#this blog however is way more organized than my main blog do not go there
miomines · 3 months
bro i havent posted on this blog because the follower count is so intimidating. also im not even remotely into genshin anymore i have Not been keeping up with the game so i have no clue what is going on there anymore and i didnt want to just show up and post about a completely different fandom lmaooo
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delightfuldevin · 4 months
Me when I once again make myself suffer because of tag organization ndbchdjs
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bluemari23 · 5 months
main masterlist
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this is going to be my main masterlist where everything is going to be organized☺️
I write for whichever member I choose to. this is my blog and I reserve the right to write whatever I wish.
8:32 | choi seungcheol
where you feel insecure during a cuddly morning with your boyfriend
lemon tart | choi seungcheol
a new cafe for a much needed date brings out tons of giggles and plenty of kisses
soul glow | choi seungcheol
you attended your first concert, waiting a long time to see your ult group perform. unable to recognize a soul bond taking place, you leave early, leaving seungcheol to scramble to find you.
soul haze || choi seungcheol
soul glow pt.2
you had just gotten home after leaving the seventeen concert early, only for your phone to start ringing with what you think is the biggest joke of the century. it turns out, that maybe you left too early.
anything for you | choi seungcheol
where he can tell your feelings are becoming too much again and he decides to keep you with him for the day
new _world || choi seungcheol
the night of your 18th birthday left nothing to be desired; waking up to no hint of any soul bond left you one of the unbonded. almost eight years later, however, you find out that you are very much not unbonded, and that your soulmate is someone who you admire. very much.
darl+ing you || choi seungcheol
new _world pt 2
You were on your way to South Korea, leaving your life behind to follow your soulmate back home. Your anxiety runs amok, and Seungcheol tries his best to get to know you better.
don't wanna cry || choi seungcheol
you had been ignored and neglected again, on the night of your soul bond anniversary. you were tired and felt defeated. and it took just that for your soulmate to snap out of his funk and remind you of why you were soulmates.
sparkling || choi seungcheol
literally falling for your soulmate was not what you had in mind when you got up for your first day of work that morning.
muscle tension | park jimin
you feel a little stressed after a family visit and your husband helps relieve some tension
cake cake cake | jeon jungkook
 your boyfriend eats the cake for a party and thinks he can get away with it
hey soulmate | min yoongi
your first day on the job doesn’t turn out the exact way you envisioned
inspiration | min yoongi
you had been called to your soulmates studio for "inspiration" and walked into an unexpected but not unwelcomed situation
remember our touch || bangtan
you try to push away your bad memories and your soulmates help you replace them with good ones.
warm and soft | kim hongjoong
your soulmate knows exactly what to do when he can tell your stuck in your head, needing to just feel him against you.
dancing like butterfly wings || park seonghwa
you’ve been feeling a little down lately as you experience another flare up, and not wanting to feel like a burden, you try to to hide it from your soulmate.
festival love || kim hongjoong
 you wait patiently for your soulmate to finish his practice rehearsal for the famous festival so you can go spend the day together before his performance. Things don’t necessarily go as planned but everything turns out alright in the end.
dazzling light || kim hongjoong
your soul bond activates at a concert and you seriously doubt your actually going to be able to meet them, not when they are on the stage and more than likely can't see the soul light that surrounds you.
bts and how they would kiss their s/o
bts and the place they like to kiss you the most
bts and how they would react to being jealous
bts and how they would react to their s/o being shy with other people
bts members and how they would react to their foreign s/o being the 8th member of bts (poly)
bts members and how they would react to their non-idol s/o (poly)
bts and how they would react to their s/o falling asleep in their lap
bts and how they react to their s/o's natural hourglass figure
bts and how they react to their small/petite s/o
bts and how they would ask you out after you've been friends for a while
bts and how they would react to their girlfriend trying to hide their pots flare up
bts and how they react to your niece/nephew saying their name
bts members and how they would love their plus-size s/o
bts when their independent soulmate suddenly wants to be babied
hybrid!bts when they are clingy with their mate
bts: sacrifice you or the world
bf!seungcheol and how he loves his plus-size s/o
© 2024 bluemari23. All rights reserved. 
These works nor any part of their content may be republished, reproduced, translated or used in any manner without the express permission of purpleyoonn. These are works of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. 
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thecruxarm · 3 months
Introductory Post
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Hello, and welcome to my blog! Above is an infographic I've made detailing the Milky Way as well as the commonality of life and intelligence itself across the galaxy, which will serve as an important base of reference for all else I plan to post on this blog. I won't say much in reference to this image that isn't already included in the infographic, so I'll go on to explain what my project is about, which I will elaborate on with future posts:
In short, the primary focus of my speculative biology sci-fi project takes place around the mid-Centaurus arm, as indicated on the infographic, in a region of the galaxy locally known as "Ruminaaan Space", which is the single largest interstellar community in the history of the Milky Way! Although the majority of these Ruminaaan residents have only began their joint interstellar societies within the past 3,000 years, an ongoing battle has been waging for the past billion years and counting between a species known as the Yn and an entity known as Xii, and while I'll leave more detailed elaborations for future posts, this is a story of a single species divided and disfigured by their own conflicts and the long-term consequences it holds on their stellar neighbours, even one billion years later.
Onto the blog itself, to help with organisation, I will use the following tags on my posts:
#Alien Person Asks (for when I answer asks in my inbox (feel free to send any if you want to know more about my world!)), #Ruminaaan Theomachy (for posts relating to the central aliens of my project and the communities they've built), #Alien Person Spec Bio (for posts relating to the more biological aspects of my worldbuilding) and #Alien Person Worldbuilding (for other posts about miscellaneous or more general features of my worldbuilding process)
Besides transcripts for the featured image, that's all for my introductory post, so stay tuned for more!
{Main text-wall transcript}:
The Milky Way The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy about 100,000 light years across, which happens to be the galaxy in which Humans are located, as well as over a couple hundred other intelligent species. The galaxy is estimated to be about 13.6 billion years of age and has thus far been identified with two major arms (the Perseus and Scutum-Centaurus Arms) which branch off into many smaller minor arms.
The galaxy is estimated to contain anywhere between 100 to 400 billion stars, most of which host a minimum of one orbiting planet. Although on Earth many may consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life to be a rarity, it is more common than one may think, with there being roughly 14.33 billion planets and moons combined which host native life. However, only about 8.59 million of these worlds host multicellular life (around 0.06% out of the total life-bearing celestial bodies), which is due to eukaryotic multicellularity being a very challenging hurdle to get over for life everywhere for a variety of reasons.
This being said, approximately 91.67% of these worlds do host sapient life forms, as high intelligence is almost an inevitability with multicellular organisms given sufficient time, though an extremely lower fraction of these planets and moons are actually home to sophont, technological civilisations comparable to anything humanity has accomplished throughout the past 200,000 years, with there being only 237 star systems with native sophont life (as indicated by the bright white dots shown to the right), and 268 sophont species overall, accounting for only 0.000028% of worlds with multicellular lifeforms. Among these 268 civilisations, very few actually aspire to be spacefaring, with there being less than 40 such civilisations, such as the Jodomii or Sirt, who even have space programs to begin with. Most either do not have the desire to explore outer space, as is the case with the Shreau, Uut, Samrinians or Aniin, do not even have the means to discover that outer-space exists in the first place, such as the Fline or Udrae, who have limited or nonexistent vision, or the Katudit, who live in the subglacial oceans of a rogue planet, or may never leave their home planets for any other multitude of reasons.
While the abundance of technological, cultured civilisations across the Milky Way is fortunately higher than most may be led to believe, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the space which separates the majority of these civilisations is tremendous, with even the closest being hundreds of light years apart. Despite this, only four interspecies interstellar communities have managed to spring up across the interstellar medium (not counting the Yuruuc, who have yet to encounter any other intelligent species despite how far they have dispersed throughout their corner of the Outer Arm), which is simply due to the fact that interstellar travel is nigh-impossible without the use of warp technology, though only one of these such communities has managed to grow to such an extensive size which incorporates over a dozen unique civilisations; Ruminaaan Space. Ruminaaan Space (the blue area marked along the mid-Centaurus Arm) is the single largest community of interstellar civilisations with the widest reach in interstellar space in the entire history of the Milky Way thus far, with the Boueue and Scerere only having came into contact nearly 3,000 years ago. This region of the Milky Way will be the main focus of my ongoing project, titled ‘Ruminaaan Theomachy’, as you’ll all get to see more of as time goes on, so stay tuned, and welcome to the Ruminaaan Theomachy project!
{Milky Way Labels Transcript}:
Norma Arm, Sagittarius Arm, Perseus Arm, Orion Spur, Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Outer Arm
{Sophont Labels Transcript}:
Scerere, Boueue, Udrae, Samrinians & Aniin, Shreau, Jodomii, Humanity, Sirt, Yuruuc, Fline, Katudit, Uut
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otaku553 · 10 months
How goes the fma x albedo fic? I hope that doesn't sound pushy, I'm genuinely curious. And in that vein, do you have any little drabbles you may have written or want to write? Especially with your recent kny ocs/yourself and your siblings. That'd be super fun to read about! Your art AND your writing is so freaking good, the moment I see you've posted something new on your blog I'm clicking it so fast. Same with your ao3 account ❤️
Thank you for the kind words!!! Currently not working on any fics, since I just came out of 10 weeks of summer research where my days began at 8 am and ended at 9 pm for probably less than minimum wage hahaha (doing research is a Bit Sad but I get a whole month to relax before classes start again so thank goodness for that)
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I do however!!! Have a lot of plans!!! If you’re interested you can read more below!
Plans include but are not limited to:
Finally working on Homuncular Nature again!! I definitely do have a lot of plans and cool scenes playing out in my head for the next chapter, it’ll just come down to when I actually put pen to paper (or stylus to iPad) to actually organize and write them all. The road block I think is that I have seen neither Albedo nor fmab very recently and all my concrete ideas are for around the 30 episode mark for fmab, the turning point with the first actual confrontation against father and the subsequent Briggs arc.
Rewriting Ten Thousand Maple Leaves! A lot of people have been very kind but I think I missed the mark with my first chapter to be honest. My writing has gotten a lot wordier and less succinct, which feels like I’m filling a chapter more with fluff and unnecessary description than actual content. I think I also dislike how I characterized Sanemi and how quickly Kazuha was willing to agree with things. Writing both of them is kind of a difficult challenge tbh! I think in rewriting it I want to give back to Kazuha more of his vagrant role in the games, where he is avoiding the law for reasons somewhat out of his control.
Ebisu siblings content! I think it might be fun to try having them interact with more of the canon characters in kny but I also think there’s some value in a complete sort of outsider point of view when inserting characters into a piece of media. I feel like whenever I see self inserts I see a lot of ocs making themselves indispensable and making meaningful relationships with existing characters that way and that’s totally valid! That’s a lot of what I do for crossovers as well. I think when it comes to my own ocs though, I want them to feel grounded in some form and the reality of it is that none of the characters I make based on myself or real people are that impressive or remarkable. But I also think there’s a lot of value in showing smaller scale things outside of the main interactions and plot to show that even though we aren’t remarkable, we still have our own meaningful connections and ideologies and stories :) in the end the Ebisu siblings are a lot more visual though so I may just continue making doodles and art without writing anything haha
Kirby & Meta Knight ageswap AU: I was mostly doing this on my ask-gikabi sideblog in short form comics, but I lost sight of what I wanted to do after making the discord and starting to interact with some of the people who followed it. I think a lot of people are inspired and have their own very cool ideas that I wanted to take into account but then eventually it was no longer my story or the story I wanted to tell, which is why I’m thinking of restarting it as a fic. This one is still in very rough idea stage though, I have honestly no clue how I’m even going to begin organizing it
Yanfei ace attorney crossover: this one’s just pure crack lmao I would definitely write it as crack taken seriously but I think this is fun to explore just for small ideas that pop up every now and then, i.e. yanfei is semi-immortal because she’s half adeptus so it would be Really Funny to me if she showed up in dgs era, got her attorney’s license, went into hiding after it became obvious that she wasn’t aging, and then re-emerged after rebranding herself as her own daughter or granddaughter. That, and I have a lot of fun imagining someone as pragmatic as yanfei trying to get through the sheer chaos of aa despite being otherworldly
Continuing winter weather advisory: I got to a really good point in that fic and was rereading it today like,,, damn I wrote that? And it would be fun to see where I planned on going with it so I do want to also try working on that a bit if I can
Kazuha & Kunikuzushi role swap au: this is something I posted about a Long While ago but it’s an idea I continue to be fascinated with :) I especially enjoy how these two characters could have had completely different roles and personalities depending on how their pasts happened (with wanderer being so nice and turning so bitter and kazuha growing up so spoiled (for lack of a better word) and turning out so weary and yet kind
Link click and mha crossover: this one is honestly just a very recent idea but I think it would be fun to make a drabble on how lightime photo studio would be able to continue operating even in another world and the trouble they might get into for illegal quirk usage and what using cheng xiaoshi’s powers in a world where being able to tell the future is canonically possible would entail
I have!! So many ideas!! And not enough time or motivation to actually write any of them most of the time :’)
But I’m very glad to hear that you enjoy them and look forward to my posts!! :D I really hope I can work on some of these over the last month of summer vacation that I have :)
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solarpunkani · 7 months
Hey do you happen to know of any resources for someone in Iowa looking to get into native plant gardening? Thanks in advance! (Love your blog btw)
*cracks knuckles* sorry for keeping you hanging since November 3rd, homie, but I'm back home and down to get started!
Before I do, a special reminder that I'm not based in Iowa! I don't think I've ever even set foot in Iowa. I'm a Florida girlie lol. However, I will do my best to give you my advice and find some resources for you!
In my experience, many native plants grow slowly from seed. This could be because I mostly prefer perennials (I am way too lazy to replace an annual every year), but they can take awhile to germinate and an even longer while to size up. I've gotten seeds that say to wait upwards of 3 weeks to see any germination, and that's often after waiting a month or more for proper cold stratification! All of this is just to say--you gotta have a bit of patience when it comes to all gardening, but especially with native plants!
If you can get your hands on some seeds now, they'll likely need cold stratification. Fortunately, cold stratification is happening right now--put the seeds where you want them to grow, and let chilly winters do the work for you! Needing cold stratification basically means the plant has evolved to know it needs to wait until after winter to start germinating, so as things warm back up in spring, your seeds'll start growing!
Once they start growing and get established, they'll really start going--if they're in their perfect conditions, they'll be more than ready to take over a bit and manage on their own! Keep an eye out for watering needs, but generally I find native plants don't need much when it comes to fertilizer and pesticides. If you don't want things to spread a lot, you can always choose to grow certain plants in pots instead--or if you're really determined to grow a plant your soil isn't quite right for, a pot does wonders. My soil isn't very moist, so I grow a good chunk of my swamp milkweeds in pots to keep a better eye on their care.
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Iowa's got a handful of growing zones going on, so knowing what the zone for your region is will help you pick the best plants! You can also pick plants known to have grown historically well in your region--I've seen plant range maps break things down by counties for my state, which helps give a good idea of whether it's a good idea for me to grow something touted as a native to my state. It's entirely possible for something to be native to your state, but not your half of the state, for example!
Browsing through a couple of sites, I hope these'll be helpful to you!
This is a link to Iowa Native Plants, which has a nice primer on the importance of native gardening as well as a few guides to native plants in their Finder tab! They also seem to sell a hanfdul of books on native gardening that may be an interesting read for you!
My Home Park appears to have a lot of information on native plants, and sells native plants that can be shipped to your state! I can't say I've ever had a plant shipped to me before, let alone from them (they don't service my state) but it could be worth a shot! If anything else, could be a good source of information! They also have a blog, and a feature that lets you mock up a garden to see what it'd look like (I didn't try it though). They also seem to service North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Maine.
The Tallgrass Prairie Center links to a ton of resources on learning about native plants, planting them, landowner incentive programs, and organizations you can join that are full of others who are passionate about native plants! The Tallgrass Prairie Center itself aims to establish and protect native plants, restore ecosystems, and increase awareness and appreciation of the Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem. I think their site's definitely worth a look-through, or you can use it as a bouncing off point to find other sites full of info!
The Iowa Native Plant Society is a nonprofit organization full of people who are enthusiastic about native plants! They host field trips, workshops, have a newsletter, and more! It could be a fun way to learn more about native ecosystems on their trips, and if they're anything like the native plant society for my state, the calendar on their site will probably start lighting up with different chapters' native plant sales as we get closer to spring, so keep an eye out! They've also got books and lots of resource links on their site!
Oftentimes when I look up information on how to grow a particular plant in my state, the university extensions office is one of the best resources. As such, I think the Iowa State University's Extension and Outreach website is likely to have some good info for you about gardening! I've also in the past emailed some staff from various offices questions about native gardening and gotten good answers, so they're definitely a resource to be utilized!
I almost forgot to link the Xerces Society! The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation has a primary focus of protecting insects in the US, but that often goes hand in hand with native plants, so they're a great resource for learning about plants and the insects that rely on them! Especially helpful is their Pollinator Conservation Resource Center, which has lists of plants and suppliers by region! You can also find just their plant lists here!
Speaking of plant lists, The National Wildlife Federation has a list of keystone plants by ecoregion! Keystone plants are highly important, as they're vital to the lifecycle of many species of insect, which then help feed birds and other creatures--you get the picture. I used the National Wildife Federation a good bit when I was writing my Biodiversity Saga on increasing biodiversity in your yard/on your balcony/in your area on a budget.
iNaturalist is a fantastic website for cataloguing the cool insects you find in your new native garden, as well as learning about the variety of plants, animals, insects, etc. that are in your area! Make an account and just vibe around!
Books can be a great resource! Unfortunately, my attention span is frequently lacking when it comes to books, and I definitely haven't read any that focus on Iowa's native flora. However! I've got a few general books that are nice reads, so you can definitely see if you can find these in a library or online (I'm including Thriftbooks links because fuck Amazon).
Hellstrip Gardening by Evelyn J. Hadden is a book I read last month that honestly inspired so many new projects out of me that next year is gonna be busy. Might as well get a healthy dose of inspiration now so you can do some planning and be roaring and ready to go come spring! I liveblogged it on my gardening blog, and shared some of my favorite notes as well!
Attracting Native Pollinators by the Xerces Society is a book that offers a generalized view on why its important, ways you can utilize native plants at any scale from swaths of farmland to a school garden or a small yard, and provides lists of plants that can be good for your region near the end! They also have Gardening for Butterflies, which I honestly haven't read yet, but I checked it out from the library so Mayhaps Soon. PS: you can buy Attracting Native Pollinators and Gardening for Butterflies from the Xerces site directly, and support their work! However. Hoo buddy, the pricing.
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(Psst, here's the plant list from Attracting Native Pollinators, don't tell Xerces)
My final message to you, young padawan, is to grow milkweed. If there's a milkweed native to your state, grow it. If there's several native to your region, grow a ton of it. Milkweed is the host plant for Monarchs, but it's also such a high-value nectar source for so many other insects you've just gotta try and grow some in my book. Also a lot of the sites I saw for your state had pictures of blazing star and black eyed susans and let me tell you. Plant those. You'll have so many happy pollinators.
I can't think of anything else. If any Iowa gardeners wanna chime in with their favorite resources and such, feel free to!
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Some musings on how the Aware AU might be best structured as a story and like:
Prologue would presumably be the party. So Adrien & Chloe have already started shifts in behavior that will be contextualized for the audience alongside other characters and flashbacks.
This is because it lets one introduce all three abused kids & Marinette and justify the Marinette/Kagami relationship.
This would likely be followed with Origins, but with the aforementioned Adrien in class, desk squabble, Nino biting the bullet but being intrigued ETC.
But there could be an interlude with Kagami contacting Chloe & Adrien secretly to be like, "Please tell my mother I made a good impression on you so she'll let me go to school here, I just made my first friend." & are instantly like, "Oh she's just like Adrien/me for real" and help her out, thus absorbing her into their duo making a trio.
The above however could be covered in a flashback.
Marinette is bamboozled how they know her Kagami & they are shocked Marinette is the friend she wanted so badly. Well Adrien is, Chloe is probably mentally sulking about how easy it is for Marinette to make friends. But Kagami likely explains what she can & things move on.
Anyway, if there are shifts in Miraculous or numbers then they'd happen, her but the prologue & Origins would be used to establish the status quo for the story going forward.
After which I imagine it can basically be broken up into a sort of "Era of understanding" IE, how little or how much does Marinette understand of their situation & how much do they understand themselves?
Nino would be useful as the sort of intermediary person whose ahead of the curve but between two parties.
But yeah, first half of season is no understanding, then Nino understanding, with the season 1 finale, serving to not bring about total understanding but definitely break some barriers.
IE, Marinette is likely at least at a stage where she thinks Chloe & Adrien's parents aren't very good at being parents, but not that they are actively abusive. So the dynamic cools a bit but remains easily ignited.
Season 2 would likely then build up to the full revelation and confrontations as barriers break. With Lila also being worked into the trio to make a quartet, much against her will, and Kagami's breaking moment probably being the big "Oh fuck" moment for everyone pre Heroes Day.
(Though gods if it continued and Kagami could be the Chat Noir)
But yeah I feel like that gives a loose but generalized shift that meshes well enough with the characters and time allowing for growth.
First season is all awkward growing pains, fumbles and such, while season 2 is once everyone's shifted into a stable if not perfect dynamic that can finally allow the main stage of self awareness to be reached.
This was way more organized my head, sorry.
(K first of all: Mood. My train of thought is really eloquent, until it has to change rails so other people can see it)
This all sounds good! It sort of reminds me of a rant I went on a bit ago, about how to do Senti-Adrien even if they only thought of it late. You don’t backtrack to have it make sense, you have characters commenting on the changes.
Like, the Senti-Thing, I said just have it that Adrien's already shedding his programming, already becoming a Real Boy(tm), so don’t have him suddenly be obedient. Have Gabriel come to the REALIZATION that his son is no longer obedient, and have flashbacks backing up how Adrien USED to be. (If you wanna find the rant, search @princess-of-the-corner blog's submission tag, it'll be far down, but it’s honestly faster than trying to find it on my blog. Please note there are two, one serious, one comedy)
But yeah, similar thing here! Have the party establish their "new" behaviour by everyone commenting on how weird it is, and showing flashbacks. I might have a specific scene where we see the inciting incident for Adrien and Chloé. Like, don't make it long, don’t give context, just a quick taste of the fact SOMETHING happened. Maybe a scene from Chloé comforting Adrien after Emilie disappears?
Another thing that might help/hinder Marinette would be Alya. Or, like, maybe to help show contrast with Nino? Cause, I think you said it before, Alya's kind of living out her tropes right now. She's the best friend of the Nice Girl[tm], Chloé's obvious the Popular Mean Girl [tm]. Alya would agree with Marinette that Chloé is a brat who needs to be taken down a peg. Meanwhile Nino, who has been in the same class as these two since diapers, is a bit more mellowed out. He isn’t seeing tropes, he's seeing people. Like, he has no clue what's going on, but he knows it’s more complicated than "Rich Bitch Spoiled Princess". Actually, I might have that be what kills Nino's crush on Marinette. Like, he still likes her fine. They're still friends. But Marinette's initial inability to see Chloé as anything but a bully and Spoiled brat, and how it’s colouring her perception of Adrien, might cause Nino to lose his infatuation with Marinette. Like, if I had a crush on someone, and they refused to believe that one of my friends might be abused, I would stop liking them real quick.
(The train has switched rails from my head to the page. It was not smooth.)
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calciumsoda · 11 months
As is hopefully obvious from my blog and just the way that i am
I am insane and also a massive D&D, Cosmere, and Wheel of Time nerd.
So of COURSE when you put me in a D&D west marches server I'm going to get way way way too into dming massive absurd plotlines that require 10-15 people to sort out.
This one is currently in the works and I'm so so so excited to run it SO you all get to hear about it because splattering my brain patterns on this hellsite is going to help me organize the plotline as it exists thus far.
Anyone from a discord west marches server with a red and black icon and a setting full of oceans and islands, stop reading now. Spoilers below cut. Also, extremely sorry for long post nobody cares about.
IT ALL BEGINS in a port city full of pirates. The world is mainly oceans, with countless small to medium to small continent sized islands in it, largely disconnected from each other. This is only relevant because the main city the game takes place in is a port city whose trade routes are 100% by ocean and nothing else.
In this lawless pirate city, there are a few noble families, one of which is named the Bearingtons. Several of them happen to be Werebears, and there are differing opinions on whether this happened before or after the name came about.
The Bearingtons have always been... power-hungry. Of course, noble families are rarely particularly well-off in pirate cities of all places, but they've managed inexplicably to maintain some sort of hold on their riches and power (mostly because the majority of the family lives in an isolated manor far away from the actual city). This is, aside from Count Bearington, an estranged cousin to the rest of the family who was cast out over some scandal or another years ago and lived alone (with servants, of course) for years in a slowly-deteriorating manor in the city. The Count was bitter about his disownment from the family, and wished to make things "right" by whatever means possible, beginning to research the means to summon and control devils to bring literal hell upon his family.
Elsewhere, a Triton wizard, having by various less-than-ethical means lived far past the 200 year limit on most tritons' lives by now, is busy making horrific amalgamations of elementals and fiends, creating fiends with the powers of lightning and frost out of those which had before been mere imps. They are also, out of desperation to extend their life a little longer to see their work complete, investigating means to become a Lich using elemental souls rather than human ones. However, for the time being, they have made the phylactery... and are unsure how to activate it, as they are too busy trying to stop their monstrosities from killing more travellers on the roads past their tower. Eventually, the city proper catches wind of these murders and foul experiments, and a party is dispatched to kill the wizard and their experiments.
The Wizard is killed, their body rapidly aging upon their death as the magic that had kept body and soul youthful drains... into the phylactery, inescapably dragging their soul into the trap they made themself. After several weeks, they manage to gain some small measure of control over the base elements surrounding their corpse, and successfully create a rudimentary, part-elemental part-undead body to make their way to the city and find a cleric to end their existence. The hells themselves would be better than this...
In the city, they hear tell of another who works to summon devils. The Lich goes to the place rumours speak of, and finds Count Bearington's manor, entering and desperately trying to convince him not to do this. The Lich does not realize that, by now, the Count has already met with several fiends and promised them his family's estate, hells, even the whole *city* if they will help him to get his revenge on his kin.
The Count convinces the Lich that, should they help with a ritual to summon a stronger devil, and bind it to his bidding, then he will aid the Lich in finding some way to destroy the phylactery. The Lich agrees, desperate to be free of this prison before their mind rots entirely, and pours immense magic into a circle in the basement of the Count's manor, succeeding in summoning stronger fiends than before. The Lich, however, does not realize just how much they've put into it, nor the effects that will have... and, shortly after the Lich is given directions to a cleric who owes the Count a favour and leaves, the circle begins to expand, transforming from a mere summoning circle to a planar gateway to the Hells, beginning to corrupt the earth around it and blur the line between the Material and the Hells...
Days later, the Count is found dead, disemboweled and impaled on the steel gates bordering his manor. Investigation inside the manor finds powerful fiends within, tearing the place apart and eating his few remaining servants, but does not locate the hidden trapdoor that hides the true measure of the disaster about to unfold. Devils are not mindless brutes, however... they have waited millenia for the opportunity to wage war through such a portal, but one small entryway in the middle of a city would be impossible to maintain a full scale assault through.
The devils, however, have other tricks in mind. The seas all around the city are home to thousands - tens, hundreds of thousands - of evil sea-dwelling lifeforms, largely Sahuagin and Merrow, who are eager for a chance to slaugher the pirates of the city who so often deny them the treasures carried on their ships. The devils approach these sahuagin, making deals with them - promising great power, the power to wipe this city from the surface and drag its treasures and residents below the waves for themselves. The sahuagin are more than happy to oblige to the devils' demands, and begin amassing an army...
The devils do not rely on sea creatures alone, of course. Others are sent to meet with humanoids both within the city and without; deals are struck between powerful fiends and the leaders of several of the most powerful bandit groups in the city and its surrounding isles, promising each that they would be granted their wildest desires, if they only carried out a few important missions... destroy a temple here, burn a small sacred clearing there, weaken the influence of the gods such that the fiends might meet no resistance when they arrive in force to raze the island in flames and turn it into a tenth Hell, as they were promised by the Count.
Other fiends - a shape-shifting Succubus, mainly - return to terrorize the Bearington estate, attempting to kill the Emperor of the nearby sea elves to weaken any support that might come from other ocean races against the Sahuagin. Word slips out that the other Bearingtons may be in trouble, however, and a group of adventurers manages to save the Emperor, if not the Lady Bearington who was killed and replaced by the succubus to get close enough to him.
Another party is summoned by the frantic messages of a minor deity of nature, pleading for their aid in preventing the destruction of her ancient, forgotten temple, and they find an "archaeological" group (read: bandits in disguise) preparing to destroy the religious symbols within and claim the building as their own, an operation which only their leaders know is ordered by a devil in exchange for magical weapons and control over any who come too close to this temple. The first group of bandits is cleared out by these adventurers, but more are quite possibly on the way, as the deity of the temple personally thanks them for their aid and asks that they call on her whenever they require hers in return. One party member begins worshipping this deity, becoming her one and only priest (in a setting where having temples + priests dedicated to you is how you become and remain a god, this is wildly important to the deity, who would have outright died if the temple were destroyed).
Elsewhere, dragons are stirred from the homes they have held for centuries, and begin claiming new territory, forcing younger, weaker dragons to migrate towards this island due to its lack of major draconic presence. A pair of injured Sapphire dragons are driven from home after home, eventually finding refuge with the deity in the woods, but they are nearly overrun by further bandits, not even able to spare the energy to send a message to those who had helped previously with clearing them out...
And this is where the quest begins. Sahuagin and worse are assaulting the ports and any ships that try to enter or leave the city; multiple instances of intelligent and dangerous fiends have been spotted in various parts of the city, and a portal to the hells themselves discovered in the manor's lower floors; and bandits swarm the roads and holy places outside of the city, defacing and destroying important locations, all while a lone, desperate Lich-thing tries to right the wrongs they caused by recruiting any aid they can, disguising however they can to avoid this body being killed and their soul abandoned to the Phylactery once more.
There will be 1 party of adventurers sent to handle each of these major issues, the final total of players being between 10 and 15, with all 3 storylines converging into one at the end, as the players must either convince each side being manipulated by the devils to turn against them, or face an army of unimaginable proportions with the aid of whatever pirates the city can provide.
Anyway im fucking vibrating in excitement for when i get to run this quest i wanna run it so so so so so bad but i have more encounters to do before it starts. And i need to nail down more details. But. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
Just wanted to say that I've been a long-time fan of yours, since before PoF, and your analyses were some of the most well-thought out, nuanced and well-researched pieces on the site (my favorites are the playlist analyses they're like my comfort ones lmao). Even tho I've drifted away from the fandom, I still check back in here every now and again to see what's going on. Whilst I love ur series, I do think it's sad you've had to give urself that closure, which is one of my biggest hang-ups with this series. This painful, slow decline where SaSi drags on and on, losing all its momentum & fans and ending with a quiet sizzle rather than a bang as it should, is the worst way to end a series that touched so many people, including me. Tbh, if Thomas is going to use his ever-patient SaSi fans to milk views and money for his other series, he owes it to them to at least finish it properly. He owes his fans a lot of things, and a S2 finale is the main one, you can't milk SaSi for views and not create an episode for 2 years, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't want to do it anymore? Cut it, end it, so people can finally move on. The decline of SaSi has been one of the saddest things to witness, but I'm glad you're branching out into other things (tbh kudos for making it this long) and I'll stick around anyway even if ur analyses aren't SaSi because I don't read them for the content, but for the captivating way you write :)
Oh no, compliments! My only weakness!
But seriously, it's beautiful to feel so appreciated and I thank you a lot for that. I am glad you enjoy my analyses so much and it makes me very happy to know they have a good use. If they can help someone feel better, then I will keep writing them until the end of time - no, you can't take back your words now, they will come and be stupidly long because I love to ramble about stuff I like :P
Your words about SaSi are perfectly understandable and I agree with everything you say. It's really a shame that this series is slowly declining and it probably won’t end up like a bang, as it deserved.
Sure, Thomas explained a lot of things and it's now a bit clearer why this happened. However, this doesn't take away from the fact that the organization is pitiful and the lack of communication shouldn't have happened at all, not in a competent team. There are definitely issues and I hope Thomas will work on them as soon as possible, because they can affect his future projects too.
I felt we were going in this direction and I was growing frustrated. So, I did what I do every time there is something I don't like: I try to fix it, even if just for myself. And that's what I did with FSS3. I wanted to see these threads close in a satisfying way, I wanted to see the themes I care about being developed as they deserve. I wanted to give these characters a mature development, because I deeply love them and I deeply love the concept and the possibilities of Sanders Sides.
So, I put my ideas down - with the help of all the people who contributed to the survey. And now, I feel much more satisfied. I know FSS3 isn’t canon, but it’s as close to canon as possible - and, hopefully, will keep being like that for some time too. It’s something I wanted and needed and I’m glad people appreciated it and felt it was good for them too.
And now, I will gladly branch into other stuff. I need to do a bit of a makeover on the blog and expand the “not SaSi” section, first. Then I already have three series I want to talk about and one will be very long, so it might take a lot of time. And then Eurovision will come in May and the Book of Bill will come out in June and maybe I will also talk about the books I love in the future? Or about other series I follow and enjoy? I still don’t know, but be sure I won’t run out of things to talk about. I just wish my ramblings will be worthy of your time and I will keep deserving your appreciation, no matter what I’ll talk about <3
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
I always wondered about the House Pet AU, and in extension the Sanctuary AU, why Grimm doesn't have a more prominent role as he has in Canon as an extension of MC.
Would it be wild now to speculate that after the tragedy of the burnt down Ramshackle and disappearance of the pets that Grimm is now indirectly taken care of, almost like an unofficial pet, by Caretaker as he is associated with the calm better times from before?
I don't know why but in a way I feel like the presence of Grimm as a magical beast that is still rowdy and unpredictable, yet approachable and somehow understanding gives Caretaker a sense of familiarity and doesn't push him away.
I have found your account a while ago by accident and I just fell in love, everything here has all that I look for in a writing account TSKR for making my days so much more bright with your AUs
Haha, glad to see my writing meets your standards. Fun fact: I used to have another writing blog for another fandom with a writing style similar to the norm found on tumblr, as in headcanons and dotted paragraphs and all that, but I found that it saps my ability to write real quick and I just couldn't do it. I have to mentally comb through my thoughts and organize them into a drabble or mini fic rather than cut them up and put them as a list. Basically, to my brain, headcanon are snacks and I got sick of them in the long run, while drabble and fic making is a full on meal.
Not really Ramshackle, it's just the Caretaker's house, a home they've had since childhood. Tis a neighborhood they live in, there is a college nearby, though the Caretaker does not qualify for that place so that sucks.
Now as for the reason Grim isn't so prominent, mostly has to do with the fact that extreme circumstances had to happen for Grim and the main character to work together. In any other situation, they just go their own way, existing in the world but never quite interacting. The house pet au is pretty lax, all things considered, so Grim is just a wandering cat with no dreams of being the greatest mage in the world. Just looking for his next meal with no regard for the laws and rules. He does his own thing, just the same as the Caretaker who does their own thing. There's a mutual respect there. Also, he isn't the intelligent Grim we know. Really just a bastard cat.
Sanctuary AU however, does change that. After the fire on his favorite spot, he does go into hiding, cause he has been chased by a number of poachers who want him. The only thing to have survived that fire was a piece of cloth, a striped cloth, that he carried with him until Crowley saw that and fashioned it into a ribbon for him to wear.
Hilarious thing, he does manage to find his way to the Caretaker's new home, which isn't all that far from the previous place of residence, somewhere near Crowley's home. He caused quite the amount of chaos on that day. So you'll find him just chilling in any sanctuary he feels like being in at any given time. So, yeah, Caretaker didn't adopt him so much as he decided he lives here now. It's funny.
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remedyxtragedy · 29 days
Hello!!! Pleasure to meet ya!!
I only really wanna go by RemedyxTragedy but you can also just call me Rem or Remedy, whichever you prefer. I've been posting on tumblr for a good few months now on my other two accounts, however I've yet to emulate the online identity I've always wanted on platforms like this and so I decided, why not start anew and see where I get?
What I really strive to accomplish here is sharing my work with the masses, in a way that's 100% better and more organized than my previous attempts. Before I continue on about my stories, however, some basic and completely relevant facts about me are--
I prefer a much darker and grim style of writing so fluff, heartbalm, and mushy light-hearted stuff isn't really my cup of tea, although I do like wholesome from time to time just as a refresher from the more serious themes and subjects I often entrench myself in, to an unhealthy extent, so if I'm in the mood for it I might post such a story or two
I'm still very much in high school, but writing has been my passion for many years now. I enjoy playwriting and the regular creative style of writing, but as I've stated before my work will most likely only ever consist of Horror, mystery, or Thriller--it's what I'm best at.
Yes, I make art. I'm a rookie, by all means, but it's a very precious hobby of mine and so I make the most of it. My main blog is where I post art showcasing my main art style which is pretty vibrant and colorful so if you're interested you can check that out, but on this blog I'll only be posting art using the particular art style I adopted for Idiosyncratic, my other big story (name to be decided), and any other story I come up with along the journey. You'll see what I mean
I have a kitty cat, Tsukiko, and she's my pride and joy. Probably the most unnecessary detail I've shared about myself but in my eyes this is absolutely vital information the world should know about
I'm a Christian through and through, though I'm quite interested in a variety of religious and philosophical concepts which I incorporate in my writing, including of course heaven and hell, morality based on what is religiously acceptable compared to moral relativism, solipsism, theodicy, eternal recurrence, and many, many more.
I've been working on Idiosyncratic since seventh grade, technically six, so what I have now is the result of more than three years worth of heavy revision, redrafting, and complete reworking of my original idea. And let me tell you, what I had before is like the ugly grandfather of my current version of Idiosyncratic and if you were to place the two together side by side, you'd have no idea that they're related. The juxtaposition would be jaw-dropping, but ultimately all of this is to say that Idiosyncratic is very important to me and I pray that the final product, whatever it becomes, gets me somewhere in this world
Now, derailing from the mini tangent and while we're on the topic of Idiosyncratic, I'll give you all a pretty detailed summary of my idea and I'll make another separate post about my other big story that I recently started working on since this introduction post is already long enough. So, without further ado--
Idiosyncratic tells the dark story of Calixte Stanhope, a rather callous but…ordinary enough young man who awoke in a truly bizarre dystopian world after being pushed in front of an ongoing train while escorting his significant other home, a faceless and nameless woman he remembers only by her mere existence in this vivid memory, and throughout his journey he's haunted by a deep longing for her that's seems to drive his quixotic incentive to do whatever he must to survive
Rather than being welcomed by either the pearly gates of heaven or the fires of hell, Calixte found himself standing in the midst of the very strange and deceptive town of Baltimore, where everything from the largest bank to the tiniest coin is made entirely of cardboard and plastic, like the set for a play—mimicking the real thing while not actually being it. One can say, a rip off of everything in our world.
The citizens of the town too; although they're quick to greet you with a warm smile and talk with such an enticing charm that is sure to ensnare anybody desperate for answers to their odd predicament, they are not even close to being as ordinary as first impressions suggest--first impressions of which Calixte, for whatever reason, could see straight through. And soon enough, those illusions of a society you could trust fades into ash and the true extent of the young man's situation is ever so cruelly unveiled to him, and this reality would threaten twist and pervert the perceptions of goodness and evil he long since held dear to his heart, or at least he thought he did--he can't quite recall where his knowledge of civility, law, and order came from as vivid as they are to him, they seem feel almost like the figments of a hazy dream or fanciful concepts from a child's tale...
Regardless, what's become absolutely and abundantly clear to Calixte is that this world seems to glorify the things we don't, endorse the activity we shouldn't, and corrupt the ideas of right and wrong we have used to scaffold our civilizations from the ground up. Violence and madness is the way, entropy and discord is the center of worship, and every sad unfortunate soul who's found themselves in this world must abide by the matrix of the daily grind as they do here. The citizens of this delightful world are diehard fanatics for this way of living, lusting for violence so much to the point where its broadcasted on television, discussed fanatically in literature, and any horrid death calls for a grand celebration. The more irredeemable and atrocious something is, the more the residents of Baltimore revere it like sacred scripture, and the man who proudly encourages and orchestrates this madness is none other than the eccentric mayor, referred to as just “Whitman Sedgwick"--his pen name, as he only seems to make himself known through various propaganda, manifestos, and biographies littered about the town.
The unlucky few who wound up in Baltimore under bizarre circumstances similar to Calixte’s, properly labeled as “actors”, have to routinely partake in abhorrent acts for the public’s sick entertainment otherwise more than just their dignity, humanity, and pride will be torn from them. And eventually, once you're fully proven yourself to be of no use to Whitman's design, you are properly "dealt with"
It’s a horrifying ordeal to most, but a paradise to some of humanity’s greatest degenerates, and that small minority is powerful, hungry, and determined to survive by any means necessary--no matter how low. Thus leading Calixte, an obstinate man with an ambition, to meet people he never would’ve otherwise, creating a fragile alliance that will either make or break this band of deplorable lowlives, all depraved in their own ways but alike in their desire for freedom and above all, answers.
As he begrudgingly adjusts his mind to this new world, he quickly realizes his dangerous willingness to do anything and everything he must in order to escape the clutches of the Hegemony and Craze and to reunite with the one woman so dear to him. However, Calixte never would’ve thought that the madness of this world stretch far, far beyond just the glamorization and capitalization of evil. It seems, there's more than one person pulling the strings--its just a question of, who exactly is at the end of the cross brace?
OOOOoooh so ominous
Also, PLEASE, give me feedback.
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How To Identify Yellowfoot Mushrooms
Originally posted at my blog at https://rebeccalexa.com/how-to-identify-yellowfoot-mushrooms/. This is my first "How to Identify" article; I hope you like it! Click here to learn more about the How to Identify article series.
Name: Yellowfoot Mushroom (Craterellus tubaeformis, previously Cantharellus tubaeformis)
Range and typical habitat(s): Temperate/cold regions of North America, Europe, portions of the Himalayas. This species is mycorrhizal with several conifer species (including but not limited to Tsuga heterophylla and Pseudotsua menziesii) and so is primarily found in conifer forests and nearby boggy areas. The mycelium grows on both soil and rotting wood, and fruiting bodies (mushrooms) may be seen popping out of the surface of the substrate.
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Distinguishing physical characteristics (size, colors, overall shapes, detail shapes): The cap of this mushroom rarely exceeds two inches across, and usually isn’t much more than three and a half inches tall. Looking much like its Cantharellus cousins, this mushroom has a funnel or trumpet shape when mature; the edge of the cap is often wavy, and the center concave even when young. Color is the main way to distinguish this mushroom, as the upper side of the cap is brown or yellowish brown, while the stipe (stem) is a comparatively bright yellow. The spore print is white to buff.  The stipe is hollow in older specimens while the cap is solid; the stipe may also have a grooved texture on the outside. No veil, ring/annulus, or volva/cup apparent.
The yellowfoot is sometimes known as the winter chanterelle because it can often be found well into January and February. Depending on the area, yellowfoot mushrooms may be found starting in late summer and going until early spring.
The cap has false gills that may extend a little way down the stipe and are usually a pale yellow, though they may be grayish in some specimens. Unlike true gills, which are very closely spaced and thin like pages in a book, false gills are thicker, chunkier, and more widely spaced. I liken them to looking as though they were carved out of wax or wood. The false gills may fork as they get closer to the edge of the cap.
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Other organisms it could be confused with and how to tell the difference: Yellowfoot looks a lot like golden/yellow Cantharellus chanterelles; the main difference is the darker-colored cap and sometimes hollow stipe in yellowfoot. Chanterelles may grow in soil, and favor conifers as yellowfoot mushrooms do. Yellowfoot and the chanterelles are all edible.
On the other hand, beware of the jack o’ lantern mushrooms (Omphalotus olearis, Omphalotus olivascens, and Omphalotus illudens)! It is another funnel-shaped mushroom that is orange in color, though the upper side of the cap may be a darker orange that looks brownish in some lights, with lighter-colored gills underneath; O. olivascens‘ cap may also have a greenish tint. Jack o’ lanterns have true gills instead of false. Like yellowfoot they may grow on rotting wood, though they do not grow on soil. Jack o’ lanterns are also bioluminescent and may glow at night.
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Craterellus tubaeformis
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Cantharellus cibarius
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Omphalotus olivascens. By Jonny & Simone (Surfer) at Mushroom Observer, CCA-SA-3.0
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Omphalotus illudens. By Adam Arendell (julius) at Mushroom Observer, CCA-SA-3.0
Anything else worth mentioning? Yellowfoot mushrooms are considered edible by most sources. However, the Peterson Field Guide to Mushrooms of North America, second edition, lists this species as “gray-gill chanterelle”, and describes it as not edible because “some mild but uncomfortable poisonings are reported from species in this group” (p. 206). “Group” is not specified but might refer to genus, or all populations of this species; I’m not sure. I couldn’t find any other sources, either books or websites, that corroborated the claim of toxicity (if you find any, feel free to let me know!) Chanterelles (Craterellus and Cantharellus) in general may make a small number of people sick just as other edible wild mushrooms can, but this does not make them widely considered poisonous and may be an effect of individual digestive sensitivities. As always, always be 100% sure you know exactly what mushroom you have and that it is definitely safely edible BEFORE you eat it, and always cook and eat a SMALL amount when trying a new edible mushroom for the first time. When in doubt, throw it out!
Further reading:
Forager Chef: Foraging and Cooking Yellowfoot Mushrooms
Mushroom Appreciation: Yellowfoot Chanterelle
KPMS: Yellowfoot, Winter Chanterelle
Mushroom Stalkers: Where to find Yellow-foot Chanterelles?
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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rp-academy · 6 months
i‘m new in the rp tumblr community (not new to tumblr itself though) and i really really appreciate all of your resources so tysm for taking the time to create all this <3
i do have a question: how do i get people to find & interact with my blog?
i‘d love to try out some of the infinite starter/rp memes ive seen everywhere on tumblr but i have no idea how i would even use them & how to get people to send/reply/etc. to me
i sent submissions on some of those rp-partner-search blogs on here as well because i had no idea where to start, but i don‘t seem to be lucky with that :[
i just wanna rp & maybe get to know some nice people in the rp community but i have no idea how, i know a lot of the etiquette stuff now but all that doesn‘t really matter if i‘m not actually interacting with anyone 😭
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Hey there! I'm glad my blog has been a valuable resource to you.
It's definitely difficult starting out in the community, as there are many different structures and moving parts to learn. Hopefully, my advice here will be of some use too!
Looking at your blog, you have a really nice theme! It's very clear to read and quite beautiful. However, you may be having some trouble finding people to interact with because they may still be viewing you as a personal blog.
RP blogs differ from personals in a couple of different ways that I'll outline here.
(A.) Content and reblogs.
RP blogs are made up of largely tagged posts that fall into a few different categories. OOC posts, headcanons, threads, aesthetics, dash games, and more. These are almost always tagged accordingly and don't usually fall outside the main purpose of the blog. I see that your blog is for the most part empty and already following this standard, though you may want to integrate the tag system for easier navigation! I'd try to add a little bit more flavor to your blog by adding drabbles here and there as writing samples, or reblogging aesthetic/visage posts!
(B.) Rules and muse page.
One of the largest things that sets a personal apart from an rp blog is the way in which you set up your rules and muses. There is additional information on this post on how you might go about making a rules and muses page, but another way for beginners is to make a pinned post and put all information under a read more. It looks like you've already got a bio going, so here's how I personally would organize that as an example:
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Obviously this is your blog and you have every right to make it how you'd like, but these are just my suggestions!
Other than that, it's a matter of being patient and reaching out to others. Not everyone will be down to rp, and that's okay. It takes time and patience, and largely an understanding of that concept. What you give, you get back. It can be discouraging when you can't find many to rp with, but it's important to remember that negativity truly will breed negativity here. Waiting for others to approach you won't always work, so you may need to ask and try to engage with others! Don't be afraid to say what you want!
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ecargmura · 1 year
Buddy Daddies Episode 5 Review: Unofficial Uncle Kyutaro Spotlight!
You can read this post on my blog, which you can click here.
If you just want to read it here, continue below.
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Another episode of family life and no action. I kind of miss the action. I hope it happens soon. I’ll be disappointed if the action happens towards the end of the anime. However, I do think this episode was good for all the Kyutaro spotlight we get here.
The beginning of the episode shows the consequences from all the careless spending the family did to get Miri into daycare last episode. They’re financially struggling, meaning no more games and no more pudding for Rei and Miri, possibly. Because of this they have to turn to Kyutaro who gives them a job with a one-week deadline. I do like how this is implemented as even if Rei is from a wealthy family, money isn’t infinite in this world.
I did not expect to get Kyutaro spotlight in this episode. He usually makes small appearances here and there, but this episode gives him a lot of screen time. He’s surprisingly good with kids as he handles Miri well. He makes strawberry juice for her and helps her with her homework by telling her what Kazuki and Rei’s “jobs” are by making stuff up; Kazuki’s a nameless comedian and Rei is an oil tycoon (the daycare moms are gonna have a field day with this one). He’s cemented himself as the unofficial uncle of Miri.
He’s also very perceptive. He already knew who Miri is and the three’s current living situation. He’s also very mysterious as his words towards the end of the episode felt ominous. Will something bad happen to the dads in the future?
Miri is also the other main focus of this episode. Her homework assignment is her main focus, but her little antics are also the highlight of the episode. She sneaks out of the house on her own, just like how Tsumugi from Sweetness and Lightning did; on the topic of this, while Miri going off on her own is a bit nerve-wracking, I do know that it’s mainly a cultural nuance about Miri’s independence, so I’m not going to nitpick on it. She tries to follow Kazuki around and gets distracted by her surroundings like imitating a pretty lady she sees and cuddling a dog. I think this shows how much of a normal kid she is. She’s curious, a ball of energy and easily distracted. I’m also surprised that Miri seems to know more than she lets on. Remember how Kyutaro asks if she was fine with living with strangers? Miri responded that she wanted to live with Kazuki and Rei forever and that she loves them (she didn’t use ‘Suki’ which is a general ‘like’ but she uses ‘daisuki’, which means ‘really like’ or the more informal version of ‘love’). She never once mentioned wanting to go back to her mom. Maybe there’s more to Miri’s situation that meets the eye.
Kazuki and Rei were mainly comedic relief in this episode, more of the former than the latter in that aspect. Kazuki’s lack of sleep gets him having crazy thoughts and a hyperactive demeanor about everything. While Kazuki does seem like an overprotective dad, remember that he lost his pregnant wife in an accident. Miri is like the redemption he never had until now. 
Rei, on the other hand, still sleeps in the bathtub. However, he is making progress as the other father as he does call Kazuki about the missing Miri and they both search for her as a result. The way he was holding her gently at the end of the episode really does show his progress. He’s still the lazy and aloof Rei, but he’s caring more about Kazuki and Miri each episode.
Now that the two are back working as assassins, where will this show go from here? What will they do about Ryo Ogino who briefly showed up in this episode? What will happen if Kazuki and Rei do decide to betray the organization? Will Kyutaro still be their ally when drastic changes happen? I feel like there’s going to be a lot of angst in the near future and I’m not ready. Nope. Not at all.
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nebulous-library · 1 year
Nebulous-Library Masterlist ✨
MY AO3 - All of my works are posted ONLY either here (on my main blog in some cases) or on my AO3 account. Nowhere else has permission to post or use them. Do not feed my work to robots. I can’t enforce that, I know, but like, I work really hard on this stuff and it would make me sad.
This masterlist is organized in two parts: 
Things that have the utmost brainrot at the current point in time.
Everything else, organized alphabetically by series.
Read more below!
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Relatively current obsessions -
Hajime Kokonoi (Koko)
Better Together (Koko x Reader x Inupi)
my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again (NSFW - dark content, not porn)
Seishu Inui (Inupi)
Better Together (Koko x Reader x Inupi)
Misc. headcanons, musings, imagines
little acts of intimacy - how they like to be touched (misc. characters)
what their kisses are like (misc. characters)
what they sound like when they cum (misc. characters)
how they fall in love (misc. characters)
Baji with a crush (HC)
the one where lyla gets a physical body (HCs)
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Hologran!Lyla x Reader)
Miguel O’Hara
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Dr. Olivia Octavius x Reader, Miguel O’Hara x Reader)
Dr. Olivia Octavius 
UPCOMING - Untitled work (Dr. Olivia Octavius x Reader, Miguel O’Hara x Reader)
Peter B. Parker x Bagel (feat. Reader)
Fifty Shades of Grain (NSFW) - Peter's love of carbs goes a little too far when he finds himself alone in his apartment one morning, fantasizing about his cute neighbor and not having anything better to satisfy his cravings than the bagel from the coffee shop. Whilst getting jiggy with this bagel, Peter manages to find himself in a little bit of a predicament only said neighbor can help him get out of.
Chuuya Nakahara
wine & dine (NSFW) - When your plans for Chuuya’s birthday go awry, he keeps himself busy with a nice bottle of wine. However, when you arrive later that evening, you find that the wine has caused certain complications for Chuuya. No matter — he’s going to have a birthday feast one way or another.
wine & dine - the bonus chapter (NSFW) - The unplanned follow-up in which Chuuya finally gets to smash
mile high club (NSFW) - Sigma didn’t think his first sexual encounter would be with his assistant manager at the Sky Casino. But things don’t always go as planned, do they?
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Everything else, alphabetical by source material
Like a Moth to the Flame (NSFW) - You are with the Gaang at Zuko's family's abandoned vacation home on Ember Island. Sozin's Comet is due to return in three days' time. The entire squad is stressed, especially Zuko. You approach him that evening in an attempt to help him alleviate some of his tension.
Headcanons, musings, imagines
Being romantically/sexually involved with Kagaya Ubayashiki [part 1] - [part 2] - [part 3]
Douma + breeding kink, kind of (HC)
Eggplant HCs [part 1] -  [part 2]
Milky Way (NSFW) - Whilst sneaking about where you shouldn't, you discovered the mirror from Viren's study down in an empty dungeon chamber. As captivating as such a relic as the mirror was, it was nowhere near as captivating as that which you saw in the glass.
Bound (NSFW) - You didn't mean to start semi-regularly having sex with the leader of one of the most notorious moonshadow elf assassin groups. But it happened, and now after having not seen him in months, he is being held captive in essentially the basement of your place of employment. You decide to pay him a friendly visit.
A Nocturnal Affair (NSFW) -  Night has fallen in Katolis, and what a beautiful night it is. Beautiful, but lonesome. Your chambers at the palace were lovely, but so very empty. Perhaps a sneaky late-night visit from a certain lover of yours can do something about that.
Xadian Nights - Your relationship with Runaan has come to the point where you can no longer stand the sneaking around and the secrecy. Neither of you wants this to be all it is for the rest of your life. After what had started as wistful daydreaming of what your lives might be like under other circumstances, you decide you're going to do it. You are going to flee to Xadia. With Runaan by your side, you venture off on a life-changing journey. [prologue] -  [chapter 1] - [chapter 2] - [chapter 3]
Oikawa Tooru 
The “Oikawa Has A Bedroom Full Of Mirror, Particularly On The Ceiling, And 100% Gets Off On His Own Reflection” saga (NSFW, drabbles/HCs) - [drabble 1] - [drabble 2] - [HC 1] - [HC 2] - [bonus]
Oikawa has both a praise kink AND a degradation kink (NSFW, HCs)
Kokichi Muta
Bringing him presents (HC)
Developing a relationship with him (drabble)
Going on dates with him if/when his body gets restored (drabbles) - [part 1] - [part 2]
Suguru Geto
Character Analysis Hours - [part 1] - [part 2]
High school Suguru + his piercings (HC)
Subby Suguru thoughts 
Misc. poly w/ SatoSugu thoughts [part 1] - [part 2]
Satoru Gojo
His sense of humor (HC)
Misc. poly w/ SatoSugu thoughts [part 1] - [part 2]
Kento Nanami
What flirting with him is like (HC)
Learning how to speak like a person (HC)
Kaoru Sakurayashiki (Cherry Blossom)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Kojiro Nanjo (Joe)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Miscellaneous HCs (NSFW)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Ainosuke Shindo (Adam)
Adam’s shotgunning kink (NSFW, imagine)
what they’re like in bed (part 2 - the Adam-centric sequel)
Cherry/Joe/Adam cockblocking each other
Hiromi Higa (Shadow)
what they’re like in bed (part 1)
Peter B. Parker x Bagel (feat. Reader) 
Fifty Shades of Grain (NSFW) - Peter's love of carbs goes a little too far when he finds himself alone in his apartment one morning, fantasizing about his cute neighbor and not having anything better to satisfy his cravings than the bagel from the coffee shop. Whilst getting jiggy with this bagel, Peter manages to find himself in a little bit of a predicament only said neighbor can help him get out of.
Takashi Shriogane
Missing Pieces series - A pre-VLD series in which you, Shiro’s partner, are coping with losing him to the Kerberos mission.
Part one - Let Me Call You Sweetheart (SFW) - You and Shiro had just moved into your new place shortly before he left. Now everything just feels empty without him.
Part two - The Moon and Back (SFW) - Keith comes to check on how you’re doing.
Part three - Stay with Me (NSFW) - Keith’s comforting goes a step too far
Part four - Just One Yesterday (SFW) - A glimpse into the development of your relationship with Shiro when you were both eager young Garrison students
Part five - Somewhere Only We Know (NSFW) - A bittersweet reunion between you and Shiro after his alleged disappearance on the Kerberos mission.  
Part six - The Impossible Year (SFW) -  [chapter 1] - [chapter 2] - It's been almost a year since the Kerberos mission, since you thought you'd lost the love of your life forever. But a fire is brewing within your soul. Despite your previous beliefs, you no longer can sit idly by and accept what the Garrison has told you about the disappearance of the crew on that mission. You need answers. And it's about time you find your missing pieces 
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nbenvs3000w24 · 5 months
Life as an Environmental Interpreter
Hello friends,
Welcome back to another week of blogging!
To begin, when I first heard the term “nature interpreter,” I honestly didn’t really know what it meant, who it classified or why a nature interpreter would be an important role within the environmental world. I initially thought to myself, “nature doesn’t speak… so why would it need an interpreter?” However, as I sat here and pondered, I realized that nature does indeed speak to us in ways that are both subtle and direct and it’s up to us as receivers to cultivate awareness and choose to use our senses to listen. I’ve learned that nature interpreters are important because they allow us to understand the natural world and help us to use our senses to better connect and listen to the many forms of communication nature has to offer. 
In my ideal world, I would love to have a job as an environmental interpreter at a local park where I would lead immersive and captivating tours through various different trails. I would love to have this role as an interpreter because hiking through trails is where I fell in love with the outdoors and where I found the most personal connection to nature. My tours would allow adults and children to connect with the biological and cultural diversity within the trails and lead everyone on a path of self-discovery and personal connection. As someone who is also very interested in history, my tours would go beyond simply the nature that is present and teach the group about the history of the trails, how the various organisms and wildlife evolved and where things are expected to evolve to in the future to add my own personal touch. 
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Here are some cool photos from a tour in the beautiful New Zealand!!!
In order to adapt to the needs of others in my role as an interpreter, I would need to implement a variety of different learning styles into my teaching approach while on the tours as well as pay attention to my specific audience at hand in order to adapt to their needs. For example, I can focus my attention more on sounds and noises such as bird species chirping on the tours for an audience who possess more auditory strengths. Oppositely, I can focus on elaborating more on the visual aspect of the tours such as the animal tracks on the ground, the variety of different insects or any other notable features to aid with my visual learners. In my advantage however, I am a tactile learner so I can use my tactile skills to use a more engaging and interactive approach to my tours by allowing the group to get their hands dirty and do more than simply walk and listen! I believe that no matter what style of learning works best for a person, the only way to truly experience the most out of nature is to use all senses to touch, smell, feel and see the beauty the world around us has to offer. 
To conclude, I believe my main goal as an environmental interpreter is to have the visitors who follow along my tour leave the tour feeling different than they were before. Whether they feel more connected to themselves, more connected to nature, a heightened sense of creativity or appreciation or overall simply happier, I want my tours to leave a lasting impression on people! To me, the ability to teach and share my knowledge with others about a topic I am passionate about would be the most rewarding job and maybe in the future this will become a reality!
Thanks for listening :)
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