#very relaxing when you get the hang of it
formulawolff · 1 day
night swim - t.w.
pairing: nanny!reader x single dad!toto wolff
word count: 1.5k
warnings: poorly translated german, age gap relationship, inappropriate work relationships, oral (f! receiving), boundaries being crossed, pet names (lots of pet names ok), cursing, toto being a munch, yadayadayada
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"do you mind if i join you?"
the words are low, thick with his accent as you glance over your shoulder. the heat from the water seeps into your muscles, bubbles foaming at the surface as the jets run, creating tiny currents.
"i don't mind!" you chirp, "the more, the merrier!"
toto wolff, team principal of the mercedes-amg petronas formula one team stands behind you, peeling off the heather gray tee that clung to his frame. he's careful with his movements, ensuring that he does not make too much noise as he strolls over to the ladder.
he steps in, bliss rippling across his face as the warmth envelops his exposed skin. he settles in the tub merely a few feet across from you, his broad shoulders leaning against the edge.
"now, this is nice. i can see why you've been coming out here these last few nights."
bringing your hand to your mouth, you stifle a giggle, "never been in a hot tub before, mr. wolff?"
"please," he rolls his eyes, tutting, "call me toto."
"well toto," you emphasize his name, clicking your tongue, "my question still stands."
when you were offered to accompany mr. wolff and the kids for a weekend getaway in the mountains surrounding zermatt, how could you have refused? especially when it was made very clear that mr. wolff was going to cover all of your expenses. while you profusely stated he did not have to, he was adamant that he was going to. along with your typical payment for assisting with any and every one of the children's needs.
oh, the perks of nannying for a billionaire.
since it was around midnight, the kids were asleep, leaving you two as the only ones awake. the hot tub was spacious, but it was still cozy, only a few feet between you and the team principal. all around, hanging lights glowed, casting a soft golden light over the water.
additionally, there was a privacy fence surrounding the tub, shielding you from the frosted windows of the cabin. it was the perfect relaxation spot, as you could lounge here in the evenings after putting jack to bed and checking on rosa and benedict.
well, now that toto found you, it had disturbed your little quiet haven.
yet, you didn't mind, leaning over the edge of the tub to place your book down. since you didn't know much about the team principal, this was the perfect opportunity. perhaps you could learn a thing or two.
it went without saying that toto was a mysterious man. due to his hectic schedule, you did not encounter him much. most of the time, they were brief exchanges as he came home from work-related events, or when he came by to pick up the kids from susie.
these exchanges were completely cordial, his tone nothing but polite as you greeted him. however, now that awkwardness politeness was dissolving by the second, the team principal in close proximity.
"i have participated in my fair share of hot springs and such," he shrugs, "but this is sort of a rare occasion. i don't get out much, but i'm sure you know that."
"you seem like a very busy man," laughter bubbles up in your chest, spilling from your lips, "how is the season going? jack told me he was excited to see lewis next weekend."
at the mention of lewis, as in lewis hamilton, toto's lips curve into a broad grin, "the season is going well. there have been some hiccups, but nothing we can't handle. but enough about me, i'm sure the kids tell you all about their father. i want to get to know you."
"me?" you raise a brow, "oh toto, there is nothing interesting about me. i promise."
"nothing interesting about a gorgeous woman like you?" your heart skips a beat as he crosses the space between you, only inches apart now, "surely there's something. what else do you do besides nannying?"
"taking care of your children is the only interesting thing about me i'm afraid."
"do you have a boyfriend?" toto presses, his hands cupping the edge of the tub, pinning you to the cool surface, "surely you have a boyfriend. you're far too pretty to be walking around single."
"oh toto," you murmur, the notes so sweet and angelic, "nannying is my top priority. ensuring that your children are safe, happy, and well taken of is what i devote most of my time towards. i don't have time for boyfriends."
"good girl," he hums, "that's a good answer. you're far too pretty for most of these boys anyway."
good girl.
the way the praise fell so effortlessly from his lips sends a shiver down your spine.
"so what are you saying?" tilting your head back, your gaze finds his, your lips pursing ever so slightly.
"i'm saying you need a man," his mouth hovers above yours, the words dripping with lust, "you need a man to take care of you."
"oh do i?" you tease, "do i need a man like you, mr. wolff?"
were you oh so tantalizing in this moment.
toto knew he shouldn't. he knew the stakes involved. he was well aware of the risks that came with this.
yet, you were so fucking tempting in that little number.
and he just couldn't resist.
not for a second longer.
lips crash into yours, steady hands cupping the curves of your ass, lifting you to the edge of the tub. you nearly teeter, but he holds you firmly, the fiery kiss sucking the air out of your lungs. the veins in his muscular forearms are prominent as he keeps you situated on that edge, your thighs spreading, inviting him in.
a whine rises in your throat as his tongue licks along your lower lip, begging for entrance. you let him in, hips bucking as the kisses deepen, your arms wrapping around his neck.
the kisses are passionate, fueled by lust. almost as if the team principal was wolf, ready to pounce.
and you were his prey.
his innocent, angelic, stunning, prey.
the cooler air has your nipples hardened, yet you were hot to the touch, desperate for some sort of relief to the burning desire consuming you whole as his mouth descends, pressing sloppy kisses down your neck, onto your collarbone.
"toto," you groan, head rolling back as fingers wrap around the fabric of your bikini top, his warm mouth enveloping your nipple. his tongue flicks back and forth, earning a series of mewls from you.
"what is it?" he nearly pants, "what do you need?"
"is that right?" he coos, glancing upward, "you need a man like me to take care of you?"
"yes," you nod, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, "please."
"oh i will," his lips curl into a smug smirk, "i'll take care of you, angel. don't you fret."
his mouth reconnects with the plane of your stomach, the taste salt lingering on his tongue from the water. you squirm as he finds your dripping core, his tongue teasing your swollen clit through the fabric of your bottoms.
"so, so beautiful," he murmurs, his breath fanning against your inner thighs, "like an angel from the heavens above."
his fingers hook the hem of your bottoms, pulling them aside as he comes face-to-face with your weeping cunt. carefully, his tongue treads along your slick folds, a moan ringing out into the night.
your fingers tangle in his dampened locks, tugging at the roots as his eyes drift upward.
the emotion bursting within those depths is indescribable. it was almost as if a man was brought to his knees at the altar, ready to worship and praise the divine. as if a man was catching his first glimpse at a piece of pure art.
yet, the once bright mocha gaze was now dimmed, hardened into a near obsidian hue by the spell that had taken ahold.
"ride my tongue," the words vibrate against you, "i need to feel it. need to taste you."
yet, as you begin to roll those hips, a familiar cry floods your ears.
"papaaaa! hase!"
"fuck," toto curses, wiping his lower lip, "i guess i should go check out what he needs, hmm? or isn't that your job?"
"he called for his papa first," you tease, sticking out your tongue, "i can go help him back to bed though. he probably just had a nightmare."
"hase?" his brows furrow as you swim across the tub, stepping onto the ladder, "why does he call you bunny?"
"it's a long story," you wave a hand, treading up the steps, "i need to go do my job. also, my fingers are getting all pruney. we may want to continue this somewhere else."
"well," toto follows in suit, slapping your ass, "i think we'll continue this in my room. if you don't mind."
"you better hope i don't fall asleep with jack," you scoff, wrapping a towel around your frame.
"oh hase, don't fret. i'll just carry you out of that bed and into mine."
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b1tcht0p1a · 2 days
Feelings - Monster Trio
Fem! reader, but there is more gender-neutral wording in both Luffy's and Zoro's parts. Sanji does, too, but I was thinking more feminine. Don't worry, I will be making a male! reader one eventually. Rewrite of this post!
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Luffy doesn’t come off as the most intelligent or aware of a lot. He’s smarter than he lets on sometimes. He's had crushes during his childhood and is well aware of what a relationship is. But he hasn't explored anything close to a romantic. It's unimportant to him, but that doesn't mean he's never considered it. It wasn't often, but these thoughts started up more often when you came crashing into his life. Especially after he got to know you better.
He figured that he liked you but shrugged it off at first. It was a small thing, it would probably disappear at some point.
But he was wrong, he found himself talking about you. From something big you did with him and the crew or a small thing you did that he found funny.
He'll do this when he knows you're not around to hear. He's not embarrassed about what he's saying. He just doesn't want to make things uncomfortable for you.
And even after repeated attempts to get him to even hint at this crush of his, he doesn't. And you're oblivious to the whole thing.
So when he finally comes around and just admits what he feels, you're blindsided. But once thinking back on some things, you understand completely.
You were on the deck, chilling and just enjoying the sun after several days of overcast. Everyone was enjoying themselves, relaxing like yourself, or doing some activity. You're in your own world, not paying attention to anyone, when the sun's warmth suddenly disappears. Cracking open an eye reveals Luffy staring down at you and picking his nose. "Can I help you?" He shrugs his shoulders, his finger still digging in his nose. He pulls it out and inspects his finger before wiping it on his shorts. "Don't know, just kinda felt like coming over here."
"Oh, why don't you sit down?"
"Ehh, no, I'm good. Just wanted to say you're pretty and that I like you." "Oh? Thanks-" "As in, I want to date you." He walks away after that, probably to return to whatever he was doing before or to annoy Sanji for lunch. You're stunned momentarily, mind wandering as you think.
Getting over how sudden the confession was, and thinking back on how he treats you; he was obvious with his feelings.
Checking on you first after fights, even if he's pretty injured. Coming to find you and hanging around you even if you aren't doing something 'fun'. Most of the time, he'll ask a question about what you're doing before walking away. The rare times he would stay, he would simply watch. Only a question or two here or there.
He also tends to listen to you better. Like, ask him to do something for you and he'll do it. (Most of the time, occasionally he won't)
Anyways, if you approach him and talk to him about what he said, he'll repeat himself. No shame. He felt ready.
He doesn't expect you to return his sentiment but does hope that you feel the same. At the end of the day, he wants to have you in his life. Significant other or not.
Oh? You feel the same? He heard you just give him a second. The words are reaching his brain.
He's overjoyed, he's laughing and wrapping you in a hug. He's running around the ship telling everyone. He still has you held in his arms the whole time.
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Zoro is very special. He knows things, but fuck is he emotionally constipated. He tolerates you more than the others, aside from Luffy. He's capable of showing and experiencing emotions; he's not as stoic as people think. But he doesn't like expressing things that might make him seem weak. He hates crying; he hates romantic feelings. Even though he tolerates you, he dislikes being around you because you make him feel weak. He can't have that.
When he first realized his little crush on you; he started to push you away.
Only to stop doing this because it made him feel worse for pushing you away.
His crush is obvious by the way. He'll do things for you that he wouldn't do the others. And also if you get him talking about you, he has a lot of things to say. All good, promise.
He likes to hover a lot when out on an island. He says he doesn't but he is. He also manages not to get lost while with you. Which is strange.
Please don't talk to him about his feelings. He will get mad and walk away. Let him do it himself, and act surprised.
You just returned from a little shopping trip on the most recent island. Everyone went out, getting much-needed supplies but also some more indulgent things. You went off to shop, wanting to see what this island had to offer. Zoro, of course, had followed you. Standing right behind you, arms crossed and looking more like a bodyguard than anything. It's intimidating and some vendors seemed too eager to sell you things. Even at a high discount. Sure, it's nice not having to spend a bunch of money on something you really like, but the feeling of being rushed makes it hard to comfortably buy things. But overall, your trip was successful, and Zoro was 'begrudgingly' carrying it back to the ship for you. It was silent as you walked back to the ship. You had decided to take a scenic route back to the docks. Enjoying the vibrant colors of the town. It gave a perfect opportunity to speak to Zoro alone. You had been aware of his feelings and returned them. You had wanted to talk to him about it. Thinking it was best to do it away from the other, you waited to get him alone. The island stop provided a good moment. So when the docks came into view, you stopped walking. So did Zoro, though he was confused as to why you stopped.
"The ship is right there, why'd you stop?"
"I want to ask you something..."
"Okay? Why'd you stop, though?" You sigh deeply. You have to take your next steps carefully. Zoro is special. Being blunt felt right.
"Everyone keeps saying you have a crush on me. Yes or no?" He drops everything in his arms and stares at you blankly. Then you see it, he becomes flustered.
"You’re an idiot. What the hell makes you think that?" He stomps off before you can even answer. You had to carry everything back.
He ignores you for the rest of the day. Refusing to even glance at you during dinner.
He’s still visibly flushed btw.
He will come around later either that night or the next day. Begrudgingly apologizing of course.
He’s honestly expecting to get turned down so he starts talking as if you don’t like him back.
Dumbfounded when that’s not the case. Smiles at you before it quickly drops.
The others only know because you told them. There’s not much of a difference between dating and friendship. Just more affection.
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Sanji, despite being the emotional person he is, doesn’t know how he really feels. He loves women. Which makes it hard to discern genuine thoughts from his perverted thoughts. And at first, that's what it very much seems like. A man with a little too much to say about feminine individuals. He understands that he finds you attractive, but there's something else there. This tight feeling in his chest makes it feel like he can't breathe. He's scared.
He's not as confident serving you as he is with Robin or Nami. He needs everything 100% perfect.
Because of these feelings, he tends to cook meals that he knows will please or thinks will please you. He lives for your praise.
He'd say things like "I love you..." or "Marry me...". Anything that he also says to Robin or Nami. It's less tossed out as it is with them.
Despite his typical nature, he can converse with women or feminine people in general without being his usual self. So he'd ask for help; it's new, and he wants to address it as soon as possible.
He is a lot softer leading up to his confession. More genuine smiles and compliments. Like small things. He's observant.
'Did you do something new? You look lovely today!' 'Wow! Those colors really make your eyes pop.'
Sanji had been acting strange the past few days. His normal pervertedness had mellowed into something actually sweet. He wasn't as tense, and he spoke softer than he would Robin or Nami. When he wasn't cooking or catering to people's needs, he often sat with you. Talking about interests, hobbies, anything about you. It was late, way after dinner. Everyone was off getting ready for bed. Other than you and Sanji. All his cleaning was done, thanks to your help. Now, you're both sat at the head of the boat. Both staring into the water, talking about random things. Surprisingly, the topic turned to the future and love. He's standing close, his face soft as he speaks. "I fear that my normal behavior might have ruined my chances." "Well, if it's anything, you've made leaps and bounds with that shit since. At least towards me." Sanji hesitates momentarily, taking a drag from his cigarette and blowing it into the wind. He turns so he faces you. "Yeah, because it's you." The world has never been clearer.
Just pretend you are blind pls. He was so obvious with it that he thought you knew. But realized you didn't when yall would talk.
He almost walks off after saying that but waits.
Crys when you share the same sentiment.
Gladly tells everyone over dinner. Only for Zoro to say some dumb shit.
Nami and Robin are very happy for you, though. They were tired of Sanji's whining to them.
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As stated above, this is a rewrite of this post. Do not plagiarize or reupload my content to any other site or blog.
Luffy 574 Zoro 606 Sanji 468
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lurkingshan · 2 days
10 Things I Love About Triage
I am extraordinarily late to this party but I am here to scream about Triage, a show which I started on a whim after a stray comment from @incandescentflower and subsequently finished in two sittings. This drama has been on my list forever (I didn't watch it live because the distribution was wacky) and then it just kept getting overlooked as I fought to keep up with the deluge of Thai BL coming at us at all times. But I am very glad I finally hunted it down and made the time and I would like to tell you why!
Hello Again, Dr. Sammon
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I am on record as a Sammon fan. She is one of the best writers working in Thai BL and she has a knack for mystery and suspense. Her narratives are always really well constructed with tight plotting and smart character work, and Triage is no exception. This story feels confident, steady, and complete in a way few Thai BLs do.
The time travel rules are blessedly consistent
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Part of what makes the story sing is it's a time travel plot that actually gets the particulars right. In a time loop, the details are everything, and this show understands that. The series of events are consistent, the rules of the time travel mechanics are clearly explained, and when our protagonists learn something new, it always lines up with something we'd gotten hints about before or gives us new context for old information. There are no loose threads in this show.
My boy Tin is going through it
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Tin is a fantastic protagonist. He starts the show disillusioned with his work and hilariously grumpy about this time loop situation--he is a busy ER doctor and he does not have time for this--but as he starts to piece together how the loop works he gets more methodical in his approach, and eventually becomes emotionally invested in his mission to save Tol. Tin felt really well-calibrated in that he was smart and he tried all the things you would be shouting at the screen for him to try, but he's still a human being with flaws and insecurities and so he makes mistakes, learns, and has to try again. The show really successfully put us in the frustration with him.
Tol makes for an interesting damsel
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Because he's kind of an asshole! Tol is rude and disrespectful when he first meets Tin, he hangs around with some truly awful bullies, he treats Rit like garbage, and he's all around an arrogant dick. Until he isn't. I like the choice to make the focus of our mission such a difficult character, not only because it makes Tin's challenge that much harder, but also because it invites us to consider the reasons why someone might be behaving the way he is and whether they can be redeemed.
This show has everything: action, romance, and agony
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It's truly an emotional rollercoaster all the way through, and you can't relax for a moment. The pacing is relentless through most of the show, and even as a bond develops between Tin and Tol and they begin a tentative romance, danger is lurking around every corner. As soon as these boys started making out in episode 9 I knew something awful was coming for me and IT SURE DID.
Jinta, the ultimate frenemy
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On that note let's talk about Jinta, my nemesis!! Jinta is some kind of unspecified deity/whimsical god and the one who appears to be responsible for putting Tin and Tol in this loop. Is he trying to help them? Is he trying to torture them? I definitely think it's both! He seems to delight in showing up to taunt Tin as he struggles to figure out how to get through to Tol, and when it's Tol's turn on the merry-go-round he sends him to the darkest timeline for his high stakes final attempt to save Tin just because he can. I love/hate you, sir!
Sing and Gap and the darkest timeline
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Speaking of which, can we talk about how appropriate it is that Sing and Gap are a couple only in the darkest timeline? I don't know if people were shipping this for real during the live watch, but I definitely was not and so I started cackling when we got to the worst possible timeline and Sing was suddenly calling Gap his boyfriend. Sammon, you are hilarious and I salute you.
Fantastic side characters
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Let's talk about the sides I did love. First of all, aside from his weird aggressive flirting/not flirting thing with Gap, I actually did like Sing's friendship with Tin a lot. I also loved the hospital gang who were around to alternately tease and help Tin, most especially Toy and Fang. Toy is a sweetheart and a gossip who never misses a trick, and Fang is an actual badass who first cracked the case with that evil doctor and saved Tin's life. They are fabulous. Rit was also an excellent character with a lot of complexity and he added some much needed depth to the school storyline (does anyone else think he was basically the proto-DFF Non?). And while Mai and Heart were not my favorite people, I did appreciate that the show gave them a sympathetic portrayal instead of making them evil villains (we had the organ harvesters for that).
That beautiful clocktower
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I must give a shoutout to this gorgeous clocktower featured in several important scenes. I got so excited every time it showed up. Fun fact: in the first clocktower scene I was like oh hey I recognize that from gifs, but it can't be that scene because it's too early for a kis--TIN WHAT ARE YOU DOING! (I was right, it was too early for a kiss and Tol was Big Mad but bless you for going for it anyway, Tin).
The romance is balanced and rootable
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And on that note, let me give a shoutout to the romance part of this story for actually feeling balanced. This is not an epic swoony love affair, but more a story of two people putting in the time to understand and empathize with each other. Sometimes in these kind of time loop stories the romance can end up feeling very one-sided because one character is holding all the knowledge and all the cards. But in this show we have the neat trick of Tol taking over the loop to try to save Tin in the final arc, which means he got to go through a similar process of getting to know the darkest version of his lover and figuring out how to get through to him. I was delighted by all the events of the long loop playing out again, but this time with Tin being the obstinate one. Tol got a taste of his own medicine and it left me feeling like they were both equally invested in this relationship.
TL;DR: If you haven't watched this yet, you really should! It's a fast binge and a great time with some Thai BL favorites. It's unfortunately still not available for international streaming, but it's very easy to find grey now and it's worth the effort. Go forth!
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Hi! I have gi request: can you do headcanons about reader being best friends with some characters? Namely, Wanderer, Nahida, Furina and Albedo. If you don't feel like doing all of them, at least someone is fine! Thank you <3
Being best friends with Wanderer, Nahida, Furina and Albedo
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Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes listening to him bitch and moan about how having friends makes your life better and how it cannot go wrong ever. Note the sarcasm. He does really like having you as a friend since you’ve never done anything to think you’d betray or abandon him and shows it through his actions
Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes having to explain to others that it took a while for Wanderer to stop trying to ditch you the first few months/a year and assuring others that he’s not an awful person he just has a resting bitch face.
Being the best friend of the wandering reformed puppet includes drinking bitter tea and helping make delicious dishes but being scolded if you don’t help with cleaning the dishes. You also enjoy how annoyed he is at the many people who follow him for being fond of him and incidentally playing hide-and-seek when you can’t find Wanderer.
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Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes hearing the best advice whether it’s being given to you or someone else that you’re around and having a relaxing afternoon in the forest or strolling around the streets of Sumeru city.
Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes hanging out with all of the Aranaras who are very happy to have a new friend and play games with. Both you and Nahida love dancing at night with fireflies flying around while the Aranara play songs and joyfully skip around one another.
Being the best friend of the Dendro Archon includes listening to Wanderer bitch about working with Nahida even though he’s glad too and making candied nuts. Making flower crowns out of wildflowers growing around the goddess and using vines to weave intricate designs with the flowers highlighting the crown.
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Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes being overly dramatic with her almost constantly and acting out miniature favorite scenes from plays. She invites you to all the plays she is in and excitedly tells you all the funny behind-the-scenes tales she can without getting in trouble.
Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes trying and eating so many cakes and sweet foods that you both get full instantly. Seriously though both of you will get stomaches but are also welcomed back to the restaurant by the owners.
Being the best friend of Lady Furina includes cuddling with her hydro creations and having many tea parties with them. You both have so much fun popping the bubbles made by them and training gracefully like you’re dancing.
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Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes so much hijinx that it’s almost like rolling a wheel every day to see what shit will ensue and you will also have to drag the homunculus out of his office for breaks. There are many times when you won’t see Albedo for days or weeks and then out of nowhere, he’ll show up on your doorstep asking if you want to get breakfast or lunch.
Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes spending so much time with Klee regardless of whether Albedo is with you and trying your best not to let her get herself into trouble. Of course, it sometimes doesn’t work but Albedo is so fond and grateful that you have such a good relationship with his sister.
Being the best friend of the chief alchemist includes being very concerned that he eats spiders and desperately trying to get him to stop. You’ve tried so many things and all of them failed at one point Albedo tried to get you to eat a spider which ended with you slapping him.
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mianexil · 1 day
POV: He heard/saw how someone was planning to harm you .... this trope for togame jo plssss
◇ POV: He heard/saw how someone was planning to harm you ◇
(pt. 2)
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
🪷 [ Hey, my cute Jo Togame lovers, your man is finally here. I usually don't write headcannons with him because I'm not really into him yet. So let me know in the comment: Is it worth adding this turtle more often? In that case, I think I'll have to think about him a little more often. ( I also added Choji here) ]
🪷 [ The reaction of the Windbreaker boys when they heard/saw that someone was going to harass you. Don't worry, cutie, you're under the protection of these boys ]
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
ㅡ Togame, Choji
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Jo Togame
The light of the beautiful festival lanterns reflected in your eyes as you walked along the food stalls.
The white yukata with the image of a red poppy rustled from your movements, and your heart was full of joy, because you will spend this fireworks festival with your boyfriend, who once again decided to work in the festival shop. Hearing the sound of your geta, Togame was distracted from hanging traditional masks on the shelves.
Your boyfriend slowly broke into a satisfied smile.
《 You look wonderful, pretty girl. This yukata suits you very well 》
After cooing for 15 minutes, you decided to go get dango.
Jo returned to his work when he suddenly heard 2 male voices behind him. However, the long-awaited visitors turned out to be not the most pleasant news this time.
《 Dude, girls in yukata are fucking hot. Did you see that chick in the white yukata with red flowers? She's definitely my type 》 - 《Well, go to her. She's not going anywhere in those shoes anyway 》
If only these assholes knew what a chilling look awaits them right behind their backs. The green eyes darkened, burning the guys with a look from under half-lowered eyelids.
Their guffaw was interrupted by a single movement. The poor guys' view was blocked by masks, and then heavy hands fell on their shoulders.
《 Shall we go talk? 》
The sauce on the sweet dangos glistened so appetiingly while you were carrying a box of them to Togame's shop. However, there was no one there. You started to turn around, looking for your boyfriend in the crowd, when you saw him walking towards you along the path in the warm light of the festival lanterns. Jo was smiling, relaxed, waving at you with his hand, which contained 2 new bottles of ramune.
《 Hey, baby, I bought us drinks 》
With a relaxed drawl, the man leaned over to you so that you could feed him sweet dangos from your hands.
That evening, you never found out that some 2 idiots slept through all the fireworks, lying in a log by some tree in the forest near festival street.
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Choji Tomiyama
This active boy just couldn't help but invite you out on the weekend. You've already got used to the fact that one day off with him is one new adventure, because he can't stay at home, and he doesn't want to go without you.
《 Y/N, Y/N, let's go, let's go..》
And so, you found yourself in some crowded park after a long walk. Wanting to let your legs rest, you told Choji that you would go to the bench. In response, your boyfriend nodded with a big smile and said he would bring you sweets from an ice cream van nearby.
While you were catching your breath, Tomiyama was standing in line for a cold treat. It was noisy in the park, but the conversation of some jerk behind stood out from the rest of the background. The guy was talking on the phone, constantly laughing in some kind of nasty, raspy voice.
《 Yes, man, I noticed her a few minutes ago, and she's been sitting on the bench alone all this time. You should have seen her whore's flared skirt, she's one hundred percent looking for attention and I'll give it to her, hehe. It's been a long time since I've had a pretty girl 》
Choji followed the gaze of the guy who was staring right at the unsuspecting you.
How dare he utter such disgusting words in your direction!? Does he really want to die today? It seems Choji has just got a new rival.
A flame flared deep in Tomiyama's eyes, darkened with anger, and a joyful smile on his lips was replaced by an expression as if he wanted to kill here and now.
The nasty guy with the phone had to be distracted from the conversation because of the gaze of the head of the Shishitoren boring into him.
There was a tense silence. Choji stared in silence for a few seconds before speaking.
《 Isn't she beautiful? Tell? Yes?...But that's not for your eyes 》
The poor guy didn't even have time to be displeased when Tomiyama already rushed at him.
Usually in a fight people aim at the jaws or cheekbones, but God, this crazy boy was definitely aiming right at the bastard's eyes.
You jumped at someone else's scream and saw a crowd gathering around something.
Of course, you immediately realized that your boyfriend might have caused this commotion. And you weren't wrong. Running closer, you immediately saw the flashing yellow jacket of Shishitoren.
It was a bit difficult, but you had to pull Tomiyama away from his new rival victim. Otherwise, that jerk definitely wouldn't have survived.
◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ㅡ ◇
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glitterjay · 2 days
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summary: heeseung finds himself drawn to the girl he initially clashed with. two competitive rivals notice the sparks that fly every time they encounter each other. beneath the surface of their hatred lies a hidden chemistry drawing them closer despite their efforts to resist. could love possibly fire up from sparks?
genre: feuding families, a little bit of everything (smut, fluff, angst), enemies to lovers
warnings: will contain smut (slight), heeeseung and reader are in their late 20s, more to be added.
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taglist (open): @drunkhee @jvjsssnaa @minniejenseo @slut4hee @nyxtwixx @m1sskz @tanisha2060 @heelee-01 @enhypenlovre @rainingleaves @hommyy-tommy @ramenoil @yorukoushii @pockettwinzz @samouryed @capri-cuntz @jjklvr9 @minjaexvz @simhinata @nurihihi @aaa-sia @yunhoswrldddd @viciousdarlings @moasworld @crimnalseung @deobitifull @arunabrak @seunghancore @kookify @illvding @llvrhee
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after weeks of meeting up at heeseung's apartment, some progress seemed to show, which had both of you relaxed and stress-free for a while. the team combination was not something the public expected, but the way you both complemented each other made the work easier.
you had learned that he was a simple man, not as extravagant as you had imagined him to be. heeseung learned about the many flaws you hid from everyone. deep down, though, you were still perfect in his eyes.
your parents had not taken the alliance well. your mother, despite being the first to know about your decision, sided with your father, causing you to crash at heeseung's with an uncontrollable hatred worse than the one you "felt" for him. however, as the days passed, this hatred was soon forgotten. the man who accompanied you almost every day now had made it his mission to distract you from all the problems you were facing—at least while you spent time with him.
you both took this time as an opportunity to get to know each other better. after all, there was no point in working together if you were going to stab each other in the back with remarks and glares.
it was a very pleasant time, and everything was going as planned until today.
you and heeseung were having your usual afternoon meeting when suddenly your phone rang. you excused yourself and left geeseung alone in his living room as you walked outside to take the call. In the meantime, heeseung prepared another movie to play as background noise to continue researching with you about your new competitors.
it took him by surprise when you walked into his apartment with tear stains on your cheeks and your eyes red and irritated. your left hand held your phone with a tight grip, turning your knuckles white, and you stood there in silence, trying to contain more tears from falling down your cheeks.
heeseung got up from where he was sitting, trying to reach out for you, but you smacked his hand away. "why?" you asked. he blinked a few times, visibly confused. "you told my father i was here. you told him i had been hanging out with you this entire time. you told him everything."
the only thing the other could do was stand there in silence. When he wasn't with you, all heeseung did was stay in his office to work independently or hang out with his group of friends. never did it cross his mind to betray you that way after knowing what a hard life you had outside the business. "all you did was stab me in the back. that's stooping way too low, lee heeseung."
ge stayed there, frozen, and only watched as you hurriedly gathered your things to go back to your own home. when you were about to leave, heeseung gathered the strength and courage to hold you back. he didn't know what to say. he knew that no matter how much he defended himself, you just wouldn't listen.
you stayed there, waiting for him to speak. you wanted him to tell you he didn't do it. you stared at his hand holding your arm and begged for him to say something. you wanted it to be a lie because, in the end, you had been slowly falling for him.
the lack of communication in that moment had led heeseung to let go of you, without saying a single word. your heart shattered into a million pieces, and it was then that you felt the same fire you had been feeling in your chest this entire time. it was then that you looked him in the eye, his own heart crumbling as he saw you cry right in front of him.
and, in a whisper, you said, "tell me it wasn't you, please."
© glitterjay | tumblr
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hello! this is just a small note to let you all know a few things. first of all, I would like to know if you've been liking the story so far! you can let me know through an ask, a comment, a reblog—anything works, and it helps me a lot. another thing is that I decided to open up a ko-fi. yay! im a uni student, and i've been struggling to get a job. it's hard, yes, but i'm still pushing through! a friend of mine suggested the idea of letting people tip me in hopes of just being able to get some money for myself until i can get a stable job, and i wanted to give the idea a go! if you would like to support me/help, you can do so here. you're not obligated to do so, by the way :] thats all from me! i jope you're enjoying this au just as much as im enjoying writing it
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nocturneblight · 2 days
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“Power of voodoo? Who do?”
I think I’ve reached peaked neurodivergence with this one, can you tell I imagine random stuff when I listen to music? Yeah. It’s one of those days.
My brain is friggen FRIED. I was out all day yesterday painting a roof! Florida is fucking hot! Between getting dizzy and dehydrated, it SUCKED. however, I got a good amount of work done on it so it’s all good, definitely gonna have to go back and paint the rest of it soon but for now, I may relax the best I can. Only problem is, my body temperature is still raised up for some reason, even in a cold room I’m feeling kinda warm and uncomfortable. I think the copious amount of uv rays dicked with my melatonin amount. I got about two hours of sleep, or maybe an hour and a half before I woke up wide awake and viola! I’m here, drawing Serperior and David Bowie, on the exact same page. Never thought you’d see these two together, right? Me neither. BUT sleep deprivation plus caffeine and music would cause the most oddest of imagery.
By the chance that no one understands this joke and thinks I’m actually delirious: It’s a mix between a lyric from the song by David Bowie called “magic dance” plus that one old comic involving the horse and a hungry dude. Why is Serperior there? Because he is. (I didn’t like drawing a basic simplified human character so I made it Serperior instead, deal with it).
Anyways….. Wonderful day you all! I know the text above is in a goofy manner but, all of you who live in a hot area, Drink water! I was lucky enough to be guzzling it down the other day and I didn’t pass out thanks to that. I came very close mutiple times, many moments I felt pressure on my temples and got kinda grainy in the vision. Even with the amount of water I drank, I still got very easily beaten up by the suns heat. So I urge you all to do the same, don’t get yourself hurt or killed when hanging out in the sun, play it safe. We’re all too fragile to be passing out on the floor and risking harming our heads or any other body part. Oh and, Please do where a hat if you can if you’re hanging out outside for a crazy long time, something to cover your neck and scalp. Those parts are hyper sensitive to the sunlight and can become easily damaged by the sun, possibly inflicting cancerous growths. I trust you understand my point. Later friends!
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melminli · 3 hours
𝗡𝗼 𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 - 𝟬𝟮
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pairing: jjk x fem. reader
summery - meeting new people can be nerve-wracking, but that's how you make new friends.
word count: 1,2k
content: x reader, pre canon au, genshin impact inspired themes, crack, fluff, (in the future: manga spoilers, angst, satoru x reader...)
series masterlist | previous chapter!
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tokyo, august 21 2005
"i think i'll have the blueberry cheesecake..." you finally decide after thinking about it for a while and looking at the different options at the shop window.
satoru joined you. "yeah, me too."
you looked at him in annoyance in response. "are you stupid? pick something else. we can't both have the same thing." you pointed at something else in the window by tapping on the glass. "take the chocolate cake. i want to try it."
his mood worsened at your statement. "you always do this, and then you don't share yourself, so i always end up eating the things you actually want!" he threw the accusation at you being finally fed up with your behavior.
you laughed lightly and didn't take him seriously. "is that so?" you didn't elaborate further because you didn't really care, to be honest. it wasn't your fault that he always wanted to order the same thing you did. hasn't he ever heard of the rule that when you go out to eat somewhere, you have to pick different stuff?
you waited outside on a bench while he went in to buy the pastries, and you looked a little surprised when he came out a few minutes later with a box too big for just two cakes. "what did you buy?" you asked him a bit judgmentally. though, maybe the right question to ask was how much. you shouldn't have let him go in alone.
he just shrugged his shoulders. "the cakes and a few other things because we're going to meet some of my friends." he casually gave the reason while being very aware of the fact that this wasn't the original plan.
you shook your head. "no, we didn't talk about anything like that. i don't want to meet your friends." you said directly without hesitation. you had a relatively good day today, a good mood, and the weather was nice. you wouldn't ruin that by spending your precious time being awkward around other people.
satoru just rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. "i know you don't like talking to strangers, but you need to get out of your comfort zone a bit."
there was literally no reason why you had to do that. you didn't know why he made that his mission today. "i'm doing this with you already, isn't that enough?" you complained.
he sent you an offended look at that statement. "we've known each other for ages. that's definitely not the definition of strangers." he said a bit bitter. you always had to unintentionally break his heart like that.
you avoided his gaze. "i'll look up the definition right now if you keep bugging me." you said, being a little petty but also didn't want to risk exposing yourself in case he was right. you guys had been hanging out pretty often since you met two months ago, and he also texts you every day and spams your phone with dumb memes. "besides, i don't want to meet your stupid friends."
"they're not stupid. come on." he ignored your whining and went ahead. he knew you would follow him eventually since he was carrying your blueberry cheesecake. otherwise, he wouldn't have acted so confidently.
you considered following him for a while until you shouted. "wait for me!" you said and ran after him.
a while after that...
you ate your cake in silence and didn't pay much attention to the others. it was kind of relaxing to picnic outside, you thought. especially in the shady place under the trees. but even though you were a person who said what was on their mind most of the time, you were pretty quiet right now. well, you were kinda outnumbered here, so one could say that you felt a little intimidated, perhaps.
was it very obvious that you had grown up isolated and had never actually interacted with others around your age? you hoped not because even if you didn't like to admit it, satoru was the only person you would consider somewhat of a friend, and you certainly didn't want to put that on your resume.
"so, why aren't you a jujutsu sorcerer if you can see curses?" the girl next to you asked you in a casual tone.
you shrugged your shoulders and answered without looking her in the face. you were pretty nervous right now, you always wanted to be friends with a girl. "i don't know. why do you ask stupid questions when you can just shut up?"
satoru looked at you with disappointment. "hey, what did we talk about? stop being mean to others as a defense meschanism. you need to let others into you." he said the last sentence in a therapist voice while pointing both his hands to his heart. "this way, you just come across as a total asshole and no one will like you that way."
you just rolled your eyes and wondered why he always bothered you to hang out with him if you were such an ass. "that's what your mom did last night."
the other two friends laughed lightly at the trap that the gojo had set up for himself. he looked a bit betrayed at the two before he started saying something quick to somehow save his honor. "well, unlike you, i have a certain charm that appeals to older women. so i don't know. maybe i actually have a chance with your mom." he countered, emphasizing the last words extra hard.
it was a little painful to watch him try so hard. he just made things worse with that awkward statement. "my mom's dead, actually." she wasn't, but you loved the look on others' faces when you told them that after they made a your mom joke. you tried to stifle your laughter at satoru's expression, but you couldn't help but slightly contort your face.
it was a bit difficult not to be childish when you had lost your childhood to the hands of adults. it was something you would never get back and therefore would always stick with you.
the white-haired boy finally noticed what you did. "stop lying to make me look like a idiot! you really made me seem like a bad person!"
the three of you thought the same thing at what he said. he was worried about that? satoru's best friend couldn't help but add something as well. you think his name was suguru. "you don't need her help for that, i think you can do that all by yourself."
this led to the two continuing to bicker and exchange insults and threats with each other as they butted heads.
shoko ignored them and turned to you again. she didn't really mind your rudeness. you seemed like a good person with a tough shell. she asked you something because she wanted to make sure that she had heard you correctly before. "what did you say your last name was again?"
you looked at her and answered with a disinterested tone after reaching for a fruit roll. "raiden. why?"
she shook her head. "no reason." she looked up through the small gaps in the foliage, which let out pretty rays of sunlight. raiden means thunder and lightning, doesn't it?
to be continued...
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estellan0vella · 14 hours
Bambi On Ice ❀ Megumi Fushiguro Masterlist
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The ice rink is empty, a vast, pristine expanse of glistening white. It's just you and Megumi, the cold air biting at your cheeks, and the quiet hum of the ice beneath your blades. You look over at him, bundled up in a thick jacket, his usually serious face looking a little bit apprehensive.
"Are you ready, Bambi?" you tease, giving him a wink.
He rolls his eyes, but there's a small, reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I told you not to call me that."
You skate backwards effortlessly, watching him as he tentatively steps onto the ice. His movements are stiff, careful, and entirely ungraceful. It's adorable.
"Come on, it's not that hard," you say, holding out a hand to him. "Just relax and glide."
Megumi takes a deep breath, his eyes focused on the ice in front of him as if it's a particularly tricky opponent he needs to defeat. He moves one skate forward, then the other, but instead of gliding gracefully, he wobbles, his arms flailing for balance.
"Whoa!" he yelps as he falls, landing on his ass with a thud. The sound echoes in the empty rink, and you can't help but burst into laughter.
"Bambi on ice!" you manage to gasp out between giggles, skating over to him. "You okay?"
He glares up at you, but there's no real heat in it. "I think my dignity is more bruised than anything else."
You offer him your hand, and he takes it, pulling himself up with a grunt. "Maybe you should show me how it's done again."
"Alright, watch and learn," you say, still chuckling. You push off, moving effortlessly across the ice. You pick up speed, doing a few spins and jumps, your movements fluid and precise. The ice is your element, and you feel completely at home.
Megumi watches, his expression a mix of admiration and frustration. When you come to a stop in front of him, his eyes are wide. "You make it look so easy."
"It is easy," you say, reaching out to take his hands. "You just need to relax. Let me guide you."
He takes a deep breath and nods. You start slow, pulling him along gently. He follows, his steps tentative but becoming a little more confident.
"That's it," you encourage him. "Just like that. You're doing great."
But then he hits a rough patch of ice, his foot slips, and he goes down again, this time pulling you with him. You both end up in a heap on the ice, laughing.
"Well, that was better," you say, still giggling. "At least you took me down with you this time."
"Misery loves company," he mutters, but he's smiling too.
You help each other up, and this time you decide to hold onto him a little more firmly. "Okay, let's try again. This time, don't overthink it. Just follow my lead."
He nods, his grip on your hands tightening. You start off slowly, guiding him across the ice. His movements are still a bit awkward, but he's improving.
"See? You're getting the hang of it," you say, beaming at him.
"I still feel like a newborn deer," he grumbles, but there's a hint of pride in his voice.
You laugh, giving him a playful nudge. "A very cute newborn deer."
He rolls his eyes, but you can tell he's pleased by the compliment. You skate a few more laps together, his confidence growing with each one. By the time you take a break, he's actually managing to stay upright on his own.
"Not bad for a beginner," you say, handing him a water bottle.
He takes it, panting slightly. "Not bad for a drill sergeant."
You laugh, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I'm just trying to make sure my Bambi doesn't break a leg."
He blushes slightly, taking a sip of water to hide it. "Well, your Bambi appreciates it."
You spend the next hour on the ice, showing him different techniques and helping him improve his balance. He still falls occasionally, but each time he gets back up with more determination. It's endearing, watching him work so hard at something that's so natural to you.
Finally, you decide to show off a little. "Alright, Megumi, watch this."
You take off across the rink, building up speed. You launch into a series of jumps and spins, the ice singing beneath your blades. When you finish with a flourish, you look over at him, breathless and exhilarated.
He's watching you with wide eyes, clearly impressed. "That was amazing."
You skate back to him, grinning. "Thanks. Think you'll be able to do that someday?"
He laughs, shaking his head. "I think I'll stick to not falling for now."
"Fair enough," you say, taking his hand again. "But remember, it's not about being perfect. It's about having fun."
He looks at you, his expression softening. "With you, it's always fun."
Your heart melts a little at his words, and you pull him into a hug. "You're too sweet."
After a couple more laps around the rink, you both decide it's time to call it a day. You help Megumi off the ice, and he wobbles a little, but this time he manages to stay upright.
"Not bad, Bambi," you tease, nudging him lightly.
He gives you a mock glare, but there's a smile playing on his lips. "I'm getting there."
You both change out of your skates and into your shoes and as you head out of the rink, the cold air outside is a sharp contrast to the warmth inside. Megumi pulls his jacket tighter around himself, and you do the same.
"How about we grab something warm to drink?" you suggest, slipping your hand into his.
He nods, his breath visible in the chilly air. "Sounds perfect. There's a little book café around the corner that I think you'll like."
You walk hand in hand to the café, the cosy lights inside beckoning you in from the cold. The bell above the door jingles softly as you enter, and you're greeted by the rich aroma of coffee and the comforting scent of old books. The place is quaint and warm, with shelves lined with books and comfy chairs scattered about.
Megumi heads to the counter and glances at you. "What would you like?"
"Hot chocolate, please," you reply, smiling at him.
He nods and turns to the barista. "One black coffee and one hot chocolate, please." He pays for the drinks, and you both find a seat by the window. The view outside shows the bustling street, but inside, it's peaceful and quiet.
When the drinks arrive, Megumi hands you your hot chocolate, the steam curling up in delightful spirals. You take a sip, savouring the sweet warmth.
"Perfect," you say, smiling at him over the rim of your cup.
He takes a sip of his coffee and nods. "Just what I needed."
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying your drinks and the cosy ambience. You glance around the café, noting the eclectic mix of books on the shelves. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you stand up to take a closer look.
"Find anything interesting?" Megumi asks, watching you with a fond smile.
You pick up a book with a colourful cover and flip through it. "There are so many to choose from. It's like a treasure trove in here."
He chuckles. "You and your books."
You grin, placing the book back on the shelf. "Hey, you love them too."
"True," he admits, taking another sip of his coffee.
You return to your seat, and as you settle back in, you notice Megumi watching you with a soft expression. "What?" you ask, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
"Nothing," he replies, shaking his head slightly. "Just thinking how lucky I am."
You reach across the table and take his hand, squeezing it gently. "I'm the lucky one."
He smiles, his eyes warm. "How about we pick out a book to read together?"
You nod eagerly. "I'd love that."
You both wander through the shelves, picking out a book that catches your interest. You return to your seat, and as you start reading, you feel a sense of contentment wash over you. The world outside fades away, and it's just you, Megumi, and the words on the page.
Every now and then, he makes a comment or you share a laugh, and you realize that these moments, these simple, quiet moments, are what make you happiest. With Megumi by your side, even the coldest winter day feels warm and bright.
The afternoon slips by unnoticed as you lose yourselves in the story. When you finally look up, you realize the café is starting to empty, and the sky outside is growing darker.
"We should probably head home," Megumi says, glancing at the time.
You nod, but you're reluctant to leave the cosy comfort of the café. "Yeah, I suppose we should."
As you both gather your things, Megumi pays for the book, insisting that it's a keepsake of a perfect day. You step out into the chilly evening, and he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close.
"Thank you for today," you say softly, leaning into him.
He kisses the top of your head. "Thank you for making it perfect."
With his arm around you, and the warmth of the day still lingering, you walk home together, the promise of many more perfect days ahead.
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twilight-zoned-out · 1 month
Edwin Payne is a dweeb who gives terrible weak comebacks, who can be unnecessarily petty, or overly smug, who is inordinately pleased with himself when wearing detective gear and using scientific gear, the thought never crossing his mind that he might not look as cool as he thinks he does, who carries a continual and utter absolute delight at acting like the characters he loved to read about, who was enthralled by his magazine detective and adventure stories and who wears a similar smile when he sits on the bed watching Scooby Doo with Niko, 'these detectives are terribly clever,' whose board game collection is mostly variations of Clue, who requires payment (because any good detective is worth some kind of payment) but whose idea of payment is whatever interesting object the client offers to add to his collection, who has encyclopedic intelligence he clearly dedicated hours to learning, who has a particular way of acting and speaking like everything is of vital importance, because to him, it is.
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mars-ipan · 9 days
marijuana. is cool
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rxttenfish · 3 months
broke ground and started working on the second chapter of caecilian because i am Unable To Help Myself (and also as a little treat for myself for doing some other stuff and making progress on that)
#all the care guide says is 'biomass'#miravi.txt#right now the big discussion is: comparing their living spaces#which is very fun to have miri's contrasted against aaravi's#mostly because miranda's is obscenely clean and tidy but not out of any actual intent from miranda herself#and moreso its a factor of her total lack of control over her living situation#while aaravi's is intensely messy because of her own depression + isolation#and because of her singlemindedness when it comes to what she focuses on and when#its fine if her place is a mess since its just a place for her to rest when shes not doing the slayer thing#with very few comforts of home (because that tends to freak her out for trauma reasons)#when you put them together you have aaravi actually getting invested in where she lives and taking care of it#and wanting it to be comfortable#and you have miranda abruptly able to control her environment and be able to determine for herself what it looks like#miri actually very sincerely does end up with a joy of cleaning#as its a positive alternative to her destructive urges. they both serve the need of giving her control over where she lives and how.#and its a calming and repetitive motion where she can directly observe the outcome of her work and feel good about it#and aaravi has someone who she just wants to hang out with and slow down around#miri acts as a calming presence that also in turn makes her feel safe enough to relax#and it makes her protective in turn and wants to provide miranda with creature comforts to hang around with#ofc this is all in the future and after the events of caecilian but#you know!
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void-tiger · 3 months
Actually…? No. Tell me the odds. I need the likelihood of success and got nothing else to lose might as well try even if extremely unlikely. Because I need help sustaining the hope that everything’s gonna be okay and motivation to get there that I just can’t do for myself without burning out almost completely.
#tiger’s musings#mental health bullshit#…I am just. overwhelmed#by not knowing how to make this work#and being unable to beat the ED keeping me from taking the two steps that I DO know exist#because…I need a moral support body double. and one who won’t get disgusted as my lid flips the whole time I try to do this#and…I just can’t see someone WANTING to MAKE time for me. a small pocket. for us to both relax and catch our breath and enjoy eachother#I’m tired of ‘oh we’re totally friends Tiger!’ but. are we tho?#you set time aside for friends to either just. talk. share memes. or hang out no matter how infrequently#guess my love language really IS quality time#in addition to being very touch starved for Platonic Human Intimacy#and a side of acts of service. because…my chronic illness(es) force me to rely on others#beyond ‘I’d scratch your back if asked. can you please return the favor sometime so I don’t feel used.’#…I’m just. I’m tired. I’m tired of giving out love platonically and feeling Liked but Disregarded#while things also falling apart when I’ve either decided to leave or have to leave due to neutral circumstances or because I’m hurting#I…feel like I’m being Expected to be the one to reach out…again…over Just a misunderstanding#but if I do. it has to be with ‘look I KNOW we miscommunicated but THIS is what hurt me and I NEEDED That acknowledged or clarified’#but…the circumstances that led to the method being blamed for this miscommunication still. y’know. exist#so…what’s the point
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razzle-zazzle · 1 year
Do you think that Donatella has any hobbies?
This is completely out of nowhere, but consider: painting. When she's able, she buys herself a few small canvasses and sees how far she can stretch her watercolors doing little plein air paintings. Augustus treasures each and every one of them, even if Donatella herself wishes she were better at it.
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kyros-tha-soldier · 1 year
Dressrosa Headcanon 1
So i felt like making some stuff up that I REALLY wanted to see in the dressrosa arc, and one of those things is what if Doffy and Kyros were friends? Obviously that would've helped doflmaingo a lot, to have some real friends for at least once in his life, plus they do have some similarities in their background (both being hated by the public at some point in their childhood) they could definitely bond over that and Doffy would get to feel what it's like being welcomed into a family that really cares about who he is and not what he gives.
yeah and Doffy didn't kill his dad or his brother, he just left them be and went his own way anybody can fight me over this one, but Doffy doesn't necessarily have to be a bloodshedding maniac to be likeable and I would love to see the more nicer nature of him fr fr
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chuluoyi · 6 months
the secret wife
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- nanami kento x reader
follow the first years’ misadventures as they find out that apparently, the infamous 7:3 sorcerer is also a dutiful and loving husband in private!
genre/warnings: crack, fluff, the first years are simply chaotic, an attempt at humor, gojo cameo (he’s so insufferable), mentions of pregnancy, nanami being the best husband there is
note: based on an anon's suggestion, this is a spin-off to love entries' wife (so gojo is married to love entries reader naturally!) this is full chaos and crack omg so sorry and isn't proofread bc i’m kinda tired so pls forgive any mistakes and my dry humor :')
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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On one fine, sunny day, which was supposed to be a calm and relaxing afternoon...
“Hello? Yuji—”
Megumi could've sworn, they weren't usually this nosy.
“Gojo-sensei! It's urgent!”
Call it indulgence, because Nobara's curiosity just got the better of her.
“Oh? What's—”
“Does Nanamin have a wife!?”
And Yuji... well, he just needed answers, because the three of them were now in the ‘Mom and Baby’ section of department store, having just witnessed a monumental sight of their esteemed mentor, Nanami Kento—
—with a remarkably stunning woman hanging onto his arm.
“Huh?” Gojo's confusion was evident from the other line. Oh, yeah. Yuji had decided to cut to the chase and call him too, hoping for a swift clarification.
Okay, so why were the trio—plus Gojo on the speakerphone—hiding behind a pillar just to spy on Nanami and his very possible wife? Let us rewind 30 minutes before...
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Yuji considers himself to have an exceptional eye and taste for women.
And 30 minutes ago, when he fell on his butt on the rough, hard asphalt in the jammed Shibuya crossing after accidentally getting shoved by the crowd, and encountered a kind, vivacious older woman—you, who extended a hand to help him up, he was even more convinced of that.
“Are you alright, Itadori-kun?” your soft voice entered his ears, catching him off-guard, and Yuji was certain of two things then.
One, that you were just like a literal angel descended from skies above, all dolled up and pretty with your flowy sundress.
“Ah, uh—” he stammered, eyes darting everywhere and anywhere at once as his palm started sweating after clasping your hand. “I-I am…”
And two, for the life of him, he had no idea who you were.
But it registered late in his mind to ask as he was busy controlling his ragged breathing and instant crush, and before Yuji knew it, you graced him with another kind smile and went on your way.
And did he feel so miserable afterwards.
. . .
“She’s sooo hella pretty, Fushiguro! And she knows me! Me!”
Megumi sighed, eyeing his friend in disgust. Truthfully, all he wanted was to return to the dorms and collapse onto his bed, and not listen to his friend’s incoherent ramblings.
"You sure you weren't imagining things?" Nobara questioned with slight irritation. "After you embarrassed us in front of Gojo-sensei's wife a while back, please think more before you act."
"I'm not, I swear! She said my name!"
"Itadori, can you please just not?" Megumi grumbled, having enough of this ruckus. "I want to walk back in peace."
And so tucking away his pout, Yuji walked in silence just as his best friend asked, and he was really going to leave it at that when suddenly he caught the sight of a familiar pristine coat and the sundress from earlier. “Oh?”
"Isn't that Nanami-san?" Nobara also spotted him, her eyes widening when she saw you, who was happily beaming as well as Nanami's light chuckle. "And wait, who is—?"
"That's her!" Yuji burst out, pointing decisively in your direction. "That's who I was talking about!"
Oh, no. Megumi dreaded it already. He could already see the utter catastrophe—
"I'm going after them!"
"Wait, Itadori! Me too!"
Too late. Before he could stop them, Nobara and Yuji had followed the pair. Reluctantly, Megumi trailed behind them too, albeit wearing a vexed scowl. Yet despite his misgivings, he couldn't deny that the things he saw over the next 30 minutes were genuinely unexpected.
Nanami consistently led you to a quieter spot away from the bustling crowd, his hand holding yours firmly. He would occasionally throw you a smile, or when you didn’t hold hands, then he’d wrap an arm around your waist. And to the trio's bewilderment, they also saw him tenderly brushing his lips against your head while on the escalator.
Soft and gentle. It was a side of Nanami Kento they had never witnessed—either with anyone else or even himself.
The two of you ventured through home appliances, visited food stalls, and eventually... the ‘Mom and Baby’ section.
"Do you want to rest for a bit?" Nanami's voice held a touch of concern as his hand settled on the small of your back, and seeing that, Nobara positively swooned.
"Oh, no, I'm fine," you responded with a reassuring smile. "Let's head over there. I'd like to see that next!"
Watching you and Nanami meticulously going through strollers and cribs like a pair of would-be parents was apparently too mind-blowing for Yuji and Nobara, leading to the decision to call Gojo right then and there. And, as they say, the rest was history.
"Last I heard, Nanami wasn't married," Gojo answered resolutely. "If he is, then it's the ultimate betrayal because he never told me!"
"But we see him with a woman! At mother and baby care section!"
Gojo hummed in thoughtful manner. "Okay, students. Now I'm tasking you to see this to the very end! Keep me on the line!"
With that, Operation: Uncover Nanami's Wife was officially underway, and frankly, the way the three of them were clumsily tailing the 7:3 sorcerer made Megumi want to facepalm. How was it that Nanami hadn't noticed their rather conspicuous attempts at all?
Now you were fawning over baby clothes, cutely trying not to squeal as you picked a little blue and yellow overalls. "Kento! Kento! Look, how cute!"
And all of them were floored once again when the expression on his face softened, as a warm smile adorned his lips. "Yeah, they are."
"Is she pregnant? She doesn't look it..." Nobara remarked, squinting and frowning, still watching the two of you like a hawk.
"Or maybe they're shopping for someone else?" Megumi suggested, earning teasing grins from Yuji and Nobara, to which he quickly rolled his eyes, as they chorused, "Looks like you're curious too!"
After a while, you moved from the clothes to sections stocked with mother's necessities. Yuji leaned against one of the racks, pressing his ear against it, with Nobara and Megumi crowding behind him, attempting to catch a snippet of your conversation with Nanami.
"I think we should get some heat packs and these pillows—"
"Oh, Kento! You're such a worrywart, I still won't need them for a few more months—"
"Wait, what?" Yuji whipped his head around in surprise, causing Nobara, who was leaning on him, to stumble and inadvertently collide with the racks.
"Eh? Huh!?"
Unfortunately, the racks weren't sturdy enough, and the force caused them to sway dangerously. Nobara, sensing her imminent fall, instinctively grabbed Yuji's arm to steady herself. However, he got tugged instead and their combined weight exacerbated the situation, leading to the racks quickly toppling over and a deafening commotion ensued—
"Careful!" Nanami immediately pulled you behind him, a protective arm around your shoulder, sensing your shock from the sudden crash. He was on high alert, expecting some sort of attack of cursed spirits, but instead, he was met with the most astounding sight of the bickering culprits amidst the fallen racks.
"Kugisaki! What are you doing!"
"You dumbass! Why didn't you stop me from falling?!"
"Itadori-kun...?" Nanami called out in utter disbelief, his mind couldn't fathom as to why the first years were here. However, his attention quickly shifted to Megumi, who was seething and sending his friends a glare so hard it could drill a hole into them.
Then, the boy swiftly fixed himself into a low bow in front of him, ashamed, disregarding Yuji and Nobara's groans altogether. "Nanami-san, I'm very, very sorry on their behalf."
"What are the three of you doing here?" he inquired, and poor Megumi seemed at a loss, huffing as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of where to even start.
Meanwhile you were full of worry for the fallen kids. "Oh my gosh, are you alright?"
For the second time today, you tried to help Yuji to stand on his feet, and this time, he really had a good look over you.
It wasn't exactly noticeable due to how loose your dress was, but now he could see that under it, your belly was slightly rounded—an unmistakable baby bump.
Amidst his shock and pain, Yuji couldn't bring himself to take your hand as he inadvertently let this slip, "N-Nanamin! You knocked her up!"
Nanami blinked. You gaped. Megumi and Nobara went pale in sheer horror, ready to murder their friend on the spot for his extreme height of rudeness.
“Itadori-kun,” Nanami cleared his throat then, and if he was offended, then he chose not to show it. “First of all, I’m sorry for not introducing you sooner. This is Y/N, my wife, and yes,” his tone hardened slightly, “She’s carrying our first child.”
“S-so you are married!”
“Yes, that was what I—”
“What the hell?! NANAMIIII!”
Oh, the freaking phone. After his fall, Yuji’s phone ended up on the floor, and of course, Gojo did hear all of the entire madness, evident from how his voice blared from the phone.
Nanami frowned, unwittingly reaching out towards the phone. “Who—?”
“NA-NA-MI!" Gojo screeched in righteous exasperation, and the former immediately pulled away from the phone with a cringe. “How could you?! I invited you to my wedding! Are you a hermit or something—how could not tell anyone!? Didn’t you say I can officiate—”
“I said no such thing. Please refrain from saying outrageous things, it’s both annoying and misleading,” Nanami stressed, growing more irritated by the mere sound of Gojo's whining voice and feeling his patience waning rapidly.
"Aren't we friends?! How—!"
"Should I find you instigate one more of this... shenanigans with the kids, I won't hesitate to report you to Yaga and your wife," he interjected then with clear irritation, and right that second, Gojo shut himself up.
Yuji, Nobara and Megumi couldn't help drawing that one conclusion in wonder: So, that's what Gojo-sensei is afraid of.
Nanami swiftly ended the call with a flick of his finger, returning the phone to the still mystified Yuji. Turning back to the trio, Nanami's irritation simmered as he glanced at the mess of broken goods on the floor, as well as noticing the approaching clerks.
"You three..." Nanami started, his voice rising slightly, unfaltering even as the three of them flinched. "Do you realize what you've done? Are you so idle that you can ditch your assignments?"
"Kento, don't be too harsh," you rebuked, placing a hand on his arm with a frown on your face. Nanami sighed, looking over the situation once again. It was a whole rack of baby necessities destroyed; plates, glasses, and whatnot scattered across the floor.
Nobara bit her lip in anxiety. “Oh my god, who's going to pay for all this damage?” She could already imagine the staggering amount this mess would cost. This is worth millions, anyone can go bankrupt.
There was only one person who can and will. Immediately, both Nanami and Megumi turned to her with a shared resolve.
"Gojo," Megumi blurted.
"He will be charged for everything," Nanami added with spite.
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"You just love those kids, don't you, Kento?"
That night, when both of you were ready for sleep, Nanami had one hand caressing your still growing belly, and you teased him with a chuckle.
"Huh?" your husband looked at you in mild confusion as he stopped stroking you. "What do you mean?"
You giggled again. "You said to put it on Gojo's name, but in the end, you were the one who covered the damages first."
Nanami huffed lightly. "That's because I can't get the kids in trouble. But mark my words, I'll make sure Gojo pays up later, by force if I need to." He made a face when he remembered just what a massive bill it was. "That's too much money to be spent carelessly. We have our child and our future to consider."
"You're always like that," you sighed fondly, taking his hand and placing it back to the swell of your belly. "Always on the first line of defense for the students." Your smile widened. "It makes me think... just how lucky our kid will be with you as their father."
"On the contrary, I'm counting my blessings that they'll have someone as soft as you for their mother," your husband retorted with a smile, kissing your temple. And your heart melted into a puddle by his affectionate gesture.
"That's too sweet... ah, yeah," suddenly, you were reminded of a critical thing. “Kento, have you ever considered telling everyone else that we're married? At least to people at school?”
Nanami always wanted privacy for safety reasons most of the time, and you understood that, but seeing that Gojo and the first years knew already, you thought it might be the best time to let everyone know.
"I honestly don’t see the need to, why?"
"People like Gojo are confused—"
Your husband rolled his eyes then. "Don’t worry, dear. People like Gojo exist to spread the word so we don't have to."
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