#the lows have been really low lemme tell ya
spacefoxy-irl · 11 months
Thank you everyone for being so lovely towards me. I have not ignored everyone's messages, I just had to take a little distance for a while. We good now, I think. 🧡
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No man's land
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♡ Pairings: Eddie munson x reader
♡ Summary: a little something for the people who suffer from insomnia or just have a hard time sleeping.
♡ Warnings: fluff, none. Just some language but nothing terrible. Eddie calls the reader baby. No use of y/n.
♡ Word count: 1.1k
♡ A/n: This has been sitting in my drafts for way too long. While this is just a fluff piece, I would still prefer if minors didn't interact with my work. Thank you. Please reblog, like, and comment to show support.
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3:00 am.
It was late very late and another sleepless night for you. You tossed and turned for hours trying to find the right position to rest, but it was no use. You just couldn't sleep. There really isn't even a reason behind it.
You weren't stressed at the moment. You and Eddie are both in a good place. You wish you could put a reason as to why this happens, but there is none. Not one thing. This isn't something new for you, though. You just wanted some type of excuse this time.
You carefully got out of bed trying not to disturb your sleeping boyfriend next to you. You make your way to the living to watch some TV. Perhaps you'll fall asleep out here, but you know that's highly unlikely. You tip toe into the kitchen, slowly opening up the cabinet above the stove to make some tea.
Wrapping yourself up in a warm blanket with Eddie's Garfield mug in both hands, you flick through the channels until you land on your favorite show. You kept the lights off, not wanting to disturb him in any kind of way since he has to be up in soon for work. Believe it or not, Eddie was a light sleeper, and the slightest noise or light could wake him.
"Why'd ya leave me?" His rasped with a pout on his face.
Foot steps trudging down the hall tell you that you were not as quiet as you thought. You turn to look over blanket draped over your head. There, he was standing in the hallway rubbing his tired eyes. His hair sticking up every which way. The white boxers with red lips, you got him for Valentines Day as a joke, hang low on his waist. He's missing one sock on his foot. You snort when you see him. He looks lost like he doesn't know how he got there.
You always thought his sleepy voice was so cute. He hated it.
"Couldn't sleep again." You sheepishly told him, taking another sip of tea.
He moves to plop down beside you, kicking his feet up on the coffee table folding his arms over his chest. His eyes bloodshot from just waking up. The brightness from the TV screen making his eyes water.
"Whatcha watching?" He yawned.
You snuggle up close beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. "Grey's Anatomy."
Nodding his head, looking semi interested. He wraps his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
"Eddie, you have to work in the morning." You whispered, looking up at him.
"It's okay if you can't sleep. I can't sleep." He squeezed you tight, kissing your forehead.
About an hour has passed since you and Eddie have been awake.
"What do you mean they found her lingerie pictures and showed them to everyone?" He argued, getting frustrated at the show.
"Dr. Model wow!, what a great insult...prick." He murmured, shaking his head.
"Yeah, she only did that to pay for school." You informed him getting a kick out of how upset he seems to be for lzzie.
Whatever sleep filled mind he had was gone now. He's wide awake, staring at the bright TV screen. His eyes are still bloodshot and puffy, but he's not tired. Not anymore. Too worked up and annoyed at what he's witnessing
His mouth drops in shock. "And this dickhead just walks around showing them to everyone?"
"Yep, pretty much." You take another sip of your tea, which is now too cold.
"Lemme get a taste." He motioned at the Garfield mug, eyes glued to the screen. He takes a big gulp, making a disgusted face at the now ice-cold chamomile tea.
He bought that tea specifically for you when he heard it helps with sleep. He always did little things like that for you. He'd buy you an entire life supply of chamomile tea if it meant you could finally rest.
He leaned forward elbows resting on his knees. He was still getting riled up at the plot that he didn't notice the alarm clock going off.
"It's time for work." You mentioned sadly.
"Oh, I'm calling out. I can't leave until I know what happens next." He says matter factly. He's too engrossed in the show now to stop watching. "And I can't leave you either."
The sunrise peaking in through your blinds, giving your living room a warm glow. "Wanna get breakfast?"
"Sure." You smiled sweetly at him.
"Then we can finish up this season and try to get some sleep, yeah?" He goes to stand, stretching his long limbs out.
"I hope so, but if I can't sleep, that doesn't mean you have to stay up too." You really don't want him to think just because you struggled with this that he has to as well. You've dealt with insomnia almost your whole life. You can handle losing just a day's worth of sleep. You hope it's just a day's worth.
"I don't think so. If my baby can't sleep, then I'm not sleeping."
"But." You tried arguing.
"No buts." He argued back, bending down to give you a quick kiss on the lips.
You shyly smile at him, wondering how you even found someone so caring. Sometimes, you truly believe you don't deserve him. You know that's not true, and he definitely knows that's not true. He's just so kind and thoughtful. You really didn't think there were people out there in the world like him. Eddie would constantly do things for you without even considering something in return. You're still not used to that but you're trying.
"Well, then we better get moving. We don't wanna miss anything." You go to stand next to him, stretching out your arms as well.
"I'm not putting clothes on. We can just go through the driver thru." He said, grabbing his keys. No shoes or anything. Just one bare foot padding along the carpet.
"Well, at least wrap yourself in this blanket, jeez." You roll your eyes playfully as you both head for the front door. You tossed him the blanket that was used as your own personal, safe haven. "You trying to get arrested?"
"Wouldn't be my first time." He joked, throwing the blanket around himself and heading out the door.
Eddie kept his promise to you that day. He did eventually doze off on the couch with you. It's not entirely his fault, though he made the mistake of laying his head in your lap after breakfast. Your hands scratch his back, and playing with his hair always made him relax. If there was ever a moment you wanted him to sleep, that was all you had to do, really. He'd instantly melt in your hands.
You stayed up, finishing off the rest of Greys Anatomy with Eddie softly snoring. You didn't sleep, and you weren't counting on it. Maybe you will tonight? Doesn't matter it comes in patterns for you. You know what to expect when this happens.
You're just happy you won't have to deal with it alone anymore. Whether you liked it or not. Eddie was going to be by your side helping you through it. No matter how much you argued that he shouldn't. He was stubborn, and once his mind was made up, that was it.
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lixieisgod · 1 year
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𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠⤷ there is like zero Caribbean representation in fics so you know ya girl has try to fix that shit. Caribbean girls on top🕺🏽 so it’s not right that we ain’t got shit. please reblog and lmk if y’all like this.
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠⤷ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑. 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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since the night you and eren met at a party you’ve basically been inseparable since. you two have been together for a while now and it’s safe to say you guys are the IT couple.
lmfaoo at first when your friends would catch you simping they’d be like “what happens to gazah forever” and start laughing. But they mean well it’s all jokes they like seeing you and eren so happy with each other.
a few people thought it wouldn’t last that long, thinking he wouldn’t be able to handle you. BUT BABYY were there wrong ! you two have a good balance in your relationship, your energies align so well.
there’s no getting between you two. “my man tie me, I’m on him badd”
you were a little nervous at fist to let him meet your family, you know they can be a little judgmental sometimes but you weren’t too worried. Everything went really good when he met the fam. Your male relatives were a bit over protective but you can’t blame them too much, you’ll always be their baby.
At the family events he eats his weight in food lmfaoo. He’s a big fan of rotis, jerk chicken with white rice, green bananas and salt fish, as well as chutney. It melted your heart to see him enjoying traditional foods.
this man lives to see you dance, from the first grind he got at that party, he’s been hooked since. He’s actually got really good rhythm. So he’s great at any party, whether it’s holding onto your waist slow dancing with you singing the lyrics “ gyal, mi wan’ if hold yuh put me arms right around yuh” in his ear.
this one time you brought him to a family gathering and he danced western with the older ladies of the family, your grandma love him sm, he even calls her ma or mum.
this man can really turn tf up. like REALLY turn TF up. for example when you two are at a Bacchanal all his composure flies out the widow. But he never lets other girls try to dance with him and you do the same when it comes to other men.
lemme tell youuu, there’s a video of you two dirty dancing to vybez kartel at the fette. that shit was wildd like giving him mad fast wine and him positioning you with his hands on your lower back watching your movements
He loves when you make him breakfast, his favorite thing that you make him is fried bakes and cocoa tea. It’s like his comfort food at this point.
he loves hearing all the folklore stories, they’re so fascinating to him. he was low-key kinda scared when you told him you’d send a dupply after him as a joke.
He likes trying Caribbean snacks, he likes half frozen chubby and icelollies.
A DOMINOS FIEND !! your uncles and him were playing together and that shit was heateddd. He smacks the dominos hard asll lmfao. Your uncles lowkey started respecting him more after he won a few games.
He lovesss playing football in the rain with your cousins. your grandma puts oil in the middle of the head to make sure he doesn’t get sick.
LATE NIGHT DRIVES ARE A VIBEE. The two of you have this long ass playlist that you guys bump while driving in the middle of the night with the roof down.
Play from 0:45 before reading next slide
it’s the middle of the night and the two of you are speeding through the mostly empty streets with cold Heineken’s screaming the lyrics to the songs in you guy’s playlists. “ LONGING FOR MY BABY TO LOVE ME MOREE, WHAT AM I LONGING FOR? BABYLON RELEASE THE CURE” !
he sings you all of the old school love songs
he loves and appreciates you so freaking much, you’re the best thing in his life, and he lets everyone know it. you two are such a good couple.
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© 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝗼 𝐥𝐢𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐠𝗼𝐝. 𝐂𝗼𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝗼𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝗼𝐧 𝗼𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝗼𝐫𝗺𝐬.
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elderwisp · 16 days
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Atlas: [ in a low voice ] Taryn?
Taryn: [ mumbles ] Atlas did you throw up again?
Atlas: Shit.
Taryn: Hmm? Oh, you’re awake.
Atlas: How much of that did you see?
Taryn: The tail end of it. 
Atlas: I’m sorry. 
Taryn: You seemed out of it. You said a lot of things though, I’m surprised you were able to talk.
Atlas: Your glasses are crooked, lemme fix it.
Taryn: Hey, it’s alright.
Atlas: But it’s not.
Taryn: You wanna tell me what’s going on?
Atlas: I… Have you ever had an itch that doesn’t go away? You try to ignore it, but that only makes it worse. And there are certain things that cause flare ups. The feeling gets so loud until you finally can’t take it anymore. So you scratch, and you keep scratching until you’ve made a mess of things.
Taryn: Am I the only person that knows?
Atlas: Generally speaking, yes. From what my friends are aware of, I’ve been sober for six months and… Twelve days.
Taryn: And is this all that you use? Or are there others?
Atlas: For the most part. 
Taryn: Huh.
Atlas: I really didn’t want you to see me like this.
Taryn: I know. Trust me, I know you must feel embarrassed, maybe a bit terrified, but I’m here. Incredibly worried out of my mind, but here.
Atlas: I‘m sorry.
Taryn: No need. 
Atlas: I want to get better, really. I’ve found it to be rather difficult though. 
Taryn: Is there anything I can do to help?
Atlas: I’ve never been asked that.
Taryn: Well, I’d like to be a part of you getting better. If… You’ll allow me.
Atlas: It’s not gonna be pretty.
Taryn: You threw up on me like three times yesterday, I’m aware.
Atlas: [ snorts ] I mean aside from that. Taryn, I genuinely believe this isn’t something that will go away. 
Taryn: We can always start somewhere, this doesn’t have to be an ultimatum. 
Atlas: I- Okay. Thank you.
Taryn: Of course. Hey. so, I’m gonna wash this then give it back to you if that’s alright.
Atlas: Oh, yeah. You can keep it if you want, it belonged to an old friend of mine. 
Taryn: I wouldn’t want to steal your clothes, besides, I don’t know if it looks good on me. I feel like a potato sack in hoodies.
Atlas: It suits you. 
Taryn: Potato sacks?
Atlas: [ groans ] No, NO! You know what I mean. 
Taryn: [ laughs ] You gonna be okay if I head out? 
Atlas: Mhm. How bad is the mess?
Taryn: You might have an aneurysm. Just a tiny one though.
Atlas: Lovely.
Taryn: Last thing, where’s Leo? 
Atlas: He’s… Around, right?
Taryn: No. I didn’t see him last night. 
Atlas: AH! I’ll keep you updated! Bye!
Taryn: Wha-
[ shower is running ]
Kai: ¡Ya llegué! / I’m home!
[ BEEP! ] 
Kai: Geeze, silence your phone-
Atlas: heyyyyyy found my phone / uhm thank u for last night / i’m sure u know but could u not tell kai about the coke and pills / for legal reasons this is a joke / my fbi agent outside my window rn / ok i be quiet now / last thing / still can’t find leo
Kai: Huh.
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akissoflifewrites · 3 months
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Minors and ageless pages do not continue, i am kindly asking you to leave. WC:1944
*hyperventilates* do i seem nervous? I AM—not . HELLO! zuko here- okay lemme stop. THIS IS THE VERY FIRST WRITE IVE DONE HERE OMG! do let me know how i’ve done DEFINITELY would appreciate feedback and tips 100% anyways.. how do you come up with y’all titles?
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You lay in bed, trying to ignore the annoying sound of your phone constantly ringing.
You don’t have to guess who it is, you already know it’s Dabi. He deleted every other number in your phone, even family. Deemed them unimportant.
That you only needed his number and his alone.
Why aren’t you picking up? Why are you ignoring him?
Because you heard on the news about the attack against UA and the missing kid, the fire. You knew he was linked to it.
A major battle went down and you know he’s calling for a place to stay. Needing to lay low for a couple of days. Like always.
You can’t handle the stress he brings you sometimes, besides the villainous acts. With him acting sweet one moment then fiery the next, the little mind games he keeps on you felt almost impossible to beat. . His movements were always so unpredictable.
He once left with no contact for months and just showed up on your couch one random day.
As if he casually lived with you.
He’s always been that way, growing up as close friends you didn’t really question or mind him popping up in your bedroom from time to time. How he got in was always unknown. You were just happy he’d come to see you even after his.. disappearance.
The rings started to echo each time getting louder and louder. You know it’s just your head, your anxiety kicking in.
What if he’s really hurt, or they found him? You anxiously bite your lip going through the possibilities.
You cave in– like always. Picking up and immediately heard him take a drag from whatever smoke it was he was smoking.
“Took you long enough, dollface” his raspy voice sent chills down your spine. You hated how quickly and easily your body responded to him, even over the phone.
“I was sleeping” your voice came out shaky, he could tell when you were lying. Hell, he was the one who taught you to lie properly.
“Mhmm right, you still in that little apartment right” he took another drag, and his question made you sit up. If he has to ask he’s here. He knew you knew better than to just up and leave.
“I'm not home at the moment!” you frantically responded
“Oh yeah,” his voice sounded amused as if he was going to chuckle “So who’s this on the bed” You froze before scanning around the room. Nothing. You froze with realization.
The balcony.
By the street lights shining in you forgot to close the blinds. He told you about that.
Once you turned to look your heart jumped up your throat.
There he was, back facing you, the smoke from his joint mixing with the rain outside.
“Come open the door” his words weren’t demanding but somehow it felt that way.
You did hesitate for a little before moving to the glassdoors anyway.
Watching him toss the last of his smokes. You scanned over him. His clothes smelled like heavy smoke. He’s hurt, bleeding down his arm. He likely had to reopen any wound he had to get on the balcony.
At this point, you had no doubt he was involved.
“Now then” he turned to you, his piercing blue eyes stunned you. They're beautiful no doubt. You used to love the way they looked down at you with care.
“So..” you hesitated “I guess that was you then” You looked away into the rain, your face softened thinking of the dangers he brought. The people he’s-
“There you go makin’ that face again” his tone was softer than before.
“What face?” you looked up at him, you knew what he was talking about and wouldn’t dare admit it.
He stared ignoring your oblivious question. “ ya gonna let me in or what” he didn’t need an answer before walking in anyways. His heavy boots left mud tracks. And you just mopped.
“Shoes!” your eyes narrowed looking at the mess you had to clean up. He rolled his eyes sliding them off. You immediately left them outside.
Touya made himself a home, like always tossing his half-shredded coat on a stool and plopping on the couch. Letting his head lean back. While he relaxed you got the first aid.
You stood in front of him unpacking everything you needed.
He took the time to examine you slowly. You had on a little belly shirt with some silly character plastered on the front of it. Some nonmatching shorts, that would be considered a second layer of panties.
Not that he minded at all.
His rough free hand pulled you onto his lap. “Touya I'm trying to, finish this up” You moved his hand but didn’t move from his lap. He didn’t respond. He liked watching you so focused on him. You looked so cute trying to carefully bandage him.
“Gimme kiss” he teased, he was always so mixed, gentle with you one minute and harsh the next. You felt your cheeks heat up but ultimately leaned in giving him a kiss on his rough lips.
He grinned “ya always do as your told, dollface” he patted your ass in amusement.
He won’t lie, he did miss you just a tiny bit while he was away with..work. Of course, you’ll never know this but he looked forward to popping up on you.
“No” Your thighs twitched feeling him take a nice grip on your ass. This was the reaction he could always get out of you.
You didn’t stop him when you felt his hand reach up the back of your crop. His rough fingers glide on your smooth skin.
“Missed my touch huh” he teased seeing the blush on your cheeks, the way your thighs trembled slightly. “NO” you lied VERY badly.
you almost were able to get up after finishing but he caught you just in time.
“Don’t be shy now” he held your hips guiding you back perfectly on his lap. His thumbs caressing the fat on your hips.
“Don’t you know what you're talking about” You played innocent, of course, you missed his touch, and what it does to you. His hands slip into the back of your shorts rubbing circles on your cheeks, lightly spreading them and letting them gently slap back together.
You were wet, the room was quiet with you taking in his touch and him loving how much you reacted to him. He wanted to ruin you. Been thinking about it for a while.
His fingers slip passed your ass lightly teasing your folds. “You aint miss me, right” he chuckled
“See that's ‘cus your hands are on me!” you argued
“Man all it took was my hands” he grinned “Lemme see how wet you get with my dick pumping you full” The way he looked at you already had you melting in his lap. You could feel his dick practically begging to be freed from restraints.
His left hand left your body, leaving you kinda cold wanting it back. His hand reached up grabbing a fist full of your hair, making you tilt your head back to face him properly.
His lips mixed with yours and it was over from there. You knew you wanted more of his touch and leaned into it to take it.
Completely melting into his kiss. He moved your head back, a thin string of saliva connecting you too. He looked at your eyes hooded and “needy aren’t we” he playfully kissed you once again before practically ripping your shirt off your body.
He got a good handful of your tits pressing them together letting them jiggle back in place. He pinched them roughly tugging on them. Causing you to gasp at how rough he was being with them.
“Gentle Touya” you almost whined
“Now when have i ever been that” he slipped your nipple into his mouth immediately swirling his rough tongue around it, biting it just enough to leave it tender.
You rocked your hips on him, aching and wanting some kind of release. “Don’cha worry dollface, you’ll get it” he with ease removed your bottom layers.
“Don’t just sit there, ya want it right” he moved back watching you watch him “Come get it” he loved the way your hands reached for him. How gentle you were trying to be with his shaft.
You always drooled over Touya’s dick, the length alone made you want nothing more than him. Not to mention the girth of it. The thick vein ran on the side to the pink of his tip.
“Watch it now, ya drooling” he teased taking his own length and running the tip between your folds. Making sure to coat himself generously with your juices before taking you with one hand and holding his dick still with the other, letting you sit on it.
You slowly took him, taking your time to sit completely on him. You haven't had him in a while and nothing you have can compare to the stretch he gives you.
He took your hips pushing you completely down earning a surprised gasp from you and a satisfied groan from him. “Fuck yer so fucking wet doll” You immediately cling to him, your face buried in the crook of his neck.
He gave your ass a decent slap “ yer doin' the work, now get to it” he gave you a quick thrust up to get you started.
You rocked your hips slowly gaining a rhythm and pace, the sloppy sounds of y'all skins slapping overpowering the harsh rain outside.
You tried muffling your moans. Touya gripped your hair again making you tilt back “I don’t remember telling ya to keep quiet” he grumbled in between breaths “Lemme hear how much of a slut you are for me “
He wrapped his arms around your thighs lifting you up and flipping you on your back. As much as he loved watching you take him. He wanted to ruin your pretty hole himself.
Pressing your knees back and sinking deeply into you “fuck doll” he moved back until the tip was only in and pressed deeping into you.
He kept rocking into you at an uneven speed, a sloppy sweet pace. He felt your hands run to his hair tugging at it nicely.
He moved back and let his dick continue to rock into you, he moved his shirt into his mouth to see the bulge he makes every time he pushed deep into you.
His thumb rubbed circles around your pearly clit.
“Tou-Touya!” his grin grew as he felt you tighten around him inching closer and closer to your release. “Don’cha wait for me, cum for me” he pressed and rocked deep into you until his own hips stuttered and he shot his sticky into you, pumping you full of him. Making sure not a drop is wasted.
He slipped out watching the pool he created leak straight out of you.
He stared at your body recovering. Before sticking his fingers in you collecting just a bit of his sticky. “Open” he demanded ever so lightly- and you do. He pressed his fingers in your mouth, which you happily suck. He moved them before giving you a sloppy kiss and then gathering his things.
“You leaving?” you asked kinda hurt that he didn’t stay long
“yeah, try not ta miss me too much, dollface” he responded buckling his pants belt. He glanced over to you with a silent sigh.
“There ya go making that face again” he grabbed his coat before bending down, placing a rough kiss on your forehead “ y’know I’ll be back”
“You promise?” “We don’t do promises, remember”
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Do not take or change anything of mine. all rights reserved.
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shywritersblog · 7 months
Here are 100 random quotes from Mammon!
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Sourced from the OM! Wiki, chats, devilgram, screenshots I found, etc. I made this list to help with studying to write the characters in character. (Not really proofread, sorry if there are mistakes. Also, there may be spoilers. If so, they're minor spoilers)
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“I want to [CENSORED], [CENSORED], and [CENSORED] like there's no tomorrow!”
“Hey! No touchin'! Grrr..!”
“Hey! So you're just gonna ignore me, are ya?! ...Also, I SAID you're too close! Don't get near MC! And NO touchin'! I won't allow it!”
“I don't want to have anything to do with someone like you! That's it. we're done! It's over! ...gr ...! ...! Dammit! Like I could ever really say that to you! I love you, MC! And I'II NEVER break up with you, okay?! NEVER!
“Hey, whoa! Whaddya think you're doin', huh?! You want a piece of me?! IS THAT IT?!”
“Come on, I was just kiddin' around! Now go on and unblock me. ...I'll tell ya a funny joke if you do. "Who's got two thumbs and needs some company?" 👍 "THIS GUY!" 👍 At least gimme a pity laugh, will ya?!”
“Right now it's just you, me, a bed, and no one to bother us.”
“Oh yeah? Well do me a favor and look into your crystal ball and tell me how many times I'm gonna sock you for that smartass comment.”
“I don't THINK so! Like, don't go marryin' Asmo, MC! If you're gonna marry someone, marry m...m-m-m…..m-m-ME! MARRY THE GREAT MAMMON!”
“Y'know..I wouldn't have pegged you as someone who likes to stir up trouble. But you have some pretty interestin' ideas up there in that head of yours, don't ya?”
“Whoa, hey there. Those are some pretty harsh words. Is there some sorta bad blood between you?”
“Look at those cheeks of yours. What's up with those, huh? How'd ya like me to give 'em a little poke? ...Like that! ...And that!”
“Would ya look at that? The Great Mammon really has an eye for spottin' shiny and expensive things! Who knew such a little shop would have uncut gems like these? Hehehe, come to daddy...”
“What's this here...an emerald? You're a looker, aren't ya? Wanna come home with daddy?”
“Lemme go! I'm not gonna rest until l've landed one really good hit on Levi!… Beel! Lemme go, ya muscle-bound son of a...! …All right, bring it on! Do it...see what happens!”
“Man, what's got your panties in a wad all of a sudden?”
“Yeah-heah-HEAAAH! Sweet, sweet treasure! COME TO PAPA!”
“No frickin' way!”
“Geez, I oughta wrap you up for pullin' a stunt like that!”
“Y'see, I was plannin' on hanging out with MC in my room today. And I wanted to create a romantic atmosphere, y'know? So I lit about 500 candles, and the room caught on fire. Scared the bejeebers outta me!”
“You think a little w-warnin' like that would be enough to s-s-scare me off? He thinks I'm gonna stop s-s-spyin' on him because of that? As if!”
“Folks around here won't let us forget it. But they're just labels. By now, no one knows better than us that labels don't mean anything.”
“Th-That's so coooohohohohold! Ahahaha! Why you guys gotta be so meeeeean?”
“C'mon, man. Make with the mouth openin'. The rest of us are waitin' for our turn.”
“Yeah, I know what you're thinkin'. How'd I turn out to be so awesome? You can tell I've been through both highs and lows, and that I'm self-assured and totally sexy.”
“If I can land a nice, clean blow on Lucifer just once, then whatever happens, happens.”
“And I hate the way you lock eyes with Lucifer...and then like smile and stuff... Don't do that, okay? Don't even breath in front of him, okay?!”
“Exactly. Nothin' of value is missin', except for the stuff I sold.”
“That's rough, buddy.”
“You might not know what I'm talkin' about, but I know what l'm talkin' about! Quit showin' up in my dreams uninvited! Ya gotta give me time to prepare before you go bustin' in like that!”
“D-Dummy! Don't go makin' me say it!”
“Have you forgotten? I AM evil! Demon, remember?”
“What? No, you must be mistaken, Your Wonderfulness. I said absolutely nothing of the sort.”
“Whoever's disturbed my...*yawn* my sleep... I got a pile driver with your name on it”
“Hey, you sure you'll be satisfied with just leaving things at my head?”
“If you're wondrin' where I'm at, that means ya got it bad for me, don't ya? ...Please don't pull that "stay" thing on me.”
“Levi, you son of a-- You just full-on PUNCHED me!”
“Eh, still... It feels nice when you run your hand through my hair like that. So l'll go ahead and let it slide.”
“Wha? No, I wasn't tryin' to make fun of ya... Little guy.”
“Damn straight.”
“Anyway, he said he'd be willin' to lend me money again if I managed to pay back everythin' I owed. Obviously, there's no way I can, so I pretended not to have seen anythin' and ran like hell.”
“Nighttime's when I kick into gear! Let's go out on the town! Your treat!”
“I'm still laughin' my ass off over here!”
“You're the only thing more dazzlin' than a gold credit card! Almost blinding, I'd say!”
“Final boss, my ass! Listen up, 'cause the Great Mammon's got some truths for you haters!”
“Just this once, l'II let ya film me in a bathtub full of money! How's THAT for fan service?!”
“So? Waitin' like a good boy's gone and earned me some kinda reward, right?”
“I'll raise my favorability score with MC lickety-split, profess my love, and win this game before you even know what hit you!”
“...Aww. ...I mean, now listen, you! Dammit. You really play dirty, you know that...?”
“Ah, there ya are! How'd you like to hit the casino with me, huh?! Right now! I'm feelin' lucky today. REAL lucky!”
“Just so we're clear, I ain't afraid of no horror movies. Not even a little! Not even a teensy-tiny bit, all right? Like, seriously.”
“Just to be clear, it's not like l'm afraid Lucifer might catch me if I go alone. That's not what this is about. Seriously, that's not what this is about! For real, it isn't!”
“I've got some serious business opportunities lined up for after classes tomorrow. I'm talkin' makin' some mad cheddar, yo! If Lucifer asks about me, tell him I was called to the human world by the witches, would ya?”
“You don't sleep until I do, you got that? And would ya look at that?! The ol' Sandman forgot to sprinkle his magical sand in my eyes! So strap in, buddy! We got a looooong night ahead of us!”
“Listen, Lucifer is gonna be all over my ass once he finds out…”
“No need to worry your pretty little head. I'll be around for meals and sleep. The bed's pretty big, after all”
“Yeah, a real gold digger, that one.”
“I wasn't about to give in to that jerk's demands. I've got more self-respect than that. So, I told him what the deal was: I get the room rent-free and he can shove his two-year contract where the sun don't shine. But then that snake threatened to snitch to Lord Diavolo and Lucifer if I didn't pay up.”
“Cheap shot callin' a guy stingy cause he's lookin' out for his pal.”
“Bet your wonderin' how a guy like me-drownin' in debt, frozen credit card, more lint in his pockets than Grimm-“
“Using my power and influence, I'll push you through the auditions and get you the chance to model, no strings attached! Well, maybe one string: front and center's all mine. Hope the edge is good enough for ya!”
“I swear, I'm not tryin' to pull a fast one on ya, MC, ol' buddy ol' pal!”
“We're pals, right? If ya really wanna know the details, I'll tell ya for 500 Grimm. If you've got the cash on-hand now, I'll tell ya for half the price. So, what'll it be?”
“Hey! MC! Why ya runnin' BUDDY?”
“Ya know, just a peek! So, help me out by opening the door, just a little?… But I caaaaaaaaan't! Open the door and let me see already!”
“My dear sunglasses just took their last breath... I kinda accidentally killed them. I crushed them...with my rear end. That's right, my poor sunglasses...and bum.”
“I'll whip up my special cup ramen! I'll bring it up in a bit, so just sit tight.”
“Look, l'm sendin' ya a ping! So get your butt over here, pronto!”
“Seriously, I'll bust my ass and get there at Mach speed!”
“Crap, that really does make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Thanks, MC. I love ya a whole bunch, too!”
“I got a raffle ticket when I went shoppin' today, so I tried my luck, and booyah. Jackpot, baby!”
“I've got jack all to do! JACK ALL!”
“Listen to what I'm saying, dammit! Can't someone shut this guy up?!”
“Huh, ya don't say. Whoopsie.”
“If you're thinkin' of saving that picture of me on your D.D.D., I swear I'll put a curse on ya! I'll make it so that you never find money layin' on the street again! And don't you forget it...”
“Jealous? Wanna join me, right? Well, this isn't the sorta place that humans can just go lollygaggin' about in, so keep your pants on.”
“Haha! That's all ya got?!”
“It's an honor to be fightin' ME!”
“Muahahaha. ALL points for MAMMON! Bow down to me!”
“Hehehe, I'm feelin' GOOD today. I got ya somethin'!”
“Oh...? Yeah, that's the spot! Right there!”
“That's a good human. You're gettin' the hang of it, aren't ya?”
“Yo. So ya dropped in to pay Mammon a visit, eh? Good on ya!”
“Missin' the Great Mammon, were ya? Heh, welcome home.”
“Hey, not there! That tickles!”
“What are ya, a spoiled brat?”
“I guess everyone's like that with their first. Who knew ya could be so cute. Hey, why dontcha be more greedy? That way you'd really win my heart.”
“Hey... Oi... All right, already! Pay attention to me!”
“Hey, can't ya be gentle?!”
“Ya know what do to, doncha? Thanks!”
“Eeeew, take that back. Give it to someone else.”
“Hahaha! Is that all ya got? It's nothing compared to Lucifer's swing!”
“Don't think you can get away with this!”
“Here, I got a present for ya! Beach time, you and me! Let me show you how well I can swim!”
“Also, I'm goin' wakeboarding but... I'm gonna bring you along too, 'cause ya know, I like hangin' out with ya and stuff.”
“A Red Demonus after a long day's work is the best! Why doncha grab one too?”
“It's cool if we chill here and drink together, yeah?”
“This looks so flippin' good!”
“Hey, why don't we go this year? Keep the date open, all right?”
“They're very nice, so I thought it woulda cost ya a pretty penny!”
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Couple extra for my boy
“You wanted to match with me, ya say?! Cute!”
“Someone put a photo frame in your room, right? That was me. You were eyein' it up in the shop so I bought it. You put a picture of everyone in it, but I really wanted you to put one of just us t... Never mind.”
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I love this goofy fucker
𝒮𝒽𝓎 𝒲𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 ༝༚༝༚
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Cold Nights
Chapter One: Raph x reader story A/N: Hi hello! this is my first time ever posting this kind of story in here! pls be kind and lemme know of any thing that i can do better for the story. Raphael has been my favourite character for forever now so i wanted to show hims some love! This is in the Bayverse universe but some referencesto the other iterations might appear! Chapter 2/3 This was easy enough. Just a look around the club to see if any weird activities were going on, Jones was somewhere in there as well, much easier for him to walk around all these people and mingle. Meanwhile Raph was on a corner, hiding in the shadow, even if things were less tense for them on the surface it didn’t mean that some folks wouldn’t throw him and his brothers dirty looks here and there. So it was just easier to stay low, even if having to do it made his blood boil.
‘At least the music is nice.’ he thought, might not be what he listens to the most, but jazz was soothing, helped him concentrate, he might even tap his foot to it. The fact that the girl singing was fine as hell didn’t help either, the dress she was wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination and her eyes were piercing through the crowd, almost as if looking for anything in particular “huh… interesting .”
The night on and on, Jones came up to him a few times, said that nothing was going on, no one saw anything during the party  so the calls about the suspicious activity was probably just some drunk guy wanting attention. Ah well, at least he got to have some fun and nice drinks Raph thinks, making his way to the outside of the club, it was a bit cold so the area was empty, or so he thought because the smell of smoke brought him back from his thoughts. Lo and behold it was the singer, she was eyeing him curiously, an amused smile gracing her lips. He wasn’t going to lie, she was starting to make him a bit twitchy.
“What? Have ya never seen a mutant before?” It came out more aggressive than he intended but oh well, not like he is gonna see her again.
“Heh! If you count the times I’ve seen you in TV? I’ve seen them plenty of times.” She says with a chuckle throwing her cigarette away to walk closer to him “Relax big guy, I ain’t looking because to be rude, I was just taking you in. You’re taller than I thought, TV really doesn’t do it justice.” She laughs.
His shoulders relax, a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in leaves his mouth “Shit- sorry I’m just used to the other kind of the staring” leaning against the wall Raph takes a good look at her, she was still in her fancy dress but her hair was now up, held together by a fancy hairclip ‘Must be one of those rich girls’ he thinks already making a mental note to be wary.
“Oh I know. I noticed you were basically glued to the corner of the club, tense as all hell and looking everywhere like something was gonna jump atcha” She crosses her arms and looks up at him with a small smile.
‘So she WAS paying attention to her surroundings… REAL good attention’ Raph’s about to say something else when his phone vibrates, it’s Jones telling him that they can go, the party was over and nothing of importance happened so there was no need for them to be there anymore.
!Hockey Prick!
-Dude lets just go, this thing is over and nothing happened, the others are waiting back at the lair.
Raph rolls his eyes, he supposed his friend (ugh) was right, there was no need to stay any longer than need be… even if this very pretty girl WAS making up conversation with him there was no way that she would really want anything to do with him besides kill some curiosity she had from seeing him around on television. When he looks back at her she raises an eyebrow at him, clearly waiting for an answer.
He sighs “Well, as fun as  it was meeting ya, I gotta run, got a friend waiting for me at the entrance.” He nods at her, starting to peel himself from the wall slowly. She hums lowly.
“Hm, I was hoping we could chat some more. But alright, wouldn’t wanna keep your buddy waiting now do we?” she says, extending her hand at him “Name’s (Y/N) by the way.”
“Raphael, but you probably already knew that.” He shakes her hand carefully, her skin soft and cold against his.
“I prefer knowing names from the people themselves.” She tilts her head, friendly grin plastered on her face as they bid their goodbyes.
He chuckles and nods, finally walking to meet up with Casey, a warm feeling on his chest for the first time in the chilly night.
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frvnkcastles · 1 year
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Summary: Frank helps you through a panic attack after you’ve been triggered.
Warnings: Feminine nicknames used, panic attack, vomiting, implied PTSD, reader is triggered but trigger is unspecified
Word count: 879
Panic coursed through your veins, igniting every molecule ablaze with chaos as you stumbled out of the elevator and towards your apartment’s door, shaky hands struggling to find the right key. Your vision was blurry through the scared tears and you could only hear your own, heavy breaths mixed with the fast drumming of your heartbeat — you could hardly even tell how you made it out of the bus and up to your floor, but you were moving on autopilot now, bursting through the front door at the brink of hyperventilating.
”Hey, sweetheart”, Frank’s low voice tried to break through the buzzing in your ears, his casual greeting soon replaced with worry when it went unanswered. ”Baby, you okay?” you could hear him ask, but you didn’t have it in you to say anything; only the attempt to part you lips made nausea rise up your throat and you headed straight for the bathroom.
Boots still on, bag dropped in the middle of the hallway as you rushed to the toilet, you felt the acid crawl up to your mouth and before you could process what was happening, you fell to your knees and let it all out.
Frank, of course, was up and off of the couch faster than lightning.
”Hey, hey, hey.” He was by your side in a blink of an eye, knelt on the floor without a second’s hesitation while he gathered astray strands of your hair in his large hands and frowned at the sight of you bent over the toilet bowl. ”’S okay, let it out. ’M right here, aight?” he assured you with simple sentences, not wavering from your side even if he wasn’t sure what was going on. This was the first time he witnessed something like this with you, and he couldn’t deny that the fear and anxiety of not knowing if you were alright were already banging at the door in his heart.
You spat, and then fell back to sit on the floor, tears streaming down your cheeks and your shoulders rising and falling with your ragged, uneven breaths. Now that was familiar to Frank — he knew exactly what a panic attack looked like, and he was grateful you had told him how to help before. Finally, he could do something.
”Easy, easy. Eyes on me, sweetheart”, he rasped, sitting down with you and placing both hands on your shoulders to ground you, his thumb massaging the bone. ”Breathe with me. C’mon, you can do it”, he continued when you managed to look over to him, only to find him staring at you in all seriousness but with so much confidence in you that you almost believed you could do it, too.
”Hey, I know it’s scary in that pretty head o’yours right now, but you got this. Attagirl”, he promised, dramatically inhaling and exhaling so you could follow his lead.
”It’s stupid”, you finally managed to utter out, eyes falling shut as you reached for his hand and squeezed. ”It was so stupid—”, you continued, a cry escaping your mouth loudly, and shushing you, Frank interjected.
”Shh, sh, sweetheart, nah, don’t do that. It ain’t stupid. Squeeze my hand, yeah? Lemme know how it feels”, he encouraged with an even tone, and following his instructions, you gripped his larger hand as tight as you could. The warmth and calloused feeling of his skin gave you something to quite literally hold onto, and slowly, your breaths began to slow down.
”There ya go”, he whispered, ”that’s my girl.”
Nodding to confrm that you had it under control, you swallowed and continued to breathe with concentrated effort. In hindsight, it really did feel stupid. One minute you had been sitting on the bus, on your way home, earphones in and your finger tapping your thigh along the beat of your favorite song — the next, you were thrown back into the horrible, nightmarish feeling that you couldn’t have been more sick of reliving. Flashbacks had hit you like a bullet train and the walls had begun to close down on you, sending you into a spiral that seemingly only Frank could snap you out of.
”Can I hold you, baby?” Frank spoke quietly, and with your eyes opening to spot him eyeing you with worry, you gave him a nod. He didn’t hesitate to position himself so that his legs were around you and your head could rest on his chest, his arms folding around your chest as he held you tight and close. He breathed in the scent of your hair and left a kiss on the crown of your head, needing this as much as you did.
”I’m sorry I worried you”, you mumbled, and with a disapproving click of his tongue, Frank shook his head.
”It ain’t like you chose this shit, huh? You got nothin’ to be sorry ’bout. ’M just glad I could be here to help”, he reassured, resting his jaw on the top of your head as he caressed your arm softly.
”You always help”, you sighed, and with a weak smile, Frank hummed.
”Right back at ya. Coulda been me on this floor, y’know? I got you. You got me”, he reminded, and with a heavy exhale, you nodded.
”We got this.”
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da-awesom-one · 7 months
This Is The Thanks I Get?! (Jack Frost Version) - Chris Pine
*DISCLAIMER: These lyrics are fan-made lyrics of a song created and owned by Disney for a character that is owned by Dreamworks. No money is being made off of this. This was solely written for recreational purposes.*
sing = siiing
Jack shook his head in disbelief, and then shook it towards the moon. "That's it. I've had it! I've had it with your silence, and I've had it with everybody and their mother giving me the cold shoulder!" He ran a hand through his hair, scoffing again. "I mean, what's it gonna take?!"
Frost began to count off from his free left hand. "I've started snowball fights, not that they ever let me in on them considering I'm invisible! I've even frosted some windows over to write them messages, and lemme tell ya, those were not the reactions I was hopin' for!"
"I mean, what do I gotta do, huh?!" he groaned, throwing his arms up into the air. "Do I actually have to spell it out for them, o-or sing it out loud to get them to hear me?!"
He was grimacing when he said this. But as the words registered in his head, his expression became pensive as he considered his remark.
In truth... he hadn't tried that.
Jack rubbed his chin in thought as he pondered this new development, his eyes darting left and right like clockwork. Was he really that desperate? Would he really stoop so low? Debase himself in such a way?
...It turned out that yes. Jack was that desperate.
"...Oh, what the heck."
I can’t help it… if no one can look my way.
It’s a curse, I tell ya! 
Can’t stop it no matter what I do or say!
Peep the name, son! It’s Jack Frost!
I’m THE rebel without a cause!
I’m free-spirited! My own kind of boss!
“Ahem! Lemme explain…”
I’d give the cloak off my own bare back,
If you really needed that.
I’d be the first one to volunteer myself!
If your igloo were to crumble, or if you were in trouble.
I’d cancel all your school days.
Be the friend that suggests fun stuff.
Take blame for all your messes,
And I’d be there for you when things get rough!
I’d give, and give, and give, and give!
You’d think it’d be more than enough…
And all I really want is to get in on the fun.
But this is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
This is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
For wanting to be seen by them! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
Looks like I’ll get ignored again. (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
Since this is the thanks I get!
It’s so stupid.
But that’s the least I could say.
There are more words that are well-suited.
Like "cruel," and "wrong," and "unfair," and "lame!”
The gifts you gave me? I’ve shown them off!
And you still won’t talk? Are you blowing me off?!
Um, do you think I won’t come up there?
‘Cause I won’t hesitate to drag your butt down here!
UGH! I made a hundred snow days last year!
C’mon! That’s a high percent!
And still you won’t let me be seen?
The disrespect I just underwent!
You get my hopes up, and tear them down.
But, really, what do I expect?
It’s been like this every year ever since we met…
So this is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
This is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
For expecting you to really listen! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
Did I just get run over by Sven?! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
I didn’t wanna do this.
I SWORE I’d never sing this!
But I’m really runnin’ outta options here,
‘Cause I refuse to be unseen for another year!
A ballad, a jingle, a melody, a glee?!
ANYTHING to finally be seen!
To this low I’d really rather not stoop to,
But a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do!...
*Cough* “Where was I? Oh yeah, right…”
Been at this for a century now,
So don’t think I’ll be going away!
C’mon, now. Say something, man!
Gonna leave me hangin’ here without a say?
Well, whenever you wanna chat-
Yeah, that’ll be the day.
Honestly? Something tells me I’m gonna be there, either way…
‘Cause this is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
This is the thanks I get! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
For thinking today’d be different! (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
I guess it’s the thanks I get? (Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, da)
*Sigh.* This is the thanks I get!
“So thanks! Thanks for nothing…”
Been mulling over this ever since Disney released the song weeks ago. Figured I'd try my hand at a Jack Frost version, and I definitely love how it turned out. Might even add it to my fic, hence why I added some passages of it before the song.
Also added to the chorus, putting in extra lines. This was inspired by the Booth To Screen video of This Is The Thanks I Get?! where it ends with Chris Pine singing the whole first chorus before ending with how he harmonizes in the third line of the 2nd and last choruses. So in this version there is a bit of a pause between verses. Look it up on YouTube, and you guys will see what I mean.
Keep in mind, Jack's mentality here is "This Is The Thanks I Get for thinking today's gonna be any different than yesterday." This is set during his 300 years of isolation, so again, he's trying all sorts of things to get seen. The spectrum is far more different then the villainous version depicted by King Magnifico. There are points in the song, especially the middle where Jack loses his cool. Though not shown in these lyrics, I’m the story setting, he’s gonna try to calm himself down, which is mostly what he’s struggling with in during the Bridge. Whereas Magnifico doesn’t, gets himself continuously worked up before he does something he can’t take back.
Another example of the difference between the two is at the end when, instead of screaming in rage like the king, Jack just reins it in, and just sings the last verse.
Long story short: both characters allow themselves to go insane here. Difference here is Jack remembered to make sure he came back. Magnifico didn’t.
Either way, the song's extremely catchy, and I can find myself singing to either version. Hope you guys enjoyed reading or singing it in your head.
PS: for those wondering, the Sven Jack mentioned in the song is Sven the Reindeer from Frozen. 😉
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chaostheoryy · 2 years
Random Fallout 4 headcanons for my fave companions because I’ve been replaying the game despite the rapidly accelerating deterioration of my Playstation 4
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Some of these headcanons contain suggestive content. There is also a mention of su*cide attempts so tread carefully but know that neither the sexual content or su*cidal issues are described in detail.
Nick Valentine (he/him)
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He’s a massive flirt. Pre-war!Nick was very much the smooth talker and would flirt with just about anybody for any reason. What Nick doesn’t realize is that nowadays his flirting with Sole is most definitely not just fun and games but rather a genuine desire to connect and impress the ol’ vault dweller.
Of all the aspects of his figure, he’s most insecure about his eyes. Their piercing glow only seems to serve as a reminder of his inhuman physicality.
As a synth, he obviously doesn’t have blood or hormones so typical sexual attraction and physical reactions don’t occur. However, he loves giving Sole attention. Pleasuring them and watching them unravel is a gift that keeps on giving.
Man’s best friend is Nick’s best friend too. He’s a dog guy. Dogmeat is easily his favorite co-companion. Any chance to spend time with Sole’s four-legged friend is time well-spent.
Even though it literally cannot kill him, he really wants to quit smoking. Pre-war!Nick’s addiction is the only thing he really can’t stand about the guy whose identity he’s borrowed from. With Sole’s help, maybe he can rewire the brain and kick the habit.
There isn’t a single person in the Commonwealth more open-minded and inclusive as Nick. Regardless of race, gender identity or sexuality, he respects and seeks to aid every single person that comes to him for help. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s a synth with a dead man’s memories that makes it easier to empathize or the fact that he just loves people. Either way, he’s the most reliable guy in Diamond City.
Nick hates power armor. He doesn’t have any qualms with Sole wearing it since the stuff does wonders to keep them alive. However, he just can’t stand wearing it himself. It’s too clunky and too heavy, and it just makes him feel more inhuman than he already is.
Hancock (he/they)
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He’s the gayest ghoul in the Commonwealth. Well, more like the queerest. Hancock is the poster child for pansexuality. Doesn’t matter what your gender identity is, if he thinks you’re hot, he’s down to clown.
Eternal life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There have been some very low lows in his ghoul-ish life that have brought him to breaking points. There’s been more than one suicide attempt, but he just can’t seem to die. Fortunately, the desire to help the folks of Goodneighbor and keep Sole safe has given him a new purpose and love for life.
No one throws a rager like Hancock. This guy knows how to party like it’s 2069. Mixing drinks, picking killer music, and sparking wildly fascinating conversations are just some of the skills on his Life-of-the-Party resume.
Freak of nature? No. Freak in bed? Hell yeah. Hancock is down for anything and everything. Whether it’s a kink you like or a desire to try something new, he’s gonna give you a run for your money. And lemme tell ya, he’s good at what he does.
Though he loves Sole with his whole heart and wants to horde them like treasure, he is very much open to polyamorous relationships. If Sole finds themself connecting with another companion, he has no problem exploring possibilities with this new party member. And hey, who is he to complain if it means the sex life gets some new flavor?
MacCready (he/him)
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He’s the sharpest shooter this side of the Mississippi. After all his experience in the Capital Wasteland and his time spent with the Gunners, his rifle handling is basically unmatched. Give him a target and he will not miss, I guarantee it.
Now there’s a nut that’s awfully tough to crack. MacCready may seem like a jerk who doesn’t share his feelings, but it’s all just a means to protect himself. Can’t get your heart broken if you don’t let anybody in. However, the more time he spends with Sole, the more that wall around his heart chips away. And once you make it inside, it is impossible for him to push you out.
No one loves harder than this guy. A single dad who has risked it all for his son, MacCready is the kind of guy to go all in on a genuine connection. If he cares about you, he will go to the ends of the Earth—quite literally if he has to—to make sure you stay alive. Sole is lucky enough to be the person that receives that insane devotion.
This. boy. is a bottooooooommmm~ No, but for real. When it comes to intimacy, MacCready is putty in Sole’s hands. He’s spent far too many years having to keep that tough mercenary reputation in tact, so much so that he’s been touch-starved and desperate for romance. Call him handsome or pet his hair and he will melt like candle wax.
The internalized homophobia is strong with this one. He’s a bisexual king, he just takes far too long to realize it. The pressure to fit into the stereotype of loving dad with beautiful wife made him bury some less heterosexual thinking early in life. Fortunately for him, exposure to more queer folk in Goodneighbor and surrounding Commonwealth settlements has made it easier for him to accept that he may not be as straight as he thought he was.
Deacon (they/he/she)
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Deacon is a genderfluid icon. Though he typically chooses more masculine personas (and I’m defaulting to he for this just because of the game canon), he has no reservations about taking on the identity of a woman or non-binary/agender individual. As a result, Deacon’s a-okay with people referring to him by any pronoun.
Though he’s got game and can flirt for days, he’s asexual and aromantic. Life’s too chaotic to settle down, especially when said life involves changing identities every couple of years and disappearing underground for days at a time to help the Railroad. A significant other just isn’t something Deacon’s looking for at this point.
Sole is his hero. As much as he plays off confidence and doesn’t hesitate to stick his neck out for the vault dweller when they first come by HQ, he is absolutely starstruck by Sole’s reputation. He’s been watching this Commonwealth legend for so long, meeting them face-to-face basically gives him whiplash.
Though he changes his story left and right to make it difficult to maintain an aura of mystery and secrecy surrounding his character, I strongly believe the bit about him being a synth is true. He’s one of the OG’s, one of the Institute’s first Gen 3′s and a technological marvel. After breaking free from the Institute’s control, he made it his life goal to ensure others can find the same freedom.
He’s the glue that holds the Railroad together. When a groups one and only job is to risk their lives to save synths in a world that hates them, it’s easy to get weighed down by responsibility and hopelessness. Deacon, however, always seems to be the perfect distraction. Whether he cracks a joke or annoys somebody with gentle bullying, he can easily take folks’ minds off of the negativity.
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thecontumacious · 2 years
this is about the rice purity test so i think this is kind of suggestive??
like the reader have this mindset like mysta that they can pop off innuendo every single damn time that can make ike eveland mald. When they found out that there rice purity test is really really high— higher than shu—
i wonder what there reaction will be—
"Wait, how much?!"
a/n: now before you guys ask, yes this is possible (although in the rarest of cases)
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl. 
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Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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you're on the same wavelength of sussy as vox
yes it's that bad
come on child, let's off you to a priest (つ▀¯▀ )つ
as the king of the past and well many years of seeing all sorts of sussy people like yourself, you take the top tier (second only to him actually)
ike has double the headache when you two are together
bless the poor man
it was one day that you and him were collabing together--discussing something only chat to wonder why youtube has yet to ban you two--that the idea of rice purity test scores were brought up
"actually i've never taken the test. too busy and stuff," you hum, madly clicking away at your game
"huh?? well, you should take one soon. i bet you it's super low," vox laughs
you don't deflect this and only smirk, "see if it's lower than you?"
"hah! keep dreaming, love," he retorts
why is he proud of his low score
"alright bet. after this round i'll test it out."
and after you do finish up, you and vox take a break while you busily search for the online quiz
"found it yet?"
"yep, no need to worry over my ass."
"really? i've been thinking about it this whole time though."
"oh you have, haven't you?"
"yep i have, baby."
suddenly you're quiet.
much to yours, vox's and the chat's dismay
"uh, y/n? you good?"
"huh? yeah i'm cool," you answer quietly but vox knows something is up
"the test intimidating ya' much?"
you giggle, "i've seen worse things."
"oh? care to tell me what?"
"y/n? seriously, are you good?"
"i take it back," you suddenly report.
vox raises his eyebrows, taking a sip of his tea, "take what back?"
"that i've seen more intimidating things," he hears you gulp from the other line of the discord call and this is the first ever time he's seen you like this
"look, y/n my dear, i know you like the suspense and everything, but i'd like for you to be clear with me what's going on. you've been kinda quiet for the last few minutes," vox tells you, sitting upright
you sigh, "mytestscoreisninetyseven."
"your test score is fucking what???????"
even chat believes that their devices are acting up
you, the person who's always connected to vox on a god level in terms of being sussy, has a purity test score higher than even shu yamino's????? *95 btw
"you sure you're not fucking with me right now??" vox is still in complete denial apparently and honestly so were you when you realized you weren't checking off much of the boxes...
"yes??? here, lemme just show you the test screen. i fucking swear this is not some getup this is literally my score. bro, i'm just as spooked right now," you busy yourself by setting everything up
and in the next minute, vox and the chat see for themselves that you truly were a pure golden 97
"well, mysterious phenomenon aside...," the demon trails off and although you had just heard him get shocked over it, he literally turns over 180 as he spoke in a baby voice, "aweeee, y/n-chan is actually as innocent as a baby! oh you sweet little thing, come here, let daddy take care of you. this world can't taint your innocence when i'm around."
somehow, you don't know if you should be proud of your "achievement" or not bcs the moment vox decided that you were pure as per the results, he's treating you as though you're a baby
ofc he's just teasing you mostly
examples include:
"oh wait but you don't know what a #@!&8 is right, y/n? nah, you're too innocent to know. don't google it okay?"
"ayeyayai, that language. who taught you how to speak like that?"
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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much like him, you're terrible at being innocent for just five fucking minutes
yes officer it's this one. oh and the orange one too.
be it on stream or jail, mysta has officially found himself another dirty minded friend besides vox
you discuss it with him what role you play with him okay (╬≖_≖)
he found out the first time when it came out on the wee hours of your off collab with him, ike and nina
hoo boy, someone get ike some ear plugs
mysta was actually the one to bring it up first
"hey, now that i've thought about it, you've never told us your rice purity test scores, y/n," he thought aloud, vox and nina agreeing as they too were just as curious as him
ike on the other wished you could hand him those earplugs( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ )
"oh guys come on, it's probably as low as you guys," the novelist rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his probably alcholic drink to forget he ever was in this conversation
you hum, grabbing your phone, "actually i've never taken it before."
vox adds, "well like what ike said. it's probably super low like us two. ain't that right mysta?"
he chortles as he went to pat your back, "come join the sussy trio of nijimilo, y/n."
"i'd be so honored, mysta," you wiggle your eyebrows. "gimme a sec okay."
but chat was pretty much already vouching that you'd have super low test scores, judging by how many suggestive innuendos you make on stream that rivals even that of mysta--
sigh, mysta says he's never been prouder of you(つω`。)
actually not just chat, everyone in the room
but as they chatter away through the night, your own commentary lessened quite a bit as you read through the test even deeper
mysta who happened to be quiet in the conversation and sitting next to you grew genuinely worried and super curious
"hm? something up, y/n?" he asks you, peering over your shoulder
you hide the screen away from him, "h-hey mysta! i'm fine."
"ah? what's this?" he starts to wiggle his eyebrow, smirking in a way that you know he's up to no good. "why are you shy? you already know it's pretty bad though, right?"
"u-um, yeah, i did," you take a deep breath and just decided to suck it in. rip it off like a band aid. you show the detective your screen, "except the results says otherwise."
he looks over and his eyes are as wide as the universe
his first initial response?
this of course had to catch the attention of everyone else as they stopped their conversation
"mysta!" you scold, hiding your phone
"hey, hey, what's up?" nina asks you two
you just shrink while mysta remains scatterbrained
"got the test score back? how bad is it?" vox smirks leaning over to grab your phone but you quickly hide it in your pocket. the demon frowns, "um, you good? embarrassed about your score is it?"
"bro that's not it, that's not it," mysta shakes his head and you honestly don't know what to do. "can i tell them? can i please tell them???"
seeing as there was no point in hiding it anymore, you let him.
"guys, chat, y/n's score is a 97," mysta announces, emphasizing every single syllable at the last phrase. and just like him, everyone is as bamboozled
he grins, leaning into the mic, "they're just an innocent kid."
"oh fuck off, mysta," you pout, crossing your arms
but he doesn't for a very good while (-`д´-)
if you thought him and the others (excluding ike) teasing you about your oddly high score during the collab was bad enough
mysta thought it was good to add to your misery even after you went home
he absolutely does not let it go and although he's just joking around, you sometimes rly regret telling him your score at all
taking the test at all
ah well what's done is done
"hey kiddo, close your eyes and ears for this bit."
"um, why? and stop calling me that."
"it's not kid friendly. adults only."
"shhh just trust me okay. now go close your eyes and ears."
"mysta i swear i will hunt you down and break your arms myself--"
again, what's done is done ┐(-。ー;)┌
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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to me luca can be sussy but bro come on from here on out, yall know that this is the seiso line of |_・)
compared to you, luca has absolutely nothing
he also just rly likes to believe that he can be unseiso but when talking to you, he knows only a fraction of the things you understand
voCaBulaRiEs if you will १ |˚–˚| ५
he doesn't necessarily scold you for being super sussy. if anything, he sorta appreciates it??? he says he's learning new things with you around
lucubs are genuinely worried for luca's wellbeing whenever you collab with him
don't want our precious golden retriever of a mafia boss to be tainted by your unholyness (?), demon
but luca likes having you around on collabs and discord calls when time permits bcs he thinks you're good company^^
it was in one of these said collabs that the topic of rice purity tests came up
"thank you for the superchat! boss, what's your rice purity test score?" luca reads aloud one of the messages. he chuckles, "for chat who doesn't know, the rest of luxiem actually took the test too. mine is 93 i think?"
you sip at your drink, nodding, "yep, it was 93."
"what's yours, y/n? now that i think about it, we've never really known. did you take one?"
"huh, i actually haven't! i haven't gone around to take it yet. hold on," you place your drink back down and quickly type away rice purity test onto the google search engine. "all these are the same right?"
"yeah, doesn't really matter which one. they're the same everywhere."
"alright gimme a couple minutes, luca."
"i gotchu," the mafia boss grins, turning to his chat to more of the superchats he had missed. while waiting, he stumbled across one that made him laugh, "y/n, someone said on superchat that they bet you're gonna get super low. as low as mysta or vox."
you snort, "probably true. what do you think, luca?"
"would i be a bad friend if i said yes?? i mean, i've watched your streams, y/n," he laughs. "they're as bad as vox or mysta when they're being super unseiso."
but then luca doesn't get a response from you
for a second he goes to check on discord to see if he's misclicked on anything or if you accidentally muted yourself but everything seemed alright
"uh, y/n? you there?"
"hm? yeah, i'm here," you do respond to him, but a lot... quieter? was it him or did you sound nervous?
"you okay? you sound a bit off," he tells you while frowning
you on the other hand can only look at the many boxes you've left unchecked in the list, surprising yourself
even luca thought you were pretty bad, what was this tom fuckery? ⊙︿⊙
"hey luca, are you sure all tests are the same?"
he raises an eyebrow, "supposedly yes. why? did something happen with your test? i can get you the same link i used."
"w-wait, no need. it's just um," you tap your fingers against the keyboard and you finally admit in a tiny voice, "mineisaninetyseven,luca."
"sorry what?"
"lucaaaaa," you whine, thinking he was just teasing you so you could say it again
but he interjects, genuinely not hearing what you said because of the low volume you spoke in. "no, no, wait. i didn't actually hear you. what was it??"
"ninety seven????"
ah finally got it did he ( ╥ω╥ )
"wait how is that possible? not to sound offensive, but like??? you get what i mean right??"
it's more so a battle of both wonder and confusion in this stream, for you, luca and chat
even after, luca kept bugging you about how weird your result was
so yes, he's nice enough not to tease you about it (too bamboozled by the fact you're actually 4 points higher than him)
facts are though, you still know a lot more about the art of being unseiso than him despite the... contradicting truth of the test scores
he really doesn't mind it, just slightly confused.
for the way he treats you, it doesn't change as well bcs luca kaneshiro is nice like that uwu
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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yall know how this is gonna go down
he gets migraines when you are in a fairly unseiso mood (even worse if mysta and or vox is there. god the dirty pick up lines just don't stop)
ike feels like he should always bring a stash of his holy water every time he's gonna meet with you o.0
on a more serious note though, besides that, you're good company around him and as long as you're behaving accordingly during his streams, he's mostly okay with it
b e h a v e
moving on (。・・。)
he was on a discord call with you and mysta actually, casually talking about your days and schedules for the rest of the week
though you and mysta resonated far too much on being unseiso together, ike had to admit this discord call was one of the more tamed scenarios so he can't really complain
trust ike, he's seen worse
"oh my god, you guys i'm gonna leave this call if you continue to talk about these things," the novelist groans jokingly, tapping on his desk while resting his head on his hand
you giggle, "it was mysta who started it!"
"huh?? did not! you insinuated it!"
"i insinuated nothing! you're the one having the perverted mind!" you argue back
ike can only sigh from behind the screen watching you two banter like you were siblings
he swore you guys were but refused to tell anyone
"no, you're the one perverted!" mysta retorts
you huff, "mysta, you literally have a purity test score lower than goddamn vox. you're absolutely perverted! ike, back me up."
"to be fair, y/n, you're probably super low. maybe even as bad as him," he admits
mysta says, "see? we're both as bad. wait, hold on, how much is your rice purity test score? i don't think you've ever told us."
"oh shit, yeah i haven't even taken it."
ike rolls his eyes, "i don't even know if i should encourage you to take it, y/n."
you laugh, typing away on the google search engine to look for the test anyway. "you'll be fine, ike. i know yours and mysta's. wouldn't it be nice to know mine?"
"um, i don't see the purpose of knowing that fact but sure, i guess?"
i can just hear him say all these things in my head you guys o(TヘTo)
"what's the real point of you taking a rice purity test anyway? i'm betting you're pretty low," mysta snickers
"just to get a more concrete number i guess? it's just for fun."
"all the more misery for me it seems," ike deadpans, sourcing laugh from you and mysta
"wanna bet how much they'll get, ike?" the detective asks him, ike hearing his grin behind his voice
"probably like a 50 or lower?" he guesses
and when you don't respond to any of the boys' commentary about you, ike calls you. it's only then you respond to what he says
"huh? what's up?"
ike frowns, "you good? you were quiet for a second, y/n."
"n-no, i'm fine. just taking the test."
"oh my god ike, imagine if their purity scores are actually pretty high. is that even possible??" mysta wonders, leaning back against his seat as he waited for you to finish
ike shrugs, "i think so. probably very rare though. but with y/n? i can't imagine that happening to be honest."
"ummmmmm so about that," you suddenly chime in, seemingly anxious. ike notices this and goes to ask you first
ike pauses, comically cleans his ears and asks you as though you'd just muted yourself, "sorry, you were saying?"
"ike i'm not kidding," you laugh nervously
"not kidding? about what? hold on, i'm behind. guys tell me what's going on here."
but you and ike ignore mysta as you two have a somewhat serious but also comedic conversation about your phenomenal test score
"then how much is it?"
"A NINETY WHAT?" ike exclaims, literally jumping out of his seat and denying what his ears had perceived for him. "A NINETY FUCKING SEVEN? y/n, you????? a ninety seven????"
then there's mysta who's only getting things right lol ●︿●
"I DONT KNOW U GUYS I SURPRISINGLY DON'T CHECK MUCH OF THESE THINGS???" you stare head on at the bold and very clear number before you, way higher than what you deserve for all the misery you've caused ike eveland
"i honestly don't know how to feel right now," said man confesses, a hollow in his chest as he lets the truth dawn on him
why? because you, the cause of his headaches for your unseiso jokes, is a few points above shu's. if you top even shu the pure, where the hell did he rank ☜(`o´)
whatever happens though, even if you scored 97 on that test, the fact that you still cause him misery because of your impurity proves that he should still bring his holy water with him
bless ike eveland ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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he's a generally chill guy and can put up with your unseiso behavior so i personally recommend you shu yamino
don't take advantage of him okay
don't teach him weird shit (ง •̀_•́)ง
so in collabs and the like, shu will usually just laugh off whatever dirty pick up line (that he understands) or he doesn't actually get what you mean and your joke instantaneously becomes dry as hell
i personally recommend you shu yamino ┐(°‿°)┌
it was one of the yaminion's questions that came up in the superchat where they wanted to know about your rice purity test score, catching the curiosity of the rest of the chat and frankly, shu himself since he too never thought to ask
"huh, i actually never asked you either. you okay with telling us, y/n?" he asks like the gentleman he was
you frown, "i actually haven't taken the test. lemme go do it real quick and i'll come with the results. wait here shu and chat!"
as he waits for you, he makes himself busy by going through the superchats he missed, thanking and skimming them
he laughs when he reads one that says, "i bet y/n has it pretty low"
and it seems that chat was agreeing with the statement
at the mention of you, shu remembers that you've been awfully quiet as though you weren't there anymore
he calls out, "yo, y/n?"
"hm?" you hum, voice softer than before
shu begins to suspect something, guessing that it probably had something to do with the test you're taking. he chuckles, "you good? been quiet for a good while."
"o-oh, i'm fine. just peachy."
just peachy?
shu laughs even more, "just peachy? you don't really say that. you sure you okay? is it the test? did you finish?"
you groan, rubbing at your head when shu basically spoke your mind out loud. "okay fine yes i did"
"uh huh then?"
shu's obliviousness rly kills you sometimes, especially right now ;-;
"shu, my score is uh"
"your score?"
"yours plus 2"
well that was one way to put it
"mine plus 2? 95 plus 2? wait what?" it's only now that shu realizes why you were nervous
and he can't help but laugh at it
your face is red from the embarrassment as you bombard shu, "wh-why are you laughing, huh??"
"bro, your score is higher than me! it's super funny. cause you're the one usually coming up with the rly unseiso jokes," and he doesn't cease his laughter which further incriminates you
"shuuu stop laughing :<<"
"i'm sorry but it's so hilarious and weird??? i guess it is because the test is more about what you do than what you know but still," he grins. "besides, why are you so embarrassed? isn't this like a good thing or something?"
"it's you laughing at me is what makes me embarrassed dammit," you huff \(`0´)/
and well as previously mentioned, shu is a super chill guy and usually doesn't hold onto jokes on one stream to the next
ofc unless if someone brings it up, but the worst shu yamino can do is rly to laugh at how ridiculously contradicting it was
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youaremy-parkfilter · 8 months
Hiii?! I've been feeling low these days..so lemme chill here!
All these days where ever i go I'm seeing stuffs saying nasty about jk,tkkrs as usual trying to 'prove' their ships and so on.
Saw many jkkrs who changed their mind and being insecure about their beliefs too?! Seriously in this jikook lamd we really don't want insecure ones. Because we are supporting an existing bond. Whatever it is, a pure and adorable bond between these two.I myself was never thought of shipping these two men. I mean when my eyes landed on them, i felt the chemistry between them. There is something going on between them. The way they care for eo,the way they are more attentive to eo. Shipping changed to supporting when i landed deep into this.It hurts to see them getting hatred just because of their bond. But them showing more and more like nothing can't break our bond. It was all clear when jimin posted that half naked photos of them on jk's birthday. Till this day they both never talked about this trip. They know what should be talken and what not.
Jimin being so private about his personal life speaks a lot.He is one among who faced a lot. FACE speaks it louder and louder .He knew the consequences of them shown together on a live.These days jimin denying jk's invitation is so sus !! Park jimin ain't an easy person!! That's it
But that will never a reason that they both ain't together. Or their bond ain't no more.They both don't want anyone's validation.Just that they ain't seen together on public doesn't mean they are not that close. Use the brain ya!
The amount of love between these two are undeniable.
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Still we don't know the story behind 'letter'- 'dear.ARMY' was that dear,army *cough*......jungkook had played letter during his live too still he didn't utter a single word about his background vocals, till that he was like 'oh jiminie hyung this , oh jiminie hyung that' ...when letter played he was melting into jimin's voice. It was jimin's story, and that album was his personal diary he didn't want any other artist to tell his story but still he hid his jungkookie as a secret in his personal diary......*sob* *sob*
......he went to support every members but not jk.but we only knew that part of him boarding a flight to NY, then his arrival. Where did he go? Why he didn't show up? Because he knew the amount of hates that he have to face and don't want to ruin his jungkookie's big day. A man made of love and consideration he IS !!
They both deserves a lot of love and support.... For those who gonna bark for gcf,,just think can you deal with it? A gcf ft.NY ?
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netripper · 4 months
Hello! I love your photoshoots very much. I am wondering what are your PC specs? I would like to mod C2077 at some point in the future, and would love to achieve results like yours. Thank you in advance (^^)d
aw this is really sweet!! hell ya i'll tell u my specs top to bottom lemme bring em up
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 RAM: 32 GBs (two 16 GB sticks) motherboard: TUF B450-PLUS GAMING, ver. Rev X.0x, by ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.
honestly i'm at the point where i do really need to update my machine (and have been angsting about it for a hot minute) so it's great that my vp still holds up considering cyberpunk's specs! be warned, i've had all of this stuff since 2019, so it may just be struggling due to age -- but i do recommend looking for something a little more recent if ur in the market for PC parts. i have to play the actual game on low settings ESPECIALLY when driving, and i get a lot of stuttering nowadays.
anyway as for additional programs, i've finally capitulated to using ReShade, CyberLit, and OtisTools again; the vanilla photomode actually captures really well now, i think they might've done something to crank it up when you capture via spacebar, but if ur not worried about losing out on less chunky-looking modded hair (or if u can run the game super high to begin with) then i'd say yeah, reshade's pretty important. at least to me! i just can't with the vanilla DOF man it sucks so bad
idk what else to say so ya, i hope i could help!! def do ur research when shopping for new PC parts; i recommend GamersNexus because they've demonstrated integrity and reliability in their handling of the LTT debaucle, and they go pretty in-depth on all the things they review.
thanks for the ask!!
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afarcryfrommymain · 11 months
Snippet from a scrapped fic idea because I like this part, but I also don't think I'm coming back to it ever.
Context isn't needed because it's really just the first couple of paragraphs, but just know it's New Dawn (of course), and they have some downtime to patch each other up.
Sharky finishes with wrapping my arm in new bandages, a lot of things have happened and changed these past years but I'm glad we're still patching each other up like usual, he hands me the roll he used so I can change his. We could definitely do this by ourselves (we have been for years) but it gives us a chance to chat. Hes telling me a story that he's mentioned off hand but never elaborated on, something about him and Hurk trying to brew moonshine but he dropped a lighter and almost killed them both.
"It was a fuckin shit show lemme tell ya," he moves a lot when talking, "all of our supplies go up in flames, Hurk and I saved a bottle and a half at most, ruined all our progress and we were running low on beer we found in abandoned homes. Shit got rough- ow!"
"Sorry sorry, I always make em too tight," I quickly loosen the wrappings around his thigh, and try again.
"Its good its good, anyway, shit was rough, and then Hurk remembers this video he saw back in the day of these animals getting drunk off rotting fruit on the ground," he hands me the scissors to cut the bandages, "and I'm like 'thats a great idea' and we find this fruit tree and there was a shit ton of fruit on the ground-"
"Sharks, please tell me you two didn't eat dirty fermented fruit off the ground," I can't even hide my exasperation, but I also can't hide the fact that I'm smiling over him doing something stupid.
"I learned my lesson! Swear!" He says, "you can't give me shit for my safety you do dumb stuff too!"
"Oh yeah? Like what," I try not to sound serious, I'm getting back into using tone indicators when I speak since I haven't really been around anybody in a while and I don't want him to think of this as a warning or anything.
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ibasae · 2 years
Sprout*Waning Hermitage - Monday 1
Content Warning!
Contains mentions of unhealthy diets.
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Season: Winter
Mika: Snore... snore...
Mmm...? Haahhh... Hmmm....
(Lemme see... why did I set an alarm for today again...?)
---Ah, right! We start practicin' the new song today! I gotta hurry up. [begins to change]
Mika: That should do it. I think have everything... I shouldn't have forgotten anythin'
(Ack. I made so much noise in the morning~ I hope I didn't wake up Ritsu-kun....?)
Lemme check~---Ritsu-kun...?
Ritsu: Snore... snore...
Mika: (Score, he's sound asleep. But speaking of that, Ritsu-kun really likes sleeping, doesn't he? 'S always a struggle tryin' to get him to wake up~)
(But I get it, the beds are so soft n' comfy in the dorms--eh?)
Ah! The doll Oshi-san got me fell over! Uwah~ I didn't notice... I'm sorry!
...Since I put her on the bedside table, I must've hit her in my sleep. I gotta be more careful...
Hm. I gotta tidy her hair and clothes up...aaand done ♪
Ack. I can't just stand around like this. I gotta go now! See ya, Doll-san! 'm leaving~
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Izumi: ...(gracefully eating a salad)
Hajime: Um, Izumi-san? This might not be my place to ask, but is this really enough? wouldn't you get hungry if you only eat a salad for breakfast...
Izumi: Eh? Ah, nothing I can do about it now. I need to attend a conference as a model soon, so I have to control my intake.
Hajime: Control your intake... but at this rate, you'll collapse before the conference even starts. Plus, you have your regular work.
Izumi: I've been told that before. Yet, as a model, my diet is a part of the job.
Hajime: Ah! Right! I'll have Sena-senpai have some of that! I'll get it right now~
Izumi: Eh? Wa, wait- I can't-
Hajime: Don't worry, you'll definitely be able to have this! It's just hijiki and hard boiled eggs ♪ I made extra when I was cooking for myself yesterday, so I just left it in the fridge. I'm sure your diet doesn't limit this~
Izumi: I see. Both of these are low-carb foods, I can have both of these. Thank you, I'll take it.
Hajime: Okay!
Mika: Erm? G'morning~ I've been bumpin' into Hajime-kun a lot in the mornings. Is Hajime-kun having breakfast with Sena-senpai?
Hajime: Ah, good morning, Kagehira-senpai! Yup~ I bumped into you today as well. Ah, do you have time to have breakfast today? If you don't mind, please join us!
Mika: Mhmm! I haveta go to practice later, so I wanted to have a solid breakfast n' came into the kitchen.
Hajime: Then I'll cook something for Kagehira-senpai too, please wait here.
Mika: Eh?
Izumi: ...(thoroughly chewing)
Mika: (Eyaa~ Come back soon, Hajime-kun! Don't leave me alone with Sena-senpai~?!)
(I have no idea what to talk about with this guy...! Um, what to do... He's not doing anythin' except eating, but should I strike up a conversation anyways?)
Izumi: I heard you have practice next? Since Itsuki returned yesterday, is the practice related to Valkyrie?
Mika: Uwah?! Ah, yeah. That's right. Valkyrie has a new song that we haveta practice.
Izumi: Ah, so Itsuki would be staying in Japan for quite a while then?
Usually either me or Itsuki is missing from the dorm, so only 2 or 3 people are there at a time. Now that we're all here, it's kinda stuffy. How annoying~
Mika: Eh?! There's nothing I can do 'bout it even if ya tell me that?!
(Why's he tellin' me this? Does he want me to do something 'bout it? Eh~ I'm confused.)
Um... Sena-senpai? I can't change anythin' even if Sena-senpai is upset...?
Izumi: Hah? Of course I know that. I didn't expect you to have much of a reaction anyways.
Mika: Eh? Then why did you tell me?!
(Is he messin' with me...? Help, I don't understand Sena-senpai's thought process at all...!)
Hajime: Here you go, Kagehira-senpai! Sorry about the wait~♪ It's rice, miso, boiled hijiki, hard boiled egg and roasted fish!
Mika: Ahh! Finally, Hajime-kun has ascended to a goddess in my eyes!
Hajime: Eh, were you this hungry? Then please enjoy!
Mika: (It'd be an issue if Sena-senpai tries to talk to me again, I gotta finish this fast...!)
'M diving in~ I'll have the miso first--- Ack, hot hot hot! Uwaaaah~...
Hajime: Eh, are you okay?! The miso soup is still hot, you'd get burnt if you rush it!
Mika: Uuuu... my mouth stings. 'M already burnt~ I shouldn't have rushed it...
Hajime: Let it cool and have it later.
Mika: Mhmm! I'll be careful next time~ Huu... Huu..
Haa...♪ Thanks for the meal! Thank ya kindly, Hajime-kun! It was delicious!
Hajime: It's a simple meal, nothing you need to thank me about♪ If it's simple breakfasts like this, feel free to ask me any time, I'll make it.
Mika: Then I'll thank ya for every time♪ Ah, guys, I'll be on my way?
Hajime: Okay~ See you around.
Izumi: Be good and work hard, okay?
Mika: Mhmm, bye!
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(Bones Cute meet at the store!)
You'd never been to a store with a hot dog stand inside it. Maybe it was an Ebott City thing? You shrugged as you got in line at the stand. You were visiting Ebott for job interviews and after the long drive you'd had, you didn't have much energy to wonder about things.
The line was long enough that at first you couldn't see who was behind the counter. Once you got closer, you realized it was a skeleton! A short skeleton. No wonder you hadn't been able to see him. He grinned at you over the cash register. "Hey," he said in a low voice. "What can I getcha?" He held up a hand. "No, wait, lemme guess--a 'dog."
"A hot dog, yeah," you said.
"Well I'm not gonna give ya a cold one." The skeleton's grin grew wider. "'dog's are best when they're hot." He quickly assembled a hot dog in a bun. "You get to add your own toppings," he said. He reached over the counter. You reached out to take it, but he lifted it over your hand and placed it on top of your head. "Now it's a head dog," he said with a chuckle.
"I thought I got to add my own toppings," you said and smiled at him. "I don't usually put hot dogs in my hair. Not a great accessory."
"Eh, I think it suits ya," the skeleton said. "Lotsa people put their hair in a bun."
You laughed. "True," you admitted, "but I'm going to a job interview and it's not to work at a fast food place. They might not get the joke."
"Then you might not wanna work for 'em. Gotta find somebody...humerus." He winked and tapped his upper arm.
You laughed again. "I do want to work somewhere pun," you said. "But I'd rather eat the hot dog than wear it." You carefully took it off your head. "How much do I owe you?"
"Nothin'," the skeleton said with a grin. "This one's on the house."
"Well, no, it's in your hand, but you know what I mean." He shrugged. "You got an interview. Ya need brain fuel. So, free 'dog. Just come back an' tell me how it goes, okay? I'm always here. Just ask for Bones."
"Thanks!" You beamed. As you walked away, you decided that more grocery stores should have hot dog stands in them.
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