#though just barely! 79
lancehenriksen · 6 months
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Premiere Of "Exorcism At 60,000 Feet” during Hollywood Horrorfest at Mayflower Club Inc - August 9, 2019 - North Hollywood, California
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justaparsec94 · 8 days
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Summary: After being sidelined for weeks by an injury in the field you're finally reunited with your favourite snarky sniper and the rest of your squad.
Pairing: Crosshair x fem!reader
Word Count: 7,246
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Minors be gone, Explicit
Author's Note: I wrote this as second part to my one shot "Sniper" but I think it stands well enough on it's own if you haven't read that one!
Walking into 79’s was like walking into a wall of sound and heat. It was visceral and made you pause on the threshold, shucking off the jacket you had been wearing to keep the cool night air at bay. You definitely weren’t going to need it as a sudden clamminess, the byproduct of all of the bodies in the place, latched onto your skin.
It was more crowded than you could ever remember it being on any of your previous visits. Though considering you had watched the 501st and 212th arrive on Coruscant earlier you really shouldn’t have been that surprised at the crowded nature of the bar. A quick look around at all the white, blue, and gold armour in the place confirmed that thought.
You slowly began making your way through the throngs of people. The very first time you had come to the bar you had been surprised by the number of non-clones that seemed to frequent the place, and as time went on that number only seemed to grow. You supposed it was a good place to get cheap drinks and meet handsome men. Kriff, that was the reason you were there after all, except you were looking for 4 very specific handsome men, as usual. A quick sweep of the place didn’t reveal any signs of the distinctive squad which likely meant they hadn’t arrived yet. Generally, when The Bad Batch arrived somewhere, everyone knew about it. They didn’t really blend in, no matter how hard they tried to.
You paused as you finished your lap of the bar, fishing your comm out as you tried your best to move away from a particularly loud group of clones.
“Hunter!?” You called into your comm over the chaotic noise surrounding you. You pressed your comm up to your ear and covered the other to try and drown out the thumping music, “Where are you guys?”
The sergeant’s response was barely audible over the noise of the bar, “ETA 10 minutes.”
You groaned, “Any chance you can hustle and cut that time down?”
“Negative,” Hunter responded with a hint of laughter in his voice, “Crosshair is in a mood.”
Well, that certainly wasn’t new. What was new was the fact that you were currently alone at the bar. Usually, when you attended you were with the Batch or with your friends but tonight had you flying solo. You sighed knowing that even over the noise Hunter would be able to hear you, “Alright, I’ll try and find a table.”
You disconnected your comm, tucking it back into the form-fitting bodice of your dress. You tugged once on the hem somewhat self-consciously before you started picking your way through the crowd. Your dress wasn’t even anything overly fancy, a simple black strapless body con dress that ended just above your knees. In fact, compared to a lot of the outfits currently in the place it was quite tame but it was very different from the scrubs and clogs you usually rolled up to the bar in, and that made you fidget. But as you had been getting ready that night you had thought a special occasion called for a special outfit. And you may or may not have been thinking of a particular silver-haired clone when you had pulled the dress from your closet, but no one needed to know that.
A night out at 79’s with the Bad Batch was rare for several reasons. One: because they were stationed on Kamino and were rarely called to Coruscant and, two: because they often received temporary bans from the bar for inevitably ending up in fights every time they entered the place. But this trip in particular was special because you hadn’t seen your squad in ages. A horrible ankle injury on your last mission had left you sidelined for weeks. It had been a long and hard recovery after multiple surgeries. And even after all the rehab you’d had you still had only just managed to squeak out clearance to return to the field. You had missed your squad desperately during that time. They had checked up on you throughout your recovery, some of them more than once. Wrecker because he was kind and Tech because he was convinced you were not receiving proper medical treatment. But it just wasn’t the same as being with them nearly 24/7.
Even Crosshair had reached out to you, which you hadn’t really expected. He wasn’t the most sentimental type so when a message popped up from his frequency you had honestly been surprised. You might be harbouring the galaxy's largest crush on the snarky sniper but you were fairly certain your feelings were not returned. Though it truthfully was hard to tell considering his outwardly expressed emotional range was rather limited. You knew there was a lot more going on inside of him than he let people think but it was easy to miss if you didn’t look close enough.
A part of you had hoped that after your ordeal the two of you might have grown a little closer, it had been Crosshair after all who had tended to your injury before fully carrying you down a mountain. But the message you had received from him had been a typical Crosshair quip. Are you still alive?
You had been so high on pain medication that you couldn’t remember much about the incident but you did remember Crosshair. You remembered the concern on his face, not the exact words but the reassuring way he had spoken to you, the way he had held you, stayed with you, and comforted you on The Marauder. You knew you had said things to him but for the life of you couldn’t remember what. You just hoped it hadn’t been anything too embarrassing or anything that might have jeopardized the tenuous friendship you seemed to have with him. You ached every time you thought of how surprisingly gentle his touch had been but it seemed that it had simply been the action of one teammate looking out for the other.
You put aside the thoughts of anything that may or may not be happening between you and Crosshair as you continued your journey around the bar looking for a place to sit. You stopped every once and a while to say hello to familiar clones and non-clones alike but still did your best to stay focused on your mission.
“Hey beautiful, do you need a seat?” A large, handsome Devronian male called out to you from a nearby table, halting you in place.
You felt your face flush slightly as he smiled at you, there was no denying he was handsome, and if you hadn’t been completely smitten with a certain emotionally constipated sharpshooter you might have even considered his offer but as it was you simply shook your head politely and continued on your search for a table.
Two laps around the place had you abandoning that mission, every booth was full already and you knew you weren’t about to convince anyone to give up their spot for you. That was a job for the Batch, they could clear a room like no one else, a skill that often came in handy on your nights out.
“Doc!” A familiar voice called suddenly. Your head whipped around towards the source, smiling brightly at the sight of Wrecker towering over everyone else in the bar, waving enthusiastically at you as he muscled his way through the crowd.
You met him halfway, laughing as he scooped you up into his arms, squeezing the air out of you with one of his signature hugs, “We missed ya Doc!”
“I’ve missed you too,” You replied once he had set you down and you had managed to catch your breath once more. Your heart was brimming with happiness at the sight of him, and the sight of his brothers as they pulled up alongside him.
“Good to see you Doc,” Hunter said with a small smile as he reached out to grasp your forearm gently.
Tech shouldered past his brother, cutting off the words you had been about to speak, “Yes, though this reunion is rather premature. Your medical records indicate you are still suffering from the injury to your ankle and would benefit from more time off to fully…”
“Good to see you too Tech,” You replied drily, cutting off his rambling speech. You really shouldn’t have been surprised that he had been accessing your medical records.
Hunter laughed as he clapped a hand on Tech’s shoulder, “What he means to say is that excited to see you too.”
“That is not-“ Tech protested as he looked between you and Hunter, “Not that I am not excited, I am, Doc is an integral part of our team…”
Whatever else Tech was saying was lost to the hum of 79’s as the one person you had been waiting to see the most finally stepped into view.
Crosshair looked the same as he always did, arms crossed over his chest, toothpick in his mouth as he shot a dry look at his brothers before his attention focused on you. Your heart kicked up a notch as you looked at him, you hadn’t realized just how much you had truly missed him until this moment.
The slow sweep of his gaze traveling over you felt like a physical touch, his eyes lingered over your chest, the curve of your waist, and hips for the barest hint of a moment before moving on. It made you feel molten inside.
He paused once he reached your feet, one eyebrow canting up minutely as he met your eyes once more, the barest hint of a smirk gracing his face.
“Sensible,” He snarked, his eyes flicking from your eyes down to your shoes. You had chosen a very comfortable pair of leather and cork sandals and while they were not the most stylish they were comfortable. And after nearly snapping your foot right off comfort was key.
You laughed, shaking your head in mock annoyance, “Oh stuff it Cross. I need the arch support!”
“Ok, Grandma,” He teased as your eyes tracked the toothpick in his mouth as it swapped from one side to the other. His dark eyes were shining with amusement, “Do we need to have you home to bed by a certain time too?”
“This is already past my bedtime so you should consider yourself lucky that I’m even here,” you teased right back, smiling brightly up at him.
He took a step towards you, crowding into your space. He was suddenly so close that you had to tilt your head up to maintain his gaze. You felt like a live wire in his proximity, your pulse raced in your veins. You felt his breath whisper against your skin as he spoke, his eyes sweeping over you once more, “Hmm, lucky me indeed.”
His dark eyes were swimming with something that made your heart pound against your ribs. If he kept looking at you like that you honestly felt like you might melt into a puddle of lovestruck goo on the floor.
“Are you two done?” Wrecker asked in his typical booming voice, causing the two of you to jump apart in surprise, “I want a drink!”
“Then go get one,” Crosshair snapped, glaring at his brother. He hadn’t moved away from you though, if anything he had only gotten closer as though to shield you from his brother and everyone else in the bar. You felt overheated as his hand gently brushed against the small of your back.
“I’ll have a Fuzzy Tauntaun,” You replied, tipping your head back to look at Wrecker. The rest of the Batch took your lead and gave Wrecker their drink orders, much to his disappointment.
“Awe man,” He grumbled, “I hate carrying drinks.”
“I will assist you,” Tech supplied, “The others can find us a table since Doc was unsuccessful.”
“It’s busy!” You protested as the two brothers headed off towards the bar, calling after them, “I tried my best!”
“You’re just not intimidating enough,” Crosshair said lowly, still closer than what was likely considered professional for two members of a squad, but you didn’t care. Having him this close to you was something right out of one of your fantasies.
You looked back up at him, a smile growing on your face, “Yeah, that’s your job.”
He let out a soft bark of laughter before he finally moved away from you. You frowned at his sudden absence but did your best to mask your disappointment. With a soft sigh, you followed after him and Hunter in their search for a table.
They were able to accomplish what you hadn’t in under five minutes, scaring a batch of shinies out of a table near the back wall of the bar. They preferred places where the lights and sounds of the dance floor weren’t so overwhelming and the shadows gave Hunter more of the anonymity he preferred and the perfect vantage point of everything going on that Crosshair liked.
“How have you been feeling, Doc?” Hunter asked as you slid into the booth after him. Crosshair slid in beside you, leaving very little space between the two of you as he settled. He casually leaned against the back of the booth, his arms spreading out along the back of the seat on either side of him, toothpick hanging out of his mouth like usual as his long legs stretched out beneath the table. He wasn’t technically touching you but it almost felt as if he was. You did your best to ignore the feeling of his long and lean body beside you as you looked over at Hunter who had settled himself in the curve of the booth leaving the other side open for Tech and Wrecker.
“Better. I can’t say that was the most fun I’ve ever had but it definitely could have been much worse,” at this proximity you didn’t miss the way Crosshair tensed slightly at your words but he relaxed once more before you could even so much as sneak a look at him.
“Well, we’re just glad to have you back,” Hunter replied with a nod, “Tech’s bedside manner really leaves something to be desired.”
You laughed at that but any further response you might have had was interrupted by Wrecker and Tech returning with your drinks in hand.
“Drinks!” Wrecker exclaimed happily as he set his handful of glasses down on the table, the contents sloshing about before he clambered into the booth.
Drink in hand you relaxed back against the booth as the boys began regaling you with everything you had missed while you had been away. You smiled and laughed as you listened to them, your heart warming in your chest. Being there with them it suddenly felt as if no time had passed at all. A sense of home washed over you as you sat with them. You had truly missed them so much.
Time easily slipped away as you all fell into your usual pattern of reminiscing and people-watching. There was always something entertaining going on at 79s, but thankfully it seemed the batch was intent on avoiding shenanigans tonight. The combination of alcohol and mild pain meds you were still on for your ankle made you feel pleasantly bubbly inside, laughter and smiles slipping from you easier than usual as you enjoyed the time with your squad. Though the presence of Crosshair at your side, leaning over every once and a while to whisper in your ear as he pointed out whatever ridiculous thing he had spotted going on in the bar, his hands casually brushing against you each time, might have also had something to do with the slight giddiness you were feeling.
As the night wore on Hunter had been tempted away from the table by a beautiful Twi’lek and Tech and Wrecker had gone to grab the third round of drinks for the night leaving just you and Crosshair left in the booth.
Suddenly feeling bold, likely the result of the two drinks you had had, you looked up at Crosshair, leaning into him just ever so slightly. Your voice came out huskier than you had intended when you spoke, “Did you miss me, Cross?”
He tilted his head to look down at you, one eyebrow raised. The same something as before was swimming in his eyes again making your pulse race. He didn’t say anything though, only made a soft humming noise before picking up his drink and taking another sip.
You frowned, a sudden wave of embarrassment rushing through you at your brazen question. He probably thought you were an idiot for asking such a thing. The relaxed feeling you had been feeling before was completely gone, your body tensing as you berated yourself internally.
Thankfully, Tech and Wrecker returning to the table gave you something else to focus on. You grabbed the drink placed in front of you, downing nearly half of it in a single go in an attempt to chase away the feelings that had suddenly rushed up inside of you. You could feel Crosshair’s eyes on the side of your face, but you steadily ignored his gaze, focusing on the story Tech was currently telling instead.
Crosshair suddenly leaned towards you, his mouth a breath away from your ear, “What’s-” he started but was cut off by the sound of a new voice at their table.
“Hey there handsome,” All four heads at the table shot up to look towards the source of a voice. A beautiful young Pantoran woman had appeared at Crosshair’s side, her gaze focused entirely on him, “Can I buy you a drink?”
You were no stranger to witnessing this type of thing, the boys were handsome and they garnered a lot of attention everywhere they went. It wasn’t even the first time you had watched Crosshair pick up company for the evening but suddenly the thought of being present for this was unbearable.
“Excuse me,” You said shortly, moving before the words were even fully out of your mouth. You heard Crosshair hiss as you accidentally kneed him as you climbed over him to escape the booth. You looked at the woman who was suddenly looking at you with interest, “You can have my spot if you want.”
And with that you fled from the table, beelining towards the opposite side of the bar where the washrooms were. Thankfully one of the few single occupant washrooms was open and you rushed into it, leaning back against the door with a sigh as you locked the door. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You weren’t sure why you were so upset. Well no, that wasn’t entirely true. You were upset because it seemed that what you had thought was just a silly crush on Crosshair had become something much deeper than that and having to potentially watch him leave with someone else was literally cleaving your heart in two. You shook your head as your eyes stung, trying to get rid of the emotions bubbling inside you with the motion.
“Get it together,” You whispered to yourself as you pushed yourself away from the door. The washroom was tiny, nothing more than a small box with a toilet and sink but you were thankful for the privacy as you turned on the sink, splashing your face with cool water. You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment trying your best to school your features into something more neutral before you left the confines of the washroom.
A sudden knock on the door startled you and you turned off the sink, “Just a minute!” You called as you grabbed a towel to dry off your hands.
You gave your head one more shake and took another deep breath before you pulled open the door only to be met with a completely unexpected sight.
“Crosshair what-?” You started but weren’t able to get anything else out before he crowded into you, pushing you back into the bathroom and closing the door quickly behind him. The sound of the door locking behind him echoed around the room.
“What are you doing?” Your voice came out as a squeak as you looked up at Crosshair with wide eyes.
“You’re upset.” He stated matter of factly, his gaze was dark as it racked over you. You had always felt that Crosshair had a way of just knowing what you were thinking and feeling and this time was no different. Sometimes it annoyed you how observant he was.
You shook your head, not willing to admit the truth, “No I’m not. I think I’ve just had too much to drink. Pain meds and alcohol don’t really mix…”
“Stop lying,” Crosshair hissed, pressing in even closer to you. You hadn’t even realized you had backed up until your back hit the sink counter behind you. He had you cornered, with nowhere else to go. You knew that Crosshair would never hurt you, if you told him to back off he would in an instant. But you realized with a flush it wasn’t fear that was suddenly pooling in your stomach, it was desire.
“I’m not…” You replied but it sounded weak even to your own ears.
Crosshair’s sharp eyes narrowed but he didn’t say anything. His eyes dipped down towards your lips momentarily before they met your gaze once more. That same look of something that had been pooling in his eyes all evening was back.
His voice ghosted across your skin, sending a shiver through your body as he spoke, “You don’t remember, do you?”
“Remember what?” You asked the heat pooling in you was growing by the moment. He was so close and you wanted nothing more than to pull him closer. The intensity of his gaze was almost unbearable.
“What you said to me that day, what I said to you,” His voice was barely above a rumble in his chest. Suddenly it clicked, he was talking about the day you had been injured.
“Cross, I don’t…” You started, shaking your head as your pulse raced beneath your skin. You had tried desperately to remember that day but the pain meds had made everything fuzzy.
“Hm,” He mused as he closed the final gap between you, the entire long length of him pressed up against your front. Your body felt as if was on fire at his proximity. He moved his hands to rest on the counter on either side of you, fully caging you in as his head dipped down towards your face. His voice was a purr as he spoke once more, “I can remind you if you want.”
You couldn’t do anything but nod, you didn’t know where this was going but you desperately wanted to find out.
“You told me that I was your favourite,” He whispered as his hand came up to cup your jaw. A smirk bloomed on his face that made your heart pound even faster, “You told me I was sexy."
You felt your face flush slightly in embarrassment and a laugh escaped you before you could stop it, “How cringe of me,” You said before you bit your lip shyly, looking up at him from beneath your lashes, “It is true though.”
Crosshair chuckled lowly as his hand slid down your neck, his thumb settled against your pulse point making you gasp softly at the touch. The two of you simply stared at one another for a long moment. You couldn’t quite believe that after months of longing, he was finally touching you. All of the nights you had spent imagining this very scenario didn’t even come close to the real thing.
Emboldened by his touch you tipped your head up, your noses nearly brushing together as you looked at him, “And what did you say to me?” You asked softly.
He moved impossibly closer, his knee parting your legs as his other hand moved to trace the curves of your body. Desire was throbbing through you with each touch.
“I said I would always stay with you,” He rumbled, “I meant it.”
You felt as though you were going to burst, every nerve ending lit up, oversensitive with every touch of his hand. You were completely lost beneath the weight of his words and his gaze. You had never felt a desire like this before.
His head tipped forward once more, his cheek grazing against your own, “Let me show you just how much I missed you, Sunshine,” He whispered, nipping lightly at your earlobe and sending shudders down your spine.
“Please, Cross,” You managed to squeak out. Your voice sounded desperate and needy but you found that you couldn’t care less as he pulled back slightly and his hand returned to your face once more. He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, his gaze was liquid fire as it traced the lines of your face.
He was kissing you then and everything else around you faded away into nothing. There was only him. There had always only been him.
You were unable to stifle the soft groan that escaped you as his lips captured your own. He gently nipped at your lower lip before his tongue soothed over the spot. He only stayed there for a moment before his tongue was pressing through, tangling with your own. It was needy and demanding and everything you had ever dreamed of.
You separated with a breathy moan, your eyes still closed, head tipped back as he moved his mouth down the line of your neck. Kissing, licking, and nipping a trail down to your collarbone. Fire was racing up your spine as he ravished your skin. It was all at once too much and not enough.
“Crosshair,” You murmured as your hand reached up to his head, your fingers scraping through his short silver hair. You didn’t miss the way he shuddered at your touch. It filled you with a sense of power, to know he was just as affected by your touch as you were by his.
He placed one final kiss on your neck, sucking on your skin in a way you knew would leave a mark before he was moving again. His hands slid to the back of your thighs, lifting you up onto the counter behind you with ease. You let out the tiniest squeak at the movement before he was settling in between your thighs. You could feel the way his codpiece was bulging against your core and you were desperate for more friction. You wrapped your legs around behind him, pulling him closer until there wasn’t any space left between you.
“This dress is dangerous, mesh'la,” He whispered as his hands once again trailed down your curves, his touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake, “Didn't you see how everyone was watching you? Most beautiful girl in the room.”
You moaned as he palmed your breast overtop of your dress, your breath coming out in ragged pants as you met his gaze, "I wore it just for you.”
He made a deep sound in his throat before he kissed you again, more urgent than before as your own hands bit into his shoulders. He didn’t stay there long though, your eyes widened as you watched him kneel on the ground in front of you. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he hooked his hands behind your knees, pulling you right to the edge of the counter.
“Crosshair,” You whispered again as his hands caressed your thighs, slowly making their way up and under the edge of your dress. He looked up at you, a smirk on his face, his dark eyes burning as his long, delicate fingers hooked around the edges of your panties. In one smooth motion, he had them off of you and in his hands. The look on his face was completely wicked as he stuffed them into one of the pouches on his utility belt.
“Cross,” You protested with a huff, that was one of your best pairs.
“What?” He asked before he bent his head to nip at the soft skin on the inside of your thigh, effectively rendering you speechless. His breath sent another shiver through you as he spoke again, “I want a souvenir.”
Any further reply you might have had was cut off as he reached up to hook one of your legs over his shoulder. The soft flesh of your thigh brushed against the sniper mount on his shoulder bell and you knew you were never going to be able to look at that thing the same way again. He kissed his way up the inside of your thigh, his mouth sending sparks up your spine. You were absolutely aching for him and you flushed slightly at the thought of him being able to see just how wet and ready you were for him.
You saw stars as his mouth pressed suddenly to your cunt, vision blackening around the edges as you were nearly overcome by the wave of sensation rushing through you. Tongue stroking your folds slowly, tortuously. You gasped, your white knuckle hold on the counter increasing as his tongue circled your clit, his hands biting into the flesh of your thighs as he pressed his face into you even further. You let out a soft cry, your head tipped back, eyes squeezed shut as his tongue breached your entrance. He groaned against you, his hold on you tightening even more, the sensation of it sending waves of pleasure through you. You were hurtling towards a release, all of the tension coiling in your belly as your chest heaved.
You hadn’t even noticed that one of his hands had moved, so caught up as you were in the feelings of his mouth on you, that you let out a soft yelp as two of his fingers pressed suddenly against your core. He moved his mouth back to your clit, tongue circling it as he pushed his fingers inside of you. You let out a string of curses, your walls clenching around his fingers as they crooked and found that spot inside of you that had you turning into a whimpering mess as he massaged it. You were so achingly close, months of longing suddenly coming to a boiling point as your body completely melted beneath his touch.
“Cross..” You whimpered as his tongue pressed hard against your clit, his fingers finding a smooth rhythm.
He pulled away just slightly, his thumb replacing his tongue on your clit as he continued to fuck you with his fingers.
You felt his voice against your skin more than you actually heard it, “Be a good girl. Cum for me.”
That’s all it took for the band inside of you to finally snap. You came with a shout, thighs squeezing around his head as you rode out the waves of your pleasure. It was better than anything you could have ever imagined. Your orgasm burned through you and every coherent thought left you as you drowned in the sensations coursing through your body.
You didn't even have a moment to catch your breath before he was moving again, the sound of armour clattering to the floor filled the room. You managed to focus your gaze on him once more, still flushed and overheated but your desire raged through you once more at the sight of him. He had removed his codpiece and you could see the outline of him straining against his blacks. You reached out for him, pulling him towards you again in a single motion with one hand while the other found the waistband of his blacks. He was hot and heavy against your hand as you finally freed him, his erection flushing prettily against his stomach as you stroked him once, twice. He let out a low growl in his throat, his entire body was taut, as though he was about to explode at any moment. Even as wound up as he was he still moved with the same lethal grace he always did, a snake waiting to strike. Before you could even comprehend it he had closed the distance between you. Your legs moved to wrap around him instinctually and you let out a soft cry at the feeling of the head of his cock pushing against your entrance.
“Stars, Cross,” You groaned as your hands clutched at his shoulders, your legs pinning his hips to you as he rubbed his erection through your soaking folds, “I want you so badly.”
He didn't require any further encouragement, the look on his face was completely ravenous as he entered you with a smooth thrust, stretching you and filling you so completely in a way you never had been before. You were completely unmoored, a whimpering mess in his arms as he gave you a moment to adjust to his size. Your gaze was hazy with desire as you met his own. He was all angles and sharp lines, brow furrowed in concentration but there was something soft lurking in his dark eyes that did more to you than anything else that night had. He kissed you then, swallowing your moan as he began to slowly thrust in and out of you.
You thought for a moment that you must have died, that it was all just a dream as his mouth moved down to your neck once more sucking on your skin as his hips picked up the pace. You could feel the bite of his armour against your skin with each thrust but if anything it only made you burn more. The pleasure was building inside you rapidly once more as he pulled himself almost all the way out before thrusting back into you roughly, the tip of his cock hitting you in that perfect place each time.
“Oh gods, Crosshair,” You panted as his pace increased, his hips rubbing against your clit deliciously with each thrust. His hand came up to tangle in your hair, pulling your head back just slightly to give him better access to your throat as he sucked against your skin. You knew you were going to be covered in marks later but you couldn't find it in yourself to care as the heat in your body continued to build.
Suddenly he let go of you completely, pulling all the way out of you. You whimpered at the loss but before you could even comprehend what was happening he reached out and pulled you down from the counter, spinning you around to face the sink, his back pressed up against you. One hand was on your hip, holding you close, while the other slunk up between your breasts to rest at the base of your throat. In one smooth motion, he thrust back into you causing you to cry out at the feeling of being filled once more.
It was almost too much, at this angle, he was filling you so completely, hitting that spot deep inside you with each thrust. Your head tipped forward as you were overcome with the feeling of him, just trying to focus on meeting his thrusts as you rapidly approached another high. The hand that was on your hip was suddenly moving, pulling the hem of your dress up even higher.
“Look at me,” He hissed in your ear and you were unable to ignore his order. Your gaze met his in the mirror over the sink and if you had thought it was too much before it was nothing compared to this. The sight of the two of you flushed, joined together as you both chased your highs. It was beautiful and almost enough to have you tipping over the edge once more as he continued to pound mercilessly into you.
“Look how good you take my cock,” Crosshair grunted, his eyes trailing down in the mirror. You followed his gaze to where you could see where the two of you were joined, could see the way he was thrusting in and out of you, filling you so completely, “Such a pretty little thing. Like you were made just for me.”
“Cross-“ You groaned, you were so close it was agony.
“You’re going to watch yourself cum on my cock,” He whispered, nipping at where your neck and shoulder met as his hand moved to your clit. You moaned, your eyes once again following his directions, unable to disobey a direct order. You couldn't look away from where he was pistoning in and out of you. It was lewd and so sexy that you feel like you might combust from the sight alone.
“Who else can make you feel like this? Make you feel as good as I can?” He hissed, mouth against your ear as he maintained his brutal pace.
“No one Cross,” You cried. Your eyes were burning, overwhelmed by the emotions and sensations rushing through you, "Only you.”
“That’s right. You’re mine,” He hummed, breath ghosting against the shell of your ear before he nipped your neck once more, “Only mine.”
His thumb circled your clit once, twice and that’s all it took for you to shatter completely for a second time. Crying out his name as you came on his cock. Your head tipped back against him, eyes finally shutting as you got swept away by the ecstasy of your release. You felt weightless, the sensation of your high overwhelming you completely as you sagged against him. His strong hands kept you upright, biting into your flesh enough for you to know for certain that there would be marks left in their place tomorrow.
He groaned as you squeezed around him, walls clenching and pulling him deeper into you with each wave of pleasure. His thrusts became erratic before he came with a grunt, holding himself as deep as he could as he spilled himself inside of you.
You were both motionless for a long moment, breathing ragged as you came down from your highs. You had literally never felt like this before in your life. You couldn't help but smile softly at the idea that he had ruined you forever, in the best way possible.
Once your breathing had finally evened out somewhat his hands wrapped around your waist and he pulled you close again, pressing gentle kisses along your neck and shoulders, his tongue soothing your flushed skin. He pressed a final kiss to your cheek before he pulled away, slipping out of you.
You turned, bracing yourself against the counter, flushing slightly at the feeling of his release running down the inside of your thighs. You moaned softly, tipping your head back to shake your sweaty hair out of your eyes. Your legs felt like jelly and you had no idea how you were going to make it out of the bathroom without wobbling.
You lifted a hand to run through your hair, trying to tame it into something that looked less like you’d just been ravaged, as you turned your attention back to the man in front of you. You watched as he quickly wiped himself off before tucking himself back into his blacks. His gaze met yours and the smirk on his face had fire licking in your belly once more. You chuckled softly, shaking your head as he stooped to grab his discarded codpiece, snapping it back into place with a practiced motion.
You were distracted by the thought of just how truly kriffed you were, both literally and figuratively, and missed him moving about the room. Suddenly he was kneeling before you, cloth in hand as he diligently cleaned between your thighs. His touch was achingly gentle and when he looked up at you from his position on the floor there was something completely new swimming in the depths of his eyes. A look so soft that it had your heart pounding in your chest for a completely different reason. Kriffed.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him as he stood, disposing of the towel before he tugged your dress back into place, delicate hands smoothing out the wrinkles as best as possible. His touch left goosebumps on your skin and you couldn't stop the shudder that ran through you.
His eyes were still soft as he raised a brow at you, “You good?” He asked as his hand slid around to the small of your back, pulling you into him once more.
“Mhmm” You nodded, “Great. Better than great actually.”
He smirked, amusement lighting up his eyes as he ducked his head to capture your lips with his own once more. Thankfully, he pulled away before you could get yourself too worked up again. You grumbled softly at the loss of contact but he didn’t go far, arms still caging you in as he looked down at you.
“I think it’s about time we get you home,” He purred, his eyes molten, “Considering it is past your bedtime after all.”
You laughed, pinching him in a gap between his armour teasingly before you sobered and looked up at him, “Alright, but I might need some help taking this dress off.”
His grin was almost feral before he leaned down to kiss you once more. His voice sent shivers down your spine as he pulled away, “I think I can manage that.”
He didn't give you another moment to respond before he laced his fingers in your own and started to pull you towards the door but you planted your feet, forcing him to turn back around to look at you.
His eyebrow was raised expectantly, eyes narrowed slightly as you spoke. Your heart was racing and you felt yourself flushing but you couldn’t let the moment pass without saying something.
“Crosshair, I really care about you. Like a lot,” it came out more awkward than you intended and you felt yourself flush further, “Just wanted to tell you when I’m not all doped up. Wanted to make sure you knew that you really are my favourite...”
He smirked but his eyes were swimming with emotion, his voice was rougher than you’d ever heard it before, “Good. Because you’re stuck with me now.”
You laughed, brimming with happiness at his words. You were beginning to think you still might end up as that lovestruck pile of goo on the floor before the night was over, “I think I can live with that.”
He chuckled softly before he pulled you out the door, back into the loud chaos of 79’s. Neither of you bothered saying goodnight to the rest of the boys on your way out. A part of you had a feeling they knew where you'd gone off to anyway. Crosshair tossed a smirk back at you over his shoulder as he pulled you through the crowd, the look in his eyes though was so soft and warm that it had your heart pounding in your chest. You’d been privy to this part of him a few times before but nothing quite like this and you were suddenly smiling at the thrill that ran up your spine at the thought. This was only just the beginning. You couldn’t help but think, as the cool night air brushed against your skin as you exited the bar, that it had been a perfect reunion indeed.
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whxtedreams · 4 months
Eyes on Me, Darlin’
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Inspired by:
look me in the eyes  when you’re down there eating for your life - i want you to see what you do to me - by rupi kaur (home body- page 79)
Word Count: 2.1k
Pairing: neighbour!joel x reader
Tags: 18+ MDNI, Valentines day, fluff, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, Joel is beautiful, playful joel, implied age gap.
an. cookies and payment received so much love so here’s a part two! hope you enjoy it just as much x
Part One: Cookies as Payment (can easily be read as a stand alone)
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Valentine's Day never meant anything to you. It was just an excuse to buy yourself overpriced chocolate and order take out for yourself. You’d sit on your couch and watch horror movies as you indulged in the sweet chocolate and made hot chocolate when the night came to the end. 
But this year, there’s Joel Miller. 
Joel Miller, your next door neighbor. 
Joel Miller, who bought you chocolates. 
Joel Miller, who brought over pizza because he still can’t cook even though you’ve tried to teach him.
Joel Miller, who can’t cook but is talented in making the best hot chocolate you’ve ever had. 
Joel Miller, who is currently taking off your underwear with a devilish grin as he looks up at you. 
You had stood in the lingerie store for way too long, picking between sets to wear for tonight. Normally you wouldn’t care what you wore under your clothes and neither did Joel, but you wanted tonight to be special. 
Your first special Valentines.
He'd come over at five in the afternoon, flowers and chocolate dipped strawberries in hand with a sheepish smile. The flowers were bright and colorful, their scents filling your house with sweet fragrance; the strawberries were just as vibrant with their chocolate coating. There was a slight blush to his cheeks, as if he was still a bit embarrassed by the gesture. You smiled warmly as you opened the door for him, taking the gifts into your hands gently and excitedly.
Haven’t done this in a while, he shrugged. 
Haven’t done this before, you shrugged
When Joel stripped you of your clothes and his breath caught at the sight of the lingerie you bought, it was more than worth it. You had selected a pastel pink mesh set with hearts and flowers scattered all over the material. The mesh is sheer and soft against your skin, revealing just enough. At the center of the mesh is a small heart charm, the small pink bows where the straps meet the mesh is an added detail that gives even more appeal. It's a perfectly curated set, and the reaction it garners is everything you hoped it would be.
The praise and compliments that flow from Joel as he looks at you in your lingerie make your heart and mind ache and swirl with overwhelming joy and contentment. His hands trace the delicate texture of the mesh, caressing your curves and exploring your body in awe. The way he looks at you with admiration and appreciation is enough to make you feel like the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world.
You lay bare on the bed, the last of the lingerie set carefully pulled away from your body, exposing you completely before Joel. His hands slowly move up your legs, his touch sending shivers of excitement that ripple through your body. Your skin is sensitive and receptive to every delicate stroke, the caress of his fingers causing your body to quiver with sensation as you squirm and shiver.
The warm smile on Joel's face makes you giggle, reaching your hand down to lay upon his cheek. He responds by letting out a soft huff of a laugh as his eyes shine brightly with affection. 
"You're so beautiful." He chases after your hand, his eyes closing as he feels the warmth of your touch. Your fingers brush along his cheek in a gentle caress, your palm grazing against his skin softly and tenderly.
"You're so beautiful." You whisper back to him, repeating his words back truthfully. Your fingers trace across the strands of hair on his face, the texture soft and delicate.
He scoffs and rolls his eyes playfully, as if annoyed by the compliment but enjoying it as well. He leans down to kiss the smile off your face with tender kisses and affection, the gentle brush of his lips leaving you feeling warm and dreamy. The kisses are soft, but there's also a strong sense of passion and desire behind them. He kisses you repeatedly, the touches sending your heart pounding out of your chest as a mixture of affection and longing fills your body.
He pulls back, and you feel your lips chasing after him as he chuckles with mischief in his eyes. He kisses his way down your body, his lips trailing down your neck and along the curves of your body with teasing touches that send a wave of excitement through you. 
The passion grows stronger, more intense with every moment, the heat between the two of you growing hotter and hotter. Your body seems to shiver and quiver with sensation, his touch sending your body into an overwhelming flood of emotions and feelings as you both lose yourselves in the moment.
He stops and you feel his breath, the warmth of it flowing over the most sensitive spot on your body. Your thighs spread as if to encourage him, a simple way of communicating your desire. When he doesn't respond to the sign, you look at him with confusion, wondering why he isn't taking the hint.
His eyes stare up into yours, a knowing glinting in the depths of his eyes. Once he spreads you open and you gasp at the touch of him, he simply commands: "Eyes on me, darlin’." His words are firm, almost demanding, but with a certain playful and playful tone behind them. You are caught off-guard at the command, a shiver of sensation sweeping over you as your body responds to the touch he's now providing.
You watch him with your breath held tightly in your chest, your body trembling and shaking as you feel the long stripe licked up your core. His eyes are darkening as he holds your gaze, his tongue working its magic to send shivers running through you. You can feel the heat building inside of you, your body responding to the touch of his tongue in ways that are almost overwhelming. It's a sensation full of excitement and passion, one that almost makes you lose self-control completely as he continues to work to please you.
You want to throw your head back and lose yourself in the feeling of his mouth on you, but you follow his command and keep your eyes glued to his. The mixture of watching him and also feeling his tongue work its magic on you is driving you wild. It's making every touch and sensation more intense, the entire experience almost overwhelming with how good it feels. As if sensing your mounting excitement, Joel continues the motions, moving faster and working even more intently to please you.
His mouth latches onto your clit and sucks, swirling his tongue in circular circles as he does so. It's a sensual sensation, one that sends your body curling and squirming in all the right ways. His tongue moves quickly, creating a pleasurable vibration as he moans into you. You’re almost overwhelmed by it, pushing further into his mouth as a way of encouraging him to keep going.
You close your eyes as he pushes a finger into you and he completely pulls away. You whine in protest, looking back at him as your arousal is smeared over his face. “Eyes on me.” He demands again. 
You nod, breathing deeply and finally his mouth is back on you. Your mouth gapes open as he pushes his finger in, your core tightening around him. 
“So fuckin’ pretty falling apart for me.” He grumbles into your pussy, his nose rubbing against your clit. 
“Joel,” You gasp as another finger joins his first, spreading you open for him. His fingers curl with practice and presses down as he pulls them out just to push them back in again. 
“You wanna cum on my hands princess?” His mouth leaves you as he asks and your hips buck up in search for the heat of his mouth. He gently pushes you back down to the bed with a chuckle. “I gotcha, gonna make you feel good, yeah?” 
“Please.” You plead as his mouth latches onto you again as if it’s his last meal on earth.
He eats you out like it's the last thing he'll ever do, eager and determined to please you. His tongue worships you, caressing your clit in a way that is almost overwhelming. The movement of his fingers only adds to the sensation, driving you further towards climax. You can feel his smile, as if he knows exactly how much pleasure he's giving you as your walls start to tighten around him. 
His name is a mantra on your lips, your body practically panting it out as the sensation builds in your body. It's like a live wire shooting through your veins, each movement causing your body to tighten a bit more. Everything seems to be building within you, your body tightening and coming together. Then it all breaks at once, and all you can hear is Joel's long moan as your arousal floods his face.
His eyes are the first to close, as he's completely lost in your pleasure. His body responds to yours, and he continues his work with such enthusiasm that it almost feels like he's also experiencing a similar sensation. You're both swept up in the climax, your body responding with its own wave after wave of pleasure. 
Once you feel like you're again in control of your body, you tug at his hair and guide him back up your body. He meets your eyes with his own, the two of you locked in a gaze of love and passion. Your movements are smooth and slow, allowing both of you to enjoy the moment.
Your hand rises to his cheek once again, a childish grin covering his face. The delicate curls of his hair fall on his face as he hovers over you, bringing him into an intimate and playful moment. Your nose scrunches up as you feel the wetness of his face, which he simply rolls his eyes at. That is, until he dips his head down to kiss you once more, still with the playful and flirty mood that's so natural to him. 
You can taste yourself on him and you hum into his kiss, as he smiles into you. 
"You're so beautiful," he sighs, his eyes softening even further as they look at you with the same look of admiration and affection he had before. You can't help but sigh as you take in the sight of him, the intimacy of the moment bringing out the most tender and endearing side of Joel. You feel your heart beating rapidly as your eyes lock with his, both of you basking in the beauty of each other.
"You're so beautiful." You tell him honestly, gently nudging his chest with a soft smile. Your eyes remain locked on his, your smile playful and teasing.    
"Ugh." Instead of being flustered and shy, Joel responds with an over-dramatic reaction that makes you laugh. He throws his head back and groans like a child that's throwing a tantrum, as if unable to deal with the praise you're showing towards him. You notice the corner of Joel's mouth twitching, as if he can't actually keep his temper and his lips start to curl into a tiny smile.
One day, you want to tell him that he's beautiful, and you want him to believe it. Because to you, he's absolutely the most beautiful person you've ever met. You want him to see himself through your eyes, to truly recognize how beautiful he is inside as well as out. You want him to know that he truly is something special and irreplaceable, the person who makes your world shine.
You want Joel to know that you've always thought he was beautiful, even before he kissed you in your kitchen that first time. That he was always beautiful to you even back when you were just best friends. His charm and appeal were evident even then, his presence making everything around you more vibrant and joyful. It's what made you want him as something more than a friend, that beautiful spark that he carried and carried well. You want to let him know that even with all the kisses and the love you've shared since then, he's always been beautiful in your eyes and always will be. 
You want to look him in the eyes and tell him how beautiful he is without him pretending that the compliment is ridiculous. He can roll his eyes and shrug you off in a sarcastic and playful way, but you want him to know that you truly believe what you're saying. You aren't just giving him some empty phrases, but you're sharing your truly felt thoughts and emotions. You want him to accept the compliment, to see himself through your eyes and to love himself with the same amount of devotion that you do.
It may not be today, but you’ll keep saying it until he believes it. 
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this is so early but i’m so impatient with posting
i’m really not used to writing smut so i’m just going to leave this here and yeet back to work
hope everyone has a lovely valentine’s day. tbh i celebrate self love on the day so buying myself chocolates and pj’s :))
tags: @morallyinept
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rexxdjarin · 4 months
A Twisted Fantasy
Commander Wolffe x F!Reader One Shot
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Summary: Wolffe is a little (a lot) pent up and he knows only one way to truly unwind until he can get home to you. Word Count: 2k Chapter Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. 18+ RATING, dom!Wolffe (is there any other kind lol?), p in v sex, light bdsm themes and spanking, male masturbation reference Notes: I was inspired by our boy finally posting tf up in the trailer🤍 crossposted on ao3
My head is fucking pounding.
Wolffe thought.
Probably atmospheric changes bothering my eye again. 
As their transport hurtled through hyperspace back home to the Triple Zero, he was truly just thankful to be on solid ground and in breathable air. On extended tours like this, Wolffe was always on edge and testy. He missed the comforts of his barracks back home. He missed nights off at 79s with his brothers. Most of all, he missed her.
It had been so long he could barely detect the scent of her on the panties he kept from his last time with her. So many long rotations of burying his nose in them hoping they’d help him get off. Though, it was less and less satisfying the more he messed with them. With his mission completed and his squad probably recharging in the mess, he probably had time to ease his tension the best way he knew how.
Wolffe switched off the nav he was only casually following their course on and stood up. He glanced around the room only finding it filled with the men who should be on duty tonight. With a curt nod, he turned on his boot heel and left the room. 
Tension pricked up his spine as the anticipation built up for his favorite night time activity. Well second-favorite. He reasoned with himself. As he marched down the hall toward his quarters, he scowled the way he always did when he needed to signal to his men to leave him be. The few he did see as he passed by clearly got the message, as they did nothing more than salute formally and go about their business.
Good. He could only wait so long to take the edge off. 
His fists clenched so hard that his knuckles cracked beneath his gloves as the thought of her seeped deeper into his mind. How she blinks up at him like a tempting little vulptex when she wants him. The soft petal colored lips he can kiss whenever he wants to quiet her bold mouth. The wafting floral scent that drenches him in her for rotations afterwards. He fucking needed her.
He shook himself from his daydreaming as he approached his quarters. Urgently he entered his chaincode and stepped inside, sealing it shut behind him. He let his shoulders sag and tipped his head back, sighing dramatically at the relief flooding him already. In a flash, he set his helmet on his equipment crate and shucked the rest of his armor onto the floor beside it, stripping himself down to his black bodyglove. 
His muscles screamed with overuse and the ache behind his eyes became even more noticeable without the excess weight of his helmet on his head. He eased himself down into bed and slumped into his pillow. The rest was soothing, even on the shitty excuse for a mattress they were all given. In a few moments, he was finally comfortable again.
Although, as the post-mission tension he had been feeling subsided, the overwhelming urge of sexual frustration rose to take its place. His body had already decided this was impossible to ignore, his cock hardening between his legs with every second that passed. The dull ache gave way to the familiar loaded throb that he’d come to welcome in his adulthood. It grounded him and gave him something to look forward to when he returned from a mission.
He sighed with satisfaction as he peeled down the waistband of his bottoms and let his now uncomfortably stiff cock fly up. He let out a huff, wrapping his hand around the base and giving it the gentlest tug to get himself started. The mission, the stress, the pain all melted away as he began a slow rhythm he liked. 
His mind wandered and thoughts of her poured in, like they always did. One dirty little thought in particular began forming. He couldn’t remember if he had dreamed this once before or if it really happened, but it excited him either way…
Her body splayed out on his dark gray sheets, the fabric pooling around her waist and hiding just enough of her breasts to keep things entertaining. He always loved how she looked from behind for obvious reasons, but from this vantage point above her he felt powerful. She looked so unsuspecting and helpless, like prey just waiting to be pounced on.
His cock twitched and bounced with excitement from above her, knowing mere moments from now he’d get to fill her up with it. She looked back at him almost in desperation, her eyes begging him more than her words ever could. 
Wolffe chuckled sadistically, slowly easing himself down to press his chest to her back. She keened for him, her back arching to brush skin to skin the way she craved. She turned her face hoping he would give her the mercy of a few fervent kisses, but not tonight. He couldn’t. His cock was throbbing so hard it hurt. 
He leaned closer, pressing featherlight kisses up her shoulder blade to the side of her neck. Grunting and swearing as he let his hips grind against her ass. She felt so good against him, her skin so soft and warm receiving him as he brushed himself against her lewdly. Teasing himself was torturous, but he enjoyed a little of that now and again. Certainly drove her crazy though. 
Each roll of his hips brushed hers deeper into the mattress beneath her and massaged her clit perfectly. The sound of her gasping and whimpering for more only made him want to go faster. Her hands reached back to grip into his curls and the tugging at his scalp made heat course down Wolffe’s spine like nothing else. 
Fuck. He swore, countering with a love bite in the crook of her neck that everyone would see in the morning. She moaned and pulled tighter making his skin erupt in goosebumps at both the sensation and the sound of her pleasure. She trembled beneath his weight, probably already close to cumming from the friction alone. She was like that when he was gone for a long time, anything he did made her insatiable and it made the sex unreal.
He suckled deep hickies into the thin skin around her jaw and teased her mercilessly as she moaned pitifully for him. He didn’t care. He was impatient and in control and he needed her wet, so she could take all of him easily. He rutted his hips between her cheeks over and over again, holding his hands around her ribcage to hold her steady beneath him.
Wolffe kissed up to her ear, his hands slotting into the dip of her waist to hold her as he slowed his grinding. “Are you ready to take me, darling?” he muttered softly, grazing the shell of her ear with his teeth. “I won’t be gentle, but I can’t wait anymore.”
She mewled pathetically, “I’m ready. I need you. Please, Wolffe.” The sound of his name in her little desperate moan made him snap. With a kiss to her shoulder, he lifted himself back over her and spread her thighs apart. Sticky warmth coated her inner thighs and he groaned as he slid his length through it with ease.
His eyes fluttered as he prodded at her entrance, the head slipping through and splitting her open as he followed through. Wolffe hissed, her heat searing pleasure through him instantly. He snapped a few shallow thrusts to part her walls around him and she cried out moans that would keep Wolffe stimulated for years. 
As her walls enveloped him, he started his grueling rhythm, his hips plowing into her as deep and as hard as he could. He growled in satisfaction, the burning heat swelling in his lower belly sending him into a frenzy. “You take me so fucking good.” He capped his compliment with a swift smack to her ass. 
She swallowed her cries, curling her fingers into his sheets and nodding vigorously. “Always, Sir. Always.” She raised her hips, giving him a better angle, which he took immediate advantage of. He wrapped both his large hands around the small of her waist for better leverage and shoved himself deeper inside her. 
“Awwh, that’s a good girl.” He gritted his teeth, her grip on him tightening markedly at his claim. “So fucking tight I can barely move. You missed me, haven’t you? Need me to come home and open you up just like this.” He laughed, letting his strokes shorten as he rocked into her a little harder. 
“Mhm. It’s not the…same…without you, Sir.” she muttered, turning to scream into the mattress as he sped up. Wolffe shifted to curl his hands into the nape of her neck and turned her head away from the muffling covers of his barracks bed. 
“Ah ah, let them all hear you say that, darling.” He curled his hand into her hair and twisted it around his wrist, pulling just enough to feel good. “Give me a little something to be proud of.” he huffed, the exertion admittedly starting to get to him too. His skin was boiling hot, a sheen of sweat coating his entire body as he slipped against hers. Her ass bounced against him, slapping against his thighs as he pounded her into the mattress beneath them.
“Fuck me, Wolffe.” she begged, her hands frantically searching for grip as he hit a spot inside her that made her scramble. “Right there, again. Harder…I can take it, Commander.” she baited him, rolling her hips back into him.
Wolffe dropped down to rest on his forearms and let himself press his body into hers. She writhed beneath him as his cock speared into her at a lower angle. Her walls fluttered around him and Wolffe knew from experience she wouldn’t last much longer. He groaned lowly as his own orgasm began creeping up on him too.
He bit down on her shoulder and let his hips drive as fast and deep as he could manage. “Know just how you like it, filthy girl. Fast and rough. Let me do whatever I want to you…” he grunted between exerted exhales as he kept up his pace. Her moans got breathier and she nodded in agreement. “Let me ruin this little cunt for anyone else but me.”
She cried out a pitiful “Yes.” Wolffe felt her muscles beginning to tense and her walls collapsing around him. His throbbing cock was suffocating inside her and he shuddered as pleasure began its slow trickle down the length of his own body. He could no longer control the snapping of his hips, the air in his lungs or the strength of his bruising grip on her perfect body. 
His ears filled with the delightful repetitive “Yes, yes….yes, Wolffe…fuck, yes.” Her soft curves and sweat-slick skin pressed against his, her walls trapping his cock in her warmth, her face frozen in permanent ecstasy as the high crashed into her. He pressed his forehead into her shoulder and pulled her hips into his as he locked in, shuddering from head to toe as the crest of his own orgasm dragged him under.
His groans died in his throat as he emptied each spurt of pleasure inside her. He lost count of how many times he shot molten hot ribbons into her heat. He panted, the overwhelming pleasure leaving him so delightfully and completely spent. He collapsed on top of her, rolling them both over to cuddle her close while he regained his ability to breathe.
Wolffe let his large palm rest on the soft plush of her lower belly, just over where he’d filled her completely full of him. She was already asleep, far too tired to stay conscious after something as intense as they usually were together. He’d hold her close and keep her safe, even if she wasn’t awake to experience it, for as long as she needed him…
He blinked away the haze of orgasm and came to with a mess on his hands. With the headache and all the tension completely gone, the pull of sleep was inevitable, finally. He cleaned himself off and laid back into bed, knowing that by the time he woke up in 0600 hours he could make that fantasy a reality all over again.
notes: hi I love him your honor I will probably add taglist and upload to ao3 later but I just wanted to get this posted bc im excited about it.
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karshown · 5 months
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literally this is js abt how Choso would more then likely act if he was Y/N's bf/husband.
Choso's personality: calm, chill, doesn't like attention nor does he crave it, likes to be more in the shadows, clingy, honestly inlove with you & refuses to notice any other woman thats not you.
hes a homebody
fempoc reader x choso
Scenario #1:
Out of you two, you were the one that was outgoing, extroverted & loved being the center of attention around crowds of people. You were always the spotlight in any circumstance, whether you liked it or not (which you always did.)
Choso on the other hand simply hated it, he hated the thought of having all eyes on him or being around more than 2-3 people, or people in general. Anyone who wasn't you simply didn't have his attention, nor did he want to indulge in any conversation with them.
Anytime you two went to a party it was strictly him following you around like a lost puppy, & you jumping from place to place to at least have a small conversation with almost everyone at the large gatherings.
So today when you mentioned you two having to attend a party with more people than the last, he was truly sick to his stomach as much as he wanted to vomit he held it in.
His stomach churned as he wanted to curl into a ball, all he wanted to do was stay home with you, only you.
"Choso comeee onnn!! lets see the light in this one thing!" you encouraged as you tugged on his arm, he wouldnt budge, not even a little. He slouched into the couch beneath him, manspreading in a desperate attempt to make you change your mind without actually telling you to change your decision.
"So stubborn," you blurted out as he huffed and puffed, you two were truthfully opposites. Moving closer to him, relaxing into the couch you begged and pleaded.
"Just this one time, baby, pleaseee.." you whispered into his ear, sending a slight shiver down his spine as the small hairs on his neck rose. "Baby," did something to him, made him feel some type of way that he'd never felt before.
Made him act out.
"I don't want to." Chosos rough voice echoed throughout the house, spooking you as you almost forgot the sound of his voice. Despite that, this only made you frustrated, now thinking of it though, you two go out almost all of the time? maybe you could stay in the house this one time.
"Okayyy fine!!" Choso was more than relieved at this point he took this moment as a miracle, in the blink of an eye he swiftly pulled you closer, you sat in between his spread legs as he wrapped his arms around your waist, snuggling into your bare shoulder, although his actions took you by surprise, you were satisfied.
Maybe staying at home wasn't too bad.
Scenario #2
You had your phone turned off for a few hours, all you wanted was to finally get sleep, even if it was just for a little over 4 hours, you barely slept yesterday or the day before that. Your body was starting to feel like you were floating, as if you were naturally high.
Choso had been blowing up your phone for the past few hours, naturally you didn't know that, you felt at peace until..
My door swung open aggressively as it hit the wall behind it, my red, lowlided eyes shot openas I jerked awake immediately.
"fuck.." I whined to myself as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, barely processing that someone was towering over my figure from behind. The second I noticed the bigger shadow that ate mine up alive, I stiffened.
I barely could force any words out of my mouth, I couldn't even pry my lips apart. I soon felt a strong hand putting its entire weight on my shoulder, I swallowed the lump in my throat as my legs went limp. Was he going to kill me? were they even a he?
"I called you 79 times, facetimed you 20, and texted you at least 60, i even went as far as to check your social media account for any activity. I thought you were DEAD." Choso tightened his grip on my shoulder as despite the situation I was in, I felt relieved that I wasn't near death.
Until I took a moment of realization, that's not normal.
"m-my phone was turned off.." I stuttered as I tried to finally form an actual sentence, It was like I had to remember how to speak. Choso loosened his grip on my shoulder and eventually his hand dropped. At that point I hadn't realized that I had been holding my breath the entire time until I let out a loud sigh.
Soon Choso grasped onto the fact that he probably looked like a psychopath right now, especially after saying his actions outloud in the open which allowed him to register everything. Understanding how bad this situation might've seemed.
"O-oh well um, I realized that I might've acted out." He lowly said as he directed his attention elsewhere, to the floor beneath him clearly disappointed in himself. I shifted around as I turned to face him, the vulnerability was clear.
This side of Choso was a rare sight. I let out another sigh, this time a little louder than the last.
"Choso, I don't blame you, I completely understand, my love." I stood on my toes as I cupped the side of Chosos face in my hand, gently grazing my lips onto his. Completely unfazed by him acting like a literal crazy person.
Scenario #3
You had been crying silently for a good hour and a half now, not because something major happened to make you completely bawl your eyes out but because you felt like you needed this.
During your crying session your phone began to vibrate from under your curled up position, lazily searching for your phone as it rung back to back, assuming it wouldn't stop until you decided to answer you finally found it, the caller ID flashed the screen as it was Choso.
Your face instantly lit up, but he couldn't see you like this, in such a spot, such a negative position. Using the little bit of power that you had left, you wiped away your excess tears, leaving your face slightly damp but that was fine.
You repeatedly rubbed your puffy red eyes, trying to get rid of as much evidence of you crying as possible. Once you were fully sure that he wouldn't notice you answered the phone, plastering a gentle smile on your face.
"Hii my heart, hows the trip?" your voice slightly cracked, not enough for it to be too obvious but you naturally noticed it. You tilted the phone up to face you as you noticed how alarmed he seemed.
"Have you been crying? whats going on?!" he was extremely concerned, and more importantly confused, what had happened during the few hours that he had been gone?
"N-no, I mean no I haven't!" you quickly resorted to calming him down, he was usually a calm person until it came to you, until something involved you.
"I'm coming over, the plane is delayed regardless." before you could stop him and beg for him to go on the trip he had been waiting for, he hung up. With barely enough energy to rapidly type your phone slipped out of your loose grip, you fell back onto the bed as you stared at the ceiling.
A little over thirty minutes passed until you heard the sound of the front door unlocking and forcefully shutting. Your room was upstairs and one of the first rooms that you encountered once you started walking down the long hallway.
Before you knew it Choso came barging in, with chocolates in one hand and your favorite flowers in the other.
"Sorry I took too long, I just needed to make a few stops." he said it like it was a normal thing, a normal thing for him to leave the airport, he'd been boasting about the trip for 2 months straight, even when you dreaded hearing about it you still listened to every detail.
"Choso I said im fi-" just when you thought the chocolates and bouquet were the only thing he'd brought, he had also bought a small brown teddybear, you stared in awe as he brought it to the side of the bed you were on.
"You were clearly crying, i wasn't born yesterday." his tone was stern, as he wasn't taking no or anything of that nature for an answer.
You were his first priority before anything.
He began to open the box of chocolates as he gently grabbed you, wrapping one arm around your waist as he held you close, he shifted his figure on the bed just so you were comfortable, the back of your head rested against his solid chest.
"Open." he commanded as you opened your mouth slowly, he stuffed a small piece of chocolate into your mouth, you soon chewed on the little bit of white chocolate.
"What about your trip?" you asked with a hint of concern in your tone, about something he completely disregarded, completely forgot about all for your wellbeing.
"I mean, fuck it."
He said with a slight shrug, resuming to feeding you more of the delicious chocolate.
ugh i love choso // I own none of the artwork used, credits to the artists of any piece of art used.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
could I have pearl with Fives at night please?
I love your writing so much!!!!!
So This Is Love
Summary: A late night rendezvous on Coruscant gives Fives the opportunity to make a confession.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Fives x F!Reader
Word Count: 699
Prompts: Pearl - Honest Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Thank you for your request! I freely admit that I wrote this before I finished my coffee, so it might not flow well.
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“I appreciate you walking me home, Fives.”
He turns to look at her, a crooked grin crossing his face, “It’s not a problem. Pretty lady like you shouldn’t be walking around alone so late at night anyway. It’s not safe.”
She sighs, “Don’t I know it. But the Gallery wanted to keep going until all of the art was sold-”
“Did it work?”
She grins at him, “It did~”
He laughs and throws his arm over her shoulder, “That means the next time we go to 79s, drinks are on you. Right?”
She giggles, a pretty noise that has him tugging her closer to his side, “It’s only fair, I suppose. After all, you and your brothers are the inspiration for my artwork.”
“Ooh, so I suppose we’re famous now,”
She laughs and elbows him lightly, “Inspiration, not subject.”
“If you wanted to paint me, you could. I wouldn’t mind.”
She averts her gaze, “Ah, well…maybe. But I wouldn’t want to sell that one.”
Fives’ stomach flips pleasantly, “Because you love me and want to look at me as often as you can.” He says with a bright grin.
She huffs and bumps him with her shoulder, “Because the Republic has already taken so much from you, they don’t get this too.” She corrects.
He pauses, and then his arm tightens around her, “You might be one of the few people on Coruscant who actually understands where the clones legally stand.”
“Yeah, well…” Her hand comes up and she threads her fingers with his. Her hand is so much smaller and so much softer than his. Fives almost worries that his touch will hurt her. Almost. 
“Yeah, well-?” He prods.
“If more people paid attention they’d see.”
“They don’t want to see, beautiful. We both know that.”
She scowls off into the distance, and Fives laughs, before he leans in and bumps his forehead against the side of her head, lightly rubbing his nose against her cheek, “You care though,” He adds, “That’s enough for me.”
“You deserve so much better though!” She says as she turns her head to look at him, her nose bumping against his.
Fives doesn’t bother to give her any space. If anything, he wants to be closer to her. “You know, beautiful, I don’t think life is about what you deserve.”
She huffs, “It should be. You and your brothers deserve so much more than the Republic-” She rambles.
“I love you.”
She stops mid-sentence and blinks at him. “You…what?”
“I love you. I’m in love with you.” Fives flashes a nervous smile, “I’ve been trying to tell you for weeks, but telling you over comm just felt cheap.”
“You love me? Why?” She asks, looking so genuinely befuddled that Fives can’t help but laugh. 
“Ah, so you want me to list all of the ways that I love you?” Fives teases, “Well, alright. If you insist. Reason one, I love the way you look at me, like I’m the only man in the galaxy. Reason two, I love how we can sit and talk for hours about anything and everything. Reason three-”
He stops when she presses her hand over his mouth, her face burning, “Please stop.”
“But I barely started. You didn’t even let me list all of the physical reasons I love you. Like your hair. And eyes. And lips-”
“And I really love how you say my name-” He continues, a wide grin on his face.
And then he’s stopped for real, because her lips are pressed against his, and he has something much more interesting to focus on. Like replacing all of the oxygen in her lungs with him.
When he breaks the kiss, her gaze is hazy and she’s slightly breathless, “In case you were wondering,” she mumbles, “I love you too. But I’m not going to list all of the reasons why! Your ego is big enough as it is!”
Fives just chuckles and kisses her again. “Does this mean that I can come in when we get to your place?” He asks against her lips.
“Only if you want.” She replies.
“Beautiful, I’ve wanted an invitation to your home for months. I’d be honored.”
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
Swimming In Stars
Captain Rex x Jedi!reader
Warnings: none
Summary: while on shore leave the reader decides to go off on an adventure of her own, stumbling across a certain clone captain in the process.
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It probably wasn’t the smartest idea to be sneaking out of the temple the night before shore leave ended, seeing as there were still reports to file and mission plans to go over. . . But then again you weren’t exactly known for making smart decisions.
The temple guards were easy enough to slip past, especially after years of you and Anakin memorizing the shift changes. You could probably do it blindfolded if you were being honest. . . And backwards.
The sun had long since set when you departed, a deep navy cloak wrapped around your form,the hood pulled sharply over your head as you dove through one of the open temple windows and onto the ground below. The cloak had been a gift from a woman on Pantora that you had helped rescued from enemy fire. You had tried to decline but she insisted, practically wrapping you in it as she did.
You didn’t wear it often though, only using it for special occasions. . . Such as sneaking out of the temple in the dead of night. Normal things like that.
Having resided on Corucant for most of your life, you knew the streets well and you navigated them with ease, blending in well as you did. Without your Jedi robes you were as common as the rest of the species who perused the streets.
Though you had a particular mission in mind unlike most of them: 79’S.
Normally you held little interest in the clone bar, despite it being a common discussion topic amongst the clones. . . But when you overheard Jesse and Fives talking about going the night before shore leave ended you couldn’t help but find your interest peaked.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t done stuff like this before- force when you and Anakin were younger it was a weekly occurrence to sneak out and wander the clubs and cantinas dressed in civvie clothes.
But it had been so long.
And if you were being honest you could do with a night out.
79’S wasn’t hard to miss, not with its giant neon sign and clusters of clones moving in and out of the doors. No one paid you a passing glance as you moved between the throngs of white armor. And if anyone did, they didn’t care.
Slowing to a stop in the middle of the raging bare you cast your eyes around you, thankful that over the years so many clones had picked up signature markings. But then again with the amount of time you were around certain members of the 501st it was easy to recognize their force signatures.
Your eyes moved across the room to one of the lit up circular booths in the corner. Fives was the first one you recognized, and the Jesse followed along with Hardcase, Kix, and Echo.
A sly smirk pulled on the corners of your lips as you ducked under a clones elbow, twisting between moving bodies as you navigated your way through the crowds.
Keeping your features hidden to the best of your ability you moved towards the table, none of them paying attention to you as they listened to some dramatic storytelling from Fives, the ARC trooper waving his hands wildly in the air as he did.
You didn’t allow him the satisfactory of finishing the story though, because instead you sharply slapped a palm down on the table earning all five sets of deep brown eyes to look up at you.
“Ma’am can we help you?”
Letting your fingers dance across the surface of the table you picked up one of the untouched shots littered about the table. “Getting drunk the night before mission? Mmm I thought you boys knew better.” You hummed, keeping your head low as you allowed your words to simmer.
When you had finally had enough of your antics your amused smirk widened and you suddenly slid into the booth besides Fives, tooling back the shot as you did before turning to peak out at the ARC trooper next to you.
“I’m just kidding, I don’t care what you guys do.”
Fives eyes widened besides you and as you slowly looked around the rest of the table the others did the same.
Slapping a hand over the ARCs mouth you gave him a warning look. “Hey, keep it down!”
Fives nodded beneath your palm and as you slowly lowered your hand you let out a breath. Across the table Jesse leaned forward, keeping his voice as low as he could in the noisy bar. “General, with all do respect what are you doing here?”
“It’s shore leave isn’t it?”
Next to Jesse Hardcase leaned back in his seat, arms sprawled out against the back of the booth. “I didn’t know Jedi knew how to party. I ain’t complaining though.”
“Trust me when I say it isn’t exactly smiled upon, but c’mon- when have any of you known me to stick by the rule book?”
A chorus of rarelys and nevers went up around the table, making you grin.
“But I swear-“ you leaned forward, bracing your elbows on the table as you pointed a finger at all of them. “If you guys say anything I’m freezing you all in carbonite and using you as well decorations.” You paused, “now who wants to go get us a round of shots?”
You could feel the buzz the alcohol was giving you but you were nowhere near drunk. Maybe tipsy but knowing your midichlorian levels that was as probably as good as it was gonna get. Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase on the other hand? They were twice as chaotic as they usually were, leaving you, Kix, and Echo to watch on in amusement.
“How many drinks does it normally take to get him on his ass?” You whispered, having somehow found your way in between Fives and Echo.
“You don’t wanna know.” Echo spoke over the rim of his cup, the two of you eyeing his brother.
“Got it.” Leaning forward slightly in your seat, you look across Echo at Kix. “Five credits he tries to challenge one of us to darts.”
“I’ll take that bet.” The clone medic reaching over to give you a solid hand shake.
But it would seem the rambunctious ARC trooper had other plans. “Uh guys- guys!” Eyes elsewhere, Fives slapping you in the shoulders.
“Kriff, Fives no need to hit so hard-“
“Code Red, code red!”
All sets of eyes apart from yours followed Fives line of sight, a chorus of curses going up as they did. The whole bunch practically sliding deeper down into their seats as if trying to lay low.
That’s when you found what they were looking at. . . Or rather who.
A certain blonde clone captain accompanied by another familiar clone clad in white and yellow.
“I’m getting the vibe that it isn’t common seeing them here.” You spoke softly, head titling slightly as you observed Rex and Cody walk up to the bar.
“Are you kidding me? I mean we constantly ask Captain if he wasn’t to join us but it’s always “I have reports to fill and so on and so forth-“ Fives mimicked, reaching for his drink that you casually slid out of reach from him, your eyes still on the blonde clone.
You considered Rex one of your closest friends, since the beginning of the war you had helped Anakin co- command the 501st, and with it you had become close with the clones under your command.
They were your friends, but none of them held quite a place in your heart such as Rex. He was everything a person should be. Understanding, kind, outrageously smart.
Being in his presence was like standing in a beam of warm afternoon sunlight.
You trusted him with your life.
“Twenty credits says if he spots us the General gives him a heart attack.” Jesse spoke, taking a sip from his drink as the six of you watched them from across the bar.
You blamed the buzz from the several shots for what you did next. “I’ll give you something even more entertaining.” With eerie ease you slid over Fives lap and out of the booth, once more adjusting the hood that was over your head.
“Should we be trying to stop her or-“
“Nah I wanna see how this plays out- plus she’s one of our superiors, I don’t think we can do anything to stop her now.”
As the night had worn on the crowds had somewhat thinned, making it easier to make your way to the bar. With both their backs turned to you a playful grin returned to your features.
You were going to milk this for all it was worth.
With an immense calmness you threw your arms over the shoulders of both the men, sticking your head in between the two of them. “Funny running into you two here. Come here here often?” You mused, eyes bouncing between the shocked looks on both their faces. . . Though Cody’s was also laced ever so slightly with amusement.
“General!” Taking notice of how loud the word came out of his mouth, Rexs eyes darted around before returning to you. “General, what are you doing here?”
“Avoiding my responsibilities.” You spoke casually, glancing over at Cody with an amused smile. “Commander I just know Obi-wan is gonna have a laugh when I tell him your out drinking before we all return from shore-leave.”
The amused look on Cody’s face fell slightly. “Kriff, please don’t tell him.”
“I’m just kidding, I won’t.”
Your turned back to Rex, leaving Cody to order his drink as you did. Y/e/c eyes met deep brown ones that you knew all too well. “I’m surprised to see you here general.”
“I’m honestly slightly surprised to be here. I’ll admit this wasn’t my plan when I woke up this morning.” You smiled, leaning slightly on the bar as you turned your body to face him. “And I definitely wasn’t prepared for a drunk Fives.”
From underneath his breath Rex let out a soft string of curses, before following the way you were nodding your head. You watched in amusement as your group of troopers sent their captain an awkward set of waves, Rex wincing in embarrassment at the state of the men under his command.
“Please tell me you didn’t get them drunk. . . “
“No, of course not!” You paused. “They already had drink when I got here. . . Though I will admit the three rounds of shots were on me—“
The use of your first name caught you somewhat off gaurd as Rex slightly scolded you, though the hints of a laugh could be heard behind it.
He had never called you by your first name before. It had always been General or General Y/L/N. For some reason it made you melt.
“What! I haven’t had fun like this in ages, give me a break!” You laughed, watching as Rexs face turned ever so slightly pink.
“If my men are hungover tomorrow I’m blaming you.” Rex shook his head, his own smile creeping across his lips.
“Deal. If they are I’ll bring you Caf for the next week.” You paused. “The good stuff Obi-wan has.”
Rex raised an eyebrow. “I’ll shake to that.” His gloved hand coming up to meet yours in a solid handshake, your nerve endings feeling as if that had just caught fire from his touch alone.
“Also you’re playing darts with us, c’mon-“ without giving him a second to speak you were yanking him out of his bar stool, unaware of the deepening shade of red on the captains face.
“General, I-“
“No buts. Plus Cody can watch your seat.” You mused, looking back over your shoulder at the commander of the 212th, the clone sending you an amused look as he brought his drinks to his lips.
“Don’t let him have too much fun General!”
“I would never!”
It took longer than expected for you to get Rex out of his normal shell and loosen up. You managed to get two shots into him with the aid of several cheering clones and now he was demolishing Fives and Jesse on their fourth game of holo-darts, all the while a soft smirk had laid itself across his features.
You were slowly seeing a side to Rex you had never seen before.
“You got him wrapped around your finger you know.”
You hummed a response, lifting your glass to your lips as you watched Rex throw yet another dart at the board, earning a groan from Fives.
The use of your name pulled your attention finally, turning your head to look at Echo was was leaned against the wall next to you. “Sorry what did you say?”
Echo merely grinned, “I can bet you without a doubt that if you weren’t here Rex would not have agreed to play darts with us.”
“That’s because none of you were going to ask him.”
A pause.
“Alright fair point, but if we had he wouldn’t have.”
Playing with the tiny straw in your drink you let out a sigh. “Echo what are you trying to say?”
The only answer was a light laugh and a pat on the back before the ARC trooper moved forward to take his turn at the board.
Glancing around the bar you could tell it had gotten much later. Only a few little groups of clones still mingled, talking casually to one another while one or two sat passed at the bar. Cody had departed awhile ago, only stopping by to say farewell before heading back to the base.
The neon clock on the far wall told you that you should probably be heading out as well. You had to get up early tomorrow to re-walk the Resolute and make sure everything was in place for the upcoming missions.
Grabbing your cloak from where you had discarded it earlier when you had realized the crowds were thinning, you snapped it back into place.
“Alright boys, I’m calling it quits for the night.”
A series of protests went up, and though you prided yourself on how observant you were constantly you didn’t notice how the captain turned his attention towards you as you passed, an echo of his smile from playing darts still on his face.
“So early General?”
With a raised eyebrow you looked over your shoulder. This really was a new Rex. “Captain it’s past midnight. We all have to be up in a couple hours to catch the shuttles back up to the Resolute.”
It was clear Rex had lost track of time, his face falling as he looked past you at the clock on the far wall, it’s neon numbers blinking lazily. He let out a curse under his breath, shoving his remaining dart into the outreached palm of Jesse.
“I told General Skywalker I would have those reports finished by morning.”
“Ooh Captains in trouble.”
“Shut it Fives.”
Shaking your head in amusement you turned to depart, only getting as far as the main entrance before a figure was rushing after you. “General! Allow me to escort you back?”
As you looked over to your left you smiled at the blonde clone settling into a steady pace besides you, the two of you stepping out onto the slowly quieting Corucant street.
“I thought you had things to do captain?”
“I do, but the temple and the clone facility are in the same general direction. Plus it wouldn’t be right to have my general walking alone.”
There he was. Your sweet and polite Rex you had grown so very fond of. You were perfectly capable of defending yourself but you would also never turn down an evening stroll with your favorite captain. “Very well.”
As if you had done it a million times before you absentmindedly looped your arm through Rexs, pulling him slightly down the street, all the while being blissfully unaware of the startled look on the captains face and the red creeping across his cheeks.
In truth Rex had always looked at you like you were the most brilliant thing he had ever seen in the galaxy. The first time he saw you he didn’t think you were real. You were laughing at something General Skywalker had said, your head tilted back towards the sun, eyes squeezed shut tightly in joy.
He stumbled on half his words when he was finally introduced.
And now here he was, your arm looped through his as you led him down some neon lit street in the belly of Corucant.
“How was your shore-leave? I know it was only a week but-“
“It was fine, thank you General. Got caught up on a lot of cadet forms that had been piling up while we’ve been away.”
Laying your free hand atop Rexs arm you gave him a soft smile. “You can call me Y/N, at least for right now. No one else is around, plus I like when you call me by my name. Makes me feel more like an actual person and not a tool for the Republic.”
Rex was silent for a moment, any words that had been on his tongue a moment before had all fizzled out. Kriff, you were going to be the death of him.
“Y/N.” He said it slowly, almost as if laced with caution.
You beamed up at him, giving his forearm a pat. “Rex.”
He fell silent yet again. . . And then coughed awkwardly, turning his eyes ahead. “Uh, how was your shore-leave?”
“Boring. In the temple there’s a lot of time designated for self reflection. It gets boring and much to quiet if I’m being honest. I would rather be stuck in the barracks with the 501st-“
At that Rex let out an amused chuckle. “All due respect I don’t think you’d last a night in there. You haven’t had to go to sleep with the odor of Fives feet in the air. “
“Mm maybe not but when we were padawans there was a couple weeks where I had to share a bunk with Anakin, and let me tell you— half the time he smelled like a wet womp rat.” You paused, “but then again Hardcase sometimes smells that way too-“
You were surprised that your words got a full laugh out of Rex, his head tilting backwards as he laughed. The sight was enough to make your smile widen.
Kriff, you were in so much trouble.
“You just said you were in so much trouble.” Rexs previous joyful expression had fallen, now laced with concern as he looked at you.
Oops. . . Apparently those words had not just been in your head.
The two of you paused at a crossroads. . . Literally. Though neither of you paid attention to the hundreds of ships and cruisers that buzzed by several yards above you.
“It’s nothing.” Shaking your head, you pulled yourself away from Rex, continuing forward.
“General- sorry- Y/N. Are you alright?” Folding his arms behind his back, Rex moved forward to sink into your pace.
“I—“ you paused, a tiny war raging inside your head as you weighed wether or not you should give him some explanation. “I am not a good Jedi.”
“What do you mean? I may not know much about Jedi but I know that for as long as I’ve known you you’ve done an excellent job.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, but I’m really not. I’ve made a really big mistake that no jedi is supposed to.”
Rex paused in his steps, watching you with a slight tilt to his head. “Which is?”
Your own steps faltered when you realized he had stopped, the action making you look back over your shoulder at him. “Jedi arnt allowed to form attachments. It’s considered a selfish act. . . And yet I’ve done it.”
A pause. “Forgive me but I don’t understand you jedi and your rules.”
“Heh, neither do I Rex. Neither do I.” Turning fully, you gave him a soft smile and for a moment you just watched him, waiting to see if he caught on.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You really don’t get it do you?”
Another pause. “Get what?”
Your feet was moving before your mind was but when it did catch up you made no move to stop it. You only halted when your toes of your boots were bumping against Rex’s, the captain looking down at you with a wide eyed and curious stare.
“The attachment I have is you, Rex.”
He said nothing, though you felt a shift in the air as his eyes widened and his cheeks turned rosy. “Me?”
“Yeah, I think it was set into place the moment I met you. With your awkward smiles and salutes and your unwavering kindness and understanding.” You looked down, slowly reaching out to grab Rex’s gloved hands.
His voice brought your gaze upwards and with it Rex sucked in a gulp of air. “It’s Y/N.”
It was only when you slowly rose to the balls of your feet did Rex shift awkwardly, heat creeping down his neck as he realized what you were doing. “I’ve never kissed anyone before-“
“Neither have I.”
You both knew the risk you were taking and though neither of you spoke it, there was a silent promise that neither of you would say a word of it to anyone.
And with that you pressed your lips firmly to Rexs, and for the first time in a long time. . . The force around you felt right.
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ireadwithmyears · 12 days
even if it’s handcuffed, I’m leaving here with you.
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Pairing: Commander Fox/fem Reader
Word count: 4.7K
Tags/warnings, smut (18+: (miners DNI) dumb decisions, they turn out alright, slight exhibitionism (they fuck in the back of 79’s and Fox enjoys the idea of being overheard), oral (F receiving), fingering, light bondage, spanking, but like only one, unprotected P in V sex, dom/sub elements, biting/marking (it’s Fox, what do you expect)
Summary: Fox hasn’t been giving you the attention you’ve been craving. The way in which you go about fixing that is highly questionable, but ultimately, a resounding success.
Note: yes, this was 100% inspired by a specific lyric in I’mgonnagetyoubac by Taylor Swift, referred to in the title. I heard it, went Fox bby c’mere I need to do something with this, and this is the end result, which I hope is enjoyable. Also, do these characters have communication issues that they probably should acknowledge and talk through? Probably. Are we not going to acknowledge any of that here for the sake of✨minimal plot✨ yes.
“This, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, is one of the stupidest ideas you’ve ever had.”
To be fair, your best friend is saying this all while she downs a shot, barely containing her smirk behind the glass. She’s already given her rather enthusiastic consent to this idea that she has just declared is stupid
Because that’s what best friends do. 
Look, you have to agree, the idea sounds completely outlandish and lacks any sound logic whatsoever, not to mention, there’s no guarantee that it’ll even work. But, lounging around a table at a bar on Coruscant’s Clubbing scene, and with your ride or die best friend perched across from you to egg on your delusions, it starts to sound not as crazy as it had initially sounded when you had first spoke the words aloud.
In theory, the idea is straightforward and simple enough. 
Start a fight at the clone bar while Fox is on duty so that you can actually get him alone for more than two minutes.
You’re aware, somewhere in the back of your mind, that these are rather drastic measures for you to take just to get your boyfriend to notice you. But, with your rationalizing, alcohol emboldening you, and your friends immediate agreement to help without hesitation, this idea starts to seem not only reasonable, but solid.
Listen, if you were able to be a normal, sensible couple, and you could just do something like, you know, talk to Fox, you would.
The problem is, though, that Fox has been making that very difficult.
Being the marshal commander of the Coruscant guard carries a lot of weight and responsibilities, you get that. You really, really do. But, when he rarely makes it home most nights because he’s fallen asleep at his desk from overworking himself, and you can count the amount of times he’s touched you over the past two weeks on one hand, you’re starting to go a little bit insane.
Okay, so, you’re horny and so desperate for his attention that you’re willing to do something completely unreasonable, not to mention a little bit illegal, to get it. So what.
The plan, for all of its complete lack of sense and sound judgment, goes a little too perfectly.
The guard often sends some of their own out on patrols during 79’s busiest nights to keep order and ensure that there are no inter-battalion style brawls. 
You have Fox’s schedule memorized. So, you wait until you know he’s set to make his rounds, pick a table that is clearly within his eyeline, and then, minutes after he shows up, give your friend the subtle signal.
It starts with raised voices, shouted accusations and glaring until you know you’ve peaked his interest. Even through the tint of his visor, you can practically feel his eyes on you from across the room. 
Once you’re sure his eyes are securely glued on you, you allow high school drama and improv skills to take over, letting the fight escalate into something physical.
It’s hard, knowing that your friend is about to take the brunt of this for you, and your equal parts appreciative, and a little bit terrified, that she’s letting you launch yourself at her. But, you think to console yourself, you had practised this. How to make it look convincing, just good enough that it draws the attention of the cori’s, while also inflicting minimal damage because due to the fact that you don’t want your friend to get in heat for this too, making yourself the clear instigator, she’s only dodging, refusing to hit back.
When the thud of boots and the crackle of voices through helmet speakers come, barking gruff orders to break it up, you’re more than a little relieved. 
Even with his bucket still on, it’s easy for you to identify that it’s him. Him who pulls you off of her, none too gently. Him, whose rough, gloved fingers enclose around your wrists, smoothly pinning them behind your back before you can even blink and fuck, why was that so hot? Him, who, for a brief moment, you feel the cold and unforgiving plastoid of his chest plate digging as he presses flush against you, voice a low, displeased rumble as he addresses you, voice too quiet for anyone else to hear.
“You know, princess,” he mutters darkly, giving your wrists a squeeze. “If you wanted tonight to end with me locking binders around those pretty wrists of yours, there was no need to go to all of this trouble.”
He knew. 
Somehow, he’s figured out exactly what you were doing within seconds and for some reason, this only intensifies the thrill that runs through your body and causes your thighs to clench.
You’re not given time to ruminate on this, though, barely catch the subtle wink that your friend gives you before another member of the guard blocks your view of her as he kneels down to check on her. Fox, reflexes lightning fast, spins you around and immediately begins to usher you towards the back of the establishment, giving the other guard member on duty, you think it might be Thorn, a curt nod to acknowledge that he can handle this on his own.
Your led away to the sounds of low whistles, and many identical sets of brown eyes peering at you interestedly as Fox’s brothers stare at you when you pass by their tables.
Your face, at this point, has the decency to flush with oncoming embarrassment as they watch Fox leading you away.
No time for regrets now, you think to yourself as Fox reaches around you, still keeping your wrists firmly in one hand as he unlocks the door to an out-of-the-way office, frequently used to detain clones who start fights in the bar.
For better or for worse , you have captured his full, undivided attention for the night. 
now, you think, it’s only a matter of what he’s going to do about it.
“You know,” he muses, arms expertly caging you in and crowding you against the office wall, “if you’re going to fake a fight to get my attention, you could at least have picked an accomplice who I haven’t already met, and who I am perfectly aware you are on good terms with.”
“How would you know?” You ask, still slightly breathless as his amber eyes catch yours in the dim light, levelling you with a look. “A lot could change in the two weeks that I’ve barely seen you.” 
“Is that what this is about?” He asks, voice low and somehow too smooth and even, tilting his head to the side. “That explains why she made the effort to do this.” 
He doesn’t back down, doesn’t even look away in any semblance of guilt, which is infuriating. You’re about to tell him so when you’re cut off abruptly, words dissolving into nothing but a short gasp as his head lowers, lips, followed by the sharp bite of his teeth along the much too exposed skin of one of your breasts.
You blink, looking down at yourself, startled. It appears that whilst your friend was engaged in skirmishing with you, she had managed to tactfully pull open a few buttons from your shirt, splitting it just so that one of your breasts is tantalizingly exposed, nipple barely covered by the remaining fabric.
It’s fabric that is quickly shoved to the side as Fox, eyes never leaving yours as he does, takes your nipple into his mouth, tongue rolling over the bud, encouraging it to harden between warm lips.
“It’s almost like this was... planned,” he muses, accentuating his words with a sharp pinch as he tweaks your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, smirking at the way you jolt with surprise. His breath ghosts along the column of your throat as he moves to whisper in your ear. “Wasn’t it, cyar’ika.”
You’re prevented from answering when his teeth nip at your earlobe, causing any words you had in your mind to fall away, giving way to a shiver as you arch into him. A thrill runs through your body, and a pleasant hum has replaced the void where your thoughts used to be. If you had the sense to be embarrassed about how easy it was for him to get you like this, you would be. But right now, pushed up against the wall with him looming over you, it takes all you have to reach for him, fingers trying to find perch’s between his armour plating.
“Fox,” you let out a whine, tilting your head up to look at him pleadingly as you press yourself against him.
“Uh uh,” he chides, quickly extricating your hands. “These stay here,” he orders, swiftly pinning your wrists above your head with one hand. “If you know what’s good for you,” he continues darkly.
“A and what if I don’t?” You try to challenge, but your voice comes out in more of a squeak, wobbling slightly, as his fingers trail down your sides, just teasing at the skin beneath your shirt.
He chuckles, the sound a husky, dangerous rumble in his throat. Abruptly, he drops to his knees in front of you, pulling both your skirt and panties down with him in one harsh tug. They pool around your feet on the floor.
“Oh, meshla,” he coos at you, voice dripping with mock sincerity as one gloved fingertip, tantalizingly featherlight, sweeps through your already wet folds, only grazing over your clit enough to make your hips stutter in surprise before he pulls away. 
“Trust me, by the time I’m done with you, you will.”
Your ability to form a quick witted retort to that is greatly impeded, and ultimately foiled, probably intentionally, by Fox lifting one of your legs, manoeuvring it so it drapes over the curve of one of those broad, imposing shoulders of his. 
Before you’re given time to react to this sudden shift of balance, he’s leaning forward, his impatience evident in the way he roughly holds your thighs apart as he does. Your clit is suckled into his mouth with an almost unadulterated greed as it’s pulled between his lips, tongue barely fluttering over it before your hips jolt, and the sound that manages to escape you, half in surprise, half a needy whine before you manage to check yourself, remembering where, exactly, he’s doing this to you, sounds just about as uncontrolled as his actions are.
He pulls back, only to give you a deceptively teasing smirk as he tugs off his gloves. “What’s the matter, cyar?” He almost purrs, a now gloveless finger slowly teasing at your entrance, eyes fixated on how you clench around nothing. “Got nothing to say now?” 
He evidently finds his ability to have you this riled up with only a few touches amusing, because he’s again leaning forward before you can respond. A series of gentle kitten licks targeted at your clit, as his finger slowly presses into your heat has you forgetting about that fact quickly, the only sound escaping your lips being that of a strangled gasp-moan.
With the way his lips quirk and he lets out a small hum of satisfaction, the vibrations of which run through your body like a shockwave that leaves you breathless, it’s evident that this is exactly the way he wants you, squirming and desperate.
“Fox, I, we can’t do this here ohh.”
You lose track of the point you were trying to make with the smallest movement of his finger, almost gentle as it curls inside you, just brushing over your G spot, causing you to start stammering.
“Mm, why’s that, princess?” He asks, pulling out his finger only so that he can insistently begin to open you up with a second. “I don’t really think you’re in the position to be making demands like that, hm?”
Teeth nipping at that sensitive spot high on your inner thigh silences your retort. “So pretty,” he breathes, almost to himself as his tongue lazily soothes over the mark he’s made, before he’s back on your clit, lips, tongue, and fingers that curl and press and thrust all working to bring you up and straight to the edge.
And take you to the edge, he does. Within minutes that feel like seconds, he has you arching your back, pushing your hips to meet the delicious, constant thrust of his fingers and the targeted, precise teasing of his tongue and lips against your already sensitive clit, breathless begging and pleading because you’re just, you need, you’re almost.
There’s an audible clap as you desperately press your hand against your mouth, trying to silence the high-pitched, feverish whimper that’s fighting to escape your lips because there, right there, rightfuckingthereyoujust...
Then he’s pulling away, releasing your clit with an obscene sounding wet pop as he rises to his feet, calm and totally unfazed in the face of your obvious frustrated desperation, hips still vainly moving in an attempt to find something that’s no longer there. He looks down at you, watching with evident amusement in his eyes as you lose the high that he’s given you, languidly taking the time to idly suck on his fingers, still slick with your arousal as he waits.
He’s patient, simply staring down at your quivering form as he holds you within his scrutiny, deliberately drawing out the silence until the tension has grown thick, and it starts to make you feel disquieted, nervous, almost like you’ve done something you shouldn’t have and you’re now waiting for him to pronounce your punishment.
Only then, only once he sees the realization dawn on your face and your eyes widen slightly does he reach out, lightly tracing one finger over the back of your hand.
Your hand that he told you to stay above your head on the wall. 
Your hand that is, right now, still pressed firmly against your half open mouth. 
“I thought I told you,” he muses casually, fingers delicately wrapping around your wrist and pulling it away from your lips, “to keep these where I put them.”
You swallow, but look up at him with a falsely innocent expression because fuck it, you’re already out of the frying pan, might as well just jump headfirst into the fire.
“Well, technically you told me to do that only if I knew what was good for me, so... guess I don’t,” you say with a shrug, flashing him a smirk.
“Hm,” he huffs, pondering as he continues to hold your wrist, giving it a squeeze in warning. “So it appears you don’t.”
Within seconds, he’s smoothly spun you around, and pulled both of your wrists behind your back, with a speed that’s so succinct that you don’t even comprehend what’s happening until the heavy, cold weight of the binders settles against your skin, locking your wrists in place with a smooth, resounding click.
A hand on your back gently nudges you forward and without question, you begin to walk, only pausing when he’s directed you to stand in front of a desk, the height of which reaches just above your waist. He urges you down, hand pressing in between your shoulder blades until you’re bent over, skin flush against the cool wood. 
You jump when his voice appears, low and inches away from your ear as he leans over you, hands delicately scheming down your sides as he speaks.
“Oh, meshla, you misunderstand me,” he purrs, and he can’t resist gently nipping at your earlobe just to hear the small noise of surprise that escapes you and feel the way your body shivers beneath him. 
You hear him settle behind you, armoured knees hitting the ground with a dull thump as his hands, warm and rough, ease your thighs apart, holding them wide.
Fingers lazily circle you’re already swollen clit as he continues. “You can cum, pretty girl. In fact, I want you to cum, and I want everyone outside to be able to hear all those pretty sounds you make when you do it.”
Outside, a muffled round of drunken cheering from several of his vode seems to punctuate his demand, causing your heart to quicken, and before you’re given time to really think about it, he’s opening you further, diving back in with his lips and tongue as his hands continue to hold your thighs apart.
For a moment, it’s just hot, heavy breaths, warm air tickling and brushing against your incredibly sensitive clit, the barest sensation and the heat enough to pull a breathless “mmm” from your lips, hips desperately pushing back against his waiting mouth. 
You both know that you’re not going to last long, so Fox takes time to relish each moment he spends in between your thighs, every movement of his tongue and lips deliberate and controlled. The firm muscle of the flat of his tongue pressing against you is neither frantic nor fast, but it urges and demands with an almost maddening precision.  The slightest role of his tongue over the bud as his lips pull you into his mouth nearly does you in, turning small, gasping whimpers into “oh please I fuck I please,” without any regard to the level of your voice.
Fox hums a response, and after that, you’re done, tipped over the edge by just the slightest nudge as if you had been clinging to it by your fingertips, and were now free falling.
You only come back to yourself when you feel fingernails raking up your trembling thighs, and Fox’s low, husky voice as he stares up at you.
“Mm, good,” he murmurs, running a finger through your sensitive folds just to watch you tremor.
He rises to his feet, and you’re not sure what you’re expecting him to do, if anything. Your mind is so addled by your orgasm that it comes completely unanticipated. 
A quick, stinging swat lands against your ass, calloused fingers caressing over the skin as soon as it begins to heat beneath the palm of his hand. It makes you let out of rather undignified, surprised squeak, hands instinctively trying to move to cover yourself, but of course, they’re not going anywhere. The unforgiving metal of the binders cooley nipping at your skin as you strain being a good enough reminder of that. 
“But I think you can do better.”
There’s the familiar sound of his codpiece being unclipped, a small clang as it hits the floor and is kicked away without consequence. Fox lets out a low groan, the only evidence to suggest that he’s nearly as affected as you are as he pulls himself free of his blacks, taking his hard length into his hand.
Your head drops to the desk, which is met with an immediate tsk of disapproval, Fox threading his fingers through your hair as he tugs it back up, pulling just enough to ensure that the tingle is painful, a reprimand as sharp as his words.
“Keep your head up, princess,” he orders sternly. “I want everyone to hear the sounds you make when I fuck you.”
He glides his cock through your wet folds, pausing to tease a few circles around your clit with the head as he continues. “And I want everyone to know how good I make you cum.”
The head of his cock lightly slaps against your clit, punctuating his words and causing the already overly sensitive nerves to spark and tingle. The whine that leaves your parted lips is a needy, pitiful thing.
You hear his low, throaty chuckle as he backs off, nudging the glistening head of his cock between your parted lips, smoothly lining himself up at your entrance. With one drawn out, controlled roll of his hips, he’s sinking into you, hands coming to grasp your hips as your tight, warm heat clenches around him.
Once he’s fully seated himself, feeling your walls fluttering around him, he moves, adjusting his angle in several quick, sharp snaps of his hips as he gages your response. When he finds the angle that has you crying out the loudest, and he’s satisfied that his cock insistently nudges against your G spot with every thrust, he begins to move in earnest.
Fox sets an even, measured pace, pulling back only to thrust back in with more power and intensity behind the insistent movement of his hips, cock pressing against all of those spots that need to be touched, caressed, and stretched for him.
Only when it starts to build inside you, because really, after you’ve already came from the talents of his skilled tongue, it really doesn’t take much to bring you back up, only once you start moaning and writhing beneath him does the rhythm change, not stopping, but slowing considerably as his fingers grasp at your hips, pulling you against him and keeping you still despite your squirming and protests. 
You can feel his armour plates digging against your skin as he moves, the cold, unforgiving plastoid in combination with the hot slick of skin on skin as he firmly presses your hips against him is dizzying, and sends your head spinning with each gentle pulse of his throbbing cock.
He holds you there, keeping your ass pressed flush against his pelvis, only allowing small, controlled ruts of his hips that brush his cock against your walls, his form radiating patience and authority as he looms over you, watching as you mercilessly struggle for him to give you more than what he’s allowing.
Your hips try to push back, to do anything, but without being able to brace your hands, you’re not getting anywhere fast at all, and your struggle to gain any kind of leverage ends with you throwing your head back, letting out a high-pitched, frustrated whine as you look back at your tormentor, who watches with an almost impassive expression, eyes dark.
He sweeps your hair over your shoulder, littering a trail of hot kisses and sharp bites along the exposed column of your throat as he moves to your ear. 
“Got something to say, meshla?” He coos condescendingly, nuzzling his nose against your neck and letting out a warm breath that sends goosebumps down your spine.
Under the full weight of his attention, he manages to scatter the few strings of coherent words that your brain was trying to piece together into something useful. All you can do is moan helplessly, feebly pushing back against him in an attempt to get him to move in vain.
“Hm,” he muses, and you feel the brief scraping of teeth as he runs them along your shoulder. “Guess not. Maybe I’ll just stay here, until you can figure out how to use your pretty mouth to tell me what you want.”
You know what he wants, and it only takes one small, barely there nudge of his hips for it to come spilling out of you, with minimal protest or fight. 
“Please, sir, please,” you beg, both cheeks and eyes burning at how unsteady your voice sounds. “Please fuck me.”
“Ah,” he pretends to come to the understanding and that bastard, you don’t have to look at him to know that there’s a devilish smirk on his face as one of his hands leaves your hips, dipping to run along your inner thigh. 
“Understood,” he says, voice as short and crisp as if he’s just barking an order to one of his troopers. 
With that, he withdraws, unsheathing himself so slowly that every inch of him drags along your walls as he pulls out. Then, without warning, grasping your hip tightly, he slams back into you, pushing against your tightness and pulling you back onto him at the same time. His pace is now brisk, unyielding, and unwaveringly steady as he impales you on his cock, letting out low, breathy sounds, pausing to listen to the mules and moans that leave you in response.
As soon as he starts hitting someplace deep, quick and primal and constant, your back is arching, your ability to form any coherent words seemingly depleted. 
Or at least, that’s what you think, until his hand, that had up until this point been squeezing and massaging the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, moves in between your legs, fingers expertly catching on your clit, circling, pressing, and the occasional tap against the overly sensitive bud that has you gasping and jolting in place.
“Fox,” you whimper desperately, hips wriggling even though there’s nowhere to go. “Please.”
Whether you’re saying please to beg him to stop because you can’t, it’s too much, or you’re saying please because you want, you need him to never stop, to keep going because the attention he’s lavishing on your clit combined with the delicious way he’s filling and stretching you on his cock feels so wonderfully good is unclear.
The decision is quickly taken out of your hands when Fox, evidently seeing how close you are, abruptly adjusts his angle, redirecting his focus yet again to your G spot, hips rolling against you as he targets it with small, precise and shallow thrusts.
“Be a good girl,” he murmurs, hand releasing your hip to rake his fingernails down your spine. “Cum,” he orders, giving your clit another tap before he continues his tantalizing circles. “Cum for me.”
You throw your head back, spine contorting as you arch, only vaguely aware of the desk digging into your ribs as you cum, eyes squeezing shut and walls clamping down on him as some sound that you don’t even begin to hear nor control is ripped from your throat.
Only then does his pace falter and does he pull you back onto him to bury himself to the hilt within you, cold armour plating firmly pressing against your ass and your thighs, as he lets  out a long, low rumble as he stills within you, spilling his release within your warm, convulsing heat. 
You’re aware of your head falling against the desk, finally too exhausted to keep it up as your body trembles with aftershocks. You’re aware of his hand, soothing as it strokes through your hair. You’re aware of him slowly easing himself out, you think you might make a small sound at the loss, judging by his low chuckle, but you’re not sure.
You only really begin to engage with the world again when you feel the rush of liquid leaving your core, causing you to let out a small gasp. 
“Shh, little one, s’okay,” Fox murmurs, gathering the mix of his and your release that glistens on your folds with his fingers, slowly pushing it back inside, causing you to whimper. 
He guides your legs back into your panties and skirt with tender hands, pulling you to your feet and reaching around you to button up your top.
It’s only when he’s about to steer you out of the room that you realize. 
“Fox?” You say with a frown, raising a questioning eyebrow. “Aren’t you gonna, you know, undo the binders?”
He looks at you, hands occupied with snapping his codpiece back into place. 
“No,” he responds shortly. “You still instigated a fight. I at least have to play off the charade that I’m taking you back to HQ.”
He sets his helmet back on his head, and even though you can no longer see his face, you know that there’s amusement in his eyes, because even though this was your plan, he still has the last laugh. 
“This is still a punishment, and considering I’m letting you off the hook in terms of having to pay a fine, it’s a rather generous alternative, don’t you think, Meshla?” He reminds you lowly, voice clear even through his helmet modulator. “Get moving,” he orders, nudging you forward impatiently.
your mouth drops open as the noise from outside slowly filters into your ears.
He’s about to make you walk through the bar.
Your wrist still in binders as he escorts you out.
Past many of his vode.
With his cum still leaking out of you and the fresh bite marks that he scattered across your neck and shoulders like ornaments.
They’ll take one look at you, and even if they hadn’t managed to hear some of what was going on, which, judging by the dryness in your throat, would be a complete miracle of the force, they’ll know exactly what you did with the Marshall commander whom they all serve under and fuck, the burning twinge of humiliation should not effortlessly combine with some sort of excitement, but it does.
Your cheeks flush, and it takes all of your willpower to start shuffling your feet forward. 
Well played, Commander. Well played indeed. 
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hijinxinprogress · 7 months
Stephanie has a youtube channel (she 100% gives it a name like gotham_after_dark or bat_interpreter) where she follows Batman and mocks him, she definitely also makes content on tiktok and instagram
She’s recording fights with rogues and him interrogating questioning people and doing voice overs in a goofiest growl she can for batman but she also does voices for everyone else (it gets to the point where penguin puts a hit out and is actively trying to expose the youtubers identity bc steph does this terrible whiny british accent when she’s imitating penguin)
She starts her channel right after Bruce fires her from Robin and still does it to this day
Bc if she��s gonna get shit for not being Tim might as well go all the way right?? She’s just doing the opposite of what Tim’s doing or outright copying him depending on which would annoy them the most
Stephanie records batman dangling some guy off a roof for the 37th time this week while going “You said the cheese on the nachos at your restaurant was imported directly from Italy but I saw you…THIS CHEESE IS FROM A GROCERY STORE…in GOTHAM… do you know what batman does to liars??”
Batman’s chasing the joker? Again? Here comes Stephanie with her fucking camera “Joker baby, you know that fight with Cobblepot meant nothing to me” “You know what, Bats? Fight whoever you want!” “Why are you going to Cobblepot’s lair with a grenade launcher? Baby…?” “Well, if the wellbeing of fucking Oswald is sooo important to you, you fucking cheater ☹️ I’m gonna kill him” “HUH” Stephanie’s joker voice is pretty good but she stops when Jason follows her channel after admitting he watches it (however Damian gives zero fucks and edits in his scarily accurate joker impression and will break into Jason’s apartment at random to do his joker impression)
Stephanie’s Duke impression is just her making puns in a bad robot voice and Duke hates it sm bc she’s saying shit like “Don’t signal for backup bc I’m already Signal-ing this ass whooping” “The yellow is the Signal for you to run” “Hey hey hey, night time is when you do this stupid shit rn is Signal Time” “The sun is my Signal to be vigilant-y” “Setting off that alarm should’ve been enough of a Signal for you stop” (Dick made tshirts and Duke refuses to talk to him when he wears them)
You legally have to be a level 79 hater to be a vigilante in gotham so most of Steph’s videos esp after Bruce has pissed her off are just her shitting on batman in a terrible growl “Damn, I’m getting too old for this…my knees hurt so much” “Nightwing thinks he’s funny, asking me if I remember the dust bowl…mf I remember the fucking big bang” “I’m so good at this, I don’t think anyone knows I’m a vampire” “Bruce Wayne owns gotham general and can’t cure Alzheimer’s?? I hate that asshole, I don’t even remember where tf I’m going” “I wanted to be Spider-Man and now I’m this” “Ooh, I’m Batman and I hate fun, happiness, and joy” “Don’t do crime, be like me…perpetually bitchless and breaking kneecaps” “Some people need coffee for a pick me up but I just need to see a purse snatcher piss their pants” “I don’t actually meld into the shadows, I just have Apple Maps and it takes me the long way”
Batman’s fighting or arguing with black mask?  Stephanie has been waiting for this moment so every video with black mask is just her making fun of black mask to the point where there’s barely any batman slander “My real names fucking Roman so I had to go all out with this stupid ass costume…I’m not even a real gothamite, I’m from metropolis” “Sionis…I don’t care… you blew up thirteen hostages” “ITS NOT MY FAULT, OKAY?! Did you know you’re supposed to wash masks? Especially if you wear the same one everyday? Bc I fucking didn’t” “…Sionis…” “THERES MOLD ON MY FACE and this mask smells like ASS” “Everyone knows that, you moron…How do you think I found you? I can smell your stench from damn near two miles away…” “I’m like scary though right??” “No, Sionis, you just have poor hygiene…and issues” “Dammit, I’m like a dollar tree version of two face” “Not quite, what’s lower than that? Dollar tree is too good for you…don’t tell joker but Harvey’s way-”
Stephanie has a two hour video of batman grappling across Gotham just shitting on metropolis and sixty seven minutes of it is just Superman slander in a terrible growl
There’s short clips of cass suddenly disappearing or appearing out of nowhere before and after dismantling someone with the michael myers theme playing in the background (Cass does dramatic flips and landings every time steph records her)
When Bruce complains about the threat to their identities and compromising ongoing missions/investigations, Stephanie (who is purposely trying to piss him off) just looks him dead in eye and goes “Well, you’re not the boss of me sooo” so Tim gives a presentation and shuts down every single argument Bruce makes just to be contrary bc he’s a fucking asshole
Tim only has a problem with it when Stephanie and Damian start working together bc Damian  does concerningly accurate impressions and Damian keeps making Tim sound like a fucking idiot and it’s worse bc he can mimic his speech patterns (“I can’t do this anymore… I’m sad and pasty… Call the fifth robin, you know…the only competent robin…”) 
Like Damian’s repeating one of Tim’s caffeine concoction induced rants about bagels in Tim’s voice while Steph is growling at him to focus in her batman impression
When Tim brings his complaints to Bruce about Stephanie’s youtube account, Bruce cites Tim’s own argument back to him so Tim takes over editing and recording to be an asshole
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stevenbasic · 2 months
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GITJ Post 394: Cat n Mouse, p5
Melissa had been fucking her boss, standing with legs spread by the sliding glass doors of the great room in her mother’s house, holding his limp, 79 pound body by nothing but his cock. Using her internal muscles to keep him suspended up above the ground she’d made him come with her, in spades. Dr J had utterly exhausted himself and was now lying limply in her arms. 
The dining room table lay halfway across the room. In its path through the air to where it now rested, it had broken her mom’s favorite Iranian vase. And some hanging lamps, a curio table. And the wall. 
She'd thrown the massive, nearly thousand-pound table like it was a child’s toy. 
But now, as she held him tenderly, stretched across her strong arms like a babe, the devastation on the other side of the room went unacknowledged. She cradled him. Her muscles still dominated him, cocooning him in her power and post-workout bulk, but, in the pleasant afterglow, they had already begun to soften. Her more womanly curves returning. 
Her voice - lovely in its own way - hummed to him, relaxing him as she swayed him back and forth. She watched as his eyes started to flutter, and, without a thought, she released some pheromones to help keep him awake for her, at least for a little while. I wanna snuggle.
Some 0001.55.6677.xc, a dash of 0001.55.6009.xx and, haha why not, a little 0001.55.6344.gf as well.
”y-you’re not getting tired?” he asked, pulled up against her, bare but not shivering, warmed by her likewise naked body. He’d been exhausted, but now he just felt…relaxed. Unsuprisingly, aAfter only a few minutes past his last climax, he was starting to become aroused again, aided by the indulgences of her body and fully exposed to her bare skin and firm nipples against his side. All strength, whatever meager amount there’d been, began to leave him and he slumped entirely in her embrace.  
Tired? Me? That doesn’t happen anymore. Melissa giggled. ”No, I could do this all night.” She giggled again, and brought her nose down to nuzzle his. “Oh my god you’re so cute,” she mused, “so cute.”
She had begun to notice - now that their lovemaking was over, and that her mania had mostly faded - a strange tingling inside herself. Familiar, but more intense than she’d felt in the past. It wasn’t unpleasant. In fact, if she closed her eyes and let herself bask in it for a moment…it was delicious. She knew it, she’d known this before. Someone, somewhere was jerking off to her. And not just someone…but lots of someones. She’d gotten this feeling many times, whenever she put up a new Instagram post. It was funny to her. Like clockwork, a new photo could bring about the tingles. She didn’t really know what they meant, but it kind of amused her to feel the devotion of all of her little followers doing whatever it was they were doing to themselves. But now, wow. This was a lot. What was going on? What could be bringing it o-
Oh, wait haha. I think I know. Tonight was the night of-
Melissa was brought back from her reverie by Jay's adorably timid voice. He’d begun stroking her big arm, her right one, her bicep, and he could no longer hold back his praise.
”I…I can’t believe how big you are,” he said dreamily. The awe and wonderment in his words? Poetry to her.
”haha yeah,” she replied. Despite the pride she felt, an uncharacteristic, almost demure modesty warmed her response. “And it’s all for you, sweetie. All for you.”
He flushed. Her attentions were strong, overwhelming at times. He’d never had a woman this into him before. With anyone else, it might have been scary. Well, sometimes it was scary. He’d heard the stories of the crazy girlfriends, and having one that could bench press a car could be understandably troubling. Melissa, though, was just so…beautiful. Maybe too beautiful. It made it hard to let these anxieties scare away his feelings for her, like she was worth ignoring all the red flags in the world. She just kinda made it hard to think straight sometimes. Was he blinded by his feelings? Perhaps, yes - but ignorance is bliss, right? And in moments like these the worries just seemed so unimportant.
A crash, as something toppled in the mess across the room. A plume of plaster dust blossomed into the air. It fazed neither of them. They were lost in this private, tender moment.
Juices, his and hers, still dripped out from between her thighs. Her mighty leg muscles flexed as she lazily walked them both around the room, away from the destruction. She was getting antsy again; he was growing. His member’s tumescence was starting to return and she was having a little trouble ignoring it.
Give the poor boy a minute, Missy!
“So, you train every day?” he asked, recalling her trip to the basement earlier this evening as he continued  stroking her hyper developed bicep. He’d never, ever been with someone so…physically incredible. So powerfully strong. Compared to his own body, hers was titanic.
“Pffft me downstairs, tonight?” she scoffed, playfully, “That wasn’t ‘training’. That was me just trying to, I dunno, work off some anxiety. I haven’t really trained in a long time.”
Jay cocked an eyebrow. That was a little confusing to him. “What do you do when you go to the gym? You and the girls are members of that one down the road, right? You don't work out?”
“The gym? Oh, haha, well that’s more like entertainment,” she answered, appreciating his interest in her and her routines, “I don’t go there that often really. I go to Evolution more. They have…bigger weights.”
“You mean the headquarters? Evolution?” he probed. He felt, here in this moment, an openness between them. Maybe he could, like, unearth a little more about her, or at least find out some about her connection to the pharmaceutical company that was bankrolling the study and, well, everything out about the practice.  “You train there?”
“Yes. Well, it’s more like a check-up than training, really,” she said. She was being refreshingly a bit more honest with him, but she was still watching her words, “The doctors want to keep track of my abilities. Track how much I can, like, lift. And other things.I don't really do it a lot, but it does help me get stronger, I think.”
His heart skipped a beat, with a feeling he didn’t recognize. What are these…’other things’? “C-can I ask…what exactly is happening to you?”
Oh, god. I want to tell him so bad, she groaned, silently, He deserves it, he really deserves to know. She struggled to control her breathing and heartbeat, knowing he’d be able to feel it all through her chest. She was excited not only at the prospect of telling him everything, but showing him everything. He’d only, really, had a small sampling of what she could do. If she were to tell him what she was, show him her new talents and gifts, and explain to him what she was becoming…well, just the look on his face would be priceless. As she considered it her legs, and the area in-between them, started to warm.
I have to give him a little.
“Well,” she began, “I’m not like other girls…”
“That, I know…” he chuckled, stroking her arm, glancing at the enormous breasts squashed up against his body.
She laughed too, soaking in the appreciation he had for her figure. “Yeah, but I’m, like, really not like other girls,” she started again, looking down on him, feeling the love she had for him unlocking doors, opening windows. She was glad there weren’t any cameras here, in her mother’s house (there weren’t, were there?), because she knew there would be people who wouldn’t appreciate her, uh, candor. “I’m - and this is gonna sound stupid - kinda special. Ever since I was a little girl. I’m made different. They’ve known it, my mom at least always has...”
“S-special?” he blinked, looking up at her.
“Yeah, like…things come easy for me,” she continued, “My body is able to, uh, adapt. Really, really quickly, to things I need it to do. They call it - and, uggh, sorry, I don’t always get this right - ‘Reactive Self Adapt-station’”
“‘Adaptation’?” he spoke, correcting what he thought was-
“Yes! ‘Adaptation’! That’s it, ‘Reactive Self Adaptation’, that’s what I can do.”
The furrow in his brow was sooo cute. He was mulling it over, trying to figure it out. He was so smart, he’d for sure know what it meant.
“So, like, what?” he asked, “If you need to get stronger, you get…”
“Like, really strong. Really fast.” Her response came quickly. 
“And if you need to get taller, you get-”
“Yeah, REALLY tall,” she finished, “yeah, that’s why they think I’m growing, now, shooting up.” He’s getting it!
“And, uh, wh-why do you need to be, like, really tall, and…?”
“And strong? Because you like it,” she answered, plain as day, “I started getting tall, I started growing my huge boobs even huger first because it helped me get this job, and then, well…because I liked you. And it was obvious you liked them. You liked big boobs and you liked…tall girls.”
<gulp> Jay felt exposed, not just from being stark naked.
“And if I was going to get your attention, make you my boyfriend, well…”
She pushed her chest into him.
“...these helped. And so does the hair, and the legs and the butt and all…this.”
He flushed with embarrassment, but - she noticed haha - he didn’t deny a single word. When he did finally speak, it was apologetic. “S-s-sorry…” he stammered, with his head down as if he was asking forgiveness for the entire male race. 
“Oh don’t be sorry you can’t help it,” she giggled. The precious little nervousness in his voice, his embarrassed expression was beginning to get to her. She was starting to feel naughty again. More and more tingles, throughout all this, had also been coming. They all like it, they like what they’re seeing apparently, all the little gobs. 
Melissa turned her attention back on Jay with new intent. “So, you like when I use my…abilities on you? My…’woman’s charms’?” she asked, her voice once again growing husky as she made sure to push her bust firmly into him.
Jay hesitated, but only for a moment before his honesty took over. ”Y-y-yes,” he answered.
He had no reason, she knew, to deny his attraction to her. She liked that he seemed fascinated, too, with what made her special. She was glad she’d opened up to him a bit, and told him what she could, for now. She was hoping that - with a little time - she could get him to go beyond just a sense of fascination, and he’d come to her with some of the same feelings that her little men down in the basement were growing. Nnnnngghhh oh god, Missssy, stopppp….
That could be for later, later, later. For now…
“What do you like best? My stompy feet? My Big Bossy voice?” she asked playfully, “Besides my boobs, of course. They’re my biggest superpower.”
He flushed.. 
“Seriously, what do you want me to use on you?” I’m not going to tell him I’m starting to be able to read his mind, she decided, That’ll freak him out haha. “You have an almost full-blown supergirl here…”
This time, he didn’t hesitate for long. ” Will you please…kiss me again?” he asked, his voice and eyes and face tremulous, “Like you did before?”
“When I…sucked all the air out of you” she asked, cocking her head in curiosity. That's a surprise. “Is that what you want me to do again?”
”Yeah, well, more like…” His chest trembled. “wh-when you, uh…when you breathed for me.”
Oh god, that made her shudder. ”omigod okay.” 
The feeling of her lips, suddenly on his, was sublime. She’d gathered him up towards herself, brought him in for a kiss as she held him in her arms, and then put her mouth on his. Her lips, so much bigger than his, easily wrapped around his mouth, and her tongue found unchecked access into it. He’d opened for her, he wanted her in there, and his surrender made her groan. And so she kissed him, forcing herself in deep and causing him to tense up and shiver in her arms before immediately melting again in her embrace. Their tongues slid against one another, hers pushing his back and forth, up onto his palate or down into the floor of his jaw. They played, but it was clear in their kiss who wore the pants, who was in charge. She dominated him. She’d pushed herself in hard enough so that the side of her mouth pushed up against his nose, and with just a little adjustment she now had it blocked completely.
He began to tremble, anticipating that feeling again. It wasn’t just his lips or mouth or even his whole face that were made to vibrate but the sensation radiated throughout his whole body, from head-to-toe. He quickly couldn’t breathe, and yet in that sensation, in that terrifying vulnerability, he began to feel pleasure. He felt his limbs losing their strength, and if his hands hadn’t once again found sanctuary on her breasts they might have fallen limply to his side. The pleasure from the kiss was so intense that he didn’t notice himself beginning to sweat as his body sought oxygen. Even the pain and burning from his lungs was muted, overwhelmed by the rapture of the moment until it began to build, and build, and build. He thought to pull away, when his peripheral vision began to flicker with stars,  but then he felt something sweet and powerful flow into him.
Oxygen, suddenly, was being pushed into his lungs and surged throughout his body. It revitalized him, freed him from the pain, and filled him with life. His vision began to clear and the pins and needles in his fingers and toes disappeared. His fear abated, and a new fear replaced it: the thought that the kiss might end. But it didn’t.
Melissa waited for his body to start to recover, her mouth still clamped over his. Though she didn’t fully understand how it all worked, she knew his body needed time, a moment. She was letting his blood take in the oxygen she’d given him from her lungs and replace it with carbon dioxide. She could sense when she needed to draw it out, and once again, she drew his breath from him, taking  it into her own lungs. She felt the air inside her chest changing. What her body was doing with the carbon she wasn’t certain, but it didn’t worry her. In fact, she fought back a smile as she waited for her partner to be ready, so she could breathe into him once again. 
He squirmed. Just the feeling of this new air of hers flowing into him was like taking her inside himself. He was letting her in, letting her become part of him. When he breathed out again, she let him wait, wait, wait, letting him know that it was on her accord, that it was by her mercy that he was able to breathe. She breathed into him again, with air sweeter and richer than anywhere on earth, and she felt his body shudder again in delight. He opened his body for her, and she went in, and out. Air in, and air out. In, and out. Huge lungfuls into him, and then huge lungfuls out.
She was fucking him with her lungs, and it was making her so wet.
How long had they maintained the kiss? He didn’t know but when her lips finally left every part of him tingled, and not for lack of air. Rather, quite the opposite. He didn’t need to draw deep breaths, he felt as if he barely needed to breathe at all. She’d given him what he needed. She’d super-saturated his cells with something better than the earth’s air. 
He wasn’t certain what to say; he wasn't certain he could speak.. He looked up at her, to her lips, and found them parted into a warm, brilliant smile. 
“See, sweetie? I can breathe better for you than you can for yourself,” she said.
He knew what he wanted to say. He wanted to collapse, submit himself entirely to her control. He wanted to tell her: ‘yes, please, let your lungs breathe for me. Let your heart beat for me. Do everything for me. Take away all my problems, fill me back up with yourself.’
She felt his longings, but knew that him submitting to them would take strength, strength she knew that he didn’t have. He wasn’t strong enough yet to shed everything he’d known, everything he’d been taught, everything he’d become through his however-old-he-was years on this earth. He would, though, allow himself to be taken along for the ride and maybe, along the way, she could help him find that strength.
“Jay, baby, honey,” she began, her own eyes welling up with the love she had, “you’ve taught me a lot, so much. I was always told, always taught that boys, guys, men were…weak. My mother made me see men as, like…less than human, more like objects. She told me that only women had the strength needed to…to…”
He knew what she wanted to say. Her words were failing her but it was the mantra that - unspoken as it may be - was permeating everything, changing society. She wanted to say that it was only women, superior women, who had the strength to rule the world. But, strangely, in that moment it made her feel bad, like she’d be gloating. Hadn’t he been through enough? Didn’t he deserve a little tender ignorance?
But they both knew it was fucking true. No one really needed to say it. Women were in charge.
“But I love you. I love you more than I could ever love a thing, an object, or, like, a pet,” she finally spoke, “You’ve shown me…so much. You’re so much more than my mother ever told me a man could be. And we’re perfect together.” She watched his face, read every twitch and tingle of his thoughts and emotions. “We belong together, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Except you’re a small piece and I’m the…” She stopped, paused, giggled. “I’m the really big piece. And you just…fit. Right into me.”
“Oh, my god, Melissa,” he quavered, gathering something.
”Yes, sweetie?” She cocked her head, unsure of what he was going to say. Was he going to lash out?
“I l-love you so much,” he said.
Her heart, she felt, might burst from her chest. “Oh my god honey I love you too.” She was sure he could hear her mighty heart beat, that he could feel it quake his bones. It was a behemoth, bigger she felt than anything else about her and its thunder, now, would shake the earth.
It was time. She needed to ask him. She drew a deep breath. 
“Jay, sweetie, you’ve started to see all these things my body can do. But will you…” she began, looking right into his eyes, “let me…do things to you? So I can…protect you better?”
He paused, taken aback. “w-what do you mean - ‘do things to me’?” he asked, tremulously, “Wh-what are you asking?”
She knew she needed to be gentle, careful. She could force it, but it wouldn’t feel right. It would only be right, really right, if he asked for it himself. She continued on.
“Like, you’ve seen it,” she began, “Like I’ve told you. I’ve been working on myself, changing, growing, so I can be a better office manager. So I can be a better girlfriend, a better protector for you. I’ve been doing it all for you.”
She knew he was confused. He didn't know what to think. It all maybe still sounded cryptic, and she maybe sounded crazy, but she needed to ask him this. “I’ve been working on myself, a lot. But…will you let me work on you, too?  So I can do what's best for you?”
She could tell he wasn’t sure if he liked the idea of that. “Maybe that sounded a little bossy haha,” she giggled, “But…I am the boss, right?”
“C’mon…” she urged playfully, “You know I can make you a better man.”
He paused, not wanting to disappoint her or deny her something she really wanted to do, but he also didn’t want to commit to something when he wasn’t one hundred percent sure what she was asking. “You mean like…self-improvement?”
“Sure yeah kinda sorta,” she giggled, “I can help make it so we can have more fun? Do more of what you like?” 
“Like, well….kinda like this-”
Suddenly, a huge wave of pheromones exploded from her bare flesh and skin and - just as suddenly, with one breath - he was hard. Beyond hard, he was quivering again. She’d not only taken control of his body and caused him to become piercingly aroused, erect as a pole, but she’d forced her will into his mind and regressed him back to something so much simpler. His thoughts were slowed, and his brain was made deliriously foggy. All within the course of about five seconds she had him immediately swimming in a warm sea of pleasurable feelings and - above all - they’re all totally centered on me. 
“You like?” she asked, with a crooked smile. He looked like a blissed-out child, and it made her so happy. 
“Oh my god yes Melissa please,” he replied, eyes glazed over in his adoration of her and cock a throbbing, iron monument to her beauty, “Do whatever you want to me.”
She giggled, feeling herself becoming giddy at the thought. Yes, he was drunk on her perfumes but they were only getting him to express what he truly felt. With all that stress and anxiety washed away, and with his mind clear of any big, complicated thoughts, this was who he truly was. So, she didn’t really feel bad, she was just helping him find himself. “Whatever I want?”
“w-w-whatever you want.”
She giggled again. “Okay honey, then get ready to become the perfect boyfriend.” She could do it, she knew she could do it, start reshaping things the way she wanted, and she could start right here. She was gaining more control over how things were changing. Her thoughts, and her manifestations these days, had been becoming powerful. She could make him into the perfect boyfriend, and at the same time make herself into the perfect girlfriend…and maybe much, much more. She could change them both, she could change herself into what she’d truly always wanted to be. And she could make him love it. 
So exciting!!!
“Okay okay, sweetie,” she began, taking a moment to tuck a lock of her long, thick hair behind her ear. I love how I can cradle him with one arm. “If we’re going to do this, if you’re going to let me do this for us, you’re going to need to start thinking about me a little differently.”
“W-what do you mean?”
Well, I could tell you a little about the guys in the basement. 
“So, for starters, now that you know some of the…special things I can do, I need you to acknowledge them, and acknowledge me. I need you to accept that I can do things that other people can’t. I do them all for you, but you have to accept that I’m becoming something more than, like, human.”
He shivered, there in her arms. Yes, you’re incredible Melissa. His arousal had shot an electric shock throughout his bones. He said nothing, and she pressed on.
“I’m growing, I’m developing, I’m becoming something…greater than human. Something bigger, and stronger, and just…so much more,” she said, golden-green eyes glimmering as she looked down into him, “And you’re going to help me get even better.”
“what do y-you mean?” he asked again, in a voice as small and weak as he looked, but one that was now sparkling, crystallizing with a new understanding of purpose, “m-me? What can I do?”
“Oh honey it’s easy, it’ll be so easy. All I need you to do is wish. I want you to wish, I want you to imagine. I want your dreams to go wild. And I want them all focused on me.”
Her hand had found his cock. 
“Okay?” she asked, giving him a first, long, slow stroke.
“o-okay…” he agreed, eyes fluttering as he endured the pleasure. 
“I…” she started again, “…can be so much more than your 'girlfriend'.  I can be perfection, and I need your help with that.”
“okay…” he repeated reflexively, already losing himself in the ministrations of her slow, gentle hand. In the crook of her left arm, he luxuriated in pleasure. 
She had continued to walk, slowly, around the house. They were now in the grand entry foyer. 
“So, those guys? The ones we have living in the basement?”
“yes..?” he moaned, struggling to listen as she stroked his erection. 
“They…they 'work' for us, they’re staying with us because they have nowhere else to go,” she explained, her voice soft and gentle as she continued her slow, lazy attentions on his cock, “but they're also learning something. They’re learning a new way to be, and they spend a lot of time, well…thinking. Thinking about me.”
“y-yes…” he repeated, agreeing as if he knew already. 
“Thinking about me, writing about me, making up songs and poems about me,” she continued. <stroke…stroke…stroke> “Honey, sweetie, Jay…they’re making up prayers for me. Prayers, honey, prayers. They spend their nights, and days, all their free time praying. To me.”
“oh god Melissa…” he groaned. So lost in pleasure was he it was hard to say if he was responding to her words or to her hand. 
“And, honey, these prayers, these poems and songs and all the ‘thinking’ about me…it makes me stronger,” she pushed, feeling the tingles still dancing through her skin. It wasn’t tingles coming just from the basement, though, or her old followers. These were mostly new tingles. Thousands of Channel 5 tingles. “And if I’m going to get really strong I need you to do this most of all.”
“oh god oh god oh Melissa yes.” 
“That’s right, that’s good, honey. Say that again.”
“oh god Melissa.”
They had arrived in front of a wall of photos, one he’d been examining earlier. “What were you doing, when I was downstairs? Hmm? Snooping around, looking at my stuff? Looking at old pictures of me? Here let me help…” 
With that, she shifted him in her arms so - cock still gripped firmly in her hand - he had a clear view of a framed photo, hanging on the wall. A scene on some exotic, faraway beach, Melissa as a teen. 
“Here. Look at this picture of me, this picture of the girl bursting out of the bikini her mom bought for her and think, think, think. Can you do that?” She’d resumed stroking him again. “Can you think about her growing up, growing up taller, growing up big and strong? Growing up and becoming the woman you always wanted? Into the woman she always wanted to be? Making you into the man you always wanted to be?”
He felt as if he was shrinking already.
“Can you do that? Can you keep thinking about me, saying my name? Can you imagine me bigger and stronger and just so much more?”
“Yes, Melissa, god, yes.”
“That’s your new goal, that's your job, that's your passion. Make. Me. Bigger.”
“Melissa…god…Melissa…god…” She was so beautiful, even back then.
“Give it to me. Give it to me now, all you got. Make it your prayer. Make it your first little prayer to me.”
“Melissa, my god, Melissa”
“‘Goddess’ honey, the proper word is ‘goddess’”
“My goddess Melissa,” he finally spoke, his eyes plastered on the photo of the smiling young teen in the bikini on the beach as he came.
“That’s right, good boy…come, come for me,” she chanted, “Look at that picture and come for me. Make that girl into a goddess...”
thanks to RiF for help in editing and copy
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littlemissmanga · 1 year
I really liked those hurt/comfort dialogue prompts so if you're taking requests, would Rex with 13 "you deserve better than me" or 23 "did they hurt you" inspire you at all? 😊
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Um, YES! Absolutely!!
I do like me a good, angsty "you deserve better than me." But that feels a little too like what I did in "One Last Order, Pt. 1."
So, "did they hurt you" it is! I'm getting better at "ficlets" and managed to keep this under 2k words! Eventually, I'll be able to do shorter writing lol. I hope you don't mind!
Rating: SFW
Warnings: fisticuffs, slight violence, descriptions of desire but nothing explicit.
Did He Hurt You?
The alcohol buzzed pleasantly in your blood. Not enough to make you sloppy. Just enough to make your skin feel like a livewire.
Exactly what you were shooting for when the boys invited you to join them at 79’s. The club scene wasn’t usually your top choice for how to spend your limited free time back on Triple Zero, but it was worth it to see the men of the 501st let their hair down. Metaphorically, that is … except for Tup, who very much let his hair slip from his signature bun.
But most satisfying was seeing Rex let the weight of responsibility slip from his shoulders for the night. His laugh was a too rare thing, and you indulged in the sound every time one would slip past his lips. Even better was that you seemed to be the cause of most of them tonight.
You hadn’t intended on flirting with the stalwart captain upon being assigned to the 501st as a mechanic. But Rex had a bad habit of putting his foot in his mouth when caught off his guard. All it took was one moment of hesitation on his part and a witty quip on yours, and you were hooked on how adorably flustered you could make him.
Still, he wasn’t a captain for nothing. It didn’t take long for Rex to find his grove and give as good as he got. By now, your flirtationship was well established. The boys would often tease you about it, and you suspected they did the same to Rex. Neither of you were ignorant of the pointed looks and raised brows from Jesse or Hardcase. Shit, even Tup would let a sly comment slip by from time to time.  
No matter what, though, you and Rex insisted it was just all in good fun.
And it was. That was all it could be. Didn’t stop you from imagining what could be. Maybe. One day, after the war.
You weren’t blind — Rex was an attractive man. All the clones were. But the way he carried himself set him apart far more than his distinctive blond buzz. You could get addicted to that quiet power. And you weren’t stupid — good men like Rex didn’t come around often. Any girl would be lucky to call him hers.
You wished you could be that lucky. Too bad he was your boss. Too bad you knew nothing would ever distract him from his responsibility to the Republic.
No, that’s not right. It’s good that he’s like that. I like him because he’s like that.
“Lost in thought?” There was nothing untoward in his tone, but you could see flickers of mirth swimming in Rex’s eyes.
You had been lost. But not in thought. Lost in him. Maybe the alcohol was getting to you. Not good.
“Nah, just wandering through,” you jest. “Speaking of, I’ll be right back.”
You gingerly climb over him to exit the booth, focusing very carefully on moving your limbs without touching him. You keep that forced control with each step you take toward the restroom, determined to look as put together as possible as you head toward the restroom.
Years of training, and he barely held himself back from grabbing your waist to help you out of the booth.
I’d be helping, the drunk part of his mind supplied.
I want to feel her against me, the more honest part admitted.
You were a bright spark of a challenge, one he needed to meet, to overcome. Or maybe not. Maybe he needed to succumb. Either way, he wanted you. He knew touching you would shock him, and yet he couldn’t help but yearn for the pain. He imagined it would feel like pleasure.
Rex tracked your movements through the crowd to the back of the room. He had switched to water long ago, letting the boys and you believe it was still spotchka in his glass. You, however, had kept pace with his troopers and, despite your best efforts — your endearing, adorable efforts — he knew you had to be feeling the punch of liquor.
Sure enough, he saw a few of your stumbles as you tried to gracefully make your way to the restroom.
Chancing a glance around the table, Rex confirmed the boys were occupied, entertaining each other with tall tales that everyone knew were fiction but indulged in anyway. He wondered if anyone would notice if he …
“Go.” Kix commanded from across the table with a wry smile. “I’ll make sure no one ends up in jail.”
Rex raises an eyebrow at the medic. “You telling me what to do now, Trooper?”
“When it comes to the wellbeing of the men of the 501st, I outrank you, Sir. Go get your girl.”
“She’s not my-”
“Yes, she is!” The chorus rang out from a few of the men at the table, pulling looks from the rest and a few from neighboring booths before everyone turned back to their conversations. With one last pointed look from Kix, Rex pushed up from the table to follow you.
His intention was just to give you a hand to walk back to the table when you were ready. But as he passed through the thick of the crowd and the back hallway where the restrooms were came into view, his blood boiled.
There you were … pressed against the wall, trying to create as much space as possible between you and the Twi’lek looming over you. The smirk on the man’s face as his eyes trailed down your body curled Rex’s stomach.
He let rage mask the tiny voice of reason calling out his hypocrisy. How often did he look at you a little too long, imagine you in less than appropriate ways? How many times has he stood a little too close to win the latest round of flirtatious teasing to better see how your eyes would grow wide, how your heart would beat under your shirt?
But she never looks scared like that when I do.
Training kept his anger cool as he moved faster, not caring how many brothers and nat-borns he pushed rudely out of the way. But it felt like he was moving through slime for how much progress he was making.
He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or your natural combativeness, but apparently you had enough. Using what he was sure was all your strength at the moment, you pushed against the man’s chest to give yourself enough room to slip past, but it was for naught. The Twi’lek caught you by the elbow and yanked you back roughly against him.
Rex was close enough now to hear your pained exclamation.
He didn’t think about the trouble that could come with hurting a civvie. Nor about how the police would likely be called if he started a brawl in the bar. Most unlike him, Rex didn’t think about anything as his fist flew over your shoulder to connect with the man’s face.
For his size, the Twi’lek didn’t put up much resistance, crumbling to the ground with the first hit. Careful not to touch you just yet, Rex moved deftly between you and the man now on the ground, looming over him menacingly while keeping you from his gaze.
“Kriffing hells! What’s your problem, asshole?” The man’s furious response was dulled by the thick blood pouring from his nose, clogging his words.
“Leave. Now.”
Whatever the man saw in Rex’s eyes must have been enough to convince him he wasn’t winning this fight. He clamored to his feet, grumbling as he went to get the last word.
“Whatever, man. She’s all yours. Frigid bitch is a waste of my time, anyway.”
Rex never felt hatred before, but the sound of someone calling you such a disgusting thing made him burn with it. There wasn’t a conscious thought behind it as Rex felt his body start to move forward on its own. But his mind didn’t seem to care.
At least, until he felt your hands curl into the back of his dress grays. It was the lightest touch, but it may as well have been a chain. Not that he minded. Anything that bound you to him was welcome.
Careful not to jostle you, he turned carefully, causing your hands to trail around his torso until they rested on his chest.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked softly. It was a stupid question. As his hands hovered over your shoulders and down your arms, he could see the skin around your elbow had marks. His marks.
Rex’s nostrils flared with the effort it took to swallow the growl that threatened to burst from this throat. He wouldn’t scare you further.
“No.” Your voice was so soft, making the lie all the more painful.
This was new territory. You were smart, confident, self-assured. You weren’t one to make yourself small. Seeing you like this was wrong, and Rex didn’t know how to make it right.
But, thank the Maker, it seemed you did. You pressed yourself forward, almost trying to mold yourself into his chest, burying your face in his shirt to block out the rest of the bar. Without letting himself think more on it, Rex brought his arms around you, wrapping you in the circle of his arms and resting a hand on the back of your head, holding you to him.
And just like that, the hatred and jealousy evaporated, replaced by something much more tender. Gentle. A warm fire burned softly in his heart at how you sought comfort from him. In him.
Stars, how he wanted to always be able to give you that.
“Do you want me to take you back to base?”
Your head shook against him. “No. Just … can you just hold me for a second?”
He tightened his arms around you as if they could actually keep you safe. “Of course, sweetheart. As long as you need.”
“Thank you.”
He huffed. Rex wanted to scold you for being silly, thanking him for something he did selfishly. Because holding you like this was a selfish act and he knew it. He shouldn’t be this possessive over you, this infatuated. Shouldn’t crave the feeling of you against him like an addict did spice.
But he couldn’t help it. And he couldn’t regret it at this moment, either. That desire kept you safe tonight.
“Nothing to thank me for.”
The two of you stayed like that for a few more moments before you took a deep, steadying breath to collect yourself enough to pull back. But you still didn’t pull away. Rather you leaned just enough to look up into his eyes.
Your own shone with unshed tears … and a bit of that spark he had come to love.
“If I had known that all it took to get into your arms was getting hit on by an asshole, I’d have come to 79’s with you all ages ago.”
It was funny. Your flirting had flustered him so much at the beginning. Now, it was the most welcome relief. In more ways than one as he could hear the sincerity in your drunken voice.
“Silly girl. All you needed to do was ask.”
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catboylister · 20 days
hi iwbftblr i am going to yap about when/why i think listers addiction starts because i think about it a lot
cw for disscussions of alcoholism (obviously) but also sa and poverty and basically anything lister goes through at all. bro is living ROUGH
i don't believe that its as simple as hes just got an 'addictive personality' or he has the addiction gene. jimmy himself even says that "before we got famous, lister showed little sign of being into the party lifestyle, beyond being mildly disruptive at school." (pg 79.) so its most likely due to other triggers that his addiction began.
one of the most obvious things that triggers his alcoholism is having access to money after growing up in poverty. also on pg 79 jimmy says "as soon as we started making money, lister's love for the finer things reared its head." growing up in poverty is fucking rough, and lister is still a young teen when they start getting famous, he has no idea how budgeting, savings or credit actually works. its a very typical childish response for him to have. in the scene where they argue in the bathroom lister confirms that he was very close to living on the streets, so of course hes going to be excitable and reckless when he has access to the wild amount of money they get from being famous. and again, lister basically confirms that this wealth is a big trigger for him, drinking and parties for him is just "enjoying having money and being happy." (pg. 141)
as for when that actually starts, isn't the most clear, but you can sort of create a timeline by looking at some of the extra materials like 'the incident on showday' and the wiki pages alice has made !! while the incident doesn't actually have a canon ending, the things we learn about the characters and how the act tells us a little bit more the ark's life pre-iwbft.
starting with 'the incident on showday' lister is 17 and it's very clear that he's already struggling with alcoholism. it's very much passed the 'just social drinking' phase considering he's (very badly) drinking in secret already. also cecily's 'no drinking on show days' rule is already a thing at the point. (this is all on the starting page of the game)
skipping slightly forward, when you get to the part where you're in the supply cupboard with jimmy, and choose to apologise, lister begins to ramble about his alcoholism and reveals quite a bit.
"look, i just... i know this isn't the first time i've done this and i promise... i swear i'll try to sort it out." / "i just... with the drinking... i feel like i can barely control it anymore, i dunno, and i always do it when i don't want to-"
from this we know that lister knows he has an issue, and maybe that he's been trying to deal with it on his own, but it hasn't been working out. either way, at 17, its already an issue that has been going on for a while. which makes me think that it became an addiction when he was either 16 or 17
we know that at these ages he's been through a lot. he was for the first time when he was 16, and i'd say it's implied that it happened again with kevin but thats a whole other conversation. it would have also been around the time that the suitcase incident happened and rowan was ignoring him, so he would've probably felt very lonely, and partied more to try cope with that. these, plus the money are probably the biggest causing factors for his addiction, at least from my interpretation.
also, as for jimmy and rowan not intervening, through iwbft, especially at the start, lister's drinking habits are sort of portrayed as just this quirk of his. though jimmy's attitude towards it gets more serious as the week goes on. jimmy only comes to the realisation that lister is displaying obvious signs of alcoholism for the first time when he finds him in the bathroom. he does attempt to bring this up to lister, but ultimately it is considered and issue for another day, which results in the whole lister almost dying because red flags weren't taken seriously enough thing. again thats probably better for a whole other conversation too.
but anyway, timeline that makes most sense in my head is:
the ark start blowing up + making money -> the record their first album -> lister is assaulted -> album eventually comes out and they're preparing for their first european tour -> lister accidentally outs jimmy -> rowan ignores lister for 2 months, so probably that entire tour -> lister is extremely lonely -> he starts to party more to as a coping mechanism simply because he can -> he learns that if he's ever sad or stressed drinking 'fixes' it -> congrats !! alcoholism achieved !! -> 'the incident on showday' takes place somewhere here
do not try this at home guys
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sinfulsalutations · 1 year
𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕕 ⋆*・゚𝕔𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕡𝕖𝕣 𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕣
➼ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ ☆ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱʜᴀɪʀ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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➼ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ☆ 7.7ᴋ
➼ ᴘᴏᴠ ☆ ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ
➼ ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ ☆ ᴇᴍᴘɪʀᴇ ᴀɴᴛꜱ - ɢᴏʀɪʟʟᴀᴢ, ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴅʀᴜᴍꜱ, ɪᴄᴜ - ᴘʜᴏᴇʙᴇ ʙʀɪᴅɢᴇʀꜱ, ᴀ&ᴡ - ʟᴀɴᴀ ᴅᴇʟ ʀᴇʏ, ꜱᴡᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀ - ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏᴜʀʜᴏᴏᴅ, ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴏʀʀʏ - ᴛʏʟᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ, ᴄᴏᴏʟ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ - ʙᴏʏɢᴇɴɪᴜꜱ
⋆ ★ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ꜱᴜᴄʜ ᴀɴ ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ʀᴏʟʟᴇʀᴄᴏᴀꜱᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ. ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴄʀᴏꜱꜱʜᴀɪʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ɪɴ ɴᴜᴍᴇʀᴏᴜꜱ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ʟɪꜰᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜰɪᴄ ɪꜱ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ɪᴅᴋ ɪꜰ ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴡɪʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴏʀ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ɪᴛ ᴀꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴅᴏ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴀᴍ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴘʀᴏᴜᴅ ᴏꜰ ɪᴛ. ꜱᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ꜱᴀɪᴅ, ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ
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⋆ ★ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀᴏ3 ⋆*・゚ ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ ꜰᴏʀᴍ
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Crosshair isn’t a man of many words.
He never will be;
it simply isn’t in his nature.
He expresses dislike with a scowl and dark stare, and amusement with a sly chuckle. If one were to ask, the sniper wouldn't be able to remember a time he’s smiled with a genuine feeling of happiness behind it. He is cold, he is closed off, and has always been that way. But to say that it benefits him more often than not would be a stretch. 
Because of this, attachments are a rarity; his brothers in squad and blood will be there deep in his heart for evermore, an unmovable part of him that's been there since the beginning. Crosshair couldn't imagine a world without them. No one else has the privilege of making space in his life, in his mind, in his heart the same way they have. 
Not until she comes along. 
She is just a one-night stand, at least at the beginning. Another pretty face in the crowd that lets Crosshair take her to bed. Or, in this case, against a wall in a dingy alley beside 79's.
Her hands scramble for purchase as he steadily rocks his hard length into her, keening at every touch, every graze of his bare skin he oh-so-generously graces her with. He smirks, tucking a stray hair behind her ear rather gently, but staring down into her eyes as though she was his prey and he was soon to feast.
"Feel good, hellcat?" He asks, darkly grinning at his own teasing. For a moment, he gazes up again as his dick throbs inside of her, and her pussy clenches, his eyes fluttering closed, succumbing to the pleasure. He's still able to make out the noise of a hum, and opens his eyes to catch her approving nod, feels the way her thighs close harder around the cold plastoid of his armor to push him in deeper, bring him closer.
"Yes, yes, yes..." She whispers through parted lips and a tight throat, before encouraging him to keep going, please, ruin me. So he does. He leaves harsh bruises under the fabric of her clothes, chokes her out, growls when she misbehaves until she comes hard and with a guttural moan, making a mess all over his kit.
She’s a stress reliever, and judging by all of the scratches she's left over any bare skin she could reach, he is the same for her. It's soothing, it alleviates the tension building up in his joints, a good one-time pick-me-up.
There is nothing different about this night than any other hookup; she is like all of his nightly escapades. He doesn’t bother listening to what comes out of her mouth when she attempts to make small talk, or orders herself a drink at the bar, or when she tells him her name; it isn’t relevant if she moans the same, feels the same as any other pretty girl he could've chosen. Attachment and intimacy won't make a difference; the frantic, anonymous fucking Crosshair indulges himself in would quench his thirst all the same, he believes.
She is nothing special.
Until he makes a large mistake, in his opinion: fuck her a second time.
They see each other again. Months later at 79’s when the boys celebrate a successful run of missions with drinks. She’s there. The same booth as the first time they met, talking to a shiny young reg with bright eyes and a smug twist of his lips. For the first time, he takes in her smile; the eager grin she wears while talking to the trooper, nodding with ardor, fascinated at whatever osik he had to say.
Something inside of him, deep in his gut, twists at the sight. He places his drink down and stands up rather abruptly.
“Where are you going?” Hunter asks, but Crosshair only waves a dismissive hand and doesn’t bother looking behind him.
“I’ll be back,” He says before striding over to the booth. Standing taller than all the other troopers conversing and careening their bodies around him, he is a walking shadow; creates one when he leans menacingly over her and the reg, who, at closer inspection, is groping her knee with tanned and sinewy fingers. But his eyes don’t linger over the gut-twisting sight for too long; he looks back up into her eyes.
“Are you busy?” He hisses, and her mouth drops ever-so-slightly. When Crosshair sleeps with a pretty girl, he only registers just enough to remember the face if he so inconveniently bumps into them again. But when he looks at her at that moment, he takes in more of her; the shape of her cheeks, the way her eyebrows push together, the twinkle in her eye captured by strobing dance lights that illuminate the bar. The melodic rise and fall of her chest is a reminder that the gaping girl in front of him is a real person, not just a vessel for his sexual frustration. All the new information is stored in his mind for future use (if the time ever even comes, he reassures himself confidently). 
“I’m…” She begins, before taking her bottom lip between her teeth and looking back at the reg, who watches Crosshair with distaste.
“I am,” She finishes with her eyes glued to the other clone. 
But Crosshair won’t have it. A hand he's pressed on the booth table moves to curl around her chin, and he clicks it back to his face. She complies without hesitation, just as obedient as she was when they fucked. Crosshair smirks. 
“Is he someone important?”
Her head barely shakes under his tight grip. She is able, however, to suck in a tight breath of air and exhale shakily as she answers him.
“No,” She trembles. 
He huffs, looking back at the shiny with a sharp eye, and signals for him to leave. The reg scoffs and rolls his eyes. 
“Asshole defects,” He says bitterly, outwardly disapproving even as he shimmies out and gives Crosshair access to join her instead. The moment makes him smugger than anything. He slides in beside her the second the reg is gone, eyes never leaving hers.
She blinks out of the trance he cast her in, but then does her mouth shut, and she quickly frees herself from his grasp on her chin and scowls.
“I was talking to him, you know,” She whines, ridiculing his actions, but he only hums and shrugs without a care. 
“You didn’t seem to protest when I told him to leave,” He retorts.
Her mouth shuts promptly after that; Crosshair smirks.
The two fuck again after that. This time in an out-of-order `fresher at the back of 79’s.
“We could go back to my place,” She offers even as he guides her through the door. Crosshair shakes his head and brings her closer to his solid chest. 
“Need you now, hellcat.”
It’s filthy. She drops to her knees at his request and lets him reach the back of her throat with his cock, steadily holding himself there until he felt satisfied and let her take some pleasure for herself. Then he fucks her on the sink, first facing each other so Crosshair can kiss and nip at her chest, before turning her around when she gets close to finishing and making her watch herself come undone in the mirror, Crosshair’s looming figure above rocking into her with deep and heavy strokes. 
“Tell me,” He demands, eyes drifting to the way her knuckles go white as they clutch the bathroom sink tiles. “Who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-” She begins, but the sentence ends with a whimpered moan and her head falls. Crosshair's hand comes to her scalp and grips the roots of her hair, pulling her head up so she can continue looking in the mirror. He shoves himself into her roughly, the pad of his index finger swiping over her clit, and her mouth falls with an unconfined moan. 
“C’mon, you pretty little thing,” He continues, cruel and harsh and brutal.
She gulps hard and does her best to keep eye contact with his piercing stare. He notices more and more about her now the longer he looks, the longer he is in her; the little squeaks she makes, the path her tears tread when they fall down her face, the pattern of her breathing when his hand is curled around her neck, holding a thumb to feel her pulse. The little, particular fragments of her, the things that make her something special, begin to take space in his mind the second time he takes her. 
“Y-You are,” She finally finishes her sentence and comes with a sweet, sugary sigh. Her eyes flutter close and she weakens under him, and Crosshair almost empathizes with the messy excuse of a woman under him. His grip on her hair loosens as he rocks into her once, twice, before finishing as well deep inside of her fluttering cunt. 
He cleans her up with toilet paper wordlessly when he finally slips out. He’s surprisingly tender, careful when his hand slowly swipes over her used cunt, slow and tantalizing, perhaps teasing if he didn’t know any better. Her hands come to his shoulders to hold herself steady as she shakes with aftershocks, humming pleasantly when he swipes over her overstimulated clit.
“How long has it been?” She asks suddenly, her voice cutting through the tight, silent air that surrounds them. Crosshair looks up from his intense focus below and tilts his head, eyes squinting. She blinks obliviously. “Since the first time, y'know.” She tries to explain.
Crosshair’s face doesn’t change, and he looks back down as he finishes cleaning her up.
“A while,” He says lowly.
“Hundred rotations at least?” She queries. He nods. “Where have you been?” When she asks, Crosshair can tell that it isn’t malicious. She’s light and calm with her tone, despite the question feeling more critical than anything. She is genuinely curious. 
It takes him a moment to come up with a response. 
“My squad is on the road a lot,” Crosshair explains, and she hums. He turns away to expertly toss the towel into a wastebasket a few feet away and looks back at her. She still sits bare on the kitchen sink, level with his face thanks to the elevation.
“You’re not part of a normal battalion, are you?”
Crosshair shakes his head. The next words come out more of a hiss, like a snake trying to hold back its bite.
“Clone Force 99.”
She nods. 
“I’ve heard about your squad.”
“From the regs?” He says adversely, and she nods again. 
“You’re quite famous," She remarks.
Crosshair scoffs and turns away. He doesn't know how to approach this situation; it is all new territory. Now recalling all his previous hookups, he's suddenly unsure if he’d ever talked to one this long, this much after the deed. They'd usually tuck themselves in, say something along the lines of 'that was fun' or 'we should do this again' and go their separate ways, never seeing each other again. But not only has he slept with her a second time, but he'd disclosed more personal information than he has with all other partners combined.
“Not for good things,” He comments while he looks back; her eyes drift away, and she shrugs, taking in a deep breath. 
“You’re respected.”
“Because we’re menacing,” He scoffs breathily. Her lips screw tight with ambivalence. 
“I don’t find you very menacing,” She tells him, hands slowly beginning to fall from his shoulders. He backs up and lets her push herself off the sink and grab her discarded panties and skirt from the grimy fresher floor. She swiftly dresses again, and Crosshair tucks himself into his pants, eyes not leaving the other’s gaze once. The whole short moment of time is strangely coordinated and intense, oddly intimate despite their hands not feeling each other up. Crosshair's chest tightens under the pressure of her longing gaze, but he tries to ignore it; fighting back with his level head. His better thinking wins this time, but if the feeling gets stronger... he might have a problem on his hands. 
Once they're both back in their clothes, she leans back on the sink, staring up at Crosshair with doe eyes. He looks back to the mirror quickly to take a glance at his own appearance. Not one piece of his armor besides his codpiece came off while they fucked. But there is still something unruly about his appearance; his hair, usually gelled to his scalp, is wildly tossed around, and a purple bruise-like mark has formed in the crook of his neck. They are both messes, but at least he is composed. She, covered in little love bites and marks with untamed hair and stretched clothes, isn’t in the slightest. She doesn’t care and doesn’t keep a close watch on her own undoing and vulnerability as Crosshair does.
“How long will you be off-duty?” She asks. He’s almost taken aback by the question, blinking rapidly at her with a strange twist of his lips. He can understand why she asks; logically and on the surface, at least. Crosshair knows he’s a good fuck. But he’s never been with a girl more than once to see the effects of their nights together.
“We’re going back to Kamino tomorrow,” He tells her, almost melancholic. Even he, so out of touch with his own feelings, can sense his shift in voice; it's bemusing. Her expression drops. 
“Oh,” She mumbles, overtly louder than what she initially intended. He remains as neutral in his face as possible.
But suddenly, his hand, twitching with hesitance, reaches over to her arm, gripping her wrist tightly as his other hand fumbles for a pen. He finds one in a side pocket and quickly scribbles in capitalized, messy handwriting over her soft skin. She doesn’t protest; only watches wordlessly with her lips parted in a delicate manner. 
He clicks the pen and puts it back in its spot and looks at her with a lift of his chin. 
“My frequency.” 
She blinks, still feigning doe eyes and innocence. It’s almost, almost (he has to repeat mentally to assure its truth) adorable. The moment is stored in his mind. 
“Message me tonight. I’ll let you know when I’m back on Coruscant.”
She breaks out of her trance, quickly fumbling and looking down at the link, looking back up with a shaky exhale and a nod. Crosshair smirks, but if she isn't anything like him, she’d know it was far closer to a genuine smile. 
He walks her out after that, a hand protectively hovering over the small of her back; they walk beside each other, but their eyes look anywhere else that isn’t back at them. And they only make it past a few booths before he begins to itch in his own skin. 
There are just too many eyes, too many snides and comments and words being exchanged between gossipy and judgemental regs. He shifts the weight of his armor, but it just seems to make it feel heavier. But she is unfazed, doesn’t notice how uncomfortable he is with familiarity, with being recognized as being with someone. 
“I have to go,” He says abruptly; she whips around. Her head tilts and but his face remains expressionless and inaccessible. All at once, he takes more of her in; the marks he left that are barely hidden by the neckline of her top, her red and swollen lips, and her chest rising and falling almost in sync with the pounding music that claps over his eardrums. The longer he looks at her, the longer he stays, she makes space in his memory. Perhaps that’s why he gave her his frequency. He’s got to make use of the knowledge, or else it would be just useless space taken up by a girl who didn’t mean anything, nothing to him. 
“OK,” She answers, surprisingly compliant with his abrupt change in thought. But he can sense it; there’s something artificial about her expression. 
But Crosshair doesn’t let himself dwell on it for too long. He spins on his heel and walks away and back to his brothers without another parting word. 
* * * 
“Tech, are you finished?” Hunter asks vexed, arms crossed as he leans across the Marauder and glares holes in the back of his brother's helmet. He turns to Hunter and nods.
“I’ll be done momentarily,” Tech assures him, and Crosshair grumbles, standing up from where he sits beside Wrecker on the ramp, twisting a toothpick between his teeth as he trudges into the ship with heavy steps. Once he is out of earshot from the rest of his squad, he leans against a wall and rubs his forehead with a groan. Perhaps he had a little too much whiskey the night before; though he can't even recall drinking more than a few sips before he saw her and stopped in his tracks completely. But this hangover is less physical. Is an emotional hangover even possible? Maybe he can ask Tech to research it.
That’s when he gets the message. 
His helmet chimes from his bunk. If Crosshair were a different man and not a completely calm, completely collected sniper, he might’ve jumped or been startled. Instead, he glances at his helmet and `pad beside it laying on his unmade bed. They both blink rapidly with a clicking sound of an incoming message.
He walks over (faster than he would admit) and reads the new conversation at the top of his bar, sent by an unknown frequency. 
729-NWS-47-K-6: Hi. It’s me. 
His heart might’ve stopped. He isn’t sure. Maybe it didn’t, and might have if he was someone else entirely. Someone who didn’t refuse to feel much for anyone. But he can’t deny the new sensation, something bordering on a giddy excitement, that rushes through his lungs and leaps out of his throat. 
She doesn’t give him the grace of her name that he so quickly forgot, so with a grumble, he saves it as the only thing he can think of. Then he types,
Crosshair: I told you to send me something last night.
It shows she’s seen his message, but she doesn't start typing for a short, but tedious moment. 
Hellcat: I forgot to. 
Another text immediately follows in succession.
Hellcat: I’m sorry. 
Crosshair is only slightly dumbfounded; he almost sends one saying that she didn’t need to, and got to a few words before he deleted all of it and left the message box blank as he thinks of what to say. Why would she feel the need to apologize? Not unless he’d acted as though before, that she needed to apologize for every single action he didn't like. His stomach twists again, the same way it did when he saw her flirting with the reg, and Crosshair poignantly decides then that he does not like the feeling. 
Crosshair: It’s fine.
Hellcat: Are you off of Coruscant already?
Crosshair: Soon.
Hellcat: Oh.
Hellcat: Let me know when you make it to Kamino. Stay safe.
He freezes in his tracks. The words, like the rest of her, crawl inconspicuously into his skull and places themself there. His mind wants to yell;
She cares! She actually cares!
He can almost feel it happen. For the first time, Crosshair can physically pinpoint how he tries, launches into something new; everything with her, from her smile to her body, the things she says and the way she says them, it’s slowly burrowing itself into his head; perhaps even his-
Quickly, he catches his breath silently and shakes the idea out of his head. 
He quickly messages her back,
Crosshair: Ok. 
closes his `pad, and shushes his thoughts before his brothers are able to walk in and ask him what he was doing.
After that day, it is ten weeks; fifty days before he is back on Coruscant. 
Crosshair doesn’t allow himself time or space to think of her; despite his mind being stubborn on keeping the pieces of her he can vividly remember deep in the crook of his thoughts at all times. He doesn’t message her once, not to ask how she is or what she's doing. Though his data-pad glares at him vehemently from his bed as he cleans his rifle in the main quarters, disapproving and shaking its head for not being nicer to her. But his `pad should know damn well by now; Crosshair doesn’t do nice. Or feelings at all. 
She's no exception.
At least that’s what he tells himself when he messages her almost the instant that their ship lands on Coruscant again. 
She responds only a few minutes after; asks him to meet her at a cafe, somewhere in the heart of the city nearby where she works, she explains. He says 'OK' to her and ends it at that but panics at the prospect of having to deal with his brother's interrogation. It goes as well as he expects.
"What's the rush?" Hunter teases him when they finally get their ship on the ground and away from the main hangar. He snaps his head to his brother and glares. Hunter only smiles warmly. "We just got here."
Wrecker trudges up from behind and slaps his shoulder roughly, and Crosshair scowls and swats him away.
"Yeah, got some important business to attend to?" He asks.
Crosshair grumbles.
"I'd like to have some peace and quiet for once away from you all," He speaks spitefully, a mean eye squinting at the two. "I don't get enough of that around here."
Wrecker laughs.
"You sure don't!" He exclaims deep from his belly before walking away satisfied. Hunter takes a little longer to be convinced. He still stares at Crosshair with a suspicious side-eye.
"... just comm us if you get yourself into any trouble," He says, taking a few steps to softly pat Crosshair's shoulder. He accepts it, though grimaces internally at the contact. 
"Yeah, got it," He responds, letting out a long breath of relief once Hunter leaves. The second the two join back with Tech and drift all their focus away from him and his business, Crosshair whips around and starts heading to the address she told him to go to. 
He isn't eager. He isn't. His mind and his body doesn't absolutely itch to see her again. To feel the little dips and curves and crevices of her body again. Restore the fragments and pieces of her that he lost in the time away. No. That's not what this is at all. 
It's just another hookup. With the same girl as before. In her apartment. Where she and her identity lives.
He practically strides through the door, pushing it open with one arm, and scans the place without any regard for others. The only thing that matters right now is her-
Not her. Not her. This is, has to be about him. His ache and his crutch and his pleasure. Right. If he keeps going around being concerned over her, he'll lose himself. He just knows it.
She stands up from where she sits tucked into a corner and waves him over. His head snaps to her and she smiles when they make eye contact; he stops himself from giving her the common decency of grinning back. 
He walks over, chin dipped down and eyes closed in on her. Everything around him fades into the background and she takes center stage. She stands across from him, hands meeting at her front and she bites her lip.
"Hi," She says, rather simply, but it is enough. Crosshair's lips flatten into a line, his own way of greeting her, and she blinks and averts her gaze away again, almost shameful in the flutter of her lashes. His gut twists. 
Fuck, he doesn't like this.
Caring for how she reacts and thinks of what he does. 
"...Hey," He finally says, and she looks up. He can see her tongue sitting uncomfortably in her mouth, catching how her fingers quickly interlock and dispatch from each other in timorous movements. He thinks it's pity, the softness he then shows with the weakening of his posture and how he walks closer to her, but it is something else entirely that he hasn't caught onto yet. 
“Why did you ask me here?” Crosshair asks coarsely. The glaring stares from other patrons tingle and itch where they train their eyes on him; the customers, all citizens of Coruscant really, should be used to seeing clones off-duty roaming the streets, but Crosshair is sure they’d never seen a trooper that looks quite like him in a cute, quaint cafe that radiates everything she is and he isn’t. 
“I just got off work,” She says, glancing away for a moment nervously before looking back. “I was planning to grab my dinner here when you messaged me.”
Crosshair nods stiffly before sitting down across from her. His legs leisurely spread and he hangs an arm on the back of the chair, looking perfectly relaxed though everything inside him was strung tight as a weaved cloth. The back of his head, the one that controls his primal instincts, mutual respect and kindness, begs him to ask her what she does for work, but he stops himself, lest he wished for her to take up more space in his mind. 
She finishes her food just before the sun sets and then she takes him to her apartment not far away. Guiding him by his wrist, Crosshair can feel the slight tremble in her actions, even as he just watches her swiftly careen through throngs of city-dwellers and slot her keys into the door. He’s [positively] still, carefully composed to ensure he did not look anything but.
And once they make it to the threshold, he backs her up into the wall and takes her just like that. She tells him the bedroom is just down the hall, but he positively tells her again that he needs her now. The cool chalk of the wall paint felt less personal than fucking her in her own bed.
Steady and determined, she pushes herself up onto her tiptoes and kisses him hard and good, gripping the collar of his shirt hard as his hands hover over her waist. She swipes her tongue over his bottom lip, begging for more control, but Crosshair pulls away. When she whines, he only clicks his tongue melodically, like a disappointed teacher, and grasps her wrists, pinning them together above her head. She yelps, but he swallows the sound with his tongue, forcing itself into her mouth roughly and without much coordination. 
It’s only after he breaks away to catch his breath that he berates her in a throaty voice,
“Who told you that you can do that?”
She whimpers and her chin quivers. He coos, his other hand coming up to cup her jaw and lifting it to get a better look at her face. 
“I’m in charge here, hellcat.”
He presses his hips into her, and his warm bulge presses against her lower stomach, and they simultaneously groan at the feeling. Slowly, he rocks himself against her, tantalizing and oh-so-sweet; he bites his lip and looks away to try and come across as if this is only torture for her. 
“Don’t you forget it," he grits out.
The sex is catastrophically good.
It’s what Crosshair tries to convince himself is the reason he keeps coming back to her and her only.
He doesn’t think she’s seeing (or interested in for that matter) someone else, at least he hopes, but he tries to come off as though she doesn’t have such a hold on him. Stiffly wrapping an arm around her torso when he falls asleep beside her. Not giving a goodbye kiss when he leaves the morning preceding. Messaging her with the most boring, dry conversation starters.
But the façade starts to melt away more than he wishes. 
She’s able to make him smile, actually smile, at her messages.
Hellcat: I think you might be a rare subspecies of loth-cat.
Crosshair: ?
Hellcat: One came in today with tooka pox. Little guy was a menace. Territorial, moody, and would lash out if he felt threatened. More importantly, their breeds’ natural fur color is gray. 
Crosshair: …Are you saying I am a loth-cat?
Hellcat: Just that this one is your reincarnation. You can’t prove me wrong.
Crosshair: Touché. 
He’s learned more about her than he’d ever bargained for. She’s a veterinarian at a nearby hospital and likes to bring some of her patients home and give them more comfortable conditions than the poor quarters in the clinic. He’s visited her apartment numerous times, welcomed by a feline rubbing itself against his leg with a purr or a bird squawking incessantly if he gets too close. 
He lets her hold him, even when he won't speak.
The first time it happens it's when he returns from a long string of long and exhausting missions. He barges in without any warning to her. When she jumps from the kitchen, he quickly sprints over to her and grips her waist, making sure she sees him, sees his eyes, and they both are calm. 
"`t's just me," He says lowly, hands softly moving up and down her waist. 
She sighs, chest heaving down before her nose scrunches and she slaps his shoulder roughly, sending him backward. He gawks.
"What was that for?!"
"Don't fucking do that!" She whisper-yells, waving a hand in his general area. "At least message me first before you come running in. Or comm. I thought you were a murderer!"
He glares, but she doesn't stand down. When she crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows, he finally lets up with a scoff, softer and more apologetic than he intended. 
"You're right," He says, bringing a hand to try and knead at the knot in his forehead. "I got worked up."
Hesitantly, her arms drop and she takes a step toward Crosshair, arms coming to his shoulders. When he looks back at her gaze, he immediately gets stuck in the intense atmosphere she creates with just her stare.
"What are you worked up about?" She asks, gently and carefully, as though she was an animal tamer trying to trap a wild lion in her cage. Crosshair bites his lip, letting it go quickly with aimless worry before he answers her with his lips.
She squeals ever-so-slightly, but he swallows the sound; his body takes hers and quickly presses her against the counter of her kitchen. His hands drift lower until they softly take the backs of her thighs and lift her to sit atop and have better access to his face. The moment allows her to break away from him quickly, eyes widening as he tries to dip in for another, but she pushes him back with her hands.
"You didn't answer my question."
Crosshair grumbles, dipping his head down. Surprisingly, she takes matters into her own hands and grips his chin between two shaky fingers, lifting it back up to look at her. 
"I'm gonna kick you out of my apartment and not let you back in if you don't talk to me. I'm not kidding."
He huffs and keeps his head in place, but his eyes drift away. 
"Past few rotations..." He begins aimlessly, with no real direction to where the sentence is heading. He clicks his tongue and looks back up at her, who's patiently listening with such attentive eyes he almost feels undeserving of her time and energy. "...they've been rough."
She nods.
"That's okay," She assures him, hands softly acting as a pillow for his face. He gratefully takes the spot to rest but acts as though the touch doesn't have such an effect. "That's all you have to say. `It's enough for me."
Crosshair bites the inside of his cheek, muttering a quick 'good' before he seizes her parted lips and takes her to the bedroom, fucking her rough and hard in her own bed.
She knows far too much about him. Even if that sentence is all he's ever disclosed of mental turmoils, his body language, the grace of memorizing his curves and special unique parts of him is more than he's ever shown to anyone. Crosshair is unsure if she even realizes it.
He notices small things about her, little mannerisms that piece together her identity. The way she always stops when she sees a street performer and tips them any extra credits she has in her pocket. How she always manages to find some humor in his dry comments. The books that line her walls and little crevices of her apartment. 
Slowly, the longer he stays, the more she becomes something special. The more she makes space in his mind– and his heart.
And it is terrifying. 
She can feel it. Crosshair just knows it. Her touch lingers ever so slightly longer than before when he leaves her in the mornings; she holds back the urge to reach out and leave him with a kiss permanently etched into his skin. She can feel something different. For the first time, they are both on the same page; they're holding each other back, and it is all his fault.
It isn't her responsibility to make him open up. But perhaps she feels that obligation; why else would she give him such control and power over her body? At this point, after becoming such consistent parts of each other's lives, it couldn't just be a sexual dynamic. No matter what he does to her.
"Please, please, why-" She whispers one night as he goes down on her. The last word catches his ear, and he briefly looks up at her face. She scrunches her nose, tears forming in the corners of her shut eyes and catching in her eyelashes, letting out heavy pants between such small mumbles it's practically impossible to fully hear.
"Why, why..."
The pity in his eyes is a weakness, he thinks. He leaves one last lingering, messy kiss over her soaked cunt then flips her around to her stomach, and fucks her from behind as impersonal and brutally as he can. It's for the both of them, he fails to realize; they're both caught up in their own minds to even see what might truly be happening to them.
He is catching feelings, and he knows if he were to leave now, it wouldn't be unscathed.
“When you first gave me your frequency…” She begins one night after he comes home to her, still tangled in sheets and panting with exertion. He perks up from where half his head is buried in a pillow, an eyebrow raised. She looks at him with thoughtful eyes, barely illuminated by the pale moonlight. “You never messaged me once.”
Crosshair looks at her, almost perplexed, but he isn’t confused at all. He rather doesn’t know what to say. 
“Neither did you,” He manages to rebuke. She blinks at him, mouth slightly agape, and she shrugs with no real point. When she slumps her head back onto the pillow beside him, still looking into his eyes with a look of misplaced longing, the gut feeling twists, pokes and prods at his insides harder than it did before. She reaches out and hangs an arm lazily over his shoulder, and everything inside of him wants to flee, retreat with a white flag all the way back into his comfort zone. But he stays. The soft look on her face is a treasure even the deepest and most fortified parts of him wish to keep. 
“Crosshair?” She speaks softly. 
“Yes?” He answers.
“Have you been…” She pauses, carefully treading over her next words. “Seeing anyone else?” She says the word seeing so unsure, so frail and worried he holds back the shakiness of his limbs begging him to just hold her.
“Are you seeing anyone else?” He snaps back, automatically and without much thought. But when he sees the shift in his eyes, his gut ties a knot in his stomach.
She frowns.
“Please don’t answer my questions with questions,” She tells him.
He bites his lip, gazing away for a long moment. The world pauses; his body is on fire lying down and listening and clawing at the grasp of any survival. Any salvation that this isn’t an attachment. 
“I’m not…” He mutters so quietly and tenderly to intentionally assure that she doesn’t hear. But she does and she perks up, eyes wide despite the tire he can sense in his body. Without any thought of what it might be interpreted as, what she might think of it, he crawls into her closer, mouth hovering over hers. She's able to feel the quivering of his lips as he speaks. “I’m not as long as you aren’t.”
With the moonlight peaking through gray curtains, he can see the sweet grin she wears at his admittance. 
“I’m not either,” She tells him. He exhales through his mouth, head dipping down to look away and his body shakes. Fucking shakes, at her words. Her hand grips his shoulder, grounding him in his place, but his mind still spins in his skull. It's overwhelming, just those three words. Suddenly, everything about her is so present; her touch and her breathing, her body against his. He feels, feels so fucking much for the first time, and doesn't know what to do with it. Instead, it spills out raw and without any of his macho overcoating, and he decides to let his body speak for him as he reaches out to kiss her; for the first time, it’s soft.
She squirms ever-so-slightly, as if a ghost hadn’t walked through her and instead enveloped them in their arms, but slowly melts into it as he continues so persistent. He adjusts their positioning, pulling her by the waistband of her panties and holding her thigh with a calloused hand. He hikes it up, asking her, begging her with his touches to do anything, fucking anything to let him know that she is here and she is present and everything is okay.
So she does. She tentatively crawls on top of Crosshair, her legs wrapping around his slim waist and he groans once they part, hands slowly slipping under her panties and holding her with such need, so much yearning it physically pains him.
His chest seizes and he gasps against her when she rocks her core against his crotch abruptly, feeling himself grow under her. She looks down at him, hands on either side of his face, eyes blown wide, surprised at her own sudden movement.
"Is-" She begins, ending the sentence with a short, honey-coated whimper when he takes two large handfuls of her ass and pushes her down on him. He smiles crookedly, but she quickly catches her bearings. "Is this okay?"
The question seems silly, but it's important that she asks; he can't recall a time that he'd let her have even an ounce of control during sex. Resolve weakening under her kind, lustful stare, he gulps and nods, Adam's apple bobbing. 
"Yeah, yeah," He grits out, groaning breathily when she rocks her hips again. "Just... keep going. Please?"
She looks at him timorously, but he gives her an encouraging thrust with his own hands still on her ass. She sighs, leaning down and pecking his lips softly.
"Okay," she mumbles, almost to herself more than him, and kisses him again.
A hand softly drifts down to his bicep, squeezing it while the other sinks into his scalp, fingers slipping into his hair, her legs tightening around his thighs with every slow wave up and down his hardening cock. She moves languidly, comfortably until she finds a suitable rhythm, one that has him keening into her mouth once she finally reaches down into his boxers and wraps her hand around his cock.
"Fuck," He swears, gritting his teeth. She looks up from where she gazes down and her eyes widen. 
"Am I doing fine?" She asks tentatively, slowly twisting her hand over his length. He sighs.
"You're doing fine," He assures before his head falls against his pillow and his eyes shutter close. It feels so good, so much better than any other time she'd been teased with this much power. He'd like to say he doesn't know why, but they both know the real reason. "Kriff, you're doing perfect."
He can feel the smile that plays on her lips against his skin. She reaches up and connects their lips once again. It is the only thing about the moment, the movement of their bodies that exudes such innocence in it, pure admiration. It's so much. He quickly breaks away when he feels himself getting lightheaded. 
Crosshair exhales raggedly against her lips, and she opens her eyes, tilting her head with a questioning gaze. 
"I..." He begins, eyes burning with the intense gaze they hold. "I promised... fuck." He genuinely cusses himself out at his struggle to just get even the simplest words out. But could she blame him? When has he never been this upfront about his emotions in his life? "I promised myself I wouldn't- allow myself this."
Her lips part and her eyebrows furrowed. They close again and she asks before he can continue.
"Allow yourself... to be taken care of?"
"Yes," He answers quickly. "But, no, that's not what I meant."
She blinks twice consecutively but doesn't say a thing. So he continues.
"I promised myself I wouldn't allow... an attachment." The menacing, cobra-like persona inside of him emerges with the final words; he hisses them as if they were a curse he was casting on an unsuspecting victim. Or a taboo word he uses with such indictment no one could gasp in surprise at the use. "Promised myself I wouldn't fall in love." He rewords.
The face she flashes is one he's seen before, in the eyes of many other girls, and for a brief moment he wonders what makes it so much better in her eyes than the others. What if he'd never seen her again after that first night? What if he'd never allowed himself a second, third, or fourth night with her? He wouldn't have this at all. He's giving her so much that he didn't even realize he needed it until it finally came out, whether like this or with his body.
How could he have ever thought falling in love with her was a mistake?
"Are you still promising yourself that?" She finally asks softly against his lips, starting to pick up rhythm again. Her hand loosens over his cock and her lips part over his, resting just where he could easily sink back into his kiss. But she waits for him to respond before she keeps going.
He trembles out a shaky breath into her mouth when he talks.
"As-As long as you don't break," He stammers, so strangely insecure in his own voice and how it sounds. But she doesn't seem to care. He takes in a deep breath, steadying the erratic rise and fall of his chest before he continues. 
"As long as you don't break my heart," He says. She nods thoughtfully, hand slowly drifting up from his cock and resting on the space right above it as she listens. 
"I promise," She says before taking both of her hands, cupping his face between them, and kissing him hard with fervor. He lights up under her, one hand holding the one she has on his face and the other keeping her on top of him as he adjusts to sit up, back against the headboard, giving them both more access. Once they're in the position, she adjusts again, leg lifting up so she can slowly peel her panties off. His hand drifts down to her core and she sighs.
"I promise," She repeats. He grins, but it's more genuine than smug. Her lungs skip a breath and she hiccups with a squeak at the sight.
"I heard you the first time, hellcat," He says, parting her folds softly and softly moving his fingers back and forth as he talks. Her eyes flutter and she softens against him. "I believe you."
She smiles and surges forward, tangling herself into him. One hand drifts down his chest, softly trailing over the waves of his muscles and scars, like a soft blanket of heaven, and the other holds the back of his head, gripping his hair as a rock while she grabs his length. And he lets her. Lets her have control. Is perfectly fine sitting back, letting her decide his movements for once. It's another form of liberating.
Lining him up with her entrance, she looks up at him while sinking down, steady and kind and sweet. He'd never seen eyes so perfect in his life. And when she's fully seated, he lets out a guttural cry and groans,
"Thank you."
She smirks, slowly squirming in his lap to get comfortable, trying to find the ropes to being on top of him like this. 
"Why are you thanking me?" She asks, half cheekily and half genuine. 
The little minx, he wants to think, but a part of him has to admire her for being the one getting him worked up instead of the other way around.
"For this," He gestures to her body, but they both know he means more. He means that he's thanking her for the space in her bed, the place in her cunt for him to let out his frustration, the space to speak about things he keeps to himself if he wishes to, the genuine smiles she elicits at her silly jokes and the little quirks he's so devotedly memorized.
He means thank you for everything.
Thank you for your love.
She nods but doesn't answer, only kisses him again before she starts moving, finding a pace above him with a hand placed over his stomach, pushing him down further, encouraging him to relax, let her do this. He does, happily pinching her hips softly and rocking his hands with her movements while they both sweetly, languidly take in each other.
And when they both finish, almost exactly at the same time, she finally answers.
"It's my pleasure."
He looks up at her with a long, intense stare, not one hidden behind masks and forts of hardness, but one unfiltered and filled with so much emotion, it's almost overwhelming for both of them.
But it's safe for him to drown if he wishes.
For once, Crosshair is okay diving headfirst into something new.
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338 notes · View notes
moodymisty · 1 year
Wow! Congrats on 1k followers!! Your writing is always a delight. 🥰
For your event, may I request Tech x F!reader with the prompt "You really want me?"
Thank you! I hope you have a great day. ❤️
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Awww thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing! and techtechtechtechtechtech
Relationships: Tech/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff and confessions of love
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"So, I have to ask..."
Echo's voice perks up your ears, as sits beside you. His glass is in his hands but he hasn't taken a sip yet, at least that you've noticed.
79's is relatively barren tonight, at least by the normal standards; Though it's still quite loud and packed with enough clones that traversal through the bar is for sure going to end up with you bumping into a few shoulders.
"Did you show Tech some new book or something?" He's not here tonight, having neglected coming out for drinks because of some important worked he wanted to finish, and had insisted you all go on without him. it's not incredibly unusual; This sort of scene isn't his type.
You think on Echo's question for a moment, pursing your lips as you look off in no particular direction trying to recall. Once you do, it's such a brief moment that you don't really think that it would be anything of note.
"Um, I mean I mentioned something not too long ago?" Echo leans back against the seat, an arm over the back behind your head.
"Ok, because he's not shut up about whatever it was for at least a week now. He's been researching it nonstop." That sentence makes you surprised, but also it's impossible to contain a smile at the thought of him doing something like that when you aren't around. It's, endearing. Not too often do you find someone who enjoys you enough that they try to enjoy the things you do. You love watching Tech tinker, to sometimes catch his tongue just barely poking out between his lips, but it makes your heart flutter a bit to know this new tidbit of info.
"Really? I didn't know he cared that much." Crosshair makes an amused noise.
"Cares? He's obsessed." He gets an odd look from you back, and Hunter seeks to clarify what Crosshair won't.
"The two of you really get along well," He says, and you raise your eyebrows. He can't exactly find the best way to put this so for the sake of his brother and for your own sanity, he'll be blunt.
"Look, we don't wanna shove into your business or anything," Hunter rubs the back of his neck. "But Tech really likes you." It's feels more than a little bit intense being underneath the stare of four eyes, especially considering who they are.
"But he's not gonna say it unless you do first."
Were you really so obvious in your attraction that they were all able to notice? You had hoped you were being at least somewhat subtle.
No point in denying it, you guess. They already have it all figured out.
"So, you want me to just go for it then?" You smile and laugh, expecting it to be taken as a joke. But instead, Hunter nods and agrees with you.
"Go sweep him off his feet."
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You're not drunk in the slightest; seeing the outline of the Marauder ahead of you as you walk forward towards it with purpose. It's just that your conversation with the rest of the 99's has pushed you over the edge.
You ended up leaving not long after you'd finished talking, deciding to take the opportunity of Tech being alone. It's not too often you have the chance to do so.
You'll just say how you feel, and damn the consequences. You can't stay in the limbo anymore.
But Tech is just, so hard to read.
You've gotten better at it over time, but sometimes you find yourself wondering. His brothers know him best, and hopefully their encouragement doesn't end with you making an ass of yourself.
You have the codes to unlock the Marauder, bringing down the gangplank so you can head inside. Once you do, it's only takes a quick look to the right to locate Tech, who's situated in the cockpit using Gonky as an extension to his current work table; Which is the control panel. He heard your entrance and looks over, perking up in casual surprise.
"Oh, I thought you all would be out for most of the evening." He says it with curiosity, not disappointment. You notice he's reading one of the books you'd mentioned awhile ago when you step closer, datapad sat aside whatever he's been tinkering with. He must be using it as background noise.
"Yeah, it got a little too rowdy for my liking." He's soldering two wires together, humming and adjusting his goggles with a wiggle of his nose. When he speaks he's still working, not looking as you watch over him from his side.
"I apologize for my brothers if they said or did anything particularly uncouth; Them and large amounts of alcohol are not often the best combination." Speaking from experience? You joke to only yourself. Smiling, you wave off his concerns.
"Nah, they were fine," Your sentence hangs for a bit, leaning to one side as your eyes flick over his hands and arms. "I, wanted to talk to you, actually." That admission gets Tech's interest, naturally.
Gonky takes up a good portion of the free space between the seats, so he ushers the droid away and gives you the room to sit down.
"To me?" He seems both surprised and curious, already trying to figure out what you'd possibly need to talk to him about. It could be any number of things, it's not as if the two of you have ever run out of things to talk about.
"Yeah, I," You lick your lips, finding the words and the confidence to just say them.
Gods he looks so cute right now... You think while seeing his dark brown eyes watch you from behind his goggles.
"Do you want to go out sometime? Just you and me?" He quickly counts his tools as he puts them away back in his storage box, glancing up at you.
"Do you need help with something? I see no need why to specify just you and me if you would just like to go and-"
You get out of your seat and kneel on the edge of Tech's, leaning inward and stealing a kiss from him. He certainly looks surprised the moment you pull away, but it seems to get the point across well enough.
"Oh," He says, adjusting his goggles from where you'd bumped them out of alignment. "You meant in that way." His eyes are wide, flicking around focus on a different part of your face as he thinks.
"I, failed to think this was a possible scenario." In any other situation you might've considered making a joke, but the tone would be ruined if you did so.
"Being a clone isn't a desirable trait apart from a few select scenarios, my brothers are quite overbearing, and the state of the war I-" He cuts himself off, brain thinking a mile a minute. "You really want me?"
You smile and nod, lips just barely dusting over his. You can still feel his breath on your face, before he decides to kiss you this time. His feels more assertive, as if he's quickly gaining the confidence in what he's figured out so far. His body rises from his aggressive slouch and his hands move up your thighs, from where they had laid politely on your knees.
"Do you want me to say?" You say, feeling his hands on your hips.
His brothers won't be back for most of the night anyways. He has plenty of time to figure things out and get all the answers he needs.
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Anatomically Defective - Echo x Fem Reader
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Summary: Pre-Order 66 the boys walk into 79’s to blow steam and you catch Echo’s eye 🩶Smut with a Fluff Plot♥️
Warning: NSFW, Crude Language, PiV, Toy, Echo’s history, drinking, self conscious Echo (esteem issues), 69, oral (f receiving)
word count: 4852
Part Two
"I'm going to talk to her if you don't make up your mind," Crosshair scoffed watching his brother stare longingly at the pretty girl at the counter.
"You're not her type," the bar tender laughed at Crosshair setting down another round of drinks, "I haven't seen her go home with just anyone and you come on very strong," he said walking away chucking more, "Refill, love?" the bartender said tapping your shoulder showing you a blue drink in perfect view of the squad behind him.
"Thanks, Arthur," you said deliciously eyeing the mysterious drink and the group of men staring at you, "Did that on purpose didn't ya?" you laughed lowly so they couldn't hear.
"The frosty one, Crosshair is kind of an ass but the ladies never shut up about him afterwards, but you might like the half droid, Echo. Nice Trooper, one track mind for duty though," he admitted walking back around the bar, "just thought I'd point them out."
"Their clones?" You asked dumbfounded trying and failing to keep yourself from looking at them one more time before wide mouth gawking at him.
"It surprised me too when I found out, but the it explains why they all got the same brown color."
Actually Echo's eyes are more golden then brown, "Tell me about Echo," you asked looking back at him again before downing the dangerously sweet drink.
"War hero of the citadel rescue and Anaxes, blown up trying to defend the ship, captured, revived then experimented on, rescued and then got right back into the fight... and helped finally defeat Trench. I honestly don't know much more then that, I never met him pre... blown up," he admitted, "I think you'll get along."
"Give him one of these on my behalf," you said swirling the empty glass, "Also, another one if you kindly have the time."
"Echo," Arthur said setting down the glass, "It's from Y/N, but I know you know that because you watched me make both of them."
"Are you serious?" Crosshair said watching Arthur setting the matching drink down in front of Echo, "You're barely human and don't even have a-"
"Percentage wise he is correct about the first part. To think of it, I don't think Echo has had relations since he went-" Tech paused "boom. Is pleasure even plausible given the lack of anatomical parts?"
"I don't want to know," Arthur said excusing himself and walking around the bar, quickly pouring himself a shot and downing it, "Don't eveeen want to know."
"What?" You asked taking a sip of the drink, eyeing him cautiously.
"Nothing... nothing at all."
You roll your eyes at him. He leaves you to go poor drinks for a couple other regulars clients at the other end of the counter. It was so far a peaceful night, to early for the rowdy troopers to show up and but late enough for the regular fun ones to show up. You finished the drink, eyed Echo who was still staring at the drink. Well I don't think he's that interested, he hasn't even had a sip of it. You set the drink on the counter along with a few credits and made your way over to the slowly filling dance floor.
"Block!" You said running into the robot DJ getting groovy on the dance floor, grabbing him one of the girls could, "Mind if I cut in?"
"Hello, Y/N. Are you enjoying tonight's musical selection? I thought the alternating between slow and fast would create an interesting rhythm."
The song switched into a slow one, he reached out coldly and grabbed your hand, "I actually really like it, it's creating a dynamic atmosphere. It is most excellent," you said enjoying the dance, "Although it looks like some people don't understand it."
"As protocol dictates I must ask that I return to my post and adjust according, did you enjoy the dance?" Block asked.
"I did, thank you," you said letting go.
You laughed watching him walk away noticing eyes on your back, you ignored them and sat yourself in the dark corner of the bar furthest from them. You watched the dance floor in anticipation watching everyone enjoy the build up and the fall of music. The erotic dancing then fade into adorning swaying, watching the confused troopers was kind of fun. Arthur put another blue drink in-front of you saying it's on the house and apologized for being turned down. You told him it's okay, the night was young.
Echo watched her slide her empty drink towards the lip of the table and brought his gaze back to the glass. His brother's had a point, what could a girl like that want with a mess like him. Tech's words were cutting into him like a vibro blade, It's true I haven't been with a woman since, it's not that I don't want too... I just don't know if I can and she'd have to be very special to understand. He brought his eyes up noticing you were gone.
"She's with the DJ droid on the dance floor talking about the music selection," Hunter said finding you immediately, "Why didn't you go over there?"
"He's not a man that's why," Crosshair scoffed taking a drink, "Maybe I'll give it a shot," he said putting the glass down trying to stand up before Wrecker pulled him back down.
"Don't even think about it," Wrecker said with a yank.
Hunter was still staring at a silent Echo waiting. They looked to each other often for decisions but he didn't seem to trust him to go after it, "The girl showed interest in you and is over there dancing with a droid. I don't think the rest of us are her type," he said trying to encourage him, nonchalantly pointing at where you and Block were noticeable, "I would if I was you."
Echo watched Block nod at you before retaking his station. He looked at Hunter who gave him a nod. He got up which got him an off handed comment from Crosshair, You can keep her entertained and I can dick her down, which got him a loud thud of a punch from Wrecker. Echo scowled leaving the table, 'Was that a completely necessary comment?' he heard Tech say. Echo searched the booths for your face but the bright blue liquid at the end bar caught his attention.
"On the house. Don't know if he's just self conscious or more of droid then he appears to be, next time I won't try to help."
He watched you pick up the glass and swirling it watching the blue sparkle dance, "The night's young, won't let being turned down effect my night."
Echo watched you take a drink, looking around but didn't seem to notice him before looking down back at the glass. It is effecting you. What am I doing? Echo shook his head, took a breath trying to talk himself into walking up over when he left a shove behind him. 'Go' Crosshair hissed at him before stalking off. Oh, he was just trying to make me. Asshole.
"Sorry about that," Echo said shocking you causing you to shake a little and your drink slipped on you, "Fark I am so sorry," he said reaching and grabbing you some napkins. This is what I was afraid of, idiot, idiot, idiot.
"It's just a dress," you laughed blotting up the tiny spill, "I didn't even see you walk up," you said putting the wet napkins on the counter, "changed your mind?" you asked giving him a side glance looking at the sunken expression on his face before wiping up the counter.
"I just haven't had anyone take an interest in me since," Echo said raising his data port arm and sliding into the stool, "I am actually flattered."
"Really?" You said wide eyeing him, you looked at him closer. Sure he was paler, had a cyber connection relay system around his head but he still was insanely beautiful, everything else was just a bonus, "You're one of the cutest guys who's walked in here for a long time."
"She'd know, spends all of her free time here," Arthur laughed putting a glass infront of Echo.
"Dude... I live next door," you laughed.
"I just like giving you a bad time, keep this up though I might as well put you on the civvie payroll," he laughed walking away, "Don't make me regret this."
Your face flushed red, you put your hand over your check to try to cover it when you looked him equally as red but not bothering to try to hide it. You giggled a little bit removing your hand and putting both of them on the counter instead, "So what's with Frosty's glare?" You said noticing Crosshair looking in your direction.
"Crosshair? That's just his face."
"Not my type," you laughed winking at him making the glare worse.
"Got a thing for droids?" Echo asked nervously.
"What gave it away?" You laughed more thinking it was a joke, noticing the serious and the solemn look on his face observing you, "Oh, that wasn't a joke to you. I'm sorry. No, I don't like guys who think they can get anyone. Anyway he looks like a piece of work and not pleasant to be around."
"He's not," he laughed, it was warm like a planet that had two suns, "But he did shove me over here and in his own way told me to give it a shot. Sorry I saw you with Block and kind of assumed plus," Echo gave a small forced chuckle raising the arm again.
"Block? Maybe if his interface was better, at least I know he's reliable. Arthur wasn't kidding though, I spend a lot of time here so sometimes I give my input on the music when crowd watching especially when he changes it up and they don't seem to like it."
"Wait so you DO have a thing for droids?" He asked wide eyed with a smile this time.
"Guess I'll have to figure what out you are," you smiled into your drink sipping on it, "But that doesn't matter, it's who you are that matters. Nothing else matters, to me at least."
Echo's smile got bigger, maybe someone who actually sees me, "I liked that."
"Sooooo, how's it going," Wrecker asked tapping Hunter for his attention.
"I like her," Hunter said pulling his attention back to the squad, "She's definitely different."
"Excuse me, I'll be back momentarily. I- forgot something on the ship," Tech said drinking the drink and getting up.
"You? Forget something? Funny" Crosshair chuckled eyeing them at the end of bar.
"About you tell me about yourself," you smiled at him.
"Not to much to say that isn't easy information to find, I'm CT-1409, Echo. I was apart of Domino squad-" he started before you cut him off.
"That's not what I meant, how did you get the name Echo? What do you like to do in your free time? Favourite battle droid to fight, normal stuff."
"Normal stuff? Back when I was a shiny, I use to repeat every order given so I became Echo, hated it for the longest time but now I think it is the most perfect name my brothers could have given me."
"Oh," you asked turning your seat towards him.
"I'm the only echo left of Domino squad, last one still standing all of my brothers... gone. Echo of a man... I don't know, it just fits. For fun I use to enjoy reading regulation manuals, that's kind of boring to most people."
"It's... a beautifully poetic name," you said stunned, "as for the manuals, it just proves you've always been smart. People forgot knowledge comes from text just as it does from experience."
"What about you?" He asked.
You told Echo about yourself, his eyes seemed to continuously get more and more golden. He hung on every word you said time to time asking questions. Unlike other guys he seemed genuine and wasn't obviously undressing you with his eyes. Although I wouldn't mind if he did.
"Do you want to dance?" You asked, the liquid courage taking effect.
Echo stared down at his socket arm, "I'm not sure if-" he said awkwardly.
You grabbed his hand and elbow and dragged him to the dance floor, placing his arm around you and kept his fingers intertwined with yours, "Come on, scared?" you teased.
"Of making a fool out of myself."
You rested your head on his shoulder, "I'm not going to judge you, if anyone says anything they'll will regret it," you could hear his heart rate speed up and it speed up even further when he rested his jaw and cheek on you, "I take it confidence isn't your strong suit?" you whispered.
"Compared to my brothers I am... anatomically defective, more machine then man."
"I think you're more of a man then most of men in here."
Your hand moved tighter around his back and his breath hitched for a second before regulating. What was that about? You remember the padded circle your fingers moved over, Oh, his ports. His hand held yours a little tighter. The sensation was like a small jolt of electricity trying down him, "I don't know what that was," he whispered embarrassed.
You moved your hand again and it happened again, "I think it's cute," you giggled feeling his hand tighten again, "What does it feel like?"
"It feels like electricity... it's... good," he said hoping you wouldn't look up at the red across his face, at least now I know it's still plausible.
"Updateeee?" Wrecker asked watching them another with an ear to ear grin, "He look's happy."
"He does" Crosshair admitted.
Tech walked with a large punch with a project he'd been working on for some time, he looked at where his brothers were staring and found them on the dance floor. He gave a small smile when he caught Echo's eye and quietly walked forward and clipped it to his belt, "you might need it later," he whispered before returning to his squad.
"What was that about?" You asked looking at the large pouch.
"For once I have no idea what he's been tinkering on, but I know this isn't the place to open it."
"Want to go for a walk and see or... we can go back to my place," you suggested bashfully.
"Whatever you're comfortable with," he offered picking up his head.
You squeezed his hand, pulling back and smiling at him dragged him to the door, "I'd like the second open."
"What was that?" Hunter asked.
"Given Echo's lack of anatomy, I supply crafted him that anatomy."
"So... you made him a dick?" Wrecker said confused.
You wrapped both of your arms around Echo's taking about the legend known as Domino squad and who they were and his loathing of Commando Droids and the Techno Union. You guided him into the building of your apartment quietly as you let him ramble about his adventures with Clone Force 99 but he missed his 501st brothers but it was his duty to let them go. You steered both of you up to the higher floor where your residency was.
"It's not much but it's home," getting him to chuckle at all of the manuals on your book shelf, "there's always something to learn" you said dragging him to the couch and turning on the holo.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys learning," he chuckled sitting. Echo's hand grabbed the pouch off his belt and stared at it, What was so important... It can't be... can it? Echo carefully opened the package so only his eyes could it, his jaw fell agape and he stared it for a moment before quickly closing it and putting it back on his belt.
"And?" You asked watching several emotions and questions play across his face.
"It's an uh... indecent attachment," Echo said staring at the roof for a moment contemplating why Tech made it, how long as he been waiting to give it to him and if this was the wrong time to find out.
"That's actually kind of sweet," Echo heard you say and was shocked bringing his attention back to you plopping yourself gently into his lap, "We don't have to use it if you don't want too or I'm more then happy just sitting here and talking for the rest of the night."
"Cute girl in my lap? I'm happy with either too," the shameless flirt came out before he even realized what he said, he smiled that part of his old self was still there, "Plus I don't know if it even works-"
You moved yourself and straddled him instead place you mouth by his neck see what he'd do. Echo tried to keep his breathing even, It's been forever since a woman's been this close. She obviously doesn't seem to mind, I need to stop minding. Echo opened up his neck in offering, letting his hand move your hips, "You really don't mind do you-" the pressure of your lips on his neck silenced him.
You kissed up his neck and pressed harder into the spots that made his breathing quicken while doing your best to make sure no marks were left, "Not in the slightest," you purred bringing your hands up to the ports on the top of his neck seeing if they had the same effect, "How about you kiss me and we'll see how tonight goes."
Echo smirked a little knowing he was a damn good kisser, he moved his hand to your mouth and pulled you towards him. He took your bottom lip between his putting pressure on them and pulling you closer with his lips. Your hands started tracing around the ports, his breathing got more shallow, "You really seem to like that" you breathed between kisses.
"It's pleasurable," he admitted.
"I thought so," you purred leaning back into him, "take this off," you said running your hand down the front of his uniform.
You saw the momentary confidence on his face fade but he complied taking it off, exposing pale skin and a thin sunken torso. You grabbed his face and pulled him back to your mouth before letting your hands trace around chest and ports, "You're handsome," you breathed resting your forehead on his staring down at him, "lay down," you said standing up and pushing him down on the couch. He looked at you but laid down his heart pounding. You crawled back onto his lap, moving your mouth down his neck again and then down his chest kissing everywhere while your hands played with his ports causing him to let out a small quiet moan. Your pressed your mouth into his chest mouth and quicken the tracing of your fingers making a silently loader moan escaped him.
The feeling in Echo started building up, every second making it harder to think. He sat up and pulled you up trying to center himself, "How about somewhere a little more comfortable for both of us and something a little more reciprocal?" he suggested nervously. You took his hand and guided him towards the bedroom, "Did you want to try it?" Your eyes flickering down to the pouch. He smiled putting his hand on your strap of your dress, "Wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I use to be quiet talented with mouth."
You took his hand and used it to removed the strap, "Prove it," you said taking the other strap off your self.
He stared you up and down blinking, mouth slightly watering, "Yes, ma'am," he watched you crawl on the bed waiting for him. Maker help me. He crawled on the bed, grabbed and kissed your hand up to your wrist and placed it on the back on his head nuzzling himself between your legs.
You let out a small 'ah' noise once his mouth made contact. A small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth seeing how wet you were for him already. You looked mildly embarrassed but he love, your fingers finding the ports and stroking them. Echo moaned into you, the warmth of it causing you twitch mildly for him. He ran his tongue up scooping gently into your soaked opening, savoring the sweet bland slick that was because of him. You felt him trail his tongue up to the delicate section of nervous sticking out, he adjusted his lips around it making a little vacuum seal with his mouth and twirling his tongue around it.
"Kark" you moaned your hips tilted into his mouth, pushing him harder against you.
He took his non useful arm around your leg and pulled you closer to him, letting his tongue coast up and down coaxingly. He could feel the electric feeling building up again, he brought his fingers to the the slit of the opening letting you cover his fingers before pushing them inside. He feel your clit engorging, content with himself that you were really attracted to him. He worked his lips up and down while his fingers tried to find the pace and motion you preferred.
"There," the word trembled out your head going further back into the pillow.
You could feel his arm trembling around your leg, you stroke him faster. Maker does this feel good. He took a chance, ever so gently stroking you upward with his teeth, "Echo," you moaned coming undone on his face with the surprising sensation. He pulled you closer to his face, his nose resting on you and his fingers not stopping as you road them through the sensation. You started shaking harder and he started shaking. You felt the moment the surge took him, his mouth came but his fingers went deep as they could, "Mesh'la," he let out shakily his breathing ragged. You cupped his cup cheek staring at him still panting staring at the bliss across his face and his big golden eyes staring at you. He carefully removed his hand still shaking, he licked each of his fingers and his eyes rapidly blicking he left out another small delish moan.
"I am jealous of whatever is going on in that neural connection," you scooted over creating space for him, "join me?"
He moved himself next to you, laying on his back his breathing still ragged, you rolled up and put yourself around his data and interlaced your legs with his. Echo was still reeling, his whole body felt like it was adrift on pleasure cruise, when you brought your hand to his chest he shuttered with a groan escaping. He brought your hand to his mouth, kissed and put it back on his chest covering it with his own. She's so beautiful, his hand tighten around yours and his arm also wrapped you closer.
"Handsome," you mumbled turning more into him, "and so so so talented."
"You're so beautiful," he looked admiring you, "I'm glad you think so. How about another one?" he offered.
"Maker please."
"Do you want to try it?” Echo asked awkwardly looking down at the pouch.
“We can just go see if it works, or I’ll happily keep your face between my legs,” you smiled.
Echo pulled himself up and finished stripping his leg armor and blacks. He watched you examine him, “See something you like?” he said slowly and awkwardly opening the bag.
“I really do think you’re handsome,” you smiled sitting up pulling him back towards you resting your face against his stomach and running your hands down the cold of his legs, “Nothing to be self conscious about or embarrassed about around me,” you said pulling back so he could fiddle with the attachment.
Echo attached two tiny connectors to the ports closes on each side of his lower stomach and one on each thigh, “So figured out what I am yet?” He teased smiling feeling the attachment connect and accepted into his system.
“Well… what do you want to be?” you asked pulling him back onto the bad.
“I’m definitely a happy man,” he kissed you until your head laid against the pillow, “Where I currently want to be however? Definitely in you,” Echo moved onto his elbow, letting his free hand trail down you while he took your pebbled nipple into his mouth letting his fingers drift back inside, “Do you know that you taste good?” He whispered into your ear.
You squirmed under him, his touch and the comment making a physical reaction. Bringing your hand back to his head, “Echo,” you breathed feeling his touch start being rougher and faster. You could feel yourself coating his fingers, he smiled pulling them out and using them to stroke the attachment and his stomach tense, you removed his hand and stroked it yourself. You moved your legs around his and flipped him on his back on the bed the smile turning into a grin, “How about a test run?” You worked it up and down watching parts of his body tense and release.
He tried flipping you but you planted your knees deeper into the bed in defiance, “Why don’t you back up then and put that tasty pussy back in my face?” He said enjoying the sensation but wanted it to be fair. Did I really just say that? After all this time I’m still the same. He watched you slowly turn around putting your legs back his arms and painfully to slow put your self on his mouth. ‘Maker’ he moaned feeling your grip tighten on him. Echo let his tongue slide in and out of you, twirling it around the inner edges of the split before working his mouth back down to your pulsating need for him. He hummed against it the small vibration making you press your self a little further down on his face, he let his hand trail around your body enjoying the sensation of your skin against his. He felt his leg start to lightly drum against the base board of the bed, I guess it’s my turn first this time.
You watched his leg drum and the other one start to quiver, you moved the hand that wasn’t stroking him to a connector on his leg wondering if he could feel both or if his body only registered one at a time. Surprised with your self you picked yourself off of him so you could see his face, he grabbed you and pulled you back down holding you there. Someone’s enjoying himself. You felt the moment he stopped, the orgasm take over. You gently continued to stroke him until his hand gently begged you to stop. You moved yourself back between his legs, you could see the speckling of sweat glistening his body and some of you on the corner of his mouth which took him no time to find and lick up with the tip of his tongue. Your eyes trailed around his body, the pale skin, big eyes, the bigger then normal lips and his jawline and cheeks sculpted like the maker made him himself. For me. His breathing was raspy but you wanted the rise and fall of his chest putting your hand on the his lungs slightly feeling the mechanical system underneath try to catch up.
“Do you think I’m a man?” He asked weakly, looking at your hand knowing what you were feeling.
“I do. One I wouldn’t mind getting to know more whenever your around.”
“I think I’d bore you,” he admitted.
You leaned up kissing across his collar bones, “Rules, regulations, reports, none of that could bore me as long as you were apart of them,” you paused leaning over his neck, “You’re the only man who hasn’t bored me,” you said kissing the base of his neck slightly pulling on it waiting to see if he’d stop you from making a mark but his moan and hand squeezing your hip was the green light, “You are not lesser Echo” you whispered before turning your attention back to his neck.
“I’d bring you with me if I could,” he said picking you up with the handful of hip he hand a grip on moving you back and plunging his cock attachment into you, his hips spreading bucking all of it into you, “No one’s made me feel like this before,” his voice sincere gentle and softly moving you up and down him. He brought the side of his non useful arm to your face nudging you up, watching you nuzzle the arm realizing how different and understanding you were compared to everyone.
Cautiously he moved himself back on top of you resting his forehead against yours, nearly pulling himself all the way out and rushing himself back in, “Is it comfortable?” he whispered.
“I wouldn’t be able to tell your anatomically defective” you teased, “If it feels good to you, that’s all I care about.”
“I care about you.”
“And I you.”
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
All Mine
Summary: Tup returns home after a long day of training with one thing on his mind, you.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Tup x F!Reader
Word Count: 2380
Warnings: Smut, this is pure filth everyone. Also, reader is a pole dancing instructor
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: This is spite smut. I said I was going to do it, and I did. So here it is.
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“Hey, Tup!” Tup grimaces as Fives flings his arm over his shoulder, “We’re hitting up 79s now that the task master has freed us-”
“-just for that, Fives, I should make you run more laps,” Rex says as he walks past them, though it’s clear that he has no intention of following through on that threat.
Fives ignores Rex, “Anyway, wanna join us?”
“Who’s us?” Tup asks, as though he’s seriously considering it.
“Me and Echo,” Tup rolls his eyes, “Jesse, Kix, Hardcase. Oh, we got Dogma to agree-”
“You got Dogma to agree?”
“Boy needs to either get drunk or get laid.” Fives says dramatically, “And yes, he agreed. So, are you in?”
“What! Why?”
“I have plans.”
“Better plans than watching Dogma get totally plastered or watching him try to fumble through flirting with someone?” Fives asks, sounding aghast.
“Okay, rude. He wouldn’t fumble that badly. And also, yes.”
“Like what?” Fives demands.
“I’m going home. To my girl.”
Fives blinks at him, “You have a girl? You?”
“I think I’m insulted.” Tup mutters, “But yes, I do and she’s amazing, so I’m going home. To her.”
“Well, what does she do? What’s she like?” Fives asks.
Tup twists his lips, “She’s a dancer, and she’s amazing and that’s all you’re getting out of me.”
Fives releases him, “Fine. I don’t actually believe that she exists, but since I’m an amazing big brother, I’ll let you off the hook this time.”
“How magnanimous of you.” Tup lifts his bag higher on his shoulder, “Have fun getting drunk. Try not to get arrested. I’ll see you in a week.”
“Yeah, yeah. Later, Tup’ika!” Fives calls as he turns his attention on Dogma, who looks so very resigned. 
Tup almost feels bad.
And not nearly almost enough to put his plans on hold. 
So he throws a wave over his shoulder, and then hurries out of the barracks before anyone else can stop him. 
His mind is already firmly locked on his cyare, and all of his plans for the evening.
Tup is lucky that his cyare lives close enough that he’s able to walk to her apartment. 
He walks through the familiar streets, until he reaches her dance studio, and he keys in his personal code to the door. Her studio is a special one, all of the windows have been coated so that the people outside can’t see the dancers inside.
Which is a good thing, since his perfect cyare teaches pole dancing.
Loud music thrums through the building as he pokes his head into the lesson room to see what’s going on. She’s mid-lesson still, clad in that dark blue and white leotard set that he loves so much. Her legs and feet are both bare, and she doesn’t seem to notice him. 
He watches her for a moment, leaning against the door frame, before one of the students notices him, “Ah! Hi Tup!” She shouts, “Are you joining us today?”
His cyare turns her head at the call of his name, and she favors him with a blinding smile, “Tup!” He drops his bag on the floor to catch her as she flings herself into his arms, “Welcome home!”
“Mm, this is a very nice welcome.” He drops a kiss to her lips, “But don’t let me interrupt your class, love.”
“You can join us. There’s an open pole,” She offers, very temptingly.
Tup laughs, “Maybe later this week. Rex put me through the wringer today.” He drops one more kiss to her lips, and sets her back on her feet, before he lowers his head to press his lips against her ear, “I’m going to shower, if you finish up in time, feel free to join me.”
“And if class doesn’t end in time?” She asks lightly.
“Then we’ll just have to shower again later.” He says with a wink.
She grins, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Tup kisses her one more time, and then grabs his bag back off the floor and heads towards the stairs that lead to the apartment above the studio. The music is much quieter up here, though that’s 100% because the entire building was soundproofed when she bought it. 
He tosses his bag next to the laundry and heads through the apartment to the fresher, intent on taking a very long, very hot shower. He doesn’t expect his cyare to join him anytime soon, though.
Oh well, it just means that he’ll have to have his fun when she finishes with work. All this means is that he has time to plan.
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Finally the lesson is over.
It’s been nearly an hour since Tup returned home, and you know that he’s already finished his shower.
You firmly, yet politely, usher your students out of the studio and lock the door behind your last student, before you turn the music off and look around the studio. You need to clean up before your next lesson.
But your next lesson is in several days, which means the mess will hold.
You hurry up the stairs and into your apartment, a broad grin crossing your face when you see Tup heading towards you. “Sorry that took so long,” You say brightly as you fling yourself into his arms.
He catches you effortlessly and lifts you to hook your legs around his waist, “No harm done. I figured you’d be a while.”
You wrap your arms around his neck and press your forehead against his, “I should probably shower. I’m covered in sweat and-” You’re cut off when his lips catch yours in a deep kiss.
“Don’t care. You’re just going to get even more sweaty.” Tup adjusts his grip on you and uses his free hand to remove the top part of your leotard, tossing it to the side to be dealt with later. “Mm, someday I’m going to convince you to let me take you down in your studio.” He mumbles against your lips.
Your face heats at the thought, though you’re not opposed to the idea. Instead of answering, though, you grind yourself against his erection, pulling a moan from his lips, “You’re already hard,” You note.
“I’ve been wanting to bury myself in you since I got here. That's why I turned down the dance lesson.” His lips move to your throat, and he quickly sucks a mark onto the tender skin there. 
You release a breathless laugh, before you press your hands through his hair, “Tup,” You coo his name.
“Hm?” He doesn’t pull himself away from your throat.
You comb your fingers through his curls, “Let’s go downstairs.” You offer.
Tup stops moving for a moment, before he pulls back and blinks at you, “Downstairs?”
“Into the studio.” You confirm, you wiggle against him and he groans again, though you're not sure if it’s because of the wiggling or because of the offer. Or maybe a mix of both.
Slowly he sets you to your feet, “Okay.” Tup says as he doesn’t take his eyes off of you, “Downstairs.”
You take a half step back from him and then giggle as he pulls you back against him, his hands moving to your hips, “Tup!”
His warm hands ease the bottom part of your leotard down your legs, and tosses them to the side, “Better to remove these here, I think.”
“I think you just want to stare at my ass,” You tease.
“Mm,” Tup’s hands slide across your ass and he squeezes roughly enough that you squeak, “You do have an amazing ass.” He agrees. And then he lightly pats your hip, “Alright, let’s go.”
“What about you?” You ask lightly.
Tup chuckles and kicks off his sleep pants, tossing them to the side as well. “There. Now we’re both naked.” He crowds into your personal space before you can get more than a glimpse of his cock, which was intentional, you’re sure. “Downstairs, cyare.”
You let him usher you down the stairs and into the studio.
It’s a lot cooler down here than in the apartment, and you can’t help but notice how Tup is eyeing the wall of mirrors with a small grin on his lips. You’re not sure what he’s thinking, but you are sure that he won’t leave you guessing for long.
And you’re right.
He presses into your personal space, his warm hands caressing your exposed skin, banishing the chill with ease. His lips find purchase on your shoulder, biting and sucking marks into your skin, pulling pleasure filled moans and gasps from your lips. 
“Listen to you,” Tup coos against your throat, “Singing for me already, and we haven’t even started yet.” His hands slide to your hips and he squeezes tightly, before he spins you around so you’re facing the mirrors.
There’s no hiding the pout on your face, “I can’t touch you like this, Tup.” You whine.
He chuckles in your ear, and you shiver at the sound. “Oh, kitten, you weren’t going to be touching me anyway.” His hands slide down your arms comfortingly, and guide your hands to the pole in front of you. He presses a kiss right under your ear, “Some day, beautiful, you’re going to give me a show. But I need you too much for that right now.”
He easily manipulates your body so that you’re bent at the waist, your hands wrapped firmly around the pole, and your legs spread for him. It’s a very exposed position, and you can’t help but squirm when you feel his hands massaging your ass and hips. 
“You look amazing like this,” Tup praises quietly, “All spread out and eager for me. And only me.” There’s something like smug satisfaction in his voice, though you don’t question it.
This is the only time he shows any possessive qualities, and you find it unbearably hot.
“Tup-” You whine his name when he goes longer without touching you than you would prefer.
“I’m here, cyare.” His hand slides up your spine, and then back down again, “I’m right here. Kriff, look at how wet you are.” One of his fingers teases your entrance, and you release a keening noise, as you try to rock back onto his fingers. “You’re so needy, cyare.”
“Please, Tup-”
Slowly he eases his finger inside you, and thrusts a couple of times, “Cyare, you don’t even need any prep,” Tup teases, “You’re already so aroused. Maybe I should have you like this more often.”
You whine as you rock back against his fingers, and that whine turns into a noise of displeasure as he pulls his finger out of you. “Tup-”
“Shh, I have you.” Tup settles himself behind you and rocks his cock against your slit, the head of his cock nudging your clit just enough that you whimper for him.
And then, finally, he thrusts into you with a low groan.
In spite of how needy he is, and he is needy, he moves slow. Taking his sweet time until he’s completely bottomed out inside you. He tightly grips your hip with one hand, while the other reaches up to wrap around your hands on the pole.
Tup remains still, raining feather light kisses against the back of your neck and shoulders, until you’re squirming against him. And then, and only then, does he pull out until only the head of his cock remains.
When he thrusts in this time, it’s a lot faster and harder than originally, and a pleasure filled moan falls from your lips as you rock back to meet his thrusts.
“There we go,” Tup gasps out, his grip tightening, “Kriff, you take me so good, cyare. Like your pretty pussy was made for my cock.” His hand leaves your hip to slide up your body and caress your breasts, “Like you were made for me.”
His name tumbles off your lips like a prayer, and he chuckles as he presses a kiss under your ear, “Beautiful. You’re perfect,” He praises, “I love you so much.” He nips your earlobe gently, and then sucks another mark high on your neck.
“Are you going to fall apart for me, cyar’ika?” He coos in your ear, “Are you going to cream all over my cock?”
“Yyes…please, Tup-” You’re not quite sure what you’re begging for, but he seems to know, as his free hand drags down your body and presses against your clit. Not roughly, but hard enough that you whimper and fall apart around his cock. Only able to stay on your feet by virtue of his arm wrapped tightly around you.
His thrusts become shallower as he fucks you through your orgasm, and it’s only when he’s sure that you’ve recovered enough, that he pulls out and flips you so that you’re facing him.
Your hair is sticking to your face, and you’re breathing hard, and Tup is looking at you like he’s never seen anyone so beautiful in his life.
“You did so good for me,” He praises, “Can you give me another one? Just one more?”
Your arms slide around his neck, and you nod mutely. “Can. Will.”
He chuckles, and lifts you so that your legs are around his waist against, his hard cock sliding deep within you, and brushing against the spot inside you that makes you see stars.
Tup presses your back against the pole and he guides your hands so that they’re clinging to the pole over your head, “There you go, just like that.” Tup whispers, “So good for me, cyare. Doing so good.”
You smile at him, it’s hard to focus with his buried so deep inside you, but you can focus enough. “Always good for Tup. Because I belong to Tup.”
He releases a shuddering groan and leans in, “Damn right you do.” Tup kisses you deeply, “And I belong to you.” He pulls away just long enough to check to make sure that you were comfortable, before he restarts the same rapid pace from earlier.
You’re definitely not going to be able to walk, or do anything, tomorrow. But you can’t bring yourself to care. Not when he looks at you like you’re the most important person in the galaxy.
It tracks…after all, he’s the most important person in the galaxy to you too.
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