#think of this of him discovering vlad/danny
arizcross · 8 hours
Danny(al) Wayne AU
Danyal and Damian are not twins. Danny is older than Damian by four years. Talia never told Danyal he has a younger brother and she never told Damian he has an older brother.
Danyal ran away from the LoA when he was eight years old. Without no one help (well, he trained a colony of rats) he faked his own death (he is a damn genius and he made a fool out of Ra and Talia and so far he calls it his greatest achivement).
His original plan was to reach the U.S.A. via maritime shipment and then go to Gotham to look for his biological father, Bruce Wayne: The Batman. He first arrived to California and by manipulating the foster care system he moved to Texas and then to Illinois where he was found by the Fenton family… there Danyal realized that Jack and Madeline Fenton were a danger for themselves and for the world. Their investigation on ectoplasm (by doing his own research Danny discovered that ectoplasm is actually the source of Lazarus Water) and their development on weaponry powered by ectoplasm made him take the decision to stay with the Fenton couple as their adopted son, Daniel.
For years Danyal sabotaged the Fenton’s experiments… it was because he tried to sabotage the portal that he activated the machine and died electrocuted.
With the accident Danny understood that the Pit Demons Ra fears so much are actually what the Fenton couple refer to as “Ghosts”. Danyal also learns that these “ghosts” are nothing of what the Fentons or Ra think of them.
At first, when Danyal was recently adopted by the Fenton couple, Jazz tried her best to make him feel welcomed and to make him open up to her (it was clear that the glaring daggers boy had gone through something awful). What did the trick was a movie night where they watched Lilo & Stitch. Danny cried so hard Jazz bough him ice-cream every day for a whole month. After that Danny started to emotionally develop a lot; He recognized Jazz as his sister and only family.  
Danny’s favorite movies are Lilo & Stitch (he has a Stitch onesie), Treasure Planet, Atlantis (only the first one, the second doesn’t exist), The Iron Giant and Chicken Run.
Danny has always known that his biological father is Bruce Wayne (The Batman) and has always followed his career (for a very long time Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Jack, Madeline and Vlad thought he was only fan-boying hard over both the rich philanthropist and the mysterious bat-themed hero). Danny has followed his father’s life so accurately that he even knew every time a new Robin came to be (he has files on every single one of his siblings), he deducted the times when Batman was severely injured, he even knows Gotham and the Wayne’s family history! (He is Bruce’s child alright) When Damian came Danny almost had a rage fit, Talia had hidden a younger brother from him. Jazz faced him about this sense of betrayal about the new Wayne boy, that’s when Danny told her everything (about the LoA, about Bruce, everything) and Jazz hugged him as he cried his eyes out both in grief and regret for his younger brother and how he left him in Ra and Talia’s hands.
Danny is sixteen when the cat gets out of the bag. Sam, Tucker and Valerie managed to escaped with their families from Amity Park before the whole city was besieged while the G. I. W. captured Danny with Jack and Madeline’s help, Jazz didn’t know what to do, so she took Danny’s files on Gotham and the Bat-clan (as Danny called it) and managed to run away to Gotham, it is time for certain furry to pay for child support.
Danny only told Jazz and Dani about the LoA and Batman, Vlad discovered only the part about the LoA (and he will regret it later) but he doesn’t know about Batman. Sam and Tucker only know that Danny was raised by some weird cult until he was eight, Val only thinks that Danny is weird.
Jazz also gets adopted by the bats and the birds.
Danyal got a PhD in bio-chemistry at six and a masters in mechanics at seven. While recovering at Wayne manor from his time at the G. I. W. headquarters he studied astrophysics via a long-distance program.
Damian challenged Danny to a duel the instant the older one was physically recovered.
Danny: Damian, relax. It’s been literal years since I-shit! *He exclaims as he barely manages to dodge Damian’s sword.
Danny discovered that his four years younger baby brother is a feral chihuahua.
Danny: As if Dani been a feral stray cat wasn’t enough *Danny huffs as he takes a nice, piping hot bath in his bedroom’s bathtub*: I FORGOT TO TELL THEM ABOUT DANI!
Dani takes upon herself to teach Damian how to be a teen, in exchange Damian teaches Dani a bit of his assassin training.
Danny only refers to Bruce as his father when the older man is not around because he is embarrassed to call him father to his face.
Damian: Tt, you’re even more of a disgrace than Timothy! He is our father, Danyal! Blood of our blood!
Dick: Yeah, baby boo. I assure you B won’t mind it one bit.
Danny *very much aware of how much he stalked and fanboyed over his father over the years*: I can’t.
Dani is the first one of the Dannies to call Bruce dad.
Dani is not always around since she has to be in the GZ for her core to not de-stabilize but she visits during vacations and the holydays.
Danny opens up to B about Dan and tells him all of his contingency plans in case he (Danny) goes rouge (Not even Jazz knows about them).
Bruce *looking at Danny right in the eye as they both hold each other gaze*: You are not going to become that, Danny.
Danny *looking at B with the gaze of a tired, scared teen*: Please, father, promise me.
That was the first time Danny called Bruce father to his face.
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 2 months
Thinking about a "Danny and Damian are Twins" au, but also a misunderstandings au...
Like, maybe Dan and Dani are being "Villains" (disrespecting the justice league. Maybe Dan still kills people, but has a moral code like Red Hood, and Dani just pranks and harasses immoral heroes) is what makes the JL discover Danny Fenton (not Phantom, Phantom is retired)
A Danny Fenton, formerly Al Ghul, who has amnesia and thinks Damian is a clone when he confronts him. Damian can barely get a word in when he rants about someone named Vlad cloning him again and gives Damian a lecture about being your own person and how he doesn't have to be evil. Danny is really embarrassed when he learns that Damian is just Some Guy who looks like him (Damian decided to leave his brother in ignorance).
Just the Batfam thinking civilian Danny is trying to parent his clearly Villainous clones. Maybe they witness Dan and Dani disguising themselves as humans to be more like their "dad"?
I don't know where I'm going with this.
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
There are so many fics out there where Danny is either adopted by or the biological son of Bruce. In many of these he might have an existential crisis but other wise he is fine and happy to be part of the BatFam. Where are the ones where he fights against this just doesn't want to connect with Bruce of the rest of the family.
One: Bruce is a billionaire and Danny has had some bad experience with Vlad trying to adopt/get him as a son. So even if Bruce is one of "the good ones" Danny does't like billionaires.
Two: Danny for the most part grew up in a mostly normal family and home, with two Parents and a sibling. Most of the BatFam were only children and parents are dead or came from dysfunctional homes. I think Duke is the only one who really had a normal childhood.
Three: The Fenton family is pretty openly affectionate with each other and are pretty normal emotionally. Danny has a great relationship with all of them (Danny went evil in the timeline where they all died). Most of the Batfam is emotionally constipated.
Four: Danny is used to his boundaries being respected. I don't think that the Batfam is great at that. With Bruce needing to know everything, Tim's stalking tendencies, Barbra's hacking, just to name the obvious.
Danny knew that he was adopted into the Fentons. His parents had never hidden it from him, but they never treated him as anything besides their child.
He had come into their lives one day when one of Maddie's old high school friends had called, bawling that she had gotten pregnant and that her husband wasn't the father. He had discovered the truth and thrown her out, leaving her pregnant and alone on the streets of Gotham.
Maddie had been furious at the affair- she hated disloyalty- but had decided to help her only for the baby's sake.
She had driven over multiple state lines back to her home city to pick up the friend only to find out she had taken her life and left her newborn son to Maddie. While Maddie had been able to escape the hellhole that was Gotham, Rebecca never got the chance, not with her average intelligence.
In high school, the two were as close as sisters until Rebecca fell into the whisky bottles her father carelessly left around. She blossomed into a beautiful woman upon their graduation- more so than Maddie-, turning from a sweet homebody into someone who got into exclusive parties and powerful men.
Maddie had slowly drifted away from her, so far away at college, and Rebecca fell further and further into the party scene. It was a surprise that she settled down for marriage and Maddie truly believed that she had been happy with her husband.
That's why Danny was such a surprise. Maddie did not know who Danny's biological father was, but she did not care. Not after they placed the sobbing infant into her arms, and she realized that she was his mother now.
She immediately phoned Jack to tell him what had happened, and he told Jazz she was a big sister before the call ended. They told him the story about when he started to learn his colors. Not with her taking her life, of course; that was when Danny turned fourteen. This was only a few days before Danny revealed he was Phantom to them.
They were first shocked, but then they became supportive. Phantom now had two proud ghost hunters following him, shooting photos instead of guns.
It was embarrassing, but it was also nice of them.
And that was that. Danny is a Fenton, adopted, but a child of Maddie and Jack Fenton all the same.
He never gave his biological parents a thought. In fact, he all but forgot about them until Sam convinced him to take an ancestry test. He had allowed her to swipe his mouth, package his DNA, and send it off to see where his people came from, completely forgetting that he would not match with Jazz, who had done the same thing a month prior.
His results were shocking, to say the least.
Somehow, someway, Rebecca Silver had been in the system of DNA samples, and they had matched him to her alongside his biological father.
Bruce Wayne. Rebecca had an affair with Bruce Wayne, arguably one of the wealthiest men in the country, and they had sent him a message to let him know he matched with his son.
An eccentric billionaire has just been told that Danny was his. He knew that song and dance well, and it was never fun to dance to. Danny could only stare at the results with dread as Sam apologized profoundly.
"Maybe he won't see it." Tucker tried. "I mean, Wayne is probably so busy with rich people stuff he doesn't have time to even look at his emails. Especially ones that will come in spam since it's comersolized."
"Yeah, Maybe" Danny doesn't think he's that lucky.
A month later, the Fenton's home phone rings. His parents are working on a new invention on the dinning room table, Danny is stretched out in front of the TV watching a mindless cartoon and Jazz is crocheting in the love chair.
It's a typical Tuesday night where everyone is doing their own thing but close enough to each other that they can call it family time. Jazz is the closest to the house phone so she picks it up with a cheerful "Fenton house, this is Jasmine."
Her smile slowly slips away as all the blood drains from her face. Alarmed by her reaction, Danny sits up. "Jazz? What's wrong?"
His words have his parents' heads snapping up, zoning in on their daughter's rapidly growing destress. Yes, they get distracted often with their work, but the Fentons have always been loving parents.
They quickly spring into action.
"Jazzy-pants?" His dad says, walking up to her and taking the phone from her slack hand. He covers the speaking end of it, not paying attention to the call as his mom hugs his sister. "What's the matter?"
"It's... Bruce Wayne's lawyer," Jazz says faintly. "He's calling about Danny. He said that Mr. Wayne has been attempting to take Danny back and that they are going to take us to court soon."
The room goes dead quiet, and Danny snorts. "He can't do that without a letter or something. Come on Jazz, it's obviously a prank."
Someone at school likely found out and thought it would be funny to make "the biggest loser of Casper High" Danny Fenton, think a billionaire wanted him as a son. Honestly, he wouldn't put it past the A-listers.
He laughs to show how stupid this prank is, but neither of his parents joins him. Instead, his mother closes her eyes and whispers, "We received his court papers weeks ago. We've been trying to get a lawyer."
She pushes Jazz into his dad's arms, where his sister is slowly panicking. His dad tries to soothe her as his mom opens the drawer under the TV, pulling out three orange envelopes. She looks remorseful as she hands them to Danny. "We didn't want you to worry. I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner. Vlad said he would help, but he wasn't sure what he could do against such a powerful man"
And there, in overly complicated terms, is clear as day. Bruce Wayne wanted full custody of Danny Fenton and was willing to take the Fentons to court to get it done.
The man- who has never so much as met Danny, much less have a right to say what happens to him- was accusing his parents of child abuse and child neglect! He not only was trying to take Danny away but Jazz as well!
Where did this man get the audacity!?
"I don't want to go with him!" He shouts rage, making his eyes glow green. "I don't even know him!"
"I know, sweetie. I won't let him take you" His mom says, yanking him into a protective hug, and he realizes that her shirt is getting wet with his tears. Tears that fall just like the woman who raised him. "Everything will be alright."
It won't be, he knows, but he won't tell her that. He just lets his mother hold him, and when his sister and father crash into the hug a second later, he holds them just as tight.
He's not sure how they will win against Bruce Wayne, but Danny will fight his biological father every step of the way. He will not be his son.
Bruce stares at the photo of Danny Fenton- his son. His boy, whom he wasn't aware was alive until a month ago- and the reports from concerned teachers and whatever information Barbra could pull from his classmate's social media.
Dramatically dropping grades.
Clear signs of sleepless nights.
Flinches whenever his parents pull out "ghost hunting" gear.
Strange bruises and cuts along his arms and legs.
His small stature is no longer growing properly like his peers.
It all pointed to one thing. The Fentons were abusing his son and Bruce would bet the sister was suffering from the same treatment if her own grade dropping, sleepless eyes, and desperate race to adulthood were any indication.
Bruce laces his hands, resting his chin on them as the Batcomputer slowly flips through various reports being quickly dismissed by incompetent social workers who all claim it was Ghost Hunter related and not a cause for concern.
Those same social workers all seemed to have gotten quite generous donations from one Vlad Masters, a well-known family friend of the Fentons.
He hates corruption that allows children to be hurt, more so when it;'s his own children.
"When do we go retrieve Brother?" Damian asks, green eyes narrowing in rage as the reports scroll slowly. Ever since he found out Danny is a blood sibling, all Damian has been talking about is getting his elder brother home. "I am displeased with how long it's been, Father."
"Soon," Bruce promises, aware the rest of his children gather around him. They don't speak, but he feels their protective rage at what Danny has gone through, and he knows they will use every last bit of their training to get Danny home. "Either through the courts or in person. Danny will be with us come summer."
"Good," grunts Jason. "I'll have a little chat with his adoptive scumbags when we get him."
"I'll help," Dick tacks on.
"I'll make it look like an accident," Tim says, voice leveled but eyes blazing as the reports get to the neglect section. He has personal issues about that.
Bruce has never been so proud. "Court date is set for three weeks. They can't weasel their way out of it this time."
Don't worry son, he thinks to Danny, I'm going to save you.
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redflagshipwriter · 16 days
batmom cass: reveal
Oh. Fuck. He was invisible. A flood of genuine fear washed through him. He was discovered again, he was away from any allies, he had to get away-
Danny went intangible out of sheer survival instinct and lurched downwards. Bruce made a punched-out sound and lunged to grab him. He actually got his hand around Danny’s wrist and clenched despite Danny being invisible to human eyes. It was no use. Danny slipped through his grip, the chair, and then the floor.
He caught himself there and paused, hovering in the flooring. He could see the weird joints underneath the kitchen, a dark crawl space with way more spiders than Alfred could possibly know about. One of them reared up and waved its front legs at him in what was either a threat or a greeting. Danny shuddered involuntarily and pulled back a little to give the arachnid personal space.
“Danny?” Cass’s voice was muffled but calm. “Sit in your chair, please.”
She made it sound so sensible.
He blinked rapidly. “Right. Right, okay.” He floated back up through the floor and avoided eye contact as he settled back into place and the visible spectrum. He stole a glance around the room. Cass and Damian looked unaffected. Bruce’s face said the same, but the pulse point was jumping rapidly in his throat. His hand was pressed firmly against his thigh as if to remind him that it was a physical thing that existed.
“This GIW is harmful to you?” Damian asked, sensible and unaffected. He pushed his empty yoghurt away a few inches on the tabletop. “I gather from the acronym that we are dealing with an organization rather than an individual.”
“....Yeah.” Danny gripped his knees under the table and clung to the hint of normalcy. If they were going to act like that hadn’t been weird, then maybe he was okay. “I think they’re government affiliated. They say they are. They, uh.” He cleared his throat. “They’re the Ghost Investigation Ward, but I call them the Guys in White.”
“And they are a problem because?” Damian asked crisply. Cass was watching with the full force of her formidable attention, but it wasn’t a heavy gaze. 
Danny forced himself to stop fidgeting. “Well, I might have died a little.” It came out as a question. “And they’re not sure it’s me- at least, they weren’t, but I guess that they are now.” Oof, that was hard to internalize. Of course they did. Now that they knew about Vlad, they had all the pieces to put it together. His parents had definitely put it together. The look on Mom’s face when she saw him hauling Vlad out of the lab…
He felt cold. Danny rubbed at his thighs as if that would help. 
There hadn’t been another choice. It ate at him a little bit that Danny had thrown his life away for someone he didn’t even like, but what else could he have done? Vlad was Vlad, yeah, but Danny couldn’t have left anyone there. 
Bruce had a look that Danny had never seen on him before. Intense. Focused. Dangerous. Danny instinctively pulled away from it, sitting all the way up in his chair. 
Bruce wiped it away, but the memory still sent Danny’s blood rushing. Ecto gathered in his mouth like saliva, his body readying to fight for his life. He swallowed it down with difficulty. 
“As you said,” Cass interjected. She scooted her chair a little closer to him and laid an arm along his shoulders. “Like Jason.” She rubbed at his upper arm. He leaned into her touch. 
“Like Jason,” Bruce echoed. His tone was hollow.
Danny ducked his head and missed the meaningful look that Cass shot her BatDad. 
“What are their capabilities?” Damian pushed. His dark eyes glittered when Danny looked back at him. “You clearly have invisibility and density shifting. Are they able to counter you?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Danny blinked rapidly to try to force himself to focus. This was… so weird. Someone had found out about him and he wasn’t fighting for his life. Even his friends had found out when he was actively under fire from a ghost. His nervous system didn’t know what to do with this. He cleared his throat. “They have a lot of tech, uh.” He flexed his hands. “From my parents.” He stared at the woodgrain on the table. It was probably real wood and not the heavy duty polymer that the Fenton table was made out of. “They’re not exactly competent, but there’s a lot of them, and they have had some success.”
His stomach lurched. He swallowed hard on bile. He didn’t think about what he’d found when he went after Vlad. He didn’t think about Vlad in his human form, strapped down and incisions pinned open, literal pins holding open his torso and skin layers on his arms. He didn’t think about the quietly despairing hums coming from rows of ghost cores on a shelf, neatly labeled with specimen numbers. 
“Let’s walk.” Cass hustled him up and muscled him down the hall without letting go of her comforting grip. Danny went along with it numbly. But she was kinda right. Moving shook him out of his head. The walls were changing around him, curtains and windows and framed portraits and some of Tim’s photography. They passed a room he had never seen before. Cass pushed the door open, let him look around, and then tugged him down the hall before he’d had time to do more than catalogue the novelty. 
She did that at the next door, too. Oh. An impromptu tour. The novelty of seeing new things started to drag him back to the real world, right now, which was not exactly a fight for his life.
At the third door, Danny managed, “Does anyone play that piano?”
Cass made a mysterious hum. It took her a while to unstick her tongue. “Damian can. Jason, if you ask with big eyes.” 
Danny nodded at this information. Damian did seem like the kind of person who would hone a few classic artistic skills. And Jason was manipulable, good information.
…Not that Danny would need much help there. He felt a little sheepish at how threatened he’d felt earlier when he remembered the sincerity and protectiveness he could sense from both Cass and Jason.  
“What should we do about GIW?” Cass broached the topic, as if she knew that he felt better. She probably did know. “Investigate cautiously? Destroy?” She held up two fingers to count off the ‘destroy the GIW’ options. “Horde of lawyers descend from Wayne Enterprises jet, or Justice League?”
Danny snorted. It turned into a laugh, hysterical and too long. He wiped tears away from his eyes. “Personally, I like the idea of blowing up their base,” he admitted. “But someone should rescue the test subjects first.”
Cass was so weirdly easy to talk to. He leaned a little harder against her. She wasn’t a big woman, but there was something so solid about her anyway. It must be a Black Bat thing. “I left because I was getting someone out,” he admitted. “They were a lot more captives than I knew about.” He squeezed his free hand to ground himself. “I grabbed as many as I could and tossed them through the portal, but I don’t know if that was everyone or if just being home let them heal up.” 
Hell, maybe someone had come along and eaten all the helpless cores. Danny shied away from the horror of that thought. His intuition had identified the helpless ghost cores as viable ectoplasm, healing and delicious. They were scared at his approach because they sensed him, they knew they were helpless shells to crack open and lick out the sweet marrow–
Ah. Yup. He stopped in his tracks and heaved his snack onto the carpet.
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cursedzucchini · 9 months
I'm currently taking care of family friends' cat bc they're on vacation, so obviously I'm gonna use that lol.
So. Vlad's on vacation. He has to leave his cat behind. He somehow forces Danny to take care of it while he's gone. You get the picture.
But the problem is, batfam started looking into this shady millionaire. And they finally decided to take action and look through this creep's mansion. But they forgot he obviously hired someone for babysitting his cat.
So now Danny walked in, he has headphones in, he's singing songs, doing his little dance. He gives the cat food, pets her, let's her out. Maybe he even gives water to the plants. And than he plops down, connects to the wifi and goes on social media.
Meanwhile batfam are trying to quickly figure out how to quickly complete their mission, without allerting this random teen. That's not that hard on itself, but he always seems to follow them! Especially Jason, Cass and Damian.
[another addition is that when Danny finally discovers them, they scare him so badly, he falls on the floor, accidentally duplicate and turns into his ghost form. He's floating over his body, looks down and then back at the bats "...I was about to say you scared me to death, but I don't think it's appropriate anymore" (yes I did thought of this specific scenario jist to put that joke there leave me alone). Batman meanwhile is trying very hard not to adopt the ghost (and cry. He's trying very hard not to cry.)]
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satoshy12 · 10 months
Kryptonian Danny Ghost Phantom
Danny Fenton's life takes an unexpected turn when he's accidentally exposed to a Kryptonian artifact while in the Ghost Zone. The Kryptonite radiation triggers a transformation in Danny's human DNA, turning him into a half-Kryptonian/Ghost hybrid.
It was Frostbite who told him he wasn't human anymore but an Alien. Danny didn't seem to have much of a problem with it he was already a Halfa; and it was pretty cool to now be an Alien!
But he struggled to control his newfound powers and adjust to them like he did with the ghost powers. He discovers his newfound abilities, including flight, super strength, and heat vision.
But that means that while most of his villains didn't try to attack him, Fenton's body is too strong. Few others worked to be stronger than that, like Skulker. Well, mostly Skulker.
So while in a fight with Skulker with new weapons from Vlad, he crash-lands in Metropolis from the attack in the Ghost Zone.
The new weapon was a poison that would have a retrograde amnesia effect on Danny. Vlad wanted to slowly make Danny forget about everything before he took him in as his own son. Skulker could then have Jack's pelt, and as a ghost hunter, it would show he hunted down a hunter.
In Metropolis.
Dressed as Superman, Clark made his way to a place where he heard the crash, and saw a black-haired boy standing up from the crater. He tried to talk to the boy, but he seemed to only speak kryptonian! But not in an accent he knows, which means he just met a Kryptonian boy not related to him or a clone. He would say he is 2 or 3 years younger than Kara.
Danny was confused that his "human" body wouldn't speak English. It seemed like he was more hurt than he thought.
So as Clark tried to talk to him, Danny used his heat vision to hit Skulker behind him. Clark was shocked at first, thinking the boy attacked him, until he noticed he attacked the Being behind them.
And as Skulker ranted then about how he plans to "Hang his pelt on at the foot of his bed, As he is an endangered species!" well, those are the wrong words to say. As Superman got pretty angry, he attacked Skulker, who was pretty shocked that he was able to punch him. It must have been the portal's fault.
Clark was angry at the idea of someone hunting down the Kryptoanian to skin them! He was almost as angry as when he met Darkseid.
As Danny saw how the older hero could fight Skulker and was destroying his suit, he escaped until he could transform back to Phantom or find a way home.
Without the suit, Skulker is pretty weak.
Superman captured the tiny thing and turned his way back to find the boy. But he seems to be gone. Well, he would need Kara's or Karen's help; he didn't fully understand the accent.
Danny with white hair was walking down the streets. He would find a place to take a break. And help himself with his memories.
Whatever Skulker injects into him, he starts to forget what he was doing…. Wait, what again was his plan?
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rboooks · 1 year
If you take requests can you do a dc x dp with dead tired ship?
I love requests~! I really hope I got dead tired, ship, right. I need to find out the ship names. It's Tim/Danny, right? If not, let me know, and I'll fix you another one.
Tim really wasn't looking forward to meeting the new heir to Vladco. Usually, his parents didn't want anything to do with new money, as they thought that new money was too close to no money, but Vlad Masters was different.
The difference? He bought out almost all of Drake Industries' shares, and now Tim honestly thinks he owns more of the family company than his parents. Jack and Janet hoped to make good connections with the man and slowly but surely trick him into selling the shares back to the Drakes.
Tim thought if he was smart enough to get the people that bought shares of his family company generations ago, not just once but at least eight times, then Vlad Masters wouldn't be as easy to trick as they thought.
Then again, his parents aren't the best businessmen around. If they were, they wouldn't be flying through the family wealth, leading them to bankruptcy.
Tim would know.
One day, he looked at their books when he was bored a few months after discovering Batman's identity. He tried to tell his mom about it, but she told him that he didn't understand the business well enough to tell.
So he signed himself into college-level business courses online to learn it. She didn't appreciate his initiative.
"Remember, Tim, Daniel Masters is who you must befriend," Janet says for the third time as they climb out of their car. " Friendships are the ladders to climbing up in the world."
"Yes, Mom." He tries to smile at her, but all Tim wants to do is go back to the roofs of Gotham and watch the Bats.
Jason is supposed to start his solo patrols tonight, which is a big deal, and he's missing it. His parents weren't supposed to be back for another month. However, their latest job was canceled due to locals complaining.
His dad grumbled about people getting in the way of history, but Tim thinks it has more to do with his parents wanting to dig up an old cemetery......apparently the locals like their grandparent's resting place to be left alone.
Tim also thinks it's not lovely to dig there just because the locals are poor, so he may have hacked into the country's files and flooded the internet with the disrespectful attempt that his parents were trying to make. It received the right amount of backlash to stop the whole operation.
He then sent the community an anonymous donation so they could fix it up, get the gravestones washed, and the stories of the buried people turned into a book. It's the least he could do.
Tim's parents didn't realize the loss of funds only because he carefully hid his tracks with shell companies.
They are greeted at the door by Vlad Masters. He gives his father a handshake, compliments his mother's dress, and even offers Tim a gentle hello. Masters is known for being a bit of a humble hermit, soft-spoken but with sharp, intelligent eyes.
Everything he expects new money to be, down to his mannerism and even the way he stands. Tim would have been able to clock him miles away without even knowing his name.
"This is my son, Daniel," Masters says, patting the head of a frowning boy Tim's age. He stands just a bit away from Masters as if he does not want to be near him. Tim notes the way he shies away from Master's hand.
"It's Danny." The boy hisses. Mom's face tightens at his manners. She never liked children being heard instead of seen. Danny takes a small breath before smiling at the Drakes with a friendlier composure.
The hostility was only toward his father?
"Please call me Danny. It's my real name, not a nickname," He says, offering his hand for a shake. Tim fights a wince. As the son of a wealthy family and not the head, Danny is not supposed to initiate a greeting with Tim's dad.
He just told the Drakes he needs to be aware of high society rules, making him easy pickings. His parents jump onto that weakness like a lion on a trap gazelle.
"Daniel. It's lovely to meet you. " Mom's articulation is just a shade away from being mocking. Danny's smile falls off his face closing down into a near-emotionless mask. "How old are you, deary?"
"I'm old enough to still hear correctly, unlike you. That's not my name. It's Danny." He says much to mom's surprise. Tim guesses she's not used to people challenging her so directly. He learned that, too, while he was running Gotham.
The elites always made passive-aggressive backhanded comments to insult each other. The poor told you to fuck off to your face.
"You do not speak that way to my wife, Daniel-" His Dad starts, but Danny holds up his hand.
"You either call me Danny or don't talk to me." He says. "I don't need to waste my breath repeating myself."
Wow. Tim thinks, watching the red growing on Dad's face. He's cool.
"Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" Dad demands, turning to an amuse-looking Masters. The other man raises a brow, his gentle smile still on his face, but somehow it looks more....dismissive now. As if he was looking at a child demanding the impossible.
"Why ever do you mean?" Masters asks, "Your tone implies you were insulted, but that would mean you are upset with a child asking to be spoken to with respect. Surely, a man of your standing knows children deserve respect?"
"They need to respect their elders." Mom cuts in her voice like ice.
"He is my son, so I am his elder. Not you." Master counters, "But not to worry, I will remedy this issue. Danny will no longer be speaking to you disrespectfully, as I will not allow him to be near you."
His parents had a few seconds of looking smug until Masters waved his hand back towards the driveway. "Have a lovely night, Mr. and Mrs. Drake."
"Excuse me?" Mom cries, and Tim can't believe his eyes. The rest of the wealthy guests have caught on to the issue and have gathered near the windows and doorway to watch.
"That's Fruitloop for You can leave now." Danny chirps starting to look more like his father by the amusement on his face. "Except for him. He's cool."
He points to Tim, who flushes at the attention. He had been staring at Danny, taking in every detail of his expression and body language, fascinated by the fact he did not once seem intimidated. He didn't even look bored.
He seemed comfortable in his slightly slouched posture and confident in his skin and abilities. But his earlier behavior implied that just as he is confident in himself, he also doesn't think very highly of himself.
Tim's never seen anyone like that. It's strange. New. Exciting.
Heck, it was exhilarating.
Tim wanted to break Danny Masters' head open and figure everything about him out. It felt like a new case just begging him to uncover.
"I am?" He asks in a slight daze, and the other boy offers him a dazzling smile.
"Yeah, you respect the dead. The spirits adore you."
"Oh, this is the young boy who protected that cemetery in Guatemala?" Masters asks with genuine warmth this time. "A fine job, Timithoy."
"It's Tim." He hears himself say, and Masters nods.
"A fine job Tim."
Danny offers him a wink, and Tim thinks his stomach just fell out of his body. What is this-?
"Timothy, we are leaving!" His mother screeches, tugging on his arm and yanking him away. The rest of the guests laugh as the Drakes are driven away. Tim knows he will never be allowed near Danny after this, so he turns his head around to give the boy one last look.
He meets the glowing green eyes of the Masters, who wave their fingers at him.
Tim starts following Danny around after that.
(Danny and Vlad know he's there and think it's cute. That's how ghost courts, so they don't see it as a problem. What is problem is getting along long enough for them to figure out a way back to their home dimension. Danny allowed Vlad to overshadow people just so they could have the means to eat, but he's getting really sick of Gotham. At least the soft clicking sound of a camera lures him to sleep at night.
Tim approaches Robin before his hero can go to Ethiopia. He doesn't understand what he is experiencing as his first crush and concludes that the Masters are aliens planning on luring small children by making them fall under a spell through their glowing eyes. Jason takes this very seriously and agrees to wait on his mission overseas. He realizes early on what's actually happening but, by that point, thinks Tim is hilarious and just edges him on.
He, too, thinks the Masters are aliens, but he's not about to tell Bruce.)
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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My Cheese Melt AU is an alternate series of events beginning in Kindred Spirits (in which Vlad never sends Dani to capture Danny, because he convinced himself that it would be a waste to get rid of a perfectly serviceable clone so quickly, leading directly into him getting so unreasonably attached to her that he forgets all about the original "perfect son" plan) which then turns into a Dani inclusive, family dynamic focused rewrite of season 3. (the fic series starts with spirits less than willing)
Dani is present for certain important canon episodes (currently Eye For An Eye, Urban Jungle, and Living Large are the ones I've fleshed out) but she also gets episodes about her. Such as her first day at school, her obligatory identity crisis episode in which she recruits Sam and Tucker to help find her some hobbies and interests that are sufficiently different from anything Danny or Vlad likes, and Aloha From the Other Side, the vacation episode where her dad breaks Hawaii by simply being Vlad. Overall, she's a sweet kid who hilariously has a better moral compass than Danny and Vlad combined, but she also has INCREDIBLE capacity to be worse than both of them, if the situation calls for it. Her arcs focus on self discovery/identity, the looming threat of destabilization, and her relationships with Vlad and Danny.
Danny's relationship with Dani is more complex in this AU, because he doesn't trust "Vlad's daughter" at all at first. It doesn't help that the first time he meets her is in Eye For An Eye, right after sending the GIW to destroy Vlad's (and Dani's!) house. And now, Vlad is obnoxiously hellbent on replacing him with "Ellie Phantom" as the protector of Amity Park! But after Dani proves she has a mind of her own and hasn't been completely brainwashed by Vlad, and doesn't necessarily approve of his villainy, Danny shifts from animosity more toward concern for her. He knows Vlad well enough to realize that he's inevitably going to break her heart, and Danny is going to be there to protect her when it happens. (But what Danny doesn't know is that Vlad already broke Dani's heart when she discovered the truth about his initial plans for her before they moved to Amity Park. He saved her life in a fit of petulant guilt immediately after to make up for it, which is why she's still with him.)
And then there's Vlad himself. It would be helpful to think of his arc here as less of a redemption arc, and more of a domestication arc. Vlad is still a supervillain and Danny's arch enemy, but because of his parental attachment to Danielle his antagonist status is just as likely to be seen in him hauling Danny back to FentonWorks by the ankles because it's past his bedtime as it is in his latest cringefail brilliant scheme. In general, he finds himself in increasingly mundane situations by virtue of being involved in Dani's life, which generally results in comedy because Vlad is anything but equipped to handle parenthood (or mundane situations) normally. He's also allowed to have a rare reflective moment now and again and generally be a little more layered than just a villain. There's also increased opportunity for temporary allyships, because Vlad and Danny agree on Only One Thing: Dani is to be protected at all costs.
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thatonejumbledmess · 6 months
So I got this random ass DCxDP Idea out of nowhere, so just hear me out for a second.
Vlad steals the infimap again, tells it to take him to his future, he ends up on this random ass mountainside in what seems to be the middle of the Himalayas. Danny gets sent by Clockwork to go retrieve the infimap. By this time, Vlad has discovered an odd pool of ectoplasm just through one of the caves in the mountain he'd landed on. It seems different from usual, but doesn't have enough time to inspect it before Danny shows up and re-claims the infimap and leaves Vlad there, he'd been oddly more violent, especially after seen Vlad with the pool of ecto.
Noting the location of the odd pool of ectoplasm, Vlad attempts to return to Illinois, only to find that he's several hundred years in the past, rather than just somewhere in the Himalayas in current time like he'd thought. He's now stranded here with no way of getting back to his own time, as the technology to even attempt to do so wouldn't exist until at least the 1980s. So, he returns to the pool of ecto to try and figure out what to do.
Eventually, he decides to gain power for himself in this time, he changed his name, starts a cult surrounding himself and the pool, gathers resources using his powers, and has his new subordinates build a tenple for him around the pool. His subordinates need to be able to defend him, so he hires a master swordsman to teach them how to weild weapons, he ends up following alongside the lessons either from afar, invisibly, or both, so he can claim to have known this skill all along. Slowly, the group expands, and someone attempts to kill Vlad. He sicks his now assassin level subordinates on the attacker, and thus, the League of Assassins is born.
All is well as Vlad waits patiently to catch up with Time. He'd found out early on that the pool he'd dubbed the Lazarus Pit could heal the sick and kill the healthy, so he used this as an excuse for his ghostly immortality. He ends up having a couple of paramors and a couple of children, which makes his core sing. Then, oddly enough, a young man shows up to request training from the group, he almost looked enough like Danny that Vlad had to take a second to realize that it was several years to early for the boy to have even been born; let alone a young adult.
Turns out, the young man was Bruce Wayne. This was certainly an odd turn of events, as it turned out Brucie Wayne was Batman. This revilation didn't bother him for long, and Talia had taken a liking to the man, so he instructed her to keep an eye on him.
Things were going well, Talia had been doing well keeping track of the fine detective. And had even coerced him into a relationship with herself, that might prove rathar useful down the line. Danny was due to be born the upcoming year. And Vlad was making preparations. While he couldn't take the boy just after his birth, that would mean he'd never become a halfa, he could bide his time and become a part of the boy's life earlier on, and take him under his wing after the accident.
He wasn't expecting Talia to come to him and tell him she was pregnant. He tried not to think too much on it. He knew of Damian Wayne's existence, and this child was likely that same boy. However, what he couldn't get put of his head was the sudden revalation to how similar the youngest Wayne and Daniel looked. They were even the same age. He decided to put it out of his mind, but the thoughts were wrenched back to the forefront of his mind when he found out Talia was pregnant with twins. He didn't like this, Damian had been an only child as far as he knew, so why had things changed?
He became further concerned when he tracked down Maddie and Jack to attempt to re-insert himself in their lives, only to find Maddie wasn't pregnant. Something had changed, and Vlad was panicked. Somehow, Damian Wayne would now be a part of a set of twins, and Danny would either be born later than last time or not at all.
Vlad tried to look into when and where the change had occurred, but without complete knowledge of how the timeline had occurred before his presence changed it, he had no idea what could have happened.
That was until the birth of twin boys, Damian came out perfectly healthy. The second boy had been very sick, but Vlad would recognize those blue eyes anywhere. It was Danny. He immediately ordered for the infant to be placed into the pits to heal and promptly secluded himself to his chambers to have a mental breakdown.
This didn't make any sense! Daniel was Jack and Maddie's son! Not Bruce Wayne's! But this made all too much sense: why there hadn't been any photos of Daniel before age 8 in the Fenton household, how Danny looked just slightly different than his parents, but in a way that could have feasibly been explained by latent genes. But it wasn't latent genes, Daniel Fenton wasn't Jack and Maddie's biological son, was he? Then, the final nail in the coffin, Vlad was reminded of his and Danny's first meeting, the boy had immediately tensed uppon seeing him, and had muttered something under his breath, something Vlad had brushed off as an insult. But now he thought about it, his tone had been questioning, almost scared. Danial had called him Grandfather.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 months
Maybe dc×dp Jazz×Jason magical ceremony bullshit for soulmate friday?
"Hear-ye-hear-ye!" A glowing green man dressed in what looked like the stereotype for any comedic relief in midevial films called out as he floated above the city of Gotham, his voice projected around the world. "Her Royal Highness, Queen Regent of the Infinite Realm Throne has decided to cast the Ritual of Bindings, to draw her soulmate near in order to give DNA to help the Deaged King who has been injured and needs to be Reborn! Queen Regent Jasmine Nightengale will cast the spell in Three Scores! All those touched by Death may be called!"
Predictiably people freaked, running around screaming. Or talking about it, which was what the Justice League did right after, speaking at the table.
"Look, it's legit," John Constantine said to the others. "I've met Danny, the King, before he became deaged, and he's a good sort so is his sister. If she's calling upon the ritual... well, I honestly think she has no other choice."
"So she's going to force whoever-" Bruce said but John glared at him.
"No she ain't. Rather she'll give them a choice. It would be safer for her spouse to be her soulmate but she could find any random man to sleep with to get the DNA." he told Bruce who nodded grumpily. It appeared all they could do was wait.
After three hours, Bruce got an alert. Jason's tracker went offline. He didn't think of the Queen then, rather became worried about other things.
He should have thought of the Queen.
Jason found himself in a throne room, and reacted appropriately. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at a guy in armour. "Where the fuck am I?" he demanded.
"You are in the throne room of the Infinite Realms." a feminine voice said from behind. He turned to see a redhead behind him, dressed in a black dress. "I am Queen Regent Jasmine, and you are my soulmate."
"...Oh shit," Jason said, remembering the proclamation. He looked at the woman who looked back nervously. "This is for... the King?"
"My brother Danny is the High King. He was injured by an enemy of his, Plasimus. Vlad, our enemy, was obsessed with our mother. He wanted her but she hated him. Eventually he discovered Danny was transgender, as well as learning that Danny is like himself, what the citizens of the Infinite Realms call a halfa. Half human, half ecto being as they are called." Jasmine said in a tone that became choked as she spoke. "He attempted to claim Danny. I don't know how, he became confusing with calling my brother a son or a consort. I don't know which he meant and I don't want to know." Jasmine swallowed. "He attacked and our parents passed in the attack while Danny became injured. He needs to be Reborn, and I can provide half the DNA. I need another half."
"So... you want this a one off?" Jason asked. "Why not go out and pick up a random?"
"I don't want a one-off. I want a partnership. I want to raise my... my child with a partner. I also want him safe, and calling upon my soulmate will help." Jasmine said. Jason stared at her, wondering what to do.
He had never thought of marriage, or kids. Frankly with his life he didn't think it a reasonable thought. But here was a Queen asking him. His soulmate even.
(The part of him who loved the classics, who snuck smut novels and who had opinions on romance flicks was cooing inside of him, begging for this chance.)
Jason always did like kids...
"Alright so... what do we do?" he asked Jasmine who smiled beautifully. He wanted to put that smile on her more.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny Phantom but Vlad was always a good person
After the accident, he never blamed Jack. It wasn’t his fault the Proto-Portal activated without warning, and it was all of them working together that had built it in the first place. If anything, it was all of their faults.
He does sort of resent Jack for taking Maddie away when he was clearly in love with her, but he guesses that was her own choice.
When Vlad discovered his Ghost Powers, he was scared to bring them up with Jack and Maddie, because they had made their opinions of Ghosts very prominent
He decides to move away, and to continue their research by himself.
Then, years later, the Fenton Family visits their old friend Vlad. He invites them in happily, glad to be finally reconnecting with his friends after so many years. And now that he has mastered the art of concealing his ghost side from everybody (even other ghosts), he doesn’t have to worry about them thinking he is a Ghost
Then he realizes that somebody else in the room has not mastered that art, Danny is clearly a Ghost, but fortunately his parents have mostly ignored the more obvious traits. They just never noticed his slightly pointier ears, or how his teeth have sharpened a little. And of course their Equipment has never been the most reliable in distinguishing Ecto-Contaminated Humans from Ghosts.
Vlad approaches Danny, and tries to subtly let his control on his ghost side loose a bit. Danny lets a bit of frost out of his mouth, and asks to go to the bathroom.
Seems his Ghost Sense isn’t very developed, if he can’t tell the exact location of the ghost yet.
He duplicates himself secretly and meets up with Danny. He explains his own circumstances, and offers to teach Danny about his powers
And since he isn’t evil in this world, Danny accepts
Fast forward a few months later, Danny is visiting him for the weekend and makes an offhanded comment like “It would be cool to have a little sister”
So Vlad, kinda sleep deprived, goes down to the Lab and makes Ellie. She is slightly younger, and he didn’t clone her perfectly from Danny so she won’t have the same powers exactly, but she will be genetically Danny’s little sister
Danny freaks out when Vlad presents her, and Vlad realizes in his extremely sleep deprived  (like, god damn how has he not died again) state that maybe he should have asked Danny if he actually wanted another sister first.
He realizes that she can’t stay with Danny and his parents cause they would need an explanation, but maybe she can just stay with him? He always wanted kids after all.
Thats basically all of it, maybe you can use this as the base for a DP x DC fic, or just as a drabble, but there it is
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gilly-moon · 5 months
So, most longer-term or devoted Danny Phantom fans know the idea/headcanon about ghosts having a 'purpose' or driving force at their center, right? Something that shapes their identity and their goals and keeps them sustained in some way.
I've seen theories about what Danny's or Vlad's purpose might be - but what if, as halfas, their purpose was altered by the area of the ghost zone the portal opened up to during their respective accidents?
Maybe, since the Fenton portal seems to open in some sort of unoccupied neutral zone, Danny's purpose is more flexible. He's still got a lot to discover about his wants/needs in life, so his purpose can change pretty easily as he grows.
But maybe the portal that blasted Vlad opened up in a space that was occupied. Maybe it opened directly into Pariah's castle.
Vlad's purpose was then immediately affected by Pariah's purpose - to have all of the power. To be in control. He became infected with this purpose, and it twisted him into something so awful that his human self became infected, too. And maybe the change isn't permanent. It's something he can fix, because he still has that human half that can change and grow. But it's hard as hell, and would take outside forces to wake him up to the reality of what he's become and what more he could be. (see: a glitch in time)
Idk there could be some glaring holes in my theory here but I kinda can't stop thinking about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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stealingyourbones · 4 months
Submitted Prompts #158
Sorry if this isn’t the right place, I have only recently discovered this tumblr and am slowly working my way backwards through your dpxdc tag.  I think it might be an injoke here so uh, behold poor Yorick, totally not the human skull of Tchaikowsky fullfilling his actor dreams postmortem.
One of the posts in the tag was a dpxdc trope writing challenge. So I’m not sure if you’re interested in seeing blurb turned fic summary but here:
Nightwing learns of a travelling circus, Circus Gothica, that claims to have ‘The Real Flying Graysons performing from the beyond the grave’. Alternatively furious and hopeful he discretely goes to investigate, and finds himself overshadowed by one of Ringmaster Freakshows ghostly workers, stuck performing as an acrobat for the circus. As Nightwing struggles with his posession and reunion with seemingly the supposed ghosts of his parents, he finds an unlikely ally in Killer Croc/Waylon Jones, who had been kidnapped on his travels back to Gotham after having tried and failed to settle down in Swamp Things swamp.
Unfortunately the pairs cooperation ends shortly after freeing themselves and the completely unneccessary fight allows Freakshow and his assosciates to escape. Nightwing is determined to solve the case himself (and get justice for his dead parents and himself) causing tension between him and Batman who noted his disappearance.
Batman independently investigates,leading him to the Guys in White. Identifying them as an anti-meta group, he brings it to the attention of the Justice League in hopes of organising a legal solution - Superman takes it personally when one of the primary funders is revealed to be Lex Luthor.
Meanwhile Nightwing has tracked Freakshow to a bolthole/lair, where he comes across Val, a woman in a red jumpsuit, who had been following the trail of a different individual - a villain she calls Vlad Plasmius . The pair work together, Val freeing the ghosts in Freakshows control including the Greysons and Nightwing getting a cathartic takedown of both Freakshow and (with borrowed tech) Vlad.
Their partnership and the greater plot behind the villains actions goes over Nightwings head as he recognises 'not his circus, not his monkeys’ and opts to leave it to his new friend.
Meanwhile Clark Kent has discovered an odd exchange of info/money/tech between the GIW, Lex Luthor and a strange inventor who loudly proclaims that he is Technus. The end goal seems to be to create suits that will be secretly under Lex Luthors control capable of rivalling heroes, so as to supplant heroes as beloved protectors of the world, as a step in ridding the world of independent metas like superman and getting him his own private world army.
Also meanwhile Batman has continued to investigate GIW/Freakshow leading him to Amity Park, where he witnesses young adult Sam Manson inadvertently vitalise plants during a local eco protest. When persistent digging leads to learning about the overgrowth incident, Batman reaches out to Harley for her thoughts on how mentorhip might positively/negatively effect her struggling but mostly reformed partner Poison Ivy. Batman uses his Brucie Wayne persona to assist in organising an eco activism initiative (and plant meta power mentorship) with the Mansons, with Sam taking a guiding role.
Supermans battle against Lexs + Technus mediated ghost/meta power suits goes poorly and he calls in for rescue. Recognising the issues from his research in Amity, Batman 'borrows’ tech from the Fentonworks before going to the rescue.
With the day saved Batman returns to update his records on ghosts and store his new tech, finally leading to Nightwing explaining a bit of his experiences to add to the records.
The story ends on the cliffhanger of Danny getting screwed over by Batman’s improved antighost protections when he went to try track down and collect the stolen weapons.
I had fun with this : )
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dannyphantom-zero · 2 months
Doctor Danny Chapter 8
Vlad managed to squeak out of the situation with a cash fine and Lex Luther was supposed to be under surveillance. Despite being "victims", experimenting or holding a citizen, albeit a meta, was still illegal.
Danny however was currently with the justice league. They had brought him to a hospital but there wasn't much they could do for him there after discovering Danny had strange abnormalities with his DNA and heartbeat.
Jason sat by Danny's unconscious body while everyone tried to figure out what to do with the situation.
"Why didn't you tell me your boyfriend was a meta human Jason?!" Bruce demanded.
Jason looked shocked at first which quickly turns to anger.
"Are you kidding me?! First of all, when did we have such a close relationship? Because lately we could only manage a small conversation. Secondly I didn't know myself" Jason bit back the anger billowing inside him.
"He's got unknown powers and now Lex Luther knows about him" Superman said with a serious tone.
"who was that other guy?" The flash asked.
"Vladimir Masters, billionaire former mayor of Amity Park" Bruce said.
Jason didn't look at any of them, his guilty gaze fell on Danny.
"He's, how can we even tell if he's going to be alright?" Jason said.
The room fell into silence.
"Have faith Jason, that's all you can do"
Jason clentched his fist.
"I don't think so, I'm going to find another way" Jason stood up.
He locked eyes with Superman, "dont let him out of your sight. He's a prestigious doctor. He's important-"
Jason walked out, "he's important, to me"
Superman sat in the vacant chair and tried his best to use his own powers to figure out Danny's condition. There wasn't much medical data on Danny to begin with so they weren't sure what we considered normal for him. More than once superman had been sure Danny's heart had stopped, yet he was still alive somehow.
Bruce had conflicted feelings about the good doctor. Jason trusted him, then again Jason was a murdering crime lord out for revenge.
He knew Jason and Doctor Daniel had a special relationship, after all, one doesn't usually cripple people for just a friend.
Joker had yet to recover.
Back in the bat cave Jason was taking full advantage of the access to the oicie records. It was harder than he thought it would be to get information on Danny because he wasn't born in Gotham but he eventually found a lead.
According to the hospital records paired with surveillance cameras outside the city, courtesy of Tim, Jason found that Danny had come from Illinois.
There was also that girl, Sam was it? Did she know his secret? She had to know something right?
Tim glanced over at Jason's screen.
"Oh that's the lead of that startup band Twisted Vines." Tim commented.
Jason's head snapped towards Tim so fast he almost counted it as a jump scare.
"Do you know where they'll be playing next?!"
Tim pulled out his phone.
"They have an app, let's see...seems like their doing a gig at Croscee's Pub tonight"
Jason stood up.
"I'm going to that and your coming with me"
Tim was grinning from ear to ear. So cool!
Later that night Jason and Tim in civilian outfits made their way to the bar. The band had already started playing judging by the muffled music pounding through the wall.
Jason opened the door and maneuvered through the crowd of people before resting in a corner.
Tim on the other hand has made his way to he front and was avidly cheering the band on.
Jason was growing slightly pissed off. Danny was counting on him and the best he could do was watch this stupid concert.
The music eventually ended and the crowd of people tried to swarm the band but security held them at bay.
Jason had other means, he snuck into their bus.
The band members were obviously shocked to see a stranger sitting in their tour bus.
"Jason??" Sam asked. They relaxed, if Sam knew this person than it was probably alright.
"What are you doing here?"
Jason stood up.
"It's Danny, we need your help. Danny's not waking up"
Sam motioned for then to go outside.
"He was attacked by Vlad Masters and Lex Luther"
Sam clentched her teeth, "Vlad"
When she noticed the look on Jason's face she explained, "Vlad wanted to get with Danny's mom and kill his dad. He also cloned Danny several times. One time he was successful."
Jason could feel the pits bubble up in his chest.
"I need to see him. That's the only way I can tell you"
"I brought a car"
Sam nodded, "give me a minute" she said before climbing back onto the bus.
Tim ran up to Jason, "did you talk to her yet? What did she say?" He asked.
"Alright, I'm good to go" she said slinging a couple of her bags over her shoulder.
Tim's mouth went wide open.
"So cool" he whispered.
The car ride there Jason went into more detail.
Bruce was a little surprised that the answers Jason had went to find were in the formation of some rock punk.
Sam was admiring the space when she caught sight of Danny. She dropped her bags and ran over.
"How long has it been?"
"A couple days."
"Do you know what they injected him with? What about the state he was in when you found him?"
"He was injected with a drug that I don't recognize in the system or otherwise" Bruce said handing her the tablet.
Sams expression darkened, "blood blossoms, fucking bastards"
"He was extremely agitated but Jason managed to calm him down just before he fainted"
Sam handed back the tablet.
"Blood Blossoms are extremely harmful to gh- to people like Danny"
"No matter what I need everyone in this room to swear an oath not to say anything about Danny's condition. I know someone who can help him but I need you all to ask as little questions as possible"
"Where do you have to go?"
"Take the jet" Bruce said. Jason nodded.
"And here, this is the contact of a friend who can give you a log of Danny's normal condition and what to do if he takes a turn for the worst."
It was Tuckers contact. Jason and Sam left and Bruce got on the contact.
Tucker had become a software engineer for AmerTek Industries in Metropolis.
Flash said he would pick him up and left before anyone could object.
Tucker had been finishing up a report on a new robot the company was in the planning stages of creating, next thing Tucker knew he was in the arms of somebody going at incredibly fast speeds to somewhere.
"Oh" is all he said when they filled him in.
"Sams already on it huh" he sisd with a nervous smile.
"She always so on top of things"
"She told us we could find his medical information with you"
Tucker blinked, "oh yeah! We had to create an updated version. After the accident Danny couldn't get checked by normal doctors anymore. Thank ancients his parents were so oblivious-" Tucker stopped talking when he saw their faces.
"Did Sam not tell you about that? Maybe I've said too much. In any case if there's something you don't understand, let me know"
He handed over the digital file on Danny.
Not even two seconds later Bruce was grilling Tucker on what ectoplasm was and what machine caused this to happen.
There was also a detailed report on what devices the Fenton's had made and how they interacted with Danny.
"What's this page?" Tim asked scrolling onto the page filled with a list of all the ghosts Danny had fought and their abilities.
"I,uhm, well I don't think I should-"
Tucker shrank under Batmans judgmental stare.
"Sams going to skin me alive for this but, I suppose I should tell you everything"
The heroes listened, stunned at the words coming out of Tuckers mouth.
Not only had they not known about the mad "ghost hunting" scientists. They also had known about the portal to the infinite realms.
They were even more shocked when he told them Danny had been crowned king.
"He was a teenage superhero and we were his support team"
Tucker smiled, "nows he's still saving lives. Danny really is something else"
Bruce had went to eh next room to brood over his failure to see all of this whole Supes glumly accepted the fact that he couldn't have done anything without knowing.
"You guys don't need to be so down about it. Any transmissions Danny tried to get to you guys was most definitely being blocked by Vlad and his fancy equipment"
Clark shook his head.
"So Vlad and Danny have history" Flash said.
"Yeah, deep history. In fact. Vlad shares Danny's condition. They're both liminals"
Tucker scowled, "he's literally a villain. Danny's been dealing with this guy for years."
"I can't imagine being a fourteen year old hero"
A glum look passed over Tuckers face.
"We, haven't talked in a while. But I should've tried. I knew he was going through something rough. It was hard for him. Didn't help that he was bullied either. Danny too nice for his own good"
"For now, all we can do is monitor his condition. Have faith in your friend"
Tucker nodded. Danny would wake up. He was sure of it.
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providencehq · 2 years
I really adore the idea of Danny seeming really confident and overall having a grasp on getting along in his fake identity for a new start in Gotham. Only for it to be quickly realized he's putting on a really good act and some simple investigation unravels it all (or, most of it.) Like facts are not matching up enough for his fake identity and when members of the bat family look into why this is for him they're quickly realizing that it's maybe a shotty identity because it was hastily put together but a teenager.
Faking his age enough to be a legal adult (18) so he can control over himself? Check. Faking only part of his name because he's still attached to his old life and won't admit it? Check. Leaving no paper trails and only paying in cash? Check. Refusal to participate in things that may lead to his identity or lack of one be discovered? Check. Kid also being 15/16 at most and being shit at hiding it physically, he cannot pass off as anything else than a young teenager but all documents say otherwise? Check.
Tim and Barbra quickly notice how he covered solely for himself. At least Tim was able to fake an uncle (temporarily), Danny isn't able to fake any information aside from the basics in regards to any family. It's quick to tell he's good at faking information but he's nowhere near the skill of Tim and Barbra. Once they find a single sliver of actual information on Danny and figure out who he really is, it opens a lot of questions while closing others. It also makes getting an eye and overall some semblance of control over the mysterious Danny situation they have on hand.
Like, Tim and Bruce at the very least are going to trick Danny to come into Wayne Enterprises to discuss his scholarship and hit him with "hey, we can't exactly give a scholarship to a person who doesn't exist, we know you are hiding from something by looks of our research. People don't fake new lives for the hell of it. We will however help you with whatever is going on, give you the scholarship, if you tell us what is going on." Danny of course is like, ah, no, I'm going to bail. But of course is cut off by Bruce suggesting that if he leaves without accepting their help, they'll be forced to report him and he'll be a ward of the state at best. That some investigation will happen because them finding out that Danny Fenton is considered dead before he was abled to be transferred to the care of a Vlad Masters, that is parents and friends are dead, and is overall an orphan is a big deal. ESPECIALLY when Danny Fenton is pretending to be Danny Duxo, a legal adult, and out on his own in Crime Alley and barely scraping by to be able to get to college.
They force his hand of course and accepts their help (and basically becomes a ward of Bruce Wayne). Danny convinces them that he will have Bruce acting as a guardian for him but he gets to remain at his apartment, he doesn't want to lose his tech he's working on but he's also afraid of anyone learning about his ghostliness. Does this work out? No, not for long. After a few weeks of being on his own and going out at night as a vigilante, injuries catch up with him. Jason comes by a few times a week to drop food off and comes into Danny one day bandaging some pretty nasty wounds. He brushes it off as some malfunction with some tech he's messing with but that incident causes him to be relocated to the Wayne manor so if an injury does happen, he's not alone.
And to think, none of this would be happening if he was better at faking an identity. He should have honestly asked for Technus' help for that and maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. This is all just surrounding his human identity too! Oh my god, the bats are going to freak when they find out Danny is way more than human and also a vigilante!
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #51
Danny had reservations about this collage friend his parents were talking up, his training in the league made him feel like something wasn’t right with the billionaire. They were headed to Wisconsin for a class reunion and Danny didn’t want to be here, but at least he could protect his family if things got out of hand and they would knowing the Fentons. Little did he know they had another friend they met in their college days and Danny wanted to avoid at all costs. His real father and his twin along with 2 of his siblings along as well. (You can pick anyone but I feel Tim and Dick would make the most sense)
Can he discover what Vlad is playing at and stay under the radar from his twin and father? He knows he isn’t that lucky, but at least his twin thinks he’s dead.
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