#tomura: and aizawa as a whole i guess
Sako: Kurogiri's weakness: Tech.
Sako: Hawks': Fire.
Sako: Dabi's: Also fire.
Sako: Twice's: Can’t act to save his life.
Sako: Tomura's: crippling self-doubt mixed with overwhelming hubris.
Tomura: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s, like, really personal compared to fire.
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habken · 8 days
/busts down your door WHAT ALL HAVE I MISSED IN BNHA?????? I just saw your comic and I’m so confused
okay so bakugou got got right we all know that, shigaraki fucked up his arm, bakugou said “oh I know what I gotta do” and did a good attack on shiggy but his heart exploded </3 and he died but edgshot said “nuh uh” and used his body to stitch it back up and then deku was late to the party and didnt even have time to be bummed out about bakugou’s corpse cause he has to fight shigaraki and then somewhere else afo does stuff blah blah blah and snatches hawks quirk (rip) and then takes off to join shigafo in that fight but all might says “not on my watch” and intercepts him and they duke it out and all this time afo is getting younger cause he used something made from eris quirk so he could keep duking it out with endeavour and that gang so he’s like a teen fighting poor old man all might who used all his savings to by himself a mech suit but it’s not going so hot for him and stain shows up to take on afo with all might but afo still wins and is about to finish off all might when bakugou starts up his own heart with his explosive sweat and makes really fruity eye contact with deku and with the power of friendship deku pauses his fight with shigafo to launch bakugou towards afo and bakugou saved all might and goes “dawg who’s this kid I’m about to beat the shit out of” and all might says “that’s afo” and bakugou goes to beat the shit out of toddler afo and succeeds because afo finally benjamin buttons out of existence but the whole balugou’s arm looks like seconds away from falling off, then after a long day of fighting bakugou takes a well deserved nap and we go back to deku v shigafo and it’s not going well for deku he’s trying to break through to tenko but he’s not getting anywear and then shigaraki steals danger sense and it gets even worse but second user goes “wait ! What if we attack him with psychic damage, give shigaraki ofa and we’ll beat the shit out of his mind so you can do your thing” amd deku is very sad but agrees and then after he goes punches all of the ofa vestiges into shigaraki they end up in his mind palace and little deku holds little tenko hand even though it’s disintegrating his own and this is where we think “wow he truly won with the power of friendship” but no !! He did not ! The afo vestige that loves in shigaraki’s mind comes out and evil laughs and says “you idiot I’ve been behind all the awful missrable things that happened your whole life ! I convinced your dad to have you, I took your og quirk away and gave you half of an ability that should have let you destroy and recreate but only gave you the destructive part because I am evil and you are too because I made you that way” and shigaraki goes :0 ?!1?;& and dissolves because afo cast vicious mockery and got a nat20 dealing double damage. We then exit shigaraki’s mind and deku has no arms !! But behind him avengers endgame style, heroes amass and aizawa steps out of the portal and goes “damn sorry midoriya if only I’d come like a minute earlier now you’re armless </3” but ! He tosses deku eri’s horn because eri havked it off herself to give to deku to save him and deku’s arms start growing back :D at the same time, afo has fully taken over shigaraki’s body and i like “haha tomura is no more it’s just me now” but he’s super bummed out because his vestige brother is gone as well and he’s like “damn what even is the reason for doing anything anymore :// I guess I’ll still kick ur ass or whatever but I’m kinda apathetic about taking over the world now” but while deku gave away ofa he still has some of the embers and with the power of froendship once more, he dodges afo’s attacks and punches him super duper hard, and we see shigaraki again :D and yoichi :00 and yoichi says sone shit to afo and shigaraki turns to deku like “this was truly our hero academia :) tell spinner I love him” and deku says “sure dawg” and they fist bump and stuff
tldr: deku gave up ofa to save shigaraki and bakugou’s arm is super super messed up which is very fun
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class1akids · 1 day
BNHA Chapter 425 - Thoughts
So I guess Hori did decide to just skip the end of the battle, my hospital academia and go straight to UA graduation?
It was teased back in Ch 360, so yeah it needed to happen and it seems like drawing Neijire is a special happy place for Hori (also the sketch he couldn't even wait until Sunday to drop, lol)
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Mic DJ-ing right after ShiraGiri's death is sort of odd, but on top of the gags, there are some more serious moments.
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What stood out to me was Mirio's comment about how the heroes' fight "is always for the sake of returning the negatives to zero on the whole." It reminded me of Ch 341 - The Story of how We All Became Heroes Minus ① which featured Touya, Toga, Spinner and of course Tomura suffering the transformation. So I can't help but feel it's related to the LoV's fate.
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The class is together 😭 crying like a proud parent (whose tumblr handle just became obsolete).... and Aizawa is staying. Yay. After 400+ chapters they made it to second year!!!
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Bakugou omg, out of the hospital in a tie which he somehow tied with one hand, being calm... (it's still odd to the others? - but I guess his apology happened like 3 weeks ago in-verse). It seems like he might end up with a scar, just like Izuku (and it's a bit like Kudou's, of course).
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Aoyama leaving - I talked about this in one of the asks, but for me it's ok that it's his choice being respected and that the class clearly would be happy to have him stay. Though I wonder if his parents are just suddenly given amnesty for being "AFO's victims" and what that may mean for other villains.
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Shinsou joins Class A long at last. Yay! Is he going to get Aoyama's room or join the 5th floor boys? I do wonder if the kids are still in the dorms even.
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The Fuwa-stans are getting fed. But Class 2-A (can't get used to this...) will take a year long field trip around Japan. Reminds me of the 100 million tour newpaper sketches.
I liked Shoto mentioning AFO - how he was born in an era of turmoil (which I read as him saying that preventing the rise of such villains is now). It also seems to contradict what All Might said last chapter about Deku already being the greatest hero to everyone.
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But also Shouto speaks. Normal speech bubbles. Has a normal voice! Yay! (still don't get it why he didn't speak in Ch 422 though)
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Izuku looks troubled. Either because of what Shouto said or because of Fuwa senpai's comments about needing to experience a sudden death to understand why you'd want to be a hero. He certainly is not ready to run celebratory circles.
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Watch them all walk together (TDBK covered by Iida's speech bubble, but I recognize them from Shouto's messenger bag and Katsuki's loose pants)
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OMG, these guys are a total disaster. I don't know what Deku wanted to say, but Ochako obviously shut him down (and thought it was about her "let him rest" speech which apparently the class keeps teasing her for). Also Hori is using her to explain Deku's haircut.
And here, she looks weirdly happy compared to last time, but it could be just a front...
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poor Deku though... he thinks she hates his haircut
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No idea who the new guy is, but looks like someone escaped / let loose from a medical facility. Could be regenerated Tenko I guess or someone similar to him who can be saved by Deku this time. I prefer it to be the real Tenko because I want to see Tenko Rising. I think he looks too young to be Deku's dad tbh.
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TDDK scene !!! Yay!!! (I wonder if Deku tries to talk both to Ochako and Shouto because of his feelings about Tenko... I really badly want a saviour squad scene)
Todoroki looks hopeful but not sure if it's genuine (it could be putting on a front to stop Izuku from worrying). But his foot is like when he went to see his mom the first time, so I tend to read that right now as a good sign.
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"っし" (?????) - there is definitely a shift of emotion.
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Endeavor is sitting in front of a giant tank / or secure room window. (?) (Probably the same window Shouto was looking in last chapter.
From the context and framing it's clear that it's Touya. For now alive. Endeavor is finally keeping his promise and is watching.
And the editorial blurb also suggests we may get Hellish Todoroki Family 3 after the two weeks break. I'm very worried, but also since we are strapping in for a longer epilogue it seems, I don't expect things to go smoothly for them just yet.
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codenamesazanka · 27 days
I wonder if The Hand will come back into play. Because it's been a very significant part of Shigaraki's story this whole time, so we should get some conclusion for it? Last we see it, it was in Chapter 379, dropped to the ground of the Sky Coffin by Kurogiri.
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Then Shigaraki and Deku launched off the Sky Coffin, Kurogiri warped away, and the Sky Coffin descended to Earth. Very possible it's lost in the chaos somewhere.
But maybe someone picked it up? It's evidence (for lack of better word), after all; it's been Shigaraki's signature item, and maybe relevant to the fight against him. I don't see why a Hero wouldn't pick it up and like, bag it.
So far, of the Heroes, Deku is the only person to maybe have some knowledge of The Hand and what it signifies. He's seen Shigaraki care for them all the way back in Chapter 18:
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And now with knowledge that Shigaraki had accidentally decayed his family, Deku can probably guess The Hands are the remains of the family, and Shigaraki kept them with him all this time. Deku probably doesn't know how or why exactly Shigaraki kept the hands, or that it's Nana's Hand, but it's obvious Shigaraki holds The Hands in some importance. Has sentimental value, and if there's one way to bring out Shigaraki from inside AFO, it might well be The Hand.
There is also Aizawa and Mic. Because The Hand also shows up in a flashback in Chapter 420, where Aizawa muses about light and darkness, and how it was darkness that activated Kurogiri again.
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Sort of implying Aizawa thinks Spinner woke Kurogiri up using the despicable and incredible power of Evil, but whatever.
It established a pattern: The Hand is The Thing That Wakes Up Darkness. In Jaku, Spinner used it to wake Shigaraki up, reminding Shigaraki of his rage. At the hospital, Spinner used it to wake Kurogiri up, reminding Kurogiri of his mission to protect Shigaraki Tomura.
Now, to the Heroes, this is Evil, it's activating Evil, causing trouble for them, ruining their plans. At face value, that's what it is. Spinner woke Shigaraki up, but it also allowed AFO to hijack Shigaraki's body. Spinner woke Kurogiri up, which allowed Dabi and Toga and Shigaraki to reach their most dangerous final battle modes and nearly overwhelm the Heroes.
But to the Villains, to Spinner, each time he used The Hand, it's him at his most desperate, it's him asking for help. He needed Shigaraki to wake up and protect the remaining League from capture (or worse) by the Heroes. He pleaded with Kurogiri to save Shigaraki and the others - his precious friends.
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It's Spinner using Nana's hand - the hand of a Hero - to reach out, to touch and connect, to ask for saving. Activating the darkness; waking up a villain to help them.
And perhaps that's what's needed - waking up the guy who just declared, as his deepest heart's desire, that the Villains need a Hero of their own.
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Now, it would fit the pattern if it's Spinner using The Hand to bring Shigaraki back. Rule of three.
But it could very well be Deku for this last time?
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thetreefairy · 1 year
an euphoric night
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p.1 - masterlist
@slasherscrybaby here is part two to your request
Warnings: yandere themes, reader lies to erasermic telling them that their new friend has a partner, erasermic are gaslighting reader into not working, yandere shigaraki is a warning on its own, eri and hitoshi are also kinda yandere for us, this shit long AF. they/them reader
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Shigaraki tomura couldn't believe it.
Aizawa Reader, gave him, their number.
Eraserhead's child gave him their number.
And they healed them, without even knowing his name.
When he was at the hide out, he immediately got animal crossing ready. He needed an excuse to talk to them, he needed to know how much they even know about the League of Villains, he needed to become their friend.
He just needed to text them, but what should he say?
Tomura to Reader: Hi, we met at the game shop...
No... That didn't seem right....
Tomura to reader: 'Hi, it's Tomura, is this Reader?'
Yeah, that seems right... Then he can confirm that it's truly Aizawa Reader.
Reader to Tomura: Hii Tomura, this is reader :D, I'm so happy you decided to text me :D
Tomura couldn't help but chuckle at the quick response, it seems that the rumors are true, Eraserheads and Present mics oldest child truly is desperate for friends.
Yet it seemed endearing and cute to him.
Tomura to reader: Thank you for healing my neck, and a new gaming buddy? I am not going to pass that up.
'This won't scare them off right?' He thought as he scratched his neck. Then he got a notification:
*Reader changed Tomura to Tomu-Tomu*
he chuckled, they truly are cute.
Reader to Tomu-Tomu: Its no problem, just make sure to not scratch your neck that much. Well I hope we can be great gaming buddies Tomu!
Perhaps he should give them a nickname too. And he has just the one in mind
*Tomu-tomu changed Reader to player two*
Tomu-tomu to player two:
Send me a list of games you play, player two~ maybe we can play multiple games together :D
Tomura couldn't help but feel giddy, Eraserheads child, talking to him, without knowing who he truly is. Oh how exciting.
Player two to tomu-tomu:
I have to focus on dinner right now, my dads are glaring at me lol, I'll send you a list afterwards :D
Tomu-tomu to player two:
Alright, eat well.
Reader themselves were eating dinner with Erasermic and their siblings as their phone pinged the whole time. And with every ping Reader picked it up, typed something and then put it down.
"Are you done?" Shota asked annoyed. "Yes, sorry." Reader whispered as they ate. "who is texting you?" Hizashi asked. "tomu-tomu! I met him at the game shop with his partner!" Reader lied smoothly. The eyes of their siblings and fathers softened instantly.
"Thats great, but why is he texting you so much?" Eri asked, tilting her head confused. "Oh, he wanted me to send a list of games I play so that we can see how many games we can play together. I told him I would later."
Shota hummed in agreement. "I heard from Hitoshi that you went to a cat Cafe with him and that you got a job offer there." Oh, reader already knew how this would go, Reader glared at Hitoshi and said: "They did, I told them I would think about it, apparently I fit their aesthetic."
This time Hizashi spoke up: "But don't you already have enough allowance?" Reader gulped at his tone, it was clear he didn't want them to work there. "I do." They admitted but continued: "but I would like to work for my money too. It gives a sense of fullfillment, I guess."
"then you can do extra chores for extra money." Hizashi said. "Don't you agree, Shota?"
"Indeed, it seems like a way beter idea then working in a café." Shota agreed, Hitoshi nodded in agreement causing reader to groan in annoyance. Eri sudddenly asked; "what if you get kidnapped by a villain and get experimented on like me?"
Reader stared at their younger sibling in shock. "Eri, did you have a nightmare again?" They blurted out. "Do you want to have a sleepover in my room?"
It seemed that Reader was oblivious to how they wear their Heart on their sleeve. To the point even Eri could manupilate them with ease.
"We can have a family sleepover." Hitoshi counter suggested. "Okay!" Eri shouted happily, she knew that she did exactly what her parents taught her. They must be so proud of her! And they were, Erasermic smiled at their youngest child.
"I'll decline the offer." Reader told Eri with a small smile. However everyone in the room could sense Reader's disappointment.
They were always quite easy to read.
"Can I be excused?" Reader asked. "Of course." Hizashi said with a smile and then asked; "Are you going to send that game list and rest?"
"Yeah, if we are going to have a sleepover, sleeping won't be a top priority." They teased their family, causing Eri to giggle.
When Erasermic saw reader disappear upstairs they couldn't help but think:
I hope that that 'Tomu-Tomu' won't take Reader from us.
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If anyone wants me to make a taglist for this post, tell me and I'll add you to it.
this is kinda long ngl
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scary-grace · 8 months
Love Like Ghosts (Chapter 4) - a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
You knew the empty house in a quiet neighborhood was too good to be true, but you were so desperate to get out of your tiny apartment that you didn't care, and now you find yourself sharing space with something inhuman and immensely powerful. As you struggle to coexist with a ghost whose intentions you're unsure of, you find yourself drawn unwillingly into the upside world of spirits and conjurers, and becoming part of a neighborhood whose existence depends on your house staying exactly as it is, forever. But ghosts can change, just like people can. And as your feelings and your ghost's become more complex and intertwined, everything else begins to crumble. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 4
You don’t see Tomura the next morning, but when you come home from work, Phantom is loose in the yard, and Hizashi is hanging out just beyond the fence, studying an empty jar. “I came to get this, since we’re out,” he remarks. He has sharp teeth, just like Himiko. “So, what happened last night?”
You play dumb for all you’re worth. “Something happened last night?”
“Of course it did. The vibes coming off this house are impressively horny,” Hizashi says, and you cringe so hard you’re surprised you don’t explode. “I’ve been there. Consequence of spending too much time embodied – you start feeling things a normal human body feels, and going incorporeal doesn’t make it go away. That was a nasty shock for me, too.”
You really don’t want to ask Hizashi any questions at all, but you’ve got one – and it’s a subject change, so you seize it. “Is it true that ghosts’ power levels are stagnant? Are you just stuck with what you started with?”
“That’s not what I thought you were going to ask.” Hizashi tosses the jar from one hand to the other. “I’m guessing you’re asking because of our sexually frustrated friend in there?”
“I’ll pay you to never say that again,” you say, and Hizashi laughs. “Yes. He said –”
“That he didn’t want to come here. I’d buy that, easy.” Hizashi glances over his shoulder at the house, then beckons you away down the block. You’re not sure how far you have to go to be out of Tomura’s earshot, but you stop when Hizashi does. “Here’s the thing. He and I are the oldest ghosts in this neighborhood, but we’re not the same kind of old. I chose to be here.”
“Why?” you ask. Hizashi stares at you. “Did you come here to hurt people?”
“I came here because I wanted to be people,” Hizashi says. You stare. “Ask him what it’s like in the world between and you’ll understand. But to answer your question, we don’t spend our whole existences at the same power level. There are two kinds of ghostly power. There’s what you get right at the start. Then there’s your potential. Conjurers – the worst ones, anyway – they want potential. That’s why they grab the youngest ghosts.”
His expression darkens, and your legs almost give out beneath you. Is this how Tomura makes other people feel? You’re surprised that anyone’s ever set foot in your house. Hizashi doesn’t notice what he’s doing to you, or if he notices, he doesn’t care. “Eri had low surface power but massive potential. Her conjurer bound her in the worst situation possible, figuring she’d have to tap into that potential to take control of her environment and make it her own. She found another way out, but your ghost didn’t.”
He glances back at your house. “Based on how strong your ghost is now, his potential was massive. He probably hasn’t even found his limit yet. What’s weird is that he hasn’t used it.”
“Did you use yours?”
Hizashi grins his sharp-toothed grin. “Why do you think it took them so long to burn my opera house down?”
You’ve wondered, every so often, what it would have been like to be haunted by Hizashi instead of Tomura. Now you’re pretty sure you’d have had a breakdown. Aizawa must have nerves of steel. “Anyway,” Hizashi says, “he’s not smart enough to tell a lie that big. He’s telling the truth.”
He tosses the jar at you and you barely catch it in time. “And whatever you did last night, don’t do it again. I can handle his mood, but it’s messing with the little ones.”
You cringe. The last thing you want is for Eri and Himiko to pick up on whatever Tomura’s doing – even if they do know all about sex from observing humans already. But you also don’t know how to fix this problem you apparently caused. “What am I supposed to do about it?”
“Ask Keigo,” Hizashi says, already walking away. “He’ll know.”
Keigo? You’ve talked to Keigo some, since he’s the only person in the neighborhood who’s actually in your age range, but it’s occurring to you now that you’ve never actually met Keigo’s ghost. You pull out your phone, considering texting him, but there’s no point when his house is across the street and his car’s in the driveway. You walk back to your house, retrieve Phantom’s spare leash from your car, and take her with you when you head across the street to knock on Keigo’s door.
Keigo answers it pretty fast. There’s a handprint-shaped hole burned in his shirt, still smoking faintly, and it draws your attention like a magnet. “Uh, what is that?”
“Ask Dabi,” Keigo says.
“Ask her damn ghost. It’s all his fault.”
“No, it isn’t. You can control your behavior, you just don’t want to.” Keigo rolls his eyes. “I saw you talking to Hizashi. I’m guessing he sent you?”
“Yeah. Can we talk?”
“Yeah. Just let me get my shoes. And a new shirt.” Keigo ducks back into the house, and you wait on the steps, wondering if you’ll get a glimpse of the former ghost who lives here. Keigo’s voice issues from within the house, but he’s not talking to you. “Don’t go out there if you’re just going to get into a pissing contest with the guy across the street. He could crush you with both hands tied behind his back.”
“He can’t cross that fence, and I didn’t give up my powers like an idiot. That means I can do whatever I want with his human –”
“He’d blow that house apart and come get you, and you know it.” Keigo reappears. “Sorry about him. He’s in a mood. Let’s go.”
“Hey, who said you could leave? I didn’t say you could leave! Get back here –”
“I’ll be back when I feel like it! Bye-bye!” Keigo waves and then slams the door. He hurries down the steps and you follow him. He doesn’t stop until you’re at the top of the street. “Sorry about that. I’m guessing you’ve got questions.”
You have a lot of questions. “Aizawa said Tomura was the only ghost left in the neighborhood.”
“He is,” Keigo says. “You know how ghosts have to want to be embodied more than they’ve ever wanted anything for it to work? Dabi tried to change his mind halfway.”
“Oh,” you say. “So that makes him half ghost?”
“It makes him a scar wraith. Half of him is permanently materialized, half of him isn’t, and most of the time he’s a total bitch about it.” Keigo crouches down to tie his shoes. “He lost half of his ghostly powers and picked up most of the downsides of being embodied. He’s going to be like that until he makes up his mind.”
“Oh,” you say again. “That’s, um – is that why your house is always on fire?”
“You got it.” Keigo straightens up again. “I know we got out of there in a hurry, but you’re not actually in danger from him. I just wanted to teach him a lesson. Like you do to yours when you leave.”
Is that what you’re trying to do? You don’t know if you’re trying to punish Tomura or just trying to figure out a game plan before you go back in. In this case it’s definitely the latter. “Hizashi says my ghost is, um –”
“Horny,” Keigo says. Your face heats up. He starts walking, and you follow him. “Yeah, they get like that sometimes. And they don’t like it. Usually they dematerialize to get away from feelings they don’t like, but it doesn’t work, and that pisses them off, too.”
Phantom stops to sniff a tree, and you let her for a second before tugging her along. “Why?”
“Maybe you don’t know, because you’re a girl –”
“Girls get horny too,” you say. This is maybe the dumbest conversation you’ve ever had, excepting the one you had with Tomura about why Phantom can’t have dead birds even though she really wants them. “Are you saying it’s because they have to do something about it? They don’t. They can just wait for it to go away.”
“Yeah, but waiting for it to go away is uncomfortable,” Keigo says. You’re not going to argue that one. Being horny when you don’t want to be is deeply unpleasant. “And ghosts suck at tolerating discomfort. Yours is pretty inexperienced with everything from what I’ve heard, so he probably doesn’t know what to do, and unless you want to leave a copy of The Joy of Sex lying around –”
“I don’t.” You shudder. “I don’t want him getting ideas.”
“Then you’re going to have to explain,” Keigo says patiently. You give him a pained look, and he sighs. “Tell him to materialize fully and get it out of his system. That’ll solve the initial problem.”
The thought of heading back to your house and telling Tomura he needs to masturbate makes you want to die. But you’re even unhappier about Keigo’s second sentence. “What do you mean, the initial problem?”
“Hizashi and Magne gave me the ghost sex talk when we moved here. Kind of late, but it helped, sort of.” Keigo rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Once ghosts figure out how it works, they go one of two ways. Either they decide it’s gross and they’re not interested – that’s what Magne did – or they decide they’re really into it, which is what Hizashi did. And they can’t generate that feeling on their own the way people do, so they go after the people who made them feel that way the first time.”
That sinks in fast, but you’ve got no idea what to think or say or do about it. What comes out is the last thing you wanted to tell anyone. “I just held his hand. That was it! I was just trying to prove that there’s a difference between physical contact that hurts and stuff that doesn’t hurt because he won’t quit scratching his neck until it bleeds – and I’m pretty sure he hated it –”
“If he hated it, then you’re fine,” Keigo says. “Honestly, most of the adult former ghosts I’ve met aren’t into it even after they embody themselves permanently. Hizashi’s only like that because he spent enough time embodied to get used to it before he made it official. If it was a common thing Aizawa would have written a guidebook on it by now.”
Aizawa does have a lot of guidebooks. It took you a while to realize that most of the literature he sent you home with was stuff he’d written himself. “Although,” Keigo muses, “I guess Aizawa never hooked up with an actual ghost. He and Hizashi didn’t bang until after Hizashi was embodied.”
“So, um –” You can’t believe you’re about to ask this. “Did you, uh –”
“Did me and Dabi hook up before he fucked up his embodiment? Yeah,” Keigo says. You thought he’d be embarrassed, or proud. Instead he looks sad. “He didn’t use to be like this, or go by Dabi. His real name is Touya, and he was a lot, sure, but he wasn’t like this. I wouldn’t have gotten into it with him if he’d been like this the whole time.”
“I get it,” you say. You’ve had bad relationships before. “Do you think he’d go back if he embodied himself all the way?”
“Probably? I don’t think he’ll do that, though.” Keigo sighs. “They almost never decide consciously that they’re going to embody themselves. It happens because of how they feel. The little ones, they embodied themselves because they wanted to be with their families. They wanted to be seen and loved more than they wanted to be powerful. Magne jumped because Spinner didn’t have anybody but her, and as far as I can tell, she’s sort of surprised she did it. Hizashi did it on purpose, but Hizashi’s different – and from what he’s said, he’d probably have done it unconsciously at some point. He loves Aizawa that much.”
Now you get why Keigo looks so sad. “I bet Touya just got nervous,” you say. “I mean, it’s kind of a big decision, right? The biggest one they’ll ever make. And it’s not like he left. Even after you left his old haunt he stayed with you. That’s got to mean something.”
“Maybe.” Keigo smiles halfway. “A guy can hope, right?”
“Of course,” you say. Personally, you’re hoping for something different from Tomura.
You spend way too long pacing up and down the street after you say goodbye to Keigo, trying to work up your nerve. But eventually the weird tension from the house becomes perceptible to you even from outside it, and you remember what Hizashi said about the kids. You order yourself to suck it up, unlatch the front gate, and make your way inside. You can tell Tomura’s watching you, marking you closely, while you give Phantom a treat and some water. Once you’ve gotten her settled, you make your way upstairs to your room and shut the door. You can’t look at him while you have this conversation. You squeeze your eyes shut and speak up. “I know how to fix your problem.”
“What problem?” Tomura’s voice sounds tight and uncomfortable. “I don’t have a problem. You have a problem. You hung out with that guy across the street –”
“Because I needed help with you,” you say. It’s quiet for a second. “I figured out a solution to your problem. So you won’t feel the way you’re feeling anymore. I know it’s uncomfortable.”
“No, you don’t. Humans don’t feel like this.”
You manage to laugh at that one. “Humans feel like this all the time, Tomura. Half the dumb decisions people make in movies are because they feel like this.”
It’s quiet again. “How do I fix it?”
You bury your face in your head. “You have to materialize all the way. Then you have to touch yourself.”
“What do you mean, touch myself? You said I wasn’t supposed to scratch.”
“Not there.” You’re pretty sure your face is melting off from sheer embarrassment. “You know where that feeling is? The one you don’t like? You have to touch yourself there to make it go away.”
“It –” You chicken out. “You’ll figure it out once you try it. Go in the bathroom and shut the door.”
“Why do I have to go in there?”
“Privacy,” you say. There’s no way to tell him that you don’t want to have to clean ghost cum off the hardwood floors.
You hear footsteps down the hall, followed by the bathroom door opening and closing. “This is stupid,” Tomura says. You couldn’t agree more. “I’m doing it. It still feels – weird –”
That catch in his voice is something you really could have gone without hearing. “You don’t have to narrate,” you say. “You deserve privacy. I’m giving you privacy. I can leave the house –”
“No, don’t.” Tomura sounds pretty sure about that. “This was your idea. Don’t you want to – ugh.”
You don’t want to know what that was about. At all. You think about getting your headphones, except if you don’t respond when he talks to you, he’ll come looking to see why, and you really don’t want him to come talk to you in whatever state he’s in at the moment. Maybe it’s over already. Maybe he’s one of the vast majority of ghosts who think it’s gross and this will never happen to you again. You’re sure that’s it. It’s over already. It –
A low sigh echoes through the house, and you freeze in place. There’s a few uneven breaths, and then another sigh, followed by a sharper sound, somewhere between a gasp and a whimper. “What is this?” Tomura asks, his voice strained in an entirely different way than before. When you don’t respond, he says your name, followed by another one of those sharper sounds. “I don’t understand. Why – ah –”
You clamp your hands down over your ears, but it’s like your ears are attuned specifically to him. You can hear everything. Every ragged breath, every whimper, every needy, desperate moan, and suddenly you’re sure that you got the other kind of ghost, the kind that finds sex and lust fascinating instead of gross. You’ve made a mistake. Not just in telling him to solve the problem like this, but in sticking around to listen. Because listening to this, knowing that you touched his hand and turned him on so badly that it’s been permeating the neighborhood all day, is doing something to you, too.
Your face is flushed, but it’s not just from embarrassment. When you touch your wrist to feel for your pulse, it’s fast. And worse than all of that, you’re wet. Knowing it’ll make things worse doesn’t stop you from sliding one hand down the front of your jeans, recoiling when you realize just how wet you are. This is a disaster. You can’t let him know.
There’s only one solution you can think of. No time to get to the bed, or to do anything more than sink to the floor, unzipping your jeans just far enough to give your hand room to move. You shove the heel of your other hand against your mouth, because you’re not loud but you’ve never done anything like this before and you’re not sure what will happen. You squeeze your eyes shut as you brush your fingers between your legs, the sound you make muffled by your hand and drowned out by the almost-agonized moan that issues from the bathroom down the hall. “I can’t,” Tomura pants. “I can’t – stop – how does it stop –”
“You’ll know.” You think your voice is steady enough. How is he still going? The first time you masturbated, you were so wound up that you were done almost faster than you could think. And he’s a guy. “Just keep going.”
“Keep talking.” Tomura’s voice is just as raspy and ragged as his breathing is. It shouldn’t be hot. You shouldn’t find this hot. “Is this –”
He breaks off in a whine. “How it’s supposed to feel?” you ask. You increase the pressure of your fingers against your clit in spite of the fact that he’s clearly expecting you to talk and you don’t want him to know what you’re doing. “Like you’re going to fall apart, but it feels so good you don’t care?”
“Yeah. Ah –”
“Like that,” you say. You find yourself spreading your legs wider, giving more space for your hand to move. “Exactly like that, Tomura. Don’t stop.”
You’re telling him how to touch himself, but it’s all wrong. It sounds the same as what you’d be telling him to do if he was here, if the fingers slipping inside you were his. What is wrong with you? Thoughts flash through your mind, thoughts you shouldn’t have, and your breathing turns shallow and harsh. “Say something,” Tomura whines, begs. You picture what he must look like right now, face red and hair stuck to his neck and forehead with sweat, completely at the mercy of a body and a need, and crook your fingers, shuddering. “Come on. I need you. Don’t leave me. Please –”
“I’m here.” The strain in your voice would let anyone else know exactly what you’re doing, but Tomura doesn’t know – and even if he did, the sounds you hear tell you that he’s lost in his own touch, chasing his own high. You might as well not be here. All you are is a friendly voice, a guide in uncharted territory. “You’re doing great. You’re almost done, aren’t you? You know what you like by now. Do that, and keep doing it. Don’t stop until –”
The sound he makes is inarticulate and absolutely filthy. Your muscles clench around your fingers, and you rub desperately at your clit with your free hand. Without a hand over your mouth to muffle yourself, you’re reduced to biting your lip until it bleeds as you listen to Tomura shuddering through the first orgasm of his existence. And that’s what tips you over the edge, really – the thought that it’s his first, the thought that it’s because of you. Blood spills into your mouth as your hips jerk against your hands, your vocal cords straining with the effort of holding back the sounds you want to make. You can’t remember the last time you came this hard. All you want to do is sprawl out on the floor and go to sleep.
But you can’t. You need to hide the evidence. You can’t let Tomura know what you just did. You zip and button your jeans, cringing at the slickness of your fingers, and leave your room, hurrying to the downstairs bathroom to splash water on your face. You get a glimpse of what you look like in the mirror and stare in horror. Your face is flushed and your eyes are dilated and there’s a drop of blood at the corner of your mouth that you smear away with the back of your hand. You look like a mess. The only thing that will save you is that Tomura doesn’t know what to look for.
His voice drifts through the house, still unsteady. “There’s a mess in here.”
“I’ll clean it later,” you say. “Since it’s my fault.”
The floor creaks once or twice, then stops, and you know Tomura’s dematerialized. It’s not a surprise. You can’t imagine how much energy he burned through, and sure enough, when you look out the kitchen window, you see a line of dead blackberry bushes along the back fence. Sex stuff takes more life-force than anything else. All the more reason for this to never happen again.
Tomura’s presence slips into the room, surrounding you like he does sometimes. Usually you shoo him away, or threaten to leave until he slinks off, sulking. Today you can’t. You coped okay with your first orgasm, but you were alone. You know you’d have felt weird if you hadn’t been, and if the person who talked you through it had ignored you afterward. You let him settle in, staring fixedly at the dead bushes along the fence. Only one or two are still alive.
Tomura’s voice rasps against your ear. “Do I have to do that every time?”
“There’s not going to be another time,” you say. “It’s my fault for touching you like that last night, and you told me not to do it again. So we’re good.”
“It felt good.” Tomura sounds sure about that. Your stomach twists. “It only felt bad because I didn’t know what to do. Now I know.”
“I’m still not touching you like that again. You said no. I can’t ask you to respect my  boundaries when I don’t respect yours.”
“What if I take it back?” Tomura asks. The twist in your stomach is painful this time. “What if I want you to touch me?”
“Then it starts being about what I want,” you say. “And I don’t want to.”
It’s a lie. You’re lying. Another human would know you were, would know by the heat of your body and the flush in your cheeks and the heavy, painful sound of your heartbeat. “You don’t want to,” Tomura repeats. His presence slips away again, going to some place far enough that you can barely feel it. “I didn’t say I wanted it. Like I’d ever want you to touch me.”
His voice is the last thing to vanish. You want to stick your head under the faucet and drown. “Fine.”
There’s something wrong with your house, but you knew that when you bought it, and after the hand-touching incident and everything that followed, the atmosphere in your house feels worse than it ever has before. You don’t know where Tomura’s going, but there are times when his presence vanishes almost completely, and when it does, you can barely stand the emptiness he leaves behind. You never lived alone until you lived here, and you thought you loved it. Now you realize that you were never living here alone at all. Until now.
The jar of bugs start piling up on the front porch, and rather than letting them die, you let them go. You don’t tell the others to stop bringing them. Some part of you is hoping Tomura will come back, that you can go back to the way things were before, but you don’t need one of Aizawa’s guidebooks to tell you that it’s not happening. You rejected him. And if there’s anything you’ve taught Tomura about how humans work, it’s that no means no.
You start spending extra time at work. Sometimes you bring Phantom with you, with Mr. Yagi’s permission, and it makes you popular with your coworkers like you never were before. You still hate it, but it makes it easier to be at work. And it means you don’t have to go home until you’re ready.
At least, most days you don’t. But you woke up with a splitting headache today, and a sore throat, and because you weren’t coughing, you decided that you didn’t have an excuse to skip work. You leave Phantom at home and drag yourself into the office, and you get through four hours of your workday before Mr. Yagi spots you and sends you home. Your pleas not to go home fall on deaf ears, and you drive home slowly, struggling to keep your eyes fixed on the road in front of you.
When you get home, Phantom greets you anxiously. She knows you’re not feeling well, and when you sit down in the front hall to pet her, you realize that you’re going to have a hard time getting up. It doesn’t matter. You can take a break. You let your eyes fall shut.
When you wake up, it’s to grey, rainy, late-afternoon light falling over your face, the sound of Phantom whining in your ear, and a voice you haven’t heard in three weeks. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Tomura,” you mumble. You were hoping sleep would make you feel better, but it feels like your headache’s actually gotten worse. “I’m fine. Just wanted to sit down.”
“Don’t be stupid. And don’t lie.” Even the sound of Tomura’s footsteps across the floor hurts your head, not to mention Phantom’s whining. “You fell asleep on the floor. You’re making this weird face. You don’t look right. What’s wrong with you?”
He almost sounds worried. “My boss sent me home. He thinks I’m sick.”
“Are you sick?” Tomura asks. You think about lying, decide not to, and nod. The pain that splits your skull makes you want to throw up. “Can you fix it?”
You have cold medicine somewhere, and pain relievers, but you’d have to get up to get them, and you’re so dizzy. Maybe you should call somebody for help, but who would you call? Nobody in your neighborhood is going to set foot in your house, and you don’t have any friends from work. And all your old friends have started to slip away, courtesy of your new world, your new friends, your new life. Who do you have to call? Nobody. The thought makes you sad, and feeling sad makes you even more tired than before.
“Wake up,” Tomura snaps at you. Phantom whines and licks your face. “Stop it. Wake up!”
Phantom’s worried. Tomura’s mad at you. Somewhere in your clouded mind, it occurs to you that you need help. That maybe it doesn’t matter who you call as long as you call somebody. You pull your phone out of your backpack and get as far as unlocking it. Then your head starts to ache worse than before, a dull pounding that fills every crevice and corner of your skull. Everything feels hot and humid and awful. You shut your eyes again. Anything to make it stop.
You’re cold when you wake up again. Well, some of you is cold. There’s a small warm patch on your stomach, but the rest of you is cold. Not regular cold. Tomura’s cold. He’s materialized, completely or close enough, and he’s holding onto you awkwardly with one arm while Phantom rests her head on your stomach. You can hear Tomura’s voice. He sounds pissed. “If I knew what was wrong with her I’d say it,” he snaps at whoever he’s talking to. “She keeps falling asleep. She’s not supposed to be home yet. She’s too warm.”
“So she’s sick.” That’s Keigo’s voice. Is Keigo here? Why did Tomura let Keigo in the house? “And she’s sleeping a lot?”
“I said that already. Stop repeating what I already said.”
“What are her symptoms?” That’s Aizawa’s voice. It starts to dawn on you slowly what’s happening here, and you almost laugh. “Symptoms. You named some of them already. Fatigue. Fever. Is she coughing?”
“Does her breathing sound different than it usually does?” Jin’s mom is talking. Now you know for sure. “Does she have a rash?”
“Her breathing sounds normal,” Tomura says. He’s on the phone. He somehow unlocked your phone, went into your text messages, and conference-called the entire ghost friends group chat. You’d laugh if you weren’t worried it would make your head explode. “What’s a rash?”
“It would be on her skin. Does her skin look like it usually looks?”
An ice-cold hand brushes over your cheek. “It’s too hot. Her face is red. The rest of it looks okay.”
“Check for bites. We brought over tons of bugs. If enough of them bit her –”
“Hitoshi, hang up the phone,” Aizawa orders. “You’re supposed to be at school.”
“You’re supposed to be driving,” Shinsou fires back. “You’re picking up Eri from school early because she’s sick.”
Eri’s sick. You claw your way out of semi-consciousness and grasp the phone. “Does she have what I have?”
“Oh, good. You’re alive,” Keigo says. “Your ghost was pretty panicked.”
“I wasn’t panicked. Shut up.” Tomura’s grip on you tightens. “Someone else is sick?”
“She fell asleep in class. She has a headache and a fever,” Aizawa says. He sounds unhappy. “When would she possibly have been exposed?”
“We brought over some bugs last night,” Shinsou says. “Maybe it was then.”
“It could have gone the other way, too,” Jin’s mom says. “Kids get sick a lot easier than adults.”
“Good point. Maybe Eri got it first and brought it –”
“But Shinsou isn’t sick. If Shinsou lives with her and isn’t sick, how come –”
“I don’t care,” Tomura says loudly. “I don’t care about your sick kid. I want to know how to fix my human.”
Tomura’s making a great first impression. You’ll be doing damage control with Aizawa later, once you feel less like a puddle of body aches and sweat. “If she’s got what Eri’s got, it’s probably the flu,” Jin’s mom says. “She should have cold medicine on hand. Most people do. Pain relievers for the headache and body aches, cough drops if she has a sore throat. And she’ll need to eat. Do you know how humans eat?”
“I’m not stupid. I know how food works.”
“Don’t cook,” Aizawa, Shinsou, and Keigo all say at once. Keigo keeps talking. “You’re not embodied. You don’t have tastebuds. Whatever you end up cooking is going to be –”
There’s a scuffle on Keigo’s end of the line. “It’s going to be fuck awful,” Dabi announces, and Shinsou snickers. “Go ahead and poison your human. See if I care.”
“The next time you even look at my human I’m going to disintegrate your ugly face.”
“My ugly face? Have you seen what you look like? I’m surprised your human hasn’t gone blind.”
Tomura snarls. “At least I never set my human on fire –”
“You’re both pretty,” you mumble, and Keigo cracks up laughing. “I’m not that sick. I can heat up a can of soup in the microwave.”
“You’re so stupid. You fell asleep on the floor,” Tomura snaps at you. “You can’t do anything. I’m going to have to drag you everywhere.”
“No one made you touch me,” you protest. “If you weren’t here –”
“Well, I am here. So shut up and let me –”
“If you two are going to have a domestic, hang up the phone first,” Hizashi says loudly. You didn’t realize he was there. You jump, and your head collides with Tomura’s chin. He swears and so do you. “One of us will stop by later to make sure neither of you are dead. Goodbye.”
There’s a click as he hangs up the phone. Shinsou hangs up a second later. Jin’s mother hangs up after promising to bring over some food, and Keigo stays on the phone a little longer. “I’ll drop by in an hour or two, like Hizashi says. Can you promise not to kill me if I set foot in the house?”
“The only person I’m going to kill is your idiot ghost.”
“Cool,” Keigo says. You can hear Dabi arguing in the background that it’s not cool at all. “Bye.”
He hangs up the phone, too. Now it’s just you and Tomura and Phantom, piled up on the couch in the living room. You don’t remember getting to the living room. Tomura must have dragged you, like he said. You thought he was so mad at you that he was never going to show himself again. Apparently not.
“What’s a domestic?” Tomura asks after a while.
“A fight,” you say. “Just another word for fight.”
“Then why didn’t he just say a fight?”
You really don’t want to get into this right now. “A domestic is a kind of fight. The kind couples have. He was making fun of us by pretending we’re a couple.”
“I don’t like him,” Tomura says after a moment. “I can kill him for you.”
“Don’t do that,” you say.
“He scares you.” Tomura scratches at his neck with the hand that’s not gripping your shoulder. “If I can’t not scare you, I might as well be the only thing that does.”
Maybe you’re just sick and stupid, but you don’t hate the sound of that. “That’s kind of sweet.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Tomura says. He slides out from behind you and drops you onto the couch with a thud. You see a patchy flush on his face before he turns away. “I’m getting your medicine. Stay there.”
You’re not really in a position to go anywhere. You scratch behind Phantom’s ears with a shaky hand and close your eyes again.
When you wake up, you find that Tomura’s turned your medicine cabinet inside out and brought you absolutely everything. Sorting through it is the first laugh you’ve had in a while, and once you’ve got a double dose of painkillers on board, you’re willing to risk it. “Why did you bring this?” you ask, waving a box of band-aids at him. “You’ve seen me use these. You know they’re not for this.”
“How am I supposed to know that? You use stuff that’s not for the stuff you’re using it for all the time.” Tomura snatches the band-aids away and picks up another box. “What are these?”
“You definitely didn’t need to bring those,” you say. “They’re condoms.”
It figures. He didn’t know male from female until Hizashi told him, but he clearly has certain associations with condoms, and he doesn’t like them. Probably because of all the movies you didn’t know he was watching with you. “Relax. Does that box look open to you?”
“No,” Tomura says, inspecting it from all angles. “If it’s not open, why do you have it?”
“In case I need it,” you say. “I don’t need it right now.”
In fact, you’re having a hard time imagining that you’ll ever need condoms again. You can’t exactly bring anybody home to hook up with, not with Tomura constantly lurking around, and you like sleeping in your own bed too much to spend the night at anybody else’s house. Beyond that, if you ever wanted to get serious with anybody, you’d have to explain about your house, about Tomura. There’s no way to explain that. No way to explain him in a way that won’t end any relationship instantly. Maybe it’s just that you’re sick, but you find that you don’t mind the thought.
You choose a box of cold medicine and swallow a dose of it, then pop a cough drop into your mouth to soothe your throat. Tomura watches you the entire time, only partially materialized. “Does that taste good?”
“No. It numbs my throat so it hurts less.”
“What do you do when things hurt?”
You were going to try to fall asleep again as soon as you’re done with your cough drop, but Tomura’s in a mood to talk. And as much as you hate to admit it, you miss talking to Tomura. “There are different kinds of hurt, for people. If it hurts physically, like this does, I can take medicine. I can put ice on a bruise or use a heating pad for cramps. There are ointments that have numbing agents in them, same as the cough drops. There are lots of things to do when something physically hurts.”
“If something hurts my body, I can dematerialize,” Tomura says. You wish it was that easy for you. If you could evaporate right now, you’d do it in a heartbeat. “What about other kinds of hurting?”
“Um –” You break off, trying to wrap your head around it. “Emotions hurt sometimes. The bad ones, usually. Being sad or angry or lonely or scared – all of those can feel like they hurt. They can hurt a lot.”
“How do you make them go away?”
“You can’t,” you say. Tomura’s expression darkens. “There’s not medicine that fixes feelings, at least not all the way. You just have to live with them until they stop. Or until you get used to them.”
“That’s stupid,” Tomura says.
“You’re telling me.” You close your eyes. “I guess talking about them helps sometimes. Not for everybody, not all the time, but it can make you feel less alone.”
“I didn’t hate being alone before,” Tomura says. You open your eyes and find him scowling, his face flushed. “Now I do.”
You want to remind him that he’s the one who pulled away, that he’s the one who left, but there’s no point. You roll over instead, facing the back of the couch, and the words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them. “I missed you.”
You couldn’t have picked a dumber thing to say. Tomura’s got the emotional maturity of a frat guy – he gets mad easily and takes “no” poorly and makes you explain your boundaries five billion times before he even thinks about respecting them. Telling a guy like him that you missed him is a one-way ticket to being mocked for being needy and clingy and pathetic. You can already feel your eyes burning in anticipation of being humiliated.
But Tomura’s not a human man. He’s a ghost. The rush of air filling a previously occupied space tells you he’s dematerialized, but the cold settles around you, and his voice rasps in your ear. “I missed you too. Idiot.”
“You’re the one who left,” you answer. “You’re an idiot, too.”
You’re expecting him to slip away again. Instead the cold spot envelops you more securely than before. “Shut up.”
You fall asleep like that, and when you wake up, it’s to the sound of the fire alarm going off. Tomura’s watched you cook plenty of times and probably should know better, but apparently when you mentioned sticking a can of soup in the microwave, he took it literally. You should be pissed. You probably will be, once the cold medicine wears off. But at the moment, when you’re dizzy and sleepy and feverish, all you can think to do is be pleased that he tried at all.
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So my man what do you think of how bnha act 3 has treated the villains so far?
I think it's going exactly the way the story hinted it would. No surprises there.
In terms of narrative, people should give Horikoshi his flowers. MHA might not be as flashy as other mangas, but Horikoshi keeps it consistent and to the point. I'm glad that he doesn't sacrifice the writing of a plotline in order to create flashier or more action based fights. I'm also glad he's been with the villains' ideologies and their reasons to do what they do.
It's funny, the hero side might be the one who's more surprised with the current outcome of the final showdown. You have moments like Ochako risking it all for Toga, which is a dream come true for villain fans yet might be hard to process for other people. I'm personally satisfied with how the author treated the Enji and Dabi plotline, because in the end it was not Shoto who alone could do a miracle. A bit of a "family issues must be solved by the whole family" opinion, but I'm glad to see Rei, Natsuo and Fuyumi getting involved. They all had the spotlight in a heartwarming moment to stop and help Touya. They all took responsibility for their role in what happened to their family.
So far, so good.
To be honest, my perception is that Horikoshi has great respect for some of his villain characters. He has so far dedicated a lot of the story to Tomura alone, to his connection with Izuku. At least when it comes to the League, sacrifices are not simply plot twists, you know? They held meaning, they're respectful to the character.
I can't say the same for other antagonists and villains, tho. It's understandable, those secondary characters won't receive as much screen time and that's okay. It's just a bit sad to think that some of them have a lot of potential, but the story keeps them backstage. I certainly miss seeing some of the members of the Meta Liberation Army, for example. I loved the implications of corruption of power in the hero society. I miss Lady Nagant too, I can't wait to see her reaction to knowing that AFO is finally dead. Right now I wonder what the hell Horikoshi had planned for Hawks, lol. Every time I think his plotline is getting kickstarted, it runs for a second before stopping again. If he's there it's because there are unfinished businesses with him, maybe we will finally get a resolution on his connection with Toga and his past with Twice, but that's for later.
I have faith in Horikoshi, I guess. He has shown us that he does what the story demands and doesn't change the course of it for the public as much as other mangakas do. That is what movies are for.
I'm sure we'll see Spinner and Compress again, but most of all I'm curious worried about Kurogiri. I insist that the resolution between Kurogiri and Aizawa and Yamada will wreck me. In my wildest dreams I see Kurogiri begin for Tomura's life aka to save him, to give him a chance. I saw Aizawa's face when he heard Kurogiri talk about Tomura. He knew it was not only an order, but also a part of Oboro still alive. Oboro would do anything to help someone in danger, he'd pick any stray cat, give his life for anyone. I'm on the edge of my seat with that trio. Teachers on opposite sides of the war, once friends. Don't even get me going about Yamada and Kurogiri. Whenever I think of Mic and his role in that situation, it's pure torture.
If you ask me, I'm getting what I wanted. Act 3 has been great. It got a little boring for me when the whole focus was fighting AFO (I don't know why, maybe AFO is just not my favorite character to focus on). The rest? Amazing. Beautiful panels and drawing style, emotional instances that reveal the heart of the villains, their determination and dreams were respected, they got treated for once as real humans and not just villains... I'm behaving like a total kid with what is happening with Deku and Tomura in the 415 chapter.
Now, post-battle is another matter. We will cross that bridge when we get there, but they must be all alive and well or I'm ending what the League started and taking this whole world down with me (I'm not exaggerating at all haha why you ask?)
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robotlesbianjavert · 2 months
I've seen some theorise that Tomura decaying represents "the death of tomura shigaraki a being of hate and the false persona created by afo" which means that tenko shimura is free and can live again (considering the roles names and identities play in mha). What's your opinion on that?
hard disagree especially considering the story is now trying to sell us that "tenko" is also an afo construct, from his family struggles to his heroic hopes to even his fuckin birth lmao. i fall in line with what @codenamesazanka said about 'shigaraki' and 'tenko' as personas here, where despite afo's influence there is something real. it's weird to say that shigaraki is false because of afo's influence when what we learned is that tenko as a whole exists because of afo's influence. both of them have gotta be real or fake or nothin.
but i would have disagreed even without the 419 development. i never agreed with the interpretation of there being a clean break between tenko and tomura. shigaraki's frustrations and desires stem from what he experienced as a child, even with the amnesia; tomura's formed his own relationships and goals beyond afo; he straight up has just spent more of his lived life as tomura than he did as tenko. SHIGARAKI is the character that i first fell in love with, because he's enough of a full, charismatic, and engaging character on his own without being reduced to a crying child.
i'm also kind of so-so on whatever people might be saying about names and identities? i think that there is importance there, but it's not that going by one name or another indicates entirely discrete personas. i don't wanna do an in-depth thing about it, but i pulled a couple of quotes about the whole hero/codename thing to reference.
What future do you see for yourself? The name you choose will bring you ever close to cementing a certain image…because names are capable of reflecting one’s true character.
Aizawa, Chapter 45
the phrase "cementing a certain image" could be interpreted as trying to put up a false persona, but "names are capable of reflecting one's true character" messes with that, because it's the new hero names that are meant to represent that truth. more accurately, i'd say that hero names evoke an idealized self that the students are learning to embody. midoriya reclaims deku, tsuyu as cutesy froppy is meant to be approachable, shoto is trying to self-actualize as himself, bakugou wants to murder people with explosions, kirishima and iida are trying to live up to their personal heroes, etc etc.
at no point are the kids trying to be something that they aren't. they're working towards who they want to be.
if one wants to argue about different names symbolizing different selves/personas, the best example is probably all might/toshinori, who does literally do his hero work as a separate persona up until kamino. but most of his story afterwards is that learning that just because he no longer as one for all, the power that made him all might, doesn't mean he actually stops being a hero/all might. as badly demonstrated by him donning that dumb fucking mecha. in any case he more or less reconciles those parts of himself i guess.
in contrast, we have this more recent lore about codenames:
There basically used to be no difference between heroes and villains. One theory says…the alias stuff started when you’d have an anonymous enemy and needed to call them something. From there, some decided to adopt those very nicknames to hide their identities. Assuming another identity - like a new skin - was a matter of survival. At some point, they went all-in with code names, ripped straight from comic books. According to this theory, it all started with people announcing themselves by those aliases. That’s why the world’s turned into a comic book.
Shigaraki, Chapter 393
here we do have the claim that adopting a new name is similar to adopting a new identity, which lends itself to the idea that you're trying to escape an original/true self, or protect that self from harm. spinner, twice, and dabi are all in ways trying to reinvent themselves, to escape or separate from the things that hurt shuuichi, jin, and touya. mr compress it just stylish. that doesn't stop who they WERE being a part of who they ARE, though. there's also no way for them to go back to who they were, it's just part of them.
it's also really interesting that toga and shigaraki explicitly did not take on villain names (because shigaraki tomura isn't a villain name, because one, this is before he recovers his memories as tenko and two, literally just his name, that he lives every day with.), because they make no pretense about approaching villainy as anything but themselves. this is toga's whole deal, that she wants to live in the world as herself without compromise.
overall, i'd approach the idea of names + identities the same way i approach the running narrative thread about 'origins'. in a sense these origins represent a "truth" about the characters, but it's not that these origins are the only true thing about them. the origins act as a starting point, a reminder of what the characters value and what they want to do. it's grounding, not all encompassing.
anyways nah shigaraki was never anymore false that tenko is and that's that i guessssssssss no matter what. the story says.
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pocketramblr · 6 months
For the five ask game, how about an alternative universe where Izuku is a clone of aizawa? like he was a failed attempt at gaining erasure after afo failed to nab it the first time
1- Ujiko is unable to nab Aizawa but does get a dna sample. Unfortunately, he can't get a quirk factor out of it, but he figures if he clones the sample into a full human, then they can wait for the clone to have a quirk and steal it. In his tube, Izuku quickly goes through pregnancy and being weaned- he's taken off at about the age of 'two', because to accelerate his growth at that point would likely lead to damage. Since no one in this organization knows how to handle kids, Izuku's dropped off with Tomura who's under strict orders to not decay him.
2- this lasts about three years, when izuku is 'five' and has still not shown a quirk activation. He has no quirk factor on testing, and a few other differences between himself and the man he's a partially complete clone of- type O blood being another. (I guess Aizawa only had one B allele. its weird but. technically not weirder than Shoto's blood type thing.) Now a failed investment, AfO must figure out what to do with Izuku- his cloned and quirkless body would not make a good nomu base, those do better when they have a quirk factor to begin with.
3- but Tomura is not happy- Izuku is.... his belonging, because lets just go all in on the AfO and Yoichi parallels. like he's punted Izuku like a football, but he Will attack anyone who tries to take him away. AfO realizes this could be a useful tool for grooming, and tells Tomura that if he's a good little murderous villain, he'll get to keep Izuku, but if he's bad and disobedient, he'll be grounded from him. Izuku's opinion on the matter is not asked. Since being grounded also means losing video games, whenever Izuku is taken away from Tomura, he's basically stuck in an empty room with a game cube and Kurogiri dropping off food. But turns out those video games are a great medium for Izuku to realize he sure wants to be like the cool protagonists who are heroes and help people, even if he's half convinced there are actually only like, five other people in the whole world.
4- As the years go by, Tomura 'loses his Izuku privileges' less and less often, and also Izuku plots his escape. When AfO is turned into a mashed potato, he runs. Tomura demands where he is because its not like any of this is his fault to punish for, and AfO is like 'uhm. yeah hold on. kurogiri what do you mean you dont know where he is.' so now Tomura is really mad and goes on the hunt for him, ignoring everyone else. AfO bemoans not giving a quirk to izuku in order to track him, then remembers that actually he didn't want to waste any quirk and shrugs, telling the other two to deal with Tomura and get them both back.
5- Izuku runs until he passes out, and a concerned woman calls an ambulance. at the hospital he doesn't have much info to give the worried people when he wakes, just "oh, yeah, my name's Izuku because Tomura doesn't like to share his last name and I think it sucks anyway since it's sensei's. But i ran away because i don't want to kill people or be stuck in a vault alone again. Uh no i don't have any family, oh except pro hero Eraserhead. can i stay here?". The hospital takes a blood sample in their examination and call the police. However they can't do much more before them logging that tips of Ujiko, who tips off Tomura out of sheer annoyance, and the kid shows up at the hospital threatening to dust everyone if Izuku doesn't come back with him right now. Izuku apologizes for the trouble, and agrees. Eraserhead is called to the hospital to give his own dna sample and is deeply concerned by the fact that it's a match and also everything the boy said. but hey, now they can start looking for him!
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fatkish · 7 days
Y/N x MHA Boys Pt. 4
Kirishima: How much you wanna bet (Y/n) got a Lap dance from Kaminari?
Sero: If that happened, Mina can drink free tonight.
Mina: As much as I love the thought of having free drinks I don't like the idea of (Y/n) receiving a Lap dance from someone other than me.
Kirishima: Hey Kaminari, did you give (Y/n) a lap dance?
Kaminari: So what if I did?
Kirishima, to Sero: I guess Mina is drinking free tonight.
Kaminari: Be right back, I'm gonna go cry-
(Y/n), entering the room: What the f-
Kaminari: From now on we will be using code names.
Kaminari: You can address me as Eagle One.
Kaminari: (Y/n) is “been there done that”.
Kaminari: Kirishima is “currently doing that”.
Kaminari: Bakugou is “it happened once in a dream”.
Kaminari: Sero is “if I had to pick a dude/gal/enby”.
Kaminari: And Mina is..
Kaminari: Eagle Two
Mina: Oh thank god.
Shinso: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
(Y/n): Yes.
Shinso: I love you.
(Y/n): It back.
Aizawa: Why is Shinso crying face-down on the floor?
Shinso: What’s it like being tall?
Shinso: Is it nice?
Shinso: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Aizawa: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
(Y/n): It was one time!
Shinso, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Aizawa: (Y/n)'s in the kitchen.
Shinso: *kisses (Y/n)*
(Y/n): !
Shinso: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
(Y/n): Did- did I what?
Shinso: My chapstick, (Y/n). Did you steal it?
Aizawa: Shinso, for the love of God, not this again.
(Y/n): I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Shinso: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
(Y/n): Chocolate and popcorn?
Aizawa: Why do you think it got discontinued?
Aizawa: Thank you all for coming.
Shinso, wearing a hospital gown: When I heard you couldn't get laid, I dropped everything and came straight here.
Aizawa: Well, I couldn't imagine anyone else being part of the "Fuck Aizawa Task Force".
(Y/n): Yeah, I interpreted that in a different way.
Shinso: I like your top, Aizawa!
(Y/n): I have a name, you know.
Aizawa: *sighs* Why. Why are you like this.
(Y/n): sapnu puaS.
Aizawa: What??
Shinso: What language is that.
(Y/n): Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*(Y/n) was removed from the groupchat*
(Y/n): is getting your toes sucked on considered a form of torture?
Dabi: why the hell are you asking me?
Tomura: why are you looking up torture methods?
Twice: who’s toes did you suck on? Don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know. I gotta know.
(Y/n): no one’s, I’m just curious
(Y/n): Hey, Shinso, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Shinso: Yeah.
(Y/n): And you, Aizawa?
Aizawa: Umm... yes?
(Y/n): Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Aizawa: Did they just-
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makeste · 2 years
BnHA Chapter 341: The Pale Princess of a Palace Cracked
Previously on BnHA: All Might was all, “time to take up literally half of this chapter by calling a strategy meeting but then never getting to the actual strategy because we have to keep the readers in suspense!” Aizawa was all, “listen up Aoyama, I know you’re really scared about having to face AFO again, and possibly dying, and also potentially letting down your classmates again, and just basically having all of the odds overwhelmingly stacked against you no matter what you do now. But I just wanted to let you know it’s all going to be okay because we’ve got your back and I will personally guarantee your safety, somehow,” only he said it so convincingly that everyone actually did buy in because his words were just that sincere and powerful! The chapter ended with Shinsou being all, “SURPRISE, IT’S SHINSOU TIME!” at long last, and oh dang.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all, “JUST KIDDING, IT IS NOT SHINSOU TIME AT ALL, IT IS IN FACT TOGA TIME,” and okay then. Toga visits her abandoned childhood home and is all “ah yes, this sure does remind me of those carefree days I spent dreaming about being eaten alive by birds.” Dabi is all, “hey Toga, I’m just gonna go ahead and set your depressing house on fire now. Also, don’t forget that you’ve got some of Twice’s blood and can use his quirk! Just thought I’d remind you about that, apropos of nothing.” Meanwhile in AFO’s creepy pirate cave lair, AFO is all, “wow, Tomura sure is recovering well, just look at how many tentacle fingers he can spawn from his left hand now!” Skeptic is all, “btw Spinner I need you to become the new face of the PLF so that we can pretend to have some sort of moral high ground while we proceed to destroy the world.” The chapter ends with a bunch of villains just kind of randomly gathering in some apocalyptic city ruins somewhere, including everyone’s favorite inaugural chapter villain, Slimeothy McBlob.
(1. as always, all comments not marked with “ETA” are my unspoiled reactions from my first blind readthrough of the chapter.
2. as of today, I am very much NOT caught up with the manga, but will keep you posted on my progress (currently only up to this chapter, 341, but ONE OF THESE DAYS MY ROR (rate of reading) WILL FINALLY GET AHEAD OF MY ROP (rate of posting), SOMEDAY, POSSIBLY, MAYBE).
3. as explained here, I HAVE been spoiled for one Major Thing happening later on in the series. however, there are no references to said Thing in this particular post, other than a countdown image posted at the very bottom. I’ve taken the liberty of marking that with a spoiler warning, and placing it a few inches down and away from the rest of the recap, meaning this post should effectively be spoiler-free.
anyway, on we go!)
oh my goodness
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this seems like a lot of blood even by Toga’s standards. should I be worried
and Horikoshi is really starting to get cute with all these chapter titles lately huh. part minus one???? so wait, what does that even mean? are we going to have some sort of flashback dating back prior to chapter 338? or is this implying that this chapter will be kind of a one-step-forward-two-steps back sort of thing in terms of their hero journey? lol what the hell
(ETA: based on the actual content of this chapter, I’m guessing that the negative/minus is Horikoshi’s way of denoting the villain chapter(s), similar to MVA vs MHA.)
oh damn
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soo, I’m guessing this is Toga’s old house from back in her pre-villain days? and that this graffiti is related to that whole “innocently murdering her middle school crush” incident
wow, these people were absolutely charming
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gonna go out on a limb and guess that her parents don’t live here anymore
but, surprise surprise, guess who’s visiting now
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okay, I was prepared for more Aoyama feels. I was prepared for Shinsou feels. I was prepared to finally learn the details of the heroes’ grand and exciting and outrageously risky villain battling plan. but I gotta tell you guys, I was not at ALL prepared to have Toga feels, out of all the possibilities, just straight up out of the blue like this
actually come to think of it, didn’t Horikoshi mention her in his 2021 year-end interview? damn it, now I have to go back and find that thing lol
okay yeah. here’s the link to @hanashimas​’ translation. so let’s see. blah blah, “if things go smoothly...” lol well I’m pretty sure the series isn’t actually wrapping up just yet, so yeah. looking forward to that 2023 Jump Festa message my guy
okay here we go. “regarding Ochako and Toga, I have a scene that I’m itching to draw. Frankly speaking, Toga is a character that was created specifically for Ochako. And I’ve developed Ochako to match Toga.” huh. this sounds a whole lot gayer than I remembered lol
and unrelated, but nonetheless also interesting, he also mentions Tomura and Deku and gets really philosophical about the two of them. “He’s the greatest obstacle in Deku’s goal of ‘saving’.” and then this one part that really has me intrigued, “Saving and Destroying are both born out of ego. Whose ego will win in the end? Is it even a matter of winning or losing?” just, huh. what an interesting thing to say
anyways! back to Sad Toga!
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you are really bumming me out right now Sad Toga
that close up of the door frame with Baby Toga’s height measurements all crossed out is fucking brutal. who did that, I wonder. was it the vandals? or was it actually her own parents? I don’t know if I can take this right now you guys
“no one will ever accept you, the way you are” dammit dammit dammit
well, granted we’re only like 4 pages in, but thus far I’m just as conflicted over the whole Toga Redemption(??) Saga as ever, lol. on the one hand she was and is just a kid, and she never really meant to hurt anyone, and definitely didn’t seem to fully comprehend what she was doing. but on the other hand, there’s an obvious clear-cut difference between “giving kids the freedom to be themselves and express themselves”, and “giving kids the freedom to straight up murder other kids if that’s their preferred method of self-expression.” so yeah! this imo is arguably the most morally complex out of all the LoV origin stories, and I really appreciate it for that
man oh man
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when you get right down to it Toga really just has a REAL fucked up quirk. is that taking the easy way out lol. well whatever, I don’t even care, Toga’s quirk is the real final villain you read it here first
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“every night I dream about this cute little birdie dancing on my tummy and then eviscerating me <3 <3 <3 it’s just the cutest little thing”
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mm. yes. so pleasant. so sweet :’)
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what an absolutely delightful and profoundly unsettling journey we’re all having here today
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SO THIS BITCH CAME ALONG FOR THE NOSTALGIA TOUR TOO HUH. lol okay then. don’t tell me we’re off to visit Todoriko Village next
dammit Dabi I can never tell if you actually give a fuck, or if you just like being a dick to people all the time
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but seeing as you’re a character in a shounen manga who seems destined for a redemption arc WHETHER YOU DAMN WELL LIKE IT OR NOT!, I’m gonna go ahead and stick with the former. look at you, out here keeping an eye on Toga as she confronts the looming shadows of her past. and pretending be all aloof about it. classic big brother move. wonder if she reminds you of Fuyu
what an interesting response!
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“you sure you’re ready for the grand finale where we destroy the world and everything in it?” “not like I can do anything about it now either way.” sooooo. can’t help but notice the part where that is by no means a “yes.” having some second thoughts about your chosen path there, Toga?
meanwhile this guy is launching into yet another of his patented monologues
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man, y’all are way too damn nihilistic for me. absolutely no one in the League of Villains is actually happy are they. or even has any hope of ever being happy. they all just want to burn the world down and presumably go out with a bang right along with it. it’s going to be so damn satisfying when Ochako and Deku and Shouto and the rest finally hit them with those long-overdue inspiring shounen beatdowns and remind them that THERE’S STILL SOME GOOD IN THIS WORLD, MR. FRODO, AND IT’S WORTH FIGHTING FOR
wow, Dabi
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still as dramatic as ever, I see
awww. she says he’s going to get them both caught, but that she’s grateful to him all the same
and she called him Touya! my heart! better watch yourself before she starts coming for your blood, Dabi
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“[LEAPS OF A WINDOW!!] WHATEVER, TOGA!! [DOES A FLIP IN MID AIR] I ONLY DID IT TO SPITE ENDEAVOR SO THERE!!” because if there’s anything Endeavor hates, it’s having empty abandoned buildings burn down miles away from where any living people actually are. good job Dabi. fucking gottem
?? what’s this now?
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some freshly acquired blood? but whose?
ohhhhhhh hh shit. oh, SHIT
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exactly how much damage could this potentially do. shit
okay I just looked it up and apparently the ratio is 1 cup of blood = 18 hours of transformation. which. is actually so much worse than I remembered sob
however this is a fairly small-looking test tube though! so assuming that this can hold maybe 5 ml of blood, which seems reasonable, that means she has enough of Twice’s blood to stay transformed for... twenty minutes or so? wait, really? is that all? am I just really bad at math?? lmao well I take it back then, that actually doesn’t sound too bad at all. surely the heroes can fend off an army of Twices for just twenty minutes or so. right. ...right?
oh dang now we’re cutting to... Spinner? AND AFO???
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what the hell
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lol wtf is happening. he was just sitting there, and then suddenly AFO was all WOOSH, and then Spinner looked over, and then he started wandering down some dark tunnel calling for Tomura??
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LSDJKAFLKASJLGKJ okay now that I’ve forced myself to scroll back up to look at the “tentacles” again a little more closely, an action which I highly, highly regret, I can see that they are actually just... fingers. literally just a bunch of fingers. endlessly spawning tentacle fingers with joints and fingerprints and fingernails and okay you know what, where the hell did Dabi run off to, I’ve got a panel here that needs to be incinerated ASAP
(ETA: so now that I’ve looked at this page yet again, which I regret EVEN MORE, it appears that this is Tomura’s left hand trying to regenerate itself or something. anyway so that I’ll just leave it at that and will ask no further questions and will basically just do my best to NEVER EVER THINK ABOUT THIS PANEL OR THIS ENTIRE PAGE EVER AGAIN.)
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WORRIED, YOU SAY??? WHY ON EARTH WOULD I BE WORRIED???? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WORRISOME ABOUT ANY OF THIS, NO SIR. that’s it, Spinner. just play it cool. then wait until AFO has his back turned and grab Tomura and make a run for it
so AFO says Tomura is “conquering” the quirk doomsday theory, which. ????????????? ?????
(ETA: so I’ve had a day or so to mull this over a little more now, but tbh I still don’t really understand what he’s trying to say here. in the RHA translation, AFO says that Tomura is “gradually overcoming the quirk singularity”, so my best guess is that it’s a needlessly complicated way of saying that he’s gradually gaining more control over his quirks? since the quirk singularity nonsense is basically just a sciencey way of saying, “heads up, eventually quirks are just gonna get SO FUCKING WILD that no one will even be able to control them, so then we’ll all just die I guess!”
but that still doesn’t make much sense to me, and also I really have very little clue about what’s been going on with TomurAFO in general ever since his fight with S&S, so! just gonna have to keep reading I suppose.)
“he’s still Shigaraki?” oh Spinner. my sweet loyal Spinner. if you have to ask, I think that deep down you already suspect the answer
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why wouldn’t he be? :) you don’t think AFO would lie to you about that, do you, Spinner? don’t you trust him?? he’s such a notoriously nice and trustworthy guy!!
(ETA: I mean he obviously is, don’t get me wrong. but it seems pretty clear that things are all going according to Vestige!AFO’s plan for now, and that the “Tomura” currently running things in the ol’ TomurAFO body isn’t the same Tomura that Spinner once knew. at least not right now.)
so now Skeptic, who STILL EXISTS FOR SOME REASON IN SPITE OF MY BEST EFFORTS TO FORGET THAT HE DOES, is launching into some boring speech about villains with mutant quirks? and saying that a bunch of them hold grudges against heroes because of all the historical prejudice and stuff
oh snap lol
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oh my god they’re trying to recruit him to be the League’s new public face or something. bitch you’re just trying to distract him because he’s onto you and he’s like the one member of the LoV who would actually be able to reach out to Tomura and snatch him back from AFO’s grasp with The Power of Friendship!!
seriously though! Tomura finally makes ONE real, true, honest-to-god friend, and IMMEDIATELY AFO is all “welp, time to send this kid far, FAR away from here right now” ffff goddammit. don’t go along with it Spinner!!
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(ETA: forgot to comment on it at the time because I was too busy trying and failing to make telepathic contact with Spinner, but what the hell is up with this flash drive thingy that Skeptic is handing over to him? don’t tell me it’s ANOTHER Dabi tell-all HBO miniseries. how many of these are they gonna churn out.)
DAMN IT AFO. he was definitely wavering until he heard that, and then he immediately got all resigned
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and is that the OG sludge villain chilling out there in the bottom right?!? BACK FOR MORE, EH. well I seem to recall you got your ass kicked by a fucking backpack all the way back in CHAPTER ONE so it’s pretty fucking bold of you to show your face in these parts again after all this time! but more power to you I guess
so there we have it! not the most exciting of chapters, but I really like that about it, actually. like for once, we got a chapter that actually slowed down the pace and took time to breathe, and that was actually really refreshing. granted, I might not have felt the same way if I’d spent a whole week waiting for this, and then had to resign myself to waiting ANOTHER whole week to finally see what Shinsou & Pals are up to, lol
BUT SINCE I’M FROM THE FUTURE where I have the freedom to continue reading AS MUCH AS I WANT in order to get as much of that SWEET IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION as I desire, I feel like I can appreciate this more than I might have otherwise! and in all seriousness, I think the pacing of this chapter bodes very well for the future. the last two arcs in particular had a LOT of plot developments that felt more than a little rushed. things like Nagant’s whole storyline, S&S and her history with All Might, and so forth. there were a lot of times when it was just like, “[SUDDEN PLOT TWIST OUT OF NOWHERE!]”, immediately followed by “[HASTY EXPOSITION-HEAVY FLASHBACK BELATEDLY EXPLAINING THE PLOT TWIST].”
and it’s not like most of the twists were actually bad, but you know what would have made all the difference? is if we’d had a couple of earlier chapters introducing us to Star, or establishing Nagant and her history with the HPSC. that would have served to get us invested in these characters beforehand, the same way that I’m now more invested in Toga’s story after spending a few pages with her revisiting her childhood home and confronting those old memories. that kind of thing really goes a long way, and it’s something Horikoshi used to do a lot more often (remember Twice’s introduction way back in the day?). so yeah, I was really happy to see him getting back to that kind of writing here, and hopefully that bodes well for the writing as we move into the final arc
anyway so yeah! AND WITH THAT SAID, I GUESS THIS MEANS IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN, by which I mean “time to post our updated ‘COUNTDOWN TO SPOILER THING’ meme”! so here is your friendly warning that ***if you are not fully caught up with the BnHA manga, please stop reading here!***
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you may have noticed that we appear to be counting in the wrong direction from the previous chapter! that is because, after a bit of discussion and some confused pondering and consideration, I have decided to go with 362 as the revised Chapter Of Destiny! so yeah. THE RECKONING STILL APPROACHETH, but it hopefully doth approach slightly more accurately than before lol. BUT IF NOT THEN OH WELL
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super-paper · 7 months
How do you think toshi reaching the tomura vs izuku fight would go? For his next "role" in this arc, would he be there physically, through his aura might, or some other way? Id love to see him talk to tomura and witness izukus I am here! moment, but im guessing all that will happen in the vestige world, since he doesnt seem to be near them and idek if he can walk at all in order to reach them. (Additionally, I also hope izuku and toshi will get to have a proper, private and emotional talk after all this. For my dadmight feels ㅜㅜ since their reunion in 327 was honestly disappointing but we'll see!)
Can't say for certain at this point, but I feel like OFAFO shenanigans are going to happen and Toshi's momentary manifestation as a "full" vestige is going to end up being relevant (possibly through giving him the ability to "see" the other vestiges and what's happening in the vestige world instead of merely "feeling" it, the same way Tomura is now able to see them due to the resonance between OFAFO).
Before that, I also think that it's possible that the fight is going to be brought a little bit closer to where Toshi is-- Tomura is playing it cool atm ("No no no this is fine I'll just break them all as many times as it takes :) :) :) *very conspicuously scratching his neck*), but both he and AFO are currently malding over the fact that Toshi and Bakugo were saved, and I feel like this "mutual" hatred is gonna be part of what lets AFO take over Tomura again-- and after this happens, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts heading towards Toshi again.
Kurogiri/Aizawa also seem like they're going to play a big role by using erasure/warp at a key moment (probably to stop Tomurafo from unleashing a mass decay-wave in an attempt to kill everyone in the area?), so they're both kind of a wild card that could potentially warp Toshi closer to Tomura/Izuku or warp him away if need be.
(Additionally, I also hope izuku and toshi will get to have a proper, private and emotional talk after all this. For my dadmight feels ㅜㅜ since their reunion in 327 was honestly disappointing but we'll see!)
Yeah, same. Looking at the Iron Might chapters as a whole, I feel like the lack of a heart-to-heart between Toshi and Izuku regarding their falling out during the dark hero arc might've been intentional. Toshi attempting to kill himself to protect Izuku reads as the consequence of these two not sitting down to actually talk about their feelings imo:
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So I definitely think we'll be getting an open and honest conversation between the two before the story ends. Toshi is more to Izuku than just his mentor, and Izuku is more to Toshi than just his disciple-- and them breaking free from the obligations that come with "being a symbol/hero/mentor/ect" should be cathartic for them both & allow them to both be more honest with themselves/each other and the fact that they both just want to be a part of each other's lives. Even if Toshi has nothing left to teach, even if Izuku doesn't have OFA.
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hydrangeyes · 7 months
Valentines day scenarios
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit Nov.8.2023: I forgot just how much I was into Bnha/Mha, Like going through google docs I had 130 + fic ideas listed out (Like HUH???)
(You both stayed in bed and then later Aizawa surprised you with cooking dinner AND washing the dishes. You absolutely dick him down afterwards)
Okay pretend covid didn’t happen-
“Hiza guess what I have~”
“2 tickets to [insert shared fav band], they’re playing tonight!~”
“Y/N!! So did I!!!”
The both of you hunt for a double date (only to kinda ditch them later) and are absolutely loud gremlins during the whole road trip and show.
(Rough outdoor sex abit away from the crowds??? Thrusts matching the beat and you both laugh about that later)
“I’m pampering you today.”
“W-wha? Y/n shouldn’t it be-”
“No. Shut up. First order is cuddles and massaging your wings.”
“O-oh okay 😳”
(Your spoiling him rotten. If he has to work, watch you call them up and say get bent before hanging up. Today you have the excuse to finally wreck hawks with absolute care and fluff)
“Ah~ this onsen is the best~”
“It issss~ we can order whatever after even.”
“Really!? 🥺”
“Mhm, I um, asked them to make something special just for you 👉👈”
(Idk why writing him is so hard)
“Today’s Valentines day right?”
“Uh huh, yeah it is.”
“And your working.”
“Um I didn’t think you cared for holidays to be honest…”
“Any day that you can fully give all your attention to me is one we are celebrating.”
“Heh okay- Woah!”
“I’m not getting off your lap until you call your shitty boss and tell him you’re off today- no. The rest of the week”
(I love the thought that tomura demands your attention/is bratty once he knows without a doubt you’re actually dating.)
“Oh come on dabi!”
“No. Nope. Fuck that.”
“Atleast accept the chocolate I made?”
“….you..made me chocolate?”
“Of course! I was thinking of buying you alot of presents and flowers but I think you’d like me making you something more”
“….hand them over.”
Gang orca:
It’s just horny all day sorry. Telling me if he was off this day and maybe doesn’t have work the next he wouldn’t spend it absolutely wrecking y/n? Like in a sexy way or non sexy? Pls.
Out of any character besides the obvious ones I feel like he’s eating any type of treat that he can off of you. Round 5? Break time, cuddle bath bubbles, champagne or wine, oil massages at home horny “I love you and miss you and need you” sex. The day ends with you both exhausted because fuck all else you wrecked him too.
I’m a simp. I’m sorry I love him so much. Anyway
“Babe, babe wake up.”
“You have the hardest morning wood right now and I want to lick chocolate off if it.”
Brain starting to crash so this is all I got for now lol
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class1akids · 2 months
Ch 420 leaks -some reactions
As someone who loved the 3 baka storyline in Vigilante and had Aizawa as a big favourite, I feel pretty sad with how Hori checked this whole thing off in 5 pages.
I was hoping more would come into play from Oboro's / Kurogiri's perspective - the interplay between his memories of being friends with Aizawa and Mic and Kurogiri's genuine care for Tomura could have been more compelling than this...
The messy flashback - other flashback - offscreened fight - present reminds me of Mirio's comeback in the PLF War and those 3 horrible chapters where good potential storylines were all cut short in a haste to wrap everything up.
How is Death Arms back in the main fortress? Last time he was at the stuck evacuation pod at Gunga...
The entire Gashly fight being offscreened - lol. Ryukyu is officially the worst treated pro of the whole story. Didn't even get a panel.
Lol at Deku's arms - and everyone who thought it might last rather than being another fake-out to sell edgy merch.
Eri being a mutilated magic rhino is pretty sickening though, and one more quirk that just does whatever now. (Why did Overhaul bother with her blood and quirk factor, when he could have just cut off her horn and use it as emergency syringe?)
The entire power system of the story has fallen apart with quirks just doing whatever.
At least we are safe from the "Eri rewinds the villains to their little kid selves" ending... To mention an upside I guess...
Otherwise, yes, it's an everyone shows up ending - other than the kids already shown, we see also Gang Orca and Burnin' coming through the portal (pretty sure Dabi didn't kill the Endeavor sidekicks).
Momo and Kaminari being there - I hope Hori will give them more than a panel each, but I'm not holding my breath too much.
Mineta being there means Gunga is in play, so I expect Iida, Kirishima, Jirou, Tsuyu, etc. to join as well.
I think the interesting part will be the arrival of the power-up brigade -> Aoyama, Mina, (Uraraka?), Bakugou probably as the cherry on top just in time to hold Deku's regrown hands.
I also think Shoto will come eventually either with his family or alone as Endeavor chooses to stay behind with Toya. I also wouldn't be surprised to see him getting a quirk awakening from absorbing Toya's Phosphor. But mostly once things get bad - so he can be reassuring hero. Hopefully that moment won't be rushed like the Aizawa one.
I'm really hoping that Toya, Toga and Spinner will also come to help Tomura/Tenko to see that the heroes are in the saving business and his allies have survived. I think seeing them fight side by side with the heroes would be a satisfying pay-off for Shoto's and Ochako's efforts rather than being side-quests.
So my two big wishes: Todoroki family combo and Origin Trio combo are back on the cards.
But this chapter, ngl was pretty bad / messy.
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thequietmanno1 · 4 months
TheLreads, Vigilantes ch 99, Replies Part 1
1) “That’s right, headache time! Oh this is gonna be great! Koichi is running from Aizawa, the heroes are being morons, and McBee finally decided to do some shit. We’re approaching the final stretch of the series now, so get ready, for Chapter 99: Phases”-Phases of the mind, phases of the moon. The Lunacy is upon us, it’s time to start the revelry in the Darkness….
2) “Pictured: Not a phase, mom”- It’s totally a phase. He even changed his whole look and vibe to fit with it better, as we can see he’s capable of doing that in the blink of an eye.
3) “Oh no McBee became a hacktivist, we’re all doomed!
Also, nice going with the “anonymity” there by using an army of nomus, that’s really not gonna be important for later on in the series at all”- Granted, these Prototypes don’t seem to have the trademark “exposed brain” look of the latter models, so I guess that threw off the investigators. I guess it depends on if any heroes happen to get a closer look at them or not, since the entire point of their mobilisation is to unsettle the civilians whilst avoiding a scene. 4) “Alright, they are isolated from the outside and can’t easily call for backup, sure. Would be actually worrisome if a handful of the top heroes were not around the place this exact moment tbh, but let’s see how it goes.”- On the one hand, this would be a great way to showcase the bonds and camaraderie that Koichi and more pointedly Pop, had built up in the area by motivating their allies to provide relief efforts to keep everybody calm, much like Pop did before during Tamao’s attack. On the other hand, it does allow the pro heroes to be distracted doing something else other than searching for Koichi, and have more professional aid overseeing this crisis- not to mention further supporting Tomura’s point later on about how “spoiled” the civilians have become under the care of heroes.
5) “But okay, fair, causing the blockages before shutting down communications would cause people to be able to call for help and more heroes would come swarming in
But… Naruhata is not an isolated city, it’s a neighborhood, even if the EMP cut-off communications for a few blocks, outside of that area people can still call for backup, they can look out of their window, see the smoke and fire coming from here and call the heroes, you know?”- The point’s been made before that the flashier and dramatic fights that fit in with MHA only draw in fighters that Koichi and Nomura aren’t at the level of being able to handle themselves against, so it makes sense for the climatic fight to be partly about keeping said conflict as low-key and off-the-grid as possible.
(Vigilantes ch 85)  6) “And hopefully they have some pro heroes taking care of it as well, right?
Sure, McBee did kill a lot of heroes, but those guys were morons, the same thing won`t happen again.
I suppose.”- Yeah, but because of that, Nomura’s intentionally more wide-scale and yet subtle with his plans this time, avoiding a big spectacle to try and leave everybody literally in the dark whilst he aims to swiftly assassinate Pop.
OH MY GOD MAN, HOW FAR DID YOU GO THAT YOU STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN BACK TO THE HOSPITAL? DID YOU CHASE KOICHI TILL THE NEXT TOWN OVER OR SOMETHING”- I think he’s circling the entire Naruhata Block, just in case Koichi tried to leave the neighbourhood/was flushed out by the more 3D vertically mobile heroes.
8) “My man, the fact the communications went down at the exact moment the power went should already be enough for you to deduct this shit is the work of a villain
Oh my god tensei, you’re so dumb, but we still love you”- The complacency of a safe and stable society affects everybody, heroes and civillains alike. They’re far more likely to assume it’s because of a big accident than assume it’s a villain’s operation, especially without any overt signs. It’s partly why Tomura and the League’s efforts have gained so much traction over on MHA, because even when the heroes were actively looking for those same subtle signs to uproot all of AFO’s plans, they’d already reached the point of no return, and the fallout from it all crashing down will not be pretty.
9) “Did that Nomu just grinned at him with malice? Did that Nomu just displayed enough sapience to know that he’s causing chaos and destruction and taking pleasure in doing so? Did it, Furuhashi? Was that what just happened? Tell me Furuhashi, is that what you are implying here? Do tell me”- I think it’s that Nomura is mind-controlling each and every Nomu, like a spare body, to simultaneously run a large covert operation in complete silence even without radio communication.
10) “Okay McBee you were on a good track, then you derailed it all quite quickly, what in the fuck
Can’t say you didn’t got what you wanted, I’m feeling intense dread and feeling unwell just thinking about how this all is gonna end.”- I wonder if Nomura can taste the food through the Nomus? He has sight and sound shared through them, given how big their mouths are, is taste also a shared factor?
11) “first off
what in the fuck dude. 
This sort of psychological warfare should be done throughout a longer period of time, not five minutes before the strike. Nobody there will even have time to process what’s going on, what chaos are you planning to cause
what’s more likely to happen is that everybody will go home and keep hidden, afraid, even more considering it’s nighttime.”- I mean, I assume that these events are taking place over several hours apart, so there’s time for the unease to settle in. Furthermore, the traffic being blocked and the streets being dark and even more vulnerable to potentially getting mugged on the way home means that people won’t want to split up on their own, but also won’t want to cooperate with the strangers around them in case one of them is responsible for the damages they’re seeing. 12) “Not actually they aren’t divided, they are together right now, one chasing the other.”- And when push comes to shove, they have each other’s backs in order to help a mutual third party in need of aid. 13) “Yeah because they are two absolute dumbasses that haven’t noticed that sudden;y everything went dark around them”- Koichi, as we’ve established, is not very observant. Aizawa, by contrast, is needing to hyper-focus on him in order to ensure his Quirk is taking effect, especially since Koichi can still move just fine even when de-powered. 14) “Oh okay, lampshade hanging there, they have noticed, that just hasn’t stopped them from keeping this game of cat and mouse going. 
If Aizawa really wanted to stop this he could just, you know, stop on his tracks, so Koichi could see he’s not trying to chase him. But no, let us continue the dumbassery”- Thank god for the Innocent civilian who forced them to both mutually stop and work together, right? What can’t endangering them solve? 15) “OH NO, THE SCOOTER IS TRAGICALLY HEADING TOWARDS THAT KID CONVENIENTLY STANDING ON THE SIDEWALK! OH NO, THE KID CAN’T MOVE BECAUSE REASONS, THE KID IS GONNA BE RUN OVEROR THAT CAN IS GONNA FLY AND THWACK HIM ON THE FACE”- The can will thwack the crab-man in the face, the scooter will run over the proverbial deer in the headlights straight ahead, and the girl will leap off her bike to safety, straight into that woman with the handbag. Just for the trifecta collision. @thelreads
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epickiya722 · 2 years
Once more, my reactions are not be taken all serious. Genuine reactions, but also played for laughs. Pictures will he included for any clarification of whatever scene I'm talking about, but I also don't intend to put a lot of pictures.
Also, given this is a Miruko episode, there will no doubt be a lot of Miruko love here. Anyone who follows my blog is well aware I adore her and she's my fave in the whole series (tied with Midoriya). With that said, if you have a problem with it, DO NOT PROCEED THEN! DON'T EVEN COMMENT IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY! DON'T CARE FOR THE SLANDER! WE ALL HAVE OUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS AND MIRUKO JUST HAPPENS TO BE MINE!
I want to start off by saying, RIP to Johnny. He was just a little guy in a big world. You deserved better.
What reason did they have to show Johnny's corpse?! DEVASTING!
Alright, Doctor, I feel a little sorry for you. It's hard to see your life's work come crumbling in front of you... I still don't like you.
OP a banger as always!
She called him an old geezer. I'm sorry, that did tickle me. That little grin of hers.
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Real quick though, again, shoutout to Sayaka Kinoshita! Her voice acting for Miruko is AMAZING, she really embodies the power of her. I can't wait to hear Anairis Quiñones for the dub.
"I'll know once I kick him." PLEASE DO, QUEEN!!
"Capture Garaki." "I gotta kick him first." Miruko, I beg you, never stop being you.
Endeavor really out here offering Eraser Head to be his sidekick... okay, man recognizes potential, I guess??? Admittedly that was funny because of Eraser's response.
"No thanks. I need to take care of my lousy students." Putting that in my favorite quotes list!
Aizawa looks so done. And then Endeavor smirks at him. My guy...!
I'm glad the Nomus wear pants... but what about shirts? They don't get cold? Look, I'm already worrying about Kirishima and Tetsutetsu.
*shows the hero kids* MY BABIES!!!
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*shows Burnin* MY OTHER QUEEN!!! 💚❤️‍🔥
You know what, Bakugou by now wouldn't actually mind evacuating civilians since it means saving people. So to see him be agitated about it so... OOC for me, I'll admit, since CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. It was played for comedy, but still. I mean reimagined him approaching a doorbell all calm like actually really chill, and then screaming "EVACUATE!!" because he would want people to get the stepping, hurrying up so they won't be in danger. I was actually confused at that part because I know that wasn't in the manga and I had to figure out where does that play at and it really was just a scene that was added in. It had to happen between chapter 359 and 370 theoretically, but I just imagined something different. 🤷🏿‍♀️
Okay, the little "mmmhmmm" sound that Crust makes? I want a whole audio compilation of that.
"They're all common soldiers. Poor things!" LIKE?! HELLO?! I honestly do feel sorry for the Nomus. *glares at AFO & the Doctor*
*Present Mic does his introducing of the quirk and character thing* Whoever made the decision for Mic to do that is a genius.
The Doctor pleading to Miruko about being the real one and she still insists on kicking him. Show him no mercy!!
I need Tomura to dress more like that!!! Wait... why does this feel like foreshadowing to me? *shivers in manga reader*
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Them High Ends!!!
It's gross but omg when she did the thing!! Miruko, what reason do you have to be so badass?
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Okay, I like Crust. This man has sympathy!
Thanks for the Nomu lesson!! I was a little curious about them and I know he didn't just name that Nomu "Woman".
*shows AFO in prison* He looks like he's in timeout... well he is.
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"Zombies won't be able to kill the hero, Miruko!" TELL ME WHY SHE'S NOT #1!!! I'M DONE, I CAN'T!! SHE'S TOO MUCH OF A BAD BITCH AND I JUST CAN'T DEAL!! OMG!!
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Damn, ya'll actually still walking through the forest? I really thought the action started with ya'll too already.
Cementos' face though in this shot. Hee hee. Why is that funny to me?
Damn, Edge Shot is so pretty.
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I love it when Sero just doesn't deal with Mineta. "Stand up." I love you, Sero.
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How many cat folks do we have in BNHA?!
Scratch that (unintentionally pun), how many animal themed folks we have in BNHA?!
Jiro worrying about Kaminari... 😭😭😭
Omg, Kaminari freaking out (relatable) and Midnight and Tokoyami reassuring him... 😭😭😭
Skeptic is the bravest soul I know because ain't no way I would be running with an OPEN LAPTOP and typing on it at the same time without the fear of dropping it.
First off, Skeptic, do NOT blame Twice for anything! DO NOT!
Oh, shit, we got Kaminari's evil uncle in the building!! (They aren't really related... but it's funny this is the third person I have seen have yellow and black hair like Kaminari. He even got the bolt.)
Okay, Cementos! You go, boy! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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I love that this episode gave my Miruko and Kaminari badass moments. Today has been a good day.
Let me just say this because personally, I feel this does need to be said. We all have our opinions and whatnot, but sometimes I feel like 98% go into watching and reading something with a critical mind first. Go into watching and reading something with the purpose to be entertained before you decide to criticize something. Otherwise, you will ruin the experience for yourself and not enjoy the moments you wanted to.
Like I wasn't going into watching this episode to critique it. I went in first with the excitement to see Miruko, Kaminari and the others. I want to be entertained first and then I'll go back and critique if I wanted to. Enjoy and then critique. You don't have to enjoy it, no, but seriously REMEMBER THIS IS FICTION! TREAT IT AS SUCH!!
Overall opinion, I did enjoy what I watched, but the only thing that bothered me was the Bakugou scene, I mean I feel like that whole scene didn't even need to be there. Yes, including taking Iida, Midoriya, Koda, Uraraka, Asui and Todoroki out, so be it. *narrows eyes* Honestly, someone at BONES has to have some personal vendetta against Katsuki. Not the whole studio, but just someone. If it was the whole studio, let's be honest, there wouldn't have been that scene where Katsuki told the kid about looking at his own flaws before judging others two seasons ago or last season with the whole Team Bakugou vs Team Tokage episode. I have already prepared myself for all the unnecessary moments like Bakugou being agitated because it's not nothing new and it won't stop.
Reminder though, this is the season where THAT SCENE happens and us manga readers know better. I feel like that's important. There will never be the stopping of character mistreatment be it from the inside or from antis and as people who are fans of Bakugou (or just any character who gets this treatment), let's remind ourselves that we know the original source (the manga and Horikoshi) and we know how it supposed to be and we just continue enjoying Bakugou content that is enjoyable.
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