#the gal who kept him motivated and gentle
abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Antonio in high school: Constantly angry for reasons he struggles to articulate
Kotetsu in highschool: Constantly angry for reasons he struggles to articulate
Antonio: want to go to the abandon lot and punch each other until we feel better?
Kotetsu: i don't want to give into my destructive urges and be the monster everyone expects me to be...
Antonio: if you hit me and i don't want it I'll turn on my powers and break your hand.
Kotetsu: Oh! Then yes. It'll be like hero training!
Antonio: Yeah sounds good.
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scriptaed · 4 years
his side, her side | 9:23 A.M.
Tumblr media
genre: angst/fluff/implied smut; (bold = genre for this particular drabble)
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 1.8k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
a/n: this is not a chronological series; more so, his side her side is a collection of drabbles in which each drabble helps paint the overall picture. each drabble can be read separately without having read the others. // alternatively: his side, her side pt. 7;
her side; 
Jungkook [9:23 A.M.] Happy Birthday!!
You can still recall every fluctuation in the mayhem that he always brought along, particularly on that very hour of your day. A beacon of light had peeked through your curtains and perfectly struck your already-squinting eyes, but it isn’t the sun that has your heart racing like the end of a marathon that marks the start of your special day—rather, it’s the aftermath of its gentle shake that engraves this particular moment amongst the myriad of otherwise mundane, forgetful birthday mornings. 
It’s an overly cliche scene straight out of those young adult rom-coms you used to roll your eyes at, yet even you couldn’t remain immune to the flutters of your stomach and the drums of your chest when you awaken to the sight of his name first thing in the morning. You won’t admit it now, but the undeniable stretch of your grin upon reading his message is enough proof to your prideful self that he still manages to evoke an emotional response from you—even after all this time. 
A relieved sigh escapes your restricted chest as you prop yourself against the bed frame and dally with the unexpected task at hand. Flipping your phone from palm to palm, you mull over just how blindsided you had been to this incoming text. You had been arranging dinner plans for a girl’s night out in preparation for the one day you get to celebrate your ever-so-slow descent into adulthood and eventual retirement that you hadn’t even paused to anticipate this year’s annual texts from colleagues and classmates you had not heard from since… your last birthday; and even though Jungkook doesn’t exactly fall into that category, for you two had really only connected half a year ago, he was the last person you would have expected to be reminded of today. 
Come to think of it, it’s been a while since your mind had stumbled upon the ephemeral memories shared with him, a while since you caught him staring at you in the corner of your eyes, a while since you fidgeted with your hand and contemplated your choices of fight or flight. Ever since your project had ended and your excuses to strike a conversation with your partner dwindled to zero, you had convinced yourself that fate had finally given up on you and is now punishing you for leaving the myriad of granted opportunities to wilt; because you still bumped into him at work from time to time—but after that particular night of a gut-wrenching revelation, your ultimate decision to cut your ties came abruptly. 
It was no easy feat, that’s for sure. After having reality slammed before your eyes and accepting that maybe this red string that tied you to him is nothing but a silly fantasy, you had to somehow train yourself to forget everything you’ve come to know in the span of a month. You avoided him at work and on the walk home, you adjusted your daily routine to ensure your paths never crossed with his, you even archived his messages that you once found yourself daydreaming over the endless possibilities now burnt to ashes, until slowly but not certainly, he had become an afterthought.
Yet here he is, just as you’re about to forget him, like an old habit that trickles its way back into your daily routine, you find yourself smiling at the thought of him once again… and after all that has come to light? To be the first person to send you birthday wishes? You can’t help but snort at yourself and him, shaking your head at the naive skips of your heart and the audacity of a man who just doesn’t understand the repercussions of his alluring charm. 
Because even if you could no longer feel the same way about him like you did in a fleeting fragment of the past, you would never be able to deny this attractive force of his. He’s different from the others. He’s quiet, aloof, and intimidating, but his reputation can’t hold a candle to the real Jungkook you know. He’s more than the apathetic look he wears more often than not and he’s gentler than the devilish smirk that he adorns when he had witnessed something less than worthy of an arduous, feigned laugh, because the crinkle of his nose when you finally manage to crack a toothy grin on that face is worth every bit of intimidation. 
He doesn’t give a shit about what others thought of him because he sticks to his virtues and he treats every guy and gal—lame or popular, average or gorgeous—equally. He says he doesn’t give a shit about the opinions of others’, but he takes careful consideration into the delicate response of those affected by his actions. He does what he does because he believes in doing the right thing and not because he wants those extra points that has you believing in chivalry again. 
And all of that still holds true, that is, if the motives you suspect behind his text proves false. 
It’s a good thing your birthday came well after you had mostly gotten over whatever thing you had for him—otherwise, you’re sure things would have gone awfully awry today had you not been. You would have been clinging onto that last bit of hope and wondering what it means for him to have remembered your birthday and even go through the effort of sending you a message after all this time apart, but now, knowing what you know about him, you hold your head high with a smile hiding more than he could have ever had. 
Two can play at this game. 
You [10:12 A.M.] Thanks!! 😊
And for once, it really doesn’t mean anything more than that. 
his side; 
Notification [9:18 A.M.] Y/N’s birthday is today! 
Jungkook had just finished downing his first bottle of today’s many, hoping that his favorite drink, also known as water, would be enough to dilute the distasteful coffee he had willingly subjected himself to soon, when his phone vibrates against the kitchen island. The boy had leaned over the counter and grabbed ahold of his phone fully expecting to internally roll his eyes at social media and its pesky birthday reminders of people he doesn’t know well enough to just casually drop a wish for, but the familiar name that pops onto his screen freezes him in his tracks. 
It doesn’t occur to Jungkook how long it’s been since Y/N’s name had taken residence at the top of his notifications. A crooked grin cracks his precedent frown as he recalls the persistent messages Y/N had once bombarded him with in their time together. He can still remember the click of his tongue as he indulged in his cathartic workouts only to be disturbed by the seemingly endless stream of texts and reminders of work. Who would’ve known those memories would be revisited with a tender fondness that has even Jungkook dumbfounded? 
It isn’t like he totally forgot about Y/N. After all, out of everyone he’s met at work, she’s been the most peculiar one by far. Although their time was short, the fidgety hands, wavering eyes, and curt responses intertwined with the most giggly of laughs, she always kept him on the edge of his seat, wondering just what was going on in that mind of her’s—particularly when he came into work that one day and nothing was ever the same. 
Because some days he would spot her from the top of the stairs and try to greet her from afar only to watch her pivot on the balls of her feet and shuffle in the opposite direction. Sometimes he would bump into her on the way to their cubicles in the morning only to find himself searching for the girl in the following days turned into weeks and months, even. At times, he would even lock eyes with the girl across the hall, waiting for a response and wondering if he had mistaken himself when she passed by without a single greeting. 
Sometimes he felt like a ghost, not to the colleagues, not to the world, but to her. He couldn’t quite put the unsettling drop in his chest into words—because it isn’t exactly disappointment nor dejection. It was almost as if she had awoken one day, swept by the winds and the mystical moon, and for whatever reason, decided to sink a ship that had long set sail. 
But as Jungkook has come to learn, time flies by quickly, even for a man like himself; because whatever he was feeling, the heightened consideration catered toward her, the amusement he found in whatever she had in the works, the profuse feeling that something was fueling the two and something was inevitably bound to manifest, and the crash of confusion when it all came to an abrupt stop, had faded with each passing week. 
Still, even the sight of her name brings a grin to his lips. 
Seeing as how Y/N had shot him a birthday wish last time—and being the first and few ones to remember, at that—Jungkook figures it would be rude of him to swipe the notification into the abyss, even if the two had an unexplained, rocky interlude up to this point. 
Draft [9:22 A.M.] Happy Birthday
Jungkook cocks his head at the blunt message. Short and to the point, it’s a message he would have sent any other colleague… but seeing the fond birthday wish and gratitude the two had shared just a scroll above his drafts, he finds himself scratching at the task before him. 
“Jungkook?” a familiar voice calls from outside his apartment door. “Are you in there? You ready?”
“What? Oh, shit,” he curses when he notices the time on his phone. “Yeah, give me one second!”
You [9:23 A.M.] Happy Birthday!!
The phone is tossed to the side as Jungkook dashes to open the door to a girl who stands before him with a pout and crossed arms. Peering down at his partner, the chuckle that leaves his lips depart along with the thought of what he had left behind. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot about our coffee date,” she mutters. 
“And what if I did?” he laughs, freezing when he locks the door behind him. “Oh, shit.”
“What? Did you forget something?”
“Oh, uh,” he pauses, contemplating, “it’s nothing. Let’s go.”
He may have forgotten his phone, he may have forgotten having sent a message to someone he no longer held any ties to, but when he returns to the apartment and checks to see a heart next to his message and a reply right under, he would never forget the thought that crosses him in that very moment. 
It doesn’t mean anything more than that, right?
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twistedapple · 4 years
Through These Eyes
Here it is! I’m very nervous about it though, since I’m currently training to work mutiple points of view at the same time, and switching from one POV to the other is not an easy task, both intellectually and emotionally. Bonus point for handling a canon character and needing to be careful about not having him out of character and feeling just like himself in regard to the way his thoughts and feelings are conveyed... Anyway, this is a very interesting exercise, practice will make it perfect getting more canon infos as well lol Bianca’s profile, Bianca’s backstory
Recommended playlist: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Without further ado...
He never really minded being on his own, and there were times when staying in this large castle still felt oppressive, even the usual company of his supervisor and various servants wouldn’t abate the feeling. In those moments, he would sneak outside and go for a little exploratory stroll. The Valley, as secluded as it was, still had its fair share of inhabitants and locations – his favourite were the abandoned ones. It wasn’t the most princely thing to do but he couldn’t care less, he just wanted to have his bit of fun and quiet – besides, that sort of escapism was harmless. Granted, he would consistently be on the receiving end of a sermon once he’d returned – with his position, disappearing without even a guard was deemed reckless. Well, with his position, he could also easily care for himself and escape them anyway, so why bother having them follow him in the first place? Plus he’d probably be tempted to lose them out of sheer mischief. No matter how the issue could be considered, the outcome would be the same. So he left on his own once again to seek a bit of peace, somewhere away from the castle. Where, though? Ah, this area would do, the unkempt garden had an oddly charming and peaceful atmosphere.
Green firefly-like lights slowly disappeared as he made his advance towards the location, following a messy and clearly disused path with the sure foot of a person used to the exercise. The sky was clear and pale moonlight cut a sharp shadow, making his horns look even longer than they already were. The fresh scent of plants was all around him, along with something else, something unexpected. Magic? He couldn’t be fooled on that – after all, he only had to shake one of his hands for bouts of flames and sparks to randomly appear. He remained young and was still learning to properly master his magic, yet his power was immense. So, intrigued rather than worried, he approached the supposedly abandoned place to inspect it further, his curiosity picked. His raised hand glowed with a faint, green light as he was checking specific areas and trying to figure out what was going on. The traces of magic he had found were awfully similar to whatever had caused some strange taint in other parts of the Valley lately, how curious. Then, that’s when he felt he wasn’t alone anymore. He couldn’t see where they were hidden, but he was clearly being observed. Not willing to play any mind game, he stood tall and ordered.
- Show yourself!
Under blue moon, they met. A small, slender silhouette emerged from behind a half ruined wall covered in ivy and he could have almost mistaken her for a human, had it not been for her eyes – cat-like, abnormally bright golden amber eyes shining too much for it to be caused by the pale moonlight. A slithering shadow disappeared behind her as the young woman moved forward, a cheeky smile on her lips. 
- Now that’s a visit I certainly never saw coming. Not even a guard?
His gaze fell on her and he immediately felt a pinch in his chest. Of course, she knew who she was facing. After all, Malleus’ silhouette was too unique to remain unknown. However, his initial reaction – caused by sheer habit – quickly left place to a certain degree of surprise. Was she poking fun at him? Well well well, how brazen. He couldn’t let that pass now, could he?
- Wasn’t this place supposed to be abandoned? It was, last time I strolled around.
- ... Strolled? Well, I settled in fairly recently, was even planning to rearrange a part of the garden to grow some stuff for myself... Look, is there a part of the area you’d rather have me leave untouched? I don’t really care, I’m pretty much passing by anyway and I’m all alone, so I don’t need much room anyway.
At each word she was getting bolder and bolder, and by the time she’d finished talking, Malleus found himself more amused than anything else. People usually weren’t casual towards him, and they certainly wouldn’t dare start a negotiation two seconds after having met him. He didn’t even know who she was yet... The entire situation felt refreshing and this fact alone motivated him to simply go with the flow. He even decided to cut a bit, just to see how much gal she had.
- Negotiating? Do you realise who you’re talking to?
- … Oh yes, I do, but my motivations for this negotiation are better left for when we’re more hm acquainted with each other. So, is it a good enough reason for you to still feel comfortable hanging around? 
The whole situation was getting better by the second and Malleus found himself chuckling at her question. She was there rather illegally, yet she was treating the place as her personal domain and even inviting him. That last bit felt especially precious – he was so used to see people consider him with either reverence or fear, so used to whispers even to his face as people clearly felt uncomfortable in his presence... For a second he had considered pushing her around a bit more but this thought stopped him in his tracks. Yes, it was a proposal too precious to decline.
- Such a gracious host. Though I may need a name at some point...
As their chat progressed, they’d been getting closer to each other, circling slowly. Even though he had decided to not push too far, he still decided for one last test. If she truly wasn’t human, she’d react appropriately – and she did, declaring her identity a secret for now in a teasing manner.
Under blue moon, they kept seeing each other. Despite the place not belonging to her, she acted like a pleasant host towards him and extended a permanent invitation to her humble abode. While Malleus was certainly amused by the nerve she would casually display, he was also most appreciative of that invitation – for someone like him, used to be... Left behind, yet having an increased crave for proper social interactions as time passed, it meant much and more. In exchange for this kindness, he offered to involve her in his own hobbies, chief among them the exploration of abandoned places and the observation of the many gargoyles commonly found on buildings in the Valley of Thorns. It may have seemed like a strange way to have people relate to him, but it was the easiest one for Malleus. He felt like he could slowly pour his feelings out through the use of his past-times – it was simpler than directly expressing his feelings, somehow. Whenever he’d try to do that, he’d stop mid-sentence as discomfort would settle in his chest and cloud his mind, embarrassment weighting in the back of his head. She never judged him for that. In fact, she remained patient and involved in his architectural rants, showing a genuine interest and obvious knowledge of history. She let him open up on his own term and when he started disclosing his personal thoughts, the grace with which she received them and seemed to take them into account never failed to make his heart leap a bit. Similarly, if he had trouble reading her in the beginning, over time it felt easier – as if him opening up pushed her to return the courtesy.
Under blue moon, he started spending nights at her place – to chat, to watch her work her hedge magic, or to simply be alone together. He even became the first person to hear her sing again after years of silence. By that point, he had a name for her – Hilda -, and knew she had taken an interest in his musical skills since the day she’d noticed the calluses on the tip of his fingers. One night, he appeared with a lute and, as Hilda was working on some orders for a nearby human settlement; he started playing some gentle tune he had decided to prepare specifically for this occasion – a small present for her and for no other reason than the fact that it pleased him to do so. Under the watchful eyes of a dark, cat-like beast with eyes of pale fire sitting next to her, soft sounds filled the main room of what Hilda was using as current living quarters and soon enough, a humming joined in and launched a discussion. Malleus couldn’t help notice yet another testimony of what seemed to be a solid education, but chose to keep his questions to himself still. He preferred to have her come forward with whatever she kept to herself, rather than question her – he feared it may make her step away from him and he treasured their relationship too much at this point to risk such a thing. These considerations aside, it was the first time he heard something musically oriented from her and a question still had to be asked once he finished playing his tune.
- You seem well-versed in music, how come you’ve never brought it up before?
- Well, it’s been a while since I last did anything related to it, but your little tune motivated me… It’s the first time I heard it, your creation?
- Yes, if you were to hear me play for the first time, I thought I could make this occasion memorable. Considering your reaction, I take you enjoyed it? I shall do that again at a later date, then.
Under blue moon, they found themselves more and more involved with each other as time passed, to the point Malleus started acting like an accomplice to her occupation of empty places and quiet trade. He would often catch himself giving Hilda long looks, either while silently wondering what could be the reply to her mystery, or simply because he felt like watching her be about whatever task she decided to put her mind to. One of his favourite moments was when she would use her magic and one of those curious magical surges would happen. Most of the time, it seemed more annoying than dangerous and the face she’d make in these moments was amusing – pouting with her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Then there’d be the dangerous times, when he’d find her bandaged and not allowing herself to use magic for some time. In those moments she’d be in a darker mood, though assuring Malleus that he shouldn’t take it personally as it was not directed at him. Still, he’d stay and help her out with what needed be done regarding the trade she had going with the locals. This trade mostly consisted in alchemy and potions for all sorts of things – from improving the growth of crops to various charms made for all sorts of purposes. Interestingly, Hilda’s preferred tasks would be related to the care of the land itself, which she seemed surprisingly knowledgeable about. When Malleus questioned her on the matter, though, she merely replied that her unique magic was tied to the land and that it felt obvious for her to feel concerned about it – whether by caring for the wilderness or helping farmers in their endeavour. And while this trade didn’t provide her with many riches, it seemed to give its own wealth of information and links to a great number of persons. This alone picked Malleus’ interest since it was something he couldn’t do as easily as her for various reasons – people fearing his power, people recognising him in an instant... Meanwhile, Hilda’s overall deceptively human-like appearance, small stature and approachable atmosphere seemed incredibly useful when it came to treating with people – be they humans or faes. When he’d find her dealing with her clients, he’d enjoy observing from afar for all of those reasons; it wasn’t just about fulfilling some sort of curiosity, but to learn a bit as well. In those moments, his own isolation would weight on him too, yet Hilda’s smiles would never fail to abate the feeling. 
Under blue moon their bond grew stronger, before reaching a new point one day, as Malleus was helping her move in a new place he’d suggested. That night, there was a feeling of casual closeness between them, as if they’d done what they were doing more than once. It was an easy ballet made of back-and-forth to put Hilda’s belongings in order.  They would cross each other and, as she stayed close to him, he first surprised himself silently basking in her delicate scent of sweet grass and fresh flowers before realising that he simply wanted her even closer. It fully dawned on him when they found themselves side by side, their eyes locking. He’d never expected a time as short as a missed heart beat could pass so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. Closer, a scent like a secret garden. Closer, lips brushing against lips. Closer still, as he felt her lean in the touch and replied in kind by running his fingers through her hair. Suddenly, it felt like a fire was roaring inside him and neither of them would let go of the other. For a moment, nothing else mattered... Until he felt a strange sensation under his fingers. Breaking the contact, he looked and noticed her ink black hair covered in small, pale blossoms. His first thought was to consider them like a bit of starry night sky, yet he kept that to himself and went for a chuckle instead.
- You did tell me about those magical surges of yours... But I had never seen that sort of thing happen before. Did you?
- What are you talking abo- blackthorns blossoms? No, that one is definitely new, though oddly specific. I wonder what could have caus-
- To put it simply, I’d say you... You-made-me-bloom. Literally. 
- Pff... Hahahaha well at the very least, know that the blackthorn suits you perfectly. 
- You’re enjoying it all, aren’t you?
-Oh, I enjoy it a lot.
Seeing her redden and implode on the spot was most amusing to witness and provided him the final push to keep going – there was no objection on her part, only her hands pressing on his chest and her fingers tightening slightly over his shirt.
Under blue moon, Malleus discovered her mystery. All he needed was a name, and a name he heard accidentally. That evening, he arrived as usual, surrounded by green firefly-like lights and not too far from Hilda’s current dwelling – but not too close either. However, the air itself was heavy with magic and it felt like the earth was ready to crack open at any moment. Not knowing what was happening in the usually quite place, Malleus concealed himself with a spell before making a careful, calculated approach to assess the situation – or try to. He may have had honed his skill in escaping his guards whenever he left the castle, however it wasn’t a reason for him to act foolishly and risk putting himself in danger. As he got close, however, he started having a feeling of déjà-vu with the way the magic affected the area. Like a twisted, gloomy taint that would warp the immediate surroundings. That’s when his eyes fell on thick branches of blackthorn breaching erratically the earth and growing thicker, fuller at their center. There a person was held prisoner, ruthlessly pinned in place by the long thorns and under the watch of a large, black dog-like beast with eyes of pale fire. Then Hilda approached, a bundle in her hands and a cold, ominous expression on her face that Malleus had never seen before. With a biting tone and thorns in her hair, she unwittingly provided the information Malleus had wanted to ask for a while now – merely waiting the proper moment to do so. 
- Since you were following orders, I’ll let you go back to my family, but you’ll bring them these bones. Tell them this it what you found at the end of the trail. You’ll be freed from this cat and mouse game in the process, isn’t it nice? Your Lady Bianca Bosconero is dead.
Bosconero? That name alone was enough to explain everything, even though she’d been guarded about it – and about pretty much any information that could give her identity away, when he thought about it. That’s why she stayed so vague when it came to her magical abilities as well – because she wasn’t just a Bosconero, based on what he’d been witnessing. She was without a doubt the current holder of the ancestral magic passed down in the family for generations. While the Bosconero were historical allies of the Draconia, their work would be oriented towards diplomacy, especially in regards to humans, thanks to their generally deceptive human-like features, so they would often communicate to provide reports regarding the state of affairs outside the Valley, but would not so often show their face. The foliate face of the Green Man himself was their coat-of-arms, of course she’d be skilled in the fields of growth, death and rebirth, as she demonstrated in her care for both the wilderness and crops, as well as her specific knowledge in alchemy and potion-making.
Yet, as relieved as he felt by this realisation, Malleus couldn’t help feeling hurt by all the omissions Hilda – no, Bianca – had made. Granted, based on what she had said as she released the prisoner, it looked like she had taken extreme measures to protect herself from her own family, but his chest still tightened at the idea that she’d kept it to herself all this time, rather than talk to him. With the current state of their relationship and his own power, he could easily provide her the safety she needed, so the feeling of rejection was present despite his attempt at rationalising the whole situation. This is what motivated him to appear as soon as Bianca cleared the place and found herself alone again. He wanted to hear it all from her own mouth. 
-… Bianca Bosconero? From the Bosconero household? Is it who you are?
As soon as he moved from his hiding spot and addressed her, Bianca froze on the spot. The thorns he could previously see and feel in her hair, eyes and words seemed to vanish, leaving only a faint dark, smoke-like trail that dissipated in a second. She turned towards him and her face quickly went from cold fury to surprise, then fear. And while Malleus had never been exactly good at reading people’s emotions, at that moment he was certain he could almost hear her scream internally. It made him feel uneasy, but he couldn’t help scowling at the entire situation – at her, too. A heavy silence fell on them, during which Bianca seemed to search her words. Now, what would they do...
- Yes, you heard it right.
- Why did you stay silent about that? Not talking about it when we met was one thing, but enough time has passed since then, don’t you think?
The tone of his voice carried something regal and cutting that surprised even him, yet he kept a composed face while questioning Bianca.
- How much did you hear?
- The end of your exchange. You haven’t answered my questions.
- ... What was I supposed to do? Involve you in family matters? The Crown Prince himself butting in to help clean a family’s personal laundry, can you imagine how people would react to that? Why would I get you involved in something that could only tarnish your reputation, what could you gain in that?
- ...
At her questioning replies, Malleus fell silent and lowered his head slightly. She had a point, and technically it would also have made him guilty of not only getting in the way of her family – a short way to gain political enemies -, but of assisting her with all sort of illegal things, such as squatting or practicing non-authorised trade at the border. Knowing who she really was would have potentially damaged his own social and political status as well... Yet, the cat was now out of the bag whether they liked it or not. They had to compose with that from now on. 
- Now, your identity is out but your problems are definitely far from being solved, aren’t they? How are you – no, we – supposed to proceed?
In reaction to his new questions, Bianca looked at him with a tired look he had never seen before and let out a loud sigh while slowly rubbing her hands together, lips slightly pinched. Malleus was familiar with that gesture: she was fully focusing on all of the parameters they had to figure out the most efficient course of action.
- Right now... Right now only you and Erico – the person you saw, he’s my mother’s assistant -, only you two know what’s going on with my identity. I guess the priority right now is for me to move somewhere else, this place is compromised.
- What about him, then? He’s bringing fake bones to your home. Your mother is a well-known alchemist; I don’t doubt she will fully be capable to see through your trick. Do you think you could face her?
- Honestly? I... I doubt I’ll ever be able to really face her. Not with the erratic nature of my magic.
- You’ve been putting your magic to good use almost daily, ever since we met –
- And most of what you saw are perfectly reasonable spells. If I were to face my mother, I’d have to resort to a full use of my Unique Magic, this is where trouble begins for me.
As they were talking, Malleus felt the tension in his brows abate along with his initial hurt. Rather than feeling put off by her secrecy, he appreciated the fact that it was done not out of malice, but to keep him out of trouble. For that reason, he decided to close the initial distance between them and felt his heart tighten when he saw Bianca lower her eyes, an uneasy look on her face. Her usually soft tone sounded more stifled when she spoke again.
- Malleus... I’m sorry I lied to you like that...
- And the situation has been clarified. Don’t worry about that now – besides, we have to find a new place for you, among other things.
He gave her a gentle smile, then they went back to her hiding place to tidy things up and ready themselves to move. He came back more regularly in the nights that followed – an event rare enough to be noted, considering the risks he was willingly taking -, to help her out, talk about her reasons for doing what she was doing, as well as to simply keep her company. He also discovered the full extent of her magical abilities during one of these nights.
They had decided from a common agreement that, to increase her safety, Bianca would get some help in the improvement of her defensive magic. As expected, the Gift inherited from the Green Man was a powerful magic – powerful, but highly finicky and unpredictable. Bianca explained how she would usually work: her Unique Magic, Forest Queen, would work as the concept of a territory and she would select a manageable area – usually herself and maybe a radius around herself. From there, the summons inherent to her Unique Magic would come forth as she called them. However, that’s where the full extent of the Gift would strike: with a territory large enough, the land around her would twist and quickly turn into a deep, dark forest. In the mean time, the unpredictability of that magical source would translate into random effects that would affect Bianca and her spells. It could be happy accidents, such as the twinning of a spell, or unpleasant ones such as getting trapped in her own thorns – she had shown him the scars it had already caused her in the past. And despite his own magical abilities, Malleus couldn’t help feeling unsettled whenever he looked at her forest, seeping with something ancient. It was only an impression, but as soon as he laid his eyes on it, he had a terrible feeling that going in there would be a terrible idea. The feeling towards most of her summons was similar, Ire and Dread, the towering antlered creature and the beautiful yet threatening black horse, being the ones eliciting the strongest impression of imminent doom to him.
However, for all the fright her Unique Magic could conjure, there was also the amazement at seeing the world dance with her as she moved, followed by a new wilderness at each step. For him whose magic would be naturally inclined towards destruction through fire and lightning, these magical feats were compelling. Even though there was a natural weakness to fire-related magic, the renewing ability of that ability was intriguing. Yet, it also came with the most unpleasant limitation: a heavy use of Bianca’s magical energy, something that already required her attention as it seemed she was prone to blotting. But as long as they remained careful about it, they could exchange blows; it would never fail to make Malleus’ heart leap, seeing someone who didn’t fear his magic and would even be willing to discuss with him through spells. Such an event was so rare it made the entire situation even more precious to him, and he wanted to cherish and nurture it. 
Under blue moon, she disappeared. When Malleus arrived, it was already far too late, the place was cold and empty, save for some partially thrashed objects. The night following the first attack, she had explained what she was running away from, and as he was taking in the now abandoned place, Malleus knew that despite his help, she had failed to face her mother. The thought was enough to give birth to a cold guilt, somewhere deep within him. Even though his rational side dictated that he had done what he could at his level, that he couldn’t predict this event, that him getting directly involved in that fight would only have made everything worse – even for himself -... He still couldn’t help feeling guilty for not having been there. The weeks that followed were spent in a strange haze, during which he did what he needed to do out of habit, yet his thoughts were somewhere else – a manor marked with a foliate face, ink black hair, amber eyes and crimson lips. His constant daydreaming was only broken when a large bird with eyes like pale fire and obsidian feathers found its way to the window of his bedroom. Malleus quickly recognised Sly, the bird-like summon. A smart one that definitely deserved its name. It could sing, imitate voices and create charms to distract its victims. However, this time it seemed it had been used for the considerably mundane and charmingly old fashioned task of bringing a letter.
“M. My mother took me back home. I tried my best, but I think the fear she invokes still got the better of me. I am not allowed to have a phone – among many things -, so I’m afraid a messenger bird will be the best option to keep contact with you. I hope you are well. – B. PS: no need to give him food or water.”
The handwriting had more sharpness to it than what its overall fairly round letters let on at first sight – the extended verticals were most indicative of it. The paper had a delicate, green floral scent that was unmistakable. His hearts beating in excitement, Malleus read the letter five more times before taking some stationary material and preparing his reply.
“B. I can’t believe you are asking me how I am doing when I’m the one who should be asking you how you are faring. I’m sorry I couldn’t be – can’t be – there for you. Is there anything I can do?- M. PS: exchanging letters like that is charmingly old fashioned. It also has a better chance of reply from me, since it looks like my magic doesn’t always agree with more modern means of communication.”
After having closed the letter with a non-descript seal, Malleus approached the black bird, which quietly held a foot so he could bind the letter to it before silently flying away. Thus started an epistolary exchange between Bianca and him, during which he made sure to carefully store all of her letters so he could occasionally take a look at them. However, this too was put to an end by Crimilde Bosconero.
“M., I think this will be the last letter between us for a while. I’m sorry things have come to that, but you know I don’t want you to be needlessly involved in my personal mess. I’ll try to figure a new way out, I’ll let you know as soon as it happens. In the mean time, please take good care of yourself. I love you. – B.”
Malleus felt something twist in him as he read the letter, worry over her situation getting mixed with the elation caused by the last words in her letter. He immediately proceeded to work on what would be his last reply, in which he chose to pour his own feelings for the sake of clarity and as a promise to her. The surprisingly hopeful tone of Bianca’s last letter motivated Malleus to be patient and keep going, chasing away the unpleasant thoughts by remembering the feeling of her body against his, how he would lean in her gentle touch when she’d caress his cheek. And while it wasn’t exactly what he’d call the greatest time of his life, his patience still led to an unforeseen surprise on the day the carriage meant to take him to Night Raven College arrived. While he thought only Lilia and him would pass the coffin-shaped door, he was instead surprised to see a small silhouette with ink black hair appear as well. As soon as they saw each other, they almost made a move to join in an embrace, but held back as Lilia was giving them both a curious look – yet spared a comment or, more likely, thought it as hard as possible but chose not to embarrass Lady Bosconero out of politeness. Malleus knew some questions would be asked later, in private, now that Lilia had the missing piece regarding his pupil’s curious behaviour.
Under blue moon, they met again. It happened a few days after they had both settled in their dorm and in their new rhythm of life. Malleus couldn’t tell if it was the privacy of their tête-à-tête, the fact that they could finally see each other again, or maybe a bit of both, but Bianca openly displaying her emotions as she sought his embrace and started crying had his heart skip a beat. At that moment, he was fully hit by the degree of trust she had in him, even after all this time forcefully apart. She had yet to explain what had happened once all communication stopped abruptly, but judging by her reaction it had been difficult for her. Malleus decided to not press her with questions for now and silently offered the safe comfort of his arms instead, breathing her in and wishing for that moment to last forever, his fingers tangled in hair covered with pale flowers.
Throughout their first school year, even though they were in different classes and different dorms, it felt like they were offered a perfect opportunity to get to see each other on a nearly daily basis, in a setting that allowed less secrecy. It gave Malleus the occasion to fully discover new sides to Bianca, as she was not only being around him, but being around other people as well. There was still a form of amazement at seeing her skilfully deal with the very same people who expressed fear just by looking at him. This very situation also seemed to be a source of concern to her, as she wouldn’t hesitate to include him whenever they had joint classes, when most people would leave him behind. Still, most people - some of his classmates seemed to not really care about whom he was, some would even occasionally try to have their bit of fame on Magicam when he was around. So Malleus would regularly reassure Bianca that she didn’t need to worry about him – she already had enough on her plate and he didn’t feel like burdening her further. Indeed, she had started hatching a new plan to cut free from her family, a plan involving legal means that’d be harder to discuss – and would ensure her mother’s tractability. Malleus was of two minds about the whole situation. On one hand, he wanted her to finally be free to live her life the way she wanted; on the other hand, completely burning bridges with her family may endanger a future he wished to share with her, deep inside of him. However, all too aware of the stubbornness she might show if he started arguing, especially considering how both of them were involved in this issue and how determined she was to protect his name and title by keeping him out of what she deemed private dirty laundry, he decided to bypass the issue by directing her to Lilia for advices on legal recourses. After all, his chaperone was definitely old enough to have both the knowledge and the ability to take a step back on her situation, and he knew that she would listen to him – if only out of respect for his status and the insight he could provide. 
However, directing Bianca towards Lilia was only the first step in his personal plan to settle the dispute between mother and daughter. He still had to tread carefully if he wanted to keep Bianca by his side without antagonising House Bosconero – which would be a terrible move potentially affecting the diplomacy of the Valley of Thorns. As his third year started, he had the pleasure to see her come back with some interesting news; she had managed to cut lose Crimilde’s influence over her – at the cost of a debt and the loss of any financial privileges, which he had in mind to deal with himself, but without completely destroying her relationship with her family. Now, the subtle part of the plan was slowly starting, requiring him to act as a mediator. For someone like him, that would inspire fear in most people yet didn’t excel in reading their heart, it felt like quite the challenge to undertake... But this year had started with certain curious events, which made him consider that the months to come would be unusual and full of surprises. It could constitute an excellent learning experience.
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Fic suggest: Black Queen Haven
((ooh, thanks Anon! I usually write haven post-possession and in current canon, but for this I decided to go with her still being under The Adversary’s influence, and still during the 90s. I think actually she was DEAD by this point in canon, actually, when Selene was trapped under the Hellfire Club but ehhhh. tagging @badmusesdoitwell since there’s substantial Tessa in this, though you don’t have to read it!)
“You can’t be serious,” he’d told Tessa when she had first recommended Radha Dastoor, or “Haven” as she went by, for the rank of Black Queen. The woman was an ordinary member of the Hellfire Club, just another of the ridiculously elite civilian crowd who came for galas and balls and had no idea of its dark underside. She was a philanthropist, like so many others, and though she had taken on advocating for mutantkind, she was not one herself. According to Tessa though, there was more to her than met the eye. She had...mad goals, and power to match. She was no mutant, but Tessa claimed to have accessed government data that described power on an incredible scale, a devoted cult following, great resources yes...but devoted purely to chaos, to devastation and destruction for its own sake, all the name of bringing about the Mahapralaya, some kind of Hindu apocalypse. It was not the sort of thing the Hellfire Club trafficked in, and not something he wanted to tie them to. Sure, she had power, but if she was only interested in wielding it for religious zealotry, she had no place here. “It can be profited from,” Tessa urged him, “The “natural” disasters, the riots and revolts incited, the famine...all these things, Shaw Industries can find a market in. You know this.” “I can profit from her acts without having to have anything to do with her.” “Emma has defected. Madelyne has left. Selene is trapped beneath the basement of the Club. We have a great many empty seats, and I think it would be wise to fill one with someone of your selection, who will not be a threat to you, rather than wait for someone it is to fill it herself.” “If she is not a threat, she’s not worthy to be here.” “Haven...is a threat. Just simply not to you. Your destruction...would have no benefit to her cause. She has power enough to fill the seat and be safe from anyone who would take it, and thus keeps it occupied from anyone who would use it against you.” Shaw furrowed his brow, exhaled through his nose, and thought on it. Finally, he agreed. *** Tessa’s motives had been twofold. Firstly, she indeed didn’t want Sebastian killed by one of his cohorts, as much as he might at times deserve it. If Sebastian was no longer head of the Hellfire Club, then she could no longer influence it through him. Speaking of influence, that was the second reason for her recommendation. Xavier had contacted her about Haven, made this suggestion. His own confrontation with her had gone...poorly....but he said he had sensed a second mind within her, and he wished for Tessa to investigate. And, perhaps, Tessa hoped, she could stop this woman, save her, as she had been unable to stop or save Jean, another woman of great power from the influence of a being beyond herself. Haven herself had taken some convincing, some coaxing, just as Sebastian had. She’d been shocked at first to find out there was something more to the Hellfire Club than a mere social group, but she had accepted the surprise with grace, conceding that perhaps she should have guessed that the super-rich among the super-rich would form such cabals. Cabals that, she had said with the most polite of phrasing, she simply wasn’t interested in. Her actions were based not in the desire for personal power or gain, but in holiness, goodness, compassion. And she believed it, Tessa could tell. Even as the woman spoke of the massacres to come, she radiated both sorrow and divinity, the purity of her belief making it all the more tragic. She hated what she was doing yet she truly, Tessa didn’t need to be psychic to see, was compelled to. Tessa did most of the talking. Shaw was scornful of religious at the best of times, and she knew that Haven’s strange angelic, soft-spoken zealotry engendered nothing but scoffs and sneers from him, which hardly would persuade her. Tessa also made no use of telepathy, not just yet---Xavier had spooked her when she’d been aware of him creeping in, and Tessa knew she was no Xavier. No, she manipulated in a different way. She appealed to logic, made the calculations of what would appeal rationally to Haven, rather than pulling at her heartstrings. But if she had done that, if she could have---she knew it would have worked. After all her data on the woman’s deeds, she was unprepared for how...kind she was. Even her conversation was gentle, and she looked to Tessa with eyes of...it was as though she were being held by that gaze, embraced, as though Haven had never met her but loved her nonetheless. She’d looked the same way at Sebastian, though Tessa doubted he saw it. It sometimes seemed that just as Sebastian was insensitive to tender feelings himself, he was just as insensitive to seeing them in others. But Tessa...was taken aback by the woman, and she continued to be taken aback by her. Over her years in Shaw’s service, Tessa had become used to being ignored at best, derided at worst. Not by Sebastian himself---she was a valuable asset to him and he treated her as such---but by the others of the Hellfire Club, who were her primary, perhaps only, source of human contact. They either looked past her entirely, or leered at her when she was in her lingerie costume, or derided her because they could not directly attack Shaw without consequence. This was good. It was what she wanted, what suited her mission, to be considered invisible, beneath notice, beneath ever being seen as a threat, as nothing more than Shaw’s lap dog or ornament, a mere secretary or eye-candy, usually both. Haven wasn’t like that. She smiled every time she saw Tessa, asked her how she was, and sounded like she MEANT it. It wasn’t just a social nicety. It made Tessa feel...human special, even if Haven said the same to Shaw, to everyone. Because she really did mean it for everyone. She tried to find out Tessa’s interests, bring her small gifts, connect with her...it, it was hard to fend off. She’d dealt with would-be gal pals from the maids and would-be suitors here and there, but everyone eventually understood---Tessa was cold. Tessa was a robot. Tessa wasn’t interested. Tessa wasn’t real. Haven...she didn’t press. She didn’t try to CHANGE Tessa or try to make her feel something, yet at the same time treated her so... It didn’t matter. The death toll on Haven’s hands had continued to mount. The reports had been true, and now she had the resources of the Hellfire Club at her disposal. It was up to Tessa to begin doing what Xavier what could not. It was up to her to free this woman...or, if it came to it, end her. *** Haven made Shaw uneasy. Tessa had been right, her simpering philanthropic principles and soft-minded religious zealotry were ridiculous to him in equal measure, but neither was disturbing to him. Indeed, the former was more immoral to him than the latter, but it was nothing unusual. Many people swallowed the societal norm that the haves should help the have-nots with hand-outs, and Haven was clearly not the sort to think for herself---hence the religious zealotry---it was something he’d seen countless times before in countless other fools. And her powers, whatever their source...those were unusual, but as much as she was wasting them, Tessa was right, they at least kept others at bay. No, this wasn’t what got under his skin. Nor that fact she cared for the sick and orphaned in the same day as wiping out millions of the same and seemed equally sincere in both, nor knowing she could wipe him out of existence if she so chose just by thinking about it, nor the way her eyes were sometimes solid black like volcanic glass. No, her eyes bothered him for a different reason. It was when they were normal, when they were plain big brown eyes that looked at him like...like...like she felt sorry for him. The softness in them, the sympathy, the gentle way she spoke when she refuted any attempt he made at engaging her in rationality. It was infuriating, provoking. It made him want to push harder, and he didn’t like that---not because Shaw had any qualms doing it, but because he didn’t like the feeling he was being influenced towards ANYTHING, even something he’d have done anyway. He’d walked in on her crying once and been  struck by the shocking urge to hit her. The shocking part wasn’t the  violence in mind, but the fact he cared enough to think of it, that he  wanted her to stop crying, that he did not want her to cry, to be  distressed, that it distressed him, and his only understanding of what  to do to make her cease was that violence. And that unnerved him too, that he had given a damn, enough to want to hurt her. He hadn’t. But he’d wanted to.   He wanted to hurt her a lot, to force her to fight back. She was a gentle thing, for all her power, and someone else was going to do it sooner or later, someone who MEANT it, someone who knew what she was doing with that power and planned to stop her PERMANENTLY. Better she learn NOW, since she should have long ago, against someone who WANTED her to do it. Who WANTED her to fight back. Of course, if she did, well...given what her powers did, that’d be the end of him, so he didn’t. But he wanted to. To see those soft eyes turn to hard obsidian and those open palms curve into claws that would tear his own from their sockets. But he didn’t. One day, someone else would make her. And that was not, he reminded himself, his business or his responsibility. If she wished to be weak despite all the power she possessed, she deserved what she got, it was not his problem. Not his problem. Still, his growing irritation with her lack of self-preservation and his disgust with her...expressions at him...began to color their interactions. Until one day, she had to asked, gentle and polite as ever, “Have I offended you, Mr. Shaw?” Of course she had. But he wasn’t exactly sure how to express that without sounding like a lunatic. “I’m not offended, Ms. Dastoor. I simply find you unbearably insipid. That’s all.” And she smiled at him. That sweet, damnable smile. And he’d lost it. He’d told her in no uncertain terms---and no uncertain volume--what he thought of her, why he thought, and what he’d like to do to her for it, what he’d like for HER to do, what--- She’d kept smiling, even as her eyes got sadder and sadder as he spoke, and she reached out and touched him, holding the side of his face, "There’s a hole in you,” she said, like a deathbed nurse giving comfort, “A hollow, with no opening. No light gets in. Any bit of brightness someone sends your  way goes out and you can’t perceive it or produce any of your own to  return it. I don’t know if you were hurt or you are made this way but  it’s as real a defect as if you had a missing  limb. And like a missing  limb, it does not cause you pain but it impedes you. And just as  physical deformities make others wince to gaze upon, so too am I in  pain when I feel this from you, when I see you suffering without knowing you are suffering.   Do you think I do not feel your crushing void?” He felt it, in that moment, a black hole that sucked out any possible response, any possible THOUGHT for response. But it wasn’t from inside him. It was coming from her. He told Tessa the next day to get rid of her.
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Zevran (Tv Tropes)
Affably Evil: Despite being a professional assassin with no morals to speak of, he’s almost perpetually cheerful - as he notes, he’s an eternal optimist.
Agent Peacock: He’s a somewhat over-the-top flamboyant bisexual, while remaining a fairly effective companion to Ilona.
Anti-Hero: In Dragon Age II he is dedicating his life to killing and bringing down the Antivan Crows, showing that he has settled down to Unscrupulous Hero.
Anything That Moves: Or at least, “Anything That Moves and Isn't Oghren.”
Assassin Outclassin': His attempt to assassinate Ilona and Alistair ends in failure.
The Atoner: Double Subverted: Wynne assumes he wants to leave the Crows because of a crisis of conscience. Zevran doesn’t want to leave the Crows to find redemption. He wants to die.
             Zevran: "That is precisely it.“
Backstab: His primary combat M.O., and a vital ability (both literally and figuratively) for an Antivan Crow to have.
Because I'm Good at It: He fully intends to continue his assassin career even when he gets away from the Crows. One reason is this trope; the other is that he notes his lack of other skills that wouldn’t get him arrested for performing in public.
Because You Were Nice to Me: After developing a friendship with Ilona, he willingly betrays the Crows to protect her and her companions when Taliesin tried to persuade him to come back to the Crows. Ilona was the first real friend Zevran had ever had and that gave him the courage to accept facing the Crows’ wrath.
Bi the Way: He swings both ways.
Blithe Spirit: Antiva seems even more uninhibited than Ferelden, really. Add to that that the Crows look for a willingness to cross certain lines in their assassins.
Beneath the Mask:  At the Gauntlet, the Guardian reveals that Zevran is not as apathetic as he pretends to be.
Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: "Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children, launched at great speed, could kill.”
Break the Haughty: As if Rinna’s death wasn’t enough, the Crow master who assigned them the mission already knew of it and was very quick to remind the two surviving assassins that they were entirely expendable tools worth little more than nothing to even the Crows.
Brutal Honesty: Most prominent after Ilona defeats him when he tried to assassinate her.
             Zevran: “Ah, so I am to be interrogated? Let me save you some time. My name is Zevran - Zev to my friends. I am a member of the Antivan Crows, brought here for the sole purpose of assassinating any remaining Grey Wardens. Which I have failed at, sadly.“
The Cameo: He makes an appearance in Dragon Age II.
Cartwright Curse: All of his lovers tend to end up dead. Rinna, Taliesin, his first mage lover…
The Casanova: He apparently specializes in being a Latin Lover as part of his job, along with a healthy dose of Stealth Hi/Bye. Curiously, when it’s not part of a job, he becomes the latter.
Child Soldiers: Buy them young and raise them to know nothing but murder. Trademark recruitment motto of the Antivan Crows.
Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: A must if you want to make your way among the Antivan Crows, it seems.
Cold-Blooded Torture: Was apparently subjected to this by the Crows as a means of building up pain tolerance - as with all their recruits.
Combat Pragmatist: When explaining to Ilona the assassin specialization, he mentions poison and crippling one’s opponent as his preferred strategies. Alistair even wonders why the Crows didn’t send their best on the task of killing the Wardens, mentioning that Zevran is no master of straight-up combat. He eventually explains he was the only one who wanted the job.
Contract on the Hitman:
Avoiding this trope is his primary reason for wanting to join Ilona; the Antivan Crows have a very bad "retirement package”, as he himself mentions, so the only way to get out is to have them assume you died or sign up with someone even they can’t touch. Subverted with Master Ignacio, who tells Zevran that other Crows might hunt him, but he’s already dead in his eyes. Once Taliesen shows up to finish the job and offers Zevran to come back to the Crows, this is played straight when Zevran refuses and fights against his former comrade.
In Dragon Age II, not only is he still alive after seven years of the Crows hunting him, but he’s leading a crusade against them and winning. His codex entry says he’s killed one guildmaster, bribed two others, and has developed a knack for finding assassins as disaffected as he was in the first story.
Cry into Chest: He flirtatiously asks Wynne to let him do this because he feels bad about being a killer. She assures him that he can cry well away from her bosom.
Dark-Skinned Blond: Due to his Antivan heritage.
Dashing Hispanic: His voice actor apparently summed him up with a "So he’s like a sexed-up Inigo Montoya?“ before recording started. Ironically, Antiva is based on a prototype Venetian state, according to Word of God.
Deadpan Snarker: Not too heavy on the deadpan bit, but he does get snarky when Alistair questions his motives, when he’s trying to coerce Leliana into telling him about her vision or when Wynne assumes that his reason for wanting to leave the Crows is a crisis of conscience. He’s more fond of cheerful sarcasm.
Death by Sex: Apparently, this is his favorite assassination strategy.
Death Seeker: You read that right. He eventually admits that he took the assignment to kill Ilona and Alistair mostly in the hopes that he would get killed in the attempt. He settles for searching for a new beginning later.
Defeat Means Friendship: Instead of killing Zevran after defeating him when he tried to assassinate her and Alistair, Ilona spares him and allows him to join her on her quest to stop the blight. Overtime, they become good friends. It’s more like "defeat means a chance at friendship.”
Depraved Bisexual: Well, he’s depraved, and he’s bisexual, but the trope doesn’t apply unless the two are related, which they are not. He swings both ways, has a thing for leather, and has no moral compunction against killing.
Do Not Go Gentle: Implied. Zevran eventually reveals that he took the contract to kill Ilona and Alistair because he hoped to die in the attempt. So why did he offer to join Ilona when she decided to spare him instead of asking/provoking her to kill him? It’s likely that Zevran wants to go out in a blaze of glory.
The Dreaded: In his possible one-man revenge spree against his former employers in Dragon Age II, a few of the Crow bosses submitted to and allied with him to avoid his knives in their backs.
Easily Forgiven: He goes from being an assassin hired to kill Ilona to becoming one of her companions rather quickly, though Alistair is initially very wary of him. Of course, the fact that he wants to get out of the Crows - which he never wanted to join in the first place - helps.
Elfeminate: In Oghren’s words, Zevran’s “got small breasts for a gal.”
Ethical Slut: Eventually evolves into this over the course of the story.
Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas:  While Zevran isn’t evil so much as ruthlessly pragmatic, and he never knew his mother since she died giving birth to him, nevertheless he reveres her memory. He is grateful when Ilona gives him a pair of Dalish gloves like the ones his mother used to have (that he kept as a Tragic Keepsake in the whorehouse).
Even Evil Has Standards: He has issues with slavery, but then, with his background, it’s to be expected.
Everyone Is Bi: In Antiva this is the case, or at least so Zevran implies.
Extreme Omnisexual: Zevran has stories about five wild ones.
Fake Ultimate Hero: Over the course of the story, Ilona picks up on the fact that Zevran isn’t quite the ultimate badass assassin he paints himself as. Zevran recounts a story where he actually almost got screwed over by his mark and only achieved his mission through dumb luck. Alistair is also incredulous, mentioning that Zevran isn’t particularly great a fighting. Zevran admits that he was the one assigned to assassinate the wardens because he was the only Crow willing to volunteer.
To Leliana. Rogue companions who were orphaned young, took on a sort of assassin career (bards are essentially spies and assassins in Orlais), and preferred the Death by Sex approach to their targets. However, while Leliana grew up rather privileged and sheltered (fostered by a noblewoman) and became a bard because she was seduced by the exciting, dangerous life it offered (and Marjolaine), Zevran was raised communally in a filthy whorehouse and had no choice joining the Crows since he was sold to them at age seven, and had to adapt or die. While Leliana protests that she never enjoyed the killing and judges those who do, Zevran is very open about how much he enjoys the thrill of the hunt, the seduction, and the kill, and doesn’t judge anyone who does.
Also this to Alistair. Two orphaned boys who never knew their parents, raised almost like animals (Alistair made to sleep in castle stables and kennels, Zevran raised communally in a whorehouse and then later the Crow apartments), joined organizations that largely define their adult identities (the Grey Wardens for Alistair, the Antivan Crows for Zevran), and hide their pain behind cheerful humor. However, while Alistair is an Adorkable virgin who hides his insecurities behind a shield of duty, honor and lame jokes, Zevran is The Casanova who Really Gets Around and hides his pain behind a charming smile and a devil-may-care attitude.
Freudian Excuse: Oh dear, where to start? His father (is implied to have) died before he was born, his mother died giving birth to him (which he seems to blame himself for), and he was raised in a whorehouse. At the age of 7, he was auctioned off to a ruthless assassination syndicate and had to endure severe torture. He then fell in love with one of his colleagues, who was accused of betraying the Crows, and he helped to kill her for it. He later found out that she was innocent.
The Gadfly: See Likes Older Women, though that’s not the only way he harasses Wynne. He also does it to Leliana.
Gallows Humor: It’s his preferred way of dealing with a bad situation, as Ilona discovers when she interrogates him when she had him at his mercy after his failed attempt to assassinate her. Given his backstory, it's almost certainly another defense mechanism.
Gameplay and Story Integration: When Ilona becomes skeptical when Zevran offers his services to her, he answers that he happens to be a very loyal person (up until someone expects him to give their life for him). In combat, Zevran always goes out of his way to assist if she’s injured. Some of his stories from his past reveal that Zevran is indeed naturally inclined towards honesty and loyalty, but the Chronic Backstabbing Disorder nature of the Crows forced him to adjust to survive, and Ilona befriending him helps him unlearn those habits.
Go Through Me: He invokes this during the story when confronting Taliesen. Taliesen offers to take him home to Antiva and make up a story for why he left but Zevran refuses because of the friendship he developed with Ilona.
Guest-Star Party Member: Hawke encounters him in Dragon Age II and helps him get away from the Crows who are trying to kill him. He eventually returns to help Hawke and her friends in the Final Battle against Meredith.
Heartbroken Badass: Was in love with one of his fellow Crows who was accused of betraying the organization; he laughed and watched as she was killed, and then found out that she was innocent.
Heel–Face Turn
Hidden Depths: He puts effort into trying to convince Ilona that he has none.
Leliana remarks on it, as she comments that there’s “more to him than he lets on, isn’t there?”. Admittedly, Leliana seems to have been watching him very closely.
While it’s fairly easy to miss, Zevran and Taliesen are lovers.
Hitman with a Heart: Double-subverted: He does actually have one, under all the Crow training, but after the woman he loved turned out to be a supposed traitor to the Crows and he killed her without remorse only to find out that she had been innocent, he’s not at all keen to let such sentiment surface again.
Hunter of His Own Kind: In Dragon Age II.
Intimate Marks: He insinuates that he has tattoos on parts of his body that he can't show in polite company that "accentuate the lines of the body". These tattoos are never actually seen and he only refers to them.
Latin Lover: All the way.
Like Brother and Sister: He annoyingly flirts with Ilona a lot when he first meets her but later starts to respect and see her more as a sister.
Likes Older Women: Zevran seems to really have a thing for Wynne. Or for making Wynne very uncomfortable.
             Wynne: "Zevran, I am old enough to be your grandmother.“ 
             Zevran: "You say that like it’s a bad thing." 
            Wynne: "And what would you do if you had me, hmm? This is a game you play, nothing more.”
            Zevran: "Oh, you are a cynical woman, Wynne. Cynical and powerful. It drives me mad with desire!“
One of the funniest dialogues is after Zevran has learned of Wynne’s condition.
            Zevran: "I couldn’t help hearing about your… predicament. Forgive me if I am prying…" 
           Wynne: "Yes, you are." 
           Zevran: ”… but what does it feel like being possessed by a spirit?“             Wynne: "Why does this interest you so?”             Zevran: "I simply wish to get to know those that I travel with. Is that wrong of me?“
          Wynne: "No, of course it isn’t. Well… let me see. It is hard to describe. It is comforting… I… I feel safe, loved.”
          Zevran: "Comforted, loved, yes…“            Wynne: "It is like being held close, cradled… the bond is so complete that I am unable to extricate myself, nor do I wish to. Wait… why do you have that look on your face?”
         Zevran: "Mmm, I… I am simply imagining it. Continue, please.“
         Wynne: "And there is a constant warmth, that spreads outwards from the very center of my being, infusing my body with—”
         Zevran: "Ooh…“           Wynne: "Andraste’s grace, what are you thinking about now? No, I don’t want to know. I feel dirty. Do not speak to me.”
Lovable Rogue: A charming assassin with some degree of conscience.
Lovable Sex Maniac: Most of his interactions with Ilona and her companions seem to revolve in some way around sex, although he’s obviously turning it Up to Eleven with Wynne and Morrigan just to irritate them.
My God, What Have I Done?: Killing Rinna, then finding out that she was innocent.
My Greatest Failure: Not only did he help Taliesin kill Rinna, but he laughed and spit in her face when she professed her innocence and love for him as she was dying. When he found out later that she was indeed innocent… well.
Mr. Fanservice: Lampshaded when he lists “stand around and look pretty” as one of the various skills and services he can offer Ilona as an ally.
Nature Vs Nurture: When Ilona learns about his past, it becomes clear that Zevran is by nature very loyal and compassionate, but his horrific upbringing by the Crows conditioned him to place ruthless pragmatism above sentiment. Ilona befriending Zevran helped draw out his good nature under his ruthless nurture.
Nice Job Breaking It, Hero!: In a War Table chain in Inquisition, Inquisitor Rosabelle Trevelyan hires the Crows to deal with a Venatori aligned noble. The Crows fail because Zevran, believing that the assassins were after him, killed one of them. Zevran offers to kill the noble in the Crows' place.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Narrowly averted for Zevran's first mark. He took pity on her and arranged to help her escape while he took credit for killing her to the Crows so they'd both come out okay. She promptly tripped on her carriage door, fell, and broke her neck. The Crows congratulated him on being able to Make It Look Like an Accident. Zevran later found out that she had arranged to betray him to the Crows.
No Pronunciation Guide: Appears to be a literal case when the time came to record the dialogue - poor Zev is the only one who pronounces his name correctly (emphasis on the second syllable, not the first).
Justified: He's Antivan (think Spanish or Italian in Real Life), while Fereldans are the equivalent of Brits. Most native english speakers mispronounce Spanish names. Note that only Master Ignacio, another Antivan, pronounces it correctly.
No Sneak Attacks: Despite admitting easily that he wasn’t planning on a fair fight, singing praises about poison usage and crippling one’s opponent, he tries to take Ilona head on (subverted in the fact that he's somewhat Crazy-Prepared with tons of traps, archers and even a mage).  Most likely because of the fact that he's a Death Seeker.
Nothing Personal: After failing to assassinate Ilona and her companions, he explains that he has no idea what Loghain’s issues are with her and that she can’t afford to take that sort of thing personally.
Obfuscating Stupidity: His conversation with Morrigan after Ilona gives her Flemeth’s real grimoir, basically, "I know your mother sent you here because she had a plan, and I know you’re here because you have a plan.“ Pretty much what fans want to say to her face.
One-Man Army: A codex entry in Dragon Age II reveals that he’s single-handedly annihilating the entire Crow organization. Publicly, his former employers are still trying to assassinate him out of principle. Privately, however, they’re all terrified of him.
Parental Abandonment: He's the son of a whore who died in childbirth.
Playing Hard to Get: Zevran believes this to be the case when Ilona repeatedly keeps rebuffing his attempts at seducing her. He later finally realizes this to not be the case and starts treating her more like a sister.
Polyamory: The story implies, and The World of Thedas Vol. 2 confirms, that Zevran was in a poly relationship with Taliesin and Rinna.
Power Trio: The World of Thedas Vol. 2 reveals that Zevran was part of this with Taliesin and Rinna. Individually they were all average assassins, but together they complemented each other’s skills wonderfully. Zevran excelled at seduction and poisons, Taliesin was the best warrior, and Rinna was great at planning. When Rinna was killed, everything fell apart.
Professional Killer: He's one of the Antivan Crows' best.
Questionable Consent:
           Zevran: “I have had to do many things in my work as an assassin, some pleasant and many not so. The Crows recruit elven assassins because we are considered beautiful by humans... I am sure you can imagine the rest.”
Really Gets Around
Retcon: The World of Thedas Vol. 2 provides a pretty major one for his backstory. His father was a mark for the Crows, who kept tabs on his mother and him until the day they bought him. Rinna was also secretly the bastard child of an Antivan prince, and a legitimate contender for the Antivan throne. She was part of a huge plot to try to take the throne which failed, and she was indeed executed by the Crows for it. Taliesin knew of her guilt but let Zevran think she had been innocent to spare his feelings, but this backfired as Zevran fell into guilt and despair for her murder.
Sad Clown: All his lusting and quipping is meant to hide how much he really wants to die.
Sarcasm Mode: He's quite fond of it.
So Beautiful, It's a Curse: Downplayed. Zevran mentions that the Crows often recruit elves because they’re considered beautiful to humans, making it easy to seduce potential targets. Considering seven-year-old Zevran was picked up in a whorehouse…
Son of a Whore: His Dalish mother abandoned her clan and moved with his woodcutter father to Antiva City, then had to sell her body to put food on the table shortly thereafter (either because he died or abandoned her)
Stepford Smiler: His backstory almost makes him The Woobie. His Fade nightmare shows the torture he was made to endure to become an assassin. Aside from that, he allowed the woman he loved to be killed for betraying the Crows while she was professing her innocence and love for him - it turned out later on that she had indeed been innocent. Most of his cheerful perversity is the result of trying to accept his cruel and twisted upbringing.
Suicide Mission: The rest of the Crows consider his taking the contract to kill the Wardens to be this, given the reputation of the Wardens as warriors. Zevran intended it to be: as Death Seeker above shows, he wanted to die after Rinna's death and thought throwing himself in the path of a Grey Warden was the surest way to accomplish that.
Tattooed Crook: Some of the tattoos (like the one on his face) have certain meanings within the Crows organization. Others (such as the ones that he implies are around his… *ahem* ) are just there for decoration.
Too Kinky to Torture: Rebuffs Morrigan's threats of bodily harm with this but averts it in the Fade, where he briefly becomes The Determinator in his nightmare.
Training from Hell: His nightmare in the Fade gives you a general idea.
Troubled, but Cute: An elf with layers upon layers upon layers of defense mechanisms covering up an incredibly traumatic past.. He goes to great pains to deny this until Ilona befriended him.
Turn Coat: Very willingly when Ilona beats him. 
Vitriolic Best Buds: With Oghren, perhaps as a small homage to Legolas and Gimli. Lampshaded when Zevran asks whether they’re going to engage in the standard elf/dwarf banter. Oghren’s response is “Nah.”
Weak, but Skilled: Conversations with Alistair and his own recounts of his past reveals that Zevran isn’t exactly the best fighter. He even reveals to Alistair that he was commissioned to kill the Ilona and her companions because he was the only member of the Crows who actually signed up for the job. 
You Are Better Than You Think You Are: And it takes a lot for Ilona to convince Zevran of this.
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randomuser678 · 6 years
This may be my own kinda ask but I really want to hear your opinion cause you seem to have a really great one about alot of stuff! Which danganronpa game do you feel was the best story, gameplay, characters and twist wise?? I hope you don't mind me going though and finding your other ask posts and ask8ng dome more asks. but thank you very much if you do This!
Oooohhh, thank you so much for asking!
Well, firstly, Im no entirely cought up with ndrv3, even tho I already have a pretty general idea here, and honestly, I don’t feel too motivated to continue, but that’s definitely gonna change at some point
I’m gonna say I’m biased towards the first game, at least when it comes to best story, twist and characters, because it was what started most trends in other dangan games, the story on dr1 served as a base to the following games and it introduced to everyone the dangan world and most of it’s rules, so when the other games showed this world it just felt weaker, just felt like they were rehearsing the same story that Ive heard b4, there was the same basic plot with ultimates trapped on a place and forced to murder eachother, the only differences being what their talents and main location were, so it feels like the shocking plot of teenagers and murders just got less shocking over time, they kept using this plot and it stopped being original.
But that wasn’t a bad thing, they kept following the same storyline, of course they’d have the same base story, so maybe it would have been better if they kept changing canons for each game? I doubt that would work, but hey, that would mix things up for sure.
But the worst part abt the trends that the first game started, is that I just can’t help but feel like so many story points were done much better at DR1, for example: Junko, the big bad gal, the queen of despair, the main villain of the franchise.
She has appeared in all of the games, and just everywhere really, as cosplay, as AI, whatever, she was there since the first game, and always as the villain, or some sort of force related to the villain, which is good, I love her, but since the first game, y'know how that turned into less of a plot twist and more of a boring pattern.
On the first game her villainy was the biggest plot twist, the girl that had died on the first chapter and never mentioned ever since, was actually alive and the one behind the murders, that just surprised me so much, who would even go on that direction. I absolutely loved it, and the whole basis of the plot twist was that the gyaru was actually the villain, and even tho I didn’t get that right of the bat I now find this pretty smart, and just goes to show how dr likes to subvert these anime tropes.
But then she was the mastermind on the second game.
I mean I loved having her round again, but “The villain this time is the villain from the last time“ isn’t that much of a surprise anymore, and seeing how Junko just turned into basically an all seeing always present god, I wonder why they kept pulling that off years after the first game, that is the most noticeable trend from the first game, and repeating the same plot twist just doesn’t seems like a good writing strategy.
But I can kind of see how that could work, you keep pulling the same plot twist again and again but adding more stuff each time, so the new one feels different from last ones, like “You were classmates” and then “You were classmates, and also you were evil“ or “It was Junko all along“ and then “It was Junko all along except it she is a fictional character“ and I guess that’s kind of creative, if that’s what they were going for here, but that doesn’t explain why they kept repeating so many story points and the character patterns.
The parallels between the first game and the second are pretty easy to make, first chapter there’s always a plan where the wrong person dies, second chapter is something or someone from the character’s past “coming back” to haunt the murderer, third chapter there are two ppl who are killed, and only one death was really planned from the beginning and the murderer is the least sympathetic of them all, on the fourth chapter the gentle giant dies and they always has good intentions and the chapter has a sacrifice being made and there is a blah blah blah abt what a life is worth and all of that, the fifth chapter is leading to the end, so many plot twists are made here, that one character that seemed like they were too badass and too present in the story dies (I mean Mukuro wasn’t present, but the story was hyping her as this mysterious force leading up to the final revelation) and then the two last games have final chapter revealing the mastermind and additional plot twists, the first game didnt have a sixth chapter cuz they had less of a plot to discover, the other games just kept adding to the basic line that I talked abt here.
So the discussion here is basically which game did all of this better.
The first game introduced this pattern, so it has some sort of advantage, the second one just felt like a copout for me, and the third one was pretty linear with this too but the last chapter was just, wow.
The final game had the biggest final plot twist, as in, it was a giant middle finger to the audience, which is not really a bad thing, but it still shocked me, the first chapter had already a plot twist that made some fans abandon the game, so you can only imagine what the last one did with some fans, I never expected the franchise to be this meta, and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it just yet.
Of course, nobody likes discovering that the characters you got so invested weren’tactually who you thought they were, I mean, yeah, they are fictional characters so of course you knew that they were fake ppl anyways, but knowing that the fictional characters that you love are fictional on their own fictional world, that’s fictionalception! And just hard to follow tbh.
So on one hand it was a shocking twist that took a really different turn from the last games, but in other hand, it made the story feel weaker somehow, knowing that this fabricated morals were fabricated on it’s own world, if that makes sense, I don’t know how to describe it.
I also wanna mention that on ndrv3 almost all of the murderers were sympathetic, the only exceptions being the mastermind and the third chapter, but that’s how it always is. On the first game it was all very gray, the murderers had their own reasons and you could feel bad for them if you wanted, but the game didn’t seem to side with either the victim or the culprit, you could understand how the Sayaka planned to murder Leon, but you also could see how Leon took advantage of the situation (And tbh they both were pretty stupid), you could understand how Mondo just lost control and did something horrible, but you can also see how that happened and how Chihiro was stronger than him (And that chapter was amazing tbh), but on the second game it felt more guilt-trippy for me, doesn’t help the fact that everyone just forgot abt the ppl who were killed, bcuz they had connections with the murderers, and I didn’t like the twist on the second trial at all, I felt like most of the characters got no development on the main plot line at all, the only really big exception being Kuzu and Hinata I think.
I preferred when they left it more gray, when the story allowed us to understand the murderer’s motive without feeling like they were forcing you to love them. That’s what it was like for me on the second and third games, but mostly on the second one.
It also doesn’t help that they almost always forget about the ppl who died as the story goes on, either that or they only remembered of their respective love interest.
And oh God, love interests, I don’t care about any romance on this franchise, the biggest offenders were So/n/dam/ and all of the hets in ndrv3, but I’m not gonna go in details here, that would be just  too unpleasant.
So like, ndrv3 had many cutscenes, which meant more character interactions, and seeing how a character interacts with other ppl is always a great thing, it builds better both characters, makes them feel more real, makes things less boring, and it’s just great, and dr1 didn’t have much of that, or at least not any remarkable ones like the other games, which sucks bcuz I wanted more of those characters, but they were still starting the franchise so of course it was gonna be like that.
And can I say how in sdr2 it felt like the coolest girls felt like were all forced to have a boy on their story lines? Sonia doesn’t do anything big on the story even tho she is pretty smart and curious, she only really did something when she was crying over Gundham, Peko is limited to her young master, which makes sense on the story (She was raised to only care abt him) but still feels like a waste of a character, almost everything Akane does on the story is related to Nekomaru somehow, or ends up with Nekomaru and as a result she gets no development, and hardly ever interacts with anyone outside of that dude. Peko and Akane never interact and that’s honestçy the worst of all of this, they are the two fighter girls with totally different styles! They should have hanged out more.
The guys were always on the spotlight and that makes me kinda sad, such wasted potential, and while that’s kind of a problem on this whole franchise, it was easier to see on sdr2 tbh.
The girls on ndrv3 and dr1 were great tho.
And also I rate male characters on dr based on how date-able they are, so it’d be like
Best boys- SDR2 (Would date them all)
Second best boys-DR1 (I dont like Togami that much but most of them are ok)
Worst boys-NDRV3 (I only like Hoshi and Gonta)
And gameplay wise ndrv3 wins, just, so many minigames and bonus content, it’s the newer game so obviously they’d have great gameplay.
So to cut it short, cuz I just went everywhere here
Best story: Ndrv3, dr1 is a close second, but since ndrv3 had two other games to live up to, they had a more solid basis when it comes to what to expect and how strong plot twists feel, even tho I still lean towards dr1 that started this mess.
Best gameplay: Ndrv3, the newer one with tons of bonus content and weird class trials
Best characters: Dr1, I loved the characters and was never able to get over them, even tho they didn’t have tons of character interactions like the other games. On a side note Ndrv3 has the best girls and Sdr2 has the best boys, but as a whole, I like Dr1 gang the best.
Best plot twist:Ndrv3 just loved having a bunch of those, but I still liked the whole Junko thing on the first game.
                                    Some other stuff too
Dr3 was an alright anime, I didnt like the end or how the character were treated and just forgotten abt forever, and I want them back, but still, I just loved seeing them animated and full of life.
Despair girls followed my fav from the first game, Toko, and an awesome protag, too bad the game felt like pandering to pedophiles so much, I know that isn’t anything new to this franchise at this point, and anime generally is like this, but it was just disgusting, they tried to tackle on the subject of child abuse while having fan service scenes with minors, that made everything worse, and was a waste of a cool concept and characters. At least the kids survived in the end.
I haven’t read dr0
So that’s it, thank you so much for sending an ask, I hope you have a great new year and stuff!
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Anaconda, and Apparently: Sweet, friendly, social, gentle, gorgeous & compact, wonderful leash manner, takes treats gently-dog & cat friendly, well trained-Possible thyroid issue underweight-will need loue&ongoing uet care for treatable medical diagnosis 18507-3 years old, 41 lbs aDYBG At Manhattan ACC Waiting ter Leve **** TO BE KILLED - 1/20/2018 **** LOVABLE LOVEBUG IN NEED OF A SECOND CHANCE IN A LOVING HOME <3 A volunteer writes: A gorgeous little gal with the softest 'puppy dog eyes' this side of a motivational poster, sweet young Storm is dog-friendly, cat-friendly, well trained, and sociable. Until recently she was living life to the full and filling her days with doggie play dates and family snuggle time. So why, then, the sad face? It seems some dark clouds rolled in with a (treatable) medical diagnosis, and when her owner couldn't offer the care she needed, Storm came to stay with us. She's an adorable low-rider for sure, but it's what's on the inside that counts. Thanks to her calm nature, friendly manners with all species, sizes and sexes, and the promise of a playful side (she likes squeaky toys!), this tiny charmer has proven she's beautiful both inside and out. She knows how to sit on command, mouths treats very softly and walks wonderfully on leash, and though not clamoring for snuggles, she accepts all handling with a quiet, gentle grace. Lovable with a capital L, Storm deserves only the best for the rest of her long, happy life and we're all hoping that she finds it soon in the arms of a new forever family. STORM@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Storm My animal id is #18507 I am a female gray dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old, 41 lbs Came in shelter as owner surrender Jan. 17, 2018 Reason Stated: Animal health - will need ongoing vet care Storm is rescue only Storm is at risk due to medical condition. Storm may have possible kidney or renal disease, but further diagnostics will be necessary to determine diagnosis and treatment plan. Storm has been fearful in care center and should go to an experienced pet family. My medical notes are... Weight: 41.4 lbs Vet Notes L V T Notes 17/01/2018 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3 Microchip noted on Intake? Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : Owner surrender. Owner indicated a history of weight loss. Also noted that this dog had been "possibly" diagnosed with hyper-thyroidism by another vet in the recent past. Subjective: BAR, Observed Behavior - timid but gentle on PE Evidence of Cruelty seen - n Evidence of Trauma seen - n Objective T = 101.8 P = 100 R = UR BCS = 3.75/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSR, NMA, CRT < 2, MM - pink Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: UR MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: Assessment: Poor body condition but apparently healthy Prognosis: Good Plan: Perform CBC/CHEM + T4 SURGERY: Temporary waiver until blood work is complete 17/01/2018 CBC/CHEM S/O - Mild elevation in Creatinine (2.0), Uremic (39), and electrolyte imbalance (Na 167, Cl 124) T4 - NOT HYPOTHYROID A - Acute renal injury, kidney disease, uroliths P - collect urine and conduct urinanalysis and USG 17/01/2018 [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Medical Condition] Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with UTI and the staff veterinarians are issuing a temporary waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment. Your veterinarian will advise you if surgical sterilization is appropriate. 18/01/2018 Hx: owner surrender with history of being underweight; owner reported that she was diagnosed with "hypothyroidism" and has history of being underweight; blood work on intake revealed mild azotemia (crea 2.0, BUN 39) but T4 was normal S/O -QAR, docile, allows all handling -mm pk, tacky; CRT <2 sec -no nasal discharge or sneezing -eupnic, heart/lungs WNL -soft abdomen, no palpable abnormalities; bladder too small to palpate. A 1. Azotemia, r/o pyelonephritis vs dehydration from other systemic illness vs leptospirosis vs chronic renal disease 2. Underweight P -place IVC, start normosol at 60 ml/hr -clavamox 375 mg PO BID x 14 days -recommend recheck renal values in 2 weeks after clavamox is completed; if still persistent, then recommend further work up including urine culture, rickettsial panel +/- abdominal ultrasound 18/01/2018 2 view abdominal radiographs available for review: no radioopaque urinary stones noted, ingesta in stomach, soft/normal fecal material in colon; unable to visualize bladder but was too small to palpate prior to xray; there is decreased detail in the area of the bladder A 1. Decreased detail in area of bladder-r/o secondary to underweight vs inflammation vs focal ascites? P -abdominocentesis negative 19/01/2018 Hx: owner surrender with history of being underweight; owner reported that she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and has history of being underweight; blood work on intake revealed mild azotemia (crea 2.0, BUN 39) but T4 was normal IVF and Clavamox started yesterday. Eating well overnight. Normal eliminations reported S/O -QAR, docile. Nervous but allows full exam -mm pk, moist; CRT <2 sec -no nasal discharge or sneezing -eupnic, heart/lungs WNL -soft abdomen, no palpable abnormalities; bladder too small to palpate BCS 3/9, MCS 2/3 A 1. Azotemia, r/o pyelonephritis vs dehydration from other systemic illness vs leptospirosis vs chronic renal disease 2. Underweight P cw Normosol at 60 ml/hr cw clavamox 375 mg PO BID x 14 days consider tapering fluids on 1/20 or 1/21 for full 48-72 hour IVF diuresis Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 2. Blue Behavior History Behavior Assessment Upon intake, Storm walked away when I approached her to scan for a microchip. Storm would also back away when I tried to place a leash on her. Storm allowed me to collar her and pet her on the head. After her owner left, and once she was by my side for a few minutes, she allowed me to pet her and carry her into her kennel. Date of Intake: 1/17/2018 Basic Information:: Storm is a 3 year old female gray and white medium mixed breed dog. Storm lived with previous owner for about 1 year. Storm was surrendered because she has ongoing medical concerns that her owner could no longer take care of. Storm has no injuries but may have hyperthyroidism. Previously lived with:: Storm previously lived with 2 adults and 2 children. How is this dog around strangers?: Storm is shy around strangers but will warm up after a few minutes. Storm will allow strangers to approach her and pet her. How is this dog around children?: Storm previously lived with two children aged 3 and 6. Storm is described as being friendly, affectionate and will allow pets. Client noted that Storm's behavior with his children changed in the past month possibly due to her medical condition. Client noted that Storm would snap at his children when they tried to pet her. How is this dog around other dogs?: Storm has interacted with small and large dogs and both male and female dogs. Storm is described as being playful, respectful and tolerant of the other dogs. How is this dog around cats?: Storm has previously interacted with a cat. Storm will sniff the cat but is described as being uninterested and will walk away. Resource guarding:: Storm is not bothered when her food or bowl is touched while she is eating. Storm is also not bothered when a bone, treat or object is taken away from her. Bite history:: Storm has once bitten a family member before. The previous owner noted that this happened about a year ago when he first received Storm. Storm was very shy and growled at the person who was trying to pet her. The person did ignored her growl and tried to pet her anyways and she bit him breaking skin and drawing some blood. Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: Storm has a medium energy level Other Notes:: Storm has never been pushed or pulled off of furniture, been held or restrained, or been bathed. Storm is has only had her nails trimmed at the groomers. Storm is not bothered when an unfamiliar approaches her and her owner. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: Yes Medical Notes: Storm's previous owner stated she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in August of 2017/ For a New Family to Know: Storm is a friendly, mellow, and independent dog. When at home, Storm will follow you around an likes to be in the same room as you. Storm likes squeaky toys but is known to destroy them all. Storm was kept as an indoors only dog and was fed a raw diet once a day. Storm was being fed around two pounds of raw food a day. Storm is mostly house-trained. Storm will go outside to potty but a few times a week will urinate inside the house. When left alone, Storm is well behaved and can be left inside of her crate for about 3 hours. For exercise, Storm is taken out for slow walks on the leash about 3 times a day. When off leash, Storm will stay close by your side. Date of intake:: 1/17/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 1 year) Previously lived with:: Adults and children (ages 3 and 6) Behavior toward strangers:: Shy at first then warms up. Allows strangers to pet her. Behavior toward children:: Was friendly and affectionate but has recently began to snap when the pet her Behavior toward dogs:: Playful, respectful, and tolerant Behavior toward cats:: Uninterested in them Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: Yes, about a year ago a family member reached to pet Storm and she growled. He continued to reach to pet her and she bit his hand, breaking skin Housetrained:: Partially Energy level/descriptors:: Storm is described as friendly, mellow, and independent with a medium level of activity. Summary:: Storm has not yet received a handling assessment due to brief length of stay. While wanting to give adequate time for her to acclimate to the shelter environment before the assessment, her medical condition is pressing and we need to expedite her leaving the shelter for further medical evaluation. This comment is being made to indicate that the lack of SAFER assessment is not due to an inability to handle but rather due to the urgency of addressing the medical condition. Storm has allowed some handling with a slow approach in the care center. Summary (1):: 1/18: When introduced to the male greeter dog on leash, Storm appears overall fearful in the environment and turns away from approach. Date of intake:: 1/17/2018 Summary:: At first, Storm backed away from the counselor. After a little bit, she allowed handling. Date of initial:: 1/17/2018 Summary:: Storm was timid but allowed handling. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: NEW HOPE ONLY Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Place with a New Hope partner Recommendations comments:: No children: Storm is reported to snap at the children in the home when they tried to pet her. In order to keep children safe and respect Storm's comfort level, we are recommending an adult-only home. Place with a New Hope partner: Due to Storm's bite history and willingness to escalate in situations in which she is uncomfortable, we recommend placement with a New Hope partner who can provide behavior modification before placement into a permanent home. We recommend only force-free, reward-based training for Storm; more aversive methods are likely to increase fear and increase the risk of future aggression. Potential challenges: : Fearful/potential for defensive aggression Potential challenges comments:: Storm has been timid in new situations in the care center, which matches reports from her previous home. Storm's bite history indicates that when uncomfortable she may escalate to a bite. STORM IS RESCUE ONLY…..TO SAVE THIS PUP YOU MUST FILL OUT APPLICATIONS WITH AT LEAST 3 NEW HOPE RESCUES. PLEASE HURRY!!! IF YOU CAN FOSTER OR ADOPT THIS PUP, PLEASE PM OUR PAGE FOR ASSISTANCE. WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH LINKS TO APPLICATIONS WITH NEW HOPE RESCUES WHO ARE CURRENTLY PULLING FROM THE NYC ACC. PLEASE SHARE THIS DOG FOR A HOME TO SAVE HER LIFE.
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novanghia · 6 years
Dental Implants cost 1000 USD in HCMC Vietnam
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Dental implants cost is based on aspects. They are expensive but with good contributing factor. They are the next best thing to using a natural tooth or teeth. They look natural, they feel natural and that they work like they are natural teeth at nha khoa Thuan Kieu dental implant center in HCMC, Vietnam. Now people know what amount dental implants cost, it is very important to need to know it is a surgical procedure so it's not at all really low-cost. Typically, Dental Implants Cost about $1,500 to $3,000 each. Please remember though that this price range can vary depending on a lot of things surrounding your particular case. So, everything you see, typically the biggest difference will be the dentists income. This is same as when obtain any appliance or consumer electrical technology for household. Why an individual use a Gardner KS dentist near me over your regular family hygenist? Most dental offices see children and adults combined. These offices is definitely imposing and scary using a child. The offices have equipment and tools that appear scary and intimidating to the little child. A few years strange person asks for you to open their mouths. The tools go towards their lip area. This can freak out perhaps the most even tempered tiddler. Using the services of a dentist near me can certainly make a big difference in how a child handles their oral health into the. The 3 major US implant manufacturers that I know can be trusted are Bio Horizon, Nobel Biocare, and Straumann. All associated with companies thoroughly test their implants and get failure rates that are definitely low. Will make find any one of the major manufacturer implants being utilized if a physician is advertising implant placements for lower than $1000.00. If tooth have fallen due towards the impact in the accident you'll be able to should go ahead with the dental implant London. Implants or Dental Implants are devices which are utilized to restore the missing tooth or total set of teeth. It are based on hard and sturdy metals like titanium, to being able to last for days on end without getting rusted or damaged inside mouth. If you want go ahead with it then you requires getting a dental surgery succesfully done. It is not a simple process and get several hours, depending on the condition. We usually ask ourselves what the normal dental implants cost is, and decide the particular rate presented to us. Though the rates alone should not be the sole basis of getting dental implants. In fact there would be a lot of advantages of obtaining implants, which you more reason assume getting the company. Sodium Pyrophosphate: Often observed in tartar control toothpastes, glucose levels soaring . may cause tooth tenderness. And though brushing teeth the following ingredient stops tartar, simply get gone what's already there. Sodium pyrophosphate can bother gums. Rather than expose children to "laughing gas", this dentist applied a topical anesthetic on the gums when an injected numbing agent was wanted. He was very gentle, in conjunction with all many years we visited with him, my children never complained of pain. Music earphones were available for that children to mask and distract from the noises the equipment may come up with. The cosmetic dentist you choose on must be convenient you and healthiness is the main family. Situation kids in order to be go to high school and which work, anyone certainly might not really able to go to the dentist during regular working hours. Therefore, you need a dentist who can schedule your tooth whitening for in the evening hours. Dentist with long working hours offer the tooth care since these people be gotten at all times. In order to save time, need to know also capability to to book a block appointment where the whole family can enter and get their teeth looked.
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If you have children, you might know that most dentists recommend taking them for auto dental appointment either by the time their first tooth comes in, or by the time they are baby. However, there are other guidelines to pay attention to, as beautifully. Consider a few tips that normal dentist would like parents to check for in order to improve the health of your child's teeth. Nap time and bedtime are the hardest times to avoid pacifier have. It is easier on mums and dads if baby can soothe herself to sleep, it's just that since she uses a pacifier you need to do it, is actually not really soothing herself and will probably need to be weaned off it later. It might seem more work now to get your baby to sleep without one, as Dental Implants Cost your child grows, she's going to be convenient soothing herself and would not have research a binky weaning crisis later. Often intensive testing . using tennis shoes parts at least similar parts, when they the task. And we know this, since there are not numerous manufacturers of the parts this makes this procedure a verifiable truth. A pediatric dentist a lot than a dentist because he/she recognises that a good majority of children afraid of dentists. He/she needs in order to friendly with kids and knows the tricks to tackle the fear of dental care on infants. Parents are generally failed to teach the oral hygiene to their kids, but a dentist can communicate direct or indirect remedies. So, the message may be the fact you should really dentist near me that friendly naturally. Disciplining toddler or constantly telling in order to stop isn't solution. Sucking the thumb is a mechanical response. Some parents eating out everyday stop this habit by putting a plastic bandage on the child's thumb. However, this isn't the solution could be. They will look at it this tactic as treatment. Remember the reasons why they suck their thumb. They are doing it considering they are seeking comfort and health and safety. Knowing what amount you should really pay for Dental Implants a good essential, and can make all the difference. The particular time to review for example can provoke the biggest prices. Before you might yourself exactly how much a single teeth implant cost, you need to know how much of an implant is. A dental implant is also called an artificial tooth strolling dental basic. They are placed when you lose a tooth and is inserted for the jaw to have the teeth in place, you can decide getting permanent implants or just temporary implants. Partial is actually done inside the event of fall one tooth greater when all of the teeth aren't lost. So, it isa short process and could be serve the patients within a very short time. This process prevents the teeth to be displaced. In the event the gap is kept untreated, the teeth beside teeth invade the vacant home. As a result, teeth become bent or twisted. Plastic is used for replacement of a tooth. Eliminating of the plastic will be like in addition to gum. What consume normally results to your dental health. Milk, cheese, nuts, meat and chicken really are essential in a diet regime as support in restoring lost minerals like phosphorus and limescale. It is also advisable to munch carrots, celery sticks or carrots after meals as help in clearing food contaminants. When you concentrate on the associated with dental implants, getting a few done at consist of time, can lead to in some big financial benefits. So, invest the time, in order to find the most advantageous!
Dental implants cost is based on aspects. They are expensive but with good valid reason. They are the next best thing to working with a natural tooth or teeth. Excellent natural, they feel natural and so they work like they are natural teeth. The internet is another option, and can make all of the difference, because many within the dentists now have web sites. The result is that you will discover Dental Implants Cost out the rough prices for these dentists. Then you can research to discover which is a better options. Decide are usually genuinely for instance the guy - or gal - and in case you process of modeling rendering the dental staff and also the general natural environment. Many people dread the dentist because they're scared of drills, discomfort and pain. Don't make things worse by picking a dentist you simply stand to be the same room with for a lot three tracfone minutes! And if you don't feel you can honestly trust them, prepared go elsewhere. Why an individual use a Gardner KS dentist near me over your regular family hygenist? Most dental offices see children and adults combined. These offices is often rather imposing and scary to some child. The offices have equipment and tools that appear scary and intimidating to a tiny child. Better strange person asks the particular open their mouths. Resources go towards their jaws. This can freak out even most even tempered little tot. Using the services of a dentist near me makes a big difference in what sort of child handles their dental health into the long run. The first thing to having the best dental implants cost, would be to do effective research. Research can make all write-up . and get you the best dental implants charge. If the Sunnyvale dentist is very busy eating plans patients, when he has an exciting new patient from different city, the Sunnyvale dentist appreciates that affected person is already spending cash for his stay within Sunnyvale. The dentist will recommend him to visit cosmetic Dentist Mountain View city. Motivating border associated with the Sunnyvale. The patient will never be facing any issue in see the Mountain View city when your city is definitely close by to the Sunnyvale. Like when the Mountain View city dentist gets more patients especially Dental Implants he previously be sending them to Sunnyvale. Size: Get a brush to match your mouth condusively. Don't worry if you're any who prefers a child's toothbrush. The important thing is you actually brush your teeth reaching all associated with your mouth; not that you prefer princess brushes over hi-tech adult models. Learn how much time your dentist has had the practice, and whether he or she rrncludes a satisfied customer list. If she or he has a longer waiting list, or get to wait weeks the appointment, might be indicative that you're onto a great thing. Then again, it may add frustration when you'll want to to book an emergency appointment your own situation. Loading to my understanding has to do with placing the dental implant. For you to can have a dental implant you should have and extraction. That implant must be put in the hole, for lack from the better term, from that your original tooth was eliminated. Evidently, the argument lays with how much time it takes for that bone to heal from which the tooth was ripped. Some dentist feel that the implant in order to be placed shortly after the extraction and others feel the bone should rest and heal before placing the implant. As with anything, niche markets . two sides of the coin. As can help you save this form of treatment differs from place to place, happen to be advised to browse among the service providers carefully and it's also advisable to put safety above price when you are searching for the dentists for treating. This is one for this important tips that it is advisable to keep as your intended purpose all period in order to protect yourself yet others.
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ferdinandcham · 7 years
Justice League Review (Spoilers)
Disclaimer: I think Ben Affleck is a shitty actor and is up there on the stale list with Tom Cruise. Fight me.
DC has been my favorite since I was a little girl. I grew up reading the comics and loving the cartoons. Yadda yadda yadda. (Spoilers ahead, turn back now.)
So after the BEAUTY that was Wonder Woman, I was far more pumped for Justice League hoping that this would be a redemption arc for the DCEU.
Then came Jason and Ezra, and I started getting my hopes up even more. Could Gal, Jason, and Ezra save the DCEU from Ben Affleck? Could it ever truly recover from Green Lantern?
Then. Enter Joss Whedon. That’s when the true tragic downfall began. But I still held out hope and went to watch this movie. Because I had to support Gal and Jason.
I’ll start with saying something good and then ending with the bad. To create some balance because there ARE enjoyable parts of the movie.
• Gal Gadot was wonderful as usual. Patty wasn’t there to truly make her shine as she did in Wonder Woman, but she did her best as one of the only female characters in the entire movie after Joss mangled it. She was strong and was clearly acknowledged as the strongest one on the team. She wasn’t shy about using her clear advantage over the men to keep them in place either. (I wish she’d done more damage when she shoved Ben Affleck’s shitty Batman after his crass remarks.) Also Patty was probably foaming at the mouth at every ass and cleavage shot that the male directors plastered throughout the movie. Because I was furious. They scrapped an entire movie about Wonder Woman’s empowerment to create fake chemistry between Diana and Ben-Bruce and give nasty little boys their sexy scenes.
•Ezra Miller was a gem. He was the humor and it was very well timed. He played the socially awkward fanboy perfectly and he channeled how any normal person would react being put in a situation where he had to be the hero. He was witty and energetic and everything I love about the Flash. My only regret is that for some reason they never can capture how truly intelligent and fast Barry Allen is. It’s not just running or quick reflexes. His brain works at that same speed as well and they never really bring that to the plate with his live action portrayals.
•Jason Momoa. HOW ARE YOU DOIN. He’s such a versatile actor. He truly is. He plays snark well. He plays seriousness well. He plays lovers well. He’s just a magnificent man, both in personality, skill, and physique. He did well with what scenes he actually was allowed to keep and I enjoyed the parallel of him sitting on Diana’s rope and admitting he was afraid he was going to die as when Steve Trevor did it. I was really disappointed that we got almost no actual backstory for him or Cyborg.
•STEVE TREVOR IS GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. I immensely enjoyed that Steve is still a large factor in Diana’s life. He was truly the love of her life and decades later, his influence over her is still strong.
I did NOT appreciate Ben Affleck’s Batman using Steve as a verbal slap against Diana every chance he got. To me, it wasn’t even a good plot point and if you wanted to use it as a motivator to push Diana into a leadership role, it should have been handled better. Frankly, anytime Ben-Bruce said something about Steve and taunted Diana with it, it seemed to come more from jealousy that Diana loved Steve and that there was no room for Bruce rather than from an attempt to motivate her into a leadership role. Steve Trevor did not die for Joss and Ben to use him as a sexist tool to manipulate and hurt Diana and create fake chemistry between her and Ben-Bruce.
(Before little fanboys come spouting shit about WonderBat, I’ve always been a Steve Trevor fan and the Wonder Woman movie solidified that. Plus MY Batman is far more respectful of others and is a GOOD person. He would never be that cruel and crass towards someone in pain. MY Batman is the one who got Harley Quinn a dress after she had a bad day. MY Batman adopted a billion children and was a good father. MY Batman wasn’t a dickfuck. Ben Affleck’s asshole, sexist, jealous portrayal is #notmybatman)
•Mera was gorgeous and badass. She faced off with Steppenwolf with no fear. But we got, like, MAYBE three minutes of screen time for her??? I want to write more about her but they didn’t even give me enough to go on. That was extremely disappointing. This was a heavily male driven movie. Joss cut most of Mera’s scenes, completely disregarded Iris West and cut her completely out of the movie, and cut half of Lois Lane’s scenes. So out of ten (Batman, Superman, Flash, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Steppenwolf, Aquaman, Martha Kent, Lois Lane, Alfred) significant characters, only three (Martha, Lois, and Diana) were women and only one (Diana) had significant screen time.
•I reallllly want more Atlantis. Like just give me an Aquaman movie soon please.
•I’m not even a major Superman fan, but Lois and Clark are too cute to be legal and Zack Snyder is clearly their biggest fangirl. I really enjoyed that Lois Lane is considered a big gun and that she’s a force to be reckoned with. BUT WHY WOULD YOU CUT OUT THE RING SCENE. WHY JOSS. YOU FUCKHEAD. AND WAS CGI SHAVED FACE NECESSARY??!?!?
•Cyborg did not get enough development. He was finally portrayed as a funny guy towards the end, but all we got was angst and daddy issues. I wanted more. He is a large character that needed more development than what he got. Little disappointed that due to Iris being cut, Cyborg (POC) and Flash (Jewish) were the only established non-white people in the movie.
•Cyborg and Flash’s friendship was super adorable and I need more. I’m glad they established these two as the outcasts and the younger friends. So was the friendship between these two and Diana. So pure. So wholesome. Some of Diana’s best scenes were with these two and being a gentle and motherly-figure to them. It really showcased that Wonder Woman is a truly rounded wholesome character who is able to be the compassionate friend or the kickass warrior.
•Wally vs. Clark in every moment was great. 10/10 a great addition to the movie. Just wholesome. Whether it be a speed contest or a who can rescue more civilians contest. Pure. Wholesome. Lovely.
•Steppenwolf was stale. Like almost as stale as Ben-Bruce. Stale like old white bread. Just stale. There had to have been other villains to make the big bad. I don’t know. Just couldn’t really enjoy the lack of characterization.
•I enjoyed the hints about the Lantern Corps. Hopefully they can redeem themselves from the Green Lantern movie. That was just bad. I hope that the ring that flew back into space is Hal Jordan. Or better yet, John Stewart. Either way I’ll be happy though. Hal and Barry are super adorable together as besties.
•I really love Alfred. Alfred to me is what kept Bruce from being what Ben is portraying him as. But this Alfred? Not so much. Really disappointed that this Alfred is only concerned with trying to get Ben-Bruce’s dick inside Diana. Not impressed. Where is Michael Caine when you need him?
•I DESPISE Jesse whatshisname as Lex Luthor, but I’m very ready for the Legion of Doom. Although Deathstroke wasn’t really apart of it. But whatever. I’m excited to see Cheetah and Poison Ivy. Not so pumped for Gorilla Grodd but I’ll live. Maybe they won’t add him.
•I would really like to see more variety in gender and in color in the next movies. Iris needs to be back. They need more character development for the others. We’ve seen Batman vs. Superman and Man is Steel, and although I LOVE her, we’ve seen Wonder Woman. Can we get more focus on the newer characters to round them out? Or at least give them their own stand alone films sooner rather than later, and tie them to references from Justice League so it feels a bit more put together and less patchy.
•Also, bah Joss Whedon from any further involvement with any franchise that gives him the chance to fuck up female characters? He butchered Black Widow to give Hulk more characterization. And now he’s attempting to do so in this franchise. Enough is enough.
Hopefully the next DCEU movie improves on Justice League.
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