#this speech is stuck in my head lol
freyito · 28 days
Hello! How are you?
I got an idea~
Can I request Boothill with the Vidyadhara reader (male, but if you want, you can use gn) ?The reader is always calm and quiet, but gets very nervous and blushes when Boothill flirts with him or hugs him (Secretly he just loves it) . The reader's tail wags nervously. And he also has sensitive horns.
If you don't like the idea, then feel free to skip my request!! (♥´∀`)/
✭ pairing(s): boothill x male vidyadhara reader
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✧ a/n: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!! i got it the night before my job interview i think so i owe it all to you anon for getting hired on the spot. my last fic as an unemployed man... i got this job so i could whale for boothill tho. lol.
🗒 cw: male reader, vidyadhara reader, SMALL 2.2 SPOILERS, itty bit of lore building (made the vidyadhara look a little more like the yan siblings from arknights), just fluff, not proofread
✎ wc: 1.4k
ꜱᴄᴀʟᴇꜱ & ᴍᴇᴛᴀʟ
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Being a Galaxy Ranger, Boothill is well-read on the species of the universe. Sorta. Given the lack of his education, a lot of what he learned was through word of mouth or having someone explain it to him, aside from text to speech.
Aside from the Galaxy Rangers and his home world, he is the most versed on the Xianzhou, seeing as they follow Lan, as well. But that doesn’t mean he won’t treat it like it isn’t a spectacle, and the Vidyadhara have always been intriguing to him.
He’s only met a couple, namely Dan Heng, and Lady Bailu, the latter only in passing. He’s sure he’s met another somewhere, and there’s surely a Vidyadhara Ranger as well. But none of them stick out to him like you do.
He’s only visiting the Luofu, there to pick up some information about the IPC from some shady courier. He doesn’t mind this, as long as it’s honest work, and he’s been in contact with this courier for quite a while. The benefit of becoming a cyborg is that when his contacts are long life species, he has a trustworthy ally for quite a while.
The problem was, the courier had told him to get it from a cycrane in Aurum Alley. Which was all fine and dandy, normally, Boothill remembered the Alley to be rundown and quiet, dead, even. But when he’s met with a stream of people like it’s a shopping mall (which it is), he was taken aback. How was he supposed to pick up information when the Alley is so… lively? The courier reassures him that it is okay, to not act suspicious, and boy, does Boothill mess that one up.
For the first time ever, he’s fishing out a letter from the cycrane’s box, sweating with the most guilty look on his face, like a dog that had just stolen some food off the counter. He stuck out like a sore thumb, as opposed to the business owners and recipients who frequented the roost. Paired with his outworlder appearance, it’s no wonder that a couple of concerned citizens came forward, even if it was just to watch.
Now, Boothill didn’t want to be considered wanted by the Xianzhou Alliance. Not at all, his deal was with the IPC and he’d rather not have the cloud knights tailing him whenever he visited. But all thought processes stop when he spots you. Whatever price the Cloud Knights puts on his head for this info is nothing in comparison to just how stunning you look to him.
He does his best to brush this incident off as not being able to find mail, and decides a couple more days on the Loufu wouldn’t be too bad. He spends the next few days attempting to court you, as he says. Really, it’s just over pretentious flirting. You do your best to ignore it at first, you think he’s just some awe-struck outworlder, but each day that goes by, your walls crumble.
You don’t return anything really, simply give him little looks and grin and bear it. But every time he says ‘Ain’t you a pretty thing?’ whenever you simply enter his line of sight, you start to feel your cheeks heat up.
Of course, Boothill notices. And he only increases his antics. You’d be attending to your duties in the skyfaring commission and he shows up to interrupt your shift, throwing all sorts of cheesy one-liners that make your head spin. There are times where you just can’t keep up and you blush so hard you fizzle out, your mind working on auto-pilot and making you turn away on your heels.
He starts to show up on your breaks, too. With food he’d think you’d like, (which is any food he buys on the Xianzhou, essentially) and the gifts start there. It’s… thoughtful, really. When he can, he shows up to Xianzhou with something in hand from wherever he’s been. It can be a rock to the most coat you’ve seen. Which, he learns, clothes aren’t exactly the thing to buy you. Not that you would look bad in them, but he decides that Xianzhou attire really does fit you. It is then that he notices the color that extends from your claws to your bicep, and he realizes that you’re ‘pretty all over’. (His words, which don’t fail to make you red in the face.)
When he starts giving gifts, that’s when your tail starts wagging. You curse your body for betraying your want to be calm and collected, which ultimately leads to a life bound by how easy it is to fluster you. Of course, Boothill notices. He thinks it is just too cute, and good Aeons, it takes him all his strength not to cup your face and say that directly to you, to make sure you hear him. Not that he won’t say it regardless.
With all of these instances, he only becomes more insufferable. And you find yourself falling for his charms. It isn’t so bad that you have someone to eat with on your breaks, and someone who’s so eager to see you when you’re working, (even if it disrupts your work Madame Yukong seems okay with it) even if he’s a very high-profile target.
And boy, he can TELL. You’re still a flustered mess around him, anytime he calls you cute, or handsome, or pretty, any silly little pet name like ‘buttercup’ or even just ‘darlin’’, your tail is wagging furiously. You do your best to hide your sheepish smile and your blushing face, but Boothill always finds a way around it. At some point, he starts grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your face, staring into your eyes. That is the death of you.
From then-on, it seems you two are semi-official. Boothill wants so badly to ask you to be his boyfriend, but he lays back with just how shy you are. He pampers you, takes you out on all sorts of dates, from just shopping to the most romantic little tea dates, where the artificial sun sets and it feels like it’s just you two. He loves it, he revels in your reactions. Ever time your cheeks are dusted pink, to where your tail won’t stop wagging that it feels like a hazard, he’s laughing it off and making it even worse.
He grows bolder with touching, too. He starts to greet you at your work with back-hugs, whispering little compliments in your ear while your tail wags, a distinct ‘wap, wap, wap’ sounding everytime it hits the leather of his chaps. He blows kisses at you when you have to focus on your work, he holds your hand any chance he gets, he plays with your hands, too. Compliments the color of your scales, traces your palm, anything and everything that can and will make you blush more. Doesn’t matter if you two are months into this flirting, he’s got you blushing.
The day Boothill plans to ask you to be his official boyfriend, he gets overly interested in your horns. Standing outside the Skyfaring Commission, he catches you before your shift starts. The artificial sun is just rising, and the streets are empty. He stands in front of the Commission, hat off and held to his chest. It’s like a scene out of a movie, really. He starts off with your name, slowly slipping from his tongue, his twang much heavier now, reaching out to you. It feels like his eyes are sparkling– like the world is sparkling, more like. He’s akin to a…. What's the name… Knight of Beauty. You heard the trailblazer talking about them with Yukong.
Your head spins, and all you can stammer out is a ‘y-yes!’ in the middle of his speech. You can’t tell if you can’t take it anymore with how warm your body is running, or if you’re just… eager. Both feel equally embarrassing. Before he can kiss you to seal the deal, he runs a steel finger against one of your horns. A jolt of electricity runs down your body, making you yelp and whine, and in the middle of that, he kisses you, holding his hat up to shield your faces from the few people out this early. It’s a soft kiss, just as romantic as his silly display of want, and he smiles against your lips. His hand comes down, slightly carding through your hair, to cup your cheek.
You try to walk off your embarrassment as you enter the Commission, taking note to text him later about what just went down. Of course, Yukong notices, but all she gives you is a soft chuckle and a smile. Thank Lan.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi | star header by roseschoices
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hellvcifer · 2 months
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pairing; lucifer x fem!angel!reader (?), slight adam x fem!angel!reader (?) i don't know yet. still developing ideas atp wc; 2.9k note; yeah i really don't know where this story will go but it's been stuck in my head for a bit. hope you enjoy!! and let me know who the pairing should be bcs i can't decide lol !!
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“Hello!” Charlie peeked around the door, eyes glancing side-to-side as she took in the decor. Various whites and golds fancily accentuated the interior of the Embassy. She walked in further, noting the long pathway, surrounded by empty seating, all leading up to a desk in the distance. “Hello?” Her soft voice echoed with the sound of her footsteps. “Helloo~o…? Cre~epy…” Her face scrunched, shoulders curling in as she got closer to the lone desk.
She approached, not knowing what else to do. This being her first time at the Heaven Embassy and all. A solid gold bell was centered on the white porcelain, embellished with fanciful design and begging someone to ring it. Charlie stared at it for a moment before her hand slapped the top of it. The emitted chime was soft and held out the delightful sound. 
A bright flash of light emitted from behind the desk, swirls of golden flowers and sparkling light appearing and growing bigger before revealing a figure wrapped in a mass of feathers. They shuffled a bit and spread out widely to reveal the back of the owner. 
“Oh!” You turned around, eyes widening upon seeing the guest. “Welcome to the Heaven Embassy!” You smiled brightly, arms held out to gesture to the place. “I'm with Angel Support Services, you can call me Y/N, how can I help you?” 
“Oh, uh Hi! I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar.” The girl returned your energy, eyes attentive. “So nice to meet you! I’m here for a meeting with, uh, Heaven.” She explained.
“Right!” Your eyes scanned her quickly, “I heard they were sending someone… new.” You giggled.
“Yes! I’m here filling in for my father, of course, I’m sure you know that but I really wanted to present my new idea about rehabbing sinners and the–”
“Rehabbing sinners?” Your eyes widened, lips curling in. Hand covered your mouth. 
“I know right! Just the best solution to our problem! It may sound a little crazy but I’ve compiled an entire speech–”
“That is… A great idea.” You interrupted her, swallowing down your laughter. Oh, he is gonna eat her alive. “I’m sure they would love to hear it.” Your hands flourished in the air and a pen appeared in one while a scroll in the other. The glow on them shined as you set the paper in front of the girl. “Please sign in here.”
“Oh, Okay!” She grabbed the pen, “I'm super happy to be here! It’s so nice to meet with such friendly people from Heaven considering the ex–Oh!” As soon as she finished signing, the items disappeared and shocked her.
“Of course, of course! We get that alot.” You continued your cheery tune as a door opened on your right. “Through there please.” You gestured in the said direction.
“Just, uh walk in then, huh?” Charlie asked.
You smirked with a nod, eyes sharpening though she seemed oblivious. “Good luck!” You waved with a twiddle of your fingers, watching her leave. “You’re gonna need it~” You spoke quietly, watching the doors shut behind her. You shook your head releasing a sigh. 
Within the next hour you remained at the desk within the Embassy, awaiting the poor girl’s exit. No doubt going on and on about her silly little rehabilitation idea. Though her confidence was thick and made you admire that.
Once a year this happened, and it was the same every time. Answer the ring, pop on down, sign in whomever was visiting, and leave. Typically it had been Lucifer. But it seems that he’s sent his daughter to do it to avoid talking with you. Ever since, well… Last time, he just didn't want to see you. You huffed, sad that you wouldn’t get the chance to talk out the incident. Not that you would even know what to say.
The doors opened, a flash of red was twirled out of it and you saw Charlie land on the floor. Papers scattered around her as she tried to stand. The unnerving guitar of Heaven’s representative rifted throughout the building. The girl stood and walked towards the closing doors. 
“Um–Wait, didn’t you–” The last thing she saw was the devious smile of Adam before she was left in darkness. The last sliver of light snuffed out. “Awh, shit!” She slammed her fist against the heavy gold.
You rested your cheek against your hand, smirk ever prominent as you watched the whole thing play out. The girl was breathing heavily, head now leaning against the cold material. “Sooo, how’d it go?” Your voice was ever cheerful, dripping with a knowing cynicality. 
Charlie groaned out in response as she began picking up the drawings she originally presented earlier. 
“Yeah, that’s what most people say after meeting Adam.” You snickered. “Heaven’s finest first man, an absolute angel.” You stood straight. “Don’t take it to heart, he’s like that to everyone~” You sang out the final word as Charlie stood, her papers neatly stacked in her arms before they disappeared. She looked up at you, seeing how your expression oozed with intent.
“You knew he would react like that?” Her tone raised, questioning your actions. 
“Oh honey,” Your brows dipped as a slight pout appeared on your lips. “It’s Adam. Everyone knows. He literally calls himself the original–”
“–Dickmaster,” You finished together. “Yeah, yeah.” Charlie added.
“See! Look at you catching on so quickly.” Your hands clasped together as you brought them to your chest. 
Charlie groaned, taking a few steps forward. “Why wouldn’t you warn me before going in there?” She didn’t seem angry as she spoke, more shocked, more frustrated than ever. “I could have prepared better, or shifted my presentation, I just–Ugh!”
“The real question is: Why wouldn’t your father? He’s met with Adam plenty of times before.” Your words made her inhale sharply, eyes widening. “Eeouh~ Daddy issues? It's okay, we all have ‘em.” Your wings opened, flapping a few times and raising you off the floor to sit on your desk. “As much as I would love to help, Sweetie, I got more important things to deal with on the up-side, so if you don’t mind.” Your arm swung out, hand presenting the exit that was in line of sight. 
Charlie huffed before walking towards the exit, hand reaching out for the handle. You smiled as she opened the door and waved at her. “Come again!” 
As the resounding slam of the door echoed throughout the chamber, that was your cue to take your own leave. With a flash of light, you appeared back into the holy grounds of Heaven. The large golden gates in your view and a familiar face standing atop of the podium. 
“Y/N! Welcome back! How was the day down below?”
“Hi Saint Peter!” You greeted him, walking down the golden path to the entrance. “Same as always, super boring!” You waved a hand, sticking your tongue out. “Anyways, I’m off to pick up the notes from the meeting. Have you seen Ella?”
“Oooh, yeah. Sera asked her to cover the greeting party for new souls today and asked me, to tell you, that you’ll have to retrieve the notes from today.”  His face seemed like he was in pain as he explained what happened to you.
Your form all but deflated at the news. “Wonderful.” You groaned out the word, watching the golden gate open. You trudged through, smiling at the post angel and waving, “Thanks, Peter!” You tried to remain cheerful, wings outspread and lifted you into the air. He returned your wave and as you left, closed the gates.
With Ella gone, her duties now shifted to you as requested by Sera. Which meant you had to go deal with the First Dick. You rolled your eyes as you flew above buildings, weaving through the other residents of Heaven until you reached Headquarters.
The area was a combination of large buildings, all placed neatly in a secure area for higher ranking angels. They were decorated with the overdone gold accents and white porcelain walls. Seriously, how did they not come up with anything a bit more original. You landed on the ground and walked into one of the higher bestowed skyscrapers, being greeted by others as you did. It didn’t take long to navigate towards the elevator and pressing the button to bring you to the right level. 
You wondered why you felt the need to complete these tasks so quickly. Perhaps to feel the relief of the day being over; the chore having been finished. Just so you can enjoy the happy days of Heaven ahead. The days of the Holy and gifted, where nothing can go wrong and everything is perfect. Not a single thing misplaced or misused. Just… Perfect.
Once you arrived, your steps chorused down the long hallway. At the very end was a giant door leading to the one you were hoping to avoid. Just before it on the left was a smaller office that you stopped in front of. You knocked twice and waited for an answer. It swung open to reveal none other than–
“Lute.” You greeted rather blandly. 
“Y/N.” Her eyes were widened but she quickly bowed her head, hand raising to her chest as she did so. “To what do I owe the honor?”
You strutted into her office, eyes looking around though uninterested in anything you saw, “Ella’s out and I need the meeting notes for my report.” You quickly turned to her. “That shouldn’t be an issue, I presume?”
She straightened, “Of course not.” She walked over to her desk, picking up the pile of papers before handing them to you. You scanned them, noting the diction used and how well they were written. Obviously not Adam’s doing. You sighed though you didn’t care if he wrote them or not. “Should I notify Adam of your arrival?”
“No! No, no.” You began walking towards the door, stepping through the threshold. “That will not be necessary. In fact, don’t even mention I stopped by, mmkay? Good. Bye-bye!” You smiled though it never fully made its way to your eyes. Your pace was fast down the hallway as you reached the elevator. Luckily no one had called it and it was still on the level.
The doors opened immediately and you entered, turning around to hit the button for the lobby. You released a heavy breath and waited for the elevator to react. As the doors began to shut, the large office at the end of the hallway began to open. 
A familiar figure stepped out, “Hey! Danger Tits! when’s that dorky chick with the–” he saw you in the small gap that remained open. His body froze, mouth opened as his thoughts halted. He watched as the panels came closer together, his lips moving to utter the only thing he could process. “Y/N?”
The doors shut as you gulped. You exhaled heavily, feeling your body release any tension you had from seeing him. What a nightmare that would have been to deal with. You’ve avoided him as much as possible within the last year. Though with both of your positions, it was inevitable you run into each other from time-to-time. Quick exits and excuses were second nature to you now.
This moment for instance, you made your escape from the building and ventured over to the main one; having passed by other coworkers and fellow angels along the way. One of the final people on your list to see was Sera to hand over your report and the notes. 
This wasn’t your ordinary day in Heaven but it was certainly the busiest out of the year. Heaven had a meeting with Hell once a year to discuss any necessary things and then it was left in the wind until the next one. It wasn’t your favorite thing to be in charge of, but then again you were rewarded nicely for it. Not to mention, it was recently adjusted that there will be meetings held twice a year now. Something about boosting morale with those below.
Considering how close the buildings were, it was fairly easy to make your way to Sera’s office. You knocked and heard a soft “Come in.” You opened the door and saw her having a cup of tea with Emily sitting next to her. The younger Seraphim grinned widely at the sight of you. 
“Oh my goodness, Y/N!” She jumped from her seat and glided over to you. “How was your day? Did you have fun visiting Hell? Did you meet anyone? Please, tell me all about it!” Her joyous attitude reminded you of the new representative put forth for Hell. Charlie.
You gently laughed as she pulled you forward. “Alright, that’s enough, Emily.” Sera called out with a calming voice, pieced with a smile and causing the girl to release her grip.
She nervously chuckled, “Sorry~”
“Welcome, Y/N.” She glanced down at the papers in your hand. “I assume that is the report from today’s meeting?” 
“As requested.” You held them up and they gently floated towards Sera before laying in her hands and disappearing into thin air. 
“Your work today is appreciated.” She bowed her head towards you. “I hope it wasn’t too much trouble visiting them. Please join us.” She gestured to an empty chair at the table. 
“Not at all.” You sat, and Emily rejoined the two of you. “In fact, it was mildly entertaining this time around.”
“Oh! How exciting!” Em interjected, eyes awaiting for more information.
“As you know, Hell put forth a new representative this year.” You took a sip of the freshly poured cup of tea in front of you as you explained. “She was going on and on about rehabilitating sinners as a solution to the population problem they’re having.”
They both nearly spat out their drinks, each with an opposite expression. “That’s a great idea!” “That’s a horrible idea.” You chuckled at their different responses, spoken at once.
“But why not!” Em spoke up, “It could bring an end to the issue we’ve been dealing with for so long! Not to mention, it could bring us closer to those down in Hell–”
“Sinner Rehabilitation has no evidence of working.” Sera was quick to say, “If it were even possible, we would know about it. We must not question divine judgment.” 
“But Sera–”
“That’s enough.” Her tone was stern, ending the conversation.
You took another sip of your drink, sighing into the tense air, “I guess it’s better than the extermination.” You hummed absentmindedly.
“What?” Sera was shocked at the mention of the word, her voice coming out sharply as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You turned to her. “You know,” Your hand twirled in the air as you explained. “The proposal that Adam gave forever ago but it was denied at the high council meeting.” You casually mentioned.
“I don’t remember that.” Em’s finger found her chin as she tilted her head.
You smiled. “Waay~ before your time. It was shot down before there could even be a discussion about it.” You answered. “Anyways, I’ve gotta fly. Meeting~” You explained bluntly and rose from your seat, turning to leave. “It was nice seeing you two!”
“Y/N.” Sera called out, causing you to stop and swivel your head. “Uh,” She glanced down at Emily. “A word, before you go.” She followed you out of her office, signaling the younger to stay behind. Once the door was shut, she cleared her throat. 
“About the proposal,” She spoke quietly, calm eyes masking her shakiness. “That won’t be brought up to…” She eluded without saying. 
You laughed, dismissing her worries with a flap of your hand. “Don’t worry. Rehabilitating sinners? Like they would be on board with that, am I right?”
Sera tried to join in, though she cleared her throat, “And… about the other one.” 
“Other one?” You questioned before realizing. “Oh~ The extermination?” You scoffed. “Yeah, no. It was relayed a long time ago when it was initially discussed. No use in bringing up the past. It was declined for a reason.” You squinted at her. “Unless there’s something I should know about…” 
“No! No, of course not.” She held a hand up, closing her eyes with a soft smile. “I just wanted to make sure all things are transparent between us and them.”
You instantly shifted, grinning at her answer. “Great! See you around.” You walked off though an uneasy feeling remained within your stomach. 
Quickly, you made your way over to your own office, popping through the door and shutting it. Now, you waited. It was bound to happen soon, it always did after a meeting at the Embassy occurred. 
You were chosen, hand picked as they admitted. And though the honor was bestowed upon you in all its glory, the burden you felt took its toll on you. As much as you felt gifted for being picked, there was no relief to the loneliness you felt in your position. 
The gold necklace you wore began to glow, humming loudly as the light grew brighter by the second. It was starting. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself. A flash of white encapsulated you and you appeared into a familiar office.
A desk was placed some feet in front of you, the luxurious chair turned away from you. All you could see were the crossed legs of a sat figure, long and dainty, angled just slightly to the right. Cladded in white dress pants, he stared out the giant window that silhouette him. 
“Long time, no see…” He leaned forward, blonde hair peeking past the backrest of his chair. “Y/N.”
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likes and reblogs appreciated ♡ ┆ part 2
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sukunas-wife · 5 months
YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE DAD!SUKUNA😭 It’s just soo good!!!, I’m literally obsessed with Dad!sukuna🫶🏻
lol here’s a little snippet to start the day, in other words I had a domestic dream 🥺🤍
Jujutsu Teacher Sukuna AU
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Somewhere in another time line Sukuna became a not so dedicated teacher at Jujutsu high school still after having turned himself into a curse, even 1000 years he landed a spot on the higher up’s board it hilarious when they try to execute someone and he completely disagrees.
They learned quickly is Sukuna disapproves of their actions agree with arrimen Sukuna. Don’t go behind his back and try to do it either. He’s not afraid to kill everyone and replace the entire board of Higher Ups
Then one year he met you, you came in from the sister school to be teacher. Usually he tried not to mess with staff they only last so long anyways. But maybe it was that time he saw you banging your head in the drink machine because you used your last bills to buy a drink and it got stuck. Or maybe it was that time Gojo and Toji surprisingly decided to team up against you and you managed to hold your own.
It was when YOU started to pursUE HIM he became really intrigued. At first he became annoyed because not to far behind the corner he could hear the snickering and “Oh she’s really doing it!” “She’s a brave woman to try and flirt with him…” “What are you idiots do- oh, this could be interesting.” “shhh, I can’t hear what he’s saying!”
You didn’t notice when he flicked his wrist, but you did hear your coworkers panic and the rushed steps. Looking back confused you were more confused when you looked back at Sukuna and he was leaning forward getting face to face with you before squishing your face in one of his hands. “You do understand you proud Jujutsu Sorcerers don’t live very long, so give me one good reason you want my attention.”
You wanted to badly to look away from those demanding red eyes, to pull away and breath the God given air, instead here you were getting dazed off his musk and cologne. Feeling his warm hand squish your face, nails lightly pressing against your skin. Smash- swallowing you had one chance to do this right. Don’t stutter, don’t fear, breath, don’t rush, don’t show him WEAKNESS.
“I J- ahem” ah.. I messed up already, “Wait let me restart- Okay I’m ready, I’m not gonna stand here and promise happiness smiles and endless love, praise and worship. I’m not gonna lie to your face and tell you everything you want to hear and pretend it’s all sunshine and rainbows. When I go on a mission I’m not gonna say I promise to always come back that would be a fools move. But at least in my last moments I’d have to privilege to remember you and all those wise words you used to tell me like. “Dumbass that’s why you keep more than two dollars in your wallet.” Or “Living to please others and dying with regrets if no helping everyone is vain, Live to please yourself at least in your final moments you’ll have some sense of fulfillment.” So like it or not I’m here to please myself if you say No and tell me to fuck off and send me on my way. I won’t regret having asking. If you say yes, well I won’t lie I wouldn’t really know what to do or say I came in expected to be rejected and humbled.” Finally your eyes left his, you were oblivious to stare he had. He wasn’t completely amused but he wasn’t bored of your words either. “Look at me.” You did, “you didn’t bore me entirely with your little … speech so I’ll give you one opportunity. Sunday, I have an early mission, meet me here at 4 in the morning and I’ll tell you with me. After I finish you can have the rest of my day or until I get bored.”
He didn’t get bored… it turned out you amused him so much more when you weren’t surrounded be suits.
And that’s how you ended up here.
“Yuji don’t say something stupid love can’t protect anyone.” Nobara rolled her eyes, “Yuh huh, your words can’t hurt me because my mom and dad’s love protects me.” He puffed his chest out crossing his arms and smiling with closed eyes, missing the book Nobara was throwing at him. A solid sound was made, Yuji was wide eyed, the all to familiar wrist holding the heavy book just in front of his face, “Careful Miss.Kugisaki it’d be a shame if you caught extra missions for disabling another student from completing his own.” Yuji smiled proudly, “See, protected.”
Sukuna rolled his eyes, “Get to class Fushiguro was on your ass last time for being late to class.” He nodded his head at Yuji who just smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, “Alright.” Of course the Trio ran past you greeting you with “Hi Mrs.Sukuna!” Good morning Mom!” “Morning Y/n Senpai.” You watched them all keep running until your husband stood next to you offering you the Coffee Cup he had been drinking. You were distracted by one thing “Why do you have our photo album?” Sukuna felt his eye twitch, “Damn brat.” Was all he mumbled tucking it under his shoulder, “Your son believes your love protects him.”
You laughed, “OUR son believes OUR love for him protects him. Considering your holding that book Im assuming Kugisaki tried to throw it at him or you were reminiscing on that time you had to save them from a Special Grade ambush and when you had to carry them all out Yuji was sniffling how he knew he could count on you to be there for him.”
He looked away, “Higher ups are lucky I only wiped out half of them.” You rested your head on his shoulder pulling the album from him. “Aaww this is Yuji’s baby album” you cooed seeing the picture of Sukuna holding Yuji next to a bouquet of “It’s a Boy!” Balloons. In the background you could see the blur of Geto smacking Gojo on the back of the head.
Sukuna is secure as a man and father 🥹
So it’s not a surprise to you when you come home late from the school and find true form Sukuna threatening to break the sofa under his weight coddling 15yo Yuji 🥹
As much of a brute people have him to be, Yuji might be his only son, and he might call him brat and roll his eyes a lot. But he’d be damned if he were truly a bad dad. In a whispered conversation he told you about everything that happened on Yuji’s mission. How the mission was purposely miss graded and they basically walked into a special grade curses domain. Sukuna had no doubt in his mind that if wouldn’t have been the one over seeing their mission the first years wouldn’t have walked back out alive.
Yuji was alright the entire ride but when he got home he broke down crying, speechless gasping for air. That’s when Sukuna pick him up carrying him over the sofa, coddling Yuji wasn’t as easy now that they were almost the same height, so he turned to his true form. And let Yuji cry, scream and hold onto him. Rubbing his back, holding his head against his shoulder, just talking to him to comfort him. “Do you remember that time we went to the park, and you wondered off to far chasing a duck.” Yuji nodded still sniffling, “Your mom was scared shitless when she couldn’t find you.” He laughed and Yuji laughed lightly, “y.. yeah I remember I jumped into the pond and then you and mom started screaming and then jumped in…” sukuna laughed louder, “Y/n was so mad but she couldn’t stay mad when she saw you with that little duck.” He patted Yuji’s back resting his chin on his head. Soon Yuji fell asleep.
It led you to find him this state. You asked him to go lay him in his bed, he did. He came to help you make some comfort food, it was hilarious when you asked if he could use dismantle on vegetables and it turned out he could. Now over the table in the wall is a sign that says “Malevolent Kitchen.”
The house that night was filled with the soft sounds of cooking, you and your husband talking about whatever came to mind. The Golden pot boiling with whatever broth you made. Sukuna was fighting the rice cooker while you tempura fried some shrimp and rolled some noodles to cook
It was well past 9 when you heard Yuji coming, both of you turning to see him walking yawning and rubbing his eyes. Bare feet padding along the kitchen floor. “Come sit down Yu you gotta be hungry.” you fixed him a large bowl of noodles with Tempura shrimp. On the side were the massive Onigiri Sukuna had made, he even tried to use the nori stamp to put little faces on them. More often than not they have 4 little crooked eyes that looked mad but it squeezed your heart how he laughed to himself saying “Yuji’s going to love these.”
He did, you watched as he bit into it rice sticking to his face. “These are good dad what did you fill them with?” “Nitamago we forgot to pack em for lunch so.. improvise I guess.” You both sat down with Yuji talking and eating. Just enjoying the free time you had together before Sukuna would go commit another crime against the higher ups 🤍🤍
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Yeah 🥹
Im here 10-1 in the morning 🤍 It took all day to type this out 😭😭
Also a lot of my co workers walked out today 🥹 it was rough
Tag List: @sad-darksoul @cyder-puff @satorisgirl @bontensbabygirl @lupita97lm @queen-luna-007 @sakuxxi @mercymccann @simpforyoubitch @certainduckanchor @domainofmarie @najiiix @bakugou-katsukis-wife @amitiel-truth @souyasplushie @mylovelessnightmare
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hyperactively-me · 1 year
black tie affair
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He slowly comes up behind you, hands stretched out in front of him, wordless. He grasps your waist firmly, holding you in place as his other hand brushes up against your lower back. You shiver under his touch, body still, unmoving. He was so close. So close.
"oh nooooo the zipper on my dress is stuck, what ever will i do? who would ever help meee?"
zipper is stuck trope. with ghost. lol bye.
also, don’t mind me making stuff up for this fic. don't think too hard about it. let's just pretend!
(asks are open)
happy reading
warnings: none
Tonight was the Special Forces Military Ball. It was a once-a-year event that everyone on the task force looked forward to as an opportunity to unwind from work. A night of speeches, dancing, and drinking was highly awaited. 
You were in a hotel room, finishing applying your makeup in the small bathroom adjacent to the bedroom. The lighting was horrendous, but you persevered. You gently brush on the last touches of your eyeshadow, blinking a few times at your reflection in the mirror. You tilt your face side to side, inspecting every inch of your makeup before pulling back, smiling contentedly at your work. It’s been a while since you last wore this much makeup. A quick sigh escapes your lips as you turn out of the bathroom and into the main room. 
A long, black dress lays across the hotel bed. The dress swishes gently across the floor as you pick it up from the bed and hold it up in front of you in front of the floor length mirror. The sweetheart neckline swoops gracefully, the thick straps of the dress adorned with small silver gems. The skirt of the dress hugs all of your curves in the right places, accentuating your features. 
You start to slip on the dress, pulling it up and around your body, then pulling the sleeves over to rest on your shoulders. Reaching around your back, your hands come up as you fumble around with the zipper, only pulling it up an inch before it stops.
You try pulling it as hard as you can to no avail. Messing with the zipper a few more times does absolutely nothing, the continuous motion of pulling it up and down useless in aiding you. The zipper rests, stuck, on your lower back. 
“Fuck” you groan, annoyed with the stubborn zipper.
You angle your back towards the mirror and stare at it, mostly bare, with a frown. Someone was going to have to help you with this. 
Everyone, with the exception of one person, was busy preparing for the event as you racked your brain about who you could call. 
Simon “Ghost” Riley.
The big guy. 
You grab your phone and scroll through your contacts before your finger lands on his name. You hesitate for a moment, almost already regretting this. Next thing you know, you bring the phone up to your ear, biting your lip as it rings. The phone rings once, twice, then you hear the line pick up. 
“Hello?” the low timbre of his voice echoes from the phone. 
You inhale dramatically, and turn to look at yourself in the mirror. 
“Hi,” you sigh. 
The silence from the other end is overbearing. You grimace a little. 
You speak quickly, “So uh, I need some help.” You hold your breath as you wait for a response, any response from him. 
You hear some shuffling around, and a small cough. You roll your eyes once more. 
“Please,” you strain. 
He hesitates for a moment. “What’s wrong?” 
“This is awkward, but uh, the zipper on my dress is stuck, and you’re the only person I could think of to call and I totally get it if you can’t help me–”
“Which room is yours?” he cuts you off briskly. The shuffling in the background abruptly stopped. 
Your mouth opens and closes for a moment, shaking your head as you try to answer.
“Oh, yeah, it’s room 456, fourth floor…” you trail off. 
He hangs up without a word. You bring the phone away from your ear slowly and stare at yourself in the mirror once more. 
He really is a man of few words. 
You pace the room a few times, waiting for him when a single, brief knock raps your door. You stop in your tracks and turn to the door, then run to the mirror to make sure you look presentable enough. You look through the peekhole just to make sure its Ghost before you pull open the door swiftly. 
You’re met with his chest in your face, and you drag your eyes upward to his face. His covered face. In that skull mask he always wears. He’s wearing a black tuxedo along with a crooked black tie. 
“Hi” he says simply, raking his eyes down your form. 
You immediately grab his bicep and pull him into the room and shut the door behind you, pressing your exposed back to the door. He chuckles quietly at you, raising his eyebrows in amusement under his mask. 
“Thank you so much for coming” you breathe out, wringing your hands together. 
He just stares at you for a moment longer, taking in your appearance unabashedly. He shoves his hands in his pocket and clears his throat. 
“Wow. You look amazing” he whistles. 
Your cheeks heat up, your mouth slightly agape as the air leaves your lungs.
“Thank you.”
Your dress swishes around your feet as you push yourself off the door, brushing past him. “I could say the same for you, Simon.” 
Turning around, you brush a piece of stray hair behind your ear, taking a deep breath. He takes a few heavy steps towards you, his silence overbearing. 
“If you could zip me up, that would be great” you smile gently at him, biting your bottom lip awkwardly. You turn around, your exposed back facing Ghost, and you pull your hair over your shoulder. His breath wavers, eyes roaming the expanse of your back, then finally coming to rest on the small of your back. He slowly comes up behind you, hands stretched out in front of him, wordless. He grasps your waist firmly, holding you in place as his other hand brushes up against your lower back. You shiver under his touch, body still, unmoving. He was so close. So close. His free hand closes around the zipper, hesitant to free it. 
“It’s Simon. Simon, when we’re not on job,” he corrects. You stand up straight. 
“Simon. Are you going to zip me up?” 
He grunts quietly, then pulls at the zipper once, twice, before it's finally freed. You can feel heat radiating from his fingers as he pulls the zipper up agonizingly slow. As he pulls it up your back, his fingers brush against your skin, the small touches making your knees weak. Your cheeks feel hot from his languid movements. You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding when he zipped it up to the top.  
The trance you were in abruptly stops as you hear the small click of the zipper hitting the top. You swiftly turn around, the skirt of your dress bustling around as you take a step back, his hand falling from your hip. 
“Well, thank you Gh– Simon” you say, pushing your hair back to its original place. You rock back on your heels as you inspect his covered face.
His eyes look blown wide, his hands now pulling at the bottom of his tux jacket.
“‘s not a problem” he murmurs, eyes still not looking away from you. His hands wander up to his loosened tie, fidgeting with it.
You notice his tie isn’t properly tied, and you take a few steps close to him, your eyes staring straight at his chest.
“Let me help you with that” you point to his tie. You take his hands in yours and gently pull them to his sides. His hands dwarf your own, and you drop them. His breath hitches. 
You wrestle with the tie, your hands brushing up against his chest and collarbone as you twist it into perfection. You keep your eyes trained on the tie, biting your lip as you concentrate. Simon’s eyes remain locked on you, following your every movement. 
The silence permeates the air, save for the rustling of fabric against fabric. 
You finish tying the knot, and pull it up tight to rest against the base of his throat. He stretches his neck upwards as your hands come to fasten the tie in place. You smooth your hands on the edge of his jacket, straightening out any remaining wrinkles. Your head tilts upwards, smiling softly at him. 
“There” you sigh contentedly, patting his cheek gently before pulling away. 
Before you could fully remove yourself, his hand snakes down to your waist, pulling you up against his body. A small squeak slips out of you as his hands rigidly hold your waist.
“Stop talking.” 
Before you could even process his movements, he yanks his mask over his nose. Your breath catches in your lungs as your eyes trail the features of his lower face. His breath is hot on your face as he leans down, closer and closer. “Can I kiss you?” he murmurs, eyelashes fluttering as he stares at your lips, noses bumping into each other. He’s only an inch or two away from your face, and you can see every lineament of his skin, his cheekbones, the tip of his pointed nose, his lips. He smells like sandalwood and vetiver, the scent peppery and strong. 
You nod your head fervently, heart racing in your chest. 
That’s all he had to hear you say. 
Simon leans in, closing the miniscule gap between you two. He leans down to press a firm kiss on your lips, inhaling sharply at the contact, eliciting a soft sound from you. Your hands wrap around his neck, tugging him down to your height as his hands roam up and down your back. Simon draws your body against his, pulling you flush against him. He begins to nip your bottom lip, tongue swiping over your lip as if to ask permission. You let him take charge, his hand gliding up your body, your breath growing ragged. 
He bites your lip, slowly pulling away as he breaks contact. You gulp in the cool air of the room, studying his face as he slowly pulls his mask down in place. Your ears are red, face flushed. 
“You’re beautiful,” his voice comes out hoarse as he takes your hand in his. He rubs his thumb in circles around your palm, outlining your face. 
“Thank you” you whisper, taking his hand into your own. 
You gingerly pull him out of your room, and don’t let go of his hand for the rest of the night. 
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curi0us-gh0st · 6 months
Shameless (Park Yeonjin, Lee Sara, Choi Hyejeong)
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pairings: Choi Hyejeong x Fem!Reader, Park Yeonjin x Fem!Reader, Park Yeonjin x Fem!Reader x Choi Hyejeong, Park Yeonjin x Fem!Reader x Lee Sara (Is this the order?
word count: 1,2k
genre: smut, smut, smut, smut... and smut!
summary: You didn't care if any neighbors could hear, being fucked without a brain made it impossible to think coherently.
warnings: sex without plot (?), use of strap-on and vibrator, pussy slapping, superficial choking, overstimulation, quick mommy kink, insinuation about procreation, exhibitionism, anal, double penetration, degradation, dirty talk, fingering, brief mention of marijuana, etc. [no review| translation is fucked]
a/n: Okay, they are the red flags that I would literally give them without thinking twice... Posting so as not to say that I am literally a ghost lol
"Oh, look what she's doing!" Hyejeong announced, seeing her pussy come heavily, the moans increased during this torture of overstimulation. It was one, two, three, he barely knew where to be.
You don't need to ask why you are that way, your attitude with the intention of just playing with the bad-tempered way they made you is in that position, completely without any shame. Her head buried in the sofa, her body naked as the cold breeze hit her body and fingers entering her greedy and hungry pussy, she could be sad about this senseless punishment but confess that she is loving reaching the limit.
"You really are a bitch!" Yeonjin pulled her hair hard, completely bewildered, she didn't know how many times in that time she had cum so quickly. What she took now was the simple fact that you left the room in almost transparent clothes when Sara called you to take a bath in the pool.
The porch being illuminated by the yellowish light of Lee's house, the sound of grasshoppers, frogs and their moans. Your eyes almost popped out when you saw her with a big, thick strap on, she smiled naughty, pulling Choi and his fingers away from you, making her moan from the lack of contact, she turned you around to leave you with her chest up, a layer of sweat covering his body, some strands sticking to his forehead, his skin stained by hickeys and bites.
"I'm going to eat you until you can't take it anymore!" A slap was delivered to her soaked pussy, making her let out a loud and painful scream, that spot was so sensitive. "My little slut. Are you going to swallow Mommy's cock pretty girl?" His mouth on her neck kissing him, the fat tip of the toy teasing her entrance. "Are you going to show Sara what a good job you're doing?" She moaned with the speech, her eyes being glued to the woman who was smoking her cigarette, looking firmly at her naked body while Hyejeong had her fingers stuck in her pussy in search of relief.
"Y-yes, I will!" She claimed, the cock being pushed mercilessly inside her pussy, a drawn out moan, her punching the strap without any pity, her hips pounding frantically at a fast pace, the violent thrusts that were making her squirm. "Yeonjin!" She screamed with the movement she made, placing one of her legs on her shoulder, giving way to fuck her even deeper, hitting spots she didn't even know she had, she laughed at her desperation.
"Oh honey, you're making too much noise." She said placing her hands on his waist. "Don't you think so, Sara?" She asked making her eyes focus on the woman who was mesmerized by the most pornographic scene in front of her, she swallowed hard at the question — still buoyant from the marijuana she was smoking.
"Yes, the neighbors might complain about that." She replied and looked at Hyejeong. "Why don't you shut her up?" She proposed, Choi moaned in response, taking her fingers out of herself and walked towards the women, placing herself on top of you, she was on all fours, those mounds on her face that she didn't let go, sucking them causing the woman to moan , her ass hitting Park's torso causing friction to her pussy.
"Fuck you little bitch!" She moaned seeing you suck hard, your lips wrapping around her breast, her tongue running over the hard nipple while her free hand pinched her other breast. "You look like a hungry baby." Hyejeong brushed the strands of hair out of her face. "You like it when you get fucked like that, right?" She smiled devilishly, a loud moan left her lips feeling on edge again.
"I-I'm going to cum again!" She announced with eyes full of tears, held Hyejeong's waist, penetrating three fingers into her pussy. "And you're coming with me..." He bit her lips, a rough and thirsty kiss, his fingers being embraced by her hot and wet insides, Yeonjin slapping Choi's fat ass and focusing on making her cum, a unison moan from you feeling your insides exploding with pleasure cumming once again that night. Park stood up watching Hyejeong on top of you, both of them weak and tired, she smiled.
"You look so good together, two sex-crazed sluts." You smiled smugly before walking into the house, while hugging Choi's body, Lee's eyes eating you up by sight, she was so wet from the latest things she was seeing, you guys being completely fucked moaning Yeonjin's name, you moaning for them. When Park came back, she didn't come back alone, she was holding another strap and went back to Sara. "Put." She ordered and she just obeyed.
She took off pants and put on dick, only wearing his white dress blouse, unlike the three of you who were completely naked in the open air, the heat of someone watching them fucking was completely exciting, after Lee put it on, Yeonjin told her to sit where you were and did so. "So, Y/N here." She pointed to Sara, you left Hyejeong and sat on Lee. "Hyejeong here." She lay down next to you, Park placed a vibrator inside the woman's pussy making her moan, holding it tight. "You stupid little girl, we're going to fuck your ass and your pussy."
Sara fitted herself at your entrance, while Yeonjin began to penetrate your tight hole, both trying to fit inside you, starting — or at least trying — a rhythm so that the two of you came in and out together, your insides squeezed. by them, his arms holding onto Lee who had her lips on his neck mistreating him, while Yeonjin pressed her breasts against his back and pushing her waist to sit on the dicks while pressing the vibrator on Hyejeong, her eyes that met they were filled with tears.
Sly moans filled the place, the smell of sex, bodies going as hard as they could, you came with Hyejeong but the women didn't stop, their eyes crying from so much stimulation. "Yeonjin! Sara!" She called for them so sensitively. "S-slower! P-please! Ah!" She moaned desperately.
"I have a surprise for you.." She spoke close to her neck. "Do you want all of our cum?" She bit off a piece of her skin. "Do you want to have our seeds in you?" She asked wrapping her hand around her neck, squeezing it.
"Ah! Yes! I want your cum filling me up" She replied slyly, the women and their movements reaching their insides with their thick and sticky liquids, filling their holes completely, their lips being taken by Sara, a kiss sweetly caressing her face delicately as if it were the most precious thing in the world, they slowly withdrew from her inside, her head resting on Lee's shoulder, Yeonjin sitting next to her caressing Hyejeong who was almost completely asleep, breathing panting, the temperature returning to normal, they felt the liquids coming out of their holes, biting their lips, so exciting.
"Are you okay? Were you hurt?" Sara whispered, kissing her cheek. "I'm fine, you guys were great." She smiled, moving her face away to see them all. "I'm almost sure I won't be able to sit down.." She said, making them laugh.
"You started!" Hyejeong accused. "We wouldn't be fucked like this if you hadn't come up with the idea of us wearing almost see-through nightgowns."
"Doesn't sound like a complaint to me." Yeonjin told Sara that she agreed. "Let's go inside before we catch a cold or someone shows up, Doyeong must have already called." Sara held her on her lap taking her inside and Park helped Hyejeong walk into the house.
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lanabuckybarnes · 3 months
Tha gaol agam ort.
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This was originally a drabble, now it’s probably a mediocre one shot but the words kept coming and my fingers kept typing.
I just wanted an excuse to boast that I’m Scottish lol. I hope you enjoy. There should be a rough translation with every word or phrase but if I’ve missed any let me know!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Scottish! Female reader
Trigger Warnings: Swearing is all! Unless you count the use of Y/N as one. Also I call Scots a dialect once, please don’t come for me my people.
Word Count: 1.9k (oh my god it’s over 1000 words!!!)
When Bucky had first met Y/N, he had no clue what she was saying but the confusing phrases and silly placement of random words she intrigued him. Originally just her speech had him interested but it wouldn’t stay like that.
It was only after 4 months of getting to know her, speaking to her almost everyday, whether she was happy, sad or drunk until Bucky had been confident enough to say he understood what she was saying. Most of the time.
The others though, they hadn’t a clue.
It was winter, the temperature dropping rapidly each day. The crime didn’t stop. Bucky and Y/N had just finished their patrol, thoughourly soaked to the bone from the unrelenting rain.
The doors to the elevator opened on the communial floor, Y/N popping out first with a grumpy Bucky, looking akin to a soggy cat following behind.
“Fuck me it’s baltic out there like” the thick accent boomed across the living area, the others looked at her in confusion. Bucky gazed at their bewildered faces, sighing.
“She said it’s cold”. At the translation they all gave a variation of agreement, they were thankfully Bucky had spent a lot of time around her. They needed a translator, and he needed a girlfriend.
Lover boy. Sam had started calling him around HQ and it stuck, much to Bucky’s bemusement and confusion. He didn’t see the heart eyes he’d gaze at Y/N with, after all. ‘They were just too lazy to learn’, he said to himself, pummeling shot after shot into the thick punching bag.
“Careful lover boy, you’ll knock the stuffing out of it” Sam quipped, entering the gym, his skipping ropes hung loosely over his shoulder.
“Lover boy” Bucky repeated lowly whilst sending a vicious right hook into the leather, he was thinking of Sam’s face. The nickname tasted disgustingly bitter on his tongue, Sam just laughed.
‘Lover boy? What the hell kind of name was Lover boy anyways?’ A deep scowl settling itself onto his features as he thought. He almost didn’t hear the gym door squeak open again.
“Ooft, don’t look in the fridge you’ll turn the milk sour” She giggled at her own joke. ‘Very funny Y/N’ Bucky mused in his head. His scowl worsened, if it was even possible but he failed to repress the small blush at the sound of her chuckles.
Bucky had been stuck on those words all day. The the nickname never failed to leave his head after any one of the group called him it, the foul mood it brought following it as well. The only person Bucky hadn’t chewed the head off of was Y/N. Which the others weren’t particularly surprised about.
Watching a grown man shovel cereal into his mouth was probably the most interesting thing Y/N had ever seen, sorcerers and aliens be damned. The conversation she was having with Nat and Sam fading in and out of her mind in favour of watching Bucky chew violently, throughly slaughtering the wheat O’s.
“What do you think?” Nat asked, a smile playing on her lips. She’d caught her staring at Bucky, again.
“About love, Sam thinks that everyone has a soulmate but I’m not so sure. What say you?” Nat clarified, leaning forward on her chair.
“Well my granny used to say, ‘What’s fur ye, will no go by ye’ so I suppose that’s my stance” She smiled at Nat who’s jaw had dropped in utter confusion.
“Hey lover boy, translate that” Sam shouted over to Bucky, his icy gaze turned in the direction of the trio. Allowing himself to linger a little too long on Y/N’s soft features.
“Hey!” Clicking his fingers at Bucky, Sam directed his attention back to the conversation.
“She said what’s for you won’t go by you. It means if you are bound to get something you will get it”. His features turned almost deadly “and click your fingers in my face again and you’ll get what’s coming for you”
“Ok, ok. Keep the heid” (calm down) she interjected, her small hand coming up to rest on the metal of Bucky’s shoulder , her soft fingers grazing over the sensitive skin at the edge. Such a simple gesture shouldn’t have caused his heart to flutter in the way it did.
As soon as Y/N had disappeared, Nat following behind, Bucky cornered Sam in the kitchen.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” He questioned. Sam picked up on the threatening tone laced through his voice.
“Calling you what man?” He chuckled back, trying to act innocent but he crumbled, laughing at the tension.
“Lover boy.”
The sound of Bucky’s angry voice saying those words had Sam buckled in two. He laughed hard, his palm slapping against his thigh as he propped himself up with the other.
“You don’t think we haven’t seen those looks, for a grumpy old man you sure do give her the heart eyes” Sam spoke once his fit of giggles subsided.
“Banner ‘hypothosised’ you were falling in love the first time you translated for her. Not a single person in this building knows what she’s saying except you, it’s not friendship that’s making you want to learn”
Bucky’s faced was flushed red, from anger or embarrassment at being caught out? he had no clue. Probably from both.
“Steve is the least laziest man I know and even he couldn’t learn, he tried many times” Sam explained. Bucky remebered the few occasions Steve had grabbed him by the shoulder or wrist, asking what the misspelled phrases or words in his little red book had meant, phrases you’d said to him that flew over his head. Sam was right.
“Steve also had 10$ on you having a crush on her” Sam let slip, tucking in his lips as soon as the words escaped.
“You’re taking bets on me!” He hissed
“Come on man, how could we not. It was Tony’s idea” Sam was trying to save his own ass by pushing others under the bus.
“I cannot believe you” Bucky snapped before turning on his heel, he’d deal with Sam later. Right now he had to relax. His feet moved on their own, seeking out a familiar room.
Her door rattled, its hinges threatening to break if they were shuddered any longer.
“Alright keep your hair on I’m coming” she exclaimed, rushing from the bathroom with a pale green facial mask painted on her face.
“Bucky! w-what are you doing here?” She asked, embarrassment filling her body at the thought of her appearance.
He didn’t say a word, pushing past her and flopping down on her bed in a way a huffy toddler would flop to the floor if they didn’t get their own way.
“Ok then” she mumbled to herself, taking a seat next to his sprawled out body.
“Who shat in your cereal?” A normal thing for her to say, he knew she was only asking what was up. Even if her tone was a little mocking.
“Oh how did I guess?” Laughing at her own words as she lay back beside Bucky, her head unintentionally resting against his inner arm.
He thought of moving, thought of whipping his arm to his side but the soft hair slightly tickling his flesh was grounding him. Allowing the anger to dissipate from his body.
“You know they keep calling me lover boy” He stated. ‘Lover boy?’ She thought. ‘Why lover boy?’.
“Why lover boy?” She asked, the question mimicking his thoughts from earlier.
“Well that’s what I asked Sam. I didn’t like his answer, not that it was much of an answer” Bucky responded, although Sam had told him bluntly he didn’t feel comfortable enough to repeat it to her.
He turned his head to watch her soft features try to determine the answer of her own question, she hadn’t even noticed his sapphire eyes watching her. With those same heart eyes that Sam had mentioned.
Gazing lovingly into the side of her head. His pupils dilated, watching every twitch of her brows, every time her eyelashes brushed against her cheek as she blinked. Every time her pink tongue peeked out to wet her plush lips.
Oh my god! Sam was right. He hadn’t just learned her dialect because of genuine interest in the meaning, but because of his interest in her.
He pulled his body up suddenly, her head flopping against the bed causing her to squeak in surprise.
“Gonnae no dae that!” (Don’t do that!) She yelped in surprise, the accent coming through thicker than ever but Bucky was far too focused on his own thoughts.
“Bucky?” She sat up as well, leaning forward almost comically to catch a glance of his frustration streaked face.
“Are you alright?” ‘Fuck that accent was distracting’ he thought. He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t keep his feelings bottled up, he didn’t want to lose Y/N as a friend but the longer the feelings festered the worse they got felt to keep hidden.
“No. I can’t do this anymore Y/N, I can’t be around you everyday, I can’t watch movies together, I can’t drink with you anymore. I can’t do anything with you anymore. Not until I’ve said what I have to say” Bucky exclaimed. He was sure he sounded angry to her but after all the pent up frustration as a result of having to keep himself from smashing his lips against hers had built up to its boiling point, he was hoping she’d understand.
“What the hell is going on?” She sounded crestfallen, the words breaking her heart. Had she said or done something wrong? Offended him in some way?
“I have spent too much time together with you, as friends. I can’t keep denying my feelings anymore, it’s hurting me physically to hold myself back. I’m borderline insane because I have to contain my thoughts of you” He took a deep breath, looking everywhere but her wide eyes.
“I love you, I have done so for a while. I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same, I mean I’m a horrible person. The things I did as the Winter Soldier to you, to everyone I’m surprised you even consider me a frie-“
He didn’t get the chance to finish his rant before she’d pulled him towards her. Stealing his lips away from his words selfishly.
The realisation of what exactly was going on clicked, he acted quickly, pulling her close. Almost too close to his own large frame. He groaned into her mouth at the feeling of her long nails scratching his scalp lightly.
His tongue poked against her mouth, fighting for dominance against her own when she let him in.
He’d never imagined he’d feel a kiss like this, not ever again but here it was. If he could’ve, he would’ve died of asphyxiation right then and there. She pulled away first, her breath heavy against his swollen mouth and reddened face.
“You’re an eejit” (idiot) She beamed, pecking his lips again.
“Tha gaol agam ort” she whispered, as if anything louder would scare him and his thoughts of her away.
His eyebrows furrowed slightly, he knew a lot of phrases but this one had him stumped. She noticed the confusion in his features.
“It means I love you” she explained, tucking a loose strand of his soft brunette hair behind his ear.
“I love you too” he replied, mustering up all the passion he felt for her and squeezing it into those few words. Her eyes widened slightly, a laugh bubbling up from her throat. She tried covering her mouth but he pulled her hand away.
“What? What is it?” He smiled as well. Her giggles setting off bubbling fireworks in his abdomen.
“You have my face mask all over you”
Ahhh, im actually proud of this. Even if it was a little selfish of me to write one with this topic.
AND it’s over 1000 words which is a big deal considering I can’t seem to stay focused for 2 minutes. I can’t wait to never write something as good as this again lol
I hope you enjoy x
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peace-for-levi · 1 year
Welcome Back
lol hiiiii, sorta haven't written in *checks watch* eight months so i am RUSTY.
cw: feelings of grief, graphic descriptions of dissociation, reader feeling disconnected and needing to be grounded. post-expedition hurt-comfort is my fav genre, lol.
word count: 1447.
taglist: @levmada @jayteacups @happybird16 @theferricfox @sckerman @wortverlust @lostinwildflowers @pockcock @nelapanela94 @notgoodforlife @unadulteratedtreecrusade @starstruckkittensweets
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Arms up. Arms down.
Grief anchors and weighs you down like a ball and chain. It's heavy, cumbersome and you are left to just bear the brunt of it. It has a way of removing you from the world, leaving you unable (even unwilling) to reconnect. The most recent expedition and the deaths that came with it weigh down on your shoulders. You lean over, back hunched. Neck tense.
Distantly, you recognise what it is you are feeling (or lack of.) Distantly, you recognise the expedition has probably sent you into this state.
Your vision is 'stretched', or distorted, and everything has a dull fuzz to it. You're sure if you reached to grab the book on your bedside locker, it would slip through your fingers and melt away.
And that you'd wake up from this.
You form a fist and relax it, stretching your fingers. Lines on your fingers; oh, five fingers, all with fingernails. Five sets of knuckles. These are your hands? Surely, right?
You form a fist and this time you squeeze, and you almost feel your nails sink in. Just slightly but it's enough for you to shudder. In realization? In pain?
It's not unusual for your mind to be stuck out in the plains beyond the Walls. The boom and echo of flares rattles in your ears, the screams of your comrades leaves your head spinning. The idea of being back in your bedroom is just something you haven't registered yet, too busy stuck somewhere between a nightmare and reality.
A fake, shadowy middle of unreality.
It's nauseating, harrowing. If not for your feet pressed to the floor and your calves backed to the edge of the bed frame, you'd have a hard time trusting gravity in keeping you down.
There's a voice in the foreground, but you're not quite there yet. Their speech is fragmented.
You cling to reason; to routine and actions. You try to cling to dialogue and even though you understand the words, they don't get processed. You try to attune to the conversation, however one-way it is.
"Your shoulders tense up when you get like this. Relax."
Shoulders… ah, your shoulders? So you roll them. You don't really know what else to do. Tense? Why are you tense and what–
What are you…?
Levi senses he's losing you further here, so he gives you an order. A command; you can latch onto that. It'll give your brain something to do, long enough to take you away from the plains.
"Legs out. I'll undo your buckles," he says as he kneels between your legs.
Leg up, straighten, leg down.
Same idea again for your left.
The frigid air against your – now – bare skin makes you shiver. Your clothes are being taken off, piece by piece.
"Do you know where you are?"
"Do you know…?" is a question that he noticed that also makes you come back to your senses. He has asked a question that requires a logical answer; you need to go searching for clues.
You know it's your bedroom – what else could it possibly be? – but it just looks so… wrong. In a moment of faint realization, you feel the night's gentle breeze prick the skin on your legs. You turn to the bedside locker and see a bowl of lumpy, congealed soup with a bread roll that looks like it's on the verge of going bad. You must have forgotten to eat it. There's an oil lamp next to the soup, as well as an old book. Reading is a bit too hard at the moment; you can hardly put together the title of the book.
Now you look in front of you. Of course the black hair and grey eyes belong to your lover, but he didn't look so real right now. If you reached out to touch him, would you feel the black tresses spill between your fingers? The war-torn hands clasp your own?
You sink your fingertips into his scalp. He lets it happen, lets you cling to him. He doesn't even flinch, he knows you need grounding. He brings a hand up and rests it on yours, as if to say…
Feel me.
I am alive. You are alive. We are both here, and you will not wake up from this.
(Your brain just needs a lot of convincing.)
He squeezes his hand over yours. "You're getting ready for a bath, I'm helping you," he states. More information to cling to. "Whatever you're feeling, let it be there."
He is slowly walking you to your ensuite. The ground beneath your feet felt soft, even for oak planks. You fumble as you walk, second-guessing your surroundings, but Levi's got you.
He's always there.
The boundaries of the room appear elusive and murky, as you reach out for the skirting on the sides of the bathroom door. Levi was smart and had the bath ready to go, warm water prepped. With a cupped palm, he gently guides you into the bath.
"Step in."
A command to follow.
Leg up, over, and sit.
You soak into the heated water and sit down. You vaguely feel the suds cling to you. The aware part of you hopes they'll wash away the muddy feeling.
Levi begins to fill up a bucket of the sudsy water. He takes a look at your toned back, marred with grime, dirt and caked blood, and stops. He thumbs over some of the rougher sores and tears; some of these scars have been there for years. Shades of purples and blacks and reds, dotting the surface; all serving as a horrific reminder that, so far, you have made it back home every time.
You watch the dirt drip down and swirl in the water, floating there.
Silence permeates between the two of you, and normally, it is a comfortable silence. But Levi wanted to check in.
"How are you doing now, [F/n]?"
Blink. You stare back at him with pupils blown, looking at everything and nothing. "Fine."
"Do you know who I am?" He asks, carefully, scrubbing your shoulders.
Black hair, grey eyes. "Levi…" you murmur.
He nods. Should he press further? He's not sure.
Dissociation is a fickle defense mechanism with a hair-trigger temperament. It can be the deaths of the comrades in your most recent expedition; it could also be triggered by the smell or sound that reminds you of something unpleasant. It sometimes comes when it wants and Levi learned the best way to deal with it was to not deal with it. To let it happen, and sit beside you as it does.
"Don't fight it. Let it be there."
But you don't want it to be there. You stretch out your palm and reach for the towel, but you just hold it. Maybe for comfort, maybe to feel a texture. You register the caked blood by your cuticles and you keep it in your mind's eye for a second, but your vision starts to splinter again.
"But it feels awful…" you find yourself saying. "I hate not recognising my surroundings, I hate not–"
He cuts in. "I know, sweetheart. I know." He takes hold of your hand and squeezes. "I know." He assures.
Because he does.
He's sat with you through every episode of this.
He guides you out of the bath when you're done, and dresses you in your nightgown. He sweeps your hair up and out of your face, before cupping your cheeks. You practically fall into his hands. He pats your cheek in response.
"You back with me yet?"
You shake your head, but your answers are coming out quicker now. He steers you with one hand on the small of your back and peels back the comforter.
As the room gets shrouded in darkness, you're pulled to his chest. A smell of cedar and black tea, the thrum of his pulse and the rise and fall of his chest. Small circles being etched into your hips by his thumb.
"We're going to try to rest now." He tells you.
A command of sorts, something to stick to.
Get in bed, lie down, and breathe.
"Yes, okay," you mumble as you twiddle your thumbs. "Okay."
He pulls you impossibly closer, nose in the crook of your neck and suddenly... you're in the clear.
"I'm [F/n]. I'm in my room. I'm with Levi…" you whisper to yourself, with confidence.
"Welcome back," your lover sleepily replies.
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{friendly reminder acceptance doesn't work for everyone but it is a healthy start for some!}
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pippin-katz · 7 months
I need a cast audiobook of RWRB. If no one else, then at least Taylor and Nick reading Alex and Henry. I need it in my life.
And in ACD fashion, here’s a few lists of lines/conversations from the book that I am desperate to hear them say. I want to hear them read all of the lines, but these are the ones that pop out to me!
Post Writing Note: These turned out to be way longer than I thought they were going to be 😭😂
Alex Lines:
Oh yeah, that was a wild night. Two whole keynote speakers. Nothing sexier than shrimp cocktails and an hour and a half of speeches on carbon emissions. - page 5
'Archnemesis' implies he's actually a rival to me on any level and not, you know, a stuck-up product of inbreeding who probably jerks off to photos of himself. - page 7
Jesus Christ, it’s like they can see into your soul. Cornbread knows my sins, Henry. Cornbread knows what I have done, and he is here to make me atone. - page 77
I always thought you’d kill me in a more personal way. Silk pillow over my face, slow and gentle suffocation. Just you and me. Sensual. - page 80
Shut up, shut all the way up, oh my God. - page 131
For fuck's sake, man, you just had my dick in your mouth, you can kiss me good-night. - page 145
What in the rich-white-people-sex-dungeon hell? - page 149
Bisexuality is truly a rich and complex tapestry. - page 194
Listen: I'll fly to London right now and pull you out of whatever pointless meeting you're in and make you admit how much you love it when I call you "baby". I'll take you apart with my teeth, sweetheart. - page 204
You don't get to sit up here and pretend like it's someone else's problem. None of us do. - page 209
i want to see a cage match between your grandmother and this fucking ghoul running against my mom. - page 221
I do think I got a gut feeling with you, I just didn't have what I needed in my head to understand it. But I kind of kept chasing it anyway, like I was just going blindly in a certain direction and hoping for the best. I guess that makes you the North Star? - page 244
Henry! Your Royal fucking Highness! - page 269
Really nice. Fuckin' ghost me for a week, make me stand in the rain like a brown John Cusack, and now you won't even talk to me. I'm really just having a great time here. I can see why y'all had to marry your fucking cousins. - page 270
I fucking love you, okay? Fuck, I swear. You don't make it fucking easy. But I'm in love with you. - page 271
I'll leave, as soon as you tell me to leave. - page 275
Okay, I'm into making history. - page 280
I completely fucking love you. - page 291
I'm there for whatever you decide you want to do, just, like, let me know if I need to start practicing gazing wistfully out the window, waiting for my love to return from the war. - page 296
AN INCOMPLETE LIST: THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HRH PRINCE HENRY OF WALES Note: just the entire list, I need it, but I'll point out some of the best ones anyway lol
9. How hard you try. 10. How hard you've always tried. 11. How determined you are to keep trying. - page 303
16. Your huge, generous, ridiculous, indestructible heart. 17. Your equally huge dick. 18. The face you just made when you read that last one. - page 303
20. The fact that you loved me all along. - page 303
God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry. - page 303
Listen, I'm telling you right now, I will physically fight your grandmother myself if I have to, okay? And, like, she's old. I know I can take her. - page 312
You and me and history, remember? We're just gonna fucking fight. Because you're it, okay? I'm never gonna love anybody in the world like I love you. - page 312
Sería una mentira, porque no sería él. (It would be a lie, because it wouldn't be him.) - page 317
but i've kissed your mouth, that corner, that place it goes, so many times now. i've memorized it. topography on the map of you, a world i'm still charting. i know it. i added it to the key. here: inches to miles. i can multiply it out, read your latitude and longitude. recite your coordinates like la rosaria. - page 319
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you. - page 320
Zahra, you're my mean friend. - page 339
I've never... I haven't been through anything like that. But I've always felt it, in him. There's this side of him that's... unknowable. But the thing is, jumping off cliffs is kinda my thing. That's the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that. On purpose. I love him on purpose. - page 344
For what it's worth, that is the bravest son of a bitch I've ever met. - page 347
My life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person. - page 371
You are, the absolute worst idea I've ever had. - page 372
FIRST SON ALEXANDER CLAREMONT-DIAZ'S ADDRESS FROM THE WHITE HOUSE, OCTOBER 2, 2020 - pages 372-375 Note: just, the entire speech, the whole thing
America: He is my choice. - page 374
Henry Lines:
Hmm, I always liked Luke. He's brave and good, and he's the strongest Jedi of them all. I think Luke is proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is--you can always be great if you're true to yourself. - page 45
The turkeys are not going to Jurassic Park you. You’re not the bloke from Seinfeld. You’re Jeff Goldblum. Go to sleep. - page 82
You are the thistle in the tender and sensitive arse crack of my life. - page 73
fucking eyelashes - page 142
I shall just have to make it the best orgasm of your life. What can I do to make it good for you? Talk about American tax reform during the act? Have you got talking points? - page 196
How is a man to get anything done knowing Alex Claremont-Diaz is out there on the loose? - pages 202-203
They wanted something less fruity than the truth, but truly, what is gayer than a woman who languishes away in a crumbling mansion wearing her wedding gown every day of her life, for the drama? - page 205
Someone else's choice doesn't change who you are. - page 229
Most things are awful most of the time, but you're good. - page 230
The phrase "see attached bibliography" is the single sexiest thing you have ever written to me. - page 241
Should I tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams? That when I sleep, I see you, the dip of your waist, the freckle above your hip, and when I wake up in the morning, it feels like I've been with you, the phantom touch of your hand on the back of my neck fresh and not imagined? That I can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache? That, for a few moments, I can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all? - page 242 Note: based on the parts of this we did get to hear Nick say in the film, I think this would kill half the fandom lol
When have I ever, since the first instant I touched you, pretended to be anything less than in love with you? - page 272
I never thought I'd be stood here faced with a choice I can't make, because I never... I never imagined you would love me back. - page 273
The Mail will write mad speculations about where I've gone, if I've offed myself or vanished to St. Kilda, but only you and I will know that I'm just sprawled in your bed, reading books and feeding myself profiteroles and making love to you endlessly until we both expire in a haze of chocolate sauce. It's how I'd want to go. - page 294
Here lies Prince Henry of Wales. He died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock. - page 298
"Because I'm not like the rest of the men of this family, beginning with the fact that I am very deeply gay, Philip." - page 298
But the first time I saw you. Rio. I took that down to the gardens. I pressed it into the leaves of a silver maple and recited it to the Waterloo Vase. It didn't fit in any rooms. - page 300
I thought, this is the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and I had better keep it a safe distance away from me. I though, if someone like that ever loved me, it would set me on fire. - page 300
And then, inexplicably, you had the absolute audacity to love me back. - page 300 Note: I really wanted to just type out most of the page, but I restrained myself lmfao
I don't know if I would have chosen it yet, but it's out there now, and... I won't lie. Not about this. Not about you. - page 338
Bit short for a stormtrooper. - page 340
I've bloody well had it. I've sat about long enough letting you and Gran and the weight of the damned world keep me pinned, and I'm finished. I don't care. You can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse, Philip. I'm done. - page 347
I've been as gay as a maypole since the day I came out of Mum, Philip. - page 353 Note: there's never too many times to hear the words "gay as a maypole" and the emotional infliction here is lot different lol
Am I offending you? Sorry I'm not obsessed with you like everyone else. I know that must be confusing for you. Do you know what? I think you are. Only a thought. Have you ever noticed I have never once approached you and have been exhaustingly civil every time we've spoken? Yet here you are, seeking me out again. Simply an observation. - page 18
This is idiotic. Let's get it over with. I'd rather be waterboarded. Your country could probably arrange that. Go fuck yourself. Hardly enough time. - pages 36-37 Note: yes, I know Nick read this part in his book-to-screen video thingy but it's not the same as having them both saying the lines fully in character.
What does Jedi have? Fuckin' Ewoks. Ewoks are iconic. Ewoks are stupid. - page 52
yo there's a bond marathon on and did you know your dad was a total babe I BEG YOU TO NOT - page 84
I'm going to die. I'm going to kill you. Yes, you are. - page 133
You were jealous. You want me. Yes, you preening arse, I've wanted you long enough that I won't have you tease me for another fucking second. - page 137
Hi. Hello. I'm gonna take your pants off now. Yes, good, carry on. - page 141
Ugh, you look ridiculous. Should I-- What? No, of course not, keep them on. Oh my God, what are you doing? I can't even look at you. No, Jesus, I just mean--I'm so mad at you. Just, come here. Fuck. I'm quite confused. Me fucking too. - page 150
I'm not... historically great at talking about things. Well, I wasn't historically great at blowjobs, but we all gotta learn and grow, sweetheart. - page 165
Bitch, you took me there. alskdjfadslfjad NORA YOU BROKE HIM - page 212
D'you know what I want? What? I want, to do the absolute last thing I'm supposed to be doing right now. Then tell me to do it, sweetheart. Fuck me. Well, when at Wimbledon. Just so we're clear, I'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family. Like, that's what's happening? Right. Awesome, fucking' love doing things out of spite. - page 217 Note: I think this conversation could singlehandedly kill the fandom if we got to hear Taylor and Nick deliver these lines
Can't you ever just do one thing without having to be so goddamn extra about it? That is bloody rich coming from you. - pages 260-261
What do you want? I want you- Then fucking have me. -but I don't want this. - page 273
You seem... less pissy. You're one to talk. I wasn't the one who stormed the palace in a fit to call me an 'obtuse fucking asshole'. In my defense, you were an obtuse fucking asshole. - page 277
I honestly have never thought I deserved to choose. But you treat me like I do. You do. I think I'm actually starting to believe that. - page 279
What about you? What about me? Christ, Alex. The whole bloody time. The whole time? Since the Olympics. The Olympics? But that's, that's like- Yes, Alex, the day we met, nothing gets past you, does it? 'What about you,' he says, as if he doesn't know- Shut your mouth. - page 283-284
Hello, what was that for? I just, like, really love you. - page 286
What are you doing? I'm taking a picture of a national gay landmark. And also a statue. It's funny. I always thought of the whole things as the most unforgivable thing about me, but you act like it's one of the best. Oh, yeah. The top list of reason to love you goes brain, then dick, then imminent status as a revolutionary gay icon. You are quite literally Queen Victoria's worst nightmare. And that's why you love me. My god, you're right. All this time, I was just after the bloke who'd most infuriate my homophobic forebears. Ah, and we can't forget they were also racist. Certainly not. Next time we shall visit some of the George III pieces and see if they burst into flame. - page 289
If Alex from this time last year could see this. He'd say, 'Oh I'm in love with Henry? That must be why I'm such an arse to him all the time'. - page 387
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years
Astrology observations pt. 4
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- Taurus moons are such “are you gonna eat that?” “Are you gonna finish that?” Type people lmao
- Virgo moons always complain about having to do chores and do everything for everyone and say that they’re gonna stop and let everyone fend for themselves but instead do the complete opposite and are quick to be at someone’s service when they need them
- Having 12 synastry in a friendship can make it a very toxic friendship especially sun/moon/mercury/Venus bc the 12th house represents hidden enemies so for example if one has their mercury in the other persons 12 house, it can mean they are hiding things and keeping secrets from them based on how they actually feel abt the house person. 12th house sun can mean the sun person holds things against the house person but that hasn’t been revealed yet.
- I’ve noticed that Jupiter, Neptune risings (pisces, sag risings) or people who have either of those planets in their first house are very well liked and respected probably because of their cheerful and optimistic presence
- When someone has their sun sign at 0 degrees, it’s means they are the purest form of their sign. Even if that specific sign is only their sun and they have other different placements in the chart, they still may have a very heavy energy of that sun sign which many people will feel. (Ex: someone may have a Capricorn sun at 0 degrees and even if they have sag and more lighthearted placements, people will still feel the raw energy of the cap sun)
* same applies to other placements in the chart at 0 degrees (I know some ppl who have Aquarius mercury at 0 degrees and they just automatically have the most Aquarian forms of speech when they speak and it almost outshines their other placements lol)
- most air venuses aren’t too fond of PDA and don’t really like being touchy and affectionate in public. They save that shit for the bedroom (esp Aquarius and Gemini)
- Libras are just as lost & stuck in the clouds and air-headed as Pisces
- Pluto in the 3rd house individuals know how to use malicious words and hurt someone in an argument. They will go deep and pull out the other persons insecurities on the spot
- Pisces mercuries are by far the most emotionally intelligent and emotionally-receptive sign. Even if they appear as “slow” in an academic intelligence sense or in regards of common sense, when it comes to life and people, they are highly intelligent and can read and empathize with others like no one else. They know exactly what to say and how to act. Super wise people
- Fire suns with air risings or vice versa are very street smart
- having your moon in harsh aspects to your Venus can mean that love and your emotional needs never feel balanced in Your life. You may think you love someone and they fulfill you and give you everything you need because you wear rose colored glasses, but fail to realize that they do not support you emotionally and don’t make you truly feel valued.
- underdeveloped Libra sun or Libra placement females are terrible. I’ve met many in my life who are underdeveloped and it’s just so hard with them. They can be so fake and envious towards other females or even their own closest friends and talk badly about them because of jealousy they have towards their looks etc. they act all kind and like they love them but in reality are superficial and are quick to judge and gossip about them. Especially if they also have other underdeveloped Venusian placements (Taurus)
- Earth mercuries are really bad at small talk💀 esp when they try to not sound bored and awkward
- 9th house stelliums know how to blend in really well with the country they’re traveling to/visiting. They might be able to quickly learn the language and adapt to the culture and people once they’re there
- Leo moons or moon in the 5th house have great acting abilities and may love to express themselves theatrically
- Moon in the 10th house people might feel like their emotions are always displayed to the public even though they don’t want them to be. They might try and keep some things private and later find out that it’s been exposed or many people know about it
- Sun conjunct mars people tend to come off as very aggressive or stubborn but they know how to fight to get what they want and are usually confident as a person or confident in what they say and believe in
- Mercury x Venus aspects are rly good at sweet talking and flirting even if they don’t mean it (positive aspects
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bloombubs · 6 months
Can I request Adrian x reader romantic where reader is sorta embarrassed that, since she’s in her late 20s, she never had a bf before Adrian or ever had sex or did any sort of self pleasure (because shes afraid if she sticks anything up her, you know, she’ll end up sticking into something she’s not supposed to and hurting herself real bad or end up ripping something up in the and dying lol)
hi, thank you for requesting, i hope this is okay!!
notes: 1kish words, obviously sexual themes, comforting and worried adrian.
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Y/N lay beneath Adrian on the couch, a deepening red hue spreading across her cheeks. The room's tension became palpable, her hands fiddling with the fabric of the couch cushions. In the background, a movie played, its words lost on her as her heart raced in her chest. Adrian gazed down at her, his brows furrowed, and then carefully pulled himself away, giving her space.
One moment, their lips were locked in a passionate kiss, synchronized and punctuated by tiny pants. Adrian's rough hands caressed her sides, slipping beneath fabric to brush against Y/N's soft skin. She melted like putty beneath his touch, a warmth coursing through her body. The next moment, fear seized her as his hand ventured into her panties, his fingers brushing against her slit, her yelp breaking the rhythm.
Adrian never had that kind of reaction before based on the tone of his girlfriend’s voice. Confusion etched across his features, he pushed the frame of his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. His eyes flickered around the random objects in his apartment, searching for answers that eluded him. Fingers nervously tapped on his thigh against the fabric of his jeans, struggling to comprehend the sudden shift in the atmosphere.
“I'm sorry,” she squeaked, propping herself up on her elbows. Adrian shifted his attention to her, noticing her mortified expression. He felt a pang of guilt—had he caused her distress?
“What–I'm sorry too,”  he stammered, unsure of what exactly warranted an apology. The air hung heavy with tension, making him want to reach out to comfort his girlfriend, but afraid that any touch might worsen the situation. Adrian didn’t want to ruin his relationship with Y/N, he was in too deep with her occupying his thoughts most of the day, he didn’t want to mess anything up. 
Y/N groaned, tilting her head back on the pillow. She had always been too embarrassed to voice her fears, but Adrian was her first boyfriend, and communication was crucial. “You don't need to apologize, Adrian,” she started, attempting to maintain eye contact but failing. Every word teetered on the edge of her tongue, swallowed by fear and the uncertainty of acceptance.
The words stumbled out of her mouth, “We–we should talk,” followed by a wince, apprehensive about how it might sound to Adrian. Leaning back, she reached for his bicep, her hand squeezing in an attempt to convey comfort and signal that this wasn't a prelude to a breakup speech.
Adrian felt a mixture of concern and confusion. She seemed embarrassed, yet he couldn't pinpoint any particular incident that warranted such a reaction. He chose silence, an unusual choice for him, afraid that any words might inadvertently worsen the situation. His eyes widened as he observed her, flickering around her face in an attempt to decipher her body language and cues—an art he felt he was gradually mastering with Y/N.
“You’re my first boyfriend,” her confession hung in the air, a piece of information Adrian was already aware of. In all fairness, Y/N was also his first official girlfriend. While Adrian had been on a few dates and experienced some fleeting, lucky moments, none had stuck around like Y/N. “And I’m a virgin.” The statement had her whole body flushing, embarrassment sinking in.
The girl glanced away, rubbing the back of her neck, not quite sure if she could ever prep those words that would tumble out of Adrian’s mouth.
“Okay,” was the only thing he said. Y/N's eyes flickered over to see him looking at her intently, as if he wanted her to continue, as if she needed to provide a reason for the serious tone of the conversation.
A silent beat passed between them. It was slightly awkward.
Y/N cleared her throat, attempting to find more words to ease the tension. “And I’m a bit nervous to do anything sexual like that. It’s stupid–um, y’know, I–I’m sorry, I’m–” She stumbled over her words even more, feeling like she was digging herself into a deeper hole, one that she would prefer to be buried in sooner than later if this conversation took a downhill turn. The vulnerability in the air made her hesitate, unsure of how Adrian would react to this unexpected disclosure.
“There’s nothing wrong with you being a virgin, Y/N,” he interrupted her stumbling, hoping his words would provide some comfort. “I was a virgin until like… three years ago,” he added with a casual shrug. The reasoning behind why they were both virgins until their late twenties differed—she had heard stories about his youth from Chris, which she figured were slightly exaggerated but likely contained some truth. 
“Right… but I’m scared about… all of it. Well, maybe just the beginning–but what if I need to go to the hospital and–” she started, her eyes flickering between him and her hands, hoping he would grasp the essence of her fears. A lump formed in her throat; she recognized this fear as irrational—logically, people had sex, and most didn’t face serious consequences. But what if she did? The thoughts spiraled into a never-ending rabbit hole. 
Adrian noticed her growing anxiety and reached out to her, gently caressing her thigh, his thumb stroking against her skin. “Hey, hey, it’s all okay. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s really scary for you. I–I don’t know how to make it less scary for you, but I can promise you I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do—you just have to tell me,” he offered, his tone soft and reassuring. Adrian wanted to emphasize that he was there to support her, and their relationship could progress at a pace she was comfortable with.
Her eyes widened at his unexpectedly comforting statement. She nodded, and his hand reached to cup her cheek. “I like you a lot—and whenever you want to do anything, just tell me. And I promise, like a pinky promise, I’ll make sure it’s your best first time.” His tone was soft, his words an attempt to provide genuine comfort.
“We can even have sex in the car right near the hospital, if you want,” he offered, now rambling a bit, trying to emphasize his point. “I promised you when we began dating I’d always protect you and never hurt you—so, this is all you, Y/N.”
Y/N laughed at his suggestion of having sex right outside the hospital, chewing on her bottom lip. His words were endearing, offering a mix of reassurance and humor. Relief coursed through her, knowing that he wouldn’t tease her for her fear. 
“Isn’t that against the law? Public sex?” She teased.
“I won’t tell if you won’t,”
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majorbaby · 5 months
some early and candid thoughts on MASH: The Comedy that Changed Television
I thought Gary Burghoff had the most illuminating commentary to offer. he was specific, technical and detailed when recounting how the show was constructed, a style of media commentary that caters to my preferences. he has one comment that really stuck with me as a strong descriptor of the Radar character (paraphrase from memory): they needed a character who was experiencing the concept of war for the first time, for whom you could see the
after Burghoff, I thought Jamie Farr had some interesting things to say re: Margaret - 'she contains multitudes' being one of them, and a recurring theme when everyone was speaking about the character
i have to talk about mike farrell's comment on anti-war vs. anti-military: i've talked about how I feel that the post-reynolds/gelbart years have heavily watered-down messaging re: war before, and i've pointed to several episodes where i feel this is obvious, but mike farrell saying (quite strongly) that he felt the show was anti-war but never anti-military is pretty damning evidence.
i mean, i think this is good characterization for BJ, to take a more, let's call it 'broadly', anti-war stance, rather than be opposed specifically to military, particularly to the US military. it fits with his aspirations to live a quiet, middle-class life, with his insistence that he's always done 'the right thing' and imo, a good motivation for him to butt heads with the more radical Hawkeye, who opposes authority figures in general (per Alan Alda himself in this same special) - which actually goes beyond the military...
so i love it for BJ but i hate it for a show that never framed him as being wrong about that idea specifically. i can't say for sure whether BJ always held Farrell's beliefs of course, or vice versa, but if BJ ever did oppose the military as a system, Farrell doesn't know it. this knowledge makes episodes like Preventative Medicine and Back Pay land even worse with me.
'some of us were IN the military' he added, as a justification for his point that the show could not have been anti-establishment which i would speak on even more candidly if i was going to make this unrebloggable lol. but truly it's not that serious except in terms of how i think about the themes of this show - he seems like a perfectly lovely person who really loved making MASH and i think his fans will enjoy watching him speak about that.
Mclean Stevenson makes a point about how what Radar anticipates about a character tells us something about that character beyond what we would receive if we just heard the character say it themselves (which they usually do, at the same time as Radar) - I need to think about this some more when re-watching those scenes...
dlfkjaljfk I've never heard David Ogden Stiers' natural voice I thought someone was giving commentary over footage of him and then i realized he was actually giving the commentary - I feel like everyone knows this, but he was immensely talented, a master of voice and speech
1 hour and 10 minutes (including ads, or 'commercial breaks' as we used to call them back in my day) spent on seasons 1-3. tbf there's character-specific commentary in the first half that is for characters that were with us for the whole run, but, there's also a lot of time devoted to talking about how the show was initially constructed, the pilot being good (correct), and something that made me smirk - Larry Gelbart's commentary on how people were incensed and outraged at Henry's death and felt they had been misled, lied to, about their funny haha, wholesome weeknight comedy (set in the Korean War???) is almost indistinguishable from how people talk about plots they don't like in media nowadays
it was good! i had fun!
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demetris-cocksleeve · 7 months
Hello!! I'm fairly new to the twilight fandom and your blog is one of the bests i've ever seen so far! So, if you're comfortable/not buzy, could you please do the volturi kings (separated or poly, both are fine!!) reacting to the reader being a goth, i imagined since they're ancient beings, the goths that invaded the Roman Empire would be the first thing coming to mind lol
Once again, your blog is definitely a favorite now, so i might just give myself a name for future requests, i think 🦇 would be fine if no one's using it :)
Have a good morning, afternoon or/and evening!
(A/n: Stawppppp you're makin me blushhh🙈 I definitely recommend @kiiwiigii (her kinktober is 🥵 and her fluff fics will literally rot your teeth) and (she doesn't write often, but she has an AMAZING NSFW mini series called Uses of a Secretarial Desk👀:) @alecvolturi)
(A/n: I went with headcanons. I hope that's okay with you!)
(A/n: Also- It's a bit difficult for me to write the kings since I personally don't vibe w/ em, so I hope you like it😭😅)
Word Count: -
Summary: Request above
Warnings: None
Age Rating: None
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Volturi Kings x Gothic! GN! Reader
Firstly, the Volturi are known art lovers so while the Visigoth sacking Rome might be what the word is acquitted to off the top of their heads, they would probably attune it moreso to the gothic art style of the mid 12th - 16th centuries
This being said, gothic makeup is VASTLY different from the painted arches and quatrelobes of the art period
You'll definitely have some explaining to do
You'll have to excuse them. They're not invested in human fads and expressionistic styles
Now on to the individual reactions/thoughts:
He definitely finds your style interesting
Not in a judgmental aunt "interesting...😒" but an intrigued interest
He likes to watch you do your makeup, letting out the occasional amused "hm" when you do something unconventional with your look (grey contour, painting your neck black, extreme eyeliner, thin angled brows, etc.)
As for the music?
Doesn't really get it but at the same time does? Idk how to explain my thought process
He basically vibes with the lyrics and meaning but sometimes the instrumentals are hit or miss
He really enjoys the instrumentals that are more spooky/calm to the ones that go harder
Overall, if you're happy, who's he to say anything?
Do you want fanon or accurate?😅
He might give you a strange look or cock an eyebrow when you go all out with your look but he silently appreciates how much effort it takes to perfect it
If he doesn't like the song playing, he'll either grab your phone and skip it or just leave the room
This man is throwing shade left, right, and center lol
It /is/ all in good fun though
He's a bitch, you knew that from your first meeting
"Are you sure that's how you want to go out today?"
"Interesting attire, dear... *side eye*"
He doesnt hate it, don't get him wrong
He just finds it... odd
Out of all the kings, he's probably the most art geek of them all and is stuck on the name of your style
"Goth? That is not gothic, pet... *cue middle ages art speech*"
Openly criticizes the music
Either bans it from being played around him or loudly complains about it
Is the most vocal about your appearance
Constantly praising how you look that day
He got a second chance at his life partner. He's gonna be damned if he doesn't appreciate everything about you even down to the barely-different-who-is-he-kidding-they're-the-same-as-the-ones-you-already-own shoes that you just bought and are excited about
It's not even him lying either
He GENUINELY loves your look, simoyl for the fact that 1) he has seen you get ready... that takes skill and 2) you clearly enjoy the style and seeing you confident and secure in yourself is enough for him
He can take or leave the music, but he will keep that to himself until he dies (get it? Bc he's immortal?)
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smolwritingchick · 3 months
Smol Brainstorm: Would You Stay With Me In Korea?
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Author's Note: Anotha smol oneshot/brainstorm. I found this in the old documents. This will take place in BTS Bon Voyage Season 3! The scene where the cute little boy went up to Jungkook and shook his hand. When I saw the scene this idea popped into my head and I wrote about it. It made me think of Jungkook wondering about the future with him and Jennie. Wondering if she'd stay with him in Korea and marry him one day.
I may add onto this when I officially get to this chapter but enjoy the cheese! (I still have yet to watch Season 3 but when I get to the chapter, I will! Val got a lot to cover lol.)
Looking at his phone while holding her hand, Jungkook tried to figure out where they were supposed to be going. Meanwhile, Jennie happily observed the scenery of Malta in the evening as the camera crew followed them. The couple had gotten so used to the cameras filming their moments together that it was like they didn't even notice anymore.
“Okay, I feel like we’ve been walking in circles. You sure you know where we’re going? I can always just look at the phone.” she suggested.
“I got it…I think.” he stopped walking and released her hand, scrolling through the map.
Laughing, she took his phone to figure out what the problem was. Periodically, she glanced at her surroundings while he stood next to her, watching what she was doing.
“This isn’t the right way,” she confirmed.
“What?” he whined. “How?”
“Kookie, just admit that you got us lost and you got too confident.”
“I-I was not!”
“That whole I’m the Golden Maknae speech from earlier is kinda funny now after finding out you were taking us the wrong way.”
“Or I did it on purpose so we can spend more time alone before we have to meet up with the rest of the hyungs,” he admitted.
“Which I enjoyed! But you could have just told me.” she playfully bumped into him while a bright smile came across his face.
Once he received his phone back, he then noticed a figure running their way and turned, looking down to see a little black boy staring at them curiously. Jennie glanced at her boyfriend, about to ask what he was looking at but then saw the kid. The boy was smiling at them and it made her heart flutter when Jungkook stuck out his hand for him to shake. After the child cutely ran off, looking back at them occasionally, Jungkook laughed softly and said that the boy was cute.
Before Jennie could comment on how adorable of a scene she had witnessed, Jungkook spoke up, again.
“Ah…I bet our kids will be just as cute as him.” he thought out loud.
Her heart began to race at his statement while Jungkook looked shooked when he realized he blurted it out loud. The camera crew filming them thought it was adorable while she looked down shyly with her face on fire.
Did he really mean that?
And just when she was about to reply, the little boy and his parents approached the couple and greeted them, introducing themselves.
Jennie gushed over how adorable the boy was and was able to see his cute smile up close and personal. She gave him a hug when she kneeled to his level and enjoyed his adorable answers to her questions as she asked him if he was enjoying himself and what he did for fun, today.
“Are you from here?” The mom asked once Jennie stood up.
“No, ma’am, my boyfriend and I are vacationing with our friends. It’s a beautiful place.”
“Wow, how long have you two been dating?”
“A couple of years, now.” she proudly said with a smile.
“Ah, young love. You remind me of my husband and I during our college years. Well, I hope for many more years to come. With the way you are with our son, I can see you’re good with children.”
“Me? You think so?”
“Yes, indeed. I bet you will be a great mom, one day.”
“Really? Wow, thank you. I hope so, too.” she grinned and laughed cutely, making Jungkook smile. “How long have you two been married?”
“We are actually celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary.”
“Wow, 12 years? What a blessing! I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. This man drives me off the wall sometimes but I love him.”
After a nice conversation with the family and saying goodbye, Jungkook walked with Jennie to their destination.
“Me as a mom? I get so nervous when someone brings something like that up. Do you really think I’ll be a good parent?” she started to ramble.
“I thought about it, actually,”
That took her by surprise but she thought he was joking and playfully hit him in response.
“Don’t joke like that!”
“Who said I was, Mrs. Jeon?” he giggled, looking at her lovingly while her heart skipped a beat.
“Stop playing with me.”
Kissing the top of her head, he wrapped an arm around her as they continued to walk. 
He thought about it often. The thought of marrying her and having children with her in the future. He couldn't see himself with anyone else but her. These years of being together have been filled with amazing memories and he couldn't wait to create more with her. 
For a while, he had started thinking that she was the one whom he wanted to settle down with. But he wondered if she would want to permanently be with him in Korea. Would she leave America and live with him in Korea?
With his mind deep in thought, he decided to ask what was on his mind as he removed his arm from her and continued holding her hand.
With butterflies in his stomach, as he thought about the future with her, he asked softly, “Would you...would you want to stay in Korea with me?”
Jennie stopped walking which made him stop, too as she made him face her. Standing on her toes, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him close for a sweet kiss as he held her in his arms.
Pulling away, she smiled. “Yes, I would.”
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SeriRei week day 2: Sleeping/Sick day
the sleepy cuddle one was originally just gonna be a self indulgent doodle but then I checked the prompt list after finishing it and it was fitting lol
the sick day one has been sitting in my idea doc for a bit now, didn't think it was gonna come in handy so soon
Desc. under the cut as usual :3
First image: Serizawa is in profile view on the right of the canvas as he kisses the corner of Reigen's mouth, who is on the left. They are set against a gray-ish background.
Reigen is in 3/4ths view; wrapped up in a blanket. His hair is messy and a cooling patch is stuck on his forehead. There is some red seen across his face and nose to represent a cold/fever. His eyes are closed and mouth slightly open in a slight smile. A speech bubble with "Hey-- you'll get sick if you keep this up." is above his head.
Above Serizawa's head is his response in another speech bubble, which reads "Mmhm."
Date 06/26/23 and artist signature is between them in the bottom portion of the canvas. Second image: Serizawa (left) and Reigen (right) laying on two pillows on the same gray-ish background. Serizawa is fast asleep, mouth slightly open and face pressed against Reigen's. His arm is bent as his hand rests on Reigen's chest. Reigen's hair is slightly messy. One of his eyes is shut because of Serizawa pressing his face against his, the other remains half lidded as he looks and smiles at Serizawa fondly. One of Reigen's arm wraps around Serizawa, allowing him to touch Seri's hair with his pointer finger.
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ganjas-shit · 2 years
Oh fuck Princess- Eddie Munson 18+  Word Count: 2,336
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Hi! This is my first ever SMUT ahhh! Very excited because y'all I cannot contain my Eddie Munson obsession anymore it's time to unleash the horny writer inside me. FUCK it we BALLLLL whoop whoop!! Enjoy bitches <3
rough mouth fucking? cussing. daddy kink? fingering. rough oral sex?giving oral sex?
sorry if I miss any please don't hesitate to message me and bully me into correcting my TW's lol (I'm a fucking idiot)
Eddie Munson enjoyed watching you. He loved watching the star cheerleader of Hawkins High in her cute little cheerleading outfit that hugged her body so beautifully. He's always wondered what that perky little ass looked like arched up in the air while you pretty little lips were wrapped around his long, thick, cum-filled cock.
He'd love to make his little fantasy of you a reality and knew exactly what he had to do.
Eddie knew you popular's well. Eddie noticed how you walked around Hawkins with your head all high because everyone considered you the prettiest girl in town. You were the cheer captain, you passed all your classes, the teachers loved you, you were a parents wet dream and everyone either wanted you or wanted to BE you.
You knew Eddie well. He was infamous for his Hellfire speeches in the school cafeteria. You'd never admit it but you lived for his speeches. He would stand on his lunch table and would call out the jocks for their ignorance. And you loved how outspoken he was, how he didn't care what people thought about him.
But oh man not only did he notice, he heard it himself. He overheard you and Robin one day talking in the library the next shelf over.
"Jesus what the hell am I DOING WRONG," you whined "I mean even his friends can't keep their mouths closed when they see me! But HIM, Eddie fucking Munson, he won't even bat an eye, AN EYE ROBIN" you whisper yelled
"I don't know what you see in him y/n." Robin sighed, "If he hasn't noticed that the prettiest girl in town has a secret boner for the town freak, maybe he's not the one." Robin shrugged
"SHHHH keep your voice down!" you shushed loudly,
Eddie smiled to himself. He couldn't believe Hawkins Princess wanted to be seen by the freak. It intrigued him.
Eddie then started to target the popular crowd every lunch.
Calling out their bullshit standards and expectations.
He also stuck his tongue out at Jason, the boys varsity basketball captain during their heated argument
(Which you thought was extremely hot btw)
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But, you hated it.
You hated that he called everyone else but you out. You wanted to get into a heated and hot argument with him in front of the whole school.
Just like he did with Jason.
He'd be so turned on by your yelling that after he'd drag you into the janitors closet and fuck your brains out till you couldn't take anymore.
Something you also couldn't bare was the fact that you had every guy in Hawkins on their hands and knees for you at any given second, every guy except for Eddie.
But Eddie knew you longed for his attention.
Shit, he even knew a glance from him would satisfy you but he wanted to push your buttons. He wanted you to approach him.
He wanted you to beg.
Eddie sat in the room of his trailer strumming the strings of his electric guitar playing Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix while taking a few hits of the joint he just rolled.
He was so lost in the music he was playing he didn't even hear you at his door.
"Hello? Anyone home!?" you called out as you knocked on the door of Eddie's trailer.
You crossed your arms and tried to make yourself as warm as possible considering you were wearing nothing but a school hoodie and your cheer skirt.
"HELLO? MUNSON WE NEED TO TALK NO-" you were cut off as the door flung open and you came face to face with the infamous beautiful freak himself
"now" you said embarrassingly low as you looked at Munson up and down admiring the tattoos on his arm and then your eyes followed up to his beautiful face.
He was so pretty.
His soft eyes. Messy hair.
And god don't get me started on his pretty mouth. You wanted to ride his face so bad.
"Geez any louder captain?" Eddie looked down at you, rolling his eyes, moving to the side making enough room for you to step inside his trailer.
The smell of marijuana lingered the air of the trailer and you felt at ease.
"So," Eddie started
"What brings the queen of Hawkins High into the Freak's humble abode?" He says slightly amused that his little plan actually worked.
"I wanna know what your deal is with me." you said ignoring the blood viciously pumping inside your heart
"My deal?"Eddie questions as he tilts his head looking at you up and down suddenly very intrigued
"You always pick fights with my teammates and the entire basketball team but you always ignore me," You look at Eddie obviously frustrated and slightly embarrassed that you're telling a boy you've never even held a conversation with that he doesn't acknowledge you
"Jesus Christ what world do you popular's live in?" Eddie scoffed
"You're in way over your head sweetheart." Eddie said as he slowly walked towards you
" Are you that out of touch with reality?" He looked deep into your eyes hooking his finger under your chin.
"Maybe I just want to be put in my place" you shrugged softly as you looked into his now dark eyes.
Eddie tried so hard to not push you onto your knees and stuff his cock down your throat. But he was being patient.
He wanted to hear you beg.
He wanted to hear you beg for permission to cum all over his long hard cock. He was growing tired of the games.
He looked down at your doe eyed "fuck me" eyes, chuckled to himself and walked away to his room.
He smiled when he heard you follow.
"Hey i’m talking to you Munson!" you said with a bratty tone
Eddie took a hit of his joint and looked you up and down
His room was warm. It smelt like marijuana and a strong cologne that made your core heat up, and that wasn't even the best part, you noticed his guitar was hooked up and instantly knew it was the reason he took so long to answer the door.
"Are you gonna stop being a brat and tell me what you really want or are we gonna keep doing this?" Eddie said slightly annoyed at the pent up tent in his pants the he so desperately wanted to free
The marijuana was finally starting to get to him and he wanted nothing more than to fuck your brains out.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." you said starting to feel small but still keeping your ground.
Shit does he know I want him?
Once again, Eddie started to walk towards you, eyes low and red from hitting his joint
"Be straight with me princess," He said lowly as he lifted up your skirt slowly running his finger up your inner thigh to reach your hot core
"Shit" you muttered at his finger pressing into your clit
"You want to be my little slut?" He questioned in a deep hushed tone, pushing your panties to the side gliding a finger up and down your slit
You felt your pussy grow wetter as he kept his pace painfully slow. You wanted him to shove his thick fingers in your gummy walls but you knew you had to speak or he wouldn't continue.
"What do you want darling?" Eddie said as he continued to drag his finger up and down your slit.
"I want you." you whispered
Eddie poked two fingers at your entrance making you gasp,
"I'm sorry sweetheart but you're gonna have to speak up" he said leaning in whispering into your ear
"Fuck Eddie I want you!" you moaned moving your hips trying to create friction between your gooey entrance and his fingers.
"See! and all you had to do was use your words" Eddie smirked and roughly shoved his fingers in your tight warm hole.
"Oh fuck" you moaned trying so hard not to fall forward considering you were standing up
"Look at you princess," Eddie said looking down at the moaning mess you've become. His dick was rock hard from seeing you trying to hold yourself up as he curved his fingers inside of you
"Look at you taking my fingers so well, fuck I can't wait to stuff my cock inside of you princess" Eddie moaned picking up his pace
You pressed your head in his chest to stop you from falling forward as Eddie was whispering the dirtiest things into you ear
"Oh fuck Eddie I'm close" you moaned feeling the knot form into your stomach
Eddie lifts your head up and smashes his lips into yours pumping his fingers inside of you so fucking fast that it makes your eyes roll back
"Mm come for daddy princess." Eddie moans against your hot wet mouth feeling your walls clench around his fingers
You rode his fingers as you came undone and he fucking loved it. He loved the feeling of your hot mouth pressed against his making the prettiest noises he's ever heard
He slowly pulled his fingers out of you refusing to break eye contact and stuck them in his mouth sucking the mess off his fingers.
"You made the prettiest mess on daddies finger doll," Eddie said as he finished sucking off the remaining cum.
He squeezed your face and wiped the drool of your mouth with his thumb.
"But you've been a brat," he said darkly
You swallowed harshly as he stared deep into your soul.
"Strip." he said dragging his finger under your chin as you stared at him dumbfounded already so far gone over him.
"It wasn't a question sweetheart" he said with a serious tone that made your core heat up.
You lifted your jacket over your head and shivered at the cool breeze of air which instantly made your nipples harden.
You watched Eddie walk towards the corner of his bed and taking a seat
He looked at you and started fiddling with his belt.
"Keep the skirt on princess," he demanded as he pulled his hard cock out beginning to stroke it. "Now come here and get on your knees." he said darkly.
You slowly walked over and and sat on your knees with your hands nicely placed on your thighs.
"Look how obedient my girl is," Eddie growled as he stroked his throbbing cock.
You looked at Eddie's lust filled eyes and then down at his huge cock which instantly made your mouth drool.
Eddie started to see the want in your eyes.
The need.
You wanted to touch yourself so bad.
Eddie was looking at you while stroking his dick and it made you so fucking horny.
You scooted up and laid your head on one of his thighs so you were inches away from his cock.
Fuck that made Eddie crazy.
"Can I play with myself please?" you whined looking deep into his hungry eyes
Eddie chuckled
"Open your mouth and keep those hands still." He demanded, "You're not touching that pretty little pussy till I say so." he said smoothly making your stomach flutter
Eddie stood up and stuck his two fingers down your throat then held his hand out in front of your mouth,
“Spit" he demanded
You spit in his hand and he started to stroke his dick with your saliva.
"You gonna be a good girl for me princess?" he questioned as he looked down at you still stroking his throbbing cock
"Yes daddy." you stated already getting eager for what's coming
"Good, cause I'm not going easy." he said as he shoved his throbbing cock roughly into your mouth causing you to gag.
He continued to fuck your mouth ruthlessly and got so turned on by how much you were actually taking his dick.
Your eyes were a watering mess and seeing the runny mascara on your face made Eddie's dick twitch inside your mouth
"Oh fuck princess you're taking all of me aren't you?" Eddie moaned slowing down his pace trying to feel more of your tongue
He grabbed the sides of your face with his two hands when he felt the vibration of your cries and whines on his already exploding cock
"Princess wants to touch herself huh?" Eddie taunts as he feels his high coming in hard
"Go ahead sweetheart, play with that pretty little clit" Eddie moans feeling you whimper on his cock
"Daddy wants to see his slut come undone." Eddie says as he picks up his pace feeling his high.
You rubbed your two fingers along your slit bringing the wetness of your pussy to your clit and started to rub it viciously.
You moaned on Eddie's dick already feeling that familiar knot in your stomach and rolled your eyes so far back
"Fuck are you close princess?" Eddie questioned as he thrusted harder into your mouth
You hummed rubbing your clit even faster which made him pick up his pace even more
"Oh fuck princess, I'm coming" Eddie moaned bucking his hips, cumming so hard in your mouth.
Fuck this was something he's never felt before.
He felt so euphoric.
You gasped so hard as he pulled out your mouth and let out the nastiest moan Eddie's ever heard in his life as he watched you ride out the rest of your high on your fingers.
You brought your fingers to your mouth and sucked the juices off your fingers,
"Thank you for putting me in my place daddy." you looked up at him, and batted your pretty eyes like the obedient little whore you are, cum still dripping down the sides of your mouth.
And this turned Eddie on so fucking much
"Get on the bed. Now." Eddie demanded still looking down at her, admiring the mess she is, with his dick still rock hard.
I actually did it tee hee
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yeor-yeona · 2 months
the whiskey teaser
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pairing: stray kids han jisung x gn!reader
warnings: alcohol use, implied drinking and driving (nothing bad happens), 3rd person, reader is bi/pan, spelling/grammar issues
word count: 1463
a/n: this is just a teaser for now but it's been sitting unfinished in my google docs for months lol if anyone likes it i might complete it!! the plan was around 15-20k so its gonna be a bit of a slow burn,,, not much is happening rn but feel free to comment any suggestions pls be constructive tho :)
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Looking around the establishment for what felt like the hundredth time in the last hour, you swirled around your glass, relishing in the clinks made when the hard rock of ice met the delicate glass containing it. You’d come here looking for a distraction, anything to pique your interest for even an instant; to bring anything else to the forefront of your mind just long enough to ease the load of your thoughts. And to no avail. A few people had come up to you, trying to spark a conversation, with and without ulterior motives. You’d indulge them, albeit speaking only a few words at a time before they had lost your interest and you let them know that. 
The first was a man, slicked-back hair and a get-up far too fancy for the environment. He called you beautiful, offered you a drink, and you obliged him. Asking for the most expensive thing sold there just to see his expression. Before you could even get a sip in he was on a tirade about his oh-so-important job as a CEO or CFO or some other acronym with a ‘C’. As hard as you tried to engage in the conversation, he never gave you the opportunity, ending every story he had about his “terrible employees” with a ‘right?’ or ‘you know?’ and then continuing on without leaving you a second to even nod in agreement. 
It got old fast and soon you were right back in your head, thoughts moving a mile a minute toward the one thing you wanted to avoid thinking about. Then he asked, “Are you even listening to me?” You responded with a blunt, “No.” Earning a scowl from him as you now became the object of his scornful speech. He called you a “gold-digging bitch” and a slew of other things that people tend to find offensive. But you didn’t care, why should you? He was a stuck-up asshole who doesn’t know how to have a decent conversation. The only thing you’d gained from the exchange was an overpriced drink, which you continued to drink as he kept yelling, bringing unwanted attention to the two of you. By then you couldn’t even make out what names he was calling you as his voice faded into the background. You couldn’t tell how long it had continued either until he finally stormed off, ushered away by the staff, still muttering under his breath. 
You were a little glad for being a regular at this point, getting kicked out of the bar would have been a terrible way to end your night. 
Maybe 10, 15 minutes passed before another person came up, trying to get your attention. This time a woman, in a lacey black dress and racing jacket. The way she looked at you with those bright blue contacts, made you somewhat uncomfortable, but she was decent enough conversation. She mentioned she was from out of town, visiting for a funeral, here looking to have a little fun before heading back home. You almost would have taken her up on her many offers to do so, if not for the way she spoke to the bartender after he supposedly made her drink wrong. When she turned back to you, you made some excuse about being busy later that night, the first thing that popped into your head and she got the memo. Leaving you without another word. 
The others that came and went weren’t as interesting, quickly repulsing you in one way or another, but you’d determined yourself to stay a little while longer. In hopes that you’d find someone, something to do. Though it was in vain. 
You downed the rest of your drink, delighting in the warmth it brought to your core. You gathered your things, giving a final nod to the bartender before leaving the building. 
Seeing the patter of raindrops hitting the glass doors, you pulled an umbrella out of your bag, opening it as you stepped out. It was a short stroll to your car, only two or three blocks away, but long enough to shake away any last remnants of alcohol that may be clouding your judgment. 
You walked slowly, basking in the sights around you, people running into buildings, failing to prevent themselves from getting soaked, cars zooming by, splashing puddles that had been created in potholes, storm drains sucking in as much water as they could, making tiny whirlpools. You remembered loving these sights as a child, loving the feeling of jumping around in said puddles, not loving the wet socks you ended up with after. But you kept walking, brushing off the nostalgic feelings growing in your heart, you didn’t deserve to enjoy it. 
You reached a crosswalk, the light was red and the speed of the vehicles before you, even in this weather, was enough to discourage you from continuing anyway. As you waited, you heard a sound, it was a sniffle, you weren’t sure if you were imagining it or if it was you yourself. 
You turned your head towards the origin and there stood, well sat really, a man. His head was rested in his arms, held up by his knees. His wavy brown hair glistened under the street lamps, clinging to the sides of his face. He was decidedly underdressed for the weather, with an oversized white t-shirt, that too clung to him from the rain, and a pair of light-wash ripped jeans. 
For some reason, you couldn’t turn away from the sight. You wanted to know why. Why he was sitting out here in the rain, weeping so hard his body shook. So hard it shook even the furthest reaches of your heart. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see the light change and the cars come to a stop. You should have minded your business, you should have walked across the street and went home to wallow in misery, you should have, but you didn’t. Instead, taking cautious steps toward the man, until you were right before him. You stuck out your arm, shielding him from the downpour with your umbrella, unflinching as the cool droplets now soaked into your attire. 
You stood there for a few seconds, not uttering a word. You hadn’t even known why you’d done this to begin with. No, you knew. 
You couldn’t convince yourself you did it out of the kindness of your heart. This was selfish, an indulgent way to prove you weren’t like the people you’d seen earlier today, like the people who hurt him. It wasn't entirely true, but excuses exist for a reason. 
He looked up at you, pulling you out of your thoughts. Even through his questioning stare, his eyes were bloodshot. He must have been here for a while. 
You held the umbrella closer to him, a wordless offering. Still obviously confused, he took it. And you took your opportunity to swiftly leave, walking with more purpose now as you crossed the busy street seconds before the light switched back to green and the engines of the cars, now behind you, roared to life. 
You could feel eyes on you as you walked steadily up the street, probably his, but you didn't turn around to check.
Finally reaching your car, you pulled your keys out of your bag, unlocking the door with a beep. You got in quickly, putting the key in the ignition and turning the heat to max. Maybe giving your umbrella to a stranger in the middle of what was basically a monsoon, wasn't the best idea. You sat there warming up for a few minutes before clicking on your seatbelt and taking off. 
The ride back home was calm, rather than turning on music to drown out your thoughts like you normally would, you embraced the sound of raindrops hitting against the windshield and the hum of the engine. The brake lights before you reflecting off the ground creating a sea of red. The distraction usually bothered you, but now, all you could do was revel in its beauty. 
Even when someone cut you off, you weren't all that angry. Rather than honking or muttering curses under your breath, you simply made space for them and went on as if it never happened. 
Would it be overdramatic to describe this feeling as euphoric? You were soaked down to your underwear, fans blowing at max speed, making your eyes water so that you had to blink them back, lights reflecting off the wet surfaces almost blinding you. But you weren't mad at it.
It felt easier to embrace the negative knowing that even though your day failed, you may have made someone else's a little better. “Should I start doing stuff like this more often?” you whispered to yourself.
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