the-goya-jerker · 2 days
Can we hear how you feel about Homage to the Square it's the painting that makes me feel SOME KINDA emotion
I do genuinely think Josef Albers "went off" with his Homage to the Square series.
Pictured below are four of the examples of these works:
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As some of you can probably guess from my Goya Reviews, I have a personal fixation on goopy, melting, amorphous figures. But in this case I really enjoy the uniformity and the control.
Usually uniform, geometric, control is rather dull to me. But Albers brought it to an extreme with these paintings. Each had the same number of coats of primer, the same type of canvas, he even carefully controlled the lighting. That level of sheer control combines with the sharp edges of each square in a way that loops back around to being pretty erotic on it's own. I think heightened control or extreme loss of it both carry an erotic element.
I also think this pairs well with the rawness of how he painted these. They were painted on rough canvas, with a palette knife and unmixed paint directly from the tube. That's pretty rough and raw feeling, and it contrasts with the control behind them in a fascinating way.
I definitely also feel some kind of way about these paintings. The devotion to uniformity, to his process, to creating so many paintings that are so similar. Devotion definitely holds some romance and eroticism too, just look at our cultural fascination with courtly love!
Overall my favorite are the ones with warm tones, the ones with just yellow. But my absolute favorite is this one:
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The high contrast just adds to the contrast that exists in how it was made. I love the warm glow of it that juxtaposes itself against the teal.
I'd give this one a 10/10 for jerking it to, personally. The collection as a whole also gets a 10/10.
Individually the lowest I'd give is a 6/10 to Homage to the Square: Ascending. It reminds me too much of a sunny side up egg in a pixel art game and it makes me giggle a little.
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the-catboy-minyan · 2 months
when people say "death to america" do you assume they mean kill every non-native in the united states? Or do you suddenly understand the concept being communicated then?
you know what, does does give more context to why people think calling for the death of Israel is okay. now, I can explain why that's still a fucked upthing to say:
1) most people who say "death to America" are Americans, there's a massive difference between calling for the death of your own country as a privileged citizen of that country, calling for its death as a discriminated citizen of that country, and for calling for the death of a country you never even set foot in.
the best comparison I can come up with is: you will call your sibling a bitch when they're acting rude to you or others, but you'll be hella upset if a stranger decides to swear at your sibling.
the stranger is making assumptions on your sibling's character based on one or a few negative interactions, and have no idea what they're really like as a person.
you (most likely) have known your sibling since you/they were born. you have a clear image of who they are in your head based on many different interactions. when you curse them after they acted out, you're calling them out on their behavior while being emotional. your sibling will most likely recognize that, and while they may get offended and hurt (depends on your relationship), they're not going to assume you have bad intentions at heart.
while a country isn't a person, its citizens are, most Americans will recognize the intention behind other Americans saying "death to America", but you can't assume Israelis will read "death to Israel" with the same mindset, especially when it's not said hy one of their own. ESPECIALLY when most of them have a history of being persecuted for their identity as Jews (saying most since not all Israelis are Jewish and I can't speak for others), and when there are people alive at this moment calling for the actual death of all Israelis.
2) there's a massive difference between American and Israeli history. I'm not an expert in history, so I can't reliably give examples, but for startes Jews are native to Israel while Americans were originally European colonizers.
you're looking at Israeli history from an American lense, and making comparisons between events that have wildly different historical contexts. American culture is extremely black and white and heavily influenced by christianity, you're interpreting the conflict as "evil white colonizers (like those first European colonizers)" versus "helpless indigenous noble savages (like those Native Americans)", this is just not the reality of the conflict.
3) if the message is being read as a call for genocide by Jews, there's a high chance that means their cultural history is giving the sentence context that you don't understand.
people are telling you "the thing you're saying has negative implications", and your response is "but I meant it THAT way, you meed to see it from MY perspective". I'd suggest taking a step back and see it from their perspective.
anyways 6/10, thanks for the context, still a call for genocide.
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thevideodungeon · 6 months
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Rats: Night of Terror (1984)
A movie in the criminally-underserved microgenre of post-apocalyptic horror. A gang of leather-clad motorcycle-riding scavengers find a facility full of food and water... and killer rats! Neither the setting nor the concept is particularly unique, but putting them together makes for something more fun than its component parts. The story and effects aren't always the best, but that's just part of the fun. However, you do get the impression that some animals were definitely harmed in the making of this film.
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mychemical-brainrot · 2 months
oh boy do i have one for you, right in the middle of 2020 i had a dream where i met gerard in a liminal space taco bell.
more context time: so the taco bell was basically floating in a black nothing void and was Entirely empty, the food we ordered sort of just Appeared. and the gerard i was talking to was specifically teal roots skeleton onsie gerard. we shared a baja blast (1 cup 2 straws) and we had lots of deep conversations i told him about how anxious i was at the time (2020 wasnt good for me or anyone tbh) and he told me everything was going to be okay. and that he believed in me. then he walked out the door of the taco bell and disintegrated into the void and then i woke up. :] i felt a lot better about my life after that it honestly helped during a hard time and pretty much everyone i tell about this story says that gerard astral projected into my dreams to help me
that is so awesome!! 6/10
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sillyclowny · 7 months
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trying up the new ibis paint animation feature (kinda I guess)
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thetypedwriter · 8 months
Fourth Wing Book Review
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Fourth Wing Book Review by Rebecca Yarros 
This book is incredibly popular. Unbelievably popular, actually. We’re talking about Colleen Hoover levels of popularity. On the one hand, I get it, I truly do. On the other hand, I think this book is beyond basic and shouldn’t be garnering the attention it currently is. 
Yarros’ novel is set in a fantasy world with typical mythical names like Navarre and Tyrrendor where dragons and magic and a never-ending war exists. In terms of a fantasy world, nothing about Yarros’ universe is astonishing, interesting, or even remotely novel.
While this sounds incredibly harsh, it’s actually very smart from a marketing perspective and only adds to the book’s high demand because while it’s a fantasy world and therefore intriguing, nothing about it is very unique or complex—allowing new and old readers alike to delve in without stressing about the world and its intricacies. Instead, readers can focus almost exclusively on the action and romance, two things this book has in droves. 
So while the fantasy setting allows for high stakes intensity, fighting, and dragons, dragons, and more dragons, nothing about it is complicated or even very important.
How does the magic system work? Some vague explanation of wards and that’s about it. Why is there a war? Don’t worry about it. Why was there a rebellion? You don’t need to know the intricacies of the whys and hows, only that the children of the traitors are alive and intermingling with the rest of the citizens, increasing tension. 
However, as I mentioned above, while the setting is mundane it does allow Yarros to submerge her chapters in action and intrigue without much of a break. This is one of the main reasons why I think Fourth Wing is topping the bestseller’s list: it is constantly entertaining.
All of us have short attention spans these days, and Fourth Wing fills the gaping need to be consistently amused and engaged at all times, which Yarros delivers upon brilliantly. Every chapter contains some fight, life-or-death situation, a competition, someone trying to murder the main character, a break in, a break out, or a sex scene. That would account for 90% of all chapters in Fourth Wing. 
That being said, it’s not necessarily a criticism. People obviously love the constant action and it keeps the book engaging and fluid. While I can recognize that Yarros is writing to fulfill a societal need and that constructing multiple chapters of action is genuinely difficult, it’s also not my favorite thing.
I have said time and time again that I’m a character driven reader. I would say the equation for Fourth Wing is 80% action and 20% character interaction. Personally, I would prefer a more equal distribution of action to character progression and growth, but I also recognize that’s a me problem. 
In terms of Yarros’ characters, they are…meh. I think they’re extremely basic, but once again, I’m not surprised why people are foaming at the mouth for their story. The main character is Violet, nicknamed Violence, and she is the epitome of a perfect character. She’s extremely intelligent, generous, kind, brave, determined, stubborn, and sexy. You name it and she’s got it.
Her only “weakness” is literally that: she has a “weak” body. However, this weakness barely matters as she often overcomes it without any problem whatsoever. Yarros does have some descriptions of Violet wrapping her knee or being at a disadvantage physically during fights, but by the end of the book Violet is a certified badass who can take down anyone. 
Violet’s “flaw”, if you can even call it that, doesn’t make her a more interesting character. It makes things infinitesimally more challenging for her and attracts some enemies, but she already has enemies because of her mother’s high status.
Other than this physical burden, Violet is literally perfect. There is nothing wrong with her, which makes her extremely boring and hard to relate to. I want complex human beings that have strengths and weaknesses, not unimaginable goddesses with brittle bones. 
The only other character of importance, Xaden, is also the epitome of hot and flawless. He’s sexy, handsome, brooding, smart, and crazy talented. His only so-called detriment is that he can be a bit closed off and reticent, but that’s it.
He’s shouldering the lives of over a hundred orphans and can do no wrong. He’s also the hottest, the strongest physically, the most popular, and the most talented because of course he is. 
Both Xaden and Violet also have two most powerful dragons that exist and their dragons are a mated pair, meaning that Violet and Xaden are inextricably tied together for life.
In addition to this, they have the rarest signets (magical powers) consisting of wielding shadows and controlling lightning, the likes which haven’t been seen in ages. Sigh. 
I hate it so much. I’m so sick and tired of the trope of the main character being the strongest and most beautiful and then falling for the hottest and strongest guy who’s slightly cold, but actually the world’s best person.
The fact that they have the strongest dragons and the most powerful abilities also irks me. It’s not interesting. I predicted it from a mile away. Do something different, something better. But no, that’s not what we get in Fourth Wing. 
You could argue that it was surprising that Violet bonds with two dragons, but think about it. Is it really? Also, I think Andarna plays no role other than to make Violet even more saint-like than she is. The other characters in Fourth Wing don’t matter. I make this statement often, but it could not ring more true for Fourth Wing. 
Yarros throws so many characters at you and yet nothing about them sticks. Other than Xaden, and arguably Liam, Rhiannon, and Dain, no characters have any depth, nuance, or significance. In a book as large as Fourth Wing I find that hugely disappointing.
Even Liam, Rhiannon, and Dain are all one-dimensional characters at best. Some people tout that the relationship between Dain and Violet is interesting, but I don’t think it is at all. It is clear from the first chapter that Xaden is her game-end and Dain becomes increasingly aggravating and villainized as the book goes on. 
Something else that Yarros does with her characters is make them very black-and-white. They’re either angels capable of doing no wrong or the most vehement villains to walk the planet. This opposition is incredibly boring and didn’t fuel my interest in any of the characters. 
Fourth Wing’s plot, which I haven’t spoke much about yet, essentially follows the simple idea that Violet is meant to be a scribe, became a rider instead due to her mother’s negligent insistence, avoids being murdered while going to classes and participating in nonsensical competitions, and falls in love with Xaden Riorson.
That’s it. That’s the whole plot. 
Multiple elements of the narrative also make no sense. For example, you're telling me that the youngest, most athletic, most talented people of your nation are being slaughtered for arbitrary reasons?
It makes zero sense. Riders are simply allowed to kill each other during fighting practice and during competitions. Think about that for one second in a logistical lens and realize how ludicrous that is as a nation.
The only reason Yarros puts it into her novel is because it's edgy and increases tension but it's genuinely really stupid.
There’s some heavy action at the end with Violet throwing lightning left and right after being betrayed. Except the betrayal can barely even be defined as such and is probably only happening because Yarros is trying to keep tension up. Maybe she thinks readers will get bored if Xaden and Violet are simply together and in love.
I’ll never understand why authors do this. We want to see them together. Let me see them navigate a relationship and the pitfalls that come with that. I don’t need some bullshit reason for them not to be together when everyone knows they’ll eventually reconcile and get back together anyway. Urgh. 
Fourth Wing has a lot of elements that I find banal and that bother me, but as I also stated, it was highly entertaining at all moments. For this reason, I didn’t hate Fourth Wing. It does sort of blow my mind that this is the book that is being swept off shelves and beginning a cultural phenomenon, because at its core, I think it’s generic in almost every way.
However, maybe that’s what people want. Perhaps people want a simple fantasy with hot enemies-to-lovers moments and overpowered characters.
The end. 
I just want something better. 
Recommendation: If you want a watered down version of Game of Thrones and have been craving some alluring enemies-to-lovers moments with constant dragon-centered action thrown in, then Fourth Wing is a gold mine.
If you want something better than a generic fantasy with perfect main characters, a stereotypical universe, and a cliched plotline then avoid Fourth Wing. Not everything popular is worth the hype. 
Score: 6/10
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listenupcupcakes · 26 days
soldier i need you to break into gunner's room and find out why he's refusing to leave.
Also bring medic with since it's probably something to do with his face.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
For the 300 follower event
Can I request number 11 with Epel?
↛ ❀ Love quotes
Epel Felmier
“I promise I will marry you when we’re older!”
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Harveston is a familiar place for you. Your grandparents lived there and every winter or so you would visit them for a few weeks. Being a child, you didn’t always want to spend time with your family, not that you hated them but you wanted someone your age to talk with.
It was cold since it was winter. You were bundled up in overly heavy snow gear, although at least it didn’t look ugly.
At first, it was just old people. But then you saw a short figure. They were petite but acted reckless. They ran around with crates of apples, nearly tripling while transporting them.
You watched them, until they noticed you. You finally got a good look at their face and realized that it was a boy. It was a bit hard to tell at first but it’s undoubtedly a boy. Better yet, he’s around your age.
You walk up to him with your hands behind your back. He raised an eyebrow at you immediately and backed away.
“Wh-who er you?” He stuttered out. You raised your hands up a bit to show you don’t mean anything bad.
“I-I’m [Name] I’m visiting my grandma and grandpa here… What’s your name?” You smiled and bobbed your head up and down.
“Epel. Yer a city kid. Talk bout weird.” He crossed his arms and spat.
“You should come to the city sometime. There’s a lot more to do than just sitting inside and reading books.” You suggested in defense of his insult.
“Eh?! There's SO much more than just readin’!” He barked as he shook his head furiously.
You crossed your arms and tilted your head. “Oh yeah? Like what?” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards his house.
“Lemme show ya!” His grip was ridiculous tough and you let yourself be pulled along by him until eventually you two came to stop.
You stood at the top of a tall hill. There was a wooden sled. The ones that you would stand on rather than sit. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to do this.
“I-isn’t this dangerous?”
“Eh? Pussy-cat! I do this all the time!” As he said that, he took a step in the sled. “Hop on, city kid. Make sure to hang on.”
You did as he said with a pit in your stomach. You squeezed him tighter as you looked before the hill ahead of you two.
“I can feel yer heartbeat. Heh, three, two one, yahoo!”
It all happened so quick, there was a ramp you hadn’t seen. You were suddenly in the air and then you just slammed into the snow. The snow softened the fall but it without a doubt hurt.
The reason for this incident was on the ground beside you but he was giggling uncontrollably.
“You clearly had fun… You could’ve told me there was a ramp!” You turned your head to the side he laid next to you.
“Ahahahah! Ya funny! Ya were screamin’ yer head off over that!” He continued to laugh at you.
Displeased, you sat up and hit him with your fist. He quit laughing and scowled.
“Fine, let’s play that way then.” He leaped on top of you. His hands pulled on your hair while you grabbed at his coat and shook him around.
Your relationship never ceased to amuse both of you families. At first, they were apologetic because you both caused injuries to one another but it became a regular occurrence. To the point that it slowly became acceptable.
Your annoyance for each other became more of a rivalry. Always competing. Who would get to the hill first? Who would finish their lunch first? Who could go faster?
Everything was a competition.
“I wish I could stay here.” You bitterly admitted while laying in the snow. Epel’s eyes met with yours.
“Huh? I dun’t like how serious ya sound.” He frowned. You sat up and met him at the same eye level.
“I’m going home tomorrow. Grghh… I don’t want to go home to the city. It’s so boring. I wanna just stay here with you!” You shouted.
“It would be way more fun if ya were to stay aroun’. Do ya really have to go??”
“Yes, our things are already packed.” You shook your head while messing with the snow at your feet.
The two of you closed your eyes for a second, racking your brains for an idea. You opened your eyes and grinned.
“I know! I’ll just marry you someday! Then we can move in together and stuff.” You smiled at the idea while Epel outwardly expressed his disgust at the idea.
“Bleh! I ain’t gonna marry you!”
“Aw why not?”
“Cause yer ugly!”
You two went back and forth until the whole reason the argument started was forgotten, but soon you returned to the topic.
“Okay, but if we married then it would just be in a friend way!”
“Then that ain’t even marriage.”
“Yes it is.”
“Ehh… If ya say so.”
You turned towards him and scooted closer. “So, yeah? A good plan?” He nodded reluctantly. “I promise I will marry you when we’re older!” You declared while putting your hand over your chest.
“I promise as well…? Actually no, I take it back!”
“You suck!” You swung your arm back and flung snow into his face.
He cackled while shaking it off and then standing up while shaping a snowball in his hands.
“No! Put that down! Ow! You put rocks in there?!” You yelled while scrambling to run away.
“Yep! There’s more where that came from!” He got ready to launch another while you ran away.
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Note: Epel as a child was probably such a menace. I feel like he would’ve made me cry. But besides that, I love him. I’ve also been pulled into some Fire Emblem brainrot (lysithia ily) so that’s why this took so long to publish.
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makmakgoose · 6 months
Fathom Me Out
After ten years, Arthur thinks he has Merlin all figured out. But as he watches Merlin, he finds out that he has more questions than answers. The longer he thinks about it, the more uneasy he feels. So he pushes it aside. Except, he can no longer ignore the questions he has about Merlin.
Not your everyday reveal!fic.
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the-catboy-minyan · 3 months
You bring shame onto nonbinary people.
that's not what your mom told me last night
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mudsnapperqna · 5 months
Question to Mr. Mudsnapper: Do you have any memories on your old friends as well?
i remember three of them. i didn't have a lot of friends as a kid.
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a raccoon... i think her name was soap? she loved space and all things alien. she definitely encountered some kind of slimy equine shapeshifting alien once, she swore it to be true up and down.
a horse... what was his name... he was often tired, changed out his stud earrings a lot... and knew every rule to every game at all. football, yahtzee, pathfinder, golf... dude loved games.
a strangely tall and lanky cat... i don't remember her name either... it's been... so long. maybe i'll remember. maybe. this cat was very kind. she usually hosted parties and had us to sleep over at her house. she really leaned into the rubber hose thing us toons could do. like a yoga expert but bass boosted. she could twist herself into some really weird poses and made keys from her bare paws. legally dubious.
soap followed me to law school. i never saw her again after -- after. after. a.
no. i did.
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thevideodungeon · 7 months
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The City of the Dead/Horror Hotel (1960)
A movie that takes some very gothic horror concepts and puts them in a more modern setting. Overall decent occult horror tale with witches and cults and rituals that have an almost Lovecraftian feel to them given the premise of academic research leading to greater truths than expected. Just make sure to watch the original version, the US release—Horror Hotel—cuts out important dialogue that was deemed too inappropriate for delicate American ears.
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mychemical-brainrot · 2 months
I’m taking physics and I can’t do calculations without being reminded of Val Velocity
i did that last year too 😭 6/10
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theoscarsproject · 8 months
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The Journey of Natty Gann (1985). In the 1930s, a tomboy runs away from her guardian to join her single father who is 2,000 miles away, where he has found work.
I'm a bit of a sucker for stories about kids and animals, and in that sense, this is just a really sweet family film. It does a pretty good job of navigating the darker themes both of the Great Depression, and of being a girl alone on a journey, without allowing them to overpower the main themes of connection, adventure and the wild. It did veer into caricature sometimes with the supporting cast, and I wish it hadn't done the romance at the end. 6/10.
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thetypedwriter · 1 year
Greywaren Book Review
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Greywaren Book Review by Maggie Stiefvater
This book is a fantastic disappointment. 
Of course, the book is good. Of course the writing is absolutely phenomenal. It’s Maggie Stiefvater. Even when I’ve questioned her plot or character development, I have never once questioned her writing. 
She is a wizard with words. Her writing floats off the page and lives rent-free in my head for months. The way she concocts her stories fills me with delight and awe. 
That was never in question. 
The biggest question I had going into Greywaren was: will I get what I want?
The answer is no. 
I think it’s mostly safe to say that a majority of readers saw the Dreamer trilogy as Ronan’s own triage of books. It was pitched that way to us as an audience and the way the books were presented was that it would be about the Brothers Lynch. 
This is a lie. 
Perhaps, Call Down the Hawk could be described as such, the first book in the trilogy, but every book since has fallen further and further away from the original premise. 
The second installment, Mister Impossible, was almost entirely about Declan. And now the final book, Greywaren, I would argue, is about Hennessy and Carmen Farooq-Lane. 
Now. I like Hennessy. I like Farooq-Lane. They’re great characters. 
However, they are not the Brothers Lynch. 
I don’t understand why authors do this. They promise things and entice readers with certain characters, plot points, and relationships, and then don’t deliver. 
I’m sure Maggie has her reasons for writing the trilogy this way, and I’m not pretending to know what they are or that I understand the intricacies of her writing process or the publishing world, but I am just so frustrated that she wrote the trilogy this way. 
Ronan, the so-called main character, is hardly in Greywaren at all, and half of the time when he does have his own chapters, he is either asleep, dreaming, or not taking part in reality. The amount of exasperation I have that Maggie made this choice is overwhelming to me as a reader. 
In the original The Raven Cycle books, Ronan and Adam were my favorites. They were many people’s favorites, including, it seems, Maggie herself. Which is why she set out on a quest to tell Ronan’s own story.
 Except what started as Ronan’s narrative quickly devolved into a tale featuring so many other characters that Ronan’s part became so diluted that it is barely there at all. 
Once again, I love Maggie’s characters. Jordan, Hennessy, Farooq-Lane, etc, they’re all wonderful. If Maggie had them as side characters in the Dreamer trilogy and then set out to write a spin-off series featuring them, I would not be mad. I would be super excited and pumped to read such a cool installment. 
But that’s not what I wanted, what I anticipated, or what I got. 
Instead, the final book about Ronan Lynch and his brothers is really about unrelated side characters who somehow took center stage despite everyone wanting the opposite. 
Irksome doesn’t even scratch the surface of it. 
Greywaren itself is…fine. As I said above, Maggie’s writing is undeniably beautiful. I will say, though, the plot gets convoluted and hard to follow and the ending feels rushed and shallow. 
This book essentially picks up after Mister Impossible, in which Ronan is asleep, along with many other dreamers or dreamt people who need sweetmetals. 
Declan is trying to save everyone, Matthew goes through a rebellious stage, Hennessy is creating, and Farooq-Lane is trying to stop her brother, Nathan, from starting the apocalypse. 
Honestly, when I think about it, this book simultaneously has so much going on and nothing going on at the same time. The overarching plot could be described as: Nathan is bringing on the apocalypse and people try to stop him as well as reawaken their sleeping friends. That’s it. That’s the plot. 
However, it takes 300+ pages to get to the end, which then rushes through really essential reunions and revelations, because there are so many characters we have to switch POV’s between. 
Additionally, there’s a lot of abstract things happening that don’t really contribute to the plot, even if they're interesting to read about. 
Overall, this means you could read 100 pages and have a very minimal amount of progress because everyone is taking one small step instead of having one character (Ronan) taking many. 
Jordan is hardly in this book, and Matthew, whom I anticipated seeing a lot of, is very cruelly shafted by having a sparse amount of chapters and a character arc that feels vague and incomplete.
 After running away towards the beginning of the book, no real headway comes from it and then in the end, bam! Matthew returns to the Barns like nothing happened. 
We don’t see the conversation between Matthew and Declan, we don’t see the reunion between Matthew and Ronan, and we certainly don’t get a scene with all three brothers, which, if you remember, is what this whole trilogy was supposed to be about. 
In the same vein, Adam and Ronan, the couple everyone was most excited to see and read about, had a few paltry scenes in this whole trilogy combined. There are more scenes with Farooq-Lane and Liliana than there are with arguably, the main couple. 
The injustice of this vexes me beyond words. 
Even in this book, at the very end, the reunion between Adam and Ronan that we waded through 300 pages to see, is brief and from someone else’s POV. 
What on earth? Really? This is the reunion we waited years for and we didn’t even get to experience it though Ronan’s own eyes. 
As I write this, I realize that I feel cheated and shafted. 
At this same time, I don’t know how fair it is to feel that way. It’s not my book or my characters, so who am I to demand anything of Maggie? I understand this. 
On the other hand, this was a book pitched to us and advertised as a series about the Brother’s Lynch. I would very much argue that by book three especially, this is completely unfounded and untrue. 
Did I still like the book? Yes, of course I did. However, I just wanted more. I wanted what was promised at the beginning. I wanted less abstract and confusing chapters and more chapters with essential characters actually talking, meeting, and growing. 
I wanted resolution, development, and conclusions. 
Instead, I got a muddled, albeit gorgeously written story, where all the characters felt full with potential, but never truly reached a point of promise. 
Like I said at the beginning, this book was both fantastic and a disappointment in so many ways, a fantastic disappointment that will always leave me wanting more. 
Recommendation: Read it. However, you’re not going to get the development or scenes that you want. Beware of this. Use fanfiction to fill in the gap that this trilogy wasn’t able to deliver on. 
Score: 6/10
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