#this could be flattering myself but i think me and my partner figured it out right after the album released
cosmignon · 1 month
greetings current spg fandom i have a poll formed from curiosity
if u are learning this from my post, you vote the "someone else" option.
I am rly curious just bc despite it feeling like extremely obvious and sense making to me the album itself doesn't ever tell you out right the connection is there, or that there's a concret split timeline, just scatters little hints hither and thither
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
Oh, I never meant to imply or make anyone think you'd be uncomfortable with poly relationships in general. I really did just mean as far as writing goes.
But if you're okay doing romantic sfw poly, would you be willing to write a Misty x reader x Natalie when you have time? Or even just a headcanon list of how that starts and what it would be like?
I know, Love, don't worry! I mostly just gave the clarification for myself and anyone who could wonder.
But, here are my thoughts on a poly relationship with Nat and Misty!
✰ any relationship with either of these girls is going to be complicated and honestly probably a little strange, but together it's a whole new experience on its own, what with their very clashing yet compatible personalities
✰ I think it could start with either Misty and Natalie together first or you and Misty together. (For this list, I'm going with Misty and Natalie are established, but if you want me to write about the alternative let me know!) Either way, opening the relationship feels like it would be Misty's idea. But Misty is a very clingy and possessive person. I could see her getting jealous easily not being the center of attention. She'd either want you both dating her exclusively without any other partners or as a thruple, which is ultimately what happens.
✰ Misty and Natalie would already be semi-established when they run into you. Definitely hooking up but maybe not calling each other girlfriend or considering each other mutually exclusive at this point. They'd be getting coffee together before working on whatever weird situation they're in now when they pass you by leaving the cafe.
✰ you'd inherited and reopened your mother's flower shop after she passed and decided to settle down back in your old hometown. You'd gone to school with both of them and remembered them well despite being a few years younger. You and Misty had an already established acquainted friendship and she'd convinced her nursing home to get flowers from your shop on Fridays for the hospice patients to brighten up their rooms. she'd been using that errand as a cover to chat you up every week since.
✰ of course, this relationship would warrant a stop at the shop, where Natalie looks wildly out of place, but she listened quietly in the corner as the two of them prattle on about a new flower shipment or something. That is till you reintroduce yourself to Natalie, reminding her of who you were from school. She's surprised by the way you've matured. She feels bad, but though she remembered you, you hadn't left much of an impression on her other than being quiet back in the day.
✰ this would become routine, especially with Misty's errand for work. now she just drags Natalie along with her.
✰ it would take quite a while for them to ask you out with both of them because they need to first figure out what's going on between the two of them, but once they do, they mutually agree that they both like you and want to date you together. Misty would suggest the idea first and probably be very nervous about it but she'd be thrilled when Natalie agrees with her. They invite you out for dinner with them the next time they stop in.
✰ however, they forget to mention that they're inviting you on a date. with both of them. And that's not intentional, they just both suck at social interaction and think that it's a given that it's a date. but you realize about halfway through dinner what's going on and you're surprised, to say the least. it makes things in general pretty awkward and the two are left thinking that they completely fumbled the ball. you're embarrassed enough that they almost stip their flower run the following week, but you manage to stop them in time to explain.
✰ you're extremely flattered and frankly honored they'd hold you in such high regard to open their relationship up to you, but it was just surprising to realize at the moment. you do like them both and would be interested in dating them a try, but you request that you take it very slowly, starting out with solo dates for a while before jumping into a complete relationship with the three of you.
✰ they agree and for a few months, you take turns going on dates with one or the other on the weekend. Misty's dates are often very thought out and innocent, taking you out to bookstores, parks, gardens, and sweet shops or trying out a new restaurant you mentioned offhandedly before returning to hers.
✰ Natalie on the other hand prefers the nightlife. She'll take you to bars or nightclubs or you'll just have a night in at her motel room. either way, you know you'll have a good time with both of them.
✰ after a month or so of this, you move on to dates together, which are always fun! around this time you officially start dating altogether as you might call it and it works out pretty great. You focus a lot on clear and positive communication between the three of you and you developed a lot of beneficial routines over time.
✰ Misty's house sort of becomes the home base for all of you since Natalie is still at the motel and you're in an apartment. You have a lot of nights in and slow mornings there which is alright because Misty loves having company.
✰ Misty is definitely the most attentive to both of you. she's constantly checking in when you are apart and thrilled when you come back to her. Natalie's often a lot quieter, but she enjoyed taking both of her girls out on the town and listening to the two of you ramble about whatever it is you are interested in together.
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themunschbunch · 11 months
A Badger's Experience With Dating the Hogwarts Houses Part 1: Snake Primaries
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I am using the @sortinghatchats system, with @wisteria-lodge's lingo which can be found: Wisteria’s Great Big Sorting Hat Chats Explanation - I enjoy writing elaborate metas & headcanons (tumblr.com) Snake Primaries are very sexy and intense, to me as a Badger Primary. I think because their focus is completely on you, they make you feel so special! When you're one of their people and you're out with them, it's like you're the only real people there, and everyone else is just an NPC. They're definitely the type of house who would be flattered if you called in sick to work just to spend time with them. When you have a bad day or a disagreement with someone, they always take your side (even if you're being unreasonable lol), they always back you up, and they'll do anything for you, no questions asked. As someone who puts their own needs at the back of the line, there's something so refreshing about being with someone who goes "fuck this", lifts up the velvet robe, and hauls me to the front. Sure I protest at first "no it's okay" and yeah I apologize and blush and shrug helplessly to all the people in line I pass, but ultimately I let my snake take me to the front, and I feel a thrill! I wouldn't permit myself such a thrill often, but every now and then it's such a treat! The downside of this is I have a hard time returning the favour and speaking that snake primary love language. It's a lesson I learned the hard way recently, but I confess to not doing it on purpose, and being genuinely baffled at first. At first my snake found it cute how I take so much time for everyone, and speak positively about everyone. I have a great rapport with random cashiers and chat up old people at the grocery store, and they said it's a green flag to them that my exes still think I'm a nice person. But then after a while, I guess I didn't make them feel as special as they made me feel, because they got so jealous and possessive. They sort of had this attitude of: Why are you so worried about person x or y--what about me? I would argue with them by saying: Well that person's situation was worse than yours, so I wanted to take make sure I didn't make them uncomfortable or hurt their feelings in that moment. That answer didn't fly with my snake! They were thinking: I always put you first, why can't you do the same for me? Why am I being put on the backburner for every acquaintance going through a hard time? Meanwhile I was left thinking: Jeez my partner is being a bit jealous and selfish here. It was a hard balance to navigate and I don't think I ever figured it out. They got increasingly possessive and jealous (wanting to track my phone, making me text constantly to account for my time even when I was at work, social media stalking anyone who ever liked my instagram stories to investigate their intentions and threat level). I didn't fully understand why they were suffocating me, but it was getting dark so I ended it before it got ugly. I think if I had recognized they were a snake primary sooner (and I really should have seen it coming, their wifi network was called House Lannister lol) maybe I could have navigated that relationship with more intention. I would have made more of an effort to make them feel special, and make a bigger show of prioritizing them first. Checking in with them even when it felt a bit extra or unnecessary to do so, just to acknowledge their status as my #1 person.
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naminethewriter · 1 year
I Still Recognize You
I'm trying to catch up! Here's day three of @roceit2023, hope you enjoy 🥰
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Roceit Week 2023 Masterpost
Summary: Roman is waiting for his partner at a Masquerade Ball. Then he spots the most gorgeous person he's ever seen.
Roman excused himself from the conversation he’d been having with two acquaintances to get himself a drink. He’d arrived at the party about an hour ago and despite the masks, he had already found a few old friends in the crowd. There was one person he knew would be coming and was looking forward to seeing the most that he had yet to spot: his partner Janus.
He had wanted to come together of course but for some reason Janus had insisted on meeting him at the party. Why, they didn’t explain but after noticing Roman’s disappointment they had assured him that it was a surprise that Roman was going to enjoy greatly, so he had agreed. But finding Janus had proven difficult so far (though they might have just not arrived yet), so after grabbing a drink, Roman searched for a spot that would give him a good overview of the room.
Thankfully he found a quiet corner where he could take a few moments to just observe the crowd. As he was taller than most other guests it was unnecessary to find a higher place. He stood there and sipped his drink for a few minutes before he spotted a person in the most gorgeous outfit he had ever seen.
The person wore an elegant yellow and black dress that fit their figure perfectly. Their long blonde hair flowed along their back like a river of gold with a few decorations weaved between the strands that sparkled from afar. The mask the person wore fit the color scheme of the dress and formed a butterfly that hid their face from the nose up. The figure moved through the crowd with effortless elegance that seemed so familiar to Roman and before he even realized it, he was making his way towards the person.
He caught up with them at the bar and cleared his throat to get their attention.
“Good evening,” he greeted politely when they turned around. “Would you give me the honor of a dance with you?”
The person chuckled before taking a sip out of a glass they had just received from the bartender.
“My, aren’t you forward?” they teased and Roman, who had already been very sure of their identity, instantly recognized the voice.
“I apologize, but you looked so gorgeous, I simply couldn’t help myself,” he said with a slight bow, causing his partner to chuckle again.
“You are such a flatterer. Very well, let’s dance.” They emptied their glass quickly and grabbed the hand Roman was offering. With a grin, Roman pulled them on the dancefloor and they began to waltz.
“You really do look absolutely beautiful, my dear,” Roman commented when he was sure that he could keep the rhythm without much thought. Janus laughed quietly.
“Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself. I must say, I didn’t think you would recognize me this fast. I’ve only been here for five minutes.”
“As if I wouldn’t recognize you just because you wear a dress.”
“It’s more than just a dress, darling. You’ve hardly seen me with my hair down and I’m wearing a mask. Plus, I have heels that make me at least a few inches taller.”
“Maybe, but there was just something about the way you moved that felt so familiar.”
“They way I move?” Janus asked and even though they were hidden behind the mask, Roman know they raised their eyebrows.
“Yes. So elegant and confident. Drew me towards you immediately.”
“I see. Again, I’m flattered.”
“I should be the one flattered, having you as my partner.”
“I don’t mind you calling me your girlfriend tonight.” Roman could see Janus flush and smiled fondly.
“So I finally get to meet you on a feminine day, huh? I’m honored.”
“Shut up.” Janus flushed deeper and Roman kissed her cheek.
“I mean it. I am so thankful that you feel comfortable enough around me to be who you are. I know that’s not easy for you.”
“Thank you. I’m really glad I bought the dress; it makes me feel great. Even if I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to come without the mask.”
“And that’s fine,” Roman hummed, pulling Janus closer and slowing their movements. “Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“I love you,” Janus said and there was so much relieve in her voice that Roman couldn’t help but press a kiss to her lips.
“I love you, too.”
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cowboycatreign · 1 year
Married Couples Don’t Blush
Summary: reader and May go on an… interesting mission
TW: 18+, smut, grinding ( may receiving), oral (reader receiving), fingering (reader receiving)
I don’t know how I got into this mess. This is only the second mission I have been assigned too, but somehow this seemed to be something not even a trained professional would want to do, let alone a third year shield academy student. At first I was so glad to be paired up with Melinda cause she is my best friend, but about five minutes ago, when I realized what we would have to do, I wished to be paired with anybody but her. But we were taught to always commit to the mission. So all I can do now is accept it. Obviously Millie can tell that I am super anxious cause she leans over whispers in my ear saying, “Hey, I can tell your nervous. Don’t be worried. Think about this, instead of being paired up with me, someone who you are comfortable with, you could be paired up with someone you barley know, like Coulson.” I giggle a little bit, but that isn’t the reason why I am dreading this mission. That aspect of it makes me uncomfortable, but I am worried about that fact that all of today I have been noticing how beautiful Melinda is. How kind she is. How absolutely amazing she is. So as we near the room, I am not nervous about the sex part I am nervous about falling in love with my best friend.
When we are about to enter our room I whisper to Mel, “how are we gonna do this?” She responds with, “follow my lead.” So I did just that. Mel entered the room and took off her heals stating what a long day it had been. I agreed and did the same thing. She came over and kissed my neck. My face felt like it was on fire. When May noticed this she giggled and kissed my nose. I could tell that my whole body was now some shade of pink. Millie started taking off her dress and wiping away her makeup. I had to take a second to center myself and remember that we are supposed to be married. Married couples don’t blush when their partner kisses them. When Melinda came out of the bathroom she had a mischievous glint in her eye. I finally acknowledge the fact that this is actually happening. “You know I love that suit, but it would just look so good on my floor.” Mel pins me against a wall and attacks my neck. Not expecting what just happened I let out a moan. She takes that as a sign of encouragement pulling her kisses up from my neck to my parted mouth. Millie uses said parted mouth to take control of the kiss. I cannot believe that I am about to do this with my best friend. As though sensing this thought Melinda went up to my ear and whispered, “Is this alright with you? I want to make sure your not uncomfortable.” I shake my head eagerly trying to play it off like I am just a good actress. Now Mel takes full control. “Now why don’t you strip for me princess…” I do so with speed, obviously Millie does the same because next time I look back I can see her stunning figure. “You get more beautiful every time I look at you.” I turned the tables making Mel blush this time. “The flattering works. Bed. Now.” I practically skip over to the bed. When I look back Melinda is sauntering over, which makes me turn into a tomato (a/n Amity tomato 😂). She gets on top of me and starts trailing kisses all the way down my body. When she finally reaches my legs she takes as long as possible to get where I need her. She gives me hickies on my inner thigh to commemorate the occasion. She grazes her tung over my clit then pulled away stating, “Me first.” I whine a little then comply. I prepare my face, but then she sits on my thigh. Apparently with a fan of grinding. So Mel starts moving trying to create as much friction as she can. I help by moving my thighs in the opposite direction of her movement. This ended up doing something cause a moan escaped her mouth. I then put my thigh as close to her folds as I can get and put my hands on her shoulders pushing her down. At this point I can tell she is incredibly close cause she is practically screaming. I never knew she could be this loud. When she finally cums I guide her off my leg gently and lay her next to me after tons of kisses it is finally my turn. She gives one final kiss to the jaw and makes her way down. She started assaulting my clit. She adds extra stimulation by plunging three of her fingers in and out of me. I can’t help but moan. Mel decides to use her free and message my boob. With all this happening at once I only last an incredibly short amount of time. I can already feel the knot building in the center of my stomach. When I am finished Millie helps me ride through the orgasm and tells me I did amazing for her. I bring her up to cuddle and whisper asking if she is okay, she responded yes in a very whimsical tone. When Me and mel are cuddling a very intrusive thought invades my mind. This thought is saying, “I love her. That’s it. I love her.” I cannot let myself admit that because I would never have a chance. She’s my best friend after all…
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asksavel · 1 year
❤ - Friendship 💕 - Romantic 💔 - Dislike 💙 - Regret 💜 - Distrust 💛 - Soulmate (platonic or romantic)
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Savel’s Relationships:
Farrow: “I’m glad I saved them.” ❤❤❤❤💕
Lucky: “I’m SO HAPPY you’re back!!” ❤❤❤❤❤
Levas: “I’m really glad I found him.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Scarlett: “She looks like fun!!” ❤
Staccato: “I look forward to seeing him again!” ❤
Lakota / Teacher: “They taught me everything I needed to know, and more. If only they were around more…” ❤❤❤❤❤
Wishmaker: "They’re super cute!“ ❤
Vali: “BESTIE!” ❤❤❤❤❤
Laivan: “How come I don’t sense much Joy from him? He’s so lovely…” ❤❤❤
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Lucky’s Relationships:
Savel: “Remind me to never make you angry, eh Savel? Heh.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Farrow: “I love you, and I will protect you no matter what.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Traveller: "It's not every day you can say you share custody of children with an Arceus, heh. Still, she's nice." ❤❤❤
Gladius: "If only I had known you first." ❤❤❤❤❤
Yeong-Ju: “Stupid woman.” 💔💙
Seirei: “Thank you, and I hope I see you again.” ❤❤❤
Levas: “Heh, you turned out brilliant.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Nancy: “Remind me to take you on a million dates, okay?“ ❤❤💕💕💕
Willow: “I’m glad I could help her out. She’s a nice girl.” ❤❤
Berry: “I like her, she’s funny, but her boss is a dick.” ❤
Cu: “He’s pretty cool. Glad I got to meet him. Hopefully I can pay him a visit in the future. The arctic sounds pretty special.” ❤❤
Ahuahu: “I will end your existence, parasite.” 💔💔💔💔💔
Joule: “To Arceus, I have some explaining to do, don’t I?” ❤
Dysnomia: “He's rough around the edges, but he ain't a bad guy at all. Besides, I like a 'mon whose honest.” ❤❤❤
Dravol: “I'll be watching you." 💜❤
Mari: "I'll do whatever I can for you." ❤❤❤
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Farrow’s Relationships:
Lucky: “He is my dad. It's always been that way, at least to me. Glad he finally noticed!!” ❤❤❤❤❤
Dravol: "You disgust me. You better have changed and you better STAY changed or I will make sure you do. Personally." 💔💔💔💜💜💜
Savel: “She saved me.” ❤❤❤💕💕 
Honey: “They seem nice enough.” ❤
Levas: “I’m happier with him now." ❤❤❤
Amy: “I think we could be great friends.” ❤❤
Traveller: “She’s my mum from now on.” ❤❤❤❤❤
River: “Looks like I have a sister!” ❤❤
Notra: “That’s rather flattering~” ❤❤❤
Laivan: “He really is a wonderful Pokémon…” ❤❤❤❤❤
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Levas’s Relationships:
Momoko: “An interesting ally.” ❤
Savel: “It’s impossible to be sad with her.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Farrow: “Gotta admit, they’re okay.” ❤❤❤
Lucky: “I wonder if he realises how much he did for us. Heh, Dunkle~“ ❤❤❤❤❤
Dren: “I’m glad I could help her out.” ❤❤
Solavi: “Gonna ask her to marry me? Be my mate? I’ll figure it out.“ 💕💕💕💕💕
Nivatri: “Pretty sure we were brothers in a past life, the way we get on.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Dravol: “I’ll still kill you if you hurt my family.” 💔💔💜
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Dravol’s Relationships:
Xander Sad Fish: “I admire his guts, and still do.” ❤💙
Plegma: “He's so silly~” ❤❤❤
Viola: “I’d like to talk to her again, now I’m back to myself… if she wants…” ❤
Cashmere: "Thank you." ❤❤
Quetzal: “EEEE I GOT A SCALE! I wanna go to that place!! I’m so happy!!“ ❤❤❤❤
Laivan: “I love him." 💕💕💕💕💕
Kyurem: "My Guardian. He did so much for me... I will never be able to express my gratitude enough." ❤❤❤❤❤
Lucky: “At least I know he'll stop me...” 💙💙💙💙💙
Mod Dravidious: “I see why Laivan likes them!” ❤❤
Mod Curce: "They seem like a very nice person, either human or Litten." ❤❤
Zephyr: "He's a fun sparring partner!" ❤❤
Mint: "They're very intelligent for their age! They are a good friend." ❤❤
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Laivan’s Relationships:
Dravol:  "I love her." 💕💕💕💕💕
Farrow: “They are very precious to me, and I care about them very much.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Lucky: “He saved me, too.” ❤💜
Savel: “She’s a lovely Pokémon. I like her very much.” ❤❤❤
Darren: "I’m glad he heard my voice.“ ❤❤
Kyogre: “My protector, my best friend.” ❤❤❤❤❤
Quetzal: “They have my gratitude, for many things. But mostly, you made Dravol’s entire year I think~ Thank you.” ❤❤❤
Phlegma: "He's an idiot but he's our idiot." ❤❤
Mod Dravidious: “I like them a lot!” ❤❤❤❤
Mod Curce: “I also like them.” ❤❤❤
Checker / X: “I do NOT like them.” 💔💔💔💜💜
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schizopositivity · 2 years
hello, very sorry for the essay this turned into, but how do I explain to the people in my life that knowing that my life isn’t easy right now isn’t harder than struggling with hallucinations?
I’m trying very hard to look at it from their perspectives because I don’t know what it’s like to watch a loved one hear voices. It’s just very confusing to be simultaneously told that my experience is difficult to understand and that they are so deeply empathetic towards my situation that they don’t want me to ever complain bc it makes them feel bad and all they want is to see me happy. But that just makes me feel like I’m not allowed to be anything but happy, which means I’m not allowed to be honest
Describing them this way is doing them a disservice. I know they mean well and that they respect me. but isn’t it also true that I’m allowed to want to feel supported and respected?
it’s just stressful to me when everyone is so so confused by me and my condition when I feel like I explain myself every single week and tell them precisely what to look up (which they do! They do look up anything I ask them to, it’s just that they then turn around and say that they’re spending hours doing research only to never visibly out those strategies into practice)
Maybe they’re just overwhelmed and/or feel like I’m trauma dumping on them bc my friends and family aren’t professionals. Should I apologize for that? it’s just very isolating when every time I’m honest about how I’m doing, they say that I should pursue professional help even though I am in therapy
I feel like this comes across as me having really unsupportive friends and family, but this is only the least flattering facet of the story and I don’t think I was terribly articulate about it either.
my goal is to maintain these relationships, but I’d like to improve them by communicating. I just don’t know what to say or even if this is fair to bring up. It sort of feels like in this situation is doing their best and everyone is failing a little. Any advice?
no need to apoligize! i appreciate asks no matter how long they are
i think it would be important for you to try and understand what support you need or want. like do you just want to be listened to with no advice? do you want them to try to do things to help you? do you want to be able to be honest and talk about the bad stuff without them telling you its hard for them?
because once you figure that out, you can tell them what you like
i think for me i like to open up to people and just have them listen and not try to give advice, that way i can just vent and let it all out, and not have to worry about them saying something they think is helpful, that really just upsets me, cause if people odnt understand they try to sum it up in the wrong way, or try to get you to look on the bright side, and i dont like either of those replies
thats great that youre in therapy, maybe if you notice what you like about therapy or how the therapist talks to you about things, you could ask them to do something similar, like i learned from therapy that i like to be told im safe when i start to panic, and my partner knows that so they tell me that when they notice me panicing
you could let them know that you talking about the bad stuff actually is helpful, and its worse to keep it bottled up inside, that you cant be happy all the time (no one can) and that you need to be able to express yourself to process and work through it
i know these people love and care about you, but if they dont understand its easy for them to say or do the wrong thing, that doesnt make them bad people just a little ignorant, but it also doesnt make you a bad person for not liking the things they say or do, its totally okay for you to ask for what you want or need from them, no one is bad here, there just needs to be some more honest communication
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iricathel · 2 years
“Hello, Irina. I have a surprise for you. Well, truth be told, it was quite the surprise for me as well. It’s mysterious how it happened… but an anonymous individual left an unwanted dress on my doorstep before I could reprimand the recreant for doing so. Obviously, I have no need for it, nor do I know anyone else who would wear such a meager dress. Even if I did, you would always be my first and only choice since there’s no one else who could fill in this attire with unparalleled sophistication.”
Revealing a little black dress as dark as the moonless night, the Vampire urged his lover to take it from him and try it on. With sheer lace sleeves, a chest cutout, and stopping high on the thighs, Ruki had no doubt that she would command all the attention in the room more so than she already does in her natural pulchritude, culminating a tempest of both imminent jealousy if others were to steal a glance and the confidence he harbored knowing Irina belonged with him regardless.
“Though it should be known that this display is for my eyes alone. Is that understood?” A vacant arm devoid of the dress quickly enclosed her waist in a possessive manner as he lowered his voice to a whisper. “I want you all to myself when you wear this.”
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"A surprise?"
The blonde repeated her partner's words and then blinked a couple of times quickly, confused and at the same time intrigued to know what would be the reason for such an infrequent action on a non-special day like this.
She lowered hercurious gaze to the dark piece of cloth that lay over the man's arm, as soon as Irina reached for the dress to get a better look her waist was caught firmly.
"My, I thought you were planning to go somewhere with this new outfit on, considering how dressed you are right now." The Owl said, passing her hand gently over the Mukami's broad shoulder, caressing him delicately while her fingers carved the black fabrics of his jacket. "You look cute when your silly jealousy floods you with that mastermind of yours, but I won't get tired of repeating that I don't need to look away when I have the most fascinating man I could ever dream of by my side~"
Irina sang softly to steal a quick kiss from the raven-haired's lips and then break away from his grasp taking her little something to take a close look.
"Geez Ruki... This dress is so worth it, it would be a huge shame not to be able to wear it somewhere for a date!" Puffing out her cheeks slightly, the woman turned her face to look at her fiancé, puppy eyes saddened as she pretended that the pout her lips had formed trembled with disappointment.
"Anyway, I'll go try it out. Maybe later you'll change your mind and... Invite me to dinner tonight for example."
That said, Irina disappeared in a matter of a second so she could take her sweet time changing her outfit and getting ready in case she was lucky enough to refute her partner's stubbornness. Once she finished putting on her high-heeled shoes and placing her gold earrings in her pierced ears, the blonde once again appeared in front of Ruki's eyes.
She spun around to allow her fiancé to see her from all angles, stopping in her tracks causing her champagne hair in a high ponytail to flutter. Irina smiled softly and clutched her own hands behind her back, standing there waiting to hear Ruki's final verdict.
"Well? What do you think? Does it suit me nicely or not? I think it's really pretty and it flatters my figure perfectly, although I'm not really used to my bodycon dresses being this short."
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lovelyiida2 · 2 years
WARNINGS: vulgar language, angst, mentions of stalking
WORDS: 1.15K
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Bakugo is the type of ex that will always remind you of what you're missing out on and how he's so much better off without you.
Even though he misses you every undying second he breathes the same air as you.
"Pro hero Dynamight saves the day again"
"Dynamight wins the award for most influential hero of the year, breaking the late, All Mights 20 year streak."
"Pro hero seen buying million dollar villa."
It was pretty prevalent where he was and where you were, he was better than you in every aspect and you hated it. Him, an adorned hero across the country whilst you, a sidekick, picking up scraps just to make it into the next week.
Oh no, you were never mad at his success, it was very much deserved. It's just that he rubs it in your face the moment he has a chance to outshine you.
Since your breakup two years ago, Bakugo wanted you to know that he was better off without you. Matter of fact: he wanted you to know that you don't even exist to him.
From bombarding "butt dials" to him randomly texting you gloating about how he's so much better off without you.
But now, he decided to take it a step further.
"Formally Invited to Dynamights Once and A Lifetime's Dinner Party...great."
Maybe he finally wanted to squash the one-sided beef? No, he didn't.
Arriving at the dinner, he couldn't keep his bright amber eyes off of your elegant figure. Look at you, happily walking around and talking to his friends and drinking champagne that he bought. You should be running up and crashing to your knees begging for him to be yours again.
Moments pass by, you were enjoying your time. Reuniting with your old classmates, it felt like the old days. Where there were no worries and soul-crushing debt looming over your soul every second of your existence...
"Hey," you hear a strong voice that you regret recognizing. Turning around you see none other than your ex, Katsuki Bakugo. Eyes fluttering in shock you pull out for most flattering smile possible.
"Hello, Mr. Dynamight—"
You began to feel a forceful grip on your wrist, "we're leaving." He pulls you into his chest and walks you to a private corner of his home. Turning and thrashing in protest, you shout his name, demanding him to release you. Rolling his eyes, he grunts and shoves you to the closest wall in the corner. Catching your breath you rub your wrists and curse under your breath in pain.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" you curse. "Hell's wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with you? Coming here in some fancy outfit thinking you can steal the show, you're delusional!" he laughs.
You eyes widen, "I'm delusional? Bakugo, I'm not the one who's obsessed with trying to one-up their ex every second they breathe—"
"You think I need you or somethin'? Listen to me sweetheart, I've always been good on my own and without you...don't get ahead of yourself."
Your eyes swell with tears of frustration, "Bakugo, what do you have against me? W-what did I do for you to resent me so much? I know I wasn't the best partner, but I loved you so much. What did I do for you to hate me?" you shouted.
Bakugo huffs, "because I fucking loved you too!" he screamed, his voice boomed all across the house. You flinched at the sudden outburst.
"Everyday I couldn't image myself without you, I saw my future with you and I wanted you to be mines, but I was terrified. I was scared that we wouldn't always last so I broke things off before we could get hurt..."
Sighing you chuckle in amusement,
"Well look at us now."
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Your breakup was a complete mutual understanding, the both of you had no time for a serious relationship. So the both of you split.
But god, it was kinda hard to differentiate whether or not the both of you were still together...
"Hey Y/N, wanna study together after school?"
"I know you don't have to do this but, there's a party I'm going to and I need to bring a date? W-we don't have to go as a couple though!"
"Midorya, my mom was wondering if you wanted to come over for dinner again next week?"
Even though the both of you broke up, it was hard to convince the others around the dorms that you weren't still together...
It was around breakfast time, everyone was sitting at the dinning table eating their first meal of the day. Either catching up on random studies, or lounging around before it was time to go the class.
Walking over to the dining table, you decide to grab a bite before the long day ahead of you. Deku looks over and smiles, "you look nice today Y/N." You lightly gasp as your face heats up in embarrassment. "Oh, thank you Midorya. You look nice too!" you say sweetly. He blushes at your comment and sighs.
Mina stops eating.
"Oh cmon! There's no way you guys aren't still together! It's like you guys never split up in the first place!" She complains, the both of you chuckle in embarrassment.
It was hard to admit, but all because the both of you were officially "split," didn't mean the both of you weren't attracted to each other...
"I can't help it, they're still my first crush."
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Todoroki wanted the both of you to last so badly, but he always seems to burn everything he touches.
He looks at you, regretting breaking up with you everyday.
He always blames himself for the split, but the reality was that the both of you were never meant to be. The both of you lived two different lives. There was no other way to make the relationship survive without force, and there was no way Todoroki was going to force you to love him.
He's not going to turn out like him...
He sees you grow and blossom, like a flower in its first spring bloom. Your laughter, your cries, to your beauty, Todoroki knew he wasn't deserving of you.
He wasn't deserving of anyone.
Sometimes, he thought maybe there was a window of hope that would open. Maybe the two of you would get back together one day? Old high school lovers reunite after trials and tribulations? No, that never happened.
Years later, as Todoroki climbed to the top, he became one of the top hero's in the country. And whilst he climbed, he watched you through his journey.
He would check up occasionally without notice, of course he didn't want you to know someone like him was in your presence...
He'd stand aside and study you for hours, no matter the rain, snow, or hail. If there was no you, there was no him.
See, he couldn't live without you.
He was an admit fan of you, he bought all of your figurines, posters, and magazines. Anything with you on it, he had possession of it. He knew since the split, he would need a little piece of you to keep him going.
You were his everything, his light and inspiration.
This isn't an obsession...
Another day goes by without you in his grasp.
He sighs looking out the window into your apartment, dark and empty. Confused of your absence, maybe you had an emergency photoshoot again.
That's until he look again, your lights are on!
But you're not alone.
He looks harder, a pang strikes deep into his chest.
He sees you, kissing them.
As the kisses deepen, clothes begin to drop, and lust fills the room, he looks away.
A single tear slides down his cheek.
That window had been closed it seems...
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A/N: hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy this quick little headcanon post! Reminder: requests are open and ready to be filled!
—hobies hope :)
319 notes · View notes
iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
I wonder what it’s like to be loved by you // Benedict Bridgerton
Summary: You’ve loved him for as long as you can remember. Is this the season where he finally realises?
A/N: I LOVE BENEDICT. I love him so much. What do I have to do to get a Benedict? Title is from Shawn Mendes - Wonder. I had so much fun writing this fic, I can’t wait to write more for the Bridgerton fandom! I truly hope you all like it, let me know what you think please?
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of food and drink, fluff, pining, mutual pining, dancing, balls, obliviousness, friends to lovers, she/her pronouns, a lot of history - I am a historian after all and this is the regency era.
Word count: 4.8k
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Lady Danbury never spared any expense on the balls she held every season. She knew full well that many a match could be made that night so there was not only pressure from the ton, but also a responsibility that this ball must outdo all others thrown before – by herself and other matriarchs in society.
A feat she always managed to achieve, the elder thinks to herself as she watches your eyes widen upon entering the ornately decorated room. Looking you up and down, she approves of your outfit – a dark blue dress punctuated with silver jewellery, hair twisted into an updo with only a few strands hanging loose to frame your face. From her spot across the ballroom, Lady Danbury wonders how you hadn’t married yet.
As the band strikes up, Lady Danbury walks into the fray, greeting her guests with a smile. All the while, she keeps a trained eye on you, wondering who on earth had captured your heart but had not noticed.
No matter how hard he tried, the charcoal would not wash from his fingers. Having scrubbed and scrubbed at his hands, Benedict could only offer you a smile of apology as you not only noted his lateness but the state of his hands.
“It’s very fortunate that you are a talented artist,” You comment with a teasing smile.
Benedict reaches for your hand, dropping a kiss to the back of it before answering. “I class myself as very fortunate to have a friend like you who understands how easy it is to get lost in a sketch or a painting.”
You roll your eyes, careful not to let anyone else but Benedict see your act of impropriety. He smirks, unable to help himself.
“You’re a shameful flatterer, Benedict.”
“Some might even call me a ‘rake’,” He replies, his tone teasing.
“I shall save that for when you’ve really annoyed me.”
He laughs; a loud chuckle that draws the attention of those closest to you. Most notably, Benedict’s mother, Violet Bridgerton and Lady Danbury.
Benedict clears his throat; cheeks flushed not only from the attention but from the knowledge that his mother would soon be making her way over to him. He adored his mother; was grateful for her every day, but he could happily admit he could live without the meddling in his love life. He grabs your gloved hand once more; kissing the back of it in parting before asking, “Save me a dance on your card?”
“Always,” You answer, watching his back as he stalks away. Benedict narrowly avoids being collared by his mother, an act to which you find yourself smiling at.
With thoughts of Benedict in mind, you wander around the outskirts of the ballroom, your dark blue skirts swishing pleasantly under foot. You pause only to grab a lemonade from the table, sipping happily at the cold drink.
You catch sight of the brunette that had stolen your heart dancing with Penelope Featherington and though you know there is no romance there, your heart is unable to stop the hurt that lashes through it. Schooling your face into a mask of polite delight, you force yourself to turn away from the sight of the man you had so readily given your heart to dancing with someone else.
“How long have you been in love with my brother?” A raspy voice asks from behind you.
Your lemonade splashes slightly as you turn to face your interrogator. “Eloise!” You laugh, smiling too wide to be comfortable, “Whatever do you mean?”
Eloise’s shrewd blue eyes narrow slightly as she takes in your dismissal. She waves her hand in the general direction of Benedict though you knew exactly where he was – could feel his location thrumming in your veins.
“Don’t play coy, (Y/N). It doesn’t become you. Now, how long have you been in love with Benedict?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? How long had you loved Benedict? Thinking back on it, you’re sure that you’ve always loved him. Your family had been good friends with the Bridgerton family for as long as you could remember. Your mother was always having tea with Violet and you were always thrust upon the eight siblings without much worry. Your friendship with Benedict had started in earnest when you had complimented his art skills, bringing up how you liked to draw too. From there, a close friendship was forged.
By your twentieth year on this earth, you realised that your feelings for the second Bridgerton were no longer platonic… that you craved something more. Falling for Benedict Bridgerton felt inevitable almost; that your heart was destined to be his whether he knew it or not.
Sighing heavily, you see no point in lying to the second eldest Bridgerton girl. “For as long as I can remember,” You admit, rushing to add on, “But he doesn’t know so please don’t tell him!”
Eloise’s eyes widen at your confession, not only shocked that you readily admitted your feelings for her elder brother, but for how long you have harboured them. “Is that why you have not yet married?” She demands, “Because you loved him?”
Biting your lip, you nod. “It wouldn’t be fair to my husband. Their wife in love with another man – it doesn’t exactly set stable foundations for a long, prosperous marriage and…”
“And…” Eloise prompts, her innate curiosity getting the better of her. If her mother could hear her now, she would surely receive a scolding.
You ball your hands into fists before letting them drop to your sides; letting them hang there like the constant hope you have for Benedict.
“And I still hope he’ll notice I’m here. That I have been here all along,” You voice cracks on the admission causing a pang of upset to flash through Eloise. She’d reach out to comfort you, but it would only draw attention from the many mothers circling and no doubt, Lady Whistledown.
“(Y/N)…” Eloise begins but you hold a single hand up to stop her before she starts. With a strained smile, you reassure her. “It’s fine, Eloise. I accept it with every season that passes that it is unlikely he shall ever return my feelings.”
“Then he is a fool,” Eloise states plaining, sending a glare in the direction of her beloved brother. She had no qualms admitting that Benedict was indeed her favourite sibling, but he had his moments where he vexed her beyond belief.
“Who is a fool?” A voice questions to the right of you. Benedict.
Freezing in place, you cast a helpless look at Eloise, begging her silently to take control of this situation. Eloise smiles and nods imperceptibly. She turns towards her brother, hooking her arm through yours as she declares, “The men that have not offered their hand to (Y/N) yet. They’re all fools, aren’t they dear brother.”
Benedict casts his gaze towards you; his eyes scanning your face for what, he does not know. “Fools,” He agrees quietly though he is heard perfectly over the music. “Would you care to dance?” He asks, wanting you to himself for a little while. As much as he loved his younger sister, she was a keen observer, and he wasn’t ready for her to figure out his feelings just yet. Not when he hadn’t admitted them to you.
Nodding your head, you take his outstretched hand, bidding goodbye to Eloise for now. The brunette shakes her head as the both of you walk away. Oblivious, she thinks to herself, completely oblivious.
As the music strikes up once more, it becomes obvious that the next dance is a waltz, requiring the closeness of your partner. It was only years ago that this dance had scandalised the ton for its closeness – now, it was required at every ball, many married couples savouring the intimacy.
Benedict’s hand settles on the small of your back as his other grips your hand. Your hand rests comfortably on his shoulder as he begins to lead you through the steps you have known since your youth.
Music around you fades as do the other couples. The only two people in the room are Benedict and yourself. The feel of his hand on your back and the look in his eyes; it’s enough to have you accept your fate then and there. It’s enough for you to admit that you have been ruined for any and all men; finding yourself in love with the man who holds you so tenderly and has always held you in high regard. Is this it? You ask yourself, is this what it feels like to be loved by him? To feel like the only one in the world. If it is, you’ll take it with open hands.
Your eyes do not leave his as Benedict leads you through the rises and falls of the dance. His hand remains a steady presence on your lower back; the feeling just enough to distract you from the crowd now watching you and instead, leading you to wonder what his hands would feel like elsewhere on your body.
As the music falls into another song; this one more upbeat, Benedict drops his hands, letting you free. He hadn’t wanted to; had wanted to pull you from the ballroom, to confess the feelings that have haunted him for years and to ask you to be his for better or for worse.
But he doesn’t. Instead, he bows and smiles, reaches for your hand to kiss it and then lets himself breathe as he turns and walks away.
Dear Reader,
Though there is much to report from Lady Danbury’s ball last night – the fashion, the food, the décor – This Author wants to focus on one moment in particular.
Now, Dear Reader, whilst you may wonder the importance of such a moment, remember that it is one’s job to observe all. That is why I want to bring attention to Mr. Benedict Bridgerton who found himself extremely popular last night, dancing with many eligible women and delighting them with his talents.
However, Dear Reader, this is not the moment I want to focus on.
No. Instead, I want to bring attention to the heart most likely suffering in silence as Mr. Bridgerton continues to charm the ton.
As you all know, I am not one to beat around the proverbial bush and hide identities, but for the sake of the woman who has found herself in love with the second eldest Bridgerton for as long she can remember, I shall endeavour to keep her name a secret.
Know, however, that This Author’s sympathies lie with you.
To love another unrequitedly is a dear shame.
The gossip sheet is scrunched to a ball in your hands. It’s all you can do to keep the tears from falling down your face. As if you didn’t know your love was unrequited; as if you didn’t know you had all but doomed yourself to being a spinster as you wait for a man who did not know you loved him.
Lady Whistledown knew your secret, and your identity. As a result, the whole ton knew your secret but whatever morals the author possesses, she had not revealed your identity.
Summoning the carriage, you ask to be taken to Bridgerton House where you can speak to Eloise in confidence and ask for her advice on what she might do. Deep down, you had to know whether Benedict had read the paper too.
It doesn’t take long for Eloise to find you in the tea room; a cup of tea in your hands but readily ignored as you chew on the inside of your cheek. Her brown hair tied up in her usual bun, her eyes hold the pity you didn’t want to see or hear as of this moment.
“I didn’t know she was listening, I swear,” Eloise promises, sitting by your side and reaching for your hand.
“I know,” You comfort, “You would never tell a soul.”
“At least she didn’t reveal your identity,” Eloise chirps, trying to find a silver lining.
“Yet she has revealed my secret to the entirety of London society,” You sigh. Removing your hand from Eloise’s, you press your palm to your forehead, feeling overwhelmingly tired and desperate for the day to be over already. “Does he know?”
Eloise chews on her bottom lip, deciding whether to answer you. “He has read it,” She admits,  but rushes to add, “He doesn’t know it’s you! He doesn’t have a clue really. He’s angrier at himself for not noticing anything was amiss.”
“I don’t know what to do,” You whisper, feeling helpless.
“For now,” Eloise states, “We do nothing.”
Your heels sink into the soft carpet as you wander down the stairs, pausing only to check you have everything. Your mind remains elsewhere as you check your bag out of habit, the conversation with Eloise, the latest gossip sheet, your feelings for Benedict. They circle around your mind, leaving you dizzy in their wake as you try to make sense of them all, try to find your next step in and amongst the mess.
“(Y/N),” Benedict greets, hurrying down the final few stairs, pleasantly surprised, “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were visiting.”
“I came to drop in on Eloise. I wanted to thank her for last night; she was an ear when I needed someone to listen.”
“Is it anything I can help with?” He asks, voice taking on a concerned note as he reaches out for you.
You shake your head, squeezing his hand in return. “For now, everything is okay.”
Benedict clears his throat. “I’m glad to hear it, but please come to me next time. I want to help if I can.”
“I will,” You promise, your eyes now scanning over his fine clothes. “Where are you off to?”
“An art exhibition at Somerset House. They’re showing some Holbein’s from the Royal collection.”
“Holbein’s?” You ask, shocked at the name falling from Benedict’s mouth.
He nods, just as excited. It was a rare thing indeed to have Holbein’s on display; they were usually kept in whatever royal residence they found themselves in; hidden away from the public eye. Art was the very foundation of your friendship; having seen so many of his sketches as a young boy and watching them develop into surer lines and confident strokes. Benedict was an exceptionally talented artist – something he would say about yourself. Benedict was the only person to see such work; the watercolours in your sketchpad leaving him breathless as you bring life to the inanimate.
“Would you like to join me?” He asks before he can talk himself out of it. He had barely seen you all season; you had closed in yourself, as if accepting a fate that you did not want. Benedict would do what he could to ensure your happiness for a little bit longer.
A faint blush rises on Benedict’s cheeks as he realises what he has asked of you. “I shall ask Eloise to accompany us,” He suggests, turning to face the direction in which you had just come, “Did she mention any plans to you?”
You shake your head to which Benedict leases a sigh of relief. “I’ll go ask her now. I’m sure she won’t mind… much.”
Laughing quietly, you wait patiently in the entryway of Bridgerton House. The house in London so often felt like a second home to you; spending so much of childhood summers here when your mother would take tea with the Bridgerton matriarch. As you grew into your teens, you would begin to visit the house with just your maid, calling on the family for social niceties. The friendship with Benedict and Eloise only solidified your standing in the close family unit.
Eloise’s voice brings you back to the present. She walks down the stairs, accompanied by her brother. Taking one look at you, waiting patiently for the both of them, Eloise gets a mischievous look in her eye. It isn’t a look that leaves you in comfort, but rather leaves you wondering just what she has planned for the art exhibition.  
“Eloise has so graciously accepted to join us,” Benedict announces, sounding rather pleased with himself.
Eloise smiles: a smile that sets Benedict’s nerves on edge. He would owe her for this, that much he knew. “I would be more than happy to accompany you, brother.”
Benedict resists the urge to groan; he’s in deep shit for this.
“Thank you, Eloise,” You murmur with a smile. Something in Eloise softens at your tone as if she would be unable to deny you this time with Benedict when it was their mother’s mission to see him married off this very season.
“Of course,” Eloise allows, glancing between you and Benedict – noting the longing in both sets of eyes. She shakes her head, gesturing to the door and where the carriages waits just beyond it. “Shall we?”
“He wasn’t a handsome monarch, was he?” Eloise murmurs quietly, staring up at the grand portrait of the fearsome king who preferred executing his wives rather than loving them.
The walls of Somerset House have become dedicated to the eyes of the past. Past monarchs and relatives decorate the walls; their eyes following each attendant, as if curious to see how society is progressing less than three hundred years after the death of the artist.
Benedict chuckles; the very sound raising goosebumps across your skin. You barely repress the shiver the sound elicits. Trying your best to listen as the siblings argue about the reign of this particular monarch – the pros and the cons to what he did for the very country he ruled over for decades.
“Oh!” Eloise gasps, interrupting the argument and loosening her grip on your arm, she waves frantically at Penelope Featherington. “Would you mind terribly if I go say hello?”
“Not at all,” You laugh.
“You’re sure you’ll be okay with Benedict?”
The man in question scoffs, rolling his eyes at his little sister. “Off with you,” He dismisses, “I’ll escort (Y/N) – someone who actually appreciates the art.”
Eloise laughs as she turns away, but you do not miss the wink she sends in your direction. It hits you all at once; her mischievous look before you all left the house. She had concocted this plan in her head; accepting to accompany you as a rouse to get you and Benedict alone.
You didn’t know whether to appreciate her genius or hide her favourite book.
Jumping at the sound of someone clearing their throat, you focus your attention on Benedict. He watches you with an amused look, and it’s then that you realise that he has stood beside you waiting with his arm out for a minute or so whilst you glared after his younger sister. Taking his arm, you rid yourself of any thoughts of violence against Eloise. Instead, focusing on the man beside you.
“How are you?” You ask, hand resting gently on Benedict’s forearm.
“Do you mean in general or after today’s publication?”
“Both, I suppose.”
“In general, I am quite well. I have a wonderful lady on my arm, and I am in the presence of excellent art work. However, after today’s publication, I must admit I am rather angry.”
“Oh?” You sound, trying hard not to let his words affect you so much but they rattle around your mind on repeat, committing themselves where they will last for an eternity.
“I’ve never been the focus of the gossip paper and now after one ball, I am. I don’t think I like the attention.”
“I don’t believe that for one second, Benedict Bridgerton.”
He pauses, smiling widely down at you. His eyes light up with the smile and your heart begins to pound at the sight of it. “Alright, I do like the attention,” He concedes, “But what I don’t like are the looks I’m getting from all mothers.”
“They all look like I’m about to break their daughter’s heart.”
“I’m sure you’re just imagining things,” You reassure, tightening your grip on his arm.
“I don’t think I am,” He states, nodding politely at Lady Whitelaw who in turn glares at the younger man. He turns his gaze to you as if to say, see?
You turn your face away from him, trying your best to hide the smile and laugh that threatens to break free. “You’re laughing at me, aren’t you?” Benedict guesses, a smile in his own voice.
“I’m not,” You promise, schooling your face into a mask of indifference, focusing on the closest sketch to you. A graphite sketch of Anne Boleyn; marking her beauty only years before her death.
“You are,” Benedict argues, standing beside you, admiring the same sketch. Throwing him a knowing smile, you turn your attentions to rest of the exhibition, unable to hide your awe at just what is being shown to the public.
The art is incredible; your watercolours barely compare to what is being shown in Somerset House. He would disagree in a heartbeat, but Benedict could come close to producing something of this calibre. He had shown his portraits of his mother and brothers; Anthony making the perfect candidate for a painting.
You come to a natural stop in front of a portrait of a young women. A young queen, in fact. This particular queen had never got to reign in the manner that she was capable, dying after giving birth the king’s heir. His one true love, the king had called her after he death.
“She’s beautiful,” You whisper, admiring not only the artistry but also the focus on the painting.
Benedict watches you admiring the portrait painted so carefully by Holbein. Though the portrait is indeed beautiful, Benedict finds himself agreeing that they do not hold a candle to you. As he watches you lift a single hand, trying to dampen the urge to run your fingers over the brush strokes, he thinks to himself that there would be no artist on this earth that would be so talented to capture your beauty.
His breath comes faster; his heart rate increases. He recognises the symptoms; he’s only experienced such signs before. He had been eighteen then; barely a man but man enough to accept that he had fallen in love with his best friend. Years later, here he was, experiencing such feelings once more. Once more, he wonders what it would be like to be loved by you. He cannot help but hope that the mystery woman in the society papers is you.
Dear Reader,
It seems that Mr. Benedict Bridgerton reads my paper!
He was overheard at the Somerset House Holbein exhibition, complaining to Miss (Y/N) (Y/L/N) about my last column in which I criticised his treatment of the lady in love with him.
All I have to say on the matter is this:
Mr. Bridgerton, for every complaint you offer, you break her heart further. Stop now before you do irreparable damage.
“What does she mean ‘break her heart further’? I’ve been trying to figure out who it is so I can put a stop to it!”
“It doesn’t matter whether you know who it is, Benedict,” You argue, placing your teacup on the table, “But rather the fact that you unknowingly hurt whoever it is that is in love with you.”
“Do my feelings not matter?” He demands, throwing the damned paper onto the table. Benedict runs a hand through his hair, sighing in frustration. “I’m sorry,” He apologises, “I should not have taken that tone with you. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“You’re forgiven,” You laugh, “I’ve heard you say a lot worse.”
He smiles though it doesn’t reach his eyes. Leaning forward on your chair, you wring your hands together, working up the nerve. “What feelings haven’t they taken into account?”
“Lady Whistledown,” He spits the name with derision, “Hasn’t taken into account that I may not have noticed someone in love with me because I am in love with someone myself.”
It’s as if the chair is pulled out from under you; your stomach dips and flips as the world crashes around you and Benedict is none the wiser. He’s none the wiser to the palpable shift that has taken place. Instead, he’s sat down across from, looking utterly defeated.
“Does she know?” You ask after a moment of silence, using the time to pull yourself back together, to compile it all and put it away for later.
Benedict shakes his head; eyes sad as he watches you. “Why haven’t you told her?” You ask, unable to stop the questions now they’re on the tip of your tongue.
“I suppose for the same reason she hasn’t told me. Fear maybe?”
“Fear of what? I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything.”
“Fear of rejection. Fear of humiliation. Fear of ruining a friendship,” He lists off, counting the reasons on his fingers, holding them up for you to see.
“Have you thought about telling her?”
“All the time,” He answers honestly, and you wonder whether the crack your heart makes was audible to the whole of the ton.
“Do you plan on telling them?”
You take a deep breath, staring at the teacup instead of him, readying yourself to offer up your broken heart. To confess that the two most recent society papers have been about you; have shown your heart to the whole of London.
“It’s me,” You confess quietly, voice no louder than a whisper but he hears you all the same.
Benedict’s head whips towards you. Had this been another situation, it would have been funny, but the look on his face… “What?” He whispers, shocked.
“It’s me,” You announce; louder this time, ready to lay your heart out on the floor for him to break entirely. “It’s me, Benedict. Lady Whistledown must have overheard Eloise and myself talking at Lady Danbury’s ball the other night. She had caught me watching you dance and asked me outright. I couldn’t deny it. I’ve been in love with you for years, Benedict. For as long as I can remember.”
“For as long as you can remember?”
You nod, wringing your hands together once more. “I didn’t realise until I turned twenty, just what my feelings meant. I think I’ve always been in love with you, Benedict.”
Benedict remains silent; eyes wide, hands slack as they rest on his thighs. He looks like he doesn't believe the very words leaving your mouth; as if he is unworthy of the love you offer him so willingly. 
“Say something, please,” You plead, “I know it isn’t proper for the woman to announce her feelings for the man, but I couldn’t keep it a secret any longer. Not when it is the focus for Lady Whistledown to sell more copies of her paper.”
“I didn’t know,” He whispers after a prolonged silence.
“You weren’t to know. You don’t have to feel the same, Benedict.”
“I do as it happens.”
“I do feel the same,” Benedict clarifies, standing from his chair, “I’ve loved you since I was eighteen.”
You sniffle slightly; emotional from hearing the words you have longed to hear for years. The words that have haunted your dreams; had you rushing from sleep, so you didn’t let yourself believe an alternate reality.
“You do?”
Benedict nods, “I do. I love you very much.”
“I love you too,” You reply, standing from your chair, reaching for him – not wanting anymore space between the two of you.
He dips his head, pausing mere millimetres away from your lips. The question burns in his eyes; desperate to know whether he can kiss you after so long waiting. Your nod is barely imperceptible but it’s nod, nonetheless.
Slowly, almost wanting to savour every moment, Benedict presses his lips to yours. Reaching up, you haul him closer, wanting to feel every inch of him pressed against you after having waited so long, after having dreamed of this moment for too long.
He tastes like tea and his hands bring to life the butterflies in your stomach as they wander the path of your back, settling on your lower back, dipping you slightly. Benedict groans softly at the feel of you lined up against him. If he had known heaven was this close, he would not have waited this long.
Benedict breaks the kiss; not out of need of air, but to stop himself from taking this too far when you feel like heaven pressed against him. You smile widely, kissing his jaw lovingly before starting to laugh lightly. Benedict’s hands on your waist tighten possessively as he joins you in laughter.
Briefly, he wonders whether this is what it feels like to be loved by you.
Bridgerton Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​ @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown​
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duskholland · 3 years
omg for the boxer!tom request like he comes home after a tough match and reader patches him up and it’s all fluff
cw: minor depictions of injury, light angst, fluff || boxer!tom x gn!reader || 1.1k.
boxer!tom fever week !!!
*:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
Tom had shot you a text shortly after his match, giving you the basics: the fight had gone badly, he’s battered and he’s bruised, and his chances at making the championship rounds have just been made significantly harder. You could tell through his brevity and the lack of cluttered emojis that he’s feeling defeated, but nothing could’ve prepared you to see quite how destroyed he is as he hobbles into your flat a little after midnight, groaning so loudly you can hear him from the bedroom.
With concern hanging heavy in your chest, you hurry through to the entryway. Tom slumps against the front door the second his eyes snap to you, his posture falling flat as a pained sigh slips past his lips.
He looks… rough. You don’t think it’d ever be possible to describe your boyfriend as looking bad, but bruises are forming on his face, and his hair is matted, and patches of blood accompany the sheen of sweat that coats his forehead. It’s clear that the match had been a lot worse than he’d made out.
“Shit,” you murmur, “what the hell happened, Tom?”
He groans. He straightens up against the door and winces as he tries to push his sticky curls away from his face.
“I was a fucking laugh, that’s what,” he mutters. “That was the worst match of my life.” He buries his face in his hands and moans loudly. “God,” he says, “I fucked it.”
Your heart breaks a little in your chest. For so long, Tom’s been putting in the work, trying desperately to progress through the ranks and make it to the top. The defeat tonight doesn’t mean it’s all for nothing, but it’s certainly a setback, even more mentally than statistically.
Aching to help him, you step forward and tentatively guide the hands away from his face. He’s hot to touch, his knuckles coated in tired bruises, and you’re careful not to hurt him as you softly squeeze his hands.
“C’mon,” you coax, “I’ll clean you up, baby.”
Tom begrudgingly trails after you, his feet dragging slightly on the floor as you take him through to the kitchen. You help him up onto the counter and leave him with a glass of water as you go to fetch the first aid kit. You keep only the essentials at home, usually relying on either Tom’s coach or trainer take care of serious injuries at the gym, but it seems like Tom must’ve legged it before either of them could register the bruising and the minor lacerations on his face.
“I’m sorry,” he says the moment you enter the room again. You glance up, your brows furrowing as you see the expression of guilt laced across his features. “I’m being such a… such a shit boyfriend right now.” The tip of his nose scrunches up as he groans. “I can do this all myself, you don’t need to—”
You reach out and press your hands into his bare knees. “I want to,” you soothe, “I want to help you feel better, Tommy. I love you.” You lean up and kiss him softly. “Plus,” you add, smiling slightly against his mouth, “I think we both know I’m a lot better at this than you.”
Tom tuts his tongue, but he doesn’t move to dispute you. His eyes are sparkling a little brighter now. “Whatever,” he teases, “I know you really just want to get your hands all over me.”
You snort. “Damn straight, baby,” you return. You try to distract him with a few further kisses as you soak a ball of cotton wool in some disinfectant. “This might sting a bit,” you warn, and before he can have time to dodge the wool, you gently dab it across his cheek.
Tom winces as you clean the cut on his face, attending to the nasty swipe of knuckles across his cheek. You wonder how intense the fight must’ve become to draw blood and find yourself shuddering at the thought. Usually, you try to be there for his matches, but you’d had plans earlier in the evening. Part of you is glad you’d missed the sight of your boyfriend being served such grisly treatment: you can’t bear the sight of him in pain, hate even now the small whimpers that slip past his lips.
“Y/N,” he whines, his eyes screwed shut, “can I hold your hand?”
You have to catch the endeared chuckle before it slips past your lips. “Of course you can,” you say. You reach down and slip your fingers into his, and Tom exhales at the contact.
“Thank you.”
It’s slower work with one of your hands out of action, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Tom’s grip on your fingers waxes and wanes as you clean up the rest of him, indicating when you need to go faster, go slower.
It doesn’t take long before he’s distracting himself by fluttering his lips across your knuckles, his warm mouth bouncing over your skin as he kisses your hand over and over again. Despite having his eyes shut, Tom doesn’t hesitate to tell you how lovely he thinks you are. He repeatedly says how much he loves you and loves spending time with you, how you’d been the only thing on his mind during his match. He flatters you until you’re beaming, heaps on more words of praise even as you try to rebuke him. He seems to cheer up the longer he sits with your hands clasped together.
“You,” you whisper, “are such a flirt, Tom.” You finish off your work by pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “I’m finished, by the way.”
Tom opens his eyes. They’re slightly watery, but they lighten as they meet with yours. “Thank you,” he releases. He takes your other hand in his.
“You’re gonna be stiff,” you warn, “maybe a bath might help?”
Tom raises an eyebrow. “Are you volunteering to keep me company?” he asks, throwing out a lopsided grin. “Because I’m— I’m so weak, darling.” He feigns a cough. “I might slip if you let me go alone.”
Your smile drifts into a smirk as you help him down from the counter. Tom immediately falls into your side, and you wrap an arm around his figure to help him.
“Well, I can’t be having that,” you say, “I’m pretty fond of you, y’know?”
Tom presses his lips against your forehead. “I’m quite fond of you too, darling,” he says. He kisses you again, this time landing his mouth on yours. “Thank you for being the best partner I could ever ask for.” He pauses and squeezes your waist. “I love you.”
You return the affection by drawing a hand through his hair, your fingertips slipping across his gentle curls. “I love you too,” you whisper. You pause for just a moment to marvel at how warm he feels as he leans up against you. “C’mon,” you coax, “let’s go have a bath.”
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ratcatcher0325 · 2 years
Nobody’s Fool (Chapter #30)
Chapter #30. Who are these strange visitors that crash the band’s rehearsal??
Previous: Chapter #29
Next: Chapter #31
CW: Adult language, dehumanization
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you! ________________________________________
Chapter #30: Table’s all Set 
Word Count: 1271 Read Time: Approx. 10 mins
[Penn’s POV]
We ran through sound check. The venue was stunning, the acoustics perfect. It was incredible to me how much had changed in such a short amount of time. I had learned so much about the gear, how to get the settings just right, all from Travis. I’d said it before and it bore repeating: Thank god for Travis. He had been such an incredible support to me these last few weeks. He felt like a brother to me. It was amazing that after a few months of this life, I could say that wholeheartedly about a bear of a human being. I loved that someone so muscular, imposing, and intimidating in stature could be so sensitive and gentle with someone like me.
We played and while the music rang in all our ears, I didn’t have to push myself to crack a smile. I loved making music. I shuddered to think what I would do without it. As the final strum of one of my new songs buzzed in the air, we heard applause. It sounded like three or four people from a distance away in the audience. We all exchanged glances with each other wondering if any of us had an idea of who they were. Our collective stares of confusion confirmed that all four of us were blindsided.
Travis shaded his eyes from the bright lights of the stage, “Uh, how can we help you?” I peered through the hazy light threatening to blind me. They were hard to make out but I could see three figures. Two sporting white hair, one tall and gangly, the other rotund. They flanked a third… familiar… Sam. Fuck me.
Sam was smiling, having just finished applauding. “Very good work gentlemen… and lady! Penn-“ I gritted my teeth hearing my name come out of his mouth, “I know we didn’t get off to the best start… so I thought I’d make it up to you.” What the fuck was he talking about? I deprived him of the satisfaction of a response. He cleared his throat. He was doing that performance thing I had seen him do with Eveline. It was sappy, sweet and wholly disingenuous, “Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to my friends here: This is Mr. Michael Castro—“ the tall one, “and this, is Mr. Jonathan Finley.” The portly one. “They are close clients of mine and just so happen to be in the music industry. I don’t want to speak for them, but they are possibly interested in partnering with you. Not to flatter these fine gentlemen too much, but let’s just say their record label is internationally renowned.” Our ears admittedly pricked at this, despite the messenger. “Anyway, they got us reservations downtown and thought we could all get to know one another, before the show.” Honey sweet smile, “Oh! And don’t worry, Penn. I called ahead… they’ll have a little table for you too…” the men chuckled at this. My face burned as my fists clenched.
I saw clearly what Sam’s motivation was. If he could secure a deal for us that would put us at a different level, there would be no need for Eveline to tag along and help. She’d be free and clear to come back home with him, while he pushed us further apart. He would hasten our success if it meant he didn’t have to share her with us. Plus, if we signed a deal, signed contracts, it would be much more difficult for Eveline to just decide she wanted to join the group.
We exchanged glances with each other. What was the harm in hearing them out? If they could help us achieve greater success, we could at least entertain their offer and negotiate the kinks involving Eveline later. If she even wanted that.
So, I soon found myself perched in Travis’ jacket pocket as we clamored into a slick, all-black, hired car. I wondered where Eveline was and if she’d be joining the meeting. Would she be seated next to him? Would they kiss? Hold hands? All right in front me as though I was nothing more than a table decoration with a heartbeat? I clenched my jaw, I supposed to some people I probably was just that.
As we were shown to our table, the vast, suave room filled with humans seated, drinking, eating, laughing politely, around crisp, white tablecloths, heads of tropical African beasts adorning the walls, seemed to fade away from view, replaced by the exclusivity of our private dining room. The walls were dark, with the copper glow of Edison light bulbs igniting the white landscape of the impeccable table in a warm, hazy glow. The table was adorned with glittering silver utensils, bright white porcelain dishes, flickering candles encased in glass and, as promised, a table of my own.
It’s miniature size looking quite laughable compared to the original furniture it was made to copy. It was a precise replica, with the same white tablecloth, silverware, and dishes, no candles though. Adrenaline rushed through my spine as my head felt unbearably hot. This was a highly precarious situation and I was the one under the microscope. These wealthy men who were courting us with this meal were clearly testing me to see what a pet could manage in the world of high society humanity. The idea of signing a record deal with someone who, traditionally, existed as only property himself had never been done.
Would this be a wise investment? Would this new fad of a five inch tall musician usher in a brand new era of entertainment or would he fade from the headlines as some funny little experiment? I may not have had much experience in the music industry or understand the inner workings of business, but I knew humans. I knew all too well how their minds worked when it came to pets. Would they be giving a little nothing too much power? Or would I be the perfect, unexpected, marketing tool?
That’s what this outing was for. I had to proceed with extreme caution. The last thing I wanted was to ruin an incredible opportunity for my friends who had worked extremely hard for this their whole lives. They deserved this. But I was the strange new unkown. The burden rested squarely on my, admittedly, tiny shoulders. What could the little pet take? Was he big enough to be the face of a well-funded music group? I shuddered. I didn’t know. I was scared. Please don’t let me embarrass any of them.
I was placed on the sprawling table, before the two business men. Eveline had appeared along with Sam, his arm resting lightly about her waist. She looked tense. Even in spite of everything, regardless of my anger, in the face of this dangerous new entity, these executives, I wanted nothing more than to crawl and hide amidst the protective cage of her soft, warm fingers. I swallowed. No time to be a coward now. I had to impress them if I ever wanted to be seen as more than what they saw before them.
The tall man, Mr. Castro, sat at the head of the table, Mr. Finley to his right. Sam to his left. My patronizing little set up was no further than an easy reach past the salt and pepper shakers for him. He could pound his fist on the table and clatter the miniature porcelain and silver with ease. I was truly caged in. My heart pounded a mile a minute. This was the last place in the world I wanted to be.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
Hi! congrats for your 100- 200 followers!! 🎉🎉🎉
Also Can i have your match up events please?
Im a (akward) quiet and shy person at first, im very bad communicating/interacting with people cuz i have a bad anxiety issues but atleast i try/want to talk people if i want to. ( i also have a trust issues i too, dont trust people so easily).
People didn't really know that im a bit energetic and soft person when it comes to my loved ones or friends, unless if open up to someone who are im comfortable or trusted, but still shy.
Im also a affectionate person or touch starved person i like giving my friends, family some hugs and head patting, when it comes to my partner / s/o i give them hugs or kisses without hesitation, if they are uncomfortable imma avoid being a clingy person and respect their personal space.
I have a short-temper i can pissed so easily and is trying my best to control myself, if i hurt people's feelings i'll apologise them immediately if im calm.
My friends commented me like im sort of mother/sister figure in our group, the way i act i didn't quite realized my behaviour the way i treat my friends or my little cousins.
I'm very insecure person, i been compared with someone who is smart, pretty or optimistic than i am because i dont have one of those, it makes me think i wasn't enough.
The way i act is boyish, but im bit act like a girl like im very shy, embarrased or flustered compare to the girls who acts girly.
I have a black short hair, Brown eyes, fair light skin, my height is 5'8" and im a bit chubby. my clothing style is like gurenge the way i wear is boyish type with a dark color, sometimes i wear a bit girls clothes and cute clothes if i want to and i wore a glasses, i used it sometimes if i can't see a far.
Interest: Reading Manga/Manhwa, watching anime, drawing/drawing fanarts, babysitting, playing piano, listening music.
Reacting: If someone interested or liking me, in romantically. i might get flattered, happy and shy, also scared. scared that i wasn't enough or they just playing or making fun of my feelings.
If you're making my request just wanted to say thank you! also congrats!! 🎉
↛ ❀ Match up; @moon-cakiie
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I match you with Azul Ashengrotto
He views you as someone very light hearted, but you didn’t trust him at all. He’s a business person so he’s good at socializing, in a professional way not in a normal way. You’re more stand off ish but tries to talk with him. It was cute how you struggled to find a topic but you seem really kind. Even after you two get close and Azul drops the business man persona, you’re still shy but more open. By more open, you express your angry around him. He can relate with your insecurities, he was always different than everyone else and he had to push himself to become who he is today. You some what remind him of himself back then.
He noted how much more affectionate you got after a few weeks of talking. The first instance was you greeting him with a hug. He completely froze up in confusion. You backed away quickly and kept away from him but he couldn’t deny it was nice to be hugged.
He thinks you’re absolutely stunning and yet he’s doesn’t say anything. He holds himself back, it would be out of character for him to compliment you despite the knawing urge to tell you how stunning you are.
He’s confused with his feelings at first. He’s obvious about the favoritism towards you and often instead of scolding you, he just kindly directs you in the right direction. He refuses the idea of it being love! He has no time for that nor does it benefit him or his business. It takes a few pushes from the twins to make him understand that he really does like you.
He tries to be subtle that he likes you but you didn’t seem to take the hint. He tried to be head strong about it though you shrunk back. Then, you asked him if he was serious. It kind of broke him as he explained he’s completely genuine.
Azul never really had anyone that could just give off the soft aura you have.
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lost-khione · 2 years
Ugly Insecurities
Aki x OC (Sae), School AU, Platonic
[Edited: I didn't think of putting a note that this is a platonic relationship]
I have a new OC!
And as usual I don't have a physical description for her but I'll write about her :3
So I have Cel who's hopelessly in love with Gin, and now I have Sae who very much relates to Aki. Sidenote: these OCs are fictional versions of my friends that I imagined.
To my friend, Sae, I hope I managed to write it to your liking ( 〃▽〃)
Summary: Aki is this smart kid at school. Sae is just your average girl. The two of them have been friends for a long time but Sae feels insecure about Aki.
Word count: 2716 words
I can feel the spring in my step as I walk towards my classroom. I’m excited to meet Aki today! I managed to unlock new achievements last night. I don’t even care about the bags under my eyes. I did stay up pretty late last night playing that online game that’s got me addicted these days. 
It has already been a month since I started playing this game and I’ve been telling Aki about my progress since then. He doesn’t play the game but he listens to me attentively. He might look like he doesn’t give a damn but the comments he gives gives away how much he takes note of every detail I say.
I feel my steps slow down as I remembered what I wanted to talk to Aki about aside from that new unlocked task. My palm starts to sweat. I reached the point in the game that requires me to finish a task with a partner. I tried to find someone interested to play with me on the online community but alas, it seems that the universe wanted me to sleep already.
I’m not that good at talking to strangers online anyway. This game’s not even popular at school so I don’t even know anyone who plays it. The question that’s on repeat in my head is how I could convince Aki to play with me.
It’s lunchtime. Aki and I always eat lunch together despite being in different classes. It’s pretty surprising that he still hangs out with me despite grumbling that he only does so just because our family are friends. We used to live pretty close to each other until they moved to the next town. Still, we go to the same high school. I found him sitting on the grass of the school garden. We usually sit on the grass on sunny days and today is one of those days.
I sit across from him and we start eating eventually. I am hyper aware of the sound of our utensils as we eat. Aki was the one who broke the silence first.
“Well, aren’t you quiet today. Won’t you tell me about that game you’re playing today?” Aki asks in his usual sarcastic tone.
I visibly gulp what I am chewing and try to stammer out something, “Ummm.. You know..”
“What happened? Just spit it out. After bugging me to listen to you every day, I don’t think now’s the time to feel embarrassed about it.”
I steel my nerves and explain slowly, “Actually, I unlocked a new achievement last night.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And what did you unlock now?”
“I achieved level 50 and now I have access to cooperative tasks.”
“I see. Don’t tell me you’re gonna ask me to play so you have a buddy for these ‘cooperative tasks’?”
I sigh in relief at having been unburdened of the need to ask him since he figured it out himself. “You’re a genius! You always know what I had in mind.”
He sighs audibly at my reaction and says, “I told you before that I don’t have to be a genius to figure you out. Your face says it all. You’re just too easy to read.”
“Ehhhhh. But I think you’re a genius for knowing me best.” I grin at him and he looks really annoyed. “And even if you might not be able to understand me that easily, you’re still a genius. You always get top marks and all that.”
“Flattering me won’t mean I’ll play with you. And as I’ve also told you before, you don’t have to be impressed by my top marks. Anybody can do that if they study hard enough.”
My hand stops short of putting the spoon in my mouth and I let myself whisper, “But I still can’t do it even if I try.”
“What did you say?” His words snap me back to reality.
Did he hear what I said…? I think to myself.
“I said, you can request one thing from me if you play with me!”
Oops. It is not my intention to raise my voice at him like that. I add to diffuse the tension, “You can at least play with me until I found someone willing to co-op. You know I kinda suck at talking to people online. And I’m serious about granting you one request.”
“Fine, stop giving me that face. Give me time to think over what I’ll ask of you.”
“Just let me know whenever. And it should be within my abilities at least”
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to buy me anything,” he says teasingly.
As we pack up our lunchboxes and get ready to go back, I remember something important.
“Aki, tell me when you’re free so I can at least teach you the ropes.”
He stops to think for a moment and responds, “Let’s do it this weekend.”
“Got it! I’m looking forward to it!”
Weekend. We met up on the game platform. Obviously, he is still level 1. He is slowly getting the hang of it.
Pfffftt, I can’t help finding it funny that he stumbled over a tiny enemy. I quickly put a hand over my mouth.
“What? You sound like you wanted to say something.”
His voice sounds clear on the headset I’m wearing.
“Nothing. Did you get it?”
“My weapon accuracy is bad.”
God, he’s so cute. I can imagine him pouting. He’s such a perfectionist. It’s rare for me to find something that I’m actually better at than him.
“Well, yeah. It starts out like that but if you level up and level your weapon, it would get better,” I say as I used my weapon to hit our target. “Why do I feel like I’ll find a co-op task partner sooner than you could reach level 50?” I tease him.
“I’m still warming up. I’m a genius, aren’t I?”
“I thought you don’t like me calling you that.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t call myself that. Besides, I’m pretty sure you only said that to butter up to me.”
“When did I butter you up? You know how much I looked up to you.”
“Don’t sulk. I’ll catch up to your level soon. Just you wait.”
How did he know I’m sulking? Sometimes I hate how he sees through me even though he can’t really see me right now.
“Hey, how do you do this..?” His voice puts a halt to my swirling thoughts as he asks me about the things he doesn’t understand. We continue playing together as I explain how the game’s world works.
Two weeks later. He’s caught up to me. We already started doing those co-op tasks. But I feel cheated. 
How can he reach that level in two weeks when it took me a month? He really is a genius, huh.I guess it’s just the way of the world.
We finished eating without saying a word. We’re just sitting on the grass and I’m absently looking at the garden.
“Hey, you’re awfully quiet today. I thought you’d be really excited to unlock more tasks now that we started working on those low-level ones.”
I can feel him staring at me. I keep my eyes fixed at some middle distance.
“Hey, why do you look upset? I thought you wanted me to play with you.”
Why am I so pissed at him? 
He is right though. I’m the one who bugged him to play with me but now that he is I’m pissed.
“I think I’m jealous of you,” I say quietly, still not meeting his eyes. 
“To be honest, I thought you sucked when I was teaching you at first. But then you're suddenly so good after a while. I thought I found something that I’m better than you. You know, you’ve always been a genius in my eyes. But sometimes, like now, it bugs me.”
My voice was shaking a bit when I blurted out that last part. I can feel my eyes start to water.
“That you’re not like me?”
I look at him. Our eyes meet. I can’t help the single tear that is sliding down my cheek.
“You know what, Sae. You’re you and I’m me. You have your own strengths,” he says in a serious tone but I feel like it’s a vain attempt to comfort me.
I can’t stop myself anymore. I need to get these out of my chest. I breathe in in an attempt to steady myself and reply, “Sometimes, I really wonder why you still kept hanging out with me. I mean, you’re a top student. You’re good at almost everything. I’m just an average person. I even wonder if I deserve to be your friend, since you always say you only hang out with me just because of our close families.” I look down again to hide my tears. I don’t want to say all of these ugly thoughts in front of him, but I can’t seem to stop today. My tears started coming as I said my piece. I’m just sniveling in front of him now. 
I hear him heave a big sigh.
“Ouch! Why did you flick my forehead?” I look up at him with an accusing gaze, not minding my tear-streaked face anymore. He might have just called me an idiot but his voice sounded gentle with a hint of frustration. Knowing him, he didn’t mean that little insult he threw at me. But now that I’m looking at him, his eyes look like he’s hesitating to say something.
He sighs loudly. He moves closer and rubs my back as I touch my forehead. “I knew that you’ve always been insecure about being compared to me. You finally let it out.”
“Huh? You knew?” I can’t hide the surprise in my voice. I knew that he could read me but am I really being too obvious about that?
He takes out a handkerchief and offers it to me before he answers, “I told you before, didn’t I? Your face is easy to read. I hang out with you because I like your company. Why do you think I still keep hanging around you after all these years?”
He looks at me like he’s a bit hurt. Like he’s expecting me to know.
“H-how should I know? I thought you’re only doing that because you think of me as a family friend!”
He keeps rubbing my back just like how he comforted me when we were kids. My tears have already stopped. I think it was because of the shock of his confession.
He sighs again. “I wouldn’t even hang out with you if I don’t like you. Besides, I’m only good at that game because you kept on telling me stories about it before you asked me to play with you.”
“Don’t you ‘huh’ me. Did you already forget how much you talked my ear off each day? I might have looked bad at first because I was unfamiliar with all the buttons and everything. Luckily, I have a good memory and slowly connected the things you’ve been telling me before to the actual game.”
“So you mean you actually liked hanging out with me? I thought you were always bored with me,” I reply in disbelief as I wipe my tears. I understand his point about how he quickly got used to the game but telling me that he liked my company is unexpected. I really thought that he’s just not that social and since we knew each other, he only tolerated me. And well, I’m not that social myself so we kinda just stuck with each other all this time.
“You’re still stuck at that, huh,” he says looking like he can’t believe that my stupid brain can’t accept it right away.
He sighs again. It seems like he’s been sighing too much because of our conversation.
It’s like a dam has burst as he explains himself in a slightly trembling voice. “Yes, I like hanging out with you. This is just my default face. My god, did we just meet today? I’ve always been like this. I always listen to you. You’re always bright and eager to try new things. And like I said, all those things you told me about the game before certainly helped.”
Now that I’m actually looking at him, I notice the dark bags under his eyes.
“What are you staring at? Is it that weird? I thought you knew me at least even that much. We’ve been friends for years.” 
He really looked hurt. He doesn’t seem to be bothered by my jealousy but more bothered that I thought he didn’t like me.
“I’m sorry for getting jealous. I didn’t know you thought of me that way.”
I hug him involuntarily and he stiffens. Uhh, this is awkward but it also feels comforting.
I sniff and he tries to pry me away with gentle hands. “Hey, let go of me, you’ll get your snot on me.”
“I’m also sorry for misunderstanding your intentions of hanging out with me. Now that I think about it, I think I went too far and let my emotions get the better of me. I know that even if you look cool and nonchalant, you still care about me.”
“Good. Because I am actually surprised that you looked so clueless earlier. It was like you’ve forgotten all these years that we’re together.” 
He looks relieved after having said that. It seems that he really is bothered when I said that about our friendship. I guess he has the right to look hurt after my accusation that he only stuck with me because of our families.
“Then, let me ask you another thing. Do you stay up late even after I log out to play?”
“What if I do? You were whining about wanting to go do those tasks weren’t you? I figured I had to level up as fast as I can.”
“So that’s it!” I finally connect the dots as to why he leveled up faster than my own progress. 
He always sounds defensive when he says something he doesn’t want me to know. He likes to keep stuff to himself which is why it’s hard for me to understand him at times. He still isn’t so honest, huh. But I guess I’m also the same for keeping those to myself all these years.
“Are you only understanding it now?”
“I’m sorry. I kinda just let loose all my insecurities about you just now.”
I feel ashamed of my earlier outburst. 
“There’s something you can do to make up for it,” he says and looks at me sincerely. Then, he adds, “Will it be okay?”
“Why are you still asking if it’s okay? Of course, it’s okay! I still owe you and you still haven’t told me what you want.”
“Can I come over sometime? Cook for me. You say that I’m always good at everything but aren’t you forgetting how bad I am at cooking? On the other hand, the food you cook at our home economics class is always the best. I really like your cooking.”
I feel my face heating up at the sudden praise. I clear my throat and ask, “Then what do you want me to cook?”
“I love your croquettes.”
I feel like his eyes are sparkling just imagining the croquettes which made me smile.
“That’s all? Oh, I know, I’ll cook you a feast! You can eat dinner with us on Friday. I’ll make sure to prepare your favorite foods and I’ll make you croquettes as you requested. You do know you’re still welcome at home even if we no longer live near each other. Mom and Dad ask about you sometimes.” 
“Do you feel better now? Don’t get jealous about me being a genius anymore. You’re you. Remember that.” He pats my head reassuringly.
I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I finally told him those pent up emotions that I’ve had all these years. I’ve always looked up at him, but like he said, maybe I should appreciate myself more.
“I’ll look forward to this Friday, then.”
I feel that his smile is as bright and as unburdened as mine. (^◡^ )
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efrmellifer · 2 years
Wondrous Tails 2022: Two
Erotica/Discovery/Anonymous (Mature, bordering on Explicit) Etien finds a stash Estinien keeps
Etien entered Estinien’s room, the pile of his clean clothes balanced carefully on one arm so she could push the door open.
She set the garments each in their place in the chest of drawers, layering the shirts one atop the other, settling trousers into the wooden drawer beneath that one.
When she was done with them, she moved to the desk on the other side of the bed, gathering up and sorting letters, notes from Radz-at-Han, leaves of parchment that looked a little more personal. She opened a drawer to place them inside in their discrete bundles, pausing when she saw what rested within.
Art of a woman in a rather suggestive position, the neckline of her dress falling, its hem high up her thigh. Etien would have thought it was someone else, if it had been missing the scar across the bridge of the nose.
But it wasn’t. Faint, but just below level with the corners of the eyes, straight across.
This was a drawing of her.
She lifted it from the drawer with her free hand, looking for a signature. She didn’t know Estinien could draw so well. Then again, she’d never really asked.
Ah, no, this bore a Far Eastern name in its corner. She tipped her head, ears swiveling back as the floorboards creaked behind her.
“What do you have there?”
She turned. “I could ask you the same, Estinien.” There was mirth in her voice as she held the drawing up.
Estinien blushed to the tips of his ears. “I hadn’t intended those to be seen by anyone. Other than myself, I suppose.”
She sat down on his bed, patting the mattress to ask him to sit with her. “I’m not upset, I promise you. Just curious.”
“it started when I was in Kugane. While you were on the First. I was in the Shiokaze Hostelry when an artist sat down beside me, working on… well, that.”
She hummed. “I see.”
“I asked him if I could buy it when he was done, and I suppose he told his friends, because I’ve found artists in a few places now willing and eager to sell me their depictions of you.” He sighed. “I know we were not yet partnered to each other when I bought the first one, so I understand if you’re—”
“There’s no use being anything but flattered. I’m glad they made it into your hands, where they’re safe.” After a beat, she laughed. “Wait, I have a silly question.”
He raised his eyebrows, waiting for it.
“...do you think Krile knows?”
“I fervently hope she does not.”
Another little chuckle. Leaning forward, Etien scooped the rest of the artwork out of the drawer. “So, tell me about each.”
“I was told this one was designed to be printed on a long pillowcase, but I didn’t take the woman who drew it up on her offer to have someone do that printing for me.” He set it aside. “This is one of the ones I requested anonymously—well, through correspondence and under a pseudonym, at least. I figured if they didn’t have to look me in the eyes, and didn’t know my name, they might allow themselves a little more freedom.” He set that one aside too, shifting in some aroused discomfort as the next one was uncovered. “And as you can see, they certainly did.”
This one was far more explicit than the first few pinup types had been. Etien’s tail in the picture disappeared off the edge of the page, as if wrapped around the person whose point of view it was drawn in.
Estinien shifted on the bed again, then cleared his throat before speaking. “When I see these, I’m made aware how unfair this is. That this is all fantasizing onto parchment for them, and I’m,” he snorted a little bit, “reaping the benefits of it and getting to call you mine.”
“Well, you earned that right,” she replied. She blinked slowly. “What makes you realize that?”
“You’re drawn too perfect.”
Etien’s eyebrows knit.
For a second, Estinien scrambled for words, but then just pointed to the art. “They’re missing the scar across your back. They wouldn’t know about it, certainly, but some part of me always wonders if they would ignore it if they did know.”
“Oh.” She leafed through the rest of the pile. “Do you have a favorite?”
Estinien’s cheeks took on more color again. “There is one from Radz-at-Han…” he shifted the pages around, pulling out one that was much bigger than the others, folded into quarters to fit in the pile.
When he unfolded it, Etien gasped.
“It is still speculation on the artist’s part, but it feels the most authentic.”
It was also one of the more tasteful ones—a nude, but one where the focus was not on her bare breasts, or drawing attention to how the curl of her tail around her body censored the rest of her. Her gaze was lifted as if drawn to another figure, pleased, interested.
“That is how I picture you in my mind,” Estinien piped up when the silence had stretched on a bit. “I like to imagine this is you looking up when Aymeric enters the room, perhaps, turning your attention from me to him for a moment, the same love in your eyes. And the love makes it. Even without all your scars and the spots only we would know of on you, the love is what makes this one you.”
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Shooting Stars (Childe x Fem!Reader)
note: honestly, no one asked for this. this is obviously self-indulgent, but god FUCK do i love that ginger fatui man so much.
word count: 2.6k
"Careful now."
Childe's voice was calming, much like the gust of wind that blew past your hair. You saw his hand in front of you and you gladly grasped it, heart racing at the idea of falling to your death. The wind was calm and the air was refreshing, but there was nothing light about the pit in your stomach screaming at you to just carefully glide back down to the foot of the mountain you two were climbing.
"You aren't going to die, dear." He laughed, amused at the sight of your face.
"And what if I do? Childe, this isn't funny!" Your knees were planted firmly on one of the floating rocks just above Qingyun Peak. You grimaced at how the moss scraped against your bare knees, but you felt paralyzed with fear at the thought of falling because you knew better than to trust your clumsy nature.
"I'm not letting you fall. Trust me!" The genuine concern and reassurance in his voice was masked with his charming playfulness, and you couldn't help but sigh and stand up to follow him up to the floating island up ahead.
Childe requested to occupy your entire day earlier that morning, saying something about him showing you a beautiful sight that's sure to take your breath away. You agreed, entertaining his idea of a beautiful sight. After sparring with him in the golden house, eating a sumptuous lunch at Wanmin Restaurant, then sparring with him again, you two headed over to Qingyun Peak. The sun was about to set, and your eyes were mesmerized by how the purple hues above your head covered the entirety of Liyue.
The golden hour was nearly over, and here you were, scared out of your mind, with Childe leading you up a path of floating rock chunks that you were sure would collapse if two of you stepped on one at the same time. However, much to your surprise, they didn't.
"I've got you, okay?" Your companion's voice rang in your ears, and you didn't notice that he stepped down from his current platform to take his rightful place beside you. His right hand was still holding yours, and he used his free hand to rub gentle circles on your lower back to comfort you. You breathed in his scent- a mix of dried sweat and blood with a hint of his perfume clinging to the fabric of his collar. It was a familiar scent, something that soothed you despite being thousands of feet in the air with no stable architecture to calm your nerves. You just had to trust that the Adepti architectures knew what they were doing when they built this pavilion.
"Okay," You whispered to him.
Surprisingly, the climb was easier than you initially expected. It did help that Childe was almost carrying you the rest of the way, but leaning into him was inevitable and unavoidable. It wasn't because you wanted to be buried deeper into his chest while he held you close to the point that the exposed skin on your lower back was starting to burn because his clothed fingers were just lingering there. No, definitely not that. You were simply prioritizing your safety.
"See? It wasn't that hard, right?"
"You could have told me that we'd be heading to the pavilion. I could have mentally prepared myself for the climb."
"Mentally prepare? I'm quite sure that clinging onto me the whole time put you at ease, hm?" You wanted to wipe the smug grin off his pretty face.
"Shut up before I make you, fatui."
He let out a hearty laugh, throwing his head back and clutching his sides.
"You're honestly too adorable for your own good." He stepped closer and moved the hair out of your face as you felt another strong breeze blow by.
"I said shut it!" You felt a rush of heat spread across your cheeks as his eyes scanned your flustered figure.
"Here, take a seat." He motioned to the stone seat facing the sunset. "I did tell you that I'd show you a beautiful sight tonight."
"I trust your taste, so it better be worth it."
"When have I ever lied to you?"
You shot him a look. As you were about to open your mouth to speak, he quickly interjected with a defeated sigh.
"Don't even answer that." You could only chuckle as he sat down beside you, inching closer and closer until your shoulders were brushing against each other. This wasn't really the first time that you and him have been this close with each other.
You and Childe have a... complex relationship, simply put. It's not like you were dating, but the way he treated you- with respect, with care, with love; You wanted to melt in his arms as easily as you could fight him with your sword. You weren't really sure if Childe had romantic feelings for you because he never really talked about it, but you could only go off on his actions, and they directed to the one conclusion that he did have feelings for you.
However, as your former partner in research, Albedo, once said, "Do not assume unless stated otherwise. Logic and officiality back facts as much as they debunk assumptions." In reality, it was so easy to understand. Theoretically, it was easier. However, now that you were there in that position where all signs pointed to Childe having romantic feelings for you, you didn't know what to believe in.
Did you want to trust your gut instinct, or did you want to wait until Childe made it official and clear? It was a mindboggling situation for you because you also found yourself enamored by him.
Why... Why were you even enamored in the first place?
Maybe it was because you adored how he talked about his family. You could just listen to him for hours on end as he fondly tells you the tales of his adventures with Tonia, Anthon, and Teucer. It was the way that his deep cerulean eyes lit up whenever you asked about short anecdotes about his family that he could comfortably share with you. He adored his family so much that it made you feel... jealous. Aether was your only family, and you were still on the pursuit to finding him, so you were envious of how Childe could still visit his family back in Snezhnaya if he wanted to. You? You weren't even sure if your brother was still in Teyvat.
Maybe it was how he always tended to your wounds after each time you sparred. Although Childe claims that he's nothing more than a bloodthirsty hound who wishes for nothing but power and glory, he really can't stand seeing you with an open wound or a bleeding nose. While Childe is primarily the reason behind your injuries, he'd also be the first to bring you gauzes, band-aids, and medicine from Bubu Pharmacy. You'd always be touched since he tends to you first before he paid any mind to the bruises and cuts that adorned his skin.
"Your health is my priority, comrade. After all. who else could match my skills in combat if not you? That's why you better take care of yourself, or better yet, allow me to take care of you instead." His words echoed in your head, and you blushed, realizing the possible implications of his statement.
Maybe it was his surprisingly sharp memory. Though Childe could never compare to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's Consultant, Zhongli, he would often shock you at how he remembered things so well- especially when it came to you. One time, for your birthday, he bought you a necklace with your birthstone as the main gem adorning the fabric. You only ever mentioned your birthday once, and it was at an awkward moment during Hu Tao's birthday celebration, that's why you didn't think Childe would remember it at all.
"I pay attention to you more than you think, dear. I also happen to store things in my memory bank if they're that important to me." You remembered how he laughed as he insisted on putting the necklace on for you. Your hand instinctively latched on to the beautiful gem resting on your chest.
Maybe it was the way he called for your name. Whether he said your name in a battle cry, as a greeting, or in the middle of him teasing you, you were absolutely intoxicated with the way that your name rolled off his tongue. The way the syllables just always seemed so right when it was Childe who spoke them. Often, he would call you comrade, dear, or another endearing nickname he managed to create on the fly. However, when he spoke your name, it was always magical for you.
"Happy birthday, dear _____. I hope you enjoy this present!"
"It seems as though you've defeated me today. No matter, _____. I'm sure I'll triumph over you tomorrow."
"You look lovely as always, _____. Want to spar with me?"
You were snapped out of your little daze. Your name being called over and over again wasn't just a hallucination caused by your infatuation with the eleventh harbinger. He was actually calling for you.
"Hey, _____? Are you feeling okay?" You blinked a few times before you realized that his blue eyes were practically puncturing your own. They were glazed over with concern, a sign that he had been calling you for a while now.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry!" You jolted, straightening your posture. "I was just fascinated by the sky, is all. I didn't mean to startle you."
"The sky, you say? Were you really thinking of the sky? Perhaps you were thinking about me instead?" His tone was teasing, a little more relaxed now that he knew you weren't feeling ill.
"The sunset was lovely. Although I see it everyday in Liyue Harbor, viewing it from up here in the pavilion is truly sensational. Thank you, Childe." You spoke, ignoring his attempt at riling you up. Of course, you were also ignoring the fact that he hit the nail right on the head with his guess.
"You didn't deny it, girlie." His voice was like a melody in your ears, a sweet harmony that made you feel elated. Anyway, why would you deny it? You were a woman of principle, which means you detested lying. It doesn't count as lying if you neither confirmed nor denied his guess, right? Right, keep telling yourself that.
"Don't flatter yourself." Your curt reply was met by another laugh.
"It should be anytime now," His words met the wind and your unknowing ears.
"What is?"
"Let's just wait for a few moments. I took you up here to see something more than just the sunset, after all." He gave you a wink, to which you just huffed and turned your crimson face.
A few moments passed, and Childe was already bouncing his leg up and down; Something you knew he only did when he was anxious or frustrated about something.
"Is something the matter?" You asked, watching his face grimace.
"Ah, perhaps my predictions were wrong." He stood up to stretch. "We were supposed to see something more than just the sunset, but perhaps Celestia just didn't want our little date to go as smoothly as I initially planned."
Hang on.
This was a date?
Your heart was racing and your mind began to fill itself with unanswered questions, but Childe knew better than to keep you waiting more than you already were.
"Hey, darling?" Your stomach dropped at the use of this nickname. "Do me a favor. Focus on the sky and don't look away until I say so."
You gave him a nod, unable to form the words that would suffice as a comprehensible sentence. He had you tongue-tied with just a simple nickname.
He walked away from where you were seated, just a few paces to your right and a couple of steps back. He was far enough to the point where you couldn't see him in your peripheral, but close enough for you to hear the jiggling of the adornments and chains on his clothes. You knew that sound even if it came from a mile away. You had it memorized by heart because of how many times you heard it before your sparring sessions began.
He took out his bow and was aiming to shoot an arrow.
Admittedly, there was a little voice at the back of your mind warning you about the potential danger just a couple of feet away from you. However, you decided to fight against it, knowing that the "potential danger" was just Childe. He'd never hurt you, right?
Despite the trust that you put in the ginger, you still closed your eyes as you heard him release the string of his bow. The quiet whizz of the arrow flew by your head, and when you realized that he wasn't shooting at you, you carefully opened your eyes to see a bright blue arrow shooting across the sky.
Your mouth went agape at the consecutive hydro-infused arrows flying across the velvet sky bedazzled with stars. The moon's glow illuminated the scenery, which made the setting all the more romantic and intimate. The vibrant hues of green and blue mixed with each other in the sky, creating an aurora borealis.
You were marveling at the number of arrows crossing the sky.
They were like shooting stars, except... they reminded you of Childe.
Though you knew they were only faux shooting stars, you closed your eyes.
"Archons, if you could be so kind, please allow me to be with him." You whispered to yourself.
You then opened your eyes to see the last arrow slowly fading away from your vision, and the hydro vision holder you loved so much sheepishly standing in front of you.
"I thought that the shooting stars would be visible tonight, that's why I asked you to come with me up here. Turns out my predictions were wrong. Maybe Scaramouche was right about the stars being a lie." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You giggled and looked at him, signaling to continue what he had to say.
"Although they were fake, I hope you liked them. I brought you here so that we could wish on the shooting stars together." His face was growing red, and you wanted to run up and hug him, if only your pride would stop getting the best of you.
"I loved them, Childe. Thank you for asking me out here today." You stood up and gave his hair a light ruffle, laughing at how he mocked you for doing so.
"So, what did you wish for?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to you.
"W-Well, uh," You began to stumble on your words, which caused you to involuntarily take a step back. With each step you took, Childe did too.
He managed to back you up against the pillar in the middle of the pavilion, and was enjoying the face you made as he trapped you between his arms.
"F-For good health! Yes, good health!" Yes, lying was against your principles, but you couldn't just say straight to his face that you wished for a relationship with him now, could you?
"Good for you then. You wanna know what I wished for?" His face came extremely close to yours, and you could feel his breath on your cheek.
"Wh-What is it?"
Your eyes once again met his deep blue orbs and they softened when he was staring straight into your soul.
"Can I kiss you?"
You gave a light nod, and he finally closed the gap between your lips.
Albedo was wrong.
You can definitely believe an assumption if the signs were obvious enough.
"You totally wished for us to be together right?!"
"Oh, for the love of the Tsaritsa, please shut up!"
"You totally did!"
"I am seriously going to push you off."
"You're so mean, girlie!"
In the name of Kimura Ryohei being the VA of Childe and Kise from Kuroko no Basket
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