#that in a show about normal people surviving the apocalypse
troonwolf · 1 year
TWD truly fell off when it started dedicating arcs to Negan’s poor wittle man guilt at brutally murdering dozens of people and started to redeem him. all because gross men will see an actual caricature of toxic, racist, violent and shitty masculinity and be like “HAHA BROOOO HE’S SO COOOOL HE’S MY FAVE NOW HAHA HE’S JUST SO MISUNDERSTOOD YKNOW.”
keep in mind in the comics his introduction is beating a smaller POC guy to death with a baseball bat in front of his family and friends, for no reason, and then he threatens to have Carl (who is like 10 at this point) gang-raped in front of them too if they don’t cooperate 
he’s legit as bad as the Governor but he appeals to some sick power fantasy ideals a lot of people absorb from society, so then when they introduced him in the show they even toned him down for the wider audience
always found that really fucked up tbh. big reason I don’t fuck with TWD or TWD fans anymore
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helladventurers · 1 year
My brain is going some surprising places lately with my dreams, I'm enjoying this 🤣
Last night i had a dream about a fake 90s/early 2000s low budget horror series, complete with shitty early cgi, and the dream basically consisting of a bunch of episodes of that show 🤣🤣🤣 this combined with the musical dream i had earlier this year surprises me
(description in the tags is really long so don't click it unless you wanna hear about this dumb fake ass dream horror show)
#from my understanding the show took place on an island with a bunch of stranded people there#and every episode was basically some cosmic horror level event that would either kill or turn everyone's lives into a living hell#and then the next episode everything would be back to normal and the status quo restored only for another event to happen#i only remember two episodes sadly but#the first one was about some kind of parasitic infestation on the people of the island#the first person who was infected was in extreme pain and they had to take off the parasite from her#(and when i say parasite i mean like how when in movies you see a huge lump moving under someone's skin like the mummy movies scarabs)#eventually tho more and more people started getting infected by the parasites#and as that happened the people started refusing taking off the parasites#leading up to everyone in the island becoming infected by them except pacient zero#and towards the end everyone was becoming happy with their condition and even willingly getting infected by the parasites#with one character saying a eery line along the lines of 'we only have to endure this for 3 years we'll be fine :)' cheerfully#by the end idr what exactly what happened but it basically ends with pacient zero feeling left out and wanting to be infected to feel happy#about it as well but the parasites refusing to infect her and by the end she's killed off by i assume the entity that was responsible for#the infection while everyone else lives a quote-on-quote happy life#and the second episode was a fucking parody with a group of teens trying to survive a monster apocalypse at the island of horric scale but#it had a more humurous tone and operated by cartoon logic lol#by the end of the dream#it even had a surprisingly clever visual joke 🤣#sadly i never got to see the end of the episode because i woke up before it could end#Gui's dream journal
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
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Joel Miller x fem!reader The Last of Us (Show/Game) 1.3k Words
Summary: Because the women of Jackson have nothing better to do than set their eyes on Joel Miller. 
She wasn’t intentionally eavesdropping. No, she was minding her own business, grabbing supplies to help Joel fix the slightly broken window in Ellie’s room. The teenage girl kept complaining that it made her side of the house five degrees colder despite the fact it was warming up to Spring finally. 
It wasn’t her fault she was stuck in her ways, used to having to be silent as the dead, walking so quietly people had a habit of not noticing or hearing her. It was a survival skill, but one that didn’t suit settlement life where you were supposed to act normal and friendly and not like a ghost.
“Goddamn, it’s heinous how good the apocalypse looks on that man.”
“Right? The rest of us look like shit meanwhile Joel fucking Miller turned into a fine piece of meat.” Her brow furrowed at the women nearby, hands stilling on the small slivers of wood she’d been grabbing. Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at the small group as they very obviously stared across the Jackson plaza at the very man in question. Joel was talking to Tommy, heavy brown jacket stretched tight across his back as he stood in his usual Joel-stance. Hands on his hips, thumbs tucked into his belt, knee cocked out. He’d gone only a bit more gray, settlement life helping to destress him a bit though Ellie’s constant pestering may have canceled that out. Raising a teenage girl all over again was proving challenging, no matter the setting. But he was getting rest, getting food, and the strain had slowly seeped out of his face over time. They weren’t wrong. He did look good. He always looked good. She just didn’t like that they had noticed it as well. Joel and her weren’t necessarily a thing. Yes, they’d both helped Ellie to get there and yes, they all lived in the same house and yes, she knew exactly what that mouth could do but it wasn’t like they were dating. They only…existed together. Took care of each other, in more than a few ways. They didn’t exactly go holding hands down Main Street though. So no, while he wasn’t taken, wasn’t hers, there was an almost animalistic urge in her to stake a claim. To mark him and bare her teeth to get them to avert their eyes. Promise that they couldn’t handle him with their soft hands and dainty sensibilities they’d kept in their stranglehold even decades after that stopped mattering. Joel had always likened her to a feral animal and maybe he wasn’t far off. But maybe he liked that kind of thing. Like girls in dresses, smelling of daisies, cooking and cleaning and letting him do the hard work. A man’s job, whatever the fuck that was. They never talked about that. It certainly wasn’t her.  Gritting her teeth, she tried to block out their voices and focus on the task. It was dumb. This was dumb. It came from complacency and comfort and having too much time on your hands from not having to survive moment to moment. They should be helping be actually productive and not gawking at Joel Miller, talking about his ass- Their voices lowered and became fervent whispers, causing her to look up again. Joel had finished his conversation with Tommy and was headed directly their way. He wasn’t scowling for once, seemed almost relaxed though that furrow between his brow was almost permanent at this point. It was just…Joel. She ducked her eyes back to the wood pieces and quickly picked out the pieces needed, adding them to her pile next to the small bottle of homemade glue, nails, and rationed tape she’d already gathered. He probably didn’t need it all, but the more she grabbed the more it would seem like she was busy. If he was going to talk to them, it wasn’t her business and she certainly wasn’t going to be caught eavesdropping. While they may not have noticed her, Joel had a sixth sense for when she was around no matter how quiet she was trying to be. A chorus of chirpy, “Good morning, Joel!” went up as he reached the group and her teeth went on edge. She could taste the words like overly sweetened cough syrup. Thick and saccharin. But no reply came, no thick accented greeting, only a grunt of half-acknowledgement and that caused her to look up again. He’d sidestepped them, barely giving them even a glance as if they were in his way and were an obstacle, and was instead heading to her. And if his eyes seemed to brighten, lips seemed to lift up in the barest hint of a smile, she tried not to notice it. “You’re takin’ an awfully long time to pick out a few scraps,” Joel commented as he finally reached her side. Shoving what she had grabbed into the sack on her shoulder, she shrugged, “Wanted to give you time to talk to Tommy. Didn’t want to interrupt.” He smirked as if smelling her bullshit and shook his head, “Wasn’t anything important. He wanted to invite us over for dinner after someone ratted to him and Maria about last night’s dinner catastrophe.” Their multiple cans of different soup mixture. They had only had one of each type and one pot. Mixing it had been to save time, but the taste had been…something. “I think Ellie’s getting tired of our experimenting,” she huffed a small laugh, shuffling the toe of her boot along the dirt, “I guess Maria’s cooking is slightly better than ours.” “Well maybe Ellie can take over dinner duties if she’s gonna snitch,” Joel chuckled, “If she wants home cooked meals so bad, she can figure them out herself. I can barbecue, but that’s about it besides heating up a can.” “Yeah, yeah, so you like to say,” smirking, she began to start walking towards the direction of their house, ignoring the whispers and glances the women were giving the two. She could only imagine what they thought of her, standing at his side. Rough, unkept, throwing on whatever shirt she had grabbed off the floor though at this point she wasn’t sure which were hers and which were his. She definitely didn’t smell like daisies no matter how clean she got. Before she could go down that train of thought though, Joel matched his steps to hers and surprised her. It wasn’t holding hands, wasn’t anything particularly romantic, but as they both passed the group he slipped his hand into her back pocket. The move brought her closer to him, had his arm pressed into her back, but the heat of his hand separated from her skin by only threadbare denim set her on fire. He leaned into her and whispered into her ear, “Next time we go hunting, I’ll show you and wipe that sass right off your face.” His fingers clenched, almost gripping her ass, causing her to bite the inside of her cheek. “Now let’s get home before you rip the throats out of those hens clucking behind us.” She tried not to seem surprised that he’d noticed, had thought she masked her irritation well, but this was Joel. Of course he noticed. “What, you don’t want me to hurt your fan group?” raising a brow at him, she looked up and tried to stay joking, teasing. No, she wasn’t jealous. No, she wasn’t looking for him to voice that this was something beyond mutual satisfaction. But the hand in her pocket was new outside of the confines of the house and it had thrown her for a loop. Joel chuckled, muttering the words fan group and stared at her, eyes darkening and pulling her a little tighter into his side, “Darling, I could care less about them. I don’t need someone who can cook and tell me how good looking I am. In case you haven’t noticed, I prefer someone who I trust to have my back. Who has some teeth.” And that was all that needed to be said. She grinned, showing those very same teeth, and didn’t care if it made her look feral. They walked back to their half-hobbled together house, their kid that wasn’t theirs, and their shit cooking. God help anyone that tried to get in their way.
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sachirobabe · 5 months
Chapter 2
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Gojo Satoru x reader
Wc: 1692
Curseless au
Summary: Amidst the zombie apocalypse, your courage shines as you not only saves lives but capture the heart of Gojo Satoru. Together with his first-year students, you all embark on a perilous journey, not only for survival but in a quest for a cure that adds a poignant layer to the unfolding romance.
<— Previous | Masterlist | Next —>
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Nothing was normal. Laws, regulations and rules were nonexistent. It had been a full two months since the first attacks. You stayed in your apartment unless you had to venture out for food and supplies.
The world was quiet, you estimated about 70% of humanity gone. You had encountered real people on your runs, a few gangs had formed and were stealing from others.
It's very risky to be all alone, you could defend yourself well, but it's nothing if the other group outnumbered you; which was every time.
You armed yourself with a bow and some knives. All the firearms were the first things raided, occasionally you'll hear shots in the distance.
The pantry in your kitchen was dwindling down on food. Your last run being weeks ago, if you're being honest the gangs scared you more than the zombies.
You slowly pulled the cardboard blocking the view inside back and looked around. You wanted to make sure there were none of those things waiting to pounce on you.
Quietly, you unlocked the door and walked outside, making sure it was safe you closed the door.
The cold air prickled your skin, with the cold coming the zombies slowed, you're absolutely terrified of being alone. The familiar intersection that you used to cross every morning for work was silent.
You could only focus on the whistle of the light wind moving your hair, cautiously looking around you as you moved forward to the corner store ahead.
The windows were shattered and the doors were damaged. You had low hopes of anything useful inside, but it wouldn't kill to check just in case.
You pulled an arrow from behind your back, ready to shoot as you walked slowly into the store. You pointed in all directions, listening carefully. The silence was enough for you to lower your bow.
The aisles were rid of everything, blood splattered randomly on the walls and ground. You softly sigh, figuring there wouldn't be much. You go down on all fours and look underneath the shelves.
There were two cans of some soup that seemed good enough to eat. You look around before putting them in your backpack quietly.
After going through all the aisles and looking underneath you scored some cereal and a few more cans of soup. You're sure these will last you maybe only a few days before you'd have to venture out again.
You walk some more to hit other stores in town. There was an unfamiliar building that had caught your attention, the sign showing it was a grocery store.
This must've been the bad part of town that you avoided before this mess. Without any other luck in the other stores you decide that this would be the last one before heading back to your apartment.
Once again, your bow was raised upon entering, the quietness easing your nerves. This store was much bigger than the last few you had been in.
You sighed as you weren't having much luck in this store.
"Nobara!" You heard a whisper-yell.
You froze in your tracks, assuming it was another run in with a gang. You grabbed an arrow, ready to shoot and run if anything happened.
The once steady heartbeat you had was gone, it was rapidly beating in your chest. You struggled to keep your breaths quiet.
"This isn't safe." You heard another voice as a group entered.
You circled around in the aisles, trying your best to quietly escape. Chills made themselves up on your arms as a huge bang came from a few aisles down.
"Gojo-sensei! We have to be quiet." The voice from earlier says loudly.
Shuffling from behind you made you quickly turn around, a zombie was making its way over to you.
"Oh shit." You hear, "There's some in here!"
You let go of the arrow and it pierced the zombies chest, making it fall down. You ran towards the entrance and bumped into a tall white-haired male, you glance at him and the two of you were now surrounded by zombies.
Without any thought, you shoot arrows at as many as you could and shuffled backwards at the same time. The man next to you got up and exited the building. Soon you were able to as well and shut what was left of the door.
You ran until you were safe, the group that was in there with you were standing in front of you.
"You almost got us killed, Nobara!" A pink-haired boy yelled at a girl.
"That wasn't my fault." She argued.
"We almost died." You scoffed at the white-haired male.
"But we didn't." He smiles, "Thanks for saving us." He extends his hand.
You push it away, "What the hell are you guys doing? Do you have anything protecting yourselves?"
"Not on me right now." He says.
You stand cautiously and hear something snap, looking behind you the stampede of zombies was now making its way towards you and the group.
"Education lesson over! Run!" The tall man says and grabs your arm to pull you with them.
You had no choice but to follow them for the meantime as you all avoided the zombies. You broke up with the group and started to run back to your place, not trusting the group.
Quick steps followed behind you, the group now standing on your porch. You draw your bow at them and they all cautiously put their arms up.
"You here to steal from me?" You angrily say, now feeling stupid for leading them to your place.
"No no! You've got it all wrong." The man says and looks behind him, the stampede coming closer.
"We're trustworthy, I swear." The pink-haired boy begs. "Let us in please, at least until they leave."
You open your door and they quickly run in, you locked the doors and put up your protective pieces to block everything out. As you turned around you drew a knife.
"Woah, chill." The man nervously chuckled, banging sounds were coming in contact with your place, you flinched. Hating the noise.
"Who are you and what do you want?" You ask.
"I'm Gojo Satoru, and these are some of my students." He turns to them, "Nobara, Itadori, and megumi."
"What do you want from me?" You ask again.
"Shelter right now." Gojo laughs. "We're not in any gangs if that's what you're worried about."
"So you don't want to steal from me?"
"Not at all." Itadori speaks.
"Put your weapons down." You demand, the three students look at their teacher and he nods. They all drop some sort of weapon.
"You know our names now, so what's yours?" Megumi says.
You hesitate to tell them, still unsure. "I don't feel comfortable telling you that."
Megumi begins to open his mouth before Gojo covers it with his large hand. "Again, thank you for what you did back there. And for letting us stay here. I promise we're not here to cause any trouble."
You slowly nod, "What school did you teach at?"
"Jujutsu high school, I have an id if you'd like to see it." You nod and he slowly reaches in his pocket to pull his wallet out, handing you the card.
You inspect it, it seemed real, his hair was slightly longer now than in the picture. You handed it back, "Thank you." You lower your knife.
"So what do you do?" Nobara speaks up, catching you off guard.
"What do you mean?" You say.
"Before all of this, what'd you do for a living." She says and takes a seat as well, the other two boys following her.
"I was beginning my residency and working at a hospital nearby." You say.
"So you're a doctor?" Itadori smiles.
"Doctor in training." You correct. It was silent for a few moments, "I'm Y/n L/n."
"It's nice to meet you." Gojo softly smiles, "Have you been alone this whole time?"
You nod, "Has it just been you four?"
"No, we had some others but we got kinda split up. We're sorta on a mission to look for them." Gojo explains.
"You know, power in numbers." Itadori adds. "We've had our fair share of run ins with gangs."
"So have I." You say. The banging became less and less, but nighttime arrived quickly. You felt bad if you kicked them out, but you weren't sure if having them stay was the smartest decision.
"I'm tired, Gojo." Nobara yawns.
"It's dark out." He peeks his head through a window. "Can't see shit."
You bounce your leg, thinking of what to do.
"I hate to ask this cause I know we just met, but would it be possible for us to stay here? Just for tonight." Gojo asks.
"We'll do anything." Itadori joins.
"You can stay." You decide. "Just leave the weapons with me, you'll get them tomorrow." You say. "The bathrooms that way," you point, "I'll get some blankets and pillows for the couch."
"Thank you." They all say.
Your couch is an L shape, but from what you were looking at the three students took up the entirety of it.
"I'll be getting settled here on the floor, do you happen to have a futon?" Gojo asks.
"No, unfortunately I don't." You sheepishly smile.
"No worries, we also understand if you lock your door. It's your place after all." Gojo says more quietly now, noticing the first years are fast asleep.
"Thank you." You say and hand him some blankets, "Don't leave before I wake up, I have your weapons with me, remember." You say and he nods.
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theresattrpgforthat · 1 month
The computer game Pacific Drive has the player driving a supernatural station wagon and delving ever deeper into an abandoned exclusion zone in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, dodging anomalies, scavenging for resources, exploring, and seeking answers to what events caused the creation of the zone. The game takes heavy inspiration from the art of Simon Stålenhag, which has its on TTRPG in "Tales from the Loop", but can you recommend any other games that would recreate the experience of Pacific Drive?
THEME: Pacific Drive
Hello friend, so I looked up Pacific Drive and one thing that I found out about it was that it was inspired by media such as Annihilation and Roadside Picnic, so first I’m going to send you to my Fucked Up Settings Rec post, especially to the games titled Trespasser and The Zone.
What I’m getting from Pacific Drive is that it’s focused on travel, exploration, an interesting story, the ability to improve the one thing that you survive with, and experiencing a world that fundamentally doesn’t care about you. So let’s see if we have anything that hits any of those tangents.
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The Last Caravan, by Ted Bushman.
In this cozy, melancholy post-apocalypse, the aliens came less than a year ago. The war lasted two months, but nobody won. Now, with an alien army rising from the ashes of war, you will have to make a dangerous journey across a shattered North America in search of a new home.
You are normal people finding heroism in extraordinary circumstances. You will explore transformed landscapes, search abandoned towns, discover otherworldly technology, negotiate with newly-formed factions, outrun alien pursuers, and — and all you’ve got is a car, your fellow travelers, and the road.
The Last Caravan combines the survival-horror genre with the fiction-first ethos of Blades in the Dark and No Dice No Masters. Each character has a list of prompts called triggers that reward you with a narrative resource that can open up abilities as you tell your story. The alien apocalypse has come, but the story isn’t over, as a some kind of threat shows signs of growing as you travel across a cold, frozen highway. If you’re interested in The Last Caravan, but missed the Kickstarter, you can check out the Quickstart while you wait for the final release.
24XX-D: Aftertime, by xiombarg.
As a volunteer for the  private paramilitary group Project Aftertime, your health was altered and your brain preserved so you could be revived after society collapsed. 
You awoke in an unfamiliar base filled with unfamiliar technology, with even stranger ultratech outside. 
The Event the wastelanders describe makes no sense. "The gods left us."
I feel like I’m missing something when I look through my folders because the 24XX system feels perfect for these kinds of ‘exclusion zone” games but Aftertime feels the closest to it, and it’s definitely not perfect. There’s too many people milling about, and there seems to be too much pointing towards some kind of answer about the alien event. However, I think in general, 24XX is a great system to root around in if you want to make something for yourself. A lot of these kinds of games have great roll-tables for events, locations, and missions, and inventory (which seems really important in Pacific Drive) is simple to track but absolutely necessary.
Aftertime is different from other 24XX games in that it uses a pool of resources rather than dice rolls to determine what you can or cannot do. You could stick with that, or mash this game together with some other 24XX games like PREDATORS to incorporate dice rolls, and vehicles. What I like about Aftertime is that it includes a base that you can upgrade over time, similar to how your car in Pacific Drive gets better as you find upgrades for it.
Crush Depth Apparition, by amandalee.
February 1902, somewhere on the North Atlantic. Mountainous waves blot out the horizon, and the wind and thunder roar too loud to tell one from the other. But 200 ft down there’s only still cold darkness and the submarine.  
No one has ever dived this deep before, so far from shore and safety. Maybe no one was ever meant to try. The submarine is 170 feet of dripping pipes and fogged up dials, levers rusting stuck in the damp. It was two weeks into the voyage when things started going wrong.  Little accidents, inexplicable mistakes. Someone heard a noise, like tapping, soft against the hull last night. Bright paint flakes off a torpedo and underneath there is a story scratched into the metal. The Captain turns down a hallway that can’t be there,  into pipes and steel and miles of ocean.
The one thing keeping you safe down here has turned into a labyrinth. 
Crush Depth Apparition is an eerie survival horror stand alone adventure zine for 3-5 players and a GM by Amanda Lee Franck. It  includes rules for running and repairing a state of the art (of 120 years ago) experimental submarine, a map of the ocean, an unnatural labyrinth,  ghostly encounters,  hundreds of things that can go wrong, and a crew that depends on you.
Because you are depending on your submarine for survival, much of the focus of this adventure is going to be on keeping it running. You’ll need to manage your fuel levels, the submarine’s battery, and how deep you go, all while trying to find a way home. The setting is very different from Pacific Drive, and I think the horror amps up a little bit because there are more personal details that will likely worm themselves into this game. You’re also less likely to survive the entirety of this game; but the weirdness that happens the further that you adventure may mirror some of the strangeness of Pacific Drive.
ZONE, by Iron Cutler.
ZONE is a genre-agnostic TTRPG , heavily inspired by Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach Trilogy, though adaptable to a wide variety of settings. It is about trespassing in a bizarre and dangerous area—the Zone—and becoming changed by what you find inside.
ZONE is a GM-less ttrpg that uses collaborative worldbuilding to design and deepen the strangeness of the world around you. Each session will contain an expedition of Trespassers, people who enter the Zone without permission, and thus destined to be permanently changed. Your Trespassers will not usually survive from one expedition to the next; this place will change them, and that is why ZONE is described as “un-winnable” by its designer.
Unlike many of the other games on this list, ZONE is very abstract because it doesn’t expect you to succeed. Your characters are destined to fail once they incur too much shock, so managing resources is not really something worth doing in this game. Character creation is also rather simple, and I think that is because the main focus of this game is on the place you are exploring, rather than the character themself. If you want a game about the horror of being changed by something alien and ultimately uncaring about you, I’d recommend ZONE.
RAD, by ¡Hipólita!
We don't know who broke the world, but we know what weapon they used.
In the year 1990, the United States of America fired a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, immediately killing millions and poisoning the land, air and water for years.
The scarce few survivors were forced into hiding. About 50,000 people fled to the relative safety of the Moscow Metro, with smaller numbers following suit in cities like Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara and others.
RAD is a game full of radiation-induced body-horror and all about survival. You have four core stats, and the rest of your character sheet is all about resources and inventory, including three resources called Bedroll, Rations and Battery. The game mechanics are inspired by systems like Mausritter, which means that player creativity and smart item use will take you far. It’s all about a delicate balance of resources, so if that’s what you liked about Pacific Drive, you might want to check out RAD - as well as an adventure for it titled The Technicolor Forest.
Other Games I've Recommended Before
Nibiru, by Araukana Media.
Apocalypse Roadtrip, by Mynar Lenahan.
Roadspire, by Glempy.
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chrissy02 · 1 year
I am so very in love with you
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Warnings: typical TWD plots
Era: season 5/After Terminus??
Prompt: I am so very in love with you
Pronouns: she/her
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Request by: @crustless-toast and anon
The Governor destroyed the entire prison. That was something Rick’s group was worried about. Why would they expect something like that though? Rick and his group destroyed Woodbury and killed so many of his people. Then the Governor mysteriously disappeared, not being able to find him, Michonne would look for him with Daryl occasionally taking part of the search.
In the end, Daryl gave up while Michonne didn't. And now? The prison has been destroyed and Rick’s group split apart, no one knows for sure if the others are alive.
Y/n found herself alone with no one, nothing. She no longer had the will to live due to not knowing wether or not the others were alright. who knows if Daryl, the man she had her eyes on was even alive. Y/n blames herself constantly for not being able to profess her feelings for him. It was like love at first sight, falling head over heels for the charismatic yet dirty man that showed up at the farm that day.
Y/n has lost many people she cared deeply about, her two sisters - Maggie and Beth, her father Hershel, her relatives and many more people. She was determined to find out wether or not Daryl and the others were alive.
She wanders along the road with no location particular in mind, occasionally chuckling to herself in a sad manner when recalling all the fun memories she once experienced. from when her, Beth and Maggie went to hair salons and rode on horses together, to when she took care of her younger siblings. Damn the Governor and this whole apocalypse. Though impossible, Y/n hopes every day that everything will return to normal, she hopes that this is just a bad dream and when she wakes up, someone will be there to comfort her. Y/n hopes to meet Daryl again and be able to confess her feelings.
Y/n was brought out of her thoughts by the sounds of walker groans, pulling out the knife from her belt, She kills the walker to prevent more from showing up. Unfortunately that wasn't the case, more walkers started to show up and before she could react, a walker managed to tackle her to the ground. Fortunately she had a loaded gun on her, Y/n quickly took out the walker before killing the others.
Groaning, Y/n shoves the walker off herself before standing up and dusting her clothes. If they weren’t blood stained before, now they certainly were. Her heart beating fast from all the adrenaline, the only thing on her mind was yet again Daryl. She wonders, why didn't she confess or wasn't able to? Was she afraid of rejection? Was she afraid of becoming attached just to lose someone she cared about again? The reasons were endless.
The nervous woman continues to walk along the tracks, noticing some sort of sign a short distance away from her. she quickly sprints to the sign, ''SANCTUARY FOR ALL COMMUNITY FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARRIVE SURVIVE'' it reads. Y/n glances at the map below the words, ''TERMINUS'' is marked on the beige map. Y/n doesn't know if she should trust it but something in her tells her that if Daryl and/or the others survived and saw this, they would go there and so Y/n has decided to make her way to Terminus.
The (h/c) haired girl walks silently through the forest, wanting to stay near possible food and water sources, she sees on the tracks that there is another map to Terminus. Y/n knew she was on the right track. After walking for hours, she knew it would be getting dark soon. She slowly came out of the forest and suddenly saw a smaller wooden hut. Smiling to herself, Y/n made her way to the front door of the house.
But suddenly, hearing someone yelling there and a baby crying. As she got closer, she could hear at least bits of something they were shouting at each other.
“Back off!” The unknown man shouted, so loud that it attracted two walkers.
Y/n walked slowly and quietly to the house, mentally noting to herself to not make any noise that would attract the walkers. just as Y/n warned herself, she stepped on a small stick causing it to make crunching noise. thankfully, the walkers didn't seem to pay any attention to her as they continued to bang on the house. silently cursing to herself, she tries not to make any sudden movements that would attract the walkers.
the screams were getting louder and louder. Y/n heard a familiar voice, the voice of a good friend from the prison, Tyreese.
“Please. Don’t hurt her!” He said loudly in fear.
Those words were probably aimed at the crying baby, the only baby she remembered was Judith. Y/n was afraid that Judith had died, but it seems that Tyreese saved her.
“Dammit, they're both in danger..” She thought to herself.
She knew she had to do something to save them. Y/-n's mind was racing back and forth trying to quickly think of a plan that wouldn't result in the death of more people she cared about. She needed to kill the walkers in a quiet way that wouldn't draw more attention to the house. Self doubt hit Y/n like a fire truck, would she really be able to do this?
“I have to try at least.” She sighed
She had to mentally prepare herself. Now it was about risking not only her life, but two others. Two people she cared about.
Now with the ready knife in her hand, she slowly walked towards the first walker, thrusting the sharped blade into its head. She quickly caught it so the walker wouldn't fall and make too much noise. Carefully setting the walker on the ground, the next walker was about to attack. Thanks to her instincts, she was able to successfully kill the second walker.The second walker soon hit the ground. there was one thing on Y/n's mind, to kill the son of a bitch who's holding Judith hostage.
Remembering about the knife and now bulletless gun, Y/n is going to have to do the most insane thing in the world, which is to hope that everyone make it out alive with little to no injuries. Pulling out the gun whilst moving closer to the door, the young woman breathes heavily, feeling a big wave of uneasiness and nervousness hit her. Y/n takes three deep breaths, trying to calm her nerves. once calmer, she anxiously reaches for the handle and quickly flings the wooden door open.
“Get your filthy hands off her. Now!” She said loudly in aggression with her gun pointed at the man.
In fear Y/n quickly looked around the room in the house, she saw Tyreese, a little beaten up, but still breathing on the ground and a man with a gun in one hand pointed at the man on the ground and the other hand on Judith's neck. Now he was aiming at her, this gave Tyreese time to figure out what to do.
“Put that gun down or I wil kill her.” He said very seriously.
“What kind of motherfucker could kill an innocent baby?” Y/n thought to herself, she didn't want anything to happen to the baby. Judith was the only thing that reminded her of Lori, except for Carl.
“I don't want any problems. Come on, put the gun down, please!” She said quietly.
“Why should I? That old bitch is going to kill my people, so why not kill the three of you?”
“Come on man…you don’t need to do this..” Y/n said a little flustered.
“No. I'll start with you, then her and I will kill him last so he can watch how you both die.” He said and started to stand up, he was still pointing the gun at Y/n.
Y/n's eyes started to fill with tears, she knew she had messed up. She knew she wouldn't save anyone. They will all die. In the end no one ends up well in this world. Everyone just dies. Like her father, aunt, sisters, her long time best friend and crush, Daryl and everyone else she cares about. Y/n prepared for her death, but to prevent that, Tyreese got up from the ground and ran after the man who wanted to take his friend's life. He threw him to the ground and started beating him. Several times in a row until he finally beat him to death.
Meanwhile, Y/n was trying to recover from what just happened. The tears streaming from her eyes are not helping enough. When Tyreese was sure the man was dead, he stepped away from him and looked at the crying girl. He came to her and hugged her.
“Jesus. I though you were dead.” He said now with tears in his eyes too.
“I though that too Ty..” She said quickly to keep herself from breaking down.
“I know you probably won't believe me, but Carol. Carol is alive.” He told Y/n, stepping away from her to look at her with a smile.
“W-what? She, she really is? Oh my..Oh my god” Now she was sure she was going to breadown, but by happiness and joy.
“Yeah..she is. And if she thought correctly, then she will actually save someone from Rick's group..”
And now, Y/n smiled. She flashed him a big smile. Now knowing she would get someone back from her family, she could only hope her sisters were there and maybe Daryl too.
“Ok, let's wait.” Y/n said and moved to Judith to take her and cradle in arms.
“Yeah, let's wait. I'll-I'll take his body and uh- and throw him somewhere, probably..” Tyreese replied.
“Alright..” Y/n said and cradled Judi more.
It was getting dark and Y/n and Tyrese were still waiting for Carol to return. Luckily, Judith was already asleep, so no walkers in sight.
“You don't even know what the hell happened. What me and Carol had to do…she told me she didn't want to think about it anymore and wanted to forget. But, I want to tell at least to you.” He said, looking thoughtful.
“Hm?” The girl looked at him questioningly.
“I escaped from prison with Lizzie and Mika. Then Carol found us and..” he looked like he would cry.
“We found a house. We were there for a while. But, Lizzie. She was mentally disturbed and thought walkers were good. So she killed Mika and tried to kill Judith as well. But in the end, Carol shot Lizzie..” He finished, feeling flustrated he needed some fresh air.
“I’m going out for a while, we need someone to watch anyway.”
“Yeah, yeah, clear…cool. I will look after Judi then.” Y/n said in nervousness, not knowing what to say to her friend.
After some time, Tyreese ran back into the house with a big smile on his face. This could mean only one thing, Carol has returned. Y/n quickly jumped up from the ground and looked at the man standing in front of her.
“Carol is back and she’s not alone. Come on!” He said enthusiastically and ran out of the house.
Y/n carefully took Judith into her arms again and stepped outside, as soon as she raised her head and looked ahead, she saw carol. The older woman took Judi in her arms and kissed her on the forehead.
“Oh god, Y/n. Is that really you? I’m not hallucinating am I?” She carol said, eyes brimming with tears, she was just so happy to see the woman in front of her again, especially when she thought that Y/n had died.
“Yeah, it’s me. You aren’t hallucinating, I think.” Y/n chuckled
That voice... Y/n knew who it was and it could be none other than...
''Maggie!!'' She cried, running over to her younger sister that was sprinting towards her.
“I can’t believe you are alive. Oh my god..” Maggie said in tears.
“I missed you so much Magg...'' The elder sister cried.
''Hey, i think that there is someone who would like to welcome you too..'' The brunette woman said, smiling at her sister before letting go and moving away from her.
Now Y/n could see the person behind Maggie and it was him. Daryl Dixon....the charismatic man that Y/n wished to see again, the man she wanted to confess her feelings to, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him. without a second thought, she jumped into his arms. Daryl didn't seem to mind, he was happy to have the person he cared deeply about with him again. he held the younger woman tightly, not wanting to let go, as if she was gonna disappear and never come back.
After a while, he eventually let her go and looked into her (e/c) eyes. Daryl wasted no time and finally kissed y/n. the kiss was soft and tender, she could taste the cigarettes lingering on his lips. Despite that, it was the most incredible moment in her life. She felt a hand slide down to her hips, the other one holding the woman's neck. He held her so carefully, so lovingly as if she was fine china. they both wanted the kiss to last longer but needing to breathe, they had to pull away.
“That was…I-“ Daryl started but was immediately interrupted by Y/n.
“Shut the hell up Dixon! Now you listen to me…Since you came to the farm and spoke to me, my life has changed for the better. Because you made it better. I never thought I'd meet the man of my dreams in the damn apocalypse. And I never thought it would be you. Damn Daryl, when you showed up saying you needed advice on where to start looking first the little girl, I knew I was in love. And i never believed in love at first sight, but this? This was love at first sight. And I'm sorry that I didn't told you sooner, that I didn't tell you anything, but I love you. I really really love you and that will never change. And when I ran away from the prison, I mainly thought only of you. Because you were the person who understood me so much. No one understood me as well as you. Maybe that's one of the reasons why I'm so attracted to you, but. You. You are everything. I don't care if you're not enough, mean or some other shit you say about yourself. You, Daryl Dixon, are everything. And if you are willing and if you want and feel the same as I do, I'm ready to show you how awesome, important and enough you are for me. I freaking love you.” Y/n ended like that her long speech. Afraid of what is Daryl thinking now.
Daryl was looking at her now, frustrated and very clear about what he was going to do now. Even if he wasn't good with words, he was still sure that what he was going to say would be worth it.
“I am so very in love with you, Greene..” He said more quietly, blushing a little now too.
“Y/n I'm not good at…I mean uh at speaking. But now I'll try to tell ya what the fuck ya mean to me. When I saw ya slap that prick Shane, I just knew ya were the person I was missing in my life. Or when ya confided in me about how ya never consulted your mother, ya confided in me because ya trusted me and I confided in ya too. Because I trusted ya. And I will continue to trust ya. I've never cared for someone as much as I do now. And even if I'm not enough, for ya, the last one... I want ya to know that ya are my everything. .every time I look into your (e/c) eyes, I feel like i'm getting lost in a maze and your smile,..... And your smile, every time ya smiled I couldn't help but smile too...Y/n, I am so in love with you, fuck.” He said despite not being a talker, those were the most beautiful words that Y/n didn't expect to hear.
Y/n giggled, blushing at his words. never in a thousand years would she have expected for the Daryl Dixon to confess his love like this. both were on cloud nine, happy with the unexpected outcome..
“Just kiss me, asshole.”
And so he did….
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Yoon Jongwoo Propaganda:
So technically not a narrator but he's the main char/protagonist who we follow from majority of the show. But, he is slowly losing his mind due to: fear, paranoia, ptsd, being drugged, and lack of sleep. Big big spoiler for the last episode but we originally see him only killing in self defense and the main villian being the one to kill off/brutally murder the henchpeople BUT later on after the fight it comes out that HE was the one who killed them and he actually was even talking to himself at one point. It throws the whole episode into a new light and then makes u wo der how much of the rest of the show may have also been different than what we originally saw. How innocent is he??
Kim Dokja Propaganda:
I haven't read orv but he's fucking gotta be from what I've osmosised
He tries to remove his emotions out of the narrative soooo much, literally the most repressed guy ever. Okay so for context orv is about how this guy, Kim Dokja, has been the only reader of an obscure post-apocalyptic webnovel for years and the novel suddenly becomes reality. And at first you'll probably get the weird impression that his behavior is pretty strange for, you know, a literal apocalypse happening in his world - like yes, he is concerned with survival but he doesn't seem all that scared and he kinda treats it like a video game where he has to grind to make himself stronger and he also treats his companions like a party in an rpg. Then there's also the way he approaches the protagonist of the webnovel, from the start he just kind of describes him as a ruthless psychopath and jerk that is unfortunately a pretty useful ally. And also there's the fact that he carefully omits any mention of his past and when somebody asks if he's worried about his family when the apocalypse starts he just kinda... brushes it off? Anyway so yeah, this bastard is definitely traumatized, although I don't know how much of spoiler territory that would be, considering the fact that literally when he first reveals his trauma he's also unreliable about it. And turns out he does indeed, care A LOT about this world and the people around him. Because well, he kinda didn't care to mention that this webnovel that has become reality was like... literally his whole world before it literally became his whole world. Like, it was the only thing keeping him going for 10+ years and the protagonist that he likes to call a stupid jerk was his comfort character who he pretended to be when he felt like he couldn't handle something in his life by being himself. The protagonist is also canonically the person he loves the most according to a prophecy and he literally can't fathom the thought of him dying, even the timeline versions of him that directly oppose him. And I haven't even mentioned the Fourth Wall yet but I feel like this propaganda is a little long already
misreading the intentions of his companion (yoo joonghyuk) so many time.
he is the worst like actually. he starts the story talking about how normal and average he is. he is not. he is constantly mischaracterizing his friends and he's so good at lying to the readers that you don't even realize it at first. almost every single time he cries we have to be told by other characters because he never says it himself. there is literally a scene where his narration says "i wasn't crying" and then the in-universe entity that narrates the actions of people (orv is really weird and meta) says that he was, in fact, crying. honestly genuinely anything he says about himself (or doesn't say) cannot be trusted. he is just so frustrating. he drives me mad. i love him dearly. but he drives me so mad.
Rest of Propaganda under cut!
Dictionary definition of unreliable narrator. Does not tell the reader anything and then things happen and he's like oh yeah btw there was also this and this earlier but i just didn't feel like mentioning it. There's even a thing called the "Fourth Wall" that is able to see through kdj's bs so occasionally you get gems like, Kim Dokja: I didn't cry The Fourth Wall: [Kim Dokja was crying] Imagine being so unreliable as a narrator you need a more powerful narrator to call out the actual narrator.
This goes into spoiler territory, but; Kim Dokja is in possession of a skill called the Fourth Wall, which on the surface seems like it appears because he read the book that reverse-isekai’d into his own. However, as the story goes on it becomes clear that it’s pretty much a souped up version of his pre-existing dissociation. You cannot trust him to be honest about his feelings, his past traumas or his feelings about his past traumas, not to mention his tendency to just outright omit information that only gets revealed later on either when it becomes relevant or when an outsider POV reveals what’s actually happening. Exhibit A: he says (in 1st person POV) that he’s not crying. The Fourth Wall immediately contradicts this (as it is literally words of the novel) by saying (in 3rd person POV) ‘Kim Dokja was crying’. Exhibit B: Fails to mention entire actions when it shows him emotionally honest even in the slightest; we had to read from another character entirely when Kim Dokja was being physically affectionate with his companion. It’s so bad that there’s this entire paragraph about Kim Dokja describing himself hiding his eyes in his hands in jerky, weirdly specific detail and just AVOIDING EVERY WORD THAT MIGHT SHOW HE’S CRYING. The brilliance of ORV is that when you re-read the entire thing you get hints that ‘yes, this WAS hinted at the entire time’ but you have to dig it out of Kim Dokja’s repressed, depressed self-hating internal dialogue with your own two hands.
i am a simple man (not a man). i see a tumblr text post with the words “unreliable narrator in it”. i read nothing else. i reblog & tag #kim dokja okay but in all seriousness i’m just going with the musty basic example: so there’s this moment where he sacrifices himself to save this guy. as he lays on the ground bleeding out, he says “hey, you don’t like me, right? you should kill me to get some money” the guy says “no kim dokja i cant do that (going through the five stages of grief except there’s only one and it’s anger)” the constellations (twitch viewers irl) are like omg he (the guy) doesn’t want to kill his companion (kim dokja) and shower him (the guy) with money kim dokja: oh, he’s not killing me for the money. smart! as i quote a brilliant youtube video (all of omniscient reader’s viewpoint in 6 minutes) “yoo joonghyuk sees kim dokja as a c_____” yoo joonghyuk: companion kim dokja: cunt
Hides his true feelings, tells the readers what he thinks is convenient for the plot and that his own personal feelings don’t matter or are not so significant. Has unreliable thoughts abt his companion and is a liar. And is also an omniscient reader.
Kim Dokja always perceived his companions in this like nonchalant way like “oh yeah we get along but really we’re just fighting to survive (apocalypse setting) it doesn’t run that deep” when they all do genuinely care for him and he does in turn. He just, doesn’t think of it as an equal relationship? Dokja’ll sacrifice a lot for them but will get seriously flabbergasted if they do the same thing, so fricking problematic. Not to mention Yoo Joonghyuk, his “Life and Death Companion” (read: husband). Kim Dokja always seems to think that Joonghyuk has it out for him, which is kinda true, but he is literally blind to the fact that he’s attached to him. Like, it’s so obvious??? Also they have hella sexual tension but that’s another thing entirely
se get some many pov changes where kdj in his pov just assumed things based on what he knew the characters would do. however because of his interference the characters have changed and he wouldn’t know that if it hit him in the face
He's an unreliable narrator because he lies to himself and thus the audience. He literally rewrote his own childhood core memory. If someone says, "this guy is my friend!" He will go through so many hoola hoops in his mind just to rationalize it. Because he fundamentally believe that no one could love him and even if they did they couldn't know him and he's just gonna hurt them. He cries sometimes in canon but a lot of those times it's not even mentioned as crying he's that unreliable of a narrator. No joke, one time this guys he has a gay thing with called him his "companion" to someone who had just killed him (long story) and this bitch thought "oh wow he's doing it for the coins (another long story) he's so smart i wish I'd thought to that. He's terrible. He literally has an exchange with something called the Fourth Wall (an even longer story) where it said "you're crying" and he said "no I'm not" but he was crying. He makes me insane because the reader is supposed to project onto him. He made me see how much of an unreliable narrator I WAS. ORV is just like that tho.
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teecupangel · 1 month
Catboy nonny here with the weirdest idea yet. So Desmond for some reason doesn’t activate the Eye (his choice or some intervention, doesn’t really matter) and the world burns. World is an apocalyptic wasteland. AND for some fuckin reason, Des is now a catboy.
Now here’s the fun part. The survivors are obviously gonna go coocoo for coco puffs because I said so, and a group of them start worshipping Desmond and using surviving anime and comics as proof of his divinity. MODERN APOCALYPSE CULT FOR CATBOY DESMOND!
Where is his team during this? Unclear, but Bill’s dead because fuck Bill.
Desmond has no idea why it turned out like this.
After being knocked out by some kind of blast that appeared from Minerva’s hologram before he could touch the device, he woke up to the feeling of flickering cat ears and swaying cat tail.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, he couldn’t make any other noise other than cat noises.
His phone was also cracked beyond repair and, considering how much his ass hurt, it might have been his fault.
Wait, he didn’t planned to get toppled by Minerva’s mind blast or whatever.
It wasn’t his fault!
Anyway, with no other ways to communicate with his team, he put his hood up to hide his cat ears and hid his cat tail by making it curl around his waist so his hood could cover it.
It wasn’t exactly comfortable (especially since he had to puncture a hole on his jeans for his newly acquired tail) but it would have to do.
It was more important for him to find his team.
The world burned and it changed the entire world.
Some changes were immediate.
All electronic devices died…
The death of so many people who were unable to stay in a building fortified enough to protect them from a force of nature they don’t even know about.
But the worst was yet to come.
The Solar Flare did more than destroy what it touched.
It changed the world itself.
The soil itself lost many of its nutrient, making it harder to grow plants necessary to survive.
Animals were not spared from its flames and their population dwindled into frightening numbers.
And the humans…
It is during these kinds of tragedy that humans show both the worst and best of them.
Humans formed different groups and tackled this new world in different ways.
And the weak groups…
They usually fell because it was the strong groups who managed to horde resources, leaving little for the weak to fight over.
It was during one of these ‘skirmishes’ that Desmond found his first followers.
Calling it skirmishes wasn’t exactly correct.
A group of humans enjoying the carnage and lawlessness of these lands were hunting down a small group of young adults who were just trying to find enough food to make it to the day.
Their first mistake was checking a convenient store, a hotspot for every other groups in the area.
They would have fared better had they broken into empty houses and looked for canned food instead.
Desmond took care of the ‘hunters’ easily. They weren’t professionals and stood no change against Desmond.
It brought a bad taste in his mouth how these people used to live normal lives before everything happened.
The people he saved tried to thank him but then…
They saw his cat ears.
And one of them shouted…
Desmond’s luck smacked him right on the face.
The people he just saved?
They were part of an Anime club in junior high (to be more specific “Japanese Culture Appreciation Club”) and they all shared a delusion that this is now that set of an anime and they all have to find the protagonist to survive.
Desmond being a badass with cat ears and a silent type (not by choice!) became their protagonist.
When Desmond tried to explain that, no, he was not a government experiment that escaped or he wasn’t isekai’ed and that he used to be a normal human, they just believed that Desmond has ‘awaken’ his powers after the Solar Flare.
No matter what he says, the group follows him around and treat him as the ‘protagonist’ which is, really, just a word they use to deny any allegation of ‘worshiping’ going on.
Desmond can’t leave them behind because they’re kids, for fuck’s sake. They weren’t harming anyone (other than Desmond’s self esteem and pride) so…
Uuuhhh… Desmond is now in charge of young adults who believe him to be the protagonist.
… and it will grow to include other people.
… later on.
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golden--doodler · 9 months
Bob and Gene's relationship is so important to me 😭
I could write actual essays about them, but their relationship, when it actually gets a bit of focus, is the sweetest, most endearing thing on planet earth. People who say they don't like each other have obviously not seen the show, because these two adore each other. Here are these two people who are so different, and usually don't understand each other, but always try to anyway. And despite their differences, they have some notable similarities they can bond over as well.
Especially when it comes to Bob. Even though Gene is way more eccentric and enthusiastic than he ever was (and is), he never puts down Gene for his interests and instead encourages them. And he's willing to give Gene some extra confidence whenever he needs it. One of my favorite examples is this exchange from the episode "Best Burger":
Gene saying he's always admired Bob gets. me. every. time!!!!! It's so clear by this scene how much Gene loves his dad, and just wants to do right by him! For anyone who says Gene was annoying or frustrating in this episode, I point to this scene--he was genuinely remorseful for getting distracted (which is very normal for a kid his age) and gave Bob a compliment that I'm sure he cherished despite the fact that he was crunched on time. Sure, Louise admires Bob as well, but would never outright say it like Gene, so I'm sure Bob has a soft spot for his son because of this moment. Also, I think it's so sweet how despite running out of time and being stressed, he still apologizes to Gene for snapping. There are a lot of layers to this scene, which is why it's one of my favorites.
Then, of course, there's Bob being the best Autism Dad in "The Laser-Inth", but I've already said so much about this episode:
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He just wants to share his interests with Gene and is so sweet and understanding when Gene gets sensory overload 🥲
Oh yes, and then there's "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid", where Bob says that he loves to feed Gene and him offering to eat with Gene once Gene gets all better 🥺:
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Gene inheriting Bob's love of food is so sweet and lovely 😭 Also, I love how supportive Bob is of Gene's Thanksgiving song. And he saying that Gene was the only one excited about his new, experimental Thanksgiving menu--
Oh yes, and there was the episode where they got trapped on a trapeze, and Bob said he'd never let anything happen to Gene! They indeed have a beautiful relationship:
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Bob is always there to calm Gene whenever he's feeling stressed, and I love it. He feels like Gene's rock, in a way, a shoulder he can always lean on whenever he needs it.
And that time they got excited about fixing Helen's sink!!! That was so adorable. Plus, it led to one of the best outros of the whole show:
Guess what? I'm not even done yet! One of my absolute favorite moments of them was in the episode "Boys Just Wanna Have Fungus", and at the end, they call each other their heroes. I mean 🥹
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They admire each other so much! And I agree that they'd probably be able to survive at least a couple days in the Apocalypse together. It helps that Bob's a cook.
And more recently, there was the time Gene realized how terrible VR is, and despite his nausea, Bob stuck around the whole time:
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He didn't have to stick around, he just wanted to, because he felt bad about Gene having a bad time. He would move heaven and earth for his son no matter what, and it's so beautiful to see.
I could list more examples, but I think you get the idea. Not only do Bob and Gene love each other, but they have one of the strongest and sweetest relationships in the series.
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inbarfink · 8 months
Before the final episodes of “Fionna and Cake,” there was a theory that Simon would move to Fionna’s world, since that world is normal, and non-magical and Fionna and Cake would live in Simon’s world, that is, in OOO, since that world is magical and full of adventures. Do you think this ending would have been better? Like, Fionna's world is legal, she and Simon can call each other, but they swapped worlds
Hmmmmm... okay, so there's two Things that I think about Re:Endings
Endings can't just get swapped in and out of a story, because Endings are built up to during the course of the entire narrative. To hypothetically change the ending of F&C, you don't just need to change the last few scenes of the show, or even just the last two episodes - you're gonna have to rewrite a lot of the series from the ground-up because it's been building up for that specific ending that we've got.
Fionna and Cake is a series whose core conflicts are not exactly... directly applicable to the real world. All of it's lessons and themes have to be understood via the lens of Metaphor. As such, with Endings in general, but with endings of something like F&C especially - it matters less What Happens on paper and more what does it Mean. The question of which alternative universe Simon or Fionna needed to end up on is dependent on the thematic implications of that plot point.
So, like, the show has already spent a lot of time subtly establishing it's themes of acceptance and self-growth - and the way they relate to Fionna and Simon's issues within Fionnaworld and Mainworld. An ending where they just swap places would probably feel unsatisfying because it wouldn't gel with the thematic and emotional concepts we've set up so far.
Fionna thought the problem with her World was that it lacked fantasy and magic, but her real problem was that she felt stuck, helpless and unable to affect meaningful change in her life and world. So when she learned to think things through and accept that her actions have consequences
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She realized that she didn't need the Magical Adventures to make her life meaningful. She can make changes in her world in all kind of wonderful normal ways.
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And honestly, if she ended up in Ooo without learning this lesson... she wouldn't have actually being much better off than she was in her old World before the series started.
If anything, she would've been worse off because she was cutting herself away from her entire support network and, as a result of her not thinking about her actions and initially viewing Ooo as just a manifestation of her escapist fantasies and not as a real world with real people... as far as Ooo is concerned she and Cake are violent criminals.
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So, like, the only way she could've ended up even remotely happy in Ooo is by learning the lesson that meant that she didn't need to go to Ooo to be happy.
Simon would've been in a very similar position. There's also the problem of him living all of his loved ones behind with just Fionna as a point of contact. And... his depression and trauma would not be cured by just a change of scenery. And sure, maybe he would feel less isolated in a world where he's not the only 'normal guy'...
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....or his problems will just end up inverting themselves. Because the experiences of living in Ooo have changed Simon, most notably in the character beat in Episode 3 where he's surprised by the presence of a non-talking cat.
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Cause, yeah, Simon is 'just a normal guy' - but he's a normal guy whose been living in a world of Wacky Magic for years now and he survived an apocalypse and he used to be Cursed Wizard and his adopted daughter is a Vampire half-demon and he's technically over a 1000 years old... In an actual Normal World, he might start feeling like a Weirdo.
Which is what he was before the Mushroom War.
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Simon never truly 'fit-in' into any 'world' he lived in. So he's better off not searching for the One Perfect Place where he belongs - whatever it's a Normal World, or like a Normal World (with a little bit of magic sprinkled in) like what Fionnaworld ended up being - it's to accept the fact that he doesn't need to perfectly fit-in to be happy and feel like he belong and relate to people.
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And the ability to accept change and to stop romanticizing the past is a huge part of the Betty part of Simon's arc. So it just fits in better if Simon also has to accept that the world he exists in and the life he leads have changed, rather than being able to go back to a recreation of the Pre-War World he remembers.
... but I am saying all of this because this is what F&C chose to build up to and what F&C chose as it's themes and metaphors. A version of F&C where Simon ends up in Fionnaworld and Fionna ends up in the Mainworld can absolutely exist and work... it's just that you need to rewrite at least like half of the series to build up to it in a way that feels like a satisfying and appropriate conclusion. But also, like, I'm happy enough with the ending we've got that I don't feel the need to do all of this lol
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milolovesbmc · 9 months
wait wrol jeremy is canonically/intentionally autistic coded??? please elaborate what are his little autistic mannerisms tell me everything
So, First off, Jeremy (in the Broadway/Off-Broadway productions) IS autistic coded!! since Will Roland based his interpretation/acting for Jeremy on teenagers from a theater camp he attended, who where most (not to say all) autistic. Also, I can't possibly talk about Jeremy being autistic without mentioning this, in the first/original version of Be More Chill Pt.1 one of the SQUIP's line to Jeremy is literally "every lame characteristic, makes you come off as autistic" which they cut (for obvious reasons) but there, had to be mentioned!! So in conclusion, yes he IS autistic coded!! With that outta the way:
- This one is the one I have the least to talk about, it's mentioned he has issues with eye contact in More Than Survive, "[...] Avoiding any eye contact at all"
- One of the biggest differences between Roland and Connolly Jeremy is how Will R Jeremy talks
- He has issues with Volume control, like how sometimes he's talking and he out of nowhere yells out a word or something and he seems to not notice? Also, he's the only character that talks louder than the rest normally (you have to differ this from stuff like how Michael screams the lines he says in More Than Survive while he's dancing, that's intentional, he's being goofy and having fun)
- Sometimes he talks too fast, like to the point he slurs his words, you can notice a couple or more of these throughout the show
- To finish off the speech thing, he talks in a really flat tone, you can tell not only by comparing his tone to other characters (like Jake for example) or if you compare the voice Will Roland does for Jeremy to the one he does for Jared in DEH, Jeremy's it's flatter
-I'm not too sure this is included in "Abnormal speech" for autism, but I felt like I had to mention that he does stutter/stammer (?) A lot throughout the whole show, it's even mention by the SQUIP in Be More Chill PT. 1 ("All your stammering's a chore" "Stammer?! No- no I don't stammer!")
- it's also suggested he speaks in a "weird" way when in Loser Geek Whatever he says "The please don't speak!" When referring to how he's perceived by his peers
- His special interest is clearly Superheroes and stuff of the sort (mainly from comics I'm pretty sure, but I don't know too much about superheroes) and he references them a lot of times and sees like most of his life and actions through more of a superhero/fiction sense
- The biggest example of him doing this is in More Than Survive (I'm gonna be mentioning MTS a lot here) when he says the line "If this was an apocalypse, I would not need any tips, on how to stay alive!"
- Also, I can even go into that one line even deeper, by this line he basically means that for him it'd be easier to survive in a zombie apocalypse rather than a high school, because an apocalypse has simple rules you need to follow to survive; getting food, not being biten by zombies... While to "survive" high school you need to do a whole bunch of stuff no one tells you you need to do; socialising, not having grades too high or too low, being cool, talking to people, making eye contact... Which are harder to him. This also means that he would know how to survive in a zombie apocalypse because of how much he plays Apocalypse of the Damned (most definitely part of his special interest)
- Also, here's some references/ties he makes between real life and fiction/superhero stuff:
"I like your sideburns, wolverine, right?"
"Like in X-Men?!"
- Not to mention one of his options for the SQUIP's settings was literally Batman
- I don't think I can give very specific examples here, but basically, the literal whole theme of the show is Jeremy not fitting in cause he's "socially awkward" and just generally "weird", you can mostly see it through how the SQUIP helps him socialize, the most clear example is maybe at the mall with Brooke and Chloe.
- Biggest one is in ILPR when Christine says "no this is where you meet for the swim team" when Jeremy asks about if you meet for Play Rehearsal there, and he takes the joke literally and starts to look around to make sure he's in the right place
- While Michael is talking about the Whole evolution thing, Jeremy is really confused, most probably because he doesn't understand why he's mentioning that as advice/metaphor?/an answer to his problems, then gets even more confused when he says "There's never been a better time in history to be a loser!"
- In Two-Player Game after Jeremy talks about getting the SQUIP and how it'll work and how it'll improve his life, Michael says "and if it does? Will you be too cool for... Video games??" He's clearly using that as an indirect way of saying he's afraid of losing him (which he actually does later on so that's fun!! /J) and Jeremy catches that but basically just completely ignores the metaphor thing and talks about it in a literal sense
- He mentions how he has some "rules" he follows to survive in More Than Survive (ofc it's in MTS) in the line "And so I follow my own rules, and I use them as my tools, to stay alive"
- This is not part of the musical, but it is in the book and I thought it was a good thing to mention here because it's pretty related, in the book he has these things called "Humiliation Sheets" they are papers he makes (and prints everyday, mind you) where he marks his social Humiliations, like when someone ignores him or laughs at him etc
- Jeremy has like, pretty bad spacial awareness, like when he's Walking down the hallway In MS and he literally walks into half the people
- A really big example of it is in Be More Chill PT.2 when all of the people in the mall are flossing (as a whole thing because of the SQUIP) and Jeremy can't manage to get it right
- This is mentioned by the SQUIP in Be More Chill PT. 1, where it literally says "your tics and fidgets are persistent"
- Some of the ways he stims in:
1) The literal first line of the musical, when he says "c-c-c-c'mon c-c-c-c'mon go go!" that's a vocal stim, cause he's inpatient/nervous. (Also in I love play Rehearsal and voices in my head, maybe in some other moments too but idk rn)
2) Not to sure if this one counts as stimming, but he tends to hold onto things pretty tight (mostly through MTS) , like his sleeves or his backpack or Michael when Christine signs up
2.5) This closely relates to stim 2, but he also opens and closes his fists a lot, like clenching and unclenching them
(There's more but I can't remember all of them rn)
3) he moves his hands and rise and drops them a lot when he's upset and talking about what he's upset about, like in More Than Survive and Loser Geek Whatever, also, a lot of big gestures generally
4) At the Halloween party before (?) a guy that I'd kinda be into (Reprise) Christine asks "just say what's on your mind" and Jeremy basically makes a really weird noise which Christine goes along with, that's indeed vocal stimming!! They're stimming together how sweet is that!!
- This is not Jeremy related but I just wanted to mention it, Michael stims like A LOT, you can look at him in any scene and he will 99% surely be stimming in some way, specially in MITB (someone ask me about Michael being autistic so I can talk about that too pretty please /hj)
Can you tell I'm really into psychology and stuff?? This is basically my two fav interests combined, BMC AND PSYCHOLOGY YAYY!!!!
Btw feel free to talk about you own opinion/take on the whole thing, I'd be happy to know!! :D
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despairmakoto · 1 year
Sometimes I think about an AU where the apocalypse didn't happen and the students graduated normally sort of like how they do in the V3 after-story minigame. Despite everything Makoto never really figured out any special skills or talents while he was at Hope's Peak, and Togami graduated the same way he was before: a cold and reserved young man who means business. The tragedy not happening made the two like oil and water; they would come close to eachother but never close enough to form any sort of real bond. Togami was simply not interested in making a friend, and Makoto didn't seem to be of any use for him. He heads off to live his life as the head of his (mostly still alive) family while Makoto decides to settle down and get himself a small apartment above a local bar and work as a bartender down below. It's a regular job but he's satisfied with it, and he can be social when he wants to.
A few years pass. Togami learns that things aren't quite as they seem for him. Due to the nature of his identity his father still is a major deciding factor over everything he does, including picking and choosing who he is to procreate with for the next generation's heir. Life is tense and shameful and he feels tricked. He's had a few children at this point but he doesn't get to see them, as when they're born they're essentially shipped off to be trained for the future battle they'll need to survive to have even a chance at becoming the next heir. He feels miserable and bitter; he hates the world and the people in it. Things feel bleak and he feels like more of an asset to his so-called retired father than the head of a conglomerate. Things get particularly bad when he finds out that the sires of his offspring were determined through a sort of bidding process. Disgusted and offended, he decides to head out into the city to get away from his family and the cold life he lives, even if for just one night.
He wanders around that evening, looking for a place to settle. Fate draws him toward a fairly commonplace but nice enough looking bar when it starts to rain, unforeseen. He enters to see the bar is empty today other than the bartender, who he doesn't immediately recognize. It isn't until said bartender raises his head to look over and cheerfully calls out his name that he realizes it's one of his old classmates. Togami solemnly and professionally wipes the rain from his glasses and goes to take a seat at one of the random tables that aren't immediately next to the bar. "Togami-kun, it's me, Naegi...! Don't you remember me? It's been a while, huh..." Makoto is rambling a bit while he wipes out glasses for later use; Togami listens to him without eye contact or any real show of acknowledgement, like a cat ignoring his owner without the flick of his ears. He doesn't respond to the other man until he is properly settled. "Yes, I remember you—just barely. I had to think for a moment, though. I don't usually waste my time recalling the names or faces of the unimpressive 99%." Togami scalds, but he is only met with a laugh. "You're still like that, Togami-kun...?" Makoto jests, teasingly. Togami sneers a bit. "Like what? And stop calling me that. We aren't children."
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parkersbliss · 2 years
I don’t know if requests are open, but I had an idea for a five x reader where they were in the apocalypse/commission together, but when five time traveled them out they got separated and reader showed up in the sparrow timeline instead of the umbrella timeline with five.
She ends up meeting the other umbrellas and doesn’t recognize them as fives sibs, but notices the symptoms of time travel, so she’s just chatting to them about time travel “yeah, it sucks right? So inexact. My best friend could time travel but we got separated. I miss him so much.” And maybe she tells the umbrellas that she’s been in love with her time traveling best friend for decades just as he comes in? So she has to choose between being elated that he’s alive or absolutely mortified that he heard her
Decades | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x reader
wc: 1,360
warnings: none
requests: CLOSED
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list 
You knew something was wrong as soon as you had landed on the grass of the garden. Your head shot up, scrambling to get on your legs as six strangers and a cube stared at you. Or… was the cube staring at you if it was a cube? You’re not sure.
One of them steps forward, with black hair and tan skin. “Who the hell are you?”
“Uh,” You start, eyeing the rest of the people. You were met with pretty much the same glare. “Who are you?”
They scoff. “The Sparrow Academy. Do you live under a rock?”
“Sparrow? I thought it was umbrella,” You mutter. “Anyways, sorry. I’ll just get going now.”
You move to step past the man when a force lifts you off your feet. That was new.
“I said, who are you?” The same person demands, getting a little too close for your liking. You huff in annoyance and punch him in the face. Which resulted in you being dropped to the ground.
“Sorry!” You shout and bolt for the courtyard doors and out onto the streets. You don’t bother checking if they’re chasing and keep running. You run until your legs almost give out, leaving you in front of a hotel.
Hotel obsidian
You pant, double over, and shake your head before walking in.
That had been a year ago. One very long year you spent searching for a certain boy who didn’t exist. Five Hargreeves has stranded you in the wrong timeline, with no way of getting back. At first, you cried.
You cried a lot.
Basically, every day for a month, because to you, Five was dead. He didn’t exist, and he had no way of getting back to you. By your second week of crying, you realized that wasn’t normal. The ache in your heart, the feeling of despair of loss… it was because you loved Five. You had met in the apocalypse and spent thirty years together — but not together. Thirty years being best friends and surviving off of scarps until The Handler found you.
You’d been hesitant to join her, but the thought of getting out consumed you. You spent under a year in her possession, nowhere near the contract you signed. She promised you and Five retirement after Five years of service.
But after just one week, you wanted out. You came back mission after mission, covered in someone else’s blood, and every time you broke down, Five was there to catch you.
Except now he wasn’t.
Not to mention, he fucked up the equations, and you were a child. You’d been reversed back into your thirteen-year-old body forever.
And still, he wasn’t here.
But after a few months, you accepted it the best you could. You moved forward with your life and tried not to think about the boy who saved you. There was no apocalypse here, and you only hoped he had succeeded back home. Five always talked about how much he loved his siblings and how he wanted to get back to them to help. The boy loved his family with such ferocity, you couldn’t help but admire it. He always joked about introducing you if you ever got back. You often wonder if he’s mentioned you to them. If he’s searching for you, or if he’s accepted it as you have.
“(Y/N), would you mind tending to the bar area today?” Chet asked.
You shake your head. “Oh, not at all.”
In exchange for a place to stay, you helped Chet out with the hotel. It wasn’t hard work, and you met some fun people, so really, you didn’t mind. Also because Chet’s dog was the cutest.
You make your way over to the area, brushing off some of the tables. Then, you reset all the chairs before staring at the Lobsters. You named the three of them: Gary, Larry, and Barry. Unfortunately, London was eaten for lunch. You sit at the table, watching people come in and out. A particular group of men catches your attention. All three were in outfits that looked straight out of the 60s. They were sluggish with their movements and the constant twitch from the full-body itch. Not to mention they were slowly shoving Chinese takeout into their mouths.
They had time traveled.
Glancing around to make no one else needed tending to, you walked over and took a seat.
The one with shoulder-length hair raises a brow at you, noodles shoved in his mouth and the other long-haired one waves.
“Who are you?” The big one asked through a mouthful.
“I think the question is, who are you?”
“What?” The short-haired one snaps.
“You time traveled,” You said simply. “Who are you?”
“None of your business, little lady.”
You snort. “Fine, then enjoy the cotton ball up your nose headache. Sucks, doesn’t it?”
The big one stops eating. “How do you know that?”
you give him an ‘are you stupid look.�� “Because I’ve time traveled.”
The long-haired one gasps. “Oh my god, are you one of those… those commission people?”
You furrow your brows. “How do you know that?”
One man glares at the other. “Shut up, Klaus.”
“Sorry, Diego,” He mutters.
“If you’re commission,” the blond starts. “What are you doing here? Are you here to kill us?”
You roll your eyes. “You’d already be dead if that was the case. No, I’m… I got stuck here after a time travel accident.”
“Pray tell?” Klaus asked.
You sigh, fiddling with your uniform. “My best friend could time travel and… I went with him, and we got separated, I guess. He went back to his family — I hope. And I was left here with no sign of him. I’ve been stuck here for over a year. Looking for him, but he doesn’t exist here. I miss him so much.”
“Oh my god,” Klaus gasped. “I’m so sorry.”
You force out a laugh, wiping at your eyes. “Yeah, no, it’s okay. I just… I loved him, you know? And I never got the chance to tell him, and he’s probably dead or trying to save the world. I’ve loved him for like decades, and I didn’t tell him, and now, I never can. It sucks.”
“Decades?” Diego questions. “You’re like, what thirteen?”
“I’m older than you by a lot.”
Diego furrows his brows at that before his eyes widen. “Hey, what’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” You said at the same time as someone else.
You spin around in your seat to find a boy dressed in a bathrobe. You almost didn’t recognize him with the age regression, but you couldn’t forget those green eyes no matter how hard you tried.
“You’re alive?” He asked.
You don’t respond, instead, you jump out of your seat and throw your arms around the boy. “Oh my god. You’re okay!”
He nods, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I’m okay.”
You pull back, taking in his new appearance. “What happened? Did you save them? End of the world?”
Five chuckles, pointing towards the men at the table. “You’re looking at them.”
Your eyes widen. “Oh, you guys are—”
“The Umbrella Academy.”
You turn back to Five, his hands still wrapped around your waist. “You look younger.”
“So do you,” He replies. “How long…?”
“Almost a year,” You said. “I thought you died.”
“So I heard.”
You frown. “You heard?”
Five uses one of his hands to tilt your face towards him. “You wanna know something?”
“I’ve been in love with you for decades too.”
You can’t help your smile as you relax in his arms. “Really?”
Five press a soft kiss to the corner of your lips. “Yeah, and I never thought I’d get to tell you.”
“I’m really happy you’re alive.”
“That makes two of us. Speaking of which, what do you mean I don’t exist here?”
“Oh my god,” You gape. “That’s right. If you don’t exist here, but you’re here…”
Five sighs. “Remember when I said I saved the world?”
“I think I lied.”
“Well, if I remember correctly, we were supposed to save the world so…”
Five grins, pulling you closer. “Nows our chance.”
— END —
🏷 five taglist: @clearbasementvoid @halfumbrella @esmedith @navs-bhat @alexxavicry @thelaststraw3 @rainbows-r-nice05 @gcldtom @bokuakadaily @3ternalreal1ty @umbrellatte @hahaspoilerhaha @mi1kobitch @analuizafernandescavalcante @icarus-star @yuki1s--note @m4nd0l0r @ells-graveyard @eichenhouseproperty @iaevs @oneirataxia-girl @ay4kshalatus @mysterygirl-14 @speaker15 @ch0c0-cake @sacrificialstars @lilsubbysblog @unhealthyob @chariotte @666abby6666
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
How about a Right Person/Wrong Time situation? Where Daryl and Reader were together before the apocalypse happen: for some reason it didn’t work out between them buuuut then they found each other again during the apocalypse and decided to give their relationship a second chance. Hihi. <33
I actually really like this because I am a first believer of right person/wrong time and Daryl has had SUCH character development throughout the show.
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I don't think that Daryl and I ever expected to find one another ever again.
I wouldn't say we ended on bad terms- we never fought, we rarely had any toxic moments and there weren't any red flags to write home about- but we were just really different people. He had Merle and his horrible past relationships with the rest of the people closest to him. He was always very bad at communication and trust and he refused to even give a thought to anything that contradicted anything he was taught.
He didn't want to step on anyones toes and he didn't want to upset Merle in anyway.
So, whether I blame Merle or not for our downfall, I would just sum it up and say that we had learning and growing to do, even if we were well into adulthood and into our life when we called it quits.
We hadn't spoken to each other in months when the first National Emergency Broadcast System went out and rang out through our TV's and cellphones. It was horrible because my mind when to Daryl first. I thought of him and Merle and if they were safe. I knew they were both two very capable men and in the hands of a global pandemic and apocalypse, they were who I had my money on when it came to surviving.
At least I was right about one of them.
One thing I wasn't right about was how much he's changed.
When I arrived at Hilltop about a decade after leaving a group who resided in a subway in Washington DC, I was shocked to see the civilization that had formed. I learned about the other places; Oceanside, Alexandria, the Kingdom, and soon met a lot of the people who came with all of these lovely places.
It was the closest thing to normal civilization but, in my opinion, much better and much simpler. I immediately thought that Daryl would've loved how simple it was and how natural it was too. He was always about living off the land and hunting, camping- hell we'd go on so many 'camping dates' it's ridiculous.
The first time Daryl was mentioned, it was after Michonne told me about Rick and how he had died. She told me that one of her closest friends, Daryl, had been searching for Rick, even if it meant only finding a body and allowing him and her to get closure regarding his death.
She explained that he liked to be alone and he really preferred to just do his own thing and not have to answer to anyone. I remember thinking that her explanation of him really fit the Daryl that I had known but when talking about his protectiveness and care for the people of the different townships, I was a bit thrown.
Daryl was always caring but not 'sacrificing himself for his best friends kid' type caring.
It took going out with Michonne to Daryl's cabin to realize that her Daryl was also my Daryl.
And, man, had my Daryl changed.
His hair was incredibly longer but somehow suited him better than any other haircut he'd ever had. He's way more built, muscular too, and he just looked stronger and healthier than the last time I had seen him. He aged well, better than I had for sure.
"Y/n?" Daryl mutters as the box of fruit drops from his hands, Michonne looking between the two of us with furrowed brows, her lips parting and I turn to her with wide eyes.
"You two know each other?" I stutter out a quiet yes as Daryl takes a step forward towards me but I take a step backwards, shocked and overstimulated by everything happening all at once. I expected him to survive, sure, but I never expected our paths to cross again- not with the size of the world.
"How are you here?" Daryl asks, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, his cheeks blushed in a vibrant, deep red. I just pause, my jaw slacking as I struggle to get a breath in. "Fuck, I-" He cuts himself and turns to Michonne with a dumbfounded expression. "This is Y/n, Michonne, the same one." Michonne reaches out and places a hand on my upper arm and I watch as Daryl just shifts anxiously.
It doesn't take long before I'm ignoring all of my questions and intrusive thoughts, running full speed to Daryl and throwing myself into his arms, almost taking him off his feet completely. He cradles the back of my head without a second to spare, tucking his face in the crook of my neck desperately.
Michonne stayed to listen to our explanation, how we knew each other, some of the stories that we have of Merle and late night adventures. But eventually, it came time to make the decision to go back with Michonne or stay with Daryl.
I made the decision to stay with Daryl. And I only went back to the townships if I was going with Daryl, never leaving his side after that.
"Aye," I roll over in bed to see Daryl standing in the doorway, his eyes fondly looking over me as I grin, stretching across the empty side of his bed. "Don' look at me like that." He laughs, folding his arms over his chest as he attempts to reprimand the flirty looks I'm sending his way.
I can hear Dog barking at the front door of the cabin but Daryl ignores him, not daring to look away from me as I huff. "C'mon, you don't gotta go yet." I offer with a gentle pout and he rolls his eyes, taking a hesitant step into the room, his eyes sweeping low to the floor.
"Gotta go get us some food. Or else I'm gon' listen to you complain all day." He shrugs with a small smirk, ignoring the offended gasp that leaves me. I slip out from under the covers, crawling to the end of the bed that's closest to him, resting my hands on my knees.
"I won't complain if you get back in bed with me and I'll make sure to go hunting with you in a little bit." His eyebrows perk up at my offer, his lip tucking between his teeth as he ponders my offer. "Ya know, after I get what I want." Finally his eyes flutter up to meet mine, his hues now ten times darker as he takes another step towards me, reaching out to cup my cheeks gently in his hands, tilting my chin up to look at him through my lashes.
"And what's that?" He whispers but the question only makes my grin widen, answering his question without another word. "Fine, half an hour, then we get our asses up, got it?" Before he can say anything else, my fingers curl around the collar of his shirt, pulling him down so I can slip down on top of him. He looks up at me breathlessly, shaking his head teasingly at the sneaky grin on my lips.
"Yes sir."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane2828 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi
@crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht
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remarcely · 6 months
I didn't like Sylvie in S1, mostly because of the whole sylki thing, but S2 has made me her number 1 defender.
It blows my mind that people watched the show and went away with 'wow, Sylvie's a bitch' because it just reeks of misogyny and not having the capacity to understand a complex character.
Sylvie, since the age of 10-ish, has been fleeing a constant threat to her existence and grew up in apocalypses. She couldn't have anything permanent other than herself because she has to keep moving and anything she leaves behind is destroyed. No friends, no family, and no universe of her own.
Then she gets put in a room with the one guy who ruined her entire life and countless others, of course she's going to be determined to kill him. She started as a scared child, it makes sense that she became and angry adult. Nothing, not even Loki begging her, could stop He Who Remain(ed)s death.
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And lets be honest he deserved it.
Then in the finale, she watches a variant of herself and a friend she faced hell along side sentence himself to an eternity of sitting on a throne, holding the multiverse in place. Loki gave everyone a chance to live and, most importantly, a choice. To stay at the TVA or go home. Verity (Hunter B-15) and Frank (Casey) chose to stay, Mobius found it too difficult without Loki and left, and Sylvie's choice was obvious.
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It's unfair to be angry at her for showing happiness in the finale. Time has clearly passed since Loki left, though we're not shown how much, of course she's managed to move on. I don't see anyone pissed off at B-15 for continuing with their life? What about Casey or Ouroboros?
Also, we saw Sylvie's face as Loki made his sacrifice.
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Does she look happy to you?
That is a face of horror and distress as she watches yet another person in her life essentially give up his freedom while she survives.
Do you ever think about the survivors guilt Sylvie has? That in all of the apocalypses she hid in, she saw men, women, and children be killed knowing she technically could save them but it would make them a variant and doom them further. That she is the only one from her own universe that wasn't reset, making her the lone survivor of her world?
Even with the infinite possibility for the future multiverse, those worlds will have their own Sylvie. There's no place for her there, so she has to make her own somewhere else.
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From the end of Season 1 to most of Season 2, Sylvie has been fighting for the chance to live a normal life. When she gets it, through such suffering and loss, is she really supposed to be miserable forever because one person is gone? She quite literally got the only thing she's ever wanted, that's got to give her a lot of relief.
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Don't be the person to think 'this silly woman gets between my gay ship, brrrr rage what a bitch' or take her as one dimensional.
She's selfish because she's sacrificed everything she had, I think by now she's allowed to be. Sophia Di Martino did a wonderful job and deserves to have her character be enjoyed and understood, not labelled as annoying and 'the real villain'.
Some people only paid mind to the shipping when watching the show, ignoring the plot, and it really shows.
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regaliasonata · 5 months
Also character ask ZIGGY
Character Ask: Ziggy Grover
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First Impression
-Definitely falling under the average green ranger stereotype of being the silly but less engaged member of the team, though that is quite alright cause he'll probably give some positivity to the team due to the state they are in via the season
How I Feel About The Character/Impression Now
-.....I love this twink and honestly me and everyone else should love him, the fact that he was in a mafia, managed to escape, gave medicine and supplies from said group to orphans in needed AND GOT OFF SCOT FREE WITH HIS TOASTER BOYFRIEND speaks volumes.
Favorite Moment
-So far has to be that scene between him and the cartel where he's got that serious face, I'll have to go back and fully complete RPM but seeing Ziggy look so cold is amazing.
Idea For A Story
-okay think of this....Ziggy as a Peter Pan type character who was reborn in another world that raises orphans or children who've passed early and they live in this alternate world with magic, at the same time he's an assassin that's teaming up with Dillon and Tenaya(who also have powers based on fairy tales) to steal ancient treasure from a tyrant king in order to rule the rule, Once Upon A Time walked so this can run.
-Ziggy/Dillon....obviously, can't have a happy twig without his grumpy muscular emo boyfriend.
-Ziggy/Scott, Ziggy/Flynn. Both these work really well in my opinion.
-Crackship idea if this crossover was ever a thing...Ziggy/Jarrod/Dillon/Casey, imagine all that chaos together with those four like(I'd pay to see a one shot of this tbh). Heck not even a crossover needed because JKP exists in the RPMverse and assuming the entire team is alive then this could fly, crazy twinks and the emo duo.
-Ziggy/Dr.K, honestly feel like he understands Dr.K and they are really close when it comes to hearing each other out, plus Ziggy might actually get her to enjoy some hobbies.
-Ziggy/Casey...seriously Disney fucked us over from ever getting this interaction, be happy with marvel I guess but imagine the send off you could've had.
-Ziggy/Tenaya, she needs earplugs every time he talks about Dillon...
Unpopular Opinion
-Kinda wish we got even more of a backstory for him or seen Ziggy encountering other green rangers. I feel like both him and Trip would get along quite well to be honest.
One thing I wish would/had happened in the show
-....We serious? That Jungle Fury/RPM crossover obviously because ALL THOSE INTERACTIONS AND SUCH WOULD'VE BE LEGENDARY.
-Even if he didn't end up with Dillon we should've had Ziggy kissing some guy.
-Imagine a scene of Ziggy hacking Venjix down with his axe after he found out the program's intention for Dillon, or if Venjix succeeded and Dillon died...it would've been brutal like Ziggy would be shown Venjix why the cartel kept him around🗡🗡🗡🗡🗡
-The RPM team technically has sentient zords because in reality they hold secret Engine Souls like their Go-Onger counterparts. This is actually a result of humanity evolving and without the vitality from Earth's nature so their animal spirits evolved into Engine Souls, thing is the team hasn't unlocked them but when they do the zords will be able to talk(a little fib of my JFAU movie arc idea with RPM cause we deserve that crossover).
-Ziggy's fingernails can turn dark green because of Venjix exposure, some humans after being exposed to the virus during their apocalypse developed small traits via their survival(Scott having sharper canines, Summer being able to detect metals for tools, Flynn when growing out his hair has white highlights and can absorb radiation, Gem and Gemma can see people's dreams and Dillon can purify dirty food and water).
-Ziggy sleeps with a huge dolphin as a pillow or just something to hold whenever he's sad. If he can't morph then he'll fill it with rocks and beat down venjix monsters with it.
-Sometimes when he would leave the dome(before the world began to return to normal) he'd walk miles until making it to the ocean since it wasn't fully destroyed and enjoyed watching the waves. Plus that spot is the only one in the world where the stars in the sky are still viewable.
-After RPM Dillon, Tenaya and Ziggy ventured out into the world to see what needed to be fixed, they built a railroad and it oddly began to glow with energy. This led to the team getting powers via trains and soul power with imagination, humanity's will to keep going(ToQger adaption), villains born from the deceased malice of humanity aim to take advantage of this world and others leading to the team having bigger stakes than last time.
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