#the guy is not a perfect saint - he is kind but he is definitely not nice
rmorde · 2 months
While still on my 2HA high, I really want to talk about Chu Wanning's love for Mo Ran.
It is strange, isn't it? How deep his love goes when he only met little Mo Ran for a short while.
IMO, Chu Wanning is like Goj0 Sat0ru - the strongest but the loneliest. Everyone puts them on a pedestal which isolates them from building true connections with others.
For example, Xue Meng obviously loves and cares for Chu Wanning. However, he deeply respects and fears him too. He never sits beside his teacher when eating after all.
Coupled with Chu Wanning's temper and horrible social skills, he is an intimidating figure that would be really difficult to befriend.
Then little Mo Ran barges into his life. He disregarded all the social propriety bullshit and straight up demanded Chu Wanning to pay attention to him. He reached out and interacted Chu Wanning as a person - not some powerful figure to be revered and feared. For someone who has been treated as almost a "nonperson" because of his abilities for his entire life, that simple demand was special and kind in Chu Wanning's perspective.
So, imo, Chu Wanning is like Goj0 and Mo Ran is his "Get0". He loves him because, through sheer luck (aka fate), he is the first to see him beyond his powers and treat him as a real person.
So the next question then is when did Chu Wanning fell in love with Mo Ran?
I don't really know. In the beginning of the new timeline, Wanning is already in love with Mo Ran - he feels jealous of Shi Mei and feels wrong about having such feelings. I guess his love grew over time? Kinda like how Shi Mei and Mo Ran developed their feelings for him.
Maybe that's the case in 0.5 too but far more complicated. Chu Wanning loved Mo Ran. Fell in love with Mo Ran but never did anything about it because of Shi Mei. Probably fell out of love because of Taxian-Jun being Taxian-Jun. However, Chu Wanning's love for Mo Ran still endured despite everything especially when he realized his former disciple needed saving.
As for lusting after Mo Ran, I can only say poor Chu Wanning in the current(second?) timeline. The guy's already in love and ready to take his forbidden feelings to his grave. However, the soul fragment 0.5 Wanning put into him made him remember all his horrific experiences as an abused sex slave by Taxian-Jun... which he misinterpreted as wet dreams and triggered his lust. What a fucking mess. It would have been funny if it weren't so dark and depressing.
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kombuuuu · 1 year
Miles 42 headcanons?
no one asked but i’ll deliver !!
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader random headcanons
also a lot of snippets :)
You/Reader: Blue
Miles Morales: Purple
Mama Rio/Rio Morales: Pink
Uncle Aaron/Aaron Morales: Orange
Random/stranger: Black
gift giving love language duhhh
Will have you walk with him through malls and whatever you look at for a second too long he buys
You don’t catch on until you’re both eating at a nice restaurant, absentmindedly staring at some plant when a lull in conversation happens.
He purchases the plant.
“Fuck you mean I can’t buy it?”
“Sir, the plants aren’t for sale, this is a dining establishment.”
“Establish the fact I’m gettin’ that plant.”
50 bucks down and a plant 🆙
He will damn right die if you refuse him. He’ll get all grumpy and pouty when you say he should save for a house, not for you.
convinced you just get shy when bought things (you do).
is even more motivated to buy things
“Miles, baby, you need to save up. Not spend on me!”
“This would look so good on you, Ma.”
“Are you listening??”
“Fuck, and this.”
“Oh my god.”
gets so jealous it’s unbelievable
but only when someone goes too far with you
it’s like 1–100 real quick
he’s not usually the prowling type (ha)
but when someone pushes the line he loses his shit
other than that he’s a supportive bbg all the way
“Wanna go home with me, butterface?”
“Fuck you just say?”
“Nothing homie just get outta here.”
“Say that shit again ‘homie’.”
“Chill the fuck out. Let the lady speak for herself.”
“I’ll fucking speak for my girl all I want, homeboy.”
maybe got a liiiiittle bit of an anger issue
guy went home with a broken nose and a missing tooth
better hope he can afford fill ins
he would never get mad at you though
he gets frustrated you don’t listen sometimes, but it’s never to the point of anger
feel like he has the patience of a fucking SAINT
calm and collected baby u know the deal
“Mami, we gonna have a problem?”
“Didn’t think so.”
a SWEETHEART at times
stand by him being raised right
mama rio taught him to be a romantic
wanted him to take after his dad
so flowers and gifts and chocolates
followed by lovin of any kind
probably a baby for affection but doesn’t show it
so when you get all emotional about being gifted roses for the first time
and hug him and smother him
give him stupid little kisses all over
he’s fainting
poor boy doesn’t know love like u show him
“Baby, are these for me?”
“Yeah, Chiquita. They okay?”
“Wh… They’re perfect.”
“Are you cryin’? I can return ‘em.”
“No! No, no, don’t do that.
I love them, C’mere.”
when you guys get rlly comfortable, like a year and some dating, he ends up getting more chatty
willingly talking w you for hours
feels like you’re the only person he can rlly do that with
rambles so rarely that you kind of just sit in awe when it happens
doesn’t catch himself until he’s trying to name your future kids
“I’ll marry you one day, we’ll have like two, three kids. Get all nice an cozy.
You want a boy or girl? I kinda want both. Definitely not girl first, never having a girl without a brother to protect ‘er.
You’d be such a good Mami.
What’d you wan’ name ‘em? I have a few ideas—“
“But you could choose the girl cause I don’t know any pretty names. And i’ll choose—“
“You gon’ let me keep goin?”
“I love your voice.”
“Tranquila, mami.”
Takes you to every family event he ever has
sits you regularly with Rio and Aaron
they insist you call them uncle and ma
you do, obviously
miles doesn’t need to meet your family if you don’t want him to, but if he ever does he’s totally suave with them
like weirdly smooth
able to get on ur carers good side quick
when you meet his extended family they’re just as loving
his whole family is this bright dash of colour
and you fit right the fuck in
“¡Oh, hija estás preciosa!”
“Dice la estrella de la fiesta!”
“You flatter me, Hija.”
“Miles, come get your girl.”
“You look nice too, Uncle Aaron.”
“..Thanks, kid.”
“Hey Mami, havin’ fun?”
“Aight, I’m out.”
when you find out he’s the prowler you’re not really shocked
he’s hella nervous to tell you and kinda puts it off for a while
as long as you’re not in harms way, nothin matters, yeah?
the guilt eats him alive
he’s already lost so much, if he doesn’t do things right with you, then loses you too
he’d probably lose himself
so he tells you
“The Prowler?”
“The.. Panther guy I keep seeing on the news-?”
“Miles are you—
..—Are you killing people?”
“Mami, it’s not like that—“
“oh my god.”
“These men— I kill,”
“Oh my god, oh my god.”
“,They’re bad, you understand.”
“[Name]. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.. Yeah I understand.”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t.”
“Are you mad.”
“I’m not happy.”
you’re kind of devastated he’s killing people
but you eventually get it
like it takes a while
say a month or so
but you forgive quick
i mean, who knows what those men are doing, right?
(ur delulu but it’s ok)
he lets you have your space but talking with mama rio when she realises your absence knocks some sense into him
mans is going to GROVEL
he will fucking beg on his damn knees
knocks on your door and is already kneeling
will plead with you to come back to him
like i said a whole ass romantic
you know what’s romantic? a man who can get on his knees
he will suffocate you in gifts and affection
oh you like (insert sanrio esc character) ? look over there at that lifesize plushie woahhhh wonder who that’s forrrrrr
“Mami, don’t close the door.”
“Miles, go home.”
“And please stop kneeling, the floor is dirty.”
“I’m not leaving ‘til you hear me out.”
looooong sigh
“Okay, fine— whatever, come inside. You have two minutes.”
“God, I missed you. You’re so beautiful Chiquita.”
“Three minutes.”
You talk it out easy, he’s a real smooth talker when he wants to be
“Okay Miles, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah, Ma. See you soon.”
“Wh—.. What is that?”
“Why the fuck is it so big?”
“It said “Life Size” on the site? I was thinking like two feet tall.”
“You bought that?”
“Yeah.. I was thinkin’ you wouldn’t let me in. Would have to bribe you.”
“…That’s really cute.”
Annnnnd that’s all i can come up with i’ll probably do more later :P
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voxisdaddy · 2 months
Sinful Alphabet
Saint Peter NSFW Alphabet
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Saint Peter x Reader
C/TW: NSFW (duh), Adam mentioned, Implied!Switch Peter, He’s mostly subbing, Dom reader, reader mostly written as fem in mind
A/N: This is all written with the mindset that Peter is very new to sexual intimacy. I feel like as time went on, the answers would differ. Plus also I really like the idea of a virgin saint Peter so like-💀
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’s usually in subspace for awhile after sex, so he probably wouldn’t do anything for the first several minutes. But he would love to hold your hand, stay close to you, and use his wings to wrap you both up snuggly together. Maybe ask if you’re hungry and want him to order anything for you.
B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also you)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ His favourite part of his body would probably have to be his hands. He loves running them over your body, through your hair, holding and groping you, fingering you, ect,. His hands are soft, delicate and always cold, loves how your body reacts to his touches.
His favourite body part on you is would have to be your mouth/lips. From how they feel against his lips, skin, wrapped around his cock, ect,. Plus the sweet pleasurable noises you make when you guys do it, with his name falling from your lips, gets him all needy.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ If you have a sweet tooth, you’d love the taste of his cum. He loves cumming down your throat the most. Watching you with watery blue eyes as you drink his cum like it’s your favourite milk is enough to get him hard again.
D = Dirty Secret (What’s their dirty secret)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ During a particularly long shift at the golden/pearly gates of Heaven, his mind wondered off to fantasizing about you sitting underneath the podium, milking his cock with your mouth as he works. He got so hard but was so embarrassed and ashamed of it, he couldn’t face you, Sera, and anyone else for the next several days. May or may not have thought about that fantasy the next time you gave him head though.
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ No experience. Not even in masturbation. You’re his first time ever. He’s been around for centuries and never did anything until you and him became a thing.
F = Favourite Position
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Saw @simphornies mention this and I 100% agree; Missionary and Cowgirl. He likes facing you and holding your hips, thighs, tits/chest, waist, ect,. His favourite is holding your hands though—he likes the intimacy and caring nature of it.
G = Goofy (Are they serious or goofy during sex?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Pretty serious. Maybe kind of goofy but in a dorky way? He wouldn’t crack a joke but he would maybe react kind of adorably and dork like since he’s so flustered. You pin him against a wall? “Ah—well—Uh..ha… hello there..” God he’s such a dork.
H = Hair (How well groomed down there are they?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Pretty well groomed. No bush, gets trimmed every now and then.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? Romantically speaking)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He loves being intimate. He definitely prefers making love over sex, any day! He loves whispering praises to you, whether or not he’s topping or bottoming, he will tell you he loves you and how perfect he thinks you are. A big fan of stolen kisses while you do it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He feels kinda guilty doing it so he doesn’t do it often. Plus he prefers your hand, mouth, and body anyways so like—
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Praise kink (both giving and receiving). He has to let you know how perfect you are, how good you make him feel, and thank you for letting him touch and see your bare skin. When he receives praise though, he gets needy and kind of teary eyed, definitely sends him up to subspace quickly. Also gets really flustered and embarrassed. Oh you say he looks so pretty when he’s edged into oblivion? He’s definitely tearing up and whimpering.
He loves cock warming. He also hates it because come on! You’re being so unfair, sitting on his aching cock and not moving. Oh but he loves how closely intimate it is, how he gets to wrap his arms around you, holding you close, your hands entangling themselves into his hair, ect,. And when you do move? Oh my god he’s so relieved, he’s thanking you and moaning your name like it’s the only thing he knows how to say.
Overstimulation. He’s weak and is usually already a trembling mess just from a handjob, so he cums quickly. When you keep going though, sucking him dry, riding him, and milking him for several more rounds though? You could ask if he wants you to stop but he’s already babbling on incoherently about how he doesn’t want you to stop. Plus he likes how trembly he is when you’re done, cuz that usually means you take care of him and he has every excuse to cling to you as much as possible.
L = Location (Favourite place to do it)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Privacy of the bedroom. Your bedroom, his bedroom, shared room, hotel room, whatever. He just wants a big bed to lay on or to lay you on while you go at it like rabbits—with full privacy of course.
M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Honestly he’s kind of easy to turn on—especially when it comes to you. Whisper a few dirty words to him, pin him against a wall, tease him, bend over in front of him, ect,. It’s easier to just say ‘you’, honestly. You could go out for milkshakes and he’d completely innocently watch you lick the white substance from your lips and his mind goes places. Granted he feels dirty and embarrassed by it so please don’t tease him about it :c
N = No (What will they not do?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Anything where either of you get hurt-even just a lil bit—is off the table. Want him to spank you? No, no, sweetheart! Why would he do that? He just wants to worship you and love you.
Also anything where people could hear or see you. He hopes the bedroom walls are soundproof cause his jealousy side does not like the idea of anyone hearing your noises and seeing your body the way only he should get to see it. He once accidentally walked in on you changing and despite his very flustered state, he lightly scolded you for leaving the door unlocked. What if someone else walked in?! :c
O = Oral (Do they prefer giving or receiving? How skilled are they?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ As mentioned quite a few times already, he loves getting head from you. Your pretty mouth wrapped around his cock sucking, licking, and kissing—it drives him crazy. He’s not selfish though, he loves giving you head as well. Got a pussy he could eat out? He’s already sitting on the floor by the edge of the bed with your legs spread over his shoulders as he eats you out like you’re a delicious last meal.
He’s surprisingly good at it, despite having no experience before you came into his life. It mostly stems from him being kind of unsure of himself and just trying as much as he can so he can please you just as amazing as you please him. It works. Maybe a little too well though but that’s okay! He’ll spread your thighs apart and whisper sweet praises to you as he takes another lick of your sweet juices.
P = Pace (Fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He likes starting slow and getting faster. Slow because of the intimacy and being in the moment with you but as the night wears on, the more needy and desperate you both get and he just can’t get enough of you. He needs either you riding him until he can’t breathe anymore or his cock so balls deep in you that only his name is all you know.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies over proper sex)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He doesn’t…mind them. I mean, they still feel good and since it’s you, of course he’ll do it buuuuuut he prefers proper sex-er, love making. Honestly if you both don’t have enough time, oral is preferred. If you do get a quickie in though, please still hold his hand and make him feel loved when you’re done your little fun together. It’s the love and care that he craves.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, take risks, ect?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Not really. Public fun maybe, but that’s usually reserved for oral and even then, he wants/needs you guys to be somewhere at least 98% private. Want to suck him while spending the day at the beach? Yes, sweetheart, of course you can but please not here—let’s find someplace a lot more secluded, okay?
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He cums quickly and gets hard from a few dirty words and naughty touches from you. In other words he’s sensitive as fuck but please don’t stop, he loves the overstimulation and those pretty noises you make. The most he’ll be able to go is about 4 rounds before it starts feeling so overwhelmingly good that it actually starts to hurt. If you can still go however, he’s more than happy to let you sit on his face. He’ll be so lost in subspace, the only thing on his mind would be you and the taste of your pretty pussy.
T = Toys (Do they have any toys?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam gifted him a fleshlight once, just to be a dick and tease him. You guys do use it though sometimes—mainly when you feel particularly cruel and want to tease him. Straddle him, using the fleshlight to jerk him off while he sits there trembling and begging for you to stop teasing him. It feels good but you just feel so much better.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Despite how subby I made him out to be, sometimes he’ll take charge. He’s definitely a switch, leaning more towards bottoming. When he’s topping though, he likes to tease you by eating you out over and over. It’s one of the few times he gets to hear you whine and whimper, his name falling from your lips like a prayer, as he drives you so, so close! One of the other reasons he teases you like this, is because he knows he doesn’t really last that long in bed compared to you. So getting you all needy, desperate, and wet for him is basically part of his plan to get you to cum good and all over him when he finally fucks his cock into you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds do they make?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’s pretty loud. He doesn’t scream but he isn’t like, a quiet fuck either. He whimpers, moans, and begs—doesn’t matter if he’s topping or bottoming. If you peg him-or you got a dick-though, he’s screaming in pleasure. Tries to be quiet, not that successful.
W = Wild Card (random nsfw headcanon)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ LOVES lazy morning sex. You’re both so sleepy, yet so needy, loving, and clinging to each other the entire time. It’s like you can’t keep your lips off of each other. When he’s topping, he loves hovering above you, holding your body close to him, exchanging many loving good morning kisses as he finds a nice steady rhythm to fuck his cock into you nice and deep.
When you’re topping he likes sitting up against the pillows and headboard as you lazily ride and grind against him. His hands he wouldn’t know what to do with as all he wants is to keep touching you and keep you close. Definitely always kissing each other though. He loves it when you eat each other’s moans like this ♥︎
X = X-Ray (What are they packing?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He’s pretty average at about 5 inches. Fully erect though he’s about 6 inches. His cock is decently thick. Like the rest of him, it’s paper white but the head has a golden hue. Surprisingly heavy balls—probably from the literal centuries they’ve gone having not been emptied.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Not high so he wouldn’t really initiate that often. If you initiated though, that’s another story. It just needs to be with you and plus only you can really get him going. If you have a high sex drive, don’t worry, you won’t be flying solo a lot. And when he gets into it, he gets into it. Could and will go hours upon hours because of you.
Z = ZZZ (How quick they fall asleep afterwards?)
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ It takes a lot out of him, especially when he’s bottoming/subbing. So he can easily fall into slumber but he loves the aftercare so he stays up until your both settled. Then he’ll allow himself to drift off to sleep with you right next to him.
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A/N: I’ve been wanting to make this for so long and then finally at like 1am I was like, you know what… I’ll do it. And now it’s 4am and my sleep schedules ruined—
Heh, worth it though
Also might’ve went a bit ham on the “Kink’s” portion I’m so sorry 💀💀
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generouskittensong · 5 months
It angers me to think about this.
Team 7 was apparently a team for barley 6 months. Sasuke spend barley 6 months with them. Then comes minus 1 month for the preparation for the chuunin exam (training with kakashi) and Sasukes 1 month hospital stay (after his beloved saint brother tortured him mentally and physically for hours).
So after the chuunin exam Team 7 had no mission together and after our saints visit Sasuke was not in the picture anymore for a long time till they brought that gambler into the village.
So you want to tell me, that Naruto, that blond fascist brat... chased after Sasuke for years.. he chased after someone he barely knew for 4!! damn months??
And he talks about commaradeship, friendship and brotherhood bullshit to someone he tied up at the beginning of the manga because he was fucking jealous? In the beginning in the manga it was said that Naruto is not a hard worker, he barely doesn't do anything. He doesn't train, doesn't study, doesn't work on himself but was mad and jealous over Sasuke cuz he was perfect at everything because he was not only a prodigy but because he worked hard, studied hard, worked on himself. A sharingan alone did not make him great. Hell even if the sharingan was taken away from him, he would still be the best because he's a hardworking guy. But take away Kurama from Naruto and he's nothing. A mere loser.
So after what kind of "friendship" is that blond shit after? Sasuke doesn't liked Naruto at all. Yes he helped his ass and that pink garbage ass out and that's it. And no, he doesn't had "special feelings" to pink shit. Sasuke helps everyone because he is not a shithead who helps people only to gain something in return. He does not abuse people or take advantage of them. He's a good guy that's why he helped and protected them. But on a personal level he didn't liked them. I wouldn't even say he hated them because to hate someone you need to acknowledge them first. He was indifferent to them because he saw no value in wasting his time hating them.
And Naruto chased after whom again? For years? And forced himself on him with his fascist mindset? And manipulated him?
Sasuke knows Orochimaru, Kabuto, Karin and to some extent Suigetsu (because sui was in that water tank so I suppose he didn't talked that much with him but they definitely interacted because Suigetsu was shocked when sasuke came after him and he talked in that bossy manner, which tells me that sasuke was very kind to him and also to karin because she also didn't understand why he talks in that bossy manner) more compared to that shitty team 7.... .. uhh I'll stop. I'm annoyed...again
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Price of Breaking Up - By Aidera (8/10)
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Revenge can get a little overblown. Sometimes it feels unnecessary. In this case it doesn't. It's about a toxic husband that goes way too far, and a queen that isn't willing to put up with his behavior.
Ersia has the perfect life. She is the spoiled daughter of a Duke. She was born with pink hair, which is the symbol of the Saint. Only the next Saint has pink hair, so Ersia is whisked away to marry the prince.
Which kinda sucks.
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Ersia has to work hard to be a worthy Queen and Saint. She does it because she loves the prince. She adores him. Her new position makes her lonely. She was separated from her beloved family. He was and is her only comfort...and her first love.
That's not toxic at all...
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One day...the Saint Prophecy changes? Huh? Ersia is already Queen though??? It's been more than a decade, but a woman named Neva takes her place. Neva is a moron that doesn't know how to do anything. There's a plot afoot. A very suspicious one. The prince has become a king now, and Ersia can barely recognize him. It's like she doesn't know him at all. The King heartlessly annuls their marriage for Neva, even though it's a politically stupid move.
Ersia vows to make him pay, literally. She's one of the most influential nobles in the Empire. She's not a spineless baby that needs a king.
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Her parents and brother also adore her. They immediately invite her back home, and Ersia coldly asks for permission to leave. Neva starts bullying her. The ladies who kissed her ass start trashing her. She just wants to go home and get over her heartbreak....
....after she causes as much destruction as humanly possible.
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Ersia drugs Neva. She uses Neva's new title as Saint Queen against her. You can't just be the Saint Queen. You actually have to do work. Neva fails. She's not able to rule anything. Not even her tiny group of followers. Nobody in the castle actually likes Neva. They would prefer Ersia. The switch in the prophecy threw a wrench in the works. The few people who like Neva are also lazy people who were jealous of Ersia for...well being the perfect Saint and Queen all at once.
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Ersia does horrible shit to Neva and the King she no longer recognizes. She uses her sexy servant, Asha, as bait and Neva falls for it right away. The King isn't paying attention to Neva. He barely speaks to her, even though she's supposed to be the new Queen. What the heck is happening? Alfrado, the second prince, is madly in love with Ersia by the way. He starts to bully Neva, and he joins Ersia's side over the king.
Neva becomes so pathetic and misguided that you almost feel bad for her. She tries to steal Ersia's old wedding dress, because she's really that obsessed with just looking like a Saint...instead of actually behaving like one.
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Alfrado is clearly not going to win, but he is definitely a yandere. He's in Ersia's personal space as soon as she gets divorced. He betrays his king and brother for her. He is willing to do so much violence for her. He brings roses to her bedroom and he's frustrated because he's younger than her. He's willing to do anything to make her see him as a man....but that isn't going to work.
He is not the love interest.
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The plot thickens like soup after chapter fifteen. King Asshole is in love with Ersia. The issue is he wants her to love him more. She cares about duty, and her pride, and her family. He wants her to ONLY care about him. He knows Neva is a fake. The prophecy is kind of political anyway. A loser like Neva can never have the position of Queen. King Asshole is just using Neva to make Ersia jealous. It makes sense...but it's totally nuts. King Asshole is bitter, because he knows he loves Ersia move than she loves him. He's super misguided and dumb. Bringing in another woman is going way too far. Obviously, he's not the love interest either.
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I think it's this guy. Asriel. The Pope. Religious magic people are really important in this story. Somebody in the temple lied to make Neva the fake Queen, and now Ersia is single again. The pope immediately proposes, and he's extremely shady. Ersia has zero chemistry with King Asshole and Alfrado. There's also a dirty implication...
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It seems like the pope is letting this bullshit happen because he wants Ersia. Apparently, they have met before. She just doesn't remember him. Hmm. I read some novel spoilers. There is no real saint. It was always politics. Ersia was chosen because of her high rank, pink hair, and the fact that the previous king was in love with her mother. It's complicated, and at least three men around Ersia are nutty in different ways.
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avelera · 10 months
Man, having just written out how Pratchett writes Normal People as his protagonists and Gaiman writes Magical-by-Birth People as his protagonists, now all I can think of is what Pratchett would do with Hob Gadling's character.
Just, like... "Men of Good Fortune" in the original comic does not treat Hob kindly. The narrative is actually kind of nasty towards him being a Normal Guy. The show is lightyears away from that and Ferdie brings so much natural charm to the character, so it can be easy to forget this, but comic Hob really does receive sort of the brunt of some subtle classist attitudes, shown as coarse, rough, greedy, unpleasant, filthy, and disinterested in moral improvement until the far more aristocratically depicted Dream basically shoves it in his face that what he's doing is wrong.
But I'm first and foremost a Pratchett girlie at heart. I'd argue he's one of my most foundational authorial influences, I think I'm incapable of writing humor that isn't inspired by his comedy, and he was a formative influence on my personal morality with his strident egalitarianism.
Now, Pratchett isn't naive or bucolic about average, everyday people. He certainly doesn't say that normal people are never coarse, rough, greedy, unpleasant, filthy, and disinterested in moral improvement, but he says special people are too. No one is perfect in his world and being higher ranked definitely doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. Everyone is gray. Everyone is messy. And there is no absolute ideal of one-size-fits-all goodness other than minding how you go and not treating people as things (a gross simplification but I could wax poetic for hours on Pratchett's egalitarian morality).
Now for myself, I think one reason I fell in love with Hob Gadling's character is because he is such an unusual immortal character. He's not magical or aristocratic or in any way a superhero because of his longevity. He is Just A Guy who became immortal by chance and it takes him a long, long time to improve in even the smallest ways in terms of morality. Dream nudges him to examine his choices but we get the sense that Hob took it the rest of the way after that nudge and continued to improve as a person, not to saint-like levels necessarily, but resolving to move more mindfully through the world than he did before.
The narrative in the show is more gracious to him, allowing him a great deal more charm and more sympathetically implying that all of us could probably use a nudge at times to become better versions of ourselves, that it's not necessarily easy to do alone, but what's important is that upon receiving that nudge, we do try sincerely to change and improve, and might still fall short. The reimagining of Hob's character for the show feels much more mature overall than the comic source material, portraying in my opinion a more sympathetic and adult worldview.
The Hob Gadling we see in the show to me at least is a much more Pratchettian character in the sense that he is a Normal Person in an Extraordinary Situation. Now, I don't think Pratchett would necessarily go in a Dreamling direction, since Pratchett (like Gaiman) tends to shy away from Romance As Plot and he rarely focuses on it directly, at best it happens at the periphery in his stories. And in many ways I think he would treat Hob unsympathetically but it wouldn't be because of Hob's low origins. Pratchett just tends to have an even hand with making all of his characters ridiculous. No one is too high up or refined to avoid his satirical jabs. A Pratchettian Hob would probably not be the romantic hero that he's often portrayed to be in fanfiction (but then again, Aziraphale and Crowley were not the romantic heroes that fanfiction portrays them to be either when they were written by Pratchett).
Still, it must be said, that I find it fascinating to imagine what Pratchett's sensibilities would do if applied to our peasant-born immortal character who eventually, painfully, after over 500 years finally begins with a little help from a friend to bend his life towards trying to not be a complete shit head about how he operates in the world. I feel like it's a character that Pratchett would have a very unique spin on.
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5, 6, 9, and 10 with Daryun and Saam for the ask game! 👀
Oh, what wonderful characters! (And so obviuse lmao but that is on me for talking about them so much) and what fun questions! I went a little on a rant here, sorry!
If anyone wants to partake here are the original questions/post!
WARING: Long post
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I usually am a person who listens to a song and is reminded of the character, rather than looking or thinking about a character and being reminded of a song. So I had to wade through my song list to find the perfect songs for my two special boys. And damn, was it HARD.
For Daryun - Lion by Saint Mesa: The whisperlike/calm singing combined with the overwhelming sound and powerful lyrics talking about somebody embracing their inner power (only a loose summary, do check out the entire meaning of the lyrics) remind me of him. He is a strong man and has many remarkable qualities. He is a courageous man who doesn’t shy away from challenges in his way nor from showing warmth to his friends/companions.
Lyric that remind me of him: “Gold are your fingers, leaving traces everywhere you go” “Sound of the water, deads dripping down your face” “Bring the lion out, bring the, bring the lion out”
For Sam - Warrior by Aurora: It reminds me of how he is trapped in his own mind and guilt of what happened in Ecbatana (as he tells Kishward in Chapter 124) and wishes for his own death. But he still fights on for what he believes in and to protect what he holds close and to keep people safe.
Lyric that remind me of him:  “I can’t recall the last time I opened my eyes to see the world as beautiful.” “I’m trying to battle the night.” “Just reach out for the light, warrior, warrior.”
There are obviously more songs but for now, I chose these. For Daryun it was the hardest. Most of these songs will also probably be in my playlist for the AU as they both ALSO remind me of Azar. 
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Ok, be prepared for a little self-love/self-praise in this one (which is needed sometimes. Practice self-love, folks!).
I generally pride myself on being kind, friendly and (somewhat???) loyal as a friend and general human being. And who is quite literally the definition of loyalty?? Our famed knight in black, Daryun! (Sam as well, but that is not as noticeable under his other great characteristics (even though the recent chapters have proven me wrong)). 
But most importantly, we three are the mom-friends. We care deeply for our friends and people we hold close to us. Daryun is the more protective mom-friend - always asking if you are okay and please, do send a text when your home safe and sound (I actually did that to a guy friend of mine. It was after a party of mine, it was after midnight and he wanted to head home for the night (he came by bike). I and another friend of ours didn't let him go until he promised us that he would send a text that he was home. I literally didn’t go to sleep UNTIl I had the text. It was like 2 or so in the morning! (I was also slightly tipsy), He only lived 20 minutes away from me, mind you).
Sam would be the mom-friend who would lend you a shoulder and an ear if you need it. He would hate it if an argument ensues between some of his friends and try to be the mediator. Probably has like random medical stuff (band-aid, painkillers, etc.) or other things one might need at hand. (I always have band-aids, at least two bottles of water, different types of pain medication, something against a cough or a small bite to eat (usually small chocolate bars) with me.) He (and Daryun, actually) would give you their jacket, scarf, etc. in a heartbeat. (I always have something to change into with me if it’s too warm/cold outside, be it a scarf, extra pair of gloves or a tshirt. If you even vaguely mention around me that you are cold, I will immediately offer you my jacket, pullover, etc.)
9.Could you be roommates with this character?
And while we talk about them being mom-friends, they would probably be wonderful roommates.
I would always have a clean and organized flat/home, probably a full fridge and no worries of a brake in (the burglar would run in fear jkashnscfluf). When stressed, they would probably hype me up and remind me to take regular breaks. While Sam would probably be the one cooking, etc, Daryun would repair things around the flat and move heavy stuff when asked.  Look after things when I’m sick, take care of me, regular mental health checkup, etc. Fun late night talks and at least one regular thing we would all do together (like regular strolls, movie nights, going out to eat, that kind of stuff). Also weekly sit downs for discussing roles for housework, expenses for all of us, etc. A lot of my friends would say we have a cute family dynamic (Sam -the dad, Daryun the older brother, me- the youngest/the baby). A lot of compliments for achievements, my art, etc from them. My two personal trainers for working out (and also muscles to oogle at all day long consensually and politely of course (yes, there I said it!)). Always making sure that I’m safe and rush to help/save me from weirdos/situations I don’t feel safe in/ etc. Would have period products with them when we’re out and not squeamish to talk about normal woman anatomy/health, etc.
But as there are upsides there are also downsides in everything.
They would probably constantly be on my ass for doing things and reminding me of my deadlines (probably). Daryun would be up and early to go for a jog, the gym, his general workout, etc, while Sam would be already cleaning the apartment after one (1) coffee. Like imagine, it is a Saturday and I think, I can sleep in? Nope, 5 or 6 am, the men of the house are up and doing their routines. Probably trying to be quiet, but failing. Sam MUST have first cleaned the house before he can do ANYTHING else in his day (like my mom). Daryun would have a whole cabinet of protein powder/stuff for himself and oh my god, the many times I would send myself flying over his home-workout equipment? I would be a WALKING bruise. And when we are already talking about the work out, Sam and Daryun would both probably try to get me to work out more. Always pushing me to my limits (“You can do it!” or “One more.” “No, TWO more!” bro, no. I have pudding and noodles for arms. The only thing I will manage to do is for me to hurt myself the weirdest way possible and you have to patch me up AGAIN. I literally ripped a tendon in my ankle by TURNING AROUND IN MY ROOM! You have to put me in bubble wrap and I would STILL manage to hurt myself.). When I go out they would make me promise to text them when I arrive or am about to leave. When it is like a minute after agreed time (call, coming home, etc.) texts and calls would ensue. Out of fear and worry for my well being, of course. Like, you know how parents sometimes call several times and you would get annoyed? Yeah, that. Full on parent mode from the both of them. Sweet at first but a little overwhelming after a while. And since they are, ya know, men, the sink would look terrible after a shave! They would try to be clean, obviously, but sometimes they forget. So, deep cleaning it is! 
But there are more pros than cons and most cons would be me being clumsy and them having to patch me again, sooo… 
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably not really. He is a lot older than me and it would probably be more of a casual friend than a full on best friend. Like the older coworker you slowly become friends with and have some casual meetings in a cafe with and sometimes invite for dinner or a party with some friends. But it would always be fun and you could probably get GREAT life and/or dating advice from him. Always a life hack or wisdom in store and a fun life story to tell. Easily could lighten up the entire party with stories when he has good energy. Later on would probably sit more alone or have a casual talk with somebody as his energy goes down. But still, fun to be around regardless
Oh, Brother! Not to the extant as he and Narsus are, but still! It would be like watching a competition of who can take more care of the other (like the meme where two people constantly upstage each other so the other doesn’t get shot.). Regular hangouts, just sitting with each other and enjoying the others present, movie nights, etc. Basically very similar to what I have written down for the roommate one. Would help me in any need, have a few jokes up his sleeve for when I’m down and hype me up as much as he can. Does tell me when I made a blunder but as gently as possible (I’m sensitive as hell, I WILL cry and think about it to no end!). (WARNING: A little self indulgence in the next phrase. If you find this cringe, huh, SUCK IT.)  Friends would either say we are siblings from another parent/brother and sister, OR we would make a great couple, are couple goals and if we aren’t married in the next few years, they won’t believe in true love anymore. No in between! Regardless of if we have feelings for each other or not. But he would be a very reliable best friend and I would do the same for him in a heartbeat! Lend him my ear, draw stuff for his birthday, etc. But Daryun better get ready for dem hugs as my love language is physical touch and I LOVE cuddling! (There is probably some gift giving and acts of services in there too). If he isn’t a fan of it, I would obviously respect his boundaries.
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mishy-mashy · 7 months
Concerning the Witch Cult and the Seal in Elior Forest;
So I watched through the episodes where Pandora and Regulus show up in Elior Forest, and Emilia is frozen, and had some wonders
First, Petelguese, when he takes the Witch Factor, apologizes to "Flugel-sama". But why Flugel? Remember, Flugel wasn't actually considered anyone great, and was only known because he planted a big tree and carved "Flugel was here" on it
Then there's also the Seal that the elves protect. Fortuna says that if the Seal is unlocked, the world will definitely end this time. But, at this time, who actually can destroy the world? Even looking at the Seal's colors and decorations, they befit Satella, who TRIED to destroy the world and was partially successful.
The world will definitely end this time. There was a past attempt, and this was only ever done by Satella.
So I'm assuming the Seal is containing Satella. The key only appears to the one qualified to open it—and that's Emilia. The same identical half-elf that the Witch Cult believes is the perfect vessel for Satella; the vessel can open the door, and has the key, no one else. Methinks if Emilia opened the door, she might be possessed or become a martyr
Yeah, it's said that Satella was sealed beyond the Great Waterfall. BUT BUT BUT, REMEMBER, they consider beyond the Great Waterfall as THE SAME AS A PARALLEL WORLD. Yin magic can easily sever reality and space, and create a pocket dimension or open to a new reality, just by upgrading Shamak.
For example, remember Beatrice's Door Crossing? The Seal could easily just be the doorway to a pocket dimension like Shamak, and it would still be considered beyond the Great Waterfall.
What the Elves are guarding is the tomb of Satella. That's why the Witch Cult's docile faction helps out the Elves; the Witch Cult reveres Satella. The Elves hid Emilia from the Cult on purpose, but Petelguese found her anyway; and Petelguese sacrificed himself in an attempt to keep the Witch of Vainglory (Pandora) and the Archbishop of Greed (Regulus) away from Emilia. The docile faction definitely had a different goal from the radical faction, the latter which always chases Satella's vestiges.
Petelguese definitely knows something more about Flugel than "Yeah, he made a tree" because to the public knowledge of the Re:Zero world, Flugel is only a guy that grew a tree that happened to live long. It's only realized that Flugel is who the Sage Shaula actually refers to, by Subaru's party in the Pleiaides Watchtower; a place even the Sword Saint couldn't reach. As part of the Witch Cult, Petelguese probably knew a lot of the truth of Flugel and Satella, if he revered Flugel, knew the implications of an incompatible Witch Factor, and knew of the Seal.
Petelguese knows what happens if you take in an incompatible Witch Factor: some sort of insanity. Even Regulus warns him about knowing the price to pay, yet Petelguese still took the Witch Factor. Petelguese knows about Flugel, so he probably knows about the Witch of Envy VS Satella; whenever he refers to the Witch of Envy, he mainly says Satella. There might be parts where he says Witch of Envy, but he mainly says only Witch or Satella. Petelguese taking the incompatible Factor his own choice kind of parallels Satella's own incompability, that it brings the question: was Satella also forced to make a similar decision?
The Elves guard the Seal of the Witch of Envy. The Seal is technically beyond the Great Waterfall. Petelguese probably knew the truth, and Emilia's oddly the only person that can access the Seal's key; that's what I think.
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Okay so I’m just gonna write all my swap AU thoughts down here for now until I draw them. (Tag will be “swap drawtectives” for simplicity’s sake.)
The swaps will be:
Rose - Eugene
York - Grendan
Jancy - Joe Beans
I don’t think I’ll be swapping any of the side characters, because that involves me shuffling around the plot, and S2 is so complicated and I do not dare touch it.
I plan to make two designs for everyone except Rosé and Jancy, because I want to give everyone their season 2 glow up to represent character growth.
I wanna change around some of the ages so Eugene is a little younger and Rosé is a little older.
I also wanna change some of the characters names in this AU, that being giving Rosé a full name and Eugene a shorter nickname. I’m thinking Fynn or something but that might sound stupid, idk. Joe Beans also gets to have a real name in this AU! It’s Pauline Smarten, aka Polly :)
This will be primarily a role swap AU, but personalities will be changed on the basis of this. The characters who change probably the least will be Jancy and Polly.
Eugene will be an anxious, shy fella who’s just hiding behind a facade of flamboyance. He really wants to do good and be a good person, but is kinda lost on how to do that. He inherits Rosé’s back story of childhood delinquency, of course. Not sure if he’ll have the little forehead scar. I think I wanna give him a long pleated skirt in one of his designs.
Grenda is the stoic as hell heir of the Highforge empire. Despite her bright future, for some reason they’ve distanced themselves from his family, and found a new career: detectiving! Being raised in a very powerful family, he’s a bit awkward and regularly experience culture shock around normal people. I definitely want to include straight up armor in her design.
York in this AU grew up with his mother. He’s kind of unmotivated and directionless, and because of that he’s just sorta depressed. He ends up taking this out on other people though, which just makes him more upset because he’s unpleasant to be around. He finds a genuine passion in detective work though, and grows to really respect Polly and his friends, so he gets a lot nicer.
Pauline is an incredibly polite people-person. She’s a bit tired, but hides it far better then Jancy does. It takes a lot to really really anger her, but if you do, you’d better be prepared to face her wrath. She’s very skilled in the art of passive aggression. Usually though, she’s an endless fountain of support with the patience of a saint, and the best detective in the business.
Rosé is a very awkward woman who’s just. She’s trying her best okay you guys please give her a break. She’s extremely earnest and dorky, easy to please but prone to heartache. When her memories haven’t been wiped, she’s a relentlessly studious spirit medium, but at the moment she’s just kind of stupid. Please tell her she’s doing a good job, she’s going through a lot right now and she’d hate to disappoint anyone.
Jancy’s personality is the same. She’s already perfect, there’s nothing to change.
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stillalittlelostngl · 2 years
No Good Dead Goes Unpunished Dabi/Reader
Reader is a healer and stumbles upon someone needing their help. Little did they know the consequences they would have to face for their bleeding heart. (Reposting since I nerfed my old account - this is an old work so please be kind lol. Will probably re-write soon)
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“Thanks for fixing me up doc, if you ever need anything just ask,” the man huffed as he stretched his newly healed arm, testing the limits of the muscle and skin you had just spent so much time skillfully piecing back together.
You had to refrain from scoffing at the display, you do the equivalent of a modern day miracle and here he was doubting your work.
“Funny, don’t think you’re the type of guy I’d run to in need of a favor” you practically mumbled as you eyed him.
The man,Yamaguchi, was a local kingpin after all, definitely not the type of guy you’d want to be indebted to for whatever reason. You definitely didn’t want to be entangled in his world anymore than you already were either. You’d been tasked with fixing him up a few times over the years and each time he seemed to be brought back to you more beat up and mangled than before.
“Come on now, you know me,” and don’t you wish you didn’t, maybe then you wouldn’t have to spend so much time putting him back together every other week like some absurd jigsaw puzzle. After getting so mangled time and time again you’d have thought he’d hang up his title and get out of the seedy underbelly of the city while he still had all his limbs attached. Somewhere along the lines you’d probably fucked up, he probably was under the impression you’d always be there to piece him back together again.“I ain’t that bad of a guy.”
You couldn’t stop the scoff at that statement, “Nah, just a morally and ethically questionable one. No?”
You’d seen what Yamaguchi and his syndicate did to people who crossed them, you’d also seen all the havoc he’d brought into the community with all the drug trafficking and racketeering that had exploded in the area the moment he had decided to set foot into the ward. Of course the community had never been perfect, there had always been crime and with it gangs and syndicates looking to flip a dollar were never too far off, but since he came around with the new drugs he had brought with him it seemed as if all of the factions in the area had upped their antics in order to try and compete. It made you wonder the type of people he’d deem worse than him.
You were positive they existed, the man in front of you was no saint but Yamaguchi had never gone out of his way to hurt people uninvolved with his business and doings - something he eagerly reminded you of each time you saw him. You’d counter with the fact that he indirectly had involved countless people due to how interpersonal drugs and violence can be but he always shrugged it off with a wave of his hand and an insistence you were caught up in semantics. Either way. the fact your local boogeyman was saying he wasn’t nearly as awful as he could be had you wondering of the types of characters he must have dealt with on the regular to give him the impression that he ‘wasn’t that bad of a guy’.
“Look at that,” Yamaguchi exclaimed to one of his lackeys that had been sitting in the room while you worked on him, “she’s starting to learn.” The other man had been one you saw frequently during your visits. He was built more like a mountain than an actual human and his face was always frozen in what you assumed to be a permanent scowl at this point. A word had never been said between the two of you and you had been more than happy to keep things that way. He was there to make sure you didn’t kill his boss after all, you’d seen the muscles in his face and arms twitch a time or two, usually when you’d said something that could’ve easily provoked your patient, and you’d felt your life flash before your eyes each time. Making his acquaintance wasn’t exactly high on your to-do list….
You’d had similar conversations with the kingpin before when you were patching him up, honestly you were surprised he hadn’t just killed you for your statements or questions. You’d heard of people dying for less when interacting with people like him and your mama always did say your mouth was going to be the death of you. Surprisingly, however, he seemed more amused by your comments than anything else. Each one always brought some odd look of glee and satisfaction to his face, and he’d always eagerly entertain your statements and do his best to incite a whole conversation with you.
Yamaguchi was talkative for a drug lord in your humble opinion, he seemed more than willing to tell you any and everything with little to no insistence on your part. He his nothing from you, often giving you names of specific people he worked with or police stations and hero agencies he’d paid off, or times and dates he’d be somewhere to pick up his product or who his distributors were. It was the type of information heroes and detectives across the country would give an arm and a leg for and here he was just tossing it out without a care in the world.
You’d wondered how he lasted as long as he had with such a loose tongue. You’d seen plenty of people come and go doing this type of business, what usually did them in is that they told the wrong person the wrong thing. However, from what you could see Yamaguchi ran a tight ship, and if something were to slip they’d know you were the snitch - with him having planted some of his own men in local police forces if you had even thought of giving them information he’d know the second you walked through the police station door. It seemed money and having the right people on his bankroll was able to solve any problem Yamaguchi had even if they were caused by his own negligence.
“Well if that’s all...,” you said as you began to collect your things and move towards the door. Your patience that day had been tried and tested and you had no interest in entertaining this conversation with the drug lord any longer. You had been on your way home before some of his lackeys had tracked you down and demanded you give their boss a house call. All you had really been wanting to do since stepping foot into the room had been to high tail it out of there and get home to your loving bed that was waiting for you.
“Yeah, yeah,” Yamaguchi said waiving an arm in your direction, “I can have some of my men take you home,” he suggested, “it’s getting late, the regulators are gunna be out soon.”
“No, no, no,” you quickly interjected, “Thanks for the offer but it’s fine. They won’t bother me none.”
The thought of having to share a small space with some men, all on high protein diets and prone to violence, didn’t really sound like a good time to you even if it was just for a few moments. Besides, regulators in the area had learned to avoid hassling you if they wanted their friends or themselves to be patched up so you’d much rather take your chances walking home. It was just a few blocks away from where you currently were, practically a hop and a skip - you’d be home in no time, probably before the street lamps finally came on.
“Suit yourself,” he relented easily enough, “but I don’t know how I’ll be able to focus on my work when I’m worried my sweet little doctor had to walk home all by herself.”
Having the kingpin joke with you and talk so familiarly with you had been alarming when it first started happening. You remember how you had practically choked on your own spit the first time it happened from the shock of it all. However, now it was nothing new.
“My heart bleeds for you,” you said with a roll of you eyes and a slight wave in goodbye as his laughter followed you as you eagerly made your exit.
Finally making it back to the outside world you let out a breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding and all the tension in your shoulders seemed to melt away. You’d been dealing with folks like him for years now, hell living in this ward you’d grown up with plenty of the folk. That was probably what caused you so much anxiety, at least with others in the area you had grown up with them and there seemed to be a mutual understanding of what you would and wouldn’t tolerate. With Yamaguchi, however, there were just too many variables at play, you didn’t know him like you knew the others and that’s what made working with him so dangerous.
Kicking a small pebble along on your walk home you couldn’t help but get annoyed that the only reason you had to interact with the man was entirely your fault. You had been the one to want to start using your quirk for people in the community. That had been entirely your idea after all, Yamaguchi was just using a service you freely offered to people in the area.
Growing up in the ward, there had always been a lack of decent medical care for its residents. There were no doctor’s offices or clinics present, hell the closest hospital was twenty or thirty minutes away depending on if you took public transportation to get there or not. Most medical institutions were unwilling to set up facilities in the area due to the high levels of crime and villain activity and the inability of the local government or hero agency’s to control it. You supposed you could understand an outside perspective somewhat, going to work in this ward and having to deal with trauma patients day in and day out would get taxing, not to mention expensive for the institution. With the median income for the ward being well below the national average that only further incentivised the medical field to avoid the place. They weren’t interested in helping unless they were going to be making money off of it. Clinics and the likes had been started by members of the community to try and combat the issue but with how underfunded and high in demand they were it wasn’t long until the clinics had become unable to keep up with the pressure and eventually it’s doors would close. You had seen numerous preventable illnesses spread like wildfire throughout the community as well as individuals in pain and suffering from injuries or conditions that could be easily treated if they were able to get to a hospital, or doctor, or somebody.
It rattled you to your core on occasion when you thought of just how neglected and disposable to people of the ward were being treated.
With your quirk you knew you could help alleviate that struggle, at least a little bit so a little over three years ago that’s what you started doing. It had first started with just your neighbors in your apartment complex, you had offered to give them check ups and fix whatever you could fix during certain times and days should they choose to seek you out - no questions asked or judgements made on how or why there were certain injuries that looked to be results of activity in violent crimes. Soon enough, word had spread about your work and how you were willing to keep quiet on certain things and next thing you know you’re basically the resident doctor and taking care of bullet wounds or quirk related injuries occured as often for you as treating a child’s cold.
You just wanted to get these people on their feet and feeling better again. There wasn’t much you could do to try and help aside from that, you weren’t a cop or a hero, you were just...well not a doctor either but your quirk sure as hell made you qualified enough in your own right to stick to just healing the body and mind- you didn’t know how to do anything else.
Sometimes you would be able to bargain with some of the syndicates, it was never a good situation and you felt like an idiot sticking your neck out and just hoping it wouldn’t get removed from your shoulders. However, for the most part, while they weren’t very eager and you had been on your fair share of threats of violence for it, they had agreed to your terms however begrudgingly. So far you’d manage to make them agree to only having their regulators out after the street lamps came on - giving enough time for children or the elderly or anyone else to get inside so they didn’t become collateral in some turf war or dispute between factions. You’d also managed to get some to agree to keep away from certain areas, naimly school’s, religious institutions and playgrounds. Both cases had you nearly at your wits end dealing with the various leaders and higher ups of each syndicate but eventually a majority of them had agreed to the terms you required in order for you to keep fixing up their people.
It wasn’t as if these were wild terms to agree to to begin with, many members of these organizations lived in the area and had a family or loved one’s in the area who they wanted to protect. In the end, even if it did disrupt their business or how they handled things - it seemed most of them could acknowledge that changing the way things were done could prevent them from losing someone they cared about so it had been enough of an incentive, on top of a pretty much guaranteed one stop shop for healing any would, for them to agree. A few cases here and there had them going against the terms but honestly you were just happy something had changed, even if just a little.
At the end of the day these people were your patients, if you agreed with everything they did was besides the point. You had just grown so tired of seeing people hurt and sick when you knew you could do something to stop it. Even still, at this point if you denied your services you’re fairly certain you and the people you care for would quickly become a target, you didn’t want to be endorsing their behavior - not even passively- but you were in far too deep at this point to back out now. All because you had to go and stick your nose into other people’s business.
‘The road to hell is paved with good intentions all that,’ you couldn’t help but think bitterly as you practically had to drag yourself home. Yamaguchi had been your fifth patient that day, not to mention you had been at work for eight hours prior, needless to say you were exhausted. Your quirk didn’t have too bad of side effects for you, you had healed people with much worse, but it sure as hell left you drowsy beyond all belief. There were only two more blocks until you could finally fall into the comfort of your bed. That was the only thought motivating you enough to actually keep moving and not crash where you stood. Just two more blocks and you could finally wrap yourself in your favorite most plush blanket and have yourself a well deserved siesta.
Your daydreams about the rondevu with your bed were interrupted when you heard the sounds of shuffling followed by what sounded like metal banging together and a low groan. Your face fell and you cursed whatever god had decided to give you a far too curious and altruistic nature.
A few feet ahead of you was the entrance to an alley you passed everyday on your walk to and from work. There was no doubt in your mind the noise had come from there and that those groans were definitely groans of pain. Dealing with as many injured people as you did the sound became pretty easy to distinguish for you. However, you stayed firmly planted where you stood.
To help, or not to help. Now there was a question that could potentially be the death of you. This could just be a front, some people could just be waiting on some air head with far too kind of a heart to help someone in need only to end up jumping them and robbing them. Realistically, even if it wasn’t a front, this person wasn’t your responsibility. It was far more likely you didn’t know them and had no ties or obligation to them. You were just some civilian heading home, things didn’t need to be more complicated than that.
Or at least that’s what you tried to tell yourself. No matter how hard you tried to convince yourself it wasn’t any of your business the thought of just walking away left you downright nauseous and had your gut twisted in the worst of ways.
“If this is how I die, I swear to god…,” you grumbled to yourself as you inched your way towards the mouth of the dark alleyway. Here you were knownlingly walking straight in to some cliche out of a movie script. How many times had you yelled at the T.V. telling the actor to just mind their own business and keep it movin? Yet here you were, you were stupid for doing this. Whoever was hurting had crawled into an alley for a reason, they obviously didn’t want to be found. Who were you to deny them their privacy?
As you peered around the corner, the fading light of sun and the overhanging shadows of the buildings caused you to have to squint just the slightest in order to make out the figure hunched over by a dumpster and some garbage bags tossed haphazardly near it. They were hunched over and facing away from you, they seemed to be using one arm on the dumpster to keep themselves somewhat standing with their other arm pressed into their side to, what you could only assume would be an attempt to, apply pressure to a wound. You couldn’t make much out from their appearance, just that they stood a good few inches taller than you and that they appeared to be a man.
“Hello,” you called out taking a step into the space. You’ve approached strangers in dark alleys before due to your work, some in these types of situations tended to be volatile or hostile so you were a bit weary of getting too close. You were fairly confident you could handle yourself, your quirk could damage people just as well as it could fix them and with them being injured it would be more difficult for them to try and pull something fast by you. However, people in these situations were unpredictable, adrenaline without a doubt flooding their system and their mind racing a mile a minute, there was no real way of knowing if they would attack you or not until they did it.
The moment the word had passed your lips their head had whipped up at the sound so quickly you were slightly concerned they may get whiplash from the action. Bright turquoise eyes had turned to face you and suddenly all of the anxiety you should’ve been feeling before came bubbling to the surface. The eyes were focused solely on you with such an intense look it had been damn near overwhelming, you were rooted in your spot for a moment before you were able to recollect yourself and remember just what it was you were doing in this damp and dark alleyway to begin with.
“You’re hurt,” you had meant for it to be a question but looking at the man the pain he was undeniable. His breathing seemed labored and heavy and blood soaked through his clothing, if it was his or not you could exactly tell. However, the way his face was screwed up and how he seemed to be gritting his teeth told you all you needed to know.
You held your hands up in what you hoped he’d take as a non-threateningly gesture, it was so hard in this day and age of quirks to know what gestures would signal an attack, as you took a few small steps towards him.
He gave a sudden jerky movement, if he meant to move towards you or away from you - you weren’t exactly sure, but his legs gave out from under him soon enough and he let out a mumbled expletive as he fell back against the dumpster. His breathing devolved into a series of labored wheezing and coughs and it was clear that this man wasn’t moving by himself any time soon.
“I can help you,” you said in what you hoped was a calm and confident tone. You weren’t so sure anymore. Your heart rate had spiked from his quick movement, you don’t know this man or if he had a quirk that was dangerous, and your tongue felt heavy and your mouth dry as you took another few steps towards him. You still had your hands raised as you approached him like you would a wounded animal. He certainly looked the part, disheveled as he was and his eyes sharp and wild looking as they were.
When you were less than a few feet from him, he had raised the arm that had been against his side and a bright blue flame erupted from his hand. It hadn’t been enough to touch you or harm you, but you could feel the sweltering heat from where you stood. The warning in the action was clear.
He went to say something but his body was soon overcome with a coughing fit that had the fire extinguished and him doubled over again. You took the opportunity to go to his side and help support him as you assessed his condition.
“Look I don’t care why you wound up beat to shit and left in a pile of trash, that’s not important,” this speil had practically become second nature to you, as if you were on autopilot as the hand you had placed on his back and the one on his injured side began to glow with the activation of your quirk. Plenty of patients you had to deal with had been far more hostile than he was being, you took what little comfort you could from that fact, “Just let me help you and after we can both pretend like this never happened.”
Your quirk allowed you to manipulate the biological structure of organic matter, while the practical uses were far more reaching than fixing body tissues or helping fight off illness you had never cared to use it to harm another unless given no other option. Taking his quietness and lack of resistance as a good sign for future cooperativeness, you used your quirk to feel about the various tissues and cells in his body and quickly the issue became apparent. Aside from some cuts and bruises he had traumatic pneumothorax. A blow to his chest undoubtedly had resulted in a few ribs breaking and one of them had punctured his lung causing it to collapse.
“Look, I’m sure you could’ve guessed but you’re not really in a good way right now,” you began as you started to gather the energy you needed to heal his injuries, “Pretty uncomfortable right? Well, I can help you out and you can walk out of this alley yourself or i can happily leave your ass here. You’ll probably die of fluid build up in the lung but shock is also a bitch to deal with, but with how heavy you’re breathing you also seem to be having trouble getting enough oxygen so passing out before all of that is pretty likely,” you said. You didn’t normally like talking with patients in such a tone but with the more hostile and bullheaded one’s it tended to get them to listen to reason, “We can do that or I can help you out of the goodwill of my heart, but you just can’t go about setting me on fire, alright?” You searched his eyes for any sign of aggression or resistance. You really hoped the idiot just sucked up his pride and agreed. It really wouldn’t sit right with your conscious to just leave him here.
He seemed to debate it for a moment before giving a less than enthusiastic nod. It was more than enough for you and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you had been holding. Relief flooded your system that he agreed to cooperate and that you could do your job and didn’t have to worry about if he was gunna reduce you to a pile of ashes or not.
However, just when you had gathered the energy needed to begin healing his more serious injuries his free hand suddenly grabbed one of your own. You couldn’t fight back the flinch as his quick movement startled you. So much for cooperative..
Playing hot and cold with someone on their death bed wasn’t exactly how you had imagined your night going and if he was just going to keep this up he could get himself out of this situation. “Look, If you don’t want me to-” you began irritable.
“They’re going to come looking for me…” he said between his heavy breathing. His voice deep and gravely as it grated on your senses that where already overstimulated from the adrenaline pumping through your system due to how fond he seemed to keep giving you jump scares.
You considered your options and couldn’t stop your hand from running down your face as you realized there really was only one in this situation. “Normally I have men buy me a drink before I take them home…,” you sighed. Well you supposed the other option could just be to cut your losses and leave him here. To bad your mother raised you to be a decent human.
Hauling him to his feet was a difficult task, but not impossible. Luckily he wasn’t heavily built but unluckily he was much taller. One of his arms was slung around your frame as he leaned over you with your arm wrapped around his waist to keep him propped up. His face was practically buried in your hair and he was hunched over due to the height difference, but it would have to do. As you made your way to the last block towards your apartment it probably just looked like you were helping him home after a...Wednesday afternoon spent drinking. A bit odd but not entirely out of place in this ward.
You tried to move him as gently as possible but you really didn’t want to be out on the street with him like this any longer than necessary. Drawing any type of attention to yourself would surely get a regulator’s attention and depending on who had fucked him up so badly things could get ugly from there quickly. You could tell he tried to restrain his groans as shudders raked through his body from the jostling the walking did to his ribs.
By some miracle you had made it to your apartment complex without anyone stopping you on the walk over and you wanted to cry in relief at the fact none of your neighbors were out and about. Getting him inside the apartment had been a cakewalk outside of the shuffling for your keys. You’re pretty sure he had let out a chuckle at your groans of annoyance at having to fiddle with the lock and twist the door knob this way and that to get the damn thing to actually open, but you couldn’t be sure.
You mourned for your couch as you laid him down on it and began to work your magic. He was covered in grime and dirt and a few blood stains, getting all of that out was going to be a pain in the ass. You had bought it new and everything, what a shame.
You were quick to get to work, your hands glowing and illuminating the dark room as you set about putting him back together, and thankfully he didn’t seem too intent on stopping you anymore.
You made quick work repairing the damaged cells and clearing his body of debre and fluids so that the tissues of the lung could repair and the bone could be shifted back into place and fixed. At some point between you starting and ending the healing process he had fell unconscious. You weren’t sure if it was the shock and fatigue finally setting in or if he had been worn out from whatever fight he had been in but you were thankful to be saved from what would’ve probably been an awkward conversation after you had finished.
Taking a moment to breath you leaned back and you were finally able to actually observe just who it was that was posted up on your couch. His eyes had been the only thing you had focused on before, they had been so striking in his intensity, but now that you were finally able to actually see him, even in the darkness that had enveloped the room due to you not turning on the light when you rushed him inside, you noted just how striking the rest of his features were.
He had what looked to be burn marks long since scarred over that left a purpilish color covering a majority of the visible skin you could see. Surgical staples seemed to be holding the scarred tissue to the undamaged skin and you wondered vaguely if you should go about healing those wounds as well. His hair was dark and disheveled with sweat sticking it to his forehead. You had seen his face screwed up in pain since you first laid eyes on him but here, sleeping as deeply as he was, you were able to truly see the various contours of his face so much more clearly.
You let out a soft hum in thought as you got up from your spot beside him and moved to get a blanket for him. You didn’t have the heart to wake him up and kick him out after all of that, besides your bedroom door locked and any attempt to bust that in or burn it down would surely wake you up. It wasn’t that big of a deal anyhow, plenty of patients as dangerous as him had spent the night before with little incident.
You quickly wrote down a note for him giving him your name and explaining the situation in case he woke up disoriented and left it on the coffee table in a way you would hope would get the stranger to notice it before he decided whether or not to burn your apartment down.
Throwing the blanket on him you were quick to exit the room as if you were the one intruding and make your way to your bedroom. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some sleep before your shift early in the next morning.
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lilareviewsbooks · 1 year
More Short SFF Books!
Guys! Thank you so much for the love on my post on short SFF books! It was a lot for a tiny little blog like me lmao, and it made me feel very appreciated - thank you, again! 
I thought that because of all that love, this deserved a second edition. So, since short SFF is definitely my specialty, and I won't stop reading these novellas any time soon, here's some other SFF short books I think might be worth your time!
Also, check out part one of this list if you’d like some more books in this vein :)
The Monk and Robot Duology, starting with A Psalm For The Wild-Built, by Becky Chambers
152 to 160 pages
duology (so far!! I'm hoping and praying, Ms. Chambers!)
queer rep of all kinds, but our protagonist is non-binary! 
If you know me, then it's a surprise this didn't make it into the first edition of this list. I love Monk and Robot! They're My Favorite Books, so rest assured that they come very highly recommended!
This one follows Sibling Dex, a disciple of Allae, the god of small comforts, as they decide to change the course of their professional life and become a travelling tea monk. Along the way, they meet Mosscap, a very friendly robot, with one question - "what do humans need?" There's just one problem: robots have been living in the wild for generations, and they haven't interacted with humans since they gained consciousness. Can Sibling Dex handle this responsibility?
I hardly have the words to describe this one. This is a sci-fi, I guess, but it feels like a fantasy -- it's just so atmospheric and draws you into this utopian and equitable world full of nature and community. Monk and Robot really emphasizes the best parts of life, the best parts of humanity. It will warm your heart because you will see your life in it - in all it's smallness and its gorgeousness. It's perfect if you want something that's short, sweet, and with a conflict that doesn't span the whole entire world, but is focused instead on two people - or, I guess, on one person and a robot. 
Mandatory reading for everyone! Get your hands on a copy, you won't regret it!
Our Lady of Endless Worlds Duology, starting with Sisters of the Vast Black, by Lina Rather
176 to 192 pages
sapphic rep
We're staying on theme here, with another religious-y pick. I give you: Sisters of the Vast Black! This one is about nuns! In space!
Some time into the future, the Catholic Church is alive and well. The sisters of the Order of Saint Rita live on their (get this) living ship, a gigantic animal they use to navigate between space stations and planets. I think this one is worth it just for that concept, I fell in love with it!
This book follows the Sisters as they receive a distress call from a colony, and find out that the Church's means might be more nefarious than they seem. But, mostly, it's about the sisters themselves, as they grapple with their faith, the ever-changing universe and the questionable morality of the Church. 
I loved this one! Not only are the characters very compelling, the setting is just so cool. This concept of the living space ship is so fucking neat, and the duology gets down to the nitty-gritty of it. Not to mention, the idea of religion, and contemporary religion in particular, surviving mostly unchanged into the future is so interesting! I don't know if it's me being nerdy, but I just found the concept here so, so compelling, I couldn't resist bringing these books home with me!
The Seventh Perfection, by Daniel Polansky
176 pages
I don't remember it being queer, but I could be wrong??
I guess this is also kind of religious in a way lmao. The Seventh Perfection follows Manet as she searches for someone for the God-King, who runs the kingdom she lives in, using her perfect dominion over the seven perfections to help her.
The unique thing about this book, though, is how the story is told. Instead of following Manet's perspective as she goes through her city, interviewing people, we only see one side of her dialogue. As Manet speaks to a shopkeeper, for example, we are only treated to his answers. In this manner, its up to the reader to put some pieces together.
Although it is nothing too complicated, - especially for veterans of books such as The Locked Tomb or fantasy behemoths like A Song of Ice and Fire, with their crazy amount of characters - the structure is pretty unique. Like Esme N pointed out in her Good Reads review of this one, it kind of reads as if you're a POV character in a videogame, going NPC to NPC. I'd say this one is for the anyone who likes different approaches to stories in SFF, and enjoys being a little bit confused!
Elder Race, by Adrian Tchaikovsky 
201 pages
no queer rep that I remember, either
Elder Race is an interesting one, as well. This one is definitely for fans of books with almost anthropological approaches to culture, such as The Left Hand of Darkness and A Memory Called Empire. Elder Nyr is a scientist, sent to another planet in order to explore it, who lives in his space ship. Except that, for the locals, that space ship is a giant tower, and Nyr is its mysterious sorceror of legend. Now, Lynesse comes to search for him so that he can help her deal with the threat of demon.
The result of the interaction between Lynesse and Nyr, and the fact that each of them have POV chapters, means that this reads as almost two separate books. One of them is a sci-fi, and that's Nyr's perspective, who is from a society with very high-end technology, and sees all problems as matters of science. Meanwhile, Lynesse sees everything as magical, so hers reads almost like a fantasy. It makes for such an interesting experience!
I think about this book constantly, and have been wanting to reread it for ages. I quite liked this particular approach, not to mention the concept! Plus, I love books that go deep into culture like this one. And, of course, it's from prolific and famous author Adrian Tchaikovsky, who wrote the Children of Time series, and although I haven't read the rest of his work, I've heard this is a good starting off point in case you want to get into his other books.
Princess Floralinda And The Forty-Flight Tower, by Tasmyn Muir
146 pages
non-binary rep
I'm always singing Ms. Muir praise, and that's for a reason! This one follows Princess Floralinda, who is locked up in a (guess!) forty-flight tower by an evil witch. She has placed one monster at every floor, and no prince has managed to get through the first one, let alone trudge up the stairs to rescue Floralinda.
With impeccable sense of humor, which is a trademark of Ms. Muir's fiction, we follow Floralinda's plight as she waits for someone to come rescue her - and then eventually notices no-one might be coming, after all. Her character development is astounding, and it's so satisfying to follow her. It's also just so impressive that so much can be packed into so little pages when it comes to her arc. 
And I forgot to mention - there's a fun fairy character who will help Floralinda on her way! I think it's worth reading just for that!
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weebsinstash · 1 year
And omg the fiancée probably grows up being a meek little thing because of his bullying and aggressive behavior, as well as very cruel/insulting remarks like he did with Deku, also being told that she just has to endure how Bakugo treats her and be the perfect calm collected lady to balance him out because that’s her duty as his wife and empress??? Good food. Then the fiancée gets tired of his bullshit and just tries to break the engagement/divorce and he’s like “wait what no you’re not supposed to do that”. Idk just having to deal with child Bakugou would’ve been a hard NO from me 😭
I've been having multiple ideas for this specific scenario and pairing but it seems to be popular with you guys too 😳
But no I absolutely agree, I think being raised with him and knowing what a little prick he's always been would be terrible, and I personally wouldn't have the patience for a bratty little kid, even AS a kid. I can see it so stereotypically: Reader and Bakugou both children, brought to the same location but allowed to wander before the official meeting. Reader is just minding their own business, being the Saint/ess or mage or whatnot that enables a low-born person like them to be treated with prestige, just walking in the garden and being cute and curious about all the plants, here's the Crown Prince, demanding you tell him your identity and reason for being in his palace. You're trying to be polite but he just mocks you for no reason? Says your role is stupid and weak since it doesn't involve fighting? (Perhaps he's feeling a little inferior to you since you have a superior and useful skill he can't obtain, hm?) And maybe you lose your patience and get chest to chest with the little punk and even start to have a physical fight before some adults, like say your guardians, have to pry you apart
And then the adults pull you both aside and scold you and get you all dolled up to see each other again and it's like, haha you're gonna have a political marriage :) sure, the future Emperor just received a black eye from his future spouse but, no this is fine, let's not correct the little monster in any way, you two are definitely going to learn to get along over the years :) obviously you just kind of consider him a huge bully and dread finally marrying him and having a wedding even if it helps your home country to form an alliance at the cost of your freedom 😩 and also imagine, having healing powers and him asking/demanding you heal his soldiers snd himself for certain battles and wars but he won't let you like, go into the villages and treat the commoners suffering from, demon flu or something that you could purify, like he's just using you as a health pack for his army but not letting you perform your duty of helping the people and you resent him and think he's selfish (which he is, but, he also wants to keep you close and far away from any unpredictable subjects)
Just sorry, if you think of how teenage Bakugou treated Midoriya, and even just vaguely transfer that over, I would hate him, think he's rude, worry for the future of his country, AND imagine being stuck in a political marriage and you know you have to share him with not only other women but also just, one specific dude for some reason? Which you suppose isn't, impossible but, not exactly common to you; surprising, but you aren't rejecting it.
I feel like the constant pressure to be absolutely perfect and regal and holy yet the one who is 'the most important' never acknowledging those traits and efforts would be emotionally and psychologically draining. So many other people would just come off as fake or trying to suck up to you, and Izuku... his praise doesn't count; you don't know what's wrong with this boy but sometimes he's stuck on you like glue and wants to spend entire days together, consecutively. And he technically isn't doing anything too sinister, but it's how he does it, the execution. Wanting to spend time with you is one thing, wanting to spend every waking moment is another
Bakugou would probably be one of those where, you tell him you hate him and never loved him to his face and he'll tell you that it isn't your job to love each other, stop being stupid, but the second he has you escorted off he's isolating himself for deep meditation because WHY DOESN'T MY FAVORITE WIFE LIKE ME 🥺 and over the course of the next week he's sending gift after gift to your palace, never coming himself though, and he thinks you've forgiven him when you accept everything and then he finds out you were just doing it on courtesy and everything he gave you was just put into a storage room to not be seen or heard
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 3
Tumblr media
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @peaches1958​ @identity2212 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond​ @amberangel112​
A/N: If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
As payment for helping me move my stuff into the new apartment, I’m hosting a football night, something I haven't done since before I started living with Lisa. Somehow, I never realized all the little things I gave up for her. I love having the guys over. Luke is very much a slob when he lives alone and Jared doesn’t like making a mess that his wife will feel compelled to clean up despite his insistence that she let him do it. That woman is a Saint and always has been.
"So how has it been living with a girl as a roommate?” Luke asks. “Is it as painful as living with your ex?"
No, it isn’t painful at all except for the damn partial I seem to sport every time I catch a glimpse of her in those booty shorts she prances around in when she doesn’t realize I’m home. Okay, prancing is an exaggeration but it doesn’t make it any less distracting.
When I came in to meet Riley, I expected to find a selfish, self-absorbed princess that I would have to pretend to get along with out of desperation to finally have a place of my own again but instead I found a shy, reserved young girl who had to invite a stranger into her life just to make ends meet.
"Honestly at this point I don't know if I have a roommate or if I own a cat," I say around a mouthful of pizza.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jared laughs, passing me a fresh bottle of beer before twisting the cap off his own and throwing it into the bin across the room.
I raise my hand counting off the reasons on my fingers as I speak. "I never see her ‘cause if she’s home she's hiding out in her room. The only evidence that she is even around is the fact that she leaves food out for me from time to time and that I find her hair fucking everywhere. Then there’s the fact that she spends more time up at night than she does during the day."
I sound harsh but the truth is that I find all of those little things rather endearing.
"Sounds like a fucking dream to me,” Sam says. “You get all the perks of living alone with half the price."
"Nah,” Luke counters, shaking his head, “sounds to me like your apartment is haunted and you're actually living with a ghost. Do you even know what she looks like?"
Yes, I do. In fact, I can’t get her face out of my fucking horny head. 
"Yeah, I met her before I moved in and I've seen her cookin’ breakfast a few times on my way out to work but that's ‘bout it."
"Don't ya leave for work at like 5:30 AM?” Jared asks, pausing with his beer half raised to his lips. “Shit,” he shakes his head in disbelief, “you two really are perfect for each other. Who the hell cooks that early?" 
"Is she hot?"
Before I even have time to think about it, the pizza crust in my hand is flying across the room and hitting Luke on the side of the head.
"It don't fuckin’ matter if she's hot I'm not shittin' where I eat." Yes, Riley is most definitely hot — fucking gorgeous even — but I’m not about to admit that out loud.
"I wasn't asking for you, I was asking for me." The man wiggles his eyebrows at me and I hesitate to throw another piece of food at Luke but all that’s left on my plate is a chicken wing and I have no interest in cleaning barbecue sauce off the couch. 
"What's her name again?" Jared asks, pulling his phone from his back pocket.
I really don’t want them looking her up online but if I give in, there is a chance this conversation will move on to a safer topic.
"Riley McKenzie."
He types Riley’s name into his phone and there’s a moment of awkward silence as he scrolls through the results.
"What kind of modern woman doesn't have a Facebook profile? Does she use a nickname or something?"
I don’t let them see how relieved I am that he hasn’t found her and keep my attention on the game.
"I have no idea, you know I'm not into that shiet."
Sam’s phone dings and it seems to be the end of the whole roommate conversation. The sports announcer on the TV starts talking more excitedly, pulling the guys' attention back to the big screen. Jared stands, yelling as if the players on the field will hear him through the TV. When our team manages to score a touchdown, Luke and I join in the cheering and the two of them high-five each other. Meanwhile, Sam still has his ass in his seat, staring at his phone and Jared punches him on the shoulder.
"Bro, what the fuck, you just missed a fucking beautiful play!" 
"I'll catch it on the highlights later, right now I'm watching a stripper give another stripper a lap dance while drinking a shot from between her tits."
"Woah, I wanna get in on that." Luke extends his arm, beckoning Sam closer.
"Can't ya watch that later?” Jared complains, reluctantly moving from the middle spot and letting Sam slide over.
“I've had enough of hearing other guys jack off next to me to last a lifetime, don’t do it on my fucking couch,” I plead with them.
"This is live and it's probably gonna get shut do—" Both guys groan, their heads falling in disappointment.
"You were sayin'?" I ask with a smirk.
"TikTok doesn't normally let Razzy go live for all that long before she gets shut down. She mostly uses it as a way to boost the interest for her OnlyFans account. You gotta pay to see the real good stuff."
There are so many things about that sentence that I don’t understand but I don’t care enough to ask him to explain.
"Ya know, I'm pretty sure checking out strippers on the internet while in a relationship is just as bad as going to a club every Friday night." I lean back in my chair crossing my ankle over my other knee.
"Come on Sy, you know I don't keep secrets from my girl. We watch the videos together, it gets her off." Sam winks, sporting a proud grin like he thinks every man would be envious of him.
I look back at the television screen, seeing the timer in the corner tick down to zero, announcing the start of halftime. I pick up the remote, pressing the mute button before the annoyingly loud commercials start.
"Since you're paying for her account anyway, why don't you show us the videos that seem to be better than you at satisfying your girl." Luke sounds a little too desperate for a guy who’s most likely had four different women in his bed this month alone.
"Fuck you, I'm plenty capable of getting her off on my own but since you asked so nicely," he types something into his phone before turning the screen towards his right so Luke can see the video, "this is what I get to watch while my girl chokes on my cock."
I nearly spit out my beer, forcing myself to swallow before a coughing fit takes over. The three men on the couch look my way, wearing equal expressions of concern.
"You good man?"
I nod my head furiously, holding my hand up for Jer to give me a second. They keep their eyes on me and I know there is no way that I can brush this off. When my breathing steadies out, I tip my head to the phone which now lays forgotten on Sam's lap.
"That's her,” I blurt out without thinking and immediately regretting my words.
There’s a moment of confusion while Sam looks down at the girl on his screen. The focus of the camera is on her body as she dances on the pole in nothing but a red lace bodysuit but her profile is still fully visible.
I swallow the lump in my throat clarifying my statement. "That's Riley."
All three men are stunned silent for a second but of course, Luke has an unhelpful comment to break the tension.
"Oh shit! Sy's living with a porn star!"
"Stripper," I grumble, palming the back of my neck.
"Oh no, trust me, that video was tame. Her racy solo clips definitely count as porn and last month she was in Vegas trying out some new girl on girl shit too."
"Fuck, stop! I don't wanna know.” I throw my hands up, rising from my seat in a desperate attempt to escape the current conversation.
"Why not!” Luke calls after me. “This is epic you could fuck a porn star — that's the dream!"
I close my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Luke, no offence but if your biggest dream in life is to fuck a porn star, ya need to rethink your priorities."
"Be honest, when's the last time you got laid?"
I’m not particularly inclined to answer that question but I know my friend well enough to be sure he’s nowhere close to dropping the subject. Luke is like a shark and women are his blood. Not the best metaphor in the world but it’s pretty accurate. If he gets a hint of interest, he won’t let go and I’d rather he not make it his life’s mission to fuck Riley for the sake of being the first to do so. She deserves better — not that I think I’m a better choice, I just mean he’d take my attraction as competition. I lean back against the kitchen counter, grasping it with both hands until the edge is uncomfortably digging into my palms.
"Not since before I shipped off for the last time."
"Woah, really?" Jared exclaims, turning to face me with one arm over the back of the couch. He’s been my best friend since we were 14 years old when Jared transferred to my school. One of the things I like about him is the fact that he’s completely smitten with his wife and understands my desire to settle down one day rather than chase women like our other friends. He’s genuinely surprised by my answer but his tone isn't the least bit mocking.
"Lisa didn't exactly welcome me back with open arms,” I admit with a sigh. “Maybe I should have just cheated on her, at least then her anger towards me woulda been warranted."
He gets up from the couch, stacking all the dirty plates by the sink.
"We both know you would never do that. Just like we both know ya aren’t gonna make a move on Riley, are ya?"
At least Jared has my back.
“No, I’m not,” I say honestly. “She’s been cagey about her job since I moved in, I doubt she ever wanted me to even know ‘bout any of this. I’m not gonna bring it up and I still maintain that hookin’ up with her while we live together would be a bad idea no matter what the circumstances may be.”
I just have to pray I never see another one of those videos because I can barely keep my dick in check as it is. When she’s not wearing those damn shorts it’s tight fitting yoga pants that show off her curves in all the right ways and it’s fucking excruciating. So far, it’s taken every ounce of my focus to keep images of her from slipping into my mind when I take care of myself in the mornings.
A stripper. Shy, quiet, can’t even look at me when I’m shirtless, Riley, is a stripper. And a porn star, Luke's voice adds in my head. Fuck. I don’t know what to do with this information but all the little things I know about her seem to fall into place. How long did she expect this secret would stay hidden? More importantly, why am I hurt that she didn’t trust me enough to just tell me?
Chapter 4
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gemma-collins-ily · 1 year
Can I ask for a fic with Mal where the reader is getting bullied by some guys and storms off, and then later Mal finds out and like beats the guys up or something like that and it turns into a friends to lovers? If you can’t it’s fine :). I love your other work so I thought to request something of mal because I don’t see him getting enough attention lol. Thanks!
The Print of Him Written There
a/n - I'm sorry this took so long, and it's kind of incomplete (has an ending but not the one I originally planned). I started off writing this a while ago, and then when I came back to it, I couldn't really find my footing.
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You had convinced yourself a long while ago that your life was just meant to be a tragedy. Although, in quite the opposite fashion of a novella, yours had no desirable reciprocated romance, no forbidden love or meeting up with a secret lover: it was just you.
And Mal, you supposed.
He was a very viable candidate for your tragical romance, the two of you sharing moments often that made you gaze unsurely, eyes flitting over his face and breaths coming just a little heavier, you laughing and blaming it on the cold that seemed to be permanently enveloping wherever you went, in the place of the warm arms you wished for.
It wouldn't hurt to want the arms wrapping over you to be Mal's, would it? After all, your adoration was most certainly one-sided and probably slightly pathetic. Trying to cultivate his love would be like attempting to nurture flowers whilst roaming over the world, and never really returning to that first spot for enough of a time for it not to be too fleeting.
With your luck, the flowers with their charming, curling stems would be ripped out of the earth or wither away until weeds overtook them, swallowing them down, gluttonous beasts aiming to pull up their very roots by strangling them with their own.
Even thinking of his non-existent, hypothetical love could tug up those plants, replacing them with the green creatures crouching and festering below the soil; even considering it could show the seeds of... loathing from Mal. You just wouldn't risk it. Better safe than sorry.
So, the decision made that he was very much off-limits and a completely separate branch to your life's tree than any sort of endearing endeavour. You squatted, feet scratching over the dirt and fingers drawing swirling, cinnamon-beige patterns in the gravelly sand the wind had blown in from the coast, waiting for Mal to hurry with whatever he was doing.
To further convince you of your inevitable end, a group flocked behind their leader to approach you, sat up against the wall, brick upon brick digging uncomfortably into your back.
You pressed into the wall further.
They spat insults that were studded knives, cutting through flourished leaves and spectating as they turned a crinkled auburn whilst hitting the ground. And later, the lichen of belittlement grew, ensnaring you and dragging you to the dirt; you stayed stationary for a while before deciding enough was enough, daring to stand and brush off your clothes before shouldering through the group.
"Where'd you think you're going, little bird? Didn't you know, we still have a cage just waiting with your name on it? Saints, listening to your wails of self-pity may just make you the perfect songbird."
You shook your head and only went through the motions of dodging clawed hands that would surely catch your arm if you let them. Sighing, you shoved past in a much fiercer way, no longer caring for the potential of hurt to the people behind.
After what they had said, you thought you would rather watch them burn up in flames than care even slightly about their input.
Although, reaching your chest of belongings, your hands anchored themselves to its sides, splintered wood even knowing when to hold steadfast during the storm you embodied. Blunt fingernails dug to the wood's surface, eyes stinging but firmly dry in your definite anger and humiliation of the situation.
"Woah, what's this coming from?"
You didn't turn, simply stood, still straight-backed with arms left on the chest, eyes downcast. Eyes were trained on your back, you knew, no longer biting at gaping wounds made by words: you were certain of this because it was him. Mal.
Then, you were snapping out of a reverie that you thought malleable, readily shaped around your heart, the print of him written there.
The influence of love, as it rose from your chest, the rest of your body left numb, immovable, unnecessary for as long as you could gaze at him. You saw it in the stain sealant of the wooden chest before you, in the maroon scrawled swirls spread over your maps and in the way your eyes were steadily growing red at the edges as you caught your own gaze in the mirror.
And his questioning gaze, too.
"It's nothing, Mal." Saints, the words didn't sound anything like you wanted them to - weighted as gold, seeming to be just as valuable although intentioned to sound light and throwaway.
Now swivelling on your heel, you brushed past him, grasping a map and attempting not to claw it to tatters in your hands. You walked over to your scratched glass mirror, a shard broken off in the left corner, placing it flat on the desk before sliding down the edge of a chair, legs crumpled beneath you as you forced yourself to push on.
The map was opened and curled inwards quickly, you groaning. This could not be dealt with right now.
A tentative hand spread it over the floor again, pressing on one side while you were still holding the other.
Mal was crouched before you, head quirked to the side adorably, glancing at you before the depictions of parchment valleys. He sat beside you, hefting your legs atop his own as though second nature.
"So, what is it? Actually, I mean."
How well he knew you. How much it ached that he did.
"I'm asking to leave on an expedition tomorrow."
The statement hung in the air for a moment, untouched by you both, probably because you both felt it entirely too shocking - you had barely even known what would come out of your mouth before it was spoken into the air, unraveling and unable to be reeled in.
"Why?" Whatever you had expected, it hadn't been this. This was robust, a question spoken strongly, no quiver to be detected in his tone. This was what part of you was thinking, wondering how leaving was possibly a solution. Leaving was surrender, a back down.
And yet, it was one of the only things you could think to do.
"I just-" And you had no explanation you could give to him because even serving it on a gold rimmed platter would do nothing to stop how cowardly you felt, how awful you thought you were for leaving him.
"What? Tell me! Give me one reason... One reason, and I'll let you go."
You fumbled, hearing the desperation lining his voice as he moved to gently push your legs off his lap, instead moving so that he was knee to knee with you now, staring, trying to see any answer in your eyes.
Mal wasn't as angry as he was stern, ready to hear whatever you came up with. His eyebrows were pinched together, mouth downturned as he waited for you to bare your soul to him.
"It's one thing! Why are you going? Just tell me, what can be that bad?" He began with a voice that tapered off into something more quiet, small.
You hated this. You hated what you were doing to him.
And you hated it more when you stood, brushing yourself off and walking away, but not before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. An apology. One that you felt probably fell through.
Yet, you walked. Away from your space, your home, your Mal, for how could you stay to ruin them if you were giving up beforehand.
You walked like you planned to do the next morning. And he didn't dare follow.
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You had been on expedition after expedition, sent anywhere and everywhere but where Mal was. He had come across you only once, pouring over the maps for your next trip.
He hadn't said a word, and you had only looked upon him with regret, already turning to leave. However, you did not blow out your candle in its holder, rather placing it down across a corner of his map folding inwards.
You both attempted to ignore the gnawing sense of dread and déjà vu constricting your hearts and lungs.
"Well, that was the worst escape attempt in history."
Saints, his voice almost rendered you useless.
"That wasn't the attempt." You wouldn't give it the opportunity to do so again. The softness between the two of you was long ago lost, flowers replaced by brambles and thorns, love bleeding through and, eventually, draining out.
You left, then.
Tears came to your eyes, making them glassy and reddened.
Friends you once were, lovers never to be.
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asteria7fics · 4 months
The Brainrot ™ has become too much to bear, so I fear it’s time for Grandma Asteria to go on a rant.
Today’s topic: Songs that give ✨STYLE✨
These are from my personal collection of brainrot tracks. Maybe give ‘em a listen? Or whatevah.
#1: Navy Blue by Nightly
I can’t really explain this one, so I definitely shouldn’t be starting with it, but here we are! This song is truly pure vibes, and honestly it feels like the kind of song Stan would write when he’s mad pining but doesn’t want it to seem obvious. The irony? I hear it more from Kyle’s perspective (because duh, blue is Stan’s representative color so of course???) Idk man there’s just something about it that feels simple and sweet, but somehow a little sad, too? Yah feel me?
Yeah I can’t really justify this one with words. The girls that get it, get it.
#2: Anything For You by Ludo
Don’t talk to me about Ludo. I fucking LOVE LUDO. So slept on. This song in particular feels so Stan coded. Just listing all the things he’d do for his SBF. So fucking sweet and dorky, and feels so true to the lengths that Stan has gone to for Kyle. And the final lines of the chorus; ‘But the best story that I could tell is the one where I’m growing old with you’ UM HELLO??? SOULMATES??? UGH. Honestly the whole song is a masterpiece and deserves to be heard by more people.
#3: Bang The Doldrums by Fall Out Boy
I’d be remiss not to include FOB on this list, considering they were all I listened to while writing TSOB. This song in particular really fucks with the chorus, but y’all already knew that. I’m not the first person to associate this song with Style and I hope to God I won’t be the last. So so so good. I could literally talk for hours about how FOB just GETS IT. It is a love song, in their own way.
Seriously though guys listen to Fall Out Boy they’re really good and they aren’t just for recovering millennial emos I swear HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING-
#4: 0X1=LOVESONG (I know I love you) by TXT ft. Seori
I know, it’s Korean. I’M SORRY but Tomorrow by Together absolutely FUCKS with this one I fear. The way Taehyun hits us with his ‘I KNOW IT’S REAL I CAN FEEL IT’ sends me into the stratosphere, and though I loved this song before getting into SP/Style (it’s co-written by my favorite member of BTS so of course I love it), it really shines in the context of Style angst. The gut wrenching ‘I know I love you’???? ‘Use me like a drug’?????? TXT fucking gets it, and they deserve so much love for giving me this banger to cry to while writing some depressing ass shit.
#5: Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel
Another massively under appreciated band, Saint Motel always hits. This song? Upbeat bop. Sunshine shot directly into my veins. The chorus feels like a warm hug, and I can just see those fucking DORKS serenading one another in the kitchen with it, living their sweet domestic life and just loving each other like God intended. Maybe the most perfect love song in history, so of course I’m gonna associate it with the most perfect Super Butt Fuckers. Obsessed.
#6: Somewhere Only We Know by Keane
I cannot be the only person that knows this song is MEANT FOR THEM. The quintessential best friend song, growing up together in a small town and knowing every inch of the other’s life. Shit gets complicated as they get older, but of course they always come back together because they’re SOUL!!!!MATES!!!! ‘This could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go somewhere only we know?’ Don’t speak to me. The fact that this song is NEVER utilized for Style angst on TikTok is my Roman Empire. I need old man yaoi set to this song IMMEDIATELY. Or some real angsty apocalyptic shit. I’m actually begging you guys, seriously.
PHEW! That’s all for now. I’ve compiled these songs into a playlist that you can listen to here, but every song is individually linked, too. I’ll eventually add more songs, so suggestions are welcome!
Anyway, thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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hermioneismyrealname · 8 months
Ok everyone.
Let's put some chronic internet buffoons in their place, shall we?
Let's first talk about the OG thai bl. Love sick. I was there. Let's talk about the one that got thai bl some traction. Love by chance. I was there. How about the one that put thai bl on the map, tharntype. I was there. Now KinnPorsche. The one that got global attraction from (mostly) everyone. Here still.
Before Asian bl, I was here for hannibal, supernatural and fucking merlin since day 1. Yuri on ice, been waiting for that movie for how many years now? And don't get me started on banana fish, given or all the bl manhwa, manhua and Manga. Call me fujoshi? Yeah aight but I'm here for the gl series (give me more) and the well written straight shit too.
The difference between the two kinds of media I present to you is deliberate fan service and fan acknowledgment.
If I were to categorize shows like merlin or Teen Wolf, I would put it as unfortunate writing. Supernatural and hannibal were not really a romance focused genre. Considering how early game these shows were, I wasn't surprised with the ending of all 4 of these series. Which is why good omens, heartstopper, young royals, and our flag means death is refreshing. These four bring a genre where LIFE is portrayed with romance being the center of it. They don't always give a happy ending. They have a realistic ending. I cannot always say the same for asian dramas.
In the early days of Asian bl, Thai especially, it focused on plot, actual plot, not hot guys who look great, but great actors. A good example is SOTUS and Until We Meet Again. A recent addition that I can add is Your Name Engraved Herein. It was also about getting society comfortable with LGBTQ+. Also, it tackled the ridiculous education system and challenged it. Up for some football anyone? This used to be a art form of portrayal and storytelling. Taiwanese drama has maintained a good story plot throughout most of it productions but it is a shame that it goes underrated most of the time.
Now, I observe the market for bl. I do blame KinnPorsche of this, but if I were to truly put a pin in it, I would stab it at tharntype. The thai entertainment industry is going to suffer. The primary reason for the inevitable doom is the unfortunate marketing ploy the actors have to do off-screen. Take tharntype, an unfortunately perfect example. While mame (previously) never re-used the actors in her universe, post tharntype, mew and gulf were expected to act again together. Why? The off-screen fan-service. Behind the scenes show actors being comfortable at their workplace. On stage in front of screaming, fans is just another act. If they did love each other, they wouldn't flaunt it as they did. Even now, there are wanjaai still thinking gulf is mew's affianced. It took mew to personally address the fans' ridiculous behavior and yet, here we are; bubbles mourning and the... I can't remember the ohmnannon fan base. I saw the panic when saint wouldnt be with perth again, and then when saint wouldn't be with zew. HAHAHAHA. Remember pretty recently when Freen's privacy was invaded and fans felt betrayed? pathetic.
Just thinking about it makes me laugh because even the japanese actors have their boundaries. Take Keita Machida for example. Not only did he get featured in Alice in Borderland, but he is also married. There was some backlash but not as much as Cha Seo Won from Unintentional Love Story and definitely not as much as any Thai BL actor. These are talented actors who are capable of so much. Take Fluke Natouch. He is a wonderful actor and is trying not limit himself to a ship/pairing/couple. Talk to me when you have seen Red Wine in the Dark Night. Imagine what the industry could truly be if markets wouldn't limit them.
If however, this is about the comfort of the actor, then FINE! But don't condemn them when they suddenly aren't paired up with each other again. For this, I put forward PremBoun (yes i just did that), NetJames and TutorYim. I will not mention FortPeat or BossNoeul because I can see all four of them going independent and succeeding whilst maintaining a brilliant friendship. Peat and Noeul especially. Cant wait for that to rock people's boat.
Need I remind these people that THEY ARE ACTORS! NOT DOLLS OR PUPPETS! Heck need I remind the public of the 227 scandal?
As fans, shouldn't we support the actor for acting? Not the ship for putting on smiles?
Now I sip my tea as I watch the ships. Actually, my eyes aren't on the ships; they are watching the idiots who can't take nuance and are chronically online. I watch them cry when their ships sink as me and my fellow veterans relax on our sundeck enjoying our teas, coffee and martinis with those tiny little umbrellas. Been through this all before and this whole manifesto was completely useless because nothing is going to change. Looking at the idiots in Macau for Bible's recent fanmeet.
*lifts my half empty teacup* Perhaps I am just @absolutebl but more chaotic and less diplomatic. Do I care about how many shippers this hurt? Considering some of their bullshit behavior, I'm gonna say how it is. I've been dealing with death threats since 2012 and the threats of chemical castration from my own government, I cant seem to fucking care. Cheers to chaos.
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