#this is not a great intro but i guess i needed something !!!!
thisonehere · 8 months
The webs we weave
You are the weaver, once a mere mortal(???) who centuries ago challenged Liu Kang to a weaving competition. The loser had to grant a request from the winner. Spoiler alert: you won. Your request: Immortality and eternal youth and beauty. The usual. Nowadays you are known across the realms for your work... among other things.
Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Kitana, Mileena, & Liu Kang
A/N: Serious intros mixed with flirting and just the right amount of almost-smut. Be sure to send any other ideas you might have.
Shang Tsung
Y/n: Does my skill flatter you, sorcerer?
Shang Tsung: It amuses, maybe I'll let you live after all.
Shang Tsung: I must say, now that I see your work in person. It's quite... mediocre.
Y/n: Mediocre? MEDIOCRE?
Shang Tsung: That Liu Kang lost to you speaks volumes.
Y/n: I can say the same about you losing to him.
Y/n: You're... you're very charming for a villain.
Shang Tsung: Do I make you weak in the knees, Y/n?
Shang Tsung: That silk coat you made me had acidic venom in the fibers!
Y/n: *grins* Oops.
Y/n: The silk sheets have been crafted as you requested.
Shang Tsung: Excellent, now I just need you on them to make it complete.
Kung Lao
Kung Lao: I need a new costume, something that matches my greatness.
Y/n: Of course, I think I have some leftover pieces of scrap from Raiden.
Kung Lao: You know what, I like you.
Y/n: *rolls eyes* Wow, thank you so much. Your validating me makes me feel so special.
Y/n: What would you like me to make you?
Kung Lao: A nice, big, soft cover. We'll need it for our honeymoon.
Kung Lao: Why do you have so many spiders?
Y/n: I like having company as I spin my threads.
Y/n: Keep you and your hat out of my workshop!
Kung Lao: Oh come on, all I did was accidentally cut some of the work that took you years to complete.
Kung Lao: You should come with me to Madam Bo's.
Y/n: NO. My tab with her is big enough.
Johnny Cage
Johnny: If I knew spiders could be so hot, I'd still smash them all day.
Y/n: I'll never forgive you for killing Gunter!
Johnny: I've got this sweet idea for a new look.
Y/n: Of course, but I'll need your measurements... I need you to get naked, Johnny.
Johnny: Just so you know, I'm cool with doing nudity.
Y/n: Johnny, I'm a weaver, not a sculptor.
Johnny: You got to become my costume designer, we'd kill it on the red carpet.
Y/n: That would be a dream, Johnny!
Johnny: Y/n..that's such a beautiful name. It almost makes me want to sing.
Y/n: Please don't, your musical flopped for a reason.
Johnny: I don't think Christina will ever come back.
Y/n: Remember Johnny, I'll be here for you...With open arms, open legs, and an open mouth.
Y/n: I'll make nothing for you!
Bi-Han: Good, I want you, not your talents.
Bi-Han: You are living proof of Liu Kang's incompetence.
Y/n: Says the man who lost to two farmers.
Bi-Han: I was holding back against Raiden and Kung Lao.
Y/n: Oh, Bi-Han, you don't need to lie to impress me.
Bi-Han: I'll freeze your little insects and leave you defenseless.
Y/n: A. They're Arachnida, B. Pick up a book, and C. Some of us like the cold.
Y/n: Your bed must be so cold.
Bi-Han: Come lay in it with me and find out.
Bi-Han: Let me guess, you think your love can "fix me"?
Y/n: Who said I wanted to fix you?
Kuai Liang
Kuai Liang: Your growing relationship with Bi-Han is concerning.
Y/n: Oh Kuai, don't tell me you're getting jealous.
Y/n: Come to me, Scorpion. I burn for you.
Kuai Liang: You've been spending too much time with Johnny.
Y/n: Perhaps you and I coul-
Kuai Liang: I'm sorry, but I'm spoken for.
Kuai Liang: Harumi loved the tapestry.
Y/n: Only the best for her.
Y/n: Are sure?
Kuai Liang: The feeling I had for you are gone now.
Kuai Liang: What have you been planning?
Y/n: Just a little present for your wedding, specifically for the honeymoon.
Kitana: Can I hope to have your loyalty in my ongoing battle with Shao?
Y/n: I guess we both shall see.
Kitana: You beat Lord Liu Kang!?
Y/n: Of course, when it comes to combat he is my superior, but no man can best me in my craft.
Kitana: I must say, the stories about you do not do your talents or your beauty justice.
Y/n: What exactly do those stories say?
Kitana: Have you ever considered silk worms rather than spiders?
Y/n: *blech* Never, they're gross, slow, and squishy, and worse, they're all gossips.
Y/n: I already have the train ready, just needs some more embroidery.
Titan Kitana: Train? Are you making me a wedding dress?
Y/n: You and Liu Kang are so cute together.
Titan Kitana: I thank you for being so approving, but our relationship is really none of your business.
Y/n: Why do you stare, Empress?
Mileena: I don't know, something about all those bugs around you seems...familiar...
Mileena: Your ascension to the plain of the immortals is most admirable.
Y/n: Perhaps there are some things I may be able to teach you Empress.
Mileena: Are you making wedding attire for Titan Kitana and Lord Liu Kang?
Y/n: Of course, but don't be jealous, I already have something special for you and Tanya.
Mileena: Perhaps you may stay a bit longer, teach me some of your trade.
Y/n: Of course, Empress.
Mileena: *Bloodlusted* I will rip your tongue out from through your cheek!
Y/n: Ooohhhh, cheeky.
Mileena: When I am done with you I will burn all your work to ashes for what you did!
Y/n: No, please! Mercy, MERCY!!!
Liu Kang
Y/n: You knew I'd win?
Liu Kang: I can recognize talent when I see it.
Y/n: Why did you accept my challenge even though you knew you'd lose?
Liu Kang: I was hoping for a chance to be near you.
Y/n: Who is this D'vorrah? Geras said I reminded him of her.
Liu Kang: Nothing should concern you.
Liu Kang: Please, I ask you, keep your distance from raiden.
Y/n: Why? Worried that I'll tempt your little champion?
Liu Kang: You made me a wedding dress?
Y/n: Of course, I see you as much more of a dress-wearing type of man rather than a boring old tuxedo.
Liu Kang: Be careful, Y/n, your hubris can lead to your downfall.
Y/n: What is wrong with showing a little pride in my work?
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mrshesh · 9 months
Omg hi!! So happy to see someone writing for mk. Is it alright to request (gender neutral) reader doing flirty intros with fujin and kung lao? Or maybe noob!
intros with fujin, kung lao & noob saibot - flirty edition!
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overview: intros the reader could have with fujin, kung lao & noob saibot - flirty edition!
pairing: fujin, kung lao & noob saibot x gender neutral reader, romantic
genre: fluff, spice, slight angst
a/n: hey anon! of course! i had a blast writing this! thanks for the request. i hope you love it! (someone needs to catch the oppenheimer reference i snuck in here.)
x fujin
(Y/N): How’s the braid?
Fujin: You did a great job on it.
(Y/N): Can I become your braider from now on?
(Y/N): What’s it like being a demigod?
Fujin: Sometimes, I wish I could lead a simple life… with you. 
(Y/N): Your purpose is greater than that, Fujin. 
Fujin: I never thought I’d feel this way for anybody.
(Y/N): It hurts, doesn’t it?
Fujin: Like the wind, I must keep flying away, but I will always pass by you. 
(Y/N): You almost seem like a mortal to me. 
Fujin: How so?
(Y/N): Cause you’re bearable, unlike Raiden. 
Fujin: Your eyes are captivating, Y/N.
(Y/N): Have you seen yours?
Fujin: I guess they are pretty bright, aren’t they?
(Y/N): What’s it like to fly?
Fujin: A breath of fresh air. 
(Y/N): If I win this, you’re taking me flying. 
(Y/N): I can’t imagine the weight of the responsibilities you carry. 
Fujin: I certainly have a lot of people to protect. 
(Y/N): You protect them, and I’ll protect you.
Fujin: You’re strong and capable. 
(Y/N): Much like yourself. 
Fujin: Yet I’m not powerful enough to quit yearning for you. 
(Y/N): Could you blow a gust of wind my way? I’m sweating. 
Fujin: What’s got you so clammy?
(Y/N): Being around you. 
(Y/N): I wanna be as cool as you someday.
Fujin: You have a lot to learn, Y/N.
(Y/N): I bet you could teach me.
Fujin: You mean a lot to me. 
(Y/N): Not enough, by the looks of it. 
Fujin: You could learn something by doing this.
x kung lao
(Y/N): You’ve got an impressive physique. 
Kung Lao: Tell me something I don’t know.
(Y/N): Not even a ‘thank you’?
Kung Lao: Does this count as our first date?
(Y/N): Do you see me kicking your ass as a date?
Kung Lao: Bold of you to think you’re gonna win.
(This is based on an intro in the MK11 game!)
Kung Lao: Double date with Liu Kang and Kitana?
(Y/N): I’d rather just go with you. 
Kung Lao: You know I could never deny you that. 
(Y/N): Don’t get ahead of yourself, Kung Lao.
Kung Lao: I’m beating that prank, just wait!
(Y/N): Just admit that I’m the better prankster. 
(Y/N): C’mon, quit frowning so much!
Kung Lao: You like my smile that much?
(Y/N): And your dimples. 
Kung Lao: You need to know your worth.
(Y/N): That means a lot coming from Mr. Cocky himself. 
Kung Lao: My cockiness is justified. 
(Y/N): Don’t go easy on me!
Kung Lao: I won’t - I see what you’re made of.
(Y/N): So you’re admitting I’m winning?
Kung Lao: C’mon, sweetheart, you know you want me.
(Y/N): This is the fifth time you’ve asked this week. 
Kung Lao: Not one date?
Kung Lao: Well, you look stunning.
(Y/N): You don’t look so bad, yourself. 
Kung Lao: We are one good-looking duo. 
x noob saibot
(Y/N): I don’t think you’re all that evil. 
Noob Saibot: Think again, Y/N.
(Y/N): I see you, Bi-Han. 
Noob Saibot: Join me in the Netherrealm. 
(Y/N): You’re too weak to kill me.
Noob Saibot: You will be beside me eventually.
Noob Saibot: Death has no allies.
(Y/N): You don’t scare me.
Noob Saibot: You know I do, Y/N.
(Y/N): It’s painful to see you like this. 
Noob Saibot: Now that I’m more powerful than ever?
(Y/N): Now that you’re heartless.
(Y/N): You’ve become a vessel of yourself. 
Noob Saibot: I have become death himself. 
(Y/N): Bi-Han isn’t “death himself.”
Noob Saibot: I felt something for you.
(Y/N): Felt?
Noob Saibot: Death doesn’t feel. 
Noob Saibot: Your soul is the one I want the most. 
(Y/N): As long as you’re like this - you’re not getting it.
Noob Saibot: Dare deny your precious Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: I used to feel.
(Y/N): I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.
Noob Saibot: You’re the only one I felt something for.
(Y/N): What is it you want, Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: I want your soul.
(Y/N): Even when you’re dead, you want me.
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bookishdaze · 23 days
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review. More like Rambling and Word Vomiting.
I saw it last night. Finally. After so long!
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I personally thought it was good, and a solid addition to the POTA franchise. I don't think it's better than Dawn or War, but I'm willing to bet that by the time the full trilogy is out, Kingdom is gonna be looked back upon as a good beginning to Noa and Mae's story, the same way Rise, despite being most people's least favorite of the Caesar trilogy, is still an amazing intro to Caesar's story.
Some nitpicks. Despite the movie being 2.5 hours long, I felt like the final act came too fast? Like, I understand what people meant with the pacing issue. Suddenly we were in the 3rd act and I was like "Wait, we're here? It's done?"
Now, onto the characters! Let the fangirling commence!
I loved seeing how his journey and character started and where he ends by the end of the movie.
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Him going from "That is the law" to "That is the law. But the law is wrong" was so satisfying.
And him being able to call the eagles to him by the end was great to see. By the way, THE SINGING SCENE WITH THE EAGLES???? LIKE???? It could've been so corny but I LOVED IT???
I'm so glad this movie answered the question of whether apes can sing. Yeah, I know they are only humming, but I'LL TAKE IT. APES CAN SING. YESSSS!
He was just a really nice character to follow. I can't wait to see how he'll be like in the next movie after the events of this one transformed him.
I also think he is the kind of protagonist we need after Caesar. I love Caesar, but Noa is....hmm, I guess you could say softer? More naive? I'm sure he'll get tougher as the movies progress like Caesar did, but I like this change.
I am a Mae defender. Yes, she did betray Noa in the end. I expected her to tbh. And I understand why she did it. She was right in that Proximus getting his hands on those weapons would've been disastrous.
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She has probably been taught all her life nothing but bad things about the apes. She was not going to switch sides just because she met Noa. We still got two whole movies after this. She probably won't have her "redemption" until the 3rd movie. I can honestly go on rambling about her, but I'd rather save that for another separate post.
I really like him. He's great and funny. I love seeing how he talks about humans and his hopes for humans and apes.
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Right before he dies, he reminds Noa "Together, strong." His final words and his necklace as a gift to Noa serve as a reminder. A reminder of a hopeful future where apes and humans can coexist. (And then Noa passing along that same necklace to Mae? Bringing a reminder of that hope for peace into her world? Ugh. So good.)
Also, "He was my village." LIKE. DID HE LOSE HIS PARTNER? MY HEART.
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I thought he was cool. He gave my mother and I a jump scare at the dinner scene where he slams his fist. Also, the way he was just in awe of the gun after Lightning dies. He has his priorities.
Soona and Anaya
Those two were so cute, and I loved their friendship with Noa.
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Anaya broke my heart. In the beginning at the tunnel scene, he's all like "Anaya is not scared." But at Proximus's kingdom, he looks terrified at the dinner scene, and before he goes on the mission to climb the wall, he goes "Anaya is scared" and didn't want to go. Poor guy. He pulled through in the end though.
Although *puts on tinfoil hat* this makes me wonder if this foreshadows how his fear will lead him to make a big mistake in the future movies. Similar to what happened with Winter.
Soona was so sweet. Although I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her with Noa. I saw an interview where Soona's actress described a moment where after they are reunited, they kind of make known their feelings for each other or something like that. But...it didn't happen?
Mae and Noa
Alrighty, I'm gonna briefly put on my shipping goggles on, bear with me, because one has to be a teensy bit delusional for this type of stuff, BUT....
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I sensed a....vibe? Not a romantic vibe. They are nowhere close to that yet. But I felt like there were tropes and scenes between them that simply imply a romantic path is a possible direction for their relationship. I will make a separate post about them. I wanna wrap this up, lol.
The ending
I liked the ending. It has me so excited for the future of this trilogy. Now that the humans are able to communicate with others, what will this mean? How will Mae be torn between her people and the apes? Same with Noa? I need to know naooooo
8.5/10 stars (I ain't done rambling about this movie yet. But it's my birthday, and I gotta go out and have some dinner, hehe).
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rubyreduji · 1 year
Failing Grades — csc
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summary: when you first walked into professor choi’s class, this is not where you were expecting it to go (professor choi and y/n’s beginning)
tags: smut (minors dni!), college!au, professor!seungcheol warnings: explicit unprotected sex, age gap, power imbalance, daddy kink, praise, oral (m. receiving) wc: 2.6k an: giving the people what they want (may be the last one though bc honestly i don’t know how invested i am in this series anymore im sorry ahfdkla)
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
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When you first walked into your Intro to Biology class you weren’t expecting much. Why would you? It’s a required course that you have to take to get your degree and as long as you get a passing grade you’ll be fine.
The first thing you noticed when you walked in was that your professor wasn’t in the room, but his things were. A tweed jacket was draped over the back of the chair behind the desk and you sighed to yourself. Another old man professor who’s going to yell at you all semester. Great.
You looked around the room to see there’s only a couple seats left, near the front. You guess that’s what you got for getting to class a minute before it started. You reluctantly took your seat and glanced at the door. Right as you looked over, the door swung open and in walked the most handsome man you had ever seen.
He had raven black hair that was styled neatly out of his face and full lips that were a tempting pink color. He looked to be middle aged and was wearing a white button up shirt and tweed pants to match the jacket on the chair. You could see the outline of his muscles through the material of his shirt. This guy was your professor? Holy shit.
You couldn’t take your eyes off of him as he walked over to the board and scrawled his name across the board in neat handwriting.
“Welcome to Introduction to Biology. My name is Professor Choi, and I’ll be your instructor for the next fifteen weeks. Now let’s get started.”
You couldn’t pay attention the whole class, instead just staring at your professor the whole time. You couldn’t get over his good looks. His strong facial features and his large hands and his piercing eyes. So maybe you weren’t able to answer any of the questions he asked you, it really wasn’t your fault that he was just so…distracting.
Even three weeks later, it’s still not your fault that you can’t pay attention in class due to your gazing at him. You can barely even listen to what he’s telling you now, as you sit in his office after you failed your first big test for his class.
“Miss L/N, are you even paying attention to me?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, yes I am.” You’re paying attention to him, just not in the way he wants you to. “I just don’t get the material. Maybe it’s the way you teach it or-”
“Is there something wrong with the way I teach?” Professor Choi's eyebrow goes up and you have to stop yourself from squeezing your thighs together.
“No, no! I’m just saying maybe if I got some extra help or-”
“That’s what you need, is it Miss L/N?”
This isn’t the first time you’ve been caught up in a situation with your professor like this. It’s not uncommon for Professor Choi to talk to you after class about one of your assignments or the way you blatantly don’t take notes and keep spacing off. This is the first time he’s ever called you to his office though.
“Biology is just hard for me and it doesn’t help I keep getting distracted and so maybe I need a tutor or-”
“What’s been distracting you, Miss L/N?” He keeps cutting you off, but you can’t find it annoying because his voice is just so goddamn sexy. It also drives you crazy the way he calls you Miss L/N, in more ways than one.
You pause, trying to think of a good enough lie but then his eyes pierce into you and you can’t help but let it all out. “You have! How can I learn about genes and whatever, when you’re walking around the lecture hall looking like some sex god.”
“...Sex god?”
“Oh no.” You automatically hide your face behind your hands. “I just mean- I’m- fuck. Please don’t fail me.”
Professor Choi is quiet for a moment but you can’t focus on what he’s doing when your heart is beating a hundred miles per hour in your chest and your eyes are starting to water up with tears. 
“You’re close enough to failing due to your own volition, you don’t have to worry about me failing you,” Professor Choi finally speaks up. “I don’t like seeing my students fail, Miss L/N, so perhaps you are correct, maybe you do need some extra help.”
“Professor Choi…?”
“I like you Y/N, you’re a good kid, so let’s strike a deal.”
“W-what kind of deal?” You don’t miss the way he referred to you by your first name.
“I’ll regrade your test, and in return you do something for me.” Your professor’s voice drops low as he finishes his sentence. Your face heats up at the implications. Before you can respond, Professor Choi continues. “If you do not see this solution fit, I’ll set you up with a tutor I have on hand and you can retake the test.”
“N-no Professor, I think that your, uhm, solution should work for me.” You don’t actually know what he means by “do something for him”. In all honesty this could just mean you run his errands for him when you’re not in class, but something is compelling you to say yes to him.
Professor Choi stands up from behind his desk and takes his jacket off. You stare at him as he does, your eyes trailing over his form. He moves around the desk to stand in front of you, staring down at you like you’re his next meal.
“You are one hundred percent sure, Miss L/N?”
“I’ve never been more sure of something in my life before, Sir.” You take note of the way Professor Choi reacts to being called sir.
“Good. Now get on your knees for me like a good girl would.” The tone of his voice changes as he commands you and it goes right to your core.
“Yes Professor -”
Suddenly your chin is being grabbed and a thumb is pulling down on your lower lip. “Call me Seungcheol.” You nearly cum right there.
All you can do is nod, speechless, as you sink down onto your knees in front of your professor. In front of Seungcheol.
He slowly undoes his belt before unbuttoning his pants. He takes his time unzipping his pants and pulling his cock out from its restraints. The wait is driving you crazy, thinking about how you’re about to suck the sexiest man alive’s cock. Your pussy has been wet ever since Seungcheol called you into his office after class, but now you’re soaked.
You shift a bit on your knees before going totally still at the sight of Seungcheol’s hardened cock. It’s long and thick and his tip is an angry red, already slightly sheen from precum.
Your mouth is slightly opened out of shock and Seungcheol takes the opportunity to press his tip up against your lips. This kicks you out of your trance and you’re quick to wrap your lips around his tip, sucking and licking at the head of his cock.
Above you, you can hear the way Seungcheol’s breathing stutters for a moment from the acceptance of his cock into your mouth. You slowly add more of him into your mouth until almost your entire mouth is full of him. You make sure to incorporate all of your best dick sucking tips, using every bit of your lips and tongue you can.
Without thinking much your hands reach up to grab the rest of Seungcheol’s cock that doesn’t fit into your mouth. You can barely focus on the obscene sounds your mouth is making, too focused on making Seungcheol feel good.
It isn’t until you feel fingers carding through your hair that you glance up Seungcheol, mouth still full of cock. “You’re doing so good for me, taking my cock like the pretty little slut you are. How about you let me take though.”
You nod the best you can, but Seungcheol seems to get the message and is quick to shove your face farther into him, your nose burying itself into the dark coarse hairs on his pelvis. You gag a bit at the forcefulness of his cock shoving deep down your throat, but you do your best to regain your composure.
Seungcheol doesn’t stop there though, yanking your head back only to thrust right into you again. Your hands fly up to grab Seungcheol’s hips, the purpose more to steady yourself than slow the man down. Your mouth waters up with saliva as Seungcheol continues to fuck your mouth at a brutual pace.
You’ve sucked cock before, of course, but never one that was as large as Seungcheol’s. You can feel the way his tip presses against the back of your throat and you have to remind yourself to breathe through your nose so you don’t choke. You’ve also never sucked a dick that was attached to someone who had such a commanding presence as Seungcheol. Your pussy clenches at the way your professor’s fingers dig into your hair, guiding your head along his length.
“If only you were as good at biology as you are at taking cock. Then again if you were, we wouldn't be in this situation now would we? It’s okay, gorgeous, I think I like you like this better anyways.”
You whine at Seungcheol’s words. You can’t help but relish in the praise being laid on by your professor. You can’t count the number of times you went home after his class to jack off to the idea of this very moment.
“Fuck,” Seungcheol growls. “Cumming.”
That’s the only warning you get before warm, thick cum is being spurted into your mouth and sliding down your throat. You do your best to catch it all, but you still end up with some of it running down your chin, mixed with your saliva.
Seungcheol pulls out of your mouth and stares down at you as you take a moment to finally breathe properly again. Your professor grabs a tissue and wipes your chin off for you and you can’t help but think how it’s sort of a sweet gesture.
“Do you need a break, or can I bend you over my desk and fuck you right now?” You shiver at the way he’s so transparent.
“Fuck me. Please, right now. I need it,” you beg. Your pussy is aching with a need to be filled and fucked that can only be satisfied by one man.
Seungcheol helps you to your feet only to push you down over his desk a second later. 
“God, you’re perfect. I’ve never seen anyone as perfect as you before doll. You’ve driven me crazy since the first time I saw you in class, sitting in the front row staring at me the whole lecture. Should have known you wanted to fuck me the moment I caught you staring at my ass.”
As Seungcheol talks his hands run over your body, awaking goosebumps on your skin. His hands finally slide down to your hips and he pushes down your skirt and panties in one swoop, leaving your bottom bare to the room. Seungcheol’s hands knead at the soft flesh of your ass before he lifts his palm and brings it right back down in a loud crack.
You let out a strangled yelp and your pussy clenches at the feeling. Seungcheol chuckles to himself at his own actions. His fingers reach between your legs and drag over your slit, collecting the slick that has accumulated there.
“Oh baby, you’re so wet for me. I bet I could just slide right in, you needy little thing.”
“Please, please do. I need you. Daddy please,” you whine. It isn’t until the words are out of your mouth that you realize what you said. You’re about to take it back when Seungcheol starts talking again.
“Daddy? Heh, you naughty girl. Call me that when you cream all over my cock, okay?” With that Seungcheol’s cock pushes into your entrance and you let out a high pitched moan from the back of your throat.
Seungcheol’s grip on your hips is tight as he pushes your hips forward and back into him. His hips snap to the rhythm he’s set and your mind goes numb at the feeling. You can’t think of anything else besides Seungcheol, Seungcheol, Seungcheol.
Your fingers dig into the edge of the desk as Seungcheol’s cock digs deeper and faster into you. You can’t do much but just lay there and moan as Seungcheol continues to fuck you, flooding your sense with nothing but pleasure.
“You like that, don’t you baby girl? You like how daddy’s cock fills you up nice and deep.”
“Yes daddy! I love it,” you cry.
Seungcheol’s hand drags down your spin and you arch your back at his touch, whining as he does. Seungcheol chuckles again, pleased with your reaction. 
“Pretty girls, with nice tight cunts. You’re the best of the best doll.” You can barely even react to what Seungcheol is saying anymore, too blissed out to focus properly. Seungcheol’s hand smacks your ass again and your pussy clenches down around him. “Fuck, don’t do that or I’ll cum. Would you like that? If I came inside of you?”
“Yes, please. Please cum in me daddy, I want it. I need it.”
“God, you really are the goodest girl. But if you want me to cum inside of you, you have to cum first, okay baby girl.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Seungcheol reaches around you and his fingertips connect to your clit. They rub at you in rhythm to his thrusts and you want nothing but to stay like this forever.
You can feel your resolve starting to break as you get closer and closer to your climax. Your legs start to shake and before you can even warn Seungcheol, your pussy is clamping down on him as you hit your high. You can’t do more than let out breathy moans as Seungcheol works you through your high.
It doesn’t take long for him to finish as well, releasing him cum into you as you lay sprawled out on his desk. You whine when you feel him pull out, sad to experience the empty feeling of not having his cock in you anymore.
You can’t move a bone, but you can hear Seungcheol walking around his office. It isn’t until you feel him wiping you down and pulling your skirt and panties back up that you realize what he’s doing. When you finally sit up, Seungcheol is standing there with a water bottle held out to you.
“T-thank you,” you stutter before taking the water bottle and downing half of it in one go. “For uhm, all of it.”
“I’ll see that your grade is changed to something passable,” Seungcheol tells you as he leans against his desk.
“Professor- I mean, Seungcheol, sir. I just was thinking that you know, I’m really bad at biology and I’ll need a lot of help so maybe we could…do this again?”
Seungcheol is quiet for a moment like he’s thinking over his answer. “I think we can make an arrangement.” You’re about to celebrate when Seungcheol opens his mouth again. “On one condition though.”
“What’s the condition, sir?”
“May I kiss you?”
It’s framed as a question, giving you an out if you wanted. You don’t. Instead you just lean over and press your lips against his. He brings his hand up to the back of your neck and deepens the kiss. Your lips slot together perfectly and you can’t help but think it’s a sign. A sign that this was meant to be.
Who knows, maybe something good could come out of this other than just a passing grade.
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taglist: @pandorashbox @leejihoonownsmyheart @soonhoonietrash @chaimi-yuta @embrace-themagic @kayleeshinee @coupsgyus @joonsytip @heyxxitsxxtay @synthetickitsune @chwecardcaptor @candidupped @dreamhannies @d0nghyck @niyizh @baldi-2 @enhacolor @noniestars @heavenly-mobo @sunnyteume @debsworld23 @m1nghaos @just-here-to-read-01 @blxckswxnxge @17kwans @jeanjacketjesus @x-veex @namjoonbaby @ovai @belladaises @todorokiskitten @jihoonliker @niktwazny303 @y0lkz @im-gemmy @honeylovemoon @wonchansbrooklynn @luvthatleader-nim @cbgisland @lorde-oftherings @hoeforcheol @prpldahy @bymjview
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justcallmeanobsessor · 10 months
-A Deal With The Devil-
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-Trigger Warnings: Dud-Con, Sexual Content, Size Difference, Mentions of Claws, oral sex
-Pairings: Demon! Male x gn Witch! reader
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Only an orange glow of candle light lit up the sight in front of me. His yellow eyes stared up at me with hunger, claws digging into my thighs as his tongue dipped deeper into my depths. Reaching every spot it can, he left no crevice untouched as if he was claiming me for himself. This wasn't how I thought this would go. All I wanted was a simple contract to help me with my endeavors, instead I have this demonic creature on his knees, groaning at the taste of me.
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Many would say my thirst for knowledge knows no bounds for what I am about to attempt but others would say I'm just plain stupid and maybe I am. It's not every day that you call on the forces of hell to help you with discovering the secrets of the universe and accomplish your life goals but I also guess for my kind it's just as natural as adopting a new cat. Though this cat is much larger and has a few tricks up its sleeves that most definitely shouldn't be taken lightly unless you want to be left with a few less limbs.
In a cottage, I knelt beside a pentagram that sat in the midst of a circle of dark red candles. A book of seances and spells sat in my hands. My courage to go on with the summons was starting to slowly fade as everything became a bit more real but the thoughts of what I'd gain from this pushed me to finally start the chanting.
After a while I had gotten to the end of the lengthy paragraphs written in old latin. Nothing happened. Not even a flicker of candle light. ‘Great, Well this was a waste of time’ I thought as I stood from my kneeling position moving to start cleaning up the mess I had made, no need to start an unwanted conspiracy by someone stumbling upon this sight. 
Just as I was about to smudge a line in the pentagram a strong light emitted from it painting the walls of the room in blood red. My wonder was short lived for just like it had started in only a few seconds it was gone even sooner.
My eyes took a couple of seconds to adjust again but once they did what stood before me left me in awe. A beautiful man was standing there and a scowl of what looked to be annoyance sat on his pale face. He narrowed his brightly glowing eyes at me examining my body and then moving to the room around us, glancing and inspecting every crevice yet not moving a foot from where he stood. ‘Why have I been summoned, Witch.’ he spat out the word ‘witch’ with absolute disgust, crossing his arms in the process. “I-i-i…..” I stammered trying to get the words out but failing miserably. “Well! Spit it out, I don't have all day!” His annoyance with this whole situation seemed to increase exponentially more with every passing second. “I-um I want to make a contract with you!” The end of my sentence came out rushed and more demanding than I had wanted. 
He crosses his arms and stands straighter, looming over me. “You, an insolent little witch, want to make a contract with me?” “Yes, I do.” I straighten my posture as well, looking up into his golden eyes. “I want you to help me with my discoveries, I want knowledge and nothing more.” I started to get a bit more confident but the sudden condescending laugh he let out diminished that quickly. “And what do you have that I would want in return for giving you this ‘knowledge’ that you desperately seek?” I froze, I had entirely forgotten that I needed to give something in exchange. How could I forget this?! 
Most witches would use a valuable object or artifact in return for the demon's help but I had yet to obtain anything of the sort. I didn't have anything that would be of value to a demon, all that I really owned was myself and the clothes on my back, everything else belonged to the coven. Wait. “Well, what do you have, little witch?” This may be the stupidest idea ever but this is my last and only chance. “I'll give you myself.” “What?” He looked down at me with shock and confusion. “My body and soul are yours if only you complete my requests and help me in my endeavors!” his shock turns into a smug grin mockingly. “Do you even know what you are proposing little witch?” “Yes-yes I do!” I'm unsure of what he means by that. I'm basically offering myself up as a puppet for his biddings. “I'm unsure if you know the extent of what you have offered me but I guess that's more fun.” confusion washes across my face. Damn demons and their games. “Well, do you agree?” He closes his eyes, holding his chin in between his clawed thumb and pointer finger in thought. “It seems with such a precious offer I have no other choice but to accept.” He purred, holding out his hand to seal the contract between us. I lift mine into his and as he holds my hand our difference in size becomes even more noticeable. He could break me in half with little to no effort. 
Our hands were wrapped in a golden light, scaring the skin below and ceiling the contract with it. I had moved to pull my hand from his, he had different plans. Pulling my smaller frame into his chest and bringing his mouth to my ear he spoke. “I think it's time to show you exactly what you have offered up.” I still was utterly confused as to what he was talking about but everything became more obvious to what he had been alluding to when his tongue licked up the side of my ear, his teeth nibbling on the tip causing a moan to ripple from throat. My hands came up to my mouth, horrified at the noise I had just made. The demon chuckled, prying my hands off my mouth. “Don't hide those pretty noises from me, little witch.” With those growled words a blush had made its way to my face and a fog of lust began to wash over my mind. 
He went back to his work, licking at the shell of my ear then moving downwards leaving kisses and bites in his path. As he got to the base of my neck he sucked hard enough to leave a deep bruise that would be noticeable to anyone who even glanced at it, in a way, he seemed to be marking me as his. 
He was slow with his actions but they were calculated and rough, making me shiver with pure pleasure. No matter how much one half of me wanted to refuse, I just couldn't bring myself to, not even as he removed my shirt and made his way down to my chest. Not even as his tongue circled around my nipple, sucking and nibbling at it while his hand tugged and twisted the other between his fingers. I had no knowledge of just how sensitive I was until this very moment, with both the work of his mouth and hands sending waves after waves of pleasure towards my nethers. My knees had begun to buckle underneath me but before I had the chance to be taken by the pleasure completely and fall to the ground below, he caught me in his arms leading me to lay on the wooden planks of the cottage as he finished stripping me of my clothing. 
He knelt between my legs spreading my thighs apart, groaning at the sight of my throbbing hole. He wasted no time in dipping his head down and liking at my entrance causing a moan to fall from my lips. He lifted his golden eyes to look at me, a smirk forming on his face as he plunged his tongue into my depths not moving his eyes away from me. 
My head whipped back as I held myself up on my elbows. His tongue licked over every inch of my insides not leaving anything untouched, claiming everything he could reach. Hitting every pleasurable spot inside me, taking all I am for his own and leaving me only wanting more so much more. “Please please!” He pulled his tongue out from my hole leaving me whining to be filled again. “Please what? Use your words little witch.” “Please, more.” I whined just wanting something inside me. “Hmm I don't think you deserve more just yet.” What was he talking about? He can't be serious, is he really playing games right now? “Fuck! I'll do anything Just do something!” I yelled out in frustration. “I don't like being ordered around, little witch.” He growled lowly as he pulled me up by my hair, shoving my face into his crotch. His hard cock resting against my cheek. “Suck.” He commanded. I didn't fight back, licking a line up to his head and then suckling on the tip. Swirling my tongue as he groaned, putting his hand on the back of my head and shoving me down his length till my nose hit his pelvis. 
As I was Gagging and struggling to breath he pulled back thrusting into my throat again. I breathed through my nose as he continued his relentless thrusts. My fingernails digging into his thighs leaving crescent indents. Tears pricked my eyes with the strength he was using, my lips starting to get sore. As his thrusts started to spasm he shoved his whole cock in my mouth when a thick warm liquid ran down my throat. “Swallow.” he demanded, then removed his length from my mouth. I did as he said, gulping down the salty liquid and opening my mouth to him to prove that I had. “Good, little witch, maybe next time I'll reward you.” Wait he isnt going to leave me like this is he? “What? but i-!” 
“You didn't actually think I'd give you something in return after how you spoke to me?” I went quiet, looking down in shame and frustration as he started to clean himself up. “Like I said you don't deserve it yet, little witch.” This smug ass fucker. The next thing I knew he was gone leaving me desperate and frustrated. This is not at all how I thought this would turn out.
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seullovesme · 1 month
» BTM 08. - rehearsals are fun??
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you dashed down the hall, turning right to see the studio door cracked open. you sprinted and busted through the door, making a loud entrance.
“look who decided to finally show up,” seulgi said mockingly as she folded her arms, standing like a disappointed parent. you flashed an embarrassed smile after seeing how everyone was shaking their head as if it was a regular thing.
“cmonnn, it's just like…” yujin raised an eyebrow to question if it was really only a couple of times, already knowing that you would say that. “okay… but i’m really sorry, class ran longer than usual because i couldn't take the papers home. something about ‘this is classwork, not homework’ blah, blah, blah.”
you paused your rambling, realizing that they were waiting for you to be done talking so practice could begin. you rubbed your nape feeling a bit shy. “enough talking, let's start!”
the girls all cheered and started to set up, getting into their positions with their instruments. you were going to head over to your setup before being stopped by seulgi.
“here dummy.” she held out your spare bass that was in its case. you took your guitar and opened it up, admiring it.
“thanks seul—ow!” seulgi flicked your forehead at full force. you yelped and rubbed your forehead, that was for sure going to leave a mark.
seulgi snickered at the small red line forming at the spot she hit. “next time you leave your bass anywhere, i'll flick you a hundred times.” she raised her fingers, making you flinch and cover her target with your hand.
you squeezed your eyes closed. “no please! i wont , i wont, i promise!” when you opened your eyes, the bear was already standing at her mic, smirking mischievously. you sighed in relief and took your bass to your area, picking up the cords and hooking them up to the spare.
“so!” yujin said and clapped her hands loudly, gaining the attention of the whole room. “i know we have a complete setlist to think about, but i need some ideas for our next set. does anyone have any… written music?” the room groaned and yujin chuckled lightly at the reaction.
“okay, okay, i’m not forcing you guys to write, but it’d be really cool if you did. any songs that you want to perform?” each member of the group began cheering out songs they were interested in, but you quietly pondered to yourself.
should you show them the song you wrote? wouldn’t it be a bit embarrassing considering that it was written for—
“–seem to be thinking really hard. probably has a meter long list if i had to guess.” minjeong called you out and pointed to you. you lost track of your thoughts as you saw how you were put into the spotlight.
“uhhh… i guess i have one.” you pulled out your phone, clicking on your most played playlist that you made a while back. you put on the song and turned the volume to max, letting everyone listen.
(Tip Toe - HYBS)
once the song ended, you closed the app and put your phone into your pocket. A couple of them were nodding to each other while the others hummed as they thought about it. “so, what do you guys think?” you asked.
“i think it was a great pick! it fits our vibe, and it’s a great song,” yunjin responded with a smile, and yujin agreed.
“i love the bass intro, think you’re gonna nail it?” yeri raised one eyebrow and the corner of her lip to tease you. you scoffed and swiped your hair back, acting offended by her question.
“of course i, the greatest bass player ever to exist, would nail that. that’s like showing seulgi unnie a table filled with food and asking if she’s sure she’d be able to finish it all. Of course she could, she’s like a human vacuum!”
the girls all chortled while seulgi scoffed at you. “as if you don’t eat double what i do. plus i pay for your food when we go out together, so i know how much you love to eat pretty well.” she fires back. you gasped dramatically and stood up, putting a hand on your chest.
“you take that back!” you shouted. seulgi stuck her tongue out at you like an annoying little kid and pretended to not have done that when you pointed at her.
“alright, alright. enough of this, i have some real questions for you.” sooyoung put both her hands up to intervene before looking right at you, as if she was studying your facial expression. “about this song, ‘take me back to the ground cause girl, you look fine as hell’? seems like you have a certain girl on your mind, miss.” your eyes widened.
“or should i say… a certain bae?” a unison “ooo” came from the group, and your cheeks were probably a bright pink shade. sooyoung and the others looked at you curiously, waiting for your response.
yeri interjected. “that’s right! you never told us about what happened at your tutoring!”
“fine! settle down and i’ll spill.” everyone immediately obeyed your words and sat in their seats, the singers on the small loveseat. “so, i got there…”
‘why is this library so big? i can’t find the tables.’ you thought as you wandered around through each book section, trying to find where you were supposed to be for the tutoring session. you put a finger on your chin as you scanned the shelves very briefly as it was probably your first time in this place. you let your curiosity take over and you started peeking at the different novels, humming whenever one seemed interesting.
when you pulled back what may have been your 12th book, you spotted the girl you’d been thinking about for so long. just in the other row, stood irene. irene bae.
she looked so pretty, her long, dark hair cascading down her back with it tucked behind one ear as she skimmed through an open book. irene was one of the popular girls who had guys lining up for a chance to date her, and you were only one of many. though she was apart of the popular group, she was also one of the top students, if not the top of the top. she had perfect attendance, never missed a single class, straight a’s, and she was the only one in her group to not have dated anyone.
you’re favorite part about her was much she liked to help others. the first time you ever saw irene was not at school, but at a cafe down the street of your studio. there was a young girl who was ordering a snack in her school uniform, but she forgot to bring money from home. irene was the first to step in and offer to pay for her. you were touched by her kindness, and after she caught your eye that once, she was the only person you ever noticed on the school campus.
“ahem.” the sound of someone clearing their throat startled you, causing you to let go of the book, ultimately leading to the book falling straight to the ground with a loud clap on the carpet. you quickly picked it up and set it on the shelf, muttering curses at yourself under your breath. the book shifted and irene peeked through the gap. “i’m sitting over there.” she pointed to the end of the aisle.
“let’s go and i can start tutoring.”
sitting across from you was the irene bae, and thinking about that was throwing you off. your palms felt sweaty and you were super nervous, the pretty girl subtly observing your body language.
“is this your first time being tutored?” she asked, pulling out textbooks from the class you need help with.
you nervously rubbed your hands on your pants. “no–wait, yes–wait, do you mean for this class or just in general?” you say really fast, your words starting to fuse together. irene just let out a light laugh as she stacked the books in the order she’d be going in for the sessions.
“you sound really nervous. just try to relax, i don’t bite.” she said in the softest tone you’d ever heard with the cutest smile you’d ever seen. “at least not all the time.” she adds. you laughed at that and you felt yourself slowly getting more comfortable with the girl.
you finally reached a point where your words were fully audible and you were actually making conversation, yet you still felt nervous as your heart continued to beat faster every time she flashed her pearly whites. that smile really did a number on you, but could you really blame your heart for having such a softness for the bae?
the session ended quite faster than you expected as the two hours passed by in what felt like just a couple of minutes. as the girl began to put up her textbooks, you sat there trying to think about whether it would be appropriate to ask her out to go the cafe as she stated that it was strictly tutoring. before you even got the chance to try and ask, she had already finished packing up her stuff.
she took a drink from her water bottle before setting it down on her chair, putting on her bag. “this was a great first session. i’m excited for your next one, and maybe we’ll see lots of progress by the end of this. i’ll head out now, but i’ll see you next friday!” she waved and turned around to walk away. you waved back and slowly dropped your hand, sighing as you realized that you missed your chance. next friday?
you put on your backpack and pushed in your seat, heading out to get ready for first period.
by the time you reached home, you noticed that you didn’t have your bass. you checked all around for it only to remember that you had set it on the floor at the start of the tutoring. you hit yourself on the head. something was really up with you today.
“and that was it. i still need to go and see if they have my bass, and if my baby is safe.” you finished off the story, trying to recall if you had left anything out. seulgi rolled her eyes.
she clicked her tongue in annoyance. “your baby better be safe, i paid for that with my first paycheck ever. i swear to god if that bass isn’t in perfect condition…” seulgi threatened, transitioning to a smile afterwards.
“pshh, it’ll be fine. the librarian probably has it behind the library desk, i’ll ask once the library is open.” you replied, placing your hands behind your head and leaning back to relax.
yujin clapped twice, startling the sleepy minjeong who was beginning to fall sleep while hugging her guitar. “okay! one last rep and we can go to seul’s place to eat and quiz y/n about how much she loves irene bae!” everyone cheered and got into place once again. yujin counted the group off and the first song began.
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masterlist | next
synopsis ⥬ Irene Bae is not just the most sought after girl in your school, and she's also one of the smartest students along with her friends. You were just an average student who would barely pass classes with b's and c's, and who fell for the girl. The only time you ever had a chance to be seen was when you were performing with a mask on stage, but maybe that's not always a good thing.
(a/n : 1864 words.. yeah sorry if there's any typos, i didnt proofread)
(open) TAGLIST: @aeriniee @hrurchives @cinnamonhaha @ireneanon @mishbyulyi @jeindall777 @nasyu-kookies @limbforalimb @idkwhatim-doinghere101 @brocoliisscared @yerisdumbass @jisooftme @pandafuriosa60 @hwabyul4wheesun @noarawriteszr @blue4hour @kyuusberry
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mins-fins · 2 months
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❝ look carefully, it's a shame.. ❞
in which. you are only looking to work at the titular skyline highlights for two reasons. one: the pay is exceptionally great for your position, and two: it's your shot to prove to your family that you can actually do something productive with your life, but oh you're such an idiot, because you weren't exactly sure what you were getting yourself into. if you knew this company could potentially be haunted, your bosses were weird freaks, and your coworkers were the most impulsively stupid people in the world, would you have taken this job? absolutely not. but you guess you needed some sort of thrill in your life.
𖥻 pairing nct 127 x male reader
𖥻 genre modern au, paranormal horror(?), office workers!127, also kinda ghost hunters!127, written series, fluff, comedy, some angst, also some horror, mainly unserious, based off that little agency 127 skit they did during ay-yo era 😭, romance, slow burn, pining
𖥻 warnings swearing, explicit language, sexual humor, toxic family dynamics, mentions of toxic workplace environments, mentions of death, ghosts and shit, fighting, mentions of alcohol consumption & smoking
𖥻 status slow slow updates.
𖥻 soundtrack
❝ if this moment that will pass by.. ❞
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──── ⭒ INTROS reaching for the skies!! 𖦹 the rest of the clouds
──── ⭒ TABLE OF CONTENTS i. wait THATS the new guy!? ii. cubicle gossiping iii. THIS IS WHY NOBODY LIKES YOU!! iv. the girls are fighting…… v. ghosthunting is the new romantic segway more chapters tba..
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𓏧 taglist open! ↳ if you'd like to be on the taglist for this fic, you can simply send me an ask or comment on this post!!
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eremorte · 3 months
thronecoming heritage hall gifts (rewritten)
The Thronecoming heritage hall gifts bug me. Most of them don’t feel like a parent has gifted them. They are so uninspired for the biggest moment in their child’s life.
I’ve listed my replacements below. I’m hoping for the gifts to have a, if had-to-do-it-again-here’s-what-I’d-want vibe.
blondie lockes
OG gift: running shoes
rewritten gift: a new piece of tech that helps her with her mirror cast. A shiny new microphone or even just a cute news reporter accessory that acknowledges her unintended break from destiny (or rather extremely developed hobby/career because her story can be over in like 30 minutes) it also gives off the initial impression that blondie’s story is “just right” the way it is until.. boom! There’s a note.
That mentions that as Goldilocks has reflected on her role and how she regrets hurting the bears the ways she has* and with an extra perceptive daughter like blondie she is sure to find a worthy story (within bounds) that won’t cause baby bear to develop a complex. *insert long list of things here that blondie could comment on in her stead because the story book of legends didn’t write every worthwhile critique of the bear house and the bears despite “forgiving” her won’t let her talk to them about this* and a small comment of how she is super proud about blondie that hopefully eases some of her attention seeking behavior so she’s less of a brat later on.
cerise hood:
OG Gift: picnic basket with an electronic mirror lock.
revised gift: honestly I have no comment. This is a great gift. My only question is how recently the presents are placed in the hall seeing as how that basket spit up a whole bird leg. Maybe it has a special note of the picnic menu they have in celebration once the whole shebang is done.
o hair twins:
OG gift floating hair brushes
rewritten gift given how Rapunzel’s story is that she was locked away her whole life because her bio mom ate a magical plant while pregnant that the witch wasn’t sure of the side effects of and had to lock her away because damn sure bio parents couldn’t do anything if the witch was second guessing herself. What I think should be there are odd bits an bobs function like an Easter egg hunt of a map and post fairytale notes one what they are that Rapunzel is certain her girls can figure out because they have her plant powers (though probably diluted hence the helpful notes incase they have to solve things like their adoptive grandma ).
briar beauty
NOW FOR THE GIRL WHO INSPIRED THIS POST. Her gift makes me so angry. It is the most nothing gift of the whole bunch. You mean to tell me that a hundred year sleep doesn’t come with any regrets at all? Not one thing?
OG gift A neck pillow.
revised gift: A SCRAPBOOK. The first few pages could be filled with pictures of her family. Bonus points if they’re are people Briar wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet but knows who they are by virtue of her mom. It hits home exactly how big her sacrifice is. Also all the storybook imagery? The intro? Imagine if there was a dark time line where we were being told everything that happen through briar who missed all of it and is trying to piece back something familiar?
either way, mental breakdown and existential crisis guaranteed.
also bonus. It’s totally merchandisable. Half the book mercy was essentially scrapbooks/concept art anyhow.
Cedar wood: revealer rays
it’s a good gift but something she wouldn’t be able to use in her story at all. They are not subtle and most everyone who knows about Cedar knows that Pinocchio didn’t mess up her eyes to the point she’d feasibly need glasses. Revised gift: letters from the blue fairy (well wishes, maybe an helpful hint or two) Gepetto and Pinocchio (things to to try (and not repeat) once she’s no longer wooden and how to lie effectively) I can’t think of a physical possession for Cedar to have. But I feel she’d appreciate these. Maybe a special cricket/donkey whistle?
duchess swan:
no gift shown but what I have in mind is a mix of briar and blondie’s gift.
a collection of letters (written on leaves and paper or something) from both her mom and her bio dad detailing the bitter sweet love in the tragedy to reassure duchess it’s not all bad. And a special pair of dancing shoes for her last night as a human. I imagine this gift would only make duchess mad.
Madeline hatter:
no gift shown and honestly idk what the mad hatter gives his daughter it’s probably perfect. An old hat that looks very normal actually? A crazy new teapot? Who knows?
raven queen:
og gift wand wishing well coin
honestly I want to know the logic behind the wand. Is it a back up battery in case apple thwarts raven through zapping away her powers somehow?
I have multiple suggestions
Something that contains directions to the true SBOL
recipe for the poison apple
something that originally belonged to someone in the Snow White family that she is proud enough to share with her daughter (raven would probably give it back).
*blondie branches out mentions how Goldilocks promised to be a better person.
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Professor Donna Beneviento x Y/N
18+ Minors DNI
So, I’ve seen a lot of fics where Alcina is a professor, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one focused on Donna as a professor so this is what I got. Y/N is a consenting ADULT. I made Donna a MILF because I’m obsessed with this idea. Let’s get into it!
Donna Beneviento taught visual art and art history at the local college.
She had developed great success and acclaim as a painter, but once she’d had her daughter, Angie, it was difficult to support them both on an artist’s salary. She needed stability and the glamor of gallery showings had quickly grown lackluster.
Donna was content, but she’d recently realized that it felt like something was missing from her life. She shouldn’t be so greedy, she told herself. She had a roof over her head, a precious toddler, and the love and support of her mother, brothers, and sister. What more should one person be entitled to?
Donna had been telling herself these unsatisfying mantras for weeks, but on the first day of classes, she finally found what she had been longing for (Although she wouldn’t know this until later).
Y/N, a senior, had wandered into her classroom about ten minutes before class was set to begin.
Donna was working quietly at her desk when she noticed them walk in.
Y/N offered her a friendly smile and waved. “Hi! Is this Intro To Visual Arts?” They asked in a relaxed voice.
Donna felt her face grow red as she looked at the attractive person in front of her. “U-um, yes! I’ll be your professor, Donna Beneviento.”
Y/N’s eyes widened as they looked at the beautiful woman. This was their professor?? Hell, if they’d have known that, they would have taken a lot more of their electives with her. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Professor Beneviento. I’m Y/N.” They said and held out their hand.
Donna couldn’t help the squeak that left her mouth at Y/N’s gesture. She cleared her throat and shook their hand gently.
Y/N grinned as they shook Donna’s dainty and soft little hand. “Is it cool if I grab a seat?” They asked.
Donna was brought out of her assessment of Y/N’s cute face by their question. “Oh, of course! Sit anywhere you’d like, Y/N.” She said.
“Great! I’ll snag one up here by you.” Y/N winked.
Donna felt like she was going to pass out so she quickly sat back at her desk and took a sip of tea.
“So, do you have a favorite artist?” Y/N asked as they sat at their desk and rummaged through their backpack for a pencil and some paper.
Donna was calmed slightly by the change in subject. “I have a few. Impressionism is my favorite style so I love Monet and Renoir.” She answered. “How about you?”
Y/N shrugged playfully. “Well, I guess that’s why I’m taking this class. I don’t know much about art.” They said with a smile.
Donna giggled at Y/N’s easy-going nature. “Then I’m glad you’re here.” She smiled warmly.
More students filed in shortly, but Y/N had Donna’s full attention.
As the semester went by, Donna and Y/N became very fond of one another.
The two would often chat while the rest of the class was working. Y/N may have asked for some unneeded assistance just for the excuse of talking with Donna a few times.
One day after class, Donna asked Y/N if they would like to come by her office to see a new painting she was working on.
Y/N eagerly nodded, touched that Donna wanted to show them.
“It’s not finished yet, but… Here it is.” Donna said as she led Y/N into her office.
Y/N was in shock. It was a painting of… Them? Why would Donna paint them? Could this mean that Donna thought about Y/N just as much as they thought about her? There must be some other explanation, they reasoned.
“I just… You inspire me, Y/N.” Donna said quietly.
Y/N said nothing but moved forward and gently cupped Donna’s face in their hands. “I can’t get you off of my mind. You’re in my thoughts, my dreams… You’re so special.” They said and leaned in to press a kiss on her lips.
Donna’s eyes widened in surprise. This is what she had been hoping for, but… Y/N’s lips against hers felt even better than she ever imagined. She eagerly wrapped her arms around Y/N’s neck and entangled her hands in Y/N’s hair.
Y/N and Donna eventually parted, but Donna kept her arms around Y/N’s neck.
“Wow. That was better than all of my fantasies.” Y/N blurted out in astonishment.
Donna giggled at Y/N’s awestruck face and rubbed her thumb on their cheek. “You’re adorable, cara mia.” She told them.
Y/N blushed at the nickname which only made Donna laugh harder.
“Not to be too forward, but would you like to go to dinner sometime?” Y/N asked, hoping Donna would agree.
“I’d love to, Y/N. Name the time and place. I’ll be there.” She answered and laid her head on Y/N’s chest.
“Um… Does this mean I passed my midterm?” Y/N joked.
Donna playfully swatted Y/N’s shoulder. “I think that remains to be seen.” She said, her voice dropping to a husky whisper.
Y/N wondered why they hadn’t taken this class sooner.
Note: I loved writing this one! Hope you enjoyed!
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anthurak · 7 months
So I’ve been reading/watching a few different Helluva Boss theory posts/videos recently, and I really have to ask:
We all recognize that when it comes to serious theory-crafting on lore, character backgrounds and most other things, basically EVERYTHING from the pilot is firmly in ‘take with a grain of salt’ territory, right?
Like this is not some ‘true episode one’ or weird ‘episode zero’ thing. It’s a pilot, a proof-of-concept and basic introduction to the series premise and main characters. Now it is certainly a GREAT intro to that premise and those characters, but it’s also clear that at this point the writers were still ironing out the characters, lore and other elements. I mean just compare Stolas in the pilot to Stolas in just the first episode, or how Tilla went from being Blitzo’s older sister to being his mother.
And we can really see this dissonance all over the pilot, as well as possibly getting a sense of what earlier drafts of characters might have looked like.
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For example, Moxxie’s ‘dreaming my parents were getting murdered’ line in the pilot certainly feels like it may have at one point been foreshadowing, but it also just doesn’t fit very well with what we later got in the actual show. It seems like Moxxie would have nightmares about his mother being killed, but find dreams about Crimson being murdered to be quite appealing. Instead, I think we can guess that the plan at the time of the pilot was for Moxxie’s parents to have both been murdered by the mob/Crimson, possibly leading to Moxxie being adopted (perhaps by force) by Crimson. But between the pilot and the first episode, Vivzie and the team opted to streamline things by making Crimson be Moxxie’s father in the first place and him having murdered Moxxie’s mother. As evidenced by how Moxxie’s ‘maybe a shitty dad, or a mob family…’ line in Murder Family is MUCH more in line with what we end up seeing in Season 2.
Likewise, I imagine that Tilla originally being Blitzo’s sister likely had her in a nurturing, adoptive older sister role to Blitzo and Barbie, until the writers decided it simply made more sense for Tilla to just be the twins’ mother instead.
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So when I see people doing stuff like using Loona’s implication that she has syphilis as a major part of or even the whole basis for theories on her messed up background/childhood, I can’t help but feel like they’re unwittingly building up their theory on a pretty shaky foundation.
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Like don’t get me wrong, I fully agree that Loona went through some major shit in her childhood. I even have a hunch/headcannon that her backstory is actually going to have Blitzo AND Moxxie beat in the fucked-up department. It’s just that I think a far more reliable source of foreshadowing on this is something like Loona’s whole ‘This kid probably sets dogs on fire’ spiel in Murder Family, rather than anything from the pilot. Particularly since we now how at least two other cases of seemingly offhand, inconsequential jokes from that episode actually being foreshadowing; again, Moxxie’s ‘maybe a shitty dad…’ line, as well as Blitzo’s ‘we’re just killing a mother…’ line.
Finally, everything I’ve said here goes double, triple and frankly QUADRUPLE for Hazbin Hotel. Whereas we only had a little more than a year between Helluva Boss’s pilot and first episode, we’ve had over FOUR years for Hazbin. And it’s clear already from the trailers and other promotional material that things have changed quite a bit since the pilot. Like I’m as hyped as anyone else to finally see this show get released, but when it comes to specific expectations, we REALLY need to take basically all but the most general, basic, broad-strokes story, character and lore details that were in the pilot with a MASSIVE grain of salt.
Things like the basic premise, general character personalities, Charlie and Vaggie being a couple, etc; those we know are still a thing. Everything else is WILDLY up in the air.
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christiansorrell · 4 months
TTRPG Read-Through: Traveller - Book 1
Here is a read-through I did about a year and a half ago (originally posted on Twitter) of one of the all time classics: Traveller by Game Designers' Workshop! This read-through just covers Book 1 - Characters and Combat from the original Traveller box set trio of books. - Christian
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This is the 1981 Second Edition printing of the classic Traveller three zine box set! Been wanting to read this for ages now. It's discussed A LOT in Mothership circles.
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Really interesting to see GM-less and solo play options here. Didn't realize that was being done explicitly at this time. Also, nice to see "he or she" language here rather than the just "he" you see a lot in older games.
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The UPP is clearly the creation of an utterly deranged mind. This seems like a huge overcomplication of just listing stats (unless all your players are proficient in hexadecimal).
[Hi, it's me from the future here (aka now - 2024): I've learned to embrace and love the UPP (or more specifically the planet stat version from one of the other books). It's complicated at first but really quick and cool once you know how to read it.]
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I really like Social Standing as a stat replacement for charisma or charm or other social skills you tend to see. Feels like it would have more impact on the story and less of a "Roll to see if you convince him, I guess" sort of anticlimax social skills have most of the time.
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I'm now into the "you can die during char creation in Traveller" bits. Really cool in some ways. Really comical in others. It recommends you enlist your bad stat characters into the Scout service because of it's high mortality rate (so you can roll a diff char before play), lol.
Essentially, you roll stats and that's your entire character but to give them some experience they can enlist in a Service. You have to roll to get in and may get rejected. If so, you submit to the draft (get into one at random). You can die. You can gain skills and promotions.
Honestly, the char creation feels like a solo game unto itself. Risk v reward of how far to push your enlistments to boost your skills and standing and benefits. You could have a whole story in your head by the end of it. Great Session 0 material.
As a 34 yr old, this hurts. Apparently, I have -1 Strength, Dexterity and Endurance now...
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I admire commitment but asking GMs to use this full char creator for all NPCs (which means generating chars until you get one capable of filling the role you need) is truly too wild. Best part: at the end, it just says you can also pick whatever you want for stats and skills.
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The weapons and intro text have much more of a space as a new age of sail vibe to them than I was anticipating. It's cool. Far more Dune than Alien (so far).
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Interestingly (unless I missed something), skills are detached from your stats. Your base stats make getting into a Service easier and help you with Saving Throws and such, but skills have their own modifiers based on the situation and your expertise. It's cool (if a bit dense)!
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In case you were wondering, there is absolutely no art in this entire book. I'm hoping we'll get some in one of the other two books with vehicles and ships and such but won't be holding my breath. Gives the whole thing a very Serious vibe.
Always interesting to see how older games chose to handle this (or not).
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Here's the UPP in action along with quick listing of other character info. Interesting even if it is just too overcomplicated for my tastes.
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Can't overstate how much char creation feels like a whole solo game of its own. You can roll a character at age 18 and have them go through seven 4-yr terms in a Service before retiring and having substantial cash, specific possessions, memberships and social standings. Wild.
The character sheet mentions PSIONICS which is exciting (but I'll have to wait till Book 3 for more on that apparently).
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Combat is straightforward but has some unique bits: a focus on stealth as an option and movement/attacks occur by all parties simultaneously which means everyone (enemies too) gets to move and then everyone chooses who to attack and you roll them all. Sounds really fun.
Stats have cool effects in battle. Your Endurance stat is the number of attacks you can make before needing to rest (can you imagine if DnD just didn't let you do a base attack at a point?). Strength and Dex can boost or lower certain weapon rolls like you'd expect.
If trained in a weapon, you can give your expertise as a negative mod to your enemy's rolls to attack you to reflect parrying and blocking which is cool. The skills also add to your attack rolls. Skills just seem really useful overall here.
I just love that we get stats for broadswords, revolvers, and laser carbines. Plus, there are even special tables for archaic weapons for when encountering lower-tech civilizations. It feels like a really wide open interpretation of what space could look like. Feels exciting.
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A few more equipment tables and a final quick reference page at the back and that's all for Book 1. I'll be back with Book 2 and 3 in the coming days!
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Main thoughts: Character creation is very involved but really cool - its own game practically. Skills are very deep in a way that feels refreshing when compared to more stat-focused games. Combat has some fun, chaotic twists. Feels like a wide universe of possibility here so far.
I'll add Books 2 and 3 to this thread when I give them their own read-throughs. In the meantime, here's my newsletter (last two months have Mothership freebies): https://meatcastle.substack.com
And here's my website (with links to my games and modules and all that good stuff): https://shop.meatcastlegameware.com/
Thanks for reading!
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jccatstudios · 6 months
I have been following your soc comic adaptation and it just so good!!! I love how you draw them!
I have just one question: Why did you not include Inej's opening musings about Kaz on the first page? (Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason etc) I actually really like how there is not text on the first two pages, it's really atmospheric and moody so this really is not a criticism, I don't want to insult you. I guess I was just wondering what the thought process behind that was?
Oh, I've been wanting to talk about this for a while! Buckle up, this is gonna be one of my long comic rants. (Also, no offense taken at all! Anyone's welcome to question my artistic choices and I'm always happy to take critique, even though that isn't your intention.)
So, the thing is I actually planned on including that first paragraph into the comic! Here's when I first shared the thumbnails on here. Just for the sake of this post, I'll insert them here too.
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The boxes are meant to be where excerpts of that introduction would go. When I was creating the thumbnails, I was thinking about how iconic these lines were and how well they introduce the world and characters. I even finished the pages with the intention to include those lines. This is from my original csp file.
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When I lettered it all out, I felt like something wasn't right...? Hard to explain. I wanted silence for the opening and the narration took that away. I then thought about the reader who'd go into this without reading the novel first, wondering if they'd be thinking, Who's this Kaz Brekker guy? Is it this character on the page? It's clearer in the book, but I didn't think it paired well with what I drew. I didn't want any confusion. It's also Inej's chapter, and while Kaz's parts take up most of it, I still wanted it to feel like her POV and her story. We can hold off officially meeting Kaz until page four.
But the main reason I took it out comes down to my philosophy when it comes to comic adaptations. I believe that an adaptation should use the original story in the best way for the secondary medium. A comic adaptation should play to the strength of comics, not the original source material.
Time and time again, I see a lot of comic adaptations of books try to use a book's strength instead of a comic's. When that happens, you get pages upon pages of narration boxes and exposition that could've easily been told in a single panel's image. If you want to read excerpts from the original novel, go do that! They're beautiful and well-crafted and you should be reading the original anyway! If you're making a comic adaptation, make a comic, not an illustrated version of the novel (that's a whole field of its own).
This whole thing really ties well into what I'm doing for Chapter 3. Kaz is such an internal character, his chapters have a lot more exposition that isn't setting description or character actions. I've had to do a lot more of my own writing for this chapter than the last just to turn that exposition into his own voice as an internal monologue. Sometimes, it's just a change from "he" to "I," but there are other times I've had to write new dialogue and find ways to naturally flow between thoughts. If I didn't do the work to adapt the expository text and instead just put in narration boxes of text from the book, there would be a greater disconnect between the reader and Kaz. Third-person limited works great in books and doesn't separate the readers from the story, but in comics, first-person internal dialogue keeps the readers inside the scene better.
If I were to redo Chapter 2, I think I would try to find a way to incorporate the information from the chapter intro better. I think by losing the intro I initially planned to include, I didn't establish certain ideas very well. Ketterdam and Kerch are established later on pages 4 and 5, but I don't think I ever go back and mention The Barrel. Also, the idea that Kaz is deliberate, even if his reputation says otherwise, is important too. I've made sure to fix this kind of issue in Chapter 3 and keep record of what kind of information I'm losing as I adapt it.
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ybklix · 10 days
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♡ hwang hyunjin
⤷ intro
⋆cw: mention of suicide ⋆notes: narrated from fem character’s pov. the character narrates the circumstances that lead her to meet hyunjin, in later parts. updated masterlist here! •⩊•
a/n: i had this in my drafts i just decorated a little to post it (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
chapters one & two
word count: 986
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The world seemed to move the same. But it wasn't, she was missing. The days are long and the nights are a living nightmare. I don't think I'll ever get over something like that. The huge emptiness, the deep sadness and the endless constant guilt that kept repeating in a loop and managed to slowly consume me as I lamented over and over again for not being able to avoid something as terrible as death. Suicide.
A supposed suicide.
But it happened. And there was nothing else to do. The important issue, is that I would never see her again, or hear her, in the presence of her.
I think every second of the day I found out and the heartbreaking memory it was to say goodbye to my sister forever. The desperate, heartbreaking screams of my mother, dressed in traditional clothes on the most horrible day of our lives.
I don't think anyone ever thought something like this would happen. Much less in the way it happened… it was totally bizarre, as if I suddenly didn't know the person I was bound to by blood, forever; until now. Suddenly everything got weird, she stopped calling home, but I tried to go on with my normal, carefree life; as I didn't want to intrude and I assumed she had a busy life now, plus the time difference could be annoying at times.
Even so, what kept me motivated was that soon I would go to see her, it was only two weeks away… I would go to visit her, I would see her apartment and we would walk around the city. But suddenly nothing. Just a great upheaval in my soul.
Even so, in my ignorance, I continued with my activities. I was visiting my friends, graduating from high school and getting ready for what was next in my life, a university life, in the career I had shown interest in for a couple of years; unlike my sister, for me it was in the city near our childhood home, only a little more than 2 hours away in Rome.
It had been a while… yes I was curious about what was going on in her life; but with Bethany you never knew what her next move was. She was like that, spontaneous. Quite the opposite of what I thought I was. At 16 she left home, with the help of my parents convincing them to study out of the country, to a place far away but not foreign to our family.
She loved to talk, to explore, but with my parents she was always serious and distant, almost as if they dulled her glow. So taking advantage of them to alienate herself was the best decision she could have made. She shone on her own, for a period. Until it managed to extinguish itself so suddenly. Without explanation, leaving a huge void in the people who truly appreciated her, in me.
I guess things like this just can't be explained.
I can't even process it, my empty stomach is spinning, the insomnia became real and the tears are hard and burning as they slide down my face.
Despite all the chaos formed; seeing my sister there, lying motionless and lifeless —an action I didn't have the courage to take until the last moment before she was taken away—… I thought and thought about certain things, like how we were somewhat alike, about the fact that when an idea gets stuck in our minds… it's impossible to get out of there. I was more rigid; I wanted answers and kindness was not my forte, as she was. Charming, pretty, brave.
This couldn't stay that way. Not just like that. There had to be an explanation and I wasn't referring to needing it for my loss and despair. I was thinking logically, I guess, I need her. This wasn't just happening for the sake of it.
I hadn't slept in days. I guess I was losing track more and more, if it was Wednesday, if it was the fourth; not since what happened. I guess when this kind of thing happens you really seem to tune out. During the dark nights of that hellish summer I manage to remember moments… of which keep me afloat and think how sad it is that I haven't spoken in days and no one seems to notice. Everyone was immersed in their own world dealing with something like this; just like now.
I remember being 6 years old and she was 11, playing that we were looking for a reward chest, mysteries to solve that after all I took a great liking to… as Bethany explained that if it something happened there would have to be a reason, even if it was pure spontaneity… there was the cause. So why… why leave without even a letter. Should I have been a better sister and noticed the signs of depression? If I had paid attention, so I could have avoided it, none of this would be happening?
Why would the person who since she was a little girl kept firm and mature ideas standing, determined to her philosophy suddenly decide to leave like this. Something strange was going on… or she was just going through a mourning that was hard to accept.
The whole world was going absolutely crazy. Or at least mine. Because that was all I have. All I know, unlike my sister, I wasn't as adventurous, or a born visionary as she was.
I just lived in the present and that was my problem. Bethany always seemed to have a bundle up her sleeve, just something new and fun so she would never get stuck and bored.
But my days in my comfort zone were coming to an end. From now on. I would finish whatever Bethany couldn't and find out the truth because something deep down inside doesn't seem right, my heart tells me so.
And when an idea like that happens… the universe knows I could become someone else.
word count: 1.7k
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It all started a while ago, years ago. 7 years ago to be exact, during the spring. Bethany was enthusiastically showing me, with a big smile on her face and her school uniform on, pictures taken in the park near her high school, with 3 of her friends, Mia, Isabella and Chiara. She had told me how Mia was able to buy a digital camera and then take them pictures, she thought it was so much fun.
I know now, that that evening was more than just one of her types of goodbyes, as she was planning something that day that suddenly changed everything.
We had just left school. She was leaning on my bed holding the pictures she had taken with her friends gently passing them, one on top of the other. I don't remember the day but it was maybe, sometime in April.
Bethany asked me if no one else was home besides me, leaning against the edge of the doorway before making herself comfortable in my room. I replied that our mother had most likely gone out to buy something.
I asked her about the sudden interest, more as an automatic response than out of curiosity, “why?”, “I have to tell them something”.
I didn't make a big deal out of that sentence, I didn't want to intrude plus she quickly changed the subject. At the time I was eleven and Bethany was fifteen, a month shy of her sixteenth birthday.
She told me about her friend’s plans, Chiara's trip to Ibiza, Mia at her grandmother's vineyards and Isabella's summer job helping her mother at her store. When I asked her what she would do a grimace appeared on her face, unsure and doubtful of what could be the right answer; from which I assumed it was because of our parent’s sudden change in not spending the summer in Seoul, as every year, but to wait until the winter vacations, where it would now be with our aunt, for the island. It was usually on both occasions when we would visit South Korea, to be connected to that part of the family we shared with our mother.
I remember suggesting to her to go to the beach, both of us; which she complied with at the end of May, a week before she left home. We had our 3 days at the beach, under the Fregene sun, eating soft ice cream. Only 40 minutes from Rome by bus, and just over an hour by train. I remember everything so well. The sound of people talking, the sound of the sea, Bethany's noisy sandals slapping the sand and my mother's sudden cursing in her first language, sitting in that blue beach chair with her hat. I loved the beach, every aspect of it… My sister seemed to be darker, and tended to like to play hide and seek, being a big part of the crowd, under the city lights, I always thought the town we grew up in was never for her. So she found her place once she got away from us.
After the first day Bethany's friend had joined us, Isabella. At times I watched them primp and preen, in awe; ready to stroll through the noisy city, leaving me wondering what two teenagers were supposed to do when you feel the city belongs to you. Giggling, putting gloss on her lips and high heels, glittery eyeshadow, fixing her hair between the two of them, once again leaving me with ideas in mind, like whether I would ever do those simple little things with my older sister once the age difference is not so stark and when I'm no longer a child. Once I start getting interested in those things more and more; maybe when I'm 15 too. But Bethany wasn't around after I turned eleven. I did get interested in those things and I did it too but with friends. During those nights, I would just stay up late with my parents, watching TV; waiting for Bethany to come back. But that day in April, after dinner, with both parents gathered; after clearing the table and cleaning up, when I was finally supposed to go to my room, I stopped to listen to what Bethany had to say.
The sentence was as simple as: I want to go to study in Seoul. Finish my high school and start college there. And all of a sudden. Silence. I couldn't see them but I could perfectly picture the scene in my head; of which it was approximately like this, with the two of them sitting, slightly leaning on the table, Bethany standing in front of them, with her hands together, a gesture she used to make when announcing something. The bright light of the room reflecting on my sister's forehead and the confused face of my mother, who suddenly started speaking to her in Korean, in confusion, her confused expression permeating my mind even though I didn't see her, what, "what are you talking about", she would suddenly say in her strong korean southern accent.
I can't quite memorize what my exact thoughts were at the time… as I just wanted to hear everything and then generate an opinion. I guess it just took me by surprise too.
She went on to explain that, for some time now she has been in close contact with Joomi, a cousin a year older than Bethany whom she is very close to, and spends all her time wiith her, whenever we go to visit. She said that they talk a lot on the internet and that she somehow managed to convince her to study there and rebuild her life in that faraway place.
She argued with a tone that tried to persuade them, saying that she had all the support of my uncle's family, my mother's brother. That if they allowed her to have that opportunity there would be no reason to let them down and she would finally be fully connected to her roots that our mother instilled in us so much.
Her answer was no. No from my mother. A 'I don't know' from our father.
2 days later, Bethany received the final answer. She would finish the rest of the school year and leave for the summer to try to adjust and go to study at the same school as Joomin, living under that family's roof.
My mother just wanted her to suddenly connect with what she suddenly felt was lost and out of her hands, among her other two older siblings, she had been the only one to marry a foreigner, migrate and raise two of her daughters in a different culture than her own… and suddenly her first born had the idea to take a big step… it was hard for her; especially when her future was strictly planned, to graduate at the top of her class and continue her studies at the university in Rome. It was surprising the sudden change of plans, especially when my mother had everything in the palm of her hands and with how extremely stubborn her character was; but her older brother managed to interfere and persuade her; he promised to take care of her and love her like another daughter.
And I knew all this from Bethany's spontaneous change of mood, her smile was bigger, her eyes sparkled and she had her characteristic grimace of when she manages to win or something goes as planned, in victory. I was told in detail a week after confirming to her that yes, she would be leaving.
Honestly at the time I don't think I said any words; there was nothing clear to say… other than "wow, I really hope everything goes very well". And I meant it with my biggest will and heart.
I guess I stayed in shock for a while until I saw her leaving, boarding that plane; that's when I could finally come to my senses. I saw my mother and then my father, simply letting his first 16 year old daughter leave. It was all confusing, I thought everyone over there was trying to run away from the school system… I guessed Bethany really had a plan.
And she did. She even managed to get into college… but the career of her choice was not at all satisfactory to my parents. It was, to a certain extent, disappointing, causing Bethany great sadness, I could feel it in her eyes that summer when we went to visit her. Suddenly she would contact us less, making excuses that if we were to see her that summer, her stay would be short because she would be very busy… which, what was once an annual visit, became a very irregular tradition, every two years… separating us little by little.
The first three years were strictly adhering to the family rule of our annual visit to my mother's and Bethany's home country, who unlike me, I was born in Italy, like my father. During that period everything seemed fine; my talks with Bethany consisted of being amazed at how much I had grown up, apparently, what I had made of my life in Italy and simple things like that… until the year she entered college, during that summer, the pressure from my parents was very high; Bethany tried to remain calm, but nothing worked out for her. The following year, she announced the news of her career causing discontent. I tried to cheer her up and that somehow created a bond again in us that I thought was lost, since she left I felt she was not the same person I admired so much, suddenly her life was a mystery to me, who her best friends were, her life at school, her daily routine, even everyone knew her by her Korean name, she seemed like someone else.
The change in her was there. For good, while she could. And for bad when the poor thing felt she was the family failure. Despite the estrangement between our parents; Bethany always tried to keep in touch with me, calling constantly, leaving e-mails in my inbox, giving me little things that reminded her of me… the truth is that I found it tender and funny the way she didn't know me, since with her demonstrations of affection she reminded me how much she was stuck in my tastes when she was 10 or 11 years old. But that quickly and without warning turned into 15, 16… the age when she left.
Despite all the ups and downs… I never really knew the way her life was, her own life thousands of miles away from me, still, I tried to be close.
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111ikuyuh · 1 month
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚TRUST AND THE UNIVERSE ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Intro: ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
🦇hi everyone...im posting this to help you manifest, shift etc! So allow me to explain. If you want to shift or manifest...you have to trust in yourself. You literally don't even have to trust if its real or not but just trust in yourself and your power. I realized this after doing something regarding lucid dreaming. I was doing the mild technique and I didn't fully believe in it but i tried anyways...and yeah I didn't lucid dream but I realized something. I simply intended and visualized before bed to wake up at 3-4am and guess what? I did. 3:30 am or something I think. Even tho I didn't lucid dream, I had a small success that made me realize I literally just needed to try and trust it.
🦴Explaining: ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
🕸So...what exactly even is trusting? Imagine going on a roller coaster as a child and your scared....but your mom or dad holds your hand and tells you your okay. You're still scared and may have your doubts but you do it anyways and end up having a great time. Think of trust as simply trying and believing regardless of the circumstances!
🦴Trust and the "3d": ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
🕷I dont exactly believe in the 3d. Think of the 3d as a complete illusion that you just happen to believe is real. The 3d is real, yes...but the 3d is also bullshit because YOU choose it all. You are in a reality where from birth we are programmed to think what Im saying is fake and that magic is fake...etc. But it's not! So remeber in that example about the scared kid with the roller coaster? Yeah...that fear is your "doubts". But those have zero power over you. And the care taker holding your hand? That's me and every other truthful manifestor and shifter telling you this. And you? You are the scared kid going to do this and totally rock this! You are going to trust and have faith (even if its little) and just believe. Remeber...the "3d" is just bs and a refelction of your thoughts. Oh you think this will take weeks to trust? No duh! If your thinking like that. What I want you to do is just remeber that the "3d" is JUST a reflection of your thoughts. And it is real but all you need to do is shift your awareness to that reality where you have blah blah or shift your awareness to your dr. Also if you didn't know...shifting and manifesting are the same thing but manifesting is like a "sub genre:" of shifting. I'll explain that in another post.
🦇Method: ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
🕷This is a simple method I'm making up on the spot which will be similar to the intetion method. You can use this for manifesting And shifting. It's a few steps really 🦴STEP 1: Have desire 🦴STEP 2: The moment you think it you truly do have it. And if your like "you don't see it" no offence but you might as well start over cause that's how you "fail" hun. I dont care what the hell you see according to that dck "3d" THE FACT YOUR IMAGINING IT MEANS YOUR DESIRE IS THERE AND DONE. Trust in that. I dont care if it takes an entire year, the "3d" is forced to follow your desires if you persist and trust you really have it. It IS guaranteed but only if you make it guaranteed
☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆:
Ps...you can manifest and shift to whatever. You may have limits in this specific reality like you can't fly...but shift your awareness to a reality where you CAN fly. Everything you can an can't comprehend exists already through an infinite amount of realities. Manifesting is the same as shifting and is as easy as you make it. So yes you could manifest a unicorn if you want. Or if you want a long dck you can manifest it...you can manifest your ariana grande for gods sakeᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠀���⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠳⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡴⢧⣀⠀⠀⣀⣠���⠤⠤⠤⣄⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠏⢀⡴⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢶⣶⣒⣶⠦⣤⣀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣰⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣟⠲⡌⠙⢦⠈⢧⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢴⡾⢟⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⡴⢃⡠⠋⣠⠋⠀ ⠐⠀⠞⣱⠋⢰⠁⢿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣠⠤⢖⣋⡥⢖⣫⠔⠋⠀⠀⠀ ⠈⠠⡀⠹⢤⣈⣙⠚⠶⠤⠤⠤⠴⠶⣒⣒⣚⣩⠭⢵⣒⣻⠭⢖⠏⠁⢀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠠⠀⠈⠓⠒⠦⠭⠭⠭⣭⠭⠭⠭⠭⠿⠓⠒⠛⠉⠉⠀⠀⣠⠏⠀⠀⠘⠞⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠓⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡤⠞⠁⠀⣰⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠙⠒⠒⠛⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠉⢳⡞⠉⠀⠀⠀
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lunarspiral1127 · 26 days
Alright, now let's actually talk about X-Men 97 episode 9 *SPOILERS ALSO SOME RANTING INCOMING*
The results of Magneto's worldwide blackout
Uh, I think Magneto's omega level moment to stop the Prime Sentinels and the Spider-Man cameo got me distracted on what his EMP also did to the world, which is not good.
Yeah, so thousands have died because of this, mutants are being hunted down more than ever, and the world's gonna end in less than 12 hours. So....Magneto made things worse for everybody, mutants and humans.....god dammit.
So, because of this Magneto is also something to deal with as well as Bastion (even though this was all Bastion's fault and the mastermind behind everything, including the massacre, but okay 😒). This means he's back to being an enemy, which I don't like. He was doing good as a protagonist, and just for him to revert back to being an antagonist again?! I mean, I get why, I just don't like it. Even when, again, BASTION IS RIGHT THERE!!! *sigh* I guess with the time limit, they gotta deal with both of them and fix Earth.
Asteroid M again? Didn't Magneto try this before back in the previous show, and it backfired? In fact, he only recruited two others, which I'll get to later. Why isn't he saving more of his kind and bring them to Asteroid M? Maybe he just started and went to the X-Men first before going to find and rescue other mutants Yeah, as you can tell, I'm liking where this is going for Magneto.
Storm and Forge
Jubilee and Jean hugging her at different times was so nice. And, Beast and Forge greeting each other was nice too. Gotta cling to the good moments cause things get bad....REAL BAD.
More of Storm and Jean's sisterhood which was sweet. But, did they let her know about Nate being Cable and that it was Madelyn, a clone, that she interacted with during that timeskip before she left? Cause I feel like Storm needs to know about that.
As bummed out as I was that the two wouldn't confront either Sinister or Bastion, I do understand why. Storm's powers are great for taking out multiple targets, and we do need more moments with the two.
I don't believe their dead. It'll be total bullcrap for the two to reunite with the others as well as them caring for each other, just for them to die like that. So, yeah, they'll be fine.....they freaking better.
Still wish Forge contacted the rest of X-Factor to have a big team up and get some extra help.
More classic outfits
I do like some of them, like Storm's, Rogue's, Cyclop's (although, I'll miss seeing his hair), and Wolverine's brown and yellow.
However, I'm not a fan of Jean's Marvel Girl outfit. I like her 90s outfit that she had before better.
Also, Morph's outfit is just the yellow and blue but with big shoulder pads....why?
So, Roberto's a member of the X-Men now? So, he got an outfit too, but I wish we could've seen the buildup for him being a member. Last time I checked, he wasn't interested in being a member, but still hung out with Jubilee and became his boyfriend. The outfit's not bad, but it doesn't feel like it's been earned.
*sigh* I'm probably the only one here that feels bad for the professor. But, I also feel like it could've been handled better. Have Xavier actually stay in contact with them while away. Have him still be recovering but still too sick to go back home. Hell, have him be in a coma! Many things in this show could've been done to give Xavier more of a reason why he wasn't there during that year time-skip instead of the black hole excuse.
Now, things are tense between him and Scott because he picked Magneto to lead the team. Okay, Magneto was doing fine, he was just more strict is all. Plus, I thought we were done with the distrust of Magneto after episode two.
Even Rogue is mad at him, which I get why. And, Magneto won't listen to him, which again, I also get why. I just where all this conflict is gonna lead to in the finale.
Rogue and Sunspot
So, those two chose Magneto, and not gonna lie, I got upset with that. When she was talking about leading the mutants at Genosha, I thought she rejected the offer back in episode 5, so I didn't understand what she meant by that. I get that she doesn't want to see more mutants die, but they're dying anyway and more are gonna die. I get that she's pissed at what happened, and she still has that anger and grief over what happened to Gambit, but when all this is done, where is she gonna go? Back to the X-Men? That is if there's still a team left.
Roberto.....okay, I get why he sided with Magneto, and I'm trying to like this version of Sunspot. But, I'm sorry, but I couldn't. Not after hurting Jubilee like that. Her being there for him wasn't enough after everything that happened wasn't enough. Plus, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He's new to all this, he has no idea what Magneto has done or what he's capable of. So I was okay with Jubilee fighting back.
Rogue's choice made Nightcrawler sad....I hate seeing that precious blue elf devil man being sad. Thank god, we didn't have those two fight, otherwise, I'd be more upset. But, it was sad seeing her fight Wolverine cause the two are friends.
Also, she was wearing Gambit's coat....why does this show keep hurting so much?
Gold Team vs. Bastion and Sinister
So, Bastion really did love his mother. At least they kept that part of his backstory in this. I don't think she's dead, cause the Prime Sentinels should be alive, just not working. But, what happened to his father? Did his dad die? I've been noticing a lack of dads in the show aside from Scott.
Hulk cameo.
The fight scenes were really good. Especially Sinister vs. Jean. She was so bad@$$ in that fight. Although, I thought Morph was gonna confront Sinister too due to what he did to Morph. But, this is the Summers' family moment.
When did Sinister get control over Cable?! Well, apparently he did, and now he's forced to fight his kinda sorta other mom? At least we got to see his mutant power again.
Is Jean gonna die? Again? Cause, she and Scott are back in good terms in their relationship.
Well, the plan kinda backfired, but there's still a chance to turn it around in the finale.
Blue Team vs. Magneto
Okay, I know that Xavier tried to talk to him, but words ain't gonna reach Magneto anymore. Although, I did laugh when Magneto told him to shut up.
Cyclops disobeying Xavier's orders. Is that the first time that ever happened? Cause damn.
Not gonna lie, I thought Wolverine succeeded in killing Magneto. But, he probably should've kept stabbing and slashing or go for a more vital area. Maybe then Wolverine wouldn't have gotten....that at the end.
Yeah, the end....how freaking dare you do this to Logan! His adamantine ripped out of his body! He still has his skeleton, but to do that to him?! Just....WHY?!?!?!
I know this happened in Fatal Attractions in the comics, but it doesn't mean I wanted it to happen to him in the show! I feel so bad for Logan.
Also, WHY DID YOU BRING THE GUY WITH METAL IN HIS BODY TO FIGHT A GUY WHO CAN MANIPULATE METAL?!?!?! Did it ever come across their minds that this would've been a bad idea? I know that the writers want this comic moment to happen, but come on! Logan should've been with the gold team!
I think that's all I got at the moment. I made a post of potential outcomes for the finale from the comics at the result of what happened to Logan. And, I'm dreading what might come to fruition. As for the stuff with Bastion and Sinister, they gotta turn things around for that one. But, I'm worried that the finale will lead to a dark end instead of a hopeful one. The finale will have to make it or break it for me, cause I love X-Men and all this conflict and stuff is just hurting so much. I still like the show, and it's way WAY better than the What If series in the MCU. But, we'll have to see what happens next week.
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boxturret · 1 year
"One Sec Lol"
[disclaimer]I'm not insulting anyone's work on the project, everyone did amazing work and the project was shaping up to be amazing with everything I had seen.
I worked on the fan game Bionicle Masks of Power for nearly 2 years. I worked really hard on it, learned many things, used a lot of programs I'd never done before, actually worked up the nerve to use a mic for the first time, etc. Over time I got promoted to the head of two departments, 3d art and level design, basically because I was around a lot and kept things organised.
Then one day, with a "One sec lol" I was completely demoted, in a dehumanising, buzzword filled message. It called working on the game a "Journey". Now the reason I was demoted I won't really dispute, I was under a lot of stress, and sometimes I'd get upset, but these things don't happen in a vacuum, I don't get stressed for no reason.
The team was for the most part a bunch of really good, talented people that I enjoyed working with immensely, but there were some who were more focused on the glory (of making a free fan game for a 20 year old dead toy line... look, getting 200k views on the teaser went to their heads) so there was this constant push to get things...not done, because that wasn't really their concern, it was get things in a state where they could be shown off. And not a "here's a work in progress asset" sort of shown off, a "2 Paragraphs of fluff about the game, talking like it's already done, not actually mentioning the assets we're meant to be showing off" sort of thing.
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The image in this tweet was meant to show off the newly (semi) completed UI, you know, that thing on the edge you can't see?
The 80/20 rule seemed foreign to them, where 80% of the work takes 20% of the time, and the final 20% of the work takes 80%, so someone would get a quick rough draft of an asset done in like a day, and they'd start pushing us to get it complete so we could show off, even though it would normally be months for something to get there.
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This image here, of Pohatu in the desert. Do you know what it was supposed to show off? If you guessed the desert, no! That whole scene was thrown together by one person in like a day, it's completely fake, no work had been done on the desert at all. It was supposed to show off the Toa, as we'd just reached a pretty big milestone of completing and texturing all the parts and most importantly the masks. You know, that tiny thing that's facing away from the screen?
Originally the idea was to just show off the Toa in all their glory in their biome, but it mutated in to that...thing. There was work on a second one, but everyone finally realised that it was just looking bad so it was cancelled, thankfully.
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This constant push to get things done to show off was so pervasive, and always seemed to fall on my shoulders, being the 3d art and level design lead, even though the real bottle neck was programming. We only had 3-4 programmers of very limited availability. When I first joined the team as a 3d artist I was basically given makework tasks to do, things of no real consequence, most of which got thrown out. (why make random set dressing objects for Ta-Koro, a place that hasn't even been roughly sketched out yet, for example)
This only got worse when I was put in charge of level design. The levels themselves are the prime thing to show off things in, so there was this constant push to get the levels finished, which I always pushed back against because, and I need to really stress this, the game was in a suuuper early state, and still is. If you've played the stand alone game Trials of the Great Spirit, that area was initially supposed to be the intro to BMOP proper, but the gameplay evolved so much that it became unplayable. At one point there was even the suggestion of keeping the TOGS area with the old player movement. As this was supposed to be the player movement tutorial this was dire and shows the danger of putting work in to making a level look nice too early, you run in to the sunk cost fallacy. Making a level look nice takes a lot of work, it's very fiddly, moving around little decorative objects and getting textures right, and you don't want to have to redo it a lot, which is why most games are blocked out first, meaning that the basic level geometry is created with basic shapes, and once everything is refined then they move on to actually making it look nice. As level design lead I insisted that we do this, because most previous attempts at making levels had spent way too much time worrying about the looks.
One of the first things I was tasked with as a 3d artist was to make a series of modular tree bits:
I was given nothing but a pair of images as guides of what they wanted.
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So I worked really hard to try and make a modular system that would allow some interesting level layouts. Once I made the rough version pictured do you know what I was asked to do? Texture it. Make them in to final assets. No testing at all, no time to see if they'd work for the levels they wanted, nothing. Just rough>final for platforming assets immediately.
Well I knew that if I did that it would just end up getting tossed out eventually so I refused, and guess what? These were made before the movement refactoring so they're completely useless now![emphasis added because people keep missing the important part]
So now you see why making sure everything was finalized before doing final art was so important, which is why I would always fight against moving on to set dressing in the demo, because the demo wasn't and still isn't done, not even close. Having been put in that situation where I was told to work on something that would inevitably be tossed out later, I didn't want to put anyone in the teams I was responsible for in that situation, it's not like there wasn't a shortage of things to work on anyway.
Basically I was put in the situation where I had to constantly say no to all these, I'll call them what they were, marketing ideas, due to the game not actually being in the state it was being presented as. The video released on 8/10 this year was cobbled together from a bunch of unfished assets, barely functioning in an area that was designed just as a goal for set dressing to reach in a real level. It took the poor dev who had a computer good enough to run it hundreds of playthroughs until they got one good enough to show off, avoiding most of the bugs. And now seeing all this, know that I had to spend literal DAYS trying to convince everyone we should have that tiny disclaimer on the screen (every one else was worried about the aesthetics).
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So this was the source of most of my stress, trying to focus on making a game while fighting against those that wanted instead to act like we had made a game. That's what lead to my stress and occasional outbursts, and me just in general getting fed up with working on the game.
After I was demoted, for the next week or so I was miserable. The way it was done just completely destroyed any sort of comfort I had in the team. I'm very shy and introverted, it takes me a long time to warm up to people or a place, and when something like that happens, it's all gone in an instant.
I didn't feel comfortable in the chats anymore so I left, I tried to explain myself to the person who demoted me and they just ignored me for several days at a time, leaving it to all spiral out of control in my head, another person said conflicting things that just made it worse. "It's not a punitive measure" "We appreciate your work" "You should be thanking me you didn't just get kicked off entirely" forcing me to grovel at their feet etc. It was all so much.
The final straw, and what got me kicked off, was do do with a document I had spent 9 months creating, that outlined a possible way of structuring the whole game. Before I started trying to get some structure in to it, the game design just seemed to be a big question mark. 6 playable characters needing to collect 11 upgrades, it's quite a complex thing that doesn't really track to any other game I've seen. The first version, Legacy, was simply a fully open map with the masks scattered about, but that wouldn't do with the level of detail and gameplay complexity we were aiming for. I eventually worked out something I thought would work, using a system of context sensitive gates, and I wrote and did many diagrams on the subject.
After I was kicked out of the leads, not a week later they announced big sweeping changes that were basically what I had been pushing for for months. There was something I was unclear on, a sort of gate for Kopaka involving wind, and I asked what it was. The new level design lead, the person who I had explained the concept of gates too, then proceeded to tell me what a gate was.
This was it. I was done. A week after I get kicked off the lead team and I'm treated like I didn't do anything. Then later I was confronted by another lead, and forced to post PROOF that I'd actually posted this document I'd spent 9 months publicly working on, that we'd had a whole meeting about with the story team, the document that got me promoted to level design lead.
In the moment, was too much for me, with everything going on with the game project and stuff in my personal life being stressful at the time, I genuinely didn't want to be around anymore, it was too much for me, I wanted to disappear. I tried to tell one of the leads this, and was ignored, I tried to speak openly to the team about it, I was censored, probated, then the next day, before I'd even woke up, kicked off the team. For being "negative". I was then told that if I didn't want things I'd made to be used I could ask them, but the only things they listed were the makuta totems and some jungle assets which I didn't even know what they meant.
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So 2 years of work, and all I'd done for them by their account was a noodle and some wood.
[clarification]I'm not implying that they stole anything or are using assets without my permission, it's more that I've worked on this game for nearly 2 years and made sooo many things, yet all they could list were the things I did in the past month. Sorry for any confusion.
Just keep working like a good little drone, no matter how much disrespect we throw at you. This is Team Kanohi.
I wanted to put this all behind me, but someone on the team had the gall to request the very document I was accused of pretending to have made (I mean who ever asked for it on the team, not who asked me personally, just to be clear) , so I'm just so fed up with them. I was paying to host the bulk of the parts and 3d assets out of my own pocket, and it took them like a month to bother moving things, by which time I got charged.
Here's a quick overview of some of the things I worked on, it's not comprehensive at all, it barely mentions the atlas system, but I'm so emotionally drained that I don't really want to bother with all that. It's also not just a noodle and some bits of wood though.
I want to reiterate that I genuinely enjoyed working with most of the people on the team, and I wish them well.
I just want to add one more note: I was personally asked to join the team, I was asked to be 3D art lead, I was asked to take on the Level design leadership role, and even after I was demoted it was still seemingly thought that I would do everything I had been doing up until that point. I never asked for these roles, I accepted them because I believed in the game project and wanted to do everything in my power that I could to make the game as good as it could be.
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