#theres brain matter all over the floor now thank you very much
going absolutely bonkers insane right now
#just read through a couple of alternative yulia dialogues#(from the first day)#and i was genuinely surprised to see how complex was her answer to such supersticious tales and traditions inherent from the town#from an outside perspective she is seen as skeptical beyond repair of the townsfolk cultural deeds. as told by alexander himself#but in reality. when talking about the steppe and twyre. she does come to admit to believing in the existence of the clay golem#and even going as further as to say she theorizes of the works that such charms as bull tails and ''milk-teeth'' are indeed protective#(though making an exclusive marking that such are only effective to those who have ingrained beliefs like children and the Steppe)#(thus failing to execute properly or at all at their primary objetives as charms on skeptical people as herself and daniil)#that was such a hit on the stomach because#i thought that. albeit rather neutral to matters like this as in the second game. she was still to take the side of belief on raw input#but it is clearly stated that she would anger daniil by claiming to partake on the acknowledgement of a shabnak's existence#that is such a game changer to what ive been developing over her dynamic with katerina and does that open some doors /lh#im so happy with this information i got#even though id still be more than excited about delving into the concepts of having someone like daniil within the town#that is such an interesting and valuable piece of information#just rambling#theres brain matter all over the floor now thank you very much
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paimon-rambles · 3 years
You breakdown in front of him
Characters; Xiao, Childe, Kaeya
Notes: I did these slighty different from how I normally do my hcs. These kinda got long (´ヘ`()
It was interesting to experiment around with it and I'm kinda proud with how it turned out :)
Theres a blurb at the end of each one~!
- Xiao
You were missing him dearly
You were aware that Xiao would be leaving the inn for a while to deal with some Adepti duties. Before he left, he made you a promise that he'll return soon. What you weren't aware of was that soon wasn't going to be that soon
Weeks and a few more passed and you found yourself exploring the inn all by yourself, going to sleep by yourself and waking up to no one. It felt utterly lonely. Not to mention the stress that continued to build up within your system with worry for your boyfriend 
Thankfully Verr was there to keep you reassured that Xiao was alright which eased you a bit but didn't fill that empty void. It was until one day you learned that he was returning the very next day-! You swore you were going to cry at that very moment, but alas you kept yourself composed and thanked Verr for the information.
The day came to a close and tomorrow became today. When you awoke, you kinda forgot about Xiao returning on that very day due to your sleepy state. 
But you weren't ready for the surprise that would reveal itself the moment you opened your tired eyes. 
There he was, standing in your room as he had just entered. His attention was fixed on something else, not noticing you had just woken. In the seconds that followed your drowsiness was gone in a snap and you were engulfed by crushing emotions at once. All the stress that had taken refuge within your troubled mind released 
" Xiao!"
The call of his name caught the Adeptus off guard, bringing his attention back to the formerly sleeping figure. What he did not expect to see, however, was to see his lovers gaze distort into a sob as a choked cry left their lips
Before you could stop yourself, crystal-like tears poured from your eyes, dripping down your cheeks like rain before planting onto your shirt or blanket. You couldn't stop it, more uncontrollably sobs escaped you and soon the room was echoing in your cries
In an instant, he was rendered confused and panicked simultaneously. He doesn't know what to do either, personal comfort wasn't one of his specialties 
" Y/n, why are you crying? You can tell me"
He nudges his face closer to you in a feeble attempt to calm you down. In his head, he's already speculating that you were hurt or someone hurt you. In which case he's ready to beat them up
" Did someone hurt you? What's bothering you?"
But those thoughts quickly disappear as you wrap your arms around him. Your face was pressed against his chest, you were growing increasingly shaky. A muttered sentence escaped your lips that caused the Adepti to feel an odd clenching feeling in his chest
" I- I just really miss you, Xiao! You were gone for so long, I got so worried. I'm sorry" 
Why are you apologizing? Is the first thought that runs through his mind. On the outside, he's kinda just standing there as you sob but on the inside, it's a wild goose run. He's in a panic. 
Xiao dislikes seeing you unhappy let alone crying, his favorite aspect of you is when you're happy. Such as your face. He loves seeing your features when you're happy. Your smile, eyes, and how they crinkle when you laugh. Seeing that aspect of you be morphed into a teary gaze causes his heart to drop. He tries all he can think of to make you feel better
Suddenly you feel a pair of firm arms embrace you. 
" I'm here now. I won't leave you. I'll always be at your side through everything. Nothing can tear me away from you"
His hand is trying to comfort you by running his fingers through your h/c curls. A soothing little gesture he wishes could help make you feel better. His lips find their way to kiss you on the crown of your head.
Slowly your tears come to a stop, your face snuggling closer to him. His little attempts at soothing had done its magic. You felt your eyes closed as waves of exhaustion started to hit you again. Before you went unconscious you mumbled; 
"Thank you"
Xiao starts to have a warm feeling pulsing in his chest, as you clung to him like a koala with the words you said previously ringing in his head. It was a curious feeling. 
As he rested you down on the bed, placing the blanket over your form,  he leaned over to press his lips to your head.
 After you awake from your second slumber, Xiao is sure to stick by your side for the remainder of the day and the one following it
The next time you have a breakdown, he's sticking by your side no matter what. He helps dry your tears off and assures you that everything is going to be okay. He spends the rest of the time distracting you from it. Reminding you that you're strong and you will get through it.
" You're strong y/n, I know you'll get through this and I'll be there with you every step."
He promised to stick by your side through it all and he's not breaking it.
 Xiao stumbled backward as your figure latched to him. He was rendered confused, as he struggled to comprehend the last few minutes that passed. He had just returned from a hefty mission and was greeted by the sight of his lover sobbing as their eyes landed on him.
 Your arms were wrapped around him tightly as if you were afraid something was going to take him away again. 
Hot uncontrollably tears continue to pour from your face, your features already puffing up from it, but that was the least of your concerns. Your focus at hand was your boyfriend. How long has it been since you last saw him? You lost count. But here he was now.
Words spilled out of your lips sheepishly,  shakey forms of letters connecting to create a skewered sentence. 
" I miss you so much, Xiao." The words choked out and your throat hitch as breathing became a struggle. 
A pair of arms went to cradle you, it caught you off guard as you gasped. You felt a forehead lean against yours. The simple act almost spurred on more tears, he was really there.
"  I'm here now, I won't leave you. I'll always be at your side through everything. Nothing can tear me away from you." He pressed a kiss to your forehead sealing his promise to you.
- Childe
It was an argument
You finish early with your commissions and head home to start dinner for you and your boyfriend. He told he had a lot of busy work today before he kissed you goodbye and so thought it be a nice surprise for your boyfriend to come to some dinner
The clock ticked down as night approached by the hour. You quickly finished cooking the meal and placed it at the table. The familiar sound of the door opening met your ears and you quickly went to greet your boyfriend 
You were expecting to see your boyfriend's signature smile as he greets you. But- what you weren't ready for were the sharp eyes and irritated gaze pasted to his face. You swore his eye twitched the moment you came into his view. It was as if he was upset with you
No doubt about it, it was a long, tiring, and frustrating day at work. 
You tried to greet him but you could tell he was a ticking time bomb, at any moment he would snap. You decided to keep quiet, minus the minor greetings and lay out his dinner for him. Childe said nothing in turn.
You went to grab a glass to pour him some water, but just as you went to grab the cup, your ankle gave in causing you to lose your footing momentarily. You didn't fall thankfully and got back on your feet. The same can't be said for the glass cup, it collided with the ground smashing in pieces. 
That was enough to tick him off
He snapped out. Scolding you for being careless and for making a mess he'll have to clean up adding to the pile of work he already needs to stress about. He didn't hide his sharp words, each one puckered into your brain
Your feet were frozen in place. Your legs become wobbly as the room grew fuzzy. You could feel your chest growing tight as you struggled to take breaths of oxygen. 
Then the tears
Childe instantly stopped the moment he saw the tears. he knew immediately that he went too far and he shouldn't have even snapped in the first place
Burning tears were falling down your face, splashing to the floor
And the guilt came crashing down on the Fatui Harbinger like Zhongli just dropped a boulder on him
" Y/n- I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled. Please don't cry."
He would hesitate whether he should approach you or not. He wants nothing more than to pull you into a hug and apologize repeatedly 
More tears were running down your cheeks, your hands crept up in a feeble attempt to cover your face from him. 
" I'm sorry" you choked out full heartily believing this was your fault. 
" Y/n, it's not your fault. Love, please look at me, I didn't mean what I said- I promise. Please stop crying."
Those words were successful at soothing your sobs but they didn't stop your shaky legs from wobbling so much. You felt yourself losing your footing once more and you fell to your knees
In an instant Childe was by your side, his arms going to hold you cup your cheeks, using his thumb to wipe the tears off your face. Almost by instinct, your arms went to hug him, you pressed your head against his chest your breathing  becoming heavy in an attempt to stop your aggressive sniffling 
Childe whispered sweet nothings in your ear, his hand rubbing circles on your back. His lips are glued to your forehead. He has so much guilt and internally he's scolding himself. 
His heart clenches whenever he hears your sniffle
" Everything is going to be okay, I promise you. I'll clean up the mess, don't worry about it, love."
After more of his sweet nothings,  your sniffles die away, and you're left with in a tired and exhausted state
Childe helps clean up your face, his touches incredibly gentle as if you were made out of porcelain; softly caressing your cheeks while wiping the rest of your tears away with care 
He carries you to your shared bedroom where he lays you down and allows you to get your rest. In the meanwhile, he's going to be punching himself all over, regretting his actions. Your scared expression is burned in his brain and he grimaces as he remembers how he acted. He swears to himself to never act out like that again
The following day you'll wake up to your boyfriend pampering you beyond no end. He takes you to fancy dinner, on a nice stroll. He pulls out all the cards hoping you'll forgive him
Whenever you have a breakdown Childe is there to spice up your day. He promises you that everything will be alright and that things will get better. Followed by many kisses and hugs that help soothe you back to your happy self
" Everything will be okay in the end, just you wait. I'm always here to help you every step of the way. Now please stop crying love, it hides your beautiful smile."
He loves your smile, and he'll fight anyone who threatens to take that away. including himself
What even coaxed this argument in the first again? 
The question lingered in the Harbinger's head. He was mentally fighting himself over it. So much guilt swirled within him as he replayed the scene that unfolded moments before. It was a simple mistake on your part, but the way Childe acted, he doubts he'll ever forgive himself for it.
 He held onto the shaking feeble body of his lover. Their head was towards the ground, hiding their face from Childe but he could already envision your scared expression; tears rolling down your puffy face as you struggled to take a single intake of breath. Your throat was throbbing from sobbing uncontrollably and the sniffles and hiccups that followed after. 
The ginger gently cupped your cheek, bringing your face towards him. His heart dropped seeing your glossy e/c eyes. " Love, please look at me, I didn't mean what I said, I promise. Please stop crying." His finger cradled your tears, wiping your face slowly whilst his other hand drew shapes on your back. 
You leaned closer to his hand, the little gestures soothing you quite a bit. A few more tears and hiccups escaped from you, the last of your crying coming to an end. Childe felt his chest clench as the corners of your lips curled slightly.
" Let's get you cleaned up."
- Kaeya
You had a nightmare
It was getting late and you had just finished eating dinner. Your day was filled with commissions that easily left you exhausted. All you want to do now is to collapse into your bed and rest. 
Your boyfriend was caught up with some commissions, promising to be home soon. Usually, you'd wait until your boyfriend comes home, but your eyes were dropping uncontrollably. And you swore if you didn't do something soon you'll pass out right there.  
And so you left some extra dinner in case Kaeya came home hungry and you set off to prepare for bed. 
The moment your head hits the pillow it lights out. 
It felt like hours had passed, your brain was fuzzy and unable to comprehend what was happening. You were shifting in your sleep, your face morphing into one of discomfort. It was clear you were in distress. 
Suddenly, you jolted awake. Your breathing was heavy as panting, you could feel your heart racing against your chest. Sweat was rolling down your forehead, and you felt your chest tighten with each passing second. No doubt you were having a nightmare. A very livid one at that
You hadn't even realized that tears rolled down your face until you went to rub your eyes. You were crying. As more seconds passed more of your panic started to rise.
A choked sob left your lips as you struggled to keep quiet, your boyfriend was still asleep beside you. 
 In an attempt to not wake Kaeya, you went to leave to another room where you could sob to yourself but as you went to get up you felt something grab your shoulder. 
" Y/n, are you alright? Why are you crying, love?" Kaeya's tired voice muttered.
 Internally you scolded yourself for waking him. 
" Uh, I just need some fresh air." You semi lied
Kaeya saw right through that, and in an instant, he pulled you into a hug, and suddenly you found yourself sobbing into his shoulder. Uncontrollably tears pouring from your face, dripping down and soaking his nightshirt. 
In an instant, Kaeya was trying to soothe you. A comforting hand was drawing shapes on your back, whilst the other was running through your hair very gently
" It's alright, cry it out. Everything will be okay." He whispered into your ear.
More sweet nothings followed, slowly calming you down again. Less and fewer tears fell from your glossy eyes and drowned into sniffling as the last of your crying came to an end
You snuggled closer to his chest, listening to his heardrowneas it lulled you to a calmer state. Soon you were returning to your natural self, your shakiness ceasing.
" I promise everything is going to be alright. I'm right here love, I'm not going anywhere."
You stayed like that for a while until eventually, you fell asleep in his arms. You didn't have any more nightmares 
In the morning he's gonna be very affectionate and cuddly,  lots of butterfly kisses, and hugs. They're coming and you can't stop them
Whenever you have a breakdown, Kaeya is quick to act, he doesn't tease instead he reassures you that everything is going to be alright. (internally he's in a panic, unsure what to do when his partner is crying) He makes sure you take breaks throughout the day and enough rest. 
" It's okay to take breaks y/n. You're strong, you'll get through, I just know it."
Another boy who loves your smile, please smile for him
Sobs and sniffles escaped your lips becoming muffled by the fabric of Kaeya's shirt. Tears dripped down your puffy and red flushed face, rolling down and staining both his and your own nightclothes.
It was a nightmare that caused this. It was still fresh in your mind, every little detail prominent and defined. You squeezed your eyes shut, snuggling your face closer to his chest trying to shut it out. In an instant Kaeya arms tighten around you in an embrace. 
His lips rested near your ear, sweet nothings rolling off his tongue with each sob you cried. It was comforting. His voice slowly pulled you into a calm state and with each word of affection, the less you cried.
" It's alright, cry it out. Everything will be okay." He whispered. His hand continued to draw shapes and lines on your back, his other gently cradling your head against his shoulder. 
Your shakey form slowly ceased and the sound of your sniffles died away until it was just your breathing that was heard. 
A sweep of drowsiness washed over you, your eyes growing heavy. 
Kaeya laid you down and placed the blanket over your form before leaning to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.
" Good night <3"
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wutroows · 4 years
soft & stubble (the mandalorian x reader)
pairing: the mandalorian (din djarin) x fem!reader requested by: lillie’s huge brain warnings: canon typical violence, poor knowledge of the human body and medical terms  a/n: soft din to make up for the lack of content from me within the past few months, theres more to come!! hope you guys enjoy, i love din so much, i genuinely want to marry that man 
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a few things you learned quickly about the mandalorian.
he takes his privacy very seriously. he practically only asked you to join him because the little green child he had with him seemed to like you. you were practically just a babysitter until he started bringing him everywhere he went. you hardly ever saw either of them anymore, and when you did the mandalorian would say one or two words to you and leave to eat in the cockpit. you knew not to open that door without knocking. you didn’t want to disrespect him or his culture in any way, as you understood the reasons why he kept the helmet on all the time. it was, in a way, a bit endearing to you that he cared so much. he didn’t tell you much about himself, but it was easy to guess that the mandalorian beliefs were very important to him.
he had a lot of stressed piled onto his shoulders. you couldn’t read his face, covered by beskar, so you could only see the nervous movements of his hands or shaking of his legs as he stood. he was scared, and you immediately understood why. he only ever knew being a bounty hunter and now he ran away from the guild with the kid, he was the one being hunted. now he had two people to protect, but you knew fully well you were capable enough to not need him to help you. a part of you wished you could give him a hug and tell him to go rest, but you knew he’d never listen to you anyways. 
and he loved that kid. he wouldn’t admit it, but you could nearly feel his eyes kept on him at all times. the mandalorian would feed him whatever the kid wanted that day, as he usually let him pick. he would take him out of the crib and sit him on the floor, waiting for him to use those little wobbly legs of his to walk over to his beskar covered shins. he would always catch him before he fell. it put a smile on your face, but you knew better. the mandalorian would not ever admit he had feelings towards any living being, no matter what it was.
that was why you didn’t know why you’d started falling for him in the first place.
you never knew his name. he never told you. you resorted to calling him ‘mando’ or some sort of variation of ‘the mandalorian’. it made you feel a bit bad, but you assumed he didn’t want you to know his name yet. he hadn’t mentioned anything about it and you didn’t want to bring it up out of fear of making him uncomfortable. that was the last thing you wanted.
falling in love with a man in a helmet was a lot easier than you expected it to. you joined him because he had the kid with him and at the time, he needed help. you only signed up to take care of his wounds if he needed it and to take care of the kid, not fall in love with someone who was practically a stranger. 
he was quiet, reserved, but a bit hot-headed at times. the mandalorian felt like two different people and in a way, it made sense. one personality as the beskar on the outside, the outer shell that deflects all negativity and hurtful words. that protects him from pain and shields him from rejection, and the other side of him, the armorless side. the sensitive and emotional side, the one who could admit when he felt love for something.
he was layered, it wasn’t hard to admit it. 
though, he did show immense kindness to you.
the crest clearly wasn’t meant for living. the mandalorian hardly ever slept and when he did it was in the cockpit with his helmet on. but with you, he gave you a small space that was almost small enough to be a storage closet with a small cot in it to sleep on. you were grateful as it had certainly been an upgrade from your previous living conditions, and his tone was a bit softer.
“you’re welcome.” that was all he said, but it felt like it meant something more to you. he didn’t need to give you anything. if you were being honest, he probably didn’t even need you around. he did most of the work for the kid anyways. you wondered why he kept you around. 
he was incredibly interesting and somehow, he pulled you in with it. you observed him and did all he asked of you. you wanted to prove your worth to him though you knew you didn’t need to. he felt like he was special. different than other men, you guessed. 
the mandalorian came back to the crest with injuries frequently, but there had never been a time where he needed you to do anything more than hand him a bandage. until now. 
he hadn’t said what he was doing, but it was clear whatever weapon the person he was fighting with had gotten under his beskar and scraped his chest. you didn’t know if his mandalorian culture also said you couldn’t see any part of his skin at all, as soon as you asked him he insisted he could take care of it himself. his voice was strained and his hand was pressed harshly against the metal of the crest. he clearly wouldn’t be able to take care of it. 
“mando, listen to me. i’m here to help you, i know it’ll be a little weird at first, but i just wanna make sure the kid has his dad around for as long as possible.” you saw the mandalorian’s helmet move as he turned to look at the kid, his eyes gazing up at him, clearly concerned. you heard him sigh, but he pushed himself onto the wall and you gripped onto his shoulder, walking him over to the makeshift hospital bed you made in case of emergency. it was barely big enough for him to lay down on. 
“i need this,” you poked the beskar on his chest with a nonchalant finger, “to come off of you.” you nearly saw his muscles tense, “it’s a little weird, i know. i just need it off to take care of you. is that okay?” he took a moment to think and you could hear labored breathing coming through the voice modulator on his helmet. “turn around.” he told you, voice emotionless as it usually was. 
you listened to his words, and then you heard the clang of metal hit the floor of the ship. following that, you heard unbuckling of armor and the scraping of beskar against the ships walls. did he take off his helmet? it didn’t matter, but you were curious as to what he looked like underneath it. was his hair the same shade of brown you found yourself picturing so much or was it different? you shook the thought out of your head as you heard his modulated voice telling you to turn back around.
he was shirtless now, armor on the floor. his helmet was still on his head, which you knew would happen anyways. you didn’t mind, but you did pull up a stool and sit down next to him. his skin was tanned, and he did have abs. you knew he would, he worked himself to the bone more often than not. he was always up on his feet and it began hurting you just looking at him.
the scrape wasn’t as bad as it looked. it wasn’t deep, but it was decently long and it went from up to his chest from the lower parts of his stomach. you reached your hand out, and skin finally touched skin. you felt a shock move through you but you didn’t think much of it. you felt your face get warmer as you felt his eyes on you. “doesn’t look like it needs stitches.. not super deep. i’ll get some bacta. stay here.” 
“it’s not like i’m going anywhere.” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, “whatever.” you got up and sifted through a few medical bags you kept with you, finding a bacta patch suitable for the size of his injury. you quickly cleaned the cut and gently pressed the patch down. “good?” 
he nodded, “turn back around.” 
you did the same as before, and the process repeated, the sound of his armor scraping on the floor before a small grunt escaped from his lips as he hoisted it up onto the bed. the sound of his helmet sitting on the ground, and then after a few moments, he told you to turn around.
he was covered in armor again. seeing his without the beskar for even a few minutes made him seem more human than before. you could tell it made him feel a bit vulnerable. he tensed up when your hand met his bare skin, but you didn’t cross any boundaries as you did what you knew you had to do and no more. 
“thank you.” he told you, and you nodded. “anytime, mando.” you offered him a smile and gently patted his shoulder. “let me know if you need anything else, okay? i mean it.” you told him firmly and it was his turn to nod. “you know.. that really showed me that you’re really a human under there.” you didn’t know what came through the modulator, but it sounded like a bit of a scoff. “right. i’m sure it did.”
“no, really!” you laughed, “you’re always so serious.. just seeing that there’s a real human under there is a little heartwarming.” he turned to look at you and the t shaped visor stared into your eyes. he didn’t know what you did to him. 
the truth was, he thought you were near perfect. your eyes were always so filled with kindness, especially when you looked at him. he felt his heart speed up as you stared up at him, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. it wasn’t like he’d never been interested in anyone before, but with them, he knew they never returned his feelings, but with you it was a bit different with your lingering touches and soft glances. truthfully, he hardly ever saw you because he tended to be a bit nervous around you. 
the mandalorian turned on his heel and gently picked up the child, placing him in his crib. he pressed a few buttons on his forearm and it closed, taking him out of the room. you raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question him. “sit down.” he told you, and you furrowed your eyebrows. “what’s happening? did i see something i wasn’t supposed to see?” you asked, your voice laced with a joking tone but you had no idea if you’d done something wrong when you took care of him. he shook his head, but he did look back at you.
“you want to see i’m human?” he asked you. “i.. i mean, i already knew you were-” the lights were off and you could see nothing. it was pitch black, but you knew he was walking towards you when you heard the sound of his boots hitting the metal floor. he led you to your small room, before sitting his hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you to sit on the bed. “mando? what’s happening?” 
“i’m proving this to you, y/n.” his voice was filled with a little too much emotion for the usually stoic mandalorian you knew, but you still felt oddly safe around him. you heard the sound of his helmet sitting on the floor, and your eyes widened. “but-” 
“you can’t see me.”
“i know that but-”
“then why are you complaining?” he retorted and you shut your mouth as soon as you opened it to respond. “that’s what i thought.” you could hear him sit down next to you, and the familiar feeling of his beskar was touching your shoulder. you heard his gloves come off, and then felt his hands on yours. 
his hands were calloused and rough, but you couldn’t help but want to take him all in. his thumbs ran over the palm of your hand and you took in a sharp breath. you heard him laugh and it sounded like music to your ears. “you’re..” you could barely form words as his hands ran across your forearms. “wow..” 
“shh.” he told you and you felt butterflies explode in your chest as you felt his eyes on you. you held onto his hand and your fingers entwined with his. you desperately searched the space in front of you, wanting nothing more than to take him into your arms and to kiss him for hours on end. “can i.. can i.. please.” you mumbled, and he said back to you a quiet “yes” and before you could think, your hands were on his cheeks and his hands were rubbing circles on your waist.
“soft.. so soft. you’re so pretty.” you told him, breathlessly. his face had a soft stubble, but his skin was one of the softest things you’d ever felt, you ran your thumbs across his cheekbones and then.
there were his lips. there were soft and a bit cracked but you knew they would be. you pictured this scenario in your head many times, but now that it was happening in front of you you didn’t know what to do with yourself. 
“mando i..”
“my name is din. din djarin.”
“fuck.. okay. din.” you tested his name and you felt him melt into your touch as you said it. your hands tangled into his hair and you could tell you had a hopeless smile on your face. din let out a soft sigh as you massaged his scalp, but before he could say anything, you were laying down on the bed. he was a bit too big for it, but his head laid on your chest and you couldn’t be happier. 
“din.. can i.. can i kiss you?”
“yeah.” he told you, but you could hear him sitting up a bit. you leaned forwards and after a moment, you felt his lips against yours. it felt as if you were falling, but it was invigorating. his hands held onto your hips, and your hands softly ran through his hair. you had no idea what he looked like, but his hair was thick and it was soft just like his skin. you didn’t know what color his eyes were but it didn’t matter, as long as you knew they were on you, you felt safe. 
he hummed. “i like you.”
“yeah, i know..” you smacked the back of his head and you could hear him laugh, finally without the modulator. his voice seemed more real now, and it anchored you to reality. it was silent for a few moments, the only sounds you could hear being your breathing and his. “me too.” he replied back to you, lips touching your ear.
it was strange, in a way, to hear his voice without the helmet on. it was smooth, but sweet. his voice was inviting and comforting and you’d do anything to hear it for the rest of your life, and now, hopefully you would. 
your nose rubbed against his.
warmth blossomed in his chest.
he deserved this.
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
G o o d b y e    t o    a    w o r l d
WC: 1478
T I M E S T A M P : 6:55 AM
AN: Ive attached an announcement to my rules, right below my masterlist link. please read that!! <3
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“Kid! Please run!” 
Himiko Toga’s voice rings through the debris of the broken down bar. You stumble, your eyes trained on the amount of heroes flooding in, the chaos bound to be caused bouncing in your mind.
You scramble to run, your hands catching you right before you fall as you bolt as fast as you can.
You know this is protocol. You have to go.
Out of everything they have told you, taught you, scolded you for,
This was the lesson that rang through the bars every week, every moment of danger.
‘If we get attacked, you run.’
Its a no matter what, no matter what you’ve witnessed or how scared you are for the others, they want you alive. 
Even if it means without them, you're are so overwhelming important to them.
Above all else.
And you try your best. Your sneakers thud with every step, feeling the shake in your legs, the anxiety in your brain. 
All you have to do is get to the apartment. The apartment assigned for this moment, and this moment only. The moment were the life of the League depends on.
The one that has been fully stocked since its been bought, the one made for the moments of chaos like this.
Thats all you have to get too. And they will see you there, everyone safe and sound.
The sirens and the yells of heroes bounce in and out of your mind as you ran out the back of the bar, and into the allies that felt like they were constructed for you.
You ran left and right, listening for footsteps behind you, to the left, the right, above you, anything that could give away the presence of a hero.
And there was nothing. 
Maybe that was it. The false sense of security that washed over you. Maybe it caused you to become reckless.
Or maybe it was the fact that you were safe for a split second there, and he ruined it.
The image of Himiko’s terrified eyes, but unending smile burned into your eyes at your sneakers thudded on the concrete in the dead of night.
You turned one  last time, and the apartment building came into sight. The bland grey, and mostly broken windows relived you for only a minute as you focused on the sound of your rapid breathing as you slowed down.
The apartment building itself is practically abandoned, and its not hard in the slightest to get in the grey old building.
Everythings going to plan, although you can still here the sirens go off, but theres no yelling. None at all. 
This is the plan you’ve gone through so many times, over and over again.
Sometimes things go exactly to plan, 
And they’re just not yours.
Slamming the door to the disgustingly decorated apartment complex, you slid down to the floor, your back slumping at you curled into a ball, your face in your hands. Your breathing still rapid, from running from the bar and up the multiple flights of stares, from the anxiety of the whole situation, that anyone and everyone you have ever loved could die right now.
And most of all,
The feeling of eyes on you.
Glaring eyes.
Hero eyes.
Your head rises slowly, unsure of what to do.
This wasn’t part of the plan.
It was never a part of it.
What the fuck now?
A dark haired hero sits on a red sofa, the red matches his glaring eyes as his mangy hair floats up.
“The League’s kid.”
His voice feels mocking and you feel anger build up.
You cant even fucking believe this.
Shota Aizawa is sitting in the apartment everyone considered to be the escape plan.
And all you can do is die.
Your hands shake as you pull yourself up from the cold wooden ground. This isn’t a part of the fucking plan.
He rises slowly, your back is still against the wall. Your brain racks through options as your faced with an underground hero, one that’s even defeated Tomura before, even if it was through a sliver of good luck.
God, the way you wished you had that sliver of luck.
Before even thinking, you took off. You legs taking you anywhere that you felt had a chance of survival in.
For fucks sake, you wish you didn’t go into her room.
Out of everywhere you slam the door entering into Himiko’s room, you can feel the immediate pain shes going to suffer through.
The tears, 
The blood,
The absolute anger and havoc herself alone that she can cause.
“There’s no where to run kid. You’ve got two choices.”
But you know the choices. You’ve heard them time and time again. Its either,
Rat on your family and become an enemy of the few people you’ve ever loved,
Or die.
And this time? You don’t have a way out.
Theres no one left to save you anymore.
Clocks stop ticking.
Luck runs dry.
And heartbeats go silent.
You look the man straight in the eye, still glaring red as it runs dry.
You know your choices.
And you know what has to happen.
“You can come with me, unharmed, or I’ll hav-”
“Kill me.” you practically shout at him, the tears building up as your throat closes and nose burn.
“For the love of god, do it.” Your eyes wide, bottom lip trembling and hands balled up, you accept it.
The fact that even though this is not what you want, what anyone in your League wants, it will be the only option. 
And that’s all you can do.
Is watch as the very root of your anger takes your life and adds gasoline to the fire in within the depths of the League.
And just like that you sat on the cold ground once again, leaned against the cute white bed frame Himiko owned, and bled out onto her floor. The warm red ooze left your mouth as well, dripping down your chin.
The worst part out of this situation, isn’t that you’re dying on floor of Himiko Toga’s pastel decorated room, its the fact that her once cute room with forever be haunted by the memory of your blood being spilledt.
And the realization that she was too late to save you. 
You can hear the front door open ever so softly, and hear Himiko call out for you.
The only kid that shes been able to take care of, to trust, and protect for months on end,
Is now dying alone in her room.
And that it itself,
Will cause her to break from the inside out.
And the world will never know true peace again.
Her footsteps echo down the hall you remember running down in a moment of panic, and as her door creaks open theres not much you can do. Expect watch her fall apart in a split second.
“No.. wait please I’m so sorry, please wait, hold on, Tomura- he can- Tomura!” She calls out for the male, who isn’t anywhere near this designated safe space. A destroyed safe place. 
She cradles you in her arms as her tears overflow, and her smile decays into an everlasting pain on her face. She feels helpless, because she is.
All she can do is watch you die as you lay in her arms.
All she can do is know that shes too late.
And you’re so far gone.
“Please stay. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t get here, I-” Her own sobs cut her off, her hands shaking and face distorting into such a clear vision of pain as she strokes your cheek with right hand. Her heavy tears fall as you smile every so slightly up back to her.
Your eyes stare into hers, the ones you used to meet every morning when she would wake you up, or when you needed validation.
“Thank you.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, something she can barely hear, but so painfully there. She whimpers, pulling you as close to her body as she can.
“Please stay, just for a- a minute longer please.” She begs you to hold onto any sliver of life you have left, anything at all. But sometimes, you know what has to happen.
Sometimes you don’t hold on.
“I’ll say goodbye soon.” You smile as wide as you can to her, hand resting on hers as your breathing slows. As you watch yourself leave your family.
“Though its the end of the world,” Her brows furrow even further than before and she can feel her stomach churn. The sight of you in her arms has her so overwhelming broken, she’ll never recover.
“Don’t blame yourself,” She smiles as wide as she an as she lets out a broken sob.
You slip right through her fingers.
She was too late.
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Baby Fever: Part 5
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*Credit to gif owner* 
Word Count: 2.1k 
Warnings: self-doubt, depression, Sam, Sam being there for Y/n, a bit of angst and of course some fluff. 
Pov: Y/n’s 
Masterlist (Masterlist for series) 
2 months it’s taken Y/n to come up with a decision. She starts to retreat into her room. She worries that because she’s taken so long, Sam might not want to be with her anymore. Might not want to try. 
“I know that this is early and that you’re still hurting, but I want to be with you. I want this to work for you. We can go slow, we can go fast. Anything you are comfortable with I just want to be in your corner Y/n.” Sam said” 
Sam's words bounce in my head like ping-pong every day. I can’t figure out what I want. I sat for a month going back and forth. Going through the pros and cons of every situation.  
The good things that could come from this relationship would be endless. Sam being there and supporting of me. Sam being there for me no matter what is going on. Everything would be prefect, of course we’d have our fights and arguments.  
There was of course the cons list of this, this list be short but there were still things that could go wrong. I could end up breaking your heart, Sam could end up breaking my heart. I could bring all my past relationship issues into our relationships. I could damage you even more then you already are. I could break everything we have.  
Y/n stop!  
Make up your mind.  
So instead of stopping I laid held up in my room. Laid in my bed for a few days and then would venture out grab a cup of coffee and eat some food. As I made my way around the bunker, I sat down in the library. Thinking about it know it probably wasn’t the best idea.  
Because no later than ten minutes after I sat down Sam came walking into the library. He had a book under his arm, a cup of coffee in hand. When he finally pulled his chair up, he looked up straight at me.  
“Hey, Y/n.” Sam said sitting down at the table directly in front of me. It took me a minute to respond. Being so scared to answer him. “Hi, Sam.” I said taking a long sip of my coffee.  
“So, get this, I think I’ve found a hunt. Dean says it a go. I haven’t seen you in a few days figured you might have a cold. But now that I see you’re good. Right, you’re good? I was wondering if you had your stuff packed and ready for a hunt?” Sam asked.  
In a very rushed way. I stared at him and then shook my head. Got up and left him alone in the library. “Y/N!” I could barely hear his voice as I ran towards my room slamming my door.  
Falling atop my bed a let a small shiver run down my spine. I could barely hear the heavy footsteps of boots echo in the hall. A soft knock was the next sound I heard, and then the door clicking and Sam's voice.  
“Y/n what’s wrong?” He asked worry was starting to seep into his voice.
My face muffled by the sheets, pillow, and of course the bed. It was silent for a moment and then I felt the bed shift. The weight of Sam sitting on my bed brought my head up from the bed. I shifted and moved to lay on my back instead. Sam wasn't up in space; he was actually just sitting at the end of my bed where my feet lay.  
“Y/n... I know that things can be hard, but talking can make a few things better. So, what I am offering you is someone to talk too.” he said his hands laying palm down on his knees. I took a deep breathe in and then release it. Sam continued to talk. “I know that I asked you a while ago about being together.” Sam said looking up at me, and then back down at his feet. Trying to find the words to say to me I’d like to think.  
“Like I said we can take everything so slow, or we can go fast. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with everything we do together.” Sam said shifting so more of his body was on my bed. I shifted up giving him more room to operate with.  
Theres that word again “Comfortable”. Comfortable with what? Comfortable with being with you Sam? Of course, I’m comfortable with you, I just don’t want to be the one that ruins everything that we could possibly have together. There’s another word I hate “Together” But you know what’s funny I only hate it when I say not it, but you Sam.  
“Y/n, you've got to breathe for me.” Sam's voice said bring me back to reality. I guess I was thinking a little too hard because I was having a hard time breathe and it felt like... it felt like... “Y/n can you breathe slower for me, you’re having a panic attack.” Sam says.  
I took a deep breathe in and a shallow breathe out. God, I feel so drained. “Y/n. I know that you aren’t okay. And that’s okay. I know that I gave you a huge burden to give me an answer, but you don’t have to. You’ll never have to answer to me, Y/n. That’s not how a relationship works, when you’re comfortable we can work things out. Do you understand me, Y/n?” Sam said, holding me a little bit closer in his arms, brushing my hair down and rubbing tiny circles into my back.  
“Okay, Sam. Can you grab my bag it’s in the chair over there, Let’s go for that hunt?” I asked. Sam hugged me tighter, and eventually had to let me go. “We can go for this hunt. That’s fine Y/n.” Sam said grabbing my go bag and taking the time to shut my bedroom door.  
I waited for the sound of heavy boots to leave the hall way. I got up and got dressed in jeans and boots with my stolen flannels from Sam and Dean. I grabbed my phone and my headphones. I walked out and shut my bedroom door.  
I rode the entire way in the back seat of baby with my headphones plugged in and playing my music. Once in a blue moon I’d see Dean, or Sam look over the mirror and look into the back seat. I stayed at the motel room and did research as the two Winchester boys went out to interview people. They’d come back and ask me what I found. I told Sam and Dean and then went back to being quiet.  
The night before we went out to kill this monster. The boys thought that I was out, but I really wasn’t. I could hear them talking, they were talking about me.  
Dean said “Is it just me, or is there something wrong with Y/n?” Then Sam answered, “Well... I guess I should tell you, but I asked her to be with me. And that was a month ago. Honestly I think she’s having a hard time making a choice.” Sam said.  
I heard the shuffle of papers and Dean's chair make a horrible sound on the floor. “I’m sorry what!” He yelled. “Be quiet Y/n’s asleep. And yes, I asked her to be together with me. Now before we left for this hunt, she had a panic attack. I think a lot of things are going on with Y/n. Don’t be a jerk and say anything to her tomorrow okay Dean.” Sam said in a hushed tone.  
“Fine” I heard Dean say before I saw his shadow pass by the window and he walked into the bathroom.  
When we finally killed the monster, I was still quiet. Sam pulled me to the side and asked me if I was hurt. I just shook my head and slipped away from his grasp and got into the back seat. “I think you outta wait this one out Sammy.” I heard Dean say before I put my headphones in.  
I just saw Sam roll his eyes and walk away from his older brother. We rode to the motel in silence, the only thing the two brothers could here was my music. I pretty much stayed that quiet as we packed out things and Dean went to give our keys back to the pretty blonde desk lady.  
Sam caught my arm as I went to leave the room. My bag slipping from my grasp. I pulled my headphones off and let Sam say whatever he was going to say to me. “Y/n please say something. I don’t like the quiet you and to be honest neither does Dean. What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?” Sam asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and I left Sam's grasp grabbing my bag and walking away from him.  
I passed Dean on my way to the impala. He gave me a small smile, and I shrugged my shoulders to him as well. I was in no mood for anything. This lasted for another month before I was able to get out of my head.  
One day I just woke up and everything seemed better, I won’t say that it was prefect but it wasn’t worse. I made coffee that morning pulling three mugs for all of us. Making a huge breakfast. One by one Dean was the first to make his way into the kitchen I bet by the smell of coffee and bacon.  
“Your coffee is sitting at your normal spot; I’ll bring your plate over with me.” I said as I saw Dean walked in. I gave Dean his plate, and sat down in front of him. “What’s been going on with you lately?” Dean asked stuffing his face with pancakes and bacon. That was odd that he asked me that but I followed along.  
“I guess I’d have to start from the beginning, but that’s a long story. So, I tell you the short one. Yeah.” I said to Dean. He just shook his head and took a sip of his coffee. “So, I like Sam, and Sam likes me, but my past relationship end miserably and usually are my fault. So, when Sam asked me to be with him, I felt like I was going to ruin everything. I stayed quiet and was alone for so long, because I was trying to weight it all out in my brain. I want to be with Sam. I know that now, I just didn’t and don’t want to ruin what we already have now.” I said, catching my breathe and taking a sip of my coffee.  
Dean smiled, and looked over my shoulder. There was Sam smiling much brighter than Dean. “I’m guessing you heard everything I just said?” I asked. Sam came walking to the room and looked over at Dean. Dean got up and took his plate with him. “Thanks for the bacon, Y/n!” He yelled as he walked away. Sam down in front of me “Yeah I heard you. You know I don’t think that this will end miserable. I don’t you have anything to worry about. I don’t think you’ll ruin this” Sam said pointing at the two of us.  
“And I’m glad you want to be together with me, because I want to be with you more then you could ever know. Now come over here and let me kiss my girlfriend, right?” Sam said shyly. I got up and rushed over to the other side of the table and was carefully with jumping into Sam's lap. Our lips met with such a great force, but it wasn’t one that was strong and over-powered by the need to have each other. It was a kiss that was forced by true love and admiration for the other person.  
This was something that was going to be prefect. I really can’t wait for this to get even better. “Do you want breakfast? I made your vegan bacon and an omelet for you, Sam?” I asked him. He shook his head and I got off his lap, as I walked away, he lightly slapped my ass.  
I just giggled and grabbed his plate, along with coffee. “There you go baby.” I said laying his plate in front of him and sitting across from him. “DEAN? Do you want more bacon?” I yelled. Not even a second later Dean was in the kitchen with his plate in hand and vigorously shaking his head for more bacon.  
Sam talked as I loaded Dean’s plate up with more bacon than any average person would ever eat. “What do you say we move little by little your stuff into my room, or we can do it the other way?” Sam said. I gave Dean his plate back and he kiss my cheek and said “Thank you” in to my ear.  
I sat back down and thought about it. There was no longer need to doubt everything that was going on. Sam was safe with me, and I was safe with Sam. “I kind of like your bed a lot more then my own. So, we can move my things into you...... our room!” I said a smile plastered on my face.
Completed on: 04/06/2021   
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pengy-pop · 4 years
Unfinished Writing #1: Bederia
Context for this piece was to be mostly a headcanon romp and to show of what the dynamic of my own interpretation of adult years Bederia would be like. It got to be too long and had not much happening in it, and When I realised I didn’t know exactly where I wanted to go with it; I got unfortunately bored of it rather quickly.
But, I hope you’re maybe able to find something interesting in here, anyway!
Gloria was having a bad day.
It started the moment she woke up that morning to find that her boltund had gotten into her pokefood supplies at some point during the night and, after gorging themselves on around a quarter of the giant bag of food meant to feed six pokemon for 5 weeks; had then proceeded to regurgitate it all up in her bathroom and was forced to clean it up and make sure the criminal boltund was alright at around six o’clock in the morning. She dropped her shower head on her foot while taking her morning shower and slipped and fell on the tiles while picking it up, and she knew she was going to be seeing a nasty bruise somewhere on her body later because of it.
Then, as she was preparing her breakfast; she found out the weather forcasted for rain and thunderstorms; on the day she was supposed to be meeting up with her friends for a long-awaited lunch they’d been planning at one of their regular spots. She accidentally burnt her toast while thinking about it, and dropped an egg on the floor while she was trying to cook two.
Then, she had gotten the call from Hop.
“Uh, so, me and Marnie won’t be able to make it to lunch today.” Hop’s voice was hesitant, fast, and apologetic; and Gloria swallowed thickly as she heard loud noises in the background of the call.
“How come? Did something happen?” There was a stern female voice in the background, followed by a loud crash, and Gloria winced.
Morpeko must be having another outburst.
“Yeahhh, you could say that, mate. Just-uh-I’m really sorry, Gloria, If we can get this solved quickly I can-”
“No, no, it’s okay! It sounds like theres a lot happening there. Did you two…Need any extra help?” She chewed her bottom lip, anxiously. Hop’s answer was immediate.
“No! No, it’s alright! You just go on ahead without us! Tell, uh—Tell Bede we said hey; and—oh, right—ask him if he’s planning on RSVP’ing anytime soon, we need to finalise our numbers.” Gloria nodded, before realising Hop wouldn’t be able to see her answer.
“Sure; and you’re absolutely sure you guys don’t need any help?” A hiss was heard.
“Positive, Gloria. Besides, you know how annoying Bede gets when plans change suddenly. I gotta go, but i’ll call you later, okay?”
“Alright, good luck calming Morpeko.” Hop snorted on the other line, and she could practically hear the grin in his voice.
“Thanks, mate! Catch you later! Sorry again!” As soon as he hung up; Gloria felt her stomach twist with a sick emotion she’d found herself becoming all-too-familiar with lately, and, with a defeated sigh, she collapsed back onto her couch, mindlessely flicking on the tv for white noise.
Gloria prayed that the rest of her day wasn’t as awful as her morning was.
The rest of the day wasn’t much better.
After later sending Bede a message of the change of plans; she stepped in a large puddle almost as soon as she exited her apartment complex, splashing water over herself, leaving her legs cold and wet as she made her way to the cafe. She shook off her umbrella, stepping inside, and was greeted by a waiter and an indeedee; who escorted her to a booth seat after she gave them her reservation name.
A booth meant to fit four people.
With a heavy sigh, Gloria all but collapsed down onto the seat, letting her head fall back against the cushioned seat. As she turned her head to look out to the rainy street, unsurprisingly bustling despite the rain. While normally Gloria would be eager to see her friends, she was, instead, thankful that Bede wasn’t there yet.  
It wasn’t because she hated Bede though, or anything of the sort, really. In fact; her problem wasn’t that she wanted to be away from him; it was that whenever she was around him, she wanted him alarmingly close. It was something she could handle if they were surrounded by others, usually; since there were others to distract her; but when it was just the two of them, alone, it became much more troublesome. She’d become hyper-aware of his presence at all times, any time he’d look her in the eyes or say her name she would find herself heating up, stomach would fill with butterflies, her fingers would twitch and frequently find she wanted to shove herself into his personal space. Wanted to grab his face in her hands and Do something.
She wasn’t sure what, exactly, she would even do, though. Pinch his cheeks, maybe? contort his mouth into an awkward smile like she used to do when they were kids?
….Kiss him?
Gloria exhaled, closing her eyes. There had come a certain point in Gloria’s life where she had to admit to herself that, yes, she did have a crush on Bede. It had just hit her one day, when they were talking together during a camping trip with Hop and Marnie. the latter were off cooking while her and Bede had sat together, playing with their pokemon and idly debating over something. It was a little heated, sure, but most of their conversations were; and they were having fun, nonetheless. Mid-debate; Gloria’s boltund had bounded up to Bede with a happy huff and plopped themselves down right on his lap, bringing a pause to their conversation as Bede looked down at the dog, then Gloria, with an expression halfway between bewildermant and offense. She had laughed, and he had let out an indignant huff; before he relaxed and, surprising her, he reached down to scratch behind the dog’s ears. And she wasn’t sure what exactly it was; but all to quickly, her world had come crashing down on top of her and all that was left in her brain as she watched her boltund melt into Bede’s touch and he, in turn, let out a sound; a gentle, amused sigh; his face soft in a way she’d only ever seen a few rare times; was four words.
“Oh. I like him.”
And; well, really, it had all just been downhill from there for Gloria. Her fondness for him only grew; and Slowly, over the years, he’d been letting her in more and more, letting her see far beyond what was on the surface.
She found him endearing; despite everything. Deeply flawed, but endearing nonetheless. However, she wasn’t sure where to even begin when it came to approaching Bede about the subject. He had never expressed much desire or interest in pursuing any sort of romantic relationship. At least, none that she herself had ever seen. And Bede was, to put it simply, a very private and closed-off person, and much like a stray cat; one wrong move and he’d be spooked off; potentially forever; and that was the last thing she wanted to happen.
But, oh did she want to love him so badly. There was so much she wanted. She wanted to talk and laugh with Bede, hold his hand in hers; hug him and not be shoved unceremoniously off him, she wanted to kiss him all over his face and instead of him grimacing, she wanted him to smile and kiss her back. She’d like to spend the night with him, eating dinner with him, having those conversations with him that always somehow seemed to devolve into semi-heated debates because their differing ideas until they both inevitably passed out together.
Gloria was so deep in her pining for Bede that it was frustrating her now; because as much as she just wanted to blurt out how she felt, she knew that it would lead to nothing good. She’d always made the mistake of running her mouth; hell, she STILL frequently made that mistake, but this was the one thing she wasn’t completely willing to let fall apart in front of her. No, she’d come too far with Bede at this point and she outright refused to lose his friendship. So for once in her life; she would bite down on her tongue.
Because she’s not quite sure she could handle losing Bede from her life; no matter how frustrating it was for her to swallow how much she felt for him.
There was a noise, and she felt something on her shoulder, shaking her. Gloria eyes snapped open, her vision blurry for a few moments as they readjusted to the light flooding in again as she looked around, confused.
How long had she been zoning out? Had she fallen asleep?
“Ah, there you are. Rather unwise of you to fall asleep in a public place like this, Gloria.” Gloria’s eyes fell on Bede, standing beside her booth, shiny spritzee hovering around him out of the corner of her eye as she caught the last moments of him removing his hand from her shoulder, and she stared dumbly up at him for a few seconds.
Oh. Bede was here now.
“You’re here.” Bede scoffed, shaking his head as he took his seat across from her in the booth.
“Astute observation.” His eyes fell on her for a brief moment as he reached for the menu that sat in front of him. “I apologise for my being tardy. the weather caused some delays.”
“You were late?” She scrambled for her rotom phone; and, sure enough, he was about fifteen minutes late. “Oh. It’s okay. I didn’t even notice.”
“Of course you didn’t; you were passed out. I doubt you even received my message.” Gloria switched to her messaging app. Oh. He had left her a message earlier, stating that he may be arriving late.
“Ah. Oops.” Bede hummed non-committedly in return, looking over the menu; his left hand over his mouth in that stupidly endearing thoughtful pose of his.
“I take you haven’t even ordered yet?” Gloria realised she hadn’t even picked up the menu herself yet, and she fumbled to do so, her face feeling familarly warm and her palms beginning to sweat.
“Nope. Was waiting for you.” It didn’t take her long to decide on what she wanted; and Bede didn’t respond; so she instead took that time to look at Bede across from her as his focus lay on his own menu.
There was something different…
She squinted, leaning forward a bit. There was definitely something different about him. Bede took notice of her expression, lilac eyes flicking up to her, confusion knitted his features.
“What on earth are you staring at—”
“—Did you get a haircut?” Bede’s eyes widened a little, and Gloria knew she’d hit the nail on the head. She leaned back again into her chair, smiling. Truthfully, it wasn’t a big change. She had just noticed that he had gotten his curls trimmed a little on the nape of his neck. But it looked nice on him, regardless.
“I…yes, I did, actually.” His eyes flicked away from her, and Gloria’s smile grew wider. “I’m rather surprised you noticed, actually. You’re the first one to do so today.”
“‘Course I noticed! Looks good; looks handsome!” Bede’s face snapped immediately snapped back to look at hers, his eyes wide and shocked; and Gloria would have slapped herself right then if she could have.
“—For, uh, you know! It’s—uh, appropriate! Like—like Ballonlea’s gym leader ‘ought look good, right? Opal always used to say presentation was important, yeah?” She fumbled through her words, and she could feel the eyes of both Bede and his spritzee on her. His Spritzee, in particular, hovered over her, her bright yellow eyes staring straight through her. “I…I just think you look…nice…” Her words peetered out pathetically as she sunk a little into her seat. Bede’s gaze upon her was incredulous; and she would have normally delighted in the way his pale cheeks were flushed red if she wasn’t so embarrassed herself. After what felt like a century; Bede finally looked away from her, clearing his throat awkawrdly.
“…Right. Well; shall we order?” Gloria nodded fervently as she lifted her hand to hail down a waiter. As the two ordered their food and drinks, Bede went off on a tangent about his most recent auditions at Ballonlea, and Gloria sat and listened to his every haughty, smug word, thankful that he hadn’t chosen to comment further on her earlier stumble.
It was halfway through her meal, and after she’d taken a much-too-large bite of her sandwich, that Gloria remembered what Hop had asked of her that morning. Her cheeks too stuffed to say anything, Gloria instead waved her hand in front of Bede’s face to get his attention.
“Mmf—Hey, Bede—”
“Chew and swallow before speaking, Gloria; you’re not a toddler.” He scrunched up his nose in that cute way he always did as he looked at her with mild disgust. Gloria rolled her eyes; but did take a moment longer to actually chew and swallow her mouthful. With and exhale, she quickly took a gulp of her drink, ignoring the sigh of disappointment that Bede, and finally turned back up to look at him again.
“Hop wanted to know if you were gonna RSVP for the wedding or not.” The mention of the wedding caused Bede to tense, and he carefully put down his utensils.
“I…Haven’t yet made a decision.”
“Why not? S’not like you’re the one getting married.”
“Yes, but Gloria what you don’t understand is that I do not particularly want to attend their wedding.”
“Why? They’re our friends; we should be there on their big day.” Bede opened his mouth to say something, but Gloria continued. “—And they ARE both of our friends, we are PAST trying to deny this.” Bede closed his mouth again with a sigh. “—So theres really no reason for you to have put it off for so long.”
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Ownership - Chapter 13 (A Kylo RenxOC AU)
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Cora Ardmore and Kylo Ren work for rival companies, but they don’t know that until after they spend the night together. Once their identities are revealed to each other it’s a question of who will cave first?
This fic is pure porn, pure kinky porn.
Please leave comments, kudos and reblogs if you like it. If you would like to be tagged let me know. You can find my AO3 here.
Warnings: Language, Talk of collars, Dom/Sub relationship, Hair pulling, Blowjobs, Cock worship, Dirty talk, A form of punishment, Slight humiliation, Possessiveness  
Chapter 13
Cora Ardmore
Sat at my desk, I glanced at the small clock in the bottom right corner of my laptop screen. Time seemed to be dragging today, or maybe this article was becoming more and more difficult to write. Some days I wish they’d just write themselves. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself away from my desk a little and rubbed my eyes. Maybe I just needed a small break, some coffee and maybe a sneaky slice of birthday cake. Rey had turned twenty-five over the weekend, so we’d surprised her with a cake this morning.
Before I had the chance to get up from my desk, my phone vibrated continuously on my desk. Incoming call from Kylo Ren. Rolling my eyes with a soft smile, I pressed the answer button and held it to my ear. “I’m at work,” I answered. “I know. But I know because you’re a such a good valued member of staff you wouldn’t answer my texts, so this was the next best thing.” He was mostly right. “I want you to take Friday off and come over to mine earlier,” Kylo spoke as if the request was harmless.
I couldn’t help but scoff. What kind of fucking nerve did he have? There was no way I was taking a day off work and dropping everything for him. The deadline for these articles was Friday, and right now I needed all the time I could get my hands on. “Kylo, I can’t. I have articles that have to be ready for Friday,” I explained. “I’m not taking no for an answer, Kitten.” I rolled my eyes again. I hated how he thought if he used my pet name, I’d just drop my panties for him. Literally. He didn’t have as much control over me as he would like. And we’d agreed that this relationship would not interfere with our work lives. And here he was going against that because he was too greedy and had no self-control.
Any other time I might have been flattered, but not today. “Kylo, when that collar isn’t around my neck you don’t own me, and I don’t have to answer to you. Remember?” I spoke, an obvious edge to my voice. “Well, I’ll have to change that, won’t I?” Without saying goodbye, he hung up. Whilst I felt slightly triumphant to have resisted him, I couldn’t help but also feel slight dread for Friday evening. There was no doubt he’d punish me for being defiant.
Friday morning, I entered my office ready to put the finishing touches to my article. However, there was a long slim navy-blue box on my desk. A necklace gift box. There was even a bow on it. There was no doubt this was from Kylo. And he’d likely paid someone at the front desk to make sure this got to me. Sitting down, I pushed it aside and figured it would be best to ignore it until I had reread my article. Booting up my laptop, I opened the document and read over the first paragraph, making a few tweaks here and there. Glancing over at the box, my curiosity grew.
Ignoring it again, I turned my attention back to the screen. He’d brought me expensive gifts before, but never jewellery. Normally jewellery gifts were considered romantic. Was that was this was? It didn’t matter how many I reread the next sentence, my focus was gone, and my curiosity had gotten the better of me. Grabbing the box, I pulled the lid off, looking inside. It was a necklace, but it certainly wasn’t a romantic gesture. On a thin, dainty silver chain was a small silver padlock charm. A more subtle, public suitable collar. Another way of telling me I was his. There was no way I was wearing it. But I could at least try it on.
Fastening the chain around my neck, I used my pocket mirror to see how it looked. It would have looked good had I not known the meaning behind it. Before I had a chance to take it off Poe entered my office. Shoving the necklace inside my blouse before he could see it, I then snatched the box off my desk and shoved it in a drawer. “You really need to learn how to knock,” I said matter-of-factly. “Why? What are you hiding?” The smirk on his face told me he was teasing. But internally I was still panicking. Chewing my lip, I waited for him to explain why he was here. “Theres an issue with the printers. So we need to look over everything now. Someone should be in to fix them in the afternoon, but we’re definitely working against the clock now,” Poe explained.
“Fuck. Okay, grab a chair and you can read my article for me. Another set of eyes might make me feel better about it.” Poe sat next to me and focused his attention on the laptop screen, his brow furrowing a little in concentration. Eventually he finished and shrugged. “Whats wrong with it?” He asked. “I don’t know, I just wasn’t feeling it.” “Its fine.” It was becoming clearer that Poe hadn’t seen the box or necklace, or otherwise he would have said something by now. Thank god.
Later, I finally made it to Kylo’s only half an hour later than usual. Kicking off my heels at the door, I dumped my weekend bag there too. All I wanted to do was collapse on his couch with some expensive wine and maybe some chocolates. It had been a struggle, but we’d managed to get this issue printed on time, barely. Kylo greeted me in the hall, taking my bag for me. “Bad day?” He asked. “Yeah, so I would appreciate it if tonight you’d cut me some slack.” Kylo’s soft expression hardened, and he raised a brow at me, “I was going to, but if you talk to me like that, I’ll reconsider.”
With the day I’d had I was not in the mood for this and I made that very clear, “whatever Kylo. Punish me if it makes you feel better, I don’t really care.” I moved to sidestep him, but he blocked me once more. The expression on his face said that I was in trouble. But I was still too annoyed to care. “Undress yourself. Now,” he ordered; his voice low in a warning tone. “No.” “Undress!” Kylo roared. In that moment I knew not to push anymore, my anger fading at his outburst. He’d never even raised his voice at me, let alone shouted at me. His rage was palpable, and I broke his gaze, biting my lip.
Unbuttoning my blouse, I pulled it off and dropped it on the floor. Next came off my skirt and tights before I had the courage to look at him. The look on his face told me this wasn’t good enough, he wanted everything off. Swallowing thickly, I removed my bra and panties and waited for my punishment. Dropping my bag, he then approached me in two strides. For once, this closeness made me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable. If I’d thought his punishments before had been bad, I had a feeling this was going to be worse. Pinching my chin between my thumb and forefinger, he tilted my chin so that I would look at him.
“You don’t ever speak to me like that again. I don’t care if you’ve had a shit day, you don’t take it out on me. Am I understood?” He asked. “Yes, sir.” “Good.” His fingers travelled down my neck, and a soft smirk spread across his face. The small padlock pendant rested in his palm. I’d completely forgotten I was still wearing it until now. “And you were so insistent that without a proper collar I didn’t own you. Yet you’ve worn this all day,” he spoke, “on your knees.” Kneeling before him, I held his gaze and waited for another instruction. I couldn’t be sure what he was going to do to me next.
Loosening his belt and jeans, Kylo pulled his half hard cock out. Looks like my big mouth was the focus of this punishment. As it was most of the time. Kylo stroked himself until he was fully hard. Watching him touch himself over me had my mouth watering, but I didn’t dare move no matter how much I wanted to take him in my mouth. Kylo teased the both of us by running the head of his cock across my lips. “Tell me what you like about my cock, Kitten?” He asked. My mouth hung open a little at the question, my cheeks turning red. Dirty talk was still something I wasn’t confident with, and he knew it. Lowering my gaze, I searched my brain for the right words.
“I…I like how you use it…on me, sir,” I answered. He continued to slowly stroke his cock, inches from my face, looking down at me with a soft smirk. “Come on Kitten, I know you can do better than that. Your normally so descriptive in your articles,” Kylo taunted. Clenching my jaw at his words, I made sure to keep my glare to his feet so he couldn’t see it. Now he was using my work against me, to get a reaction out of me. After all that had been the reason, I’d denied his request to take Friday off. Running out of patience, Kylo grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled back hard. Gasping from the sting, I met his gaze once more.
“I like how it feels inside of me,” I answered quickly, “I like how thick it is that every time you first put it in there’s a slight stretch. I like that you don’t have to work too hard to fuck me deep because your cock’s just so long.” His smile grew at my words, the head of his cock inches from my open mouth. Daringly, I licked the bead of pre-cum from the tip. He inhaled sharply, his cock twitching at the attention. “Keep going, Kitten,” he encouraged. My cheeks were still burning, but I continued to praise and worship his cock with my words. Leaning forward, I kissed the head gently before trailing kisses down the shaft.
“I like how it tastes,” I trailed my tongue back up the shaft to the head, “and how sensitive the head of your cock is.” As if to prove my point, I swirled my tongue around the head catching another drop of pre-cum. His cock twitched again whilst he loosened his grip on my hair. “And the best thing about your cock, is that nothing can compare to it. No toy that you use on me will ever make me feel as good as your cock does,” I continued. Once I finished my sentence, I took him in my mouth, moaning softly. Hopefully, I’d done enough to bargain my way out of further punishment. Kylo groaned, the sound low and guttural as he gently fucked my mouth.
“You're lucky, Kitten. I was considering cumming all over your face and not touching you for the rest of the night. But it seems that mouth of yours can get you in and out of trouble.” Kylo explained. Looking up at him through my lashes, I took him all the way down for a few seconds before coming back up for air. His pupils had dilatated so much that his eyes almost looked black. Pulling me to my feet, my chest pressed against his as held me close. “Bedroom, now. I need to mark-up what’s mine.”
Taglist: @sweetfictionalworld​, @sweetsec-93​, @cltex84​, @jana-banana-fana​, @dark-night-sky-99​, @little-laamb​, @ellelaconiwrites, @jynzandtonic​, @blackredrose27​​, @neeharlow​​
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biorusted · 4 years
Precipice (Or: I could love you)
Out of the depths of my brine pool I come baring an actual, honest to God fanfic. And a smut one at that. 2020 is full of surprises.
Thank you @soulswimmr keeping my soul tethered to this mortal plane and for prof reading this fic.
Fandom: Satan and Me -- Pairing: GabeMike -- Words: 5510 (and no its not 10 pages of intercourse there are other things that happen)
If I had a AO3 account I would tag this fic as: Explicit! Panic attack tw, anxiety and depression tw, messy feelings, Hurt/Comfort, porn with plot, First times, cis gay sex, under negotiated kinks, (as in *slaps roof of fanfic* this baby can fit SO MUCH under negotiated kinks) light Bondage, light impact play, Dom/Sub tendencies, aftercare. yeehaw.
Summery: Michael accidentally confesses his love to Gabriel. Putting it lightly, it doesnt go well. But then Gabe shows up later that day and makes amends. (they boink)
Edit - 9/29 (michaelmas) Added a NSFW pic inspired by the fic (at the bottom)
Michael had no idea how he got here.
Well, no, of course he did; he was there when it happened. But to say that the day began with him nearly falling over the edge into despair to having Gabriel grinding up against him, pressing hot kisses to his neck and chest, toying with his body… well no one could have possible seen that coming. Except God, but he wasn’t really thinking of Him at this time.
Theres no way to track how This started. It could go back way before the Fall, to when Michael was first discovering that he liked Gabriel more than others. But that was normal, right? People had their favorites so why was this any different? Just because he leaned in closer whenever Gabriel spoke, or found him smiling like the sun whenever Gabe leaned up against him while they were on break, didn’t mean it was anything special. Besides, Gabriel had Anthea. Gabriel didn’t know he had Anthea at first, but Michael wasnt that blind. So he didn’t say anything to dissuade Gabriel from going after her. He didn’t encourage it either, though. Even after the Fall, he didn’t say anything, he himself just lost Lucifer so any chastising or encouragement would have been hypocritical, but eventually he’d thought that Gabriel would let go of her.
He never did though. And Michael never got rid of his feeling for Gabriel either. It grew, in fact. Slowly, like a vine coming around to choke the statues in the gardens, wholly unnoticed until there is nothing to do about it. Every laugh, ever tired roll of the eyes, every unexpected yawn would bring about a new leaf that would suffocate Michael if he wasn’t already doing everything he could to push his feelings down. He didn’t have time for whatever he felt for Gabriel. There were things to do on the surface, troops to train in Heaven and he, being the one on the pedestal, had to be perfect. And feelings were messy.
The point is, as much as he wanted to run his fingers through Gabriel’s curly red hair and kiss him on warm summer nights, he couldn’t do it. Would never do it.
And then the prophecy child came along. The end officially started, Michael got stabbed by his sister, contracted to a human, poisoned by his brother, sold off as a bartering chip to War, lost his physician, pulled some strings and brought a spirit back to earth, pulled some more strings to keep Gabriel from getting to irreversible trouble (but still had him sent to the tank for two weeks), finally saw God after years of radio silence, met his literal doppelganger, got formerly-mentioned-brother’s wings sent to him as sick gift and, quite frankly, was at the end of his rope. Everything was just happening too fast and no one seemed to care. The air was tight whenever he was with the other Archangels. It felt like he didn’t really know any of them anymore. Not even Gabriel, though his heart begged for that not to be the case.
Oh, right. Anthea had also died. So there’s that too. See? Messy.
All of that was basically to say, that when Gabriel made the snide comment that he, Michael, couldn’t possible know what it was like to truly love someone other than himself (which wasn’t even true, Michael did, in fact, hate himself immensely) Michael wasn’t planning to confirm or deny it.  However, after the initial shock – Did Gabriel really think him that heartless? – and feeling everyone’s eyes on him – all the other archangels were in the room, plus some other guards – he did answer. It came out like a holy confession, a whisper accompanied by searing hot tears.
I love you. He said.
Michael couldn’t breathe in the silence that followed, which made Gabriel’s laugh, a cruel sounding thing, even harder to take. Michael choked on air and when Gabriel turned to leave, but when he made to follow, maybe to explain himself more? To apologize? Anything but be alone with his thoughts or worse, alone in a room full of people, Gabriel slapped him.
Gabriel said something to him, but he didn’t catch it. All he felt was stinging on his cheek and embarrassment crushing his chest. Michael didn’t know how long he stood there, cradling his face and trying to think, but not comprehending anything around him, but eventually his brain caught up and he realized he did not want to be in that room right then. So, he ran.
Raphael had taught him some breathing techniques to help with panic attacks, but he couldn’t remember them. He guessed he actually had to breathe for them, which he wasn’t doing. All he was doing was sitting in a ball on the floor of his room trying to crush his feeling out. How typical of him, really, to fuck everything up. Now what? He had just cut ties with the only other person he felt a true connection with and now he was well and truly going to die lonely when The End came. That was always the plan; a murder suicide with Lucifer, but he’d thought there would be some pride when he went? Someone who he was fighting for? He didn’t know. He did know it was all his fault. Everything was his fault, no matter who he assigned blame to.
When he finally stopped crying, Michael sat very still. The apathy that came after such a strong release was always welcome. He breathed. And then he got up, washed his face and then went to his personal office to get some work done. He was nothing if not a good angel. Perfect in the eyes of the public.
Numb to everything that wasn’t directly in front of him, Michael actually got a lot done. The shuffling of paper and scratching of his pen was a pleasant relief compared to the chaos of his own thoughts that he was used to. He didn’t even hear the door to his office open, didn’t feel the presence of someone else in the room until they came to where he was organizing paperwork into the proper bins and gently grabbed both of his arms.
Oh, Michael could recognize Gabriel’s hands anywhere. They were hands he trusted completely with everything from a nice manicure to executing an offender of the faith. The only problem was he didn’t know what Gabriel was going to do with those hands. So, he stood completely still at Gabriel’s mercy for the second time that day.
“Turn around.” Gabriel said, taking the rest of the files from Michael and tossing them out of reach. Michael couldn’t discern anything from his voice, really only comprehending that he was very close to his ears, so, he did what he was told.
“Look at me.” he said next, as Michael found the trinkets on his desk a better study. When he didn’t listen, Gabe let go of the shelving he was pining him to and put one hand on the side of his face. It didn’t take a lot of pressure to tilt his head so their eyes met. It frightened Michael to see how stormy Gabriel’s eyes were. Dark, alluring, and troubled were not something he’d normally say about Gabriel, but now only those words applied. There was something else too, his jaw was clenched, as if he were holding his tongue, or arguing with himself.
Michael never got the chance to ask about it, because Gabriel leaned in, parted his lips, closed his eyes and kissed him.  The fog of apathy flushed out of him immediately and he felt everything; the warmth of Gabe’s hands on his cheek, the way his other hand lifted from the table and came to rest on his waist, the smooth silk of his own clothes against his body, heat coming from everywhere and, oh lord, his lips. The clouds couldn’t compare to the softness of Gabe’s lips on his, he could spend an eternity in this moment and it would never be enough.
The kiss (they’re first kiss), of course, did not last an eternity. It was only when Gabe moved away from him that Michael realized he didn’t close his eyes, or move towards him or do… anything. Kisses always looked magnetic, so why didn’t it fix everything between them? Michael felt a knot forming in his stomach and it only grew heavier as Gabe opened his eyes to gauge his reaction.
They were still standing so close that their breaths were shared. So, Michael only had to whisper when he said;
“I don’t understand.”
“Do you want to?” Gabe quipped back, tilting his head to the side. He was being completely serious.
“Wh-What?” He really wished his eyes were the bright emerald green they were usually.
Gabe’s grip on Michael’s waist tightened and the storm behind his eyes grew. “Do you want to understand?”
Of course he did. His cheek still burned from where Gabe hit him and the shaking anxiety from his panic attack never left completely, if he understood then maybe they really could make this work. Whatever this could be. Or he could fuck it up.
“No.” He said, and closed the gap between them.
Almost immediately he was shoved back into the shelving with Gabe’s hands clawing at his skin and teeth biting his lips. Heat rushed through his entire body as Gabe pressed up against him, ground up against him leaving his full intent out into the open.
God, since when could he move like that? Michael thought as he opened his mouth and let Gabriel’s tongue meet his own. Gabe’s piercing clicked on his teeth, setting off another wave of heat down his spine. He’d always wondered what it would be like to feel Gabe’s piercing in his mouth. One of his own hands slipped behind Gabe’s chiton and laid flat against his chest while the other raked through his hair. He almost wished Gabriel hadn’t cut his hair short, he would have love to pull on the curls, but the deep moan that came out of him made up for it.
Gabriel’s tongue was on his lips, and then his lips were on his jaw, kissing a line up and then down his neck, Michael could barely catch his breath, the way he gasped at every press of his mouth on sensitive skin. Even when Gabe slowed down to focus on a spot at the base of his neck, Michael didn’t complain, especially as Gabe’s leg pressed in between his own. Michael didn’t realize how hot his body felt, certainly didn’t realize how hard he was, how hard both of them were, but it was all he could think about as Gabe’s hands slid lower and started groping his ass, gathering the fabric of his skirt between his fingers.
Humans always made this stuff look strange, Michael didn’t get all the moaning and begging and crying out. The ‘losing control’ part never made sense to him either, but there was nothing controlled about the sounds he made now; broken whispers begging to be understood as wanting more. He wanted more of this, whatever this ended up being and he wanted Gabriel there to guide him through it all.
Naturally, that’s when Gabriel pulled away. Michael didn’t think he could fall for him anymore, but the vines he always compared his love to bloomed in such a vivid way. The messed up hair, the dilated pupils, the reddened lips, the way he dragged his eyes down every inch of him; it could have destroyed him and made him whole all at once.
“Tonight.” Gabe said. “I’ll meet you in your room.” It wasn’t a question, but it wasn’t a statement either.
“Yes.” He nodded, but when he felt Gabriel leaning away from him, asked “But why?”
He straightened himself up, making eye contact as he grazed his crotch and nodded towards his desk. “You still have work to do.”
The afternoon passed as quickly as he’d expected it to, which is not very quick at all. After getting himself fixed up, Michael found he could not possibly focus on anything other than events prior. It didn’t matter what he put in front of himself, all he could think about was how this whole thing wasn’t good. It’s exactly want he wanted in his deepest and most sinful dreams; a physical relationship with his millennia-long love—but he’d only let himself pin for a romantic one, chaste save for a few kisses. They both were angels after all. This… This wasn’t even love, he thought. Especially not in the way silence grew serious between them when they parted. Lovers didn’t do that… they talked at the very least.
No. This was lust. And he found that he was ok with it… he wanted to be ok with it.
Eventually he got up and left his office. The empty hallways of his home echoing his footsteps, he tried not to think about it. He paced around his room a bit, wishing Gabriel had been more exact about ‘tonight.’ Did he mean at sunset? Or closer to midnight? Were they just… going to get straight to it? Or… what? Was Michael expecting to be taken out on a date? Please. Gabe was probably just going to get off and then leave. He would be lucky if it was a mutual thing.
Still, he couldn’t stop thinking. How would it happen? Was he expected to do anything? How did Gabriel know how to move his body like that? Eventually, just about when he thought he’d lose it, Michael caved and looked up what to expect.
The internet was, as usual, very helpful, but by the end of his searching his mind was even more frayed than before. He decided to take a shower. A long one just to calm himself down and … maybe to… test some of the things he read.
By the time Gabriel arrived, Michael had taken a long shower, dried and dressed himself and even put on what he hoped was subtle perfume and straightened up his room. Everything was, hopefully, perfect. He was halfway through setting up two glasses of wine --because he did keep wine in his room now-- when the knock came.
“Come in,” He said casually, almost forgetting the situation they were in.
He heard the door open and close, but there came no greeting, so when Michael turned around to make sure he wasn’t dreaming, he was surprised to find Gabriel outright staring at him. He looked the same as he did before, except now he carried a bag with him. Michael, however, did dress up. Or down. It depends on how you look at it. He still wore his chiton, but in a more traditional way that showed off more of his chest and thighs. He also wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
He swallowed and turned back to the wine, wishing his body didn’t blush so much under Gabriel’s intense stare. But he faced it again, this time with a bottle of wine in his hands.
“I thought that we could have a drink?” His voice faltered and he stood rather awkwardly and small.
That seemed to break Gabe out of his trance. He dropped off his bag on the bed and approached him with an even gaze. Stopping right in front of him, he took the bottle from his hands and set it down.
“No… No more wine.” He said in that deep tone that put butterflies in his stomach. Upon seeing his reaction, Gabe added, “I’d rather have you right now.”
And to that Michael could only say one thing.
And now here they were, Gabriel leaving bite marks and hickeys on his neck while he pushed up against him so that every nerve was on fire, begging for more. Michael twisted and strained on the ropes tying his wrists to the bedposts, trying to catch his breath. But whenever he did manage a moment clarity, Gabriel would do something else to make him jump and moan beneath him. He was playing with his nipples now and dragging his fingernails down his sides. He still hadn’t taken off his clothes yet, but by now they might as well be ruined, soaked through with each other’s sweat and precum. Michael moaned again as Gabe slapped his thighs, by now he wasn’t afraid of being loud, he wanted Gabe to know exactly what he felt.
“Please.” He begged again, not expecting an answer but praying for one anyway. His legs shook underneath Gabe’s firm hands as he kept them pressed to the bed, no matter how many times he coaxed Gabe forward, to rub their cocks together, for any friction at all, he still denied him.
“Please, what?” he said into his ear, “Aren’t I giving you everything you want?” The honey in his voice made Michael shiver.
“Yes, God yes! But please… fuck- please touch me. I need you.” He captured his lips again for a messy kiss.
Gabe pulled away. “Greedy, much?” He kissed a line down his body, then above his navel, “You really are a whore.”
Michael gasped as the sash at his hips was untied and thrown aside. His whole body throbbed with need at the silent promise. “Only for you.”
Gabe lifted the remaining fabric and breathed in the wet spot where his precum soaked through. “Is that so? All of this is for me?” He gently pulled the fabric away from his body, finally leaving Michael bare and spread wide for him. His dick fully erect, leaking and red, begging for release by any means.
Michael shifted under his gaze, looking down on him like he owned him. He only hoped he looked as beautifully desperate as Gabriel did. “Of course.”
Gabe nodded and took off the rest of his own clothes. His hands traveled up and down his glistening tan body, fulfilling a desire that Michael wished he could do instead. How many times had Michael wanted to run his fingers up and down the curves of Gabriel’s toned body? He couldn’t remember at that moment. If he didn’t like his wrists being tied up so much, he might have asked to be untied.
When he got to his dick though, he only traced light lines with his fingertips, moaning and biting his lips in pure ecstasy. It was a sight to behold, the lines of precum hanging on his fingers, the trail of ginger hair cropping his dick. ‘Heavenly’ could hardly cover it.
Michael let out a groan and Gabe stopped, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“My eyes are up here.”
“Fuck me already.”
That earned him another slap on the inside of his thighs, he bucked and noted the way his cock bounced in the air. Did everything have to be so erotic? Gabriel reached back to the bag he brought, the one that also had the rope, and pulled out a small bottle of lube and a condom. Now that they were on track, Gabe wasted no time in slicking his fingers up, propping up Michael’s legs and sliding said fingers up and down his ass, even grabbing his balls for good measure. Michael thought about biting into his own arm to stop from crying out too loud, but instead just lifted his legs higher. The house was empty anyway.
Gabe let out a satisfying hum and pressed a finger inside him. It felt as strange as it did when he practiced in the shower, but god was it so much better.
“Take deep breaths. I’m just stretching you out now.” He said, smiling to himself and kissing Michael’s calf. “It would be a shame if you finished now.”
“It wouldn’t be my fault. I didn’t know how much you liked teasing.” Or slapping or bondage or powerplay or literally anything. Then again, he himself didn’t realize how much he’d like those things too, much less being on the receiving end. He took a deep breath. And another. Then, the question that was haunting him slipped from his mouth. “How do you know how to do this?” he blurted out.
“Hm?” Gabriel looked away from him, suddenly abashed, as if he wasn’t massaging his asshole for his pleasure and use. “I uh. I watched some videos.”
And to that Michael laughed, more genuine than he had in a while.
“What?” Gabe took the opportunity to insert another finger, stopping his laughter with pain and pleasure. How cruel!
“Nothing! I just…” He turned his head to hide his face in is arms. “I watched some videos too.”
“Really?” The quality in his voice changed. It had been changing from when they made out in his office to now… it felt like they were talking normally with each other, like friends… or, well, like lovers. It helped that he was smiling now, not quite a joyful or mischievous smile, but a quaint one. As if they both were taking each other in with a new light.
“Yeah… I practiced some too.” He could share that, right?
“Oh… did you…?”
“No. I was… saving that for you.”
“Oh.” Was all he said, hiding his quiet delight behind adding in another finger inside of him.
They stayed like that for a while, Gabe stretching him out gently while Michael sighed and kept his breathing relaxed. Gabe never pushed his fingers in deep, even though Michael thrusted his thighs up, trying to convince Gabe to finger fuck him a little. After a few minutes, Michael was craving for something thicker and longer. Even so, he was not ready for how cold, empty and gapping he’d feel when Gabe’s fingers left him.
“Ready?” Gabe asked as he slid the condom on and poured more lube onto his hand. He bit his swollen lips and he slicked up his shaft; he wasn’t the only one that was denied.
“More than.” He angled himself up more and welcomed Gabe’s steady hand bracing on his red thighs. There was a moment of blissful silence as Gabe lined himself up, only broken by the feeling on his head pressing up against his hole and pushing in. They both moaned.
Gabe was gentle going in, pushing forward and pulling back bit by bit. His whole body jerked as he guessed his prostate was hit, he read that it felt like sparks shooting across the body and by God was that right. He rocked his hips up even harder now. Michael had never felt so full, never felt the need to be, but when Gabe bottomed out and rutted against his hips, he felt as if he’d need this the rest of his life. Is this what it felt like to be truly connected? To be full and content with your lover? It felt cheesy to even think, but he imagined soulmates felt like this.
Michael moaned even louder as Gabe pulled halfway out and slid down faster. Again and again he felt sparks as his lover’s wet hips slammed into his own. The noises they made were obscene and only made worse when Gabe leaned over him to get a better angle. Now he could feel Gabe’s hot breath on his face and see just how gone he was, which made the heat pooling in his own stomach twist and flood his senses. This was started to be too much.
“Touch me!” He begged, straining on his wrists again. “Oh, please I want to come. Please let me come.” He had to have this, he’d waited so long; Michael needed this.
“Oh fuck.” Gabe moaned and leaned down to bite at his neck once more. “Beg for me. I’m so close.”
“Please, Gabriel, I wanna… I wanna feel you come inside me, I want your hands pumping my dick until I scream. I want you. I need you Please. Please. Please!”
Michael’s breathy cries grew more erratic along with Gabriel’s pace. The wet slapping of skin filled the room until Gabe cried out and shook with his orgasm. Michael pushed up against him, writhing around his partner’s twitching cock, until Gabe collapsed onto him and gasping for breath, oversensitive and spent.
“Fuck.” He gasped as he lifted himself up and crashed his mouth on Michael’s. His lips screamed desperation. His hands trembled as he grabbed Michael’s cock and pumped at a horrifically fast pace. Michael gasped against his mouth and bucked, arching his back as much as he could. When his orgasm hit, he froze, coming quickly in Gabe’s hand before opening his eyes again and melting into the bed. Only then did Gabe slide out of him and collapse. He couldn’t breathe for a moment, and then the only thing he could do was breathe. His mind and body spent.
They laid together for a few minutes, Gabe resting on top of him, both of them basking in the afterglow. Michael felt sticky and sore and empty but didn’t feel like moving, and honestly, if they laid like that for the rest of the night, he would be completely fine with that.
As if reading his thoughts, Gabriel kissed his jaw and lifted himself up. How he went from blitzed out to composed Michael couldn’t guess, but he noted the way Gabe still trembled. “We should… clean up.” He emphasized this by taking his hand—still covered in Michael’s cum – and dragged his tongue up his index finger. He made a face and shrugged, “It doesn’t taste that good.”
Michael huffed. “I’m sorry I’m not made of sugar.”
“Hm. But those noises you made were so sweet.”
Michael rolled his eyes. “Untie me, please.” He didn’t thing he could play anymore games.
“Just a second.” He peeled off the condom and made to get off the bed.
“Where are you going?” A bolt of dread shot up his spine; he wasn’t leaving, was he? Not tied up to the bed and out in the open?
“Bathroom, Michael. Getting a towel and washing my hands. Also, you’re sticky.”
“And whose fault is that?” he tried shove his anxiety back into its box.
He didn’t get a reply, just a hum and a good view of Gabe’s back side as he walked to the room adjacent and cleaned himself up. He wasn’t even out of sight, keeping the bathroom door wide open, but Michael still felt tendrils of doubt writhe in his chest.
He put on a smile as he walked back holding two warm towelette—because yes, Michael had towelettes on hand. They’re nice to have— He was still surprised when Gabriel cleaned him instead of just untying his wrists and letting him handle his own ‘sticky’ body. Somehow this seemed more intimate than what they just finished doing, especially how gentle Gabe lifted his legs to get a better angle. The warm towel felt wonderful on his abused butt and dick, more so than he thought it would. After getting his lower half he used the other towelette to press on his neck, which had much the same effect. Michael didn’t think that a warm towelette would make the deep bite marks and bruises heal right away, but it was like a gentle kiss. He didn’t think Gabe would be so kind to him.
“Whats wrong, Michael?” Gabe’s calm voice cut through the silence. He didn’t meet his eyes as he asked.
What should he say to that? Everything was wrong, they just—they just had sex! They didn’t even talk about it before hand they just… did it! And this morning he was pretty sure Gabe hated him and Michael… he didn’t know what he wanted to do with anything. No one could find out, he was sure of that… but did that mean he had to forget this whole night happened? All in all his life was falling apart! He didn’t want to push his last lifeline away.
“I’m fine.” He smiled. He tried not to panic as the mood shifted over Gabriel. He could see the clouds over his eyes again. Shit shit shit of course he’d ruin it. “I-“ He started, frantically thinking about what would make this right. “I just want you to stay.” Pathetic.
That seemed to work, though it hurt to say, but he didn’t get an answer right away. Instead, Gabe moved up to his arms and finally undid the rope. Michael hissed as he moved his freed wrists again.
“Oh, I brought something for that.” Gabe said, reaching for his bag once again. He produced a bottle of lotion and applied some to his hands before taking one of Michael’s and massaging it. It felt good, though much like the towel still at his neck, he didn’t think it would do much. They fell into a lull again. Michael felt as if he could fall sleep, if not for the unanswered question weighing on his mind.
“What do you want to do with the cover?”
“The duvet is… wet.”
“Oh… just throw it to the ground, I’ll clean it tomorrow.” Or he’ll just burn it, whatever.
“Ok.” Gabe let go of his hands and began to pull back the blanket beneath them. Ideally, they should have taken it off beforehand, but they weren’t really thinking logically then, just about how to make each other shake with pleasure. Michael sat up and helped kick the thick blanket to the ground. His ass hurt and his whole body was sore, scratched up and bruised, but at least he was clean-ish. He had honestly never felt so… exhausted before. Satisfied but still so wanting. Maybe he was a selfish whore. He pulled back more blankets from the front of the bed and crawled underneath him, not caring to put on clothes or turn off the dim lights still illuminating his room.
He closed his eyes and tried to focus on the heaviness he felt all around him versus the sounds of Gabriel sliding off the bed and walking away. It didn’t really work, he still felt hot tears behind his eyes and tried biting the inside of his lip to keep from making noise. If Gabriel wanted to leave, then who was he to stop him? He knew this wasn’t good. He should be happy that he got to have sex with him at all. A check off the bucket list and all that.
But he didn’t leave. Michaels eyes snaped open as he felt a thumb wipe away his tears. Gabe was hovering above him, looking somewhere between tired and concerned; he’d just turn off the lights. Michael wanted to laugh because of how ridiculous he was being. Or cry.
But he didn’t. He shifted over and let Gabriel slide under the covers with him. It was awkward, they were both naked and wasn’t sure how get comfortable like this, but they soon settled down where Michael was laying on Gabe’s chest and they were tracing shapes on each other’s arms.
He was about to drift off when Gabe muttered, half to himself, “I could love you.”
That didn’t feel as bad as it could to Michael. “That’s all I need.” His words slurred together before he dropped into darkness. He’ll deal with everything else tomorrow.
Gabriel didn’t know why he did this anymore than Michael probably did. All Gabe wanted was a release, something he thought he could only have with Anthea. A stress reliever, maybe. A good fuck before the world went to shit. He tried to ignore the darker thoughts he had that day, where he pushed Michael over the edge and left him to shatter on the ground. Or the ones where he’d hurt Michael outright to finally get across all of the hurt he’d experienced at his now-lover’s hands. But there was something—a spark? – when they kissed, and a shift when they actually talked to each other. No masks, no pretenses. Just feelings; whatever they happened to be.
And Gabe remembered how Michael used to be. Fun, genuine, loving. He remembered the quiet nights where they watched the sky and how Michael would, very obviously, check him out. The way he always seemed to prefer either him or Lucifer. This whole thing was ridiculous; of course Michael loved him, it was so obvious. So why did Gabe react like that this morning? He didn’t know. He didn’t want to think about it anymore than he already had.
Gabe wasn’t lying when he said he could love him, but he wouldn’t lie and say that he loved him now. His heart was recently broken and, the tattoo of Anthea’s name was barely over a month old. Before today, he believed it too soon for anything new. Obviously, another part of him disagreed, but he would save those thoughts for another time. Gabriel kissed Michael’s head and fell asleep with him in his arms. He’ll have to see what the next day brought.
a doodle:
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impishnature · 4 years
Stray Feelings
AO3 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: G
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A/N: Thanks anon! I hope you enjoy this <3 Also I think the prompt speaks for itself. Theres Feral!Ford and there’s fluffy animals.
Stan wasn't meant to be gone this long.
There was a strange atmosphere around the Shack as Ford paced, quick sharp steps and tapping fingers. Stan had a routine. He may not realise it but he did. Through the week he probably knew; get up, get dressed, work, go out on the porch to relax or in front of the TV if the weather was rough, sleep, rinse and repeat. That was simple, it made sense and Ford could integrate himself easily enough. At the weekend, or on days off, it was calmer and things could change if he only asked, Stan happy to jump at the chance to spend time together. But certain things were always the same, Stan got up, made himself a warm drink and sat on the porch for half an hour before coming in to make them both a breakfast that set off the rest of the day.
Stan hadn't come inside yet.
And deep down there was a voice laughing at him that it was nothing, that Stan was just taking his time and that was that. It was his day off, he was allowed, he didn't have to jump to Ford's whims and fancies.
But the much louder voices were the ones that itched to check up on him, to make sure he hadn't gone past the barrier or done something equally reckless. The alarm bells that clogged up his throat and set his heart racing so that he couldn't call out and get him to come back inside. It wasn't like Stan to deviate, he was a creature of habit and kept himself to himself, straying from the pattern set off too many warning signals for him to ignore.
And so he paced.
And the time Stan took outside stretched and stretched.
Until the 'what ifs' and awful cackling laughter got too much and he propelled himself at the door, brain ready and expecting a threat.
"Jesu- Sixer!"
The door cracked against the wooden wall and Stan yelped like he'd shot at him.
Ford blinked, the light outside blinding in it's intensity as he scouted for a threat in the distance, too amped up to wait for them to adjust. He could feel Stan in his peripheral, stumbling up from the floor and it only added to his anxious, heightened senses.
What was he doing down there?
"Easy, Ford, what's going on? What's happened?" 
Ford frowned, finally turning to him as he groaned and stood up properly. He darted to his side, lifting him up and depositing him into the porch chair to another disgruntled yelp at his manhandling. Had he fallen? Why hadn't he called out for me?
Stan slapped his fluttering hands away, gently but still frustrated. "Sixer, I'm fine! Just tell me what's happened." His eyes were soft, searching Ford's face as he loomed above him. "I can't help if you don't tell me, Ford. Breathe." 
"I-I-" Ford stared back at him, head tilting ever so slightly. It was easier to breathe now that it was obvious Stan was OK, and that meant the words flowed just that little bit easier. "You- uhm-" 
And suddenly everything felt that much more childish and unnecessary.
The laughing, cackling voice from before suffocating the paranoid voices.
"Nothing. Doesn't-"
"Oi. Don't do that. Whatever it is, it matters." 
But did it really?
He didn't want Stan to worry about him more than he already did.
But perhaps that ship had already sailed.
"I- that is-" Ford huffed, scrubbing at the back of his neck as he stood up. "You were taking longer than usual."
Stan raised an eyebrow, though there was a strangely sheepish tilt to his mouth that he couldn't quite hide. "O-oh?"
"You usually, uhh, you tend to only stay out here for a little while-"
Understanding dawned on his brother's face and Ford's heart sank guiltily. "Or I tell you if I'm going somewhere, don't I? Shoot, sorry. I just lost track of time."
"No, no." Ford held up his hands. "I still overreacted."
Stan shrugged, an apologetic smile still on his face. "Well, perhaps next time I lose track of time, you'll remember this time."
Ford tried to smile back but he knew it wasn't fully working from Stan's expression. "Hopefully."
"Or you could always join me- maybe with less fanfare next time." Stan's smile turned more mocking, a sibling grin beginning to stretch from ear to ear.
Ford groaned. "Don't give me that look. But yes, next time, I'll- do my best to just check on you."
Stan shrugged. "Suit yourself. It's very calming out here in the mornings." 
Ford stared at him for a few moments. He'd always assumed this was Stan's quiet time, away from the world, away from- well, him as well. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Good." Stan's face brightened, as if he'd just won an argument before his face fell again and suddenly he began searching at his feet. "Shoot. Wait, where'd it go?"
Ford watched as Stan almost forgot he was there, head snapping to him for a second before going back to his search. "Oh, right, well I did say I lost track of time. I kind of got distracted." He started making a strange noise with his mouth, soft clicks and pursed lips. It was a sound Ford was sure he'd heard before, but given all of his travels, everything had become jumbled together into a mix of signals, either angry or pleasant. This one came under the pleasant category at least, though his hackles still raised ever so slightly at the thought of another creature being on their porch that he hadn't even noticed.
He stayed silent, watching Stan's shoulders lock up even as he continued his hunt.
"So, right- this little thing came padding up to me while I was sat here. And I was going to come in and talk to you! But  I didn't know what your thoughts were on strays and the like... so I was trying to come up with a good way to broach the subject and-"
He was starting to get agitated, and Ford couldn't have that. 
It felt like he'd started this downward spiral.
"Slow down." Stan flinched and Ford hated it. "I didn't mean- just tell me calmly-"
A soft mew punctuated both of their words.
Ford watched as Stan leaned over as far as he could, a little pink nose peeking out from under the porch seat. 
"There you are!" 
He placed his hand within reaching distance, the little nose sniffing at his fingers before warily popping a whole head out and glancing up at Ford with worried eyes and downwards ears.
Ahh. He'd spooked it.
He squatted down beside the seat, hoping to appear smaller and less threatening, as the small creature shimmied it's way out of it's hiding spot and rubbed against Stan's hand, still watching him carefully. It was a skinny little thing, he could almost see ribs, but it seemed happy enough at the attention Stan was doting upon it. It was grey, though he was unsure on how much of that was dirt versus actual colouration, with short tufted little whiskers and big ears that it had yet to grow into. It mewed at him again, tiny teeth making their presence known as big brown eyes continued to stare at him. 
"See? It's just a kitten." Stan's face was locked onto the little thing as if it were Mabel at her cutest. One of his fingers was big enough to scritch it's chin and it seemed happy to sit there and bask in the attention. "It stumbled out of the woods when it heard me. Even fell over half way along the trail like the kids did sometimes when they were too excited to just walk." He cooed at it ever so softly, Ford wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't heard it. "And- I don't-" He frowned, eyes darting to Ford. "Guess I've always had a thing about looking after strays."
Ford could understand that.
After everything, he could see Stan doing that.
Besides, as much as he had to fend for himself in his travels, and his hardships had been innumerable, sometimes you just couldn't resist helping someone or something else in need as well, regardless of the danger it put you in.
Ford put his hand out slowly to the kitten, extending the olive branch and waiting patiently for it to accept or reject him. It at least looked curiously at him from behind Stan's hand. "What were you worried about?"
Stan swallowed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I dunno. I mean, it is your house and your rules so. I guess I was scared you'd say no and I'd have to try and hide this little one on the porch so I could still feed 'em."
Ford was mildly offended. "It's our house." Stan looked at him strangely at that. Oh, had he never actually said it before? "It is." 
Stan continued to stare before his smile widened again. "Alright, it's our house. But that still means it has to be a joint decision on looking after this little one until we find it a good home."
"Hmm..." Ford gave the kitten a joking once over as it slowly plodded over to him. "I mean it doesn't seem like a threat."
Stan snorted, Ford grinning along with him as he achieved what he'd hoped. "I swear to god if I find you running tests..."
"Well, you can never be too sure." Ford continued to smile as a cold, wet nose hit his finger, but his eyes trailed over to a little wonky tail and skinny legs. "Though I think any tests would be to check how healthy this little guy is."
"There's a vet for that."
"I'm better than a vet."
Ford could feel the eye roll he received but his focus was fixated on the little creature that was now too filled with curiosity to be cautious. It sniffed his hand, and then his coat, continuing up until both front paws were on his knees and a little face was stretching up to sniff his. He leaned down, letting the small creature continue its ministrations, scoping him out in a way that made him oddly proud but also oddly protective of the little child that didn't seem to understand that he could also be a threat.
He scooped the little thing up, pulling it into his chest. There was a soft yelp and more searching eyes as Stan started to tell him off but then the kitten relaxed, curling up into his arms against his chest. His heart was still beating fast from the earlier worries and the strange conversation but as the kitten relaxed against him, he could feel the tension easing.
It evaporated entirely when a soft purr emanated from the tiny body, slipping into his chest and warming him from the inside out. 
"We're keeping them."
Stan beamed, fist pumping ever so slightly like they were teenagers again. "Yes! I'll go out later and grab some food and see if anyone's looking for a kitten-"
Stan paused. "What?"
"We're keeping them." 
And with that Ford stood up, kitten still in hand and walked into the house, happily rejoicing at the peace the small creature was giving him as it purred in his grasp.
He heard an exasperated and confused voice behind him as Stan tried to catch up. "...Well, alright then. Guess that's that decided-"
He was sure Stan wouldn't mind.
After all, it had been his idea in the first place to look after the stray.
And they both knew deep down that once you were family to Stan, that was it for life.
He could pretend all he wanted, he'd have never been able to give the kitten up once he was attached to it.
And Ford was pretty sure from his earlier arguments and that fond expression he'd worn that it had already happened.
Yeah, he was sure Stan would forgive him.
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sebsallowapologist · 4 years
Pothos Part: 5
Hi.... so I finally did it, sorry for the weight! Life can be pretty crazy even when you’re inside your own apartment so please be nice! Tell me what you think!
If you would like to read the first four parts of Pothos you can do it HERE.
All of a sudden my hair stood on my arms, my eyes darted around my room so fast that everything was a blur. I had tunnel vision, where was he? My whole body shook and it felt like I was going to throw up my entire stomach. I stumble out of the bed and crash into my nightstand, stumbling forward into my living room, frantically looking for what I knew wasn’t here.
There was no one here, no one standing in the kitchen or sitting on my couch. Why would he be? He didn’t belong here.
Once my eyes confirmed what I knew, I just let myself break. It had taken me years to become something that resembled a functioning human behind and now I was back to square one. Maybe even worse. I grab the wall and slide down, my ass hitting the floor a little harder than what was comfortable. I was fucked. I already knew I would never be normal again, but who was going to help me now? I couldn’t let my dad know I let it happen again, my mother would try to visit and lord knows that would just make me feel worse.
Or hell- maybe I’d made it all up. Maybe I spent last night walking around my apartment in a pretty dress talking to no one. I’m not even sure if that was better or worse.
My lungs start screaming at me- reminding me I needed air to survive. I mean to take in a deep breath which just comes as a gasp, which leads to another gasp, and another, until I’m taking in air and pushing it out faster than my lungs can handle. I must look like an idiot, on the floor of my apartment hyperventilating about a ghost.
I dig my nails into my arm to try and center myself, but it doesn’t work. My mom always told me that if you were in pain to pinch yourself and your brain would get distracted, but my nails weren’t long enough to inflict any real pain, nothing that could rival how my empty chest felt.
My hands went into my hair and pulled at the root, looking for the desired effect until I heard his panicked voice, “Bella?”
My neck snaps up and I see him, I was seeing things again- officially. The angel in my living room looked anxious. “Bella are you alright?” He asks, setting the plastic bag he was carrying on the floor and in an instant he was sitting next to me. I jump out of my skin when his hands are all of a sudden touching my face. “Are you hurt?” He asks and I can’t describe the feeling.
“Bella stop gasping.” He says. I didn’t know I was still doing that. He picks up my hand and places it on the center of my chest. “Deep breath in.” He says and I try to mimic that. His chest pushes out on the inhale and I try to do that. He exhales again and I close my eyes, trying to focus on that. I start breathing normally and a small part of my brain wonders how he’s breathing so deeply so close to me. That had to be a sign this wasn’t real.
My hand curls and brings the light cotton shirt he’s wearing into my fist. “Bella, are you alright?” He asks again and puts his hand on my forehead. “You left?” I ask and he nods. “You didn’t have much in the way of food- and I was going to make you breakfast. I wasn’t gone long.” He says and I nod.
“I thought you left.” I sigh and let his shirt go, dropping my hand. “Oh, Bella.” He breaths and I’m immediately embarrassed. I must look like a toddler who had a temper tantrum. “Sorry.” I mumble and lean on the wall. “Next time text me or something.” I say and he nods. He stays on the floor with me, looking anxious.
I put my hand on the wall to help me up and he follows me, slowly going back to pick up the bag. “You cook?” I ask, trying to move the conversation away from being a fucking mental patient, and he nods. “I watched a video on breakfast while you slept. I’m fairly confident I can follow instructions.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.” I smile smalley and walk over to the coffee maker. I had a raging headache from my episode. God- he was going to try and put me in the hospital like Charlie did. I wasn’t doing a great job of trying to convince him to stay.
He puts the bag on the counter and points to my table. “Sit. Relax.” he tells me and there's a smile on his face but his eyes are just- blank. Shut down. I nod and walk to the kitchen table, picking up the TV remote that sat there. I put on some music and turned the volume down just to fill the silence. If it was silent I was going to think about how horribly I’d just behaved.
“What’s the name of this band?”
“What you’d never heard of Catfish and the Bottlemen? What are you? A hundred years old?” I smile, looking over at him, cracking an egg into a bowl. A smile pulls at his lips as he nods his head rhythmically. “About that.”
I smile back. I just sat there, pointing to cabinets while he asked for things like teaspoons and whisks. When my eggs and toast were done he brought the plate over to the table and sat down across from me, waiting patiently for my review.
I pick up the fork and grab the hot sauce that always resided on the table, dabbing some on the eggs before I try them. I chew and swallow- a tad over done but they were really good for a first timer. I smile and nod, “Very good.”
He picks up the bottle of Chalupa and turns it in his hands a few times. “You like spicy now?”
“I do. I have a very mature palette.” I joke and he pops the lid off of the bottle, placing a drop on his finger before putting it on his tongue. “Spicy?”
“It just tastes bad.” He chuckles and I eat some of the toast. He lets me finish my meal before he takes my hand in his and squeezes gently. “You thought I left you this morning? After how amazing last night was?”
“I uh- yeah. I guess I thought I didn’t give you much of a reason to stay or maybe that I made you up- that I’m still making you up.”
“I’m not imaginary, I promise.” He laughs lightly, but theres no humor behind it. “I’m not leaving, I promise you.”
I take my hand out of his and put it in my lap, sitting back in my chair. “I’ll never forgive myself for how I hurt you, I was insensitive and cruel- to both of us.”
“You didn’t want me. How am I supposed to think you want me now with the grey hairs and the laugh lines?” I frown. “You’re not 80, Bella.” he sighs. “And your looks were never why I was with you.”
“Well thanks.” I scoff and his eyes widen a little, “That’s not what I mean- I meant it didn’t matter if you had three heads and a hunch back I wanted to-”
“Kill me.” I smirk and he nods. “Among other things, yes.”
I sigh and push my hair out of my eyes. “This is- emotionally exhausting. I still don’t know why you came back.” I wanted answers but I wasn’t sure which questions to ask. And I wasn’t even really sure if I wanted some of the harsh truths that could be coming my way. “I told you- I could no longer be away from you.”
“So what- we’re dating? We’re what? Where do we go?”
“Well you have a career and a life here, we can be whatever you want to be. I’m done making the decisions. I’m clearly not very good at it.”
“You can say that again.” I mutter and put my head down on the table. What did I even want? Him- Obviously. But I’d written off him coming back years ago, I’d spent my adult life living day to day, thinking about the future as little as possible just to make the present manageable. Now I had options. I wasn’t used to options.
“I have to think.” I sigh and he nods. “I understand that.” He says and I bite my lip, looking up at him. “You really came back for me- and only me?” I ask and he reaches over the table, taking my face in his hands. “Yes.”
His eyes don’t deviate from mine, I swear he’s telling the truth- but I just can’t be sure. I bite my lip and he smiles a little. “You still look like my Bella, trust me.”
We move to my couch for the rest of the morning, my back on his chest as he holds me from behind and drills me- with questions on what I’ve been up to. I’m able to sneak in a few about the last few years of his life now and then, but it was hard to focus. I was too busy thinking about my future.
“So what are my options?” I ask during a lull in my interview.
“Options?” He asks and I roll my eyes. “Yeah. For the rest of my life what are my options here?”
“Well anything. You can kick me out and go back to how your life was last week-”
“That's not an option for me.” I interrupt and he chuckles. “Alright then. Well then I could live here with you and just be with you for the rest of your life, or we could go back to my family, or we could fly to Paris tomorrow- it’s whatever you want.”
“Would you take me forever?” I ask and he chuckles. “For as long as you’ll have me, Bella.” He promises, moving my hair over my shoulder, kissing my cheek.”
“Not right now on this couch but- would you change me? In theory.” I ask and turn my head to look up at him. He freezes. “In theory?”
“I’m just trying to understand my expectations.”
“That would be... a discussion.” He sighs and I nod. “Yeah it would be- I just wanted to know if I should think about it.”
“I didn’t know you’d even have to think about it.” His lips move to my neck, placing gentle kisses in his path, trying to distract me. “I mean- it’s a big deal.” I huff and he chuckles. “I know, I just thought the idea of immortality was irresistible to you.”
“I was young and stupid.” I hum. “I thought the idea of living forever was good. But not I’m not so sure.” I sigh. “25 years is already a lot.”
“25 years isn’t that long.” Edward laughs and I roll my eyes. “Well it feels like ages.”
I sigh and reach over to the coffee table, picking up my neglected phone. A text from Charlie, hey bells, you didn’t call me yesterday. Call me please. Giving him my old iPhone 6 was a real treat for the guy but he still only liked talking on the phone once a week. Always about what I was up to, but sometimes I managed to get a few details in about him and Forks.
A text from my co-worker, complaining about our boss.
A few notifications from various social media platforms.
And a text from Mike that was sent to the “Fork LA” group chat which consisted of Anglea and I. I got the Sunday scaries- Umbrella tonight. Thats an order.
“You’re friends with Mike... Newton?” Edward asks and I laugh. He said his name like it was a curse. “Yes. He’s a good hometown pal.” I laugh. “Are you surprised that I have friends?” I ask and he shakes his head. “No, just surprised that one of them is Mike Newton. Doesn’t it get tiring fighting off his advances?”
“No he stopped wanting to fuck me years ago.” I assure him, after one very failed kiss sophomore year of college the whole idea was forgotten. Thank god.
Edward cringes when I curse and I roll my eyes. “Edward you’re going to have to get over me cursing, it’s just apart of my dialect now. You know I read somewhere that people who curse are smarter than those who don’t.”
“So are we going to Umbrella tonight?” He asks and I roll my eyes. “You want to go hang out with Mike and Angela at a bar?”
“Do you want to? I would like to join.” He smiles and I bite my lip. I couldn’t see Edward at a bar. “Do you have a fake ID?”
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crystu-cii · 4 years
I f e e l that pain in my soul-- my older sister uses cologne sometimes and it is sO STRONG AND WILL NOT STAY CONFINED TO HER ROOM-- AMD SOMETIMES SHED DO IT IN THE DOORWAY LIKE HELLO-- XDD
YES BABY JAIL, INTO THE UPSIDE DOWN LAUNDRY BASKET YOU KNIFE-WIELDING HEATHEN-- XDD oms XDD well I don't know them but I love them- YESSS THEYRE SO FLUFFY-- I'm actually curious what images pop up first imma check-- FLUFFY PUPPIES-- we've actually never owned ones that fluffy(those actually look more similar to shetland sheepdogs than the shelties we've had so far?? Very similar/similar enough where if someone doesn't know a sheltie we mention shetland sheepdogs), our current one is a purebred that we got for free(she was being given away bc her family never came back for her and the lady taking care of her couldn't afford the time to take care of a second dog long-term think) and she's got pretty short fur in comparison- still fluffy enough, but not quite so long of fur-- she's a blue merle(absolutely gorgeous fur, she's like 8 now with a lot of health problems but she's super loving still 💕💞) anyways about the fur, so long as you brush regularly you should mitigate most of that, and it mostly collects in corners- but like.. be prepared to eat and wear dog fur for the rest of your life-- (actually there's a thing called a fur zapper we bought recent that you put in with your clothes when you wash/dry them(I think it's dry but idk??) that's supposed to get a lot of hair off your clothes in that process? Also lint rollers are your best friend--) AND roombas are really helpful(we bought a knockoff one and rarely have to sweep ever so 👀) XDD WHEEZE I can't even imagine what you did-- but like you could ask for a budgie/parakeet /hj I mean, they aren't very expensive (actually they're pretty cheap) but they're very loud, need a lot of attention(especially if you want them to bond to you!) and you need to research into them a lot to make sure you're doing things right-- loads of vids online!! Loads of websites too!!! I'd know I have one- JUST A WARNING, FEATHERS AND SEED HULLS GET ALL OVER YOUR FLOOR XD p l u s like you have a friend who knows stuff about birbs :3 anyways ENOUGH RAMBLING FROM ME WOW THAT GOT LONG--
💕💕 I feel that XD OMS-- I WISH-- WHAT A D R E A M - s n a k - Awww but what a mood XD
H E A THEN-- XDD how cool of them to try tho :3 whEEZE Y 'A LL-- XDD
Right like wth???? I???? Okay but like December to February babies just fuckin DONT EXIST IN THIS GEN OR SOMETHIN-- CAUSE I FIND N O N E -- Maybe there are more December babies but there are definitely like NO January to February babies it is So Weird--
NEJFQOBGKW WOWW d an g like-p l e a se s t op over sp r aying-- xD and LEGITTTT LIKE- THAT WAS M Y ROLE TO STAY UP LATE- XDD
WHEHEHEZE- LAUNDRY BASKET TIME- G E T I N XDD anD YESS- any doggo is just such a cute doggo 😭💞💞 but for me- fLUFFY ONES ARE WHERE ITS A T- and ohhhh i see- FOR FREE?? W H A T A S T E A L XDD but awwww the poor doggg at least she's with you now ! ;0;; 💞💞😭 aaw such a lovable puppup 😭😭💞 and oHHH i see :00 but oh no- xD i also have a friend that has two dogs and whenever he would give me gifts- there would be dog hair on them no matter what- XDD and ooOhhh those sound really helpful! omg- i swear i dont have to have a pet for the need of a roomba- i already shed so much hair myself its so crazy-- xDD and oH MAN loud animals are really gon get my mom fired up- and OO birds just look so cuteee i always fantasize of having one- but then again- with the noise and all xD the more i think about it i dont think we are prepared to have a pet at all xD but i still dream of at least having one pet in my lifetime!
and OO that sounds awesome!! i have no clue if i even tried casserole before- man- sometimes i just eat food without even knowing wth it is XDDD but THAT SOUNDS so gooodddd :O
and LEGITT LIKE- TF IS HAPPENING WITH MY SCHOOL LIFE- XDD and oh my god- IT GETS WORSE- that year there was a FREAKINGG FIREEEEEEE- it wasnt that dangerous thank god- but it had to get a whole ass room renovated because of it- and guess what room it was- THE ORCHESTRA ROOM- AND GUESS WHAT M A D E I T W OR SE- that year- it was the first time the school replaced those 10+ year old instruments with new ones- NOW THEYRE B U R N T- and mind you that the school's budget isnt so- gr e a t- like oh my god i am still so bewildered over HOW MUCH chaos HAPPENED that year- and i thought that year was gon be the year- yknow? like UGH
and OHH MANN playing portal sounds awesome! but i just dont think the game would be worth my money cause i know the plot- and even with the mods and all my brain would be broken as i would possibly have no clue what to do- xDDD
and HOOOO MANNN game fan songs are just so AWESOMEEE- and those sound pretty cool! :OO and HOLY SHIT FUCK YEAH- GLADOS SAYS TRANS AND ENBY RIGHTS Y A LL- now im gonna look that up and let my ears be blessed by such words- XDDD and DONT WORRY BOUT SCREAMING ALOT- i scream a whole dam lot too XDD
and LEGITTT- finding someone's b-day in january and feb is so rare all of a sudden like wh a t - XDD
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dylan-o-yumm · 5 years
And angsty anon here again... But with a smut request... (Even I feel kinda awkward for requesting smut... But why not request some smutty smut? ) But yeah I mentioned one time that I love those dt wings from nero (and probably have a wings kink when it comes to that boy... ) But yeah nero pinning s\o with his wings bed, wall or whatever ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (Sorry and not sorry for my weirdness!)
Request: First, thank you for your writing, it really cheers me up when I read your Fics. Is there any chance I can get some good Shower smut? Bless you!
Decided to put these two together, hope you guys don’t mind (Not weird at all, I love his wings too and would love to have him pin me against a wall with them lmao! Theres no shame here)
Warning!!! Straight up porn, swears, cute sex? A lil bit kinky??? Over 3k… 
Nero had come home covered in blood and seemingly in a bad mood. He didn’t appear to be injured and he probably would have been more clingy to you if he lost someone on the mission he was on. So, from what you could tell, he wasn’t hurt, no one had died, and he was finally back home after being gone for about three days. It was fair enough to say that he was just tired and hungry… and in desperate need of some good sex. 
He had needed to rush off on the mission, so the two of you didn’t get any time for a “proper goodbye”. It was kind of a routine that whenever Nero found out he’d be leaving on a mission, the two of you would either go out on a little date or stay home, cuddled up and/or tangled up in the sheets, but this time you didn’t have time for any of that. It was as simple as Nero telling you he had to leave, to him giving you a lingering kiss goodbye moments later. 
At the moment, Nero was off in the bathroom, showering off of all the demon blood and grime off of his body while you popped his clothes in the wash, thankful that you have your fiancé back home, safe and sound. The house was quiet apart from the water running in the bathroom shower, causing your mind to wander to the demon hunter, no matter how much you tried to distract yourself. It’s not like it was a bad thing though, considering he is your soon-to-be husband, after all. 
You didn’t stop yourself from heading towards the bathroom, you didn’t stop yourself from casually walking in either. Nero either didn’t hear you enter, or was just deciding to stay quiet since there was no sound or movement from within the shower. You slowly and quietly closed the door to the bathroom behind you, trapping the steam inside since Nero surprisingly liked to have hot showers when he came back from work, finding it relaxed his muscles. He did like cold showers every other day, since he was always extremely warm due to being part demon. 
You begin to rid yourself of your clothes, dropping them in a heap on the floor and feeling your nipples harden from the cool air as a shiver runs down your spine. Nero stays silent, most likely knowing you’re in the room with him now, since you weren’t exactly trying to be stealth, though he made no sound indicating he knew for sure. You figured he was lost in his own mind, thoughts running amok in his brain, which would also explain his distant mood. 
You ruffled your hair a little before opening the shower door, quickly stepping in and closing it behind you as to not let in any cold air. The shower was small, so small that you almost brushed up against Nero’s back as soon as you entered. He made no move to get out or tell you to leave so you found that maybe he did want you there with him, since he is always one to tell you when he needs space. Though he didn’t turn around to face you, letting the hot water cascade down his chest and wash the crimson blood down the drain, you took a step closer and slowly reached out to brush your fingertips against his shoulder. 
You didn’t say anything either as you stepped closer to his body, trailing your fingers down his back softly, causing goosebumps to form on his skin. Your hand stopped moving downward at his hip, instead circling around his waist and coming to rest on his stomach. You bought yourself even closer again, pressing your chest up against his back as you did the same with your other hand, resulting in hugging him from behind. 
You pressed your lips to his shoulder blade, kissing and licking off the water that was running down his skin. Thankfully he wasn’t covered in demon blood anymore so you didn’t mind having your lips on him. His hand comes up to rest atop both of yours, silently telling you that he doesn’t want you to let go as he bows his head and leans back into your body. He must have had a pretty tough time while he was gone. 
You wanted to help him relax, be there for him to help him clear his mind a little since he seemed so distracted. Nero very rarely got like this, sometimes he just wanted a simple hug of reassurance, a silent way of telling him that you had him and would care for him. Other times it took a little more, but either way you knew he couldn’t deal with whatever was going on in his head alone. And you were more than happy to help coax him into relaxing a little. 
One of your hands slid out from under his and trailed downward ever so slightly, brushing against the small white hairs that began under his bellybutton. You kept kissing, licking and softly nibbling on his shoulder, moving your hand lower and lower ever so slowly, giving Nero every chance he could to back out if he wanted to. 
You heard a soft gasp escape his lips as he realised what you were up to, assuming he was now looking down to watch your wandering hand instead of bowing his head to wet his hair. Your body was still mostly dry, only your front being a little damp from pressing up against Nero’s back causing a brush of cold air to flutter along your exposed back that wasn’t getting any warmth whatsoever. Not even the steam from the hot water was warming you up. 
Your hand eventually reached Nero’s half hard cock, wrapping around the base of his length before stroking back and forth slowly. The contact caused a shaky breath to escape him, his fingers gripping the wrist of your other hand on his stomach and squeezing once to tell you to keep going. And you did just that, feeling him grow harder and harder in your palm as you twisted your wrist in a slow pattern, just how he liked. 
His other hand came up to rest against the shower wall, causing more water to cascade down his back and splash against your chest as he leaned forward slightly. You chased him, keeping your body pressed firmly against his and resting your cheek against his shoulder while you grazed your fingernails along the vein on the underside of his length. 
He let a very faint moan slip past his lips, spurring you on. He wasn’t one for making a lot of noise during sex, he actually tried to keep all his noises at bay, but this time he seemed to let go and simply enjoy what you were doing to him with no restraint. He seemed to like your slow pace, either not wanting to rush through things or because he found it to be more intimate in a way. Which it certainly felt like it, going so slow that you could commit every detail of his body to memory. 
Nero’s hand pulled your hand off of his stomach, turning around to face you, all while your other hand remained stroking. His cheeks were flushed and he looked a little tired, but the sheepish smile he flashed you reassured you that he was enjoying himself. You smiled back softly, as if the two of you were having a silent conversation, making the other feel comfortable and welcome. 
You leaned forward and pressed your lips against his, opening your mouth ever so slightly to drag your tongue along his bottom lip. His hand then reached down to grab yours, stopping you from touching him any more, as he slid his tongue past your lips and explored your mouth. You moaned as he spun you both around, causing you to be the one under the water. You gasped and pulled away from his lips as the water burned your back. 
“Too hot!” You squeaked, backing away but Nero was quick to turn more of the cold water on, letting the boiling water cool to a nice, humanly acceptable warm, quite quickly. Thankfully you had jumped away from the water quick enough to not hurt yourself, giggling a little as you moved back under it and enjoyed the warmth of both the water and Nero’s hands coming up to rest on your hips and stroke your abdomen with his thumbs. 
“Sorry, I forget sometimes” Nero apologises shyly, hand slowly reaching down to your thighs to squeeze the flesh there. You shake your head, telling him not to worry about it as you grab the back of his neck and pull him back to your lips, picking up where you left off. The water falls down your back, warming you up completely as you close your eyes and slide your tongue against Nero’s once again. 
Nero’s gets a little impatient and brings his hand to cup your heat suddenly, wanting to lubricate you fast so he can get inside you sooner. The heel of his palm presses against your clit deliciously while his fingers coat themselves in your slick, stroking over your entrance teasingly without dipping inside. 
You whine into his mouth, and spread your legs wider, wrapping a foot around his calf to give him more access. He opens his eyes and parts from the kiss to look down at your body on full display for him, biting his lip so he doesn’t moan. You chuckle at his reaction, finding it funny and cute how he still seems so flustered around you, even though he has seen you like this plenty of times. Not to mention you’re getting married in a couple months. 
You kiss him again, smiling against his lips. Your hands hold onto the back of his neck, holding him close to you as two fingers slide into your heat slowly, pushing deeper and deeper until he curls them. He then pulls them back out, hitting your sweet spot along the way and causing you to whimper. He repeats the action a few times, keeping his palm pressed firmly on your clit while his fingers explore you, both your mouths fumbling against each other as you clumsily try to maintain a kiss, too distracted by what he’s doing to your throbbing core to know where your lips are pressing. 
You go to reach for his erection, wanting to stimulate him while he works you, but your hands are caught before they get too close. Your arms are lifted up as Nero steps forward, pushing you backwards until your back is pressing against the shower wall, hands pinned above your head. You blink rapidly, looking at Nero in shock as you stop kissing him and he smiles shyly, as if he didn’t mean to suddenly get so carried away with you. 
Only, as you look down, you see both his hands, one resting on your hip while the other occupies your sopping cunt. If his hands are there, then…? You glance up and see the glowing blue light of his spectral wings gripping your wrists and holding you in place. The sight sends a shiver down your spine, silently thanking whatever higher being decided to bless Nero with more than two arms. 
Nero withdraws his fingers from your heat and grabs his cock, rubbing your slick off of his fingers and onto his length to lubricate himself. You practically drool as you watch him, eye lidded and cheeks flushed as you bite your lip. He takes one look at your face and scoffs lightly, finding your very obvious arousal humorous and a little cute, coming closer to step flush against you before he presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. 
“Ready?” He asks in a husky whisper, one of his spectral wings letting go of your wrists, holding both your hands with just the one now. The clawed hand on his wing comes down to rest on your backside, giving you a little squeeze to tell you to jump. You do as best you can with your arms pinned up, wrapping both legs around Nero’s waist and feeling his throbbing member leak precum on your tummy. 
You nod, feeling the large, clawed hand gripping your ass and holding you up effortlessly, taking little to no strength away from Nero. The devil hunter licks his lips before pressing his mouth against your collarbone, nibbling and sucking while he lines himself up at your entrance. You wish you could tug at his hair, touch him and feel him, but the wings grip is way too strong, no matter how hard you try to pull your hands away, that don’t budge. 
Nero bites down on your sensitive spot as he pushes in nice as slow, hearing you moan as your thighs tremble. He holds his breath as he slowly pushes in, inch by inch, feeling you stretch around him and squeeze when you struggle to take his entire length. No matter how many times the two of you have had sex, you always seem to struggle with his impressive size in the beginning, having to warm up to having his entire length pressed inside you. 
He gets half way before he lets out a shaky breath, hands trembling a little as he squeezes your hips, unable to do anything else with them at the moment as he tries to control himself. Your walls twitch around him, trying to pull more of him in, but you know you need to take things slower. He could very well rip you in half without a little preparation. 
“You’re so… goddamn… tight…” he hisses against your neck, rolling his hips back then pushing forward a little to stimulate himself. He repeats the action a few times before you’re moaning for him to go deeper, digging your heels into his backside to pull him closer. Instead of listening, he takes one hand off your hip to grab around his length, right around the middle of his cock. His hand acts like a barrier as he pulls out completely, it keeps him from pushing all the way back in, instead sticking with what you’re comfortable with. 
When he thrusts back in quickly, his hand stops him from going all the way in, instead of adding depth, he adds speed. He did this over and over until you were begging for him to go in further, needing him much, much deeper than he was. It was basically his way of making sure he didn’t hurt you, that when you said you wanted more of him, you meant it. And when you tried moving your hips to meet his thrusts, he knew he could remove his hand. 
Water washes over your body and down Nero’s chest, adding an extra warmth and wetness where your bodies connected. When he thrusts into you, water splashes up and the sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin drowns out the sound of the shower running. Though, Nero slowed down after he felt he had caught up to where you were at, not quite ready to fall over the edge yet, but it was nearing quicker and quicker for the both of you. 
“I can’t wait to call you my wife.” He whispered, suddenly changing from animalistic and brutal to sweet and adorable. He lined kisses along your neck, up to your ear then across your cheek to your lips. “I can’t wait. I can’t wait” He repeated with each kiss, slowing his thrusts until he was almost stopped completely. You couldn’t be mad however, not when he was being so cute that it bought a smile to your flushed face. 
You kissed him with just as much passion as he was showing you, figuring he must have had a pretty bad day at work and you came in to cheer him up at the perfect time. His wing let your hands go and rested upon your inner thigh, hoisting your leg up higher and pinning it flat against the wall while your arms dropped to wrap around his neck. The new angle had your vision failing you for a moment, stars dancing behind your eyes as you groaned. 
Nero pushed slowly, this time all the way until his hips were flush against yours. You knew you could take it now, moaning in ecstasy as you felt beyond filled. You fisted his hair in your hands, cashing your lips to his messily, clashing teeth but you didn’t mind. He whimpered into your mouth, slowly pulling out before pushing back in, rotating his hips in a circle then repeating the pattern again. 
It wasn’t long before you were nearing your peak, holding onto Nero for dear life with one hand while the other creeped down between your bodies to rub circles over your clit. Nero was quick to swat your hand away, replacing it with his as he muttered something about having four hands, so why were you even bothering to use yours. If you weren’t so focused on your nearing climax, you would’ve laughed. 
You bit your lip as you eyes focused on his face. His disheveled hair, pink tinted cheeks, half closed eyes that are filled with lust and his lips that would press into a thin line whenever he wanted to conceal his moans. He was truely a sight to behold, the time spent away from him clearly having done a number on you since you found yourself screaming his name as your orgasm washed over you, the sight of him having pushed you over the edge. 
He slows down the rubbing on your clit and speeds up his thrusts to let you ride your high, also quickly catching up to his. He buries his face into your neck and practically sobs as he tries everything in his power to stay quiet, not wanting to moan loudly. Your hands comb through his hair, pussy clamping down on him sporadically which coaxes him into letting out a strangled cry of your name as he shoots hot ropes of his seed deep inside you. 
You hold him tightly, pressing kisses to his head that’s still hiding in your neck as he calms down. The water washes away yours and Nero’s combined fluids off of your thighs and down the drain, the only evidence of what you did being the marks on your neck and both your’s and Nero’s swollen lips. Nero mumbles something incoherently into your skin, causing you to giggle from his lips and breaths of air tickling you. 
“What was that?” You ask, tugging his hair gently to make him look up. He smiles sleepily, wrapping his arms around your waist as his spectral wings disappear. He places you down on the floor, keeping you close and steady since your legs feel like jelly, shaking under your own weight. Nero brushes your wet hair from your face and licks his lips before speaking. 
“I said, ‘we should recreate that at our honeymoon’” He chuckles, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. You’re just glad you managed to bring out your happy, adorable Nero and let him forget whatever was plaguing his mind. 
“Oh, we will. Plenty of times” You wink before turning to wash your body under the warm water. 
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mfk-archived · 5 years
Hello!! I'd like to see Ikesen headcanon modern AU "theres only one bed" situation :) Scenario is, MC have not yet in a relationship with the said warlords. Can you do Hideyoshi, Sasuke, Mitsuhide and Yukimura reaction? Thank you! 🌸
Ok so I am so sorry anon this is after I finished writing I completely missed the modern au part
I hope that this is good enough in the regular time period! .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. Also fair warning these are a little long!
’There’s only one bed’ scenario + Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Sasuke & Yukimura
Upon Nobunaga’s very clear instruction, you would be sent with Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide on a mission. Your objective? Collect intel on the enemy and return safely. With the Oda’s fox as secretive as ever, Hideyoshi would offer to let you stay in his room.
“Ahh...Of course that jerk is going to neglect your needs. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” You set your things down only to realize there’s only one futon. He comes in after you, just as surprised. He looks at you, opening his mouth to speak.
But he’s cut short  when you hear a loud crash from down the hall. Immediately, Hideyoshi runs to investigate. You ignore his warnings and follow him. He unsheaths his sword upon seeing the attackers surrounding Mitsuhide.
As they spar, you help him out of the scene, treating his wounds. Hideyoshi successfully beats down the enemies, interrogating them as you and the fox watch from the side.
After such a scene, Mitsuhide thanks you and begins to prepare his own torture for the fools. As you and Hideyoshi begin to slip into bed, he still seems to be shaken up. Asking if he’s okay, he tries to give you a smile. “Seems like we’re already in enemy territory.”
Sighing, he tries to find a comfortable position. You try to give him space, but the only way he settled down was with you in his arms. Seeing you worried, he simply smiles, “That doesn’t matter though. I’ll still protect you with all my might.”
Wanting to learn more about him, you had begged him to let you join him on his next mission. After mountains of consideration, he finally agreed, a sly smirk on his face. He would be going out to one of Nobunaga’s territories after hearing word of an attempted assasination.
Of course, the two of you would be disguised. As a couple. Mitsuhide clearly explains it is strictly for work as you arrive at your hotel. But you could feel that he would enjoy messing with you as your ‘husband’.
Sliding the door open, your eyes fall onto the futon placed in the center of the room. He walks past you, holding that smirk. “Now I did clearly explain that there would be some minor details in joining me, correct?”
As the long days of investigating go on and the nights come just as slowly, you try and fall asleep with your back to your pretend husband. Low mumbles about returning to the castle and questions about the work would be shared between the two of you.
No matter how focused you are on staying away from him in your sleep, you would find yourself waking up in his arms.
Lately, you have been missing your ninja ‘bee-heft-theft’ (quoted by Yuki). And he had been missing you as well. No training could compare the fun times you two would have together chasing his squirrel or running from Kenshin.
After nights of secret meetings in between war councils, a vacation would be planned just for the two of you. Somehow lying to Kenshin successfully having Yuki cover for him, Sasuke would give you the greenlight to prepare and leave.
The retreat would be in a small, yet domestic town away from Kasugayama. Chatting and having real conversations on the way there, Sasuke would make you laugh as the maids opened your door for you. Like your brains were connected, you both immediately notice the single bed.
“I see. I must have made a mistake while booking. I’m terribly sorry.” Shaking it off, you become optimistic about the situation. The night would be filled with touring, dining, and much laughter. Sasuke would soon forget about his mistake.
When returning to your room, he’d already have a pillow in hand. Trying to find defense, he’d lightly smack your back, glasses shining with pure evil. “Please do prepare yourself. I don’t intend on quitting anytime soon.”
Smirking with pride (and two pillows), you make a comeback and charge right at him. The maids downstairs giggle and smile while listening to the two of you from downstairs.
A trip with Lord Shingen? How could he not?! He didn’t even have to ask. As courtesy, Shingen politely invited you to come along. But somewhere in his stare he seemed eager for you to join. When you accept, Yuki’s face couldn’t keep back a blush. “H-Hey, you’re coming too?!...I guess it can be more ‘fun’...”
The journey is a long one. Shingen would watch over the two of you as he led the horses and cavalry to his hometown. Yuki would tell you various tales of his childhood and funny stories of Shingen and him growing up.
You would tell a few anecdotes of your own. He would be heavily invested, asking various questions and laughing at your embarrassment.
When you finally arrive, it’s practically midnight. Shingen urges you two to get to sleep. When you ask him about your room, he just smiles. He lets out an awkward laugh as he tiptoes away into his own quarters.
Suddenly, Yuki comes behind you asking about the situation. When you tell him, his face becomes as red as his clothes.
“Augh...That dummy, he’s getting too old for these things. If uh...If you want, you can crash with me–only for tonight though!” Stuttering out that last part, you gratefully accept the offer.
Together, you exchange more stories about your lives before meeting. When you finally fall asleep, you could see the sun rising in the distance.
When Shingen knocks, he quietly slides the door open. A soft chuckle escapes him as he sees his two favorite youngsters sprawled out across the floor, snoring heavily after such a long night.
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charliesshitposts · 5 years
Supernatural Omens (part two)
The nice and inaccurate prophecies of someone.somewhere about something that never happened. A fan fiction.
Warnings: None. :) Feel free to read this in front of your family and pets.
Word Count: Idk but it will probably take you 20-30 minutes to read. Maybe less. This chapter is much shorter than the first one,I think.
  Jack, once on the other side of the portal, felt sick to his stomach. He collapsed onto the floor behind Crowley’s chair. His groans weren’t heard from the boys. They were to busy complimenting Crowley on how nice his apartment was.Crowley didn't see him either as he was too busy proudly thanking them. But Aziraphale did notice.
  Once the boy collapsed the angel rushed to his aid.He laid Jack on his back and ever so slightly leveled him up. He laid his free hand over Jack’s stomach and said “Don’t worry. I’ll fix you right up. You wont feel a thing.” Within seconds Jack was sat upright feeling much better. He looked at Aziraphale in surprise.
  “I do feel better.”he stated.”Thank you. I guess angels everywhere have the same gift.”
  Aziraphale smiled widely.”You’re welcome.I guess we do. Jack, is it?”
  Jack nodded.”Yes sir.”
  Dean,Sam,Cas and Crowley gathered around them. Sam looked down at Jack worriedly. “What happened?”
  “My stomach was hurting.”He explained while the angel helped him to his feet.”But Aziraphale made it go away.” 
  “Thank you for helping him.” Dean said.”Now too business. What's our next move?”
  “Well-”Began Aziraphale.”We don’t really have a next move. But until we think of something I think it’s best if we split up. I’ll take Sam and Jack here back to my book shop. Dean,you and Castiel stay with Crowley. That is assuming he wants company.”
  “No I do I do.”Replied Crowley.”It’ll be fun. Dean here looks like he could use a drink. What will it be,Dean? Wine? Whisky?”
  “Neither.” Dean replied.
  “Well we’ll find something that peaks your interest. And Castiel. What will you be having?”
  “Nothing.”Said Cas.”I don’t eat either.”  
  “Alrighty well I’m sure we’ll be fine.Go on now Aziraphale. Keep in touch.”
  “We will.”answered the angel. “I’m just going to need your house phone to call a Taxi.”
  “By all means darling,go ahead.” After the Taxi arrived Sam,Jack and Aziraphale left for the book shop.Later Jack would tell Dean how beautiful he thought The United Kingdom was. The people he met were incredibly nice too.He liked the buildings and parks in particular. Especially the parks with duck ponds.
  Crowley grabbed two more chairs and brought them to his desk. He asked Dean what his alcoholic drink of preference was. When Dean replied with ‘beer’, Crowley thought of it as a rather bland drink, thus thinking that Dean was a rather bland person.But remembering what Aziraphale had taught him about what to do when he had company, he swallowed his comments.
  Cas had gotten into the habit of opening Deans beers for him. It started out as something nice he occasionally did but later on became a habit. Cas didn’t mind. Neither did Dean.  The seraph popped the bottle cap off and handed it over to his favorite human. Dean took a swig and smiled.
  The three strangers sat in silence for a long time. Crowley looked from Dean to Cas. He racked his brain trying to think of something to talk about. But he suddenly remembered he needed to take care of something. He rose from his chair and excused himself for a moment. “I need to check on my house plants.” He didn’t wait for them to answer. As he walked towards his house plants he grabbed a spray bottle off a table by the doorway.
Once alone, Cas let out a huge sigh.”Things seem fine so far.”
  “See.”Dean smiled.”Look, i’m going to be honest with you. When I first met Crowley I thought the same thing you did. Heck, I still do. But Aziraphale trusts him. That should be enough for us to trust him too.”
  “It’s partly that but..theres something else thing too.”Dean leaned in to persuade Cas to continue talking.”He scares me.” The Seraph admitted.”He’s probably the first creature we meet who's ever scared me. I can’t look him in the eyes without shaking. Without feeling weak or naked,even.I don’t know what it is.”
Dean was about to open his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of rumbling leaves. From the corridor they could hear Crowley threaten his house plants. The realization that the plants were terrified of the demon made Cas’ skin crawl. They watched as Crowley strode back to where they were.”You gentleman are more than welcome to turn on the television. The remote is right there on the desk. I just need to do something. Then I’ll be with you.” Crowley walked with his whole body. Meaning that when his feet moved,his hips move too. So did his arms. Even his head leaned back a little to give the walk style. Castiel raised his eyebrows, somewhat impressed. Dean clicked away at the remote.
“The only thing on right now is the news.”
“Leave it on.” Castiel Said.”Maybe they’ll say something interesting.”
“Alright. If you consider how to make a 3 layered chocolate fudge cake interesting.”
“As a matter of fact I do. I’ve been thinking of getting into baking.”
Dean smiled thoughtfully. “You could make me pies.”
Castiel smiled.”I could make you pies.”
Crowley came to meet them. He held an empty pot in his hand.”Sorry about that boys. If I don’t yell at them they’ll never learn. What are we watching?”
“The news.” Dean said.”It’s in a baking segment.”
“Ah I see.” The phone suddenly ringing made the three jump.”I’ll get it boys. You keep watching the baking show.” Crowley picked up the receiver.”Talk to me baby.” After a few minutes agreeing and disagreeing he hung up and turned to Dean and Castiel.”Time for a road trip fellas. Have any of you ever been to an ex convent?”
“Your brother,the boy and Aziraphale will be there too. They’re taking a taxi to meet with us.”
“Good.” Dean nodded.”You’re car is really nice. What kind is it?”
“A 1926 Bentley. This car is my pride and joy. Well it shares my pride and joy with my flat.”
Dean looked at Crowley with admiration.”I know the feeling. Our bunker may not mean a lot to me but my car does.”
“What do you drive?”
“A 1967 Chevy Impala.”
“The Impala is an excellent car model. It goes fast but you can’t feel it.”
“I can feel it.” Cas chimed in. He sat in the backseat holding for his dear life. Crowley was going 100 miles in downtown London. Cas was surprised they hadn’t hit anyone. Dean looked sympatheticly at the Seraph. Crowley picked up the conversation again.
“Sure. What do you have in here to listen to?”
“Guns n’ Roses. AC/DC. Bon Jovi.”
“Guns n’ Roses it is.” They continued their chat with Welcome to the Jungle playing lowly on the radio.
Aziraphale anxiously checked his watch. It was very unlike Crowley to be late or to arrive somewhere before he did. At the rate he drived Crowley was always early. Sam swayed back and forth on his feet next to the angel. He was worried about Dean and Castiel. And at Sams feet sat Jack. Aziraphale had given him permission to take a book to read along the way. He planned on giving it to him as a gift later on. Jack had picked Sherlock Holmes. He sat oblivious,submerged into the pages of the book.
“It’s very unlike him to be late.” Aziraphale said.
“Don’t worry. They’ll be here.” Sam assured. As if on cue the black Bentley came into view. Sam and Aziraphale sighed in relief.
The car stopped at the curb where they were waiting. Crowley came out and was greeted by an upset Aziraphale. His arms were crossed against his chest.
“Can you explain why you’re late?!” The angel asked.
Crowley wrapped an arm around Aziraphale.”Aw come on now don’t be so sour. I’m here aren’t I? The traffic in central London is hectic.”
“Yeah.” Dean said.”We needed to slow down because Cas was getting vertigo.”
“I didn’t know Cas could get vertigo.”
“Neither did I. So why are we here?”
Aziraphale cleared his throat.”Right. I’m sure Crowley told you that this place used to be a convent/hospital.The son of the antichrist was switched with another baby here. The family he was placed in wasn’t the one we were taking care of all these years. We hope that someone here kept the hospital birth records. If we can access them we can look for the records for the exact day and year he was born in. We find that,we find the parents and we find the boy.”
“That’s brilliant.” Castiel said.
“Thank you.” Smiled Aziraphale.”Shall we?”
The six of them walked through th courtyard and into the building. Most of the hallways were empty,which made things much easier for them. Castiel kept both his hands on Jacks shoulders to steer him while he read. He worried that if he didn’t do so Jack could hit a wall. Or walk into a different hallway and get caught. Sam looked at Aziraphale.
“Do you think this is going to work?” Sam asked.
Crowley answered for the angel.”I know it’s going to work.”
“Okay...but I mean you have a backup plan in case this doesn’t work?”
“Nope. Because i know this is going to work.”
“You can’t be so cocky Crowley. What if it doesn’t.”
“It will.”
“But What if it doesn’t?”
Crowley growled. Through clenched teeth he said.”It will.”
“Sammy.” Dean warned.
Sam looked at his brother.”All im saying is-“ Sam was cut off when Crowley grabbed him from his collar and pulled him in. They’re faces were inches apart.Crowley hissed.
“Listen to me boy. I can be easy going if you don’t test me. If I were you i’d find my place and stay put. You really don’t want to see me when I’m mad.”
“You don’t scare me.” Sam smirked.
Crowley glared. Aziraphale walked over to break up the fight but was caught off guard when Crowley’s head turned into a snakes head. He hissed terribly loud in Sams face. All the color in the younger Winchester’s face drained,leaving him pale white. Dean,Jack and Castiel all had the same reaction. They stepped back a few feet. Aziraphale didn’t flinch.
“Now was that really necessary?”Aziraphale scolded.
“Yes it was.” Crowley said,now back to normal.”And that goes for each of you. Know your place.”
  Aziraphale rolled his eyes. He turned his attention to the four who accompanied them.”I hope he didn't; startle you too much.”
  Dean smiled.”Nah we’re okay. Sam and I have both seen the devils actual face. By this point nothing scares us.”
  “Yeah.”Sam said. He was now standing next to his brother.
  A woman dressed nicely walked up the hallway towards them. As she drew closer she asked if they needed help with anything. Crowley turned and said “Yes actually we do.”
  “We’ll i’ll be happy to..oh dear! It’s Master Crowley.”she turned to leave but a snap of Crowley’s fingers made her freeze. She involuntarily turns around. The boys, the seraph and the nephilim watch Crowley and Aziraphale interrogate her.
  “Would you mind answering a few questions, love?”
  “Yes.”replied the woman, who was under a trance.
  “Very well.”The Demon began.”Were you or were you not a nun here a few years ago?”
  “Yes. My name was Sister Loquacious.”
  “Ah yes I remember. Were you here during the night of the switch between the a  baby and the antichrists son?” 
  “Yes. I was.”
  “Excellent.” said Aziraphale.”Did you by any chance save the birth records before the convent was shut down?”
  “Sadly no.” Said Mrs. Loquacious.”All of those files were lost in the fire. Oddly the fire started the same night we were all let go. As if someone said they no longer needed the convent and everything inside of it.”
  “DAMMIT!” shouted Crowley. “DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!” 
  “Thank you very much ma’am.”Aziraphale said. He snapped his fingers, pulling her out of the trance. By the time she assimilated what had happened, the six were already gone.
  The car ride home wasn’t pleasant. Crowley wouldn’t stop complaining about his bad luck. The boys were actually impressed with Aziraphale. Crowley would cuss and shout but Aziraphale would always respond to him calmly. Thanks to him the car ride was tolerable.It was also thanks to him that the car now had enough room for everyone. Sam,Dean and Was road in the middle. Jack rode in the extension back seat behind them. Aziraphale had whipped it up with a simple eye blink.
  The angel and the demon were so distracted by their conversation that they didn't notice the bike rider coming towards them. 
  “I need a good long bath followed by a nap to help me get over all this disappointment. Is there any chance you can house Castiel and Dean tonight?”
  “I was going to offer anyway. There’s plenty of space where I live to accommodate them.”
  “Good.” Crowley sighed loudly.”I still don’t see a silver lining in our situation.”
  “How about we play music to help with the stress. Sound good boys.”
  “I wouldn’t mind listening to the rest of that Guns n’ Roses album.” Dean said.”Let’s just try not to play it so loudly. Sam and Jack are asleep.”
  “Okay. Just press that button right there Aziraphale.” Crowley pointed to the button he was talking about. In that second he took his eyes off the road.
  “CROWLEY WATCH OUT!” Castiel screamed. But it was too late. The front of the Bentley struck the bike rider. She was thrown a few feet away into the grass. Aziraphale and Castiel ran out to aid her. She groaned as Aziraphale lifted up her wrist.It was broken.
  “Ah ah.”Aziraphale warned.”Try not to move sweetheart. You’ll only make it worse. I’ll fix that up right away.” The second she could move her wrist she gasped in surprise.
  “How did you do that?” She asked.
  “No time for that. Let us help you to your feet.”
  Castiel held her steady by the elbow.”Does anything else hurt,miss?”
  “No. My head hurts a little but i’ll be okay.”
  “Let us give you a ride home.”  Aziraphale offered.
  “That would be great, thank you.”
  From inside the Bentley Crowley protested.”Nope.No no way.”
  “Don’t listen to him. He’s just having a bad day.Get inside now. Watch your head” She helped her into the car.She took a seat next to Jack.
  “Aziraphale.” said Castiel.”Her bike. It wont fit in the car.”
  “It will fit in the bike rack.”
  “What bike rack?” The bicycle disappeared from in front of Crowley. It was now safe placed on the back of the Bentley in a bike rack that hadn’t been there before. Both the angel and the seraph got back into the car. When they asked the girl where too she gave directions to her house in a village not that far away. They road in silence. It was at this moment that the girl placed the book on the floor by her feet. She didn’t realize it then, but there was another book right next to hers.
  The car pulled around the side of her house, stopping at her gate. When she stepped out of the car her bike was already against the fence of her house. She thanked the strange men for the lift, reached in and grabbed what she thought was her book, and closed the door. The car drove off without a glance.
  ________________________________________________________________   Crowley was kind enough to leave them in front of Aziraphale’s book shop. This place doubled as the angels home. Not that Aziraphale slept or anything. In the back room where his personal belongings were,the angel had set up mattresses on the floor. He felt absolutely ashamed of it.
“I do apologize for this last minute set up. I don’t own a bed frame. And if I were to whip 3 up there will be no space for us to walk.”
“No it’s okay.” Castiel smiled.”What you’ve done is really nice.”
“Yeah.” Dean said.”I like it. They look comfy. It kinda looks like a sleep over.”
Sam would have agreed but he was already asleep in his mattress. The warm blankets wrapped around him. Jack was sitting upright on his mattress having a panic attack. Aziraphale looked at him worriedly.”Everything okay,son?”
“No.” Said Jack as he stood up and walked towards the angel.”No everything isn’t fine. This book isn’t my book. My book was Sherlock Holmes. Not this. I lost it Aziraphale. I lost your book. I’m so so so sorry! I’ll pay for it. I’ll find a way to get money and pay for it. I’m really sorry-“
“Hey hey whoa.” The angel put his hands firmly on Jacks shoulder.”You don’t owe me anything. I was going to give you that book as a present. This book that you have was probably unintentionally switched. It belongs to the young woman we gave a ride to tonight. You didn’t meet her because you were sleeping. Here.” He took the book out of Jacks hands.”I’ll mail this back to her in the morning. By now she probably knows the book she has isn’t hers. She seemed kind enough,perhaps she’ll return it to my mailing address.If not then I will let you have any other book in my shop free of charge. It’s quite alright son. Don’t worry about it a second more. Now go to sleep. You’ve had a long day.”
Jack thanked the angel plenty. He hugged him before turning and getting under the blankets. Next to him Dean and Sam slept soundly. Aziraphale turned to Castiel and whispered.”Care for some hot cocoa?”
“I don’t..I..” Castiel gave in.” I would love some.”
“Let’s go talk in another room so the boys can sleep properly. They need there rest for tomorrow.”
Castiel followed Aziraphale out into the main bookshop entrance. It suddenly dawned on the angel that he didn’t see what book Sherlock Holmes had been switched with. He lifted the book to eye level and read the front cover. There was a catch in his breath. Lowly he whispered.”On dear god.” When the Seraph asked what was wrong, Aziraphale said nothing. Instead,he showed Castiel the front cover of the book. “The nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter.”
“Our answer is in here.” Aziraphale breathed out. A smile creeping on his face.
** authors note**
There might be typos. I’ll fix that tomorrow (: enjoy! And stay tuned for part 3.
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yeet-or-be-hawed · 5 years
“No One Mourns the Wicked Part 1: What is This Feeling?” Low Honor!Arthur Morgan x Low Honor!Reader
For those of you who saw my post about the multi part fic based on a musical, wait no longer because this is the first part! Okay, I know what you’re thinking; ‘Wicked and cowboys? Amber, you’ve really lost it this time!’ Just trust me on this one, and I promise you’ll enjoy ☺️
The first part of this fic was loosely based on the song What Is This Feeling? from the Broadway musical Wicked. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat for a solid two weeks and it has consumed my life so obviously I had to tie it into my fics.
There has always been a tinge of rivalry between the two of you, one might even say, loathing. Between constant clashing around camp and the stress of being roommates, theres a tension between you and Arthur. What kind of tension you ask? One might say the tension is...wicked. 
Part 2
There was only one word to describe how you felt towards Arthur: loathing, pure unadulterated loathing. He’s rubbed you the wrong way ever since you became a part of the gang. He bumps you on purpose as he passes you when your hands are full, he insists on joining jobs you’re on, ‘to ensure your dumbass doesn’t mess it all up.’ And to top it off, you shared a tent.
The two of you were polar opposites as far as you were concerned. He woke you up every morning at the break of dawn, rummaging around loudly as he got ready for the day. You swore he did it on purpose. Usually you didn’t care about clutter, but when you’re forced to share a space with someone you can’t stand it’s like every little sock or shirt on the floor boils your blood.
But what sparked this detestation? It all started years ago, when the two of you were teenagers and you had just been brought into the gang by Dutch. You had only been around three days and most of the camp’s inhabitants came in and out from jobs frequently.
Dutch had asked you to meet him in the local town for a drink, he wanted to discuss your first job with the gang. As you hitched your horse, you noticed a guy around your age leaning against the support beam outside the saloon. Easy pickin’s you thought to yourself. As you passed him; your hand oh so gently entered his pocket, but he turned to you and drew his pistol like lightning.
Shit you thought to yourself as you drew your own, eyes locked on his. There was a tense moment of silence as you faced off, it was ended by Dutch as he rode up and hitched his horse. “Arthur my boy, looks like you’ve already met Y/N.”
Arthur didn’t lower his pistol. “Aw hell Dutch, is this the new blood you was talkin’ about?”
As soon as his eyes shifted towards Dutch, you placed a warning shot at his feet. He jumped back and you gave him a menacing smile. “New blood for you maybe,” you turned to the door to enter the saloon. “But you’ll find yourself dead quickly if you undermine me boy, and don’t you forget that.”
Dutch laughed at the bewildered look on Arthur’s face. He wrapped an arm around Arthur’s shoulders, “what a woman! Come on son, I’ll get you twobmore acquainted over a drink.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “I think we’re already more acquainted than I’d like to be.”
“Get over your hurt pride and be nice.” Dutch said quietly as they entered the saloon. The two men approached you, you already had shots down on the table for you, Dutch, and Arthur. Dutch slapped Arthur on the back hard as you looked up at them. “Ah, Y/N lovely as ever. I think Mr. Morgan here would like to apologize to you for gettin’ off on the wrong foot.”
You raised an eyebrow at him and Arthur sputtered and turned to Dutch. “Me apologize? Like hell! She’s the one who tried to rob me! I ain’t apologizin’ for shit.” He crossed his arms defiantly.
“Okay,” You said evenly as you sat up. You snagged the shot glass that was originally for Arthur and knocked it back. “I guess I’ll keep this then.”
Arthur rolled his eyes and slumped in the chair in front of you. “Didn’t want yer damn drink anyways.” He huffed.
Dutch sat beside him, not hiding his amusement at the exchange occurring. He knocked back the shot in front of him. “Thank you, my dear you’re very kind.” Arthur shot him a look. “Now, you have a job you’d like to discuss?”
You nodded, waved over the bartender for more drinks, and leaned in speaking quietly. “Okay so, the plan is....”
That was years ago, but you and Arthur have been on rocky ground at best since then. You could still remember the screaming match the two of you got into when Dutch informed you the two of you would be sharing a tent.
“It’ll teach you two to work and live together...hopefully. You can have your own tents when you learn to get along.” Dutch had said as he walked away. The two of you took Dutch’s word as gospel so you just had to suck it up and deal with it. Needless to say, you were still sharing a tent to this day.
At least with age Arthur became tolerable, and much to your relief, a good bit quieter. When you entered the tent, he was lying on his cot, writing in his journal. He grunted to you as you entered and you threw up your hand in a lazy wave. You plopped down onto the cot, exhausted.
“Haven’t seen you in a few days,” Arthur said quietly. “Started thinkin’ I’d finally lucked out and you got yourself eatten by a bear.” He was hiding his smile behind his journal, teasing you had become one of his favorite pastimes.
“Very funny.” You said keeping your face buried in the pillow.
“Caint hear ya over there, get yer face outta that pillow.”
You sighed and turned your face towards him. “Can you not see I’m tired, Morgan?”
He tore a piece of paper from his journal and started balling it up between his fingers. “Yeah, I can.” Just as your eyes began to flutter closed, he threw the paper ball at you and it hit you right between the eyes. “But I really don’t care.”
Your eyes flew open and your annoyance was building. “You’re lucky I cant feel my legs, or you’d be a deadman.”
Arthur rolled his eyes. “You use that threat way too much for me to take it seriously anymore.” He looked at you teasingly, “I think I’m startin’ to grow on ya. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you enjoy my company.”
“I enjoy having a roof over my head and a safe place to stay.” You retorted flatly. “And I don’t think Dutch would be very keen on lettin’ me stick around if I killed you.”
Arthur threw another paper wad at you, “so what you’re saying is your threats are pointless?”
“That’s it!” You lunged across the room and straddled him down under you. Your hands pinned his wrists to the bed. “I swear to God Morgan if you don’t leave me the hell alone, I will end you!” Your eyes met his and he had a strange look in his eye.
“Arthur could you-“ John poked his head into the tent, looked at the two of you and poked his head back out quickly. You heard him laughing. “Never mind, I’ll leave you two at it!”
You looked down and felt an embarrassing amount of heat rise to your cheeks when you realized what sort of position you were in. You jumped off him quickly. “Going so soon?” Arthur teased. “But we were just gettin’ to the good stuff.”
You rolled your eyes and left the tent. “In your dreams, Morgan.”
Arthur stared at the ceiling of the tent and readjusted himself. His mind kept reeling back to the way your body felt up against his, your face inches from his, pinning him hard to the bed. He couldn’t shake these thoughts no matter how hard he tried. You drove him crazy, but not always in a bad way. You were stubborn, arrogant, and always did things your way even if it endangered the plans. In a way you reminded him of himself, the way you always had a witty comeback or the way your lip curled up in disgust when you were angry. What was this feeling? He had decided loathing, but his hardened member was telling him otherwise. He bit his lip and watched the closed flaps. A pair of your dirty underwear was halfway under your bed and he stared at it for a moment before grabbing it. What the hell are you doing? His brain screamed at him. He knew it was wrong, but the thought of your hips pressed down against his groin invaded his mind again. As he sat on the bed, the thought of you returning made him feel conflicted. In all reality, you would be beyond pissed to come back and find him pleasuring himself, a pair of your used bloomers in his hand. But, the thought of you coming back and seeing him sent a shiver down his spine. He imagined your voice turning silky smooth, lust in your eyes as you took his hardened cock in your hands and pumped him slowly. He heard footsteps approaching the tent, he quickly tucked your underwear in his pocket and laid on his stomach. There was a gentle rap against the tent flaps, “decent?” You called from outside the tent.
Arthur rolled his eyes, “not decent!” He called back. His hips rolled against the bed at the sound of your voice.
“Ugh, well get yer self decent, Dutch wants us to go and stake out Caliga Hall. Meet me at the hitching posts when you’re ready.” You called to him, and he listened as your footsteps faded away. Your voice had that annoying belittling tone that he hated and he knew if he wasn’t out there soon, you would drag him out of the tent by his ankles. He sighed heavily and shoved your underwear into his satchel and tried to focus his thoughts so the bulge in his pants would fade away.
He grabbed his hat and left the tent. He approached you and Dutch and as you spotted him, you mounted your horse. Arthur’s gaze landed on your ass as you pulled yourself up. “Get a move on, you lazy ass!” You called to him. Your voice was heavy in annoyance and your impatience was written clearly on your face.
“I’m comin’ goddamn it.” He grumbled. This was what made him so angry towards you, the way you bossed him around and treated him like some grunt around camp made his blood boil. He mounted his horse and Dutch took off first with you right behind him. You shot a smug glance back at him as you rode beside Dutch. The two of you always got competitive when riding, especially with Dutch. There were multiple horse collisions throughout the years due to this rivalry, but his eyes trailed down your back slowly and a term he had heard but never understood floated into his mind, hate fuck. He remembered Micah retell a story around the fire late one night, all the girls had gone to bed so the men were discussing their various sexcapades. Arthur remembered with disgust and confusion as Micah described his experience with a woman he met in a bar. He couldn’t stand her, the way she talked, her voice, her personality, he hated everything about her and he said that’s what made it so good. A couple of the men agreed, it made it easier to get rough and they didn’t feel as bad about one night stands.
Arthur would never admit it, but he really hated one night stands. He only did it once, and it left him feeling empty, even though he never saw her again she burned in his mind for weeks afterwards. He barely knew her but the emotional attachment of being so vulnerable with someone was too overwhelming. Unfortunately being so long between the tender touch of a woman, saying he was sexually frustrated was an understatement. It didn’t help sharing a tent with a woman either. Even though he drove you crazy, you were still comfortable enough with him to change in front of him, you would turn away from him of course and make him swear to close his eyes. He only peeked when he was certain you weren’t looking and he would be lying if he said he had never pleasured himself to the thought of you. He told himself it was just because he lived in such close quarters with you, it’s not like he wanted you. Okay, maybe he wanted your body but did he want you? Your shitty attitude? Your smart mouth? On that he was quite certain he didn’t want.
“So, what’s the plan Dutch?” You asked as you pulled your horse beside Dutch.
“We’re gonna check out the layout of Caliga Hall. The lovely Mrs. Braithwaite has asked us to torch their tobacco fields.”
“Wonderful!” You exclaimed wickedly.
Dutch nodded. “After we stake it out, I want you and Arthur to come back after daylight and burn it to the ground. Right now we’ll be looking for hidden entrances, holes in the guard, any little sliver you can sneak in and out of with minimal alarm.”
You barked a short laugh. “Minimal alarm? I think that’s a bit of an understatement.”
“That’s why you’ll have Arthur, as back up when things get hairy.”
You groaned. “Come on, Dutch! You know I can do this on my own!”
“I know sweetheart, but ya just gotta trust me. And give the guy a break, will ya? He ain’t so bad when ya get used to ‘em.”
You rolled your eyes. Dutch was right and you knew it. Arthur wasn’t the worst man around camp, that’s for sure but it seemed like with every glance between the two of you, this feeling sparked within you, something strong and powerful and for lack of a better word, you went with loathing. Your stomach flipped whenever he said your name, and your heart jumps when he walks into the tent after a long day away from camp. You thought it was hatred, but hatred was reserved for the likes of Micah. Was it anger? It had a burning feeling similar to anger, but without the uncontrollable rage behind it. You decided loathing was a good name for whatever this feeling was, or atleast that’s what you hoped it was.
You slowed your horses and dismounted as you came upon a hill overlooking Caliga Hall. You pulled out your binoculars and laid flat against the ground beside Dutch. Arthur pulled in not far behind you and followed suit.
“Every entrance is guarded, and it looks like they’ve hired some extra muscle.” Arthur whispered.
“If we come in from the west side, there’s a small breach in the fence.” You pointed to the edge of the field and one of the posts in the fence was broken. “I’ll douse the fields, Arthur you keep watch on the hill, bring your rifle and you can snipe them off when I ingnite the fields.”
“No,” Arthur hissed. “I will do the dousing and you can be the watch dog.”
You opened your mouth to argue but Dutch cut you off. “No, you’ll both go down and douse the fields, then one of you will take out the guards while the other starts the fire with that barn over there.” Dutch’s finger pointed, and followed along as he talked. “That’s where they dry and process the tobacco leaves. Then you’ll light up the fields. Arthur, you take out the guards in the fields while Y/N gets the barn burning. Once that barn lights up, you’ll have all their men coming down on you.” Dutch lowered his binoculars and looked at you. “Once they start comin’ you two need to book it the hell outta there. You hear me Y/N? No gettin’ greedy out there. You too, Arthur.”
The two of you nodded in unison and Dutch stood. “Let’s head back to camp. You’ll need the moonshine from the Braithwaites to ignite the fields. See if Sean has any fire bottles you can use. If not, get him to show you how to make them.” He mounted his horse. “You two are my best men, I know you won’t let me down. I’ll see you back at camp.” And he was off, leaving only a cloud of dust.
You stood and extended a hand down to Arthur. He took it and groaned as he stood. “Jesus Arthur, you must be gettin’ old groanin’ about like that.” You teased.
“Yeah, well we’re the same age so if I’m old, so are you.” He mounted his horse. “I’ll catch you at camp later, I’ve got a quick errand to run.”
“Need me to come with?” You asked as you climbed up your horse.
Arthur flushed and tipped his hat down to cover his face. “Jesus what are you, my mama? I can handle this myself.” With a quick pull at the reigns he was off.
“I was just tryin’ to be nice damnit!” You snapped back. You didn’t mean to sound so hostile, but he ignored you. He knew being ignored was a big pet peeve of yours and it made you even angrier knowing he knew that. “I’m gonna kill that man one day.” You grumbled as you led your horse down the trail.
Arthur felt a pang if guilt when he heard the slightest note of hurt when you called after him, but he couldn’t help but panic when you offered to join him. He certainly didn’t want you following him so he made sure to check over his shoulder multiple times as he tore down the trail. When he was certain he was alone, he peeled off the trail and deep into the trees of a small forest that ran along the path. The trees were thick and he made sure he was deep enough to not be disturbed. He unmounted his horse and grabbed his satchel; as he turned away he realized how awkward his horse would make this just dumbly staring at him. With a swift slap to the hindquarters, the horse dashed away towards the main road. He let out a heavy breath as he pulled out your underwear. He allowed himself to think about earlier this morning, you pinning him to his cot. He thought of your bare back between changing shirts. The way that one button down you have is a little too snug over your chest, causing the material to part between buttons. He thought of the way your ass looked in the riding pants you wore today. It didn’t take much to get him hard, he unzipped his trousers and brought your undies to his face. With a deep inhale, he began pumping himself. He was desperately wishing you had followed him.
“Hey Y/N, welcome back!” Lenny called as you hitched your horse. He looked around you, “No Arthur, huh? Did ya finally lose your patience and feed him to the wolves?”
You laughed as you headed towards your tent. “Not this time, unfortunately!”
When you got to your tent, you rummaged through your things until you found the shirt you were looking for. It was darker and a little tighter, better for stealthier missions as the dark fabric didn’t stand out at night and tighter material didn’t make as much noise rustling against your body. The buttons were a bit tight to your chest, but it didn’t matter as long as it did it’s job. After you changed your shirt and got your things together you went out to find Sean. He was sat in front of the fire with a drink in his hand. You came up behind him and grabbed the bottle from his hand quickly. “Oi! What’s the big idea?” He exclaimed as he jumped up.
“I need some fire bottles. How many ya got?” You asked as you handed him back his bottle of whiskey.
He took a quick swig, “I only got two put together right now, I’ll have to make more if you need more than that.”
You nodded. “I’ve been meanin’ to get you to show me how to make those for awhile now, after you.”
You followed him to his tent and he began pulling out the supplies and walked you through the process. It was fairly simple and between the two of you putting them together you had more than enough in no time. Sean helped you carefully load them onto your horse and you thanked him as he left. He threw up a wave as he wandered back to the fire. Just as you began towards your tent you heard the clomping of hooves and turned to see Arthur barreling into camp. He stopped his horse just in front of you and dismounted. “Welcome back.” You greeted him and matched his pace as he walked towards the tent. “How was your errand?”
He eyed you under the brim of his hat, he couldn’t help but notice the exact shirt he had just been thinking of. He cleared his throat. “Fine. Probably could’ve used your help.” He allowed himself a sneaking smile.
You looked at him and rolled your eyes. “Ugh, you’re gonna get yourself killed one day, you know that? Grab me next time.”
He had to hide his blush, “I’ll keep that in mind.” You opened the tent flap and held it open for him as you passed through. “I’ve already got my things together. I’m going to try and get some shut eye. Try not to be too noisy getting your things together for once, okay?”
He rolled his eyes. “No promises.”
You sighed in annoyance as you laid on your side and closed your eyes. “Why do I even bother?” You muttered.
Arthur breathed a laugh and began loading his satchel with supplies. As he was digging his hands found the cotton material of your bloomers and his face went hot. He turned to make sure your eyes were closed and quickly shoved them under his mattress. His eyes trailed back to you, the way you were laying was causing more distress in the buttons over your bust more distress than usual and one had popped undone. He could barely see the skin under the shirt, but that’s all it took and he could feel his pants getting tighter. “Shit.” He breathed. Your eyes opened slightly, “What is it?” You asked in a sleepy voice.
He turned himself away from you. “Nothing, just go back to sleep.”
You groaned and shut your eyes. Arthur sighed and made a promise to himself he wouldn’t look at you for the rest of the night.
It didn’t take long for him to break that promise. After your breathing evened in a deep slumber a small moan escaped your lips and Arthur’s gaze shot to your face faster than he could control. Your lips were just barely parted and your face had softened with sleep. Maybe we could work, he thought. If she was this quiet all the time.
But as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he had slowly begun to find your banter charming, if not just a little bit annoying. He found himself looking at you more often lately, and he also couldn’t help but notice more frequent trips to the woods with you on the forefront of his mind. He shook it off, but it was slowly becoming harder and harder to shake. He didn’t know what his feelings meant and that was what fueled his frustration towards you. But when he looked down on you like this, he could pretend you were just a normal girl and he was a normal guy. He could pretend the two of you weren’t cold hearted killers, but why did he pretend these things? He told himself you were just there, right place right time. You were a sort of place holder for a woman in his life. He only thought of you when touching himself because he had no one else to think of. But that wasn’t entirely true there were plenty of good looking women around camp, so why did he always think of you? Arthur didn’t like the way his thoughts were headed so he pushed the away. He grabbed his journal and headed out of the tent, hoping some drawing would clear his thoughts.
When you woke up, the sun was just beginning to set. You sat up and stretched. “Mornin’.”
Arthur was laying on his cot on the other side of the tent.
You yawned. “Hey.” You grabbed your hat from the night stand. “You ready?”
His hat was sitting on top of his face and his arms were tucked behind his head. Your eyes trailed his muscular arms, he was quite handsome when his mouth was shut. He didn’t remove the hat when he spoke. “Not yet.”
You scoffed. “Don’t tell me you’re getting tired now. You had plenty of time to nap earlier.”
Arthur took the hat from his face and looked out the open tent flaps. “Ain’t dark enough yet.” He paused before putting the hat back over his face. He pointed down at your chest.
You looked down, noticed the button and fixed it. “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
You looked around the room, bored. “So,” You began. “What kinda errands were you runnin’ today?”
“None yer business.” He was glad the hat covered his face, he would rather eat shit than let you see him blush.
You groaned. “Ugh, why are you always so difficult?”
“I could ask you the same question.” He responded.
“Damn it Arthur, move that hat I can barely understand what yer sayin’!” You threw your pillow at him and knocked the hat from his face. “Hey! Watch where you throw that thing!” He threw it back at you with a little more force than necessary.
You caught it and rolled your eyes. “You’re such a child. I’m goin’ to see if Pearson’s got dinner ready.”
He sat up, “can you bring me some?”
You gave him a sweet smile. “Eat shit, Arthur.” And you disappeared behind the closed flaps of the tent.
Arthur smiled, couldn’t have said it better myself.
You exited the tent at the perfect time, Pearson had just begun serving dinner. You stood in line patiently and as you turned to sit at the fire with your food you noticed Arthur emerge from the tent and make his way to the dinner line. John plopped down beside you. “Where’s your man?” He teased.
You rolled your eyes. “Ain’t got one, where’s yours?”
“Very funny.” John elbowed you, “don’t act like I didn’t see you and Arthur gettin’ cozy this morning.”
“Pfft, please. I don’t know what yer talkin’ about.” You tried to keep your voice steady and casual.
“I’d believe ya, but yer cheeks are mighty red!” John teased.
“Don’t you got someone else to bother?” You snapped. “What you saw was me about to strangle Arthur from pure annoyance and nothin’ else.” Your tone was more defensive than you intended, why did you care what John thought?
He stood, “Whatever you say.” He turned to leave then stopped. “It’ll happen one day ya know.” And he left before you could respond. You looked down into your stew. You couldn’t figure out why John’s words bothered you so much. They left your stomach in knots. A heavy hand fell on your shoulder.
“You ready?” You nodded up to Arthur and finished the remaining stew in your bowl.
“Let’s do this.”
The sky was now completely black with night, and fate must’ve been on your side as the clouds were covering the moon, leaving very minimal light. The only light around was from the torches of the guards in the field. You and Arthur split, he took the fields on the right, and you the left. You snuck quietly through the fields, draining the big jug of moonshine as you went. As you finished, you headed to the barn. Shit. There was a man standing directly in front of the barn doors. You turned and saw Arthur across the fields. He caught your eye, picked up a small stone and threw it. “Hey, who’s there?” The man trailed off in the direction of the noise and Arthur gave you a thumbs up.
Arthur watched you slip into the barn and he pulled his knife. Four guards were more than easy enough. He quietly snuck up on one after the other, covering their mouths, pulling them down, and sticking them with his knife. The most noise any of them made was a gurgle. After he finished the last guard in the fields, he headed towards the barn.
As you opened the door to the barn, a man turned to you. “H-“ your throwing knife landed between his eyes before he could get the word out. You removed the knife and began dousing the tobacco hanging from the walls and ceiling. After the last drop of moonshine dropped the from jug, you nodded to yourself. You pushed the barn door open and almost ran straight into Arthur. “Good timing. You ready to burn this bitch to the ground?” You whisper, adrenaline already pumping.
Arthur handed you a fire bottle, “I’ll give you the honors.”
“How sweet.” You said as he laid the bottle in your hand.
“Now, as soon as this barn goes up we’re gonna need to-“ Arthur was cut off with an explosion of heat and fire. You were giddy with adrenaline and didn’t even hear him speak. Angry voices were immediately headed towards the barn. With a silent nod to each other you split. Arthur pulled his repeater and you took the bag of fire bottles. You ran threw the fields like a child, throwing fire bottles like a flower girl tosses petals down the aisle of a wedding. The sound of bullets flying and fire blazing was like a symphony to you. In all the chaos you felt most alive.
A cry shook you to the core. You turned and against the light of the flames you saw Arthur fall. Everything went slow motion as his body hit the ground. Your body moved faster than it ever has, tossing bottles at the men closing in on Arthur. It kept them at bay long enough for you to grab Arthur and fling him over your shoulder. “You alive?” You asked. Your voice shook.
“Yeah.” He groaned. “Just took a bullet to the leg.”
You picked up his repeater and whistled for your horse. “Good. Don’t go dyin’ on me just yet.”
You kept as fast a pace as you could, tossing fire bottles behind you as you went. Bullets flew passed you as you hobbled with Arthur on your back. Your horse came flying down to you and you flung Arthur on the back of your horse. He grunted with pain when you threw him down. You grabbed his repeater and turned back to the fire. Men were coming through quickly. You tore through them with deadly accuracy, but they were coming in too fast. You climbed on the horse and dug your spurs in deep. “Come on girl, let’s ride!” You turned and looked down at Arthur. “If you’re still awake down there, whistle for your horse. I’m gonna need to lose your extra weight if you expect to get out of here alive.”
He didn’t say anything, he brought his fingers to his lips and let out a loud whistle. Bullets were whizzing by you and you turned to return the fire. Men fell behind you as you went, but more took their place. Arthur’s horse came quickly andbyou stopped to help him up. You gave him back his repeater and pulled out your pistol. You needed to help Arthur on his horse, but you also needed to shoot the men coming towards you. As you helped him down, you shot wildly, your concentration split. Arthur was losing blood quickly and he was having a hard time keeping his balance. You had one last fire bottle, and if you timed it perfectly, you could take out most of the men in one fell swoop. After Arthur got mounted, you slapped his horse’s rear. “Get outta here, I’ll be right behind you.”
Bullets flew passed you as you stood your ground. 3...2...1...Now! You threw the bottle with perfect precision and it did it’s job. You mounted quickly as the screams of your enemies echoed through the night. It stirred a sick desire in your heart and you felt more alive than you ever had. You rode hard and found Arthur’s horse stopped just up the road. “What the hell are you doin’? You coulda-“ you stopped. “Shit, Arthur!” He was slumped against his horse unconscious. His white horse was stained with the red of his blood and you felt an intense urgency. You tethered his horse to yours and rode a little farther down, a safer distance for camping.
You pulled the horses into a thicket off the trail. You started a fire quickly and pulled Arthur down off his horse. “Damn it, Arthur.” You groaned. “Heavy bastard.” You dropped him to the ground quickly.
“Ow.” He groaned.
“Glad to see you’re still kickin’.” You said, trying to keep your composure.
“I’m surprised you care.” His voice was low and raspy.
“Yeah, me too. First thing we gotta do is get this bullet out, okay?” You handed him a bottle of whiskey. “I’m sorry, this is gonna hurt pretty bad.”
You dug your knife into the bullet wound and he winced and gasped in pain. The sound of his agony caused tears to prick your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You croaked over and over again, until you dug the bullet out.
Arthur was breathing heavily through the pain. “I always thought you liked hurting me.” He took a swig of whiskey then handed it to you. You took a swig and poured it into his wound. “Aughhh! Damn it that hurts!”
“I know, sweetie I know.” Your voice was heavy with concern and it made Arthur’s heart lurch. He had never seen your face contorted in such worry and fear, and over him no less. You never used a pet name for him before either, unless you would consider ‘jackass’ a pet name.
“I know you’re in a lot of pain, but I need to cauterize the wound.” Your eyes were focused on his leg, trying to keep your mind as steady and clear as possible.
“I know, just do what you have to do.” Arthur clenched his jaw and prepared himself for the pain.
You stuck the blade of your knife into the fire and kept it there until it was red hot. “You ready?”
He let out a shaky breath and brought his arm over his face. You inserted the knife into the bullet wound and he thrashed wildly against you, stifling his screams into his arm. You looked up at him and he was biting deep into his forearm. The way the pain twisted his face broke you. Tears fell from your eyes as you twisted the blade, the smell of burning flesh invading your nostrils. It only took him seconds to pass out from the pain, but those seconds were brutal. You checked his pulse after removing the blade and wiped the tears from your face. You took the bandages from your satchel and wrapped his leg carefully.
Your body was shaking all over and you had to choke back the oncoming sobs. You had no idea what had come over you, the sight of Arthur’s body falling to the ground replayed over and over again in your head and it terrified you. But what terrified you more was the realization you didn’t want to be without him. It shook you to the core when you realized you needed him. You wanted to hold his hand and tell him everything was going to be okay. This feeling, does it have a name? You thought it was loathing, but now you’re not sure. He looked so vulnerable resting against a boulder near the fire. You brought the whiskey bottle to your lips and drank deeply. With each gulp of alcohol, you stared at Arthur and contemplated what you were feeling. You always knew he was handsome, that was a given. But was it also a given for you to yearn for him like you did? You found yourself envisioning the way his arms would feel around you and it invoked a deep hunger from within. This new feeling was invading your every thought and you couldn’t escape it. With liquid courage running through your veins your willpower weakened, and you found yourself scooting yourself closer to him. He was still unconscious and you studied his face. His thick beard hid his sharp jawline, but you could see the outline from the light of the flame. Before you could help yourself you found your fingers gently brushing his beard. It was so much softer than you imagined. You looked down at his big hand and picked it up with your bother hand. It was warm and rough, covered in calluses and scars. You put your fingers between his and leaned your head against the boulder. You leaned your head against his shoulder. He was so warm and soft, you nuzzled your face into the crook between his neck and shoulder. You had no idea when sleep took you, but it held you deeply.
Arthur stirred early and the first thing he felt was your even breathing on his collar bone. He opened his eyes and looked down to find you curled into his side, loosely clutching his hand. He winced in pain as he shifted and he remembered the night before. He remembered you taking care of his wounds, and right before he blacked out he could’ve sworn he heard the sound of you crying. Over him though? There was no way. But, you were also curled up in his side clinging to him desperately. He moved slowly, careful not to disturb you. He couldn’t put weight on his leg, so when he tried to stand, he just fell to the ground with a heavy painful thud. “Goddamn it,” He groaned.
The sound of him falling woke you instantly. You sat up quickly and when your eyes fell to him, you had to fight the urge to roll them. You stood, “Damn it, Arthur. I just digged a bullet from your leg, you know better than to try and stand.”
“Yeah,” he groaned as you wrapped your arm under his and helped him up, supporting his weight. “I just didn’t wanna wake ya is all.” You pulled him to his horse and helped him up on his saddle.
“Since when? I thought it was your personal goal every morning to wake me with your incessant noise.” Your voice wasn’t as pointed and antagonizing as usual.
You took down the camp quickly and mounted your horse. “Let’s get you back to home, darlin’.”
Arthur looked up at you in surprise and you looked away. Again with the pet names, plus he could’ve sworn there was a flush of pink across your cheeks. He felt a deep yearning within him, but didn’t fight quite so hard to repress it.
The ride back to camp was silent. The two of you were lost in your own thoughts. Neither of you thought these feelings were loathing but neither of you had a name for what was gripping them so tightly, making their hearts feel light and their stomachs knot when the other looked at them. Maybe this feeling wasn’t loathing, if not what was it?
Part 2
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rewrentless · 5 years
Taz Balance Quotes
I have no idea how long ive been working on this, between 2 and 7 months but finally ive made a list of memorable quotes /quotes that made me chuckle
-Any you driads down to clown
-That was my grandfathers haunch
-Everyone needs a barry bluejeans!
-You shouldnt had your dog jump up my ass! I dont think my dog could fit in an ass! You havent seen this ass
-Eat me barry
-If you were making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and you dropped some jelly on the counter are you gonna take a knife and just start cutting at it you dumb son of a bitch??
-she thinks my tractors sexy and i think im no longer welcome here
-hello hello welcome to my caev
-abraca fuck you
-hey you calm the fuck down sir theres no yelling at fantasy Costco!
-its like a bag of holding but for ass
-merle i can see 3/4 to 4/5 of your entire butt
-the railsplitter passes through the tree like a baseball bat passing through a ghost
-youve solved my shrek puzzle
-a witch kissed me and cursed me so that anytime anybody yells a secret word i have to attend to their every need and that word is my fucking name jenkins
-infinite bean!!!
-i got a murder wall in my brain!
-time-pon! The time travelling tampon!
-lord steven q fletcher esquire the goldfish the third
-'yeah he really beat me in a test of wits and wagers' and winks at taako over and over just winking
- hey baby i love your tendrils
-i got here a few minutes ago and i can not take my eyes off you i looked at you across the square 60 feet away and i said do not be chopping on this baby
-you and the box both drink poison and you survive but the box has died. With that the box pops open
-does everyone get that i have an elevator fetish at this point?
-griffen we gotta fight some weeds at floor 20!
-my names not jerry its ... jerrieeeeee
-but listen guys now i gotta take a poop, you know like a poop like a real emergent poop
-'your name ... of course ... is... taako. Sike thats just mine say my name!' i cast magic missile
-so youre sayin we eat him
-youre all beautiful butterflake snowflies
-im actually a mongoose meow
-and inside the envelopes there is  200 gold pieces  ‘thanks for these shitty jangly envelopes’
-i hand her a coupon for one free backrub
-magnus this is the nightmare scenario
-hot diggity shit that is a baller cookie
-i made you guys chairs for your new digs and if you lift up the cushion it doubles as an indoor toilet
-davenport read the room!
-mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm davenport
-i start to very subtly and very easily cry
-last time i was in an elevator vines tried to eat my dick
-the late merle highchurch rolled a 5
-’youre a god!’ I definately am
-youre not stupid youre beautiful
-its kinda ridiculous how many pies we got our toes in
-your mother would swaddle you young taako baby taako and just sing to you oh shit sweet flip oh dip sweet flip my little nugget
-god liiiieed to me
-magnus can kiss my kenny chesney tattoo
-you found her?!
-hey thug whats your name im about to tentacle your dick?
-if travis cant move his legs then i shall create his legs!
-im just an elevator climb on in ma belly!
-press ma buttons from inside a me
-if you wanted to lure me in there you shoulda stayed handsome ma fella
-'i tap it with the gluttons fork and i swallow it' 'what the f uck'
-ive got to switch between different accents to trick my prey
-when that day comes little man oh when that day comes i will summon whatever powers i still have at my disposal that you have not sipphoned away from me and i will take all of my canny and all of my cunning and all arcanas still within my reach and i will use it to strike you down little man
-dungeons and dragons and daddies
-fantasy shorts fantasy shorts fantasy shorts fantasy shorts!
-i cast zone of truth!
-this chair smells like grandmas
-this scene is memorable to you now but in the moment you werent thinking im going to remember everything about this moment
-inifate bag of boys
-if it had flesh then it would be a bag of skin full of fucking goo
-"how do you not have a six it comes with every board game?" "My daughter..." "eats them for power??"
-because in wonderland... there is no healing (shit eating grin)
-liches get stitches
-son of a lich
-you built the fucking door out of wood shit wood
-bad luck
-ill be having my body back you undead fuck
-sturdy. denim. and blue
-i have updated my list of people i trust and things i believe to no one and nothing
-those are the arms that have held my wife
-i cant fight i cant protect i cant do anything in this body
- i saw seven birds
-the twins, the lover, the protecter, the lonely journal keeper, the peacemaker and the wordless one
-i dont know but i feel like i trust you
-dont let them erase me magnus
-how could you forget lup
-nerd alert!
-greg grimaldis you owe me $15 and i aim to collect
-i have to believe that im gonna get those $15 back from greg fucking grimaldis
-the one thing we do have is the thing that people in love rarely ever have enough of and its time
-I dont know about in love its only been... 21 years
-are you my friend?
-what brings me joy is... life. I think you can find joy anywhere in life i thibk its a concious choice i think you choose joy in life and no matter how bad things are no matter how crummy no matter how dark no matter how many times some guy named john kills your ass you find joy. I’ve found joy, honest to God, getting to know you. I’ve found joy playing chess with you. I have enjoyed - i haven’ t enjoyed you know, getting my ass killed, but i find joy in whatever I do. I don’t always do things right, and I don’t always do things smart, and I don’t always do a character voice, but whatever i do, i find joy in it. Because at the end of the day, that’s all you got. It’s looking back on the joy you had, and the joy you found, and the joy you gave other people 
-soon you will call us ascendent
-kiss my ass you sanctimonious bastard
-huh. I feel sad
-its not perfect but its the best i can do
-our capacity for love increases with each person we cross paths with throughout our lives and with each moment we spend with those people but too often we neglect that part of ourselves in favour of others and by the time we realize just how importnat it is we find ourselves with fewer folks around to practice with but the seven of you have something that nobody else ever had time all the time in the world time enough to grow indescribely close time enough to learn how to care for each other how to allow yourselves to be caref for and in the case of barry and lup time enough to fall deeply and truely in love
-there was romance in every measure and longing in every note
-have we not earned a little wrath?
-i made it
-you are my heart you know that right?
-sometimes there arent right decisions sometimes theres just decisions
-when someone leaves your life those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying others are abrupt and unfair but most are just unremarkable, unintentional clumsy
-back soon
-taako kill me
-you fucking took everything from me
-understand this, i have nothing and i don’t give a shit. The world is ending and i don’t care
-phantasmal and resplendent
-youre dating the grim reaper?!
-ill take one taco with extra destiny
-i tell the trees when to shed their leaves and i make every piece of fruit taste the way that it tastes and i taught every blade of grass in the ground where to grow did you really think i had forgotten about you?
-im not your pan but you will always be my merle
-i run over and im already kissing him this is ridiculous
-I want to warm up my face i dont want it to be cold and weird
-whats up ghostrider
-i met god no big deal
-lets save the world and 420 blaze it
-hear that babe? We’re legends
-youre going to have to fight and… youre gonna win!
-you hear it now too dont you? The song is now yours, just as the story has always been yours and with this final piece your understanding of these impossible events is complete. Like i said before, youre ready now, darkness surrounds you but be not afraid, after all youre going to win, we know that much but that is the limit of my knowledge. Youre all caught up now, whatever happens next, well, we’ll just have to find out together
-you boys know the best of the fantasy costo? Free samples
-we won
-youre going to be amazing
-it takes time as all difficult and important things do, for the world to recover from what was done to it that day. But it does recover, and not just that, it thrives. 
-im about to smooch your fucking brains out babe 
-one small criticism, i think you may have forgotten to make it taste good
-‘youre kinda full of dog shit sometimes’ thats what it was i forgot i did include dog shit
-i should mention my boyfriend is death
-if you will all excuse me i have… to shit
-i tried to make you proud
-we see you one last time as magnus rushes in
-even happier days were to come, because that was the world that you made, that was the ending you earned
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