#they’re a disaster
aaandbackstabbed · 6 months
I feel like we don’t talk about how absolutely devastating the lines “you loved gold more than you loved me.” “and that’s why you loved me.” Truly are
Like are you kidding me they both went their entire 120 year relationship him believing that she didn’t love him enough to prioritise him over treasure (and maybe she didn’t but only because) she believed that the only way to gain his attention was to challenge and betray him.
That is so exhausting
And also it’s so stupid like are you fucking kidding me you two both fucked with each others feelings and love for each other because they were afraid
It’s so human and I hate it.
it’s so awful and yet so perfect in that it’s believable that how peoples brains go when you love someone and are afraid of that love
Their so perfectly tragic.
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lil-miss-rolo · 2 years
Also! Also! I saw a pic not long ago of this really cute blond vet lying on the floor, just like, covered in puppies. And I thought, Clint! This is Clint.
And so I would like a WinterHawk fic, where Bucky is just grouchy! Like, he just got shot by this mediocre, Z list criminal, cos Steve was being a frickin idiot and not paying attention, so obviously Bucky blocked the bullet aiming for Steve with his right arm!! And like, whatever. He’ll heal within minutes, it was barely a graze. But his pride is just shattered. Survived frickin nazis and cryo, but this little pissant in Brooklyn, with some ridiculous frickin name that makes no sense, manages to draw blood.
And then! Frickin Deadpool man! Stevie made him sit in an ambulance while the EMT bandaged his arm, cos apparently Bucky’s not allowed to just slap some duct tape on it for an hour and move on! So anyway, DP found him in this ambulance, and just talked at him! For the entire time he was there, being patched up. And the questions that guy asks! Bucky has never been asked so many questions about his left arm. And DP has no filter! Seriously, the thoughts that go thru his mind are terrifying! And disgusting. But also maybe a bit intriguing, not that Bucky will ever admit it. So anyway, he totally knows wayyyy too much about DPs kinks and fantasies now.
Well, he eventually got away from DP, and was gonna take a walk back to the tower cos he just really needs some space, man. Just 20 minutes to breathe. But then there’s this mewling. And it’s a tiny white kitten. In a dumpster. An itty bitty dumpster kitty. So of course he fishes it out, and tucks it in his murder vest and figures he’ll just take it to the vets and let them do what they do, clean it up, put it up for adoption. Whatever.
But then! Then he walks into this vet’s office. And he’s just done. He is done. Because on the floor is this frickin god. And Bucky’s met gods, plural, so he knows! He’s tall, from what Bucky can tell looking down on him. Tall, blond, tanned. With cute little eye crinkles. And that might be a dimple there under that puppy’s little pink tongue. And he’s totally covered in puppies. Like, Bucky can just make out his head, the top half. And biceps, cos the light blue scrubs he’s wearing are about to die a death with how tight they’re stretching over those ridiculous biceps. And the scrub top has been rucked up by puppies. He’s got the frickin V, man! Those muscles. The belt thing. There’s a name for it, Bucky knows, but there isn’t really enough blood in Bucky’s brain to get past the hnnggg noise it’s making right now. So Bucky’s done. He’s just over here trying to ditch this kitten, get back to the tower and grouch!
And then Clint notices him and there’s this like, moment, where Clint’s eyes travel from Bucky’s boots, to his thighs, his biceps (and he doesn’t even seem to notice the metal!) and then to his chest, where the little grubby white head is peeking out over the top of Bucky’s murder vest, and Clint melts. That’s it. He’s a puddle now. With puppies. A puppy puddle. And he’s gone for Bucky and his thighs and his itty bitty dumpster kitty.
So yeh. Someone needs to write this for me too please.
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anakeions · 2 years
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finally doodled my 3 design/oc again ,,
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ahhrenata · 10 months
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steddiecameraroll · 1 month
Robin is gawking at him and he can’t figure out why.
“What??” Steve shrugs.
“Repeat what you just said.”
“What? That I’d kiss Eddie?”
What’s the big deal?
“Yes, yes that.” She narrows her eyes and leans over the counter. “Since when?”
“Since always?” He doesn’t understand what she’s not grasping. “Why are you so surprised? Don’t his lips look super soft?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never once clocked the smoothness of his lips.”
“Oh come on,” Steve scoffs. “You’re telling me after months of hanging out with him, you’ve not once looked at his mouth?”
“Oh I’m sure I’ve looked at his mouth. The man does not shut up, but I can say I’ve never noticed his lips.”
“Whatever, I don’t believe you, but OK.” He shrugs because there’s no point in arguing.
“Steve, I’ve never noticed any man’s lips. Including yours. And the fact that you have is what I’m trying to explore right now.”
“What do you mean?” He feels a weird twinge deep in his gut.
“What do you mean, what do you mean?” Her voice is oozing with disbelief. “How many other men’s lips have you noticed?”
“I don’t know, I don’t keep track.”
Obviously. That would be really hard to do. He’d have to have a notepad or something in his pocket at all times.
“You don’t keep track?” Her eyes look like they’re going to pop out of her head. “Wait, so you’re telling me there’s too many for you to remember?”
“Yes? I mean, even today there was that one customer with that jean jacket and that guy with the colts hat. And it’s only 11.”
“Oh my god.” Her jaw is on the floor.
“What? I don’t get it. We talk about customers we think are hot all the time?”
“OH MY GOD!” She slaps her hand over her mouth.
“What? I seriously don’t understand what’s happening right now.”
“Steve.” She swallows before continuing. “You’re attracted to them?”
“If they’re hot, they’re hot. What’s the big deal?”
“I have NEVER thought a man was hot. I can understand how they’re attractive but me myself and I, doesn’t get it.”
“Never?” That doesn’t make sense.
“Never. I’m a lesbian. That means I’m attracted to women. What you’re telling me, so very nonchalantly, is that you, Steve Harrington, have found men attractive. In fact, you’re telling me you find Eddie Munson attractive. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Not really.” He crosses his arms and cocks his right hip out.
“You’re not as straight as you might think you are, buddy.”
“What?” No.
“You find more than women attractive.”
“But I’d never date a guy?”
“Oh really? Tell me, have you ever thought what Eddie’s like as a boyfriend? Or like maybe how big his dick is?” She sounds frustrated.
“Well…kinda?” He remembers that one weekend he had everyone over to hang out at the pool, and the first time Eddie got out of the water. His swim trunks were wet and clinging to his body, and Steve’s eyes clocked the outline of the man’s dick. He did wonder if the man was a grower as well as a shower. “It was only because it was like right there.”
“You’re a disaster. What about the boyfriend thing?” She tilts her head and shrugs.
“Wait, so you’re telling me you’ve never thought what it might be like if we dated? Not even at Scoops?”
“Oh my god, no! Les-bee-an,” she waves her hands in front of her body.
“Whatever, it’s not like I’ve thought about marrying him or anything. Just kissing and like how sex would work, y’know between us. If he- or if I wanted him to- which doesn’t sound bad, I’ve just never done that so I don’t know if I’d like it. Would he like it?” Steve leans on his elbows over the counter, and almost gets lost in thought over the idea.
“Now you’re having sex with him?” Robin squeals.
“How do I know if I don’t like it if I don’t try it? Maybe I’d love it. This feels like a way for me to find out.”
“I think I need a break. Don’t follow me.” She points at him. “I’m happy you’re exploring this…thing, but I’m not equipped for this. My best friend likes boys.” She shakes her head and walks away murmuring to herself.
“I don’t know that I…,” he trails off when she disappears into the back room.
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Steve’s thumbing through one of the movie release magazines on the counter when the bell over the entrance catches his attention.
“Hey, big boy.” Eddie gives Steve a bright smile as he saunters up to the front counter.
“Hey, man.” Steve closes the magazine and stands up straight. Perfect timing. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Oh yeah? Missed me?” He leans over the countertop and looks up at Steve.
Steve rolls his eyes. This goofball. “Yes, I’ve got a question for you. Rob and I were talking earlier and she said she’s never checked out a guy before. That because she’s a lesbian, she’s not attracted to men, at all. But that makes no sense because I’ve found a ton of guys attractive and I’m straight. Maybe I’m not dating these men, but I’d definitely fool around with them. She’s lying right?”
Eddie’s staring at Steve with his mouth slightly agape. The smile is gone and Steve can see more of the whites in Eddie’s eyes, like he’s surprised or something.
“You get it, right? Am I crazy?” Steve’s heart is starting to pick up.
“F-fool around?” Eddie’s voice cracks a little.
“Yeah, like, hand jobs and making out or whatever. Maybe more? I don’t know, I’ve never done more than a blow job but I’ve thought about it.”
Eddie shoots up with a violent cough, like he swallowed wrong. He starts slamming his fist into his chest trying to catch his breath, and Steve stands there watching the guy have a coughing fit.
“You OK?” Should he get Eddie some water?
Eddie raises his finger asking for a second, and keeps slapping his palm against his chest. Steve stands there getting more and more self conscious as each second passes. After a good 20 more seconds Eddie seems to have caught his breath and gives Steve a small smile.
“Just for, uh clarifications sake, did you give the blow job or get the blow job?”
Who only receives and doesn’t pay back? That’s rude.
Eddie huffs and stumbles forward slightly catching his hands on the counter. He nods at Steve, then lets his head dip down, his hair falling down over his face.
“Right, obviously. Did, uh, did you enjoy it?” Eddie’s voice sounds strained.
“Yeah? Who doesn’t like sex? I haven’t done it a lot but yeah. Don’t you like it?” Is he missing something?
“Uh huh,” Eddie flips his head back and looks at Steve. “I like it a lot.”
Steve shrugs, and then watches Eddie drag his eyes slowly up Steve’s body like he’s cataloguing every inch of it. The direct attention catches Steve by surprise, and he can feel a blush spread across his cheeks.
“So, y-you get it, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighs. “I just didn’t know you got it.”
“What? Of course. Doesn’t everybody find all hot people attractive?”
“Some of us,” Eddie’s voice is almost gravelly now, and it’s doing something to Steve’s body.
“Some? What do you mean?”
“Not everyone thinks like we do, Steve. Wow,” he shakes his head. “We. As in, you and I. As in you, Steve Harrington, pretty boy extraordinaire. Ohhh this changes everything.” Eddie murmurs almost to himself. “How did this, uh, topic come up with Robin?”
“We were talking about you, but hold on.” Steve waves his hands around. “Not everyone? You’re telling me that not everyone is attracted to everyone?”
“Me?” Eddie ignores Steve’s question. “What about me? You were talking about me?”
“Yes, I said you had kissable lips but go back. I don’t understand. I can name five guys right now who agree with me. I mean, two of them had girlfriends when we messed around. In fact, Stacy was there one time. She only watched but like, what are you saying?”
“Kissable lips? You think…? Wait, five? You’ve had a threesome?”
“I don’t think it’s a threesome if she didn’t get involved. Right?”
“Riiight, ok wow. So you’re straight, you say?”
“Yes, why is this so hard to explain? I figured if anyone would understand it would be you, because you said you’re bisexual. So you’re actually attracted to men and women as in you’d date them both.”
Eddie blinks at Steve a few times before nodding slowly. “Right, cause that’s what that means. Um, is Robin still here?” Eddie’s looking around the store now trying to find the woman.
“No, she had the early shift.”
“Ok, well, um so I’m gonna go home and blow my brains out, but uh if you want to…,” Eddie taps his fingers on the counter. “If you want to come over later and find out how soft my lips are, let me know.” He slaps his hand in the counter, and turns away heading toward the door without glancing back at Steve.
“Um, OK.”
“See ya, Harrington.” Eddie throws his hand over his head and pushes himself through the exit.
Steve shrugs and scoops the magazine back into his hands. Maybe he’ll get to see how soft Eddie’s lips are around his dick.
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Cody siping his caf watching Anakin and Ahsoka blow up a building: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Obi-wan running towards the burning building: MycircusmymonkeysMycircusmymonkeysMycircusmymonkeysMycircusmymonkeys-!
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Bruce revealing his secret identity to Ollie is always funny to me because it usually starts as “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this, we’ve been friends for years and I was also a vigilante” and swiftly becomes “so that threesome we had behind the fountain at that last gala wasn’t real???”
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koolaidashley · 5 months
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Disaster twinning it up
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risestarkiss · 6 months
Rise Ramblings #113
When Donnie does something he's proud of, he bows.
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When Leo does something he's proud of, he-uh...
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...was that a curtsy?
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Update: So it turns out, it's a "Showman's Bow." Thanks to @mxalmighty for the info! Here's their comment (posted with permission): "Studied etiquette as a hyperfocus for like three years/ so here's a tiny tidbit of info I learned- what Leo does here is a Showman's Bow- flamboyant but not at all lady-like. In fact, given how deeply he bends and how widely he gestures with his arms, that's a male af bow- it's just showy af too.
The lady's curtsey was meant to replace bowing due to how unforgiving their garments were. You don't simply bend at the waist in ten layers of linen, fellas."
So there you have it. He's just showy af.
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sloppy-syrup · 6 months
Your honor, he has a short attention span
Got lazy near the middle then picked it back up a bit lol
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arsoniiii · 1 year
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- Healing.
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aaandbackstabbed · 8 months
Goldie: I am in charge of this disaster
Scrooge: I have a name you know
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starliau · 4 months
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Dear everyone aboard the “Regina is a closeted lesbian who pushed Janis away because she had feelings for her” hi I have a lil gift 🤲
Cause okay imagine 8th grade Regina’s like “this can’t be” and comes up w the whole spin the bottle thing to get Janis 5728473 metaphorical miles away from her (obviously not excusing anything she obvi got addicted to manipulating people and being a bitch to get her way but imagine it starts w this)
BUT THEN movie happens. Post movie there’s gonna be some kind of conversation right? Things have to be resolved for them so hey no longer 5728473 metaphorical miles away and Regina goes “well fuck” cause all those repressed feelings never really left and Janis has absolutely no clue.
Anyway just a lil thought scenario looping around in my brain for the last 24 hours and here’s the result 🤷‍♀️
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realmothchu · 1 year
i know that dinluke situationship is crazy
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kikichibee · 2 years
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when u and ur twin are equally insane
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smcganns · 6 months
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