#the only time she claws me is when shes playing and accidentally catches me
horseonthemoon · 1 year
i dont think anyone I know would want to hear me gush like this but
i genuinely cry thinking about how much my cat loves me. shes my esa, and shes very good at her job! shes very very tolerant and i recently just get choked up thinking about how much she trusts me
she was on a very thin ledge in the window, and there wasnt a very clear way down but as i reached to grab her to help her down she jumped to me!!! she did even have her claws out!!! she just knew i wouldnt drop her!!! and that is so sweet and special from a cat i think
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cherubfae · 4 months
you're accidentally shrunk! || hazbin x reader
with Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox
tags: fluff, comedy, established relationships, gn!reader (implied masc reader for angel as always <3)
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He is quite amused by the whole ordeal, if not a touch worried for your wellbeing. You're utterly tiny, capable of sitting in the palm of his hand like a tiny doll. His claw gently nudges your cheek, tilting your chin up. Using his own magic proves to be futile. After several attempts he's still unable to change you back to your normal self. He isn't sure why his powers don't seem to be taking effect.
Alastor doesn't let anyone else touch or hold you. Legit will hold you in his hand above his head should Vaggie or Charlie try to get a better look at you.
"No, no, no," Alastor clicks his tongue. "I'm afraid I'm not comfortable in letting my dearest love be held by anyone but me. Surely, you understand." He gives you a little smile, his thumb gently stroking your head.
You aren't a little toy and the last thing he wants happening if Niffty mistaking you for a roach, so he prefers to have you sitting atop his shoulder, his head, or safely tucked into the pocket of his waistcoat with your tiny little head poking out to watch the world around you. As much as he finds you adorable and vulnerable in this state, he does prefer you as yourself. He'll probably head to Rosie first, he wants nothing to do with Lucifer. She always has her ear to the ground and he's certain he'll get you returned to normal soon.
Well, that's new. Lucifer is easily able to turn you back to yourself but he wants to have a little fun first. He lifts you up and presses little kisses all over your face, giggling to himself when you press your hands to his rosy cheeks.
"Can't help it, sweetheart! You're too cute!" He gently nuzzles your cheek, placing a loving kiss to the top of your head. He'll shapeshift himself into a mouse and pretend that you're a little fairy about to battle for Narnia.
When he turns you back, he is relieved. He much prefers you as your lovely self where you're able to snuggle into his side and hold you properly to his chest, sharing many kisses between you two.
Shit, this ain't good, but at least yer havin' fun, baby. Husk sighs, leaning his chin against his paws. His yellow eyes flick back and forth in amusement as you treat the bar counter like your own slip-and-slide, watching as you spin around on the shiny wood with a small squeak.
Husk catches you with his tail before you can slide off, lightly placing you back on your feet mirroring the grin you give him. "I'm glad you're having a good time but we gotta figure out how to turn ya back, hun." He leans back against the stool, hoping Charlie has found something or someone who may be able to offer some help.
Charlie, on queue, comes rushing down the stairs holding a light pink pearlescent vial in her hands. "Let's try this!" She stands triumphantly, proudly holding out the vial in her hands. "A drop or two on their head should bring them back to normal height. I have a feeling this will work, but as Plan B we can go to my Dad!" She beams.
Husk nods, giving you a tiny peck on top of your head that only serves to make Charlie coo. Placing you on the floor, Charlie uncaps the vial. A shimmery fuschia-purple liquid smelling of sweet berries oozes out and gently drops onto your head.
A whoosh of pink and yellow unfurls out and soon you're standing before them as mostly yourself. Your hair is now a dyed vibrant pink. Across the room, Alastor who is casually reading the newspaper, snaps his fingers and poof! Your hair is back to normal!
"You could've helped them this whole time?!" Husk hisses, fur bristling. Alastor hums, taking a sip of his black coffee, "Hmm no, just their hair. Good thing they're back in one piece, yes?" He grins. "Too bad you didn't play a little cat and mouse with them. That would have been a sight to behold!"
Angel Dust
As adorable as you are, Angel is fuckin panicking. He's not quite sure what to do and he's terrified of someone accidentally stepping on you. "Okay, baby, I've got ya, hang on!" Angel places you on his chest fluff, his hand holding you in place as he returns to his room.
Depending on how long this magic lasts, Angel will 100% want to play dress up with you and have you try on cute outfits or perhaps make a cute little dollhouse for you. He's too scared of crushing you in his sleep so until this wears off, he doesn't want to risk anything happening to you. He's also worried about Niffty mistaking you for a bug, so when he's out and about, he keeps you close to him at all times. If he has to leave and can't take you with, he instructs Vaggie and Charlie to look after you.
"Do not let Niffty or the Egg Bois around them, got it?" His stern eyes are narrowed, making an expression that he's watching Sir Pentious. "Keep the Eggies in line."
What the fuck? He blinks, a jolt of electricity nearly short-circuiting himself. Babe, what the fuck happened to you? Vox scoops you into his hands, holding you to his chest. He's doing his best not to panic, convinced this is another one of Alastor's stupid fucking pranks.
Thankfully whatever has happened wasn't permanent. A tiny explosion of sparkles and a poof blue dust has the futuristic demon stumbling back, sighing when you're standing there at your normal height with a hand pressed to your head.
"Holy shit, what the fuck happened?" Vox presses, grasping your hand and pulling you into his lap. He's cupping your face between clawed hands checking for any sign of injury. "Was it Alastor?" You shake your head, coughing out some blue sparkly dust.
"Nah, got caught under some pollen demon's magic on my way to HQ." You grumble, leaning your head onto your boyfriend's shoulder. Vox sighs, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Ok, ok, well, you're back," he grumbles. "Don't do that to me again."
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ethanlvndry · 2 years
"And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, And I'd get him to swap our places..."
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Max x black!fem!reader
Warnings: almost reader death, Vecna, depression.
Summary: Instead of Max, her girlfriend Y/n is almost murdered by Vecna back at the Cemetery.
"Turn here." Max requests in a raspy voice. The rest of the Party excluding you gives her a questioning look. "Here?" Dustin questions
She nods her head yes. Dustin slowly turns his head back around looking at the corner they're about to round. Max then opens her side car door and slams it beginning to ascend on the hill.
You remember the clock was chiming meaning your time was almost up so instead of staying in the car with the others,
You quickly Follow out after her accidentally elbowing Lucas in the shoulder, which you apologized for. "Max!" you exclaim. "Y/n, stay in the car pleas-" she protests "--WAIT! I..I just wanna say something to Billy.." She furrows her brows in confusion but still lets you follow her to Billy's grave. She sighs in frustration then opens her mouth to start when you beat her to it. "Hey, Billy..I know.. We might've not been the closest even though we lived in the same house...but when I saw you save El.. I realized that you really just needed help being understood"
You pause take a deep breath in and breathe it out. You try and start again but your eyes tear up more, and you quietly sob. Max reaches for you wrapping her arm around your neck feeling the braids you attempted at lifting up into a bun.n She soothingly rubs and tries to induce you to start again. You look forward and open your mouth "It's kind of weird saying this knowing that years ago I wouldn't have been close to saying anything like this, but I really think you were a cool half-brother Billy, and I'm upset that our relationship didn't get to grow and I--" You abruptly stopped worrying Max she looked up to see your eyes had been rolled to the back of your head you mouth hung wide open. She tried to keep you still seeing you were shaking..or shivering? "Y/N!?" "WAKE UP! I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU--- IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!! PLEASE I LOVE YOU!! DON'T LEAVE COME BACK!" Steve Lucas and Dustin look at each other than rush to get out of the car and start to run towards the noise. They see your state and quickly run up to you all trying to shake and startle you into waking up. Steve pulls Dustin by the shirt collar and yells at him saying "GO CALL NANCY AND ROBIN. NOW!!"
Dustin nods in short agreement running to get the Walkie-Talkie.
No answer.
"Dustin-- It's Robin we copy," she says as she's out of breath.
"HOLY SHIT--FINALLY!!" He shouts out. " PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME YOU GUYS HAVE THIS FIGURED OUT!?-" He shouts again moving his whole body to emphasize his question
"USE HER FAVORITE SONG, SOMETHING THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO HER!" Nancy screams into the speaker. Dustin wastes no time almost instantly getting the bag you and Max share emptying out not only the song tapes but the hygienic products that you both use. He quickly grabs the tapes and headpiece then runs up to where The rest are at. He drops the tapes and headpiece and yells at Max asking what was Y/n's favorite song "DUSTIN RIGHT NOW IS NOT THE TIME--" I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO EXPLAIN IT RIGHT NOW, JUST TELL WHAT'S HER FAVORITE SONG?!" Max quickly takes the one labeled Kate bush and plugs the headphones into it quickly placing the headphones on Y/n's ear, and then attaching the hook to the belt hoop on her jeans. they all stop shaking her to see that she's beginning to move and...levitate?
~~~~~~~~ In the upside-down~~~~~~~~
You attempt to get away from Vecnas large clawed hand grappling towards your face but you can't get these large vine-like things are, off of your limbs. You begin to realize that a familiar song is playing. 'Running up that hill' by Kate Bush. Your eyes rush to see where the sound is coming from and you catch sight of a portal where your friends are jumping trying to get you to stop levitating. Memories of the Party helping you through hard times, and your first kiss and date with Max are replaying in your mind. You realize that you don't wanna die. You wanna have kids--You wanna get married and watch your kids graduate and live their lives to their fullest. Without thinking you rush your hand out wrapping your fingers around one of the Vines on his neck and you quickly pull it from where it's connected to, and fall as Vecna wraps his hand around the place you harmed. You run past him running to the portal where you see the people you love trying to help you. Seeing that there were rocks falling out of the sky trying to aim for you.
You dodge past the first one falling into a puddle of dark liquid. That wasn't the end of the Obstacles though. You force yourself to run through all of the attacks Vecna sends for you and tears well up in your eyes as you see the portal is getting closer. You dash through the portal and open your eyes feeling that there were hands running all over your body as you fall into someone's Lap. The blur blocking your hearing starts to fade making you gasp as you realize the voices are the voices of your friends. "oh my god oh my god oh my god--" you speak quickly whipping your head around making your braids whack you in the face. You see Max with her eyes and mouth wide open seeing that you were alright. "I got you, you're safe I'm right here." you hear Max say while gasping out for air. "Max.." you say, beginning to cry as you see that you're safe. Everybody else cries with you realizing that they could've lost you.. not only could they have lost you you would've died a terrible death.
You reach your hands out to cup Max's face and shower her face in kisses making her cry even more. You both share a small peck and hug each other scared that one will lose the other.
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rauruu · 1 year
Spoilers below
Not Huge spoilers but more like world-lore spoilers? character development spoilers? idk. I don't think you can do a readmore on the app so... this'll just be open. I hope the color split will work for catching attention so you don't accidentally read something. lmk if there's a better way to make these kinds of posts 👍
I really enjoy the things I've seen so far that imply Zelda to be an animal lover. Like you could argue that she showed that in botw with the frog, but that felt more clinical, as she was talking about its uses from consumption. I won't say what exactly led me to think about this, but I already saw at least three things that made me connect them together.
Edit: I forgot about the scene with the dog in the dlc.. I honestly don't remember it well but I know she made a very cute face when she held it.
Link is usually characterized as The animal lover, so it's really nice to see Zelda given that character quirk as well. It doesn't add or detract from anything major, which makes it feel more real, and more admirable.
Also the pack-beast we saw in some of the trailers, I thiiiiink it's a dodongo, based on hearsay from npcs.... really cool to see them tamed if it is one. I can't wait to see it. I wonder if those shown scenes are outdated? We'll see...
Edit: A few more thoughts unrelated to above... uh, I find it weird how about half of everyone seems to know you/Zelda, but the "more unique" npcs (like Pikango) act like they haven't met you before. It really kills the immersion I guess. Like if someone plays this game before playing botw... I'm pretty sure they'll know they're missing out on introductions from the first game. This way feels unnatural. The stable text is odd too like, if you have botw data they say "oh you've registered before! ok," only if you ask about registering a horse; couldn't they just add an extra text box if botw data is detected ? And then when you bring a brand new horse to register they'll say it's your first time, even though they had just confirmed that you had registered horses there before.
I wonder if there was a change in what they decided to have the dialogue like and they just forgot to change the less important text??? it feels like a mistake.
Also tulin's claw clipped perpendicularly through his bow in one scene smh horrible game 0/10
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shapeshiftinterest · 2 years
Bets And Bells: sun x moon x monty (CH 1)
based on THIS pic i drew
monty makes a bet with roxy, if he wins she’ll admit that he’s the best at stealth
story under the read more
Bets and Bells (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Monty crept up behind Moon as they flitted about the daycare, picking up toys and cleaning up messes. He’d been practicing for weeks to sneak up on the pizzaplex’s stealthiest animatronic, which was a lot harder than you’d think when your default running was so heavy it shook the ground.
Magenta eyes were drawn back to their original goal: the bell at the end of Moon’s nightcap. Roxy had bet him that if he could steal either the bell, or better yet, the entire hat, without the jester being alerted to his presence, she would admit he was the best. And Roxy didn’t make bets like that easily.
He narrowed his eyes, his bandmate had been getting pretty cocky ever since he’d been out of commission for a week the last time he raged. Clenching his fists, Monty took a deep ‘breath‘ and made his way towards the daycare attendant.
Oh good, they were trying to figure out how to stack the drums. Chica had mentioned before that the daycare attendant sometimes forgot which order they’d decided on stacking them. Almost theeerrree. YES!
In the bassist’s purple clawed grip was the end of Moon’s nightcap, bell twinkling softly in the dim lighting. man, he couldn’t wait to shove it in Roxy’s smug face and-. Oh. Oh shit.
Moon had gone rigid. Of course the other animatronic would have felt the hat’s movement. It was on their freakin head for Faz’s sake. Monty panicked, if he got banned here, he wouldn’t be able to make a second attempt at stealing the bell. Quick, do something not suspicious!
Moon turned around and promptly short circuited at the sight of the Montgomery Gator kissing the fabric of his nightcap.
Monty cracked an eye open to gauge the jester’s reaction and prayed that it looked like he was winking. Pulling away from the cap, but keeping his hold on it, the bassist gave them a lopsided smirk.
“Evenin’, Darlin’. Jus’ wanted ta introduce m’self-“
The left side of their faceplate started glowing. “Mont... gomery... Gator?“ They asked, confused on why a Glam was in the daycare, and at this time of day to boot.
“Heh, got it in one, lil guy.“ Monty let go of Moon’s cap, claws catching on the thread and accidentally freeing the bell. “Shoot, sorry. Yer Moon, yeah?“
The jester nodded. Darn it, how could they show a Glam such a disheveled appearance? Their costume was probably coming apart again with how easily their bell fell off. How embarrassing.
Moon’s faceplate grew brighter and they grabbed the empty space of their cap, playing with the end of it to give their hands something to do. Monty picked up the bell and held it up, shaking the bauble and catching the attendant’s attention.
”Listen, I’m real sorry ‘bout damagin’ yer costume. I can put in a good word with P&S about getting it fixed or replaced or somethin’. If yer ok with me taking this,” he shook the bell again. “As proof? And if y’don’t ban me from yer daycare of course.” He chuckled. Internally he was ‘sweating’ bullets. Please take the bait, please take the bait, please take the bait.
The jester must have still been a little starstruck and a lot embarrassed, since they could only nod jerkily before picking up one of the fallen drums.
“Cool, cool.“ Monty started jogging backwards towards the exit, grateful to escape the awkward conversation, and with his prize no less! Score 2 for Monty (he was going to count surviving the daycare attendant as one of the points).
“Catch ya later, lil guy!“ he called out.
Moon watched as the gator left their daycare, immediately pulling their hat over their eyes and screaming with Sun in their shared headspace once they saw the doors close.
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lalamines · 2 years
house of wolves
Those pursuing the investigation into this town’s “werewolf” have a nasty surprise on their hands—Two of them, in fact. One would be that you have accidentally (unfortunately) stumbled on exactly what you’re looking for: a half-man, half-wolf beast bent over its prey, tearing into its chest with gusto. When the monster catches sight of your group, it lunges towards you with gnashing teeth and tearing claws. A mage would surely make quick work of it… if it were not for the second nasty surprise, which comes at the cost of one of your allies’ life when a simple Fire spell fails to ignite. In fact, none of your magics work in this world, Black, Dark, White or otherwise. Without a physical weapon to your name, you’ll need to think fast if you want to make it out of here with all your limbs intact. [Grants Gauntlets +1] 
Mercedes clutches the Ichor Scroll tightly to her chest as she dashes through the bracken and bramble, weaving between the treescape. Her steps are careful and light, gentle as she tries to avoid crunching anything underfoot. The role of the huntress is not one she often plays, preferring instead to take to the backlines and care for others. The frightful stories passed around by the townsfolk, terrorised by a beastly wolf man were enough to spur her into action. If her skill with light magic could help relieve the town of such a threat then staying behind was simply not an option. 
The beast’s howling sends a shiver of fear down her spine, one she tries not to show as she steps in front of one of the townsfolk. A slight, slender woman; her mousy brown hair flecked with grey despite her apparent youth. Evidence of a hard life as much as her calloused hands and the hunching of her shoulders.
“We’re nearly there then? Stay behind me,” Mercedes keeps her voice steady and calm. The hint of a smile graces her lips, meant to reassure. “I’ll protect everyone.”
The trees themselves appear to tremble in anticipation. The beast draws near and Mercedes leads the charge. White magic came naturally to her, whether it was healing or defending herself more proactively, and it’s power and effectiveness against monsters should help drive away this threat, far from the innocent townspeople. Even trapped in a tale, a world far from her own, Mercedes compassion drove her ever forward. She does not know when or how to return home, simply that there are people she can protect and care for here.
Finally face to face with the creature, which bares it’s fangs like knives, she can feel her blood run cold. Yet she stands her ground, staring right back at hungry, golden eyes that wish to devour her like prey. Mercedes opens her tome and begins chanting a chorus she now knows off by heart. A hymn both holy and base. Yet nothing happens. No flood of power or blazing light. Not even a soft, weak glow.
She tries instead to call upon a simple fire cantrip. Still nothing. Panic freezes her in place. The beast rears on to it’s hind legs and begins to charge. All Mercedes has is a training bow, strapped to her back. One she won’t be able to draw in time. As though it would save her anyway.
“Get back, please!” The scream tears itself from her lips, encouraging the rest of the hunting group to run. To save themselves. It is already too late for her; the only peace to be found is to perish here alone.
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uncouth-the-fifth · 3 years
imagine damian and the reader at the wayne gala. he gets jealous when he sees her flirting with someone else. he ends up pulling her into a bathroom and fucking her in front of a mirror while saying that other person can’t treat her like he does
and that’s how the reader finds out damian has feelings for her. all this time he acted like he hates her because he’s in denial
Title: More Than They Ever Said
Paring: Robin!Damian (18+) / Canary!Reader
Tags/Warnings: semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), vaginal sex, bathroom sex, slight underage drinking (reader is like 20 lol), mentions of golf.
Word Count: 7150
Notes: sooooo.... this def evolved beyond a drabble lol. the way gala sex kills me every time 😭 I was a little mushy w Dami here bc I miss his sweet side. This also sounded a lot like goldenspecs12's request from Wattpad, so I hope you don't mind that I meshed the two together 😚 I leaned toward Damian liking the reader more than being in denial, but that’s the only thing I sacrificed between the two requests. This one is my fluffiest and most romantic yet 💖
"can I request Damian w a Queen reader, like she's Oliver and Dinah's child? say the reader is a hero but not very active, like she comes in when her parents can't. so when she and Damian meet, they hit it off. The main request is that they sneak away at a gala held by Oliver and the reader and Damian have sex."
Ask to be added to my taglist for future posts!
The party was more fun than you thought it would be.
Benefits were usually chalk-full of old, wealthy people that thought they made good conversationalists. The board members of Queen Industries were tired of Oliver trying to escape their claws, so you’d been recruited in his place. While your dad got to play minigolf in the penthouse’s massive party floor, you were confined to the lounge, playing up what an intelligent, capable business partner you’d be when you were CEO. Fellow businessmen gruffed about their plans with you while their wives cooed and drank, pinching your cheeks.
You thought that you’d hate it, but the attention and the praise was nice. It made you feel like you were helping your dad and your family’s company, which was constantly criticized and judged for it’s choice in CEO. Everyone called your father a lazy silver-spooned idiot, but he was one of the only men in Star City who actually cared. By the time you had Q.I’s biggest donors laughing out of their seats, Dinah’s hands slipped over your shoulders and you were kissed on the side of the face. Thank you, she mouthed, and your position as family support-beam was covered.
Since most of the benefit-goers were at least forty years your senior, you gravitated to your dad. From the penthouse’s upper balcony, you could see his friends circling around the tiny green mats they were using as a makeshift golf course. Usually, Ollie made sure his public persona’s aim was as garbage as his taste in drink was. But tonight, he played as Green Arrow, who never missed. Not once. Especially when it came to Bruce Wayne, who’s golf game was abysmal at best.
But like Oliver, Bruce was a new man tonight. It looked like he was ready to break out the batarangs any minute now. The two men were barely civil about the viciousness of their competition, and if the view of the game from the balcony was interesting, then from below it must’ve been the greatest show of fragile masculinity ever displayed. You had to make fun of them.
The only opening in the circle of men, who all had their hands on their chins as Bruce lined up his next shot, was by the floor-to-ceiling windows to one side of the game. Just one man stood there, hands in his pockets. You slid next to him, unbothered, and squinted at the game.
Everyone in the crowd was dead silent. Bruce was lining up his golf ball so it would roll into a mug a couple of feet away, so you helpfully provided, “A little to the left, Mr. Wayne.”
Your words overlapped with someone else’s. Where you had said Mr. Wayne, they had said Father. Then the man next to you was his son, but...
You would have never guessed it would be him.
Reasonably, you knew that Robin was Damian Wayne. Oliver could be a little loose-lipped at times, and by his judgment you’d been a teenager just a year ago - what could a twenty year old do to Batman’s secret identity? Not much.
Until you saw Robin without his mask.
Damian was achingly beautiful. He was your age, but he stood and talked like he was much older. There was an angle to his shoulder that made him seem astute and sexy. His eyes fixed on you when you spoke at the same time, and they were a surprising mossy color that jumped out against his tan skin, like plants flourishing out of rich soil. There was just enough blue in them to make him seem haunting. Any moment, you felt like he was going to corner you and whisper your future throatily in your ear.
Looking into them, those piercing eyes, for longer than a second made you want to blurt, “You’re much prettier without your mask.”
But that would expose his secret to every golf-loving idiot in earshot, so Oliver had been wrong. A twenty-year-old like you could do fatal damage to Batman’s secret identity, but for Damian, the short-tempered, snappish leader of the Teen Titans, you would risk anything.
Damian stared, and you stared. He squinted, wet his lips, then turned back to the game. This was your only acknowledgment that he recognised you. His voice was deeper, smoother, than you remember it. “Queen.”
You shifted in your shoes, almost laughing in shock. “...Wayne.”
The game grew boring and Damian didn’t say anything else, so you said nothing too, sneaking glances at him. The last time you’d spoken to Robin had been in costume, when he’d thanked you for assisting with a mission. He’d really been thanking you for standing up for him. You didn’t team up often with the Titans, but when you did, you found that they were unusually snappy and mean with their leader. Not necessary on purpose, but you could tell that Damian couldn’t take as many bites as he pretended to. Standing up for him had been a simple thing. The good thing to do. Now, with that look in his eyes, it almost felt like he still thought about it.
He must have, because the kiss you shared at the end of that mission had glowed with heat. To be fair, you both may have believed you were going to die (before the team pulled through and saved you), so it could’ve been a heat-of-the-moment thing. But this was Robin - if he didn't want to kiss you, he wouldn't. And yet he did.
You’d kissed. And the energy of that kiss lingered between you now, drawing you closer together, putting tiny smiles on your faces. He was cute. Cuter without that mask on.
You stood in the stupid golf silence, feeling foolish. Flirting with boys was much easier in fishnets. It didn’t help how fine Damian’s profile was. He had soft, feathery lashes that occasionally touched down on beauty marked cheeks. His lips were even fuller from the side, forever drawn in a curious line. And those eyes, when they caught yours and danced away again, were much too nice to hide behind a mask. You couldn’t get that thought out of your mind.
When Bruce finally made his move, you leaned in to whisper something to each other at the same time, accidentally knocking shoulders.
“I - apologies,” Damian flushed.
“Oh, um, my bad,” you rubbed awkwardly at the spot where you’d collided. “...You were going to say something?”
Damian’s eyes flicked to your fathers, then to you, unimpressed. He lowered his voice so only you could hear. “They’re awfully hypocritical, don’t you think? Father snaps at me everytime I use my skills in public, and yet he’s putting with perfect aim like it’s not the very same.”
Chuckling, you rolled your eyes and scooted closer, ducking your voice into the bubble between your bodies. “My dad’s the same way. Don’t aim in the house, he says, unless it’s him trying to beat Bruce Wayne.”
Your company’s shoulders turned sideways, leaning into you. His breath ghosted the hair on your neck, standing it on end, and again that silky voice sent tingles down your spine. Damian must change his voice as Robin, because he never spoke like this then. So huskily, so low.
He shook his head. “Unbelievable.”
You watched him. He watched you. You ran your tongue over your teeth, and Damian subtly adjusted his slacks from his pockets.
At the same time, you asked each other, “Would you like to get a drink?”
Your hiding place was a loveseat in the lounge, between more businessmen and their ditzy heirs. The bartender was your family’s, so he smiled and turned down your request for a drink, courtesy of your dad’s strictness. Luckily, he didn’t recognise Damian. You watched him order it at the bar, his rings catching the light, the muscle in his arms peeking out from under his blazer.
“I think he suspected I wasn’t of age, so he only gave me one.” He took the place next to you, propping his ankle on one knee and lounging out like a panther. Damian offered the cocktail to you, once he’d decided the coast was clear. It was a cute gesture. “Is that acceptable?”
You fished a five dollar bill out of your purse. “Only if you take this for paying. Don’t think I didn’t see you try and sneakily get that past me.”
Damian scrutinized the bill, then you, somehow managing to be a smartass without opening his mouth. Instead of thinking about how nice it would feel to kiss the slight crease between his brows, you traded hands with him so the bill was in his and the drink was in yours. The gentle brush of you palm to his knuckles put way too many butterflies in your belly.
You talked about everything and anything. About home, family life, your cities. The best of it was when Damian dipped his head so only you could hear him, keeping your secrets close and your bodies closer. This was the only way he talked about Robin, so you circled back to any vigilante subject you could think of just so Damian would keep purring into your ear like that. Better yet, he was smart. Talking to him was engaging, and within minutes he'd entranced you, so you sat there talking for more than an hour. Around you, the party rotated and went on.
At one point, you took a drink of the cocktail and passed it to him to share. Damian placed his lips right where yours had been, licking up the cocktail salt and gulping it down slow, adam’s apple bobbing, like it wasn’t the taste of the vodka he was savoring.
Eventually, your bliss was broken. Damian was called over to his father, again, to discuss business, and he left you with your remaining cocktail and the memory of that mission. You couldn’t find a reason to move from your seat. When you’d realized that you and Robin had been led into a trap on that mission, it’d been too late, and your efforts to escape became more and more futile. All you could do was pray the Titans got to you on time. Robin had offered you his glove as the walls closed in, and you’d watched up-close as he assumed you were both about to die. The fear in his eyes was strange - like it was familiar to him. At the same time, you cupped his neck and he held your upper back, and you’d kissed fervently, sweetly.
Damian had put his forehead to yours, and promised even as the trap shrunk around you, “You were excellent. More excellent than they ever said.”
In the big picture, it was a strange last remark to make, and afterwards you’d been too happy about surviving to think about it. But in the moment, you understood. You were understood. Somehow, Damian had reached into your soul and gouged out the words you’d been dying to hear, from your parents, from anyone, and uttered them to you with burning conviction. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe he meant it. Damian found you excellent. Someone, somewhere, didn’t think you were a failure.
Odd, how you’d never seen the face of the man you thought you’d die with (until now), and yet he saw you so easily. You watched him follow his father into the party crowd now, wondering. The Titans had saved you before you could ask what he’d meant. More importantly, before you could tell him the same. He was excellent.
Once you’d finished off your drink, you left it at the bar and grinned evilly at your family bartender. He rolled his eyes and slyly delivered you another, which, on your superhero schedule, would not have you drunk yet. Another heir to some big company was seated at your right, ignored by his father enough to look for some small talk with you.
He was one of the cute, nerdy types that were usually in awe of you. Girls, available girls, were typically rare at these kinds of parties, so he took you not having a boyfriend as permission to flirt with you. Unfortunately for him, your seat gave a perfect angle on Damian across the party floor. He was impressing the wives of Wayne business partners, who flocked around him like they’d flocked around you, pinching his cheeks. You could almost read their lips enough to guess what they were saying. What a handsome young man you are! Oh, Bruce must be so proud.
“...and then my father flipped over his kayak! Would you believe it? Two thousand dollars, thrown right in our family’s lake.” Your company snickered, howling at his own story.
You circled the rim of your glass, watching how Damian tried to teach some of the women phrases in Arabic. Unknown to them, they were some pretty funny swear words. It threw you into a bout of giggles, and the man next to you kept talking, spurred on by the noise.
The flock of hens around Damian receded, and his shoulders slouched in relief. That was cute, too. It wasn’t often that people understood how draining these parties were, but for people like you and Damian, it was a racetrack of endless, boring circles. Everything was a formality. Few things were genuine. Damian turned, and you caught his eye to let him know you were going to meet him. He nodded toward a side hall, his mouth a curious line again. If you looked at it long enough, it felt like a smile when he mouthed, escape?
Your company was still talking. He stopped when you grabbed his tie and planted a pity-kiss on his cheek, waving to him as you bounced away. “Sorry, kid. Not my type.”
You planned to bring Damian to the secluded balcony on the second floor to unwind, but instead, you were taken by the wrist and maneuvered into an empty powder room. It was colder than the steaming party air and smelled like champagne, with couches to sit on and mirrors to powder at. For a bathroom, the lights were warm and low. The noise of the party went quiet the instant the door was shut, like you and Damian had entered your own little world. No more circles. No more back and forth.
“Here,” Damian said, noting the mirrors. He tilted his head as he asked, like he was nervous, “Is this acceptable?”
“It is the ladies powder room, but I’ll give you a pass, since you’re cute.” You joked. Damian didn’t make a move to relax on one of the couches yet, hanging in front of you like there was more he wanted to say. There was more you wanted to say, too, but no good words came to mind.
But the silence wasn’t awkward. Again, Damian stared, and you stared. The glass he brought with him was set down. He put one fist on the counter beside the door, and like honey had been poured on your nerves, you realized how easy it would be for him to push you up against it. Kiss you senseless. Heat drooled off of him this close, and you wondered if he’d still lean in to whisper to you even if you were alone.
The lack of words drew to a point where something had to be said, anything, but his eyes felt so good on your skin and it was interesting to see him nervous. Something strange told you that Damian liked the silence, too.
You wet your lips with your tongue. Damian cleared his throat, and took a sip from his glass. “Was I interrupting something?”
“Between me and that guy?” You smiled gently, like you were reassuring him, and laughed to yourself. “Oh, man, you should’ve seen it, Damian. Poor kid really thought I was flirting with him. He’d totally convinced himself, it was hilarious.”
His profile was tense in the mirror, which you stole glances at to watch how the amber light played on his handsome skin. When Damian swallowed his drink, his throat rolled in the sexiest way, and immediately your mind fed you with visions of suckling, kissing, tonguing his neck.
“Why’d you ask?” Your eyes sparkled. Damian drew a step closer, and you used the opportunity to swipe a drop of alcohol from the corner of his lip with your thumb. “You jealous?”
It was the touch or the suggestion that made Damian pause. He didn’t stutter, but lagged over what to say, eyes vast and wanting as they raked over your face. “I don’t get jealous,” he clarified, “but… I do intend to be the only man to kiss you tonight.”
Damian’s hand took your chin. Your belly exploded with instant arousal, hitting you like a bullet of liquid lust. “You’re the only man who’s kissed me like that,” you whispered, taking his tie in hand. “I hope that’s always true.”
His voice had gone throaty. “May I kiss you again?”
Again, he reminded you.The two of you had kissed before, and it had been spectacular, terrifying, and excellent.
“Please,” you said, and Damian rushed to your aid.
Not a moment more was wasted. Curling his tie into your fist, you drew him in, slow and deep and wonderfully. Damian’s cologne hit you before his lips did, and both made your core throb for friction. Two broad hands slammed your hips into the door. His fingertips smoothed up the fabric of your dress, pressing you back and squeezing you in until you could feel his belt buckle against your belly. Damian was a sweet, magnetic kisser, chasing your lips like he was on a crusade to save them. Each time they met, he swam deeper. The point of his nose bumped against your cheek. You hummed your laugh against his lips, and Damian groaned as he pulled away, readjusting, twisting, testing the limits of the kiss. And you followed him at every step or more, revelling in his taste.
You didn’t want him to think you wanted the kiss to end, so you drew the hands braced under his blazer around his neck. Soon, that didn’t feel close enough, so you cupped each side of his face and pecked Damian until you were breathless. He brought you in until your arms were flat to his chest, the kiss almost vertical in its intensity.
He groaned when you parted, gasping and blinking just inches from your face. Your mouths were still connected by a thick string of drool, which hung until it split and clung to Damian’s chin and fell, marking a wet strip down into his collar. You panted, watching it go.
Damian left your waist to hold your wrists, keeping your hands around his face. He settled warmly into your touch, basking in it, and the pure enjoyment on his face made you smile. You wondered if anyone else had cared for him like this. If Damian had ever felt someone hold his face and treasure it. The thought gave you a strange urge, so you followed it.
You brought Damian’s brow level with your mouth and sweetly kissed his forehead. Then his nose bridge, then his temples. His face was so quickly warm that you giggled. In the most unsubtle way possible, Damian drew back his hips so you couldn’t feel the heat there, and closed his eyes, begging you to continue.
“I want you,” you whispered against his jaw.
Damian shivered. “You have me.”
You shifted one hand to his shoulder, giving yourself more room to nuzzle and kiss his neck. The line of drool was still there, so you cupped his skin and tilted his jaw up, and in one stroke, licked all the way to his earlobe. Damian’s moan poured from his mouth like a growing flood. You even felt his thighs press together between you, and pleasure tingled in your throat when he choked at the glide of your tongue.
He released your wrists, reached beside you, and locked the door with an audible click.
Then, Damian devoured you. Both hands hooked around your back, arching your chest into his, and finally, bringing his bulge between your hips. You clung to him for dear life, helpless as his teeth pressed into your neck like a vampire. Damian fed like one, too, suckling the skin there like he was starved. Your panties were so wet that you were desperate to get out of them, grinding your core against his.
Damian retreated, gasping. He licked the spit off of his lips and glared into your eyes. Bluntly, he said, “I want to eat you out.”
Once more, you kissed him, delirious with excitement. Your lungs burned for air, but your core burned harder for him. “Take off that suit and you can do whatever you want to me.”
His eyes gleamed. “I plan to.”
Quickly, you shoved your hands into his sleeves and pushed them off his shoulders, giving you a crisp glimpse at his carved shoulders. Damian's fingers blurred from button to button, but he saved the last for you on purpose. You worked in tandem and with little thought. If he could, Damian would steal a kiss, and you would bite his lip and chase him into more. When that last button was popped, his white button-down parted for a gorgeous plane of hard-earned muscle. His abs, ribs and pecs were pockmarked with scars, shrapnel marks and in some places, bullet holes. You stopped.
At your staring, Damian pressed his lips together.
“It's.. not appealing, I know,” he monotoned.
“No,” you disagreed, palming his stomach, “it’s impressive. All these do is show how strong you are, how long you've survived. You're so… built...” you didn't hide your thorough examination of him, “...I mean, we have to be to do what we do, but still… It suits you. It's sexy.”
You worried you'd ruined the moment with your babbling, but he glimmered under your praise. Damian brightened in the way only Damian could, smirking devilishly and towering over you like a supervillain.
“Sexy?” He pressed his naked chest into yours, whispering hotly in your ear. You could feel his silk tie pinned between you. “Does that mean I'm your type?”
You rolled your eyes. “Eavesdropper.”
“Temptress,” Damian replied, just as easily.
To claim your title, you found Damian's belt and pulled on it until the clasp gave. It made a satisfying whipping noise as you ripped it off of him, shouldered into his space to grab his waist in one hand, and cupped his throbbing boxers in the other. Damian's sigh came hoarsely and wanton from his mouth.
“Fuck me,” you demanded, grinning with delight.
Instead of wasting time on a response, Damian fell to his knees, a faithful worshipper. He did the gentlemanly thing and helped you kick off your heels. The tile was icy on your bare feet, but it only mattered until Damian ran his hands up your thighs. Sliding his fingers underneath the fabric, he bunched it up your middle, peering up at you smugly through his lashes. You could feel the debauchery of it - Damian, on his knees, tie hanging still from his neck, pinning you to the door. You, your legs spread and wanting.
Damian sucked in a breath. Your panties had an obvious wet patch, put there by him. He thumbed it carefully, watching your brows tense and your eyes close, basking in your initial whine. All of it enchanted him. You were soaking because of him, trembling because of him, marked because of him. There was not one place he would rather be than here.
Damian collected your sweetness and sampled the taste on his thumb, trapping it behind his smug smile. He ran his tongue over his teeth, spreading the flavor around his mouth, savoring it. As Damian rolled your underwear down your legs, his cock twitched in his open fly. You were beautiful. Oh, he was going to enjoy this.
“Put your leg over my shoulder,” Damian ordered, smirking, “I want to taste you.”
Warmth exploded in your cheeks. “G-go ahead.”
Gradually, you situated your leg across his back, pussy tensing at the touch of the cooler air. This didn't matter for long. Damian's warm lips nuzzled and kissed the thigh closest to him, painting messy reflective circles on your skin with his kiss. Even that made your legs tense wildly, so Damian shoving his wet, blazing tongue into the folds of you cunt pumped moan after moan from your mouth.
“Damian!” You yelped.
Oh, he definitely liked that. Damian pinched your ass and used his mouth so passionately that his head shook back and forth. He darted right for your clit, sucking it until his cheeks were hollow and humming smugly between your legs with every squeal. Parting your folds with one hand, Damian kissed your core just as dirtily as he'd kissed you. The dangerous glint in his eye never faded. He plunges his tongue inside you in earnest, slurping obscenely, purposefully. There's no need for Damian to shoot you cute looks or put on a show - his skill was the performance, because that skill was unbeatable. Your pussy was already tender, fucked nerveless by Damian's filthy mouth. He vibrated your cunt with a deep groan before he drew away, face dripping with slick like a pornstar’s.
“You're suitably wet,” he said, matter-of-factly, “would you like me to use my fingers?”
All the strength you had went into a weak, pleading nod.
Damian was polite enough to grant you your bearings first, letting you grip his hair and squeeze the counter before he resumes. You give him the sweetest, most precious whine when Damian licks you open again. He wisely starts with one finger and builds from there, earning you with pumps and curls of his digits. Damian's talents quickly become a currency, one that you exchange with mewls and pants of praise.
“So good,” you whine, “oh, fuck - fuck, just like that…”
Damian smirks between your legs, jamming his fingers faster into your sore pussy. Lust sizzles low in your gut, ramped up again and again by his thrusting. It’s so powerful that you roll and buck off the door, your hips in his face. You want him - want him more than you want anything.
“You're ravaging,” Damian hums between licks. His eyes are closed, but that only gives the way he touches you more meaning.
It’s so surprising from his mouth that your hold on his hair slips, setting Damian free. He pants, catching his breath, and it’s easily the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. The effort has slouched him from his knees to his calves, further spreading his legs and opening up the fly of his pants. A solid bulge has formed and spilled out there, straining to escape his briefs like an arm in a sling that’s too small, way too small, for someone of his size. Three of Damian’s fingers are still twisting inside of you.
Slowly, Damian tipped back his head and hung down, arranging himself beneath your cunt. “So beautiful.” His free hand splayed where your leg met your hip. “May I touch you?”
“I-I get it’s the gentleman thing to do, to - to keep asking, but fuck, Damian,” you cursed, “you can do whatever you want to me.”
Damian’s intense jade eyes were so dilated that you could barely make out the color. He dragged his cheek against your thigh, fingers still circling inside you, and grinned like a shark. It was probably a bad idea to give the heir to the Demon’s Head that much power over you.
His other hand squeezed your skin, slow to passionate, from your belly to your breasts beneath your dress. It’s clear by the way Damian looks at you that he loves what he sees. The texture of his veiny, calloused hands feels good on your waist and ass, dragging you closer to him. He chuckles when your back arches, when your nails press into his hands, his back muscles, throwing himself into his task. Damian’s nose prods your folds as he licks you clean, tongue dipping and sliding against your sore clit. It’s like he’s done this for you before, in this exact way. Though he utilizes his tongue the most, his lips too are brutal, matched perfectly to fit your pussy lips.
But that tongue - how Damian’s jaw isn’t tired, you don’t know. He parts your folds and latches onto your clit, flicking his tongue at superspeed until drool and cum bubbles from your sensitive core. Your back winds tighter at every vibrating lick, paralyzing the muscles in your legs with glorious pleasure. It’s so exquisite you start to melt to the floor like warm clay, only to be bolstered back up by Damian, both hands viciously squeezing your ass. He keeps going not for you, but himself, sucking down every last drop of your juices.
Shattered, you twist hopelessly into his mouth, chasing the strained feeling like it’s the last you’ll ever glimpse. “Fuck, fuck - D-Damian, ah…”
“Did it feel good when I made you cum?” He teases, “It certainly tastes good. All those filthy little noises you make for me…” Damian shakes his head at himself, like it’s too fantastic to indulge again. He leaves your clit with a satisfied kiss. “Beautiful.”
Once more, the words are surprising to hear from him. You always considered Damian the prude type, but here he is, on his knees for you, mouth and chin glittering with your juices while he teases you in low, sexy tones. At your surprised look, Damian has the gall to blush.
With his ring finger in his mouth, he ponders, “If a man has never said that to you before...” pop, “consider me surprised.”
“Never while finger-fucking me, at least,” you admited, legs still trembelling. “It was sweet. You… you meant that?”
It was hard to imagine Damian Wayne finding anything beautiful. Even you, who was pretty enamored with him, figured he would judge by quality or skill, not beauty. The words tasted new on his tongue.
Slowly, Damian stood and stretched, his shoulders tight after staying in the strange position for so long. Lifting his arms coincidentally let his waistband sit lower on his hips, flashing his green boxers your way while showing off the huge, carved muscles of his arms. Truly, Damian’s subtlety was unmatched. You didn’t mind his miniature bragging fest - not when he had so much to brag about. Eating you out had put an excited shimmer in his skin, so the gold-toned lights of the room reflected sexily off his sweat, already accenting his kissable tan.
“I did,” he told you, moving on to his sucking middle finger. His other hand played on your thigh, stroking it. “I’ve always been… drawn to you. Every mission we’ve had together. I have a profound feeling that we are very similar.”
You laughed. Not at what he said, but the timing of it. “Would you believe me if I said I felt the same way?”
Damian made a face like his heart was doing jumping jacks. “A few hours ago? No. But now…” he barricaded you against the door, first with his hands and then his hips, closed in so tightly that you had to look past your nose to meet his eyes. “Your crush is adorably obvious. I’m annoyed that I didn’t see it before.”
Your rounded your hands against Damian’s shoulders, then his tie. It twisted nicely around your fingers, silky and cold in comparison to your flushed skin. You were tempted to fix your dress, but nothing, not even the world ending, could make you leave this room.
“My crush is obvious? Damian, all you’ve done for the last two hours is sneak me drinks and imply how much easier it is to be around me.” You grinned, “What’d you say earlier? There you are, Queen. Finally, someone intelligent enough to speak to me.”
Damian shrugged. “It’s true. Your knowledge of bioluminescent ocean life is fascinating.”
“I can’t believe you said that after giving me head for ten minutes.”
“It’s actually been closer to twelve,” Damian smirked.
Playfully, you pinched Damian’s cheek, then pulled him by the tie into a starved, energetic kiss. He must’ve been praying for your permission to continue, because the plan he’d been forming is quickly put into action. You’re hugged, arms scooped under your back as you kiss him. Damian surrenders his mouth to a bit of revenge tonguing while undoing your dress. No amount of kissing will pull him from his task, but your hand is a special case - it smooths down the front of his boxers and Damian melts.
“Y/N,” he groans.
Damian petulantly resists the temptation to close his eyes, but your touch is soft and sweet, demanding him to yield. Your lips suckle on his neck and Damian’s knees buckle. If getting his mouth between your legs didn’t turn him on, then this will finish him for sure.
“I missed you. Kissing you.” You purr into his throat. “One could never be enough for me.”
Is this what it’s like to be wanted? Damian asked himself. The only possible answer thrilled him, and he found himself pouring even more passion into the kiss, into you, wanting to share that rush of affection. You respond to his every touch with vigor. Damian’s heart stalls each time your thumb strokes his face, each time the other strokes him through his slacks.
“Me either,” he rasped, and helped you out of your dress. His tone was shy, but his words held too much depth to be meaningless. I want a wealth of them. I always want to kiss you, was what he wanted to say, but Damian was too embarrassed to raise the words. This moment was too special to ruin with his hopeless romanticism. He kissed you again and again, and to his amazement, you kissed him right back.
“Fuck me,” you begged him between breaths. “Right here. I don’t care if we’re caught.”
I don’t care if we’re seen together. I want to be seen with you, I’m not ashamed of you.
Damian cupped your face and almost knocked you both over with the strength of his kiss. Nose-to-nose, eyes closed, he commanded, “Bend over the fucking counter.”
In a blink, Damian turned and there you were, open and waiting for him. The sink was hip-level, so the bend was nothing but perfect - Damian could fuck you from behind and watch your lust-blown reflection without issue. Your perfect pussy drooled leftover cum down your legs, making your sex shine in the light.
In the mirror, you watched Damian’s eyes darken in delight. His pupils followed the line of your ass to your back, appreciating it like an artist would, like he intended to paint you later and needed to memorize the greatest shapes of your figure. The marble was icy against your hard nipples, which Damian had exposed when he’d impatiently shoved down your bra. Now, he cupped one of your breasts as he bent over you, kissing and suckling his way down your back.
“Perfect,” Damian hissed.
Shyly pressing your butt back against him, you buried your face in your arms and bit your lip, waiting for him to open you up. Damian’s shadow came to hover over you, and in the mirror his eyes were vicious, pools of circling sharks. “Are you ready?”
“Mhm,” you nodded. “Take your time.”
Though you weren’t being sarcastic, Damian took it that way and pinched one cheek of your ass. “With you? I will.” Then, with the same smoothness, Damian asked, “Condom?”
“Pill,” you replied, and Damian nodded his approval.
His pants rustled as they fell down his legs. Where you couldn’t see, Damian committed the sight to memory - his cock in hand, your pussy spread open, all for him. You squeaked when his hot tip touched your cooling clit, and squeaked again when it glided down your pussy and tested your opening. He knew he’d found the way when you winced.
In an unsurprising moment of compassion (for those who truly knew him), Damian kissed the top of your head and offered you his hand. “Would you like to hold it while I…?”
You took his hand and squeezed it to your chest, squeezing him closer in the process, too. “Thank you. Go slow, for this part…”
Damian complied. His sweat-sticky chest hovered warmly over your back. Even if Damian was big, you were wetter than you’d ever been in your entire life - any pain would quickly slide into pleasure. He braced himself with a deep inhale, and a hot, sharp sensation told you that he’d entered you. Where you choked in a needy gasp, Damian poured out his version of a whimper. You both held it. Then, breath by breath, you were struck with the realization that you’d been dying to feel this for weeks, for months, and only now was that heat being satisfied. Damian’s tongue and fingers had come close, but this is what would cure that aching emptiness - his big, girthy cock.
The deathgrip you had on Damian’s hand loosened. “You look perfect,” he murmured into your hair, instantly making your core flutter. “Oh,” he chuckled filthily, “you like that? Funny, how badly that idiot at the bar wanted to be in my place right now…but it’s me who gets to pound into—”
“Damian,” you warned.
He smiled smugly against your neck. “Nothing.”
Dutifully, Damian withdrew his hips, taking all of the heat with him. When he rolled back in, a hot, tingling sensation roared over all of your senses, and you let the moan at the top of that tsunami loose. It was clear that he couldn’t fuck you like he wanted to with one hand fished down at your side, so he glued both to the base of your back and started to thrust in earnest.
“So full...” You mewled, and Damian became a human pile-driver.
Your head seemed to roll off your shoulders with every crazed, rhythmic slam, so you grabbed the faucet and held on for dear life. Every slap was so loud, so powerful, that you prayed this one random bathroom in the penthouse was soundproofed. Anyone walking past would know you were getting railed out of your mind. You tried to compensate by moaning and squeaking quietly, but with force came volume. It didn’t matter how silent you were, Damian’s hips, your ass, the squelch of him inside you - each noise filled the bathroom, echoing off the tile.
The only way you could think to describe him was filling. First, there was the hot, cinching tension of his hands fused to your waist. Then there was his cock, which begged to be squeezed more and more with every pass. You responded to each throb with a mighty clench, which bent Damian over you like an animal, gasping for breath. His balls were painted with your slick. The closer you came to orgasm together, the closer Damian came to you. His hands migrated to higher on your sides, then up by your shoulders, then around you, where Damian kissed your back and rubbed your belly while he made love to you. He talked more than he moaned. Your ear was filled with sweet nothings, with vicious promises of what he would do with a whole night alone with you.
Damian’s reflection was wild with lust. He met your eyes as he fucked you, whispering how beautiful you are, how good you take his dick. His deep green eyes were so dark you couldn’t make out the brown in them anymore. The long muscles on his arms drew taut with each thrust, making his biceps bulge and pin your hips to the sink. Soon enough, a bruise would form from the pressure. One of many treasures from tonight - you would be thinking about Damian in his crisp suit for months to come, and the mess he’d become with you now even longer. Your pleasure built and built and built, like a nail struck further into the ground with a hammer. A very, very big hammer.
“M’ cumming,” Damian husked, slowing his plowing to a sloppy glide. Even his endurance was spent, and you were glad he’d spent it all on you. “Where d’ you…?”
You braced your hands on the counter, then on one of Damian’s. Together, you smoothed his digits down your stomach and between your soft, abused folds. “Inside me, please, please please—” you begged him, “fuck, a-as deep as you can go.”
As a test of your flexibility, Damian turned in and kissed you. Just as he parted your lips with his tongue, he parted your folds with his fingertips, overriding your clit as his cock throbbed inside you to the hilt. He took the invitation as a command. Damian pressed in until you could feel his abs mold to your ass, then stuttered his hips in quick, agonized dips to get himself there. With his fingers and his cock putting stars in your eyes, you finished first.
The white marble counter fizzed in your vision, until all you could see was that powerful, endless white, humming in your mind’s eye. Still, Damian wasn’t finished yet. You bumped your temple against his chin and hummed, “Cum for me, baby… fuck, a-ah!”
Your pussy’s throb raced and raced until it spilled over, pulling Damian right under the current. One clench and he was done for, so the velvety, periodic squeeze of your cunt emptied his store. You hung there, spasming in unison, until that overwhelming heat spurted in a ring around Damian’s cock and flooded out of you. Only then did his fingers stop on your clit, and you settled warmly in each other's arms and tried to remember your names and who you were.
Damian pulled out, then snuggled back in. He would’ve been nervous any other time, but he’d just put his dick inside you, so a little instinctive cuddling could be forgiven. On shaky legs, you turned around and sunk into him. You could tell by how he was eyeing the sink that he was desperate to get clean again, so with one kiss (on the cheek), you set Damian loose.
In companionable silence, Damian cleaned up and you collected the clothes abandoned on the floor. Staring at the corner where you’d just had the best sex of your life put an embarassingly pleasant warmth in your chest. Interesting, how one terrifying moment could become something as special as this. Fascinating, how you’d felt like you’d known him all your life.
“You know… I think you’re excellent, too.” You told him, finishing off the knot for his tie.
Damian dipped his head to hide his smile, but something so bright was impossible to hide.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
The Devil’s own.
Jungkook x OC
Mafia Au!
Warnings : Non-Con ! Manipulation, Degradation, Shitty hero with no redeeming Qualities you have been warned. ( i mean he does get better but not much.)
Summary : Just Mob Boss Jungkook doing mob boss things.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I wasn’t sure how long I stayed there , staring at the ceiling and trying to come to terms with what had just happened. It was revolting. It was nauseating. It made me want to claw my own skin off. I stared at the intricate designs , carved into the ceiling, the panels that reflected life and made the room seem bigger than it was. The scent of jasmine and rosemary clung to the sheets and the drapes in the room, cloyingly sweet and meant to arouse the occupants.
I wondered how I’d got here.
I had memories of satin silk sheets and bright lights. My father had always spoiled me, the best of the best only for his only daughter and I’d indulged in luxury to my heart’s content. More shoes than I could possibly wear in a life time. Every season’s collection, straight into my wardrobe whether I asked for it or not. Diamonds and rubies and emeralds set in platinum and gold , jewelry to match my clothes and even my car if I felt like it.
I shut my eyes in despair. I didn’t miss the luxury as much as I missed the solitude. The option to just not do anything. My father hadn’t cared enough to see what I was upto and everyone knew that I was betrothed to Jungkook.
And that meant no dates or party invites because after the third guy got his arm in a sling after accidentally brushing past me , word kind of spread.  Stay away from Elena Gong or the Jeon kid will break your bones.
I shuddered. It had been an obsession, I thought vacantly.
Jungkook had been obsessed, even back then. I just hadn’t paid much heed to him. Because Jungkook back then had been terrifying but also ridiculously endearing in some way. He had seemed for lack of a better word…..insignificant. I was beautiful and rich, never lacked for attention and he was just one among the dozens. Even if I was betrothed to him, I hadn’t given much thought to him.
And Jungkook had taken my indifference in stride. He’d laughed and played around and I hated to admit it, treated me like a queen. Flowers, chocolates and gifts every other day . He would follow me around like a puppy , and I wondered if perhaps my dismissive attitude towards him back then had been a mistake. Did it push him over the edge?
My heart ached fiercely and when I finally willed myself to move, my body protested.
Every inch of me was sore and aching. My head because of how hard he’d gripped my hair. I sat up on shaky legs, fingers trembling as I pulled my shit up to stare at my body. Bite marks littered my skin, marring the smooth surface and I felt bile in my throat at the memory of his teeth on me.  Finger shaped bruises were beginning to bloom around my thighs and I couldn’t breathe over the agony ripping up my insides.
I glanced down between my thighs, at the sticky mess of his release dripping down into the sheets, staining the sheets a murky pink. I shuddered, disgusted. God, I hated him. Where was my phone? My clothes were still there at the foot of the bed and I noticed the small door on the right wall. Crawling off the bed on shaky legs , I limped carefully to the bathroom.
I took Hoseok’s shirt off dropping it in the corner before turning the showers on.
The water felt like a whip on my skin as I sat on the tiled bathroom floor , a small washcloth gripped tight in my hand as I carefully cleaned myself up. I had no idea what the time was… It must be very early or very late. No matter. I had to get out of here and get to Jisoo. I swallowed, imagining her alone all this time. The doctors had said she would be up in Guilt churned as I quickly grabbed a towel from the closet and wiped myself down.
It took me another ten minutes to finish dressing up and just as I finished slipping into my shoes, the door opened.  I glanced up, catching sight of Hoseok as he leaned against the door. He looked a little haggard, a black silk shirt unbuttoned to his chest and tucked into fitted jeans. I stared at him, watching the way his gaze roved over every inch of exposed skin, looking just a tad bit worried.
“The Hospital called. “ He said gently, “ They’re ready to release you sister. They want to know if you can come pick her up. The baby’s going to have to stay in the NICU for a couple of weeks.”
I groaned. Great. More bills.
“I need a job. “ I said miserably. “ Help me out.” I stared at him beseechingly and Hoseok gave me a look.
“you know the kind of jobs I provide. You’re not built for it. “ He said shortly and I shook my head, impatient.
“that’s not what I meant and you know it. You and your friends pretty much own every club in the city. Get me a job ….” I whispered, moving to stand in front of him and he recoiled.
Just as always, I thought bitterly. Coward.
As much as a coward now as he’d been ten years ago, when he’d pretended that he didn’t have any feelings for me. Pretended that he didn’t give a damn about me.
The throb in my skull grew in intensity.
My throat was dry and I felt my vision swim a bit. I was tired. Exhausted . I hadn’t slept in….how long really? I hadn’t eaten in a day…for sure… And I likely wasn’t going to be eating for a long while, let alone feeding Jisoo if I didn’t get a job right away. I had twelve thousand won to my name and that was it.
“Jungkook-“ He began but I was sick of his name so I growled.
“Fuck, do you want me to beg Hoseok? I will… I can’t … I need a job… Please.” I said desperately, staring at him and his gaze softened.
“Elena, stop looking at me like that, fuck.” He swore, turning and punching the wall hard. “ fuck.”
“Just help me get a job. I’m not asking you to give me money or something.  You don’t even have to get it for me… Just tell me who’s hiring ? Somewhere away from Jungkook and his men.” I whispered , and the sheer irony of it didn’t escape me. Jung Hoseok was possibly one of Jungkook’s main men.
He ran his hand over his forehead, shaking his head.
“You’re going to get me killed someday.” He muttered, “ Fine. There’s a club down in Itaewon. It caters to cops and lawyers exclusively so Jungkook and his men usually keep out of it. My friend owns the place. His name is Im Jaebum.  I’ll get you a job there , waitressing. Is that alright?” He said softly and I wanted to sob in relief as I nodded. Itaewon meant pretty close to where the bakery was. I could take the bus.
“Fine. I’ll talk to him and call you. Here…” He held out a wad of cash and I took it greedily, eyes widening at the 100,000 written on the margin of each note. This was a lot of money.
“Hoseok…”I said stunned and he shrugged. “ Get food and baby stuff for Jisoo. If she’s going to feed the baby she needs to eat well. Fruits and veggies and lot of protein. If you run out, tell Jaebum you need some advance. He’ll pay you well.”
I nodded, stuffing the money into my pockets quickly . I swallowed when my insides throbbed, aching something fierce.
“Thank you.” I said softly, staring up at him and he hesitated, before reaching out and gently cupping my face in his palm. I flinched at his touch and he recoiled.
“Was he… Did he hurt you?” He whispered quietly and I smiled bitterly.
“Wasn’t that the whole point?” I sighed, shaking my head . I hesitated . I wasn’t sure if Hoseok would listen to me but I had to try at least.
“ Can you not tell him? That… That I was a virgin?” I asked quietly and he nodded.
“Wasn’t planning to.” He said casually.
I stared at him. I’d always found him handsome. Beautiful. Perfect . And I wondered where we had gone so wrong.
“Do you regret it.” I whispered. “ All those choices you made.”
“Which ones? …” he asked bitterly.
“you know… “ I snapped. “ the ones that lead us here. You and me…. Standing here like strangers. “
“I wouldn’t risk my life for a stranger. Which is what I’m doing every time I help you .” He said quietly.
“So what are we then?” I demanded.
“Old friends” He said casually.
I snorted.
“Fucking coward.” I whispered , loud enough for him to hear as I brushed past him and walked away.
I trudged all the way to the VIP room in the hospital flinching because that was probably a lot of money to be repaid , now owed directly to the devil spawn that was Jeon. I had grabbed a small meal on the way before quickly getting the bus to the Hospital. It was little past eleven in the morning and the hallways were packed with people. Sighing, I moved to the room where Jisoo was, slowly opening the door.
Min Yoongi sat on the chair next to the bed, gazing idly at my sister in law.
To say that I was shocked would be the biggest understatement of the century. My lips parted in shock, panic bubbling up inside me as I exhaled sharply.
“What-“ I swallowed gazing between him and my Jisoo, who was sitting up against the backrest on the bed, a tray of food on her lap and a small smile on her face.
“Lena!! You’re here!” She cried out softly, tears filling her eyes at once as she held both her hands up. I moved to hug her but my mind stayed on the man near the bed, his sultry feline eyes trained unblinkingly on her. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to get my breathing to regulate but it was impossible.
What on earth was Yoongi doing here?
“Mr. Min came to see me. He told me he knew Daehwan.” Jisoo said softly, looking sad but hopeful and I felt my heart turn over as I turned to stare at him.
Min Yoongi knew Daehwan as a target . A hit he had carried out himself.
But I couldn’t say a thing. Not in front of Jisoo.
“I’m only here to offer my help. It pains me to see you suffering, Jisoo. I know your husband would want you to be taken care of.” He said softly, his gaze still fixed on her and I didn’t like it. At all.
Bile rising, I gave him a glare.
“I’ll take care of her. Please don’t trouble yourself.” I said shakily and he glanced at me, lips parting a bit, turning into a smirk.
“You look… well rested.” He smirked and I flushed.
“Lena, come on… I know all this…this must be expensive. We can use all the help we can get and Mr. Min-“
“Please call me Yoongi, sweetheart.” Yoongi said charmingly and my sister in law blushed. I felt my skin crawl.
“Y-Yoongi said he has a spare room. I can’t stay in the bakery.  And it’s not like he’s a murderer or anything. He showed me his card. He’s a lawyer.” She said softly and I sighed in despair. Jisoo was naïve bordering on stupid and I wasn’t equipped to deal with this.
As I watched she went back to the food, eating ravenously and I felt my heart clench. I could see the twin damp spots at her chest and I noticed the breast pump on the table. It looked brand new. I hadn’t even thought about things she may need after the baby, too preoccupied with all the hospital bills and medicines I would have to pay for.
Diapers. Baby wipes. Those little flannel pieces mothers used to wipe down the baby. I felt my head spin, turning to Yoongi who was staring at me casually.
“Can we talk?” I said quietly and he straightened.
“Jisoo ssi… Please enjoy your meal. And here…” He gave her his phone. “ If you’re done, just give me a buzz on this.” He showed her something on the phone .” Go on try it.”
Jisoo pressed down on the screen curiously and Yoongi’s watch rang .
He grinned as she smiled.
“See? One touch and I’ll be here yeah?” He said softly, and I felt like I was stuck in some kind of drama, glancing between the pair of them.
“Are you leaving?” She asked curiously and he shook his head.
“I’ll be right here, outside. Having a word with Elena. You can finish your food and I’m guessing it’s time for you to pump again? The pediatrician said you’d have to pump every two hours with the milk so… if you get it ready, I’ll drop it off at the NICU.” He said calmly.
Jisoo nodded, staring at him with wide eyed gratefulness and I sighed in despair.
Yoongi moved to the door and I gave her a small smile before following him.
I waited till the door had closed behind me before turning to him, furious.
“What do you think you’re-“
“I want her.” He said shortly.
I felt my jaw come unhinged.
“No.” I hissed, furious and helpless with rage. “ Yoongi-“
“Don’t make me put a bullet in your head for this, Elena.” He said calmly and I exhaled shakily.
“She’s… You know she’s not like us. She doesn’t know anything about this life. As far as she knows my brother was a surgeon who got killed in a hit and run. You want to …. What do you really want? Did Jungkook put you upto this?”
“If Jungkook would have his way, your sister in law and your new nephew would both be dead. You know this.” Yoongi said casually. God, could I ever have a conversation with anyone without Jungkook being dragged into it? When did my life get twined so intimately with him?
“Where is he?” I asked quickly and Yoongi shrugged.
“He’s out of the country. He left an hour ago.”
“Switzerland….” I said before thinking and Yoongi stiffened.
“How did you know?” He demanded and I froze.
“I… I overheard …..someone.” I muttered and Yoongi moved so fast I barely caught it. The next second I was pressed up against the wall, his forearm pressing into my throat and holding me down while he held a knife right against my jugular.
“Nice try. Now the truth.” He hissed.
“Ouch..” I choked out , coughing  a bit. “ Fine.. Hoseok.. Hoseok told me.”
Yoongi pulled back.
“You fukcing him?” He asked casually and I glared at him.
“none of your business.” I snapped.
He laughed at that.
“I know you aren’t. Hoseok loves his dick too much to risk having it castrated.”
I sighed, shaking my head. I wasn’t here to talk about these bastards.
“Just leave Jisoo alone.” I said quietly and Yoongi sighed.
“What are you going to do with her, Elena. You can barely afford to feed yourself. You should be thankful I’m taking her off your hands.”
I ignored his nonsense and moved till I was pressed up against him, fingers curling into his chest. Yoongi looked surprised, lips twisting in displeasure when I blinked up at him.
“please.. Yoongi…” I begged, “ Don’t do this to me.” I said quietly. “ I … she’s all I have… She… My brother had nothing to do with any of this. You know that….He left this life decades ago. I don’t… I don’t know why Jungkook wanted him dead in the first place. I loved my brother and my brother loved his wife. I owe it to him … Please…just…Please leave her alone.” I whispered softly, letting my fingers drop to grip his arm.  
He tugged his arm away at once.
“ She needs more than empty platitudes and good intentions. She needs food and a place to stay with her baby. I’m giving her that.”
“And what do you get in return?” I demanded angrily. “ She just gave birth, fuck you. You can’t touch her , not unless you’ve lost the last shreds of humanity in that conscience of yours.”
He rolled his eyes.
“I’m not doing this for sex, Elena. If I wanted easy pussy, I would have come to you…” He smirked.  “ Don’t forget that Jungkook and I share our toys, yeah?”
I opened my mouth to retort before remembering that I was trying to get him to listen to him.
“Then why? What do you want…tell me?”
“I told you. I want her. As she is.” Yoongi shrugged.
“You killed her husband.” I said , voice shaking as I remembered what Jungkook had said. About my brother begging for his life because Jisoo was pregnant. And how Yoongi hadn’t given a shit and shot him anyway.
“A minor inconvenience. Trust me if I’d seen her before I killed him…” He sighed, shaking his head in regret and I frowned.
“You would have spared him? “ I asked bitterly and Yoongi laughed.
“No.. I would have killed him sooner.” He smirked. “ Is there a point to this whole conversation… I’m getting bored and Jisoo’s waiting inside.”
“We’re supposed to get her out of the hospital today and-“
“I’m taking her home.” He said briskly. “ I’ve already spoken to her. And She’s agreed that a ramshackle , dilapidated bakery isn’t the right place for a new mother and a tiny baby.”
And the worst part was that I couldn’t even disagree.
And I couldn’t help but feel angry, betrayed. Jisoo was…. How could she? She hadn’t even bothered to talk to me about it… Just agreeing to move in with Yoongi. She was older than me. Supposed to be the smart one. My body ached. If that was the bed she was going to make , she could lie on it.
“Going somewhere?” Jungkook’s voice made me freeze.
I swallowed, straightening and stepping back almost instinctively. He stood in the doorway, a cigarette held between his teeth as he stared at me . He looked like he’d showered as well, hair still damp and the smells of citrus and mint permeating the air around him.
It was exactly ten days since I’d last seen him and I’d settled into a routine of sorts. Im Jaebum’s bar, Venom was an exclusive club in Itaewon and I could easily disappear into the shadows, staying low and using the beret ( a part of the uniform ) to keep my face hidden as I served the patrons. Like Hoseok had said, the place was filled with cops and lawyers. Yoongi was a frequent fixture here , stopping for just a drink on most days before heading home to my sister in law.
It made me sick but there was nothing I could do about it. Jisoo and little baby Yunsu were both home and needed a l,ot of care. And Yoongi apparently had a cook, a housekeeper and a nanny who helped her out. Jisoo was wary, her senses finally returning but she was also clearly glad to be out of the streets.
“I’m going home after I finish my shift. “ I said softly, trying not to stare as he stepped into the room. I turned away from him moving to the shelves and pushing the small canister in place.
“Where’s home?” He asked casually. I flinched when he stepped right behind me, fingers reaching out to curl on my shoulder, pulling me back till I was flush against his chest. The heat of his body seeped in through the thin fabric of my blouse and I felt my body heat up.
“You got what you wanted.” I said shakily. “ Let me go.” I whispered, dropping the cleaning cloth in the tray on the lower shelves, before moving to grab the mop. I just had to finish mopping the floor . And then I could leave.
But his grip on me stayed firm. I couldn’t move. Foreboding rose inside me.
Jungkook hummed at that, stepping closer, till I felt his chin brush the top of my head as he bent over me, arms coming around me  and fingers lightly unbuttoning the first two buttons of my  shirt. I stared at the dark ink on his forearm. , swallowing as he kept coming closer.
“What I wanted? That pathetic little display ten days ago?”  He whispered softly “ Just think about this Elena ……  I’ve been chasing you for years, I got rid of your entire family and yet I let you live. Why do you think that was, huh? “ He shook his head, “ For two minutes of you lying underneath me like a frigid bitch? You think that’s what I want Elena? Think I’ll be satisfied with that? ” He laughed.
I stared at the wall in front of me  and I couldn’t do this. Couldn’t play this sick game with him. Not when he kept changing the rules . Not when there was nothing left for me to gamble or lose.
“Jisoo. I have to go see her. Just… Just let me go see her. I need to see if she’s alright and then we can talk. ” I whispered. Jungkook smiled, tilting my  head to the side with his fingers. I felt the damp press of his lips against my jaw and my skin crawled.
“Don’t worry, Yoongi’s taking care of her.” He whispered softly and I felt my heart turn over in my chest at the reminder. I’d been forced to relent because Yoongi had taken her home to a fully finished and decorated nursery , a closet full of baby clothes for her son and nursing clothes for her. She had been bowled over and when I’d told her to think about the why of it…she’d given me a helpless sort of smile. . As far as she was concerned , Yoongi had been nothing but generous and kind… And she wasn’t going to say no to him because she couldn’t afford to..
“I… he promised me he’d let me see her. And the baby…every day. That was the deal.”
Jungkook laughed.
“I thought I made this clear . You don’t get to make deals with anyone because you belong to me. I get to decide what happens to you. Anytime. Anywhere. Do you need another demonstration , Elena?” His hand moved to my breast, groping the flesh, fingers rough and hard and I whimpered in pain.
“No..” I choked out , eyes widening in terror and he made quick work of the rest of the buttons on my blouse. Junkook hummed, kissing the back of my neck and slowly turning me around in his arms.
“Relax. You don’t have a job. How are you going to feed her and the kid? Yoongi isn’t like me. He doesn’t hold a lot of grudges. And for some reason he seems to have a hard on for your sister in law. He wants to marry her. ” He chuckled and I felt nausea bloom.
“No.. Don’t… Don’t do that to her. She’s not like us. She doesn’t know… She doesn’t have anything to do with this life.” I begged, heart racing at the thought of Jisoo, helpless and scared and alone with a baby , trapped with a fucking assassin. Yoongi killed for a living . That was his job. Jisoo was delicate and sensitive.
“She still needs to eat and live right? With what?  He’s feeling particularly generous so he’s taken her home . You don’t have to worry about them anymore… Isn’t that nice?” he smirked and I felt my throat go dry.
I clenched my fists, feeling my breath catch.
“The only person you need to worry about yourself is yourself. Isn’t that how you prefer it anyway? Beautiful selfish Elena who never gave a fuck about anyone but herself. Isn’t that who you truly are, angel?” He smiled.
“Not anyone…. Just you… I don’t give a fuck about you.” I said defiantly, staring right up at him.  
Jungkook stared at me and stepped closer, reaching out and running his fingers up and down my cheek. I flinched because he still held the lit cigarette.
“None at all?”  He asked curiously, lightly tapping on the end of the cigarette, and I flinched when the hot ash spilled onto my shoulder.
“Did that hurt, baby?” He whispered, leaning in and pressing the cigarette to my lips.” I’m sorry. Breathe in for me.” He stuck the cigarette into my mouth and I pulled away , coughing and disgusted.
I closed my eyes as his free hand went to my wrist, tugging me closer. I stiffened as he wrapped his arms around me, drawing me in till my face pressed against his chest, his body flush against mine, one hand moving back to stroke my back.
“I missed you. You’re terrible at pleasing me but I think…with a little bit of training, you can make me cum… ” He smirked. “ Let’s start with a blowjob, yeah?”
I stiffened.
“No.” I said softly and he smirked, pulling back.
“No?” He asked softly. . I felt my throat go dry in fear as I noticed the way his gaze shifted.   I bit my lips to stifle the pain as He carefully pressed the lit end of the cigarette right against the curve of my breast , pressing in for a couple of seconds and pulling away just before the skin began to singe. He glanced up at me, and I blinked through the tears, pain spreading all over my chest at the burn. That would leave a scar, I thought miserably.
“Wrong answer. Try again.” He whispered.
“Go to Hell.” I choked out.
I flinched when his fingers slipped up into my hair, gripping hard. My scalp burned, sharp and insistent and instinct made me grip his wrist, trying to get him off but it was impossible.
“Let me go..” I snapped, glaring at him. God, How I hated him.
“Was I your first??” He whispered, dragging me close enough that his lips brushed my ear. “ Never had a cock before? Was that why you were so fucking tight?”
I bit my lips, glaring at him, defiant and furious. Did Hoseok actually tell him? That two faced snake…. God , why did these fuckers never leave me alone?
“Seokjin hyung told me…Told me he was looking forward to breaking a virgin and that made me think….God, I was the first cock she ever had….” He hummed, looking infinitely pleased.
“Yes. And I got to say… I don’t know what the fuss is about. You couldn’t even make me cum.” I snapped and Jungkook grinned, grip tightening and the other hand moving to curl around my waist, squeezing hard.
“Did I make you bleed from between your legs Elena? Tell me I did….Cause that’s fucking hot. ” He whispered, voice low and gruff.
Jungkook, I thought vacantly, was a psychopath.
“Go to Lisa. Go fuck her and make her bleed if that’s what gets you off….  and leave me alone.” I whispered and he smiled, bending down pressing a kiss right where he’d burned my skin.
“I don’t need you to tell me that. She’s my fiancé. The woman I’m going to marry. And you know what that means? I actually give a shit whether she cums or not. And trust me she does. Multiple times. Sometimes so hard she passes out.”
“Or maybe she fakes it. Maybe she passes out because she can’t stand your touch either.” I shrugged. “ Because we all know that’s what she’s good at Jungkook. She faked her friendship with me , she’ll fake her loyalty to you.”
“Always got something smart to say, huh Elena? Let’s see how mouthy you get when I’m shoving my cock down your throat.”
I flinched when he pushed me, hard enough to send me sprawling on the floor. I caught myself with difficulty , throwing my hands out to keep my head from hitting the floor. I flinched at the pain that shot up my body, every inch throbbing because of how rough this fucker had been with me.
Ten days and the aftermath of that night still lingered on me.
And it was three in the morning  and I’d spent eight hours on my feet bussing tables , I was exhausted.
I closed my eyes, before pressing my palm against the floor, trying to pull myself up when I felt the press of his shoe at the base of my spine, pushing me down.
I whimpered in shock, my hands giving out and shoulder crashing down into the floor.
“Stay down for a second, baby.” He whispered and I exhaled.
I pressed my palm against the floor, head dropping on to the carpeted floor . I whimpered when I felt him crouch down, foot digging in harder into my back and I curled my fingers into the carpet to swallow the pained sound that bubbled up in my throat.
“I’m going to fuck you again. And this time I want you to do all the work.” Jungkook’s voice came from over me and I flinched. I considered the odds of me putting up a fight and actually winning. It was laughable. I wasn’t going to fight a force of nature. And that was what Jeon Jungkook was.
“ You can’t make me do anything Jungkook.” I whispered finally. “ You can hit me and rape me and kill me but you can’t make me do anything to you. You just have to live with that.”
His foot lifted off my spine and I felt hands on my arms, pulling me up till I was kneeling. I watched as he moved around to stand in front of me.
“Look at me.” He said carefully.” From now you only speak when I tell you to.”
“ Whatever.  Let’s get this over with so I can go see my sister and my nephew.“ I said shakily.
He sighed deeply at that, shaking his head.
“See, if it was upto me, I’d just put a bullet in both their heads. Cos at this point they’re just proving to be a nuisance.”
My blood turned to ice in my veins.
“ But,  Yoongi’s just getting to know your pretty little Jisoo…And he’s my favorite hyung. So I’m going to let her live. But, let’s not invade their privacy for a while.” He began unbuckling his belt and I felt nausea rise inside me.
“Jungkook?” The voice came from the door and I stiffened.  Jungkook groaned.
“Baby, what the fuck are you doing here?” He said gruffly, standing up and using his knee to push me out of the way roughly. I swore, gripping the edge of the table near me to steady myself before turning around to stare at the woman at the door.  I stumbled to my feet, still feeling a little out of it. I needed food. Before I collapsed in a heap on the floor.
“You were supposed to come see me tonight. I went looking for you everywhere and I find you here about to get with some common whore?”  she shouted and I stiffened, glaring at her.
She stood framed in the doorway, staring at me for a second before letting her gaze wander all over the room. She stared at me, eyes taking in the unbuttoned blouse and I quickly moved to put the buttons back on.
“Did you fuck her?” She demanded angrily and Jungkook hummed.
“Since when did I owe you answers, angel?” He asked casually and I watched the woman’s eyes widen, before her brows furrowed in a frown.
“ So what, I can’t ask you who you’re with ?” She asked angrily and Jungkook groaned , kicking out at the nearest stand with enough force to send it toppling over the side, crashing to floor and breaking on impact. I stumbled, back, wrapping my arms around myself as he fairly growled.
“What the fuck is up with all you cunts today?” He demanded, glancing at me in distaste. “ I come back after busting my ass at work for ten entire days . I just needed to get my dick sucked and you two.” He shook his head, hand reaching into his jacket and I felt my eyes widen when he pulled his glock out, releasing the safety and loading the gun before pressing the muzzle right against her skull.
The woman whimpered, hands held up as he tapped the firearm against her.
“You. You don’t come anywhere near me unless I send for you. Is that clear?” He asked sharply and she nodded frantically, abject terror written all over her face.
He turned to me.
“And you. You’re coming with me.” He said quietly and I felt my eyes widen. I opened my mouth to protest but the girl at the door beat me to it.
“I think not…. You’re not taking her anywhere, Jungkook, I’ll-“ She began, reaching forward to grab him and Jungkook moved so quickly, I could barely blink.
The shot rang out , making me jump and I watched as she crumbled to the floor, crying out in pain. I stared in horror, watching the hole in her arm, spilling blood all over the floor and the hallway and my throat went completely dry,  staring at the girl on the floor and the blank, absolutely merciless look on his face.
“Just because I let you sit on my cock once in a while, doesn’t mean you get a say in how I live my life.” He said quietly, using his foot to prod her hip. He glanced at me and I felt my throat go dry as he pulled the glock back to reload it.
He aimed the gun right at me, eyes dark and heavy.
“Are you going to be good for me, baby? Or do you need a physical demonstration as well?” He tilted his head to where the girl was on the floor, pressing her palm against her arm.
“She’s  bleeding out.. “ I choked out. “ you need to get her help, Jungk-“
Another shot rang out and I jumped, heart in my throat as I tried to understand what had happened. It took me a second to realize that he hadn’t shot me. That he had fired at the ceiling.
“Answer the bloody question Elena.” He growled and I flinched, nodding.
“I… I’ll listen… Just…” I glanced back at the poor girl on the floor.” Get her some help.”
Jungkook smiled a little. He turned to the girl on the floor and shook his head.
“Get up baby. Go find Hoseok and get that patched up, yeah? And don’t provoke me the next time, yeah? ” He said casually and she stumbled to her feet, looking disoriented and scared as she moved out of the door.
“ And you. “ He glared at me. “Finish dressing up and follow me.”
“Where are we going?” I asked nervously, fighting the instinct to just take off at a sprint, as we walked down the road to where his Mercedes was parked.
“My home. Where else?” He said casually and I stiffened.
“Didn’t I tell you not to speak unless I ask you to, Elena? I’m jet lagged and angry. Trust me , you don’t want to piss me off now.” He said casually and I swallowed.
He opened the door for me, the polite gesture so at odds with what he was doing that my head began to throb.
But I climbed in nonetheless. I stayed quiet for the short ride to his apartment , eyes fixed straight ahead and Jungkook was quiet too. I was too exhausted to be scared, I thought despondently, my eyes drooping because of how long I’d been up. Glancing out the window, I watched the cars whizz by, people living their lives, completely unaware that almost all of them were merely tiny little gears in a machine run exclusively by men like Jungkook. That all their lives, spent working and earning and dying…it was all meaningless. They had no say in anything. People like Jungkook were the ones who got to shape the world to their liking. The ones who got to play God.
And Jungkook was definitely the closest to an omnipotent human I’d ever come across.
Powerful, untouchable and terrifying.
So perhaps, it was a little flattering, that I was the one thing he couldn’t get out of his head.
I glanced at him discreetly.
He was beautiful, I thought with a pang. One of the most beautiful men on this planet. Despite the years, his boyish charm was still right there on his face and he could slip on a plaid shirt , a white t shirt and stone wash jeans and pass off as an innocent college student. I stared at the taut jaw, the long column of his neck and the broad back. His biceps bulged when he gripped the steering when and my eyes lingered on the long fingers curled around the wheel.
I jumped when his hand moved to grip the stick shift , curling on the knob and yanking it back with force. I swallowed, thighs pressing together as my mind shifted to that night in Hoseok’s club. I hated myself for how often I relived it. And not always with disgust.
My fingers fell on the ring on his finger. His engagement ring, I thought with a pang. Lisa. Beautiful, wonderful Lisa who had been a dear friend . Once. For all her shortcomings I knew she loved the man who sat next to me. Cared deeply for him, even. Why else would she do this to me? She must have strong feelings for him , if  it had prompted her to throw away our friendship of over a decade.
“You’re cheating on her then.” I said quietly.  His reminder to not talk to him rang in my head but I couldn’t stop myself. He wasn’t a stranger. And that ring…the ring that promised to bind two people forever….. I’d worn it too. For him.
Jungkook didn’t reply, merely glancing at me in passing.
I sighed, looking at my knees, feeling my shoulders tremble a bit.
“Is she going to be there?” I asked quietly.
He exhaled sharply. I noticed the way his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“No.”  He said shortly.
“She lives with you right? You said we’re going home ….then where is she-“
“What is this, twenty fucking questions?” He snapped and I swallowed. “ I’m not taking you home to my fiancée Elena, do I look like a fucking idiot? “ He shook his head.
Before I could demand more answers, he was pulling over into a side alley. I watched as he carefully parked the car before stepping out.  Second later, he was coming around and opening the door.
I stared at him, gripping the hem of my blouse, tight. My stomach twisted into knots.
“Can’t you just let me go?” I whispered softly, pride forgotten in the wake of my tiredness. Jungkook stared at me, face eerily blank.
“Get out of the car.”
“Like it?” He asked softly and I stood on the threshold, taking in the lavishly decorated apartment on the top floor of the building. I noticed the portrait right up front, a large full sized photo of me and Jungkook from nearly a decade ago, wrapped around each other in a hug , showing off our engagement bands.
“What is this?”
“It was supposed to be your wedding gift. From me. I bought it for you. Nine years ago. Thought you should see it.” He said quietly.
I stayed perfectly still , as he wrapped his hands around me in a hug.
“Why did you leave me, Elena?” He asked quietly and I felt my throat go dry.
“Why do you still have this place? Get rid of it.” I snapped. He laughed at that , pulling away and turning me around till I stared at him.
“ Will you stay here, with me?” He asked softly and I froze.
“You’re out of your mind.” I said shortly.
He hummed.
“Possibly. But then, the problem is this. If I tell you , you can’t leave this place ever again….There’s not much you can do about it, right?” He said thoughtfully and I felt a sob building in my chest.
“I… Don’t.” I said shakily.
“You should see the bedroom. Come.”
His fingers wrapped around my wrist dragging me past the lavish couch and sofa, past a well kept bar onto a wide hallway dimly lit. He stopped at the second door on the right, reaching out to open the lock.  The room was plunged in darkness and I hesitated.
“Go on… After you, Mrs. Jeon.” He said softly . I could feel distaste creeping up my spine at the name, shivering a bit as I stepped into the darkness.
“Can you imagine, if we’d gotten married. This is what our first night together would be like…” He pressed against my back, arms coming around me , so gentle that I shivered.
“Jungkook…what are you doing?” I asked shakily.
“Shush…. “ He whispered, moving to unbutton my blouse again. I grabbed his wrists quickly.
“We aren’t married. I’m not your wife.” I said sharply and I felt him go still behind me.
“Shut your mouth and play along like a good girl.” He said quietly. He shook my hands off, moving to undo the buttons again.
Not sure what he expected, I stayed perfectly still as he hummed, pressing soft feather light kisses down my jaw and past my shoulders. His hands stroked up and down my arm as he laughed .
“Did you miss me Elena…..all these years…” He said quietly. “ Because I missed you. So much.”
He hugged me close, tight and hard.
“Are you scared?” He whispered, “ honey?”
“Oh, God…” I choked out, nausea rising up in my throat at the endearment.
“My wife…” He whispered, pressing a few more kisses against my skin before pushing me a bit towards the bed. “ Should I turn on the lights? I wanna see you.”
He nudged me towards the bed and my legs gave out when I hit the edge of it, legs turning to jelly as I sat on it, shaky and creeped out and terrified. Jungkook moved to turn on the lamp on the bedside table, a soft golden glow lighting up the bed .
“Look at you… so beautiful.” He whispered and I watched as he tugged off his shirt, before moving to his belt. He was watching me like I was something precious. Like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
“What are you doing?” I asked quietly and he smiled, running his fingers over the tattoos decorating his chest. He stopped at a large ornate tiger lily, inscribed right over his heart.
“Do you like it?” he said softly. “ I got this for you. My Elena…. As delicate as a lily and as brave as a tiger.”
I stared at him in disbelief.
“Either fuck me or let me go, I’m not here to talk about-“
He slapped me, so hard that my head whipped to the side, my face feeling like it had caught fire. I gasped, the pain spreading all over my jaw and I couldn’t quite grasp what had just happened. I pressed shaky fingers to the throbbing skin near my mouth, eyes watering at the sting.
“Didn’t I tell you to play along, angel?” He whispered sharply and I closed my eyes , shuddering.
Play along. Do it if you want to get out of here alive. ‘
Fucking psychopath.
“ It’s beautiful, Jungkook.” I whispered softly, glancing at him with teary eyes. He nodded.
“We’ll get one for you too. A wolf. With the initials JK on it…. Right here…” He lightly traced a path over my collarbone and I hoped to God, this was some sick fantasy. That he wasn’t seriously considering tattooing his initials on me.
“Strip for me baby… All of it. I want to see you.” He whispered and I hesitated just long enough to take a deep breath. I reached back, quickly undoing my bra clasp and pulling the fabric off.  I hooked my thumbs into my skirt and my panties, tugging both of them off me, swiftly. I dropped all of it on the floor next to the bed, before moving to kneel in the middle of the bed, staring at him with a smile that felt physically painful.
“I’m going to make you feel good, baby.” He whispered quietly, crawling over on top of me.
“Lay down for me.” He said, and I felt repulsed, as he kissed my lips, soft and gentle, pressing in till I was flat on my back, legs parted so he could lie in between.
It was so different from last time and somehow ten times worse.
Jungkook pressed kisses all over my face, whispering gentle words against my skin that felt like acid.
“So beautiful…. Mine. You were always mine Elena. Mine to touch and mine to break . Mine to love and mine to fuck.”
I stared as he loomed over, his face inches from mine, his gaze deceptively affectionate, his eyes warm and almost soft. I watched as he came closer, his lips closing over mine. Instinctively I kept my lips together but his fingers curled around my thigh, squeezing hard enough to make me whimper, lips parting . He pressed his tongue in then , licking into my mouth and I brought my hands up, instinctively wrapping around the bare skin of his shoulders and my body thrummed at the feeling of his muscles under my fingers.
Curiosity made me foolish, and I found myself tracing the hills and valleys of his skin, fascinated by the way the muscles flexed, every time he moved his arm.
“You like that? I worked hard on those…” He chuckled, watching me curl my fingers around his biceps. He was so… big. I moved my fingers up to the hardness of his chest, splaying my palm on his pecs and my fingers caught a hard little scar, almost perfectly round and deep.
“What is this…” I asked , curious my finger dipping into the healed skin and he hummed.
“Your father . He shot me when I was chasing his car down in Jeju Do. Foolish bastard. Thought he could outrun me.” He laughed .
I glanced at him, catching his eyes and the ebbing laughter , my heart twisting.
“Then why am I here? You hate my father. You killed my entire family. So why am I here, Jungkook?”  I asked foolishly, my heart breaking a bit and he hesitated.
“Because you’re mine.” He said simply.
I closed my eyes in despair.
“If this was our wedding night…. What would you say…?” He asked suddenly.
I stared at him, confused.
“If we got married back then… When you were eighteen. And it was our first night together….. what would you say?”
I sighed.
“I’d ask you to ….to be gentle.” I whispered.
He nodded.
“Tell me , then.”
I stared at him, feeling helpless.
“Go on, Elena.” He said again.
“Jungkook…” I began but he shook his head.
“Ggukkie.” He said softly. “ Call me GGukkie… That’s what you used to call me …when we were young.”
I clenched my fists, on his chest, resisting the urge to push him off. That wouldn’t end well for me.
“GGukkie…” I whispered, finally, glancing up at him, licking my lips and parting them gently, eyes as wide as they could go, “ you know its my first time right?”
Jungkook’s eyes fairly danced at that and he hummed, leaning closer.
“Is it, baby?” He asked, reaching up to brush my hair away, fingers gentle on my face.
Get into it. Get into it and get it over with.
“You know it is…” I pouted, “ No one else can touch me. I’m yours , aren’t I GGukkie…”
He laughed, rubbing his nose against mine.
“That you are, kitten.”
Kitten? That’s a new one.
Shut up and stay in character , fuck.
I was so fucking screwed.
“ So… will you be gentle?” I whispered , “ I don’t want it to hurt.”
Jungkook wrapped his arms around me rolling over and taking me with him till I was lying flat on top of him.
“Then how about this angel? You can ride me…. As slow and gentle as you like. Make yourself feel good on my cock, yeah….?”
I stared at him.
I’m gonna fuck you and you’re going to do all the work.
He’d played me like a fiddle.
“Well baby? Go on…. Take my pants off.”
I exhaled angrily, before moving down, to tug on his pants. He helped me take them off kicking off his boxer briefs as well.
That’s a beautiful dick. Objectively. Very pretty.
Shut the fuck up.
“ Get it wet for me baby….” He said softly. I glanced down at the hard length of it, jutting out of the small thatch of hair and felt my mouth go dry . Which would be counterproductive if I wanted to get it wet. So I swirled my tongue around my mouth, trying to get my mouth moist, before leaning down and carefully wrapping my lips around the head.
Fuck, he tastes good.
I shook my head a bit to clear the voice in my head, glancing up at him with my lips stretched around the soft pink head and he was looking right back at me, eyes heavy and dark .
“Go on baby, take more of it in, use your tongue…make me feel good.”
I closed my eyes, letting the spit coat the hard length of his cock, sinking down till the tip began to inch down my throat. I sucked lightly, running my tongues back and forth on whatever skin I could touch and it was like sucking a lollipop except the lollipop was thick enough to stretch my mouth wide and hit the back of my throat.
I felt his hand reach into my hair, gripping hard and I whimpered.
“Be gentle…” I whispered, pulling off and his eyebrows shot up , clearly in surprise . He stared at me for a second, as though considering my request and then his fingers loosened , threading through the strands soothingly.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He whispered . I went back to sucking him off, somehow my natural tendency to work hard making me bob up and down, using my tongue and taking him as deep as I could. I felt a sick sort of satisfaction when he moaned in pleasure and for some damn reason I wanted to draw more sounds out of him.
This is a dream. Either that or you tripped over a pothole and fell into another dimension.
“ Are you wet ? Come here, so I can check….” Jungkook said softly and I pulled off moving up to straddle his hips. I flinched when he reached down, tracing my slit with carefully fingers before slipping in two. I tightened against the intrusion, still sore on the inside and he pulled his fingers out, bringing them up to my mouth.
“Suck…and get them nice and wet if you don’t want it to hurt.” He said quietly and I wrapped my lips around his fingers, letting my spit coat the slender digits.
When he pushed them back into me, the slide was easier , wetter and I gripped his shoulders, trying to relax around him. It felt foreign but also good… I felt good…
I stared down at him, the broad muscled body and the handsome face and for a crazy moment I imagine what it would have been, if I had married him. Would it have been this….this… weird pleasure that was somehow both painful and exhilarating at the same time. I bit my lips as he curled his fingers inside me, rubbing at some spot high up inside me that sent heat shooting straight up my spine, slick dripping out of me and onto the hard planes of his stomach like honey from a comb.
“Now sit on my cock.” He said quietly. I trembled, reaching down to lightly grip his cock, moving till the head lined up right against my slit or where I thought my slit was. Biting my lips, I lowered my body, feeling my body cleave to let him in, his cock pressing in and in and in.
My knees gave out and I slid down the length of him, the sudden, incredible fullness knocking the breath right out of me.
“ Fuck…baby….you alright?” He whispered and it messed with my head, the way he actually looked concerned and worried and I couldn’t take anymore of it.
“Please… Please… I just… I want to go home…” I whimpered, feeling full and stretched out, my thighs trembling and my insides wet and warm and somehow stuck between wanting more and wanting it to end.
Jungkook grunted, fingers curling over both my hips and lifting me lightly and with ease.
“Come on baby…. Ride me….” He whispered, “ Put your hands on my chest and roll your hips, up and down .”
I did as he said, one hand braced against his chest, the other gripping his shoulder as I tried to move on him but it was hopeless. I had no energy or inclination to do this and the pleasure was fast ebbing into frustration. Jungkook seemed to sense it because he growled.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking bad at this… Fine… Just lay there and let me use that stupid cunt of yours.” He snapped,  gripping my waist and folding his knees just enough to brace his feet on the bed. I gasped as I got lifted a bit , his cock slipping in impossibly deeper , the tip nudging close to my cervix , the lightest brush of it send sharp jolts of electric pain pleasure up my spine.
“Oh fuck,..” I breathed as he pistoned into me, hips hitting my ass with brutal force as he fucked up into me and I could only tremble, eyes fluttering shut, fingers going numb from how hard I was gripping him.
“You’re gonna cum today… I’m gonna make you cum on my cock…” He growled, reaching down and pressing his thumb against my clit, rubbing softly, slow circles that were almost gentle compared to the brutal pounding oh his hips and I felt my mouth go slack, wetness slipping out of my tongue and dripping down my chin because of how excruciatingly good it felt, having him so deep, pressing in against the edge of my womb and I and to press my palm, right up against my belly , stunned because of how my body seemed to open and shift to make room for him.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, right inside your womb, fuck…. Gonna carry my babies for me, right sweetheart? Gonna watch you get round and full with my seed , watch you drip milk all over me with those beautiful tits….fuck…”
The shock of his words sent me over the edge, my body clenching down on him as I came, my orgasm so strong that I felt like I was cramping up on the inside and I toppled forward onto him, landing on his chest and bouncing a bit. Jungkook grunted a little, wrapping both his arms around me, holding close as he fucked me right through the aftershocks, body stilling only when I stopped shuddering and I felt warm wetness spill inside me, so deep that I knew I would have to swallow three morning after pills after this, although I was on birth control.
Because one could never be too sure with these things.
Jungkook stayed still under me and it took me a few seconds to catch my breath. I finally levered myself off of him, legs shaking as I rolled over and onto the bed before breathing in huge lungfuls of air.
“Can I go?” I choked out.
Jungkook grunted. “ Get the fuck out of here.”
When I stumbled out of the cab, exhausted and out of my mind with self loathing, I didn’t expect to see Hoseok sitting on the pavement outside the bakery, leaning against a streetlight, face warm but determined.
“Hobi?” I asked stunned. “ What are you-“
He cut me off with a kiss.
I stared wide eyed as he pulled me into an embrace, wrapping me in warmth and scent of his cologne, his hands impossibly gentle around me as he all but cradled me against his body, his lips moving gently against mine.
“Elena…” He breathed against my lips, eyes glinting . “ I love you. I’ve been in love with you for years. I’m so fucking sorry for being such a coward but you deserve to know… you deserve to know how I feel about you.”
I stared at him in disbelief, my heart pounding as I punched his chest in desperation.
“No… No fuck you… what are you doing…. He’ll kill you…” I hissed and he tightened his arms around me.
“I don’t care.” He hissed. “ I don’t… I can’t just… I can’t let him hurt you like this. I won’t. I’m going to tell him. I’m going to tell him to let you go or lose our friendship.” He said angrily and I trembled.  
My heart raced because Hoseok was the only one I’d ever loved. In every way a girl could love a boy. He was and had always been this confusing breed of brother and friend while everyone had drooled after Jeon Jungkook , I’d always been drawn to him…drawn to his quiet strength and to the way he had always treated me as an equal…
But… but Jungkook…. Jungkook who would put a bullet in his brain without a thought if he thought that Hoseok was trying to move in on something that belonged to him…..
“Hoseok…just… Don’t. I… I love you too…” I breathed out, tired and scared and so fucking worried because what if someone was listening even now..what if word got to Jungkook and he tried to hurt ….i couldn’t even think it.
“Come find me when Jungkook is busy . When he can’t find us…” I said softly, reaching out and pressing my palm against his face.
“I’m not scared of him.” Hoseok growled  and it was ridiculous.  
“But I’m scared of losing you. “ I said quickly. “ We can’t… He can’t know. Ever.”
Hoseok nodded before pulling me close again.
“Was he too rough?” He whispered and I blinked, flushing. I shook my head.
“No.. I. No. I think…”
“I hate that he was the one to touch you, first. You.. You deserve to know how good it can be…. How gentle.. I want to… fuck…” He shook his head pulling away and I wrapped my arms around myself.
“We can’t…” I said quietly. “ you know we can’t.”
He glanced at me, eyes blazing and lips parted and I groaned.
“Don’t look at me like that Hobi…” I whispered, shaking my head.
“Tomorrow. He’s going to Jeju Do , to inspect a new resort. He won’t be back till the day after. Call in sick at work.” He said quietly and I bit my lips, feeling a bit like a whole idiot.
I nodded.
He reached forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
No self preservation skills at all, I thought miserably.  
If Jungkook found out…….
Author’s Note : I’ll add the taglist here tomorrow
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dr4cking · 3 years
First Time.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
a/n : this was requested but my stupid self accidentally deleted the request. i’m really sorry to that anon 😭💔
y/n hooked her legs on his waist, burying her face onto his neck as he was telling her about his random story.
they were on their cuddling session as she stay over at his dorm tonight, but she has been feeling needy today.
she look up to him admiring his angelic face but all she could focus is on his lips, she adores the way he talks and sharing his story like she is his diary.
without a second thought, she grabbed his jaw tilting him to face her and closing their gap by connecting their lips.
draco stopped talking and put his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.
they have been dating for 3 months, but all they do is just making out because draco knew she is a virgin, not wanting to rush her and making her uncomfortable.
the kiss got heated as her hands now slid into his tshirt and rubbing his abs, and when he feels her hand wanting to take off his shirt he stopped and pulling away.
“y/n.. i dont wanna rush you..” he said but she quickly pulling him again to her, pecking his swollen lips.
“i want this now draco.. i trust you.. please” her kisses move down to his jaw then biting his earlobe making his grip on her waist tightened.
“are you sure love? this is something big for you” he rubbed her back placing some kisses onto her forehead.
“yes i’m sure draco, i want it to be you and only you..” he gives in, his hands roaming up to her body.
"but i need you to stop me when you're not comfortable, okay? promise me you will stop me when you dont like it."
"yes dray i promise." she said as she stroked his blonde hair.
draco leaned in capturing her lips, their lips move in sync as the kiss now get deeper. she pulled his hair lightly and moaned into the kiss, causing butterflies erupted in his stomach.
he pulled away and placed his lips on her jaw kissing it softly and go down to her neck, sucking on her skin making a mark.
"you like it baby? or do you want me stop?" he pulled away staring into her eyes.
"i like it dray, just keep going please” she replies, playing with his hair and poking his cheek.
he keeps marking her neck making her moan softly and one of his hands starts to unbuttoning her shirt.
"is this okay baby? can i take off your shirt?"
"yes draco, do it"
he unbuttoned her shirt throwing it to the floor then unclasping her bra and throwing it to the floor too.
her cheeks heated as her chest now exposed infront of her boyfriend for the first time, her hands naturally covering them.
draco who has been staring at them, practically drooling, look up to her when she covered them with her hands.
"are you uncomfortable, darling? i can stop now"
"no, no dray dont, i still want it but i’m just embarassed, no one has seen me bare chest before" y/n explained preventing him from moving away.
"oh love, dont be embarrased with me, you're a goddess" he said before he kisses her lips gently, she finally gets comfortable and uncovered it.
he continues with his move, attaching his lips to her breast, kissing, licking and sucking her nipple while his hand massaging and playing with the other one. she moans softly running her hands everywhere on his body.
"draco, it feels g-good" she giggles in between her moan, interlocking her hand with his hair gripping on it.
he goes down kissing her stomach lifting up her skirt, his eyes held an adoration look.
"can i take these off, baby? you know you can stop me now" he tugs at the bottom of her skirt.
"please dray take them off" she said desperately giving him his permissions.
he takes her skirt and panties off at the same time.
now y/n is fully naked in front of him making him groaned, his eyes were admiring her glistening folds.
her cheeks heated in embarassment when she realized she's now fully exposed in front of her boyfriend.
"i’ll do something love and if you dont like it or you're not comfortable, please say stop, okay? promise me."
"yes, yes, draco, i promise."
he rubbed her clit gently earning a low moan from her, she closed her eyes as she arched her back, feeling the new sensation.
he positioned his face between her thighs and kitten lick her clit, teasing and eventually sucking it.
then he slowly inserting his finger into her cunt, she moaned louder and gripped the sheets tighter.
"baby, are you okay?” he said looking at her to find any discomfort in her eyes.
"keep doing it draco it feels so good”
he groaned when he feels her tightness, he adds another fingers, pumping into her faster and his lips sucking her clit harder.
y/n is a moaning mess now, this is her first time and it already feels really good.
"draco, i feel something i dont know what it is" she moaned loudly, clawing her nails on his shoulder.
"you're gonna cum baby, just let it out, i got you" as soon as draco say that, she came undone on his fingers, moaning into the pillow as she came, catching her breath.
"draco.. that was amazing” she smiles at him, her hands now unbuckling his trousers.
"i’m glad you feel good love. but are you 100% sure about this? please tell me to stop if you cant take it okay?" draco asked her as he helped her taking off his clothes. pulling out his hard cock, precum has already oozing out.
"yes, draco, i promise i’ll tell you. now do it, i cant wait any longer"
he lets out a throaty-groans at her wish, pumping his cock few times and lining up at her entrance making she gasped.
he slowly entering half of his cock inside her, they both moaning at the feeling of being connected for the first time.
she digging her nails on his back deeper, tears rolling down off of her eyes.
he looked up at her and stop his move instantly.
"baby, are you okay? is it hurting so much? i'll stop now."
"no, dray, it hurts a bit but dont stop, please, i can take it" she looks straightly at his worried eyes giving him her smile reassuring him.
"just do whatever you wanna do to ease the pain, you can scratch my back or grip onto my hair, okay?"
"yes dray" she replied, holding his biceps.
he moves again and pushing his cock fully inside her in one snap making her gripped his hair tighter, shutting her eyes as she steadying her breath.
he paused and let her adjust. she slowly open her eyes and nodded at him telling him she is okay.
he made a slow move, groaning at the feeling of her tightness wrapping his cock so perfect.
y/n was no longer crying, she throws her head in pleasure as he pulls his cock out and slamming it inside again, making her screaming his name louder.
"draco, draco.. it feels so good dray- harder please" she moans loudly at the new feeling, scratching his back and wrapped her legs on his waist.
"fuck baby you're so tight.. shit-" he moaned onto her neck pushing his cock deeper inside her.
she suddenly screamed his name out loud and he knew he just hit her spot. he keeps thrusting into it making her squirmed, the pleasure has been unbearable.
"draco.. yes.. i feel so full" she moans as he thrusts faster inside her, he can feels her walls clenching around him telling him that she's close.
"let it out y/n cum on my cock, love" he circled her clit in eight figures making her writhed at the double pleasure.
"yes draco.. i’m gonna cum" she screamed his name out loud as she cums hard on her boyfriend’s cock.
he ride out her high and reaching his high, his thrusts became sloppier as he feels his high approaching him.
he kissed her passionately, his lips are trembling as he feels his cock twitching inside her.
resting his head on her neck and screaming her name out loud, he finally came, hard.
he shuts his eyes in pleasure, mouth hung open as he catches his breaths, ropes after ropes of his cum shooting inside her.
y/n moaned, feeling so full. he ride out his orgasm before pulling out, slapping his softening cock on her pussy, landing the last cum before collapsing on her body, panting heavily.
he gets up to get the towel to do the aftercare and wiped their mixed cum, cleaning her up gently before slowly getting on the bed again, playing with her hair.
“thank you dray.. that was the perfect first time i’ve always imagined” she chuckles bringing him into her arms under the covers.
“no need to thank me love, i’m honored to be your first”
“i love you so much draco..” he smiles widely at this, ruffling her hair.
“i love you so much more y/n you have no idea..” and with that he reconnects their lips before wrapping her in his arms slowly falling to a deep sleep.
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @angelic-bitxh @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @dlmmdl @i-love-scott-mccall @acciodignity @slythermuf @maybesandohnos @rylynn-m @arzfia @seriouslyinlove @alexthealexthealex @yvonnearce22
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phrynewrites · 2 years
(Basically the jasco teachers au 😂)
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👄 sharing their first kiss
😬 confessing feelings
📆 office romance
“Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
The people wanted a little soft and a little horny and more after the sex ed prompt, and who am I but a woman of the people? This happens a few days after the sex ed prompt (and catch the slight angst I couldn't help but include.) Enjoy!
“Are you trying to turn me on, or are you really just that oblivious?”
Jasmine says it without a lick of vigor in her tone, the sultry notes Bosco discovered she was capable of clearly missing. And yet, they jolted at the sound of Jasmine behind them.
“Wait, what?” Bosco pulls their ear bud out and sets it down gently, pretending as though Jasmine hadn’t caught them off guard.
She points at the screen. “The whale documentary. You know, from the time we taught sex ed?” She rests her other hand on Bosco’s shoulder, the fabric of their starched button down suddenly not feeling thick enough. “It’s like you knew I was coming.”
Jasmine trails off into a giggle as she settles into the seat next to her, stirring a packet of sugar into her coffee.
“Ah, yes, I knew you were coming to the teachers lounge at our shared workplace and planned accordingly.” Bosco steals her mug and takes a sip, leaving a shocking red lipstick stain on the rim. “We’re moving into oceanic vocabulary, so I’ll be sure to keep my door closed during your prep-period, so you don’t get turned on my me saying préservation de l'environnement”
“I, uh…” Jasmine busies herself brushing her hair back into it’s claw clip, and Bosco knows just how much they’ve gotten to her, just how much the thought sticks with her. “It’s appreciated.”
Bosco takes their time studying her, the flush across her cheeks, how she pushes up the sleeves of her sweater, the clusters of rhinestones clicking together with her rapid movements. It all pulls them back to the fact that Jasmine had called them out for playing with her hair, for holding her head in their lap. The fact that Camden had pulled them aside the morning after and let loose that she’d accidentally, maybe, potentially said aloud to Jasmine that Bosco had a crush on her.
“Don’t you have any conferences?” Jasmine tries to retreat from the subject and push Bosco’s thoughts aside.
Just for a moment only. They shake their head and launch right back into “So how exactly did your idea of foreplay become, like holding hands and watching Planet Earth?” They rest their head on their palm, eyes bright, mischievous. Lying in wait for a reaction, a way of knowing whether Jasmine remembered what Camden had told her.
“Since when were you interested in my—” Jasmine throws back, before she’s cut off again.
“Do you have any more conferences tonight?” Bosco reaches out and fits a loose strand of hair behind Jasmine’s ear. And at Bosco’s touch, trailing down from her ear, across her jaw, Jasmine prickles. She runs cold.
And Bosco does the same, feeling the room shift beneath them.
Jasmine knows.
She swallows. “I just finished.”
“So you have nothing else to do?” Bosco presses their hand into Jasmine’s forearm, fixing their gaze on hers. Taking Jasmine’s blown-out expression for an answer, they continue. “Do you want to watch this with me?”
There’s a sharp intake of breath and Jasmine’s speechless, somehow speechless. She closes her eyes, like she’s unsure, like she’ll open them and not be met with Bosco sat across from her.
And then she responds, quiet. Quiet enough that it doesn’t fully break through the hum of the air conditioning, the minute hand on the wall clock ticking forward. “Are you actually flirting with me?”
Bosco knows the underlying question is “or are you just messing with me?” So. they bring their other hand up to clasp Jasmine’s.
“Yeah, actually I am.”
Jasmine’s fingers tangle with theirs, so they continue. “Look, I’m still trying to sort through the feelings I have for you, but…I know they’re there. For you. Whenever I’m with you. So if you want-”
With her touch, Jasmine leaves their words frozen on their lips, her hand atop Bosco’s face, thumb washing over their cheek. It’s gentle, Bosco thinks. They hadn’t expected gentle.
“I do want that,” Jasmine finally says, words lifting into a smile, eyes closed, cheeks high and bright.
And Bosco captures that smile. Jasminne’s lips are soft against their own, her grasp of their hand firm, pulling them ever closer, making Bosco press deeper. Their noses bump and Jasmine lets out a giggle, like pennies splashing when thrown into a well. And when Jasmine pulls away, she’s still got the trace of laughter and a red-tint to her lips.
“So how are you feeling now?” Jasmine trails down to cup their chin.
Jasmine jumps back, hands clasped, head turned.
A wince followed by a hiss to “shut up.”
And when they finally pull their gaze off of Jasmine, her face reflecting a car crash in the intersection before her, they find Kornbread and Orion, a pile of spaghetti slipping out of the tupperware Orion’s holding, spilling on the floor, and Kornbread’s eyes blown wide, a finger slowly raising to point at the two.
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wdwmarveldisney · 3 years
Hey again I have another isaac imagine again for the same situation as the last ones 😂 again I really appreciate u doing these they are really fantastic it brightens my day up when I see the notification honestly💕so it’s the start of 3b and instead of Allison it’s y/n who went underwater with Scott and stiles for that sacrifice thing and in season 2 maybe she got tortured by Gerard so she’s hallucinating him when she’s in school and stuff which makes her more defensive and gives her a shorter temper but also nervous and jittery and the scene where Allison almost shoots Lydia in the woods and isaac catches it they r just practicing and maybe in school y/n is hallucinating and runs into the woods and sees a arrow being shot and that like sets her off and sees Gerard and not Allison or Lydia and that’s when y/n throws the arrow back and that’s when the arrow nearly hits Lydia and isaac catches it (he’s followed y/n into the woods after seeing her freak out) and maybe the first few times she freaks out isaac helps her but maybe one times it’s really bad and someone else is there for her (Scott or even the twins) and isaac sees and it’s kinda when it registers in him that the two of them have actually broken up and he can’t always be there for her now since he broke up with her and maybe when it happen stiles says to him something about how him being there might do more harm than good since it hasn’t been that thing since he broke up with her and she’s still really hurt and seeing him will only make it worse (considering the relationship with stiles and isaac stiles would be brutally honest with him . Also he is a bit salty he hurt his best friend who’s like a sister to him)and the others times he helped her she was vulnerable and just needed anyone there for her so it also a cute friendship one with stiles and Scott or the twins whichever ones u choose that help her. Again I hope this makes sense sorry it’s so long ❤️
Can’t Be There For You
Isaac Lahey x reader
Summary: When you drown yourself in a bath of ice water to save your friends' parents and end up connecting with an ancient, supernatural tree, you'd probably expect it to screw with your brain.
A/N: Okay yes this took way too long and I’m so sorry about that. And honestly, I can’t stop smiling at the fact you said it brightens my day. It means a lot so thank you. Also not proofread so I apologise for all mistakes and there’s probably going to be quite a few.
GIF isn’t mine
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Being on high alert all the time was not fun, especially when you're a werewolf. But when you drown yourself in a bath of ice water to save your friends' parents and end up connecting with an ancient, supernatural tree, you'd probably expect it to screw with your brain. It was screwing with your head too much, too many hallucinations and sounds that weren't there really making you feel crazy. You had told only Isaac at first before telling Scott and Stiles after a while. But you had found a few things that sometimes helped, one being a run. Running cleared your head and always ended being something you needed.
You were with Scott, Stiles and Isaac when this hallucination started up, Gerard standing at the desk with his arms crossed as he tortured you yet again. You screwed your eyes shut at first to block it out but it was too strong and too loud. Nobody noticed anything until your breathing became a little heavier and you accidentally snapped part of the chair you were sitting on. When you realised they realised, you quickly excused yourself with a small 'I gotta go,' and left without any word of acknowledgement to their worried calls. You drove out to the preserve, changing your shoes before putting some music on to try and block out the words and memories playing on repeat in your head. Each punch, each shot of electricity, each bullet and waterboarding was something you'd never forget and never wanted to happen to someone else ever. That feeling of the water passing through the cloth and the struggle to breath was often how you woke up now, clawing at your throat like it would help.
One earphone in and the other swaying around as you ran, you were a good five songs in before you heard it. There was a snap of twig from somewhere behind you and suddenly everything else shut out as you spun round and round to try and find the source. Swoosh. Leaning to the side, you grabbed at the arrow as your breath began to pick up and your heightened senses overloaded. Panic took control of your conscious mind and all you could see was Gerard standing there, crossbow in hand. Without any thought to it, you threw the arrow back perfectly and once you blinked, a gasp left you. It wasn't Gerard you had almost killed but instead a wide eyed Lydia, one of your closest friends, and it wasn't for Isaac, well you didn't want to think about that.
The blonde was quick to drop the arrow and rush to you, who had stumbled back into a tree behind you and slid to the ground as you tried to will yourself not to lose control again. But your claws still grew and your eyes glowed that bright gold. You could hear his voice echo in your head and you could see him crouching in front of you until you looked down to the gentle hand on your shoulder and then you finally saw who was in front of you and felt the relief flood over you as Isaac tried to calm you down. He offered you his hands, counting to ten with you as you squeezed each finger.
His smile was worried and scared and you hated yourself for doing that to him. Your head fell back against the bark as you held his hand to hopefully anchor you, "I'm fine," Isaac's splutters made you smile lightly before you lifted your head and looked towards Lydia just behind him, "I'm sorry I almost killed you," she gave a shrug, knowing what was up with you and knowing it wasn't something you meant to do. Once Isaac was sure you were okay, he lead you back to the cars after admitting he followed you and that was the last time he helped you with one of those before he broke up with you.
He didn't even know you carried on having them until he was looking Scott and found him, Stiles and Aiden standing around you with Ethan standing nervously at the side, trying to comfort you as you wiped at your eyes. You were sitting in the showers in the boys locker room, a technique he knew was Scott's doing. Isaac was about to offer his help when it finally hit him how little help that would be. You still hadn't started talking to him anymore than you had to and it killed him he couldn't be there for you anymore. You needed him and he bailed out. And of course Stiles Stilinski was there to remind him of that.
"Lahey, I think you should go. It's not a good time," before Isaac could even protest, saying that he knew that, Stiles carried on, "You being here isn't going to do her any good. Actually, it's probably going to send her into a werewolf frenzy again since she's only really just got control and then when she's beating your little werewolf ass in a fight, I'm going to be in her corner cheering her on," he gave an overly sweet smile as Isaac glanced between a heavily breathing you and an annoyed Stiles. "I know. I know, just, she has this calming technique where she squeezed your fingers to count to ten, okay? It helps a lot, she showed it to me. You just have to do it on repeat until she's calm,"
Seeing how serious Isaac was, Stiles gave a nod and watched the boy hesitantly leave before heading back and make sure Scott had listened in like usual and clearly he had because he already kneeled in front of you and was counting quietly with you as the gold faded. Aiden was by your side, arm around you since Stiles left to get rid of Isaac and the Stilinski boy already made his way back. He sat on your other side and let your head fall to his shoulder when you stopped counting. "You okay now?"
"I don't have any spare clothes and my socks are wet so no, not completely," you laughed with Scott and Stiles as the twins shared a relieved smile and your two best friends helped you up and towards some extra clothes you could borrow.
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redgalaxyarts · 3 years
Cat Fucker - Shinso/Reader
Synopsis: You get hit with a mutation quirk while chasing a villain and while you're waiting to transform back to normal, Shinso finds you. (MxF reader)
Warnings: Language, violence, fluff, smut, masturbation, quirk use, choking, gagging, spanking, pet play, pet names, deg/praise, breeding kink, very slight dubcon if you squint
The reader has a fireball quirk, your hero name is Cherrybomb.
(Y/H/C = your hair color)
The chill of the cold night air hits your sweaty face and palms creating a slight tinge of pain from the contrast between the temperature of the night and your body. You have been running away from the robbery in progress after the police arrived to chase after the villain who caused it. Your calves burn and your feet feel like glass from how long you've been running and chasing after him. You dip, dodge, and jump over all the obstacles in your way and as he threw something behind him, you just barely ducked enough for it to only graze your palms as you tossed it out of the way, a little scrape left in the wake.
"Will you fucking stop already?!" You scream out to the villain dressed in an all-black outfit with a purple short cape swirled with various patterns that seem reminiscent of various animal footprints on it.
"You seem too slow hero, might need some help with that!" The guy yells back before slapping a random shape on the back of his cape and using his fist to throw an orb of light at you but you quickly sidestep out of the way just in time.
Taking the chance after he stumbled from throwing it at you, you open your palm wide and fire three balls of fire at the villain in front of you. They all land perfectly into his side and he doubles over and falls over his own two feet while running. He skids along the pavement and takes out a lamppost in the process but he ultimately comes to a stop and lays still while breathing shallow breaths.
"Hah, I, hah I got you, villain." You say panting and out of breath. "Damn I need to work on my stamina." You say mostly to yourself.
You bend down and flip the villain over onto his back before grabbing a tight pair of handcuffs from your utility belt and quickly clasping his wrists with them and hiking him onto his two feet.
"Cherrybomb did you apprehend the suspect?" Your partner Shinso asks you over your earpeice.
You reach your free hand up and tap the button before replying.
"Yeah just now. Head back to the office and I'll meet you there after I call a cruiser to take him to the station."
"Heard, stay safe."
You confirm with Shinso and tighten your grip on the suspect before notifying the police of your new location and wait for them to arrive.
Only a few minutes pass before the cruisers show up and they grab the villain from your arms, and right as you're about to pull away, the suspect breaks free from one of the officers grasp and walks darts towards you and grabs your wrist in an attempt to attack you while you were distracted talking to civilians. You turn around to attack him back but the officer already managed to grab him before another brawl could start and slapped him with another pair of cuffs. Unbeknownst to any of you, he was able to slap a paw print on the back of his cape and touch you with it when he grabbed your wrist. The villain gets shoved headfirst into the back of the quirk and armor-proof van before the doors shut loudly and they drive away.
"Cherrybomb! Cherrybomb yet another excellent takedown of a villain and you stopped the bank robbery with no casualties, how did you do it?" A reporter asks while the cameraman points the camera towards you and you confidently reply how you normally always do.
You freeze in confusion, the reporter freezes in confusion, and so does the crowd that has gathered around you all.
"I'm sorry, meow?"
You go to speak again but before you can, you feel a tingle in your hands and you look down to see that your fingertips are slowly morphing into sharp feline-like claws.
You roll your eyes and mutter a "fuck" out loud but to everyone else it just sounds like another meow. Before you could be bombarded with more questions, you take off running down the road and into the secret alleyway you knew one on would find you at. You had found this alleyway months ago after you had gotten beat up pretty bad in a brawl with the LOV and managed to stay secluded all night until you told Shinso your coordinates to find you.
When you duck under the torn hole in the chainlink fence to get to the hiding spot, you brace yourself up against the back of the brick building and look down at your hands to see they've morphed into paws as well as your feet. When you look back up at the brick, you also notice you've gotten incredibly smaller than you remember. It wasn't until you turn around and see a big fluffy tail attached to your butt that you realize what that villain's quirk was; Beastmorph. He turned you into a cat.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." You say to yourself in your head. You try and find a way to break out of your transformation by running headfirst into the brick wall but all you get out of it is a nasty headache, you can't seem to break out of it by force. You shake your head and droop your ears at the pain and lick your paw and rub your ear to ease the pain.
You saunter around the damp alleyway and see your reflection in a puddle next to a garbage bin and stare into it. You see a slight scar from where you headbutted yourself and notice your very fluffy y/h/c fur blowing in the slight breeze and getting damp from the rain that started to roll in overhead. Staring into your feline eyes in the puddle, you don't even notice the hulking figure walk up behind you and scoop you up. You yelp at the sudden loss of connection of concrete on your paws but feel relaxed in the strong arms of however picked you up, even more so when you feel two soft fingertips rub behind your ears.
"Hey, kitty kitty what are you doing out here?" You look up and instantly recognize the purple hair of who grabbed you.
If a cat could look surprised, you were surely embodying it.
"Where the hell is y/n, she's not at the office and she's not here. God, I hope she's alright."
The rain starts to fall harder and you yelp at the sudden feeling of your soaked fur. You accidentally sink your claws into Shinso's arm while hiking your butt up to try and shake off the wetness and you hear him slightly gasp at the pain.
"Hey hey, kitty it's okay. Come on let me take you home and get out of this rain."
Before you can try and jump out of his arms, he grips you tightly and covers you under his cape while taking off his mask and doing his best to walk under awnings to keep you both from getting even wetter.
You recognize all the turns and roads Shinso takes to get back to his house as you've been there multiple times. It doesn't take him very long to make it back and when he enters his house he shuts the door behind him and places you on his comfy couch. You drop with a slight bounce before he sets his things down on the counter and locks the door behind him.
"Make yourself at home kitty, I'll keep you here tonight and figure out what to do with you tomorrow."
He leans over the back of the couch and starts petting your head and back, and while it feels awkward, it also brings on a strange warmth that you haven't felt before. You smile the best a cat can and you feel your tail swish back and forth. Shinso chuckles before scratching a certain place on your lower back, right above your tail, and your eyes practically bulge out of your head at the extremely weird pleasure it brings on. You are torn between trying to move away or enduring the weird feeling, and it wasn't until you feel a rumble in your chest that you realize you're purring so you decide to hold out and enjoy the scratches.
"Good kitty."
His words strike a chord in your head and you roll your eyes and shiver from the unknown feeling inside of you. Shinso smiles once more before stopping and turns into the kitchen and grabbing a bowl from a cabinet.
You whine at the loss of contact and hop up on the back of the couch and stare at him while cocking your ears behind your head and staring at him.
"Sorry girl, I don't have any cat food but I'll pick some up tomorrow after work."
He says to you as he places a glass bowl of water down on the floor next to a wall. You hop off the couch and walk down next to it, as much as you highly don't want to drink from a bowl like some animal, you are pretty parched from the earlier fight so you lap it up while you can. When you finish slurping it up, you look up and see that Shinso has disappeared and you go to look around his house for him before you see his bedroom door open. You strut over into it and your eyes go wide at the sight in front of you.
His shirt is off of his body and he's walking around in just his boxers as he takes his dirty uniform and tosses it into the laundry basket. His slight muscle definition makes your mouth water when he turns around and you catch a good look at his back. This is the first time you've seen Shinso completely shirtless within the few years of working at the agency together, which is surprising considering the countless amount of times you two have had to patch each other up, he's even seen you completely shirtless besides your breasts as you've always covered them. You walk further into the room and he turns around and you see an array of patchwork tattoos scattering along his arms and a few on his chest. A few of these you've seen before, but you also notice many new ones which make your mouth water even more that your tongue lulls out the side of it.
You are quickly blushed when you see that he's about to pull his boxers down, and with the fear of perversion coming over you, you quickly pounce out of the room and back onto the couch. You shake the thoughts from your head until you hear Shinso's voice speaking to you from two places at once; your head and the adjacent room.
"Y/n, where in the fuck are you. You weren't at the office or your alleyway. Are you alive?" He asks you over the earpiece, which is weirdly enough still attached to you in your cat form. You go to speak but remember how it came out as a meow last time, but you are surprised by the actual words from your mouth.
"Yes I'm okay, I had a uhm, accident and I'm waiting for it to subside." You speak in your actual voice from underneath the couch where you moved to in fear that Shinso would hear or find you.
"What? What accident?"
"A mishap with the villain's quirk I think. I'll be okay I'm just waiting for it to disappear. "
"I-okay then. I'll see you at work tomorrow." He says more of a question than a statement.
"If I'm better by then, sure."
"Okay, goodnight y/n."
"Night Toshi."
You get out from under the couch and trample into his bedroom after checking if the coast is clear first. You see that the en suite bathroom is in use by him when you hear the shower start and him grumbling as he steps inside. You leap onto his bed and stare at yourself into the mirror attached to his side wall that faces the bed. You stare into your eyes and notice that your pupils are no longer stretched like a cat's eyes are and that they've reverted back to your normal eye color and shape. With your voice back and your eyes reverting back your normal body should return by tomorrow. Oh shit, your normal body will return tomorrow. How can you leave without Shinso catching you?
You're caught off guard when you hear the bathroom door open and steam billowing out of it and a very stark naked and dripping wet Shinso walk out of it.
"Me-ow" You gulp to yourself out loud when you see him walk over to the bed while wiping his damp hair with the tan towel around his broad shoulders. You can't help but trace his body down and notice the purple patch of hair above his pelvis and the happy trail connected to it, it fits perfectly against the shallow v-line under his hips.
You feel a shiver ripple through your body and your tail swish back and forth slowly while you take in the sight of the juicy man in front of you. You don't even hop off the bed when he sits down on it next to you and begins petting you. A very loud purr erupts from you and you nudge your head against his hands before he pulls away and scoots you a little bit away so he can get under the comforter.
He turns on his side and flicks off the bedroom light before huffing and puffing while rolling back over onto his back. He slides his fingers through his hair and tugs on it slightly before sliding his hands down his face and dropping them on top of the blanket. He turns back over to you and smiles as he pets your head.
"I hope y/n is okay kitty. You'd like her if you met her, she's beautiful and sweet to every animal she meets. She has one hell of a mouth on her to just about everyone else though." Shinso chuckles to himself at the last thought and you can't help but feel taken off guard at the unknown compliment he gave you. "What I wouldn't do to just make her shut up sometimes."
You quietly gulp to yourself when you feel him tense up while he's petting you before he stops entirely and sits up in his bed and scoots you off of it and towards the door but never shutting it. He whispers something that you don't quite hear before walking back towards his bed and sitting up against the headboard.
You can't help your curiosity as you tip-toe your toe beans into his room and tilt your head around the edge of his dresser and catch sight of what he was doing.
He groans as he rests his head back against the headboard with his eyes shut and his one hand tracing his nipples while the other strokes his cock to get it hard while quietly muttering your name. He's sitting above the comforter and you feel impressed at the endowment of him, you'd never think he'd be that big. You lick your lip and accidentally catch your tongue on your fang before shaking your head and walking closer to the bed to hear and see him better, your morals are entirely out of the window as you don't care how wrong it is to watch your coworker touch himself to the thought of you.
"Fuck." He moans out as he takes his thumb and spreads his precum around his cock while rubbing his nipple with his thumb. He pumps himself while squeezing the base of his cock and you see him shiver at the feeling with taking his free hand and dropping it onto the comforter and gripping the sheets until his knuckles turn white.
"Y/n, just like that, fuck." He says shutting his eyes tightly while envisioning you riding his cock all nice and tight.
You've somehow found your way into his closet and are staring at him through the doorframe of it. Also at this point, you haven't noticed that your hands and feet have reverted back to normal, along with everything else about you. Well, besides the fact that you still have your tail and cat ears. You still don't realize it when you take your hand and touch yourself along with him and rolling your eyes backward when you feel your fingers rub your clit in pace with his pumps.
Moving your hand in time with Shinso's, you stick your fingers into your wet cunt and you moan out his name at the feeling of it, but you quickly clasp a hand over your mouth and put your back against the closet door hoping he didn't notice.
At the sound of your moan, Shinso shoots his eyes open and his head pops up and he stops touching himself while looking around the room. He quietly turns on the end table light and his eyes squint at something in his bedroom when he sees your bare foot poking out of the side of his closet. He gets up from his bed very quietly and walks over to the door and slaps his hand alongside the doorframe making you scream before slamming the oak door right into his face.
Confusion, arousal, and aggravation fall over Shinso's body at the sight he saw before him. He saw you standing stark naked in his closet, with your fingers deep in your cunt, with a pair of cat ears and a tail matching the cat he took home earlier today. He scans the room and takes in the fact that the cat is nowhere to be seen and he smirks as his knuckles come up to the closet door to lightly rap against the wood.
"Oh y/n?"
Silence, which is hard considering you're still touching yourself while also biting your hand and clamping your eyes shut as you try and hold back your lewd noises.
"I know it's you."
It's no use, you can't help but let your noises and words slip.
A flip switches inside of your body and you're frozen, waiting for some unseen instructions to guide you. Shinso smirks to himself and you curse at yourself in your head as you forgot about his quirk.
"Open the door and come out."
His husky tone sends shivers down your body as you do exactly what he says. You open the door and see him standing there with his arm above your head resting against the closet doorframe. You step in front of him and his free hand comes up to grip your chin and stare into his eyes and the contact breaks you out of your trance.
"Hi, kitten." He says hungrily.
"H-hi Toshi." You gulp at getting caught and now fully realize you're, mostly, back to normal.
"So this is the mishap? Didn't think to tell me about it?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't even know what happened. The villain must've blindsided me with his quirk and I got turned into a cat."
You don't know why you feel like you have to explain yourself to him, but you're utterly at his mercy and it isn't at all due to his quirk. You're entirely yourself right now.
"Hm, how unfortunate. It's even more unfortunate about what I'm going to do to you for deceiving me."
You gulp.
"What, uhm, how did I deceive you?"
"You acted like such a good kitten when in reality I know you're nothing but a slut wanting to be fucked by me. Dirty fucking girl."
"Toshi, no I can't, we can't."
That trance is back that you felt before.
"Shut up."
You do.
His hand drops from your chin and he stands confident and tall above you.
"Get your ass on the bed and wait for me."
Your feet mindlessly walk on their own. You squat onto his bed and turn towards him while sitting on your thighs and letting them plump out around you. Your palms rest against your thighs and your tail swishes back and forth while you wait for him.
"Good girl."
You're still locked in the trance but you feel the pool starting to drip from your cunt at his words and actions. You watch as he stalks over to you, like the way a cat does to a mouse, but in this case, you're the ladder in this situation.
You gulp when you feel his fingers trace your bare chest before stopping on your breast and giving one a good squeeze. You moan while getting knocked from your trance and he takes that as an invitation to continue. He releases your breast and immediately grips the back of your neck with force before bending down and kissing you sloppily and passionately at the same time. You moan even more and you feel him smirk into you as his free hand traces down your breasts, flicking your nipple, then trailing it down to your sopping core. You whimper when you feel his finger ghost over your warm folds and then he slides his finger in between them to catch all the juices coming from you.
"Well look at this, my kitten is all nice and wet for me already. I knew you were a slut y/n."
You roll your eyes at the words and it was a big mistake on your part when you feel a slap against your breast and you gasp and look up to the lavender eyes drilling into yours.
"Don't be a fucking brat with me." He dips two fingers between your folds again and as you whimper, he takes that chance to stick them into your mouth and down your throat. "Taste yourself and shut up." His hand grips the back of your neck tighter and bends it back as his two fingers get shoved down your throat and you gag on his fingers. Tears prick your eyes at the feeling and you feel yourself grow wetter and wetter at the force and words he's using on you and you just want more.
He pulls away from you and you both smirk at the long strands of saliva that trail from his fingers and your mouth and he licks it off his own fingers before releasing your neck and pushing you down onto the bed.
"Do you taste good kitten? Spread your legs for me and let your owner taste."
"Ho, fuck Toshi."
You say as he pushes you back and bites your thigh, but he shoots up and tuts at you.
"It's master now."
Your eyes roll back in pleasure as he spreads your legs and kisses your folds and you let bliss take you.
"Ye-yes master." You bite on your finger from the pleasure and use your other hand to twist into Shinso's locks. He groans into your pussy when he feels you tug on his hair and as you buck your hips into his mouth, he wraps an arm around your thigh and rests his hand flat against your pelvis, and uses his other hand to rub up and down your chest and squeezes your breasts making you shiver and shake.
His tongue is that of a god, he's eating you out like no other has done before and you don't want him to ever stop. His tongue speaks passion into your core as he twists your nipple in between his thumb and forefinger and gives it a sharp tug which makes your chest rise and gasps of pleasure drip from your mouth. You feel him smirk into your pussy and your thighs clamp around his head when he nibbles your clit and he smiles even more with the feeling of it happening.
Within minutes you're seeing stars as he plunges the hand he was using on your breasts into your warm cunt while he uses the hand on your pelvis to rub your clit. He sees you trying to resist the urge to cum and he feels himself grow harder which only causes a mix of pleasure and pain to score through him. He needs contact but he only wants the focus on you, he only wants his precious kitten to feel good tonight.
"Fuck master, can I cum? Can I please cum baby?" You beg him as you knot his hair tighter with both hands now.
"Go ahead kitten, cum on my face for me."
He plunges into you and rubs harder at the same pace and dips his mouth back to your pussy before you release onto his face so much that it drips down his chin. He pumps you a few more times before pulling his fingers out of you and smiling down at you panting and wiping sweat from your brow.
You're caught off guard when his dominant persona is dropped as he bends down and kisses you on the forehead and lips before checking in on you.
"Are you okay baby? Can you keep going or can you stop?" He asks so sweetly and innocently.
You run a hand through his hair softly and swipe your thumb against his lips before bending up and kissing him, tasting a mix of himself and your fresh juices which make you want round 2 even more now.
"Please master, I want you to fuck your little kitten-like no one else has before." You whisper seductively into his ear before nibbling on it and licking his neck and falling back down onto the bed.
"Holy fuck." You managed to catch him off guard this time. He gets back into the persona, now even more eager before gripping your hips so tight you know for a fact you'll bruise, and flipping you over with a hard bounce back on the bed and you gasp when you feel him hike your ass into the air.
"Look at your precious cunt, so beautiful and wet for me." He smacks your ass and you yelp out in pleasure before he scissors inside of you with his fingers, stretching you out and pulling away and to his side drawer.
"No master, let kitten feel you. Please?" You ask him while reaching back to grip his wrist.
"You want me to fill you nice and full with my cum kitten? Dirty fucking girl."
He spits into his hand and pumps himself a couple of times before lining himself up with your hole. He grabs both of your ass cheeks and rubs them gingerly with his thumbs before spreading your lips and entering your pussy slowly, getting you used to him.
"Hah, fuck Toshi- Master, I don't care, oh fuck." You shake out the words as you feel him bottom out inside of you and you don't even fathom how you managed to take him so well. Your toes are already clenching when he pulls out and slides back in just as slow as he did before.
"Fuck yeah kitten, I'm gonna fill you so good and full with my cum. Can't wait to have my fucking child can you?"
His head falls backward as he starts to pick up the pace inside of you and groans loudly when he feels you squeeze around him. The villain's quirk has entirely disappeared by now but neither of you has noticed and neither of you cares from the absolute ecstasy you both are receiving from the other.
His cock is slamming back and forth into you at an incredible pace. For every handful of hard pumps into you, it's followed by a slow and teasing pound that hits your spot perfectly every time. You don't know how long you've been going at this, minutes, hours, doesn't matter, you don't want it to ever stop. Your pussy clenches around his cock like it was perfectly molded to be there. Shinso slaps your ass with so much force it leaves a gorgeous dark handprint afterward. You both moan out a "fuck" from the way it made your pussy jump and Shinso picks up his pace inside of you.
"I-I'm about to cum Toshi, fill me up nicely with your cum baby."
You barely manage to get out as he slams harder into you, hitting your g-spot with precision. He smirks and you hear it in his moans. He slows down slightly before bending down and slowly tracing his hands along your sides, squeezing your breasts, gripping your throat, and bringing you back up with him so that your back is against his chest. This new position has you absolutely in pure bliss. You see your entire life flash before your eyes when he grips your throat tightly and bites the side of your neck while his other hand rests against your hip bone and rubs circles into it.
"You're going to be such a good mother, baby." He bites your neck harder. "You're taking my cock so nice, and I'm about to fill you to the brim with my cum. Can't wait to see your stomach bulge with my kid." With that last sentence, his hand moves from your hip to your stomach and he pushes on it, especially in the place where he feels himself slightly bulge your stomach.
"Fuck, can't wait to be a daddy huh? Fill me the fuck up already." You quip back to him, gathering confidence when you feel his thrusts become sloppier and you know he's about to cum with you.
"Watch your tone." He says into your ear while gripping your throat even tighter, cutting your breath off a little before kissing you on the lips and biting your lip while letting go of your throat to let you breathe.
As soon as he bites into your shoulder, you both moan out at the same time when you each release with one another. Your cum mixes with his as he shoots his seed deep inside your cunt. You feel it pulse inside you and your tongue lolls out at the feeling. Shinso keeps himself inside of you until your cunt takes every last drop and when he's content with how much he filled you, he slowly pulls out and watches the cum drip from you before using his fingers to push it back in.
"Keep it in there while I go get a towel to clean us up."
You whimper out a confirmation and as soon as Shinso steps out, you fall back onto the bed and giggle to yourself at the absolutely insane situation you just had. You'd never imagine that you'd fuck your coworker but here you are. You don't move when Shinso comes back and kisses you on the forehead and lips while he wipes in between your legs and anywhere else you may feel hot or sticky. You grab him before he moves away and you bring his forehead down to yours and give him a sweet kiss on his lips and you both smile at each other.
Shinso tosses the towel into the basket and slides under the covers next to you. He lifts his arm up to have you slide up next to him and he breathes out a content sigh.
"So...have you always wanted to fuck a cat?" You ask trying to break the ice.
Shinso laughs and gets beat red at your comment and turns his head to face you.
"No, no I haven't. To be clear, I didn't want to fuck a cat, I just wanted to fuck you."
"You surely did." You pause before your next thought. "Did you mean what you said when you were talking to the uh, well, cat-me?"
"All of it, yeah."
"Oh, cool, cool."
You stop for a minute and try and get comfortable but there's still an unease in the air.
"Look, if this was just a horny-sex haze type of thing for you I get it. I won't mention it again." You say while sitting up to talk to him, as your breasts fall from the sheets, Shinso can't help but stare. You giggle and snap your fingers in front of his face to get him to look at you.
"No y/n, it's not a one-time thing for me. I don't know what I feel for you but I know it's not a one-night stand type of feeling."
"Oh..good, cause I'm pretty sure I fell in love with your dick."
Shinso bursts out into a fit of laughter before pulling you down on top of him and kissing you intensely and having you straddle him.
"Funny, my dick fell in love with you too, kitten."
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insinirate · 2 years
i just think, yknow?? gf would LOVE a new friend, and heres a new candidate for that! sure hes pico's ex but that means pico really liked him at one point, and he still does which means his ex is a good person because pico has good taste that she can trust (incorrect). also hes got those sad kitty vibes and that hits her in the sympathy area and pico is still very worried about him so maybe she can do something very good and help him out! and pcnj is like WHAT? HUH??? WHY??? WHAT??? which is HILARIOUS because this man has only been getting Bad Things so he thinks theres a catch and he watches her with LOTS of apprehension and also tries to push her away but shes like "no dont do that :((( look see these are your stinky levels but if we work together your stinky levels will go down and you'll be a human person again! :)" and pcnj is "what does that even MEAN" but then she gets him a job and shes like "shopping trip!! 🥳" and pcnj lowkey... looking forward to new clothes... he misses dressing cute.... and he got that skirt and crop top knowledge so while they're getting him a Business Attire, hes also wandering over to where the Cute Clothes are and gf is like ":O!! you like these too!!" and they accidentally have a bonding moment because pcnj is like "he wont admit it but he likes these kinds of skirts" and shes like "hm!! i see!!" and yeah hes helping his ex's new girl find clothes to make pico hot and bothered but shes nice enough and weirdly earnest and genuine and also her dad is his new boss so he cant really be mean to her without feeling kinda bad and also lose his job. and also its kinda... nice? spending time with someone who isnt pico? weird. gf meanwhile is happy!! it's nice spending time with pcnj, hes different from pico and bf, he actually tells her if something looks bad on her and gives her suggestions!! woah!! this is new!! she kinda likes it!! now shes really gonna dig her claws into him!! cue gf tailing him around the dd mansion when hes there to work with dd and mm. hes kinda nervous because shes just.... THERE. finally she just grabs him and makes him do things with her!! like messing around with his messy hair!! or playing games!! she tells him everything that's happening with pico because he always listens!! pcnj is initially startled and tries to get away the first few times but really who can escape a demoness so he just accepts his fate and plays along... until hes not. because gf may be a casual gamer but she really tries her best, and not to backseat game but he kinda likes giving her pointers or helping her solve puzzles shes stuck on. they spend a lot of time hanging in her room before bf BUSTS in to be territorial and gf is like oh!! we can all play together!! and pcnj and bf are like OKAY YEAH LETS FUCKING GO and pcnj always makes sure to beat bf within an inch of his character's life, but he'll let gf win every other match because "wow gf you're getting better lmao good job" and bf is fuming. hes so mad. gf is so happy but he wants to tear out pcnj's throat so much. pico is just happy that pcnj and gf are getting along, to the point where she starts actively messaging him tiktoks and he responds back with emojis or keysmash. he gets so used to gf just up and carrying him away that almost looks forward to it, and hey, would you look at that, maybe having friends with real people isnt so bad. bf is so mad tho, he cant stand this twink why is here, why is gf playing stardew valley with him, he likes it better when pcnj is crying somewhere, but gf gets all sad if pcnj accidentally slips up and makes his little heartbroken faces around her like no!! bestie let's go get some milkshakes :((
i just think they should hang out and do silly things u kno
this ask is fucking killing me its SO LONG with SO MUCH over a hyperobscure hypothetical friendship between an au version of gf and a pcnj whose entire au just got thanos snapped
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Treasure Hunter AU
I binged watch the Mummy trilogy while i had no wifi/internet for a while and I had an idea for a treasure hunter Mari with Daminette.
Damian was bored.(age: 22-28 years old.)
At a gala party.
Meets Marinette who was equally bored.(abt the same age as D)
He finds out she was the finder of this famous artifact on display.
Damian tugged at his collar, scanning the crowd. His father needed a plus one to show up with and everyone else were busy.
He grabbed a champagne flute and made his way to the edge of the room.
He found a woman in a black evening gown, looking as bored as he felt. short dark hair. Blue eyes.( I suck at describing people after the third time doing it. It feels overrated)
"Hello, stranger. You bored with mingling in with the assholes on their high horses?"
"Should I be offended?"
"We will see. Depends on you."
"How about you? A beautiful lady like you not kissing up their asses to climb the social ladder. That is strange."
She made a face. "Trust me. I don't want to be here but my friend wanted family time so I came in his place. What about you? Why are you here?"
"I am pretty sure my father wanted someone to get him out if the vultures came too close."
"Vultures, adept descriptions. I am glad no one realized who I am yet or i would be in their claws."
"Who are you representing, anyways?"
"Myself but Adrien or Kagami usually comes in my place but tonight, they have their son's play to go to."
"Adrien and Kagami. Aren't they the Agreste-Tsrungi?"
"You are the Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Globe trotting Treasure hunter and also world-class designer, MDC."
"Now you know. What's your name, handsome stranger?"
"You don't know?"
"Hey. Like you said globetrotting treasure hunter. I am not up-to-date on the news front. And when I am in Paris to do designer stuff, i am too busy to look at the news."
He gave her his hand, "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and owns Wayne Enterprise."
She shook it.
"Pleased to meet you."
She stills design but like sent her designs to Adrien at least once every month, who had rebranded Gabriel to Miraculous Designs.
Some ppl thinks he did it to spite his father, who is in jail. Adrien and Mari has a partnership thing.
Mari also makes clothes but for a few months. And the rest of the time is spent travelling.
Exclusive designs from MDC are rare but the designs hand made by her are rarer so they are like a really big deal. They have the most amazing details. Really expensive and limited edition.
The rest of the time Mari spends finding Miraculouses (Miraculi ?) lost in the world so if she happens to find a few priceless artifacts that aren't the Miraculous. She donates it.
Alix helps and sometimes go find them with her.
She has Tikki and Plagg and maybe Wyazz all the time to look for curses and counter it.
She has also met John Constantine. They have an arrangement of sorts. A few magical artifacts that doesn't have to Miraculous business are given to him in exchange for any miraculous stuff he has or found.
Adrien funds her trips.
He is married to Kagami.
Kagami goes with Mari and Alix for a few months sometimes. Adrien likes being a stay at home dad.
Their kid is named Marin/Martin because it was Mari who got them together.
The few trips Mari dragged him on was enough to make him stay behind and run the business.
(Back to the story) Damian fangirled a little because Mari had been doing stuff like this since she was 18.
It was an amazing reputation she has.
She invites him to her next trip after questioning his skill sets.
"Are you good with heights, dark scary places and adventuring into the unknown?"
"You any good with guns, swords, knives, booby traps and keeping calm under pressure?"
"Yes. I have many experiences with them."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me this?"
"Wanna join me on my next trip to the jungle of China? There are myths about some hidden temple."
Damian was a little conflicted.
He hadn't have the chance to explore the world much. He had been somewhere else for a mission (for the League of Shadows or JL business) but never for pleasure.
Being a vigilante by night and working at Wayne Enterprise by day gets a little boring after some years.
His brothers had a chance to travel the world on their own for a while. Sure, for reasons other than sight-seeing and looking for something to break out of the rut he was in. But still.
This was an exciting opportunity but a tad suspicious.
"Why me?"
She looked surprised at that.
"Oh. Well, my friends enjoy coming with me on my adventures, treasure hunting and all that every now and then except Adrien but they have other things in their life to come with me all the time. I can mostly survive on my own most of the time but it gets lonely travelling on my own and it's nice if someone is there to watch my back. I understand if you don't want to come. It's just that I enjoy your company and you aren't like those assholes on their high horses. My gut feeling says I can trust you. You are not after the treasure or see it as one big game. You are looking for an escape. You would definitely catch me if I fall. As you know from my choice of friends, i have a bad habit of pulling rich kids from their stuffy lifestyle and take them on potentially life-threatening adventures." She joked. Then she lowered her voice, "Besides, it might be handy having a former assassin around."
She said in Arabic.
His hand went to his hidden knife and found it not there.
"Looking for this?" She said, holding it.
"How much do you know?" He hissed back in the same language.
"Relax," she gave back the knife, "my mother was one and I have accidentally came across a few in my adventures. I know one when i see one. I took a stab in the dark with your middle-eastern background. Speaking of, you know Talia Al Ghul by any chance."
He narrowed his eyes.
"She's my mother. Why?"
"You look like her. Met her a few times. Nice lady but scary. Mine's Sabine Cheng, goes by the Blue Reaper." She said it so casually like their parents weren't dangerous deadly assassins and had normal jobs.
"You aren't normal, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That you willingly gave away blackmail material to me."
"Normal people don't have assassins for mothers. And you and me aren't exactly meeting the minimum standards for normal. Besides, I just told you a family secret that you would have found out anyways with a through background search and a little digging. So far all I know about you is that your parents are Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne-I wonder how an assassin got together with a billionaire-, you are a former League of Shadows assassin, you are great with weapons, keeping secrets and so far meeting the criteria for an adventure buddy. That's all I swear. And that you have some pets. A cat, maybe."
"How you know about my cat?!"
"Cat hair on your clothes." She was good. "If it will ease your mind about me, you can ask me 5 questions that I will truthfully answer. "
"So why are you doing this?"
"That's question 1. Well, I really want whatever this is between us to work. Partners, Friends, Companions, Comrades. Whatever you want to call it. Like I said, I get lonely sometimes and need some human interaction to at least keep myself sane. You looked like you want to be somewhere else and I thought this is perfect. I am not going to tell anyone about you or push you to join me. I swear on my mother's sword."
"Are we killing anybody?"
"Mostly I try to avoid that as much as possible. Sometimes I get into situations with no other alternative. " She looked away guiltily.
"Fair enough."
"Not judging me for that. That's a first for me."
"I am a former assassin and have killed before. I have no right to condemn you for your past."
"How much are you willing to tell me about this hidden temple?"
"That has to do with a secret. I would tell you more when there are less ears around. But this temple was said to hold a magic jewel that grants some powers and it is located really deep in the jungle. Getting there might take months."
"You forgot to mention that last one."
"Oh yeah. You think you can get away for some months. This kind of stuff usually takes a while. Like I said before, no pressure. Anyway, 2 questions left."
"What's my salary?"
"Aren't you a billionaire?"
"My father is. I have a trust fund and I get a salary for doing my job at the company. You are lucky that I just finished with most of my assigned projects so I might be able to come."
"I am so sorry about just assuming things about you. You can say no to the offer. The temple is said to hold some other treasures but I mainly want the jewel. We could auction off a few bits and pieces. I usually just donate them to museums and universities or sell them to those who really appreciate the history. I would also pay for the entire expenses for the trip."
"Can I think about this?"
"Sure. Here's my number. I leave on the 1st of next month. Gimme an answer a week before that so I can make the proper arrangements. It has been fun talking to you, Damian."
She walked away, going towards the buffet table.
Back in the car on the way home to the manor.
Bruce asked, "Who were you talking to for that long?"
"The one that gave you her number."
"Oh. MDC. She invited me to join her in China next month to find some hidden temple."
"She did?"
"Yes. Not only that she found out about mother and know what I did before I came here. She doesn't know about Batman, Robin or Crow. And she said she wasn't going to blackmail me but just wanted a companion to go with her. Ideally, it would be best to silence her before she digs any further into me but I trust her. I sincerely believe that she meant it when she said that she's not going to tell on me. And I am really tempted to take up on it."
"What do you want to do?"
"On one hand, i would be gone for months so there won't be Crow in Gotham for a while and I have a few projects I need to finish up. On the other hand. Father, I have been a vigilante for over 10 years now and I haven't really done much out besides that, school and now work. I have appreciated all you have done for me over the years. But I want to go with her. Do something that is not connected to Batman or Wayne or Al Ghul. Just a little something different for myself."
"You can go if you want. I am not going to stop you. I will make arrangements so the projects would be done by someone else. The others can cover your patrols. You are still young so it is understandable to want some fun every now and then."
"Thank you, Father."
Bruce put his hand on his shoulder.
"I am proud of you as Crow and as Damian Wayne. But if you want to go find some hidden temple in China just for a break from this life, to be just Damian, go for it. There are worse things you could do. Just tell me if you are going to go on any future trips like that." (I don't know DC much, sorry if that is a little OOC but I like good dad! Bruce.)
Damian dialed the number on the card.
"I accept your offer, miss MDC."
"Damian? Right, text me your email address. I will sent you things you would need to pack and flight details. And can you come by to the Gotham Rose Hotel tomorrow? I will give more details on the temple."
Damian comes by the hotel.
Marinette tells him of the kwamis and miraculous and makes him swear to not tell anyone unless they already know.
The hidden temple actually might have a miraculous.
Damian gets a little interested in the akuma situation she mentioned.
Mari doesn't say anything about it much.
When he got back, he goes to the Bat-computer and did some digging.
Ladybug looks a little familiar. Pulls up younger picture of Mari and look at that, she used to be a superhero.
Wonder Woman was kept informed of things and made sure no one goes to Paris without her knowing.
Zatanna helped capture the villain Hawkmoth and end his 2 year reign.
Fast forward, they are in Beijing now, sleeping off jetlag.
The next morning, They get out of the city somehow to the city limits and somewhere remote.
Mari uses Kalki and transports them to the jungle.
They set up camp. Cue Campfire stories.
"I thought getting here would take months."
"No actually, finding the temple would. According to my research and the map I copied through less than legal means, it is somewhere in this general area. There used to a city around here too and the king or emperor pissed off some powerful priest or wizard, take your pick. There was a curse. The city crumbled down and the temple is the only thing standing because the king went there and prayed to the gods for protection. The one who answered his prayers and protected the temple in doing so the king was pressed into service of the god. The king did everything the god said for a while but later, he started to hate it and began disobeying the orders. The god cursed him for his disobedience. The temple he was protected in became his tomb and he was tasked to protect the chest inside the temple for the rest of eternity. Anyone who opens the chest would gain the ultimate power to rule the earth. Thankfully, we are not after the chest. Some powerful crack-head with a misused miraculous tried to find it and open the chest for more power. But he never returned. My theory is that the miraculous is still in the temple. As long as we don't wake up the king or go for the chest, we would be okay."
"What are the guns for? And How did you get them past security?"
"In case of emergencies, an army of undead was mentioned and guns are surprisingly good repellent. Well, most of the time. It's useless if there is a no weapons can kill 'it' rule. Then, it's just a stress reliever. I kept them in a pocket dimension. Makes it easier to get around."
Damian vowed to never let Marinette meet Jason. Judging by the pile of guns and occasional knives and other weapons she took out of the brown satchel which apparently holds a pocket dimension, Jason would adopt her. He wondered if that was all that was inside in.
They packed up and started searching the jungle for hidden temple.
It was a month and a half before they found it.
They bonded a lot during that time.
They had a moment after drinking a little alcohol which Mari has in the pocket dimension. Or Drank a lot of alcohol and had sex.
It was awkward and they both agree to not talk about it again.
Soon after, they found the temple. But it is still a little far away.
But the temple is not the only thing they found. They also found a campsite with many people milling around. Some of them carried guns.
Somewhat rich bastard who overheard their conversation at the gala. Heard treasure and found out where Mari's next expedition is.
Had the help of some scholar who wants to be famous for the greatest find since King Tut.
They found the temple even though they had no magical help, they left 2 weeks before Mari did, so yeah.
Rich Bastard's name is 'Philip Anderson'(This sounds familiar to me for some reason and I can't find out why.) and Scholar is 'Harry Scott'
They have armed bodyguards and some 'hired' help to get the treasure.
Anderson is still rich but his company had been getting losses the past 2 years and this is a quick, easy get rich scheme.
Mari and Damian: "Rich asshole on his high horse."
Anderson doesn't know about the chest but Mari and Damian thinks he does and it was what he was after.
They set up camp a little further ahead of Anderson's
Unfortunately, they were found by Harry. Somehow.
I am going to continue this when I am more awake.
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kuroos-moon · 3 years
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Mistaken Kisses pt. 2 
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☾ pairings: atsumu x reader, sakusa x reader, kenma x reader
☾ part one | oikawa, tsukishima, sugawara, kuroo
☾ scenario: they see you kissing someone else (not intentionally though)
☾ warning/s: v tiny bit of angst for atsumu’s
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Miya Atsumu 
Growing up as a twin, he’s used to people mistaking him for Osamu and the other way around. Now that they have different hair colors though, those occasions came down to rare if not none. 
You’re innocent, you swear. Briefly calling out his name as you enter their gym, his back to you with his hood on— and you grab him slightly by his arm, shifting him a quarter so that you could stand on your toes and plant your lips on his. 
He smells a bit different, tasted quite different too, but who cares? This was your boyfriend— or so you thought. Pulling away as his hood falls off his head, your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat. Is that gray hair? Is he seriously not blonde? 
Realization hits you the same time you hear him. “Ya treacherous pathetic excuse of a brother!” You blink once and they’re already on the ground after Atsumu lunged at Osamu, fists, kicks and swearing thrown here and there. 
“Stop it!” You hiss, about to grab Atsumu but Aran stops you, afraid you’ll accidentally get hit in the process. 
“Y/n is the only thing I can’t and will not share but ya sneak in a kiss on her when I’m not around!” Another fist lands on Samu’s cheek, and that had to hurt. Atsumu was genuinely enraged. This wasn’t their usual brawl. 
“Ya have eyes, Sumu,” Osamu knees his back before turning to his side, throwing Atsumu to the ground. “Y/n kissed me!”  
“It’s true Tsum, I was the one who kissed him.” That halts their actions in an instant, tension suddenly thick in the air as he remains lain down on the floor, recovering his breaths as he struggles to process what you had just said. 
“It was an accident, I thought he was you,” you say in a small voice, dreading what was going to happen next at the way he scoffs at your words. “Get off me,” he shoves his brother off him, standing up and brushing off his clothes. 
He coldly looks at you and you squirm inside. Profoundly intimidated by his stare, you look away, eyes landing on whoever or whatever else that wasn’t your boyfriend who looked so spiteful and disgusted. “One of me ain’t enough, is that it?” He bitterly says, glaring at you. 
You immediately look back at him, surprised at his words. “I told you it was an accident, Tsumu, I’m sorry.” 
“Well, ya kissed for quite a while, was there no tellin they weren’t my lips?”
“He was wearing your hoodie,” you try to say, but he looks away, disinterested.
“Atsumu,” you sigh as you step closer to him but he turns on his heel, walking away from you.
“Don’t want ya nymore, have fun with my brother,” he clicks his tongue, unable to erase the image from a while ago. It was painful—both what he saw and what he said to you after. He knows it wasn’t your fault, but that didn’t really do much to change how he felt. 
It was his typical defense mechanism, masking his hurt by hurting you back and putting up a show of indifference. His sharp tongue, the hostile words he had said to you were filling him with self-resentment the second he let them go— never does he want to hurt you but he did so anyway; simply because he got hurt first.
“He’ll come around,” Osamu places a hand on your back reassuringly, “though I doubt he’ll make the first move to fix things.” 
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oh, what a lovely day to be standing outside the restroom, waiting for your boyfriend to finish washing his hands; especially when out of nowhere, you’re yanked and kissed. Oh, for your boyfriend to have such lovely timing of walking out the restroom the moment the stranger’s lips touch yours. 
You push the guy off immediately, eyes meeting Sakusa’s in a panic, fearing he might misinterpret. However, your worries should come to an ease, he saw the whole thing and he trusts you completely anyway. But his eyes aren’t on you, they’re sharp and glaring at the guy who had kissed you. All he sees is dirt. Pure filthy garbage, worthless and far too shameless—having the audacity to taint you. 
Clasping your hand in his, he securely pulls you to his side. “You okay?” He asks, looking at you and you nod. He’s possessive and territorial, that’s a surprise to none. What he had just done equated to a life-ending treason, but he’s never really one for violence. 
“Call the cops.” 
“Wait, no, dude, I’m sorry it was an accident. I thought she was my girlfriend.” He frantically says, bowing repeatedly before the two of you. “I’m really sorry,” he says again, looking at you, making Sakusa glare at him as a warning to not even breathe the same air as you. 
A girl walks up to him, clinging to his arm as she asks him what was going on and now, he has fallen at your mercy; his girlfriend didn’t look anything like you at all—hair and height especially. You’re not even mad, you’re much too preoccupied worrying about what Sakusa might do next. 
“Do you have any colds?” He asks the guy, who like you, was shocked at his sudden question. 
“Are you blind and deaf too?” Oomi narrows his eyes, making him gulp. “Uh, no, I’m perfectly well.”
“Any infectious disease? Tell me even if its minor.” 
“Y/n I thought I told you to call the cops,” Sakusa timidly looks at you and you flinch, a nervous chuckle escaping your throat. “Do we really have to?” 
“His excuse was pathetic, he’s clearly some pervert, a cheating one at that.” 
“Please, I won’t do it ag-
“If not the cops, would you rather I destroy you right now? I’m not one to be forgiving when it comes to my lover.” That wasn’t even directed at you but you feel your body shiver, he was scary and domineering; his narrowed eyes and heartless expression screamed that no one should take his threats lightly. 
Other than the intensity of his words though, you felt your heart melt at the way he called you his lover. You’re practically looking at him with heart eyes, touched by his sentiment, butterflies going wild in your stomach as you admired him. 
It took a lot of your nagging and attempts at pulling him away for the both of you to actually be alone in his car—now on your merry way home. Contrary to the butterflies earlier on, you’re now silent in your seat, stealing glances at him warily. 
If you’re mad, say something, you try to tell him with your eyes but they remain set on the road.
“I’m sorr-
“Save the apologies for when you’ve done something wrong.” He coldly cuts you off and you close your mouth immediately. 
After a few seconds, you try again, “are you mad?” 
He finally looks at you, and though it was subtle, you did notice how he glanced down at your lips a second too long. “I’m not.” 
“You could at least try to be convincing; your face says it all,” you pout, “you’re mad and disgusted.”
“I’m neither of the two.” 
“Prove it.” 
He looks at you incredulously, like ‘tf am I supposed to do??’
Sighing, he slightly nods, “fine.” 
“I’ll kiss you until you drop after you brush your teeth.” 
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Kozume Kenma     
Kenma is multiple cats in one easily-exhausted human body. He could be a soft domestic cat, allowing you to love the hell out of him while you cuddle—or he could also be one with sharp claws if he’s aggravated, not really one with specialized attacks but still terrifying. 
Right now though, he’s debating whether he should be a dejected cat who’s ready to leave its owner (which is you) or a level-headed laid-back one. The latter was easier said than done, how could he remain calm when you’re being kissed by someone else? It’s a heavy pang on his chest and an excessive blow on his insecurities—but oh, wait, you pushed him off. 
“What the hell?!” You shout at the guy. It all clicks, of course you’ll never do that to him. Okay, he starts seeing red and no it’s not his Nekoma jacket. He could almost imagine his legs sprinting disgracefully towards the guy and attacking him in any form. Biting, punching, scratching, he doesn’t care, he’s going to unleash the sharp-clawed cat within him—the same one that quarreled with Yamamoto. 
But before he could, you’ve marched away, and he catches a glimpse of your teary eyes. He follows you shortly, glaring daggers at the guy who was totally creeped out. Kenma could be terrifying. 
He’s mad and frustrated, but that could wait. You are far more important than his anger and he’ll always put you first. He patiently waits outside the girls’ restroom, sending you a quick text to let you know he was waiting to walk you home like he always did. 
As you head out of school, you remain silent beside him. Your irritation was gone but he could easily tell you were worried about him and about how he felt. “Y/n?” He meekly says. You look at him. This time, you note, he wasn’t on his phone which he would normally be using right now. 
“Wanna hang out in my room?” He offers you a rare soft smile, and you smile back at him. 
You both laze off on his bed, his head on your stomach and your fingers running through his hair while he plays with his switch. He looks unbothered, but you’re just struggling to find the right words and time to talk to him about what he saw earlier. 
He may have looked unaware of your silent distress, but he was just waiting for you to be comfortable enough to talk to him about it. He’s ready to assure you it was fine though he was actually really embittered—of course he would be after seeing someone else kiss his beloved kitten. 
“Ken… about earlier in the classroom, aren’t you mad?” You softly glide your fingers across his cheek. 
“I don’t care much for it, y/n,” he sincerely says. “See, you’re lying,” you pinch his cheek causing him to look away from his game. 
“I’m only concerned about you, you must’ve been mad,” he says, tossing his console to the side and turning to face you, his cheek pressed to your stomach. “I’m fine, Ken, I was only worried you’d be mad.” 
“Then rest easy now that you know I’m not,” he smiles before taking your hand to cover his face. You look at him in surprise as he groans, and you didn’t have to take your hand away to know that his face right now was rather expressive. 
“I’m still super ticked about it though,” he huffs and you chuckle at how adorable he was as he alternately kicks his feet up and down his mattress in a mock tantrum.
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo
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nolpat0 · 3 years
too late | t. jost
summary: he left her, but he realizes it was a mistake too late
wc: 1,724
warnings: break up, angst
Cold, numb fingers curled around the steaming hot paper of coffee cup, gripping the fresh beverage with new desperation, the owner trying to will the heat into his frozen bones by sheer force of thought. Tyson huffed softly, his breath clouding thickly in the frigid, winter air, a shiver snaking down his spine despite the thick, wool layers he wrapped himself in that morning. Muttering a soft curse as he remembers just why he should've grabbed the thick, fuzzy gloves that were currently sitting on his entry side table, Tyson moves from the busy, buzzing street corner and quickly strides across the crosswalk. As if he can merely outwalk the cold threatening to petrify his bones; and Tyson was pretty damn sure it was a real possibility. Finally searching his surroundings, Tyson's dark eyes scan the scenery of the cold, wintery lense of Colorado's capital, trying to pick out his car from the rest of the masses in the over-stuffed parking lot. His dark eyes land on a couple, laughing loudly in the cold air, as free and in love as they could be, paying no mind to the freezing temperatures or the snow littering the ground in various, black slush clumps. A bell of familiarity rings in his mind at the sound of the girl's silvery laughter, but Tyson is unable to place the exact memory begging to be released to the surface of his consciousness. A tiny, confused frown tugs at the edges of his pink, chapped lips as his heavy, boot-clad feet shuffle closer. He knows the laughter.
And then it hits him: her.
All the icy breath trapped in his pink lungs rushes out, leaving him breathless and stunned, a sharp shard of aching pain slanting through his chest and cutting against the muscle of his wild heart. Tyson blinks, his hazel eyes shuttering in bitter surprise as he watches her with the unknown man. His heart goes tumbling to his stomach, burning away into nothing but ash when he sees her fingers curl around the upper arm of his jacket, her familiar, toothy smile tugging at her pretty face. She's laughing, a high and pretty sound that dislodges a horde of repressed memories from the back of his mind, bringing them forth and sparking a wave of stinging tears to prick the backs of his eyes. But she's not with him or holding on to Tyson, she's with him. At first, Tyson is unable to place him, his brain too overloaded with the endless stream of merry moments of the past two years with her to try and problem solve why the unfamiliar man is vaguely intriguing. And then he realizes why the sharp cut of his low voice is familiar: it’s Zach. Her college from work that Tyson always thought was too flirty and willing to touch her and brush his fingers against her arm when she said something funny.
She was now with Zach. The realization and reality of the statement hit Tyson like a freight train, barreling into him without remorse and at full speed, knocking the breath from his lungs once again. Tyson vaguely felt his white-knuckled grip on his scalding coffee loosen, shock waves of pain and regret rippling through him.
She looked up, crinkled eyes full of mirth and laughter flickering up to catch Tyson’s dark eyes, feet accidentally stalling against the snow-clogged gravel as they locked eyes. Tyson, for the life of him, was unable to turn away and continue the seemingly futile hunt for his car. And she was too stricken with shock to register that she’d been staring. Old, familiar feelings clawed at Tyson’s throat as he regarded her, begging to be released. But he held them back, determined to hide his regret from her and her all-knowing eyes. She dipped her chin, the barest form of a nod as the edges of her lips curled into a soft, melancholy smile. Her feet continued their previous path and she mumbled a quick, halfhearted apology to Zach before allowing her gloved hand to fall into his naturally, tugging him away from the scene of her broken heart before either boy noticed. Tyson was still watching the sidewalk she disappeared down long after her figure faded from sight.
Standing in the cramped, messy confines of Zach’s hallway bathroom, she pressed her fingers against the worn door in an illusion of more privacy as she dropped to the tile floor. Her eyes roam over her illuminated phone screen, rapt on the single notification that alerted her during dinner.
Tyson Jost: Voicemail
With shaking, uncertain hands, she unlocked her phone, eyes catching the photo of her pressing her lips against Zach’s cheek. The background was a familiar pose, one she and Tyson would make thousands of times in selfies in a mockery of the pose, grinning like fools every time the camera snapped and captured them in their happiness. Memories flitted across her eyelids, stacks of them as they played their heartbreaking adoration back to her. She pressed her fingers against the call app, playing Tyson’s voicemail.
Tyson’s gravelly, unsure voice filled the small bathroom, reigniting a familiar ache in her chest, reminding her just how much she missed the familiar lilt of his calming, smile-lined voice.
I know I'm the last person you want to hear from right now, but I- I felt like- I don't know. I feel like I should say something.
With baited, frozen breath she curls around the device clutched in her palm, hanging on to every crackling syllable that hums from the speakers as if she can picture Tyson pacing, in the small, tiled room of his cramped kitchen as he hesitates with every breathed word. She's almost grateful for the conversational, thought-like cadence of his playing message, if only for the fact she can better picture him, imagine the scene of him talking to her under the warm glow of his kitchen light.
It isn't fair for me to say this. I know that, but Jesus, I gotta get this off my chest, baby.
Her heart stutters wildly in her chest at the achingly familiar pet name, the quiet murmur of her breath cutting off rapidly as a renewed wave of pain crashes through her body, burning every nerve. The subconsciousness of the saccharine saying has her head-first tumbling into every moment of Tyson's second nature actions of his love; the brush of his thumb against the soft back of her hand whenever she clung to him, the press of his lips into the layers of her hair when she laced her arms around his neck, the tug of her legs onto his lap whenever they lay on the couch together with his eyes still trained on the TV.
Letting you go was the worst decision I ever made- in my life. My mom and Kacey let me know that- like all the time. I kinda hate them for it, but I know they're right.
Fuck. I don't know what to do- but I- seeing you today nearly fucking destroyed me, okay? Like I couldn't breathe for like a minute and I thought I was sort of moving on, but now I know I just forgot how much I still love you.
Red-rimmed eyes going wide at the rashly truthful confession, she hiccups, throat catching on the breath as a quiver over sakes the tips of her fingers. She never thought she'd hear the confession again; hear the rough syllables of his voice etch out the words she imprinted on her traitorous heart.
She remembers the first time he finally confessed the words to her; after she'd confessed them a week prior.
Tyson's long fingers had run through his head of dark-honey curls enough to brush them out significantly, and she knew he was on edge from the glint in his eyes as he looked at her. She'd hesitantly laughed softly, eyebrows furrowed as she slowly surveyed him,
"Tyson? Why are you so nervous?"
"Right?" he cried in sudden protest, a choked laugh falling from his lips. "You already said it, and I know you love me, but I'm still nervous as fuck to say it back."
Her eyes crinkled gently at the fumbled words falling from his lips, a grin tugging at her lips s she reached for him, smoothing over the collar of his shirt as she giggled lightly. "You don't have to say it, you know."
"No, I want to." Tyson shakes his head softly, dark eyes intent on hers as his calloused palms slide against hers and his fingers curl atop hers. "Because I love you. So much."
A soft, grief-stricken sob escapes the boundaries of her shut lips, echoing off the pale tiles of the small bathroom as she places shaking fingers against her chapped lips to silence herself; saving herself from the inevitably embarrassing moment Zach finds her sobbing over a long, fumbling voicemail from her ex on the dirty floor of his bathroom, still as devastatingly in love with said ex as the day she confessed it.
Leaning her head against the wall of the room, she pushes a shaking, broken breath past her lips, trying to reel herself in, scooping up her shattered pieces into some semblance of herself so she can wrap her head around what his message means and what it means for her.
"Damn you, Tyson," she breathes with gentle conviction, squeezing her eyes shut as she wishes for the millionth time she just deleted the message instead of sneaking away to listen to it. Or, if she really got all three wishes: Tyson never let go of her smaller hand and let the shining glass of her fragile heart slip from his fingers as he tried to ease the blow with his calming, sorrowful words.
Shattered into thousands of tiny, beautifully glittering pieces on the floor of her boyfriend's bathroom, she accepts the one thing roaring wildly in her head in an endless, unrelenting loop that won't let her go. She might not understand how she'll continue on, or what this means for the clueless current boyfriend settled on his couch, or for the curly-haired boy with words capable enough to break her. But she understands one thing with distressing clarity.
She is in love with Tyson, and she'll never stop.
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