#thats one hell of an acronym
"why should I write stupid little fics if there are already fics like I dont feel like our love is brand new or call me up late or did you see the love in my eyes, oh were you gazing through this disguise? or this one or that one...."
because they started as stupid little fics too, some of the authors would still describe them as that
someone might not get one of your lines tattooed, but someone out there will have a better day cause of your stupid little words, I promise you that
so just write if you have even the tiniest bit of motivation
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limbus-limousine · 6 months
Honestly I really really like Sinclair and Ryoshu's relationship (platonic) like A LOT but it always seems like nbdy gives them any attention!!
Lately I've been thinking about it because, well. You have the seemingly most innocent (key word seemingly) sinner be the only one who understands Shu's freaky acronyms and I think thats really cool. Why? Because they are both artists. In their source books they both paint and the do it FREAKY style. Ryoshu just using homemade gore as art reference for her hell screen. Being so dedicated to that art that even after loosing everything she had to finish it before dying, because of all the blood and pain that went into it. Emil painting so absently that he needs to hang the canvas over his bed, look at it every morning and every night just to realize that he painted Demian but also himself and a man and a woman and god and a star.and whatever.
Do you understand.do you get my vision. Delulu artist relationship...
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AITA for slapping my mother in law?
I (27F) am married to my husband Jay (26M) and we recently had our first child Lily.
Well the pregnancy was a very very difficult one. I was throwing up every day for over six months, suffered long bouts of insomnia, developed gestational diabetes, standing up too fast made me incredibly dizzy, my entire body just constantly hurt, Lily kicked me so hard I legit had tears in my eyes (which combined with full body pain was...not pleasant) and to top it all off Lily weighed ELEVEN pounds and I tore really really badly.
I love my daughter to death but never again. Ever.
Anyways after that literal hell of a pregnancy, I've been more or less bedbound for several weeks now while healing from that entire ordeal. Which means Jay has been taking care of pretty much everything, keeping the house clean, making food, taking care of me and Lily, etc. Its a lot I know and I wish I could do more to help but Jay has been insisting that I rest and recover and that he's got this. He's been handling everything like an absolute champ. Honestly if I didnt have him I dont know how I would be doing anything.
Well this morning Jay's parents came to visit and meet their granddaughter. So I was moved to the living room so I could introduce them to Lily and socialize a bit while Jay cooked lunch.
Now Jay's parents are very traditional. They believe that men make the money and that its the woman's job to take care of the house, the cooking, and the children.
You can probably see where this is going.
I introduce Mother in law to Lily and we get to talking. (Father in law went outside to go smoke)
Thats when mother in law asks why Jay is cooking. More importantly why Im NOT cooking. I tell her I physically cant even stand UP without help so how am I supposed to cook.
She only scoffed saying that I was just making excuses. I am very used to her bullshit by now so I just roll my eyes.
Then Lily started crying because she needed a diaper change. Mother in law tells me to go change her diaper. Again I cant even stand up by myself, much less get up to change a diaper.
I call Jay and he happily comes to get our daughter. Mother in law starts yelling, telling Jay no that I should do it because its my job. She grabs Lily and shoves her back into my arms and tells me to get up and go do it.
Jay, my wonderful angel, tried to tell her that I physically couldnt move for weeks and to mind her own damn business.
She then started yelling even more saying that I was making my husband do my job for me, calling me lazy and a slut (What that has anything to do with this? I have no idea) she went off on a complete tangent about how it was a woman's job to take care of the home and the children, that SHE managed just fine and she had five small children, that I was completely emasculating Jay, that I was a disgrace, etc.
She just kept going and going while not letting me and Jay even get a word in. Until eventually she said that my daughter will probably grow up to be a whore like I am.
I think it was a mix of pure exhaustion and hormones because somehow I managed to stand up for a moment and slap her across the face before immediately falling back on the couch.
Jay looked shocked, Mother in law looked livid. (Father in law was just watching from the doorway, equally as shocked.)
Mother in law started full on screaming, calling me every single name in the book until father in law physically dragged her out of the house by her arm.
Now hours later my phone has been blowing up with messages from my brothers and sister in laws, telling me that I was an asshole and that I had no excuse for hitting their mother.
Hell even my friends think I was in the wrong for hitting her (completely ignoring how she was yelling, calling me horrible names, in front of a newborn baby no less.)
What are these acronyms?
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kittycathat · 4 months
LGBTQIABCDEFJ is not real just stop. It's made up acronym that is rarely used outside of tumblr. Queer is not an identity its just an adjective. most intersex people explicitly state they do not consider themselves lgbt. Most lgbt people do not want to associate with aro and aces. And most lgbt in the real world living normal lives and not chronically online have little to no contact or knowledge of asexuals we literally dont care. Ur existence is so insignificant offline and if we ever met a self proclaimed aroace het cis man we would probably make sure we never had to associate with him again. Ur not gay just give it up and go live a normal life. Ur a single cis person. U either dont have the emotional capacity to love someone or u are sex repulsed and dont want to have a relationship with someone either way thats just normal and there are plenty of people like that we dont really care if u want to be alone all ur life just leave actual struggling gay people alone and shutup about ur stupid discourse no one cares except urselves.
That is true, the acronym is actually LGBTQIA (with variations,) not LGBTQIABCDEFJ. /sarc
but anyways hi anon! Theres a lot to unpack here
about "lgbtqia is rarely used outside of tumblr": that's the problem, bc we want it to be
about "its not an identity just an adjective": not quite sure what you're on, bc it literally is
about intersex people: this goes against what you just said, and supports that "queer" is an identity even more?? because these intersex people are choosing whether they identify as queer or not
about lgbtqia people not wanting to associate aro or ace people: bro if these are people you actually know irl, please find new friends. Find friends who actually support normal who are living their lives, just without romantic and/or sexual attraction.
about me being chronically online: anon.... i dont think you can talk after you typed out this whole thing as an attempt to make me feel bad... but ok. (also not very related but anonymous hate is a very very pathetic thing to do)
about asexuality being not well known: Also not sure what rock you live under but asexuality is pretty well known??? like the average person (at least where i live) will most likely know what it is.
about cishet aroace men: .. ok but why would i not want to associate with him? plus everyone lgbtqia is "self proclaimed" so idk bro
about not having "emotional capacity": bro what the hell do you want me to do,, i've literally never felt romantic attraction in my life
about "there are plenty of people like that": People might not want to be in romantic relationships for a number of reasons, but if it's because they don't feel romantic attraction... then they're aro-spec. Thank you for supporting the aro community by saying it's normal <333
about "we dont really care if u want to be alone all ur life": bro its the internet if you don't like what i'm talking about just SCROLL
about leaving "actual struggling gay people" alone: .. when did i do anything against gay people? Plus if you're trying to stop hate... why did you anonymously send a literal hate essay to me
about "ur not gay just live a normal life": omg you got something right!! i'm actually not gay!! (so proud of you <3) Also i do live a normal life, i am so basic you can't even imagine
about no one caring: well you see.. thats the problem. that's part of why i post about aromanticism, because i want people to be actually supportive
anyways! tysm for reading all that. please be civil in comments, and be kind to everyone guys <3
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messenger-of-stupidity · 10 months
Roll for Persuasion
I'm back with more Shaw Mates group chats. And it's still literally nothing but crack. Enjoy!
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CW: GN Listener characters (any gendered terms are purely used for the meme and should not be taken seriously), Cursing, Crack, Kind of suggestive because Angel can't stop
<< Previous -- Redacted Masterlist -- Next >>
Summary: Angel needs to be jailed, Baabe is an accomplice, Sweetheart has a masterplan, and Sam is barely surviving in this.
Taglist: @wib-was-here @4letteraroace @moon0o
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Angel: i learned smthn togay
Baabe: to gay or not to gay that is the question.
Sweetheart: Is this an actually valuable lesson or do I need to call the morgue to prepare for your body to come in
Angel: ...
Angel: n e wayz
Angel: i learned that daveys bag is in fact not waterproof
Sweetheart: Oh my god what did you do
Baabe: howd you find out?
Angel: i spilled water in it
Baabe: water in his valentino white bag?! WAGAOUWAH
Angel: mm doesnt hit the same
Baabe: no it really doesnt.
Sweetheart: Youre fucked
Angel: ah ha ha chad lip bite
Sam: Put it in the dryer?
Angel: ...
Angel: oh
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Baabe: i just banged my ankle.
Angel: oh my god why did u do that
Angel: ehrfiuerhfr i just dont know why youd want to fuck your ankle
Baabe: i banged it against a cabinet corner! i bruised it. it hurt. i did not fuck my ankle whats wrong with you?
Angel: must be the lack of oxygen
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Sweetheart: I just went through the drivethru like twelve times and left each time because i didnt want to talk to people
Baabe: omg thats so asher coded of you.
Sam: I promise it will be okay. You'll even get food.
Angel: you were comin and goin
Angel: kum and go
Angel: ejaculate and evacuate
Baabe: i hope you know that jesus sleeps in your hair every night.
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Sweetheart: Peanut butter is an ointment fight me
Baabe: i want proof.
Sweetheart: Its thick and can be used as a protective coating
Angel: you know what else is thick and can be used as a protective coating
Angel: daveys
Sam: That's enough internet for Angel.
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Sam: Lirc?
Sweetheart: If I remember correctly
Sam: What's that?
Baabe: acronym for iirc.
Sam: What's iirc?
Angel: if i remember correctly
Sam: Remember what?
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Sweetheart: I am fearing for my life
Sam: Why?
Sweetheart: Im home alone and theres a single slice of cheese on the counter
Sweetheart: Just lying there
Sam: Oh dear?
Angel: were in your walls
Baabe: feed us the cheese
Baabe: we crave it
Angel: c h e e s e
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Angel: what uni did yall go to
Baabe: stanford. worst years of my life
Sweetheart: DAMN
Sam: Same as Sweetheart.
Sam: What about you, Angel?
Angel: i went to ugh
Sam: I don't recognize that acronym.
Angel: university of giving head
Sam: Goodbye.
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Sweetheart: This is why we need to destroy capitalism
Sam: What the hell is Catsup Blast?
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Sweetheart: Unrelated but Im seeing a lot of 6 x Gabriel stuff
Baabe: not surprised.
Sam: Is this that "old man yaoi" Angel keeps talking about?
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Sweetheart: Sometimes self care is watch an hour and a half video about the JFK assassination
Baabe: you might benefit from some therapy.
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Sweetheart: Homestuck is for true warriors. Those who have been heartbroken so many time they dont know how to feel or see anymore. Homestuck is for those who have experienced true pain yet still push through knowing no matter how much they face Homestuck is by their side supporting them. Homestuck is the reason for so many differences in the world and is the reason outcasts and popular kids have one thing in common. Homestuck is for those who dont feel emotions as theyve lost the ability to feel them years ago when that flame died out because of childhood issues and now the only thing they have left to bring them the tiniest bit of inspiration is Homestuck. Homestuck is for kids that have no where to turn to, teens who are on the brink of killing off their family, and for adults who have lost complete control of their lives. Homestuck is badass. Homestuck has caused many wars and won all of them, Homestuck has no barriers and does not abide to any man nor woman nor god, homestuck is above god itself. Homestuck doesnt even have a concept of god inside its intellectual brain because it knows its the reason for every good, bad, and neutral thing to happen to mankind and thats what matters. Homestuck could be legally clarified as a bible. Homestuck is for the fainthearted and isnt for the sensitive types or the crybabies. Its for true motherfuckers who know where they are in life and what the fuck theyre doing with themselves. Of course you think its cringe but maybe youre just projecting onto the homestuck because you have never felt such power or control over your own life and need to belittle those who have something greater than power. They have homestuck. Homestuck fans are the type to find your exact location and multiple different closed off social medias because you dont have the same opinion as them. I suggest next time you know your place and keep your mouth shut. Homestuck isnt cringe and isnt for weak nerds like you
Baabe: fuck you im not reading all that.
Angel: all i asked was if you wanted pesto on your pasta or marinara omg calm down
Sam: What is Homestuck?
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Baabe: i havent cleaned my kitchen for a month blegh
Sweetheart: If it isnt gross I think youre fine but if it is then clean your damn kitchen
Angel: HOLY SHIT a month??
Baabe: yeah theres twelve of them.
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Angel: *leans on expensive buffalo* heyyy
Angel: *bugatti
Baabe: nope youve sealed your fate.
Sweetheart: Im gonna cook your buffalo.
Sam: I'm done.
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bonetrousledbones · 8 months
question can you infodump about your Little Guys (atbb) to me because ive been following for like a year and i still dont totally understand them past papyrus au. they are really cool tho
oh my god ok so. first off atbb is the acronym for my ask blog @ask-the-bone-boys that's been on hiatus for a little over a year now. it was born in 2018 out of the annoyance of everything au-centered being sans and also a way to explore how the classic "aus get stuck in the original universe" fic trope would go if it was somebody from the "original" story leaving their universe instead. and also an excuse to make papyrus miserable to be fully honest
also also im going to preface this by saying i ship selfcest and there is some selfcest in this story ok if anybody has issue with that then uh. oopsies (i can explain the way i view it at another time if anybody;s interested but im already gonna ramble like hell here so not rn)
with that groundwork laid im gonna put this under a cut lmao dont click this
for the sake of organization- part 1: RUSS
STARTING AT THE BEGINNING so some very basic backstory for this Undertale Papyrus specifically is that he and his brother are twins, they grew up bouncing around several foster homes until they decided to run away to live in the woods on their 14th birthday, where they lived in a bigass tent for three years until Papyrus got badly injured and they had to get help from the townspeople, who uh kinda unofficially adopted them and thats how "they just showed up one day"
then more time passed and around 3 years after getting to the surface Papyrus was booted out of his universe by Mysterious Circumstances. he got a very bad introduction to the multiverse because the place he landed was my own version of horrortale, undermunch. there he meets Spooks!
i have a whole side-fic where you can read in better detail how this goes but basically monsters don't turn to dust in this world and also Spooks is a cannibal, which Papyrus doesn't know until he realizes he was fed spaghetti made out of a rabbit monster. IN addition to that, Spooks has very different magic from other aus, that being it's pretty much all concentrated into a kind of blue-magic-venom that comes out of his teeth like a snake.
Long story short Papyrus has to escape from Spooks somehow, and that's how he learns he's able to move through universes by himself. It still takes him a while to learn how to without being in a life-or-death situation, but that's ok because almost every other universe he goes to after that puts him into a life-or-death situation :>
and then FINALLY he gets spat out into a variation of Underswap, where he meets Honey. this one's a bit spoilery because i haven't finished writing this fic yet BUT its ok because this will be so so so disorganized. anyway so Papyrus is scared of Honey at first because he's been getting completely fucking obliterated by the multiverse (his leg is broken and he's wearing a chest plate he stole from a different papyrus who died in front of him) but Honey is relatively patient with him and lets him stay on his couch on the surface. This is where Papyrus gets the nickname Russ!
Russ is dealing with a broken leg when he shows up in this universe, so he stays with Honey for a little over three months while he recovers from that as well as (some of) the multiverse traumas he'd been collecting up to that point. The main things that he still can't shake are nightmares, trust/attachment issues, and EXTREME food paranoia. he refuses to eat anything he hasn't prepared himself, and even that can be a struggle. Also, because of how long he spent without getting it properly treated, his leg never fully heals.
He starts getting really really homesick the longer he stays in this universe. It builds up over his whole stay, but only starts to get Very Bad after he gets the cast off of his leg. Honey's home is extremely similar to his own home, and sometimes just seeing him and his brother interacting with each other makes Russ upset.
OH I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT THE CODEPENDENCY ok so at some point Russ just starts completely clinging to Honey and Honey doesn't know what to do about it so he just kinda. unintentionally feeds into it and this turns into Russ sleeping in Honey's bed and blah blah blah eventually this becomes a problem for Honey because he doesn't know how to address Russ's homesickness and clinginess without hurting him somehow even though Honey is extremely stressed and actively burning out
Then Russ overhears Honey venting to Undyne and feels. crushed. And he reacts incredibly rationally! By avoiding Honey as much as possible! But it does not take him long at all to break down and the two finally have a chat about boundaries. They work out a plan together that Honey thinks will genuinely help and Russ thinks will get himself off of Honey's back. The plan is that they'll figure out how to control Russ's world-hopping ability and get him back home.
The idea is that if he's able to control when and how he leaves, he can control where he goes. Then, when he inevitably lands in his home, he'll pop back in Underswap and tell Honey how it went. Because he can control it! Of course!
Honey gives him one of his hoodies and a photo camera to remember him by. Russ tries to figure out what it was in the past that might have helped him jump universes, which was the desire to be just about anywhere other than where he was at that moment. So, he just, thought about going home instead!
And it worked! And he left Honey's universe! And then he realized he didn't land at his home at all! And when he tried to go back to Honey's universe, he went somewhere entirely different as well! And he never saw Honey again! Wahoo!
This is the point where he just becomes a complete mess I'm not gonna lie to you, he starts drinking even though he really really REALLY hates alcohol, he only eats enough to stay conscious, he gets into fights just for the adrenaline rush, and only stays in one universe long enough to confirm it's not his home before either leaving for the next one or collapsing somewhere and hoping he doesn't get attacked while he sleeps for two hours
then he lands in Edge's universe and this needs a part two now OOPS
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thewebcomicsreview · 7 months
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Oh hey, Homestuck 2 updated! I was expecting this to be an 11/11 update since that's a Homestuck arc number, but it's the least important of those by far.
Egads! What a despicable plan, devised by a devilish dame with a dastardly disposition. The wretched wiles of a wayward woman with a penchant for the wicked. A hullabaloo most hideous and heinous, hammered out by-
One of the biggest mysteries of Homestuck 2 is who's narrating Candyland with Calliope gone, and the more narration-heavy style of the new team is really calling attention to that. This is very flanderized Jake English dialogue. Also a dramatically more active Jake English than we've seen all...ever?
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Under no circumstances can you allow her to get to The Point.
Gonna have fun with that MacGuffin name, huh, writers? It occurs to me that Jake was supposedly a spy the whole time but this is the first indication that he's actually been telling the resistance anything instead of just calling himself a spy as a cope.
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I like this art a lot. But also what the hell is Meenah doing here? Last time we saw her, in the epilogues, she was out in space and stole the Ring of Life from John before escaping into a server beacon. Did it lead her into the black hole (lmao get owned), or is this an alternate timeline ghosts? Are her eyes closed in order to drag out that reveal?
JAKE: Shit, sergeant! Cant you add her to the groupcrab? MEENAH: groupcrab MEENAH: cod damn thats good MEENAH: i just been callin em prawnference calls
As fish puns go, "Prawnference calls" is excellent.
MEENAH: idk but hypothetically speaking if i was posted up in my big mean bitch pants just gettin my empress on and you told me insturgeonts were tryin to shore up on some kinda mythic skaian artifact
So, Meenah has her eyes closed to prevent me from knowing if this is the alpha version or a doomed ghost, and now she's dropping very vague hints about what the plot point is. This does feel very homestuck, in that it's teasing out the reveals to maximize speculation. Skaia is, of course, related to SBURB, and thus this is confirmation of the fandom assumption that they're going to start a new game, without actually saying much else.
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I have no idea why this air vent is Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff style, but Vriska kicking the sound affect is still funny.
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The comedy quotient has increased notably under the new team.
VRISKA: John, she's a Vriska. She can handle herself! I'm sure she can take anything this fake-ass timeline can throw at her! JOHN: what?
Wait, John doesn't know? I thought "Everyone 'knows' candyland is fake and that why they're acting so weird they're just LARPing" was kind of my headcanon for a lot of the weirder candy stuff.
VRISKA: This whole universe is like someone's shitty RP, and everyone's out of character! None of this reads! VRISKA: Like, who the FUCK is Yiffy!!!!!!!! Why should I or anyone CARE????????
I'm so meta even this acronym
JOHN: a long time ago i was supposed to go back and defea- VRISKA: SNOOOOOOOORE! VRISKA: Your ecto-human-guardian-si8ling or whatever is pro8a8ly sending a squad of 8ozos to apprehend your ex as we speak. So I say the less we talk and the sooner we 8low this gru8sickle stand, the sooner we can get there 8efore we lose access to our shortcut. JOHN: yeah when you spell it all out like that i can see what y- JOHN: wait, WHAT!!! JOHN: why didn't you just say that earlier?! VRISKA: John. That's what I've 8een doing this whole time! VRISKA: Now, c'mon! Race you there!!!!!!!!
I don't ship them or anything, but this John/Vriska dynamic where John is kind of the oblivious straight man to all this wacky nonsense is one that Homestuck has been very light on since Act 6.
That was a good update. It was funny, it moved the plot along, and it gave us stuff to speculate about! And the art was really good!
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ifuckingloveryoshu · 2 months
Hi I saw ur tags on my posts lol 🔥😭😭 thank you so much for liking my ryoshu and oc arts, but can I ask where did the name of yuzuki for ryoshu's daughter came from? I don't think hell screen mentioned her name?
Thank you for helping me get up this morning. Very short tldr but vauge answer: Hell Screen has been translated and adapted enough you could have read the a translation that keeps called Yoshihide's daughter, "Yoshihide's daughter"
If you read the Little Penguins Books Publishing, they did not use Yuzuki as the name from what I can see, but Yuzuki exist somewhere.
Lazily doing a half-baked investigation under read more.
I will never claim to know anything about translation and I had too little sleep to do things today. I'm also broke so I can't go cross refrence evey translation and adaptation of Hell Screen. I hope someone better than I can could look into this or help out. Ill come back to this maybe
This is absolutly not how you do research or go off of things but Penguin Publishing version reviews don't use the Yuzuki name so I'm thinking they don't use her name there. The Jay Rubin Translation doesn't use Yuzuki. I say that because I'm re-listening to this while cross refrencing a pdf I found. Im guessing their one in the same.
This archeologist/writer named matthewrettino uses Yuzuki when talking about Hell Screen
Haunted Places Ghost Stories did a reading on this and unrelated but they pronounce Monkehide how an american would so its, "MONKEY HIDE." But anyway, they use it. They just spell it liker Uzuki
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Portrait of Hell or Jingokuhen make Yoshihide Korean, apparently. I wanted to put that here, it''s not really important, just an example of an adaptation changing something. You have a story for so long and things get changed.
It's part of human history and how we tell stories, we like adapting things and giving thigs new meaning just like Ryoshu. She's not named Yoshihide but we're all thinking, "Yeah, she's Yoshihide, she likes art, she has fire, shes sadistic, that's Yoshihide." But she's not an old man, Yoshihide never spoke in acronyms, Yoshihide's not a woman. Jesus Christ was never white. He was born in Jerusulm in a dessert, it would be strange if he was white. Most people living in the middle east and closer to the sun normally have darker skin because they have more melanin in their skin to protect from the sun. The image has been passed around so much that, at least in our Eurocentric culture, I can't find the word for it, Jesus is commonly depicted as white. Yuzuki could have never had the name in the original language, or the inverse, she could have had a name but time let it go through the skin of its fingers and it was lost to oblivion. We just need to rediscover where it's orgin came from.
Meme - A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another
The name Yuzuki might as well be a meme. If it wasn't in the orginal version of Hell Screen, it just exist now. That's why people are like, "Yuzuki, that's the name of Yoshihide's daughter. That sounds right!" Because idea's spread from text, imagry, music notes, whatever you have come to life like a spark of flame from a lighter and drift off from its starting point. The co2 particles relase into the air and up to the clouds, and when enough people emmit co2 at a rate thats unsustantable for our planet, big things happen. Really big things happen. Or you just scream so loud that no one hears you and much like the effects of smoking, damage your lungs.
I hope it doesn't feel like I'm pulling stuff out of my ass. I'll come back to this and when I have a solid answer, i'll tell you or reblog this. No worries.
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S2: E6 "No Exit"
This episode featuring: Misogynistic tropes, Family Guy, the daddy issues continue, and Robert Smirke's 14 Fears
Silas: YAY
Kayla: hello queers and sam winchester
Compilation of Dean's dumbassery in the beginning, we love to see it
Ominous flickering lights! Great start
Hell is RIGHT baby bc its probably a demon or something
Oh boy mom and daughter fight
Poor passerby family walking in on that
Yeah and you're young and blonde and therefore likely to get eaten by this thing, which I'm sure is the point
Melon: Oh to be born as a disposable horror movie character
Whshsgs yeah her moms not an idiot
Shes thinking abt stabbing u with it Dean
Anyways as I was saying its like "definitely a sexist character archetype" but also she really is stupid
Dean gonna get his hand bit or somethin just putting it in a vent w/a spirit
Oh look another random blonde girl
Did they not check to see if there were any other blonde chicks in the building when investigating
He was fucking sleeping like that
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Ah yes the tragic backstory bc of her dad dying
Dude honey he has daddy issues out the wazoo this isn't something you want to be asking probably
Melon: Wait is she asking Dean for parent advice
Me: Asking what yhe first thing he thought of when he remembered his dad
Melon: MAAM
Me: Dean saying it was shooting bottles on a fence I Feel Like Thats A Lie
Melon: Ma’am this man exudes daddy issues in a 6 km radius at all times you really shouldn’t ask him anything about his dad
Melon: Does this look like the face of someone who was hugged as a child? No? Cause he wasn’t
Melon: Pretty sure any answer he gives could be a lie cause like I’m pretty sure the entirety of everything he’s ever done with his dad flashes simultaneously every time he remembers him.
Ohhhh so hanging people jn the field nextdoor ok that tracks
Girl u have no sense of self preservation
HHHolmes blond girl. Joanna Beth? Isk.
Time to start breaking walls
[ Crepe says to drink the ectoplasm like a milkshake. Do not do this. ]
Scratch marks..... where others have tried to get out
Oh I am not looking at the screwn while shes looking out of it bc creepy fuckers eye is gonna show up I just know it
Rip in pieces
[ Melon appreciates the humor of using an acronym and then adding the rest of the statement. ]
Sam and Dean looking like dumbasses with their fuckin. Metal detector?
Into the sewers without delay we can't go wrong we know the waaaay
That ladder is pretty sketchy
What a creep
Ok scared him off for a sec
Dean army man crawling in a stupid little sewer
[ Melon notes that he's always felt showing someone crawling through a dark tunnel on their stomach is, in his opinion, one of the scariest things to be utilized in horror. I think there's a lot of merit in this; you can't go very fast, and you can't turn around, so if something else is in there with you... It occurs to me, that while we've warned away Melon from TMA for Prentiss reasons, I should show them MAG15. ]
Eugg... bones...... the corpse of one of the victims
Well thats creepy as shit
Salt circled him
[ Crepe makes a reference to a Tumblr post about salt in hoola-hoops, instead of salt circles. I'm sure one of you guys could dig it up. ]
Well thats rough
[ More discussion comtinues on useful and hilarious solutions to demons and ghosts, such as holy water squirt gun, holy water humidifier, and salt infused hairspray flamethrower. ]
Like father like sons oh ma'am
Oh boy
I mean I get being upset but also its stupid as hell
You can't blame someone for what their parent did thats fucking stupid
I mean I get being concerned that some traits carry over but this soecific behavior is stupid!
[ At some point around here, the episode ended. I, however, was hung up and DEEPLY offended by Jo's behavior at the very end. ]
Melon: *cough* unfortunately pretty sure john could find a way to pass on his sins or smthn. Dudes done some weird shit
[ I rant about it a bit more. I'm so deeply, deeply offended. Then, a pivot into discussion about the monster of this ep. ]
Me: Anyways absolutely wild that the monster this ep was an irl serial killer
Me: Same energy as Robert Smirke being in the Magnus Archives
[ Needless to say, the conversation was immediately sidetracked. ]
Crepe: What did he do
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Kayla: WHAT
Me: Ok I can't argue with that actually
[ There's some more prattling about this, but I'll mainly leave you with this last thing. ]
Kayla: the us govt isnt its own fear?
Me: No that would be giving it too much credit
Well, needless to say, I can't say I'm a fan of Jo at this point. It's a bit frustrating, because it's very clear (to me anyways) that her characterization is the result of some annoying tropes. I can get behind the idea of her wanting to be like her father, and maybe being a bit reckless, but the treatment of her is just... idk. Really frustrating.
I probably would have been a lot more sympathetic if it weren't for that weird turn around at the end. I understand Helen seeing John in the brothers and having issues with that, but Jo? After surviving all that with them? I can understand feeling conflicted, but the way it was presented... hrgh. Irritating all around.
At least this episode had concrete truck. Keeping in theme with the TMA references, Adelard Deckard would be proud.
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eyelessfog · 1 year
5 and/or 28 for the ask game?
5. Share a strength
Oooh! I wanna go with... descriptions. My writing is a movie in my brain and I put my pride in sharing the visuals I want the person to see! I find I actually get Double good at those visuals when they're dreams so my second answer would probably be dreams. between ilyltslts [<- oh wow. that series has a long acronym huh] & the one unnamed sausage & pearl fic... yeah. i want u to see the symbolism!!
28. Share three of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much
AWW unfaiiiirrrr i like a lot of you guys!! @slashmagpie gets a spot in here no matter what though bc . lifeline :] other than that is a bunch of people but i was in lewers earlier so... @yellowsomethings & @liloinkoink
As for why? gestures wildly.
magpie!!! its about the way every chapter hits! its about all the things that connect that you never even noticed!! its about the characterizations!! its about false n stress n bdubs :] but like. in regards to the non llau fics: i read through a couple last night and its still so.. like oh!! the characters!! oh! the problems!! oh!! you know? magpie do you know how badly i wanna write a fic based off of the ghost pearl fic about how she feels in that factory.
for ilex. aughghghg.. i dunno.. ilex keeps coming up with these awesome ideas for fics that just suck me in every single time? either that or has the prompts and then executes them really well? ESPECIALLY when it comes to arenaduo... the sausage and pearl stuff is always like... they're friends and they're friends through lives and decades and isnt that enough? doesn't that matter? won't you understand what that means to them? for them? it's about the. the emotions that you as the reader feel and that they as the characters feel.
and lew? duuude... its impressive, you know? like there's lamplight! leaflight! even!! two beautifully written aus with the prettiest visuals and amazing betrayal and trust and loyalty and love and it's about how a god will never harm the man who has done so much for him - will protect him as much as his power allows him - gives him all he can, and hopes beyond hope that this mortal will understand that he enjoys his presence so, so much. there are words they cant say because they don't have mouths or voices and yet.. and yet!!
and also there's treesekai and thats sick as hell even though it was a crackfic and wasnt meant to hit as hard as we all made it hit but i love it a lot too <33
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honeyblockm · 2 years
HIIIII YEN!!! can i hear about your fencing au perhaps? :D
YES can i saunter into your inbox after this and ask about the swimming groundhog day fic or would you prefer to continue chasing it off with a stick? /gen it sounds rlly cool!
okay so in my heart i know some of the characters would be sabre fencers (theres three types of fencing and sabre is. the rlly fast and aggressive one) but for Me purposes as i am a foil fencer if i ever write anythign it will be probably foil. anyways if you see a lot of people doing two types of fencing in this au thats just my indecision.
a lot of this. you see. is kind of me projecting
it starts with Phil, two-time olympic fencer, retiring and going back to his hometown to become a coach for the very small but dedicated fencing club there (in my head this is somewhere in a midwest-like area where there rlly is not a lot of fencing going on). i don't have a name for the fencing club yet because i want to make it a funny acronym.
at the club are the twins, Techno and Wilbur. Techno (foilist, does sabre on the side) is the club's star fencer, with his sights set on the junior world championship. Wilbur (foilist) is not nearly as good as his brother but to be fair, it's a really high bar. He vacillates between being frustrated with the sport and really loving it. he also spends a lot more time refereeing.
Tommyinnit (sabreist, learned foil so he could fence wilbur) has a lot of energy and aspirations and (according to phil) potential but he has to have a Training Arc (tm) before he reaches his goals. Ranboo and Tubbo are epeeists! Ranboo is tall as hell (height advantage booooo) but a little timid and hesitant. Tubbo is Not Tall but makes up for it with rlly good distance control and fleches. Niki (sabreist i think) is very scary during bouts and very nice off the strip and shouts a lot.
The only other fencing club in the area is like, three to four hours away in a larger city. They aren't exactly rivals but that's kind of what happened since they ended up competing against each other so much. BBH is the head coach here. Our cast of opposing fencers include Dream (self-proclaimed rival of Technoblade), George (frustratingly good for someone who looks like they don't give a fuck), Sapnap (the coach's kid. i think i would give him an arc with wilbur if i were to set up a story), Eret (originally went to Wilbur's club but then moved away to the city and joined this one and Wilbur was very upset about losing his friend), Eryn (coach's kid pt 2 and kind of dominating the youth events atm)
Also there's an awesamponk sideplot where Sam is the local armorist and Ponk is medical and they fall in love over the course of the many competitions they both show up at.
this is going to get very long if i try to explain where Every Character on the Dream SMP falls in this au but if you are curious about anyone just ask!
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gibbearish · 1 month
Clue #2 was doing its best! Which wasn't much, but it was doing what it could. I love clue #1. A+ acronym use. Clue #3 and #4 are really good, but I am not very good at riddles, unfortunately. I got it before I saw Clue #4 and was screaming internally because when I first looked at the shop, it was through a different way than the dashboard icon. Literally needed to look at the shop differently.
2- KEBFKSBFKSBDJD THANKS like. after ur second ask i was like "oh no what if that one came across as 'fuck off ask someone else' and the winky faces in the tags did not in fact convey that the hints had already started" so i mean im very glad it apparently didnt given that you came back KEHDKSBFKDJD. i thought about saying "I'm sure theres somewhere you can /buy/ some" but i figured thatd give the game away a little too much
1- hehehehe thank you>:3 thats the one i was most trying to channel arg vibes of like "sure ill give you a hint but you have to find the hint first" and that i was most like "if they miss this at first itll be an 'OH FUCK OFFFFFF /pos' when it processes" so hell yeah glad u liked it >:3333
3&4 - KABFKSBFNF THATS SO FUNNY im imagining you reopening the shop and just. closing tumblr to scream for a few minutes.
oh but fun fact on 4, it was almost a limerick but i just Could Not pin down rhymes that would make it work
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sealbf · 4 years
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A Breakdown Of Why QTIPAL+ Is Total Horseshit 
For context, the QTIPAL+ (pronounced “cutie-pal” 🤢) image was posted by @UnicornMarch on twitter 15 hours ago as off the time this post was made, August 6th 2020. 
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This is infantalising, unncessary, sterotypical and overall fucking stupid. Analysis of the problems with each letter (except for T) and the pronunciation will be under the cut. I am a nonbinary bisexual, so if people of other sexualities and genders want to comment on the issue then go for it
Q, QUEER/QUESTIONING: I want to make one thing absolutely clear which is that I honest to god do not care if you call yourself queer, all the more power to you. However, many LGBT individuals have been called that as a slur and do NOT feel comfortable being called queer, calling themselves queer, or being classified as queer in any capacity. Therefor, classifying those LGBT people as Queer in this new acronym is BEYOND insulting, insensitive and rude.
I, INTERSEX: Time and time again intersex people have asked not to be included in LGBT acronyms because being intersex does not make somebody inherently LGBT, as it is a medican condition. For the sake of clarity because this site’s reading comprehension could use some work overall: This is not to say intersex people CANT be LGBT, just that being intersex does not make them LGBT. As I am dyadic, it is not my place to speak further on this. if any intersex people would like to comment, please feel free. 
P, POLYAMOROUS/BI/PAN: Lumping polyamory and multi-gender attraction together is NOT a good look, its stereotyping bisexuals and pansexuals. There’s a very well known stereotype that bisexuals are slutty, will fuck anything that moves, and are always down for a threesome. This is like common knowledge. By putting polyamory and bi/pan together under the same letter, UnicornMarch has implied that all bisexuals are polyamorous which is, you know, a biphobic stereotype.
A, ACE/ARO/AGENDER/ALLY: Why the hell are the ‘allies’ considered LGBT now? They’re not! If they’re allies to LGBT people, they are not LGBT. Thats like the whole point of being an LGBT-ally. You support being LGBT while not being LGBT. Like this one is just common sense but im wrting it down anyway (Also, not as big a problem as EVERYTHING ELSE, but “agender” is a nonbinary label, and therefor falls under transgender.)
L, LESBIAN/GAY: Gay people and Lesbians need separate labels because their experiences are unique to them. While there is overlap because each lable is just same-gender attraction, women loving women and men loving men are two entirely different things. Having them both under the same letter, L, makes absolutely no sense in the slightest. It’s reductive to the experience of both gay men and lesbians. Additionally the L stands for Lesbian, why the hell are gay men being put under ‘lesbian’ like theyre not. theyre men. 
+ ALL OTHERS WHO NEED IT who the hell else is there? youve already included people that should in no way be included in the LGBT community. this is a rhetorical question for the love of god do NOT start shit with me about this.
The Acronym QTIPAL+ and Pronunciation To me it is very VERY clear that UnicornMarch wanted to make a cutesy UwU acronym and pronunciation more than they wanted to make an inclusive, functioning acronym (because LGBT is already inclusive and functioning. what a fucking surprise! /s). UnicornMarch most likely thought up the cute name and added letters to fit what they wanted, which led to frankly nonsensical and insensitive ‘groupings’ of sexualities into letters. This was done to be trendy and fun without fully thinking about the ramifications of their actions, and the effect it would have on LGBT people. 
Furthermore, the actual pronunciation of “cutie-pal” is infantalising and infuriating. It’s ridiculous. Calling LGBT people “cutie-pals” would make us look immature and silly- there is NO other way I can explain this like I’m mad about this. What the fuck? Like if you would willingly call yourself a cutie-pal then sure I guess! Good for you, like genuinely. But it should under no circumstances be used to categorise an extremely diverse group of people just because it ‘sounds cute’
In Conclusion
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I am i the asshole for being a solo player? (obligatory emoji for future reference: 🍧 ) TW: dead by daylight
So I'm playing dead by day light. (A 4 V 1 game where its 4 survivors (teams are optional) V one killer) i'm playing on my own at 4am and i end up on a match where my other 3 team mates are acting super weird, not healing me when i'm hurt, generally kind of avoiding me and over all, acting like solo players, which i get. The first person to die, died quite quickly, second person died while i was doing objectives (repairing gens) and i kept my distance from the killer who always stayed quite close to the person who was "on hook (dying)" because i was injured and didn't know if i could trust my 'team' to save me since they weren't healing me when or helping me do the objectives at all (powering up generators. did at least one or two on my own by the time it was down to two people)
it wasn't till it was a 2 V 1. we were both injured and they were on hook about to die. i'm half way across the map and injured. i know if i try and go for the save i die, or rather, we both die. So i let her die and opt to go for the last person emergency exit: Formally known as hatch and by the sheer grace of god i get it. Only person to get out of four people. yeah i'm mad we couldn't get the gens done and more than one of us get out but at this point it was: The first dead seeming to give up because they died less than 2 minutes into a match, the second one dying because they hit strike 3 and thats what happens and yeah third person died because it was either them or both of us. So i tried being a good team mate and messaged them all saying 'good game well played' because it was a good game. we got most the gens done even if all but one person died.
AND THIS IS WHEN I LEARN THEY WERE A FUCKING TRIO: and they start giving me so much shit "YoU leT uS dIe" "EdGe MaP-" "you could have taken a hit!" (ignoring the fact i was one hit to be downed most that match) that means they were all talking and in full communication when i was clueless about what they had planned? because with they way they played i thought they were 3 separate solo players because what how would i have known they were a team.
Here's the thing, before a match starts you get a whole minute, minute and a half to prep before a match starts. we were all on xbox, they could have easily added me in to a party and said "Hey, we're a trio, we have a plan" or even "hey we're a trio, you wanna join us and make a team?" because how the hell was i meant to know you were a team with a plan otherwise? I feel like its not my fault they wanted to risk it and leave it to chance for a 4th member to not know what was going on but with the way they ignored me most the match makes me think i was going to be their spare person at least or their sacrificial Meg at most which does happen a lot. So how was i meant to know any of what they had planned and AITA for whatever they're mad about?
What are these acronyms?
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This is a color-coded chart about ketamine derivatives, or "arylcyclohexylamines". It doesn't entirely tell you what they DO (that's a lot of information) but it does explain how the names correlate to the shapes. This isn't perfectly organized, but aims to cover the major recreational and pharmaceutical drugs in the category.
This is a very wide category but these are mostly dissociative drugs that serve as (human and animal) anesthetics and recreational drugs, either mostly harmless "club drugs" or derivatives of the horrific PCP. What blows me away more than anything is how chemically similar these are. Without getting too technical, the red "O" takes away most of PCP's manic and psychotic properties; replacing P (piperidine, blue) with E (ethylamine) makes PCE more potent; and, now we have two steps of association between the stuff they use to anesthetize your cat and the stuff they use to induce violent schizophrenia and godlike strength. Those are two points on the spectrum, but these drugs are used for everything from treating strokes to PTSD/depression to even tinnitus!
Now, it's human nature: 1)when given something that turns your brain off, you're gonna want more of it, and 2)when told no, humans can be very crafty. And *very unethically* do in 5 years where researchers need 50. In particular, MXE was a nightclub favorite, being a serotonin-inducing relative of ketamine. Disgruntled by their lack of chemically induced warm trance-y vibes, the club scene soon included close derivatives like MXPr and MXiPr. And disgruntled by their lack of whatever the hell inspires PCP users to use PCP, the designer drugs scene soon included all sorts of derivatives.
This segues into another important detail, the number and 2-3 letter code before most of the acronyms. To all the non-chemists, this is whatever we add to the first P (phenyl), the orange hexagonal ring. Generally speaking, adding something thats more negative (HO, MeO, Cl, F) at the #2 position will make the drug act ONLY as an anesthetic, the #3 position tends to make the drug release more serotonin and subjective "warmth", and the #4 position tends to retain the manic and psychotic properties of PCP and derivatives. Adding a "Me" (methyl, -CH3) doesn't tend to make a big difference, meaning 3'-Me-PCP will act almost identical to PCP but 3'-MeO-PCP will have a drastically improved (but still insufficient) safety profile.
There's one odd child in the family, 3-HO-PCP. This one uniquely acts as a mild opioid (as well as "warm", manic, and overall dissociative anesthetic), in no small part from its resemblance to tramadol. Tramadol is a mild opioid often used to treat moderate-to-severe pain, with the similar serotonin "warmth" but absolutely no mania and only weak dissociative effects. Since PCP and 3-MeO-PCP are extremely potent anesthetics on their own, the opioid activity is sedative more than analgesic, and reduces the dangerous manic tendencies associated with many PCP derivatives. It is not known if 3-HO-PCE has opioid activity, or just behaves like it's 3-MeO cousin.
If I try and explain how drugs work in terms of receptors we'll be here all day, so I'll keep it in terms of "design" and "effect". The vast majority of these drugs are dissociative anesthetics, which SAFELY turn a chunk of the brain off and force the user into a trance-like state called a "hole". This is helpful in the case of protecting against damage from strokes and dementia (can't damage whats not currently accessible!), and provides a "reset" in the case of depression and PTSD that cues your brain to provide higher levels of activity when it wears off (as well as providing an out-of-body experience with powerful psychological implications, often compared to a near-death experience). The manic and psychotic (dopamine) properties can be suppressed by adding the red "O", a 2-keto group, which makes the drug significantly safer and more appealing for recreational and therapeutic use. Conversely, changing the phenyl P to a benzothiophenyl BT takes away all anesthetic properties and makes the drug purely a stimulant. Changing it to a thiophenyl T doesn't change end result much on its own, but tiletamine OTCE has seen increased effectiveness in veterinary medicine, and gacyclidine 2-Me-TCP is clearing clinical trials for a neuroprotective agent.
The big take-away here is that tiny changes to a chemical lead to massive changes in safety and effect. This can be used to fine-tune drugs to ideal therapeutic use, but its worth mention that we don't know about the vast majority of fine-tuned combinations yet to come. It's also worth mention that the designer drug market works 10 times faster than the world's professional research labs ever could. This means much quicker human results and descriptions, but an infinitely higher risk of death by overdose and poisoning from drugs no antidote has been developed for. A fantastic example of this danger is in the Spice/K2/synthetic cannabinoid craze of the early 2010s, where we found out making a cannabinoid stronger doesn't make it more effective, it makes it more dangerous. And for every Alexander Shulgin (the man who discovered hundreds of psychedelics and their effects on the mind and soul) there are thousands of unlucky 20s taking a pill they bought at a club.
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feralfens · 3 years
Gay had already meant homosexual for decades by the time it was used by straight people as a slur meaning stupid or lame. It's different than queer and fag because those were not words we called ourselves, it was words we were called for loving the same sex only. I'm fine with reclaiming slurs in general, but you have to admit how uncomfortable it is when cishets casually refer to us all as queer. My friend was gaybashed and kicked in the head while being called that, in 2018.
honestly, no im not uncomfortable when cishet folks say queer when talking about queer folks in a positive manner. like for one, linguistically its a lot more practical to say something like "queer people have been fighting for rights and civil liberities that theyve been owed since the beginning" than "lgbt- wait lgbtq- wait no lgbtqia+- wait-" considering A the acronymn is in constant fluctuation and depending on where youre at different folks will use a different acronymn (which [cough], seems much more devisionary. its not even a good acronym. but all the easier to just erase a letter aye?). and for two thanks for the ancedotr? i didnt ask for your emotional baggage with the word. if youre uncomfortable with queer, then thats fine, YOU dont have to use it, hell you can block the term on tumblr.com. hell if you really wanna talk why not come off anon.
thanks for not calling me slurs and being transphobic!
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