#ty anons (and not anons) who were asking abt this
thoughts on autistic beatrice 
i got a couple asks about this, so here we go.
speaking. despite her talent for linguistics, and her fascination with language, Beatrice does sometimes have periods where she is non-verbal. alternates with days where she needs to talk a lot. Lilith usually gets subjected to her talkativeness on these occasions - or rather, she subjects herself to it, willingly. knows how to respond and manage and help when things are a lot. she is quite content to sit and listen and poke fun while Beatrice lets all of the thoughts out of her head. 
Bea has areas of specific focus, and likes to tell convoluted stories to reach her point bc it’s how her brain likes to do things, and Lilith is one of the rare people who will simply listen, who is not impatient. Bea has been trained to think in straight lines, but there is a natural obliqueness to her thought processes. & especially when she is tired and/or hurt it unravels out of her. 
it takes a long time for her to trust anyone enough to actually relax and do that kind of stimming, but once things are easier it’s at least once a week, and Lilith pretty much drops everything to go sit with her in the library or down by the cliff or in the sun by one of the outer walls. this is astonishing to Bea, because nobody in her life has been willing to listen to her talk before, for hours. 
for Lilith it’s like watching the sun rise, & Bea transforms when she’s able to let all of the many myriad & often beautiful thoughts she has find their way out. to have them held and appreciated.
special interests. i think for sure Bea is really interested in math & physics & linguistics & probably a bit of architecture (my girl knew how to convert dirra to feet = math nerd AND architecture nerd, for sure). 
re: physics - Bea is just really interested in the mechanics of the universe, & it’s kind of an adjacent interest when you throw knives, because there is math involved & a bit of physics knowledge, especially for her throws which are from unpredictable distances (usually knife-throwing is done at standard distances with more or less consistent trajectories. whereas Bea throws in consistently unpredictable circumstances, often at moving targets).
she likes spiders and pretty much all fields of biology - anatomy, entomology, biophysics (she was a bit obsessed with gravitational tropism & how they grew plants in space), biochem, physiology of all kinds. definitely used to do architectural sketches for fun. knows all about how buildings have been constructed over the centuries. likes spiders because misunderstood, solitary, & just rlly rlly interesting as creatures. linguistics for obvious reasons. aka ‘if i learn ten languages i will be able to talk to people’ = cue not knowing what to say to people in ten languages. i’m gonna say she likes prime numbers. the mystery of them, the way they are so strange and self-contained.
routine! Bea is big into routine. it helps her to deal with the parts of her life that will always be chaotic - OCS activities are pretty much chaotic by default, because possession and demons don’t keep people-hours. 
she NEEDS to go running every day & Lilith is usually the only one who can keep pace with her, so they get up in the predawn dark most mornings and run until the sun rises. they don’t talk while they run, but they have a sort of silent conversation going on. gentle competition and mutual egging-on. performing stupid little parkour tricks where no one can see them. once or twice they go down by the beach and end up trying to toss each other into the ocean. 
when they get back Beatrice has muesli (she always has muesli, when she can) & she has this specific blue bowl and this specific spoon. everyone knows not to touch it (and Lilith knows too but still does dickhead things like hide it, but she gives it back almost immediately. just likes to see Bea’s face scrunch up like an emoji. she calls it ‘your haughty little stare’. 
Lilith peels an orange while Beatrice makes up her breakfast (picking the banana chips out. ‘why don’t you just get the brand without banana chips.’ ‘you wouldn’t understand.’) Lilith scatters orange peel everywhere on purpose and Beatrice goes around after sweeping them into her palm, which makes her hands smell like citrus (and, incidentally, exactly like Lilith’s, all day long).
time-blindness/interoception. Beatrice loses time. has a habit of going into a trance or just hyper-focussing on things. in those instances Mary or Lilith or Cam will find her just Staring and they always go to fetch Shannon, because she has a knack; she’s a gentle stirring presence, and she goes and puts her palms on Bea’s face and gets her eyes to focus on her. narrows the world down to simple touch. leads with a couple of innocent questions about math or sometimes jellyfish, or any of the topics Bea likes. 
this is what she needs. Mary is the steady voice that pulls everyone together in a fight, but Shannon has the measure of Beatrice. she knows to ask questions, to lure her out of her stupor with positive things. gentle, stirring. usually there’s nothing bad about losing the time, except that she can end up with throbbing headaches from dehydration.
but it’s time her brain needs, to be away from other people, because Beatrice has observed and catalogued and she is pretty good at the social side of things. yet it is exhausting. & sometimes she needs a hour or two to just exist in her own orbit.
eye-contact. when she’s comfy she tends to stray away from eye-contact, just because other body language is better and not so overwhelming as eyes, but martial arts taught her how important the eyes are for betraying intent, so she looks. but if she trust ppl there’s less eye contact. what there is, then, means more. 
she and Lilith are almost entirely absent of eye-contact when alone with each other. they are parallel play pros, and they save eye-contact for fighting, though Lilith is extraordinarily good at NOT giving away anything with her eyes. she can be beating the crap out of two people at once and look like she’s grocery shopping, but when she’s in the swing of things there’s often a manic glee to her eyes. & Bea likes that because it’s uncomplicated and wild and honest. but yeah, Mary occasionally goes to Shannon - ‘hey, do you think Beatrice would know the answer if i asked her what colour Lilith’s eyes are?’
speaking (contd.) Bea does have a tendency to forget about inflection in speech. has a monotone a lot of the time, which other people mistake for condescension. she can be very persuasive, but when she’s comfortable her voice keeps this unerringly constant pitch.
doesn’t tend to have the wild wavers you expect when ppl are with their friends; actually gets flatter & more even the more enthused she is. so she’ll be telling Lilith about how spiders can walk upside down on glass & the pitch, if you measured it, would be a straight line, but this speaks to Lilith’s brain too, because it isn’t jumping on distinctions in sound & getting anxious over it. 
if you pay attention to the rest of Bea’s body language it’s easy to see how excited she is, but that doesn’t manifest in her voice so much. oh she can emote vocally with the best of them (cut to the museum heist scene where Vincent kidnaps Ava) but calm relaxed Bea is going to be rocking that monotone.
food. for the first while in cat’s cradle Beatrice has trouble with mealtimes. it was never her forte - always the first down to breakfast in boarding school, so eventually the ppl setting up just left a bowl out for her & the tureen of muesli, and a milk bottle still slick with dew from sitting on the stoop with all the others. 
it’s the social aspect, mostly, and the change of routine, that get to her. plus Beatrice just isn’t motivated by food at all - for her it’s like, due to interoception, and some sensory preferences, though Bea’s a good soldier and can just ignore texture and taste if she has to. 
she doesn’t like the tables in the vaulted hall or the weird dim lighting, and all the other nuns talking in hushed voices so they become this susurration of sound. so she just skips lunch, or dinner. 
Lilith insists that she could care less, & she only tells Mary because otherwise she’ll get a lecture about responsibility and the new recruits, and also Bea is the best fighter besides her, and she doesn’t want to win just because the little twit forgets to eat. 
initially Mary just insists that Bea goes to meals with her. that doesn’t really help too much; Bea goes where she’s told, but yk you can lead a horse to water, can’t make them drink.
one day Mary goes and sits down next to Bea while she’s reading one day out in the courtyard, & hands her a cup of pudding from a bunch of surplus (and almost expired) MREs that the OCS bulk-bought ages ago. & Bea, skeptical but obedient, open it up & tries it & Mary, privately, thinks it’s chalky and overly sweet, but Bea adores it. she reads the nutritional info and is weirdly psyched by how ‘full of food groups’ it is. (Mary shrugs, but Lilith gets it; she also grew up craving salt and protein and portions larger than a palm). 
Mary bulk buys even more of them, & soon the Trio™ start carrying them around. Shannon has a bunch in her backpack, and Mary keeps them in the glove box of the van. Lilith sometimes just has one in the pocket of her hoodie, so that when it’s a Hard Day they can all reliably take Bea out into the sun with a bit of breeze coming up over the cliffside, & pass her a horrible calorie-dense protein pudding monstrosity.
it works, though. once Bea has Lilith to cling to she doesn’t mind going to the official means, & also Mother Superion takes her in her office & tells her she can go to the kitchen or eat in MS’s office if she’s not feeling it any evening. it works, and Beatrice manages to win against Lilith two out of five times in training, and she looks better and more than she has in her whole life, because the ppl around her FINALLY care about what she needs.
touch. Bea actually really likes it. flinches, at first, when Mary throws an arm around her, or when Shannon goes to her after a hard fight and presses their foreheads together, and leaves her sooty thumb-prints on Bea’s cheeks from holding her face. 
Lilith is another touch-starved bitch so they are like two polarised magnets initially, but after a while it changes. Beatrice falling asleep against Lilith in the back of the OCS fan. Bea having a panic attack and Mary climbing clear over the handbrake from the front seat (shotgun) to go and hold her very tightly, and rock her, and just say meaningless nice things.
Lilith like a deer in the headlights watching it, but eventually letting Beatrice braid her hair when her hands won’t stop shaking from the adrenaline. at once point they are hiding from possessed ppl & Lilith wraps her whole body around Bea, pressing them together into the shadows, and Beatrice is just… stunned by the closeness of it all. the lemon and sweat smell of Lilith (Bea starts stealing her shampoo after that). 
eventually she knows how to seek touch, how to ask for it & Bea and Lilith become kind of ridiculous about it (just watch the infirmary scene). they sit propping each other up, side-by-side or back-to-back. Bea with her legs flung over Lilith’s lap, reading out of a book in the library. in church playing ‘one-two-three-four, i declare a thumb war’ while Mary loses her shit in the row behind them. 
Beatrice likes braiding hair, and when she’s upset she just clings to ppl (Lilith starts calling her barnacle and also limpet) but both of them need that from each other, & most of the other sisters are just not Bea’s people; she has her three people (four, almost, when Cam arrives). 
with Mary it’s a lot of rough shoving and headlocks and kicking each other’s calves and ‘hey, think fast!’ followed by Mary chucking something at Bea. 
with Shannon it’s the face-touching, and her arms folding Bea into a hug to end all hugs. & obviously with Ava we have Beatrice the little spoon, & her quiet amazement at how much Ava likes touching her arms or pecking her on the cheek - i don’t think she was raised to believe that people might long to touch her, and where Lilith hid her longing pretty deftly, Ava is much more open about it; it’s part of what shocks her when Ava hugs her very suddenly that first time in Cat’s Cradle after the wall incident - not the touch, but the recognition of Ava’s hunger for it. i think it occurred to Beatrice that maybe Ava could not even remember the last time someone hugged her like that. i think she understands& once they’re together it’s stupid how often they are in contact with each other, but it’s Bea’s love language, i think.
sensory issues. texture is obviously a thing for Beatrice. specifically with food, but also with clothes. you’ll see (in the show) that she tends to favour clothes that are loose around the arms (part of her reasoning being that it’s easier and better to fight in loose-fitting clothes) but yeah she’s not a fan of tight clothing. likes pressure on her own terms. she likes sweaters and tank tops, men’s-section t-shirts because the weird v-shape of women’s sleeves is foul and heinous. she does like to button shirts all the way up to the top because for unknown reasons it feels safe and precise.
sound is not too bad for Bea. she’s used to a lot of shouting in martial arts training (the use of a kiai in kendo is well-established & often super loud. she kind of likes that, shrieking at the top of her lungs with permission) and also gunshots with the OCS. none of it bothers her more than gunshots are just super unpleasant to hear for anyone. 
she does enjoy asmr though. ocean sounds especially (thunder is bad unless there’s a really predictable interval between bouts of thunder) hates those deep-space ones because the bass makes her feel dizzy.
she just also really likes the sound of the people she loves talking. sometimes she can get Lilith to say more than four sentences together & it’s heaven. Ava obviously has her doe-eyed with her ability to talk about anything, to fill silences with good sound. 
Bea HATES to be shouted at, berated etc. but mostly for trauma reasons, b/c of the whole endless night her parents yelled at her before they sent her away. this is part of the reason that silence makes her a bit uneasy, unless she knows what it means. 
silence with Lilith has a few flavours; she has a happy silence, which is like a cat coming to sit in a room with you. she also has a broody silence, which Bea likes too, actually, because Lilith isn’t angry, she’s just filling the room with the noisiness of her thoughts. her angry silence makes Beatrice want to say around too, but only in the hope of mending things. Mary’s silences are usually good, or else they’re about Shannon. & Shannon has her gentle silences and her hidden silences. the fact is that silence for Bea is rarely actual silence, because she is too attentive to the meanings of silence. 
she likes Ava’s version of silence, which is talking. 
is also very very perceptive of sound - Lilith insists you can’t hear electricity OR spiders moving around, but Bea is adamant that you can, actually. she always knows when there’s a big house spider in her room bc they are NOT stealthy. it’s why she likes asmr - esp. in cat’s cradle - because it drowns out the small noises of the convent which don’t get tuned out by her brain.
light can be annoying for Bea. headcanon is that the museum heist sunglasses were not a brand new acquisition - Ava got them for Bea in Switzerland (‘you shouldn’t read in the sun if you’re gonna squint, bea’) because Beatrice got headaches from too much light, & they looked dorky so two birds with one stone. she does appreciate light, though, and loves sitting in the sun. anything that is not like England. she gets weird and sad when it rains too much. also HATES being rained on. fully sulks about it.
finally, stimming! i think when she’s upset Bea would, ideally, self-soothe by rocking. it’s why Mary does it, because Bea’s parents berated her for it so many times that her body freezes up at the thought. 
she likes to braid hair, as i said. likes tapping things, fiddling with things in her hands - reason why she’s so ‘puts hands behind back’ ‘puts hands in pockets’ ‘makes hands hold each other so they can’t do their own thing’. but yeah, in Switzerland it happens a lot more. playing with pens, tapping thumb & forefinger, tapping surfaces (very lightly), AHEM skipping stones. just keeping those guys busy. 
asmr is also stimming, btw. & so is eating the right food for the purpose of enjoying the textures. all of the touching. 
she also has mental stims! that r like… doing equations, or running through facts. counting primes. reciting as much of pi as she can in one minute, imagining a clock face and watching it move. i think so much of her stimming is probably mental, actually. rlly fun stims are finding linguistic patterns in things, or translating things back and forth - so like, from english to french to german to latin & then going back without cheating to see if any changes get imposed by counter-translating directly - also spatial reasoning in general is good stimming. thinking, how exactly would that fall? or imagining things swinging or shattering or anything like that, where you have to extrapolate a bit based on instinct and also knowledge. having to be so internal her whole life would have furnished her with a bunch of them, but i think her OCS family bring so many good visible stims to the surface too!
anyway, those are some of my thoughts on autistic bea. i love her very.
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i think the most interesting thing to me abt everyone just full send bombing it in the tags of that post is like. i wasn't in the fandom during the smp live era. i've done my research, because that's how i personally choose to engage with fandom, so i know all this stuff to a degree (a good enough level, at least) but like. even if i didn't. the confidence on display?? the hubris??? LIKE IDK it just seems WILD to me to be so CONFIDENTLY WRONG like this. assuming that everything is dsmp centric (fundy??? FUNDY???????) but also just. if you aren't sure.... don't. confidently assert it? this is absolutely not about the people making extremely wrong guesses that are visibly just guessing and aren't claiming to do anything else, in that case it's just like. the same observations you've been making, but also like. the hubris!!! of everyone else!!!
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welcometoteyvat · 8 months
love your thoughts on character’s ages. looking forward to fontaine & sumeru :) i think you described it really well. ages for my are like… they exist but they don’t at the same time.
edit: OH MY GOD TUMBLRS EDITOR FORMATTING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! if you see random parts of words bolded PLEASE ignore i dont know why it keeps happening
if you're the same anon as the og ask i am so so so sorry about the delay T_T T_T i was drafting my answer and then boom life happened ..... anyways. thank you for enjoying my thoughts wah <3333333 "they exist but they don't" SAME SAME frfr. like the most on-point (internet) discussion I've read on ages is that the stage of life you're in is often the only factor that matters, and that can vary a lot based on like your past experiences and stuff. and from my own perspective this holds true—similarly, in genshin where all the playable characters have jobs it's hard to kind of quantify them into really distinct age ranges tbh. sometimes it's just vibes (unfortunately vibes often includes height bc it's a game w not very diverse model types). anyways! character hcs:
sumeru (sans scaramouche): collei, cyno, tighnari, faruzan, layla, nilou
i think collei has an actual canon age right? unless I'm tripping and fanon has solidified so much in everyone's minds. I still haven't read the manhua <3 but iirc people think she's 12-13 there right. maybe she's like 17 rn, i can see anywhere from 14-16 though. idk anything abt her timeline so these are quite literally guesstimates from vibes and they're likely to be wrong. Layla is such a college girlie, she's like 19-20 and sleep deprived (same fr); begging for her to catch a break on behalf of uni students everywhere. I don't have a set age for Faruzan, I can see her anywhere from 30-40, 26 years old minimum (the redesigns people give her where she looks visibly older are so cool <3). Given she was a pretty well known researcher back in her day and since academia is a long and arduous career choice, I think it makes sense; also if she's like way older than Kaveh appearance wise (≥ 10 years) , even if she hadn't gotten trapped for a century, that would be sick af (their dynamic is impeccable and I think a larger age difference makes it better, sweeter, and funnier). Nilou also feels 19-20 years old to me; no real explanation, she just has a young adult vibe, like someone just out of her teenage years but quite capable at managing her life, although still testing out responsibility for major decisions and stuff like that (age solidarity w yun jin)
iirc cyno was already mahamatra or something WHILE tighnari was still in school; thus this makes cynonari EXTREMELY funny if you're a moral purist who ships it and thinks they fell in love in their akademiya days LOL. jkjk it's also a reasonable interpretation that Cyno became mahamatra at an insanely young age, since uhhh fucked up temple of silence background smth smth and honestly it feels in character for him to go buck wild at a young age like that (person most suited for young collei fr). HOWEVER. personally I think being mahamatra at like 19 is insane—thus I think tighnari's probably 23, cyno might be 27? I don't know if that makes it """""""better""""""" from an age gap standpoint but I also don't really care. Cyno being older but more joking around friends, while Tighnari is the younger kohai but serious and no-nonsense is pretty funny to me and when they're both serious you know you're fucked
fontaine: lyney, lynette, freminet (are those the only medium youth models so far lol. damn)
anyways lyney and lynette are confirmed to be at least 10 from Lyney's story quest. such helpful information I know lol. I'd think they're probably around 19-20? 18 minimum—I personally wouldn't watch 18 year olds do gravity defying magic tricks at the nation's biggest opera house—being like 1 year older doesn't make it any better ofc lol, but I think they're above the teenage threshold bc of that. Kinda fucked up to think about the timeline and house of hearth stuff though with this in mind
Freminet I'd say is around 16; 14 minimum. No thoughts for this just vibes. mmmmm idk when he was adopted into the house, if he's around 4-5 years younger than L+L, and let's say they entered the House when they were maybe 6-9 (my headcanons, is it now possible to piece together an accurate timeline of this from in-game lore??), and that was maybe 3-4 years after freminet entered, he probably was like 5-7 when he entered... wah frem............. poor child I'm giving him a hug (knowing that he's also a killing machine)
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qtboni · 11 months
hai bonni <33 this is my first reqs 4u and im sry in advance if it's kinda of cringe 😭 (i came here from yr simon fic btw nd i luv ur writinggg) wht do u think abt simon being tired as hell coming back home from his mission and literally melts into reader's arms?
HELLO DEAR ANON ! thanks for requesting and no, it's not cringe dw i LOVE it. also ty for loving my writing that literally made my day sm >< enjoy this!
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PAIRING: Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Reader
OVERVIEW: Simon melting into your arms after a rough day at work <//3
C/W: Entirely fluff + kisses
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Simon had a long day at work and was feeling tired and stressed. He started his car and drove home, feeling the tension in his shoulders and back. As he pulled into his driveway, he saw you standing on the porch, waiting for him.
You smiled and walked towards him, your arms outstretched. Simon stumbled out of his car and into your arms, letting out a deep sigh of relief. He felt the tension in his body melt away as you held him close, your warmth and comfort surrounding him.
"Welcome home, Simon," you whispered, resting your head on his chest.
"Thanks." Simon replied, wrapping his arms around you and taking a deep breath.
The warmth of your body against his, your breathing against his ear, all of it was like a balm for his soul. He let go of the tension in his muscles and let himself melt into you. Your warmth and love surrounded him, making him feel safe and protected.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling you hug him tightly.
"I missed you," he breathed, his voice barely audible. "Missed you so much."
"I missed you too, Si'," you replied, your voice full of love.
For a moment, nothing else mattered but your embrace and the love that you shared. The weight of the world seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. And in that moment, he knew that everything was going to be alright.
"Hey," you said, leading him towards the house. "Let's go inside, okay?"
You helped him inside, guiding him to the couch, where you could hear him release another deep sigh.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" you asked, sitting beside him. "Food? Um, what about some tea? I think that will help you loosen u-"
Simon reached for your hand and gently squeezed it. "Just you being here is enough, love." he replied.
"I'm always here for you, Simon," you said, giving his hand a squeeze back.
You leaned into his embrace, pressing a soft kiss against his stubble-roughened cheek. The gesture was gentle, yet full of meaning. Simon felt a warmth spreading from his cheek to the rest of his body, your love surrounding him like a blanket.
He closed his eyes and savored the moment, letting himself be fully present in your embrace. He could hear your heartbeat against his chest, and the sensation was soothing and calming.
You reached out and pulled his balaclava up, revealing his mouth. A quick peck and his face lit up with a smile, his eyes sparkling with joy.
You watched as he became more and more beaming, his mouth turning into a grin as you removed the balaclava. "There he is," you said softly, your voice filled with affection. You giggled, teasing him as you added, "My little baby soldier."
Simon's eyes were fixed on you, filled with a sense of pure adoration and love. He was grateful to have someone who accepted him for who he was, especially coming home from a long and difficult mission.
"Baby soldier?" He asked.
"Yeah, well, aren't you one, my love?"
"I am so not a baby soldier."
"Oh, damn you're right." You replied with faux surprise. You leaned into him, cupping his cheeks and squeezing them together.
Then you added, whispering as you do so, "You're my little baby lieutenant, aren't you, Si'?"
You feel Simon inhale and see him averting his gaze. You giggled at him and kissed both of his cheeks.
Simon cannot bring himself to retort any longer as he completely melts into your kisses and embrace. If you said he's a little baby lieutenant, then for god's sake, he is.
It was a moment of pure serenity, of pure love. And Simon knew that he would always cherish it, a beacon of solace in the midst of the chaos of the world.
And then, as if driven by an instinctive need to express the depth of his emotions, he pulled you closer, holding you in his arms, his touch firm and passionate.
"I love you," he murmured, his voice low and hoarse. But there was no question about the sincerity of his words, the longing in his eyes as he looked at you. You could feel his heart pounding against your chest, could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.
"I love you too," you replied, your own voice just as genuine. And with those words, Simon knew that everything was going to be alright.
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churipu · 6 months
hi ! can i request some headcanons of jjk men w a shy sweetheart gf ? any characters will do as long gojo's included, thank you sm !
jjk men & their sweetheart girlfriend
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featuring. gojo satoru, sukuna ryomen, choso x fem! reader
warnings. college! au, just sit back and enjoy <;33
note. hii anon, love this request. for instance i always think abt jjk men with the most boisterous personalities having the sweetest partners, ty for requesting, hope you like it <;33
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GOJO SATORU. honestly, i can see him taking interest in someone sweet and shy. i feel like he will gush over you a lot, he loves seeing your shy nature — he finds you really, really, really cute. so he can't help but poke teases at you sometimes knowing you can do nothing but to go along with it.
gojo first met you when you helped an abandoned kitten at the back of campus. he was out to find a place to relax and he saw you tending to a ginger colored kitten, feeding it and holding it like it's the most fragile being in the world. from that day on, he settled his interest in you.
he watched you caress the kitten full of love, mumbling out incoherent words and feeding it back to life. and when you left the kitten inside the box you made for it, gojo approached the feline. smiling out, intrigued.
gojo found himself asking people about you. geto, shoko, anyone and every single time he asked, their answers are just too basic, such as "oh, y/n..i know her, she doesn't talk much. seems rather shy, but she's really nice." or a "y/n? she's the nicest person i know". he needed to know more about you (but was forgetting the fact that he was doing nothing to know more about you but ask people), until shoko told him he should just talk to you.
here's the thing. who wouldn't know about a white haired male, with the most alluring blue eyes, is smart, popular, and practically one whole package?
gojo was actually (genuinely) surprised when you recognized him. it was like any other day, you were playing with the same ginger feline and you took notice of him and just went, "gojo, can i help you?"
"you know me?"
you giggled, "who wouldn't?"
i swore he felt like he was on cloud nine. every day gojo and you would meet up in the same place without any compromising— the two of you just decided that the back of your campus was that place. and every single day he gets to meet you, gojo falls in love deeper.
and so one day, he just casually asks you to be his girlfriend while you were playing with the ginger who the both of you named as "butter". and you looked at him with the (possibly) reddest face you could muster out. but accepted him nonetheless.
today, he's still in love as ever. gojo sometimes wondered how someone— a sweetheart— like you accepted to be his girlfriend. he gushes over you like a kid and takes pictures and videos of you doing random things (his phone is your own personal camera). gojo spoils you a lot (he's rich rich) so if he sees something that reminded him of you, just know that he won't think twice before buying it for you.
he's such a lovesick puppy that it's concerning sometimes.
most of the time you'd tell him he doesn't need to do all that, but he insisted and gets pouty if you don't accept the gifts he got for you. he loves his sweetheart girlfriend so much people get jealous of you.
"satoru, this is too much!"
"it's never too much for you, sweetheart."
SUKUNA RYOMEN. sukuna? having a girlfriend? i feel like he's fucking boisterous and annoying when it comes to women. he's probably one of those confident star athlete at campus who always make the team every season, and is never enough with one woman.
until he met you.
sukuna never understood the concept of "love" until he finds himself a mess in front of you, until he finds himself thinking about you in his games, until he gets jealous over people hitting on you, until he finds himself looking for you amidst the crowd, until he finds himself stop trying to hook up with random girls after his games.
please help him, he's so confused with this new feeling that he initially thought he was sick and needed help. he's never really talked to you outside of lectures— sukuna who usually skips out on a lot of lectures, suddenly attended them just so he could talk to you more and get to know you more.
"ya' new here?" obviously not, sukuna just didn't know how to start a conversation with you.
it's not like he hasn't done some research about you yet, he's asked his teammates, and them telling him that you were such a sweetheart that they couldn't even have the heart to hit on you.
"oh. um..no." you tell him, not even engaging in an eye contact.
he finds you really cute, but he of course, wouldn't admit that. so he just tried poking fun at you as a form of comfort (kind of like a love language). it shocked his professors that sukuna began popping in time for lectures and is never missing out on any, when in fact he was just there for you.
most of the time, sukuna and you would talk in lectures. out of there? sukuna would be with his friends most of the time, but it doesn't mean he wasn't looking for you in every turn he goes. and in every games, he would try looking for you to see if you came to support the team (him) or not, and gets really unmotivated when he can't find you.
so one day, he just—
"you should come see me play." he's straightforward alright, and he will do anything to get you to watch him play (he wanted to show off).
and you actually showed up just at the last second of his last season playoffs, and boy oh boy, he destroyed the other team (even his own teammates were surprised). he enjoyed that game most out of every other games, simply because you were there to watch him win. he felt satisfied.
you were the first person he approached after the game. and sukuna just settled that he couldn't wait longer, he just had to make you his that very second. and you accepted.
sukuna who usually messes with woman, settled for you and changed for you. he promised himself he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he hurts you, he just hated the thought of it (but still won't admit that).
he loves how shy you still get when he grabs your hand out of the blue, caresses your face full of love, plants soft kisses on your face, hell even as simple as complimenting you. but those are the things he love about you— and how you never judged him for anything but saw the best in him when everyone could probably agree with him being the biggest asshole (before he met you).
he's just so lovesick and dedicated to you. and p.s he puts you as his wallpaper, and i feel like he probably has a private twitter or instagram account just to post about you and fangirl over you although he acts like it doesn't bother him. one time you sent him a picture of you smiling with your usual peace sign, he had to step away from his phone for a bit and began air boxing (he saved every pictures you sent him and posts them in his private account with the cheesiest captions and hundred amounts of emoji smashes), he swore it would be the death of him if you find out about his accounts.
even with all that, all he would send as a reply would just be as simple as, "cute."
CHOSO. lord, help this baby— he's clueless to his feelings. and i feel like choso would be very confused about his own feelings that he had to ask yuuji about why he was feeling like that. yuuji is like his own personal relationship helper.
i feel like choso is popular in campus, but he doesn't know he's popular so he just accepts whatever people do and give to him as a sign of friendship. until one day he bumps into you, and you dropped your books, sounds cliche but it actually happened.
and choso helped you by grabbing a few fallen books, handing it to you. when you looked up to thank him properly, choso didn't know what to say or do. he just felt odd. like his heart's beating so fast that he can't help but to clutch on his white colored hoodie.
"thank you.." you bowed your head down in appreciation, and then left just before he could say anything.
choso blinked feverishly and wondered if he had caught the flu, so when he met up with yuuji, he went, "i think i'm sick."
when yuuji asked why, choso explained everything that happened, not forgetting to add a little cherry on top by saying, "i think that girl i bumped into gave me the flu."
yuuji laughs out loudly, almost crying. and choso is just there, wondering if what he said was that funny to yuuji, and to drive him further into his confusion, yuuji told him that it's probably a little crush.
"how can i crush someone i just met?" choso asks.
"it just happens, i guess. like an airport crush, ever heard of em'?" that day began choso's education on love.
for a few weeks, yuuji had to teach him everything about his feelings. and to confirm choso's crush on you, the two of them bumped into you one day (thank the heavens), and choso was quick to your aid when yuuji was the only person to slip and fall, while you were standing well with no harm done.
yuuji then understood about choso's little huge crush on you, even yuuji thought you were such a sweetheart he couldn't help but to gush a little over you— until choso stared at him, brows furrowed in jealousy.
"i don't like her like that, don't worry...i just find her to be such a sweetheart!"
choso was relieved when yuuji said that. then after that began yuuji's plan on trying to get choso and you together— which consisted in silly little and cliche pranks, such as sending a text to you then saying that he got the wrong person. or pressing the call button then saying he pressed it by accident.
you had to be honest, you went along with it, sometimes even holding up the call up to a few seconds just to hear both yuuji and choso talking in the background about how the plan isn't working.
well, they thought wrong. it worked.
yuuji honestly gave up midway and just handed it to choso to do whatever he wants to, so choso just comes up to you one day in front of yuuji too and straight up told you that he likes you. and yuuji has never felt so shocked in his life that everything would have ended if he told choso to do whatever the guy wants to earlier (yuuji thought choso was too pussy to do it).
and you accepted.
it was like a double kill for yuuji that day, but nonetheless he was happy for both you and choso.
still going strong after two years, choso still has the same amount of love and admiration for you (if not, even more). he still thinks you're such a sweetheart and he can't help but to get overprotective of you whenever you both go out. he's so proud of having you by his side, and is probably the type of boyfriend to spoil his girlfriend rotten but doesn't realize he's spoiling her.
"cho, too much." you tell him, a little nervous upon seeing how many plates of dessert he ordered.
"you love desserts," he said the obvious.
"i do, thank you," you didn't have the heart to tell him that it was probably too much for you, which proves how much of a sweetheart you are and you ended up finishing them all with his help, "that was great, maybe not so much in the future?"
choso wondered if he did the wrong thing, but you convinced him that it wasn't.
(spoiler: he still buys you a lot of dessert even after that).
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ryan-my-babygirl · 10 months
I’m nervous abt this cuz I almost NEVER put shit in ask boxes but HEAR ME OUT
Ken and Barbie reader where like it’s at the end of Stereotypical Barbie’s party right and all the Barbies are gathering for girls night. Ken is watching reader head into the dream house but she suddenly stops going “Oh! One sec!” To the rest of the Barbies before turning back around and trotting over to Ken and giving him a peck on the lips and just smiling and going “see you tomorrow boyfriend!” Before going into the dream house.
Just think of how he’d MELT. Just the fact that she took the time to say bye to HIM, the kiss, makes him just absolutely lose it inside. Oh i’m having so many thoughts and it’s all abt him.
see you tomorrow boyfriend!
Ken x Fem!Reader | Mentions: Kissing
Note: Ty for the ask Anon, I hope you enjoy it. I didn’t know if you wanted Hcs or a short fic. My ask box is open if anyone wants to send a request, if you want to send an Anonymous ask but be remembered you can refer to yourself as [emoji] Anon.
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As the night descended upon the party, a kaleidoscope of colours enveloped the scene, with the disco ball above the dance floor cast sparkling beams of light across the room, bathing everything in a mesmerizing, ethereal glow.
Soft pink and magenta neon lights adorned the walls, creating an electric atmosphere that pulsed to the beat of the music. DJ Barbie, perched atop a platform, skillfully blended one danced track into the next, maintaining the party's energy at its peak.
A vivid pink glow took centre stage, the walls and ceiling became a canvas of moving shapes, hypnotic patterns, and pulsating hues, enticing the Kens and Barbies to shift into a choreographed number. Amongst the pink decor, guests wore outfits reminiscent of the 70s era, with sequins, flared pants, and platform shoes adding to the dazzling spectacle. They laughed and danced freely, caught in the magic of the night.
Eventually, as the sky painted itself a deep indigo, the last of the Kens left, waving goodbye to the Barbies, who stood outside the dream house in smoothly ironed pyjamas.
Glancing briefly into the distance you took notice of him, his striking blonde hair was tousled from the nights dancing and it fell across his face, highlighting his chiselled jawline. The open collar of his suit revealed a glimpse of his strong collarbones, and his broad chest was sun kissed from all his day’s pursuing his career as beach.
A small smile of adoration crept upon your lips at the sight of your boyfriend.
“Barbie?” Stereotypical Barbie’s voice pulled you out of your adoring trance, “Are you coming? It’s girls night!” You turned to look over your shoulder at Barbie, knowing that Ken was still standing there, looking at you through his tousled hair.
“Oh! One sec!” you called out as you turned around, racing over to where Ken stood. The butterflies in his stomach fluttered, trying to think of something to say as a tender smile slowly crept up on his face. As you approached him, his lips parted as if he were going to speak, but before he could muster anything coherent to say, you cupped his cheek with a tender touch and brought your lips to his in a soft, lingering kiss. He sighed against your lips, wrapping his toned arms around your waist and tracing small circles across the small of your back.
Gently pulling away, a small groan of protest left Ken’s lips. His grip around you tightened, and he buried his face in your chest in an attempt to make you stay. “Ken..” You tried pulling away from him gently, but he had melted into your touch, making it impossible to move without going down with him. “Barbie, stay, please..” He looked up at you through his lashes.
“It’s girls night, Ken. We’ll do something tomorrow. I promise.”
“But we’re girlfriend boyfriend.”
“I know, and I’ll see you tomorrow boyfriend. I promise.”
He drew back from your touch, his cheeks still flushed from the kiss. Once more, you leaned in towards him, gently pecking him on the forehead, before turning and running towards the dream house.
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hii hii can I request a Jack Champion × actress reader where they react on some edits Abt the two of them in an interview and then one ship edit Abt them came out thank you so much
++ I luv your writing so much some times I go overboard by liking all of them sorry Abt that Have a great day/night
ur so sweet anon ty :( <3 I hope I understood this right 😭
Mesmerized — Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x gn!reader
TAGS: @beary-rambles @ashlesys-blog @wekiamo @wenvierismycomfort @aesthetixhoe @mbankfav @aqellano @dizzyscreams @c8rdigan @teyamsgirll @evanpeterswifeyy868
A/N: he’s so bf like he’s literallyy my bf?! I love my bf!! bf!! he’s so this song!!
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The producers for the interview you were doing didn’t tell you what the interview would be about. Both you and Jack just assumed it was a normal interview until you had to do the intro for the video. ‘Action!’
You wave, “Hi I’m y/n l/n!” Jack follows you and waves as well, “And I’m Jack Champion.” You both share a smile before quickly looking back at the camera, “And today we are going to be reacting to edits of ourselves.” Jacks eyes widen a bit before nodding slightly, “Lets do it.” “Lets do it,” you repeat.
Someone gives you a phone and tells you all you need to do is scroll and give commentary. “Jack, do you ever look at edits of yourself?” You ask him before clicking on the first video, you pause it before it starts to hear Jacks answer. “Uhh sometimes,” he laughs, “When I’m bored, or they’ll randomly appear on my for you page. What about you?” You smile a bit, “Same here. I also get tagged in a lot of them.” “Oohh yeah me too.”
“Shall we start?” You ask shaking the phone a little.
“We shall,” Jack responds with finger guns. You chuckle and start the first video, it’s an edit of Jack. It was of his Scream 6 character, Ethan Landry. Jack was blushing slightly when you had looked over at him. You giggled when the video ended, “Soo what’d you think?” He giggled with you, “People are really talented. I will say though I wasn’t expecting so many people to love Ethan. Especially because of.. the movie,” he said slowly.
You hum, “The movies been out a while I think you can say it.” He looks at you and then back at the camera, “I didn’t expect many people to love my character in Scream 6 because he’s a psychopathic murderer who chases people in a Ghostface mask,” He says in an accent and claps his hands together. You cover your mouth with your hand as you laugh. “Alright let’s move on, next!” Jack says smiling.
“Okay, here you can take the phone this time,” you tell him handing the phone to him. He takes it and scrolls down to the next edit, “I think it’s of you,” he whisper yells. You recognize the clip used as one in an interview you did only about a week ago. Jack looked at the video and then looked back at you while grinning. He seemed to be enjoying this a little too much, but you didn’t mind.
“Aw I liked that one,” you spoke up first.
“Me too,” Jack says as he stared at you. He liked the outfit you chose to wear today, he always admired your sense of style. He also liked the way you did your hair, it framed your face nicely. “Jack?” He cleared his throat, “Yeah? What?” You let out a confused laugh, “Were you listening?” His face turned red at the question, “uhhh-” You shake your head with a smile, “It’s okay, next edit!” You stick out your hand, signaling for him to give you the phone and he just looks at it.
You shake your hand and nod towards the phone a bit trying to be more clear and he tilts his head. You look at him and he looks like a lost puppy with his big brown eyes boring into yours. You smile a bit and lower your voice, “The phone, Jack.” “OH! Right yeah here,” he stumbles over his words as he hands you the phone. The light pink blush dusting his cheeks once again making him look even cuter than before.
“Okay and here we go,” you mutter. The video plays and at first it’s clips of Jack, you can recognize where some of the clips are from. A lot of them are from Avatar interviews, which makes sense. But then there’s clips of you and that causes your eyebrows to knit together slightly. Just a friendly edit, you presumed, but at the end of the video there’s a clip of you and Jack together.
It’s a clip from a little behind the scenes of Scream 6. The small moment was of Jack putting his arm around you while you were both in the backseat of a bus going to set that day. You smiled at the memory and the video came to an end, “That was cute.” He nodded in agreement, he had the same stupid smile on his face, “Yeah.” You took a peak at the comments, all of them were ship comments.
“They’d be so cute together!”
“Are we sure they aren’t dating?”
“The way they look at each other 🥹”
“There’s no way they aren’t dating”
Your smile got bigger and you handed Jack the phone with a quiet, “Your turn.”
The interview went on for a couple more minutes until they were satisfied with the length that the video would be. Then, it was time for the outro. “I’m y/n l/n,” Jack said and you followed his lead, “And I’m Jack Champion.”
“And you’re watching Disney Channel!”
“That’s not it, Jack-“
“And you’re watching Buzzfeed Celeb!”
“There you go. Thank you so much for watching..”
“And make sure to leave a like for more content like this,” he said finishing your sentence in a British accent.
“Cut! That was great, guys.”
You looked at Jack only to find him already looking at you, “You wanna go get lunch?” He asked already standing. “Of course.” You guys made your way out of the filming room and he made sure nobody was looking before he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss,
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to stay quiet about our relationship. You looked so good, I just wanted to brag about how you were mine the whole time,” he said while pulling you in for a hug. You giggling and wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, “We’ll tell them soon, babe.”
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cutielights · 8 months
hii!! i just read your rottmnt x expressive s/o and was wondering if i could make a request??
how about a s/o who likes hiding in small spaces? like, if they have a closet with a ledge in their room, they hide up there?
(also, do you have emoji anons? if so, could i be 🚗?)
ty, and drink some water!!!
Well ofc 🚗 anon! Welcome aboard! This sounds so cute, let’s do it <33 *absolutely just chugs a 5 gallon water bottle*
Tw: claustrophobia warning? This entire thing is abt hiding in small spaces
Rise boys x S/O who likes hiding
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His soul left his body the first time he found you in the kitchen cupboard
He was just getting snacks and found his s/o next to the tinned soup
He didn’t even know you were in the lair that day let alone in the cupboard
Turns out Mikey invited you over
“So is there a reason for this whole, sneaking around scaring the life out of me thing? No? Okay.”
Thinks it’s funny to be honest
Can’t reach? He’s using his portals to get you up.
Uses them to get you down after a long period of time
Or if you’re stuck
Sometimes hides with you
“AH- I mean what are you doing?!”
Panicked the first time
Got used to it after a while
If there’s a space you can’t reach he carefully helps you up
Doesn’t want you to get hurt
Picks you up by the back of your shirt if you get stuck somewhere
“You have to stop doing that, there’s barely any room on that shelf.”
Compares you to a cat
Immediately checks all your favourite places to hide if he can’t find you
Leaves you to it as long as you’re safe
Let’s you hide in the dark corners between all his inventions
His lab is the best hide-y spot
“You didn’t have to sneak in you could have just asked.”
“That’s not the same.”
Watching him from on top of some shelf in his lab whilst he tinkers
Jumping out at him
He’s grown de-sensitised to it at this point
“Oh no, you got me. He said, without a hint of sarcasm.”
One time he forgot you were in his lab and turned on the invention you were hiding behind
He now triple checks for you before turning anything on
Asks you to hand him that rubber band he flung up there a while back
Doesn’t seem particularly phased?
He is when it’s 3am and you show up out of nowhere
He was just getting some soda ;-;
“Why are you even here?!”
Let’s you hide in his room from time to time
Sets up hide-y holes in his room for you
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transmascaraa · 3 months
hi! i've returned with an idea! a gaming x reader that takes place before they start dating, where both are too shy to confess that man chai (i believe that's the name of gaming's companion?) ends up expressing gaming's love to the reader for him somehow.
for example: reader could just be enjoying their day, with gaming gazing smitten at them, when all of a sudden man chai leaps at reader + showering them with the unspoken love that gaming has yet to show them
tbh my take on him being shy abt confessing might be ooc but i still believe it's possible! hence the 'somehow'
— 🧷anon (p.s. ty again for doing my reqs!)
gaming headcannons!
man chai does the confession for him...
crush!gaming x gn!reader ft. man chai
author's note: finally decided to do this one so i know it won't be the longest ofc but i think it'll be really cute maybe???? idk🤷‍♂️ i js wanna finish these leftover 4 reqs to then open my reqs again and close them at around 15 reqs so yeah! i hope you like this<3
"man chai, stop!"
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-walking around liyue shouldn't have been scary for gaming, and it never was.
-but this time, man chai was a LITTLE mischievous.
-man chai knew of how gaming liked you based by his reactions when you were there.
-so, when the little lion saw you on the street, he immediately ran off to you.
-nuzzling his fuzzy face into your cheeks, making you jump and blush on command.
-"aww... man chai... it's just you... hey little guy! where's gaming?" you asked, taking him in your hands to kiss his nose.
-soon after, you saw gaming running towards you and him, panting.
-"h-hey, [name]... sorry for him..." he apologized, breathing heavily, but also blushing slightly
-"no, it's okay, don't worry! he's cute." you replied.
-you literally made him feel so relieved with that.
-man chai was then starting to kiss your hands and cheeks, your nose, and he kept looking at you and gaming like you two were a couple or something.
-like his parents perhaps.
-"man chai, stop! don't get on [name]'s nerves!" he laughed, smiling and trying to take man chai from you.
-"no, no, let him!" you laughed back, holding the little lion close to you.
-then, man chai jumped out of your tight embrace and took out a paper from gaming's pocket, giving it to you.
-"n-no, man chai, wait!" gaming tried to take it from him but it just landed in your hands.
-you read it.
-"hello [name], if you got this note, know that i finally got the courage to tell you. i love you." signed by gaming.
-you blushed as you read it and looked at gaming in return, his face just as red as yours.
-"i-is this real?..." you asked, flustered by everything that just happened.
-"w-well... y-yeah... i-if you want to..." he said, looking down at man chai who was happily nodding and playing around your guys' shoes.
-"i-it's worth a try, right?" you answered, giving him a genuine hopeful smile and putting a hand on his cheek softly.
-he practically melted into your gentle hand while man chai started jumping out of happiness.
-gaming is gonna scold him, but he's most definitely grateful.
i really like the prompt and everything ahhhh
cute gaming af
tysm for reading my work anon and everyone else!<3
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whalesforhands · 11 months
MY GOD YOUR GETO X READER X GOJI FICS SCRATCH AN ITCH IN MY BRAIN AND THE SHOKO CRUSH ADDITION?!?!? ABSOLUTELY DIVINE I TELL YOU!!!! Part 3 had me hurting ngl like ouch man but it inspired some angst *rubs hands evilly* what if one day after a tough mission reader is just feeling super down and tired and weak and is abt to cry and runs into Gojo and Geto who (not knowing any better) start teasing her abt her abilities and cursed technique etc not knowing her mental state and she just snaps and starts crying and yelling at them abt if all they think of her is a joke then they should just leave her alone instead of messing around with her feelings and runs off. Shoko is the one to find her and comforts her while Gojo and Geto are left gobsmacked and stricken with guilt. I’ll let you imagine how they realize what idiots they are and try to fix their huge screwup. Also I’m so glad you’re writing for Geto x reader x Gojo there’s hardly any fics on here with that pairing and not smut (not that I don’t love that too but I want PAIN and DRAMA and SHENANIGANS) and your fics give me just that so ty
anon i’m going to cry i finally got another ask. i thought ppl hated me bro. ur so cute for such a detailed and compliment filled ask, anon
i write 2 gs x reader bcs it never feels right knowing that they are without each other. i need them to be happy 😭😭
anyways, eat up
dread creeps around the corner (gojo x reader x geto, shoko x reader)
warnings: angst to fluff, y’all making me consider quitting smut writing to become a full time PG writer cause these are way more fun
You think the weariness of life is catching up to you.
Your body felt heavy, your feet dragging as your back was hunched over. Your staff strapped to your back as your eyesight started to blur.
Your backpack seems even heavier today too. You were sure you packed light.
Another mission, another near-miss. How many times would you be able to just make it out with your life? How many times until your luck finally ran out?
Why weren’t you improving? Why weren’t your techniques breaking past their limit quicker? What are you doing wrong?
Why are you so weak?
Perhaps you just aren’t cut out for savi- No.
You shake your head, trying to rid yourself of those thoughts as you sense the familiar energy begin to surround you.
“Little Miss Barrierrrrrr!” An arm latched itself onto your shoulders as weight suddenly pressed itself down onto you, the sudden pressure causing you to stumble backwards, only for the arm to support you and keep you upright on your feet.
“How was your mission?” Gojo’s loud voice rang throughout your ears, it’s sheer volume grating and painful. His hand going round to the strap of your backpack, tugging it off of you and onto his own shoulder.
The other presence flanked your side, before you felt the weight of your staff disappear from your back, leaving you empty handed as the two sorcerers smiled down at you.
You took a breath in.
“It… It was-“ Horrible. Tragic. You survived by the skin of your teeth once again. You struggled to find the strength to describe it in more detail.
Gojo grins as you felt Geto’s hand pat your head.
“Sounds like code for, ‘You struggled!’” He laughs, patting your back. “My Six Eyes tell me your cursed energy barely improved after that mission too. Should I ask Yaga to assign you harder ones? Maybe with us?”
Your body stills. It… Barely improved? You gave that mission your best shot.
You heard Suguru laugh as he smacked Satoru’s arm, ridding his arm off your shoulder as he replaced it with his own.
“It’s alright,” Suguru began. “Don’t listen to him. Improving takes time anyway.”
Takes… Time? How hypocritical does he have to be to tell you that? He, along with the gifted Gojo Satoru, had immense cursed energy from the beginning. Their talent innate, their improvement expedited with little to no training.
Self-sufficient, talented, never having to try too hard to far surpass the standards of average. Exceptional. Things that you never were, never will be.
Frustration had built up, your emotions starting to light aflame. With desperation, with aggravation. Why did it always feel like they looked down upon you?
“Helloooo? Earth to Miss Protection? Ya there?” Gojo waved his hand in front of your face.
Seeing no response, he reached a hand out to caress your cheek.
“Gosh, if you’re going to be so distracted, I might just ki-“
You slap his hand away before he could touch you. Eyes alight with anger, you looked straight at him, throwing Geto’s arm off your shoulders.
“If you think I’m so weak, then just leave me alone!”
The air grew tense. Your tears were beginning to well up.
“I- I know I’m weak, okay?! You don’t have to rub it in all the time! B-but I’ve tried! I’ve tried too hard for you to tell me that I’m not doing enough!” The dam broke, your cheeks streaked with your tears as your stutters caused you to grow embarrassed.
Why can’t you even express your anger more courageously?
You turned tailed and ran away. Your sobs making themselves more apparent the more you ran, the more your legs burned.
You were such an embarrassment.
Settling by a creek, your legs bundled up to your chest as you cried into your knees. You don’t know how long you’ve been here crying your stress out. Your eyes were puffy, stress not leaving your body as you sat still, listening to the gentle pitter patter of the rain beginning to fall upon you.
Can the day really not get any worse?
You wanted to laugh at yourself as you felt the rain begin to drench your uniform. It was your last clean one. You need to do the laundry again soon.
As the rain poured down on you, it suddenly stopped. A shadow had overcome your figure, providing you shelter.
Cigarette smoke and a hint of a citrusy fragrance.
“I thought I’d find you here.”
You stay silent. You didn’t expect to be found. Nor did you even feel like talking right now. You bury your face deeper into your folded arms, trying to hide. You don’t want to be seen as weak by Shoko.
It stays that way for a moment. Silent, besides the gentle patter of the rain.
“It’s not,” She began. “It’s not weak to cry when you’re sad. Not in front of me.” Assurance. She was comforting you.
You felt her settle next to you, getting her skirt wet.
She gently adjusted your head to rest on her shoulder.
“Cry all you want. I’ll be here.”
And you did. Sobbing, fingers digging into her uniform as your tears and snot mixed into her clothing.
You didn’t notice her other shoulder getting wet with rain as she held the umbrella up over the both of you.
You were holding her arm with both of your own as she walked you back to the dorms.
You were ready to take a shower, collapse onto your bed and cry even more. Too much stress has built up.
What you didn’t expect was to see the duo settled on your carpeted floor.
They scrambled up to their feet almost instantaneously.
You sniffled, your eyes red and weary as you held Shoko’s arm tighter.
Geto spoke first, a hand of his outstretched to touch you before he willed it back to his side. “I- We’re very sorry. It wasn’t our intention to hurt you.”
He never wanted to make you feel inferior.
Gojo’s eyes were downcast, sight seemingly stuck to the floor before he raised his gaze to be directly looking at you.
“You’re not weak. You just need more training.”
Geto elbowed his side as you heard Shoko sighed exasperatedly beside you.
“Ow!” The white haired sorcerer exclaimed. “Oh, and uh, I- I’m sorry… Too.” He rubbed at his torso where Suguru had landed his hit.
“Hopeless…” You heard her murmur. Strangely, you didn’t feel taken aback by Gojo’s seemingly insincere apology.
You found it funny. You giggled, desperately trying to not let them see as a hand came up to slap itself over your mouth, your eyes beginning to light up with joy.
“It’s-“ You tried to speak through your silent laughter. “It’s- Okay.” Getting ahold of yourself, you remove your hand.
“I forgive you.” You smiled.
“We bought you pizza as an apology by the way.”
“You’ll join us, right?”
Geto, Gojo and Shoko thought your laughter was cute, especially after seeing how hard you cried.
Surprisingly, Geto and Gojo were fighting over who was to pay for the pizzas. They both wanted to pay for you. Shoko watched, amused by their fighting as she paid for it at the counter whilst they were too busy wrestling.
You never thought you’d get so hungry after crying so hard. You ate nearly half of the whole damn thing before Geto went to order some more.
Gojo thought it was adorable how you were stuffing your cheeks like a pig.
Shoko licked some sauce off your face as you were eating, you blushed so hard and told her she’d make an amazing wife.
“Just because of some sauce?!?! I can do that too-!”
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖? 𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖?! ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: hiii!!!! hru? i have a little bit specific request, hope thats ok!!!
idk if u know the translation from the song “karakuri pierrot” by miku, but basically shes gettin dumped cuz her crush left her waiting on the date and never came 😭
id like to request smth based on this song with fantasista squad, like, they forgot abt the date and then theyre like😨😨😨😨((a happy ending would be appreciated <3
sorry if its too much, if it bothers you just ignore this LMAOAAOAO😭😭😭
anyways ty and bye!🤍
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hii! I'm sorry but u don't do songfics but it still sounded interesting so I just based it on your description! Hope it's alright!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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"What the hell is wrong with this strand..."
Akito muttered to himself as he tried styling his hair a bit more elegantly. He had a date at a restaurant with you today and he prefered to look properly on it.
He was fully focused on his hair, getting a bit annoyed... he let our so many curses, even Ena came to his room and gave him instecutions just so he could shut up! But despite her tips... he had that one annoying hair strand that he couldn't get a hang of...
He finally decided to just look up some tutorials on internet, when he noticed the time... it was half an hour after the time you agreed to meet! And the amount of messages he got from you only told him how pissed you could be now...
He decided to drop his tries at calming the strand and just get to you as soon as he could, hoping that you were still there... you didn't leave this place yet, right? At least you haven't texted him about it...
He tried not to run to not sweat in his suit, so he settled on quick walk. When he arrived he noticed you getting up from a bench, clearly disappointed and about to leave, and he couldn't blame you for it...
"I'm sorry... I... I had a little problem."
He points at his hair strand as soon as he walked up to you, and you couldn't help but chuckle. He was dressed formally but that strand was ruining everything about this style!
"Hehe~ You really did. You could've asked me, I would've helped you..."
"I guess I will next time... you look beautiful, thank you for waiting for me... let's catch up, alright? My treat. And we can go to mall after it..."
You knew how much he hated going to mall, and now he didn't even said anything about not caring your bags so maybe he will? He really looked like he wasn't lying so... might as well forgive him for this one time situation, right?
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa - come get your pancakes lover!
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Toya actually wasn't late, he'd be even 5 or 10 minutes early in this tempo so he walked calmly. It was when he was walking past some granny who was clearly struggling and he couldn't just walk past without caring...
"Excuse me, are you alright?"
And that's how it started... it turned out the older lady had a problem with getting 2 bags up to 4th floor, so of course he helped. And after he did that? She offered him some cookies, cup of coffee and even a small chat... she was so nice and chatty he couldn't just say he needs to go...
So thinking he has the time, he accepted it and didn't even realize it was half an hour that passed untill he looked at his phone, and finally excused himself.
"<I'm aware I'm running late, please wait just 10 more minutes for me, I'll be there soon and explain everything to you.>"
He texted you in a hurry as he picked up his peace and quickly walked towards location of your date.
When he finally arrived, he was just a little bit out of breath but quickly sat down next to you and as soon as he catched his breath, he explained everything to you.
And honestly, how can you even be mad at someone as pure as him? He just wanted to help person in need after all... sure, it's still 30 minutes delay but just this time, maybe he can be forgiven for that...
"And when I thought she finished telling me about her cat's story for past 15 minutes, it turned out she had 3 more cats..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @infernoram - come get your cookie lover!
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It may be a simple date, but for Tsukasa? It was big event and he had to look dazzling! He didn't care if he was rejecting 5th outfit by now nor did he about passing time... he thought he still had time and continued looking for perfect outfit for your date!
And when he finally found it... the perfect outfit! He finally reached for his phone but froze upon seeing the time... he was 1,5 hours late already and had around 17 unread messages from you!!
"<Y'know what? Fine. I'm going home. Thanks for nothing.>"
"<Too bad, I'm already home since HALF AN HOUR>"
He could feel his heart sinking and he knew all of that is his fault alone. So he got up quickly and ran straight towards your house.
After around 10 minutes since Tsukasa's text, you heard a knock on your door, so you of course went to open, just for flowers and chocolates to be showed into your face when you did.
"Please forgive me... I wanted to look my best and... I had hard time deciding..."
"You're always looking your best... you could've just came..."
"I know, I should. And I'm really sorry that I didn't! Please let me take you out on a date... this time I'll be an hour early."
He had desperate look in his eyes as he tried to convince you to give him just one last chance... but whether you give him this chance or not, is only up to you! I mean... he does assure you plenty of times to set multiple alarms next time just in case... maybe he'll indeed do better from now on?
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @bad-the-an-enjoyer @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @nenes-numberonefan - come get your future star~
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Rui hummed gentle tune to himself while he was working on a robot. He was fully focused but he forgot to mute his phone... so he kept hearing notifications in the background but ignored it, thinking it's Tsukasa having spider under his bed again... and that could wait a little bit~
But when notifications became too much, he finally checked it and his face immidietly turned to pure shock and nervousness when he noticed it's his partner... and it hit him, he forgot about the date! He quickly opened your texts and rushes to respond while he got dressed.
"<We can cancel it I guess...>"
"<Nononono!! I'm coming now, I'm so sorry for making you wait! Please give me 5 more minutes, I promise to run!>"
At this point, he was panicking, he just grabbed essential things and of course little gift he prepared for you, and ran out of his house.
When he arrives, you were just sitting on a bench with head in your hands, obviously disappointed and it was obvious he hurt your feelings. Seeing that, he immidietly rushed to you and wrapped his arms around you and caressing your back.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... It won't happen again, I promise..."
He could only wrap his arms around you tighter and he tried fighting the tears himself, realization of him driving you to this point finally hitting him. But now, he'll do his best to catch up for his mistake and make this date one to remember.
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @infernoram @superstar-ethereal - come get your crazy inventor~
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zaiichuu · 1 year
hi!! i would like to ask you to write a poly!hualian (or separately, as you feel comfortable) with f!reader who is a strong martial god. she has a rather stern character in public, but at the same time she cares about everyone very much and loves to joke. do you know the vibe of that mom friend? about the same. thank you and sorry for my english, it's not my native language😭😭
hello anon! thank u for requesting this is the first ive gotten in like a month 😭. im comfy w/ poly so there's no worries abt that <3
characters / relationships ; hualian + f!reader
warning ; rlly ooc. fluff? , xie lian isn't allowed to cook anymore..
notes ; i just recently finished the first book... i don't like reading books very much but it was really good! the illustrations were wonderful, im thinking of buying the second one but im not sure yet.
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xie lian was a bit surprised when he met you.. you were a bit intimidating at first but then you started being a bit soft and joking around.
you decided to accompany xie lian for a little since you didn't have anything to do, and you both ended up becoming close!
hua cheng does "respect" you. (he doesn't wanna fight you since you seem to make xie lian happy and he's comfortable in your presence.)
you would become buddies with hua cheng + xie lian, but would occassionally need to leave to do work. (even though you do honestly hate leaving them.)
you better be able to cook, because you're not letting xie lian cook anymore 😭
cook for xie lian <3
you never really fought around them, but when they do see they are (and aren't) surprised with how strong you actually are.
i can't come up with anything else ...
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end notes ; this was short and very ooc, im actually sorry abt that. im just having severe writers block rn n my brain cannot process a request like this 😭 idk why. but ty for sending it in again, anon.
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ainri · 8 months
hello! I'm the one who asked for one of illumi (yandere) could you make it headcanons?
illumi zoldyck as a yandere (hcs and drabble.)
•hunter x hunter
•yandere illumi headcanons + small drabble
•mostly fem oriented
•assasin/servant reader
•fic warinings: !dark content!, mentions of death multiple times including reader + reader’s family, insinuated character death at end, forced labor, undergarmnet theft, swear words, mild gaslighting, obsessive thoughts.
•a/n: this is my first request so ty!!! tbh i rlly like writing yanderes like its just so fun? anyways someone should really do a crime count because i had to put some extra stuff in the fic warning so that people wouldn’t go crazy on me or call me insensitive 🥰sorry for the wait i completely forgot abt tumblr…..🙊if it doesnt make sense its because i rushed it bc i felt bad for how long i kept my anon waiting (sorry anon pookiebear) and its 1:27am 😞😞
continuation of this post!
-how did you end up this position again?
-oh yeah thats right! your parents were also assasins who just happened to have ‘issues’ with the zoldycks.
-they had personal issues with silva due to a deal gone wrong between the two assassin families.
-how did silva handle getting played by your parents? by sending out an order to kill them.
-but silva is a higher class man with much bigger issues. who’s better to do the job than his son illumi?
-of course the original order was to kill you, your father, and your mother.
-when illumi saw you walking back onto your family’s estate something in him just snapped.
-he just couldn’t help it; he had to have you, no matter the cost.
-that was the moment he realized he couldnt just let you die or kill you.
-you were…special?
-that was the first mission he had ever failed… he just couldnt bring himself to kill you.
-after silva finished beating the shit out of him; illumi had an idea.
-illumi spoke of this idea to silva; to make you a personal servant in return for you and your parents’ lives.
-of course silva agreed, once silva privately told you of this ‘agreement’ you had to agree.
-best to not test the zolycks’ willpower and to not test the waters.
-working as illumi’s personal servant was fine, that was before your panties started disappearing randomly from your laundry bin.
-“master illumi, i hate to bother you with this but have you seen my panties?”
-“no. what are you saying servant?”
-he quickly retorted back, almost, no, way too quickly.
-of course, this all started to add up when the male zoldyck house staff started to ignore you + avoid you like the plague.
-apologizing profusely to you over the smallest mistakes or accidents.
-this was all bizzare…. you needed answers, as quickly as possible.
it was a calm day of cleaning when suddenly you walked in on it—illumi torturing your male coworker who helped you clean the atrium yesterday. “master illumi, what are you doing?” the servant asked horrified and confused,
“none of your business servant-“ he stopped himself to reword his sentence, “you know what? no! i was teaching him a lesson for speaking to you. besides you only belong to me!-right? right? say you belong to me! i killed all of those men—no, boys for you and you can’t even say, ‘thank you master illumi.’!?” he was yelling, now losing his temper.
“master illumi i didnt ask for you to kill for me! whats wrong with you? you-you-you psychopath! youre being completely delusional and irrational!—“
all you saw was black as you felt your vision go blurry with illumi hitting you in the head with skme heavy blunted off object.
“i don’t appreciate that (name), i don’t appreciate it at all. you ungrateful woman. all i ever wanted to do was love you. clearly you cant even allow me to do that much. what a shame.”
©2023 ainri; do not repost my work without credit or repost my work in a different language♡
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
hey i’m not the anon who asked u abt the 3-days thing but i gotta say, absolutely ate up all three of those snippets u gave , just delicious
i wanna specifically rattle u abt the third tho bc u said u were esp hesitant abt it and i gotta say i love a silly will and i love a fun nico character piece so i’d love to see ur take on him figuring out how navigate this very specific type of person
anyways blows u a kiss love ur writing ty for sharing it w us
thank you!! it was actually the first pjo thing i wrote (this decade) lol. but i convinced myself that everyone would hate will's character and stopped writing it. BUT i am re-interested in it and am going to give it another go!!!
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toytle · 3 months
Anon who was trying to get into superman, back again! I took your suggestion and watched the 1978 movie, it was so fun! “Nonhuman character whose best quality is how human they are” is such a good trope 😊 (Foo fighters flashbacks haha) I do wish Clark before he goes to metropolis was a little more like his Clark Kent act, made me a little sad to remember it was just a bit 😔 I think it would be nice if his “real self” was sort of in the middle of his two lives.
I also read Gene Luen Yang’s Superman Smashes the Klan graphic novel and enjoyed it a lot. Do you have any thoughts on My Adventures with Superman? It looks very cute though I haven’t had the chance to see it yet.
Oh also, wanted to share this with you, the only thing I could picture after the 1978 movie. https://imgur.com/a/7P6tjIO
[response to this ask]
i’m so glad you liked it!! non-human characters defined by their humanity is one of my fav tropes, i knew i liked ff for a reason (said the fake jojo fan who never finished part 6 😓)
i agree, it would’ve been nice to see clark’s personal life feel more connected, but they paced it out rly well for a movie, esp an origin story! i think he exaggerates his clark kent persona fs, but i don’t think it was totally a bit either, esp w the 2nd movie—tho the sequel was also much more ridiculous, so i think everything got amped up in general. personally, i loved younger clark! to think of this gentle giant as having a bit of an arrogant personality, well… we all had our awkward teen years, right? i don’t think they’re mutually exclusive, but it is an interesting comparison
as for MAwS, i only got as far as ep6, but i don’t think it’s my thing. someone who’s further ahead can correct me, but it’s pretty much what you’d expect on the tin: superman for a she-ra or voltron audience (cartoonified anime style, interpersonal melodrama, fanfic scenarios, etc). def not a bad thing, but it just didn’t hit any of my personal interests when it comes to superman, and also anime boy-fied slade wilson was so fucking strange that i’m still reeling. i think i only ended up caring abt jimmy last i watched; lois frustrated me and clark felt empty, which are not rly opinions i’ve had for either of them before
that’s not to say that i didn’t have any fun! but i don’t think the fun moments were enough to motivate me to finish. i do hope ppl are enjoying it tho, i hope it’s a fun intro for new fans or a refreshing take for longtime ones (it has a lot of deep-cut references apparently!). maybe i should finish it some time before i rly make up my mind on anyone
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and ty SO much for this image btw. so so real
in exchange, have some live reactions from my most recent donner superman rewatch:
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(proof that fanfic scenarios are not inherently bad)
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homeless202 · 7 months
I’m new here and I absolutely love your type of blogs with analysis and meta and long texts~~
I was wondering—is Eunyung and Haejoon’s relationship the kind that could be interpreted as romantic?
first of all, welcome and ty! and sorry it took me so long to reply, i hope u're still around anon. now to answer ur question
i'll take this opportunity to share all my thoughts on the topic bc i have Many.
TLDR: it is possible to read it as romantic if you really want to, but it's not meant to (at least not as of right now in the story aka ch.224)
deep dive under the cut as to why
-> can Eunyung and Haejoon’s relationship be interpreted as romantic?
i like how you phrased that bc, the thing is, interpretation is very subjective. you're welcome and allowed to interpret things however you want, but in EY&HJ's case, i feel like you'd have to work a lil extra hard to get to that point.
-> is Eunyung and Haejoon’s relationship meant to be interpreted as romantic?
this one's easy bc no. objectively Not. the genre of No Home is drama and slice of life (and once upon a time, horror). even if they were to ever end up in a romantic relationship, that's not what the story is about.
when i ask myself what the author's intention is with this story, i'd say it's to (realistically) portray how a young person with trauma would navigate another young person's trauma. and showing how easy it is to unintentionally fuck it up for various reasons: lacking context as to what exactly said trauma is, generally not knowing how to navigate it, their own trauma getting in the way, lacking the necessary resources. take your pick.
think of it like "how should i carry someone else's baggage when i have my own to deal with?" while also keeping in mind they're kids; they often don't have enough experience to know how to help, and even when they know what the right thing to do is, they're not old enough to take (legal) action.
and especially, the most heart-breaking yet realistic thing, when you're just getting to know someone, you can't know everything about them. it's so easy to accidentally do or say sth that cuts or offends when it wasn't meant to. but when they've got their own issues, it's hard not to take it personally (eg. EY talking about HJ's parents without knowing his mom died not long ago in the beginning of the story).
-> what even is Eunyung and Haejoon’s relationship??
this one's so funny bc i have no idea how to answer and i'm convinced not even EY and HJ themselves would know how to answer. they're not really friends; they got off on the wrong foot and kept walking with two left feet way too much to call themselves friends. the things that pushed them together the most were the dorms (not anymore) and the same friend group (more or less since EY has multiple).
what fits them best i'd say is "the universe forced us together against our will and now we're stuck with one another altho we hate each other" (<- at least in the beginning) extended with the "misery loves company" sentiment. finding comfort in someone who gets it, even tho they only kinda get it but not really but it works out anyway except it doesn't <- THERE'S NO NAME FOR THAT *cry* they invented a new type of character dynamic smh (i've never read a pairing with so much (romantic) potential only to see them completely fuck up their chance so royally by the end of their interaction EVERY SINGLE TIME. like yeah, enemies to lovers whatever BUT NOT TO THAT LEVEL HOLY SHIT)
they've changed each other, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. they're compatible in the way they understand each other on a deeper level and incompatible in the way they don't.
this is how HJ thinks of EY: (and also what No Home is truly abt)
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and this is how EY feels about HJ after EY found out HJ used to steal as well (aka that HJ isn't perfect like the stuck up bitch EY thought he was at first):
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<- -> EY's first impression of HJ was that he was looking down on him and sth like "does this guy have ulterior motives? or is he just that naive being so trusting?" until EY found out HJ wasn't that different from him. after that, EY started admiring HJ for still managing to achieve things in life despite the hardships he had to go through. the type of admiration that can easily (and sometimes does) slip into envy.
since the beginning, EY has helped HJ (or at least tried to) without him knowing. sometimes it worked out, sometimes not. most times EY tried doing sth nice for HJ was (from EY's perspective) in return to HJ trying to help him or doing nice things for him (which, again, sometimes worked out, sometimes not). EY was just paying back a debt to "this stubborn naive guy who keeps getting into trouble and butting into his business. gotta look out for this idiot or he might get scammed." (<- eg. when EY offered to get HJ's money back from his uncle)
he doesn't do it for credit or friendship or out of obligation, he's just doing what he thinks is the right thing bc he doesn't want to owe anyone anything. he can't accept people just genuinely being kind, genuinely caring and genuinely wanting to help. but he's been learning and slowly coming to terms with it.
<- -> HJ first wanted to try befriending EY despite not liking him bc, well, the guy did steal his wallet and stab him in their first interaction. after trying and failing at it multiple times, thanksgiving happened, and HJ started thinking of EY as his underclassman bc he realized EY's just a kid with issues and he should keep an eye on him (discretely bc EY hates pity).
with time HJ has come to understand EY better by going after him whenever he ran off and slowly realized that EY does mean well and has his reasons (as fucked up as they might be sometimes). but his mentality abt EY is still "i gotta push him in the right direction cuz he's my underclassman and i unintentionally got attached to him (somehow??)" (also bc he knows EY already gave up on himself so he needs a lil help to find his way again. also also bc he knows EY is lowkey suicidal and he's scared it'll be his fault if sth happens) <- his care for EY comes from a protective/nurturing (/possibly maybe guilty) place which started when he realized EY was just a kid^^. in other words, HJ still bothers with EY out of a subconscious sense of responsibility/obligation in a way (a good way tho. or at least a way that gets better)
see, sth i struggle with is if HJ thinks he has to or wants to or thinks he should or can't just not help/care for EY. i can't exactly pinpoint where the sentiment is coming from. his face is too blank for me to read sometimes T_T
to summarize: HJ is EY's goal, what EY wishes he could've been. and EY is HJ's 'responsibility' so to speak (bc 'burden' doesn't quite fit since HJ is there for EY willingly) -> EY has a positive opinion of HJ while HJ has a neutral opinion of EY (which is also gradually getting better)
note1: i think HJ's intention (maybe subconsciously) was to be to EY what HJ's upperclassman was to him. aka someone who's there when you need it and can help guide you. it would explain why HJ kept chasing after EY despite not really having a reason to and EY repeatedly rejecting HJ's care/help.
note2: i also believe the 'upper-under-classman' relationship dynamic fits them the best atm bc it also matches the way the story often singles EY out as he's the only second year (aka younger) of the 6 MCs.
-> Romance in No Home?
another thing i should mention is that No Home rarely leaves things open for interpretation. the deepest arguments EY&HJ had were always spelled out for us, to make us understand exactly what the problem was, and how there isn't a good guy and a bad guy. it's just two people with issuesTM.
from what we've seen in the story up to this point, i couldn't pick out a moment where i'd go "here! that's romantic! that's the moment they realized SomeThing!" yk
when it comes to romance specifically, i feel like a handful of opportunities were missed. there are scenes which could've easily been written trough a rosy lens but simply weren't.
exhibit A:
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HJ was speechless bc "wow this mf really is actively picking a fight with an authority figure. i gotta make sure things don't escalate" not bc "hoLY sHiT hE's PreTTy. all his fangirls are on to something". however, this only becomes more clear when you keep reading the next few chapters, so i understand how you could interpret it as the latter.
exhibit B:
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here they got so close and the moment was so deep bc "woaa he said he believes me. no one's said to me that before!". unfortunately, EY was panicking too much for it to mean something bc of the guilt he felt for HJ trusting someone so undeserving of trust like EY.
exhibit C:
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this is maybe the closest we got to romantic between these two. i think this might be the only (or at least first) ever deep interaction between them that didn't end in a fight or misunderstanding. is it meant to be romantic tho? -> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> what do i think?
first, full transparency: i went into reading this story fully expecting it to be a BL and for EY&HJ to end up together. but the more i kept on reading, the more i got the ick thinking about them being in a (romantic) relationship bc, at least from what we've seen so far in the story, their relationship would be so ToxicTM (which i personally don't enjoy reading).
as they are right now, i wouldn't want them to be together like that. like, honestly, you still can't really consider these two even friends; they just tolerate each other if the stars align correctly (altho, i'll admit, their relationship is gradually getting better!!). every big argument they had i thought "god, there's no coming back from that. i'd cut ties so quickly if was them wtf". i still don't know how they managed to keep on interacting, props to them ig.
there's a lot of unresolved issues between them. and a lot of resentment which would not bode well in a romantic relationship. the smallest argument would turn explosive and they'd be, at best, in an on&off type of relationship. they both have the power to break the other and neither would be afraid to use it. they have a lot of history together, which is not always pleasant, so if they ever were to go the romantic route, it would have to be a long way to go.
technically, i could see them in a romantic relationship if they both went to therapy first and talked out all the baggage they're carrying (both individual and shared). realistically tho, what i think will happen at the end of No Home is that either they never cross paths again after high school ends (which would absolutely break my heart Wanan pls don't), or they somehow (unintentionally) end up living together bc they both desperately needed a roommate to pay rent (which would be a hilarious fucking gag LMAO). just, HJ going to uni/work and EY doing his own thing (prolly an actor) while still cohabiting together; hanging out to watch a movie before bed <- (whether platonic or romantic being left up for interpretation)
<- -> in conclusion, from what we've seen up to this point, their relationship is mainly upper-under-classman; reluctant (maybe) friends who tolerate each other but also care (too) deeply. they've changed each other, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. in some ways they're compatible and in others they're not.
all this being said, their relationship is improving and romance between EY&HJ is not impossible, just rather unlikely imo. but, again, interpretation is subjective and u're welcome to read their relationship however you want.
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