#trans men’s positivity
trans-androgyne · 27 days
For men having a rough time right now, my friends and I have put together a couple reminders:
1) You are not a monster. Nothing in your nature predisposes you towards violence. Your presence does not harm others and there are people who love having you in their space. Yes including around women. Yes including around children. You are not inherently dangerous, you are a person just like everyone else. Your body is not a weapon.
2) You don’t have anything to prove. You don’t have to be strong. You don’t have to serve and protect others if you don’t want to. Even women. You don’t deserve to be treated as a punching bag for others’ anger or trauma at the hands of the patriarchy, and it’s not okay for them to take it out on you. You deserve to be protected too.
3) Your emotions matter. All of your emotions. Your anger isn’t dangerous. You can be sad and hurt and jealous and guilty and a million other things and express them in whatever way you need, all without being less of a man or more of a threat. Women’s needs and emotions are equal to yours, not more important. You’re allowed to talk about sexism and other issues you experience as a man—it doesn’t make you anti-feminist and it sure as hell doesn’t make you weak. Being mistreated can hurt, and you can let yourself feel and process it.
4) Manhood can be wonderful—make it your own. You don’t have to be masculine if you don’t want to. You can present and act however femininely you want without being any less of a man. You can also be the most masculine person alive. Masculinity is not toxic by itself. Being masculine does not make you toxic. Being a man does not make you toxic. Nothing about you is inherently toxic. Your attraction is not immoral and being attracted to you isn’t either. Manhood is not a contagion. Be whatever kind of man you want to be, it is completely up to you.
There are people who love and care about you. I care about you deeply and as an intersectional trans feminist I will advocate for you until my last breath. This goes for every single man alive. Cis men, trans men, intersex men, multigender men, straight men, queer men, White men, men of color, disabled men, and more; every single one of you. You deserve care. Let us care for you.
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hazellush · 4 months
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Always ready you know.!!
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annoying-terfs · 1 month
Sp@m terf tags on June 1st!
@anti-terf-posts came up with the idea to make the radfem/terf tags unusable by spamming them with whatever you want.
Shitpost, trans positivity, fandom, art, do whatever the hell you want! The goal is to make it impossible for terfs to use them without seeing unrelated posts.
(please do NOT post gore or send death threats. dont stoop to their level.)
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transmascissues · 5 months
in 2024 i want to see more songs sung in t voices, more grown-out t scruff, more hairy tits and top surgery scars, more gay sex involving t dicks and pussies, more cutting each other’s hair when the hairdressers can’t get it right, more helping each other with t shots and sharing extra bottles of t gel, more passing down binders and post-surgery pillows like family heirlooms, more crackly laughs and excited voices that don’t know how loud they are now, more proudly showing off phallo scars like we show off top surgery scars, more teaching each other how to shave and tie a tie and all the other things our dads didn’t teach us, more sheer shirts over post-op chests, more skirts and short shorts on hairy legs, more moving the fuck out instead of living with transphobic parents, more breaking up with partners that wanted girlfriends not boyfriends, more pregnant dads, more twinks turned into otters and bears by t, more scars and binders on the beach, more romanticization of t dicks and meta dicks and phallo dicks, more rage and resistance against anyone who would try to rob us of our history or our ancestors, more pride in complex manhoods and queer masculinities, more getting louder every time someone tells us to shut up about the things that are important to us, more searching for transmasculinity in every piece of media and injecting it into anything that failed to consider us, more cuntboys and boygirls and transfags and butch dudes and transsexual men, more jumping headfirst into masculinizing transitions, more delighted reactions to realizing “holy shit i think i’m actually a guy”, more trans manhood and transmasculinity as force of nature and fundamental truth and fact of life that cannot under any circumstances be ignored.
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boy-gender · 5 months
god i fucking love trans men like the act of making yourself a man is so breathtakingly beautiful the ability to build yourself up brick by brick to keep pushing forward through the mire that tries to hold you back to be able to hold your breath forever while the whole world tries to drown you like truly every trans man reading this you are the strongest bravest cleverest most enduring people i know i love you forever
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transmascposi · 6 months
this is for all the gay trans men: there are gay/bi/pan/queer men who will be attracted to you. there are probably queer men who are attracted to you right now. i know the gay community might feel hostile towards us, but there are those who will see you as a real man and find you attractive. trans AND cis. and those who are kind of in between. you are wonderful, you are beautiful, you are attractive and you're infinitely worthy of love. don't give up on yourself.
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achilleanauthor · 7 months
Trans men are amazing and handsome and incredible and deserve the entire world.
This includes trans men with weird genders btw you guys are great.
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seannatate · 16 days
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They say nothing last forever, so will you be my nothing?🌌😍
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trans-androgyne · 26 days
thank you for the men positivity/gen, as a trans man myself its hard sometimes because im in mostly female spaces irl (i dont pass great and all the guys around me are kinda dicks anyway) so its difficult to not get caught up in people constantly saying they hate men "oh but not you tho al! you dont count!"
so thank you ♡
I’m so glad!! That’s exactly the goal, no trans men deserve to have to put up with that. I sincerely hope you’re able to surround yourself with people who care about you and won’t demonize you for your manhood.
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intersexfairy · 10 months
there is no shame in being a queer man. there is no shame in being a femme, a butch, a bear, a twink, etc. there is no shame in doing drag. there is no shame in being an intersex, trans, gnc, or nonbinary man. there is no shame in having sex traits that are deemed "female" as a man, or lacking one's deemed "male." there is no shame in not feeling attraction as a man. there is no shame in having multiple partners as a man. there is no shame in being gay, lesbian, or multisexual as a man. the list goes on and on.
all queer manhood is beautiful. all queer manhood deserves celebrating and visibility and protecting. there is so much joy and freedom inside us, and our existence makes the world a better place. we are not shameful - not in the slightest.
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ratboy · 1 year
I love u tboys I love u trans men I love u transmasc nb ppl I love u transmascs who can't or don't want to take HRT I love u ass hair I love u hairy arms and legs I love u wispy mustaches and beards I love u fat transmasc bodies I love u "tboy voices" I love u receding hairlines I love u transmascs who pass for cis I love u transmascs who won't ever pass I love u top surgery scars I love u transmasc chests I love u no-op, pre-op, and post-op transmascs I love u transmascs!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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boy-gender · 5 months
feminine and flamboyant trans men/mascs/boys i love you!!! i love you so much!!! ✨🎉💗💕💜💙🤎🏳‍🌈💟💛🧡🌈🦄💝😍🎀💚
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falloutboyyaoi · 1 year
Hot take apparently but i do not think trans men should feel bad for being men. I love being a man! Being a man does not make me evil or dirty or violent! Being a man is not an inherently bad trait! I love all of my fellow trans men <3
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transmascissues · 1 year
in light of recent events, i want to take a moment to speak to all of the lovely people who are on t, want to be on t, or are considering going on t.
no matter what anyone tells you, please remember: t is not going to turn you into a monster. it’s not going to make you violent. it’s not going to make you hurt people. it’s not going to make you a bad person. it’s not going to make you someone people should be afraid of. it’s not going to make you lose control of yourself in some awful way.
i’m so much happier on t than i ever thought i could be. i went from having incredibly volatile and overwhelming emotions that could take over my entire life pre-t to being calmer, more in control of my emotions, and more frequently happy than i have been in years.
like any hormone, it affects everyone a bit differently. it might not change your emotions that much at all, and you might find that the physical effects are much more prominent for you. it might cause some mood swings for you, and you might have to adjust things to lessen them or find strategies to help you manage them. or, if you’re like me, you might find that it makes your emotions much more livable and makes your mind a much calmer, more pleasant place to be.
either way, i can promise you, it will not make you a monster. testosterone is not evil, it’s not poison, it’s not making good people into bad people or kind people into violent people. it’s just a hormone — morally neutral and totally natural to have in your body — and if you need to give yourself a bit more of it to live your happiest, fullest life? never let anyone make you feel ashamed of that.
i love testosterone. i love my fellow trans men and transmascs and every single trans person on t. i love how we find joy and peace in helping our bodies be more comfortable homes for us. i love you. i love us.
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bugbuoyx · 11 months
Shoutout to all my fat transmascs, my long haired transmascs, my short transmascs, and all my transmascs who get misgendered from behind and on the phone.
All my transmascs with "feminine" hobbies, "feminine" gestures, "feminine" ways of talking. My transmascs who don't voice train, who still wear clothes from the women's section.
Every transmasc experience is unique and amazing. You're all so wonderful and handsome and bring something that's just you into this world. Don't stop breaking boundaries and rules, reshape them and force the world to conform to you.
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uncle-fruity · 2 years
Taking T didn't ruin my singing voice, and frankly I'm sick of folks panicking and ignoring the fact that cis boys go through two or three years where their voices are fluctuating and cracking and changing before they settle.
Your voice isn't ruined, it's changing.
If you want to make that transition easier, you gotta keep using it. Sing! Even if your voice cracks in goofy ways. Even if you have trouble placing your voice comfortably. It gets easier, I promise. Get a voice teacher (if you can) who has experience with vocal changes for pubescent cis boys if it's really making you anxious or if you're having a hard time controlling it.
To be clear, I'm not trying to be dismissive of people's emotions, nor am I trying to tell you about your own experience. If you feel something intensely, that's fair and valid. Respectfully, you should unpack that with a therapist or supportive peers.
However, when one of the main TERF tactics against transmascs is convincing trans guys that T makes you Worse in a Variety of Ways, and that you'll be ruining your body if you take it, I am EXTREMELY dubious of how many people online report any part of their body being ruined by T. Sounds suspiciously like TERF shit. And, yes, even Actual Trans People can play into TERF talking points. I'm begging y'all to stop the rampant fearmongering surrounding T.
So, after nearly a year being on T, I'm here to say that YES my voice cracks and YES my voice fluctuates and YES sometimes it feels like I have to relearn everything I knew about being a vocalist, but goddamn if I won't have fun figuring it all out, because I know this is just one stage of the transition I'm going through, and it's worth it.
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