#the fandom need content pls
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Yes I'm taking about the Goldfinch. (Boreo actually but shh)
Here's a link to watch the movie (I found it on twitch, it's free and shouldn't be legal if you worry about that sort of stuff):
If you write fanfiction, please watch it. The fandom is hungry, the fandom needs food. (I fucking beg you, please feed me *馃ス*)
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blazethecheeto 24 days
no no guys hear me out. hear me out here. what if. what if thomas released the finale pt.1 on october 19. because not only is it the anniversary of the first episode, but it is a saturday this year, which is when he posts videos. and and and hear me out, tell me if i'm off my rockers here, this doesn't make sense but it does to me. it's the eighth anniversary of sanders sides, so if they introduce orange, there will be eight characters in the series, including thomas. sorry that made me sound too insane. but like think about it, it's a perfect day to release it! just my prediction.
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somewhatprofesional 2 months
I've been watching Conan voice imitation streams of the Conan crew playing among us. There's these yearly stream where they sometimes invite Hattori vc and everytime he's on he's just automatically become a Kudo bot.
Like last year (2023) his kudos count is 155 compare to last last year (2022) with the count of 416 (thanks you the one who counted them in the comments). I swear his Kudos haunted me even when I'm sleeping.
Bonus content is when Heiji is being voted off he said something along the line of "There's no meaning if Kudos is already dead, just vote me off)(?) And my he goes full yandere sometimes while the Conan vc just keep trying to run away.
Conan even said once: "If I'm an imposter this guy right here would already been dead!"
Even funnier when Heiji and Kid surrounding lil cone and them both keep going :"Meitantei" "Oi Kudo"
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chibistarlyte 1 year
i want an instance where gumshoe gets really injured on a case
like maybe in trying to apprehend a culprit, he gets shot and has to be rushed to the hospital
and i want phoenix and miles to be beside themselves
like. miles endlessly pacing, jaw clenched and heart racing, mind going a million miles a minute thinking of all the potential outcomes of the situation and growing increasingly frantic and panicked as the idea of losing gumshoe becomes more and more real
and phoenix trying his best to comfort miles because he knows how important gumshoe is to miles, but being terrified and panicked himself because he also treasures gumshoe, not just as a coworker so-to-speak but as a dear friend and he can't imagine a life without gumshoe in it
and despite a close call during surgery, gumshoe lives and miles and phoenix keep a constant vigil at his bedside while he recovers. meanwhile, gumshoe doesn't understand why they're so scared and morose, tries to lighten the mood and joke around that he's too stubborn to die and "aw, don't spend so much energy worrying over someone like me, pal" and stuff like that
and miles and phoenix are just "you idiot, of course we were worried!" and wanting to throttle gumshoe for even daring to think he's not important enough to them to be worried over
may or may not end in three grown men trying to cuddle on a tiny hospital bed. because gumshoe deserves all the cuddles
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gskycy 5 months
Why don't you draw Gwen Stacy's Spiderverse design? /Genq
can i be emotionally vulnerable for a second i dont really like sony spiderverse + i'll be so real the astv fandom has ruined my ability to look at spiderverse gwen unmasked without feeling ill
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jnjlen-ou-skinjbir 10 months
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La Passe-Miroir/The Mirror Visitor ask game: give me a character's name and I will give you three headcanons + an AU! one for them
1 - Whenever there is an insect, a spider or a scorpion in the house, he doesn't kill it (not because he doesn't have the coordination for it nor because the smell of freshly killed arthropods is unbearable to his Olfactive nose, but because he doesn't want to kill animals if he can help it), he uses the glass + paper method and releases it outside
2 - He began practicing yoga, hoping it would help him less clumsy; and while it didn't do miracles for his coordination (he regularly falls in the middle of asanas), he kept practicing because he felt better afterwards
3 - He can tell when a dish is done cooking only by the smell (to his parents' dismay, his powers are the most efficient when it comes to food)
AU! - His parents wanted him to follow their steps and become a nose for luxury perfume brands, just like them; so they were r茅al mad and disappointed he didn't nothing of the sorts and began working in a library because the smell of books was one of his favourite
1 - He isn't a morning person, he is definitely a "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" (nor after the coffee for that matter) type
2 - He easily gets freckles when he spends too much time under the sun (which never happens given he spends his time scooped up at the Secretarium, the Good Family, his home or Blasius')
3 - He is secretly a cat dad (yes, the irony to not like canines when you're named after one) and can't resist petting cats, even if it means spending half an hour picking all the feline hair out of his black garments
AU! - He would totally be a military historian and, convinced what actually happened around the Tear is a heavily curated version, would be spending his time trying to get special exemptions to consult the relevant archives.
(because why not, we need moar content for them!)
1 - It's no secret that Wolf is perpetually grumpy, even around Blasius; hence the latter's surprise, when he realized that Wolf almost always smiled when they kissed ( when he pointed that out, Wolf blushed a bit and grumbled an unintelligible answer)
2 - The first time Blasius went to Wolf's, he saw a black cat on the doorstep and immediately began to wonder if it was a bad omen. Turns out, it was just a stray cat that hangs in the block and that Wolf often feeds and pets (and despite his wariness of cats, discovering Wolf was a doting cat dad just made Blasius fall a little more in love with him).
3 - Wolf never once complained about Blasius' clumsiness, no matter how many times he got harmed or his things got damaged as a result
AU! - They'd be both into alternative music: Wolf more into hc punk and black metal, and Blasius into post-punk/wave/goth stuff (Wolf makes a whole show of groaning every time before going to a goth/alt night with Blasius, but once there he actually enjoys himself there and eventually began to two-step on certain Sisters of Mercy songs)
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mishapen-dear 1 year
people can use this site however they want but there's something almost- idk, sad? about how few people are actually using their blogs. you can turn themes on and have skeletons dancing in the background. you can make everything hot pink. your blog is your scrapbook and you can put whatever you want in there. tags are okay at organizing things so you can have just a whole archive of cool shit to look at later. i know people complain a lot about people liking stuff about reblogging for engagement, and on one hand i get that- it is WILD to see a drawing i spent hours on get only 12 reblogs and 60 likes. Absolute culture shock compared to my previous fandoms. but i don't think you should reblog anything to make artists happy. i think you should reblog things so you can find them again. i think you should queue things to appear on the dash at specific times on certain days. i think you should reblog things so when you're talking to your friends about xyz post you saw you can look in your blog's archive and find it again. i think you should reblog things so that your dash is filled with one really sleepy cat. with the loss of reblogs there's the loss of engagement, which Does hurt the community-focus that makes tumblr so appealing, but idk i just wish people were more excited about the incredible amount of customization that tumblr allows and took advantage of that more
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geekforhorror 10 months
my inbox is in a bit of a drought rn so it needs a bit of water ;)
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bluezeri 2 years
i love future leo fans bc they love to make all this angst where leo is so completely alone and all his brothers are dead as if mikey isnt right there
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Yes..... it is me.... the only other fanartist in the Wii sports: The anime fandom......
Anyways I think Spinny was made purely for cute girl appeal and ya know what??? It's working bc she's my fave of the s2 miis
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Wwwwwwsss she's adorable ily her sm 馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ
(also the hc that Spinny has a bunch of moles can probably kill me dfrvtbhvf)
pathetic little meow-meow pipe dream <3333
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(shameless plug to go check out I Love You A Latte (no homo) by my dearest beloved talented adorable friend FourRaccoons on ao3, pls encourage and be nice to them <33)
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panevanbuckley 1 year
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scarycranegame 4 months
>be me
>get new follower
>look at their profile
>they're very obviously an antishipper
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yuckydraws 1 year
Joining a new fandom with little knowledge and having to learn all about the fannon-verse as well is a whole journey in and of itself. However, it makes me realize that new Undertale fans? Are probably the most lost 馃拃馃拃
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lunarelly 2 years
so we鈥檙e all going to ignore this new video feature on tumblr right? like we鈥檙e not going to interact with it or click it? because we don鈥檛 want tumblr artists and creators to have to deal with the same pressure here that they do on every other social media by being forced to produce videos for their art and creations otherwise they won鈥檛 gain traction??? right? and we don鈥檛 want another app where people scroll mindlessly through videos bc we can get that from literally every other social media site? right??? and what makes tumblr unique right now is it鈥檚 current format and post structure??? right???!!!
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thatoneweirdo14 5 months
i love sabito.
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frenchshrimp 8 months
its been nice enjoying tumblr again after not really being on for 4 years. but i need to take a break cause while luckily i dont have a concussion that was somehow lasting 5 months, i did injure my neck and basically reading and screens tire me out so fast to the point of headaches and nausea if im really bad about it. auugh. the reason its good its not a brain injury besides that being scarier is that i can do physical therapy about it. But the likely timeline for that is being healed better 4 months from now. siiiiiigh
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