#the bad news is not so much my back boo hoo
strawwritesfic · 1 year
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Oh no
he’s handsome
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
getting spam ads for online jobs....its that bad out here
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Quinn Hughes Edition (Part Sixteen)
previous: fifteen
next: seventeen
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liked by _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and 8,552 others
yourusername welcome to my postgame penalty box update show: quinnjamin edition! he is at one game more than the total amount of goals scored tonight in the very sad 4-1 loss against the kings. tonight was what the canucks called “autism acceptance night” which really warms my heart. it’s much better than “autism awareness” because we are all clearly aware of autism.
what DID happen tonight was quinn getting hit up against the boards, something that rarely ever happens! i checked both broadcasts, and both were very perplexed as to how he was in that situation. rough him up, kings! just don’t kill him! i’m all for it!
special shoutout to petey (@_eliaspettersson)! he was given a double minor, protested it, and the penalty was wiped! good for him! he even drew a penalty tonight by getting high sticked by quinton byfield— so one quint(i/o)n was in fact in the box tonight. love ya, petey!
my second shoutout is to akita hirose (@/kithirosee) for making his nhl debut tonight! you were great tonight, kid! welcome to the team! i’m sure i’ll love you when i meet you!
and, as always, shoutout to quintin for not dying in his 29:38 minutes of ice time! and for putting up with me <3 i love you with my whole butt!💙
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 239 comments
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername i’m sorry, you missed a step in this conversation
_quinnhughes i love you, too, y/n/n💙
yourusername tysm continue
_quinnhughes it’s all fun and games until i get hurt, missy
yourusername so don’t jinx yourself you dumb slut!
_quinnhughes right, of course. my bad.
user1 the commentators truly were gobsmacked at huggy getting hit lmao
lhughes_06 rip quinn but that was funny
yourusername it twas
jackhughes top notch comedy imo
_quinnhughes don’t i suffer enough? must we bully me?
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes you haven’t suffered enough
jackhughes @_quinnhughes not even close
yourusername @_quinnhughes just family things✨
user2 the canucks have a new player every game now let’s see how long this streak lasts
trevorzegras have a nice time hugging the glass, huggy bear? @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes have a nice time getting rammed into the boards by petey last game?
trevorzegras …
yourusername “the woman was too stunned to speak”
user3 i thoroughly enjoy the extremely brief somewhat of a game recap y/n gives us now
user4 everyone lost tonight and i hated it thx
kithirosee thank you! can’t wait to meet you!
_quinnhughes she is in fact great don’t let these posts fool you
yourusername @_quinnhughes s a p
_quinnhughes i stand corrected
_alexturcotte maybe if they hit him hard enough he’ll go feral
yourusername i like your thinking turcs!
_quinnhughes i do not
yourusername aw boo hoo :(
user5 huggy said 😛 but less happy
jackhughes what if i fight him? do you support this?
yourusername interesting. i have not pondered this.
_quinnhughes i’ll win
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i’m bigger than you
yourusername @/jackhughes he might be small but he be scary (like me)
_quinnhughes @/yourusername thank you…?
_eliaspettersson i love you too!
yourusername you’re so sweet <3 unlike some people!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername I SAID IT BACK, WOMAN
yourusername @_quinnhughes AFTER I CALLED YOU OUT, HIMBO
_eliaspettersson added this to their story
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gotstabbedbyapen · 6 months
What do you think Hyacinthus’ personality is? At first I kinda theorized he acted very similar to Patroclus but that’s like… repetitive 😭
Then I kind of made him the likable arrogant prince but i’m still not sure. Wonder what your take is
I'm so sorry for the late reply! I was on vacation away from home on the weekend 😅
Now that I'm back, you will receive a brief evolution of my view on Hyacinthus! Thanks for asking because I've been mean to talk about it for a while.
Like many people, when I first learned the myth of Hyacinthus, I imagined him as a mellow fellow: kind but shy and insecure because his boyfriend is a god. He's also a sad boi who doesn't believe he deserves Apollo. You know, the typical bottom/uke in every Yaoi media (or at least the ones I watched)
But soon, I got tired of the “boo hoo, they are out of my league” trope. I've been eating blank planks for too long, and now I want some flavor for Hyacinthus! So, I began to experiment with other possibilities to develop his characterization.
The first thing I assigned to Hyacinthus is that he is a curious soul for two reasons. One, I like the version where Hyacinthus' mother is the History Muse Clio. His mother inspired his love for reading books (Clio's sacred artifact) and his passion for learning new things. Two, I want Hyapollo to have a God of Knowledge x Curious Human dynamic, where Apollo falls in love with Hyacinthus because of his inquisitiveness.
Second, Hyacinthus is athletic and social as he grew up as a Spartan prince. Hyacinthus was trained with his siblings since childhood and mentored by Apollo later on. This special education helped shape his skills in combat and phrases.
Remember my HC about Clio being his mother? With his mother's poetic genes in him, Hyacinthus is a social butterfly. His charm isn't just in his beauty but in how he enraptures people in conversations. He is also a flirt and enjoys teasing Apollo. This guy is shameless, straightforward, and knows exactly what he is doing.
However, if you get on his nerves, Hyacinthus will not hesitate to roast you verbally. “Laconic phrases” are Sparta's signature way of rebutting. Hyacinthus isn't violent, but his comebacks can be 100% intentionally brutal, which means your face won't be physically damaged, but you can't save it in any way.
Third, I won't say Hyacinthus is arrogant because humility and discipline are some of the defining aspects of the Spartans. But I believe he has a strong sense of national pride. He loves and is proud of Sparta and will not take it lightly if you bad-mouthed his homeland. Whether or not he will kick you down a bottomless pit depends on how much you degrade his kingdom's image.
So there you have it. My take on Hyacinthus is that he is a knowledge seeker, quite outspoken, and has squirrel-like energy.
Of course, this is still a rough draft. I'm still trying to pin down a concrete personality and character development for our prince in future fanfics, and I'm always open to new character traits for Hyacinthus!
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time. earlier tonight, my eyes were cursed with star trek generations, a very very bad movie. if you don't know the big spoiler for this movie (the character death), please stop reading here. or keep reading actually i'm not your mom. fuck this movie anyway.
with the tos movies, i tried to keep notes on notepad as i watched so as to better type up a "liveblog" later. i was a bit spotty at remembering to do that this time, but i have enough to put together a reasonable write-up. here's kind of how it went
cried multiple times during this movie. first time was when kirk showed up because i knew it was the last time we were ever gonna see him. got bonus aftershock tears when i saw scotty and chekov - i was under the impression it was JUST kirk. second time, i THINK, was when he showed up again, though i just misted up a little. big boo-hooing when he mentioned spock, naturally. MORE crying when he finally bit it, though it was mostly because i was angry!!! and finally, even though i promised myself i wouldn't cry over data, i did start sobbing when he was reunited with his cat. gave myself a crying headache.
it was difficult watching kirk be on the bridge and want to be captain and he's not captain. and then crisis strikes and oh yeah he is. and really, the captainly thing to do WAS to go down to the lower decks and do whatever the fuck. needs of the many. he saved that guy's life. that would have been a fine death.
it was a little ruined by chekov going "was there somebody in there?" like to me it struck me more as funny than anything
oh, spotting guinan in the tos era made me absolutely thrilled btw. i missed her so much in s7 it was UNREAL.
OH YEAH AND. sulu's daughter. wah. ik aos sulu is gay do we think tos sulu is gay too. either way i;m very happy for him
apparently one of the guys in this is from succession. i'm choosing to blame this whole debacle on him.
switching directly to a fucking holodeck scene KILLED me. i HATE the holodeck. at first i thought they were giving worf a retirement party to send him to ds9 but they were just doing all of that for fun. deanna's outfit was hot though. also, data shoving beverly WAS FUNNY tng writers just hate autistic people
i have mixed feelings about data and the emotions chip. i was surprised they never covered it in tng proper and i think it would have been handled better there...data having the chip WAS the reason soren got away, which makes it plot-important, but it felt like a b-plot to a normal tng episode and this is supposed to be a feature film. instead it was a tng two-parter with a budget and william shatner. it was fun watching data experience emotions (happiness, terror) and struggle to control them, but there ironically wasn't enough time to really get into it, except when picard gave him the tough love speech, which i think was uncalled for. why is he so against suicide when it's data when he was out here telling worf to kill himself over an empty barrel??
titty klingon sisters. i never remember their names or their faces but i ALWAYS recognize those boob windows. at first it was really annoying because it is pretty sexist but honestly i've become very endeared. it's absolutely devastating that this movie killed them too. they were everything to me 💔
hey, sorry, side bar, were they watching geordi bathe through his visor? freaks.
also, geordi in the bondage gear while he was kidnapped. ALSO, wasn't he growing new eyes in the tng s7 finale? whatever happened with that???
stellar cartography looks better than it did in tng but it brought back memories of picard running around on poor beverly. idk what he's so worried about continuing his family line for wesley crusher IS his affair baby
hey, also, the lighting??? the "distant sunlight" atmosphere when the lights are off vs the brightly lit interior of the show? truly, the upgraded lighting was probably my favorite part of the movie. it looked SO fucking good. i really felt like we were on a spaceship.
no, wait, ACTUALLY my favorite part was data getting to say "oh, shit!" that was really good. they got one bad word for this whole movie and used it in the perfect place
no, my favorite part was the spock mention.
did not like kirk referring to picard repeatedly as the captain of the enterprise. kirk's the real captain here, bitch. picard doesn't have what it takes to die for his ship. he doesn't love his ship the way kirk loved his.
i did like the nexus reference to the tmp wife. in the novel she was named lori but she didn't show up in tmp proper much less get a name so i'm ok with them calling her the wrong name, but i just know it's the same woman. less okay with kirk's nexus dream being all about some random woman we've never met. he's in love with the IDEA of a woman to come home to, sure, but it's just lazy writing. we don't have any reason to care about this girl. at least if it had been carol ruth marcus or something we'd have SOME basis to give a shit on. the nexus was the perfect place for spock and bones! i wish they and uhura and sulu had had cameos...
i also liked him warning picard to NEVER retire/accept promotion, bc retiring wound up being so traumatizing for him. this is not really consistent but i'm making it that way in my mind palace.
also, kirk being a horse girl is FAKE. they just made him be into horses bc picard is into horses. gross. he was really good at chopping wood though lol
the scene with the kids evacuating the spaceship...WHY WOULD YOU HAVE CHILDREN ON THIS SHIP. i also worried about the pets the entire time, which is part of why i lost it when data found spot :(
it's sad that a piece of guinan was left behind in the nexus...does that happen to everyone? is a piece of kirk in there too? i really wanted to write a fix-it for this someday but they have given me so little to work with that it's hard to imagine a fixit that isn't just 80% "yeah we're ignoring that" which isn't very satisfying.
the crash was SO long. also, why was data holding troi? she's got 2 different boyfriends who could be doing that for her
since i was going into this knowing kirk died, i expected that he was gonna die because the nexus swallowed him or something. i was expecting something grand. instead it was like, tos scene, an hour and a half of very mid tng content, and then half an hour of rushed and poorly paced kirk and picard scenes. typical tng episode that it didn't get to the point until it was almost over, but jesus. i can't believe they got shatner for their movie and then barely had him in it. like, kirk at the end was a total surprise narratively (obviously everyone watching it knows bc of the opening at LEAST that he'll be back, but imagine if this guy had been some rando - it would have been so unsatisfying and weird).
see, this is the thing. the nexus actually has the potential to be incredibly compelling. the way picard's scenes were shot were very very good, if one could ignore the clothes from 1790 and the horrific portrait of himself looking like he stepped out of les mis and also how creepy his kids were and WHY WASN'T HIS WIFE BEVERLY I HATE HIM. kirk's were rushed and messy (he likes horses? his dog? none of this connects us to the character we knew in tos...), and picard's involved, well, picard. but the CONCEPT absolutely fucks, and i did love the creep factor in spite of it all. this whole movie had huge potential and instead it's a steaming pile of shit. i could have learned to live with a good kirk death but living with a bad one is gonna kill me. at least he had good last words. "oh, my" right before he dies kinda fucks tbh.
my final note is that i think sir patrick stewart got sunburnt filming some of those scenes near the end. there were a few shots where he looked quite pink. give the man some sunscreen. oh yeah also why did some people randomly wear the ds9 uniforms...what on earth
anyway, terrible movie, 0/10 stars, i'm never gonna recover. tng never disappoints in disappointing me.
NEXT TIME: back to ds9, thank god. we're doing "meridan" and "defiant."
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Secret Cargo"
Mon Mothma is a badass, that is all.
Hello another one of my husband's favorite episodes.
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So much story expressed in just body language and establishing shots. The Ghost is waiting--apparently they've been there a while if they're willingly listening to holonet news--and they're all anxious and bored.
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So the Ghorman Massacre, if previous Legends canon still holds, is that incident I mentioned way back when, when Tarkin landed a Star Destroyer on top of a group of protestors, implicitly with Palpatine's permission.
And can we just admire the sheer balls on this woman? Mon makes this pretty speech in the Senate chamber while it's in session.
Meaning she called Palpatine a "lying executioner" to his face.
Legends canon also holds that right after this, she personally hand-delivered the Declaration of Rebellion to his desk.
Yeah. I love her.
Heeeeeey good thing they established how utterly creepy these droids were back in "Warhead" because I see it and now I'm filled with dread.
The sound design for these things is still excellent.
Love how Ezra can tell different dialects of Binary apart in order to know the probe "speaks Imperial". He be learning behind the scenes yo.
(In more ways than one, as we'll soon find out.)
The way they draw out this suspense as the probe makes another round is great, quick teamwork and fast reflexes almost had the thing once it was within range.
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Intense Ezra is intense. :)
The Ghost takes in a Y-wing in yet another cool utilization of its cargo hold.
Too bad these pilots are ungrateful. "You're making things harder for all of us!" Awwww boo hoo is the tyrannical authoritarian government getting even more tyrannical and authoritarian because it's finally being pushed back against? That's an occupational hazard, people. You're in a rebellion, it's not going to be cake and ice cream.
"It would have been prudent to avoid detection, as ordered." The probe was literally on top of them looking in their windshield, I think it was long past having detected them.
But enough griping about Gold Squadron's backseat rebellion-ing, let's get some more action!
One of the Y-wing pilots conveniently gets taken out so Ezra can take their place and I love this expression from Gold Leader:
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He's just like, "Really? This upstart kid?"
But Hera has complete faith in him, awww.
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Ezra looks really good in a Y-wing helmet. I don't think he keeps this one, he only seems to collect Imperial helmets.
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Faslfhaksjfh pretty sure fandom winced when Ezra said the cursed line but! In this case nothing bad happened. Guess we broke the curse.
And now we learn just why the Rebellion loved using Y-wings so much. Two attacks from two fighters and they absolutely cripple this light cruiser.
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His face is too pure sometimes. T_T
I really like how Mon is characterized here, Rebels really leans into her Paragon qualities. She sounds like a woman who's tried her best and is finally fed up, and you absolutely believe in her capacity as a Rebel leader. I think one of the reasons I'm reluctant to watch Andor is how they handle Mon. I'm not really a fan of "graying" my heroes.
Dantooine namedrop!
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Four Star Destroyers hovering over Capital City now, come on guys that's excessive.
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The beginning notes of Thrawn's leitmotif play softly here, in glockenspiel it sounds like, before switching to the iconic organs. As a side note, since they have Kiner for the Ahsoka show please please let there be some theme carryover from the show.
Thrawn already knows Hera's tactics well enough to deduce where she's going to go; through a risky, little-used smugglers corridor in a nebula. Him sending Pryce and Konstantine to head her off I don't actually think was him setting them up to fail, because for all intents and purposes they had the Ghost dead to rights, Hera was just a bit too creative and clever and managed to slip free.
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Why is this show so good at coll menacing shots for Thrawn?
Mon speaking to another one of the archthemes of Star Wars: When to keep fighting inside a flawed system versus when to break from it and burn it all down. There's no real easy or right answer. Bail, and Padme, and Mon worked for years within the system, both of the Republic and the Empire, trying to change it from the inside. The Republic, for all its flaws and problems, could have been salvaged if enough people cared enough to fight for it, and absent Palpatine's influence of course. The Empire on the other hand, is rotten to the core, from the top down, the entire hierarchy and infrastructure designed to deprive its citizens of rights and due process and basic freedoms and control them under an oppressive hand.
Which isn't to say that continuing to fight against the Empire's rule from the inside, in the government halls rather than on the streets, was a worthless endeavor. Not all political conflicts can be solved by direct action. But it does take wise discernment to know when to start openly opposing a corrupt system.
Mon has apparently reached that breaking point.
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This whole conversation is just... nice.
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Hello yes, someone order some fresh scenery porn?
Ezra gushing about how Hera's "the best around" awww.
The Empire shows up, Vult Skerris now shoved in a TIE Defender, as if he wasn't a hassle enough in a regular TIE, and Ezra tries to warn the others about the Defender to no avail, we lose a couple redshirts.
This music cue is gorgeous, the animation on the nebula is gorgeous, I know I'm not being super verbose this rewatch but this episode is just so nice.
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The way the Interceptors just melt, the bits that peel off the Ghost...
This music cue is much more relaxed than the wailing chorus at the end of "Journey Into The Star Cluster", more like a track you'd hear in a nature documentary, maintaining its sense of subtle awe and wonder even as a danger is narrowly escaped.
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Love that Mon immediately knows she needs to stall for time so that Hera can think up something. She's fitting into the Rebellion already, knows her people well. :)
Also hilarious how her stalling tactic is a laundry-list of political demands.
LOL Chopper rolling along the floor there.
Ezra being an actually really decent pilot (because Hera taught him) and taking care of business. <3
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Hera's face when she hears Ezra. <3
Sabine would have loved Hera's tactic here.
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Dantooine be pretty.
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Rebels said beware tyrants trying to control you for your own (or "the greater") good.
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This whole ending bit is just so... optimistic. There's a sense of hope and heroism, of dawn breaking after a long night. Things are clear cut, there is evil and we must stand against it.
And finally the true Rebel Alliance is born. :)
Ahhhhhhhh I love this episode I love it, it feels almost chill in pacing and tone but that sense of clarity of purpose, that OT feel, it's just beautiful, this is just a pleasant episode.
Even knowing what happens in the finale can't fully dampen the spirit of this one.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
ALSO: IS LOVELACE AN ALIEN? (or my reaction to episodes 35-37 of Wolf359, plus the end credits scene).
Welcome back dear readers. Thanks again for your patience. Very excited for this end credits scene 👀
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 35: Need to Know
Oh boy. A Kepler episode. 😒
“Are we blowing up?” sad that this has become a routine question.
“certain questions only lead to pain” very true.
“head of I don’t give care do your job department” Well Kepler, maybe I’m the head of the throwing you out the airlock department.
Kepler man you gotta give them better info. The lack of trust is insane. “Don’t forget where you are, I will give you a gruesome death.”
Doug. Doug. Do not trust Kepler.
Do not trust the evil Whiskey man.
oh shut it Jacobi. Every time you speak, you take-
Wait. Hera? HERA?
New file? Emergency scenario?
“A violation of Kepler’s trust”. Well, I for one do not think Kepler’s trust is worth anything.
oh my gosh are they trying to tear the Hephaestus crew apart by reviewing their dirty secrets?
This is so sneaky and coordinated. I hate Maxwell and Jacobi so much.
I want Maxwell and Jacobi to join Kepler in his airlock. For those of you who love SI-5, fear not. I will pack them plenty of Whiskey for the journey.
Fear of… ducks? 🦆 Well. I suppose we found his weakness. See Jacobi you shouldn’t have mocked the show tunes.
Restraining order? What’s up with Maxwell’s families?
An internet scam? I don’t care if this is Jacobi pretending to be stupid, he’s perfect for the role. Maybe the airlock will be a merciful death for him. No ducks in space.
Uh… what report is that? Hera?
Oh my gosh is it the ducks again? “Hostile assault on senses?” What does that mean? Snoring? Well, that’s bad.
They got dirt on Kepler now? 👀 Oh. He likes expensive skiing. ⛷️
Wait. We can use this. Maybe we can sabotage his skis. Cause a little accident.
Hera wouldn’t try to kill you! She just wants free will!
“Oh boo hoo I killed a plant. At least I didn’t drug my fellow crew members.” shut up duck boy.
I respectfully disagree. These holes are not equally deep. Minkowski loves theater, and Hera just wants free will. Duck boy blew up a hospital.
What’s the file? Her husband better not be dead. Oh is this about Doug?
That was about Doug wasn’t it? Whatever crime he did? The reason he doesn’t talk to his family?
Yikes. Doug what did you do?
Aw Doug. Thank you for apologizing. See Minkowski? He cares about you. He’s not a monster, even if he did do a bad thing.
That’s the real reason Kepler, Jacobi, and Maxwell did this isn’t it? So that they’d lose trust in Doug?
Jacobi shut up. Kidnapping? Child endangerment?
That doesn’t sound good. Was this a custody arrangement gone wrong? That’s my best guess so far. Cause that, plus the family stuff seems like a custody arrangement gone wrong. He mentioned cigarettes and beer a lot so maybe there were substance abuse issues.
But… if I’m right…that means that Doug… has a kid. A kid he probably misses and regrets hurting. And they made HIM answer questions from third graders.
If that’s true they’re awful. I mean, we already knew that, but yikes.
“What about you? Are you going to care? Goodnight 🥰” shut up duck boy. Episode 36: Fire and Brimestone Oh dear is this the Spider lab? 🕷️ It better not be.
“Too early?” You’re in space there is no morning.
“How did they survive without an engineer?” they weren’t supposed to Maxwell, you know that. What you also don’t know is how smart they are.
SL7? Haven’t used it for much? Why do the ships have so many weird and ominous rooms?
“and that’s…bad???… which means???…” me too Doug, me too.
Oh great Duck Boy gets more dynamite. 🧨
Minkowski call him out. And duck boy, no one cares about you.
“Maybe we don’t have to get her out” Exactly what I’ve been saying! Let her go. I wish it was Mr. Duck Boy or Discount Cutter: Whiskey Edition, but at least we could eliminate one problem.
“How do we make this call?” Well, this episode title seems to have done that. I see this as a win. Maxie survives, she gets a shot a redemption. She dies eh… it’s a bit like this hot chocolate I have in my hands. /j
“I couldn’t care less what Kepler thinks” I don’t either, let’s drown him in Whiskey 🥰
What thought? WHAT THOUGHT? Leaving Maxwell to die or killing her?
Look Doug. 99% of the time, I don’t like or go with the murder plan. But you’re in space. They could say you died up here and no investigation would take place. We don’t know what Cutter is doing, but we DO know who is cool with murder for their ambition, and who won’t stop until they get what they want. Other lives are at risk. Maybe thousands. Maybe the whole world if aliens get involved. You need to think about that.
Minkowski. Do not hold that over him. It’s private. You don’t know what happened. Neither do I, I’m making an assumption, but based on evidence presented, I think it’s a decent guess.
“Impossibly smart.” Mr. Duck Boy can be good at explosives but that doesn’t make him smart.
Did they program Hera to snitch? I hate them. I hate the whole SI-5.
I don’t like this. If Kepler hurts Minkowski I swear…
Your hand is not forced Kepler. No one is making you kill. That’s your choice.
I’d trust Doug over Hilbert.
“Then we all go together”. I love Doug the most.
But we still need a plan to kill Discount Cutter. And Duck Boy.
Critical condition? Poor Maxwell. But this isn’t gonna be good for Minkowski. She was only trying to help.
Yeah… it’s weird that they were that perfect. Almost like the stupid boy thing was a front to get you to put your guard down. But I still consider him incompetent.
They better not lock Minkowski in solitary. The last friendly warning? Whiskey boy, nothing about you is friendly. I hate him. Episode 37: Overture Off goes the probe. I wonder if it will find anything.
Sorry I’m doing chores while listening to this one, so reaction might be a bit brief.
Ugh. Of course Duck Boy is the favorite 🙄
THE MUSIC IS BACK! 🎶🎶🎶 And um… more sounds? Concerning sounds? Scary sounds? Very scary sounds?
Oh not the star again.
Translate from her thought stream? Binary code? Yeah, how do we know she’s actually translating.
Good idea Hera. Say something only Doug would know.
Oh more music. 🎶
Good work Doug. Don’t trust Maxwell. She makes you dependent on her to get to Hera, and then lulls you into a false sense of security.
Aliens leaving messages in music? I SAID THIS ON DAY ONE.
Kepler ought to shut his face. Using her love of space and her care for her crew against her? Perhaps the airlock is too merciful for Whiskey boy.
I did ride space mountain once. I didn’t like it.
I bet they did three months until the next episode too.
Now for that end credits scene 👀
I don’t hear anything.
Oh? Cutter’s telephone line?
Huh. Jacobi and Maxwell aren’t deep on the inside. Seems like Duck Boy and Dr. Robot are also being played. Interesting…
…but here’s a question for you Kepler. Hilbert thought he was in the inner circle. You laughed because he’s not. Jacobi and Maxwell think they’re in the inner circle. You laugh because they’re not. You believe you are in the inner circle.
But how do you know there is not someone out there somewhere, laughing at you? And why would a man who knows so much about the dangers of space send up anyone he didn’t view as somewhat expendable?
Think about that Whiskey boy. Think about that.
Also: was Lovelace infected by the aliens? or did she make contact? Or is SHE the alien?
Well. I guess that’s all for now.
Thanks dear readers. Really getting through season 3 now. Excited to see what’s in store 👀
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rosaadiazs · 2 months
ooh it’s been a while since I read the hoo books/kept up with the new releases! What’s up with that series? Is it not very good ://
okay so this got a little long sorry about that😭
pjo was good.. but after pjo.. well the books had problematic elements
mainly hoo.. piper was pretty problematic bc she was all not like other girls and stuff and like rick literally compared her and hazel's skin to chocolate and shit?? (or it was some other brown coloured food idk I forgot) and there was also annabeth's "underestimated cause she's blonde" thing even though 4 out of the 7 were literally pocs???
also the judo flip which the fandom tends to romanticise was really not okay bc it wasn't percy's fault that he disappeared. I am not calling it abusive bc that is too strong a word, but percy was a survivor of abuse bc of gabe and like it was still a wrong thing to do (and a little ooc for annabeth. I literally saw someone say that violence is annabeth's love language when defending the judo flip and like?? tell me you don't get annabeth's character without telling me you don't get her character)
and then there's frank. he was chubby, which was good, but he was insecure about it. but then he defeated some monsters and suddenly he was blessed with muscles and stuff and he was no longer fat and he stopped being insecure which is kind of a harmful image for young kids who will grow up insecure about their weight..
going back to piper. rick clearly favored her but did not write her well at all. so much of the focus was on her and it was a good opportunity to show native american culture except she was sort of. embarrassed of it? and there was this one scene in blood of olympus with frank and her. since the time frank was introduced he was told he will bring his family full circle. but we don't see that scene in boo. why? bc the pov is of piper and instead of finding out about frank's.family, we're in her head as she's dreaming about jason and shit. I wish hazel got more page time she was so interesting. but she and frank didn't even get povs in boo which sucks. also frank was supposed to make a decision for percy that would alter the fate of the world and that scene was such a let down.?? all he did was convince percy to not go with the lost hero trio 😭😭
honestly the only good part of this series was frank, hazel, jason and especially leo cause hes my favorite character from. the riordanverse. not all series' after pjo are bad.. I like toa, kane chronicles and magnus chase as well (not as much as pjo) but yeah..
also chalice of the gods wasn't exactly good which I should have expected but I was excited bc I love the og trio so that was a let down as well
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askxigbar · 1 year
[[Waves, hello loves. Long time no see lol. I wanted to touch base.
While I can't promise I'm going to be insanely active, I can promise I'm going to try and update semi-regularly again. I've been catching up on lore, and just... RECONNECTING KINGDOM HEARTS~
But I recently posted a poll to my main and my art blog, and boy howdy, it was a startling percentage of people saying they missed my Xigbar and KH art?? Which I'm fine with, I love it and enjoy it mostly and I know it makes a lot of people happy. I've been told as much time and time again, and it means a lot to me, to know that!
God. The blog has been up for almost 13 years, and I've kept it because I see the steady notes and tags still. I read everything.
So what's the point of this post?
A reminder to everyone; if this blog is something you want to keep seeing? Reblog stuff. Artists don't get exposure from likes here on tumblr, we only reach what we can by posting it, and being reblogged. We only grow our audience by people sharing our work, or people stumbling upon it.
I'm trying to not come off as boo hoo pay attention to me, but I stopped posting because of low engagement. Straight up. That's usually why I dip lol. Why put in time and effort for something that feels empty? I may enjoy the process IMMENSELY, but it feels bad to put it out and feel like no one really liked it as much as I did. That's why I don't promote my ko-fi or patreon either - it makes me feel pretty worthless honestly lol
Tentatively I'm going to stick to my Saturday uploads. 11:29AM CST. I will probably reblog those pieces Tuesday and Thursday for maximum exposure - I'll probably have a tag if that annoys you. But that's the plan right now. I gotta save up for a new PC so I can do actual illustrations again without my PC making noise lol.
BUT FOR NOW... I'm going back to working on my vectored backgrounds for a sad ask because you bitches asked for it. I also found like six unposted asks whoops...]]
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See you around, kiddos.
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Cool Your Jets- Ch. 7: Tonight (Riff x newcomer)
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Mouthpiece and I race up the stairs, and when we reach my apartment door I can already hear the Jets’ heated arguments raging inside. I whip the door open, and find Riff nearly going head-to-head with Action.
“I’m telling you for the last time, Action: I ain’t getting soft!” Riff seethes.
Action just scoffs. “Really, boss? You’s so afraid-a getting locked up that we’re meeting up in your goilfriend’s apartment-!”
“Ahem!” By now the odda Jets ‘ve noticed us in the doorway. Riff gives a quick look of relief, while Action just scowls at me. “Since when did I invite you guys to hold a meeting in my apartment? Not only that, but Anita was complaining about-!”
“Oh boo hoo, the PRs don’t like it when someone invades their territory? Guess they can’t handle their own medicine!” Ice jabs.
“Quiet!” Riff barks. “Marilyn, I’m so sorry. ‘S just that the cops was snooping around the junkyard looking for us so we gotta stay low ‘til after the rumble.”
If I wasn’t so mad right now I might’ve felt sorry for Riff, ‘cause from the look on his face he seems like the rumble’s really getting to him.
“But boss, Tony did say to kinda tone it down…” Mouthpiece says anxiously behind me. “We gotta have a plan!”
My jaw drops. “Even Tony says this is a bad idea, guys! It’s a suicide mission!”
“Kinda what Riff wants…” A-Rab muddas.
My face falls. “What?” I ask with a shaking voice.
“When we went to grab the gun ol’ Riff shoved his forehead against the barrel to prove he weren’t chicken.”
“Riff…” My face displays a new kind of fear. “What in God’s name do you got running through your head?”
“Shut it, toots. Riff’s the toughest Jet there is!” Action gets in my face.
“Back down, Action,” Riff warns darkly. He groans and collapses onto my bed, rubbing his head. “C’mon, guys! Foist Tony, now you? I’ll think-a someth’n, just gimme some time.”
Diesel narrows his eyes. “Riff, we’re rumbling with the Jets tonight. Sooner or later you gotta tell us a plan!”
Ok, I’ve had enough!
I storm up and get in the Jets’ faces. “He’s think’n it out, so let him think! Clear out now, all-a yous!” I start ushering them out the door.
A-Rab sneers down at me. “No tiny broad is gonna make us do anyth’n-!”
“GET OUT!” Riff shouts from the room.
Now all the Jets’ eyes go wide and they all scramble out the door.
“And if I see you so much as snicker at my neighbors I’ll chop your ears off!” I look back at Riff, who’s slouched over and clutching his head.
“God, Lynnie. I can’t beat Bernardo with only the threat of a gun. I gotta find an edge so we can win, but what…? Even if we do win, I gotta stay clear-a the cops. I don’t wanna get locked up like Tony was!” Riff’s wild eyes look frantically around, like a caged animal.
“Riff, you’re make’n a mountain out of an anthill! If you’d just arrange a peace conference with Bernardo then ya wouldn’t have to sit through a splitting headache!” I throw my arms up.
He shakes his head. “Sorry Lynnie, but this is how city life is- no peace meetings, just rumbles. ‘S just I’ve never been this on-edge ‘bout a rumble before.”
I walk over and plop down on the bed next to Riff, then begin to rub his back.
He scrunches up. “Lynnie, whaddya do’n-?”
“Shhh,” I shush him. “You’re tired, so you’re gonna take a nap.”
Riff snorts. “I ain’t a five-year-old-”
“I know, but you’s still tired and you’re gonna need all your strength for tonight.
(Everything’s Alright from Jesus Christ Superstar)
Try not to get worried, try not to turn onto
Problems that upset you.
Don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight.
If we try, we'll get by
So forget all about us tonight.”
By now Riff’s laying down with his eyes closed, a blissful smile on his face.
“Lynnie, you’re just like a blanket.”
I scrunch my face up. “Why?”
“You’re soft, warm, and I just wanna wrap myself around you. So I will!”
He quickly sits up, wraps his arms around my torso, and brings me to lay down facing him.
Right. Next. To. Him!
Immediately I try to push away, but Riff just smiles at my sad attempts and pulls me in closer to his warm, toned figure.
“Riff- Let me go!” I squirm.
“Nope. I don’t think so. But ya could help with my headache,” he says as he gives me a puppy-eyed expression.
I huff. “What?”
“Sing some more?”
I roll my eyes. “If I do this, will you let me go?”
“No promises.”
“Ugh. That’s probably the closest I’m gonna get.
Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you
Myrrh for your hot forehead
Then you'll feel
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax
Think of nothing tonight
Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax
Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax…”
Riff drifts off with his head resting against my chest, so I can’t move too much. When I check the clock I’m a bit panicked to see that it’s already 5:00. Only a few hours ‘til dark.
I give a deep sigh as I run my fingers through his knotted hair. “Jesus Riff, why do ya gotta be so complicated? You ain’t a bad person, ‘s just you’s too stubborn to admit when you’s wrong.”
Soon I fall asleep too, and when I’m woken up I find Riff’s head has moved down to my lap- with his hazel eyes stare’n up at me with a soft smile.
“Hey, Lynnie. Me thinks it’s almost time to go,” he says sadly.
I look up at the clock. 6:30? Dear God it’s already dark out!
I look back down at Riff with a melancholy expression. “Riff… Are you sure? Do you really wanna chance this? Even you said yourself that you’s feel’n on-edge ‘bout this.”
Riff tilts his head. “Yeah, I know. But I can’t back down now with all the guys count’n on me. Like I said before: this turf is all we got left, and we gotta fight to keep it.”
“There could be more to life than gang fights, Riff. That’s my friend’s boyfriend you’s fight’n, so I’m get’n caught in the middle of it. Could ya at least try to talk to Bernardo?”
I see Riff shake the idea out of his head and then starts to get up.
“I won’t need to, ‘cause I’ll win. And even if I don’t, well…” He don’t finish, and I can already tell Riff’s been planning on this maybe be’n his last rumble.
I sit and stand up, pointing a scolding finger. “Riff Lorton, don’t you dare even consider dying! How could you even think that?!”
By now Riff’s standing too. “You don’t know noth’n, Jackson! You’s had a proper family your whole life! You can’t even begin to understand-!”
“Get out.” I point to the door. I’m done.
Riff frowns. “What?”
I jerk my head at the door. “You hoid me. Get. Out! I won’t hear any more-a this if you’s just gonna throw your life away! Now get out of my home!”
Riff looks at the door, then back at me, then begins to slowly walk out with an almost scared face. “Marilyn… I- I’m sorry. I- ‘S just… I don’t think I got much to-”
Ice rushes up and grabs Riff’s sleeve. “We’re meeting in Bottle Alley- right now! C’mon, the fellas are wait’n!”
Riff’s still look’n between me ‘nd Ice, as if deciding a major fork in the road of life. But I’ve given up on try’n to change his mind.
I gesture to the door. “Go. Just go. I’m used to being alone, why break tradition? Just go run off to your gang, Jet boy.” And with that I shut the door in Riff’s puzzled face.
Ahhhhhh! I internally shriek with a pained expression as I sink down into a kitchen chair. Jesus Marilyn, why are ya get’n your life tied around a random gang leader? You’re smarter than this!
When I hear a knock on the door I nearly scream. “What?!”
“Um, Marilyn? Are you alright?” A soft voice asks from behind the door.
My eyes widen and I clutch my chest as I go to open it. “God Maria, I am so sorry! I’ve been having a very difficult day, I didn’t mean to snap at you!”
The short Puerto Rican smiles and gives me a tight hug. “De nada, mi querida. Between Bernardo’s angry rants and Anita’s constant worrying this whole day’s been one big mess. But-” She hesitates, then looks around to make sure we’re alone. “You remember Tony, right?”
Being mad at Riff nearly melts from my mind when the thought-a Tony ‘nd Maria pops up.
I smile. “Yeah…”
Maria smiles back. “He- He loves me- I love him! He took me on a date today!”
My eyes widen. “Maria, that’s wonderful! You shoulda seen him last night, all luv-struck! He went of to find ya and I swear it was the sweetest thing I’d ever seen! But… But what will your brodda say?”
Maria’s face falls and she looks away. “I- I don’t know. Anita says to stay away from him, that he’s no good. But I love him, Marilyn!”
I bring her to the kitchen table and sit her down. “Well from my experience, sudden luv can be both a bless’n and a curse. Take it from me, family means everything to me. But it shouldn’t always decide your future. Sometimes you gotta go with your gut. In my opinion, Tony seems like the poifect guy for you, Maria.”
She seems to regain some confidence. “I think so too. I’m meeting him again tonight after work, and Anita’s got a date with Bernardo after the rumble so they’ll be busy. But hopefully Tony will be able to talk Bernardo and Riff out of the fight.”
I frown. “Talk ‘em out?”
She nods. “Si. He’s going tonight to try to stop the rumble. He promised.” Maria gets up and walks back to her apartment. “Sorry to rush, but I better get packing-”
“Packing?” My jaw drops. “You mean-?”
“Si, yes!” Maria grins. “Tony and I will be together after tonight!”
She shuts the door, leaving me thinking about just how much is riding on how well tonight goes for everybody…
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maximumcheese · 2 years
Dance of the White Tiger - A Snow Flurry at Dawn 6
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Subaru: —Here, this is the last special prize~☆ This stuffed shark’s kinda large, but it’s okay, right?
Ahaha, so you’re gonna carry it home with your friends. Then it’s fine, then.
Tsukasa: Please be careful when take it home with you. Thank you for visiting......♪
Koga: Hey, hey, shopkeep, we’re all outta prizes. We’re completely broke.
He must be pissed off that he lost that special travel voucher.
Rinne: Boo-hoo, my travel voucher…
Or what, you thought I’d be sad or something?
“I'm going on a family vacation with this!” the guy who won the special prize laughed happily.
This is a much better use of the money than my original plan to turn it to cash. I’m kinda lucky, ya know…☆
But I didn't expect it to be over so soon. That’s unexpected. That's what happens when a popular idol works as a shopkeep.
Here, here's your paycheck. Take it, you dick.
Tsukasa: Huh, you’re really going to give us one?
Rinne: What's with that face? Do I look like the kind of guy who makes you work for free, huh?
Koga: I could see it. “Gyahaha ☆ Who’d ya think’d give you that, adios!” then you’d hightail it outta there.
Rinne: When you say something like that, you’re gonna make Rinne-kun cry~
Subaru: Woo-hoo, pocket money ♪ It’s almost like a New Year’s gift…☆
Hey, hey, everyone, since we're at the shrine, let's go pay our respects! First visit of the year!
Rinne: I see…I got someone to watch the store, and I’m not busy right now, so I’ll go with you.
Ah. Can I visit some of my acquaintances while I'm at it? I gotta’ contribute to sales.
Subaru: Sounds good, I wanna tour all the food stalls. Street food’s always so delicious, it really feels special, you know? ☆
Koga: Well, we missed lunch so. Guess I’ll have something to eat, too.
Tsukasa: Me as well, I was curious about the Tornado Potato.
Ah, well. After all the Calories I’ve consumed, I shouldn’t eat anymore….Ugh…
Rinne: What you talkin’ about? These stalls ain’t gonna be here forever, so you don’t need any self-control.
Enjoy the moment. If you're on a diet, let your future self hang in there for you.
You don't want to live your life with the stupid regret of wishing you had eaten the tornado fries back then, right?
Subaru: Right, right? If you’re worried about it, I can eat half of it.
Remember last year when we were carrying around plastic bags? Let's just enjoy the New Year's food stalls, Cathy.
Tsukasa: …That’s right. Since it’s New Year’s, it’s just a matter of exercising again tomorrow.
Today is the last day to enjoy the food stalls…♪
Koga: …Haha. Red-haired kid, you could always say that you were coaxed into it.
But well, it's New Year's. Anyway, not my place to say anythin’ ♪
Time: After an hour
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Subaru: —Hey everyone, did you get your fortunes?
Let's show each other what we've got. All right, let's go~☆
Koga・Tsukasa: One, two~!
Subaru: Yay, I got a “Great Luck”! That means everything’s gonna be alright ♪
Koga: I got a “Medium Luck”. It says I’ll find something I lost soon, so that ain’t too bad.
Subaru: Nice, nice, we got lucky…☆
Hey, hey, Cathy, what’d you get?
Tsukasa: ……
Koga: Wow, he's down in the dumps. I guess he got a “bad” one.
Tsukasa: It’s the “Terrible Luck” below that. It says, “Everything you do will backfire.” Looking back, I've had a lot of bad luck today. I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you because I had trouble in our escape.
Thinking that this may continue for a while, it makes me depressed…
Rinne: Gyahaha ☆ It's not a lucky day to be losin’ a game so early in the year!
Give me the fortune you got. I'll tie it up so high that you can't see it.
Koga: Don't worry ‘bout the result. You’re just testing your luck, nothing else.
Rinne: Generally speakin’, when you draw that sorta thing you’re at rock bottom. After that, things’ll just get better, you know?
Tsukasa: I hope that is the case…
Hm? Who just tapped me on the shoulder—?
Aaaaaahhhh! Oneesama!
Koga: Hey you, what’s up with that shrine maiden look? …Helpin’ a girl that you know out?
Subaru: I see, so the business you had to take care of was a part-time job as a shrine maiden, then.
You’re always working hard as a producer, so I hope you’ll take a proper rest at least during New Year's?
Tsukasa: Regarding you, oneesama. Working as a shrine maiden must be a nice break.
Subaru: …Ahahaha, she’s nodding her head. Well, it can’t be helped ♪
Tsukasa:  I never thought I'd run into you by chance in this big town… It seems my luck has immediately improved.
Koga: See, it’s just like I said, right? …Anzu, you wonderin’ what I'm talking about? As a matter of fact—
Rinne: ……
(...I gave him the paycheck and went along with the visit to the shrine. It's about time to fuck off.)
(I’m gonna go grab some sweet sake, sounds nice. Adios, kids…♪)
Time: Some minutes later
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Rinne: (Somewhere I can chill out for a bit…here works, huh.)
(Damn, the booze’s really hittin’ into my system…Well, I've been on the move since before sunrise.)
(...Ah, that’s right. Let’s see what fortune I drew earlier.)
(I didn't want to open it in front of those guys. What did I get, what did I get…)
(Oh, come on, it’s just “good luck”. That’s so lackluster that it's hard to react, you know? But anyways—)
(Last year was so eventful, huh. If I can have a peaceful time now, maybe it's not so bad after all.)
(If I bring it back with me now, I'll just lose it, so maybe I'll wrap it up for later…Hm?)
Yo, Anzu-chan. What’s up, you need something with me?
…You said you were surprised to find me gone before you knew it? My bad, my bad ♪
I've got my reasons, you know. They and I just happened to be together, that’s all.
...Yeah, yeah, I had them help me out with the raffle.
Famous idols tendin’ a shop’s a great success! I had a lot of fun ☆
.....Hm? What’s this bag…a New Year's gift? You've got some nerve treatin’ me like a child, don'tcha? ♪
......A good luck charm? You’re sayin’ it’s a thank-you for getting you a stuffed animal from the crane game?[1]
Did I do somethin’ like that? Guess I forgot, sorry, Gyahaha ☆
Well, I'll take what I can get. Thanks, Anzu-chan.
“Traffic safety,” huh… I was expecting something along the lines of “Good luck in money” or “good health,” but guess I missed the mark. Why’d you pick this one? Stock clearance?
…Traffic safety’s the best for a dangerous guy like me?
Guess that’s right. A less dangerous me ain’t me at all, that’s someone else entirely.
That’s nice, I like it. No matter how much I misbehave, I know I’ll have Anzu-chan’s divine protection ♪
What, did you expect me to get all docile all of a sudden? Safe drivin’ is so boring, you’re makin’ Rinne-kun yawn over here~♪
I’m gonna deafen you with the sound of my wings again this year, so get ready! Gyahaha ☆
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This is a reference to Rinne's feature scout story.
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tsarinatorment · 2 years
Hi! This is totally random & meant in good faith but i see a lot of people say "Riordan made Nico gay out of nowhere/for diversity attention points only!!1!1" I'm wondering if you have any theories on this- when in the writing process do you think riordan decided to make nico gay and why him? also why will solace be the love interest?
Quite frankly, anon, I don't have a clue when he added that detail to Nico's characterisation. Unfortunately I'm not inside Rick's head, so there's only so much I can guess from the outside anyway, and even from that - when I first read PJO, I was a sheltered good little Christian girl at a Catholic school who didn't even know people could be anything other than straight, and while I took a big gap in keeping up with Riordanverse (I stopped reading after MOA for about a decade), when I did pick it up again, I'd already been spoiled on Nico's sexuality and Solangelo, so I honestly never had a chance to spot where Rick might have started trying to sneak hints in.
That being said, as someone who does work on original stuff as well as fanfiction, and therefore has a whole cast of original characters lurking in the back of my brain, it would not overly surprise me if it just felt right to make Nico gay (heck knows some of my own ocs like to surprise me with little factoids about them I was not intending in the first place). That being said, given the massive push for diverse representation in HOO (regardless of how well or poorly executed parts of it are), especially compared to the far less diverse PJO, I would also not be overly surprised if Rick had thought "I should include a gay character", looked at the interactions he'd already written between Nico and Percy, and went "that works, I don't even need to bring in a new character" (especially given how a lot of Rick's worldbuilding is full of glossed-over holes that he can conveniently fill later without contradicting himself too much; it's certainly not a world-building tactic I could follow - I get way too bogged down in the minute details which is why my original novel has existed for seventeen years but has never got past chapter four - but it's one he's mostly managed to make work for him).
It also works to pulverise/ostracise Nico even more, as though he's not been bullied by the narrative enough already... Rick, bullying Nico is now a very, very dead horse, it's time to let him have his happy ending and not throw him back into Tartarus, just saying...
As for why Will; honestly, I suspect there's at least one of two factors coming into play here. Firstly, Will is an already-existing character of similar age who has no narratively important links to the main cast. (Malcolm could also have fit, except for the fact that he's Annabeth's half-brother and given the whole Nico vs Percabeth thing, a child of Athena was likely out of the question). Rick did not need to pluck a brand new character out of the air, but Will was minor enough that he had a lot of space to expand and explore (which he has still mostly not done, I would add, and the scenes in BOO are painfully obviously setting up the ship - a little too blatant and sudden, if you ask me). Secondly, people love the opposites attract trope, and a son of Apollo is pretty opposite to a son of Hades, especially if the life/sun aspects are emphasised compared to the death/shadows ones.
I don't think he picked Will because Will could be Nico's personal healer, however - for starters, as I keep saying and will continue to keep saying, that's an incredibly unhealthy/toxic relationship dynamic, and throwing your one canon gay character into a toxic relationship... that's a really, really bad move. Also, we clearly see that not being the case in TOA - they have a very good, well-balanced relationship where Nico supports Will at least as much as Will supports Nico (if not moreso), and Nico is going to Dionysus for help, not dumping everything on Will and expecting him to fix it.
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nerdishpursuits · 2 years
Maybe I’m not the biggest Tolkien fan, I’ve read the LOTR trilogy and of course watched the movies several times. I’m really enjoying rings of power. Maybe because I’m not all deep on the lore? It’s basically the show taking the world building, mythology, etc Tolkien established and made a fan fic like show around it. I appreciate that they’re layering their interpretation on top of it while the characters we know and love are in the story so we have a starting point of understanding what’s happening. I for one REALLY MISS fantasy shows that have heroes and are hopeful! Unlike the gross mysoginystic and violent game of thrones type “fantasy”. I love reading your thoughts.
I’ve read all of Tolkien’s books and, imho, this is very much not the hill to die on. If this were the case, no book adaptations should be made. All authors should “roll in their graves”, their readers frothing at the mouth because said author’s legacy is being ‘tarnished’. I find stories are not a static thing. And the way we view and interpret them are quite different and bound to change as time goes on.
In my case? I’d not heard of this book series until the movies were released. I remember walking to high school back in the day and the poster for the Fellowship catching my eye. Especially Arwen and Galadriel, even if they weren’t center focus. I’ve always been drawn to fantasy so I was intrigued. I LOVED the movie when I went to see it. Was blown away, even. To this day it remains one of my favorite cinematic experiences. So, high on said feeling, I went and purchased the books.
Now. Imagine my utter disappointment when Arwen was mentioned but in passing (I think she makes it on a total of three pages in the entire LotR trilogy, if my memory serves me right) and Galadriel also doesn’t feature prominently. At least we got a little more of Èowyn, but even that was meager. Anyhow. Teenage me was totally expecting Arwen to save Frodo at the Ford. The fact that the books had that scene totally different? It was a huge letdown. Still, I continued to read the books. Mostly because I enjoyed the use of language.
That being said, I will always love the movies more. And it’s why, nowadays, I love the show. Teenage me would have be enraptured to see Galadriel as a main character. To see a youthful SHE-Hobbit claim center stage. To see a POC dwarrowdam played with such aplomb. Too have such cinematography oh the small screen. So, I welcome every AU fanfic vibe this show gives off. To me, it’s more than welcome. Gimme all the AUs. As if the Tolkien fandom isn’t awash in those. “The male elves don’t have long hair, boo hoo” . I’d rather they have short hair than being distracted by bad wigs. (they don’t make ‘em like they used to)
Not to mention, they don’t even have the rights to tell most of the stories related to this verse. It’s but a fraction of a very convoluted whole (most people need a guide to put the events of The Silmarillion into perspective; if I’m not wrong there was such a guide on Dumblr at some point, probably still is). However. Lo and behold. That’s such a thing as creative license. Praised be.
And like you mentioned. We have a few key characters we’re already familiar with. And a host of new ones that we’re getting to know. And it would seem, so far, that this show won’t take the route of shock value. Hopefully, it’ll walk its own path without gross misogyny and endless violence against women, nor will it abound in gratuitous bloodshed and gore. Which reminds me. This aspect is also one of the key factors that has me enjoying The Wheel of Time so much. Not to mention the leading character is sapphic (which in my book, makes it a 100% better).
Long story short? To me? Both Rings of Power and The Wheel of Time are an ode to beauty, especially when it comes to cinematic visuals. And they have strong female representation, each with her own agenda and definitely not there to prop up the male characters. Nor do they feel like token, afterthought plot-lines. Color me a happy viewer. I can’t stomach the likes of GoT anymore. Let’s have timeless stories where we root for the heroes, where we watch them make mistakes and grow, where we get to become invested in their journey without the entire “the moment a character is beloved they’re killed off” and “we’re staying ‘true’ to the medieval times and therefore raping and humiliating women is the norm” kind of nonsense. It’s fantasy for crying out loud. I miss the times when all the suffering of a character paid off. When there was a delicious slow burn to relationships and character arcs were satisfying and rewarding. I miss those days. I find myself hopeful, cautiously so, that we might see those days renewed.
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
Might Makes Wrong
Gliese Benral | Benral Hedge Maze | Present Night
Gliese, for all her tendency to snarl and slash at anything that threatened her, could be patient.
The blueblood could send her new necromantic constructs - far more hardy and mobile than her first ones, which had come apart with one good kick and and moved at a snail’s pace - out to patrol the corners of her hedge maze and report back to her. Creations of bone, magically improved dead flesh, and plants, they served her well.
She could have them trap a zombie, entangling her in thorny vines.
Gliese rode up to the struggling, flailing undead on her lusus, the psychic wearing a hard and satisfied grin.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here. The world’s shittiest undead. Any last words, chickie?”
Zeller looked at her with genuine fear in her mismatched eyes, her large ears pinned back.
“I don’t - I haven’t come close in weeks, love, what’s this about? I’ve hardly even seen Shedir lately…”
She sounded sad about it. Boo fucking hoo.
“Who cares?” Drawled the cuspy cerulean. “You’re here now, this is still my territory. I knew if I just waited a few weeks, your ugly mug would pop up again. Anyway, time to die, unless you do have some last words.”
“Wait!” said the woman, panicked. “I - I promise I was coming to tell you something helpful. About the mannequins.”
The hare troll’s eyebrows raised and she shifted her position on her lusus. The giant saber-toothed hare, despite his more limited expressions, looked just as dismissive as his charge. One lapine ear flicked idly as his daughter considered her captive’s words.
“Why?” Asked Gliese bluntly. “Why would you fucking bother? You know I want to kill you, and now I can, no matter what regeneration you have. As far as I’m concerned, I’m doing everyone a favor, especially me.” Her nose wrinkled as she recalled the undead’s attempts to flirt with her. Fucking gross.
“Please.” begged Zeller, some trace of an almost-familiar accent creeping back into her voice instead of the apparently false one she’d been using. What a dipshit poser.
“Please, the mannequins…you don’t understand how bad it is…you haven’t even been looking into it, have you? That other undead you were so busy with, oh my…I could feel him. Feel his power. A beacon…well, they’re like the hands of a beacon, but I scarce understand why or how.”
“Fuck’s sake, don’t be so cryptic.” Said the blueblood impatiently. “I don’t have all night. Really doing a shit job of convincing me to spare you.”
The plant zombies’ thorny vines gripped the lanky woman tighter and she cried out in pain.
“I’m not - not trying to be!” She said, almost sobbing. “It’s all terribly - augh - terribly tangled! I have trouble following it m-myself! P-please, just loosen…ack…l-loosen them a little…there’s a good girl…”
“Barf.” Said Gliese in disdain, but did so with a flick of her magic, a few blue lights swirling with the usual steady orange glow of her eyes.
“Thank you.” wheezed the zombie, her fancy clothing now mangled and shredded. “You really are…quite the stunner! Ha ha…I don’t mean that like I used to…no, you remind me of him…except better to look at, hahaha…”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re crazy, I get it, now get to the point.” Snapped the highblood. 
“Am I so daft? I guess I am…well, who wouldn’t be…I think I’ve earned a little daftness, for little old me. Little old Zeller had to see trolls dragged away…learned the hard way it was nearly her, for once it was lucky I got my kill stolen! Oh, they like suffering, I think…suffering without cause…screaming and struggling. They remind me of him too…” She trailed off, staring into the hedges.
“Maybe if I had been more like him, I’d have lived! Hm. Or maybe I’d have died…there must have been others who died, it’s been so long, and Tuuya is so much older than me, I hear…”
Zeller said the worm swarm’s name in a strange way; half longing, half jealousy, with a craving that had an ache to it. 
Gliese’s glowing eyes narrowed.
“Okay, I really shouldn’t give a fuck, and I will probably regret asking, but what the hell is your deal with them? You don’t seem to have met them but you’re fucking obsessed. Why?”
The stitched-up undead gave a strange and terrible sad needle smile broken only by a small pair of buckteeth. Her short wavy hair was all askew from her rough treatment.
“Well, dearie, you could say we’re connected.”
Wait. She had teeth like - ears like - hair like - regenerated from fire like -
“Oh holy fuck.” Breathed the blueblood. “No way.” 
Zeller nodded as enthusiastically as she could while trapped by vines.
“God.” Gliese groaned. “I knew I’d regret asking because now I want to know. Now I have to let your dumb ass live a little longer.”
“Ehehehehee…” Zeller laughed giddily and slightly hysterically. “Hooked, hm? Like a little fish? Yes, yes, you’re right…but don’t think I’m the first. No, not me. I was the second…worse luck. The first was him.” She said, and her voice became dead and grim. 
“Him…I won’t speak his name. Maybe Tuuya has said it…let it grime their lips and tongue…I never will again. I didn’t want the face he gave me either, so I changed it, changed the horns too…oh, it helped not an ounce, it didn’t…not when he came calling.” Her voice wobbled with fear and weariness.
“Yeah that’s super sad.” Drawled Gliese uncaringly. “I’m guessing that was your ancestor? Tuuya’s never mentioned anything about theirs, so I’m still in the dark.”
“Good.” Murmured the undead. “Good…let his name die, like he must have if they are free…yes, my ancestor and theirs. The Lifeweaver. Ha! Should have called him Deathbringer…but he failed after all, because I came back! I came back…” her voice trailed off and she scratched at her neck stitches.
“Yaaaaaaay.” Said Gliese in the most sarcastic deadpan. “Hey, question. How come you’re not worms like they are?”
“Because I was a failure, love.” Said Zeller with a croaky little laugh. “The genetics all wrong…the integration a cock-eyed mess…I lived! I ran away…I had never really wanted it.” She gave a hiccupy little laugh, then shivered.
“He dragged me back to finish it anyway…that’s when it happened. Slept so long, no one was left when I woke…no one except the empire nosing around my cavern. Well, they weren’t nosing for long.”
She had a gleeful, hungry look in her eyes that reminded Gliese why she had to kill this piece of trash.
“Cool story! You won’t get to tell it again.” Commented the blueblood, commanding her own zombies to crush the disgusting undead.
Zeller screamed and begged, but it wasn’t the jadeblood’s pleas that stopped the vines from further tearing her body apart.
Gliese simply hesitated to throw away a potentially useful tool.
Yes, she could make good constructs now, but she wasn’t quite at the level of making sapient ones. Plus, it would be shitty to ask someone alive, someone who actually mattered, to endanger themself trying to investigate this thing. 
If anything happened to Zeller, who gave a damn?
“Okay, here’s how it’s going to go, so listen the fuck up.” She said, intent. 
The zombie swallowed and nodded. Many of her stitches had burst or ripped and were oozing grayish jade blood, her limbs holding on by shreds that were slowly beginning to weave back together. 
Not nearly as fast as Tuuya could, the psychic noted. Zeller really was just a clumsy prototype. No wonder the flamethrower had stopped her for weeks, though sadly not killed her. 
“You’re going to only feed on whatever dead people you can find. No killing to eat. I’ll be putting a sensor on you so I’ll know if you do.” She said, eyes narrowed. 
“You’re going to find out as much as you can about these mannequins and report back to me. I want it written up, too. We’re keeping records, we’re doing this right. Put a single fucking toe out of line, say any more gross shit to me, and I’m going to find out just how good your regeneration is.” Said the hare troll, soft and deadly. 
“O-of course, miss.” Croaked the zombie, ears fully down and flattened against her head.
“Cool, glad we got that sorted out.” Said the psychic casually, almost pleasantly. 
The spiky vines slowly released the undead, retracting into the constructs who had captured and held her.
Gliese snorted in amusement at the bedraggled, woebegone zombie trying to put herself back together with shaking limbs as she hopped off her lusus. 
She took a few steps toward Zeller and prepared to cast the sensor spell.
The constructs’ vines reached in again with a cerulean haze of magic and the jadeblood flinched, but they didn’t wrap around her this time. Instead a pair of them wrapped around her mangled wrist, their ends weaving something together, and then withdrew.
A blue flower - a forget-me-not on its own slender vine - now circled the undead’s flesh.
“Don’t think you can destroy it.” Said Gliese with a dark chuckle. “Or take it off. That thing’s magic and it’ll outlast even you. It feeds on the remains of your own meals, that’s how I’ll know if you try any shit. And if you do…” 
She looked meaningfully at the zombie’s slowly regenerating arms, riddled with puncture wounds.
Zeller nodded, still shaky. 
Gliese didn’t bother with a final remark. The psychic merely climbed back on her lusus, and urged the saber-toothed hare to turn around and take her hive.
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Mom signed Bethy up for a like bajillion free backpack programs this month because she starts school in August. So Bethy got one bag yesterday and tomorrow she'll get 2 more from different places. All of them filled with school supplies. She's signed up for like another two next week cuz we can't afford to get her school supplies or even get her new uniforms that would fit her.
So Bethy goes back to school in a couple weeks. We're being kicked out of the motel on the 31st and have nowhere to go. Mom's bank account is bounced so terribly she's nearing $1K in fees caused by a certain someone being a dumbass. When her next check comes in, the bank is going to take all of it(and it still won't even be enough to pay off all the fees) which means we'll have nothing for the storage units which are over $600 in debt by now. And we can't afford to miss more payments.
We have to rely on food stamps and food banks outside of my Ko-Fi earnings which usually gets us gas and food when we're out of other options. Mom's food stamps are on the line because we don't live in a house anymore. We're just waiting for the bad news on losing them. Also, she gets waaaaay less in Delaware than she did in Pennsylvania even though DE allows more options I guess?
We have money for gas tomorrow because I've gotten 3 Novella commissions and am writing my ass off for them! I can't plan for anything beyond that though and I am sick and tired of hearing my step-dad whine about no food and no gas and no this and no that. It's not as if he's done anything to help us besides pretend to be interested in church to get people at Bethy's church to share our GoFundMe. They gave a few hundred like a month ago and it was used on the storage unit to buy us another month.
I'm also sick of him invalidating Bethy's pain. Her knee is still swollen from dislocation and she has to wear this elaborate brace for it. Her leg from the knee up is still suuuuper puffy and she has pain in her knee every time she moves it. She has to do all these exercises too just to strengthen her leg again. And yet this asshole is like, "I'll trade my pain for yours since you wanna whine so much." Like, bitch, she's a 15 year old and her knee was literally all the way to the side of her leg. The pain of it being put back in plus the subsequent pain thereafter isn't something she's used to. She's allowed to be annoyed.
But noooo, he has to turn everything into a fucking competition. My pity for his dumbass knee if long gone by now if y'all couldn't tell.
He failed his stupid diet he put himself on and no doctors will do the leg surgery he needs. He literally had to lose 60lbs and had 6 months to do it and still hasn't lost anything. But what he does do is waste money on shit he don't need and then whine about how he doesn't understand why he weighs the same.
Dude, you ate one salad and a peach once a week and then ate popcorn, pistachios, and chips every single night without fail. You wasted food stamps on shit you didn't need but are out here wondering why you won't lose weight. So no, he had one job and refused to do it. He walks on his injured leg all the time to do everything and has even tried swindling money for the dirt races out of people(so his leg is fine enough for frivolity, huh?) and had numerous chances to get swimming as a form of exercise. He chose not to.
My pity is gone. Boo hoo. I'm out here busting my ass and wrists to write 60,000 words just to get $45 and whatever tips I get on the side for the effort, and he sits there whining day in and day out.
Being homeless and trapped in an 8x8x10 room with 3 other people for months at a time is terrible. -10/10. Wouldn't recommend.
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erigold13261 · 11 months
📢Psychonauts NSR AU, Chapter 13: One Final Rock Song To Play📢
Milla and Sasha couldn’t believe on what had happened. Ford was Vision Quest, the output was forty-seven, and why did Gristol say that they were the new ‘king’ and ‘queen’? There were so many questions and so little answers.
“Oh Ford… you are that easy to fool.” Gristol spoke.
“Gristol, great… it’s you.” Ford responded with slight annoyance.
“You guys know each other?” Milla asked.
“Of course I did.” Gristol responded. He then turned to Ford. “You were perfect. Your rock was unstoppable!” He spoke. “But then you decided to go EDM. Well take a look around.” Gristol taunted as he pointed to the office. “Look at this, EDM no longer has a place here. Not anymore!” Gristol chuckled. “The age of EDM is over. Rock rules this city now!” He said. That made Milla think, that phrase… it was very similiar to how she heard it.
'The age of Rock is over. EDM rules this city.’
Milla knew that.
“Oh nice flattering, we saw the readings. The energy output those two produced is the same as ours.” Ford responded as he pointed to the rockers.
“The energy output? Who cares about the energy output?” Gristol dryly asked.
“I do!” Milla responded with anger.
“Yeah! We started this revolution for that reason.” Sasha replied.
“Oh boo frickity boo hoo hoo. What matters most is that we get to see how much of an idiot Ford is.” Gristol answered. Milla’s heart felt like a knife just grazed it. Was that his goal?
“Eat dirt you sack of potatoes.” Ford spoke. Gristol turned to him, and clearly was going to gaslight her.
“Don’t you understand how bad you’ve treated me, Vision?” Gristol asked. “I used to be your biggest number one fan! I supported you threw thick and thin! Everyone turned their backs on you when Septentrion disbanded, but I didn't… I stayed with you! That is how rock matters to me. That’s how much you mattered to me! And after all of that… …you gave up. You just gave up and took the easy way out. You abandoned what made you matter.” Gristol explained. “It was an insult to everything I believed in! You took my heart, broke it, and threw it in the garbage can.” Gristol continued. “Was my loyalty nothing to you? Not even the slightest bit?” Gristol asked.
“Ok, listen here Gristol. I don’t and never had gave a damn about you, got that? I. Owe. You. Nothing. And if that won’t make you listen, then I got two words for you buddy. Buzz. Off.” Ford responded. This made Gristol angry, but he kept his cool and went to use his tablet. Suddenly…
“Warning. NSR Satellite de-orbiting sequence initiated. Inbound in 900 seconds.” A robotic voice spoke.
“What did you do?” Ford asked.
“I was going to save this for a more meaningful day. But I felt like that this would be the 'meaningful day’ instead.” Gristol responded as he turned his head around.
“Gristol… what did you do?!” Milla asked.
“Oh nothing much, just look at the window.” Gristol responded as he pointed to the window. That is when Milla and Sasha look at horror. The NSR Satellite was heading towards tower.
“See? I’ve set NSR’s own satellite to plunge right into this tower.” Gristol responded.
“You… you WHAT?!” Milla responded in horror.
“Gristol. Fix this. Now. Or I swear to god I will—”
“Too late. The coordinates are locked in.” Gristol coldly responded. “I can’t do anything even if I wanted to… this is not one of these moments.” He dryly responded. Everyone was stunned by what Gristol had said. Sasha was shocked, Ford was angered, and Milla… well, she was surprised.
“Warning. NSR Satellite is re-entering the atmosphere.” The robotic voice spoke.
“Oh look at that face of yours. It is nothing but an expression of utter hopelessness.” Gristol responded as he took a picture of Ford’s face. “Now you know how it feels to be ditched, like me.” He spoke. “Ah, the scent of poetic justice. Now come on you guys, let’s leave this building… and watch Ford Cruller die inside.” Gristol said. That made Milla knew that it was wrong… this wasn’t supposed to happen. She wouldn’t leave someone to die. She had to do the right thing.
“No.” Milla spoke.
“Excuse me?” Gristol asked as he stopped.
“You heard me. No.” Milla replied. “What we are doing… is wrong.” She said.
“What do you mean by 'wrong’? This is exactly what we had set to do. To end NSR once and for all.” Kliff spoke.
“This is what YOU wanted. We agreed to end NSR’s ruling, but we didn’t agree to obliterate its tower!” Milla responded.
“But Milla, haven’t you forgotten your fans?” Kliff asked. “They all want you to destroy NSR! Remember, if we completely remove NSR from this landscape, you will gain total control over Vinyl City!” Gristol explained. Milla froze at that line. Total control. That wasn’t part of the deal… and she knew what 'total control’ meant.
“But… but we’ll be repeating history.” Milla responded.
“What did you say?” Gristol asked surprised.
“We’ve became the very thing we stood against. We’re doing exactly what NSR was doing.” Milla explained. “We're… the new NSR.” Milla spoke. Then suddenly, Milla realized it and it was true. What she and Sasha were doing… was exactly what NSR was doing. “Oh… oh no.” Milla spoke as she realized.
“Milla, you’re overthinking this, man! Eradicating NSR is the right thing to do! Don’t you understand?” Gristol snapped.
“Shut it you hacking weasel! I’m done listening to you! And if that won’t make you listen, then I got two words for you buddy. Buzz. Off.” Milla spoke, to which Ford was surprised what she said. Milla turned to Sasha. “Sasha! We need to stop that satellite. This is probably dangerous, but I understand that if you would rather—”
“I’m in. I’m going with you.” Sasha responded. Milla smiled at that response.
“Good. Now a plan of action.” Milla spoke. She turned to Ford, who had an idea.
“The only way to stop the satellite that is by getting my artists reclaiming their districts. Then we’ll have enough power to repel that satellite.” Ford explained.
“Got it.” Milla said as she and Zuke boarded on the lift.
“I need some time to ensure the safety of my personnel and evacuate them from this building. Can you two handle the districts first?” Ford explained.
“We can. You can count on us!” Milla replied. Gristol was not going to let them side with their 'rivals’. And immediately hurried to the three.
“You guys won’t succeed! Your fans will make sure of it!” Gristol spoke. This caused Ford to stop the lift, and lower it… and well…
“Ow!” Gristol said as he winced in pain by getting a kick in… a certain area.
When Ford, Milla, and Sasha made it to the top, Sasha and Milla reached to the helicopter to control.
“Once you’s reached the districts, head to the Grand Qwasa and rock you’re instruments, okay?!” Ford explained.
“I think I know where you’re going with this!” Sasha responded.
“Good, then good luck then!” Ford responded as the two flew off.
The first stop B2J made was Dream Fever, Lucky’s district. Looking down, they saw that there was spray paint of their faces, their symbol, their bandname. They saw the statues were ruined… the paintings were fine. But they knew what they did was wrong. The two looked and saw that the satellite was falling. That is when Milla got a text when they reached the Evenfall Gallery.
“Milla! Sasha! You need to stop this! You’re throwing away everything that we’ve accimplished!” It read. It was from Gristol. Milla turned her phone off and the two landed.
When they landed, they saw robots that had their faces spray painted on and that a generator was absorbing energy, and that the Evenfall Gallery was surrounded by a force field. Milla and Sasha defeated most of the robots and played their music, which changed their powers. Releasing Dream Fever. Suddenly, Lucky appeared.
“Okay, the district is mine, Sasha! Go help the others!” Lucky spoke. The two rockers nodded and boarded the helicopter to the next site.
The next stop was Metro Division, 1010’s district. The satellite was sort of nearer. Milla saw how all of the pretty faces of 1010 were ruined, and all of the machines were acting out of control. The next text Milla was from Gristol.
“Why are you siding with NSR? Don’t you remember what they did to this city?!” It read. Milla turned off her phone again as the two landed.
Once again, they defeated most robots, destroyed a generator which freed Barracca Mansion from it’s control, where Captain Oleander was waiting for them.
“Area is secured! You’re cleared! Go! Go! Go!” Captain Oleander ordered. Milla and Sasha saluted to the captain as the two boarded the helicopter.
The third stop was Natura, Lili’s district. The flowers were wilting, the plants were in poor quality, and the satellite was a bit closer, all because of them. The text that Gristol had sent had arrived.
“Guys, you’re smarter than this. Ford is only using you!” It read. Milla turned it off. And the two landed.
This time, all of the robots were destroyed, and the generator was broken, as well as the shield that freed Natura Concert Hall. To which Lili appeared.
“Thank you Bunk Bed Junction! You’re not that bad at all!” Lili bowed. Milli and Sasha couldn’t help but chuckle at what she said. The two boarded the helicopter and arrived at the next district.
The next district was Akusuka, Raz’s district. The satellite drew nearer and nearer and the lights weren’t shining anymore. And the Kura Kura Stream Hub was faintly shining. Milla got another text.
“Think of your legacy! Do you want to be known as the biggest failures of Vinyl City?!” It read. The two landed, ignoring the text.
The two defeated some robots, and were able to free the Kura Kura Stream Hub from it’s shield. To which Raz arrived, cheering them on.
“Go Bunk Bed Junction! You can do this!” Raz cheered as he gave a peace sign. The two smiled at his response. When they boarded the helicopter to their next destination.
Cast Tech was the next stop, and it was DJ CCC’s district. They saw how heavily damaged it was. Every image of DJ CCC was torn off, the statue was painted with reds and greens, they knew they had to stop this and that the satellite was building level close. Then a text arrived.
“Milla, I’m sorry, I really need to talk to you. Please.” The text read. Milla ignored it, and the two hopped off.
There was very little of robots and that the generator was easily broken by their music. And when it was freed, DJ CCC arrived.
“Seems that you Plutonians aren’t that bad. But now’s not the time to stay. Head to the Grand Qwasa. Hurry!” DJ CCC ordered.
The two headed to the helicopter. And went to their last stop.
The last stop, the Grand Qwasa. Milla and Sasha saw that the satellite was closer. And that a text from Gristol arrived.
“I WON’T LET YOU DO THIS!!!” It read. Milla had enough. And immediately deleted Gristol’s contact. After that, the two landed.
This time, they saw Gristol face to face.
“I don’t want to do this, but you left me no choice!” Gristol said as he summoned many robots.
They were hard to beat, as if the more robots they beat, the more harder it becomes. Cause every robot defeated, another is summoned. It was hard but that is when Milla heard a familiar voice.
Milla turned around and saw that Ford was back… alongside with his guitar. That is when… he playing the loudest riff ever, it was so loud that knocked out not only every robot, but it also knocked out Gristol as well.
“Thanks!” Milla responded.
“No problem, now hurry! Quick, you two! Get on the Grand Qwasa!” Ford ordered as the two hurried to the Grand Qwasa.
When they got to the Grand Qwasa, they saw everyone.
DJ Cold Comet Crispin, Raz, Lili, Captain Oleander, and Lucky… as of now. It was just the power of the two rockers, it was the power… of seven.
“There’s only one thing left to do.” Sasha spoke.
“Indeed. Come on everybody! We got to do this!” Milla said as she told the rockers.
“Bunka!” They started…
“Junka!” They prepared…
“Shakalaka!” They knew…
“BAM!” They rocked…
And suddenly, the NSR tower. Began to change shape by collecting many buildings. It turned into an arm, which in turned into a rocking formation, which when the satellite was close… the building struck it, causing the satellite to explode. Saving the people of Vinyl City.
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