#they’re literally blue and yellow besties
kiirotoao · 26 days
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Some people seem to think they aren’t canon, but I will simply state that they’re missing the point that they don’t need to explicitly say it.
“”The themes speak for themselves, and make it clear what the intent is. In this actual mini-essay I will actually talk a bit about why focusing on ships being “canon” is wasting the potential of queer representation, in particular reference to Lycoris Recoil.
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Lycoris flowers represent a lot of different things, most famous is that red variants symbolize death and final goodbyes. However, of that same species are also a pink variant which symbolize love, passion, and … ahem “feminine beauty”.
There are also yellow and blue variants in other species of Lycoris plants. Yellow represents cheerfulness, courage, and cherishing what you have. While blue represents being calm and dependable, but also freedom.
It hardly gets more on the nose and it’s clear how these apply to the characters and the themes of their arcs. And how the story overall is at the intersection between love and death.
Plus there are literally multiple homages to pieces of media where the characters have been thought of as gay in the story or by audiences. In particular the scene in Stand By Me where the characters kick each other, which the animators made the deliberate choice of copying the overall mannerisms of to draw a direct parallel.
The story is about a hell of a lot more than just a romance, and that is a good thing! I don’t need every piece of representation to be about just romance. And you’d also have to be joking me if you don’t see them using the term “partner” even after retiring from being Lycorises to describe their relationship, as being tongue in cheek about how there is so much media where the characters are obviously but not explicitly queer. Throughout the show they are constantly making references to other ambiguously queer media, and using common language that is unclear about the exact nature of their relationship. Like, everyone wants their confirmed representation I get it, but could we also not call the show doing the most on the nose and tongue-in-cheek queer coding of their main characters “queer baiting”.
The creators have clearly purposefully evoked when not just directly referencing other media where the characters have been queer coded, or queer audiences have resonated with the experiences of the characters. This isn’t subtext that went nowhere, this is a deliberate choice to code the leads as queer by reclaiming things and phrases that have been used as subtext. And then, this is the important part, actually reframing the context to emphasize when they are doing it. See no further than the picture below this. “Partner” has a long and storied history of being used ambiguously, because how we use it slots between purely romantic and purely platonic, and can mean either depending on ... that’s right the context. Now let’s imagine you’re a restaurant employee, two women come in and order drinks. When one of them gets up to pick up their drinks and brags about the other woman being her “partner”, and reiterates the point. Now what sort of meaning can we imply from that context? Because if it was a straight couple, nobody would for a moment doubt that partner is in a romantic context.
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Like c’mon people, they aren’t hiding it, but they don’t have to look directly into the camera saying they’re a couple for it to be obvious they aren’t “just besties”. Also I don’t even have time for going to go over how all the official art that’s come out since, and the fan art by the creators hasn’t been at all shy about showing them being more intimate than you’d expect from “just friends”.
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Or that the season ended with them vacationing in Hawaii of all places. Or that the whole show had a rather open ending clearly hoping for more seasons, and this probably isn’t the end of their story together. Or that one of the original writers who was behind the entire idea for the show, and was a lead writer for the screen play has publicly stated on twitter he’d love to make them official, and told fans asking if the show would end up being a yuri show to “stay tuned for future stories“
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Update: and behold, literally new art and products just got released of them literally in wedding dresses together. It’s more than obvious what exactly their intentions are with these characters. So please, please, understand that queer baiting is not just when a relationship you wanted doesn’t happen on screen. Queer people don’t only start existing once they’re in a fully intimate relationship. And queer people not ending up together at the end of what will probably be the first of multiple seasons is not the same as queer baiting. Especially not when the creators have clearly taken a lot of time and effort to consistently code them both as queer, in high effort and direct references to other media. (In a country like Japan where acceptance of queer people is certainly rising, but is also let’s be frank, far from in a good place and there are clear pressures to not show genuinely good representation for fear of upsetting a bunch of weirdos from the publisher’s perspective) (Yes I know the new Gundam show has lesbians in it, that’s also one of the biggest, most profitable, and longest enduring cross-media franchises in Japan, which is in a lot safer position to risk alienating bigots in their audience than a fully original animated show that didn’t get manga or light-novel deals until after the show was already being released and doing well. And an update since this was posted: the publishers of Gundam literally tried to retcon their queerness. This is my point, if you are expecting a country that hasn’t even legalized gay marriage yet to give you explicit queerness consistently you are barking up the wrong tree. They’ll literally try to walk it back if they think they can make more money off of retconning an explicit gay marriage out, you can’t rely on profit-driven corporations to actually care about making and keeping explicit queer relationships in their media just because it’s the right thing to do)
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strawberrybyers · 2 years
for everyone’s sanity (especially mine) i want to recap what we all have been saying as proof of byler becoming canon to restore our hope and delusion:
mike can’t say i love you to el. why would he not be able to say i love you to his girlfriend? he can’t even write it? he can’t even tell will that he couldn’t say it? WHY is that?
why would the duffers bring up this “i love you” issue in mike + el’s relationship in the season before the finale season, when in season 3 mike claims to love her and how he can’t lose her? if they were going to be endgame then he’d be saying “i love you” and he would especially be able to say it after months of not seeing her!
mike barely wrote or called will. that’s very unusual to do that to someone that has been your best friend for years. what happened in that time period from when will moved and mike’s visit in california?
“oh i didn’t say it” “you didn’t have to” (whereas with el, mike literally had to be told he isn’t saying i love you but with will he’s so in tune that he knows what will is thinking. not to mention at the skating rink, mike claims will sabotaged the whole day, but if he loves el romantically the way he says he does wouldn’t he be so engrossed with her that he wouldn’t notice will’s eye rolling when will was skating BEHIND them?? why are you paying that much attention to him?)
“crazy together” “you can’t leave it’s raining” you know how they say there’s a million different ways to say i love you? well this is a couple of sayings that show their love (i’m sure there’s more but i’m having a hard time thinking today lol)
the blue and yellow theory. honestly idk where this came from, but it is interesting how there’s so many blue and yellow references whether in their clothes or rooms then we can’t forget “when blue meets yellow in the west” and ya know they’re in the western part of the country right now 👀
mike traveling in the rain to go see if will is okay and apologize. el just dumped mike and instead of going to her to try to explain that he was acting distant because of hopper he doesn’t try to resolve it. but with will he hauls ass in the rain to his house right after they get into a fight? hmm 🤔
“the truth is the last year has been weird” YEAH why is that michael? why didn’t you write will? why didn’t you call him? what was up with that half-ass hug? why are you being distant? why can’t you say i love you to el?what’s going on? could it be that you realize you have feelings for will?
“max, lucas, and dustin they’re great, it’s just it’s hawkins it’s not the same without you” he doesn’t say hawkins isn’t the same without will AND el, he only says this about will. to me this says he recognizes him and will have a different bond compared to his other friends
“maybe i feel like i lost you or something” bestie, your girlfriend just got arrested then taken to go regain back her powers and you’re having a heart-to-heart with will about how you LOST him? c’mon now lol
the triple-take mike does when he notices will staring. how many times has mike stared at will and we just haven’t seen it? i’m going to say a lot considering he gave a rundown about will’s body language at the skating rink!
the way they look at each other. go watch the show if you want the proof it’s all there
the painting. will painted it FOR mike. the duffers said they went through multiple versions of it. it’s significant to the plot, but how? probably byler being canon
the way the cast and the duffers talk about byler. they’ve barely been direct about it. if we already know will is gay, then why do your best to not give away many details? unless it could be a spoiler that mike loves will back? they’re all pretty giddy about it too. why would anyone be giddy about rejection or a relationship that goes nowhere
their bond is something else. there’s a theme and dynamic between them that i’ve seen with other romantic couples. it has to be intentional. there’s NO other reason that would make sense
once again mike acting like a jerk and becoming distant wouldn’t make sense if he wasn’t repressed.
the tone mike used when saying “we’re friends. we’re friends.” um yeah will knows that so who are you actually trying to make that point to? yourself?
in my opinion, making el and mike have relationship drama for another season would be lazy writing if it didn’t have meaning behind it. mike is clearly going through something. we see nancy and jonathan have relationship issues and they’re trying to resurface stancy, but given the context we know jonathan is acting distant because of college and how he feels due to them having different goals. nancy was once in a relationship with steve. we understand the dynamic between all 3 of them and why jancy is having issues, but with mike + el, what could be their reason? if it was distance wouldn’t mike just tell el something similar he told will? he could tell her “the last year has been weird and i feel like i lost you with you moving and the distance has made things difficult but i do LOVE you” but nah he says none of that instead he says a version of that to will LOL
i think an important part of el’s character is learning autonomy. how a child can come from an abusive environment and basically be stunted and have to try catch up to everyone else and how difficult it can be. we were given an introduction to el learning to be on her own and how powerful she is in season 2 when she finds kali. then we see her with max in season 3 hanging out and just being a teenage girl. it doesn’t make sense to have el be in a relationship with someone who can’t say “i love you” when her arc is about developing independence, being comfortable with who you are, finding one’s who love you despite your flaws, and overcoming trauma
we already know how will feels so i don’t need to get into that and really the only person’s feelings we don’t know is mike’s! el says she loves mike, we know will loves mike by their interactions, we know nancy loves jonathan because in a way she says it, we know steve and nancy are kind of rekindling a flame, we know jonathan loves nancy but is trying to break up with her because he’s afraid of the future, we know joyce loves hopper because she literally traveled all the way to russia to get hopper, we know hopper loves joyce by the way he talks about her and wants to protect her, we know lucas loves max by telling her he’s there for her and wants her to know that she can trust him no matter what, we know max loves lucas by the way they interact and she confides in him, we know robin is crushing on vickie, we know dustin and suzie are in a relationship, but we DON’T know how mike feels when he’s supposed to be in a relationship with el? idk that’s suspicious
the parallels between byler and the other romantic couples in the show. we know the amount of detail the duffers put into the show because they’ve said it themselves, so the things we’re noticing even if they seem small must be intentional
anyways this is super long, but we have only a few hours to go now until reality actually hits. i’m thinking it’s looking good for byler nation, but truly we don’t know and it’s scary. byler means a lot to us for different reasons, so it’s understandable we’re all a mess right now lol. but hopefully this helps decrease any doubt!
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cheddarboye · 1 year
@idiotic-lawless-mayhem i have been invoked. get ready for some OVERSHARING ON THE INTERNET BESTIEEESSSS
Are you named after anyone? no lmao i picked my own name. but boy do i wish my name had some emotionally significant origin. i see people whose names were picked by a friend or loved one and i kinda cry a little /pos
When was the last time you cried? shit idk uhhh. last thursday i think
Do you have kids? HELL NO BESTIE. never will
Do you use sarcasm a lot? ohhhh noooo i never use sarcasm. /s.
What is the first thing you notice about people? whether or not they’re Probably Queer. literally every time i meet someone my mind is calculating their queer levels to evaluate how safe i am
What color are your eyes? blue, with a hint of greenish. i also have a thin ring of yellow-gold around my pupil.
Scary movies or happy endings? children’s animated films (like 12+ stuff). i don’t believe in false dichotomies a movie can be scary and still have a happy ending.
Any special talents? i am a jack of all trades my guy. the ADHD did that for me. i have some weirdly strong intuition tho
Where were you born? a hospital in the united states.
What are your hobbies? video gaemes and reading (mostly fanfic but sometimes i will touch a Book.)
What sports have you played? oh my god SO MANY. and i hated ALL OF THEM. soccer, baseball, basketball, softball, swimming, backyard hockey, backyard football, just. so many
How tall are you? approximately 5’6” i think.
Favorite subject in school? ART ALL THE FUCKING WAY I LOVE THAT SHIT
Dream job? graphic designer baybeeeee i wanna make them pamphlets and posters and shit. hand over the google slide presentation imma make her GORGEOUS
taggy tags. get taggyd. no obligation to do it but tag me if u do. sorry if you didn’t wanna be tagged sorry i’m just tagging as many mutuals/friends as i can think of lmao @disembark-starstruck @vulturevanity @puppydog1030 @leafboy-the-great @piss-bong @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones
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uc-beepboop · 2 years
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This is a sketch, but I put a lot of effort into it and I’m tired lol. No color besties, but maybe I’ll do it another day.
Again, this was made from a prompt given by one of the patreons from the UC discord! Here is arc 2 characters post arc, chilling together for wine night Fridays. I determined this because rolled a d10 (if I rolled a 10, I’d start over), and I rolled a 2, so here’s everyone from said arc.
I think these ladies have some of the healthiest relationships post-arc lol. (Though canonically, they didn’t meet up again until the marriage one-shot… I think). Anyways, I would love if they did this canonically. Oh well, it’s fanart so who knows.
Also yes, they’re calling ash who is AHEM SPOILERS FOR ARC 2 calling them through the cell-phone adjacent sending stone and also drinking wine herself. It’s chill.
Also I love how literally this entire party is sooo incredibly tall, I didn’t do the best with heights I’ll admit because I didn’t measure them, but everyone looks short next to Lyndell (6’10” - from the wiki). Like seriously, if ash was in this photo at her unprepared casters wiki height of 5’5”, she’d be next to Robyn’s (6’0”) and Sasha’s (6’0”) shoulders.
Also, since I didn’t color these, let me specify that I did envision colors for this of course. Here’s a few that I pinned down:
- Robyn is wearing all black, of course. You can’t see it cuz I did a bad job, but I attempted to draw a graphic of a robin stealing money on her shirt.
- The lions on Lyndell pants have a yellow/orange hue, and the background is some sort of jungle-like plains-like color. Some earthy green I assume.
- I imagine that Sasha’s pants is a reflection of her being an amazing artificer/engineer type. I’m imagining a dark blue background color to the metallic/gray gear pattern.
Below are some close up zooms with some cool little details I snuck in there:
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ineffeblygay · 1 year
so calm
We shall address this in the order of the trailer so I don’t loose my shit which means I’ll be rewatching the trailer for the.. 8th? time to make this post. I’d put time stamps but I’m so tired- so so tired.
1. (Possible?) crow forecast; most likely just horror forecast. Birds flying away = run bitch. they’re running (well, flying), you should too.
2. Alina getting fucking eaten by the fold??? Prolly Kirigan snatching her for a lil chat, not 100% true to cannon but close enough
4. Fuck you darkling.
6. Ew again. Fuck off Alekzander
7. Kazzle Dazzle :3 why do you know about this- you’re not supposed to know about ANY OF THIS. Leigh is deviating from cannon SO MUCH and it’s scarring me.
8. Happy birthday, Nikolai…
9. MY LESBIANSSSSS <333 & ofc, Alina SLAYS. If my suspicions are correct, she’s testing the mirror things (upon further research and rewatching, she’s doing smth cooler: she’s practicing the cut on dummies!!)
11. Heyyy Tolya, ilyyyy + Alina’s outfit 🤌🏻🤌🏻
12. Flashback to ssn 1?? Mksies I seeeee
13. BAGHRA!!!! Wise as ever. You look lovely.. those eyes, still… intact
17. David & Genya <3 my loves. Chap. 20 of ROW = NEVER HAPPENED
18. More sturmhond bc there is no limit to greatness
19. Ketterdam?? But it seems too clean?? And mountains in the distance? Many domes.. what is this place, I wonder
20. MY BABIESSSSSS <3 INEJ KAZ AND JES. Reinforces the ‘that was Kerch’ theory but idk, it seemed too clean. Also- where do aditi and colm come into play bc aditi was casted and colm prolly was to soooo
22. Kaz meets Tolya?? #wtf
24. Jesper i love you- why did they change your gun clip D: it used to go flash flash, now it don’t :(
25. “Well if you die then we don’t get paid” has got to be the Kaziest thing in the history of kaz-
26. Alina rlly said ‘shine bright’ and meant it
30. WYLAN!! mwah :3 I love this bc it’s beautiful but wtf does it mean. Why is there a blue butterfly- why is there a hole in the wall? WHAT THE FUCK
32. My big brooding yellow tulip :c
34. TUSSLE??
36. AYO- we at war and y’all are tangled in sheets?? Who are these tongue tied (literally) personas
38. ADRIK AND NADIA (first seen in chapel I think? Now being seen AGAIN)
39. Whatcu doing Kirigin
40. “Are you willing to sacrifice that which is most precious to you” says the darkling as it pans over to malina whilst we’re supposedly going to do the ruin and rising plot 👀
42. WYLAN, YES!! FUCK YES. kaz in the background asf 🧍🏻‍♂️
46. Oh thank god it’s not- he’s fighting in the background-
48. EHEM- why are my wives in the place the fold was created? I recognize those gargoyles and that sand can only mean one thing
49. Mal- why are we brawlin AGAIN
50. KAZ NO- fuck. This is why we have a jordie casting, eh?
51. A searing burst of light asf
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gen4grl · 9 days
What rare pairs have you fallen into? I tried talking about it to some, but half the text ends up with me explaining why "no this isn't an age gap ship" because the character ages on the wiki for earlier gen are never updated for the time passed until future gen. Try explaining an anime-verse timeline using partial game logic and it's even worse lmao, and then nobody's reading all that.
oooo sorry for the late reply! i had an absolutely insane shift! however!!! i ship so many things but i tried to pick the ones with the least amount of content out there lol
kbnz… piers and raihan. honestly i don’t think it’s really that rare, it’s probably pier’s most popular ship but when leon/raihan are the second most popular pkmn ship on ao3, i think its on the rare side lol. they have like 10 or less pieces of dialogue together all in post game but it literally fuels me. they’re in my top 3 pkmn ships in general i love them!!! (i’ll take any excuse to talk about them)
piers and sonia! i love opposites attract and while i have them as besties in my au/hc i loved their post game dialogue + moments together… so cute …. i think i’ve seen like 5 pieces of fanart tops
alder and cynthia….? i saw that microsecond of him flirting with her in the anime and when legends very loosely implies (with the help of fan theories) their ancestors possibly knew eachother my brain went … yep!!! idk i definitely think they love yapping about history together and travelling :3
red/blue/leaf!!! another case of in my au i write them all in monogamous relationships and really i see them as soulmates but recently came around to them as a giant ship (the power of fanart + fics)
probably my most controversial one … gamecanon red and yellow from pokespe… controversial for the sake i know mixing gamecanon and spe is borderline sacrilegious but idk i vibe heavy with them. i recently saw my first ever piece of fanart of them (that wasn’t mine LMAO) on twitter and i was literally shook cause while i think the concept isn’t that far out you just never see it? is it even specialshipping at that point lol
sorry for the long reply LOL, i’d definitely love to know what ship you were tryna explain to your friends lmao - thx 4 for the ask & hope ur week is well :) xx
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bipolarastronotes · 3 years
cancer moons and risings are over prepared. my cancer rising friend and i work at a summer camp and i forgot sheets for me bed. she pulls out a second set of sheets because she knew someone would forget them. someone is me.
aquarius rising placements look otherworldly. they typically have noses that are distinguishable and large, dreamy eyes.
aquarius placements tend to pick blue things and wear blue
scorpio in big three is very hard to read (imo)
virgos are so fucking smart like pls stomp on me
virgo venus struggles with finding a romantic partner that’s up to their standards. whomp whomp.
gemini venus can’t make a damn decision to save their lives
scorpio risings have very piercing eyes
leo moons, you’re cocky. but you’re also so creative and so lovely.
leo risings, YOURE FUCKING RADIANT! and cocky. BUT YOU HAVE A LITERAL GLOW AROUND YOU. just yellow vibes yknow
aries venus and gemini venus are the worst venus sign to have imo (i am a gemini venus, my love life is non existent) ((also sorry if u have an aries venus but i like ur spontaneity.))
cancer suns make the best teachers!! they’re very nurturing.
scorpio moons are so entrancing like please tell me all your dark secrets
cancer suns have bad tempers 🤪
scorpio risings are always constantly transforming and changing. that may be physical or mental. so with that said, scorpio risings will typically have a new look or they dye their hair.
capricorn suns are very calculated in their decisions and will go through a multitude of possible outcomes
aries moons go through a lot of internal struggles and will feel all the feels because of it
aries moons, i love you. it’s gonna be okay
capricorn moons are some of the sweetest people alive and they’re not cold at all
cancer suns get overwhelmed easily
virgo risings are just models. they are always so elegant and they’re so humble
cancer risings have a natural beauty and just pure energy around them
taurus suns don’t let go of grudges
sagittarius sun makes gives off either guy bestie or male manipulator vibes
aries mercury are rash and blunt. sometimes they don’t take into account how other people are feeling.
gemini risings are lime bubbly
virgo placements scream vera bradley to me for some reason
sagittarius risings are fun as fuck. they’re the literal life of the party.
pisces moon/risings let negativity into their lives because they’re scared to set hard boundaries. they don’t want to make people upset. LEARN TO SET BOUNDARIES PLS 🙏
cancer suns unironically listen to nickelback
━━━━☆ HEY! ☆━━━━
hey guys! so i’m starting a new series on big three’s! i don’t know placements like aries moon, sagittarius moon, virgo moon, etc. so if you want to be in a post, send me your big 3, your meyers briggs type, lyrics to a song that are absolutely eating you alive and consuming every fiber of your being, and one or two photos of yourself that you absolutely love. 16+ ONLY PLEASE!!
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gamma-squad · 3 years
The Ultimate Gamma Squad Fic Rec List
From Angst to Fluff to Reveals, fanfiction will make you cry :D
Double Blind Date -  Alya knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and now that they're finally in the same city at the same time, she is determined to get them to meet.
The Bravery of Adrien Agreste -  adrien ends up living on the streets for a while, it's extremely well written and has also adrien marrying marinette to emancipate from his father.  There's also a sequel, the Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which the author is currently writing. 
Lovelace -  Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
The Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng -  After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Adrien and Marinette are strangers to each other, but somehow… married? - Sequel to The Bravery of Adrien Agreste
Soulmate Survey -  A brand new dating app hits the scene, giving you a percentage of how well you match with someone else. And it is taking the world, and certain teenagers, by storm.
Cats are Colorblind! - Reverse Crush AU - Ladynoir/Adrinette - Adrien is blind but he can... feel Marinette’s features? Which happen to be the same ones as Ladybugs (Reveal)
have the stars blotted out in a brilliant morse code - Fluffy Adrinette moments and reveal? beautiful
Strength - Crack/Fluff oneshot with a reveal
Marry That Girl -  Adrien finds Marinette’s plans for their wedding and just falls
League of Losers - Slightly Different Superhero AU with crack angst and fluff
You, Me & A Little Bit of the Future - future ladynoir asks adrinette to babysit and everythings cute
Practice Makes Purr-fect - Adrinette/Ladynoir + Reveal and kisses (all you need in life <3)
wish you were here - demon au, adrien is just really confused
The Moving Statue - AKDJSSD - Adrinette + Reveal
Operation Mega-Sleepover - Adrinette Sleepover Shenanigans
Butt Dial - Marinette butt dials Adrien and all his plans for a normal afternoon jumped out the window (Reveal)
The Wedding Plans of Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Adrien finds Marinette’s wedding guest list for their future wedding and he’s like ‘WHERE AM I?’ (boy you’re the groom)
Plagg Meets Marinette
i hope that fate will forgive us (for tempting the sea) - mermaid royalty au and arranged marriages - Felix x Bridgette and Adrinette - also the author is v nice <33
The Player and the Princess - Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers <3
take me back- By marvelousmsmol
By Design - By marvelousmsmol (Still going!)
Graine de toi - By komorebirei (Still going? I’m not sure)
Smoulder - By midnightstarlightwrites (this is adorable and full of ships! Also, finished 36/36).
Lucky Us - By PrincessKitty1 (Sigh, it’s too cute! Finished 30/30).
Facades -   AU with dark!Adrien. Has even a short sequel (lovesquare but mainly centered around the two main ships)
 Kiss shy - By emsylcatac (This is a great one-shot!)
i don't have a latte but give me a shot - By marvelousmsmol (The one-shot, i wish was a series).
 Under Lock and Key - By EdenDaphne, Maerynn (the antics! Finish 10/10)
The Woman With Blue Eyes - By ghostgirl19 (One-shot!)
 Friends By Day, Enemies By Night - By Dristi5683 (This is 49/49, there’s also marichat and angst ladynoir)
A Bride for the Prince - by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky) and TheNovelArtist
Penumbra - Adrienette hurt comfort, rated M for serious topics like implied noncon as a minor
keep me in your thoughts - adrienette soulmate au
Passionfruit- Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
a chat in disneyland - pretty self explanatory, chat noir antics and slightly traumatized workers, everythings great
Finding Diamonds in the Rough -  A prince escaping the confines of his castle. A girl who saves a naive visitor. The connection built between these two of different worlds. Welcome to another Arabian night.
Out of Your Hair -  Adrien wants to support Kitty Section during their first large concert in the park, but dad says no. So of course there’s only one way this can go
Infatuation - Adrinette childhood enemies to ‘I hate you but i seriously want to kiss you’
Blindsided - Adrinette/Ladynoir - Ladybug gets hit by an akuma and goes blind but hey! Adrien/Chat Noir is literally the most amazing person ever and that helps (Reveal)
Just a Friendly Game Night -  The four teenagers arrange a game night at Marinette’s house. What could go wrong
Just Best Friends -  The sequel to ‘Just a Friendly Game Night’ where the teenagers deal with what went wrong
We’ve Got It Covered -  Marinette needs to create a concept album cover design for Jagged Stone, but when she can’t get anything, the stress builds…
Le Prix du Silence -   this is in French, by Etoile-lead-Sama, but it's so worth google translating! Especially her inverted umbrella scene where Marinette gives the umbrella back to Adrien because she wants to rid her feelings for him and in that moment he realises that he's in love with her…  *heartbreak* but it's all wonderful and her slow burn is exceptional
Shop, Bake, Eat... - Crack, mature humor and content
Having a Ball - Adrien and Marinette attend a Victorian ball without recognizing each other.
In Which Adrien Agreste Butt Dials Ladybug - Based on NY Special, what if Adrien kept the remote to the cat toy in his back pocket?
The Jacket - Marinette gives a black jacket to Adrien and he thinks she's figured him out. 
Stuck In A Bakery (With You) -  during the pandemic, Adrien gets stuck in the bakery with Marinette and family. 
Chat Got Your Back - Lila I don’t like you and neither does Chat
Burgundy and Blush -  Marinette needs a date for the dance, and Chat Noir is happy to help. But can the two teens in denial make it through the night without catching feelings?
The Trouble With Kissing Boys -  When an akuma handcuffs Chat Noir and Marinette together, true feelings are revealed… but only to get the cuffs off. Really
double jeu -  An injured Chat Noir leads to a frantic Marinette and frequent midnight visits neither of them had expected to get used to.
Lace or Leather - Sequel to Burgundy and Blush
Stand-In Journalist - MariChat being besties
spark - marichat dating app shenanigans
Forget-Me-Not  -  Marinette looses her memories a little bit (unfinished)
Jealousy - Onesided reveal and then it turns into a love confession and a reveal
When Duty and Desire Meet - By EdenDaphne, midnightstarlightwrites. (Still going! Its so romantic, the yellow rose hits me the most)
Selfless - By ghostgirl19 ( I wish this fic was still going but it’s not! It’s discontinued!! T~T)
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe (Malfunction) - ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky), Eizabet, KryallaOrchid, Maerynn, midnightstarlightwrites. (I know the embracement... It’s also a one-shot!)
The Wingman Visits - By NiuNiu. (This is completed with 16/16 and rated mature!).
I Won’t Hold You Back - THE BEST PROM FIC YOU’LL EVER READ. Adrien invites Mari to prom. In which Adrien Awkward Awkward Awkward Athanase  Agreste makes an appearance. 
A Gamer’s Pride - No miraculous but they’re video game partners and they hate each other but they like each other and HHHHHHHH
Diamonds never leave you... men do! - Marinette the cop and Chat Noir the criminal (they’re dating <3)
Kiss and Dash -  It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien. - I THINK I ASCENDED WHILE READING THE FIRST CHAPTER
No Longer Running From -  After an Akuma attack, Marinette runs off in order to avoid Chat Noir, but she didn’t count on him being so willing to come after her.
Chat Blanc - Chat Blanc fights with reveals and Adrien being a good person even when akumatized
Worries - Chat is very concerned for the well-being of Marinette who he has noticed, decides to run into akuma battles in a very much not safe way
Rooftop Tears and Gentle Hugs [Vent] -  Marinette goes mute for a week, and everybody is worried. It seems only a concerned Chat is the one to finally reach her.
Tendencies - (series) lots of good writing starting out as marichat and then a reveal
Just Chatting -  Chat crashes onto Marinette's balcony and continues to visit. Marinette finds herself impulsively getting closer to him, and then everything goes to shit.
Physical Touch - Chat Noir, my amazing child, is touch starved. Marinette is happy to help with some cuddles
It’s Okay to Cry - THE SUMMARY ALONE GOT ME FEELING SOME STUFF LET MARINETTE SHOW EMOTION -  Marinette feels the burden of not letting her negative emotions show, since Ladybug cannot let herself be akumatized, no matter what. A cat is there to let her vent.
heartstrings - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - they frggin kiss and its dramatic and teenage drama and romace 
Crushed - Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.  (Reveal)
Every Heartbeat: A Marichat May 2021 Story:  -   Reeling from a brutally difficult day, Marinette finds her life becomes amazingly complicated after impulsively inviting Chat Noir to spend the evening with her. But when the suave feline begins to weave his way into her heart, she realizes rather quickly just how conflicted her feelings for her partner truly are.
A Roll of the Dice - AVERT YOUR EYES INNOCENT CHILDREN - mature (obviously) Alya gives Marinette an adult dice set and at night time, Chat Noir dares her to use it. 
tell me something i don’t know - the infamous marichat soulmate au by the beloved carpisuns
Trading (Momentary) Burdens - UM. YOU HAD ON RIGHT?? I AM SAD??- Ladybug gets hurt mid-fight and Chat has to turn into Misterbug to save her
Miraculous Dupont -  Marinette finds herself attacked by Chat Blanc, an akuma at the orders of Hawkmoth. But before the akuma can do any damage, she's saved by Chat Noir, a superhero who is fighting the akumas. Chat Noir senses something in her and takes her to the magical school he attends, Miraculous Dupont, where Master Fu, the head teacher, agrees that she has potential to be a Miraculous holder. So Marinette is thrown into a world of hidden identities, akuma fights and mysteries and ends up by discovering that this whole world wasn't that unknown to her to start with, that the boy behind the mask, of whom she desperately falls in love, wasn't a stranger from her too, and it's all connected to two lucky charms, a seal and a mysterious magical potion she (and her friends) should never have been exposed to...
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright -  chat noir gives the tiger miraculous to marinette. I love her concept of the tiger miraculous, so cool!
Terror on La Seine - Villains weren't supposed to help when there are others in need. But can Hawk Moth truly stand aside and do nothing? Especially when a young woman he knows personally is in danger? TW: implied trafficking
Madness Within -  If you want slowburn, feral Chat Noir and dark themes this is a great place to start and I’m super excited for what’s to come. Very highly recommend
you came to me with gold and i mended the pieces -  Adrien gets into a really ugly argument with his father, and as a result the poor boy gets a slap right across the face. In a daze, he runs away from home, transforms, and decides to seek comfort in a really close friend of his.
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man -  When Chat Noir finds Marinette sighing over her failed love life, he decides to help her get the boy of her dreams. Nothing can go wrong here. Absolutely nothing.
The Tendencies Series -  HIGHLY RECOMMEND and will sure to keep you busy for a while
A Summer Treat - LadyNoir Icecream date in Shanghai and lovestruck adrien
TKO - LadyNoir workouts and they KISS
Doctor, Doctor, Give me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) -   Plagg’s sick, Adrien’s in love, Shit Happens™ 
 Of Yellows, Pinks and Blues - New York Special LadyNoir but with ROSES 
Long Live - LadyNoir based on the song <3
Letters of Lovers - LadyNoir writing down all their feelings on letters BUT THEN AT THE END THEY READ IT + Reveal
A Bad Dream - Ladybug tells Chat about a ‘dream’ where he was Chat Blanc (spoiler alert: it wasn’t a dream)
The Bug and Cat Show - ADKLJSASD READ THIS
You’re My Sight - Adrien is blind but with the miraculous, he can see and this is very much a wonderful thing to happen to him. One day he tells Ladybug.
United - OMFG - ladynoir established relationship (+Reveal)
a nine-year-old - i havent met anyone that hasn’t read this fic but still (im still sorry emsy, i believed you were 9 with my entire heart 😭)
Death By Ladybug - Flirty Ladybug and Flustered Chat Noir
Chat Noir’s White French Man Hitlist For Feminist Purposes - (THIS HAS A PODFIC NOW)
Liquid Luck - LadyNoir Banter + Reveal
Symphony - Adrinette/LadyNoir + Reveal (with the best ending ever omg)
 The Miraculous Tweets of @luckylady and @chatnoir - Internet Shenanigans
Problems - ladynoir fluff
Only a beat a cat can hear - Ladybug tells Chat when he finds out about her blindness that she scared about him leaving her. He’s having none of this self deprecating stuff and reassures her that he loves her a lot and nothing changes that. 
It was just a cheek kiss! - Ladybug slowly falling for Chat and them finally getting together (my friends thought I was getting murdered when I readthis. So many screams)
Discordant Sonata - EdenDaphne (Still going!)
like poles of a magnet - By maketea (8/8! It's finished!)
From the Ashes - By MiniMinou (Finish! Btw this is angst and mature rated)
Ladybug and Chat Noir's Guide to the Rooftops of Paris - PipTheMagnificent (One-shot!)
 in the dead of night, your eyes so green - this ones by miraculouslycool so you know its good 
 Day 7: Interview - Chat Noir being cute with kids
Misunderstanding - LadyNoir Identity Shenanigans <3
Not Kitten Around, Badylug - the road to reveal, integrating parts of S4, all in mobile texts. Sweet, funny. The kind of pick-me up you need after an angsty ep.
Two Seconds -  perfect for a light morning read.
i think it’s time i told you (im a fan of your universe) - LadyNoir (AND THEY GET MARRIED)
It’s Not PDA If You’re Just Friends - They’re just friends! Friends can kiss each others shoulders and spin each other around, right?
I Guess That Makes Us Even - Chat Noir dying = REALLY SAD LADYBUG AND COMFORT - its by buggchat so you already know its simply superior
Red Strings and Markers - Soulmate AU my beloved
little kitty on the rood, wearing his lady’s boxers - Adrien in Ladybug boxers, Marinette in the pool with her pjamas, Adrien uses his one braincell and realizes some pretty shocking things (Reveal)
dont let me die alone - okay so you may get a lil sad but you know
Return to Base - LadyNoir laser tag baby, Adrienette laser tag with LadyNoir dynamic, reveal
The Ladyblog Comment Section - they like to annoy alya in the comments. and flirt. but they dont realize the last part yet
Irreplaceable -  Adrien is insecure. Marinette doesn't let anyone talk bad about her partner.
Where are you Chat Noir? -  As the final battle unfolds to their defeat, Hawkmoth and Mayura use plan b and withdraw in a 'Sentiworld', a parallel reality created with an Amok. What's worse, they drag Chat Noir with them. What's even worse, Ladybug can't say goodbye, or I love you. Guilty and desperate, what will she be ready to sacrifice to get her partner back? (Rated R for mature content)
Kitty Chat Kisses -  Give Chat more kisses please, this was so sweet and cute and sad and just...someone give Chat some hugs and kisses and tell him he did a good job
i’ll marry you - Chat Noir talks to his sleepy girlfriend about their future.
Upon the Eiffel Tower, They Reveal it All. -  Chat Noir spots Ladybug heading towards the Eiffel tower without telling him, and when he checks on her, finds out more than he thought he would.
Two Hundred and Fifty Four -  aspik angst :’)
bang bang - KISSES
whose woods these are (I think I know) - FIRST OF ALL, its a cinderella au and its MAGNIFICENT - Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
The Tell-Tale Kiss - Adrien gets discouraged when Ladybug turns down Paris’ favorite cat every time. But what if Paris’ favorite model asks her?
The Cat and His Daffodils -  I adore Hanahaki AU’s and this was one was really good and wonderfully angsty.
Post/One Sided Reveal: 
Serendipitous Fate -  With Hawkmoth growing stronger, Chat Noir and Ladybug need to practice. And get teammates. And grow stronger together. Which means learning each other’s identity, no matter the risks. Unfinished, but worth it. Also, there is some smut near the end, but the author warns the reader on the exact chapter and it is very skippable
switch it up - Adrien uses the Ladybug miraculous and everyone simps even harder
Remember That Time When... - Marinette is ready to enjoy her wedding anniversary with her wondrful husband. Except when she wakes up, she’s not going to be able to celebrate her anniversary. In fact, she’s seventeen again.
Divide By Infinity - Post-Reveal Adrinette being adorable and looking at LadyNoir moments
Bad Day - Adrien finds out Marinette’s Ladybug on the toilet and everything just does downhill from there
Get Agrekt - Post Reveal + Drunk Adrien my beloved
Under The Stars - PROPOSAL
Do You Hear That, Love? - Post-Reveal angst and babies
Side Effects of Paw-esome Merch: Model Chokes on Air - Post Reveal Marinette making my poor boy adrien consciously try not to die by wearing Chat Noir merch
When the Wedding Bells Toll - Post Reveal Adrinette pretend to date to get free food at a wedding (ha ha guess who fell in love againnnn)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - first of all, OOF - Marinette and Adrien reveal their identities and he panics and Marinette, three years later, sees him again for Alya’s wedding with the urge to both kiss him and punch him in the face
Adrinette April Day 23: Sunset - CUTE FLUFFY PEOPLE (its by sketchy-panda)
Forget-Me-Not - written way before oblivio but basically, oblivio
The Wall Between Us -  Lukanette, Adrigami, Alya finding out, lovesquare reveal, Adrien finding out Gabe is Hawkmoth, then theres Adrinette being in love and MarcNath walking in them making out. Its a whole vibe. Two Seconds was written in response to this :D
Trolling Alya -  After Adrien and Marinette reveal their identities to each other, instead of going right into dating, they agree to just be friends and take their time. Alya is not having it.
The Biological Imperative - excellent explicit story with an interesting concept about tikki being able to freeze the power of all miraculouses in her box in case of marinette's pregnancy. Adrienette of course. 
The Closest Thing to Love - god i love a good fake dating story - post reveal Aged Up - adrien decides that the best way to gain independence from his dad was to get married. To who you ask? Of course its his lady, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Nothing could go wrong! They’re just friends after all.
Not A Ship But Hella good Stories
Papa Bear -  In which Tom is the one to figure out Adrien’s home life is putting him in danger and helps Adrien escape.
Nooroo Uses a Swear Word -  He really, really does. But he has a very good reason, so... let's hear him out, shall we? Crackfic, one-shot.
Move to Safety - Sort of a longer take on the ‘ Adrien runs away and seeks shelter with the Dupain-Chengs’. Involves the final battle and Adrien knowing Gabe is Hawkmoth. 
I Know, Kid - Plagg has a very important conversation with his holder when they return home after defeating Guiltrip.
Chat Noir is My Science Teacher - When Mattheu Magan witnesses his chemistry teacher, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, transform into his favorite superhero Chat Noir, he becomes the Monkey Miraculous holder Monkid, going on adventures and learning what it means to be a hero alongside under his new meow-ntor. (OC, Adventure, Aged-up - Yall ive only known Mattheu for like, a month BUT I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)
Won’t Tell a Soul - Nino finds out that Marinette is Ladybug and keeps the secret. Kind of. 
Motherfucking Superheroes - Directly following the events of the season 3 finale, Alya Cesaire decides to create a groupchat with all the known Miraculous holders, which sets off an investigation into Ladybug’s identity. (Crack, Groupchat/Text fic)
My Boy - Gabriel creates a sentimonster copy of himself to free himself from unimportant matters, but he didn’t expect it to become more human than himself. (Angst, Mentions of torture)
The Malicious Pavilin - Evil gay Emilie is a whole ass mood
Never Sing At Home - Based on that ‘hey, bad news and good news. Bad news, Hawkmoth knows my identity, good news, I know his!’ prompt on tumblr
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke - Lila gets exposed fics my beloved
ouef, ouch, owie - Chat and Rena plan some Aspik-related shenanigans to cover up Chat’s secret identity when Ladybug decides to have all the Miraculous heroes train together. (Crack)
What the Cat Dragged In - MCU Crossover
the last day on earth - Chat Blanc angst is top-tier
Air Miraculous - Miraculous but with Basketball and Shoes
how the strings intertwine - MDC Fic - UNFINISHED BUT AMAZING
Nine Lives - Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Centric
In Good Hands -  in which Ladybug tells Chat Noir about her new confidant and Chat chooses his own.
How Nino Waged War with Gabriel Agreste - By ChocolateXMyMouth (Still going!)
The Inappropriate Touching Talk -  this is another pure crack. Gabriel finds out that Adrien "touches inappropriately" Marinette and decides to have "the talk" (or rather have someone else have the talk with him)
Broken - Cop AU with lots of angst :D
Informant - miracuclass group chat au with identity shenanigans 
Lucky Fox Paradox - Marinette gives succeeds in giving Alya the ladybug miraculous. And regrets it. Enter, the fox miraculous.
“I have plan” - based on the ‘Ladybug joins the fight as multimous and she and rena rouge won’t let adrien leave to transform and its just crack’
Sting -  Chat Noir mysteriously vanished, and as much as Ladybug hates it, she can’t do her job alone. Which is why she decides to give Adrien to bee miraculous until her partner returns!
Accidental Dates - The four friends make a group chat to plan game nights. Some people tend to take it further
Leave for Mendeleiev -  Marinette is in Mendeleiev’s class instead of Bustier’s, meaning new friends and different relationships
Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous - rejected one time too many, Chat Noir ends in tears on someone's balcony. No, not Marinette's. Chloé's. And no, it doesn't end with an adrikloe (or how it's called). Chloé actually ends up being a good friend (*insert ohhhh of surprise*)
I’ll Handle This - Adrien accepts a deal with Plagg for the black kwami to resolve his problems. And Plagg succeeds. 
let’s get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke -  1920s enemies to lovers soulmates au that makes me want to jump off a building in a good way
Ruffled -  Harry Potter AU
Passionfruit -  Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
Repetition -  One day adrien stumbles upon hawkmoth’s lair. In response, Gabe wipes his memory and is done with it. until it happens again, and again, and again…
Bite Me. -  Vampire!Alya one-shot. Really good world-building in this one chapter alone!
“I have a plan.” -  Really funny one-shot where Marinette’s idea of going in as Multimouse doesn’t exactly pan out how she wanted it to.
Back to Us -  After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Free Falling - Fantastic story with amazing and well written themes that I really just adored reading. Beautifully written and wonderful plot/story
Other Ships (outside of Love Square):
The Worst and Best Thing - GabeNath, drama and angst with a happy ending
Operation Lovebirds -  DJWifi - Alya and Nino try and get Adrien and Marinette together, and get more than they thought they would
Phase Eight - Sequel to Operaton Lovebirds -  Three years after the failure of Operation Lovebirds, Alya and Nino’s relationship is tested when Alya comes across a startling secret.
Cola Date - DJWifi -  When Alya finds herself on a date with the wrong guy she searches for unconventional help to get her out of this. Luckily, the cute waiter doesn't mind to help her out with a favor.
Soundless - Lukadrien - Luka has the Ladybug Miraculous and can pretty much tell who’s Chat Noir
Hotdogs and Icecream - Lukagami - Luka and Kagami hanging out while Adrinette are being in love during the NY Special
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jimclarkposting · 2 years
The Ultimate F1 Helmet Ranking: 60s/70s
inspired by @greenliketheskyf1pics, I've decided to rank my fav 60s/70s boys on their helmets, because i can. there is no criteria other than how much joy they spark in my heart. helped by @taffyvontrips, thank u bestie!
Jacky Ickx
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I think it's classy, kind of like him, aesthetically minded as he is. taffyvontrips really likes it and I agree wholeheartedly. if i were to say it...it’s a sexy helmet.
Jackie Stewart
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now this i don’t like as much. it's just a tartan band on a white background. it's both too plain and too busy at the same time. unfortunately, it's iconic (as @taffyvontrips​ keeps telling me).
5/10 because i can’t deny that it is very eye-catching
Graham Hill
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my next unpopular opinion is that I don't like this one either. it looks weird and unfinished and like his helmet has been pooped on by birds. the sad thing is is that it's one of the only helmets (like jackie's) that I can recognize on sight.
4/10, i’m sorry graham :(
Jim Clark 
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it's simple. literally the most simple! i only include him bc I'm jimclarkposting. it makes him look like a cute little egg (according to taffyvontrips) but it is also somehow unmistakably his helmet. I want the £100 half-size one, thank you very much.
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10/10 (I'm very biased)
John Surtees
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I LOVE this helmet. it's literally just two blue stripes but it's amazing and beautiful and I might have a surtees bias too.
9/10 (also the colours are great)
Jo Siffert
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the design is tops. love the Swiss element. suits his face. the colour is amazing!! can't think of anyone else around this time with a red helmet.
10/10 (also, why 2 pairs of goggles??)
Bruce McLaren
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it's all space-age and silver and eye-catching in the sun. what's not to love??
8/10 (only points docked for the fact that it doesn’t have a brim/visor)
Gilles Villeneuve
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"snazzy", a direct quote from taffyvontrips. colours are nice (on brand for him), and the v is pretty classic, and visually distinctive. points docked for it really not doing its job during his crash.
6/10 (I like jacques' better oop)
Innes Ireland
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it's the CHECKERED FLAG. nothing more iconic.
Luigi Musso and Ricardo Rodriguez 
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these make me very happy to look at, the og yellow helmets (with the little flags painted on the sides!). 
12/10, they're adorable 💛
Elio de Angelis
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this serves the same function as the bagpipes; it's a helmet of war. you see this man behind you in your mirrors and it strikes terror into your heart. even this picture causes me fear. help me.
1000/10, of course, because elio in this pic might kill me if i give him anything less (love him tho)
Wrap Up
according to me: some helmets are nice, some are bad (sorry jackie and graham) and some are GORGEOUS. thanks again to @taffyvontrips​ for your input (even tho some of your opinions were incorrect, love you bestie)! there are lots that i didn’t include that i might make a separate post on later, but for now elio tops the rankings...
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a03bkdk · 3 years
no quirks bkdk fic rec list (p 2)
thirsty gay wingman fic by lalazee
Oct 11, 2019 "Thinkin abt besties-since-birth BkDk goin to college together, Dk begrudgingly bein Bkg's wingman w/chicks & lamenting his big gay crush. One nite, Bkg cant get laid, hes drunk in a shitty mood, so Dk propositions him, which turns into the best night ever & the WORST consequences."
My tweet got 366 likes & 66 reblogs, so that was more than enough reason to write about it.
romeo and romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
mechanical bull by warschach
Katsuki has a track record of bad choices, it's a condition, but Izuku might be the one choice that's right.
battle of the bands by roadtripwithlucifer
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
oh my god! they were roomates! by phatye
“Don’t go through my shit, and if there’s a tie on the door, then fuck off!” Katsuki growled. “...what?” he asked. Katsuki glared at him. “This is fucking college, and I plan on getting laid a lot! I don’t need some nerd cockblocking me! And what is with all the fucking toys here!” Katsuki had moved over to his shelves. “Are you a fucking child or something?!” This was not what he was expecting.
shades of blue by young_crone
Echoes filtered down the white hall as he descended the stairs toward the locker rooms, reverberating from the pool. A whistle, the sound of breaking water. He swiped the towel over his face, paused. The sliver of cerulean catching the sinking sun pouring through the skylights, the red and white lane buoys, the burn of chlorine.Izuku ran a hand through his curls, snagging on a knot. The clock on the wall reminded him how late it was. A minute wouldn't hurt. He worried his lip. Just a glimpse.
k-9 by warschach
((smut- 18304-1/1))
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
sucker punch by warschach
But, whatever, Disney Boy over there was—
Prettying up real damn good that Katsuki got kind of distracted—totally understandable, like god those CGI pine eyes—and didn’t see the straight path he made for the metal trash bin in the center of the area until he was tipping forward and waist deep in discarded bottles, plates, balled up tissues sticky with he prayed was chocolate ice cream and nacho cheese.
Mina howled behind the gate. “Look, Katsuki returned to his home.”
(or Katsuki works security at Six Flags and moonlights as a derby dude and continuously looks uncool around Izuku)
may I take your order, dipshit? by supercrunch
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
raise me so high (your sins become my pedestal) by stardust_painter
After his boyfriend cheats on him, Izuku wants to do something stupid. The question is how stupid does he want to be.
The answer is very stupid apparently.
eye for an eye or whatever by tobiyos
“I’ll make it up to you!” Izuku says brightly, lifting his head from Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he isn’t still pushing Izuku away so. Progress. “Fuck are you gonna do to make it up to me?”
“Hmm…” Izuku says quietly, tapping at his chin. “Oh! You’re still a virgin, right?”
Katsuki chokes on his own spit and promptly renews his efforts of pushing Izuku away by the forehead. “Fuck off,” he wheezes, “get out of my room.”
leap of faith by ladyofsnails
Midoriya Izuku is just a random kid who loves art, analyzes everything, and is obsessed with the (in)famous hero Mighty Spider. He's got a loving mother, a great uncle, and maybe not too many friends that aren't those two but he's working on it.
And then a random cute boy shows up at his school, a spider bites him, he meets his hero under the worst possible conditions, and it all goes to hell. Now he's got villains on his tail, a promise to keep to a dead guy, and a washed-up hobo as his mentor.
Here goes nothing.
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
“Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
you and i collide by ethereals
And not that Bakugou’s the type to sexualize a potentially dead body; especially one that he just accidentally murdered, but the man has some pretty solid DSL’s. He would hit it, with more than just his car.
in which rich fratboy! bakugou is a badass who accidentally hits poor med student!izuku with his car and chaos ensues therefore.
97.6 FM by jamjars
Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Or Radio Host! Baugou x Listener! Midoriya
give me that sweet love by xsxuxgxax
Things Katsuki needs to excel at: be hot, be clever and pretend to be nice, let Izuku kiss him publicly, let Izuku fuck him privately…
(sugar baby katsuki and sugar daddy izuku pretty much)
dance with me by astralchaos
Mina pulled up a video of a young man, seemingly teen, dancing to a popular new hit, and Izuku felt his heart drop to his stomach. His skin prickled and felt clammy as he started sweating nervously, not daring to move or make a noise. His eyes were glued to the screen but he didn’t see anything – his brain was too busy going into overdrive and freaking out.
Because Mina was showing him a video of himself. The one he uploaded last night.
How on Earth did she find this? He had barely a few thousand views, he wasn’t popular, and it’s not like he was even any good, especially compared to her or Kacchan–
“That move was sexy as hell,” Kacchan said, and that was when Izuku realized that his childhood friend – his longtime crush – also leaned in to watch the video Mina was showing him.
puppies puppies by Esselle
"So after doing all that," Katsuki says, "you're just going to settle here? Tatting up wannabe bad boys?"
"You think all guys who have a lot of tattoos are wannabes?" Midoriya asks, so smoothly that it throws Katsuki.
"Wh—no, I mean—maybe!" Katsuki says. "You'd know best, wouldn't you? Are you a bad boy?"
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes it, and he regrets them immediately. There's a figurative list of things that one should never do, and probably high up on it is asking dark-haired sailors with ocean green eyes and black swirls of ink all across their barely concealed muscles if they are bad boys.
Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
im gonna make a part 3 later ergaegrggjnjuvuh
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honklore · 3 years
hello! i just found ur blog and omfg i’m in love with your writing style! may i pls have some soulmate au hc’s for a reader who’s an artist? (i’m indecisive so you can choose who the hcs are with!) so like (insert cc u write for here) has got paint stains on his hands and like assorted sketches and stuff on his skin all the time from his soulmate. ty so much!! :]
masterpiece | quackity
(gn reader, quackity is the loml, reader is so talented but v messy, chat teases q to no end, quackity is the biggest softie in the world but refuses to acknowledge it, plantain slander)
listen to: rainbow connection (cover) by sleeping at last
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sweet quackity :((
it starts when he’s eighteen, and it happens like almost immediately
he got these splotches of purple on his hands and his mom was like ?? are u getting into fights ?? are you okay???
and q rlly doesn’t mind aside from the weird questions when the colors are a little too close to red or purple
but!! nowadays mostly you just sketch w a pen
it’s during your classes usually,,, ur an art history major and you need something to occupy your hands (which is actually why you started drawing in the first place)
so during the day quackity will acquire lil sketches of famous paintings,,, or sometimes originals,,, but they’re always washed off before the day is done
sometimes random art facts/theories/studies but he has no idea why someone would write him about van gogh’s use of color
*cue u aggressively scrubbing your skin in the shower bc you always forget how permanent the ink is*
quackity is sort of... hesitant when it comes to writing on his skin. esp with streaming, he’s scared that fans will react badly ,, that negative thought keeps him at bay most days
but sometimes he writes lil notes on his legs,,, where chat won’t see anything ,,,, and they’re always either rlly sweet or rlly weird
(hope ur having a good day)
(hey bestie :P )
(soulmate my beloved)
(will u be the howie mandel to my dr. phil)
that last one made you genuinely worried for your future
badly drawn picture of a duck holding a briefcase (this is me)
which confuses you but as he draws more, you begin to associate him with ducks, and sometimes the duck wears a tie, and sometimes a beanie, and one time he had a giant blue axe which kind of concerned you
but you digress
when you get stressed u finger paint
and it’s just a way to create chaos and feel the cold paint on your skin like idk it’s relaxing yknow :)
quackity is streaming
and he doesn’t realize what’s happening. he’s reacting to attaway general,, and he’s kind of invested
it’s only when he pauses it to make a point that he notices
and he tries to hide it but chat notices right away
it’s not that he doesn’t trust chat he just knows things can get negative quickly and he wants his space to be free of that
but someone donates “artist q?”
and quackity lets the joke run
he stands up and pulls the mic super close to his mouth
“i’m in my artist arc chat! nihachu watch out >.>”
it’s literally so silly bc q knows that chat knows but they’re letting him do his bit
and later that night he checks twitter and artist q is trending, but quackity’s soulmate is also trending
it’s all mostly supportive, and there’s already some rlly endearing fan art of quackity with paint all over his hands
quackity private tweet: ❤️❤️❤️
and he gets a lil confidence boost after that
answers questions abt u on his alt
tells the story of his mom thinking he was getting into fights
“guys paula is still my number one and my soulmate will just have to understand that”
“we already agreed we would both reject each other for taylor swift chat it’s fine”
answers donos and doodles on his hand
which he can do now bc chat knows!!!!
(you’re so talented your honor)
(have you ever seen attaway general?)
(charli d’amelio is in it)
(charli d’amelio is in it shit dixie sorry)
and you’re like !!! it’s on my hand !!!! it’s not hidden at all !!!
this image is so endearing to me like you’ve got paint stains all over your hands and quackity’s scrawl is filling in the empty spaces like he didn’t want to interrupt your work
duck with a beret, a mustache, and a paintbrush (this is me now)
ik he is going to share the most mundane things in a way of showing his love
(i listened to this song the other day)
(i bought a literal plantain today those things are big as shit)
(update: not good :/)
(i’m writing lore)
(i have an exam tomorrow)
just :(( sweet quackity wants u to know every little detail abt his life bc he wants u to know him
and you reply when u can
(added to my playlist!)
(i like plantain chips but i’ve never had the fruit alone)
(rip buddy :/)
(lore? like fnaf?)
quackity finds out you know extensive fnaf lore and the two of you stay up arguing about which is worse: the bite of ‘87 or the bite of ‘83
both of your legs look like newspapers that night and it takes a lot of scrubbing to get all of those off
one day you’re painting smth and quackity randomly gives you his discord
(add me and we can watch game theory together and see who is right)
the two of you end up watching it and getting in call with each other
when you hear his voice it’s like everything falls into place
he fills in all the empty spaces,,, answers all the questions you didn’t realize you had,,,, and he’s so wonderful that you find yourself missing him dearly whenever he’s not on call with you
you join him in calls on his streams sometimes like for jackbox or when he’s cooking
you stop joining him on calls on his stream /s
but chat loves you and always takes ur side over q’s
you get tons of followers on your art account and you even get to sell some of your paintings!!
ur new favorite colors to use are blue and yellow i don’t make the rules
but everyone starts to catch on and they find it really sweet
you catch up on quackity lore solely for him and declare yourself a c!quackity apologist
you’ve definitely retweeted the meme that’s like “if villain bad why hot”
when u guys meet quackity kisses your forehead :((((
when you
a drawing of two ducks holding hands (this is us)
thank you for the kind words and for requesting !!!
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
You mean the Ln 1 comic kids being parallels to cup, tengu, fox and scarecrow or?
The hypothesis came into my mind while making the LN iceberg. Basically I was synthesizing the plot of the cancelled comics and I thought,
"Wow, I never realized that Humpback Girl and the Lady both have a strong disliking of mirrors due to bad experiences with Mirror Man. Cool coincidence."
Then I realized the Humpback Girl keeps her face covered at all times - like the Lady, who costantly wears a mask, and that they both are wearing different shades of orange.
(Not sure about this one, but Humpback Girl's friends might be seen as paralleles to the Maw employees. I mean, the guy with the super long limbs? The conjoined "twins"?)
And this got me thinking.
If, hypothetically, Humpback Girl is paralleling the current Lady... then what about the other kids? Could they be seen as paralleles to the previous four?
Before we go on, keep in mind: I'm not saying they're exact paralleles. While the Lady can't keep away from mirrors, Humpback Girl is terrified of them.
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But what I am saying is that their similarities might help us understand the Ladies a bit more.
And you'll tell me, "But there's only five children! The Bandaged Kid got snatched away, so the numbers of kids and Ladies don't match!" Not to worry: we're ""confirming"" two theories in one hit.
Because we only have one other child tell us their full story (curse the day the comics were cancelled /lh), I'll begin with announcing that the Refugee Boy is paralleling none other than Scarecrow.
I mean... look at the boy's hood and tell me it doesn't resemble the scarecrow mask.
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(Yes, this is important for my reasoning - it's gonna help us determine who the other children match.)
Let's recap what we know about Scarecrow. She has a tendecy to run and hide from the horrors of the world instead of facing them (like the boy who is trying to evade the clutches of the North Wind), she wears blue and she could have possibly had a sister which might have been one of the others.
And, wouldn't you know!, the Refugee Boy also happens to have a younger sister! One who wears a red cape.
You already know where I'm going with this.
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Recreating Tengu's mask using a hood must be complicated, but the choice of color for the cape was spot on. It's literally the same shade as the little statue from the DLC.
We know that Tengu, unlike Scarecrow, was someone who wanted to fit in with the monsters to avoid being hurt - and that this was just a facade she put out in order to make herself seem stronger than she actually was.
The Refugee Boy's sister is straight up replaced by a monster, a.k.a. the Ferryman, who is a shapeshifter (thus creating this "false persona"), while the real girl had already been claimed by the North Wind.
It's what Tengu did, just... not literally.
But there's more: when I first introduced the idea of Scarecrow and Tengu being sisters, I ended up wondering if such an event would go down in regards to the Thin Man and Lady coexistence theory. Would the Thin Man only kidnap one of the girls or both? And today, I think I finally have my answer.
In this story, we could see the North Wind as a stand-in for either the Thin Man or the Hunger itself, or even a mix of both. The one who snatched the girl away from her sibling...
Look at what the girl's skeleton is wearing.
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Yellow cape. Much like the signature yellow raincoat both Six and the girl in the Lady's paintings (who could be a possible younger Lady) wear.
Only one of the girls was taken; only one of them is destined to become the true Lady of the Maw. And that girl was Tengu. Scarecrow became a Lady, yes, but only by association. She was just a normal person thrown in a world where she had no chance of keeping herself safe other than hiding away from everything else - including her own sister.
(Btw, this also explains the drawings seen on Tengu's wall in VLN. The three children rappresent Tengu, Scarecrow and their Mono... until the Eye changed everything.)
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(Again, these drawings are not literal parallels. They're telling two stories simultaniously: the one of the three children who became nomes, and the one of an unlikely trio who was doomed from the start.)
So, if the girls seen in these paintings truly are the two headless statues, then we can give the girls a face.
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Tengu. Scarecrow.
Okay, so we established Scarecrow and Tengu as the Refugee Boy and his sister respectively. Cool. But what about the others who don't have a story?
And this is when the hood designs come in! It was istantly clear to me that the Long Hair Girl would parallel Teapot. The shape of her hood is literally the same as the reversed teapot mask.
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Lastly, going by exclusion and the ripped hood, the Boy in Green would parallel Fox.
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From how little we see of him in the comics, we get that he's a rather calm child - he's also the one who offers to help Six remember her forgotten past. We know that Fox had a gentle and caring nature, so I feel like it would make sense for him to be her "stand in" of sorts.
And this is all for now. I love making theories about the Ladies and it was nice to include the comic children into this!
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lokislytherin · 2 years
look ik there’s other stuff i should be doing but i just stumbled upon duckyora’s picrew (link in text) again and hhh. imagination going nuts so have some picrews
1. sammy brisko (sonny brisko but female)
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waifu i’m sorry i mean waifu? i mean mommy? excuse me i meant waifu? i mean-
i’m just a sucker for this picrew
2. bloody brisko
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we had ponytail sonny in today’s stream:
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and i couldn’t resist making ponytail sonny with blood spatters. you know i’m a sucker for blood spatters and boys with long hair, let’s not look at how sonny and sammy have the same outfit + facial features + bangs + hair if you take away the pigtails/ponytail
tbh i should’ve changed the eyes to smth a little more feminine for sammy and changed the kimono for sonny but you know what. it’s my picrew i do what i want! also i think it fits
3. maid sonny
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i have no regrets. maid sonny art from touhou luna nights thumbjail was iconic like how do u look so badass in a maid dress?? tskr artist-san for that
also i just realized you can do neckmole but i’m too lazy to change oop so he looks more natural in this! i put neckmole on and i was like ah. this is the true sonny brisko (not maid sonny, just neckmole!!)
4. lunar dusko?
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if you’re not already aware lunar dusko is fanmade ‘dark’ version of sonny brisko! you know how our sonnyshine is yellow and bright? well lunar dusko (aka moony) is Darkness his hair is meant to be purple but only blue was available also i’m not sure what he looks like actually LOL
i tried my best! yes he has half a billion ear piercings LMAO 
5. yugo asuma?? but sussy??
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there weren’t any headphones HE LOOKS SUS 
like this is cute but i don’t think this is yugo. tbf bloody brisko doesn’t vibe like sonny either but maybe it’s the hair I’M SORRY THIS JUST DOESN’T VIBE LIKE YUGO TO ME
definitely got the ‘gender whomst’ part down tho
6. me!
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or at least my preferred perception of myself bc god i wish i could keep bangs like that, bangs haven’t worked for me since i was eight and it’s been ten years also the hairs at the side in front of my ears are not as neat although goddamn i wish they were
also i’m a little tanner than that
7. oc celosia brandt!
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the next few are all gonna be ocs from the same universe
celosia got genetically experimented on as a kid so she’s got the ability to control fire now. also the demon eyes + fangs represent how sometimes she loses control and goes so feral she literally becomes another person? came up with her quite a few years ago and i think she’s neat
like all of my oc main characters, she was meant to be based off my own personality but halfway through she deviated so much i didn’t recognize her anymore she’s kinda hyper now i think it’s the fire -> increased heat -> increased kinetic energy -> bouncing off the walls bc it feels like caffeine to her
i think i’ve thrown these ocs out somewhere? like shared them? but i can’t remember if it’s here or wp LMAOOO
8. oc sage carson
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their personality is based off my friend (prankster, smug, sleep deprived and hiding the depression) and originally they were meant to be female but halfway through the entire concept of gender just kinda disappeared
they control metal, they’re the runaway biological bastard child of the dude who did all the genetic experimentation on the kids
they and cel become bffs later although they’re not the best of friends at first they’re chaotic besties / chaos creator + enabler now
9. oc lumi gillan
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based off another friend of mine! i have her backstory and aesthetic but her personality rn is just “sheltered rich girl, lives in the mountains away from reality” i’m so sorry
if i remember correctly she has ice powers? but she can also have visions and see parts of the future and stuff? after fleshing her out a bit more i’m gonna give her a helluva character arc (but that’s only if i ever get to fleshing her out LOL)
10. oc alena willow
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once again, based off an irl friend! kinda? i lost alena’s personality halfway through but she controls earth/plants? idk if she controls the soil, the plants, or the soil by controlling the plant roots
i know for a fact that she’s obsessed with social media and her phone she’s kinda like typical teen caricatures but. my irl friend used to do tiktoks and stuff she tried to drag me in once and i was like NYOOO NEVERRRRR and now i learned to dance on my own for fun. bwl, hip, dingga, dynamite, dumdi dumdi, thunderous, mafia in the morning and now wadada + tomboy go brr
if anyone notices all the identical chokers... it’s a mark of their genetic modification when they were kids ehehe it’s like a tracker or smth
11. oc saffi
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saffi my beloved! she got the pointy ears coz she a goddess! she’s a knowledge goddess hence the lil caterpillar (coz bookworm ehehe)
before i thought she’d have children like with greek gods and stuff but she vibes a little too ace for that? maybe i’m projecting? personally i think she’s very pretty and nice and she blesses children with wrinkly brains
originally she was meant to be in the same verse as the trio above but now that i changed the verse a little i’m not sure where she fits in now OOF but i do like her a lot? she vibes a little like a lesbian to me too (haha, saffi -> sappho -> sapphic) which might be affecting that HAHA
now that you’ve seen my four Big OC Girls, will it surprise you to find out that they came from an au that me and my friends created when we were like 11 and obsessed with animal jam? saffi was actually based off lisa the panda, cel came from my in-game bunny (red + dark red fire patterns, fox hat, phantom claws, overall kinda badass i think)... i always ask my friend (sage) if our animal jam bunny identity characters were our fursonas and she always tells me NO. NOT TODAY, SATAN.
12. assassineko
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she doesn’t have a name or a story i just know she kills people and she has heterophobia in her eyes
like sure she’s a catgirl but she’s a girlboss and she’ll kick your ass in half a second flat i think she was completely random / self indulgence when i created her sorry im just a helpless bi
if you came here for the sonny brisko and yugo asuma and found a whole bunch of ocs I’M SO SORRY LMAO you got sonny baitko-ed
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
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[image description: three monstera leaves. The leaves and wall are tinted purple by string lights behind the plant. In the middle, in a white serif font and all caps, reads “LIFE CYCLE OF MASSIVE STARS”. At the bottom, in the same font but smaller, reads “update #1″ /end id]
Before I start, this is an autistic OwnVoices novel and it’s Autism Acceptance Month! Remember that awareness is passive and acceptance is active. And whilst this book is autistic OwnVoices I want to stress that it doesn’t cover the full autistic experience; autism is so individualistic and  this story only stems from my experience. Make sure you to listen to all autistics, not just those who can speak and live independently and present in a way that suits neurotypical society. Support autistic creatives and if you’re also a creative, include autistic characters in your work! Autism is not a disease. It does not need to be cured. 
Hey y’all! This has sure been a week! I gave myself the goal of 15,000 words for Camp Nano and somehow hit that in 5 days? I have literally never written at that pace before so I’m a little shocked lol. I don’t intend to keep that pace but the momentum has made drafting very fun and? drafting this has been a literal dream. I was really worried because March was a month long slump I expected to carry into April. I want to disclaim that I’m currently out of school and work because of the pandemic so I have all the free time to write and that definitely contributed! But also as a neurodivergent and disabled writer, free time does not always equal writing, so to know that I am capable of writing like this, even if not always, it is Such a gamechanger. Also this story makes me miss University so much I actually can’t take it :( 
LCOMS has been a dream so far because the protagonists are all characters I’ve had for 5-8 years, and | spent those years struggling to figure out their stories. Even when I settled on this story, originally Patchwork, there was like 4 versions of it before I landed on this - none ever drafted beyond a couple thousand words because they just Never Worked. But the wait was worth it because holy shit I feel like I struck gold. This story feels so me, it’s so much fun to write, and I don’t think a story has come to me this easy before. It’s given me such a zest for storytelling again that I didn’t realise was missing. I’m slowing things down now because creative boundaries and self care >>>>, but I just passed 19k words - though some of the chapters are very unfinished because my priority has been mapping out the story’s skeleton as far as I can, then filling in the gaps based off what I learnt. I wanna put a passage before the cut so it’s not just me rambling about bullshit and no content, but it’s hard to pick just one, so here’s a non-linear scene that I :) cannot elaborate on :)
(CW: alcohol)
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[image description: the side of a ferris wheel against black sky. The wheel is lit white, but at the bottom it’s coloured a mix of pink, blue and green. At the top, in a white serif font, reads “The ferris wheel lights blur between turquoise, magenta, mint, lavender, casts the puddles into technicolour. “ /end id]
Picture this: December 17th. End of term. End of year. Cloudless night, stars winking. Fargate glows, market stalls lit by yellow fairy lights line the street like candle stubs, gently burning. It’s raining. It has all day. Dampened your new beanie and scarf but you’re not mad, even if you’ll cringe at the texture when you take them off later. The ferris wheel lights blur between turquoise, magenta, mint, lavender, casts the puddles into technicolour. Your eyes and feet ache, but you’re not mad. And the mulled wine that buzzed warm in your bloodstream now coils in your stomach, but you’re not mad. You’re queuing for the technicolour wheel, even though you know it’ll be underwhelming and a waste of £4, but you’re not mad. Chocolate is usually too sweet for you, but he bought a pack of snowflake shaped ones - each carved with their own design - and when he passes the paper bag over you don’t say no. They taste like raspberry. He grins at you.
I have once again written a long update because I am autistic and have no self control; more excerpts and chapter-by-chapter rambles are as usual under the cut!
(content warnings are specific to the respective excerpt, but as a general warning there’s a lot of alcohol mentions!)
Originally I wanted 3 parts for 3 semesters, but I might do 2? Especially because in the UK at least the spring and summer semester kinda blend into one. The chapters are grouped by 3 - one for every POV character - but that’s more to help with writing because I get more done if I break it down like that, but I also like how it’s shaped the story structurally. 
Sometimes the three chapters will be each of the character’s POV on a single event, sometimes they’re more individual but still follow a general idea (for example, one of them is how each character’s first three weeks of the semester goes). As usual for me the plot here is ~non-existent, especially at this stage, but everything is still connected and threaded together and thats all we really need. The chapters are also pretty short at the moment, none of them are over 3k and only tackle 1-3 scenes. This is something I feel is working really nicely now but I’m not gonna commit to it for the entire novel. I like chapter length variety! But right now we are just going with the flow :)
The most unexpected part is this being in second person, which I decided impulsively the night before Nano because I have :) zero self control :). I was unsure if it’d work in Multi POV, but it’s created such a unique tone that I can’t imagine the story without anymore, even if it’ll need tweaking over drafts. I think it suits the story so well! I’m just torn about it being in past or present, so if you see tense jumps in the excerpts no you did not <3 I’m not naming chapters right now beyond the character’s name, but part one is titled Growing Pains.
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[image description: photo of a city at night. To the left are skyscrapers with lots of lit up windows behind a chain-link fence. To the right is an unlit building. Near the middle is a bright streetlight. In the middle, in a white serif font, reads “growing pains”. /end id]
 1: Tomas
We start in the most overrated part of Uni, fresher’s week <3 The drinking and clubbing culture of UK university is a big part of this novel but in a way that’s like “hey this can be fun sometimes but sometimes it’s really not and it’s also really not for everyone.” Our three POVs go to a club night and really don’t care for it. Tomas does not want to be here, is in a weird as shit mood, and instead of looking for his friends he goes to the smoking area with a man he just met called Damiano. I really wanna rewrite this because I wrote it with Zero Idea of where the story was going, so here’s the one part of it that I consider salvageable <3 
Damiano shoves his phone in your hands, brightness puncturing darkness. You hadn’t noticed the dimmed lights until then, but the room blued, music and time slowed. Though his notes are on dark mode, his phone brightness is on two fucking high. Your eyes sting. Cracks travel up the screen like veins.
Each character also has a specific image they keep seeing in things that are never actually there and they all make me like 🤠 hey besties what do these mean are you okay?? I Do Not know what they mean yet, but Tomas’ is veins. (Also shout out to me for finally settling on a spelling for his name after 5 years and by that I mean thank you to my friends for peer pressuring me into choosing Tomas lol)
My absolute favourite part of this story is the character voices. They are all SO fun to write, and I feel like I settled into a good combo of My Literary Prose Bullshit and they’re very specific, often very sarcastic voices. They also say fuck like, so many fucking times. RIP to me if I decide to query this <3 
2: Kristen
Okay first off Kristen is THE funniest character I’ve written. He is SO fun. I wish I was his bestie but he’s also been my bestie since 2013. We meet him in the gender neutral bathrooms being annoyed by a very rich and very tone deaf girl. Classism and the UK class divide is one of the biggest themes of this novel, and Kristen is a very proud working class Northerner (the North is massively underfunded and unsupported by the Gov compared to the South) and cannot stand the Tories (Conservative Party). Extremely fucking valid of him
(CW: blood)
“I’m Floss. Florence.” Of course she was. Fucking Florence. “Where are you from?”
You don’t look at her. Eyes on your reflection, the glittered cheekbones. You busy yourself with your eyeliner, gliding the pen over gaps and smudges that don’t exist. “Barnsley, babe.” It’s only a half lie this time - if you tell her you were born in Liverpool she’d probably look at you like you’re a dead rat on the side of a dodgy alleyway. But maybe that’d be better because then she’d leave you the fuck alone. 
“Oh! That’s like well close isn’t it. I’m from Reigate.” Her voice breathes trust fund and Waitrose, tries to speak like it doesn’t. You try not to laugh.
“Reigate! I bet your parents are right little Tories, aren’t they?”
She playfully slapped your shoulder. She thinks you’re friends. "Not every rich person is a Tory!” Don’t roll your eyes don’t roll your eyes don’t roll your eyes. “Is that blood on your hands?” 
“Huh?” You look: faded red dye dried to your palm, blotted on your fingertips. It is dye, because your hair is as of four hours ago a fierce “Real Red”. But it could be blood. “No, it’s hair dye.”
If you think he’s being harsh, she literally calls him a slur like 3 lines after this <3 Fuck rich people half of this book is me clowning on them. 
Kristen’s recurring Imagery is blood, except sometimes it’s less clear if it’s actually blood or not. Once again, besties are you okay ????
3: Junie
Junie my beloved <3 love her so much. She finds Kristen in the bathroom, and they agree to look for Tomas, until Tomas texts to say he already left. But the biggest part of this chapter is the absolute crisis she has over kissing for a girl for the first time to ABBA :) 
(CW: alcohol)
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[image description: a disco ball against a red-purple background. The disco ball casts dots of light against the across the ceiling. At the bottom, in a white serif font, reads:  “Dancing Queen bounces against the walls. The disco ball casts specks over the ceiling, floor, walls, your skin, hair, eyes like broken glass.” /end id]
You don’t listen to 80s music, or 70s, but this room is smaller than the main floor, not claustrophobic, less freshers. Yet, even without the mask of a crowd, nobody notices the girl in the corner kissing the other girl. A girl you don’t know. You’d only gone up to her because she has purple hair and you had to tell her how much you love it - what dye is it? Professional or homemade? Did you have to bleach your hair? Professional or homemade? Will your hair fall out if you bleach it at home? If you dye your hair purple, do you become part of the Milky Way or part of Andromeda? She turns and sticks her tongue out to display her fresh tongue piercing, like a silver bullet lodged in flesh. “Dance with me, you look lost.” She has an allure to her, the Andromeda hair, the bullet in the tongue - do you want to pull it out with your teeth, or lodge it in your own skin? But she asks you to dance, and you fall into her orbit, if only for a few songs. Dancing Queen bounces against the walls. The disco ball casts specks over the ceiling, floor, walls, your skin, hair, eyes like broken glass. Her tongue in your mouth, yours in hers, bullet grazing against your lips. She tastes of vodka and cherries and metal.
I really, really feel for Junie. She’s recently out, and she’s only just navigating what it means to exist as a lesbian. She kisses a girl and immediately regrets it, because she’s a hopeless romantic and was hoping her first kiss with a girl wouldn’t be in the back of a club, but she also doesn’t regret it because it was a good kiss and they’ll never see each other again lol. Junie’s recurring imagery is glass and once again, besties are you okay 
4: Junie
I don’t know how I feel about back to back POV chapters but that’s just how this set worked. The next 3 are immediately after the events of the first 3, after they’ve all left the club. Kristen and Junie walk home together, and most of this and his subsequent chapter is establishing relationship dynamics and <3 this story made me love writing dialogue y’all. This story has a lot of dark elements, so it’s really refreshing to be able to have the light-hearted moments as well. Like these characters are all going through it but they’re also Gen Z 20 year olds who grew up using humour to cope like what else are they meant to do 
“We should’ve got that flat on Brunswick. It’s literally down the street from the SU - we’d just have to walk down a hill and then we’d be home.” He complains.
“Kristen, that flat had a rat problem. I saw one scurrying behind the oven.”
“Yeah, and we live with Tomas Meijer now, so what’s the difference?” He faces you, walks backwards, grin plastered on his face.
“That was mean.” You feign annoyance. You sound like a schoolteacher. 
“It’s just how we are, you know. The love hate relationship. Like night and day or some shit. I’d kill for that boy but like, he’s still a rat. He’s the same to me - did he tell you he called me a malnourished ferret once in first year? In English and Dutch. Don’t even remember what it is in Dutch but he really came at me with two knives like that.” 
Kristen and Junie don’t really know each other well - Junie is Tomas’ friend from class and Kristen and Tomas met in dorms, and a series of shitty housemates in second year brought them all together. It’s funny because I really worried Junie would end up with no clear place in the group and more like a third wheel to Kristen and Tomas but as I started writing I realised that her and Kristen are gonna become besties like. Instantaneously. Love this for them <3
5: Kristen
Essentially mirrors the last chapter. Him and Junie arrive home and have a heart to heart in the living room about gender <3 I love this for them <3 
6: Tomas
Tomas goes home with Damiano and they hook up, which is very out of character for Tomas so it’s like his I Am So Random. I Can’t Believe I Just Did That moment. Damiano is a really sweet dude though it’s all good, but he’s here to stay and I can just tell it’s gonna get messy :/ I actually really love how this chapter came out but whilst I have no problem with reading or writing non-explicit sex scenes I’m also like a would rather die than put that on tumblr dot com oops 
7: Kristen
we’ve skipped a week ahead to the day before semester starts, and the next three chapters are basically like a character study of where each of them are mentally. It’s not the best :/ This is also the point where Day 1 Of Camp me had literally no idea what I was doing. LCOMS is different from the way I pants Revelations, Revelations because with the latter I find it much easier to brainstorm scenes in my head but with this one, it really is a surprise until I open the doc. It’s created some really interesting moments though. 
Kristen visits an amateur photographer friend named Kasia to model for her. I struggled to find anything that included info I’m fine with sharing, but I learnt a LOT about Kristen and his mental state, which was surprising since he’s lived in my head rent free for 8 years now. It’s messy <3 The summary: he sees himself as a mannequin, and he decides that he likes it that way, but he also doesn’t know who’s moving his joints into poses. Bestie???
8: Junie
Junie unpacks her room a week after moving in. Autistic queen <3 This is one of the unfinished chapters, and I have zero motivation to finish it because there’s a scene missing and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is. The gist of it though is she FaceTimes a friend from secondary school that definitely was her gay awakening that she only realised was her gay awakening in the last year. Messy <3 
9: Tomas
One of my favourite chapters. It’s split into two halves, a light-hearted moment of all three housemates at a superstore because <3 grocery store scenes my beloved <3 and then Tomas’ Everything Is Bad exploration at the end. There’s a moment in the first half where Tomas and Kristen have a heart to heart in the candle aisle, and Tomas asks Kristen where he thinks they’ll be in their thirties. I winged this in a sprint and I’m obsessed with it, it’s all about the ~dynamic~
“Well, he has student debt for one. But that’s not on him. That’s on the Tories. But I like to think they’ll be out of power by then. Boris might even be dead, if we’re lucky. But again, not on me.” He’s quiet again. You watch him think. “He’d be a music teacher probably, or an English teacher. But like, a cool one. He doesn’t teach secondary school because he doesn’t hate himself. Maybe a Sixth Form, or even better a Uni. His students would love him because he’d be able to take a joke and also like, not hound on them for having mental illnesses or life struggles?” Neither of you look at the aisles anymore, just circle the home section of Big Tesco. “He’d also do a lot of charity work. He has a foundation-charity-thing for queer and autistic kids to get accessible music lessons, because creative therapy is like, the best thing - besides Prozac but I digress - and it’d be better than the old white men from CAMHs who act like you don’t exist by your eighteenth birthday. And he’d have a cool little flat in Sheffield where the landlord lets him paint the walls so every room is a different colour. Turquoise kitchen. Magenta Living room. Lavender bedroom. Mint bathroom.” He looks at you like he forgot you were there. “You really let me ramble like that in the middle of Big Tesco, huh? That felt like a fucking therapy moment.” He laughs a little, like he’s nervous.
“Nah, it was a good answer. Maybe if Tomas-in-his-thirties doesn’t move back to the Netherlands, he’ll rent the apartment next to Kristen-in-his-thirties.” 
Kristen pouts. “Aw, you don’t wanna be my roomie anymore?” 
“No, you called me an animal for eating pineapple on pizza.” 
“Deserved. And you called me a malnourished ferret.”
You smile. “You’re not gonna let that down, are you?”
He smiles. “Of course not.”
Kristen tells Tomas he knows Something Happened to him over summer, and gets him to promise to tell him when he’s ready. The second half of the chapter takes place back at the house. Tomas is grieving, and it’s starting to creep into all elements of his thought. In this one specifically, he’s reminded of his top surgery and his memories in the hospital for that starts to blend with his memory of being in the hospital to grieve. Tomas is interesting as trans rep because like, he is trans rep curated for me specifically <3 Tomas was a huge comfort character for me when I was younger and when I realised I was trans, I looked at him and was like oh. He had a very smooth coming out and transitioning process (bc mine is the opposite and I need to project :) ), but right now he views his transness as like, a chapter of his life that was important but is now closed, so he doesn’t think about it a lot anymore, but the combo of grief and its mental impacts causes him to think about it more and he realises he has a very unhealthy internal relationship with his transness. Whilst the big idea at the start of Tomas’ arc is to show trans peace, I really wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the grieving process that comes with being trans. Literally the moment that made me realise “oh god, this is real and I can’t ignore it” was googling “im scared i might be trans” and realising how normal those tangled feelings are. Tomas’ experience of it is only fleeting, but I wanted to show that it’s normal. That being said, there’s no transphobia in this story. It is ultimately a Trans Peace story but also a trans story that, for me at least, is realistic. And the thoughts don’t last long, because his mind circles back to the grieving process. 
(CW: graphic surgery and hospital imagery, vomit mention, death)
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[image description: a darkened picture of an empty hospital room. The only light comes in through the window through thin white curtains. In the middle, in a white serif font, reads “ Scalpel gliding across the chest; were the cuts they made as thin as the line between surgery and autopsy? “ /end id]
Picture this: The hospital room. Clinical lights like exit wounds in the ceiling. Everything hurts. Haven’t slept properly in weeks. Can barely eat without it coiling and tangling in your stomach only for nothing to come up when you heave over the toilet. Messy hair, sunken eye bags. Dull eyes. The hospital room. The hospital halls. The hospital waiting room. The hospital car park. The drive to the hospital. The sleepless night before the hospital visit. The locked in the armchair next to the phone waiting for the hospital to call. The silence shrills harsher than the phone’s ring. But ask yourself this: who’s in the bed? You or him? The memories are different but the same. Oil and water. Shouldn’t be mixed. But it’s hard not to. Picture the two of you on the operating table and on the metal slab. Too far from reality to feel skin slice. Scalpel gliding across the chest; were the cuts they made as thin as the line between surgery and autopsy?
There’s a lot of paragraphs in the story that start with Picture This:. I have no idea what it means, it just reads cool lmao
10: Junie
we skip around 3 weeks now to see how the kids are dealing with the start of semester and well. They’re managing! Junie actually has a good chapter here, because she experiences Baby’s First Queer Class Crush 
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[image description: a purple sunset with a large pink cloud. In the middle, in a white serif font, reads  you notice her background is of a purple sunset. You wonder if purple is her favourite colour like you and if she took it and if she likes photography and if she’d take photos of you “ /end id]
You listen, touch type your notes without properly processing the words yet, but instead of studying the PowerPoint, you study her: how she tucks a strand of black hair - free from her messy bun - behind her ear. The three studs in her earlobe, three little gold stars. The way her eyebrows furrow when she’s confused, and the way her face relaxes when she figures it out. How she touch types like you, how her two brass bracelets  jangle and how you’re the only one that hears it. She minimises Word briefly, and you notice her background is of a purple sunset. You wonder if purple is her favourite colour like you and if she took it and if she likes photography and if she’d take photos of you. Lavender polo shirt, lavender perfume. She doesn’t wear make-up, but a tiny black heart sits under left eye.
Junie’s dreams of a photographer girlfriend are quickly shattered when she admits the photo’s from Pinterest, but otherwise this is so <3 the sapphic crisis of it all.
You walk out together, and she tells you she only got into Sheffield that weekend, and it was a nightmare to explain to the tutors why. “It’s like, they forget we have lives sometimes. Lives we can’t control.” She shakes her head. “It’s okay now though, I’m here now.” 
You almost trip on the stairs up to the main floor, and her hand is warm against your wrist. Your cheeks redden, but she just asks if you’re okay, smiles when you are. Tells you she’s late for a seminar, but it was lovely to meet you. Thanks again for the lecture notes. Calls you a lifesaver. Fades into the between-classes rush. You’re glad she’s here now.
again she is so <3 i get it babes i get it <3 
In other news, at the end of the chapter Kristen drops the most relatable line of the entire fucking book:
“You know how like, when it rains, all the worms come out and do a funky little dance? Yeah so basically: the rain is LIT3001 right. And the worms are all of my mental illnesses.”
11: Tomas
Tomas turns 21 on October 13th so naturally like anyone in his early 20s he has multiple crisis’ about it. I still haven’t figured this chapter ~out yet but it sure exists! It just sucks the same way it sucks to be a young adult in the late 2010s. But here’s Kristen being the most relatable character in the book again and getting bullied for it :/
(CW: alcohol)
"I still can't believe you both do a science. Like, it actually baffles me - I could not be more further from that." Kristen refills his glass, measures the vodka level with his index. "Just a babe and his silly little BA against the world." 
"You know if you wanna be a BA babe you have to actually, like, graduate."
12: Kristen
Kristen is personally like I will pretend my degree does not exist and honestly? I get it King. He visits his Dad, since he only lives 30 minutes away, but most of the chapter is him thinking about Tomas and their messy friendship and the fact that Tomas is kinda ghosting him despite literally living together :/ Anyway here’s Kristen’s cat :)
Mar snoozes on your pillow, half curled like a croissant. Orange fluff against grey sheets, and you’re not mad at the fur debris she’ll inevitably leave. Her head pops up when you sit next to her, “you forget about me yet?”. You scratch her head and it’s like you’re 12 again and you don’t have to worry about rent or degrees or masters applications or careers or groceries or housemates and you haze through Sundays snoozing in bed with your new kitten. Technically she was a birthday present, but dad couldn’t wait an extra month to adopt her. Said he saw it in her eyes at the shelter, that she belonged here. You named her Marmalade because you were a dumbass eleven year old and also thought marmalade was the shit back then. She stretches her legs and yawns. Plops her head back down, back to sleep. “Yeah, me too.”
13: Tomas
The next three chapters centre around each character’s Halloween, because <3 Halloween my beloved <3. Tomas’ starts off with him and Kristen being ~homoerotic and him being a ~disaster about it. 
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w[image description: a photo of a blue planet - Neptune - against a black background. In the middle, in a white serif font, reads “You don’t know which palette he’s using, but you remember his favourite is space themed: Mars red, Neptune blue, Jupiter orange - you try to guess which planet he thinks looks best against olive. He taps the brush against the palette. Imagine the planets. How they dandelion in the air.” /end id]
When you sit in front of him, your knees press together. When he tilts your head up, thumb on chin, nail grazing the curve of your lip, his hand is ice on your skin. He studies your face, you close your eyes. When he pulls back, you swear you still feel his thumbprint on your skin. You don’t know which palette he’s using, but you remember his favourite is space themed: Mars red, Neptune blue, Jupiter orange - you try to guess which planet he thinks looks best against olive. He taps the brush against the palette. Imagine the planets. How they dandelion in the air. He holds your head in place, hand sprawls over you cheek like veins. Brushes colour into your eye socket. Underneath the radiator, your phone buzzes twice. Don’t say anything. Ignore your heartbeat.
(before this Tomas threw his phone at the radiator because someone texted him :) yeah okay mood :) )
this story is really about the ~gay disasters and also the ~dialogue 
You flop onto your bed, arms crossed over your face. “I dunno. I might just print off all the emails Uni's sent me about my dissertation. Staple them to a jacket and tell people I'm going as mental illness." 
"Tomas, if you want to go as mental illness then you don't need a costume at all."
Unfortunately the rest of the chapter is not as fun because plot had to happen but this first scene was :)
14: Junie
Junie is not a fan of Halloween so she gives up halfway through the night and invites the girl she met in her lecture over to bake cookies at 1am instead. Fellas is this gay?
(CW: alcohol)
The girl in the kitchen brought cookie cutters in pink Tupperware. She explains she’s had them since she was eight, but she hasn’t had a chance to use them this Autumn. She has seven: cat, butterfly, crescent moon, heart, three stars matryoshka’d together. “I have more, these are just my go to ones. I’m a bit of a collector.” She lines them up on the counter, you trace the outline of the cat. She says she didn’t want to bring too many, but she likes having the options with no plan, the potential. You want to tell her that, after you invited her over, you spritzed the counters with lavender surface cleaner twice and tucked the discarded vodka and raspberry liqueur bottles in the cabinet you can barely reach. You piled unfolded laundry into your closet and hid drooping plants behind your closed curtains when you had zero intention of her inviting her to your room. You want to ask her why she said yes, why she replied in two minutes at one in the morning, and you want to ask her why people feel the need to cookie cutter themselves into a false potential. She asks if you want to bake with coconut or chocolate chip.  
she is actually such a disaster around girls i love her so much
The girl in your kitchen clears up glass that isn’t hers. You drop the measuring jug and it fireworks against tile. No shards lodge in your skin. Whilst she cleans, insists that it’s okay, you brew peppermint tea because you insist it’s the least you can do. The girl tells you a story about how she did the exact same thing, when she was nine, and her mother shrieked so loud the neighbours banged at the door a minute later. She laughs, muted. You apologise again. She insists it’s okay again. Rain hardens against the window, looks like TV static. You breathe in the peppermint steam.
The biggest thing I’ve learnt since drafting is that, at it’s core, this is a love story. And that makes me so excited because so many people, especially in mainstream media, still think that autistic people are incapable of love - or even worse, undeserving. 
15: Kristen
Kristen’s favourite holiday is Halloween so naturally on his special day I had to make him go through it :) I can’t share a lot of this, but it feels right to end this beast of an update on this beast of an excerpt because it came to me out of absolutely nowhere and it is one of my favourite passages I’ve ever written OOPS
(CW: death, parental death)
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[image description: a cluster of stars against a dark blue, almost black sky. In the middle, in a white serif font, reads “You want to ask your dad how something can end if for you it never began, but he’s asleep in his armchair back home. You look at the stars. You wonder if any of them are her.“ /end id]
You’ve mapped Sheffield’s streets since 13 so you know you’re walking the wrong way. This isn’t the way to Crookes. This isn’t the way out the city centre. You should order an Uber. You keep walking. You stop at a crossing. There’s no cars. You don’t cross. The traffic light flashes red and bleeds on your face. The stars are out tonight, and now it’s 2004 and you’re in the lounge with Lion King in the VHS. You’re off sick and your neighbour - Mel, recently retired, recently widowed - nurses a glass of brandy in your dad’s armchair because you don’t know it yet, but he can’t afford to miss work. You’re sprawled on the dusty-red rug when Simba and Mufasa sprawl in the grass and Mufasa tells Simba that all the stars are the Kings of the past and they are watching over him. You ask recently retired, recently widowed Mel if that’s true; her smile is happy but her eyes are sad and she says “yes, and not just Kings. Nobody leaves Earth, they just move to the stars.” 
Ten minutes later, Mufasa is flung off a gorge’s edge; you haven’t studied storytelling yet, but you understand those two moments are connected. And when you relay this to dad over ready made pasta that evening, you ask him if people really live in the stars: Sometimes, when they can’t live here anymore. Then you ask if they can come back from the stars: No, but people remember them. They’ll tell stories about them, so people don’t forget. Then you ask if memories and stories are like stars: A little. Then you ask why they can’t live here anymore: It’s hard to explain, Kris.
After dinner, he lets you play on the plastic slide in the garden as he scrubs the dishes. You climb to the top and try to see faces in the stars, but it’s too cloudy. And after that but before bedtime, you’re sprawled on the dusty-red rug again, and Lion King is in the VHS again, and as Simba and Nala are bathed by their mothers again, your five year old mind connects what’s different about you. You go to ask dad about it, but he’s asleep in his armchair. It’s 2018, you’re stood on a phantom street in Sheffield. You want to ask your dad how something can end if for you it never began, but he’s asleep in his armchair back home. You look at the stars. You wonder if any of them are her.
And I usually don’t do this, but I think the playlist for this wip is absolutely fucking elite, so here’s a handful of the songs that I think encapsulate the story the best:
The Wombats – Greek Tragedy
Duncan Laurence – Arcade
FKA Twigs – Two Weeks
Peach Pit – Alrighty Aphrodite
Khalid – Saturday Nights
Alfie Templeman – Stop Thinking (About Me)
Rina Sawayama – 10-20-40
If you read this far, then I love you and we shall have a platonic wedding this summer. But I cannot express how excited I am about this story and to see where it goes!
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tigirl-and-co · 2 years
ok so I got the basics of my Neosona figured out, now it just needs a name lol
mutant xweetok
none gender with left rat
bit of stomach pudge 
lab assistant of and besties with the lab ray mad scientist. Platonic life partners
loves unethical science but prefers self-experimentation
test subject of lab ray, was an afab yellow xweetok
gender very literally got scrambled in the lab ray, was very happy about this
helped out with the Y24 festival of Neggs and now has an eventide talpidat it is VERY attached to
mostly wears grungy or punk outfits, but wears gothic stuff as nicer outfits
usually has typical yellow eyes, has black mutant eyes when hyperfocusing or thinking really hard, eyes can glow in the dark but it’s like light-up sketchers and you gotta physically activate them, usually by slapping it on the back of the head
Candy Coated Fury by RBF vibes
very affable! just wants 2 chill, unless science is involved. then gets really enthusiastic and analytical. typical mad scientist behaviour
no fear. will walk into Really Obviously Scary places with 0 regard for self
used to live in neopia central with s/o, a blue ixi girl, the girly classy femme to my sona’s grungy punk 
it was a romance of convenience, they both realized it wasn’t really working
they’re still really good friends though, and get slushies on tuesdays. The employees know them, and they are a sight to behold
(if balam ever makes a neosona they are friends and balam is allowed at the secret lab whenever)
When they first got zapped none of its old ‘nicer’ clothes fit :( unsure if they learned sewing or paid someone else to tailor them
there’s like 2 rooms in the secret lab that are just FULL of books
hangs out in neovia/the haunted graveyard a lot
used to really like going to faerieland, now feels VERY out of place
unfortunately that’s where its girlfriend lives lol
friends with sophie, who very much thinks the mutant thing is an improvement
favourite downtime activitry: going to petpet shops and playing with the petpets
more as it comes to me
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