find the last word while pointing towards the direction where the stage was to make sure he was being understood.
She noticed he was wearing an all yellow outfit that consisted of corduroy pants and a button up. He looks good in it.
"Yes, some work friends brought me here. But if I'm being honest I don't even know who's playing" she confessed, slightly covering her mouth with one of her hands to joke around, as if she had spilled a dark secret. Stranger burst out laughing. His laugh was cute. "Do you know if he's good? I wanna know if I'll be wasting my time or not" she asked him, pretending to be a diva to keep his laugh going.
He had his arms crossed and his tongue between his teeth as he slightly giggled. "No, I think he's pretty ok. I think you will like, even if no understand" his answer was playful and accompanied with another small laugh. She continued joking around, this time putting her hands up in pretend self defense "Hey, I'll try my best. Maybe using Duolingo for two days actually did something" she shot back, realizing after saying those words that she had just told Mr. Stranger she had followed his advice.
He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head playfully "You did what I say to you" he stated. "Yes, but you were right. It's not really helpful. Now I just keep getting emails from the goddamn owl and feel scared that he's going to find me and kill me for not going back to the app" she explained exaggeratedly, which made their giggles grow bigger and even he bent his knees with laughter.
Their little chit-chatting was cut when a man who looked like he had been searching for someone stopped in his tracks at the beginning of the bathroom hall and shouted at them: "Jere, sinun vuorosi on kymmenen minuutin kuluttua". She turned around to look at the source of the voice and then back at stranger when he answered "Minä menen nyt". She wished she knew what they were saying, but she assumed it had just been his friend telling him to hurry up. Also, was Jere his name? She had heard it two times already.
"Someone's always calling out for you", she commented when they were left alone again. "It's because me popular, yes yes" he joked, putting a hand to his chest and shrugging. "Listen, I go now. Concert starting soon" he explained, pointing out to the stage's direction once again "I see you there?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he put a hand to her shoulder, looking into her eyes. His blue ones had her mind going blank for a moment. That seemed to happen a lot when he was around. "Uh- yeah, sure, see you there". He smiled again then moved past her to return to the hall. She stared at him leave as she opened the door to the bathroom and finally went inside, smiling to herself and biting her bottom lip.
She hurried back once she was finished not only in fear of missing out the start of the concert, but more so in fear of not finding him again. Aubrey raised her hand to catch her attention and she followed the lead back to the group. The place was packed, it was hot, and there was a lot of chatter going on.
"What took you so long?", Aubrey asked as she got to her side, just in front of the stage, "They're about to start". (Y/N) was standing on her tiptoes and turning her head in all directions. She had just talked to him and the bar was not that big: where the hell had he hid himself?
"There was a long line to the bathroom..." she started off distantly, then turned to face Aubrey "Hey, this is going to sound weird, but have you seen-" just when she was going to make the question, she noticed some people walking up to the stage and everyone started cheering.
As she looked up, she couldn't have been more dumbfounded.
It was him. Mr Stranger was the one performing tonight.
"Hei kaikille, miten meillä menee tänään?" he shouted out to the public, (Y/N) assumed as a way of greeting everyone. He took no time noticing she was right there, which made him grin even wider. "I see we have international people tonight. Good" he said while looking directly at her. She felt her coworkers eyes on her.
"Do you know him?" Aubrey whispered-shouted to her, "I- uh, no, yes? Briefly" she responded back as he continued on in Finnish. She remembered the question she had made him earlier and mentally facepalmed. This cheeky dude. Lying to her face just so he could later get her reaction.
Since there was no way of understanding what he said, she concentrated on what she could see. Two men behind him wearing pink shirts and shorts and sunglasses. A DJ table, no instruments. There was a sign hanging from the wall that read "Käärijä". Was that his artistic name? She was very intrigued by everything going on and wondered what genre he was going to play.
She had no idea what was coming.
As soon as he stopped talking and the music started playing, his demeanor changed. His stare became fiercer, his movements provocative and unleashed. He walked around the stage like he owned it, stared at the audience like he knew they would do whatever he asked them. Every beat before he started singing rumbled inside her, made her hold her breath in anticipation. She let it out once the words started to fall from his mouth.
The lyrics could have been shit for all she knew. His deep voice, the exotic pronunciation, the hard rapping from the boy who had seemed so sweet and wholesome but was now showing another side of him, the song's rhythm and tone. She was all in. So in, that her body started swaying to the sound almost like an automatic response, and jumped around alongside everyone else when the music demanded to do so.
"Ok, he's really good" she said to her coworkers as the crowd sung alongside him. "Mikko, you were right, he's really good" she insisted to the boy beside her, who was clearly enjoying himself. "I told you!" he answered amidst chanting, "Jere is my most talented friend". Oh, okay. Mental note taken.
As he performed his songs, (Y/N) couldn't help but admire the dedication Jere put on and the absolute fun he looked like he was having. Also, she realised he was at least kind of known around here, because people were singng alongside him.
The head banging, self touching, slightly undressing and sticking his tongue out only added more to his eclectic movements and gestures that made the show feel like a mix of energetic, passionate and, why deny it, lascivious state. Her eyes were glued to him in a capitative stare, that he would catch from time to time and hold for a few seconds. Then he would turn to his attention somewhere else, but a smirk would make a clear appearance on his face.
Whenever he finished a number, the loud clapping allowed him some time to take a sip of water. The clothes he was wearing and its material soon became unbearable, which lead him to take his shirt off completely. "Sorry, it is hot in here" he stated into the microphone pretending to excuse himself as a joke, as everyone in the room made a fuss about it. He was heavily sweating all over his face, neck and torso.
If she had previously been absorbed by him, at this point it was almost unbearable. She had not expected to see so much exposed flesh, and the pectoral tattoo nearly had her weak on her knees.
For some reason, freehing himself from his clothes somehow made him behave even wilder from then on out. He started getting closer to the front row, some even holding out their arms to interact with him, him receiving the gesture with no issue. The Fin looked so confident in what he was doing, it only made her feel even more attracted to him.
He moved so quickly (Y/N) didn't even have time to process when he positioned himself right in front of her, amidst performing a song, and full on stroked her cheek for a few lasting moments, all the while mainting direct eye contact. It was as if no one else had been around them, as if this instant had been theirs only. She didn't respond to the touch by touching him herself, since she couldn't find the strength to be as bold; but the breath hitching and swallowing saliva right after were a clear sign to Jere that he made her feel things. He would quite probably feel embarrassed about it later, but right now it made him feel close to powerful.
The whole gig ended on a high note, the applause was strong and lasting. (Y/N) clapped her hands so fast they even started hurting a little, and could understand through the noise that Jere was thanking everyone for coming out to see him. As he was about to exit the stage, some music started playing over the speakers as to signal that the performance was over and everyone could retreat to either leave the bar or get a drink and stay there for a longer while. As the people from the front row turned around and waited to have a chance to move, (Y/N) felt a hand on her shoulder.
Jere looked exhausted, but it also seemed like the whole night had riled him up. "You don't leave now?", he meant to ask, but came out more as a plead. She wouldn't even dream of doing so right now. "No, no, I'm staying" she rushed to answer. "Good. Wait for me?" he went on. She could only manage to nod her head yes. He smiled and quickly went "backstage" to freshen up.
"Okay, what the actual hell was that?" Aubrey took no time to pry her, "It did not look like knowing each other briefly". (Y/N) shrugged while putting her hands in the air and half laughing, not knowing how to beat those allegations.
"It's classic Jere. Finds a girl cute and cannot stop himself" Mikko chimed in, while grinning, "Now I understand, you must be the girl he saw a couple of weeks ago over here, right?"
"He's talked about me?" she said, a bit shocked, while Mikko lead the way for the three of them to go grab a drink. "Yes, well, now that I connect the dots, that evening you came here, it was a Wednesday, right? I came too, but it must've been after you left. When I arrived he was commenting it".
Some of the other coworkers were starting to leave, not without commenting the elephant in the room before grabbing the door. "You're gonna be the talk of the office now", Aubrey asserted, making Mikko laugh and (Y/N) grow redder by the minute. "I don't even- we haven't even talked that much, really. But watching him onstage was..." she trailed off, letting out a sigh and grabbing the drink Mikko offered her, thanking him in the process. "Yes, it's his special trait. That magnetism he holds is what's gonna get him places", he agreed.
"Okay, but does this whole act mean that he always does this? Like, does he take advantage of his concerts to mindlessly flirt with random people?" (Y/N) suddenly tried to rationalize the fast track of actions Jere was taking on with her. Sure, she liked him, and she really, really wanted to have some fun. Needed it, even. This bonding moment with Aubrey and Mikko right now, this non-work related, exciting chatter; the going out; as precipitating as it sounds she was starting to feel like she was finally making friends, establishing a life. But she also didn't want to be played around with.
"Ohhh, no, not necessarily" her coworker laughed, calming her down "Käärijä the performer is seductive, provocative, even uncontrollable" he took a sip from his drink, "But Jere the person is another story. Dude wouldn't even hurt a fly, I mean it" he reassured her. He then was about to say something else, but stopped on his tracks when they all noticed the man of the hour and the tow men who had performed with him coming over to them. However, he quickly commented to the girls the following before Jere could hear them: "If anything, he's the one who has been played around with".
Jere approached Mikko first, going in for a hug, which made total sense given the fact that they were friends. (Y/N) appreciated it, because his last comment had caught her by surprise. He had changed into some track pants and graphic loose t-shirt, and over all he already looked far more calmed down and back to his more, to put it some way, innocent self. Aubrey and (Y/N) exchanged a look before introducing themselves to the guys in pink, who had not changed their outfits. Their names were Jaakko and Aleksi.
"Hey, I recognize you. You were all in the bar that day I was here" she said as a realization. "Yes, we were planning tonight" Aleksi answered, "Did you like it?" he added, to both her and Aubrey.
While the four of them engaged in small talk, the girls understood that Mikko was congratulating his friend on his performance and Jere was thanking him, "Kiitos, Mikko, arvostan sitä todella", he said with appreciation on his face, closed smile and big puppy eyes (Y/N) couldn't ignore. With one last ruffle on his hair from Mikko, the two men stayed with one arm over the other's back and turned to the group.
"Alright, let's talk in English now so we can all understand each other..." Mikko started off. "I see you guys have already introduced yourselves, very good. Now let me introduce you girls to Käärijä himself, although maybe a certain someone doesn't need it" he playfully remarked, making Jere look away while hiding his face and (Y/N) roll her eyes. "Jere, these are (Y/N) and Aubrey from work. Aubrey, (Y/N), this is Jere" he played around using a formal tone and letting out of their embrace.
"Nice to meet you" Aubrey answered, shaking hands with him and gently pushing (Y/N) forward once she was done to signal her to do so as well.
"I finally know your name" he commented, making her chuckle, "Yes, I guess you do". Mikko and Aubrey swiftly moved to give them some space, going over to Jaakko and Aleksi, who were all in in the same unspoken plan.
"You like the show?" he seemed a bit nervous as he rested his elbow on the counter and signaled the waiter to get him a drink, while attentively listening to her answer, "Honestly, I'd never been to one quite like this. I mean, I've been to rock concerts and such, but this energy you guys put on stage was totally new for me. I really enjoyed it tho, you're really good" she sincerely said.
"Oh, thank you, really" Jere put a hand to his chest as to show gratitude, "It was first concert after months of not doing", he further explained, "So means a lot all people who come here, yes. I'm so happy for this, I was worried if not work well". He sounded so humble (Y/N) couldn't help but grow to like his personality even more. She was curious to know why he hadn't played in a way, but also didn't want to intrude, so she opted for another response. "Well you should be. We all had a blast".
"You understand anything I sing?" he wondered with a perky smirk, before taking a sip from the beer that had just landed in front of him. "I didn't need to", she let it out without giving it a second thought, almost as if this was the only real answer she could give, which to her felt absolutely true. He was shocked by it and spilled some of the drink out, quickly catching the dripping by covering his mouth with a napkin.
"Ah, I make fool of me now, great!" he tried to cover up by playing down the incident. She couldn't stop laughing out loud, some people even noticing the whole scene between the two of them, specially Mikko and company who laughed as well from a distance, "That's what you get for lying to me before" she joked, but grabbed a napkin as well to clean his shirt up, softly patting it on his chest. "Sorry, I wanted to surprise" he justified. It was in that moment that she noticed they were almost the same height. When her gaze moved upward from the stain she was cleaning up, his stare was way closer than she had thought. He carried on talking.
"Also, before, I hope I not make you... uh-, mikä on sana epämukavalle?" he looked over at Mikko for help regarding a language inquire.
"Yes, that" Jere said, "I hope I not make you uncom... uncomfortable when I, you know-" he tried to explain himself, struggling with the pronunciation. He stroked his own cheek to interpret what he attempted to say. "Oh! No no, don't worry, it was- it was okay. I liked it, actually", his relief was evident after she assured him. He let out a nervous giggle.
Then, something caught his attention. His gaze had travelled to the door, past (Y/N), and what he saw made his face turn dead serious, although also sad. Mikko, Aleksi and Jaakko very quickly noticed what was happening. Aubrey and (Y/N) also turned around to check it out: a girl was standing by the entrance looking for someone with a worried expression.
"Miten uskallat tulla tänne?" Jaakko expressed angrily. The three men addressed Jere, who suddenly was a loss of words and course of action.
"Ex alert" Aubrey whispered to (Y/N) while sipping from her drink's straw. "They're asking him if he wants to go talk to her" she informed her friend, which (Y/N) was thankful for. It was really tiring to not catch anything on her own sometimes. While the four men were talking to each other, deciding what to do next, (Y/N) grabbed Jere's arm and everyone's attention fell on her. She just couldn't stop strongly empathizing with him because she had also recently been through a break up and knew how shitty it was. Jere seemed more at ease when she talked, "Are you okay? Do you want to get out of here?" he looked past her again, everyone following his direction and realizing his ex was coming over to them. "I do, please", "Then we're getting out of here", (Y/N) decided, "You guys coming?" she asked the rest. "No, you guys go on. We'll make sure she doesn't follow" Mikko stated, thankful for her determination.
They said rushed goodbyes and (Y/N) got ahold of his hand to guide him towards the door. When they walked past her, she tried to talk, but they were quick to get out.
As per usual, it was freezing. They started to wander off to anywhere.
"I'm sorry about having to go"
They had found a comfortable spot in a park overlooking the town's river and had settled there. They had walked for a while, him trying to talk about anything else but his ex.
"Don't sweat it. I fully understand" she comforted him, then took the vape he had previously offered to her and took a puff before continuing, "I got broken up with three months ago... I hate to admit it, but it's part of the reason I ended up deciding to move here", she explained. He listened to her attentively, with a stern face.
The night was silent over here. It was only the sound of the stream and their hushed voices
"Can I ask why the break up?" he inquired, not wanting to pry on too much. "Only if I can ask why the break up", she made him chuckle. "Yes, of course" he accepted.
"She said I was too impulsive and that she couldn't trust me to maintain a steady and stable relationship, because I couldn't even do that with my own life" she sighed after her explanation and rolled her eyes.
"Wow" Jere said, disapproving look on his face "Hard thing to say".
"Yes, but honestly, I don't hold a grudge anymore. She had her right to think that way too. I do so too sometimes" she admitted, handing back the electronic cigarette, since they were taking turns to smoke.
"That's shit" he commented, which made them both laugh, "But I understand, too. "My ex, Sofia, that's her name, she uh- said she not approve of music career" his gaze moved upfront, "She said It's either me or music, and I think she not like my answer" Jere let out a half-sad cackle, "This is all I ever wanted to do. I loved her, I feel like I still do a bit, you know? But..." he nodded negatively before finishing the sentence, "I need someone who give support. What I told you before, the not doing concerts? A part of it was because I got, uh, insecure".
Silence fell between them as they both got lost in their own thoughts for a brief moment.
"You know, for someone who claims to not be good at English, you can maintain quite a deep conversation" her words made him belly laugh again. He looked at her and handed the vape once more. "Don't need Duolingo for that" he referenced. He was about to speak again but cut himself. "You can go on, it's fine", his doe-like blue eyes seeped cherishment.
"Oh, I not know, talking about ex was not in my plans when being alone with a girl I like" he made her blush, "I just thinking that, you know, I'm almost... mikä on sana" he struggled again with the language "Thirty year old?" he doubted if he had said it right, and the girl nodded to indicate him he had, "Thirty year old, and when younger I thought Oh, I achieve my dreams at thirty, have the family, all that... You know? And... nothing of that" he described, "My songs, some say that. But you not understand, so..." he added jokingly to lighten the mood, erupting laughter from her.
"Hey, I'm trying really hard to find a place where I can learn Finnish! Give me a break..." she defended herself, while the giggling from both of them died down. "But, just so you know, most of us feel this way too. Having your life figured out at thirty? That only happens to the lucky ones, I can assure you" she saw his tired expression and put a hand to his shoulder, "And by the way, you're crazy talented. We were all mesmerized by your performance. You can get to whatever place you want to be, and if you don't, well... It won't be because of your fault".
They were once again looking in each other's eyes. His gaze travelled down to her mouth. They were sitting close to one another as to avoid the cold wind. Her heart beat faster. How come did she feel like he had known him for such a long time if this was practically their first ever proper conversation? Yet she couldn't fight it. She had seen so many sides of him in such a short amount of time; she swore she'd never been that much of a romantic but the alcohol, mixed with how vulnerable they both felt in that moment and the fact that she was finally feeling at ease after more than a month of such a big change in her life, probably did the trick.
"Can- can I...?" he started nervously, but was interrupted.
Their lips crashed, finally killing the anticipation. Her hands cupped his face and his ones settled on her waist. She felt his long eyelashes touch her face, his beard tickled her jaw and his hoop piercing was cold on her nose. (Y/N) enjoyed feeling all these parts of Jere on her. He truly was so pretty. And suddenly, she wanted to make sure he knew just how pretty he was and how much he deserved to know it. The wave of boldness she had had to ask him to sit down with her those two weeks ago, but had been interrupted, came back as a stronger force.
When they separated to catch their breath, (Y/N) kept his face close to hers. He was panting through a timid smile and hot red burned his cheeks. She noticed her face doing the same thing.
"My apartment is a five minute walk from here" she suggested.
"Meidän on hyödynnettävä sitä" he whispered, hands going up and down her sides, and the Finnish language had never sounded so seductive to her.
"I didn't catch that",
"You don't need to. I will show you".
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lunarthecorvus · 13 days
Inej Ghafa parent's fanfiction recommendations part of Lunar's soc fanficiton rec series
what a mother was by @cameliawrites
Wordcount: 62k Chapters: 8/8
Characters: Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Grandparents, Inej Ghafa's Aunt, Inej Ghafa's Father, Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker
Tags: Mother-Daughter Relationship, Motherhood, Family, Romance, Coming of Age, Prequel, Time Skips, Suli Culture & Religion, Canon Compliant, Original Character(s), Canon-Typical violence, Period Typical Racism, Sick Character, Grief/ Mourning, Attempted Sexual Assault, First Love, Implied/ Referenced Homophobia, Eating Disorders, Bittersweet, Angst, Eventual Happy Ending
Author's summary/notes: "She could recount every detail of the day she married Kolhat: the geraniums her sister had embroidered along the sleeves and hem of her dress, one of her father’s old handkerchiefs tucked into her pocket, her mother’s silk veil draped over her hair. She could recall the day she met him, when she was all of twenty years old. Inej was not yet twenty. Shanta still felt as young as all that, and she felt far older." . . . Before she was Inej’s mother, Shanta Ghafa had a mother too. or: ten years and six suitors in the life of Mama Ghafa. My summary/notes: A beautiful retrospective of Mama Ghafa's past, the life she has lived, and all she has loved and lost. Camelia is just an amazing writer and every part of this fic was beautfully written. You can feel the grief and joy of Shanta's life and it added levels and depth to her character that I never would've expected. While reading this I couldn't believe that this wasn't canon and its own book. I would kill to read this for the first time again.
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Sankta Margaretha and Other Tales of Sorrow by @oneofthewednesdays
Wordcount: 18k Chapters: 8/8
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Father, Kaz Brekker, Jesper Fahey, Wylan Van Eck
Tags: Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Angst, Implied/ Reference Rape/ Non-con, Canon Typical Violence, Graphic Description of Corpses
Author's summary/notes: When his daughter was stolen from beneath his nose on the outskirts of Os Kervo, Samir Ghafa lost his faith in the saints. After a letter arrives bearing the insignia of the Lantsov double-eagle, he finds his hope rekindled. But when he learns of the demon of Ketterdam, he begins to fear once more… My summary/ notes: I'm not sure how to write this without directly spoiling it.. but a certain opinion Inej's father has about someone is surprisingly uncommonly found in fics and its so interesting to read how the opinion is formed and how Samir acts because of it. Then consequently how the others act and feel because of Samir's actions. (I was laughing my ass off while writing this so vaguely)
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Ten Minutes in the Life of a Pear by @oneofthewednesdays
Wordcount: 8.9k Chapters: 4/4
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's Father, Kaz Brekker, Asha, Hanzi
Tags: Panic Attacks, Healing, Implied/ Reference Rape/Non-con, Canon backstory, Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Post-Canon
Authors summary: Four glimpses into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert with the Ghafa Family. My summary/ notes: A heartwarming fic reflecting on the pain and the way relationships both platonic and romantic can develop and grow throughout the different points in life.
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Runs in the family by DopamineAddict
Wordcount: 99k Chapters: 16/18 (hasn't been updated since march)
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa's Mother, Inej Ghafa's father, Wylan Van Eck, Jesper Fahey. Tante Heleen, Specht, Roeder, Anika
Tags: Revenge, Family Reunions, Canon-Typical violence, Coming of Age, Inej Ghafa needs a hug, Past Rape/ non con, Post-Book 2: Crooked Kingdom, Kaz is scared of Inej's parents he knows hunger for revenge when he sees it, the Ghafa's might be a bit non canon but we only see them from Inej's pov in canon so..
Author's summary/notes: As the Ketterdam harbour grows closer, Priya and Devnand Ghafa steel themselves for the truth of whatever their daughter had been through over the past two years. And for what they might do about it. My summary/notes: Priya and Devnand meet their daughter again after years, they learn about her and what's she's been doing, but the other question that will be answered is what have they been up to since Inej has been taken. (This fic is just incredible, it changed how I saw her parents)
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autumnaaltonen · 1 year
How do you think alucard would react to a gen z humor? For example: would he enjoy tiktok and vine? Would he be confused by our memes? How would he react to our self-deprecating humor?
This will be a running theme in my fanficiton, so I'm all for this. Also, I am barely Gen Z, and continuously learn new slang from my students, so excuse the cringe 😅
In my personal opinion, Alucard very much gives supportive grandpa vibes.
He's happy to view whatever "KidToks", "YouViews", or "Bumblr" memes you shove in his face. He's not going to understand it, but he's happy to watch if it makes you smile.
He really loves BookTok for reading material when he's chillin in the dungeon, especially murder mysteries and modern fantasy.
When he first got a taste of your Vine-Vocab, he legit just thought that was the way you spoke.
Seras delivering you a birthday gift: "so you just gonna bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?"
Giving the Hellsing taskforce driving directions for their next mission: "Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does."
Joining him in the shooting range for target practice: "Don't fuck with me! I have the power of God and anime on my side!"
When you eventually informed him it was from a dead meme-site that defined your generation, he was very impressed that you young-folk have such an extensive reference log to communicate with each other.
Like I said, grandpa vibes.
His favorite moments are when your Gen Z slang is directed at him. He has no idea what you're talking about, but he loves it cus it's you. You love it too, because you can use it to your advantage and flirt with him incognito.
"Alucard, I admire the 40s coat and sunhat drip, but it's a little camp these days. We really need to give you a glow up."
"I saw the footage from your last mission, and I have to say, you were an absolute snack. Totally bussin'."
"You high-key live in my head, rent-free, Alucard."
He enjoys your silly words. Such admirable youth.
But when it came to your self-deprecating humour, it was kind of 50/50 for him. He understands it with no issues, and as long as it wasn't too hurtful towards yourself, he thought it was hilarious.
"Sorry, demons! There’s no room inside me because I’m self-possessed." Hella relatable for him.
"I question my sanity a lot of times. Every now and then, it replies." He's like, "same."
You'd think he would enjoy it all, given his dark-humour streak. However, when you talk too poorly about yourself, it really puts a damper on his mood.
Even though he's a grandpa, we have to remember that Alucard is incredibly intelligent. So whenever you're shitting on yourself, he plays your game to his advantage.
You: "I'm the human equivalent of a typo."
Alucard: "But you'll always be my type."
Wait. What?
You: "If I remember correctly, the last time that I was someone’s type was when I was donating blood in the blood drive."
Alucard: "I had it for my dinner last week, it was one of the best bags I've ever drank."
Motherfucker. There more you try to put yourself down, the more creative he gets. It's like a ping-pong game of put-downs and affectionate counter-attacks.
You: "My life’s purpose is to be a cautionary tale for others."
Alucard: "I'll just have to be your happily-ever-after."
You: "I wouldn’t even settle for me, so why would you?"
Alucard: "Because we could be settling together in my coffin when we sleep."
You: "When I’m ready to sleep, I don’t bother checking if my foot is hanging off the end of my bed anymore. Come get me, demons."
Alucard: "Is that a proposition?"
You finally admit defeat, as your red cheeks and blood pressure could only handle so much.
Damn that sexy old man.
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ancientschampionau · 2 months
I did it
I actually did it.
What did I do you may ask?
I finished it.
Tumblr media
I just completed the main story for Ancients & Champions!!
The story I am talking about.
Rambling under the read more line
Okay! So. Obviously this is not the final final wordcount. Seeing as I will still need to edit the chapters and reread stuff but this is about the final wordcount.
And let me tell you. The last time i did an update like this I had just hit chapter 91 with writing and felt like I was close to the ending and said that if I had to write another 10 chapters I would go insane.
Oh silly me. Oh how I was wrong.
Because here we are. Not only did I write those last ten chapters but i OVERSHOT it.
It feels strange at this point to actually be done with writing the main story and main storyline. Again it isn't yet finished finished but the story has ended and it is... strange.
I should be relieved honestly. I have been writing this in my off time since we were still in a pandemic, 2021, and I am close to counting three years with writing it.
It was a journey and a half and honestly I think I am a better writer now than when I started. Hell when i reread some of the stuff i wrote near the start i still get the feeling i want to change some wording or characterization because along the process i really settled on hwo i wanted everyone to act and be. (really considering rewriting the sidestory about Error's backstory but i will contain myself for now)
The thing is. I never actually finished a fanficiton before. (and then she writes a 430K thing yes i can see the irony) it is just. I lost interest in the stories i wrote before so it is strange to actually finish this absolute monster of a fanfiction (aaayyyy i will show myself out)
I am not done with this universe I ended up creating just yet. The fact I started this whole thing because i wanted NightmareXSansXError things is still real funny to me. It just got out of hand so quickly and because i started with just writing for only myself it just kept growing.
But I loved the journey and everyone who on AO3 followed along and the few people here who are nice enough to follow me and my story.
It was a fun ride and as i said. I am not quite done with this universe just yet. But I would be lying if it isn't great that i now have more space to write other ideas i had. and i had quite a few ideas. We will see what the future brings.
See you people around and if i see you at the story, remember, updates every sunday until we are done.
See you sunday.
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ilovemylawyer · 2 months
hello! i wanted to tell you that i love your works so much, every time i receive an email about your new fic my day becomes the best day. i'm yet to leave comments on every one of them bc i was too deep in my thoughts after reading them to comment straight away, but i wanted you to know that your writing is incredible, i still remember every single one of your fics. the way you write dyds and especially ohjae is truly breathtaking, they are so in-character, they are ALIVE. your ohjae is something out of this world, i love him so much, reading fics from his pov is so fascinating. you said that you write sex scenes poorly, but i totally disagree. you nailed all of them, especially in "as a corpse". i love both your high rating and low rating fics, i'll keep reading them no matter what, so please, stick to what you want to write, and most importantly, want to tell, sex scenes aren't as important as people make them to look. you are dragging the entire evilive fandom on your shoulders, thank you so much for your hardwork, i want to kiss you on both cheeks for that.
you asked about prompts, and i decided to share that i'd love to read more about doyoung and minhee's interaction. doyoung is good with kids, i feel like they would get along really well (and maybe even annoy dongsoo together as the mischievous kids they are). thinking about doyoung having a tea party with minhee or playing some games with her makes me so emotional </3
first let me say something short and comprehensive: thank you so much i love you so much and now let me respond (ramble mode) in full:
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. seriously. seriously. your words give me strength that you may not be able to fathom. much needed strength. thank you. so much. really.
for me, writing has always been a pretty lonely endeavor. until i started sharing my writing for evilive, i hadnt posted anything online since like... 2018? something ridiculous like that. i tend to keep my writing reaaaal close to my chest because its inevitable that the fiction i write turns personal and i have become a pretty genuine hermitrecluselurker in the past few years.. sharing my stuff is a huge step out of my comfort zone and i have to be honest and say that it has NOT been easy!!!!!!! AT ALL!!!!!
but such kind sweet lovely lovely words keep me going <3 we are a SMALL fandom here. tiny. minuscule. there is like 50 of us. but i cannot just let this show fade into obscurity i need people to watch it and chew on it and enjoy it and i think what i am trying to do in my fics is just share the immense joy i got from watching it myself. and to prolong its life. evilive is by no means the perfect show but there is a lovely evil lawyer in it and i am not at all immune to an evil lawyer. in fact i am susceptible to them. extremely so. and i like playing around with han dongsoo in my docs. it is so much fun. and i really really enjoy sharing it because i LOVE reading fanficiton. being on the other side of it (writing it instead of just reading) is a lot different and very difficult at times but such praise like yours makes it all worth it <3
OHJAE. god i fucking love ohjae so much. having a lil guy at your side who carefully watches every move you make and silently critiques all of your decisions... a lil right hand man who is so ride or die that he does in fact end up dying. ohjae's (AND DOYOUNG'S) death is Soo hard for me to watch. his silence in his final scene is just detrimental to me. he deserves so much more. SO I AM SO GLAD I CAN BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE FOR US <3 he is a special little guy and oh my god he is so much fun to write. HE IS SOOO MUCH FUN TO WRITE i cannot emphasize that enough. he is SO important and i think he can be a great bridge/dove/string to bring dyds closer...he is a great Observer... he is so capable i love ohjae so fucking much and i am so so so honored to hear that he reads well in my stuff <3
RE: sex scenes. writing sex is SO DIFFICULT. i have so little experience with it which is why i think i am ultracritical of the sex scenes that i do write. i think it can be an extremely potent plot device (can't think of a better term) but i feel like i can't quite pack the horny porny punch that i know a lot of ppl go into fanficiton expecting. cuz at the end of the day i am not a pornwriter AT ALL, and i respect and admire those who can pull off a steamy heated scene, but i lean more towards the implications of the sex instead of the sexiness of the sex. if that makes sense. ALL THAT SAID, i am so glad you enjoy those intimate bits as well <333 you are giving me the confidence i need to not completely restrict myself from writing them!!!
i am accepting 2(two) cheek kisses from u <3 i have seriously been slaving away writing for this show and it is fulfilling as fuck but like i said, SUPER small fandom. with such a small, niche audience it is hard for me to gauge how my stuff is being received by the people... it is my own paranoia that chokes me about the stats and stuff, but the more i post the more comfortable i am getting with it all :D
finally: SAY LESS! i have a little wip already going that can verrry perfectly accommodate some uncle doyoung >:3c consider it done. i will push to finish+post that sooner than later <3 when it is done i will gift it to you on ao3!!!
thank you from the bottom of my heart and i hope you can continue to enjoy the endless supply of dyds that i have living inside of me <3 and apologies for this essay of a response but it is my way of showing thanks :-) thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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milkyluxe · 5 days
I love both couples and the amount of fanficiton that are on ao3 in a language that I can understand is saddening. I've goy ideas for both couples but help me decide which one to write first
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gerardpilled · 2 years
I'm not even particularly invested in this bc I don't read MCR fanfic, but you shouldn't go around saying people who enjoy fanfic need to be psychological evaluated, this only makes you sound like a bully who gets off on guilty tripping people. Just leave them be. Also, I'm guessing you're lacking a little context, but the bulk of MCR fans were actually 13-15 when the band peaked and they just believed in the stage gay the band members performed at their live concerts. It's important taking this in the context that in the mid 2000s any kind of queer representation in media was nonexistent or completely stereotyping and offensive (I recommend watching @verilybitchie video on emo subculture and bisexuality). Sometimes, believing in something, even as absurd as it may sound, is important to people and how they understood their own identities. T.a.T.u was fake af and yet I don't think I'd have come to terms with my own identity, sexuality and so on so early on if I hadn't had watched two girls singing about their undying love for each other on MTV. I know it's easier shitting on people when you dehumanize them as some kind of horny weirdo nasty queer girls that are somehow abusing these middle aged white celebrities for fantasizing about them, but to most people, these famous rock stars live in another world quite literally. Maybe you're a upper middle class person who lives in LA and meets celebrities grocery shopping on a regular basis, but remember that these artists are actually famous world wide and most fans won't ever be able to see them playing live. And then, there's the fact that in most cases, it's journalists that bring up fanfic during interviews for shock value, and not the fans. Also, you guys seriously need to stop overreacting about shit celebrities said 15 years ago on twitter.
Hi, okay so you’re referring to this post I made but the thing is I wasn’t talking about fanficiton, I was talking about genuinely believing Frank and Gerard had a secret romance. Perhaps you’re right that my wording was a bit harsh and rude, but the over reaction was meant to be at least a little funny.
I read and have always read mcr fic if I’m being honest! I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it because like you said we are never going to have contact with them and I personally can separate fiction from reality. I actually watched the video you’re referring to months ago and it has actually shaped a lot of my current opinions on the cultural impact of mcr. The thing is it’s not 2007 anymore and I was more referring to the people on tumblr who have more context than a stage kiss. There are people out there that when presented with all the facts in the world believe that Gerard and Frank are going to leave their wives and be together. I have gone through periods where I thought there was something more that went down between them but these days I just don’t really care if it actually happened or not. The way I read fic or think about their relationship is through hypotheticals where I think stuff like “wow if this actually happened it would have been so interesting!” but I know it didn’t. I would definitely be considered a “weirdo nasty queer girl” I just think putting genuine weight into the belief that they are in love does more harm than good to younger, impressionable people at this point in their careers. That’s just me though
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
Chapter 5 of the new Take It Back confirmed for me how equally epic this will be to the first book. I picked up on a few Easter eggs if that’s okay. First I want to say again how talented to you are when it comes to story telling and creating your world and characters. I can’t imagine the planning that goes behind the scenes and I would love to one day get an insight to see how you brainstorm everything. Chapter 5 showed me something I already knew about your stories but it went even further, and it also has to do with the ask you answered earlier.
I appreciate how you don’t stick to the cliche of happy ever afters or to the simple this happened and this happened and then this and everyone left the situation doing okay. But that’s not how it works in real life is it? A husband doesn’t just cheat on his wife for the heck of it, and he doesn’t do it without feeling guilt no matter how much he loves reader. That’s not realistic. His love and hurt for Ashlyn is realistic. His fear for opening up to reader about some things is realistic. What he is feeling is realistic. Just like in real life, every story has multiple sides.
In the first Take It Back, we had a very broad view of the situation, probably the same one the reader had during the whole thing. I can’t explain it but the way it’s all intertwined and has layers, and how realistic it is, is amazing.
Bucky continues to compare himself to Steve without realizing it. Makes me wonder how that might reflect in the present because I remember when we left off in the first book, Steve was becoming friends with Ashlyn.
We also finally found out what Barnes Enterprises does and what Bucky’s profession is.
I’m also very interested to see how Nat and Steve’s story unfolds. She never told him how she felt. Why? Will she now? I also think there is more to Steve and Reader than we know, based off that therapy scene. I think Raynor makes a good point and question. I don’t think Steve acted possessive and led on by reader for no reason. I hope we get flashbacks to see what really happened.
At the end, I know Bucky and Reader are it, but I can’t help but wonder what if it happened the other way around? What if Ashlyn had never cheated? What Bucky and Reader still have been guided together by faith? What is Ashlyn and Bucky made up? What don’t we know about Ashlyn’s story? I also think she’s unforgivable but what she did, but Bucky is right. He did the same exact thing. It’s just so captivating how you write this. It’s layers and layers of information and good points.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt the need to write my own fic based off another fanficiton, but that’s what you’ve done here. You’ve created your own little fandom.
Wowowwow. Thank you. Truly. Hearing that I’ve input this need into my reader to create a fic based off my own fic is literally…just a dream come true and something that makes me beyond happy to hear. Like, you have no idea how much of a compliment that is. Correct. Bucky x Reader will be end game in this as usual, but you can feel free to ship whoever you want. If you do write something, please tag me so I can see it.
All the questions you asked will be addressed, and I’m so excited for you to read it. Again thank you for this review. It’s readers like you that make me want to keep doing this. Thank you!!! 🙏🏼
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nicdcgalitzine · 9 months
Dear Very Charmed Nicholas Dimitri Constantine Galitzine, Smart, I'll give you that one. However, fanficiton really? Are you telling me you've read them or just sending them blinkly? This is real question, my dear pal. My letters are amazing as I am and you'll learn to love and crave them as much as I can proudly admit you're a lovely writer and I hear your voice in each one. Now please, don't stand for our possible scandal, take a seat. The current scandal status is we talk still. Henry and Alex lead stars Taylor Zakar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine to actually write to each other. Cute! Could there be more? Nope. Just Taylor bored with his dog messing with a co-star. I wanna visit and see that box, by the way. Are you sure about that, Nic? I feel on set you had a wandering eye. I know you stalked my social media! Caught in 4K. If you miss me, please, simply say. I'll consider flying out to see you. Letter, text, just tell me. Signed, The Only Taylor You're Missing Right Now
dear taylor still need to get over yourself perez , i will not humour your words with a reply , however , i know you and i know you'll think that's me say i have . so , darling , i will admit i haven't . not sure i want to know how it gets with how i've seen some of what's online already . they're -- something , that's for sure . that's um -- very lovely to say , taylor , thank you . maybe i write a lot in my free time -- poems , songs and what have you . you're such a certin , i swear . i'll wonder for our scandal , might need to keep moving for it after all . sounds quite scandalous for our letters to leak and prove our roles got us closer and to write over email . it's simply terrible innt ? you better send me dog pictures -- my rubbish box could use the photos as well sometimes . i'll send one back of the most recently picture of myself for you to dog over . maybe one day you'll see if -- given it's actually a thing by then . my eyes wonder in ways you won't believe . i read people , body language and the beautiful woman on set with us . i swear -- they're some real lookers , taylor and i definitely might have met up with a couple of them after . and sure , i do follow your account after all . fine -- have it your way . i might miss you to some tad degree but -- no need to come out right now . these suffice for now . i'll let you know , promise . signed , nicholas admitting he misses you a tad
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scifrey · 1 year
💖,✨, and/or 🎶 for the Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask?
More asks! Thank you!
💖 What made you start writing?
I was a child actor, and I loved it. I loved telling stories that way, and really got into scripts and playwriting.
Also, around the time of high school, I discovered fanficiton. I really loved the community and getting to tell stories on a no-stakes platform, so that was a really fun hobby.
A TA in uni encouraged me to try writing an original novel, while we were workshopping a play I'd written, and I gave it a serious go after I had an auto accident that more-or-less ended my acting career.
That novel was published and did pretty well, so I shifted to being a professional novelist as a way to feed my desire to tell stories. And now I've very excited to be in a place where I get to write pro novels, write fanfic, and return to acting as a voice actor. I am very privileged and lucky, and I work hard to be grateful and deserve it.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
You have a damn good turn of phrase, girl. And you're excellent at making readers cry. Keep it up.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
No, I need to hear the cadence of the prose in my head, or the pattern of the character's voice in their dialogue. I write in complete silence. Word-choice and sound is important to me, so I tend to read what I've just written out loud, or as I'm writing it, to make sure the musicality of the phrase functions the way I want it to.
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gotenandtrunkz · 2 years
Concept: a dragon ball fanfiction that is totally antagonist-driven and plot heavy and long and well-written and enthralling and, like, it really seems like the author knows what theyre doing and everything has a place. 
But in all of this theres also ample time for domestic stuff bc it’s a slow-build, or bc not all characters are involved at all times . And it takes place during a time where trunks is a teenager and he has braces for his shitty teeth. and as a reader youre like LOL. Wonfder why they chose to give him braces. But you dont really think abt it much.
But then also theres this subplot in which goten and trunks have been hanging out lately , playing video games, going to the skatepark, etc and youre like Oh thats sweet . Anyway let’s see where the main plot goes.
But then that subplot doesnt leave and FOR SEEMINGLY NO REASON what happens is that goten keeps trying to get trunks to eat gummy worms bc he knows it’s bad for his braces + and thats all cute and funny to see them bicker + but then goten just seems starngely transfixed on this bizarre idea of there being METAL in his MOUTH and this culminates into him eventually getting trunks to let him lick the candy out of his braces.
and again THIS IS A WELL-THOUGHT OUT STORY .. everything has a place .. everything feels thematically relevant in regards to itself AND the source material .. so WHY does trunks have braces WHY are they eating name-brand gummy worms? Like the author made that up. Why.
and it just gets weird like we can see how goten is having a hard time understanding this metal mouth situation and he doesnt like it and is vexed abt it but it also disgustingly intrigued and haunted by it .... Everyonbe keeps trying to explain to him the purpsoe of braces but hes just inconsolable. Hes like “It Just Aint Right. It’s not natural.” and Gohan tries to explain “Well see it’s like how i wear glasses, i cant see so well so theres glass on my face! But thats not that strange to you, is it?” but goten cuts him off and is just like IT’S NOT THE SAME THING.....
Anyway. We also see how Trunks handles this. And we see how sick he thinks it is that goten keeps doing this to him and at the same time we see the wordless, desperate fervor he exhibits where he sneaks down to the party store to buy more gummy worms with cash, how when the cashier lightheartedly says “hey kid, you know gummy things arent good for your braces, right?” trunks barely emotes and just hands him the money, we see how whenever he knows goten is coming over he plants these bags of candy where he thinks goten will see them just to put the idea in his head . We see how when they hang out it’s totally normal and comfortable until goten ntoices smth on the counter yonder and goes “woah. woaaah. Are those gummy worms? WOAH. Well. Dont mind if i do..” and then it’s like a ball drops and the evening is not the same as trunks just waits for the inevitable when goten is like “Hey you can have some too i wont tell your orthodontist..” and then tries to feed him these damn worms.
and trunks is saving face so well and exhibiting disapproval at the prospect of goten stick his tongue in his mouth but also he deosnt fight back THAT hard . Like his disapproval is genuine but so is the way that he wills himself to turn the other cheek.  And every time Goten leaves Trunks is in the bathroom scubbing his teeth and picking his braces clean and just trying to fucking breathe and not vomit. The thrill and the disgust are interchangeable. 
AND AGAIN. This is a perfeclty conventional and engaging dragon ball fanficiton. YOPU CANT FIGURE OUT WHY THIS IS HAPPENING?
And either you never get an answer OR you finally find out at the very end WHY this has been happening. It’s so when at the crux of the villainry, they refuse to form gotenks, thus giving the plot the proper dire kick it needs. 
Like things got TOO uncomfortable between them like their subplot get its climax in which Goten is like "WAIT WAIT WAIT. They put METAL in your MOUTH so that your TEETH will MOVE?" And he already knew that but hes just realizing it in full context again. And Trunks doesnt know what the fuck hes supposed to do about the desperate fervor that lives in his chest and makes him hide gummy worms in his room for Goten to find. And maybe this does just culminate into them making out and it's WEIRD becasue it's not like theres anythinf between them but platonic comfort and fearful disgust. And they do this and Goten deosnt even care about it becasue without the sweet tang of gummy worm flesh and the tart effect of the sour dust it's sort of underwhelming. Like the metal and teeth thing is still fucked but again it's underwhelming like hes done this before but with candy and so this is just underwhelming. And they do this until they stop and then Goten goes home ... ?
And so later, in the climax of the main plot, theres a situation where they REALLY need another strong fighter. And they're sort of getting their shit kicked in. And Bulma is hiding amongst the wreckage and her son flies down to see if shes ok and shes like “IM FINE BUT YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE.. WASNT GOTEN JUST WITH YOU? GO MERGE WITH HIM OR SOMETHING!” and trunks is just like Um. Well. About that. I dont really think that’s neccessary .....
and like the stakes are so high right now but theres this pocket of comic relief where we have time for Goten to stand there with his hands in his pockets kicking rocks around and for Trunks to be like "Hey. So. My mom says we have to fuse.." and for Goten to go "Yeah. No. I dont really wanna do that...."
And you cant really say no to Bulma so they try to fuse but they dont really do it bc they keep being like "hold on my postures off" "uh I think your ki's off" etc etc and it's becasue they're kind of nervous and completely uncomfortable for obvious reasons. And Bulma just cant fucking believe what shes seeing right now.
And so. The justification for that whole sub-arch is that so at the end, Goten and Trunks arent available to form Gotenks. Ok. Sure. Everything has a place. The ends justify the means.
...BUT DO THEY???? DO the end justify the means??? ISNT THERE ANY ROOM FOR COMMENT ON THE MEANS THAT WERE CHOSEN... SURELY there are a MILLION other ways to get to that same functional end. SO WHY??? WHY??
Again to reiterate this is a great and good fanficiton. A right proper read. It feels in chatacter and relevant. SO WHY ... DID THAT HAPPEN .!!
Thanks for reading. Love you
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ticklishsquish · 2 months
Fiona & Cake: An jumbled essay
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Adventure time has 8 seasons , and 245 episodes total. I think the biggest question i’ve been asked is ,is it worth it to watch it before Fiona & Cake?
My personal option is you should . while the show itself isn’t entirely needed to understand Fiona &Cake, the protagonist of Adventure Time tell a lot about the world.
Adventure Time is set in an post apocalyptic world, where Finn the Human and Jake the Dog go on adventures. It’s pretty simple and straightforward, with no inherent goal. of course your given little tidbits about the characters. More specifically , the two characters who I will discuss next.Overall it’s a fun series that aired for a long time.
Marceline The Vampire
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Marceline the Vampire is probably my favorite female protagonist in Adventure Time. She has long black hair, and plays an guitar made out of an axe. What’s not to love about her?? I think her character is the essence of cool moody teenager.
Her character is also a really good luck into the past of the Land of Oo, where Adventure Time is set. Marceline is the last vampire of her kind and is nicknamed ‘ the queen of the vampires’. Way after the bombs that created the land of Oo, she killed all the vampires including the one that had turned her.
If i had to tell you what Marceline is most known for, it’s probably her music and the relationship that she has with another character- Princess Bubblegum.
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Ice King
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Where to start with this weirdo? Ice King was originally a professor & researcher named Simon. Before the bombs dropped he was researching a magical crown that gave him ice powers. Now , thousands of years later he’s still here - driven mad by the crowns power.
Ice King has a very special connection with Marceline the Vampire. After the bombs dropped , Marceline was but a small child lost in the wasteland. For many years , Simon took care of her , fed her and tended to when she was sick. Simon slowly went crazy, relying on the power of the crown to protect himself and Marceline. Eventually though after trying to protect Marceline , he uses the crown and succumbs to madness.
So Why Does any of this matter?
Marceline and Ice King are two of the most lore-heavy characters within Adventure Time . It’s really funny to look back on the show is that Fionna &Cake are joke characters. In particular, Fiona & Cake are from a genderbent reality of the Land of Ooo. They are first introduced as ‘fanficitons’ written by our crazy Ice King.
Something that started out as a joke , suddenly became ever so real and an important addition to Aventure Time’s world.
Fiona & Cake: The show
I think it’s important to distinguish that Fiona & Cake start out in the ‘normal’ world at the start of this show. This was a way to not only connect with the audience but to make the show more ‘real’ . Over the years cartoons are taken less seriously , and are addressed as ‘for children’.
Fiona & Cale takes a real if not emotional approach to its audience. Its audience who, they know are all grown up now. Struggling through adulthood whether that’s college or a job. The biggest thing to remember about Fiona & Cake as well is that this is a genderbent universe.
I think that listening to the depressive opening of Fiona awakens something in those who love Adventure Time. While Fiona feels like everything is on repeat and boring ,we know otherwise . We know that her world is littered with exciting, cool people because we know the land of Oo. We know that her world is exciting, even if it could always be better.
In a way i guess this invokes some self-reflection on the viewers , that the world isn’t as dark as we may think. That the world is full of cool people who, we haven’t quite met yet.
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melitheduck · 1 year
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! 💫
Oh my lord♡
Food. Good, delicious, scrumptious, belly-filling food. Without it, I cannot survive.( quite literally. ) Be it warm food, cold food, raw, cooked, sweet, sour, spicy, or salty♡. I'm not very picky, so I eat everything, hahaha. ( Except maybe ginger and mushrooms, bleugh. )
Seeing, talking, and being with my friends and family. We don't need to do anything. Just seeing them and seeing them all healthy and happy is enough for me. You know, even a simple text message sends an arrow to my heart!! Hehe, so don't be shy to message me or mention me or anything! I don't mind at all, in fact I love it.
Spending money. Going shopping for my friends!! I just love spoiling people with gifts and food and whatnot♡. It feels even better when it's from my own wallet. I will spend and shop till I'm a broke baby. ( It's happened, two maybe three or more times. ) but no regrets. Cause I get to watch them smile and accept le gifts♡♡. Also, because I'm not the best with my hands and so handcrafting is out of the question. It'd be nice if I could sew or knit, though... *sigh*
Affection. Physical affection. While holding hands isn't exactly my thing, I'll totally hook arms with you. Hug you, cuddle you, spoil you, pat you, pamper you, all the stuff!! If you're comfortable, of course♡. I've been opening up more about holding hands, though. ( Thanks to my little cousins. ) It makes my heart leap out with joy when they reach for my hand to hold or come running up to hug me! Walking around with your friends' arms and your arm linked together is a sweet feeling. Makes me feel close together and comforting! Goodbye hugs are a while other level of special warmth♡. Hello hugs are even better. Especially when it's been a while since you've last seen each other. The best, hello hugs, though? Grannies, hello hugs. Getting my head pat and patting other people's heads is super nice!
Last one! Reading fics and books. Especially romance. They get my heart pumping and legs kicking!! Literally gets me squealing and wishing for love all over again. While being around and hanging out with your loved ones close to you is nice, spending some relaxing alone time is just as good♡. Sitting back or lying down and recharging your social battery as you read fiction and fanficiton. The time that allows me to pull away from reality and into deep imaginations. Makes me happy! My mind happy!
Anyways, that's my 5! Thank you so much, cutie annonnie♡, for the ask! It was asked such a long while ago, istg it's kinda embarrassing, ahaha. Enjoyed answering and rambling a bit! Sorry if I did it wrong♡.
I also got 2 of the same asks, so eh, idk.
Thank you, peeps, for reading this shit!♡♡
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heygutlcss · 1 year
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Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion  
@angelsweeps​  ASKED: 🔥 wss ships bc i’m curious
I don’t think Riff x Anita should have gotten as much hate as it did. Especially since Bernardo x Riff is a ship that exists without the same amount of both Anon and direct hate. I personally don’t ship either of them, but I can respect other people’s ships and i don’t mind going along for the ride. The fanficiton Fight or Flight on AO3 was Riffnita and I really enjoyed it. Still not my go to ship though.
West Side Story is a story about love overcoming hate and starting an ongoing conversation about the nature of hate. The problem is if you gate keep Tony x Maria but reject any other noncanon ship because of racial issues, then you shouldn’t ship Tony x Maria.
Tony and Maria are a very safe ship. Sure, we have a clash of cultures and by the context of the times Maria is a person of color, but that’s only because  America rejected the white/black conflict that was going on in Latinx  and spanish communities. Racism isn’t exclusive to America. white privilege exists down there too.
To top all of that off, Maria has almost always been played by a non-latinx white woman. So to say “ i love west side story because its so daring in its exploration in love overcoming hate and its open discussion of racists and racisim in America” but send hate and death threats to other online users who say they ship other characters who are of color, or want to put them in an interracial relationship because one part might be a racist and racists are “nonredeemable characters”... doesn’t that gate keeping then make you a racist, because the canon ship is essentially a white ship? 
I think i need someone to explain it to me, because the most common argument i’ve seen is that having an afro-latinx person be in a ship with a white person ( which is to say ethnic non-white by the story’s time frame and social status compared to how the police treat them within the narrative) would hurt afro-latinx people because their sole purpose is to fix the racist. Isn’t that whats going on with Tony and Maria? because Tony is a racist, too.  He canonically started the jets, in both versions he is a vicious fighter( tho his himbo-ness doesn’t help convey that) and in the new version, we know he is in jail for gang warfare with people of color ( I still have beef with them using the egyptian kings as a plot point but that’s another story). So  if the biggest complaint is that in this story shipping an interracial ship ( which would be the current story) shouldn’t happen. but Tony and Maria is okay. So does Maria not fix him? Is she not a person of color?  I’m so confused as to why one is okay, but the other is not. Is it because we are told all these things about tony but don’t actually see them? i mean in the new version we see a tony that simply doesn’t care about anybody and the girl he sees dancing in the gym sure a hell looks like the jets around her.
I’ve noticed in my research kickback against suggestions from both the puerto Rican community as well as avid american broadway fans against casting an afro-latinx person as maria for much of the same reasons. it just doesn’t make any sense to me.
I mean I know WSS is part of the racial discussion triad which includes Show Boat and South Pacific, but we face much of the same problems. In Show Boat Julie, a biracial character, is left by Steve by the end of the show, her white husband. In South Pacific,  Joseph Cable, a white GI, dies in action leaving Liat, the Tonkinese(northern  Vietnamese) girl alone in the world. Sure Nellie , the white nurse, decides to marry Emilie, the rich french man, but the show never has her touch his biracial children, and she never has more than a polite conversation with them, they get passed off to the nanny. 
We can’t have progressive musicals  be progressive without being willing to address the fact that people can grow and can change. Maybe not overnight, but gatekeeping people from shipping something like Riff and Anita based on the canon white ship, despite it being considered interracial just seems ludicrous to me. Ship what you want! Push characters out of their comfort zone and into personal growth, that’s how we better mankind! 
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ss3890 · 3 years
Cayrie’s Guide to the House of Lamentation - ✨
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Heya, fellow MC’s! 
I’ve spent almost my entire weekend working on a simple floor plan for the House of Lamentation. I was trying to write some dumb fanficiton, realized that I had absolutely nothing concrete to anchor these characters to, and that was a problem for me.
Internet searches left me empty-handed. I found a lot of impressive Sim houses, but they didn’t really give me what I was looking for. So, I came to conclusion that I was going to have to make my own. 
There are a lot of small, often contradictory details about the HOL that made this a pretty daunting task at first. Then I just said fuck it and rolled with the punches. I took my liberties to make something that worked for me - and hopefully, it can work for you, too!
I like to imagine that my MC self actually did take time to create a map like this for her own benefit - and to the benefit of anyone else who might need it. (Potential spoilers ahead + map is not to scale)
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I took the time to scan my original drawings and upload them in a way that’s easier to read, (hopefully). From here, I’ll start from the Underground Tomb, and work my way up. The individual levels can be found under the cut:
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The Underground Tomb. Honestly, there isn’t much to say about this one. I added a utility room that you can access through a door that goes under the landing, and a secret passage that comes down from Lilith’s Room.
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The Lower/Basement Level. There’s a lot going on down here. 
As this is a “dorm house” with so many people living in it - they would need a large laundry room to accommodate everyone’s needs. They would also need a lot of bathrooms. I gave every resident their own private bathrooms with additional communal ones located on each floor.
I decided to split the brother’s rooms up between floors due to a few factors: 
1.) Mammon has a car is in his room. It’s on a level higher than his living space, which tells me that his space is below ground. It makes more sense that the car would be on ground level, rather than him having to drive up a ramp to the second level or whatever to garage it. He has his own private garage and entry door at the rear of the house.
Pretty much, his living space has been built around his car. 
2.) It’s unlikely that Mammon would be on the lower alone. I felt that Levi and the Twins would be the likely candidates to share the floor with him. 
3.) Levi’s room being in the lower level allows good support for the giant aquariums he has. In positioning it below the MC/Guest room, I realized that his ceiling aquarium could also feed the roots of the guest room tree. It’s a neat little headcannon that I enjoy quite a bit. 
4.) Putting Beel and Belphie down here would allow me to give them a sizable room for the two of them. It would also give direct access to the Underground Tomb for lost Chihuahua purposes (and make sneaking Luke around the house under Luci’s nose a lot easier to do, as Luci is on the second floor in my universe.)
5.) I put Lilith’s Secret Room down here next to the Twin’s for similar reasons. Lilith had a strong affinity with the Twins, so it’s a nice that that her tribute room would be next to theirs. 
This is a room of secrets full of illusionary magic. It doesn’t have to take up a large physical footprint. 
Luke, after hiding in Beel’s closet, disappears into thin air, which leads Beel and MC to discover the secret room. I imagine that there is a false panel that leads from the closet to Lilith’s room, and additional secret passages leading both down into the tomb and up into the library. It makes sense to me that this is how Luke was able to move from Beel’s room, to the secret room, to the underground tomb so efficiently. (There is also some sus spying implications here, probably, if you want there to be. [Looks at Lucifer].)
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The First Floor. Iconic and communal. 
The HOL, being the mansion that it is, needed a grand porch and entry. I imagine that the door we see in the official HOL art is actually the garden entrance.  This would also allow me to have the long planes of house I needed to extend back to the Living room, which we can see from the Entrance Hall.
This being a large and full house, I gave them significant pantry space. Keeping it stocked is probably a full-time job with Beel around, though. Maybe Lucifer puts a magical lock on it ( so Beel can raid only the fridge at night and not eat them out of house and home every time they turn around.) 
I gave the Living Room rear doors that extend into hallways. The Guest/MC room is tucked in the far corner behind the kitchen, away from any of the other bedrooms, but with good access to the central stairway.
Mammon’s car is seen here at the rear of this level, along with his private entries.
I clustered the Common Room. Library, Music Room, and Observatory together, as this made sense to me. The Living Room seems more of a formal, receiving area, so that’s in the middle with a few ways to go around it. There are two half-baths located in a convenient place between the Dining, Living, and Common rooms.
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The Second Level. Here is where the grand staircases of the Entrance Hall take you. Lucifer shares this floor with Satan and Asmodeus. 
I totally didn’t forget all about the grand stairs in my first draft, only to have to redo this level and push Luci and Asmo’s rooms out to the side. You know, only one of the most obvious and prominent details of this house. Nope, not at all.
In making this image, I realize that the balcony could/should have come out a lot farther than I made it. Imagine it as you will - makes no difference, really. I do remember one being mentioned at some point, though.
Satan’s room is directly over the Library. I didn’t think to make him a “secret” passage down there, but he most definitely has direct access to the stores of books below him. His room is basically an unofficial extension of the larger library, after all. 
Asmo’s space is half bath room. I think it’s an open concept room, with plenty of windows, as he isn’t shy about sharing his beauty with the world. He can look out directly over the garden and observatory and watch who comes and goes.
Lucifer, being the Dad Master of the House, gets a significant suite to himself. His Office and Bedroom are connected by a master bath, allowing him easy access no matter where he is in the space - working or relaxing. I imagine the Office with big double doors. Having his rooms located here would also allow him to keep a watchful eye on the Central Stairway and the Attic level. It’s why it was such a pain for MC to try and sneak up there without him being right on their case about it.
There is dialogue in Lesson 20 that Lucifer’s Office is actually the secret study accessed by the Library. However, it doesn’t make sense to me that the office belonging to the head-of-household and Diavolo’s right-hand man would have been a secret. People know about it. They can walk into the HOL, go up the grand stairs, and walk right into his office and conduct business with him. (The Secret Study is one of those details I chose to ignore for the sake of my own logic. Though I do imagine that the library passage does contain Luci’s extra stores of demonus that he wanted to hide from his brothers.)
It is also why, when MC is coming down from the attic party to either [get a drink] or [take a breather], they have to walk directly by his study. To me, that makes sense how MC can hear Luci’s record playing as they come down from the attic, and why Luci can hear the all the ruckus going on in the attic with ease. 
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The Attic Room. Like the Tomb level, this one is pretty self explanatory. I added some defined storage in the rear, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I guess I was thinking of a designated living area for (an imprisoned) Belphie where he wouldn’t have to be surrounded by more junk than he wanted. Don’t ask me about going to the bathroom, go ask Luci how all that stuff worked. 
SO, I guess that’s all, folks. Use this as you will. It would make me happy to know that it helps anchor other people like it does for me! Feel free to use this as a starting point to make your own layout, if you wish. We all have our own way of imagining things - this is just mine. If you have any problems viewing the images, do let me know! 🙏🏻
Go forth and stay awesome, you lovely people.
- Cayrie ✨
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