#typing the 'hows your head' line made me giggle because it reminded me of a rupaul joke
seethesin · 8 months
green eyed monster
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pairing: Vampire!Hazel Callahan x F!Monster Hunter!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, hazel & reader are 18+, supernatural/vampire au, jealous!reader, teasing, blood kink, biting, praising, fingerfucking, clitoral stimulation (18+, mdni)
a/n: sequel to vampires everywhere! enjoy 😌
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Ever since you met Hazel in her mausoleum, you couldn't get enough of her. It was against your nature to let her roam free, but how were you supposed to dispatch her when she was mouthing your cunt like it was the only thing keeping her on this earth? You never experienced a fraction of the pleasure she provided before and selfishly, you allowed whatever this... situationship was to continue.
"You know, this place was not what I was expecting."
For a bar dedicated to monsters, you were anticipating something more… monstrous. Instead, The Last Drop looked and felt like any nightclub you’ve had the pleasure of attending. Vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and everything in between coexisted here peacefully. No one was sloppy and miraculously, no one started a fight. You deferred your inquisitive gaze to Hazel, wordlessly asking for her validation of your observation.
Instead, she was bobbing her head along to some unnaturally sounding house music, grin wide as she nodded over the bartender. There were no words, just a cacophony of noises and beats that pumped through the sound system.
It wasn’t your place to judge her music taste, no matter how bombastic.
“Oh it’s great in here,” she replied joyfully, starting a tab for the both of you. She was still nodding her head around and if your circumstances were different, it would have been endearing.
Ironically, you two were under the guise of a ‘couple.’ More specifically, a vampire and her willing feeder. The idea of it made you gag, but it seemed like the best way for you to get in without being swarmed.
Hazel's arm draped loosely over your back, hand sprawled on your barstool to cage you to her side. Her actions could be read as either possessive or protective—both serving as a reminder that you were now in the belly of the beast. You didn’t resist and instead, leaned in closer.
“What do you want to drink?” Hazel asks and you shift your attention back to her and the undead bartender already reaching for two cups. His skin was deathly pale and his veins were completely visible. There were gashes on his arms and a chunk of his skull was missing. The thought of his bodily fluids accidentally dripping into your cup made you shudder. You looked away quickly, more focused on picking around the skin of your nails.
“Surprise me.”
Hazel nods, looking back at the bartender.
“Okay, Randy. Give me a bloody mary and whiskey sour.” You scrunch your nose, elbowing Hazel gently in the side.
“Whiskey sour?” you parrot incredulously. She begins to giggle before pulling you in closer. Her hand grips your thigh; a warning to those around you both as to who you came with and who you will be leaving with.
It makes your clit throb.
“Because you’re such a sourpuss.” You roll your eyes and Hazel takes your reaction as a tiny victory. "Loosen up!"
But that was the thing. You couldn’t.
You still had a job to do, one that required the vampire’s assistance. You were here to collect a bounty for a renowned werewolf named Nimue. The payout was too great to ignore, even after splitting it in half with Hazel. Thankfully through the grapevine a la The Last Drop, Hazel had a contact that knew more.
That contact was in the form of her ex-girlfriend.
To specify further, Hazel's werewolf ex-girlfriend, Stella-Rebecca.
Apparently, she knew everything there was to know about your target: what she liked, how she spoke, the demeanor she held. Her expansive knowledge would be appreciated, especially when a few million dollars was on the line.
"What type do ya want?" Randy's gravelly voice cuts through your thoughts and you bring your gaze between him and Hazel. "Or do you just want it from her?"
He gestures to you and you stare at them both. Suddenly, the insinuation becomes clear and you jerk back in surprise.
"You take your bloody mary with actual blood?"
Hazel deadpans to you, brows quirked upward.
"How else would I take my bloody mary?"
Randy cackles, delighted at your naivety. He presses a glass cup into a fountain behind the counter, filling it partially with coagulated blood.
"No antigens for you, eh, Hazel?" She smirks, shrugging simply as he adds vodka, juices, and a few sauces and spices you can't make out into the glass. He connects it to a shaker, shaking roughly before pouring it out into a cup.
"I'll take what I can get."
It only takes a minute or two more for both of your drinks to be finished. You drink yours easily, but can't help your curiosity as you watch Hazel suck down the nasty combination. A whiskey sour was definitely the way to go.
Back to business. "Alright, what does Stella-Rebecca look like?"
Hazel gives a throaty hum, putting her cup down.
"She's a brunette: short, curvy, and—oh."
"She's uh, she's already here."
"What?" Quickly, you scan the bar around you for a woman with any of the traits Hazel described. "Where?"
"Right there." Hazel's hand is on your hip, guiding you towards the right where the door is.
Stella-Rebecca was a smokeshow.
She walked with an air of confidence. Her head was held high, as her black heels clicked on the hardwood floor. She wore a form fitting, flattering emerald green dress with a black clutch wrapped around her wrist. Her full face of makeup was immaculate and Hazel needed to tug you back to keep you from gaping like a lunatic.
“She’s your ex?” you ask in a high pitched whisper, peeling more laughter from the vampire’s throat.
“Yes ma’am.”
“She’s—” Incredible. The silent compliment hangs on your tongue, but Hazel didn’t have to read your mind to know what you were thinking. It makes her smile as she watches Stella-Rebecca slide into the empty barstool next to her.
“Oh my gosh, Hazel! It’s been like, forever since I’ve seen you!”
She leans forward, snatching Hazel into a hug by her shoulders. The tight grip makes Hazel's eyes go wide and you can't help but smirk. For a split second, you wonder which of them would win a fight, one-on-one.
Stella-Rebecca lets her go and immediately, her attention is on you. You anticipated a dirty look or a roll of her eyes, but instead, she flashed you a bright, toothy smile. Your heartbeat stutters—no wonder why Hazel dated her. She's pretty and nice.
"And who is this adorable thing?" She simpers, tone genuinely sweet as she leans closer to get a better look at you.
You introduce yourself quickly, taking mental note of how unnaturally her brown eyes glowed in the dim lighting. She goes to shake your hand after introducing herself and you can feel her manicured, claw-like nails against your skin. Past instances with werewolves never lasted this long and that fact alone unnerved you.
Hazel's grinning at your exchange and you suddenly feel very anxious. Your hands weave together, thumbs bouncing off one another as Stella-Rebecca turns her attention back to the vampire.
"I like her, Haze."
Haze. Something about the familiarity of that pet name makes your stomach turn. Your blood thumps against your ears and you bite down on the inside of your lip.
"There's a lot to like," Hazel muses charmingly, causing the other girl to giggle as if Hazel was referring to her. Flush crawls up your neck to the tips of your ears. You didn't want to admit it, but you were jealous of their relationship. Even if they weren't dating anymore, they acted as if they were picking up from where they left off.
"I appreciate you came by on such short notice, Stella-Rebecca," You interject quickly, catching both girls off guard. Hazel quirks a brow at you, staring intently into your eyes. After a moment, a ghost of a smile tugs on her lips.
She knows.
Blunt fingernails dig into your hip, pulling you even closer. Hazel wears a devil-may-care smile as she turns back to Stella-Rebecca.
"What can you tell us about Nimue?"
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Thank god for Stella-Rebecca.
Every question you and Hazel asked she answered completely and swiftly. You weren't sure if there was a personal vendetta between her and Nimue, but Stella-Rebecca did not hold back with each answer she gave. With the information you collected through a series of voice memos, you felt more confident than ever in your mission.
However, it seemed like you held back the entire interrogation. Your jaw was perpetually clenched every time Hazel and Stella-Rebecca laughed over an inside joke or reminisced on old memories. Your palms ached from the constant half-moons you dug into your skin. The way they looked at each other held so much history that it made you nauseous.
You didn't speak during the car ride back to your home, nor did you say anything to each other once you stepped inside. Luckily for Hazel, you had already invited her in previously. She was able to follow you in without leaking blood from every orifice of her body.
Your carpets get to live another day.
"Is there uh," Hazel starts, watching as you settle onto your sofa and scroll through the dozens of voice memos you recorded from earlier this evening. "Anything you want to talk about?"
"Nope." Your lips purse at the end, popping audibly. "Maybe you should ask your girlfriend if she wants to talk."
Hazel approaches you slowly like one would a cornered animal. Her footsteps are light and you were convinced you saw her smile through your peripherical vision.
"You know I can read your mind, right?"
You don't respond.
"So that means I know what you're thinking."
"What am I thinking then, Hazel?" you finally snip, causing her grin to grow. You blink and she's already leaned forward, centimeters from your face. Her breath fans against your lips and reflexively, your tongue darts out to wet them.
She chuckles.
"You've been thinking about how much you want me," she purrs, her lids heavy as she stares at your mouth. She wasn't wrong and it makes you grit your teeth. Blush dusts your cheeks and you glare at her.
"Fuck you."
"We could if you'd stop being a sourpuss."
Your hands connect to Hazel's shoulders and you shove her down onto the sofa. You crawl on top of her, straddling her hips before leaning in to kiss her. Hazel's sneering into your kiss, swallowing your lips before flickering her tongue in between them.
The air around you turns ten degrees warmer around you and you paw at one another. Both of you shed your clothing, ripping layer upon layer from your bodies and discarding them on the floor.
Hazel is now sitting up, back pressed against the cushions as you remain mounted on her lap. Her mouth is between your breasts: kissing, biting, and sucking the delicate skin to the point of drawing blood. Her dexterous tongue laps it up eagerly, causing a string of moans to squeeze from your throat. Her dominant hand slips underneath the waistband of your underwear as her middle and ring fingers rub against your slit.
"Were you this wet all night?" she whispers against your chest and you don't respond.
Instead, you weave your fingers through her brown tresses. Once they're ingrained, you give her hair a firm tug, making her grunt. It's enough of an answer for her and she buries the digits easily into your cunt, humming in pleasure. You straighten, lifting your hips just enough to give Hazel more room.
"Good girl." Your eyes squeeze shut at the praise while another moan bubbles from your chest. "Can you continue being good for me tonight?"
You nod. Hell, she could have asked you to streak around your neighborhood in that husky voice and you would have nodded until your neck snapped.
As a reward, her fingers curl inside you, pressing against your fleshy walls and you whine. Your hips grind down further on Hazel's hand, greedily stealing as much friction as you can. Her other hand grips the fat of your ass, keeping you still while her lips meander up to your neck. A playful but stern bite comes soon after and you gasp, pushing your hips into hers. Hazel's fangs pierce your skin and her tongue washes over your skin to soothe the damage.
"Fuck, Hazel," you sputter, burying her face between your breasts as your knees begin to dig into her hips. You're so close. "Touch my clit too, baby."
Her laughter vibrates against your chest and she dutifully complies. You feel her thumb brushing against your clit as she continues to fuck you. The sensations begin to overwhelm you and involuntarily, your body starts to shudder.
"Like this, princess?" You don't trust your voice and instead nod, soon realizing that she couldn't see you doing so.
After a moment, you choke out a: "Feels so good."
"Then you'll love this." Her lips latch onto your nipple and your eyes roll back as soon as you feel her suck.
Hazel was right.
You cum with a shout, your body going rigid as you grip her hair for dear life. Her hand on your ass loosens so that you can wriggle your hips and ride out the remainder of your orgasm. Slowly, you find yourself coming back to reality. You hear Hazel's lips smack together as they pull away from your breast. A lazy, impish smile tugs at her lips as she stares up at you.
"Feeling better?"
You're still panting, eyes fluttering open as you hold onto Hazel's shoulders. Slowly, you lift your hips to allow Hazel to pull her hand back. Her slick-covered fingers are already in her mouth and unabashedly, you watch her suck them clean.
"Better," you agree, tilting Hazel's head up. She looks up at you and eagerly accepts the kiss you press on her lips. You last like that for a few moments longer before you break the kiss.
"You know," she starts and your brows arch expectantly. "If this is how you get when you're jealous—"
"Do not finish that sentence, Haze."
The both of you blink in surprise, not expecting the nickname to sound so natural coming out of your mouth. You can't stop yourself from blushing and Hazel cups your face, forcing you to look at her. She beams before peppering more kisses against your skin.
"You keep calling me that and I'll do anything you want."
"Anything?" Hazel nods curtly and your fingers wrap around her wrists. She watches you intently as you contemplate your next sentence. A wave of confidence washes over you suddenly and you look her right in the eyes.
"I want you to take me out after we find Nimue and collect her bounty."
Obviously, Hazel was not anticipating this request by the way her eyes widened. She recovers quickly, blinking away her shock before grinning dumbly.
"Like... on a date date?"
You can't help but giggle at the childish wonder in her voice.
"Yes, Haze, a real date."
She yanks you forward into an embrace and you realize now just how cold her bare body is. You shiver as her hands slide up your naked back, the steel of her rings searing your skin.
"I think I already have some ideas."
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skxllz · 7 months
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲
I feel as if john is the type to display more pda than his brother's. while he isn't too big on hand holding or kissing the back of your hand, he will give you a smooch on the cheek if he excuses himself - or even, to show he appreciates you, he'll slide his hands to your hips and tug you closer before setting his forehead against your own. the way he'd look into your eyes would be enough for anyone to see that you're his and his alone.
now, john is the more flexible one out of his brothers. while arthur and tommy both have a caring side, it takes more effort to pull their loving nature out. for john, I feel, it comes natural - maybe with a bit of a push, but still easier. he's willing to dip you when you the two of you dance, and loves to see that wide smile of yours when he tightens his grip on your waist and pulls you into him. you're kissing him by then, cheeks tinted the slightest shade of red, all while he's cheekily planning in his head on how to made you even redder.
around his family, his acts of affection towards you would come in little bits that you're sure to notice. whether it be a hand to your waist at all times, or him rubbing small circles into your side with his thumb. somehow when you're around, john is just always touching you, but you will never have a complaint leave your mouth about it.
I also see him as the type to pull you close and kiss your temple when he leaves out with his brothers to do some kind of business. It's a sweet and small gesture, but it leaves such an effect on you. he also tends to whisper in your ear how much he loves you, just loud enough for you to hear and you alone - in his line of work, he never knows if he'll make it back to tell you again or not.
in situations where the two of you argue; to make up, john is quick to heist you up by the waist and pin you to the wall. kisses and bites to your neck and chest are his best way of letting you know just how sorry he is, and how much he loves every part of you. later on, he'll apologize in words - explaining, whatever the problem was/is, only to continue to express how much he didn't mean to yell at you and how much he adores your presence.
adding onto that last bit; john will place a hand to your cheek and stroke your soft skin with a back n’ forth movement of his thumb. his touch is warm and inviting, and the act itself is small, yet filled such utter affection for you as he gazes into your eyes. your foreheads will be pressed together; your breathing in sync; his lips hovering just above your own. “ you mean more to me than you'll ever know, ” is the words he always says - and everytime, it soothes your vastly beating heart.
when the two of you are just with one another, john enjoys displaying kisses to your shoulders and over the back of your spine. It always arises laughter from you - and since your giggles are music to his ears, he simply insists he must continue to do so until you can no longer vocalize your enjoyment.
he also loves to run his fingers through your hair. your touch alone reminds him you're still there with him, but to have your soft tresses amongst his fingertips assures him that you wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon - not as long as he's around.
okay I can think of much more acts of affection for this man, but I'll cut it here just because it's 6:58 am right now where I'm at lol.
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Seeing your hc of greek god!ghost made me think of how much of a disaster it'll be if he found someone he's into only for them to get cold easily and wears like 5+ layers everywhere they go
So I have bad circulation and a neurological condition that makes my extremities get very cold, which is why I believe I am qualified to write this. There’s nothing I love more than grabbing my partner with my cold fingers or touching him with my cold feet, my friends are also victims. As I write this one of my hands is ice cold and the other is a completely normal temp. Wish he was here so I could rub my hands over where he’s ticklish and make him shiver (im evil)
I had a lot of fun writing this ask, I do want to do more with this AU later so I love getting asks about it but I do need to clean up my master list😭
Fic under the cut
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, don’t forget to leave me a comment or a request in my inbox to let me know what yall want to see!
Price was sent a younger maiden one other time. She had been just under the age he liked and he truthfully believed she would work better with someone else.
SO he delivered her to Simon’s doorstep in the underworld. Simon looked through the peep hole to see you holding a pie and a note from Price. When he opened the door and read the note (something along the lines of : she’s too young for me but seems more like your type) he tried to shut the door. Luckily for you, the future mother in law was there - Persephone was not having any of her son’s shit.
She quickly read the note herself and set you down, sending Simon to go make tea while she got a good look at you. Poor thing, so nervous, dropped on this doorstep, she wasn’t having any of it.
Then she noticed how cold your hands were and cursed her husband for giving their son such cold hands, he was always so clammy he just had to pass it on.
She quickly yelled for Simon who rushed in with the tea, telling him to start a fire.
You tried to tell her it wasn’t a problem with a nervous smile and laugh but she wouldn’t listen. So you told both you didn’t want to be a bother.
“Ya think yer cold?” Simon said sharply before grabbing your ankle with an ice cold hand from the floor where he was sitting trying to start the fire, the sudden chill made you let out a soft shriek. He giggled behind the mask.
Persephone saw that. She heard it too.
“I'm calling Hades and we’re planning the wedding!”
Simon’s eyes bulged out of his head.
“I can’t marry someone I’ve just met,” you awkwardly laughed between sips of tea.
“Well it takes time to plan a wedding, you’ll both know each other quite well by the time it comes around!”
Simon groaned, “just because you and Hades-”
“Shush!” And Simon shut up quickly.
And with that, Persephone fled the house.
“I would have thought because of how she was taken by Hades-”
“Stockholm syndrome, I'm sure of it,” Simon grumbled. Pulling off his fur cloak and throwing it over you. “I’ll sleep on the couch until I can sort this out.”
“Oh but I can’t take your bed from you-”
“Did I ask?”
You shake your head and quietly sip your tea.
Now lets time jump just a bit. Assume they both bond at some point and a month or so passes, they’re trying to cuddle, right?
There’s nothing that brings Simon more joy than torturing you with his cold hands. Making you whine and shove them under your arms to warm them.
“You’re colder than a dead body!”
“Why do ya think the lads call me Ghost, love?”
After more time, he chooses a new favorite place to warm his hands.
“Simon, we are at dinner! You can’t do that in front of others!” You hushly yelled at him.
“Come on, they’d be jealous that's all, not judgin ya!” He laughed.
“Simon this is so embarrassing,” you mumbled. His hands gently holding your tits. One hand over each.
“It’s my favorite place to warm em.” He shrugged then grumbled. “Plus Johnny made a comment about ya rack and I gotta remind him whose it is.”
You let out a whine, “your hands are so cold! I didn’t sign up for temperature play!”
He chuckles, “here, I’ll distract you. Two goldfish are in a tank-”
“You’ve told me this one so many times,” you giggled as he massaged your chest with his cold hands. You smacked his hand, “I'm only doing this to warm up your hands, this isn’t touchy time.”
He groaned in disappointment. “Price wouldn’t notice or care!”
“Oh he definitely would, especially if it was at his dinner table!”
“What are ya love birds whisperin on about?” Johnny holard from the other room.
“SHUT.” Was all Simon had to yell back.
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romancingdaffodils · 9 months
Drunken Monologues
Certified Mind Blower
remus lupin x gender neutral!magical!reader
fluff fluff pure fluff with a tiny sprinkle of Remus being silly about his furry little problem.
Remus Lupin is the cutest cutie that ever did cute!
You fell asleep at his house, in his bed, beside him. Despite what your ‘drunken’ self may have wanted Remus just put you to sleep. Then, you wake up to the sound of his voice and to the scent of something sweet. Oh, and a splitting headache.
haii did you miss me i bet you did (lots of love lilac)
ps i think this picture is super cute because my best friend taught me how to play backgammon and i’m shit at it but it makes me happy :333 matt hitt is so cute
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Remus Lupin has been and always will be unbearably pretty. So, when you woke up in his bed, it was a bit of a shock. However, that shock was soon overcome by the consequences of your previous actions. ‘Ow, my head.’ you thought, groaning once again. You were certain you hadn’t been that drunk, but maybe you were in denial. Not being that drunk should not warrant this awful headache. Suddenly, it dawned on you. You were alone in the bed. Surely Remus wasn’t the type to fuck off from his own house just because he wasn’t interested in you, right? Right? Sitting up, another sensation other than the splitting headache hit you. The smell of pancakes and the sound of Remus’s voice. Yum (for both). He’s talking, was he on the phone? You wanted to groan again, feeling like it was too much energy to move to the lounge. However, for more of Remus, you’d do anything.
“I’d say sorry Pads,” Sirius from last night, you remind yourself “But, I’m not sorry at all. They’re lovely, absolutely perfect.” he said, his voice muffled slightly by the walls. You can’t hear Sirius’s voice but you imagine he said something along the lines of ‘Honestly Moony, never expected that from you,’. As you had this thought, it set in he was talking about you. Fuck. Your face flushed and every single thing you’d said last night popped into your head. Late night slideshows of embarrassment now had enough fuel to last a life time. Padding out of the bedroom, you stood in the doorway to the lounge.
“Dunno why you’re so bothered, heard you went home with someone else anyway, Mckinnon was it? Or perhaps the bartender guy, who couldn’t leave you alone?” Remus said, chuckling down the phone. You were glad Sirius wasn’t bothered by your infatuation with his friend, seeing as he’d gone home with someone else. In front of him, two plates of pancakes were being coated in strawberries and chocolate spread. Sirius shouted so loud down the phone that you actually heard it this time.
“‘Cause it was a fucking betrayal Remus!” he whined and you couldn’t help but giggle at his remark. Immediately, the tall boys head whipped round and he flashed you a smile.
“Good bye Sirius.” he replied, hanging up instantly. “Made breakfast, how long have you been awake?” he asked, still grinning at you; you smiled back.
“Not long, thanks for breakfast. Looks good.” you said, trying desperately hard not to fumble over your words. Your cheeks were still flushed and your brain was still mush.
“You alright, love? Y’look- quite red. How’s your head?” he questioned, as though he could read your mind. The statement ‘you look quite red’ was obviously a teasing one. So, when you frowned up at him, his grin only grew. Stomach twisting, you tried desperately hard not to give him a reaction to his pet name.
“I’m fine, thanks. Plus, you’re completely and utterly awful.” you complained, still frowning up at him.
“I made you breakfast and I’m awful. You were a lot braver last night.” he teased, picking up the two plates and placing them down on the breakfast bar.
“I remember you being a lot less mean last night.” you complained, still scowling at him. Your false anger didn’t last long as you sat down and gave a big smile. “Thank you.” you added, tilting your head.
“ ‘m incredible, dunno what you’re talking about. And, you’re welcome. How’d you sleep?” he replied, sitting down next to you and stretching out his legs. He was so unbelievably pretty, even with messy hair and too big pyjamas - which consisted of a band shirt and joggers.
“Really, really well actually. You? Oh, by the way. Sorry about, you know, everything I said last night. I’m not normally like that.” you mumbled in between bites of freakishly good pancakes. Chocolate spread and strawberries were an unmatched combo (only lemon juice and sugar could beat it).
“Slept well too. Plus, quite enjoyed you telling me how, ahh what was it? Fucking gorgeous you think I am. But, seriously, no worries.” Remus teased, but his tone deepened at his last sentence.
“I feel like I forced my way into your home.” you giggled, smiling over at him sheepishly.
“I’m not complaining. Y’lovely. I know you heard me say that to Sirius, by the way. You don’t really have the whole poker face nailed, do you?”.
“No, no not really.” you mumbled, becoming flustered once again. Watching Remus, you admired his every move as he finished off the pancakes. Similarly, he couldn’t take his eyes away from you. “Let me help, like do the washing up or something.” you said, standing up as soon as you finished the food “I feel bad, you’ve been so nice.”.
“You really don’t have to, but, if you want to you can.” he stated, smiling over at you as you took the plate away. Quickly, you got to work on washing the plates. He laughed lightly as he watched you, shaking his head.
“Are you laughing at me?” you asked, feigning offence. Approaching you, Remus placed his arms on either side of you. You turned around, having finished with the washing up. His face was only a few inches away from your own.
“Would never.” he defended, looking down at you. Remus Lupin was ridiculously tall, pretty and charismatic. He dressed like a loser, but was in fact - in your eyes - quite the opposite. Right now, he was all you had ever wanted.
“Hi.” your mind was at a complete blank and the fact you had even formed a word was impressive. Your body felt like it was on fire.
“Hello, dove.” he purred, trying hard not to laugh at the look on your face. As calm as Remus presented himself, he had a dead giveaway. A tell. White knuckles. He was gripping the sink so tightly his knuckles had altered into a pale, almost translucent white.
“You didn’t kiss me yesterday.” you stated, feeling it rather appropriate for the situation. He smiled. You swallowed, hard.
“No, I didn’t. You were quite drunk. However, it would be awful of me to not kiss you today.” he murmured in response, leaning closer in. Your mind was filled with a repetitive sequence of two words. Kiss me. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me. His teasing was criminal. He was driving you insane within the first day of knowing him and you couldn’t imagine the solace his kiss would bring.
“So awful,”. You had to bite your tongue to avoid begging him to kiss you.
Moving even closer towards you, Remus’s tight grip on the sink never once faltered. And, finally, sweet relief. He kissed you like you’d never been kissed before. Soft, sweet and somehow it held a passion that sent your brain into a wicked frenzy. When he pulls away, you pant.
It was good. Too good. Far too good.
“You’re so pretty, ‘s unfair.” he cooed, releasing the sink and running his hand through your hair. Tenderly, he tucked the majority of your unbrushed hair behind your ears. Remus didn’t really seem to mind the mess.
“Ha-ha. Haha.” you said. Yes, you spoke the sounds “Ha-ha.” Sounding somewhat like a maniac, all you could do was look up at him with pure adoration.
“Are you okay?” he asked, tilting his head. Once again, he was trying desperately hard not to laugh.
“Perfectly- Um, perfectly fine.” you confirmed, nodding your head as you spoke. Once again, the broken record spinning that was in your mind began its maniacal chant. ‘Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me.’ you begged, silently.
“Still not got a poker face, dove.” he observed, leaning back in. Connection. Morning breath and all. Connection. You were praying you wouldn’t collapse of the sensation of it all. Your hands shakily found their way into Remus’s hair. Carelessly, his hands moved to your waist and pulled you closer.
In books it’s common for the writer to describe the characters emotions whilst kissing; it emphasises how good the sensation truly is. However, right now, you were going against all laws of literature. All you could think, feel or live was Remus. One day was all it took for you to be whipped. Truly, taken. One day.
With your head tilted upwards and your body pressed flush against the brown haired man’s, you could’ve died. Unfortunately, he pulled away. Taking in slow deep breaths, he peered down at you. The look in his eyes was different. He had attraction and affection, sure. But, there was something else there. His expression changed, now matching the look in his eyes. It looked like he was fighting some sort of battle with himself.
And, honestly? Remus was fighting a battle. He liked you, from what he could tell anyway. He liked you a lot. However, Remus Lupin was burdened with a curse he wouldn’t dare admit to anyone bar his closest friends. His so called furry little problem actually turned out to be a rather large problem. Especially when it came to people like you.
Famously, he was promiscuous. God knows the number of people he’d been with. But, those hookups could be reduced to a number. Someone like you couldn’t be inconsequential. In fact, he was of the firm belief you were going to be quite consequential in deed. Reducing you to another quick affection fix would be doing you a great disservice, so Remus thought anyway. So here he was, in his own kitchen, desperately pleading with his own brain to let him take you out. You kissed like some sort of God and you begged like a desperate follower; his body couldn’t decide which part of you he liked the most. In turn, that was what led to the ultimate decision to ask you out. Reminding himself of James, Sirius and Pete’s never ending pep talks, the lanky man understood his lycanthropy did not make him any less worthy of what he wanted. However, trying to act on that was an unbelievably difficult task for Remus. The typical excuse of chronic pain won’t cut it in a serious relationship, when he disappears for days. And, he felt a pang of guilt already fiddling with his intestines for any pain it would bring you. Making his mind up was proving to be far more difficult than he would’ve liked.
His heart won the fight, for once. Foolishly, he had put his logic driven brain aside and let his heart do the talking. (He’d soon come to realise it wasn’t foolish at all).
“Do you wanna go out, this week sometime?” he asked, continuously taking the lead. Grateful, you smiled up at him.
“Yeah, actually. I’d really, really like that.” you affirmed, once again nodding your head like a babbling idiot.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
all the right answers
See the full 14 Days Collection here! See my full list of works here!
Summary: You have to ready yourself for a renewal test on one of your certifications and your best friend and roommate Tom wants to prove to you that you're ready with a little game.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k words
Warnings: 18+ | smut (minors & pearl clutchers i better not see you here *shakes fist*); fingering; oral sex (f receiving); implied p in v at the end; technical jargon involving the Java programming language [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: besties to lovers; and they were roommates
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Why am I even doing this, it's not like I'm gonna use this certification ever again. I don't even code anymore, you thought derisively to yourself as you went over the review questions of the exam you hadn't thought about since you passed it over five years ago.
The groan that escaped you was hoarse, as if your throat was scratched up from going almost the entire day without any use and without any water. When you leaned back in your chair and stretched your arms above your head, you could swear you heard joints cracking and popping decades before they were even supposed to.
"Isn't this a pretty sight," a playful, unjustly beautiful voice floated into the room, followed by the jarring sensation of large hands grabbing hold of you by your ribs and proceeding to tickle you. Your eyes snapped open and your heart stuttered at the sight of Tom's face hovering so close to yours with a brilliant, devious grin on his face.
"Stoooop!" you pleaded as you broke out into giggles, trying and failing to twist your body out of his hold, your hands weakly pushing at his shoulders as your stomach began to ache from laughing so much.
It was only when your laughter became less audible and began to sound more like your voice was heaving through sandpaper that he let up and pulled you into a warm embrace, lifting you out of the chair and off your feet. "How goes your reviewing?"
You groaned again as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Remind me again why I'm doing this?"
"Don't ask me, love. I'm just as confused as you are. You really don't need to go through this…what is it again? A renewal exam?" You nodded your head from its position on his shoulder. "Our line of work doesn't seem to require that type of certification anyway," he chuckled, and you felt him press a quick kiss to the side of your head, your heart once again jumping in your chest.
"But it looks pretty on my resume under Miscellany," you explained in a playful tone. "Plus the test's still free and next week's the only free time I have to actually go there and take the renewal test. It's either the free test with 20 questions or taking the entire thing from the start. 75 questions, Tom. I don't have the brain power to mentally prepare for 75 questions!"
You froze as you realized that you were still off the ground, in his arms, your comparatively soft body pressed against his sculpted form. Too close. Even if he was your dearest friend, and you'd been living together for the better part of the year.
Actually, especially because he was your dearest friend and you'd been living together for the better part of the year. You two had a good thing going, and there was no sensible reason for you to fuck it up by letting it be known to him that you'd started to develop feelings.
"Erm…you should--probably put me down now." You let out a small squeak as he proceeded to walk further into your bedroom, briefly adjusting his hold on you to secure you in his arms. A few large strides later and he gently sat you down on the edge of your bed, lightly touching your chin before stepping away from you. You made a motion to follow him, make it back to your desk to keep studying, but he held a finger up at your direction, a playful stern look in his eyes as his gaze pinned you where you sat. "What're you up to, BumBum?"
"Firstly, you are never to hang around with Ben for that nickname alone. You're two halves of a whole menace."
"Only half?!" you pouted. "I gotta up my game then."
"And secondly, I'm going to prove to you that you're ready for your exam. I'll give you seven questions. Randomized from this list you've compiled." He waved around the paper you'd been scribbling in for the last three days.
"I know I'm not ready."
"Tell you what, love. You get every question right and I'll take you out to dinner tonight. That Italian place you love."
"Tom, no, that's the one where you get papped every time you even go there to pick up an order. We'll figure something else out. And besides, I'm not gonna get them all right." He rolled his eyes at you. "I'm not kidding, BumBum."
"Dinner. Like I said." He looked over your reviewer one more time, the look of concentration in his eyes as his lips moved in hurried motions, mouthing the words to himself, putting you in a haze. "First question. What's a ternary operator?"
This is a bad idea already I should've stopped him the second I remembered how sexy he made Math sound and now he's out here making me reconsider returning to Java from this alone. You tried to clear your head of any crude thoughts that always seemed to fill your mind whenever you were within the same breathing space as the man. "It's a condensed version of an if-then-else statement. Makes what could have been at least three lines of code into just one."
He nodded, putting the reviewer down and walking towards you, taking your hand and lifting it up to press his lips to your knuckles. "Very good."
"Uhh…what was that?" Your mind was reeling from that little kiss. He'd never done that before; at most he'd kissed your hair or your temples, never anywhere else.
"Making things more interesting," he answered, a tiny smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "For every correct answer, I give you a reward."
You could feel arousal beginning to pool between your thighs at the implication behind his words. Surely he wasn't suggesting…? No. You were buds. That was all you were, and you'd resigned yourself to that knowledge long ago. In a desperate attempt to lighten up the atmosphere between you two, you commented, "I don't remember agreeing to a kiss as my reward, BumBum."
"Oh no, darling. Your reward comes at the end, if you answer all seven questions correctly. These rewards are for me." He chuckled as your eyes widened at his words, leaning in until his lips were mere inches away from your cheek. "Give me an example of a redundant import."
How is it even possible that the sexy instructor voice got even hotter? you thought as you began to ache even more for him. "Importing a c-class that belongs to the same p-package," you stammered.
He hummed an "mmhmm" before pressing his lips to your cheek in a soft kiss, feeling his hand wrap around the side of your waist as he did to pull you closer to him by the slightest. "Now give me the other one."
How your mind was still able to pull the answer from your stock knowledge was beyond you. "Importing java dot lang. All new classes by default have it as a silent import." You fought against the instinct to melt into his touch when you felt him press a kiss much closer to the corner of your mouth. "So that's three down--"
"No. Two." He pulled you closer against him as he brought his free hand up to lightly hold your chin and turn your head to face him. "I said every correct answer, not every question answered correctly. And at the moment I will cling to those semantics because I wanted an excuse to kiss you again."
He leaned in closer, his lips so close to yours you could feel the warm breath of his exhales on your skin. "Tom, what are you doing?"
"I believe the internet would call it 'ruining the friendship'." A sound got caught in your throat at his admission. "But personally I don't see this as ruining. Perhaps…augmenting. Making something already great…even better. If that's what you want, too." He touched his nose to yours. "If it is, then you answer this correctly. If not, then answer wrong, we stop this, and forget it happened."
Holy mother of fuck. This can't be happening. Is he actually telling me he feels the same?! "Next question, then," you murmured, fighting the urge to just skip everything and close the distance between you two.
"What is the term for freeing memory on the heap by deleting--"
"Garbage collection." His gaze met yours, the intensity in them increasing your ache for him as a devilish grin formed on his face. "Don't bother making me wait I know I'm right--"
Your words were silenced as he captured your lips in a searing kiss, his hand moving from your chin to cup the back of your head. You whimpered against him as his lips moved against yours, his hands moving so that they were on either side of your waist, maneuvering you so that you were straddling his lap. "Next question?"
"Fucking hell you wanna keep going after you just kissed me breathless?"
He only answered you with a chuckle as his hands began to roam your sides, moving his head to hover his lips close to your neck. "I'm still proving that you're ready, love." He lightly traced along the column of your neck with his nose as his hands worked their way down to the hem of your sundress. "Why do you need both the development kit and the runtime environment?"
The thoughts began to fog in your head as his hands slid under your dress and caressed the skin of your thighs, working their way to the waistband of your panties. You tried to form words, but it all came out in unintelligible whimpers.
"Come on, Y/N, answer the question because I really want to kiss you again."
"Just kiss me, then," you hissed. "Please, I want this, too. Kiss me whenever, wherever, and  however you want just please--"
The words left your mouth as he flipped you over to your back on the bed, your back landing against the mattress with a soft thud and a little squeak escaping your lips. "Tempting as that is, I really do want you to succeed in this exam of yours, so please don't make anything harder than it already is." He emphasized his point by rolling his hips into yours, the feel of his covered erection rubbing against your clothed and aching slit causing you to let out an obscene moan of his name. "Please. So that we could start working on our…something better."
You took a steadying breath and composed your answer. "So that you could see not only if the code compiles, but you can see how it runs as intended or if there would be any runtime errors that won't be caught if you just have the development kit."
"Good girl," he groaned, leaning down and bringing his lips to the point between your neck and shoulder, lightly sucking on the skin and letting out a sound that resembled a mix of a sigh and a hum, the vibrations against you making a beeline for your aching, throbbing clit.
He kept his lips on you as his hands began to hike up your dress up your thighs, bunching the fabric around your waist.
"I can't believe you memorized that entire reviewer," you blurted out, your mind still a haze with what had just transpired over the last few minutes, and yet also reeling with the possibilities of what else he had in store with his three remaining questions.
"I've memorized pages worth of Shakespearean dialogue, my love, this is nowhere near as difficult--"
"Your love?" you cut him off, the endearment making your heart pound in your chest.
He pulled away from you just enough to look at you, his steel blue eyes shining brilliantly with so much emotion you felt as if you were drowning in them. "Yes," he murmured. "I've loved you for quite some time. And these last few months have felt like the world was taunting me with what a life with you could be like if I could just stop being a coward and tell you how I felt. I didn't want to rush into it. I was willing to go as slow as you wanted for fear of scaring you off--"
"I love you, too." The smile that broke out on his face was so blindingly beautiful it tugged on your heartstrings. "I never told you because I thought there was no way in this world you'd feel the same so I friend zoned myself on your behalf. That way I'd never have to live through the pain of having you do it."
"We're fools," he huffed out, breaking into relieved chuckles.
"Guess you could say we're two halves of a whole idiot."
A devious grin overtook his features as he leaned down, his lips hovering over yours again. "Then we should finish this session of ours. So that we may make up for lost time." He surprised you by pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "Question Five?"
You nodded, your breathing growing heavy as his hands returned to the waistband of your panties, his lips ghosting over your skin as he made his descent downward, stopping at the side of your lower stomach, fingers hooking under your waistband. "Answer this one correctly and I'm going to take these off. Is that alright?"
"Yes!" you nearly shouted, desperate for this little game to be over so that you could get to that 'making up for lost time' that he mentioned. "Ask me already. I need you," you whined.
"What happens to the value of a literal when you put an underscore?"
You scrambled inside your brain for the answer. Fuck, you could have sworn you just looked at that page. "N-Nothing," you answered, a relieved smile across your face. "The underscores are just for the readability and for the benefit of other developers who would have to move within that code in the future."
"My beautiful little genius," he breathed against your skin, pressing his lips to the side of your hip as his hands made quick work of tugging your cheeky underwear down your legs, discarding it on the floor with a little flick of his wrist, all the while kissing and sucking at the spot by your hip it was sure to leave a mark. "This next one has four answers, my love."
Your eyes widened as he sank to the floor, placing the backs of your knees on his shoulders, lips hovering by the inside of your thigh. "So…four kisses?"
He lightly ran the tip of his nose along the soft skin, making you shudder at the sensual tenderness of it all. "Yes, darling. Now tell me…Where can you not place an underscore in your literals?"
You bit your lip as you anticipated his lips on your skin. "The beginning and the end of the literal…" A soft whimper escaped you as he placed a soft kiss on the lower half of your inner thigh, followed by another kiss on the opposite leg. Then he carefully moved your body further down on the edge of the bed, the backs of your thighs now resting on his broad shoulders. "Before and after a decimal point."
"Sweetheart," he groaned, pressing a kiss higher up on your inner thigh, so tantalizingly close to where you were desperate for him. "You're so gorgeously drenched for me." He placed the fourth kiss on the opposite thigh before facing your sex with eyes that you could only describe as ravenous, his pupils almost completely blown out and darkening his eyes with his now obvious intent. "I think you know where the next one will be."
The ability to form words had all but left your brain, the only coherent one left being a barely audible, "Fuck…"
"No, my darling. That's for after your reward." You hid your head in the crook of your elbow at the sound of his low chuckle, undoubtedly seeing how your core clenched around air at his words.  "Final question?" You shuddered as you felt his fingers trace along your folds and teasingly circle around your clit.
"Yes. F-fuck please just ask me I can't take any more."
"We need to work on your endurance then," he murmured, making you shudder and clench around nothing again. "But I can't wait anymore, either. So final question. How do you compare two strings against one another and why?"
You sighed in relief, hearing a question that you'd rehearsed time and time again since you graduated college. "Dot equals method. Because if you use double equals the way you compare literals it will compare the object's address within the heap, and not the value stored within the String object." The words escaped you as if by muscle memory.
"I told you you're ready, darling," were his last words before he once again pulled your body closer to him and your hips left the bed as his lips closed around the throbbing bundle of nerves above your entrance and two sinfully long fingers easily slipped inside your drenched heat.
The world began to blur into nothing as you drowned in the sensation of him licking and sucking at your clit, your words reducing to nothing but whimpers of his name and babbled pleas of more. When his fingers curled up and began to relentlessly stroke at that spot inside you that had you seeing stars in the back of your eyes, your hips begun to buck against his mouth. "Tom please," you squeaked, your desperation growing. "I'm--"
"Look at me, darling," he murmured against you, the sensation shooting straight up your spine and into the back of your head. "Look at me while you come."
Your eyes snapped open and met his ardent stare, every limb in your body growing weak at both seeing and feeling his smirk before he began to speed up his ministrations, winking at you before he let out a drawn out moan that pushed you off the edge.
He eased you from your climax in long, slow licks and strokes until your breathing evened out before pulling his mouth away and withdrawing his fingers from you. You braced yourself as you felt him slowly moving up your body. "Last question."
"Are you…fucking…kidding me?" you managed to say between pants, looking up into his near-blackened eyes.
"Indulge me, Y/N. Please?"
You let out a whimper as you began to feel the tip of his cock brush against your folds. "Will you be mine?"
All air left your lungs again as you looked at him, the unmistakable desperation reflected in his own eyes. You nodded your head, quickly feeling your arousal begin to build again as a devilish grin spread across his face, lips shining in the light from your release. "Yes," you breathed out, whimpering weakly how much you loved him as he inched inside of you.
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A/N: Was this entirely self-indulgent because I myself am a Java developer with that exact certification and I wanted to use my knowledge for something other than my day job? For sure. Did I pull those review questions out of my own personal notes? Absolutely. Did I have a sinfully hot best friend who helped me review like YN did in this story? Hahahahahaha next question pls nobody touch me 🥲
Also this was the story that won the poll today, but I'm still waiting to see who's gonna win second place because that's what's gonna go up for Day 3 👀🫡
'everything' taglist: @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @imalovernotahater @mygfloki @lucylaufeyson3 @thomase1 @fictive-sl0th @mochie85 @laliceee @xorpsbane @gigglingtigger @silverfire475 @cabingrlandrandomcrap @vickie5446 @salempoe @lokixryss @sinsandguilt @lokidbadguy @alexakeyloveloki @glitterylokislut @cakesandtom @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @huntress-artemiss @lilibet261 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @lovingchoices14 @devilsadvocactus @lokiprompts @sititran @ladyjames78 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @kats72 @ronnieissupermegafoxyawesomehot @creationsbyme @coldnique @athalialaufeyson @simplyholl @tallseaweed @sarahscribbles @unlucky-number-13 @ozymdias @maple-seed @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfsmom1 @km-ffluv @psychospore @loopsisloops
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Hello again! So, I'm not sure if you're ok with this type of request but I didn't find anything that says otherwise. As a "sober" SH myself, I'd like to see Eddie x Femreader that has a lot of self-harm scars. Like, her entire arms are covered with it and other people stare, points at her, and so on.
I just want you to know that I'm so glad you're no longer hurting yourself. You should be proud of yourself for overcoming so much, and I'm so glad you're here.
I hope this fic is cathartic for you. I know I wish I had an Eddie Munson by my side when I was struggling <3
Warnings: mentions of self-harm (please do not read if this is triggering for you), scars, bullying, language
WC: 882
It's sweltering today in Hawkins, 95 degrees and humid. Unreasonably warm for June, in your opinion. You crank the air conditioning in your car on your drive to school, but Hawkins High is stuffy and stifling.
It also doesn't help that you're wearing a denim jacket, not as some kind of fashion rebellion, but to hide the scars that line your arms. You'd started back in middle school after enduring day after day of bullying, desperate for an escape. Now, years later with countless therapy sessions under your belt, you've acquire safer coping mechanisms. Unfortunately, journaling or curling up with a book and a cup of tea didn't make the scars disappear.
They'd faded slightly, but were still too pink and prominent for your comfort, so you chose to keep them covered when you were in public. But now, as sweat dripped down your neck and crept down your back, you're seriously reconsidering your position.
Taking a deep breath, you carefully remove the jacket and tie it around your waist. Okay, this isn't too bad, you think, making your way through the cafeteria to the lunch line. You reach for a slice of pizza when you hear it:
"What the fuck is on your arms?"
Your head snaps up at Jason Carver's sneering voice. How ironic, considering he was one of the bullies who made you feel like you'd had to cut in the first place. He's said it loud enough that some students are turning around to stare. And even though it's only a few people, it feels like the world has its eyes on you as you as you run right back out of the room, tears brimming.
One of those people is Eddie Munson, standing shell-shocked at the vending machine nearby.
You'd developed something between an acquaintanceship and a friendship over this past year after you'd joined Hellfire in an attempt to be more social. He was funny, and sweet, and was a really good Dungeon Master. The reason you weren't closer was because you were worried about letting people get close to you. The more knowledge they had about you, the more they could hurt you with.
You duck into the library and hide behind a bookshelf in the non-fiction section, curling up into yourself and crying as softly as you can. The last thing you need is the librarian marching over and shushing you in the middle of a panic attack.
Deep breaths, you remind yourself. Inhale for three, exhale for three. Your therapist would be so proud, you wryly think.
You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you practice your breathing exercises, so focused that you don't even notice the lanky metalhead sit down beside you.
"Hi," he whispers, and you gasp, bringing a hand to your chest. "Sorry," he apologizes with a small smile, "just wanted to check on you."
"I-I'm fine, Eddie," you've never told such a blatant lie; unsurprisingly, he doesn't buy it.
"You're crying in the cookbook section of the library. You are not fine." He scoots over so his shoulder grazes yours. "C'mon, talk to your favorite Dungeon Master."
You give him a tiny giggle. "Who says you're my favorite?" you quip, and he sticks out his tongue in response. "Okay, okay. I'm just...humiliated," you admit. "It's bad enough I have to walk around with these..." you hold out your arm shyly, "but then Jason fucking Carver teasing me about them, like he isn't part of the reason they exist."
Eddie takes your arm and frowns. "You hurt yourself because of Jason Carver?"
You shake your head. "No. Well, not just him. Any of the popular kids who made fun of me, who ostracized me when I was younger. I had, like, no friends. Not an exaggeration."
Eddie's quiet for a moment, and you think you've freaked him out until he says quietly, "If I knew you then, I would've been your friend." He reaches over and squeezes your hand. "I keep trying to be your friend now, inviting you to the arcade with the Hellfire guys, but you always turn me down. The rejection kills me, sweetheart." He throws his head back and lets his tongue flop out of his mouth, miming his death.
You shove him playfully. "I'm sorry. It's just scary to let people in, y'know?"
"I know. Trust me, I know," he mutters, then clears his throat. "But we're good guys, I promise. I only look mean and scary." He looks back down at your arms, not in disgust, just observing them. "Do you still...?"
"No, not anymore. Sometimes I want to, but I just do my breathing exercises or write in my journal."
Eddie breathes a sigh of relief. "Good. I hate to think about one of my little sheep doing that to herself." This time when he squeezes your hand, he doesn't let go. "You have my number on the Hellfire contact sheet, right?" You nod, and he continues. "So call me whenever you're feeling sad. You can tell me about it, or I can just distract you with my exciting rockstar escapades."
"Thanks, Eddie," you say, feeling a warmth in your heart that you haven't felt in awhile. "Um, when's the next Hellfire arcade night?"
Eddie beams at you. "Whenever you want, sweetheart."
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grapenamjams · 3 days
My own head cannon is that Luke Pearce is slightly possessive and a fiend for bite marks 🤭
~ ~ ~
Luke had accepted the fact he was the jealous type a long time ago. It wasn’t the overbearing type who wanted to control you, keeping you from doing things. The only times he would voice an opposition would be if your safety was on the line. But mainly, he was the type where he wanted others to know you were with him and he would go to any lengths to make it known.
Even marking your skin with love bites, purposefully putting them in places one could see if they were really looking on your, shoulder, thighs, and ankles. If wandering eyes that shouldn’t be, gazed to one atleast they know you were taken and that made him sleep comfortably at night.
Now those same marks started to disappear at the most inconvenient time, according to Luke as he watched you from his work desk in the antique shop talking to a customer who again, according to Luke seemed more interested in you, than the antique items behind the glass cabinet.
Luke tried to focus back on his work, turning the small screwdriver to open the hatch but his eyes kept glancing at your polite smile and laughs. A memory flashed in his mind of you laughing with a group of peers whose desks were next to yours. While Luke looked at you from his own desk, that stirring feeling in his chest bloomed as he wanted to tell them you were his friend and he was the one who could truly make you laugh. Wanting your attention, he decided to throw a paper ball at you which bounced off your head. Making you turn to him with a surprised look but one tinged with annoyance. He have you a pout then but inside he was smiling because you had looked his way.
He debated whether he should throw a paper ball at you now to get your attention back on him. However, a better thought appears in his mind. An action he was not able to do back then. Luke calls your name, telling you he needed your help. You excuse yourself from the male customer who frowns slightly as you leave him.
Looking at his slim fingers at work. You pass him a tool that was on the shelf by him. “Thank you, pretty girl” Luke says with a slight smile, taking the tool from you and planting a kiss on your lips. You’re caught off for a moment but quickly give him a kiss back.
Luke looks over to the customer with a surprised expression on his face. Luke smile turns into a smirk but his voice comes out calm “you’re item will be ready for pick up tomorrow evening. Is there anything else I can help you with?” The customer looks between him and you quickly. Stammering a no. He excused himself and confirmed he would be back tomorrow.
At the sound of the door closing, in his peripheral vision he saw you cross your arms giving him a look. “Really?” You say, not annoyed, more so amused.
The detective looks at you with puppy eyes. “What?” You furrow your eyebrows at him in that way he finds cute. “He came to drop off the item needing fixing” he states matter of factly . “What if he wanted to purchase something else? He was looking at some of the items in the display cases” in there.
Now it was Luke’s turn to furrow his eyebrows eyes looking away from you. Thinking back on how the customers eyes took you in head to toe which had Luke wanting to pull you into him and really show him a proper kiss between the two of you. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t and I definitely know he wasn’t looking at the cases” He hears you move towards him, voice taking on a teasing tilt. “And what’s so bad about looking?” His eyes travel your figure up until he’s looking up at you from his work chair. “Nothing, if they know who you belong too”
His hands are next up your body. Pulling you closer, fingers gilding over the back of your thighs stopping at your hips. You let out a giggle when he pulls you down onto his lap. “Which Reminds me” his slender fingers push your neckline down revealing two fading love bites on your flushed skin. Coral colored eyes brighten with hungry glimmer at the sight. “These marks need tending too again”
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ventingfanfics · 2 years
I wondering if you could jealous reader?Reader and Shuri go on vacation and two or one person comes up and starts flirting with Shuri and reader gets in a fight only if you want tho
(Also could you do black female reader if not that’s fine)
Have a great day!!
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The Party
“Riri!” Y/N greeted, taking her call. “What’s up, boo?”
“Excuse me?” You heard Shuri say from the closet.
“Now you gon’ get me in trouble, Y/N,” Riri said.
“Shuri, what did I say? You are my boo, my bae, and my baby. Riri is just my boo,” Y/N reminded her girlfriend as she emerged from the closet. 
“Damn,” Riri said, making you giggle. “See? She don’t love me.” This made you and Shuri laugh, the latter going to one the bathrooms in the suite to another shower during this evening. 
“So how’s the trip?” Riri cheerfully asked. 
“Girl. So this morning, Shuri tells me we’re going to the spa—“
“What’s wrong with that?”
You held up a manicured finger. “Hold on, Ri," you laughed. "I was shocked because she told me she would never get me a masseuse because ‘No one else can touch your body, Y/N’.” 
“The accent is sending me…” 
Laughing, you went on, “I’m getting better at it. So, we show up and tell me how it’s two elderly women!” When Riri’s high pitch laugh hung in the air, it made you laugh with her. 
“That sound just like her!”
“That’s why I said with a big ass smirk on my face, ‘Now it makes sense.’ She kept denying she didn’t know what I was talking about all the while giggling.” 
“I can’t lie, I’d be possessive, too. But what else y’all get into?”
You listed the other excursions you’d shared together like zip-lining, water rafting, and touring some of the historical shorelines, museums, and restaurants. 
“Tonight we’re going to this party that one of the locals invited us to. I need to start getting ready now.”
“Wait, this ain’t like no sex/swingers type party, is it?”
Your eyes fell closed as you laughed. “No!” 
“Just asking because it does happen! But don’t mind me, just keep having fun and run me those pics! Lord knows my vacation can’t get here fast enough.”
Once you and Shuri were both ready, you exchanged enticed looks. She took your hand and twirled you, checking you out even more in your sexy sundress. Shuri looked like she was hungry for you, which made you chuckle and peck her lips. 
You approved of the short-sleeves button down, shorts and shades on her. 
Soon, you both gathered in the hotel lobby and chose one of the many vehicles of transportation at your beck and call. Shuri provided the address for the driver, turning to you afterwards because you were lightly snickering. “What’s up?” 
“Riri asked if we were invited to a sex party,” you explained, chuckling, instantly making Shuri tilt her head back and loudly say “For Bast’s sake.” 
“Eh?” The driver responded, making Y/N and Shuri giggle. 
“No, sir, my girlfriend just shared a funny story, is all.”
“Tell him.”
“I’m not telling him that nonsense.”
“I’m sure he’s heard it before.”
“Try me,” he encouraged. 
“We’re going to a party here and our friend asked if it was a sex party….I just thought it was funny,” you simpered.
The middle-aged man laughed somewhat awkwardly. “Oh. Well, you have some people like that, into different things.” He then filled the silence by turning up his radio almost all the way, making you and Shuri look at each other and burst into laughter.
“Baby, wake up, we’re here.”
You groaned and stretched, finally stirring. Shuri chuckled and helped you out of the car. “Damn, that took forever, Shuri. I feel like my breath is tart now…” you started digging into your purse to retrieve some gum. “Do I have sleep in my eye?”
“Nah, baby, you’re good,” Shuri said, to which you nodded but still popped a piece of Spearmint and offered her one just in case. Shuri paid and tipped the driver and the two of you gazed at the luxurious villa before going in. 
“Princess Shuri!” The hosts ecstatically greeted.Their names were Cherish and Spence, one of the wealthiest couples in the world who owned many schools, galas, and foundations. The melanated couple was also noticeably attractive and looked like they only wore the finest material and jewels. “We’re so glad you and….” They looked at you unsurely but politely.
You and Shuri spoke your name at the same time. 
“She’s the real princess,” Shuri said, showing her usual charm.
“It’s sweet when a lady can speak that way about another lady,” Cherish mused to her husband.
“Well, she is my lady,” Y/N pointed out. Spence looked amused while Cherish just stared at you. 
“Yes, well, we hope you enjoy our home,” she replied, plastering on what looked like an artificial smile to you. She was beautiful but only externally. “Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
Shuri was slow to follow them through the glass doors, focusing on you. “You good, babe?”
“Yeah, but this really a party or a networking thing?” 
“Both,” she admitted. “But you hear the music? They have good taste and your stomach was growling on the way here, so you can eat too.” 
Seeing as you were in fact hungry, you couldn’t argue on that. Shuri said she knew how hungry you were, rubbing your stomach as you entered the home together. 
Cherish was the snootiest one at her own elite party. 
But truthfully, you were used to accompanying to Shuri to events and feeling like you didn’t fit in until you had to remind yourself you were that chick and that none of these people were better than you. 
You were experiencing a slice of heaven as you listened to Rihanna while eating one of the best creamy pastas ever in life. Shuri was in the same kitchen as you putting her people skills to use. She was such a pro at that, though it could be draining for her sometimes. 
About to pour yourself a glass, a dapper man stopped you with a smile. “I’ve got that for you, miss…”
This distraction had been small and brief and yet it gave enough time for a stranger to query the room like they wanted the entirety of it to hear. “Who.Is.That?”
Someone whispered “that’s Princess Shuri.”
“The vision herself,” the woman said, roving her eyes over your girlfriend, approaching her like she was just what the doctor ordered. “Princess, it is an absolute pleasure to see you today in the flesh. It surely does not disappoint.” As she said this, her eyes scoped practically every edge of the new Black Panther. 
Shuri shook her hand with a straight face. “Thank you, Princess Fatima.”
“Does the Wakandan princess care to dance?” 
“No, she does not,” you quipped. When the woman met your eyes, she was met with a glare. 
She eyed you up and down with an attitude before licking her teeth and grinning. “It’s just a dance. She’s still yours.”
“I know she’s mine and I also know your thirsty ass wants to do more than just dance with her.”
Some people barely stifled their laughter while others were quietly entertained. Shuri puffed her cheeks but remained on guard for you.
“Shuri, you got a ghetto one, huh?” 
“Excuse me? I will show you ghetto,” you started to approach the woman but Shuri blocked you, seizing your waist. She held your hip in place, standing in front of you, while addressing the “Princess Fatima.” 
“Aye, don’t ever get disrespectful about my girl,” she said. “And even if she was ghetto, I wouldn’t care. I don’t look down on my people like some of y’all.” 
“If she’s not Wakandan, she’s not your people, Shuri.”
“Bitch—!” Shuri immediately grabbed you, escorting you out the room. You landed outside in the backyard overlooking an infinity pool. She held you tight, knowing you’d calm down.
“Fuck that ho and anyone who thinks I’m not good enough for you!”
She released you to cup your face. “What did I tell you?”
“Fuck them, it’s about us.”
You noticed Cherish approaching you, visibly concerned. You braced yourself for having to handle her. 
“Shuri, Y/N, I was just alerted that there was some drama with Princess Fatima?”
Shuri rubbed your side. “Yes, unfortunately—“
“I heard the whole thing. Don’t worry, she’s been banned,” Cherish continued. 
You and Shuri looked at each other.
The hostess smiled. “Did you want to get in the pool? Or did you want to come back inside? There’s a lot of rooms you haven’t checked…”
You would have snickered at this but what prevented the humor was the way Cherish eyeballed your girlfriend as she spoke. Like this was a single invitation.
"What kinds of rooms?" Shuri raised a quizzical brow.
“Rooms around the house! You should definitely come to one of them.” 
You were appalled as Cherish bit her lip as she gazed at the length of Shuri from her curls to the 9080 air shoes.
Your woman needed protection from this shameful leering, so you stepped in front of Shuri, confronting the older woman. But it was when Shuri wanted to keep you in place that you avoided her.
Squaring your gaze at Cherish, you addressed her. “Pulling a Fatima are we? You’re gonna have to ban me too.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t you young people have any home training?” 
“Don’t you have a husband? And making passes at my girlfriend, with your old ass!” 
“Okay, that’s enough,” Shuri said, grabbing your hand. 
“I’m gonna chalk this up to you being tipsy,” Cherish said with a sarcastic smile. “Surely, you can’t be that uncouth.” 
She started back towards the doors. But she never made it inside. 
She instead landed in the pool. 
You couldn’t wait to tell Riri about this story. 
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balbigalum · 2 years
hey, could you write something about cole and reader in a modern setting? where the reader is younger than him and is Aegon's best friend, and Cole being the bodyguard and stuff, having to put up with Aegon and his annoying little friend, even though he thinks she's hot he won't admit it, and for some reason he sees her shirtless and it becomes a bit awkward and at the same time there is a lot of tension, idk why am I asking this, just curious, please let it be intense and spicy
okay i had to get out of my comfort zone for this because i really think i need to practice when it comes to explicit content lol so here is my attempt
(nsfw under the cut)
Aegon’s hand shakes as he tries to type on his phone, giggles leave your lips like little bubbles waiting to be popped, both of you are beyond drunk and you are sure Aegon is under some other influence. Your heels are killing your ankles while you hold onto Aegon, he still has a small bottle of champagne on his other hand which is making the whole ordeal of texting his chauffeur even harder. 
“Just– Just call him.” You yell at him above the music and he shakes his head.
“Nuh-uh,” He taunts like a child while keeping the phone out of your reach, his pale complexion is tinted pink. “If he knows I’m drunk he is telling Cole and then I’m gonna be fucked.” He adds and you roll your eyes, he finally settles on sending his chauffeur a poorly articulated voice note, letting him know you two were ready to be picked up. 
Your drunken antics are cut short when Aegon’s chauffeur is nowhere to be seen in the parking lot of the club, instead of the short old man that’s used to drive you two around his personal bodyguard stands in front of the car. You shove your elbow against Aegon and point at the man with a raised eyebrow, Aegon looks as confused as you are.
“What? Where is Wyllam? I called him… Didn’t I?” Aegon presses, half of his sentence being muttered in confusion. 
“Wyllam was kind enough to let me know the Prince was in need of something more than just his chauffeur.” The man says, his mouth is pressed in line and his eyes look strict. You knew Criston Cole, he had been around Aegon for as long as you remembered, always picking up after the Prince, always reminding the Prince of how his mother would feel if he continued to exploit his ill behaviour. He was a looming presence, always behind you two, you were well aware he was not truly fond of you. When you entered Aegon’s life, Cole made the mistake of thinking you were some passing girl, that Aegon would quickly get bored of you and swap you for the best next thing. What Cole didn’t know at the time was that you weren’t Aegon’s little girlfriend, and that you would stick by him for a long time. 
It was a shame really, Cole is an attractive man, tough and handsome, you had always felt drawn to his black eyes and tanned skin. You often tried to offer him some fun, a beer here and there, a joyride, but he always remains serious and unmoving. He often looks at you in disgust, especially when you sport some dress that’s too short or some bikini that leaves little to the imagination, he looks strained when you walk around in nothing but Aegon’s oversized shirts, something Aegon finds amusing and even encourages. There was this one time Criston thought you were too drunk to perceive his curious eyes raking your body up and down while you sat in the passenger seat of the SVU, you don’t remember much of that night but you are sure he made some comment under his breath, something about how a girl like you should be more careful parading yourself like that. You still laugh at that every once in a while. 
“Get in the car now, Aegon, you too.” He shoots a stern look to you and you are sure he muttered “Brat” under his breath, you roll your eyes at how serious he is taking this little thing. 
Aegon crawls into the back seat and you can guess by the groans that comes from him that if he doesn’t lay down quickly enough he is going to throw up all over the car’s floor, you jump into the front seat and Cole closes both of your doors with a little too much force. The ride is awkward to say the least, Criston’s knuckles turning white with the way he is gripping the wheel, you let your window down and try to sober up, allowing the cold wind to brush your face, it does make you feel better.
“Are you having fun?” Criston asks, tone laced with annoyance, you don’t reply. “One thing is me having to deal with him, but you don’t make it easier… You’re an enabler.” It's not the first time someone accuses you of enabling Aegon or something of the sort, truth is you are sure it’s the other way around, even if nobody appreciates it you actually keep Aegon out of a lot of trouble. “Hey, princess, I’m talking to you.” He says snapping his fingers right in front of your face, you push his hand away.
“‘m not a princess.” You mumble, wanting to be done with this conversation.
“You’re not? Then why do you behave like one? I work for Aegon’s mother, not you.” He is getting mean and you can tell he is frustrated, you’re not sure why, Aegon has always been the same, it doesn't matter how much Alicent tries to change the way her son is, he will always be Aegon. 
“Fine, I’m sorry.” You snap at him, not sure what you’re apologizing for, just wanting him to shut up.
When you finally arrive at the Targaryen’s residence Aegon is fully asleep. Cole doesn’t waste any time opening your door like he often does and instead goes around the car to get Aegon, he half drags him towards the door and you follow them, heels in hand. By the time you are inside the house Aegon starts groaning and squirming in Criston’s grasp and before he can let him go, Aegon throws up. You wrinkle up your nose in disgust, some of Aegon’s vomit getting on Cole’s perfect buttoned up shirt, the rest on the floor while Aegon uses him to stabilize himself. 
Cole is not looking at him when Aegon is done, who kindly pats him on the shoulder and gives him one of those toothy smiles Aegon is known for. 
“Sorry about that, man.” Is everything Aegon offers him before walking in the direction of his room, you don’t even look at Cole, focused on following Aegon. You feel a sting of shame creeping up your body at the scene your friend caused, you help Aegon off his clothes and into his bed, he pats the place next to him for you to join him but you scoff at him.
“You’re such a dick, they’re gonna blame this on me, you know?” You tell him, even though you are well aware that he is already half asleep. Once you make sure he is not gonna choke on his own vomit you decide to make your way through the house, searching for Cole. You’re gonna offer him a small apology, something believable, you don’t want him running his mouth to Alicent, last time it happened you weren’t welcomed into the Targaryen home for two months. 
The house is quiet and big, it takes you a while to find some light coming from a room, you hear water running from one of the bathrooms and you can only assume it’s Criston trying to wash Aegon’s vomit off of him. You want to blame the alcohol still making your blood buzz or maybe your need to fix the possibility of Alicent hating you more than she already does, either way you opened the door to the bathroom without knocking, just trying to find Cole and get this over with.
Criston stands over the sink, shirtless, hair wet and pushed back, he looks tense and stressed out. His forgotten shirt discarded in the tub, he is gripping the sink with force and you can see the perfect outline of the muscles of his arms and chest, he finally looks at you. 
“Yes?” He says, he obviously pissed off, at you, at Aegon, at the fact that it’s the middle of the night and he is awake babysitting you two. “Can’t you knock?” He stands closer to you now, you can smell his cologne, you blink at him trying to find something to say.
“Sorry,” You start. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to–” He rolls his eyes.
“You didn’t mean to what? Huh?” You shake your head at his closeness, at his tone, you try to speak again but he cuts you. “Get out, go keep Aegon’s bed warm.” He says, you gasp at his comment, red and small your anger starts to make its way up your throat, you weren’t Aegon’s whore, doesn’t matter how hard it was for his family to understand it.
“No.” You say.
“No?” He asks. A quiet, humorless laugh floats out of him as your fingers begin nervously fidgeting with the hem of your dress. You try to keep your forehead up.
“I came here to apo–” 
“You know what your problem is?” He presses. “You’re a spoiled cunt, princess.” His tone is heavy and hungry, authority clinging onto every word, you want to be offended by his statement but his gaze feels crushing. “Nobody has ever put you in your place, have they?” He says, a hand, big and strong, finding its way to your jaw, holding you there. “You’re too used to always getting what you want… It’s not cute.” He doesn’t look angry anymore, rather a smirk form on his lips, you put your hands against his chest looking for support and he makes a sound deep in the back of his throat. 
He closes the space between you too, kissing you hard, biting your lower lip and making you hiss. He starts to make his way down your neck and you feel his stubble on your sensitive skin, his left hand starts toying with the hem of your short dress. 
“You’re gonna make things even,” He mumbles against your neck. “I’m always running after you and Aegon, you owe me a little bit, don’t you think?" He says biting your neck slightly between each word, he grabs your left hand and brings it to the front of his pants. He is half hard, you gulp, feeling a familiar sensation between your legs and nod slowly. 
“I’m sorry.” You say, he kisses you again and puts a leg between yours, the friction making you feel dizzy, you can feel him getting harder by the second. 
“Yeah, I bet you are… Always wearing these dresses,” He says, snapping one of the straps of your dress. “You better be sorry, always putting up a show wherever you go.” You gasp loud against his cheek when his fingers find the inside of your panties, his fingers are thick and rough, he is a working man and it shows in his hands. The wetness between your legs makes him groan as he sinks two fingers inside of you, you let a string of soft moans out as he works you open, he knows what he is doing and you wonder how many women have laid under him. 
You’re closer to the edge now, you feel warm all over, his other hand going up your throat, fluttering his fingertips up to your mouth, dipping his thumb inside, you moan around it and close your eyes, you feel overwhelmed and pliable under the older man’s touch, and right when you’re about to cum he takes it away. You whine at the loss of touch and he cleans his glistering fingers on your dress, his other hand still holding you softly by the neck. 
“Suck me off.” He says and your teeth bite down on your lip, his hand finds the back of your neck and gently pushes you down until you’re on your knees, facing his growing bulge. You watch him as he undoes his belt and you can’t think of anything hotter, your own need making your mind feel cloudy. “You want it?” He asks and you nod. “Outloud.” He orders.
“I want it, Criston” You say, cheeks blushed, and reach his way, he pushes your hands away and you look up at him confused. 
“I don’t work for you, I’m not Criston to you.” You stare at him for a second trying to figure out if he is joking, he is holding your gaze. You swallow your pride and let the heat of the moment guide you.
“I want it… Sir.” You say looking away from him, he laughs again and finally allows you to pull his underwear down. You open your mouth for him and he guides his tip to meet your lips, you can already taste some precum, you feel desire taking over, urging and pulsing under both your and his skin. You comply when he grabs the sides of your face and you let him fuck your mouth, his eyes flash darker with hunger, you wonder how long he has been wanting to do this. How many times he locked his jaw and burned holes on Aegon’s back while he cuddled you innocently on the couch. He grunts above you, petting the hair off your face, you can feel the sting of tears on the corner of your eyes, but you don’t want to stop.
“You’re good at this, princess,” He makes a noise that sounds disappointed in a way, you try to not pay attention to it, rather focusing on working one of your hands on the base of his cock, you tease his head with your tongue and give him a kiss right on the tip. His movements become more and more erratic, and he is leaking precum on your tongue, you know he is close and it excites you. You realize his hands don’t know how to be gentle as he quickens his rhythm, he makes a small movement that alerts you he wants to pull out of your mouth and you shake your head no as best as you can around him.
“Shit, baby,” He groans, digging his fingertips fiercely into your scalp as he cums. You pull back and let him catch his breath, sweat making his perfect skin shine under the bathroom’s light. He crouches down at your height and gives you one final kiss, you follow his lips hungry, feeling your core pulsing with want, you want him to take care of you. He smiles and caresses your cheek slowly. 
“You can go with Aegon now.” He says, a smirk on his face. He walks away, leaving you there, needy and deprived, you whine dumbfounded. You do as you’re told and you go back to Aegon’s room, confused about what just happened. Aegon shifts in his sleep when you get into bed with him, wearing one of his shirts, he scrunches his nose not opening his eyes.
“You smell like sex...” He mumbles while cuddling closer to you, making you sigh deep from your chest, you hug him tight even if he smells like sweat and a bit like vomit.
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onlyswan · 6 months
Hi arttttt❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️🫶
How are youuuu??? I missed you sm😭❤️😭❤️
How have you been omg!!! I feel like I missed on a lot of stuff lol
I LOVED THE NEW DRABBLE😭 it’s so fucking cute ahh jungkook and oc are the cutest!!!
AND???? THE END ??!??!??!!!!! ART???
What the fuck is going on!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I am so excited for whatever that beautiful mind of yours will bring next!!
I’ve been busy with uni (when am I never busy with uni smh) and I finish this long ass term on the 28th of December ugh I’m so excited to just be done with these 6 courses that I am taking.
As for the year-end survey I’m going to answer the questions (even if they’re a bit hard😠)
what is your favorite/s from the drabbles i've put out this year (second in which collection)?
I’ll give you my top 5 drabbles from this collection:
1. in which jungkook wants you all to himself (and bam) and you buy him flowers
This one never fails to make me smile
2. in which jungkook is giving up on you but you have so much love left to give
This one^ killed me but I love it
3. in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy.
I read this like 1000 times I love it so much
4. in which jungkook can’t sleep, and he can’t stop kissing you either.
This one made me giggle and kick my feet
5. in which a shameless ex-lover makes your bad day worse and jungkook can’t help but to go wherever you are.
me 🤝 oc
themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you?
art i’m not gonna lie to you these type of questions are the ones that I get on my exams 😭
For the themes ? Idk I just like soft fluffy things 🫶 so soft it makes me wanna throw up
and I like angst (ONLY SOMETIMES PLEASE)
I think this line from in which a shameless ex-lover makes your bad day worse and jungkook can’t help but to go wherever you are. is cute
“aigoo, why are you so messy?“
for scenes I think this one is funny
“ow- ouch- baby! what the hell? what was that for?”
with doe eyes struck by headlights, he gapes at you in surprise as he rubs his poor shoulder that was slapped without warning.
and if it is not too much to ask- who is your favorite character, oc or jungkook?
Not answering because I love them both DONT TRY ME😠
which year/s would you like to see more of from 2017 to 2023?
I really dont mind anything! But I feel like 2019 jungkook is just ❤️‍🔥 and 2022 too oof.
and which season (spring/summer/autumn/winter)?
I’m a winter girlie so obvi winter
I think that’s all of the questions! I had fun answering them haha (even though they reminded me of my literary criticism course 🥲) I am so excited for what the new year is going to bring!! I love you art I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!!!! I hope that 2024 will be an amazing year for you!
Love, 🥨
i’ve been doing much better since my break from school started !!! i really needed this for the sake of my sanity. hehe this is why i love the holiday season :P
as for the ending… no comment for now bcs it’s so fun seeing y’all freak out <3
goodluck with the rest of your term plssss don’t forget to take care and enjoy your well deserved break after 🥰
your top 5 i loveeeee 🥹 also you’re so real for the #5 i think this is the first answer it was mentioned. i’m blushing and giggling just thinking about it rn likejsjdhsjdf
i had to search for which drabble is the scene with the ouch and IM LAUGHINGDHDHFH I FORGOT ABT THE LIP PIERCING DRABBLE. oc’s humor >>>
Not answering because I love them both DONT TRY ME😠
i’m sorry for my fault 😞 i bow my head down again
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I had fun answering them haha (even though they reminded me of my literary criticism course 🥲)
this is so funny i’m sorrydhdhsjdhjshf 😭😭😭 i’m a literature girlie through and through i fear. but fr thank youuuu so much for answering i had fun reading your answers too :") hehe you made me smile a lot. i love you sm and i hope 2024 treats you well and brings you an abudance of everything nice in life 🩷 happy holidays!!!! please eat lots of yummy food too hehe :")
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sabyfangirl16 · 1 year
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Birthday Morning
Somewhere in Europe, within the wilderness of a dense forest, hid the Tortuga.
The Wild Kratts crew was occupied with a very special event: Martin's birthday. They had spent days planning an amazing birthday for their friend. That morning, the bunch was racing through the Tortuga while gathering the last supplies they needed for the birthday surprise party.
Martin was still asleep - Chris took care of turning off his alarm the night before - and therefore, the crew had a good head start.
"Hurry it up everyone! We have to get to the secret spot before Martin wakes up!" Chris yelled out while grabbing his bag.
"We're going as fast as we can Chris!" replied a rushed Aviva, throwing on her mobile invention kit.
"Jimmy, do you have the cake?" Koki asked while typing away one last thing on her computer.
"Yep, right here- woah!" yelped the clumsy ginger guy, almost dropping a three layer blue cake.
"Careful with that JZ!" Koki cautioned, giving him a hand with the cake.
"Alright, I think everything is set," Aviva informed, taking out her creature pod.
"We've got all four animals in the right place, so Martin should be able to find each one of them without difficulty." She showed pictures of four different European creatures on her device: a pine marten, a wolf, a fox and finally a bunch of red squirrels.
"Yeah, along with the envelopes each one of us left near each one of these creatures," added a satisfied Koki.
"And don't forget the special surprise we have for him at the end," reminded Jimmy, wearing an excited smile.
"And I left my envelope on his night table as a start. He sure is going to enjoy this!" Finished Chris, rubbing his hands with satisfaction. The team nodded with delight.
"Ok, let's get going now. It won't take long for Martin to wake up," Chris said hurryingly. At those words, the team dashed out of the blue ship.
Wearing warm winter cloths, they went off to a specific location. Little did they know, they were being watched by an eavesdropping Gourmand, who happen to be hiding behind some nearby snowy buishes. And to their misfortune, he had heard every single word, especially about the animals he had a good glance of on Aviva's creature pod by peeking through one of the retractable windows.
The endangered species chef grinned as a malicious idea came to his mind.
"Hihihi... Those pasky Wild Kratts just gave me the perfect idea for mah new European winter soup recipe; made of all those furry tailed creatures, hihi... It's gonna be deee-licious!" he giggled evilly before licking the corners of his mouth at the thought of his planned dish.
He was suddenly interrupted by a familiar ring tone. Annoyed, he took out his phone to answer the call. "Hello?"
"Hello, Gourmand," greeted a female voice he immediately recognized as-
"Donita Donata?" he responded with a surprised voice.
"Yes, the one and only!" she bragged.
The chef only rolled his eyes. "What are ya calling me for? I'm in the middle of-" she cut him off.
"Stealing tailed winter animals from a European forest?" she finished anticipatingly.
Gourmand's eyes widened with more surprise. "How did you-" he was interrupted yet again.
"You're not the only one spying on the Wild Kratts crew," she pointed out.
Realization hit him, only to be followed by more confusion. "And you're calling me bacause?"
"Because, I want us to team up. Just think of all the creatures we can capture together; double the animals, double the profit. Here's the plan: I use their tails for my new line of winter tail scarves collection, while you use the animals for your dish." As she explained her plan, the greedy chef only got more and more interested.
"So what you're saying is we should work together?" he summed up.
"Exactly!" she replied with a malign tone.
A devious smile crossed the greedy chef's face. "Count me in! And with them busy preparing blueberry's birthday, it should be a peace of cake," he let out with an amused tone.
The two villains let out cackles from each side of the call, now ready to combine their strengths to execute their plan...
Next chapter
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Happy Drac-O-Ween
Chapter 23 / 31 
Good. He’d finally won over the girl, even if that meant she had to know his secret. The three main important members of this household all knew what he was. Only two out of the three seemed delighted by the fact. The third still needed some work. Of which, Dracula remembered that she’d needed her head healed, who knew how much damage he’d caused after he’d smashed into the wooden door. “How’s your head? Sorry about that, but you wouldn’t have stayed & listened if I hadn’t.” Dracula asked to beat back the silence that grew between them. Supposed keeping someone tied up to a chair would do that to a human.  
Valeria still couldn’t comprehend why Dracula had to use such force in the first place, after all she’d witnessed the kind of agility he possessed, he could have simply capture her in his vice like grip. “The room seems to spin on occasion.” she spoke with woozy tone, the kind of tone you’d hear from someone drifting off into a sleep in a chair who defied going to bed for fear of missing out & yet couldn’t keep their eyes open & their head up. 
That surely wasn’t good. He was no healer, but he knew that a human zoning out after injury was not a good sign. “Valeria, I’m going to need you to listen to me carefully because I know you’re going to protest at what I’m about to offer you--”
“--No, I don’t want to become like you--” the girl whined in her seat.
“--No, you won’t. That is why it is important you listen to me.” Dracula dragged his seat closer to the woman, knees just touching each other, as his hand reached out to take hers for reassurance “You are going to drink a small amount of my blood, it will heal you almost instantaneously. Even as he spoke, Valeria began to shake her head with more & more aggression, he could sense the panic building up within her body, worried that the Count was playing a double hand, lying about his intentions. 
“I don’t want to be like you.” she whined out at him
“You won’t.” he reached out to take hold of her face then, not wanting her to do far more damage to herself than necessary. His dark eyes met with her light ones, forcing her to look into his, making sure she understood his intentions “I am going to help heal you. I understand that it is strange, but it will help you greatly. We can’t go & bring chaos to your courting celebrations if you are incapacitated.” His large, shark like smile returned, trying to bring some sort of humour to the table. Valeria wasn’t really in a position to give the Count her answer. Even if she defied him again, he would more than likely force it on her, at least if she was willing, despite how revolting the whole thing sounded, the process wouldn’t be all that disastrous.
Dracula had finally let go of the woman, and instead brought his hands together. He turned his left wrist upright to face the ceiling, and there he brought his long, sharp thumbnail to his skin, slicing into into without a wince or flinch. It was evident to Valeria that Dracula could not be harmed by anyhand except his own. This much she knew for last night during his tussle with the wolf, the creature could barely land a blow to him and yet Dracula had managed to cause more destruction to the wolf with a few short blows, than the wolf had done to him in all its thrashing. As his blood began to trickle out of the wound and down his wrist toward his palm, the hand that caused the cut now reached for a clean tumbler. Drip, drip, drip, it steadily flowed into the crystal glass, as one would with a decanter of water. When half an inch filled the glass, yes only half an inch was all she seemed to need for an injury as great as this, like a tap Dracula twisted at the wound & immediately the blood stopped flowing, then disappeared all together. Crossing one leg over the other, she could see that Dracula had relaxed once again, and offered the revolting crimson liquid to her. "Bottoms up." He purred with a smile, & a mischievous glint in his eye.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Baby’s First Heartbreak
pairing: marvel cast x teen!fem!reader, Scarlett Johansson x reader, Elizabeth Olsen x reader
prompt: the youngest member of the marvel cast experiences her first breakup.
warnings: not much—crying, a break up.
A/n: Tom is 19 here because this is set during Civil War. He was such a baby omg🥺
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You were always a firm believer in having hope. No matter what the situation was, you knew that you had to at least try before fully giving up. You were only 18, but it was the mindset you grew up with. You were taught to face things with bravery and confidence, you faced things head to head with all your might. Though some things never went the way you planned, you were still the ray of sunshine you were, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to learn and explore the world.
You had the same mindset going into your first relationship. Love was something you’ve always wanted to experience. Sure, you received it from your friends and family. But you wanted the different kind of love. The special one that was shared between two people. The one that made your heart skip a beat and made you breathless. Where staring into that special someone’s eyes felt like you were being transported into another world where it was just the two of you.
You’ve found that kind of love in a boy from your hometown. The two of you had been friends since pre-k, growing up along side each other, and being there for each other’s success and failures. You’ve known him all your life but the feelings didn’t come till sophomore year of high school. It all just clicked all of sudden; that one day where he said you looked cute in his jumper and the next moment you knew you were seeing him in a new light. Junior year, you were both beating around the bush; constantly pining over each other with longing stares and fingers always brushing against each other. Though you didn’t see him all the time due to your job as an actress. You spent half of the school year in your hometown and the rest at Atlanta. Of course he knew of your job and as much as he hated to see you go, he knew you were doing something that made you happy. So he spent as much time as he could with you before your time together came to an end. A few days prior to your flight to Atlanta, under the night sky of your backyard, he admitted his feelings for you. By senior year, the two of you had been dating for half a year. It had been the best moments of your life, you were in love and high on happiness, it was like nothing in life could ever go wrong.
Now here you were, in your trailer on the set of Captain America: Civil War, sobbing you eyes out. You knew loving could hurt, but not this much. You still felt your heart skip a beat, but it was clenching in heartache. You were still breathless, but because you’ve been trying to catch your breath after every sob that wracked your body. You felt broken. The boy you loved had ripped your heart out of your chest and threw it onto the floor, stomping on it till it stopped beating.
You hiccuped as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were nothing but a fool. A fool who had hope in something that was never going to work. You sniffled as you snatched tissues out of the box on your bathroom sink, dabbing the material onto your eyes and blowing your nose. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were puffy. A sigh of frustration releases from your body. There was no way you could walk onto set without people asking you what was wrong.
You debated asking your assistant to ask your designated makeup artist to do your makeup in your trailer, you didn’t want to be a bother. But your thumbs were already shamefully typing away the request on your phone. A few minutes later Eleanor, your makeup artist on set, arrives at your trailer with her supplies in hand.
She doesn’t directly question you, but she has the look of a concerned mother once she sees your face. You lie to her and tell her you weren’t having a good day and chalked it up to being homesick.
You dreaded going on set. You weren’t sure if you could face anyone without bursting into tears. The moment you felt like you were okay, your heart would clench, reminding you of the ache it was feeling.
You were in your costume, sitting on the sidelines of the set while you rehearsed your lines. The dialogue from the script acted as a distraction from the current pain you were feeling. The tears had stopped but your eyes felt dry, making you blink multiple times to keep them wet.
“Hey, sweetheart.” You look up and meet the stunning blue eyes of Chris Evans. That typical goofy smile of his was etched onto his features. Usually you would reciprocate that smile, but today you just couldn’t find it in your heart to do so. His smile falters when he sees your face.
“Morning.” You greet him, forcing a smile. Concern shadows on his face as he shifts a bit closer to you. “You alright?” He asks, eyes softening at you. Being the youngest of all the Avengers cast members, everyone had a soft side for you. Especially Chris, who saw you as a daughter.
“Y-yeah, I’ve just got—allergies.” You lied, another fake smile forcing itself onto your lips.
“Well have you taken something to help your allergies? Do you need Allegra? Claritin or something?” He looked around ready to call one of the runners on set to get you some meds.
“No! I took some already, a few minutes ago! It probably hasn’t kicked in yet.” You tell him. He eyes you reluctantly, not knowing if he should believe you. He decides to let it pass and nods, “Ok, tell me if you need anything though.”
You hum in response and tilt your head down back to your script.
The day goes on and everyone had caught on to your lack of—being you. The infamous smile everyone knew you by was barely on your face. You didn’t crack jokes with Anthony or share a giggle with Elizabeth. Instead you were quiet, a frown was on your face as you stared blankly at the floor. You didn’t interact with anybody, keeping to yourself and walking off set whenever one of the Russos called cut.
Anthony and Sebastian watched as you walked off the set. You have all finished a sequence of the airport scene and the Russos had given everyone a break while they rewatched the scenes they shot. Anthony’s brows furrowed while he watched your figure go further and further away. He had tried to cheer you up, telling you a joke about how Seb’s arm lube kept leaking out his fake arm. Your response was nothing but a fake laugh—it wasn’t even a fake laugh, more like a huff of laughter.
“She didn’t laugh at my joke.” Anthony thought aloud. Sebastian quirked an eye at his friend, “Does she have to laugh at all your jokes?”
“No, but even if I tell her a corny ass joke, she’ll still laugh at it.” He expressed, throwing his arms up. Sebastian’s lip pouted as he thought back to your behavior on set. You were acting unusual. He turns to Tom (Holland) and asks, “Hey, has (y/n) said anything to you? Like anything bothering her?”
The Brit shakes his head, “Um, nope. Besides filming, I haven’t spoken to her today.”
Anthony crosses his arms, approaching Tom, “Have you tried speaking to her? We’ve been trying to figure out what’s been going on with her today and you’re the closest to her age here.”
“I—I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t seem in a talking mood. I thought I was bothering her so I just stopped.” Tom answered. He gestures to the direction of the trailers, “I could check up on her right now? Maybe I’ll get her one of her favorite snacks from crafties, it might cheer her up.”
Half of a smile makes it way onto Sebastian’s face at the boy’s efforts. Though you were clearly upset and he felt like they were all prodding at your privacy. “Maybe we should give her some time alone.”
Tom frowns at the older man, “But (y/n)’s upset. Shouldn’t we do something?” Anthony agrees with Tom and looks at Sebastian.
Seb raises his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying—maybe she wants to be alone. She went back to her trailer away from everybody. She probably doesn’t want us shoving our noses into her business, we should respect that.”
Chris joins the group along with Scarlett and Elizabeth. He had overhead the group talking and urged the two ladies to join him in on the conversation.
“You guys talking about (y/n)?” Chris asks, hands on his waist.
“Yeah, Seb says we should leave her be.” Anthony fills him in.
“She told me she had allergies.” Chris starts. “She’s an amazing actress, but kid’s gotta work on the lying.” He finishes. Elizabeth and Scarlett glance at each other.
“Well has anyone talked to her at all today? Besides Chris?” Elizabeth asked the group. Everyone shakes their head. Elizabeth sighs while looking around at anyone else who could’ve talked to you. She spots Eleanor hanging along the sides with her makeup belt on, ready for touch ups. Elizabeth calls her over. Eleanor has her brush ready to powder her down, but Elizabeth politely declines.
“You do (y/n)‘s makeup right?”
Eleanor nods, “Yeah, I do.”
“How was she this morning? We’re just a bit concerned since she’s been acting different today.” Eleanor sighs, knowing if she told them it would be an invasion of your privacy. Although, they were all concerned for you and so was she.
“I got a text from her assistant telling me to do her makeup in her trailer today.” She began. “I walked in and her eyes were red, cheeks puffy—“
Chris apologizes and interrupts her, “Because of allergies?”
Eleanor shakes her head, “No, she never mentioned anything about allergies. But she looked like she’s been crying. She was wiping her face when I arrived.”
“Did she give you a reason for why she was crying?” Scarlett questions her.
“She told me she was feeling homesick.” Eleanor answered. Scarlett turned to Chris and shared a look. Elizabeth thanks Eleanor then turns back to the group.
“We need to check up on her.” Anthony says. All the men nodded and began to make their way to your trailer. Suddenly, they were stopped by Scarlett and Elizabeth.
“But (y/n)—“ Tom said pointing to the trailers. Scarlett shakes her head, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Lizzie and I will go. You guys are gonna overwhelm her with all your questions.” Scarlett insists, much to the men’s dismay. They wanted to be there for you, but maybe a mother figure might help you open up with what’s bothering you. They agree and let the two women go to your trailer. Before they can get to you, they get some snacks from crafties for you.
As soon as you shut the trailer’s door behind you, the tears welled up in your eyes again. It only took a matter of seconds until they fell from your eyes and down your cheeks. You heard some people walk by outside and cover your mouth to muffle the whimpers that came out your mouth. You slid down the door and shoved your head into your hands. You leaned forward against your knees as you cried into your arms. You felt pathetic, embarrassed, anger; you were feeling so many things and the only way to let them all out seemed to be crying.
They heard your cries from behind the door. Scarlett sends Elizabeth an alarmed look as she rushes up to your door. She knocked on it repeatedly, causing you to jump from behind the door. Your cries come to a stop while you try to wipe away the tears as best as you can.
“(Y/n), honey, please open the door.” You hear Scarlett say. You remain silent, getting up and dusting your legs off. You stare at the door, debating whether you should open it or not.
“(Y/n), everyone’s worried about you. We just want to help.” Another voice coaxes you behind the door. Elizabeth. “Please let us in.”
Outside, the two women had their ears pressed up against your trailer’s door. Scarlett tries to get you to open the door again, “It’s only me and Lizzie. I promise.”
There was some shuffling heard behind the door. The door pushes open slowly, making Scarlett and Elizabeth back away. A worried expression appears on Scarlett’s face once she sees you. She cups your cheeks, her thumbs gently swiping away some tears that fell from your eyes. The two of them shuffle inside your trailer. You burst out into tears once again when Scarlett wraps her arms around you. She moves you both to sit on the couch that was in your trailer. She lets you shove your head into the crook of her neck while her hands smoothed your hair. Elizabeth sits behind you rubbing circles onto your back. Your cries broke both their hearts. You were a fairly happy girl, to see you in such pain and heartache was hard to watch.
Scarlett rocks you back and forth, trying to calm you down by whispering comforting words into your ear. She presses a motherly kiss onto your forehead once she sees you start to calm down. Elizabeth waits patiently beside you waiting for when you’re ready to talk. When your whimpers turned into hiccups, Scarlett pulls your face away from her neck to look at you. She frowns when she sees your tear stained cheeks.
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on or are you going to keep bottling it up to yourself?” She asks you softly, tucking strands of your hair behind your ears. Elizabeth chimes in from behind you, “You know, sometimes it helps to tell others what’s bothering you. You don’t have to keep it to yourself, (y/n), you could talk to us.” She gathers your hair together, splitting it into two parts as she began to fish tail braid your hair. 
You take a moment to compose yourself before eyeying the two women. You knew you could trust them. Scarlett was like your on-set mom and Lizzie was like one of your aunts. If you could tell anyone on set what was going on, it would be them.
“He broke up with me.” You confess, eyes trained on your lap. Lizzie’s fingers stop braiding your hair, “What?”
“Peyton, he broke up with me.” You whined, not wanting to say it again. You fiddle with your fingers while a tear falls to your lap.
“Oh honey.” Scarlett cooes pulling you back into her chest. You sniffle and wrap your arms around her torso. Silently crying into her shoulder.
“Did he give you a reason why?” Lizzie asks softly. You move away from Scarlett’s hold and lean against the couch with your knees to your chest. Lizzie wraps an arm around your shoulder for comfort.
You glanced at your phone that was on the coffee table, “H-he texted me earlier this morning. He said he couldn’t do the long distance thing anymore and that he has feelings for somebody else.”
Anger flashes in Scarlett’s eyes, “He broke up with you over a text message?” You nod in response.
“What a dick.” She mutters glaring at your phone. It’s quiet for a few minutes. Until you ask them, “Am I not worth trying for a long distance relationship?”
Lizzie shakes her head, “No, don’t you ever think that because you are.”
You sigh and throw your head back, “Then why did he break up with me? Is there something wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?” Scarlett interrupts your questions by shushing you.
“There is not a damn thing wrong about you. Don’t you ever let a man, let alone a boy, make you question your worth.” Scarlett advises you a stern look on her face. “You are the most sweetest and loveliest girl I have ever met in my life. You’re kind, you care about the people around you—you even laugh at Anthony’s stupid jokes.”
Lizzie snorts beside you and squeezes your shoulder, “And his jokes are the worst.”
Scarlett continues, “You are a talented young woman already making it big in the movie industry and you did it all on your own. You are beautiful inside and out. You’re perfect, there’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Then why did he leave me?”
“Because he’s an idiot that doesn’t know your worth.” Lizzie answers resting her head on your shoulder. “I know it hurts now but these things happen for a reason. He wasn’t meant for you and you weren’t meant for him. Maybe somewhere in the future you guys will meet and try again. Or maybe you’ll move on with someone new. That’s just how it is. It may sound harsh, but it’s the truth.”
Scarlett nods at Lizzie, “Take it from me, I’ve been married twice. When it seems like you found that special person, sometimes it’ll all come crashing down. And it’s not an easy thing to go through. It’s full of pain, heartache, self doubt and a bunch of other heart wrenching things. But in the end you come out a stronger version of yourself.”
You stare at Scarlett, “How did you do it?”
Scarlett softly smiles at you, “Well, I had lots of friends who supported me every step of the way. But most importantly, I valued myself. I did things that made me happy and took care of myself mentally and physically.”
You bite your lip in thought as you stare at the ground.
“Listen to me.” Scarlett urges you, “You’re young, (y/n). You’re going to meet so many more people in the future that’ll bring you so much happiness and love in your life. Don’t beat yourself up over one boy who decided to leave you because he wasn’t committed for a long distance relationship. You’re going to be okay.” She assures you, cradling your face. Your lips form into a tight smile while you nod in response.
“You have us and the rest of the people outside of this trailer to support you. We’ll always have your back, whatever it is, I promise you that. You’re not going to go through this by yourself.” Lizzie promises you, taking your hand into hers. You hum and rest your head on her shoulder. You pull on Scarlett’s arm to join you and Lizzie. She chuckles and hugs you from behind.
“Thank you guys.” You whisper, genuinely grateful that you had them in your life. Lizzie pecks your temple, “Anytime darling.”
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chuckbass-love · 3 years
request for prompt 89 with ransom and his beemer😏
A/N: Helloooo, lovely. Ugh i just gotta say, the moment i saw this i was smiling. Car sex with Ransom is a major fantasy of mine, he'd be so protective over the seats in his precious beemer but too horny to give a fuck. I can totally see this happening, for real but i have changed this a little, just because my mind went to other places. Regardless though, i hope you still enjoy this....
Prompt #89: "Just pull the car over"
Disclaimer: My work is not to be translated or to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jealous, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink (slightly, if you squint), swearing, public sex, fluff, angst, fighting, vaginal fingering, public nudity, ass spanking and dangerous driving. 18+ as always.
Word Count: 3,260
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @dicapriho go check them out❤️
Hood Sex
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“Well maybe, just maybe I was only being polite to her because you asked me to and now you’re throwing a fucking bitch fit. Make up your dam mind, Y/N” Ransom snarled through gritted teeth, clenching his jaw simultaneously.
You’ve had just about enough of his attitude and blatant disregard for your feelings. He’s constantly being disrespectful toward you and it’s high time you gave him what for.
An old friend from school recently re appeared in your life and along with her return came a reminder of your high school reunion. One that you were dead set on avoiding. But Ransom managed to convince you to go, something that was rather unusual for him, totally out of character. 
Normally he’d be the type to convince you to stay home with him tangled up in his sheets as you fucked on and off. 
But you threw caution to the wind, giving in almost instantly.
You dressed up in a gorgeous knee length red number along with your best pair of red bottoms. Whereas Ransom dressed up in his signature slacks and white cable knit sweater and soon enough you found yourself at the reunion.
The friendship group you accumulated over your time in high school were soon gathered around you and Ransom as he did his best to be polite, answering arbitrary questions that revolved around the two of you. Yet one old friend in particular crossed the line on more than one occasion. 
Avery Jones. You watched her intently as she twirled her hair around her index finger whilst she bit down on her lip. The woman was practically undressing your man with her eyes, probably wondered what it would be like to have him to herself. And although you wanted to out her, you were reluctant to show your jealousy at that point, being that you’d made a big deal about Ransom being polite.
However, the lid on your calm, cool and collected state soon flipped when she rested her hand on his forearm during the aftermath of a joke he told that wasn’t even intended as a joke. She giggled like a little school girl, one that you tried your hardest not to punch.
But rather than doing so, you pulled Ransoms arm as you dragged him head first out of the building.
That leads you to now.
You were cursing under you breath before he finally snapped at you.
“Well what am i supposed to do Ransom when that whore was all over you like a rash?” you ask, genuinely intrigued to hear his answer and his alternative approach to the situation, but he just gets into the car in a huff.
“So that’s what this is about then? Huh? You’re jealous of the attention i was getting from your former school friends. How about the time that you came to my high school reunion and my friends were all over you? If i remember correctly, even the nerds were flocking at your feet. Did i ge-”
“Don’t you dare even finish that fucking sentence, you got jealous and you know it”
Silence fills the space between the two of you as he sighs heavily before turning the key in the ignition and pulling the car out of the parking space and out of the lot. 
He scratches the stubble that’s starting to grow around his mouth and cheeks before smacking the wheel angrily. 
“Fine, i did get jealous. But that was different and you know it, you were flirting back and touching them. You did that shit on purpose. I however was only doing what you nagged me all day to do”
He’s right. You can’t argue because he’s right. You did flirt back with the guys from his high school, you lapped up the attention like the only single woman at a club. And boy did that make Ransom mad. But for once, you’re the one entirely in the wrong. Avery may have flirted but he didn’t show any signs of encouraging it. He was just doing what you wanted him to, going along with the conversation and even joining in to appear interested. 
“Doesn’t mean that you’re entirely innocent. You enjoyed having Avery touch you, admit it” but rather than admitting it as soon as those words leave your mouth, he reaches his free hand over to you, slipping it underneath your dress and cupping your sex.
“Wanna keep this attitude up? Huh? Because i can torture you further if you like, your choice princess” he barks, his thick digits slip into your panties too before they swirl around your sensitive button slowly.
Your entire body tenses up as you squeeze your legs closed on his hand but he’s too strong for your liking as he pulls his hand free. He uses it to smack down on your thigh hard “don’t think so, spread ‘em...now” he orders and you can no longer deny him.
So you do exactly as he told you to, spreading your legs open like a whore and allowing him to rub ferociously at your pussy, causing you to whine and whimper with your head facing the window. 
You refuse to look at him because looking at him will cause your anger and jealousy to subside, leaving nothing but a horny and desperate mess of woman that you always are when it comes to him.
Somehow you find yourself unable to control the actions of your own body as it betrays you, moving on its own accord with your hips bucking up much to your dismay.
“Someone’s desperate for a good fucking” he’s smirking, you can hear it in his voice and the moment you turn to look at him, that’s exactly what you find. He seems so proud of himself, so happy to have the better of you once again. But you also know that his frustration still lingers underneath the surface. 
“Please, stop” you try to beg but it comes off as more of a green light for him to continue, you’re torn between needing his touch and needing to stand up against him.
But oh boy, the way he’s pushing two fingers inside of you, it feels too good to stop. And the way his thumb is rubbing at your clit to have you keening for more as you arch your back, you can’t help how your body reacts to him. 
“Do you really want me to stop? Because i can feel your walls fluttering around my fingers, baby. You can’t fool me”
All of a sudden you fall back against the seat as he floors the car, the rev of the engine excites you in ways that it shouldn’t. He’s angry, no scrap that, he’s seething. 
And you know that this can only come to a head and lead to one place.
Despite your anticipation for him to slow down eventually though, he continues. And this not only puts him at a risk but it puts you at risk too. 
What if he gets pulled over?
What if he gets arrested?
“Ransom, stop” you beg once more, turning in your seat and moving his hand away from your sex “Ransom, slow down” but he doesn’t listen. 
So you do the one thing that you know will capture his attention.
You brush your hand across his crotch.
“What are you doing?” he growls, stealing glances at you every couple of seconds.
“Jesus, just pull the car over” you yell and to your surprise, he does. He pulls down a random dirt road that’s just far enough out of the way so no other cars can see you and without saying a word he gets out of the car.
You watch through the windshield as he covers his face with his hands, the headlights shining a spotlight on him and you can see the freezing temperature causing visible air to fall from his mouth.
“Ransom” you call out, deciding to tread carefully as you step out of the car, closing the door before you take a couple of steps closer.
“You really do push my buttons, you know that don’t you?” he shakes his head before facing you.
“Well excuse me for being absolutely terrified of losing you, for wondering if another woman will come along and steal all of your attention, for not feeling good enough” you say trying your hardest not to let your tears of worry spill out and slide down your cheeks. 
You wrap your arms around yourself in hopes that it’ll cover you from the cold air running riot around you. 
Ransom clenches his jaw as he scoffs out of shock. You’ve never admitted your fears to him before, your insecurities have always been the elephant in the room but he always thought you knew what the two of you have will forever be solid, unbreakable.
Instead of speaking though, Ransom storms over to where you’re stood and he wraps his large hand around your bicep, using the strength in his grip to yank you over to the hood of his beamer.
“What’re you doing?” you question, confused as to what he has planned for you but when he forces you over the hood of his car, it all clicks into place.
“I’m showing you that not only are you the one i want to be with but that i have no intention of giving you up, not for another woman, not for anyone. You are mine and that’s all there is to it” 
All of a sudden his belt clanks around before you hear his zipper move down and the tip of his well hung cock pushes at your dripping wet entrance before slamming in. 
As he does this you jolt forward, moving further up the hood of the car and with your dress bunched up at your waist, you’re feeling the cold air now more than ever. 
However, you have a feeling that it’ll soon pass with the pleasure taking its place, rightfully.
“Why can’t you just fucking be good, just for once” he groans, calloused hands splaying across your ass cheeks, squeezing the soft globes roughly, showing no signs of letting up. Even his nails are joining the party now, digging into your soft flesh, bound to leave you waking up with marks tomorrow morning.
“Such a disobedient little whore” you feel all of the emotions that are consuming him as he continue to fuck into you and you gotta say, when Ransom gets like this, you adore it. He shows you he cares by doing what he does best, fucking you into oblivion.
He’s never been one for romance or showing much affection but over the course of the last year, he’s been more persistent to be the man you’ve always deserved.
And boy has he tried but the feel of his balls smacking against your folds disrupts your thoughts momentarily and you find yourself reaching back to grab a hold of him. 
Instead he takes your arms, crossing them over one another and holding them in place on the small of your back with just one of his hands, leaving you trapped with no leverage. 
But Ransom knows all too well that this is when sex is most enjoyable for you, you love to be restrained, held back from having any kind of upper hand. You love to be man handled but most importantly, you love to be man handled by him and him only. 
He is the one for you, always has been since the moment you met. 
Sometimes it’s hard to see the effect he has on other women and that’s only because you can recall being exactly like Avery when you first conversed with Ransom. You were bewildered, wide eyed and falling more as the seconds ticked by. You too undressed him with your dark and lustful eyes, imagined his mouth on yours, on your neck, on your breasts and even your pussy. 
You wanted him so badly and that’s why when Avery was acting that way, it struck a cord, you don’t want any other woman to take his fancy the way that you did or to tempt him the way that you did.
And so you acted out. You took it out on him. 
For someone who hadn’t had much experience in terms of relationships before he met you, you’d have suspected Ransom would be the on to behave like this, to be on the verge of tears and unsure of what the future holds or if you’d ever stick around but instead it’s you.
It’s only down to the past relationships you’ve endured, the abuse, the neglect, the lack of respect. 
You’ve always been so used to guys that could care less for you or how you felt, or guys that would gaslight you constantly, threaten to leave you at any sign of weakness from you. And when you met Ransom, you assumed the worst in him too. 
It’s something that with a little honesty and talking, you got through it. 
And so he thought you were past this. 
He was reluctant to get into a monogamous relationship with you too, but only because he’d spent his entire adult life up until a year ago just fucking women casually.
But the more he got to know you, the further you crawled into his heart and under his skin, the more his opinion - his wants and needs - changed.
You were and still are unlike any other woman he’s ever met.
You’re tenacious, independent and demanding. You changed his view on relationships until before he knew it he was asking you to be his girlfriend officially. 
Now here you are, getting railed where anyone could find you for all you know but that’s the last thing you care about. All you want now is for him to make you cum the way he has so many times before. 
No words are even uttered, nothing but groans, moans and grunts fill the air along with his balls smacking your petal like folds rapidly as his pace picks up.
But that all changes when....
“So sick of you giving me attitude, gonna fill you up to the brim with my cum, make you nice and swollen and round with my baby, maybe that’ll convince you that i’m serious about you, huh? Will that do the trick? Will that stop you from acting up like a fucking brat?”
The intense feeling of your clit pulsating at the sound of his words, lets you know that you’re so incredibly close and the hitch in his breathing lets you know that he is too. 
“Ransom, i-” but before you can warn him, he feels you clenching down harder than ever before as your juices cover his cock.
“Such a fucking dirty whore, ain’t that right? Creaming all over my cock like a fucking dirty whore” 
His pace quickens, the tip of his cock punches at your g-spot, forcing you through one orgasm and into another. 
You feel your heels lift off of the ground, leaving you on just your tip toes. Your back arches and you whimper pathetically as he smacks down on your ass cheek with such force that you’re bound to be sore when sitting down next.
But you don’t care, because right now in this moment, all of the insecurities and pent up frustration that you’ve evidently both held in is coming out in this intimate yet rough sexual encounter and it’s all the more better because of it.
He continues to hiss and grunt and even mutter to himself as he twitches inside of you, you then feel him spill his load, filling you up just like he said he would and as he does so you hear loud porn star style moans escape his dirty mouth. 
“Fuck” he curses, slowing his hips until they come to a halt. 
“Ransom” you whisper, needing to hold him now more than ever and once he pulls out, you do just that. His arms wrap around you.
“I’m sorry”
“You know i had everything planned for tonight. The high school reunion, then the dinner afterwards. It was all set” you furrow your brows in confusion, unsure of what he could mean by that.
“Ran-” but then you see him pull out a key.
“I was going to ask you to move in with me. Because despite this being my first relationship, i feel so strongly about you and this connection that we’ve always seemed to have since day one that i just can’t go another day without waking up next to you knowing that i get to see your beautiful face every day”
Tears well in yours eyes as you look deep into his, spotting the same in his blue orbs. But soon after you look down at the both of you, his cock is still out and your panties are misplaced with your dress still bunched up at your waist. 
“I think we should really make ourselves more presentable before having this talk, Ransom, don’t you?”
That’s when he looks down too, chuckling to himself before tucking himself back into his slacks and doing up his belt whilst you take the time to sort your panties out and pull down your dress.
You gesture towards the car before getting back inside, seconds later he joins you.
“No matter who flirts with me, Y/N, those days are behind me. I only have eyes for you”
You giggle “and the waitress at dinner the other week” you raise your brow disapprovingly.
“Okay, fine. And the waitress from the other week...” you both laugh further before he interrupts “look, my point is. I love you and i want to be with you every day. I want you to come home from work and tell me about your day even if i yawn or act uninterested. I want you to cook for me so i can complain about how Antonio does it better. I want to wake up and have lazy morning sex, every morning”
His words whilst insulting for the most part, are still as honest as they come. Ransom has never been one for romance but you still love him regardless and this is him trying his hardest to be romantic, even if it is failing a little. It’s your own little something, it’s imperfectly perfect.
“Yes, i’ll move in with you but you insult my cooking Drysdale and you won’t be eating at all”
“No promises, baby”
He welcomes you into his embrace, pressing a couple of kisses to your head before lifting your head up to kiss your lips softly and then dirty. His tongue forces its way inside of your mouth before it battles with yours but this time, there’s no winner. 
Because being with him is enough, you don’t need to battle anymore tonight.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferous @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @candlefics @yassspose @randomsevans @fanficforfun @meetmeatyourworst @leyannrae 
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gotnofucks · 3 years
Will you make me a drabble where I ask Steve to be my daddy or just make him my daddy🥺🥺👉👈 love you bestie!!
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Title: The Journey to Daddy
Pairing: Steve x Reader
Summary: Five times you call Steve ‘daddy’, and the one times he asks you to.
Words: 1.6k
Warning: slight smut, daddy kink, some jealousy and possessiveness, 18+ Only
A/N: There is only one person who can ever make me go soft. Berry, this is for you. Love you more my queen @donutloverxo
Sometimes, you felt like an onion. You had a lot of layers around you: secrets, insecurities, dreams you were scared of living, things that were never said. And every time, it felt like Steve would peel a layer to expose the truest form of you. You'd never felt as naked as you did when his eyes were fixed on you, with no judgement or question, only love.
You'd been going out for months now, learning about each other, exploring your boundaries. Steve was the most attentive boyfriend. He was caring and respectful, always there for you before you even asked for him. He'd lift you up when you needed something from the top shelf. He'd cook for you because he knew you liked the domestic look on him. He'd tickle you to tears when you were down, trailing kisses down your forehead to your nose to your chin before blowing a raspberry on the hollow of your neck that would have you giggling.
Steve was so perfect, and it was very unconscious the first time you called him Daddy. You were in the kitchen and had broken a plate when Steve came rushing out, carrying you away from the wreckage to make sure you were okay. he wouldn't let you clean it, afraid you'd hurt yourself.
"You're okay baby?" He had asked.
"Yes daddy" you had softly replied into his neck, soothed by his smell. And though he didn't say anything, the thought kept running in his head. Daddy?
Your cries got higher with each thrust, nails digging into Steve’s shoulder as he pumped into you. He loved it when you got like this, all dumbed down and messy, garbling words that felt like poetry to him. You came around him again, squeezing his length between the velvety walls of your sex and he released into you with a growl.
Sweaty and spent, you looked a beauty to him as you laid under his naked body covered in his essence. His large body framed yours and as he leaned in to kiss your glistening and bruised lips, you tiredly said, "I love you, daddy".
He stilled, whispering a love you back before collapsing next to you. Looking at you drifting away, he got up to clean you and cover you up, holding you close as his thoughts ran wild. There it was again. Daddy. Why did you call him that?
Your birthdays were more important to Steve than they were to you. Every time, even when you’d not been dating, Steve would pull all stops for your birthday. He’d arrange a party that would consist only of your closest friends and family, cook all your favorite food, and would make sure everyone got you a present you liked.
There was that time Steve had made a list and gave it out. “Just get her something from this. I know what she likes.” Idiot. He should have put only his name on the list, since there was nothing you wanted more than him. Today, as you celebrated this day as a couple, he decided to make it intimate and private.
He decorated the balcony in your favorite fairy lights, lightening soft candles and putting your favorite flowers everywhere so that it smelled divine. You both sat under the stars, holding each other as you snuggled in the blanket, talking in hushed tone.
“What did you wish for when you blew the candles?” He asked, pressing his lips on the crown of your head. You looked at him, eyes reflecting the candles that danced in the wind.
“I have everything I want. Here.” You said, touching his chest. “You’re all I want. Thank you for today, daddy.”
You kissed him, not noticing the slight hitch in his breath as you said that. Daddy, he liked how that sounded.
The sounds of typing were a normal in your house, but it bothered Steve when it went past midnight for the third night in a row. He saw you stifle another yawn, rubbing at your eyes as you tried to finish this project on time. You worked way too hard if you asked him.
“Baby, come to bed. It’s late.”
“I can’t, really need to get this done.”
Steve sighed, washing your now empty coffee mug before sitting beside you. He counted three more yawns along with four curses whispered under your breath and he knew he needed to step in. Gently stopping your hand, he turned you to face him and cupped your face.
“You still have four days before you need to turn this in. Come to bed honey, you’re tired and I don’t wanna sleep without you.”
You pouted, tired and internally glad that he finally stopped you. Nodding, you allowed him to more or less carry you into the bedroom and put you into pajamas, tucking you into the warmth of his body as he turned out the lights.
“Sleep, sweetheart. I’ll make you your favorite breakfast tomorrow so you’re all charged up for another day of working. I love you.”
His arms came around you, your back to his chest. Tangling your fingers with his, you pressed a sleepy kiss on his knuckles before whispering into the dark, “good night daddy. Love you too.”
The fifth time you did it, you scared him.
The Avengers Gala was something Steve hated and loved. He loved he could have you on his arm, his girl to proclaim before the world. His friends got together and had a nice time, and people he hadn’t seen for a while surfaced too.
What Steve couldn’t handle was the audacity of men to ogle you. Despite you being on his arm, they would follow you with their creepy eyes, trying to sneak in a word whenever someone pulled him away from you. He knew he mustn’t be jealous; if there was anything Steve was ever secure about, it was your love for him. But he couldn’t stand still watching some good for nothing bastard try to win you over with a pick up line that was older than he was.
“Excuse me gentlemen” He almost growled, taking your arm possessively before whisking you away into a dark corner, intent on having you all to himself. You rolled your eyes, used to this act by now. You’d never told him, but it was almost endearing watching a man like him get so antsy over you.
“You can’t always hide me away!” You chided him but didn’t push him away. You preferred his company over any other, and if were to take you home right now, you wouldn’t mind. Steve bit his lips before cutting a glance to the men who were flirting with you earlier, a snarl lodged in his chest.
“No, but I can do this!” His lips crashed on yours, pulling you into a deep kiss that tasted of his power and love. You melted into his touch, arms hooking around his neck to bring him down to your height, tongues tangling together in a sloppy kiss. Steve didn’t let up until you had to finally break to breath, both panting hard.
“What was that for?” You asked, softly touching your lips that tingled.
“To remind everyone that you belong to me!” He said, pulling you closer. You smiled, pressing another kiss on his lips before tucking your head under his neck.
“Of course I belong to you daddy.”
He spent the rest of the party distracted. You’d called him that a lot recently. But why? Did you want him to be a daddy? You'd both decided to never to have children in the early days of getting together. Why then did you call him daddy? And why did it send a thrill down his back? God, he hoped you weren't pregnant.
+ 1
The morning after the party, he woke you up with kisses trailing down your neck, soothing the sting of the bites he had placed there last night. As you whimpered, wanting to sleep some more, he pushed a hand under your top to tickle your ribs, smiling as you giggled and squirmed.
“Steve!” You squealed as he reached under your breast. He chuckled before kissing up your exposed tummy, loving the sounds of your laughter as he reached your mouth and pressed deep and slow kisses there.
“Good morning.” He said, nuzzling his nose into you. You sighed in happiness, snuggling into him and breathing in his scent.
“Good morning.”
You stayed that way for a while, him gently rocking you back and forth as you hummed, enjoying the quiet morning together. It was after a few minutes that Steve spoke.
“Why do you call me daddy?”
A sudden shyness came over you and you buried your face deeper into his chest, not speaking. Steve tutted, gently pulling you back and titling your face up to meet his eyes.
"Do you want us to have a kid?" Steve asked and you shook your head.
"No." You said, embarrassed.
"Then why do you call me daddy?"
You looked at him with glittering eyes, cupping his cheek softly that was threatening to develop a scruff if not shaved.
"Because I trust you." You said. "I never have to hide from you, never have to worry. You look after me, you love me unconditionally. You care about me in a way no one has ever before. When you take charge, it makes me feel good. I love it when you guide me in bed. I love it when you step up and look after me. Calling you daddy puts those feelings into words."
Steve couldn't look away from you and your eyes. The love and trust you put in him made him a better person, it made him feel worthy. All he ever wanted in life was to have someone to call his own, to hold them and love them and never let any harm come to them. Looking into your eyes, he knew he had all he wanted. He held you closer and tighter, brushing your lips with his.
"Say it again then, baby."
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
could u please do like a harry x youtuber/influencer!reader and like lots of fluff🥺
Hi bubbie! Here you go :)))
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Language
Harry was panicking. His mum and sister were going to be here in less than two hours and he’s burnt the eggplant parmigiana he had worked tediously on. 
He grabbed what he had left in his fridge - ground beef, shredded cheddar cheese, and a little bit of bacon. 
It was the type of foods he usually strayed away from so sometimes when his shopper would bring this stuff home - he’d avoid it and admittedly sometimes it would go bad sitting in the fridge.
The singer pulls up YouTube onto his phone - hoping something would come up when he typed in the ingredients on the search bar.
He clicks on the first video by cookingwithnofucks. A chuckle at the name as an advertisement plays.
A cute, bubbly girl appears on screen in a beautiful modern kitchen. She has a shirt on that says ‘fuck the patriarchy and eat pizza’. A high ponytail and minimal makeup.
“Okay - today we’re making a cheeseburger casserole,” the girl chirps, “It’s a heart attack in a dish but it’s so fucking good.”
Harry finds himself smiling as he crinkles his nose - it sounds absolutely disgusting but he’s intrigued more by the girl on the screen.
“Shit, I forgot to introduce myself. Hiii, if you’re new - I’m Y/N and I do cooking shit. Subscribe to my channel and all that jazz,” she titters while cutting open her beef package.
Harry follows along step-by-step, shaking his head as she doesn’t describe the instructions nearly well enough and is generally all over the place.
It’s a fucking cooking channel and at one point the meat starts burning. She just laughs and says, “s’just a little crispy!” 
The casserole turns out looking even better than Y/N’s to be honest. It’s done in just the right amount of time for him to shower before his family arrives.
He makes sure to subscribe to her channel - eyebrows raising when he sees that she has 16 million subscribers.
Harry wanted to spend longer, looking at her social media but there was a fixed time so he locked his phone and went to get ready.
Anne - always the sweetheart just tells Harry that the casserole is delicious even as a bit of grease runs down her fork from the fatty meats.
Gemma wasn’t as kind, grimacing at the casserole and remarking, “You truly are turning into an American, huh?”
Laying in bed that night, Harry swipes back onto YouTube. Going back to the page he just subscribed to - under a pseudonym. He clicks on another video.
“Uh, okay. So I’m cooking...fuck, it’s called unicorn bark. It looks like a magical animal puke but it looks delicious so we’re going to try it.”
Harry realizes he’s been watching this girl cook for nearly an hour. Different videos from desserts to dinners.
She curses like a sailor, fucks up almost every recipe, and makes a mess everywhere. But she’s smiling and talkative which makes him quite memorized by her.
“I hate editing,” Y/N groans, letting her head fall dramatically against the desktop. Her best friend and dog looked at her oddly.
“I keep saying you need to hire someone, you stubborn bitch,” Laney retorts, clicking through her Instagram feed.
“Fuck off,” she tells her friend with no real heat. The video was almost fully edited - how to make spicy as fuck jalapeño poppers.
There is a calm silence for a while until Laney gasps, “Holy shit.”
“What is it?” Y/N asks, not really caring as she clicks her mouse to trim a segment.
“Harry fucking Styles just followed you on Instagram and Twitter!” Laney shouts, her dog - Rufus popping his head up in confusion.
Y/N looks at her friend to see if she’s really serious and sees no signs of deception. “Oh my god,” Y/N replies. She loved Harry Styles in One Direction and as a solo artist - a fangirl if you will.
Y/N was a well-known influencer and has run in the circles of many celebrities. She’s even met Liam Payne but she’s never been able to bump into Harry.
Her alerts tell her it to be true, she swallows as she looks back up at Laney, “He dm’ed me.”
“Open it! What did he say?” She squeals, squeezing herself on the chair next to her, peering over her shoulder at the phone.
Y/N is a bit nervous, trying not to have a mini aneurysm as she opens the message thread.
HarryStyles: Hello. Just wanted to let you know that your cheeseburger casserole recipe saved my ass last night. Cheers x
“He’s totally coming onto you,” Her friend states instantly, bouncing excitedly - she also had a bit of a crush on the singer.
It takes the two of them a minute to cool their shit before Y/N manages a reply.
Y/N/LN: Well I guess it’s only fair. Your songs have made a few of my nights much better. I’m a bit of a slut for Fine Line.
Harry laughs behind his screen at the cheeky reply he gets back. He’s usually never this forward - especially on social media where he likes to fly under the radar.
HarryStyles: Well if you fancy my music that much, I totally love for you to come to a show. I’m performing in New York City in two weeks.
“This has to be a joke, right?” Y/N sputters to her friend, eyes wide at the invite to a concert she already had tickets to.
Y/N/LN: I’m not going to lie, I already have tickets to the show. However, I don’t have any backstage passes to meet the man of the hour. Do you know someone who can hook me up?
It does wonders for Harry’s narcissism to know that she already had tickets for his concert. Was he really going to do this? He hasn’t met up with some like this since his One Direction days.
He had to remind himself - she may just be friendly and take this as a totally casual interaction. Which would be normal, Harry really shouldn’t be so infatuated with someone he’s watched cook on social media.
HarryStyles: I think I can arrange that. Shoot me your number? I’ll have them sent digitally to you with instructions on how to get backstage.
Y/N is a bit dumbfounded at how fast they agreed to meet up. A harmless backstage tour - he could just be a fan of hers and totally not interested, right?
Over the next few weeks, they never really stop texting. Harry sends her pictures of the recipes he copies off her channel - that usually always look better than the original. He sends her clips of him goofing around during tour rehearsal. FaceTimes her when he’s finally home for the night.  
She sends him videos of her watching Harry Styles Best Moment Part Five. A few photos she snaps throughout the city of him on billboards and buildings, in Times Square. YN facetimes him when she’s frustrated with filming or watched a sad movie.
It didn’t make sense to either of them how seamlessly they’d clicked - especially without meeting. They were a perfect balance for each other. Harry - laidback, organized, level-headed. Y/N - eccentric, all over the place, adventurous. 
Jeff had told him that he’s been gaining media attention from his social media interactions with Y/N. They like each other’s photos, begin following each other’s friends, and comment goofy things on their posts.
“Listen, I have a great idea,” Y/N begins - which Harry learned is never good. “You should film a video with me sometime.��
Y/N knew she was going out on a limb and instantly regretted the questions she’d been building the courage to ask for days when it’s quiet on his end. There’s static for a moment and Y/N needs to fill the silence.
“It was - I was just, uh, I know you’re probably too busy. I was -“ She stutters, embarrassment flooding her.
Harry cuts her off, “I’d love to.”
“Yo-you would?” She asks timidly. Was she really going to have Harry Styles in her apartment? If so, should she take down her poster?
He laughs sweetly, “Why do you sound so surprised? I can’t wait to come to New York, love.”
Y/N giggles, “Not the fact that you’re performing in front of a sold out crowd at MSG? I don’t think seeing me will top that.”
“I’ve been looking forward to meetin’ you in person since I came across your channel. You so lovely,” Harry replies, his voice a little softer but more serious.
“I’m nervous,” Y/N admits, picking at a thread in her jeans.
“Me too,” Harry murmurs, despite not wanting to admit it - he wanted her to know this was new territory for both of them. He didn’t want her to think that this was something that he did often. But a little too prideful to admit it’s the first time he’s ever done something quite like this.
“What if you don’t like me?” Y/N whispers, she...well she didn’t compare to the models he’s been seen with before. She’s regretfully fell into the rabbit hole of looking up his past flings and relationships.
Harry barks out a disbelieving laugh, “You can’t be serious, darling. I’ve been gone for you since I saw you burn that ground beef.”
Harry was having a bad day - scratch that. An awful one. He tried to go get coffee at eight in the morning and got bombarded by fans, he left the shop without even ordering. They followed him back to his car and it took him fifteen minutes to pull out.
His favorite Mickey Mouse Gucci suitcase he was bringing along on tour had busted. The zipper unraveling and the trim falling off as a result. It was a one-of-a-kind.
Then he’d been stuck on a Skype meeting about tour merchandise with a group of business partners for the last three hours - all he wanted was a fucking nap.
When Y/N’s contact vibrated across his screen, he’s itching to answer but declines as he needs to give these people his attention.
When she calls again, Harry feels a prickle of annoyance. It’s not even at her - to be quite honest. It’s just the shitty day and everything’s piling up.
He always got like this before he kicked off a tour - stress level maxed out and his ability to handle minor incidents nearly shot.
I’m busy
Okay! Sorry, just have a super exciting surprise for you, bub! 
I really do not feeling like talking. I’d rather be left alone.
Oh, alright. Hope everything’s okay! Do you still want to facetime later?
Harry leaves her on read because he doesn’t want to slip up and take out his frustration on her. He’d been known to do that and he didn’t want her to think he was anything but besotted with her.
Y/N feels a little hesitant as she begins the uploading process to her channel. The red loading bar told her it’d be twenty-minutes before it’s going to be posted to her 16 million subscribers - one of them being Harry himself. 
Twenty-minutes for her to back out and cancel the upload. She starts having doubts about it when Harry never replies to her text which is unlike him. 
She takes Rufus out to avoid staring at the loading screen with unnecessary anxiety and uneasiness.
Harry is just getting home from a business dinner with the touring company’s management team. The tension and anxiety from today piling up on his shoulders and he just wants to call Y/N and crash in bed. 
He tosses his keys in the little bowl in the entry and kicks off his dingy white vans to the side. His phone dings with an alert from Gemma.
You two are the literal cutest ever. It’s quite gross.
Harry slides onto a stool in his kitchen, confused by the text message before she’s sending the link to him.
Fine Line Inspired Cupcakes!
Harry isn’t quite sure why his heart starts pounding furiously in his chest. A sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that this was probably the surprise she was excited about.
He clicks on the thumbnail.
“Hiiii, it’s Y/N. Okay, well today we are going to bake some Fine Line inspired cupcakes. And if you haven’t listened to the album - get your ass out from rock you’re living under and stream it on Spotify!”
She has her hair down in long, waves and a loose cropped shirt that says TPWK in rainbow embroidery.
Harrys mouth is dry and he can’t take his fucking eyes away from the screen. 
“Soo, I was thinking the first batch would be cherry flavored? ‘Cause he has a song titled ‘Cherry’. Let’s start there. First - I need to find my measuring cups.”
In true Y/N fashion, she scours her kitchen - cussing and yanking stuff out of her neatly organized cabinets before huffing and storming off to the side.
She comes back into view, a little frazzled but smiling when she holds up the ring of plastic measuring spoons, visible bite marks notched into the material.
“My asshole of a dog had a little snack,” Y/N shows the camera before shrugging, “Let’s get this shit started. Okay, you’re going to need one cup of sugar - no wait, two? I can’t read my fucking handwriting.”
Harry’s absolutely enamored by this scatter-brained, giggly girl who manages to produce cute blue and pink cupcakes that very vaguely resembled his album cover. His heart felt a million times too big for his chest.
He was enraptured for the entirety of the thirty minute video without taking his eyes away once.
To be honest, he hadn’t felt this way since his last relationship which was over a year ago at this point.
It’s not even a thought as he’s requesting a FaceTime with Y/N. 
She answers after a few rings. She has a green face mask painted on her nose, chin, and forehead with gold eye masks under each eye. She is so fucking ridiculous it’s not even funny. 
What is even more ridiculous is how gone Harry is realizing he is for her. She was quirky, unfiltered, carefree. If he was honest - he hadn’t met a girl like that in a very long time - especially a well-known influencer.
“Hi! How was your day, grumpy?” Y/N asks brightly, making a goofy face as the mask begins to tighten and crack on her skin. Not holding the earlier conversation against him and deciding to just move forward. She understood how stressful it can be.
“M’sorry. I was a bit grumpy,” He admits, “I loved your new video, darling. Did you make those just f’me?”
He can tell she’d be blushing if her face wasn’t covered, a bit bashful as she mutters, “You already know I did it for you.”
“You’re too sweet to me, only six days until we meet,” Harry replies, voice taking on a slow, lazy drawl. 
“Six days,” Y/N repeats, eyes crinkling as she smiles with excitement.
“Is this outfit too much?” Y/N panics. Even though there’s literally nothing she can do about it - they’re already walking towards the backstage entrance of the massive arena. It’s still about two hours until the show starts but Harry requested her to come earlier.
Laney sighs, “For the millionth time, you look fucking sexy and Harry’s going to want to rail you right when he sees you.”
Y/N shoves her lightly with a faux annoyance as they meet up with a burly man who’s blocking the entrance to the backstage hallway and rooms.
She gives him their names and pulls up the passes on her phone before he’s nodding with any expression and letting them pass.
They’re not quite sure where to go from here so they begin to wander down the long hallway toward what looks to be the main area that people are milling about.
Y/N is nearly on the ground when someone rounds the corner without looking and walks right into her. Both of them let out huffs of air as they collide and attempt to stabilize themselves.
But there are large hands grasping her arms and holding her steady. In typical Y/N fashion she’s already cursing, “fuckin like a brick wall, look out next time.”
Then she’s looking up to Harry staring back down at her with an amused expression. He doesn’t let go of her and instead tugs her against his bare chest. He’s warm and a bit sweaty - like he’d just worked out. He was only in a pair of thin, running shorts, nike tennis shoes, and a little clip holding his hair off of his face.
Y/N can’t help but wrap her arms around his waist, returning the embrace and amazed by how right it feels to be in his arms. Her face tucks right against his collarbone and it’s like they’d known each other for years.
Pictures and videos don’t do this man justice. He’s gorgeous - sharp edges and dark inked skin. Tall and muscular but dimples that are carved in his cheeks. 
“Nice to meet you, m’Harry,” Harry rumbles, removing one hand from Y/N’s shoulder to reach out his hand to her friend.
Laney shakes his hand before asking, “Laney. I’ll leave you two lovebirds be. Where’s the food?”
Harry chuckles against Y/N’s wavy hair, “Down the hall to the left.”
Laney’s trailing off without another glance, she was very food motivated despite her skinny frame. Also not wanting to intrude of the very personal first moments of their meeting.
The popstar pulls back to look down at the girl he’s fallen for in mere weeks. She’s as beautiful as he thought she'd be - if not more. He can’t help himself, “Would it be too forward to kiss you?”
Y/N smiles widely, running a hand along his jawline, “I’ve wanted you to kiss me since you stayed up on FaceTime with me until two in the morning as I cried after watching The Notebook - despite me seeing it a million times.”
Harry ducks forward to press his lips softly to her, large hands come to cup the side of her face as they connect. He’s so gentle as he moves his mouth against hers. In true Y/N fashion, she’s bold and has no hesitation slipping her tongue into his mouth.
He’s so fucking in love with her. It doesn’t make much sense - it’s definitely not logical but he’s realizing that’s okay.
“Oii, get a room!” Someone shouts from down the hallway teasingly.
Harry flips them the middle finger and pulls back, pink lips swollen and puffy, dimples on full display, “Let me take you out to dinner after the show, darling.”
“You going to wine and dine me, Styles?” Y/N giggles, unable to contain the pleasant warmness he’s spreading through her body. 
“Mmm, have t’make sure you’ll want to keep me,” Harry murmurs happily against her lips once again, pressing kiss after kiss to her to make sure she’s real, “Definitely want to keep you.”
Y/N bites teasingly at his bottom lip, hand planted on the soft but firm skin of his stomach, “You’re never getting rid of me, hope you know that.”
“Was hoping you’d say that, now let me introduce you to my band.”
                                  -- ---- ---- -- 1 year later - -- --- --- --
“Hi bitches! Today is a super special day. We have the one, the only Harry Styles filming with us. I know that’s not really that special since he’s on here all the time with me. But we’re celebrating our one year anniversary!” Y/N smiles, bumping hips with Harry who stands dutifully next to her. 
Anyone viewing can see the absolute heart-eyes and adoration he has for the girl standing next to him. He’s still as lovestruck and gone for her as he was the first time they met. Harry’s fans were thrilled - for the first time in years, he’d opened up again.
They weren’t very public on social media beside’s tagging each other in memes and posting the occasional picture. Y/N was constantly uploading cooking videos from wherever in the world she was with Harry on his tour, she’d also begin making vlogs about different foods she’s been experiencing.
“Okay, so here in Peru - they’re known to have this really fucking spicy beef with noddles. So obviously, I’m going to make Harry try it first,” Y/N laughs as she props the camera up on the side of the table on a napkin holder.
Harry - who has a concert in a few hours - frowns at the steaming dish in front of him, “Darling, I don’t want to try it first. It’s going to burn my mouth. Not gonna be able to sing.”
“You’re sucha baby sometimes,” Y/N rolls her eyes, slurping up the noodles with her fork while making a silly face at her boyfriend. She pulls back, straight-faced, “It’s not hot at all. Tastes amazing, though.”
Harry takes that as an initiative to shovel a spoonful into his mouth. It only takes half a moment until his taste buds erupt in fiery flames from the spices, “You bloody little brat, y’tricked me! It’s so fuckin’ hot!”
Y/N smiles widely, laughing much too loudly in the restaurant when Harry chugs the glass of water next to the plate while glaring at his love. “I’m sorry, s’just to easy with you, lovie,” She replies, leaning over the table to press a kiss to his lips. 
He’s a sucker for her and kisses her right back despite his mouth being an inferno. His heart was on fire for her and that burned much more intensely.
“No, love. The instructions say baking soda, not baking powder. They’re not the same thing,” Harry sighs, attempting to read her scribbled, sloppy handwriting. She’d already spilled milk on half of the paper.
“S’interchangeable, right?” Y/N hums, cracking an egg into the bowl and Harry automatically knows to look to fish out the eggshells that’d she’d let slip in because she sucks at cracking eggs but always wants to do it.
Harry reaches over her, grabbing the vanilla extract and a teaspoon, “It’s not, baby. Lemme do this real quick.”
“Will you make me a grilled cheese after this?” She asks, nuzzling into his side and wrapping her arms around his waist as he finishes adding the wet ingredients to their bowl. Harry stopped questioning her thought process a long time ago.
Harry swipes his finger into the mixture of icing off to the side and rubs it right onto her nose, cackling at her pout and squeaking when she pinches at the fleshy skin of his hips. She in turn dips her finger into the sugary cream and pops it right into her mouth.
Harry eyes darken, watching her lips purse as she sucks off the icing. It was a dirty move on Y/N’s part and she knows it. It has her boyfriend dragging an icing-covered thumb along her collarbone before leaning down to slowly lick up the sugary trail with his tongue.
When Y/N slides her fingers into his hair and lets out a pretty moan, Harry’s standing back up, trailing over to the tripod and saying into the camera, “We’ll be back after a little commercial break,” and is then turning off the record button.
It takes little to no time for Harry to have Y/N’s bum on the countertop, mouth on her neck, and hand in-between her thighs.
And when they finally posted a very edited final cut of the video - well there may be a couple of fans who notice the how flushed Y/N is halfway through and a lovely purple mark on Harry’s neck that wasn’t there in the beginning of the video.
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