#this is for shits and gigs dont take it seriously
tranny-fragrance · 10 months
god i actually hate this post so much and people keep reblogging it like theyre making a good point
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idc what your thoughts on animals rights is i dont really care when people eat meat most of the time but you cannot seriously believe that animals have it better on farms than in nature even on the best farm you could find there are just things you’re gonna do that inherently suck for the animals you’re farming we have purposefully altered the bodies of the animals we farm so we can farm them better and harvest more out of them, chicken arent supposed to lay that many eggs! sheep arent supposed to grow so much wool they literally die if they arent shorn! how is that not domination!!!
there is so much more things i could say but seeing ignorant shit like this just makes me so fucking upset
this is not a sweet gig, we have bred species into subservience and you're acting like we are doing them a favour
im sure you could think of a hypothetical farm thats just so sweet and nice to the animals and only harvests what they dont need or can be replaced and only kills animals when theyve had a nice long life but even disregarding how this is just fully a pipe dream it still wouldnt be rid of so many aspects inherent to farming and i cant take how weird this website can be about veganism and animal rights it makes me wanna rip my face off
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wifegideonnav · 2 months
should i read homestuck. like i feel it would be interesting so i could see what yall are talking about in regards to tlt but is homestuck actually good
"is homestuck good" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 8129 pages of heated debate,
no but seriously, it highkey depends on 1. your definition of good and 2. your tolerance for stupid bullshit. as someone who read tlt and then hs, i'd say that being a fan of the chaotic aspect of tlt is a good predictor of being able to hang in with homestuck.
readmore because this. um. got long. the tl;dr is: i like homestuck a lot and i am glad i read it. i can't tell you if you should read it bc idk your tastes, but there is a lot to like and enjoy about it.
the official pitch for homestuck is something like "4 kids play a game and then a bunch of other shit happens." here's my pitch based on what the core of the story is to me:
several groups of characters across time, space, and reality are brought together in order to succeed at creating a new universe after their own are destroyed. this takes the form of a game, which is called sburb (by the humans) and sgrub (by the trolls). the characters must contend with an eternal battle against good and evil in which they are the deciding factor, and level up while following personalized quests. at its heart, homestuck is about relationships of every sort and how they shape us, growing up and the associated grief and loss, coming into ones identity and choosing who to be, predestination and fate, and stories themselves. it gets very meta at times, and the characters are semi to fully aware that they're characters, and attempt to subvert or escape that. it's got hordes of fleshed out, compelling characters, one of which will almost certainly glom onto you for the rest of your life, real emotion, extremely funny jokes, smart and exciting plotting, and some very cool moments. it more or less invented an entire new genre/medium, and plays with medium in a very cool way.
it is also clunky, hard to get into, and way too convoluted. you will never fully understand what's happening. there are tons of characters whose stories you will follow whom you simply do not care about. there are too many characters. it was written by an edgelord in 2009 so there's some unsavory humor and character writing. it's so fucking long. the ending kinda sucks because the fandom was so toxic that hussie simply wanted it over with. the fandom still kinda sucks tbh. so many people have wrong opinions about it. it requires a very specific lens to approach and understand it. i still dont understand what happened with that fucking puppet someone explain it to me.
overall, i'd say that if you think you want to read it, give it a shot. i have a complicated relationship with it but at the end of the day, i genuinely love the story and the characters and i know they will be with me forever. it certainly enhanced my understanding of tlt, and getting to read more of tamsyn's writing was such a bonus (even though her taste in pairings is. not the same as my own). and like honestly. it's just fun. even when you're going "wait what the fuck just happened" you're having fun. it's really goddamn funny too. it WILL change the way you speak and also think about romance forever.
the best way to read it is to have an experienced reader guide you, but if you or other people don't know anyone like that, here are my basic tips:
i think most people know this already, but download the unofficial homestuck collection. just do it. it's like 4 gigs and it's infinitely better than trying to read on the broken website, and it's even ad free. it can also be modded - for instance ik there's a slur replacer mod (lmao) if you don't want to read those
act 1 sucks to read. you're like what the fuck is this, THIS is homestuck?? the beginning is radically different from how it ends up, so just hang in there. for me, it really picked up somewhere in act 3. just focus on the silly fun the characters are having and you'll be good
things you should actually try to follow in the early acts: the concept of a sylladex existing (the various fetch modi are only there for jokes and eventually just kinda stop being a thing), where all the copies of the game are, what each kid's relationship with their guardian is like, the mechanics of the game and the lore behind it, including classpects and quests
things you do not have to waste brain space on: anything about how the totems work, what the various machines are, what the levels are, basically any of the jokes that would be funny to hussie's original intended audience of software engineers and rpg gamers. oh and the intermission with the midnight crew and the felt, just know that those are guys that exist and you'll be good.
and the biggest tip i have is just. go with it. suspend your disbelief. a lot of the worldbuilding doesn't really make sense, but it would be a worse story if it did. when the time shit and ectobiology come into play, literally just go ok got it and keep going, don't think too hard.
so yeah i don't even know if any of this is useful but i hope it helps you decide. and if you or anyone else have follow up questions send em!
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cupid-tune · 1 year
hey uhm could you tell us more about your fantrolls? they all look really cool but i dont know much more about them besides that. :P (also i like jhudas shes very pretty :])
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OH ABSOLUTELY!! You have no idea how happy I am to get messages like this! This is gonna be a long post just because I want to get all of my guys in here, apologies in advance!
Not all of my trolls have fully fleshed out backstories yet, but the ones with dancestors are part of a fansession I'm in, they've had the most development by far.
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Armane is probably my most neglected character, but I do really love his design and concept! He's a Burgundy with a lot of fight in him, despite his weak stature. He partakes in a lot of underground fighting rings in lowblood districts, usually to take out his anger or earn a little extra money. He's obviously gotten very hurt from it many times in the past, but that hasn't scared him away from a fight just yet. One of the reasons he gets violent so often is just the fact that he wants to prove himself to be tough and independent, since his lusus is very protective of him and has been ever since he was a wriggler. He's just a little problem child.
Armane is very afraid of death, but he hates mentioning or bringing up any of his fears. In general, he just isn't a very social or talkative troll, preferring actions over words and keeping his distance in any kind of gatherings. You could probably get him to warm up to you easy if you don't pose as a threat, but Armane follows the hemospectrum pretty strictly, and usually won't talk to mid bloods or higher on his own.
Nonemu is the leader of a cult called the Anon Trolls. I haven't done very much with their character in terms of backstory yet, since I really like them as a blank slate for whatever I could use them in. Her cult is meant to serve as an escape from society, living in a commune much more isolated from other trolls. To be apart of the family is to denounce your place in the hemospectrum and completely hide your color, as a way of being treated equally amongst everyone else in the commune. It's unknown what caste Nonemu is, but some say all the possible traits are hidden away, like their eye color for example.
Nonemu is a very kind and patient troll, serving as a sort of parental figure over his commune. He takes great responsibility and pride in his work, and can be quite a mystery to talk to. Nonemu is the type of person to speak in very vague terms, never really being fully truthful or transparent. It's up to interpretation whether or not they can be considered truly kind or malicious with their intentions.
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Ok Fennek is like. Think of troll Jesse Pinkman and that's what you got. My concepts for Fennek are in general pretty scattered, but his main gig is that he participates in a lot of illegal business as a supplier and seller. Having grown up on internet culture and self study, Fennek has taught himself all kinds of useful skills in advancing his unfortunate position to make the most of life. Chemicals and weapons are his specialty, but his skills and personality are nearly opposite.
Fennek is a very chill and easy-going kind of guy, never really taking any situations seriously. It's a wonder he hasn't died yet with the amount of life threatening risks he puts himself in. The mask really is the only precaution he takes when it comes to working with chemicals or other substances, his hair is probably full of toxic shit. It kind of gives off the idea that Fennek knows he won't live very long anyway, so he doesn't care either way. Live life to the fullest while you can.
Admittedly, the dancestor designs are some of my favorites. The first concept for Trinet was that I just wanted a troll who was really into explosives, and oh boy is he into them. Similar to his dancestor, Trinet is an inventor who specializes in bombs. Explosives of any kind! He's very loud, probably due to the fact that his hearing isn't all there. It's probably a Snuzek tradition to just not be properly equipped for the shit you're trying to do, precautions aren't a concern whatsoever.
Trinet is VERY outgoing and active! He talks a lot and fast, you might not catch everything he says. Although his personality kind of gives off the idea that he's dumb or aloof, he's much more impressive when talking about the stuff he actually knows, like how to make this specific bomb or what that compound of elements can make! With how bright and joyful he seems, sometimes the things he talks about can be pretty dark or upsetting. There are lots of themes of death surrounding both Snuzeks, which I'll probably elaborate more on another post.
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Zuzu is a whole fucking bundle of fun!! Ok the original concept was supposed to be a DJ troll, but somewhere through the designing process, they ended up turning into a Vocaloid. Centered around a lot of 2010 scene-type themes, Zuzu is an underground music artist and singer trying to make a name for herself. She'll take up any gigs available, hoping to be the party of the life and meet all kinds of trolls. Unfortunately, the music business is tough, and trying to get famous off of it is a lot more work than he initially thought.
Zuzu is the type of troll you'd go to for help or advice, a people pleaser with the full intention of trying to look good in the eyes of everyone. They can be pretty pushy at times, and they're not very good at reading the room. Although Zuzu means well, they fuck up social situations frequently, instead making him seem desperate or clingy. It seems like their emotions are amplified on all sides of the spectrum, one bad day can be a harsh blow for them.
Although scary looking at first glance, Farrow is probably one of the most harmless trolls you'll meet. A simple farmer with a goal to live a just as simple life, Farrow is a recluse who lives on the outskirts of the city. They hardly ever interact with other trolls, not after an incident that caused them to lose their vision. A long time ago, Farrow worked as a bounty hunter, usually taking culling jobs as a means of getting trades for other goods. Now Farrow has taken up a more harmless line of work, disposing of the bodies from other troll's dirty work. They'll get rid of anything you might need to hide, using it for their own benefit such as fertilizer or food for their lusus.
In general, Farrow is very close to their lusus, using him as a guide around the farm and other places. Laying low is the next best option, but Farrow really doesn't mind. They are a welcoming troll with a habit of appearing much scarier than they mean to. Whether it be a creepy smile or misjudging you for an intruder, Farrow walks the line of good and bad. They don't really see their actions as immoral, simply understanding that their planet is a cruel place, and they really aren't the worst there is out there.
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Fichte was my first fan troll ever, originally used as a persona and turned into a dumbass philosopher. He is an absolute stuck up prick and will not apologize for any of his behavior. As cold cut as you can get with someone, Fichte is the type that will upright tell you his intentions and then get upset when you don't follow through with them like he wants. He'll study you, use you for research, and completely discard you after if you aren't of any use to him.
While seemingly emotionally distant, if you spend even a little time with him had he not pissed you off already, you might start to see signs of insecurity or loneliness. Fichte always favors logic over emotions, finding comfort in knowledge rather than the untameable pool of socialization. The subjects he studies varies, but his main interest is philosophy and studying the behavior of other trolls. One thing he especially loves doing is keeping notes of just about everyone he meets, and he has plenty of notebooks filled with just that.
Xarlow is just the guy you'd expect him to be, a silly clown guy with a horrible personality. He likes to consider himself popular and well known, running his own circus with his found siblings and performing to his heart's content. Xarlow specializes in the art of extreme performance, commiting acts of violence against others and himself. His tight corset is in fact one of the self proclaimed "art pieces" of his, using his body as a canvas and thereby destroying it. Speaking of, Xarlow had managed to lose one of his horns by accident during a public show, which ended in him tearing out the other to match. That was not a pretty show.
Xarlow doesn't seek sympathy. He isn't a good person outside of performing and he knows it. The general consensus of his personality is that he's bad, but there are so many personalities to choose from that it becomes confusing at times to pinpoint just one. He's manipulative and cruel, hypocritical at its worse. His history with Fichte is a great example of this cruelty, moirails turned kismesis to what eventually became too toxic to keep. They both hurt each other in their own ways, it's difficult to take sides. One thing is for certain is that their experience has had lasting effects, Xarlow isn't someone you should consider for a quadrant.
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Onette is the definition of a gentle giant. What you see on the outside is entirely what's on the inside, a harmless troll who wants nothing more than to just create and enjoy life. A very soft spoken girl, Onette tries her best to appear harmless and approachable despite her size and caste, dressing in delicate clothing and using a gentle, warm voice to reassure others. Onette has a fascination with creation and art, one of her biggest hobbies being that of making dolls and paintings.
Onette has a certain distain for those in her own caste, often chastising them for their treatment of lowbloods, but doing nothing herself to stop them. She's soft, but perhaps too soft. Onette can be frightened easily, and is extremely nonconfrontational, something that she has a difficult time trying to come to terms with. Ironically, Onette has an interest in purplebloods especially, due to their popularity in being known as clowns. Many of her dolls are inspired by them, which can almost be seen as creepy or obsessive if you stepped into her hive.
Jhudas is very different from her dancestor, nearly opposite in nature. My biggest inspiration for her was the song Brutus, which can be seen in both her design and personality. She is a backstabber, often engaging in violence of all kind just to pave her way to the top. Unlike Onette, Jhudas has a clear hatred for the castes above her, purplebloods especially because she believes they rub their position in her face as being the caste right above. Jhudas deals with anger issues, and will likely explode on you with any minor inconvenience. She works as an assassin, usually taking up jobs from fellow highbloods even if she despises that fact.
Jhudas will be subservient to those she works for, but you can tell there are ulterior motives behind it. Waiting for the right moment to strike, to prove she is above everyone else in order to get what she wants. Despite all this, Jhudas may be one of your best allies, especially in quadrants. She's protective of those she deems worthy, and exerts a lot of tough love if she believes you can do better in handling yourself. It's just advised you should watch your back with her no matter what.
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Just from looks alone, you can tell what his deal is. Crazy scientist troll with the absolute worst intentions, gleefully using others in his nonsensical experiments all for the name of research. Veictr is just that! Everything about him should tell you that he's dangerous, and he very much is. Having stole the headlight of his dear lusus after a particularly nasty fight, Veictr began his work diving into the world of body modifications and mutation. He managed to find a way to hook the light to his own system, forming a symbiotic relationship with his body and the bacteria just as a symbol of award from his lusus.
Veictr is quite a confusing character in terms of personality, showing absolutely no sympathy for anyone while also being a sweetheart to those who manage to stay alive in his presence. He doesn't mean to intentionally hurt anyone, it just so happens that death and injury occurs when experiments fail. He's quite giggly too, with a hyperactive attitude and a great interest in others, Veictr can make for great conversation. His curiosity knows no bounds, and it really is a wonder how he manages to prove some of his theories correct.
Lucius is probably the most unfortunate of my trolls. Having suffered the consequences of their own actions, Lucius managed to find herself trapped at the bottom of the ocean by a certain Fuchsia due to an obsession gone too far. Before this incident, she was considered a dangerous troll, perhaps just as much as her dancestor, but unfortunately, she was shut down far before she could get too bad. Although her entrapment was meant to be her execution, Lucius managed to survive with the help of her lusus, escaping after a sweep of just barely making it out.
Now, Lucius is an entirely different person. After so long of being in isolation, they've become paranoid and weak, suffering the many effects the ocean put them through. What was the most interesting part, however, was the fact that they returned with a strange mutation. It is unknown how exactly it happened, but Lucius now suffers with a bioluminescent stomach, her skin seeming thinner or perhaps even transparent.
Her story breaks off into many directions depending on the context, but one involves the scientific interest her own dancestor took of her after being discovered in this state. I'm currently in the progress of making an animatic based on this particular outcome which I'm very excited about! More lore stuff to be expanded on later.
This is the general information for each of my characters so far! There's a lot more detail I'd like to expand on in separate posts, especially considering I'm trying to cram a bunch into one. I really really appreciate the interest in my characters, and I hope to post more content about them soon! It makes me super happy that people enjoy them as much as I do.
This took a while to make LMAO
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glitchphotography · 1 year
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If u think losing a gig to an AI is hard, try losing gigs because your bosses are racist or xenophobic or homophobic or sexist, or try not getting gigs at all because bosses dont think your work is as legitimate as the dude who can draw 100 identical spidermans.
There are serious structural issues with pay-to-play AI services like Dalle2 and it’s centered on how these companies data laundered copyrighted works using fair use laws and research institutions to privatize a tech that should be considered public infrastructure for everyone.
But AI Art itself isn’t evil, its a tool that has been used by new media artists for at least a decade. There’s obviously ethical ways to create AI art: train your own models, create outputs based out of your own works, attribute the artists you use in your prompts, etc.
But suddenly caring about copyright like you are now team disney and team nintendo is weak. And seriously, most of your artstation works aren’t original either. Yall living off of borrowed aesthetics from 100 years of comic books and cartoons and illustrations.
AIs can’t plagiarize the way humans do. You are seeing a calculated average of images. The reason shit looks like your favorite illustrators is because a lot of these illustrators make similar art, and most people writing AI prompts have similar basic tastes. Making great AI Art from prompts takes time and patience and a keen sense of poetics.
But seriously, y’all don’t hate new tech, you hate capitalism and the corpos and bosses who are out to expropriate you.
AI Art, if anything, is the new folk art. Same repeated motifs made by anyone with a clue. This is a wonderful mingling of collective creative energies. Embrace it!
Addendum for all the reactionary responses out there:
~~~~~~~~ Artists should be getting royalties from OpenAI, Midjourney, et al. And they should be able to opt in or out of having their work included in training models. This is a given and I would never argue against compensating artists!  ~~~~~~~~
This isn’t about defending these corpos either, but machine learning tech has been around before these companies started their thing and experimental artists from around the world have been using machine learning to make great art.
Another thing: the moment you post your digital art to a platform, you sign away much of your consent w/r/t how your art is used. Thats what those really long TOS are about. ArtStation and istock were scraped for data under the pretext of Fair Use, which allows or mass scraping internet data for research purposes. Fair Use is like the one law that for the most part, protects artists from the disneys and nintendos of the world. I wouldn’t be able to glitch video games without it. Emulated videogames wouldnt exist with out it either So the question is, why are corporations allowed to use Fair Use as a cover for developing privatized pay-to-play services? People who know a thing, will point out that Stable Diffusion is open source, and that’s great, but why are privatized services allowed to be built on open source infrastructure? Especially when this tech hasn’t been properly vetted for racial biases, pr0nography, etc
Yes its shitty, but these arent arguments against AI tech but against juridical structures under capitalist regimes.
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fagcrisis · 2 years
jacket update 2022
(possibly the second this yr. i cant remember)
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details and closeups under the cut, glow in the dark letters in the rb
some of this miiight be repetetitive bc i cant find any of my prev jacket updates lol
left side:
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GOT A DISCO ELYSIUM PATCH BABES. i unfortunately completely forgot the etsy of the artist i got it from but if i find it ill add the link. also finally got a system of a down patch and my mechanisms patch has moved once again (yes i got that at dttm yes you should be jealous)
now this bit im not the proudest of bc lowkey i have not seen the x files and aside from against me! i dont really listen to any of these bands anymore but i dont yet have any new patches to fill the space so. theyre staying for now. also i resewed everything with red thread for funsies. the against me one is handmade and its falling the fuck apart
from top to bottom the pins are for the following protests: free szfe (i know its been 2 yrs. im mourning), the abortion march and budapest pride. nicholas continues to be my son who i took in the divorce, although i had to replace his string. below him is a dead kennedys patch some guy gave me at a gig thanks bro
right side:
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a friend gifted me an mcr patch, much preciated babe, i finally have something on my right shoulder lol. the skull patch i got bc it says skull no bones and thats very funny to me 💗 my take it easy pride patch got some friends in the form of some mcr pins and an alestorm pin i found on the ground of the pit
i have 2 pins from maki yamazaki, the gear logo one and the exhumed and unplugged one but thats so fucking dark u cant really read it. i love maki but its kind of a shit pin. the @/wizardisananimal pin i got from @vakarcs thanks babe mwah and the frog was made by me when i didnt know how to embroider yet
another green day patch from when they were the only band you could get merch for. the ones below the biohazard symbol and the rose are from a local artist i got them at szia. the guns n roses one is to honor my mum i dont actually like them and the ghost one was a miraculous find
i got spikes baby!! the big ones were a gift from my friend petra, the small ones were a fortune at rockpince. seriously. how much can you ask for a handful of metal
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updated the sleeves as well! the cat is bc i tore a hole in it and that was the only patch my grandma had on hand, but i kinda vibe w it!! the pompoms are from another project and i didnt wanna throw them out, they usually fall behind the folded up sleeve so theyre my cute little secret
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request?
summary. the batman gang but you're in a low-key relationship with them.
author's note. more bat-gang brainrot. all I can do is rewatch the same silly little movie and kick my feet in the air while gigging like a schoolgirl until another silly musty male appears in my life.
pairing. riddler x reader, batman x reader, joker x reader
warnings. angst, fluff, language, mature theme, violence, sadistic joker, emo bruce, soft edward, minor sexual theme, unhealthy relationship, mentions of exhibitionism | - feedback is always welcomed & dont forget to reblog 💙 800+ w.c.
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Bruce, honestly, with having to juggle his personal life and his alter ego, doesn't necessarily forget about you, but the plans that you two make together do sometimes slip his mind, not on purpose, though he's just a really busy man.
When you first proposed the idea of you two being romantic on the low, he was pretty understanding of the whole idea; he's Gotham’s most famous bachelor. Do you honestly think he hasn't kept a couple of secrets from the media spotlight?
Though he's really good at keeping your relationship lowkey, he does get very uncomfortable seeing someone trying to flirt with you. He looks even more depressed and gloomy watching you chat freely with a guy who's being a little too touchy-feely. It honestly makes him more self-conscious of himself than angry.
Bruce is shit with his emotions and especially when it comes to the romantic sense, you're going to have to consider literally everything, especially when it comes to hookup calls.
If you aren't blunt and forward with your intentions in text, he might take it as you just wanting to hangout, or worse, his paranoia will kick in and he’s standing there still in the Bat suit outside your fire escape waiting like a cat for you to open the window to let him in.
If anyone asks about you, he desperately tries to keep his composer, but that man is stumbling over at least a few words before he just settles with a "I can't say that I know her well enough." before avoiding the topic anymore and slipping away.
I think Edward would honestly be the only one who would actually seriously stick to you two being lowkey. He’s very paranoid whenever he goes anywhere in public, so he usually only travels during the night to better blend in. He's always cautious when he's just by himself, so he's definitely more cautious whenever you two are out in public together.
He knows it kind of hurts your feelings whenever you’re both in a crowded area and his mind is just telling him that he has to walk a few feet ahead of you, so no one expects that you're together.
In general, he isn't much of a PDA person in the first place, so don't expect many coupley gestures in general; it's just something he's trying to get used to since you're most likely his first partner. In private, the most he does is cuddle against you because he is very touch starved.
Whenever you reach your hand in his direction, he takes it and leans against you like a personal pillow.
Whenever he's doing his funky little terrorist plotting about bombing the entrance of Gotham with his little incel follower army, he picks a corner of the room that he sits in or makes sure that you are not in view as you sit in a chair across the room and do your own thing, trying not to bother him.
Sometimes he fucking hates it.
I think the Joker wouldn’t honestly care either way. Your relationship is going to be a secret. It's mostly for your safety. You two would never have been seen together in public since he doesn't want your identity tied to his.
Since he is a fucking dirty criminal, don't expect any typical romantic dates. He's obviously not doing anything in the public eye, but he does have his moments, like the time he massacred an entire restaurant that was run by a gang he was in flews with, making his mobsters clear a table and guard all the exits. He made sure to keep at least a handful of staff alive so they could serve your favorite dishes. He's cutting corners, showing you off mostly to his groupies.
He's a very possessive man.
Just because the entire world can’t know that you're his, he's going to damn well make it known to the people close to him. I like to think that he brags about you to other gang leaders and criminals, just never disclosing your identity. "Well, gotta run, guys.
The doll wants me home." He’s such a fucking dork that he just uses nicknames whenever he's referring to you. Never really on purpose, he just calls you whatever because it rolls off the tongue. Since he can’t show you off to the public, don't expect him to not be overly cheesy while you're in private.
Though he is pretty fucking sadistic, the Joker does have a soft side, but only when it comes to you and don’t expect it to come out when he’s doing business. He has a hard time trying to switch from boss to boyfriend mode, so unless you're a horny freaky fuck and like to mix a little pain with your pleasure, I wouldn't bother him whenever he’s doing his dirty work.
But, that doesn't mean he doesn't take the rare opportunity to show you off just a tiny bit. Something about having you strip for him in front of one of his defenseless, tied up victims makes it impossible for the man to not bend you over and fuck you stupid as it is the last thing the victims see before he disposes of them.
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[ ❥ ] taglist. @lluvin @lovemedaddy-666 @dreamscape-basement @zombiew1fe​ @jud-is-the-name ​ @phantomofthecathedral @toy-cars-and-grape-juice
tap here to be added to taglist.
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joeytalyor0108 · 1 year
Heavy Trip (2018): Review
(Spoliers free)
Just watch the movie today, and im going to say...this was the BEST metal movie I ever watch so far. (Thinking about watching deathgasm next)
To start off, if you dont know, Heavy Trip is a 2018 film about four Finnish metalheads (Turo, Xytrax, Jynkky, and Lotvonen) of the band "Imapled Rektum" got a big opportunity to play in a metal festival in Norway. It's basically a fish out of water story of the lead singer, Turo, of him facings the lions (metaphor for his fears).
The best part of the film is the characters, music, and comedy. My favorite characters are definitely Xytrax who is awkward but very smart about metal music and Jynkky being the passion and the shine of his friends and band. Turo is the most relatable character since I used to go through what he went through (being afraid to be seen as a failure). Unlike Hunter from Metal Lords (2022) which the people in his school actually have a good reason to not like (since he an asshole to everyone including his best friend); Turo is actually kind to everyone and the townspeople treat him like shit just because of how he looks. The only character I don't like is Jouni (idk he gives me "to catch a predator"/ pedo vibes).
Moving on, the soundtrack is amazing. There only song was the best orginial song in a movie I ever heard. Way better than Skullflower's songs in Metal Lords. The only problem I have (more like a nick pick) is I wish they put more metals songs espeically black metal since they're in Finland going to Norway.
Lastly, there were so much funny scenes in the film (mainly during the end of the film). There not one time I didnt stop laughing. The film is soo chaotic, that is funny asf. At least for the metal jokes, Its acutally seem sinecre and dont take themsevles seriously while in Metal Lords there werent all of jokes I laughed at and you could aruge that the movie kinda mocks metalheads inside of appericating them.
Basically I recommed this move so much. If you want to see it, its on tubi for free (you dont need to sign up for watching it):
Till then, hope yall have a good day and stay metal 🤘
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catfish-and-the · 6 months
bout 2 rant
the way my life has been full of suffering like from what i remember my friends have always treated me like shit from elementary school thru. undergrad and its not even the same group of ppl its different ppl but they all treat me the same and when i made a band i thot i finally had some people to count on but they let me down so many times and i just had to suck it up because i know that this is the best it was gonna get and i eventually got tired of putting up with all of it thhat i just got rid of them but since then i havent been able to put a working band together bc i literally just have to put up w ppl asking me out and showing up at the wrong gig venue and not learning songs bc thats still more than any other musician has ever done for me and now im in graduate school and i sit on my ass all day coding bc i have so much homework and studying to do i cant do anythknng else and i cant go to concerts because all concerts do is remind me that everyonees friends treat them better than i get treated for over twenty fucking years and iget jealous bc i just want someone to be nice to me and i hate my program i didnt even choose it my parents forced me to go into grad shcool right away i wanted to get a gap year to see what i wantd to do and they didnt let me do that so now im stuck doing something that i hate and its sucking up my life and i hold a grudge agaisnt my parents but i also know that theyre only doing it bc thtey care about me and its really capitalism at fault but i cant help hating them and hating musicians for treating me like shit all the fucking time and ruining everything that ive ever loved and i just dont see how anything is gonna get any better bc all u do after u graduate is work 9-5 so its not any different from me coding from the moment iwake up to the moment i go back to sleep all i wanna do ever is drink and smoke bc its easy and it forces u to be happy and it takes no brain power cuz im exhausted at the end of the day all u do in life is get abused and work ur life away for money im seriously just considering k*lling myself bc i dont see how this is gonna get any better now that i dont have to do things i like and most of the things i like have been destroyed for me by all the years of mistreatment so i dont know what to do the only solution i cant hink of is su*c*de because my alcohol tolerance has increased by like 400% soon its not gonna help me either i dont know what to do i am just so angry that ive worked so hard whether it was for the band or for school i tried so hard to make everything in my life tolerable and in the end it still came out like this like it didnt work it didnt even help a little bit and if its been like this for over twenty years i dont see how its ever going to work out in the end so i feel like i just need to end it now to shorten my suffering like this is horrible this is awful
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bakatenshii · 3 years
Can we be friends even if we’re not a popular blog?
omg yes???? absolutely aHHH I think I started pestering miki when she just hit 100 or 200 or smth and when my bb @tsuhika was a wee blog
(but also like I think this popularity hierarchy is silly anyways because at the end of the day we’re all awkward weirdos who write porn about cartoon men on a platform that’s been dead since 2014 so really, who are we to judge anyone??)
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (i)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader)
Warnings: cursing, nonsense writing
Word count: 1.5k 
A/N: listen i just needed something to keep my mind busy and a perry the platypus!bucky and dr. doofenshmirtz!reader was the only thing i could think of. dont have any high expectations from this series, you will be sorely disappointed.
If you have any ideas for this series, lemme know!! it’d be cute to write!!
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Series Masterlist
Bucky Barnes, for all intents and purposes, is edgy. 
His SHIELD salary is definitely enough to afford him a simple beanie, gloves even if he’s that eager. His long hair, though a spectacle in itself, isn’t as good at keeping away the cold as he claims it to be. 
It’s a personal choice, a fashion statement even, to be roaming the streets in a long flimsy t-shirt that does nothing to accentuate his broad shoulders, and tactical pants that look a little too comfortable. 
It’s cold. He says he likes it, to appease his blond haired best friend who insisted that he wear a cardigan at least. He won’t like it in a while, but he would never admit it.
The bike ride to the other side of town for a minor mission takes longer than he expected. The wind rushing by gets his adrenaline racing. 
Official missions are long and gruelling, and oftentimes not fun. But it gives him a purpose.
It’s easy, therefore, to find him brooding when he’s not on one. 
No one wants their room to be on the receiving end of Bucky’s stress-cleaning sessions. His baking is more appreciated.
So when there’s news of a small time villain creating havoc again, it made sense that he volunteered to go sort it out. No one else wanted the job. They’d all been at it before. 
SHIELD didn’t seem particularly bothered either. 
“It’s not that serious, Barnes.”
“I’m going.”
“Just stop her from doing whatever dumb plan she has today. She seems to have a new one every week.”
“Can I-”
“This is not an assassination mission.”
“Fine. Can I-”
He didn’t know what to expect. He had an idea of how they should be. Smaller villains tended to be more aggressive, vicious to prove their point. They were here to stay.
He wears his regular gear. Enough knives to make a butcher look away in shame, and guns including, but not limited to, his biceps.
He finally pulls the bike to a stop a few metres away, leaving it out of reach in case things got too out of hand. He didn’t want to have to walk back to the Tower, and his friends, as much as they loved him, would never go out of their way to pick him up. Little shits. 
The address is a dingy, plain concrete house near an old construction site. It was flat and felt more like an afterthought than an actual building. It looked more like an abandoned Walmart than an actual villain lair. 
The only entrance is the door in the front. He counts to three, lifting his leg to kick it down.
It falls down ungracefully, loud and creaky like it was bound to the doorframe by rust. 
The only light source inside is a green light. All the way at the other end on an elevated platform is a desk and a chair facing away from him. He can’t see much other than that.
Someone’s laughter comes back loud and booming. He raises his gun, feet apart in a defensive stance. 
“I’ve been expecti-” the voice pauses mid-sentence- “Did you just kick down my door?”
He looks behind him to where the wooden piece is on the floor. He certainly did.
He can finally see you as you stand up, green light illuminating your face. You reach over to the side, pressing a few switches. 
He squints when all the lights turn on, pulling the both of you from darkness. 
“Dude!” you cry out, face twisting into what only could be described as a mix of horror and disdain. “What’d you do that for?”
He doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t lower his gun either.
“You’re an Avenger, just fuckin’ pick the lock or something. This is expensive!” 
He only watches as you whine, looking beyond him at your now demolished entrance. You take a few steps closer, jumping down from the elevated platform.
“Insurance isn’t going to cover this.” You drag your palm across your fist before extending it towards him. “Pay up.”
He wasn’t sure if he heard you right.
“What?” he finally asked, voice gruff.
“All you superheroes go around, destroying walls and cars in the name of world peace like you own the damn thing. Not today, bitch boy. Pay up.”
He doesn’t have his wallet with him. He didn’t expect to need it.
“I’m supposed to be stopping you.” 
“You can do that once you pay for my door.” 
You sound resolute, unshaken. A little annoyed. There’s what appears to be a gun in your hand, although it’s unlike any weapon he’s seen before.
“What’s your plan?” Bucky looks at your hand. Your stare follows his. You lift the thing up and he tenses.
“I was going to freeze some jerk but now my plan is to get you cancelled on Twitter.” 
“Why?” his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
“Local superhero destroys property of tax paying citizen for no good reason.”
“I mean-” he shakes his head, discarding what you’re saying, “-why were you going to freeze someone?”
“Because I wanted to. But you’ve ruined the mood now, so that won’t happen.”
He blinks, lowering his weapon when he realises you weren’t making any attempt to move. “What’s your ulterior motive?”
“Nothing! I just wanted to mildly inconvenience that stupid fuck for being such a prick.”
He doesn’t know what to say. 
“Is that the freeze ray?” Bucky asks instead, raising his gun when he realises there’s a very real chance he could end up like his best friend. 
“You got a problem with it?” You hold it up carelessly. 
“I can’t let you use that.”
“That’s all you’re going to do?” you huff, “Is this what you call an intervention? This is so boring.”
“Give me the freeze ray and no one has to get hurt.” 
“No one was going to get hurt in the first place, genius. All this does is slow him down for 5 minutes so he misses the subway.”
There’s nothing technically that evil about what you’re doing. He doesn’t even know how you ended up on SHIELD’s radar. He gets why no one was particularly driven to take this seriously.
“And for fuck’s sake put that gun away. You’re not scaring me.” 
He doesn’t oblige, even though something tugs at him, telling him that you’re speaking the truth. 
“Here, take the stupid thing.” You don’t bother waiting for his response, bending over and sliding the gun towards his feet. “I’ll find another way to get back at that dickhead.”
It hits his boot with a small thud. He looks down. Its design is ridiculously comical, like you ripped it straight out of a kid’s TV show. 
“Next time, bring some drama. Wear a cape or something.” You wave him off. “Now get out of my lair. I need to fix the door.”
“You don’t have another one of these lying around, do you?”
“Why, do your friends want one too?” The glare you give him is dangerous. He doesn’t react to it. “No, it’s limited edition. I don’t build the same thing twice.”
“You have others?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” A smile grows on your face, dropping as quickly as it arrives. “SHIELD will tell you if I do. Now leave.”
Bucky looks at the freeze ray in his hand. He supposes his job is done. He was told to stop you, but you didn’t seem to have any inclination to go on with your plan.
“You can ask them if you want, they know about me.” You roll your eyes. “Go ahead, call them.”
He doesn’t want to take a chance. As odd as the situation is, it’s still novel and he isn’t quite sure how to deal with it.
He tucks your weapon under his arm, pressing his phone to his ear.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes?” Maria’s voice is crisp as ever.
“I confiscated a... freeze ray.” He feels ridiculous even saying it. “But I’m going to bring her in to SHIELD headquarter-”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“But we can’t trust-”
“We’ve been keeping tabs on her for a while. She’s more or less harmless. You can take the rest of the night off, Sergeant.”
He cuts the call, not entirely at ease with the smug, expectant look on your face. 
Still, he couldn’t disobey direct orders.
“I’m gonna... go.” He mentions towards the gaping hole in the wall.
“That would be ideal, yes.” You nod, crossing your arm over your chest.
“Okay.” He hesitates, but finally takes a step backwards. He peeks over his shoulder as he leaves, but finds you swivelled away from him again. 
He steps back outside. The cold greets him again like an old friend. The weight of his weapons feels stupidly embarrassing now. 
It’s a long drive back to the Tower. He keeps replaying the entire story in his mind. He’s unsure of whether he made the right call, but no one else really seemed to care. 
He had seen weirder things. It came with the gig.
He leaves it at that.
“How’d it go?” Steve asks him when he walks into the living room.
“T’was fine,” he answers, toying with the stupid device he took from you. Maybe he would test it on Clint. He had been getting annoying lately. Breathing too much in Bucky’s general direction.
A part of him feels guilty for his carelessness towards your building. The other part is just bewildered. 
That night he looks up the cost it takes to replace a door, making a mental note to draw some money from the ATM soon.
Next part
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Omg bae (respectfully) I need you to write the Companions reaction to Brother Thomas telling the SS to give them all their stuff, as in meaning they kinda have to strip-
(Imma do something a little different and do platonic and romanced separate)
Platonic & Romanced-
"Shit, you aren't gonna offer any caps first? Haha, seriously though- hope you like the taste of your own teeth, bitch."
•if there is one thing Cait can't stand, it's a con man. Even if he wasn't demanding something so radical, she'd still smash his face in for undermining your intelligence.
Platonic & Romanced-
"Ah, i see. I trust we will be issued our very own ceremonial robes, yes? Très bien!"
•Dont..don't trust curie with things like this. She honestly believe they have her best interest in mind. Plus she'll get excited to have a whole new band of people to call friends.
"Civilian, this is obviously a shakedown. Out of mercy, I recommend you reassess the situation. If you persist, I'll take it as a threat to our livelihood and deal with you accordingly."
•Danse usually isn't so quick to be violent, or threatening for that matter, but this was different. If asked, he'd probably brush it off and say that it was necessary so valuable brotherhood gear doesn't fall into the wrong hands..but honestly? His reasons are a bit deeper than that.
"Ask my partner to strip one more time and I'll turn you into a pile of ash, do you understand?"
•As unlike him as it may sound, this may just be an empty threat. At least in the sense that he wouldn't waste fusion cells, he'd just beat the crap out of Thomas. Now, Danse ordinarily would prefer just to intimidate, but for you it was more of his protective tendencies and emotions taking control.
"Hey buddy, at least buy us dinner first."
•He may be cracking jokes, but deacon is obviously very uncomfortable with the situation. He's already scanned the area and figured there was something fishy before Thomas' odd order- so having that bunch confirmed does nothing to ease his nerves.
•The most disturbing part was that he was so calm, flatly telling the preacher no. No jokes, no horrible distractions..just a simple defying word that almost promised horrible consequences if Thomas didn't relent.
"Well boss, you want me to hold him down?"
•Gage would probably kill him just for funsies- but in this case, he'll just slash the clothes off of Thomas' back and make him parade around naked in front of his following. Maybe even whip him with a rolled dirty rag or some shit.
"You've signed your ticket, bitch."
•Won't even hesitate to start beating the shit out of him. It's one thing to disrespect your common sense, another to demand something like this from a raider boss..but it was an entirely more personal infraction to order around his loved one.
Platonic & Romanced-
"Hey, I know you. Didn't Ham knock you out on your ass for your crazy 'salvation' gig? You ain't nothing but a crook- about to be a bleeding one too if you don't step the hell back."
•Hancock would probably make Thomas cry from embarrassment. You don't "mess" with Hancock, especially if you've already proven to be an issue close and personal to his home. It isn't good for the health. And by good for the health I mean..well, look at what he did to fin.
"Hah! You're out of your gourd dude."
•He doesn't even understand why the two of you are here! What's the point? May as well leave this place before he gets fed up and loses his cool.
"I'm sorry, did you just ask what I think you did? Do you want a rear full of lead."
•Initially, Mac would be dumbfounded. Was this clown serious? I mean...the numbers are in his favor..but damn. Even if he doubts he could win, he'd be willing to fight "Brother Thomas" if it meant "defending your honor."
"Civilian, I advise you to not make orders to those above you.."
•He'd probably try to intimidate the cult leader, puffing his chest out and stuff...but honestly he's hoping that Thomas will give it up.
"Do you have any idea who you're harassing? Cease this idiocy at once or I'll take care of you myself- and that's a promise."
•Okay, so maybe Arthur doesn't really want to have to deal with Thomas or his cult, but when it comes to someone threatening the person he loves- especially in such a humiliating way- he isn’t above putting his pride aside and choke someone out like a lowly raider. Also- no one threatens his coat.
"We don't need this..."
•Nick is...tired. Why must you drag him into these kinds of predicaments?
"That's a bold command coming from someone like yourself."
•Don't worry, if Thomas persists- the infamous "beep, beep, beep" prank is sure to follow. That or Nick might call in some favors..
"Haha..you're hilarious...you're joking though, right?"
•She knows he isn't- but she just can't handle anything like this. If you don't do something to ease the tension, she might just slap him.
"Woah, creep. Back off."
•She'll be more civil than she'd like just because he didn't outright aggress either of you, but you bet your ass she'll write as many slandering articles as she can so no one else will join his band of weirdos.
"General, you aren't seriously going to...right? This man is obviously a thief."
•Though he usually doesn't like to pass judgement on others and give the benefit of a doubt, buuuut he can't let this one slide. He just sincerely hopes you won't give in...
"I don't know who you think you are but you've lost your mind!"
•He's never come so close to punching someone that wasn't technically "hostile" before. Preston doesn't even entertain the idea of you complying for funsies either.
"I'm warning you, step away from them now.."
•X6 plays no shit when it comes to someone being even halfway threatening to you. Don't expect him to hesitate "defending" you if Thomas doesn't relent.
*shoots him in the face*
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
The Not-So-Perfect Sister
Pairing: Sirius Black x potter!reader
Word Count: 4,442
Warnings: Under aged drinking, mentions of neglect, overall angsty
Summary: James Potters sister who had felt put of place her whole life finally breaks when Lily Evans arrives at her house.
A/n: I really like this one. Kinda angst but sweet. My inbox is open feel free to send in requests! Hope you guys like it too!
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Being a Potter seemed like an easy gig to most people. The big house, nice family, a large amount of money, it definitely seemed like a piece of cake. And if your name is James then yes, yes it was. But if your name was y/n- or as most people called you James' sister -than no, no it wasn't. 
When you were eleven you had walked up to the chair and sat down with your eyes locked on your smiling brother. He was seated between his three best friends and practically glowing with excitement from the gold and red table.
The old hat was placed on your head and you could already the word that would flow from its leathery mouth. But to your surprise along with everyone else's in the large dining hall, not even a second after the hat landed on your y/h/c head it bellowed, "Slytherin!" 
The hall fell silent and your eyes, still on your brother went wide. James' on the other hand narrowed, his lips piercing to a thin line. 
You felt your heart break as your best friend turned away from you in disgust. And at eleven years old you had already been smashed to pieces by the person you loved most. 
Your parents had sent you a letter telling you it was alright to be in a different house but they didn't act like it was. When James joined the quidditch team they had cheered for him and came to as many games as they could. 
When you joined the Slytherin team as a keeper they had dismissed it with a wave of a hand and only came to your games when you happen to be playing Gryffindor. They were always adorned in yellow and red. 
They almost never sent you letters when James received one once a week. They would support James no matter what, but if you slipped up even once they would come down on you in a hail storm of fury.
By third year you stopped coming home over breaks, you would spend Christmas at Hogwarts alone. But summers were unavoidable. You would simply go home and hide in your room, only coming down stairs for meals which you eat in silence as you listened to your parents gush about James' achievements. 
When Sirius joined you in your fourth year, their fifth, your life went from bad to worse.
Sirius was an asshole. He always was and always will be. He was arrogant and stubborn, he was sure he was the best thing in the world and that he had everyone trapped under his finger. And watching him receive more love from your parents than you did made living under the same roof as the boy nearly impossible. 
What made it worse was the fact that he was irritatingly handsome. He was dashing and charming, somehow managing to make you hate him just to avoid feeling something else.  It made you sick that you even had thoughts of him in a positive way whatsoever. But even though you would never admit it, you did.
And now you had to welcome another one of your least favorite people into your life.
You hated Lily Evans. From the minute layed eyes on the girl you could feel a sickening loathing build up in you like a fire. With each overly sweet smile she threw and disgustingly soft laugh she uttered the larger that fire burned. 
It wasn't like she had ever done anything wrong to you. She was always nice when you passed in the hallways, she never picked on you or called you 'James' little sister' a term you had grown to hate. She was always kind to you, even when your brother was being a brat like usual. And that was one of the many reasons you hated her. 
She was perfect. It made you want to hurl. Her fiery red hair and emerald eyes. Her perfect grades and great scores. She was kind, brave, smart and cunning. She had it all. Plus your brother, who wouldn't even spare you a glance, trailed after her like a lost puppy. She was the physical embodiment of everything you hated. 
Of course now she was dating James which meant you had to put up with her bullshit even more than usual. 
You were downstairs making yourself a sandwich, when the doorbell rang. You rolled your eyes and walked to go open it. 
You swung the door open ready to shoo away some girl scouts when you came face with your worst nightmare.
"Hey y/n!" She smiled waving a bit. 
Your mouth dropped and eyes went wide before narrowing to slits and your mouth slamming shut into a scowl. 
You merely growled the word "Nope." Before slamming the door shut straight into her face. 
"Y/n! What the hell?" You turned your mood souring from bad to worse. 
"You deal with you preppy girlfriend James, I dont have the energy for her." You hissed. 
He simply rushed past you his shoulder hitting yours harshly as he passed and opened the door.
"Lily, I am so sorry for my sister is being an asshole again.." 
The rest of the conversation died out as you snatched your sandwich and darted upstairs. You quickly slammed into James room to meet Sirius, who was adorned in only a towel his black hair dripping wet. You ignored the sight and focused on the problem at hand.
"What the hell y/n?!" Sirius snapped, his face flushing. 
"Yeah what the hell!" You responded to worked up to care about his lack of clothing. 
Sirius shot you a confused look, his cheeks now a blazing red.
"Why is Evans here?!" You screeched. 
"Maybe because she's meeting her boyfriend's parents?" Sirius bellowed back, "Now get out!" 
You ran from the room slamming the door behind you and retreating from your safe haven. You stopped in your tracks when you saw your mother frantically attempting to clean your room. 
"Y/n!" She scolded, "Your room is a complete disaster!" 
"What are you doing in here?" You asked voice angry. 
"Lily is going to be sleeping in here so clean this place up!" She yelled motioning to your disaster of a room. 
Your fury strengthened, "I wont clean shit for that bitch." You growled. 
"Y/n!" Your mother gasped in disgust.
You left before she had a chance to say anything more. Your head pounded as you thundered down the steps not bothering to move in the slightest as your brother and his girlfriend ascended upward. You shouldered them roughly out of the way James protests fading in the back of your mind.
You ran for the door, grabbing your purse and shoes from the mudroom before sprinting onto the street. 
It had rained that night so everything was damp, causing your mitch-matched socks thin fabric to grow cold and wet. The scent of wet asphalt and dewy grass filled you helping to calm your nerves as you ran from your inevitable future. 
You knew that eventually you were going to have to go back to that house and deal with your mother and father and brother and his girlfriend and probably his best friend too. But you ignored that fact sitting on a bench to pull on your converse. You didn't bother to tie them. 
You then stood up and began to walk with no destination in mind. You walked for about an hour before you realized how hungry you are. You never got to eat that sandwich and breakfast was a distant memory. 
You quickly found a small coffee shop and walked inside enjoying the strong scent of the beverage it emitted. You ordered before plopping down at your table and staring helplessly out the window. You watched people move back and forth outside of the window feeling slightly like a tiger locked in a zoo behind the thick glass. You stared at the thick purple clouds that bruised the grey sky, ignoring who's eyes they reminded. You were so entranced with the scene in front of you, you didn't even notice that your food was placed in front of you until you turned to see it there, the sandwich slightly cold. 
You sighed, too hungry to discard the food put in front of you. You ate slowly, as if you were unsure if the meal was safe. You then turned your head back to the street to see a dark haired boy smirking back at you. You instantly stood, sprinting for the door. 
The idea of being brought back to that house made you want to hurl the sandwich you had just eaten. So you began to run not bothering to look back, your feet thundered on the wet cement of the sidewalk before you turned down an alley only to yelp when you were greeted by a bored looking Sirius Black. 
"Did you seriously think that you could outrun me." He questioned eyebrows raised.
"I could if you didn't use magic." You scoffed, attempting to shoulder past him and continue to the next street over. You were stopped when he grabbed you shoulder harshly. 
"Why the hell did you run?" He asked almost seeming worried. You quickly brushed off the thought. Sirius Black doesn't worry, much less about Slytherins. 
You hummed pretending to think, "Maybe because I don't want to deal with greasy haired asshole who is going to take me back to my living hell?" 
"Hey!" Sirius protested, clearly offended, "My hair is not greasy!" 
"You can not be serious." You sneered rolling your eyes. 
"I'm always sirius." He smiled back satisfied with his overused and unoriginal pun.
You resisted the urge to smack him. "Why did you come anyways?" 
"Your brother sent me." He shrugged, "plus we both know you don't want to walk all the way back to your house."
"Who said I was going back?" You challenged, eyes narrowing.
Sirius sighed, "You are going back weather you get on my bike yourself or I force you onto it." You glowered at him. 
"If I could you use magic I would wipe your ass all over the street." You threatened. 
"I know." He smiled, "that's why I'm happy you can't." 
"I'm not going." You decided planting your feet and crossing your arms, head held high.
Sirius let out a strenuous sigh clearly annoyed, "Come on." He whined, "Your brother said I had to bring you back." 
You pursered your lips, looking away from the boy. 
He groaned, "Are you fucking with me?" 
"Nope." You responded lips popping on the p. 
"You're really going to make me hex you?" He grumbled. 
You nodded making the boy let out another moan in protest before raising his wand and muttering "Rictusempra."
You immediately burst into giggles "You asshole." You spit out between laughs as a tickling sensation made you lose all other abilities. 
Sirius grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder like you were a doll. 
"I'm gonna kill you." You giggled unable to stop the laughter spurring from your mouth. 
"I'm so threatened." Sirius smirked back before plopping you down on his motorcycle and buckling his helmet on your y/h/c head. 
"Hold onto my waist, I don't want you to die." 
"Really?" You chucked, voice uncharacteristically high. 
"I'm on my way to changing my mind." He sighed sitting down trying to to flush as your arms hugged close to his waist your body shaking with giggles. 
He reversed the spell at the first stoplight you reached and then continued his way back to your house, your chest pressed to his back. When you pulled back up to your house it was growing dark out and you were beginning to question your entire existence. 
You groaned into Sirius leather jacket and banged your head onto his back. 
"Can we not going inside?" You asked hopefully, glancing at the house its windows glowing warmly, the door reminding you of an entrance to hell. 
"You got yourself into this one y/n/n, get yourself out." He shrugged before hopping off the motorcycle and snatching the helmet off your head. 
"Don't call me y/n/n and I didn't get myself into anything you guys are just all assholes." You spoke harshly.
"How was I possibly an asshole?" Sirius exclaimed. 
"Umm how about you hexed me and then forced me back to my house?" 
"I was helping you!" He yelled exasperated. 
"You were not!" You shot back, "You practically kidnapped me!" 
"You're impossible." Sirius scoffed at you before turning on his heel and heading inside. 
You scowled angry all over again before turning to face the house you knew you would have to walk into sooner or later. 
You paced back and forth for a second before biting your lip and walking slowly up your porch steps. You then slowly opened the door and slipped inside. You were greeted by the sound of laughter and the clatter of silverware. 
You poked your head cautiously around the corner to see your family seated for dinner. 
Sirius was serving himself some pasta while your mother talked to Lily and James messed with your dad. 
You felt your heart clench at how right it looked. The perfect son, the head boy and the quidditch star. The friend who needed help and received it, needing a family and getting one. And of course the perfect daughter. With red hair to match her robes and perfect grades. The head girl who would no doubt have an amazing life after school. 
You tried to imagine yourself at the table sitting in the empty seat, your head bent, staring at the food refusing to meet your parents eyes, your green shirt looking odd against the wave of red. The fact was that you didn't belong and never would. So you went upstairs snatched a blanket and a pillow and retreated to your basement. 
You plopped onto the couch and released a breath you didn't realize you were holding. You felt your eyes prick with tears as the image of the perfect family upstairs burned in your eyelids and you wanted to scream. 
You slammed your hands on to your closed eyelids, enjoying the pressure they provided, keeping tears behind them. Because the truth was as much as you hated your family you wanted nothing more than to be apart of it. You had spent your whole life attempting to get noticed, to simply be acknowledged as half the person they saw James as. But year after year you were left more and more broken. And now your parents fell in love with a girl they had known for only one night. It made you sick. Your hatred for Lily growing into a nightmarish beast. 
Your eyes popped open when you heard someone descending the stairs. You turned to see your brother leaning against the railing arms crossed eyebrows furrowed. 
"What do you want James?" You scoffed sitting up on your elbows. 
"What do I want?" James hissed, "I want to know why my sister is such a selfish prat." 
You sat all the way up glaring at your brother, "I'm the selfish one?" You glowered in disbelief. 
"Yeah, yeah you are." James spat. 
You stood walking to meet your brother, "How in bloody hell was I being selfish?!" You growled. 
"How about slamming the door in Lily's face, or I don't know swearing at mom or maybe calling my girlfriend a bitch before running off to fairyland?!"James was yelling now his voice echoing off the small room."Your damned lucky Sirius offered to find you because I'm done with it!"
You shook your head, "Sirius said you sent him to get me. He was lying?" You asked softly, You silently wished him to say that he wanted you back, that he had sent him, that he had wanted you here.
"Of course I didn't!" James shouted "Not everything is about you!"
You felt your heart crumpled. He hadn't wanted you back. Hell, he would have been happier if you had stayed gone. You willed yourself not to cry, so instead you laughed, a crazy demonic sound ripping from your throat and escaping your lips, "Your right James!" You screeched, "Not everything is about me!" Your fire full smile broke into a sneer, "It's all about you." 
James looked taken aback for a second guilt flashing momentarily into his dark eyes before being replaced with anger. 
"It's all about you. You and your perfect grades and your perfect friends." You could feel tears pricking at your eyes. "You and your quidditch bullshit, and your god damn bright fucking future!" You spat the words like venom from your mouth, "You and your bitchy girlfriend who's going to make the perfect little daughter in law!" You were now yelling your voice feeling raw as tears dripped off your chin. 
"Stop calling her a bitch!" James screamed back. 
Just then the door opened and Lily, Sirius and your parents came hurling down the stairs. 
"What in bloody hell is going on!" Sirus shouted but you ignored him. 
"I'm so sorry for calling shit as it is, your girlfriend is a bitch. B-I-T-C-H. BITCH!"  You wailed taking a step forward, you were now looking directly into your brothers eyes, just barley below him, less than a foot away. 
You saw his eyes burn, anger filling them, turning their dark brown pigment to black. 
And then he did something you would never imagine him to do in his life. 
James raised his hand and with one swift movement slapped you clean across the cheek
You heard a series or gasps and yells fall around you, your ears ringing slightly. You could feel where his hand had struck your skin, it was hot and thumping, a dull sting finding its home there. 
You slowly turned your head back to meet your brothers eyes which were now wide with surprise and guilt. 
You slowly removed the hand that had instinctively risen to your cheek and stared hurt and broken in front of your brother who's mouth had dropped open. 
"Y/n, oh my God I didn't-" 
"Rot in hell Potter." You spat your voice deep and dark. And with that you sprinted up the stairs. 
As you began to move the world resumed and everyone else began to take action as well.
You saw James stumble backwards Lily beginning to go to him but Sirius beating her to it and reaching the boy himself. You then heard him yell something you were too delirious to understand before a thud was heard followed closely by another shriek. You shouldered past your parents as you accented the stairs, the fact that they didn't even spare you a glance stung more than a slap ever could. 
For the second time that day you sprinted out onto the street, the crisp air hitting your hot face in a refreshing blow. You stumbled into the night ignoring your bare feet and chilled arms. You had no destination in mind as you sprinted down the sidewalk, you only had a location to get as far as possible from. You wished you had been thinking enough to grab your purse, you could have gone to a bus stop and left to Merlin knows where. 
You made it four blocks before one of your feet caught behind your heel and you were flung to the ground by the ever cruel gravity. 
Your hands hit the damp cement first followed directly by your chin causing you to bite roughly down on your lip. 
You didn't even bother to move debating weather living was even worth it. You could taste the blood in your mouth and feel it seeping from your hands as you lay unmoving under the buzzing streetlamp. 
You were pretty sure you would have lay on that sidewalk, your body shaking with sobs, blood slowly filling your mouth until you died if a strong pair of arms hadn't swept you up. 
You instinctively buried your head into the familiar musky scent as Sirius pulled you close to him. 
"Hey, hey you're okay." He mumbled quietly into your hair, smoothing it clumsily down as he pulled your head into his chest. "You're okay, I've got you." 
You sobbed uncontrollably into Sirius as he mumbled sweet nothings into your ear and held you close to him. 
"I-im sorry." You choked out eventually,  pulling away from the boy slightly. 
"What on earth are you sorry for love?" Sirius chuckled softly pushing the damp hair from your face. 
"I think I got your jacket wet." You muttered a soft smile darting onto your lips. 
Sirius let out a soft laugh, "You are ridiculous." His smile disappeared when he saw your lip.
"I'm okay." You muttered wiping the blood from you lips with a wince. 
"No your not." Sirius sighed quietly. 
He watched your face deflate and he realized that was probably the first time that someone hadn't let you lie to them. Hadn't let you hide behind the thick walls you had built. He called your bluff and it was unfamiliar and strange to you. 
"Why did you lie?" You asked quietly.
"About what?" The boy questioned, confused.
"James didn't send you. He told me."
Sirius flushed before shaking his head he definitely needed to change the subject, "James is an idiot." 
"He's your friend." You shrugged. 
"Yeah well I don't know if that's true anymore." 
You knotted your eyebrows, "Why's that?" 
Sirius sighed "I knocked him out." 
Your mouth dropped.
"If it was anyone else that hit you I would have killed them on the spot." He murmured.
You smiled slightly torn at the idea of your brother getting knocked out by his best friend. 
Sirius decided that you needed something desperately, the same thing he had needed when he left home. 
"Let's get you a drink." 
Your eyes rose to meet his a bit uncertain, before you nodded, "Please."
Sirius smiled as he pulled you to his motorcycle, lazily tucking the helmet onto your head and buckling it for you, his face dancing red at the proximity of your soft pink lips.
You walked into the bar Sirius at your arm. The two of you sat on the stools and Sirius used a bit of magic to order your drinks. 
He handed you a shot of vodka setting one in front of himself. 
You glanced down at the small glass then back up at Sirius before shrugging and raising swiftly to your lips. 
Sirius did the same laughing brightly when he saw your face scrunched in discomfort. 
"That was disgusting!" You coughed, laughing a bit, "Get me another one!" 
Sirius burst into laughter once again ordering you both another round, "This is the last one though, I don't want to have to take you home drunk." He said eyebrows raised. 
You smiled back, downing the second shot a bit more easily than the last, enjoying the warmth that twirled down your throat to your stomach. 
Sirius and you left, you a bit tipsy, him seemingly sober. 
"Let's get you home." He muttered smiling about at your beaten and battered form. 
Suddenly you broke free of him and stumbled backwards, catching yourself on the side of the building. 
"I don't want to go home." You pouted. 
"Sorry Y/n we have got to go back." Sirius sighed. 
"I'M NOT GOING BACK!" You yelled harshly, anger flowing through you. 
"Y/n/n come on it's not that bad, let's head back." Sirius sighed sympathetically. 
"I know your parents were shit Sirius, but at least they were terrible people!" You yelled. 
Sirius rose both eyebrows, "What?"
"Your parents were terrible people right?" You slurred a bit.
Sirius nodded.
"And they hated you because you weren't like them, you weren't s-somebody who would kill a-and hurt, so they hated you for being different. For being a good person." You rambled tears slowly falling from your cheeks.
"Y/n/n we seriously need to get you home." Sirius grumbled worriedly. 
"You're not listening to me!" You screeched taking a step back. 
Sirius stood unsure of what to do.
"My parents hate me for the same reason, because I'm different and I'm not like them." Your voice breaking mid sentence stabbing Sirius in the chest. 
"And because they are 'good people' and they are nice and kind and heros being different than them means I'm a terrible person." Tears now rolled coolly down your check leaving silver streaks in their wake. 
Sirius' face crumbled, "No, no, no. Y/n your not a terrible person, your a great person." He gushed rushing forward to capture you in his embrace. 
"Then why do they hate me?" You asked voice small and weak. 
"They don't hate you y/n. They love you." He mumbled softly one hand wrapping around your waist while the other gripped your head softly pulling you into him. 
You shook your head slowly afraid if you spoke anymore that your eyes would flood with tears once again. 
"Hey." Sirius murmured, causing your big y/e/c eyes to look up at him. "They love you, James loves you" 
You looked away from his stormy grey eyes tired of hearing lies. 
"Hey." He repeated bring your attention back to the storms resting behind his head. "I love you."��
His whisper resonated through the chilled air, like the final note of an orchestra, the strings still not unmoving. You stared at him in wonder. Then your stood on your toes and grabbed the back of his neck slowly pulling him toward you. 
Your lips connected in a sweet, salty kiss. The taste of blood and alcohol lingering between you. You felt his slightly chapped lips moved smoothly against yours making your heart flutter as your hand played with his dark locks, his own finding your waist and pulling you towards him. 
You pulled away softly gasping lightly for air as your noses brushed lightly. Sirius' own heavy breaths tickling your face as your foreheads leaned together. 
"I-I t-think I love you too Sirius." You fumbled lightly with your words. 
He simply responded by reconnecting your lips in a desperate kiss, savoring the metallic taste of blood mixed with the sharpness of alcohol. You tasted like a sin, his tongue dancing across your lips before they opened allowing it to slip inside. 
When you finally pulled away for the second time. You looked into his glassy storm filled eyes brushing his cheek gently with your thumb. 
"I need you." You whispered quietly into the night. And for the first time in a long time you felt loved.
Part 2
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Ronnie & Joe
Ronnie: [is gonna rock up late despite literally living with Charlie so enjoy the entrance everybody]
Joe: [when you weren’t invited but still gonna show up like you have somewhere better to be, love that for you, the effort we’ve not gone to because we live here so it’s kinda okay but not really Joseph, also I imagine kinda shook she ended up showing]
Ronnie: [likewise in the sense that she dresses the same everywhere she goes unless it’s a job interview or court appearance lol but we know she looks good if you’re Joseph and into it, I imagine her zoning in on Jamie immediately like who the fuck is this and then oh I’ve heard nothing about you kinda energy soz gal]
Joe: [rude but not untrue in this case, at least Charlie can make it seem like you’re joking and Joe can go get you a drink like soz this is all we have energy ‘cos in jokes]
Ronnie: [I highly doubt they have enough seats around that table so I also imagine her dragging up something to sit on like yeah I’m here to stay bitches and drinking Joe’s drink while he’s gone as a throwback to when she did when they met at that gig and cos we’re obvs claiming him LOL]
Joe: [we know the food is gonna be studenty anyway so having smaller portions won’t kill any of us lmao, just dying at how shocked Sophie is having to conceal she is, host on queen, boring boyfriend having no opinions of course]
Ronnie: [don’t worry gal depending how much of a jealous rage we get into we probably won’t be eating it so you’ll still have brownies left, her face would be iconic and I totally picture Marc on his phone the entire time because Paul used to do that when he was with Trace]
Joe: [giving nothing to this bizarre situation, too real, Charlie and Sophie holding this together, soz guys, Joe jus amused af, do we sit opposite or next to hmm]
Ronnie: [read that as soz gays, ILY mum & dad, I think he needs to sit opposite Jamie so that she can accuse them of eye fucking each other or whatever so probably next to]
Joe: [okay yes gather ‘round everyone]
Ronnie: she lives here
Joe: yeah I told you, Silent Bob’s gf
Ronnie: you said he had a bitch not shes been chained to the radiator since youse lot moved in
Joe: maybe that’s his secret
Ronnie: whens he letting you have your go
Joe: got my own radiator you can have a go on when this is over
Joe: not to brag or nothing
Ronnie: wont be over til the fat flatmate sings & the other one sucking you off while her & mariah duet and the boyfriend pretends he aint watching youse instead is fuck all to brag about
Joe: be lucky if it got close to that level of mildly interesting
Joe: where are you in all this then
Ronnie: under the sink looking for drain cleaner or whatever else i can drink
Joe: why do you get to have all the fun?
Ronnie: i dont waste my time asking bullshit questions
Joe: how are we gonna waste our time
Ronnie: im gonna kill your shared girlfriend & youre gonna cry about it
Joe: I don’t think I am
Joe: no amount of tragedy is gonna breakthrough the chemical fog
Ronnie: you would if you could
Joe: [🙄 at her]
Ronnie: [tips however much is left of her drink into his lap not at all accidentally but we know Charlie and Soph will pretend it was]
Joe: [whip them off to go get changed boy]
Ronnie: [when you wanna follow him but you just gotta glare instead]
Joe: [probably taking whatever we’ve got in to make this go easier, ‘scuse us, so much missing out]
Ronnie: [you know she turned up already on something so do what you gotta do Joseph]
Joe: [Jamie should be talking to you about uni things thus alienating everyone else a lil ‘cos that is a bit rude and will annoy you gal]
Ronnie: [fully just opening up a wound over here literally cos she was already jealous but did not realise they had this much shit in common or anything in common actually so we’re just livid and bleeding]
Joe: [Sophie just running with the kitchen roll like omg do we have bandages guys like oh babe you truly only mean well, Charlie just giving the can you not looks of it all, Joe just jealous because we’ve obviously got our long sleeves]
Ronnie: [a spoken out loud fuck you at everyone but mainly Joe as we go to the bathroom to not deal with this but instead evoke the energy of when Mae downed that mouthwash because she definitely would and also go through the cabinets for anything sharp obvs]
Joe: [at least you can go under the guise of checking on her but really you’re just seeing what she’s doing]
Ronnie: [1000% have not locked the door because we wanted him to follow us but that won’t stop her telling him to get out because walking contradiction forever]
Joe: [locks it behind him in response]
Ronnie: [the most intense glare in response because could not be more livid rn]
Joe: [grabbing wherever the wound is like we’re gonna kiss it better or something like Soph for a casual bit of blood drinking]
Ronnie: [obviously have to push him away really hard because we’re obviously really into it and excuse you boy we’re trying to be angry and hate you, soz to all the flatmates when you hear that crashing about]
Joe: [lmao this tiny bathroom getting destroyed, steady yourself and her despite that clearly not being what she wants right now, roll up a sleeve ‘you never did the X’]
Ronnie: [the glorious visual of trying to get past him to leave/push him away again at the same time in a small space so you just end up pressed up against each other and the door making eye contact and it’s hot af ‘you never took me anywhere’]
Joe: [‘so let me’ do you mean let’s get out of here or in a saucy way either or you skinny as hell girl so if you not really trying to leave it’s easy not to let you]
Ronnie: [‘she’ll let you’ because we’re not just dropping this even if we want to]
Joe: [‘who?’ like an oblivious boy ‘cos clearly not where our head is]
Ronnie: [a really vicious read of Jamie based on what we’re learned this evening that I’m not gonna do because I am not that mean but it’s obvious it’s her and not Sophie we’re talking about, hope you don’t hear us gal]
Joe: [‘I’m not interested’ in every sense right now ‘and you know that, stop pissing about’]
Ronnie: [‘wasn’t any other cunt round the table hanging on her every fucking word, I know that’ because that was blatant Jamie]
Joe: [‘I can’t help it that her fella’s an accountant’ what do you do Marc, do any of us know lol, shrugs ‘we go to the same school, that’s it’ and a look like whatever the fuck this is is clearly more]
Ronnie: [she would wanna lol but we can’t because still mad ‘that’s it?’ not actually a question though more like you better be telling the truth boy ‘why the fuck have you never told me about her then?’]
Joe: [‘I thought I had when I said he had a girlfriend’ not not a lie ‘none of them are what I want to talk about, that’s it’]
Ronnie: [‘you were thinking with this’ grabbing his dick when we say so ‘that’s it’ cos even if that was true Joseph we shade the rest of the flatmates often and you know damn well we love doing it]
Joe: [shakes head even though we are very clearly into that ‘she’s no Soph’ like it wouldn’t be as funny soz]
Ronnie: [‘is right’ like yeah I know you actually seriously wanna get with her, and moving away but not to leave but to pick back up whatever implement we were gonna hurt ourselves with before he came in but didn’t get chance to because we’re genuinely upset]
Joe: [literally putting ourselves in front of it like no ‘Ronnie’ like I don’t know how you’re going to even put it into words boy so it’s mainly a !!! look]
Ronnie: [a look that starts out like don’t try and stop me/fuck you but turns into !! when his does like say something/do something if you mean it]
Joe: [got to go in and kiss you whilst making her push whatever she was gonna use on herself into him, now or never, enjoy the tension finally getting released]
Ronnie: [obviously we’re kissing you back so we all know what’s gonna happen next lol, soz flatmates I really hope you can’t hear anything, especially Charlie cos you actually know they’re related]
Joe: [it is not a big flat so keep quiet, just think he’s comforting her for all this time or what, god bless]
Ronnie: [she would be trying to keep quiet but not for y’all more so he thinks she’s unimpressed/not that into it but that would literally last all of a second because she’s obviously very into it]
Joe: [the levels you aren’t gonna wanna go back in but can’t be seen as being romantic lads]
Ronnie: [I could easily have her leave if we want though because it’s a fact that she doesn’t wanna be here and everyone would be relieved except Joseph]
Joe: [that probably makes sense, honestly, and you’ve freaked them all out, as was the point]
Ronnie: [and lbr you’ve freaked yourselves out with how good that hook up was too so]
Joe: [just go hide in your room like you’re very taxed by that in an acceptable way boy]
Ronnie: [god knows where you’re gonna go gal but please don’t OD again like you literally did in Margate no time ago]
Joe: [the headfuckery]
Ronnie: [poor Charlie just like UMMM WTF cos she must look bad even for her rn and we’ve behaved terribly and then literally legged it so]
Joe: [thank god you’re such a natural party go-er so you can make up some excuse to put them all at relative ease but yeah, for sure like excuse me]
Ronnie: [might be fun to do a convo between them when we’re done with this one]
Joe: [I’m down even though I really haven’t used him yet, I’ll give it a go]
Ronnie: [yeah it’s been forever since we did the group chats with them and Bronson and Bea it feels like another life, I can send you the convo we did where she told him she met Joe if you like cos I re-read that the other day and it was pretty good]
Ronnie: [but the real question is who’s gonna break first and start a convo and how long are we leaving it?]
Joe: [please do ‘cos did not realize we’d done that tbh]
Joe: [I could make a case for either of them, him to prove he meant it as he left it last time but her so she can’t automatically be on the ‘it meant nothing’ total defensive hmm]
Joe: [some hours later when the party is over, or could be]
Joe: Charlie was going pub, he’s left here though
Ronnie: [even later because whatever she’s doing she’s messy and can’t reply to the extent that she doesn’t need to because he won’t be expecting her to and yet here we are]
Ronnie: did whitney ask you to pass it on to us cos hes still disappointed like
Joe: couldn’t say
Joe: just letting you know that you’ll have a free gaff for a while longer
Ronnie: where have i chucked the other one for the sake of this free gaff in your mind mckenna
Joe: alright, free rooms better than fuck all
Ronnie: its his emmy oggie i aint there either
Joe: anywhere good?
Ronnie: compared to what
Joe: established it’s no brag compared to tonight
Ronnie: not gonna stop you comparing me & her
Joe: compare to what?
Joe: pleasantries over cocopops
Ronnie: youll be interested in eating her out now youve got what you wanted off me
Ronnie: 9 is easier to carve than an 8 and you wont look like youre trying to copy the infinity sign one of your other exes wouldve got inked on her
Joe: it’s not remotely the fucking same
Joe: if I was arsed about getting my numbers up there’s millions of girls in this city I could hit up before you
Ronnie: yeah youre not related to any of em and theyd have less clue how to shoot up than you do
Joe: even if the related bit was ringing 100% true, you’re the only user in town now?
Joe: you don’t have to pervert it when it already was
Ronnie: youre already romanticising it like a fucking 13 year old so yeah i do cause one of us has to get real
Joe: you reckon I’m so okay with it just because I can admit I wanted it
Joe: who do you reckon you’re lying to like I weren’t there
Ronnie: who do you reckon youre talking to like i didnt fucking leave you there for a reason
Joe: Fuck off
Ronnie: i did
Joe: for someone who reckons they’re so open, you chat so much shit
Ronnie: open to what soft lad infection
Joe: scars and trackmarks on your sleeve
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: you didn’t miss much
Ronnie: no shit you didnt just invite me cause you wanted to fuck me
Ronnie: can do that anywhere
Joe: yeah and you didn’t just wanna come to make Soph cry, like
Ronnie: i owed you
Joe: get it off your to-do list then
Joe: well done
Ronnie: stop crying youll never look as ugly as horse girl doing it or go for as long as her
Joe: you love her, we all 👀
Ronnie: i said shut up
Joe: no, you say something that’s not stupid
Ronnie: what for fucks sake
Ronnie: what did you reckon id say when you started chatting shit like nothing happened
Joe: alright, I don’t know
Joe: it happened, right
Ronnie: you werent hallucinating
Joe: nothing that makes that happen in the bathroom cupboard
Joe: I don’t regret it, I know that
Ronnie: meant to be made up to hear it am i
Joe: nah, probably not
Joe: but you wanted me to talk about it so I am
Ronnie: i wanted you to take the fucking hint when i legged it as soon as
Joe: you could’ve blocked me, so
Joe: pardon me for not taking it that seriously
Ronnie: not your crazy ex & i couldnt deny you your bullshit heroics
Ronnie: mary aint carrying me anywhere and i know how bad you wanna see me turn blue
Joe: you like having a stalker, is what you mean
Ronnie: block me and get your whore flatmate to tell you what she likes about you
Ronnie: weve established i aint got the talent to sing no cunts praises
Joe: we’ve established I’m not interested in that
Ronnie: cause you want me to tell you how smart you are at fucking me instead of beat the shit out of you
Ronnie: it wont last
Joe: familys forever, sis
Ronnie: not to your ma baby
Ronnie: did i look enough like her for you
Joe: what do you reckon
Joe: your theory, not mine
Ronnie: mustve youve still not fucked off
Joe: you’ve got room for another face tat or two
Ronnie: go do that then
Joe: you can leave out the yes sir
Joe: not my fantasy
Ronnie: no shit like youve been my bitch since you hit send on facebook
Joe: 😂
Joe: I’ve been worse
Ronnie: you trying to turn me on or what its a bit late for it
Joe: just the once, alright
Joe: bit cliche but probably for the best considering
Joe: very sensible of you
Ronnie: cliche that my da didnt stick around long enough for his side of the family to properly cut or sew me up so ive gotta regret not getting chance to put a razor blade inside me before you 💔
Ronnie: now youre gonna reckon i care youve said the once ll do when i just hate you & hate how you fuck even more
Joe: Could’ve said it was about as much fun as
Joe: it’s alright
Joe: both confused, clearly
Ronnie: youre not confused youre fucking smug
Joe: hardly another achievement for the fridge door
Joe: what’s to be smug about
Ronnie: probably for the best i dont answer that if thats how you feel
Joe: come on
Joe: aside from proving you were full of shit about not wanting to as well
Ronnie: fuck you
Joe: you don’t want me to say how I really feel
Ronnie: making me cum earlier dont mean you know what i want now
Joe: right, you want me to declare my love so you get more out of telling me to fuck off, that’s more like it
Ronnie: do i fuck
Joe: then what do you want
Ronnie: like you give the slightest shit
Joe: I do too
Ronnie: no you dont
Joe: I fucking do
Joe: [prove it in a way only y’all would, carve her name or something]
Ronnie: [send him your own pics of the bite marks you’re covered in which is a self harming thing you’ve not done since you were a kid because it’s been a headfuck every second since you two met and we’re not coping honey]
Joe: you hungry?
Joe: you didn’t eat fuck all, I mean
Joe: could get something not dubiously prepared by Soph
Ronnie: hungry as you are funny
Joe: I weren’t trying to be
Joe: on the spectrum, or whatever you said
Ronnie: you wish you had the excuse or the musical prodigy status
Joe: 💔 about that genuinely
Joe: just a dickhead
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: I don’t know what to say
Joe: there’s no point saying I’m sorry
Ronnie: no point is right youre not sorry
Joe: nah
Joe: it’d be lovely for you if I’d found you and you were fine
Joe: but like you said, it ain’t about me or her, it’s about loads of shit and you clearly weren’t so
Joe: just seems pointless
Ronnie: im made up you finally got your head round it
Joe: Yeah well, I didn’t tell you I was a good person
Joe: don’t mean I don’t give no fucks, just ‘cos I ain’t trying to save you
Ronnie: you keep telling me you aint like it matters to me who you are
Joe: yeah, it doesn’t in why you’re fucked
Joe: but what do you want from me
Ronnie: its your fucking fault im like this climbing the walls same as when i was a kid
Joe: yeah ‘cos you were doing really great before weren’t ya
Ronnie: all you give a fuck about is letting yourself off the fucking hook
Joe: Blame me then what does it change
Joe: do something about it other than fucking yourself up, I don’t care
Ronnie: stop lying that youre bothered if your only answer to me losing my mind is that i was before
Joe: I can’t help you
Joe: If you thought I could, though why the fuck you would
Joe: then I am sorry
Ronnie: 💔🖕
Joe: I’ve got my own problems
Joe: if I had any solutions, I’d light ‘em up and shoot them into myself first, naturally
Ronnie: youve got a solution i gave it to you
Ronnie: why the fuck would you make me feel something
Joe: Selfishness
Joe: pure and simple
Ronnie: on your way to a grown up habit im dead proud
Joe: what more could I want
Ronnie: that to scab over seeing as youve finally admitted its bullshit
Joe: I still think about you constantly
Joe: I still want to know everything about you
Joe: I’d rot with you
Ronnie: youve got your own problems to think about
Joe: yeah, and that’s hell
Joe: I’ve done plenty of that
Ronnie: yeah and youve got your escape
Joe: take yours
Joe: can have plan bs and cs even if a is the best
Ronnie: youre the kid who tells the rest to jump off a bridge
Ronnie: cute
Joe: you’re implying I wouldn’t and all
Ronnie: i dont give a shit what you do but i aint giving you the satisfaction of being the last fuck i ever had
Ronnie: youd cling to life long enough to write a pathetic song about it
Joe: that’s the nicest thing you’ve said
Joe: which is saying something ‘cos you’re so sweet, like
Ronnie: youre welcome
Joe: I’ll do a Dylan style ballad about all your 👼🏼 deeds
Ronnie: thats the biggest turn off out of everything youve ever said or done
Joe: thank god, you’re insatiable 😏
Ronnie: once you said
Joe: not for my benefit
Ronnie: its all only for your benefit remember
Joe: if that were true you’d still be here
Ronnie: if it was true i could be
Joe: come back
Ronnie: cant ive got a face tat to get done
Joe: I understand
Joe: my art isn’t there yet
Joe: won’t ruin your beauty
Ronnie: go ed and chuck yourself off a bridge you dont have to wait for me to boot your door in & do you in for chatting shit
Joe: well I am already devvo I’m not a prodigy so yeah, add lack of a steady hand to the list of failures
Joe: probably the meds
Joe: you know being poetic is all I do, why have we downgraded it to chatting shit 💔
Ronnie: why are you calling me beautiful when you could write it in your suicide note for your ma theres your downgrade
Joe: you’re too romantic for your own good
Joe: I wouldn’t be writing a note, sorry to dash your illusions
Ronnie: not me saying i get you mckenna thats your delusion
Ronnie: what are you gonna draw on me then
Joe: you do but it’s more fun to take the piss and pretend you don’t so
Joe: That is the question
Joe: won’t brand you, don’t worry
Ronnie: if i dont want it ill cut it out no pressure
Joe: it’s just skin right
Ronnie: yeah
Joe: how olds your oldest scar
Ronnie: older than you
Joe: what did you do
Ronnie: i used to take headbanging literally
Joe: ah, the floor never saw you coming, yeah
Joe: I have a head scar too [cos he either does or did on the stalker show idk but there we go with a photo like she probably knows hun]
Ronnie: [I just imagine her smiling to herself like yeah I know nerd]
Ronnie: cant both be poets had to express myself somehow before i pushed a safety pin through my cheek
Joe: that explains the permanent 😾
Joe: fucked the muscles, like
Ronnie: your shit jokes do
Joe: it was always easier to just start fights to get hurt
Joe: when I was a kid
Joe: though you work out ways to be sneaky fast, if you have to
Ronnie: they didnt wanna fight me
Joe: everyday sexism strikes again
Ronnie: fuck off not cos im a girl
Joe: why then
Ronnie: wouldnt be me getting hurt and if i was i didnt care
Ronnie: all those mental problems you told that call centre cunt about like
Joe: ‘course you were too proud to make it count
Joe: have to let them get some punches in or there was no point, yeah
Ronnie: no point in fitz flouncing in either fun though
Joe: true
Joe: I’ve got a brother and all, I remember what it’s like
Ronnie: scraps never went far enough
Joe: yeah
Joe: most kids aren’t that psycho
Ronnie: 💔
Joe: being misunderstood served me so well for the whole musician thing so whatever, I guess
Ronnie: i mightve bothered keeping some of my bastards about if they were guaranteed nutters thatd serve you well
Joe: you’d get your own room then, like
Joe: even if you had to pack them to the rafters
Ronnie: for a stalker youre dead concerned about my privacy
Joe: nah, ‘course not
Joe: I’d rather have a place to do the gear without the possibility of Soph or Charlie 🥺ing at us obvs, nothing but selfishness
Ronnie: theres loads of places
Joe: you can show me
Ronnie: is she there now she can let me in
Joe: no idea
Joe: their room is near the door, makes sense they’d be your first victims
Ronnie: youre too selfish to get off your arse and do it
Joe: if you’re coming I’ll carry you in myself, you know that
Ronnie: ill be there and youll still be going on about what youre gonna do
Ronnie: no wonder the other kids kept smacking you
Joe: yeah, all mouth me, deffo what I was known for
Joe: not a euphemism and I don’t think they were wishing it was but who knows
Ronnie: you sure you dont want charlie giving you the eye
Ronnie: how it sounds
Joe: I’m alright, tah
Joe: pretty sure he’s over it now I’m enabling you
Ronnie: hes over everything thats not horse girls from kent but reckons the fucking lost causes are us
Joe: He clearly just gives a shit about appearances
Joe: looking nice, polite
Joe: they’ll never speak again, like
Ronnie: forget him
Ronnie: open the door
Joe: [do that boy]
Ronnie: [boop his little head scar as you come in like oh there it is]
Joe: [‘s’not even a good story’ and producing some takeaway moment from the kitchen as you go through ‘cos the dinner party was not heavy on the dinner bit]
Ronnie: [a look like ffs because people caring in any way ew no but we are gonna eat it because probably haven't since that Margate moment]
Joe: [shrugging like bitch I’m hungry as we tuck in, obviously]
Ronnie: [kick him while you've still got your big boots on but playfully not aggressively]
Joe: [😏 but in a more genuine way than that cocky face looks, I am vibing Chinese not that that matters but there we go]
Ronnie: [weirdly I also thought that maybe because it's one of the grossest haha but yeah eat your food lads]
Joe: [greasy greasy goodness, love the subtle shade if any of them come out for a cuppa or whatever like oh hello again lol]
Ronnie: [I hope it's oblivious Marc just living his life]
Joe: [that’d be most amusing, unbothered, casually]
Ronnie: [I just imagine them doing stuff to try and make him notice like when people stack stuff on a sleeping person but idk what you could do in that little kitchen]
Joe: [for sure, just being subtly annoying/weird and he is just like does not compute ‘cos we mind our own business, so childish]
Ronnie: [love that for you two]
Joe: [we stan the regression for you]
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nympsycho-ao3 · 3 years
Hi so sorry if this is a weird question. I start college next week and I'm really nervous and overwhelmed. I graduated high school almost 5 years ago so I'm really late getting to it, I don't remember a whole lot about school life. Do you have any advice?
Not sure why youre asking a random smut writer on the internet but i would love to help if i can!
I was a huge lazy sack of shit in college ahhaha. My college years were spent either drunk or high for the vast majority of it. So my first piece of advice is to dont do that lmao. I missed out on a lot of fun, socializing, and networking because i was inebriated alone in my room. Id imagine with covid its even harder to meet new people so take every opportunity you can.
Find at least 1 person in every class that can cover for you if you miss notes or have questions about material. Youll generally make a friend too which is a nice bonus but really that safety net is nice. Dont abuse it either, like dont skip class for days then just ask for notes lmao.
On that note go to class strategically. I was able to skip a few classes every semester in their entirety bc they were easy and i got away with it but if they take attendance make sure you go. Again with covid im not sure with this stuff but actually give a fuck about the stuff youre learning. I wish i did instead of just memorizing and forgetting. I wont tell you to go to every class every time bc fuck that, but prioritize the classes you simply cant skip.
Treat studying like a job. It is so much easier to study like an hour a day than cram studying in 10 hours overnight for an exam. Im a huge hypocrite with this so do as i say not as i do lmao.
Going into it late in the game is actually kind of a good thing because you might not be tempted into the dumb bullshit like drugs and booze like i was. Just keep it to the weekend like i shouldve hahaha
If youre on a campus, go out and enjoy it. Some of my fav parts of college were just going out and enjoying the campus and what it offered. Maybe better advice for spring but... nonetheless.
I shouldve put more effort into making friends. I really came out 4 years of college with no friends to speak of because i made the conscious decision to keep to myself because i am naturally a loner and comfortable alone. Still, i think i would have overall had more fun if i got to know the really cool people in my program.
In general, take the opportunity to leave your comfort zone. It's college, no one is expecting you to be perfect. Just have some fun while you can take advantage of the safety net of college and the bad decisions youre allowed to make. As long as you keep your grades up (or passable, which i recommend making your perrogative instead of perfection) go out, get laid, try new things, meet new people, learn new things, and enjoy expanding your worldview with little consequence.
Remember that everyone lives in their little bubble. I was so afraid of embarrassing myself that i avoided doing a lot of fun things. Not a single person gives a fuck about you in a way that theyre judging you like you think they are. So just do you, be the cool older person in the class that can buy the youngins booze (do this at your own risk but it was fun for me lmao) and tell stories like a grandparent. Also, on that note, dont be surprised at how fucking stupid these kids are. You might be the oldest and wisest in the class. Just enjoy the stupidity at your beckoning call and take it in, sometimes it's better than TV. dont hold it against them though, we were all stupid 18 yos once.
Dont ask a ton of questions in class. I mean a few is fine but not a lot. It just makes class run longer. Anyone who cares is doing the following: either asking them after class, going to office hours, or emailing the professor. Do that.
Speaking of office hours. Youll probably need some reference letters when you graduate to apply for jobs. Pick like 1 cool professor a year and really buddy up to them so you can use them as a reference. Yay, using people! And hey you might get some cool stuff out of it. Talking with my professors was always pretty neat and enlightening. They will know what youre doing but they know the game too and theyre just happy youre putting effort into earning the reference. Just dont get boners for the hot ones like i did oop--
And uuhh flash cards. All my homies love flash cards. I still have all my digital ones from my classes for no reason but... they came in clutch!
I didnt work through college bc im a privileged little brat but, i think i would have had my shit together more if i did. So depending on your major find something relevant and maybe find a flexible part time gig (easier said than done im aware)
I graduated with a 3.8 gpa and a damaged liver and lungs but hey i survived! Hope this helped. Again im not the best person to ask bc i really hated my major and most of my classes but i saw them as necessary stepping stones to my current job. Oh well!
Good luck anon. I know you will do very well even in these covid times. Just take your shit seriously! Unlike me...
Dont go to fucking parties unless youre an asshole and/or vaccinated or until this covid shit blows over please!!!
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raylee-kai · 4 years
When You Love Someone - Park Jae Hyung Chpt. 1 (Part 1/2)
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Here's the thing.
You hated playing the guitar. 
You were clearly a keyboard/piano person but when you heard that Jae had volunteered himself at the local music shop, you barely hesitate to put your name down on the form for the guitar lessons. It might have got something got to do with the crush you harbor on the guy. 
Your hate of the guitar was mostly because of the fact that your fingers were never flexible enough to press on the strings, how loud and gritty the sounds of an electric guitar echoes and also how there were different ways to play with different songs.
Like what on earth was plucking? 
Why are there different ways to play one instrument? 
It didn't help that there were different ways to tune a guitar. The amount of time you struggled with the tuner was making you regret the decision but as soon as Jae smiles at you and helped you out, you found yourself back in the studio, practicing yet another song on the guitar.
"Have you been practicing your chords?"
You nod, totally forgetting that he was actually asking about guitar chords and not keyboard. He gave a small chuckle and settled in front of you.
"Great, let's see it!"
The next few minutes consisted of;
"Did you tune your guitar? It sounds a little weird.." 
"That's the G chord."
"Bring that finger here and this one here..." 
"Show me A chord..... Uh... That's C chord."
"That's not even a chord."
It was amazing how Jae was never frustrated with your inability to learn the chords because your limit was approaching fast. 
Every mistake you made, you simply want to throw the guitar down and leave but Jae was always there to stop you from doing that. With his kind smile and carefree attitude, you could not stop yourself from falling for him even more. He was honestly your only motivation to learn the guitar.Your frustration was clear on your face but once he ruffles your hair, you can't help it but to come back for the next session. 
"You did great! Just need a little more practice."
Jae flashed a proud smile when you get a chord right was the highlight of the entire lesson.
"That's it for today!"
Jae clapped his hands and pats your shoulder, as if signing to you that you did a good job. Your shy smile made its appearance along with a slight blush but luckily, his attention was on the notification of his phone. He briefly read through and perked up, catching you before you leave. 
"Before I forget, here!"
He held out a shiny silver ticket out to you and grinned.
"Umm... What is this?"
"There's a gig, tomorrow at Club Eclipse. Thought that maybe it would be nice for you to see a few live performances."
You eyed the ticket for a bit before you glance up at him.
"You'll be playing?"
"Not this time but I'll be sure to invite you next time! Pinky promise!"
He stuck out his pinky, wiggling childishly to which you curled with a small giggle. Jae gave you a ruffle on your hair before looking at his watch. 
"I'll pick you up at about 7 at the cafe near school?" 
"You have a license?" 
"Only one way to find out right?" 
He winked, smiling while you tried to bite back your smile. 
You might have went all out in trying to find the perfect outfit which had Seungmin groaning in pure annoyance at the fact that you just practically dumped a bunch of clothes infront of him. The amount of times that you ran into his bedroom's toilet and came out with a new outfit had him regretting his friendship with you.
As if he could break a childhood friendship that easy.
You and Seungmin met each other at a piano recital when the two of you were younger. Ever since then, it was as if it was fated for the two of you to be friends. Both of you kept getting into the same classes, courses and school with or without planning on it. Plus, it did not help that Wonpil, Seungmin's brother, was your partner for a piano recital which made the two of you even closer.
"Are you seriously doing this at my house?"
"I need fashion advice."
You pouted, turning away from the mirror for Seungmin's view. He barely gave you a glance and scoffed.
"Stop pouting. You ain't cute."
You pouted even more at his harsh words but it was just a Seungmin thing to do so you weren't offended in the slightest. 
"Why aren't you asking Hyunjin for fashion advice? He is better than the rest of us at fashion."
You immediately grabbed your phone and called Hyunjin over to Seungmin's house. It didn't take long for him to arrive but not alone.
"Who invited the sunshine twins here?"
"We are here for mental support!"
"Get out of my house."
"Why do you like Jae anyways?"
Felix's question threw you to a state of flabbergast.
"Why Jae?"
Jisung added on, while Hyunjin was picking up outfits and trying to pair them together.
You sat on Seungmin's mattress much to the other's displeasure and thought about it to yourself. 
At first, it was the smile. You always thought that Jae had a cute smile with how he smiles with his eyes. He had a variety of smiles from the playful mischievous grin to the tired yet blessed smirk. It stays in your mind every time and you could not help feeling warm seeing his smile.
"Who's that?"
You asked Seungmin, who had been re-reading his script for the tenth time that day. Your dear friend was a part of the MC line up for some after school event which he was extremely nervous for which was why you, his dear friend, was there to cheer him on.
"That blonde? I don't think I had seen him before."
"Oh, Jae?" 
You raised a brow as if trying to get him to explain more. "He was a student here, my brother's senior. They called him back to help us with the event."
Your attention went to the blonde who was joking around with some of the MCs to calm their stage nerves. The way he threw his head back to laugh caused you to smile a little.
Then, you fell for his personality. How friendly and welcoming he was with everyone, how thoughtful to those he held those dear and how mature and gives the best advice at times. He was like a canvas with similar yet different shades that you would only realize after looking closely.
Jae was not close to Wonpil by any means. 
It did not mean that they hated each other or anything but it is just that their friend circles never really clashed. So, Jae had no reason to protect Wonpil like he did that one time during his third recital. 
During his third recital, the seniors had Wonpil running around, forcing him to do stuff which would make him late to the recital. They went as far as to cut his formal clothes causing him to turn up with red slick back hair and blue button up which had caused a ruckus among the audience and judges for not being professional. But without a doubt, he was able to pull a performance that had the audience crying and reaching out for their tissues. 
Unfortunately, Wonpil was disqualified and was banned from joining in another recital in the event hall for not being "professional" and was reported for "harassing" the seniors that he had helped. 
That had caused you and Seungmin to fume in pure anger with how you had seen Wonpil going around to help the seniors, even going as far as to cut his practice time. 
It was the first time you saw Wonpil getting upset that he walked away. 
You and Seungmin were about to storm into the judges when Jae reached before the two of you could and provided them with evidence and eyewitnesses of the seniors bullying Wonpil and forcing him on errands. You watched in pure amazement at how the older glared the seniors down. 
When you asked why would he stand up for a total stranger, his reply would always be the same. 
"Why not?"
After, you just could not help but pay attention to him no matter where he goes. It's like your eyes would constantly be searching for him. There was just something about his presence that made you look at him in amazement. 
What do you like about Jae?
"I don't know. I just like him."
You should probably trust Hyunjin more than you did because the outfit he put together really looked good. Not only you looked good but you also feel good in the outfit. So there you were with nervous jitters waiting outside the cafe for Jae, typing at your phone furiously, trying to calm yourself down. 
Millennium Line Unite (5)
Memelix : Still cant believe u got boss to give u today off
Memelix : On short notice
J.ONE : Not fair :(
SeungSky : I dont get y u guys complaining
SeungSky : M covering her shift 
SeungSky : If anyone want complain it be me
                                                    lmao he saw my ticket 
                                                    he just send me off 
Dramallama : boss said you need friends 
Dramallama : hes sad Minnie is ur only friend 
Memelix changed Dramallama to PrettyJinnie 
PrettyJinnie : Aww
PrettyJinnie : Thanks baby
Memelix : Anything for my Prince 
J. ONE : my eyes
SeungSky : No flirting 
SeungSky : Not in this christian household 
Memelix : jokes on you
Memelix : im catholic 
SeungSky : And Jisungs a rapper 
Memelix : ??? 
J. ONE : ??? 
PrettyJinnie : ??? 
SeungSky : it means idgaf 
                                        taht got to hurt 
SeungSky : Idgaf bout ur date either 
SeungSky : u made me work on my off day 
SeungSky : u officially out of my friend list 
J. ONE : at least u were in his list 
SeungSky : Han 
SeungSky : stfu 
Oh shit oh shit oh shit
Jae here gtg 
wish me lcuk
Memelix : Stay safe 
PrettyJinnie : Use protection 
J. ONE : good lcuk 
Private Chat : SeungSky
SeungSky : Text me ASAP if somethings wrong 
SeungSky : Don't accept drinks from strangers 
SeungSky : Stay close to Jae hyung
                                        Must u do this everytime 
SeungSky : U only have one braincell
SeungSky : It worries me that u dont have common sense 
                                        I do have 
                                        hope I dont make a fool of myself 
SeungSky : Tough words for a clown like u 
                                        f u 
"Coming in?" 
Jae's voice hollered from the car as you look up from your phone. You darted into the car taking the seat next to the driver's and greeted him casually. You tried to avoid his look, considering how he actually put effort in looking good and you could barely stop yourself from combusting at the sight. 
"Looking good today."
"Thanks. You too, Jae. It's been awhile since I saw you in something other than a shirt."
"That's cause I'm usually half awake and late for work."
"Well, does that mean that you are late everyday?" 
"Hush now little one."
Laughing quietly at his words, you guys started talking about random things and before you know it, you were already there in the club.
He asked, seeing how you hesitate after parking the car nearby. An arm over your shoulder had you calming down almost instantly. It was as if just knowing that Jae was there brought you calmer. 
"Is this the wrong time to tell you that this is my first time going to a club?" 
"You mean to tell me… you're a club fetus?!" 
You giggle at his dramatic scandalised face and playfully pushed him away. He laughed and placed his hands on your shoulder leading the way. 
"Don't worry and just stay close."
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xavierpak · 4 years
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:・゚✧ * ˏˋ / hi, sorry to disturb you, but can you tell me where the office for XAVIER JAMES PAK is? y’know, HE’S the 24 YEAR OLD MALE MODEL here at Masters? kinda’ looks like CHARLES MELTON if you squint? one of the guys over at I.T. said HE is ARTISTIC and CONFIDENT but HEADSTRONG and ABRASIVE, does that ring a bell? i have HIS coffee order right here.
it is i (beti) once more, here to bless u all with my wannabe baddie xav. he’s a lil bit problematic and spent like,,, solid five years of his life just partying it up, so i tagged this w an alcohol and drug tw just in case
this is the most chaotic intro i’ve ever written but i rly want to get him out there so,,, 
his parents are new york socialites who see money as a get out of jail free card
he is absolutely disguised by all the old money narrow-minded government-bribing rich people he’s grown up with and thinks himself above them
he is also a hypocrite and will probably often use money as a get out of jail free card
his mom is an art dealer and though he himself is an artist and loves art more than anything, he absolutely despises the culture of high-end art auctions where artworks are treated as status symbols and are nothing but a tool for rich people to throw their millions around
no srsly, he’s an artist who thinks his parents jUsT donT uNDerSTanD hIM even tho his mom literally,,, works with art. yeah- he just wants to be a tortured artist tbh but was born into way too comfortable of a life for that
he always felt out of place at home, when he was still a kid he tried to tell himself it was all just in his head and that his parents loved him very much, but as he grew older, it became very clear his little sister was the child his parents were proud of and the one they loved and supported and he seemed to be just,,,, another mouth to feed and put up with
when he was eighteen he got into NYU on a football scholarship, but rly,,, his grades were a mess and his work ethics was pretty much nonexistent, so who's to say he didn't get in just because of his last name 
he chose a business major because he thought it would make his parents proud, only to realize he doesn’t care about their opinion after all 
the realization came halfway through his freshmen year and so he spent the rest of it partying it up and skipping class
when he was nineteen something major happened that made him cut ties with his family, he dropped out of college, packed up his bags and left
even though he quit college, he stayed in the apartment he shared with his friends and while they were off at class, he was busy getting high and messing around, not too bothered to get his life together
after about a year and a half his bank account ran dry, he knew he had to find a way to make money quickly,,,,,, and lets just say that's exactly what he did,,,,,
he successfully found a new revenue of income, one that left him with just as much free time and even more excuses to be a dumbass who's off at random road trips and drunken escapades every other day
by the time he turned 23 most of his roommates had finished their education and moved out. Though he’d never admit it, seeing his friends graduate and move on with their lives made him feel lost and more directionless than he had ever felt before
not one to deal with his emotions though, he continued using the apartment as the local party house and before he knew it, it was once again filled with people (mainly strangers) getting drunk and popping pills
unsurprisingly, he was evicted
now, he is twenty-four and has spent the past couple of months couch surfing/ passing out in strangers' bathrooms/ waking up in bed next to people he met the night before 
yea,, his life was definitely heading down a terrible self-destructive path
the big turnaround came when he attended yet another wild party, hooked up with yet another pretty face, spent yet another morning in a stranger's bed,,,, except this time, him and the stranger rly hit it off, the stranger pulled some strings and got him a casting call at one of the modeling agencies masters manages, and tadaa, xav became a model!!
it's win, the stranger i'm talking about is win
they became best buds and xav even moved in with win and the rest of the gang
he'd rather die than admit it out loud, but the modeling gig is the first real job he's ever had and the first thing that's given a sense of structure to his life in a really, really long time
he's pretty pessimistic and snarky though so he'll keep pretending he couldn't care less about masters or modeling or about the people he works with, but rly,,,, he knows he was really, reaLLY close to his life completely slipping out of his hands and this was maybe his last chance to get his shit together, so he's lowkey really thankful
he'll mess around and pretend like he's not taking things seriously at every photo shoot/ runway he does, but he'll still show up on time and give his all into every gig, even if he's very vocal about not giving a shit about it as he does so
idk hmu for plots he’s a whore
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