#that’s actually my grilled cheese for dinner
octoooo · 8 months
Makomo’s album part 9 (Masterlist)
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(Sabito: “is this what heartbreak feels like?”)
Don’t worry he got his grillt cheese
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i-am-church-the-cat · 21 days
my circadian rhythm needs to stop
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victory-cookies · 1 year
fighting for my life trying to vary what I eat for lunch
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orc-hestral · 2 years
Not many people like my Dollar Grilled Cheese take on life.
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luveline · 7 months
could you please write an early!roan fic where maybe she thinks Y/N is actually just coming around to spend time with her and then she finds out that it’s actually cause of her eddie, and gets all grumpy like “i thought you loved me” and Y/N comforts her “i do love you, but i also love your dad!”
thank u for requesting!! eddie and roan 1k, fem
There's a distinct smell of burned toast coming from the trailer. You trust Eddie but you rush up the steps anyhow, alarmed to find him coughing in the kitchen, window thrown open. 
"Will you take her?" he asks you immediately. 
You spy Roan sitting at the kitchen table and swap her for your bag of groceries. She gasps and giggles at your sudden appearance, quick to wrap her arms around your neck when you offer your embrace. You walk her to the open door and stand there sucking in clean breaths as Eddie fans a dish towel around under the smoke alarm. "What's dad burning?" you ask. 
"Um. Bagels?" 
You rub her shoulder. "Hey, I missed you, huh? It's been a long time since I saw you." 
"I missed you too!" Roan says quickly, eager, wrapping her arms tighter around your neck to squish your cheeks together. 
You smile into her hug. You and Eddie have been busy once again, and when you did manage to steal a date night, Ro was at Wayne's. You really have missed the little girl and you intend to show it, stroking your fingers through her hair gently. She dissolves like always. 
"Shit," Eddie says, throwing two blackened bagels into the sink and running the water. "Shit, fuck. I'm sorry, girls, I don't know where my head's at." 
"Cream cheese can't fix that." 
"It's okay, dad," Roan says. "We can get burgers." 
"I can't always feed you burgers, babe, it's not good for you." Eddie rubs his hair out of his face. "And Y/N just got here from work, she doesn't wanna go out again." You're dying to flop on their couch, but if she wants a burger for dinner, who are you to stop her? Still, Eddie puts his foot down. "No, bub. I'll make some more bagels. It'll be yummy. We have salami and everything." 
"Uh," she whines, laying back in your arms. You nearly drop her. You laugh at her dramatics as she slowly drags herself back up, her eyes practically sparkling with an idea. "Me and you can go get burgers," she whispers. 
"I really am tired. Let's get burgers on the weekend, maybe." You don't like letting her down but you have to be a united front with Eddie. Usurping his authority helps no one, especially when she wants something she isn't going to get today. "And I'd miss dad." 
"Who cares about dad?" she says. 
You laugh. "I do! He's my boyfriend." 
"He's your what?" 
Eddie looks up from where he's cleaning. The burned bagels have been disposed of, the kitchen sink washed out and the toaster cleared of scorched crumbs. "You knew that, Ro." He sounds puzzled. 
"He's my prince," you say. "You know? The prince to my princess Polly." 
"What?" Roan stares at you with an extremely amusing expression, her eyebrows tugged in betrayal. 
"Sweetheart, you know me and daddy are together, don't you?" you ask, hosting her higher on your hip. "That's why we go on dates and stuff. And why he brings me flowers, why we had that anniversary dinner, remember, with the melted chocolate?" 
"I thought you loved me." 
"I love you so much," you say, looking to Eddie for assistance. He seems as lost as you feel. "Like, so much. But I love dad too. He's hard not to love, isn't he? He's handsome and funny, and he makes great grilled cheese–" 
Roan does not look happy. She pushes at your chest to be put down and sprints out of the kitchen to her bedroom, where you hear a clattering of things being pushed over and a whine filled to the brim with attitude. 
"Should I…" 
Eddie shakes his head. "In a minute. Let her be angry for a bit. This is her first heartbreak." 
You meander into him and pinch his waist. "Don't say that to me, that's awful. Poor baby, did she really not know we were dating?" 
"Of course she knows. She just forgets, 'cos she loves you and she thinks you're best friends" He wraps an arm over your shoulders. "Wow. I wonder if she thinks of me as the third wheel when we hang out." 
You take the bread knife out of his hand. "Don't bother with that. We're getting burgers." 
Eddie's laugh is more of a girly, cute giggle, like he's just had a shot. You elbow him in the stomach until he cuts it out, and beg forgiveness for being grouchy with a hug. You press your face into his neck and huff. "I missed you before you got me in trouble," you mumble. 
"Nuh-uh, that had nothing to do with me." He kisses your temple. "She loves you. It's nice. It's… You're awesome. It's great that she thinks you love her more than you love me, even if she's wrong." 
"I do love her more than I love you." 
"Are you trying to piss us both off? You can go get burgers by yourself." 
Roan is face down in her bed when you knock on her door a couple of minutes later, completely still. You pick up the plushies she's flung off her bed and sit them up in pride of place against the wall. "Princess, you know I love you," you say. "Don't you?" 
"But you know I love daddy too?" 
"Ugh." She shakes her head in disgust. 
"Ugh," you say agreeably. "You're my favourite, though." 
She turns very slightly to peek at you. "I am?" 
"Obviously. That's why I just told dad we were going for burgers whether he wanted to or not." You tickle her side until she laughs and turns on her back to escape you. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I wasn't trying to. We're still friends, right?" 
"We're best friends." 
"That's what daddy said." You scoop her up into your side for a squish. "We're best friends forever," you whisper. 
She leans up to rub her nose against yours. 
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gainerbf · 7 months
•How I’ve gained weight•
I’ve wanted to make a post like this for a while now because I get the question ‘how do I gain weight’ often. Here is an outline of what I’ve been doing
-In the morning, I try to have eggs. 4 eggs scrambled with a slice of cheese is my go to. That’s 24 grams of protein right away. Add a tall glass of milk (for me chocolate milk) and boom, 30 grams of protein immediately.
-I work on the road during the year so around lunch time I would try to snack on cashews and peanut butter crackers. Once I’m off work around 2-3pm, I would try to have a burger. Literally just a plain ass burger or 2 with ketchup. Alternate that with grilled chicken or a deli sandwich with some kind of red meat. Or even full fat greek yogurt is good.
-Dinner is…dinner. Eat whatever. Pasta. Pizza. Chicken. Steak. Burgers. Tacos. Hell pb n js will do. Go nuts
•Weight Training
I weight train. Almost every day. I can tell I am ruining some of your ‘ooo fat boy is out of shape. He probably can’t do a push up’ fantasies. Very sorry but I can. I can do a lot actually. I lift weights. I do lunges. I do squats. I have a fat fucking milkshake made up simply of ice cream and milk. Not even trying with the milk either, it’s low fat. Imagine if I did whole milk? In due time 😉 but this is important. I’m not saying ‘hit the gym blimpie!’. Get some dumbbells. Work your lower body. You need to do this anyways to carry your growing body. Plus you’ll feel A LOT better…and your ass and thighs look good, win win 😃
-Midnight snack/second dinner. My go to second dinner/before bed snack is a steak and cheese grinder. I don’t have it every night but probably 3-4 times a week. Again, it doesn’t have to be red meat but protein is key.
In conclusion
I started doing this for a few reason
My job causes me to move around a good bit and I lost weight because of it. I had no muscle. I was just pure fat. I wanted to change that and have
I figured it would help fill me out a bit more. Uhhhh mission accomplished 🥵
It’s healthy. Pretty simple
Final reason. I am always trying to find the most effective weight gain regimen. This is it. At least for me it is.
I’ve gained 23 pounds since June 25th. I have to make adjustments do to my upcoming work schedule but I plan on keeping this routine for the foreseeable future and even tweaking it a bit.
-I can add protein powder, whole milk and heavy cream to my milkshakes
-I can have 2 milkshakes a day (or 3 or 4 or just a constant stream 😅)
-I will go up in weight with my weight training. Increasing weight is key, don’t do a ton of reps because that is how you cut/tone. You want to build. Only way to build is to increase the weight you lift. Don’t hurt yourself. Start low, then grow
I’m not saying this is a guarantee plan for you. Everybody is different. But this worked for me. It DESTROYED a plateau I was hitting and then some.
Side note: this was influenced by a post that I have a screenshot of but I didn’t screenshot the name of the blog and I can’t find the post. When I see it resurface, will rb
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vxntagedior · 1 year
if i ever talk to you that way
summary | remus is concerned about the reaction you gave to him after he pulled a prank on you, based on this tiktok
pairing | dealer!remus lupin x fem!reader
warning | angst, fluff, grumpy/sunshine, mentions of slapping
word count | 1.0k
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Profanities weren’t anything new to Remus, they had been integrated into his vocabulary since he could remember. Along with that, hearing him swear wasn’t anything new to you, you heard it constantly when he talked to people who came to buy from him. 
But that tough personal, would wash away whenever he was around you. The brute dealer who turns into mush when he’s around you. Remus liked to keep you and the rest of his world separate, he didn’t want you around all the stuff he did, and made a promise to himself that he would never talk to you the way he would talk to the deadbeats who came to buy. 
James and Sirius made fun of him constantly, saying that he was just puddy whenever you were around. And each time, he’d curse them out saying they would be the same if they had someone like you in their life.
He couldn’t taint someone like you when his profession, constantly Remus thought if you were truly right in the mind being with him, and though hearing you reassure him endlessly, making sure you told him ‘I love you’ at least once a day, Remus still couldn’t believe what he ever did to deserve you. 
Remus lavished you, made sure you had everything you wanted and more, because he was happy when you were happy. 
“Fuck off!” Remus swore at his best friend (even though you were his actual best friend). “I’m not doing that to her.”
James and Sirius had met you a handful of times and they could tell how sweet Remus was on you, and after seeing how Remus acts around everyone else, they wanted to do a little test. 
Sirius was the first to think of it. He remembered how you liked making dinner for Remus when he came home. Remus never asked, never requested anything, just eating whatever you made because he hadn't had a home cooked meal in a long time. 
James had practically set up the whole situation, when he came home, calling you a bitch, while asking you what's for dinner. Remus stared in horror at his friends, he couldn’t do that to you, he couldn’t call any bad name. Both boys were even shocked when Remus agreed, though they now owe Remus something in the future. 
Driving home that night, Remus contemplated actually going through with it. He loved you and could never do that to you, but he truly wanted to see how you would react to him. 
Pulling into the driveway, turning the engine off, Remus’s hands were still on the steering wheel. Seeing the curtains open, letting him look through the window, seeing you in the kitchen, moving around the kitchen, prepping for dinner. 
“She’s tough.” He muttered to himself, Remus taught you to make sure to stand up for yourself, making sure you don’t take shit from anyone. “She’ll put me in my place.”
Hearing the door open, and the footsteps coming closer and closer, just as you were about to speak, Remus beat you to it.
“Bitch, what’s for dinner?” Remus was already wincing at his tone. 
Your eyes widened, turning away from the stove to face him. Remus watched the hopeful glimmer in your eye fade away, your entire face fallen. Composing yourself together, not wanting to cry in front of him, you answered meekly. 
“Grilled cheese.” It came out as a whisper, letting the air travel your words. 
Just for a split second, Remus looked at you before his eyes softened. You had looked scared of him, your body was shielding itself from him. 
“If I ever.” Remus started, trying not to have his voice waver, he felt terrible in that moment, not being the person he promised you would be, because right now, you looked scared of him. “Ever, talk to you that way, you smack me right across the face.”
Your eyes finally shifted to his, hearing the sincere voice in his voice, the pleading look in his eyes, just wanting to say something to him. 
“Okay?” He finished, still not hearing a word from you, scared to death that you’d just leave him in the kitchen alone. 
“Okay.” You answered, still in that soft voice, like you were scared to raise your voice any louder. 
Remus strided across the kitchen, coming up to you, pulling you into him. Tightly wrapping his arms around you, your face pressed against his chest. Finally feeling you wrap your arms around him, he let out a deep breath, one that he didn’t know what he was holding. 
Pulling away from you, bringing his hand up to your face, thumb tucked under your jaw, the rest of his hand resting against your cheek, caressing your skin softly. 
“Do it.” He whispered. You looked back up at him confused, “Smack me.”
“Rem I can’t do that.” You shook your head rapidly, “It’s okay, I understand but-”
“Please.” He closed his eyes, “For a split second, you looked scare of me, I never want to make you scared of me again.”
You never answered, Remus closing his eyes awaiting his fate. Feeling a small brush against his cheek, he peeked open his eyes, “You practicing?”
He tried to lighten up the situation.
“I did it, I slapped you.” You answered. 
“Love, you brushed your fingers against my cheek.” He closed his eyes, a grin forming on his lips. 
“That was.” You protested, not wanting to argue, he just agreed, finally unwrapping his around you. 
“You okay dove?” He asked, not wanting to leave the situation with unanswered questions, “You know I’d never intentionally wanted to do that to you, James and Sirius thought of the idea.”
“Seems like them.” You hummed, turning back flipping your grilled cheese, smiling at the little charred pieces. 
Coming up behind you, Remus rested his chin on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
“Do I still get dinner?” 
Twisting your head to the side, he looked like a puppy who had been caught clawing at the couch. 
“Of course.” You pressed a kiss to his chin, “Can never stay mad at you.”
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finelinevogue · 1 year
bestie is there an update on LI harry?
ummmm hi?! here's a little something:
1 Year Later
You hear Harry yell from inside your semi-detached house. You smile to yourself as you are reminded that you have the most perfect, quiet, life now with the guy you love.
It's been a whole year since the beginning of Love Island and you can't be happier that you made it out of there together - only after winning too.
The sponsorships that you both got, after coming out of the villa, have set you both up for life. Even after giving away a quarter of your money to family and another quarter to respective charities, you managed to buy a house in the country on the outskirts of London and Harry recently saved up to buy you your engagement ring.
"In the garden, lovie!" You call back.
His presence is felt before he actually speaks around you.
You are trying to catch a tan in the back garden, laying on a sun-bed. Today was supposed to get up to 25 degrees and the UV would be at 5, so it was a good opportunity to tan.
You squint one eye open to see him hover over you with an ice-cold beer in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
"Have you got enough suncream on?" He asks, handing you the bottle of water and sitting down on the sun-bed next to you.
"Think so." You nod.
"Think so, is not good enough. Turn over." Harry instructs you, ever the bossy and concerned fiancé.
He takes a swig of his beer and puts it back down on the floor.
You hear the bottle of suncream open and you turn over and lay on your front.
"Fuck!" You squeal as the cold of the suncream meets your hot back. "Could've warned me."
Harry just chuckles and continues rubbing the suncream into your back. It was like getting a free massage. He really lathers the suncream on, so your black glistens with the stickiness of the cream, but only because he cares about you.
Next his hands land on your bum - his favourite part of your body.
He can't even lie when someone asks him what his favourite part of your body is and say your eyes. It is always going to be your ass. He claims it's too peachy for your own good.
"You having fun back there, H?" You tease, noting how long he is spending on applying suncream to your ass.
"Time of my life."
"You're going to rub all the suncream off if you keep massaging it."
"Well, then I'll just have to reapply." He hits your bum lightly to signal that he has finished. For now.
Your head it resting on one side and you watch Harry sit a bit further up on the chair so he is in line with your face. You have a hard time focusing on anything when his chest is right in your line of vision.
"What did you need me for?" You ask.
"Was gonna ask whether you wanted me to put the BBQ on and we can have burgers off the grill for dinner?" He takes another sip of his beer and it shouldn't be as hot as he makes it look.
"Sounds nice."
"Bacon too?"
"And cheese, onions and burger sauce."
"And a salad, because God knows you need to eat more greens." Harry always teases you about your lack of eating vegetables, just because you don't enjoy eating broccoli.
"Oh piss off." You laugh.
"Y'know, if I do this BBQ I'm going to need help." He leans over a bit, so he blocks the sun from your face and he's only a few centimetres in front of you. He smells like a mixture of beer, suncream and aftershave.
"And how am I going to help? I burnt our pasta last week."
"By giving me a kiss." He smirks.
"Oh really?" You tease, leaning your head up a little to close the distance between you.
"Yeah. It's been proven the best help for me."
"Hmm. Sounds a little too convenient for you."
"I don't really care."
Harry doesn't let you bicker back, because he's cupped the back of your neck and pulled you towards his lips. The kiss is messy and ungraceful, considering the positions your both sat in, but you make it work. Your lips work over Harry's deliciously and he doesn't break away until he's satisfied. Your lips both tinge a little afterwards and not because of the sun.
"Will never get over the way you make me feel." Harry says.
"Thanks for finding me." You kiss him again, but just a little one this time.
"And thanks for loving me."
You smile at him as you watch the love transfer between him and yourself. The feelings will always be magical between you both.
"Now go make me my burger." You flop back down on the sun-bed.
Harry slaps you on your ass for the attitude, but you were expecting it so it only makes you laugh.
"Bossiest fiancé in the world." He mumbles as he leaves, making you fall in love with him a little more.
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
Important Auradon Prep dining hall facts from the Villain Kid’s book for new VKs 
The school has an ice cream sundae bar the last Friday of every month.  
Mal is a mint chip ice cream lover (this is very important to me personally, mint chip ice cream is delicious and doesn’t deserve any of the hate it gets, much like Mal herself…)
The school does Sunday brunch. As someone who went to a relatively fancy college that also did weekend brunch meals, this is somewhat confusing and distressing the first weekend when you go down at your expected breakfast hour and find NO food out yet. 
Bunch doesn’t start until noon….the VKs definitely learned this the hard way. 
Evie likes eggs Florentine- as well as everything else on the brunch list, which is delicious carbs. #leteviehavebread2k23 
Auradon Prep has pasta mondays…..every week? Once a month? No clear timeline on this one, but after working in a bunch of  different real-life dining hall kitchens, I know that it’s nice to have a set meal rotation, so pasta every Monday probably makes sense for a high school. 
Another important note here is that pasta night is ~fancy~ and they put out white tablecloths and dim the lights. Weird choice for a high school dining hall, but I guess when your student body is unimaginably rich and also likely confined to campus during the school term, you’ve got to make your own date opportunities. 
Side note: is there an Auradon Prep hierarchy of “good” date nights? Is being asked out to Monday pasta night like a basic, everyday-tier date? The enchanted lake is clearly where students go to have a romantic picnic and then hook up, but what other common school dates are there? Is brunch appropriately romantic? Does the dining hall let anyone request a picnic, or is that reserved for actual royalty? Many questions here. 
The funniest thing so far in the dining hall section of this book is the sample menu they have- WHO is feeding high school students escargot? Mussels? I guess they’re coastal enough to have fresh mussels on a somewhat regular basis because we do see them on a boat in D2…and like, they’re in relatively close proximity to the isle, which is In The Ocean, so I guess that part makes sense. But printed menus every night?? 
In my heart the printed menus are a sort of once-a-week special occasion thing. Maybe once a week they have fancy dinners where they’re all expected to eat nicely with the teachers, or with whatever visiting royal family is there to see their kids, or just to practice proper formal dinner etiquette. 
The Auradon Prep dining hall serves grill cheese with tomato slices in the middle. Jay is apparently a big fan of this. I’m only sad about this one because I have a scene 90% written where the dining hall is serving grilled cheese and tomato soup, and now for ~canon accuracy~ I’m going to have to edit that. 
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five-rivers · 2 months
Cracked Clay Cup Chapter 6
“Well,” said Danny.  “That sucked a lot.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Daniel.”
“It’s just… What even was the plan there?” he asked the ceiling over the couch.  “What were they doing?  Did they think I wouldn’t notice if they just switched out while I was sleeping?  Were they going to run the entirety of their council through while trying to distract me with stuff?  Why did they even want to do that instead of just picking two of them?”
“I believe they wished to escape any specific, personal responsibility for you,” said Clockwork.  
“Typical,” said Danny.  “Are any of these people going to not lie to me?”
“I could not say.  May I offer you some lunch?”
“Yeah.”  Danny rolled off the couch.  “What’ve you got?”
“Grilled cheese and soup,” said Clockwork.  “I also have apples.”
“That sounds good.  I’m, um, I’m not going back out right away.  I can wait until morning, right?”
“As I said, you can wait here for as long as you want.”
Danny nodded.  “It’s just… I don’t know, it’s just occurred to me that I don’t really know what else is here.  Like, I’ve been in this room, and the kitchen, and my bedroom and bathroom, but not anywhere else here.  If there is anywhere else.  Did you decorate this place?”
Clockwork sighed.  “I asked a friend for help,” he admitted.  “They have an interesting sense of humor.”
“That’s what I thought,” said Danny, nodding.  
“I don’t suppose you would like a tour after lunch?”  There was a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth.  
“Yeah, that sounds like it’d be nice.”
There actually wasn’t that much to the little house beyond what Danny had already seen.  There was a little workshop, a formal dining room (currently set up for tea), another bathroom, and a small bedroom that looked as if it had never been slept in.  
“Do you need to sleep?” asked Danny.  
“Only once in a great while.  I will not need to do so for quite some time.”
“What do you do in the workshop?”
“I have an interest in repairing clocks.  The workshop is there to give me something to do while you are away.”
“That makes sense,” said Danny, trying to muffle a yawn that slipped out with his words.  
“You’ve had a trying day.  Why don’t you take a nap?  I will wake you for dinner.”
“Is that really alright?” asked Danny.  “I feel bad, leaving you just sort of stuck here by yourself.”
Clockwork shrugged.  “It is no imposition on me.  You could also avail yourself of one of the books in the library, or one of the ones you brought back from Jasmine’s.”
“Didn’t I leave those there?”
“They were presented to you as yours.  As such, they now are.  Of course, you also retain the things the Observants gifted you.”
“Including the video games?” asked Danny.  
“Including those, yes.”
“Huh.  I’m not secretly an Observant, am I?  I know you said my appearance was changed, but I don’t think I could handle going from this to being an Observant.”
“I cannot tell you that, Daniel.”
“Right.  The rules.  Bleh.  Bet the Observants made them to give themselves an advantage.  They even put themselves on top of the list!  Losers.”
Clockwork patted Danny’s shoulder.  “That they did.”
Danny nodded, then started yawning again.  He blinked hard and looked around the little workshop.  “Maybe I could just watch you or something?  I need an actual break from thinking after Jazz and the Observants.”
Clockwork nodded.  “As you would.”
Dinner, naturally, was great.  Breakfast was good, too, but Danny felt as if he wasn’t fully appreciating it on account of the massive weight of having to choose the next person to spend who-knows-how-long with while having nothing more than a single, mostly empty, piece of paper to learn about them.  
“What if they all suck?” asked Danny.  
“I thought you liked Jasmine,” said Clockwork as he handed over a cheese omelet with sausages.
“I liked her, but she was lying to me.  I don’t like that.”
“A reasonable enough objection.  However, a lack of honesty can be surmounted more easily than a lack of trust.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” complained Danny.  
“For example, I am being less than honest with you by refusing to tell you certain things, but you still trust me more than the Observants.”
“Not telling me stuff is different than lying to me.”
“And yet, the English language does include the phrase ‘lie of omission.’”
“It's still different.”
“And you also trust Jasmine more than the Observants.”
“That's true,” said Danny.  “But that's also partially because she sucks so much at lying.  Maybe it's just that young people are bad at lying.  But I feel like I'm better at lying, and I'm younger than Jazz, right?  Otherwise she couldn't adopt me.”
“That is the generally accepted way of things.”
“Hm,” said Danny.  “Maybe I'll do something closer to the middle.  But not exactly the middle!  That's what they'd want me to do.”
“I suspect the Observants expected you to simply go from the top of the list and be dazzled by their apparent wealth.”
“Yeah, probably.  Still, it’s kind of funny to joke about.  Like the brain thing with Jazz.  But if I’m going to basically pick who I’m going with based on zero information, I might as well have the funniest reason possible for who I pick.  Like, maybe I should pick this guy with a really weird name.
“Weird how?”  
“He's got a bunch of them.  Vladimir ‘Vlad’ Masters-Plasmius, Ceo Mastersoft, Ceo Vladco, Ceo– Wait, these are his job titles, aren't they?”  He squinted at the page.  “Who does this?
“Vlad Masters-Plasmius, presumably.  But I believe that among his titles you have missed the name of the second person under that entry.”
“Really?”  He ran his finger down the list.  “Huh, yeah, this last one is separated out by a semicolon, I didn’t notice that.  The Dairy King.  Is that like the restaurant?”
“You will have to ask them when you see them,” said Clockwork.  
“Yeah,” said Danny, “I guess so.  It’d make these interests make more sense.  You’d have to be pretty business savvy to run all those restaurants.”
“You don’t think the person who listed all their CEO titles is business savvy or interested in business?”
“Not if he lists it like that.  That’s definitely overcompensating.  Like, it’s way too, uh, what’s the world.”  He whirled his fork in the air.  “Boastful.  People who have real skills don’t need to brag that much.”
“People from any level of skill may find occasion to brag.”
“Well, yeah, but not that much.  Right?  Vlad’s probably the football guy.”
“Again, you will have to find out when you join them.  Are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.”  Danny picked up his plate and put it in the sink.
“And you want to visit Vladimir and the Dairy King?”
“Yeah.  The others sound more normal, so I’ll save them for later.  Better to get all the really strange ones out of the way, right?”
“That is, again, your own choice.”
“I knew you’d say that,” he said.  He spread out his arms.  “Take me away, then.”
The portal whirled into being around him and deposited him in a green and gold atrium.  It had a passing similarity to the Observant’s foyer, but was more colorful.  It also had more football in it.  Like, literally it had more football in it, in the form of several footballs in glass cases.
Maybe ‘Plasmius’ or ‘Masters’ or some other part of this guy’s name had something to do with football.  At least a football Obsession would be… well… it would be something. 
“Daniel!” said a tall, silver-haired man, spreading his arms in welcome.  He wore a slick suit.  “It’s so good to see you.  I am Vlad Masters-Plasmius, your godfather.”
“Oh, hi,” said Danny.  He looked around.  “Isn’t there supposed to be another one of you?  The Dairy King?”
“Ah, yes,” said Vlad, looking to the side.  “My grandfather.  He will certainly join us shortly.  Normally, it would just be me here, but I must confess that I am not what you would call a great cook.  I can avoid poisoning myself, but my grandfather is much better, and he’s agreed to help.”
“That’s nice of him,” said Danny, deciding to close the rest of the distance between himself and Vlad.  “So, is the football stuff yours or his?”
“Mine.  I’m something of a fan of the Packers.”  
“That’s Green Bay’s team, right?” asked Danny, trying to bring a fuzzy memory into focus. 
“It is!  Are you interested in football?”
Danny shrugged.  “I’ve not seen any games that I remember.”
“Something we’ll have to remedy.  I have my favorite games recorded, and a theater to watch them in.  It isn’t the same as seeing them live, but it will give you an idea of their flavor.”  He patted Danny’s shoulder and guided him towards a staircase.  “Come, now, I have much to show you.  I’m sure you’re wondering how I came to be so wealthy.”
“Not really,” said Danny.  “The last place I was at was bigger.”
“Also, you’re like the CEO of a dozen companies, and your grandfather is the Dairy King.  Like the restaurant.  You probably inherited a bunch, then went to school for business or something and made investments.”
“Ah, I see.  I didn’t realize you were… so aware of the normal progression of such things.”
“What I’m really interested in is how you know me, seeing as I’m a ghost and you’re human.  You said you’re my godfather.  So… How did that happen?  Did you know me when I was alive?  Did you know my actual parents?”
“When you were alive?” asked Vlad with raised eyebrows.  “My dear boy, did no one tell you?  You are alive.  You’re a half ghost, just like me.”
“People did tell me, I’m just not sure that I–  Wait, you, too?”
“Indeed.  You and I are the only ones to die in… that specific way.”  He stopped walking and looked away from Danny.  “Forgive me.  It is difficult for me to speak of it, even now.”  He shook himself and continued on, down the hall.  “As for your parents, well…  They are no longer with us, I’m afraid.”
“Oh,” said Danny.  “I guess that makes some sense, with this trial thing and all.”  In the abstract, though, it was better than them being abusive or something.  In the abstract.  “Did I have any other, um, family?  Other than you?”
“You have two sisters.  One older, one younger.  Rather fiery, both of them.  But the younger has her own arrangements, and the elder is old enough, and human enough, that this process isn’t necessary for her.”
“Is the older one named Jazz?”
“You’ve met her already?  I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that she would try to get custody of you.  She is very protective of you, but it is often at her own detriment.”
“What do you mean?” asked Danny, a little offended.  
“She isn’t ready for the responsibility,” said Vlad.  “Oh, I suspect she would happily and willingly take you on, and she is better than certain… other options, but she doesn’t have the life - or death - experience to do so without a great deal of personal sacrifice.  Meanwhile, I am well established in both worlds.  She need not sacrifice what remains of her own childhood.  Ah, and here is your room.”
Vlad opened the door, showing Danny a room that bore a striking resemblance to his room in Jazz’s house.  It was bigger, and it had a computer and a shelf of video games next to the shelf of rocket models, and the space theme wasn’t quite as pronounced or as detailed, but it was there.  
Vlad probably did know him, then.  And Danny hadn’t detected any lies.  On the other hand, he probably was just better at lying, all things considered.  A CEO would have to be.  
He’d withhold judgment until he’d met the Dairy King.  But for now… this didn’t seem too bad.   
“If you would like, you can stay here and familiarize yourself with your lodgings, we can take a tour, or we can go ahead to my training room.  I’ve made it large enough to maneuver comfortably in and accomplish some sparring, among other things.  Perhaps we can explore your abilities, or… considering your prior comments… show you how to take your human form?”
Danny felt himself start to levitate slightly in excitement.  “You can do that?  Really?”
“I can at least give you some pointers.  I’m the only one who knows how it feels to transform from human to ghost.  So, can I assume that is your choice?”
“Yeah!” said Danny.  “If that’s really something I can do, I want to know how to do it.”  Also, this was a nice change from telling him nothing (Clockwork), lying to him (Jazz), or being the Observants (the Observants).  
“Very well,” said Vlad, turning back into the hallway.  “I keep my paranormal endeavors below ground.  I entertain here quite frequently, and it wouldn’t do for random humans to come across some of the things I keep in my lab.”
Danny stilled.  “Lab?” he asked.  
“Yes, before I was a businessman, I was a man of science, and being as unique as we are, the only way to know anything about our own bodies and abilities is to discover it for ourselves.”
“Right,” said Danny, walking quickly to catch up, “that makes sense.  But, um, your training room is in the lab?”
“They’re connected, for ease of measurement.  The better to know exactly how strong our ectoblasts are, or how many wavelengths of light we are invisible to.”
Danny nodded.  Again, that made sense.  However…
“Is there a way to get there without going through the lab?”
“I don’t–” started Vlad, giving Danny a confused look.  “No, I’m afraid not.  In the past we might have phased through the walls, but the rules of this trial render them quite impenetrable.  Why do you ask?”
“I just…”  Danny shrugged.  “Jazz said I died in a lab accident.  And even without that…”
Vlad frowned.  “I assure you, my lab has the best safety precautions money can buy and my ingenuity can produce.  However, as I said, we do not have to begin with testing our powers.  Could I perhaps interest you in a documentary on the greatest football team of all time?”
“I…”  Danny really did want to learn how to transform.  On the other hand…  Maybe it was stupid, and maybe he’d been half joking about mad science labs the whole time he was with Jazz, but…  “Yeah, we can watch a documentary.”
“Excellent.  My theater is just this way.  Do you like popcorn?”
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max-nico · 8 months
Random Sonic Headcanons
Sonic and Big hangout. Like regularly.
On the same wave length, Big is the one who taught Sonic to fish
Shadow calls Tails to info dump and Tails calls Shadow for the same purpose. They're both semi proficient with each other's special interests because of this
This means Tails is pretty okay with guns and with a little practice could ride a motorcycle, and Shadow can build a nuclear reactor with very little guidance
Amy, Rouge, and Blaze all gossip regularly
Cream is not old enough to join said gossip sessions, but Vanilla hears all about it eventually
Silver likes the food in the past more than in the future so he semi regularly pops into Amy's house with the biggest wettest eyes to ask for like a grilled cheese or something
Tails and Omega discuss explosives and war tactics more than one would think. Sonic... Is unsure how supportive he should be
Omega has very similar humor to Toph from Atla, like I can imagine him, Shadow, and Rouge eating dinner together and one of them being like "yeah, the food is actually really good we should order from here more often" and Omega being like "Yes. I agree. The combination of the avocado blend on the triangular bake tortilla is pleasing to my very real taste buds."
Omega is somehow the funniest in the friend group btw I don't make the rules
Sonic is an early bird and Tails is a night owl
Knuckles, Silver, and Espio hangout a lot
Sonic has never really had a sweet tooth and prefers high calorie savory foods, Shadow has a giant stash of guilty pleasure candies, cakes, jams, macaroons, etc
When Cream gets upset she stomps her feet like Thumper from Bambi
Knuckles taught Tails, Amy, and Sonic how to fight, is currently teaching Charmy, and will eventually teach Cream
Sonic never liked mint until he found out how much Tails loved it, he still prefers not to eat mint flavored things but if anything else comes in mint he's buying it immediately
Amy has had many hammers over the years and keeps her very first one framed in her bedroom
Knuckles is incredibly impressed with Amy's strength and always has been, he unfortunately has the emotional intelligence of a brick so has never once accurately expressed this to her. Doesn't mean he hasn't tried tho
Sonic goes to Vanilla for parenting advice
Tails is a cuddly guy but because Sonic never really liked touch growing up he pretends that he is normal about hugs and cuddles when he is very not normal and never has been
Team Sonic = audhd
I have so many more but I'm afraid the post is gonna get too long uhgggg
Feel free to talk to me in my dms or askbox as long as your nicest to me
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harrywavycurly · 9 months
It Was Just One Night: Date Night Convos
Masterlist: here
Tag List: @ihatepeanutss @sofaritsalrightt @emma77645 @ietss @1paire2vans @robyn-118 @josephquinnlover0 @mommymilkerfanclub @littlemoon-beam @lodeddiperrodrick @silkholland @shotgunhallelujah @prestinalove @allsortsedits @a1ex-ba1ex @eddiemunson-fanfic @josephquinnsfreckles @hiscrimsonangel @rustboxstarr @idkbbyx3 @silky-luxe @mrsjellymunson
A/N: I thought it would be fun to give y’all some conversations from Eddie and Reader’s date night✨
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“Is…is that what you’re wearing?” “You told me it was a surprise and I like to be comfortable especially for surprises so yes…you can take it or leave it daddy-o.” “It’s just..the slippers with the sweatpants are so…-” “Distractingly sexy? Deliriously cute?” “Distracting…is a great word for it but it’s fine because we are just going to go see a movie.” “Our first date and you’re not only taking me to the place I work but…you’re taking me somewhere we can’t talk for two hours?” “Correction sweetheart I’d never take you to your own movie theater….and I know you like the snacks.” “Well then…let’s get going…what movie are we seeing? I hope it’s scary.” “It’s a limited time showing of the original Halloween…” “but you hate Michael?” “Yeah but you love him…”
“Are we having dinner after this?” “Why?” “It’s going to determine what I order…” “oh well yeah..yeah we are gonna go to dinner after this.” “Okay so I’ll just get a large popcorn…can I get a sprite or are you going to make me drink water?” “You can get a sprite…” “okay then a large popcorn and a sprite and some nachos.” “You’re going to get all that after I said we are going to dinner?” “Yes? I was going to add a pretzel and a hot dog but I didn’t…stop looking at me like that you asshole I’m almost eight months pregnant and I’m hungry all the damn time.” “Sorry…order whatever you want.” “Thank you…”
“Feel free to hold my hand if you get scared.” “You’re so annoying…just because I don’t like Michael doesn’t mean he scares me.” “I’m just saying…I’m here if you need someone to cuddle with.” “Do you want me to…hold your hand?” “It’s a date isn’t it? Don’t most couples hold hands and shit?” “Yeah…yeah they do…is this..okay?” “That’s not comfortable…that’s my grabbing popcorn hand…how about this?” “Jesus! You have to warn me…before you just put your hand on…my thigh.” “Sorry!” “But it’s…it’s fine yeah…that uh works for me.” “Look at us doing couple type stuff together…” “I think we actually…make a cute couple.” “Oh the cutest couple in this theater for sure.” “It’s still weird when we agree on things.” “Only because you make it weird Eddie…”
“I just think cheese fries are actually hard to perfect…everyone tries but few are successful..” “but Benny…he’s managed to perfect it somehow?” “Yes…just try one.” “If this doesn’t change my life then I’m going to be upset.” “Oh trust me baby daddy it’ll change your life.” “Oh..wow…yeah okay…I get the hype.” “Don’t get greedy..these are mine.” “I know you well enough to know you’d never share food with me….I’ll order my own.” “I’ll share food with you Eddie just not cheese fries.” “Really?” “Yes…just not cheese fries…or candy…or my secret stash of chocolate.” “What about a bite of your grilled cheese?” “I know what a bite means to you…so here just take half…I told you that the burger wasn’t what you wanted today.” “Next time I’ll just let you order for me.” “Next time? Is that your sneaky way of asking me on another date?” “I think this one is going good enough to maybe do it again?” “Yeah…I’d say so…” “so you’ll go on another date with me then?” “Yes I’ll go on another date with you.”
“So…mind if I come in and tell Dotty goodnight?” “Trying to invite yourself in on the first date? God Edward what kinda girl do you take me for?” “Don’t be annoying.” “Yes you can come-” “I’m sorry I just wanted to do that all night and you-” “who taught you how to kiss like that?…was it Nancy?” “I hate you.” “Sorry couldn’t help myself…come on and help me get ready for bed? I’ll let you tell Dotty your side of the date before I tell her mine after you leave.” “I have to leave?” “Edward James Munson you are not sleeping over on the first date good lord.” “I like it when you say my full name like that….so what nightgown is it gonna be tonight? Smiley faces or peace signs?” “Smiley faces please.” “Good choice…I’ll go make you some water while you go get changed.” “Okay…hey Eddie?” “Yeah?” “I had a really good time tonight.” “Me too sweetheart…me too.”
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thissortofsorcery · 1 year
It’s just a green Hawkins Tigers sweatshirt, kind of old, color already faded after too many washes, lumpy on the armpits from being used too many times.
Billy makes it look brand new.
Even sitting on the edge of Steve’s bed, eyes fixed on the window, with the line of his spine hunched with the weight of what he ran from, of why he came to Steve tonight, he looks beautiful. His hair is damp from the shower, curling around his ears and his neck, and his bare toes are digging into the carpet. In the soft light of Steve’s bedroom, in Steve’s old sweatshirt, Billy looks almost delicate.
Steve loves him so much, he doesn’t know what to do with himself sometimes.
“Hey,” Steve says, from the bedroom door, and Billy turn to him. He doubts the thoughts Billy was lost in were good, so he doesn’t mind breaking him out of them. “Found you some cigarettes, if you want them.”
Billy arrived at Steve’s in workout clothes, just a tank top and shorts, shivering with dried sweat and with a bloody lip. It looked like he didn’t have time to grab anything but his keys.
Billy lights a cigarette as soon as Steve hands the pack over. It’s cute how he goes straight to the window and opens it, blowing the smoke out into the night air, like Steve minds. His hands are shaking a little, still, and he’s jiggling his foot where one leg is crossed over the other, leaning against the wall.
“You don’t have to do that,” Steve says, like he does every time. He sits on the bed where Billy was. “It’s fine.”
Billy’s eyes flick to Steve, from where he was staring out the window again. His face is set in a deep frown, with that awful crease between his eyebrows that means his head went somewhere shitty. He takes a deep drag from the cigarette, but his hand misses his mouth once before he gets it right. Billy doesn’t say anything, but he pushes away from the wall and starts to pace.
“Are you hungry?” Steve asks, and starts bouncing his own knee. He tries to think of what food he has in the fridge. “I can make you a grilled cheese. Or I have leftover pasta, if you want.”
“No,” Billy says quietly, even if his expression would demand him to shout. Smoke comes out of his mouth, of his nostrils, and Steve pictures it coming out of his ears, almost, like a pissed off cartoon character. Except he knows when Billy looks his angriest it’s because he’s the most sad. “No, I had dinner.”
Steve watches him pace. Thinks of what else he can offer, how else he can fix it even knowing he can’t actually fix it. He wants to hug Billy, to hold him, but being still isn’t what Billy needs right now.
He’s pacing the room like a caged animal, going from the dresser to the nightstand and pulling on the cigarette. For once, the wallpaper in Steve’s room seems fitting.
“Steve?” A crackle comes from the nightstand, and both of their heads snap toward it. “Steve, come in. It’s Max. Over.”
Both Steve and Billy lunge to grab the walkie, and Steve only takes it because he was closest. Billy hovers by his side, staring at the walkie anxiously.
“This is Steve. Max, are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Is Billy with you?” The walkie crackles again, and Billy’s face goes slack, eyes closed. Relieved.
“Yeah, he’s right here. He’s alright,” Steve says, and Billy huffs, like they’re being dumb for worrying about him.
Billy grabs the walkie from Steve’s hand, “Max, you okay?”
Steve thinks any other thirteen year old would be annoyed to be asked that twice, but Max just says,
“Yeah, I’m in my room. I told them I was going to sleep,” They both go silent for a while, then Max says, “Are you really okay?”
Billy shoots a glance at Steve, moves only to tangle their fingers together briefly.
“I’m good, shitbird. I’m gonna spend the night at Steve’s,” Billy says. “Same as usual for school tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Max says, and she sounds calmer, but still subdued. “I’ll grab your bag and stuff.”
Billy lets out a long sigh, shoulders slumped, and presses the walkie hard on his forehead for a second.
“Thanks, Max. Night.”
“Bye, Billy.”
The walkie clatters on the desk, and Billy puts out the cigarette bud on the ashtray Steve got for him ages ago. Where he was almost vibrating before, now Billy is too still, almost dragged down, like he ran out of gas and rolled to a stop on the side of the road. Steve hates to see him like this. Billy should always be full of energy, full of life.
Steve approaches slowly, makes sure his steps make sound, and lays a hand on Billy’s back. He leans back into it right away, so Steve plasters himself against Billy, runs his hands down his arms, lets his hair tickle Billy’s ear.
“What do you need?” Steve says, laying a kiss on Billy’s shoulder. “How can I help?”
“I don’t know,” Billy says, almost a groan. He digs the heels of his palms into his eyes, hiding his face. “Can we just-”
He cuts himself off, like he doesn’t know what he means. Steve thinks he does, though, Steve knows Billy, has seen him rage and cry and laugh a hundred different ways since November. Has been by his side for a good portion of it.
So he takes Billy’s hand and leads him to the bed, gets in after him and pulls the covers over them both. Billy rolls into Steve immediately, tucks his face into Steve’s neck and breathes in, and Steve runs his fingers over Billy’s scalp to help him relax. To make him sigh.
“You look great in that sweatshirt,” Steve says, out of nowhere, out of a desire to make this moment theirs and talk about stupid stuff. “I like seeing you in my clothes.”
Billy’s breath hitches, and his fingers squeeze Steve’s waist, but he doesn’t say anything. Steve runs his fingers down Billy’s spine, shifts his head to lay a kiss on Billy’s hair, on his temple.
“I mean, you look good in anything,” Steve says, voice so quiet it’s almost a murmur. “But when I came in and I saw you… You’re so beautiful, Billy.”
“You trying to get in my pants, Harrington?” Billy’s voice comes from Steve’s neck, muffled. He doesn’t move.
“I’m serious,” Steve laughs, “Do you even know what a catch you are?”
“Of course I am,” Billy mumbles. “Sex on wheels.”
That’s not what Steve meant. He runs a hand down Billy’s arms until their hands meet, laces their fingers together. His lips kiss from Billy’s temple to his brow, and he speaks against his forehead:
“I meant more like how great you are,” Steve says. When Billy huffs, he continues, “You’re so, so smart.”
“Shut up,” Billy says.
“And you’re a smartass but you’re actually hilarious about it. You make me laugh so much,” Steve kisses the bridge of Billy’s nose, his eyelids, his cheekbone. “You’re honest. You’re dependable. When you want something, you give your whole self to it.”
Steve can hear Billy’s breath shake, and his eyes are closed. He rubs their noses together, says against his mouth, “I really feel like I can trust you, Billy.”
“Steve,” Billy breathes, and when he opens his eyes they’re wet, spilling over the bridge of his nose and onto his temple.
“And you’re good,” Steve says, “You’re a good person.”
Billy squeezes his eyes shut, and presses his forehead to Steve’s, breathing against him, fingers tangled together close to their chests.
“Smelled like you,” Billy says, “the sweatshirt.”
Warmth spills in Steve’s chest like a fountain, like smoke from Billy’s lips, filling it with happiness until there’s no room for his lungs to expand. He rubs his nose along Billy’s cheek, presses a path of kisses until he finds the center of his lips. Kisses him gently, unhurried.
“I love you,” Steve says. “You know that. Right?”
“Yeah, pretty boy. I know,” Billy says, and his smile is small but it’s blinding. “Love you too.”
every time anti bullshit shows up on my dash, I write Steve loving on Billy | II
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girlieee your spiderman!ethan landry fics are literally my most favourite thing EVER!! I know you already made a fic like this but could you do a fic where it’s pouring rain, reader is sleeping and she hears a knock on her window and it’s Ethan🧍He’s got rips on his suit and some rips on his mask and he’s like scratched up and bleeding a lot so reader lets him inside to help patch him up? It’s all angsty but fluffy too (hurt/comforttt)😁 tooootally understand if you can’t write this, I have too much respect for you and your work to be upset haha!! ilyyy🤍
you know always helps to see if i could write similar scenarios in different context (i didn’t write any of the actual patching up, i hope that’s okay🫣). i hope i did your request the justice you deserve. and thank you so much for enjoying spider-man!ethan just as much as me and everyone else💗💗💗 (not proofread or spell checked, forgive my messy words)
used the prompts “let me explain-“ and “can you calm down?” from @urfriendlywriter
pairing: spider-man!ethan landry x fem!reader wc: 1.3k
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it was a gloomy day, morning to night, on this friday night in new york. luckily you only had one class in the late afternoon on campus so you were able to stay home the rest of the night. you cooked some grilled cheese for dinner, ate some ice cream, caught up on your show. then you showered, did some homework, read about two chapters on your new book as you laid in bed before sleepiness coated your eyelids and they fell shut.
you weren’t sure how long you were asleep, maybe thirty minutes to a few hours, you couldn’t tell. you smacked your lips a few times that were aching for gulps of cold water, so you made the short walk to the kitchen and chugged the water bottle in your hand.
with sluggish steps you made it back to your room ready to throw yourself back into bed. but then a noise caught your attention. you thought you were imagining it, brain working slower while rain beat against the side of your building harshly, but it came again. and again this time louder with urgency. you thought it was coming from your front door somehow, but movement by your window stopped you in place.
slow and small steps carried you closer and closer to the dark window until you could see someone sitting on your fire escape, someone colored in blue and red.
they waved when you were in view and you noticed all the cuts on his suit and mask. so you pushed the window up fast and yelled into the roaring wind, “spider-man!” and he yelled back, “hi! sorry i just need some place to wait out the storm and i stumbled here. i swear it’s me!” and he shot a web to the other side of the building to prove it.
so you moved aside and he climbed through the window then stood to his full height with a slight sway to his body. you held your hands out hesitantly, “uh, you wanna sit down?”
“if- if i can, that’d be great.” he sounded winded and tired. you grabbed his wrist and guided him to your desk chair and he sank into the seat, leaned his head back with his eyes to the ceiling.
your eyes followed the slow up and down of his chest, “i think i already know this answer, but are you okay?” wringing your fingers together with your teeth biting into your bottom lip.
spider-man took a deep inhale that was followed by a shaky exhale. he did that two more times before adjusting his seating, his palms resting on his thighs as his bug eyes stared at you. “i’m gonna take off my mask-“ “wait, what?”
he continued, “i don’t want you to freak out, y/n.” now you were even more nervous, “how do you know-“ and before you could finish your sentence spider-man yanked his mask off and underneath sat a pillow of sweaty brown curls along with watchful brown eyes.
you couldn’t speak, your lips parted but no sound came out. hands moved to cover your mouth while frantic pupils took in this new development. ethan landry was spider-man. the boy you sit next to in your shared english class. the boy that causes your heart to beat faster than normal at just the mention of his name.
it felt like your brain went through five stages of emotions in five seconds. confusion, worry, upset, butterflies, then finally anger.
eyes that were wide as saucers now narrowed as you dropped your hands to your sides and stared down the superhero boy as you yelled, “what the fuck, ethan!”
he held his arms out like you were a dangerous animal. “okay, i know it’s a lot-“ you scuffed at the words, “a lot? yeah it’s a lot! your fucking spider-man and haven’t told any of us!”
he cringed and brought a hand to his neck while looking away. “actually… chad knows…”
a beat before- “get the fuck out.” stone cold face and voice. ethan jumped from the chair on unsteady feet, “y/n, just calm down and-“ “don’t fucking tell me to calm down! i’m pissed at you and your telling me to calm down?”
ethan sighed before sitting back in your chair. you stayed standing with your arms tight across your chest, nostrils flaring and wishing you had laser eyes. though your mind was worried about ethan’s health and his injuries, but you had to hold your ground.
“y/n,” he said with a plea, “just- just let me explain. or whatever you want the answer to, i’ll give it. just… please y/n.”
a clench to your jaw before moving to sit on your bed, arms still crossed over your heart. “fine, but i just have one question?” ethan sat up straighter, eyes alight. “anything.”
“why didn’t you tell me?” body slumping and face softening. “do you not trust me? i wouldn’t have told-“
“no, no. it’s not…” ethan moved from the chair to beside you on your bed. your knees knocked together and you dropped your arms to sit in your lap, fingers picking at your pajama pants.
“the only reason chad knows is ‘cause he’s my roommate. and he walked into my room before i could hide the suit.” ethan hesitated before setting his left palm on your thigh just above your knee. your eyes staring at the red fabric and ethan watching the side of your face. “i didn’t tell you because i don’t want you involved.”
looking away from his hand and to his face, his scratched and bruised face. “oh, ethan,” reaching out to cup his cheeks.
his gloves hands fell atop yours, “people that know about me being spider-man… it puts a target on their back. and i didn’t want anyone to know, but when chad found out i tried really hard to make sure spider-man wasn’t seen around him. but with you especially… i could never forgive myself if something were to happen. i need you in my life.”
“i just… you could’ve told me and i would help you with all this.” referring to his damaged skin. “do you do it yourself or does chad help?”
ethan glances down, “i do it myself. unless it’s some place i can’t reach i’ll ask chad for help. he kinda says the same things, wants to help me.”
your thumbs stroked his cheeks, “it’s cause we care about you, ethan. we don’t like seeing you in pain and we don’t want to think about… losing you.” throat constricting from the emotions growing.
ethan grips your wrist, “hey, hey. you won’t lose me. i’ve been doing this for three years now. i can handle myself.” making sure his eyes look directly into yours to convey his words.
a tear drops, “doesn’t mean i won’t worry about your safety all the time now.” eyes zeroing in on a cut along his lip, “now, why don’t i clean you up. seems you’ve had a stressful night.” and ethan huffed a laugh at that, “you could say that.”
you guided ethan to lay on your bed, his grunts and groans twist your insides. you smooth a hand over an unmarred spot on his chest, “i’ll get some bandages and rubbing alcohol. best we can do for the night.” and you moved to leave, but ethan wrapped his hand around your wrist keeping you close as he whispered, “thank you. i owe you.”
a scrunch of your brows at his words, “no, no you don’t owe me. i’m here for you always. and i know you’ll be here for me. that’s all we need.” nudging a knuckle at his chin, sharing a special smile.
“just rest while i take care of you, bug boy.” leaning down to press puckered lips to ethan’s temple, just below his curly bangs. pulling away, ethan smiles dazedly, “bug boy?”
you pulled away from his touch and shrugged as you walked to exit your bedroom, “gotta give you a new nickname. can’t keep letting the title spider-man get to your head.”
ethan landry taglist: @astrxq / @websterss / @teenagedramaqueenlisa
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lizzieislife94x · 5 months
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Long Distance (e.o)
Requested ❤️
Lizzie x Fem Reader
Y/ns POV:
I wash up my plate as I watch my phone like an excited child its 6:30pm meaning my girlfriend will be calling any minute its 10pm where she is at the moment on location, I dry my dish as I wait for the call after 5 minutes my phone rings with the facetime call. 
Me: babyyy I've missed you so much.
Lizzie: I've missed you too, how was your day today baby. 
Me: it was great work was chill I hung out with one of my new co workers Jane she's awesome.
I say with a smile as I look at lizzie her smile doesn't seem proper maybe I'm over thinking 
Lizzie: that's good did you eat.
Me: yeah I just had dinner just finished 15 minutes ago, how is work going liz.
Lizzie: ugh good yeah just really tired I wish I was with you though. 
Me: yeah me too me too.
After an hour on the phone we hang up and I have a huge smile on my face lizzie said she's coming to visit next week she has 2 weeks off and I couldn't be more excited about it I decided to go for a shower then bed and fall asleep with a huge smile on my face.
 4 days later:
"So you have any plans for this weekend y/n" I look up from my food and smile sweetly "actually I don't do you wanna do something" I ask Jane as she grins "yessss lets go dancing and let loose" she says excitedly as I giggle "ok so tomorrow night I'll meet you at the club?" I say and nods "yes definitely " we continue to eat our lunch as my phone rings I look and notice lizzies name causing me to smile "Jane ill be right back I have to take this my girlfriend is calling" I stand up and walk away to answer.
Me: Hey baby is everything ok 
Lizzie: yeah I just missed your voice babygirl how is work. 
Me: yeah we're on lunch just now I'm going to the club tomorrow night with JaneAll I hear is silence for bit
Me: lizzie are you there liz baby
Lizzie: yeah sorry I'm here thats great as long as you have fun princess 
Me: oh you no I will but hey I can't wait to see you on Monday I'm counting down the hours
Lizzie: me to princess I can't wait to just chill with you go out and most importantly have you in my arms. 
Me: oh god me to baby I can't wait shit hey baby I gotta go I gotta get back to work ill text you later have fun filming. 
With that I quickly hang up and rush back up to the office and get back towork after a few hours it's home time I quickly head home and throw myself on the couch oh jeez its been a long day I decided to just have grilled cheese for dinner I can't be bothered cooking once I eat I head up to my room and throw myself onto the bed and open tik tok must have fell asleep though because I'm being woke up to the sound of my alarm I roll over and groan getting up to shower and brush my teeth I get dressed for work and head to my car. 
Me: Good morning baby I hope you have a great day still counting the hours down till your here but I'm heading to work so I'll text you again later
I put my phone down and drive to work as I pull up my phone beeps causing me to smile when I see her name on my phone 
 Lizzie♥️: Good morning princess I hope you have a great day at work and don't get to drunk tonight ill text you later beautiful 
I smile and walk into the building to get my work done at lunch Jane comes running over to me "dude you still on for tonight" she says excited "yeah of course haha I'm looking forward to it ill meet you at the club at 8" she jumps up and down a little making me laugh.
after a long day its finally time to head home I need to go and pick an outfit. 
2 hours later: 
I finish putting the last touches to my make up and admire myself in the mirror I do look pretty hot if I do say so myself I went with tight black dress and black heels decided light make up and curly hair I grab my phone and take a full body picture and decide to send it to lizzie. 
Me:*1 image attached* baby do I look ok
Not even a minute later my phone dings
Lizzie: Wow wow wow you look fucking sexy baby not gonna lie I'm hella jealous right now if anyone looks at you a little to long punch them in the face for me babygirl😳
I giggle at her text blushing slightly
Me: Baby no one's going to look at me and even if they did let them I have the best girlfriend in the world I don't need nor want anyone else but you your eyes and your staring are the only ones that matter to me 
I spray some perfume and head out getting into my car and driving towards the club after 20 minutes I arrive right on time I park up and head to the front of club and see Jane "wow you look amazing" she says as we hug and head inside. 
4 hours later:
"Oh my gosh that was so fun I yell to Jane" she nods and agrees we head outside and I call an uber "I haven't been out in a while and I had so much fun thank you Jane" she looks at me and smiles "same thanks for coming with me" we part ways heading into our own ubers after 20 minutes and a stop to Mcdonalds I'm home I decided to drunken facetime my girlfriend while I munched my Mcdonalds we spend roughly 2 hours on facetime before I passed out 
 Time skip to Monday
Work was boring today maybe its because lizzie gets here in the next hour and I'm counting down I get to finish in 10 minutes so I can pick her up once I finish I practically run to my car and head towards the airport my excitement rushing through my veins after 15 minutes I arrived at the airport I get out and stand against my car patiently waiting after a few minutes I spot her walking towards me with a huge smile I jump up and down and run towards her screaming with excitement as I jump into her arms she catches me and we both squeal in joy holding eachother tight "I missed you so fucking much" i mumble into her neck as she holds me tighter "I missed you to princess" we stood holding eachother for 10 minutes before I took her bag and put it in the trunk then opened her door for her "thank you baby" she smiles fuck I've missed her smile so much Irun to my side and start to drive to my house her hand automatically rests on my thigh making my thoughts run wild I haven't seen her in 6 months so its been 6 months of no action I pull into my drive and get out running round to open her door "there you go baby" she giggles and smiles as we walk inside she plops down on the couch and I follow instantly cuddling upto her "fuck I've missed you" I mumble but loud enough for her to hear"I've missed you too beautiful" she says as she plays with my hair I Bury my face in her chest and bask in the feeling of being in her arms and her playing with my hair I let out a content sigh this is perfect.
AN: ok this is gonna be a 2 parter I didn't think it would be this long but this part is basically just leading up to them being together again part 2 will have the action if it sucks I'm sorry lmao hope your all good and stay hydrated people I feel like I've not wrote in months
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eds6ngel · 11 months
Hello love! Could you do a Steve x Munson!reader?? I want like protective big brother Eddie and love sick Steve and reader I think it’d be so cute! Btw you’re so talented and I absolutely adore you and your writing 💘💘💘
of course i can my love! and thank you ever so much for the compliments, it means a lot to me <3
warnings: fem!reader. munson!reader. no physical appearance mentions so r could be biological or adopted sibling. swearing. a lot of comedy. fluff. comfort. a love confession!! [1.5k].
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You started dating Steve at the beginning of ‘85. Your Uncle Wayne had taken a great liking to him, Steve being extra polite when you first invited him around to dinner with your family. When he called it a night and headed home, Wayne closed the door with the words: “He’s a very good kid, Y/N.”
But, there was one person who wasn’t fond of your boyfriend at all, and that would be your brother, Eddie.
Eddie was a prime victim of Steve’s ‘King’ era, recklessly getting bullied by Steve and his friends at the time. So, when you eventually broke the news that you were seeing Steve, it’s safe to say your brother did not take it lightly.
Eddie actually stopped speaking to you for a good day and a half, and then sulked around you for the remainder of the week.
He had eventually gotten used to it, Steve acting nice enough when you invited him over and Wayne wasn’t home. But, just because he was used to it didn’t mean he liked it. If anything, he despised it.
So, instead of leaving you two alone when he would come over, he would become extra annoying.
And boy did he enjoy it.
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“Hey, Wayne?” you ask, walking into the living room where he was lounging on the couch. “Is it alright if Steve comes over tomorrow night?”
“Course it is darlin’,” he replies, signalling over to your brother, “But, I am out for the night, I have a shift. So, you should really be asking Eddie.”
“Yeah, whatever…” he mumbles, not looking up from his Heavy Metal magazine, obviously listening in to the conversation between you and Wayne.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you say optimistically, “Thanks Eds!”
You skip back to your room, running to the phone so you could let your boyfriend know, unaware of the conversation that was happening in the living room.
“You gotta accept who they are son, you can’t be sittin’ here all grumpy any time she brings up the poor boy.”
Eddie sighs out frustratedly, “He’s an asshole Wayne. He bullied me for two years!”
Wayne looks up from his newspaper, “Has he bullied ya recently?”
Eddie pouts his lips, avoiding Wayne’s gaze, mumbling out a “No.”
“Exactly boy,” he replies, “He’s obviously changed, people can do that. Your sister wouldn’t date him for no reason.”
Eddie shakes his head, groaning out, until a little idea pops in his head. An idea that he could accomplish tomorrow.
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You and Steve were sat on the couch, snuggled up to one another, some cheesy horror flick on the TV which Steve had rented out from Family Video.
“How’s your week been, beautiful?” Steve asks with a smile, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.
“Not bad, Mrs. Click only gave me a B- on that damn History homework, again! Like, I really don’t understand what this woman wants from me, honestly,” you softly laugh.
“Babe, I think you forget that I get a C in every class, so anything above that is incredible to me,” he tangles his hand in your hair and presses a kiss to your cheek, “I’m proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you too,” you whisper back, “Grades are technically just a reflection of the teacher’s working. If most of your kids are failing, technically that’s your fau—“
But, your sentence gets interrupted by the loud sound of clashing from behind you, Eddie shifting through the cupboards to grab something.
“Hey Eds,” he looks up at you, “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I just fancied a grilled cheese, so I thought I’d make one,” he smiles.
“You know Wayne left that soup in the fridge that Mrs. Johnson gave to us. You just need to heat it up,” you remind him, your patience wearing thin.
“Nah, I don’t feel like that,” he looks between the two of you, innocently saying, “Oh, I won’t interrupt you guys. You just keep being cutesy and all that shit.”
You sigh as you snuggle back into Steve’s side, trying to focus on the movie. But, you could’ve sworn Eddie was being extra loud on purpose, slamming the fridge door shut and throwing the frying pan on the stove.
It went all quiet for a while, the low sound of sizzling being the only distraction in the background, silent enough for you and Steve to focus back on the movie.
However, that was until Eddie called to you, “Hey Y/N!”
You roll your eyes as you turn around and look behind you, “Yes Eddie?” you ask with a sarcastic smile.
He signals you to come over with his arm, “Would you say this is cooked enough?”
You pinch your forehead with your fingers, “When it’s golden brown, it’s cooked Eddie.”
“Yeah, but what is ‘golden brown’? Just, get your ass over here.”
You groan out as you get up from your seat, stomping over to Eddie and looking down at his food sizzling away in the frying pan.
“Eddie, you haven’t even flipped it over yet,” you stare at him with a deadpan look.
“Oh yeah, so I haven’t,” he smiles back at you, a smile you wanted to wipe right off of his face, “See, this is why I need you sis. Where would I be without you?”
You walk back to the couch, mumbling under your breath, “Away from me, that’s for sure,” laying completely on top of Steve as he wraps his arms around your back, yours around his neck as your face squishes into his chest.
Although you can’t see, Eddie’s frustrations are growing. How did that make you two even closer? Eddie smirks to himself as he thinks of something that would definitely get you to move away from Steve.
You haven’t looked up from the screen in over five minutes. With the grilled cheese sizzling away behind you, you believe Eddie has everything under control for once. That’s until you smell the sense of burning behind you, followed by the loud blaring of the smoke alarm.
“What the fu— Eddie!” you yell, leaping off of the couch, Steve covering his ears with his hands at the loud noise as you turn the hob off and move the frying pan onto the worktop.
Eddie returns from the bathroom, you yelling at him, “What the hell were you doing?”
“I needed a piss!”
“Well, you can’t just leave food unattended!” you shout, smacking the smoke alarm with your fist, knowing from experience that the worn out item died down from doing that motion.
“Jesus,” he holds his hands up, “I’m sorry.”
You huff as you head back over to Steve, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek as you say, “I’m heading to the bathroom, okay?”
He nods as you exit the room, leaving just him and Eddie alone, Eddie assembling his burnt sandwich, although he didn’t mind, since it got you away from Steve.
But, maybe this was worse, because now he was stuck in a silent atmosphere with his former bully.
Steve speaks up, “I’m not going to hurt her, y’know?”
Eddie doesn’t look at Steve as he continues making his sandwich, “What?”
Steve turns around, looking at Eddie in the kitchen, “I said I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not like I used to be. King Steve died a long time ago.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t believe that,” Eddie mumbles back, throwing his grilled cheese on a plate and heading towards his room.
“Dude, wait!” Steve yells, getting up from his seat and jogging over to him, Eddie turning his back as he leans against the kitchen countertop, “Look, I know why you don’t believe me, hell, I wouldn’t either.”
He sighs, “The reason Nancy Wheeler broke up with me is because I didn’t care about her problems. When she needed me most, I wasn’t there. I don’t want to be that again for your sister, man,” Steve admits. “I love her, I can’t lose her. I’m not like I was before, I’m not friends with Tommy and Carol anymore, I couldn’t give two shits about popularity, all I care about is being a good boyfriend to your sister. And all I ask of you is to accept that because if you started dating my sister, I would accept it in a heartbeat.”
“You love me?” you whisper as you come out of the bathroom, looking at Steve with a loving gaze. You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as he cups your cheeks, “Yeah baby, I love you.”
You smile, your insides burning alive at the confession, “I love you too.”
Steve sighs happily as he slots his lips in between yours, the two of you sharing a soft kiss, expressing all of your love and admiration for each other.
Eddie slides past the two of you and heads to his room with his food. Did he 100% believe Steve had completely changed? No. He was still pretty convinced that the old him was buried away in there somewhere.
But, was he undoubtedly in love with you? Yes. And although he feels protective of you after everything the two of you had been through together, the one thing he could let you do is be happy with your boyfriend.
You deserved love, and he wasn’t going to take that away from you.
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i really hope you enjoyed this fic! i had a lot of fun writing it <33
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