#tw: delusions
powerfulblob · 8 months
Just so frustrated that tumblr’s rolling out more unreality-triggering features: as if they didn’t already learn from the Y2K event…
Why would they think that this DOESN’T trigger at least five types of—-
Fuck. Sorry if this post made no sense, just bristling right now.
Anyway: stay safe out there… a full list of the potential triggers with the new site update are:
Eye contact
Let me know if I missed any.
Again, stay safe. And fuck Tumblr’s staff.
Edit: Adding some of the things I’ve reblogged and also suggestions (thanks @nimona-antifa for the suggestions, and @everlastingrandom for pointing that scopophobia’s another potential trigger)
Body horror
Another edit: Thanks to @gwydionmisha for pointing out that the jump scares are harmful for people with:
heart conditions
other related conditions
Another edit: FUCKING YEAH IT’S GONE but there’s still a widget at the corner of the screen with the buggy pirates’ logo, which looks like a clown pirate flag. So still be careful if you’re on desktop. Looking forward to when they take down the full thing.
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angelic-dew · 9 months
Can I get some yan tanjiro pls?
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# yandere tanjiro headcannons !
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▸🥢・yuri's thoughts :: this request is so old, i am so sorry.
▸🍂・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
▸✖ ・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. possessive behaviour. occ? obsessions. delusions. jealousy. manipulation. grammatical errors. || proofread.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere which is stricken to the core with pure 'love'; well that's what he tends to call it. All his love and dedication is solely devoted towards his angelic darling, nothing could compare to how you make him feel - it's as if you're a simple treasure, that he must keep safe and hidden away from the greediness of the world.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't show his yandere tendencies often, to be frank, they never show unless it's a life-or-death situation. However, he tends to always reassure you more often than not, even when you don't need it. Kamado is always professing his undying lust for you in the simplest of ways: either soft praises of his own sentimental value towards you or a gentle gaze accompanied by a slight smile is always enough.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that cannot bare to see you in pain, furthermore, to see your beloved eyes beginning to weep and sob; he truly can't bare to behold a sight such as that, so more often than not, he would do almost anything in his power to keep you happy. Your smile is what he cherishes most. In fact, that's what attracted him to you in the first place, your captivating smile, it was just so alluring and he craves to see that sight more and more.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that spoils you from time to time; that being small gifts or maybe a thing or two you were eyeing at the market the other day. He does tend to pay his utmost attention to your every want and need, he's always listening to you - the slayer is just too wrapped around your finger, my dear, he will listen to your every beck and call, despite how ridiculous they may be. Anything to keep you happy after all.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that never shuts his trap about you. Singing your praises to the top of his lungs as if you're some God when he's away from you on a mission of some sort. He has constant reminders from Zenitsu to kindly shut up but those words tend to fall on deaf ears, for his beloved angel calls his name, every hour of each day, despite their presence being absent.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that manipulates you right from the start. It was his best attempt at a pacifist way of claiming you as his own for good. He spends his time with you when he's not on missions, whether that's enjoying your presence near him or Kamado savouring the conversation you both share together.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that with every individual word that comes out of that mouth of his, it is inclined to store such overbearing emotion behind them. Especially when he locked his eyes on you with such sweet eyes and a tender smile always plastering itself along his face. His voice was inevitably solemn and gentle; as the passion he felt for you was evident within his pupils.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that will make himself familiar with your hobbies/interests. Either trying them out himself or gaining more knowledge about said thing. It always fills him with pure joy to hear you talk about what makes you happiest in the world, and now that he's familiarized with them - he can understand that passion of yours to a greater degree.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that loathes in your loves. He wants it all for himself, he doesn't mind that he's selfish; all he really needs is you, his angel and your love is the purest thing he can get in life.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that doesn't take kindly to rivals, of course, he won't do anything drastic, however, jealousy still radiates off him by the boatload, it's always clear in his demeanour when he feels this type of way. Whether this person may be close to him or not, the only one he truly trusts you around is Nezuko - everyone else is out of the question.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that due to his jealousy, has to find a way to make the 'problem' go away, that is when he finds himself approaching you while the person is with you. Offering you some food or asking you to help him out with some matters. If all fails he pulls you in by the waist and pecks your cheek.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that needs you, to be with you desperately. He loves to savour your beauty your everything; his words are gentle but his intentions are darker and growing more calculated and precise every day he spends with you, that 'love' of his is also growing, like a flame, rapidly burning more as the warmth takes over. He's hooked on you like a drug, a drug he can't get enough of.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is fully aware of what his actions may cause. The loss of friends and such, he's fully aware and it barely stings him as he does realize the mess he is making. After all, you're his, and he's pulling you closer to him every day; to the point, you feel like he's your world. You're so dependent on him. It's almost pathetic. But don't worry my dear, that's what he wants - he is more than capable of suiting your every demand.
ʚ🥢ɞ. tanjiro is a yandere that is an addict for you, and he surely knows that. He's waiting for the day he can claim you as his forever soulmate, for even death cannot draw him apart from you.
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© angelic-dew :: reblogs are appreciated ! <3
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idk who wanted to know this but these are do's and don'ts for when your having a delusional attack/delusional breakdown
×listen to music, you can't hear them if you have headphones on, I recommend calm music like lofi or sleep music
×try to be with someone, it won't make them go away but it will make the chance more likely that they will go away faster.
× be aware of your surroundings, this is VERY important for you to know where you are because if it gets bad enough, you will lose track of reality sometimes-
×Do not try to go to sleep/cover yourself in a blanket. If your in the living room/in class or its day time, try to distract yourself, STAY. IN. A .ROOM. WITH. SOMEONE! They will stay longer if you stay by yourself if it gets bad enough.
×Do not be in a dark room, if you are you need to be with someone... but make sure your actully talking to the real person and not an impersonator-... stay in a bright room if it's late out just turn your lighr on and distract yourself til you feel safe again
×if you hear the voices... don't talk to them.
×if you feel them make contact with you... what ever you do. STAY IN YOUR PLACE AND DONT FREAK OUT! You might freak out but don't show it and they will know you fear them.
Stay safe out there and if you need more tips or want to ask me questions that head over to my inbox! And good luck
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maceofpentacles · 9 months
i know we all haha hehe laugh at posts about being delusional but some people need to realize that delusions are a very serious topic and should not be taken lightly.
if you or someone you know is showing signs of experiencing genuine delusions, please seek help! search for something that can help you, or whoever it is experiencing the delusions, ground yourself in reality. this may not help 100% of the time but it’s better than getting stuck inside of a seemingly endless delusional cycle.
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transmascgoblin · 1 month
Tw: Possibly Delusional Behaviours in a loved one
(I need help figuring out my next steps)
Right. how do I start.
I'm dating this guy. he's a couple of years older than me, and we hit things off pretty quickly. we were friends for about 8-10 months before we started dating a month ago. while we were friends, he (Liam, we will call him Liam for this story) would say things that don't quite add up normally. it started somewhat in the normal realm of possibility. one night, we stayed up late talking and he said something about "opening his Eye" (capitalized, too) and seeing something "unsettling" and therefore not sleeping for the night. I assumed he meant. you know. his eyes. the ones on your face, under your eyebrows and on either side of your nose. but No. he meant his third eye.
uh. ok then.
I assume he's just spiritual, or subscribes to a religion that I don't know much of. normal stuff, right? I'm not religious or anything, so I kinda brush it off and say "yeah haha, are you big on meditation? I never could figure it out", attempting small talk. he then divulges in me that no, it's not a religious thing. this is "traveling to an alternate dimension" thing.
Um. What.
now I'm thinking "oh god, he's one of those Shifters from TikTok. how do I handle this". so I kinda awkwardly ask him about it, like, "oh yeah haha. what? where do you go?" and his dead ass response is "this place called the Other side"
so now I'm worrying. what is this guy on. the other side???? what the fuck is that? but then he elaborates, saying things like "yeah, it's almost a copy of our earth, but it's all greyed out. and there are alternate versions of me and Smith (his friend, and apparent accomplice/ prophesized teammate to save the world. I'm using a fake name to protect his privacy) are there, and a version of me owns a bar in the Other side. there are lots of Smiths in there, they're surprisingly common"
........ how do I tell him that there's no way this is real
and he just. keeps going. I ask clarifying questions and I'm just thinking about how crazy of a story this would make in a book. until Liam drops this bomb: "me and Smith are supposed to work together to save our Earth. our alternate versions of ourselves have failed countless times, loosing their earths to (name of big bad I have since forgotten. we shall call him "the dark one" for the purpose of this story) The Dark One. but here's the kicker, me and Smith have no idea when The Dark One will attack our earth"
I. how do I respond.
I say something like "oh. damn. that is. alot of responsibility for a couple of. not even 20-year olds" (ohH I'm dropping my approximate age.)
and he just, meets me there. "yeah, it is a lot of stress. and I can't talk to anyone about it because they think I'm crazy, but I know I'm not because other people have seen the same things I have."
and. I just. I don't know how to handle that.
we are dating now, I thought that hey, what's the worst that can happen? I know Smith, but not well. but I can ask Smith about this, because I have seen him text Liam, and Liam has texted Smith about this and sent audio messages while I was in the car with him. the audio message Liam recorded today has a blip in it where I was talking to him. Smith knows it's me.
today Liam told me that he thinks he and I are soulmates. like. real soulmates. and I just, don't know how to respond. he's low-key freaking me out. I'm planning on asking Smith, but I have no idea if Smith will tell me anything.
anyways. please. this is a call for help. what is going on. is this real. am I involved with someone who is experiencing delusions. god I hope not.
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youareallowedchips · 9 months
i might start actually taking an anti-psychotic ngl because my delusions abt phone-bugging and false memories were driving me INSANE
i srsly thought this one person in my life had tapped into my phone and was reading my onedrive documents and subliminally forcing me to send them messages & delete them
lol. lololololol. i love being mentally ill
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dumpster-fire-deluxe · 8 months
I joke that I'm delusional but I might seriously be and it's wild okay
I feel like the number of notifications & interactions with my posts has gone down significantly since drunk npd-gate
But there is nothing in my analytics stats to back this up and yet I'm worrying over how to get people "back" (even though my follower count has gone up)
Even if I'm right (which I'm not), it might just be that summer's ending and people have less time, or the content isn't trending at the moment. It could be coincidence or something insignificant.
Yet my brain is banging pots even though I can see the perfectly normal stats. It's like I have two parallel realities. I even feel like I "know" the thoughts of several followers, even when they like a post or reblog something, and on a rational level I know that's ✨ridiculous✨ but also I can hear people's thoughts (not literally, more like in my head).
Is this paranoia?? I always claim to not be paranoid bc "I'd know if I was delusional" but holy shit, this is confusing. It's not the first time either I should know how to handle it by now. I know my brain likes to play with me, but usually it's "harmless" things like hypnagogic hallucinations. I think cluster b also comes with delusions(?) and I don't know what to do with that information. Wtf is going on and how do I stop it
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healingafterabuse · 1 year
One time, my uncle tried to relate to my stint in the psych hospital for depression/anxiety to his mother having schizophrenia and I was like, "lol can't relate" but now I sort of can relate and I hate that for me
(no hate to schizophrenics or people who hallucinate. Y'all are brave af for facing that shit head on. I only deal with very mild hallucinations and it's terrifying.)
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schizopositivity · 3 months
A large part of the Internet: You can't make jokes about minority groups you are not a part of! Punching down is not just joking, it's bullying! Mental health matters! Mentally ill people deserve to be treated like anyone else!
A large part of the Internet also: *my friend disappearing when I take my schizophrenia pills memes* She's so delulu!! *memes designed to specifically trigger paranoia in people with a mental illness that includes paranoia* Lol schizo whips!!! *memes about lobotomies* Omg this murderer must be PSYCHOTIC!!
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angelic-dew · 1 year
yandere slenderman headcanons !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 📎 ୧・author's note; AFTER A YEAR I DO THIS- I like to do my headcanons separately, so when Jeff is done, I'll link it here. I was going through 'a mood' while writing this so heh
✧༉‧₊˚୨🖤୧・pairing; Yandere! Slenderman x G/N Reader ( you/your pronouns.)
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 📎 ୧・trigger warnings; grammar mistakes, yandere, stalking, murder, messed up topics, kidnapping, toxic relationships, talk of the supernatural, isolation and many other dark themes, dni if you are sensitive towards these such themes.
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⚝Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction.
🪐. It wasn't a normal or for that matter, a usual occurrence for Slender to fall ever so deeply for one. Especially if that someone is a mere human or even a proxy working under him. Yet, he wasn't the being to feel these such strong emotions that controlled him like if he were a puppet under command from its faithful puppeteer; that's what he initially thought.
🕸. He was so puzzled by these feelings. For hundreds of decades, he has been around for, lurking and haunting through the deep, thick and densely forested woods he inhabits, that feeling was.. foreign to him. Even in his past life, he didn't even experience such overbearing passion for another. This was indeed and life-changing news for his newfound obsession new.
🪐. But what was this feeling? The towering being didn't understand himself. Through all the knowledge and wisdom he has gathered through the innumerable years he has been alive for, it didn't quite add up to what he felt. Was it lust? did he possibly fall in love..? No, that surely couldn't be! After all, was he capable of feeling that? He is a cold-blooded demonic figure who has little to no remorse for his unfortunate victims; this couldn't be. Was he being bewitched? No, that couldn't be.
🕸. Oh but how it was true! He was at a point of pure denial. From his first meeting with you, he couldn't function like his usual self; or should I say he wasn't able to focus on anything else but you. The thought of you ran through his sick mind wildly, capturing his attention every time it did. He even started second-guessing himself at certain points. "Did they have their hair styled that way?" "That look on their face, was it one of shock?", thoughts such as that.
🪐. It was an overbearing feeling that now began to consume his entire mind, which believe me is strong, into an obsessive delusional mess clustered up. The figure felt as if he needed you. Urgently, desperately.. you were his one and only desire to simply gaze upon once more.
🕸. He began to stalk you or if he was busy, he would request for Hoodie or Masky to get the job done, Toby can't be trusted for this specific task. He watched you carefully when he was allowed the chance, peering at you through your window from your room, as the gentle moonlight crept through your room, so was his cold gaze.
🪐. When outdoors he'd watch from the shadows, observing your actions. Gaining various ideas about your schedule and of course likes, interests, etc. Things went so smoothly for him, retrieving information from your day-to-day life. At times he would permit and ask of Hoodie to take something of your possession something meager though. A pen on your desk.. a clothing item.. simple accessories.. Nothing much until things got stranger. Locks of your hair would go missing, a whole pillow vanished.. your perfume/cologne it left completely.
🕸. You felt as if you were going crazy and you started to think of yourself being extra forgetful or well, clumsy. When that definitely wasn't the case. They days went by and more things left your room, something was definitely off now. You became paranoid of your surroundings, looking around,keeping tabs on what is around you at all times. 'Were you going insane?'
🪐. This made Slenderman's job harder of course until he came up with an idea. Why doesn't he keep you away all for himself, surely it is a bit selfish! But it's better to have you safe from outsiders such as your pathetic excuse for a family, in his words. While he was preparing for you to be with him, forever. Odd and heartwrenching events transpired, loved ones you were close with began disappearing. Not one trace was left of them. You were alone. But that would be your new normal.
🕸. So one faithful night, you were struggling to sleep until you eventually gave in. The figure crept into his room. His heart beat a million miles an hour within his chest, that's if he had a heart. Remember what he was going to do? Take you away from your home. Isolate you.
🪐. That's what happened exactly, he took you away to a smaller, abandoned mansion located in his same forest. Placing your unconscious body on the cushiony bed in the room he prepared for you, he left to take care of matters. Not before securely locking the entrances to the house, he can't take chances at this point. You were finally in his grasp!
🕸. When you eventually woke up, the sight before you was one you didn't expect in all of your years. This room was out of the ordinary.. foreign.. then what else was surprising? All your 'missing' items were laid out before you in a room that was decorated with what you like? How did this even happen? Your eyes gazed upon the walls which were painted in your favorite colour.
🪐. Well, what timing was this? within a few minutes, a certain slender figure opened the door to your room. Pleased with the sight bestowed before him, his dearly beloved awake and looking at him with fearful eyes? no! you love him, you're just confused. Well yes, you will indeed live in that same 'confusion' for the rest of your days spent being his one and only darling.
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© yandere-smoothie :: don't reclaim or translate without permission. <3
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affectionatemud · 1 year
Content warning(s)
just some stuff you may see on this blog that you may not want to see or be able to handle depending on mental stability
everything will be properly tagged before being posted
starting with the easy stuff
- swearing. probably lots of it. i'll keep it out of this post but otherwise it's probably everywhere
- probably jokes about sex at some point. not common. stuff like saying I'd let shrek rail me. nothing serious and nothing detailed
some less easy stuff
- mentions of drugs and/or alcohol (including partaking in) this also won't show up often but with the holidays rolling around it's important i mention it before alcohol because a common thing in this household
- hints of past trauma/neglect. i seriously doubt i'll go into much detail about this but on The Bad Nights™️ i will do a lil sprinkle of hints while ranting about how i wanna be a kid
serious stuff
- auditory, visual, and sensory hallucinations. these will not be just mentioned but probably often described. doesn't happen every night but on The Bad Nights ™️ i do tend to do a bit of spamming
- discussion of delusions. see above
- general rants about life. may include pretty heavy topics. they will have a warning above them before being posted
if anyone notices me posting something that should be added to this list please let me know ASAP
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c0l0re · 1 month
"How would a melody describe itself when asked?"
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Psychotic episode are fucking terrifying so sorry if I don't like when you use the word "delulu" and sorry if I don't want to talk to you because you think I'm crazy or dangerous and sorry if you think I'm exaggerating BUT FUCK YOU BECAUSE I WAS TERRIFIED.
Fuck anyone who thinks psychotic episodes are funny. Fuck anyone who judges someone for being on the schizo spec. Fuck anyone who laughs at this.
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hejee · 9 months
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stop staring and help him 😭
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youareallowedchips · 9 months
been a bit absent lately bc my psychosis was KICKING my ass and im only just starting to make peace w/ the delusions & realise they're not real and i didnt do the things i thought i did during my episode. it drove me to some rly dark places to the point where i even felt suicidal (still kinda do lol but its easing a little)
i can Calm Down Now x
but sometimes i rly hate having this illness
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macksartblock · 5 months
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he's okay
surely, he's okay...
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