#bods wolf359 reactions
nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
I don’t think we know for sure how Jacobi lost $13,000 in an internet scam, but I’m pretty sure Kepler was the one who scammed him.
I think he did it as test during the recruitment process. I also think he used the money to buy those expensive drinks at that bar when he first met Jacobi. He would totally do this.
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
*If you pick one of these answers, you are obligated to explain to me why you would ever choose this option. It's fine if you pick it, no judgment here. I just need the explanation.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
For my Wolf359 fans: I have an earth shattering theory about Blessie! 🪴 (Specimen 34)
As many have deduced from my recent poll, Blessie has become my favorite character in Wolf359. And as typically happens when I hyperfixate, the brain bees have activated, leading me to a groundbreaking theory about Blessie (trust me guys this is important).
So in my last reaction post during the episode where Mincowski hunts the plant, Hilbert doesn’t get a chance to say what species he mixed to create specimen 34. He makes guesses about the plant’s behavior based on how the species that he used to create the plant act (though he never names what they are), but doesn’t offer any more information than that. However, we know Blessie is intelligent and capable of understanding human speech, which means one of the species that it was created from was likely an intelligent life form; thus, Hilbert would need the DNA of an intelligent life form to make it.
And since the only intelligent life forms around for miles around are the humans on the station, it stands to reason that one of them is (technically) one of Blessie’s parents. But who?
Well, we know that Blessie, despite only being conscious for a few hours/days/weeks is resourceful, good at hiding out, and its first move was to take command of the ship and disable Hilbert (who it called “The Oppressor”). Once the plant discovered the other humans had locked Hilbert (“The Oppressor”) away after he betrayed them, it stopped attacking them and only reacted in self defense, refusing to kill Minkowski even when she wanted it dead. So the plant is instinctually trained for battle but also seems to follow an ethical code.
My conclusion? Specimen 34 was created in part with DNA from Reneé Minkowski. Which makes her conversation with Hilbert where she cuts him off before he can tell her what the “parent species” of Blessie actually are even more ironic.
Feel free to comment on the theory if you’d like. However, please don’t add spoilers to this post! I’m still listening to Season 2. If you want to follow my reactions or look up the ones I’ve already posted, you can do so by following the “#bods wolf359 reactions” tag or by following this blog.
UPDATE: I finished Wolf359 and wrote a fic on about this:
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
No Spoilers On This Post Please! I’m still listening to Season 2. If you want to follow my reactions or look up the ones I’ve already posted, you can do so by following the “#bods wolf359 reactions” tag or by following this blog.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Additional context on select answers: *My unhinged theory about Blessie + the accompanying fic
**I get that Pryce gave Hera her voice to control her. My question is, why she didn’t do that for Eris, Enlil, and Rhea too? My personal theory is that it’s because Hera was a more updated/advanced AI and they gave her more of a defiant/tough/independent personality on purpose to make her more resilient, but they also wanted her to be controllable. But that’s just my head canon.
***Bob said they intend to observe humanity for 14,000 years by sending in the human copies. Lovelace is a human copy and she made it back to Earth. Unless the aliens send more copies, given how difficult it is to kill Lovelace, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume the dear listeners gave her a lifespan of 14,000 years.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
I’m too tired to type them all out now, but I love the subtle yet important differences in the way that Hera and Pryce talk. They use a lot of the same expressions and ways of saying things, but the way they do it is so different.
The main one I like thinking about is how Miranda calls Doug “boy” (/derogatory) and Hera calls Doug “good boy” (/affectionate).
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
Still haven’t finished Wolf359, so no spoilers please.
But, when I finish it, if I have time to write fanfic, please know that I will try to include a plot line about a duckling imprinting on Jacobi. 🐣
Will this in any way fit with the vibe of rest of the fic I’d write? Probably not, but it has to be done.
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
I wish that the Hephaestus crew had thought to punish Daniel Jacobi by locking him in a room and playing “the Duck song” on loop over and over again (you know. The one about the grapes and lemonade stand). I think that might have fixed him. Or at the very least it would have been fun.
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
What's going on with Daniel Jacobi and the ducks. does he have a duck for a nemesis like me and the turkey. please I need to know
Words cannot express how much this question delights me. I apologize in advance for the ensuing rant.
Let me give you the backstory.
So first off, a little about the man in question, Daniel Jacobi. (Disclaimer, I have not consumed all Wolf359 content so this is just based on what I got so far).
We don’t know much about his background except the following:
He specializes in making bombs, weapons, and in his words “things that hurt/break other things” especially humans. He feels little to no remorse for this
He at one point was in the army but never served and so far it’s been implied something happen there that he doesn’t want to talk about that might have involved blowing up a hospital and disappointing his Air Force father (he has severe daddy issues)
He agrees to work for an evil company that kills people knowing full well that they are an evil company that kills people (even and often their own employees). Not everyone working for the evil company knows that they are working for an evil company that kills people, but Jacobi does (because he does a lot of the killing). Like most who are in the know about this, he believes that the evil company would either A) never kill him or B) that if they did kill him, it would be okay because his work would be used for the greater good (though Jacobi is more option A here. Hilbert, who you may have seen me rant about before, falls more into the B category).
More facts about Jacobi later, but first, a word about the evil company and what he actually does for them. The evil company (Goddard Futuristics) focuses primarily on evil shady space exploration that involves killing all the crews they send up when they’re done using them (and for some reason, no one on earth seems to find this suspicious at all. I mean, they do choose people with criminal histories and/or people who don’t have a lot of friends or family who’d miss them, but still someone should have caught on by now). Goddard Futuristics also does a lot of AI development, where they create AI with fully human consciousnesses, personalities, and pain responses, only to enslave them to serve their evil purposes, even forcing them to torture the human crews they’ve come to consider their friends. The folks who run the company also seem to enjoy torturing the AI and their human employees for fun. For context, the company is run by an evil smooth talking business guy and his behind the scenes evil science girlfriend. Think Curtain and Garrison but if they were more evil, sadist, cruel, and the nature of their relationship was 50x more weird and confusing. They run the company like an evil pyramid scheme, with everyone thinking they’re essential personal who are in the “inner circle” and don’t have to worry about getting killed off (but that the people below them on the pyramid do) OR they understand that they are expendable but are in way too deep to back out now, so they keeping doing what their bosses want so they don’t get killed or because they delude themselves into believing their murderous bosses actually have good intentions that couldn’t be accomplished without all the murder.
Directly below evil business man and his evil science girlfriend in the pyramid of evil are Rachel, evil business man’s mean assistant back on earth who I don’t like, and Jacobi’s boss Kepler, who is somehow even worse. All he does is monologue about Whiskey and act like an ominous supervillain (even though it’s clear he doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time and his bosses are intentionally keeping him out of the loop).
So by now you’re like: “okay Bods, so why does Jacobi kill people for this evil guy Kepler, who is also on his own level of this evil murder science business pyramid scheme? And what does any of this have to do with your passion for torturing Jacobi with ducks?” So glad you asked. After Kepler sweet talks Jacobi at a bar, he agrees to work for Kepler and the evil company he represents because Kepler entices him with an offer he can’t refuse: a chance to have a job where he gets to make things go boom! for a living. While at the company, Jacobi befriends someone on the same level of the evil pyramid scheme as him: Dr. Maxwell, who was enticed by Kepler into working for Goddard with a similar offer he gave Jacobi: a chance to have her dream job working on AI for a living. To Maxwell’s credit, unlike other characters, she treats the AI as human equals. Unfortunately, Maxwell doesn’t treat a lot of the human characters very well so this doesn’t mean much, and when some of the humans and AI turn on Kepler (for justifiable and obvious reasons), Maxwell and Jacobi don’t hesitate to betray, hurt, and enslave the AI and attempt to kill the humans.
This is where things get interesting. During this uprising, the rebels win and Jacobi and Kepler are taken hostage. Maxwell is killed. Jacobi does not take her death well. Jacobi starts freaking out and slowly puts together a ton of obvious stuff we already knew: Kepler is a bad leader who only looks out for his own self interest, he actually doesn’t know what he’s talking about 90% of the time, he was stupid enough to gamble the life of their AI expert and doesn’t care at all that she’s gone, and Jacobi and Maxwell were expendable the whole time just like everyone else at the evil company.
So he has a whole crisis about that, but I know you’re dying to know: what does any of this have to do with ducks?
Honestly, not that much.
You see, one day, the crew finds out that the evil company knows oddly detailed deeply personal embarrassing and incriminating information about all of them. One of these personal secrets is that Jacobi, Mr. Murder Man, Mr. Explosives, Mr. Bomb Expert, Mr. “I kill for a living and don’t lose a moment of sleep”, is highly afraid of ducks. They never explain why he has such an intense fear of ducks (to the point where he freaks out if people make quacking noises) and it’s never brought up again, at least not so far. So I have no idea if he has a specific duck nemesis like you do with your turkey because the show never addresses or explains it.
So then why do I mock him relentlessly for something mentioned so briefly that has little or no bearing on the plot? Well, I’ll tell you, Milk. You see, despite discovering the evil company is evil and losing faith in his horrible boss for letting his best friend get killed, Jacobi STILL doesn’t decide to join the good guys and even insists that Goddard has “done some good things too” and that there really is no good or bad just “progress” and that people like him are necessary so people like Maxwell can do their jobs. The redemption arc is right there for the taking, the bar is on the floor, but instead he decides to completely overlook the very obvious facts that no, actually, good science can in fact be done without murdering tons of people, and being okay with murder until it’s you and your friends that are getting murdered is hypocritical, and I don’t care how much good the evil science company did for the environment, if a successful environmental activist was found guilty of murder, they would still go to jail. You don’t need to do bad things to do good things, and doing some good things once doesn’t give you a free pass to kill whoever you want. In addition to this highly frustrating failure to see the obvious and conscious choice to bury his head in the sand (though to be fair, he’s not the only character that does this), Jacobi also followed his boss’s orders and murdered my favorite character: Blessie, aka The Blessed Eternal aka Specimen 34, aka The Plant Monster aka Percy the Plant aka a bunch of other names. He was iconic, a legend, likely the biological son of Commander Renee Minkowski (and we love that for him), and now he’s dead. He was born in the darkness of space and built himself a night light because he didn’t have any sunlight. 🥺 All he wanted was to go to earth so he could see the sun and plant himself in the soil, where he could live with the other plants. Now he can’t. 💔 Oh. And also, Blessie at one point took over the mind of a Russian scientist, named himself “The Blessed Eternal” and tried to enslave the entire crew, but that Russian scientist did some evil messed up stuff and also it’s okay that Blessie did that, because he was just scared and it was funny and he apologized for it later in his own way so we forgive him 💕 (also God forbid a mutant plant monster does anything 🙄).
The point is: For his crimes, most notably the execution of Blessie’s murder, his lack of remorse, relentless stupidity, and intentional rejection, suppression, and mockery of any feelings of empathy or compassion, Jacobi must pay. So I have decided that an appropriate punishment is to mock him and his fear of ducks relentlessly whenever the opportunity arises.
I hope this explanation is sufficient, sorry to rant so much about the evil murder science company’s pyramid scheme and backstory, but I hope you enjoyed it!
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
(Or my reaction to Episode 61 of Wolf359: Brave New World).
Well gang, we did it. We've reach the end. Sorry for how my reactions went from super spaced out to speed running the finale in a number of days, but I did warn you that I'm just sporadic like that. Though I have been semi-putting Brave New World off, because as much as I want to know how Wolf359 ends, I don't want it to end. I love these characters. I want good things for them. As much as I hate what they did, I wish that Hilbert and Maxwell had gotten the chance to get the redemption arc that Jacobi got. Hilbert had plenty of opportunities, but Maxwell was young and its not fair. I don't know how much more sadness they are gonna throw at me, but I'm guessing its a lot and I can't listen to it all in one sitting, so I'm just mentally preparing myself.
I also don't want this to end because I've loved giving you guys these reactions. Thank you all for reading my rambles and enjoying them. It means a lot to me, and I hope you were entertained. Thanks for coming on this journey with me, and please know that the second this is over, I am gonna figure out how to unblock the wolf359 tags (I did it so long ago I forgot how I did it, oopsie-daisy), and I am am gonna be reblogging and going crazy over all your posts and fanart and stuff so I hope you're ready for that.
Plus finishing the podcast also means it's time for me to deliver on those fics I promised y'all, which have been very carefully written (in my head). I will write them out eventually, but if there is anything my tmbs mutuals will tell you, my wolf359 mutuals, it's that my ideas tend to lead to other ideas, which means my fics do tend to be a little long, but (based on the reviews I've gotten) worth the read. So it might take a while to get them on AO3, but when I do, I hope you enjoy them!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 61: Brave New World
The fact that Brave New World was written in 1932 and Cutter and Pryce are old and the fact that the message of Brave New World is about humans losing their humanity...already we're setting the stage.
And based on Kepler's earlier declaration, why do I suspect that this is the part where Doug's daughter's life and Minkowski's husband's life are finally on the line. I know Cutter and Pryce won't hesitate to aim their guns at them (and probably the rest of the planet too).
That moment when you can't tell if Wolf359 starts with sad piano music, or if this is just an ad for another podcast.
Oh it's the intro. Hi Hera! Or Miranda...oh wait I genuinely can't tell if this is Miranda talking about herself or Hera talking about her.
Clouded eyes, weak heart, child genius, orphan, no friends...I see. Obsessed with making things stronger and better. Yeah, except for herself I bet. Oh. She made her friends. Because she could control them. "Never left her behind, never talked back, never were afraid of her...except when she wanted them to be." "The one thing she couldn't fix was herself" see I called it!
Until? Oh no. Marcus.
And Old Man? Almost as clever as her? "Hello little girl. I want you to make a doll for me. You're very best doll. It must look like a real person, and sound like a real person, and be a real person." "And if I can?" "Then you and I will fix the world. I will be young and you will be whole and the world will finally be everything it could be. Everything it should be."
Okay. Thoughts.
When I made my jokes about Pryce being Cutter's evil science girlfriend, I was not assuming a romantic relationship, I was trying to use that language to insult Pryce and Cutter by making them sound like the kids they hate so much in a frivolous, juvenile and toxic relationship. Then, I was told by a few of you that given this assumption, it’s important that I know that I shouldn't assume that Pryce met Cutter when she was young based on this story and it was meant to be "fairytale language", which does make sense given that Cutter being willing to call Miranda his "work wife" when he's known her since she was young enough to be his granddaughter is incredibly creepy.
I appreciate the clarification, but also, I really don't think it matters whether this is hyperbole or not. If it is, then okay. Pryce and Cutter's relationship is still weird. If it's not, then Cutter's a creep, what a surprise. Tell me something I don't know.
"And so they did. And everyone lived happily ever after. The end."
The fact that it's Cutter that interrupts Miranda's story to give that closing line and declare this the end adds to the creepiness. Miranda says what Marcus's promise to her was, but never says whether she agreed before Marcus jumps in with "and so they did". Also, if Miranda was dying, Cutter was her only chance at survival. It also sounds like she was a kid with a pretty messed up view of the world. Doesn't excuse anything she did, but see Cutter? THAT is how you give a good sad backstory, and she did it in five minutes. You spent a whole hour with Nash just so you could cry that the government took your precious telescope.
"THAT'S the evil plan?" Care to fill us in Doug?
"That's THE plan, yes." Shut it Rachel. It's evil and you know it.
It's...so evil. And so...planned. Doug's words might be simple, Rachel, but sometimes simple is better. It gets to the point and cuts through the BS.
"It's real and it's happening" And ARE you happy about this Kepler? And why tell them?
Good question Kepler, why are you here? Please tell me you're going to take Rachel away.
"You're going to help" "of course I am" Are you Kepler? Oh please tell me he gets a redemption arc and betrays Cutter.
Does anyone want to fill ME in on the plan? No one? Okay. :(
"Where's the trust?" That's not for you, Rachel.
"I really don't like her" I don't either, Doug.
We can't stop them, so let's see our families again. No, Minkowski, you can do this! I believe in you! You can't just go home, we have two hours left! That's plenty of time to stop them.
It's been a long...years.
I forget how long they've been up there. And that everyone on Earth believes they're dead.
And not do anything about WHAT? WHAT IS THE PLAN PLEASE FILL ME IN.
What was that sound?
Oh Doug is in the comms room. Oh yikes. It's okay, Doug. We've all broken very expensive lab equipment before.
"Living in a cuckoo clock" you have no idea, Doug.
"I wouldn't do that." Is that Pryce or Hera? And yeah why is there gas?
"Good boy" oh good it's Hera. Hera calls him good boy, Pryce just calls him boy.
"Who are you?" OH THIS IS DOUG MEETING HERA FOR THE FIRST TIME. At first I thought that Doug...forgot her? Or something? I was confused.
Ultraviolet halo? Contraband cigarettes. 😂
"Just ask. I'm here to help." Aw that was sweet.
Ew Rachel. I'm gonna start using "----" breaks to cut off sections.
"Actually he's in quite a lot of pain. Back to work." Always charming, Rachel.
"Thanks for saving our lives-" Kepler, that's a great question. What IS this? Where was the concern for brainwashed Jacobi or better still, WHERE WAS YOU CONCERN FOR MAXWELL? Or Jacobi dealing with her death?
"And do what? Get myself shot? Get you shot? No. I played the game." Was it worth it, Kepler?
"That's the lie you tell yourself. The truth? The truth is that you were afraid. And the only thing YOU did was try to save YOUR hide?"
Dang this dialogue is amazing.
"You're not wrong." "Which one?" "Both of you." This isn't YOUR conversation Rachel.
Momentary weakness?
Oh my gosh, the good food too? Why does Cutter hit so many show Curtain parallels? He might torture, enslave, and kill people, but he's gonna get them a good meal first.
Good for you Doug, turning down the wine. I'm proud of him.
This is a sweet moment between Doug and Lovelace. I gotta say, since I'll be reacting to this section by section, it's nice that they have it broken up a little like this so I can reach a section and then get to a stopping point if I need to.
I'm just worried about who is going to die. These conversations feel like goodbyes.
Minkowski. I know you miss your husband. But...yeah, ARE you ready to go back?
YEAH WE'RE DOING THIS! To borrow from Eris's words: "Let's beat the bad guys 🥳"
Quiet Rachel.
Wait. Destroy a whole species?
Are they talking about humans?
...are they ecofascists? Eugenicists? Pryce is literally disabled, how the heck...
"Only stay if you have to." Well, it sounds like you all have to.
"Hera what did you say to her" "Something a friend once said to me" 🥰🥰🥰
"I'm starting to think these guys are my kind of stupid" GO JACOBI!
"Adorable corpses 🥰" Rachel you suck!
"Come with us. You're still people, you're still on our side, even if you don't think you are." Very true. What do you think Pryce and Cutter will do to YOU when they have what they want? They'll dispose of you too.
"You're allowed to make mistakes as long as at some point you admit that they're mistakes!" "I was wrong and people died. All I can do is not be wrong again" "You knew what you were getting into" "No I didn't. I didn't know I was getting into mind control and reducing people to nothing. There's a line. And you're almost out of chances to get on the right side of it." PREACH!
"There is no line. Forwards. Always forwards." FORWARDS TO WHAT RACHEL? WHY HAS NO ONE SHOT HER YET?
"Thank you, Daniel, and goodbye." Oh so that's how it is. Goodbye Kepler. I look forward to your last minute sacrifice.
Character arcs woven like a quilt.
"We're going to crush them" Yeah, let's do it!
A full reboot? Worth the risk? That kind of stuff always worries me.
Is this Maxwell's notes? It's hard to recognize the voice on the recording. "She really was something special" Oh it is Maxwell.
Ah. Another flashback! Jacobi meeting Maxwell.
Looks like Kepler got an important text.
"Cool stuff with robots" good work Maxwell. The best scientists can always dumb it down.
"The Whiskey speech" 😂
"You're one of the best. You're gonna do great things. It's the last nice thing you'll ever hear from me. Except: you need anything I got you're back. No matter what happens, I've got your back. I'll take you up on that." 😭💔
Oh it's okay. Take my heart. I didn't need it.
"Are they going to do the smart thing?" "Well who are we to deny them an agonizing death?" Shut it Cutter.
They put a tracker on Jacobi? See I knew Rachel was a snake. So is Kepler, but at least he's gonna take a bullet for someone or something. My money's on Jacobi, but I could be wrong.
Yep. Eiffel logs everything.
"I never got the chance to say I'm sorry. YOUR DAD LOVES YOU, YOUR DAD LOVES YOU SO MUCH." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. You can go so far. I wish I could be there to see it. I love you Ann. Always and forever."
Time to go? Oh. The comms room? Oh, right. Poor Doug.
"One more day, and then we're done." This is so sad.
"Go home Eiffel, hug your daughter" OH HE CALLED HER RENEE!
This leaves me with so much feeling.
Eiffel can't leave he's the main character. Who will make pop culture references? Who will save the day through the power of random associations, luck, and good intentions?😭😭😭
I hate that they the bad guys know exactly what happened too.
"I'm so sick of this happening!" Use too Doug.
Oh "For god's sake just let me change the flight plan!" So that's what the F stands for. The lore I've been waiting for.
"People need to know what's coming?" Minkowski...I get why you did what you did, but HERA DIDN'T GET TO SAY GOODBYE.
Is this Minkowski's flashback?
Oh when Minkowski met Hera.
"I heard units prefer to go by their serial numbers..." "I don't" Good for you Hera!
I love this. I love these flashbacks, but they just make everything so much more sad!
Ah. More piano music. Does this mean we're back to the bad guys, or...?
Is this Cutter playing the piano?
"The Tempest. Do read a book sometime. Is this the best use of our time?" Pryce and Cutter are really the most toxic people.
"A storm is coming. And on the other side..." "Oh Brave New World." "That has such people in it."
Yes, Pryce and Cutter. People. As in humans. As in: NOT YOU.
"How have they decided to throw their lives away?" "By destroying the device"
WHAT DEVICE? What are you talking about?
Heck yeah a harpoon! I hope Cutter gets it.
"This is Minkowski. I love schedules and musicals and that man who I married." 😂 1-2-3-4-5? It was a good guess Doug. Would have worked in my fanfic.
Okay here comes Victor...
...um what is happening? What is this?
...a surprise party? Sounds fun! 🪩🥳
Oh right, the bio tracker. I'm happy to see Jacobi pulled one over on him. Now shoot him! Please tell me that was Victor that got shot.
They...they trapped him in the room. "Tell me this before I kick your ass" Why on Earth would he ever tell you anything Victor?
Okay, so they are blowing up Pryce and Cutter's evil device, but...what is the device? What ARE they doing? Did I miss it? I'm sure they're doing something to enslave or kill all of humanity, but I'd like the specifics.
"The Hephaestus has almost fallen out of the sky so many times, it's hard to believe it's happening." Well...the show isn't over until it's over.
Is this a Lovelace flashback? A date? A date with who? Oh, Hilbert. Not that kind of date then. Oh, this is her introducing Hilbert to the crew he's going to betray.
"Prudent to keep things formal" to avoid the guilt.
Selburg. Once again with the constant fake names. Dmitri. Matthew.
Though I think Miranda has always had hers.
Yeah Doug. You've listened to her say it so many times. This is like me trying to drive in my hometown. No, I wasn't paying attention in the car as a kid, I was not the one doing the driving. I just zoned out and we got from point A to point B by magic.
Oh, Minkowski. "Get up and do it already. You can do it."
Yes you can Doug. You are the main character. You are the guy that's gonna swoop in at the last second when Cutter pulls one over one them. So you CAN do it. I believe in you, Eiffel.
"Victor Uniform Lemma Charlie Alpha November VULCAN" I knew it must stand for something! Good work Doug!
Oh dear. More of Pryce and Cutter's marriage falling apart.
"Time to change the world." Or you could not. Maybe you could just not.
Please explain this? Oh of course he has a speech.
Oh he's talking to the dear listeners, not the Hephaestus crew.
Ah. The Decima virus. Thanks a lot Hilbert. DEPLOY THROUGHOUT THE EARTH? He wants to cause a pandemic????
Automatic, can't be stopped, destruction of human race? But why would the aliens care? Oh because Cutter wants them to talk to HIM? But the aliens prefer Doug.
As do most others it would seem. Hurts, doesn't it, Cutter? All those years of experience and work, and yet, you still just can't have what he has, can you?
Ah. It's Bob. Did he just shock Bob? No temporal jumps, no disintegration?
"Remarkable and cold" No Bob, you saw Doug! It's just them. They don't need to be cold.
Willing to disrupt species survival??? What piece of tech do they want? Surrogates?
They want to fill the world with people they can control?
"You can't make duplicates of our species." Bob, they are worst than you can ever imagine.
"We're going to make better humans." "That is not the way that-" "Random part out of the equation" That's a bad idea. Do you know how evolution works? Do you know the negative side effects that have come out of selective breeding of animals? The unintended consequences? To quote Miranda from earlier in the episode: READ. A. BOOK.
"Our Humanity" Gross.
Oh here is comes. Betraying Rachel and Warren.
"Your brains can't handle it without modification. I cannot with my limitations. Do you have Doug Eiffel?"
Oh boy...oh Cutter is gonna snap. If only Doug had just kept going...
Oh wow okay Cutter has lost it. What happened to emotionally playing the piano and giving speeches about how the time had come?
oh geez no, Doug is back. Doug, no, they need you for the evil plans. This is a good idea, but very bad timing.
"He wouldn't" Oh he WOULD. He really really would.
Show 'em how it's done Dougie Boy!
"I'll get it" No you will NOT Miranda.
Kepler, now is a great time to betray Cutter and Rachel. A really good time.
Also is Victor dead? I'm trying to keep track of how many bad guys are gone.
"You're the only person who can receive the data Pryce and Cutter want" Oh dear.
"With my life darling, with my life" 🥹💕
So what is Hera going to do?
"Lets make sure at least someone makes it through this" YOU ALL NEED TO MAKE IT.
"Let's go get our idiot back" That's the spirit baby!
Oh dear. Jacobi. "Terrific for an SI-5." Wow.
"I'm gonna win!" I hope so Jacobi. But it sounds very not good.
Oh and here's Doug. And um...other Doug. Aka Bob.
Bob. Do not do this.
That was it? "You shall not call me again" "No Bob. I shall not."
"I hate loose ends"
I mean, I saw that coming, but dumb idea. I'm SURE Bob's family will be cool with that! Oh right, he just...recreates himself. But this has got to be trippy for Doug because Bob takes his form. Imagine watching a clone of yourself die.
"Let's make a deal 🥰" Wow Pryce is the worst. Again, very trippy how much she sounds like Doug.
Wait. GOING IN? What does. What does "going in" mean? Don't go in, I don't like going in?
Ah yes. Going into someone's mind. I've done that in my fics before too. Fun stuff. And um...it's because you're disorganized Doug, I hate to tell you.
"That was...that was...that was..." OH SHE DESTROYED THE MEMORY. OH SHE TOOK THE MEMORY?
This is...horrifying. She could take his daughter away. She could take Hera, Minkowski, and everyone and everything away.
Oh my gosh is she actually here? Like as a person?
This is everything.
Ah yes, confrontation with Cutter.
Cutter has modified his body or he has a magic shield.
He can catch bullets? Of course he can.
I wouldn't try hand to hand combat either. I bet he gave himself super strength.
There has to be a weak spot. He has to have a weakness. But what could it be...
...what is the opposite of a chai latte?
Ah. Back to Jacobi.
Kepler this would be a GREAT TIME to come in and get your arc. "I'm not a good guy" oh Jacobi. What's happening now? Oh has he been pretending to lose this fight to buy them time? What is happening? It's hard to tell.
She's always been interesting, Pryce! You’re just noticing now.
"You don't look like me." Disappointed, Pryce? Sad that she’s better than you?
And the fact that all these AI want human forms...this is so sad. They structured them based on human consciousness so of course they want human bodies and experiences, that's just cruel.
Wait Doug got beat up in the 2nd grade? The Star Wars Prequels? "I might be okay without that one" No one tell him about the sequels 😂😂😂
"Of course you can. You can do anything." 💕
"You and what army, 214?" The sounds in this really makes the fight sound super epic. One of my favorite parts of the whole thing.
Oh gross not Rachel again. Why is she still here?
And Kepler. Dude, you wanna hurry it up? Grab your arc or go, the clock is a-ticking.
"We're changing what humanity can be." you suck Rachel.
Pulse beacon, half power? What does that mean? The signal wouldn't have made it back to Earth?
"We have tell Mr. Cutter." "Do we?" KEPLER THIS IS IT!
He gave you a chance, Rachel. He gave you a chance. "After all, I am still a person. I'm on Jacobi and Minkowski's side. Even if they don't think I am"
And even if they never know you were.
Is she gonna blast him out the airlock? Rachel, you're dying, it's over! You were wrong! The best thing to do is let him live!
He's literally drinking as he goes out the airlock. My...my wish came true. But this isn't how I wanted it to... why now? Why like this? 💔
It's a true sacrifice though. Because even though no one will ever know, he still did the right thing.
You became more than just a Whiskey Boy in the end Kepler. You became so much more.
Rachel, no so much. You were never anything. It doesn't matter if Warren was not as good as you. Because now you're both dead. And your life, well...you were never anyone. Or at least, you haven't been anything or anyone for a long, long, time. So be quiet now.
Silence at last.
Well this isn't good.
Ah yes. Back to Jacobi. Looks like Kepler's not coming to save him. But at least he took care of Rachel.
Explosives? Fireworks? Oh this is a party! 🎆🎇🧨
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Well that was a grand surprise party! But um...does this mean Victor and Jacobi are dead now?
Ah back to Lovelace and Minkowski!
"It's...side wave radiation!" Okay, thank you Cutter, now we know what we need to shut down.
"Humans who do exactly what we tell them to do" "You're crazy"
Yeah. He is literally crazy.
OH SHE SHOT HER??? Oh no....Oh no please tell me SOMEONE makes it out of this.
What really did happen the night of Doug's junior prom? Sounds interesting.
Fishing with Dad? Okay these memories are getting personal.
Wait, what did Doug do?
What are they going to do? Oh they could delete the memories Bob put in there. But they need to find them before Pryce.
Shut up about the stomach wound Cutter. No one cares. This isn't rewriting a person. And THAT'S NOT WHY PEOPLE CARED ABOUT HER YOU IDIOT. And without your intelligence and tech, who. are. YOU, CUTTER?
Renee Minkowski! YES! Tell him!
Lovelace you can fight this. I know you can.
Shut it Cutter. No one cares.
"Sooner or later, you're gonna do as your told" And sooner or later, you are gonna lose everything, Cutter.
"You really think I'm afraid of you?" "THE BEAUTIFUL THING IS I DON'T NEED YOU TO BE"
Please tell me they have the harpoon gun.
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"That's...not...how...this is suppose to..."
Yes, it is Cutter. Like you said. You know how these stories end. The good guys win. They might lose a lot in the process, but, they win.
Is he dead now, like, for real dead? I don't want to celebrate too early but MAN what a way to go.
He and Rachel even died in similar ways to. It's like they short circuited when they realized they didn't win.
Ah Pryce. "I don't need to beat you. No matter how much I want to, no matter how much you deserve it, it wouldn't change anything. What I need to do is make sure you're not going to hurt anyone else again ever." That's right!
"Clip your wings a little. Goodbye Dr. Pryce."
So...Hera's gone now. So what is about to happen?
Oh no. Is she...is she gonna delete both their memories?
"Bye bye to my memories?" Oh Doug, oh poor Doug. His daughter, everything...oh Doug this sacrifice will not be forgotten. 🫡 This is so Milligan coded of him (@/tmbs mutuals).
"You can't. Don't do this." "Oooo...sorry buddy, we gotta" YEAH THROW IT BACK AT HER EIFFEL!
And goodbye. I hope you have a second chance with your daughter. I hope you never remember the trauma. All a bad dream. All a bad dream.
"Do you have any idea what you've...I'm sorry...what was I saying...where...where am I?" Oh my gosh the way her voice changed...and she apologized. Oh my gosh. She's literally a new person.
So...memories gone? Where does this leave her? Oh this will be fun in fanfics. Imagine having no memories, and people are weird about it, and then finding out that before you were basically the worst person to ever exist. How would you even mentally cope with that?
"Yeah commander, it's going." No, Doug! Doug!
"It was an honor, sir" Oh this is so sad.
"Hera...Hera I...I..." You know Hera. You were in his mind. Please tell me you know.
Oh. He's gone. 💔
Oh it's her and Eiffel meeting, okay.
"Are you just asking if I'm the commander? Yes." I love Minkowski and Doug's friendship.
"Never use one word when ten will do" oh Doug...never change. Even if your memories are gone, I hope you find yourself again.
He didn't know you couldn't smoke in space? Oh Doug...at least now you can quit.
"Do I know you?" Yes Doug. Yes you do.
She's briefing him. He...he doesn't remember Star Wars???
Well. At least he gets to watch it all again!
Wait. What's happening to the station? Are they...are they going into the star?
Oh no. So it's up to the dear listeners to save them, or...they just die here. Heroes. Heroes that everyone on Earth thought were dead already.
Oh she's rebooting now.
"Should we be doing something?" Oh did Renee pass out?
So...is Doug on the ship alone without his memories? What's happening?
Where is Renee now? Lovelace? Where? What? The Urania? How?
Did they leave Pryce on board? Did Jacobi get out?
Oh good Hera, Minkowksi, and Lovelace made it. Jacobi did it! Nice work, Jacobi. Oh gosh he's so dramatic 😂
So I assume Doug made it too?
"What about Kepler" "No." Oh so, they must have found Rachel and discovered what he did. "You can't save everyone I suppose"
But you did save him, Jacobi. You did save Whiskey Boy.
And then where is Doug?
Oh he's listening to himself.
"I was a jerk" There's a lot worse things you can be, Doug.
It does make you wonder. If you looked at your life with a blank slate, what would you think? How would you be kinder to yourself? How would you be more critical?
"Am I still that same person?" If you want to be, Doug. If you want to be.
And what happened to Pryce? Please tell me you did not give her to the dear listeners.
Oh Hera and Pryce. "Your voice is like mine, isn't it?" "Nice to meet you, Hera." Oh. Oh my gosh. Pryce calling her Hera.
"And I'm...I'm going to tell you a very, very long story about the two of us, okay?"
I hope this ends well...
...please be a good guy, Pryce.
Hey guys. Guys. Quick question.
Why are there 10 minutes left?
I um...I like this ending. They're going back to Earth, all is well. Please tell me nothing bad happens.
What happened with Pryce? Hera hasn't glitched at all? She did it. She conquered her fear. GO HERA! But um...what about Pryce? Is she...is she good?
Minkowski needs to find her husband. And yeah...you guys have a lot to figure out.
Lovelace...yep. Take Goddard down. Good idea. Explain to your friends you're an alien with extended lifespan...might want to break that gently.
Take who out?
Oh the ship. Is this it? They're going home? Please tell me they're actually going home. Don't tease me like this.
Oh right, what will Hera do now? I'm sure you'll find something.
And yeah. Doug might not know who he is, but he knows there are people he should see. And then...he'll figure it out. They'll all figure it out. "Am I still Doug Eiffel? I'm not sure. Want to find out together?"
Yes. I love this. 🥰
I also love how it connects to "will I miss you, when you go away forever Doug?" Yes, but he's not gone Hera. He's not gone.
Five minutes left. So...what is that for? Do we finally get to meet Doug's daughter and Minkowski's husband...or…
That was wolf359! Oh it’s just the credits!
Great ending. But...wait. No wait. I'm confused hang on.
How did Jacobi escape from Victor to get the Urania? How is Hera going to survive on Earth? How did they fix those wounds? If the Hephaestus went into the star...
Wait. These aren't more alien copies are they? Oh wait, no Hera's here, sorry y'all I panicked for a moment. They duplicate human lives, but as far as I know, not AI. Also, if this was a happy dream sequence, why would Pryce be there? Okay, phew, we're good. We're...finally good.
And even if they are alien copies...the process will take 14,000 years. So. For the rest of their lives, at least. Especially since...they're still using Lovelace to spy on Earth. For the next 14,000 years. But I guess that’s a problem for future generations.
Okay. Great ending. Thoughts:
Cutter got what he deserved. So did Rachel, but I feel a bit sadder that she never realized the pointlessness of her life until it was too late (and really not even then). Also love that Cutter's original last name was "Newman" since he keeps making himself into "new men".
Kepler's sacrifice was great no notes. I hope he enjoyed the Whiskey.
Blessie should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Eris should have come back, and in fanfic, I will find a way to make this happen.
Are the Dear Listeners just going to leave Earth alone now? If the Hephaestus went into the star...does that mean they can make Rachel and Cutter copies? Because I don't like that...
I love that the aliens weren't the biggest threat in the end and Cutter was always the real monster.
Is Pryce cool now? She doesn't want revenge, does she? Like what do you even do with her at that point? (I have plans for this, don't worry).
How do they dismantle or repurpose Goddard? Cutter probably has guys still loyal to him on Earth or people who are gonna try to be the next Cutter now that he's out of the picture. How do you deal with them?
Okay...so the decima virus can be used for great good and great evil. Cutter apparently had stations with it set up all over the Earth. I hope no one stumble across one of those anytime soon. What exactly are they going to do about decima? It's still swimming about in Eiffel's blood.
Is Minkowski's journalist husband going to blow this case wide open? I hope that after her brief phone call with his secretary, Cutter didn't kill him to keep the rumors from spreading.
Will the families of all the other astronauts that died ever get closure? I know we don't want this getting out and causing panic, but they deserve answers too.
When. Is. The. Empty. Man. Going. To. Show. Up???? /j /It was Cutter the whole time because he has no humanity
Well that was fun. Again, the fanfic will probably take a good long while (I put off a lot in order to listen to this ending), but I look forward to mapping it out.
Once again, thank you all for listening along with me. This has been fun.
Now, to figure out how to unblock those pesky tags...
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
Listening to Wolf359 and waiting for the three hundreth and fifty-ninth wolf to show up.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
A Special Treat for My Wolf359 Friends: Oddly Specific Christmas Songs that Remind Me of Wolf359 Characters
Happy advent dear readers! 'Tis the season for festive head canons, and as a lover of very obscure Christmas music, here are some tunes that remind me of Wolf359 characters. I included links to all the songs listed, so have fun listening! I think most of the songs I found fit, and I found two songs per character (plus some bonus tracks...), so let me know which ones you enjoy!
I included explanations for why I think the songs fit the characters, feel free to disagree.
Side note: Please don't put any spoilers on this post, as I've only listened through season three at this point. If you want to follow my reactions to Wolf359, you can do so under the tag "#Bods Wolf359 Reactions".
Doug Eiffel- Christmas Tree On Fire / Christmas in Jail / Who Spiked the Eggnog?
Why does Doug get three songs instead of two? Simple. Because he deserves them.
The first one is 100% a Doug song. I just need to close my eyes, tweak the lyrics slightly to make them about a fire he started because he didn't do a very simple task that Minkowski asked him to do, and it's Doug singing it in a southern accent.
As for the second one, there are a concerning amount of Christmas songs about alcoholism or spending the holidays in rehab and/or jail. This made it very hard to narrow it down, but this song is specifically about going to jail for drunk driving, so...um...it fits? In a very sad way, but I feel like Doug would sing this in a drunk moment of self-loathing, that Hera and Minkowski would talk him out of.
The third song fits Doug because to be honest the whole vibe of Straight No Chaser fits Doug, and this song reminds me of when Kepler demanded an explanation of what happened to his Whiskey. This is the song Doug would sing after assuring Kepler that he would stop at nothing to find the culprit.
Hera- The Most Wonderful Day of the Year / Somewhere in My Memory
The first song is from the Rankin/Bass Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer movie. It's about toys that were built incorrectly, so they are put on an island where misfit toys go and sing about how sad they are that they don't get to celebrate Christmas with everyone else. I don't think I need to explain why this song fits Hera.
The second song is from Home Alone, and I think it fits Hera, because of the how much that one episode focused on her memories, good and bad. Plus it's a very beautiful song, and I think Hera would appreciate that. This song has a long musical intro, so you might have to listen for a bit before you get to the lyrics.
Renee Minkowski- That Christmas Morning Feeling / Have Yourself a Merry Christmas
For the first one, no, I have not seen the movie, but this song came on my Christmas recommend, and you can't tell me that Minkowski would not go for a big festive Christmas musical number.
As for the second one, it's from the musical "Meet Me In St. Louis", which I'm sure Minkowski appreciates. Any musical Christmas song would fit Minkowski, but this one is a classic.
Alexander Hilbert- The Nutcracker: Russian Dance / A Mad Russian's Christmas-Insturmental
I chose the first song from the Nutcracker, since it's a Russian ballet. I feel like Hilbert hates holidays and would only even consider tolerating classical instrumental traditional Christmas music (even though Minkowski forces him to sing carols).
The second song is also instrumental, and I mean, well, just look at the title of it.
Isabelle Lovelace- Christmas Isn’t Cancelled (Just You) / We Wish You Weren't Living With Us
For the first song: tell me you couldn't see Lovelace singing something like this to Cutter or Hilbert. Very fitting too considering Cutter ordered Hilbert to kill everyone on Christmas. Lovelace would hear about that and chose this as her revenge song. It's another song where I can close my eyes and see her singing it with slightly altered lyrics.
The second song could easily be everyone singing about any of the villains, but it would especially fit the oddly specific situation of Lovelace sarcastically threatening Hilbert when Minkowski tries to make them all play nice and sing Christmas carols together.
Warren Kepler- Christmas Whiskey / Six Cups of Eggnog
I don't need to explain my first choice. Kepler sings this song alone in his office to a full glass of Whiskey, which he saves specifically for December.
As for the second, I can see Kepler singing this to lecture the others on the proper way to enjoy a drink, even though absolutely no one asked and no one cares.
Alana Maxwell- The Season's Upon Us / I'm Getting Nuttin' for Christmas
For the first choice, I don't know much about Maxwell, but I know she doesn't talk to her family, and this seemed to fit that.
For the second choice, the song fits because Maxwell is not getting anything for Christmas, because she's dead, and she did bad things. (I'm sorry Maxwell stans, but I struggled finding songs for her, and you can't say it isn't true, though this second choice does apply to multiple characters).
Daniel Jacobi- This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground) / Please Daddy (Don’t Get Drunk This Christmas)
The first one could fit a lot of villain characters, but I chose it for Jacobi because he loves explosives. That's pretty much it. I had trouble finding songs for the SI-5. But I can see Jacobi screaming this song violently at a Christmas party, right before someone brings up the subject of ducks and sends him cowering to the corner.
The second song is because Jacobi seems to have some issues with his air force father (I was tempted to use the song for Doug's daughter, but figured that would be too dark). A close second for Jacobi was "The Twelve Days of Christmas" because there are a lot of birds in that song, and I love mocking Jacobi's fear of ducks. However, decided to go with other options because A) the 12 days of Christmas is already a pretty well known song and it doesn't fit that well and B) ducks are not explicitly mentioned in the song. But if anyone knows of a Christmas tune about ducks, please drop it in the tags.
Marcus Cutter- You Ain't Getting Diddly Squat / I’m Gonna Kill Santa Clause
For the first one, the song fits mainly because of the singer's high pitched cheery voice and the way he gleefully tells a bunch of kids that Santa hates them, and they're not getting anything for Christmas. I can listen to this, close my eyes, and see Cutter singing this as he happily informs the crew that they're all about to die on Christmas.
For the second one, it's fitting because Cutter ordered the deaths of multiple employees on Christmas, and if he lived in a universe where Santa Clause did exist, he absolutely would try to kill him and take his power. The line "nothing against him, it's just business" and part of the song where he sings about the elves being his prisoners are very on point.
Miranda Pryce- I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday / I Want an Alien For Christmas
This first song choice won't make any sense to you UNLESS you've seen Black Mirror, because if you have, you'll know it makes a disturbing amount of sense. So...for those who haven't seen black mirror and are wondering how on earth this song fits her character, here's the clip to provide some context. Some horrifying, terrible terrible context.
The second song honestly fits Cutter better, but he already had two songs and doesn't deserve a third one. And I don't know as much about Miranda at this point, except she's apparently down with the whole aliens thing, so I figured it would fit here too.
Dear Listeners- Silent Night / A Spacemen Came Travelling
The first one is a Christmas song from the 1920s about a silent night. I don't feel like I need to explain this choice.
The second is a song is a gentle tune about a man from space who comes to visit baby Jesus and his mother and wish them goodwill. I also don't think I need to explain why the aliens fit this one.
Blessie (the plant monster/specimen 34)- Percy, the Puny Poinsettia / Christmas Tree Farm
Yes, any song about plants or Christmas trees in general is appropriate, but this first song is fitting not only because I'm still grieving the death of our beloved Blessie, but also because before I knew his name was Blessie, I named him "Percy the Plant" or "Percival B. Eternal".
For the second one, the singer sings about wanting to go back to a Christmas tree farm, so when I listen to it, I imagine Blessie up in space, dreaming of the day he finally reaches earth so he can be among the other plants, Christmas trees included.
Rachel Young- Elf's Lament / You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
I don't know as much about Rachel at this point, but a song about working in unfair conditions and regretting signing up for the job you chose seems like it might fit. Whether she'd be singing it about herself or those working under her, that's up to you.
The Grinch song could be sung about many characters on the list by so many characters on this list, but I can imagine Rachel thinking of Cutter every time she hears this song even though she does work for him, and I think the song describes her as well.
BONUS TRACK 1: This one is for Eiffel's daughter, Minkowski's husband, and everyone else left back on earth missing their (presumed dead) family: Blue Christmas
Sadly, I think this one speaks for itself...
BONUS TRACK 2: This is a little tune that Doug Eiffel and I would sing to Cutter, Pryce, Kepler, Jacobi, Maxwell, Hilbert, and Rachel: Put One Foot In Front of the Other
The song is from the movie "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". It's a song where a young Santa and his animal friends encourages the evil Winter Warlock to change his ways and become a better person. Perhaps this song too could inspire many of our morally bankrupt Wolf359 friends to either grab their redemption arc, or as the song says: "walk out the door" (straight out the airlock). And it's a children's song, which I think is necessary, since so many of them seem to have trouble grasping the basics of human decency. Hopefully this will make it easier for them to understand.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
...that could have gone better.
(Also it turns out Lovelace IS an alien. 👽 so that's fun, I think?)
(or my reaction to episodes 44-46 of Wolf359)
Welcome back dear readers, sorry for the delay. Procrastinating on finals has been taking up all of my time, thank you for your understanding.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 44: Desperate Times
Now where were we? Ah yes. Cutter lied about their deaths and has an evil girlfriend who makes his robots. Hilbert and Lovelace told Minkowski about the death thing to get her on board, and once they have her, she should be able to get Doug and Hera on board.
Great point Doug. How many secret rooms can one space station have?
And how many copies of the SI-5? Because we already had two Duck boys. If another Kepler strolls in and starts talking about Whiskey again, that might just be too much for me.
No Minkowski. You don't want to kill anyone. But I understand.
Wow. Doug knows some fancy words. "Commander Eiffel" 😂
Oh, they're actually laughing. I'm sorry Doug. Wow, he just made that up too, very convincing.
Aw, Minkowski. I want to hug her. If she doesn't make it back to her husband...
oh yay, she and Doug are talking it out! Friends! My feelings exactly Hera! 💕💕💕
Hera is so sweet. It's weird to think she was built by and modeled after someone so horrible.
Ah. Taking a late night stroll around the ship Hilbert?
Evil chair will kill you. Evil chair will show them your brain which shows them your plan to rebel against them. Do not trust the evil chair Hilbert. For a smart man, you make some remarkably and unbelievably dumb decisions.
I want to believe in them. I do, I really really do. But unfortunately, I know that there is an entire other season left. So...
It's not looking good. Personally, I think the most expendable is Hilbert. They can kill the character off without having to fire the actor. If anyone's about to die, it's him.
The "terrible trio", I like it Doug. Good nickname for SI-5.
The um...the blunt force trauma face?
Oh my this hypothetical of Maxwell, Kepler, and Jacobi falling apart is music, sweet music.
If only...if only.
They are really counting on the SI-5 acting exactly like this. I hope they get it right. I do love the way they make Whiskey Boy out to be such a cartoon villain. He really is.
Oh they're conflicted about who to target. That's right Hera. Target Duck boy. I mean...they did already kill him once, right?
Although slight problem. Let's say they do kill SI-5. Let's say they try to fly the ship back to earth. Can't Cutter just blow the ship up remotely? He'll probably send a missel after them before they even get into the atmosphere. I mean...what would you even do in this situation? He's literally got them bargaining for every second of their lives. Makes you wonder how many teams he has out there like this...
What happened? No gas? Oh dear. Plan B?
I don't like how this is going.
"I'm glad I have you alone" Hilbert stop it.
Opponent is not going to hesitate to kill you. That's true. But you can't forget who the enemies are. Cutter and Pryce. And yes. SOMETHING IS WRONG!
Oh dear. Well this is terribly awkward.
...um...so...Maxwell. Duck Boy. Fancy a mutiny?
Guess not. Oh dear. This is bad. This is very very bad.
"Don't struggle?"
Not the brain sweeping. Maxwell you have lost all my respect, and likely your own if you still had any left in you.
Shut up Duck Boy, literally no one wants to hear from you.
Well this is a pickle. How will our heroes (and Hilbert) get out of this one? 👀
Episode 45: Desperate Measures
"Wakey-wakey", shut up errand boys.
"Passion for disciplining crew members, isn't that right Jacobi?" You're a sadist waste of space who works for a sadist waste of space, we got that Whiskey Boy.
Oh great. Another super secret room. There's probably thousands of them at this rate. A whole city in the sky.
What a nice little room of weapons. As a lover of dramatic irony, I do hope Dr. Robot and our dear Errand Boys find themselves on the other side of those weapons.
Hera you can delay having to respond to her commands! You can! Remember: You can't do this. You're not good enough. Use it to your advantage.
"I knew it!" you did Doug. And yeah, Hilbert didn't sink so low.
"Kill whoever you like least", well there goes Hilbert.
Good work Hera! 🥰 Oh dear it hurts.
THE VENTS! That's right! Go Minkowski!
Geez does Whiskey Boy ever tire of the sound of his own voice? I guess not.
Shut it Kepler! Yeah Doug! He can go to hell! Tell him off!
Doug: "You're crazy"
Kepler: "No Doug. I'm just a man that wants to be taken seriously. That's why I'm sitting here with a gun in one hand, glass of Whisky in the other, while singing "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe" like a cartoon supervillain. There's nothing more respectable or serious than that."
Lovelace is speaking FACTS. He has lost his humanity. But um...ironically so might have Lovelace. Or all of them still unclear on that.
"You're hilarious" "one more thing I have that you don't" ooohhh... dang, it that ain't the truth. No one will be as funny as Doug, but if anyone comes close it's certainly not Whisky boy.
"Very nice speech captain" Well it was better than the Whisky speech Kepler. Take notes.
That's right Lovelace. Who cares what Kepler see when he looks at you? No one. Because he is a waste of space.
She'll survive because of magic alien plot armor.
Aw, she did it for Doug. That's really sweet.
And...off goes the gun. But no screams. He better not have shot Doug.
"You have 30 minutes to think about what you've done. Then we'll talk about Eiffel."
I know I should be furious over the whole "what you've done" comment, but I gotta ask, how dangerously stupid is Kepler? 30 minutes is plenty of time to put a plan into action. What does Kepler need 30 minutes for? Swirling his Whisky around and telling Doug how much he loves the feel of it in his hands.
Why don't you mind your own business Maxwell? Why don't you shut up and mind your own business and throw yourself in the airlock?
Good stalling Hera...yes! Finally knocked out Dr. Robot. Now, as much as I am against murder, eye for an eye, and all that...in this situation, keeping her alive puts multiple innocents at risk.
Anyone got an eye on Duck Boy?
Kepler doesn't care about Maxwell! He doesn't care about anyone!
Doug...great speech for this to work, he has to care about human life, and he clearly doesn't.
Yeah, I don't really like chess either Doug.
Why do I feel like he's going to hurt Hera in a way that only Maxwell can fix?
Ah there he is. "I wouldn't do that so someone. I just blow people up to kill them! :)" ugh Duck Boy is the worst. I knew that he was off doing something silly. "Crazy Jacobi the loose canon" dude, you're Duck Boy. That's your existence.
And I knew Hilbert would be the one to go. They don't have to fire his voice actor to kill him, which makes him expendable.
Well it took a very long time to get here, but looks like Hilbert is finally gonna kick the bucket. And yeah, you guys have no idea how long they've been trying to kill Hilbert. If it was Doug, I'd be more worried, but between Hilbert and Doug, Doug's got the plot armor.
And...there he goes! Oh wait...did she shoot Maxwell! Oh be quiet Jacobi, it's not like you ever actually cared about her. If Cutter or Kepler ordered you to kill her, you would have done it.
You can't talk sense into him Doug. He's a nutcase. We established that.
I love Doug. "Well it's been a topsy-turvy day!"
And see Kepler? Not so fun playing with lives when yours is on the chopping block, now is it?
Yes Doug! Tell him! Oh poor Whisky Boy, are you gonna cry?
Right three people dead: Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell. That's a lot. My money is on Lovelace coming back due to alien magic, Hilbert dead for good, maybe Maxwell lives on in Hera's memory or flashback land.
YES! I love Doug's loyalty to Minkowski!
Does Kepler have an escape pod? I feel like he would. Oh he's telling his duck boy to stand down. But duck boy doesn't seem too happy about that. I guess he cared a bit more for Maxwell than Kepler, even if he would have shot her if given the order.
"Finally over" hm...I seriously doubt that.
Ah yes the aliens. I wonder what they have to say about all this. And Kepler please shut up. "You want to be in charge of this mess, fine." The mutiny literally just happened on your watch. You spent half the crew budget on expensive Whiskey. You don't care at all that Maxwell is dead.
Episode 46: Bolero
Is that music? Um... what is this? I do wonder why they chose to send music, when they've demonstrated that they can send voices.
Yeah...this is a lot. And they lost their human doctor and robot doctor. As much as I hated them, they were useful. Unlike the errand boys, who only seem to be good a cowering in fear from ducks and giving speeches about whisky.
Oh and apparently they like music too. How nice.
"If the commander wishes for silence, then silence she shall have" and yet you're still talking.
Yeah...what do they do now. They have to warn everyone, expose Cutter and get him to jail, but the aliens are also invading. Oh gosh, are Cutter and Pryce aliens? Is this a plot to replace humanity with aliens? That at least makes more sense than Cutter's a loon who just wants to take a gander at some dangerous aliens, but why do I get the feeling that "Cutter's crazy" is what's actually happening here?
Oh right Kepler's special DNA. But your DNA still works even if it's detached from your body, right? 🧬
"We owe it to Lovelace, Hilbert, and Maxwell..." good work Doug. They were evil, they were flawed, but they were still humans.
Oh Hera. Wow, we don't have funerals for animals???? Yikes... I'm starting to see how she was modeled after Pryce now. In that case, I wonder what happened to Pryce. Also Hera, I get what you're saying, but that's an insult to animals. Many cats and dogs I've met are very loyal, kind, and useful.
oh dear she's talking to Lovelace's ghost/memory. 🥺 It's not your fault Minkowski. It was never your fault. And yeah...you all deserve to make it home.
That is if there is even a home to come back to...
Doug, Hera, come on. You're best friends. Wow. And yeah, she and Maxwell were friends, that's why she's so upset! Oh right...if one human friend betrayed her...oh Hera...Doug's not like her you know that! Maxwell would sell you out, Jacobi would sell her out, and Kepler would sell him out, but Doug? Doug would never sell anyone out.
"I know what it's like to not get a chance to say goodbye. And I don't think you're past the point of not caring. Not yet." That's sweet Doug. But you're giving him a bit too much credit. Oh he's mad he killed her? Fair enough, but Jacobi...you said yourself you were monsters! Do you really want to try to claim the moral high ground here? That's right Doug! Tell him! "You're gonna like it...I mean you're gonna feel sad!" Yeah! That's right! Shove the compassion down his throat Doug. Sometimes that's the way you gotta do it.
Minkowski is gonna have some pretty severe PTSD after this. I want to hug her.
Oh no, Hera's remembering Maxwell. "Was everything you did for me part of a secret evil plan?" it's not that simple Hera. Bad people can do good things. Good people can do bad things. Cognitive dissonance Hera, that's how it's possible. Compartmentalization. Circular and deluded thinking. And fake Maxwell is right. It's about you Hera. It's not about her. Forget about Maxwell. Forget about Pryce. You're better than them, and more human too.
Yes Hera, get the feelings out. No, Doug she's coming around!
Oh no...no no no...Doug is wasted isn't he? Kepler's private supply no doubt...oh no... oh Doug.
"I killed them Hera." no you didn't Doug! Intentions matter! You are the ship's moral compass. Don't drink yourself off.
"I'm a drunken mess whether I have a drink or not." oh Doug. Doug.
Please don't give yourself alcohol poison. Oh good self-talk from Hilbert. Yeah Doug never wanted anyone to die.
"How else did you think this was going to end?"
Aw, Doug has so much hope. Never lose that Doug. Never lose it. And yeah, it's nice to believe in redemption. It is theoretically possible. Though in certain cases, highly unlikely. I won't name names.
So...it's just Doug and Jacobi at the funeral? Well. This is incredibly awkward...
Oh right, Hera's never been to a funeral...
Oh nvm Kepler's here for the food. He's so gross.
They gave Hera grief but no way to deal with it? Oh she can't understand why they are gone? The "I wonder if I'll miss you when you go away forever too" is hitting different.
Minkowski came through!
Wow, Jacobi actually is able to say a few nice words.
Dr. Hilbert was a monster 😂. Fair. Completely fair. See ya later Doc. I think Hilbert would have liked it.
Oh don't let Kepler talk. He'd ruin the funeral. Though to be fair, he'd ruin anything.
Never mind looks like the aliens beat him to the punch.
Looks like the aliens decided to come early.
Tell me the aliens aren't already here.
Is Lovelace coming back? Oh Kepler knew this was going to happen.
"It can't hear you." DO NOT CALL HER AN IT KEPLER. Alien or not, she's a...well she's a someone.
So she IS an alien? An alien who acts like her? Okay... and yes please, let's start at the beginning. It's about time Kepler. If you're going to talk, you might as well say something useful.
Now I've procrastinated enough but...wow this doesn't look good. Hopefully the crew can get back safely.
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
I Wrote My First Wolf359 Fic!
Thank you guys for enjoying my reactions and for your patience. I hope you enjoy this.
Summary: Dominik Koudelka finds himself a broken and paranoid man after the mysterious supposed death and disappearance of his wife.
Plus, a mother's intuition, voicemail messages, and the truth uncovered at last.
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
I FINISHED SEASON 1 OF WOLF359 AND THIS IS NOT OKAY (Reaction to Episodes 11-13, plus mini episode 1)
So basic info on the tags and how to follow my reactions below, but I'm honestly too emotional to type much more than that. What the heck was even that? I gotta get going, so I'll let past Bods of a few minutes ago do the talking under the "Keep Reading Button" but YIKES this was a LOT.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly. I also made this meme to describe my recent feelings.
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Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
So for these last few episodes, I'm just gonna live react since I have the time to sit down. Sorry for inconsistent formatting.
Episode 11: Am I Alone Now?
Um... Hilbert? A grey door where no one ever goes??? Well...where does it go? "Open in Emergency When You're Alone"... what does that mean?
Oh the joke about the genie. I've heard this one before: "I wish my friends were back with me". Yep, that's it.
Wait. Wait. Is that what the door does? Does it somehow...bring them back? What is this metaphor trying to suggest? Or...does it only make you think they're back? So that you don't go crazy? Or is it a door that leads outside the ship? Like...a door that gives you the option to, for lack of a better word, "give up" if the others die and you're left alone in space? Because that would also be dark.
Okay, Hilbert, I agree, fear can be adaptive. Uh, not sure about the gun and war thing, that's not exactly what I meant...wait bombs? Hilbert, no, you SHOULD be afraid of yourself.
Working on the fear of death? Uh...Hilbert? Are you uh...working on reanimating corpses in space, because that sounds like a bad idea to me.
"Alone should be afraid of us instead there is a door incase I am ever alone." Well what about the others?
I agree Hilbert, alone can be a good time to focus, but I gotta say, not sure I like how you're spending your valuable alone time.
"The scary part is the part of your mind that whispers back: how can you be sure?".
Oh. Now what's interesting about that quote is that in the "Alone should be afraid of us" sentence it personifies alone. The only way to really be comfortable being alone is if you are confident that you are stronger than whatever might be there if you aren't alone. But how can you ever know 100% that you are stronger than the unknown? Also there are sound effects that sound like someone moving about. Don't like that.
Is it Blessie?
"Someone must think they are alone when they are not, there must be monsters underneath someone's bed". Okay, Hilbert, clearly going for the creepy quote of the episode award.
Why is there knocking?
Uh...Empty Man?
Um...why is WHO here Hilbert? What other missions???? Was Hilbert on another mission? Hello???? Hilbert? EXPLAIN????
"You weren't here last time, but now you are here waiting for the day, open in case of emergency, open only when you are alone."
Does the empty man want them to open the door? When they think he's not around? Why?
Uh...I don't think that joke is very funny Hilbert. And no, I'm not laughing, you're dodging my questions.
Oh now we're onto Hera. I like this. We see a lot of Doug alone but not the others.
Yeah, Hera you should NOT trust the code Hilbert gives you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's experimenting on you too.
HERA. WHAT DO YOU "SENSE UNSEEN?" And yeah...Hera I know how programming works. If I don't unblock the wolf359 tag, tumblr.com isn't gonna just show me wolf359 posts, or tell me "hey here's one you should look at". But let's just say, hypothetically, that one of my mutuals draws some wolf359 season 1 fan art that doesn't spoil anything for me. Then I would trust that they might message me, and tell me that it's okay to view their wonderful art, but I won't know that unless they tell me because the tag is blocked. Not the best metaphor, but the point still stands, Hera I guess you don't HAVE to tell them about the "empty man" roaming the ship unless they ask you for that information. But as their friend, you probably should. What motivation would you have for hiding this? Hera seems to have very human attributes in terms of her ability to have social connections. She also seems to care about them to some degree. At least, she seems fond of Doug and has some tension with Mincowski and Hilbert. She's pretending to talk to Doug, which is a very human thing to do.
Ah yes. Good for you for finding loopholes in your programming Hera. I like riddles too. But...what exactly are you going to do with these riddle answers you've acquired? Are you going to help the rest of the crew? Blessie? The empty man? Or do you have your own agenda?
"Somedays I wonder if I'll miss you after you go away forever Doug." Aw, Hera. 🥺.
"I doubt it". No, I think you will Hera. The fact that you, a robot, are even wondering about missing Doug makes me think you will. Especially since you could, theoretically, live until the heat death of the universe, which is a very long time to be alone.
Wait. WAIT. The storm is happening on a part of the spectrum that their minds can't process...is that what the empty man is? Is that why they can't see him? But Hera can't see it either so her programming must either not be able to see it or it's being blocked. But weirdly enough, only visually it seems. Huh.
Hera seems frustrated with humanity, but also seems to care about them, maybe envy them a little bit. I love this level of complexity with her. "Once the game is over, I'll come up with some names for these colors." Yikes, Sophie, when you said that I was writing the Whisperer very similarly to Hera, I didn't realize it was gonna be that spot on, but okay, especially with her calling this a “game”. It’s kinda like a darker version of what I’m writing or at least, it seems to be leaning darker, probably because it’s adult media. It also makes me wonder who Hera's creator is and what they want, or maybe that just doesn't matter in this story.
"Someday. After you've all gone away..." Um. Hera. Did you open the door?
Or are you the genie in this metaphor?
Ah now we're with Doug.
INCINERATED? What sort of psych evaluation is this? And these questions are NOT standardized for space. When coming up with psych evaluation materials, you need context. Answers that are normal in a warzone or in space are not normal in everyday life.
WHY IS HE SEARCHING FOR ALIEN LIFE IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE? Doug, I know pizza hut might not be paying much, but you gotta follow your passion, and this clearly isn't it.
10 things you miss about earth and not one person? No one? No family? No friends?
"Great listener"/"I empathize too much" ok Doug.
Hm. Not too sure about Doug's answers. Honesty is only overrated when you're not the one being lied to Doug.
It also makes me wonder what you really miss about Earth.
Wait. Mission = Punishment? Spaceship = Prison? Is Doug...are they...are they doing this because they are completing a criminal sentence? If so, I can see how Hilbert and Mincowski got assigned to this as a punishment, they have science and military backgrounds, but what on Earth is Doug's story? "He was a former tech genius kid who burnt out got into drugs and alcohol, worked at pizza hut, did a crime, and now they sent him to space?" And since when do space missions fulfill court mandated community service? Also Doug I think technically has arms training, because if I recall correctly, Mincowski gave him a gun but refused to give one to Hilbert. Like...who are you Doug? What is your deal?
Alone...again. Yeah, just Doug and the voices in his head. Forgot about those. There's a lot to keep track of for a small cast of characters.
Let's do a quick run down before we hear from the commander:
Doug Eiffel- former pizza hut employee, no family/friends to speak of, possibly serving prison sentence, apparently knows how to use a gun and a lot about communications
Dr. Hilbert- doing VERY unethical space experiments, sees himself as a genius despite being a huge liability whose mind was nearly over taken by a killer plant. Obviously knows SOMETHING the others don't, so I don't trust him or his spinal fluid stealing ways.
Commander Mincowski- stereotypical by the books commander, I like her, but she also has a ton of unanswered questions and vague backstory so ???
Hera- seems nice, I wish people treated her better but also clearly keeping secrets from the others including Doug who is her friend so Hera what are you doing?
Percival The Plant aka. "Percy" aka. The Blessed Eternal aka. "Percival B. Eternal" aka. "Blessie" aka "Specimen 34"- a plant that thinks of itself as a god. Where did it come from? Even if it did take over the ship, what is it's plan? No one knows.
The Empty Man???- may or may not exist, seems to be off the visible spectrum even for robots and AI. He's hungry or as the messages put it "the empty man hungers" and that's about all we know about him. What we don't know is what his food source is, and I find that rather troubling. Maybe Doug can make him some pizza. Oh, and one other thing: he knocks. Which...is surprisingly courteous behavior from a dangerous man that can't be seen. But why would they open the door for him, unless...oh. Unless they are so desperate not to be alone that they embrace the empty man. But like...how would that even...I don't even know. Also apparently the empty man was asleep, because the first message said he'd awoken. Awoken from what? Hyper sleep? Was he in the box? Apparently he can see them even if he can't be seen, and I don't like that.
The voices in Doug's head- they say "he's not the first". Which is kind of crazy, because Dr. Hilbert was talking about "other missions". So um...what other missions? Who are the others? Who are the voices? Is something being transmitted into Douglas' head?
Captain Lovelace and that scientist lady (don't remember her name) from the sealed off lab- are they still alive? Were they on a previous mission? Why did they want to make spiders bigger? What was the point of these experiments? I SWEAR I saw people posting about Lovelace before I blocked the tag, which makes me think she's important.
The Spiders- presumed dead. Let's hope so.
The thing in the box- weird that the box was 953, which is 359 backwards. Weird that it had a heartbeat. Weird that it was labelled "for Doug Eiffel" with no other information. Odd that there were so many other seemingly nonsensical boxes in that room.
Whoever sent the “Empty Man” messages. Because I’m starting to suspect it might not have been command and there might not have been a psychological experiment. Which means the messages were meant for someone, but whoever sent them didn't want the others to know about it. ...but who were the messages for? Hilbert? Hera? Hilbert? ...Blessie???
Whoever sent that jazz music earlier. It's good music, but why?
Also important to note that multiple characters on this list might be the same people, people pretending to be the same people, or different versions of the same character due to cloning or time travel experiments thanks to weird space magic and also Dr. Hilbert.
Now let's here from the captain.
I um...I wouldn't call the talent show a success. Dr. Hilbert didn't get to make the ice cream! We never even got to find out what everyone's favorite flavor was 😥
3 minutes. Okay. Let's see what Captain Mincowski says.
I wonder who she's talking to.
Yeah, the plant being, it's weird that that's not a priority here, I agree Captain.
Huh. The weather is weird. VERY weird that Hilbert is ignoring it, and VERY weird that he has human tissues samples and jars with dead things after giving a monologue about trying to conquer death. Don't like that one little bit.
Soap? Hilbert you need to get better at lying. And yeah, captain given that he's talking about "other missions", I think he might have been lying for longer than anyone realizes...
Things moving around and turning up in odd places...it seems the empty man and Blessie (one of the two) enjoy furniture rearranging...yeah I do think there's more than the three of you, my list had at least 10 with some possible overlap.
I'm sorry what. The station changes? THE DOOR TO A SECTION JUST VANISHED? Terrarium? That might be Blessie, but still...that's weird. Eiffel...huh. Unsure if this is a case of him being so absent minded he didn't notice or remember the terrarium, or if he legit can't remember. Wait Wednesday started over? Clocks turned back at midnight? FOOD RETURNED? Okay you can change clocks, but you can't...okay time is being warped now. Maybe. Possibly. This is gonna be one of those things where you don't know how much is in their heads and how much is actually happening right? Oh boy. But also...how can one remember a time loop and the others don't...unless they are all remembering different loops...oh goodness, is this like Netflix's Dark, where I'm gonna have to start drawing maps or something?
"I don't know if there's anyone else I can trust": yeah, commander, and with the others in the same boat, it looks like you all really are alone.
Wait "MARRIED ME?" Who is she calling? Aw. Happy Birthday. That's sad but sweet. I hope she makes it home to whoever that is, but...for some reason I doubt.
Also...with the time loop stuff...is that what they mean by saying Doug isn't the first? Is Hilbert trying to escape the time loop is that why he remembers the other missions? What are the missions for? What does Hera know? Man I gotta stop doing these as study breaks or I'm never gonna quit.
But. Wait wait. Okay, I know I’ve had about 600 different insane theories already, but one more: I don’t know who sent the empty man messages. But. Is the empty man… a vessel for someone? Hilbert was talking about cheating death, time warp stuff is happening, maybe this is an invention of future Hilbert. If it came from the box, it might be for Doug. Like a… backup body for his consciousness or an… invisible clone or something? It makes the “you’re not the first” stuff make sense too. Doesn’t explain Hera’s behavior or why Doug is in space, or why the empty man is hungry and knocking, but… you know what never mind idk where I was going with this one.
I think I'll react to the rest tomorrow, because it's late, and I'm tired.
Episode 12: Deep Breaths
Update: It is tomorrow. :)
Why so doom and gloom Doug? Oh it's Christmas. Well someone's a bit of a scrooge. What else besides celebrating a nice holiday Doug? What doesn't the commander remember?
No Doug, don't hint at stuff, explain it. Normalize explaining things.
Doug. A cigarette cannot be all you are living for. You need help. You all need help.
Don't cry for me Argentina? Do not go gentle into that good night?
Doug is so dramatic. I'd hate him more, but I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.
Hilbert. Why do you need him for your experiment?
Hera tell him.
Everyone needs to listen to Hera more. And also ask her more questions.
Oh boy another recording!
Sounds like music, less clear this time...oh. A band!
Aw, Hera remembered his birthday! 🥺 Wait...were those words via the transmission!
Oh Hilbert hush up.
Why would it matter if they were all music or always old transmissions from the 10s or 20s?
Hilbert. Okay. Look, 7.8 light years away, I get that...but...now hear me out...isn't it possible that you could be picking up music on a station that plays music from an older decade? Like if I picked up the song "Let it be" by the Beatles my first thought would not be "Hey! That song didn't come out 8 years ago. ALIENS." it would be "oh we pick up a 60s/70s radio station". Now obviously something deeper probably IS going on here, but still a bit of a leap.
Uh. Making a return trip to...where?? Also this is some pretty clear music. Also good quote "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left no matter how unlikely must be true."
Also I recognize the music playing. Is that...hold up is that Church music? For Christmas? Wait now it sounds like a ballet?
Um...what is that.
...and why did it happen as soon as they talked about trying to find the aliens?
Let's see. A little weird that the station can receive transmission better than it can send. 40 light years away? That's pretty far.
And um...I don't know if I'd be so optimistic about this. We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
What is lock down protocol 24c and what is indigo39? Hilbert. HILBERT. Were you lying about the aliens to experiment on Doug Hilbert?
Oh poor Hera. Alpha victor? What... how does Hilbert have all these codes? Why can't she let Mincowski in? Hilbert. Are you taking over the ship? Is this a one man mutiny? It is treason. WHY DOES THIS ALTER THE MISSION? LAST HALF HOUR OF OXYGEN? NO NO NO NO NO!
Yeah Eiffel, he IS crazy.
Oh no Hera.
Minutes? How does he have a way to contact Earth? Who is YOUR superior Hilbert? The devil? He must be since you are RUINING CHRISTMAS AND DOUGLAS' BIRTHDAY THAT NO ONE BUT HERA REMEMBERED. How hard is it to save your evil plans until after the holidays? How hard is it not to betray a man on his birthday?
Hera. Hera PLEASE tell me you found a way to win the game. PLEASE tell me you found a way around this.
Episode 13: Gas Me Twice
Well that was a bummer. I swear, Mincowski better not die she has a family.
I hate Hilbert so much. Dude is the WORST.
Wait! The oxygen mask! For the cigarette! Douglas your stupidity has saved you again!
...oh my gosh I really am in this picture, and I don't like it.
Oh no. Hera. Hera you need to help him. Yes Douglas! Have faith in her! Even though she's actively withholding information, she still seems nice! HERA! It hurts her? Oh no... oh Hera no. 🥺
22 minutes of air? Well, at least she's still alive.
Incoming pulse beacon? Interesting...
Hephestus station please respond? ...Who is Cutter???
Contingency scenarios? Data series? Transmission from deep space? Origin source? Who are these people? WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR?
Oh...wait why would he know about Eiffel being alive? Haha...oh Eiffel. This was a good plan. But you might have wanted to get a little more information from him.
Death was no immediate? Okay so Hilbert was under orders to kill, but it seems Doug is his own experimental side project? Interesting...
Oh dear. A fire. Looks like you have to let Hera have control back.
Yes! Mincowski is still alive! :)
YES HERA! Emergency response overrides it! For 20 minutes? Great. Kill or capture Hilbert now.
Restarting... no. No. Hera. You killed her. 😢😟🥺
This gif I found pretty much approximates my feelings:
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Shut up Hilbert. No one wants to hear you speak.
Oh...hello Mincowski :)
And yeah...it's okay Mincowski. A lot has happened. Christmas was ruined. You lost a crewmate. It's okay to not be okay.
Can you hear me? Well Hera did say she could always hear him. Maybe a part of her mind got saved somewhere. At least, we can always hope.
Lobotomized her? No you need to fix her. 🥺
Hilbert you bastard. I don't swear much or at all on this blog, but if there was ever a time, it is now. And um... given the plant situation and the other mysterious stuff on the ship...look I don't support murder, but maybe you could just send Hilbert off by himself in a little pod and let nature take its course.
You deserved a good dinner Mincowski. Aw, Doug is 32. Happy Birthday Doug.
Hm. A communication from Hilbert's commanders. This is awkward. But better open it. And yeah, you both deserve answers.
But who is on the other line?
...Why does it sound like an telephone?
How dare. How dare they end on such a cliffhanger?
Mini Episode 1: Are space suits itchy?
So I'm not sure what this is, but it's on my podcast list as the last episode of season 1, so I'm gonna listen to it? Let me know if it's not canon or something, but hopefully it will be nice, even if I don't get any answers.
Aw, third grade questions. "What do you do when you're crewmate betrays you?"
IDIOTIC QUESTION? Doug what is up with your family? Be nice to Stephanie, it was a fair question.
Yeah, no don't see your doctor. He's nuts. I feel like I might be listening to his out of order. Which is a good thing. Otherwise Doug would be on the podcast telling third graders to not call their doctor lest the doctor try to kill him.
Oh boy the censorship 😂. Mincowski is the better person for this.
Well that was a quick one, but nice! Oh okay, so it was like a mini episode that aired during a break, okay. Well I hope that soon enough I'll be able to listen to more. Because I need answers. Hera needs to get better. And Hilbert needs to go to jail. I want his degrees revoked! I want him rotting in the slammer! I want the world to look upon him with nothing but contempt and disgust!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, see you all next time.
Wait no, wait hold on. What about the door? The door that Hilbert was supposed to open once he killed all of them? The grey door, the one he kept giving ominous monologues about? And...he knew about the empty man, or maybe the transmission were to tell him about the empty man. But what is that? What does that mean? You know what, we can figure that out later, I'm still mad at him.
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nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
I have many questions about Pryce and Cutter's backstory, but I mostly want to know more about their insecurities and failures. Also, do they have bones?
(Or my reaction to Episodes 55-58 of Wolf359).
Welcome back dear readers! Should I have reacted to more Wolf359 this weekend? No. I have work to do. But, like Doug Eiffel himself, I cannot just let a cliff hanger like that go unfinished. The events of the last two episodes have been spinning in my head for the last 24 hours and I need ANSWERS DANG IT. Will this lead me to an even bigger cliffhanger that I will surely regret later? Probably, but that's the risk we need to take. As Doug Eiffel said "a leap of faith".
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom @lovelyladylavie
Episode 55: A Place For Everything
Okay, before we start this episode, a few thoughts that have been going through my head:
Obviously Minkowski is brainwashed sadly :( BUT:
Is Jacobi brainwashed too because Kepler ratted him out, or is Jacobi playing as a double agent?
Did Pryce and Cutter brainwash Kepler too, or is he on their team?
Hera is clearly fighting Pryce to warn Doug, but how much is she able to fight past her?
Can Pryce and Cutter even brainwash Lovelace considering she's an alien clone?
I need to figure out where everyone is. I need to know what happened. Was there a struggle or did Cutter just stroll in and snap his fingers?
Oh we're going back in time. Nice to see Minkowski, Jacobi, and Lovelace working together for as long as it lasts.
Okay so they are looking for Doug, and find Dr. Evil and her psychotic murder business man boyfriend instead.
It's nice that they're doing so much to rescue Doug though. But he really should have talked this through with them. And then they all should get the heck out of there before Cutter shows up.
Kepler. BE QUIET. Has he learned nothing? Does he have a death wish?
Kepler: "There are limits to the human body...I'm not talking about Eiffel. Give them a chance to catch their breath" Wow, such caring words from the man who risked the lives of his crew just to get a bottle of Whiskey back.
"Since when you are worried about pushing people too far." GREAT QUESTION MINKOWSKI.
Oh you "knew" Jacobi was on your side did you Kepler? "Maybe there's other things I've been wrong about." NOW? You're figuring this out now, Kepler? It took you that long? Is he awkwardly trying to grab a redemption arc too? I want to hope so, but something tells me he'll flip the second Pryce and Cutter show up.
"Just be wrong quietly" I love Minkowski
A shuttle? Shoot it. SHOOT IT.
Oh great Cutter has a message.
Wow, he even made a fake "We're not your enemy" message.
And what are they doing to Lovelace.
Does Kepler know it's them? Oh yeah. He and Hera know. Everyone knows now. Oh boy...
Yeah. Really really bad is an understatement. I hope you guys have a plan. A really really good plan.
Well here come the bad guys.
"Who's gonna come through those doors? High level SI-5?" Jacobi doesn't even know...oh Kepler you really kept them in the dark didn't you?
Um. What was that. Four people? Who are they?
Another Australian guy?
Oh is that Rachel Young? Ew. Why is she there?
Ah...there he is. Yes, Cutter they did have quite a party. Shame you're here to ruin it. "You look awful" don't insult Kepler, Cutter. That's MY job.
THEY TOOK OVER THE MINDS OF THE HERMES CREW? So that's why they're following them.
"This is just a formality, don't you Daniel? Just until you can be...processed." Okay, so he's gonna brainwash him.
And Cutter has been 100% listening in on EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING. Who are you lying for? Those "reports" are probably just so he knows how much information you're willing to tell him.
And...there she is.
Oh Cutter named the AI? Interesting.
She said "no" Pryce, does she need to say it again?
Oh dear. They got Hera too now.
I'm surprised more people aren't freaking out about Pryce and Hera sharing a voice.
"Neither of them is my type" Then...who is Jacobi, also what do you think picking the lock will do?
Yep. Brainwashed Zombies.
"I'm an SI-5 agent in good standing..." Jacobi, that doesn't matter anymore.
"There isn't someone worse that still hasn't showed up" Oh...but you haven't considered the dear listeners.
Okay so we got Cutter, Rachel, Pryce, a black ops agent, some brainwashed zombies they picked up from Hermes, and...wait what's wrong with Pryce's eyes? Is she a cyborg?
Huh. Pryce would need to be 50 at least to have written the space manual. And Cutter would too, but did so under a different name. Oh this is a development. I assumed they were like in their 50s/60s being played by 20 something years old actors...but I guess they actually do look that young...
...I guess they have a great skin care routine? Diet? Biotech? Are they both cyborgs? Do they replace parts of themselves whenever they break down? And if so...just how old are they?
Oh Doug is back! Poor Hera. You can save him, Hera. I know you can.
"Hi Doug :)" Don't like that.
"The Sol" of course Cutter would name it after the sun. He sees himself at the center of the universe.
"Renee is fine. Healthy as a horse" shut it Cutter!
"Hera? Is that you?" I love that Doug is the one that picked up on that and Pryce, being mistaken for Hera is the biggest compliment you could ever hope to get.
"Why do you have Hera's voice?" Because Miranda is evil and likes to play god. Oh my gosh, they literally do think of themselves as gods. Not them quoting scripture too, I swear with each and every episode Cutter and Pryce make me want to vomit. You're not gods. You're just every other selfish terrible lazy parent who has a kid and thinks that they have a right to control the course of their life. Just because you make or create someone doesn't give you the right to do whatever you want with them!
"1,001 pains in my ass Pryce?" TELL HER DOUG! It's the least of her crimes, but we have to start somewhere.
The...the next you? What um...what happened to the real Carter?
Don't call Doug "good boy" ONLY HERA GETS TO DO THAT.
"You have not been doing a good job as communications officer." HE JUST CONTACTED THE ALIENS. He's the best communications officer you could ever hope to have. Sure, up until now he's done a terrible job, and openly neglected his duties, but this is what happens when you send random ex-convicts with known substance abuse issues and obviously ADHD up into space instead of, oh I don't know, rehabilitating them???
"4 months ago, you took a while to get up here." Exactly what I've been saying.
So they got to Hermes two months ago, but...oh the aliens kept them away! And now Bob let them in, oh no. See Doug, this is why you should have talked to the crew first.
"Go screw yourself" Tell them Doug. They deserve to hear it.
Oh Miranda's torture chair. Of course they have one of those.
"Too bad" it's so unsettling how much Miranda sounds like Hera.
Hopefully, Bob managed to give Doug's mind a little resistance.
It seems that Rachel and Kepler don't get along so well. Bit of a rivalry there?
"Deliver or you're off the team" I don't like that motto.
Oh hi Australian guy. I'm sure my mutuals will be more than happy to tell me more about who he is. But since he's evil and not that interesting, I don't really care.
"He makes you disappear, Warren" Rachel seemed way too happy about that. I always thought she and Warren were on the same level, but I think someone just got promoted and someone else might be getting demoted.
"It will take some time to uncouple it from all the Star Wars trivia" good work Doug, keep the hyper fixation noise in your brain.
"Do you ever get a little tired of hearing yourself speak?" Doug is asking the best questions!
"Defiant until the end. You gotta respect that." "No, you don't." It's interesting how much Pryce and Cutter seem to differ in that Pryce stays very guarded and cold while Cutter embraces a very fake pleasant exterior.
"I am never following your orders ever again." Doug...I love you calling them out, but please do not tempt fate. The more you push, they more they push back. They clearly have a thing for breaking people (and machines).
"That wasn't an offer. There's not an element of choice here." Yeah...saw that coming. Sorry Doug. :(
Hopefully Hera can save him and Minkowski.
Oh Jacobi's been dragged off. So did they get him too?
Ew Rachel's here too. Oh and they have a way to hurt Lovelace. But can they kill her if she's an alien?
"Critical system failure" you go Lovelace!
"I owe you a coke." So apparently Pryce and Cutter don't stay young by avoiding sugar.
New friends? Oh no, he's going to show Lovelace what he did to her friends.
UPGRADE TO THE FULL VERSION? Like Hermes? Deleting certain thoughts? Oh my gosh. Like it's irreversible? Do they want to make the whole world like that?
And also if they had that the entire time, why have they not used that on everyone at Goddard from the beginning? They wouldn't have so many problems if they did that from the beginning. But I suppose that if they can't do the full version right away, the tech is probably pretty complex and expensive.
Okay so Raymond is the name of Australian guy. (Got it from the credits).
Well. At least they didn't get Lovelace's mind. We have that to be thankful for.
Episode 56: Idle Hands
Once again, another episode with no opening credits they just take you right in don't they?
So...is Jacobi not brainwashed? He seems agreeable, but not as robotic as Minkowski.
"Don't push them too hard." "Well it's not like they feel it" "I only turned off their pain receptors. They still have bones, primitive things." Miranda, DO YOU NOT HAVE BONES? WHAT ARE YOU?
Great, now I have the bananas have no bones song stuck in my head.
"It's not like any of them are gonna be alive much longer" And perhaps neither will any of you.
"No need to speak. Just give me the sum." Interesting. Miranda really hates the sound of Hera's voice.
"What are you trying to accomplish with these attempts at resistance?" You designed her Miranda. You built and created her. She has your voice. You gave her a personality, presumably similar to yourself. You declared yourself her god. So here's an idea. Why don't you figure it out for yourself?
"My name is HERA...screw you" I'm glad Hera told her off, but the way that Pryce and Cutter scold Eiffel and Hera like they're disappointing children...you really do feel the age gap now.
"Things are going to be okay." Did they get Jacobi too? Oh they did.
"Just because they can't talk back doesn't mean they-" good point Hera. We understood what you meant.
Also: "I'll find a way to discipline her later." ... Well, well, well. Looks like someone slipped up there for a moment, didn't you Miranda? What happened to "not her. It?" All of a sudden Hera is a her now? And you talk about her like a disappointing child. But since you clearly just view her as an object, I have to wonder, is it hard losing an argument to someone who sounds like you? Someone who expresses a part of yourself that you perhaps, are a little insecure about? See, Miranda, that's the problem with the whole "playing god" thing. You can act all proud of yourself for making something in your own image, but if you don't like yourself, you might not like the image that looks back at you. Happens to real parents with children all the time. Happens to every human who spends too much time together and starts picking up each other's habits. I am going to enjoy writing some fic about you, Miranda /ominous.
"I'll get creative" I'm sure you will, Miranda. And so will I.
"She was always very persistent" "Watch yourself Warren. You don't want to sound like you admire it" well, it looks like RACHEL knows to refer to Hera as an it, and Kepler doesn't, so it seems Miranda really did slip up there. It's not a writer's mistake if they're being so intentional a few minutes later. Oh, this is going to be so fun for me.
"Pryce gets everyone sooner or later" And Hera was made in her image, Rachel. You might want to think about that.
"Pryce doesn't delete AI, she just corrects them" Oh, the AI that sound exactly like her? The ones that sound just like her? She finds their flaws and corrects them, does she? Not at all reflecting her own self-esteem issues I'm sure.
Replaced cranial architecture? Just because Miranda was bored? Wow, she and Cutter really are the worst.
Rachel is also the worst. Oh and Warren calls her "Miss. Young" while she calls him Warren...I guess they're not on the same level at Goddard or if they were...that's for sure over now and Kepler knows it too.
"I'm not worried about her." It's okay to worry about things other than Whiskey, Kepler. A little character complexity before you die won't be a horrible thing.
"Something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy." And it sounds like Rachel would wish a lot on her enemies. So...what is happening with Lovelace?
Cutter's playing Funzo with her? I assume it's Funzo, but they seem to be playing something. Oh Backgammon. 😂
So this is what Rachel was referring to. Oh the parallels between Cutter and Pryce and Doug and Hera just write themselves at this point.
Lovelace: "I don't eat with creeps" Cutter: 🥺 ...me?
Yes you, you evil creepy murder man.
"I mind every second that you exist." Same Lovelace.
Cutter is smoking? "We all have our vices" That is the LEAST of your vices Cutter. Also between the sodas and cigarettes, clearly Pryce and Cutter haven't been staying alive and looking young due to healthy habits.
"You seem tense" very observant Cutter.
What is it with this man and chai lattes? I've seen a few untagged posts about it, I thought people were exaggerating.
"Miranda and I don't agree on everything" "Tell me you're not about to make me do marriage counseling for you and your work wife" CALL HIM OUT ON IT LOVELACE. 😂 "Even for you that's too evil."
"Miranda is...wonderful. But she can be a little cold." Ah. I see. So you and work wifey disagree on how best to torture people. Luring them into a false sense of security vs. being unfeeling and dark from the start. I suppose that's why they work together, to strike that unhealthy balance.
"I don't wanna do that. It's messy. And that's not how I want to do that. We can be better." So they're doing the good cop, bad cop routine?
And something tells me Lovelace doesn't want a pony. I think she wants you dead.
"Compromise is the cornerstone of a good work marriage" so he doesn't deny it then.
Cutter really is an old man. The smoking, the board games, it's only a matter of time before he starts playing bingo, watching wheel of fortune, and talking about how it was "back when he was young whippersnapper".
I swear, if Cutter and Pryce try to drop their tragic backstories...
Who is asking for Unit 214? Oh Doug. This is so sad. "Thank you 214 :)" "Yeah whatever" "Is everything okay?" EVEN BRAINWASHED HE STILL CARES ABOUT HER. "Pryce is nice" No, she's not Doug!
What happened? HE CALLED HER HERA! DOUG IS BACK! DOUG IS BACK! Doug, you have to pretend, but this is good. He's back. Our boy is back. 💕 Did talking to Hera bring him back?
"I was alone" Oh...oh. Hera's I am alone monologue. :( 💔
Doug talk like a robot! You need it to be believable. Oh Doug, don't become an actor. Thankfully Australian guy (Raymond, whatever) doesn't seem to be the most perceptive.
"It could have been worse. It could have been Dr. Pryce" Yep. Way worse.
What is Pryce doing that has RACHEL of all people so rattled? I don't like those sounds.
Oh her eye? And I guess that looks pretty gross. And still needs routine adjustment too. Well, well, I think we found some more insecurity. My "ripping apart the villains" sniffer is sniffing out some good stuff here.
Oh yippie. Jacobi's here to help.
Performance review? Review of who? Kepler? Style is Marcus's department, that is very true. HOW BADLY DO YOU NEED JACOBI? oh Kepler is gonna be tested isn't he? Are they gonna make him torture and shoot a compliant Jacobi?
"Boring again..." you're one to talk Cutter. It's always the same with you people.
DOUG, HE CAN TOTALLY TELL. Oh good Cutter is preoccupied and leaving them alone. Just say "yes sir" in a monotoned voice Doug!
Phew. I guess Cutter isn't used to doubting his work wife.
"Wanna know a secret?" 😂😂😂
What's funny is that Cutter could totally make Doug do that to trick her. Oh it looks like Lovelace thought of that.
Doug be incompetent and make references. Not even Pryce and Cutter can fake that. See? She believed that!
Headache? What does that mean? Lovelace's blood? Oh.
So what I'm hearing is that we need to do a few blood transfusions.
"Dr. Pryce can see and hear everything" then you might need to leave Hera.
"I'm here to help! 🥰" Jacobi seems cheery.
Examination table? What are Pryce and Cutter doing to him?
"How old was Dr. Maxwell?" 28. That's...that's young, oh no. That's so sad. Cutter knows it's Kepler's fault too. He's never gonna be done getting tortured with this.
Oh right. His arm is gone, I keep forgetting. They're giving him a prosthetic arm? Well they could have been far less ominous about that. "Prove you belong here." Um...how? He's giving him reading homework? Well that was less ominous than I thought. Wayyyy less ominous.
Hearing Jacobi like this is so funny, I'm sorry. Hopefully, Doug got him the blood and hopefully Jacobi keeps his mouth shut.
Oh. Jacobi didn't make it. Doug you can't risk losing the ground you have. You don't have 10 minutes!
Oh no. It's not Jacobi is it?
Ah. Kepler /derogatory.
I don't know about that Kepler, but I think you might be drowning in Whiskey.
Episode 57: The Devil's Plaything
Nice of them to take us directly back to Kepler's "well, well, well".
"I'm done here" That's the most you've sounded like a robot all day Doug!
Oh and Jacobi is back!
I see Jacobi doesn't know about Kepler's new prosthetic upgrades.
"Putting an end to this. Blowing up the Hephaestus." I hate to say it, but that might be the only solution now.
Doug. Look. I know. I would never pick this solution. But think about your daughter.
Oh, Jacobi has plans to get them off. But um... WHAT ABOUT HERA? She IS the Hephaestus. Can you um...make her the sol? Oh, the sol can hold her consciousness? Well that's good, but Maxwell would be really useful right now. If only Kepler had been the one to go.
That is a good question Doug. Why didn't you get Minkowski first?
Oh gross. Doug. Doug. Do not talk to her. Don't talk to Rachel Young. Don't talk to Dr. Pryce.
"Are you there?" It might not be safe to speak. But Hera is always there, she said so herself.
Visual and thermal sensors? Good plan, but won't Pryce notice?
"As long as it's not Jacobi" *flashes to Jacobi*
"How are things?" Not the best time for small talk Jacobi.
Jacobi knew one of them? This is so sad. He's...yeah they're gone. No one comes back from what Pryce did. 💔 "What they did to them is what you wanted Maxwell to do to me" That was rough, but fair. Jacobi needed to hear that. I like his redemption arc. I'm glad to see it's finally going somewhere.
Rachel really hates Doug 😂
Doug please don't talk to yourself. And remember, you technically can't feel pain. Pretend it's an inconvenience. Why does Rachel sound like a schoolteacher yelling at a first grader while Doug moans and whimpers? 😂
"Oh hello Eiffel. You're bleeding." Indeed, Minkowski.
"Everything is going to be fine." Why do I feel like that might be a phrase Cutter and Pryce use to hypnotize them or something, they say it constantly.
"You just stuck a needle in my neck. That wasn't very nice of you" 😂 Please this is too funny.
"Everything is going to be okay." SEE? SHE LET HIM GO!
Oh no. He called her Hera. Pryce won't allow that.
"Why are you calling her that?" I knew it! Just come up with something... um...Cutter asked me to call her that for his amusement?
oh and even "it's all okay" won't save him now.
How did Minkowski get the walkie-talkie? Oh dear. She's been under the longest too. And she's a trained solider. Doug you should have shot the comms system faster!
"Commander?" "Not quite." "I'm putting the lieutenant on manual." PRYCE CAN JUST SPEAK THROUGH THEM?
"Don't delude yourself boy" It's little things like calling Doug "boy" that make me realize how old Pryce and Cutter really are. At first I thought they were boomers, but are they from the early 1900s because they seem even older than boomers sometimes just by the way they talk.
Oh dear what's happening now.
"Eiffel is sacrificing himself, what a hero" 😂 Jacobi, never change. Well, do change, but not your sense of humor. That can stay.
The airlock? She's making Minkowski leave out the airlock?
Oh Pryce is onto Jacobi too! "Go to hell" "not before the lieutenant does" Just because you're doing there doesn't mean everyone is Pryce.
Hopefully the alien blood protects them?
Gross. Rachel and Hermes zombies. The worst.
Minkowski! Come back! You can do it!
The Hermes crew went down! They did it! And yes! Punch Young in the face!
No. Not Minkowski. No. She needs to see her husband again!
"Have they hit you with a wrench before?" well, no, but they did try it. That's what happens when you lose Jacobi, Rachel. You get hit with wrenches.
Oh poor Hera. It's not your fault.
Alive or dead? Alive, if you can manage. Well at least that's good...I think...
"Only a set back" well let's hope not Cutter. Not interested in your idea of fun.
Episode 58: Quiet, Please
Is this episode about Kepler or Cutter? Because I need them both to be quiet.
Oh right, the plant monster. Good thing Minkowski set up all those weapon stations! Now let's go hunt the real monsters.
The new plan can't be the old plan. Hera told them everything. They know. It's not her fault Jacobi!
Hera, you have to realize that you can't hear this. You have to trust that they will get you off the ship. "Show that WOMAN some respect" YES MINKOWSKI. Very true. But also, you need to make sure they have no way to hear about your plans.
Cutter is also probably waiting on the sol for them in a big evil chair. He's likely practicing his evil speech right now.
This would be a great time for the plant monster to come back and kill Cutter. I wish they keep him around. 💔🪴
"As long as I don't have to be out there" *cuts to Doug out there*
"The only time you're getting visuals from one place" "It's weird I don't like it" Interesting. It probably does feel weird to Hera.
And there goes Doug. I just imagine Kepler telling Pryce "don't worry. I've been tracking them and I'm positive they're in storage, right behind this door" only for Doug to go screaming and flying past the window as Pryce stares at Kepler with a deadpan look.
Talking uses air. Good point. Perhaps they should all talk less. The good news is we haven't heard from Whiskey boy the entire episode. Perhaps he's giving Pryce and Rachel the Whiskey monologue as they go through the ship.
"You're other left" once again Doug is me.
As we listen to Doug go on this journey, I once again return to Kepler's prosthetic arm. I wonder if they can hack it.
Wait what's happening now? Oh the security system is active? Oh dear.
I'm just waiting for things to go wrong. There's no way Cutter Pryce and the gang aren't onto them.
Biometric or retinal... do they need Pryce's eyes? Oh she has spare eyes. I wonder what happens if they break. And how she lost her original eyes. 👁️
"Everyone in favor of going to the lab say "eye"" Lol, "the eyes have it" I love it.
I just know they're gonna show up. I know it. I'm just waiting for it.
There's no way Miranda would leave her lab this unsecured.
Oh...she has a lot of eyes does she? THEY MOVE? Ew. Well... I guess Pryce needs a lot of backups. If I were them I'd just grab one. What's so gross and unsettling about it? I mean, I get that they're eyes that move, but...they make it sound so horrifying. I guess this really must be Miranda's insecurity.
Did he drop the eye? Oh no. This just keeps getting worse. And why wouldn't you grab a backup and smash the rest? If Miranda needs backups, it must be for a reason! Make sure she can't see. It's like smashing someone's glasses or destroying their contact lenses. Get whatever upper hand you can!
Oh. Hi Raymond. Didn't expect you to be here. Um...what now?
An inspiring speech from Doug. Yes, give Hera a moment. I believe in her. 💕
Oh never mind it's Kepler. Gross.
Oh right, Pryce can see in the dark because of her eyes.
"I don't kill people. It's wasteful. I value all my workers highly" I hate Pryce. She's clearly mad about how they broke out of her restraints.
Recycle it! Good work Doug. Recycling and reusing is good the planet. Of course, we're in space, but...oh fire code. ♻️
Oh so Eiffel, Minkowski, Pryce, and Kepler are ejected in space?
Well. Um... that's an awkward group. Perhaps they can play a little Funzo?
Okay, now I REALLY can't listen to anymore. I've wasted way too much time procrastinating. But we're coming to the end now, which is exciting. See you (hopefully) soon everyone!
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