#we had to abruptly leave our house last night
pippindot · 2 years
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Back in a hotel and we are POWERSTANCING
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rainydayathogwarts · 6 months
Emily finds out - Spencer Reid blurb
You rubbed your eyes with the back of your fist, watching as Spencer nodded, his phone held up to his ear. His deep morning voice - if you can even call it the morning yet - echoed in the small room as he briefly answered Hotch's words. You hit your head back against Spencer's pillow, ignoring the rustle in the room of him pulling clothes from the closet and waiting to get the same call from your boss. When your phone finally rung, you threw your hand out onto the bedside table, blindly fishing for it. You brought it back against your ear with a groan, lazily answering the call.
"We've got an urgent case, head to the office now please L/N, me and Rossi are already on it." And with that, he hung up the phone, ignoring the groan of acknowledgement you had let out. He was more brief than he had been with your boyfriend, and was clearly already getting sick of the day. You rolled on your back, watching your boyfriend pull his pants over his hips before kicking your legs over the side of his bed and leaning down to grab your trousers, mimicking Spencer's movements. You briefly glance at the clock, 4:08 am. "You should probably go, I'll take my car and follow you out once I'm ready. It'll seem suspicious otherwise." You tell him, pulling the same black top you wore the day before over your head. Spencer moves to stand between your legs and softly puts both his hands on your jaw so you can look up at him and he leans down for a quick yet sweet kiss.
He rushes out through the door obediently, looking back at you one last time to take a glance at you staring at your reflection in the mirror, trying to tame down your hair. Spencer leaves his apartment keys in the keyhole, trusting you to lock his apartment door twice and bring him the keys later. You make your way out of the apartment and into your car, parking in the basement of the building only 20 minutes later. You sigh, gathering your things and rushing up to the elevator.
No one is in the bullpen when you arrive, so you make your way to the debriefing room, hitting your hip against the doorknob when you enter. You groan, wincing, but make your way into one of the chairs around the circular table nonetheless. Of course, it's Derek who makes the first comment on your appearance when you enter. "Damn sweetheart didn't think you'd be the one to show up in last night's outfit." Spencer, who sits next to Derek, furrows his eyebrows. "What he means is she was over at someone else's having sex." Emily tries to whisper at him from across the table, but everyone hears the comment she makes and you scoff, lightly slapping her arm.
"Hey I wouldn't be if I had some earlier notice." You argue, opening the files in front of you. "I don't see anything wrong with that. Agent L/N came prepared when we asked her to and is immediately on task, unlike the rest of you. She'd have wasted our time by going home to change." Hotch's deep, usually grumpy voice comes out with a hint of amusement and you nod your head as the others go back to work with smirks on their faces.
"Jareau, catch L/N up on what she's missed - everyone wheels up in thirty." After JJ does catch you up, the room starts to file out, eventually leaving you and Spencer alone. You widen your eyes at him in amusement and he chuckles, his cheeks turning slightly redder than usual. You shuffle the chair you're in until you're sat next to your boyfriend and you press a kiss on his cheek before digging through your bag. He stands up in the meantime, thinking you've changed your focus to something else but call out for him "Spencer, wait!" He turns back to look at you and you hold out his house keys with an eyebrow raised. "Don't want Morgan finding me with those." But then not even a second later, Emily is rushing back into the room, grabbing her phone.
"My bad!" She pants, about to leave the room, but she abruptly stops upon seeing a flash of movement, and then the looks on your faces. Spencer looks like he's been caught dealing drugs and you on the other hand look surprised yet slightly amused with your eyes wide and arms still by your sides. She takes a moment to profile you, taking note of how Spencer's house keys are now in his hand, which he'd been trying to slyly shove in his pocket. She looks confused, but starts walking, muttering a quiet "After you." To Spencer before she steps in front of you, blocking the doorway.
She stares at you, her jaw slack, and slowly raises her pointer finger at you. "You- he's the- oh my gosh you have to tell me everything."
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houseofceline · 6 months
My Pretty Girl - T.N.
Bitter Burns and Glowy Skin
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Pairing: Ravenclaw and sort of ditzy but talented Reader x Slytherin notorious playboy Theodore Nott
Warnings: None (yet ;))
Summary: You need to stop being so easily persuaded.
Author's Note: Long awaited chapter! Sorry about the wait, college is beating my ass right now but almost winter break! Also someone tell me what a taglist is and how to make one?
< 5
“Come on please,” Lorenzo begged, turning fully around in his seat to face you. 
You hesitated. Parties weren’t really your thing. They were loud, exhausting, scary, sweaty, and so many more unpleasant adjectives. 
There was only ten minutes left of class which meant only ten more minutes of Lorenzo and Mattheo trying to convince you to go to a hufflepuff house party. 
You weren’t stupid you knew what went on at hufflepuff parties. There was a link between them being prodigies at herbology and Cho coming back to the dorms giggling and wobbling. 
“It’s going to be so fun though,” Lorenzo clasped his hands together and pleaded. 
“Your boyfriend’s also going to be there,” Mattheo added, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You felt your face heat up and tried shushing the loud boy in case anyone was eavesdropping. 
“Why would it matter if Theo’s going or not,” you murmured quietly as you glanced around the classroom, paranoid. 
Mattheo smirked, “I never said Nott. So you want him to be your boyfriend?” 
Shoot. You avoided eye contact with both boys but made sure to shake your head no, not allowing them the chance to assume anything. 
“No, bu-” saved by the bell. You reminded yourself to give Dumbledore a giant kiss on his cheek. 
You grabbed your backpack and ran away from the two slytherins who bursted out in laughter. 
You spotted Cho and Cedric in the hallways and ran to them knowing that the two boys probably wouldn’t follow. 
“Hey y/n!” Cedric greeted as he spotted you before Cho did. 
“Y/n!” Cho exclaimed, hooking her free arm, the one that wasn’t linked onto Cedric’s, to yours. 
“How was class?” Cho asked while you looked behind you, sighing when you didn’t see them lingering behind you. 
“As interesting as the history of magic gets,” you rolled your eyes while Cedric laughed. 
“It’ll get better, trust me,” Cedric assured while Cho shook her head. 
“Don’t listen to him, he said the same thing about potions,” Cho objected while you groaned in response. 
Well to be honest it wasn’t that bad anymore. With Theo’s help your grades were getting better and you no longer dreaded the class. At least not as much as before, plus the study dates were also fun. 
“You coming to the party tonight?” Cedric asked while Cho pulled your intertwined arms up to smack her head. 
“Shoot! That’s what I forgot to ask you last night,” she exclaimed before looking over at you with pleading eyes, one that you were all too familiar with regarding this subject. 
“No…” you answered quietly but it seemed like that was the wrong answer when Cho abruptly stopped the three of you from walking. 
“Please, it’s a Friday night. What else are you going to do in our dorm alone?” She let go of Cedric’s arm and turned to you, grabbing your arm with both of her hands. 
“I want to work on my dress,” you answered while Cho groaned and pretended to cry while Cedric laughed at his girlfriend. 
“Please please please please please,” Cho chanted while you tried shaking her grasp away. 
“Okay okay!” You exclaimed as she cheered. 
“We need to go get ready!” Cho squealed as she let go of your hand and took your hand instead. 
“Wait,” she stopped the two of you from running off before running back to kiss Cedric goodbye on the cheek. 
“Let’s go look even hotter!” 
You wanted to vomit, you really did. You had arrived with Cho but you felt bad for making her babysit you all night therefore you encouraged her to go find Cedric. But obviously that was a big mistake now that you found yourself alone and wanting to leave, if you could even find the door at this point. It felt like the whole school was here. 
“Oh look who decided to show up!” Lorenzo yelled as soon as he saw you. And wherever Lorenzo was, you knew Mattheo was near. 
“Nott’s not here yet,” Mattheo raised both of his eyebrows as he eyed your dress choice of the night. You had gone with a black lace dress and Mattheo had to murmur an apology to Theo before complimenting your outfit. 
“I’m not here for Theo,” you tried to convince them even though you had hoped to have already seen him around. 
“Yeah sure, keep telling yourself that,” Lorenzo snickered as he passed you a drink. 
You weren’t a big drinker, mostly because of the fact that you were a lightweight. You took a sip and automatically your face scrunched up as you felt the bitter burn in your throat.  
“You came here alone?” Mattheo frowned, “We could’ve went and got you.”
You waved them off, “I arrived with Cho don’t worry I’m okay.” 
“Well what are you doing standing around for? Let’s go dance!” Lorenzo exclaimed as he pulled you onto the dance with Mattheo following behind. 
“I can’t dance!” You exclaimed, not wanting to embarrass yourself with your lousy dance moves. 
“It’s easy, just move to the beat!” Lorenzo shrugged like it was that easy. 
You took a few more sips of your drink, hoping that it would suppress some nerves. After all, it is easier to do “embarrassing” things when you don’t realize you’re doing them. 
“See, natural dancer,” Mattheo praised as he threw an arm around you and Lorenzo. 
Suddenly Lorenzo tensed up causing you and Mattheo to look over. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked following his gaze across the room. Lorenzo tried to stop you from turning around, but it was too late. 
If it was possible, Mattheo would’ve tried to catch and save your falling, shattering heart. 
Mattheo cursed under his breath as you tried to push the lump that was forming down your throat. 
You didn’t think much of anything when you hung out with Theo. You enjoyed his presence, but maybe it never occurred to you that you were not the only one who had it. 
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the stabbing feeling in your chest, but you felt like the longer you watched Theo kiss the pretty blonde girl the stronger your stomach churned. 
You had no right to be so upset. The two of you were just friends. 
You were happy for your friend. She looked really pretty from where you stood. Long wavy blonde hair contrasting your dark straight black strands. She was thin and tall, like the model bodies you drew in your sketchbook for your designs.  
You were happy for him, happy that he had someone who seemed nice and pretty. But maybe you were overthinking it. Maybe she means nothing to him. But that would mean you didn’t mean enough for him to not kiss a stranger. 
“Something’s stuck in my throat,” you bitterly chuckled as you turned away from them and chugged your drink. 
Lorenzo looked at you and felt his own heart break at your dejected expression. Your face resembled the image of a small child in time out. 
“He doesn’t know what he’s missing,” Mattheo sighed and patted your back and you feigned a shocked expression. 
“Huh? What do you mean?” You played dumb as if you never saw them. But the boys knew better when they saw your eyes starting to tear up.  Eyes don't lie.
You started to dance again, grabbing Lorenzo’s cup and chugged. Maybe being lightweight wasn’t a bad thing. You couldn’t even feel the hole in your chest as you danced with tears rolling down your face. When the disco lights hit your face, your face shined and glistened with tears. Maybe you looked gorgeous, like an angel with your glowy face. But maybe you looked like a miserable mess, perhaps the reason he wasn’t here with you right now.
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unclewaynemunson · 7 months
It's October when the autumn chill officially dawns over Hawkins. Wayne wakes up to fogged-up windows, and his bones protest loudly when he stretches to get up and make himself some warm coffee. It's too early in the year to turn on the heating; if they start that now, they'll be bankrupt before it's even January. So while the coffee is brewing, he shrugs off the old shirt he uses as a pajama, and puts on as many layers as he'll need to keep himself warm: first an undershirt, then a soft flannel, and then a faded brown sweater that's been sitting uselessly in his closet all through the summer. It's patched up at the elbows to conceal the holes that have fallen into it, but still warm and comfortable, which is all Wayne can really ask for.
'Ed, got coffee for ya!' he calls out when he's changed into his jeans and the coffee is almost ready.
Some muffled noises sounding vaguely like 'lemmesleeeeeep' emerge from the other side of the thin wall.
Wayne chuckles as he turns on the gas, deciding he might as well make scrambled eggs for breakfast; a thinly-veiled excuse to heat up the trailer by using the stove.
'And eggs in a minute!'
Another string of muffled sounds emerges from Eddie's bedroom, 'stoocold' being the only semi-decipherable one.
For a moment, Wayne feels guilty. He knows, deep down, that this is nothing more than his Eddie being dramatic. But that doesn't change his wish that he could simply turn on the heat without giving it a second thought and make Eddie's Sunday morning just slightly more comfortable. He doesn't care about the chill in his own bones, he's had worse. He doesn't care about the condensation on the windows, that is now changing into thick droplets that are gliding down to the windowsill, leaving traces of soot in their wake. He's not even sure if he'd ever want to live in a real, proper house. But the one thing he does want, is to get his nephew through the season warm and comfortable without having to count every penny.
Eddie finally emerges from his bedroom, with only his head peeking out of the blanket he has wrapped himself in, and a sleepy look in his eyes. The phone starts ringing just as Wayne greets him, and Eddie, who's closer to it, shuffles towards it.
Almost immediately after he picks up, his eyes shed their drowsy look and light up in a way that Wayne has come to know all too well, while his mouth curves into a wicked grin.
'No, sir, he's not here,' Eddie says into the phone, his eyes wide and innocent. 'When he didn't come home last night, I assumed he'd be spending the night with you. I guess he must have a secret lover we both don't know about.'
Wayne abruptly turns off the gas and barges towards Eddie, who barks out a laugh while he jumps back as far as the phone cord allows him.
'Just joking, Mr. Clarke, he is here!' he calls out in an annoyingly triumphed tone. 'And he can't wait to talk to you, here he is!'
Wayne playfully shoves Eddie against the wall as he takes the phone from him.
'Sorry for my menace of a nephew, Scott,' he says.
He hears a chuckle on the other side of the line, slightly distorted through the horn. It's as if his hand has a will of its own, clenching around the phone and pressing it almost painfully close to his ear; like he'll be able to catch the sound of Scott's laughter better if he could only press himself tighter to his phone.
'Luckily I'm used to middle schoolers, nothing I can't handle here.'
Wayne snorts and turns towards Eddie, who is now shamelessly staring at him from above his blanket-cocoon a few steps away from him.
'Scott says you should stop behavin' like a damn middle schooler,' he grumbles.
'Yep, that sounds exactly like something sweet Scott Clarke would say,' Eddie remarks, that devilish grin still plastered on his face.
'What can I do for ya, Scott?'
'Well, I just came downstairs for breakfast, and when I looked outside, I realized this is our first proper fall day.'
Wayne directs his gaze to the wet kitchen window. He hadn't even thought to look through the droplets on the glass; but now that he does, he realizes Scott is right. The trees around Forest Hills are definitely showing more yellow and orange than they did yesterday, and some patches of fog are still lingering a few feet above the wilted grass and muddy roads. The skies are a light shade of gray, telling Wayne that even though it'll be cold, it won't likely start raining anytime soon.
'I was wondering if you have any plans for today?' Scott's continues in his ear. 'We could go for a walk in the forest, admire the colors, see if we can find some cool mushrooms... What do you think?'
Wayne wonders whether he's imagining the nervous edge to Scott's voice, merely hearing in there what he wants to hear.
'I'm free all day,' Wayne says. He clamps the phone between his ear and his shoulder, needing both his hands to fumble around in his chest pocket and find a cigarette and a lighter. 'You wanna come over after breakfast? I can make a thermos of coffee and we can head into the woods here, I know a nice path around Lov- around the lake.' He can feel Eddie's gaze burning on him, but he refuses to look at his nephew, instead closing his eyes as he places the cigarette between his lips and lights it.
Scott is kind enough to pretend like he didn't notice Wayne's unfortunate stutter.
'A walk around the lake sounds perfect,' he says instead, his voice still as chipper as ever. 'I'll be at yours in an hour. Enjoy your breakfast with Eddie.'
'Real smooth, Uncle Wayne.' Eddie's amused voice cuts through the silence as soon as Wayne has hung the phone back on the hook.
'Don't be ridiculous now, boy,' Wayne grumbles. 'He's my friend.'
'With whom you're gonna hang out at Lover's Lake. Like friends do.' The sarcasm is dripping from Eddie's voice.
'I liked you better when you were still asleep in your bed,' Wayne remarks.
Eddie laughs loudly. 'You shoulda thought about that before you made me come out of it to freeze to death.'
Wayne crosses his arms and shoots Eddie an unimpressed look. 'Are you gonna do anything today or just spending your whole day makin' fun of me?'
Eddie shrugs – or rather, that's what Wayne supposes is happening underneath the moving blanket. 'I'm gonna take the kids to the pumpkin farm with Steve.' He lowers his voice and leans closer towards Wayne, continuing in an conspiratorial voice, 'We call that a date. Maybe you and Mr. Clarke should stop being cowards and come join us. Make it a double date.'
Wayne doesn't say anything; he simply rolls his eyes and walks back to the stove, lighting the gas underneath the frying pan again so he can direct all his attention to his eggs.
An hour later, Eddie has left – with a pit stop at the Mayfields' trailer – to pick up Steve. Wayne has done the dishes, dried the windows and filled a thermos with fresh coffee. By the time Scott parks his car in the spot where Eddie's van had been earlier, most of the fog outside has disappeared. Wayne watches him get out of his car through the kitchen window, but he doesn't come outside just yet, afraid it'll make him seem too eager.
Scott knocks on the door and then lets himself in, like he's done many times over the summer that now lies behind them. He's wearing a woolen coat in a dark gray color, with a simple black scarf around his neck.
Wayne feels his hands twitch with the desire to wrap themselves around Scott's waist, to tug him close and bask in the warmth of his body. Would his scarf feel as soft as it looks? Would he smell like fresh autumn air? Would his touch be as warm as the quilt on his couch?
'Oof, it's chilly in here,' Scott remarks, rubbing his hands together.
'I don't get cold that fast.' It's only partly a lie.
'I like the sweater.'
The easy and earnest compliment catches Wayne off-balance; he doesn't know what to do, where to look, where to keep his hands. He wants to escape Scott's approving gaze and hide away somewhere no one can perceive him.
Instead, he clears his throat and thanks the heavens for the fact that Eddie has already left.
'Ready to go?' he asks.
They head into the woods and Wayne leads the way as they stray further from the trailer park. Their feet easily find a rhythm that feels natural to both of them, avoiding the bigger puddles on the path and stopping every now and then to admire toadstools, dewy cobwebs, and fallen leaves in beautiful colors.
As they make their way around Lover's Lake, Wayne ponders what exactly the difference is between what Eddie would call a hangout, and a date. He doesn't exactly have a lot of friends who he hangs out with. He has his colleagues at the plant, of course, who he'd always kept at a distance, which proved him right when they were all too ready to come for his Eddie last March. He has some neighbors he's friendly with; he helps them with a thing or two around their trailers and in return they share a beer or a smoke with him. But he wouldn't call that real friendship either. He has learned long ago how dangerous it can be to let people come too close. Some people only wanted certain things from him, others would judge him when they'd find out a thing too many about him. And the pain of losing a rare, true friend became all too clear to him back in Vietnam.
After that, he mainly stuck to himself. And then it became him and Eddie against the world. He never needed anyone else. He was good at being alone, after all. There was a certain level of comfort to be found in loneliness.
So this thing with Scott – whatever it is – is not something he can compare to anything else. The only thing he knows is that it's definitely not lonely. And that he doesn't want to mess it up and lose the only true friend he's had in decades.
'What's on your mind?' Scott asks when they sit down on a fallen tree at the edge of the lake to enjoy their coffee. 'You've been quiet.'
'I'm always quiet,' Wayne points out.
It makes Scott chuckle softly before he takes a sip of his coffee.
'Not as quiet as you think,' Scott says. 'Today, you're thinking loudly. I can almost hear your thoughts.'
Wayne carefully places his own mug on the tree, then grabs himself a cigarette and lights it, all to buy himself some time. But even after a long drag and another sip of coffee, he still doesn't quite know how to voice his thoughts.
'Was just admirin' the fall colors,' he decides to say instead, when the silence starts taking too long.
He can practically feel Scott's eyes on his face as he stubbornly stares over the water in front of them.
'It really is the perfect day to do that,' Scott finally says. Apparently he has decided he'll let Wayne get away with it this time. Or maybe it isn't like that. Maybe he decided that he'll allow Wayne the time he needs to sort out his thoughts before he can voice them. Maybe he understands that Wayne sometimes needs a while before he's ready to talk about things. Maybe he decided that he didn't want to intrude. Maybe he decided that he values spending time with Wayne, no matter if they're talking or sitting in silence. And maybe this fall will be a little less cold than the ones Wayne has gotten used to, because when he risks a glance towards his left, he sees Scott wearing a smile that's appreciative of the nature around them. It's a smile that warms Wayne from the inside, in a way that the heater in his trailer has never managed to do.
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haunted-moon · 5 months
Long Way Home [Part V]
[Azriel x Reader fanfic]
Synopsis: Y/n is the daughter of a healer in the city of Velaris. After a small incident, she moves to the House of the Wind to work for the High Lord, Rhysand. Everyone in the house seems to welcome her except Azriel, the second in command. Even though he is just blankly polite and does not acknowledge her much, she can't help but fall for him. Does Azriel return her feelings or remain unfeelingly aloof?
Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here.
Read Part 3 here.
Read Part 4 here.
Part V
Two weeks before Star fall, we were all having dinner in one of the open terraces as it was a clear night. Nesta and Elaine weren't present, since they were at their former estate in the human world for some work. 
There was the usual chatter and bickering going on, and I was laughing at something Feyre said when my eyes landed on Azriel.
I didn't understand why it was that moment. Maybe it was because I had finally accepted my feelings for him, or maybe it was destined by fate. Or maybe it was because Elaine wasn't there to draw his gaze. Nevertheless, in that moment, I knew.
"Mate." I said in a low voice. 
The chatter died down, the rest of the table's eyes on us. I noticed a slow, weak pulse within me, a bond that connected me to him. I could see in his eyes that he was aware of it too. 
I didn't know what to think, I never thought that this moment would come to be. 
I was still trying to untangle my thoughts when he abruptly stood up. His expression had gone blank. We all watched as he recalled his shadows towards himself as he strode down to the terrace wall and jumped, flying away. 
There was a long stretch of silence, broken by Amren. "What a fool."
Cassian slapped a hand to his forehead. "Az..."
I stood up on shaky legs, my face burning hot. The weak pulse of the bond went even weaker as he flew away from me. I had never thought that we would be mates, and what's more, he would reject me like this. Feyre and Rhys were looking at me with the pity I didn't want. 
"Goodbye, then."
I turned on my heel and ran to my quarters. Grabbing the last of my things, I threw them in my satchel and wore it over my shoulder. When I turned to leave, Rhys was in the doorway. 
"Y/n, please. Stay," he implored. "He's just a little confused, that's all."
"Oh please," I tried to walk out but he blocked the exit.
Taking a deep breath, I looked him in the eye. I had not started crying. Not yet. Not here, not now. "Rhysand, if you've ever once cared about me, please let me go."
He stood there for a moment longer, but moved eventually. I knew how to winnow myself to other places, but it required a focused and calm mind, neither of which I had at that moment. In the end, Rhysand flew me to my house in the city as per my request. 
When I unlocked the door, father wasn't there. I lit a few lamps and took a seat at the kitchen table. I wrote him a letter where I explained everything that had transpired and my intention to go to the villa that very night. I put the letter in an envelope and left it on the table for him to see. 
After it was done, I extinguished the lamps and sat there in the dark, the satchel on my lap. Closing my eyes, I took slow, deep breaths and brought my mind to a state where I could focus on winnowing. Soon enough, the darkness felt changed and I was in the living room of the villa.
This property wasn't fully developed when it had been passed down to my father. He hadn't taken much notice of it either, but after we both healed from our wing scars, we lived here for many years before he started practising in Velaris. 
In those years, we demolished the ramshackle wooden structure and built a two story villa suffused with maintenance magic. Following that, we developed the surrounding area with lush fruit orchards, vegetable rows and flower bushes. A convenient stream flowed all year round, fed by the glaciers of the tallest mountains. It fed our gardens and flowed into the taps through pipelines. 
I sat on the sofa in the living room for a while, empty and exhausted. The sconces on the walls were lit the moment I appeared, and there was not a speck of dust or cobweb in sight. The night was cold, and the villa's temperature heated up to a comfortable warmth that settled lovingly on my shoulders. 
I smiled, feeling glad to have built this villa. It took better care of me than my own mate. 
Keeping the satchel on the table, I stood up and walked upstairs. In this floor, there were two bedrooms and two bathrooms, built separately for me and father when we stayed here together. Each bedroom had its own large balcony, too. 
Inside my bathroom, I stripped off my clothes and turned on the tap for hot water to fill into the bath. The tub was sunken into the floor, with a window carved into the wall beside it to look into the view outside. After my bath, I crawled underneath the bed covers, where my tears finally began to flow. 
Read Part 6 here.
@kalulakunundrum @thelov3lybookworm @hnyclover @impossibelle @sourapplex
This fanfic can also be found in Wattpad, along with other exclusive parts like playlists and pictures. Here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358573037-long-way-home
Happy reading! <3
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie goes live two days before he is supposed to leave for his Vegas shows, mainly to remind his fans that they added another night so tickets were available but also to talk about his favorite subject, Steve. He’s all smiles and giddy, sitting in his car.
He looks into the camera and says, “Do you hear that? I don’t know if the speakers are picking up the frankly ear-shattering volume of Tears for Fears emitting from my house right now, but I can hear it in the driveway. I fucking hate this band and Stevie knows it.”
“We are two days out from Vegas and he’s stepped up his passive-aggressive bullshit, so you know what?” Eddie grins. “I’m going to romance him so hard that he can’t keep up the act. So, come along. We’re planning a date.”
Eddie goes to four places – a flower shop, a fancy chocolate store, the grocery store, and Steve’s favorite restaurant for take-out. He gets a big bouquet of flowers. He gets a ridiculous amount of chocolate. He gets the cheesiest romcom he can find on Blu-Ray, a bottle of cheap wine they got when they moved into their first apartment together, and ice cream.
“I know, I know,” He says to camera as he’s walking through the store. “I can see the comments now – Eddie Munson’s idea of romance is the same as your broke ex-boyfriend, or whatever. Steve and I have been together since the eighties, we’ve done all the big grand gestures, and what you learn is that being together is the only thing that matters.”
Eddie drives home and walks into the kitchen where Steve is baking – something he only ever does for school functions and when he’s really pissed off – and he turns off the Tears for Fears album. Steve looks up at Eddie with his chocolate and flowers and says in a voice that is full of barely-concealed anger, “Are those for your best friend, Diane?”
There’s a pause and then Eddie says in a voice that completely drops the Eddie Munson larger-than-life persona that he adopts for online into something instantly annoyed when he says, “Are you fucking kidding me?“
“I don’t know, Ed. Why don’t you text Diane and ask her since you want her to know all of our fucking business.”
You can only see the pattern on Eddie’s reusable grocery bag when he drops everything on the counter, but you can hear how tense it is in the room when Eddie laughs, “You are so fucking unbelievable sometimes. You’re pissed at me because I asked our neighbor for her number that you wouldn’t give to me. I’m taking precautions because I’m leaving town, Steve.”
“Why’d we get a fucking dog then, Eddie?” Steve asked, snapped at him. “I didn’t want a dog but we got one to reassure you. To put your mind at ease and – and it doesn’t fucking matter? You’re still going to go behind my back and talk about my shit to – to fucking Diane like I’m not even a part of the conversation? If Ozzy’s not enough why do we have him? Why not hire a fucking nurse if you think I’m so incapable-“
“I don’t think-“
“You’re treating me like a baby that you need to find a babysitter for.”
“You cracked your skull open and laid on the ground for days the last time I went out of town! You were non-responsive. I thought you were dead. I trust Ozzy. I think he’s enough but what if he’s not? I’m sorry that our neighbors hate you and I had to ask the one you don’t like, but I’m not apologizing for worrying.”
Steve starts to respond but that seems to be the moment that Eddie realizes that he’s still live streaming because it cuts abruptly. He does not post anything for the rest of the day.
When he does post again, it’s a short slideshow of him and Steve having the date night he’d planned and a short little apology for ‘Mom and Dad’ fighting. The video is captioned ‘All good.’
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ghostfanwriter · 9 months
𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 Part four 🧰💖
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💖 Pairing: Joel Miller x Virgin!Fem!Reader
🧰 Setting: Lincoln. Reader is Bill and Frank's daughter.
💖 Synopsys: Joel wakes you up with the news that he's leaving. And you have a hard time accepting that he's gonna okay outside by himself.
🧰 Features: Tiny little bit of touching, kissing and teasing at the beginning, but no smut for this one. Reader and Joel mention their past. Sarah is mentioned.
💖 Word Count: Around 7.5k.
🧰 About This: This one is scary for me for having no smut. So be nice to it, okay? Hopefully we learn a bit more about them and their relationship along the way.
💖 Author's Note: It took me forever (again) but it's yours 🩷
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The pet name never made more sense to him than right now.
Joel stands by your bedroom door, watching you sleep as the still soft moonlight entering your windows gently lightens your features. He smiles seeing the peaceful expression on your face — a rare sight nowadays.
He locks your door and carefully walks close to you, sitting on the edge of your bed and watching your body rise and fall with your soft and calm breathing.
He leans down over you, caging your body under his torso. He fixes your hair, pressing a sweet kiss on your temple and rubbing his nose affectionately on yours. You moan frustrated and furrow your brows, upset that someone's waking you up.
"Shh, it's just me, angel." He whispers gently, and you snuggle closer to him, smiling before even opening your eyes, his voice enough of a reassurance for you to look for his body.
He lays down by your side, opening his arms, pulling you into his embrace. When your head touches his chest he wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight.
"Morning, baby." He whispers, rubbing his nose on top of your head, your face buried on his chest, smelling his scent.
You moan lazily in response, wrapping your arms around him.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks, caressing your hair. You nod and hum in response, throwing your leg over his hips, giving him a full body hug, wanting to be as close as you can.
"Better if you were with me."
"Hmm, I know, baby, wish I could stay. Would sleep so well with you like this." He agrees, hugging you tighter and caressing your thigh.
"You got me real tired, though, slept like a baby." You add, and he hums, laughing softly, just holding you in silence for a bit.
When he feels your body softening under him and hears a low snoring, he squeezes your sides softly until you wake up, laughing.
"Do you wanna go make some breakfast? I'm hungry." He says, cupping the nape of your neck, caressing the hair covering it.
"But it's still a bit dark out." You say, opening your eyes for the first time and turning your head to look at the window, noticing the sun had yet not fully risen, and it was still early for breakfast.
"I know, but I have to leave early if I want to have as much sunlight as I can." He says, startling you.
"Leave?" You ask, abruptly supporting yourself on your elbow to look in his eyes, glimmering with the faint moonlight lightening your room.
Suddenly you're wide awake.
He laughs, pushing you back down onto him. You lay down but keep your head away from him, watching his face.
"I was talking to your dads last night. About the things you need here." Oh...
He's not leaving leaving. Your heart finds a more comfortable rythym.
"On our way here Tess and I saw a few big department stores that your dads said they've never been to. Some may still have some things." He adds.
"You think you're still gonna find stuff just laying around?" You ask, your tone unintentionally bitter as you snuggle back to his chest, a newfound need to stay close to him taking over you with the news that he's leaving Lincoln for the day.
"Not all the stuff, I mean, supplies and hygiene are out of sight. But there may be some tools and other things your dads need. Frank said he wanted some paint to renovate the houses and stores." He explains. "Stuff like that I may find still."
"You're going by yourself?"
"Yeah, no need for anyone else. Should be smooth, go out, see what I can find, come back." He nonchalantly states, like if there was nothing to worry about outside the Lincoln fences. "Is there anything you want besides seeds? Those I won't find there."
"I don't know, don't think so. Dad wanted some paint, to work on a few things around our house." You say, your words still a bit fogged by sleep.
"Frank?" He asks.
"Baby, I just told you that." He laughs.
"Hm, sorry." You laugh back, squeezing his back.
"Still sleeping, I see, my poor baby. Something got you too tired last night." He mocks you, squeezing your sides and messing your hair playfully, making you laugh.
"Stop it." You squeeze him back, digging your nails on his back until he stops. "He says we need to take care of this place. To make it look pretty." You try to change topics.
"He's right. Most of the houses here are in good conditions, just need some work to be habitable again. You need to take care of it."
You're too afraid of the answer to ask him why he was looking into the houses.
"So what do you say? Breakfast?" He asks quickly to take your mind out of it.
"Sure. Just gotta get ready first."
"Hmm, and what are you gonna do?" He asks, his voice barely audible.
"Shower, brush my hair, my teeth, moisturize, put on something nice, some perfume for you." You say, leaning closer to him to give him a kiss.
"Hmm, sounds good. Can I stay with you?" He lays on his back and pulls you on top of his chest.
"Can you pick my clothes for me while I shower?" You suggest, rolling on top of him, straddling his hips, sitting on him.
"My honor." He answers and you bend down to give him another kiss, a slow, savoured one, that gets even deeper with the thought of him leaving, being outside all on his own.
Something he's done thousands of times, but none of them after you two met.
He sits up, and you wrap your legs around his hips, never breaking the kiss. You feel his ziper against your panties and roll your hips with a soft moan.
"You've got some hormones on you, don't you baby?" He laughs, squeezing your ass and moving both of you closer to the edge of the bed, dropping his legs to the floor.
"It's your fault for making it feel so good." You respond with a smile, running your fingers through his soft, greying hair.
"I'll take it." He laughs, pressing your hips onto his lap one last time. "But I really need to leave early, and this won't be quick." He says, pushing you gently away from him and kissing the usual pout forming on your lips.
You get up, supporting yourself on his shoulders.
You stretch your arms towards the ceiling, and he runs his hands on your sides, their rough texture tingling your skin on their way. You lower your arms, hugging his head, smelling his hair while pressing his face on your chest.
He snuggles onto your chest, his hands, still under your shirt, squeezing your upper back, pulling you even closer to him.
When he pulls on the hem of your shirt you laugh, pulling his head away just enough to kiss his lips until he passes the shirt by your head, removing it from your body.
He tosses it on the bed besides him and kisses your belly, trailing kisses from your bellybutton to your breasts. He looks at you for any signs that he should stop, smiling when you lean down to kiss his forehead. With that he kisses his way around your left nipple, taking it in his mouth and sucking softly on it, humming when you moan, smiling and biting your lips.
You pull softly on his hair when he lets go, quickly sucking the other one into his mouth, his hands squeezing your back and reaching for the waistband of your pijama shorts and panties.
He gently pulls them down, his hands spread over your skin, squeezing your hips as he trailed kisses down your stomach. He pulls away and looks at you, admiring your exposed figure.
"You're a beautiful woman, baby. So, so pretty." He praises, his brows furrowing with his own words, his eyes wandering around your skin. "So soft, so..." He hesitates. "...perfect for me." He finishes, and you smile.
"So yours." You whisper back, and he gets up, pulling you into a kiss, his arms glued to your waist as he walks you backwards towards your bathroom. When you reach it he breaks the kiss.
"All mine." He says on your lips. "Now go take your shower." He squeezes your hips one last time and turns you around.
You get in the shower and he goes to your wardrobe to look at the options — plenty more than the ones he's seen yet. He goes by color; which ones he'd like to see you wearing last before leaving.
He picks a tight yellow shirt and a short white skirt. Then he picks a white pair of underwear. He runs his hands over them, feeling the fabric before setting them carefully on top of your bed. When he's finished, he goes to your window to watch the sun rise on the horizon.
When you stop the water he goes to sit on your bed.
He scans your bedroom while he hears you brushing your teeth. Right besides the bathroom door he finds a large painting that gets his attention. It's the view from your window, portraying a sunny day.
It's beautiful, and he's only able to look away from it when an even better view comes in — as you walk out the bathroom wrapped in a towel, holding the bottle of body oil Frank made you.
The air feels thicker, harder to suck in while his eyes trail your still not fully explored — and unfortunately covered — body.
You walk towards him and he pulls you closer, until you're in between his legs. You handle him the bottle, and he gently pulls the towel off your body, running his hands up your sides, mimicking how he touched you before you showered.
He runs his large hands up your back and gives one of your nipples a peck, sucking it in his mouth and pulling away when you moan.
"Can't get distracted now." He says with a smile, opening the bottle and smelling the oil. "Just like you." He whispers, kissing your belly and pouring a bit of the liquid on his hands before closing the bottle and giving it back to you.
He spreads the oil in his palms, starting with your waist and spreading it all over your torso, kneading your breasts when he gets to them, opening his palms for you to pour more oil on them.
You do it and he spreads the oil over your arms and your neck, turning you around to apply it on your butt and your legs, moving his hands slowly and intentionally, massaging your flesh as he goes.
He palms your inner thigh, and his index finger brushes on your folds, spreading some of the oil on them.
He turns you back around and palms your other inner thigh, the side of his index finger once again brushing against your folds.
This time he pushes his finger higher, in between them, making you moan when he moves back and forth, intentionally touching your core.
Your clit throbs with the stimulation and he hums, his other hand squeezing your back and your hips.
He continues his movements for a few seconds, his rough fingers mimicking what his cock did the night before, and you moan at how different it feels. How much softer and gentle the skin of his cock felt against your sensitive skin, that is now almost being bruised by his hand.
He kisses your bellybutton, and you look down at him, finding his eyes on you. You smile and lean down to kiss him, breaking the kiss to grab your panties, seeing how long getting ready is gonna take if he's in charge.
"I thought you were in a hurry." You say, pulling away from him and putting your panties on.
"I'm gonna have all the sunlight I need tomorrow, I don't mind wasting time like this." He shrugs, and you freeze.
"I thought you were coming back today." You say as he grabs your shirt and helps you put your arms through it.
"No, baby." He laughs softly. "I've got lots of stores to look at, and they're pretty far away. Maybe I could come back today, but I wanna take my time." He patiently explains, grabbing your skirt and opening it for you to put it on.
"And where are you gonna spend the night?" You ask while supporting yourself on his shoulders and stepping into the skirt.
"Gonna look for a place." He says while lifting the skirt, his fingers leaving subtle goosebumps on their way up.
"Aren't you gonna waste a bunch of time looking for a safe place?" You ask, wiggling your hips to get into it with your still oily skin.
"I promise I'll look quickly for a place, and if I can't find it I'll just be fast and come back." He says, slightly less patient. "Did you paint that?" He points to the painting of your window view, trying to dismiss the topic.
You look at it, but you're not happy with the news that he's gonna be out by himself for the whole night.
"No. Couldn't you use that time to look for things instead, so you can come back today?" You ask while reaching for the shirt he picked, and he shoots you a stern look.
Joel wasn't used to have someone question him, caring about him. So he didn't know how to react to it. His first instinct was to cut it, to tell you to leave him alone, to stop being so stubborn.
Because that's one thing you know how to be.
But he knew there was no intrusion in your questions; there was no trying to tell him what to do. There was only concern.
Still it was hard to shake off the annoyance your stubbornness set on him.
"I'll try to rush and find everything today. If I can't I'll look tomorrow too. That's settled." He states, the dryness of his tone new to you.
But for some reason it doesn't feel bad, like when your dads talk to you like this. It feels... Different when Joel does it.
"You could come back to spend the n—." You say quietly, but he stops you.
"I won't come back here to spend the night because it's too far and it's gonna take too long." His annoyance still present.
You wait for a few seconds, trying to bite your tongue and not ask any more questions.
But needless to say... You can't.
"Can I go?" You ask, with the smile of who knows the answer.
"No." He says, shaking his head.
"Why not?" You ask.
"Because I don't wanna babysit you." He says, laughing, and you frown.
"I don't need babysitting." You say. You've been out before. Your dad taught you how to handle yourself.
"I know. But I won't be relaxed if you're with me. Will be worrying about you." He says, hugging you tight, looking up at you.
"And how am I gonna know if you're coming back today or not?" You ask and he sighs, burying his face on your chest, taking deep breaths.
"She's just worried, she's not trying to tell you what to do." He reminds himself.
He holds your waist, his hands firmly squeezing you, pulling you even closer to him. He looks into your eyes, his own gaze softening at the amount of concern he finds on them.
"If I'm not back by dusk then I'm not returning today, baby. Won't be walking around at night in a place I'm not familiar with." He says, more calm. "I've been out by myself enough times to know how to take care of myself, you really don't need to worry about me." He adds.
It takes you a beat to get convinced, but his big brown eyes and his reassuring smile make it hard to not believe him.
"Alright, then let's hurry so you don't waste any more time." You say before taking your body oil back to the bathroom. "C'mon, let's go." You say as you grab an old bucket hat on your wardrobe and pull him up by his arm.
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The sky's still brightening up when you walk towards the small plantation your dads have built along the years.
Joel insisted he'd carry the eggs, and you're carrying empty tote bags and a small notebook where you keep track of your crops.
He's been awfully quiet since you've left your bedroom, and you're almost power walking to keep up with his large steps. You grab his forearm when you reach him again.
"Are you mad at me? " You ask, almost out of breath, your tone already apologetic.
"No... No baby, I'm not." He says, noticing that you're struggling to keep up with him and slowing down. "Sorry, I'm distracted, didn't notice you were staying behind."
"It's fine."
"I'm not mad at you." He reassures you. "But I know what I'm doing, and I just don't like to be asked so many questions." When he's with you being honest feels easier to him, it's like you pull honesty out of him.
"You don't like it, or you're not used to it?" You ask, and he looks away, piercing his lips, furrowing his brows.
He looks back down at you before looking back forward.
You keep walking in silence for a while, the chirping of birds and your footsteps filling your surroundings.
"My dad painted it for me." You say, and he looks down at you, furrowing his eyebrows. "The painting in my bedroom." You explain, and he hums, remembering it. "Sometimes during winter I can get pretty blue, so he painted that for me to hang in front of the window when the weather gets too upsetting."
"That's nice. And he's really good.." He says with a smile, a genuine admiration in his tone, both for Frank's parenting and his art skills. "Do you know how to paint?"
"Oh, no." You laugh. "He tried to teach me, but it never turns out good. I can never make it look like the real thing." You say, reaching the plantation and walking to the vegetables you need for breakfast.
"Like a photo?" He asks, carefully measuring his steps to not step on any crops.
"Yeah, like a photo." You say, kneeling down where some potatoes, carrots and tomatoes are planted.
"Tomato?" He asks, setting the tote bag with the eggs on the ground next to him.
"Yeah. Just count how many ripen ones there are before you take any, so I can keep track of them, please."
He nods and kneels in front of them with a quiet grunt, carefully analyzing each one of the red, ripen ones.
"How many do we need?" He asks.
"How many are there?"
"Alright, we just need one."
"Okay. Taking one, gonna be six left." He confirms and you write it down on your notebook.
"Thank you." You say while you start trying to pull a carrot out of the soil. "Do you have anything to eat while you're away?" You ask.
"Yeah, some jerky." He says, not able to hold back the dissatisfaction with the dryed food as he watches you fight the vegetable.
"Did we eat all your Chef Boyardee yesterday?" You ask, looking up at him, scrunching your nose and grunting as you struggle to pull the carrot, and he laughs.
"Yeah, we did, actually." He admits, tapping your hands gently so you let go of the carrot and pulling on it right after, effortlessly pulling it out of the ground and rubbing the soil out if it.
"Alright, gotta make you something then." You say. "But what?" You wonder, and he looks at you. "I mean, it has to be something that's gonna taste good when cold, so you don't have to start a fire and catch any attention. Also it can't go bad too quickly." You rant, thinking out loud about what you could cook him.
You're excited by the idea of cooking him something, to imagine him outside the fences, all by himself, but eating something you made him. How he will think about you while eating, how he'll have energy because you cooked him something.
It feels good to think about taking care of him.
And he's just as lost in thought as you are.
Looking at you, his mind analyzing your face; how it shines under the bright sunlight, how your dad's old hat shades your face and how even with it, you still scrunch your eyes when you look up at him. How your nose scrunches along with your eyes, how you smudge your cheeks when you push some hair away from them.
You look up at him and hold his gaze for a second, his eyes scanning your face, a silly, distracted smile on his lips.
He licks his thumb and leans closer to you, cleaning your cheeks, right where you just touched.
"You've got dirt on your face." He whispers with a soft smile, his voice barely leaving his lips.
You lean in closer to him, but he puts his hand in front of your chest, looking over his shoulders, towards your house.
"No, baby. I've told you we can't." He says.
"Ugh, but it's so hard sometimes." You playfully whine with a smile, and he laughs.
"I know, but we have to keep it between us for now." He explains.
For now?
"I think my dad knows about us." You say before thinking, and he frowns.
"Bill?" He asks, his wide eyes giving in his fear.
"No... He'd have killed you by now." You nonchalantly state. "Frank. He asked me a few times how I felt about you."
"Hmm. And what did you tell him?" He asks with a cocky smirk, playing it cool even though he's genuinely curious to know what you've told your dad about him.
And what your dad thought about it.
"Nothing you should worry about. Nothing I haven't told you already." You say, laughing.
"And how do you know he's not gonna tell Bill?" He asks, standing up and offering his arm for you.
"Gonna grab another tomato." You say. "He said I could trust him, that if dad ever has to know, he'll know. But he won't rush anything."
He grunts, unsure about how he should feel knowing Frank somehow knows about you two.
"There's this thing my dad makes us... It's shredded chicken mixed with some creamy cheese or sauce. We eat it cold, kinda like a spread." You say, asking for his hand, and he helps you up. "What do you think? Could make you some pancakes or crackers to go along with it." You stand close to him, and he takes the bag with tomatoes and carrots from you.
"You don't have t—." He starts, bending down to grab the bag with the eggs.
"I'm cooking you something. That's settled." You repeat his words from earlier, trying to replicate his almost angry tone. Judging from his face, though, you don't sound as stern as he did. "What do you say?"
"Anything you can make me is great, baby. Can be anything." He says, smiling.
"Alright, chicken spread then. With pancakes. Maybe some roasted potatoes too." You say and he laughs. "Let's go back, got a lot to do." And you start walking, him following you close.
You walk silently for a bit, enjoying each other's company and taking in the — now stronger — sunlight.
"Did you think about anything you want?" He asks.
"What I want?" You ask, confused, noticing you're the one who's walking too fast this time, as he's a few steps behind you.
"Yeah. From outside. I wanna know what you want. For you, though, not the town. Not seeds, not paint. Something for you." He says, smiling, reaching you as you slow down. "A gift." He adds.
You rarely got any gifts, because there are no gifts to be given or dates to celebrate. And to imagine him looking for something for you, to think that he thinks about you, that he wants to make you happy...
It makes your chest hurt. But in a good way.
"Clothes, maybe? I'm getting tired of my own." You say, but regret instantly. "I mean, it's not important." You rush to say, feeling silly for asking for something so frivolous. "I just wish I had different things to wear." You say, your voice lower.
It takes him a few seconds to respond.
"Alright, that sounds important to me. But you gonna trust my fashion sense?" He asks, laughing.
"Oh you look at me enough to know what I like to wear, Joel." You joke, smiling seeing how his cheeks redden and his eyes soften.
"Fair. I'll just choose what I like, then. What I wanna see you wearing." He says, looking down at you. Noticing how nicely your shirt outlines your breasts, how curvy your hips look in that skirt, how he never thought he'd see someone like you ever again.
A true blessing, if you ask him.
"Just don't choose anything too short..." You say, mentioning the skirt he chose for you to wear today. "Or too small. My dads don't like it when I wear those near you, they wouldn't like you giving me something like that." You add. "Unless it's really pretty! Then take it and I'll tell them I asked for something similar." You say quickly and he laughs.
"Alright. Maybe I can bring you one or two things you'll wear only for me?" He asks, his tone suggestive but playful, and you hit him with your elbow, laughing.
You hope he does.
"Aren't you gonna look for something for yourself?" You ask, and he shrugs.
"Haven't thought about it." He admits. "I never go out to look for things I want. Just things I need."
"Don't you have any hobbies, anything you like to do?" You ask as you two arrive at your house.
He thinks for a second.
Hobbies and fun seem like such odd, far concepts for him nowadays. He doesn't have the time, energy or desire to do anything, ever.
But as soon as you ask, he remembers things that brought him joy in the past.
"I liked to play the guitar. Haven't done it since this whole thing started."
"A guitar sounds fun." You encourage him, opening the kitchen door and stepping in. "Maybe you could try and find me one too." You say, then you gasp and turn around to look at him with wide eyes. "Then you could teach me how to play it! Then we could play it and the piano together!"
He nods, holding your forearm, a small and sweet smile on his lips. He looks around quickly and licks his lips before giving you a long peck on the lips.
"It'll be at the top of my list." He laughs.
It will, actually. Anything for you is gonna be a priority.
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You made omelettes and he made some orange juice. You're both eating while you prepare the food he's gonna take with him.
He's sitting on a stool, eating and watching you.
Daydreaming with a life in Lincoln, with having a routine like this. Waking up with you, picking your vegetables, making breakfast, eating together.
He doesn't know what would come after.
Could be go out and hunt or look for supplies, could be help your dads with whatever, could be sit down and make small talk, or just go back to bed and have a slow, lazy day with you, cuddling, talking and napping.
Anything sounded incredible as long as he knew by the end of the day he'd lay down holding you, feeling your body soften on top of his, and knowing he'd have the whole next day by your side.
Peace, at last. A slow, safe and comfortable life with someone to love, someone to care for.
Someone to love him, to care for him.
His fantasies are cut by your — neverending, he swears — curiosity.
"Can I ask you something?" You ask, focused on the pans in front of you.
"You just did." He says, and you turn back to look at him, finding him with a wide, silly smile on his face, his cheeks red. You can't help but offer him the same.
His jokes sometimes are exactly like the ones your dads make — specially Bill.
"How was it for you? The day it happened." You ask, shredding the chicken.
His expression changes. He locks eyes on the plate in front of him, and you notice he may not want to talk about it.
"You don't have to... I mean, we don't have to talk about it. I'm sorry." You add, noticing how reviving the day seems to affect him.
"No. It's, fine. I just... Just don't talk about it very often." He reassures you, a quick smile flashing on his lips before he eats another bite of his breakfast.
After that he goes silent, and you feel bad for asking.
"I had my name... embroidered on my clothes." You say, trying to bring the attention to you and not force him to tell his story. "My full name."
"So we call you by your actual name?" He asks, eating more.
"Uhum. Dad says he thought he should respect my parents decision, you know." You explain. "But he doesn't know when I was born. So we celebrate my birthday on the outbreak day."
"Really?" He asks.
"Really. He actually says it's his father-birthday, because he became one that day." You say, and Joel smiles, but you sense something else along with happiness in his smile.
He smiles to himself for a second. Thinking about Sarah. About how he misses being a father, how good it feels to be one.
How you and Bill remind him of himself and Sarah. How he cared for her the same way your dad cares about you.
"It was my birthday." He says, and you turn to look at him.
"No!" You gasp, it has to be a coincidence.
"Yeah. My last gift." He mentions the broken watch in his wrist.
"Is that why you still have it?" You ask, smiling.
"Yeah... That's why." He says quietly, smiling at the watch.
"Do you have anyone...? Any family?" You ask.
"I do. A brother." He says, thinking about him, how he must be handling things while he's away.
"Is he... You know... Alive?" You ask, almost whispering.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how." He laughs. "But he is."
"Does he live in the QZ with you and Tess?"
Thinking about Tess... About him and Tess, still makes your heart freeze for a second.
"He does. But he works with some people that... Like to believe they're doing something, that make him do stupid things all the time. So I'm constantly just saving his ass. Just like the day it happened. I was watching a movie, then he called me. Came back home to run away from the infected."
"It was all really just one day, right? My dads say everything just went down so quickly. Barely any time to prepare or do anything. I mean, Frank says that. Bill was prepared since ever."
"Yeah. One minute you hear an helicopter, the next there's a bomb, the next an airplane falling down—" He goes through the things he saw that day.
"An airplane?" You cut him, shocked.
"Yeah. Right behind our car." He says.
"Wow... I wish I remembered something about it."
"Not many good things to remember about that day, baby." He says, and you shrug. You know there aren't. "Where did your dad find you, again?" He asks, almost finishing his food.
"He says I was on a road near here, never let me get near there."
"Huh..." He says, thinking about all the skeletons he saw on his way to Lincoln. "He's right, baby. There's nothing for you to see there." He tells you with sympathetic eyes.
"Sometimes I think about them, you know. I think about what happened to them, what they looked like. God — I wish I knew what my mom looked like." You say, feeling your eyes and nose burn as your smile grows wider.
"I bet she was really pretty, just like you." He says, and you find a shy, sweet smile on his lips when you look over at him.
"I wish I had a photo of her, like dad has of grandma." You say.
"I have a photo too." He mumbles, the words leaving his lips before he decides if he's ready to share them with you or not
"Of your brother?" You ask, curious to see what another Miller man would look like.
Not that you think he could get your attention away from Joel.
"No... Not of my brother." He says, pausing to see if you're gonna take the subject somewhere else. Hoping you would.
"Of your mom or dad?" You ask.
Should he...?
He can't not tell you forever.
It's your right to now. To learn about it before deciding if you still wanna be with him.
"Of Sarah." He says, his voice small. "But it's getting old, starting to fade away." He rushes to add, as if trying to take your attention away from the name.
"Who's Sarah?" You ask, and he looks at you, his eyes red.
Where they red before?
He sniffs, then cleans his hands on his jeans and reach for something in his pocket.
He grabs a sort of wallet, and removes a small photo from it. The little girl in it is fading, but you can still perfectly see her. Her big eyes, even bigger smile, her beautiful curls.
"Oh, Joel... Was she...?" You start, the words sticking in your throat, not leaving your mouth. He hums in response.
That's why he didn't seem to want to talk about it.
Maybe that's why he was so hesitant in doing something with you.
"She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He laughs, his voice already threatening to break.
"She was." You say with a smile, still processing the new information.
"You'd love her. You two would be really good friends." He says.
"I bet we would." You say.
"She'd love you too." He says with a smile, tears starting to fall from his eyes.
"When did she...?" You ask and he looks at you, his eyes heavy. "I'm sorry, that's stupid. You don't have to." You add, and he smiles, thanking you for letting go of it.
"I gotta get going, it's getting late." He says, trying to take his mind away from such painful memories.
"But I haven't finished your food yet." You say quietly.
"It's okay, I'll wait, baby. Just gonna get my stuff ready, see if your dad's awake, gotta talk to him." He says, getting up and bringing his dishes to the sink.
"I can wash them for you, go sort your things." You say when he grabs the sponge.
He reluctantly lets go of it, looking outside the kitchen before hugging your waist from the side and kissing the top of your head.
"Thank you, angel." He whispers, and you smile back at him, watching as he takes his photo back, puting it back in his wallet and walking out the kitchen.
After a few seconds you hear him greet Bill, and you focus on finishing his food quickly so he can be outside for as little as possible.
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You store his food on three separate containers. One for today, one for tomorrow, and one for backup.
You also made him a large bottle of coffee.
You take them to his bedroom and find him packing his backpack with a flashlight, a change of clothes and a bunch of other, empty bags.
"Hey." You say softly, and he turns to look at you, his frown dissolving instantly. "Your food's ready. Also made you some coffee, it's gonna be warm inside this bottle." You say, walking into his bedroom and handing it to him.
"Thank you, baby." He says as he takes the bottle. "Heavy." He smiles when he grabs the food.
"Ever seen your size?" You tease him.
"Too big?" He looks down at his stomach.
"Perfect." You respond touching his stomach, and his smile widens. He grabs your hand and gives it a kiss.
You sit on the edge of his bed, and he looks at the door.
"I'm just sitting, nothing else." You defend yourself. "We can't even talk?" You ask, a genuine frustration in your tone.
"No, baby. You're right, it's okay, I'm sorry." He says, cupping your cheek. "Thank you, gonna be a lot better than jerky." He says, lifting the container with his food, leaning down to kiss your head, right where you've parted your hair. You can feel his warm lips on your scalp, and his hot breath when he whispers: "Thank you."
"Least I could do, you're risking yourself to look for things for us." You say. "Had to show you we can take care of you as well."
"You've shown me that enough, baby." He teases, and you feel all of your blood rushing to your cheeks.
"I mean it, Joel." You playfully kick him. "You're staying here to help us, and you didn't have to. You are doing a lot." You say, trying to dismiss the wide smile on your lips.
There was really not much in for him, they had a deal either way, even if he chose to not stay and help your dads around.
"Your dads weren't the reason I stayed, you know." He says, looking at you. You smile seeing his big eyes scrunched by his own smile.
It feels almost like time stops when you stare at each other like this. Like God himself is giving you an opportunity to look into Joel, to try and read him, try and see in his eyes if he would ever consider staying, being with you.
If you're being silly for allowing such feelings and hopes go set roots inside you.
You do your best to sustain his gaze, but eventually fail, looking at his backpack.
"Is there anything else you need? Do you have enough water?"
"I think so." He says, showing you a large water bottle.
"Hmm. Don't you want another one? We've got a big one just like yours." You offer.
"No, it's fine, baby. Thank you." He smiles, wondering if you're not gonna offer to go in his place as well.
But you just sit in his bed, making him silent company while he finishes packing.
"Are there any colors I shouldn't bring?" He asks.
"For the paint or the clothes?" You ask.
"Your clothes." He responds. "I'm not actually bringing any paint, just gonna check if there's still any. If there are Bill said he'll go take then by car. Much faster." He adds.
"Couldn't he drive you there?" You ask, frustrated.
"Baby... We've been through this, huh? I know what I'm doing." He says.
It's not like you can help it though. You worry about him.
But for some reason sometimes it's hard to go against his word.
So you try and trust him.
"I don't really love blue, or every shade of green. So maybe stay on the warmer colors." You say.
"Why did you let me choose the blue dress, then?" He asks.
"For the bonfire?" You ask.
"Yeah, the one we chose yesterday." He says, not packing anymore, just waiting for your response.
"Hmm... Cause you liked it. And I want to wear something you like." You explain. "And it's not like I don't like blue, I love that dress. Blue is just a hit or miss, tricky color for me."
He grunts, making a mental note to not bring anything blue.
"What if I look for a dress for the bonfire, then?" He suggests, and you can't hold back the wide smile spread on your lips.
"Only if you find something you like more than the blue dress." You say, almost giggling.
"Gonna look for it then." He says. "Nothing blue or green, though."
Once again, a comfortable silence fills the room while you watch him concentrate on his backpack, muttering his checklist to make sure he has everything he needs.
And he likes that about you.
How you know when to leave him at it, to let him focus on what he needs to, and doesn't just ask for his attention all the time.
"Alright, now the most important ones." He says, packing his food. You smile, but when you notice he's done, you feel your chest tighten, and you shift in his bed.
"Are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself?" You can't help but ask.
"I think Joel's more than capable of handling himself, pumpkin." Bill says from the bedroom door, startling you.
But he doesn't scare Joel, who seemed to notice your father before you.
"I know he is. But I don't like to think of anyone outside the fences." You say, getting up to hug your dad.
He gratefully accepts the hug, wrapping his arms fondly around you, soothing you.
"Told her I've done this a million times. But she keeps asking these questions." Joel tells Bill.
"She worries too much." Bill says with a smile, pulling your face away from his chest and caressing your cheeks.
"I care. It's different." You say, leaving the room frustrated.
Of course you care.
You love your parents.
Maybe you're starting to love Joel...
How could you not worry?
They look at one another, confused.
"You're leaving already?" Bill asks, and he nods, putting his backpack on his back.
"Yeah. Gonna need my guns, though." Joel says, and Bill nods.
"Gonna take them. Meet you at the gate."
With that he leaves, and Joel follows after a few seconds, stopping on your bedroom.
He knocks gently on the door. When you don't respond he opens it slowly, finding you by your window.
He calls your name, and you look at him.
"Hey, baby. You gonna come down?" He asks.
"Don't know." You say, thinking about the questions Bill would ask if you hugged Joel in front of him.
"I can't go out without a goodbye hug." He says, coming close to you.
You don't hesitate in wrapping your arms around him, squeezing him tight, wanting to memorize his touch, his warmth. How he feels, how safe you feel in his arms.
"A see-you-tomorrow hug." You correct him.
You can't help the few tears rolling down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry for being so... Me sometimes." He starts. "I like how you care about me. Just don't wanna see you worried." He says, caressing your hair.
You pull on his shirt, squeezing his back.
"I'm sorry. My dads never leave, and when they do is by car, just for an hour or so. They never slept outside, I'm not used to it." You explain, your voice giving your tears in.
He pulls his head away, holding your cheeks, reading your face.
"I promise I'll be careful, huh? More than I've ever been. And I'll come back as soon as I can. In one piece. I have a good reason to." He says, smiling. And you smile back.
"Thank you." You say, and he kisses you softly, slowly rolling his tongue around yours, savoring your taste, memorizing it.
You melt in his arms, letting him take full control of you, hold you in place and keep you steady.
Indulging in him, his strong arms around you, his warmth against your chest, his beard scratching your face, his tongue rolling around yours.
Before you're ready to, he pulls away, licking his lips and looking into your eyes, his face inches away from yours.
"Miss you already. Won't sleep half as well without you." You say, squeezing him.
He laughs, staring into your eyes and kissing your forehead before walking out your bedroom, stopping at the door to look at you before walking down the stairs.
When you look it the window, you lock eyes with Frank, finding his arms crossed and a worried expression in his face. You feel a chill run down your spine, goosebumps cover your arms as he shakes his head.
'Please, don't.' You mouth, and he looks away from you.
You run down the stairs, and when you get to the door, Joel's just stepped out, and you arrive in time to listen to Frank greet him.
"Hey, Joel." He says, his expression not as friendly as always, besides his smile. "Thank you for this, Bill would've never let me go out for something so... Unessential as he calls it."
"Yeah, no problem. Gonna look for somethings for her too." Joel says, turning to look at you and smiling.
"For you too." You add, and he shrugs.
"Also, Bill asked for some tools. So it's not gonna be that unessential." He says, and Frank smiles, but you don't. And he notices your tension. "Are you alright?" He half whispers to you, and you just smile weakly and nod.
Bill joins you, standing besides Frank and looking at you and Joel, his frown as big as ever when looking at the two of you.
"C'mon. I'll give them to you at the gate." He tells Joel, who discreetly squeezes your hand before following your dad, not looking back.
You then experience something you never had.
You're afraid of Frank. You're afraid and you're embarrassed.
You just stand besides him, shifting your body weight from one foot to the other, silently watching your dad tap Joel in the back, give him his gun and one of his own. As well as a box full of ammo.
Then Joel walk past the gates, then there's the smile he offers all of you — and you selfishly claim as all yours —, then he walks away.
And your eyes burn. They burn but you hold whatever amount of tears they're ready to spill.
When you turn to go back inside, Frank holds your forearm.
"You and I are gonna have a very long conversation, young lady." He tells you sternly, and you flinch with the anger he's making sure to let cover his words.
Your parents have never been mad at you. Frank never talked to you with nothing but tenderness. You don't even know how you should feel about it.
"Okay." Your whisper, walking in and going back to your bedroom.
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You spend the whole day thinking.
Thinking about Joel, how he's doing, if he's okay, if he needs something.
Thinking about your dad. About what he's thinking. How he's feeling. What is he gonna tell you, what is he gonna do?
Dusk comes, and you're on your bedroom window, watching the gates. As the sky goes dark and there's no sign of him, you feel your nose burn, and your eyes get wetter.
Before you drown in worry, you hear a gentle knock on the door. You turn around and find your dad, Frank, looking at you.
"Hi." You say quietly.
"Dinner's ready. He's not coming back today, let's go eat." He says, the dryness of his tone unfamiliar to you.
He stands by the door, and you know he's not gonna leave before you do. So you get up and walk towards the door. When you reach him he puts his arm in front of your chest.
"We're not doing this right now, but I'm really, really upset. We'll talk about this when your dad isn't around, but for now... Nothing happened." He says.
"I'm sorry." You say, not holding his gaze.
"I really thought I could trust you, darling." He says, and you sense more sadness than anger in him.
"Didn't wanna make you mad." You say, and he sighs.
"Well, if you've told me I wouldn't be mad. I didn't know you two were that close. I would've talked to him. Talked to you! There's so much you don't know, my dove." He says, lowering his voice when he almost yells.
"I'm sorry, dad." You really are, but right now you can't say much more than that. So you walk past him, going downstairs and trying to behave as normally as possible in front of your dad.
Trying not to show any shame, any worries.
Just act like nothing happened.
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I'm really sorry it takes me so long to write this series. I really am. I just love it and want it to be as matured and thought out as possible, so I sit with it for as long as I can.
But I'm already working on the next part, and I'll really prioritize it 🩷
I hope you liked it! Feedback for this one is highly appreciated, I really wanna know what you guys thoughts about it since there's no smut and it's more focused on their relationship.
Love you all, have a nice one 🩷🫶🏻
Masterlist 🩷
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glorianamultistan · 11 months
The General and The Prince
Park Chanyeol x Male Reader
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Contains:- mentions of wars, blood, and kidnapping.
<Part 1> <Next>
A little over a week ago, y/n's life was all over the place, and it still is; the difference is that now he is married to the vilest person he could have probably thought of while imagining a married life.
But life changes happen often so abruptly that one is found sitting in an emptied ballroom, with a burnt-up piece of dress shriveled up in hands clutching it tightly while the castle palace all around collapses.
Y/n was well aware of the fierceness of the General who was the primal cause of every defeat his kingdom had suffered; the end result of the war was pre-destined the day enemy troops crossed the inner walls of their most secured military base, but for it to come to this was never imagined.
A surrender was in process to safeguard the capital; y/n's father was hellbent on not letting the enemies cross the gates of the capital and destroy it like they have left ashes and misery in the path they have followed.
Yet General Chanyeol was not satisfied with it; he had to take the main palace down, and that was his aim, swearing which left his country.
Y/n sat there, ashen and mute, staring at the embers still there all around him; his clothes were still intact, he had a few cuts and burns throughout his hands and that was it; he sat as if in a trance, without any emotion on his face, so still that to an observer it would be a photograph symbolising doom.
Chanyeol saw y/n sitting there, he knew who it was and he knew why it was important to not touch him still; something in him was calling out, a melody, rising, rippling like an unknown sea coming up from the depth of the earth; it was the very last step which brought him so close to y/n that he was able to clearly see the tear stains on his cheeks that made enough metallic noise to break the young prince's trance and look up; there it was, the face that he denied to dance with at the last winter ball, still looking unfazed, 'let's get out of here your royal highness' said Chanyeol, with a proud grin, that is all he remembers before blacking out.
'Is this really the only thing you are going to ask for, General?' The King was shocked, and the Queen and the princesses too; everyone was ready for General Park to ask for rank promotion; the King even decreed a Dukedom, only for winning over the major ports and cities of the enemies, but to ask to marry the prince of the enemy was unprecedented.
'Yes your majesty, this is all. Now, if you may permit, I will take my leave.' Chanyeol left the murmuring throneroom and made his way to the room housing y/n, it was the fourth day since he arrived with the prince there, and he was informed that the younger regained consciousness last night.
'Leave.' As soon as he entered the room, he ordered all the attendees. He went forward and sat on the chair next to the bed facing the wall opposite to it. The prince was leaning on the headboard with his head down.
'So, your royal highness, how do you like our facilities here?' Chanyeol cocked while turning to look at y/n. No response. After a few minutes, the older continued, 'We will give the inner territories conquered by us back, and you will be marrying me for that to happen.' Y/n knew this was coming; all the threats the General made for years to make him dance with him whether he likes it or not, to marry him and only him, they were all real which y/n took in jest as he was too proud to accept such an invitation.
'You know, keeping quiet will not lead you anywhere, so say what you have to now, I am here to listen, I grant you a wish too, as is the ritual here, ask for anything but return.' Chanyeol was suddenly all perched up, looking at y/n. 'Respect' y/n whispered; his throat was still hurting due to all the smoke he inhaled.
'What?' 'I ask for respect; if you can grant that, I will say yes to the marriage.' There was a stretched silence, the fountain of the connected gardens was all one could hear, then a deep inhale, 'Okay, if that is the only request you have, you will have titles here too, I have been granted a Dukedom and you will be living comfortably, nobody will disrespect you, even at the court. I will assure you that.' 'I want respect from you too; you have taken, vehemently snatched everything, still you are returning the territories, so I will say yes, but I want respect from you too.' 'Will I get the respect back my prince?' Chanyeol smirked; he knew how irritatingly ambitious he was, 'Yes.'
The only win here seemed to be that of Chanyeol; it was the completion of his grand plan, the final nail in the coffin; this is what he has been dreaming about since he set his eyes on y/n a few years ago during a festival, he was just a mere soldier back then, he bloodied his hands to get to the level of a reputed General to be asked in a ballroom full of aristocrats, then too he was denied the chance to be with y/n as the prince knew how ruthless the General was and y/n hated wars and murders.
After a few days of convalescence, all of which were accompanied by Chanyeol, who updated him about the upcoming marriage and all the preparations, y/n was free to meet his family.
A troop was sent with him to the castle on the farthest side of his kingdom where his family was currently staying after the attack on the capital. His father was annoyed and his older brother was not helping with the mood too; they were all dejected that it had to come to this but none of his relatives even suggested going against the marriage.
'We will gain back our territories; think about your brother's future as a limited king; you need to persuade your fiance to let go of all the territories and not just the inner ones.' 'I am doing no such negotiations, I am already becoming the reason for you to get back what you lost shamefully, do not try to depend on any of my upcoming relations, have some self-respect father.'
'Self-respect!?' Y/n brother screamed making him bounce in shock a little, 'It was your deranged idea of self-respect that caused this war; if only you could have given him a chance he would have never attacked us like this. And look where you stand; you are forced to do what you never really wanted and did whatever you could to stop it.'
'Well, brother, you do remember who it was who first denied me to dance with him, don't you? 'A self-obsessed lowly General' is what you said when he asked you for a dance with me the very first time we went there for the Royal Ball.'
'But later he became a threat so I urged you to give him a chance too, then you were the one who was hell-bent on denying him!'
'Enough! Stop arguing about what has already transpired and think about the future. Y/n, son, you must not waver and make demands; you are a prince, he is a General, and the rank difference must come into play.'
'Update your information father, because you seem to be having none; he is a Duke now, and even if I am a prince, of a mostly fallen kingdom I must remind you, I have no intentions of making any more deals for and on behalf of this marriage. I will leave now, I am not waiting for dawn to have another fruitless discussion, farewell your majesty, brother.'
With a solemn bow, y/n left as he came, with the metallic clinks and rustles of the troop.
Reaching the other kingdom he was informed that rather than going to the palace, he would be going to the new manor of Chanyeol, which was now decked and ready for his arrival. He was greeted by the whole household and finally met his mother-in-law, who opposite to what he had expected, was too sorrowful to handle without any prior preparation.
'I am ashamed to be hosting you like this, your royal highness; please find a way to ignore all the mess; the house is still not up to date with all that is necessary to be having you here.' The lady wouldn't even raise her head, 'Please sit now Lady Park, I have no reservations as such regarding the place, I am pleased that I am not in a prison after a war, and please do not make a fuss about the titles, you are going to be my mother-in-law so we can work things out.' 'Oh no sir, I do not accept any of this, I am more of an apologist for my son's actions right now in front of you; he paid no heed to my requests and did what all his swelled-up ego allowed him to do. I don't know how will I ever get over the fact that my son forced you into such a situation.'
'Lady Park, I just had this conversation with my father and brother too; let us please move on from what has happened and try to resolve the situation peacefully and think about how the path ahead can be one that is less painful to go by.' 'You are as kind as the rumours suggested sir; please let me know about any trouble you have here, and I will look into it right away; let me take you to your room for now; you must rest before tomorrow's ceremony.' 'I am not a guest here Lady Park, I am supposed to live here, so please do not be at your tip-toes around my comfort; let us go; it is quite late now.'
Y/n's room was, for now, pretty well arranged; he could run away pretty easily from here, the manor was secured but if he asked Lady Park to help him, he was sure that she would do all in her power to let him go without a scratch; but it was useless to do so, he had nowhere to run and if somehow he managed to cross over to the other kingdoms there was no guarantee of his survival, he had no money of his own or any possession, so he sits down on the bed and flops, to stare at the roof and think, think about tomorrow when at a private ceremony he will accept now Duke of Sandria Park Chanyeol, then he will be living with that man under this roof, as his husband, for the rest of his life, was respect the right choice?
The rituals were over; they were married, no gala, no ball, a peaceful summation of more than five months of unrivaled violence. Y/n was sitting in his room, with a book open as a distraction while looking out of the giant window; the land surrounding the manor was beautiful, and the hills were lush green and mild dew which the mist caused made it all look fantastical.
'Come in.' Y/n answered the knocks and did not look back at the door, thinking it was some maid or servant who came to take his belongings, or gifts as they were, away, 'You looked beautiful today, Mr Park.'
Y/n stilled for a moment, then closed the book and turned back. 'Why did you knock at my door? This is your house.' 'I believe privacy should be respected too; you have all the right to say no.' 'I believe I lost all the rights to deny anything the moment I said yes to you today.' 'Don't make it more miserable than it already is dear, I have no intentions of hurting you, I just want to talk to you before going to my room.'
'Oh? I will get a room of my own?' 'Until you are ready to share a bed with me, yes, you will have a room to yourself.' 'Then I guess there will be no more direct descents for the Dukedom.' 'Time will tell. Well, if you have any requirements tell to my mother who is pretty much willing to serve you food if you want, (he sits on the bed) I will be going on a tour soon so we have a week to spend together and unfortunately my sister will be coming to meet you too.'
'You know, I feel like this is all a dream; as absurd as it may sound, it has yet to settle down on me, because I never thought I would be taken away from one prison to another like this. I knew my father wanted to marry me off as a peace offering to any kingdom willing, but it happened so that I was actually picked up, like a garbage bag.'
'Don't demean yourself; you are the crown jewel I snatched, and this is not a prison; you can go anywhere you want, do anything you want; you do not need my permission for anything, just remember to come back otherwise there will be useless wars again.' 'Don't worry, I will not run away, I will stay, and live, but do not expect me to reciprocate your feelings, whatever they may be, and we will be fine; a lot depends on this marriage, I do not want my people back home to suffer because of my foolishness.' 'Ah well, I will go now; also, try to accept people here too; they see you as a prince and no less; good night.'
The next few days were calm, weirdly bland, and nothing happened, which made y/n realise how calm life can actually be; back at home before the war all he did was read and attend events or be locked in the palace; there was nothing to do, he was not allowed to go anywhere too since the threat of people kidnapping him was always looming, which he never understood why, kidnap the crown prince why the other one.
On the third day Lady Kim, Chanyeol's sister, arrived, and she was like her mother in a grave mood, fidgeting while meeting y/n; he did not understand yet again, why such courtesies for a snatched prince, 'Your royal highness, I am sorry I was not able to attend the wedding, I live quite far away from Sandrian region and it was such a shocking and sudden news.' 'It is alright Lady Kim, please do sit down, you too Lady Park, I have said it to you multiple times don't wait for me to sit, just sit; let us cut back on some formalities insides these walls at least, we are a family now, forced indeed, but I have not a drop of vengeance in me, if you ask me honestly, I used to live like this back at home too, so, let us just be comfortable.'
'How are you adapting to the changes, sir? It gets colder than your kingdom here, I hope my brother has made arrangements for you to be at ease.' 'I am doing well, I have always adored winters more than the humid summers we had, so I can say I am better off here in some sense.' 'Oh it is good to know; we can all go and skate over the lake once it freezes and you can attend the winter festivals; we have a lot of them throughout the empire, I am sure the public is eager to meet you too.'
Lady Park put down her cup and said 'They are eager indeed, I have more than a dozen invitations for the balls and dinners already, and all asking specifically for his roya... I mean, y/n to join them.' It was as hard as biting a bullet for her to let go of the formalities in which she had soaked herself into the bones.
So it went on, and a week went by, full of still awkward lunches and dinners and a few guests to be entertained; throughout the week he did not see the head of the house anywhere, technically he was the head too but he liked Lady Park being in command more as he was not used to being the one in authority of a household.
One Saturday, after almost two weeks of disappearance, Chanyeol knocked on y/n's room around the ungodly hour of 1 AM. Y/n was a bit scared by the knock; he was writing a letter of reply to the crown princess as she had invited him to the palace for a private visit and did not expect anyone to be up this late. 'Can I come in?' The rasp was the giveaway, 'Please wait a minute, I am not presentable.' Y/n was not; he was in his robes; he quickly put on a loose shirt and trousers the said 'You can come in now.'
'Why are you up so late your royal highness.' The courtesy was more sarcastic than respectful, 'I have not been able to sleep, I have weirdly a lot of correspondents to reply to so I thought why not do that.' As he finished speaking and arranging paper on his desk facing the grand windows, he turned to look at Chanyeol and was shocked to see blood all over his clothes; for a moment he was stunned; y/n was not a fighter; he hated the very sight of blood when his brother would come from his military tours and right now, in front of him was a man almost soaked in blood, in his room talking to him, and he felt scared for the man, so much so that without thinking about who he is talking to, he had to verbalise it.
'What the hell happened to you!? So much blood!? Why are you here!? Go to a damn hospital for god's sake!' He almost screamed the last part, and was shaking so much that Chanyeol had to walk from the door side to hold him. 'Calm down, it is not mine.' 'DO NOT TOUCH ME LIKE THIS! I HATE BLOOD!' Y/n screamed in whispers while shutting his eyes. 'Okay! Okay. Will you try to calm down please, wait just turn around.'
Chanyeol took off his pads and shirt and gloves and threw them out of the room, then shut the door to come back in and saw y/n standing still, 'you can turn around now.' The glory of the human body was never so well available for y/n to look at like this; his brother was muscular and well built but nothing he can imagine, even the Commander in chief of his kingdom's army was not comparable to Chanyeol, yet he had to control himself once again. 'What happened? You are still wounded you know, I see the cuts on your arm, not that they should do anything to such a great General, but get treated I guess.' Y/N had already turned around again flustered.
'Nice to know you care, and sorry for coming in like this. I had no idea you would have such a reaction upon seeing blood. I will keep that in mind. I came to check up on you as I was attacked on my way here by some people who were allegedly from your father's kingdom, so I thought why not check up if you are safe or not.'
'Oh. Don't worry, my father does not want me back; they would never come for me; rather, they might kill me as it was pretty clear that I caused the war that destroyed them.' 'Something's wrong with your family, I have never seen anyone react like this to all the events that have happened.' 'Well, why dwell on it. I am here; you survived another attack, and all is fine.' 'Nice to know my survival is fine for you.' 'Don't get ahead of yourself; my survival depends on your survival, do not forget that you brought a prince from your enemy kingdom after a war. You must survive, I plan on living a long life.' Y/n turned and looked straight into Chanyeol's eyes.
There was an understanding between them that some lines are put up and they shall not be crossed, and respect was mutual. 'I will be staying for some time; we have to go to the palace soon, a private invitation. I hope it won't be a problem for you to attend, I have yet to accept it.' 'I was writing to the crown princess; we can go, I have no problem, just keep your mother here; she will probably fall sick due to all the stress she will take about a royal visit.' 'You like her?' 'I never had a mother; she is a good company, but frail for her age; you never thought about her while fighting wars?' Now y/n was sitting on his bed, and Chanyeol was in front of him on the chair where a y/n sat writing letters.
'I thought of her; that is why I never told her any trouble or wound or failure I ever had, and I had a retinue of servants to look after her.' They were again staring at each other; where will all of this arrangement lead them? Nobody had any idea; it was a day-to-day event still.
'Well, I will take my leave; you should sleep, I will ask them to serve the breakfast an hour later than usual.' 'Don't do that; your sister and mother should eat on time, I will just get up early.' Chanyeol was surprised at how well y/n was settling in; it was as if for the first time he had somewhere to hold on to. 'Okay then, good night my prince.' Chanyeol smirked closing the door, and left y/n flustered again.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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velvetandcandles · 6 months
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“Just a little tipsy.” pt 1
Anime: Jujutsu kaisen 呪術廻戦
Character(s): Toji Fushiguro 伏黒甚爾
Summary: Reader comes home drunk and clumsy after celebrating her friends birthday party and Toji decides to help her settle down.
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The silence of your empty home was abruptly interrupted by the front door swinging open with you stumbling your way inside. The sound of your keys jingled in your hand and your heels clacked against the floor while you tried to find something to support your poor balance. You managed to kick the door shut with the back of your heel before it could fully open, letting your keychain fall out of your hand and onto the floor. “Shit,” you cursed under your breath. Trying to collect yourself was useless - the alcohol had fully taken its toll on you at this point.
You tried your best to remember how much you drank at your best friend’s birthday party, but gave up as your head was way too static to even process anything. Since your boyfriend, Toji, was still out, you thought you’d try to get unready and be fast sleep by the time he got home. You had forgotten to mention anything to him and just knew you wouldn’t have the energy to explain everything later on.
You would have been able to tell him if he didn’t beat you to leaving the house.
You sighed before attempting to take a step toward the bathroom, only for your hands and knees to meet the cold hard floor with a loud thud. Your eyes squinted and you pursed your lips trying to ignore the pain and decided it’d be best to crawl your way there.
The night before…
It was 10:42pm and you sat comfortably with your legs folded across the couch, mindlessly scrolling on your laptop while speaking with your long-time best friend on the line. Toji was fast asleep in the bedroom, and you didn’t want to wake him.
“..I don’t want to see you dressed like your boyfriend, y’know.” Your friend laughed. “There’s gonna be lots of people, alright? So I want you to come looking prettier than ever.”
You paused to think of anything in your closet that would be appropriate to wear. It’s been a while since you’ve went to any large events or parties. You thought that those days were over, honestly. Thinking of every piece of cloth that you owned, it made you realize how much you’ve adapted Toji’s style. She was right.
“I just don’t know what to wear.” You said.
“If you don’t have anything sexy to wear, I can let you borrow one of my dresses. I’ll do your hair too, if need be. Do you like makeup?”
“No, no, it’s alright. You don’t have to worry about me. You’re the birthday girl after all so- just focus on getting yourself prepar-“
“Nope!! You’re coming and I’m not going to let you ruin our group photos. I’ll be picking you up tomorrow morning and we can get ready together!”
That was the last of the exchange before you heard a click and the sound of ringing in your ear.
Then, a text notification popped up at the top of your phone.
‘btw your boyfriend can come if he wants✌️’
After what felt like years of dragging yourself, you finally made your way to the entrance of the bathroom. Just as you were about to lift yourself to reach for the light, the switch had already been flicked on, revealing not only you, but the person who had been there the entire time.
“..you alright..?” Toji asked, visible concern on his face. “And where have you been all day?”
It sent your heart into your stomach as you weren’t expecting him to be there. He stood behind you, waiting for an answer. You slowly turned yourself around and slumped yourself against the doorway, feeling defeated. He wasn’t sure if he should be worried or if he should laugh at how stupid you look. You thought you had gotten used to him sneaking up on you like this and was proven wrong in an instant. He makes it impossible for you to be able to sense his presence at all - it’s like he has some sort of gift or something.
You did your best to gather your words.
“Yeahh jus’was gonna..get unready here.” You lazily pointed to the shower. Realizing how slurred together your words came out, you looked down and chuckled to yourself in embarrassment. Toji hummed and squatted down next to you to observe the obvious state you were in. He sat there, waiting for you to give a better answer, wondering if you actually thought he was stupid.
“Fine. I’m..just a little tipsy..” You shrugged. Before he could open his mouth to ask any more questions, you scrambled for something else to talk about.
“I thought you had a bunch of errands to run? How are you back at this time?”
“Finished early. Here.” He stood up and put his hands out. You take his large hands and push yourself up with your legs. He keeps a tight hold on you and watches you get up to make sure you don’t fall. Once you’re fully up, he gets a better look at you:
He noticed your hair had been nicely styled. It was beautifully curled, and the way those curtain bangs covered your face when you turned your head a certain way almost made him sway. Toji’s eyes couldn’t help but wander. He looked you down and noticed you had on a dress that stopped just a little below your rear. He’s never seen you in that before, let alone all ‘dolled up’ and ‘girly’. He was so used to seeing you dress comfortably. How could such a small dress hug your body so perfectly? He was impressed at how it even managed to not ride its way up, as if it were made and tailored specifically for you. Still, he stared as you pointlessly tugged at the bottom of the dress to lower it, his eyes now shamelessly traveling down your exposed thighs. He’d be lying if he said you didn’t look amazing right now, even in the drunk state that you’re in. Hell, he thinks it’s a plus.
He was snapped out of his trance when you patted his chest and smiled, not even realizing you had let go of both his hands. “Thank you.” You said.
He stood there and watched as you made another feeble attempt to walk on your own, ultimately tripping over a floor tile - only this time, your fall was completely halted by his arm wrapping around your waist. It made your heart flutter.
He let out a low laugh. “..’Just a little tipsy’?” You laughed sheepishly in response before your feet were suddenly lifted off the floor and your stomach was placed over his shoulders. You suddenly felt so much relief in your toes after Toji took it upon himself to remove your heels and toss them to the ground.
“Let’s get you all settled down.” He said. You jolted when you felt his hand strike your butt and the sting shot up your back, making you suck your teeth. “Ow- Toji, I told you not too hard!” You frowned and slapped his back as a warning. To him, your small hands felt like pillows. He always thought your small fits were cute.
He began to make his way toward the bedroom with you bent over his right shoulder. Even though you couldn’t see his face, you just knew he had a stupid smug look plastered across his lips.
Toji carried your limp body to the dimly lit bedroom you both share. The trip on the way there wasn’t a good one. Having to watch the ground move with your stomach pressed against his shoulder while drunk was so uncomfortable. You almost felt yourself throw up twice.
He lifted you off his shoulders, carelessly plopping you on the bed. “I’ve got a lotta questions for you.” He paused, unsure of where to even start. “..How the hell did this happen?”
You tossed your forearm over your forehead feeling nothing but dizziness from the impact. “Was with friend, birthday celebration, prolly drank too much, forgot to tell you.” That was all you managed to get out.
“Was it her who dropped you off?”
“Mhmm.” You weakly nodded.
Toji let out a small puff of air and rubbed the back of his head. He was just relieved that at least you returned home safely - and thank goodness it was with another woman. On the other hand, he was still a little frustrated. A little..jealous.
He loves you regardless of how you choose to present yourself, but he’s so used to seeing you in sweatpants, a T-shirt and a ponytail. How come your little friend got to see you all dressed like this before he did? Not only that, but there might’ve been other guys at that party too. Toji could only imagine how many of those animals likely attempted to shoot their shot at you. They always do. And you shoot them down every time, which is why he loves you. Still, it’s the simple fact that other men even think they have a chance with you in the first place that brings Toji to disgust. He didn’t want to think too deeply about it though. It’ll ruin his mood.
Hearing how half-assed and blurred your speech sounded, he figured he’d save all his questions for later and focus on getting you comfortable first. ~ part 2 🌊
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luvsatorus · 11 months
summary: you tease satoru in public, afab!reader, nsfw
contents: dom! satoru, jjk universe, aged up minors (jjh), public, fingering, oral (f!recieving), dumbification, lots of pet names, dacryphilia, biting
word count: 1.9k
part one
"we're leaving now," satoru stands up abruptly. the sudden movement causes his long legs to knock the underside of the shared table, the cups threatening to spill liquid. the people housing at the table all snapped their head towards satoru who was avoiding eye contact with the members at the table. "uh are you alright satoru?" suguru asked, with slight concern but attempted to laugh off his nerve. it was very out of character to see satoru so bothered infront of everyone. "yes, i just remembered that y/n and i had some things we needed to take care of back home" a small smile threatened to appear on your face before keeping the stoic one on, "oooh yeah! silly us, sorry to leave to so suddenly, you know how toru gets about unfinished business" you gently stood up and slipped from the table, directly contrasting from satoru's harsh one. a small look of relief was found on the others as you noticed their shoulders rest. "ooh okay, you two can sort it out quickly" yuji mentioned as satoru placed a 20 on the table to pay for any drinks you two had previously gotten that night.
for the past hour you had rubbing and palming poor satoru under the table. while everyone had been laughing and drinking, satoru was grumbling, shooting threats at you. "y/n stop it," but you didnt even glance back at him and just continued to softly palm over his growing bulge, "and so what happened then?" you exclaimed over to the excited blush colored hair boy in front of you. "it was fucking crazy, that curse was massive and ended up staining my brand new clothes" the boy slumped down a bit in mourning over his former cloths. you felt writhing from under your hand, "you better fucking stop brat" your boyfriend mutters, but you choose to play a little demon, and ignoring him and putting more pressure and even cradling the imprint on his pant. "well thats what you get for not wearing your uniform while exorcising a curse dumbass" a spiky raven hair boy monotonedly said as he took another drink of his spiked beverage. the boy frowned, "i wasn't even on duty! it wasn't my fault the world needed saving at an inconvenient time" he ended up muttering the last bit to himself.
you gave a soft laugh as you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist, satoru's hand gripping the side of your right thigh. "what do you think youre doing bunny" you loved the way how small you fit in his arm, his arms being able to completely wrap around you and his hand reaching to rest in your inner thigh, softly kneading at the plush skin under them. you had been wearing a soft flower dress and made you look like angelic. his hand softly pushed the flowy fabric up where you felt his large hand move up and down your thigh, threatening to giving you the same treatment you had been giving him for the past hour. you looked back at your handsome man behind you. his small black glasses hanging lowly on his nose bridge, his cerulean eyes threatening you with lust and desire. "having fun with our friends, silly" you whispered and gave him an innocent smile as you fiddled with the button of his black jeans, quickly popping them open. a small smirk appeared on his face as he announced that the two of you would be departing.
the moment the two of you got home, the inner door of your shared home was met with you back, your neck with satoru's lips. a uncontrolled moan slipped from ur lips and your hands tangled with the silky white hair ontop of tall sorcerer in front of you, his hands gripping the underside of your knees, forcing them to wrap around his slim waist. the new postion, forced the dress you were wearing to be hiked up to pool around your waist. "you think youre so funny, dont you brat?" his hands harshly squeeze the plush of your ass before raking them under your dress to pull at the lacey black thong that hug your hips, only to let the string snap back at your sensitive skin. resulting in a light gasp to leave your blushed lips. you could feel the venom of his words against the skin of your neck as he ruthlessly sucked and bite at the surface. the aggression forcing purple marks to be left in trade. "i have no idea what youre talking about" you breathlessly said with a smile on your face as satoru pushed you harder against the hard door behind you two. he grind his hips into yours, the roughness of the denim rubbing at the wetness of your covered cunt. you whimpered and you placed your forehead on satoru's shoulder. "so youre telling me you cant recall teasing me for over an hour under the table with your pretty hands?" satoru presses his clearly hard cock onto you, grinding the two clothes together, ensures to stain your juices on him. he loved the way you left your desire on him and how often he needed to make runs to the store to buy new ones. you whimper as you shake your head no as you grind your hips into his craving for friction. "use your mouth pretty girl before i use it for something else," he threatens, youre tempted to not say anything in hope satoru would shove his cock down your throat. but you know better than to tease him anymore than you have, "oh that? i was just having fun" you giggle as you grind deeper into him, causing a growl to leave satoru, "you know i fucking hate it when you play smart with me like this, you brat" you let out a loud gasp as you hear the fabric of your pretty white dress being ripped open from the front and satoru using one of his hands to pull down at your bra, resulting in your tits spilling from their confinements. his mouth latched onto the plump mounds before suckling on the peaks. his tongue swirled around your nipples before swiping his tongue flat across them, causing flurries of moan to leave your mouth. satoru always knew how to use his tongue to please you in every way. "m-my dress," you said in a mindless frown. "i'll buy you a new one, i promise pretty." he said with your tits muffling his sound as he glanced up at you through his frothy white lashes, his glasses still hanging lowly from his nose.
he wasted no more time getting you from the front door to your shared bedroom where he threw you onto the lush mattress, ripping the remains of your dress off of you, onto the floor where they belonged. he rushed out of the remains of his own clothes, finally tossing his dark shades onto the shared piled on already forgotten clothes. his toned slim body, you always found it funny how perfect his body remained despite dealing with multiple life-threatening curse everyday. i guess you can thank the limitless once again for not only keeping your boyfriend alive, but also looking fucking delicious for you. satoru laughed before leaning down to crash his lips onto yours "you just love staring at me dont you baby" he mumbled against the wetness of your tongue. you aggressively and dumbly nodded as you moaned into his mouth. he ran the softness of his tongue along the bottom of your lip, taking the plump flesh between his teeth where he sank them, pulling at them a little. "of course i would when youre just so pretty toru" you spoke in a pout after he released your lip. "flattery isnt going to help you, dumb little girl" he spoke as he rush down between your legs where he lick the wet cloth that stuck to your cunt, earning an honest gasp from you. he laughed against you, the vibrations causing shivering along your spine. "dumb brat" he spoke into your cunt as he pushed the soaked cloth aside with his long finger and stared into your cunt, letting the cool air meet with the heat of your cunt. you whines as you bucked your hips towards his mouth, earning a well hearted laugh from satoru. "come on now baby, stop being a brat and be a good girl for once" you frowned as you felt satoru's hand wrap around your outer thigh and pulled you close to him where you could feel his hot breath on you but still never touching you. "dont cum until i say you can" he speaks against your cunt as he begins his assault. he licks a long stripe against your folds, dragging your slick up to your clip, but stopping right before the bud of nerves. you whine as he mixes his own salvia with your juices, earning moans from him as he loudly starts slurping at the juice you had formed for him. "fuck you taste so good baby" a pitched moan leaves your mouth as your hands rush to grip satorus hair, pushing him deeper in you. he laughs as he finally drags his tongue over your clit, effectively causing you to jolt up from the suddenness. "mmm toru" you whine out as your grind your cunt inside his face, "pretty girl with the prettiest cunt" he assaults your clit with aggressive lapping. you arc your back and shove your shoulders into the plush foam mattress, giving satoru a perfect view of your tits. you can already feel your high forming "so fucking good toru please please" you mutter in speed and you chase your high.
satoru picks up his speed, "whats that baby, youre being a mumbling brat" one of satoru's long and slender fingers is shoved into your cunt as you let out a moan, you thoughtlessly thank the gods for being satoru perfect in every way, "fuck i feel so good toru please i wanna cum" satoru responds with humming as he adds another finger, knuckle deep into you, your sweet slick coating his fingers. "too bad you can cum until i tell you, sweet girl"
fuck fuck its all feels too good you think as you feel the peak of your rollercoaster coming to its peak, your moans getting louder, ensuring your neighbors can hear the mess going on from your house. "toru please baby i need to cum please baby please" you start mindlessly stuttering as drool starts falling from your mouth and tears prick your eyes. "awe baby, all this just from my mouth and fingers. you really know how to please me" his tongue starts to flick at that perfect spot, and he adds another finger, curling them to reach that ridge that shoots you straight to heaven. "oh fuck toru baby can i please cum please cum" you tensed your stomach trying to wait out your high, your hands attempting to find stability in satorus hair. "go ahead and cum for me pretty girl" you groan at satoru's approval, as you allow yourself to release onto satoru's fingers, letting the white cum coat his fingers, forming a white ring along the base of his fingers. "fuck! toruuu god fuck!" you begin blabbering pleases and profanities, as satoru doesnt slow his pace until your high is over. it isnt over as you let out sobs as you feel his finger slip out of you, as he pushes your legs apart and stand between them holding his massive cock in his hands. his cock is glistening with his own pre-cum, and fiery red at the tip as he pushes it toward your entrance "youre not done yet brat"
part two tba
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Ghostin' (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader): Chapter 6
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Summary: A plan needs to be put in place to defeat Vecna, but the situation may be more dire than anyone realizes. You and Steve take your relationship to the next level.
Warnings: smut--finally! (18+ only, minors DNI) language, S4 is canon, pregnancy, blood, it's a little bit of filler but the smut is worth it
WC: 4k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
@kaybee87 @sidthedollface2 @chelebelletx @livsters @atombombbibunny @tattooedkiss13 @manda-panda-monium @charming-winchester @corroded-hellfire @trashmouth-richie @sweet-villain @slightlyvicked @hxllfired @yogizzz @tlclick73 @thefreakofhawkins86 @sheisjoeschateau @harrypotteranna23-blog @harringr0ve @josie955 @luna-munson83 @blhemmings @lxvesickreality @palmtreesx3 @stephierro
It’s been a month since you’d first heard Vecna’s chimes, the night when you’d almost had sex with Steve. You wish you could say that it was also the last time the horrendous sound reverberated in your mind, but that would be a lie. 
You hadn’t told anyone, especially not Steve. The man already approached everything with an abundance of caution; if he knew about how close Vecna was to invading your consciousness, he wouldn’t let you leave the house. And with Little Bean’s arrival only eight weeks away, you can’t afford to start maternity leave early. 
Work is busier than usual, with people trying to book their appointments before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. You’re collecting a copay from a patient when the door swings open, smacking into the wall with a thwack.
“What the–” you stand up as quickly as your new center of gravity allows you, peering over the counter as Will Byers and Dustin Henderson storm into the office. They’re clearly on a mission, though you don’t know whether you want to be involved. The last time you joined them, you’d watched those bats go after Eddie…
“Y/N!” Dustin’s shrill voice rings through the waiting room, much to the patients’ irritation, abruptly interrupting your train of thought. “Oh, thank God you’re here. We have to talk to you.”
“Can I help you boys?” you ask through gritted teeth, trying to hide your annoyance at their outburst in your place of work. “Maybe quietly?”
“Sorry,” Will says sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that…we need to plan our next Vecna attack.”
“Like, now,” Dustin adds, urgency prevalent in his voice. “Will told me that he’s gaining strength more rapidly.” 
You look back at Will, who shrugs and nods, touching the back of his neck. “This morning, I…I felt him. And he’s almost ready to fight like…like he was before.” Before the attack that killed Eddie, blinded Max, and destroyed the town. You shake the memory from your head like an Etch-a-Sketch.
“Okay,” you breathe out, regaining your composure. “I finish work in an hour–”
“We don’t have that kind of time!” Dustin blurts out forcefully, slamming his palms on the counter.
Will just rolls his eyes. “We have an hour,” he amends his friend’s statement. “We’ll all be at my house if you can meet us there after you’re done.” His brown eyes drift down to your bump. “Oh, how are you feeling, by the way? And how’s the baby doing?”
Your posture softens at his thoughtfulness; leave it to Will to be concerned about you and Little Bean in the midst of Vecna’s return. “We’re good,” you say, placing a protective hand over your belly. “It’s been nice having Steve around, helping out…”
Will offers a kind smile, which you easily return. Dustin, meanwhile, is less interested in having a nice conversation. “Now that we’re all caught up, can we get back to, I dunno, saving the world?!” 
“I’ll see you boys in an hour,” you say, ushering them out the door before Dustin can cause more of a scene. Eddie’d always said that the kid was, um, enthusiastic, but you’re really getting to witness it firsthand.
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Before you join the group at the Byers’ house, you have a pitstop to make. Forest Hills Trailer Park has been a second home to you, though you haven’t visited Wayne as much as you should be. You often think about going to see him, but the reminders of Eddie are too painful to bear. The mugs and caps hanging on the wall, all gifts from Eddie to Wayne for various Father’s Days, birthdays, and Christmases. After the earthquake, Wayne used the insurance money to fix up the trailer, but he still slept on a cot in the living room. Eddie’s room remained unused, as though he was waiting for him to return.
“If it isn’t my two favorite people!” Wayne smiles, wiping some crumbs from his beard. “How’s it goin’? Got any new pictures for me?”
You muster up a smile in return, fishing through your bag. “Actually, yes!” You hand him the sonogram pictures, blinking back tears as you watch the older man’s eyes fill up with his own.
“Well, I’ll be,” he says softly, dragging his forefinger over the shiny film. “That’s my grandbaby.”
“Sure is,” you choke out, trying to brush away the tear that slips down your cheek before he can notice.
“Startin’ to look like a real person now,” he continues, head snapping up when he hears your sniffling. “Shit, ‘m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“‘S okay,” you manage. “I mean, I’m seven months pregnant. Grass growing could make me cry at this point.”
Wayne chuckles, pressing a fatherly kiss to the top of your head. “Come in, have a seat,” he offers, and you find yourself sitting next to him on the worn sofa. “How’re you hangin’ in there? Little Bean giving you too much trouble?”
You shake your head. “Just the usual aches and pains. They’re kicking a lot lately, especially while I’m trying to sleep.” Right on cue, Little Bean delivers a roundhouse kick right above your navel. “Wanna feel?”
His eyes widen, unsure of the proper etiquette when touching a pregnant woman’s stomach. You take his cracked, calloused hand and place it where Little Bean’s foot just was. The faint fluttering of a kick brushes against his palm, and he jerks back instinctively before laughing and returning it back to your bump.
“All right there, Karate Kid!” His gray eyes twinkle with joy as he speaks directly to the baby. “Y’know, your dad kicked up a storm when he was in his mama’s belly, too. I have a feeling you’ll be just like him, for better or for worse.” He places his hand back in his lap. “God, I miss that kid so much.”
“Me, too,” you say quietly. “I don’t know how I’m gonna do this without him.” You look up at the older man and choke back a sob. “How am I gonna get up every morning and see a child who looks like Eddie without getting depressed?”
Wayne lets out a long sigh, rubbing the scruff along his cheeks. “I wish I could say it gets easier. I really do. I keep expecting him to barge through the door, rantin’ and ravin’ about Dungeons & Dragons or his music. Shit, I kept tellin’ him I’d go to one of his concerts…” 
“You had to work,” you reassure him. “Eddie knew that. He understood.”
“Thanks, darlin’.” Wayne swipes at his cheeks. “I think about him all the time. I’m sure you do, too.” You nod in agreement, and he continues. “I think about everything he could’ve been if he was alive. All these possibilities—gone.
“But you,” he manages a small smile, “you and Little Bean are like a glimmer of hope in the darkness. I don’t want you to forget that.”
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence until you work up the nerve to ask, “What if I can’t keep them safe? What if something…happens to them?” Like it happened to Eddie, you say silently. Like it happened to Chrissy and Fred and Patrick. Like it happened to Max. Like it could happen to Steve. Or to me. 
“There’s no easy answer to that,” Wayne muses. “We can’t control our kids or the situations they find themselves in. I keep wonderin’ what would’ve happened if I was home when that cheerleader was here. Maybe things could’ve been different.” He looks up towards the ceiling, unknowingly glancing where a gate to the Upside Down once was. “We just do the best we can, and we hope that they learn.”
You start to stand up, stopping when Wayne says, “You’re gonna be an amazing mom. And, uh, I don’t know that Harrington kid too well, but I heard he’s a decent guy.”
“You—you know about me and Steve?”
A blush creeps into Wayne’s cheeks. “‘S a small town. People talk and, uh, there’s not too many expectin’ teenagers who lost their baby’s father in the earthquake.”
You swallow thickly. “Are you mad at me for being with him?” The last thing you need right now is Wayne’s disapproval. 
He shakes his head. “Absolutely not. No one expects you to do this alone. Eddie wouldn’t want that. He would want you to find someone who loves you and loves Little Bean.” His gaze meets yours. “Does Steve love you and the baby?”
“Yeah,” you smile, thinking about how patient, sensitive, and kind he’s been to you. “Yeah, he really does.”
“Good.” Wayne nods, helping you to your feet. “Get some sleep. And if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
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You drive over to the Byers’ place after your shift, stifling a yawn as you knock on the front door. Everyone else is already there, and you feel a pang of embarrassment at being the last to arrive. The insecurity dissipates as Steve practically tramples over his friends to be by your side.
“Hi, my love,” he murmurs into your scalp as he kisses the top of your head. His arms wrap around your shoulders so he can pull you as close as your belly allows. “How was work?”
“Good. Weirdest thing happened today, though,” you tell him, laughing at the puzzled look on his face. “I was just minding my own business when these two hooligans came in, ranting and raving about some monster from this place called the Upside Down?”
Dustin, who’s well within earshot, scoffs at your remark. “Two hooligans? I take offense to that statement!”
“You’re right,” you concede, “it was just one. Will was perfectly behaved.”
The curly-haired boy shows off both of his middle fingers, only to be met with a thwap to the back of the head from Chief Hopper. “Don’t be an ass, kid,” he warns, pulling out a chair for you to sit on. “How’s life treating you, sweetie?” he asks, plopping down next to you. 
“It’s exhausting,” you admit with a tired laugh. 
“I can’t imagine,” Joyce says, handing you a cold glass of water. “Pregnancy was hard enough for me without all this.” She gestures wildly, mimicking the chaos that brings you all together now. 
You drink the water, feeling the condensation on your fingers. Steve’s arms snake out from behind you, hands crossed over your chest. “You can go home and rest, baby,” he whispers in your ear. “We’ve got this covered.”
“M’fine,” you fib, because nothing about this is fine, but you know you can manage to sit and participate in the planning. “Besides, I…I wanna help.”
Steve opens his mouth to protest, but he’s cut off by a balding man with glasses, who stands on a chair to call everyone to attention. His bushy eyebrows pinch together when he sees you, extending his hand and offering a toothy grin. “Murray Bauman: karate expert, Soviet ass-kicker, and matchmaker.” He winks in Joyce and Hopper’s direction. “Now,” he continues, raising his voice. “We need to come up with an idea to defeat this Vecna fucker–sorry, kids–once and for all. We have an advantage that we didn't have before–time to plan.”
“But not too long,” Will jumps in nervously, explaining how he can feel the monster gaining strength.
Murray’s booming voice takes over again. “So, what do we know?” He taps a pen to his bearded chin.
“For starters,” Robin pipes up, “we know that everything’s a hive mind. So if we draw all of the creatures in, we can bring them all down at once.”
“That means we’ll need a lot of manpower,” Murray muses, writing down hivemind on a notepad. He looks up suddenly as Erica grunts out an ahem. “And womenpower, sorry. Jeez, with the semantics.”
“El, Max, and I have a connection to him,” Will says. “If we go into the Upside Down, we can lead you to him easily.”
Lucas places a gentle hand on Max’s shoulder. “Should she be back in there? I guess it’s not safe for any of us, but…”
“We’ll need bait,” Steve says, biting his lower lip nervously. “And he’s only been coming after me so far, so I guess we know who it’s gonna be.” He crosses his arms over his chest, scratching at the stubble that’s formed on his jawline.
“No!” you cry out before you can stop yourself, feeling your cheeks heat up at your outburst. “Steve, what if…” You can’t watch anything happen to him. You’re flooded with the image of demobats swarming towards Eddie, tearing at his flesh as he screams in agonizing pain. Blood seeping between his teeth as he lay there dying. You and Dustin watching helplessly, begging him to stay alive as he took his final breath. “What if he gets you?”
“Sweetie,” Joyce breaks in, rubbing your upper back tenderly, “if this is too much…”
“It just can’t be Steve,” you murmur. “I already lost Eddie; I can’t lose Steve, too.”
Steve shakes his head solemnly. “It has to be me. I’m the one who’s heard—”
“I hear them,” you blurt out. A hushed silence falls over the room. “I hear the chimes. I haven’t had a—a dream yet, but I hear the chimes.”
No one says a word until Steve manages to find his voice. “Why—why didn’t you say anything?” His tone is a mix of sadness, concern, and anger. “How long has this been happening?”
“A month,” you admit sheepishly, and his cheeks flash red. 
“A month? A fu—freaking month?!” This comes from Dustin. Hopper shoots him another dirty look, which he ignores. “What, were you gonna wait until Vecna ripped your eyeballs from your head before telling anyone?”
You can’t help it; tears stream down your face and you get up and walk out of the house. Dustin yelps out an ouch, which you can only assume is from another back-of-the-head slap. 
“Good going, Henderson,” Steve hisses as he chases after you. He catches up to you easily, taking your hand in his. “You gotta talk to me,” he says, gently but firmly. “Tell me everything.”
The malicious, degrading voice inside your head tells you to keep it a secret, that telling him the truth will only make you seem more pathetic, that you’re already enough of a burden. 
But as you look into Steve’s big, brown eyes, you remember the promise you made to him. “It started the night that we almost had sex. I haven’t been hearing it a lot, but it’s enough that I know I’m not just imagining it.”
Steve exhales. “I mean, I know that can’t be a coincidence,” he says. “But I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t say something. Why keep it to yourself?”
“Because people already treat me like I’m fragile,” you explain. “And, I dunno, maybe I am. I mean, I’m pregnant, the baby’s father died…but I wanted to handle this on my own.”
“Baby,” Steve murmurs, gazing into your eyes. “I know you’re new to this whole alternate-dimension, giant-scary-monsters scene, so I’m asking you to believe me.” He takes your hands in his, squeezing gently. “Vecna is the worst one we’ve dealt with so far. None of us, not even Hopper, can do this alone.”
You think for a moment, biting your lower lip in concentration. “Can you fill me in on the plan?” you ask. “I’m gonna go home and rest.”
“Of course.”
“And, Steve?” you continue, and he nods. “Promise me two things.”
“One, you won’t put yourself in extra danger,” you say, “and, two, you let me be part of it. Not going into the Upside Down or anything, but I need to help.”
Steve pauses before responding. You know that he wants to protest, to tell you that there’s no way in hell he’s letting his pregnant girlfriend fight. But he knows that it’s beyond him, beyond you. This is something you need to do to avenge Eddie’s death.
“Okay,” he reluctantly agrees. “Do you want me to come with you? I don’t mind; Robin or Henderson can fill me in–”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean, thank you. But I’ll be fine. I can even put on some music, think of some happy memories. Like the time I kissed you at Family Video.” You smile, leaning on him as you press your lips to his. “I think it went something like that?”
Steve furrows his brows teasingly. “Hmm, I’m not quite sure. Show me again?” He leans in and kisses you, soft and slow and sweet. His hands cup your cheeks, sending tingles down your spine. “And you promise me you’ll call the Byers if you need anything. I’ll come running home, okay?”
You nod, heading towards your car. “I promise.”
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When Steve arrives home a few hours later, you’re sleeping soundly in your bed. You’d barely managed to change into your pajamas before passing out, radio tuned to your favorite rock station. You don’t wake until you hear the apartment door close, with Steve muttering, “shit,” when it slams louder than he’d intended.
“Steve? That you?” you call out sleepily.
“Yeah, ‘m sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to wake you.” He slowly walks into the bedroom, hands plunged deep into his jean pockets. “We, uh, we made the plan, if you wanna hear it.”
“Maybe later,” you say, sitting up and beckoning him over to sit next to you on the bed. “Can I tell you about a good dream I just had?”
He raises his eyebrows. “No Vecna?”
“No Vecna.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “I’d love to hear it.”
“Well,” you begin, kissing his neck, “it involved you…and me…making each other feel really good.” You let your hand drift to the seam of his pants, and he immediately stiffens, whimpering at your touch. “I want you, Steve.”
“Baby, b-baby,” he stammers, palming himself. “Are you sure? I know today’s…it’s been a lot.”
You shift so that you’re straddling his thighs, sucking a bruise at his collarbone. “So fucking sure.”
Steve slips his middle finger into your cotton panties and runs it along your folds, making you moan. He finds your clit and rubs slow, methodical circles. “Wanna make you feel good, beautiful girl,” he murmurs, using his free hand to grip your thigh. “You take whatever you need, okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum, slowly rocking your hips and increasing the pressure on your sensitive bundle. “‘S perfect…so perfect. Your hands are like magic.” You bring your arms to his shoulders, steadying yourself. He blushes at your praise before sliding the finger into your pussy, pumping it in and out. He starts at a slow pace, gradually increasing it as you clench around him. “R-Right there, Steve.” You start to bring your own hand to your clit, now aching with need, but he stops you, using his thumb to continue where he’d left off.
“Sorry, baby; just got distracted,” he admits sheepishly. He removes his finger from you, and you whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles as he tugs off your panties. “Poor thing. Don’t worry, love; just need to get myself ready.” He shimmies out of his jeans and his briefs, with much more ease than you got out of your panties–thanks, pregnancy–and brings you to the edge of the bed. You wrap your legs around his lithe waist as he lines himself up with your entrance.
Steve pushes inside of you, stretching you deliciously. The moan that escapes your mouth is downright filthy, and you cover your face in embarrassment. He lifts your hands away, saying nothing but peppering your face with kisses.
You pull him closer so he has to rest his palms on the mattress as he thrusts into you, chanting your name and I love you over and over. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he says, eyes rolling backwards as he bottoms out inside you. “Can’t believe you’re mine. Can’t believe you’re my girl, holy shit.”
“K-Keep touching me,” you instruct him, and he continues rubbing your clit as he pistons his hips. You feel yourself inching towards the finish, though you can’t move your body as like you used to. “Little more pressure, baby. Please.”
“Don’t have to beg me,” he groans, “although I can’t say I hate it.”
“Please, please, please,” you cry, “need all of you, Steve. Your hands, your cock, everything.” Your pussy clenches around his length as you come, shivering with pleasure.
Steve’s orgasm doesn’t happen quite as easily. As soon as he gets you off, something changes. It’s as though you can see the cogs turning in his head; he’s clearly overthinking something.
“You okay?” you ask. “If something’s wrong, you can tell me the truth.”
“Nothing wrong with you,” he says, still thrusting into you, desperate to stay hard. “Just keep worrying that we’re doing something we shouldn’t be.” He tries to avert his gaze from your bump, the bump that’s growing Eddie’s baby, but you catch him.
You shake your head. “We can stop if you want,” you assure him, though you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dreading the moment he was no longer inside you, “but you and I…we’re so right.”
“I know. I just wonder if he’d be mad at me, y’know?” Steve admits, pulling out slowly, much to your dismay.
You think back to what Wayne told you earlier in the evening. “Eddie would want me to be with someone who loves me and Little Bean. He would want me to be happy.” You bring your hand to Steve’s. “And you’re that person, Steve. You’re my person.”
Steve smiles at this, pumping himself with breathy grunts. “Keep talking, babe. Keep telling me how bad you need me.”
“Can’t you feel it?” you taunt. “‘M so wet for you, Stevie. All for you. Just need you back inside me.” He presses the tip of his cock into your needing pussy, hissing as your walls envelop him. “Want you nice and deep.”
“Gonna give it to you,” he moans, dragging himself in and out. “Gonna fill up this pretty little pussy till I’m dripping out of you. Everyone’s gonna know you’re mine.”
“All yours, Stevie,” you echo, and no sooner do you say it is he spilling his hot load into you, sputtering and swearing. 
He slows down his pace, withdrawing with a sigh before helping you fully onto the bed and cleaning you up.
“I love you, Steve,” you murmur into the crook of his neck, belly resting on his stomach and arm draped over his hairy chest.
“I love you more.” He kisses your temple, and the two of you fall asleep naked in each other’s arms.
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“I’m all yours, Stevie.”
You sit up quickly at the sound of a condescending voice, tone pinched and mocking. “Who’s there?”
“Oh, Stevie, I belong to you. Even though I’m having Eddie’s baby, I’ll forget all about him. Like he never existed.”
Steve wakes up at that. “Did you say something?”
You shake your head, trying to speak, but you’re interrupted by the same voice. This time, it’s dramatically deeper.
“Everyone’s gonna know you’re mine. You’re King Steve’s, baby. King FUCKING Steve’s! Wooooo!”
Eddie appears at the doorway, covered in mud and dust. His curly hair is matted with blood. “What a nice show, huh? My girlfriend and my friend fucking each other while she’s knocked up with my kid. Real classy.”
“He’s not real,” Steve mutters. “It’s not really him.”
Not-Eddie chuckles meanly. “I bet you’re waiting for him. Waiting for me to turn into him. But it ain’t gonna happen. Because he’s not here.”
“Go away!” you feebly yell. “You’re not Eddie!”
“Of course not,” he sneers. “Because I’m dead. And you left my body here to rot. So he’s using it, using me to command his army. And we’ll destroy you and this stupid fuckin’ town.”
“Wh-What are you saying?” Steve stammers, grabbing your hand. “You’re like his…his puppet?”
Not-Eddie flashes a bloody grin. “Ironic, isn’t it? He’s my puppet master. My source of self-destruction.” Suddenly, something flashes behind his eyes. The coldness dissipates, and fear sets in. “Help me. He has my soul. Please, someone help–”
And then he’s gone.
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we shouldn't be in love || warren rojas x reader
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tw : kissing, profanity.
synopsis : avoiding warren was always easy for you, that was until you were questioned.
words : 1.1k
Y/N : Yeah, of course I knew we couldn't be together. Everyone knew, but that doesn't stop shit.
Warren : I mean, it’s their younger sister, and she was hot. Of course I was gonna try.
I always knew Y/N. She would come and listen to our practices with Camila. She didn’t start standing out to me until we got our house in Laurel Canyon though.
I mean you have this girl, that you never noticed and then one day, you wake up and you see her walking around the house, laughing with whoever, and she turned into the hottest girl in the world.
She avoided me though, so groupies helped me take my mind off of her.
Y/N : I liked him since the ninth grade. And my brothers would kill me if i even had a crush on him. I had to avoid him. I had no other choice.
All of us were snuggled, watching a movie that was airing at night. Karen held onto my side as Graham was on her other side, passed out an snoring lightly.
I had kept making eye contact with Warren all night, and I couldn't be more thankful that it was dark in the room besides the television.
I got up abruptly after making eye contact for what seemed like the millionth time. Karen looked at me worriedly.
"Sorry, just needed some water." I said, flashing her a smile.
I grabbed a glass from the cabinet, pouring cold water into the glass.
"So, what's wrong?" Warren's deep voice asked from behind me.
I turned to him, raising an eyebrow, "You're lucky I don't get scared easily, or I'd get a heart attack."
He gave me a slight smirk, "Tonight's the first night you've made eye contact with me... in what, like three months?"
Silence separated us, but it was horrible tension.
"Why have you been avoiding me all of a sudden?" Warren asked.
I took a large gulp of water, "I haven't been."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Can't we just go and watch the movie?" I questioned.
"No, because you're not avoiding anyone else, so what's wrong with me?"
"Warren, I promise you I didn't mean to. It's nothing, so now if you don't mind, I'm going to sit with Karen and finish the movie." I stated, walking out of the kitchen and leaving him there.
Karen held up her arm for me to cuddle in next to her. I noticed that she had pushed Graham off of her as well, as he looked to be dangling off the arm rest, still peacefully asleep.
"Everything alright, love?" Karen asked.
"Yeah, just was really thirsty." I said, laying my head down.
I quit making eye contact with Warren that night. I tried my hardest to avoid him, I really did, but he made it so fucking hard.
I didn't want to avoid him, no, but I knew how my brothers would get. Especially since Billy hates any guy I talk to.
Warren's arm brushed past me the next morning as he grabbed his toast from the toaster. I couldn't help but feel butterflies.
Everyone was cramped in the kitchen, sitting at the table or leaning on the counters. I caught Karen's eye too as she smirked at me, which I rolled my eyes to.
"Y/N and Camila, can you guys help me with something in my room?" Karen asked.
"I can help." Graham said as he got up from the table.
Karen shook her head no, "Sorry, it's a girls thing."
Camila grabbed me, leading me towards Karen's room.
Karen shut the door behind us as she couldn't even hide her smile.
"So, what's going on with Warren and you?" Camila asked, sitting on the bed.
I looked at the two, crossing my arms, "Nothing, nothing whatsoever, I'm wondering what's going on with Karen and Graham."
Karen laughed, "No, don't switch up the conversation, Y/N! Now what's going on with you and Warren!" She urged.
I sighed, giving in, "I don't know! I don't want anything because I don't want Graham or Billy to be mad at him or I, but then last night he asked why I've been avoiding him and ugh!"
Camila looked at me in shock at my rant.
Karen propped herself up on her bed, "Well fuck it. Fuck what Billy and Graham think."
"I agree." Camila added.
I sighed "But what if he's not interested? He's making out with a new groupie like every day."
Karen and Camila only laughed at each other before Camila spoke, "Trust me, he is obsessed with you."
The more days I avoided Warren, the harder it got.
He would sit next to me when we watched movies and put his arm around me slightly, or he'd start calling me new nicknames. God I wanted to smack him sometimes. Graham would look at me, questioning what was going on as well.
I was cooking breakfast by myself, because everyone was sleeping in. A hand touched my waist as an arm went to grab something near the cabinet.
"Sorry, princess." Warren's voice said from behind me.
God my heart was racing.
I turned off the stove as I looked at the boy, "We have to talk."
"I'm all ears." Warren said with a smirk.
"Warren, do you like me or not. Because you're always making out with a new groupie and I don't know." I rambled
It must've caught him by surprise as he stood up.
"Of course I like you, I'd be stupid not to like you. I've been in love with you since I started practicing in your garage." He said, a slight chuckle.
Before I knew it, his lips were on mine and the world seemed to have stopped. I stared in shock before fully closing my eyes and kissing Warren back. His hands were securely on my waist as I had my hands on his neck.
He broke the kiss, allowing the two of us to catch our breath, but his hands never left my waist.
"I don't kiss any groupie like that." Warren laughed.
"What the fuck?" I heard Graham's voice say.
Everyone stood at the door frame looking at us in shock, besides Karen and Camila of course, they were smirking.
Billy looked like he was a bomb about to blow up.
"Y/N? Wanna explain yourself?" Billy questioned.
Camila stepped into the conversation, "It's love Billy, leave them be."
"Even if you were a groupie I'd still love you." Warren whispered in my ear as Billy continued to look fumed.
"That's sweet, isn't it?" I said, smiling up at him.
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wheels-of-despair · 2 months
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Live A Little | A Worth It AU | Ralph Penbury x You | Masterlist
In This Edition: You and Ralph venture out of your cabin! Words: 1.3k
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You wake to the sound of angry whispers.
"It's not proper!"
"Those kids have been through Hell together!"
"They're not married!"
Ralph's eyes open. You hold your breath and listen closely, watching each other beneath the covers and not daring to move a muscle.
"And it's despicable! Having to share a room with… with…"
"With my niece, and the boy who saved her life?"
"I thought you said his sister was on board! Send him there, or back to the lounge!"
"My girl wouldn't leave that boy to get on a boat and save her own life, and you think she's going to let him go because you said so?"
A proud smile spreads across your face. You knew Aunt Molly would always be on your side.
"Ugh!" The other woman groans in frustration, and you hear the door open.
"If you think for one minute that I'm--" Molly shuts the door, and your eavesdropping is abruptly cut off.
"She's got it wrong," Ralph whispers. "You're the one who saved me."
"Aunt Molly is never wrong," you smile.
"Then perhaps we'll have to agree to disagree."
"That won't do," you argue, reaching out to cup the side of his face. "Because we saved each other."
You're already close, but you both move your faces forward just a tiny bit for a kiss.
The door closes again.
"Food's here, kids! I let you sleep through dinner last night, but I draw the line at missing breakfast."
Aunt Molly sits on her bed and tells you about how the other survivors are being treated by the generous crew and passengers of the Carpathia while you eat, but you find it hard to concentrate. You do notice that she makes no mention of the argument with her roommate… whose few possessions have disappeared.
Molly leaves again when you've finished eating, and you and Ralph return to bed. You've never been so exhausted in your life. You're grateful for your tiny bed, and the boy you're sharing it with.
There are no windows in your cabin. The only marker of time is whispered words on well-timed bouts of consciousness with Ralph. You remember getting up to eat once more, and to visit the lavatory. You have a vague memory of Molly suggesting that you switch beds, now that Hettie had found other accommodations, and guiding you and Ralph to the slightly larger mattress.
You'd continue to sleep inches apart anyhow.
"Should we go find Victoria?" you ask, during one of those rare occasions you're both awake at the same time.
"No," Ralph sighs. "I don't want to see her."
"I don't want to see anyone but you," you breathe.
"Likewise," he says.
And then you both drift off again.
"I can't stop dreaming about it," Ralph admits another time.
You know exactly what he's talking about. It haunts you too.
"What would you like to dream about?" you ask.
"You," he answers.
"Perhaps if we concentrate on happier things, we'll dream about them?"
"It's worth a try," Ralph sighs. "I want to see snow. Real snow, not just a flurry. I want to be in a warm house, with you, looking out the window at the falling snow. At Christmastime."
"That sounds wonderful," you smile, closing your eyes and trying to picture it. "I'll make us hot cocoa... we can bake cookies… maybe it'll be so hot, we'll have to take our clothes off…"
"Mm…" Ralph hums.
You both drift off again, hoping to experience the romantic scene you've set instead of the horrifying vision of the sea swallowing an unsinkable ship.
It's not until after dinner, delivered by Molly, that you feel truly awake again. Your aches have subsided. Your brain isn't foggy anymore. Your body still wants to remain in bed, however, so you lie there on your back next to Ralph, looking at the ceiling.
"I think I'll enjoy being on solid ground again," you muse.
Ralph doesn't respond. You turn your head to see a worried expression on his face.
"Ralph? Are you alright?"
"Do you still want to marry me?
His question makes your heart stop. Is he having second thoughts? You turn your gaze back to the ceiling, rather than stare at him in fear.
"Of course I do, Ralph. Do you still want to marry me?"
"Absolutely, but… do you think your parents will allow it?"
"I'd like to see them try and stop us," you respond without even having to think about it.
Ralph looks taken aback by your comment.
"I love you, Ralph Penbury," you smile, squeezing his hand and gazing at him in adoration. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Whether it's an hour or a lifetime, I want it to be with you. And I don't give a damn what anyone else has to say about it."
Ralph's eyes begin to water. He leans over for a kiss. It starts sweet, but soon turns desperate. Passionate. Something you haven't felt up to in days.
"I'm so happy I met you," he breathes.
"So am I," you smile, cupping his jaw and staring into his beautiful eyes. You can't imagine spending another day without him.
"Let's do it," you suggest.
"Do what?"
"Let's get married."
"Have we not just established we're going to?" he asks.
"Let's get married now," you clarify. "They can't object if it's already done."
"Do you mean it?"
You nod.
"But… weddings take months to plan."
"Do you want to wait months, Ralph?"
His brow furrows, and you can see him weighing his options.
"You'd be willing to forego the dress, and the flowers, and the church? Your family being present? All those traditions? For me?"
"I don't need any of that, Ralph," you smile. "All I need is you."
"Are you sure?"
"Ralph, please don't think that I'm trying to pressure you into this. We don't have to do this if you don't want to. We're both tired and hazy still. If you want to--"
"No," he interrupts. "Are you sure you want me?"
The unsure look on his face pains you. How can he not see that he's your entire world? You lean forward for a deep kiss.
"Now who's mad?" you ask, pulling back with a smile. You cradle his face in your hands. "Of course I want you, Ralph. You're the only one I've ever wanted. And I'll still want you tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that. We don't have to do this now, if you're not ready. I'll wait forever for you."
Ralph stares at you for a moment, then laughs.
"I love you," he says, leaning over to pepper your face with kisses.
"I love you too, Ralph," you giggle, lying helplessly under his attack.
"Well, my love, shall we find ourselves a minister?" he asks when he finishes.
You grin and roll out of bed. You visit the lavatories and fix yourselves up the best you can, and set off in search of a holy man. A steward directs you to the person you're looking for.
You had no idea a wedding could happen so quickly. All the ones you'd attended back home had taken months to plan, like Ralph said. Hundreds of guests, many of whom the bride and groom probably didn't even like. Thousands spent on venues and decorations and dinner for hundreds. So much commotion, the people it was for barely had time to speak to each other.
And then there was this. A quiet ceremony in a dark corner of a ship's library, days after an event that would surely be one for the history books. In the clothes you'd been wearing for days. No fanfare at all; just you, the man you love, and the man reading scripture who would happily sign the necessary papers for a young couple who chose love in the face of tragedy.
It was perfect.
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Golden hour
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Previous chapter / Last chapter
a/n Welcome to part 7! I think my problem all along was the link the previous story so for now I won't add it!
Warning: trauma, blood, scars, wounds.
Azriel wasn't even sure if he was moving or if the world was just moving around him instead. The moment he wrapped his arms around your ice-cold body, bringing you closer to his chest like he had that morning he spent at your house, it felt like his sense of self left his body. Cassian was rubbing his palms up and down your icy legs. Now that Azriel has thought about it, that action should have probably annoyed him. But he didn't have it in him to act out on his primal male behavior. Plus, there was no ill will behind it—Cassian was just trying to warm you up.
Azriel didn't see what Rhys had done to Lucien and Eris. That was the second thing the shadow singer probably should have cared about, but once again he couldn't. No matter the anger that ran through him or the need to send them flying in ribbons. No, probably he would have preferred to kill them slowly. Maybe drain their blood as they did to you. Rhys kneeled between the two males. Hands rested on their shoulders as a familiar wheel of darkness engulfed them. But the thought of going back to night court... The thought of taking you back to what supposedly was safety didn't ease the fear of you being gone.
Rhys didn't winnow them back to the river house, mostly because he was too afraid that all the amped-up anger might be triggered and set free if Elain was to slur something carelessly. So the house of wind it was. Both Nesta and Feyre were already there, helping healers prepare. The only issue was that they didn't know what they were preparing for. When the darkness had vanished in the main room, Cassian and Rhys stepped forward, but Azriel remained on the floor, still holding you in his arms. Eyes not leaving your faded face, hands now stained with your golden blood. He heard the two females gasping at the sight. He heard them murmuring among themselves, but he didn't care.
"Azriel, we need to let Madja check on her," said Feyre, once again gently touching his shoulder. Just like the day he brought you here after you fainted. He wanted his high lady's presence to warm him and give him hope. Yet it did nothing. He watched as her hand slowly shifted to touch your hand, and Azriel let out a hiss, bringing you even closer to his chest.
"Az, I promise we won't let her out of our sight. We might still save her, come on brother", Rhys was walking closer to his spymaster now, motioning for Feyre to move aside, "I have Clotho checking for what we can do. We'll try to do everything, I promise." Did Azriel trust him? Did he trust anyone? Rhysand's hand cautiously reached for you, and even if Azriel did snarl, he didn't protest when Rhys scooped you up in his arms. And Rhys. Rhys didn't miss Azriel's tear-stained face.
However, the moment your body was out of Azriel's embrace, the coldness of your skin increased even more, to the point where Rhys felt his arms burning. Lines of ice painted the high lord's skin, and his movements abruptly came to a halt. Everyone in the room looked concerned and lost for words, considering that this was beyond anything anyone had ever seen.
"Azriel," Rhys hollered, and Azriel's gaze shot up in an instant. That's when he saw his brother standing in the middle of the room, hands frozen in ice and your skin now a pale shade of blue. Tripping over himself, Azriel made his way to you. Carefully lifting you out of Rhys's embrace.
"I don't... This is...", Madja looked between the three of them, "This has to be some sort of magic." Rhys rubbed his hands together, trying to kill off the frost with his natural body heat. His gaze was now fixed on you, and the moment your skin made contact with Azriel, the coldness subsided.
"Her body is most likely trying to protect her against anyone who might want to harm her," Rhys said calmly, reaching his hand toward you and touching your shoulder. The ice specs instantly, starting to crawl up his hand again, "She doesn't recognize us. But she recognizes Azriel". That was true. Azriel felt the coldness that radiated off you, but it didn't burn him. It felt more like a call. As if it was begging for him to be closer. He felt the need to warm you up but never the need to withdraw. This all had to be because of the mating bond. Mating bond. How did he not think about it sooner? You had to be alive because even if it was faint, he felt you through the bond.
Bringing you up to his room felt bittersweet. Yet Azriel carefully lowered you onto the mattress. No one followed him upstairs. Once he shared with everyone that he felt you through the bond, everyone chose to go to the library to do some research on how to pull you out of this. And since they couldn't do anything else at this moment, Azriel didn't say anything. In all honesty, he was glad that it was just him and you.
He watched your lifeless body for a bit before disappearing into the bathroom for a quick moment. "I'm going to touch your neck, to get the blood off." Azriel wasn't sure why he was speaking out loud. You most definitely couldn't hear him. But after all of that, after all of their actions... He knew that if you were awake, he wouldn't have touched you without your permission to do so. So now, at least he was speaking it into the universe. With trembling hands, he ran the warm cloth over your skin. "I'm going to push the left side of the dress lower," he muttered.
Only now did Azriel see the scars that painted your shoulders and upper chest. They were hardly visible against your pale skin, but they were there regardless. Breath got a cough in his chest, and he had to pull away. Hands came to cover his face as he sobbed quietly.
He should have been more careful. Should have held you after you shared all of that in the meeting room. He shouldn't have walked away. He was to blame for this. Azriel rested his face on your lower belly, pressing his face into the material of your dress as he let his emotions out. He should have prevented this. But instead, he was here. Now caring for your abused body while being completely clueless about how to help you.
Azriel stayed like that for a moment, your scent bringing him some comfort as he looked at you. Teeth wounds on your neck weren't healing; the blood had stopped but the open wounds were still there, so Azriel slowly picked himself up before reaching for the stuff Madja had left him so he could patch you up.
"I'm going to undress you now so I can bandage your wounds," he said, pausing for a moment as if expecting you to say no. His eyes didn't wonder even once as he stripped you of your dress. And even more so, he knew you were gorgeous without needing to look. He wanted you to be the one to open yourself up to him in such a vulnerable way." I know you would have said something sassy by now", Azriel let out a sad laugh under his breath as he continued putting bandages around your upper body.
Once he was satisfied with it, he pulled his sleeping pants onto your lower half, leaving your upper half partly naked, because he simply didn't know how to navigate your wings, which had limply sagged behind you. He reminded himself of skin-to-skin body warmth as he drew you closer to him. Carefully fixing your wings before draping a blanket over the two of you. Placing a loving kiss on the top of your head warped his hands even tighter around you. And for what felt like forever, he felt a light throbbing within your chest, closing his eyes in a delight that filled his worrying mind, "Come back to me, my beam of light. I need you by my side."
Azriel stayed there, holding you for hours. Rhysand had come up multiple times to check on you, bringing with him some newfound information that the family had dug up in the meantime. Alongside that came offers to bring up food and for him to take a moment to himself, but Azriel refused them all. Waiting till the room would be empty again, leaving just you in his arms. He had placed one of your hands over his chest, so the palm of it would be resting right above his heart. The weight of it grounded the spymaster slightly, and slowly, even against his wishes, sleep took him under.
The shadow singer's eyes shot open in an instant. Yet what greeted him was far from what he expected. In all honesty, Azriel had no idea where he was. The space looks odd. As if it didn't have measurements. It appeared to be a big grey nothingness. Looking around, he tried to find anything that would tell him what was going on.
Then his gaze was drawn to a shadow far on the horizon. So he walked right to it. Step after step. Then steps turned into light running before he came to a halt. Then it all began to make sense. He had fallen asleep, and this wasn't just some random place. The shadow wasn't just any shadow; it was you.
Sat with your legs tucked closer to your chest. Clothes torn to shreds, hair matted. All the scars he had seen before were now bright red as if they were signs of every bit of abuse you went through. He had entered a dimension in between, or maybe you had dragged him there yourself.
Slowly, not to startle you, Azriel also kneeled on the ground before gently ruffling his wings so he would get your attention. And he did as your head snapped to the side. Your big frightened eyes looking straight at him now, "How do I help? How do I... ", Azriel muttered quietly. Trying to keep his arms from wrapping around you. "You don't have to hold on if you don't want to," you spoke, not even looking his way when you said those words, making Azriel's heart sting. "What are you talking about, I'm ready to die for you", "And Elain?", that name came out bitterly out of your mouth but Azriel couldn't blame you. Even he felt nothing but hatred for that woman now.
"Y/N, she's insane. I was with her before you came around; I was confused, but I know now," he said, but you only jerked your head, before resting it on your knees.
"I don't... how do I know you won't use me?" You gazed at him, and Azriel noticed how empty and exhausted your eyes looked. "I know that they hurt you. I know I hurt you. I know, my love, but I will never lift a hand before you. I will never do anything to harm you again", slowly Azriel reached his hand your way, "Whenever you feel ready, you can hold my hand".
Azriel could tell you were hesitant, but he didn't push you. Just left his hand out waiting for you as you gazed in front of yourself, "They killed my family. I don't have... I don't have anyone," but Azriel quickly shook his head saying, "That's not true. You have me." You stared at him, your bottom lip trembling even if you tried to stop it by biting on it.
"Ever since the camps," but Azriel cut in quickly, "You don't have to tell me anything," because he didn't want to make you even more uncomfortable. He didn't want you pushing yourself to tell him your deepest secrets. Opening up your deepest scars. On your own time. He was ready to wait, but you just shook your head.
"No, it's okay. I never thought I'd be able to feel someone's warmth because it reminded me too much of the autumn fires," you clasped your hands around yourself tighter as the memories ran through your mind again, "But you... your warmth is different."
And it was. Ever since he had touched you for the very first time, his touch had been inviting. Instead of running away, you wanted him to drape his arms around your shoulders and just hold you. Maybe it was the cool breeze that surrounded him that washed the fear of fires away or the fact that Azriel had also been hurt by the fire. In different ways, but still hurt. Hurt but healing. And you found that you needed to heal alongside him as well.
"I felt that tug constantly, and thought I was losing my mind," the shadow singer admitted finally. It was the strangest month of his life when, out of nowhere, in a street full of people, he would feel someone tugging on that string within him. The worst were the nights—nights when even he didn't sleep because the tugging was so strong that he had to pull back.
"You weren't losing your mind. You were losing me, and by pulling at it in return, you saved me. You pulled me out of the darkness."
As all the times before, Rhys walked to Azriel's room, knocking on the door out of shared respect even if he knew there wasn't anything wild going on there. When that wasn't met with Azriel's usual groaning, Rhys knocked again. Nothing.
"Az," the high lord called out, "I'm going to come in," but nothing happened, so with a slight frown on his face, Rhys stepped in.
His heart skipped a beat at the sight. Azriel was as pale as you. Limp arms draped over your body. The frost on the shadow singer matched the one on your skin and was nothing like the agonizing coldness that pierced through him hours ago.
Rhys felt someone brush past his shoulder as Cassian jumped forward to pull his brother away from you, but Rhys caught him right in front of the bed. "Don't touch them; they are too intertwined. If you'll separate them, we can lose them both," Cassian tried to escape from his brother's hands, but Rhys continued, "I think they are together now. Az found his way to her", "Rhys, this is borderline insane," which Rhys knew, but more than that, he was sure that if any of them were to intervene, Azriel would never forgive them. Especially if that would cause them Y/N's life.
"We'll stay here and keep an eye on them; if it starts looking too dangerous, we'll try... I don't know what we'll try", so they just stood their eyes fixed on the two bodies laying in the bed. Praying to all gods they knew of that this wouldn't end in a tragedy.
Azriel felt a weird tightness around his neck. Quickly moving his hand to rub the skin. It almost felt like he was choking. He let out a cough, hoping it would soon go away. But none of that slipped past you as you quickly jumped up. "Your heart," you muttered, frantically moving your hand over his heart just like he had placed it himself in the other world, "You're not supposed to be here. Let go and go back." The in-between realms weren't for everyone. Especially not an Illyrian soldier. Every second spent here drew him closer to his deathbed. "No, I'm not going without you", Azriel gently reached for your hand interviewing them between his own. Eyes not leaving you even for a second. "Azriel, you need to let go," but the shadow singer only shook his head.
"I left you once; that was my biggest mistake ever. I'm not leaving you alone again. So we either stay here or go back together." You tried to pull your hands away from him, but his grip on you was firm. Not capturing but enough to show you that he wasn't going to give up. That he was there to stand his ground. You silently begged him once again to just go, but the spymaster only leaned in, dropping your hands so he could cup your face. His eyes quickly scanned you as if he was checking to see if any of his actions were making you uneasy.
The nothingness began to rattle, and Azriel felt a sharp pain run through him. Before warm liquids started to run down his nose. He could feel that this place was slowly crushing him. That any minute he was going to vanish into the afterlife. But he didn't care. As long as you were standing right before him. "Azriel," you begged again, your hands on his chest, attempting to push him away. But the Azriel only smiled at you, pushing some of your hair away from your face as he finally leaned forward before his lips brushed against yours. You could feel the tenderness of his skin. The warmth of his breath. You could feel him. Your heartbeat instantly picked up as the butterflies inside your stomach started batting their wings, hands falling limp beside you. You've never known a true-love kiss before. The beauty of it. You never wanted this to end. You never wanted to go back into that darkness that you were in for so long. "Together," he mumbled as he pulled away, and you nodded your head, pressing yourself closer to Azriel's chest as the darkness embraced you both.
The only sounds filling the room were the quiet cries of everyone there. Azriel's body had been seizing for about an hour, with blood pouring from his nose and no sign of it stopping anytime soon. Cassian has been on the floor crying ever since he first walked in. Nesta slowly ran her fingers through his hair as she too found it hard to keep her eyes from glossing up. Rhys had stopped passing the room and now just stood there, firmly holding Feyre's hand. Nothing ever came close to the realization that you might lose your loved one any minute. The helplessness they felt was astronomical, and nothing they tried seemed to have helped.
But then a loud gasp filled the room as Azriel shot up, breathing heavily. Everyone instantly shot up to move closer to the bed, but Azriel paid them no attention as he turned to you. Your still-limp body had slipped away from his. "Y/N," he nudged your body gently, expecting you to shoot up to catch your breath too, but nothing happened. No, you had to wake up. You had to. He accompanies you all the way here. He felt you in his arms until he shot up to breathe.
"Please," Azriel gently caressed the bond between you, pulling at the string before pressing his forehead to yours. "Love," he tried again, leaning closer to you. The hope was starting to slowly slip away from him, and acting fully out of his racing mind, he leaned in once again, brushing his lips against yours.
He wanted to roar out in pain when he pulled away and your body was as limp as before. But then specks of light started to seep from within you. Before your whole body was glistening with gold specks and your eyes slowly began to open up, Azriel let out a deep sigh before a light smile painted his lips.
"Hey," he muttered softly as he gazed at you lovingly. You blinked a couple of times trying to take in your surroundings, "Hi", you whispered back to him. Knowing that your body might still be sore, Azriel tried to move you as little as possible; however, he couldn't take his eyes off the way your skin shimmered.
"I think you're glowing... I meant sparkling," you quickly lifted your hand, scattering golden dust all over the room, frowning, "Frick, I'm going to make such a mess now." However, Azriel only smirked lazily before intertwining your fingers with his. "Did I just make you sparkle?", you rolled your eyes grinning, before shrugging your shoulders. Azriel gasped, making you bite your lip. "Well, then, I should test my theory," he said sheepishly before leaning in yet again and packing your lips with a couple of more light, feathery kisses.
Someone across the room coughed awkwardly, making you two pull away instantly. "I feel lucky. I got myself a front-row ticket," Cassian cheered before he jumped onto the bed, making Azriel groan. The rest of the family was smiling fondly as they looked at you both. Maybe just maybe you actually had a chance to find your happy ending after all.
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Chenford + Lucy asks Tim why he was with Ashley
Tim leaned against the doorway to his living room, taking in the sight of his girlfriend and his dog playing together with an unabashed grin on his face. 
While Lucy had always had a soft spot for Kojo and vice versa, their bond had grown exponentially since Tim and Lucy started dating, as she had become a relatively permanent fixture around the house. He could now truly say Kojo was just as much her dog as he was Tim’s.
And the way Lucy loved on Kojo warmed up his heart in ways he was still deciphering. They were a family, and it meant everything to him.
He moved to join them on the couch, and Lucy finally took notice that she had an audience.
“Hi, baby, when did you sneak in?” was her greeting as he leaned in to give her a kiss.
“A minute or two ago.” As he settled next to Lucy, Kojo curled up between them, eager to get extra attention from his dad as well. Tim began scratching behind Kojo’s ears.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Lucy asked.
“I like watching you two interact. You’re so good with him.”
“Well, he’s easy to love.”
A near snort escaped Tim. “Yeah, tell that to Ashley. She never got used to him.”
His eyes widened as he realized what he said. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought–”
Lucy placed a gentle hand on his arm, a habit of hers that he loved, and he relished in the calm it brought him. “Relax, Tim, it’s ok. We can talk about exes. They don’t need to be forbidden. They’re part of our history.”
“I…ok, if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure. Although….” she trailed off.
“Can I ask you, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. It’s just you never actually said–”
“Lucy,” he said firmly, bringing her back.
“Right. Why were you ever with Ashley? It just seemed like you two had nothing in common, like she was trying to change you into something you weren’t.”
Tim sighed. He’d asked himself that question so many times since Ashley had so abruptly ended things right after his surgery, leaving him helpless in his hospital bed feeling like the world’s biggest idiot.
“You’re right, we didn’t have much in common,” he said, shaking his head.
“So, then why–”
“I didn’t think I could ever be with you,” he blurted.
Lucy’s gasp did not go unnoticed. “Tim….”
He put his hand up. “That wasn’t the only reason of course, but with you, our timing was so complicated, and it seemed like when you pushed so hard to be my aide, you were drawing your line in the sand for good. So Ashley was interested, and on paper it seemed like a no-brainer, a nice, easygoing relationship, which is exactly what I got, and not what I needed at all. She never challenged me the way you do, and she never fully accepted everything about me.”
“And she didn’t…like…Kojo,” Lucy emphasized.
Tim chuckled. “And that. In the end, we wanted very different things, and she also couldn’t handle the risks that come with dating a cop.”
“Do not get me started on the way she broke up with you,” Lucy muttered under her breath.
“No, I’m the one that handled it all wrong,” Tim said, taking her hand in his. “I should’ve broken things off months before she did. The night you first kissed me, or the night I fake proposed, or countless other times. I knew it wasn’t meant to last, and maybe because of my feelings for you or the safety of the relationship, I kept things going too long. That’s on me.”
“It’s ok, Tim. Both of us stayed in relationships for too long, remember? And in the end, I think it was the right time for us.”
Tim lifted her hand to his lips, where he gently kissed her fingers. “It was. I may have made some mistakes regarding Ashley, but I have never once questioned whether you and I were right. Choosing to be with you has been the best decision I ever made.”
Lucy grinned, moving Kojo slightly so she could snuggle deeper into Tim. Kojo shifted and rested his head on Tim’s leg.
Tim sighed in contentment, leaning in to whisper in Lucy’s ear. “And just so you know, you’re easy to love, too.”
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davinashifts333 · 1 year
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BLUE EYED WONDER PT. 2 (Isaac x Witch!SO):
⚫️summary; Days go by and Y/N and Isaac had kept in contact the night of his father’s death even resulting in him running away to her house because he felt safer there.
⚠️warnings; mentions of abuse, Coach Lahey because yes he is a whole ass warning his damn self, Isaac and Y/N mentions of smut or i guess, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT FOLKS!), underage drinking (PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT PARENTAL SUPERVISION OR PERMISSION), sexual intentions, swearing, 18+ ONLY!!! k thx bye.
February 24th, 2011. A day that has been mentally, physically and emotionally imbedded in my life. It was pouring rain so I decided to throw on a cozy movie and make some dinner, I had thought to order in but chose to have some wine while I made my mom’s famous pasta dish she used to make us. In the midst of cooking up some chicken I get a sharp pain in my head, a sign of someone nearby was not okay. I walk over to the door after turning the stove off and abruptly open the door to find a completely soaked Isaac with his hand up to knock.
“Isaac? What are you doing here so late and why di-..” I stopped myself as his sorrow found it’s way into my chest. Empathy is really a bitch. I pull him into the house by his hand and guide him to the couch.
“I.. I didn’t want to bother you or Derek.. I just.. He.. My dad..” His mind was a literal war zone trying to come up with a sentence but before he could finish I already knew. His vividly recent memory shone in my mind and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. The height difference not so evident while he sat. I slowed my heart rate for him to focus on and stood there calming him for a moment.
Whispering to him that it would all be okay only to result in his cries growing more and more broken, his arms eventually finding their way around my waist as his body weight began to give into the pain. It killed me to see a once so bright and bubbly kid who loved action figures and comic books become such a broken and abused teen. I wished I could’ve ripped his dad’s head off and rid Isaac of the pain sooner. I’m guessing he heard my heartbeat begin to quicken because he lifted his head from my chest and began speaking through sniffles.
“Y/N, you okay? You don’t need to deal with me if it’s too much, I’m so.. I’m sorry, I should leave..” He stood up frantically and I grabbed his hand stopping him from beelining to the door.
“Hey.. Hey.. You are not a burden Isaac.. You are someone who’s been hurt for a long time and you never even deserved it.. Your dad.. He’s sick.. But you? Are a beautiful, loving and undoubtedly loyal person..” My voice trembles on the last few words and Isaac steps closer. Eyes puffy and red, cheeks stained with the agony that he must have felt for so many years on end with no help. He leans in and presses his forehead to mine.
“Why didn’t we meet sooner? Why couldn’t I have told you that I liked you back in middle school?” He asks almost begging the universe for an answer but before I could even take a breath to say anything he replaces his forehead with his lips.
“Why couldn’t I have been aware?” I finally respond, his breath warming my usually cold cheeks as our faces stay centimeters apart.
“Would you hate me if I said I really wish we were naked right now?” He lightens the mood, a trauma response to get over what he had just went through.
“One, I could never hate you. Two, I actually expected it from you sooner but I guess two weeks of finally getting to know one another is enough for me to give in..” I couldn’t even continue speaking before his lips melted into mine. It wasn’t hungry but also wasn’t desperate it was almost natural to us how quickly we gave in.
He starts walking me back to the couch, lips reaching every point he can before he sits and pulls me onto his lap, his hands roaming my body as if they were made for it. In a split second my sweater was on the floor along with his rain soaked pullover and his cold skin met mine.
“Isaac..” He pauses, the only noise in the house was now our pants and the movie that was still playing in the background.
“I’ll stop if you want me to.. I don’t want to force you or rush you into anything but god.. You’re just so beautiful I couldn’t help myself..” His words like poetry, making it harder for me to resist.
“I don’t want to stop but.. Fuck it..” My hands cup his face and this kiss was more passionate. He slides his hands up my bare back unclasping my bra and throwing it on the ground as I fumble with his jeans. He chuckles and stands up to undo them himself and I follow by removing my shorts.
“Jump.” He says and I oblige. He carries me down the hall to my room and instead of tossing me on the bed he lays me down so softly, like he was afraid to break me. He removes his briefs and as I take in the sheer beauty of not only his body but him in general and in the blink of an eye he was hovering over me.
“You can always back out now..”
“I’ve waited forever to even kiss you, Lahey. I’m not waiting any longer.” With that he rips my panties off and his lips trail up my legs, to my breasts, my neck and I notice he slowed his pace down.
“Stop being a tease and fuck me.”
“See Y/N/N, I don’t want to fuck you. I want to feel.. every.. inch.. of.. your body.. and unravel it..” He says between kisses causing a moan to escape my lips.
He slowly makes his way between my legs and lines up with my entrance. Our eyes locking one more time before he slowly thrusts into me. A wave of ecstasy and a sting of pain is all I felt before his hips began to gain a rhythm. The room fills with pants and moans as we give into one another. His hands on my hips gripping tighter by the minute before he swiftly snakes an arm around my waist and lifts me onto his thighs, never slipping out. He hits every spot of pleasure in my body at once and I feel a tight feeling beginning in my stomach. His lips make their way back to my neck as my arms tighten around his shoulders, holding on for dear life.
“Fuck, why didn’t we do this sooner.”
“Shhh, just enjoy it baby.” I moan and the night ensued. Isaac and I had finally given into our bodies and I never wanted it to end. Almost an hour goes by of us edging and teasing the other and his thrusts start becoming sloppier. His deep voice moaning my name into my neck as he picks up the pace only makes my body vibrate with pleasure and soon after he cums deep in me.
“Shit.. That was..”
“Totally worth the wait.” I conclude and he turns over placing a more loving kiss to my lips.
“Totally.” We laid there entangled in each other for what felt like hours until I looked over and the clock read 2am.
“I should get going but, I don’t know if I want to.”
“You can stay the night, or as long as you need.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course. We could take a hot shower, or bath, put up dinner, or eat dinner if you’re hungry and just be here. Calm.”
“No. Not calm. Safe.” I move the disheveled curls from his forehead which was thinly covered in a layer of sweat and turn onto my side.
“So much for a first date.. I wanted to take you to that nice Italian place in downtown before doing this..”
“There’s always time for that but this was perfect. I mean knowing that I make you feel safe? That’s all I need.” He lays his head on my chest and quickly slips into a deep sleep.
Who knew I would fall for my brother’s beta.. My childhood neighbor.. A guy I had a crush on for years but never said anything to because I wasn’t aware of shit..
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and I grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet before heading out the kitchen to see Isaac trying to save my previously forgotten meal from the night before. Tiptoeing behind him, I wrap my arms around his torso earning a chuckle from him. He turns around to meet my gaze and leans down to kiss me good morning.
“You know I could hear you right?”
“I grew up in a household full of werewolves, I was never successfully sneaky.” I smile laying my head on his chest.
“You know we have to throw this out right? It’s already going bad. And I will 100% make you dinner or.. try to tonight..”
“Tonight? Mr. Lahey are you proposing we have an actual date?”
“Well Miss Hale, I am. I gotta romance you up before I make you feel as good as I did last night.” His cheeky comment making my face heat up, remembering the events of not even eight hours ago. We spent that day talking, reminiscing and just connecting more as one. And need I say, it was a memory i’ll hold onto forever.
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