#we have the same resting and judging bitch face
mafiatsunafish · 1 year
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He doesn’t look judgy enough 🥲🫠
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noxtivagus · 2 years
guess who just got glasses ❕🤍
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Luke Hughes x Latina!reader
synop: a few moments where y/n mistakes Luke's kindness for being best friends, but they mean something more, it always does.
a/n: besties to lovies, the notebook is mentioned ofc, my work feels rusty but hopefully u enjoy ;)
cw: reader gets black eye in non-violent type of way, one cuss word I think, joke about being mugged, drinking, sweetie pie & Lu pet names hehe
You were one of the very few to see Luke Hughes. The turtle under the shell. It took time to see the real him but quickly over time he peaked out every now and then. He didn’t know why but he felt a different kind of my comfort around you. A comfort where you knew wouldn’t judge him. Maybe as a joke you would tease him but both of you knew you didn’t mean any harm. So he let walls come down to a complete stranger. A stranger he had just met, a stranger that he would fall in love with over and over again.
“You need to be more careful."
It was any other game day that you could attend. Wearing his number after you persuaded for him to buy for you. “Who else am I going to represent? Certainly not Jack…no offense.” you joked years earlier when you first started to cheer for him in person. He was surprised to hear you to bring up the idea but quickly got you your jersey the next day.
It was any other game day besides the slowly bruising black eye your friend gave you hours earlier. It was childish really, you two were messing around and dared each other to wrestle on the living room floor, and one maneuver led to your left eye hitting the couch’s arm rest. It hurt like a bitch on impact and the stinging after but the ice your friend placed on your face helped.
You knew Luke would say something so you showed up to the arena with sunglasses, taking them off to see the game clearly but putting them back on to see him after.
“Nice assist Lu,” you hugged him after he changed
“Thanks, what’s up with the shades?” he laughs poking at your glasses
“I thought they looked good with my outfit, what do you think?” You knew you weren’t fooling Luke, you were wearing jeans and his jersey, the basic outfit didn’t really need the sunglasses.
“How could have you seen my assist if you were wearing sunglasses?” His brows raise waiting for your response
You were about to come up with another excuse before Jack runs by snatching said glasses off your eyes, “Nice shades!” He yells as he jogs away, revealing your reddish purple turning bruise right under your eye.
“What the hell happened!?” Luke asks as he steps forward to get a better look, gently turning your head into better light.
“Nothing really, I was messing around and hit my eye on my couch. Don’t touch it.”
“Did you put ice on it?” He asks
“Of course I did Luke. Looks crazy though right?” You were kind of proud to have such an injury, it would heal eventually so why not be proud of it.
But Luke was not on the same wavelength, “Here. We gotta put ice on it." he grabbed your hand, dragging you towards the team's med room
"Luke I have ice at home."
"Just come."
The doc checked your shiner out by Luke's request and to no ones surprise, you were fine. He gave you an ice pack and Luke interrogated you on the way out,
"So what actually happened? You didn't just fall into your soft couch and get a black eye... No one hit you right?" you saw how his eyes slightly squinted
"I got mugged for my phone." you deadpanned. His eyes widened and his fists clenched, "But they clearly didn't win." you waved your phone in front of you with a big grin on your face.
"Thats not funny y/n." his features finally softened
You sucked in your smile into a flat one, "Sorry, me and y/f/n were wrestling and it ended with my face into the couch's hard arm rest and boom." you clapped for dramatics.
"You and y/f/n need to be more careful." he whispered in a stern voice making you smile of how many times Luke has said to be careful. Too many times than he would like that's for sure.
“Yes I can imagine.”
One of the many things Luke had to put up with to be your friend were the late night calls. You always watched your shows and movies at night. Sometimes with him but other nights when he was at his own place, you would call him to rant and give your movie review. This night you couldn't decide on a new movie to watch so you rewatched The Notebook for the nth time and it left you hollow like always.
You dialed Luke’s number mid sob after you finished the movie,
"Y/n what's wrong?" his voice was filled with concern as he heard your cries.
"Luke, you have to watch the notebook." you choke out, mindlessly staring at the rolling credits.
He paused in silence, "I already have y/n, I saw it with you, twice." he emphasized the word twice.
"Then you have to see it a third because it's just too good," you hiccup a sob before you started, "I mean- can you just imagine the love of your life writing you a letter everyday for a whole year and not knowing they existed!? god! it's heart wrenching. Noah Calhoun is the standard." Luke heard the same statement you have made many times before and with the same strong conviction. The change in tone in seriousness had him smiling on the other line holding in a laugh.
"Are you imagining?" you demanded after some silence,
"Yes I can imagine." he said in that sweet voice of his. He did imagine a love like Noah and Allie had. He would write a letter everyday to the love of his life if he knew for sure it wouldn't scare her away. He continued to hear your rambles he had heard before because it's the closest thing he can have insight on your views on love.
“I wish we met when we were kids.”
You were having a very small party for your birthday. You had the night off and wanted a quick but memorable celebration so you and close friends had dinner and a birthday cake in your cozy dinning room. You had help from your friends and Luke to decorate the place and it turned out better than imagined.
After dessert, and recreational drinking, gifts were handed out and it was Luke's turn. The one person you were excited the most to receive. He had gifted you a vinyl record of your favorite album,
"Thanks Lu but I don't have a record player" you laughed nervously
"That's why he bought you one too." Jack who had also been invited, carried a medium sized wrapped box that sounded heavy as he placed it in front of you.
"Dude she was supposed to unwrap it." Luke nagged at his brother spoiling his gift
"Oops, I thought it was obvious he would buy you both." he just shrugged his shoulders.
"I love it. Luke, you sweetie pie, thanks." Luke blushed as you called him his favorite nickname you gave him years ago. You hugged him before unwrapping the second gift. Behind your back Jack gave his little brother a wink.
The rest of the night consisted with setting up the record player and playing the album, playing board games, and more drinking than you should have if you wanted to remember the night. It was a bit too late when Luke had cut you off but the night was ending when people were leaving.
He was half-carrying you to bed when you drunkenly admitted, "You’re a good friend Luke, any girl would be lucky to have you that’s for sure.”
“Thanks,” he whispered as he helped you tuck into bed
“Can you stay with me? At least until I fall I asleep? I always feel lonely when I sleep alone, especially on my birthday.” you asked without any embarrassment.
“Of course.” He kicked off his shoes and got comfortable next to you. It wasn’t uncommon to be so close to one another but Luke always felt his heart race.
You were already under your covers, “Shouldn’t I change into my pjs?”
“You already did y/n.” Luke noted that you were very intoxicated and you wouldn’t remember the next moments.
“Oh crap, when did that happen!” Alcohol also made you delirious.
“An hour before people started to leave, you said you wanted to be comfortable, so now you're wearing your grinch pj pants."
You caressed the soft material, "I love my fuzzy grinch pants." "Hey don't you have a pair too?" you asked Luke from a lingering memory
"Yeah, we have a matching pair," he confirmed
"Because of last christmas... gosh that was a fun break, remember the snowball fight we had! we stayed out so long that your mom forced us to stay inside for the rest of the weekend."
“I remember. That was my favorite christmas.” He admitted,
“That was my first Christmas with all of you guys.” you realized out loud with some clarity.
Luke cleared his throat as he pulled out a small box from his pocket, “I have one more gift for you.”
“Wow. Three gifts. I must be important or something.” you joked as you took the box from his hands,
“You have no idea.” He whispered to himself but you were too preoccupied with untying the box to hear.
You opened the box to find a dainty gold swan necklace. Intoxicated or not you knew what the swan symbolized.
“Is this- what is this?” you asked in disbelief
“You know.” he stated softly
“If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” You recited the line that always brought you to tears as you traced the minuscule details.
He watched how your tired eyes blinked slowly, “You can wear it in the morning.” He took the box and reached over to put it on your nightstand.
“Thanks Lu. You are way too kind. Scares me sometimes.” you snuggled into his side as a hug
"I wish we met when we were kids," you said.
“Why?” his arms found themselves around you caressing your arms.
“Because I would have spent more time with you. Having the title of growing up with Luke Hughes.”
“You wouldn’t have liked me then.” he said flatly
“I don’t believe that. Some friends of mine weren’t that great but you,” you point into his chest, “you are a true friend everyone should have at least once.”
“I was annoying as a kid.” he tried to deflect your words but it didn’t help.
“All kids are annoying. But you were probably the same sweet shy kid and I would have loved you for it like I do now.”
Luke had wondered the same, if, you two grew up together. Would things be different? Seeing and knowing you for longer than a few years. Luke didn't have to think too much before realizing he would have fallen for you inevitably.
You had cuddled closer to his torso if possible and started to close to your sleepy eyes.
“You should sleep,” he says
“Goodnight Lu”
“Night” he whispered softly
Once you fell asleep, he stayed in your bed a little bit longer. He thought of the nice words you said about him and thought of the possibility of you liking him back. He imagined at least 1% could have been possible. All he knew for sure, all that was admitted and shared that night would be forgotten on your part. He eventually left your place after leaving pills and water next to the gold necklace.
“I fell for you, hard.”
You woke up the next morning, almost afternoon, gulping the pills and water immediately. You noticed the dainty necklace and smile. You don’t remember exactly how you got it but you knew who gave it to you. You wore the necklace for the rest of days ahead.
A few days after your birthday you and Luke had plans to take a night ferry ride to see the city from the water. Another, belated, gift from Luke since you mentioned the idea a long time ago that you don’t remember bringing up.
You two ate dinner at your favorite spot and then headed out to the port.
“And I thought this was my last gift,” you fidgeted with the jewelry over your sweater.
He smiles at your recognition, “You never know, I might have another one after this one.”
“No more gifts please. I can’t compete when it’s your birthday.” you two shared a laugh as the ferry cruised by the city lights.
“As embarrassing it is, I don’t remember you gifting me this.” You motioned to your neck,
“I knew you wouldn’t remember. You were pretty gone by the end of the night.”
“Yeah I’m starting to regret that.” You leaned against the railing staring at the city
“How did you it was me who gifted you it?” He asked following your movements but not staring at the city view.
“Who else knows about my notebook obsession better than you?” You turned to face him, looking up at him even though he leaned down for you.
“Y/n.” his face drops into a serious one
“Luke.” you mimic his tone but with a smile
He breaks into a smile and laughs towards the water.
“You make me go crazy.” he says through a smile still looking ahead
“I didn’t do anything.” you laugh along at his demeanor
“Exactly.” his voice drops again
“I don’t get it.” you chuckle again but with uneasiness
“The night of your birthday. You said you would have loved younger me like you do now if we met then. What did you mean by that?” he turned to you this time.
“I said that?”
“Yes you did.”
“I guess I mean I would love you then like I love you now. You just said it yourself.” you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion leaving Luke frustrated.
“But what does that mean? When you say you love me now.”
“You don’t know what love means Lu? C’mon now.” you were deflecting in humor
“I know what love means. I want to know if we’re talking about the same type of love.”
“What type of love are you talking about then?” you asked in the same tone he had been using.
“The one where I gift you a necklace from your favorite movie. The one where I take the girl I’ve been in love with for years to see the city lights. The one where I would write you a letter everyday for a year.” he talked so fast it surprised you.
“You would write me a letter everyday?” is all you could get out.
“In a heartbeat. But I wouldn’t want it to come down to that because in the movie they breakup and that’s when Noah starts writing—“
He rambled off his reason but he was cut off when you pulled him in for a slow and soft kiss that quickly turned passionate. A loud a boat horn interrupts the moment and pulls you both away.
“Why didn’t I see this coming at all?” you asked yourself in his presence
“I don’t know. I thought I made it pretty obvious.” His comment would have made you laugh but you were still digesting that you kissed your best friend.
“I always thought that was you being you. The sweet Lu you always are.”
“I think you’re the only person who has ever seen that ‘sweet Lu’. You’re the only one who calls me sweetie pie.” he laughs as he rubs his neck.
“I mean that why I fell for you. How couldn’t I?”
“Right after we first met, I knew I was falling for you and falling hard.”
“I wish this happened sooner.” you said with teary smile.
He pulled you in and cradled your face, “I’m glad it happened at all.”
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loving-barnes · 4 months
A/N: Here comes chapter FOUR! Oh wow. It's easier when I do this for fun. I don't feel that much pressure to write and put it out regularly. I think the pace of releasing new chapters will slow down soon, but I hope to finish this at least the way I want to.
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: violence, blood
Summary: In Salem, Logan and Y/N have the opportunity to save the boy.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience.
Words: 5200+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine.
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The sky turned dark blue, and the moon showed high up. Y/N’s eyes were locked on it, watching as it illuminated the whole world. She found nights to be her favourite - calm, peaceful. Everyone’s soul would rest as their heads would travel into the dreamland. Then again, sleeping was difficult and unpleasant when nightmares entered uninvited.
“What happened today?” Logan brought her back to reality with the question. “Why the tears?” 
She exhaled, annoyed by that question. “I talked with the Professor,” she said, not looking at him. “He told me about slipping from Cerebro. And I know you know.” 
His eyes never left the road. “I know. We all do. He didn’t tell us why it kept happening.” 
Y/N turned her head to him and observed his focused face. His hands were resting on the steering wheel. “He discovered the reason.” Logan looked at her for a brief moment. “It has to do with my mutation. In his words, it is all about protection. Somehow, it shields my brain from telepaths or any mind infiltration.” 
“I thought he read your mind,” he was confused. 
“He did,” she nodded. “Until he couldn’t again. My mind decides for itself, it seems. One moment, you can come in and have a peak, and then, the doors close, and you are left standing outside in the cold.” 
“You’ll figure it out.” 
“I already figured out other things. I am dumb and naive,” Y/N scoffed. “That realisation hurt like a bitch.” 
His eyes were back on her. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? You are not any of those things.” 
She had to laugh. “Oh, if you only knew how many stupid things I did in the past. You’d then know that I am right.” 
“We all make stupid things,” he commented. “I have my own fair share of them.” 
Y/N shifted in her seat and turned her body to see him better. “Ah, will I learn something new about you?” she narrowed her eyes. 
“Only if you tell me more about your stupidity,” he grimaced at her. 
The smile disappeared from her face, and she lowered her eyes. The gear lever became more fascinating than anything else around. “My ex-boyfriend sold me to the lab,” she said timidly. 
“What?” his foot pressed on the break, the car coming to a halt. There was a stop sign that he almost didn’t see. “What the fuck?” He turned left on another road and continued driving to Salem. 
“I was barely nineteen when he found me and gave me a roof and food. He, Mars, was the leader of the group - Void.” She wasn’t ready to tell the story out loud. The fear of him judging her would be unbearable. Charles was sympathetic. Not a hit of judgement came out of his voice. Maybe Logan would be the same? “I’ve spent there almost four years before it went to shit.”
“Void? It sounds like Magneto’s ‘Brotherhood’,” Logan stated. 
“The Void consisted of mutants and humans. It was basically a criminal group. We would steal money, cars and do all sorts of shit,” she shook her head. “I am not proud of that part of  my life.” 
“What happened?” he was curious. 
Y/N huffed and closed her eyes. “Mars, such a weird name, could hypnotise people, manipulate them as he liked. He was a mutant. I didn’t know about it. Many of us didn’t. He used it to his advantage. He would force people to do things for him, even torture innocent people.
“At this point, I cannot be sure what was my own doing and what was his. All I know is he had me in the palms of his hands. It took some sweet nothings and a little attention, and this bitch,” she pointed at herself,  “fell for him.”
“So, you were in love,” Logan said after a while. 
“I think, I don’t know. Let’s say I was, but it was one-sided. Mars used me, used my power to protect him. He gave me some attention and fell for it.” She bit her lower lip, nervousness spreading over her body. “During that time with him, I did unspeakable things.” 
Logan noticed it was difficult to talk about that part. She twiddled her thumbs. “Why did he sell you to the lab?”
Y/N scratched her nape. “When I found out that he was a mutant and what was his ability - yes, it took me four years - I wanted to run away and never look back. Of course, being the stupidly brave woman I am, I went to confront him. Mars was one step ahead of me.
“The last thing I remember was hands holding me tight, pulling me away from him. They got me off guard and injected me with a drug. When I gained consciousness, I was locked in a cell. And thus started my five-year life as a lab rat, moved at least seven times around the country.” 
“Damn,” said Logan. 
“Dumb, blind, naive - that’s all I can say about myself. Lessons were learned. I thought about killing him, you know? A person like him doesn’t deserve to live. Who knows how many girls he had used since he sold me?” 
“If you had the chance, would you?” Logan asked, curious to know the answer to that. 
It took her a minute to admit it. “Yes. I would.” She reached into the pocket of her jeans and took out a black hair elastic. Her hands worked fast, and she brushed her hair into a bun. Some strands framed her face.  When her eyes found Logan staring at her, she gave him a faint smile. “You must think I’m crazy.”
“Not at all,” he admitted. “I’d do the same thing. Hell, I did it in the past. I killed people who used me and betrayed me. The list of people whose life I ended is long. I promised myself I’d never kill again. I quickly realised that’s not how it works in this world.” 
“You’d do anything to survive,” she added after that. “I did. You know the saying - I’d kill for love. And I did. Uh, maybe. I don’t know. Whether I did or didn’t, it doesn’t matter. There is blood on my hands. I have to live with that.” 
A gas station came into their view. Logan turned the car and parked on a free spot next to the building. “I’ll fill the tank, and then we can continue.” 
Y/N unfastened the seatbelt and stepped outside. She stretched her limbs. She went inside the building and bought two water bottles and a chocolate. As she was walking out, her eyes captured Logan filling the tank. Her eyes travelled over his body, admiring how well-built he was. Out of nowhere, her lips slightly curved up. There was a warm feeling in her lower stomach and even excitement. Where did that come from? 
He noticed. Logan saw her standing behind the glass door, holding the bottles and smiling at him. He flared his nostrils and moved his eyes away. Logan moved inside to pay for the gas just as Y/N walked out to the car. 
She put the bottles and chocolate on the roof. The smell of gasoline lingered around the place. One cigarette or a match, and the station would explode. Where was her mind going with this? 
“Hey there, pretty girl.” Two unknown men approached her. They were tall, one was bold, and the other had short dark hair. “Wanna hang out?” 
She hated this. Why did men need to talk to women when they were not interested? She glared at them. “No, thanks.” 
“Oh, come on, sweets.” 
She squinted at them. “I think you have trouble accepting when someone says no.” 
“Mouthy,” one laughed. “I like that.” 
“I suggest you leave me alone before-”
“Before what, sugar?”
Logan walked out, and his eyes fell on Y/N and two douchebags talking to her. “What the fuck?” he mumbled and walked straight to her. Instinctively, he stood behind her, giving the men death glares. “Can I help ya, fellas?” 
Y/N could feel Logan’s body heat radiating. He stood close to her, his front almost touching her back. She smirked, loving how the men’s faces paled. They stepped back. 
“I thought so,” Logan’s hand rubbed Y/N’s right shoulder and then walked around the car. 
Y/N winked at the men and stepped inside the car, smiling. She looked at Logan, who already had a cigar in his mouth, lighting it up. “Thanks.” 
“Eh, don’t mention it,” he said. 
They had another hour and a half before they reached Salem. Either they were silent, or they talked about random things. Y/N could still feel Logan’s touch on her shoulder, lingering there gently. 
“Will you tell me something about you?” she asked an hour later. “I told you about my stupidity. I’d like to know more about you. That is if you are willing to share.” He smiled and rolled his eyes. “You’ve said you killed a lot of people. Can you tell me more?” 
She noticed how he flinged. She must have hit a tough spot. Y/N wanted to apologise. Logan decided to tell her more. “I’ve seen wars, fought in them even.”
“First World War, Second World War,” he answered. 
Y/N’s mouth almost fell to her lap. “Wait, what do you mean?” 
“I was born in 1832,” he announced. Watching Y/N’s face change a few times was amusing. 
“No shit,” she didn’t believe him. “You cannot be over 170 years old. You look not older than 35.” 
“I ain’t lying, bub,” he grinned at her. 
Y/N’s mouth kept moving. No words came out. Many thoughts were running through her mind. Her whole body turned to him. “Okay, it makes sense when I know about your regenerative healing factor. I didn’t think it would make you immortal.” 
“I wouldn’t say I am immortal,” he took a drag from the cigar. The air filled with its heavy smell. “I once was a boy who grew up, and then, the ageing slowed down until it stopped, or I think.” When he looked at her, Y/N’s mouth kept hanging open. He put two fingers under her chin and helped her close her mouth. “Careful, or something will fly in there.” 
Their eyes met. Logan’s fingers rested under her chin longer than necessary. When he pulled away, she wanted to scream to put them back there. 
“So, both wars,” she tried to resume the topic. 
He wrinkled his nose. “Civil war, Korean war.” 
“Holy shit.” 
“Here’s the thing -  I don’t remember much. At some point, before I even came to the school, I lost my memory. Charles helped me restore some. There are big chunks of my past I still don’t know. I have concluded that it’s for the better.” 
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” she said. 
“No, it’s fine,” he waved a hand. “If you can share bits and pieces, so can I.” 
When they arrived in Salem, it was after midnight. Logan decided to park the car farther away from the lab. It wouldn’t be wise to drive all the way there. Once they left the vehicle, they walked through a calm residential district. The lab was around a ten-minute walk from there. 
The air got colder, and the moon got lost behind the clouds. The wind rose. There were signs it was about to rain. 
“We’ll keep it simple, Y/N,” Logan started to talk, explaining the plan. “We will look around the perimeter and map the surroundings. We count the guards and the security cameras and then leave.” 
“What if-”
“No,” he stopped her. “I will not let you risk your life without a back-up. Last time, the place was packed with armed men. I don’t think that changed since then.” 
There was no point in arguing. “Fine.” 
When they approached the facility, the place looked almost similar when she left it. There was a part of the building demolished. It used to be her escape window. One of the locked mutants wrecked that side with their ability. And yet, it brought her a lot of unpleasant memories. Her stomach turned upside down. 
Together, they moved around the demolished side until they were met with an entrance gate. “What the shit?” Logan mumbled. At the gate were only two men with guns. “Last time, there were twenty of them,” he stated. “The roofs were covered with them. Now nothing.” 
Shouting came out of the demesne. Then, there was the sound of an engine. Logan grabbed Y/N’s hand and pulled her to him, making them hide behind a thick tree. He kept her close while they watched a military truck exit the facility. 
“The boy is not here,” Logan stated. “This place is not what it used to be a few weeks back. It’s strange. We got satellite pictures a few days ago, and this was still a highly secured facility.”
When the truck was gone, they moved forward. The wall that surrounded the building was destroyed in many places. They would be able to get with ease. Y/N’s eyes travelled around the building. She knew a way in. She could still remember the interior. 
“We should go. The boy is not here,” Logan ordered, reaching for her arm. 
“No, wait,” Y/N stopped him. “I think this is the perfect opportunity to go inside. So far, there are not many guards. The lab, where they kept us, is underground. At least, that was a month ago. We have the perfect opportunity to look around.” 
He gritted his teeth. “I told you I will not risk your life. It is dangerous.” 
“Then stay here,” she talked back. “I’m here. I need to know. Even if it is only a little bit.” 
Y/N started to run away from him, heading to the fallen wall that was not guarded by the men. Logan cursed under his nose. What was he expecting? That woman was stubborn as hell. Before he lost her, he decided to follow her. His conscience wouldn’t let him let her go alone.
Y/N was careful when she entered the estate and ran to the demolished part of the building. Peeking inside, she saw a destroyed room filled with bricks, wood and damaged furniture. The interior was dark. There was nothing useful for her. Her eyes noticed light coming from the other side. It was a hallway leading further into the compound. 
Her feet automatically took her there. She walked over the bricks and stones until she reached the hallway entrance. If she remembered correctly, it led to a security room. 
A hand gripped her above her elbow and pulled her back. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Her eyes found angry Logan standing close to her. 
“There is a security room down the hallway,” she whispered. “We will be able to see more.” 
“I am so pissed right now,” he growled. “We had a deal.” 
“If I see a chance, I will take it,” she spat back, trying to keep her voice low. “Now let me go. Please. I must know more.” 
As much as he hated it, Logan let her go. His claws got out, ready to be used if necessary. Logan walked close behind her, protecting her back. They reached the end of the hallway. 
“Shit,” she cursed. There were dead bodies on the floor, covered in blood. It felt like a slaughter room. The scent of copper hit her nose, and she wrinkled it. She observed the dead bodies and discovered they had many bullet wounds on their bodies. It was all fresh. “We’re not alone.” 
Logan started to sniff the air, sensing something was off. Y/N approached the screens and looked at all the cameras installed around the place. There was another military vehicle outside that they didn’t notice. More men surrounded it. They wore different uniforms than the dead men in the security room.
“They are here for something,” she commented as her eyes drifted from one screen to another. “They are here for JJ,” she gasped when she found a screen with JJ’s cell. 
Logan got to her to see with his own eyes. The eleven-year-old was sitting in the middle of a cage, visibly distressed. He had a white gown on. No other mutants were present. As they watched, they saw men come to him, pointing guns at the innocent child. 
Unexpected. That’s how it could be described. How was it possible that the last time Y/N saw him, they wanted to take him away, and now, he was here? None of this made sense. 
“Shit,” Logan gasped. He pointed at one of the soldiers who was closest to the camera. “They work for Trask. If they take him, he’ll sure be dead by the end of the week.” 
That was the push Y/N needed. Logan didn’t have the chance to react when she ran away from him, heading outside to the other military track. She was sure it was waiting there for JJ. 
Anger filled her veins, her whole body. Last time, she couldn’t help him escape. He got her out. She was too weak to return the favour. This time, Y/N was determined to get him out and destroy anyone who would dare to stop her. The deal she made with Logan was out the window. 
Y/N ran outside but hid behind the closest corner, watching. She waited for the window of opportunity. At least ten men kept guarding the vehicle. The back door was opened. Her heart was beating rapidly. Adrenaline was high. Fear knocked on the back of her head, telling her to run away and never look back. 
She potted JJ coming out of the building with a thick collar around his neck. The boy was almost bald and alarmingly bruised. Two big men guarded him by holding his shoulders from each side. Another three men were walking behind them, guns ready to shoot him in his head. 
What can she do with her protective power? It has some offensive moves, Y/N remembered the Professor’s words. They echoed inside her mind. She thought back to when her ability turned deadly. 
One last breath, and she ran towards the heavily armed men. The moment they discovered her presence, their guns were up, pointing at her. Y/N wrapped her body into a protective shield and rammed the men with it. 
Bullets were pointless. They weren’t able to penetrate the protective veil of blue. Y/N turned on her heel and faced the rest of the men. As much as they tried, no one could get through the forcefield. 
Two men grabbed JJ and moved with him away from the fight while the rest of them did everything in their power to kill Y/N. She kept knocking down the men like a house of cards. And then a roaring shout came from the right side. Logan’s claws penetrated the men’s bodies, slicing through them. Some managed to shoot him. 
“No,” Y/N shouted. For a moment, he forgot he was indestructible. And yet, she worried about him.
The usage of forcefield was draining her energy fast. The more she held it on, the weaker her body became. She ran towards the men who got JJ. “Let him go!” she screamed at them. “He’s a child!” 
They threw the boy on the ground hard, making him cry in pain. That’s when Y/N noticed the colourful bruises around his face, arms and legs. He looked sick and beaten. The gun was now pointed directly at his head. “Make a step, and I will kill him in front of your eyes!” 
Y/N didn’t make a move. Her eyes were fixed on the boy. “Let him go,” she said through gritted teeth. “He’s just a child. An innocent child that hasn’t lived enough.” 
Once Logan killed the last man, he walked closer to Y/N and the men. His adamantium claws were covered in blood, as were his t-shirt and the unbuttoned flannel shirt. When he discovered how the boy was close to being shot, he stopped in his tracks, breathing heavily. 
“Y/N,” JJ whispered her name. Tears gathered in his eyes. “Y-you came for me?” 
It broke her heart to see him like this. “Of course,” her voice shook. Her eyes moved back to the soldiers. “Let-him-go. I won’t ask again.” 
“No,” the soldier said strictly. “If you want the boy to live, you will let us leave with him.” 
The forcefield started to glitch a little. Everyone noticed it. Y/N had to focus harder to keep herself protected. One mistake and she could end dead. 
“What do you want with him?” Logan asked instead.
“That’s none of your business, mutant,” he barked. 
Y/N thought about her next move. Her head turned to bloodied Logan, who was breathing heavily. His body was ready to fight. The veins popped out of his neck and forearms. She sighed. Y/N got them into this mess, and she didn’t know what to do. 
“We need back up to Salem’s lab,” her ears registered one of the men talking to a walkie-talkie. “We have two other mutants on our radar. They are trying to get the boy. 
Her eyes blinked a few times. She didn’t have much time left. Y/N kept breathing through her nose. Deep inhale and long exhale. 
“Y/N,” she heard Logan’s concerned voice. 
Focus on the object you want to wrap in the forcefield and send the energy flying to it. That’s what the Professor told her last week during her training. Picture it. Project the vision onto it. 
Her eyes locked on JJ, who was shivering on the cold ground. With that collar around his neck, he looked like a slave. She could feel his fear. All she wanted was to protect him, keep him safe from this fucked up world. Her right hand stretched forward. In her mind, she pictured the boy wrapped around the veil, protecting his soul and body. 
That’s when she felt the energy leaving her body and covered the boy in a light blue and silver veil. For the first time, she created a forcefield around another person. When it happened, the man shot a bullet at him. It got absorbed into it. 
It was Logan’s cue to bolt out of his place and kill both of those fuckers who dared to hurt Y/N or the boy. Blood splashed around them, covering the grass and Logan. It took him a few slices, and it was over. Every soldier who wanted to kill them was dead. 
“Fuck,” Logan cursed and retracted the claws back under the skin. His eyes moved to the forcefield wrapped around the boy and glitching around her. She created two at the same time.
Y/N’s eyes got heavier. Something warm tickled her upper lip. She broke the energy. The veil disappeared from her and from the boy. She exhaled the last breath she held. Her knees gave up, and she fell to the ground. Her head was spinning. She felt this weak before when she escaped the lab. 
“Y/N,” Logan called her name when he fell to his knees next to her. He ran to her the moment she went down. He lifted her head and noticed her nose bleeding heavily. His big hands brushed her cheeks. He put a strand of hair behind her ear. “Look at me, bub. Come on, look at me.” 
“I’m,” she started to talk but failed. She gulped loudly and took a deep breath. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re bleeding,” he wiped the blood with the sleeve of his flannel shirt. It didn’t help much. “Can you walk? We need to move. More will come. We must leave.” 
She blinked a few times. “Yeah, I guess. Get JJ, and we can go.” 
Logan helped her to her feet and made sure she was stable. He turned to the boy who was kneeling on the ground watching them. “You alright, kid?” he eyed the child, checking if he wasn’t bleeding as well. Fear was evident on his face. “I will not gonna hurt ya,” his voice got softer. 
JJ got up on his feet and ran towards Y/N, throwing himself into her weak embrace. “You came for me,” he cried. 
“I’m sorry it took me so long,” her voice broke, and she kissed his head. “You are safe now, JJ. Logan and I will take you to a safe place.”
As much as he hated to ruin the moment, Logan stepped to them. His ears registered the sound of helicopters in the air. “We need to move. Now.” 
Y/N grabbed the boy’s hand, and they ran away from the facility and into the woods. Logan was two steps behind them, making sure they were moving. His eyes were more fixed on Y/N than on the boy. 
Suddenly, her body bumped into a tree. She had to stop and take a few breaths. Everything was shaking, and her vision got blurry. “Shit,” mumbled. She looked at the boy, then at Logan, frowning. Why were there two of each? 
The woods spun in front of her eyes. It took her a few seconds before she pushed her body off the tree and moved. Her hand never let go of JJ. This time, Logan’s arm found her waist. He kept it there for support. He didn’t want her to fall or hurt herself anymore. He could smell how drained she was. Logan held her until they reached the residential district.
“You good?” he asked her when they slowed down. 
“Just weak,” she replied. “It’s going to be okay. I’ve never held the forcefield for this long.” 
“You projected it around the boy, also. That’s a huge step,” he patted her shoulder. “I’m still pissed at ya,” he added.
“Sorry, not sorry.”
Logan turned around, eyes scanning the woods behind them. His instinct told him to move and leave. He smelled more soldiers searching for them. To their luck, the car was closer than anticipated. He unlocked the car and opened the door for the boy. “Get in,” he ordered. 
Y/N climbed into the passenger’s seat and closed the door with a loud thud. She moaned. The sound was too painful. Once Logan got in, they were on their way away from Salem and back to the school. 
The tension inside the car could be felt until they were far away from the residential district. All of them relaxed when they connected to a main road. 
Y/N reached for her backpack and took out her denim jacket. She took off her hoodie and handed it to JJ. “Put this on so you’re not cold.” 
“Thanks,” he sniffled a little and grabbed the hoodie. He was only wearing a thin white robe covered in dirt. His legs were exposed, and he was bare feet.
Logan saw what she was doing, so he turned on the heat inside the car. Y/N grabbed a bottle she bought at the gas station and handed it to JJ. Then she gave him a piece of the chocolate. “Here, drink and eat some chocolate. It’s all I have now.” 
She watched him from the rear-view mirror, drinking the water and eating the chocolate. Her shoulders relaxed, and she exhaled loudly. As if the stress escaped her body when she saw him alive and well. 
“Everyone’s gonna be pissed,” Logan stated after a while. His eyes were on the road, here and there, checking the boy in the mirror. 
“I don’t care,” Y/N whispered. Her body rested against the car seat, eyes closed. “We didn’t plan on this.”
“Sure,” he scoffed. 
“No, we didn’t,” she opened her eyes and glared at him. “I would have left if it weren’t for the fact that soldiers from Trask came for him. Besides, if I didn’t intervene, we would have lost him forever.” 
“You don’t-”
“You said it yourself,” she snapped. “If they took JJ, he’d be dead by the end of the week. This was our chance. I don’t care that you are upset, disappointed or whatever. It had to be done.” 
Logan hit the steering wheel out of frustration. “Goddamit, Y/N. It was reckless to head inside without thinking. It could have gone to shits if there were more men.” 
“Enough,” she stopped him. “It’s done. We have him. He’s alive, and we made it out of there. End of story.”
Y/n turned her head to the other side. It was a sign that the conversation was over. She noticed a faint reflection of herself in the window. There was dried blood under her nose, lips and chin. She tried to wipe it off with the sleeve of her denim jacket. It didn’t work much. 
“W-who are you?” they heard the boy’s soft voice. He was still afraid. 
“Logan,” he said. 
“Y-you have claws,” JJ stated. “So you are like us, right?” Logan only grunted. “Where are you taking me?” 
Y/N turned around and faced the boy. She put a smile on her face. Her hand reached for his cheek and stroked it. “We are taking you to a safe place for people like us. It’s a school for mutants.”
“School?” his eyes sparkled. “There is a school?”
“Yes,” Y/N nodded. “You will be able to live there and learn. Many children are living their lives there. They helped me, too. Logan saved me when I escaped the lab.” Her eyes filled with tears. She tried to hold the cry but couldn’t. “I’m sorry I left you there. I’m so sorry, JJ.”
His smaller hand reached for her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay. You came back.” 
“No, no, it’s not,” she cried. “You got us out. I will be forever thankful for that. It upsets me that I couldn’t do the same for you that day. It took me a month.” 
Logan felt the pain in Y/N’s voice. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold himself back and not reach for her. The anger he felt was gone. Logan wanted to put her into his arms and protect her whole being from the world. When he saw the tears running down her face, he sighed. His right hand reached for her face, and his thumb wiped off the tears under her left eye. 
Her eyes met his. The touch was gentle, filled with something unspoken, new. “He’s fine. We got him out.” 
All she managed to do was to nod. 
“How long until we are there?” Jerome asked. 
“Four hours,” Logan answered when his hand left Y/N’s cheek and turned his attention back to the road. “Rest, kid. We have a long way ahead.” 
He wrapped his arms around his body, trying to warm himself faster. Y/N’s hoodie helped. He even put the hood over his head. It yanked the collar around his neck. “What about this thing?” 
Y/N observed the device. There was a small green light. It meant it was on. “We’ll figure it out once we are at school. They will get it off you.” 
“What does it do again?” Logan asked. 
“It suppresses our mutation. JJ cannot use his power while the collar is on,” Y/N explained. 
“I can use the claws to slice through it,” he suggested. 
Jerome’s eyes widened, and he gasped. “No,” Y/N said, shaking her head. “It’s dangerous. We don’t know what would happen if you’d try to destroy it like that.” 
“Okay. We’ll let Hank and Jean have a look at it. They will figure something out.” 
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
resting bitch face | quinn hughes x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Could you do one for quinn where he and reader both have rbf/judgey looks without meaning to and his teammates/friends/fans all think it’s really funny?? Thank youuu
word count: 0.5k
you and quinn were sat at some charity dinner the canucks were hosting for one of their new outreach programs, and to be honest, the two of you were bored. it's not like you didn’t care for the program, you did, things just got boring after the first rounds of speeches were over. 
you saw Elias' nudge Brock from the corner of your eye but you didn’t question it, you stayed sat in your spot looking towards the stage of presenters. 
it wasn’t until you saw the flash of a phone camera go off that you and Quinn turned to face his teammates. “what?” Quinn asked, a mix of confusion and annoyance etched onto his face. the flash had got him right in the eyes, temporarily blinding him.
“i told you to make sure the flash was off!” Brock chided Elias who just shrugged.
“why did you take a picture of me?” Quinn questioned again.
“we took a picture of both of you actually,” Brock said, gesturing between you and Quinn. 
“what why?” it was you who questioned the boys this time.
Brock and Elias just laughed at the photo, passing Elias' phone around the table for the other boys and girlfriends to see. 
“okay seriously what?” Quinn questioned again before being handed the phone by the person sitting next to him. 
you peered over Quinns shoulder to look at the picture. it of course was of you and him, sitting side by side staring off into the same direction. “i don't get it, what's funny?” you questioned, taking the phone from Quinn so you could zoom in.
“they’re doing it again” Brock said, and that caused a ripple effect of laughter. 
“you guys both do the same face it's like…” Elias paused, trying to think of a word to describe yours and Quinns matching facial expressions.
“resting bitch face?” one of the girlfriends supplied and everyone at the table laughed.
“we do not!” you protested, but when you looked down at the photo again you had to agree. you and Quinn both had the same blank expression on your face as you listened to people speak. it wasn’t like you were trying to come across as judgy but you guess it just happened naturally. both of your lips were in a thin line and your eyes looked like they either dead inside or slightly upset. 
you chuckled at the photo once more before passing it back down the table, “okay fine maybe you guys are right”
“we are right! you guys do it all the time!” Elias laughed, and the whole table spent another five minutes talking about all the different instances in which you and Quinn had the same judgy face without meaning to. apparently the boys had been finding it funny for a while and it was just now that you caught on. 
“well i think your judging face is cute,” Quinn spoke in your ear as the conversation shifted away from the two of you.
“i think your judgy face is cute too Quinny!” you laughed, pulling him into a light kiss.
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night-vipers · 5 months
Daddy Issues
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Summary: A sudden visit to base by your estranged and abusive father brings back haunting memories from your childhood. Ghost feels like he's staring in a mirror and is there for you.
Warnings: Abusive parent, mentions of death, angst
"You suck at this game Soap" I laugh as he folds his cards for the 5th time in a row. He mutters something in his Scottish twang as he throws his cards on the table, obviously not a very good loser.
"I'm more of a Blackjack kind of guy" he says taking a sip of his drink. We had been winding down as a team, playing some poker after a run of successful missions. I sat beside Ghost who was secretly helping me with my cards, just to see the look on Soap's face when he lost. As we laughed, joked and talked shit the night moved on until one of the perimeter guards barged into the room, out of breath and with a concerned look on his face, his eyes landing straight on me.
"Sergeant, we need you to come to the front gate" he says to me as he straightens himself up.
I put my cards on the table and take the blanket off my legs "Sure, what's going on?" I ask as I begin to get up.
"There's a man demanding to speak to you, he says he is your father" the guard said, concern edging his words. The word 'father' made my blood run cold and it felt like I had been doused in ice cold water. I tried to hide the instant panic I felt as I got up and followed the guard towards the front gate. Ghost saw the way my expression and demeanour changed at the mention of my father and felt a certain unease about the situation, he decided to follow along following his gut instinct that this wasn't going to be good.
The walk down through the base and outside towards the front gate felt like it went in slow-motion. My whole body was tense and I felt like my teeth might crack with how hard I was gritting them together as we got closer to the gate. On approach I could hear yelling and it didn't take long for my fathers beat up and dented truck to come into view. It was the same truck that used to make my heart stop, the same truck that made me hide in my room as soon as I heard it pull into the driveway at home. In this moment I was a little girl again, facing the monster that altered me as a person for the rest of my life.
I was unaware that Ghost had followed behind and stood at the gate keeping a watchful eye on the situation. I motioned for the guards to step back and let me handle it as they retreated back to the gate. I took a deep breath and approached my father carefully, eyes alert like prey looking out for a predator. "Why are you here?" I question him as his eyes finally land on me.
"I came to find my dear old daughter, since you decided to run away from me" he slurred, his tone dangerous and not that of a caring father who missed his daughter.
"You're drunk" I sighed, rubbing neck nervously. I knew what happened when my father drank and it wasn't pretty.
"You think you can stand there and judge me" he snarled as he got closer "think just because you joined the army that you're not still the spoiled, nasty little girl we both know you are" he spat as he pointed his finger at me.
"You know nothing about me, you need to leave" I say, anger rising in my body.
"Don't talk to me like that" he says grabbing my shirt collar and jerking me forward "you're the reason my life turned to shit you ungrateful bitch. You're the reason your mother is dead" he growled in my face, the smell of whiskey smacking me in the face. That comment hit a nerve, a nerve that set my whole body on fire and I decided that it was time to say what I really thought.
"My mum is dead because of you" I yelled angrily as I pushed him back. "She killed herself so she didn't have to deal with the abuse, you didn't deserve her you piece of shit" I yelled as my chest heaved with anger. He smiled menacingly and before I could do anything he smacked me hard in the face, hard enough to send me tumbling into the dirt. My ears were ringing and I was expecting a second blow but it didn't come. Ghost had enough of the scene in front of him and decided it was time to end this.
"Take her inside" I heard Ghost bark before walking past me towards my father. Two of the guards helped me to my feet and took me inside, I was in shock and didn't even look back to see what was happening behind me.
Ghost stomped up to my father and before he could say anything Ghost had him by the neck, up against the side of his truck and a knife to his throat. "You ever touch her again, they'll be finding pieces of you on every continent" Ghost growled, knife pressing into the skin on my fathers neck.
"Who the hell are you?" my father spits angrily as he tries to fight against Ghost but it's useless. Ghost is strong and a wall of muscle whilst my father is weak and the alcoholism has wrecked his body.
"You every come here again or try to talk to her again in any way and I'll make sure you lose the ability to speak" Ghost grunted, his threats not empty. "You have no idea who that woman is in there. She is brave, smart, strong and deserves the world at her feet" Ghost states, pressing the knife harder on my fathers skin until a trickle of blood runs down to his shirt. "Am I understood" he says, his glare deadly.
My father struggles for a moment before nodding "Say it" Ghost says, enunciating each word as he presses harder with the knife.
"I understand" my father spits unwillingly. Ghost stares him down for another moment before releasing him with a shove. My father stumbles and makes his way to the drivers door and climbs in clumsily.
"Don't ever let me see you again" Ghost snarls as my father quickly pulls away from the base. Ghost watches until the truck is a blur before heading back inside to find me and make sure I was okay.
I was sat on the floor of my bathroom, body trembling with a mixture of shock, fear and adrenaline. I sat staring at the floor, lost in the trauma of losing my mother and growing up with an abusive father who hated me. A gentle knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts. "Come in" I mutter quietly. Ghost enters and crouches in front of me, eyes drawn to the bruise forming in the corner of my eye from the hit I received.
He holds his hand out to me and helps me off the floor, leading me to the bed and letting me sit. He goes back into the bathroom and gets a cloth damp with cold water and sits in front of me "Are you okay?" he asks softly, eyes on mine.
I nod quickly and bite down on my lip, knowing that I was an inch away from breaking completely "I'm fine" I whisper quietly, looking away from him. He sighs and lifts my chin with his finger, looking into my eyes again and seeing how glassy they were from all the emotions I was feeling in that moment.
"No you're not" he states simply and lifts the damp cloth to my eye. I flinch away subconsciously "easy it's okay" he says softly as he rests the cold compress against my eye. He moves some hair from my face and brings his hand to cup my cheek again. I lean into his touch a bit more and I can feel myself starting to break. My lip trembles and and I take a shuddered breath. Ghost moves the compress away and pulls me into his lap, snaking his arms around me protectively.
That was all it took to break me completely and I sobbed into his chest, letting out all the pain and fear I was feeling. He stroked my hair and ran his hand up and down my back in a soothing way. "He'll never hurt you again love, I promise" he whispers in my ear. I nod into his chest and sit upright, wiping away the stray tears from my cheeks. Ghost leans in and wipes another tear with his thumb and squeezes my leg reassuringly.
"You don't have to tell me about it tonight but when you can, I want to know the story" he says as he lays down in the bed and opens his arms, beckoning me to lay with him.
"Okay" I mumble and lay with him, my head resting on his chest as he wraps his arms around me again, his arms forming what felt like a protective barrier. In this moment I wasn't scared of my father, for the first time in my life.
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hotvinimon · 2 months
Suna Rintaro Fluff <3
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People are responsible for their own actions, which you thought was true until, you were 1 hour and 15 minutes late to your date, with disheveled hair, utterly stretched lounge wear and ice cream smudged on your face due to none other than your ex-best friend Suna Rintaro.
And why we are calling him ex, you will know very soon...
Who doesn’t love dates, a lover to hold you, to make you feel less lonely, to kiss you until death and all that romantic shit, especially after a drought of boyfriends.
After complete 21 years of being utterly single, you were finally asked out by a random guy from economics (shut up! we don’t judge here, or maybe we do…) for a dinner date. And who do you think would be the best person to help ???
**Drum beats**
Of course your best friend, that isn’t actually…. helping ???
(it’s okay, deep breathing)
“Rin, would you really prefer watching your silly Tik toks, than helping your bestest friend aka me for going on a date ??” you whined.
“Hmm ?? what were you saying ??” Suna asked, at the same time chuckling on a silly tik tok.
“Rintaro… for the third time… DO YOU REMEMBER THAT I AM GOING ON A DATE ???”
“Are you questioning my memory or the relevance of your date ?? ”
“Fr ?? You know what Rintaro, you’re making it real hard for me right now not to hold you upside down and cartoonishly shake you until your brain comes back from your knees to your skull and shove you inside my toilet while I call you a ‘dweeb’. But you know what, That’s my problem, Go live your life rin.”
You once again started looking for a nice dress to wear, and for the third time Suna looked at you with saucer eyes, wide jaw without any comeback this week, and it was only Monday.
“And close your mouth, it reeks till here”
“What the actual fuck dude ??? you know what… I don’t even know why are you going on that date ?? Does that guy makes your heart beat faster ???
“I have anxiety dude, everything makes my heart beat faster”
You definitely were something that Suna couldn’t get rid off, even if he wanted to.
Suna doesn’t like you… not from the very first day when you landed in his life, when his dad was taking pictures of him and Miya twins in their garden, when suddenly you tripped their and broke their fence with your tricycle… ( yeah you were that kind of kid ) which, resulted in loud cackles of Suna and his friends, his dad went over to help you when,
“Shut up pussy faces, you would scare a kid or two”
Which resulted in wide eyes, loud gasps, a few coughs and tension in the situation, which you ended by blowing a raspberry and sprinting out.
Not even the second time when his teacher in playschool introduced you to other kids and a kid laughed at your water bottle, which you threw it on his face, with a
“you can have it, nerd”
Not even the third time, when your middle school teacher body shamed Suna and you replied with “Fuck you”. Which lead to your parents attending the school, and on getting scolded for your language you again replied, “I’m sorry sir, with all due respect kindly intercourse yourself.”
And Not even the third time, when he spotted you at 10 at the night outside CV store, still in your high school uniform, when some boys approached you on a Bike, and asked “Such a pretty girl walking alone at night, how about we drop you ?” with a disgusting smirk that he wanted to wipe off with a massive punch, but stopped when you replied with, “I walked alone even when I was alive” with a resting bitch face, resulting in paled faces of the boys, that drove away at their fastest.
And not even any other time when he glared, and ripped away all the possible proposals that you could have had on the Valentines. He just cares for you because you are his best friend.
He swears he doesn’t like you but all these years, you didn’t left any moment when Suna could think about any other girl other than you, but when you, his best friend from childhood, about whom he didn’t had any romantic feelings was asked on a date, he suddenly felt numb, he felt an ache in chest that he couldn’t even explain, he felt his throat dried, that someone just kicked his sand castle. (Samu called him an oblivious simp and hopeless romantic)
He didn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know what to say, but watching you being anxious while fussing over a dress.
He finds it cute, but repulsive at the same time, because you are doing it for some other guy.
“Rintaro, my dear best friend, love of my life, icing on my churro, how about you actually help me, RATHER THAN EATING MY ICECREAM ?????” you pounced upon him snatching your ice cream cup and his phone at the same time elbowing his abdomen and sprinting off to the dining area of your shared apartment to save your life.
He yelped in pain and ran after you. After continuously running around the dining table, he finally picks you up on his shoulder and throws you on the couch. You yelped at sudden force and cringed at the ice cream, dripping from your face and hands, which he actually pins down against the sofa.
“LEAVE ME DORK” you tried wriggling out of his grasp only to be yanked again and now crushed with Suna’s whole body weight. You tried screaming but suddenly stopped when-
“Y/n please don’t go.”
Your smile falters to a frown due to sudden change tension in the air. “Hey Rin… what are you-”
“I love you.”
People are responsible for their own actions, which you thought was true until, you were 1 hour and 15 minutes late to your date, with disheveled hair, utterly stretched lounge wear and ice cream smudged on your face due to none other than your ex-best friend and new boyfriend Suna Rintaro.
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Taglist - @shinraaaa, @4evertokyo, @sachirobabe, @petrachan, @carsynxoxo, @kvvrc, @daytej, @keepghostly, @a4g3lstarfire, @marum0fubiy0ri
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halfmoonshines · 1 month
Hey! I saw that your requests are open and I wanted to know if I could get a fluffy angst with Damon Salvatore x poc(or ambiguous appearance, if that's easier for you) fem reader, in which she is his girlfriend and consoles him after Lily's death and understand why he reacted the way he did and don't judge him, please?
thank you for the prompt; it got me to write today!!
send any fic requests here!!
damon x f!poc reader
summary; Being untouchable was one of the only things Damon had ever had a chance of being in control over. He didn't like sentimental threats to that carefully crafted shield, but if his mother dying again didn't splinter it, your love for him certainly would
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
Damon didn't know he was holding his breath until your hand landed on his back and he gave a sharp intake.
"I thought I would find you out here." Your warm, lilting voice was a balm over the ice that had been frosting his skin for the last hour. Since the incident.
"You know this is my favorite place to drink. The view is impeccable." Damon had always favored your family home, nestled at the edge of town right on the forest line.
The house was nice, large property and wrap around porch with perfect seating to watch the sun rise over the trees. He would always sneak out of your bed in the early hours of the morning and sit in one of your fluffy reading chairs that he swears are over the top, just to watch the sky pink on the horizon. Since having to give up the boarding house, he's basically moved in.
He wasn't relaxing in a lounger now, though. He was leaned against the railing of the porch with a glass in his hand, posture indicating nonchalance but the tightness in his shoulders told you everything you needed to know.
Your hand came around from his back to his chest, eyes trying to demand his attention. He was distracted for a moment, by how beautiful you always are. Ever-soft hair and skin a darker shade of brown than any time in the sun could do, lips that always smiled at him. Even when other people didn't.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked quietly, mouth worriedly pursing instead.
His hand that had been rising to meet yours dropped, jaw clenching as he turned back to face the treeline. "Nothing to talk about. She's dead and conveniently left us with the problem of her insane boyfriend."
His words were venomous, a swift gulp from his glass following them. You knew Damon, knew the ins and outs of his bravado and his trauma. You knew that his hatred for his mothers actions, and his grief over losing her in so many ways were not mutually exclusive. They roiled together inside of him like angry lions staking a claim.
You leaned up next to him, eyes searching for his again as he favored the sky. "We definitely do have a problem we still need to handle. And she is gone. Really gone, this time."
His tumultuous feelings simmered in the back of his throat, coating his thoughts in the same black ink reserved for all of those that he had loved too much. "Are you here to lecture me on how unhealthy it is to pretend I don't care that my mommy is dead?" He said it like a joke, some small child asking for extra desert. "Because I'm not pretending. That bitch did everything but be a mother, and now I have someone else chomping at the bit to murder me or send me to eternal prison because she couldn't even handle being a martyr correctly."
Your body shifted in front of his quickly and efficiently, shimmying yourself between the deck and him, demanding his full attention. His eyes met yours reluctantly after your hands came to rest on his chest, thumbs rubbing soothing circles through the fabric there.
"She was unhealthy, Damon. She never once chose you when it mattered, and all you wanted was what all kids want from their mothers. Love. She couldn't give it to you, and no matter what everyone else thinks - there's no right way to heal from that. You were expected to process a lot of things emotionally very quickly, and to be honest, I'm not sure she deserved your forgiveness. No one can tell you how to feel. I'm just so proud that you're allowing yourself to feel anything."
His hands coming up to touch your face almost distracted you from the mist in his eyes, and you offered him a small smile while he sought comfort at your touch.
Damon wasn't very sure about anything in his long life, even the emotions battling inside him now were ambiguous and clouded. But the dark haired man knew with every fucking fiber of his being that you were going to destroy him one day. The tears threatening to fall from his eyes an indication of the hold you had on his soul. He didn't want to think of his mom. The abandonment, resentment and lies. It bled into everything else in that little box he keeps tucked away. His father and Katherine and Stefan and Elena and everyone who had ever promised to protect him but ripped him to shreds instead were pounding at their confines, begging to wreak havoc on him.
"This really fucking sucks." His voice was almost a whisper, tears falling just as silently.
Your posture changed to match his, mirror images. Stood bent over each other, hands cupping the others face. Your fingers moved slowly, wiping the moisture from his cheeks. "It does fucking suck. You can feel however you want about that. However, we will be together in this. Whatever this is. Always."
You loved him before he saved your life, but now he was ingrained into every part of you. That night a year ago changed nothing about how you felt for Damon - he was always meant to be yours.
"Can I hold you?" Damon needed something tangible to ground him, your satin curves molded to his chest.
"Let's go inside, babe." Your smile was the same as it always was for him, large and glittering, as you grabbed one of his hands from your face to lead him inside.
You were thinking of just how much Damon Salvatore had grown over the last few years while he was moseying after you into the house, drink dangling from his fingers while he thought of what wedding ring would fit your beautiful umber colored hand best.
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
my works
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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O really ?
"F-fuck, wait." I stutter out, trying to rub away from the overwhelming pleasure. I am sitting on the couch of the 1 million room, trying to cover my screams. "It's t-to much p-please. I'm sorry I'll be good." I try to get out though the words seem to be nothing but mumbling in a room full of moans. "You move again. I'll gonna make sure I spank that ass raw. Now, be quiet unless you want everyone hear to know how much of a slut you are for me." "I stare down at her sitting there in between my legs with the bottom half of her mouth soaked with my juices. I didn't even know I could get this wet. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to please her. "For y-you all for you." She smirks, coming up for a second with her finger still working on my insides, "yea, only for me, glad you finally remembered baby." I sit there in a daze trying to remember how I got here.
If you were wondering how I ended up in this position, we would have to backtrack a bit. Going back to when we were being called down to the fight zone. I was so excited holding hands with Kristen. We had both been a part of the royal family for a while, and when we heard about this opportunity, we were ecstatic. It was a Korean dance TV program, though, so I can say that unlike the rest of my team, I generally didn't expect us to win, well, the show that is. Though that didn't mean we would go easy and let people make a mockery of us. Never know what the future holds. This would be an experience.
I had learned that a certain someone would be here. By that, I entirely mean my wife Lia Kim. We had just recently got engaged 2 months ago, and even though we weren't officially married yet, Lia always referred to me as her wife. When she told me she was invited to bring her crew to SWF2, I questioned it as first, I mean, my girl had the qualifications to be a judge, but just my opinion. Though, I didn't tell her about Jam Republic being on the team, and she wouldn't know until we got there. I had a feeling she would be surprised and slightly angry at the same time.
We walked down the stairs amazed by the architecture of this place. "This is it girls we are here, so chin up and let the confidence run through you. We shall not be caught lacking." I told them, as I smiled and saw Kristen make a gesture for us to keep walking. We finally made it down, stepping into the center of the fight zone. Allowing everyone to get a good look at us. Making their little side remarks and comments. Until we heard the screen come on giving us our team evaluation. We stood there listening to all the absolute bullshit they were saying, I was already pissied with them called Kristen, a backup for Paris and Audrey, just a pretty face. What made me even more pissed was that my fiance said it with that irritating smirk on her face that I usually would love. Not this time. I then heard the comments about me.
Biggy - Didn't Amara create the choreography for Rihanna superbowl?
Halo - If there is anyone I have respect for, Amara, she started out in underground street battles. She managed to even become better than her teacher.
Lusher- It feels like she has lived multiple lives you know, like she has done so much for her age.
Redlic- She is nicknamed Hybe's princess with her being the main choreographer for them. She has created majority of there dances, I wanna see if it's true.
I smirk hearing that comment.
Lia- Jam Republic will be the first to go home, I don't see anything special.
Mina- She has amazing skills and good energy, and it looks like she is special. I'll give you that.
And just like that found my target, one thing about my wife is her ego is fucking huge. She will do anything and everything to prove she is the best. You see, I knew about her issue, and will Mina. So why not play into that? Besides, she literally said Jam Republic will be the first to go home. So payback is about to be a bitch. We sat, and the entire time, I could feel someone's eyes locked on me. I knew exactly who it was, so I leaned closer to Kristen, grabbing her arm and having us basically be hugging at this point. At first, Kristen looked at me a little confused. Now she is a touchy person and didn't mind, but she was trying to figure out why suddenly. Until she looked over and saw Lia glaring at us. Then she smiled, turning to look at me before whispering in my ear, "it seems your girl is quite possessive, huh?" I just smile laughing and nodding.
Now, to any other person, that reaction wasn't weird or considered flirting, but to Lia, it meant war. Eventually, we are told about the no-respect battles. "This will be sp fun." I tell my team while Ling sat there telling us how she is so down to battle. We all go in our respective rooms to change. While I'm on the way to the room, I could see Lia gesturing for us to talk, but I paid no mind. This is a competition, and I'm mad at her right now. We walk in and immediately start changing. I go put on my grey little tank with no bra and some baggy jeans with my thong slightly showing. Might as well leave in impression, Korean strict ass dress code and overall high ass morals be dammed.
We all make it back to the fight zone, and the battles start rolling in. I am simply sporting two stickers, waiting for my name to be called. Crazy how Kristen is a much better battler than me, yet no one thought of that because they were too busy calling her Paris number 2. Well, they will see. Every since I got down here, Lia couldn't take her eyes off me, though it seems neither could Mina. Well, this will be fun. After a while of battles, Kristen is called up with her picking Waackxxxy. I move to the sideline to get a better view of the battle and hype her up. Doing a little more than necessary to pisd off you know who. Then, when Kristen takes the win, I run up and hug her. Finally, I'm glad everyone can see her in her element.
More battles continue until I'm called by Mina. Of course, why didn't I gather she was gonna call me? That makes sense. I walk to the center, hearing Daniel ask for any words before the battle. "I just wanna share the stage with this beautiful woman." Mina states while winking at me, causing the crowd to go wild. I stare at her, giving the doe eye effect before stating, "Then I will make it worth your while." At this point, everyone is tuning into this battle. Mina starts off using a big of hip pop moves, making sure to let everyone be aware of her presence. She even got close to me multiple times, grabbing my grin. When it's my turn to battle, I hear nicki minaj blasting through the speakers. I start off my routine locking and then move into some hip-hop while hitting a split. Then, I get close to her body rolling a twerking until the battle is over, the judges vote in favor of me.
I move over to hug Mina, thanking her for battling me. She holds me close before thanking me as well. I move to put the win on our board and make my way over to Deepndapp, putting the loss sticker on there's. Not before Mina taps my butt on the way over. After I make it back to my team, they are congratulating me, with Kristen placing me on her lap and kissing my cheeks. After a while, more battles continued with me being called us to battle redlic, which was more so not a battle with the amount of hair flipping she did. I literally counted each flip. She made it to 11 before she ended her battle. We eventually make it to a break, with production calling for a commercial telling us to go gather our thoughts and prepare for the next segment. We ordered some food, more so me, because I'm the only one who can speak Korean. As I'm making my way outside to get the food I spot Lia, looking angry as shit. Starting to realize that I kinda went a bit overboard and now I'm low-key scared as fuck.
I grab the food practically trying to run into the Jam Republic room. Latrice opens the door, taking the food from me. Until she sees Lia, "you realize you can't avoid her forever, especially when you were wrong as fuck." I look at her before she tells me to go apologize. I hear Lia yelling, "Amara, get you ass over here." I try to make another run for it until she catches up with me. "Your ass is getting punished. Let's go." I try to apologize to her, hoping that would work, I know I'm far past acceptance. She gives me a look before pulling me in the towards 1 million rooms. Telling everyone to leave immediately and go to Jam Republic's room, they see the look on her face, some to scared to question their leader and others already knowing I'm in for it, and then they all file out. She pushes me on the couch and starts pacing around the room. "Don't fucking speak to me, I can't believe you. Completely walking around whoring yourself out. Knowing everyone in that room wants to be in my position but can't. Its OK, just gonna have to remind you how makes you feel like your in heaven, the only person that can make you cum. Let's get to work then, shall we?"
Well, that's how I ended up in this position. Legs are being held open pressed against my stomach, feeling extremely vulnerable in this position. Just how she likes it. I've lost count of how many times I've come. This break seems like it's been forever. My legs have cramped up so badly. "B-baby please I can't cum anymore." I try to beg her hoping she will have mercy on me. She claimed she accepted my apology after I came for the 3rd time in a row. But she just keeps going. "Yes, you can, my pretty flower. I know you can. Just one more." She says while placing 3 fingers back inside me all at once, the stretch feeling the like the first time. I start to cry and thrash around, causing her to grab my face soothing me. "Just one more time. I promise, ok? Do it for me. Make me proud."
With rhat I try my very best. Do lost in pleasing her. All I want to do is make her proud. And she knows this. She has broken me down, orgasm by orgasm to the point that all I can think about is her. She starts to move her fingers faster, moving her head back down in its previous position to suck on my abused clit. I scream out loud. "F-fuck, yes... please... right there." She hits that sweet spot inside of me again, smirking. "Right there, huh? I know baby just cum for me." My thighs clench tight around her head screaming out her name completely forgetting where we are. Though, I'm too fucked out to care. All I see is white, my limbs going slack on the couch. She stares up at me, her chin dripping with her shirt as well. I look confused until she says, "You squirted baby." She seems so happy and proud of herself. All I can do is throw my arms out, grabbing her. "My precious little flower, all mine." I hear her say will looking at me lovely. "All yours, only yours."And don't you ever forget it."
(Request brought to you by @thegayassbit-ch)
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sanaxo-o · 5 months
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Be the one (Eric Sohn)
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To @deobienthusiast K, from Sana: Hihi K :) I know that we don’t talk much (which is a shame because I think your company would be a great addition to my lonely life) but I really had so much fun writing this for you. Despite not being able to write for Sangyeon and Juyeon (I was thinking about making three different fics but *sigh* time is a bitch). I hope we get closer in the future and that you enjoy this small silly fic I wrote for one and only, Eric Sohn hehe.
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Warnings: kissing, drinking, cheating, in a scene Juyeon jokingly implies that readers a bad person, um mentions of balls (don’t ask, just read), reader and Eric act stupid (way to much), mentions of peeing and all (plz don’t judge me yall 😭), PG 13 jokes (yes), reader jokingly says that she is in a relationship with a old man, mentions of doing excessive amount of drinking and drugs, few scenes inspired by TV show Gilmore Girls and a classic movie 10 Things I hate about you, some of it is inspired by Sabrina Carpenters song Santa doesn’t know you like I do.
Genre/trope: angst, fluff, friends to lovers, slow burn, hurt/comfort
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @from-izzy @mars101 @stealanity @deoboyznet
Sana: this actually took everything in me to write 😭. Like I have never in my life ever written slow burn so this was definitely a challenge! A big thanks to @mosviqu @from-izzy (especially izzy for giving me all those correct punctuations and all 😭) and @o-onikix for beta reading this huge ass thing of mine 😭 (also to my irl friend for reading bits and pieces and giving me the confidence)
Word count: 13,785
“Are you coming to the Christmas party?” You hear Soyeon ask you. Stopping in your tracks in the middle of the hallway, you turn around to face her again as you give out a small sigh at her repetitive question. The answer was going to be the same either way so you don’t understand why she is so persistent on getting you to come to the Christmas party.
“No, I don’t think I am coming to the Christmas party thanks for asking tho.” You say as you give out a small annoyed smile before you continued walking to your next class with Soyeon tailing behind you.
“But why? It’s the last party you will get!” She says once she catches up with you.
“There’s…there’s prom?” You say with your lips pressed in a straight line. Dropping by your locker you pick up a few extra books you needed for the next class.
“Which you will never attend! Come on, it’s gonna be so fun at the party.” She says with a pout resting upon her lips as she shakes your arms back and forth trying to convince you.
“Parties are not my thing. You know it and it’s like any other typical party I have attended in the past. There would be loud music, then of course, alcohol which was sneaked in by others and in every other corner would be people making out. On top of that, no one has asked me out yet.” You tell her before you push her away gently and close your locker with a thud.
“No one is asking you because they’re scared you will reject them like every time.” You hear Soyeon mumble with the small pout still resting upon her lips as she played with her sleeves trying to gain your sympathy which she was miserably failing at.
“Even if I do come I won’t enjoy it.” You point out as a matter of fact.
“What about Eric? He can ask you out!” She suggests totally ignoring the fact that you just said that you won’t enjoy the party either way. But you let out a snort when you register the fact that she just said that Eric could ask you out. At this point it was a normal thing for her, in every other conversation she would always manage to bring up Eric.
She thinks Eric is the perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and from her point of view she says that Eric is totally smitten for you which is most definitely not true because after all you both are just really close friends.
Despite the sweet names he calls you by, holding your hand when it’s cold to warm you up, buying food for you as his treat, the occasional sleepovers at his place on every Friday as you both cuddled together on the same bed and of course the way he’s always looking after you no matter what.
You still remember the day when you had fallen sick and Eric by all means tried his best to manage everything on his own. From taking care of you to helping you complete your notes despite being from different majors.
“Eric? He’s just a friend, nothing more, nothing less.” Saying that you start walking away.
“I beg to differ, every other person thinks that you and Eric are dating!” Soyeon says with a whisper.
“I don’t care what every other person thinks and that’s not even true, I mean yeah I used to have a thing for Eric in the past but I am over it. He already likes someone else I guess…” you say, your voice coming out small.
Giving you a look Soyeon looks at you with a knowing look “Are you sure about that?” She says before stifling a laugh when she sees the glare you throw her way.
“Yes I am sure about that and as I said before Eric already likes some else..” you say with a slight groan at the end.
“What are you talking about? Eric and Yuna broke up months ago and not to say you’re still single. It’s a perfect opportunity!!” Soyeon says with an excited smile now playing upon her lips.
“Nah, Eric and me are better off as friends I’d say.” Saying that you walk away from Soyeon and enter your class.
Taking a seat at the very end of the class, you place your bag and books on the table before you get your headphones out.
Looking out the window you looked at the calm stretched morning, it was like any other day you would have. The professor was blabbing away about something you did not care enough to pay attention to.
You would catch up on it later on anyways but the morning was ruined when the door slammed open and one of your peers, Sunwoo walked in with rage.
Standing right in front of you he leaned down to speak with you, “How could you leave me yesterday night? After the amazing night we had you just storm out in the morning just like that with no other thought in mind?? How could you Y/N!?” Sunwoo screamed loudly as he continued, “I thought we were heading som-” Another uninvited yell cut him off. getting cut off Sunwoo was interrupted with another yell.
“What the hell man? How could you just barge in like that? I told you, Y/N is with me now.” You see Eric say as he approaches you and Sunwoo.
“You stay out of this Eric!” Sunwoo yells at him.
“Why? Just because you cannot have her why blame it on me?”
“You asked for it you little shit!” Sunwoo yells at Eric as he pounces on top of him.
Looking around the room you see everyone whisper things while watching the fight unfold in front of them, and if that was not enough in came Juyeon with a security guard outfit on as he blew the whistle to stop the two of them from fighting.
“All right that’s enough you two!” Juyeon yells as he goes over to both of them and picks them up by their collar before he turns around and looks at you while still having a hold of them. “Y/N you should be ashamed of yourself for toying with boys like this! They used to have pride, they used to have dignity and most of all they used to have balls!” Juyeon yells as he starts dragging both of them to the door before stopping midway “Damn it Y/N, give them back their balls!” Saying the last line all three of them exited the class before laughter began to erupt everywhere.
Looking around you slide down against the chair trying to hide yourself. You knew being friends with them meant having some crazy experiences but never did you ever think that they would do something like this.
Sitting in the cafeteria with Soyeon, you listened to her babble about something that happened in her class before she stopped talking when Eric approached your table with Sunwoo and Juyeon by his side.
You just observed him take a seat beside you before he grabbed a French fry from your plate. Sighing you just pushed the bowl towards him, suddenly having no appetite.
“I hated the stunt you pulled in the class today. Like no I do not have your balls. Just because you’re the son of a rich man does not mean you do this.” You say with a solemn voice as you drink your cup of coffee.
“Seriously Y/N? Having coffee at lunchtime?” Eric asked with a deadpan expression as he looked at you with confusion totally ignoring about the fact that you were mad at him.
“No, don’t change the subject. I am still talking. I mean who in the right mind would do something like this? It's so humi-” Before you could finish your whole sentence your mouth was stuffed with a bunch of fries in your mouth. Chewing onto them you glared at Eric before you looked away from him.
“Okay, I am sorry I did that. How about I make up for pulling this stunt which was in your language very much absurd and humiliating?” You hear Eric ask you. Stopping yourself from taking any more sips of your now almost empty cup of coffee you gave him a look of suspicion, not believing him yet.
“And how will you do that?” You say with suspicion evident in your voice, you did not even try to hide it.
“I know about a carnival which is happening in my area. How about I take you there? Good enough?” Eric asks with his hand out for a handshake.
“You pay for everything and buy me a soft toy?” You ask with hesitation before you grab his hand and shake it to seal the deal.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. So I’ll meet you at your place at 4?” He asks before standing up from the bench. Nodding your head you give him a small smile as you wave him goodbye.
“Looks like a date,” you hear Soyeon say once Eric leaves the cafeteria with Sunwoo and Juyeon. Throwing a glare at her you stand and gather your things getting ready to leave for your next class.
“It’s not a date, he’s just making up to me for the stunt he pulled on me today in my class which was by the-”
“Very humiliating and embarrassing. Gee, you said that already Y/N. Say whatever you want but I totally see you two dating in the near future.” She says with an irritatingly knowing voice as she blows a kiss towards your way before she watches your figure walking away.
Standing outside your house you look at your watch in impatience, it was 4:02 and there was still no sight of Eric. Rather than being mad at him for being late you were rather more concerned about him, what if something happened to him on the way here? Is he alright or what if he had hurt himself really bad leading to him being late?
Your train of thoughts came to a stop when you saw Eric’s car pull up at your driveway. Heaving out a sigh of relief you walk towards his car and take a seat in the passenger seat.
“Why are you so late?” You ask him once you put on your seatbelt and sit comfortably on the seat.
“Only two minutes sweetheart, why so worked up?” Eric says with a chuckle as he gives your head a soft pat with a teasing smile playing on his lips.
“I was worried about you. What if something would have happened to you while coming here? How would I know? You did not even give me a call. Why were you even late?” You ask him again with a frown evident on your lips and your eyebrows raised up in a tense manner.
“Aww, you were worried about me, sweetheart?” He says in a sing-song voice as he starts the car.
“No, I was not. I was worried about the fact that you got in an accident before you took me to the carnival.” You lied to him trying to cover up for yourself, you did not want him to get cocky about this again.
It did not take long for both of you before you reached the carnival. Stopping the car in the parking lot Eric parked the car safely without bumping into anything (which you were surprised at because a normal person would have gotten distracted by your constant yapping unlike Eric who paid attention to every single word you said yet managed to park the car safely).
Getting out of the car and locking it, Eric came and stood by your side as he subtly took a hold of your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours as he started walking towards the entrance without looking at your now red blushing face.
“Where do you want to go first, sweetheart?” You heard Eric ask which snapped you out of your train of thoughts. Looking around the carnival you saw the area for the prize stuffed animals.
Without any thoughts, you started dragging Eric towards the area ignoring his shoutings which were telling you to slow down.
Stopping at the game you looked at Eric before looking back at the stuffed animals, raising your hand you pointed at the animal you wanted “Can you win the penguin stuffed animal for me?” You ask him.
“Um…yeah sure, why not if that’s what you want sweetheart,” Eric says as he takes the arrows given by the worker and looks at the balloons intently.
He had five arrows and five chances to win the toy. To get it he would have to pop three balloons. Observing the balloons, Eric moved his hair out of his eyes as he threw the first dart.
“Eric, this is your third time. You really don’t have to go to this extent to get me the toy you know? Why don’t we just go to the Ferris wheel hmm?” You ask him tiredly as you shake his arms.
“Shhh I am trying to concentrate here. You know, as they say, third time’s a charm. If I don’t succeed this time, I will leave it okay?” He says as he starts to throw darts again.
And he did it. He did win you the penguin.
“Here, I told you I would get you this so I did. Do you like it sweetheart?” Eric says as he pats your head gently and softly grips your hand again before he starts walking towards a different area.
Nodding your head you stare at the stuffed toy in your hand lovingly and bring it close to your chest giddily as you hug it close to your body tightly “I love it so much! Thank you for winning this for me. I will always keep it close to me.” You exclaim happily.
“I am glad you like it,” Eric says with a sheepish smile spread across his face, glad that you were happy with the prize he won.
“You wanna try that?” You hear Eric’s voice beam with excitement. Looking up you follow his gaze and see the paintballs area. Giving Eric a knowing smile, both of you run towards the place with your hands still intertwined together tightly.
Looking around the place cautiously you look down at your bag of colour balloons again. Counting the remaining balloons you take a deep breath in when you realise you still have 10 left. That should do for now then.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted when you felt a cold balloon hit your neck. Snapping your head back you notice Eric standing behind you, a white jumper on which now had a bunch of different colours splashed onto it.
His hair was now messy as he held the dirty, balloon-filled bag in his one hand while his other hand had a balloon.
Looking around frantically you hide behind a huge pipe as you grab a balloon and wait for Eric to show up. Taking a peak you immediately throw the balloon in his direction which in return hits him on his stomach.
You saw Eric running towards your direction, picking your pace up,you started running away only to be caught by him in no time.
“Thought you could get away from me sweetheart?” Eric says as he splashes the balloon on top of your head which makes the paint fly everywhere.
“Okay okay, I am done. I don’t have any more left.” You declare with a defeated sigh. Once Eric lets you go, you take a peek at him only to see him look around the place. Taking that as a chance you grab the last balloon you had and hit it on his head which makes his hair dye the colour of the balloon.
Taking his shock manner as a chance you run away from the scene with laughter blaring through your throat and a content smile spread across your face.
Sitting on the table placed by the food truck, you stabbed your fork into the pasta that Eric had bought for you. Having a big bite you looked around the place, admiring the lively atmosphere, the little happy giggles coming from the kids who were happily spending time with their families.
You later saw Eric walking towards your direction with a box of donuts in one hand while his other held a large iced cup of cold drink.
Reaching your table he placed both of the stuff on the table as he himself took a seat in front of you in exhaustion.
“Here, have some donuts and cold drinks. The line was so long like who the fuck drinks so much liquid at a carnival?” Eric says in annoyance
You look down at the big cup in your hand and then back at Eric as you slowly keep it back on the table “Well…us.” You tell him awkwardly before you grab the cup again and take a sip from it.
Eric stares at you for a moment before he looks at the cup filled with iced coke, “I mean, other than us, why would anyone want to drink liquid? What if they have to pee after drinking so much coke?” He pointed out as he raised his hand to point at a guy behind you who was peeing by the trees.
Looking away immediately, you glare at Eric in disgust and trauma.
“I did not need to see that thank you very much.” You say sarcastically as you take a bite from the donut which was in front of you. “But why would they pee after drinking coke?”
“Why won’t they? It’s liquid sweetheart. Everyone needs to pee after drinking liquids, be it water, alcohol or cold drinks.” He says as he grabs your donut and takes a bite out of it.
“Hey that’s mine! Grab another one.” You say with a scowl on your face as you throw a nasty glare towards Eric.
“But I bought it!” Eric argues back only to sigh in defeat once he realised that he cannot win against you. “Fine fine, you have it.” He says with a roll of his eyes jokingly before he speaks up again. “So do you have any plans for the Christmas break?” He asks before taking a sip of the cold drink.
“Oh, I am gonna be spending some time with my boyfriend!” You beam with happiness, a cheeky smile resting upon your cheeks.
“What…boyfriend?” He asks with confusion all over his face. I mean from what he can remember you had never mentioned anything to him about you finding a partner, so this was a sudden news for him.
“He’s a bit older, has grey hair and a beard, but rest assured he’s like super hot.” You tell him, a smile still playing upon your lips
“Are you serious right now or…?” Eric asks in concern as he places his hands on top of yours, stopping you from eating “Sweetheart please don’t tell me your boyfriends an old creep. Where is he even from?”
“He’s from a city which is colder than it’s here. He came here for his break to spend some time with me. Cute right?” You give Eric a small smile as you grab a donut and take a bite out of it ignoring the concerned glance Eric was throwing your way.
“Are you actually serious about this or you’re just joking with me and pulling my leg again? If you're, I am telling you, this is not a funny sweetheart.” Eric rambled on as his hold on your hands tightened in worry.
“Of course, I am not serious, but do you know who else is old and hot?” You ask him with peak interest as you lean closer to him trying to build up some suspense for him which you were clearly failing at when you saw Eric looking at you with confusion before he muttered out a small ‘what?’
“Santa.” you say with a straight face. You noticed Eric’s lips twitching upwards as he tried to stop himself from letting out a small smile at your silly response.
“Well thank god you were just joking about that old guy thing.” Eric says with relief washed all over his face as he leaned back on the chair with ease.
“But you have to agree, Santa is really hot and sexy. Like have you seen that beard and that thick figure he has? Like damn daddy, have some mercy on me please.” You say to Eric with a straight face, enjoying the reaction he was giving you.
Eric licked his dry lips as he stayed quiet. Not knowing what to say with your ridiculous statement and the unwanted information he just received about what you think about Santa.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, sweetheart.” Eric says as a small smile lingers on his lips. Man, was he smitten for you?
Yes, yes he was.
Laying down on your bed you spent the night watching shows. Soyeon lays beside you as she used her phone paying no mind to the ridiculous comments you kept passing to her whenever a character did something insanely stupid or idiotic.
“Oh wait, you never told me how your date went with Eric?” Pausing the show you stared at Soyeon when she beamed at you with such a ridiculous question, a silly smile falling upon her face as she stared at you expectantly waiting for your response.
“What date?” You ask with boredom present in your voice as you stare at the wall, not having the courage to look at Soyeon in the eyes.
“You know! The date with Eric! The carnival!” She says now shaking your arm aggressively as she let out a small whine at your uncooperative ass.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about..” you say in a sing-song voice before you push her away as she dramatically falls off the bed onto the floor.
You heard a gasp leaving her lips, “My butt!” She exclaims.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Soyeon stand up before she grabs your laptop and closes it shut before you can even reply. Grabbing it, she placed it aside on the side table before she slammed her body down on you with force.
“Tell me about your date or else I am not getting up.” She says, her voice coming out muffled since her face was placed onto your shoulder.
“I did not go on a date with Eric first of all! He is just a friend and get off of me! You’re fucking heavy!” You cry out in pain, your voice coming out a bit heavy because of the force Soyeon was putting onto your body, tho half of it was acting she does not have to know about that now, does she?
“Okay okay, whatever you say! Just tell me how your night went with Eric!” Soyeon screams in frustration as she stands up from the floor and looks up at you.
“What do you mean by my night? That sounds so wrong…you make it sound like Eric and I banged together…” you say with a pout as you play with your sleeves acting as if you were shy.
“Well…did you?” She says with suspicion evident on her face and her tone as she squinted her eyes at you while leaning down with her hands on her hips.
“No!” You scream at her as you throw the nearest pillow you caught at her. Throwing a glare in her direction you stay quiet. “Now I don’t feel like telling you about my friendly date with Eric.” You tell her as you show her your tongue and look away from her, sulking.
Hearing you say that, Soyeon groans in frustration as she sits down beside you on the bed again. “Don’t be like this. Tell me please,” she pleads while batting her eyelashes to you, a way to gain your sympathy back.
Groaning at her behaviour you close your eyes with the palms of your hands as a way to protect yourself from the sight in front of you. “Fine! Just stop whatever the fuck that is. It’s making me nauseous geez.” You say with a whine.
Hearing you say that Soyeon immediately stops batting her eyelashes as she sits straight while clearing her throat, “Go on.”
“Well nothing much happened, he won a soft toy for me, played a few games-”
“What kind of games?” Soyeon interrupts you in excitement.
“Paint balls…”
“Aww you guys had a date which was in 10 things I hate about you! So cute!” Soyeon squeals. Looking at her in disbelief and disgust you sigh as you continue what you were saying.
“We then ate, chatted a bit and he dropped me of. That’s it.” You tell her what happened.
“That’s it? No kissing? No nothing?” She says with disappointment in her tone of voice.
“Why would that happen? Come on grow up. Mine and Eric’s love life is way different, and his and my type are also very much different. He likes girls who are much…how do I say it…calm?” You say with a question mark evident on your features.
Soyeon shakes her head in disappointment as she lays down on her back on the bed “When will you both understand about the feelings you guys hold for each other?” Soyeon says mostly to herself but you catch on to it but decide to say nothing on it.
Sitting at the back of the class you sketch in your notebook as you don’t pay attention to what your classmates are talking about.
Sighing, you look up for a bit and notice Sangyeon entering the classroom, dropping down your pencil on the notebook you wait for Sangyeon to approach you.
Picking up your bag, you keep it aside and wait for Sangyeon to take a seat beside you.
“Hey, what are you doing?” You hear Sangyeon ask you once he reaches your place. Giving him a small smile you look down at your sketchbook and then back up at him
“Nothing, was just sketching. What are you doing here though?” You ask with expectant eyes.
It was not that common for Sangyeon to be in your classes. He was in a different major so it was very uncommon for both of you to cross each other’s paths unless you both met at a party or just in the cafeteria where your other friends would be.
“Are you free this Saturday? Some of us are going out after our afternoon classes. Maybe you could join us?” Sangyeon suggests as he looks into your eyes with expectation
“I don’t know…do we have to bring someone along with us?”
“It’s not necessary, if you want to you can. Eric is bringing this…Yuna girl with him to tag along. You can bring someone if you want. Maybe Soyeon?” Sangyeon gives you a suggestion.
You just stare at him blankly when you hear him say about Eric bringing Yuna with him. You thought they had broken up…but maybe not? It was all just a rumour then, huh?
But what about the time you both spent together that day at the carnival? Was it not a date? Wait of course not, you guys are just friends. That’s it, right? Right?
“He got back together with Yuna?” You question Sangyeon, your voice wavering a bit at the end.
You don’t know why you’re even upset when you hear Sangyeon say this. You should be happy right? Happy for Eric getting back in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend? Happy for his love life at least going somewhere? But you were not happy. Not even a bit.
It’s as if someone had punched you hard in the gut which caused you to stop breathing and you felt like you were gonna faint any moment.
“I…I don’t know. He just said something about him inviting Yuna. I was not paying that much attention. I am sorry but is there something wrong? You don’t look so well right now.” Sangyeon said with concern laced in his voice.
“I am fine, yeah I just…I just need some alone time. I should get going. See you around!” You tell him as you tuck your hair behind your ear and start packing up your stuff.
“Wait! Are you going to come with us on Saturday? You can decline if you don’t want to. It’s alright-” Before Sangyeon could finish his sentence you stopped in your tracks as you turned back around and took a deep breath in before speaking again.
“I will come on Saturday. Don’t worry!” Saying that you rushed out of the classroom to your dorm.
You needed to vent this feeling to someone and there was no other person who could help you other than Soyeon.
Entering the dorm you looked around the living room for any signs of Soyeon. Calling out her name you heard her voice in the kitchen.
Running towards the kitchen you just stood in front of Soyeon with tear-filled eyes, “I think you were right, So” You say softly as you looked up at the ceiling trying your best not to let your tears flow.
“What are you talking about Y/N? What was I right about? I mean I am always right..” she said in a joking manner but stopped immediately when she saw your tear-stained cheeks.
“I think I do have feelings for my best friend after all…” you say your voice barely above a whisper but Soyeon heard it crystal clear.
“I would have said told you so but looking at your condition, I think I can postpone it.” She says as she walks towards you and holds you in her arms. “Now would you tell me why you’re crying over the fact that you actually do have feelings for Eric? Shouldn’t you be thinking about how to confess to him or something?” She says to you while rubbing your arms to create some kind of warmth and comfort.
“He is…he i…back with Yuna I guess…” you tell her softly as you bury your face in her neck trying to control your uncontrollable sobbing.
“What?? But didn’t he break up with her?” Soyeon asks in shock as she stops rubbing your arms and pulls away from you to take a look at your now red eyes and tear-stained face.
“Well I thought so too but Sangyeon said that he invited Yuna over to the place they’re going on Saturday and I don’t know what to do. What if I lose him? I don’t want that!” You say with panic filling your voice.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let that happen. You and Eric are destined to be together and I know that Yuna is not permanent...I guess. I mean I hope so.” She said as she chuckled nervously while scratching her nape.
Entering the barbecue place, you immediately noticed your group of friends sitting by a table in a circle. Soyeon decided to tag along with you as she had nothing better to do, I mean better for you.
Reaching the table you noticed that Eric was sitting beside Yuna as they both chatted without even sharing anyone else a glance.
“Oh Y/N! Great, you're here!” You heard Sangyeon beam making you divert your attention to him as you gave him a small smile and took a seat beside him as Soyeon sat beside Sunwoo.
“Yeah me and Soyeon had nothing else to do so thought why not just join you guys.” You say with a small chuckle.
“I am glad. Would you like a drink?” Sangyeon asks as he leans forward to grab a bottle of beer only to be stopped by you.
“No no, it’s okay. I don’t really drink much.” You tell him as you grab his hand so that he doesn’t get the bottle of beer.
“Well if you say so,” Sangyeon says as he pulls back and gets more comfortable beside you.
The night was still young. Most of the guys were drunk as they sang some songs the whole time while eating.
The whole time you tried your best to not steal glances at Eric but whenever you did, you always saw him chatting with Yuna, and every time you saw that you felt your heart ache in pain. You desired to be there instead of her but that’s not gonna happen, you both are just friends after all.
Looking around the restaurant you started to have trouble breathing. As if you were getting suffocated in there. The place was getting too stuffed for you.
Standing up you excuse yourself from the group as you walk away once you grab your bag and phone.
In the rush of getting yourself out of the place, you failed to notice the pair of eyes which followed your every moment, till he himself stood up and decided to follow you out.
Sitting down on the footpath with your heels in your hands you stared down at the ground with no thoughts in your mind.
Placing your heels down on the ground, you bring your arms up to cover and warm yourself up by the cold. You were already heartbroken, you wouldn’t want to catch a cold on top of that too knowing he wouldn’t be there to look after you since he is now a taken man.
“Hey,” you hear a voice say behind you. Already knowing that it is none other than Eric you don’t bother enough to look back up at him as you just continue staring ahead of you with no particular thought in mind.
You noticed him take a seat beside you on the footpath by your peripheral vision, you did not even bother enough to say anything back.
“Why are you out here alone? You might catch a cold sweetheart..” Eric says softly before he removes his jacket and places it on top of your shoulders.
Shrugging the jacket off you give it back to him without looking him in the eye. “You don’t have to do this anymore. People might get a wrong idea or something since you’re now back together with Yuna.” You mutter under your breath as you place the jacket on his lap.
“Why are you acting so cold towards me out of nowhere sweetheart?” Eric whispers softly as he tries to hold onto your cold hand only to get pushed away by you.
“Do you not get it? Eric…you’re now back together with Yuna! You cannot act like this with me now. People will think you’re cheating on her or something and I don’t want to be the other woman in a relationship.” You tell him what you had in mind as you take in a deep breath trying not to lash out at him and say something you don’t want to.
“Sweetheart, what me and Yuna have is totally temporary. I like our relationship, I like the fact that you’re my best friend.” You close your eyes in pain when you hear him say that you’re just his best friend. Exactly, nothing more nothing less. Those were also the words you said to Soyeon so why do you loathe these words now? It’s not like the meaning has changed or anything but your feelings surely did.
“That’s the thing Eric, I…” you inhale a deep breath in as you stop yourself from saying what you have been meaning to say. Yes, you liked Eric but ruining your friendship with him just for that is not worth it. Because even if you do get into a relationship with him, which is nearly impossible, what if you both break up? Your friendship and your relationship would be ruined forever.
“Sweetheart, please tell me. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up.” Eric says as he leans forward towards you and brings your body closer to his warmer one as he held your shoulders in a tight grip while giving your forehead light kisses to calm you down.
Just being in his arms at that moment made you break down in front of him. Your eyes immediately turned red, your nose turning a shade of pink as your cheeks started to get stained with your tears.
You saw Eric raising his other hand as he gently wiped your tears away, “Just tell me when you’re ready. I am always here for you.” Eric says softly
Taking a deep breath in you collect yourself together as you lean away from his warm embrace, you immediately feel the cold envelop you making your hands shake from the cold.
“Eric I…I like you. I never thought that I would ever have feelings for you in this way but the more time we spend together, the more my feelings grew. I always denied this feeling whenever Soyeon said anything but when I heard Sangyeon tell me that you’re back together with Yuna…I just felt my stomach drop. I felt hurt all over, I could not breathe properly because that was the time I realised that…that maybe I like you more than a friend. Now I know that we would never get together because of our differences but I just feel like you needed to know about this since well you’re my best friend and I tell you everything. I totally understand if you need some time away from me since this might have been a shock for you but please, don’t break up our friendship.” You say everything you ever wanted to let Eric know. You knew that this was probably a bad decision but you just had to let him know. “I should go now…see you around?”
You were about to get up when you felt a hand grip your wrist stopping you from getting up. Looking down at your wrist you noticed Eric holding onto it.
“Do you really like me?” He says as he leans closer towards you, his hand still gripping your wrist. Nodding a bit, you notice him lean even more closer as he leaves your hand and grabs a hold of your cheeks.
Both of his hands cradles your cheeks as he holds them delicately, staring deep into your eyes his gaze moves down towards your lips before he looks back up at you.
Placing your hand on his chest, you stop him before he manages to kiss you, “You cannot do this. You’re in a relationship with Yuna, it’s…it’s wrong.”
Groaning at your answer Eric goes back to his original place not having the energy to argue at what you said because no matter what, he was not a man who would cheat on a woman to be with another.
He was gonna kiss you because he was not in the right state of mind, right? Not because he might also be having feelings for you? No, he wouldn’t, if he did he would not have been in a relationship with Yuna.
“Oh Y/N! Great, you're here…with Eric?” You hear a voice say behind you. Looking back you notice Sangyeon coming out with a drunk Soyeon leaning on his shoulders.
Giving him a small wave you stand up from the footpath and walk towards him before getting a hold of Soyeon. “Yeah. I was just about to leave, I can take Soyeon back home. You can go back in and enjoy.” You tell him as you give him a soft smile.
“No, let me drop you off. Soyeon is already drunk so I will just drive you back to your dorm. I have my car with me.” Sangyeon says before he starts walking away with Soyeon still in his hold only to stop midway and turn back around to look at Eric. “You might want to go in and check up on your girlfriend Eric. She’s drunk and trying to kiss Sunwoo…” Sangyeon tells Eric with slight disappointment laced in his tone.
Giving Sangyeon a small nod, Eric looks at you with a longing gaze as he watches you walk away with Sangyeon and Soyeon.
Heading back towards the restaurant he opens the door and sighs tiredly when he sees Yuna babbling some incoherent words because of how drunk she is.
Sitting by the kitchen counter you stare at Soyeon as she drinks the coffee you made for her.
“I am having such a bad headache…” she mumbles as she takes the last sip of the coffee and places the cup down on the table before she diverts her attention to you.
“So…are you gonna tell me about what happened yesterday or?” You breathe out a sigh as you place your head on your palms in agony.
“I confessed to Eric…” you tell her the truth. You could hear her let out a small gasp in surprise as she stood up from her seat and sat down beside you.
“What did he say?” She asks with her hands on your shoulder before she forcefully makes you face her.
“Nothing…but I think he was gonna kiss me if I had not stopped him..” you say with a frown resting upon your lips before you shrug off her hands and gaze at the floor.
“He what??!” Soyeon screams in shock, “You know what Y/N? I cannot look at you being heartbroken like this anymore. Why don’t you go on a date? Maybe that would make you feel better.” Soyeon says as a suggestions
“But I don’t think it would be fair for the other person knowing I still have feelings for someone else…” you tell her.
“It’s just one date. If you don’t like him you don’t have to go again and it’s not a big deal. He’s a friend of my friend so it won’t affect anyone. What do you say?” She asks as she stands up from her place and grabs her phone to make a few quick phone calls.
“If you say so…”
“Well, it’s done then! I will inform my friend to let her friend know about this.” Soyeon tells you with a smile resting on her lips. Returning the smile you look away from her and stare out the window with thoughts flooding your mind.
Sitting alone in the bar you looked around in discomfort. Maybe coming to a bar alone with a man you just met today really was a bad idea? I mean...you did not know him personally except for the fact that Soyeon was a friend of his friend.
Agreeing to come to this date really made you fall back into this slump you were in. Because your love life was so bad that you had to go to this extent, meet up with a guy you barely knew, only for him to turn out to be this crazy person.
I mean, no one would want to be cramped in a car with 5 men they never met only to smell all the weed and cigarettes they were smoking on your face as they leaned onto you with no care in the world. This would barely even be considered as a date. Because who in their right mind does this on their first date? Does this person even know that this was a date?
Being lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice the now-approaching man, the man Soyeon thought would be good enough for now. I mean you cannot blame her completely because she did not know how he was.
Her friend told her that he was a good guy so Soyeon thought it was a perfect opportunity to match you up with him. Oh boy, Soyeon was gonna have it from you once you reach back home.
“We’re planning on going to the pool which is nearby. Come on, let’s go.” You felt startled when you heard him say that. Because no way in hell would you want to go to some random pool with a bunch of strangers who were high and drunk. You were sooo dreading this night you were in.
“I think I will pass on that. I will just leave now but thanks for the offer, Jonah.” You say with a slight smile as you start gathering your stuff, which is not much considering you only had your sling bag and phone with you.
“Oh let me drop you off…” he did not get to finish his sentence as he trailed off once his attention went back to his group of friends who did not seem to have a sense of reality whatsoever.
“It’s okay. It looks like your friends need you more than me. I will be fine.” You reassure him as you watch him walk out of the bar with his friends without looking back.
Sighing you open your wallet to pay for the beverage you bought for yourself.
“Fuck…,” Standing up from your seat you approach the nearest waitress you say, “Hi, could you tell me where the nearest ATM is?” You ask nervously.
“Oh, it’s a few blocks down, but I wouldn’t recommend walking there alone at night in this area. Many crazy stories about this place you know?” She says that as she walks away with a tray of drinks in her hand.
Sighing deeply, you slump down on your seat again as you stare at the contacts on your phone.
You most definitely did not want to call him knowing he was with his dear, bitchy girlfriend. But you had no option. It’s not like you want to risk your life going out in search of an ATM to take out some money. You had enough adventure today as it was.
You hated yourself for only thinking about him the whole time, the fact that he was the first person to come to your mind when you got yourself in this situation.
Biting on your nails, you nervously clicked on his contact name before putting your phone close to your ear, waiting for him to pick up as you looked around the bar once more.
“Hi, Eric. It's me…are you free right now?” You ask nervously. You tried paying attention to his background noises. So far, you could not hear a sound. The good thing was that you did not hear his annoying girlfriend's voice which made you feel somewhat better.
“Yes, yes I am. Are you in trouble or something?” He replied as you heard some shuffling noises coming from the background as if he was in a hurry.
“Yes, I am stuck in this bar and I have no cash with me and these people don’t accept credit cards and you were the first person who came in my mind to contact. I am so sorry if I am disturbing you.” You kept on rambling on as you felt as if you were a burden to him. I mean…you should be able to take care of yourself, but instead, you were asking your best friend to come pick you up from this unknown place you were stuck in.
And knowing what you two almost did yesterday made this situation all the more awkward for you.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Just send me your location, I am already in the car.” You heard Eric say. Ending the call you send him your location as you look around the bar while hugging your body.
“Eric!” You call out his name once you see him enter the bar.
“Hey, oh god thank god you’re okay. So what happened? What are you doing here?” He asks as he sits down in front of you.
“I feel so stupid, so Soyeon had this friend who knew this guy I was on a somewhat date with. From what Soyeon said the guy was in diapers or something.”
“The boy was in diapers?” Eric asks questionably as he looks at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No, Soyeon said her friend knew him when he was in diapers but that’s not the point. I thought this date might go well, I might get myself a potential boyfriend, but no! The boy turned out to be a maniac. He was drinking, and smoking and god I hope he did not do drugs and that’s when I realised, that these are the last people I want to spend my last moments on Earth with. Like no what if I die in a car crash with them? I don’t want that and did I tell you how stupid I felt? Because I thought it was going to be a nice date but it turns out he had brought his friends with him and then oh god…” you sigh in frustration as you lay your head on your arms, tired from the events. “And I did not even eat anything since breakfast and I am starving but I have no money. How pathetic can I be?” You say to yourself while you stomp your foot on the ground in agony.
“Uh, I have money. I can pay for the meal, what do you want?” Eric asks softly as he asks for the menu to the waitress passing by.
“Do you want this to go on the tab?” She asks while handing out the menu to Eric. Looking at her in confusion, Eric stares back at you thinking you would know what she was talking about. “Oh, the card is still open. You can still order.” She says with a smile.
Giving Eric a look you look down at the menu. “Put your wallet away. Would you like to start with starters??” You ask Eric as you already start pointing out the dishes you want to have.
“Whoa, I am full after having all of that.” You announce once both of you are seated in the car. Putting on your seatbelt you stare out the window.
“So um should I drop you off at your dorm?” Eric asks once he starts the car.
Looking back at him, you give him a nod. You knew he wanted to talk about that day again but you also knew about the fact that if he does bring it up, there is a huge possibility that you would have a breakdown.
The whole car ride there was silence. Both of you did not speak a single word to each other. To make the situation less awkward Eric did play the songs on the radio on low volume.
Reaching your dorm, you undo your seatbelt as you stare ahead of you not knowing what to say anymore.
“So um see you around I guess?” You hear Eric says as he breaks the awkward silence. Looking at him, you nod your head as you put your hand on the car door to unlock it only to get stopped in the middle.
“Wait, Y/N! I need to let you know something…” Eric speaks up before you could even leave the car.
You could feel him grab onto your hand as he made you sit back down on the seat.
“I hope you know that I do like you. I know that I said I only look at you as my best friend but…but maybe I feel something more than that? I am still trying to understand my feelings for you completely but please don’t shut me out like this. I don’t think I can ever go on with my life without you.” Eric says as he leans forward towards you and gently places his hand on your cheeks before he looks into your eyes.
“Please don’t leave me like this, sweetheart.” Eric whispers softly. Your gaze unknowingly travels to his lips as you bring your lips closer to his.
Softly placing your lips onto his you start moving them in sync with each other, his chapped lips on your soft ones felt like a perfect pair to you.
Bringing your hands up to his chest you deepen the kiss more, moving your lips in sync you could feel his hands roaming all over your body.
Entangling your hands with his hair you pull on them a bit making Eric open his mouth which gave you an access to enter your tongue in.
You could feel both of your tongue’s fighting each other when you suddenly snapped out of it and pushed Eric away from you.
From the corner of your eyes, you could feel Eric look at you with a hurt gaze but before he could even speak up you had already opened the car door and stepped out of it, “See you around!” You say that in a hurry as you close the door with a small thud and walk away from there to your dorm.
Closing the main door you slide down with your back against it. Bringing your hand up to your chest you hold it as you take in a few deep breaths.
“Y/N! Are you home?” You heard Soyeon shout from the living room. Not giving her an answer back you just stay on the floor not knowing what to do anymore.
You did not know why you did whatever you did back there. I mean kissing a taken man? That’s not good. Then making out with him? That’s worse.
“Oh god! Y/N! What happened??” You hear Soyeon shout in distress as runs towards you before sitting herself down on the floor with you.
“Did something happen at the date? Oh god, I am so sorry. I should have asked my friend more about that guy before setting you up. Did he turn out to be a total creep and a jerk?” Soyeon rambles off before she helps you take off your coat while you were still on the floor.
“I kissed him..” you tell her with your eyes staring at the wall which was in front of you, “I kissed him Soyeon and he’s…he’s taken. I am horrible…” you say with your voice wavering at the end.
You could feel the tears sliding down your cheeks which you did not bother enough to wipe.
“You kissed Jonah? Why?” Soyeon says in confusion as she takes a seat beside you before bringing her legs close to her chest as she rests her head on her knees and stares at you.
Slowly bringing her hand up she pulls your head towards her as she gently places it on her shoulder.
“I kissed Eric…” you say softly.
“What…but isn’t he?” Soyeon did not bother enough to complete her sentence.
“Exactly! I am so horrible. I cannot believe I let my feelings get the best of me. He practically cheated on Yuna with me…” you say with a crack in your voice. Sniffling, you look at Soyeon with sadness feeling your eyes. “Please don’t leave me just for this. I promise I am not a horrible person.” You cry out before your sobs grew harsher with each second.
Sitting in the cafeteria alone you kept on playing with your food. It had been days since your last encounter with Eric.
He had not been coming to school ever since you guys kissed in his car, some part of you was glad that he did not attend the school because then that meant you wouldn’t have to face him but the other part of you was rather more worried about him.
All those what if’s returning to your mind, is he hurt, is he sick, did he wrap himself up in some kind of trouble? But your questions were left unanswered.
Sighing, you grab your bag as you start walking away from the cafeteria to the place where Eric’s best friend would most certainly be at.
You had to know if Eric was alright, all you needed to hear from them was that ‘Yes Y/N, Eric is alright. You don’t have to worry too much.’ That would at least make you worry less and not stress over anything.
Reaching the back of the school you see Juyeon and Sunwoo talking with each other as they played some video games on their phone.
Walking towards them, you stand in front of them grabbing their attention “Oh hey Y/N, what makes you come here?” Juyeon asks with his eyes still glued to the screen.
“Nothing, I just wanted to know something. That’s all. Could you stop playing for a moment and pay attention?” You ask both of them, now getting annoyed at their behaviour and lack of attention.
Pausing the game Juyeon and Sunwoo look up at you with a confused face, “What’s up?” Sunwoo says awkwardly. Not knowing how to react to your sudden appearance
“Do you know where Eric is?” You ask them the question straight away. Not having the energy to beat around the bush anymore.
“Ah, did you not call him?” Juyeon says as if it was a normal thing for you. I mean normally it was, but not after you kissed your best friend and then walked away when you got back to your senses knowing that he is taken.
“If I would have called him I wouldn’t have been here now, would I Juyeon?” You say sarcastically as you flick his forehead in irritation and also because of how stupid his question was.
“Ow sorry and to answer your question Eric caught a…a cold a few days back so he was taking a break?” Juyeon says to you. From the way he was talking, it felt as if he himself did not know what he just said.
Looking back at Sunwoo you throw a glare in his direction when you notice him laughing at Juyeon. Seeing you look at him like that he immediately stopped laughing as he looked down at the ground too scared to look you in the eyes.
“Fine then, if that’s what you say so.” Saying that to them you walk away from the place with numerous thoughts floating in your mind.
The next day when you entered the school hallway with Soyeon by your side, your eyes moved all over the place in search of Eric.
Walking towards your locker with Soyeon you noticed Eric standing by the class door with Juyeon, talking with him.
Handing all your books to Soyeon, you took big steps towards Eric, “Eric! Wait!” You shouted out his name only to get no response in return.
What you did not expect was for him to walk right past you without sparing you a glance. Stopping dead in your tracks you move your body around and stare at Eric’s figure walking away.
You noticed Juyeon turning his head back and looking at you with sympathy as he mouthed out a ‘sorry’ on behalf of Eric you suppose.
Giving him a small nod and a wave, you go towards Soyeon again as you take your books back from her hands, “Let’s go?” You say quietly as you start walking away from the place without letting her speak anything any further.
“I am sorry…” Soyeon says to you softly as he interlocks her hands with yours as she starts walking with you.
Giving her a smile you look down at the ground not knowing what to do anymore.
You knew you messed up when you initiated the kiss first. But did Eric really have to ignore you like that?
It had been a few days since you last saw Eric again, he has been really irregular at school so confronting him face-to-face was not an option.
You tried everything, you called him, texted him, hell you even went over to his house but there was no answer.
The more time passes, the more worried you’re getting. Is he avoiding you on purpose? Is all of this happening just because of you? All you wanted to do at this point was make everything right but you could not do that. Not with the way Eric was treating you.
Is he now avoiding you on purpose? There were so many thoughts in your mind, so many questions but they remained unanswered.
Groaning in frustration you grab your coat and storm out of the house to go over at Juyeon’s. You were gonna get answers from him today, if he does not give you a proper answer you won’t let him off the hook and that’s for sure.
Stopping your car in front of his house, you stare at his front door with hesitation filling your body. Should you really be doing this? What if you’re crossing the boundary by doing this? Is this too much? Probably not right? I mean Eric did not break off your friendship with him just yet.
Stepping out of the car you lock it as you take slow, hesitant steps towards Juyeon’s house.
Ringing the doorbell, you wait for him to open the door. Okay, there’s still some time. You can just turn around and leave the place right now. That way you won’t have to confront him about Eric again.
Getting ready to turn around you were stopped by a voice calling out your name, “Y/N! Surprised to see you here…what brings you here tho?” You hear Juyeon ask with surprise laced in his tone of voice.
Looking at him with an awkward smile plastered on your face, you lick your lips thinking of the right words to say to him.
“May I come in first?” You say nervously as you shift your weight from one foot to another.
“Yeah sure, you’re always welcome. Come in…” Juyeon says as he steps aside for you to enter his house.
Removing your coat, Juyeon takes it from your hand and hangs it on the coat hanger as he leads you towards the living room.
“Want some hot chocolate? I was making some for myself…” Juyeon says as he walks towards the kitchen with you tailing behind him.
Taking a seat by the counter you shake your head as a no as you clear your throat, “I am here to speak with you about something that has been bugging me…” you tell him before you stare at his back.
You notice how he stopped pouring the hot chocolate into his cup before he turned around to give you his full attention, “Is this about Eric?” Juyeon asks slowly before he takes a seat in front of you.
Nodding your head you suck in a deep breath, “You see, I have been trying to reach him for days but he isn’t responding to any of my texts or calls. I even went over to his house but there was no answer. I know he is your closest friend and the fact that he shares everything with you so I probably know that you must be having an idea on why he is doing this. Please just tell me…” you say on the verge of tears.
“Y/N I don’t know if I have the right to tell you about what’s happening with Eric right now. Look, I know what you’re going through is really tough but…” juyeon stops talking when he sees the tears coming out of your eyes. “Y/N no…” Juyeon sighs softly as he stands up from his seat and pulls out a chair to sit down beside you.
“We’ve always shared everything, you know? And him just shutting me out like this suddenly pains me. I know I was at fault for kissing him but I regret it immensely right now because I certainly know that I might have ruined his relationship with Yuna. Look, all I want to do right now is just make things right with him. Just tell me where he is and I promise I won’t trouble you again.” You beg to him, sniffing you look at Juyeon with your red eyes and nose.
“If you say so. Eric’s at the hospital, his dad's been severely ill for the past few weeks which has led to him missing out on school and everything. Now I know that I told you this but don’t tell Eric. He did not want you to worry too much about him.” Juyeon says as he stands up and brings you a glass of water.
Getting a hold of the glass you take a few sips as you place the glass down on the counter again. “Thank you so much.” You say as you stand up from your chair, “Are you guys gonna plan something for his birthday tomorrow?” You ask him right before leaving.
Thinking for a bit Juyeon shakes his head as a no “He did not want us to do anything this time. He said he would be too busy tomorrow to even think about that.”
Nodding to his words you grab onto the door handle only to get stopped when Juyeon spoke again “Hey Y/N…”
Turning around you look at Juyeon with a slight frown on your face, “Yeah?”
“Please take care of yourself…” he says softly before giving your back a gentle pat.
Nodding to his words with a small smile on your face you open the door and walk towards your car, now somewhat feeling relieved.
Standing in front of the hospital you look down at the cake which you had bought just for Eric. You knew that he would be busy looking after his father so the least you could do for now is buy him a cake so he can at least celebrate his birthday today.
Entering the hospital you go to the receptionist. “Hi, I am looking for Eric Sohn, his father was admitted recently.” You tell the woman sitting at the front.
You see her slide down her glasses as she stares at you for a minute or so before she starts flipping through the pages in front of her with no questions asked.
“Mr.Sohn is on the first floor, room number 111 and here’s your visiting ID. Do not lose it.” She says sternly before she goes back to doing her work.
Nodding at her words, you immediately scurry away from there.
Entering the elevator you press on the first floor button as you wait in silence. You did not know what to say to Eric once you met him.
You guys were never this awkward. Even when the first time you both met, the conversation with you both just flowed right.
Never did you ever think you would be in such an awkward position when it came to Eric and this just made you feel worse than you already were.
Reaching the floor you start walking towards the room Eric’s dad was in.
Standing in front of the door you stare at the scene in front of you through the glass window.
There stood Eric holding his dad's hand in his own hands as he spoke to himself. You could see that he was shaking, probably because of the cold or the fact that he was in fact crying.
Knocking on the door you wait for Eric to look up at you, once he did divert his attention in your direction you could feel yourself forgetting how to breathe when you saw his face.
He looked pale, probably a bit thinner than he used to. He most certainly lost a bit of weight which made you feel like you just hit rock bottom because why were you not with him when he needed someone by his side the most?
Taking a step back, you wait for Eric to collect himself together because obviously, this was a shock for him seeing you here in the flesh after not responding or talking with you for days.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing here?” Eric asks you once he comes out of the room after trying to make himself look presentable enough.
“It’s your birthday, so I brought you a cake.” You say with a smile playing upon your face as raise your hand up to show him the bag which had his favourite cake in it.
“Who told you about me being here?” Eric asks, his voice sounding serious yet it still held that gentleness in him that he always has when talking with you.
“That does not matter. What matters is that I am here for you right now. Please just…just celebrate your birthday with me?” You ask him softly as you walk backwards and sit on the seats which were placed outside. “Look I know you’re in a rough spot right now, but all I ask from you today is for you to spare a few minutes max to max and just celebrate your birthday. I promise I won’t ever trouble you again.” You say the last line with difficulty.
Sighing Eric walks towards you as he sits down beside you. Closing his eyes he makes a wish as he blows out the candles which you had lit for him.
Opening them up, Eric cuts the cake as he feeds you a piece of it.
Taking a stroll on the rooftop of the hospital, both of you talked with each other about what you have been missing out on.
You kept Eric updated on all the things that have been happening in school since he has been missing out a lot. You told him how Soyeon almost choked Sunwoo because of how annoying he was. In her defence, Sunwoo had no reason to keep on troubling her and in the end, Sunwoo did get what he deserved.
You also promised to keep him updated on all the classes he has been missing out on despite being from different majors, which Eric was immensely grateful for.
Stopping by the railings, you and Eric stared at the night sky, the moon which was now shining brightly as you looked for stars that were covered by the clouds.
“Y/N, I have been meaning to tell you this…” you hear Eric say with a serious voice. Turning your gaze to him you notice him looking at you with no expressions on his face.
“Look, I…I like you sweetheart. I really do. The time we spent apart these past few days, I understood my feelings towards you. But at the moment, I really don’t have the time to commit to a proper relationship yet. I don’t think I have it in me to be in a committed relationship and with everything going on, I don’t know if I can truly give you the proper attention you deserve. I know you like me, I like you too but…now’s not the right time. I don’t even know when my dad will be all better. Hell, I don’t even know if I can still come to school regularly. I am so sorry.” Eric says as a tear rolls down his pale cheek.
Wiping the lone teardrop, you give him a small broken smile as you immediately take a step back, too afraid you would do something you would regret later on.
“Well, at least you told me about this.” You say as you sniffle. Looking up at the dark sky you try to keep your tears in which Eric immediately took a notice of.
“No, no please don’t cry because of me, sweetheart..” Eric says softly as he immediately engulfs your smaller figure in his own warm one as he tries his best to comfort you by keeping your body close to his and hugging you tightly.
Pushing him away gently you take another step back before you give him a shake of your head. “I think it’s best if I leave now…” you say, your voice wavering a bit at the end “Happy Birthday though…” you say with a small smile.
Saying that you immediately walk away from there, not having enough courage or the energy to look Eric in the eye after what he just said.
You knew you should not have kissed him. This is all because of you, and now because of this small mistake, you lost a friendship that you used to value and love so deeply.
Meanwhile all Eric did was watch you walk away from him with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Kneeling down on the ground he brought his knees closer to his chest as he started sobbing, his body shaking violently with each sob leaving his mouth.
All he wanted at that moment was for your arms to be around his body, hug him closely but that was not possible since you were not there with him anymore. He had lost you, forever.
Entering the dorm, you don’t care enough to inform Soyeon about your arrival. Entering your room you slump down on your bed with a tired sigh leaving your mouth.
You could feel your body giving up, you don't even know what you’re going to do anymore at this point. You did everything you could to make things right but nothing worked.
What if you would have not went over to Juyeon’s house, would things right now be different, maybe even better? Or maybe if you would not have gone over to Eric today, to celebrate his birthday this would not have even happened.
Biting onto your pillow you stop yourself from letting out the sobs you were dying to let out. You knew Soyeon was sleeping right now, you did not want to be a burden to her anymore.
“Y/N? Are you okay babe?” You heard Soyeon’s soft voice speaking through the doorway as she slowly opened the door to your room and let herself in.
“No Y/N…” Soyeon says mostly to herself as she immediately joins you on your bed. Lying down beside you, she hugged your body closer to hers from the back as she patted your head whispering sweet things in your ear, hoping that would calm you down.
“I am so pathetic, So…I just…I wish I could just die right now. I cannot believe I just ruined my friendship with Eric. I…” you could not even get yourself to finish the sentence as you let out harsh sobs, not being able to control them anymore “I ruined everything…” you say as a hiccup leaves your mouth.
“Shh, Y/N if anything Eric is also with you in this. It’s not like the kiss was one-sided. He kissed you back…” Soyeon says as she continues to pat your head.
The entire night, all you could remember was crying your eyes out as you spoke incoherent words to Soyeon. You knew you were gonna have a puffy face and a bad headache tomorrow morning.
It was the 31st today, the day everyone would be rejoicing since in less than 24 hours it would be the start of a new year, a new chapter of everyone’s life, a new beginning to something beautiful for some people, sour reality for some of them since they were dreading this time of the year since their whole lives.
For you it was no different, you were not in the mood to celebrate with your friends, and you did not have the energy to even leave the comforts of your bed after everything that has been happening in your life.
It was just you, your bed, your laptop with your favourite TV show on loop and the cup of hot coffee that was with you since day one.
“Are you sure you’re just going to be okay to stay here all alone on the new year?” Soyeon asks you as soon as she enters your room. Giving her a nod you wave her goodbye.
Checking your phone, you frowned in confusion when you saw 20 missed calls by Eric. 20 missed calls? At this time of the day? By Eric? Why would he even call you?
Immediately dialling his number, you wait for him to pick up the call only to get sent off to voicemail.
Getting worried you get out of your bed in a hurry as you grab your car and house keys and head towards the door.
Opening the door you jump back in surprise when you see Eric standing in front of you with his hands placed on his knees as he took deep breaths in while trying to catch his breath.
“Why…why the hell were you…not picking up your calls!?” Eric shouts at you while still trying to catch his breath.
Standing up properly, he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before he looked you in your eyes, “Are you free?” Eric asks once he his breathing had gone back to normal.
Looking down at the attire you were wearing, you stare back up at Eric with an awkward smile. “Well looking at the fact that I am in my pyjamas I think I am free yeah.” You notice Eric roll his eyes playfully as he enters your house and grabs your coat which was hanging on the coat hanger.
“Wear this. It’s cold outside…” Eric whispers in your ears as he helps you wear the coat.
“Where are we going though?” You ask Eric, noticing the impatience.
“Just start walking will ya?” Eric says as he grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours unknowingly.
You both had been walking on the twinkling footpath since the last few minutes. The silence had engulfed you both but this time it felt more comfortable rather than awkward.
You looked around the busy streets of the road as everyone was out there celebrating the last day of the year with their loved ones.
Reaching a calmer and quieter street you looked around the place when you noticed that there was no one around and it was just the two of you there.
“Okay sweetheart, what I am about to tell you, just please listen to me before you say anything okay?” You hear Eric say. Turning around to face him you notice Eric taking a seat on the grass as he stares ahead at the scenery which is in front of him. “Come sit.” He says as he pats the place beside him.
Sitting down beside him you screech in surprise when Eric pulls you closer to his body while grabbing onto your waist. “That’s better,” Eric whispered softly before he took a deep breath in.
“I missed you…” he says softly as he straightens out the strands of your hair which were flying around everywhere.
Looking him in the eye you softly respond to him “I missed you too. All I did was think about you since our last encounter and I…I am sorry.” You whisper that, afraid your voice would break if you speak any louder.
“I wanted to tell you something, I just couldn’t get myself to say it out loud because I was afraid something would happen.” You give him a look of encouragement, a sign for him to continue speaking which he caught on immediately.
“I love you Y/N, I knew that when we were away from each other and I was sure of my feelings for you when we had that talk on the rooftop of the hospital. I was just so caught up in the fact that my dad was on the verge of dying I unknowingly pushed you away. I knew I left you in the dark after just disappearing after we had kissed that day in my car and that was no way in hell right but…I was just so much in denial about the fact that I love you more than a friend. I was freaking out over the fact that I might lose you if our relationship does not go well, I was afraid that I would mess it all up when we got together but when we had a talk on my birthday, I realised that you’re the only person I will ever love this much, I just love the way you smile when I make a stupid joke even though it was not funny. I was afraid that if I confessed my feelings we would not be able to spend Christmas together, which we did not because of my stupidity. I missed the time when we would bake the cookies on Christmas Eve, I missed the time when we would wrap the gifts we bought for our friends for the Christmas even though they were utterly ridiculous but most of all, I missed spending time with you sweetheart. I missed hearing your sweet voice, I missed the fact that you were not the first person who wished me a Merry Christmas. I love you Y/N. I truly do and this time, I am ready to commit. Commit for us and for this relationship we would have in the future. Would you take the honours and be my girlfriend?” Eric says as breaks down in tears at the end of the sentence.
Grabbing his cheeks, you make him look up as you lean closer and place your lips on top of his, you could taste the saltiness of his tears but the sweet taste of the lip balm he was wearing.
Smiling in the kiss, you move closer to him as you move your hands towards his neck as you pull him closer towards you. You could feel the slight smile that appeared on his lips.
Being lost in the kiss, you both failed to notice the snow that had started to fall, that was until you saw the small snow that rested on Eric’s nose which made you let out a small giggle.
“What’s so funny sweetheart?” Eric says between the kiss as he kisses you deeper, not even letting you answer the question he had just asked.
Pulling away, you look at Eric with a wide smile resting on your cheeks, your smile reaching your eyes, his favourite kind of smile of yours truly.
“Is that a yes then?” Eric asks as a giggle escapes his lips. Giving him a small nod you peck his red nose as you let out a small laugh.
“See, I can be the one for you sweetheart.” Eric says with a silly smile on his face before he starts peppering your face with kisses making you fall down on the grass as laughter blares through the quiet place.
“I never said you couldn’t…” you say with laughter. “I love you, Eric Sohn…” you whisper softly as you look up at him while lying down on the ground, as Eric stared down at you while being above you.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” Eric whispers the last words as he kisses you deeply.
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glitt3r-litt3r · 2 years
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!reader
Summary: When y/n’s cheer squad find out who her boyfriend is they have a lot to say
A/N i’m terrible at summaries lol. Y/N being a boss bitch lowkey. I can’t stop thinking about Eddie it’s like ruining my day in the best way possible. This doesn’t have a specific time cuz there’s nothing stranger things about it besides the characters.
The sun was beating down on the field today, even with the fall breeze I was still breaking a sweat. It was hard to maintain the same pace when I spent all summer sitting in the back of Eddie’s van listening to music and eating chips. 
Every season it’s like this but I’m glad to be back. I love the way it feels, the burn in my legs and arms and lungs. Something about working out always made me feel the best, that’s why I joined the squad. The minute there’s a girls softball team at Hawkins i’ll be on it. Especially because I can’t stand most of the girls. They are constantly judging everyone while simultaneously signing up for canned food drives. Hypocrites. 
I was stretching my legs out in between drills when I hear Michelle scoff. 
“What is the freak doing here?” she asks, drawing attention to the bleachers. 
There he was, boots stomping onto the metal bleachers. He was wearing sunglasses and his classic leather/vest combo. At the sight of him my face flares up red, he said he was going to pick me up not watch the whole thing. 
“He’s only here to perv on us” Says Kimberly. Actually he was here to perv on me but whatever.
“he’s probably here scouting his next victim to try and sell drugs to” someone says behind me.
Victim? These girls are clueless.
“that’s not how drug deals even work.” I deadpan. Fuck that sounded wrong.
“I mean, from what I hear they seek him out not vice versa. Just saying...” They were all staring at me now. Their faces were a mix of confusion and doubt. 
“Can we get back to the drills now” I say before running off. There was a nice breeze but there was sweat all down the back of my shirt. Luckily Eddie has seen me sweaty before or I’d be real embarrassed right about now.
The rest of practice I tried not to look to my left whenever possible. Every time I saw him sitting there my stomach flipped and I would stumble or miss my mark. It was better to not look, for safety reasons. He was smiling each time I looked over, little shit. As time went on more boys started dotting the stands trying to catch a glimpse of something or to watch their girlfriends. Eddie sits far away from any of them pretending to read a comic.
Patrick, who has had a crush on me since last season, was among them. I made extra effort not to look any where near him. Especially since Eddie is not the best at handling these types of situations with grace, 
“Oh my god Y/N! Patrick has been staring at you for the last ten minutes” Someone squeals. They break out into ooo’s and little encouragements. I drink some water and think of what to say.
“He’s cute! And he plays basketball with Jason, I could set you guys up” Chrissy says smiling brightly. She’s always been really kind but no way in hell am I letting that happen. 
“He’s not really my type” I say trying to leave it simple. It’s also true, I'm more into heavy metal listening, leather wearing sweethearts who like Star Wars so Patrick is pretty far off. 
“You say that about everyone! Who is your type?” Asks Michelle.
Images of Eddie pop into my head. His soft smile reserved only for me. Him air drumming as he drives singing as loud as he can. The way he sleeps on his stomach like a baby holding onto the pillow. His eyes when he’s playing guitar. The slight frizzy halo his hair makes in the sunlight. I think of the smell of leather and weed. The feeling of his rings on my face. Without hesitation I say his name.
“Eddie Munson.” 
There’s a moment of silence and I think everyone’s going to die from shock. The first noise that breaks the pause is a laugh. Everyone joins in thinking i’m obviously making a joke of some sort. 
“Y/N don’t be mean! I know he’s a freak but don’t get his hopes up”
“You’re so funny Y/N”
“God can you imagine the kind of girl who’d actually go out with that freak?” 
They are laughing full on now. The tips of my ears are burning and I can feel the sweat running down my neck. 
“Alright girls! You are dismissed. Go home, rest, and come back ready to learn the new routines tomorrow.” says the coach. Thank god
Everyone starts moving toward the benches but I can’t move just yet. Take a deep breath and try again. Eddie see’s everyone heading toward their stuff and stands up preparing to walk back to the D&D room to wait for me. 
I grab my back and hurry toward the bleachers. When I pass the girls I hear them snicker again. 
“Hey Munson!” I shout walking faster now. Everyone pauses and turns their attention to me. Wondering what a girl like me could want with a guy like him. 
Eddie turns toward me shocked that I’m shouting his name in front of everyone. 
When I get to the bleachers I step onto the first step pulling his shoulders forward into a kiss. He freezes against me before I feel him melt onto my lips. When I pull back his pupils are huge and he has a lazy smile on his face. 
“Hi sweetheart” he whispers 
“Hi baby” 
I grab his hand and start walking back to the school. Everyone is staring but honestly I don’t really care. Eddie tries to regain his composure by placing his sunglasses on again. His cheeks are still red though.
“Let them stare. Fuck em” I say kissing his hand guiding him forward. 
“yeah fuck em” he says lowly. 
This moment of confidence and euphoria is cut short when I hear Michelle behind us. 
“You can’t be serious Y/N,” 
Eddie stops first tugging my arm to make me turn back. Michelle and her robots are standing there with their arms crossed. 
“He’s a drug dealer! You could get kicked off the squad for getting involved with people like him” Her nose is all the way turned up as she refers to my boyfriend. The girls on either side of her nod their head.
“Well you could get kicked off the squad if the coach knew you used the locker room to let Jacob Cunningham go to third base but you don’t hear me blabbing about all that.” I state matter of factly.  It’s true and everyone knows it but still when I say it her mouth drops open. I watch as the anger bubbles over and she stomps her foot before squealing like a pig.
“Oh you are so dead! No one’s gonna wanna hang out around you or that freak ever again.” She screams
At the word freak I move toward her dropping Eddies hand who’s watching this with a mix of adoration and fear.
“Call him a freak again and I’ll break your teeth in” I’m standing directly in front of her now. Her robots have taken two steps back and are watching to see my next move. 
“did you just threaten me? I’m telling the coach that-”
“That what? That you are harassing me and my boyfriend?” I ask.  When she doesn’t answer I keep going. “Tell her that you guys spend every day making his life miserable because you’re jealous. You’re so jealous of him it makes your skin crawl, you wish you could do whatever you want but you’re stuck doing what everyone else wants you to do. You do cheer and make honor roll and buy all the expensive clothes and date boys who play basketball but at the end of the day you go home and cry yourself to sleep so why don’t you bury your head in the sand and wait for the prom.” I say turning back to Eddie.
I hold my hand out toward him and smile. All the anger from weeks of hiding is gone and I feel lighter than ever. 
When we’re out of earshot he breaks out into laughter. 
“ A Breakfast Club quote? Really?” 
I laugh loudly not thinking he caught that. 
“It was the only thing that came to mind!” I defend. He shakes his head at my cliché comeback. 
“Well still that was badass” He kisses my cheek proudly
We make it inside just in time for the D&D meeting. 
“I’m gonna go change and i’ll meet you in there okay?” I kiss him before heading to the bathroom. 
When I walk into the room Eddie is recounting the story eccentrically to the entire club. The lights are dimmed for game mode so I know everyone’s eagerly waiting to start. When he see’s me enter he stops with his arms open and smiling brightly.
“And here she is fresh from defending my honor the Princess of Hellfire” He starts clapping dramatically. He looks so proud of me. I blush at the stupid nickname. Being the only girl had it’s perks, having to be called the Princess was not one of them. 
“Gentlemen” I say curtseying and bowing my head holding my imaginary dress in my hands. They greet me kindly like they always do. Eddie sits in his chair and opens his legs inviting me to sit on his lap. I walk over slowly before lowering myself onto his left leg where I always sit. He places his hands on my hips and squeezes gently. Before he starts he whispers in my ear,
“Thank you so much sweetheart. Remind me to buy you as many Spiderman comic books as you want next time we go out.” He kisses my shoulder. I know how hard it’s been for him being stuck here. I want him to get out of here just as much as he does.
“you don’t have to thank me baby, I love you” I say turning to kiss him. 
“I love you more-”
“Can we start please!” someone shouts. 
I laugh and face foreword. 
“Fine it’s your death.” Eddie mutters before starting his script for his campaign.
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chaoticmultifandom28 · 9 months
What I love about luffy’s crew is that each member has some level of obsession for luffy.
First, we have Zoro, who imo has the biggest obsession, he was ready to die and never fulfill his dream so that luffy could fulfill his. He also became ‘king of hell’ because of luffy. And him being first to sabaody (this might be a headcanon of mine but I think he was first because he was worried about his captain and needed to be there asap to ensure everything was okay, even if luffy wasn’t there yet).
Then there’s Nami, who I think has the second biggest obsession, Luffy literally went and fought her oppressor because he made her cry. Luffy was the first person she could depend on after bellemere died. He’s a steadfast rock in a raging storm. He’s there to protect her and the rest of the crew and she will do whatever it takes to help him achieve his dream (I love her character development)
Then there’s Sanji. His obsession is pretty big but you wouldn’t tell because until WCI we hadn’t known sanji’s complete backstory and so we didn’t know just how much luffy impacted him. But once we get the full backstory we totally understand why he would be willing to put up with luffy’s insane stomach and antics to get food. Luffy would eat sanji’s food and give it the full appreciation it deserves no matter what and sanji’s food makes luffy smile. (I’m still catching up. I didn’t have access to one piece for a while and missed a lot and when I got access I didn’t want to be spoiled and so I started watching the [at the time] current episodes coming out [which was wano episodes] and also watching where I left off, but once I get through the entirety of WCI I can be more specific)
Then I would go with Robin as the next one. Which like nami, it makes sense. Luffy looked at her and told her to tell him she wanted to live. Robin had always been running and accepting of her fate and luffy went up and punched fate in the face and said ‘not today, bitch’ and was ready to fight the world government to save Robin.
Then I think Brook would be next. He was alone for 50 years and was a skeleton. Most people would be afraid and luffy took one look at him and said ‘you’re gonna be my friend now, you have no choice’. He wasn’t scared and he wanted Brook in his crew. There’s something about someone taking one look at you and thinking ‘you’re mine now’ when others usually take a look and say ‘nah’
Then I think Usopp and chopper are tied. Much like Brook, chopper became obsessed because luffy was like ‘so what if you’re a monster, you’re mine.’ That blatant acceptance is so strong and steady, how could chopper not be obsessed. Usopp became obsessed because luffy listens to his stories and lies and doesn’t even question the validity. Others listen and pretend to believe or indulge him or don’t believe him. But Luffy doesn’t give him that fake indulgence or pretend to listen. Having someone who just listens to you is refreshing.
Franky and Jinbei are also tied. Jinbei is new to the crew and doesn’t have the same level as others (I believe that will change in time) but he still has that obsession because he knows luffy has a good heart and doesn’t judge others on stuff that they can’t control. And this is the same for Franky. Both aren’t exactly human but Luffy would do anything to protect them because they are his friends. Luffy shows he’d do anything to protect his friends in the sabaody arc when he punched a celestial dragon because he shot hachi and in marineford he went against the whole navy for his brother and then in the fish man island arc he was so severely wounded (needing a blood transfusion) helping the island against Hody Jones. Even though these two are ranked last doesn’t mean that their obsession is small, it’s just when I thought about it they aren’t as strongly obsessed as others.
Wow I didn’t mean to make a mini essay about this, and I might have been wrong on some of the stuff, but it’s like 4 am when I’m writing this
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
Part 4 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
And this is the rest of his salty moments from "Siege and Storm".😏
(Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5 and the bonus content btw🖤)
I've run out of things to say so let's just comment and judge his pettiness.😭
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But did he lie tho? Nope.
The tether only works if they are both thinking of each other and here Alina was thinking of the Darkling while Mal tried to kiss her (THAT'S OUR GIRL)
But the fact that the Darkling wants Mal to know this makes me laugh so much😭
He really misses no chance to get in his face.
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Here we see the Darkling faking a sympathy towards Mal. He's like "I feel you. I've been through it before myself with the same girl you have".
I have already commented on this moment here but it's actually kind of interesting that the Darkling has already said this line before here:
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And because the Darkling never says or does anything without a cause, I believe he said this twice out of real hurt that Alina betrayed him after he fell in love with her. He truly believes in this line.
On the contrary, we have his mocking remark that Alina fell in love with another otkazat'sya. He's like "Girl? When are your standards ever gonna be raised??"
Instead of choosing him, the only person that can be her equal, she keeps involving herself with mortals and he is done with it😭
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He's enjoying seeing them fight so much. He takes pleasure from it. Not only because he finally sees them bicker (in front of him) but this fight also confirms his words to Alina that her tracker would never understand her. Would never stand with her. He sees how right he was now. And for him it feels just 😚👌🏻
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This moment makes me wanna laugh a little, ngl😭
He really rubs this on Mal's face.
"Alina WANTS to come with me."
"She doesn't want to be with you homeboy."
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He actually NEVER calls Mal by his name. He always calls him "the tracker" or "otkazat'sya". He feels such disdain, jealousy and spite for him that refuses to even speak his name (MOOD).
He tries so hard to make Alina understand that Mal will never understand her true self or her powers and he certainly cannot be her equal.
And the way he's like: "If you love him that much, if he gets you that much, then why were you looking for me? Why were you calling me? Huh?😏"
And of course the fact that he answered. 'Cause he too felt alone and wanted to see her. Be with her.
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The Darkling: "Bitch you can't hold a candle to me. Sit your ass down, I'm talking with my wife here."
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I love this line. He appeals to her loneliness, her desire to be herself 'cause he knows that if things were the other way around and somebody would speak this line to him, he would go forward in the speed of light. They are alike. He knows it. And he knows that this might be enough for Alina to choose him.
Also the slight competitiveness again😭
The vibes it gives:
"My Alina, I've seen what you truly are and I've never turned away. I never will🥺🥹.
CaN hE sAY tHe sAmE??😒😒🤢🤢."
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This line also gives me vibes of: "PICK ME! CHOOSE ME! LOVE ME!"
It's a straight bargain here but he really wants her to cut off every person from her life and be with him. And only him. The only shelter she'll have.
And we're done with his "Siege and Storm" jealousy moments and on the next part we'll study his "Ruin and Rising" ones.
(he gets even saltier there😭)
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🌿🌹 Garden Inspection 🌹🌿
i was deadheading my roses this morning and this happened. a small 1k drabble about married gallavich inspecting their plants after vacation and being cute. for the good vibes. [ now on archive of our own ]
The Chicago sun is shining nice and bright when Mickey steps down into their backyard, a pair of scissors in hand. 
It took them half a day since coming back home from California - Ian insisting they unpack and throw a load of laundry in during a jet lag nap - but they’ve finally made it to the much-anticipated event. 
Garden inspection.
And while Mickey is reasonably invested in all the rest of it - the veggies, the sunflowers, the strawberries that he’s pretty sure are gonna take over their yard, despite his husband’s further insistence - there’s one spot in particular that he’s keen on. The overseer.
“Alright you little fuckers, lets see the damage.”
Mickey plants his ass in the grass and pulls the small pot of miniature roses in front of himself, their blooms bouncing on healthy stalks. 
And before you go casting aspersions like some kind of freak, Mickey knows it’s a sight to see. He knows he’s not a rose guy. Or at least, he wasn’t. Until a few months ago, when he woke up one morning after an absolutely shit night and walked into them sitting on their kitchen table, a stickynote with Ian’s handwriting laying next to it.
I’m happy you ~rose~ to greet the day today Mick. ~Leaf~ your troubles behind and come have coffee with me in the back ♡
And when he had opened the cabinets to grab a mug from the cupboard? Another note.
~water~ you doing baby I already have a cup ready for you outside
And he did. The sappy fucker.
So yeah. Call him soft all you want, but Mickey is gonna keep these little assholes alive, even if it kills him. Which seems to be the first task on their agenda today, judging from one look at the handful of dying flowerheads before him.
“How’s she lookin’...?”
Mickey makes a little grumble of a noise, Ian’s shadow passing over him for a second as he joins him out back, on track to the veggies. He tugs at one of the wilting flowers. Dramatic bitch. “Couldn’t wait to cause a scene, huh?”
“Mm. Kinda like someone I know.”
Mickey chooses to ignore that sentiment. He was actually very well-behaved on this trip. No scenes. (Even though that toddler on the beach was asking for it.) “Gotta do damage control.”
Further out in the garden, Ian inspects the bed where the tomatoes are, seemingly unphased by this. “Two weeks is a long time, Mick. Even with Gloria.”
And that’s…true. He guesses he can’t expect everything to be the same as when they left, even with Ian enlisting their old-ass neighbor’s help to come water while they were away. (She was thrilled to do this, to be clear. Way too excited.)
But still. 
God damn.
Mickey grabs the scissors, starting in on the process of trimming all the dead, wilted stuff so the plant can use its energy on the stuff that’s still alive.
‘Deadhead’, apparently. Which he thinks is probably the most metal shit he’s ever heard, considering he’s got a face full of roses right now.
He carefully snags a crusty looking flower, its once soft red petals now dark purple and saggy. 
Another one, very close to the first. Dried out completely and shedding like goddamn Beauty and the Beast as Mickey pinches it between his fingers and gets the scissors in close.
“Looks good over here,” comes his husband’s voice, just as he moves on to the next. 
A small bud. Dead before it got to bloom.
There’s something poetic about that, ain’t there?
“Oh! We got a pepper!” 
Fuck, he got pricked.
“Mick, you hear me?” Ian’s turning his head toward him now, his voice clearer from where he’s sticking up out of the garden like one of the sunflowers, one eye squinted into the sun. “Pepper - jalapeño, I think.”
“Yeah that’s real great, man…” Stupid fucking thorns… “Toss it into some-a that guac you stole the recipe for.”
A beat. Probably rolling his eyes. “I didn’t steal it.”
“Damn near-”
“I asked her. Nicely-”
“Yeah, three fuckin’ times.” Mickey’s never seen his husband as unrelenting as his constant badgering of their server that second night. Using all his best manners. Buttering her up. “Good thing she was so sweet on your puppy dog ass.” Had her calling him mijo and shit.
“Hey, I got us free tequila shots, did I not?”
Mickey rolls his eyes, but can’t help the smirk that dances across his face at the memory. 
That was the start of one criminally sexy night, god damn…
Mickey’s smirk falls with the perfectly good rose that got caught in the way during his daydream, now landing in the palm of his hand. Damn it…
But just as quickly, his disappointment is washing away, Ian’s voice joining right in front of him.
“Can I help…?”
Mickey glances up at him. Eyes over the sunburn that’s left his cheeks and the tops of his shoulders nice and rosy.
“No,” he says. But when Ian squats to come eye-level with him, he goes with the flow, taking the perfect bloom and plopping it on top of his husband’s head.
“How do I look?”
Cute. “Gay.”
But it leaves his chest warm. His lungs light. Has his smile blooming when Ian says it, “Love you…” just as sweet. 
And it’s like Mickey didn’t just spend two uninterrupted weeks with him, falling for his goofy ass all over again and in every single way, “Love you too…” because the need to touch is insane.
And the feeling must be mutual, because Ian’s grinning slyly, the flower falling from his head as he sneakily pulls the rose pot out from between them and then closes in on his knees - presses a kiss to Mickey’s lips - keeps pressing, until Mickey’s back hits the grass and he’s made himself comfortable over him.
The rest of the trimming can wait. 
Time for a different kind of head.
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minnies-mochi · 10 months
I’m So Sorry, Not
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Vinsmoke Family x Platonic! Sibling! Reader
Warnings: Colorful Language ofc, Bullying, Mentions of Suicide, Toxicity if i can write the characters well, abandonment, drugs, murder, neglect, death, torture
Well, you’re technically a Vinsmoke. You don’t have the same mom as the rest of your siblings.
but you all have the same dad.
you turned out to be another failure.
your father- Judge, has had enough and kicked you out of the empire? 
he left you on the worst island possible
You were so young too. almost turning 7 when your siblings were 13-15 years of age.
you felt alone and abandoned
you had no hope.
you couldn’t even leave the island if you wanted to.
an old woman took you in.
you tried your hardest to find ways to kill yourself.
you even took hand-full of drugs in hopes of overdosing.
yet, you didn’t have the guts to kill yourself. you felt as though, if you kill yourself. you’d be proving your “family” right.
one day, a ship awfully familiar to the one you were kicked off of was sailing closer to the island you resided on.
once it arrived, the island you’ve come to know for 10 years, was burning down slowly.
you ran towards the old woman’s house, you had called grandma after three years of staying on this island.
only to witness her being brutally slashed in the chest by someone who you used to call brother.
Niji smirked when his eyes landed on you,
“y/n! how have you been? we thought you would’ve been dead by now.”
you stayed silent as he approached you, breath hitched.
“hey, say something!”
he was in front of you now…
you watched him warily, slowly backing away.
“Niji, stop bullying the weak. you know she’s a fucking failure like Sanji”
Yonji was here now.
Niji’s smirked widened and gripped your hair tightly by the scalp,
“listen here you damn germ, you’ll be coming with us wether you like it or not”
Niji started to pull you by the hair, not stopping despite your protests.
“Let me go!”
you tried clawing on his arm, but you knew it doesn’t affect him at all
you screamed in pain when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach…
‘did this sonic looking bitch just kick me!?’
once on the ship, you were instantly in front of that man.
we know who it is fellas💪🏽
you stared into his emotionless eyes but you already know what he was feeling,
“so we meet yet again. we should have left you on an island filled with beasts, that would’ve killed you much faster”
“Shut up! i fucking hate you Vinsmoke Judge”
You try to pull away from hands that where restricting your arms. AKA Yonji.
You see two more, no, three more people behind Judge, from your observation.
Ichiji, Reiju, and someone else.
‘who is that?’
Judge followed your gaze.
“that is your other brother, Sanji”
you can hear the gruffness in his voice, as if he didn’t want to talk to you and say Sanji’s name.
“wait a minute… “brother”? im not a part of this family!”
you shouted, filled with rage and despair.
as much as you feel hurt, but its the truth.
Vinsmoke Judge had disowned you from the family.
“that is true, but we need you to save face. behave yourself failure #2”
Ichiji chimed in.
“save face?”
Yonji let go of your arms and suddenly you were pulled towards the ground, hurting your face in the process.
Judge had stomped on your back.
“don’t screw anything up or we’ll kill you”
you had no choice but to reluctantly agree.
what can you do?
you cant beat up emotionless, sadistic robots and walk away scotch free.
you pursed your lips, trying to find a way to escape.
you snapped out of your thinking process when something clamped down around your wrists.
“you cant be 6 feet away from any of us or the castle, except for sanji, unless you want to lose your hands.”
You cant be serious right now.
your escape plan was now rendered useless.
“let’s head over to Whole Cake Island”
You were basically thrown into your room by Niji and Yonji, with them smirking down at you.
“dicks” you murmured.
a few days had passed, you never left your room, since you had a bathroom attached to it and you requested to one of the servants to deliver food to your room.
there was a knock at your door, you looked at the clock.
it was not lunch time yet.
you opened it and immediately scowled
it was sanji, you did not want to get hurt again.
“wait, wait”
Sanji held up his hands in defense.
you noticed the same golden colored device around Sanji’s wrists.
“can i come in?”
you moved to the side, silently observing Sanji as he walked in.
“you’ve grown, i honestly thought you were still on the ship…rotting and being abused. but, im glad. im glad your still alive”
Sanji tears up and pulls you close to him.
He made a vow,
“I promise you, once i get married. i’ll give you anything that you didnt get to experience as a kid!”
You wanted to tell him that it was okay and that he didnt need to.
you held in your tears, voice shaky as you actually did tell him that it was okay.
that led him to hold you tighter.
after that day, Sanji actually tried his best to be there with you on Whole Cake Island.
The day before Sanji’s wedding, while riding the carriage, Sanji’s friends tried to get him to come back.
Straw hat Luffy….
The events that happened next, shocked me.
Sanji beat up him own captain.
You did not care about what happened to you, you wanted the best for your only brother.
during the wedding, you were panicking hard.
Big Mom planned to annihilate the Vinsmoke family in order to gain their scientific creations.
being stuck in melted candy did not help your despair.
suddenly, Big Mom let out a big wail, hurting your ears in the process.
Sanji broke everyone free from the confines of melted candy.
you watched as Germa 66 did their transformation half way and started running towards Bege’s castle.
You felt self conscious.
you weren’t anything special, you did not have any abilities, you did not know how to fight, all you do know how to do is run.
but you weren’t fast enough.
you felt someone loop their arms around your waist, zooming towards Perospero, and throwing a punch at him.
“Kneel before Germa’s scientific might!”
It was Ichiji.
As everyone had gotten into the castle, Sanji disowned Judge and the rest of Germa.
Unknowingly, you stood in front of a mirror, with your back towards it.
You felt you mouth being covered tightly and was dragged into the mirror, no one batting an eye.
You were then tied up by your perpetrator.
You took a glance at a mirrors reflection and it was Charlotte Amande.
‘im going to die!’
That wasn’t the case, she had brought you into a confined room, no windows.
‘ah….this is a torture chamber’
after 3 hours of being tortured, i managed to escape.
you came to the realization that you’re on Cacao Island.
injured and all you could do was lean in the wall.
“huff….huff….” you panted, just a few more steps before you reached the plaza. The pain became unbearable.
It was already dark out.
I assumed there was battle going on, since Germa 66 was fighting off the Big Mom Pirates. “Go back to your ships, Germa 66! Mission Accomplished!” Ichiji yelled out, his eyes spotting me leaning against the wall. He grabbed the back of my shirt and we flew back to the main ship.
Once we had arrived, Ichiji placed me down on the ground gently. ‘well thats a surprise. I’m guessing Sanji left with his crew, im glad that he made it out’. My head felt light, i could barely hold myself up. “Germa 66! We’ll withdraw!” Judge said as he turned around and halted.
Big Mom was coming. Germa 66 was on guard for battle, even though they took a bunch of damage in the past few hours.
After trying to fend off the Big Mom Pirates. Germa was defeated. 2 super humans and 1 regular human were captured by the enemy.
I tried to pull from one of my restraints, but i was already physically drained from the torture i had endured. i am going through yet another torture. this time it was with Charlotte Daifuku.
Daifuku held me still as Oven used his devil fruit to sear the skin on my left forearm. I screamed in pain, not knowing Niji and Yonji can hear me in a room above them. Then, Mon-d’or made a gash in my leg. He then poured boiling water onto it “oops! Im sorry, not!”, he smirked. I bit my bottom lip hard, trying not to make a sound. This continued for who knows how long…
It felt like a while when they left. I felt so lifeless. the door opened and i was prepared to endure more torture. But it turns out it was Germa and….. Caesar?? Reiju used her poison to melt away the chains holding my body down. I couldn’t move. i could barely move…Ichiji nodded at Caesar and Caesar slung me over his shoulder, mindful of my wounds.
We made it back to the main ship of Germa. my body started to become more and more numb by the second. Ichiji took me into his arms and steadily walked towards the infirmary. “You okay? You’re not going to die are you?” He said, as he slowly started to pick up his pace after only getting a nod from me.
We’ve reached the infirmary. But the nurse there told Ichiji that I needed surgery to stitch up any open wounds and that i probably wouldnt make it. Niji tried arguing with the nurse, “what do you mean that she doesnt have enough blood? don’t we have blood packs here? why do you just give it to her?”. of course, the nurse tried to reason with Niji but she stopped not wanting to piss him off.
Yonji, clenched the blanket on top of him into his fist. ‘she cant die. we owe sanji for saving our lives.’ he thought. “im sorry, but she already looks like shes about to pass on”, the Vinsmoke brothers turned their heads towards their little sister. little sister?
when had they considered her a little sister? she did not share the same blood as their mother, so why should they consider her as their sister? just because she shares blood with their father doesn’t mean- “how long will she live?” and feminine voice chided in behind Ichiji.
Reiju and their father came in the room.
The nurse fumbled with her watch, not wasting anytime before the brothers become ruthless. “a-about an hour, ma’am!”, the nurse wanted to slap herself for being too nervous. Ichiji laid you onto an empty infirmary bed. Your breath hitched in pain.
Judge strutted towards your bed and stared down at you, “You did well, for a failure”. You deadpanned at him, even though you were dying. Yonji cursed under his breath, the Vinsmoke family turning to him. “why did it have to turn out like this?”.
Although he wouldn’t admit this, Yonji had cared for you. Ichiji and Niji narrowed their eyes at him. Ichiji started, “don’t tell me your getting all mushy already”, “don’t tell me you did not care for her all along, notice how you saved her the most?” Yonji retorted. Niji snorted “care for her? shes nothing but a weakling in the Vinsmoke bloodline”. The brothers were going back in forth, Judge chiming in here and there.
Reiju sneakily brought her hand to hold yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled down to you, letting you know she loves you in her own way. but her eyes widened a little.
you were cold. cold to the touch.
she noticed that your eyes were lifeless. she knew. she knew, you had already passed on. With a wobbly smile, she closed your eyes and looked at the time. Trying to hold in her tears, “time of death is 4:37 p.m.”. As soon as she said that. The brothers felt their cold hearts shatter, yet they could not shed a single tear.
They had lost a sister. Their little sister at that. Sanji didn’t get to hear the bad news at all.
“In the back of my mind, you died. and I didn't even cry, no, not a single tear. and I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive….” - d4vid, Romantic Homicide.
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foxydivaxx · 5 months
Zosan: Look What You Made Me Do Chapter 8
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Sanji stirs as he struggles to get up. He was definitely behind schedule judging from the blinding rays of the early morning sun. He jumps up to his feet and heads off to go get a quick shower and then prepare breakfast. Once he was done, he dashes off to the kitchen, only to find Robin and Chopper there helping themselves. "Morning Sanji. We figured that we assist you a bit hence why he have gotten off to a great headstart so far." says Robin. 
Sanji gives her a sweet smile. "Thanks Robin. You shouldn't have." he says. Chopper grins. "Yeah but we also need to help out every once in a while. Besides, we are a team right." he says. Sanji nods and joins. "So, what are we preparing this morning?" he asks. "Simple English breakfast."  Sanji nods. "Sounds great to me." he says, rolling his sleeves and joining them in the work.
Once they were done, Chopper goes off to call the rest of the crew. Breakfast was a normal affair with the occasional Zoro and Sanji spats no thanks to Zoro's penchant for annoying his boyfriend. Once they were done, Sanji and Chopper clear up the dishes and head off to the kitchen to clean up. "I want to see you smile more often Sanji." says Chopper. "Aww you are so sweet."  Sanji, wraps his arms around Chopper and pulls him into a warm hug. "And I want you to be happy and cheerful as well because you are the sweetest guy on Earth." Chopper giggles and nuzzles the cook affectionately.
Once they were done, they head to their respective rooms. On his way to his room, he stops in his tracks as he overhears a conversation between Zoro and Nami. "Wait...so let me get it straight, so Sanji was a different priority?!" Priority? What does she mean? He walks in and listens to more of their conversation."Yeah. It's true. Like look, I love Sanji a lot but at the same time, my loyalties are tearing me apart." Loyalties? What does he mean?  "What do you mean by loyalties?" Nami asked. Zoro sighs and says, "Luffy."
"Luffy? Wait...you mean, you loved him and wanteed to use Sanji to make Luffy jealous?! Dude!! That is so fucking sick!! How can you hurt Sanji like that and use him!! You are no different than the very people that hurt him!! Than that Akuma!!" That was when it clicked. Angered by that revelation, Sanji storms out. That shocked both Nami and Zoro. They did not realize that Sanji had been standing there. Zoro immediately gets up and chases after Sanji. "Sanji wait!!" 
Truth be told, he has said some shit about Sanji to his face and behind his back. Normally, it would just be some good old rival trolling. But today’s case was different. He went way too far during his conversation with Nami.  Sanji sighs, places a cigarette in his mouth, and tries to put on his lighter but for some reason, he can’t. “And you know what? That’s fine.”
The blonde tries to put on a face of bravado but deep down, he was falling. He had always had feelings for Zoro. But today, he now knows where he belongs. Or at least what Zoro truly thinks of him and whom his heart truly belongs to.
“S-Sanji why…..” Zoro knows why but he has to pretend to save face.
Sanji gives him an icy look. “ I heard what you said about me to Nami. Pretty solid points.  But nothing matters anymore. Glad that at least I know where I truly belong and that is rock bottom.” With that, he tries to walk away but Zoro grabs his hand. 
“Sanji wait…”
Sanji stares at him, his eyes wet with tears. “You have already made your choice. Now it is time to make mine. I would rather be alone without anyone than get my heart broken that way.” He pulls his hand away and walks off. Zoro sighs. Man, he messed up badly. 
Once Sanji reaches his home, he begins to scream and cry and starts throwing things and ripping things apart. "Sanji what's wrong?" He whips around to see Luffy standing by the door with a look of concern in his eye. "Get the fuck out Luffy..." he growls at him. "Huh? What do you mean? Like I am here t-"
Luffy was surprisingly calm during the whole thing. He walks up to Sanji and gives him a hug. "You do not have to hold onto that pain Sanji. Let it all out. I understand how you feel. You have every right to be mad and jealous. You have every right to feel whatever you feel and to be heard because you were so used to having others to talking down on you and invalidating your feelings."
Sanji just keeps on crying in his Captain's arms. Luffy just gently pats his back and calms him down. "It's okay Sanji." After spending hours crying non-stop, Luffy invites Zoro into the room and sits them both down. Sanji refuses to look him in the eye directly and looks away.  Zoro looks down on the floor. "Zoro I understand why you said what you said to Nami but understand this, I am not interested in romance or you. That is not my main priority. Never was. Let me get that clear because you really hurt Sanji. Like you invested a lot into the relationship and you decided to throw that away by being reckless with your emotions."
It was weird seeing Luffy like this as Luffy is usually seen as a reckless, happy-go-lucky cheerful person. This was the rare case where Luffy would be the mature one in the room. 
"Good thing Nami figured things out and told me hence why I went to find Sanji before he did something terrible to either himself or you. So Zoro, apologize to Sanji now." Zoro goes over to Sanji and pulls him into a hug. "I am so sorry baby." he says. Sanji pouts and accepts the hug. Luffy smiles satisfied. "Next time you misbehave, Sanji please kick his ass." 
"You bet I would." Sanji says with a smirk. "OI!! DO-" Before Zoro knew what was happening, Sanji kciks him hard in the face that he is sent flying out of the room."OWW!!! OI!! CURLY!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Zoro yells. "That's what you get for fucking with my heart mosshead!!" Next thing everyone knew, the couple began to physically clash again. 
"Not again." says Jinbe with a sigh. "Those two." Brook says, shaking his head. The girls giggle. 
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