#they said sure. and then called me to confirm something I already told them through email
50000bears · 21 days
What is up with everyone being so obsessed with phone calls? I swear all of these interactions could be an email.
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transvampireboyfriend · 9 months
Eddie would come up with the most elaborate schemes to kiss Steve for the first time.
here's mine: He realizes Steve is a gossip early on, like the first time they all hang out someone mentions a rumour in passing and Steve latches on. Eddie is delighted. He's enamoured by the twinkle in Steve's eyes and the intensity in his probing, even the enthusiasm in giving out the information he has about the people in question.
So Eddie knows what he has to do.
Whenever Eddie sees or hears something that frankly should not be any of his business he makes sure to tell Steve. He doesn't mention it to anybody else and most of the time he doesn't care about it much, but he needs to tell Steve.
And he only does it when it's just the two of them. He finds Steve in a secluded corner of the Family Video, says "i think my boss is cheating on his wife" and is rewarded with a gasp.
He follows after Steve when he goes to refill the popcorn in the middle of movie night and casually asks "you know who I saw the other day coming out of Laura's house at 3am?" Steve raises his eyebrows higher than Eddie has ever seen.
He calls Steve at midnight on a Wednesday and opens with "my neighbors are definitely getting back together" Steve answers with a devastated "noooo!"
He leaves the kids in the cookie aisle to go catch up to Steve and lean on the shopping cart shoulder to shoulder and whisper "dont look now, but Heather and Monica are here together, right behind us. They ARE dating" Steve looks immediately.
And Eddie's not only excited about his initial reactions, but he thanks the heavens for his discovery because it gets him Steve's total, undivided attention every.fucking.time. without fail.
Steve turns fully to him, touches Eddie's arms for emphasis, shoves him when Eddie says something dumb, tugs on a strand of his hair a bit when Eddie says something silly, opens his eyes SO wide or squints at him and his eyelashes look sooo pretty. Steve leans in and whispers back and grins and teases and scrunches his nose in the most adorable gesture Eddie has ever seen in his life.
With practice, Eddie goes from having to give Steve's shoulder a back handed slap to get his attention, to just looking at him directly for like 5 seconds and then Steve knows Eddie has something to tell him.
so he does it at dinner, on a nondescript date at a nondescript hour because, mostly, Eddie just kinda can't take it anymore.
He's listening to Steve tell this story about a costumer and frankly, forgets to look away from him and Steve interprets this as Eddie having something to say. He cuts himself off, tilts his head and asks "what?" with mirth in his voice.
Eddie smiles, a little mischievous and says "c'mere I have to tell you something"
Steve smiles back, but says "we're the only ones here, Eds" gesturing to his kitchen.
Eddie rolls his eyes a bit and threatens "do you want me to tell you or not?"
Steve leans across the table, his cut off tank almost touching their spaghetti.
Eddie wants to shove his hands through the armpit holes, but he settles for holding Steve's jaw and threading his fingers through the hair at the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
Steve's lips are as soft and warm as he expected, he tastes of the red sauce they cooked together and he smells good enough to eat. Eddie indulges in a thorough kiss but keeps it short.
No matter how many times Steve looks at him like he's the most interesting person in the room, he hasn't outright said that he likes Eddie like that, so he'd rather be careful.
Eddie pulls back and finds Steve smiling, his eyes closed still.
Steve blinks his eyes open and looks at Eddie, his tongue darts out to swipe across his lips and he says "I think that's the best one you've told me yet"
Eddie snorts and feels his cheeks burn "Yeah?" he asks.
"Mmhm" Steve confirms against his lips, already kissing Eddie again.
It takes a while, but eventually Eddie realizes Steve doesn't only give him his undivided attention when he has gossip. He does it pretty much all the time.
Maybe at some point it expanded to everything Eddie has to say.
Or maybe it was like that all along.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
kavuk si
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kavuk si [English] vin. betray
Neteyam has chosen a woman, and you know it isn’t you.
1,471 words
Fishing was supposed to clear my mind and calm my nerves, but I was throwing my spear too forcefully, and it was making the fish almost unusable. Plus, I was missing a lot, and that was only serving to further fuel my anger and frustration.
“It’s just a rumor,” my sister said again as I huffed and pulled my spear from the sandy riverbed.
“It is not,” I replied. “His own mother is said to have confirmed it. He has chosen.”
Even without looking at her, I knew Kawti was rolling her eyes behind me. It had been my wish to come fishing alone, but there wasn’t much I had truly done alone since Kawti was born 13 years ago. Despite our seven year age difference, she was my best friend, and I was usually happy to have her along.
Just - not today. All morning, all anyone at home could talk about was how the eldest son of Toruk Makto was finally going to choose a woman, and he was going to make his declaration soon. I knew, in my heart, that Neteyam would have told me already if I was his choice. Just last night we had gone hunting together, and I had eaten the evening meal with his family - he had plenty of opportunity to tell me himself.
Even though we hadn’t exactly expressed how we’d felt, I thought I had been pretty clear in my affections and desires, and I’d thought Neteyam was just shy. Now I felt like a fool. He had not stolen any kisses, or any other affections, and I had been leading myself on. He simply wasn’t interested.
“Come, Y/N. Mom will be expecting us back soon.” Kawti hopped down from her seat atop a tree branch, and extended her small hand to mine.
I grabbed my meager bag of mangled fish, and followed her back to Home Tree.
When the rest of my family went to dinner, I stayed back. I wasn’t hungry, in fact I was feeling a little ill, and really did need a little bit of time alone. 
Kawti was annoyed, but her optimism was childish. Not only did she think it was just a rumor, but she claimed to be sure Neteyam was ‘completely in love’ with me.
As if she knew anything about love. She was just a kid.
I could only sit in our little alcove of Home Tree for so long before becoming restless. I was feeling ridiculous, too. If Neteyam did not want me, and had chosen another, then I would have to grow up and move on. There were many fine men in our village, and I knew one would choose me - and I would choose them in return.
I could only barely lie to myself, as dread gripped my chest at the thought of mating with anyone else. So I stood up, trying to shake the thoughts from my head, and walked outside. It was quiet, as most were gathered for the evening meal, and the quietness left me too much to my dark, depressing thoughts.
Without direction, I began walking towards the forest.
“Y/N!” a familiar voice called, and I hesitated before turning.
“Teyam,” I said through gritted teeth. I looked over my shoulder to see him jogging to catch up, a wooden bowl full of food in his hands.
He looked handsome, I thought before I could stop myself. Neteyam always looked handsome, but there was something different... he was wearing a large necklace made of leather that was reserved for special occasions, and his face was painted as if for battle or a ceremony.
“Your mother said you were ill. I brought you this.” He extended it to me, and something about the gesture turned my sadness to rage.
He could choose another woman, ask her to be his mate, and still pretend to be concerned about me? To bring me food? How dare he!
“Bah!” I said, waving my hand. “Leave me, Neteyam.”
He furrowed his brow in confusion and tilted his head to the side, his ears flicking back and forth. “Do you need the healer?”
“No. I need to be alone.” I stepped back, but he stepped forward to follow.
“I need to talk to you,” he said, his voice firm, and extended his hand to me.
I looked at him skeptically, tilting my head to the side, and sighed. It had always been hard to stay mad at Neteyam, and the look on his face was very serious.
I put my hand into his, noting how much larger his was, and we went back into my family’s alcove in Home Tree together.
Neteyam did not let go of my hand when we stepped inside, and I tried to savor it. If he was to belong to someone else soon, this might be the last time we were ever truly alone.
“Well, what do you need to talk about?” I asked, trying not to let my voice waiver. “My family will be back soon.”
This was not even close to the truth, and Neteyam knew it. My mother could talk for hours every night, and my sister was usually exhausted by the time they returned from their socializing. It would be at least an hour before they returned.
Neteyam looked everywhere in our modest home but at me, and I squeezed his hand. “Teyam, spit it out!”
“Damn, you don’t make it easy, Y/N!” he replied in a huff, and my eyes widened in surprise.
“Sorry,” I said, unsure of what I was apologizing for. He was the one who should have been apologizing to me.
Why had we gone on all those rides together? Hunted together? Taken meals together, spent time with each other’s families, if he had not intended to be mine?
“You are mad at me,” he said quietly, and I finally allowed myself to look into his eyes.
“Yes,” I said in a near-whisper. “I am.”
I took my hand from his and crossed my arms over my chest. “They are saying.. they are saying you have chosen a woman. Everyone is to celebrate the mating of the Chief’s son.”
His eyebrows rose up and his shoulders fell. “Well... this is true.”
I nodded, stepping away from him. “Who is she? Ni’awtu? She’s a fine hunter. Or... Petani? She has a fine skill on the loom, and would make a good mate.” I blinked hard to stop the tears rushing into my eyes.
I jumped with surprise when Neteyam laughed so hard that he threw his head back. “You are joking!” he exclaimed.
“I am not! Tell me who it is!”
With considerable effort, Neteyam stopped laughing and closed the gap between us again. He reached out, gripping my upper arms with his hands, and leaned in close.
“You are mad because you are jealous, but you are jealous of yourself, Y/N. Ni’awfu may be a fine hunter, and Petani weaves very well on the loom, but I do not love them. I do not love anyone else.”
Blinking hard, it took me a few moments to understand what Neteyam was saying to me. I stood, slack jawed and stunned, forcing him to continue speaking.
“I wish to ask you to be my mate before Ewya, to spend your life with me, to mother my children, Y/N.”
I took in a long, deep breath. My hands were shaking and the tears had filled my eyes, I could no longer hold them back. It was so hard to find any appropriate response. I had spent years pining over Neteyam, and all day today sure that my chance was gone and I was going to have to watch him with someone else - which would have been a fate worse than death.
“Neteyam, I... of course, yes. I, I have always...” I stuttered and stammered as tears fell down my face.
Graciously, Neteyam stopped our needs for words by leaning down and pressing his soft lips to mine in a kiss I felt as if I had waited so long for.
My body felt on fire instantly, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, deepening the kiss.
It felt like a long time before we pulled apart, both smiling like a couple of idiots.
“You are mine, Y/N,” Neteyam whispered, pressing his forehead to mine. “How could you have thought I would choose anyone else? I have always been yours.”
Tears spilled freely now, and I put my hands on either side of his face. “I feel foolish. I have always been yours, Neteyam.”
He hugged me tightly, pulling my body completely flush with mine, and I breathed him in deeply.
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Dustin’s Hot Sister
It’s been a minute hasn’t it 😂 I’m trying to get back into writing so here’s this little blurb that kinda sucks but I hope y’all like it. I’m currently in my Eddie Munson Brain Rot era so you know I had to write something for him. Feel free to send in request for Eddie Munson!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female Reader
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“There’s no way you have a hot sister that works here.” Eddie leaned on the wheel, gesturing with a tilt of his head to the neon sign that read Family Video. Dustin wrinkled his nose at Eddie in response, arms crossed over his chest.
“I do too have a sister that works here. And I never said she was hot and it’s weird that you’re saying it.” Dustin countered, getting out of the van and slamming the door before he could respond.
Eddie shrugged, turning off his van and jumping out. He did a little jog around the front of the van to keep up with the quick pace that the younger boy had set. “All I’m saying is Mike told me she was hot and I normally wouldn’t take his word for it but Harrington confirmed it when Mike mentioned her. And the Harrington Hottest scale is the one thing I trust about him.”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Yeah whatever, she graduated when you were supposed to graduate two years ago, so if you look in your yearbook you could find her instead of dragging me here to prove it to you.”
“First off you know I don’t buy yearbooks, waste of money and paper.” Eddie pulled open the door the the video store, doing a slight bow and muttering a m’lord as he gestured for Dustin to enter first. Who in turn gave Eddie the finger as he pushed past him. “Second this seems like more fun.” Although Dustin’s comment had him thinking about it he had met his sister before without realizing it.
Sure enough there was a girl who wasn’t Robin talking to Harrington behind the counter, she was laughing at something he had said. Her back was to them but it seemed that Dustin recognized her anyway, he sauntered up to the counter and hoped over despite the chiding from Steve not to do so durning store hours.
You raised an eyebrow at Dustin who rummaged through your return bin, looking yet again for the vhs copy of Never Ending Story, which for the past three weeks had been unreturned. “Motherfucker.” Dustin cursed, kicking the box.
“Hey dude watch your fucking language.” Steve scolded. “This is called Family video.”
Dustin stood back up pointing an accusatory finger at Steve. “When are you going to use your Family Store Employee privilege to find the guy who had rented Never Ending Story way past the store policy time. Me and Suzy need it for movie night! I’ve had to cancel twice!”
Steve raised in hands up in defense. “Hey man I’m not the only one who works here, get your sister to do it.”
“She won’t do it. I’ve already asked her.”
“So what makes you think pestering me into doing it will make me do it?” Steve scoffed, arms crossed.
“Cause you’re soft, and if I annoy you enough you’ll give me your password to the computer so I can do it myself.” Steve began to argue with Dustin, and you laughed watching their amusing interaction until Dustin paused and turned to you. “By the way that’s Eddie.” That was all he said before continuing his argument with Steve.
Your turned around to see who Dustin was referencing and when he caught your gaze Eddie’s heart nearly gave out. He couldn’t believe that Dustin’s hot sister had been his four year high school crush. You had been in the journalist club and had done a story in the hellfire club for the school newspaper your freshman year. You had sat in on one of his campaigns, his hands were shaking so much that he knocked over the screen and scattered his notes on the floor. Thank goodness that was before Henderson and Mike had joined, they never would have let him live it down.
But ever since then he had had the biggest crush on you, although he never had much interaction with you after that, it wasn’t like you ignored him you still said hi in the halls but he never had the guts to ask you out or to join his campaign. And it seemed after all these years he was still as nervous as he was when you interviewed him freshman year.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” You beamed, recognizing Eddie at once. “If it isn’t Eddie Munson, the leader of Hellfire.”
He swallowed thickly and tried his best to play it cool, giving a little bow and a wink. “At your service.” He looked up to still see you smiling at him, he was pretty sure his face was red and sweaty. You continued to smile him and he gathered a little courage to get closer to the counter.
“What can I help you with today.” You asked. “Are you looking to check something out today.”
“I think he already is.” Dustin mumbled, earning a loud laugh from Steve and a glare from Eddie.
Eddie turned back to you. “No I’m just here driving this kid around, he wanted to go to Family Video and who am I to deny a fellow club member a ride-“
“Ha!” Dustin interrupted. “He made me come here to prove to him that I had a hot sister.” Dustin paused rethinking his phrasing. “His words not mine.”
“Why you little-“ Eddie cussed, hands reaching up ready to stranger Dustin before he though better of it, setting instead for a your dead signal.
You laughed, feeling your face get warm. “Is that so?”
Eddie looked down at his hands, fiddling with the rings that decorated them. “And what if it was?” He asked, looking up at you through his bangs.
“Then I’d ask you if you’d be taking me out this Friday or Saturday.”
“I’d say Saturday, we could go see The Lost Boys at the movies.” Eddie gained some of his confidence back, looking you in the eyes now but hiding the bottom half of his face with a piece of his hair, an action you found quite cute
“Then it’s a date.” You smiled, hugging yourself with your arms. Eddie smiled widely, his nose wrinkling up, and you could feel yourself getting giddy, finally landing a date with Eddie. One you had been dreaming about since high school.
Dustin watched your two from the sidelines with Steve, face scrunched up. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
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wolfy1298 · 10 months
Don’t you ever wonder what kind of secrets and plot points Venti keeps hidden? He claims to be the weakest amongst the Seven-and that could be true given his whole 500 year slumber and poison and all- but he’s still a god. AND one of the original Seven. You gotta be good at SOMETHING to survive for this long…
He’s also the only archon so far that doesn’t have a second story quest so what is he hiding?! We have accounts of him literally shaping the land with ease from both the Golden Apple Archipelago events and his character stories. We know that he has close relationships with the Hexenzirkel and somehow managed to avoid conflict with them??? And there’s also the fact from the skyward sword series that he was originally a catalyst user before picking up the bow in honor of Amos. He’s pulling a Childe when it comes to weapons he currently uses and the ones he’s proficient in.
And don’t even get me started on his connection with Istharoth and Celestia! Mondstadt already has the Thousands Winds Temple AND the nameless island where both Venti and Istharoth were once worshipped. And from Before Sun and Moon, we know that the Thousand Winds (which Venti IS A PART OF) were once called the Thousand Winds of TIME, all of whom were created and controlled by Istharoth. AND THEN you have Venti suspiciously appearing in the right place at the right time again and again and again. He even self proclaimed knowing every song: past, present, and future. Hell he’s probably one of the only few beings in Teyvat who can naturally bypass Irminsul because of his songs: Nahida already shown it’s possible to save deleted info if rearranged into fiction so the same should work for songs and poetry. And there’s also what the hydro fungus in Nahida’s second story quest said about changing forms. That you need time for growth to occur. And Nahida - an ARCHON- had trouble maintaining her fungus form for even the short period of time. She was even told that to do so for longer, one would need to bypass time itself which is near impossible. AND YET VENTI CHANGED INTO THE FORM OF HIS FRIEND IMMEDIATELY AFTER RECEIVING HIS GNOSIS AND HAS YET TO CHANGE BACK OR TIRE FROM FATIGUE (as we know it). HOW STRONG IS HE. Sure, the yokai in Inazuma and Adepti in Liyue can all change into a human form, but we know in game that it takes a long time and steady energy to take on a human shape, and the Adepti all seem to have that ability naturally: there’s no bending the laws of nature if it’s already natural to them. So what’s Venti’s excuse?!
As for Celestia: there’s already written in the statue of Barbatos “the gateway to Celestia” and what not. And Khanreia! In the chasm AND in the Caribert quest, Barbatos and Mondstadt keep getting named dropped. According to Dainself, the city in the chasm is supposedly OLDER than Khanreia and possibly the Seven, yet BARBATOS of all beings is mentioned in the records you find??? And in Caribert, it’s a Mondstadtian woman who that one bloke had a child with. Never mind that Mondstadt is where Kaeya and Albedo - the two characters with confirmed Khanreian origins- end up! There’s also the fact that Khanreia seems to base its gods and names and whatever around Norse mythology….which has strong ties to GERMANIC HISTORY. WHICH MONDSTADT IS BASED OFF OF. And Enkanomiya, which was once ruled by Istaroth, is Greek origin. Suspicious considering all the connections to HERMES Venti keeps portraying. (And then there’s also a connection to all three places with the hexenzerkel with their Chinese names? Like I think I read somewhere that Alice is Aries(?)/Eris(?) and Nicole is actually Nike in the Chinese version? Which are very much based in Roman/Greek origins)
Oh and something I forgot to mention earlier with the whole Istharoth connection. Mondstadt’s saying “seeds of stories, brought by the wind, and cultivated through time”. SUSPICIOUS
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Anyways, this has been my nonsensical Venti theory rant
And you’re stuck with me @worldsokayestmagicalgirl
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multifandomgirl08 · 10 months
Prologue [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Max Verstappen x Daniel Ricciardo (Platonic)
Summary: Max finds out that he had a son. And it changes his world.
Warning(s): Mention of adoption, Jos Verstappen
A/N: This is set before the first part of Mini Verstappen.
Words: 1.1k
→ Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max’s life had been completely turned upside down. It had only been an hour since he had gotten the news.
He was a father.
Daniel had been over at his apartment when his agent had called him and told him that a woman had dropped off a baby with a note for Max Verstappen. Max didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t be a father at the age of 22. That wasn't possible. His ex had ended the relationship, and while he hadn't been in love, he had cared for her. He never thought that she ended it because she was pregnant.
"Maxy, you okay?" Daniel asked as he dropped his phone on the couch.
"No." He said staring off into the distance, his eyes unfocused in front of him.
"What did Raymond call you about?"
"I... I..." He tried to get out. "I have... a son."
Max looked right at Daniel. He saw his eyes go wide in disbelief. It's nice to know that his former teammate felt the same way about his news.
“What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know,” Max answered honestly. “But I’m sure my father will have some ideas.”
Max wasn’t sure he would enjoy hearing those ideas.
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"We go through all of the channels. Have people sign NDAs, get a DNA test, make sure the media never finds out, and then put the child up for adoption." He heard his father say.
As Max was sitting on the sofa in Raymond's office looking at the child, all he could think was how much he looked like him. The chubby cheeks, blue eyes, their hair color was almost the same given how little the baby had.
"That's not your decision to make," Raymond said. This was one of the few times he was glad his manager said something to his father.
He rocked the baby in his arms as he slept.
"Tell him you want to give the baby up," Jos told him. Max looked up from the bundle of blankets. "You give him up, and the problem goes away."
"He's not a problem, he's a baby." Max heard Daniel say.
As Max watched on, his father seemed like he already had this all planned out in his head. Like he knew that this would happen.
Max didn't want to let go of him, his son.
"I'm not giving him up," Max said.
Raymond's shoulders deflated at his words. Yes, having a child would cause problems, but it would cause more problems if people found out he had a child by someone he used to date and then didn't acknowledge them.
"You don't even know if he's yours." His father spewed quickly switching to Dutch so no one else would understand.
"He looks like me. Who else's child could he be?" He rhetorically asked.
"After everything that I did to prevent this..." He heard his father mutter under his breath. He knew?
"Prevent this? Are you telling me that you knew about this and didn't want me to find out that I would be a father?" Max was quick to hand the bundle of blankets over to Daniel before getting into his father's face.
"It would fuck up your career. You winning a championship is the most important thing right now." There was a high pitch wailing from the baby.
Max wanted to yell at him. Winning a championship could wait. Who knew what was going to happen this coming season with the car? It could be horrible once the season starts. But the child that Daniel was holding couldn't wait. It was going to depend on him every day.
"Tell me you didn't know about this. That you didn't do something so that I wouldn't find out about him." All Max was hoping for was his father's honesty. Not that he got it before, but just this once he wanted his father to treat him like a human being.
"I gave her money so that she would go away. She was a distraction." His father was an asshole, this just confirmed it. "I didn't think she would want to have the baby."
"Get out," Max said as calmly as he could. "Leave, and don't come back."
"Max." His father started to say.
"I want you to leave me with my son and never show your face at another race ever again." He looked him dead in the eyes so his father knew that he was serious. Jos Verstappen was dead to him.
Max couldn't deal with him. He shook his head watching as his father left them alone. His father had tried to pay off his ex because she was pregnant. What was wrong with him?
Max walked closer to Daniel seeing him cradle the baby. Shit. He was a father. He lightly reached over and stroked the baby's cheek.
"I guess your father's plan is not how you want to deal with this?" His manager asked.
"No, but we do need to call Christian and Helmut and tell them. This was a surprise to me, imagine how it will be for them." He hoped he didn’t lose his Red Bull seat over this.
"You don't have to do it today Max," Daniel said. "Worry about it tomorrow, just spend the day with your son."
Daniel was a great friend to Max, more than he deserves at times.
"Okay, we can call them tomorrow." He said. Max moved back to the sofa before Daniel put the baby back in his arms.
"Does he have a name?" Daniel asked.
Raymond was quick to reach for a small stack of papers and then held up what he assumed was the birth certificate.
"It says Nico, Nico Verstappen."
Even though his ex had given Nico up, Max was grateful that she had chosen a good name for his son.
“Nico,” Max muttered to himself as Nico’s fussing seemed to dissipate.
“There are two letters that were left for you with him. One addressed to you and another to Nico.” His ex wrote him a letter? Probably explaining her choices, but the one for Nico he would leave. That wasn’t meant for him.
As Max’s eyes met Nico’s, he finally understood why his mother did the things that she did when he was growing up. Max wanted to do right by Nico and that meant giving him a life with a parent who loved him with everything that he had.
“How do you want to deal with your father?” Raymond asked.
“I don’t care, blacklist him from everything if you have to.” His father didn’t deserve to be in his life. Jos gave no consideration to how he would feel about being a father. So he would give him just the same.
From now on he was going to worry about his son.
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn
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creamhoodie · 10 months
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊ Trio ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊
synopsis: Nagi finds out you cheated on him with Reo and the three of you end up having a threesome. Tags: aged up, continuation to my other fic comfort
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Nagi knew something had happened between you and Reo the morning he had picked you up. Reo’s call had only confirmed it. 
“Do you ever think about how good the both of us could make her feel?” Reo had asked. 
His best friend had pitched the idea of the two of them fucking his girl, though something told him Reo had already been in you. 
Maybe it had been the way you tasted different or the way Reo had held you a little longer than usual when saying goodbye with your breasts squished cozily into his chest. 
The thought of Reo touching you and making you feel good filled him with a jealousy he didn’t know he could possess. 
“Was that Reo on the phone?” you asked, opening the bathroom door, steam in the air and you were dressed in the bathrobe he had given you for Christmas. 
“Yeah,” he said, noting the worried tone you tried to conceal.
He knew you thought he didn’t notice these finer details because of the way he was captivated  with his video games but the truth is he had every part of you memorized from the way your eyes lit up to how your tears taste when you cried. 
“What’d he want?” you asked, raking your comb through your wet hair. 
Nagi took his time answering, going to hug you from behind and smelling your clean scent, nuzzling your neck. That’s one of the things he loved most about being with you: how your fragrance permeated the hot steamed air after you showered. To Nagi that would always be a comforting smell, the smell of home. 
“Reo suggested that the two of us could make you feel good,” he said, kissing your neck. 
“Oh,” you said, widening your eyes. 
But he knew you better and knew that was your ‘oh how surprising face.’ 
Little slut, had Reo trailed kisses down this very neck last night? 
“Is that something you’d be interested in?” He asked.
He undid your bathrobe and pulled the drape back a little so he could see your bare breasts in the mirror. 
“I’m not sure, Seishiro. Would something like that even be okay with you?” you asked, but he was not oblivious to how the question had made your breath hitch for a moment in anticipation and longing. 
Would he be okay with it? 
He wasn’t entirely sure. Part of him was still filled with jealousy at the thought of Reo touching you but there was another part of him at the corner of his ego that was aroused at the idea of Reo watching him fuck you. 
Sure he had been lazy with the sex lately, letting you ride him and not doing it as frequently but this new element of adding Reo to the mix was stoking flames he hadn’t known existed. 
“Seishiro?” you called his name to get his attention again. 
He turned you around so you were facing him, your hands instinctively placing themselves at his chest. In response, he pulled back the drape of the garment even more so your nipples were fully revealed. He placed his thumb on one and pressed down hard. 
“I think I’d be okay with it, especially if it makes you feel good,” he said as you winced a bit from his touch at both the pain and pleasure. 
“Seishiro, what's gotten into you?” you asked. 
He wasn’t entirely sure himself as he was still discovering this feeling of jealousy and arousal. 
That’s why he couldn’t turn down Reo’s offer, he had to chase down this feeling to the end to find that light at the end of the tunnel. 
Nagi watched as Reo whispered something in your ear causing your face to go red. Though he didn’t know Reo had purred: “I told you, you’d feel me again, doll” into your ear, he had a pretty good idea. 
The three of you were the bed you shared with Nagi. 
From the moment Reo had come over and entered the room, Nagi could tell how you were salivating over him. 
Again that same feeling from before, both jealousy and arousal plagued him. 
You sat in the middle of the two men, each making you feel so small in comparison. 
“Why don’t you kiss her, first?” Nagi prompted Reo.
Besides, you’re practically eye fucking her already, he thought to himself. It was also for his benefit he wanted to see how the act would make him feel. 
Not one to be told twice, Reo kissed you passionately, his tongue intertwining with yours.
Nagi felt his pants tighten watching the two of you. Seeing Reo kiss you with such a familiarity and passion turned him on because it gave him a new point of view of you he wasn’t usually able to see. Yet it also made him jealous because he wanted that passion too.
He broke the two of you’s kisses by pulling you by your hair and making you face him and soon Reo’s tongue was replaced with his. Again you tasted different, a mixture of you and Reo. Now you were creating a new flavor with him added in. 
As the two of you made out, Reo began to leave kisses down your neck and the slope of your shoulder, this time he let himself go and didn’t hold back, gently biting at your skin to leave marks like he had so desperately wanted to last night. 
“You’re so lucky, Nagi. Her skin is so soft,” Reo moaned against your skin. 
His words filled Nagi with both pride and anger. Pride because you were his and belonged to him. Anger because Reo had looted and he knew he had felt your precious soft skin last night. 
“I know I am,” he said between tongue filled kisses. He was ready to take it further, explore this feeling further down the rabbit hole: why did his best friend fucking his girl make him mad and turn him on at the same time? 
He should be angry at the two of you and he was just not in the way he expected. 
“Seishiro please,” you pleaded as you felt your clit beginning to pulsate in yearning. 
“I know,” he cooed but he thought to himself: I know how much of a slut you are and how much you crave to be filled with both of us. 
If that’s what you wanted you’d get it and then some, but this time you wouldn’t feel Reo without feeling him as well. 
Two pairs of hands hurriedly undressed you. It all happened so fast with clothes being discarded. You were positioned on your knees and felt two tips lingering at your entrances: one at your ass and the other at your pussy. 
Nagi was at your ass while your back was turned to him and you faced Reo whose cock lingered before you. 
“Seishiro? What are you gonna do?” you asked apprehensively. 
He kissed your back before replying.
“I’m going to make you feel good, same as Reo. Don’t worry about anything,” he said. 
He knew this was unlike him, usually you would just ride him and he had never fucked your ass before but he intended to show you that he was more than a pillow princess and could make you feel just as good as Reo. 
“You heard him, baby. Don’t worry, we're gonna take really good care of you. Here let me help you,” Reo said to you as he kissed you to relax you. 
Again you were greeted with his soft tongue and his hands were massaging your breasts as he kissed you. You felt yourself pooling in arousal at his embrace and you were just beginning to relax when you felt a sharp pain in your ass. 
You yelped as Nagi attempted to make his way in, the two of you had never done this before and you were extremely sensitive back there. Luckily, Reo understood. 
“Shhh, don’t focus on him. Focus on me,” he whispered so only you could hear. You were next greeted by Nagi’s tongue and spit at your ass as he tried to lubricate you. “I think he needs you a little more wet, angel. Should I show him how wet you can get for me?” Reo asked. 
Not giving you a chance to answer, he stuffed two fingers inside of your pussy, fingers curling while he used his other hand to massage your clit. 
Your breathing hitched, he was just as skilled with his fingers as he had been with his tongue last night. 
All the while, Nagi continued to tongue at your ass, leaving a snail trail of moisture down your crack and at your entrance. Between him and Reo you felt yourself flooding to the point that it was almost embarrassing. The lubrication caused from Reo’s fingering dripping to the back of your pussy as well. 
“She’s ready now, Reo,” Nagi  said as a heads up. The two resumed their positions, tips lingering at entrances. 
You stared into Reo’s amethyst eyes bracing yourself as you simultaneously felt them both sink into you. 
You let out a blood curling moan as you felt Nagi sink himself all the way into your ass. The burning sensation you felt made you feel like he had taken your virginity all over again and you collapsed into Reo’s arms, feeling his cock  warm and familiar in your cunt. 
“Fuck, look at you all filled up,” Reo said astonished as his hands steadied you. 
But you didn’t have eyes for him right now, what you were curious about was the quiet menace that had just sunken his impressive length into your ass. 
You turned your head to meet Nagi’s gray eyes and winced at his expression.
He looked angry and his next words made your blood run cold.
“Did the two of you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell you had fucked last night?” He asked. 
This was it.
His trump card. 
He had intended to let the two of you know when he had you like this because then he intended to fuck you with his full force. If you wanted to be on Reo’s cock how you had been last night by all means go ahead but he’d fuck you so good every time you felt him in your pussy you’d be yearning for his cock in your ass.
“Seishiro I’m sorry I didn’t mean to-“ you tried to protest emotionally with tears now but he cut you off.
“Shut up. You wanna act like a whore you’re gonna be fucked like one,” he said. 
The three of you remained positioned like that, not speaking for a few moments. 
You stared at Reo, who gazed back at you with lust. 
He seemed calm, you wondered how he could be so collected when he had been wrong, he had told you Nagi wouldn’t get mad. 
“Go ahead and fuck her, Reo. What are you waiting for? Fuck her like you did last night,” Nagi said. 
Reo began to thrust in and out of you slowly and soon you were overwhelmed with bliss. 
It was then that Nagi decided to thrust as well, keeping in tune with Reo’s pace. 
Again his anger was turning to arousal seeing you on Reo’s cock and hearing the soft smacking sounds of skin on skin. Both of their balls smacked against your ass and pussy, making lewd noises. He used your hair as a handlebar pulling it back to steady himself as he watched his cock enter in and out of your round ass cheeks. 
Looking over your shoulder, he could also see Reo’s cock disappearing and entering your pussy, each time more soaked with your fluids than the last. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” Reo moaned. He didn’t even try to hide how much he enjoyed fucking you and feeling your warmth on his cock. 
Nagi be damned, you felt amazing the only regret he had was not fucking you sooner. The way you were making him feel now he was envisioning all the times he could have fucked you: when he gave you a ride back to Nagi’s, when the two of you had been alone in the locker room, and when the three of you had watched movies at his place, if only he had snuck his hand under your blanket into your warm folds… 
As Nagi watched this all unfold, the light at the end of the tunnel was coming closer, at last he almost understood why he was feeling the way he did.
Pounding into you still, Nagi watched with half lidded eyes as Reo’s cock entered you again, precum on the tip entering this time. 
He pulled your hair back this time to be able to speak right into your ear. 
“You little fucking slut, I bring you around my best friend and what do you? You go fuck him,” he snarled his pace increasing. 
You tried to stammer another apology but you couldn’t form coherent words too busy making animalistic moans. 
“You’re such a whore and you had the nerve to kiss me after sucking his cock,” Nagi continued. 
Tears were falling down your face both from his harsh words and from the combined pleasure the two of them were making you feel. 
You fell forward into Reo for support, wrapping your arms around his neck, tears free falling down from your skin onto his. 
To Nagi it was such an intimate sight it only aroused him more especially when you and Reo bumped noses from the thrusting and began to kiss again slowly without shame.
At last he understood.
Watching the two of you kiss with Reo’s cock sloppily going in and out of you, he understood where this anger and jealousy was coming from.  He had reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
It wasn’t that he was angry at what the two of you did, he was angry because the two of you hadn’t included him. The jealousy he felt was at the exclusion of not being included in this game where you were the trophy. After all, he and Reo were partners on and off the field. 
Understanding this, he was able to channel that anger and jealousy into making you feel good, he thrusted against you faster now not holding back. 
“Seishiro,” you moaned, breaking free of Reo’s mouth and turning back to look at him. His face was red and you looked down to his thick girth going in and out of you. “Seishiro, I’m sorry,” you finally were able to make out. 
Now he kissed you, savoring the new taste the three of you had created. There was a hint of Reo’s dark chocolate, his ocean breeze, and of course your warm scent from this morning’s shower. 
“Don’t be, this is fun,” he replied genuinely. You turned back to look at Reo who was watching the interaction with hungry eyes and a smug expression that said ‘I told you so.’ 
So it turns out he hadn’t been wrong. 
Reo had known all along, the two were voyeurist and egoists at their core, each gaining gratification from watching the other fuck you. Each gaining pleasure from wanting to outdo the other. 
Nagi’s hands went to your waist now, his fingers digging into the meat of your ass as he continued to thrust into you. 
“I think I’m gonna cum soon, angel,” he said softly into your ear. 
Reo seemed awfully close as well still offering you quick strokes but his furrowed brows and moans showed he was on edge. 
They each felt so good inside of you in their own ways. Nagi was ever so big and he could reach deeper than you had ever thought possible, and Reo was thick and his unique curvature hit your sweet spot perfectly. Both of their moans echoed in your ear. Nagi was more of a whimpering moan and Reo was a snarl. 
In sync you felt the two release in you, and the three of you fell like dominos into the other with you collapsing against Reo’s chest, and Nagi collapsing into your back. 
“Fuck, look at what you did, baby,” Reo panted as he looked down at your interconnected bodies. His cock was a mess with your fluids. Your pussy was leaking with his semen that he had shot into you. It was the first time Reo had ever finished inside of you since last night he had made you swallow it. 
You turned your head to meet Nagi’s dazed gaze, and similarly his cock dripped with leftover cum that he had shot into your ass. 
The three of you stayed there catching your breath. Nagi was the first to break the silence.
“That felt so good. I didn’t know it could be that good,” he said, still breathless. 
It was as if Reo was the missing piece the two of you had needed all along to spice up the sexual aspect of your relationship. Having discovered several things about himself during this whole ordeal he was different from the old Nagi who would have just wanted to lay up in bed after one round. 
He wanted more. 
“Reo, don’t you think we should make our little slut taste us?” He suggested. 
There was a twinkle in Reo’s eyes as he responded: “yes we should.” 
Still fucked out, you didn’t protest as they moved positions. Ironically enough, you felt like the soccer ball they often effortlessly maneuvered and passed between them. Soon you found yourself moved from the bed to the carpet on your knees as the two stood in front of you, this made you feel more like a soccer ball at their feet. 
“Suck,” Nagi commanded, pressing his leaking cock to your face. You were quick to obey him, opening your mouth and taking his big pink head in. You were soon greeted by the unique taste of bodily fluids. 
“Fuck, she looks so hot down there,” Reo whispered as he watched, the burning anticipation causing him to fist his own cock again. 
Nagi’s hands went to your head, forcing you closer and to take more of him in. Your head bobbing up and down on his cock as you continued to suck him off was making him feel so weak especially with Reo’s eyes watching.
 For Reo it was a wondrous sight seeing his best friend so completely at your mercy, Nagi’s knees practically shaking and his usually pale white skin flushing pink and red with his snowy hair matted with sweat to his forehead. 
“That’s it angel, suck me good. Give Reo a show,” Nagi said. 
Reo loved watching your mouth take all of Nagi’s big cock in, he couldn’t believe you could handle it and had been handling it this whole time you had been dating Nagi. Images of you riding Nagi filled his head and he was impressed with both what your pussy and mouth could do. 
You paused for a moment to lick Nagi’s tip and kiss it in the way you knew sent him over the edge, not breaking eye contact with him. At this, he forced your head down again and began thrusting his cock into you so it hit the back of your throat making you gag, the sound of making Reo leak.
Again Nagi came, but this time he finished in your mouth, his slickness flooding down your throat as you swallowed. 
No sooner had you wiped your mouth than Reo pushed you on your back so you were laying on the floor. 
“Reo careful with her,” Nagi warned, his protective tone sending a jolt of heat to your inner thighs. 
“You had your turn, now it’s mine,” Reo replied.
He placed his cock in between your breasts and cupped your tits with his hands, moving them up and down, using the massaging movement from the act to thrust his cock in between your tits.
“Reo…” you whispered in astonishment at the lewdness of the act but your eyes were locked with Nagi’s gray predatory ones. Your breasts were his and seeing Reo place his cock between where he had rested his head and sucked at your nipples many times before had him seething with rage. 
“I want you to use your mouth for other things while I do this. Tell him how good I felt last night,” Reo said. 
Your hands, which were gripping his back, slapped at him a little.
“Reo!” you scolded. Reo continued to thrust between your breasts as he mushed them up and down against his cock like pillows. As he did this while on top of you his golden chain dangled back and forth in tune with your breasts. 
“Tell him how you practically begged for me,” he gloated. 
“Reo stop,” you pleaded, scratching along his back now. 
That only made him chuckle. 
“Good girl, leave me marked up so next time I’m in the locker room our team mates ask about it.” 
You remained watching Nagi who had an expression you couldn’t place. These two were a mystery to you. Maybe this was part of Reo’s strategy. Maybe once again he knew something you didn’t about Nagi, he had been right before after all. 
You didn’t have long to contemplate though because within seconds he was finishing onto your mouth, his cock still in between your breasts as he leaked all over your lips. You licked your lips clean and watched the two closely. 
It was almost as if they were trying to outdo the other. 
That’s exactly what they were trying to do. 
They were, after all, competitive to a fault. Even if they were teammates and best friends they each sought to outdo the other, it would often make the other evolve and discover new talents they didn’t know they possessed. 
This was just part of the fun Nagi had been referring to earlier. 
“My turn again,” Nagi said now as Reo moved off you. 
He knew how to win. 
He had something Reo didn’t have, and that was your heart. 
Nagi placed your legs on his shoulders and his tongue tenderly lapped at your vagina for the first time.
“My baby tastes so good,” he praised against your pussy with emphasis on the ‘my.’ 
“Seishiro?” you asked softly, watching him between your parted legs. 
He had never done this before, and the act tugged at your heart, he was being much more interactive than he had ever been before. It was everything you had wanted and everything you had cried to Reo about wanting when you had sought his comfort. 
“So beautiful, tell me how much you love me,” he said, placing kisses in between your thighs while also continuing to tongue at you.
“I love you so much, Seishiro,” you moaned in bliss as his tongue lapped at your clit. 
Though he wasn’t as skilled as Reo was with his tongue, his tenderness and willingness to do something new to bring you pleasure meant much more. It also had been part of his plan all along that he would be the one who made you orgasm last.
“Who does this pussy belong to?” He asked. 
“You,” you replied. 
“Who’s? Reo Mikage’s? Say my name,” he commanded. 
“Seishiro Nagi. This pussy belongs to Seishiro Nagi,” you moaned your eyes closing but you saw him shoot Reo a smug expression. 
You didn’t care now about either of them as you felt yourself reaching your peak. You felt warmth and anticipation then all at once a sweet release. You laid there in euphoric pleasure feeling several pulses in your body at your temple, at your wrist, and at your clit.  Your eyes were still closed and you felt that you could go to sleep right then and there.
“I think we may have broken her,” Reo said, slightly concerned.
“Nah, she’s a strong girl, she'll bounce back,” Nagi replied, and you then felt him kissing your stomach. 
You heard movement then felt a soft towel between your legs, cleaning you up while another towel cleaned the edges of your mouth. 
“I’ll give you this Nagi, that girl of yours is insatiable,” Reo said, “she’s difficult to resist. I hope we’re okay.” 
You were dozing off to sleep but it still felt weird hearing the two of them talk about you like this but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like the attention. Reo had been the first to see through you after all you wanted both of them to want you even if you belonged to Nagi. 
You felt Nagi’s familiar hands move your arms up and place an oversized shirt you knew to be his from the scent of it over your head. You then felt him pick you up and place you back in the bed. He then tucked you gently into the sheets.
“We’re fine, man. Honestly I wouldn’t be able to resist her in your position either,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead before adding, “oh but Reo?” 
“Yeah?” He asked, his voice sounding closer to the door now so you figured Reo was making his leave.
“If you ever touch her while I’m not around again I’ll kill you.”
Tag list:
@wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @ayanies @marilover69 @celestair
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theemporium · 11 months
the golden retriever and black cat was soooo cute, could you do part 2 please?
thank you for requesting!🖤
part one
“Does my hair look okay?” 
“And my outfit?” 
“Also yes.” 
“What about—”
“Fucking hell,” James let out a long groan as he fell back onto his bed, shoving his face into his pillow. “You have already asked me three times!”
“Well, now I’m asking you a fourth time!” Sirius snapped back. “Are you sure I look okay?”
“You look perfect, mate, she’s gonna think the same,” James told him, his voice a little more sincere this time as he lifted his head up. “Now go before she thinks you stood her up.” 
Sirius frowned as he glanced over at the clock, noticing the time and letting out a panicked ‘shit’ under his breath before he reached for his jacket and bolted out the room with James’ laughter following him down the stairs.
It had taken Sirius asking a handful of different students to pinch him on his way back to Gryffindor Tower to realise that he hadn’t, in fact, dreamt up the interaction with you. It had taken James literally slapping him across the face to prove he was awake for him to realise the date planned with you tonight was also very real. 
He had spent the rest of the day spiralling over every little detail you could have possibly managed, and it often resulted in either Remus or Lily having to talk him down from an edge when he got too panicked. 
And now he was racing towards the Three Broomsticks with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, eager and determined to reach the pub at least fifteen minutes early so he could grab a good seat and be ready for when you arrived. 
However, Sirius didn’t think you would have the same idea as he burst through the door, only to see you already seated in a booth with a somewhat smug look on your face.
“You’re early,” Sirius muttered, his shoulders falling as he made his way towards the table you were sitting at.
“Is that a problem?” you asked with your brows raised. 
“No, no!” Sirius quickly exclaimed, his cheeks flushed a light pink and it was no longer due to the fact he ran from the castle. “I just…I wanted to be here so I could pull out your chair and stuff.” 
“Lucky for you, you can’t really do that in booths,” you teased lightly before patting the spot next to you. 
Sirius quickly slid in, flashing you a sheepish smile as he held the flowers out for you. “Here. These are for you.” 
You blinked. “Oh.”
Sirius’ face fell. “You don’t like them.” 
“No, I—” you stared at the flowers with an odd expression before looking up at him. “I’ve just…never had someone give me flowers before.”
“Well, baby, you gotta get used to it with me,” he said with a widespread grin on his face. “Coffees aren’t the only deliveries you gotta prepare for.”
“You’re confident this will go well,” you noted, watching the way Sirius’ arm fell onto the back of the booth with his fingers brushing against your shoulder, but you chose not to point it out.
“I’ve charmed you this far, love, I reckon a few hours with me and you’ll be smitten,” he answered with a sure nod of his head. 
“Smitten?” you repeated, your lips twitching up a little.
“Downright besotted,” Sirius confirmed. 
“If you say so, handsome,” you murmured, biting back your own smile when you watched his cheeks flush at the nickname. 
“I could get used to hearing you call me that,” he muttered with a wolfish grin. And something about it made your stomach twist, in a good way. In a way that made you want to keep that smile on his face.
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kissesbyliz · 5 months
the interrogation
(feat. john price, johnny "soap" mactavish)
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cw: smut!! mdni, dubcon, fem!reader, assassin!reader, orgasm denial, mean price and soap
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you were being forcefully led through a dimly lit hallway. two men were on either side of you, a big hand taking place on the small of your back and maintaining a firm pressure as it forced you forward. you tried your best to plant your feet on the floor, to resist the situation as best you could, but it was all fruitless as the hand urging you on was just that damn strong.
you gritted your teeth, glaring over your shoulder at the man shoving you. he only shot you a mocking smile in response. his blue eyes soon narrowed as he gave you another push to keep you in motion. strangely, you found it alluring enough that you think you would feel an attraction to it, if it weren't for his fingers digging painfully into your skin.
"keep walkin'." he said harshly, his scottish accent gruff against your ears.
"try not to dig yourself into an even bigger hole, love." the man on your left advised, eyes regarding you with warning. he was the one who had subdued you, you recognized, a faint memory of leaning against his burly chest as he carried you resurfacing in your mind.
you all finally arrived at an interrogation room. you were forcefully ordered to sit down, and you planted yourself on the seat they had pulled out for you unceremoniously. you slid your handcuffed hands onto the surface of the table, glaring at the two men as they rounded it. the one who had been on your left took his place in the chair in front of you. the scottish man remained standing beside his companion, bracing his hands on the metal table to lean over it and gaze at you with scrutiny. you tried to hide your shiver, though you were unable to discern if it was from the chill of the room or from the pressure of their stares.
the man in front of you offered you a sleek smile, his eyes slightly crinkling at the corners, "now, since we're all going to be getting to know each other very well, i think some introductions are in order, don't you think?"
"you can call me price." he nodded to his ally, "you can call that big guy over there soap."
you refused to grant them your name and clenched your jaw. you figured they already knew damn well who you were, having plucked you from your assignment and tossed you in their escort vehicle. price ignored your silence, continuing, "why don't we start off with something easy? you know why you're here?"
"for a good time?" you retorted sarcastically. the men looked at each other, before soap leaned in closer to your face.
"come on, you seem like a smart girl. answer our questions, and we'll consider not having to ruin that pretty face of yours." he sneered. you debated challenging the threat, but opted not to as you figured it wouldn't get you any closer to escaping their containment.
you cocked your head to the side, finally responding, "because i killed your soldiers?"
"assassinated at least a dozen of our men right in their homes. it sure was a real pain in our ass trying to look for you too. isn't that right, johnny?" price corrected you immediately, glancing back at his ally. soap nodded in response, not breaking eye contact with you.
"who d'you work for?" he cut to the chase. the sharpness in his gaze told you that he wasn't fucking around, but you refused to let him intimidate you.
you scoffed in mock amusement, "must be dumber than you look, if you really think i would tell you bastards."
soap grinned meanly, "you're going to, if y'know what's best for ya'."
he leaned back to full height. the sheer size of his figure standing over you was enough to make you instinctively shrink back into your chair.
"think she needs some encouragement, captain." he reported to his leader, something scary lacing his low tone.
"think you're right, johnny." an impending grin slowly stretched across price's face as he confirmed, and you gulped.
"what kind of encouragement?" you demanded, not meaning to make it sound as nervous as it came out. you instantly rejected the apprehension bubbling in your chest with everything you had, urgently reminding yourself of your training. that you could easily kill these people if you so wanted-
"the kind that'll make you talk, sweetheart." his chair scraped loudly on the floor as he stood up to walk around the table, now standing directly beside you. gazing up at him, you came to an odd realization that made something warm bloom in your core; he looks like he could take complete control over you, like he could treat you any way he so desired. it's a foreign thought that you hated to admit wasn't entirely unwelcomed, as you had never felt it seeing anyone else before.
"i'm not scared of you." you felt the need to assert, knowing damn well that you're lying. if your stomach churning in unease had to say anything about it.
a callous laugh rumbled from price's chest, before his tone shifted to something sinister, "get on your knees."
you sat for a second frozen in place. apparently a second too long for him, as his hand soon tangled itself in your hair and forced you to the ground. you yelped at the force, your knees hitting the ground with a painful thud.
"now, you're going to sit here and take what i'm gonna give you, until you feel like talking to us."
his fingers began to work at his belt, shoving it down along with his trousers to reveal a half hardened dick, already leaking with precum. he didn't bother to wait for you to move, opting to drag your head for you so your soft lips slid along the base of his thick cock.
the slight bit of contact made him groan, peering down at you with half lidded eyes, "open those pretty lips for me, love. and i promise i'll make this less painful for you."
you had no choice but to obey, wrapping your mouth around the tip of his thick cock and drawing a heavy sigh from him. fuck, as much as you didn't want it, you couldn't help the arousal that was beginning to pool in your core, mixing in with your fear and making you positively burn.
he thrusted harshly into your mouth and drew a gag from your throat. he only groaned at the vibrations, using his hand in your hair as leverage to fuck up deeper into you. suddenly overcome with the need to take more of him, to taste more of him, you relaxed your throat as best as you can.
"well, don't take all the fun, cap'." you glanced over to see soap, fisting his own dick in his hands as his chest rose and fell with his heavy breaths. you whimpered involuntarily as you briefly forgot the circumstance you were in.
"listen to her whine, johnny. reckon she wants you as well." price chuckled, "that what you want, princess?"
you glared up at him, grasping at straws to hang onto that little bit of dignity you had left. but fuck, if it was hard trying to keep up your act with two men so eager for you.
soap walked over to you, positioning his length in front of your face. you released price's cock with a slick pop! as soap guided you to take him into your mouth with a hand in your hair.
he's a little smaller than price had been, but just as thick. you closed your eyes, mewling as you bobbed your head up and down.
"fuck, her throat feels good, sir." he grunted above you, hips thrusting slightly into your mouth.
"that it does, johnny." price agreed with a chuckle. he crouched down to your height, palming one of your breasts through your thin, long sleeved compression shirt.
"let's get some of these clothes off, hm?" he commented smoothly, before reaching up to your collar and shredding the shirt in half.
you instantly moved to free the member in your mouth to gape at the bearded man beside you in indignation, "what the fuck-"
your words are then muffled by soap shoving his cock back into your mouth with a grunt. you planted your hands on his thighs, trying to urge him to ease up so you could yell at price for exposing you. however, his hips only sped up, his dick moving in and out of your mouth faster.
price snickered at your actions, shoving your bra up to free your breasts, "funny, how you thought you could hide these from us, darling." he sighed, fondling your bare tits with his warm hands.
eventually, he stood back up and placed a hand on soap's chest. the pressure in your throat immediately subsided as the man obediently backed away from you.
"that's enough. look at her, mactavish. looks like she's begging to be ruined, don't you think?"
"looks like she needs to be put in her place, sir." soap panted, broad chest heaving up and down. you stared up at them dumbly from below while you caught your own breath.
"lay down on the table, lovie." you slowly complied with their commands, the chill of the metal freezing against your back. a quiet whine left your throat as you began to feel the wetness pooling in your slick underwear.
soap slotted himself in between your unconsciously spread legs, the overcast of the light above him making him look that much more more threatening. thick fingers hooked themselves under the waistband of your pants in order to eagerly rake them down along with your panties. he tossed your garments onto the floor carelessly.
your legs are then callously spread apart. the man above you groaned thickly as every single inch of you was finally revealed to the two of them. you saw price licking his lips, placing a hand on one of your thighs to keep you splayed open for them.
"we're gonna take turns using you, and if you tell us what we want to know, we'll think about letting you cum." price explained slowly so you can carefully process every word. he moved his hand to your cheek to caress it gingerly, distracting you momentarily before-
soap pushed in with a growl, the intrusion stretching you out painfully as a result from the lack of prep. you let out a heated moan, your legs kicking up against his torso in order to get him to slow down his motions. to your surprise, he decided to take mercy on you and set a moderate pace in order to let you get adjusted to his big length. his cock dragged achingly inside your cunt as you whined in protest.
"none of that now, bonnie." he breathed above you, hands nudging your legs away. he seemed very contented at the feeling of your slick walls wrapped around him, muttering expletives under his breath.
you eventually managed to get adjusted to the stretch, whining as the pull of his member deliberately began to feel good. he sped up his thrusts gradually, quickly working you up to your peak. your pleasure climbed higher and higher, moans ripping themselves free from your chest.
"let's try this again. who do you work for?"
"fuck- fuck you."
soap's hand reached down between your bodies to work at your clit, rubbing pleasurable circles that drew endless whines from your lips. you began to feel that familiar knot in your stomach tightening as pleasure raked all throughout your body. you squeezed around him, shutting your eyes tightly and preparing for a harsh orgasm when-
he pulls out all of a sudden, his fingers promptly withdrawing from your pussy. your cunt ached at the sudden emptiness. you cried out in distress, feeling the knot in your stomach beginning to fade away.
"y'wanna come?"
"yes!" you argued, hands reaching down to try and pull him back towards you. he obliged you with a dark chuckle, but refused to slide his length back inside you.
"then you're gonna tell us who put you on that mission. or you're never gonna feel that sweet release."
"like i'm ever gonna tell you- fuck!" you cried out in pain as a sharp slap! landed on your pussy at your response.
"try again, bonnie." soap sneered, finally sliding back into you. you sobbed as his harsh thrusts started up again, easing you right back into that pleasurable haze. before you knew it, you were barreling closer and closer into another orgasm. you panted as you felt yourself tighten around him again, preparing to gush all over his cock.
however, that climax is crudely stolen from you as well. as well the one after that, and the one after that.
before you knew it, you were forced to endure a brutal fucking while countless of your orgasms were ruined. your chest heaved as your body bounced up and down the length of the table, then stilled as soap pulled out of you to reject your orgasm yet again.
desperation for your release began to take hold in your brain. you could physically feel your resolve beginning to crack, your mind frantically casting out any amounts of rationale to make room for just how badly you needed to cum.
later, when you're sitting in that cold jail cell, you'll curse yourself to hell for what you were about to utter in the spur of the moment. but at that minute, when your pussy was beginning to hurt from the lack of release, all voices of reason flew from your head as you finally blurted out, "alvarez!"
a wolfish grin stretched against price's face as you continued, "fuck, he knew you guys were getting too close to finding his operation, so he needed me to take out everyone who knew anything! now, please let me cum!" your eyes screwed shut in frustration, panting heavily at your confession.
"knew you had it in 'ya." soap praised with a triumphant grin as he pushed back inside, speeding up his thrusts exactly the way you've been needing.
a brief image of being brutally eliminated by one of alvarez' men for squealing flashed across your mind, but you didn't care.
you just needed to fucking cum.
that knot in your stomach reappeared for what had to be the twentieth time that night, and you sobbed at the waves of pleasure that raked through your body. you're brought closer and closer to that edge, and finally, finally, you came all over his thick cock, soaking his pelvis in your juices. the force of your orgasm ripping through you made you cry out, moaning loudly as he fucked you all throughout your high.
eventually, white hot pleasure turned to overstimulation, and soap retreated with a breathless chuckle when you began to push at his hips.
you barely got a second to breathe, to process the powerful climax you just had, before price replaced johnny between your legs.
"you're not- you're not done?" you gaped in disbelief. you attempted to push him off, knowing any stimulation you would feel after your harsh release would just border on intolerable.
"just a sec, dear. now i have to have you, after seeing you cum like that." his darkened eyes were glazed over with lust as you looked up at him. his cock was red and angry, twitching as he positioned himself over your entrance.
he thrusted all the way inside you with a groan. your pussy ached at the intrusion, his cock reaching even deeper inside of you than soap. he immediately took to an unforgiving pace, prioritizing his pleasure over anything else. tears began to pool at your eyes at the stimulation, but you couldn't deny how good it felt to have a cock fucking you again.
price leaned over you to latch his mouth on one of your nipples, drawing out a long moan from you. high pitched whines left your mouth as his cock bullied its way into your cunt repeatedly.
all of sudden, you felt overwhelming ecstasy again as you unexpectedly released all over his length with a sob. his hips continued fucking into you for a moment, before he finished inside of you with a loud grunt.
the room was devoid of any words for a couple minutes, the only sounds being the harsh breaths coming from you and price. you finally rose from your supine position, sitting up tiredly on the edge of the table to peer at them.
"did good for us, princess." price nodded with a wide smile. "might have to do this again some other time. what d'you say?"
"next time, why don't we invite ghost and gaz over?" soap suggested, the names making your stomach drop in dread. "no way we can keep this cunt all to ourselves."
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pedrithink · 1 year
thirst tweets ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: kylian and you sit down to read the thirstiest tweets.
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"Hey, I'm Kylian Mbappé and I'm here with my beautiful girlfriend. We are here today with Buzzfeed to read together the thirst tweets made by you." Kylian makes a fake embarrassed expression and you just let out a laugh as you stare at him. "The first one, let's go."
"Y/N and Kylian reading thirst tweets when?" You read and let out a smile as you raise your thumb towards the camera. "Well…here we are…reading the naughtiness you guys write online."
Kylian playfully glare at you. "Imagine getting married waking up in the morning with a man in your bed that ain't Kylian Mbappé. Could never be me."
You bite your lower lip to try to contain a provocative smile and just stare at Kylian. "Well… I can confirm to KylianMyBf7 that it is extremely wonderful to wake up with this man by my side."
Her hands playfully run along his chest and Kylian can only let a loud laugh ring through the set, causing the producers to fall for her provocative banter as well.
"I want to eat Y/N (respectfully of course)." Kylian shakes his head negatively at the camera and you can only laugh at the situation. "My first one was already like that? Wow. Thanks, I guess."
Kylian's eyes slide over the open tweet on the cell phone, a devious smile on his lips as he glances at you, you return his gaze and lean your head on his shoulder for a few seconds.
"I'm sure the best way to eat chocolate is to have it off Kylian Mbappé's abs." Kylian lets out a "Hm…" as he frowns. "Inspiring…"
You look at him with an arched eyebrow and he moves his shoulders as if he doesn't understand people's taste either, you ignore the strangeness with a weak laugh and move on to the next tweet.
"What does Y/N feet look like? It's for a project. Can someone just send me a picture please? It's for a project." You read this laughing with every word, it's crazy how obsessed some people are with feet. You spend a few seconds switching your gaze from the phone to camera. "Hm…" You narrow your eyes. "I'm pretty sure I have a lot of pictures out there of my feet, but on Instagram, if you look it up, but yeah."
You say everything slowly and Kylian laughs along with you, but he puts his arm in front of you as a way to joke. "Hey, only I can get pictures of your foot." He stares at you and runs a hand up your thigh.
A deep groan leaves Kylian's lips after the tweet. "Kylian Mbappé meaty thighs can choke me anyday everyday." He stares at you with a tired look and you already prepare to speak what he is already tired of hearing.
"I tell him that every day." You shake your shoulders as if to say I told you so and he rolls his eyes. "I always ask him to choke me with his delicious thighs and he says no. What good boyfriend denies that to his beautiful girlfriend?"
You make an expression like it's absurd that he denies you this and you know that later the fans will make fun of you for this moment. "Anyway…" You scratch your throat. "I would let Y/N sit on my face."
"Damn, why is she getting the worst ones? I'm starting to get jealous." Kylian says with a pout. "Go ahead, say your answer."
"I just like comfortable chairs, sorry…" You run your hand over Kylian's face as you say this and he lets a victorious smile grow on his face. You laugh, watching as his face squirms in a tease for your answer.
"So…" He doesn't let the smile fade from his face. "With all due respect, I would drag my vulva lips across 130 degree concrete right now for Kylian Mbappé to spit in my mouth." You roll your eyes and Kylian frowns. "Baby, don't do that. You know what?" Kylian looks at you with a questioning look. "I would love to meet them in person and hear them say this in my face."
You agree, looking at the camera, but then you realize something Kylian said. "Hey, why did you call this person baby?" You look with a false expression of betrayal while pointing an accusing finger in his direction.
"Baby, I'm sorry." Kylian rolls his eyes playfully and holds up both your hands in an attempt to turn your gaze to him. "Can someone lend me a white shirt?" The staffs, and even you, are confused. "For the apology video."
Not only did you burst into a fit of laughter, but even the crew present inside the studio as well, finding Kylian's humor funny. He used the joke that all the famous people's apologies, they are wearing white shirt.
"Shut up." You can't let your laughter die and read the next tweet amidst interspersed laughter. "I need Y/N to crush my balls." A heavy breath leaves your lips and Kylian makes a grimace of pain. "I don't think that's nice for me to do," you pause and face the camera. "But also that's gonna hurt a lot."
"But I think that's the only thing I'd let you do, out of all the things that have been listed so far." Kylian snorts and nods briefly while facing the camera.
"You heard him." You point your finger in Kylian's direction. "If you're down, just hit me up. I'll crush your balls." Your suggestive look makes Kylian hold back a laugh.
"Wow, that's a big one." Kylian takes a playful deep breath and fakes an expression of fatigue. "Kylian Mbappé, I'm bowing down on my knees right now. Let me wash your feet king. Let me scrub and lick between your toes. Polish those feet until they shine like diamonds. Scrape the dry skin flakes off and use them as seasoning. Just a taste please."
You shake your head, making a sign of disapproval in your seat. "Hey, babygirl. Calm down. I'm the only one that can lick these toes."
Clearing his throat, Kylian's eyes widen as if he can't believe what you just said, eyes skimming over the next question.
"I would lose a limb and bleach my eyeballs to have sex with Y/N." Kylian reads the tweet about you and bites his lower lip a little hard to contain his jealousy. "You can do all that, little man. But sex with this woman here will never happen."
Kylian points at you with his thumb and the small smirk dancing on his lips gave you an idea that he is a little bit jealous.
"No comment on that one." You stare at the camera until Kylian shakes his shoulders and starts reading his.
"Kylian Mbappé Sir, I'm just a hole for you." Kylian sighs and shakes his head and when you whisper a low "Me too" while shaking your head he can only let out a low laugh.
You nudge his waist and pick up the phone so you can read the next one. "I would suck Y/N's butt plug like a pacifier." You stop for a moment and can't hide your expression. "I, no. I don't know what to say."
Kylian taps your shoulder as if to say "I understand you" and you shriek with a small laugh. "People are so crazy nowadays." He shakes his head negatively and starts reading another tweet. "Kylian Mbappé is the type to destroy your vagina in the most romantic way, bye."
"He really destroys mine, but it's not very romantic." You widen your eyes and Kylian just pushes your shoulder lightly while covering your mouth to keep you from talking anymore.
"She doesn't know when to stop talking."
You jokingly roll your eyes at him. "At least 3 times a week me and my boyfriend talk about wanting to have a threesome with Y/N." You open your mouth feigning astonishment. "Do I look like a third to you?"
Kylian turns to you and with a provocative smile wraps a hand on the foot of your chair, pulling you towards him. "You are the only one for me."
You leave a kiss on his mouth and turn to the camera waving, Kylian follows you and does the same. "That's it. Thanks for having us BuzzFeed."
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1whore1gang · 7 months
it's the little things🤍
part 1
part 2
Enjoy part 3 besties :)
I feel like something bad has happened in every chapter so far, i’m sorry lmao
the next chapter will be fluffier 🫡
WARNING: this chapter contains some tough topics such as SA, read at your own risk!!
Taglist: @ghostslittlegf @sketchyfandomgirl @batw3nch @thedevillovesflowers @gaymistakeboi @almightywdm @under-the-dirt @clear-your-mind-and-dream
(if i forgot anyone i apologize!!)
I feel like these are getting shorter and shorter 😬
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The hum of the coffee machine was the only noise in the kitchen as you waited for the coffee to brew. You and Price were able to squeeze in a couple more hours of sleep before you became restless and got up to make coffee.
You had your arms wrapped around yourself due to the cold air in the compound. Taking a deep breath, you watched as the coffee began to pour out into the container. The smell of it already woke you up more as you breathed it in.
Pulling out the mug underneath, now filled with the liquid, you began to blow on it before setting it down hearing footsteps approaching.
"Morning. Did you make any tea?" Price's groggy voice rang through the silence.
"No, I didn't I'm sorry." You wrapped your sweater closer around your body.
"S'all good." He mumbled, moving around you to get a kettle going. "You still got that training session today?"
"Yeah, new recruits. It was supposed to be me and Ghost, but I told them Ghost got the flu." Price chuckled at that.
"Want me to come help you since you're down a man?" You tilted your head in confusion at his statement.
"Who would watch the boys?"
"Laswell. We can trust her can't we?" You lolled your head to the other shoulder, thinking.
"I suppose so. how do we even tell her? She's gonna report us for illicit drug use." You laughed a little at the thought.
"I'll tell her it's my nephews or something, or we can tell her the truth?" Price laughed along with you.
"Can I ask you a question?" Price hummed as confirmation. "Why haven't we fought yet? Usually when we work together, we're at each other's throats."
Price nodded, obviously contemplating his answer. "I don't know." He said it so simply, as if he hadn't noticed the change in behavior from you both. "Maybe because there's children involved?"
"How many rescues have we done with children where we're still fighting?" Price nods in agreement.
"I'm not sure then." He looks up at the clock, noticing the time. "Let me go ring Laswell while you get ready."
Somehow, Laswell bought the nephew lie. She agreed to watch them for a small amount of time.
"Alright recruits. I'm your Lieutenant, and you can call me that. This is Captain Price, you report to him for any major or emergent situations, otherwise you find me or Sergeant Garrick, who you will meet at a later date. Today, we are going to go over some basic defense maneuvers."
Carefully, you taught the recruits, demonstrating each device with Price. From what you could see, the recruits were catching on quickly. "Finally, my favorite defense mechanism." you signaled Price to come at you, putting you in a headlock. Bending down and quickly pulling your body weight forward, you fling Price over your head.
You hear a couple of recruits gasp. "For the nature of this exercise, we will have each one of you come up to try to flip one of us instead of having you flip each other."
One by one, each recruit came up attempting to flip you and Price. A couple failed, which is normal in these types of training situations. You only had a couple of recruits left. "Private Taron?" you called the young man up. "Try to flip me." You heard Price call up another recruit as you wrapped your arm around the Private's neck. He easily had you flying over him, landing roughly on your back.
You felt the wind being knocked out of you. "Here, let me help you." Taron reached out a hand, helping you up off the floor. When you stood up, he didn't let go of your hand. "Can I ask you something since I'm the last one in your line?"
"Yeah, what's the problem?"
"No problem, I just wanted to see if you could flip me?" You froze at the question but took the challenge since Taron was about the size of Price.
"Why not, I could use the challenge." You prepped yourself, waiting for him to wrap his arm around you. "Ready when you are-"
Your words caught in your throat as you felt him grind himself into you, his erection pressing into your lower back. "See what you do to me ma'am? You won't write me up for sleeping with my superior will you?-"
Quickly, you flung him over your head, him landing with an audible thud. "You have a meeting with General Shephard at 0800. Don't be late."
You left the room quickly, not even bothering to look at Price. You beelined to your room to change and shower as quick as you ever had before going to relieve Kate from the boys.
"Thanks again Laswell."
"Anytime, his nephews are angels." She left without another word as you looked down at the three littles in their playpen.
Soap and Gaz were playing with some little planes you and Price had bought while Ghost was asleep. Soap looked up at you and his little face lit up, making grabby hands at you. You smiled as you picked him up. He immediately snuggled into your neck, letting out the cutest little sigh. Gaz followed suit, giving you grabby hands as you picked him up too. "Come on boys."
Moving over to the pullout couch, you propped the two boys to where each one was laying on a shoulder as you sat back. Both of them seemed calm, almost sleepy at contact. You stroked their little heads, shushing them into a nap since Laswell said she couldn't get them to settle.
You tried to focus on the current moment and not the disturbing event that had happened not even 10 minutes prior.
Your skin itched, feeling exposed, dirty. You felt violated. You felt tears sting your eyes, trying your hardest to focus on the little sounds coming from Soap and Gaz. Deep breaths left your mouth, trying to calm yourself.
Little snores filled your ears as your face became red with tear stains. You moved to set the boys back down, feeling bad for not holding them for very long. You sat with your head in your hands, trying to subside the tears you felt. It was such an icky feeling, your body crawling with an uncomfortable feeling.
You didn't want Price to see you like this, you knew he'd ask about what happened and you two would get into a heated debate about how you could've handled it better than storming out.
You could hear his voice now, telling you how you should've reported him right away, spoke up. His voice telling you that your response was immature.
Sighing, you took out your phone to send an emailed report to Shephard so he knew what was happening when the recruit walked in.
Footsteps filled your ears as you hit send, the door opening slowly as a freshly showered Price entered the room. "What the hell was that?"
"I'm not doing this right now. Yell at me all you want another time."
"No, explain to me why you walked out on those recruits." His voice was beginning to border the line of anger.
"Price, please."
"No, Y/N, what was that?! It doesn't matter who you are, you don't walk out on recruits during a vital training sessions." his stood against the closed door, his arms crossed. His head tilted as he spoke.
"Can we please not do this?" You finally made eye contact with him for the first time since he had stepped in. This made him see your tear ridden eyes.
"Tell me. Now." His voice was almost a growl as it came out.
"WHO?!" He boomed as his hands slammed down on the table in the kitchenette of his room. It made you flinch, which made his gaze soften. "Y/N."
"Price." He moved over a few steps closer to you.
"Tell me. Please." You saw his eyes change from being the angry narrowed look to a more gentle, beckoning one. "I am still your superior, so you report any issues to me, regardless of what it is."
"Don't fucking pull that card." You shook your head in annoyance.
"I can pull whatever card I goddamn want, I am your Captain and you will tell me what happened." You was back to the pointed look he always gave you.
You huffed out a breath. "You don't give up do you? Don't know when to stop talking?"
"One of the recruits rubbed their hardened cock on me and told me that they wanted to sleep with me. Happy?"
"Y/N, if you had just-"
"Don't start. I know you're gonna tell me my response was immature and that I'm overreacting or I misheard him. You're going to tell me the statistics of women getting harassed in the military and how one little grope isn't gonna hurt me right?" You watched Price's face turn to one of horror.
"Why the hell would I say that? Do you really think so lowly of me?" Price was hurt now.
"Because that's what you did last time something like this happened. November 4th, 2020. We were on a mission in Dubai and one of the new soldiers on the mission groped me and fondled me. You told me I was overreacting and told me to brush it off."
Price was froze, his mind turning for answers to why he did that. He wasn't speaking nor moving. Instead, he just walked out.
He walked out on your important conversation like that. Left you alone in your state of pain and the familiar feeling of betrayal came back to your chest.
That feeling was a package deal when it came to your Captain. You always felt betrayed and hurt by him due to your common interactions. He was tough on you, and you two never were on the same page.
Except lately, you thought you were. You were so wrong.
You took your things and the boys back to your room that night, wanting to be away from your Captain. You knew the kindness was too good to be true, deep down though you wanted it to linger just a little bit longer.
His offers to cook or watch the boys, the way he would look at you and tell you to rest. You wanted the kindness in his eyes and his smile to stick around longer.
You wanted John, not Price.
And you'd never have that. Not with your Captain's history with you. The constant fighting, the butting of heads, the disagreeing will never go away, and as you realized that, you cried.
You had seen a glimpse of the man behind the title, and you welcomed the warmness he had brought to your eyes. The way his personality shown through instead of his usual coldness. You had felt a tinge of a friendship blooming, but that has quickly been ripped from your grasp.
While you were crying, you looked over to see Ghost standing up in the playpen, staring at you with a blank expression and wide eyes. He whined when you looked at him. "Oh, Simon..."
Moving, you picked him up and rocked him in your arms as he began to sniffle. "I'm okay, just the usual squabble with our Captain." You shushed him, trying to convince this small child that you were okay.
His little hand reached up to touch your mouth, letting out a little sound. he blinked at you a few times, still sniffling as his bottom lip quivered and he eyebrows were down.
You smiled a little at the seemingly meaningless gesture. "How do you know how to make me smile even as a baby?" You laughed a little as he sad expression faded, his little hand dropping back down. he let out a couple of little baby babbles, and you smiled again. "My Simon always comforting me, even if it's incoherent baby noises." He yawned, leading you to move him back into the playpen, giving him a thank you, even though you knew he couldn't understand you. He yawned again as he rolled over, closing his little eyes.
You sat back down in your bed as your mind raced a million miles a minute.
How could your Captain be so double sided, and what triggered him to change from cold to warm, but so quickly snap right back?
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xdirtyxlittlexgirl · 1 year
Your Wish, My Command
Pairing: Henry Cavill X Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Henry brings your long time fantasy to life
Warning: Dirty talk, Threesome, Edging, Orgasm denial, Bondage, Dom Male, Sub Female, Daddy kink, BDSM, Spit kink, Spanking, Praise kink, Anal play, Creampie, Rimming, Oral, Blow jobs, Male receiving, Female receiving, Gay plot, Voyeurism, Photography, Rough sex, Punishment, Name Calling, PIV sex, Sly breading kink
Minors DNI | NSFW
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You were sitting on the bed, naked, as you eagerly waited for Henry to come in. He had a long day of interviews and conferences and you did everything in your power to frustrate and annoy him. You unleashed the monster with all the teasing, and you loved every second of it. You were so ready to face the consequences of your lewd actions. You could feel him come towards the room with heavy steps. Your heart was racing, a delicious mix of fear and excitement ran through your body. Fuck, you were gonna be in trouble. Henry on the other hand couldn't think straight. It was as if an incubus had captured his mind and body. He was rock hard and just wanted to devour you.
"Hello Princess" He greeted, walking in the room with his shirt already off. He wasted no time and secured your hands with the handcuffs already hanging from the bed. Did he plan this? Did he plan it all? You sure were surprised and safe to say very excited. This was gonna be amazing. You could see him carefully working the handcuffs around your wrist and putting them in place. He looked at you to confirm if you were okay and all you could do was nod. You wanted this, as much as him.
He smirked and looked at you as he spread your legs. "Open up sweetheart." he said as he started to rub circles on your clit. You moaned in pleasure as you feel him doing just the right kind of massage on your core. Before you could enjoy it to the fullest he pulled away and you groaned which made him spank your pussy. "Patience princess. I need you to be patient." he looked at you with a smirk.
"Now, you never told me about the recent fantasies you've been having my love?" he said, and you could feel your heart stop. Where did he find out? You just binged some erotics which were solely based around threesome, bdsm, kinky sex, and so much more. You wanted to try it all but you were too embarrassed to tell him. He must have seen it all when he borrowed your Kindle last night to download the script to his next project. Fuck. "You need to tell me when you want something." he says and you can sense the disappointment in his voice.
"Hen.. I..." he cut you off with a soft kiss. You were surprised and almost relieved that he's not mad or upset. You felt him cupping up your right breast as he starts to play with the nipple. "Your wish is my command my love... I have a surprise for you." he says and you feel the front door unlock. Fuck.... This is really happening. Did he just invite someone over for a threesome? Fuck. He smirks and can see the questions in your eyes. "It's Chris." he says and you bite your lip. You have had a thing for Chris before you met Henry, and you couldn't imagine anyone else being there than him. The trust and understanding you both had with him made you and Henry immediately comfortable. You smirk a little. "Are you okay with this Daddy?" you ask him and he just nods while sucking down on your left nipple. He pulls away and looks at you "You and I are more alike than you think." he says kissing up your tits to your neck.
You smirk seeing Chris in the door frame. Already down to his sweatpants, he makes his way towards the two of you. "I am here" he announces as you feel Henry pull away and look at him with a smirk. He walks over to him to hug him as Chris then makes his way over to you.
"You guys already started without me huh?" he says inspecting your handcuffs and then pinches your hard tits. "Hmm.. perfect" all you could do was hum in pleasure with the almost humiliating but so sexi inspection. Chris wasted no time and started to suck on your left tit while you felt Henry suck on your right. "Mm fuck guys, you both are doing so good." you groan almost pulling at the handcuffs wanting nothing more than to run your hand through their hair.
Henry pulls away and taps on Chris's shoulder as you look at them almost annoyed. "Daddies please untie me. I promise I will be good." you say begging them both and you can see them exchange a look. "We will untie you princess but first we need you to turn around and put on a show for us." Henry chuckles as you groan and he turns your body still tied up, and you pull yourself on your knees a little, being in a doggy style position, except your hands were tied up to the bed. You can feel Chris chuckling as you start to bounce your arse. You can feel one of them spank your arse. This is definitely not Henry. You were loving this. You were loving how they were both treating you like their personal whore.
Henry smirks and kneads your cheeks and spreads it, you can feel his spit dripping down your hole. God this was gonna be a hot messy night. You can feel a much colder hand rub your hole. Chris was definitely an arse man and you could feel his skillful fingers appreciating your opening. Before you knew it there was a warm tongue drawing circles on your hole. "Mmm fuck... Just like that daddy." you moan as you feel the other guy rub your clit. You liked the idea of not knowing who was where. It turned you on more than you thought it would. You moan in pleasure and growl when you felt them take turns eating your arse. You feel a tongue enter your hole and explore your insides. It was driving you insane.
They both pulled away right before you were about to have an orgasm and you groan and pull relentlessly at the chains. The boys almost look at you amusingly. You can feel Henry soothe your arse, right before he spanks it. "Mm.. remember what I told you princess? Patience. Be patient." he says and Chris follows "You think we should untie her? I would like to tease her a little more." he said and all you wanted to do was break free. "Please daddies, I will be good. Don't do that. Please." you beg as Henry complies and unties you. You immediately wrap your arms around him and starts to kiss him hard. You feel Chris wrap his arms around you from behind as he kisses your neck and shoulders. Henry pulls away a little and turns you around on him so you can kiss Chris. You groan and start to kiss Chris as well. He's so hot. He bites down on your lower lip and pinches your nipples, while Henry slides his hands down and starts to pump a finger in your clit.
You were beaming with pleasure, Chris giving you numerous hickeys while Henry pumped his fingers in you. "Mm Chris, I think it's time to treat our baby." Henry says, and Chris immediately pulls away from you. They both chuckle at the disappointment in your face but you try not to push them too much. Chris moans a little when you start to stroke his dick through his sweatpants. He was huge and before you know it you feel Henry take down Chris's sweatpants, finally revealing his huge cock. This was it. Henry engaging with Chris sexually made your core quiver. You wanted this. This was the high you never thought you could reach and you wanted to explore it more. Chris evidently had a sly blush as Henry climbed up on the bed, now fully naked himself too.
"Mm....daddies....can I ask you for something?" you look at them sheepishly while stroking their cocks. Each man was on either side of you and you could see them already exchanging looks. Henry gave one last look to Chris and he nodded. "Sure princess, your wish is my command. Remember?" he looks at you and bites his lip when you flick your thumb over his cock opening, collecting the moisture. "I want you both.... I want you both to kiss if you're okay with it. I mean you don't have to..." you were cut off halfway through your sentence when Henry pulled Chris by his neck nd smashed his lips on him. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Only if you could explain the sight in front of you. You were in heaven. Two Greek gods at your disposal. This was definitely turning you on on a different level. You kept pumping their cocks and their tongue battled for dominance.
Henry pulled away and then leaned down to kiss your lips. You could taste Chris on him. "You like that honey, don't you?" Henry whispers in your ear before slyly biting it. "Mmm she enjoys her two daddies kissing for her. She likes watching who would strive for dominance. You want more don't you princess?" Chris follows him while rubbing your wetness. "You're soaked!" he adds, with an evident chuckle. All you could do was nod. You groan when you felt Henry climb up you a little and enter you. You would never get used to the feeling of his huge cock in you. It always made you feel like a virgin and he loved it. Chris played with your tits and shuts you up by putting his cock in your mouth. You suck him eagerly while getting fucked by Henry.
"Mm...Princess you're so tight. Always so good for me. Taking both your daddies like the dirty little slut you are..." Henry says as he starts to pick up a pace. His moans fill the room. You feel Chris twitching in your mouth but he pulls away and says "I'll come in you my love. I want you to be filled with both our seeds tonight. Leaking with cum, like a dirty whore". You were in a complete state of euphoria and felt Chris leave the bed. He climbs up behind Henry and you can feel Henry moaning louder.
Chris leaned down and gently started to lick circles on Henry's hole. Henry was so turned on by that. You can see him moaning so loud as he leans down and starts to suck on your left nipple while he pinches the other. Chris on the other hand starts to work his skillfull tonge and rim Henry's hole. You and Henry both are a moaning mess and you feel Henry come hard in you. You were very close to your orgasm and before you could get knocked out by it, Henry pulled away and you growled. "Daddy!" you shout in frustration as both the men chuckle. Henry lays next to yous till panting and trying to catch his breath while Chris easily flips you around. "On your hands and knees baby. You can only come when we want you to. Be good and we will reward you." you groan in frustration once again but without any arguments, you're now on your hands and knees once again. They both can tease you forever so you feel it's best to comply than to complain.
You groan as Chris spanks your arse a few times before spreading your arse and giving it a good lick. He then pulls away and stuffs his cock in your pussy. He was as big and thick as Henry and you felt your legs shaking at this point. "Mm fuck" That's all you could say before you feel him pounding in you. "You're such a slut baby look at you. Taking two huge cocks without complaining. Such a sweet little whore." Chris mutters and spanks your arse with every word. You completely lose your mind when you feel Henry clicking your pictures. The idea of being fucked by Chris and Henry snapping the two of you in a lewd act made your knees shake. "Fuck" you moaned and looked at Henry approvingly. He sits up and starts to kiss you hard as you can feel your orgasm getting closer. "I'm gonna come daddies. Please let me come. Please." you start to beg for your orgasm and the two men smirk seeing your desperation. "Mm....let's treat our princess now Chris. Shall we?" Henry says and Chris nods as he picks up a relentless pace while Henry starts fo rub your clit furiously. You could feel every inch of your body exploding with pleasure. Before you know it, you came hard your legs shaking as you passed out into another universe while Chris follows and fills you up. Fuck.
It took you a while to ride out your orgasm. Every fiber of your body was on fire. You couldn't believe what you had experienced. You slowly come back to life as you feel both men kissing your jaw and neck. Both men laid on either side of you as they tucked you in bed between them. "Mm...daddies it was truly amazing." you say as Chris leans in to kiss your lips. This time gently and slowly "You were amazing babygirl." he says before leaning in and kissing Henry too "And you too!" he said and winked as you all chuckled. "I love you princess. I hope it was how you fantasized it to be." Henry said, kissing your nipple and cuddling in your side. He loved doing that. "It was so much better, I love you more" You say running your fingers through his curls and kissing his forehead lightly. "Mm then get used to it." He said and you could feel your heart flutter. This was gonna be the death of you. Henry Cavill, Chris Evans, and you. Your wildest dreams were coming true, and you didn't intend to wake up. You wanted more. They wanted more, and you were all gonna get it.
A/N: Do you want it to be a series? Tell me in the comments what you think.
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cybrpwup · 1 year
ᴀʟʟ ʜᴇ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ || ʏᴜᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Jealous!Yumi x f!reader !
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Warnings: smut, mentions of alcohol, idk how I feel ab this one it might b bad summary: Yumi wants to talk to Y/n, but Nick got to her first requested?: yes ! ↳ Hii, I was wondering if you could do a Yumi x y/n smut? ↳ PLEASE I NEED JEALOUS YUMI SMUT PLEASE
It could have been luck; many people believe in luck and fate and coincidence because life is difficult to explain. And it was even more difficult to explain just how Yumi came to be at that same gathering on that same night as Y/N.
He thought it could have – must have – been luck.
Yumi never saw Y/N outside of video plans. He first met her in one of Isaac’s discord videos. Then he finally saw her for the first time when Will invited her over for a vlog. And again when she came over to the house for a video. Closest he ever got was sitting in the same table at a restaurant. And in all that time, he still was not 100% sure who she was or who she was with.
Who was she?
A star in an obscure corner of youtube? A secret girlfriend kept hidden from fans?
He did not know.
But he did know that every time he’d noticed Nick grin and his change in body language when they were talking, he felt a twinge. It wasn’t anger or hatred. This was something else entirely. His heart would pound in his ears and he could feel a lump forming in his throat. He didn’t want to feel like this, not when everyone else was so happy. Yet there he was, turning green with jealousy. Worse yet, he couldn’t understand why.
He’d only talked to Isaac about his crush, to which he reassured him, Y/n and Nick weren’t going out and he should just go for it. But he found it hard to believe.
He was taken out of his thoughts
"What, Nick?"
Nick had already popped into his room multiple times before.
A soft voice muttered, "Not Nick. Can I come in?"
"Oh. Um..." Yumi grimaced at the state of his dim bedroom. "...Yeah."
The door opened with caution, creaking on its hinges. Behind it was Y/N. As she came in the room she made a motion with her hand to the light switch and – after waiting for an approving nod – flipped it.
Awash in off-white lighting (the least flattering of all light) Y/N was still beautiful. Not that all aspects of her matched cosmetic conventions, but that it could not possibly matter to Yumi. Because he was not enthralled with the shape of her nose or cheekbones. He was enthralled with her.
Or no. Yumi was not enthralled. That would be wrong.
Y/N could be Nick’s girlfriend. And Nick is his friend.
He respects him. He respects that. Right?
"Hi. Nick told me you were up here. I hope that's ok." Y/N smiled. She looked around for a second before crossing to his bed, and taking a seat on the edge of it.
"Sure, no worries.” Yumi put his feet flat on the floor but remained seated.
“Listen. I know I could've texted, but I wanted to tell you in-person."
"Tell me what?" He hit a button to turn off his monitor. Lacing his fingers, he held his hands together in his lap. Yumi moved his desk chair to be facing Y/N. Level with one another. He searched her face.
Perhaps disliking the weight of his eyes, she stood and began to pace the length of his bedroom. Stopping far from him – on the other side of the bed – near his door. Y/N rubbed her neck before speaking in a rushed voice, "Isaac told me something."
He nodded. "Ok." Yumi’s ears perked up, and he sat straighter in his chair. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Someone was calling him. It was not the time to answer.
"He had a couple drinks,” she started, “he said something about how you could steal me from Nick – if you wanted."
Shit. Colour drained from his pale cheeks. His adam's apple quivered as he wondered how come things all of a sudden looked like he was viewing them through a fisheye lens. Shit. Fuck.
His suspicion was confirmed. They were seeing each other
His phone buzzed again; he ignored it again.
It was clear Yumi was not prepared to speak, so Y/N followed up with, "He also said you did."
She shortened the distance between them, positioning herself to be standing, so his knees (him being seated still) were centimetres from touching her thighs. Yumi made no comment until she took another half step pushing Yumi to part his legs, so she stood between them.
"Um—I did? Did what?" He asked in a shaking voice.
"Did want to..." Y/N bent forward, putting a hand on the top of his chair for support. Diving into him, she appeared as if she were going to attack his neck, but a graceful swerve at the last possible moment sent her placing a light kiss behind his ear "...steal me from Nick."
Doing his best not to move, Yumi held his head straight. He stared with extreme intensity at some wall shelving and wondered if his eyes could be shaking. "Isaac talks—um—uh a lot. I don't know wh—where he came up with that."
In his pocket, his phone buzzed and buzzed.
"So, it's not true?" She held her face just above his, so her sweet breath hit his lips. Y/N took advantage of him being distracted and set her knees on the outside of his legs on the chair in a clean, single-motion.
Out of instinct and having been in similar situations before, Yumi grabbed the outside of her thighs to help hold her up. Realizing what he did, he retracted and held his hands up like he was in the middle of a shootout.
All the while, his phone continued buzzing, and he continued ignoring it.
Unable to keep focused on the conversation, Yumi allowed himself to dreamily gaze upon Y/N. Lost in himself: in her: in their closeness. He was spellbound. Each move dripped with intent. Y/N pulled her hand off the top of the chair and brought it to rest on his shoulder, with her thumb swiping slow across his collarbone. She ducked her head.
His phone buzzed.
Yumi’s eyelids slid down in defeat, and their lips met in the soft exchange.
And it might have continued – might have escalated – but he withdrew and whispered practically into her mouth, "Stop."
Y/N pulled back enough that their noses could still touch and gave him a look like a kicked puppy.
"I can't be doing this with you." Unrelenting. Yumi took hold of her shoulders and guided her off him. "You're with Nick. It's wrong."
Y/N attempted to cover her face under the guise of fussing with her hair. Eyes welled with embarrassment.
His phone buzzed, and that was it. Exhausted. Irritated. Yumi pulled out his phone and looked at it. The moment he did, his vision went out. Out – like he had finally hit the ground after a long fall.
Yumi woke up alone in his bedroom, curled in his desk chair with his editing software sat idling on the monitor. A quarter through raw footage, he had fallen asleep. Y/N had not been there. Y/n was not in a relationship with Nick.
Regaining his composure at what he considered as being too much to process at once, he sighed.
Commemorating Nick for hitting 1 million subscribers, they hosted a small get together at the house including a couple friends and her
Yumi watched Y/N dancing and laughing through the open space of the living room, swimming amongst the small group of people, and being accepted into smaller groups – smiled at – chatted with – recognized. Everyone had eyes on her at some time or another though his eyes never left.
She bounced with the beat and danced moves that were not the most graceful but were also not exclusive to the robot. Y/N held onto a playful closed-mouth smile. Her tousled hair shined with product or maybe a little grease. Blue of the lights bounced off her eyes and cheeks and lips; Yumi’s gaze lingered on her lips.
Y/N was a dream – better than a dream because she did not fade – it was then unfortunate that he thought himself a nightmare; that while her presence brought delight and laughter, he brought depression and uncomfortable smiles.
It was unreasonable of him to flush hot with spite at watching a Nick approach Y/N. But he did. Nick tapped her shoulder and – when Y/N turned around – hauled her into a serious embrace. He held her flush against his chest. Ten seconds passed, a lot of time to be stood motionless. As she pulled back, Nick dragged her hand down Y/N’s arm, stopping to hold Y/N around the wrist after the two separated.
It was obvious, perhaps not to everyone, but certainly, to Yumi. Nick was not peering upon Y/N’s face with eyes of friendship but of desire, an amorous gaze which screamed that he was interested.
And Y/N did not look to be refusing.
Yumi’s throat tightened, and his mouth tasted of dirt. All the swallowed words he wished he had said, sat in his stomach like a stone. Earlier that evening, he had fussed over his hair; put thought into his clothes; worked and reworked conversation starters; made himself ill with nerves; all in preparation to impress a woman with a boyfriend. It was almost laughable.
There was a pinprick behind his eyes, and he looked down to blink hard. His shoulders fell, the corners of his mouth fell, his heart fell, and met the stone in his stomach. He left to refill his drink; he had to weave an odd path through the people to avoid sloshing drinks, drunk stumbles, and the occasional near elbow to the nose.
Yumi did not know what to do with himself; he wanted to leave – all he wanted to do was leave – but it was not an option. Leaving would mean questions and concerned looks, and though he was grateful for his friends at times, he knew he would go mad if even one of them asked him a single—
“You alright?” asked a familiar voice as a familiar hand landed on his shoulder. It was Nick. Yumi was so lost in thought he hadn’t noticed him - his forehead was wet with sweat.
Yumi shrugged. He was content with stopping the conversation there, but Nick’s hand on his shoulder squeezed him hard. Yumi looked up into blue eyes too insistent to let him go. He sighed, “I was looking to talk to Y/N, but looks like you got to her first..” he almost mumbled
Nick cast his eyes out in the vague direction Yumi had pointed. There was Y/N off in a somewhat secluded blue-lit corner now accompanied by Larry. Y/N was laughing; she brought her hand to her mouth as she calmed then dropped it as a new laugh bubbled up. Larry smiled and said something. Y/N nodded, and Larry left.
“Me and Y/n?” shouted Nick, almost laughing, “Y/N’s single, far as I can tell. Go talk to her, idiot”
Yumi curled his fingers a bit tighter around his cup despite the relief that washed over him. He brought it to his mouth and muttered something like, “I’m not—I don’t—after I’ve finished this drink.”
“You’ve finished.” Nick smacked the bottom of Yumi’s cup.
“Fuck!” Yumi jumped back as the drink flooded his mouth and splashed into his face; some even ran down his neck and onto the collar of his shirt. His eyes narrowed, and his lip curled into a snarl, “dude!”
Nick giggled. “Look how red you are!”
“Asshole.” Yumi turned and left with the final word, still clutching his then empty cup in his shaking hand, he again spotted Y/N.
She was stood alone on the outskirts of the makeshift dance floor. Though her feet were still, she swayed her hips a bit to the rhythm of the music. She held onto her signature closed-mouth smile as her eyes drifted around the room.
Anxious anticipation dissolved the jealous stone in Yumi’s stomach into something which bubbled and sloshed about. It felt a lot hotter than before, like there were ten times the people in the space. He walked towards Y/N; he thought he did not want to get ahead of himself and overthink too much as it might end up that there was nothing between them. But in that second, when her eyes first met his, he knew he would rather die than not give it his all.
“Hey.” Was all that fell out of his lips.
“Blake! I didn’t think you’d noticed me.” Y/N said, giggling. “I’m joking. I saw you looking at me earlier; what took you so long?”
“Just now got up the courage.”
She looked back at him with a soft smile and his heart skipped a beat. He had just spent the last hour building up the courage to ask her on a date.
It wasn’t long before Yumi got comfortable talking to her and was his usual self, talking about anything and everything he could think of - and when he’s drinking it’s not easy to shut him up.
Y/N smiled wide and caught Yumi’s hand in both of hers, “Want to dance?”
“I do, but it wouldn’t be attractive.”
“Come on, you got to!” She leaned closer to him. “Or I might think you’re no fun!”
“And what if I’m not?”
Y/N laughed. “Fuck off!”
And with that, she dragged him to the dance floor where they more so flung body parts around instead of dancing.
Yumi cleared his throat, “Hey, Y/n?"
"Yes, Blake?"
All of a sudden his heart spiked at the mention of his name, his voice hitched in his throat and he could only gaze into the girls eyes.
He leaned forwards, hovering over her and the urge to kiss her was overwhelmingly strong.
It seemed the whole room went quiet and it was just the two of them, until they were almost touching noses. His eye's widened and he looked down at her lips, giving her another moment to back away if she so wanted to, but she stayed. Any onlookers could've mistaken them for a statue - it seemed neither of them were breathing.
Y/n’s breath against his lips made his stomach do flips. Y/n decided he was without movement for too long, craving his lips against hers.
It was Y/n who leaned in and closed the space between them. Only pecking his lips first, just that much contact made him feel as if he could melt.
Her hands ran through the hair on the back of his neck, using that to her advantage and pushing his head into her, kissing him more passionately. And after what felt like forever, but all too short, she pulled away for air, gazing into each other eyes.
The hand on his neck pulled him close and Y/n kissed him again, this time softly and much to his dismay, shorter
This was all he’d been hoping for since he’d seen her and he hoped it wasn’t the end.
Their eyes met, Y/n’s eyes hinted how desperate she was to get her lips back onto his, “Your room..” She panted, tilting her head up the stairs
His eyes widened - he wasn’t expecting to go from first kiss to sleeping together.
He didn’t hesitate to drag her up the stairs behind him, lips reattaching as soon as possible.
Fingertips pressed into her skin letting his blunt nails make crescent marks, his lips attached at her neck, rushed and desperate.
When he got her laid down, it felt as if his bed was on fire, the heat engulfing their own in sleepless kisses, in hands that were uncertain and fixated on her.
She can’t help but run her fingers through his unruly curls, never getting enough of its softness.
She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him close, kissing him.
He fell on top of her, groaning slightly as she bit his lip. He removed his lips from hers and held her waist moving them upwards onto the bed.
Her head hit the soft pillows, Yumi straddling her thighs as he pulled his sweatshirt over his head, revealing his bare skin.
She sat up next, pulling her shirt over her head and throwing it somewhere in the room. Yumi pushed her back into the mattress gently. He kissed down her chest, kissing all the exposed skin available to him. He moved a hand to her back, looking into her eyes as if asking for consent. She nodded, as he slipped open her bra and tossed it. His eyes wandered all over her exposed chest, his eyes turned almost black with lust as the pupils expanded to a much bigger size.
He sucked on one of her breasts, his hand gently massaging the other. She whimpered under him, tugging on his hair roughly as his hands slowly moved to her waistband, feeling a shiver from the the girl. His hand made it's way down to her core and inserted a finger with utter care. She shut her eyes, feeling pleasure take over her body. He moved to kiss her while pushing another finger and speeding his fingers inside, stretching her out perfectly. She whimpered, feeling a knot in her lower abdomen. She clenched around him, but to her surprise, Yumi immediately removed his fingers.
She whined from the loss of pleasure, earning a light laugh. Yumi leaned over to the bedside table and pulled out a condom, rolling it down his length and lined himself up with her core.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked
"Yes. yes, Blake, please move-", she blurted out.
He moved slow at first letting her adjust to his size. She moaned loudly, his tip already hitting her spot. He thirsted his hips, speeding up slightly and holding her in place by her hips. Her back arched and toes curled as he hit the right spots at the right pace. His cock went deeper, making her see stars. His breathing got erratic as invisible aphrodisiac filled the room. Bed creaking and hitting the wall. No space left between the both of them. Not having a care of the world, both of them felt themselves at the edge of pleasure, his movements never faltering as he released into the condom, continuing to chase her release. Her vision went white with euphoric pleasure, as she clenched tightly around him making him groan.
She opened her eyes to meet Yumi’s loving, adoration filled gaze. She smiled as he bent forward to give her a sweet and delicate kiss.
It would be difficult to explain just how Yumi came to be at the right place at the right time and with the right amount of courage to kindle that spark with Y/N.
He thought it could have – must have – been miraculously good luck.
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birindale · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to double check something I am pretty sure I read on this blog. Is the origin of C'yra of D'riluth iii from the original cannon or was it a later addition? Also what does "of D'riluth iii" actually mean? I remember there being some vagueness to what it means
Okay there's a long version and a short version of this story.
Short version: It was a later addition. In 2008 Mattel launched a toy line called Masters of the Universe Classics, which could only be ordered through their website and was aimed at the collector market. One of the things they did was include "character bios" in a sort of homage to the G.I. Joe toys of the 80s, which featured 'personnel files' that gave specializations and a brief character history, including their real names (e.g. Duke was actually named Conrad S. Hauser).
Catra's figure was released in 2011 for about $65 USD. Her bio (which I've lifted from a Poe Ghostal review) is as follows:
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We (I, and my friends whom I've pestered for opinions) are pretty sure D'Riluth III is the name of her planet, even though another planet in the same solar system (from the New Adventures of He-Man in the 90s) has the Arabic numeral 7, so including Roman numerals is a strange choice.
Long version: There was a fellow working for Mattel at the time named Scott "Toyguru" Neitlich, and he was (and remains to this day) exceptionally bad at things like 'writing' and 'creativity'. He was never very interested in She-Ra, though he loves to tell the story of stealing his sister's doll one year, so to him Catra is simply an agent of the Horde... which, in order to adhere to the 2002-2003 tv show, was now 5,000 years old. This bio directly contradicts the Filmation canon of Catra's mask having belonged to the Magicat queen, for instance, and introduces a number of confusing details.
One of the least popular was Adora being Hordak's "step-daughter" instead of his "adopted daughter", which was already kind of a gray area since he didn't exactly raise her. Scott digging in his heels on the matter was actually how I learned he'd written the thing in the first place:
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Now you may be wondering, jeez, it's pretty confusing and the writing isn't great but aren't you being kind of harsh? Surely the push-back from the He-Fans was bad enough. Well give me a minute, dang. This is the long version!
I reached out to him about a year and half ago to ask 1. How it's pronounced, 2. If he could confirm that D'Riluth III is the planet, and 3. If he remembered how he came up with it. He told me the following:
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Some backstory here--Scott runs a bit of a one-man content farm, in an effort to avoid paying hosting fees for advertisements or actually engaging in SEO. He is a marketing consultant.
He used to upload a 5-10 minute video every day, but shortly after I contacted him that dropped to only five a week, and his weekly "Director's Commentary" videos about MOTUC figures that he worked on (largely just explaining who the character even is in an unedited stream of consciousness, as his videos became slideshows of google images) moved to bi-weekly.
I was like, okay, he left Mattel in 2014 right? So surely once he's through that year he'll get to this new series.
Nope! He's doing 2015 too! So I reached out again in January, just to like. See if he was still intending to cover the 'real names', which imo should have been part of his commentary to begin with, but...
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He had forgotten <3 I explained no, I was asking about these specific questions that I had outlined in my first email (I had replied to his last message in the chain for simplicity's sake), and he just said he'd be doing it soon. So I was like oh, cool, do you know if you'll be doing one a week still? since that would put a Catra video about 4 years out as he does them in release order, and he then promised he'd get to it soon and didn't answer the question.
Annoying, certainly, but whatever. Unless one of us dies horribly I can wait it out, right?
Scott, being an idiot, has not credited a single one of the images he lifted from google over his four years of mostly-daily slideshows. And recently, somebody fucking noticed!
So this guy--Ethan Wilson, a very talented toy photographer and reviewer--was informed that Scott (in his capacity as Spector Creative, the name of his YouTube channel/consulting business) had been using his pictures in videos. Actually, let me use Ethan's own words here:
I decided to dig a little deeper into Spector’s channel, and found 81 instances of my photos being used in 68 of the channels videos.  None of these featured credit to me for use of the photos, and 48 of the 81 instances removed or obstructed my watermarks.
-About This Spector Creative Thing
I very strongly encourage you to read through this linked post, as it gets worse! Somehow!!
Scott, not noticing these as they came in over the course of 10 days, logged in to discover his channel had been taken down. He emailed Ethan in something of a panic to ask that Ethan reverse the claims as a 'professional favor', as Scott got all his clients through his channel's "advertising".
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Now you're never gonna believe this... but when he and Ethan came to an understanding, suddenly Scott didn't give a shit.
He released a libelous video claiming Ethan had no rights to the images (he does) and that Scott could use them all he wanted because of Fair Use (he can't) and emailed Ethan the following.
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First of all: this is bullshit. Copyright is automatic in the US, trademark wouldn't apply regardless, and as Scott should fucking know by now Ethan doesn't have a 'channel', he has a blog.
Second, he shot himself in the foot with the Fair Use defense by outright stating that his channel is his exclusive advertisement for his business and that he depends on his content to make a living. He said in his first video that it was "educational" 🙄
So Ethan realized Scott was a Fucking Liar and decided he should just copyright claim the rest of Scott's shit, in order to protect his images and rights thereto. YouTube can't take the channel down again unless Ethan is willing to pursue legal action--which he isn't, because he has a full time job and two kids and even though he'd probably win, it's a lot of time and energy.
I and a few others were trying to convince him that it would be worth it anyway, and looking into identifying and contacting the other artists Scott's stolen from over the years, when... Scott released a book. His first-ever graphic novel [looks into the camera like i'm on the office]
drawn entirely by AI.
So we have a frankenstein's monster of copyright infringement masquerading as illustrations (with all the uncanny valley that implies), Scott's technically and practically terrible writing, and the plot is Greek mythology. There are four and a half typos just in the free sample, and that's not including the words in images like his map or logo. He claims the title is a registered trademark but it certainly isn't registered in his state, or federally, and it's already in use by several other brands, so I wouldn't believe him even if he hadn't demonstrated a lack of understanding of copyright & trademark as recently as last week.
So I'm kinda fucking done waiting for answers! I can't trust a thing out of this guy's mouth! And he's pretty stupid, so do I even care what he thinks? I have decided that no. No I do not. I'll check back in 2028 and if he's survived + actually followed through then maybe I'll give his video a watch but until then it is simply pissing me off to remember this guy exists.
Sorry this turned into a rant I'm just really starting to loathe the guy. It's been an infuriating week or two. But uh... No, it's only canon to this one action figure line that ran for a little over a decade. We're certainly not beholden to it, it's more of a fun little in-joke for the fandom these days. You see someone use C'yra and you're like haha I know her! It's fun :3 Regardless of Scott's bullshit I enjoy seeing it around, and it's not like he owns or benefits from it in any way when maybe 1% of the people using it know where it comes from (and the people who know it was him specifically may be limited to the followers that have watched me complain about it).
Thank you for asking, I really do love asks even if the answer isn't what I want it to be lol. I'm happy to verify or explain anything I can!
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cocogrrrl · 10 months
soft launching
yn, a streamer, eases the audience into the slow reveal of their boyfriend, kyle.
kyle broflovski x streamer!gn!reader no cws all fluff 😾 wc: 1399
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CinnamunHunny donated 5$!: can you say “yn has zero pull” it’s my dog’s birthday please please please it would make her the happiest dog in the world
You read the donation sent on your screen. You jokingly scoffed, rolling your eyes. This was just typical usual banter between you and your fans. Sure, sometimes they were absolutely ruthless, but you loved them despite that.
“Chat, that’s not nice! I’ll have you know that I actually have a boyfriend.” You pouted.
Immediately, the responses were polarizing. Some asked to see him, and some said that you were making him up. You laughed at a few that said he was just a figment of your imagination.
m30wm30w: i bet yn’s js gonna say that their bf is paul dano or something
“Okay, whoever just said that I’m gonna fake out and say my boyfriend is Paul Dano is wrong because it would actually be Michael Cera.” You laughed, seeing the rest of the comments flood in quickly, not even getting enough time to read a good number of them. “I do have a boyfriend, though. I promise!”
For the remainder of the stream, the chat kept on bringing up your boyfriend. Sometimes you’d tease them a bit, describing how he is but never revealing too much. Most of the time, though, you decided to ignore it in the most polite way possible.
What would your boyfriend think about you revealing his identity? Honestly, he doesn’t care. You two have talked it out long ago already. When you started dating around six months ago, you came to the conclusion to lie low.
At first, he wanted things to be kept secret, having only your friends and family know. After a while, though, when the conversation was brought up again, he noted that he didn’t mind if you mentioned him. He said you two could slowly build up to his reveal whenever the both of you are ready to do so.
And so that’s what you did.
That night, you finally broke the news to him. It was after your stream. You were snuggled up on his chest as you scrolled through Twitter, noting your name slowly trending because of the news you broke earlier.
“Babe,” you called, sitting up straight to look at him. He answered you with silence, attention was placed on you. “Finally told them about us.”
Kyle immediately knew what you meant by ‘them.’ “Yeah, you think I didn’t see it?”
“Hmm, I was debating on it.” You hummed, finding your place back on his chest again. “You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be? We’ve already talked about this, and you already know I’m fine with it.” He smiled, grabbing your face by the sides and laying a swift kiss on it.
“Yeah, thanks, Kyle. I love you.” You giggled, rising once more to return the kiss.
So that’s how it went on for the next few weeks. You continued to tease the chat with the idea of your boyfriend, most of them believing you despite the numerous amount of “I’m sure he’s just a figment of your imagination.” jokes that came along the way.
That was all great until you actually confirmed his existence from the perspective of your chat one day.
You were in a Just Chatting stream, not really having the energy to do your usual act but still wanting to interact with your fans. Kyle was across the room, scrolling through his phone as you were streaming. The chat was flaming you once more since the topic of your boyfriend was brought up.
“He is real! In fact, he’s here right now.” You said, turning your head to Kyle, who looked back at you with a wave. “Babe, say ‘hi’ for me.”
“Hi, chat!” He called from across the room. “I’m YN’s partner, and I love them very much.”
“Okay, don’t flatter me too much. I might combust if you do.” You laughed, blowing him a kiss. You felt your cheeks heat up, and so you found yourself rubbing your temple to hide them.
hhhhdong: nawhhh i cant believe yn actually paid an actor to act as their bf 💀💀💀
“Chat, I did not pay an actor! I don’t have enough money to do that.”
After the stream, you and Kyle were cuddled up again. Your social battery was completely drained, so spending some time in his arms would help you recharge again.
“Your chat is ruthless, YN.” Kyle laughed, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“They’re funny, though. Besides, I’m not really hurt at all.” 
You felt like this whole “build-up reveal” thing was fun. It felt like Kyle was a secret you had to yourself. In a weird way, this whole thing felt sweet and exciting to you. You knew why you kept things private, of course, but it was fun to slowly show the world how much you loved him and how proud you were to have him as your boyfriend. Granted, a bunch of the comments still just claim that Kyle’s just a life-size cardboard cutout of Michael Cera.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“When do you think you’ll be ready to, like, show your face?” You asked, leaning onto his shoulder as he did his work.
“Well,” he sighed, sitting up to look at you. “I think I’m ready for it. I barely have a presence online.” He laughed. “The question is if you’re ready for people to peer their heads in your life even further.”
“I suppose you’re right.” You hummed. “I wanna show you off, though, Kyle. I want everyone to know that you are the most perfect person alive—and that you’re not a customized photocard of young Jack Black.”
He laughed in response, cupping your face as he gave you a peck on the nose.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
A week later, you find yourself promptly naming your stream “BF REVEAL (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT).” You set up your camera, tested your mic, and all that jazz as you waited for your fans to come in. Kyle was beside you the whole time you were preparing things, just barely out of the camera’s sight.
Once you turned on your camera, comments started pouring in, asking where he is. You wanted to ease them into it, ready yourself as your chat did. After a bit of banter between you and the chat, you were finally prepared to show your boyfriend. 
“Okay, chat. Here’s my boyfriend, Kyle!” As soon as you said that, he came on screen and waved.
“Hello,” he greeted with a sense of meekness to it. “I am, indeed, YN’s boyfriend. I’m not being paid or forced to do this at all.” He lightheartedly joked.
“Oh, my god. Not you too.” You laughed. “But yes! This is Kyle. We’ve been together for about eight months.” You had the biggest grin on your face as you talked to and about him, rocking back and forth in your seat as if you weren’t able to contain your happiness.
You got mixed reactions, some driving the “He’s being held hostage” joke to home, but mostly comments invested in your relationship. For the former, you two just made a silent understanding to just skim through those, ignoring most of them.
“So how are you liking them so far?” You whispered in his ear, bringing your mic farther away from you two.
“Overwhelming, but definitely fun.” He murmured back.
“Yeah, that’s what you said to Stan after our first date, right?” You laughed, your voice a little louder now but still mostly indiscernible to your viewers.
“My god,” he rolled his eyes, moving his hand to your scalp to mess it up.
“You aren’t denying it, though!” Your voice was now booming, your audience could definitely hear you now. 
“I’m not confirming or denying anything!” He laughed.
“Uhuh,” you sarcastically replied, nodding as you leaned into him briefly to give him a kiss on the lips. “Totally.”
Your chat was now exploding.
mattstonestoes: PDA WTF
csvismz: theyre so cute i 🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶
gorrilass: get that shit away from me 
ppp0ppy: this is not for the eyes of god!!!!!!
rosesandlavenders: WAHHHH 💗💗💗💗
dennysofficial: MY OTP ☹️☹️
You shared a laugh with Kyle, reading the comments. This went better than you would’ve expected. Despite everything, you were just glad that you could finally go public and show the world your wonderful boyfriend.
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donkey-hyuck · 1 year
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idol!au | uni student!reader | strangers-2-lovers!au | fluff
“maybe we could try it if you let me
take you by the hand
you’re the only one who understands” - keshi
TW: food | profanity | lowercase letters
~ the night had shimmied it’s way to cover the now dark sky. you and your friends were out at some seven-eleven down the suburban street, taking a break from studying and watching all of the boys play their late night games on the court.
your friends’ lover had invited the two of you to watch him and his teammates play for a bit before going back to stuff your brain of information that may or may not pique your interest.
the two of you had now been sitting on one of the old beat-up benches with your ice cream slowly melting due to the humidity of the hot summer air.
all of the boys were goofing off and constantly teasing each other and their laughs (as well as you and your friends’) echoed through the open air. however the laughing came to a brief hault when a group of about four men asked to join a game. to which the boys boisterously agreed.
the game was neck and neck. not that you were keeping count, your friend was actually doing it for them but you knew they were tied. you could feel it. and by the time someone had finally scored a point (it was a three pointer by the group of four men), everyone was wiping their sweat and congratulating them with ‘good game.’
the group of men had left their belongings on the bench the two of you were sitting on. they were all handsome, that was for sure. even in their sweaty glory. and you hadn’t realized you were staring until you felt a slight puncture in your ribs from your friend.
“hi,” said the first, who appeared to have dimples painting his already beautiful face. the man had told his friends that he would catch up with them later as he turned back to you with his undivided attention.
“hi,” you awkwardly smiled back, looking at your friend who told you she was going with the boys.
the night long carried on, and the summer night breeze felt just perfect in a moment like this. you had learned the man’s name was yoon-oh (he prefaced that he preferred jaehyun, though.)
the conversation which the two of you were having was completely and utterly random. laughs and little bits of teasing were shared, and you don’t know if it’s because of the summer air or because you had been locked up in your dorm for the past couple of days studying for your finals, but something flickered. maybe not physically but emotionally, something was there and you knew you both felt it.
unfortunately all good things must come to an end. when jaehyun had received a phone call from his manager did your encounter finally come to an end.
“oh my god, it’s already one in the morning!” he laughed, “have we really been talking for that long?”
you took out your phone from your back pocket to confirm the time. and it was almost two in the morning. you both laughed out loud, too shocked that you got carried away in your conversation that really was not important. but it was important to you, and you hoped he felt the same way.
“when can i see you again?” he asked, pupils dilated as he took in everything he could of you.
“any time you want, really,” you replied, as he took your phone out of your hand and put his number in your contacts list.
“i’ll call you,” you nodded at his words as he walks further and further away. you can feel the freedom walking away with him.
every encounter with yoon-oh has been an absolute dream. he makes you feel like you again. he makes you feel free and he makes you feel incredibly happy. and he can say the same thing about you. everyone, even the makeup artists, can tell that his mood had just been uplifted. although they, of course, don’t know the reason behind it. they also don’t know that the reason is a person— you— rather than an item.
and you remember the exact moment.
he held you close, under the stars as the condensation escapes your noses. and this moment feels different. it feels raw. you’re facing him now, and he can see all the stars reflecting in your gorgeous eyes. he laughs, looking at the ground, not believing that he’s doing this now.
“what’s wrong?” you chuckle, gaining his attention back.
“i thought i’d be too scared to ever tell you this. and to be honest, i’m still shitting my pants right now. you make me feel nervous and calm all at the same time.”
you’re confused on where he’s going with this. he’s a great friend, but friends don’t hang out the way you two do, do they? friends don’t look at each other the way you two do.
he lets out a sigh before taking a step closer and shoving his sweaty hands in his coat pocket. “i cant believe i’m doing this,” he mutters underneath his breath, although you can hear him and it makes you laugh.
“doing what?” your nose scrunches, as you observe his stance. oh no, are things going to get awkward now?
“i like you… like- a lot,” he pauses, “… and maybe- if you want- i’d like it if we tried. if we can be together because that’s all i want and i know that’s all you want. our friendship was brief, i know- and it might be even shorter after me saying this to you- but none of it matters. even if you and i aren’t meant to be, i was eternally grateful to have met you… i still am, and i think i forever will be.”
your smile lights up with every word that escapes the beautiful man’s lips. he has so much to say and you think he still has more. although you know the answer to his upcoming question.
“you understand me. in ways i never even thought of. you’ve helped me escape my shell and you’ve helped me when i never even knew i needed help. our time had been short, yet i still long to be with you for as long as you’ll have me. you understand me and my feelings, and my heart, and my soul with every fiber in your being and i don’t know how much more i can handle. please, i want to create more memories with you. but i want to create them as a couple. [y/n], will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
jaehyun has truly never talked as much as he did that night. and you enjoyed every moment of it. with the whistling of the winter wind, the hot air escaping his lips, and the thumping sound of your heart, you knew the answer. you knew the answer when you first met, as if you knew this was going to happen.
jaehyun feels as though he was going to cry. he had never had a moment like this happen to him ever. his feelings were just too overwhelming and he didn’t no how much longer he could last. he’s looking down at the ground once more, and he hears you step closer to him. you cup the side of his face to finally catch a glimpse of him. and in that moment, he never realized how undeniably in love with you he was. every stare, every touch, and every word has meanings he will never understand. his feelings are overwhelmed in that moment. he remembers.
and it’s in that moment that he will cherish you, your relationship, and the late winter nights as you close the gap you oh-so needed to close.
you had both understood everything the other person wanted and words didn’t even have to be exchanged.
you had understood the underlying feelings you had stowed away from the man since you first met.
jaehyun understood the true meaning of life, because he now had you.
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