#traitor by Olivia Rodrigo
chaotic-mystery · 8 months
Traitor | J.M.
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Pairing: no outbreak!Joel Miller x reader!
Summary: This was a request I had received by @livingdeadmaria awhile ago and I finally got out of my funk to write! It’s based on the song Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo.
Word count: 1.3K || Warnings: angst. Angst and drinking and more angst. || notif blog for updates ||
You cleared your voice and took a deep breath, preparing for whatever was about to fall out of your mouth while the phone rang on the other end. Two rings and it went to voicemail but that didn’t surprise you. “Hey…I um… I know it’s late but I had to get some stuff off my chest. You always said I could call..if I needed you.” You sat in silence for a few seconds before you fiddled with your finger against your leg, questioning if you should even say anything. “D-do you remember how you used to read me sections of your book so I’d fall asleep faster because you said something about how sleep is important and I need it for my brain to stay sharp? Not sleeping so great these days to be honest with you..I remember you’d call me sweet pea and tell me to get comfy, it’s a long chapter. So I’d tuck myself next to you and you’d read for hours, even after I was asleep.” Your voice faded on the last bit of the sentence, your hand that was tucked into your coat pocket twirling a loose thread.
“I tried one of those audio books of some story to help me sleep but it didn’t work, she didn’t give the story enough of a monotone like you did. So then I tried music to help me fall asleep. I found out I love piano covers of songs. There’s one song though that could never be covered and that would be the one you showed me-” your voice cracked a little, the sting hitting your throat. “And I Love You So by Perry Como. That’s a good one to sleep to…has a lot of memories tied to it.”
The wind nipped at the tip of your nose and you sighed lightly, the puff of air disappearing in front of you. He showed you that song on the old radio he had tucked away in a shelf in his living room after you looked over his music collection he built over the years. He grabbed your hands and begged you to dance with him just until the song was over. As the short memory faded back into your mind and you were in the present, you stood up from the bench and finally walked inside your home. Taking off your coat and boots while your phone still squished against your cheek, you sniffled slightly.
“I heard that song today for the first time in a few weeks and it made me think of you. Took it as a sign to reach out. But then…I uh-” Hesitation overcame your voice before you continued.
“I saw you downtown earlier. Finally went to that winter festival thing they put on every year, the one I used to beg you to go with me to. Man, that was like pulling teeth with you, Joel.” It was. He said the lights and all the cheerful faces and overpriced hot chocolate wasn’t his thing. Of course you wanted to go anyway and you did go, alone.
“I was going to come up and tell you hi, see how you were…but then I noticed you with someone. Funny enough she looked like the one person you said you’d never date.” Your breath hitched and you made your way to the fridge to grab that bottle of wine you bought earlier to pour yourself a glass. You chugged down the first one and poured a second one before continuing the one sided conversation. The anger started to build up inside of you once more, completely taking over the good memories you had with him.
“I begged for you to tell me you had feelings for her, Joel. You always swore to me you didn’t, that I was paranoid for caring so much. Were you lying to me all those times I asked you anything about her? You didn’t even want to hold my hand in front of her towards the end of our relationship…why is that? I never said a word about what I actually thought was going on, just so you’d stay. I thought maybe, just maybe, if I played stupid you'd be happy with that and still stick with me. I loved you through everything, including your worst. Remember when you were terrified of me seeing you at your worst and you thought I’d leave? Never once did I do that, Joel. I stayed through all the bullshit you put me through, tried to help you be the best version of yourself that you could be. I showed you what love was again. You were the one who told me you couldn’t fall for someone after Sarah’s mom left and yet I stuck around. For you and for Sarah. You left me during my worst. Was I that shitty of a person to you that you didn't care about my feelings at all and thought the best thing to do would be to leave in the middle of the night after a fight?"
“Baby cmon I told you nothin’ is going on. She’s just a friend from years ago, I never had those feelings for her.” Joel followed you into your bedroom as you started to pack your stuff in a duffle bag, cleaning out the drawer he gave you in his dresser. “Baby, stop…just listen to me.” His hands grabbed your wrists and shook the clothes from your clutch, pulling you into his chest. Warm tears fell against his shirt and you broke down finally. All the pent up anger and sadness you had spilled onto the fabric against your cheek while Joel’s hand smoothed over your hair. “You’re my girl, okay? What can I do to make you trust me that she’s just a friend?” “Tell me you’ll never date her if we ever break up. I need to hear you say it.” The idea flopped out of your mouth before thinking it over but it was already out and in his ears. Joel just nodded and gave you a soft smile. “You have my word, I won’t date her if we break up. Which we won’t.” He kissed the top of your head and hugged you once more, his words still feeling a little empty.
That was a month before he broke up with you.
You downed the rest of the glass of wine and sighed, wiping the tears away from your cheeks. “I wish you would’ve thought this through before letting me fall in love with you, Joel. I really do. You betrayed me. You told me-” You choked out a sob and swallowed hard, “you told me you wouldn’t date her and you lied to me. How could you do this to me? Joel..we were together for two years and you left me when the going got tough…you ran right to her. Did anything we did matter to you?” With the tears clouding your vision, you squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. “I hope you feel good about yourself, I really do. While she’s sleeping in the bed we made, I hope you replay this voicemail in your head and remember everything I said. I wish you’d call me after this to try to apologize for hurting me even more but I know you won’t. You’ll never be sorry for hurting me this bad and I think that’s what kills me so much. I know how kind you can be but it seems I’m not lucky enough to get that anymore. Thank you so much for making this heartbreak so much easier to get over. Just know that I always loved you and I would’ve never hurt you like this, you fucking traitor.” — Joel’s POV
He sighed and looked at the phone screen, the voicemail ending and the screen dimming out. His girlfriend woke up behind him in bed, rolled over and hooked her arm into his, “What’re you doing baby?” She asked tiredly but didn’t sit up to see his phone. Joel coughed and took a deep sigh before deleting the voicemail from his phone.
“Nothin’ sweet pea. Go back to sleep.”
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somnas-writes · 1 year
Omg…. Imagine MCD Aphmau listening to traitor by Olivia Rodrigo and thinking about all the people who betrayed her trust…
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riverthebooknerd · 2 years
me: i’m not a huge fan of heartbreak/breakup songs, yk? i just feel like it’s been done so many times, and-
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ourdadai · 5 months
cantora [ olivia rodrigo ] lockscreens ♡
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dumblr · 7 months
Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter.
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Okay so, I love Sokeefe and think Sophie and Keefe are an amazing couple.
But I can’t stop thinking about “Traitor” by Olivia Rodrigo, from Fitz’s perspective.
especially with the way he brought up Keefe in their cognate inquisition. he knew before Sophie even did that she was going to leave him for the other boy 😭😭 anyway yeah if someone wants to make an edit with that tELL ME.
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ashlovessanrio · 11 months
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wineonmytshirt · 1 year
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traitor // olivia rodrigo
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ehcahache · 1 year
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(translation: would your rather Real Madrid winning the champions or Lando Norris winning the world championship? Carlos chose Real Madrid, saying he'll have Lando's championship, in a way to say he would win over Lando)
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radarchives · 1 month
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sunnydazeee · 8 days
i Really don't get the whole "we broke up really recently and you have a new partner and I hate you because of it" thing
like, how long are you supposed to wait in between when you break up and when you ask your new partner out? like, sometimes people just fall out of love and fall in love with someone new quickly or they love both at the same time but don't think polyamory is for them and don't want to cheat
im aroace but I think I wld much rather someone break up with me then get with a new person than cheat on me
and like, yeah, you probably need some time to process the break up before getting into a new relationship, but how is the amount of time you need determined by another person? how short of time in between relationships is too short?
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arealtoughkid · 1 year
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2 years ago today, Olivia Rodrigo released ‘good 4 u.’ How fast time flies 🥹
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iconsfinder · 3 months
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I kept quiet so I could keep you.
k.b. // olivia rodrigo - traitor
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miashyperfixations · 15 days
"Obsessed" live from Utilita Arena, Birmingham (10.05.2024)
My jaw was hanging open for this entire performance and looking back, I don't blame myself one bit.
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