#the orientation / preference mess
ghostlyferrettarot · 3 months
🌆⚡️Mars in the signs⚡️🌇
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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◆Mars in Aries: Mars it's at it's domicile in this position which means it doesn't shy away from conflicts, they don't need validation or for others to agree with them, they are their own boss and make their own rules. This position is a force to be reckon with, although they are rulebreakers and impulsive by nature, they will conquer everything they set their mind to due to their incredible will power and independence.
◆Mars in Taurus: this is such a goal-oriented position; they take their time but always accomplish their goals. They value patience and stability, this individuals don't get bother easily, but this doesn't mean they don't know how to defend themselves; they certanly know how to bite if you mess with them or those who they love. They can be really fond of personal possesions.
◆Mars in Gemini: this Mars is always changing their plans, they can get bored easily. This individuals are incredible quick with words, this their weapon; they make excelents politicians and public speakers due to this. Mars in Gemini is adaptable and like to be busy, probably has more than 1 project in mind.
◆Mars in Cancer: this natives are very moved by their emotions, they listen to their heart reather than their mind. This are passive beings that shy away from conflict but this doesn't mean they are weak; they power lies in their persuation and tenaciousness. Mars in Cancer is understanding and caring towards their love ones.
◆Mars in Leo: ambition is what defines this Mars, they are idealistics and want to leave their mark in the world. This natives are born leaders, people are drawn to them. Although they can have a big ego that sometimes can get in their way, they know how to work hard to get what thry one once they set their eyes on it.
◆Mars in Virgo: they are productive and goal-oriented. They have perfectionist tendencies that make their work remarkable, although this can lead to them pushing themselves to the edge. Resting can be something challenging for them because they feel the need to always be productive.
◆Mars in Libra: this position doesn't like conflict, they have a tendency to over things due to their indecisiveness. They like to fight for what they believe, fairness and justice; this positions can indicate activist and humanitarian work. This Mars are loyal and know how to compromise to the causes close to their heart.
◆Mars in Scorpio: this position like to challenge themselves and others; they make great opponents not because of their rage but because they want to make changes in those around them. This Mars tends to be attracted to taboos and supernatural stuff, things that maybe scares other.
◆Mars in Sagittarius: their are optimistics and adventurous, they like to try new things and get new projects, although they don't always follow through due to their restless nature; they want to try everything. They can be seen as brutally honest sometimes, it's their "tell you how it is energy" that can upsets others and make them seem as somewhat non-emphatic. Mars in Sagittarius is an individualistic.
◆Mars in Capricorn: this individuals love control and tends to attract lots of recognition, they like to be the best at things. They work hard for what they want due to their drive for success. Mars in Capricorn is strong and productive, get the job done but tends to have workaholic tendencies.
◆Mars in Aquarius: they are rebels at heart. This individuals tend to be misunderstood by others, they play their own rules and get things done their own way. Independent at heart, they prefer to work alone and have a creative nature. They are clever and open, although sometimes it's percieve as cold by their peers.
◆Mars in Pisces: they "go with the flow", don't like be rushed or question. This individuals are constanstly changing their goals and have a really pacific nature to them. They are at their happiest in enviroments that allows them to express themselves without being judged. This is a position that indicates artists and creatives individuals.
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moonastro · 4 months
peoples first impression of you
pick a picture
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left to right(top)-> 1,2
left to right(bottom)-> 3,4
°DO NOT take this as literal, take everything with a grain of salt as this is purely and intendedly for entertainment purposes. °Don't be afraid to give feedback and opinions about this post (as I would entirely appreciate it). ° This is a GENERAL reading, take what resonates and leave and pass on what does not!
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pile one-
people perceive the resilience that you give out, they are aware that you are not easy to mess with and you aren't as careless as they would have though you are. People often see you as closed off, most likely because of other worries of occurrences in life. You have this courage that is very noticeable and often people see that you are fearless. They see no weakness in you, you will approach life with full confidence and power. Sometimes, you can break your cool but its not because you are needy or arrogant, its because you cant stand unfairness, people notice your ambition to fix a problem especially when it is so obvious. Yeah, you have a very fixed presence and most people can be quite scared to mess up, this can be because of your facial expressions or you could be someone that is hard to impress especially with new people as you don't show your inner self to them yet. Yet you might be seen as someone gullible too. you also can be perceived as someone with their head up high and ignoring their surroundings. This can make it harder for someone to approach you as they see that you are someone who may not be in the mood to talk to people. you may struggle to trust your intuition and you may just take the leap without thinking much of it with the mindset of whatever happens- happens.
first that people notice: your physical health (you may workout or are in great physique), your beauty, your style of clothing (may be very put together and neat), your smile, your limbs.
your vibe to other people:
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chic, modest, unbothered, chill, independent, cool, grounded, intellectual, business oriented, career opinionated, vintage, fashion
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pile two-
people may not necessarily notice you, this can be that you don't show yourself or you just prefer to observe from afar. Yeah, people notice how you isolate yourself so they rarely see you hence why others don't see you very much. This may also be that every time someone sees you, you may not have changed that much in terms of style, appearance or attitude which may leave them not have a new impression of you. people notice how you are stuck with old patterns. this may not be a bad thing its just what others observe about you. there is lots of loneliness and others may think you are struggling with something but they feel that they cant help you because you wont allow them. they feel useless. you may have lost someone close or these transformative occurrences keep happening so you may be in constant mourning and grief and may not have time to heal. this is not the end of the world though, they may think that you have something that others may want but you are too focused on he negative. you are very good with words. you have a poetic way of speaking and when you do people are fascinated. people notice your way of thinking and how you come up with solutions very easily and quickly. you may write a lot maybe journal and get your worries out on a piece of paper.
first thing that people notice: your walk, your head pieces (may be headband, ribbon, hair clips and whatever else you wear on your head, may even be glasses), your right hand (may wear significant jewellery on that hand, your clothing colours, odd style.
your vibe to other people:
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eccentric, colourful, tired, unbothered, baggy clothing, indie, untidy style, unconventional, alternative, eyes blocked/ covered, unapproachable
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pile three-
people notice your positive view of the world, you may talk or have relations to other people who like your attitude and they may give you job related opportunities. you have good news with money so people give an impression that you are financially stable. you may not like to be in big groups and may not work as well in a team. this may make you quieter that you are or this may make you feel small and useless. you also may not address problems and keep them in. people usually only hear you speak about the positives in life and they wonder what you truly go through as you don't really address those topics. you are rather serious and don't take things lightly. you can take some things too seriously and people notice that about you. you take whatever you have and make it work for you. you are very vocal about your possessions and are not afraid to show off your ideas and abilities. yet, others notice how you work with whatever you are given and you do it well. you are proud of your creations and skills and are not afraid to use them and show them off. people see you as someone who is very proud of themselves. you are quite flirty in nature, you tend to show off your financial earnings in order to get others attention. you are every good with emotions and others see your empathy and interest through your expressions- this makes you very approachable and friendly. people feel like you are someone who they can trust in the long run. on the other end, you constantly regret your actions from the past which can change your mood completely. you have matured well and others notice that.
first thing that people notice: your creativity, your potential (you seem like someone who is on the path to success), your inspirational nature, your ideas, your fighting nature, your motivation, your hair.
your vibe to other people:
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classy, successful, positive, fiery, showing your legs/arms, confident, powerful, smiley, expressive, formal, sexy.
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pile four-
you are very hardworking and are always keen to learn and master your skills. people notice how patient you are and very detailed. you take time to get to know something so you will be able to teach someone else. people notice your ability to teach and coach others. you are are very peaceful soul, very laid back and very reserved. you will give others the chance to shine instead of yourself and i feel like only some notice that about you. you sometimes are on the verge of giving up and you are vocal about it. yup, you always give give give. you are the most selfless person that anyone knows. you are so generous that most people can think you are putting up an act but truly you believe that what you give out comes back to you. people notice your curiosity, you may question a lot of things and ask lots of questions to other people. you may also observe and talk about the things others don't care about. you always seek the truth and it may be why you question everything as you wish it would give you answers.
first thing that people notice: your pet (may walk your dog a lot of you may spend time with an animal a lot), your leadership, your vision, your determination, your honesty, your stubbornness, your friendly nature, your structure.
your vibe to other people:
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casual, simple, comfortable, easy going, in your own world, warm, natural, open, free, informal, effortless, sincere, not extra, relaxed, placid, flexible.
That is all!! thank you so much for reading, have a good day and i hope something amazing happens today.
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goldsbitch · 4 months
Right? p6
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
summary: Y/N is a photographer for McLaren F1 team. Hard working, goal oriented professional who would never put her career in jeopardy for some stupid crush, right?
warning: smut
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Life in formula was a fast one. But alas, there was finally a moment where a date had been set for your first official date indoors. Two week break between races provided a nice opportunity.
You were based in the UK, but one little Monaco trip didn't hurt anyone, right? No hotel room. Zero back up plan. It was strange how complicated it was for you two to get a moment for each other. You were not even sure what make of this little crush. Whatever. In the end it was a nice little trip.
So there you were, standing in front of an address he shared with you - casual elegant outfit, newly done hair and just a little bit of more than you got to do during busy work days. It was more for yourself than for Lando really. Everyone likes to feel like the it girl sometimes, right? This whole affair was a nice detour from the goal oriented life you lead every day.
There you were, standing in the open kitchen in Lando Norris's apartment. You could care less where the two of you were - as long as there we no prying eyes and you could look at each other with lust in your eyes without needing to hide anything. Teenage hormones overtaking the adult brains within milliseconds.
The looks. The random touches. The abnormal proximity. Nobody to hide from.
He ordered take out, as cooking was not a thing any one of you found to be interesting. He had obviously made some touch ups to the place, dimmed lights and all cleaned up, he had a nice elegant shirt on and the kind of messy hair that screamed "I actually spent an alarming amount of time on it". Both of you playing a little game, as if fooling each other was even an option at this point. Light innocent conversation felt like a like dance - who is going to break the rules first?
"Mr. Norris, this is all very nice," you pointed out, "but I believe we are here to review some photos."
He took a napkin to clean up his face and played the game along. "Oh, silly old me. Must have forgotten. Of course. To the screening room."
The two of you got up from the table, Lando's hand on your lower back and his cologne hitting you in the face in the best way possible. Oh why, oh why, why were you getting into this mess? You wanted to be taken into his arms like a naughty teenager kissing her classmate for the first time. Letting him guide you into pleasure. You finally explored how his skin covered his perfect face structure, there was nothing hiding his features. And unlike with your pictures, you could actually see how his jaw moved when he spoke, especially with the perfect light hitting him now. He got you. He understood your need to aesthetics. You could take a photo of his right there. Preferably without clothes hiding his body.
He turned his projector on. This was all part of the cat and mouse game.
"I need to see the pictures you have first. You owe it to me at this point."
He closed the distance between the two of you, looked you deep in the eyes, his blueish greenish ones filled with a need and after long minutes spent with a dinner, that none you actually wanted, he kissed you. Differently that ever before. This was tender, not slow, but somehow free. His soft lips caressed yours and you could have melted right then and there. Only then you understood why all the singers praised the first kiss - this felt like one. He was not afraid to explore, to observe your reaction and feel proud for making you feel that way. He was speaking to you in a language only touch could understand and his words were loud and clear - I want you. And there was absolutely no way either one you would wait a minute longer. Not after how he touched you at the gala. Not after all the meeting he had to sit with his dirty thoughts making it impossible for his to concentrate. Not after all the night you wished he was on top of you. Not after how you mesmerised him while taking photos of him. His hands grabbed your waist firmly, wrincling your dress and sending thunders through your body. You grabbed his hair, pushing him even closer, as it that was even possible. If desire was a color, there would be no other color present in the whole city. Your bodies seemed to understand each other, there were zero thoughts going into your movements. You roamed around his shoulders, he wandered off to touch your ass and slowly started to pushing you towards the couch. You never felt anything as comftable as this specific couch - but one would say it was Lando's body pressing on top of your that was the selling point. His chest touching your boobs, his waist pressed on your and you could feel his erect dick begging to be touched too. Hot blood flowing inside both of your bodies. You started working on unbuttoning his shirt and he smiled into your kiss, not having parted your lips since he first locked them with his. You knew he wanted to say something, so you stopped him by biting his lip and sticking your tongue into his mouth. All bets were off tonight, you both knew why you were there. So he helped you with his shirt, the with a swift motion got you out of your dress before you could even notice, and started working on his pants. It was all very quick, passionate and hard. This is not how you're suppose to be acting towards your team driver. You're not suppose to be fucking him. You're not suppose to be stroking his dick. Oh, but how good it felt to hold him in your hand. Finally, right? It will just be this one time, right? But if it was just this one time, you'd make it a good one. You didn't even know when he stuck his fingers into you, because they felt so natural, you might have thought they were always supposed to be there. Oh, but it felt good - so good - too good. You could have gotten of just with his light motion, but that was not in his plan for tonight. He watched you, being totally present in that moment, right there and then, and he got drunk on the way your body reacted to his actions. When he knew you were more than ready, he finally entered you and one could write a single chapter on how exctatic that felt to him. You were quickly put into some sort of trance, cause by his motion. It was like being on a different planet. In that moment the only thought you could gather was why the fuck did you ever had sex before meeting him and if your previous experiences could even count as such. You got locked in the moment, focusing only on his moves, closed eyes and having touch as the only source of your sensory receptors. He on the other hand let your soft moans in to get him going, moans that only seemed to get louder and higher with every minute that he fucked you. He moved faster, than slower, than faster again. He wanted to try different positions with your, but he wanted to take this view of you bounding under him, to his memory so desperately that he did not dare to endanger the moment you two had.
It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. Time stopped being a reliable way to measure this moment. You came twice, he pulled out and came all over your chest. The two of you laid next to each to other, as much as the couch allowed, trying to catch your breath. There was only one thought on your mind. Fuck. How were you suppose to walk past him now?
You both were riding the pleasure high for few moments. Hearts slowing down, taking in what just happened after weeks of built up tension.
You stayed naked in each others embrace. You traced Lando's freckles, creating shapes and constellations. He was way less subtle and focused on light touches of your nipples. It felt fragile, tender and intimate. Pure contrast to the vibe you had just minutes prior.
"I know it's not ideal," he spoke softly. You froze, not knowing where he was heading with this. He noticed and continued immediately. "Not ideal because of McLaren and stuff." You nodded, not wanting to continue this conversation. But he did. "However...I am having a nice time. And I hope you're too," he waited for your answer, which only came in a nod. He gave you a weak smile. You just didn't feel safe yet and he understood. He leaned in to kiss you - at least that what you were expecting. Instead he stopped right before your lips and whispered. "I was promised some super secret photos, wasn't I?" You smiled, happy that the tension got broken again. Flirty was something you knew how to do with him. "Only if you show me yours too, sweetie." "Oh, I am so ready to dwell into the beauty the two of us are," he sighed and finally kissed you.
part 7
@i-wish-this-was-me @lqvesoph @ophcelia @noneofyourfbusinessworld
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dulcesiabits · 2 years
nice to meet you again.
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summary: as a young child, you’re suddenly transported to twisted wonderland, and become fast friends with a boy around your age before you finally find a way home. Years later, you crash the opening ceremony at NRC, with no memories of your previous time in twisted wonderland as a child. (ft. ruggie, leona, jamil, kalim).
notes: 2k words, drabbles, childhood friends au, fluff + angst
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Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie could never tell you this, but the first time he saw you, he thought you were an angel.
It wasn’t weird for different kids from around the neighborhood to pop up in his nanna’s kitchen, but you were a little different from the others. You looked like a regular human, clinging to his nanna’s skirts. Ruggie kept chasing you around, trying to get a better look, and you kept running away until his nanna told you two to stop.
When his nanna told him that you were far from home, and would be staying with them for a little while, Ruggie wondered if you were a real angel after all. His nanna had asked him to look after you until you adjusted to life here, so he’d do his best to protect you! You didn’t look like you’d last a single day on the streets, after all.
The two of you would run around on the streets, and Ruggie introduced you to all his friends, playing games until the sun set and his nanna called the two of you to eat dinner. He would hunt for flowers and rip them up, dirt still clinging to the roots as he offered them to you. And Ruggie taught you how to bargain, how to run from risky situations, how to sweet-talk the more naive adults (he would have taught you to pickpocket, too, but... he didn’t want you to get in trouble. Besides, he liked it when you bandaged his scrapes and bruises after a particularly risky adventure).
That didn’t mean you were safe from his pranks, though. Sometimes he would swipe one of your favorite items, or steal a bite of your dinner when you weren’t looking. If anyone else tried to mess with you, though, he’d get ‘em back for trying to make you cry.
You and Ruggie were a team! You were, until the day he came home with your favorite snack hidden in his back pocket, and his nanna told him you had went home.
He knew who you were as soon as you stepped foot into the mirror room with a trouble-making cat, ruining the freshman orientation ceremony. Ruggie hadn’t believed it at first, but he would never forget you, even if you were years older... and didn’t remember him.
How could you forget him? Did he mean nothing to you? Did the time you spent together meaning nothing?
Fine. He had dealt with worse. The two of you would just be strangers again, even if Ruggie couldn’t stop himself from looking out for you every now and then.
(Maybe it was better that way. Ruggie wasn’t ashamed of who he was, but you knew him when he was nothing, had less than he did now. If you did remember him, what would you think of him...?)
Leona Kingscholar
His brother, Falena, was the sun.
There was nowhere Leona could go to escape his presence; Falena’s blinding light would make its way to every corner of the palace, touch upon every servant.
Everyone was always on Falena’s side. It was destined from the start that Leona would never be able to live up to him. No matter how fast he ran, how far he went, he could not escape it.
But you, the strange kid from another world that Falena had so graciously taken in? You were different.
You followed him around without fear, never heeding the whispers of the servants. You would marvel at every feat of magic he performed, your eyes glittering. You were his first friend, his sole companion, the only one who preferred him over his brother.
Who cared if the servants muttered about him, if his father’s attention was never fully given to him? Leona had you. He snuck into the kitchens with you to beg for extra desserts before dinner. He would sit on the balcony and the two of you would play chess, and he let you make up as many rules as you wanted. At night, he showed you magic that lit up his room, gentle rays of sunlight that danced across the walls, a private sun just for the two of you.
When you spent time with Falena instead, he felt a weird prickling in his chest. Why was his brother making you smile like that? Leona didn’t like it, one bit. he would tug you away, making up some excuse as he did so, his scowl melting as you gripped his hand, asking what he wanted to do today.
(He couldn’t let you be something else that Falena took from him, someone else that would never be his).
But one day, you went home. And Leona was alone again.
When he met you again years later as you crashed the opening ceremony at NRC, Leona could only marvel at your audacity.
You came into his life, gave him a taste of happiness, and then left? And now you had no memories of your past with him? When Leona had recognized you right away, because he would never have been able to forget you, even if he wanted to?
He had no plans to get close to you again. You’d already broken his heart once, and you would never get the chance to do so again.
(He watched you play chess once, and when asked where you learned how, you only shrugged. Someone important to me taught me how, a long time ago, you said. If he had been so important to you, why did you forget him?)
Jamil Viper
Jamil could only regard you with suspicion the day Kalim took you in.
A lost child, from a land no one had ever heard of? Likely story. His parents had trained him for such situations, and it was probable you were an assassin. But Kalim’s bleeding heart could never turn you away, and so you found yourself a place at the Asim mansion, against Jamil’s better judgement.
It took a while for him to warm up to you, to be honest. It wasn’t his job to be your friend, not when you were Kalim’s treasured guest. But... you and Kalim always insisted on playing with him, and the more he got to know you, the more Jamil realized he liked you.
With you, Jamil could be himself. You didn’t know about his history, his role, never reminding him that his only purpose was to give up everything for Kalim. The two of you could just be friends, ordinary friends.
Jamil would show you around the markets, using his allowance to buy the two of you food from street vendors. The two of you would run around the mansion, playing tag and hide and seek and so many other games as the exasperated servants chided you for bumping into them. And, sometimes, when no one was looking, Jamil would show you the spells he had diligently practiced in secret, fire dancing across his fingers. The look on your face made everything worth it, because you were the only one who he could show the full extent of his abilities.
Once, you got hurt. Jamil could only blame himself, for not being able to keep you safe, for forgetting, just a moment, the dangers of the Asim household. If he had just been more careful, more capable, more powerful... he wouldn’t have had to wait by your bedside, holding your left hand, waiting for you to wake up.
(The assassin who hurt you had been after Kalim, and Jamil heard whispers that the adults have purposefully put you in harm’s way so Kalim would stay safe. Jamil hated this place, and the scheming adults, and... and especially Kalim: they had all done this to you).
And then, one day, you left without a word, back to the strange place you said you hailed from. Jamil could do nothing but wonder what he could have done for you to stay.
It took him a while to piece together that the troublemaker from the NRC opening ceremony was you.
Jamil kept his distance, watching you run around and laugh with your friends the way you used to do with him. It shouldn’t have surprised him that you didn’t remember him. He should have known better than to expect much.
Maybe Jamil should let the memories of you go, tuck them away safely where it wouldn’t hurt to think about you.
(He was chasing after your ghost. What if you weren’t the same person he had cared about? What if you were, and he had to see everything he lost as you looked at him like a stranger?)
Kalim Al-Asim
As soon as Kalim saw you, wandering lost and alone, he took you by the hand and insisted you come home with him.
That’s how you ended up in the Asim mansion, Kalim guiding you by the hand as Jamil trailed behind. How could he have just leave you out on the streets when you looked so sad? Besides... this meant he had one more friend to play with!
Kalim adored you, from the bottom of his heart. Despite people’s grumblings, he didn’t doubt for a second you were innocent, and that you wouldn’t hurt him. You didn’t even know who he was, and the weight of his family name meant nothing for once... Kalim loved everyone, but things were a little different with you.
The moment he was awake, Kalim would run to your room, bouncing on your bed until you were ready to spend all day with him. He was reluctant to part with you during the night, and often he would sneak over to your room for a sleepover until you fell asleep while talking.
He wanted nothing more than to give you the best of everything: the tastiest foods, the prettiest jewels, the fluffiest pets. If you had asked for the stars in the sky, Kalim wouldn’t have rested until he had plucked them for you; he would have done anything for his dearest friend.
The two of you would run around the mansion with Jamil, doodling in the courtyard with chalk. Kalim would dance with you, taking you by the hands to lead you into clumsy step after clumsy step until you fell down, giggling. You would sneak into his lessons, making faces at him when the teacher’s back was turned.
It would have been wonderful if things could have continued like this forever. But you were poisoned one day, ingesting a meal that had been meant for him, and you laid sick in bed for days. Kalim had cried, holding your right hand, refusing to leave until he was certain you would wake up again.
(He could have given up all his treasures if you would be okay. He would give up the Asim name. Please, please, please... you couldn’t leave him like this).
He should have protected you! Kept you safe! Maybe that’s why you left one day without a word, back to the world you came from.
Kalim is overjoyed to see you in NRC again. He would have known who you were, even if his eyes were closed and his ears covered. It was you, after all. He could never forget you!
But... you forgot him. That was okay. Kalim didn’t mind, not if it meant you were happy, and alive. He didn’t mind that you forgot, even if it hurt a little to see you look at him in confusion, as if you could almost remember who he was.
But he was okay, now that he had you in his life again! Even if you never wanted to be friends, or you weren’t close with him anymore, he would be fine, as long as you were right there where he could see.
(What if he put you in danger again? What if you remembered your past together, and you got hurt? He couldn’t stand seeing you in pain anymore. So Kalim could only do his best to protect you by letting you go, burying every urge to pull you close to him).
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mjolnirswriststrap · 5 months
Trying To Derail My One Track Mind
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Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Masterlist Part 2
Summary: Part 1/2 Life was simple, till you met your boss.
Word Count: 3,300
No warnings till part 2
You wake up to see sun rays peeking through the curtains. Rolling over to face your fiancé you smile at his sleeping form, he looks so peaceful. Too bad you have to go to work and couldn’t just stay like this with him.
You would lie in bed all day with him, if that’s what he wanted. You reach out and pet his beard, pecking his lips before you get up to get ready for work.
You threw on your recycled outfit. Discerning no difference between the black skirt and white button up you wore yesterday. You pull on the dreaded pantyhose that were required for your uniform. Black or tan, you couldn’t express yourself at all.
You look in the mirror, tightly pulling your hair into a high ponytail, leaving out a strand to wrap around the elastic. Makeup was allowed, and recommended during your orientation. Guests prefer being hosted by someone who looks put together.
You work in the kitchen, managing the cooks and wait staff. Sometimes it felt like a real restaurant, and you dreamed of having your own one day. But with the pay you get from the manor, you won’t be following that dream anytime soon.
You give your fiancé one last kiss before you leave. Breakfast is served at 8am, so that means you should be in the kitchen by 6. Most of the people renting it out stroll in well after 9.
You always have to remake half of what you’ve already prepared, with a smile. The owner didn’t care about costs, or you. You never met him, just talked over the phone weekly.
You remember bringing up the food waste after a month of working. He laughed and said “It doesn’t matter what time I serve breakfast, they will find a way to be late. They’re paying, they know they have the luxury to be late.”.
Maybe he was one of them. He sure sounded like it. Like he agreed that money lets you by with things. The people that eat at your table get by with far more than you could imagine at the manor. You’ve been told more than once not to mention a thing that happens inside these walls.
Screams and gunshots have been heard. Guests walking around naked in masquerade masks. One guest brought his own meat, insisted on preparing it himself for everyone. You never saw anything like it, it wasn’t pork, beef, or venison, it reminded you of that page in your biology textbook with the skinless human body.
You don’t like to think about what happened before. The only way you can go back is to forget what happened the day before. You never felt fear, you couldn’t describe it. Like you were apprehensive of every new face you met, but they never snapped their fingers at you. You were never in the room when you heard fights happening, your staff was always well on their way home before dessert finished.
You stayed till the last dish was clean. They’re notified when all the staff goes home, because then there’s no one to wait on them. The bells in the kitchen fall on no ears at all. Leading no one to see which room is ringing.
You saw when they began to turn rowdy. Their drinks from dinner finally hitting them. Drunken debates often broke out, causing the last remaining person on staff to clean up broken glass and wine stains. They were always apologetic and moved the argument to a different room, leaving you alone to clean up their mess.
You sped down the country road, you were running late, today is New Year’s Eve, meaning you’d be staying the night here. You tried to go home last year, but you only spent an hour in bed with your fiancé before you had to return for breakfast.
The owner didn’t care that you had a personal life. Telling you no when you asked to take your paid leave, you told him your fiancé planned the trip as a surprise. Causing him to scoff and deny you again. You knew you should’ve quit then, but you didn’t know what would happen to you if you did. You knew too much, and the mysterious owner was a dick, so you didn’t want to test it.
Pulling down the gravel driveway you park behind the house. Entering through the backdoor that only you have a key to. You prepared for the day, making it easier for your cooks when the guest start ordering things.
The day goes by normally, like there wasn’t a party planned for the night. The owner got it catered by this famous new chef, who wouldn’t be arriving till dinner. You had to wait to be ordered around your own kitchen. The guys French accent was so thick you couldn’t understand a word he said.
Somehow you pulled it together, and your servers were carting out a stuffed bird you’d never heard of. These guests might be the fanciest of any that darkened the doorstep of the manor. They held their heads high, and drank wine that was imported in a big wooden crate you broke a nail opening.
They laughed about politics, and argued pharmaceuticals. You’re about to return to the kitchen when the front of the house man, Bruce, approaches you. “Mr. Barnes will be here at 9. He asked that you be in the library when he gets here.”. He gives you a tight lipped smile, leaving you before you have a chance to respond.
You’ve worked here for two years and the night he decides to meet you is your busiest night. You groan as you walk into the packed kitchen. Dishes being tossed into the sink and metal skillets scrapping the stove causes you sensory overload. You’re already irritated and it’s only 7.
When 9 hits, you decide nows the time you should make your way to the library. You didn’t have time to wait around for him, that kitchen would burn down without you, especially tonight.
When you get there, the doors already cracked open, and there’s a glow of lamplight emitting from it. There’s a man standing with his back to you. “Mr. Barnes?” You ask, not sure since the man seemed younger than you expected.
“You’re late.” He says, you roll your eyes, as if this was planned. “I was busy.” You curtly respond. Taking this as a chance to get off your feet, you sit in the velvet chair across the desk. He turns around once you’ve made yourself comfortable, crossing one leg over the other.
He’s handsome, and like you said, way younger than you expected. He has dark blue eyes, the kind that make a girl act a fool. They had no effect on you though, since all you were focused on is your fiancé. You didn’t really look at other men that way, you could admit when they were attractive, but nothing more. You’re better than that.
He sits down opposite of you, unbuttoning his jacket. “So I’ve been going over your monthly reports. You’re meticulous, you know that?” He gives you a genuine smile. It broke down your wall, filling you with pride at the compliment. “Thank you, I try.” You look down at your hands, picking at your broken nail.
“I know you must be busy with the party and Francois in your kitchen,” he says, causing you to raise your eyebrows. He called it your kitchen, you’re happy the two of you are in agreement. ”, so I don’t want to keep you long. I just thought I should finally meet the person keeping this house afloat.”. You take his compliments like knives. You don’t know if he means them, but you find yourself hoping he does. Causing a pang of guilt to hit you.
Why should you care if another man complimented you. You’re engaged to marry the best guy you could ever ask for. You force the blush down, not letting him see any effect he has on you, you don’t want to give the wrong idea. “If that was all, I think I should be going, like we both said, I’m busy.” You stand up, brushing down your black skirt as you do.
“Of course.” He ignores your attitude, standing to escort you out of the room. You give him a weird look, you know where the door is. “Before you leave tonight I’d like to speak to you again about a pay raise, maybe even a promotion.”.
You stop at the door and turn around and he’s only a foot away from you. You can smell the expensive cologne rolling off him, it almost makes you dizzy. “I’m actually staying tonight.” He seems surprised. “Yeah, it’s just, after I finish closing up the kitchen it will be 2, and it’s almost an hour drive home. I wouldn’t get a wink of sleep before work tomorrow.”.
“Where exactly did you plan on staying? All of the rooms are spoken for?” He asks. “The couch in the break room. It’s employees only, so I was hoping no guests stumble upon me in the night.”. He nods, looking deep in thought. “We’ll talk more later.” He says, like it was a fact.
You return to the kitchen. Things had calmed down a lot, only one cook was left, sprinkling lemon on a platter of hors d’œuvres. You got caught up on washing dishes, and cleaned the messy floors. When you were done, you heard the guests counting down, you walked to the doorway, peering in at them. No one wanted to be alone at this moment, even if you had to spend it with people that didn’t look your way. You watched as a few couples kissed and older men raised their glasses high. Mr. Barnes raised his glass towards you. Keeping his eyes on you as he takes his first sip of the new year.
You flick the kitchen light off. Walking across the dark kitchen you hear the party goes laughing and dancing to thumping music. You know you’d be picking up your champagne flutes out of the carpet in the morning. You smile when you enter the break room, you asked Bonnie, the maid, if she found time today to put you a blanket in here, she didn’t forget. Completely forgetting that your boss wanted to speak to you, you close the door behind you. Grabbing your bag off its hook on the wall, you pull out shorts and a tank top to sleep in.
You quickly change and fall face down on the couch, you don’t even cover up, liking the way your bare legs cooled your body down after sweating in the kitchen all day. You’re out like the kitchen light. That is until you feel a hand on your ankle, shaking you awake.
“Huh?” You say, raising your body up on your knees, causing your ass to lift in the air. “I wanted to speak with you.”. You blink your eyes open, and realize who it is. “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot.” You say, pulling up the loose strap of your tank top.
You cross your arms in front of your chest, wanting to keep this professional. He sits down on the couch beside you, your heart starts beating a little faster than it should. You haven’t been this close to another man since you started dating your fiancé. It felt weird and taboo, you know you should scoot away, but you don’t.
“I appreciate the work you put in here, and I’d like to show my appreciation by hiring you on as a live in manager of the manor.” You look between his eyes, trying to see if he’s serious. “I- what?” You say, utterly shocked.
He turns, throwing his arm over the back of the couch. “Everyone would report to you, Bruce, security, the maids, a new kitchen manager. You’d be making a lot of the decisions in my place, I think I can trust you.” He says, you think over his offer for a second, you know the money would be out of this world, but “My fiancé, I can’t just move out, we’re getting married soon.” You know you have to turn him down.
“Do you want to see your room?” He stands up and starts walking out of the room, just like Bruce, not waiting on a reply. “I don’t think that’s necessary, sir.” He looks back at you, like he can convince you otherwise. “What’s a look gonna hurt?” He says.
He leads you to the end of the guest hall, the last door in sight. You hadn’t been upstairs since your tour of the mansion, so you weren’t really familiar on which room was which, but you’re pretty sure this is the master suite.
He takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the door, opening it to reveal none other than the master suite. “Mr. Barnes, this is the master suite, what are we doing here?” You say, taking in the giant poster bed and red velvet.
“I know where we are, this would be your room, if you were to accept my proposal and if you do, just call me Bucky.” He says, walking around the room, studying it, as if he didn’t know what every inch of his bedroom looked like. You’re at a loss for words, you never imagined living like this, or having such a high paying job. “I can’t, I want to, but I can’t.” You say, feeling like you’re making a mistake.
He crosses the room, standing infront of you. “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” He says reaching out to touch your arm. You lock eyes with him when you feel his hand on your skin. This was inappropriate in so many ways. Here you were half naked at 2 am in the master bedroom being touched by a man that wasn’t your fiancé. You can’t move, just like on the couch.
It’s like you can’t act on what your brains telling you, step away, tell him you’re not okay with this, feel uncomfortable. But you can’t, and you won’t, your body wants to. But there’s something inside of you keeping you close to him like a magnet.
Your heart beats rapidly, fear rushes through you. Not fear of him, but what you could do in a state like this. You’re not thinking clearly, you can’t even remove his hand from your arm. The hand that was numbing the skin on your bicep.
“Like I said, Mr. Barnes, I can’t accept. I hope this doesn’t interfere with my current employment.” Finally, you put your brain on autopilot, jutting out a professional declining of his invitation.
He drops his hand, seemingly letting you win this battle. “Of course not,” he ushers you out of the room, locking it behind him. “I shall let the offer stand, as long as you keep up the good work.” You nod your head, knowing you would never bring it up again.
He insists that you join him for one last drink in the lounge. All the guests were in their rooms, fast asleep. “I’ll just have water thanks.” You say, sitting infront of the roaring fire. He walks over the the bar cart, pouring himself bourbon, and you a glass of water from the crystal pitcher.
He sits down beside you again, you notice he’s closer now than what he was in the break room. You clear your throat, “So how did you come by this place?” You ask, wanting to keep your mind off of the heat radiating off of him.
“Inheritance.” He answers curtly, like exposing any further detail was an invasion of privacy. You find yourself nodding your head yet again tonight. You look at the flames tickling the brick walls of the fireplace, they remind you of your fiancés eyes, and in that moment you feel a bullet create a hole in your chest.
If you found out he were having a drink at 2am with his boss, while she was wearing her pajamas; you’d be furious. How hypocritical, that you find yourself sipping your room temperature water, bumping knees with a man you’ve never even met before.
“What do you want in life?” He asks out of the blue. It shocks you, you don’t know if you should tell him the truth or not. You figured, he knows what he’s paying you, it would never buy a restaurant anyways. “Uhm, first and foremost a family, which I’m currently working on. But in the future?” You say, knowing that’s what he meant.
He seems unbothered by you constantly bringing up your fiancé, like it wasn’t a factor in his motives. “I want my own kitchen. My own tables and menu. My guests sitting in my restaurant.” You say, averting your eyes from him. It’s not everyday you tell your boss you don’t plan on working for them forever.
“If you accepted my offer, you’d have that. You would have say over the menu, you would greet the guests and get to know them as if they were your own. You could redecorate, whatever you wanted.” Your mouth drops open slightly, you don’t know if you should believe him, but he hasn’t given you a reason not to.
As soon as fireworks start popping in your head, they die out. “Missed opportunity I guess.”.
“Well it’s getting late, I should be getting to bed.” You say, leaving your empty glass beside his. You make a beeline for the swinging kitchen door, “I don’t think in good conscience I can let you stay on the couch, employee or not, hosting people is my profession after all.” He stands, giving you a smile that reads in different ways. One could be a business man, just doing what he does best, faking a smile.
The longer you stood on opposite sides of the room, silence growing thick between you, the charming smile read differently, like you were prey, caught in a trap. You could retreat and lick your wounds or stay, and be healed and coddled.
“I insist.” He puts his hands in his pockets, walking to the bottom of the stairs. You could see him waiting from the kitchen door, leaning on the banister. It was nonnegotiable, you huff out a breath before grabbing your bag and shoes from the break room. Might as well let this be the first and last night you every get to stay in one of these rooms.
You follow him back up to the master bedroom, he unlocks the door and leads you in yet again. “Where are you staying? I thought we had a full house?” You say, finally realizing, this locked room was the only free bed. He turns around and shrugs his shoulders, “I just thought, we could share, this beds big enough for the two of us, with plenty of professional space for a pillow wall.”. He says, throwing back the covers, tossing the decorative pillows in the middle of the bed.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You say, crossing your arms. “I don’t think the couch is a good idea, seeing as you’re scheduled till 7 tomorrow.” He argues. You’re frozen again, like you should fight against him but you can’t, you just let it happen.
Without another word you drop your bag and shoes on the chest at the foot of the bed. You tuck yourself in close to the edge, facing away from him. You set your alarm and close your eyes when he flicks the light off. “Goodnight.” He says, and you try to pretend you’re already asleep, but “night.” Slips from your lips before you could rethink it.
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sluttyminghao · 2 months
mlt prefer a serious relationship over casual flings, in your opinion?
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serious relationship
seungcheol - he's in it for the long haul, and would much prefer to have a serious relationship over anything else. he seems very family-oriented and would do anything to start a family
jeonghan - he seems like he would be more into casual flings than anything else, doesn't want to be tied down to anyone in particular and much prefers to mess around
casual flings
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writingforstraykids · 5 months
Sweet disaster
Pairing: Chanlix x femReader
Word Count: 1080
Summary: Noticing Chan's current discomfort and stress level, you decide to prepare some brownies. There's only one problem; you suck at baking.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, angst, baking, domestic shit, cuddles, softboy!channie
A/N: Love you 💕@miuracha
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Chan has been really stressed lately with the upcoming comeback. Felix was as well, but Chan always got a different type of stressed out as their leader. So you thought you'd surprise him with brownies. The only problem is, you're not exactly naturally talented in the kitchen like your friend Minho or know your way around the kitchen like your boyfriends. After getting Felix's recipe and all the ingredients you stood still for a moment, feeling nervous to mess this up. 
You start out slow, weighing some of the ingredients and getting closer to a mental breakdown with every gram that's too much or too little in your various bowls. 
Felix comes downstairs from his shower and frowns softly, seeing you. "And what is that supposed to be?" 
You look up, blushing a little with embarrassment. "I'm trying to surprise Channie."
"Did I miss something?" Felix asks, shocked. It isn't his birthday; their anniversary is in two months. 
"No, relax," you giggle and eye the cartoon of eggs suspiciously. "He just looked like he'd pass out soon or start crying, and at this point, I don't know what I'd prefer to let him have a break." 
"Oh," Felix nods and comes over, sitting down at the kitchen island. "And you're making brownies?" he asks after scanning all the bowls and packages on the table. 
You grab an egg and push your fingers against it. "Yeah, I'm trying." 
Felix watches you, stunned. "No, baby, that's not -" The egg breaks into two, running down your fingers and onto the table. 
It's your final straw, and tears shoot to your eyes, frustration settling in your body. "Fuck this, I'm useless at that." 
"No, no, no," Felix quickly chimes in and gets up. He gently guides you to the sink and washes your hands. "It's your first time doing this, of course, things go wrong." 
"Yeah, but I don't want him to eat some fucked cake," you pout as he dries your hands with a towel. 
Felix gently cups your face and kisses your forehead. "Let me help you, okay? We'll do it together." 
"Okay," you nod and smile as he brushes your hair back. Your boyfriend steps behind you, braiding your hair for you quickly so it won't be in the way. He guides you back to the table and orientates himself quickly in your mess. 
"Alright, so we start with this," he says, leading you through the process step by step. He shows you how to mix ingredients together, telling you why a certain order is important. 
You put it into the oven after a while and beam at him. "Thank you, Lix," you smile. 
"Anytime, baby," he smiles right back at you, eyes sparkling with joy. "Okay, now let's clean up in the meantime." 
You two are done just in time when the keys to your front door turn. Chan steps inside, the hood of his sweater on his head, and sets down his backpack tiredly. He freezes for a moment, picking up on the sweet scent floating through the apartment. "Felix?" he calls out, making his way into the apartment. "Did you make brownies?" he asks, the thought alone putting a tired smile on his face. 
"No," Felix shakes his head from his place on the sofa and looks over at you, who's getting some drinks from the kitchen. "Y/nnie did." 
"Wait, really?" he asks, surprised, and you nod shyly. "Aw baby, how did it go?" 
"Lix helped me out, obviously," you chuckle. "I still have to learn a lot." 
"You did great, baby," Felix shakes his head. Chan gives Felix a soft kiss as a greeting. Felix notices how he slightly contorts his face, bending down to meet his lips. "Once you said hi to our girl, you come right back here and let me take care of your neck and back.". 
Chan laughs and nods gently. "I'll need that," he says before making his way over to you. "Hi, baby girl," he smiles softly. 
"Hey, Channie," you smile and lower your gaze shyly. "I uhm I thought I'd make you some because you looked exhausted this morning." 
Chan's heart is about to burst hearing that, and he pulls you into a tight hug so you won't see the tears brimming in his eyes. "Thank you," he whispers, burying his face in your shoulder. 
You gently pull back the hood of his sweater and run your fingers through his untamed curls. "Lix and I are very proud of you for working so hard," you tell him, and Chan squeezes you gently. 
He's about to answer when Felix steps behind him and wraps his arm around the two of you. "We love you so much, Channie," he says, kissing his neck. 
"I love you too," Chan tells you quietly. 
"Now go and let Felix take care of you, okay?" you say, gently patting his back. You carefully take the brownies from the oven, and after letting it cool down for a bit, you cut a few pieces, knowing how much your boys loved practically burning their mouths to eat them still warm. 
Chan bites back a groan as Felix works on a very tense spot in the back of his neck and squeezes his eyes shut. He knows he needs this, but still, it hurts. His eyes flutter open as your hand slips into his, and he flashes you a tired smile. 
"Wanna try?" you ask, holding up a plate. 
"Lix, hang on for a moment," Chan says, and Felix stops, gently rubbing his arms. "You want some as well?" 
"Of course, I wanna know how our girl did," he nods eagerly, making you giggle. 
You try a bite yourself as they do and nod to yourself. This wasn't too bad. 
"This is amazing," Felix compliments you with a sweet smile. 
Chan leans forward and cups your face, kissing you lovingly. "That's exactly what I needed today." 
"I thought you might," you smile gently. You continue feeding him small bites as Felix finishes his massage, and Chan looks positively tired out. "You want to take a nap?" 
Chan nods gently. "Can you two join?" 
Felix giggles and pats his side. "Of course we can." 
Only a little later, you're all cuddled up with Chan in the middle. He's falling asleep soon, and you allow yourself to rest a bit as well when you notice Felix drifting off slowly. Sometimes, cuddles and a good nap are all your boys need.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@kai-lee08 @atinyniki @mal-lunar-28 @aaasia111 @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28
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badkitty3000 · 15 days
Five Hargreeves NSFW Headcanons
Ok, so here are some smutty headcanons that I have developed for Five over time. Obviously, this is my personal version and if you’ve read any of my stories, you will recognize a lot of these! Also, these are intended to be with a female partner, even though I feel like Five could be with any gender or orientation. If he’s attracted to a person and has a connection with them, that’s all that matters. I just write him with cis women because that’s what I am and that’s what I know. Let me know if you think I missed any! 😊
Warnings: Smut! Sex! Turn back if you don't want smut!
Let’s start with relationships: Five does not have the patience, nor the inclination, to care about most people outside of his immediate family. He knows he’s smarter (a lot smarter) than the average human, and spending more time than he needs to with someone else and their tiny brain is highly irritating. He does not have a lot of friends and doesn’t feel the need for any. That does not mean he isn’t attracted to women and doesn’t notice them. He most definitely notices. And once in a while he may indulge in a drunken fling here and there. However, when he meets that one woman that lights a fire in him, then it's game over. He’s done for, head over heels, no one will ever come close, in love for all eternity. He’s not going to fall for just anyone, either. Aside from having a body that he wants to fuck all day for the rest of his life, you also have to be smart. And witty. And not put up with any of his shit. Just because he’s in love with you, does not mean he’s not going to slip up sometimes and say or do something to piss you off. But when you come back at him with some major attitude and fight, he will end up loving you even more. Five needs a spicy woman to put him in his place sometimes.
Blow Jobs: Holy shit, this man loves a good blow job! Nothing makes him hotter than watching you service him. He wants to shove you down on your knees and watch intently as you take him all the way into your mouth until his cock hits the back of your throat. And if you can handle it, he’s going to fuck your face. Grab your hair in his fist and thrust himself into you until you’re gagging and drooling, tears running down your cheeks. Maybe he’ll come down your throat, maybe he won’t. He’ll let you know first, though. But if you’re going to be in a relationship with him, you better get used to having his dick in your mouth.
Cunnilingus: He may want you to suck his cock, but he’s more than willing to pay back the favor. In fact, Five wants to eat you out like the starving man he once was. Your taste and your scent drives him wild and he’ll take as long as you need. In fact, sometimes, he won’t stop even if you want him to. You can be begging him to stop and to fuck you instead, but he’ll just hold you down by your hips and look up at you with that knowing smirk of his; his mouth shining with your juices, and shake his head. Denied. Then he’s back at it, sucking and licking and fucking your pussy with his tongue until you’re a shuddering, crying mess, and your back is arching off the bed.
Orgasms: Continuing on that theme, Five will not come until you have, at least once but preferably a couple of times. He considers this a personal challenge, and he’s going to do everything in his power to make sure you’re screaming and shaking before he’s satisfied enough to let himself go. Ok, sure, there are times when maybe he does not perform as amazingly as he’d like. Times when you drive him so fucking crazy with the way you’re writhing underneath him and looking at him with that sexy little pout of yours that he can’t hold back. He’ll feel guilty about it afterwards, though, so once he’s able to think straight again, he’ll make sure you’re taken care of.
Daddy kink: This is it, guys. The big one. The thing that he absolutely goes fucking crazy over. You want Five to lose his mind over you? Sit on his lap and call him Daddy. Purr it seductively next to his ear while you run a hand down his chest. Remind him of it when you’re on your knees, looking back up at him with wide, innocent eyes, as you slowly unbuckle his belt. Moan it loudly just before he makes you come. Odds are, he’s going to be the older one in the relationship, so it just plays into his preferred role of the man in charge. He is the Daddy, here, and don’t you fucking forget it.
Cum: He wants you either covered in it or filled with it. Five loves nothing more than to come inside of you, watching his load drip out of you, dripping down your legs or pooling on the sheets underneath you. But sometimes he can’t control himself, taking matters into his own hands, and covering your tits or your ass in ropes of his cum. Seeing his semen all over you lights up that feral part of his brain because it reminds him and you who you belong to. He usually does this when he’s not thinking clearly, and then will feel badly afterwards, especially if he didn’t tell you he was going to do it in the first place. You’ll have to tell him it’s ok and that you don’t mind; that you liked it, actually. After he feels better about himself, he’ll quickly blink into the bathroom and grab a washcloth or tissues to help clean you up.
Dominance: Obviously, Five likes to be the one calling the shots. He is going to tell you, or more likely order you, to do what he wants. Whether he wants you riding him hard and fast, or on your hands and knees so he can fuck you from behind, he’ll let you know. Or maybe he’ll just throw you around, no words needed, until he’s got you where he wants you. He wants to overpower you, hold you down, pin you against a wall, flatten you with his body on top of yours. He wants to grip your wrists tightly in his hands and shove your legs apart with his knees. You are his to do with what he wants, but that’s only because he knows that’s what you like. It might not even be anything rough or physical that shows he’s in charge. It could be a subtle look in your direction, or a small command of “Come here” or “No” to your request that has you weak in the knees and doing whatever he wants. You might have him wrapped around your finger in every other aspect of your relationship, but inside the bedroom he is the boss.
Submission: There is one tiny little caveat to that dominance thing. Once in a while, you get to be in charge. Yes, he likes to be the dominant one, but he’s also up for being the sub every now and then. Maybe it’s a spur of the moment thing that you hesitantly try, and for some reason, he’s into it that day. Maybe he’s really pissing you off and he needs to be reminded that you are not a doormat for his temper tantrums and misplaced rage. This is when things can really get fun. Now you get to order him around, and he’s going to listen. Make him to eat you out until you tell him to stop. Tie him up with his own necktie and make him really work for it. Tease him until his cock is so hard and leaking that he’s squirming and begging you to fuck him. Rub your wet pussy up and down his shaft, but don’t let him in, until he’s whining like a little bitch and you laugh before finally giving in. Call him a good boy and slap his ass. He will do it all for you, because he loves you. And maybe because he secretly likes it, too. And when it’s all over, he will pretend that it was a one-time deal and you are dreaming if you think that’s ever going to happen again. You know better, though.
Dirty talk: Oh boy, he’s a talker. Not only does Five like the sound of his own voice, he wants to hear yours, too. He is going to lay out his entire dirty plan for you, in detail, out loud while he gets started. Then, he’s going to share with you each of the thoughts running through his head during the act, as well. It all depends on his mood and whether he’s being rough or soft, demanding or sweet. “Fuck me harder” “You’re so tight, you feel amazing” “God damn it, I never want to stop fucking you” “You’re so beautiful” “I love you” “You’re all I need” He’s not shy about what he wants to hear from you, either. “Tell me who you belong to” “Whose cock do you want inside of you?” “Tell me how I make you feel” He wants to hear all of it. There may be a few times where he orders you to stay quiet while he teases and fucks you hard, but that won’t stop him from chattering away himself. Unless he’s got some severe laryngitis going on, you are going to hear A LOT from Five Hargreeves during sex.
Rough Sex: Yes! He wants to fuck you into the mattress, or wall, or floor, or whatever surface he can find. But not in a violent or cruel way; he knows how you like it and he’s going to deliver. He’s going to make getting your pussy pounded into oblivion feel amazing. Shoving his cock inside of you, your leg thrown over his shoulder, sweat forming on his body, hair flopping in his eyes, jaw set in concentration as he rams into you over and over until you are screaming. He loves you, he’ll remind you, as he flips you over onto all fours and continues to fuck you so perfectly that you won’t be able to think or walk straight for a week. We’re talking hair-pulling, ass-slapping, sucking and biting until you’re bruised kind of rough.
Sweet/slow Sex: Also yes! Five likes it rough sometimes, but he also likes to take his time with you. He loves you, you are his entire world, and he just can’t believe you love him, too. So, he will cover your body with soft kisses, caressing every part of you while he tells you how gorgeous you are. He will worship your body, because to him you are the most perfect woman in the world. He will never love anyone else but you, and as he fucks you slow and rhythmically, with your legs and arms wrapped tightly around him, he will gaze lovingly into your eyes and tell you so.
Insecurities: We all know Five is the most confident man in the room. He’s arrogant and bossy, and isn’t afraid of anything or anyone. But, he has a lot of trauma, and with that comes shame, and regret, and feelings of inadequacy. Most people don’t know this about him. Most people except for you. With you, he let’s his guard down. He is safe with you and he can finally be himself. When the nightmares come, or the panic attacks, or just the overwhelming thoughts of self-doubt that plague him, he turns to you for comfort. Sometimes that means just lying there with you in the dark, as he lays his head on your chest and you give him soft kisses and run your fingers through his hair. Other times, he may need more than that. Because he needs to feel you, all of you, to make sure you are real. His touches and kisses will lead to more, and it all has to do with love and not lust, and his vulnerability with you. You are his lifeline to the only real happiness he knows and he’s terrified of it being ripped away from him again. He will bury his face in the crook of your neck while he thrusts slowly into you, kissing you softly and trying desperately not to shed the tears that are already making their way down his face. He wants to hear you say you’ll never leave him because he doesn’t want to be alone. And when you reassure him over and over with more kisses and whispers of how much you love him, he will eventually relax once more.
Names: Five loves to give you pet names. Sometimes they give a sense of his dominance over you, or may even be sarcastic if he’s being a jerk (sweetheart and honey can sound completely different depending on his tone). Other times they are just a form of his love for you and even if they are old fashioned (darling, my love, etc), you love hearing them from him. He likes to have a special name for you that no one else calls you, too. And he generally saves a couple just for sexy times (“go on baby, come for me”) that he knows drives you crazy. You can have pet names for him, too, and you love knowing you are the only one that can get away with that.
His own name: Along the same lines, Five wants to hear you say his name. When you’re whispering it quietly as he’s trailing kisses down your neck. As you’re whining and begging pitifully when he teases you and holds out on you instead of just fucking you like you want. And especially when you are screaming his name so loud the neighbors down the street can hear. It totally plays into his ego to have you moaning his name while he’s making you lose your mind with his cock or his fingers. Once you start sobbing and crying out his name in pure ecstasy, he’s probably not going to be able to last much longer because that is music to his ears. But if you really want to kick it up a notch and pretty much guarantee he’s going to be violently coming inside of you in a matter of seconds, use his full name. Throwing in a ‘Number Five’ is like an automatic switch for him and its game over.
Loud sex: Continuing on…he wants you loud. This goes along with the dirty talk and moaning his name. He wants to hear you. He wants the neighbors to hear you. He wants the whole god damn city to hear you. And he wants everyone to know just who is fucking you. Maybe it will make run-ins with neighbors at the mailbox a little awkward in the morning, but Five doesn’t really give a shit. He wants his girl screaming so loud for him that it’s a wonder the cops don’t get called. And he’ll wear that badge of honor proudly, just adding to the other list of things he knows he’s the fucking king of.
Kissing: Five loves kissing you. He can’t get enough of it. Yes, he loves fucking and everything else sex-related, but kissing is always incorporated, even with the roughest of sex. Remember, this man is touch starved, but he also doesn’t like most people touching him. You are the exception. The fact that he has found someone to love and that loves him in return is nothing short of a miracle for him. So, kissing you and being kissed by you, is heaven. You can feel all of his love and desire for you in those kisses, whether they are soft and gentle, or hungry and desperate. He kisses you in the morning and when you leave for the day. He kisses you when you come home and before you go to sleep. Sometimes when you’re just standing there, washing dishes, or sitting reading a book, you will look so cute to him that he can’t help himself and he’ll tilt your face up towards him with a hand on your chin and kiss you until you want to melt into a puddle at his feet. He will also ask you to kiss him, stopping you as you walk by him by taking your hand and pulling you in close, an arm around your waist. “Kiss me. Please,” he’ll say quietly with the most innocent looking face and your heart will break for him. It’s the please that gets you. But he really doesn’t need to ask, because you will never not want to give him as many kisses as he needs.   
Masturbation: If anyone is an expert in jerking off, it’s Five Hargreeves. How could he not be? It was him and his hand/Dolores for 45 years, and a guy has needs. Would he prefer your mouth or your pussy to stick his dick in? Absolutely. But sometimes you’re not available, or the timing isn’t right, or you’re not in the mood. In which case, Five knows exactly how to efficiently and quickly rub one out and then go about his day. He loves to watch you finger yourself, though. Especially when he makes you tell him who you are thinking of while you’re doing it (always him). He also has no shame in masturbating in front of you while you are taking care of yourself. Sitting there, nonchalantly and slowly stroking his hard cock while he watches you play with yourself, maybe giving you directions while you do it. It’s just one of the ways he reminds you who’s in charge.
Praise: Yes, he will praise you for being a good girl. This kind of goes hand in hand with the Daddy kink. “Be a good girl for Daddy,” he’ll tell you while slowly running the back of his hand down your cheek. If you follow his directions, he will give you all the praise you deserve. “Such a good girl, taking it so well for me” “That’s my good girl” “That’s right baby, you’re perfect” “You’re doing so good, just a little longer sweetheart” He might be demanding you suck his cock or flinging you around like a ragdoll on the bed and fucking you senseless, but he will always tell you how good you are being for him. Like the perfect gentleman he is.
Appearance: This includes body type, clothing, lingerie, hair, and make-up. Five does not have a specific body type per se. If he finds you attractive, he finds you attractive, end of story. He may have a slight preference towards nice boobs and a tight ass, but that’s just on a superficial basis. Chubby tummy? Thick thighs? Flat chest? Bony elbows and knees? He does not care. If he loves you, then you’re the most beautiful woman in the world and he wouldn’t want you any other way. He does love a tight skirt and high heels, though. Watching your ass bounce along while you sashay your hips in front of him will have him wishing he could blink you away somewhere private, flip that skirt up, and take care of business. And if you whisper in passing that you’re not wearing any underwear, he just might. Five loves you fully naked, sprawled out just for him. But his brain misfires a few times when he sees you in sexy lingerie. A lace bra, tight corset, thong panties, or even just a skimpy little tank top has him drooling and stumbling all over himself in an effort to get his dick under control. Wearing a sexy outfit like this is a good way to make him the submissive one, because he will do anything for you at this point. It’s actually pretty hilarious to see him at a loss for words for once, jaw on the floor, and licking his lips at just the sight of you. A flustered Five is the best. He doesn’t have much preference for hair style, as long as there’s enough to grab in his fist when you’re blowing him. Same goes for make-up. The only exception to that is lipstick. Five loves when you wear red lipstick for him. He likes to see the trail it makes over his body as your lips kiss and suck him all over. He loves to see it smudged all over your mouth, on his face, and on his cock. It’s just one of those things that reminds him that you are all his.
Possessiveness: Which brings us to this. Five can be a little possessive. Not in a “you’re not going anywhere without me" kind of way. He’s not at all like that. But he does like to remind you now and then who exactly you belong to. That body is only for him to touch, and kiss, and fuck. He doesn’t get jealous, because there’s nothing to be jealous over. He trusts you and you trust him. You are independent and have your own life outside of him, and that’s just one of the reasons he loves you. But he does get territorial, and there’s a difference. If another man puts a hand on you and you don’t like it, or someone propositions you in some way, well then they are in for a real big fucking awakening. Five may try to keep his assassin instincts to himself most of the time, but if he sees some random guy disrespecting you, things are going to get ugly. He may not even need to use any actual physical force or violence. Just the threat of it is usually enough. But if that doesn’t work, and the stupid moron isn’t backing down, well, that’s their own fault. There will be a fake, saccharine smile, and a derisive chuckle as the last warning. Then the poor bastard will find himself either punched in the mouth or facedown in the dirt with a foot on his back while being forced to give a teary apology for his treatment of you. If he were ever faced with the need, Five would kill for you. No questions asked. You’re in real danger? He won’t think twice about putting a bullet into some dude’s skull. Luckily, a few clever insults, some well-timed blinks, and a swift kick to the jaw are all he really needs to get his point across. Then afterwards, he’ll take you home and fuck your brains out, because you are his and he is yours, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.  
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
Not you all wanting to get railed by ptn mommies while theres me wanting to rail them-
(i want ro rail the top looking characters and make them beg for more as you tease them-)
And you are totally based for that anon because I personally prefer that too. I very much like getting teased by them and them initiating things but then I want to be the one to be inside them and rail them, even if I'm more sub oriented myself. I guess that makes me bit of a service top and I absolutely love making these doms as power bottoms.
Like imagine Chameleon hypnotizing you first and making you pleasure her but eventually she's so overestimulated that she breaks the spell and you get full control to do whatever and she gladly welcomes that because she needs it so much😏
Or Eirene who is so much into being serviced, she loves watching you below her and you worshipping her. She loves having you between her legs under her office table and eating her out but she absolutely lives for when you come out and bend her on that table to pound into her as you wish, oh the sweet moans and whispers she lets out😩
Then there's Cabernet who talks about how irresistible you are and how much she wants to pounce on you and eat you up. And she will- she will pin you down first and start with the most passionate kisses and licks, moaning how delicious you are but the moment you turn her over, she's gone. The way she'll clench your back and make scratches on your skin all the while being a moaning and whimpering mess in your embrace, oh yes she may love to dine but she also loves being dined on for the ultimate pleasure❤️
(I only wrote my favorite characters here but I very much relate with you anon, other characters I have similar thoughts on are Garofano, Chelsea, Langley and Coquelic)
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bwabys-scenarios · 6 months
Hi! I have a fun request ! What's Your favs favorite holiday decorations and what would they enjoy decorating the most for Xmas?
Decorating with HXH characters
warnings: none, pure fluff
taglist: @desiray562 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir @lightshowerrr
if you would like to be added to the HXH taglist, please check out the taglist information!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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He loves making popcorn garland with you and painting ornaments then putting your handprints on them. Chrollo is big on making memories and having things that remind him of you. He never even had a Christmas tree growing up, so this is all very special to him.
Chrollo ends up picking out most of the decorations. You’d think he would adhere to his aesthetics, but no, every ornament is different and almost tacky. He explains why he picked each one and what they mean to him. When he holds up an ornament that depicts Santa Claus on a skateboard doing a kick flip, you try your best not to laugh. “It represents the turbulence of life, how even someone as well renowned as Santa has hobbies that you wouldn’t expect him to have.”
He’s just messing with you, really. He picked it out because it was silly, and when he hangs up a Naruto ornament you just giggle and go with it.
I feel like Kurapika would enjoy watching you decorate more than participating himself, but giving him a task to do like untangling tinsel or painting ornaments is something he would enjoy a lot!
Kurapika gets pretty severe seasonal depression. The Kurta may not have celebrated Christmas specifically, but they had their own winter traditions that he would participate in. Now, you try to include him in as much Christmas fun as possible. It’s easier to get out of his rut when he has you by his side, asking him to help decorate the tiny Christmas village that goes on the coffee table.
He excels at creative things, like painting or drawing out the composition of where the decorations would go and look the best. Kurapika is detail oriented, your home will look perfect and cozy!
He prefers to spend Christmas Eve together with you, friends, and family, and then Christmas Day with just you. Kurapika knows it’s a bit childish, but he enjoys printing out those stupid Christmas coloring pages and coloring with you. It’s just a bit of fun, but his heart does skip a beat when he sees the page he colored pinned to the fridge when he goes to put up the leftovers later that day.
Leorio absolutely loves decorating the Christmas tree, and he likes to make a big deal out if it. He invites the other people in the main four to join you two while you decorate. He likes to do things as a group, it just feels more like he has an actual family to celebrate with that way.
As the tallest, Leorio is always given the honor of putting the star on the tree. He takes his sweet time, wanting it to look absolutely PERFECT for you.
He’ll scold Gon and Killua for eating the popcorn garland you spent hours making, only for you to defend and coo over them. “Aww, don’t yell at them, they must have been hungry!” Fortunately, they’re both very quick with their hands and help you make a new one. Kurapika helps as well, smiling apologetically for his friend’s behavior.
Leorio likes to have you sat on his lap while the two of you work on cutting up snowflakes to hang around your shared apartment. He’s better at it than you, maybe due to needing precise hands while working as a doctor. He always prefers the things you make, though.
After decorating, all he wants is to curl up on the couch and watch Christmas movies with you. The others have left by now, leaving the two of you alone. And although Leorio enjoys having a crowded home during the holidays, there’s nothing he loves more than these peaceful moments with you.
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enivez · 3 months
SYNOPSIS… Gaming is a common hobby for college students nowadays, with Overwatch being the game of choice for both Lee Heeseung and his favorite streamer loved.venus. The boy shows his love Venus behind the screen name lee.bambi, though he doesn’t realize it is the campus fashionista that he cannot stand behind the streams that had become his comfort in his finally months of university.
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[name]… Junior in fashion design at her dream school, Hybe University. Very much a shy extrovert that prefers her tight knit circle of people. Streams in her free time as a way to cope with the stress of school.
Venus… [name’s] streaming persona. streaming since her freshman year of college had managed to garner a steady following and has been exponentially growing as of recent. faceless streamer but is rumored to be a student at Hybe University due to info shared in previous streams.
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Jay… Junior in psychology at Hybe University and [name’s] best friend/partner in crime. Only one of [name’s] friends that participates in her streaming besides Jungwon. Mostly gets bullied by the 02z for being a psych major, therefore a ‘nerd’ in the words of jakehoon.
Tsuki… Junior in dance at Hybe University and [name’s] other best friend. The mom of the group who is often cleaning up after the mess everyone makes, Kris Jenner of the 02z. Cousin of Niki.
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Jake… Junior in philosophy, prelaw, at Hybe University who met [name] during orientation and quickly hit it off due to similar sense of humor. One of the most genuine people you’ll ever meet - doesn’t mean he should go to law school though!
Sunghoon… Junior in philosophy, prelaw, at Hybe University who was quick to warm to the group after Jake was paired with him for an assignment. Follows the rest of 02z around like a lost puppy most of the time, being the only introvert of the group is his full time job.
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Ningning… Junior in fashion at Hybe university who met [name] freshman year and quickly became a close friend. Certified girl kisser of the group and the most intimidating member of 02z, though she genuinely has a soft spot for them all… even dumb and dumber.
Sunoo… Sophomore in fashion at Hybe University and [name’s] go to when it comes to projects. The two having similar tastes and personalities led to them being inseparable when on campus.
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saintsenara · 4 days
I feel like in the Sirius/Severus fic I’ve come across the roles often tend to be quite gendered with Sirius either being jocky dom or service top vibes paired with a subby Snape who’s either cock hungry or somehow fragile or a bossy power bottom y Snape. Or the opposite with Snape as dominant and Sirius submissive, usually those ones lean quite into BDSM power exchange element or like caretaker/pet vibes. I’ve enjoyed both and also the rare few I’ve seen where they aren’t written so gendered and both enjoy a range of roles both literally position wise and power dynamic wise.
Wondering what your take is on the dynamic that best fits them in your mind? Obviously the inherent power struggle between them in canon lends itself to power dynamics being part of their chemistry but I can’t decide where I fall on thinking which side of the dynamic they each best fit, or if one where they switch is more in character
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
i don't have a fixed preference for the sexual dynamics in the snack i read - and i've definitely noticed the vibes you mention - but how sirius and snape would act in the bedroom is a question i've had to ponder quite a lot recently, since i'm writing some snack - the war of the roses - myself...
generally, i don't go in for a strict top/bottom division - so when it comes to who's putting what where, my view is that they'll switch.
when it comes to the power dynamic between the two, and the emotional response the two have to sex, i have more to say...
i generally see snape as somebody who's inclined to consider themselves to be inferior to their partner - and, as his canonical power dynamic with both dumbledore and voldemort attests, to think of himself as someone whose role is to serve - but not as someone who is submissive.
by which i mean, i think that snape would view his position in the dynamic as one of supplication, worship, offering, service. and so on. but that this would come without the consensual surrendering of control which defines a classic dom/sub relationship - and also without the consensual surrendering to being cared for which defines a caretaker/pet dynamic. snape canonically prizes his ability to deal with things on his own. i don't think he's someone who wants to be looked after.
what he does want, instead, is to be acknowledged by his partner as unworthy [a sinner who can never atone for what he has done] and yet loved anyway.
but - of course - this desire lurks behind a layer of self-loathing as thick as the earth's crust. and so i do think - at first - snape would be likely to give the impression that he was inclined to be standoffish - and, indeed, cruel - in bed. no negotiation, no aftercare, no acknowledgement that sirius is also involved... just a mess all around.
sirius, too, is someone who i think positions themselves as the worshipper in a god/worshipper dynamic. i particularly think this because i believe that unrequited prongsfoot is canon - sirius' devotion to james, especially after james' death, is quasi-religious. he too thinks of himself as a sinner unable to atone for his sins [as he tells harry in prisoner of azkaban, he thinks of himself as directly responsible for james' death], unworthy of being truly loved.
sirius' self-loathing canonically comes with a willingness to suffer. so, when snape lashes out... he's going to end up taking it.
that they're narrative mirrors is why i love snack as a pairing - and i like the way that this can be taken in any direction when it comes to the sexual dynamic between the two. egregious cruelty in an attempt to drive the other person away which gradually gives way to something tender, allowing each "worshipper" to realise that the other sees him as the "god"? sign me up.
the question i'd like to see more snack authors wrestle with, though? how much experience the two have.
i'll confess now that i never vibe with the characterisation of sirius - whatever his orientation is written as being - which portrays him as sexually [and romantically - i don't think the man's ever been on a real date either] experienced prior to going to azkaban.
this is almost entirely because of the unrequited prongsfoot thing - sirius strikes me as the sort of person who would endure his love for james in solemn silence, rather than seeing other people in an attempt to get over him - but i also think that, as much as i love the common fanon that the wizarding world is a queer utopia, it's going to be because someone from sirius' background would have a lot of extremely thorny feelings about being interested in men.
[including the fear that james would detest him for his sexuality. something i've done in the war of the roses is write james as someone who isn't a bigot, per se, but who - like many teenage boys - nonetheless assumes that his best mate is heterosexual, only discusses sex and sexuality with him with this assumption in mind, and makes plenty of casually homophobic remarks (stereotypes about behaviour or hobbies or appearance, etc.) which he never realises terrify sirius. if sirius ever came out to him, james would - of course - be nothing short of accepting. but sirius never feels confident enough to find this out.]
snape, too, was undoubtedly raised in a homophobic family - and he is canonically subjected to bullying which has a homophobic undertone - but he's someone who i imagine would embrace his queerness as a sort of "fuck you" to the world.
[not least because the masculinity of many of the death eaters - and voldemort's masculinity in particular, especially since, in snape's story, he serves a parallel role to dumbledore - is reasonably non-normative. voldemort is extremely easy to read as queer - and lucius malfoy's relationship with snape can also be read as having some sort of homoerotic undertone.]
snape is someone who - unlike sirius - has the opportunity to explore his sexuality after 1981 [even with the shadow of the aids crisis - which provides a really interesting context through which to examine snape's attitude to sexuality, pleasure, nihilism, and death], and so i really like mixing the idea that snape is the more experienced of the two in with the supplicatory dynamic described above.
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positively-mine · 1 year
Reki and langa with a s/o who’s a cuddly person and always wants to be holding their hand/arm or playing with their hands/hair (pretty much just a clingy s/o) thank you
Affectionate s/o
Just you being clingy & how they would react.
A/n: Nowadays i realized that im touch starved and this anon hit the spot 😕😐 anyways hope you like this. Sorry i posted this 3 days late btw, my orientation is really killing me. The campus is so much bigger than i thought and travelling time is way too long 😅
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Reki Kyan
When you guys started dating he had known a little that you’re affectionate
He had observed you and he would see small interactions such as you holding onto your friends arm or sleeve
When it became official, he wasn’t expecting to be bombarded with your ministrations
A stuttering mess and a blushing fool was what he was
He didn’t think that you’d want to immediately have physical contact with him and he’d thought he had to slowly ease into it
It’s hard to understand him when he’s speaking with a quivering voice 💀
I’m sorry but sweaty palms
(Nothing against people with sweaty palms or anything)
Just be prepared to wipe your hand after holding his because this is the first time he’s been this close to a girl
If anyone remembers the episode where they were on the ferry and reki wanted to approach the girl in white
From my deduction skills as a literature student i hc that he still has “awkward flirting” with you
Won’t go into detail bc I might get second hand embarrassment
Now when you play with his hair..
He’s like putty in your hands
I can totally see him get sleepy when you play with his hair
Pretend you don’t see it though
He will get super embarrassed
At this point he should just paint himself red
Cuddling is something he wants to do but is really too shy right now :(
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Langa Hasegawa
I don’t think he minds it
He’s used to getting tackled into hugs by his mom so one more person wouldn’t be a problem
Either welcomes it or initiates it
You’d be walking to school together and he’d be like
“Can i hold your hand? (´∀`)”
I have a strong feeling that when you hold hands,
He always turns to you to give you an award winning smile
Then gives your hand a squeeze
Maybe not blush but its like dusted on his cheeks
Prefers to interlock your hands together instead of you holding his arms
He’s also a person that likes to fiddle with your fingers
When he’s thinking he’ll be playing with your fingers
Or when your walking together and he’s mindlessly playing around
Will hum if you play with his hair
But i can see him prefer you to massage his skull
Or braid his hair
He doesn’t mind
Doesn’t even care if you give him crazy pigtails
As long as you’re playing with his hair
Will also want to return the favour
Not very well done let me say
It’s not that he does it on purpose but it’s because he doesn’t play around with his hair
Often enough you’ll see him twirling a strand of your hair around his fingers
He likes the soft feeling of your hair round his fingers
Definitely a hugger
Compared to reki he’s not as shy to cuddle with you
But would like it if he was the big spoon
He likes to feel you in his arms and him enveloping your frame
Falls sleep immediately after cuddling with you 🫣
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loosescrewslefty · 2 years
Important question: What do you think all the Hexsquad's love languages are? You seem like the kind of person who could answer this question well.
Going to phrase this answer into two parts for each character; First covering the way that they SHOW love, and then by their preferred method of RECEIVING love.
Luz: Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch
In terms of showing love, Luz SHOWERS the people with compliments, praise, admiration, and encouragement. She is determined to make sure that everyone knows how amazing her loved ones are, especially her loved ones themselves. Even when she can't talk properly, she still tries to find ways to tell the people she loves that she adores them.
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But when is comes to receiving love, Luz prefers that her loved ones show, rather than tell her. Hand holding, embracing, kissing, physical touch is something Luz CRAVES from her partner, and she is always her happiest when she gets it.
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Amity: Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation
Amity is a very goal oriented person, and when she loves someone she becomes hell bound on making sure that THEIR goals come to fruition too. She is determined to prove her love by helping the ones she cares for, sometimes even to the point of overstepping, because in Amity's mind helping someone accomplish things is the best way to show you love them.
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When receiving love, however, Amity is a sucker for Words of Affirmation. She didn't get compliments or verbal affection much from the places where it most mattered growing up, so hearing someone tell her that they love her, that they appreciate the things she does, and that they still love her even when she fails or messes up, makes Amity an absolutely giddy mess, as we clearly saw when Amity was told that Luz thinks she is "Cool, Classy, and Smart"
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Willow: Quality Time, both ways.
Willow likes to give and receive love the same way; through spending time with one another, making happy memories together, having meaningful talks, and shows of support and comfort. That why, to Willow, it doesn't matter when things go wrong or plans don't work out so long as the people she loves most are there with her on the journey, and they can look back at those moments later together. Willow is at her most miserable when she is all alone, or when those around her won't listen to her, and really appreciates being treated like her presence is important to her partner. She likes to know that they will take the time and effort to include her in moments of their lives, no matter how big or small, because she is important to them and they want her there, and she in turn goes out of her way to make sure that the people she loves know that she always has time for them, no matter what.
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Gus: Acts of Service, both ways
Much like Amity, Gus believes that the best way he can show that he loves the people in his life is to prove himself useful to them, and much like Amity not being able to be useful to the people he loves makes him feel frustrated and depressed.
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But Gus has deep seated anxiety about being used/lied to that make it hard for him to trust that people are being honest to him, and often feels stressed that others expect him to do or know more, since he is so advanced for his age. So having others who see him struggling and stop and take the time to help him back up is something he cherishes deeply.
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Hunter: Gifts, Quality Time
Hunter has long been taught that actions mean very little, if they do not get results. So, for Hunter, the best way he thinks he can show his love is to give the people he cares about things that they want. It doesn't matter how he gets them, as long as he can give them something that'll make them happy. We saw this early in his determination to give Belos the Selkiedomus, Palismen, or the Portal Key. We saw this in Hunter's determination to win the Flyer Derby match for his teammates, and then protecting them from Darius. And then again, when he helped save Gus from Adrian. His intention is typically less about providing aid like you see with acts of support, and more about making sure that the people he cares for receive whatever they want, gift wrapped with a ribbon on top.
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But when it comes to receiving love, Hunter most appreciates Quality Time. His entire life, Hunter has been made to feel replaceable, ignored, or unwanted. Being around people who not only want to be around him, but even PRIORITIZE him in their lives and enjoy doing silly nonsense with him means more to Hunter than words could possibly express.
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9800sblog · 6 months
pick a card tarot reading
a look into your future family
this reading is part of a charity event
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pile 1 -> pile 2
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pile 3 -> pile 4
this reading is meant to promote an event I prepared here on tumblr with the goal of collecting money for an animal shelter I volunteer at! here's their website and instagram page.
if you want to know more about the event and/or want an individual reading, please check out this post where I explained everything!
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pile 1
you're likely to have a big family, I see pregnancy and adoption in your future, could mean adopting kids or pets! you're very likely to get married for love in this lifetime, and you may struggle a bit with money, may prefer to have a more practical or intimate wedding instead of a big ceremony with many guests. your family would be balanced, happy and peaceful, it's likely you'll all feel loved and respected in this dynamic, make beautiful memories even without relying a lot on money. you may use the wedding and/or honeymoon money to invest in a beautiful family house with a big land, I see much space for pets and children to play and for a couple to chill and dance. you may have infertility issues or an unplanned pregnancy, but it will all work out beautifully in the end, I see having a big family and protecting others is part of your life's mission. you may distance yourself from your original family, emotionally and/or physically, however it resonates to you. all of this could already be in motion, so you may be dating or interested in the person that will be the parent of your offsprings, maybe have a pet that will be with you for a long long time. this is a more traditional family I see, a couple, kids and pets in a house that they own. the couple will be intensely in love with each other, partners for life, a real ride or die, with a soul connection. you may live nearby a lake or the ocean and rely a lot in seafood. the people will be very supportive of each other's dreams and uniqueness, although you may not always have the tools to make your wishes come true, you'll always find a way that fits you well and makes you happy. this family will love to spend time together, hanging out and talking, sharing what's on your minds, I think this is a more creative family and you may spend a lot of time on the couch. kids would always help with the house chores and would be happy to do so, as they respect their parents and feel genuinely respected by them also. this may be a same-sex couple that won't be able to legally get married or impregnate, but will be full of love and peace.
pile 2
this pile will for sure get married but they might struggle a bit and have to work hard for that to happen. you may be very distant from each other at first, have difficulty talking, may be a long-distance relationship, feelings will grow steadily and endlessly. there is intense passion between each other, and the relationship is ruled by yin energy, steady, stubborn, patient but often misunderstood. this connection will help you make money and discover knowledge, this is the type of couple to enjoy long road trips and bake cookies with their cat in the afternoon. pregnancy is sure to be involved in this connection, probably after much consideration and planning as you seem to be a very organized duo with much self control, your kids seem to have opposite energies to you, they may come as a life lesson and mess up your balance. you may take care of your grandkids or nephews/nieces in the future, I do see you living closely to your original family, you may live in the same neighborhood, building or street as your parents, siblings, whoever or even share a house with them. your future family will require you to come out of your comfort zone and be more action oriented, you may lose the peace you once had in your marriage (not that it would cause separation, just learning together and being exhausted at the end of the day). your kids may be troublemakers, you may have an angry or neglected pet, I see struggle and conflict after you decide to make the family bigger, a lot of misunderstandings and bad communication between guardians and offsprings. I think teenagers and toddlers are the biggest issues, this could all just mean something silly like you adopt a pet and don't worry about spaying it immediately then it runs aways, and comes back with babies so you have to take care and it's messy, loud and too much, so you give them away. I don't sense a heavy energy from this pile but I do see a lot of struggles and misunderstandings. parents will be trying really hard while the ones they take care of may not understand, like you don't relate with one another. as yin energy rules the relationship of the parents, the family issues will be solved as such, with time, patience, softness and spiritual advising. this family may rely on therapy or religion, and nature time would be very helpful to bring everyone together. yelling, fighting, punishments like isolation or getting grounded would never be involved in this family dynamic, other people may think that this is dysfunctional and lack of discipline but it will pay off so well in the future. you may have a lot of playful fighting and your kids may hear or see things that others may think is too much, but you're not worried about traditional educating, in your mind the only rule is to keep everyone healthy in every sense (which you will manage). I see disability in the family tree, from one of the parents and/or kids, which also explains a lot of the struggles that the cards showed. this family is a lesson, part of your spiritual journey to learn more about other people, the world and yourself. where and what are your limits? how much control can you have?
pile 3
I don't see marriage in this future! 😁 I do see pregnancy, but probably an abortion or giving babies away for adoption, it doesn't seem this pile wants to raise kids of their own. I do see a lot of different types of pets tho, you may live in a farm or work in a sanctuary, a shelter, I know your environment will be full of loyal animals that follow you around like you're their parent or best friend, which is so fucking sweet!! this pile feels very very light, carefree and innocent, very pure. you may feel a little lonely from time to time, but you will be genuinely fulfilled! your house will be filled with friends and family like your siblings, parents, cousins, whoever, you won't have time to feel alone >< your home seems to be a representation of your heart, anyone is welcomed and you take care of everyone and everything, this is a place and a person (you) that people and animals go for comfort and healing, you'll adopt a lot of hurt and needy animals. you may have cows, chickens, bats for some reason came through, of course, dogs and cats are always around. the family you will create is a found family, your blood relatives, your friends, your pets... you will take care of kids, just not your own, I don't see you adopting or giving birth, just being a proactive, giving and altruistic individual. this family is the definition of pure love and comfort, it is unbelievable how healing and peaceful this feels. this family is your dream come true, this your reward, your karma, your peaceful break in your multiple lifetimes, it's like nothing is required from you except just being happy and doing whatever you want, literally.
pile 4
this family is likely to be divided! I see a marriage, but I also see betrayal and separation, the couple may not be together forever but they will have kids and be forever linked. in case that happens, the person reading this is likely to keep the children, just because that's what showed in the cards, I didn't put any spells or anything. your children will be your most priced possessions, you would protect them like little flowers in a war field. the struggles don't seem to affect this family at all, they're like tripping on a rock and continue walking because it didn't even hurt or risk your balance. there's such a breath of relief when you see your kids, the love between you is very pure and healing. you may worry more than you need to, this family will be very happy, healthy and protected, you may literally have a spiritual group or friends and family sent by your angels that protect you and guide all of you. this pile is reminding me a lot of rory and lorelai's relationship in gilmore girls! this family is a lesson for your soul to learn real love, to accept true and unconditional love, to trust the universe and let yourself be taken care of. this is a beautiful beautiful pile representing a beautiful beautiful family who is very close and cozy.
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Updates and Announcements please read carefully
There haven't been as many polls as normal because I basically have started uni this week was orientation. I officially start classes next week so I'm not going to have as much time to make polls.
When it comes to me making a new series where I post any future stupid essays I get asking me to ban characters. I will be doing that but there will be some rules when it comes to what I actually share publicly. It will only be an anonymous ask because I don't want people to actually bully them on their blog. I'm not going to share anything that's actually harassing because people were concerned about spreading their hateful message, I know the difference between malice and stupidity. I mainly want to focus on and share the essays that I can tell were written by someone with zero media literacy an over inflated ego and some sort of savior complex or sense of moral superiority those are the people that need those flimsy arguments to face scrutiny of Tumblr. And trust me the anonymous ask may be turned off right now So I can have a little bit of peace because I was dealing with getting ready for uni but since we all made fun of them they're waiting for the second. They turn back on to defend themselves. So I know I will receive some more stupid essays very soon. Stay tuned because I've had a couple of suggestions for a title for this series so I'm going to let everyone vote on it so keep an eye out for that poll.
The Pride Month Event. I will be opening up the request box only for The pride month 6-way poll characters probably the last week in May maybe sooner. This is where you can actually suggest full rosters of six-way polls, but they need to have the theme of lgbtq+ characters. This is because I am not familiar with enough anime to know of enough Canon lgbtq+ characters to fill out the entire month. This is a special event. Don't get used to being able to do this. The only special request would be. Please tell me what part of the lgbtq+ community they are a part of so I know what poll to put them in so I can't accidentally mess it up and put them in the wrong poll. That is also why I highly recommend full Six-Person rosters for whatever lgbtq+ category you want to recommend.
Now I will add to this. I will be doing both Canon or coded characters? Because I know for the longest they wouldn't explicitly say they were LGBTQ+. There will also be a fannon categories to this. I will put a preference to Canon and coded characters by making those polls first. If I don't have enough of those polls to fill out 30 days worth of polls. That's when I will start doing the fannon recommendations. Ships are allowed because I've done Duo and trio polls but be aware those are sometimes very hard to find photos. Especially because I still will not accept fan art, but I've also learned how to use Photoshop recently so I can Photoshop two official photos together if I have to because I've already done it for a few of the duo polls already if you haven't already been able to tell.
If there are any questions, especially regarding the pride month event the ask box is open.
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