#this is literally how the match went yesterday
karlheisenbergsass · 2 years
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I got grabbed up by the shirt by the pretty woman and thrown up on, and I logged off after that match
I hid after my teammates died and heard her coming but I was looking in front of me and she snuck up on me and got me with her mori
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coffee-bat · 9 months
i haven't been having the best time lately
#sorry vent incoming in tags. you dont have to read you really can skip this#/so the day before yesterday i had a major argument with mom. about something incredibly small but she got super mad at me (basically i#suggested she might have made a mistake while cleaning the oven bc when i turned it on i smelled and felt burning chemicals. like-#-teary eyes and sneezing i wasn't imagining it. and she got super mad and started yelling)#for the whole afternoon it was either silent treatment or yelling abt how what i said is 'unforgivable'#and ofc rejecting apologies and attempts to calm the situation down bc 'this isn't something you can just fix with an apology'#i literally just asked if she's sure everything went right with the oven cleaning. bc it was done in a rush.#so anyway at 10pm i HAD to get the situation to a manageable level bc i was starving and she was in the living room (we have an open kitchen#) so if i wanted to get sth to eat i'd have to confront her. so screaming match ensued again with me apologizing and explaining my point -#and her yelling over me. it went on for 40 minutes. finally after me apologizing like 70 times she calmed down but said that 'what i did is-#-unacceaptable and she does not give permission for it to happen again'. i went to sleep without getting anything to eat of course.#and this fucked me up. bc i really thought we were doing better. i really thought our relationship would only get better now esp after we -#-bonded on vacation. but turns out not. and shes still lowkey mad.#THEN yesterday im studying for a zoology exam and mention it on the phone with her#she goes 'who do you have zoology for'. i respond with the name of the teacher. confused.#'professor (x) died on friday.'#??????????#'it's not published anywhere yet so yeah YOU have to tell your class'#i had a panic attack legit. i threw up from stress. i couldnt do it. first off bc of shock and secondly bc how am i supposed tojust jump#into group chat like 'oh hey btw professor died'#thankfully the info was posted officially by uni at 10pm. so i didnt have to do it. but mom kept pressing me to the whole day#i was nauseaous all of yesterday bc of it. i couldnt manage to study anymore after the shock. sure he was older but he was so energetic and#seemed healthy. i wouldnt have expected it it was just. a huge shock. im still not over it#like you cant know someone for half a year then not be shaken when they suddenly die yknow. and mom is lowkey making fun of me like#'what were you emotionally attached??? he wasnt anyone close'#no he wasnt but im still shaken. and being mocked is only making it worse. as is having to keep studying for his subject for the next few-#-days.#sorry ok vent over theres just. a lot happening for me and im struggling i needed to let it out ig. theres just too much at once#vent#death mention
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bsaka7 · 10 months
the CAF website is so difficult for me to figure out since stuff constantly errors out after showing up in the results of my search engine. barely any of these (now inaccessible?) posts are web archived, and searching the website does nothing for me. if anyone (@traincoded?) has advice on this please let me know i am an amateur
it is so crazy how some easily-findable information is just. not represented across wikipedia. for example, today i was dinking around adding some citations to the page on mirna mohsen -> won egypt ladies fa cup for the team -> team doesn't have a wiki page -> player named sandrine niyonkuru scored a brace in the final -> go to add that to niyonkuru's page, which is fairly barren -> learn about Burundi wnt CECAFA Championship and WAFCON results/add niyonkuru's performances to the page -> don't know where to find reliable info on her intl appearances and goals bc soccerway/gsa (i don't trust gsa but ppl on other pages keep citing it) r missing a ton based off my basic research -> go back to add citations to the egypt wnt page/end up cleaning up grammar and tone -> check the burundi wnt page, results are there but not summarized. AND SO ON! most of this information, at least results-wise, is centralized on the competition pages (cheers to this), it's just the grunt-work of disseminating to team pages and focusing on individuals i think...
my god. web archive your sources people. especially article sources. i am still getting in the habit of this/figuring out how to best use the internet archive but WOW it is so important...
i've only done edits on idk 30 pages. and already i am noticing sooo much stuff i never noticed on wikipedia before...missing citations especially. i like citations immensely.
i need to go to bed
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yorsgirl · 27 days
Fuck you . Gladly
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Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: The embers of your jealousy is fanned when girls forget that your boyfriend is not available. The only problem – silent treatment is your go-to reaction. Good for Sukuna, he knows how to make you talk.
Tropes: Established relationship, smut
Warnings: Explicit smut, fingering, fellatio, spanking, degradation+praise, choking, rough/angry sex, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, multiple orgasms(female), mentions of smoking and cheating, no curse AU, college boy!Sukuna, kinda toxic relationship, strong language, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n.
Word count - 3.8k
A/N: nope, sorry, this isn't the Sukuna fic whose sneak peek was posted a few days ago. That's a long one so it's taking time, instead I am feeding you this. Enjoy :)
Divider credits - @cafekitsune
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Jealousy is a ugly thing.
From childhood, you were taught to always be poised and content with whatever you have. Limited resources, not the best outfit or not your desired commodities. Accepting and being satisfied with it was the norm.
Your mother said the same, "Jealousy is a ugly thing." When you admitted to be jealous over a certain classmate whose grades were higher than yours. I saw her cheating in the exam hall, words were on the tip of your lips but you resorted to keep the dirty secret to yourself.
Heard the same from your friend, "No need to be jealous, its the worst of emotions." When you fumed over how you can't go to a particular excursion (blame your strict parents) while she gets to go.
Jealousy is a ugly thing. Be content with whatever you have, even if it's not the best.
Oh- but fuck off to that age old quote that was thrown down your ears.
You get it. You really do, be glad with whatever you have and shit! And you are. You really are. But how could jealousy not play when others try to put their filthy hands on what is rightfully yours?
In this case, your boyfriend – Ryomen Sukuna.
You aren't particularly insecure about your relationship with him. Contray, you do trust him a whole lot and his mannerisms to the opposite gender doesn't defy your view of him. However, problems arise when a dumb bitch forgets that your boyfriend is not out in the market for her to rub herself.
Take yesterday for example – it wasn't long after Sukuna's practice match while you watched him from the bleachers. Silently, gushing to yourself of how gorgeous your boyfriend looked with the sweat dripping down his hair and forehead, the perspiration glistening on his skin and over his well sculpted abs when he pulled his jersey up to wipe his face, once his eyes landed on you– fuck it! He does that on purpose. More clear with the stupid grin he had when he noticed you, checking him out. You swear, you hate him the most.
Ah– sorry, that went off topic... so where it was? Oh yeah!
Not long after his practice match did you watch that bitch Yorozu, literally jump out of the bleachers and run into his arms like she is his damn girlfriend. (She isn't). While you quietly, revelled over the fact when Sukuna without a bit of damn respect shoved her away, you couldn't shake out the fangs of malice growing inside you.
That brings you here, leaning back on the headboard of your bed with your phone clasped firmly in your hand, you scrolled through instagram. A rather pathetic attempt at ignoring Sukuna, who tried to strike up a conversation with you but you remained nonchalant.
"How long will you keep up that attitude?" Sukuna questions, leaning on the wall to your shared bedroom, a bored expression laces his features.
You don't answer, you don't even make the effort to look at him. It was perhaps, good time to just break your resolve for you've been giving him the cold shoulder since yesterday. Honestly, you don't even know why he's on the receiving end of your wrath. Sure, you are mad, but you are more mad over that wretched bitch than your boyfriend. But as you share no relation with her, its him who's suffering.
"Jesus Christ," Sukuna murmurs to himself, rolling his eyes as he steps up and sits in front of you.
He calls your name. You don't answer. He calls it again–his tone harsher. Your response is silence.
The next thing you know, your phone is harshly snatched away from your grip.
"What the fuck?!" You curse aloud, fire burning in your irises as you glare at him. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"
He scoffs, "So now you talk."
You try to reach for your phone but his counter is putting it away with a hand extended out. "Give that back."
He grips your right wrist in a tight hold, not enough to hurt you, just to keep you in place.
"What the fuck do you want?" You ask, the attempt at pulling your hand away proves futile when he tightens his hold.
"For you to stop acting like a brat."
"Acting like a brat?" You could only scowl. "I was silent the whole time. Is breathing illegal for you, now?"
His carmine irises blaze with annoyance as he retorts back, "You know damn well, I am not talking about that."
"I don't." You had always been bad at lying.
"Fuck yeah, you do."
You don't respond to that, trying to reach for your phone which he is doing a damn good job at keeping away. "Sukuna," Warning drips from your lowered tone, "I am not in the mood. Give my phone back, now."
"Yeah?" A humourless chuckle leaves his lips, "You're not getting it tonight, deal with it." You grit your teeth, trying to keep in the bubbling anger which would flow out any second but sure the God's hate you cause Sukuna's next words crumbles every bit of your self-control.
"Besides... why do you need it anyway? What?" He raised an eyebrow. "Texting some bastard while you I am in your no communication zone."
That's it. The fucking audacity.
Cheating. Something you can never speak or joke about, and he knows it still the God damn audacity to spit shit in front of you as if you're the one whose locker would be filled with love notes on valentine's day.
"You fucking asshole," You stand up, pulling your wrist away from his grip. Rage pours tumbles out of the dam, pouring through your every vein, every bone, every pore. "You have the fucking audacity to accuse me of cheating when you're the one smooching of other girls."
There's bad move. Then there's the worst fucking move of all.
This was the latter.
Sukuna rose up instantly, his gift of height gave him the upper hand to easily glare down at you. "The hell did you just say?" His tone turned a note low, the deep raves of his voice enough to warn of the impending danger.
Did that scare you? Maybe. Were you going to back down and say sorry? Abso-fucking-lutely not.
You scoffed, folding your hands over your chest, "Oh, you heard me." It was entertainment. Pure entertainment. Watching him riled up over a simple accusation. Hell, you'd pay to witness it again and again. "Do I have to say it again to your face, cheater?"
If he's so much offended to be labelled as a cheater then he shouldn't have brought up the topic in the first place. It doesn't make sense on what type of logic, you're backing yourself up but if rationality worked in cases of fueling rage and huge egos then there'd be no wars in the first place.
His response could only be grasping you by the throat, firmly as he roughly pushed you back on the wall. "I am the cheater? I've been nothing but loyal to you."
"The last time Yorozu–"
"She was clinging to me and I pushed her off, what more do you want?"
Nothing, I am just fucking jealous. That's what, you should be saying but you don't cause- cause you just can't.  You grit your teeth and resort to profanity, "Fuck you, nonetheless."
"You stupid bitch," His grip around your throat tightens and that's when you're finally aware of your position. With your back pressed against the wall and his calloused hand grazing over the pulse point of your throat–this situation could not be more intimate.
You are hit with his cologne mixed with the musky smell of cigarette which, you assume, he had smoked before coming to you. A heat burns in your core as you notice the intricacies of tattoos that marks his visage; each one luring you to trace your fingertips over them.
You're still antsy and a flurry of provocative insults are resting on the tip of your tongue which would be spit out any second but- but what could be the better time for your estrogen levels to rise?
It's not long after that you mutter a curse under your breath, your fingers find their way to his collar; a second later–you are locking lips with him.
Sukuna's initial shock of the situation is evident as his lips doesn't move against yours. Yet, he indulges soon, his eyes flutter shut when he responds with equal fervour and fire. He tilts your head back, his tongue lapping over your bottom lip and a sigh escapes him when you give him access. His free hand find their way over to your hair, tangling his fingers through your strands as he tugs them back – deepening the kiss.
You groan against his lips at the surprise pull. His tongue prods inside your mouth, engaging in a harmonious dance with yours – swirling and lapping with it. His hold on your throat was tight, cutting off your air supply while his mouth moved against yours in a rhythm. Allowance of breath was gratified once he felt your mouth tighten against his. You gasped and panted for air, his hold on your throat loosening just a bit. When you looked up, a suggestive smirk was plastered against his lips and damn– wasn't that just irksome.
Sukuna pulls you closer, nibbling on your earlobe which incites a rather sinful moan from your mouth. "All that attitude and you wanted this. Should have just said so, princess." It's almost mocking on how he used the nickname.
"Fuck you."
Said so, his mouth again presses over yours, harder than the previous time. The passionate liplock lights the fire in both of you as Sukuna's hands glide down from your hair. Caressing the curves and contours of your body before finally resting on the plump flesh of your ass. He squeezes your buttocks while trailing feather-light kisses down your jaw and lips.
"Use your words from next time, princess."
Fuck it. Fuck him. He is smirking. You can't see it but damn, isn't it palpable? Your eyes are shut tight as his hand moves from your buttocks to your thighs and upto your thong. "Fucking soaked," He hisses under his breath, feeling the large wet splotch that has settled over your the fabric.
"Ngh– Sukuna," A breathy moan slips past you as he palms you over the garment, tracing the outline of your clit and entrance. His attempt at teasing you is working dangerously well and you have to restrain yourself from giving into this wanton pleasure. You grip onto his biceps, nails digging into the muscles from over his shirt. "Stop fu-fucking teas–ing me."
"Am I teasing you? Mhm nah, I don't think so." His heated breath falls hot over your neck as he licks a line over the curve of it. "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"
You don't answer, silently scowling at him but that's his cue to slide your thong aside and caress the skin over your needy pussy. He knows what you want. And he knows only he can give it you. But he won't. Not until you say it. And you won't say it cause you're damn stubborn and you've got to show him that you're still mad which is proving difficult under his skillful ministration.
Well, that isn't a bother to him, you can stay with your resolve all you want while he enjoys playing with you.
"F-Fuck it– Sukuna–," You whine, pushing your hips towards his fingers to just receive an inch of stimulation but that's fruitless. The attempt at clamping your legs shut is the worst play you could make as Sukuna harshly slaps your pussy.
"Keep those legs spread like a good whore."
You hate him. You really do. You hate him for the certain joy of degradation mixed with praise – one, only he can evoke from you. The phrase had a electricity shoot to your cunt causing it to throb as a sheen of sweat formed over your forehead.
The grip over your resolve breaks and you find yourself speaking before you can even think, "Fuck– Sukuna, need you, ngh– now."
"Now, that's like a good little slut." Sukuna doesn't need to be told twice before two of his digits delves inside your aching cunt while the rough pad of his thumb presses over your clit.
You throw your head back at the needed stimulation and courtesy to Sukuna's hand tangled in your hair–shielding your scalp from hitting the wall. The flurry of curses and moans leaving your lips could have been recorded. His fingers move in and out of your cunt in a fast pace while your pussy sucks them in. He hits your g-spot and that has your eyes rolling back in your head. The squelching noises from your pussy and your breathy loud whimpers reverbrates through each and every corner of your room. He draws circles over your clit, scissoring his finger in a V, stretching you out.
"Eyes on me, princess," He murmurs in your ear and you comply soon after. Gazing in his crimson eyes darkened with lust, a shiver runs down your spine as your legs tremble while he fingerfucks you like playing the keys to a piano. "Watch the only man who can make you cum like this."
It's possessive and diabolical. He has no right to act such when you aren't even the one who's going around entertaining the opposite gender. But you don't have any bit of resilence left in you to tell him to fuck off. Besides with the amount of strings he's pulling, its only a second later that you spasm and milk around his digits.
Sukuna pulls out his fingers from your hole, gazing at the slick and fluid running down them with amusement flickering over his irises. Yet, he pushes them to your mouth, pulling down your lower lip. "Clean up your mess, brat."
You keep your eyes on him, taking the same fingers which was in your cunt, in your mouth as you lick them clean.
"Yeah? Like that? It's yours, princess." You hum in response. Your brain is still hung up on the earlier scenario, and even though getting off on his fingers did relieve your frustration. You're still not satisfied. Nay, you aren't letting him off the hook that easily. That's when a rather vile idea conjures up in your brain, a smirk escapes your lips.
"Hm, whatcha smiling about?"
You could only laugh, "Ah– you'll know." It's in a second that it happens – the tables turn. It's now Sukuna with his back resting against the wall while you smirk up at him. Your hand slid down to his sweatpants and damn– his clothed bulge could only compare to the actual thing. You kneel down before him, a mischievous glint shadowing your eyes. "Let me return the favour."
You hook your thumb and pointer finger in his waistband, pulling down his briefs. His cock springs out, smacking against his abdomen and for a second, its like you get a brain freeze. Rock hard, and the veins are protruding out of the shaft. It isn't the first time, you've seen it but each time you do, realization hits of how huge it is.
"Less staring, more sucking, princess." Sukuna says from above, threading his fingers through your hair.
"Oh no, just admiring a work of art," You reply with a sickeningly sweet smile. It isn't a lie but it's sure a push to his ego. You look up at him, holding the base of his cock as you swirl your tongue over his mushroom tip.
"Fuck," He mutters to himself, head tipping back when your warm mouth latches over his hardened shaft. He pushes himself onto your moist mouth, hitting the back of your throat as you almost gag on his cock. You compose yourself soon, looking up at him as you bob your head up and down on his thick, veiny shaft.
Sukuna's grip on your hair doesn't falter, instead tightens as he establishes his hold while tangling his finger through your strands. You assume he likes it (and why wouldn't he? Only you can give him a head like this) from the way noises leaves his mouth as you take him in as much as you can. Your hand glides over the remnants of his dick, stroking and pressing on it.
"God yeah– fuck... j-just like that– ngh."
Your name rolls out of his mouth sinfully causing your cunt to suck on air. Drool runs down your chin to your jaw as you lap your tongue over his shaft – swirling and drawing over the bulging veins. You feel him twitch in your mouth and you know he's close. He knows, he's close as he heaves in a ragged breath.
Good. You were just waiting for that.
You detach your mouth from his cock with a pop, standing up as you press your lips to his for a brief second. A smirk played at your lips, "Now, wasn't that nice?"
"What the fuck?!" Sukuna growls at you, dumbfounded at the wave of pleasure that would've washed over him if not for you.
"Pay back, darling." You grin, pressing a kiss to cheek which only infuriates him more.
It isn't a second later that you are roughly thrown on your bed as Sukuna hovers over you, pulling your skirt up and ripping out your thong. You don't have the time to complain when he pushes his cock inside your throbbing cunt, hitting right at your g-spot on the very first stroke.
"God, Suku– ah–" A harsh slap is delivered to your ass, you hiss in pain as Sukuna picks up the pace. Pulling out his cock just to the tip before shoving the whole girth in–stretching and filling you up to the brim.
"Sluts don't get to speak," Another smack lands on your ass cheek, harder than the previous. It would sure leave a mark but he could care less. He swipes at your hardened bud, pinching it as you cry out in pain. "Yeah, like that– scream like the dumb bitch you are."
You are panting, trying to breath but his hand is clamped around your throat like a collar–pressing down your wind pipe. "Gnhh– Su-Suku' ahh– too m-much."
"Too bad, you're taking it." His hands find their way under your thighs, pushing them up until your knees are pressed up beside your face. He folds you in a mating press, reaching spots in you which you didn't know existed. "That's the thanks I got for making you cum. Brat's like you need to be punished." Said so, he reaches under your shirt, squeezing and kneading your breasts while he tweaks over your nipples.
You fist the sheets, eyes rolling back, you are almost on the verge of seeing stars before your eyes. His strokes has your legs tremble but he holds you tightly in his grasp, pinching and tugging on your erected buds. You swallow a deep breath feeling yourself clamp around his cock, you're close–too close and his swipes inside your pussy does not make this situation better. "Sh-shit, ahh– g-gonna ngh– cum."
"Oh yeah, so soon?" He pinches your clit elliciting a scream from you. "Like that, don't ya? Nasty little bitch, cum."
You suck him in, feeling yourself come undone under him. But– uh oh...
Sukuna is far from done.
You don't have the time to catch your breath, before he flips your position; you're straddling his lap with his dick still stuck in your cunt. "Wait– what the–"
"We are far from over," He whispers near your ear. "I still haven't cum, slut." He leans back on the bedframe, squeezing your ass cheek with a lopsided smirk stuck on his face. "Go on, take responsibility of your own actions. Or..." He stretches out the word, looking down on you. "Can you not?"
Did he really...? Was that really a challenge thrown your way?
If he thinks your estrogen levels aren't enough to keep up with his testosterone then he's damn wrong. You snickered, placing your hands on his broad shoulders, digging your nails into his flesh–he grunts out in pain. Your knees are aside his hips as you push yourself down on his cock. "You should know better than asking me if I can go on."
"Hm, prove it then."
Damn bastard... he's toying with you, provoking you with words and damn! It's working well. Like a moth to a flame, you are playing into his whims and you're damn sure, he's laughing his ass off inside his mind.
"Fuck off," You curse at him, pulling yourself up before sitting back on his member.
"Gosh– shit," Sukuna grabs your hips, groaning at the way your warm walls feel around his dick. Hooking his hand under your top, he tugs on it and you oblige, putting your hands up as the garment is thrown off your body. He doesn't waste a second before delving in to bite and suck on the flesh of your neck while fondling your breasts.
The only sound that reverberated through the room were your wanton moans mixed with his groans as your name was chanted like a mantra. Your butt slapped against his lap as you bounced on him, your mouth parted as a trail of drool ran down your chin.
It's the same dance, you've danced with him countless times. The flicker of flame that burnt could only be fuelled by your combined desires. Each kiss, each bite, each stroke giving rise to the allure of just one more. Once again.
You felt Sukuna's cock twitch inside your sore cunt–burning and ravished from taking him in so long. Your pleasure was coming in soon. And at the last second, Sukuna's mouth met yours in a salacious, deep kiss–resulting you to moan in his mouth as his seeds paint your walls white. You come simultaneously, ragged breath of relief erupting from you.
Both of you part, as you stay still over him, catching your breath. You look into his eyes; he's staring right back. Huffs and pants could be the means of communication and even though your room is air-conditioned, a thin layer of sweat covers the both of you.
For a second, there is a amalgam of emotions that flicker in his gaze alone. They disappear before you can name them yet- you believe there was a hint of tenderness to them.
"I hate you," The words flow out of you yet you don't know, why they don't have the same sharp tone as always.
"I hate you," You repeat again.
A smug smirk plasters over his lips as he clicks his tongue, "Right? Who was riding that dick–"
"Shut up."
Yes, you do hate him the most.
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euaphoric · 10 months
・ ゜ ʚɞ ゜ ・ ゜
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✩‧₊˚ pairing — jungkook x f!reader (established relationship) ✩‧₊˚ warnings — fluff, very suggestive but no actual sm*t in this, cute kissing & cuddling hhh, oc is called “little girl” like once
another 4 am post, im on a roll w these hehe >:3 but i just wanted something to post for my bday (even tho this nothing to do w birthdays?? LMAO) and i can’t get this damn live out of my head like he’s fckung inssne sffdsgsh n e ways this is lowk corny but enjoy lol.
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the faint sounds of birds chirping awoke you from your nightly slumber, eyes fluttering open to your wide awake boyfriend scrolling on his phone. he seemed to be very focused on whatever he was watching, wondering how long he’s been awake for. you prop yourself up slowly on your elbows, barely able to move a muscle from feeling sore by last night’s events. you two can go at it for hours at a time - you forgot how much of a real workout it is being on top. it’s impossible so hard to resist him though, you love that jungkook has just as much of an insanely high libido as you, literal match made in heaven.
waking up to him everyday already felt like a blessing in itself honestly. he was the epitome of perfection; in only a pair of boxers, staring at his chiseled figure, toned biceps, those muscles?? yeah you were beyond down bad for him. but he was just as down bad (debatably more) for you too. your raging hormones were really getting the best of you. your first thoughts were to violently make out with him but instead you settle for some sweet cuddles right now, coming closer to nuzzle in his bare chest. “g’mornin’ sleepyhead.” jungkook mumbles, averting his attention to you instead of the screen. “took you long enough to wake up!” his arms went to cage around your form. “what time is it babe?” you ask, a slight yawn slips out, still feeling groggy.
“7 am.” “wait- really?!” you were so confused, you weren’t expecting it to be this early since usually you don’t wake up until around 10 or 11. “yeah, i didn’t get much sleep though.” his soothing touch runs down your back, pressing delicate kisses to your forehead. this was home to you; feeling his warmth against you, listening to his hums as he cradles you, never wanting to leave his embrace. you were living rent free in your boyfriend’s arms 24/7.“hmm, what should we do today?” you ask, peeking your head out a bit. “dunno… why don’t we just stay in and watch some anime?” his lips proceed to attack your face, pecking kisses all over until you’re physically sick of it. unable to utter a single word out from all the smothering, you just let him do as he pleases.
“but we do that everyday already koob.” you finally get to say once he comes up for air. “and? i see no objection here.” god he can be so stubborn at times… “c’monn, we should go do something today..” you pout, feeling bratty over his unwillingness to be social. you love staying in bed and binge watching shows with him but for some unknown reason you wanted to be adventurous today. “actually, i know what i wanna do today.” he smirks, biting his lip at you. of course, he only wants to stay inside because he’s horny-_-
you let out a tiny scoff, “ugh, perv!” nothing he says should ever surprise you anymore but it’s still fun to tease him. “only for you though.” he chuckled, pulling you back in but this time plants a wet kiss to your lips, “truthfully i just want you all for myself.” his hand brings your leg over to wrap around his waist. “such a selfish boy.” you tease some more, combing the disheveled strands of his silky hair. “mhm mhmm, that’s me.” he proudly admits, he acts very territorial over what’s his and would def gatekeep you from everyone if he could, no one deserves to see his precious bb but him:( “i’m still hella sore from yesterday, i don’t know if i feel like doing anything right now.” you timidly reply, butterflies forming in your tummy as he casually traces circles to your thigh. his eyebrows furrowed, “who said you had to do anything?”
he catches you off guard when suddenly his body shifts underneath, positioning you to be below him while hovering over you. when leaning in he stops midway to stare and admire your pretty lips, wanting so badly for them to be on his. he closes the distance to finally kiss you, giving you a million more butterflies as your body sinks into the mattress. you can sense all the passion and longing from just kissing him, it’s desperate yet filled with fervor, you feel his love immensely. when he gnaws your lower lip as entry, it becomes more heated - a full-on make out sesh occurs. fingers all tangled up in his locks while he caresses your upper body, lips moving perfectly in sync with one another. soon as you wrapped your legs around him a switch goes off in his brain, he needs you, like expeditiously. jungkook sneaks his hands up to your arms when he breaks away, pinning them above your head, you don’t know why but your first reaction was to giggle which puzzles him. “what’s so funny hm? keep thinking i’m playing little girl, i’ll have you begging we stay in.” he remarks, eyes shading darker as he doesn’t find any of this to be a laughing matter. “koo i-” he quickly cuts you off with another breathless kiss.
“shh, just lay back and relax pretty, let me do all the work for you.”
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queen-of-reptiles · 7 months
description: in which lucy bronze and the england captain feel like four years is long enough to hide a relationship especially since they have just won the euros
Lucy Bronze x female reader
this is all fiction!
warnings: fluff, a 4 year age gap and sarcastic lucy and reader
y/n just posted
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liked by, leahwilliamsonn, mbrighty04, and 439, 222 others
tagged lionesses, lucybronze, leahwilliamsonn, Lj10, mbrighty04, bethmead_ and 18 others
y/n It's set in now. Five days later, and it has set in.
This team, these girls, this journey has been nothing short of amazing, determined and fantastic, I have been so incredibly lucky to be able to be a part of it.
Thank you England,
Thank you football,
Thank you Lionesses.
And I'll tell you what?
The kids are alright x
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username1: SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU BACK IN BARCA!!!❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
username2: I'm crying omg 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username3: best england captain EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
leahwilliamsonn: Such a sap, but the best captain we could have asked for ! ❤️
y/n: Couldn't have done it without my best friend/vice captain holding me up! ❤️
lucybronze: <3
y/n: <3
keirawalsh: I will never get over you and Sarina cutting your wedding cake ... 😭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
y/n: shoulda seen the proposal ;) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
stanwaygeorgia: I'm still crying at your dance moves in the locker room 😂😭
mbrighty04: fucking decked herself 😂😂😂
racheldaly3: just laid there for a sec too. 😂😂😂
1maryearps: "I'm okay, just tired of how life hates me" - y/n after just winning the euros 2022 and decking herself in the locker room. 😂
jillscottjs8: Still crying even now !
y/n: the look on your face was worth any pain we went through! xx
alessiarusso99: Just Buzzin' ❤️
y/n: Buzzin man
ellatoone: just buzzin dude
alessiarusso99: hate you both sm smh! 🙄
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lucybronze just posted
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liked by, keirawalsh, marialeonn16, and 209, 218 others
lucybronze back to Barca!
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username1: ayyyyyyyy!!! VAMOS BARCA!!! ❤️💙❤️💙
username3: ArE YOU DATING Y/N!!
username4: I think they're just friends! 🤷‍♀️
username5: NA they are dating! They live together!
username6: AND? people can live together without dating
username7: EYES DON'T LIE 😩
keirawalsh: lovely picture of me there, thanks!
lucybronze: welcome mate! 😁
y/n: that photo of me, really?
lucybronze: had to give the fans something to thirst over 👍
y/n: i hate you sm 🙄
marialeonn16: happy to have you back! ❤️💙
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y/n just posted on her story
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lucybronze just posted on her story
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y/n.bronze: Here is a thread of instances which confirm that Lucy and y/n are together in my mind - the bottom of the thread is where it gets good!
How Lucy looked at her during the post match interview after beating Spain??? Like, her eyes were literally heart shaped??? I want that!
When y/n was knocked over during the Sweden game and Lucy didn't even hesitate to square up, her face was so worried, and she only stopped when y/n GRABBED HER HAND?!
Ellie, in a livestream for City YESTERDAY saying that she would stay with Lucy and y/n, confirming they live together - which we already thought!
Then going on to say they have a spare room - even though Lucy has said multiple times she lives in a two bed apartment and y/n has never said anything about her 'place'!
The fact when y/n scored in the Sweden game she ran at Lucy first??? AND JUMPED ON HER
The fact y/n left ARSENAL - her childhood team - to go play for Barca only months after Lucy had and she even admitted in an interview LUCY WAS A BIG PART OF THAT DECISION
when Lucy called y/n in an interview the other day and she answered with 'hi my love???' LIKE????
fr I need friends that dedicated to hiding my relationship
LASTLY - the fact they went on holiday together after the euros after Ibiza, and the photos ... the PHOTOS
okay, I'm done, they're soooo dating, thank you.
username1: omg this is so good!
username2: ELLIE SAID WHAT?
username3: omg this is Sherlock level of deduction ability
username4: THE PHOTOS???????? IS THAT THEM
y/n.bronze: 'rumoured' to be - but look at the hair! It is SOOOOO y/n!
username5: nahhh Wonze for life!
username6: how can you read all of that and still pick the wrong answer?!
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y/n just posted on her story
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lucybronze just posted
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liked by, keirawalsh, leahwilliamsonn and 321, 111 others
lucybronze sunshine in my life, even when the sky is dark...
comments limited
alessiarusso99: her body looks so good here omg 😭😭
ellatoone: 😏😏
mbrighty04: this feels illegal omg 😳
racheldaly3: TELL ME ABOUT IT
y/n: 😶
leahwilliamsonn: heheh 🙂
Lj10: this is sweet :)
keirawalsh: sunshine and hair goals apparently 😚
stanwaygeorgia: hmmmm 😌
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username2: the caption? the photo? the comments? the lack of tag?
username3: they have to be together?
y/n.bronze: THE NEW TATTOO! IT IS A STRAWBERRY ON HER SHOULDER - lucy uses the strawberry emoji allllll the time!
username5: it has to mean something!
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y/n just posted
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liked by, lionesses, leahwilliamsonn, and 498, 399 others
tagged lucybronze
y/n idk what you guys are on about - we're just friends ??
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lucybronze: I know right?
username1: UMMMM? 🧐🧐🧐🧐
username2: went from soft launch to MAYBE HARD LAUNCH realll quick?
username3: but like this makes me feel as if they aren't dating?! And that this is just a joke !
username4: yeah this feels like they are laughing at the rumours
keirawalsh: two besties, that's all I see
y/n: I know, how odd ! 😁
alessiarusso99: it is weird!
marialeonn16: I agree! So obvious!
ellatoone: SAME!
leahwilliamsonn: I thought it was so obvious as well.
lucybronze: People loveeeee to talk ig 🤷‍♀️
username5: I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE 🥲
y/n.bronze: okay, this has thrown even me off I won't lie!
username5: maybe we were wrong?
y/n.bronze: I really didn't think so tho ...
alexiaputellas: clearly just amigas 🤷‍♀️
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lucybronze just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, mbrighty04, and 207, 388 others
tagged y/n
lucy.bronze Happy four years 'best friend' ;) xx
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y/n just posted
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liked by, keirawalsh, leahwilliamsonn and 409, 281 others
tagged lucybronze
y/n Four years of the best 'friendship' I could have asked for xox
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username1: 4 years ... 4 goddamn years
y/n.bronze: I KNEW IT - I FUCKING KNEW IT !
y/n: that you did :)
y/n.bronze: omg
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okay really did enjoy this one - (hope this is what the anon wanted) the amount of Lucy Bronze content and fics I have queued is kinda worrying but I have been a fan of Lucy since she played for SUNDERLAND
which is insane that's a bit too long really
my gay ass
but I am a die hard West Ham Fan and a Sunderland fan (due to my best friend WEST HAM TIL I DIE FORST AND FUCKING FOREMOST) - I know, it is hard - so it is insane how long I have been a fan of her but I reallyyyyy enjoyed writing this and I enjoy writing these actually.
When I originally started drafting these they were just for myself and when I posted LJ's I thought no one would really see it - so to have people be so kind and so happy to request has really made my smile!
So thank you for your support! And more incoming!
Queenie xo
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sc0tters · 10 months
All Bark No Bite | Ethan Edwards
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summary: you and Ethan have disliked each other from the moment you met. so what happens when you connect with some old friends from high school that just so happen to be on the other team that send Ethan the wrong idea?
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, thigh riding, minor mention of spanking, use of a Polaroid camera whilst having sex, swearing, use of the nickname brat and princess once or twice, use of y/n once too.
word count: 2.6k
authors note: wrote this last night after a rugby game, was running on three hours of sleep and pure excitement after the all blacks won… very much did love writing about Ethan and this was actually meant to be up yesterday but I literally got home at 1 in the morning. this request was highly detailed so I hope I did it justice!
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You hated him.
Your and Ethan's little rivalry went back all the way to the first day of freshman year when he took your drink order at the coffee shop on campus because he had the same order and was late.
From that day on you hoped that he would rot in hell.
The hockey team were put in the middle of it all though when you joined the team as the new photographer. When you saw his face you were ready to quit, but you needed Coach Naurato's signature at the end of the season in order to pass the first year of your degree thus you stayed.
But that didn't mean that it was all cordial. The screaming matches you two would have were so frequent to the point where you two were not allowed in the same room together alone, not that either of you were ever going to complain about that.
So when you two hadn't said a single thing to each other in over two weeks, you were practically on cloud nine. You were at the top in all of your classes, you had a fuck buddy in Mark, and Ethan hadn't done anything to screw either of those two things up.
Ethan hated what you and Mark were, not only because of the fact that he said a wall with your bed buddy but also because the sounds of your moans had quickly become the only material he could use to jack-off to.
Just last night after hearing you leave the sophomore house when he dozed off to sleep Ethan was met with a harsh surprise, that was a dream about you.
He had to admit that he knew most of the image of you was true, he had seen your lacy thong that landed up in Marks washing and one time when you were in your office at the Yost you accidentally spilt a smoothie down your white shirt. Despite shutting the door, you had forgotten to shut the blinds by the window you had inside the office. That meant when Ethan walked past he was giving a front row seat to watch you get semi undressed. He knew it was wrong how his mouth watered at the sight of your blue bra but it just looked like it was made for your breasts.
Even though it was game day at the Yost, Ethan avoided you like the plague as he attempted to get that image out of his mind.
That's why it was so confusing to you when the conversation you were having with two of the Ohio state players was cut short by the Canadian. He had been glaring at the two boys unaware that you were catching up with them because the three of you went to high school together.
You wanted to slap that glare off of Ethan's face but as the players from Ohio were scattered around you knew that you would get in trouble if you did indeed hit him.
So instead when you saw he had his bag ready to go you dragged him to your office. It was far away enough from the main parts of the players areas so that nobody would hear you two.
You shut the door behind you and was ready to unleash your full fury at him "what the hell was that?" You both spoke at the same time.
Ethan was quicker to let out a scoff "you wanna tell me?" He asked taking a step towards you "fucking touching them like that." The boy added as you were now against your table as you tried to avoid being too close to him.
Yeah you had hugged both boys but that was because you hadn't seen them since the previous year "green is not a good colour for you," you pointed out with a laugh as he was acting rather jealous.
The comment made him roll his eyes "could you maybe not be a little brat for one second?" He cocked his head as he had now pushed you onto the table.
You knew that you were teetering on a fine line with him "what are you going to do if I don't?" The smirk was clear on your face and it only became more evident when his own facial expressions hardened.
He wanted to do it, he wanted to show you but Mark was acting like a mental blocker. Sure it was stupid but Ethan was a man of bro code "knew you'd be all bark and no bite." You mumbled shaking your head as you moved your hand to his chest to move past him.
That seemed to press the on button in the boys head as his hand cupped your cheek, and before you both knew it he was now kissing you.
It took you a second before you kissed him back causing what quickly became a fight between your tongues that you lost when Ethan placed a slap on your ass. The gesture was small but it brought a moan out of you and he felt it in his shorts.
The sounds that he had heard so much from the room next door was now right in front of him.
The Canadian pulled you towards the couch as he sat down letting you land on top of him "let's get this off of you," he motioned to the strings of your sweatpants as you nodded quickly pulling the gray pants off.
The boy looked at the sight as he released out a groan "look at you in these pretty little panties," he mumbled as he rested his hand on hip as he wanted to move your hoodie that was hiding the fabric.
As his fingers dug in that bone it caused you to grind against his thigh, eliciting another moan from you.
It caught Ethan off guard as he looked up at you "you like that?" He asked as he brushed the loose strands of your hair behind your ear.
You placed your hands on his shoulders "yeah," you moaned as you leaned forward to kiss him again.
His hands didn't let up as he continued to help you reach what you both hoped was your high "god you’re wet,” Ethan’s head fell back as the fabric on his thigh was quickly becoming soaked.
When his head dropped you took the opportunity to kiss his neck making the effort to draw hickeys on the area.
He squeezed your thighs as he moved his hand back to your ass to place another smack on it “been waiting to have you like this.” The hockey player confessed as he watched you smile.
It was a shit eating grin “you must have been so jealous of Mark then pretty boy.” You cooed letting out a sigh as your mouth formed an o shape.
Ethan scoffed at the mention of his housemate “that mouth of yours is going to get you in some hot water,” he warned as he pushed his lips into a thin line.
In the best of times you said some things that you probably weren’t meant to “it’s not like you’re going to do anything about it.” You teased, reminding him of what you had said earlier “all bark. No bite,” you pecked his lips between the two sentences as you bit the inside of your cheek trying your best to suppress a moan when the boy forced your hips into his thigh.
He knew he shouldn’t have reacted because you were simply trying to get under his skin “up,” Ethan placed you next to him on the couch as he began to unbuckle his pants.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you were left speechless “you got condoms princess?” The Canadian asked as he as he knew that he had none in his bag.
The sound of your laughter could be heard as you nodded getting up to grab the box that was in a drawer. Ethan thought that you had kept them because you and Mark had slept together before on this couch. When in fact one of the freshmen asked you to get him some once, not wanting to know what size Rutger was you just told him to grab what he needed from the drawer.
Ethan had kicked his pants off and had now caught the attention of your camera that was sat on the table next to the couch.
He met you in the middle of the room in nothing more than his boxers “let’s get this off of you,” the hockey player muttered as he tugged at the end of your hoodie. You lifted up your arms in an attempt to help his efforts “you knew you were gonna get fucked today didn’t ya?” He groaned seeing that you were in a matching set.
A smirk was evident on your face, “Mark usually fucks me real good after a big win,” that was the honest truth, Mark always landed up back in your dorm after a powerful team performance “lay down pretty boy,” your voice was soft as you sent him a smile.
The Canadian scoffed “what makes you think that you’re in charge?” He asked still listening to you.
He watched as you rolled the condom over his cock “thought brats always get what they want?” You showed him that you weren’t going to let him forget about what he called you.
You smiled as you straddled over his thighs using his cock to tease your clit before you slid onto it “fuck,” you groaned as his hands found their familiar home on your hips “taking me so well,” his breath was hot against the shell of your neck as he helped you fuck yourself on him.
The sound of skin slapping could have been heard from anyone in that hallway but thankfully all of the umich players were far too focused on celebrating the big win.
Ethan was bigger than Mark which was honestly really surprising to you because you always thought that the Canadian screamed small dick energy.
But as he managed to hit spots that Mark could only ever scratch “so good,” your eyes screwed shut as Ethan wrapped his lips around your nipple.
He sucked at your breast letting his hand massage the other one “E,” you moaned as your fingers raked through his hair slightly pulling at it “wanna take a picture of you,” you confessed letting your thoughts be voiced.
You were honestly surprised that you were able to form that coherent sentence as you could feel the coil in your stomach that was getting tighter by the second.
It was weird, usually your camera was only something that you used for the team on the ice or during funny moments. This was fitting under neither category “here I was thinking that I was the one with no bite.” Ethan watched as you reached over to grab the Polaroid camera that was next to your big camera. The boy was able to use this moment to fuck you at a different angle almost causing you to land flat on your face by the surprise movement “it’s my job to be the little shit,” you mumbled sending him a glare.
Ethan let out a laugh “sorry princess,” he apologised and attempted to make it up to your by leaving a trail of kisses from your jaw back down to your breasts.
As his face was nuzzled between the two you took the moment to take that picture letting out a whimper as he looked back up at you “my turn,” the hockey player reached out with one hand to grab the camera and used his other to rub his thumb over your clit.
Your head fell back and it caused him to get the perfect picture. As the piece of film came out he knew that the image of your scrunched up face trailing down to your breasts that were quickly becoming more visibly marked by the second was you to be one that was going to live in his wallet.
For safe keeping’s of course but also for a little bit of material that he could use as he pleased.
He liked how he was pulling moans out of your mouth quicker than he had ever heard Mark do it.
Ethan knew that it was wrong but subconsciously he had made a competition within himself to outcompete the boy that he had heard you with so many times already.
It was like if the Canadian could make you feel better than his Michigan born teammate then maybe you’d cut things out with Mark then.
Maybe even you’d pick Ethan up as a fuck buddy instead.
But he was pulled from his thoughts as you clenched around him practically sucking the life out of his cock as he was brought back to reality “you’re so good to me,” you cooed as the attention to your clit was bringing you ever so closer to your high.
He placed a soft kiss to your collar bone “you wanna be a good girl and come for me?” He asked just increasing the rate of which his thumb rubbed the sensitive nub as you began to bounce your hips against him.
The coil in your stomach was so tight that it almost hurt “fuck me wow!” You yelled as your whole body shook as you even felt the orgasm in your toes.
Thankfully for you the boy was right behind you as you throbbing and clenching around him spurred on his orgasm, causing him to mumble a string of so good as he helped you ride out your high.
You found the energy in yourself to move off of him as your body collapsed on the couch next to him but thankfully on the side that didn’t have the now fully processed photos.
Because we can’t have those getting damaged now can we?
Ethan smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair “we should go that again some other time,” he proposed causing you to let out a giggle as it was the first thing that he had said to you after sex.
You looked at him leaning in to peck his lips as you were still in that fucked out state “my pretty little brat,” the Canadian mumbled as he brushed your hair out of your face.
As you leaned forward to grab your hoodie his phone went off with a string of notifications “someone’s popular,” you teased sending him a smile.
Ethan let out a laugh “I could say the same thing to you,” he had a giant smirk on his face as he flipped his phone around to you.
Mark 🛑 you know where y/n is? saw you with her earlier
Your face turned red as you had totally forgotten about the fact that you and Mark were actually meant to do some work for a class after the game.
So you let out a groan as you tried to get up “I gotta go,” you announced as you pulled your sweatpants over your legs not bothering to find your panties as you figured that you could leave them as a memento for the Canadian.
You were grateful that you had a spare pair of slides in the office as you didn’t feel like putting on your airforces “you can let yourself out right?” You asked as you grabbed the photo of him and your phone.
Speechless all Ethan could do was nod.
He clearly thought that your evening went down worse than his did.
Maybe this wasn’t meant to happen again.
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lizzieisright · 4 months
Moon peppers (2)
were!Abby x witch!reader
Summary: Abby runs away from her (former) pack and into your forest. You're not happy with your new (woods?)mate.
Tags: fantasy au, sloppy worldbuilding (fuck it we ball), fem!reader, alpha!abby, witch!reader (so not an omega), sentient forest, stubborn idiots in love who annoy each other.
Notes: Abby really doesn't like sharing the forest with a witch, while you try to prove to yourself that you are the badass who is not afraid of a giant wolf.
Taglist: @abbysbae @poxismind @sidefanficaccounttohidemyshame (if you want me to tag/untag you for the whole series dm me please)
You are not getting terrorised in your own home. Well. You are not getting terrorised in your own home again. 
You wake up with this thought, angry and grumpy, the fear of the night still tightening your chest. You didn't even bathe yesterday, just took your clothes off and went to bed, the last shreds of your dignity not letting you hide under the covers. 
It's still hard to feel so powerless, so you're angry at yourself as well for being scared. Of a werewolf no less. It's humiliating, but after the bear you learnt to at least respect your fear - it kept you alive this time. But now, when the sun shines through your curtains and you're a little afraid of leaving your bedroom, it becomes annoying. You scold yourself and get up from your bed, nervously checking the window in case the wolf is still there. You doubt it, but today is your fishing day, so you need to be sure the wolf won't tear you apart the moment you step outside your shields. You try to remember where you put your dagger - as if it will help you anyhow - but then your panicked brain remembers. 
There is a wolfsbane bush just to the right of your hut. You can rub it on your dagger and then it will hurt the wolf. So you plan to make a small detour to the wolfsbane bush before heading out to the river. 
You quickly bathe, but the temperature of the water irritates you: you're unstable, so your magic is unstable, so one moment the water is warm and the next it boils you alive and the next it's freezing cold. And all of this because of the wolf. 
You start the fire for the kettle with matches, cautious of your magic, and while it boils, you check the windows again. No sign of the wolf. 
The basket is on the floor still, and you gently pick it up to sort your things out: Caitlyn's baked goods and Vi's booze go into your pantry (you leave one of the pastries for yourself on the table) and the moon peppers go to the still room where you create all of your potions and medicines. The floor is dirty and you don't mind a little work, so you get a cloth and start washing the floors.
Sometimes you forget how much you rely on your magic, but now, knowing you can set the hut on fire or flood it completely, you have to put your hands to work. It's calming, actually, the repetitiveness of it, so you wash your floors clean and only then sit to have your breakfast. 
You get ready as if you're going to war, putting multiple daggers on yourself, strapping them to your thighs and smaller ones to your ankles - you're not taking any chances. Usually you wear a cotton vest, but today you dug up a leather vest that is way harder to tear. You put a sac on your shoulders and go out. 
The air is colder today, and you look around in case there's any threats - one threat. You even touch the ground, hoping the woods will show you where the wolf is to avoid it, but the forest ignores you. 
You make your way to the wolfsbane bush and it's not there. You are sure it was there yesterday, you walk on this trail all the time. But it's not there anymore, and you know it's woods playing tricks on you, and it makes you furious. 
You're literally helpless against this wolf and this was the only hope for having a chance at survival. You're scared and you are spiralling, almost cursing the forest for being such a bitch, not understanding why they would do this to you. 
Why makes you stop in a cold terror. Because you know perfectly why the woods are not giving you any kind of weapons - you don't hurt others. You just don't, and you don't poison your blades with something that can actually kill a werewolf, and you don't strap a bunch of knives to yourself or think like a warrior. 
Yes, you're petty, but you're not vengeful anymore. 
You sigh and look at the sky.
“Yeah, okay. I'm sorry.” You grump. “But have you seen this fucking beast?”
The leaves rustle. 
“Oh fuck off.” You huff when you get a wave of laughter from the wind. 
A witch. There is a witch in the woods and Abby can't be more irritated. Witches are not someone she'd consider nice, they're vicious and you might be the weakest spawn of Satan if you ran from her. 
Abby wanted to get some moon peppers for herself to heal faster, but you just had to cut every one of them. She smelled you when she came to the bush and didn't pay it any mind because witches don't have a distinct smell, no. They have creepy fucking eyes that glow in the dark and when you looked at her, Abby felt not only threatened since you were on her territory, but also pissed off, because her moon peppers were taken by a fucking witch. 
So Abby wanted to kill you, and if it wasn't for your stupid shields she definitely would - she is hurt, hungry and alone, and she needs you gone. If Abby thought she'd stand a chance against you, she'd have tried to maybe talk to you, but your presence in this forest while she is desperately trying not to die is a threat she is not willing to entertain. She is either going to kill you or you're going to kill her, and this is it. 
Witches are notorious for being evil manipulative bastards who blood bind anything that has blood, and Abby had some of her packmates bound to a witch as guard dogs because they needed a potion to survive a wolf fever in the winter. They didn't die from the fever but they sure as hell might've died from serving this witch. But Isaac was furious and of course they went as a pack and tore the witch apart, releasing their packmates from her bounds. 
So no, Abby is not planning on being nice to you, she is planning on destroying you. She is still injured and there's blood all over her den, she can't risk you finding it and using it for your own gain. 
Abby sighs and crawls out of the den, sniffing around: she is so hungry. She needs to go for a hunt, but she is too weak for it yet. Her hind legs are aching, there's multiple wounds on her sides that she should treat in human form, but Abby is scared she won't be able to handle it yet and it will put her at risk. There is no smell of her former pack, so Abby crawls out further, now able to look around: this part of the woods seems and smells safe. Abby groans and stands up, trying her best to not whine from pain in her body: not only her wounds hurt, but after you tripped her last night she hit her head pretty hard on a root, so now she is also dizzy.
Abby is still scared she will die, which is a sign of, well, dying, so she clings to her life with her claws and makes herself move. The river is not so far away from the den, and Abby is halfway there when she picks up your scent. 
It's not that Abby already knows your scent, it's just the only scent with a heartbeat that doesn't smell like another animal, since animals don't smell like lavender and soap. Abby doesn't doubt that it's you because she can somehow feel magic around you, and it makes her tingle in a very creepy way.
Well, hasn't this day just gotten so much better? Abby can just kill you and eat you - actually she is apprehensive of eating a witch, but she is desperate - and this will be the end of her troubles. And your shields will fall, so she could go and loot you. Perfect plan, she thinks. 
Now, a giant alpha wolf is not the most quiet animal, especially since Abby is so heavily injured, but Abby tries her best to go as silent as possible so she could first figure out where you are and second - figure out how to attack you. The luck is on her side: you're sitting on the shore with your back to her, so Abby can just jump you and bite your head off with its unnerving eyes. 
The thought of finally having some meat makes Abby salivate, but she keeps focused on being quiet - she needs to ambush you, otherwise you'll notice her. So she moves slowly, until you're in her direct line so she could make the jump and kill you. 
Abby flexes and shifts her weight before the jump, but exactly when her paws are inches from your body, you turn your head, shriek and your arms fly up in surprise. 
The next thing Abby knows is a strong wave of water knocking her back to the ground, while her nose gets overwhelmed by the smell of fear. Abby's animalistic side is roaring from both irritation and satisfaction: even if she didn't get her prey, at least it's terrified of her.
Your heart beats so fast in Abby's ears it is almost too loud, and she sees how your fingers twitch. It makes her quickly get back on her paws and growl at you. 
“Don't you fucking growl at me, wolf.” You try to sound offended, but your voice is shaking. “You came to this forest, I live here.” 
Well, you have a point, but because you're a witch, Abby isn't going to listen to it. 
“Turn back, I know you're a were.” 
Fat chance. Abby growls at you again and makes a few steps forward to threaten you. 
“Or don't.” You murmur in a shaky voice. “Leave me alone, okay? I won't bother you, so don't bother me.”
Again, you have a point. Again, Abby will ignore it. 
Abby comes closer and you stumble back - are you really so weak you can't fight her? - until you trip and fall into the water. 
You can't help the feeling that the wolf is laughing at you as you sit in the river, your nets gone, soaked in cold water. It's humiliating beyond belief, and you're really tempted to water whip the wolf, but the backlash is not worth it.
You stand up, huffing and puffing in annoyance, and pull all the water out of your clothes until you're dry. 
“Asshole.” You tell the wolf, and it not only growls but also moves closer, ready to attack again. “Fuck off.” Yes, you're shaking, but you can't just give up. 
The wolf growls so loud you feel it vibrate in your bones, holy shit. 
“If you jump me again, I'll trip you again.” You threaten and the wolf stops growling so loudly. 
“I'm fishing here, and I'm not planning on moving. Deal with it.”
The growling resumes and you sigh. 
“If I give you a fish, will you leave me alone?” 
The wolf hesitates, and you're hopeful for a moment, but then it growls again. 
No, you think. You're not moving. You weave your magic and wolf snarls at you, but you only create shields in case it will try to attack you again. Then you sit on the shore and pull your nets back where they're supposed to be, playing it cool, waiting for the fish to get trapped in. The wolf circles you and it's terrifying, you're literally sweating from fear, but you don't give up. 
It's tense, but you still sit at least an hour until you get three fish in your net, hyper-aware of the wolf - thankfully, it left a few minutes ago, and you let out a relaxed sigh. You did it. You stood your ground. 
Abby is so pissed off it's unbelievable: she is hungry and there's food right in front of her, protected by stupid shields. She tries not to think what can happen if she eats a witch - will it drive her mad? Who knows. But you're also fishing, and Abby is teased with it. The offer you made was tempting until she understood it was a deal and Abby wasn't a fool for making a deal with a witch. So she spent some time just to bask in your smell of fear and laugh at you trying to appear as if Abby's presence doesn't make you want to shit your pants. It's amusing, honestly. 
But then Abby feels how she is getting tired - she is in no shape to play games right now. She really needs some food if she wants to survive the night. So Abby goes up the river just far enough to still smell you in case you try anything, and goes into the water, trying to catch some fish with her mouth. 
Abby is not a bear, so her fishing skills are not as precise, but Abby is decent: wolves eat fish too, especially if they're alone, like Abby right now. Abby catches the fish, sinking her teeth through its scales, and brings her catch to the shore. The fish still jumps, but it's far enough to not get back into water, so Abby returns and continues her hunt. 
It takes Abby a while and she is quite exhausted by the time she gets around twenty fish, so she shakes off the water and goes to her pile of tasty, mouth watering food. Abby is salivating as she smells the fresh fish so she digs in, almost choking on the first one. She coughs, but doesn’t stop chewing, too desperate and starving. She is still on guard, her ear perked up, but the food calms her down and makes her feel lazy. Abby is very tempted to just nap right next to her rapidly disappearing pile of fish, but she knows it’s not safe, so she makes herself lazily walk back to her den. 
When Abby smells you close to her den, she sees red. Suddenly her lazy walk turns into aggressive running and she attacks you immediately when she sees how you kneel down on the ground in front of her den. This is not just a direct threat to her as a wolf, it’s a real threat of being blood bound, and Abby is terrified by the mere thought of it. 
Of course your shields save your ass, but as Abby lands on her stomach, you also fall from the impact of a giant wolf attacking you. Abby gets up and growls, baring her teeth as a promise to kill you, so you scoot back. 
“Do you live here?” You ask as if it’s a surprise. Yeah, like you didn’t know it by the sheer amount of blood around. Abby jumps again and bounces off again, but she is so angry at you and your shrieks are the best music to her ears. “But it’s a bear den! You dumb fucking- Find a better place for yourself, because the bear will come back and I don’t think your furry ass can fight it.” You spit out as you get up quickly and weave shields around yourself. 
Abby barks at you and you jump in fear, backing off. You then walk backwards as Abby moves forward, practically kicking you out from her territory.
“Okay-okay, I’m going. Fucking creep.” You murmur under your breath and Abby growls at your audacity: you came to her, not the other way around. Entitled bloodthirsty bastard.
You turn around and start walking back to your hut, but Abby waits until she can’t hear your heartbeat anymore, and only then she goes back to the den.
Your words about the bear coming back actually worry Abby, but she doesn’t have any strength to go and look for another spot - and since she put her scent everywhere, the bear will be angry anyway, so maybe she will have to fight it. 
Fuck, Abby thinks. She is weak and dizzy and all she wants is to take a nap and rest until her body feels better, not think about fighting a bear.
So Abby crawls back into her den, wraps around herself, burying her nose in her tail, and falls asleep.
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fubu18writes · 8 months
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❧tinted glasses hide the relationship you both have
♢regular tags: f!reader, bonten!inui seishu, reader is kokonoi's secretary and fiance ♢mature tags: infidelity (koko's cheating on you and you're cheating on him), semi-public sex (you're in a parking lot lmao), getting fucked from behind, inui's kind of mean, swearing ♢ all characters are 18+ and above unless stated otherwise
a/n: I KNOW HOW HTML TEXTS WORK NOW. but anyway, figured that bonten inui hasn't been seen yet and i swear to god, he would be rough lmao. second attempt at writing smut, hopefully i'll do inui justice. i also want to say that i don't support infidelity. if you cheat on your partner, then that's on you and you alone. it's better to communicate and end the relationship rather than... this.
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It started off nicely. At first anyway.
You were a bit confused to why arranged marriages were a thing but nonetheless you were happy. Kokonoi Hajime was pretty much Bonten's bank vault but you didn't love him for that. Too bad the mutual feelings weren't accepted as such.
Kokonoi didn't even try to hide the fact that he was cheating on you with someone. It was literally clear as day that he would make excuses just to avoid you outright. You hadn't seen the other woman yet, but when you decided to go through his phone to see who the fuck he was texting with, it was revealed that there were more women than just you.
Being in a relationship with any of the Bonten executives would mean either pleasure or pain. Other former secretaries (now turned pick-up girls) who were in a relationship with any of them would say that they weren't loyal and always had a backup plan if things went south. You ignored their warnings since Kokonoi was objectively nice to you, buying gifts and spending time with you. But boy, you realized that those warnings should've been a mental note rather than being disregarded.
You wanted to cry, but then you realized that this was Bonten, after all. It was bound to reveal itself sooner or later. You couldn't confine in anyone... except for Inui Seishu.
Inui was part of Bonten's executives. A "guard dog" as Kokonoi called him once. His expression definitely matched the nickname. He looked like a wild predator, waiting for its prey to latch onto the trap. But unlike the rest of Bonten, he didn't have anyone to "show off".
Inui was reserved, and even you took a long time in being able to talk to him. But that reservation finally disappeared when you confided to him about Kokonoi's infidelity. It was like a switch flipped in him.
It was revealed to you that Inui was Kokonoi's childhood friend, and that Kokonoi had a crush on his older sister, Akane. But when she died, he went downhill with the money collecting. And since he hadn't been able to move on from Akane, that's where the infidelity begins to start.
"Then do payback." Inui suggested bluntly.
You stare at him. "I'm sorry?"
"An eye for an eye. He cheats on you, you cheat on him." Inui says again, not looking up from his phone. It was like cheating was a topic that was brought up casually, but you weren't going to bring it up.
"I--I mean, I don't think I have the conscience to do that." You admitted. You didn't really, which was ironic since you were engaged to someone who could hurt you with no remorse.
Inui looks at you now, his eyes gleaming under a different light. "Then I'll make you have the conscience to."
(Waking up to the 4am call "Yesterday, when were you and who were you with?" you asked)
And this is where your infidelity starts.
It was around four in the morning when a phone call rudely interrupted your make-out session with Inui. You have to admit, being risky like this... it gave a thrill in you.
"Answer it," You let out a soft gasp when Inui's hand starts holding your thighs. "Answer it and put the speaker on."
You didn't bother in questioning it. You pressed answer, saying in the sweetest voice you could muster despite you disgust towards your fiance---or rather, ex-fiance. "Haji?"
"I'll get straight to the point." Kokonoi's voice was laced venom. "Yesterday. At eleven. When were you and who were you with?"
(Alternating between evasions and excuses Having fun using them)
"Haji, I asked Mikey if I could leave, remember?" You tell him. "You saw me going in and out of the room."
"I know, but I there's a gut feeling." Kokonoi sounded tired, but you couldn't care less at the moment. You bit your lower lip, feeling Inui's hands going in the inside of your pencil skirt. Inui gave you a look that said, "Keep talking".
You let out a sigh this time. "Hajime. I wouldn't do anything to ruin the relationship."
There was a long pause. "...really? You wouldn't do anything to ruin what we have?"
(Things like "You're my only one", I say it so often that I can laugh about it all day long)
"You're my only one, Haji." You say sweetly. "Promise."
Another long pause starts before you hear the line cut. "Finally, let me fuck you in peace." Inui grumbled quietly before swiftly removing your panties. You covered your mouth to stifle a moan as his fingers were playing with your clit. "Wanna hear your moans, pretty. Don't bother in hiding it..."
You only shake your head, and Inui's response was to experimentally slide a finger inside of you. You didn't hold back your moan this time, leaning against hood of his car to keep yourself balance. "Inu--Inui, please--"
"Seishu, let me cum, please," You were begging at this point, your legs shaking.
"Mhm," Seishu pulls out his fingers and you managed to catch your breath, panting heavily. "Turn around, I'm fucking you like the needy bitch you are."
(I simply enjoy "doing it" With someone, you know?)
Your pencil skirt was on the ground, arms on the hood of his car and your ass in full display. Inui unbuckles his belt, pulling his pants and boxers down just a little to show his cock. You could see from the dim light that it was big, veiny, and there was precum leaking from the tip. You practically drooled at the sight, clenching onto nothing. "Koko hasn't seen like this, has he?" He slides into you without a warning, earning a porn-worthy moan from you. "When was the last time you've been taken care of properly?"
You only shake your head, covering your mouth again to hide your moans. "Seishu, s-someone could see--Ah!" You hide your face, avoiding eye contact when he moves his hips. "Don't care. If anyone would see, it'll be you fucking on my dick like a whore."
(My bitter and hot spice, I'll give it to you right now)
Only the sounds of squelching and skin slapping were being heard in the somewhat empty parking lot. It was like your vision was starting to blur, the only thing keeping you from falling down to the ground was Inui's cock in your tight and messy cunt.
"Sei--Oh, fuck--Sei!"
Inui could feel that you were reaching your climax as you clench your fists. "Want--Want you inside, Sei, please-" You turn to him with needy tears glossing you eyes, probably from the pleasure he was giving you. It's as if his eyes weren't already clouded in lust in desire.
If Kokonoi wasn't going to give you what you deserve, then Inui certainly will.
(My unforgettably wonderful taste, can you feel it throughout your body?)
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Shared Suffering
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Cedric Diggory x Reader | ☁️ | 1.5k | Soulmate AU
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When you had woken up this morning, you had felt sore everywhere. It was the kind of feeling of having pushed yourself too hard while doing a physical activity the day before and all your muscles hurt the next day kind of feeling.
Which you had done nothing of that sort yesterday - having spent the day studying at the library.
So this could only mean one thing.
Letting out a groan, you rolled over in bed, trying to find a comfortable position. Looks like this weekend was going to just be trying to recover from the pain that wasn’t yours.
Whose pain were you experiencing you may ask?
Your soulmate’s.
After your first year of studying at Hogwarts, the feeling of being sore or even in pain at times was a common occurrence for you.
It took a while, but you had soon deduced that your soulmate was an athlete. There was no other possible explanation besides them being a big klutz. But even then, who periodically gets hurt like that on a timely manner?
Having deduced this, you had always made sure that you were always careful not to add to their existing constant soreness.
It didn’t mean you were happy with this situation though.
The frown on your face deepened as you sat up.
As you slowly moved around to get ready for the day, the sound of knocking on your door halted your actions.
“Good morning, (Y/N)!” 
Tracey stuck her head into your room, her signature bright smile adorning her face.
“Not a good morning,” you responded, shaking your head a small smile on your face.
“Whaaat?” Tracey asked, bouncing her way in. She immediately made herself at home in your room. “Is it your soulmate again?”
You nodded. “I’m literally sore everywhere. Maybe I should have stayed in bed today.”
“You promised to come with me to watch the Quidditch match though!” Tracey protested. “Should I beat up your soulmate when you find out who they are? They deserve it for putting you through so much pain.”
“Appreciated. But then I’d feel it too,” you said.
Tracey made a face. “Unfortunate. Well, we should get going!”
You stifled back a yawn as Tracey looped her arm around yours. “Where do you get all your energy from?”
Tracey just laughed as she pulled you off.
Through the flurry of breakfast and chatting with other friends, the morning went by quickly as your soreness faded. Lucky for you, your soulmate must have decided they had enough training from yesterday.
It wasn’t long before Tracey and your other friends noticed the time and hurried you all off to the Quidditch field where the match was going to take place.
Slytherin vs Hufflepuff.
Pulled into the already busy stands that were filled with yellow and black, you looked around. You honestly weren’t too big on sports, so in the first few years of Hogwarts, you would drop by to watch the odd match. Ever since finding out your soulmate was potentially an athlete, you began to show up more frequently. 
You knew enough of the game to tell when a team scored, and that was good enough for you. 
A blur of robes flew by the stands, causing everyone around you to erupt in cheers. 
“Here we go!” Tracey exclaimed, hanging onto you.
With the excitement in the air, you watched the game in quiet awe as the players soared around the field. Points were being scored and the game was looking rather close.
It was drawing close to late game when a sparkle caught your eye - the golden snitch.
Clearly that was when the seeker of the Hufflepuff team noticed it as well, as he went after it quickly. 
Cedric Diggory - the Hufflepuff prefect, Quidditch team captain, and the ideal student. 
Someone like him always felt pretty distant with how much he was accomplishing despite how friendly he was with everyone.
Sure, he was captivating and managed to catch a lot of attention. And right now, he had your full attention. 
Or at least the attention you could manage after feeling like you’ve been punched in the stomach and the wind knocked out of you.
“- and Diggory is hit by a Bludger, yikes, that one looked rough...”
“(Y/N)?” Tracey asked, noticing you bent over and hugging your stomach. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you wheezed, keeping an eye on the Seeker. He had placed a hand on his stomach and had a grimace on his face, but was already getting himself back into the game. “I think I found my soulmate.”
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“We won!”
The cheers of the Hufflepuff house filled the entire stadium and continued into the Common Room as everyone celebrated the victory. 
Cedric felt his teammates clap his back as they congratulated him for catching the snitch that helped win the game.
“Sorry about the Bludger, mate,” Anthony apologized. “You feeling okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” Cedric reassured. 
Anthony shook his head with a smile. “Your poor soulmate.”
Cedric awkwardly laughed. Caught up with Quidditch practice and games, he often let it slip past his thoughts that his soulmate experienced his pain too. 
Making his way through the Common Room with quite a bit of trouble from the excited Hufflepuffs, he managed to leave the room only to bump into someone else.
The figure in front of him had moved back and the sound of them banging into something filled the air.
It wasn’t the noise that caught Cedric’s attention. Rather, it was the jolt of feeling as if he had run his elbow into something. 
“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, reaching out to stabilize the girl he bumped into.
She looked up, (E/C) eyes meeting his. “It’s fine, Cedric, I wasn’t really looking where I was going either.”
Just out of the corner of his eye, he could see she was cradling her elbow. 
The same elbow he had felt hurt - even if it was temporarily. 
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You awkwardly waited as Cedric still held onto you at an arm’s length. Accidentally bumping into him was not part of your plan. In fact, you weren’t sure what your plan was let him know you were his soulmate.
After apologizing to you, the head boy had simply frozen in front of you. 
“Um, Cedric?” you quietly asked.
Your voice broke him out of his trance as he took one of your hands in his own.
“Come with me.”
Without any additional warnings, he pulled you off. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you noticed others were noticing the situation you were in as the two of you maneuvered through the hallways. If this kept up, everyone would soon be talking about how the Hufflepuff Quidditch captain dragged a girl - you - off somewhere after winning the match.
Once the two of you were away from everyone else, Cedric took a step towards you. 
Flustered, you halted, watching the situation unfold.
“Your elbow...” He quietly gestured towards the elbow that you had bumped earlier with a nod of head. “Sorry about that.”
Hearing this made you immediately realize that he knew. He had felt it too. 
He knew.
“I’m sorry about before as well - you felt that during the game, didn’t you?”
You were hesitant, but you gave him a small nod.
“It’s okay though,” you immediately reassured him with a wave of your hands. “I know to expect these feelings.”
You could see the downward tug on his lips that made his charming face look sad. Before you had the chance to even think of another way to reassure the Hufflepuff Head Boy, he pulled you into a warm embrace. 
“I’m sorry I put you through all that,” he murmured.
The sound of his heartbeat racing and the genuine tone of his voice made you melt. Slowly lifting up your arms, you held onto him. Once Cedric felt this, you could feel him relax as well. 
Perhaps finally finding and being with your soulmate stirred up feelings in you, but at the moment, there was no where else you would rather be. Being so close to him, you could smell his sweat from just winning the Quidditch match, along with something else you couldn’t name, but whatever it was, it was very calming.
“Have you known long?” Cedric asked.
You shook your head. “That Bludger today was actually what made me realize it was you.”
Cedric made a mental note to thank Anthony later. 
“Take it easy during practices please,” you mumbled into his chest. “I was so sore this morning.”
Your soulmate leaned back so he could look at you properly. You were his soulmate and nothing could make him happier. Even though he had just met you, Cedric knew that this was going to be the start to something beautiful. The smile he had on his face - one you would soon learn that it was meant only for you - lit up the dim hallway. 
“I’ll try my best. Anything for my soulmate.”
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fan-goddess · 7 months
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Authors Note: Here’s the final one of your requests sweet anon! I literally started this yesterday so I’m happy with how quick I wrote this! I’ve separated your requests into 3 separate pieces just so it’s easier! Hope that’s okay and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Certainly went more goofy than usual with the tags that’s for sure…
Warnings: P in v sex, public sex, Toms got a hell of a mouth, dirty talk, teasing, unprotected sex, he’s just oozing dominance, overstimulation, he’s cocky as hell, but he gets strangely bashful at the end, he’s gotta low-key breeding kink, and it’s successful, thumb sucking but not your own, degrading I think, praising also, (if I’ve missed any which I don’t doubt I have, then let me know in a way you’re comfortable with)
Taglist: @sofiyathecunt, @marvelgirl123, @sylasthegrim, @mochi-rose, @valeskafics, @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity, @omgbrcat
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The bar was crowded and noisy, as sailors from all ranks spread themselves all throughout the room looking for their next ‘catch of the day’.
You yourself was sitting idly by the bar, sipping your daiquirí whilst your supposed best friend was chatting up some ginger haired sailor with spectacles the size of oranges with vigour. You loved her, you really did, but she really had some unique tastes…
“And what’s a gal like you sitting all by herself in a place like this now?” A voice said, bringing you from your depressive thoughts.
When you turn to him, you’re actually surprised to see a handsome man in-front of you, dressed in his sailors uniform, with a matching hat and a cocky grin painted on his lips to match.
“Well sailor, my mates currently chatting up one of your own. And I’ve been left all on my own…” It’s amusing to you how when you mockingly pout in annoyance for a little added affect, the sailors eyes can’t stop themselves from staring at them, desire clearly swirling within them.
“Well we can’t have that can we now! A beautiful woman should never be without company I believe!” He grins, slyly touching hands with your own so his little finger can caresses your warm skin.
You choose not to answer his statement right away, instead watching with hooded eyes as his own stare pure liquid heat into your whole body, merely at the sight of your lips pursed around the straw of your drink whilst you give a small hum of amusement.
“And what are you going to do about my lack of company sailor?” You grin, placing down your now empty glass to look at him with full attention, resting your head on your hand for that extra effect.
“Well, I’ll be keeping the lady company. In any way she so pleases…” He grins, coming closer to you under the pretence of wiping something away from the corner of your mouth. Only his own mouth opens slightly in surprise and arousal, when your lips move to wrap around his thumb and bite down slightly, before removing it with a slightly wet pop and a cheeky grin.
“Well then, it’s a good thing I know exactly how you’ll be keeping me company, isn’t it sailor boy?” The cheeky carefree grin still drawn on your face.
“Yes pretty woman, it is indeed…”
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It’s surprising how calm and aroused you are about fucking an absolute stranger in an abandoned and slightly dirty alleyway behind the bar. But hey, the big wars going on and you have no idea if you may die the next day. Gotta make the most of it right?
“Fuck… such a tight pussy…” The sailor boy groans, the sound alone going straight to your cunt that clenches desperately around his cock.
You have no idea his name, but that strangely makes that it all the more thrilling.
“Oh! So good!” You whine. The grip your nails have on his arms tightening as his teeth sink almost desperately into the skin of your neck. Wanton you cannot control ripping straight from your throat as he does so.
It only gets worse when that same thumb you playfully bit down earlier comes to your mouth once more to collect some of your built up saliva, and skilfully trace circles with it on your swollen clit.
You’ve got to admit, your sailor is nothing but skillful when it’s comes to a woman’s body. Not that you’re complaining of course….
“Can already feel your walls clenching down on me. You want my cum that badly inside you huh?” He huffs, grinning into the skin of your neck as he sucks dark marks you know’ll show up the next morning. It almost makes you forgive the cocky undertones that so clearly shines through.
“It’s okay love, I know you can’t help it when you’ve got a cock this big in your tight little pussy huh? Come on love, fucking cum for me already!”
You didn’t even realise how close you were until he told you. As the moment he said those words with that almost annoyingly deep seductive voice of his, your walls began to clench and your whines become muffled as you try to quieten them down by keeping your head in the curve of his neck.
Yet as you felt the euphoric feeling calm down, you realised he hasn’t even cum yet, and he was still thrusting deep inside of you like it was his last time on earth. Which to be honest, when you thought of this moment later that evening, to a man like him, it very well may have been.
“Awe it’s okay love! You can give me another one can’t you? Let’s see if we can give you another before I cum deep inside you shall we?” The sailor gives you another cocky smirk whilst his thumb still continues to draw small shapes on your clit, and all you can do to respond is whimper slightly whilst nodding your head sluggishly.
The strange buzz you begin to feel throughout your whole body is slightly painful, and yet that feeling mixed with the once again building of pleasure is something you can’t help but find almost annoyingly addictive.
So additive in fact, you can’t help but clamp your teeth tightly onto the plump skin of your lips to keep that delicious mix of pain and pleasure pumping through you.
“Awe, have I fucked my pretty girl dumb? That’s such a shame… still. I gotta tell you this is by far, the best fucking cunt in England” He emphasises his praise with a sharp thrust between each word, and you can’t stop yourself anymore from releasing your lips and beginning to desperately gasp for breath as his cock makes you feel practically breathless as he bullies you with it.
And It’s only worse for you when his cock begins to bully your sweet spot harshly and accurately.
“Fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna cum again!” You whine, your eyes screwing shut as you barely manage to get the words out.
“Hey! Eyes on me love!” His hand suddenly withdraws itself from your clits with a slight gasp you realise he’s grabbed your jaw tightly to force your eyes to look into his own, and his thumb covered in your juices is pushed into your own mouth, where you suck almost wantonly at the soaked digit with a whine.
“Yeah, that’s a good girl! Gonna cum deep inside you… and who knows. Maybe I’ll leave you with a going away present!” He chuckles, before his face screws up slightly as you feel yourself cumming around his cock, bringing him to his own orgasm with a deep erotic groan.
The two of you don’t speak for a few moments. Allowing only the sounds of your mixed heavy breaths do the talking as he releases you from his hold and the two of you begin to make yourselves presentable.
Sailor boy only needing to pull up his trousers and redo his belt, whilst you yourself pull up your underwear and adjust the shoulder straps of your dress before wiping away the slight wet trails around your mouth with your sleeves.
You look at him almost shyly as the sudden soberness hits you, whilst his own eyes hold slight sympathy when he looks over the state of your neck. No doubt already bruised and marked for all to see on the way back home.
“My names Tom by the way. Tom Bennett.” He says, finally breaking the sudden build of ice.
You shyly say your own, and a slight blush takes over your face when he repeats it back to you under his breath with a small half smile. As if to test it.
“I’m shipping off next week. Did you uhm, did you wanna maybe go somewhere to eat tomorrow night maybe for dinner? I’d ask if you wanted to go now, but now that I’m looking at you, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go and rest back at your place first before we did anything…” It’s strange to see your sailor boy, or Tom you suppose, so shy all of a sudden. But still you can’t help yourself from smiling slightly as his much more innocent proposition than the one he gave you back in the bar.
“I’d love to do it tomorrow! I think you’re right. I may need some rest before we go somewhere… still, did you have anywhere in mind to eat?” You ask, preening slightly as he smoothly places him arm over your shoulder almost possessively and leads you out of the alley with a small smile, insisting he walks you to your home.
Whatever you do, no matter how many times you’re asked, you never tell your children this is how you met their father. Nor tell your eldest son this is how he got brought into the world…
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leenfiend · 2 months
Kissing you on the mouth for your Lance son of Hermes take. I didn't even really have an opinion before but after reading your post I'm immediately sold and so invested in the au
Do you have ideas on what the other characters godly parents would be? Hunk with Hephaestus makes sense to me, and I'm a fan of Keith son of Ares (learning to accept his godly dad could match with his arc about accepting he's part galra, a supposedly evil/violent side of him, + the anger and fighting skills), but not sure about the others...
hello!!! I'm glad you see the vision hehe. I actually sent many a paragraph to heynhay about this only yesterday. I was firmly on the son of Ares Keith headcanon but then... someone reblogged my post saying Keith son of Zeus (I think it was @pidges-lost-robot and i was like WAAAAIT.
Okay so here's my many many paragraphs explaining headcanons for each. Shiro son of Zeus: Okay so in my head Shiro & Keith are both sons of Zeus but for very different reasons. They're like Thalia vs Jason types. Shiro is a great leader, he's ambitious, he's brave, he's a legend. His dad is so proud. He's been on like 20 quests and absolutely demolished all of them. All the kids in camp know he's So Cool and Talented. He can be hot headed sometimes but ultimately he's really adept at setting aside his feelings for the Greater Good etc. Ideal hero type and ideal son to the big guy upstairs. Keith son of Zeus: Keith is all the bad traits of Zeus (sorry to him). He's got a short temper, he's impulsive, he's closed off. He's a prodigy without meaning to be. Everyone pays attention to him but (despite what Lance thinks) it's because they think he's a freak, he's not a big three kid the way you're Supposed To Be. And he doesn't want to be a leader. This really rubs Zeus the wrong way. Keith would rather disappear into the ranks of his fellow campers than be the star of the show and that goes against everything children of Zeus are supposed to be. His dad definitely refuses to claim him for a long time which makes Keith just some weird really powerful kid who doesn't know who his godly parent is. Luckily Shiro takes him under his wing : )) (too bad Shiro doesn't come back from his latest quest tho, no one knows where he went off to and Chiron doesn't want to send out a quest because if something kept Shiro The Legend from coming back to camp it must be really bad). Hunk son of Aphrodite: ANOTHER ONE I'M FIRM ABOUT. I think Hunk's defining characteristic is his love for his friends. Hunk is always looking for peaceful ways to solve problems, he's always forming relationships with people before doing anything else, he really values giving love to those around him. It also doesn't hurt that he's kind of squeamish and particular about a lot of things, as a lot of Aphrodite's children are. But I really think his greatest strengths are the ways he's able to relate to others. I know a lot of people say Lance is the glue that holds everyone together, but I think it's Hunk. I know the fanon is that Aphrodite's kids are all just big flirts but I think both Selena and Piper are great examples that that's not true, and Hunk would absolutely be their brother. Pidge daughter of Hephaestus: I've seen some people saying Athena for Pidge but that's another one where I just can't get behind it. Pidge is so smart in so many ways but so stupid in others. She's too impulsive and single minded to be a daughter of Athena, imo. Her main love is figuring out how things work, what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to help those she loves. Children of Hephaestus are know to hold grudges, fight for their families, and let's not forget Hephaestus spending literally all of his free time trying to play pranks on the other Gods with his little contraptions like that is all Pidge would do all day long. Plus she befriends a robot and that is who she talks to for the first like 3 episodes of Voltron that is so unbelievably child of Hephaestus energy. Anyway thank u for asking this question I've been thinking on it for days. I am also open to the idea of Shiro being a son of Athena, I think that would suit him well. And also in my head I like to think Keith would potentially just remain unclaimed until he stomped his way to Mount Olympus and forced whoever was his parent to fess up.
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vxntagedior · 1 year
hello! i've got a request if you don't mind. could you please write xavier x reader who's kinda like wednesday (in a way she's afraid of being seen vulnerable) but is really easy to make cry if it makes sense(?) maybe they're some kind of rivals and one day (a really bad day for the reader) xavier is a little too harsh on her (comparing her with some other girl so her competitive side who's rival with him is all "!!!") so she wants to go away to hide the tears but the boy is to mean this time so he follows her and see her crying. then she ignores him for 2 weeks bc boy needs to suffer a little. you really can do whatever you want with it it's just a thought. i always see reader being written as a badass but when a boy literally mocks her bad she's all oh please let me make out w/you<3 but cmon boys need to suffer a little too. deserve to be forgiven you know?? that's why i liked your aftermath the best! you're so talented i want to thank god for your brains! thank u in advance! take care! (sorry if anything's wrong, never wanted to make you uncomfortable)
adding salt to a wound
summary | after a harsh day, xavier just had to take another jab at you
pairing | xavier thorpe x fem!reader
warning | academic rivals to lovers, angst with a hopeful ending insecure!reader, their relationship is unclear at the end
word count | 1.2k
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Just waking up in the morning, you already knew it was going to be a bad day. You spent the entire night last night on the phone arguing with your mother. What started as a normal catch up, turned into a screaming match between the two of you that probably woke up all the girls on your floor. 
Your eyes were still puffy as you cried yourself to sleep, your cheeks still a little swollen. You always hated crying, hated the pity that people gave you when they saw those tears, how it brought down your emotional wall, and letting people see you in a state that you hated. 
Your roommate didn’t comment on the subject which you were thankful for, hoping the rest of your day would go as smoothly as possible. Marissa, your roommate, the two of you weren’t always friendly with each other, constantly competing for that top spot in classes constantly. 
Going out for classes, skipping breakfast, trying to clean up your face to make it seem like you didn’t ball your eyes out for the whole night. 
Classes went as good as they could, none of your friends commented on your appearance, nor did they ask about your day yesterday. You stayed quieter than usual, listening to everyone instead of talking, something that they didn’t seem to notice which you were happier for. 
Coming back for the day, you liked the little moment of solitude you had before a Nightshades meeting. You were never good at keeping track of your time, constantly running late for everything, like you were now. 
Running from your dorm, trying to be as quiet as possible knowing curfew was coming up, making your way towards the Poe statue and down to the library. 
“You’re late.” God you hated his voice. Xavier had been a pain in your side since as long as you could remember. The two of you had just clashed the moment you met. It started as academic rivals but you soon were able to surpass him easily and since Xavier had made his mission in life to make your life as miserable as possible. 
“I was doing my history project.” You rolled your eyes, joining Yoko and Divina, as far as possible from Xavier. 
Before Bianca could start again, Xavier had interrupted her. “I don’t even know why you’re trying, we all know Marissa is gonna get a perfect score, showed it to us earlier.”
He knew that hit a nerve, everyone at Nevermore knew the academic rivalry you had with your roommate.
Ignoring him, you turned back to Bianca, Xavier letting out a smirk knowing he was able to get to you. 
Bianca continued to talk about the Rave’N and such, none of you really listening anymore. 
So you know who you’re taking?” Ajax was never the best whisperer, thinking he was, but everyone could hear their conversation. 
Turning his head slightly, Xavier could see you out of the corner of his eye, listening into his conversation. 
“Don’t know yet, I’ve been hanging out with Marissa a lot, maybe her.”
Your friends constantly teased you that your relationship with Xavier was soon to turn romantic, finally taking all your hate into passion. You thought about it, Xavier was handsome, he was an amazing artist, you couldn’t take that from him, and his personality was nice to anyone but you. 
As the meeting ended, you were the first one out of the library, making a beeline out towards your room. It was still fall, so the sun was starting to set, light still out. 
“Did you have to do that?” Divina glared at Xavier, “Look whatever relationship the two of you have is odd, but did you really have to hit her when she’s already down.”
Frowning, Xavier watched the rest of the Nightshades, making his way towards your room. Sliding past the housemaster and Weems, he knocked on your door praying you were the one to answer. 
Swinging the door open, your eyes widened seeing Xavier in front of you mid-cry. Xavier was just as shocked as you, never seeing you cry. 
“What do you want?” You sniffled, knowing you couldn’t keep your tears at bay. “Here to compare to Marissa again, go ahead, I’ve heard all day.”
Opening his mouth, Xavier tried to speak, his sentence never coming out. 
“Leave.” Your voice wavered, never giving him a chance to speak, you slammed the door in his face. 
Xavier stood there for a few minutes, taking in all that happened, reflecting on the two of you. It was best that he left you alone, leaving and going back to his own dorm. 
Going out for breakfast the next morning, Xavier watched as you came out, seeing you silently sit with your friends, giving them all a small smile, one that didn’t reach your eyes, making a face for everyone. 
During classes, you ignored him, during activities, you ignored him, during Nightshade meetings, you ignored him. He didn’t know how long it was going on, maybe almost 2 weeks at that point. 
Not keeping to his words, Xavier went to the Rave’N with Bianca, not that he truly wanted to. Seeing you walk in alone, your dress coming down to your thighs, you were beautiful. 
Xavier kept his eye on you during the dance, Bianca being annoyed, leaving him alone. All your friends were dancing with each other and their dates, seeing you sitting across the hall, seeing at a table alone. 
Your chin rested on your hand, just watching the sea of people dancing. 
Hearing the song change, a slower song, everyone eventually starting to couple up, holding each other close. 
Xavier saw how your face slightly dropped, seeing your eyes sullen, swallowing, Xavier got up walking towards you. 
Seeing the shadow in front of you, you looked to see Xavier standing in front of you, offering his hand towards you. 
Before you couldn’t even reject him, Xavier beat you to it. “You don’t have to talk to me, you don’t even have to look at me, but please dance with me?”
Looking down at his hand, looking back at him, before placing your hand in his. You let Xavier bring you out, standing closer to your friends, all who were looking at you and Xavier. 
Letting his hands fall to your waist, you wrapped your hands around his neck, happy that you wore heels. 
From the start of the dance, the two of you were barely close to each other, seeing a prominent gap between the two of you. Slowly, the two of you became closer and closer, ending with you, resting your head on his shoulder. 
Xavier rested his head on top of yours, swaying the two of you together. As the song came to an end, the two of you stayed together, still swaying together. 
Your face was turned to your friends, seeing the look on their faces seeing you and Xavier together. 
Still not talking to him, you pushed your face away, just simply looking at him. Xavier just smiled, looking down at you, seeing you give him a small smile before leaning back down on his chest. 
Wrapping arms tighter around you, Xavier continued to dance with you hoping the relationship the two of you had was mended.
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billsjum6ie · 7 months
Tom with a daughter who’s literally his twin in the 2000s. Like this is present day and everyone talks abt how she is his reincarnation of him in the 2000s. he prob had her young if he passed on his old style to her but regardless the similarities are uncanny 😜 Thank uu
(Oh my god, that actually sounds so cute. I hope you like it! )
" She really is a younger you ! "
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He is really proud, if I'm honest
He's always flexing how much of an inspiration he is for his daughter, especially if he had her in a young age
Probably mentions this with every chance he gets, actually
Jokes aside tho, he'd be so pleased and happy with himself
The band had plenty of free time after their last show, so they decided to go over to Tom's house, drink some beers ( a dirty martini for Bill, please ) and watch some football. Before the match started, they were chatting about all kinds of things and , since Halloween was nearby , the talk switched to costumes pretty fast.
" I really liked your last year's costume, Bill. "
Georg said, taking a sip of his beer. Bill laughed, sitting back on the couch, throwing his one arm over the back.
"The Ariel one? I think so too! It was one of my best. "
He answered, taking a sip of his drink as well. He shrugged his shoulders.
" I don't think I've ever had a bad costume, to be honest. "
He added, making Tom roll his eyes.
" Of course you'd say that. "
Bill turned to look at him, a small smirk on his lips.
" it's not bad to speak the truth once in a while, you know. "
He answered, before turning to the TV again.
" my favorite costume is the one my daughter had when she was 10. "
Tom continued and everyone's attention was on him. It was Bill's turn to roll his eyes.
" of course, what else would it be? "
He commented, laughing a bit.
" I mean, why not? It was the time when she started experimenting with her style and all!"
Tom said before standing up. Gustav groaned.
" Here comes the photo album. "
He said, changing the channel.
" Hey! I was watching that! "
Bill said, annoyed, but Gustav chose to ignore him. Not many minutes had passed when Tom was back, a huge photo album in his hands.
" look! "
He said while sitting on the couch and opening it on his legs. The other three wanted to seem annoyed, since they've seen these pictures a million times before, but couldn't resist looking. Their smiles gave them away. They were actually so happy with Tom and his family. When he found the right picture, he pointed at it.
" I think it's obvious who was her inspiration for this look. "
He said, making everyone slightly laugh. It was a picture of his daughter, 3 years ago. She had on an oversized t-shirt and some jeans that were huge on her. They were basically touching the ground, while she was wearing some white sneakers. A beanie could be seen under her hat, that was almost covering her eyes entirely. In her hand she was holding a pumpkin bucket that said " Trick or treat! ". She had a small white guitar strapped on her body and from some videos they've seen ( a million times, again ) , they remembered the way she was walking like a penguin. But Tom couldn't help himself but remind them that.
" I remember that night as if it was yesterday. We were talking about her costume and what she wants to be and she just went " I want to look like you ". I didn't really think this through until she showed me a picture that she found in one of my photo albums of me from the early 00s."
He had a sweet smile on his face as he turned to look at the other three.
" of course we immediately went shopping and I got her exactly what she needed ! I remembered pretty well the whole preparation and on Halloween she was just a little me from the 00s walking around, like a penguin! "
He pointed at them.
" you guys liked that too, just admit it! "
He said, laughing, making everyone nodd.
" we actually did. It was so sweet! "
Bill said before they continued looking at the rest of the pictures.
From that one costume till today, his daughter started experimenting regarding her style
Slowly she became a mini 00s Tom overall, from her baggy clothes, to her taste in music and the obsession and love for playing the guitar, that slowly started to appear when she watched videos of her father on stage
Tom was always so supportive and happy with this change, even though it was something he never expected to happen, since times had changed and he thought his daughter would want to be part of every new fashion trend
But he always reminded her to not act the way he did when he was younger
Sometimes these conversations happened when they were joking around
Other times though, they were taken pretty seriously
" you know I love the way you found yourself in this style right? "
He once said while they were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. His daughter turned to him, nodding.
" of course. I remember how happiness was written all over your face when I first mentioned that I wanted to try this! "
She said,making them both laugh.
" yeah, that's one of my favorite moments of my life. It's really important to me, that you're so inspired by me. But you should be careful. "
His daughter immediately grew serious as she stopped the movie and turned to look at Tom.
" what do you mean, dad? "
She asked, and Tom sighed, leaving the bowl of popcorn on the table in front of them.
" I love the way you dress like me, and decided to learn to play the guitar, but never, ever act the way I did. "
He turned to her, his eyes looking right at hers.
" I wanted to live the life of a Rockstar. Smoking and drinking from a young age, having sex like there's no tomorrow, with different girls every time. I'm sure you've heard all of those stories already. "
The girl nodded, sitting back on the couch.
" Always take care of yourself and others. I know this may sound fun to a young person but it doesn't always have good outcomes. So please, be careful. And if anyone ever tries to give you a hard time, always come to me so we can fix things together. Okay? "
He said, but before she could answer.
" and if you ever try any of the things I mentioned, don't be scared to tell me. I won't be mad. Alright? "
His daughter gave him a smile and a nodd.
" I promise you dad, I'll be careful. "
Tom smiled back, hugging his daughter and giving her a slight kiss on the cheek.
" that's my girl. "
Let's just say he's always there for her (just wanted to add this here)
Other than that, the guys always point out how she is his " reincarnation " from the early 00s, just to see him beam with happiness
They always compliment the way he's teaching her stuff and how she grows up the right way with Tom as her father
And of course Tom always tries to act casual but in the end he fails
The boys were once again over at Tom's house. They were talking about the new album and what has to follow on the tour for its promotion, when their talk is interrupted by Tom's daughter who comes out of her room, ready to go for a walk.
" Dad, I'm leaving! "
Tom turned to look at her. As always, she was wearing an oversized white t-shirt and a grey sweatshirt jacket that went down to her knees. Her blue jeans were sagging and covering her white sneakers, while her head was covered by a beanie and a hat. Just like that Halloween costume.
" be careful ! Text me when you arrive at your friend's house okay? "
She turned to him and smiled, putting one earphone on.
" I will. Hope you have fun with the preparations! "
And with that, she was out the door.
" wow. She really is a younger you! "
Bill said, smiling at the door. Tom smiled too, looking back at the guys. His smile giving away how hard he was trying to hold back his bragging. Bill rolled his eyes.
" don't be so cocky! "
Tom just laughed at this, before giving his answer.
" yeah, she is. She even mentioned that she wants to get her hair done as a birthday present. "
Tom said, scribbling down at the piece of paper in front of him.
" which hairstyle did she choose? "
Georg asked, even though they all knew the answer. And Tom's smile gave it away before his lips did.
" dreadlocks. "
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
“please never stop smiling.” 133 with little ol Eddie
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"How do they feel?" Gareth asked, leaning in a little closer to you from where he sat at the campaign table.
"I... I don't know, it's hard to describe," you mumbled, running your tongue over the brackets on your teeth for the millionth time in the last twenty-four hours. "I mean, they're kinda... sharp? But it doesn't hurt. I mean, I'm still a little sore from getting them put on..."
"How long do you need them for?" Jeff continued the line of questioning.
"Uh-- the dentist said just a year," you recalled. "But then I have the retainer for another, like, decade after that."
"Come on, can we stop interrogating the woman about her braces?" Eddie scolded the other guys. "She's still getting used to them, and she probably doesn't want you all up in her grill... literally."
You smiled a little, appreciating Eddie's sensitivity, but were careful to keep your lips held tightly together. Ever since finding out you were going to get them, you'd be worried about how the braces would make you look. You'd heard fellow students at Hawkins High be called 'brace face' or 'railroad tracks', and you were already anxious about going back to school for the first time tomorrow... thankfully, you'd gotten out early yesterday to get them put on in the first place, and your parents let you skip today when you explained that your mouth was still incredibly sensitive. However, that excuse was less believable when you insisted you could still go to D&D with the Hellfire Club tonight; and here you were, finding yourself even more nervous at how your friends would react.
Of course, you were especially concerned of what Eddie would think. He must've noticed right away that you were insecure about them, because he was the only one who hadn't asked you to show them off or thrown random questions at you yet. Eddie was very perceptive, after all, and he knew you better than anyone else.
With the attention finally off you, the campaign for the night began. It was the first time since they'd been put on that you stopped thinking about the braces. Eddie was such a fun DM, giving every minor character some ridiculous backstory and a silly voice or accent to match. A half-hour into the campaign, when he made you laugh particularly hard with his impression of a half-Orc pub owner, you noticed Eddie glancing at you proudly as you threw your head back in a cackle. Suddenly, with his eyes on you, you remembered the metal in your mouth-- and instantly, you reached up to cover your smile so he wouldn't stare at the braces. You caught him knitting his eyebrows together for just a second before he returned his attention to the table at large again, continuing with the story as the players decided their next move.
Halfway in, it was customary to take a snack and/or bathroom break, and you the rest of the club was mulling about while you leaned against the corner, just stretching your legs a bit. Eddie had this habit of magically appearing when you were alone for too long, or being too 'mopey' as he called it-- he didn't like seeing you by yourself, even when you wanted to be. "Hey," he greeted, "what's so interesting about your shoes?"
"Huh?" you mumbled, looking up at him. He was propping himself up with one arm on the wall beside you, leaning in just a little too close-- Eddie also wasn't one for personal space, really.
"You've been staring at your shoes this whole time," he chuckled, "what's with the long face?"
"Oh," you sighed, "well, I guess I'm just not super peppy tonight, sorry."
"No, no, I'm not asking you to apologize," he explained. "You were acting fine earlier, you were playing the game with us-- but then you kinda... froze up. Went back in your shell."
You chewed the inside of your lip for a second, awkwardly crossing your arms over your chest.
"You okay?" he checked.
"Yeah..." you sighed.
"Wow," he said flatly, "I knew you weren't much of an actress, but that was insanely unconvincing."
"Eddie," you whined playfully, shoving him a bit, and he laughed. You smiled, too, but stopped yourself quickly, reaching up to cover your mouth with your hand.
"See, that!" he pointed, sounding determined. "You keep doing that!"
"Doing what?" you shrugged.
"You're trying not to smile!" he insisted.
"I-- no I'm not," you denied. "I'm just... I'm not sure how it looks..."
He reached up, gently pulling your hand away from your face; you shut your lips, looking away, but he leaned in closer again. "Smile," he requested.
"Eddie, I don't want to," you protested weakly.
"I'll tickle you if I have to," he warned, reaching for your ribs with his free hand, and you violently jerked away to keep him from grabbing your side-- you both knew how sensitive you were to that.
"Fine, fine!" you grumbled, giving him a forced, sarcastic smile.
"Aw, see, they look great," he promised.
"You're just saying that," you rolled your eyes.
"No way! They're cute," he insisted.
"Yeah, well, you might be the only person that thinks that-- everyone says that nobody wants to kiss someone with braces," you reminded him.
"Doesn't bother me," he shrugged.
"That's nice, but it's not very helpful," you frowned, "and besides, have you ever even kissed someone with braces before?"
"No," he admitted.
"So, you don't even know what it's like," you pointed out, "you might hate it after all, even if just the idea isn't a turn-off like it is for 99.9% of the population."
"That's an exaggeration," he scolded, "and you shouldn't talk bad about yourself. Lots of people wanna kiss you, I bet-- braces or not."
"Eddie, come on, that's ridiculous! You know I'm just a nobody," you breathed, "and it's not like being kissed is the most important thing in life, but you know, it's high school and everything, and I'd like to imagine that I'm not going to spend my senior year completely chaste-- and before, I never really wondered how many people would want to kiss me, but now that I've got my teeth in prison bars, I know nobody wants to and it just--"
He grabbed your face and smashed his lips onto yours; you hummed out a little shocked noise, eyes going wide. With your eyes open, you could see him closer than you'd ever seen him before... his own eyes were shut tight, like he was focusing completely on this, and even though part of your mind was freaking out because this was your best friend kissing you right now, in front of everyone, your body went limp and you relaxed against him. He let go of your face, holding your hips instead and pulling you closer. Gently, his tongue traced your lips, and you let your mouth fall open slightly so he could taste inside of it.
He, meanwhile, tasted a little bit like cigarettes and orange soda, but in a good way... maybe it was only good because you could taste him, and he was so wonderful. Gaining just a bit of confidence, you reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck; you felt him smile a bit against you, tilting his head to kiss you deeper.
You had to be careful not to moan out loud into it. Nobody had ever kissed you like this-- this was like one of those movie kisses, sudden and crazy but just undeniably perfect and, frankly, long overdue.
He pulled back quickly, leaving you stunned and craving more, as you looked up at him and waited for some kind of explanation of what the hell just happened.
"Yeah, I think that was pretty great," he announced. "Now I can speak from experience: the braces are fine."
"Really?" you mumbled nervously.
"Uh huh! Actually," he began, suddenly looking uncharacteristically shy for a brief moment, "they're kinda sexy."
A flood of emotions hit your brain when you heard that, and you were totally speechless, but you couldn't fight back the wide grin that covered your face.
Tenderly, he reached up to your face again, running his thumb over where your cheeks were raised from your beaming expression. "Please never stop smiling," he requested. "It's a waste of a pretty face to try to cover it up."
"Okay," you agreed. "I won't stop smiling if you don't stop kissing me. It's a waste of a great kiss to just do it once and then go back to being just friends."
He chuckled lightly, the sound warming your heart. "Yeah, alright-- you've got a deal."
"Uh, so... are we gonna get back to the campaign now?" Gareth asked nervously, and you and Eddie looked over at where the entire club had re-assembled at the table and were staring at the two of you.
"Shut up, they're having a moment!" Jeff scolded.
"Don't worry, guys, we'll get back to playing," you promised, stepping back from Eddie and letting go of his shoulders.
"Hey, how about you sit on my lap for the rest of the game?" Eddie suggested with a tilted grin and a devious sparkle in his eyes.
"Absolutely not," you laughed, but he never expected you to agree to that-- he just wanted to see your smile one more time.
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fanficriter · 11 months
can u do kaidou shun dating hcs!?!?!?
Dating Kaidou Shun
Warnings - None
Characters - Kaidou Shun
Gender neutral reader
Notes - Sorry this is a bit short, I’m a bit sick atm
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- If you dress in Emo/Gothic clothes, expect him to fall for you like 10 times faster
- When he finally asked you out, he slide you one of those notes with the little yes or no checkboxes down the bottom
- He is definitely scared if the dark, he won’t admit it
- “The Jet Black Wings is scared of nothing! C-could you turn the light back on though?”
- He loves it when you play along with his little fantasies, it makes him feel loved
- LOVES physical affection!! But he does get very shy, especially when it’s in public
- Very shy when it comes to kisses. He will give you a peck on the lips and run away blushing
- If you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened
- He is a clingy little shit tbh
- Loves cuddling with you sm
- He also love quality time, he’s inviting you everywhere everyday at all times
- Study sessions together always 🙏🙏
- If his mum likes you, expect home cooked meals every time you come over
- Literally is a shaking, nervous ball when meeting your parents
- “I promise to take care of them! I-indubitably!!”
- Your parents love him
- I feel like he really good with kids, so if you have younger siblings, they absolutely adore him
- Every time he comes over they will run up and hug him
- You feel like they love him more than you atp
- Has a huge hero complex, so he will protect you from all the bullies! But your usually the one whose protecting him…
- When his classmates make fun of him for talking about Dark Reunion, your always there to comfort him
- He doesn’t know how to swim, so you teach him. He tries to act tough though the whole thing
- “If I released my full power in the water… i’d course a tsunam- Y/N HELP IM DROWNING”
- For your birthday he always has a homemade present and a 10 page essay for a card
- He was definitely a night core kid
- Angel with a shotgun is HIS JAM (me to)
- He uses emoticon while texting
- “Hey angel! ^_^ Do u want to go get ramen with me tmrw? o(`ω´ )o”
- Can also speak irl with them??? He just does it and no one says anything about it
- Your name is his phone is definitely something like ‘My Fallen angel’ or ‘My Queen/King of Darkness’
- Is oddly good at singing?
- Every time he’s in the shower you hear him having his own little concerts
- He’s insanely talented at eyeliner
- Will sit in your lap and do yours if you let him
- This could very from being bacon and eggs, to being undead lovers, he doesn’t care! As long as he gets to look cute with you, he’s up for anything!
- He’s always talking about you to his friends
- “Me and Y/n went to the movie theatre yesterday!!”
- “Check you this cool ring Y/n got for me!
- “Did you see Y/n’s outfit today?”
- Your his first real partner, and he loves you a lot. You guys are always looking after each other!
- Also he’s a twilight fanboy so you have a twilight wedding 🙏🙏
I love Kaidou Shun goodnight tumblr (´-ω-`)
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