#this scene gave me heartache bro
imakarin · 8 months
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the most precious shojo heroine right there
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rosemary-bells · 2 years
okay so i. um. coughs. i f. i finall y read the luke anny ssr card story. voice acting and all. and. i. h. hoo boy.
i'm just gonna go in and start screaming for a few paragraphs maybe possibly. im not one to review things at all but whatever i have like a hundred years worth of things to say. i was gonna go n post abt this as i read but then i was like na h ill just make a bunch of memes and cry later
like first part(s) of the story i was already screaming and crying over that flashback where hes arguing w aaron. highkey i was like bro is this rly the time to tell luke to make this romantic. rly. then later on it was nothing but sadness and heartache and crying and i was like yknow what maybe he was right about this
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first meme! i saw peanut and i was like oh m y god. my little boy. my baby. hes back. highkey i miss the kid. he's not present enough in luke stories lmao. the fact that luke styled the lil handle on peanut was. hooo. i was like man i cant believe this is the perfect man maybe? (im kidding. hes far from perfect but he is baby.)
also highkey during his classical music lore session i was like "lmao shouldve made it fur elise" and then i was like Hm. i also highkey love the fact that they changed the music for the music box bits. that was cute. love that they used the main theme on the default card screen too. very nice
every time he mentioned larping schumann or brahms i was like man is this rly the time lmao. altho i am happy it brought him resolution
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meme two i dont have that many memes again most of this is just me ranting for a bit. the voice acting was literally peak though. every time he yelled, or even every time he was quiet, you could really get all that hesitation and heartbreak, all at once. it was amazing. it was heartaching. loved it. i cant speak for the other dubs since i use jpn but like. i bet they were. immaculate.
also highkey im still so miffed that they didnt give rosa voice acting. i could rant abt this for hours but to keep it short, like. mhy is always at its strongest when its not making a self-insert, yknow? in some cases, self-insert characters work, but when your choices don't matter too much, in an otome game, which are mostly character driven, trying to make her too basic is just kind of eh ig. she does get a pretty solid character from what we have, though. like, shes got a strong personality. very passionate abt justice to the point of embarrassment. very honest. is generally driven a bit more by her heart than her brain. like seafood. that sort of thing. she's already her own character, so i just wish they gave her a va. its gotten to the point in which ive literally started imagining a va for her. she kind of sounds like shirayuki (jpn) in my mind...
also man fr he really did think that romantic partners were the only way to receive proper emotional support. she has friends, man. she's a strong kid who you left for like, 8 years. have some faith in her, yknow? also god, that line where he was like "As long as he can make you happy." god. that just stung, man. im thinking abt him in other routes and like, 3/4 times he really just gave up, didn't he?
on that note i also thought the towel that he was using to dry her hair was just. on top of her head the entire time, so thinking abt all these dramatic scenes w her just doing that was funny. ik thats not how it worked but like still. also did she rly run to her parent's house in that outfit? in the storm? ik she wasnt thinking but oof dude shes gonna catch the worst cold after all this blows over
that kiss scene though. man. the orchestra music playing. i always love that theme, even if it does feel mis-timed at moments. it just feels so refreshing. rly does make it feel like a "kiss of fervor" (also how he just caresses her arm during the kiss. how gentle. what a sweet guy. he rly just wants to comfort her.) he even used 大好き instead of just 好き like man. ... man.
and then that bit where they called each other their greatest treasure... and then, how he said "I swear, I will do everything I can to live, so that I can be with you." man. it was cheesy but it rly did feel like the rainbow after the storm. it rly is all abt learning to love yourself because of how loved you are. like wow. man. it rly is abt loving someone so much that you want to live for them. live w them. man.
all in all, super cheesy card. it was a short-ish storyline, but i highkey loved it. it was cute. it was precious. i nearly cried. (more or less did when i found out his badge was called "Luke's Vow" like hooo. oh my god) i Enjoy. looking forward to the 2nd anny's cards....
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the final meme. its another version of the last one but hey accurate lmao i was shaking crying screaming sobbing throwing up the entire time but by god was my heart full
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This is a Despa appreciation post.
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This man has become one of my absolute favourite characters in the entire show! I don’t see many posts about him, so I’d like to contribute.
My first impression of him was, that he is nothing but a superficial, luxury-loving “pretty boy “– that is easily bribed with money.
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Truthfully, he indeed has those traits, but they don’t define him.
Instead he is a deeply compassionate and caring individual, that is actually surprisingly good with children.
Despa at this point is literally a dad to both Bojji and Kage – no, I don’t take any criticism on this.
Also, I have to mention before we dive deep, is that I love Despa as the comic relief in this show. “Ousama Ranking” really needs those light-hearted moments – and Despa delivers.
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Lets start from the beginning!
Despa is the first adult (not including Bojji’s mother Sheena), that actually gives Bojji hope, that he indeed possesses some valuable skills. He keeps his promise and makes our little Prince the strongest of them all.
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I had the same reaction to the above scene as Kage did!
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Despa recognizes Bojji’s strengths (his speed, endurance, smarts etc) - the skills Bojji had all along. He teaches the boy how to utilize them to his advantage. He doesn’t try to mould him into something, that just isn’t physically possible for the boy or what society and the people around him deem acceptable as strengths/talents suited for a Prince. Looking at you, Domas, and all the guards who dissed Bojji’s fighting style in the first episode...
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The swordsmanship Despa taught Bojji, was something that suited the boy perfectly! He gave him a sword that he could actually lift and use in combat.
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I love the fact, that he made sure to teach the boy mental fortitude as well, next to physical skills. Like you need to have a strong mind, and strong sense of self to be able to get through life.
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To be honest, I had my doubts about Despa. For a moment I thought he was a con-artist, but he proved me wrong in the end.
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Despa, really made Bojji the OP he is today!
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But I think the moments, that truly made me adore Despa, was when he would encourage Bojji, especially when the boy started to doubt himself. He would constantly remind the little Prince to believe in himself.
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This scene below made me cry so hard! This was the moment Despa became my favourite character.
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I am not crying, you are crying!
Despa taught the boy to be kinder to himself, to love and accept himself just as he is, and to have courage to face a world that would often look down on him.
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I mean, there are just so many moments of him doing his best to make sure Bojji doesn’t lose confidence in himself (even when the boy is not present himself.)
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I love the scene, where Despa tells his brother Desha, that he is no match for Bojji and that he shouldn't even bother to try to take over Bosse’s kingdom. I feel like he chose his student over his brother in this situation.
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The way he was worried about the safety of both Bojji and Kage – knowing full well, what an awful match-up it was for Bojji to fight Ouken.
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He was literally willing to die for the safety of both Bojji and Kage. I am pretty sure that lightning strike would have killed him, especially knowing it is powerful enough to subdue Ouken. Like I was literally screaming at my screen when all of this went down.
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And then he gets stabbed by Ouken – I thought this was it! Bojji lost his mentor and teacher, the man who always believed in him. Bojji already had to witness the murder of his mother, enough with the heartache already!
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Luckily he survived.
Also, I have to mention the scene where he sees Ouken’s former self – I feel like Ouken somehow managed to reach Despa on purpose, not wanting his brother to die.
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The desperation in Despa to literally do anything to save his little bro, is absolutely heartbreaking!
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The sibling relationship of the Underworld brothers just makes me cry so much, they all clearly love each other dearly. I am rooting for them all, even for Desha, that asshole…
Even when he is dangerously bleeding out dying his first priority is, yet again, Bojji, and Kage!
I mean just look at them!!!
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When he and Bojji arrive into the land between life and death, the way he holds Bojji’s hand. I know everyone likes to comment that Dorshe should be Bojji’s new papa, cause he is close to Hilling, but Despa already has that role! This is literally a father holding his child’s hand!
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The outrage and shock on his face when he saw the way Bosse treated Bojji. Like seriously was it necessary to smack the boy with a club, when he was already gravely injured???
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The way he pulled Bojji away from his actual father. Like, Despa, I am right there with you! Bosse is not to be trusted! He is acting more like Bojji’s father than his biological dad.
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The small and big moments when he comforts Bojji.
It’s like Despa knows exactly what to say to the little prince. And the way he puts his hand on Bojji’s shoulder to always reassure him every single time Bojji needs it the most. This is literally my favourite trait of Despa.
I wonder if he does it because he doesn’t speak sign language.
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All in all, I am truly happy that Bojji is Despa’s apprentice.
I think Despa saw a lot of himself in Bojji. He knows what it’s like to feel weak and lack the physical strength and fighting abilities expected from a Prince.
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They are actually both strong in their own unique ways. Despa with his knowledge and foresight, Bojji with his speed and endurance. Despa didn’t just teach Bojji how to best defeat his opponents, he also taught the boy to love himself and to have confidence in himself.
I also feel like another thing Despa and Bojji have in common, is that they both had/have a terrible, selfish and highly dangerous father. Despa was at least an adult, when he rose up against his father together with his brothers, the oldest leading them. God knows that was not an easy journey for Despa. But Bojji is still a child. I am happy Despa is at his side at this moment.
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I am leaving the last image, as the little happy dance of my favorite trio: Bojji, Kage and Despa!
I would literally die for all of them! Just look how precious they all are!
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that-shamrock-vibe · 3 years
WandaVision: Dissecting the MCU’s Most Successful Superhero Couple
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Disclaimer: I am only using the term WandaVision as the coupling name for Scarlet Witch and Vision. I am not centring this discussion on the upcoming Disney+ series but rather talking about the 6 year build up to it.
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Despite the fact the likes of Hank Pym’s Ant-Man & Janet van Dyne’s Wasp along with Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman are Marvel Comics’ most prominent superhero couples, Scarlet Witch and Vision have always been that “unusual couple” that became a fan-favourite, didn’t diminish either character’s individual stories and, once the two were officially introduced into the MCU in 2015′s Avengers: Age of Ultron, became a hotly anticipated coupling by fans from their somewhat instant connection.
Not only is this comics-accurate love story finally being realised in the MCU, but the fact Kevin Feige feels as passionate about them as fans like I do that he is giving them their own series to shine, along with Wanda herself being involved in the MCU’s next big arc with exploring the Multiverse, I think it is safe to say that WandaVision have outshone the likes of Ant-Man and the Wasp and other couplings to become the MCU’s It couple.
Well, considering Disney+ released a new behind the scenes series called Marvel Legends last week with the first two episodes focusing on Wanda and Vision, despite them being no more than clip-reels of the characters MCU timeline, I wanted to delve in deeper and discuss how characters that were deemed B-worthy enough to be sent to streaming...which suddenly seems like the place to be...have suddenly become the hottest commodities in the MCU.
The Age of Miracles:
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Wanda Maximoff first appeared in the MCU in an mid-credits scene for 2014′s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, adding the cherry on the top of what was already a glorious cake of a movie by unofficially introducing Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Sidebar, this was, at its time, very confusing for fans who believed that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were owned by 20th Century Fox in their X-Men movies. However, after the announcement of the Maximoff twins in the MCU and Quicksilver appearing simultaneously in 2014′s X-Men: Days of Future Past, it was revealed that a deal was made between Fox and Disney that the twins would only have certain traits in either universe.
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For the X-Men movies, they would be Mutants, have their origins as the children of Magneto and...even though this never happened...appear as members of the Brotherhood of Mutants.
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For the MCU, the Maximoff twins are known as enhanced individuals gaining their powers from the Mind Stone after experimentation from HYDRA. There is no mention of them being Mutants, their parents were indirect victims of Stark Industries, and despite Pietro having his original speed physiology powers, Wanda started off with Psionic Manipulation rather than Chaos Magic as her comic-book counterpart has.
However, it has been confirmed by Kevin Feige that Wanda’s shapeless red energy is magic of the same elk to Doctor Strange, just untamed. Meaning the upcoming alternative sitcom reality Wanda has created in WandaVision restoring Vision, could be an application of her latent reality warping powers.
The Maximoff Twins were officially introduced in 2015′s Avengers: Age of Ultron originally as operatives of HYDRA, before moving on to serve Ultron until defecting from him after realising he was evil and joining the Avengers in their fight to save their home country Sokovia.
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Vision meanwhile was officially introduced at the end of the second act for the movie but his predecessor JARVIS was first introduced in Iron Man way back when in 2008...the movie that started it all.
As Tony Stark’s A.I. assistant, JARVIS was stated by Stark to be a top of the range program that runs more of Stark Industries than anyone other than Pepper Potts as CEO. However, when Stark had the ingenious idea to create Ultron...otherwise known as RDJ wanting to steal Hank Pym’s most famous comic-book storyline...as a peacekeeping program to safeguard Earth from extra-terrestrial threats, in typical sci-fi fashion Ultron goes evil and seemingly destroys JARVIS.
However, JARVIS simply retreated into the server only to return after the Avengers acquire Ultron’s recently created synthetic android. The Science Bros. transfer JARVIS’ conscience into the synthetic body and with the help of Thor/s thunder charge Vision was born.
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I have to say also, while superhero movie trailers do get me excited for said superhero movie, seeing the reveal of Vision in the final Age of Ultron trailer gave me that wow factor moment only X-Men trailers usually do.
Comics to Movies:
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As I have always admitted, I am not as in-depth with the comics as the movies. However, Scarlet Witch and Vision are two characters I have followed pretty since I first found out about them in the mid-noughties as a teenager.
But what cemented the two as my favourite Marvel characters overall, from Comics, to Movies to TV, is the literal creation of the twin sons Wiccan and Speed who became key members in the Young Avengers.
Now yes, both characters have had lives separate from each other because, as I said before, they are still their own characters despite being also known as a couple. But while Wanda has had a somewhat twincestuous relationship with her brother in far comics history, and Vision had his own family of synthetic androids including daughter Viv, who was a playable character in Marvel’s Avengers Academy, I find the best in Marvel Comics writing was actually after their twins were reabsorbed into the demon Mephisto as they were fragments of his soul and Wanda went crazy heralding in the House of M.
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Also, not only is Wanda apparently getting her Scarlet Witch moniker either during or after the MCU Multiverse arc, but also a more comics-accurate costume. Up until now Wanda’s costume in the MCU has been they street-casual which does suit the Wanda of Sokovia. Even when she joined the Avengers and got an upgraded costume it did seem more like something someone could wear for a casual day out...as proof, my sister dressed up as the MCU Scarlet Witch by finding clothes in standard clothing stores rather than costume outlets.
My favourite Scarlet Witch outfit to date has been her full-length red gown complete with headdress from the comics, the headdresses of Magneto’s daughters are so iconic that when Polaris crafted her own out of Magneto’s medallion in The Gifted I was fanboying so hard.
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We already know Wanda will be wearing a Halloween costume inspired by her iconic comics suit in WandaVision, but if the Halloween costume looks that impressive, I cannot wait to see what her actual supersuit looks like.
Throughout the MCU:
Right from the start, I really enjoyed both Scarlet Witch and Vision in the MCU, despite Scarlet Witch still not to be known as Scarlet Witch to date in the MCU. But from when we see cameos of Wanda and Pietro as experiments of HYDRA, that one quick shot of Wanda displaying her powers I was sold.
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Vision meanwhile gave himself a somewhat modified version of his comics-accurate cape because he saw Thor had a cape and wanted one. He could also wield Mjølnir, does this make him worthy? It must do despite the Avengers constant mithering about it. If you can wield Mjølnir you’re worthy.
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Talking from a romance perspective, it was a big tease of the two getting together right up until 2018′s Avengers: Infinity War as while it was teased in 2016′s Captain America: Civil War, a romance wasn’t actually shown until we find them in Scotland.
Interestingly enough in the comics, the couple retire to New Jersey rather than Scotland.
Also, like a lot of heroes, both Wanda and Vision seemed to get an upgrade in powers every movie. We always got teases of both their full potentials in the quieter moments like when Pietro died and Wanda, feeling her twin dying, vaporised the surrounding Ultron Sentries in a moment of distraught heartache and when Vision destroyed the last Ultron Sentry.
But it wasn’t until Captain America: Civil War, where we learned that Wanda could control the Mind Stone powering Vision and Vision could easily severely injure another hero and then in Infinity War when either Vision created a human guise for himself or maybe Wanda did, while Wanda not only made short work of Thanos’ army but could also destroy the Mind Stone and, in Endgame take on and possibly defeat Thanos single-handed, that we got a true display of her powers.
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MCU creatives have stated that Scarlet Witch is in fact the most powerful MCU hero after it was originally stated Captain Marvel was, so when Wanda finally upgrades and realises her true potential this should be fully realised making Scarlet Witch the most powerful MCU character.
WandaVision and MCU Future:
Here’s what we know about WandaVision:
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Wanda finds herself in a sitcom television universe potentially of her own making after not only losing Vision, but not forgetting also Wanda has lost her family including her twin brother as well as friends and teammates Black Widow, Captain America and even Iron Man.
For someone who was late-teens early-twenties at the time of Age of Ultron, this makes her late-20s early-30s by the time of this series, my age, and so obviously all of this loss and grief will play havoc on one’s mind let alone everything else she has gone through.
Also Vision is back but I still don’t know to what extent that is, is he only back in this alternate sitcom reality or has Wanda willed him back into existence in the same way that she willed their twin sons into reality in the comics.
Speaking of which, we know the couple have twins in the series as when they’re in their 80s sitcom setting, we see two bassinettes and it’s hinted we will see them as teenagers.
It has to be Wiccan and Speed, it can’t not be. This would be a massive red mark on WandaVision’s scorecard if it isn’t. I have recently heard rumours they could be human-android hybrids to match the parents and someone even suggesting Viv could be one of the twins...but I can’t fathom why if the Young Avengers are coming into play with the confirmation of Kate Bishop, America Chavez and Stature, why these two core characters wouldn’t be at play.
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The other hotly anticipated character introduction is Kathryn Hahn as Agnes...again if this isn’t Agatha Harkness then it is major tease. Agnes is surely an alias for Agatha Harkness who in the comics and even X-Men: Evolution was Scarlet Witch’s mentor for controlling her powers.
The only difference between the two incarnations is in every other version of the character Agatha is an old woman whereas Kathryn Hahn looks like Kathryn Hahn. It will also be great to see Agatha Harkness in a comedic setting as Kathryn Hahn is hilarious.
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We also have returning MCU characters Jimmy Woo, Monica Rambeau and Darcy Lewis added to the series. All three may not be connected or they all could be working for SWORD which is the successor to SHIELD first seen in the post-credits scene for Spider-Man: Far From Home.
I’m thrilled to have Kat Dennings back in the MCU and considering both she and Randall Park have a history in comedy, the sitcom settings should suit them well.
I’m not sure why any of these characters are connected to Scarlet Witch or Vision considering all three are connected to separate heroes Ant-Man, Captain Marvel and Thor respectively, but any excuse to bring them back I’ll take it.
What is also more or less confirmed is the ending of WandaVision will see a massive witch fight between Wanda and Agnes resulting in Wanda tearing a hole in the multiverse starting the Multiverse arc in the MCU which will be picked up in Spider-Man 3 and resolved in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with Wanda set to appear in both movies.
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As for Vision’s fate post WandaVision, it is currently unknown where he will appear next if at all, and it may actually depend on the success of the series, but we know that Wiccan and Speed will become part of the Young Avengers so they’re staying on.
It is also worth noting that in the Young Avengers, a second version of Vision known as Jonas was a member of the team created through Nathaniel Richard’s neurokinetic armor gaining sentience after having Vision’s operating system downloaded into it.
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Nathaniel Richards is a distant relative to Reed Richards aka Mister Fantastic who is set to appear in the upcoming Fantastic 4 movie, but is also a time remnant of Kang the Conqueror who is set to appear in the upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantummania and may be alluded to in the upcoming Disney+ series Loki.
Nathaniel is also Iron Lad, who forms the Young Avengers as part of the Avengers Fail-Safe program. Do you see how this all ties together?
So basically even if we don’t see this Vision again after WandaVision, we may see Jonas in the Young Avengers.
As for the future for Scarlet Witch post-multiverse, if they are bringing in Wiccan and Speed, I really want the next big arc to be the Children’s Crusade. I know fans want House of M...WandaVision is possibly as close to House of M as we’re going to get.
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Children’s Crusade is how Wiccan and Speed learn about and are reunited with their estranged mother who has lost her memories and is living in wedded bliss with Doctor Doom...who could easily be introduced in said Fantastic 4 movie.
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Whatever the future holds for Scarlet Witch and Vision, no one can deny that this love story has not only been an organic one, but with it set to be the running theme for WandaVision, this love story is most definitely one for the ages.
So that’s my analysis of the newest superhero superpowered couple currently at play in the MCU, what do you guys think? Is WandaVision a couple for the ages? Will they have a place in the MCU after the upcoming Disney+ series?
Post your comments and check out more MCU Reviews as well as other posts and WandaVision starting this Friday (Jan 15).
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Tagged by @rainofaugustsith for the AO3/fic writer questions thing <3. Unsure who to tag to play next, so if you see this and want to play along, consider yourself tagged.
How many works do you have on AO3?
11, but one hardly counts because it’s a “collaboration” with @miss-spooky-eyes that I maybe wrote one sentence of but she still gave me coauthor credit because she’s too pure and too good. 
What’s your total AO3 word count?
47,599, apparently
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On ao3, just two: swtor and kotor (at this point, most of my writing exists either here or just as WIPs that will never actually be finished)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My works don’t really get a lot of kudos or comments, and I try not to get too hung up on that. I’d rather not list them by kudos, tbh, because my kudos-to-hit ratio makes me sad if I think about it for too long. (I write sort niche-interest pairings, I think, so I don’t really get a lot of engagement; I enjoy writing them, and I usually get the reaction I’m going for from the approximately three people who do engage with my writing, so it’s all good).
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I try to! I don’t always know what to say, but if someone took the time to leave a comment, I feel like it’s fair for me to respond and thank them.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
One that was actually only posted on tumblr, “it’s the way that you are and the way I’ll forever be,” (spoilers) the one about Tulia killing Zhorrid, probably. Or “a father’s love,” about how Zhorrid got her scars. I guess most of my Zhorrid stuff.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you’ve written?
I don’t write crossovers.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not exactly. I’ve gotten… really odd commentary about why my characters do the things they do. And, bro, if you’re upset about my characters’ motivations, you have this cool ability called “creating your own OC and then making them do whatever you want,” so, I don’t know what the problem was.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. In fact, probably most of what I’ve actually posted is smut. Relatively tame stuff, I suppose, lots of wlw, quite a bit of exploration of power dynamics, “forbidden” desires, that kind of thing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? I can’t imagine anyone would want to claim ownership of something I wrote though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t know that I have an “all-time” favorite. I’ve never gotten all that invested in many canon ships, and it feels weird to list any of my OCs and their LIs here. The one I’m currently fixated on is Eleison (non-canon compliant SI)/Dread Master Brontes.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
God, what a callout. My biggest current WIP is “I can be your heartache, you can be my shame,” about Eleison attempting to break the bond between the Dread Masters by shielding them from the Phobis devices, but there are a lot of details that I still have to work out for it, so it’s mainly just a collection of disjointed ideas.
What are your writing strengths?
I guess maybe coming up with angsty ideas…
What are your writing weaknesses?
Never actually following through with my ideas and not being able to describe scenes the way they play out in my head.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it can be neat. Sometimes it’s distracting and done in such a way that it’s just uncomfortable and it’s clear the author doesn’t actually speak the language they’re peppering in, but it can be done very smoothly. I don’t know that I’ve ever done it well.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files. I did have some rather popular fics once upon a time, but I don’t think any of them were particularly good. Mercifully, I’m pretty sure they’ve been lost, even from the wayback machine.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I am pretty proud of “brilliant and terrible thing” (mara!Shara angst-fest), and I would eventually like to write more in that universe that I was building.
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bottlesandcats · 4 years
Pardon My 15x20 Rant
I woke up this morning with Thoughts, so time for a ranty post. Be prepared this is going to read more like word vomit than anything, but I just wanted to get my thoughts down on paper. No one may even read this bc I don’t have a lot of followers but it feels good to just get this off my chest and out into the Universe. Warning, there is a gratuitous use of caps.
So....I see so many fans on Twitter saying how beautiful and perfect that ending was and, I have to say, I’m truly bewildered by that.
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 Even if you aren’t a Destiel fan, I’m not sure how you could’ve found that ending to be remotely satisfying. See list of non Destiel-related reasons below (bc I’m trying to see this from the perspective of someone who isn’t in that part of the fandom):
1. The MOW was crap; wtf was with the Halloween masks? When have we ever seen that with vamps? The dumbest shit I’ve seen. 
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They trotted out some extra from season 1 like it’s supposed to be some fun little Easter egg. Why are we supposed to give a shit about her? I didn’t even remember her with the flashback. Who are you, again? NM, I DON’T CARE. It also honestly made no sense to feature a MOW episode after everything that just happened, it wasn’t necessary. It was clearly just a means to an end to get Dean killed.
2. They shoved some random family, for Sam, into the last ten minutes of the episode. Sam’s kid is named Dean? OF COURSE HE IS. And that whole father-son montage was so clunky and awkward, I would’ve been more convinced if you told me Sam actually just wandered into some anonymous woman’s backyard and started playing ball with her kid. 
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We’ve seen how emotionally invested Sam gets in his relationships and we’ve had such beautiful moments: Sam/Jess, Sam/Madison, (even Sam/Ruby), and of course Sam/Eileen. And now we are supposed to care about Anonymous Brunette Woman #4? GTFO. I’ve seen some people saying they couldn’t get Shoshanna bc of COVID, but give us something to indicate it was Eileen. Have Sam sign something to her from across the yard; IT’S THAT SIMPLE. But no, not one single mention of her in either 19 or 20, after Sam nearly broke when he lost her in 18.
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 I couldn’t even feel happy for him bc I had 0 emotional investment in this life of his. And it was all just rushed through so we could get to the “good part” where Sam dies and is reunited with Dean in Heaven. 
Also small note, what happened to Dean’s dog???
3. The wardrobe department really needs to reconsider some of their life choices. I’ve seen tufts of cat hair in the corners of my house that would’ve made a better wig than that rag they threw on Jared’s head. It was so ridiculous, I started thinking this was going to wind up being some big gag like The Mystery Spot” and The Trickster was going to pop out. 
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And why did Jim Beaver’s beard look like they spray-painted cotton balls brown and glued them to his face? It was honestly distracting. 
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4. After 15 years, and FINALLY achieving freedom and happiness, Dean gets taken down by a rebar and a Vamp-mime. The only way I could justify this to myself was that, now that they are no longer God’s puppets he’s not bending the rules for them and they don’t have that death-defying luck on their side now. But even that is weak. After all his fighting, sacrificing, and wanting nothing more than to chill on a beach with Sam and Cas, this is what he gets. This was a show about defying destiny, THAT WAS THE WHOLE PLOT OF S15.
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 Dean always said he figured it was his destiny to die bloody, and that’s exactly why he shouldn’t have gone out this way. STORY ARC, WHAT’S THAT? Cas told Dean, when he first met him, that good things do happen. So basically, the only way Dean could get his happiness was to die? What a heart-warming message. 
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5. Dean’s lack of emotion over the loss of Cas was the most OOC I think I’ve ever seen from him. Dean DOES NOT accept the deaths of those he loves in any way. He does not cope, he does not move on, he does not happily eat a bunch of pie. We’ve seen how Dean has handled Cas’s death in the past. It’s...not good, and it only became more unhealthy as the show progressed, with the last time (before 18) having Dean literally killing himself. Even in 15x19, we still got that desperate heartache from him with Dean demanding that Chuck bring Cas back. We also saw him sleeping amongst a pile of empty liquor bottles, which is very on-character for him. But in 15x20, he’s the one telling Sam they need to move on and keep living (oops) over a giant tray of pie slices at a county fair. Even Sam feels off. One minute he’s all “I’m sad about Cas and Jack” and the next he’s putting a pie in Dean’s face and is like “I feel better now!” You’ve got a direct in with God!Jack now, and we know from 15x19 that God can pull beings out of The Empty bc he did it with Lucifer! THAT WAS YOUR IN, YOU IDIOTS. You ask Chuck to bring back Cas, but not the one to whom he was a father to????????? 
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6. Even if you weren’t a Destiel shipper, you should still be disappointed in the noticeable absence of Castiel, especially since he was left with such a cliffhanger of character development and was mentioned multiple times in episodes 19 and 20. He was a pivotal part of the show for 11 years. Even if you take out the Destiel stuff, the boys have called him their brother numerous times. Dean’s call him his best friend. Wouldn’t his ideal Heaven have his best friend in it?
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7. I’m not going to rail on the scene between the brothers while Dean is dying. I didn’t really get Wincest vibes from it, though I never put much stock into that side of the fandom anyway. My one issue is this was the “love confession” moment they gave us. Dean dying in a barn and telling Sam he loves his baby brother. *SNORE*
8. The big reunion moment we were hoping for? They wasted it on Dean’s car. A FUCKING CAR. Yes, I get the Impala is important to the story, but come the fuck on. NO CHICK FLICK MOMENTS. MUCH BRO. 
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All-in-all the whole ending felt like 1 step forward, and 15 years back. After all the character development and story arcs, it’s like they just threw it all out the window. Nothing changed. Everyone was back to where they started: Cas working for God, Dean being a good soldier and dying bloody doing the only thing he knows how to do, Sam being left to pick up the pieces with some distorted version of an apple pie life where he was basically just living to die so he could be with Dean again. I felt like the lesson was that the only way you get what you want is to die. It was gross. It was a disservice to the actors, the characters, and the fans. I can’t begin to even see this as fan-service bc I’d love to know who the TPTB thought they were serving with this garbage. And honestly, I don’t think they knew either. I feel like they were so worried about pissing off all the different subsets of the fandom that they went as safe as they could. *slow claps* Way to go, guys, really groundbreaking stuff.
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At the end of the day though, it’s my fault for being disappointed. I shouldn’t have expected so much of a show that had mostly cis white men working behind the scenes. A show that’s killed almost every female character who stepped up to the plate (also, POC anyone? Nahhh). A show that took their one real LGBTQ character (also female), killed her and left her body in a bathtub (FRIDGING IS FUN) for absolutely no good reason. A show that, at the end of the day, is just a show about a couple bros who kill monsters, on the CW, and the CW is hardly the go-to place for real boundary-pushing content. A show that has managed to drop the ball at almost every opportunity though we, as a fandom, have continued to lower the bar for them.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 100 times? 
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So with all that being said...
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Peace out bitches.
11 notes · View notes
lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Brown Sugah Baby: Chapter 5
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Prologue || MTC || C.1 || C.2 || C.3 || C.4 || C.5
{What’s up everyone! Here is another installment of Brown Sugah Baby! I don’t own the Divine Nine; the Southern University marching band nor the canon characters. I only own the OCs. This is pure fiction and nothin’ but imagination. This upcoming week I will be on vacation, Spring Break, so nothing will come out next week. I’ll be writing stuff yes, but not posting new content. I’ll still be on though. Enjoy!}
Warnings: brief look into Nefe’s past which is slightly dark. Emotional abuse mention and false claims.
Song inspiration[s]: They Don’t Know by Jon B
Word count: 2,813 [it gets deep yall]
Tag Squad: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @destinio1 || @designerwriterchic || @terrablaze514 || @themyscxiras || @sirenmouths || @chaneajoyyy
[Continuation of Chapter 4]
“Oh that’s cute. Real cute.” Melanie scoffed and sighed in a high pitched tone.
“The pink and green will reign supreme, and will be ready to get down, if you know what I mean?” Melanie and her girls went and the crowd loved them, as they sway their hips and act as raunchy as possible.
“Aww that’s cute. Real cute.” Nattie was next and she got a standing ovation, causing her adrenaline to rise up even more. Doing her stomp from pure memory, over having to practice it several times, having the girls follow in pursuit.
“You know we originate, we never duplicate. I am the boss, you can’t get none of this sauce.” Nattie felt in control after her call out and saw Jordana come up.
“I guess we didn’t take out the trash this morning ladies.” Giggling a bit before high fiving Melanie, and flipping her hair as well. Jordana was Melanie’s sidekick and the campus bunny. Being the campus bunny was a good thing, but she claims it is. Adjusting their pearls, she lead them.
“We tried to be nice, we ain’t gone tell you twice. You give us a mean glare, but all the boys love to stare.” The AKA’s riled up the crowd even more and Nefe knew her girls weren’t doing down without a fight. She gave a head nod to her girl Nakia.
“Oh that was cute.” She wipes a fake tear from eye, and glanced around the crowd herself. Taking in the ambiance and feeling loose. Basking in the glory of her achievement.
“Now now, ladies. You all are cute, but there can only be one true crew of the yard. Let me show you.” She started off in a slow, stomp and clap rhythm. Being egged on by her girls, was encouragement enough for her to lead the stomp into full effect.
“Because we ride, and we don’t hide. This ain’t no race, so get out my face. At least you tried, but oops we lied. You can never be me, cause we the queens of DST!” The gauntlet has been thrown and by the noise of the crowd, the Divas has won the yard battle.
“This isn’t over.” Melanie got up too close to Nefe and that was a major issue.
“You lost Med School. Admit defeat and stroll on outta here with ya girls, while you still can.” She was never one to back down from a fight, but only ever used her words and never her hands. This time she got up and personal in her face.
“Or what? You gonna put a curse on me?” Melanie nudged her head back with her manicured index finger, and Nefe saw red.
“Girl, if you don’t get up outta my face, I will slice you like government cheese!” She lunged for her so fast like cheetah in the Sahara, but watched her get pulled back by Sean. It dawned on her that maybe the rumors were true. She didn’t want to believe them, not one bit.
Instead, M’Baku pulled her back and she didn’t know what to believe anymore. What she saw was 2 years worth of heartache; 2 years of anger and frustration, 2 years of verbal assault from this boy who claims to love her and 2 years of believing she was in love all go down the drain. She watched it all go crash and burn over Melanie. He was making sure she was ok and not his actual girlfriend. Well ain’t this some shit.
“So you datin’ her now? Dios, mi padre me advirtió sobre hombres como tú.” She scoffed, getting angrier by the minuet, speaking in her native tongue as she watched Sean slightly lose the color in his face a bit.
“We speak English in this country-“ before Melanie could even finish her sentence even further, Nefe smacked her across her face so hard the echo ricocheted off the bricks of the buildings. The whole scene paused in affect; Nefe’s chest was heaving in anger.
You could visibly see the red hand print slowly form on the left side of her face. Melanie held her face and couldn’t believe what just happened.
“I fucking warned your dumbass!” She yelled in pure rage, before watching her leave. “And you!” She turned towards Sean who looked at Melanie leave with his sister, Jordana, but his attention went back to Nefe and he ultimately looked frightened.
“Nefe look-“
“Sean give it up. You’ve been cheating on her with Melanie, for months now. After I broke up with her, you slithered in like a cobra.” M’Baku finally spoke up and the group was in shock, all except their friends.
“Mind your fucking business, son. You don’t know shit.” Sean just confirmed he was cheating right then and there. Once M’Baku let Nefe go she looked the group in disgust.
“Nefe-” Sean started again, but got shut down.
“Cállate! I trusted y’all with everything, and you keep this from me!? This big of a secret, and I thought we were friends. We tell each other everything!” The look on her face was distraught. She was distraught and disappointed at the same time, with all of them.
“You all knew and didn’t say shit to me?! How could you?” The utter disgust and dismay caused her whole world to crash down around her.
It was confirmation enough that he really didn’t want her anymore. What caused him to lose interest in her? Shaking her head in defeat, she chuckled dryly. It brought Nattie to tears to see her best friend this much in pain.
“Nefertiti, you know you can’t hit girls like her. She’ll press charges.” Sean explained as he walked away  from her with Melanie, who turned around and made a face at Nefe. Causing her to run and got caught again by M’Baku.
“fuck her! You all don’t get it! You all do not understand how much I hate her.” Her screams of frustration ripped through her, like a shard of glass. All the while shaking her every foundation, as she clawed at the arms that held her, she soon enough stopped and just broke down. Crying on M’Baku’s sturdy chest.
“She gets everything, and I can not get one good thing to happen to, to me at all. Nothing good has happened to me.”
“That’s not true.” M’Baku lifted her chin up a bit to look into her eyes deeply. “You got your friends and me. You’ll be fine.”
A slight sense is relief washed over her in tranquility, causing her whole body to shiver. That’s when she knew for sure that her mom was right. Trying her very best to calm down, she couldn’t. The tears kept falling down her high cheekbones, giving her an angelic glow. Coming to a grand conclusion, she knew what she had to accomplish.
“I suppose you’re right. I just don’t feel like I’m up to par with all of this. It all just happened all at once, and I feel like I need some time to myself.” They all gave her a sympathetic nod, giving her a group hug before she left with Nattie to go home safely.
“It might be your time Baku. It just might be your time.” T’Challa patted his shoulder, earning him a smile and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“It just might be. But for now, I have to plan to get rid of one more obstacle.” Rubbing his scruffy chin in thought, M’Baku saw Erik and T’Challa smile from the corner of his eye.
“We might be able to help with that, bro.” Erik let out a low chuckle, sighing gently as they all headed back to their respective homes.
M’Baku’s POV
As days turn to weeks; seasons change and the months are new. The fall winter weather, brought on the chilly nature that I was accustomed to back home in Jabari Land. Midterms were long gone and finals were approaching, turning everyone into panic mode.
I had a major project due in my African history class, the irony of it all, and I needed some help with it. Okoye and Nakia did their part, I just needed a dancer for the presentation. I knew just who to ask, and it wasn’t going to be an easy task.
Liking someone you’ve known for years can either go two ways; a long time of living in every stage or staying in the friend zone. With what I’m going through right now, let’s just hope it’s the first option.
Hearing swing music playing from the dance room; the tapping of dance shoes and the twirl of ebony colored locks in a frenzy. I knew she was back to her old self again. Leaning against the door frame to watch her dance was like watching a symphony orchestra perform before my very eyes.
“You coming in here to dance, or stand there like a weed in the swamp?” Nefe’s angelic voice broke my concentration, causing my face to heat up in embarrassment. Earning a smile from her was rewarding enough.
“Ah well I’m not much of a dancer, Nefe.”
“That’s too bad. Because I was just about to look for a partner for my music history project. I could ask-”
“Say no more. I’d rather you not kill anyone.”
“That’s what I thought. You got on good shoes, and I suppose I owe you a talk.” Turning on the salsa music track list and letting it play, Nefe pulled her hair up into a bun. Looking even more graceful as ever. Man I got it bad.
“Suppose? Darling you owe the whole tribe a dinner.” The deep baritone voice of mine, entranced her ears as I looked at her reflection in the mirror.
She looked dazed and in a trance that couldn’t be broken. The hold she had on my waist and my left hand, was foreign but felt right at the same time. As if we were meant touch, in a never ending battle that our souls were meant to be together.
“I can see why the ladies love you, M’Baku. You’re a sweet talker.” The way she maneuvered her body around to face me, with the twist of her hips and a spin, send chills up my spine. She was trying to kill me.
“I was raised to treat a woman with respect and not take foolishness from no one. I was mistreated by a she who shall not be named, because she took advantage of my generosity.” Moving to the beat of the music was effortless, when it came to her.
Something about dancing with Nefe felt like it was second nature. Focusing on both our feet to not collide, it was a smooth pivot and a few twists, that had her back against my chest. My hands were placed on her hips in a manor, that would be forbidden in so many ways, but yet it wasn’t in this case. The way she moved them, was sinful.
“She did take advantage of you. It hurt me to see you like that.” She admitted softly, not taking her eyes off of mine.
“Someone else took advantage of my best friend as well. But she was too blinded by “love” to see it.” The soft tone of my voice made her nervous.
“On another more important note; we need to talk about the night we almost-”
“Kissed? Yeah we do how about tonight? Say dinner at Grub Burger Bar, around 6ish?” Batting her eyelashes ever so gently, caused a smile to appear on my face.
“Sounds good to me. See you around, gorgeous.” I placed a sweet kiss on her cheek, as I always do, before heading out the room.
“Oh and uh, you’re helping with my project as well. See you tonight.” I simply added as I waved goodbye.
“You hustled me. I see you Akinjide.”
While sending a wink in her direction, I finally got a laugh out of her. The first laugh in a while, it was all worth it. Tonight was important and I couldn’t wait.
An hour and 45 minutes go by, of boredom, and I can't get Nefertiti off my mind. On my way to my art class, I see the most predictable event ever. From a comfortable distance, it looked as if Sean was trying to smooth his way back into Nefe’s good graces. Yet by the looks of it, I assume he’s done it. Hugging her while getting a feel along her hips and giving me a greedy smirk. He knew I was there. Seeing her walk away pained me once again, along with being filled with rage.
“Looks like I won again. She’s all mine.” He said while walking towards me.
“Sean, I will literally break you if you mistreat her. You can count on it.” The threat didn’t seem to phase him, as he snickers at me.
“Or what? You gonna-” I pinned him against the wall this time, thankful for no one being in the hall. The panicked look on his face was priceless, seeing as though I was at least 6 inches taller than him to begin with. Not to mention bigger.
“It’s a promise this time. Watch yourself.” I gave him a once over, before letting him go, to head towards my next class. So much for being in a good mood.
Nefe’s POV
Never in my wildest dreams would I be so close to killing someone, on sacred ground, in front of my friends. Melanie took me out of my comfort zone, and my father has always told me; ‘don’t let others break you. They don’t know what you’ve been through.’
He’s right. He, along with my mother, were always right. It took me a moment to be center and get back to myself. But tonight was about remembering the good old times from our childhood. It’s a amazing how much time could be brought back by a simple picture. Looking for the right shirt to along with my black jeans, Nattie came by with a curious expression.
“Where you goin’ miss thang? Looking all curvaceous and shit.”
“Out to dinner with a friend. You seen my aquamarine stud earrings?” Slipping on my olive green ankle boots, i took a look through my closet for a sweater
“On the dresser. Dinner with whom, is what I should be asking. Cause a little birdie told me she saw you hugging Sean earlier.” She didn’t miss a beat with the drop of her facts. Upon hearing the sigh that left my lips, she interrupted me.
“Have you not learned a thing about that boy? Cause that’s what he is; a boy. He only thinks with what’s in his pants and I’m tired of you being hurt over this fast ass hoe.”
“Listen, Natasha-” she grabbed a hold of my arms this time.
“No Nefertiti, you don’t need him! He’s not worthy of you and he’s a piece of shit. You deserve someone like M’Baku, please listen to me. To your tribe-” it was my turn to interrupt her.
“I’m not going out to dinner with Sean. I uh, I’m going to dinner with M’Baku. Just as friends”
The look on her face was priceless. Followed by a sequel of excitement and a tight loving hug.
“Oh my god! I’m so proud of you! Where are y’all going? Is he picking you up? What is he gonna wear?” Nattie was more excited than I was, and I was the one going out to dinner. I’m just nervous because this is a first for us both.
As if on cue, my phone was ringing and it was the man in question.
“Hello? Hi M’Baku, you ready for tonight? Oh, uh I’m sorry. No, no it’s ok. I understand, we can always reschedule. I get it, see you tomorrow. Bye.”
I didn't think I’d be crying over a dinner date but this one, this one hurt like getting burned with a 450 degree flat iron. Letting the tears fall down my face, messing up the foundation in the process, I felt defeated. What happened?
“Nefe. Everything ok?” Nattie asked.
“M’Baku cancelled the dinner. Saying he had to study for his presentation. Which I know is a bold face lie, something must’ve happened before had.”
“Well Sandra did say, she saw Sean and him talking before he had to go to class. This was right after seeing you two hug.” Nattie explained while hugging me. It all made sense. M’Baku wouldn’t have done this if Sean didn’t hug me.
“Fucking hell. He must think we got back together. I gotta fix this ASAP, it’s already late as is. I’ll talk to him sometime eventually, I hope.” Rubbing my temple in frustration and agony, I knew all of this had to be fixed.
Can anything in our lives go right?
15 notes · View notes
Hamlet Mariofied Act 3 Scene 1
Bolded names refer to the Mario characters playing the roles. The character role names remain the same in the context of the play and its dialogue.
Mario = Mario
Wendy = Ophelia
Bowser = Claudius
Peach = Gertrude
Kamek = Polonius
Wario = Rosencrantz
Waluigi = Guildenstern
Toadsworth, Army Hammer Bro, Mushroom Chancellor, Lubba, Donkey Kong Jr. = Lords
Act III Scene 1
Elsinore. A room in the Castle.
Enter Bowser, Peach, Kamek, Wendy, Wario, Waluigi,
and Lords. Initiate the music from Jolly Roger Bay
Bowser. And can you by no drift of circumstance
Get from him why he puts on this confusion,
Grating so harshly all his days of quiet
 With turbulent and dangerous lunacy?
Wario. He does confess he feels himself distracted,
But from what cause he will by no means speak.
Waluigi. Nor do we find him forward to be sounded,
But with a crafty madness keeps aloof
 When we would bring him on to some confession
Of his true state.
Peach. Did he receive you well?
Wario. Most like a gentleman.
Waluigi. But with much forcing of his disposition.
 Wario. Niggard of question, but of our demands
Most free in his reply.
Peach. Did you assay him
To any pastime?
Wario. Madam, it so fell out that certain players
 We o'erraught on the way. Of these we told him,
And there did seem in him a kind of joy
To hear of it. They are here about the court,
And, as I think, they have already order
This night to play before him.
 Kamek. 'Tis most true;
And he beseech'd me to entreat your Majesties
To hear and see the matter.
Bowser. With all my heart, and it doth much content me
To hear him so inclin'd.
 Good gentlemen, give him a further edge
And drive his purpose on to these delights.
Wario. We shall, my lord.
Exeunt Wario and Waluigi.
Bowser. Sweet Gertrude, leave us too;
 For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither,
That he, as 'twere by accident, may here
Affront Wendy.
Her father and myself (lawful espials)
Will so bestow ourselves that, seeing unseen,
 We may of their encounter frankly judge
And gather by him, as he is behav'd,
If't be th' affliction of his love, or no,
That thus he suffers for.
Peach. I shall obey you;
 And for your part, Ophelia, I do wish
That your good beauties be the happy cause
Of Hamlet's wildness. So shall I hope your virtues
Will bring him to his wonted way again,
To both your honours.
 Wendy. Madam, I wish it may.
[Exit Peach.]
Kamek. Ophelia, walk you here.- Gracious, so please you,
We will bestow ourselves.- [To Wendy] Read on this book,
That show of such an exercise may colour
 Your loneliness.- We are oft to blame in this,
'Tis too much prov'd, that with devotion's visage
And pious action we do sugar o'er
The Devil himself.
Bowser. [aside] O, 'tis too true!
 How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience!
The harlot's cheek, beautied with plast'ring art,
Is not more ugly to the thing that helps it
Than is my deed to my most painted word.
O heavy burthen!
 Kamek. I hear him coming. Let's withdraw, my lord.
Exeunt Bowser and Kamek.
Enter Mario. Tune to fortress/castle Level from Super Mario Bros 3
Mario. To be, or not to be- that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
 The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
 That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.
To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
 Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,
 The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
 But that the dread of something after death-
The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns- puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
 Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pith and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
 And lose the name of action.- Soft you now!
The fair Ophelia!- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins rememb'red.
Wendy. Good my lord,
How does your honour for this many a day?
 Mario. I humbly thank you; well, well, well.
Wendy. My lord, I have remembrances of yours
That I have longed long to re-deliver.
I pray you, now receive them.
Mario. No, not I!
 I never gave you aught.
Wendy. My honour'd lord, you know right well you did,
And with them words of so sweet breath compos'd
As made the things more rich. Their perfume lost,
Take these again; for to the noble mind
 Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind.
There, my lord.
Mario. Ha, ha! Are you honest?
Wendy. My lord?
Mario. Are you fair?
Wendy. What means your lordship?
Mario. That if you be honest and fair, your honesty should admit no
discourse to your beauty.
Wendy. Could beauty, my lord, have better commerce than with honesty?
Mario. Ay, truly; for the power of beauty will sooner transform
 honesty from what it is to a bawd than the force of honesty can
translate beauty into his likeness. This was sometime a paradox,
but now the time gives it proof. I did love you once.
Wendy. Indeed, my lord, you made me believe so.
Mario. You should not have believ'd me; for virtue cannot so
 inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you
Wendy. I was the more deceived.
Mario. Get thee to a nunnery! Why wouldst thou be a breeder of
sinners? I am myself indifferent honest, but yet I could accuse
 me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me.
I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious; with more offences at my
beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give
them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I
do, crawling between earth and heaven? We are arrant knaves all;
 believe none of us. Go thy ways to a nunnery. Where's your
Wendy. At home, my lord.
Mario. Let the doors be shut upon him, that he may play the fool
nowhere but in's own house. Farewell.
 Wendy. O, help him, you sweet heavens!
Mario. If thou dost marry, I'll give thee this plague for thy dowry:
be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape
calumny. Get thee to a nunnery. Go, farewell. Or if thou wilt
needs marry, marry a fool; for wise men know well enough what
 monsters you make of them. To a nunnery, go; and quickly too.
Wendy. O heavenly powers, restore him!
Mario. I have heard of your paintings too, well enough. God hath
given you one face, and you make yourselves another. You jig, you
 amble, and you lisp; you nickname God's creatures and make your
wantonness your ignorance. Go to, I'll no more on't! it hath made
me mad. I say, we will have no moe marriages. Those that are
married already- all but one- shall live; the rest shall keep as
they are. To a nunnery, go. Exit. Cue melody to Wario’s Castle from Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins.
 Wendy. O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown!
The courtier's, scholar's, soldier's, eye, tongue, sword,
Th' expectancy and rose of the fair state,
The glass of fashion and the mould of form,
Th' observ'd of all observers- quite, quite down!
  And I, of ladies most deject and wretched,
That suck'd the honey of his music vows,
Now see that noble and most sovereign reason,
Like sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh;
That unmatch'd form and feature of blown youth
 Blasted with ecstasy. O, woe is me
T' have seen what I have seen, see what I see!
Enter Bowser and Kamek.
Bowser. Love? his affections do not that way tend;
Nor what he spake, though it lack'd form a little,
 Was not like madness. There's something in his soul
O'er which his melancholy sits on brood;
And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose
Will be some danger; which for to prevent,
I have in quick determination
 Thus set it down: he shall with speed to England
For the demand of our neglected tribute.
Haply the seas, and countries different,
With variable objects, shall expel
This something-settled matter in his heart,
 Whereon his brains still beating puts him thus
From fashion of himself. What think you on't?
Kamek. It shall do well. But yet do I believe
The origin and commencement of his grief
Sprung from neglected love.- How now, Ophelia?
 You need not tell us what Lord Hamlet said.
We heard it all.- My lord, do as you please;
But if you hold it fit, after the play
Let his queen mother all alone entreat him
To show his grief. Let her be round with him;
 And I'll be plac'd so please you, in the ear
Of all their conference. If she find him not,
To England send him; or confine him where
Your wisdom best shall think.
Bowser. It shall be so.
 Madness in great ones must not unwatch'd go. Exeunt.
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teacherintransition · 3 years
Sometimes, the phone call is to be dreaded...
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Last week, I wrote a piece on a “dreaded call” to my wife and myself being a piece of cake on the drama meter. Irony made an appearance this Sunday
“The problem is you think you have time.”
I was very pleased with my article written last week which dealt with chasing dreams and sometimes conflicting with family obligations. The piece felt like it was balanced and didn’t advocate one choice over another; putting the reader in a comfortable frame of mind to allow ample time to consider all possibilities. The author felt that sufficient time would be there to consider all options. ... then Sunday morning came and the literary allusion of a phone call I used to encourage readers to weigh choices carefully took on a more tragic literal impact. My brother called me at 9:15 Sunday in a state of emotional despair that I have never associated with him. Through sobs of deep anguish, I learned his son, my nephew, my son’s cousin, the father of his grandkids had been tragically, stolen from them and the device used to tell of the tragedy had been the phone. My title of last weeks blog was, “The Phone Call no Parent wants to Receive....Spoiler Alert: Everything was ok.” This time, in that moment ... irony spread like a shadow ... this time it was not ok.
My nephew, Matthew Paul Rich, was a 24 year old electrician married to a lovely woman with two angelic children. He was his brother’s best friend, his father’s pride and joy and his uncle’s ego builder because he laughed at ever joke I made. His children were so aware of his presence as they could feel the love and devotion he exuded toward them from every ounce of his being... how could children not be drawn like a magnet to such a charismatic man whose heart beat was his children. He was his younger sister’s “big bro” as she, like her uncle, thinks and acts like an artist and Matt got her. Matthew got everyone because he’d rather have friends than a heartache... why not, more to enjoy. He was about joy. Matthew is gone now and the joy has been absent many days. He left us early Sunday morning while all those who loved him slept peacefully...confident that he would be there in the morning, we would have all the time in the world to share with him ... until we didn’t.
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An opportunity would be lost if the focus of this piece was just about tragic circumstances and details and the river of tears, though it’s been five days later, still unrelentingly flows. This story is all of those things on a scale beyond imagining. “Life will go on,’ “people will adapt,’ “remember when” will be an all to often a conversation starter; but the loss of Matthew raises us to a much higher plane of thought and realization. The plane is not uncommon, for sadly such tragedies happen daily thousands of times, but it offers an exchange to make us better by losing such a person. It’s a forced introspection... a forced lesson, a dreadful exchange, one that we are reluctant to take at such a high price. I often refer to this concept in my writings, but beware, fate will bring to our doorsteps events that will give the lesson an immediacy that we ignore to our peril. What is this lesson that carries such grave importance? It is this: everything, every love, every object, every person ... will pass. There is nothing that will last, you will lose everyone you love either by their passing or yours. The power, the magic, the love, the bond exists only now. Now...
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We all know this intellectually, but it’s too unpleasant to contemplate; so we put consideration of this truth for later.... and we grasp not a life line but a thread of hope, based on cliche : “I got time, life is long, life is short, l have plenty of time” .... all perilous mindsets that will rob our emotional treasure like a thief in the night. During this week, for whatever reason, I was reading bits from “The Tibetan Book on Living and Dying,” to try to enlighten my oft times dense self. I came across a quote from Siddhārtha Gautama, the enlightened one, the Buddha. The Buddha said while trying to grasp the causes of man’s suffering simply said, “the problem is we think we have time.” It’s such a simple but thorough, all encompassing statement on why we suffer so often. We have no time....we have now... only this instant and it too is fleeting. The great teacher also wisely tells us (I paraphrase): focusing on the past brings regret focusing on the future brings worry, focusing on the now brings contentment. Remember, this is a lesson born of tragedy... the tragedy happened, Matthew is gone, there is only learning from it now. Matthew wants us to learn to love his loved ones and each other with an intensity of heart that he possessed . You must be thinking, “hey man, you said that Matthew was gone, how can he want us to do anything?” You can step up to the buffet line and select the theology of your choice that speaks of an eternal energy, or soul or spirit where our loved one exists. Matt exists as certainly as the breeze blows and birds sing, and if he sees we learn from this, he will smile with his toothy grin and say at a slightly elevated decibel level, “hell yeah bro!” I will reluctantly accept the exchange and make sure that the passion and energy that Matthew gave to all of us will be present in my every now....but I wouldn’t mind just one more time letting him give me a thumbs up followed by his, “my man ... my uncle Brent!”
"If you read this line, remember not
The hand that writ it, for I love you so
That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
If thinking on me then should make you woe."*
*William Shakespeare: “Sonnet 71;” Collected Works of Shakespeare
For you dearest Rachel:
I know I have but few claims upon Divine Providence, but something whispers to me, perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar, that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, nor that, when my last breath escapes me on the battle-field, it will whisper your name.
Forgive my many faults, and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless, how foolish I have oftentimes been! How gladly would I wash out with my tears, every little spot upon your happiness, and struggle with all the misfortune of this world, to shield you and my children from harm. But I cannot, I must watch you from the spirit land and hover near you, while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight, and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.
But, O Sarah, if the dead can come back to this earth, and flit unseen around those they loved, I shall always be near you in the garish day, and the darkest night amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours always, always, and, if the soft breeze fans your cheek, it shall be my breath; or the cool air cools your throbbing temples, it shall be my spirit passing by.
Sarah, do not mourn me dear; think I am gone, and wait for me, for we shall meet again.
As for my little boys, they will grow as I have done, and never know a father's love and care. Little Willie is too young to remember me long, and my blue-eyed Edgar will keep my frolics with him among the dimmest memories of his childhood. Sarah, I have unlimited confidence in your maternal care, and your development of their characters. Tell my two mothers, I call God's blessing upon them. O Sarah, I wait for you there! Come to me, and lead thither my children.
- Sullivan**
**"My Very Dear Wife;” - The Last Letter of Major Sullivan Ballou;
Manassas Battlefield State Park; U.S. National Park Service
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helloletstrythis · 6 years
the greatest play in the English language
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Today’s Tuesday Thought is brought to you by too much coffee.
My friend and coworker said to me today...
Omigod you are talking so fast... are you OK?
And the answer is... probably not! 
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I was really bored today... I thought that drinking coffee would make me motivated. And I guess it did.
So now I’m going to tell you about the greatest play in the English language.
ever heard of it?
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First of all... if you’ve never seen or read Hamlet. Please do yourself a favor and watch this at least. 
Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet is my favorite. It’s uncut, it’s all about him, and there’s a blatant display of too much set dressing.
Please don’t watch the Mel Gibson Hamlet. Or if you do--only watch the Glenn Close scenes. Otherwise it’s just like a very bad shit show of sadness and misogyny.
Anyway.... People always say that Shakespeare is too hard to read--or worse, elitist. Here’s the thing... I’m not here to say it’s easy to read,  because I had a great friend who explained Merchant of Venice for me, and otherwise I would have been lost. But I am here to say that it’s not for fancy people. And Romeo and Juliet isn’t the only story we can still relate to today.
Hamlet is a bro.
He went to a good school. He’s from a serious amount of privilege, and he’s toying with this poor girl who literally lives in his house, she’s dependent on him and has no escape. Plus she actually does love him. And he like kind of non-committally likes her back until she dies then he’s all like SHE WAS MY LOVE.  He’s the worst kind of bro. 
But that’s the beginning of his story--and he’s just a kid. Who among us right out of college didn’t think we understood the world better than everyone and showed off with fancy Ayn Rand quotes. 
But then his dad dies.
And very soon after-- his mom marries his uncle.
I mean... I’m all about that modern family but I can see where that will take it’s toll.
And that’s where the story begins.
Is Hamlet mad north-northwest (like Kanye’s baby)? Or is it all a show?
This is why it’s the single greatest play in the English language. Shakespeare gave us all the clues. But he didn’t give us the wrap up. You can interpret it either way.
Hamlet is around 30. I’m approaching 30. And I suddenly have an even greater appreciation for his struggle.
You see, much like Hamlet I am starting to realize that I don’t really ever know what the right thing to do is. I don’t know if I’m helping avenge my father’s death--or just killing my college buddies for no reason. 
When you’re young you understand your convictions so clearly, and feel them so strongly. But approaching 30 seems to unveil many shades of... oh god i don’t know how else to say it... SHADES OF GREY BUT NOT SEX STUFF.
i think that was subtle enough, right? 
There are so many ways to interpret the To be or not to be  soliloquy.
To be or not to be that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them. Everyone always talks about the first part--but I like the second sentence better. Life is like that. We are constantly up and down, and constantly trying to reason why-- and for what purpose do we endure these great heartaches?
But Hamlet wants to know--is it nobler to fight the discourse in our lives even if it ends them.
Do we whether the storm or do we fight the good fight? 
Ay, there’s the rub.
And even though it’s a 400 year old play with some words in it that we don’t quite understand. We are living the same struggle.
Hamlet is ready. He’s a dead man walking at this point in the play. He knows his death is coming soon, and yet he rallies like a boss. He rallies and takes half of Denmark down with him.
This is also great instruction for writing plays. lol.
When you’re character is definitely going to die by the end of the play--girl you better have him HUSTLE through to the end or the audience is going to get bored.
Anyway... perhaps you may think this is a bit high brow for a Tuesday Thought. But it’s what’s on my mind.
Also, if you know of any theater companies interested in casting a female Hammy--shoot them my way plzzzzzzzz.
Also, also: i can’t even begin to think how much Kenneth would HATE this description of his body of work:
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this is how sad he would be.
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Happy Tuesday y’all...
and remember, ya salty brat, the answer is to be.
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fullvoidmoon · 7 years
Pairing/s: Thorin x (human!wife)reader
Setting/Timeline: Years after BoTFA, Durins live!AU
Warning(s)/Genre(s): Angst, eventual fluff, may trigger depression, self-loathing, a little steamy (I think)
Word Count: 1,489
The Hobbit and the Durins © J.R.R. Tolkien The Hobbit films and Tauriel(mentioned) © Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Warner Bros., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and New Line Cinema Context © me
Based on my imagine.
A/N: I just wrote this to slightly make me feel a little better as I am now a year older. And it seems that I went overboard, again. This is clearly the longest that I’ve written in a one-shot/drabble so I’m sorry.
And this is also for the lovelies @fizzy-custard and @igotanaddixon, who’re having some tough times as I do. I hope this makes you both feel better. We do need Thorin in our lives. ;)
The Hobbit tag list: @fizzy-custard, @sdavid09, @life-is-righteous, @igotanaddixon, @fromthedeskoftheraven, @kittenwritesstuff, @deepestfirefun, @dreamsofrivendell
Masterlist: HERE
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Part 1 - Insulted
“We are sure about this, Auntie.”
“Yes, Aunt (Y/N) let us take care of our little cousin.”
Bless Fili and Kili for always appearing at the very right moment, just like they did a few years ago during the quest to reclaim the now thriving Kingdom of Erebor.
“You don’t have to worry about anything, sister. I will be there in case the boys become reckless again.” Dis, your ever protective and caring sister-in-law, says as she carries your son’s bag filled with his essential needs.
Fili, while carrying little Thráin, gasped mockingly, “but amad, we are not reckless around our little cousin.”
“How could you ever accuse us, amad. You’ve hurt our feelings,” Kili added while clutching his chest to add the necessary effect.
“Do not ever go there and be overly dramatic, boys.” Dis reprimands, though humor is evident in her sapphire eyes. She turns to face both you and Thorin with a reassuring smile on her beautiful face and whispers, “I will also call for Tauriel’s help in case if I need an extra helping hand, and to put Kili in place just in case.”
Like you, Tauriel became a resident of Erebor when Kili made his courting official as she works as an ambassadress for Mirkwood. She also became your people’s center of insults, but she’s ever the resilient one. And it is something that you envied and wished to have during your darker days.
“Thank you, sister. And be sure to put him to bed on time, boys.” Thorin says gratefully after blowing a raspberry at your son’s chubby cheeks. 
You could only do so much as to smile at the scene and giving thanks to your sister-in-law and your nephews as they take their leave to their bed chamber, with little Thráin a giggling mess in Fili’s arms as he continues to make fun of his older cousin’s braided mustache. Though you couldn’t help but fear that she only does this out of pity.
And it only made you feel worse.
You, and your then unborn son, were insulted by your people months ago. The damage was gravely inflicted that your confidence had diminished greatly, and insecurities and self-doubt have taken hold of your psyche.
Though Thorin had put an end to the insults, according to Fili and Kili, the negativity brought by the ordeal still lingered. And it became worse after you gave birth to your and Thorin’s first born.
“You look tired than ever, amrâlimê.” Thorin sighs as he leads you to your shared bed. “Are you worried about our dwarfling not being here with us tonight?”
“I’m not worried, my dear.” you reply while giving Thorin’s hands a reassuring squeeze as you try to look positive for him.
He couldn’t help but furrow his brows, his eyes ever pure like the brightest sapphires slowly dim with worry; both your fears and perturbation never escape from your husband’s ever observant eyes no matter how hard you try to hide it.
“But your eyes tell me differently,” Thorin says almost in a whisper, “please, tell me what my ghivashel troubles her so.”
You haven’t realized Thorin guiding you to your shared bed until you take a sit on one edge, still warm from when your son was lying and trying to learn to roll. He sits beside you, his eyes filled with concern and pain for seeing his wife in such a state.
“I believe I do not deserve you, Thorin,” you whisper after moments of silence. “Nor do I deserve to be blessed with such a wonderful son like our little Thráin.”
Thorin couldn’t believe what he is hearing. You, the light of his life, the mother of his son and his future children, his wife and Queen, do not deserve him? Though his visage conceals his disbelief his azure orbs show otherwise; how your self-accusations are anything but pure lies and how each word cuts him deeper than the ones he received in all his battles.
“Please do not speak such words, (Y/N),” he pleads while enveloping you in his embrace, hoping that it will serve as your anchor from drowning deeper in your pain, “it is I who does not deserve you.”
You couldn’t help but disagree. How could such a wonderful dwarf, King or not, is the one who is unworthy?
“But you deserve everything!” You exclaim while in between tears as you break away from his hold, your fears and worries now out in the open for Thorin to see, “you deserve only the best and I am not one of them.”
You are pulled back into your husband’s embrace as you let go of your pain; your heartache, your fears, your self-criticisms. Thorin knew he could’ve prevented all this if he had done something when news of the insults reached him for the first time, and it only makes him feel more responsible for it.
“I do not know why someone so imperfect and unworthy like me would be a mother to such a wonderful dwarfling like our son and wife to such wonderful and perfect husband like you!”
He suddenly captures your lips as he holds you closer, pouring out his undying love and devotion for you. As he feels you kiss him in return he slowly lowers his hand to your lower back in a slow, circular motion, calming and warming you slowly from the inside.
“You are the best among everything that had ever happened to me, amrâlimê,” Thorin says with endearment, his forehead leans on yours as he gives your nose a nudge with his own, “no one cares and loves our bouncing baby dwarf like his amad does.“
He then leans in to your ear, giving it a light nip before whispering.
“Have you also not realized you still make my knees weak and ignite my desires for you after all these years of our marriage?”
Though his words bring butterflies in your stomach and make your cheeks flush, your disbelief is still evident in your visage as you shake your head no, “impossible, I am not as beautiful as any of the dwarrowdams who still hound you wherever you go.”
“Clearly you are mistaken, my dearest.”
You are suddenly pushed down on your shared bed, your back against the soft fur covers as Thorin hovers on you. He then lightly runs his warm calloused fingers on your hands up to your exposed arms, leaving light but electrifying trails of burning sensations.
His eyes, ever the bluest hues that you’ve ever seen in your life, are now eclipsed with his pupils, almost making it look black, filled with burning adoration, love, and desire.
“No matter how those dwarrowdams hound me they will not have me divert my love and affections away from my wife.”
He then leave trails of burning desire on your face and neck with his fingers followed by his lips, just like how he traced your delicate features for the first time on your wedding night. Though your mind is still clouded with self-doubts and fears, you can’t help but mewl as you lean further into his touch, hoping to feel his desires for you even further.
“Your beauty is unmatched by any living maiden in Middle Earth, whether of men, those of the elves, or the dwarrowdams,” Thorin says, his voice dropping in a couple of decibels, “they do not make me swoon, make me weak in the knees, make me look at you like a young dwarrow who falls in love for the first time.”
He then gently nips your neck, looking for that particular pleasure point that makes you moan his name, “and they do not make me crave for you like a starved man deprived from food and thirsty for water.”
“I still cannot comprehend why you chose me, my Thorin,” you whispered as few tears of happiness cascade your cheeks as you cradle his bearded cheeks with your shaking hands; your inner demons slowly losing its hold on your mind.
“It is simple, my (Y/N),” Thorin replies as he slowly unties the laces of your dress, his eyes filled with love like nothing matters in this world than you, “because you are the love of my life; my light, my lifeline, my world.” 
“And you are a goddess; a goddess that makes my life a true blessing,” he adds, giving each of your palms with kisses.
"So please, let me show you how my words are true, ghivashel.”
As the light of the full moon shines above the Lonely Mountain, with all life under it welcome the sweet calling of slumber and faint giggles of a dwarven prince could be heard within its walls, sweet moans and rough grunts surround the chambers of the royal couple together with words of pure love, promise, and adoration.
“Let me love and worship you, not just today but until forever, like the goddess that you are.”
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topazshadowwolf · 7 years
The Door (Chapter 11)
An Undertale Fanfiction by: Topaz Shadowwolf Undertale is owned by: Toby Fox Setting: Post neutral run when Papyrus dies with chapter intros being before the child fell. Relationships: Sans and Toriel is the main focus, with a little bit of Undyne and Alphys Rating: I’m thinking Teen? Heads up: There is some depressed thoughts, feelings of worthlessness/wanting to die, mention of major character death, and the occasional bad word. Oh, and flowey being flowey, so you know, psychological/physical trauma. I really don’t want to say much more since I really don’t want to spoil anything further down the road…
You can read it on AO3! Here is Ch 10 Ch 9 Ch 8 Ch 7 Ch 6 Ch 5 Ch 4 Ch 3, Ch 2, and Ch 1 on Tumbler.
Random thoughts from the writer about this chapter: I am so happy I was able to get this done on time for the last day of Soriel Week. I’m sure many of you will be too busy reading all the fics that have been submitted for the week, and if you haven’t yet, I encourage you to. But, for this fic and me as a writer, Soriel Week means a lot. It gave me the courage to post the first chapter of The Door when I saw the reactions people had to my one shots last year. I thank all of you for sticking with me, and I hope you had a wonderful week, and year, filled with beautiful Soriel!
I also want to thank the artists who have drawn something for this fic, be sure to check them out: JDylah_da_Kylah from A03 posted this beautiful piece on chapter six of the comment section: With permission I posed it here on Tumblr.
For chapter 8, @blaiddsumu​ made this beautiful piece of art: Found here.
Just this week, @poisondilu​ drew a comic of one of the scenes in chapter 5, which I am still marveling at: Found here. 
Also recently, @skeleplatypus drew these, one from chapter 8 and the other from 9: Found here. 
The Door
Chapter 11: No longer Under a-rested
"hey, uh, lady?"
"Yes?" Toriel responded. The two had been sitting in silence for a while. Each reading their own thing, only occasionally interrupting the silence with a fact or a random joke that came to mind. It may seem odd, sitting near someone and not talking, but both were tired, and just wanted the company. Well, company without the added stress of needing to be funny or interesting for the night. It felt nice, familiar, just knowing he was there.
"you hear me talk about my bro, but i never hear you mention any of your family, except for the occasional hint that you have, or, well, had one," her friend said. He then quickly added, "sorry if that was a little... uh... nose-y," he laughed, she wasn't sure why. It's not like he could see her long snout. Perhaps he had one himself?
"No, it is alright," she then sighed, quietly, "My family is gone, and I guess I don't like talking about them because of that. Not that they aren't on my mind, much like your brother." She closed her eyes, feeling her heartache at the memories of children’s’ laughter, and even the booming laugh of the man she once called husband. "But those memories are now a painful reminder of what was. Perhaps, one day I will wish to speak to you about them."
"but not now, huh?"
"Sadly, no," she then closed her book and looked at the door, "I hope you don't mind that."
"naw, lady, it's fine," he was quiet, either returned to reading or he was thinking on what she said. From what she has learned about him, though, she is inclined to believe he was thinking. Her suspicions where proven correct as he spoke up again, "hope you don't mind that i keep talking about my bro."
"Nonsense, I love hearing about Papyrus," she smiled, trying to imagine the large smile that has been described to her countless times.
"good, 'cause, uh, honestly nothing much happens in my life that doesn't involve him," he confessed.
"I hardly believe that, you sound like a rather interesting person," Toriel replied brightly.
"being honest here, lady, anything i have done... well, it doesn't matter," he chuckled, and she heard him turning the page of the magazine he was reading.
"On the contrary, I think it does matter," she informed him, trying to sound insistent while remaining friendly. "You're being here to keep me company matters to me," she said cheerfully, "So, I'm sure there is plenty of other things you do that matter."
"thanks, but, uh...," he fell silent, not finishing his thought.
"But, what? There is nothing an individual does that is not important," Toriel insisted. It was clear he was in one of his moods, and it bothers her that they seem to be more often than before.
"it's," he paused then sighed, "it's different than..." He sounded oddly frustrated, like the words he wanted to say just weren't there. Again, he sighed, louder this time, before trying again, "it's not like the normal kind of 'not mattering.'"
"How so?"
"like, uh, how best to describe this...," she heard rustling of paper, and figured he was fidgeting with the magazine while he thought. "okay, have you ever had a dream, like a really vivid dream, where you do something only to wake up and realize it never happened?"
"I have had such dreams a few times. More in the past when I was with my family," Toriel replied.
"it's like that."
With a tilted head, she thought about what he just said, but she wanted to make sure she fully understood what he meant. To verify, she asked "Are you trying to say, everything you've done was in your sleep? I know you say you sleep a lot, but I hardly think that is the case."
"heh, naw. but, might as well have," he said in that tone she hates so much. He brightened up, before saying, "anyway, when, or if, you're ever ready to talk about your family, i'll listen."
Of his tones of voice, she much preferred that one. It sounded relaxed, almost happy. She rested her head against the door and smiled, "I know, and thank you. But can you please not speak so ill of yourself again? You're my friend, and I don't like anyone talking about you like that, even yourself."
"no promises, but i'll try, sound fair?"
"For now, Dishes, yes," she then smiled, "speaking of families, what do you call a female monster with children?"
There was a definite chuckle, and she wonders if he knows the answer, but will feign ignorance to hear her give the punch line, "don't know lady, what do you call 'em?"
"A momster!" she said brightly. That was always one of her favorite type of puns and jokes. Even the "your momma" jokes, to an extent, could make her laugh even though she was sure she was supposed to take offense to them. Still, you can't be hurt by something you accept as your own, right? Well, they aren't meant for civilized joke telling, and she wasn't sure how her friend would react to them. So, she’ll stick the with the milder mother jokes for now. What mattered to her was how much he had laughed at her pun, and that was a lot. And she did love that sound, which set her mind at ease. What would she do without her pun buddy?
 Shortly after picking him up, Sans was practically asleep in Toriel’s arms. He was trying to stay awake, and she felt him start to lean back to avoid drifting off. It was partly out of selfishness she hung onto him, preventing him from doing so. It had been so long since she had seen him, she wasn’t ready to let up on her hug, even if it meant he would soon be asleep.
As much as she would love to talk to him, the way he looked disturbed her, and she would rather he take this chance to rest. Which resulted in her glaring at Undyne when ordered to put him down. The notion of being ordered to release him caused her lips to curl, exposing more of her fangs. From within she could feel a growl starting to form from the protective nature taking over.
Oh, she wanted to fight. She wanted to make Undyne sorry for all of this. But right now, Sans needed her more. To properly fight Undyne, she could not be holding Sans. Yet, Sans needed to be somewhere safe, to rest, and he would worry if Toriel did get into a fight. These thoughts were conflicting, and causing her to worry about what the best course of action should be.
Then the quiet words he said, “please don't,” tore at her feelings. She heard in his voice the same desire to never be separated again. His magic felt disoriented and weak, most likely because of the vile thing on him. She doubted he was even aware his magic was trying to reach out for her own, but she could feel it. Looking at Undyne, she felt her rage, for now, put at ease. First comes the care of Sans, then, when she knows he is well, she will show this other monster her wrath. She will hold her tongue for now, and try to keep the peace.
“We should let him sleep, then try getting more answers when he wakes. In the meantime, please get this thing off him,” Toriel said, indicating the inhibitor.
She didn’t know if she was expecting a fight or argument over the removal of the inhibitor. The fact Undyne just complied, and without a word, came as a surprise. When Undyne moved closer to remove it, Toriel watched her carefully, making sure of no foul play. It didn't sound like something this proud warrior would be inclined to do, but at this point Toriel didn't know what to expect. She didn’t have any past experiences of her own to give confidence in Undyne’s honor; only word of mouth testimonials, and those she is starting to question.
“Fine, we’ll let him rest. But I don't want to wait forever. If this ‘thing’ Alphys talked about is a threat, I want to hear about it as soon as possible,” Undyne said. The inhibitor was tossed to the side far gentler than Toriel would have thrown it, even if it did hit the wall, before falling to the ground.
“I am curious myself,” Toriel forced a sigh, giving herself more time to relax before she continued speaking. With the barbaric contraption off, Sans’s magic felt stronger, which let her relax. This calmer mood allowed her to look at Undyne differently. If she were to describe the ruler she would say she looked like a wilting flower. “Since I have traveled a long way, same with Alphys, I think I will take this opportunity to rest while we wait. And perhaps, you should too,” Toriel said, offering the younger monster a friendly smile, an action far harder than it appears. “Believe me when I say, I am aware how hard it is to get sleep as a rule. But, if you don’t rest, when you can, your ability to make wise decisions decreases.”
“I don't have time, or need the lectures,” Undyne glared at Toriel. In her eyes was a clear desire to fight, her magic sparking around her hands. It seemed to be her glances to Alphys that kept her from attacking.
“U-Undyne,” Alphys said with a slight squeak, “I-I can help you after you wake. B-besides, there w-was that one series we were watching. And you h-have to see the end! I know you'll like it.”
She could see Undyne weighing her choices only to give in, “Fine, but the moment he wakes, or you wake him, I want to hear about this ‘anomaly.’”
“Of course,” Toriel replied. She then noticed Alphys shifting back, as if trying to be part of the background, “And I would like to hear more about what you know too. It never came up before, that you might have made this ‘anomaly,’ during our travels. Needless to say, I am a bit surprised by that bit of information.”
“Well, y-you see,” Alphys started, looking away.
“That is something else we can discuss later,” Undyne came to Alphys’s defense, “after we rest.”
Opening the door to the dungeon to calling for a guard, Undyne found them still there. Some were looking a little nervous, and several had char marks on their armor. Undyne shot Toriel a glare, but the boss monster didn’t care. When she arrived at the dungeon, she had asked the guards to move, and a few needed convincing before obliging. Still, Undyne ordered a guard to take Toriel to a guest room.
Knowing the guards were just following orders earlier, Toriel did apologize to them. It pleased her that most of them accepted it, though they did so while avoiding Undyne’s glares. The one that was leading her to the guest rooms, was one of those guards, and he seemed more than happy to get away from there.
It felt weird for her to be escorted to the rooms she had previously walked visitors to, while giving them a tour of the castle. Other than those few occasions, she rarely went down these halls herself. When she lived here, both with and after Asgore, she mostly was in the house, within the castle grounds, or in the throne room. Both, were not places she enjoyed being within the second time around, but she accepted that her presence there as part of her duty. Besides, there wasn't a need to go anywhere else, most of the time. Nevertheless, she had been this way enough to see Undyne had done some redecorating. That was no surprise to her, it is not uncommon for new rulers to adjust their surroundings to fit their needs or desires. And Toriel found it interesting that there were more images of past members of the guard, most of which were around during the wars on the surface.
The guard opened a door and let her into one of the rooms, which she remembered as being nicer than some of the rest. She thanked him for his service and entered before breathing a sigh of relief. Deep down, she wanted this, to be alone with her poor, tired Sans. He hadn’t stirred at all or reacted to anything since falling asleep.
She moved over to the bed in the room and tried to set Sans down, but he was still clinging to her. This made her chuckle softly and figured she was stuck like this for now. Getting into bed, she continued to hug him, resting her head against his skull, and closed her eyes.  Hoping for just one last thing, she ran her fingers along his spine, gently massaging the vertebrae as she had done in the past. Sans was deep asleep and she didn’t know if it would work; so, when he started to rattle softly she couldn’t help but smile. This was a sound she could easily fall asleep to. Feeling greedy, she continued massaging his spine until she drifted off.
Not to her surprise, she was the first to wake between the two of them. At least his grip had loosened and she could finally free herself from him. Not that she was ready to let him go, but there was something that needed to be done. Staying cuddled in bed won’t help in that regard, and she was set on putting her wants behind the need. She stood and walked into the bathroom to clean up first. It felt good to wash the grit and dirt of her travel to New Home out of her fur. She just wished she had something new to change into. Having left in such a hurry, she didn’t bother grabbing anything.
Exiting the bathroom, she found Sans half curled around a pillow he started hugging in her place. She hated to leave him, but this was something she'd rather do without him there. The bedside stand didn’t have anything on it, other than a lamp, let alone something to use to write a note. She checked the draw finding a note pad and pencil and started to reach for them. Before she could, she considered how she would feel waking up to find him gone. They had been separated for too long, note or no note, it would hurt her soul to wake up to find him nowhere near.
Still, she needed to get this done before he arrived to talk to Undyne. After some thought, she knelt by the bed and started to use her right hand to pet the back of his skull. Something caught her eye that she missed the night before. There was a mark on one of his cervical vertebrae, where that “thing” had been.
She knew all too well about inhibitor burns, and that clearly was one. Biting her bottom lip to hold back the boiling feeling building inside, she first reached out and healed the damage. As her magic healed the wound she saw him start to relax, the burn must have been a constant discomfort. On his face, she saw the start of his genuine smile in his sleep. Amused by this she ran her thumb softly along the healed bone, taking care in case it was still tender.
“Sans, dear,” she says softly, and he started to curl tighter around the pillow, as if it would save him from waking. This made her giggle before she leaned forward, nuzzling the back of his skull before kissing him.
In response, Sans started to uncurl and she kept kissing, moving slowly around his skull to his mouth while sliding a paw under it to turn his head. It took a few more kisses on his mouth before she started to feel his magic tingle on her lips in a pleasurable manner. To her annoyance, his magic felt hesitant, fearful, as if expecting repercussions. Before now, and once he accepted she loved him, he very forth coming with his magic when it came to expressing love. This cautiousness was aggravating to feel from any monster in this situation. But from the one she loved?
What helped soothe her from a building anger was his boney hand, as it moves to her cheek, slipping through her fur gently. It wasn't him she was mad at, and he didn't need that feeling around him right now. Leaning back slightly, she could see his eye sockets were only half open, and his eye lights are fuzzy around the edges, but there was still a look of love in them.
“My sweet,” she said while touching his cheek, and he turned his face into her hand. The soft sound he made, to indicate he was listening, accented how tired he still was. “I am sorry to wake you, and I want you to continue resting a little while longer, but I need to go take care of something.”
That made his eye lights focus to smooth edges, and he started to sit up, “I can come with.”
“Nonsense, my love. I know you're exhausted, and this is something I can do myself,” she said as she placed a hand on his chest to hold him still. Before he could object she added, “Just rest a while longer, I’ll see to it that you are woken, and I’ll get your clothes brought to you. Then you can clean up and get out of those.”
“Do you really need to?” he asked while placing a hand on hers. She saw the worry on his face and felt worse for needing to leave. If there was something to take away from this, she was happy she didn’t let him just wake up alone.
Leaning over again, she nuzzled his nasal bone and smiled bigger as she heard the wonderful song of his deep, rumbling chuckle. How much she would love to stay here, and get him to fully understand how much she has truly missed him. She sighed, sitting back, “Yes, Sansy, this is something I need to do.”
“heh, alright, t,” Sans said, but he didn’t look any more convinced. Right now, she wouldn't be surprised if he tried following her, and she knew how sneaky he can be when he really wants to. If she could get him to fall asleep again, that would be best.
His brow ridge was creased with concern, so she gently placed her hand over his sockets, forcing him to close them. In response, he raised his hands to lift it off, but she kept it there. Perhaps this was a bullying move, as between the two she was easily the strongest, but right now she wanted to get him to relax. To ease the tension on his face, she ran her thumb over his brow as if trying to smooth it out; which caused his attempts to uncover his eye sockets to become lethargic.
Pleased with this, she reached up with her other paw and started to pet the top of his skull softly, knowing well that doing so could help him get back to sleep. “I’ll have someone come to wake you. Be nice to them,” she said and giggled at his grumbled reply. It didn't take long before he was out again, his mysterious "Z's" being proof of that.
Standing up she walked to the door and looked out. There was a guard nearby, and she called softly to him as she exited the room, not fully closing the door behind herself, “Excuse me, but do you know where his things are? When he finally wakes up, I’m sure he will be wanting to change out of what he is currently wearing.”
“I can have them brought up,” The guard, a canine, replied, “will you need anything else? Breakfast, perhaps?”
“Oh, yes please, if you don’t mind,” Toriel smiled, “but for him. I have business to attend to with the Queen.”
“Empress, actually,” the guard corrected.
“Ah, right, I’ll try to remember that, thank you,” Toriel nodded, “Do you know if she is awake?”
“Empress Undyne is meeting with Gerson in the throne room.”
“Wonderful, thank you. Anyway, can you see that he gets those things in an hour and a half to two hours, and that he is up? He also has business with the Empress.”
“I will let the room service know to bring the food then. And his things should have arrived around that time, as well,” he bowed slightly and started to walk off.
“Oh, and before you go, can you make sure they bring ketchup with the breakfast? A bottle would be best.”
“I can do that,” He bowed again.
“Thank you very much,” Toriel said. She watched the guard go before looking back in at Sans. He was still completely out, and she sorely long to climb back into the bed, hug him, and feel him start to cling to her again.
Closing her eyes, she sighed. No, she can't indulge in those thoughts, not right now and with what business she had to attend to. Looking in at Sans one last time, she rekindled her resolve as she remembered the burn. Her lip twitched slightly as she remembered seeing him in that cell, weak and barely standing. Within, her magic turned like a cyclone of fire as she recalled the hesitation of his magic. Quietly, she closed the door and turned, walking down the hall with a single-minded goal.
When she arrived at the throne room there were two guard standing outside. One of the guards took notice of her, and turned to face her, “Toriel, Undyne has been waiting you and Sans.”
“Yes, well, he is not quite ready, and I have some unfinished business to discusses with her Majesty, that he is not required for,” Toriel replied before moving to the door to open it.
The other guard moved quickly to block her way, “We’ll announce you're here.” The one closest to the door started to open it, but she was not about to wait for such… procedures.
She didn’t really push her way past, as she didn’t really push anyone out of the way. She just continued walking forward and both guards decided not to test her, letting her enter the room with worried looks. Undyne and Gerson were sitting together in the bed of flowers that Asgore had grown. Both looked up at Toriel, Undyne looking annoyed and Gerson with an intrigued smile.
“Ah, hello there, Toriel!” Gerson greeted her.
“Toriel, I was expecting you and Sans. Why are you alone?” Undyne demanded.
“He will be arriving later. For now, I believe you and I have unfinished business to take care of,” Toriel replied, walking further into the room until she was standing beside them.
The fish monster looked at her a moment then looked back to Gerson. “It can wait,” she said while casually waving Toriel away.
“No. It can’t,” Toriel said flatly.
The old turtle was grinning, watching this. Rubbing his chin in a thoughtful manner, he said to Undyne, “I think you have more pressing matters to "discuss." Perhaps I'll rest while you two sort things out.”
“You will not!” Undyne snapped before turning back to Toriel, “And you will, now out!”
“You think you can just order me out like that?" Toriel gave a short scoff of a laugh. "After you kidnapped my love, placed a torturous device on him, and then neglected him?! I saw the untreated burn mark on the back of his neck,” upon mentioning the burn Undyne turned her head to look at Toriel. It was clear she knew nothing about that, which made Toriel all the madder. “I held back when I first arrived. I saw a greater need than releasing my rage out on you. But now that need had been met, it is time for us to settle this,” it was a struggle to keep her tone even through all of that, but years upon years of practice permitted her to maintain an authoritative tone.
“Is that so?” Undyne snarled.
“Get up, ‘Empress Undyne,’” Toriel growled with no respect for the title. “I’d hate to burn the flowers my ex-husband painstakingly cared for all these years.”
“I’m surprised you even care,” Undyne replied, mockingly. But she stood, a determined look to win this fight crossing her face.
“While my love for Asgore never returned, I do not harbor hate for him. He was part of my life, and someone I, at one time, loved dearly," she said, then looked around at all the flowers. They were like the yellow flowers that now grow where Chara's remains rest. Closing her eyes, she looked back at Undyne, "Thus, destroying a memento of him is not my intent. I’m sad he died, but it was a consequence of his choice to declare an unnecessary war.”
“UNNECESSARY WAR?!” Undyne yelled back, “He was fighting for our freedom!”
“No, he was fighting for your hope, and had everyone clinging to a false ideal. We had already lost the war to humans, why would we return to the surface at war again? I knew eventually the bottom to this lie would dropped, and everyone would fall hard!” Toriel stepped towards the back, where she was sure her ex-husband fought many times before. Him, and the children she once mothered.
“And look what has happened? He is dead, and your focus is to continue what he knew could never happen. As great as Asgore was, he knew, deep down, the humans would just kill us if we returned to the surface by means of murder. And yet, instead of choosing another option, a peaceful option, he forsook my council and stayed with the plan that suited his anger,” Toriel finished as they entered the room. Turning, she faced Undyne, feeling the anticipation building within for the fight about to occur.
Undyne summoned a spear into her hands while snarling, “And then you ran away. Like a coward, you turned your back on us, your people!” Several more spear bullets formed and she sent them at Toriel.
Toriel was not expecting an attack just yet, still she ducked and weaved her way through the attacks, stepping carefully, eloquently, and ignoring the biting pain as one she did not see hit her shoulder from behind. Toriel reminded herself that this was no time to be under estimating her enemy. Undyne was, after all, Head of the Royal Guard. That is not a position given to just anyone. Also, Sans had said in the past, that Undyne trained Papyrus, whom Sans said was the greatest fighter he knew. Granted, it seemed Sans was inclined to talk up his brother anytime, but it was still a detail she should keep in mind.
“For the longest time, I too believed that," Toriel closed her eyes, remembering her own self-hatred, and the day she first heard Sans through the door. Composing herself for combat, she looked at Undyne, "Then I was reminded, by one I hold most dear, of the real reason I left. I didn’t run away, as you so callously accuse. I left what I perceived as insanity. My morals would not hold to the notion of killing those who could be no different than my child, Chara, just because they were human. I went to where I hoped to prevent Asgore’s wrath." Magical fire writhed her hands, the colorful flames dancing with her anger. All the hues that made up her soul in view, with Integrity blue being the most predominate on display.
Taking the opportunity presented, she returned with an attack of her own. She started with a simple wave of dancing flames, wanting to gage the skill of her opponent. To her surprise, Undyne didn't dodge away from the flames like most try to. Using the spear in her hands, she blocked the balls of flame that came close enough to be a threat.
“You should have been here for us, your people. Besides, you had more than one child! Asriel, remember him? Murdered by humans, like the very ones you want to protect. But I guess the only one that mattered was the human, right?” Undyne then used the spear to seek out Toriel’s soul and turned it green.
Toriel didn't enjoy the feeling of being unable to move, but so be it. Like a lioness, she roared, "How could you insinuate such! I am, was, a mother. There is not one of my children that I favor over the other!" Toriel gathered her magic in preparation, "Asriel, my dear, sweet child... his death was tragic, but he did not blame the humans who killed him. He would not have wanted such bloodshed in his name."
Undyne summoned up a multitude of spears which came at Toriel from different directions. Using a fire barrier to block the attacks, Toriel turned and watched for the incoming spears. There were a few that were trickier than she expected, switching directions on her at the last second. But all of which she successfully blocked. Wasting no time, Toriel sent another wave of flames at Undyne the moment she could.
“No, I'm sure he would have rather been alive! Besides, it is not like you had a plan.” Undyne yelled back. She was fighting admirably, but it was clear her anger was getting the better of her. A common mistake, especially for the young who have not seen, or experienced, real combat. One can train and practice all they want to avoid it, but only a real battle could test one's abilities. Toriel saw a hint of carelessness as a fire ball scorched the proud warrior’s shoulder. “If you so strongly believed all you say you did, why didn’t you help him!” Another mass of spears was summoned up and they encircled Toriel.
“By trying to save the humans, I was also trying to protect my people,” Toriel replied. This time, she was ready for the trickier spears and expertly blocking the attacks as if dancing in place. The fire she used as a shield then gathered together her paws. Sweeping her arms wide, she sent a wave of flames toward Undyne. “What good would come from us returning to the surface in a state of war we could never win? What you did to Sans was no different than Asgore's blind war declaration. Making snap decisions, made from anger without any real consideration, is not a way to lead.”
"It is better than doing nothing!" Undyne snapped, blocking the attack. Her magic was becoming more erratic.
"Just like Asgore, you let your emotions lead," Toriel frowned. She straightened herself, eyeing the ruler as if judging her, "What have you done with your rule? Well, other than falsely imprison a monster and--"
"HE LET'S US ALL DOWN!" Undyne yelled. She sent more spears at Toriel, who again, turned in place to block the attacks with her magic. "Just like a coward, he chose you and that human over his own family, over the king!"
"And if Sans had died, would you really be that much happier?" Toriel asked. Again, she caused flames to rain down onto Undyne, but she watched more carefully, and she noticed that Undyne was losing her resolve.
Still, the fish monster blocked every attack as if they were nothing. Her stance was solid, unmoving, and there was an eccentric aspect to her fighting style. While she has seen monsters and humans fight in this manner for audiences, she doubted it was for fans that Undyne acted so much. It was likely Undyne was showing what she can do to intimidate Toriel. Unfortunately for her, this is not Toriel's first fight, and that is a technique that will not work.
"Never, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have done something!" Undyne refuted.
"Fair enough," Toriel said, "but only if you ignore the fact he is already aware he could never win against the human." As more spears traveled towards her, Toriel prepared to defend. "You forgot he was hurt by his brother's death as well. We were mending each other’s emotional wounds in peace, before you interrupted."
Again, same attack, just different rhythm and faster speed. There were also more spears, making the attack longer and more challenging, but over all, she was starting to feel ready for something new. Though, being trapped by the green magic, there was little she could do against some attacks. At least this is easier to deal with when immobilized.
“Asgore needed you more, and more than those humans,” Undyne snapped. She summoned up another multitude of spears and sent them toward Toriel, "You weren't the only one hurt by the loss of your children. Even the humans he killed weighed on him. I could see it."
Toriel varied her attack by having the flames come at Undyne from the side instead of above. At this point they weren't getting far, and Toriel knew she would have to fight harder. It has been a long time since she fought anything that stood a chance against her. She had fought the child, but she wasn't going full strength against them, after all, her goal wasn't to kill them. Now, though, she intended on winning.
“I always gave him my counsel, and was there behind him, guiding him with my knowledge and experience,” Toriel responded once Undyne was done defending.
Again, same attack but slightly different. The spears were moving in at different speeds, nearly tricking Toriel. Some were traveling slower than others, but appearing first, acting as a distraction for the fast ones. Keeping on guard though, she didn't intend on taking any more damage from Undyne. But this was becoming more difficult than Toriel thought it would be.  She wouldn't be surprised if Undyne had been practicing with Asgore, which gave Undyne the advantage of knowing some of her attacks. Still, she doubted Asgore had fought Undyne with the fierceness she was about to unleash.
Calling up more of her own magic, she sent fire raining down on Undyne. “Do you honestly think,” Toriel exclaimed while Undyne tried to block the flames, “that I would just leave him without a word? Did he not tell you of the days we argued, debated, and fought over this? I didn’t just leave him to deal with all of that alone without trying. Do not forget, I had loved him. But he made his choice, and it was one I could not stand by.”
Keeping her attack up, while Undyne was distracted, Toriel summoned up more fire to surround the fish monster and move at her from all sides. Undyne noticed them as Toriel sent the mass of fire in at her. The warrior barely had the time to build a defense, but she managed to block most of flames. As the smoke cleared, Toriel could see the char marks of a few successful hits.
“You keep saying you loved him! BUT YOU LEFT HIM ALONE!” Undyne’s spears were becoming unstable, and wild in formation. Magic may be a way for a monster to express their emotions, but when emotions become out of control, so does a monster's magic. Toriel could feel the danger of each bullet, but they were barely holding together, “Do you have ANY IDEA HOW MANY TEARS HE CRIED WAITING FOR YOU?!”
Toriel was free from the green magic on her soul, which was a welcomed feeling. But now the attack has changed, as a group of spears come at her head on, she dances to the side when needed. The attacks now coming at Toriel, lacked the aim of before. Composing herself, she didn’t make a counter attack, allowing Undyne to summon a mass of spears that required Toriel to dodge more as they followed her. Keeping her fire around her paws, she avoided most of the spears, save one that cut a small slit in her left ear. Toriel couldn't help but wonder how much more threatening a composed Undyne would be.
Once ready she turned to the Empress, a large fire ball summoned in her paws. With ease, Toriel sent it towards Undyne, and it collided with its target. It caused no harm, but did knock Undyne down. “I loved him, Undyne. Do not think I didn’t spend days, weeks, months, and years in the Ruins crying. DO NOT tell me for one moment that I did not love him!” Toriel felt a tear moving through her fur and instinctively reached to wipe it, only to feel her fur was soaked. She didn’t know how long she had been crying with her focus on the encounter, perhaps the whole fight.
Undyne hadn’t stood up yet, and Toriel walked closer, “Yes, I did not return to him, but he did not seek me out too.”
“You were hidden away!” Undyne yelled back.
“To most monsters, yes,” Toriel said, calming her tone, but more tears slid down her face, “he knew me enough to know where I was. Just as much as I could have returned to him, he could have come to me. I left to the old home we once shared, near where the humans fall. He knew, I know he knew.
“The forgiveness we needed to restore what we had is a two-way street. It can't all be him, or all me. We both must reconcile with the pain we felt and still feel. We both felt betrayed, and the trust we once had, broken,” Toriel sighed, turning away, “I thought for sure, he would see he was wrong and come for me. Then as the years dragged on, I understood he was no longer the monster I once knew.”
Undyne sat up, “Yeah? And what about you?”
Looking back at Undyne, Toriel shook her head, “I changed too. I was far more… open and happy before. I can still act that way, but inside I am closed off, and cold. As much as I thought I wanted him to come and get me, I also didn't want his apology. I wouldn't accept it unless he told me he would give up on his futile war. This torn perspective left me feeling as a failure, and that my people would be destroyed by my incompetence.
"I am no longer who I once was. I do not know if I have it in me to fully forgive him, and now I never will because I don't have that chance. It tears at me, day in and day out, that the last words we shared where so angry. But, not enough to surrender my own morals for his wellbeing. I am too stubborn for that, and he is too passive. That is what our argument revealed about both of us."
With a sigh, Toriel calmed her flames, she looked at the, slightly burnt, Empress of Monsters. Extending a paw, she offered to help the younger monster up, but was refused. "I just don't understand how you could have left him like that, alone," Undyne said, calmer, but still anger was in her tone.
"I do not know if what I did was right, but I couldn't stomach his war declaration. Not if it meant potentially killing children that would have been no different than our Chara. It was hard enough watch that dear one...," her body trembled, "that dear one wither. Seeing, and knowing more like them died by my husband's hands, that is what I struggle to forgive him for.
"I understand you and Asgore became family to each other," Toriel smiled, "Well, those humans were my family." Looking down and away, her smile fading, "Family that I ultimately failed."
"And were they?" Undyne asked, looking at Toriel. There was still frustration of the fish monster's face, but some had waned, "were they like your Chara?"
"A few, though several were, admittedly sweeter. Chara had their... issues, but overall, they were a good child. I honestly believed they wanted the best for us, all of us."
"Well, now," Gerson said, walking into the room, "got that little tiff with each other out of your systems?"
"I believe so," Toriel smiled at the turtle before looking back at Undyne.
"Yeah, I'm good," Undyne smiled a large toothy grin at the turtle. There were still going to be arguments between them, that was sure. But based on what she knew from the stories Sans told and what Gerson said, Undyne becomes more reasonable once she has released her anger.
If that is so, then the meeting they will soon have should run smoother with that out of the way.
A strange voice interrupted his dreamless sleep, and it took a moment for him to work things out in his mind. He remembered which timeline he was in, and the current situation. He was alone, though only currently. Toriel was alive, but had left to… do something. There was still a heavy fog clouding his thoughts. He struggled to remember what it was she said she had to go do, or anything really that was said.
As his thoughts cleared, he remembered Tori wanted him to continue sleeping while she went off to take care of… she never said. He remembered wanting to go with her, but she insisted on going alone. If his memory serves him right, she even held him down and did what she could to cause him to fall asleep. She used his tiredness to her advantage. Had he been more awake, he would have asked more questions, but instead, he just let her lull him to sleep without much fight.
Was he really that easy to manipulate? For Tori, he is. Papyrus possibly could have, but it was not in his bro’s nature. Normally, he would be upset by this revelation, but thinking about it, he really didn’t mind. If it is just Tori, having her knowing his weaknesses shouldn’t be a problem, she wasn’t the type to make them public. Some of his weaknesses already were well known, but they were basic. At MTT's resort, he has joked about how he sleeps too much, is lazy, and, over all, unhealthy. But none of that was like what she knows. If he was honest with himself, he preferred it this way. There was still so much he kept hidden, but it was nice to have someone he didn't have to feel so reserved with.
“Sir, Lady Toriel requested I wake you when your food arrived," the stranger said, reminding him that there was someone other than himself in the room.
Sans sat up, rubbing his eye sockets. If he was remembering right, Tori did ask him to “be nice." Well, he’ll try, for her.
... Grillby was right...
“thanks,” that’s a good start, right? He figured so, even if his tone of voice didn't really sound thankful.
“She had also asked that your things be brought to you. I placed them here on the nightstand.”
Looking beside him, he saw the small bundle of clothing and his slippers. Relief eased the ‘on edge’ feeling he was having with the guard being around. Go figure Undyne wouldn't have any actual 'room serves,' and has the guard doing everything. “sure, thanks again,” pockets, soon he’ll finally have pockets.
“Welcome, anything else?” The guard asked.
“no, i'm good,” Sans replied with a shrug.
“I'll be just outside,” the guard said, and finally left Sans alone in the room.
Collecting his things, double checking to making sure he had everything, Sans got up. He made his way to the bathroom, but stopped to look at the food. Perhaps he should eat something? He wasn’t hungry, but the food looks better than what mess he was offered before. It would be wrong to let it go to waste. Not that magic food spoils or anything like that, but it does taste better fresh.
Giving in, he sat down, setting is clothes to the side, and started to eat. Once he started, he found himself eating more than he thought he would, but not up to his normal standard. A few days of normal food should fix that. His only regret eating that much was it left him feeling sick and weighed down. The magic the food was made of was far richer than what he’s had recently, and his body wasn’t quite ready for that much so soon.
He should be fine in the end. His body needed food with more magic in it; and, as soon the new magic can be properly distributed, he would feel better. It would just take time for his body to readjust.
Once done, he finally entered the bathroom and took the time for a quick wash before getting dressed. Once his hoodie was on, he savored the sensation of his hands sliding into his pockets. It invoked a feeling of safety, like being hidden away from anything that may try to harm him. Between Tori’s hugs and his pockets, the hugs win in the overall protected feeling. But still, this was a close runner up, plus, it’s just what he is used to for most of his life.
Looking in the mirror, he could see how exhausted he was. Well, he felt that way, so this was no new discovery; but, now he can see it was more than just a feeling. At least he can stand straight, so that’s something. He chuckled, noticing that was a "Papyrus" thought, and wished his brother was here to say that to him.
Rubbing his eye sockets, he yawned, trying to force out the want to sleep now that he feels more like himself. Opening the door, he looked out into the main room but froze. Something shiny and rectangular was there, on the nightstand. It was something he really didn’t want to see right now, or think about. Closing the door, putting it between himself and that thing, he felt himself shaking. Pressing his forehead against the door, the thought back to when he grabbed his clothes. Was the present there?
No. He would have seen it. All his things came with him. He even double checked. There was nothing other than his clothes and slippers. Did someone sneak in while he was distracted in the bathroom? That was the only thing that made sense, but why would someone do that? But then, why would anyone be doing this at all other than to get at him in some sort of psychological way?
Maybe he was just seeing things? He was still tired and feeling very stressed. Closing his eye sockets, he tried to calm down before reopening the door a crack and looking out.
No, that was definitely the gift he has yet to open. It was just sitting there on the night stand, as if waiting for him. Again, he closed the door before sitting down and using it to lean.  His hands couldn’t go any deeper into his pockets, yet they still tried to seek refuge.
He wanted so badly to know what was in the gift, but he had a sickening feeling he already knew. Who it's from is something else he wanted to know. Was it Undyne? This really didn't feel like her, and after some sleep, he felt almost certain she wasn't the culprit. But, that doesn't answer who else would have the knowledge to do this. After all, how many people could Papyrus talk to about the special wrapping paper with?
Well, it was Papyrus, it was likely he talked to a few people about it.
This was no time for a meltdown. Toriel needed him, but he felt trapped in his own fears. It was just a gift, a cruel one, but it couldn’t hurt him… physically. Taking a deep breath, he stood and opened the door again, this time avoiding looking at the stand before quickly exiting the room. He’ll deal with it later… he should know what is in there, but not before this meeting.
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notconsolation · 7 years
the rest of the music box asks?
yo what the fuck I’m so sorry this got lost in my inbox? uhhh I have no excuse? also fairly local song analysis is coming up, the friend staying with me has something coming up on sunday so I’ll have the day free to roam musically through the house
1)   a song you can listen to on repeat
right now: the whole of after laughter.
always: big love - fleetwood mac, heavydirtysoul (MADE FOR REPEATS), someday - the strokes, free bird - lynyrd skynyrd, angel of small death and the codeine scene - hozier, jackie and wilson - hozier, 13 kinds - the bones of j r jones, just what I needed - the cars, queen of the highway - the doors, susie q - the rolling stones
2)   a song from one of your favorite albums
okay. phew. specifically one. okay. let’S do this. only one, hannah. just one.
nowhere man - the beatles, from rubber soul
3)   a song you loved when you were a teenager or kid
I’m looking through you - the beatles
6)   a song that cheers you up
migraine - twenty one pilots.
fucking cathartic
7)   a song that reminds you of your friend(s)
I’m just gonna do y'all. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER, THIS IS JUST THE CHATS I HAVE OPEN. I’m putting my library on shuffle and writing down the first one that reminds me of each of you
Avia @slampoety - Velvetine (sorri i had to?), You Know I’m No Good by Amy Winehouse, Jungle by Tash Sultana, Bad at Love by Halsey , Grace by jeff buckley
Christiana @stalk-softly - Never Going Back Again by Fleetwood Mac, Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Winter is All Over You by First Aid Kit, Werewolf by Cocorosie, Ten Cent Pistol by the Black Keys
Elle @acadjonne - Decode by Paramore, There She Goes by Babyshambles, Mama by My Chemical Romance, How You Like Me Now by the Heavy, Blue Orchid by the White Stripes
Jon @voremenacholibre - Unknown Brother by the Black Keys, Border Line by King Krule, Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix, Still Together by Mac Demarco, Truce by twenty one pilots
Charlie @twentyonequasars - While My Guitar Gently Weeps by the Beatles, To Be Alone by Hozier, When I’m Sixty-Four by the Beatles, Rumble and Sway by Jamie N Commons, Midnight in her eyes by the black keys
Elia @dork-with-a-uke - Glass in the Park by Alex Turner, That Green Gentleman by Panic!, It Doesn’t Matter Anymore by Lucius, Control by Halsey, River by Bishop Briggs
Marika @leastdramatic - Billie Holiday by Warpaint, Pots and Pans by the Kills, Feeling of Wonder by Kitty, Daisy & Lewis, Brooklyn by Woodkid, I’m a firefighter by cigarettes after sex
Asya @chalupacabras - No Action by Kitty, Daisy & Lewis, Mississippi Goddamn by Nina Simone, Left Hand Free by Alt-j, Every Other Freckle by Alt-j, Burning Bowl by She Keeps Bees, Baby I’m blue by Trudy and the Romance
Zeynep @ziynetuleb - Love Her Madly by the Doors, Sister Morphine by the Rolling Stones, Beautiful Tango by Hindi Zahra, Drumming Song by Florence + the Machine, It was a very good year by Frank Sinatra
Edy @edyluewho - the Jeweler’s Hand by Arctic Monkeys, the Krockadile by King Krule, Where did you sleep last night by Lead Belly, Trapdoor by twenty one pilots, Mad Tom of Bedlam by Jolie Holland
8)   a song that reminds you of an ex partner or crush
uhh Best Friend’s Girl by The Cars
11)  a song that brings back good memories
Without You by Junip. brings back memories of being on the open road
12)  a song that grew on you
Friend, Please by our boys because ill be honest i did not like it very much at first. then i learned the piano to it and fell in love.
13)  a song from a musical
You’re the one that I want (from Grease)
14)  a song with a great music video
hmmm not big on music videos in the first place but? Heavydirtysoul? I guess? cause I freaked the fuck out
15)  a song that’s better as a cover
Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. Listen, I love Leonard Cohen but… oOoOOOooh also all of his covers of Bob Dylan songs (highlights: Mama, you’ve been on my mind, Just like a woman, and If you see her say hello)
16)  a song that’s better acoustic
…. i love….. love love love…. all acoustic versions of all songs (nearly?) so this is very difficult but the first one that popped into my head was Polarize cause our dear boys gone done good on that one.
18)  a song for summer
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
19)  a song for heartache
All My Love - trudy and the romance
20)  a song for car rides
Taxi Cab - twenty one pilots, Feel like making love - Bad Company
21)  a song for the rain
Calling You - Jeff Buckley
22)  a song for dancing
Hard Times by Paramore
23)  a song for making out
I’m a firefighter by Cigarettes After Sex, Whisky by Marian Hill
24)  a song for a lover
Supercut by Lorde (!!!!!! PUMPED)
26)  a song from a band that’s no longer together
uh Wild Honey Pie by the bealtes
27)  a song you’ve seen live
Left Hand Free - alt-j (p good)
28)  a song you want to see live
29)  a song by a band you don’t usually like  
this was honestly surprisingly difficult for me so I gave up in the end and settled on Burnin Up by los jo bros
30)  a song you recommend
Penny Lane by the beatles. if you ever want to feel good, head for the magical mystery tour.
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hyperesthesias · 7 years
Loki x Sigyn
Love Never Dies | Part I
Rating: E
Word Count: 2.205
Summary: After the events of the Dark Elves, Thor resolves to bring Jane back to Asgard with him, greeted by a freed Loki -- whose crimes have since been paid for -- and a recuperated Frigga. But Loki harbours a deeper secret.
Notes: #FriggaLives tbh. okay i don’t know how long this will be, but i felt like a backstory/expositional thing was boiling inside of me as to how sigyn died, where she came from, and how loki comes to the conclusions he does, etc. plus some loki & jane bro-sis snark is what im here for soooo. anyway, it’s been a long time since i’ve written fanfics. i hope you guys like it.
He was not keen on standing there, awaiting the arrival of his brother and his brother’s consequential Midgardian play-thing, the one named Jane, but the fact that he stood beside his mother, the fact that he was allowed to roam the palace halls once more -- or at all -- was enough for him to bear it. He gritted his teeth silently, pursing his lips as he stood as tall as his frame would allow him, towering over his mother, beside him, who was ever the exuberance of patience -- a patience of which was rare for him to witness, and one he somewhat envied. Somewhat. Stripped of his title as Prince of Asgard, a condition upon his release from the dungeons far from the palace’s graces, he felt both liberated and shamed -- though he committed to never show the latter, for it would only grant The Allfather that which he wished: to see the Jotun Prince as he was meant to be, beneath him. Thus, he took advantage of the former, no longer hiding his prideful, greedy, and snarky nature, he was quelled only by his mother. His adoptive mother, the only other woman to whom he would grant his affections, and the only other person who had fought for his freedom and who knew the torments that lay within him had far exceeded that which his heart could bear. Still, for the grace of her son, whatever was left of his dignity, she said nothing to any one -- even Loki. 
“I don’t understand why he gets such a royal welcome. It’s not as if he returns from war, he merely went to retrieve his pet,” Loki growled beneath his breath, clasping his hands behind his back, never allowing the openness of his position to betray the gushing wounds inside him. 
Frigga only looked to her son with a small shake of her head. “You promised me you would behave today,” she teased quietly.
“Indeed I did, but as compared to what was left rather vague.” 
The Queen had just opened her mouth to scold him gently when there approached through two golden doors her first born son and his lady friend, Jane. The knit in her brow diminished and she replaced it with a genial smile as Thor hailed to her:
“Mother!” he grinned wide, beaming nearly as brightly as the gold of his hair, and the gold that surrounded him. 
“Welcome home, son,” she nodded to him first, reaching her cheek upwards somewhat that he might bend to give her a kiss. “And welcome back, Jane,” she greeted the Midgardian, who stood rather awkwardly to the back of Thor, as if she were hiding from the attention. 
She gave a bow meshed with a curtsy nonetheless, paying her respects to the Queen with a happy smile, unsure whether or not to approach any further.
“I am glad you have joined us -- under better circumstances,” Frigga continued. 
“As am I,” Jane quickly agreed. “I’m happy to see everything is much better here,” she looked around -- easily distracted by the strangeness and instinct to pick apart her environments and catalogue them in her mind.
“Better is a relative term,” Loki chided as he merely observed the joyful reunion from the outside looking in -- reminding himself it was never his place to fit in anyway, that his home was not on Asgard or among its people, but on some far off land of which he could not describe, but one he remembered well. 
“I see you have not changed, brother,” Thor said as he stood before him. 
“Perhaps. But neither have you,” he replied, though his sights remained fixated on Jane. “I see you still refuse to heed my words,” he said quietly, watching as Frigga ushered the young woman along, talking with her of what the brothers could not hear. 
“I will not let your pain dictate my own,” Thor defended, and he knew of what Loki spoke -- he remembered clearly his brother’s chastising on Svartalfheim, the lesson he meant to teach of how fleeting life could be for such a union. 
“Then you are a fool,” the bitter Prince bit back. 
“I would rather be a fool than an angry menace,” he pushed Loki aside, meaning to catch up with the two ladies who had walked some distance now. “Jane means to stay for some while, and I mean to show her every hospitality we have, is that understood?”
Loki walked along with his brother, looking him in the eye as he spoke -- there was a wall between them: harsh and fettered with thorns and bristles, borne of bitterness and regret, of things they could not take back or undo, whether because of time or pride. Nonetheless, the younger agreed with a single nod and a smirk. “I’m sure you do, brother. Trust me when I say I don’t wish to interfere with your activities with your pet.”
And truly, he did not -- sarcasm and innuendo aside. He wished to stay as far away as possible from the lovers, for to gaze on them was torture at its highest form; he could not bear to look on Jane for a mere few seconds, despite having to dine across from her at the subsequent dinner, and being forced to entertain her company along with several other Asgardians eager for his brother’s return. The way her brown eyes flickered, the way her hair whispered in the candle-light, and the curiosity in her eye when she looked all around her, it pained him far too much. For it reminded him of a love he’d once known, a love for which he would have given everything -- life and limb -- to maintain and to have back again. She reminded him of Sigyn. 
But it was forbidden to speak her name, Sigyn. Forbidden by both his heart, and by The Allfather himself -- it was blasphemy to speak the name of a treacherous woman such as she. And every moment which Sigyn’s name was not spoken, another piece of Loki died to join her grave. 
Sigyn, however, had not been a treacherous woman, by any means -- in fact, there was a common jest among the other Asgardians that she was the only one who could tame the lord of mischief, and who could silence his silver tongue. And they were not wrong, Loki knew this, it only bothered him that they knew. She was everything good in all the realms, all the purity and gladness, the joy and the heartache, the just and right from their universe and beyond -- in every sense of the word. Fiercely he would protect her, and even more so would he love her, giving himself willingly as her servant, both in bond and in love. She held his heart in her hand, this she had known, and had always cared for it -- pieced it back together when it was broken, and quelled it to sleep when it was overcome.
But...it was because of this, that when she died -- his heart died also. 
And a monster is what he became.
Every bit of love he had he’d given to her, that he spared none for any one when it was buried and locked within the catacombs and tombs of old. 
Thus, he was obsessive of her: of his heart. He dreamt of her, and when he did not dream of her, he thought of her, and when he did not think of her, he breathed the scent of her memory -- she was all-consuming to him, and not once, not one moment did he regret. 
His heart, the keeper of his soul, had died in his arms some years prior. And he still woke from nightmares of her last breaths in his ear. 
But he awoke the next morning disdainful that the previous day had not been part of some other dream he’d had -- and he found the pet, Jane, sitting at the breakfast table alone slumped over her plate.
“What’s the matter with you?” he snipped, briefly glancing about for either his brother or his mother.
She started, having not heard his quiet footsteps, and looked up to see the terror before her. She went white and struggled to find her words -- flashing back to conflicting scenes of both the New York Incident and of him saving her life more than once the last time she was there. 
“Well? Speak,” he impatiently urged as he resorted to taking a seat far from her that he would not have to look at her any longer. 
“I...I’m having breakfast,” she finally found her voice and caught her breath.
“You very well state the obvious, though I presume it is not the reason for your melancholy -- or are you displeased with your plate?” the sarcasm dripping from his words as venom from a fang. 
She frowned at him. “No,” she regained her footing and once more decided she would not be treated as such. “Thor’s gone -- his dad, the King,” she quickly corrected herself.
“I’m aware of his father,” he raised a brow and dismissed the servant who brought him his own plate. 
She frowned even harder. “The King sent him on some...mission. He said he couldn’t tell me about it. Some peace keeping thing,” she sighed no longer feeling the sting of Loki’s words, but of Thor’s absence.
If the word pathetic crossed Loki’s mind it was only because he missed Sigyn ten times as much. But all he could do was scoff. “That sounds like Odin,” he inspected the food on his fork before he took a bite. 
“What do you mean?” she looked back at the brother.
“He does not approve you,” he allowed himself to fell his eyes on her -- what an innocent, he thought, she had no knowledge of the disgrace neither the prejudice that was to be had. “Thus, he wishes to keep you apart.”
But as she was ruminating on such things, knowing how the other Asgardians saw her -- for she was not ignorant to the glances, nor the whispered and not so whispered words of her -- a messenger came through the hall and called Loki away, leaving her to her lonely breakfast.
Loki arrived at his mother’s office at her behest, and he would not admit the twinge of fear he felt -- not for her punishment, but he feared something to be wrong. Thus, the first words out of his mouth:
“Mother, are you alright?” 
She smiled at his worry and beckoned him inside. “Yes, my son, I’m quite fine,” but the smile soon faded into apprehension as she bid him sit beside her on a couch. “It is not about me, in fact, I have a message from your father.”
A sharp breath concealed the rage he had suppressed enough within him for the man that was once his father -- but he did not chastise her, not this time. “Another bidding? He’s already sent Thor off Norns know where, does he have some ruse for me to play?” 
But the pause in her told him everything without her speaking a word.
“No. No, no,” he shook his head. “I will do nothing for him.”
“He only wishes you to keep an eye on the Midgardian,” she spoke to him with the utmost quietness, calmness, knowing it was not as simple as it sounded.
A laboured breath and Loki stood turning from her, from everything. “He knows that which he asks of me -- I may be far from his dungeons, but I have not escaped his tortures.”
Frigga fell silent for some while, before standing to come beside him. “You need not befriend her, only ensure she does not fall into any trouble whilst she is here.”
Loki scoffed. “And why should I? Why should I not let her do just that?”
Frigga pursed her lips before looking straight at her son, knowing what she was about to say would cut him bluntly. “Thor was always good to Sigyn, he always respected her, even when he believed the rumours about her realm to be true. All I ask,” she turned her son’s face to her, “is that you repay that kindness.”
Something inside Loki broke, the greenness of his eyes became a bit duller, the brightness of his skin a bit paler, and his heart sunk just a bit further. Nonetheless, he knew her words to be true. Thor had respected his wife, and cared for her as a sister, even, and had loved his son when no one else did. Thus, with a single nod, Loki sealed his own fate, and agreed. 
“Very well, mother. For you, I accept.”
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verobonelli · 7 years
Corny songs
Summary: Jared watches as Jensen sings Brother by Needtobreathe at VegasCon17. Fandom: Supernatural cast Characters: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles Relationships: none / bromance Rating: general audiences Words: 1,896 Warnings: idk, kinda fluff? ahah Notes: English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes you’re kindly invited to tell me so that I can rewrite it :) Also I have no idea if Jared was there during the concert, and if he was I guess he probably wasn’t hidden behind the crowd, but hey this is fiction after all so just roll with it
The room is crowded – even more so than usual, it would seem – and the girls are extremely loud, tonight. It’s difficult to understand what Jensen is saying, but it doesn’t matter. Jared is partially hidden at the back of the room, surrounded by bodyguards, and he feels lucky because ne one seems to have seen him. For once, he gets to just be one face in the crowd, enjoying the show. He hears the girls scream, all of them freaking out at the view of Jensen’s tight jeans that wrap his long legs and the leather jacket that fits perfectly his broad shoulders, partly covering the V-neck shirt underneath that highlights the muscles of his torso: Jared’s not even aware that he’s noticed all this, because it’s not the point, he doesn’t care, unlike all those girls around him. He’s watching Jensen with the distant awe of the visitor in a museum: distant, in fact, amazed by the aesthetic but in search of the hidden meaning, of the inner essence of a work of art – and he knows Jensen’s inner essence, he’s one of the few people that really do and he’s incredibly grateful for that. This is the way Jared is looking at Jensen right now: like a little brother looking up at his big bro in admiration. At some point, a sentence of Jensen’s speech stands out among the shouts of the crowd and catches his attention. “We are gonna try something a little new here… that we just thought was an appropriate song, given the basis of our show.” Jared frowns, curious. So, a new song, apparently. One that he’s never sang before. What’s it gonna be? The music starts and Jared shifts the weight on his feet. The first notes wake up a warmth in his chest, something familiar and cozy. The beginning of the song feels like coming home after a stressful day of work and slipping into one’s pajamas, the TV remote in one hand and a warm cup of tea in the other. Not that Jared is a great fan of tea. He actually prefers junk food and coke, that’s a fact. But you get the meaning. This is how Jared is feeling, and the song has barely even started. He’s sure he heard it before, he clearly remembers being with Jensen and listening to that song, he just can’t remember anything else. And then Jensen starts singing – and something clicks inside Jared’s head. Or rather, inside Jared’s heart. “Ramblers in the wilderness, we can’t find what we need / Get a little restless from the searching, get a little worn down in between…” Now he remembers. They were on set, tired after shooting an emotional scene for an upcoming episode, and some guys of the crew approached them: they wanted to post a video on the internet for the SPN Family Love campaign, and they wanted Jared and Jensen’s opinion about the background music. “It’s a song that’s very popular among the fans”, they told them, so they gathered together to watch the video. Jared remembers the footage about the campaign: it was already emotional per se, but that moment had stuck with him especially for the song. That song. He had never heard it before, but as soon as he started understanding the lyrics he knew it was right. It was right for the video, it was right for the campaign, but most of all it was right for the show, it was right for the Winchesters… and it was right for them. As in, Jared and Jensen. He remembers looking away from the screen to meet Jensen’s eyes, that were already on him: they looked at each other, said nothing, and that was it. They didn’t even have to nod, or make any other gesture. They just looked at each other and it was set. The crew around them understood what that look meant, because they had already seen it – on camera and off camera: it was the Winchester brothers look that could express everything without a spoken word, it was the silent look that now, after twelve years, belonged to Jared and Jensen too. Jared snaps back to reality, his attention now fully focused on his best friend again. He’s not even capable of thinking, he’s just watching as Jensen moves on stage like the rockstar that he is and listening to those words they both know so well by now. “Like a bull chasing the matador is the man left to his own schemes / Everybody needs someone beside ‘em shining like a lighthouse from the sea.” Then, the chorus explodes from the amplifiers like a storm, and Jared can feel his heart swell, almost smothering him. “Brother, let me be your shelter / Never leave you all alone / I can be the one you call / When you’re low…” Suddenly the lights on the ceiling are too bright, the cheers from the crowd are deafening, his legs are weak: it’s overwhelming, and all he can do is stare at Jensen, mouth slightly open, trying to catch his breath. “Brother, let me be your fortress / When the night winds are driving on / Be the one to light the way / Bring you home.” Jensen is singing with his eyes closed, and when he gets to the middle of the chorus he raises a hand and places it on his heart. Jared kind of misses all the second verse trying to calm himself down. He sees Jensen addressing the crowd when he sings about coming home, but he know he’s actually talking about him. Maybe he doesn’t know that Jared’s here in this room, but it doesn’t matter: Jared remembers the way those green eyes looked at him when they were listening to that song that day on set, drinking every single word, absorbing the meaning into their own souls, together, far away from the people that were there with them. That’s why he knows he’s talking to him: no matter how many people there are in this world, the only two that really mean something are them. By the time the second chorus hits, Jared finds himself humming to the music, letting himself go, getting lost in the melody. Then, the bridge comes. “And when you call and need me near / Sayin’ where’d you go?, brother, I’m right here / And on those days when the sky begins to fall / You’re the blood of my blood, we can get through it all.” At that point he doesn’t even notice when some of their colleagues climb on stage to sing the acoustic chorus together. He just beats his foot on the floor, following the rhythm, and discreetly moves his lips to match the words Jensen is singing while clapping his hands above his head. At the end, he’s full-on singing, ignoring the heartache as best as he can. By the end of the song, he has to dry a tear with the back of his hand. The other actors are gone now, and Richard starts playing the intro of Whipping post on his bass – “yeah, I know the lyrics” says an irritated Jensen – but Jared doesn’t care anymore. He slips throught the door and finds himself in an empty corridor: one of his bodyguards follows him, but he shakes his head and asks to be left alone. The man nods and goes back inside, giving him the privacy he needs. Jared takes his black beanie from the pocket – he had taken it off when it was too hot to go around with that thing on his head – and puts it on. It’s his security blanket, after all. A tangible piece of his comfort zone, under which he feels irrationally safe. And messy-haired, of course. But especially safe. He takes a minute to just breathe and stare at the wall before him, without actually seeing it. He fidgets with his To Write Love On Her Arms bracelet, that Jensen gave him after a pretty hard crisis he’s had some time ago, but he doesn’t notice he’s doing it. Then, when his breath is more steady, he heads towards the other door at the end of the corridor. He opens it and he finds himself in the backstage. A guy of the security team stands beside the door and lets him in. He steps inside and closes the door behind himself. Briana waves at him, but he just smiles slightly, then carries on. On his left, Ruth is talking with Misha, just hanging out, joking, showing each other something on their phones. Jared doesn’t even see them. He moves around the backstage like a ghost, then hears the crowd cheering and clapping louder than before, and suddenly Jensen is coming down the few steps of the stage, on this side of the black curtain, into the backstage. He looks down, incoherently shy – a moment ago he was on stage, rocking the hell out of that song and overall being a badass, and now he won’t even meet the eyes of his friends who have surrounded him to pat him on the back and tell him how amazing he’s been. That’s why he’s such a wonderful human being, Jared thinks. He stares from a distance, incapable of moving. He’s just focused on Jensen, totally unaware of himself. After a minute, the group of people around Jensen starts to scatter, and he finally looks up at Jared. At that moment Jared realizes how weird he must look, staring at him like that, but he can’t look away. Jensen apologizes to the few that are still around him and goes towards Jared, patting him on the shoulder. “Hey, buddy.” Jared swallows some saliva. “Hey, man. Great performance, I’ve been told.” “Didn’t see it?”, he asks, with a skeptical smile. “Yeah, I did”, Jared confesses, and they both laugh a bit. “Just wanted to pretend I wasn’t aware of how corny you can be sometimes.” Jensen snorts. “Oh, come on…” “Just sayin’, Mister One-perfect-tear.” “You’re just gettin’ started, aren’t you?”, asks Jensen, pretending to be annoyed. “We agreed not to prank each other, at least let me tease you.” “Thought you would like the song.” Jared stops. Then says: “I did like the song.” “Good.” Jensen stares quietly at him, then pulls him in for a hug, grabbing a handful of Jared’s shirt with his fist while the other hand rests on the back of his head. They both stay silent, just leaning on each other, in a full-on season-finale, end-of-the-world Winchester hug. Then Jared breaks the silence. “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you, you know that, right?” Jensen freezes, clearly embarassed. He pulls away from Jared and looks him deadly in the eyes. “Sissy.” Jared rolls his eyes: his face starts to look terribly similar to Sam Winchester’s bitchface, but Jensen is already behind him and doesn’t see it: he takes away Jared’s beanie, then throws it behind his back. Jared turns around just in time to grab it and watch Jensen go. “So”, says Jensen, walking away, “fancy a beer or you want some pop-corn, since you’re the corny one today, apparently?” Jared sighs, looking down and shaking his head with a smile on his face. Then he follows him.
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oldgirllearnstodraw · 7 years
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Kdrama bro trio
Here you go, another one of my weird obsessions. It’s actually my newest one, but no less interesting. I love kdramas. I mean, I really adore them. I’ll probably start doing more of kdrama “fanart” soon, to process all the pain they leave in me.
But for now I’ll start with this sweet thing called Love in the moonlight (Moonlight drawn by clouds). It’s such a lovely kdrama, with great acting, plot, cinematography and the sweetest main leads ever. Could it be, that Park Bo Gum is a real angel? How can someone always be so nice, caring and sweet? Kim Yu Jeong is such a sweetheart too, I love her.
All scenes with Kwak Dong Yeon were so good. The coolest 2nd lead fighter out there, who was also able to make me cry like a baby for the first time in my kdrama history (all of you who have seen it, will know which scene I mean).
And last but definitely not least, it gave me the greatest 2nd lead syndrome and heartache for a fictional character ever. My heart still bleeds when I just see any picture of Jinyoung anywhere. Great singer, great actor, with a lot of charisma and handsome as hell.
I saw this picture of the 3 male “leads” shadows on Instagram (Lee Yeong, Kim Yoon Sung and Kim Byung Yeon). And I wanted to try something new with my markers. It’s quite difficult to get a good picture of the drawing. It looks different in real life, but I hope that you can still see what I was trying to achieve. Now I wish, more than ever, that I’d have a tablet to draw with a computer. One could do so many fun things with this. What do you think?
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