#there are SO MANY more
The need for that fictional character to be real and in your bed
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
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^real things grian has said in s6
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[Batfam and co. as Shane Madej quotes]
Jason, age 12, about to hijack the batmobile tires:
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Tim, thoroughly terrifying anyone listening:
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Bruce, when asked why he doesn't clear up the 'Batman is a myth' rumours:
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Jason, for obvious reasons:
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Duke, after Damian's asked him to sneak in the fourth stray that week (it's Tuesday):
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Wally, returning to the Cave to see Dick:
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The Batkids witnessing Bruce flirting:
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But like 10/10 media is gay people covered in blood and sweat in the pouring rain with knives at each other's throats backed up against a grimy wall and realizing they wish they were in a cottage somewhere with their aggressor sitting on their lap with their head on their shoulder humming a song theyve both mutually agreed is for them
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saetoru · 10 months
i think people who hate self insert are honestly just stunted deep down with their own feelings / accepting joy to at least some minuscule extent bc inserting yourself into some fictional media at its core is just the subconscious experience. like that’s why hogwarts exists at universal and why you meet mickey and minnie at disney to an extent. there is nothing wrong with enjoying a piece of media and falling for the world it’s been built on and the characters that are in it and finding ways to enjoy it in a way that includes you too—that’s why people buy the wands and robes and drink the butter beer. you will subconsciously always want to experience what you love, and that exists outside of selfshipping too so dogging on people who selfship is silly because just like you can wishfully want to experience what it’s like to be a hogwarts students, some people want to experience kissing sirius black it’s really not that deep. peace and love ✌🏽
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shuutingstar · 19 days
pjo side characters have to be the funniest shits in the world. like all the campers at camp are all doing their own thing while the main characters go save the world for the hundredth time. I’ve fallen madly in love with every single one of them and all of Rick’s books that showcase just how chaotic and unhinged they are will always be my favourites. it’s sad that they’re background characters because they’ve got the potential to be so much more.
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lego-grayson · 8 months
reasons the lego batman movie is peak cinema:
- robin says "holy family photo, Batman"
- bruce is a good dad
- voldemort
- robin's second costume was called nightwing
- the amount of times alfred gets away with saying "dick"
- batman and joker being gay asf
- alfred being a wine mom
- "lets get nuts, cuz i just wrote a song about how im gonna kick all your butts"
- michael cera is robin (hes so iconic)
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livmoorez · 2 years
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Derry Girls Appreciation Week: Day seven
Free choice→ Orla’s background antics
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jazzy-a · 2 years
Job Interviewer: So, do you have any special skills?
Me: Finding a single modicum of what could be considered affection between two people and then turning it into five fanfics, eight drawings, and sixteen posts about how they could get past their differences and care about each other.
Job Interviewer:
Me: I also know Photoshop.
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dybalassunshine · 1 year
Just Lionel fitting every fiction trope there is-
Best Friends to Lovers
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Enemies to Lovers
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Platonic Soulmates
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Opposites Attract
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Co-workers to Lovers
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Star-Crossed Love
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The Golden Trio
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Bodyguard Romance
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Found Family
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Main Character
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The Hero
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iloveyou-writers · 4 months
I kinda meant it like both? But more like the second oneyou mentioned. Reasons to keep alive connected to writing, i guess.
Reasons to Live - Writer Edition
There are many reasons to stay alive, but here are some pertaining to writing.
That euphoric Eureka moment where all the struggles you've had lately to piece it all together finally clicks and everything falls into place. It feels like heaven when it all suddenly makes sense and you can finally move forward again.
That feeling after a long dry spell, writers' block, when you finally get to start writing again.
The daydreams you get to take piece in for your favorite OCs.
Finally getting to that place in your writing that you've been so excited for, perhaps the scene you'd had stuck in your head that made you start working on your current WIP in the first place.
Getting that comment that comments on the very things you were writing for in the first place (someone understanding a deep Thing in your writing no one else seemed to catch on to, someone relating to something that you'd hoped someone would relate to, someone being inspired by your work which is all you'd ever dreamed of for your writing, etc).
Having someone tell you that your writing inspired them to start writing too.
Getting art of your OCs just because someone adored them That Much.
Having someone reach out to you about your OCs for no reason other than just wanting to get to know them more.
Someone telling you that your writing saved their life.
That feeling of complete understanding where everything clicks into place and the writing flows effortlessly.
When you finally FINALLY get the courage to post The Thing and it gets positive reactions.
Realizing your writing is amazing, no matter what kind of comments it gets, because you love your writing, which is what matters in the end.
Getting to describe something in your writing that you absolutely are fanatic over.
Getting to infobomb at someone because they show genuine interest in something in your writing you've been dying to talk about.
Having people show genuine interest in your writing.
When you've been through a depressive episode that makes it impossible to enjoy writing anymore but it finally ends and you're knocking out words like no one's business and loving it again.
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sentientsky · 5 months
hi, have some fanfic lines that knocked me flat on my face 💗✨
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“Stay Away” by UselessLesbianLaughter
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“black holes and starlight touches” by actualchangeling
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“You Don’t Dance - The Story of 1941” by PhoenixRose314
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“from eden (‘till armageddon)” by ikarakie
please feel free to add on (self promos are fine, too). there are so many lovely fic writers in this community, and i’m always amazed by your talent! <3
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walkawaytall · 6 months
bring back the turkey, you cowards
Weird thing none of you know about me: from about 2015(?) until about 2019 or so, I had a very specific and weird obsession: Lisa Frank's social media presence (and, to a lesser degree, Lisa Frank's collaboration deals clearly made in an attempt at making a comeback).
Now, I will go ahead and correct a commonly held misconception amongst the people who followed me on Facebook at the time: I was not obsessed with Lisa Frank the person (as mysterious as she attempts to be, I think I have her mostly figured out), Lisa Frank the manufacturer of my favorite childhood school supplies, or even Lisa Frank the company as it stands today (though this Jezebel article, Inside the Rainbow Gulag: The Technicolor Rise and Fall of Lisa Frank, is wild and I think everyone should read it; it may not hold true today since they've had so much change and turnover, but it's still fascinating). My obsession was primarily focused on Lisa Frank's social media presence. And that's because Lisa Frank's social media presence was batshit insane.
Keep in mind, when I first started following them on social media, they were not banking on Millennial nostalgia. They were still primarily selling school supplies. The adult coloring book (not adult like smutty; adult like...those therapy coloring books that were so popular ten years ago?) sold by way of an exclusivity agreement with Dollar General hadn't been announced yet, nor had workout gear or the SpongeBob collab (sold only at HotTopic). As far as anyone knew, Lisa Frank was still that rainbow school supply company whose target audience is nine-year-old girls.
Which is why all of the housemade "memes" were absolutely bonkers.
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This is peak Middle-Aged Mom Humor, so why is it being presented to me by the company making pencils and folders for elementary schoolers?
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Glad to know we are encouraging fourth graders to day drink.
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This one isn't actually aimed at any particular age group; I just find it funny that captains of pirate ships are inherently pirates, so I don't know what this is supposed to mean.
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He won't. He will not fly. He is a flightless bird. This is a terrible lesson and you are a homicidal mother penguin. (Also using slightly altered lines from poems without attribution is theft, but whatever.)
And the image that started my obsession:
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This...isn't a joke??? What is this???
I don't know who was behind these posts, but considering how small the company was at that point, I always suspected that Lisa herself was recycling old artwork with the help of an intern or something and creating the social media posts...because it just sort of seemed like that's what was happening? I have no proof of this; it was just a vibe I got.
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But, during that period of time, even though the posts were inscrutable and sometime just straight-up Minion Humor, they were at least interesting.
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Well, I mean, sometimes they were interesting because they were like acid to the eyes.
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Okay, and sometimes they were interesting but also sported questionable messaging about one's relationship with food and exercise.
Anyway, I digress. In 2019, Lisa's son Forrest Green (yes, her sons are named Hunter and Forrest Green) took over the social media presence and it became...very palatable for the masses, I suppose. It was a lot of photo edits of old boy band pictures with Lisa Frank designs superimposed on tshirts -- it was very nostalgia-driven and very much directed at Millennials and thus I lost interest, because if there's anything I hate, it's being the target demographic for a sales pitch.
Anyway, my point is that for several years in a row, Lisa Frank would post the same holiday-themed images, so I got used to seeing a certain Thanksgiving design that is, and I cannot prepare you enough, one of the most chaotic and hideous things you'll ever lay your eyes on. But it was tradition. They posted it like three years in a row, and then as soon as Forrest took over, this design was never posted again. And all I have to say on this Thanksgiving week of 2023 is: bring back the turkey, you cowards.
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rhodeybugg · 5 months
Workin on a new MD oc! Lore will get dropped once I digitalize em.
Trelawny, my beloved traumatized they/them 💛
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twig-tea · 2 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 beach day scenes.
Have a great Day💜
Rose ILU this Day of Asks is supercute and also I love how you've tailored this ask to my personal interests and inability to limit myself to five choices!
Beach scenes are all about that transition, from one phase in a relationship (usually not-yet-a-relationship) to another. A good beach scene uses the beach as a metaphor even as it also highlights the beauty (and intensity) of the ocean. The ocean is for contemplating things bigger than we are, and helping us to feel humble. And the beach is a place for raw honesty.
With that in mind, there are so many to choose from because most directors get this instinctively! So I'm going with my heart and the scenes that came to me first (and ngl, that have the best gifs):
His: I Didn't Think I Could Fall in Love
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I love this scene so much; the intensity in this hug is everything to me. These two kids are both so terrified of being in love with one another, and both so relieved they don't have to lose this connection they found. The ocean being the thing that first brought them together (via Shun falling in and losing his keys lol) is now looming in front of them as the thing that will separate them for a time (because they met on an island). It's not a typical beach day scene, but it's the first one I think of because of how hard this scene hits me every time. And of course I love thinking about it in the context of the very different rocky lakeside beach in the sequel film.
The Eighth Sense
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The ocean was (again) what brought them together, and was also a source of trauma in the past for them both; the exchanges "why did you kiss me?" "to get past your trauma...why did you kiss me?" "to give you trauma" was iconic even before it became Too Real. I love how the ocean is a looming presence in this entire story; the trauma from both of their childhoods looms even on campus, it's there as a soundtrack to their vulnerable conversations, and of course it's in the background of their first sexual encounter. When Ji Hyun acts out the 'two steps forward one step back' with Jae Won before Jae Won finally breaks and admits he wants to be with Ji Hyun, that movement is like a wave relentlessly washing up on shore. Anyway! This entire series is an ocean scene to me.
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SiWoon's first kiss by the water going so poorly, the brief sulk, and then DaUn initiating this re-do moment?! Whew. In terms of standard "beach scene" fare, this ranks highly at the top for me because of the second take at a first kiss. I love a realistic 'oh wait it's my first time so I'm actually not very good at it' moment. This also comes after the first time they've really talked and listened to one another; plus it comes with a bonus "blinding light of love" visual. Love it.
Until We Meet Again
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Is there anything more iconic than this scene? The double confession; the flirting; the lift; playing in the water; the kiss. These two were so desperate for an escape and this scene was real catharsis. And of course this dialogue; Intouch insisting that in order to get through what is to come, they'll need each other. Heartbreaking considering we know what they both do not long after this. It becomes almost a curse for their reincarnated lives--you won't be happy until you have me with you. AND THEN WE GET THE PROPOSAL SCENE that perfectly parallels this one, between Dean and Pharm in Between Us the series. The only thing I love more than a beach scene is a beach parallel. Speaking of which....
Last Twilight in Phuket
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How do I choose only one beach scene from this set of shows? There are so many; I love all of them so much. So many from ITSAY: The hammock scene; the scene on Their Beach where Teh and Oh-Aew play the most tension-filled game of chase I've ever seen; the float and underwater kiss; the post-kiss blow-up; the conversation they have when Teh first reappears in Oh's life and Oh says he isn't sure he can be close to Teh again (!)...and then of course in IPYTM the scene where they reunite and agree to try again. But I'm going with LTIP because of all the symbolism they wrapped up in this scene. Teh and Oh-Aew try to go to their beach but it's closed, they need to instead go to the public beach, and so their goodbye is imperfect. We get to see the way they are both so much more comfortable being in pubilc and visibly together than they were in I Told Sunset About You--this is something they both had to work on for different reasons. They're both struggling with having to say goodbye, because they'll be going to different universities. They also know they're leaving Phuket and they talk about how by the time they come back, Phuket will have changed. This moment at the beach bridges their childhood and adulthood, and is so symbolic of life as ever-changing and those changes being impossible to stop.
Gameboys the movie
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Speaking of beach scenes that aren't about getting together; this was a particularly good moment because it was not about establishing their relationship it was about reaffirming it/cementing the strength of their bond in the face of separation. I loved that they go out there ostensibly to spend time together and get away from the crowded house but it's also a way for them to have the scary looming conversation about separation. I love so much how good this show is about real conversations, and this one felt so real. The way they talked about not holding one another back, and how they could make it long distance, and what that would look like for them in future...it made me so happy. Gav and Cai looking at the possibility of long distance as doable and not an immediate obvious need to break up was such a breath of fresh air after so many noble idiot plots that all rely on the assumption that long distance is not doable. ANYWAY also this scene is just really pretty.
Life~Love on the Line
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This one is so interesting because it was the moment Ito convinced himself he couldn't stay with Nishi. Technically this is the morning-after-the-beach-day but I'm counting it because it's such a unique version of the beach day; in this case, the truth Ito thought he was facing was that he and Nishi had no future--rather than seeing the blinding light of love for what it is facing his own fears head on, he closed his eyes and embraced them, and ruined years of their lives. This scene is an important reminder that the beach is not an infallible relationship panacea! It is your (the character's) responsibility to bring the right energy to it or it may lead you astray.
Bad Buddy
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Pat and Pran at the eco-village finally with a moment to themselves, admitting to one another that they feel most free when they're together. This is the first time they acknowledge to one another that the situation they're in is bullshit; that they actually do like one another's company, and that maybe there is a possibility that this thing could actually work between them, if they try for it. I loved this scene so much as a turning point for them, and the way it keeps pulling in and out so we get these close-ups of Pat and Pran, and then the camera pulls away and we see how small they are. The perspective in this moment is so important. As is the hand touch (whew).
Theory of Love
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This is one of my favourite twists on the beach scene: Khai goes to the beach alone because he has to figure himself out. He's not at the stage where he's ready to have an honest conversation with Third yet, first he needs to have an honest conversation with himself and realize his own feelings. He has a good, open conversation with someone he hurt in the past in order to figure himself out in the present and pave way for his future with Third. And then we get the bestie trip when all of them go together, which was delightful.
Bonus gif because I don't have enough shots of group friend trips in this list and it's so important to me that after this solo trip Kai comes back with everyone:
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Your Name Engraved Herein
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This beach scene is crushingly painful. Birdy and Jia Han go as far as they can to scream their frustrations into the sea, have a moment of freedom, but with the knowledge they can't have any more than this and will be saying goodbye afterwards. It's the most devastating truth of all of these faced at the beach: They can't be together in this time and place.
Bed Friend
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The silhouettes are iconic; I love the way body language was used for these shots. And the way it felt like King was finally, slowly getting Uea to see him as a dating prospect in these moments? Really beautifully done.
Be My Favorite
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Including this scene because it is one of the few beach scenes that leads to a rejection (of course the show then fixes this later with a parallel scene at the end, my beloved). I loved this anti-beach moment; rather than going to the beach to face hard truths, Pisaeng (and then following him, Kawi) went to the beach to hide from the truth. But the beach doesn't work that way and Kawi had to face hard truths after all, including the truth that in this universe he ends up losing Pisaeng from his life entirely because of the way he treated him. The line "you want to get in the water but are afraid of getting wet?" from Pisaeng to Kawi was so heavily loaded with meaning. Perfection.
The Day I Loved You
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This was such a beautiful gesture, especially from a high school boy. Including this as an iconic beach scene because it both does what a beach scene should do (get the characters to face hard truths, be honest, and progress in their relationship) and was intentionally meant to invoke a trip to the ocean (they're freediving!) at home for Nikko so I don't even feel like it's cheating.
Night Dream
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The show wasn't perfect but the way they paced the reveals about their past with the flashbacks was good storytelling and the tension in this beach scene was palpable over several episodes!
The Eclipse
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This conversation between Akk and Ayan made me cry. The entire sequence, driving out with Ayan as an interloper, hiding from the The World Remembers crew and their boyfriends, Ayan being so worried about Akk because he is so on alert for suicidality, and Akk just doesn't know how to face any of it. Ayan telling Akk "you're allowed to be weak" broke me. Luckily the beach is here to help facilitate personal growth. [Also have to shout out again the reciprocal beach scene where Akk then says the same thing back to Ayan, my beloved]
Love Sick
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I love them your honour. AUGH. Honestly, the Love Sick scene that always comes to mind is the night before this when Noh is dancing on the stage whipping his hoodie around his head and Pun is watching him fondly, but this moment afterward in the quiet of the morning, when they've agreed to have just this moment of truth by the sea and then go back to their lives, is so beautiful (especially your gif of it Rose!). This is another melancholy one, where they're coming to the sea to admit that they want what they can't have, and giving it to themselves anyway for one night (little did they know, they were going to fail at abstention lol). The longing is so palpable between these two in these scenes, so much good tension.
My School President
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Gotta have at least one scene with the whole crew! What i love about this beach outing is that the hard truth they were facing was not about whether or not they cared about one another, but how to tell people and when--and this is one of the reasons why it's important it's a group trip, because that decision affects the whole group. And look at this gif, it is perfection. These kids are puppies! I love them.
3 Will Be Free
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Talking about group dynamics reminded me of this iconic moment. It's not quite a beach day trip in the traditional sense because they're on the run etc. and this is night time, but it's very personal to me. The sea said make it poly, so they did.
Never Let Me Go
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Can't talk about one of Jojo's series without bringing up this other one. Listen, I know that its placement in the series was...oddly timed [I think my mother might be dead, let's go to the beach and frolic]. But this is one of the most beautifully shot and colour graded sequences, and for aesthetic reasons alone it is on my list! Sometimes I am but a simple bisexual (which is also why I'm using this shot from the BTS rather than one from the show, even though there are so many pretty ones to choose from). Speaking of!
BONUS GL addition:
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Gotta have at least one song! This entire GL takes place at a beach house so the whole thing is pretty much beach or beach-adjacent scenes but this one where they are flirting and then sing together was a good turning moment for them; and of course it calls back to when they first met (where Abi saves Sophie from drowning) and also parallels the end credits scene. I was so here for how thirsty Sophie was as soon as Abi showed up, and this beach scene is one of the places where this played out most memorably to me.
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velvetrambles · 22 days
Resi characters as things me and my friends have said
Rebecca: Well, I've got the debuff so maybe the next few nights would be a good time to write it all down. Jill, several weeks later: Did you end up writing it all down? Rebecca: Nope. -- Steve, trying to seem cool: Hey motherfuckers, question for you all. What would you do if I was drunk? Just a question that came to my mind at 3 am for no real reason. Jill: You're 17. Leon: airstrike kentucky Claire: Bomb LA. Rebecca: Steal both of your kidneys and sell them to the Yakuza for massive amounts of profit. -- Rebecca: Lab's open Rebecca: THERE ARE THREE ACCOUNTS ON THE RECORDING STUPID MAC CALLED ADMIN Rebecca: Killed a mosquito -- Leon over the radio: How's it going? Jill: CHRIS JUST DIED Leon: I see it's going very well. -- Leon: I sent him a knife, a threat, and the splitting of the atom -- Claire: I have drugged myself with enough sleeping medicine to tranquilize 4 adult elephants. -- Sherry: God, strike him down. I give you permission. Jake: I will catch the lightning and I will throw it straight into Hell. Sherry: I will castrate you. Jake: You'll fucking what??
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