#time to take these back to their rightful place and btw you two who unintentionally helped us find them can stay here in the usa
primatechnosynthpop · 2 years
You know what would be fun is like a plot/character swap between rides again and goes to africa.... like Ernest showing Rene the "boomerang" he found and obviously she doesn't recognize exactly what it is because she's not a scholar but she can tell it's something interesting, maybe part of an artifact, and is like (girl who has only seen Illinois Smith and the Curse of Hitler's Brain) oh boy... getting a lot of "Illinois Smith and the Curse of Hitler's Brain" vibes from this!! And she recognizes this as her Big Chance to go on an adventure so she's like c'mon Ernest show me where you found this! And there's no real romance between them and it still ends with her realizing she wants a calmer lifestyle after all, but she does gain confidence along the way and it culminates in her coming to Ernest's rescue.
And conversely, Ernest trying to give his definitely mutual buddy Abner a yo-yo, and he's not remotely interested because it's not like it contains any valuable jewels or anything, surely, but Dr. Glencliff sees the transaction and is like oh boy time to kidnap Abner and threaten to cut him up with my cranial bone saw if Ernest doesn't hand over the jewels!! And there is a romantic arc and it actually fully plays out because while I'm at it I'm also switching around a bunch of other aspects. Well that's all
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sawyerconfort · 10 months
fire(and)place | jackie taylor x fem!young shipman!reader
Ok, just want to let you guys know that this is an experimental post, because I really want to start watching Yellowjackets and I decided to write oneshots about it...
So, I'm sorry if there's anything wrong with this story regarding the context of the series, I didn't really watch it and only watched snippets of the episodes to cheer myself up and see if I liked the atmosphere of the series.
Btw, it's a story with a character played by Ella Purnell, I think there's no way to go wrong, right?
Hope you like it!
Requests open but taking things slow!
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Prompt: After your older sister has a nasty fight with Jackie in the woods, you decide to take matters into your own hands and confront her. It would all go down too well, though, if you didn't have a crush on her.
You didn't expect things to get to this point. In fact, you didn't even want things to get to this point. You knew better than anyone else how much Shauna liked Jackie, considered her her best friend, and how close Jackie actually was to you because she was best friends with your older sister.
Which is why, when you woke up to the screams echoing in the cabin that middle of the night, after accidentally falling asleep and snuggling into Natalie's shoulder - she was warm, in your defense - you wondered why Jackie wasn't there, and the way Shauna looking at you as soon as you opened your eyes was completely decisive.
"Why the hell are you yelling this time?", you asked, your voice coming out low and rather sleepy. "Where's Jackie? I thought we'd go hunting when we were all together, didn't we?"
"Not anymore," Misty blurted out unintentionally. "Your sister decided to fight Jackie, and she's outside now, who knows where, in the cold maybe."
Shauna rolled her eyes. "She started it!"
"Shut up you suckers!" you yelled, standing up and brushing a few strands of Natalie's gorgeous blonde hair out of her clothes a little bit before heading for the door. "You shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't!"
"Where are you going, (Y\N)?"
"Do what you didn't do. Apologize to Jackie and save her from dying of hypothermia at least."
You rolled your eyes as you left, slamming the cabin door slamming and leaving the girls exchanging skewed looks. Misty stopped Shauna with her arm and your sister had to watch you go, against her will, outside in the snow, just when she should have been protecting you.
It wasn't too hard to find Jackie, knowing at first that even if she was intensely hurt by Shauna or any of the girls, she wouldn't go far. The girl was as scared as you were about navigating the forest alone, so she could be anywhere, just close.
It was practically freezing outside, and you found yourself picking up your pace several times to keep your shoes from sinking into the icy white snow - sometimes it was quite pointless and you practically froze just by dipping your toes a little bit. But it helped you to locate yourself, when the fog gave way to a figure turned on its back, hugging its own legs, with that varsity jacket that you knew so much, and that, dammit, she never took off her body!
It didn't take much for you to know it was Jackie and, relieved to see her, you walked over slowly and sat down where she was, beside her, avoiding eye contact.
"Please don't tell me Shauna asked you to come after me as a consolation prize," she said, rolling her eyes, still hugging her legs. Her voice emitted a little air from her lips, and when you looked up, her mouth was purple.
Quickly, you needed to take action. You dug with your hands until you couldn't dig anymore, but eventually you found some sticks and stones, which were more visible in the middle of the snow. By rubbing the two together, you created a little bit of fire and arranged some lighter pieces of wood to create a fire. Jackie sighed in relief and another little smoke came out of her mouth.
"No, she didn't ask. I came at my own risk," you finally replied, taking a deep breath as well. It was nice to feel something warm as you sat on the icy ground. "May I know what happened between you two? Why did you fall out so quickly? Everything was so good…"
She didn't answer, and you decided to play with the situation.
"It's only when I fall asleep that you decide to let go, right? That's serious, Jackie, it's a lack of a worthy mother figure."
Jackie laughed, and dammit, you loved it when she laughed. You loved when you could make her laugh, when you could see her little eyes close as she turned her head towards you and looked into her eyes like she was looking at a little sister.
That's what you were to her, a little sister. And that was all.
"I don't know why Shauna is mad at me. Sometimes I thought it might be Jeff, but now that I've broken up with him, I…I don't know anymore," Jackie sighed. "I thought you knew, since you're sisters, and she should tell you everything…"
"Uh, one point less for you…", you chuckled nervously, sighing. "Shauna never tells me anything. She pretty much hates me, I think maybe she'd rather I was a Barbie doll instead of a normal flesh and blood person…" you huffed. "Seriously, I had to beg her to let me on your team, really."
"But she was right, (Y\N), you were still too young. It could cause problems in your class, because you're a year below us."
"I'm not a kid anymore, Jackie, I make my own decisions, and I've decided I want to make the team," you replied in an authoritative voice. "No one can change that now, I also wanted to win, I wanted to help you on the team, not just watch from the stands…"
Jackie nodded, smiling and pursing her lips. She looked at you, and again, there was that annoying little "big sister look" thing she always gave you. You pretended you weren't affected by him and tried to ignore it, but it was impossible.
"If I ask nicely, will you go back inside and make up with Shauna?" you asked in a whisper, looking at Jackie again.
"(Y\N), it's no use. Shauna really hates me now, there's no going back."
"But that can't happen! How am I supposed to be if you guys are fighting forever? How am I going to convince my mom to let me go to your party without Shauna around to babysit me?"
Jackie shook her head. "I'm sorry. Really."
"But that couldn't happen! It's so unfair!"
"(Y\N), stop whimpering like a baby!", Jackie complained, turning to you. "It's irritating, okay? It doesn't help at all!", her voice was different, and it was clear that she was very irritated with the situation.
You widened your eyes, an intrusive thought running through your mind as you stared back at her, your voice trailing off. "You find me annoying? Really?"
"No, that's not what… Ah, (Y\N), come on, I'm sorry, okay?", Jackie clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth and looked at you, her voice becoming quiet and calm, like she was talking to a puppy. "That's not what I meant, I swear, it's just…I'm really pissed off right now, and if you keep forcing me to make it up to her, I'll…"
You nodded, holding back tears, but didn't say anything. Then, there was a moment when Jackie surprised you by cupping your chin with her fingers and forcing you to look into her eyes. Gorgeous, huge, but gorgeous, you could easily get lost in the whole pool of charisma that was inside them.
"Come on, give me a smile please, (Y\N)…", she whispered, still holding you by the chin, and you smiled, blushing slightly. "That's it. I love seeing you smile, (Y\N), really. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to you, but this whole situation is killing me."
"Everyone is nervous, Jackie, it's normal…", you explained, whispering, too lost to focus on one thing. "We should be playing right now, winning medals, lifting trophies, but here we are, stranded on a shitty island."
"Hey, at least we still have people to count on…", she whispered back, smiling. "People we like, that's what matters to me at least," Jackie laid her head gently on his shoulder and looked into the crackling fire. "Like, I like you a lot, (Y\N). I don't know what I would do if we had a fight…"
You were taken aback by the revelation. You were already used to Jackie's surprises and her nonsensical phrases, but this time, it rang true. Too bad you felt more than just a liking, and that you couldn't truly tell her that for fear of losing the friendship.
"Me too… I like you, Jackie…", you whispered. "But…"
"But you really want to dump me now, don't you? Yeah, I know. I figured my lack of affection would hurt someone one day…"
"No!", you said, kind of loudly, startling her too. "No, what I meant is… that I like you. Like hell. But it's not just liking… a friend. You know… I'm…"
She quickly pulled her head away from your shoulder to look at you, laughing in disbelief.
"Are you telling me that… you're in love with me?", Jackie asked, confused, frowning. "I mean, like, you? In love with me?"
"Yeah, I think that's right…", you replied. "I'm sure, actually. I'm in love with you, Jackie, and I've never felt that way about anyone in my entire life.
"Damn, (Y\N), that…that was cute, you know?"
Your smile faded, and Jackie saw it right away. It made her laugh, and when you least expected it, she kissed your cheek, then leaned in a little closer to kiss your lips, and you were taken aback by the feel of icy, frozen lips pressed against yours.
Jackie didn't seem to regret the impulse. She was clearly nervous, but she was shivering too, from the cold, and as you kissed, she touched your face with trembling hands over and over again, sometimes hesitating between your cheek and your shoulders.
Her lips were cold, because of the ice, and they were soft, because they were a girl's lips. The girl you were in love with and had kept that secret for a long, long time.
"Was that your way of saying you like me too?" you asked, afraid that this was more of a threat than a genuine question from someone who was confused when she pulled away from you.
Jackie smiled, nodding and blushing as she kissed you again. This time, the touch lasted a little less, and when she pulled away, her face was hidden in the crook of your neck.
"I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out…" she whispered. "It was literally in my face the entire time. That's why Shauna hates me. Because of you, (Y\N). She's so jealous because you guys are sisters, and because I'm her best friend…"
You smiled. "And that makes you regret liking me?"
"Never, I swear…", Jackie whispered. "I actually love the fact that I like you. It's comforting because I knew I'd never have to say it out loud since the two of us are inseparable…"
You smiled again and it was your turn to hide your face in Jackie's neck. She hugged you with both arms and breathed in your scent, sighing. She was clearly warmed by the touch of you on her body.
"Now, if I ask nicely, will you go back to the cabin?"
"(Y\N)!", Jackie sighed, before kissing you again, only this time, all over your face, laughing every time her lips meet your skin. "God, will you stop being so cute? This way I won't convince you that I'm mad at your sister!"
"It never convinced me, to tell you the truth. You two are failures to disguise that, deep down, deep down, you still like each other. And I'm happy about that, because I know that, no matter what, you'll have to put up with me for the rest of your days!"
The girl smiled. "Yeah, not that I'm complaining, either."
And there you two idiots were, giggling by a poorly made fire for the rest of the night, after an awkward but completely adorable confession.
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I loved your post with your BuggyxLuffy headcanons, and I was curious what your headcanons are for your versions of the two as individuals 👉👈
Love the way you draw them btw!
I'm glad you asked. *Cracks knuckles"
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100% learns swear words as he goes. He'll hear them being used and sometimes use them in the wrong context.
His eyes are only dark when he's angry. Any other time they resemble honey.
His favorite place to be touched is his face. It makes him feel safe.
He has a Brazilian accent that gets thicker the angrier or more worked up he becomes.
He will switch into Portuguese randomly. Mainly when he's trying to piss Buggy or anyone else off.
He's super shy about his hair. His beautiful curls have been made fun of in the past.
He gets offended when someone who isn't him insults Buggy. He takes it personally.
Describes alcohol as spicy juice.
Sunsets are one of his favorite things to look at.
He will bring random ass bugs onto the Big Top and hide them to scare Buggy. The bigger the better.
Luffy loves to prank the other crew members too. He makes it a personal mission to be an absolute menace while he's on Buggy's ship. He'll hide in cupboards, switch out sugar with salt, stretch his hands to pants a crewmate, etc.
Luffy can't play cards for shit, but he can spot a players tell from a mile away. He helps Buggy cheat🤫
He wants to learn how to cook.
The very last level of the Big Top is Luffy's favorite place to be alone. The supply room has four large windows that reveal all the sea life around him.
Luffy likes to crossdress. Once he becomes accustomed to physical desire, he likes to bring it out in Buggy by wearing pretty clothes. Other times, he does it for himself to boost his confidence when he feels low.
Luffy is an exhibitionist. He's always lived for thrills and that is a major one for him.
He can be very sensitive at times, and when he doesn't know how to cope with confusing feelings, he gets aggressive.
He secretly enjoys reading.
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Isn't afraid to kill a crew member or bystander for the smallest inconvenience.
He works out and tends do do most of his workouts on deck.
Hates docking anywhere that doesn't have a bar.
His favorite whiskey is Litchfield Cinnamon Bourbon and he keeps a stash in his office.
Despite what people may think first glance, Buggy keeps himself clean. He's extremely vain and doesn't like to smell bad.
He enjoys the taste of blood.
If anyone besides Luffy pops off at him or puts their hands on him, they won't live.
He won't say it out loud, but Cabaji and Mohji are like brothers to Buggy.
Despite being extremely egotistical, he doesn't mind being degraded in moments of intimacy.
If he feels like he's losing control of himself, he'll hide away in his office so he doesn't unintentionally hurt someone.
He's not human.
Buggy loves to gamble. He will bring Luffy along with him because Luffy can read people better than Buggy can.
Buggy is a skilled painter.
His favorite place to be touched are his arms or his chest. He secretly likes to be felt up in those areas.
He lives for shock value and will scare the shit out of anyone anywhere.
He absolutely fucking hates bugs and will plot ways to get back at Luffy for bringing them into his ship.
The crossbones on his face is a tattoo.
He's secretly impressed if someone stands up to him, but he'll still knock them on their ass.
He takes on a lot of responsibility on his ship because he wants things done right.
If anyone puts their hands on Luffy, it's death on sight.
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bloogers-boogers · 1 year
Small one-shot
Author’s note: God, It’s been like a week since I last wrote, tho it feels like decades 😭 anyways this is about my last post ‘no cure’
Gave it my best, i still have some drafts to finish when it comes to my other fics (no, i haven’t forgotten!) so yeah, went a little rush on this one.
Btw @malu897 i did it! Cx
“What’s taking him so long?” Kyle tapped his feet desperately as he hold on to a basketball, he stood put near the basketball hoop watching intensely towards the entrance of the court.
Both Stan and Kenny shared a glance in confusion before the raven boy spoke.
“You invited Butters?”
Kyle arced a brow, “no dude, I’m talking about Cartman. Where the fuck is he?” Clenching on to the ball as he felt frustration rise inside him. He wanted to play already and his fat friend was delaying them from doing so.
Oblivious to his friends concerns he began bouncing the ball a couple of times, turning his back away from them and throwing the ball inside the hoop with ease.
“Cartman can’t come, he’s sick,” Stan added softly, watching Kyle tense before stopping the ball from rolling away with his right feet.
Still looking away he grabbed the ball, “So? He can still come and play. Did someone tell him we were gonna meet up here?”
“Dude, Kyle. Like he’s really sick right now, i doubt he could if he wanted to.”
The redhead made a sour expression before turning to look at his friends, “He’s been through worse, he can do it. Cmon, let’s get his lazy ass outta bed before he blends with it,” and with that, he marched his way towards Cartman’s house, two unsure boys following behind.
"Sorry boys, but Eric can’t come out to play today,” Liane comented, smiling apologetic before closing the door.
“See?” Stan spoke from behind, Kyle looked the other way not bothering to answer back, following the trail of snow leading under Cartman’s window.
He stood there staring at the window above, his friends approaching as they connected the dots.
“Kyle, that’s not necessary,” Stan tried reasoning with the redhead, but it was far too late; Kyle was already half way climbing the ladder conveniently placed in the ground underneath the window.
Kyle peeked from outside the window, using both his hand to see clear inside
“Anything?” He heard Stan ask.
“It’s dark,” he replied back, before tapping a couple of times expecting to hear something back, but none.
He slowly opened up the window as he peeked his head inside, eyeing a small lump wrapped with a blanket in the bed.
A coughing fit began to resonate throughout the room, Kyle carefully climb inside entering the bedroom.
“Cartman?” He asked in a whisper, cautious to not be caught by his friend’s mother, “lardass, stop acting like you got your limbs cut off and let’s go. We’re getting you outta here,”
Kyle approached his friend who only bothered to give him a small glance; still under his covers looking exhausted with big dark circles under his eyes and his skin paler than ever. His stomach flipped a knot, the boy didn’t seemed bothered by his presence, his eyes were dull and he coughed a little more lightly than previously.
“Kyle..?” The redhead’s heart pounder a aching feeling resurfacing in it by the softest sound his ever heard come out from his rival.
His fingers twitch, looking at the boy’s messy hair covering half his eyes.
Kyle felt like he was left speechless, luckily for him he was unintentionally saved by his best friend who peaked from outside the window before joining inside followed by Kenny.
"Hey, Cartman," Stan chimed in, a sad smile formed his lips, "we're gonna go play basketball."
"I don't think he can move, dudes," Kenny spoke next to them.
They all share a knowing glance and with out further thought Kenny was already found half way down the ladder holding on to Cartman's ass an legs with one arm while Kyle held Cartman's upper body on to his back as he climb down and Stan hold on to the ladder for safety reasons, Cartman tirelessly rested his head on the redhead's shoulder as his arms dangled on to Kyle's sides as both boys struggled to get him down.
Miraculously they managed to do so with out dropping him, Stan on the other hand trip on the last step climbing down.
The breeze hit fiercely against them and Cartman began coughing abruptly, Kyle covered his mouth with his hand still having Cartman on his back, "do you want us to get caught, fatass?" He sneered, hearing the coughing cease.
He struggled a bit to balance himself, wobbling legs by the extra weight but he managed to stand still, eyeing his friends in a signal to keep watch while walking down the streets and heading towards the basketball court.
That was one of the few attempts they did to keep including their ill friend in there hangouts.
The second time is was with little less effort, as Cartman really was in a delicate state so they managed to sneak inside his bedroom and watch Netflix movies together against the protest of their parents.
The third, was much more complicated.. Cartman was trapped at the hospital this time, Kenny had stalled the nurses with a couple of firecrackers while Kyle and Stan stuck in Cartman's room and wheeled his bed out from the building. They slid down wildly a cliff, smiling with the sudden rush of adrenaline holding on to their friend who didn't share the same enthusiasm as they went down.
And no matter how many times his friends tried to reason with him for the obvious oncoming Kyle refused to accept Cartman wasn't gonna be okay, that he still was the same old Cartman they knew and that he could still be as livid and wild as he ever was.
But deep inside, he knew that was a lie to keep himself from admitting the inevitable truth.
Cartman was gonna die.
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sugawaraxo · 4 years
warnings: definitely smut 
characters: tooru oikawa, tobio kageyama, kenma kozume, koshi sugawara
a/n: i’m taking request btw :) my inbox is open. also, this is kinda long so grab your popcorn haha
 - oikawa is obsessed with you whether he wants to admit it or not
- which is wild because no one would’ve expected him to ever be more obsessed with anyone other than himself
- but here you are
- and he LOVES being around you 
- just being in your presence makes him all giddy and smiley
- though he does try to compose himself whenever you guys are around his teammates but usually fails 
-  he’s not obsessed in a weird or creepy way, but just enough for you to know that he’s all about you and only you
- and you love it
- and of course oikawa’s obsession with you rings no surprise that he’s obsessed with being inside you 
- as long as he’s close to his pretty y/n, he’s happy
the two of you had just finished a long and strenuous two rounds of sex and were more than ready for bed. but when oikawa got out of bed to get towels for the two of you to clean up with, you felt extremely empty. you were exhausted, that’s for sure. but a big part of you just wanted him filling you up again, even if nothing else happened. you pout, knowing that your attentive boyfriend would notice when he came back, which he did. 
“hm, what’s wrong pretty girl?” he asks softly as he starts to gently clean his mess off of your stomach with a warm towel. 
“i want you inside of me again.” you say in an almost whisper, a little embarrassed by the words that just left your mouth and he laughs lightly. 
“you’re so cute.” he says as he tucks a piece of hair away from your face and gives you a kiss. “but i’m so tired.” he finishes, then plops down on the bed beside you, big spooning you. 
“no, we don’t have to have sex again, i’m exhausted too. i just want you inside me.” you say shyly. you feel his dick twitch behind you and can’t help but smile a little, knowing you’re about to get what you want.
“oh, like cockwarming?” oikawa asks and you nod in response. “hm, ok. yeah, we can do that.” he smiles before kissing your forehead. he was already big spooning you so he was in the perfect position to just slip it in. he pulls down his shorts just enough so that his member could spring free, then pulls the panties that you were wearing under one of his shirts down just enough for him to have access to what he needed. he teases your folds with his tip a little bit, causing you to tense up. then he slowly pushes himself inside you, it not being too difficult with you still being wet from earlier. the two of you moan in unison, both sensitive from your previous interactions. once he’s fully in, he stays there and wraps his arm around your waist as he plants a soft kiss on your shoulder.
“does that feel good? is that ok?” he asks before pressing more soft kisses on your shoulder and your neck.
“it’s perfect.” you coo and he pulls you a little closer with the arm he had slung over your waist.
“goodnight princess.”
“goodnight oikawa.”
- you definitely have morning sex when you wake up
- let’s be real here, he really doesn’t know what any kinks are
- he just learns what he likes and what he doesn’t like from you and waits for you to tell him if it’s a kink or not 
- you end up having to tell him that basically anything sexual can be a kink after he keeps asking you “is that a kink?” every time you two do something new in bed 
- you find his lack of knowledge on the subject adorable though, even though you constantly tease him about it 
- he honestly just goes with the flow and follows your lead in terms of sexual things
- not that he’s the submissive one, you just know more about sex so sometimes you have to give him extra guidance
- he doesn’t mind it though, he wouldn’t wanna learn it from anyone else but you
- and you just so happened to teach him his new favorite kink
you two are making out on kageyama’s bed. it starts off innocent at first but slowly progresses into a messier and more heated kiss. you’re on top of him, tugging on his hair while he grips onto your hips. you begin slowly grinding against him causing him to moan softly into your mouth. his sounds were always so pretty and always instantly made your core pulse. you continue grinding on kageyama, giving both yourself and him pleasure. but it isn’t enough. in one swift motion he flips you over so now he’s the one on top. without detaching his lips from yours, he pulls his member out of his pants and lifts up the skirt you’re wearing then slowly pulls down your underwear, revealing your wet core.
“pretty.” he mumbles before licking a teasingly slow and soft stripe up your folds. you moan at the sensation and shut your eyes in pleasure. he continues to please you with his tongue before inserting two fingers into you. it hurts a bit more than usual but you shrug it off because the pleasure outweighs the pain. he continues with this for a few minutes more before he can’t take it anymore and positions himself at your entrance. he slowly begins pushing himself in, but as soon as he’s all the way in, you yelp in pain.
“ow ow ow! stop!” you groan, and kageyama does as told.
“what’s wrong? s-should i take it out?” he asks, concern laced in his voice.
“no no, keep it in just let me adjust to it.” you say. the day before, you and kageyama had some hardcore sex. you had unintentionally somewhat intentionally made him jealous so that he would punish you, and oh that he did. but your poor pussy was suffering the consequences. 
“ok princess, i won’t move. just let me know when you’re ready.” he says softly and you smile at his sweetness. he starts kissing you again, this time more deep and passionate as opposed to the sloppy, heated kiss that got you here in the first place. you were slowly beginning to relax around your boyfriend while he was losing his mind trying not to bust inside of you. something about not moving but still being inside you, feeling you around him. the anticipation. it’s driving him crazy.
“oh no, i’m gonna cum.” he says shyly as he pulls away from the kiss and accidentally cums inside of you. he hides his face in the crook of your neck in embarrasment and you just giggle at him, as that isn’t the first time that’s happened. 
“is, is that a kink? not doing anything, just being inside you? because i think i have that kink.” he mumbles into your shoulder.
“it is actually, it’s called cockwarming.” you say as you gently stroke his hair, trying to relax your still clearly embarrassed boyfriend. 
“hm, well can we never do cockwarming again, that was embarrassing.” he sighs before finally removing his head from the crook of your neck and looking at you.
“i don’t think it was embarrassing baby, i thought it was cute. but if you don’t wanna do it again we don’t have to.” you reassure him and he blushes at your compliment.
“maybe we can do it again sometime then, but for now it’s time to get you cleaned up.” he says before picking you up over his shoulder and taking you to the bathroom. 
- anyone who knows kenma knows that he is always preoccupied with video games
- whenever he’s playing, it’s fairly difficult to get his attention
- as his girlfriend, you’ve somewhat learned to accept this, even though you would like more attention from your boyfriend
- but you take what you can get, knowing that’s just how kenma is and you wouldn’t ever wanna change him 
- but sometimes you get needy
- really needy 
- and kenma isn’t always the best at reading that
- so you take it upon yourself to get the kind of attention you’re craving from your boyfriend
kenma doesn’t really get flustered too often. but when he does, oh anyone in a ten mile radius can tell. the first time you saw him really get flustered was when he gave you his hoodie while you were out on a date. it had gotten colder than you expected so he gave you his jacket to keep you warm, and as soon as you put it on, the boy went red. he couldn’t even form coherent sentences at first and you thought it was the most hilariously adorable thing ever. ever since that day, you’ve worn his clothes whenever you wanted his attention; hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts, you name it. today is one of those days. kenma has been gaming all day in some sort of tournament and you’re beginning to get frustrated because of how badly you’re craving his touch, so you pull out the big guns. you put on one of his favorite hoodies, one that you’ve never worn before, and head into his gaming room. he’s sitting is his gaming chair deep in concentration, shooting at someone and talking to who you assume is kuroo on his headset. he doesn’t even notice you at first until you come sit in his lap, your legs resting on either side of his as you lay your head on his shoulder. 
“hi kitten.” he whispers away from his mic before placing a gentle kiss on your lips and you hum in response. you played with the hair at the nape of his neck for a little bit before your overwhelming feeling of neediness comes back. you lift your head from kenma’s shoulder, now somewhat blocking his view of his computer screen.
‘i want to feel you inside me’ you mouth to him. he hadn’t even realized what you were wearing until right then, and his cheeks blush bright red. he places a finger under your chin and uses it to pull you in for a kiss. “go for it.” he whispers to you as he pulls away, reverting his attention back to his game that he had forgotten about for a quick second. you easily slip his member out of the sweats he’s wearing and give it a few strokes to get him hard. you were wearing absolutely nothing under his hoodie in hopes that this would be the outcome, and when he notices that as he glances from you back to his computer screen every so often, he mumbles 
“dirty little kitten, this is exactly what you wanted hm?” 
“mhmm” you respond and he smiles.
you continue what you’re doing and position kenma’s tip at your hole before slowly sinking down on it. your breath hitches at the feeling of being filled up, while kenma clenches his eyes shut and bites his lip in order to hold back his moans. once he’s fully inside you, you lay your head on his shoulder again and just stay there.
“hm, that’s it? you just wanna cockwarm me?” kenma asks curiously. 
“mhmm. just wanted to feel you inside me, that’s it.” you say sleepily, slowly drifting as you shut your eyes. 
kenma can’t help but smile, “you’re adorable.” he says before planting a kiss on your cheek. you smile a small smile in return before dozing off on kenma’s shoulder, him still buried deep inside you. 
every so often you would move around in your sleep and kenma would have to bite his lip to hold back a moan so the friends he was playing with wouldn’t hear, but it was worth the risk because he loves just being this close to you, and you do too.
- suga’s high sex drive really surprised you when you two first started dating
- his kinkiness surprised you too
- you thought he would always be very gentle and vanilla
- but you were very mistaken
- not that you’re complaining though
- he’s always open to trying new things
- so when you bring up the topic of cockwarming, he’s intrigued
“is that something you wanna try bunny?” he asks after you finish explaining to him what exactly cockwarming is.
“we don’t have to if you don’t want to, i just think it’d be interesting to try.” you shrug
“i agree.” he says, before leaning over to start kissing your neck. that’s your weak spot, so you take this as suga saying he wants to try right now. the two of you are currently on the couch, in the middle of watching a romcom but clearly that romcom has been forgotten as suga continues to make little love bites on your neck. you lift his chin to kiss him because you know if you don’t stop him now, he’ll cover your whole body in hickies. the kiss is soft, but passionate and you can feel yourself quite literally melting into it. somehow you end up straddling suga, still lost in the kiss. you suddenly notice a pair of familiar fingers making their way down to your most sensitive area. he teases you, rubbing his fingers over your pajama shorts, knowing you’re getting needy because of the way you’re starting to softly moan into his mouth. he takes this as a sign of you wanting more and breaks away from the kiss so he can take off your shorts and your underwear, with a little bit of help from you. once your bottom half is completely naked, he grins and begins kissing you again. the sensation of your bare core against suga’s sweatpants was teasing you, so you began moving your hips to get some friction. suga moans a little at your sudden movements and you can feel him getting harder. he pushes you up off of him slightly so that he can pull his sweats down, them ending up just hanging around his ankles. now both of your bottom halves are naked, and you’re staring at each other in anticipation.
“sit on it bunny.” suga instructs and you follow his orders, sitting down on his length and feeling every inch against your walls. that feeling when he first inserts into you will never get old. 
“mm, suga.” you moan. he instinctively thrusts after hearing your pretty noises, completely forgetting what you guys were supposed to be trying.
“no, don’t move.” you laugh at him and he blushes apologetically.
“sorry, i couldn’t help it. you’re just so pretty.” he apologizes and you melt.
“it’s ok suga, you’re adorable.” you smile. “i’m gonna turn around now, but keep you inside me and we’ll finish the movie just like this, yeah?” you say.
“yeah.” he nods in agreement. without pulling suga out of you, you turn so that you’re no longer straddling him but sitting in his lap with your back facing towards him, your face now facing the tv. you guys finish the rest of the movie exactly like this, you sitting on suga’s lap with his member deep inside of you and suga occasionally thrusting up into you just to get your reaction. 
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drakenology · 3 years
Game Over 👾 - Kenma Kozume
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gamer!kenma x gamer!reader
summary: kenma works at gamestop and this cutie came in to buy a new game. wonder if she’s single..
author’s note: kenma simps come get yall juice 🥵! we love a gamer boy. hope yall like dis. 🥴
warnings: smut (obviously), softdom!kenma, hair pulling, fluffy stuff, shitty rom-coms and kuroo being a hype man.
Slow days at GameStop were the worst. No one comes in anymore; who the hell still buys disks when you can buy all your games digitally now anyways? Still, it was easy money and something to do over the summer other than sit around and binge play League of Legends all day.
Kenma sighed as he pretended to look busy in front of the manager by fixing the poster wall for the eighth time all shift, mundanity floating through the store as three customers left after just leisurely looking around.
As Kenma’s restocking the playstation game wall he feels a tap on his shoulder.
“Um, excuse me do you work here?” A feminine voice asked.
“No. I just wear this fucking uniform shirt because I like it.” Kenma thought to himself before turning his head to face what was possibly the cutest girl he’s ever seen.
Kenma’s not really used to seeing too many girls in the store when he worked so he was a little shocked. But god she was pretty. She was wearing red; one of his favorite colors with these jeans that hugged her legs and thighs so nice he almost choked on his tongue before speaking.
“Uh.. yeah. How can I help you?” He finally responded.
“Hi! Um, I just wanted to know where I can find Fallout 4 for xbox? I’ve been looking everywhere for it and I can’t find it.” She sung. Her voice was like a symphony of everything good in the world. Kenma started to wonder what she’d sound like underneath him while he-
“Yeah. I’ll show you, I had to move them for a while so I could make room for newer games.” Kenma said, leading her towards the wall with all the xbox games were. He reached up high and grabbed the game off rhe top shelf and handed it to her with a meek smile.
“Thanks! I see you’re the only one working so I’ll look around and let you know when I’m ready to checkout.” She said smiling back. Kenma nodded and continued his work slowly so he could stare at her through the shelfs and hangers around the store.
The way she picked up things as she looked at them was adorable; her nose scrunching up as she giggled at the pikachu plushies. Kenma blushed as he watched her look around the store as if it were her first time visiting. She gamed, so it’s not like she’s never been in a gamestop before. But the way she looked at things she liked with fresh eyes was something to ponder on. He had to know her; at least her name.
Anyone who knew Kenma would know he’s not the type to go oogling at some girl and ask for her number, he’s hopelessly shy. But he couldn’t risk not seeing this girl again. As he walked to the counter, he gulped up his reluctance and took a deep breath.
“Hey. Ready when you are.” He said, getting the girl’s attention. She smiled and walked over with her game and a pikachu plushie; of course. She’s so fucking cute.
“Heh. Pikachu?” He teased, hoping he didn’t offend her. She simply laughed and put it on the counter for him to ring up.
“What can I say? I’m 12.” She said, sticking out her tongue with a smirk. Fuck. Kenma gulped again, pathetically blushing right in front of her and hoping she didn’t notice the tint of his cheeks turn bright red. He grabbed her stuff and rang it up, bagging it all nice for her before handing the bag to her.
“Want a receipt?” Kenma asked. She nodded, standing at the counter as she watched him print it out. Shit. The exchange was almost over and he hasn’t even asked her name yet. He had to before it was too late.
“Hey uh.. c-can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Kenma said, looking down at the screen and not into her gorgeous eyes.
“Yeah? What’s wrong, sir?” She asked. Fuck. Sir? Really? What’s she trying to do?
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N, why?”
“I-I wanted to know if I could have your number? And like maybe take you out- o-only if you want to I’m not-“
She laughed, and wrote her name and number on the back of the receipt and handed it back to him.
“Call me. I’d love to go out with you. You seem cool.” Y/N said. She squinted her eyes a little to read Kenma’s name tag.
“Ken..ma? Right? I’ll see you around, Kenma.”
And so began his helpless fall for her.
“Yo! Kenma, how’s it going with Y/N? Been a couple months now, right?” Kuroo asked over the discord server. Kenma blushed and looked down at his phone to see that you texted him.
“We’re good. She’s actually coming over in a bit so this will be my last game.” He said, smiling a little at your sweet message.
“Hey, Kenny! I’m on my way over. I’m raiding your kitchen btw I’m hungry 🤤 .”
“Ooooh, Kenma’s ‘bout to get some pussssayyy!” Kuroo teased. Kenma cringed and covered his flustered face as if anyone could see him.
“Shut up. Sh-she and I are taking it slow. I dunno if we’ll even go there today. None of your business anyways, perv!” Kenma explained, nervous about you coming over for the first time like ever.
You two had been on a few dates now, he had even met your roommate and your other friends. You two got so close after that day you had met at the GameStop and he was so grateful he came to work that day instead of calling out to binge play videogames. Kuroo erupted in furious laughter and continued his games with Kenma, enthused about him about finally getting some.
“Gotta hand it to you man, you managed to get yourself a hottie. And a gamer at that. I’m jealous.” Kuroo added, Kenma rolling his eyes.
He knew it too though. Kenma wasn’t necessarily a ladies man so it was a mystery what drew you to him. Still, he’s grateful he could spend his time with you even if you guys weren’t set in stone just yet.
Just as the game wrapped up, he received a call from his new favorite person.
“Hey, Kenma. I’m outside! Lemme in!” You giggle into the phone before the front door flung open, Kenma scooping you into his arms.
“Hey, you. Missed you.” He said into your hair. You smile and hug him back, following his lead inside. His little apartment was so cozy, gamer memorabilia all over the place as it screamed “Kenma”. It was so him. You smile and walk into his bedroom, thinking nothing of it as you gawk at his gaming setup.
“Woah. Didn’t know working at gamestop could get you a $1,000 set up!” You exclaim. Kenma laughed.
“Oh, I guess I didn’t tell you. I game professionally. GameStop is just another way for me to be close to videogames. Discounts are nice too.” He explained.
“So you’re a streamer?”
“Yup. You should watch me sometime. I-If you want.” Kenma said flustered. You smile and hook your arms around his neck and give him a peck on the nose.
You two spent most of the day talking about games and the lastest on manga you were both reading. Everytime you talked to him, he gave you something new to read and you’d talk about it next time you talked about it together.
Soon, you two were cuddling and watching shitty rom-coms; making fun of them became your favorite past time. You chuckle as the female protagonist says something completely cheesy about loving her love interest forever and gag at the kissing scene, Kenma covering his face in second hand embarrassment.
Then he took one look at you, snuggled up against him with your ass poking out against his groin. You were the little spoon, his arms around your waist as you look up at him from time to time to make a comment on the movie. Kenma was in love. But he had no idea how to tell you without scaring you off. What if it’s too soon? What if she doesn’t feel the same?
A cheesy sex scene displayed on the T.V causing you to get a little hot. Sure it was pretty lame but the thought of having sex right now; especially cuddled up with a cute boy, wasn’t too bad of an idea. Kenma’s sweating a little too, his dick growing hard as he realized the girl he really liked was laying in bed with him while watching borderline porn together; his face red as tomatos.
“Shit, I hope she doesn’t feel my dick poking against her. Fuck, she’s just so pretty.. I just wanna-“
“K-Kenma..?” You breath out, wet and face full of embarrassment.
“Yeah?” He said.
“I-I uh.. I don’t know how to say this but.. I’m h-horny.” You whisper as if someone else was in the room other than you two.
“A-Are you really?” Kenma asked, his dick growing more at the thought of how wet you were under your sweatpants, how hard and perky your nipples were under your bra. Fuck, he had to have you.
“Yeah.. I don’t know why but this scene is.. kinda turning me on.” You said, turning to face him to see his face bright red and eyes full of lust. You gulp, just as hungry as he is.
“Me too.” He said, staring down at your plump lips.
“Yeah?” You ask with seduction coating your tongue unintentionally, licking your lips as you bit down lightly as you looked up at him.
Kenma inched closer to your face, you following his lead as your lips finally met; your first kiss. The kiss was heavy, hands exploring and groping each other as you both moan into the kiss.
Clothes are shed and thrown to the side of the bed, Kenma drinking in the sight of your half naked body and savoring it. He pulled you back into the kiss, his tongue searching your mouth as you received him eagerly. You were making out so heavily, foreplay almost wasn’t even needed with how wet you got from his touch and kiss. You became so needy for him, the spot between your legs aching as your heart skipped eight beats.
“Kenma I-“ you said breaking the kiss, interrupted by a feral Kenma.
“No. I-I wanna take my time with you. Don’t rush.” You nod, Kenma grabbing your chin to pull you up to kiss him again.
You gasp, his hands a little cold as he touched your breasts. He groped and squeezed them, playing with your nipples as your squirm to gain friction in your panties.
You’re whining against Kenma’s mouth, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most. As Kenma pulled away, he took a brief moment to look down at your body as he climbed on top of you.
“You’re so pretty.” He gushed, causing you to giggle and reach up to move his hair from his face.
“You too. U-Uh I mean, you’re handsome.” You said weakly, aching for something more than just kissing. He smirked at you, like a switch went off in his mind. He wasn’t the sweet and shy Kenma he was a second ago, feral lust changing his demeanor as he took a nipple into his mouth. You moan, your breath shaky as he ghosts his fingers over your panties; him feeling a wet spot on them as he hummed.
“You’re so wet, angel.” He moaned, you surprised at your new nickname. Kenma’s fingers are pulling your panties aside expertly and coating them in your slick in seconds, your moans filling his ears as he prodded them at your entrance. Your breathing becomes uneven as he slids them inside, suckling on your nipple as he looked you in the eyes.
You’re a moaning mess for him, the sounds of the movie playing were drowned out by your pathetic little moans as Kenma fingered you with his slim fingers.
“Hah.. Uuugh, K-Kenmaaa.” You gasp, an orgasm brewing in the pit of your stomach. Kenma chuckled, pulling away from your breast to coax you; talking you through the orgasm about to wash over your body as his fingers hooked to find that spot you like.
“Am I making you feel good, baby?” He asks, you unable to answer as you hold his arm for dear life. “Answer me.”
“Y-Yes! God, Ah! I’m gonna-“
“I know, baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my fucking fingers.” He cooed, rubbing harsh circles into your clit as your legs nearly jolt closed, the pleasure becoming too much as you boil over.
“Yeahhhh baby. Good girl.” He mumbled, rubbing your clit slowly to help ride out your peak, leaving soft kisses on your forehead to soothe you.
You let out a deep sigh, warn out from fingering alone. No one has ever made you feel this good using just his hands. Imagine what he can do to you with his dick.
“Bend over, baby.” Kenma said, motioning for you to turn over on the bed by tapping your outer thigh. You blink dumbly at him, your high still lingering as you flip yourself over on the bed and lay flat.
“Ass up.” He demanded, striking your ass with just enough power to snap you out of your finger-dumb trance. You yelp and arch your back, bringing your ass closer to him as he grabbed your hips.
Kenma stayed still for a while and marveled at your ass bent over for him, rubbing your ass with his big hands and smacking it every so often. He bit his lip, mumbling fuck under his breath as he teased his dick against your already worn out pussy.
You turn to look back at him, lust in your eyes and a face Kenma would never forget.
“F-fuck me. Please Ken, I n-need you.” You beg, tearing up at the feeling of Kenma’s smooth dick brushing up against your sensitive clit.
“Say no more, baby. Gonna fuck you so good.” He hissed, nearly shoving himself inside. You gasp, the feeling of him stretching you so deliciously forcing a guttural moan from your chest.
Kenma started his pace hard yet slow, making sure you felt every inch; every vein of his dick, giving it his all as he ripped your noises from your mouth.
You’re panting, unable to keep up with him as you grip onto the sheets. You shoved your face into his pillows, screams uncontrollably leaving your lips as Kenma started brutally pounding into your poor pussy.
“Uhhnnn! I-I love you Kenma!” You shout, biting down on the pillow as you feel your chest get hot in embarrassment. God, why did you have to say love? Surely he doesn’t feel the same just yet.
“Fuck, I love you too, Y/N. Hah, I wanted to say that to you for so long.” Kenma admits, grabbing a fist full of your hair and yanking you up to him as he hummed sweet praised into your ear as he fucked you stupid. You sob, relieved he felt the same way.
The ultimate exchange of love between two people emerged as he threw you back onto the bed and raised on leg up onto the bed to gain a better angle on that sweet spot of yours causing you to shriek and clench around him as you come close to cumming. Suddenly, the searing hot pleasure stops as Kenma pulled out of you. You whine, your entire body shuddering from the extreme loss.
“Get up. I want you over my desk.” Kenma said, pulling you off the bed by your arm. He was being so rough with you right now you almost thought you were fucking a completely different person; Kenma the shy and awkward gamer boy transformed into the sexiest Dom you’d ever been with.
Your legs wobble as you stood bent over his desk and gaming set up, your naked chest pressed against the cold wood as you wait for him to fuck you again. Kenma prodding himself at your entrance and leaned down close to your ear, sliding himself inside you once more with a grunt.
“You feel so good, you know that? Ugh, I’m gonna ruin you.” He huffed, you answering with a whine. He’s plowing you into his desk before you can respond properly, your hands glued onto the sides of it for dear life. Sooner than late, your orgasm is knocking at your door. Tears bubble in your eyes as you cry out for Kenma.
“C-C-Can I cum now? P-please godd let me cum Ken, ahhah!” You babble, almost unable to hold yourself back for much longer as he pummeled you nice and hard.
“G’head, baby. Cum nice and hard for me.” Kenma granted, giving your ass a hard smack to make you clench around his dick harder as you came. It was amazing. It was like a volcano erupted inside you, loud moans and sobs filling the room as your chest heaved in and out.
Kenma ruts into you one last time and pulls out swiftly, stroking his dick to release himself onto your ass as you sigh from the loss. You both stand still for a while, Kenma staring down at your coating ass cheeks and you at your fucked out reflection of his monitor. You feel him step away, too drunk off your orgasm to even care what he’s doing as he cleans you up and leads you back to bed.
“I dunno where I threw your shirt so I’m just gonna grab one of mine, okay?” Kenma says, rubbing small circles into your back. You nod, eyes closed as you hum into the pillow in comfort.
You tried not to doze off as Kenma dressed you in some clothes of his that you were totally going to steal, his scent coating the fabric of his t-shirt. After a little while, Kenma’s in bed with you lacing his body with yours as he stroked your back to soothe you to sleep.
“Can I sleep over?” You ask cutely. Kenma smiled and kissed your forehead.
“Duh.” He said. You giggle and nuzzle your head into his chest, taking in his scent as you start to doze off.
“Did you mean that? What you said when we were... you know.” You ask, unsure. Kenma grabbed your chin and turned you to face him.
“Of course. I-I uh..” He paused. “I knew loved you the day I met you, Y/N.”
You tear up, pulling him up to kiss you.
“Same.” You say, holding him impossibly closer.
“So does this mean we’re-“ Kenma’s interrupted by the sound of you falling fast asleep, small snores driving Kenma into cuteness overload. He sighs, kissing your forehead as you slept on his chest.
Moments like these are truly ones to cherish.
wanna be tagged? dm me!
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♡〜request: Since you want Valorant requests, here we go! May I ask a making-out scenario with Cypher and Sova separately. Thank you~ Love your writings btw😘😍- @runeterrankhaleesi​〜♡
Cypher and Sova x gender neutral reader
Thank you! In the middle of this I didn't know how to say "stick your tongue in his mouth" in a less weird way.
Requested: Yes
Warnings: making out, swearing
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"Hey." You're chilling in the common area of HQ, a living room and small kitchen combo, when Cypher strolls on in. You're not quite sure why he's here, 'cause usually he's in his workshop either working or spying on people, and you haven't called for him either.
"Hey." You greet back. You suppose he's grabbing a snack, so you don't move to put away your book.
"(y/n)." He doesn't speak like he usually does, which is to say energetically. Curious, you glance up. Before you can say anything, Cypher makes himself comfy on your lap. Perhaps he wanted to sit and talk with you, though it's rare at this time of day and in this room. Mind you, there’s enough space on the couch for him to sit elsewhere. He takes your book from your hands, sticking the bookmark in the page and putting it on the bedside table.
"Something the matter?" You suspect something's wrong, what's wrong you don't know.
"I'm bored!" He exclaims, finally in his usual tone. You let out a visible sigh of relief which Cypher doesn't take notice of. "Everybody's on a mission except for Omen and he doesn't give me any information! There's only so much to do around here when there's no one to spy on!" As devastating and whiny his words are, you don't feel as if he's all that dejected.
"And I assume you've got an idea?"
He nods eagerly. He pulls back his mask and gives you a cheeky grin. You're stunned for a second - you rarely see Cypher without his mask - because boy, is he beautiful.
"Let's make out."
It takes a few minutes for you to process what he just said, but when you do, you sputter about for something to say. "What? Aamir, I.." Not like you haven't kissed or even done something more before, but in here? "Right here?"
Cypher nods, letting out a mischievous laugh. "Why not?"
"Somebody could see you without your mask." Cypher is a private man, his face is private information. "Omen has a tendency to hide in the shadows."
"Omen is Omen, he won't say a thing." Even if that logic sounds bad, it's true. Unless he's feeling mischievous, which usually he isn't. "Besides, I put silent tripwires everywhere. I know where everyone steps, except when the radiants use their powers for transportation, for some reason. And they usually don't."
Cypher lets out an eager giggle. "Thank you, love." 
He brings you in for a kiss, hands cupping your cheeks and tugging at your bottom lip already. He kisses you with all his might, running out of breath quickly. He pulls back with a disappointed pout, though it's his mistake, not yours. "Eager?" You raise a brow, watching him take a deep breath.
"What does it look like?" He says with sass. Before you can retort, he leans in again. He kisses you slightly open mouthed, allowing you to use your tongue. He moans and sucks on it. 
Your hands trail down from his waist to his hips slowly, bringing shivers down his spine. "(y/n).." Cypher breathes out, pulling back from your kiss. "God, I love you."
You chuckle, "Love you too." You bring him back into a kiss with your hand. Unfortunately for him, he wanted it to stay on his hips. He gets very preoccupied with your kisses, but he prefers your hands on his hips or somewhere lower. He brings your hand back to his hip. Much to his dismay, you hook your hands together at his tailbone. He has a feeling you know what you're doing.
"Lower." Cypher pulls back from your kiss, moving forward slightly so that he hovers a bit over your lap.
"Hmm?" You hum in feigned confusion, teasingly tapping your fingers against his lower back.
"Lower." He repeats, expecting you to get the hint. He doesn't want to beg or ask just yet, those are reserved for other things.
You raise a brow, "Lower what?"
He groans in frustration, now assured that you're playing with him. "Your hands."
"My ass, where else?" It's clear in his tone that his patience has run out.
"Mkay, mkay." You chuckle, moving your hands under his coat and where he wants them. You play with his plump ass through the rough fabric of his pants, smiling at his low groans. "Like that?"
"Yeah." He breathes shakily, closing his eyes in content. “Like that.”
Deciding you want to hear more of his beautiful moans, you kiss down his jaw, hoping he gets the hint. He does, removing his coat and giving you a freer reign over his body. He leaves it to drape over his shoulders, though, covering your frame as well. After all, it’s a lot of unnecessary extra fabric that he calls it style. 
You kiss over his neck, nipping here and there to tease him. He loves being marked, even if no one will even see the hickeys, since they’re covered with his coat. You kiss right above his Adam's apple before biting that same spot, prompting a groan from his lips. “Fuck.” He mutters, which makes you snicker. You continue to kiss and bite until you hear a small beep coming from.. somewhere you don’t know.
“The team has arrived at the hanger.” Cypher states with a sigh. He gives you a cheeky smile, but leans away from you. “This was fun.”
“Mhm.” You lean forward to place a kiss on Cypher’s nose before he can mask it. He pulls you in for a proper kiss on the lips, which lasts until you hear another beep. He doesn’t explain what that one means, and you have a feeling he doesn’t intend to, though he seems in a bit of a rush.
He places his mask and hat over his head, just in time for Sage and Yoru to walk into the room. They’re both probably looking for some nourishment after a tough mission, leaving Brimstone to the paperwork aftermath. Sage will most likely not stay long to bring Brimstone some food too, Yoru is here for food and entertainment.
“Hello.” Sage greets. She looks at you once and doesn’t spare you a second glance. You and Cypher were both recruited before she was, and she’s gotten used to your overly touchy relationship.
“Hey.” You greet a small bit awkwardly. If it was only Sage you wouldn’t mind, but Yoru was your newest agent; He’s not quite used to it as she is, in fact, he’s somehow avoided your lovey-dovey PDA moments unintentionally.
“Hello.” Cypher greets enthusiastically.
Yoru looks up from his phone to greet you. As much of an emo edgy teen he is, Brimstone taught him respect, enough to greet people and say thank you without a roll of his eyes. Before he can, however, his eyes widen a small bit at the sight of you. Sage glances at him and shakes her head with a laugh, turning back towards the kitchen.
“You’re…” He trails off, though you know what he meant to say. The both of you nod and Yoru’s mouth pulls into a grimace.
Sage glances over again. “You’re going to have to get used to it. PDA is nonexistent for them.”
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“Goodmorning, love.” Sova greets from the counter of the breakfast bar, tea cup in hand. He leans against it rather than sitting at it, which is a bit strange until you spot the dish drying rack. Looks like he was just on his way out.
“Goodmorning.” You greet with a smile. While you crave going back to sleep in the morning, Sova is enough to give you a small boost of energy. 
Just then, you catch a whiff of coffee, making you raise an eyebrow. You and Sova are the only ones awake this early in the morning, so the only explanation is Sova made coffee for you… either that or Killjoy made coffee. Then again, she has her own energy drinks in her room so you don’t know why she wouldn’t get those. “Is that coffee I smell?”
“Yea.” Sova smiles, handing you your cup of coffee from behind him.
You trap him against the counter as you sip the coffee. “Thanks, love.” 
Sova’s face flushes at the use of a pet name - despite the fact he’d called you the same thing just a few minutes earlier - and your newfound position. Even so, he doesn’t move to push you away. “No problem.”
You put your cup aside along with his, which makes him tilt his head in curiosity. It washes away when you give him a morning kiss, a thank you kiss, and a few more meaningless kisses. Sova reciprocates every single one of them, albeit a little sheepishly. “Something the matter?” You ask between kisses.
“No.” He nearly stutters.
“Then?” You ask, pulling him up to sit on the counter, hoping there’s nothing else behind him; luckily, there isn’t. He flushes a bright red, though instinctively spreading his legs for you to stand between them.
“Well, this.” He gestures vaguely towards the two of you.
Your hands find their place on his hips, “And what’s this?” You know full well what he means, but it’s always fun to tease Sova. He’s easily flustered and way too cute for his own good.
“Making out.”
“Who said this was making out?” You stop kissing him, which means Sova can finally catch a breath. “Haven’t even used tongue yet.”
“I know but–” You cut him off with a kiss.
“You and I are the only ones here right now. Brim and Sage are in their offices, everybody else is sleeping.” Your reasoning is sound, but Sova can’t help but doubt it. He’s not one for PDA. Although he makes his exceptions at times, making out is definitely not something you should be doing in ‘public’.
Instead of giving you a ‘fine’ or ‘okay’, he sighs and pulls you in for a kiss. You smile into the kiss, which he takes note of.
He doesn’t understand how you take pride in kissing his face off.
Your lips dance slow and sensual. Sova tugs at your bottom lip hungrily and his legs wrap around your waist to pull you closer, as if he hadn’t been questioning you earlier. You kiss him as if he were delicate, though he's far from it. His hands cup your cheeks, they emanate a warmth that contrasts against the cold of HQ’s incessant AC.
He moans when your tongue prods his lips open, sucking on it when it enters his. Your hands find his long hair, and god, do you love it. He treats it well; consequently, it’s soft and wonderful to thread through. Not to mention it smells like flowers, which you can smell still smell a few feet away. You play with it, tugging it and wrapping a lock around your finger every so often. The tugging evokes short, low groans from his throat along with the occasional curse. 
“Shit.” He whispers softly against your lips, causing you to pull back a bit to chuckle.
You tug his hair again, “Do you like that?”
Sova bites his lip, “Yeah.” 
Almost immediately, he pulls you in for another kiss. It’s a quick, eager kiss before he pulls back again. The feeling of its eagerness had put you off, you’d expected more of them. That’s why you were a little shocked when he pulled back to nibble on your ear. “Mark me.”
“Mmh” You hum in pleasure. The sheer seductive and possessive nature his tone held was enough to make you shiver.
He moves his hair and cowl off his shoulders to give you more access to his neck. Your hands trail to his thighs to keep your steady; whilst you’d lost the feeling of his hair, you took more joy in making your love known with marks.
Your kisses are enough to make him groan, so imagine what biting might do. You nip the spots before biting, licking each mark. When you feel as though you’ve marked him plenty, you move back a little to admire your work. You basically purr at the sight, which makes Sova laugh. 
Before either of you can say anything, Omen seems to have emerged from the shadows. “People are coming.”
The both of you jump at Omen’s sudden arrival. Sova quickly adjusts his cowl to cover the hickeys while you turn to your resident spooky ghost boy. “How long have you been here?”
He seems to shrug, “Didn’t see much but I’d figured you might like a warning.”
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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lux in tenebris
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung jaehyun x male reader 🌹🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4182
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: set in the 1960’s, your relationship with Jaehyun blooms as you navigate a time when homosexuality is unacceptable.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: hinted homophobia (but never shown)
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: because valentines is jaehyun’s birthday !! hbd to my first bias <3 this story is so so fluffy, which is so unusual for me because i’m an angsty writer 🥴 also, i thought of this story while listening to ‘put your head on my shoulder’ !! every time i would write a part, i would listen to it <3 this is the longest story i’ve written, surpassing memories (which is also a jaehyun one btw, i think this unintentionally proves my dedication to him) !! i hope u guys like this because i’ve worked the hardest on this 🥺 happy valentines everyone ! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
(some time in the 1960s~)
Everybody thought they were friends. The class-skipping, the after-school hangouts, the dinners at Anka’s Diner—everybody thought they were friends. And truly, they were.
But is that really all they were?
“So…” Jaehyun asks as they walk down the halls of Neo High, “Anyone approach for Valentine’s yet? I bet you’ve gotten more than three people to ask you out by now.”
Y/N chuckles, lightly shoving Jaehyun as the latter chuckles as well. “Man, stop it. No one asked me out. And who are you to say that? Star athlete, 6 pack abs, Jaehyun of the Neos, I'd say… 6 girls?”
“7, actually.” They both giggle as Jaehyun continues, “But… I shot all of them down.”
They both near Y/N’s locker, Jaehyun leaning on the ones beside as the former opens his and gets some books out. “Why? 7 girls… neat.”
“I have my eyes on someone else.” Jaehyun says, looking up, blushing at the ceiling, glad that Y/N’s locker door is obstructing the latter’s view of his face.
“Lucky girl.” Y/N says, nonchalantly as he closes the door to his locker. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
“Sure hope they do. So… I'm guessing you're still on the make? You know, looking for a date?” Jaehyun says curiously, unknowingly hoping for a certain answer.
“I told you no one asked me out. And honestly, I’m fine with that. It's a Saturday on the 14th—maybe I should just stay home and listen to the radio.”
“Aww. That's fine little man.” Jaehyun says as they begin their trek towards their classes. “Maybe you could go out with me…” His voice softens, not wanting to alert those around them, “If you can't find anyone.”
Y/N chortles, smacking Jaehyun on the shoulder once again, “Kinda gay ain't it?”
“Nothing wrong with it.”
“You think the people around us’ll say the same?”
Jaehyun hums in acknowledgement as he fixes his tie, replying, “Okay then. Well, see ya’ later alligator.”
Y/N smiles as he sends the boy a wink, entering his classroom as the latter walks to his.
They both knew it. It was mutual knowledge. But unspoken. It was unspoken knowledge. The sly touches, the flirting—they both knew it.
But neither have made a real move yet.
“If you had one thing you could do right now, without being interrupted—without any distractions,” Jaehyun says, lying down on Y/N’s bed, throwing a baseball up in the air as he asks, “what would it be?”
“Hm.” Y/N ponders, pausing the movement of his pencil over the créme sheet of paper, placing it down. “Maybe…” he looks out the window, observing the orange to black ombré, “Moongazing. I just love the moon. The stars too.”
“You always talk about the moon.” Jaehyun stops throwing the white ball knitted with red fabric, catching it on one hand as he sits up. “What’s so bewitching about it anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N continues writing, the graphite marking the pages as it produces the only sound in the room apart from their voices. “It’s… calming. Not to mention, the twinkling stars look pretty too.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star…” Jaehyun sings softly as Y/N chuckles, throwing a pillow at the former.
“If you don’t believe me—”
“I do. I’ll take you for your word.” Jaehyun replies almost instantly. “I always do.”
“Neat. Now flake off. The sun is setting. You live three streets away, and I don't want you walking in the dark alone.” Y/N gets up from his seat at the window, turning to face Jaehyun.
“Walk me home then.” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his face.
“That would mean I would be the one walking home alone in the dark, you dork.”
“Alright, alright.” Jaehyun replies, getting up from Y/N’s bed to give him a long, warm hug. Their bodies separate as Jaehyun blows Y/N a kiss, walking out the bedroom door, getting a snort in return.
The marmalade sun hides itself on the horizon as Y/N looks out the window, waving to Jaehyun as the latter walks out their front yard, beginning his journey home.
Oh God, was he falling.
It was getting increasingly difficult to resist. The sneaky flirts, the clever comebacks—it was getting increasingly difficult to resist.
And maybe he should stop doing so.
“Baby~” Jaehyun sneaks up on Y/N, whispering the words as the latter stiffens in surprise before smacking him lightly in the face.
“Dude. You gotta stop saying shit like that.” The boy sitting on his assigned chair replies, looking up at Jaehyun who is now seated on his desk. “Why are you here anyways? Don’t you have class soon?”
“You do.” Jaehyun replies, pointing at Y/N before pointing at himself, “I don’t. My first subject isn’t ‘till 9.”
“Hm.” Y/N mumbles as he looks back down on the sheet of paper with two unanswered math problems waiting to be solved. “Well, I forgot to complete this last night because I was too pre-occupied with English, and there’s five minutes left ‘till my class starts so I really gotta finish this.”
“Maybe you don’t.” Jaehyun replies, a plan already devising itself in his mind. “Do you maybe wanna… go to the park?”
Y/N looks up, a smirk forming on his face as he observes the same smirk on Jaehyun’s. They hold a stare for about five seconds before Y/N shoves the gray sheet of paper into his backpack, not caring if it was getting crumpled. In laughing fits, both boys run out the hall and eventually out the school too. Slowing down from their marathon-like sprint, they don't notice that they have their fingers interlocked. Y/N realizing this, he quickly untangles them as he straightens his uniform, Jaehyun unconsciously bummed out.
“Well,” Y/N says, looking up at Jaehyun who was already staring at him, “lead the way, my good sir.”
Jaehyun bows as he jokes, “Why of course, Milady. I’ll have you back in school by 9, just in time for your second subject.”
Both giggle as they skip to the grassy park, unknowingly spending the whole day out of school.
Maybe it was something in the air. Something they inhaled, passing their airways as it made its way to their heart, freeing them from their icy restraints. Maybe it was something in the air—or maybe something in the grass. But it made them both come out of their shells.
What took that damned O₂ so long to enter their lungs?
“Oh shit.” Y/N realizes halfway through fawning about a low-graphic, black and white but new cartoon that had just come out. He looks down on his right wrist as he scoffs. “You said you’d get me back in school by 9.” He says, annoyed, looking up at Jaehyun, “It’s 9:05”.
Jaehyun chuckles innocently, planting his palm on the back of your shoulder. “Well… if people see us here in the park when we’re supposed to be in class… we’ll get detention for skipping.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, totally didn't know that, Jae.” Y/N says, facetiously.
“Well… we could go to the movies? Or the fair…” Jaehyun brings his lips closer to Y/N ears as he whispers convincingly, “Or both.”
The flustered pulls away, hands pushing Jaehyun towards the opposite direction. “Fine. But I didn't bring my wallet today.”
“What do you want me to do about that?” Jaehyun replies, a look of sarcasm cascading his face. Y/N rolls his eyes before staring straight into Jaehyun’s, cracking his knuckles. Before he could get a word out, Jaehyun already surrenders. “Okay, okay! Calm down dude.” He chuckles. “But on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” Y/N replies, crossing his legs.
“Be my Valentine. For tomorrow.”
“Dude, you don't have a valentine, I don't have a valentine—”
“Because you turned them all down!”
“Okay fair enough.” Jaehyun admits, “But it's not like I can ask them out again, it would be too humiliating for big ole’ Jae, wouldn't it?” He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out as he stares into Y/N’s eyes.
Y/N contemplates, sighing after a minute as he replies, “Fine.”
Jaehyun jumps in glee as he cheers, acting like a kid whose parents agreed to buy them ice cream.
“Just take me to the movies already.” Y/N sighs yet again, scratching his head as the taller calms down, bowing facetiously.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Shut up.”
The popcorn was exceptional. Splendid indeed. The pop of flavor just made everything fall into place. The popcorn was exceptional—maybe that’s why Jaehyun held the bag so cautiously.
And soon enough, that won’t be the only thing he’ll be holding—and eating, too.
“Mmmh.” Jaehyun moans as he sips his pop, taking a handful of popcorn right after.
“Dude, stop! We haven't even gotten in the theater yet and you're already devouring everything.” Y/N whines, upset. “By the time the movie starts, we’ll have nothing!”
“Chill,” Jaehyun replies, taking one last sip from his straw before he smiles at Y/N, “we can just buy another one.”
“You’re just wasting money.” Y/N groans, not wanting Jaehyun to spend any more.
“Okay, okay.” He replies, sealing his popcorn as they wait to be let in the theater.
Was it the popcorn in the theater? Something that gave Jaehyun the courage. Because Jaehyun had not been this bold 6 months ago. Was it the popcorn in the theater—or was it the soda pop?
It didn't matter. What he was going to do with his newly-found virtue did.
In the darkness, the mono-colored movie played as the bag of popcorn was set in between the boys.
“Remind me why we decided to watch a romance movie again?” Y/N brings his lips closer to Jaehyun’s ears as he whispers, not wanting to disturb the rest.
“People say it’s a good movie.”
“They both die.”
Jaehyun peels his eyes away from the screen to stare at Y/N, a look of disbelief washing over his face. “You just spoiled the movie for me.”
“Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet.” Y/N replies, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I don’t.” Jaehyun whispers, looking back at the projected movie, correcting himself, “Didn’t. I guess I do now.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t know though.” Y/N remarks, grabbing popcorn from their shared bucket, staring at the movie playing.
“Now I do, and…” Jaehyun looks at Y/N once again, his cheeks burning as he braves and says, “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll both be Romeos tomorrow.”
Y/N lightly chuckles, trying to ignore what Jaehyun had just said, keeping his eyes glued to the movie.
Unsatisfied with Y/N’s reaction, Jaehyun slips his fingers past the bucket of popcorn and onto Y/N’s, resting on the armrest. With the sudden weight and warmth on his hand, Y/N tenses—but doesn’t look at Jaehyun. Rather, he watches the movie intently, silently hoping he doesn’t give in.
Jaehyun leans closer to Y/N, lips right next to his ears as he whispers, “I’m cold.”
And he gives in.
Their fingers interlock in the dark of the theater, the sounds of dialogue from the movie filling the enclosed space up. No one can see them—it’ll be alright.
Jaehyun always found rings cute. A cheese ring, a metal ring, the ring around Saturn. Jaehyun always found rings cute,
But his greatest wish was to put a diamond one around Y/N’s finger.
“This is a scam.” Y/N retorts, hands crossed. He stares at Jaehyun as they stand in line for a hoop game on the board walk’s carnival, a few minutes after their exit from the theater.
“There’s no harm in trying.” Jaehyun replies, his eyes on the prize—a teddy bear the size of a toddler.
“That’s like saying ‘There’s no harm in getting scammed’, Jae.”
“Well,” Jaehyun cheekily replies, smirking as he blurts, “there’s no harm in getting scammed for you.”
Y/N looks at Jaehyun in disbelief as the flirt grabs 3 round hoops, preparing to land them on the moving bottles. Much like Y/N’s prediction, the first hoop falls too early and too far from the bottles, the second slides off after nearing and the third one flies too far and hits the stall owner. Jaehyun cringes as the owner painfully smirks, the feeling of victory of scamming another customer engulfing the latter’s mind, accompanied by the feeling of pain from the metal object recently hurled at his stomach.
“At least we have consolation candy?” Jaehyun’s face agonizes, embarrassment taking over.
“At least we have consolation candy.” Y/N repeats, grabbing a handful as he smiles at the owner and makes a 180°, leaving the booth. Jaehyun follows behind, hands in his pocket as he looks around the fair.
“Oooh,” Jaehyun interests, “What about that one?” He says, pointing at the game with a man in his 20’s trapped inside a container with water below, fate depending on his partner’s aim at the target.
“How about no?” Y/N replies, chuckling shortly after, “If you like water so much…
how do you feel about the beach?”
Tonight was the night. It wasn’t the 14th—it was the day before. But Jaehyun was more than confident enough to make a move. Tonight was the night—and nothing could go wrong.
Or so he hopes.
The tangerine sun meets the navy water once again, its center resting at the edge of the coast. Both boys walk down the beach, hands in pockets as they keep their feelings in.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Jaehyun perks up as he stares at Y/N breaking the silence. “The sun setting.” Jaehyun nods as Y/N continues. “It’s a shame that it’s disappearing soon. Give it a few minutes more and there won’t be a trace of orange on the sky.”
“It’s just how it is.” Jaehyun replies.
“Exactly.” Y/N gleams, the wind blowing on his shirt. “As much as I love seeing the sun, and as much as I hate seeing it go, I see it as a good thing too.”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun replies, sparkles in his eyes as he stares at Y/N, only the calm waters and the sun’s secant behind him.
“I see it as, ‘if you love something, you have to let something else go’, or something of the sort.” Y/N chuckles, his hands still in his pockets, “I love the sun so much, but if it means seeing the night sky again, I’d give it up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
“You must love the moon and stars so much, huh.” Jaehyun awes as his skin glows under the dying sun’s radiating tint.
Y/N nods as both boys settle down on a spot by the ocean, watching the sun submerge, darker and bluer hues taking over the early evening sky. They sit there for a few minutes, staring at the ocean waves, thinking about their current situation. As they contemplate, the sky has completely changed, from warm hues into cooler and darker ones, the moon showing itself first.
“There you go.” Jaehyun chuckles, laying his back on the sand as he points up, “Your favorite.”
Y/N follows the direction Jaehyun’s finger is pointing at as he looks up at the indigo atmosphere, a faint, glowing crescent standing out. He beams as he appreciates the moon’s presence, basking in it. “Thank you for today, Jae.”
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget about tomorrow okay?”
Y/N nods as he gets up, dusting his shorts off from the sand. The other gets up as well, doing the same as Y/N watches.
Just as the latter is about to leave, Jaehyun speaks up. “Wait!” Y/N faces him once again, a sparkle on his eyes as he wonders why he was called back. “I— I have something to say.” Jaehyun shivers, clenching his fists as he breathes in and out, preparing himself for his own confession. “For the longest time I’ve— I’ve looked up to you and I just wanna say,” Y/N raises his eyebrows, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach filling his ears, “I like you.”
‘I like you’. The words ring in Y/N ears, the syllables painting his eardrums with love. It seems great at first but then he remembers—the predjudice, the shame, the disgrace, the dishonor—and doubles back. “Y-you can’t.”
“Yes, I can.” Jaehyun says as he inches closer to Y/N, his hand grazing the latter’s cheek as he pulls closer. Their lips touch under the moonlight, the stars and benthics as their witness. The taste of strawberry fills Y/N’s taste buds, the savory flavor of intimacy filling his mouth. With the doting feeling of passion engulfing Y/N’s body, he kisses back. They move in sync for a few seconds until Jaehyun pulls away, the feeling of endearment filling his mind as he registers that he had just kissed Y/N—the one he's been pining for for the past few years. Of course, that feeling isn't long-lasting as he notices Y/N take a step back, fear in the latter’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun questions, his words coming out as a mere whisper. Y/N doesn't reply as he takes more steps back, mortified. Jaehyun reaches his hand out—and that’s all it takes to send Y/N running.
He sprints the opposite direction, ignoring Jaehyun’s shouts behind him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his shoes hit the sand continuously, fear and disappointment fueling his run.
Jaehyun is left alone, under the moonlit beach, and instead of hearing his beloved’s voice, only the sound of waves fill his ears, sending him into full regret.
Was it like water? Sometimes everything would be blithe—calm, tranquil water, their insouciant selves enjoying the world. But sometimes it would be erratic too—the unpredictable waves engulfing them and their relationship. Was it like water—their love for one another?
Jaehyun just hopes it wouldn’t dry up.
“Thought I’d find you up here.” Jaehyun mutters as he closes the rooftop door, making a sound as it closes again. It’s been a few hours since the beach incident, the moon already glowing brighter. “Look, I’m sorry for kiss–”
“Don’t be.” Y/N replies, keeping his voice as stern as possible, despite already being on the verge of tears. “It was great, I just,” Y/N pauses, takes in the night sky’s view for the last time before he breaks down, and plants his eyes on Jaehyun, still by the rooftop door. “Don’t you think this is wrong?”
“What is?” Jaehyun replies, already knowing the answer he would receive.
“This.” Y/N replies, whining dejectedly as he gets up from his sitting position, facing Jaehyun. “This is. We’re both guys, we shouldn't be flirting, let alone kissing!”
“Why does it matter?” Jaehyun questions, stepping forward as he tries his best to keep his tears in.
“It just does Jaehyun!” Y/N yells back, the exact opposite of Jaehyun’s hushed tone, his voice echoing out into the night sky. “It just does.” He repeats, tears pooling on the corner of his eyes.
“If it does, then…” Jaehyun steps back, the feeling of woe engulfing him, “you never liked me the same way I like you.”
“No!” Y/N replies almost immediately, a tear already slipping out, painting his right cheek, “I, I like you Jae, I like you so fucking much. Every single moment we’ve had, every single moment we’ve shared—I relish every bit of it. I can’t stop liking you—I’ll never stop liking you. But,” Y/N pauses, “I’m scared.”
Jaehyun steps closer to Y/N, pulling him into his embrace as the latter cries out onto his shoulder, tears staining his t-shirt, “Don’t be.”
“But I am.” Y/N replies, sniffing as he tightens his grip on Jaehyun’s body. “I’m scared of everything—What if people talk bad about us, behind our backs? What if our parents kick us out? What if we get expelled? What if—”
“Shh.” Jaehyun shushes, his hand rubbing Y/N’s back slowly, the strokes calming the latter down. “Stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’, just focus on me.”
“I’m sorry, I know I overthink a lot.” Y/N mumbles, pulling away from their embrace as he looks Jaehyun in the eyes, the moonlight shining on them. “I’m just… scared of the darkness that awaits, you know?”
“I get you.” Jaehyun replies as he stares at Y/N, melancholic. “And I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I’ll be your candle, your shining light, anything that’ll get you through the darkness.”
“Thanks.” Y/N chuckles, looking down, noticing the sand still on Jaehyun’s shoes. “But that still doesn’t change what people would think about…” He points to Jaehyun, then at himself, repeatedly, “this.”
Jaehyun hums as he guides Y/N to the ledge of the rooftop, sitting both him and himself down as they stare out onto the deserted school field below. “Remember what you said about the sun, just a few hours ago when we were down at the beach?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’d give it all up. All of it. My status, my family, my friends—all of it…” Jaehyun says, peeling his eyes off the dark field below them and locking them with Y/N’s, passion fueling his words, “if it meant I could be with you. Because as much as I love them, if it means seeing you in my arms, I’d give them all up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
Y/N forces a sob in, trying his best not to break down. “But why?” He replies, feeling tears pool again.
“Because I’m serious with you, dude.” Jaehyun replies as Y/N chuckles, the tears still in his eyes. “I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while now.”
Y/N snickers louder, he and his best friend’s intimacy overwhelming him. He takes in Jaehyun’s form, the moon casting its light down on him, and makes a desicion. “Fine.”
“Fine what?”
“Fine, you can be my candle. Fine, you can be my shining light. Fine…” Y/N pauses, trying to find the right words, “Fine, I’ll give this—us—a chance.”
Jaehyun quickly switches moods from his dejected one to a grin from ear to ear, painting over his gloomy look. “Does that mean you’re still my valentine for tomorrow...” Jaehyun pauses, looks at his watch then looks back into Y/N’s eyes, noticing all the sorrow fading, “I mean later?”
“Yes, dude.”
“We have to stop calling each other that now, babe.”
“Ew. Too cheesy don’t you think?”
“Not at all. I think it suits you.”
Both men chuckle as they stare out into the landscape, a completely new bond between them formed.
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day already,” Jaehyun mumbles as he looks toward Y/N’s direction, “do you mind giving me a kiss?” Y/N stops his peaceful gaze on the stars as he locks eyes with Jaehyun, noticing the sparkles in his eyes. “No running away this time though.”
Y/N chuckles before he places his hand on Jaehyun’s cheek, moving closer and closer, feeling their taboo love get stronger and stronger. Their lips touch as he realizes that Jaehyun’s lips taste more like peaches than strawberries. With this thought in mind, he smiles into their kiss, the feeling of fear leaving his body as he feels his best friend’s—now boyfriend’s—lips on his.
Instead of the briny ocean water witnessing their love wither merely 6 hours earlier, it was now the magnificent moon and the stunning stars bearing witness to their young, requited love bloom.
Maybe it was the stigma. The thing that kept them apart for so long. Maybe it was the stigma—or maybe they were both just pussies.
Good thing they grew some balls.
“I think I get why you like the moon and stars so much.” Jaehyun blurts as the two lay on the beach once again, staring up at the glittered night sky, the valentine air floating out and about.
“And why’s that?” Y/N says as he looks up at Jaehyun, curiosity devouring him.
“It reminds me of a phrase in Latin.” He replies, smiling as the bijou stars twinkled at them, as if they were smiling. “It means light in darkness.” Y/N nods. “The moon, the stars—they paint the plain black sky and turn it into something stunning. I can’t look away from it now. Whenever I look up at night, I’ll always remember you.”
“Good for you.” Y/N chuckles, shifting his gaze from his boyfriend’s cheek and placing it back on the painting-like sky above them, miniature dots glistening on the canvas. “What’s that phrase again? If it sounds pretty, I just might get it tattooed on me.”
“Light in darkness,” Jaehyun stops, smiling back at the specs winking at them, “and in Latin,” Y/N looks up at Jaehyun, only to catch him staring back, stars in his eyes,
“Lux in tenebris.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.13.21
238 notes · View notes
aomine-ryo · 4 years
headcanons or scenarios on GOM + kagami + himuro meeting their s/o's three brothers and an older sister for the first time. these siblings are overprotective of their little sister, to a point wherein they are watching every movement of the boyfriend. btw, i love your writing!!
I’m glad you like my writing :) Sorry this took so long, it was kind of challenging to come up with ideas for this, but it was still fun! Hope you like it xx
Headcanons: GOM + Kagami + Himuro meeting their s/o’s overprotective siblings
Kise was quite confident about having dinner with your family because parents tend to love him
You tried to warn him that your siblings were overprotective, but he was so sure that they’d like him
Your siblings wouldn’t shut up when they heard that your “model boyfriend” was coming over
“I heard that all teen models are assholes, why do you like him?” one of your older brothers asked
“He’s not an asshole. Be nice when he comes over,” you told him, even though you knew that none of them would listen
The second the doorbell rang, your siblings pounced up
You went to get the door after telling them to stay put, though you felt them lurking around behind you
Kise greeted you with a kiss on the cheek
He wanted to kiss you on the lips but he noticed the eyes that were glaring at him
“You weren’t kidding when you said they were overprotective huh?” he whispered to you as he took his shoes off
Kise wasn’t too nervous though, even with all the eyes on him
He did his best to keep his hands off of you in order to impress your siblings, which was the right call, although you weren’t a fan of it
Everyone sat around the table for dinner, which was practically an interrogation for Kise
He was barely even able to eat because the questions came flying at him one after the other
“How’d you meet Y/N?” “Are you really that good at basketball?” “How long have you been a model?” “Do you really love Y/N?” “Are you good at studies?”
Even your parents began to get tired of hearing your siblings’ questions
Kise answered them all perfectly though, telling them exactly what they wanted to hear
Kise was a very likeable and charming person, so he slowly began to win them over one by one
By the end of the evening, Kise was joking around with them as if they were old friends
You followed Kise outside after he said his goodbyes to your family, promising to text, call, make plans and whatnot with each of your older siblings
“How on earth did you get them to like you?” you asked him, finally able to breathe now that you two were alone
“I told you not to worry. Although I think I might be forced to come over again to hang out with them.”
“Fine by me,” you smiled, before placing a kiss on his lips as a thank you for putting up with everything
You had been dating Midorima for only a month when your siblings found out about you two
You tried to keep it a secret from them for as long as possible but they still found out pretty quickly
You invited Midorima to your house for a study date and told him that your siblings would be home
Before Midorima had to go meet them, he made you tell him everything about each one of them
The boy took notes.
When you got home from school with Midorima, you introduced him to your siblings who were all sitting in the living room
You immediately whisked him away to your room before they could scare him away with their questions
Your oldest brother instructed you to keep your bedroom door open
“Are they going to pass by the room every two seconds?” Midorima asked, noticing how each of them would slowly walk past one by one
“What do you guys want?” you called out to them, knowing that they were lurking outside
They piled into your room
“Just making sure that there’s nothing funny going on,” one of your three brothers spoke
“We’re just studying,” you sighed, feeling a headache coming from all this
Midorima seemed to notice this
“I promise you that I’m not going to hurt your sister, but you’re going to give her a headache if you keep this up,” Midorima said to them bluntly, “we have an important test tomorrow, so do you mind if we get to studying?”
Your siblings swayed at Midorima’s forwardness and finally decided to leave you two alone
“Are you feeling okay?” he asked once they were gone
You squeezed his hand and placed a kiss on his cheek as a way of saying thank you
There weren’t many guys who could get your siblings to back off, but thankfully Midorima was one of them
You were a bit hesitant to invite Aomine over to meet your siblings
He was a complete softy with you, but you didn’t put it past him to unintentionally get on the bad side of your overprotective siblings
Aomine had already met one of your older brothers in school
Word got around school that the two of you were dating and your older brother immediately hunted down Aomine to scare him
However, Aomine didn’t get scared, he just told him to “back off and mind your own business”
So, Aomine was already in hot water with one of your siblings
You brought him home after school one day because your older siblings were begging to meet him, though neither of you wanted it
After introducing them, the two of you went to the living room to watch a movie
Aomine’s every move was being watched
He didn’t seem to care though, as he put his arm around you and pulled you close to cuddle
The second that happened, the older brother that Aomine had met in school popped into the living room saying, “hey, you two, keep some distance!”
You were about to move away, but Aomine kept you from doing that
“We’re dating; putting my arm around Y/N isn’t going to kill them,” Aomine shot back
After that, your siblings seemed to leave the two of you alone— though they hated his guts
They still kept an eye on you though
When Aomine left, your older sister told you to stay away from him
But you didn’t care too much about what they had to say
You knew Aomine would only ever keep you safe
The two of you agreed that Aomine should never come over while your siblings were over, for the sake of everyone’s peace of mind
You had invited Murasakibara to come over to try the cheesecake you had made the day before
You completely forgot that that your siblings were home for the holidays
So you were forced to introduce Murasakibara to them
Your boyfriend had met your parents before, and they loved him, but your siblings were still watching him like a hawk
Your sister wasn’t too worried, but your brothers were definitely intimidated by his height
Murasakibara didn’t seem to care though, because he was fixated on the cheesecake you were serving him
“This cheesecake is delicious, Y/N... but could you please tell your brothers to stop staring at me?” Murasakibara requests, feeling put off by their gazes
You told them to go away, but they didn’t budge until your mother intervened and told them to not bother you
(Your mother really liked Murasakibara because he’d always compliment her cooking when he came over)
He didn’t like the way that they were bothering you about your relationship
He offers to “crush them” but you had to stop him and tell him to ignore them
“Now thanks to them, I can’t enjoy this cheesecake”
Over time, your siblings start to warm up to him because they realise that he’s harmless
But Murasakibara still held a grudge for the way they ruined his experience with the cheesecake
The first time Akashi met your siblings was at your house when your parents called him over for dinner
He understood that they were quite protective of you because they cared for you
And he did too
However, the way their eyes followed Akashi’s every move was a bit annoying to him
He still maintained his polite composure though
Akashi kept his hands off of you for the most part because he knew that it would set your siblings off and he wanted to win them over
You knew that Akashi was a gentleman, so you didn’t worry too much about him leaving a bad impression
Without doubt, your siblings were soon under Akashi’s spell and thought that he was the perfect boy for you
It was still strange to watch your siblings be so welcoming to Akashi, considering that they disapproved of almost every relationship you were previously in
You were thoroughly surprised when you kissed Akashi’s cheek and they said absolutely nothing about it
“How’d you get them to like you?” you asked him, wondering if Akashi was some sort of wizard
“Did you not want them to like me?”
“No, it’s just that they’ve never liked my boyfriends before,” you admitted
“I guess I’m different then,” he smiled
You thought that you didn’t care what your siblings thought of your relationships, but once you realised that they liked Akashi it was like a weight lifted off your shoulders
You were definitely grateful that they liked him, because it made you sure that you should hold on to Akashi for as long as you could
Before meeting Kuroko, your siblings kept asking you questions about him, concerned for your safety
Kuroko came over one day for tea during one of his walks with Nigou
That was when he met your siblings
The second they saw him with that adorable dog, they immediately knew that Kuroko was harmless
Your older sister got distracted by Nigou and diverted her attention to him instead of you
Your brothers still kept an eye on you though
Kuroko was very polite with them, even when they asked him some not-so-nice questions
“How do you play basketball with that size?” one of your brothers asked
“It’s a bit difficult, but I manage. You should come watch a game sometime so I can show you,” Kuroko said, sipping his tea with a blank expression on his face
It didn’t take them long to end up liking Kuroko
Perhaps it was his innocent eyes or his polite words, or both
But your siblings ended up finding Kuroko to be a sweet boy
Plus they could definitely get used to seeing the adorable Nigou more often
Your siblings still acted tough around Kuroko, but they definitely didn’t mind that he was your boyfriend
Your family was very interested in basketball
All of your older siblings, including your sister, played basketball in high school
So when they found out that you were dating a basketball player, they had to meet him
They decided to tag along to one of Kagami’s games and they were definitely impressed by his skills
After the game, you ran up to him and hugged him to congratulate him on the win
Your siblings followed you and glared at you when they saw you all over him, so you quickly pulled away from him
You introduced them to Kagami and they began to act intimidating as if they weren’t in awe during the whole match
They succeeded in making Kagami a bit nervous though; he really wanted them to like him
“You played really well today, they were all so amazed,” you said to Kagami, trying to ease the tension
They eventually began to discuss basketball— the thing that they were all passionate about
Just like clockwork, talking about basketball got your siblings to develop some trust and liking towards Kagami
Within the matter of minutes, one of your brothers was challenging Kagami to a one-on-one as if they were best friends
You knew that Kagami wouldn’t back down from a challenge so you had to step in
“Hey, he just played a game, I don’t think a one-on-one is a good idea,” you said
The two of them reluctantly agreed and decided to have one some other time
Your siblings wanted to head home, but you decided to go get some food with Kagami so they bid their goodbyes
Your oldest brother had to get at least one threat in there, “Take care of Y/N, if you hurt them we’ll hurt you!”
He said it so cheerfully, which was somehow more terrifying
Kagami assured them that he’d keep you safe, and you couldn’t be happier that your siblings were okay with your boyfriend
Himuro came over to your house after school to hang out and play some video games
You had completely forgot that your siblings were at home though so you had to introduce him to them
Himuro knew that they were overprotective of you so he tried to joke around with them when you introduced them
However, they didn’t seem to sway at his attempt, which intimidated him
The two of you spent most of your time in your room, playing
The door had to be left open though
Himuro avoided getting too close to you because he felt like he was being watched
Your siblings could often peek in whenever you two would go silent after cheers and yells
And they would just glare at Himuro, which made him really uncomfortable
Himuro was a very patient person, but he started to feel himself get very annoyed by the hostility from your siblings
So when one of your brothers shot him a glance for the fifth time in the past hour, he decided to speak up
Himuro walked over to your door and began to talk to him
“Hey, I understand that you’re just concerned for Y/N, but there’s no need for you to constantly glare at me,” Himuro said to him
Your boyfriend was quite a smooth talker so he managed to convince your brother that he had no bad intentions
And just like that, he earned the respect of your brother
You couldn’t help but give him a kiss when he returned to his seat next to you
“What was that for?”
“Well, I don’t think they’re looking now that you stood up to them.”
An adorable smile spread across his face as he turned back to the TV, going back to the game
Your competitive spirits took over once more and the worries of your siblings watching over you faded away
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writingmyheartsout · 3 years
So chapter 2 is finally alive! And with a new banner too
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Pairing: Paz Viszla x reader.
Prompt/trope: modern au/meet cute
Warnings: none...i think
as always, comments, likes & reblogs are very welcomed!
usual tags: @plexflexico @jedi-mando @absurdthirst @mandorush (thank you so much btw, you have been very precious)
First chapter Ao3 link
Inner thoughts in italic
His life had been exhausting from the very beginning, traveling from one town to another, with no real place to live and settle down. He aimlessly wandered around, taking along with him only the bare minimum, finding solace in brief moments of quiet. Now, Paz found himself tired, so when he stopped in yet another unfamiliar city, smaller than any other he had ever been to, he felt like stopping for a while.
Unaware that it was going to last quite some time.
So, as soon as he managed to find a suitable apartment to live in on a budget and a job to meet future expenses, he felt like something was going to finally move forward in the right direction, maybe. What he wanted now was to experience something that felt normal, or at least, normal enough for him.
Two days after moving in, he began his first day at work. It wasn’t anything fancy, an ordinary job as a barista in the local café. He had already worked in a coffee shop before, and this one looked reasonably quiet and simple, perfect to be comfortable enough to show his face since no one knew who he truly was.
He arrived early for his morning shift, and despite the snow-covered pavement, he decided to go for a walk around the block for a minute or two while smoking his first and last cigarette of the day.
He was trying to quit, but it was damn hard, especially with all the stress he was under these past months.
His new boss sounded pretty friendly right from the start, to the point where, during a chat over the phone, he had told him that he was glad he had found someone to help him out at the coffee shop in the morning. Since his daughter had started college and wasn’t able to help out anymore, he had to juggle between orders and paperwork in his back office in order to keep the boat afloat. The friendliness felt strange at first, but it was nice to have a person who trusted him for once. And he didn’t mind waking up early anyway.
It was still very early when the first customer walked in. He didn't care much at first until she spoke, and he answered back automatically, without a glance.
"Would you like something to eat with that?" he inquired, sticking to the script he'd learned to perfection a few hours earlier... but when he received no response, he raised his eyes for the first time that morning.
She was... staring at him?
No idiot, What are you thinking?
He politely repeated the question and saw her gaze focus on him again… and her cheeks turned slightly red.
Yup, she was definitely staring at him...
He managed a smirk when he finally took her order. It had been a while since anyone looked at him like that. Usually, the sole purpose of people staring at him was to pick up a fight, so he almost forgot what that felt like. And now that he had unintentionally made someone blush, a pretty girl nonetheless, he didn't mind that feeling at all.
As he approached the coffee machine, he noticed some movement out of the corner of his eye. When he instinctively turned to see what it was, he realized that she sat right in front of him, patiently waiting.
Luckily the place was almost empty, except for the owner who stayed in his office until lunchtime, so he could take his time as he enjoyed the view.
But then... his own brain returned to annoy him...
Don't ever think about it ...
Don't think about flirting with her
Just don't...
He engaged in an internal debate with his mind as he set the coffee powder in the machine and picked the right cup to use.
But Paz wasn't the type of person to think about something over and over again. He usually went straight to the point, occasionally dealing with the aftermath of his decisions in the worst way possible.
So after placing the lid on the cup, he grabbed a marker he always kept nearby and wrote a simple message, hoping he hadn’t misread her intentions.
That is if she saw it before tossing said cup in the garbage.
You're an idiot!
It's always nice when his own mind worked against him, but at this point, he didn't even care anymore. It was worth a try even if only to be rejected.
"Here you go, medium black coffee with two teaspoons of sugar," he then announced as he turned to face her again, wearing a smile so bright and genuine it caused her to blush once again, harder this time.
God, she’s even cuter when she’s flustered.
"Thank you" she babbled, taking the cup out of his hands. But as he was about to answer, her phone rang, startling her and making him mentally curse the damn thing for getting in the way.
He barely had the time to watch her hastily stand up and walk towards the exit and once at the door, turn around and smile at him once again.
His only hope rested on what he wrote on the cup he handed her and, for some odd reason, he actually hoped his gesture wouldn't go unnoticed. He knew deep down that he wanted to see more of her... again... and again.
He barely knew who she was and he already wished he knew everything about her.
Maybe, he thought, it was about time he went back to living his life the way he used to once...
This is basically the pov from Paz's point, bit short but I felt like it explain the situation better
I know this update took longer than expected but real life has been very stressful lately.
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okay so i’ve been going crazy these past few days. all about cockles/jensmish and obsessively watching their panels or reading the transcripts BECAUSE. THEY ARE LOUD. LIKE. i saw some fancams on twt and i thought people were just exaggerating but noooooooooo!!!???? so, getting to the point. you said that how do we know that jensen is performing masculinity? because jared isn’t and THAT IS A BIG BRAIN MOMENT. ON POINT. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. a particular moment from gag reel that jumps out (which you’ve talked about) when jensen goes ‘cas, you are my baby daddy’ and misha goes, ‘i know i love you too’ and jensen goes, ‘i didn’t say i love you’ and misha goes, ‘i know you wanted to’ and jensen says, ‘i love you’ WHAT THE FUCK! that was NOT a joke. yes, people took it as a joke and had a good laugh BUT I HAVE WATCHED IT TOO MANY TIMES AND IT LIVES IN MY MIND RENT FREE BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A PERFORMANCE. THAT WAS JENSEN. THAT WAS MISHA. jensen has a had trouble with the pda and being all touch feely (the breakup theory) and he gradually grew into it, accepted it and misha was right there all along, never pushed it. it was like a deancas au but tbh, 99% of destiel is because of cockles and we all know it. i just. jensen has latched onto dean as an emotional support because he tunes with it. understands it. projects on to it. yeah, i just had to say it and get it off my chest. (and what about those poetry pages on instagram? alma? what is your opinion?) btw, you have a lovely blog and your analysis are right on target.
so there is a LOT i’m going to address here(how dare you bring up [gunshot] i HAVE to talk about it now) so again!!!! under a cut it goes but i hope you appreciate my rambles anon it seems like you do :,)
1. jared vs. jensen and performing masculinity. hell yeah man. jared and jensen are both just ‘guys from texas’ but they are still so vastly different. today i actually had a revelation that i’m pretty sure has to do with me being bi. and it’s that i have a group of straight friends(that i love dearly but they care too much about hockey and pitbull imo could not be me) and i have a group of queer friends(who are also batshit[affectionate]). and it’s like whichever group i hang out with a different side of me emerges? they’re both me, it’s just that certain aspects of who i am as a person only surface depending on who i am around. however, i will say i feel like i watch what i say around my straight friends more. i see that very clearly in jensen as well. around jared during panels and on set, he’s definitely putting on an air of machismo and engages in typical guy talk. i do think an element of it is performative, because he wants validation from jared that they’re still just two dudes from texas taking on the world together despite his sexual identity. does that make any sense??? i hope so. but when he’s with misha he is an entirely different person and his sense of humour becomes wildly different. the machismo fades away, he’s way less caught up in what people think about him, lets his guard down, etc. to go back to my original point which is how j2 are different in that regard....jared does not do this. he is a constant. he does not flip a switch between ‘performing masculinity’ and ‘not’ because he isn’t performing any part of who he is. he just IS. so yeah these two are similar in many regards but there’s somewhat of a dissonance between them when it comes to how they perform masculinity because one of them is putting on a show and the other is merely being.
2. that crypt scene blooper(here just in case you need to see it again. do it. as a treat.) when i tell you i have easily seen this over thirty times??? since it first came out??? i mean it. it is such an overlooked(r*mantic) moment and it means so much more than people think it does. i’ve talked about the context behind it, and i think that’s why this blooper was so meaningful, so i’ll mention it again. jensen and misha had a LOT of trouble with this scene. the reason is that jensen couldn’t wrap his head around why dean would be saying these things, if i remember correctly, and both of them sat down and scoured over how they should play it for a while before filming(teamwork ;) teammates *ahem*). [to be honest we all know why jensen had a hard time with that scene and it is because it is blatantly romantic. rip to him but i would simply give in to it at that point but oh well] so anyway, their heads were scattered going into shooting, which is NEVER a good headspace to be in for a scene, ESPECIALLY not a pivotal one. but they had each other to help them through said weird energy on set that couldn’t possibly have invoked the best feelings, especially considering jensen STILL doesn’t think he played that correctly(but he praised misha on his performance :,) ). and with that context every single part of that video hits haRD 
-’stop pulling my face towards your crotch’ i think this is objectively hilarious because it really really looks like jensen is pulling HIMSELF towards misha’s crotch. again, you’re fooling no one, jensen. misha’s wheezing laugh and the way he wraps himself around jensen is also,,,sweet??? like i don’t know how else to describe how i see it but this moment really reads as jensen, in his weird ‘constructing elaborate rituals’ way is asking for security through a physical touch from misha and he happily obliges and gives jensen what he needs. because i mean...watch it again. jensen ‘fights back’, but not really at all, actually. pretty wimpy counterattack. he literally lets himself be smothered by misha, and i would literally describe what they end up doing as cuddling. 
-’i need you, cas. you’re my baby daddy’ i love having an actor’s perspective on things bc i think i can explain what’s going on here. jensen just delivered what was(in his own mind) a rotten take of the lines he’s most scared of delivering. so the scene was already messed up. therefore; ensuing fuckery is warranted to help him feel better. but there’s also for sure more than meets the eye for what he says here because of misha’s reaction after??? like he seemed genuinely touched. first of all, he’s saying ‘you’re my baby daddy’ as half-jensen, but not necessarily dean either(because he didn’t say the previous lines as true to his character...you get it), to misha, not cas. i think i’ve made this point before, but every single innuendo in the gag reels is to misha specifically, never once cas. therefore; logical conclusion: ‘you’re my baby daddy’ was for misha and it meant something deeper than we think because of what follows it
-this part. jensen’s giddy ass smile after he sees misha crack and then misha says ‘yeah, i know’ (can i just say his voice when he says this is so intimate???? like am i intruding guys??? sorry i’ll let myself out) also he is smiling SO BIG
- ‘i know’ ‘why are you laughing?’ ‘no i know i love you too’ this analysis is already so long but i still want to get into what THAT whole exchange means. ‘why are you laughing?’ to me sounds like jensen’s pretending to be affronted by misha laughing at something that is serious. and it’s serious because he quite literally meant ‘i love you’. he did. misha knows it. misha’s really REALLY good at cutting the bs and just getting to what people are actually trying to say. he has an innate sharpness to his sense of humour. so yes, misha is being 100% accurate when he says ‘i know, but you wanted to say it.’ misha isn’t lying here. jensen did want and mean to say ‘i love you’. and then he actually does say it(in a jokey way but not really). 
- so yeah. it is actually so romantic??? like in a weird way jensen was professing his love for misha here?????? and that’s why this clip will NEVER. ever. get old. 
3. jensen having trouble with pda and projecting onto dean: we can all call ourselves dean coded cas girls but NO one deserves that title more than jensen ackles himself. he is dean winchester but marginally less repressed because he actually did admit he was in love with his best friend and let himself be happy, and pretty early on too. one year and two months as opposed to twelve years. so. happy deancas au is correct. and yes about the pda thing: one day i want to write my own post about both of their body language when it comes to each other, but all i can tell is jensen, even in the early days, couldn’t help himself from flirting with misha, but if misha ever crossed a line, jensen would not be happy. clearly he’s come around, however. what i find sweet is that misha always follows jensen’s lead when it comes to how much affection they’re allowed to show each other onstage. it touches my soul
4. destiel is cockles fault. yeah. and the thing is everyone knows it, too. even non-cockles shippers will explain early destiel as entirely dependant on jensen and misha’s wild chemistry. and that chemistry is easily explained by the fact that misha and jensen are literally just wildly horny bisexuals who were crazily attracted to one another and were falling in love on screen before our very eyes. and when you have THAT insider info(which sounds cray doesn’t it!!!! the destiel actors are in love irl??? huh???) everything really does click into place. why destiel got SO popular when the show and actors never ever intended for it to happen.(i know some people think misha was playing cas as gay the whole time for shits and giggles, and i won’t deny that[especially considering he found out early on that destiel was why he was staying on the show], but i don’t think he really wanted it to amount to anything, nor did he care??? i mean he has the real thing with jensen, for one, so their characters aren’t really as important. for two, he loves joking about destiel because it’s a cultural phenomenon and it’s fascinating, and i’m sure he did ship it because he’s unhinged, but i don’t think it was vastly important to him either way.) destiel got popular because everyone was and is unintentionally reading into the real deal. i could pull up countless gifs that people have used as destiel proof that is actually just jensen and misha being messy. mainly jensen. if i’m being honest.  the symbiotic relationship between destiel and cockles is why i’ve stayed onboard the destielcule and shellerscape for three solid months now; because it is utterly fascinating to witness and kind of super beautiful, too. 
5. alma(and others). so. i do NOT want to really REALLY get into this in its entirety here and now so i will just give you my opinion on if i think alma is misha or not. also; i don’t want to mention the other poetry accounts here bc i feel like that’s a bigger breach in privacy, but a lot of people do know about alma now. way too many, actually. this is why we can’t have nice things. anyway-to answer your question-there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that yes, misha is running that alma poetry account. i am 100% certain. some people think it’s actually three people and they’re all connected to misha in some way but that is so needlessly complicated. as it goes in psychology; the easiest explanation is probably the right one. it’s just one person running that account, and it is misha collins. i don’t know why it’s so hard to believe KNOWN POET misha collins(who is known to spend most of his free time writing poetry anyway) would have created a secret poetry account to write about his intense secret relationship under an alias and also get legitimate feedback since no one used to know it was him. oh and the handwriting is identical??? you are blind if you do not see that i am sorry. and a million other things prove it’s misha too but yeah all you need to know is yes. it’s him. it would take a literal livestream from a random woman on that account to convince me otherwise. and honestly not even that because a random woman could technically still log in if misha asked her too. so. it would take a hell of a lot to convince me otherwise, clearly. that said DO NOTTTTTTTTTTTT GO ONTO THAT ACCOUNT WITH A SUPERNATURAL RELATED USERNAME AND COMMENT THINGS THAT ARE COCKLES RELATED. ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT’S OKAY. sorry i got heated but god please just don’t be dumb so many people have already gone way too far 
6. thank you for your lovely compliment on my analyses!!! i love doing them but i don’t know if people actually like reading them so i really appreciate it
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mangomochi-yn · 4 years
[volleyball with the aces]
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haikyuu best boi aces x reader
g. all around fluff! (and crack :P) wc. 12-17 bullets/ea
contains. bokuto k., sakusa k., asahi a., iwaizumi h., ushijima w., futakuchi k.
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this hyper baby
the minute you suggest it he’s shouting in excitement
would immediately get ready to serve at you, even stopping practice
((but luckily akaashi stops him to let you gear up))
“whoa y/n you have to practice with me now! youre good!!”
always. i repeat aLWAYS exclaims (with glee) when you make a tricky move like a curved spike or a float serve
laughs when he has to sprint to receive a feign
v v tempted to show off his spikes but doesn’t wanna hurt you (awe bb 🥺)
so he’ll pretend to go really hard but then mid air just like *taps* the ball. asgshgshshdksl
overall super fun and super loud
he literally just turns into a ball of sunshine and youre just 💘💞
10/10 can’t get better than him
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this boi
ya gotta convince for a while
will be like why? what brought this? you want to get sweaty and dirty? are you that bored?
like bruh 😑
eventually gives in when u tell him u just want to play with him
plays normally for the most part
(he knows you can handle some of his spikes and serves 💪)
but he will lightly tease you with a curveball every now and then
oh and btw you’re geared up to the max before you start like 💯
— im talking knee pads, elbow pads, hair tied up and tight, compression shorts (absolutely NO loose and hazardous clothes), and dont forget double knotted shoelaces
afterwards? i m m e d i a t e shower
you better drink your water in 10secs cause he will not hesitate to scoop you up and throw you in there if you take any longer
all in all was the game worth all the time it takes to gear up and the 1hr shower after?
100% — that small smile he had as he played with you was a blessing in itself
will give you some pointers too after just cause he hopes to play with you more smoothly next time
8/10 ur very clean now. very refreshed
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now we all know how unsure and nervous this jesus is
so naturally, once u ask him he’ll be like 😳 with me? why?
ur like “ur my boyfriend asahi, who else would i play with” 😐
“noya’s pretty fun to play with”
😑 bruh
just act all pouty and mad and he’ll be right on it though
plays softly, very leisurely
it’s as if you two were just.. passing the ball to each other (and it got a bit boring)
so you told him
asahi spike em balls pls ☺️
he laughs but eventually does and right then and there you remember how he is the a c e
1 dive turns into 2, 2 turns into 3, next thing you knew you were rolling all over the place trying to receive (noya’s v proud btw)
meanwhile asahi was having so much fun so ur just like 🥺 dont matter! anything for him!!
“that was so much fun, y/n!” your heart melts at how he beams at you after, he was sweaty all over but somehow he said he felt ‘refreshed’
i think ur confused bby
but anyways 8/10 protect him at all costs or u catch these fists
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like sakusa this boy will be a bit sus
like he’ll say yeah right away but will be like??
when you tell him you just wanna play with him he then turns a bit of a cocky bitch (unintentionally!!)
hes like “😏 oh? i won’t hold back yknow.”
worse than boku he def holds back
just receives all the time like boy?? wheres that strong ass spike form i fell for? 
the minute you tell him to not be a 🅿️ussy though be ready cause he will get in the zone
— he decided he might as well use this for actual practice 💀
so in the end you’re dead. arms sore.
“we should do this more often babe its fun practicing with you” as he takes a swig from his water bottle shoving it to u after
how can you say no tho when you see that bright ass smile of his and hear his hearty laughter?
you lk regret asking but in the end what makes baby daddy happy — he gets 😪
another 8/10 at least u see the bara arms flex during the whole thing
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“huh okay”
ya kinda feel bad asking him cause he had to stop practicing but bbys like “no. we can play like you want it’s fine.”
and it’s like... hes playing with a child
(hes also part of the gear you to the max squad btw)
but anyways as he plays with u a few mins in you’re like 👁👄👁 boy what is this mockery
but then before you complain you now notice him gradually amping up his spikes— not just receiving as often any more (oh? 👀)
turns out baby boi was just assessing you it seems. agsshsksjjl what a man 💔
cracks a smile every now and then when you barely receive something while u shout-laugh loudly at him
then afterwards he hydrates u to the max
im talking g a l l o n s
(you got your 8 cups for the whole week now)
then offers to bathe or massage you if you’re too tired cause unlike u hes like so unaffected 😐
like one (1) single sweatdrop on his forehead and thats it
gives you pointers as he massages you too but overall says not to hesitate to ask him if you wanted to play again
another 10/10 baby’s perfect
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sassy mf
“are you sure? i wont hold back you know.”
(him and iwaizumi — to the streets!)
((jk just him cause iwa is bae))
he’s still not done at just that btw
“did you want my attention that much 😘 im kinda busy tho” so u hit him with a “nah nvm then”
and this mf hugs you so fast and says he might as well since you asked (smh 🤦‍♀️)
and this boy..
he’s asahi but intentionally
— like why??? are you running back and forth the edges of the court???
“go go dateko!” he fuccin sings as he sees you run to where he received the ball to 💀
— the complete opposite side of where you were btw
will also urge and keep teasing you to try tricky moves on him
*loud fake gasp as you do a curve spike*
istg if you could still walk at the end of playing with him you wouldve drop kicked him instantly
smothers you with kisses and hugs, and offers to carry you home after though so you cant really be too mad 🙄
all in all 7 jelly legs out of 10 (hes lucky u love him)
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a/n. i used to play varsity in my middle and high school vbc!! i loved being a pinch server but most of my days i was a wing spiker 😗 did one year as a libero and gave up immediately cause i had no idea how to dive properly (komori pls teach ur ways 🤲) i would literally sacrifice my w h o l e b o d y to receive every time
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stxvercgersslut · 4 years
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Description: Jake’s been ignoring Y/n for weeks and only spending time with his friends over his own girlfriend. But after while she had finally had enough. One day she decides to confront him.
A/n: I just had to write this😂 after rewatching the film a few days ago how could I resist? It just needed to be written 😂 (I also made it modern time btw just so it was easier to write for 😂) yeah I know that this is extremely angsty but I promise that there’s a whole lot a fluff at the end so the angsty part is definitely worth it 🥺💞 Jake is one of my ultimate loves that definitely needs some more loving then he got 🥺I didn’t plan on making this a fucking novel but here we are 😂
A/n: and okay yeah this is once again another submission for @stargazingfangirl18 and @navybrat817 writing challenge how could I not? 😂
Prompts: 2. “Can you just not right now?”and 14. “Did I...fall asleep on you??”
Warnings: Mentions of smut (nothing too descriptive), argument, being ignored, language, mentions of parents dying, mentions of weight loss, just a whole lot of angst, mentions of being poor and small bit of fluff at the end.
Temporary tag list: @jtargaryen18 & @et-lesailes
For weeks Jake has been neglecting you. Much rathering to play football with Reggie Ray and Austin then even hang out with you, his girlfriend of literally almost 1 year. How the hell did that even make sense? You were his girlfriend! Surely you were more important then some football game right? Well wrong! Apparently football was his only love. You’d always come in second to all of that.
Over the course of those insanely long 8 weeks that he’d been pushing you aside you had managed to keep your calm, just ignoring it. Thinking maybe he’d just been having a tough time studying for finals and training for football season. But as time continued to pass, still no texts, calls or even a FaceTime, you began to fear that your once loving relationship with Jake was steadily coming to a almighty close. Something that really did scare the life out of you. You loved Jake with all your heart and to lose him over the fact that he’d rather play football with his friends then hangout with you would send your heart into meltdown. No way could you let this happen to the both of you.
The pair of you were pretty much inseparable during the early stages of your relationship, always opting to spend time over at his house in the warmth then be at home where not even your heater worked. Obviously his sister still trying to fuck him was a huge problem for you, usually making you uncomfortable whenever you were ther but Jake had assured you that nothing was going on between them. Besides, he was just as uncomfortable (if more so) as you were with the immeture and disgusting way Catherin was acting around her BROTHER!
You came from a much poorer family then Jake did. But, surprisingly to you, Jake hadn’t actually seemed to care that you didn’t have any money. In fact he actually much preferred it sometimes since he had gotten to spoil you rotten with peculiar gifts and meals at fancy restaurants that almost 100% of the time just weren’t your style. Yeah he was a asshole sometimes but that didn’t mean that you didn’t love him. Most days you even struggled to pay your rent in your lonely one bedroom apartment that you’d moved into once your parents had past away last year. But no matter how many times Jake had attempted to lend you some of his inheritance in order to help pay rent, you never wanted to take it. Too afraid you’d have to pay it back somehow. There was even a time where Jake had offered for you to move in with him, not that his parents would have agreed with that, yet he didn’t seem to care. Food was hard to come by when you were at home, so whenever Jake had been able to, He’d make sure that you ate or at least tried to eat since he knew that you struggled a lost due to the fact that before you’d started dating him it was hard to get food. You mattered way more to him at the beginning. But right now it didn’t seem like he really seemed to care even a little. No more being at his house for warmth, no daily check ups, no food payed for and no offers to help pay for rent. It was like he’d retracted back to his old self. This wasn’t the Jake you had fallen in love him. He’d changed.
But nonetheless, the tenderness between the pair of you was irreplaceable. So of course you couldn’t just let this come between what the two of you had. But this was going to be a tough one to crack! Especially since you literally hadn’t talked to Jake for 8 WHOLE WEEKS!!! That’s right two months with barely any contact apart from when you were sitting at lunch listening to him blabber on about football or some damn movie he’s watching with his mates. Come on y/n think! It can’t be that hard to figure something out can it?
There it was again! That unnecessary tension rearing it’s ugly head once again at your usual table in the cafeteria. Jake, being the popular dick he was right now, had made himself comfortable next to you. Slowly taking one quick glance at you before once again completely ignoring you without a second thought. 8 weeks of this bullshit! It was a Miracle that you hadn’t murdered him already for neglecting you the way that he had been doing for 2 whole fucking months! So of course it was understandable that you snapped. Just listening to his smug laugh as he laughed and joked with Austin about the new hot chic was enough to set your entire body on fire.
With a stern look on your face you finally began to talk. Worth a shot right? “So I was won—“ you began as you attempted begin a normal conversation with you boyfriend, not really giving two shits about the fact that you were interrupting his dirty minded talk with Austin since you didn’t really care for the blonde. But before you could even get 10 words out Jake had already stopped you “y/n I’m in the middle of talking with my friend.” He cockily spoke with a shit eating grub appearing on his face for a millisecond before he turned back to his mates in hopes of continuing his ‘innocent’ conversation. Oh but that was not at all what happened. “Oh my bad! Didn’t realise that me literally about to invite you over for sex was me interrupting you. Silly me. I’m only your girlfriend!” You bit back, your glare completely fixed on Jake, not even caring that Austin, Reggie Ray and Malik all now has their mouths wide open in shock like they were having a fly collecting contest. You were half expecting Jake to nervously laugh it off and practically beg for you to forgive him, resulting in a quickie in the janitors closest. But that wasn’t what happened at all. In fact no amount of overthinking could prepare you for Jakes next choice of words.
“Can you just not right now?” The raven haired boy pressed with a insanely serious look on his face now. All thoughts that he might have just been joking had left your head completely. Hearing those words coming from Jakes mouth were like daggers pressing into your head and twisting Infinitely. Not only had it been a shock to you but it had also been a shock to everyone on the table. Jake Wyler, the most popular jock, refusing sex? Most importantly refusing you? What the hell was wrong with him? Oh you intended to find out. But for now you just stood up, shooting one more hurt glare towards your boyfriend before turning on your feet and leaving your spot at the table. Instead seating yourself on a table further away from them so that you didn’t risk another hurtful comment. Now this really was getting out of control.
Currently, for some unknown reason, YOU were sitting on the large length couch at some unknown douchbags house as you sipped from your red cup. Eyes scanning the room eagerly in an attempt to spot your dick head of a boyfriend. Even if you hadn’t Necessarily been accomanied by Jake to the party you knew for sure that he was a party animal. So why on earth would he miss this? Especially since the place was filled with doubly intoxicated high school students who most certainly were underage drinking. But then again so were you.
However, as you say there waiting for your raven haired beauty of a boyfriend to walk through those doors and unintentionally avoid you once again, you continued to run over your incredibly thought out plan in your head. Knowing with every bone in your body that this plan was most certainly going to get his attention, if not make him throw you over his shoulder, take you back to his place and fuck you until you can’t walk for at least a week. Yeah maybe you were secretly hoping for that second one.
6 drinks in Jake finally arrived at the party, accompanied by Reggie Ray and that stupid smug looking blonde ashole who you had conveniently forgotten the name of at this point. Only this time your raven haired boyfriend actually acknowledged that you were even there by letting his eyes scan over your perfectly curvy body. Which tonight was barely even covered by that incredibly revealing outfit that consisted of: a risky white vest like short with a very thin material that let your light pink bra peak out underneath the fabric, paired with a nude coloured leather skirt that barely covered your ass and some beautiful black boots to accompany the rest of your outfit. Of course this particular get up just so happened to be the only sexy outfit that you owned due to the fact that Jake had bought this for your birthday when you had only just started dating. You could definitely still remember him insisting that you wore this exact outfit to any party he took you to. So why waste it? After all it was just hanging up in your closet.
Even from 5 feet away from him you could still hear the cogs working away in his brain as your outfit caught his attention instantly. And in a matter of moments he was already sauntering over to you. Step one: Grab his attention complete. Oh but he wasn’t going to win that easy. No way was that going to happen! You hadn’t just come to this party wearing such a risky choice of clothing that was so out of your comfort zone to just let him win so easily.
“Hey baby, you wanna dance?” Jake asked with a slight smirk on his face, almost as if he was pretending like all of that god awful neglect hadn’t happened. Which you weren’t going to forget about. But this was operation get Jake jealous after all so you really did have to forget about what he’d been doing, at least for a few hours so that you could continue on with your plan.
Step two: dance with another hot jock who wasn’t Jake. After careful consideration you finally picked your target. Austin. Why? Because you knew for a fact that you dancing with Jakes asshole teenage playboy of a best friend was definitely going to make him jealous. “Sure” you teased, pausing for just the perfect amount of time for Jake to walk closer to you and almost grab your hand before you continued on “just not with you” there it was! Almost a millisecond after the last syllable had left your mouth! That gorgeous face of Jakes contorting into a look of pure jealousy just from those four simple words. “Not with me huh? If I’m not mistake I’m your boyfriend, so why won’t you dance with me?” Jake questioned whilst he still continued to attempt to grab at your waist, failing miserably every single time since you dodged him.
Those words in themselves were enough to light the fire in the pit of your stomach. Reminding you exactly why you had come up with this devious plan in the first place. Jake needed to learn a lesson and he needed to learn it now! Or else you’d most likely end up breaking up with him. “Because I don’t want to dance with my neglectful boyfriend.” You spat back before sauntering over to where Austin was standing, grabbing onto his hand and with no word of warning pulling him onto the makeshift dance floor.
Fiftheen minuets had dragged on by as Jakes eyes remained glued to your figure. Red hot anger coursing through him every time he watched your ass grind up against his friends crotch. Was this pay back for him treating you like your were worthless for 2 months? Because if it was then this was some carefully planned out payback that was not going to be working out in your favour later. “What the fuck!” Jake seethed. The sight of you now grinding against Austin’s very noticeable buldge was the fine straw! Causing him to leap out of his chair, rush over to the dance floor, throw you over his shoulder and walked out of the room with you kicking and screaming for him to put you down. Finally putting an end to your hideous plan all together. This most certainly hadn’t been how you had expected this to go but boy oh boy were you excited to see what happened next.
It wasn’t until Jake practically threw you onto a king sized bed and began yelling at you that you realised that this wasn’t going to end in sex. Or at least for the time being it wasn’t “Austin?? Of all fucking people you could have grinded up against you chose that bastard? What the fuck y/n?!” Jake spoke, anger clear in his tone as he fists clenched together in the dark room. “Do you really think that was the greatest of ideas huh? Embarrassing me infront of almost everyone? You really are a fucking bitch sometimes!” Oh how he wished he could turn back time and retract those words. Jake regretted those words as soon as they had left his mouth.
But unfortunately it was too late, he’d already hit a nerve inside of you that had been so desperate to appear this entire time! “You’re really asking me what the fuck all of that was about? Seriously Jake you don’t know? You don’t know that you’ve been ignoring me for the past 2 months for no fucking reason and doing god knows what?” Oh you were beyond finished at this point. “Embarrassing you? I embarrassed you? Really? That’s rich coming from the man who embarrassed me infront of our entire high school in the cafetière by practically telling me to shut up infront of everyone when I was actually going to invite you over for sex? You don’t need to know why I did what I did. But I deserve a ducking explanation as to why you’ve been neglecting me for two months and ignoring me any chance that you get! I’m the one that should be asking what the fuck! Have you fallen out of love with me Jake? Are you cheating on me? What is it? Why are you ignoring me whenever I try to talk to you? I’m your girlfriend don’t you think I deserve a explanation?” And with that the tears began to fall from your eyes. Oh no you’d released a damn. This definitely wasn’t going away anytime soon. Shit. Every single word that has been said was unfortunately true. Now all that was left to do was wait for Jakes reaction.
Every single one of your words were like tiny daggers sticking into his chest. But every tear that fell from your eyes was poison strong enough to kill him. How had he let this go on for so long? How had he not seen how disgusting he was being around you? How had he not realised he’d stopped treating you like his girlfriend and more like a slut? He really had destroyed the only perfect girl in his life and what for? Some stupid football game and some boring study sessions with his private tutor that his parents had provided? This wasn’t right! None of this was right. Oh god how could he fix this?
“Baby....I—“ the Raven haired boy began, swallowing thickly as he took large steps towards you. Once again scooping you into his arms. But this time once you were in his arms he laid back down with you. Ignoring your weak struggles to get out of his grin before you finally calmed down and relaxed into his touch. Still sniffling due to all of the tears that had been falling from your eyes.
For the rest of the party Jake made it his mission to give you bet might of your life. Ignoring his friends and instead focusing all of his attention onto you without a doubt trying to make it up to you. Of course every so often he’d whisper a apology in your ear or kiss you deeply in an attempt to mend his guilty conscience once and for all. But nothing seemed to help at all.
By the time you woke up at exactly 12:04pm the next day, you’d found yourself wrapped up in Jakes arms as he began placing gentle kisses against the back of your neck and shoulder. Something he’d been doing for the last several minutes. “Morning beautiful” he mumbled upon noticing you were awake. “Hmmmm...morning Jake..” you hummed back blissfully as you turned round in his arms. Happily staring him in his beautoful baby blue eyes before kissing him deeply just enjoying the moment.
After a very tired Make out session your eyes seemed to widen in horror as you looked down at your almost completely nude body, a little confused as to why you weren’t completely naked or even wearing Jakes shirt. That just didn’t seem right. “Did....I fall asleep on you?” The words in itself causing you to cringe. But you never did receive a actual answer. Instead you were answered with a loud laugh before your boyfriends lips were back on yours. Instantly getting on top of you to finish what you had started the night before.
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feminaexlux · 3 years
5 Minutes
Part 2 of Miraculous Leap
Btw I'm heavily referencing We Have a Problem by @verfound 'cuz I can take partial ownership of Dewey hehehe. Ages are fudged around for convenience
AO3 link
As soon as he left the bedroom and was out of sight Luka felt his knees start to buckle and he let himself slump to the floor. Hopefully she didn't hear that. A minute ago he'd been reaching for his bracelet to set Second Chance but then Ladybug collided into him and they were sent tumbling to the ground. When he had opened his eyes he found…
He was almost dead certain that it was Marinette propping herself up over him. Even if she looked older he wouldn't have mistaken those eyes for anyone else's. Those eyes looked as surprised as he was. While she had moved over to his side to sit up he had taken a quick scan of the room and of her. She looked… very curvy? … And pregnant. It was incredibly… well. There'd been a mix of feelings he couldn't put words to.
But the room? Deep down inside, he had an odd sense of being at home. And as he took some deep, meditative breaths to control his heartrate he knew whatever this was, it wasn't a dream. It had too much… certainty and realness to it.
Marinette was looking panicked, so he had offered to get some water. He needed some water himself. He also needed to leave the room so he could freak out in private and not upset her any more than she was already, and that was why he was more or less faceplanted on the floor out of view right now.
What was the akuma? It had some ability to see the future, which was why Viperion was called out to help Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first place. No one on the Miraculous team had known that it had the power to send people into the future, however. Luka was sure that was what had happened. Ladybug and Viperion got hit with the akuma's blast and… now Marinette and Luka were here, in their future. ONE future, he should say.
It wasn't necessarily set in stone. Luka knew how much could change in just 5 minutes.
He knew Marinette was Ladybug. Marinette might try to convince him she wasn't Ladybug if it ever came up. He'd have to roll with it and make her as comfortable as he could. Or maybe he could steer the conversation away from that in the first place. She might never call on him to be Viperion again if he told her that he knew and had known for a while.
Because even if Marinette had always looked over Luka for Adrien, Luka wanted to spend whatever time he could with her, in her super Miraculous suit or in her normal everyday clothes.
He got back up on his feet and sighed to himself, looking into the different rooms he passed as he meandered his way blindly toward a kitchen. There were a few rooms that had been for kids, he thought. He walked by what looked like Marinette's crafting workshop, full of partially dressed mannequins and half-finished projects and colorful children's drawings. A hallway he passed through was full of pictures of kids he didn't recognize, but they all had a strong familiarity.
Probably because they were his kids. His and Marinette's. He could hardly believe it, but his older self and Marinette's older self were there throughout most of the pictures too.
One thing caught his attention outside of the kids' pictures: a flatscreen in a large ornate frame playing a soundless video in the center of the hallway wall. It was of him and Marinette on what looked like their wedding day. He had swept her up off her feet in her wedding dress and she had her arms wrapped around his shoulders. She had been laughing and then had leaned in to kiss him.
Luka watched that replay a few times. They looked happy. He hoped that future Marinette didn't have any regrets.
After the replays he realized that they didn't look that old in the clip. Well, not much older than they were… now? Before the akuma? Definitely not teenagers anymore, but not more than a few years after they both left their teens.
So how did he manage to get all this? What happened that let Marinette finally see him? Did his future self leave any hints?
Last he knew of anything, Marinette had come back to the Liberty from her class' New York trip and admitted to the GirlSquad™️ (while Luka was within earshot) that she was still in love with Adrien. "I-I mean there's plenty of reasons to love him… he's so cute and talented and smart and--and… and I think everyone keeps saying we were made for each other but… but it's so hard," Marinette had groaned. "Why is it so hard?"
Luka had made his presence known so he wouldn't be unintentionally eavesdropping something he wasn't supposed to. Any more than was already said, anyway. He had started to leave when Rose stopped him then. "Luka! You're a boy! You know what boys think! What do you think is going on with Adrien?"
Luka had laughed and said he didn't know. "What I know is that it isn't supposed to be easy. It's something you have to keep working on. But it's supposed to lift you up and make you feel stronger." He then left the girls in their plotting/scheming/arguing to lounge back in his room. He had been surprised when a few minutes later Marinette came to join him.
"It doesn't make me feel stronger. I just feel dumb," Marinette said then, quietly. He had let her stay with him while he played random songs on his guitar, trying to cheer her up. She had finally started smiling again when he played her song, except with a little bit more flare and bubblegum pop. It was what he heard in his head when she was happy. "Thank you. You know, I feel less dumb being here with you."
He finally reached something like a kitchen. It'd been huge and there were clear boxy canisters of different types of flours and sugars and mix-ins… He saw a high end mixer and maybe 30 different types of baking sheets. Looked like Marinette still put her baking knowledge to use.
Alright enough being distracted, he shouldn't leave Marinette alone too long. He grabbed two clean glasses and got water from the fridge's built in dispenser and headed back the way he came.
"I brought some water for you." He was a little worried when he saw her on the floor. He had no idea what it was like being pregnant but it couldn't have been easy… "Hey, are you doing okay?"
Marinette took the water gratefully. "I don't know… Are… are you Luka Couffaine?" He nodded. "Huh, just a few minutes ago I was 14, and now it looks like I'm 34. And your wife."
There was something to her voice… she wasn't horrified, which was good news. There'd still been some confusion, maybe? And a little disbelief. That was as much as could be expected from Marinette, Luka supposed.
He was pretty sure she was Marinette, but it would be all kinds of messed up if he just found someone who looked a lot like her. It'd been her art, her designs, her baking… right? No one else could just… be all that she was. He had to be sure. "Are you Marinette?"
She looked up at him with her light blue eyes. It had to be Marinette. There'd been a wave of relief that washed over him when she nodded.
"I think this is our future," she said.
Luka blinked and… all of a sudden his wife had a Ladybug mask on. He hadn't seen that on her for months now (he had the Ladybug Miraculous since she was pregnant) which was the first clue that something had rudely interrupted them. He groaned internally and tried to mentally ping Sass or Tikki to see if there was anything to worry about. Marinette looked as bewildered as he was. He took her shoulders and gently pressed them both up to sitting.
Okay, well, she was… she was definitely not pregnant and therefore not his Marinette. Then he noticed he was suited up as Viperion. Ah, it ssseemsss you have been… regressssed, Massster, Sass said in his head. God, Marinette looked… what, 15? And Sass hadn't called him "Master" in forever.
Do you know what happened? Luka asked Sass.
There is an akuma who controlsss time. Well, of course. Their power has ssswapped you with your younger ssself, Sass answered.
Luka had to stop himself from laughing. His younger self was in for one hell of a surprise. That aside, he had to check on this Marinette. "Hey, are you okay?"
Ladybug looked up at him and brushed through his hair with her fingers. "Viperion? Your hair… It's so short…? Wait… wait wh--where's…" She looked down at herself and patted her stomach. "D-D-Dew--"
Oh, Dewey. Viperion pulled Ladybug in for a hug as she started crying. She was his Marinette and… and their son was in the future, not here with them. "He's alright. He's waiting for us. We're somehow in the past, but we'll get back home."
Well, shit, that meant that the younger Marinette was in the future as well.
"I-I-I thought I had l-lost him," Ladybug said quietly, her voice breaking.
"Hey… guys…" Chat said awkwardly after landing nearby. "Milady! What's wrong?!"
Right. Chat Noir. At 15. This was going to be annoying as fuck.
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Sophideon Christmas fluff
A/N: I was going to post this for Christmas, but I (accidentally) finished writing it today :| Anyways, this takes place after “A Lightwood Christmas Carol” BTW Sophie’s brother and cousin are not canon!!
Also, I’m taking requests from this prompt list! I may not get to them until the middle of December bc school is evil and I have a bunch of other fics to finish, but I’d love to hear what you guys want me to write about!
Gideon stepped into the house and was instantly surrounded by warmth. There was a wonderful smell in the air and he could hear the soft exclamations from the other room. Thomas squirmed at the sound of the voice of his mother’s soothing voice. They had been in London for the past couple of days, and they had finally come home. Gideon took off the layers of coats Thomas had on and set him down. Though Thomas was clearly anxious to get to his mother, he waited by his father. Gideon hung his coat and held out his hand for Thomas to grab. 
They walked into the kitchen but Gideon couldn’t decipher what was occurring. Sophie seemed to be teaching the girls how to make… A house? Gideon was confused, but he couldn’t help but stare at Sophie as she laughed and smiled widely at what she was doing.  
Then, she looked up, her eyes bright. 
“Look who’s back!”
The girls looked up excitedly and came running. They hugged Gideon’s legs. He saw Thomas waddling over to Sophie as she held her hands out to him out of the corner of his eye. He lifted his daughters and embraced them tightly. There was laughter and happiness at being reunited once more. 
“Does anybody want to tell me what that is?” Gideon said, motioning to the structure.
“It’s a gingerbread house!” Eugenia said cheerfully.
Gideon must have looked even more confused because Sophie laughed.
“Why don’t you girls show Thomas the gingerbread house?” Sophie said, putting Thomas down. Barbara took his hand and Gideon and Sophie watched as they eagerly showed the house to Thomas.
Gideon put a hand on Sophie’s waist. “Is this a new tradition?” 
Sophie put her arms around Gideon. “More of an old one. Around Christmas time, my gram used to make gingerbread and my cousin and I would assemble and decorate a house.” 
“What about your brother?” Gideon asked.
“Lawrence? Aunt Josephine was too busy getting him to fix something in her house.”
“Like what?”
“Bookshelves, chairs, ha! Once she made him fix the roof. His arms were so sore, he could barely lift a glass of water.” 
“Meanwhile, you and your cousin built a bread house?”
“No, we made the greatest gingerbread house in the entire village! Everybody would come to visit, just so that they could see it.” Sophie chuckled. “We used to bicker so much about the house decoration, we had to pick a side of the house and decorate it accordingly.”
Gideon smiled. “That sounds like two other girls I know.”
“Goodness, I think I got a few grey hairs trying to teach them to work together,” Sophie said, pointing her chin at Barbara and Eugenia.
Gideon kissed her head, “Grey hairs or not, you are still beautiful.”
Sophie shook her head, smiling.
“I have a question,” Gideon said.
Sophie looked up at him.
“How is that a bread made out of ginger?” It was quite flat and sturdy looking; it didn’t resemble bread at all. 
“Oh, it’s not actual bread.”
Gideon furrowed his eyebrows, “Then why is it called—”
“I have no idea; it’s better not to ask any questions.”
Gideon laughed. “Now I’m intrigued, maybe we should ask Will and Tessa if they have a book on bread-ginger.”
“Gingerbread,” Sophie corrected with a smile. “What would it be called? A Study in Gingerbread?”
“Gingerbread: A Brief History.”
“Oh no. If we’re going to do this, we cannot settle for simplicity. We must read ‘Gingerbread: An Absolute History’.”
“Nothing left behind.”
Gideon ended the discussion with a soft kiss on her lips. She tasted sweet and warm. 
“Your lips are cold.” Sophie said, frowning and kissing them again. “Now I have to warm them up.” 
“How I missed having my lip warmer.” Gideon said with a smile.
They kissed again. Sophie put a hand in his hair and stroked softly. It felt so nice, Gideon didn’t even think as he leaned into it. 
“Are they warm yet?”
“Almost. Just one more.”
Sophie kissed him twice more (for good measure) and put a head on his head shoulder with a sigh.
“How did it go?”
“I didn’t find anything in Benedict’s journals.”
“Maybe we should be glad.”
Gideon shrugged. “I guess so. It means there’s most likely nothing wrong with Thomas.”
“Which is a blessing.”
“Yes,” Gideon smiled as he looked at the children decorating the gingerbread house. “It truly is.”
For a while, the only sound that could be heard was the mumbling of the children.
“They are utterly destroying that poor house.” said Gideon, astounded. 
“Yes, I had no idea how tacky our children were.”
“They get it from their mother.”
Sophie snorted. “I’m pretty sure they get from their father.”
“Is that so?” Gideon said leaning in.
“Very much so.” Sophie closed the gap between their lips. 
They pulled away and rested their foreheads together. Gideon looked at Sophie and saw that she had her eyes closed. He kissed her eyelids and she dazzled him by opening her beautiful hazel eyes. 
“I missed you,” he said.
Sophie buried her head in the crook of his neck. “I missed you too.”
They breathing mingled into the same; they both inhaled and exhaled together, unintentionally. Gideon hated having been away for Sophie. He had missed her sleeping beside him so much, he felt like he could no longer sleep alone. He missed kissing her goodnight and good morning. He found it hard to be happy without hearing her voice everyday. 
“Mama! Help!” Barbara called.
“Your father is coming,” Sophie called back.
“I am?”
“Yes.” Sophie said, pushing him towards the children. “Since you are all tacky, you’ll agree artistically! I, on the other hand, have good taste which will cause a clash and perhaps a brawl in which nobody will be able to speak to each other for years to come!”
“What?” asked Gideon.
Thomas giggled, probably at his parents’ silly tones of voices.
“It’s your turn, I’ve had to deal with them while you were in London with the best behaved of our children.” Sophie whispered, furiously. 
Gideon shot her a betrayed facial expression.
They loved Barbara and Eugenia more than life, but there’s no denying that they were little monsters. 
“Fine,” Gideon said, “but only because I love you.”
Gideon walked over to the girls. Barbara had frosting dripping down her hands. Eugenia was spinning in a circle, probably because of stress. Thomas was looking at them with a face that conveyed wariness mixed with extreme confusion. 
Gideon pulled a chair and sat down next to Barbara.
“Papa, papa, papa! Help! The roof is sliding off.”
“It’s alright. We just need to stick it back—” Gideon squinted his eyes. “Are you keeping this up with icing?!”
“Of course!”
“Well no wonder it’s falling! This is a horrible idea. There is no way this measly sugar paste can hold this up.”
“Mama got the walls to stay.”
Indeed she did. Gideon inspected the walls with amazement and then shook his head.
“That’s because your mother is secretly an evil sorceress that is using her magic to keep them together.”
“I am not! I built that house with my bare hands. You just have to wait for it to set.” Sophie said.
Gideon put the roof back on the house. He pressed down and icing splattered and dripped down the house. He looked at Sophie, who looked away, pretending not to see.
“Papa! Do you like my gingerbread man?” Eugenia said while he held the roof in place.
“Where is he?” Gideon said. 
“Right there.” Eugenia pointed at something that Gideon had thought was a yard. It was completely covered in white frosting.
“By the Angel, he’s the palest man I’ve ever seen! He should go outside more often.”
Eugenia and Barbara giggled. 
“Papa, he’s going to melt.”
“A man that melts in the sun? Eugenia, how could you not tell me this fine gentleman is a vampire? He must be utterly offended.” Gideon turned to the cookie, “I’m very sorry, good sir. Do you forgive me?”
The children looked at the cookie expectantly.
“Must be a quiet fellow.” Gideon said, shrugging. “This should be done,” Gideon lifted his hands.
The house stayed for a while, but just as they were about to rejoice, the roof came tumbling down.
“I’m afraid they are going to want a refund,” Sophie said.
“Papa, what happened? Didn’t mama tell you how to do it?”
“It’s your mother’s strange accent. I don’t even know what she is saying half of the time, I just nod along.”
“What accent?” Sophie said, outraged.
“Your funny accent, mama,” said Eugenia.
“I do not have a funny accent.” 
“I do not have a funny accent.” Barbara mimicked in exaggerated cockney. 
Barbara giggled.
“How could you betray me this way?” Sophie said, pretending to be offended. She turned to Gideon. “See what you have done? Now my daughter is insulting me.”
Gideon kneeled in front of Sophie, “Forgive me, beautiful sorceress.”
“I will not,” Sophie said, unable to contain her smile. 
A timer ringed. 
“Oh, I must take the Gingerbread men out of the oven before they burn.” Sophie turned away toward the oven. 
Gideon got up and looked at the house, sighing. 
“Let’s see what we can do about that roof.”
Gideon lifted his hands. Thomas, who was sitting on his father’s lap, mimicked the same gesture.
“We did it!”
“But papa, what do we do with this extra piece?”
“Mama cannot know it came off, she will be heartbroken we destroyed her hard work.”
They all looked at Sophie warily and then back at the piece. Gideon picked it up, put a finger to his lips and put the extra piece of cookie in his mouth. The girls squealed which then turned to laughter as they saw Gideon’s face of disgust. 
“What is this made out of? It tastes horrible.”
“You ate it?!” Sophie said, turning around from the cooling rack
“Yes and it’s harder than cement and tastes horrid.”
“That’s because it’s not meant to be eaten.”
“You said it was a cookie!”
“Yes, but it needs to be sturdy so that it can last until Christmas.”
Gideon eyed the gingerbread house warily. “It doesn’t look like it will last another minute.”
Sophie came over and leaned over his shoulder. She smelled like cinnamon and honey and Gideon fought the urge to close his eyes and breathe it in.
Sophie piped a little bit more frosting and held the roof up a little bit higher. They all watched attentively as she filled in the top and wiped off the excess with her finger. 
“All done,” she said, plopping the frosting in her mouth.
The house now looked like it could stay up for centuries. 
“What did I tell you? Sorceress.” Gideon whispered at the children.
“Not sorcery; just practice.”
Sophie reached over and lifted Thomas from Gideon’s lap and kissed the top of his head. “Did you have a good time with Cousin Jamie?” she asked.
Thomas nodded. 
“Oh, darling. Your hands are freezing.” Sophie mumbled. 
Gideon looked up, worried, exchanging a look with his wife. Sophie grabbed a pair of socks (which she had, Gideon observed, begun keeping on hand during the cold, for Thomas) and put them on Thomas’ fists, since mittens don’t fit his impossibly tiny hands. 
“There we go,” Sophie said. “All warmed up.” 
She hugged Thomas tightly and looked over at the table.
“That gingerbread house looks very pretty.” She said, smiling.
Eugenia and Barbara grinned widely.
“Can we put it on the fireplace?”
“Of course!”
Their daughters cheered and went to put it up. Gideon stood up and Sophie put Thomas down on the floor. 
“Go with your sisters, darling. It’ll be fun,” Sophie told him.
Thomas hesitated but after Sophie put a hand on his back, he started walking forward. He looked behind his back at his parents, who both nodded encouragingly at him. He turned and joined his sisters.
Gideon hugged Sophie from behind and they both smiled with overjoy.
Sophie stood by the fireplace and ran her fingers over the empty spot on the fireplace. Dust came up. She rubbed her fingers together softly, as though she were caressing the dust. She looked up at a photograph of her children; Barbara, Eugenia and Thomas. It was a long time ago, back when Thomas was still small, when Eugenia was happy and when Barbara was still… 
Sophie closed her eyes tightly and turned away from the mantle. She looked around the living room. She had taught her daughters how to sew on that couch. Around Christmastime, she hugged Thomas—
“Oh, Thomas,” She choked on a sob. 
Where was he? Would she ever see him again? No, that’s not her most pending question. Would she ever see him again alive? Sophie put her back against the wall and slid down it. She hid her face in her hands because all she wanted to do was go back in time and hug her children when she still could. She wanted to go back to when her only problem was a stupid rumor.
If only she had known what was to come. She wouldn’t have shed a tear over those words.
Sophie looked around the parlor. It was the same as it was a couple of months ago, but it felt a million times emptier. She hugged her knees and rocked back and forth. She missed her children. She wanted to see them together, happy and alive. She couldn’t breathe beneath the weight of her despair.  
“Mama, why are you crying?”
Sophie looked away. 
“Mama, why are you sad?”
“Because I lost you.” She said, closing her eyes and feeling hot tears roll down her face.
“You didn’t lose me; I’ve always been here.” 
Sophie shook her head, tears coming down hard. There was something heavy in her throat that made it ache. 
Sophie turned towards her daughter. Except Barbara was not there.
Gideon was looking at her, though she’d never hear him come in.
“Sophie, we have to go.”
She sat up. “Why?”
“Thomas. They found him, he’s at the institute.”
Sophie looked up at the fireplace mantle where her daughter had placed the gingerbread house every year. 
She looked into Gideon’s green eyes. In them, she saw her past and she saw her future. Gideon was the first and only man she’d opened her heart entirely to. He taught her how to love again and the one she shared her best memories with. She saw a faint whisper of Barbara in those eyes, but most of all she saw the one who she bears the weight of her pain with. 
“Let’s get our son.” she said.
Gideon kissed her forehead.
Tagging: @celias @livvyheronstairs @tsccreatorsnet @livia-dovehallow @hitheresomeoneusingthus 
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smallheathgangsters · 4 years
Wait For Me | T.S.
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A/N: So proud of this one! Please enjoy and leave some feedback! ❤️ Btw, I hope this is want you wanted, Anon. :)
Request: “Hey! Could you write some angst with fluffy end (with 30,23,21 or 34) where Tommy and the reader were in a relationship before the war and she had to leave small heath and could only return years after they got back. They still love each other but she's keeping her distance in the beginning? And his family are the first who see her and welcome her and he just sort if walks in and falls in love again? Sorry if this is too detailed. I LOVE your writings :)” by Anon
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @tranquility-or-chaos​
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 2841
Type: angst, fluff
Summary: Y/N breaks the only promise she made to Tommy before he went off to war. Will there be any hope left for them after he returns to Small Heath?
“Are you being fucking serious?” you gasped speechlessly. Thomas was giving you a sad and guilty look. His hands were fidgeting with the ring on his right middle finger you had bought him about a year ago. It wasn’t meant to be a promise ring, simply a sweet gesture to show him how much he meant to you, but you knew from the moment he put it on, he started wearing it as one.
“Are you actually being serious, Tommy?” you repeated, looking at him bewilderedly with your eyes teared wide open.
“John and Arthur volunteered as well …” he mumbled, while his hands kept on working on the ring.
His response made you grab him by the hem of his jacket. “That makes no bloody difference, don’t you understand?”
His icy blue eyes were starting to get teary when he locked his gaze with your hurt one. You tried your best to not get soft by his reaction, tried to talk about his absolute stupid idea reasonably and even a tiny bit sternly, but you failed miserably, tears building up behind your eyes as well. “Are you trying to push me away? Are you trying to make it as hard for us as possible?”
You let out a desperate sob, making Tommy finally let go of the ring and cup your face into his hands lovingly. “I couldn’t live with myself if I wasn’t there to help my brothers and friends in this unbelievably hard time. I would feel like a coward, letting them die while I’d be hiding here.”
“But you wouldn’t be hiding! There are enough men volunteering, it wouldn’t make a difference if you went or stayed here!” you sobbed, the tears that had been gathering now running down your rosy cheeks.
“It would to me, Y/N …” he said quietly, caressing your cheek with his thumb, catching a few of your salty tears.
“Please don’t leave me, Tommy …” you cried. You leaned your forehead against his chest, your whole body erupting into even more violent sobs and hiccups, making you gasp for air. Tommy gently caressed your back. “I’m not leaving you. I could never leave you, love. My thoughts will always be with you.”
But his words did nothing to calm you down. “Please, love. You need to breathe.”
He wrapped his arms around you even tighter, swaying you softly. Then he placed a kiss on the top of your head. “I’ll write you every day, if I can, I promise. I’m sure, everything will be over sooner as you think.”
Finally, your crying quieted down. Tommy didn’t stop stroking your back. His big, warm hand gave you the comfort you needed in this moment, even though you knew it would be the last time for a long while. You sniffled and lifted your head from his shirt, which was now stained in your tears. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t, Y/N. I promise,” he ensured, kissing your forehead and giving you a weak smile, trying to lighted up the mood a little bit, even though there really wasn’t anything to be happy about right now. “Can you promise me something too?”
You nodded. “Anything.”
“Promise you’ll wait for me?”
His question made you break out into sobs again. “How could I not? How dare you even think I wouldn’t wait for you. Of course, I promise, Tommy.”
 You broke your promise. The only thing Tommy had ever made you promise. The one promise that meant so much to him, you broke.
You tried telling yourself that it hadn’t been your fault that you had to leave Small Heath. Your parents ran a small business in London, but when all the men were collected or volunteered for the war, they lost their bookkeeper and desperately needed help. They had called you and naturally, you packed everything right away, leaving Birmingham.
But in the end, it didn’t matter who’s fault it was. You weren’t there when you heard about the brave men coming back from the war. You weren’t there when Tommy came back.
Polly even sent you a letter, telling you that they had all made it back alive. And you were so incredibly happy for them and Polly. Still, you never answered her letter, you never even called.
You felt like you didn’t belong to their family anymore. You had let them down, but in particular, you had let Tommy down. It made your heart shatter into a million pieces knowing that you hadn’t been there when the train arrived, waiting for him on the platform. That you hadn’t been there to hold him in your arms, welcoming him back home, peppering him with thousands of sweet little kisses and telling him how much you’d missed him.
And it was true. You really had missed him so much. There wasn’t a day that went by, that you didn’t think of him. His icy blue eyes were the only thing on your mind every single evening you went to sleep. It was the only reason you were even able to find some rest.
While you were overjoyed by Polly’s news, it also made you sick to the stomach. Hearing about Tommy coming back made you feel twice as guilty about the fact that around two years into the war, you stopped answering his letters on a regular basis. You felt as if you were betraying him, knowing very well that you had left Small Heath only a year after him joining the tunnellers. Eventually, you stopped writing him completely. You couldn’t bear telling him that you had left, but you also couldn’t keep on writing him with this secret weighing you down.
Losing Tommy was your own fault. In the beginning, you tried blaming him, out of frustration. You had blamed his decision to volunteer, him risking his life every day, accepting the fact that he may never return alive. But it never made you feel better about the situation you were in. Because deep down you knew, there was nothing to blame him for. The outcome of your relationship, the shatters of what you were left with had all been your doing, not Tommy’s.
It had been a year since Polly’s letter. But still not a day you hadn’t thought of Tommy. Your family had finally found somebody to take over the bookkeeping and suddenly, it was time for you to return to Small Heath. No matter how much time you spent in London, you never really felt at home there and you knew the only place you’d ever be happy was Birmingham. The only problem was, moving back to Birmingham also meant moving back to Tommy. And that was something you dreaded.
In fear of crossing his path unintentionally, you rented a tiny apartment as far away as possible from where Tommy had lived before the war. It wasn’t much but it had everything you needed for now.
Only a few days after returning home, you reunited with one of your best friends, meeting up at a small café. While it felt good seeing a familiar face, you knew it wouldn’t take long for her to ask about Tommy.
“Have you seen him yet? I’m sure he missed you so much,” your friend said, blowing away the steam from the cup of tea and then taking a careful sip, trying not to burn her tongue.
“Uh, no. Not yet,” you mumbled, stirring your spoon in your tea, avoiding her nosy gaze.
“What? Why not? Did you break up?” she asked confused.
Her question made you think. Tommy and you had never officially broken up. It was you who decided for yourself to break off the contact. And because he never reached out to you, asking why you hadn’t been writing him letters anymore or why you hadn’t been there when he came back from France, you assumed he had accepted the fact that your relationship had sort of dissolved itself.
“Not exactly …” you said insecurely, “but it’s been too long since we’ve had contact. It would be ridiculous of me to expect him to still care about me.”
“Oh, shut up,” your friend exclaimed. “You’re being stupid. Tommy Shelby was head over heels for you, there is nothing in the world that could make him lose interest or stop caring about you.”
You scoffed. “Was. Tommy Shelby was head over heels.”
Your comment made your friend groan. “You’re being annoying and self-pitying.”
“Excuse me?” you huffed. Nevertheless, you knew very well that your words had sounded whiny and as though you were sorry for yourself.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she said, lifting up her teacup to her lips and raising her eyebrows at you.
Just as you opened your mouth to let out a sarcastic reply, you heard a voice behind you shout your name.
“Y/N! Oh my gosh, is it really you?”
The voice was all too familiar to you and made you squeeze your eyes together, hoping it would go away. But of course, it didn’t. Only a second later Polly was standing next to yours and your friend’s table. You opened your eyes again and moved them slowly to the elegantly dressed woman, a cigarette between her index and middle finger.
“As pretty as ever!” she exclaimed, leaning down and pulling you into a friendly hug, pressing you tightly against her chest. “How long have you been back?”
“O– only a couple of days. Just started settling back in,” you mumbled, feeling absolutely awkward and uncomfortable.
She widened her eyes. “Why didn’t you come by? Tommy’s changed a lot since the war but I’m sure he still misses you and would be very happy to see you.”
Hearing her mention Tommy so casually made you gulp. Was he really not upset about you leaving and ignoring him? Or was Polly just not realising how complicated yours and Tommy’s relationship was, if you could still call it that? On the other hand, Polly was a clever woman. She would be the first to notice something being off.
“Are you sure …? I mean, a lot has happened since then.”
“Oh, of course! We all missed you very much, Y/N, even Finn!”
Sweet little Finn. How was it possible that even he remembered you?
Suddenly, you felt Polly grab you by your wrist, pulling you out of your chair. Then she gave your friend an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry, miss, but I need to steal Y/N away from you.”
You knew exactly that your friend didn’t mind at all, considering the topic of your previous conversation and simply nodded at Polly, smiling cheekily.
Outside, Polly pushed you into a taxi, herself following right behind. She told the driver the same address you remembered the Shelby Home having before you had left. Tommy and his brothers had built up this betting shop and you thought back to when Polly had to take over the reins when the boys left. Suddenly, so many memories popped up in your head, making you feel slightly overwhelmed. Polly seemed to notice you tensing up.
“Everything alright, love?”
You gulped and nodded. “Just feeling a little nervous.”
“Nervous?” she asked surprised, “Why would you be nervous around us? We’re family.”
“Tommy and I, we … you know, we–“
Polly cut you off by grabbing both your shoulders and looking into your eyes intensely. “Y/N, darling. Stop worrying about Tommy, everything’s going to be fine.”
You sighed. “Okay.”
The driver stopped the car and Polly payed him, getting out of the vehicle quickly onto Watery Lane. “Come on, then.”
You slid off of the back seat as well and followed her to the front door of the house. Your heart started racing and your palms got sweaty, making you wipe them on your dress. Unfortunately, it didn’t do much and they stayed uncomfortably clammy. Polly sensed you not feeling very well and grabbed your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. Then she pushed open the front door to the betting shop, a wave of loud masculine voices coming your way.
“Look who I found!” you heard Polly shout over the voices, drawing all the attention towards the two of you.
“What the fuck!”
John was the first to react. A huge smile was plastered onto his face. You saw him rushing over to you and pulling into the biggest, tightest hug you’ve ever experienced. “What the bloody hell are you doing here? I thought you’d never come back!”
You nuzzled your face into his chest. All of a sudden, all your nervousness and insecurity was gone, replaced by the feeling of finally being at home. It made you realise how much you had missed all of them and how stupid you had been to avoid them. They really were family.
Immediately after John pulled away, Arthur wrapped his slender arms around you. You couldn’t say whose welcome was more heartfelt.
“You look amazing, Y/N,” Arthur complimented when he finally got to examine your face more closely.
“Thank you,” you said, blushing. “I really missed you all.”
“We did too, very much.”
After you hugged Finn as well, commenting on how much he had grown in the years you were gone, your eyes scanned the room in hope to find Tommy standing somewhere in the back, waiting for his turn to pull you into an embrace. But he was nowhere to be seen.
You felt a soft hand being placed on your shoulder. “I’m sorry he’s not here. I’m sure he’ll be over soon.”
You nodded and gave Polly a weak smile. “Don’t worry. Maybe it’s better this way.”
“Quit being so negative,” Polly told you off. The tone in which she said it wasn’t angry though. It sounded almost hopeful.
Suddenly, the front door behind you flew open, making you flinch. You whipped your head around, staring at the person standing in the doorway.
“Tommy …?” you whispered, as if you had to be careful to not scare him away.
He was just as handsome as the last time you had seen his beautiful face and his breathtakingly gorgeous eyes. He was wearing a perfectly tailored suit, making him look as if he were in charge of everything and everyone in Small Heath. There was nothing that didn’t make you fall in love with him all over again right then and there.
You felt all the other family members slowly backing up towards their offices, giving you the space, you needed.
At first, Tommy didn’t say a word. He just stared at you with an expression you weren’t able to make out. Was he happy to see you? Or did he want you to leave?
The silence made you feel uneasy. Your heart was beating uncontrollably fast in your chest and you felt heat wander up to your cheeks, making them flush.
This encounter was embarrassing. It was not at all romantic or even pleasant. It made you want to push past Tommy and run down the street, as far away as possible. You guessed he probably felt the same. You couldn’t imagine him feeling positive emotions when it came to you, especially not when you suddenly stood in his shop unannounced after not hearing from you for years.
“Look … I’m sorry, I– I shouldn’t be here,” you stammered nervously, your eyes jumping around in the entrance, avoiding his intense stare at all costs.
You wrapped your coat around your body and stepped towards Tommy, planning on squeezing past his muscular physique when you suddenly felt his arms around your body. His actions took you by surprise, making your freeze in his embrace. Your breath hitched at the back of your throat and you were unable to return the gesture. You worried that your reaction would make him regret hugging you, but he didn’t let you go. It seemed as though when he felt you unable to move, he pressed you even harder against himself.
“Don’t leave … please,” you heard him whisper pleadingly. You held your breath in shock when you thought you heard his voice being shaky.
“You promised …” he breathed, a silent sob escaping his lips. He placed a hand on your cheek, and you felt something cold. The ring.
That was when you broke. Your legs gave up on you, making Tommy catch you when your body collapsed. His strong arms supported your body, holding you up against his chest while his scent surrounded you.
Your cries filled the air and time seemed to have stopped, only for you and Tommy. It was a moment that nobody was able to take away from you. It was when you realised that life meant nothing if Tommy wasn’t there. And that nothing you had done had ever changed that. It was also the moment you realised that Tommy had never forgotten or stopped caring about you. He still loved you as much as you loved him, and not even war was able to change that.
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