#titan sprawl
doomed-jester · 1 year
Okay, so, it's wild that we're still doing remakes of major console releases, right?
Like, Resident Evil Remake came out in 2002 and is... Basically a totally new game. Sure, the bones of the original are there, but consoles came a long LONG way in the 8 years since the original released and the difference is night and day.
Meanwhile, having just beaten Dead Space (2023)... It's basically just Dead Space (2008) with a new coat of paint. Yes, the zero g sections are vastly improved, YES, Isaac has a voice this time around, but... Those were both true of Dead Space 2. In 15 years, all we really changed were the textures and the loading times.
I guess this is my way of saying PLEASE don't spend another 3-5 years remaking Dead Space 2. Do a remaster! Bundle it with Dead Space 3! Less work, a shorter turn-around time and, honestly, the same end result.
It would give new and old players a chance to revisit The Sprawl and Tau Volantis on current gen hardware, without emulators or dredging up their old devices, BEFORE the hype from the remake dies completely.
C'mon EA
We need Dead Space 4
Do one nice thing EA, plz
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invisiblestation · 7 months
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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donghuamuqing · 1 year
I need to work on my aot au i havent written in EONS
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drunkoncyberpunk · 2 years
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If Don Bluth adapted "Neuromancer"
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yorsgirl · 3 months
In His Arms
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Levi Ackerman x Reader
Synopsis: Why should you look for another place to die when you have his arms around you?
Tropes: Angst, major character death
Warnings: Canon Timeline, gn!reader, angst, unhappy ending, non-explicit violence.
Word count: 2.03k
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You never liked the sun all that much.
It was always too bright, too warm…always just too much. Even then, the scorching heat did nothing but increase your irritation as you laid sprawled out on the open grass field. Your body felt abnormally paralyzed, heart beating right in your ear; drowning out all the noises of the disaster happening around you.
You don’t remember how you got there.
Honestly, you couldn’t remember anything that happened in the past hour. But you laid there - on the lush green field while the sun burnt your skin, lungs constricting with every breath you took.
You were tired. Exhausted even. Wishing nothing but to fall into a deep slumber. But you can’t. Not in this filthy field (what if some insect crawls up your ear), not when the sun burns so hot (ugh, so annoying), not when your thumping, loud heartbeat almost scared you.
The wish was thrown out of the window when you felt something trickle down the side of your eye. Warm. Assuming it's sweat, you groggily moved your hand to wipe it away. Your eyes drift off to your palm – thick, warm liquid stained it red.
For a second, you gazed at it with curiosity.
The next, everything hits you like a bullet to the gut.
The expedition, the unfruitful sighting of two abnormals near your flank, comrades that were trampled or ripped apart by the titans and at last…when it held you in its grasp; ready to chew onto your flesh.
You still didn’t remember, what happened to the accused titan that dared to make you its snack. You groaned but it came out as blood spitting coughs, as you tried to roll over – failed. Everything was still a blur.
Your solitude was cut short when you heard a thud. A figure dropped beside you.
Tufts of Jet black hair and a pair of steel blue eyes hovered through your hazy vision.
“Levi...” Voice strained yet you were able to say his name, without coughing up blood.
The said man kneeled, picking you up in his arms, your head laid on the crook of his elbow and forearm. He gently wiped away the blood aside your eyes and forehead, his touch – like a petal falling on water; almost soothing your aching body.
“I am here,” He assured you, his eyes focused on your face. He didn’t dare look down your body. The sight, even too terrifying for him.
Your right leg was missing from the knee down, the gash running through your abdomen – too deep. The blood loss was significant; staining the grass around red.
In any normal circumstance, he could carry you effortlessly. But this very day, his arms felt weak while supporting just your upper body weight, fingers trembling as he brushed off your hair.
It was minutes ago when Levi reached near the vicinity of your flank (or what once was) after being informed by a fellow soldiers that two aberrants were sighted there. He remembered the moment, the titan’s hand wrapped around your abdomen, as it held one of your limbs in its mouth, the shrieks of horror combined with pain that escaped your lips; enough to break the barriers of his rage.
For a moment, he was pushed back into the utter depths of his memory. A similar expedition, like this one… with a similar scenario where an aberrant took away the lives of his then, only family.
It couldn’t happen again. He couldn’t lose you too…
He just couldn’t.
Seconds, in literal seconds did he disintegrate those titans, their remains were nothing but blobs of flesh accompanied by the blood. The titan- or rather titans, which dared to grasp you; their corpses no- more like what was left of their corpses were left around the bloodied field, steaming into air.
It was painful.
For both of you.
He couldn’t conjure the courage to look down on your injured body, the realization that you wouldn’t make it – too difficult to be accepted. Instead he just stayed silent, as you tried to breathe, all while your chest burned.
“Levi… wh-” You were caught in a coughing fit, spitting blood out of your mouth.
“Easy, don’t talk.” His voice reaches your ears, he gingerly wipes away the blood from your chin. “I am here…” He repeats. You are going to be okay, he wants to tell you that you’d be alright. But he knows the inevitable and he knows you do too.
So the words died down.
Weakly raising your hand to cup his cheek, feeling his skin on yours; one last time. As your trembling fingertips trailed over his cheekbone, his rough hand held yours atop, running the pad of his thumb across the creases of your palm.
Oh… how much you wished for time to stop now.
To let you be like this. In his arms. Just where you were meant to be.
“I am going to die, aren’t I?”
The cursed words lolls off your lips so easily. And Levi just wishes, why does he have to bear this torment?
It’s a question you’ve asked him previously too. A lot of times to say the least. It was annoying, he had thought those times. Shushing you down with the usual - you still have time.
That time is up.
“I told you to not speak.” He rebuked harshly.
But why does this harsh attitude seems to arise from a place of tenderness?
“No,” You state with conviction even though your tone quivered. “You know it too.” You noticed the tighter grip on your hand as well as the stiffening of his body. You were right, he knows it too.
Levi knows he’s in amidst titan territory, he knows letting down his guard is the worst option but… he can’t leave you there. The regret of not staying with you now, would be greater than any regret that he might feel later.
So, he sat down properly, cradling your head on his lap. He stared right into your eyes, memorizing the colour and how the sunlight reflects on them. He gazed down at your lips, memorizing the way it curled as you speak.
 The fluttering of your eyelids does not go unnoticed. He tracd his finger down to the pulse point on your wrist. The rhythm eerily slow.
You held his gaze, focusing on his features through the blur. And even if you don’t like the sun, you can’t help but love how the periphery of his face glowed under its light. You etched the feeling of his touch to your mind.
There are so many words you wanted to say to him, so many sentiments whirling inside you which you wished to let him know.
But you don’t. The declarations too long and time too short.
Even then, in that moment you know he has his tongue tied too. The words left on the tip of his lips, never voiced out.
A silence befell you both, as if pushing you into a trance of your own. A place where these titans don’t exist, the complexities of this ongoing war vanished. Leaving you both at each other’s mercy.
The pain that surged through both of you, for a second stops. Converting into something warm…
You lived in that intimate moment with him. When words fell short, but the thread tying his soul to yours remained strong.
After a short while, a noise erupted from you. Instead of cries of pain or anguish, you let out a chuckle. Causing Levi to give you a look, questioning himself if you had gone insane.
“Ah- looks like I will be leaving before y-you,” You chuckled again, as it was followed by a painful cough.
His eyes narrowed, lips twisting into a frown, “And you are laughing?”
“Would be able to re-rest finally.” Your lips stretch in a grin. “It’s tiring to tr-train under you… every day.”
There’s a reason he found you annoying.
The corners of his lip twitched as he wondered would it be the right time to smack your head and talk some sense into you. But he refrained, just glaring at you. The glare isn’t filled with rage, rather undertones of despair.
“It’s tiring… to train under me?”
“uh huh,” You would have nodded but movement seemed challenging too. He almost wants to flick your forehead for making a joke out of this situation. But that’s just who you were. One of the many reasons he fell for you.
He understood your playfulness. A way to divert his mind. He had sworn to not regret anything but there are times. Times when he can’t help but do so. It were one of the rare times. And you just happened to be the antidote in this predicament.
Humorous, it was. You were standing on the edge of life, still it were you comforting him.
He pondered on what he did to deserve you.
The grin stayed on your lips quickly followed by another coughing fit.
Levi gently rubbed your back and shoulders – his touch again easing the pain that coursing through your ripped abdomen.
“Levi…” You call his name again, the word falling off your lips so sweetly.
Oh, how much, he wished that he’d get to hear it again and again.
His eyes flicker to your face again, even though that blood dripped down the side of your face and your eyes half-lidded; he can’t help but still find you beautiful.
As beautiful as always.
“I’m listening.”
You smile, breathing heavily, eyelids drooping down as you force them to stay open. “O-oh nothing... just wanted to say your name.”
He gulps down the lump forming in his throat, wondering how easily you had always understood him. Through the silent nights you spent on the rooftops or when he completed his paperworks as you prepared him tea.
“But if I had to ask for something… hey… Levi,” You whined with a frown. You assumed he wasn’t listening. But he was listening.
Always listening.
“What?” The heaviness in his voice was evident, he was holding back from crumbling down. His eyes drooped down, the grimace on his lips; an expression you knew all too well.
You breathed in sharply as the smile remained, “Watch it… till the end, for me.”
His eyes flickered with something for a second, before he blinked. Once. Twice. The pad of his thumb running circles on your cheek.
With the tightness in his chest, he nodded, “I will.” The same grin from earlier gets plastered on your face again. That assurance was enough for you.
For, if you can’t see the outside world, to taste freedom in its true form. You at least want him to watch it for you, to live in it for you.
Your chest burned again, the blood loss taking a toll on you as your head felt awfully light. Levi noticed it too along with the coldness of your body, as the pulse rate has almost diminished.
“I am sleepy,” Your voice being a mere whisper.
He knew and you did too.
The time has come.
“Sleep,” He replied, “You’ve fought for long, rest easy now. I’ll be here.”
He gingerly caressed your face once again, his steel grey eyes fixated on yours as if there’s no tomorrow, thumb tracing the outline of your lips.
“And when you wake up…” He gazed at you with so much longing and affection. “I will find you again.”
Your lips cracked into one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen. A smile he locked into his memory. With a slight nod of your head, your eyelids closed.
You breathed out once. Then never.
Levi stayed there, holding you tight for as long as he could remember.
As the despicable sun shone on the unlucky lovers, a little too brightly and the noises from the catastrophe elsewhere started to sync in. The grassfield was still as bloody and filthy.
You passed away, in the place you loathed. But didn’t, in your last moments.
Through unsaid words and silent promises, you took your last breath. But it was alright. Cause you were where you were meant to be.
You were in his arms.
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4ttack-ur-heart · 10 months
Flock of Birds
Pairing: levi x gn! Reader
Summary: You’re injured, disoriented, and alone in the middle of the forest with your thoughts. The rest of the Levi squad is dead. You’re hoping death comes sooner rather than later, but luckily your Captain finds you in time.
Warnings: angst, descriptions of violence, reader hoping for death, happy ending.
**something to get me back into writing, and apparently symbolism is hard for me to write. Takes place during season 2 and reader is apart of his og squad.
Their relationship can be read as romantic or platonic, it’s not really specified.
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The birds never looked so free. A small flock flew above you in the typical ‘v’ form. Sasha said they do that to keep track of each other. To keep each other safe while migrating and make sure no one gets left behind. Were they ducks? No, no, they had to be crows. Maybe they’re- who cares?
You’re mind was fuzzy.
Vision was blurry.
And of course it had to be raining.
But… the sun was out and the sky was clear.
Then why was water running down your face? The slow tickle of the liquid trailed down your face and down your jaw until it fell on your white pants.
Oh. That explains it.
How long have you been out here? What time was it.. what day was it?
The ringing in your ear slowly dissipates and your vision starts to clear. You’re sitting down.
Why? Captain Levi gave you and the rest of his squad orders to stop the Female Titan. This isn’t making any sense.
Where was Petra? Eld?
God, your head hurts.
Maybe they found their flock of birds and flew to safety? But without you?
Nothing makes sense.
All you can see are trees, granted you can’t even move your head around fully. But, the Scouts are in titan territory, this was no time to be sitting.
You try to move your legs that sprawled in front of you, but the small movement makes you release a strangled cry.
Oh. It’s all coming back now.
Your squad, no, Levi’s squad… they’re all gone.
The female Titan elbowed you while going after the others. You must’ve hit the tree and only suffered a few broken bones before you went unconscious.
The sun was starting to get lower in the sky and you realize the scouts must’ve made their way back hours ago.
A small and bitter laugh escaped you. This is how you die? Alone and surrounded by the corpses of your comrades? What a sick world.
Maybe, just maybe if you close your eyes, you won’t wake up. The painful yearning for death in your sleep was no more than a miracle. And miracles don’t happen. Not in this life.
No, a Titan is bound to grab you at any moment, squeezing your body in its hand until your bones crack and blood is pouring out of your mouth. Death only comes once its teeth bite down on your skull.
That’s how you’re supposed to die.
Then why weren’t there any titans?
Not that you minded, but it was very peculiar. This was prime Titan country and you should’ve been dead before you’ve even woken up.
A faint noise catches your attention. That sounds like… odm gear.
With your rotten luck, they’ll fly past you, not noticing you’re still alive. Thin tears leaked from your dehydrated body. You’ll have to suffer a cold night by yourself, then get plucked off the ground by a Titan once dawn approaches. If you’re lucky, you’ll die during the night.
A voice shouted out as the odm gear sounded a lot closer now. It was a female voice.
Was it Krista? No, her voice is too soft.
Sasha? No, it couldn’t be.
“Captain, they’re alive!”
Oh, it was Mikasa. She was cool.
Thumps and the sound of the twigs and leaves snapping as the two made their way over to you.
Which Captain was it?
Wait, wasn’t there only one Captain?
Yes, he wasn’t just your Captain, he was your squad leader.
Your head tilted to the side and through half-lidded eyes, you saw Captain Levi standing there in shock. Mikasa quickly rushes over to you and scans you for any lethal wounds.
“T-they hit their head pretty hard it looks like.” She says with tears brimming her eyes. Levi finally snaps out of it and remembers his authority.
“Scan the area for any Titans until I get them on one of the branches.” Levi crouches down in front of you as Mikasa leaves. “Hey, hey, can you hear me?”
His hands carefully grasp at your face to steady your head. “Y/l/n, I asked you a question.” Your eyes locked with his. The sharp grey eyes bore into yours just like so many other times, but this time you could tell there was a sense of longing and concern within them. Your hand reaches out to grasp the wings of freedom patch on the shoulder of his jacket.
That’s when your emotions took over. Tears leaked from your eyes and you gave out a cry. “I’m s-so sorry, Captain. We t-tried to stop her.”
The disappointment in yourself rang through your body. You were still alive. Everyone else was dead. So why you? You were the first one down and couldn’t even follow your captains orders.
“Shut the hell up.” Levi interrupts your thoughts.
“You’re alive. That’s all that matters.” He breathes out and rests his forehead on yours. “Thank god.”
More tears. “B-but the others-”
“We can mourn when we’re all safe. Right now, we have to get you out of here.”
Levi takes out a roll of bandages and starts to bind them against your head wound. “Don’t die on me yet, kid.”
“I’m only a few years younger than you.” You gave him a weak smile.
“Save your energy, brat.”
There’s the Captain you know.
Once he bandages your wounds, he sets his arms under you to carry you. You let out a small cry at the movement of your leg.
“Shit.” He mutters and moves to take off his cloak. “There’s nothing I can do for the pain. Just hold on until we can get to the wagons.”
His thumb wipes away a few of your tears and he rips a strip off his cloak and rolls it up. “We can’t have that loud mouth of yours attracting more of those ugly bastards.” He hold it up to your mouth.
The cloth is pressed between your teeth and acts as a bite guard.
You couldn’t help the muffled groans of pain as he lifted your body up. He tied more pieces of his cloak around you both to act as a harness so you were strapped to his back.
“You alright?” Levi asked once he stood up. He only got a muffled grunt in response.
Without another word, he took off into the trees.
“Mikasa, let’s go! We’re meeting up with the others.”
The other scout soon joined you two and she gave you a worried glance.
Your arms were limply resting around Levi’s neck as he moved and your head turns to the side.
Birds flew next to you.
“To keep each other safe.” Sasha’s voice rang out in your head. “When my dad was teaching me to hunt, I always wondered why birds flew like that, too.”
“Aw, so they’re looking out for each other?” You asked, splitting your slice of bread in half and handing it to her. “That’s cute.”
She eagerly took it, “Yeah! It’s to make sure no one gets left behind and makes communicating easier.”
Who knew one of Sasha’s old stories would play through your mind at a time like this.
Levi landed on his horse and was careful with you and his own injured leg. The forest was becoming smaller and you could see the walls in the distance.
You’re gonna be okay.
Levi’s hand gripped both of yours around his neck and he held the reigns in the other.
Sorry fate, you weren’t getting left behind this time. Maybe miracles do happen. You might have lost some along the way, but the birds must stick together, especially in this world.
Taglist: @laylasbunbunny @sad-darksoul @cullenswife
(If you wanna be added or removed, lmk!!)
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jjkeremika · 8 months
Attack on Titan men walk in on you touching yourself…
pairing: Eren x reader, jean x reader, levi x reader, armin x reader, erwin x reader, colt x reader (aot, snk)
all fem!reader
“What are you doing?” Eren asked knowingly. You were startled, you didn’t even hear him enter the cabin. You were supposed to be alone for a few hours.
When you looked up at him he was staring at you, squinting. You quickly removed your fingers from inside yourself and sat upright.
He took a couple steps forward, his shadow casting a cold over you. “Wait, why did you stop?”
The sudden switch from brain function made your thoughts stutter. “B-Because you’re right here,”
“I just didn’t expect you to…” He stared directly at your crotch, his pupils dilating, “Be here. But you’re free to continue.” He didn’t turn away.
You smirked and drew your toe up your calf to your knee, then traced your other hand along your collarbone, then let it fall to caress your own boob. “Just like you’re free to watch?” You pinched your own nipple.
He gulped, accentuating the muscles in his neck and chest, and reached his hand to his pant fastener. “And free to touch myself.”
He’d pressed his ear up to the side of the door when he’d heard strained noises from the room adjacent. Jean’s eyes just about doubled in size when he registered that it was you inside, and the noises you were making were not out of pain, but out of pleasure.
He bit his lip and immediately dropped his palm to his crotch, pushing down to will for his now heavy erection to go away. Jean panicked when he’d heard noises coming in the hallway, new recruits reporting for their shift, he couldn’t risk them seeing him like this.
Or you. He couldn’t have them possibly hearing or seeing you in this compromising position. He had to warn you. It was the right thing to do.
You were mildly startled by Jean’s entrance, but the euphoric daze from having just come was at its peak which made it difficult to process. You smiled blissfully as Jean approached you, still laying flat against the table, arms sprawled out.
“Hey, Jean,” you greeted, “I’m very happy to see you right now.” You winked, your pulse kicking back up again, your stomach leaping at the possibility.
He smirked and climbed onto the chairs and table to lean over you. “You are so fucking loud,” he said quietly. Jean placed his long hand over your mouth and pressed his nose to your neck. “Now… Be a good girl and stay quiet.”
If you couldn’t see the tented fabric at the crotch and the tensed muscles in his neck, you would’ve thought he was unphased.
“You’re doing it wrong,” he said roughly, staring directly at where your fingers entered the glistening muscles. You watched him lick his lips. “Tilt your fingers more,” he instructed.
You anchored your foot and lifted yourself off the mattress slightly, adjusting the angle of your fingers inside your already wet pussy.
He stalked over to you, stopping at the foot of the bed, for once looking down on you, his eyes fixed on where you kept moving your fingers. “And you’re making a mess,” he commented, watching the sheet soak up your fluid.
He groaned from frustration (mostly sexual) and grabbed a towel, fluffing it out before ordering you to sit up slightly and draped the towel down.
It wasn’t as soft as the mattress but if it made him happy… “What should I do next, Captain?”
“Ah, Ar-Armin!” you moaned his name loudly as he entered the small room, his name slipping into the moan from touching just the right spot.
He stood in the doorway, leaving it open but mostly blocked by his shadow. You hadn’t realized he was as tall as he was. “Oh, hey, are you okay?” You shivered from the slight chill of the hall.
At first he didn’t notice, oblivious to your hands in your pants. Then his eyes trailed down you, like he was assessing you, and you watched the red blush form across his face and noticed his increased breathing.
The ache to touch yourself was heightened from being caught, the blood and adrenaline racing to be at the tip of your finger. At the tip of his finger.
He entered the room and quietly closed the door, his expression unreadable in the dark, but his voice was as comforting and soft as always, a stark contrast from his less-than-pure question, “How can I help?”
The urge to be feel yourself in his office chair was too overwhelming. The air thickly held onto his scent, permeating your nose and convincing your mouth to salivate.
One hand held onto his chair tightly while the other dipped between your legs. You closed your eyes.
You startled at the sudden sound of a deep voice, thick with restrained need. “Now… what do we have here?”
You shot your eyes open and there stood Erwin, standing tall, towering over you, looking down on you with a wanting smirk.
He noticed your hand stopped moving. “Oh, you didn’t have to stop.” He bent down so that he was leaning on one knee, almost at eye contact from your seat in the chair. He was so long.
He confidently placed his hand on your thigh, making eye contact, and slowly inched it towards your hip. “Sit and relax,” he said thickly, warmly, his eyes flickering between his hand and your eyes as it nears your crotch, “Let me take care of you.”
The barnyard for the horses was supposed to be isolated today, but you forgot that Colt sometimes visits them during this time. So when he rounded the corner, your soft moans having drowned out his soft whistling, you both made eye contact and blushed.
You were sitting awkwardly on a barrel, one finger intimately gracing your clit. He was carrying a bucket of salt chips.
Despite having the open air to evaporate, the tension stayed near you two, and an unseen pull made it feel harder for him to walk away, like going against a taut rubber band.
He reached his hand out. “Do… Do you want a salt chip?” Colt asked cautiously, taking a couple steps forward.
You laughed, startled by the odd question, and some of the tension shake off. You sat more comfortably on the barrel. “Why would I want a salt chip?” you asked, still chuckling, but put your hand out anyway.
Colt eyed your hand, then flickered back to your eyes, and you noticed the shy blush he wore delicately, a slight sheen of sweat embracing his forehead.
He stepped forward and held the salt chip in his hand. “Open your mouth,” he said, then gestured with the chip like he were going to throw it.
You sighed lightly, amused by his antics and curious to see how his aim has improved. You opened your mouth and closed your eyes.
You reopened them when there was heat radiating directly in front of you, and there a Colt stood, having tossed the salt chip to the ground instead. You felt two fingertips on your tongue.
You closed your mouth, lightly sucking on his fingers. He used his other hand to separate your thighs and stepped between your legs, letting his free hand then lightly caress your upper thigh.
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levilxvr · 7 months
aot characters finding out you and levi are together
ft: eren, armin, mikasa, erwin, hange
cw: fluff, slightly suggestive
you’re with eren, cleaning one of the rooms at headquarters as part of the daily schedule. This sucks, you’re thinking as you aggressively move the mop back and forth on the wooden floor. there’s barely even a speck of dirt here but levi insists that every single room has to be deep cleaned every two days.
“ow, my legs hurt.” you mumbled subconsciously while mopping. it’s been three hours and your losing touch with reality due to the exhaustion and boredom of scrubbing out a room that’s barely filthy.
“why? you been up to something?” he smirks. You roll your eyes at his childish humour, immediately understanding what he meant.
“it’s not like that.”
“then why’re you blushing?”
“is this about captain levi?” you nearly choke on your own saliva when he says his name. and coincidentally, levi happened to be walking right through the doorway just as he said it. His eyebrows are raised, glancing between you and eren before he confirms it.
“indeed it is.” he responds for you, ruffling your hair as his other hand does a quick sweep of the underside of the table.
“not bad, im satisfied.” He leaves the room smiling and an awkward silence follows.
“knew it!”
Levi’s in the office alone with armin, who’s explaining the details about possible hot spots for titan activity. There’s a map of shiganshina sprawled out on the table, both of them are leaning over it while discussing when you walk into the office to get more ink from levi’s desk drawer. You stroll by the two of them and levi tenses when he feels your body brush against his back.
“don’t mind me just getting something,” you casually rummage through his drawers and fish out the little glass pot.
Just as you’re leaving you make sure to walk past the captain again, planting a small kiss on his soft cheek before continuing on your way out without saying anything. He’s blushing like crazy, grey eyes wide as he freezes. damn it, when will you ever stop teasing him around the other cadets?
“c- captain?” the poor guy was so confused. since when were you and him a thing?
“pretend you never saw that,” he takes a deep breath, averting the conversation back to the titans. Armin is smart, and he knows how to read the room. so they continue with their little discussion until it’s time to leave for training again.
“how long?” he asks quietly as they’re walking out of the office.
“few months. keep it between us.”
“you have my word.”
you’re in levi’s office, sitting on his desk with his hands on both sides of your waist. He’s kissing you slowly, smiling against your lips as his tongue slips into you and brushes against yours. The room is dim, the only light coming from a single oil lamp, heightening the romantic atmosphere as his hands begin exploring your body. He’s peeling off your jacket, folding it nicely on the side as he relishes in the feeling of your fingers trailing through his hair.
Meanwhile mikasa is walking down the hallway with a document for him to sign. Of course, you both miss the small knock on the door since you’re busy with each other. She opens the door so silently neither of you notice her presence, but when she sees you on his table, the captain standing in front of you..
She kinda just stands there with no emotion on her face, blinks once and closes the door. So that’s what it’s like to be in love. she makes her way down the opposite side of the hall, pulling her scarf up to cover her cheeks as she feels them heating up.
“four eyes,”
hange’s lab door slams open and they nearly drop the sample theyre holding with tweezers.
“got any gift ideas for relationship anniversaries?”
they freeze and drops the tweezers. “wait, is this about you and y/n? oooh- did you guys finally make things official?!”
“answer my question, shitty glasses.” levi rubs the bridge of his nose. He knew this was gonna happen, but he was too desperate to care. your two month anniversary was tomorrow and he had absolutely no idea what to get for you. but he wanted to give you something. anything.
“tell me how long this has been going on for first.”
“two months.”
hange starts squealing and he stands there, completely unamused, waiting for them to calm down and get a legitimate answer. Last month he picked you some flowers from the area outside the walls on your expedition, giving it to you as a little bouquet. Unfortunately they weren’t in season right now so..
“alright, well, do you have any ideas?
“if i did i wouldn’t be here.”
hange digs through the drawer and hands him a sparkly seashell. it has a cute blueish hue with crystals lining the edge. He looks at it in awe. they must’ve brought it back from the seaside when they were there earlier on.
“write her a sweet little letter to go with it. and have fun!” they wink and he wished there was a hole for him to bury into. Still, he takes the little seashell and leaves, crafting a heartfelt note in his head as he walks down the corridor.
“took him long enough.” hange whispers, overjoyed that he finally got the guts to confess to you.
“you’ve been acting suspicious lately.”
levi was standing in the doorway of erwin’s office, leaning on the frame with raised eyebrows. “how so?”
“don’t think i didn’t notice you ditched your dish duty after dinner last night.” erwin knows he loves cleaning. so why would he just disappear and leave hange to do everything? And with the way they were grumbling about it, he had to find out what’s going on.
levi rolls his eyes. the truth is, after dinner last night he escaped to his room with you so he could kiss you in peace- then you got carried away and he forgot to go back to the kitchen.
“come on, levi. tell me what’s going on.”
“fine, if you must know, I went to spend time with y/n.”
“oh?” now there’s a silly grin plastered on erwin’s face and he straightens up in his chair. His voice has gone a pitch higher as well, and it took levi everything not to walk up to him and smack that smile off his face. this is why he hates telling people you’re together- he’s never gonna escape the teasing that’ll follow him for months.
“got a problem?”
“no, not at all.”
erwin had an inkling that something’s been going on between the two of you for the longest time. and he’s not mad or anything. honestly, he’s just happy that after all this time, levi finally has someone to lean on.
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leavingsunsets · 1 month
Idia going on his first date with his partner and we just take him to a picnic in the middle of the woods behind the school building.
this sounds ominous... like u just take him... to the middle of the woods.... and on the first date... next thing u know its late at night and ortho cant find his brother... but yes i love picnics !!! :D srry if its a little OOC
"𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗃𝗈 𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝖾?"
[ᴵᵈⁱᵃ ˢʰʳᵒᵘᵈ ˣ ᵍⁿ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ]
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"Uh, no."
"Oh, boooo. Why not?" You lean on the multitude of pillows on his bed. One of them was a plushie of you, requested by yours truly. Head all round like ball. You squish it.
"Because, really, out in nature? Me?" Idia lowers his Nintendo, looking at you incredulously. "You're asking the introverted tech guy if he wants to go and eat out in the forest?"
You roll your eyes. "Oh, come on, it's not as if I'm asking you out on a hike."
He sticks his face back in the screen. "Same point, I'm not going out to the woods just for lunch when I can have it here."
A sigh. This was a real struggle sometimes, especially with a boyfriend who's not so willing to entertain such cheesy ideas, let alone even imagine doing it.
"Come on, pleaseeee? It'd be really romantic."
"What, you gonna lead me there with a blindfold too?" He snorts while pressing away at the buttons. You throw a pillow at his head. It hits him but he only snickers and lets it fall.
"No. Its not like it's some sorta secret spot anyways. You can literally see the school from there."
He hums, tilting his head as a victory flashes across his screen. "Mmmmmaybe...."
"What, Idia. What series do you want me to binge with you now."
An excited grin stretches on his face. "Attack On Titan, full 4 seasons marathon. And-" he rolls his chair near the edge of the bed where you lay, "gaming session. My game of choice this time, since you always pick Mario Kart because I KNOW you searched up the cheats for that."
"Proof?" You ask smugly with your head resting on your palm.
"Stop using my tablet to google 'Mario Kart glitch hack combo'."
You click your tongue. "Fine. Deal."
"WHOOOOOO!" Idia cheers, pumping his fist.
. . .
It's quiet. Here you both sat, food and drinks alike between you as you're sat at opposite edges of the picnic blanket. You squint your eyes at the stark contrast between the food he brought and yours.
"....I brought Doritos and monster cans because I thought you'd want them," you whisper, looking at the nice weaved basket beside him.
You grip your 7-Eleven plastic bag in shame.
"Wha- Do you think I'm some sorta junkie??" Idia sputters, gaping at you. "And I baked this all for you, you jerk!"
"Well, you were just so against this! So I wanted to make you more comfy! Er, ease you in the vibe, you know?"
"What am I, some sort of screen addict? It's not like I don't know how to be outside, I just don't like to!" It's like there were metaphorical tears streaming down his face. "What sort of ipad kid do you think I am for you to pull this environment adjustment move on me?"
"Fine, fine, I'm sorry, Idia. It was a little insensitive of me."
"Ortho even hyped me up. He said you were probably going to surprise me with cute kitty cupcakes." Idia says, staring off in the distance with blank disappointment.
You groan loudly. "Ughhh baabeeee, I said I'm sooorryyy!"
"Don't 'babe' me! I made you a nice batch of food in this aesthetic cottagecore basket and you waltz in with two cans and a Dorito!" Grumbling, he crosses his arms, turning to the side. "I'm kicking your plushie out of my bed tonight."
At this point, you just sprawl across his lap, and he still doesn't look at you. "Don't do it, pleaasee," you beg muffledly, "I'll make it up to youuu."
"It's gonna take a lot more than just some sorries for this offense."
"...I'll move my minecraft bed beside yours this time."
"I take it back. Apology accepted."
You lift your head, deadpanning. "So you were still mad about about that?"
"Heheha, yeah I was," he giggled. "So, uh, wanna eat? I think it's cooled by now."
"Oh, yeah," you get up off him, fingers eagerly reaching for the basket. Taking it in your arms, you flip it open, only to pause when you see the contents inside.
"...cute kitty cupcakes?" you mutter in wonder.
"Yeah." Idia mumbles, fiddling with his jacket strings in an attempt to act nonchalant about his growing embarrassment.
It's quiet, and before long, you can't stop the cheeky smile creeping up your face.
"Who surprised who now, huh?"
"You're still on thin ice."
"Okay, okay, I'm eating."
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Maybe in Another Life |2|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Titans Curse spoilers
Word Count: 4.2k+
Note: Clarisse is actually in this part.
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13
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You aimed your bow, releasing the arrow, you watched as it sailed through the air and imbedded itself into the center of the target. You notched another arrow, releasing it even quicker, it split the first arrow as it landed in the same exact spot. You repeated the processes, unblinking as you released arrow after arrow, each one split the next as they each landed right in the center of the target.
You relaxed your arm, letting your bow rest at your side as you let out an unsatisfied sigh. You hit your target perfectly every single time, not that that was a surprise. Camp Half-Blood didn’t have anything exciting when it came to targets it seemed, you were going to have to get creative or you were going to find yourself bored. You were sure Chiron wouldn’t mind if you enhanced his targets, he’d probably prefer it than risk you getting bored considering what happened last time you got bored at camp.
You glanced to the side where you could see some Ares girl yelling at her siblings. You smiled, shaking your head, Ares kids were all the same. The girl was aggressively giving orders on sparring, she stood in front of them, spear in hand as the others stood with their hands folded behind their backs. She pointed her spear at one of her siblings, who seemed to reluctantly step forward, gripping his sword tightly. The girl made her way to the other side of the sparring circle while the boy stood in front of her. They both stood with their weapons out waiting for the other to attack, when the girl suddenly lunged forward. The girl was relentless in her attacks, doing one after another, the boy dodged each of them before the girl finally got the upper hand. She sent the boy to the ground, stepping over him, ignoring how he was sprawled out, to yell at her other siblings some more. You gave an impressed nod; the boy hadn’t even got a hit in before he was beaten.
You noticed some Apollo kids joining you at the archery range. You only spared them a glance before grabbing another arrow, twirling it between your fingers. You quickly notched the arrow, shifting your hand slightly right before you released it, sending it not into the target you had been using but into one of the ones further away, going through one of the Apollo kids arrows and imbedding it into a target of another, right before their arrow could make it.
You smirked, not needing to turn around to know both Apollo kids were glaring at you. Artemis and Apollo were twins, meaning you and your sisters had an almost sibling-like rivalry with Apollo’s kids. Apollo kids were the best archers at camp, unless the Hunters were there, they didn’t stand a chance against you and your sisters. You were always one of the first to start something between the Apollo kids, or anyone really, you couldn’t help it, playing games was what you were good at.
“What the hell was that?” one of the Apollo boys asked.
“What?” you asked innocently.
“That!” he gestured to the target where your arrow was lodged comfortably in the bullseye, the kids arrow you had gone through still impaled on yours.
You just smiled and gave the boy a shrug, “Felt like the target deserved to know what it was like when someone got a bullseye.”
The Apollo boy scoffed. “You think you’re better than us?”
“Yes,” you said like it was obvious, Apollo kids were really dense sometimes.
“Prove it.”
Now that was music to your ears. “Is that a challenge?” you perked up, smirking at the boy, he had no idea what game he was playing.
The Apollo kid you still didn’t bother learning the name of was eating his words. They came up with challenge after challenge, hitting various size targets, the smaller the target got the further the distance. The game had been going on for so long that you guys had drawn a small crowd, it was mostly campers, watching in shock as a child of Apollo was outdone in archery, there were a few Hunters, smirking as they knew just how good with a bow you were.
“Are you ready to accept defeat yet?” you sighed, twirling an arrow between your fingers as you awaited the kid to take his shot. It was boring, being so much better than others when they refused to see it and took too long to give up.
The Apollo kid only grumbled before letting his arrow fly, hitting the cloth he was supposed to before it landed in the target further away. He turned, smirking at you.
“You missed,” you said with an eyeroll.
“I hit the bullseye!” his voice went higher, pointing where they arrow was imbedded in the target with the hand still holding the bow.
You rolled your eyes. “It’s not the center,” you scoffed. The apollo boy did hit the bullseye, he was just a tiny bit off being dead center, therefore he missed, in your opinion.
You barked out laugh at the fuming Apollo kid. You glanced to the side, seeing the Ares kids were done training, some of them had made their way down the hill and were watching your competition. Still in the sparring area though was the Ares girl who had been barking orders and kicking everyone’s ass, she was talking to another girl, the girl was a bit shorter, very pretty and had long black hair. The girl was playing with her camp necklaces as she nodded along to whatever the Ares girl was saying.
You smirked, looking back at the Apollo kid you raised your bow. You saw him scrunch his eyebrow as you pointed it not at the target but in a different direction, right at the two girls. You released the arrow, letting it sail through the air, you heard yelp, a few seconds later an angry yell. The Apollo kids mouth dropped wide open, you didn’t lose your smirk as you turned, seeing the two girls now looking in your direction, the Ares girl looked shocked yet the slightest bit impressed, the other girl still had her hand up where she had originally held her necklace between her fingers. Looking further past the girls you could see your arrow in the wood post of the cabin Dionysus lived in, the girls necklace hanging around your arrow and a can of diet coke stuck between the tip and the post. Dionysus was still standing there, watching as his diet coke continued to drip onto the porch, he shot a glare back at you, yelling a few obscenities about Hunters and children before storming off back inside.
Without another word you started to make your way up the hill. You jogged up to Dionysus’s cabin, slipping the perfectly intact necklace off before ripping the arrow out of the post, letting the can crumble to the floor. You looked back to the sparring arena for the girls, but they were gone, you furrowed your brow, intending to do a quick search to give the girl her necklace back.
“That had to be luck,” someone said, making you stop dead in your tracks. “Divine intervention, something! Artemis had to guide that arrow.” You tilted your head, your eyes darkening as you prepared to send an arrow into whoever dared questioned your skill.
“Percy,” a girl mumbled.
Your head snapped back, seeing the boy, Percy Jackson, walking with Thalia. “No, one could make that shot! Not even a child of Apollo! She had to have help!”
“What did you just say?” you asked, your voice dangerous as you tilted your head at the boy. You slowly approach him, a Hunter stalking her prey.
“I-I-I-I-” Percy stumbled over his words, his eyes widening as if not having realized you were there.
“Nonono, what did you say?” you clicked your tongue, daring him to say it again. “What did you say?” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Ignore him,” Thalia cut in, ripping Percy back by the collar of his shirt to push him behind her. “He’s an idiot.”
“Hey!” Percy protested.
“He doesn’t know better,” Thalia said calmly, trying to appease you. “We were just coming to inform everyone about capture the flag.” You finally flicked your eyes to Thalia. “Hunters vs campers, you know, it’s tradition,” she gave you an uncomfortable smile.
“Guess you better watch out,” you said, shifting your glare back at Percy. “Hope no accidents happen.”
Percy’s mouth moved up and down, but no words came out. “Campers aren’t allowed to hurt each other,” he finally said.
“I’m not a camper.”
Percy’s mouth hung open, there was no evidence of the boy who had been willing to throw himself over a cliff for his friend just the night before. “Y/N!” Zoe shouted, causing you to instantly back off. Your posture instantly relaxed at Zoe’s unspoken command; the hostility never left your eyes though.
“We’ll be going now,” Thalia said, pushing Percy back.
Percy stumbled backwards and right into another person behind him. “Sor-” his words died when he looked up to see who he had bumped into, the Ares girl from before, her arms crossed as she glared at him, wrinkling her nose as he quickly backed away. The girl she had been talking to a few steps behind her, smiling kindly at all of you despite the tense situation.
“Let’s go,” Thalia said, grabbing Percy by the arm, violently pulling him away. “Why do you insist on making enemies with people who could kill you?” you heard her mumble as she dragged him away.
You glared at them until they were out of sight. “Hello,” a soft voice said. You turned, smiling lightly at the girl whose necklace you had borrowed to prove a point.
“Hi,” you said shyly. “Sorry about your necklace,” you handed the necklace out to her.
“Thanks,” she took it, quickly slipping it back over her head. “That was an amazing shot.”
You smirked, giving her a little shrug. “It’s kind of what I do.”
“I’m Silena, daughter of Aphrodite,” she introduced herself.
You couldn’t help but hum, being Aphrodite’s kid made perfect sense. “Y/N,” you introduced yourself, shaking her hand. “Hunter of Artemis, obviously.”
“Let’s go,” the Ares girl said. “We need to get ready for capture the flag so we can kick some Hunter ass.” You lightly scoffed, not bothering to look at her yet. Children of Ares were always so arrogant, you were more than happy to humble them a bit this game.
“This is Clarisse,” Selina looked back at the Ares girl. “Daughter of Ares.”
You and Clarisse looked at each other, making eye contact for the first time. Clarisse didn’t offer you her hand and you didn’t offer her yours. She still had a bit of a sneer on her face, but you figured that was probably just how she was, just as you didn’t stop smirking at her.
“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Selina said. Selina had a knowing smile on her face as she looked between you and Clarisse, you couldn’t help but furrow your brow, not knowing what she was thinking.
“Let’s go!” Zoe shouted again.
You glanced back at Clarisse, holding eye contact with her before quickly turning on your heel and making your way to Zoe. “We need to get ready,” Zoe said as soon as you were by her side. She didn’t wait for you as she began making her way to cabin eight, knowing you’d follow.
“It’s capture the flag,” you sighed. “It’s not like they stand a chance.” You looked around the camp as you walked with Zoe, seeing more demigods up and running around, preparing for the upcoming game.
“Artemis ordered us to behave,” she ignored your comment.
“I haven’t done anything.” Zoe whipped around, making you come to a stop as she stood on the steps of the cabin, looking down at you. You took a step back, raising your hands. “It was just a game.” You might have loved messing with Zoe, but you knew your place.
“Your definition of a game is different than most.” You smiled, silently laughing to yourself, it was true, you tended to make things more interesting. You quickly cleared your throat when Zoe was glaring at you. “No killing or maiming in capture the flag.” She seemed annoyed at having to say it, clearly wishing she didn’t have to follow Dionysus’s or Chiron’s rules either, Camp Half-Blood just took the fun out of everything.
You rolled your eyes with a huff. Zoe tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. “Okay,” you sighed.
Zoe narrowed her eyes, silently debating whether to believe you or not before rolling her eyes and stomping into the cabin. You grumbled before following her and made way for your bunk. You had come to the cabin, tossed your bag on your bed, and then quickly left for the archery range.
The one thing you liked about camp was the cabin, but it was Artemis’s design. It was a rather simple looking cabin, a lot of natural light during the day and at night had a silver moonlit glow about it. Inside was a typical hunting cabin, there was a space for your various weapons, all the furniture was made out of wood. In the back of the cabin was a stone fireplace, various stuffed animal heads hanging across the walls. Each bunk had bundles of fur blankets, the softest, warmest blankets you had ever touched in your thousand years of existence.
You joined your sisters in getting ready for capture the flag, it would be all of you vs all of them. The camp had a few more members on their side, even with it being the off season and most campers being back home with their families, only the year around campers sticking around. None of you minded though, you knew it didn’t matter how many campers there were, the Hunters would still win.
When you were done getting ready, you turned to see everyone dressed the same, you were all wearing grey camo cargo pants, grey camo jackets, despite their light weight, the insides were lined with fur, and grey combat boots. All Hunters had different variations of the outfit, these were the ones used during cold and wintery conditions. Even if the surroundings didn’t match the outfits they seemed to work, none of you needed to be completely invisible to hunt, you could be out in the open and still hunt your prey without being seen.
The conch blew, signaling for everyone to gather for the game. You finished strapping your hidden blade around your forearm, quickly slipped a knife in your boot, and grabbed your bow. You stood on Zoe’s right as she led all of you out of the cabin and to the area where capture the flag would be taking place.
“How’d your conversation go?” you whispered so only Zoe could hear.
You glanced at her as she neglected to answer, only offering up a dissatisfied huff. You nodded, letting out your own sigh. You knew what she had gone to do the moment she stepped foot in camp, she wanted to help your goddess, like you did, like all the Hunters did. You knew she could take care of herself; Artemis was fine without any of you, but you couldn’t get rid of the uneasiness that settled deep within you. Until you and your sisters got permission to leave, you were all stuck at camp, not knowing what was happening to your goddess.
You got into position, tuning Chiron out as he went over the rules. Your eyes glanced over the campers, seeing them all decked out in their battle armor, a mix of red and blue. Usually, the game was played red vs blue but considering the Hunters had their own outfits, the campers got to wear their armor. There was one time Chiron tried to suggest the Hunters wear the armor and both Hunters and campers went off, neither red or blue team wanted to swap sides to the other color, even against the Hunters, and none of the Hunters wanted to wear the armor. Hunters wearing their own thing and campers wearing their armor was the one thing all of you actually agreed on.
You smirked as you saw Clarisse at the forefront of the group, letting out a war cry, her fellow teammates following. Your eyes grazed over the team until they landed on Thalia and Percy. You tilted your head, staring at Percy until his eyes finally met your glare, he swallowed nervously as he tried offering a smile, you were going to show him just how lucky he was.
“Good luck!” he shouted, shifting on his feet as he smiled awkwardly.
“Luck is for losers,” you said. “I always win.”
Percy’s face was full of concern as he subconsciously took a step back. “Why did that sound like a threat to my life?” he chuckled, his smile faltering when you didn’t return it. “Seriously, why did that sound like she’s going to kill me?” He looked at Thalia who just rolled her eyes.
The conch sounded again, and everyone took off, running to hide their respective flags. You got into position, knowing exactly where Zoe was going to have some of the other Hunters place the flag, not worrying about it as you knew they had it covered, you didn’t even worry about how the new addition, Bianca, was one of the ones set to guard it. Your flag wasn’t important, you had your own mission, win, and take Percy Jackson down.
You moved effortlessly through the woods as if you hunted in them every day and not once every few years. You kept your moves deliberate, not making a sound as you walked across leaves, avoiding every broken branch without looking. Your eyes flicked from side to side, shaking your head as you saw campers trample through the woods, making more noise than a charging bear, they all passed you without so much a glance. Occasionally the yelps of campers filled the air as your sisters took them down one by one.
You smirked as you caught sight of Percy, walking back and forth as he stood guard, the flag not to far behind him. Percy had his sword strapped to his side, kicking rocks as he ignored his surroundings. You hopped up on a branch of a tree, drawing your bow, not losing your smirk as you released your arrow. Your arrow silently sailed through the air, opening up as it released a net, wrapping up Percy and strapping him to a nearby tree.
You hopped down from your branch, collapsing your bow, as you twirled an arrow in your hand as you strolled towards the flag. You rolled your eyes as Percy struggled, trying to turn his head to see who had got him, he yelled for help from his comrades, but it wouldn’t matter if any of them showed up, in your eyes you had already won.
“Cute,” a gruff voice said. You turned to see Clarisse stepping out from the bushes.
You smiled at seeing her, your eyes lighting up at seeing her spin around the spear in her hands. The spear was an extension of her, that much you could tell, she waved it around as if it was a part of her own body. She brought the bottom of the spear down hard, making the tip crackle with red electricity.
“Cute toy,” you snarked.
“I won’t be as easy to take down,” she said, gripping her spear tighter.
“Well, I’d hope not.”
She lunged at you, aiming her red-hot spear right at your shoulder. You side stepped, watching as the spear glided right past you. You couldn’t help but chuckle, slipping the arrow back into your quiver, you weren’t going to bother using your bow for this anyway.
She pulled her spear back harshly, spinning around as she slashed at your other side. You once again sidestepped out of the way, ducking as she quickly swung it for your neck. You smiled; she didn’t seem to mind a little maiming either.
You continued to toy with her, letting her slash and stab at you, ducking, and dodging each hit. You didn’t bother pulling out any weapons, you were having way to much fun. When you caught movement out of the side of your eye you couldn’t help but smirk, though you were disappointed your fun was coming to an end.
When Clarisse stabbed at you again, this time when you stepped out of the way you reached out, grabbing the spear. You ducked, getting on the other side of the spear, smiling at Clarisse’s furrowed brow. You yanked the spear forward with one hand, pulling her along with it before forcefully pushing back, making her lose her footing, releasing her grip as she crashed to the ground. You twirled the spear in your hand, enjoying weight and balance before pointing it at Clarisse’s neck, making sure she didn’t move from the ground.
You smiled as she glared up at you. There was no doubt in your mind that she was a daughter of Ares, from the fire in her glare it was clear she was truly her father’s daughter. You lifted your head up, watching as Zoe plucked the flag from its position before darting past you. You clicked your tongue, nearly grazing the girl’s chin as the daughter of Ares began to push off the ground.
You heard movement to your side, seeing Percy had finally escaped the net. He didn’t even look back at you and Clarisse before taking off after Zoe. You tossed Clarisse her spear, knowing the game was already over, despite still being on the ground she caught it with one hand, still glaring up at you.
“Don’t take it personally love, winnings kind of my thing,” you winked at her before pulling out your bow again, you tilted your head, lining up your shot before releasing your arrow. The arrow flew through the air, once again opening up, this time a wire released, wrapping around Percy’s feet, which quickly sent him tumbling down the hill.
You chuckled before taking off towards where you knew the Hunters would be celebrating. You heard the conch go off, signaling that the Hunters had in fact won, for the fifty-sixth time in a row. As you left her lying on the ground you could swear you heard the Ares girl quietly laughing after you tripped Percy.
You joined your sisters in celebration, watching as they waved the flag around at the pouting campers. Percy made his way out of the woods, pulling off the rest of the cord wrapped around his ankles. He flung it off to the side, looking up only to be met with your glare. He looked from the cord he tossed to the side then back to you, slowly connecting the dots. Clarisse came trudging out of the woods, walking right up to Percy, giving him a hard shove with her shoulder, causing him to stumble.
“You didn’t say she was a freaking daughter of Nike Jackson!” Clarisse snapped, delivering a hard smack to the back of Percy’s head.
“You’re a demigod?” Percy asked dumbly, rubbing the back of his head.
You rolled your eyes nodding your head. “And your mother is Nike, like the goddess of victory?” you nodded again, this kid was really slow, if he was the child of the prophecy then Olympus really was doomed.
“I love her shoes.” You and Clarisse both groan, rolling your eyes before glaring at the boy. His eyes darted back and forth between you and Clarisse before he slowly began to back away.
The celebration quickly died down, everyone turned to the woods. You furrowed your brow following the others gaze, seeing a shriveled up old lady who should have died centuries ago, slowly making her way down the hillside. You all held your breath, waiting until she was right in front of everyone.
“I am the spirit of Delphi. Speaker of the prophies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python,” She spoke, looking at Zoe. “Approach, Seeker, and ask.”
You sucked in a breath; this was the oracle. Zoe hadn’t gotten answers when she went to visit her when you all first arrived at camp, but it seemed as though you’d get answers now. “What must I do to help my goddess?” Zoe asked.
Your breath caught in your throat as the oracle showed a vision. The image of Artemis on her knees and chained to rocks, shined across the sky. You felt a presence come up behind you, you didn’t need to look to know it was the Ares girl. You couldn’t peel your eyes away from seeing your goddess shackled and suffering.
“Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,” the oracle continued to speak. “One shall be lost in the land without rain, The bane of Olympus shows the trail, Campers and Hunters combined prevail, The Titan’s curse must one withstand, And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.”
When the prophecy ended the oracle collapsed, once again going into her catatonic-like state. When the prophecy was over the vision had dissipated, but you couldn’t remove the image of your goddess from your mind. You didn’t know what had happened or where Artemis was, but you were prepared to go to the ends of the earth to help your goddess.
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invisiblestation · 7 months
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 21
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liked by jackhughes, mackie.samo, yourusername, and 61,963 others
_quinnhughes went out with jack and our luke replacement 🙏
tagged: jackhughes, yourusername
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trevorzegras sleepy girl lmaooo
→ _quinnhughes fr this kid brought a whole body pillow in my car
→ yourusername they dragged me out of my bed at 5 in the morning 🙄🙄
rutgermcgroarty “luke replacement” is wild
→ _quinnhughes she agreed and he didn’t
→ yourusername more like they could drag me into their car but they couldn’t drag him
→ lhughes_06 i’m just a little hurt
username13 their relationship with her is the cutest thing ever
yourusername photo proof that jack enjoys my “green juice”
→ jackhughes yeah yeah whatever
username45 the sleeping mask is so relatable
username98 quinn’s pics are so cinematic
adamfantilli does she just sleep in everyone’s car
→ _quinnhughes yes
→ markestapa sprawls all the way out in the backseat
→ jackhughes sprawls out in shotgun too
→ trevorzegras she’s like a starfish
→ _alexturcotte she smacked me in the face once
→ yourusername I DID NOT.
→ mackie.samo she’s fallen asleep with her legs in my lap too many times 😒
→ lhughes_06 she’s fallen asleep with her head in my lap too many times 🙄
→ edwards.73 ok luke i see u
username34 jack LMAOOOO
username11 don’t do my girl like that she’s more than a luke replacement 🙄
→ yourusername 🗣️🗣️
luca.fantilli lil drizz needs to give us the fit check rn
→ _quinnhughes don’t obsess over her in my comments 🙄
→ yourusername shush quinny
→ yourusername and also it’s mark’s hoodie, target sweatpants and my sleeping mask 😈😈
→ luca.fantilli that’s not a fit check send me a pic
→ yourusername no
→ lhughes_06 MARK’S hoodie??
markestapa yo that’s my hoodie ask her where she got it from
→ jackhughes she said and i quote “your dresser”
→ yourusername oops
→ lhughes_06 YOUR hoodie??
dylanduke25 hughesy is no bueno
→ jackhughes i’m muy bien
→ _quinnhughes estoy más o menos
→ yourusername don’t use google translate that’s cheating _quinnhughes
→ lhughes_06 muy mal, no me gustan mis hermanos ni uno de mis mejores amigos porque ellos son pendejos y los odio
→ yourusername lukey babes we know you used google translate too 😭😭
→ jackhughes he and quinn are the same
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liked by dylanduke25, edwards.73, rutgermcgroarty, and 82,964 others
yourusername adam fell asleep questionably and luca straightening my hair should prob be a fire hazard but i finally spent sum time w my fav boys 🫶🫶
tagged: adamfantilli, luca.fantilli, rutgermcgroarty, mackie.samo, edwards.73, dylanduke25, markestapa
view all comments
luca.fantilli oh my god i’m a fav boy
→ yourusername only because you didn’t burn the house down with my straightener in your hands
trevorzegras where’s moose
→ yourusername gone
→ edwards.73 he ditched us 😒
→ missseraphina with me!
→ trevorzegras please god no
_quinnhughes i don’t understand how my brother can get what he’s wanted for years while also simultaneously fucking it all up
→ yourusername fr it’s crazy
→ jackhughes LMAOOO he showed me ur comment and started whining
rutgermcgroarty i really struggled carrying you down that street
→ yourusername are you saying what i think you’re saying 🤨
→ rutgermcgroarty WHAT NO
→ yourusername i think ur just weak! 🙄🙄
→ rutgermcgroarty I WAS RUNNING
username67 i love these little dumps when she hangs out w them
username9 the titanic recreation is amazing
username27 if you really think about it we could ship her with any of them
→ username12 mcdrysdale??? IT SOUNDS LIKE A MCDONALDS MEAL LMAOO
→ username78 drystilli
→ username35 drystapa ofc
→ username66 dredwards 💀
→ username90 dukedale (or drysduke??)
→ username4 dryskevich.. wth why does it sound like a normal last name
→ username51 dryshughes 🔛🔝
adamfantilli IT WAS REALLY COLD
→ yourusername so u disregarded the blankets on the other couch and stole everyone’s pillows
→ adamfantilli yes
→ yourusername i understand
→ luca.fantilli she has a soft spot for u she replaced all the pillows and gave u like three blankets 🙄
markestapa eddy the jack to my rose 😘😘
→ edwards.73 marky the rose to my jack 😘😘
→ yourusername stop flirting and get out of my comments 😐😐
→ markestapa no i don’t think so ‼️‼️
→ edwards.73 stop being a hater yourusername 🙄🙄
→ mackie.samo i feel left out i wanna join 😞😞
→ yourusername aww ofc mack 🤗🤗
→ dylanduke25 me too 😊😊
→ yourusername i mean i guesssss 🙂🙂
→ lhughes_06 can i join too 😇😇
→ yourusername no 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️
lhughes_06 damn wish i could’ve joined
→ dylanduke25 😐
→ markestapa 😑
→ edwards.73 😐
→ yourusername is that supposed to be the emoji blinking
→ mackie.samo 😐😑😐 yourusername
→ missseraphina yeah but you had more fun with me!
missseraphina 🙄
→ username63 uh… you do realize you’re PUBLICLY commenting right 💀
colecaufield is that girl harassing you
→ yourusername no it’s so funny lmfaoooo
→ jamie.drysdale bro she’s dming ME
→ yourusername u should see my dms 😭😭
next chapter notes ) yes seraphina is a certified delulu girl! i don’t wanna antagonize her terribly but she needs to cause enough drama so we’re going down this road and ik i haven’t been uploading recently but i’m too busy being an academic weapon 🙏
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys
378 notes · View notes
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Safe in your arms.
klaus mikaelson x Reader
The rain pattered soothingly against the windows of the Mikaelson compound. It was a lazy Sunday night and Klaus had been working on business inside the French Quarter. After a long day, Klaus had switched into a loose shirt and pants, enjoying a warm shower.
Klaus yawned loudly as he made his way down the stairs, relaxed from his shower, dressed comfortably for the evening.  His eyes lit up when he saw you in the kitchen, humming as you prepared a batch of chocolate chip cookies, his favorite.  
"Good evening, my wolf," you greeted him cheerfully.  
"Evening, luv," he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. You could tell from his sluggishness that he was exhausted after a long day. Your poor puppy.  
You turned around in his embrace and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Did you have a productive day?" 
He nodded, his blue eyes gleaming as he tried to steal another kiss. You giggled at his eagerness and patted his cheek fondly. 
"I was thinking we could watch a movie today," you said. "How about Titanic?" You knew it was one of your favorites and that Klaus secretly enjoyed the tragic romance as well.  
"If it pleases you, sweetheart," he replied, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear and gazing at you adoringly.  
"You spoil me, you know that?" you teased, tapping the tip of his nose playfully. 
He chuckled. "Only because you deserve it, my luv."  
After getting the cookies out of the oven and preparing a steaming pot of English breakfast tea, you made your way to the lavish living room. Klaus had already sprawled himself on the leather couch, the TV on as he scrolled through the options to find Titanic.
You set the tea and plate of chocolate chip cookies on the coffee table before curling up next to him. He instantly wrapped you in his warm embrace, nuzzling his face into your neck.  
"You smell divine," he purred, pressing a kiss to your pulse point. 
You sighed, tilting your head to give him better access. "And you, my wolf, need to shave," you replied, grinning as his stubble grazed your skin.    
He pulled away slightly to look at you, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you liked some stubble?"  
You tapped a finger against his jaw. "Only a little. You're getting scruffy."
"Your wish is my command, luv," he said, stealing a swift kiss.  
As the movie started, you settled into his arms with your plate of cookies, occasionally feeding one to Klaus. He savored each bite, licking the melted chocolate from his lips. During the romantic scenes, his grip on you would tighten ever so slightly, his breath hitching when Rose and Jack shared their first kiss. Though he denied it, you knew he was a closet romantic at heart.  
Halfway through the movie, you noticed Klaus stifling more yawns. You turned to grab a cookie from the plate, breaking off a piece to feed to him. He accepted it gratefully, his eyes fluttering shut as he savored the taste of melted chocolate chips. Some of the chocolate had smudged onto the corner of his mouth.  
You giggled, tapping your finger against his lower lip. "You've got a little something..."  
He raised an eyebrow, grasping your wrist to bring your finger to his lips. His eyes darkened as he slowly licked the chocolate from your finger, his tongue hot and wet against your skin. "Better?" he purred.
Your breath hitched at the sensation. "You missed a spot," you replied, a teasing glint in your eyes. Before he could react, you leaned in to lick the remaining chocolate from the corner of his mouth in one smooth motion.  
Klaus growled deep in his chest at your boldness, his hands coming up to tangle in your hair. He angled your head to deepen the kiss, his tongue brushing along your lower lip, begging for entrance. You sighed into his mouth, tasting the chocolate that lingered on his tongue.  
When you finally pulled away, breathless, Klaus gazed at you through half-lidded eyes filled with lust and love. "My girl," he growled, though the effect was lost in the yawn that followed.  
You chuckled at his slip, scratching his scalp with your nails lightly to relax him. He rumbled in pleasure, the sound vibrating through you from how tightly he held you against his chest. 
As the movie progressed The emotional ending scene left his eyes glassy, and you caught the gleam of tears threatening to spill over. Your heart swelled at seeing this rare vulnerable side to your little Hybrid. 
"Oh, puppy," you sighed, wiping away a stray tear with your thumb.    
"It's just...they were destined to be together, were they not?" he mumbled sleepily. "Had the bloody ship not sunk..."  
You placed a palm on his cheek. "I know, my puppy. Their story is a tragic one. But we have each other, and nothing will tear us apart." 
He gave you a drowsy smile, nuzzling into your hand. The movie had drained him both emotionally and physically, sleep calling to him.  
You started running your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly in the way you knew relaxed him. He sighed contently, his eyes drooping shut at your ministrations.  
"Sleep, my wolf. I'll be here when you wake," you whispered, pressing a kiss to his temple.  
"Stay with me, luv," he slurred, tightening his arms around you. 
"Always," you promised. 
His breathing deepened as sleep finally overtook him. You gazed down at his peaceful face, feeling complete with your Hybrid wrapped around you. Sunday had come to a perfect end. Closing your eyes, you joined him in slumber, safe in each other's arms throughout the rainy night.
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Titans always liked to party. Even when everyone started their own lives, barely seeing each other, they always found time to throw a party once in awhile.
This party was the biggest one yet. After one of the massive threats to the universe was dealt with, some of the JL members stayed, almost all of the Titans and even the Outlaws. Dancing, games, chatting... After a few hours, there were only a small group left: bachelors, who wanted to get drunk. Hal didn't really care about an age gap, everyone left were adults. Dick was always game. Roy wanted Jason to let loose, so they both stayed.
At some point they started playing Truth or Dare, but they figured out fast that they were too drunk for any action, that's why only truth was left on the table. Questions soon turned into only sex relating. The most adventurous time. Just the best fuck. Best blowjob. Until one of them mentioned Tim's name. That's when they figured out, that all of them had sex with Tim and that all the best times they were talking about were with him.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesss!!! they're all heavily buzzed and are slurring their speeches, too drunk to even think of getting up from where they're sprawled over the floor on cushions, couches, and assorted arm chairs. there are occasional bursts of giggles, some rolled eyes from hal and jason over the other two giggling like school girls over something. but its not like any of them have anywhere to be. no girlfriends, wives, or children expecting them home. and also being drunk and alone is sort of pathetic so at least together they're socializing and having a nice time while occasionally forcing one another to do humiliating shit until it's late and they're tired and have decided to just keep getting 'truth' out of each other while they wind down from the party and enjoy the company of each other and pretend they're not nearly as drunk as they feel.
dick is failing at it the worst and is nursing a trashcan in his lap while seated criss cross apple sauce on the floor. hal has managed to claim the entire length of the couch and has his head rested on one arm rest and ankles crossed on the other. roy is slouched with his elbows on his knees on a chair and drinking a slowly melting slurpy because he'd volunteered for a 7/11 run. jason has an icepack over his eyes and a can of ginger ale in one hand and pretending they're not all there while he...batmeditates the drunkness away.
things are civil and friendly, occasionally they all share a laugh at someone else's expense while plying truths out of each other. there's an unspoken brotherhood in bachelorhood that makes being open and honest while wasted so much easier and so much more...freeing. they don't have to worry about judgement, about hurting someone's feelings. when among kin you can finally admit that sure that girl you dated on and off for years kind of sucked at giving head and that the best blowjob of your life was at an executive's christmas party while out on the terrace of some hotel.
roy sighs about the sweetest tits he'd ever seen being on someone he had no business hooking up with.
hal commiserates with him admitting that despite his playboy ways, the best fuck of his life had been this barely legal little thing that he'd been waiting to get his hands on since they were sixteen and that hal also would have risked losing his balls if anyone in the league ever found out about it.
jason, from under his icepack, grunts out about how his sweet little pocket pussy had let him put the mouth of his fully loaded favorite gun into his fucked out little hole that was dripping with jason's mess.
hal gives an impressed whistle and jason lets out an, honest to god, wistful sigh about how he should've put a fucking ring on it.
they all give a shared shudder at that though. if there's one thing they all understand its that none of them are...husband material.
still that doesn't mean there aren't...longings for the position and its associated benefits.
dick gives a miserable groan into his trashcan and a wet gag where nothing comes up before miserably sniffling and asking them if they thought that tim would mind dick sabotaging his birth control so he'd have dick's baby so dick could have his not so secret desire to be a daddy to more than just the goldfish in his apartment.
and it's the mention of tim that sends them all back into their drunken reminiscing and bragging about conquests and the mental all stars roster they each have regarding their hookups.
of which tim seems to be the mvp of.
it's not shocking, not to them. if others had been in the room they probably would've been surprised that the most prude robin actually wasn't all that chaste. but they all knew exactly what tim did in his spare time (them). the only part that's surprising is finding out that they all have become intimately familiar the hot tight little cunt that milked their cocks like it was handmade by god to do it.
it's not long until that's all they're talking about.
hal closing his eyes and moaning about how cute and pink tim's tits were when they bounced as he rode him. jason about how tim was so obedient, letting him bend him all sorts of ways and positions and being such a champ and letting jason keep going even when he was passing out from exhaustion. dick is fully laid on the floor and mumbling about how nice and cold the hardwood is while talking about how tim's mouth always looked so cute stretched around his cock-that he didn't even have a gag reflex. roy is shamelessly hard on his chair and talking about how its a shame tim doesn't cross paths with him more often that roy would've loved a repeat, that jason and dick were fortunate to share a home with tim.
"i bet you've gotten some great pics" roy sighs.
and that's when the other three freeze for a moment because...pics?
and that's when roy shows them his phone where tim has sent roy pictures!!!! of tim's little hands cupping a tit in his bathroom mirror, of tim's finger pressed into his dripping baby cunt.
and hal has to fumble for the short 30 second clip in his phone of him slamming into tim and grunting as he cums as deep as he can get. jason claims tim has left countless pairs of panties in his apartment and that tim didn't let him record them fucking because he thought jason would shove it in bruce's face whenever he was angry at him (which jason absolutely would do) and dick whines about how his baby timmy never sends dick that kind of stuff!!! but would he? if dick asked would tim send him naked pictures of him in bed??
it goes without saying that tim is their favorite, the one they have the most fond memories of, the one that was their most memorable experience.
but that doesn't mean they don't all feel a bit competitive when they all text him to see who he'll respond to first.
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sabokunsmalia · 7 months
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featuring: mentions of erwin smith x fem!reader ; mostly levi ackerman x fem!reader anime: attack on titan content warning: smut, mdni!! ; oral (fem! receiving), cheating, mentions of oral (m!receiving) hi it's malia: i love erwin, really. but this just seems so plausible, maybe because i would burn the world down for levi so hahahah.
He dragged you along to another event, hosted for him. A celebration for destroying another wave of Titans, who would have crushed Wall Maria once again. Erwin has been working hard the past days, having sleepless nights in his office as the stack of papers slowly vanished. With just one arm, the commander wasn’t as fast as before anymore, having to take small coffee breaks between the hours to let the muscles in his left arm relax.
But throughout attempting to please the government further with his anticipation to expand the lands, and maybe offer a plan for complete freedom to the population, Erwin forgot that someone was waiting in his chambers at night. You slept alone, wrapped up tightly in his cold blanket while hoping he would soon decide to leave the papers be and join you. Just for cuddles, or maybe a simple and quick good night kiss. The last few weeks, you were left alone with no attention or admiration from your boyfriend.
Still, Erwin dragged you along to the celebrations, your arm sweetly laced through his while being shown off to the cadets and other units. Uncomfortable was the wrong word for your feeling, almost not enough to describe how unbearable it was to stand beside the Commander after those past days.
Walking off from his side went by unnoticed as he engaged in another conversation with a group of people, who wanted to know more about upcoming plans of the Scout Regiment. Thought walking off brought you into this exact position, trapped against the cold wall, and the dress bunched around your waist. Legs spread, one thrown over the shoulder, you shouldn’t feel so particularly good about this situation. Yet, after being left alone for too many nights, you found yourself visiting Captain Levi’s office frequently. At least, he allowed you to stay and be his company.
But watching how his slender fingers held the pen tightly, and scribbled along the lines about a past mission, described easily the first hour of your little visit. When you decided to stay longer, the eagerness of feeling loved and admired again overcame your clear state of mind. Hidden underneath Levi’s desk while having your mouth stuffed with his dick, or sprawled out on top of the wooden surface with your legs spread while his tongue devoured your pussy. It all happened too fast, and felt way too good, even if you never went the complete way because the guilt gnawed on your heart quickly after one orgasm.
But right now, just around the corner of the ballroom, you swallowed those feelings down with a sweet whimper. Levi’s rough and scared fingertips pressed into your thighs, knowing that he would leave blue and purple marks behind. Little hints for what you’ve been doing behind Erwin’s back but he would never see them, as his office work stood as his top priority.
The tip of his soft tongue circled the hardened bud between your wet folds. Levi made a mess between your thighs, the arousal already running down the inside of your left leg. Moans breathed into the palm of your hand, you tried your best to stifle the filthy whines which desired to escape the tightness of your dry throat. The other arm had the fabric of your dress crumbled between the slender fingers. You wanted to touch his soft hair so badly, press him further into your pussy while Levi offered a chance of stress relief. But he declined any obvious touch which could ruin his appearance. His reputation was important, and looking representative was important.
Furrowed brows and frowning corners of your mouth were enough to convince the Captain to cheer you up with a method, he was excellent had. “I’m close, Levi,” You removed your palm to whisper the words, and Levi answered with a hum against your clit.
Barely seconds later, two of his long and thin finger plunged into your wet hole, stretching your walls while his tongue flattened. Levi truly desired to grant you the best kind of experience possible. As if the government and scout regiment around the corner didn’t apply enough pressure, Levi’s digits and tongue added satisfaction to the risky moments. The thought of getting caught, Erwin turning the corner and witnessing how another man took care of your needs, pushed you into the bliss of an orgasm.
Levi’s name slipped out of your mouth like tiny praises for the amazing result of his good work. As always, he lured you into a deep world of ecstasy as the inevitable pleasure crashes over you in waves. As you opened your eyes, Levi’s never-changing emotionless glare anchored on you as he used the handkerchief to wipe away your juices from his chin. “Such a sweet taste,” He commented, helping you to lower the skirt of your dress again and hide what he has been doing behind the Commander’s back.
“Stays between us,” Levi patted his rough fingertips against your flustered cheek, watching how the bashfulness spread further. “Next time, I will fuck you the way you deserve, doesn’t matter if Erwin hears,” On the inside, Levi chuckled about his own words. On the outside, his fingers caressed around your jaw before leaving to join the celebrations again. At least until you offered him release for the bulge in his pants.
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