how are choso stans feeling *collapses* (im choso stans)
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yuji catching him im sick.
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dollfat · 11 months
i fucked up a lil bit by getting the sword already... thanks to untagged spoiler art for letting me know where to find it....
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merrysithmas · 1 year
According to this random insta post we dodged a fucking bullet in mando lmao https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr3e3TEr10-/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
Could have been worse, somehow
i have it on Good Authority (🤫) that this is taken out of context and no dynamic was ever explored between them/that it made no sense for either character according to ppl who actually have a say in the writing
& that this quote within the link is referring to the actress mentioning it on a random podcast and recalling how she jokingly discussed it with the Mando stunt double
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iamthedevilestfairy · 2 years
I don't know who to trust, no surprise
Everyone feels so far away from me
Heavy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
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curiositypolling · 3 months
pls reblog for sample size etc
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trash-user · 1 month
got told off by a customer on my first day ://
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possessable · 11 months
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Hello i'm a normal person here's some stuff i drew to illustrate different traits different "person getting controlled" tropes can have
edit: obligatory possession shorthand code link because people seem to be using this like the possession code but just. without the code part
edit: DO NOT BE HORNY ON MY POST 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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reineydraws · 10 months
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jason is a grandpa's boy and u cant take this away from me!!! they cook together, they discuss literature together, and when jay comes back, they clean their guns together haha. ofc they celebrate their birthday together too! 😌
✨️🎂 hbd jay & alfie 🎂✨️
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notbrucewayne48 · 6 months
"aphobia doesn't exist"
bitch literally not that long ago an aroace youtuber animator was insulted by almost half of its community for being it
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frogsinajar · 2 months
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Happy almost 4/13, have some funnies
extra doodles under the cut
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hoshizoralone · 10 months
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comm for a samus comic based on that one tony hawk tweet. this would happen to her.
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Abby and the FNAF puppet would get along..
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cemeterything · 8 months
an angle i enjoy in cosmic/eldritch horror is when, instead resorting to the old classic "the horrors being so incomprehensible that they break your brain and drive you mad" cliché, the premise is that in comprehending the horrors you are so changed by the experience that your new state is indistinguishable to an outside observer from madness. you comprehend the unknowable just fine, but actually communicating that to anyone else is impossible because they just don't have the mental framework required to understand it. the eldritch horrors don't drive you mad. what does is the ordinary everyday horror of finding yourself isolated, ridiculed and doubted at every turn, no matter how hard you try to make yourself heard and understood.
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tanglepelt · 2 months
Dpxdc 180
Did Danny abuse the fact the GIW needed his parents tech. Yes of course. Danny not phantom seemed to be the trouble maker as of late. His parent threatened to withhold tech and blue prints from them if the GIW touched their kids.
Did he get caught breaking ember and boxy out of a government facility? yes. He expected the lecture he got.
The next jail break. It was not him. It was sam, Then the third. Also not him. That was Val… then it was Tucker. But not him.
The blame fell on him.
He did not expect to be shipped out of state. The GIW were happy to cover all costs. Even got him into a decent highschool. And had an apartment all arranged.
Not where he was expecting.
The assassination attempts. Also surprising.
Not so surprising. Tucker found out the GIW wanted to “silence” him. Offering a lot of money.
Of course his parents don’t listen. He is 15 perfectly fine to be all alone. Even if he is near some place with the nickname crime alley. Nope. He is just being dramatic. They tell him no one wants him dead.
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ofswordsandpens · 8 months
Percy and Nico's relationship dynamic peaked in pjo when it was gremlin teenager trying to wrangle gremlin child
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tooquirkytolose · 3 months
Everyone loves my moms mexican rice and proclaim it the best they've ever had and I see a lot of recipes out there that are either too fussy or too bland so I'll just list the things my mom does that she says make it good
-you really truly do not need chicken bouillon/chicken broth. Plain water is fine, my mom started omitting the bouillon when I became vegetarian so I could eat it and literally no one knows the difference its fine
- you don't need cumin or cilantro you just need onion, garlic, salt and tomato sauce (or jarred tomatoes)
-FRY YOUR RICE!!! in oil!!! Fry until golden brown and nutty, DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP it adds flavor and deepens the color of the end product if you don't fry your rice in oil it looks pale and unappetizing
-blend your water, chopped onion, garlic cloves, and tomato sauce (or jarred tomatoes) add this liquid to the fried rice after you've drained the excess oil, cook like regular rice
You will now be the envy of all mexican mothers and taquerias 👍
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