#was this an excuse to draw him in a crop top so i could draw a happy trail? maybe. maybe not.
hayakawalove · 3 months
A Little Pain Never Hurt Nobody
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Summary: Life was dull lately. You needed something to jump start you. You figure you may as well check out the local sex club, cause why not? You meet "professional" dom Suguru and he shows you a whole new world of pain and pleasure. You're in for a ride.
A/N: This is. Um. Yeah.
I purposefully didn't make it too extreme as this is your first time engaging in anything like this. I hope you enjoy.
P.S I've never been to a sex club so excuse me if this is completely wrong
CW: Smut, Masochism, Sadism, Impact Play, Flogging, Dacryphilia, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Spanking, Slapping, Face Slapping, Rough Sex, Aftercare, Sex Club, Top Getou Suguru, Alcohol, Choking, Dominance, Submission, Humiliation, Degradation, Biting, Dirty Talk, Name-Calling, Creampie, Praise Kink, Pain, AFAB Reader, Female Reader
W/C: 7,232
Credit to @benkeibear for the divider
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Why were you doing this again? To be honest, you didn’t really know the answer yourself. Everything had just been so boring lately. You needed something to spice up your life. That’s what you told yourself at least, when you were standing in front of the club with blacked out windows. 
It was a sex club specifically. It had always piqued your interest, but you were never crazy enough to actually check it out. 
Not until now, apparently. 
You wrap your trembling hand around the door handle, pulling it open to feel a blast of warm air. At least it was better than staying outside in the freezing temperature. 
I’ll just check it out, I won’t stay for long. You told yourself.
When you entered you were greeted by a woman standing at a desk. She wore a bright white smile and a black choker. 
“Welcome! ID please.” 
“Oh, right.”
You fish in your purse to grab your ID to show to her. Were kids really dumb enough to try to sneak into this place? Scratch that, you remember being young and stupid. 
“Have a good time!” She bids you, passing your ID back. 
You give a nervous smile before walking further in, a blast of stimulation coming at you from all angles. 
The lights were dim, but you noticed colorful shapes being projected around the room, dancing. In tandem with the lights, there were women and men on platforms moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music. And the music, it wasn’t as loud as a normal club, but it still just added to everything. It was almost too much. 
You walk in, the exciting energy drawing you in further. People were in various stages of undress, but no one seemed bothered by the nudity. 
A man passes you, his neck collared and leashed as he follows a woman in high heels. He smiles at you before the girl tugs the leash, pulling him further. 
Okay, that’s new. 
You hear a shrill sound, a woman screaming. 
Your head whips to the direction of the noise, fear briefly settling in your veins before you remember where you are. 
The sight that greets you confuses you. 
A woman was strapped to a metallic x, her body completely nude baring her ass for the small crowd to see. Her bottom was tinged bright red. If you looked close enough, you thought you could see her skin begin to split open. 
A man stood behind her, a crop held tightly in his hand. His eyes flicked to her face before back down, slamming the crop against her again. 
She let out a wail causing you to jump. It looked like it hurt so bad. 
And that excited you. 
The man runs the crop over her skin, her sobs echoing as he teased her tender flesh. Long black hair cascaded down his back, thin eyes scrutinizing her. 
Just as you were admiring his beauty, you noticed his gaze settle on you. You wanted to look away, but you just couldn’t. Not when his demanding authority had captured you. 
The moment was over as soon as it started, and his attention was back to the woman. You force yourself to look away and head to the bar, suddenly feeling light headed. 
You stand next to the shiny counter and the bartender struts up to you. 
“What can I get you?”
“Just water.” You croak out, your throat feeling dry. 
He turns around and passes you a bottle of water, free of charge, before attending to a different customer. 
The cool liquid slides down your throat while you watch the scenes before you. The performance was seemingly over as the masses of people surrounding it had dispersed. Your gaze flickers across the dancers in front of you. 
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” 
“Yes they,” you start, turning towards the source of the voice. 
The man from earlier stood next to you, eyes on the dancers. 
“Are.” You finish. 
He was even more stunning up close. His hair was like satin, flowing down his back. Dark golden eyes, and he was tall. 
He turns his head to you and smiles, seeing the way you admire him. 
“You’re new here.” He strikes up a conversation. 
You shuffle in place, looking down at your water bottle and back up. 
“That obvious, huh?” 
He gifts you a serene smile. 
“I’ve never seen your face before, and you weren’t as calloused to the play scene.” 
You fumble with the bottle, the sound of it crinkling filling the space. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, everyone needs to start somewhere.” He comforts you. 
One look at how genuine he seemed soothed your nerves. Earlier he exuded power, quiet dominance leaking from his pores. But now he seemed like a regular guy. 
“I suppose you’re right.” You finish the water bottle and set it beside you. 
“So what brings you here?” 
“I was bored.”
He lets out a hearty chuckle at your response, his eyes closing. 
“You were bored so you decided to go to a sex club for the first time?” 
Heat floods through your cheeks, you were unsure if he was teasing you or not. 
“I mean I’ve always been interested, just never got around to it.” 
Another scene was unfolding, drawing most of the people away from you as they gathered to observe it. You almost thought you were going to have more breathing room that way, but somehow it was even more stifling. All of this man’s attention was on you, and there was no one around you to dull it out. 
“What do you think so far?” 
You played with your opinions in your head. It was strange, but you liked it. Everyone seemed happy here, and there were no aspects of a normal club that weighed it down. 
“I like it. It’s a bit more than I expected, but it’s exciting.” 
He seems satisfied with your answer. He flags down the bartender and orders a whiskey, before turning his attention back to you. 
“And what did you think of the scene?” 
The question jolts you. The air around it felt different than his first question. It almost felt like he was asking you to rate him. 
“I-it was good. I liked it a lot actually.” 
The air shifted around you, you were beginning to feel that commanding presence of his again. 
“I’m glad.” 
His voice runs a shiver up your spine and you have to will yourself to contain it. 
His drink arrives and you watch as he brings his mouth to the rim, a small sip of brown liquid kissing his lips. 
“Why did you start coming here?” You can’t help but ask. 
The man turns to you with a smile. 
“I like making people happy, and it’s something I enjoy.” 
You press him further and he reveals more. 
“People feel much more open here, like they don’t have to hide their true selves. It’s refreshing. I like seeing people’s genuine smiles.”
The answer simmers in your brain. You don’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that. What a kind man. It was almost unbelievable he was the same one hitting the woman earlier. 
“I’ve actually always wanted to do something like that.”
He sets his glass down and cocks a brow at you. 
“From your scene, I mean.” 
He turns his full attention to you. You piqued his interest. 
“Why haven’t you?”
“I just didn’t know where to start. It’s kind of a bit scary.” 
He seems to be contemplating something, eyes looking up. You watch as his finger taps the glass. 
“I could always help, if you’re still interested.” He offers, swirling the amber liquid before tossing his head back, taking another swig. 
It feels like gravel is in your throat now, settled somewhere between your voice box and tongue. The mushy pink muscle refuses to cooperate inside your mouth. 
“It doesn’t have to be me of course. I can always see if someone else here would help if you would prefer that. Whatever you’re comfortable with.” 
“N-no! I mean yes! That would be great, trying it with you, I mean.” You rush out, an overwhelming amount of heat rushing to your cheeks. 
You think you see something akin to a smirk spark over his features before he nurses the reaction back down to something more neutral. 
“So, are you like a professional or something?” You fiddle with your hair. 
“More or less.” 
He stands up and leans over the bar, rummaging around until he finds what he’s looking for. Orange post it notes and a pen. 
You study his face while he looks down, scribbling his number onto the paper. His penmanship is surprisingly neat, something you weren’t used to seeing from men. Then again, something told you he wasn’t like most men. 
“Here, text me if you decide you’re still interested. We can set something up and discuss hard and soft limits, and also share our results as we both should get tested first.” 
You grip the paper once he hands it to you, eyes dancing across the conglomerate of numbers. 
“You don’t have like, a business card or something?” 
He lets out a chuckle, leaning against his chin as he watches you. 
“I’m not that professional. I have a full time job and a life outside of this, it’s just something I do for fun. Although, I do have lots of experience, probably more than anyone else here.” 
You clear your throat and look back down at the note. At the top, he wrote his name. 
“Suguru.” You taste the sound of his name, letting the syllables fall from your lips. 
“That would be me.” He says with a smile. “What would your name be?” 
You tell him your name and try to not run away when you hear him repeat it back to you. Your name had never sounded so good before, you were sure of it. 
“Alright, well if you decide you want to go forward just text me. We’ll get something figured out.” He drinks the rest of his whiskey, sliding a couple of dollar bills down before standing up. 
You wave goodbye, your skin buzzing off the high from talking to him. He was such a good looking guy, and he seemed so kind. Was this real? Was he really going to help you experience something new? 
There was only one way to find out. 
You and Suguru had been texting for several days ironing everything out. He asked you what you were interested in trying, and it took you longer than you were willing to admit to come up with a list. 
It was partly because you had no idea what you wanted to try. How could you pick? The other part of it was that it felt embarrassing sending him the list. Sure you met him at a sex club, and he offered to help, but it almost felt too vulnerable. You hadn’t even shared these fantasies with some of your boyfriends. Maybe that was why you agreed to let him help you. There was no personal connection, no fear of rejection. 
After many hours, you were able to create a list. 
Impact play
Hair pulling
Sensory play
It wasn’t the most extreme list. You were quite sure he had seen and done much worse, but you were still sort of scared. He complimented it once you sent it, and let you know to start thinking of safe words. You had heard of the idea before, so you knew you would have to pick them. 
Along with the list, he also told you to get tested for any STDs, not that he didn't trust you he told you, but it was more procedure. He told you he was going to get checked as well. 
The day came where you were to meet Suguru once more at the atmospheric spot. He told you to bring a change of comfy clothes, drink lots of water, and come on a full stomach. Having instructions to follow before sex felt weird in a way. It almost felt as though the scene had started before you arrived. 
You checked yourself out one last time in the mirror in your bedroom. You wore a short black dress, complimenting all of your favorite parts of your body. Telling yourself you wore it only for you, but you secretly hoped Suguru would be pleased when he saw it. 
You didn't know whether or not to be let down when his eyes didn’t linger over your body when you arrived. You found him talking with a couple of people, ones you recognized. It was the man on a leash and his owner. The man stood patiently behind her while she spoke with Suguru, a friendly demeanor between the two. 
When he saw you, his eyes glanced down at your outfit then back up, excusing himself from the conversation. He rested his hand against your lower back, guiding you towards a long row of doors. 
“Are we not doing it out in the main area?” You ask. 
He glances at you with a smile before opening a door, a big room inside. 
“No, it’s your first time. I wouldn’t make you do that. Unless, of course, you want to do it in front of everyone.” The lilt in his voice makes your hair stand on edge. 
“N-no. Here is much better.” 
He closes the door behind you, walking over to a chair. On it lies a piece of paper. He lifts it up and brings it over to you. It was his test results, all clean. You dig into your purse to bring your results out too and hand them over to him. 
“Good. Are you on birth control?” He asks, eyes looking over the sheet. 
You straighten up and open your mouth, nerves beginning to settle over you. 
“Okay.” Suguru sets the paper aside. “Oh actually, I wanted to talk about something on your list. We won’t be able to do the typical choking you’re probably thinking of. Too much risk involved so it’s not allowed in clubs like this. I’m sorry.” 
You feel disappointment in your chest but you nod in agreement. 
“That makes sense, okay.” 
“Have you put any thought into the safe word? Most people use red, yellow, and green. Red for stop, yellow for slow down, and green for all good.” He suggests. 
“I’ll do those then, if that’s alright.” You fidget with your fingers, digging into the side of your dress. 
He smiles at you before looking down at the bag you brought. 
“Oh! These are the change of clothes you asked me to bring. I also had lots of water and just ate.” 
“Good girl.” He purrs, the sound of it instantly turning your face hot. 
Suguru peers at you and smiles to himself once he notices your reaction. 
“Oh, you’re gonna be fun.” He says, more to himself than you. 
You dart your eyes away, finding it hard to look at him. So instead, you study the room you’re in. There was a floor length mirror, a large bed, and various sex tools on the wall. The room itself looked comfortable, if not for the daunting things that were meant to cause pain. 
“So how do we um, you know, start this I guess? I’ve never done it before-“ you find yourself rambling. 
Suguru closes the distance between the two of you, making you gasp out. His finger slides under your chin tilting your head up. 
“Just relax, let me take care of it princess.” 
His lips are on yours. They felt plush, molding to yours while his tongue slots in your mouth. You grasp his shirt for support. All oxygen had exited your body the second you felt him press up against you. 
It’s not that you were against the idea, it was far from it actually, but you didn’t expect it to happen so fast. 
Suguru’s large hand spans across your cheek, long fingers pressed into your skin. He walks you backwards until you hit a wall, and it takes everything in you to continue standing on your own. His tongue grazes against yours, drawing out a soft moan from you. 
“How cute.” Suguru pulls away to speak, instead choosing to place kisses down your neck. 
“A-ah!” You dig your fingers into his shoulder, feeling his teeth graze against your sensitive flesh. 
He doesn’t bite down like you expected. Instead, he decides to continue sliding his tongue down your neck, occasionally bumping his teeth against your throat. It was as if he was reminding you that he could bite, but he wasn’t going to, not yet at least. 
One thing you should know about Suguru is that he enjoyed playing with his food first. 
Suguru pulls back and looks down at you. Your eyes were glazed over, a mix of both your salivas coating your lips. 
“Wore this for me, huh?” He asks, fingers trailing down your dress. 
The way he stood over you commanded dominance. You had never experienced such a thing before. But in that moment you knew you would do anything he asked. 
“Yes.” Your voice trembles. 
Suguru hums while he further analyzes you. He didn’t know where to start. You gave him a good list, but he also didn’t want to scare you or hurt you, at least not in a bad way. 
“You’re so kind to wear this baby, but I’m gonna need you to take it off now.” His voice commands. 
You pull off the dress, tossing it to the floor before looking up at him expectantly. He chuckles darkly, reaching a thumb up to drag over your lip. He swipes the saliva away, letting his finger slide down your chin, down your chest until he reaches your stomach. There was a predatory glint in his eyes, one that made your skin crawl. He grips your waist hard, turning you around. 
“Turn around.” You follow what he says and face the wall. 
Suguru stands back and admires your form as you follow his directions. He looks at your underwear, a lacy thong, before looking back up. Your body trembles beneath his gaze, the weight of those feline eyes searing into your back. 
He steps back to grab a tool, one of many in his arsenal. It was a flogger, the handle of it fitting comfortably in his palm as he steps back closer to you. 
“This is called a flogger. People use it as a whip. I’m going to strike you a couple times, and I want you to tell me how it feels.” 
He desperately wants to correct you on your manners, the urge tickling the back of his throat. He much would have preferred a “yes sir”. But this is your first time, so he refrains. If you visit again though, he won’t be so lenient. 
Suguru raises his hand, brandishing the flogger, before bringing it back down against your ass. The feeling jolts you, your body jumping up in response. It didn’t hurt per se, but you could definitely feel it. He must’ve been holding back, and that fact irked you a bit. 
“How was that?” His voice remains steady. 
“It was okay.” If only you could keep your voice as steady as his. 
He hums in response before bringing the whip back down on your other cheek. This time was much harder, sending a shock of pain across your skin. The pain traveled straight to your pussy where you feel yourself clench around nothing, the act somehow more painful than the whip. 
“Better?” He asks, flicking his eyes up to look at your head. 
Your head was turned sideways, your lip caught between your teeth. You wanted to try things like this, always intrigued by the idea of pain during sex. But you had no idea it would feel this good. 
“Better, feels good.” You admit, inhibition slowly falling. 
Suguru strikes you again, this time even harder than the last. Heat spreads across your ass, the action making you moan out. Pure ecstasy. Your arms tremble as you keep yourself against the wall. 
Your eyes dart to the side to catch a glimpse as best as you can of the man. He looks nothing short of a god behind you, tall and unwavering. His raven locks flow down his shoulders, keen eyes focused on your figure. 
Suguru sets the flogger down before pulling a hairband out, dragging his fingers through his hair as he gathers it all into a bun. Can’t have any hair getting in the way of his vision, after all. 
He picks the flogger back up and drags it across your backside, sending goosebumps across your skin. 
“Keep your face forward.” There was that commanding voice again. 
You snap your head forward once more, eyes boring into the wall in front of you. Anticipation settles in your veins, heart racing at the idea of him hitting you again. 
“I'm going to keep going, and I want you to count after every single one.” 
“What happens if I lose count?”
He strikes you once more, a sob racking your body. A temporary moment of bliss settles over your bones before you remember what he told you to do. 
“That’s a good girl.”
Again. Again. Again. 
Each strike was more painful than the last. Every time he made contact with your skin, you jumped forward and groaned out. 
He continues bringing the flogger down on your ass, each time making you cry out. Your voice shaky each time you counted. Tears were blearing your eyes from the pain, from the pleasure. You find it hard to stay standing up, the room spinning around you and your knees almost buckling underneath you. 
Suguru keeps his eyes trained on your ass, noticing the beginnings of marks start to form. It pleased him greatly to see your skin react, the mere sight causing his slacks to tighten. 
“F-f-f-fifty!” You sob. 
Suguru sets the flogger down and spins you around, almost groaning from the sight of your tear stricken face. 
“Did so good princess. What’s your color?” He asks, dragging his hands up your shoulders, rubbing your skin soothingly. 
It was almost hard to believe those hands were the same ones causing you so much pain. 
“Green, green.” You look up desperately at him, needing to know what else he had in store for you. 
He brings a hand up, the back of his forefinger swiping beneath your lash line under both sides. He watches the way your tears coat his skin, and it takes everything in him not to bring his finger up to his mouth to lick off the salty remenents of the calamity he caused. 
“Good.” He says. 
He didn’t even break a sweat, meanwhile your chest was heaving like you ran a marathon. A part of you was desperate to see him at his worst, see what he looked like when he really went all in. 
“Get on your knees.” His voice was soft but demanding. 
You sink to your knees and look up, waiting for more instructions. He smoothed a hand over your head before bringing you closer. 
“You know what to do from here. Unless, that pretty brain of yours is already too far gone.” 
You look down at the hard bulge in front of you. His pants were hardly doing anything, you could see the outline of it all. Your hands reach up and fumble before finally successfully dragging his pants and underwear down, his cock jumping out. 
You feel drool pile up behind your lips, your tongue feeling too heavy in your mouth. You had been with guys before, but you were sure no one compared to him. 
His angry tip stands at attention while you bring your lips down, popping his cock in your mouth. It felt somehow larger in your mouth than it looked, and it didn’t look small. It fills you to the brim, your cunt throbbing as his heavy cock rests against your tongue. Suguru hisses at the feeling of your wet mouth engulfing him. He was sensitive and needy. Hearing your cries got him more riled up than he had led on. 
Your tongue slides around his cock while you take more into your mouth. His cock slides down your throat, oxygen slowly depleting from your lungs. Suguru keeps his hands to his sides, merely observing you. It felt like you were putting on a show for him. 
Spit begins to flow freely from your lips, dripping from the corners of your mouth while you move your head back and forth along his cock. There was a fire underneath you, the raw flesh of your ass clawing at you. 
You couldn’t focus on that though, there was only him. 
“Oh right, you said you wanted to try choking right?” He begins. 
You look up at him, your eyes starting to water again. 
“Take all of it in and hold it.” He demands. “You can manage that, can’t you pretty baby?” 
You squeeze your eyes shut while you slide down further, his pubic bone meeting your nose. You couldn’t breathe at all, your body quickly setting off alarms to get you to back off. But he gave you an order, and you intended on listening to it. 
You couldn’t breathe. You needed to breathe. But, you didn’t want to. The feeling of lightheadedness made your clit throb. Knowing that his cock was in control of whether or not you deserved oxygen. 
Suguru chuckles softly and leans his head back, closing his eyes. He could feel the way your throat clenched around him, feel your lips adjust around him. 
After what felt like an eternity he finally looked back down at you. Something akin to pride laces his features. 
“Release.” With that, you tear your head away, gasping as air fills you once more. 
Long strings of saliva connects you to his cock, lewd in a way that almost made you flustered. 
You slide his cock back into your mouth once you feel able. You’re more faster the second time around, your throat having already been melded into the shape of his cock. His brows furrow while he watches you, groans escaping his mouth. 
You decide you could do this forever. Nothing else mattered when you were pleasing him, you would continue to do so if he let you. 
However, he had other plans. 
“That’s it.” He says, pulling his cock from you. 
You go to wipe the tears and spit from your face but he grabs your wrist before you’re able. 
“Leave it.” 
Suguru helps you to your feet, the action once more astoundingly sweet. It was making your head rush being surrounded by the two versions of him. 
He grabs your arms and brings them up, placing them on his shoulders. He looks into your eyes as he gets on his knee, his hands ghosting over your waist. 
“I’m going to take these off now.” He says, giving you room to stop him. 
But you don’t. 
You watch as he looks down, his face right in front of your pussy. He hooks his hands on the band of your underwear, sliding them off your legs. You lift one leg up at a time, suddenly grateful you have something to hold onto. 
Suguru drops your underwear to the side and runs his hands up your thighs. He places a kiss on your tummy before standing to his full height again, his hands reaching behind you to unclasp your bra. 
There was nothing to feel ashamed about. He had already seen you go through more than anyone else had, so why did you have to fight yourself to remain neutral as he took your body in? 
His features look serene as his gaze drags across your body, no detail going unmissed. 
“Stunning.” He looks back up at you, capturing your attention. 
Your throat feels dry as you scramble for a response. 
“Thank you.” 
“Did you know you’re dripping, princess?” 
Your thighs clench together and you feel the slick coating your inner thighs. You grimace and nod. 
“Is this from getting whipped or from sucking my cock?”
Suguru hums in satisfaction, looking back down between your legs. 
“Want some help with that?” 
Your heart lurches in response but you timidly nod, following him as he leads you to the bed. It’s much softer than it looks, the comforter giving your ass some reprieve as you lay down on the side of the bed. Suguru spreads your legs, watching as the low light catches on the glint of your leaky core. 
He bends down, placing gentle kisses down your chest as he goes. Suguru looks up and notices how your nipples begin to harden as his administrations. So damn sensitive. How adorable. 
He travels down until he’s placing kisses closer to your pussy. The feeling was teasing in nature, but you didn’t want to rush him. Clearly he knew what he was doing. You might as well enjoy the ride. 
Suguru places a kiss on either side of your pussy before pulling away, pupils focusing in on your unmarred thighs. 
Oh, no that won’t do. 
He gets in closer bringing his mouth to your skin. Your body reacts before you can even register what’s happening. Your legs try to clamp shut but his strong hands are holding them open. Looking down you notice that Suguru had bit into your inner thigh, his dark eyes staring right back at yours. 
The sensation was unlike anything you had felt before. His teeth dig into your flesh, your mouth hanging open as you watch him. Suguru sucks lightly, his tongue darting out over the bite mark before pulling away. The sting of it spreads throughout you, but pure pleasure does as well. Who knew pain from so many different things could feel this good? 
Suguru closes his eyes before bringing his mouth to the other side, teeth digging into your other leg. You moan out, fighting to keep your legs open for him. There was dynamite going off underneath your skin, you were positive of that. 
He couldn’t wait any longer. He pulls away from your leg and draws himself in closer towards your throbbing pussy. He holds back a coo when he notices your hole clench. 
He darts his tongue out, flicking it against your clit to test you. And just as he expected, you let out a desperate moan. Your reactions were driving him crazy, each noise causing his mind to reel. 
Suguru dives in completely, his lips encasing your clit. You wanted to cry from the pleasure, his tongue working magic against your sensitive clit. He drags one hand away from your thigh to bring up to your pussy, feeling as though it deserves to be filled. 
A finger works its way inside you, immediately hooking against your gspot. You laugh incredulously before tossing your head back, reveling in the pleasure he was indulging you in. 
It was almost criminal how good he was. 
His tongue dances across your clit while he slides a second finger in, both of them slowly working your gspot. You had never been brought to cumming so fast before, you would be ashamed if only it didn’t feel so good. 
Your moans bounce off the walls of the room, the sound filling Suguru’s ears. You keep your eyes clamped shut in fear of what you might do if you saw the sight in front of you. 
Suguru knows before you do, your pussy tightening around his fingers. He fucks you harder with them, sucking your clit as you cum. It feels like an out of body experience as he fucks you through it, bringing you down until your groans die out and the sound of your heavy breathing fills your ears. 
He pulls his fingers out of you, swiping them against his tongue. Sure, he had many clients before now, but none of them were as sweet as you. It almost felt wrong to call you a client, this experience felt different compared to previous ones. 
You peel your eyes open and watch as Suguru brings himself on the bed, his face hovering over yours. 
“You’re cute when you cum,” he starts. “Cute when you cry too.” 
You force your head to turn, staring away from him. The compliment simmers in your gut while you feel the body heat between you grow. 
“Yeah, okay.” You murmur, self conscious. 
“I’m serious.” He brings a finger under your chin to guide your gaze back to him. 
As much as you want to disagree, you can see the truth his eyes hold. He was so damn kind. Many people would disagree with you. They would say no one who was a good person would enjoy hurting other people. But you knew the truth. Suguru was a kind man. 
“You ready?” He asks. 
Excitement bubbles up and you part your lips, telling him you are. 
He presses his lips down on yours, wanting to share a tender moment before he fucks the life out of you. He locks his fingers into yours on either side of your head, before pulling away. 
“Hands and knees.” His rough persona is back. 
You crawl up on the bed, facing away from him. He takes a moment to appreciate the scene in front of him, your beaten ass on display as your cum drips down your legs. A new world wonder, if he was being honest with himself. 
Suguru slides his shirt off, throwing it off to the side by your dress. Heat flickers beneath his skin as he watches you. He smooths a hand over your back as he grips his cock and rubs it between your sticky folds. The anticipation was killing you, knees practically shaking from the suspense. 
Suguru slides into you, your walls struggling to accommodate him. Your mouth hangs open as he nudges into you. Nothing had ever felt so good, the pressure of his cock filling you to the brim. 
“God damn it, princess.” You think you hear him say. 
He sets a steady pace, wanting to slowly build up before getting back into the roughness of it all. His hips push into you a couple of times before he picks up speed. You moan out each time his cock plunges into you. You would have gotten lost in it if he didn’t snap you out. 
Suguru threads his finger in your hair, getting a firm grip before he pulls it back. He holds it in a tight grasp, pain searing throughout your head. 
Each part of you throbbed. Your ass, your thighs, your head. But somehow you craved more. Craved more pain. Craved more Suguru. 
Suguru bares his teeth as he fucks you, your pussy tightening around him each time he yanks your hair. 
Each thrust causes your mind to blank. He was fucking all sense out of you. 
Suguru releases your hair before gripping your shoulder, yanking you back until your shoulder blades meet his chest. He reaches around in front of you, gripping onto your jaw, leaving you no room to look away as he tilts your head back. 
His hand digs into you, pain settling in your face as he holds you. 
“Tell me how it feels.” He sounds nearly breathless, his eyebrows knitted up in pleasure as he looks at you. 
You furrow your brows as you look up at him, attention being split between his cock fucking into you and his hard grip on your face. 
“H-hurts.” You murmur, your pushed up cheeks making it hard to talk. 
Suguru’s breaths quicken, heart pounding as he thrusts into you. 
“Yeah? Hurts?” Excitement leaks from his voice. 
You nod and let out a sob when his cock presses against your gspot, his grip tightening. 
“What do you think about the pain?”
“L-love it. Love the pain. Love when you hurt me.” 
Suguru audibly swallows, throwing his head back as he lets out a low groan. 
“Think you can handle more, princess?” 
You agree, your mind swimming. He looks down at you again and releases your head, but keeps you pressed against him. 
His hand makes contact with your cheek, a sting instantly spreading across your face. He slapped you. And you liked it. 
Suguru does it once more, the force heavier this time. You moan out when he makes contact, all the while his cock punishing your insides. Endorphins swim in your head, muddling all remaining sense. You brace for impact once more, only to be met with nothing. 
He doesn’t slap you again. 
“Color?” You’re amazed he can even remember asking that while he’s doing this. 
“Green, oh, green.” 
Suguru smacks you again, his cock fucking you harder. You weren’t even aware you could moan this loud, but leave it to Suguru to give you a bunch of firsts. 
Your eyes roll back as he slaps you again. He feels a deep satisfaction spread through him as he watches the pleasure dart across your face. That’s what all this was about, after all. 
Suguru pushes you back down and you barely catch yourself, your hands holding you up. He puts one hand on your waist, placing the other one in your hair again. The loud noises from your connected sexes get louder, your pussy dripping even more as his cock drags inside you.
He pulls your head up, forcing you to stare in the mirror across the bed. 
“Look at yourself.” He wills himself to say. 
To say you looked debauched would be an understatement. Your face was a mess, tears streaming down your puffy cheeks. You couldn’t see your ass or the inside of your thighs in the mirror, but you didn’t have to see them to feel they were there. They hadn’t been hurt in awhile now, but the wounds still ached something fierce. You briefly wondered how long they would hurt. Hopefully for a long time. 
“You look filthy. Utterly ruined.” His cock punches into you. 
“Ohhh, fuck, FUCK!” You all but yell as his cock bruises you from the inside out. 
Suguru moans behind you, going back and forth between looking at your face in the mirror and how his cock looks when he pulls it out. 
He pulls his hand away from your hip and reaches down, instantly finding your swollen clit. Your body lurches forward once he makes contact, drawing tight circles around you. 
“Yes! Yes!” Your voice is raw as it leaves your throat. 
Suguru’s hips stutter as he feels you get closer to the edge. He keeps a tight grip on your hair, loving the way you wince each time he holds tighter. 
“Fuck, you’re soaking. Pussy’s so good. Such a pain slut. You my little pain slut?” 
You nod even though it causes more pain to spread across your head. Maybe that’s why you do it. 
“Yes, I’m your, your pain slut.” 
Suguru groans out a curse, his fingers continuing their ministrations. 
“Gonna cum from getting knocked around?” 
Your stomach tightens, moans increasing. 
“Yes! Oh, fuck, fuck yes.” Your eyes clamp shut as you feel it start. 
You cum around Suguru’s cock, your pussy squeezing his cock as you shake beneath him. The earth shattering feeling catches you off guard, electricity shooting through your body. 
You register a groan from behind you before he pumps into you one more time before his cock shoots cum out, filling your spasming walls. 
It takes you a minute to recover, each gasp of breath bringing you back down to earth. 
Suguru slides out of you carefully, eyes drawn to the way the milky white cum seeps from your abused hole. He pushes back his bangs that came loose before going to the bedside table, rummaging around until he finds a towel. 
His touch is careful as he cleans you up, fingers ghosting over your sensitive skin as he wipes away all remnants of his cum. 
Suguru sets the soiled cloth aside before aiding you in sitting up. You whimper as your ass makes contact with the back of your calves. Your skin was on fire. He places each hand on either side of your face, the action instantly calming. 
“How are you doing?” His soothing voice comes out. 
Your eyes feel heavy as they look back up at him, his features washed over with concern. 
You reach out and ball your fist against his toned chest. 
“I’m okay.” Your voice sounds far away. 
Suguru pulls one hand away and grabs a water bottle that sat next to the bed. He brings his other hand to it and cracks it open, passing it to you. 
You grab it, tilting your head back as the cool water rushes down your throat. You take a couple of gulps before passing it back. 
Instead of the sharp pain from each of your wounds, you’re body settles into a dull ache. The wounds were definitely there, and they were pleasing. 
Suguru gets into the bed next to you and opens his arms. 
“Come here.” Another command, one that was much softer. 
You’re confused by the gesture but you scoot closer to him nonetheless, laying down until your head is directly over his heart. He was still shirtless, only his pants remaining but they were pulled back up and closed. 
“This is an important part of each session. I’m not going to hurt you and send you packing.” He explains, his thumb stroking your arm. 
His warmth seeps into your bones and you find yourself curling up closer to him. 
“That’s sweet of you.” 
“It’s the bare minimum.” He gently says, moving his head until he can see your face. 
Your eyes were closed but you were still very much awake, if not hanging on by the tiny grasp of consciousness you still had. 
“How did you feel about it?” 
You try to articulate your thoughts, many feelings surging through your body. 
“I really liked it.”
“None of it was too much?” 
“No, it all felt really good.” 
Suguru moves his head back as he gets comfortable. He had rented the room out for 24 hours, not knowing how long the session would last or how long you would want to relax after. He had no timeline, willing to stay here for as long as you needed. 
The contact with his skin was helping bring your heart rate down, the adrenaline exiting your body. Your body was sore, and probably would be for the next couple of days. 
“Thank you for helping me with this, I mean, giving me my first experience.” 
Suguru smiles above you. 
“No problem. I enjoyed it too.” 
You feel giddy at his admission. Now that you had done this once, you weren’t sure you could get enough of it. You were already thinking about what your next scene might look like. 
“Could we do it again?” 
“Hm, I don’t know, I feel like you should rest a couple of hours first at the very least.” He ponders, obviously teasing you. 
You click your tongue. 
“You know what I mean.” You say with a shy smile. 
Suguru chuckles above you. 
“I’m kidding. We can do it again. You know where to find me.”
You smile against him, your eyes shutting. Sleep overtakes you, the feeling of success spreading throughout your body. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss
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xxfaggatronxx · 1 month
Inspired by @yakowo ‘s drawing
Daddy Dom Price x Baby Gay Gaz
Part 2: Gaz
Gaz never thought he was gay. Or bisexual. Or whatever it was called. Sure, he had taken a few peeks in the communal showers on base, but who hadn’t? And as a kid his mom had let him try her makeup, but she was always sweet and kind. The one thing that changed everything was his Captain, John Price.
Maybe it was the way he was so kind and fatherly, a presence Gaz had missed in his life when his father passed at the age of eight. Or it could have been the time Price had given him praise, was patient when he had adjusted to the task force. But, it was probably the time he saved his life.
A mission going sideways, Price flinging himself on top of Gaz to keep him covered from enemy fire, the feeling of the warm weight pressing on his body, the thick thighs straddling his hips, so similar to…. Other experiences his hands had flown up with muscle memory, resting on his Captain’s hips while Prince yelled for backup.
Needless to say, Gaz left that mission with every excuse to keep his lap covered.
But going to a gay bar? That felt like a monumental step. One he felt like should be taken with a couple shots and… maybe a few more for good measure. ‘Liquid Courage’, as Soap called it anyways.
Stepping into the bar…. It felt like any other bar. Gaz hadn’t known what he was expecting; maybe a strip club with skinny, pale men shaking their asses on poles with lots of makeup? Because that certainly wasn’t it. The lights were dim, colors flashing with the smell of sweat, booze, and too many body sprays. Just like the barracks.
He was greeted with the sight of most people… simply relaxing. Some were dancing, sure, but some were curled up on each other’s laps, odd dog-like masks obscured some people’s faces, and there was even a small group of people in dresses, and he had to do a double take when he saw a man with a beard and belly in a skintight dress.
He saw a man with his back towards him, and an odd green cloth in his left pocket. Lots of people had little bandanas in their pockets, actually. He approached the man, and saw people touching him, so it was probably okay, he figured. Gaz hesitantly laid his palm on the man’s lower back, tracing down until he reached their ass, giving it a firm squeeze before stuffing a ten into the back pocket. “…Care for a dance?”
The guy even leaned back into the touch, humming deeply until Gaz felt the leather of his jacket tickle his nose slightly, the rough feel of a beard rubbing against his jaw as the man backed up, pressing his round ass against Gaz’s crotch. Good god, this was *fun*, why hadn’t he done this before?
His hands rested on the strangers hips, pulling him back to grind on him slowly, resting his chin over the man’s shoulder with a soft, shaky sigh. He ran his hands over the man’s front, thumbs dipping between their belt and hips as he heard a familiar chuckle, and a husky, low voice whisper in his ear. “You’re new to the scene, aren’t you?”
Gaz froze, swallowing thickly. “….Captain?” By the way his ‘dance’ partner froze, he realized that he had been recognized too. Price stepped off to the side, eyes wide as he stared at Gaz, as if shocked to be seen like that: leather jacket, leather cap, tight gray jeans and with money stuffed into his pants like… like a stripper.
His boss… his captain was frozen in front of him, and took another step back. Gaz took a step towards Price, reaching out to place a hand on his waist, pulling him closer until their hips were pressed flush. “Wait…. I… can I have my dance still… sir?” Something moved in the corner of his eye, and he felt rough leather under his chin, lifting slightly as he gasped.
That damn crop. Price leaned in, his beard scratching Gaz’s neck, making the younger shudder and his eyes flutter closed. “Please… Sir,” Price returned a smile, pressing a kiss to his neck, and Gaz’s hands slipped to his boss’s waist, holding him with shaky hands. Price chuckled, smelling like leather, tabbaco, and rum. “…You asked so nicely, Kyle… I think you deserve a reward…”
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badchoicesworld · 9 months
Hi i was wondering if you could do a male s/o that gets super insecure and uncomfortable when people look at his top surgery scars and he hates it when people miss gender him and Miles Morales Miles 42 Hobie Pavitr Prabhakar and Spider-Noir are there to defend or shut the people that miss gender him or glare at them to the point where the other person gets uncomfortable and stop looking at the male reader I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense i just type really fast and don't re-read it at some points
Anyways I absolutely love your writing work I really enjoy it and everything, have a lovely day or night ❤️💕
hobie, 1610!miles, 42!miles, pavitr and noir defending their transmasc partners
ok this took me a while i admit but i hope you enjoy !
established, separate relationships
warnings: i’m sleepy
pairing: hobie brown x transmasc!reader, earth-1610 miles morales x transmasc!reader, earth-42 miles morales x trans!mascreader, pavitr prabhakar x transmasc!reader, spider-noir x transmasc!reader
requests: check out the blog-guide for info !
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he’s rapidly approaching
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punk personified
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you two were getting ready for a sick concert you’ve been looking forward to for a small while now, moral is high and all’s good
ofc it’s punk, and hobie will be damned if you don’t dress the part with him
he started diying you guys outfits for this specific concert a few weeks beforehand, and he’s super proud of them ! very happy to show you and he hopes you like them
you like them . because i said so
however, it did include a shirt that looks like it had been torn up in every way possible
depending on what ur comfortable with, it can either be a crop top that rides up just a little too much when you jump about and stretch OR it’s one of those tank tops where the sides of your torso simply aren’t covered, very low cut sides
so yeah, your top surgery scars are in the breeze
intentional ? who knows, this is hobie we’re talking about
maybe hobie’s tryna get you to step out of your comfort zone and feel more comfortable in ur skin in an environment where he knows you won’t be judged
perhaps he simply did not take this into consideration because he doesn’t even think twice about ur scars
regardless, they’re out, you both look sick, im forever furious that we were deprived of tank top hobie in low riders PLEASE (he exists in my dreams)
the concert isn’t the problem- don’t call urself punk if ur a bigot we all know this
it’s the walk there that really sucked
you and hobie got some intense stares from people as you walked hand in hand to this thing
naturally, hobie ate that shit up, kept his head high the whole time and doesn’t bat an eye at this people
you’re not as confident, unfortunately . catching people looking at your scars makes you feel all sorts of insecure, which is valid man
hobie also gets this, and god knows he looks for every excuse to antagonise those closed minded people so he’s very content to start a fight
cant care less when it comes to people judging him, he knows who he is and he’s proud asf, not gonna waste his breath on that
but when hobie sees his boyfriend curling in on himself because of strangers in the street that aren’t shit, that’s when he can be bothered to pay some mind to them
it’s subtle, for your sake . doesn’t wanna draw any more attention and risk getting caught up in this when you’ve both been looking forward to this concert for so long
so instead of outright starting a fight, he uses that scary privilege he knows he has and just stared them down in such a disrespectful way
the way that you’re both dressed too, i’m sure that it works
doesn’t relent either, will stare until the other people stop staring
ideally ? he wants to make them walk away and stop bothering you, but he’s alright with exchanging a scowl for the person to look away instead, preferably in shame
when they’re taken care of, that’s that . he wants you two to forget about that and have fun at this gig, sound good ? he wants to see you genuinely enjoying yourself in your own skin, surrounded by the people that make him feel more like himself too
besides, scars are nothing to be ashamed of or to hide
the walk home is a lot more peaceful
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i’m sorry u were ever hurt
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you two are off to the water park (using the american word, sorry fellow brits :() together, enjoy ur youth
imagine how cool you two are rolling up in ur swimming trunks
i wholeheartedly believe that miles is an absolute sap and would wanna match- i die on the hill that he’s a born to “hi ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ” forced to “wsg”
anyway, go have fun at the baths
that’s what miles expects anyway, fun with no strings attached, as most would
but that’s not how the world works, unfortunately
some people live to be hateful and have sad, empty, boring, gloomy, pathetic, waste of space lives, and you have to go through the misfortune of enduring some really vicious stares . all because you’re a guy with a few scars on his chest
people talk, you might overhear some stuff about ur character that makes you really insecure and upset
takes miles a little minute to clock the way you’re trying to fold your arms to hide your scars, but he catches on pretty quickly that it’s because of the people around you
is immediately by your side and looking concerned as hell
initially assumed that you might be in some pain, maybe the chlorine is fucking w ur scar tissue
sympathetic and checking in on you in the gentlest way when he notices that sadness
“w-hey, what’s happenin? you good?” standing really close and tilting his head to make eye contact with you if you’re looking down or away, hands are grazing your elbows to hold you
miles cares, a lot
speak ur mind man, tell him what’s going on
looks over your shoulder and at the people making you feel uncomfortable with that determined look
ushers you away, doesn’t want you around those kind people . bad vibes, he doesn’t fuck w it
probably goes snitch to staff lmao
and that’s how much he cares, he’d get stitches for u (ノд`)
but miles isn’t about to let the day be ruined by transphobes- god forbid
so he’s gonna try hard to make you forget about that interaction, it’s like a switch when he suddenly becomes all energetic again and is basically dragging you back towards the water
wants to hear you start laughing real fast
if miles venom striked the pool would everyone fucking die ?
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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PE class gotta suck with all those bitchy teens being closed minded for no good reason and thinking it’s funny to openly judge and mock the things they don’t understand
miles is very mature and knows that bullying just isn’t cool, downright stupid and bullies should honestly be embarrassed to show their face
but because the changing rooms are so small, he can’t even attempt to ignore the comments he’s hearing, all directed at his boyfriend who’s just trying to change for class
you’re minding your own business, why can’t they mind theirs ?
is another person that doesn’t wanna give you a worse time by antagonising those freaks and picking a fight, will instead just stare over his shoulder
works, miles 42 has a mean side eye, straight up vicious
he knows that won’t resolve the issue, people are so resilient w their hate and
gets insanely irritated if someone suggests you changing somewhere else . honestly would just prefer for there to be some tension in the locker room instead of isolating you away while you changed, couldn’t stand that idea because it’s flat out not fair . on top of a number of other things
can ignore the tension, doesn’t know about you
talks to you about not backing down, you have every right ro be in there and you shouldn’t feel in any way negatively about it
don’t give those closed minded people the satisfaction of making you feel bad about yourself and accommodating to them
makes an excellent point one day
“why are you watchin’ my boyfriend change..?” says it so slowly and it got real awkward after that
won’t tell a teacher unless you want to, then he’ll be moral support and be waiting for you outside the office
anyway, man’s got a killer deadeye to keep people in line and tries to not antagonise people too much
just get changed, that’s what you’re there to do people
stop being weird abt it
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
please don’t die
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i’m a huge fan of those people that see a trans flag and immediately try to pull a “you’ll never be a real woman >:C” to a trans man
like yeah, thanks man, really appreciate it
it’s happened to you once or twice in the street, you or pav have some kind of pin or smthn and you’re literally just approached by strangers who have nothing better to do with their day
the most meaningful thing abt it is talking to you two honestly, ur just that cool
i can see him reading people just to point out their insecurities because violence isn’t the answer
it’s a last resort, but imagine you two simply minding your own business and this blank slate of a person decides to make a comment on your masculinity
“it’s okay sweetie, they’re just trying to overcompensate for their lack of a personality ! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)” huh 👁️👁️
pays literally no mind to them, pretends nothing happens and keeps walking with you
it’s like an invisible force field, bounces right off of him and somehow hurts the other person more
walking embodiment of that “i am rubber you are glue, what bounces off of me stick to you” and he probably recites that, too
but yeah, so insanely unbothered that i would maybe check up on him from time to time ? how is he always so chipper ? is bro good ?
but it’s infectious, so you can’t let it get to you either, it’s hard to feel sad around pav
he will somehow coincidentally always find something to immediately take ur mind off if it
after a shitty interaction with someone talking about pronouns and how theirs are an inanimate object, he miraculously spots a food stand you guys haven’t tried yet
does that Σ(゚ロ゚) face of his while gasping and drags you over, no questions asked
interrupts the person with the longest gasp, one would assume he hadn’t had a breath of fresh air ever
“look look! we have to try it!” pointing like that fuckin Soyjaks meme and ur gone, bigot is left in the dust
i’ve heard food is great therapy, and he believes so too
so scran down on some good street food while pavitr looks like a beam of sunshine despite just ruining a persons self esteem for the rest of their lie
it’s deserved though, so you can both sleep well
yknow what else slaps ? some chai, go home and have some w his aunty who thinks you’ve a very handsome young man
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
why the fuck is he so broad hang on
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she/her a he/him and get shot, idk mans got a whole firearm for a reason
it’s takes him a little while to understand trans slander, but eventually it becomes like a fine art to him because i think he has a tendency to hyperfixate on things until he understands them in violent detail (autistic. he’s violently autistic coded. cant read a room, hyperfixated on his favourite colour, struggles to express himself through his tone.. yknow)
so if one day someone happens to catch sight of your scars and starts to talk shit in whatever 30’s slang from his dimension and modern slang from your own, he is so ready to give this speech on discrimination
theres a power point slide too but he doesn’t know how that works
gives up not even half way because he got frustrated and started cursing them out instead
“look, you seem like lovely people- no, no you don’t”
he has anger issues
there’s a lot of “and my boyfriend!” followed by a compliment, he managed to throw a few in there for good measure
says something about the colour purple at one point, i don’t know how that happened
please steer him away before someone gets shot over colour theory (surprised it hasn’t happened yet, ammarite fellow artists ? 😀 )
apologises for getting carried away, has to stop himself from talking about colours again he’s just such a peter and so unserious
“i’m sorry i- that must have been hard for you” clearly it was harder for u dear god
is likely the most insistent on doing anything and everything to make you feel better, is open to suggestions and is basically begging for them
while everyone else is low-key for ur own sake, this man’s about to buy you the world with his 4 dollars which is pretty impressive in his dimension
insists on doing your favourite things, is suggesting this and that, left right and centre
is convinced it’s the end of the world, this is reinforced since you seemed so upset and uncomfortable being misgendered by some people on the street
if you’re plenty happy to settle doing something, he’s thrilled and is giving it his 110% just for you
go watch a movie, careful not to point out the colours of noir will then realise that movies are no longer in black and white and starts asking you if everything is purple
“what a lovely purple :]” pan to like a whole pyramid
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
anyway, can you tell that hobie is easiest for me to write for and that i was running out of ideas ?
let me know how you feel about it !
if this flops i’m gonna have to go on a long stroll
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demondamage · 19 days
Did Haziel ever get top or bottom surgery as a human? Was he on T?
Nope! He didnt even know he was trans tbh.
Haziels relationship with Gender is-- complex. He's from a very rural southern town snd grew up very isolated and indoctrinated from the local church. He was always boyish, much to his mothers displeasure, but he had no idea someone could be trans. He'll he only found out people could be gay when his dad came out and ran away from the town to move west.
However, when Haziel ended up leaving his town when he was 16 (ran away after a nasty fight with his mom) he kinda took on a male persona and the name of a male angel for safety and because as far as he knew, women could not do curch work or exorcisms. It started as a disguise but he passed very well without much effort and he was strangely comfortable as a man. It was like this pain had been removed from his life he hasn't known was there.
It was the 80s/90s so- transness was not as well known at the time but Haziel did find out a little about it in his travels before death but it just- didn't make sense. Men were men women were women and he was just pretending.
Well when angels become angels they are granted an entirely new body. And this new body Haziel got was perfectly cis male. No signs of transness because thats how haziel sees gender (or did at this point). Men were men. Women were women. And God had decided he was a man now and he was happier because of it.
Anyways now I'm getting into some wierd theory about transness and Haziel (and some transphobia stuff) so read on if ya want ignore if yoy just wanted an answer)
Anyways this gives him a lot of internalized transphobia, especially towards Aziphem. Idk if I want to write him being openly transphobic but-- I dunno. I also really want to see his character arc as he comes around to realizing that this hatred stems from his own self hatred (that he can only ignore because he is cis passing). Him and Azzi definitely both represent my experiences with transness (not the Christianity part- my religious beef lies with a different belief sect).
I know the idea of a transphobic whumper is a little taboo in this community (we've all seen the "I'll excuse torture but I draw the line at misgendering" meme) but in a sense- I think it's important to have because I feel like it's a path a lot of us have and are a little scared to admit.
Being trans, specifically non passing when passing is your goal, can be really painful and cause you to lash out. I used to hate guys who could look fem or didn't want top/bottom surgery because I still got she/her -ed every day. Now I don't bind and wear crop tops. There's also the whole issue of drawing a line in the sand as to where the "good" part of your community is and cutting off the "bad" part to appeal to those who deny you rights (angels and demon's.. wow that's not a subtle metaphor).
Haziel is at that stage in his trans journey, holding himself and others to a standard of cisness that he himself can only uphold bevause of his angelic privileges. At least in the main section of the story.
But he comes around, he has that character arc and- idk I was thinking about it recently. I was writing something and it just- made sense for haziel to use the F slur. It makes sense for him to be homophobic and transphobic, especially as a queer person himself. I may keep that writing and stuff to my NSFW accounts, simply bevause it's a mature topic and I'd rather adults read it. But in his true form- yeah he is kinda transphobic. And I don't want to erase that because it means more to me to show transphobia in a character and have them learn than to have a character be transphobic and just die or erase it entirely.
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wwtneosay-archived · 2 years
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<lengthy Mahae drabble where mark gets to the bottom of why you act a certain way around his members>
contents: dom bf mark, sly haechan who fails to understand boundaries, demeaning/degradation (from mark), name calling (slut), exhibitionism
wc: 2.4k
God, today’s schedule was so tiring. 
Well not for you. You had the role of sitting pretty, on standby for whenever the boys would wrap up. All the group shots were done, now it was time for the individual close-ups.
You took the liberty of mingling with the staff and members while waiting for Mark to be done, making conversation with whoever crossed your path. Everyone was always so easy going, so it was only natural.
Mark tried to keep his focus on the camera but his eyes strayed from the lenses every now and then, noticing the way Haechan’s eyes would linger a little too long on your body after you stepped away from him. The way his tongue lapped over his pouty lips as you bent down to pick up something that had fallen onto the floor, focused gaze too busy roaming your exposed thighs to notice that Mark had caught onto him.
Mark kept his temper in check, he was a professional after all. But fuck, Haechan was making it out to be a difficult task. 
This isn’t the first time he’d seen Haechan practically undress you with his eyes. He thought the looks would stop after you agreed to be his girlfriend, out of respect or something. Maybe Haechan got a kick out of crossing boundaries, who knows.
The prop glasses he’d been styled with snap in his grasp when Haechan is cunning enough to settle his hands on your hips in an attempt to get by. Letting his fingers sit on the skin that had been exposed due to the cute button up crop top you decided to sport, drawing loose circles into your hips as he whispers lowly into your ear, “Excuse me.” You could practically hear his signature smirk through his lilt.
The blush that creeps up on your cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed by Mark. 
Drops of blood land on the floor beneath him, sending the PD into a panic, “Uhh, First aid kit, now!”
The loud voice booming through the closed off room causes you to jump, pulling away from Haechan’s grasp to rush to Mark’s side.
Small shards of glass are littered around his feet, he notices the panic in your eyes,  “Hey no— I’m ok, really.. They’re just more flimsy than I thought they’d be, haha.”
He affirms you with a gentle voice, “It’s fine babe, they’ll fix me up. Go ahead and take a seat, I should be done in a bit.” He nods to the chair with his name inscripted on the backrest, sending you off with a reassuring smile.
Once the onsite medics finish tending to his wound the PD chimes in again, “Alright everyone, I’m pretty sure we got everything we needed. Thank you for your hard work today!” On cue, staff disperse throughout the set to begin breaking it down.
Mark jogs over to you after changing back into his regular clothes, slinging an arm over your shoulders when he finally reaches your side, “All set?”
“Yeah lets g—”
The voice of his manager cuts you off. 
“We have the cars rented out for the rest of the day, is there any place you two wanted to go? I’ll drive, of course.”
Bless him, this man was always so kind to you; sneaking you into the dorms, purposefully misleading sasaengs to let you two have a day to yourselves, he was the best in your book.
Mark looks over to you enthusiastically, “Down for a cruise?”
You beam, matching his demeanor, “Of course!”
A distinguishable honey-like voice cuts in from behind, 
“Got room for one more?”
You pull away from Mark’s grasp as you turn around to acknowledge it. 
He silently wonders if you can feel the way Haechan oggles you, uncertain whether you were kind enough to let it happen or if you enjoyed the attention. 
Memories resurface of the times things would get too heated. 
Times where you’d egg him on behind the scenes, where there’d be no other option but to drag you into an empty fitting room and fuck that suddenly daring attitude right out of you, whispering those pretty degrading words you loved so much as you let moans cascade freely out of your mouth. He’d try his best to keep you quiet, but his lips on yours could only muffle so much of your noises. 
Thinking about it more carefully, maybe you did like it. 
You’d beg to be fucked at the dorms constantly. He’d be hesitant at first, not wanting to disturb his members. Eventually, he’d give in under the promise that you’d keep your dramatics to a minimum. More often than not his hand is what silenced the unrestrained sounds you’d let out.
Irritation blooms in his chest at the boy’s request, but anyone that took a glance at him wouldn’t be able to tell. He’s cool, level headed. There’s a teeny glint in his eye that goes unnoticed by everyone, “Yeah sure, let's go.”
The four of you walk to the custom wrapped Porsche. The manager takes the driver seat, Haechan follows his side. When Mark opens the back door he ushers you in before sliding himself onto the leather interiors.
Your skirt rides up a bit, trying your best to smooth it down before Haechan settles in the car. You lean into Mark when you feel Haechan’s clothed thigh pressed up against your exposed skin. 
Their manager buckled up before looking over his shoulder, “So no one’s gonna sit in the front with me?”
As you’re about to speak, the two boys pipe up in unison at your sides, “Nope.”
He makes eye contact with the three of you through the rearview mirror, side eyeing for a couple of seconds before shrugging his shoulders, turning the key to the ignition. 
The shoot had been in a remote location, the entire drive there was a scenic route. When the manager asks ‘where to’ you all let him decide, he was familiar with the area, so it was only right. A drive through the mountains seemed like a good choice, that way you’d get a view of the sea too.
Mark opens up his window to get some fresh air in. You press into him more, mostly because of the new cool air filtering through, but partly because Haechan’s man spreading was becoming a bit too much for your nerves to handle.
Mark rests a palm on one of your unclothed legs, not bothering to tear his eyes from the view. Long slender fingers open and close on your kneecap for a few minutes before he slowly begins to run them up and down your thigh. 
At first it was nothing but he’s getting lower and lower with each drag.
Like always, Haechan let his eyes wander, letting them feast on the higher slivers of skin your skirt revealed with every other gust of wind, picking up on the way your thighs flex under Mark’s touch. He shifts in his seat when you press your thighs together, smothering Mark’s hand with the warm meaty flesh. 
Mark finally diverts his attention from the pretty scenery surrounding you all. 
“What’s the matter? Don’t you like having an audience?” 
He pinches at your soft skin when all you do is look at him in wide eyed disbelief. You stifle a yelp to avoid the kind manager’s suspicion. Leaning into Mark’s ear to whisper your concern, “Mark I—”
He looks at you with an all-knowing glare, grabbing your chin to force you to look at the bugle forming in Haechan’s pants, “He likes it too, just look.”
He lets your eyes soak up the growing tent before redirecting your attention back to his face, “But you knew that already, didn’t you?”
His eyes don’t waver, stern expression causing you to gulp in his grasp. His fingers dig into your chin with a bit more pressure. 
The surge of adrenaline cements your tongue in place, you want to respond but there’s millions of thoughts flying around in your head; 
Did he finally see the way Haechan looked at you? Did he pick up on the way your outfits had become more revealing each time he asked if you wanted to hang out with the members? Am I really gonna do this in front of their Manager?
He catches your eyes flitting between his own and something else. Low chuckles spill into the air as he notices where your attention was partially focused on: meeting his manager’s eyes through the rear view mirror. 
He attaches his lips to the shell of your ear, warm breath causing you to squirm slightly, “You don’t have to worry about him.”
“If anything, he’d probably love to watch me slut you out.”
A dark smile washes over his features as he pulls back to get a better view of the blood rushing to your face.
Even Haechan puffs out a breath of air at Mark’s words, slightly taken aback by his grimy remarks. 
You can feel his breath becoming heavier, puffs of air blow onto your neck with each strong syllable he presses out, “You know that look you had on your face when Haechan grabbed you earlier? It’s the same look you give me right before you beg me to fuck you stupid.”
He knew you like the back of his hand, no lie that departed your mouth would’ve convinced him otherwise, you wanted this.
He continues his monologue when you don’t defend yourself, hissing out his sentence in a demeaning, matter of fact tone, “And you’d love to have them see you like that, wouldn’t you?”
You nibble on your lower lip to stop your whimpers from resonating in the small vehicle. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “Hellooo? I’m talking to you.”
You flutter your eyes shut, silently swinging your head from side to side. 
“No? Oh.”
He lets the sounds of the atmosphere take over.
Mellow music spilling from the entirely too expensive car speakers mixed with the sound of waves colliding into distant rocks fills you to the brim with a sense of relief until he continues once more, 
“So you wouldn't mind if I checked then?”
Your legs part on instinct when you feel his hands traveling to your core, Haechan tenses up at the sudden nudge your knees give him. 
Mark’s intention was to firmly press a finger over your clothed pussy, wanting to get a feel for the dampness he knew would be present. After making contact with your most intimate part he draws back in shock, eyes going wide at the fact that you weren’t wearing any underwear. 
His stunned state doesn’t last long, quickly closing in on your neck as he presses fingers up against your hole, lazily tracing your entrance with an underwhelming lack of pressure. 
He lets out a genuine chuckle as he feels how your arousal had leaked out of you, smearing onto the pricey leather that sat beneath you, “Oh my god. You’re so filthy. You just can't help it, can you?”
The three males can't ignore the mewl you let out.
Mark abandons your entrance to glide his fingers through your wet folds, “What got you this wet? Was it Haechan’s hands on you or mine?”
You lean your head up against the headrest, furrowed brows tilting up to face the roof of the car when his digits finally make contact with your clit, “Did you picture him bending you over and fucking you for all the staff on set to see? Is that what you do while I’m busy between takes?”
The words are making you feel dizzy, intoxicated with the entire situation, drunk off all the attention of everyone in the car. You start rolling your hips into his touch.
“How about we show them who you really are? How you act behind closed doors? I’m sure they’re curious.”
He draws in so his words are out of everyone’s earshot except yours, “If you’re good I might just let them have their way with you.”
You’re past the point of caring, letting out a far from pure sound at his statement.
He nudges his nose to your temple, voice huskier than seconds prior, “Fucking slut.”
You shudder, skin reactively pebbling at the name calling. A wicked smile dawns onto your face as you hook your left leg over Haechan’s. 
Blown out pupils bore into your own before sluggishly following the hand you reached out to place on his wrist, tugging it to settle his palm on the soft flesh of your inner thigh.
He gulps when he realizes how close he was to Mark’s fingers, as if it was only now sinking in that the boy had his hands nestled between your legs.
Mark chuckles when Haechan’s fingers only twitch against your skin, “Cat got your tongue?”
Haechan’s reserved disposition dissolves then and there, that prideful smirk comes out of hiding, “Wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend, that’s all.”
“Show me.”
Your sudden interjection takes everyone by surprise. 
The manager has been losing his shit for the past 5 minutes, Haechan’s got a wild look in his eyes, and Mark lets out a scoff, he’s amused to say the least. 
Mark draws back, his slight height advantage causes him to look down on your as his finger still swipes through your folds, “Do you think he can fuck you better than I can?”
You already know he can’t. Mark knows it, and you're no fool. 
Sometimes all it took was one single look to have you melting in the palm of his hand, but that’s not gonna stop you from running your mouth. There’s a diabolical smirk on your face, “Can't know until we try, right?”
Pushing Mark to the edge had to be one of your favorite pastimes. It was the way his eyes would light up after your empty taunts, irises emitting a sudden warmth wherever they’d drag along your skin. 
His attention was enslaving but frankly, someone could toss you the key to the shackles he’s got you in and you’d happily turn the other way.
Mark brings the back of his forefinger to your cheek, grazing it tenderly with a loving look in his eyes. He leans into you like he’s about to plant a kiss on your lips, head even turning slightly to perfectly slot himself with you. 
But it never comes. He stops micrometers before your lips are able to touch. The eyes he had fixated on you turn in Haechan’s direction, “What are you waiting for, show us then.”
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Salt & Sweet
Summary: Salty Matt pt. 2 - Matt’s POV (HEAVILY unedited)
Pt. 1
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @letsgivethisonemoreshot , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat , @tahiri-veyla
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“You gotta be freaking kidding me” The words fell in a mumble of groans out of my lips when the slow, sensual beat started to leave the speaker. The small prayer-like monologue echoed in my mind as I looked up at the starry sky. “For the love of anything that’s sacred, you can’t be serious! Don’t you have anything better to do than to torture me like this, Big Man?! What the fuck did I do?! Is this because I have sinned? Because I fell into the Devil’s pussy trap? Because I jerked off too much when I was in high school? Because I didn’t go to church for the past couple of weeks? Why the fuck is this happening to me?!”
Rage consumed my entire being, the will to both punch my brother and myself in the face was livid! It wasn’t bigger than my will to fuck that little slut - that called herself my brother’s wife - in front of everyone in this backyard.
The will to mark her as mine and rub in my brother’s face how better I am at pleasuring a woman got my jaw clenching with anger and need. Now that I know what her skin feels like against my hands, I need more. So much more…
Cuando te veo
Te veo pasar, ah
Yo pienso en lo' momento'
Que nos supimos amar
Tirame una llamada
No haga' como que no pasa nada, ah
Si sabés muy bien, que
Entre los do' la pasamos al cien…
The melodic and delicate female voice effortlessly sang the words that had turned into my nightmare for the last few months. The translation was already burned into my mind, and I could easily follow the phrases that reminded me of this sour relationship. My sister-in-law had whispered the same words to me while we danced in my hotel room precisely 142 days ago - not that I’m counting by the way.
That night Nick and I came back earlier from the arena and found her inside our hotel room, lying on Nick’s bed. She was wearing a Young Bucks’ t-shirt that she successfully turned into a crop top, adorned with small, random holes in every strategic place of her body and a pair of flare light jeans that made her look like a 90’s hot hip-hop singer.
“A quick surprise” was how she entitled her sudden visit. My brother of course was on cloud nine - as any sane man would - and the first thing I did was excuse myself before I got in the shower for the second time that night, except this one wasn’t for hygiene purposes, if you catch my drift…When I left the foggy bathroom, she was sitting on Nick’s lap and his hand roamed from her ass to thigh, drawing random patterns as they kissed. The last thing I needed was another hard on, so I not so subtly cleared my throat, making her pull back first as Nick was already searching for her lips again.
“I called the reception but apparently they don’t have any more rooms available” Was her twisted form of apology for the soft porn show they were putting on. Nick’s teeth nibbled her soft jaw with a smirk “You don’t have to apologize, angel. Matt’s a big boy, I’m sure he doesn’t care. Right, big bro?”. His eyes encountered mine and I could see the sparkle of malice behind them, the same one he had whenever he planned to do something that our parents strictly told us not to. Everything in me screamed to superkick him as hard as I could until he was spitting more than just one front tooth.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about me” Was the only thing I could mumble back before I plopped down on my bed.
Even though I turned my back to them, I could still feel my brother’s gaze on me. I didn’t know what he was up to until they started whispering. She giggled “Are you sure?” and my brother simply chuckled back “Yeah, it’s fine, go for it” before he loudly smacked her ass. A few seconds later, I felt her warm hand on my bare shoulder “Matt, come dance with me”.
Looking behind me, I spotted her face painfully close to mine. “I don’t dance” Was my quick answer back. Before I could turn away from her, her hands caressed my hair “Oh, c’mon! Please? I really want to dance with you, I love this song”.
“Tell Nick you want to dance-” I began but before I could continue, she whispered against the corner of my lips “I want you, not Nick”.
And that’s where my nightmare began. We danced to this very same song, as she whispered the lyrics against my lips and skin.
…Bienvenido dolor, te invito a formar parte
El amor se fue hace rato, no quiso esperarte
Realmente vos y yo somos algo aparte
Esto me pasa por mi corazón fiarte…
Her body was pressed against mine and I could feel her every curve underneath my palms and fingers. My hands had their own will so they naturally did what they always wished to do, they traced her body, pulled her closer to me, cupped her cheeks, roamed through her hair, brushed against her soft bottom lip.
…Daría todo por volver a lo de ante'
Pero no se vuelve al pasado, por más que te cante
Ante' y durante, vuelvo a llamarte…
“Matt?” A quick touch on my shoulder brought me back to the present “You ok?” Kenny’s eyes held their usual care and worry as he searched for any sign of discomfort on my face.
“Yeah, I-” My eyes stopped across the backyard, in the sight of my sister-in-law in Nick’s arms “Just tired”.
“Are you sure?” My best friend asked, once he saw where my eyes were focused on
…Alucino con verte
Con poder volver a tenerte presente
Quizás te hice llorar más de una vez
Quizás te llegué a herir y luego te sané
Me di el lujo de jugar hasta que gané
Pero te veo pasar y me doy cuenta que…
“Yeah, I’ll be fine” I responded without breaking eye contact with her. She whispered something at my brother, without turning her gaze away from me and seconds later a quick smile covered Nick’s lips as he was also now looking at me.
The bastard waved in my direction and I didn’t think twice before giving him the finger. My phone beeped with a text and I read my brother’s name on the screen along with his message.
Nick: I’m still pissed at you for breaking my portraits. And my wife said we should make you pay for the damages, which to me sounds fair because those portraits were expensive af.
My eyes widened at the realization that Nick somehow knew I was the one behind the small temper tantrum, so my fingers quickly worked on pulling the oldest trick any guilty person tried to pull: playing dumb.
Matt: What? Portraits? What the hell are you talking about?!
Nick: God, you’re a terrible liar 😒. Stay after the party, Matt. The three of us have some things we need to talk about 🤫…
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courtofmatchups · 7 months
ooo could i possibly get an obey me matchup? :) i’m an aries, entp, bi, she/they pronouns
i’m about 5’8 with shoulder length hair that’s relatively straight. i like to wear crop tops and high waisted stuff, my fashion taste is pretty androgynous overall and is kind of an 80s/90s vibe. i almost never wear makeup or do my hair. and i’m always bumping into things so i have several bruises at any given time
i make comics and i’m a grad student TA. i have a caffeine addiction and the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy. i’m known for my ability to remain calm and optimistic, and also for being relatively quiet but when i do speak it’s always something out of pocket. i’m not shy i just don’t got shit to say. i love to help people and also make them laugh and/or cry with my art
hobbies/interests/likes: gossiping, funny movies, making playlists, singing/karaoke, acting, writing screenplays and songs, drawing/animating, traveling, going on walks/hikes, sending cursed images in the groupchat, and every animal in the world except dogs and spiders. love any excuse to wear some sort of costume or goofy outfit
dislikes: i hateeee cooking it’s so boring. also hate being dirty i can’t function when i feel gross. not a fan of loud music or weed/cig smell either so i don’t go to parties/clubs often. i have massive sensory issues when it comes to bad smells. i dislike routine too i love change and challenging norms. i couldn’t be with someone who gets secondhand embarrassment easily cuz i’ll be weird in public and not care. in fact i’d hope that my partner would join me
my red flags are i’m terrified of aging and being undesirable and there is not a single body part that i haven’t been insecure about at some point. i’m stubborn and i’m a complainer i love kvetching about random shit. i am rather skittish and look scared/confused all the time like a wild rabbit. i don’t bring much to the table tbh but i can make you laugh i am always eager to try new things and my heart is true. i imagine i’d be pretty low maintenance in a relationship, as long as u are nice to me and don’t cheat on me we’re good
It seems to me you have captured the heart of...
The Scummy Second-Born,
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Someone who is chaotic as he is?? And smart as hell?? He's already interested. And as he learns more about you, that interest soon spirals into infatuation. But Mammon, being the tsundere he is, will try to deny these feelings, and ultimately fail. You're just *that* charming
Your sense of humour is what stands out to him the most. It's a little juvenile, but that's what he likes (Lucifer, prepare yourself for some bad joke induced migraines). And your calm and optimistic nature is something he can get behind. And when you say something completely unhinged, it might take him aback at first, but it'll grow on him
A lot of his interests line up with yours, like karaoke and movies, so you can expect him to take you to karaoke palours and to movie theatres. If it ever gets to crowded or too noisy, he'll get you someplace calmer and quieter as soon as possible. He'll notice it pretty quickly, as he's pretty observant, especially when it comes to you (in a wholesome way that doesn't make you feel like you're being viewed under a microscope, that is)
Whenever the two of you are apart, you can expect him to send you lots of cursed images to you also. Of course, you cannot forget about the unhinged yet wholesome texts you send to each other
You draw comics? Mammon LOVES that about you too, so please, draw a silly little comic about your misadventures. He's not gonna sell them though. You made those comics especially for him. As money-hungry as he is, those comics hold a special place in his heart.
He can understand your distaste for being dirty (he lives with Asmo after all), so he'll send you care packages with cute little soaps, shampoos, and different body lotions
You don't have to worry about Mammon ever cheating on you, as he's clingy as hell
If you ever overwork yourself from a caffeine-induced high (being a grad student TA is no walk in the park), he's gonna drag you to sleep. Please do not resist
In a nutshell, your relationship would look like this:
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bluiex · 1 year
a very merry scarian teacher au almost christmas special! mentions of grian working in a club / being a stripper bc i really liked that idea. y’all are so <3
with april turning five, christmas has become a much more exciting concept to the young girl. she hasn’t shut up about it, understandably so! first it started with begging to get a fake fireplace so they could put stockings near it, then the tree from the dollar store. even though scar himself said he’d buy them one, grian wasn’t one to take handouts! unless it was food.. even then it didn’t feel right. now it’s with april jumping up and down around their shared bathroom as grian is fidgeting with his makeup, getting ready for a shift at the club as his crotch goblin belts out christmas music. he gives her a pointed look once she climbs onto the bathroom counter to join him, starting to list off everything on her wishlist and the drawing they did today in school. grian stares at the crinkled paper in disbelief at the three adult stick figures and april’s own “self portrait.” he gives a weak smile, patting her head of curls and letting her ramble on while trying to fix his mascara. “do you think papa will visit for christmas ? he didn’t come to my party..” grian freezes, jaw clenching at the reminder of doc’s latest excuse on why he couldn’t show up to his daughter’s birthday party. the absolute lack of balls and audacity of a man, to miss his child’s birthday just stay out clubbing in another country. “maybe, sweetpea. you know your papa is a very busy man.” the words taste bitter as he lies through his teeth to the one true victim in this situation. it felt easier than the trauma of telling his daughter doc had never wanted to be around in the first place. it wasn’t going to take long for her to realize that on her own at this rate. “can you go get ready to bed so scar isn’t running around like a chicken with his head cut off?” he suggests, and with that she brightens up at just the very mention of scars name, dashing to her room. grian’s forehead thumps softly against the mirror with a tired sigh, eyes squeezed shut in a poor attempt to will the tears away. just the very thought of paying for christmas was already stressful enough, he’d find a way though. always will for his angel even if it means he has to go without eating at times, working even more shifts. adding doc into the equation though..? that was completely out of his control, slumping at the thought of doc being away in sunny fucking spain with some random hookup and living it up. the sound of the door bell ringing breaks him from the trance of self misery, pulling at the fabric of his crop top in an attempt to cover his binder as he rushes to answer the door for scar.
DOC MISSED HER BDAY?! *kicks him in the shins*
April deserves the world. And Gri plz let Scar get yiu a Christmas tree
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teabiscs · 1 year
Just thinking about Kai/Rei that don’t get together in their youth. A Kai and Rei who go through young adulthood with out really intermingling. Yeah they might be at events together but it’s not more than a polite Hello.
A Kai and Rei who have firsts that aren’t with each other, nor necessarily with other Bladers. Where they’re in their mid twenties just vibing away.
Kai, this confident queer disaster, who somehow pulls himself together and looks like a CEO when needed. Who’s always out somewhere. Known in the club scene as a tease, but it's so rare for him to actually take someone home or to go home with someone. But he's always at a table, with an expensive drink in his hand, and some guy on his arm whispering in his ear.
A Rei, who has finally grown comfortable in his skin. Who’s left the village and made what amends he could. A Rei with self confidence, even if its still a little thin. A Rei that’s just going with the flow of everything and doing things as they’re needed. I still picture him working for Dickinson. (And that’s where a lot of his confidence comes from. He’s good at working for the BBA. He’s good as an assistant. He’s a good coach. He’s a good blader. It makes his job easier.)
But also. They both just don't date. Rei has ex partners. And Kai has ex-hookups. But they just kind of stop. They’re both perpetually single. And they’re fine with it. Rei doesnt remember the last time the two have seen each other outside of some blading event that Hiwatari Enterprises hasn’t sponsored.
Until Takao’s 23rd birthday takes them to some fancy club. And y’all already know. Kai’s at his table (cuz hes that guy, with money) and in walks his ex teammates. And his eyes can’t leave Rei.
Time was good to both of them. They’re both hot. And dressed like it.
… and this is just my excuse to draw Rei in a skin tight cheongsam (idk if thats what its called) all muscles with his hair down, and Kai in a crop top and tight pants, with messy hair and eyeliner doing that male power sitting position holding a rocks glass with liquor in it.
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Simple Is Sometimes Better
Hey you guys hope you guys enjoy this idea was inspired by a scene from the Movie some kind of wonderful,Enjoy❤️✨
Simple Is Sometimes Better Part II
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“Hey”, you said as you stormed into Caleb’s garage, “I want to know why you called me over here” you spoke with an attitude. “Because I need your help, and besides, I knew you weren’t doing anything”, Caleb said back Snarky; you and Caleb have been friends, for god knows how long probably since middle school. As you’ve gotten older your starting to realize how attractive Caleb is at first it was a little thing like walking home from school you would notice his big smile that he would have when he was telling you a story you thought it was cute or watching him play basketball with the other boys in the neighborhood you would only focus on him because well no one else mattered on the court if you could say so your self.
You never thought Caleb found you attractive you have been chunky your whole life. Now that you’re finally in high school, you are now going into the plus size category, which is only natural because it runs in your family but not too many boys in your neighborhood look at you more than a friend because, well, you’re not their ideal type especially seeing how you have known most of the boys in your neighborhood since they were in kindergarten. “So look” said Caleb as he was Wiping The paint off of his hands. Caleb was an artist. He loved to paint and draw, and he’s good at it.
“I need you to give me some advice I asked Mariah to go out on a date this weekend”. “Excuse me” you said, at first you were distracted by Caleb because he had paint splattered all over his white tshirt and blue jeans.”You asked the Mariah Thompson to go on a date with you” you said shocked. Mariah Thomson is for lack of better words stuck up and boujiee she is the type of girl to walk around in preppy clothes and go out to sushi dates and shop at zara…while you on the other hand was more of a fitted crop top loose jeans lipgloss type of girl who would rather get chinese take out and go to the mall to shop. “So what do u need my help for i don’t know the girl” you said very quick and snippy.
“I need some advice on where you think I should take her. I mean, she is one of a kind”, Caleb said, grinning. That statement burned and not in a good way…oh no, the word burned because you have had a crush on him for years, but now it’s crystal clear he doesn't want a girl like you. “Well”, you said swallowing your pride, you should go to Nokos; Nokos was a funky restaurant which was a Fusion of Japanese and Jamaican food. It was brand new to town, and everybody wanted to go, and it was pretty high dollar something that could suit Miss Queen Mariah's taste buds.
“Oh, yea” Caleb says, smiling “that would be cool everybody is trying to get in there, so I need to make a reservation”, he said carelessly as he was stacking canvases against the wall. “Yep”, you say, sitting on one of his painting tables. “Please give her a cute little gift like that bracelet we saw in the store the other day. She’ll like that” you said. You honestly don’t know why you are going the extra mile to help Caleb, maybe because a secret part of you wished that this was something happening to you. You and Caleb usually go window shopping not on purpose but in a small town; there’s not much to do but eat, shop, go to the movies, and skate. “Really? Caleb questions. Don’t you think that will be too simple for her?”You smile because this is an inside joke that only you could know right now, and how ironic the remark is because you don’t consider yourself a fancy girl or a prim madonna.
“Simple is sometimes better.” You said looking at him with a simple look hoping your eyes would spill all your thoughts as soon as you said those words. He looked at you quizzingly while he was now putting his paint brushes up. “Then if that date goes well and you check everything off, you can give her a kiss goodnight”, you grimaced. This sentence alone stopped Caleb on track with what he was doing. “What didn’t you think about it?” You quizzed. “No, I mean, I was”. He said “I've been chilling since I broke up with Eden the first year, so I’m a little nervous”. “You’ll be fine”, you said, not batting an eyelash. “Besides, it’s like riding a bike. It takes practice…”
“You mind if I practice on you” ,you heard Caleb say those words as he strolled towards you.
“You were in disbelief”. Your heart suddenly started pounding, and you started to feel the heat rise within you which added to your feeling of being flushed. Sure, you said mekley. Now, Caleb was in front of you, Caleb, the one guy you have known for so long since middle school and had a crush for. You never thought this moment would happen. He stands between your legs, looking at you with a dark stare in his eyes.
You feel Caleb grab your chin to angle you a certain way before his lips meet yours. His lips were soft and warm and inviting. At first, it was pecking, but then things got more heated. He flicked his tongue over your top lip, which you then let into your mouth. Not knowing what to do, you put your hand on his neck which cause him to grunt while you could feel him grounding himself in between your legs better he felt like a strong wall, not moving anytime soon, his hand leaving your face now squeezing your plush hips tightly. You felt a buzz in your center it felt natural and tingle to your core.You responded by rapping your thick thighs around his waist and pressing your bodies into his more he let out a another grunt because he could feel your breast against his stomach.
His lips were red and swollen and had light lipgloss on them. He reached up and rubbed the lip gloss off. “I-Are you okay he said, speechless”. His voice now deeper and richer. You felt a thousand tingles in your body from what happened. At this point, you couldn’t look him in the eye. You just had an entire make-out session with your best friend in his garage, and he has his date tomorrow. You had so many cloudy voices and thoughts in your head. You felt devastated, knowing that what happened didn’t mean anything, and you allowed yourself to make the stupid decision to handle this type of hurt.
“Good luck on your date,” you said with tears in your eyes, and a dry voice pushed him away from you and ran out of the garage.
“HEY, WAIT, I DIDN’T MEAN TO UPSET YOU!” guilt pouring out his voice as He yelled, but it was too late. You already had your way to your car with tears running down your face.
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callsignmuse · 2 years
Season 1, Episode 6 - Mirrors
Cast: Sadie “Siren” Matthews, Bailey “Muse” Thompson, Phoenix, Rooster, Hangman, Bob, Lauren “Jolene” Bradshaw, Fan Boy, Coyote
Warning: smut, dom stuff, drinking,
Summary: Sleep overs are fun right?
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GIF by necessarypretext
Bailey “Muse” Thompson:
Here I was sitting in the cool evening weather in a onesie covered in chocolate chip cookies as I actually ate a chocolate chip cookie. Rooster was across the yard standing next to Lauren nursing a beer. He was in a onesie decorated with airplanes. Jake had cowboys on his, Phoenix was in plain red. Coyote came sporting unicorns on his onesie. Fan Boy had a deep blue onesie on. Bob came in long johns. And as I looked to my left to Siren adorned in her milk carton onesie I felt a sense of peace. All of my favorite people were here, minus Lauren. I didn’t want to make an enemy out of her, but it was more like she didn’t want an enemy in me. Coyote broke me from my thoughts as he handed me a cup of melted marshmallows.
“Just how you like it.” He grinned proudly.
“Thanks for melting them.” I hummed before dunking my chocolate chip cookie in it. I took a bite closing my eyes relishing the taste of my two favorite sweets. I licked the small amount of marshmallow that stuck to the top of my lip off. When I opened my eyes Rooster’s eyes had darkened as he watched me. The fuzzy feeling had begun to take over in my bloodstream. He subconsciously licked his own lips in response. I looked away but it was difficult I was almost hypnotized.
“Bailey I’ve barely seen you with my new schedule, how have you been?” Javy asked. And to be honest I really did miss him. Coyote was always my partner in crime if Siren wasn’t around.
I reached out and squeezed his hand quickly.
“I’ve missed you too Jay. You can’t stay away too long!” I whined.
“I know I see all Hell breaks loose.” He commented on your current Bradshaw situation. I looked over to him standing with his back to me.
“What kind of onesie is that anyway?” Coyote wondered as he watched Lauren’s movements. Honestly you didn’t have an answer. It wasn’t even a onesie. She wore a crop top and rolled the onesie down as if they were pants. I rolled my eyes in disgust. It was a simple rule to follow. Wear a onesie. We’re sitting in 70 degree weather, it was no longer hot and there was no other excuses except wanting to show off her body. Did she not know how put together we were as female pilots? She was drawing lines in the sand but if she wanted to I could come out to play. Rooster’s eyes grazed over me making me suck in my breath. The heat crept onto my cheeks and Coyote noticed.
“So you should probably talk to him. You look like you’re going to implode.” He teased.
“Shut up.” I sneered in his direction. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings and somehow Bradley managed to sneak up on me.
“Come with me.”
My entire body froze for just a second before my brain came back online and placed my hand in his for me.
He guided me back to my room and locked the door behind him. He said nothing. He just started to unzip his onesie.
“You’re not playing fair. You’re playing dirty. Licking that marshmallow off of your lips like I wouldn’t see.” He said and the tone of his voice caused my heart to leap into my throat. My pulse raced getting ready for what I knew was to come.
“You’re being a bad girl Muse.” He teased as he laid his body on top of mine.
“Do you want me to show you how bad? Because I can misbehave. I’ll put on a show just for you Bradley Bradshaw.” I returned the dirty talk earning me a smirk.
“I’d like to see that.”
“Challenge accepted.” I smiled before kicking him gently in the chest with my foot and pushing him backwards into the wall. I made quick work of stripping my onesie off. I launched my now naked body on to his and ripped the onesie all the way off and from around his ankles. I slid my hand down slowly enjoying the feel of his silhouette in my hands. He was hardening fast.
With a few more strokes I heard a soft moan escape his lips making my own curl upwards. I had an idea hit me as I continued to beat him off.
“Grab my mirror.” I demanded. He did so and I pointed for him to place it in front of the bed against the wall.
“Now I’m going to fuck you in front of it.” I pushed him onto the bed and climbed onto his lap covering his face with sloppy kisses. “Rooster.” I whined as his tip graced over my soaking wet core. It made my whole body shiver.
“Yeah Bailey?” There it was, my first name. He was serious. His eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them before.
“I need to ride you.” I admitted through clenched teeth as his tip hit me again.
“Ride me baby.”
That was all the invitation I needed to begin bouncing on top of his lap. I rode him hard and fast giving neither of us time to recover in between strokes. This was sex filled with passion and anger with each other. We couldn’t stay away from one another but every word we said pissed the other off.
“Am I your bad little girl?” I found out that Bradley loved that he was only three years older than me but that shit went straight to his pants every-time he heard it.
“Yes.” He breathed out with eyes closed. I reached down and grabbed his throat and squeezed.
“I said am I your bad little girl?” I growled.
“You’re so bad baby. So bad!” He hurried out in between my pace. He was getting fairly close I could tell from how hard he was trying to focus. And with the addition of the chokehold I had on him, he wouldn’t last long. He held onto my hips as they clanged into his. I would wake with bruises in the morning for sure.
“You’ve gotta look Rooster. You have to watch me fuck the shit out of you.” I encouraged him as he opened his eyes and rolled his head so that he was watching my tits bounce wildly. His mouth opened in appreciation. His eyebrows furrowed. He was going to lose it. I squeezed one last time as he let it all go inside me. My back arched as my orgasm wracked my entire body. I released my hands from his throat. His eyes rolled slowly backwards and his mouth fell open. Loud snores escaped his mouth as I leaned down to kiss his parted lips. I disconnected myself and got dressed back into my onesie. I grunted as I rolled his ridiculously heavy body over under the covers so he could sleep peacefully before returning to the party.
“Where’s Bradshaw?” Jake asked.
The entire crowd broke out in ooohs. Lauren glared at me with venom in her eyes. I just sat down in my chair again by the fire and stole the glass of whiskey out of Javy’s hand. I took a sip and obnoxiously made the refreshing sound “ahh”.
“You can keep that. I don’t know where those lips have been.” Coyote began to laugh. Jake joined in giving him a high five. I just rolled my eyes and settled in waiting for the man I left snoring in my bed to wake once more. All tension between the two of you made for an insane orgasm. I smiled to myself as I thought about the achievement of giving Bradley Bradshaw a T.K.O.
Lauren retreated into the house. She didn’t want to believe that I hooked up with him. Lauren was used to being on her own but she had always had Bradley. Sharing him was not on her list of things to do. Not one bit. She was the type of girl who needed people around her. She was jealous to say the least. She wanted love but felt that she needed to take it from others so she could find it for herself. Lauren knocked on the door she assumed was housing Bradley behind it. There was no answer. She poked her head though to find Bradley passed out under the covers lying face down. There wasn’t a chance in Hell of waking him now.
I felt like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Siren sat down next to me and gave me a look of approval.
“I needed that.” I admitted with a small laugh.
“We all did.” She joked back.
An hour passed and Rooster finally emerged.
“Hey old man.” I greeted him slyly. He flashed me a smile.
“And he’s alive!” Jake bellowed with his arms out. He always gave him a hard time but it was truly hilarious this time.
“Yeah, yeah” he said stealing the repurposed whiskey from me and taking a sip. He forced me to stand up so I could sit in his lap and I did as he said because he took it so well just an hour ago in the bedroom. He deserved some cuddles. As soon as my ass sat on his lap I heard the shrill tone ruin my mood.
“Brad, can you take me home? I’m not feeling well.” Lauren whined. It made my blood curl. Rooster looked at you sadly before getting ready to stand up.
“You can go lay down in my bed. See how you feel in an hour. Here come on. I’ll get some fresh sheets.” I said with a wink directed Coyote’s way. He had to hide his laugh.
“Thanks Bailey.” Rooster said with a soft tone.
“Anytime baby.” I said as I leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I walked away confidently.
Oh yeah, Muse had gotten her power back.
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seihya · 2 years
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lazy loungewear natchral
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stackofeggs · 3 years
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happy moss man bdubs designs + doodles (??) (click on the photos to see the details better !!)
(notes i made while drawing this are under the cut)
[Image ID:
1st photo: A drawing of three designs for BDoubleO100. The first design at the left is labelled "Hermitcraft/Casual". He's wearing a mossy hoodie/poncho and a light blue sweater underneath. He has a small clock dangling from his waist. The second design, at the center, is labelled "Last Life". He has a light blue sweater, diamond chest plate, and moss cape that is open at the right side. He's holding shield. The third design, at the right, is labelled "Last Life - Red". He has white hair and a swollen eye. He has no chest plate and his moss cape is a more brown instead of green. On his neck is a clock necklace, showing red instead of a sky, and he's holding a diamond axe.
2nd photo: A crop version of the first photo. It crops them at just above the knee to show more details.
3rd photo: A collection of Bdubs doodles. At the top left is a colored headshot labelled "male thot enemy of state". At top right, a cartoon Bdubs says "i am NOT skrunkly", and an arrow pointing from him to the bottom-right leads to him sitting down. At the bottom left, its Bdubs wearing his hood up, the hoodie being colored green.
End ID.]
most of these notes.... are just about the mossy hoodie/cape.
- i sincerely just needed to draw his moss hoodie/cape. i've been meaning to ever since s8 ep1.
- before that, i want to talk about his eyes. last time i drew him digitally, i just gave him anime eyes. i decided that i would continue to give him anime-ish eyes <3
- i remember bdubs say one time that he "dresses to look hip with the kids" or something like that (in a Commercial Break i think!), so I could not just draw a normal hoodie. I wanted a Cool Hoodie. so i spent maybe 2 days looking at raincoats, ponchos, and hoodies at Pinterest. my sketchbook is a mess.
- gave him a cape for the Last Life ones, I wanted an excuse to draw dramatic sketches with a flowing cape oooo
- (said dramatic sketches are only in my sketchbook and i have yet to post them)
- at the same time, I felt like it would be practical to have his arm free from the cape, so it's kinda open?
- his mossy cape when he's a red name is more brown and dead-looking... like dried, dying moss. :) I imagine that during his green lives, they're a lot greener, but it dries up as he loses lives. when he gains a life, the moss cape becomes greener again, almost like it's rehydrating!
- i even drew small sporophytes.... on the moss.... if i had the time and effort i would have drawn lichen
- (yes i spent many hours thinking about his moss hoodie)
- was genuinely thinking of strapping the clock on the thigh of Last Life red name Bdubs. I looked up his skin and it had a strap! a strap!! i swear:
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but the cape was covering it on that side, so I just drew a nice necklace.
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M-more armin vs eren drabbles please
WC: 3.2k
Title: Melted Candles
Warnings: possessive behavior, cheating, armin x reader x eren, obsession, unhealthy relationships. manipulator armin & toxic eren.
You’re fidgeting with the hem of your short dress that your loving boyfriend bought you, nursing a drink, and half-heartedly scrolling through your phone.
Sitting on the olive couch alone as the musings of a party transpire, you eye the big and colorful banner sporting the words “Happy 20th Birthday Eren!”.
“It’s like Eren to be late to his own birthday party huh?”
A smooth, gentle voice breaks you out of your trance. You turn sideways to face Armin Arlert, a pretty boy with short-cropped blond hair and wide oceanic eyes. He’s all dressed up in a deep grey turtleneck, navy dress pants, and an expensive Omega watch on his wrist.
You must have looked frightened because he chuckles as he takes a seat next to you, a respectful distance away, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. Are you having fun?”
“Uh well it’s a surprise party, it’s not like Eren knows he’s supposed to be here.” You have an immediate desire to slap a hand over your mouth after the words spillover. You wince, not entirely in love with the fact that it was your first instinct to defend Eren.
If you had been more observant, you would have noticed the corners of his lips flick upwards in amusement. But Armin is observant enough for the both of you. He notes the color of embarrassment in your cheeks and continues the subject with ease.
“Ah, yeah. That’s right. Eren hates celebrating his birthday, but they're always a good excuse to get everyone together" He pauses before grinning so wide it doesn't look genuine, "-maybe this is more for us than him.”.
There’s an underlying tension in his words you can’t make heads and tails off. It reminds you of how truly little you knew of Eren's very own best friend.
You smile brightly, channeling all the optimism you could into changing the topic: “Everyone’s trying their best today! Sasha did all the catering and managed to leave the cake perfectly alone even though it’s her favorite flavor. She has the patience of a saint today.”
As if on cue, there’s a commotion in the background. Jean yells at Sasha, “Don’t finish all the lemon-pepper wings Potato Girl!”
Armin laughs and it's a pretty sound, a sound that reminds you of a bell chime. Unconsciously, he shifts closer to you, knees knocking into yours.
“Yeah, you’re right. Connie's even hosting it, and he let us decorate his man cave."
You look at the streamers and balloons, and Armin follows your eyes.
“You did a great job decorating.”
You blush, “It was honestly a team effort. Mikasa did way more, I promise.”
“So humble”, he teased. As he smooths his slacks, your eyes can’t help but fall on the shine of the silver band on his slender finger, an engagement ring.
“Annie couldn’t make it today?” There’s a flash of a grimace on his face but he schools his features right away.
“She doesn’t really like parties,” he laughs softly, “She’s like Eren in that way.”
“Oh,” you paused. He was clearly hiding something but it wasn’t in your place to pry. You didn’t know much about Annie. In fact, you were a little intimidated by her icy demeanor and arctic eyes. It amused you at first when you learned she was Armin’s partner.
Opposites must attract, because where Annie was the cold seeping into your bones, Armin was a furnace radiating warmth.
There wasn’t much more to say with the conversation heading to a peaceful silence, until his arms lightly touch yours, “I’m really glad you came.”
His fingertips graze the sleeve of your dress.
You flush, “Well, I wouldn’t be a very good girlfriend if I didn't come to his birthday party.”
The pretty blond clicks his tongue, “I suppose.” He inhales, thumbs swiping the rim of his glass, “You’re too good for him. Do you know that?”
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You don’t have a response ready but Armin continues, “I love Eren of course. Been friends with him since we were children but-” Deep sigh, “I feel like I barely know him anymore. No one knows him anymore.”
In a small voice, you squeak “I do.” But the unsureness of your tone made your words seem like it was a question.
Armin smiles, one that’s filled with mirth.
Boldly, he squeezes your thigh, the flesh right below where your dress ends, “You deserve better.” His oceanic eyes seem darker under the dim lighting.
Why weren’t you moving away? Were you letting his hand itch closer to roaming the softness underneath silky fabric?
You swivel your head around, praying no one is seeing anything. Thankfully everyone was too swept up in their own conversations. As if to soothe you, his hands draw circles on the soft pliant skin, “Don’t worry, no one can see us.”
The ring glints harshly. Admittedly, Eren’s soft-spoken best friend is just a little attractive. You didn’t always think to see him this way, but Armin changed, and all the general anxiety he possessed matured into a quiet confidence.
He reminds you of Eren in that way. But still, you're at crossroads here. Is Armin making a move on you? Is he warning you? Should you even be here right n-
Your internal monologue is interrupted by Mikasa clapping her hands, and then putting a finger on her lips, “We’re going to turn off the lights, ok? They’ll be here in a few minutes. When Eren starts coming in, yell surprise.” Armin hand’s leave your legs, the warmth gone.
“Oy, oy, oy. Don’t we need a signal?” Connie asks, confusion apparent on his face.
“Jesus Connie, if you can’t even figure this out, what are we going to do with you?” quips Jean.
Mikasa shakes her head.
Sasha lightly punches her best friend, “It’s okay Coomer, just follow my lead.”
“How will that work since you’re stupider than me?” The hazel eyed boy asks, voice dripping in concern. “Eh?” Sasha replies with an equally concerned tone.
Mikasa pinches the bridge of her nose, “I’m going to turn the light off now.”
Eren would be here soon. You barely register Armin putting his arm around the couch, not around you per se, but the proximity was close enough to send your heart racing.
In the switch of a light, the room was engulfed in darkness and excited giggles that Mikasa promptly hushed. And then was just the sound of breathing. You could hear yours and you could hear Armin’s.
Softly, the blond uttered, “I’m going to do something I’ve always wanted to do.” You could feel featherlight fingers tilting your jaw, and capturing your pillowy lips.
The doorknob rattled. Soon after, light from the hallway trickled in. A still moment. As soon as the kiss started, it ended. A flash of light exploded before your eyes and a cacophony of people yelling Surprise! rang out.
At the center of attention was Eren Yeager, who...did not look surprised at all. His eyes were not even adjusting to the light the way yours was. A tall redhead accompanied him, someone who you vaguely recognize as Floch.
The birthday boy was clad in a white button-up, sleeves rolled to his elbows and the top button was unfastened. His dress pants were slim-fitting and black.
The green-eyed boy’s face was devoid of expression. In comparison to his stoic nature, you thought your heart was going to explode.
Wryly Armin says, “Oh look, your boyfriend has arrived.” As if on cue, Eren’s eyes locked with yours.
At that moment, there were too many things to process.
Luckily, Eren was surrounded by a small crowd of his closest friends. You could hear Jean cackle, “Come on! You’re not even surprised.”
You turned your head to face the boy who took advantage of the darkness, a scarlet blush staining your face, “Why did you-?!”
He gazed at you with shining eyes like he had found clarity, not even bothering to feign guilt. With agility only he had, he took your palm in his, “I know you used to like me.”
Blood rushing in your ears, you tear your hands “What are you doing? Eren’s right there. Don’t touch me.” You hissed, scooting away for good measure.
“You didn’t deny what I said.” The blond pointed out calmly, “Yeager is no good for you. He keeps you in the dark about his life and he’s certainly not loyal..”
“I-I can’t deal with this. I never expected this from you Armin.” You shot up from the couch, trepidation filling your nerves, “Now if you excuse me, I’m going to greet my boyfriend.” You uttered the last word with as much hostility you could muster.
Mikasa had her arms wrapped around Eren. Which was fine. They’re best friends. They’ve known each other far longer than you knew him. He thinks of her as a sister.
He thinks of her as a sister.
You walked over, looming behind them. Most of the crowd had dispersed, with only Eren and the Ackerman girl lost in their own world.
What is wrong with you? You scold yourself. You didn’t usually think like this.
Eren noticed you right away, and Mikasa turned around to face you.
“Sorry [y/n], didn’t mean to take so much of his time from you.” The dark-haired girl smiled apologetically.
You could feel guilt gnaw at you, how could you ever suspect her? She waved to Eren, and warmly thanked you, “You did so much of the planning. Thank you.” And before you could reply, she left.
That left you alone with the man himself. “Hi.” You said shyly. He smirked, “Hi babe. Long time no see huh.”
His viridian eyes slowly roamed your appearance, head to toe. You blushed under his stare as they paused longer than necessary on the dip of your neckline, and the expanse of legs not covered by the silk dress.
“So you did all this?” He teased, vaguely gesturing to the string lights, and hanging paper flowers.
He steps closer to you until he’s just a breath away. “Hardly. Just helped out wherever I could.” You whisper.
He hugs you, his tall frame enveloping yours. You feel so safe, pressed against his chest, as his arms compass the slight of your back.
His cologne is your favorite. Subtle, and intoxicating with thick notes of spice. You sniff something else, something overpoweringly distinct.
Still enclosed in his arms, you look up to him, “Did you drink?”
He takes a step back, still wrapping an arm to your waist, “I met up with Zeke. He offered me a drink.”
“Zeke?” You questioned, “You visited your brother?”
Eren was privy to sharing details about his life and you knew virtually next to nothing about Zeke, his half-brother he came recently in contact with.
He kisses the top of your head, and you can feel the loose strands that escaped his bun tickle your face, “It’s nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”
He keeps you in the dark about his life.
“You were cozying up with Armin on that couch, weren’t you?” His tone is light, containing a thinly veiled accusation.
You laugh it off, hoping he wouldn’t notice how tense you suddenly got, “No, no. We were just talking. I was sure I was going to kill myself out of boredom just waiting for you.”
Snuggling closer to him, you stand on your tippy-toes to kiss his jawline, trying to distract him from wavering thoughts.
“Oh?” He asked, “Armin wasn’t entertaining you well enough? Well, he does have a tendency to babble about nothing.”
As he talked, you had a feeling he wasn’t really looking at you, but rather peering straight behind you.
An uneasy feeling fills your lungs, “Um Eren, let’s head to the kitchen. I can fix you a plate. Niccolo did the catering so you know it’ll be really good-”
The tall boy waved your suggestion away, “Not hungry. In fact, why don’t we head over to my best friend? I haven’t talked to him in a while.” You didn't appreciate the mocking lilt in his tone.
Before you could dissuade him, he was already pulling your wrist so you could turn, hand placed on the small of your back, leading you somewhere you definitely did not want to go.
The charming blond was still situated on the couch but this time joined by a woman who was talking rather animatedly. You vaguely recognized her by her chin-length wavy ash-colored locks. Hitch.
“-Annie is so lucky! Jesus, I can’t believe you guys are engaged! And Marlowe still hasn’t worked up the nerve to-”
Eren coughed, asserting his presence. Two pairs of eyes flitted upwards. Hitch sighed dramatically, “Well if it isn’t the birthday boy. The big 2-0. You’re not a teen anymore Yeager. Think you’re ready for the adult world?”
Your boyfriend, who was never one for false pretenses and small talk, ignored her question entirely, “Hello Hitch. If you don’t mind, I would like to catch up with Armin here.”
The woman rolled her eyes, “Guess that’s my cue to leave.” As she stood up, she looked back and forth between the boys, noting the animosity that seemed to permeate the air as they burned holes into each other.
“Why are the vibes so tense? The energies you two are radiating...is reminiscent of a pissing contest”
Without really intending to, you let out a chuckle, attracting the attention of the three people around you.
Hitch’s eyes softened, “[Y/n], I haven’t seen you in a minute. Let’s go do shots with Mina and Hanna.”
Eren’s grip on you tightened, “She’s staying right here Hitch. Enjoy yourself though”
“Funny, I don’t recall asking you. Your girlfriend can’t speak for herself?”
“Uhm, thanks for the offer Hitch but no thank you, I’m not really in the mood to drink right now.” You chuckle nervously, flashing a big enough smile that will ascertain that everything is okay.
Hitch shrugs, “Suit yourself”, and proceeds to walk away.
“Well, I suppose I have to thank you for driving her away. She’s quite...talkative.” Armin breaks the silence. He addresses you both but his eyes are trained on you, “Back already [y/n]?” An easy smile spreads across his face.
You don't look at Eren’s face to gauge his reaction, but you notice how the hand around your waist squeezes almost painfully. The boys stand up to shake hands. Armin gestures for the two of you to sit but the dark-haired boy waves it away, “We prefer to stand.”
The blond gazes between the two of you questioningly but seemingly accept Eren’s response, “Okay then. Guess I’ll stand too.”
“Where’s Annie? Trouble brewing in paradise?”
Armin’s smile hardens, “Don’t know how you’d assume that. She’s just not here.”
Unease pinpricks at you. You could feel trepidation in the air.
“What a shame. Doesn’t Annie like me?” Eren taunts before delivering a line you didn’t expect, “I recall a time where she liked me much more than you actually.”
Surprise is an understatement for how you feel. You didn’t even want to register the implication of his statement. Did Eren and Annie have a past? You lightly touch Eren’s arm in a hint of a warning, “Eren-”
The blond shakes his head, “You’re really something else, you know? Talking about another woman so brazenly in front of your girlfriend? Are you projecting your insecurity onto me since you know” he tilts his head in your direction, “[y/n] liked me first?”
You fluster immediately, jaw-dropping slightly. It was true. You did have a rather big crush on the intelligent blond boy who sat next to you in a class that bored you to sleep. But there was nothing between you two beyond a handful of platonic study dates from when you were freshmen!
Too many moving variables. He was dating Annie and not being the homewrecker type, tried to squash the interest you had. Besides, you were planning to drop that class anyways, and in a twist of fate, it was Armin who had inadvertently introduced you to Eren.
Also, how did that damn Arlert know and why was he bringing it up today of all days?!
Your boyfriend sneers, “Does that really matter when she’s with me? When she’s dating me. And. Not. You.” He punctures the last words out.
“Uhm, I’m right here-” You finally find your voice, “And I’m not really comfortable with being discussed like this.”
Armin’s eyes find yours, “Of course. Sorry [Y/n]. It’s super disrespectful of me-”
Eren cuts in with words heavier than bullets, “Shut the fuck up. Always desperate to play the white knight in shining armor aren’t you? Your duplicity makes me sick.”
As if sensing an oncoming attack, Eren pivots away from you, creating some distance.
Armin closes the gap between himself and the dark-haired boy and bunches Eren’s collar in his fist, “You don’t know how to treat people, you know that? So full of yourself that you think basic decency has an ulterior motive.”
Eren’s eyes dance with mirth, “There’s always an ulterior motive with you, isn’t there though?”. He forcefully shoves his friend, sending Armin stumbling a few steps backward, “You really like pretending you’re one of the good guys when your hands are blood-stained like the rest of us.
You can hear the blood rushing in your ear and you attempt to get in the middle of the impending conflict but Eren grabs your arm with a painful force. He growls,“Step back”. You obey.
“Don’t touch her touch like that.” Armin snarls.
“She’s my fucking girlfriend. I’ll touch her however I want. By the way, just because your little fiance is giving you a hard time doesn’t give you the right to leer at what’s mine.”
At this point you realize you come to your senses, and you leave the area quickly to get help. You scan the area around looking for Mikasa. She’s reliable and always knows what to do. You try to calm your panicked heart.
Gaining speed, you nearly fall by running into someone in the long hallway. Thankfully, the good samaritan is able to catch you in time, holding your shoulders in a firm but comforting grip.
You look up, eager to thank the man who caught you. Mullet. Tall. Slight scruff at the chin. You recognize him right away.
“Woah y/n, what are you running for?” He asks in amusement but one look at your teary eyes has him instantly concerned, “Hey, hey. Are you okay?”
“I-uh,” You’re blubbering, “Armin and Eren are acting kinda strange--I think Mikasa should calm them down.”
Jean’s eyebrows are furrowed, “Strange how? She stepped out so she’s not here right now.” You bite your lips, wondering how you were going to explain the situation.
Jean grabs your shoulder, “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll settle this. Can you take me to them?”
You nod, supremely grateful to have Jean in your corner. As you guys take a turn to the living room, you hear the excruciating sound of glass breaking. “Shit!” Jean curses.
In the middle of the living room stood Eren and Armin like centerpieces, beating the ever-living shit out of each other. You couldn’t see much beyond the fact Armin was throwing punches left and right, landing some but Eren was able to dodge most.
As you move to run forward, Jean grabs you, “No. Stop. There’s glass everywhere. You’re going to get hurt.”
You’re incredulous, “I can’t just let them hurt each other!”
Jean merely looks at you with a look of pity,
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i wish u would write a fic where rhodes is
thanks lov u mwah
me, wasn't going to write a halloween fic:
io: sends this ask
me: "damn it hold on"
it's still halloween in his timezone we made it!
Read Bee my Baby here on ao3
“But Honeybear-”
“No, Tony.”
Tony pouted. “Please? For me?”
Rhodey stared at the outfit in Tony’s hands. “Why?”
“Because I’ll look stupid if I go alone, duh. Without you, I’m just a tiger.”
“Then just go as a tiger,” Rhodey brushed him off. “Don’t pull me into your shenanigans.”
“You love my shenanigans,” Tony said, placing the bundle of clothes in his hands. “Please? I’ll owe you one.”
He gave up and accepted his fate. “Damnit. Alright, but you’re not allowed to peek.”
“Fine by me,” Tony shrugged. “I have to finish my makeup anyways. The bathroom is mine until I say you can use it.”
“Where am I supposed to change?”
“Figure it out!” Tony slammed the door behind him, and Rhodey sighed.
Becoming friends with Tony Stark had clearly been a mistake. He only briefly hesitated before closing the blinds and changing quickly. Thankfully it wasn’t a complicated costume, but he wasn’t too worried about Tony seeing him before he was dressed. The man could take forever getting ready for events.
When Tony finally stepped out of the bathroom, Rhodey was checking his reflection in the mirror behind the door. He let out a low whistle. “Aren’t you the sweetest bear in the Hundred Acre Wood?”
He had to admit, he and Tony would look good together. “I like your stripes.”
Tony bared his teeth at him and growled lightly. If only he could be menacing. His Tigger was downright adorable.
“You need the nose,” Tony decided.
“I really don’t.”
“You do,” he insisted. “Sit down, it’ll only take a couple minutes.”
Rhodey did as he was told and closed his eyes when Tony asked him to. He felt a brush against his jaw. “I don’t think that’s where the nose is.”
“Shush, don’t you trust me?” He worked in silence for a few seconds before drawing away. “Open.”
He opened his eyes and blinked to adjust to the light of the room. “Do I pass muster?”
“See for yourself.” Tony dragged Rhodey back over to the mirror.
Tony had painted a honey jar and a couple bees on his face. “I look stupid.”
“That’s because you don’t have the ears, hold on.” He produced a headband from god knows where. They were adorned with little bear ears, and he slipped them onto Rhodey’s head.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
He didn’t, but it needed to be said. Rhodey didn’t want to admit it, but he looked really good. “This feels like an excuse for you to get me in a crop top.”
“I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Tony deflected.
The red shirt ended about halfway down his torso, and the yellow pants weren’t high waisted enough to cover any more of the skin he was showing. “Uh huh. Sure.”
“Please, everyone deserves to see you in a crop top. Are you ready to go?”
Rhodey pulled on his shoes and grabbed his wallet and keys. “Why aren’t you wearing a crop top? Surely the general public has seen enough of your skin that you could.”
“Tonight isn’t about me. It’s about you getting that stick out of your ass and having fun for once.”
“I don’t have a stick up my ass.”
The look Tony gave him could have wilted flowers. “You’re right, it’s a log. Seriously, you need to relax or else you’re going to snap. If we leave right now we’ll be fashionably late, so let’s get this show on the road.”
He lost Tony practically the second they got to the party.
As much as Rhodey felt like using that as an excuse to leave without Tony dragging him back inside, he did need to get out. He’d been really stressed lately. Maybe letting out some of that nervous energy would do him some good.
Within seconds of getting near the dance floor, he got sucked into the throng of people. It was easy to fall into the rhythm when the beat coming from the speakers was shaking the whole room.
People shouted compliments at him from all around, and he had to admit, it felt good. He let the praise fuel his self confidence, which only spurred on the cheering when he started dancing.
Okay, fine, Tony was right.
A girl in a skimpy nurse costume caught his eye, and he smiled politely. She took that as an invitation to come over and dance with him.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hi,” he responded. “Can I help you with something?”
“Thought you might want a drink. You’ve been dancing a while, big guy.”
He’d been thinking about that himself, so he let her lead him to the bar.
“I know exactly what you need.” She called the bartender over and leaned over the counter to whisper something in his ear. Whatever she said clearly annoyed him if the look he gave Rhodey was any indication. He returned a moment later with something that was an orangish color.
“What’s this?”
“This-” she handed him the drink “-is called the Honey Pot.” She winked, and Rhodey realized what her motives were. He was going to have to figure out how to let her down without pissing her off.
Oh bother.
“Oh?” Rhodey took a sip to be polite, and tactfully hid his grimace at how sweet it was. “I see.” He cleared his throat and set it back down on the bar, and took a deep breath. “Look-”
“Shocked to see Winnie here without his Tigger,” she ignored him and subtly moved closer to him. He immediately backed up so the same distance was between them.
This was going to be easier than he expected. “Actually, he should be around here somewhere.”
“He?” Her voice rose a whole octave, and her tone was tight.
“He actually was just looking for you. Hi Honeybear.”
Tony appeared at his side right on cue.
“Almost thought you bounced on me, Tiger.”
“Alas, I just had to go befriend the bartender so I could make you this.” He held out a drink that was a similar translucency to the one the nurse gave him, just more on the red side.
“Define ‘this’.”
“I call it the Bee Sting. The perfect pollinator for my sweetheart.”
“You know it. Who’s this?”
Rhodey had completely forgotten about the nurse. “This is…” He realized he never actually got her name.
“Tiffany,” she bit out.
“Tiffany,” he answered.
“Nice to meet you Tiffany,” Tony told her. “Did you come with a doctor? I think I saw one back the way I came if you need me to give you directions.”
“I think I can find my own way, thank you,” she answered stiffly.
They managed to wait until she was a safe distance away to start laughing.
Tony fell into him giggling. “How long did it take you to figure out what she wanted?”
“Too long. I forgot what it was like to have people come up to you and just flirt like that.”
“Maybe I can give you a reminder.” His hands found Rhodey’s hips, and he tugged him closer. “Now about that drink?”
“I am a little thirsty,” he teased, tracing a hand over Tony’s face. “What’ve you got for me, Tiger?”
“Not a fruity cocktail, I’ll tell you that.” Tony made a face. “‘Honey Pot,’ Jesus Christ. Here.”
The drink Tony made him was just a little spicy, a massive improvement from the other one. “I came here to dance with you, and in your expedition to make me this, I feel as if I’ve been neglecting you. Come on, dance with me. Then you can take me home for the after.”
“I know that’s supposed to be sexy, but this makeup is going to take forever to get off. Not that you’re not sexy babe, this is all on me, but there will be a break between this and the afterparty.”
“Damn shame. Guess you’re just gonna have to deal with me lounging around the apartment in a crop top until you’re done.”
Tony groaned. “I regret so much.”
“No you don’t. Come on, I want to see you bounce that tail off on the dance floor. You wanted Winnie the Pooh, now you have to give me Tigger.”
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multifandomthoughts · 3 years
Dark King of Desire
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Requested by: Anonymous
Warnings: Penetration, Dry humping
The rain beats down on the Oro Jackson, lightning and thunder making it almost impossible to sail. But to support your captain and his crew, you stayed outside, gripping the side of the ship. The ship rocks and sways but one thing that doesn’t budge is Rayleigh.
His posture is tight, his voice booming through the storm as he shouts commands, muscles glistening from a mixture of the rain and sweat. His arms bulge as he pulls in the sails, and you have to avert your eyes just so you can focus on the task at hand. You’re soaked, and the only thing you want to do is go inside and dry off. But you have your own work to do. You linger a bit longer to watch him work. He’s just so alluring, the moments turn to minutes and soon you’re all settled in to brave the worst of it. Rayleigh looks over the whole deck to make sure everyone is accounted for, and your eyes meet. You look away quickly, hoping that between the distance and the rain he can’t see your blush.
You swear that his eyes having been wandering just like your own, but to what you can’t figure out. It can’t possibly be you, he has much more important things to do than talk to you. But here he comes, long strides and firm shoulders as if he’s talking to the most powerful person in the world. You shudder to think of what could possibly be so important that he’s coming over here for.
You try and find something to do so you look busy, and end up fiddling with a knot in the rope ladder. “Can I… help you, sir?” You ask politely, not looking at him yet. He looms over you, a serious look on his face but mischief in his eyes. “Seems like I should be asking you that. You were looking at me like you needed my attention for something. Mind telling me what that was?”
Gulping loudly, you begin to try to think of an excuse. It was rude to stare, and you had no idea whether or not he was actually looking at you. “I wanted to go down and lay in my room for a bit…the swaying of the boat was making me feel uncomfortable. But once I made eye contact with you I figured that I had been found out and I had to stay. I felt I had to keep looking at you to make sure I was still required above deck.” You mumble out, trying to look past his exposed chest and look him in the eyes
He nods in agreement with this explanation. “Alright, guess I can excuse that then. But going forward, you can just go ahead and slip below decks even if you see me looking. I’ll make the connection as to why, I’m pretty perceptive. For example, your panties are damp… or was that just the storm?” He asks, grinning devilishly
Your face turns a deep red, understanding the entendre almost immediately. Shaking your head, you take a deep breath before responding with a sly “I don’t know, why don’t you follow me and you can find out?” Letting out a deep belly laugh, you were almost certain that you were screwed. Instead, his strong firm hand clasps yours as he walks you down to your private quarters.
As you’re led inside and get a chance to think things over, you come to the embarrassing realization his innuendo was actually quite correct. Without even realizing, you had indeed become aroused. Mentally setting that aside as a fun surprise for Rayleigh later down the line, you squeeze his hand as you enter your room. Now comes the moment of truth, he called your bluff before so you have to follow through for the sake of your dignity. “Guess I should get out of these wet clothes before I catch pneumonia or something…” you sigh playfully, seeing Rayleigh has already dropped his wet coat and taken a seat on your bed to watch.
Your pants were torn, not from wear and tear but from slashes and stabs. That being said, it made it a breeze to drop them. Sighing, you step out of the soaking puddle around your feet. You bend over, pulling a bandana out of you hair and whip it back, allowing your hair to be free. However, it releases all the water, causing you to shiver slightly. Next was your crop top that you had created yourself; it was too fancy and frilly upon your purchase. As you cross your arms to pull it up and off from the bottom, you glance over to see his reaction. He’s just tapping his finger and giving an easy going smile, as if this means nothing to him. Frowning, you turn around so he’ll have to stare at your back rather than the perky breasts you’re now exposing to the cool night air.
You toss your top over your shoulder at Rayleigh, not even looking at him now. If he wants the show to continue he has to ask, otherwise he better be content with wet fabric. You hear the sound of a weight being removed your bed, then the soft creak of footsteps across the floor, and the next thing you know Rayleigh’s arms are around your waist. “Might if I help with the grand finale?”
You try to act indignant. “Hmph! I don’t see why you should get to, you weren’t nearly appreciative enough of what I’ve done so far.” You haven’t given me one look over, not one compliment, nothing! I might as well let your wet clothes cause you shrinkage. You turn away from him and pout, not letting your true emotions be known.
Rayleigh rest his head atop yours in a pout. “Don’t be like that. I was just being patient; you don’t applaud in the middle of a great concert, you wait until it ends.” It’s a great line, and he knows you liked it. Damn smooth talker… “I guess that logic is acceptable. Fine, I’ll let you do the last bit, but you have to show off for me first. And I’m not turning around until you say something else nice.” You can feel the chuckle ripple through his chest to his jaw, then he leans down to kiss your neck. “If I didn’t have my spirits literally dampened by these clothes I’d be rock hard and dying to feel you… How does that sound?” A delighted shiver runs down your back, and suddenly you’re soaked all over again.
In an impressive feat of strength, he rips off his shirt with only his bare hands. Drops of rain still cling to his smooth chest, a sigh escaping his lips. “I’m at least a little bit warmer now, but now my upper body is cold.” You don’t understand, what does he mean? Oh. Oh. He smirks, watching as you struggle to respond. You decide to tease him one more time. “Then go ahead and lie back on my bed. I’ll handle those pants, and then we’ll see if you even want to sit up again to get me naked?” Now it’s his turn to feel flustered, biting his lip to hold back a devilish grin. “I don’t know, most people can’t handle what I’ve got. But you, sweetheart? You seem like you’ll be a formidable challenge for me.” He coos, throwing hot and heavy words back at you.
“Then lie back and let me feel challenged, stud.” You order, sitting on your knees on the edge of the bed and waiting for his obedience. When he complies your hands immediately dive to his fly and within seconds his pants are around his ankles… and you were so eager you yanked off his underwear too. Leaning over his waist, you’re now staring down the barrel of his sex pistol, and it’s every bit the monster you expect from Roger’s right hand man.
You rub yourself up against Rayleigh’s thigh, kissing him hard. “Does someone want attention? Or are you just going to sit there and make me do all the work?” Firm hands grab your thighs as you squeal, being hoisted into the air and directly onto Rayleigh’s lap. “Ooh, seems I came in for a rough landing…” you jeer, knowing full well what he is doing. “I guess you did my dear, and what are you going to do about it?” He retorts, a sparkle in his eye sending shivers down your spine.
You begin to grind your clothed pussy against his hard length, hoping to making him eat his words. Somehow, he’s going to wish he just shut up. His grip on your thighs immediately tightens, and you can see his brow furrow in concentration. His hips twitch, as if it’s taking a lot of will not to buck and roll against you. Guess he still wants to keep the air of composure. That won’t last much longer.
You can feel how hot and ready his saber is just waiting for you to sheath him. You have to bite your own lip to hide how much fun you’re having with this, and at the rate it’s going you might draw blood before any other fluid.
You run your hand across his cock, it’s warmth evident. Along with your hand on his shaft, you begin to wiggle, pressing into him. “Two can play that game.” He sneers, cupping your bare breasts in his hands. Kneading softly, he carefully runs his thumbs over the gentle buds, eliciting a squeak from you.
As if it couldn’t get any better, he pulls you as tight as he can against his throbbing dick. Every move you make, you can feel it pulse and throb. You stop for a minute, with Rayleigh pressing his face directly into your cleavage. His beard tickles as he gently shifts his face, looking to the left and to the right.
You don’t know how much longer you can wait. You’re not at your breaking point, however, your core aches to have his thick cock inside of you. Even just thinking about him makes your thighs clench, and you feel a damp spot in your panties.
Just as you think you’re about to give in and beg for more, he lets go of your chest and starts pulling at your waistband. Jackpot, he cracked first~ You put a hand over his and tut at him in playful judgment. “Tsk tsk tsk… someone’s run out of patience I see. But these are my favorite panties, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tear them apart like a wild man, okay?” On wobbly knees you climb off of Rayleigh and bend at the waist to slide the damp garment down your thighs. The fresh air reaching your wet and sensitive nethers is enough to overwhelm you for the moment, and you fall forward onto your hands and knees. Without meaning to, you’ve provided him with the perfect view of your bare sex.
“you know I’m going all out after that torturous foreplay, right?” You give a nod, and hope your body can endure it. That’d be a hell of a way to go out, your corpse being found by your crew mates the next morning with a shattered pelvis and signs of a heart attack from over excitement. But before he enters, you feel his hard cock playfully slide between your asscheeks and down to rub against your folds, causing you to let out a loud moan
Smirking to himself upon hearing your reaction, Rayleigh holds you steady by your waist and slowly presses his way in. He gives a guttural groan at the sensation, while your moan raises in pitch with every inch he buries in you. You push yourself against him, trying to attain more friction. Each inch he puts in adds another layer of pleasure, waves causing you to shudder. Once he is all the way in, he begins with a steady pace and hard thrusts.
Your body shakes with each thrust, your hanging breasts jiggling and swaying as his pelvis claps against your ass. Hands gripping the bedsheets, you try not to get lost in thinking about how deep he’s getting and how full you feel. Pleasure like this had been unimaginable before now, but you don’t want to picture what it would be like if it went away again.
Rayleigh is clearly enjoying himself as well, his grunts and moans soft, but audible enough for you to hear what he says. A curse or an oh god slip out of his mouth every so often, and that turns you on more, quickening your release. Meanwhile, Rayleigh is having an internal struggle of his own, your tight and soaking pussy treating him better than he can recall getting from any other. He wants to enjoy this for as long as he can, but between the mad teasing before and this current euphoria it’s hard to hold the tidal wave back for too much longer.
The two of you continue to rock the bed while the ship rocks in the storm, passion deafening all noise but each other. The wave reaches its crest sooner than you would like but later than you thought with how worked up you were to start with, and Rayleigh hunches over you to keep you close and deep as he finishes. Your orgasmic scream is muffled as he cranes your head back for a deep kiss, and you remain joined at both ends as his pulsing member pumps a hearty load into you.
You sigh, collapsing from exhaustion. Always the gentleman, Rayleigh pulls you up into a comfortable position. “Are you alright?” He questions, a slightly glassy look in his eyes. You gently nod to him and run your hand over his chest with a happy sigh. He pulls the covers over you two, and wraps an arm around your shoulder. What an end to the night.
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