#the TWDcast is so huge
troonwolf · 1 year
TWD truly fell off when it started dedicating arcs to Negan’s poor wittle man guilt at brutally murdering dozens of people and started to redeem him. all because gross men will see an actual caricature of toxic, racist, violent and shitty masculinity and be like “HAHA BROOOO HE’S SO COOOOL HE’S MY FAVE NOW HAHA HE’S JUST SO MISUNDERSTOOD YKNOW.”
keep in mind in the comics his introduction is beating a smaller POC guy to death with a baseball bat in front of his family and friends, for no reason, and then he threatens to have Carl (who is like 10 at this point) gang-raped in front of them too if they don’t cooperate 
he’s legit as bad as the Governor but he appeals to some sick power fantasy ideals a lot of people absorb from society, so then when they introduced him in the show they even toned him down for the wider audience
always found that really fucked up tbh. big reason I don’t fuck with TWD or TWD fans anymore
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍏 Today's #AndySays [on creating a character] "I relate to all my characters because ultimately you do have to find some recognition or some part of you that you can draw on to play these people. Emotionally as well, I think [Barry, his character in 'Whose Baby?'] goes on a huge journey and I think that all of those emotions that we've hopefully conveyed properly and conjured up are real emotions, real as you can possibly be under the circumstances. I relate to him to a degree. He's not me, none of my characters are, but I'd like to think that I react truthfully in the scenarios, so obviously part of me is in these characters." 🎭. The Scotsman, October 2004 📷 Jackson Lee Davis / AMC . #AndrewLincoln #TWDFamily #TheWalkingDead #thewalkingdeadfans #twdcast #andylincoln #twd #tbt
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍉 Today's #AndySays [on whether he remembers watching any zombie movies growing up] "When I was a teenager I used to go round to my friend's house, James, a dear friend from school and he had 'The Evil Dead' films. He was very keyed into that genre. We have a common history of vampires and Mary Shelley but the zombie mythology, specifically, comes from America and I wasn't as keyed into that. Obviously, I have become a part of it now. I would say that the horror movies that spoke to me as a teenager were 'Jaws' and 'Don't Look Now', which was huge. I think ['Don't Look Now' director] Nic Roeg is such a different kind of filmmaker. That film is so challenging and, editorially, he is really clever. It was more of a meditation in grief, like a lot of horror movies. It is about fear, death, and bereavement." 🎥 HuffPost.com / September 2016 📷 Topps Cards / 99 #AndrewLincoln #TWDCast #TWD100 #AndrewLincolnQuotes #TheWalkingDead #RickGrimes #twdfamily #TWD #thewalkingdeadfans #andylincoln
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍎 Today's #AndySays [on his first on screen kill as Rick Grimes] "The first kill was actually the first day, which was Bicycle Girl. That was the very first thing we shot. I can vividly remember it being so extraordinary and weird. This opener was the second week of filming because my father-in-law was playing in town and he came and visited on set with my mother-in-law and sat behind [director] Frank Darabont for the whole day. Frank is this huge Jethro Tull fan, and I was in my own space trying to get the scene right that I didn't introduce them. And Frank has never forgiven me. They're even in a photograph together and I haven't introduced them. It was the most ill-mannered moment of my whole life--with my in-laws and my new ingenious director. I'm still haunted by it." 🙈 ~ Andrew Lincoln ew.com / October 2016 #AndrewLincoln #TWDCast #DeadofSummerMarathon #AndrewLincolnQuotes #TheWalkingDead #RickGrimes #twdfamily #TWD #thewalkingdeadfans #andylincoln
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍉 Today's #AndySays [on whether he remembers watching any zombie movies growing up] "When I was a teenager I used to go round to my friend's house, James, a dear friend from school and he had 'The Evil Dead' films. He was very keyed into that genre. We have a common history of vampires and Mary Shelley but the zombie mythology, specifically, comes from America and I wasn't as keyed into that. Obviously, I have become a part of it now. I would say that the horror movies that spoke to me as a teenager were 'Jaws' and 'Don't Look Now', which was huge. I think ['Don't Look Now' director] Nic Roeg is such a different kind of filmmaker. That film is so challenging and, editorially, he is really clever. It was more of a meditation in grief, like a lot of horror movies. It is about fear, death, and bereavement." 🎥 HuffPost.com / September 2016 📷 Lisa Williams / SDCC 2017 #AndrewLincoln #TWDCast #WSCAtlanta #AndrewLincolnQuotes #TheWalkingDead #RickGrimes #twdfamily #TWD #thewalkingdeadfans #andylincoln (at SDCC San Diego Convention Center)
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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🎈It's the Sunday countdown! Today's Top 10 is 👉 #AndysBest #TheWalkingDead performances 🏅 Note: This was a tough one with so many to choose from. Feel free to comment your favorites! 📷 AMC or owner of edits . . #7 S6 Ep9 #NoWayOut - Rick begs Carl to stay with him 💔 #AndySays - "It makes me so happy that [the episode] is impossibly huge and epic but then it finishes in such a tender, small, emotional way with a father and son. When I watched Greg Nicotero film it, it was so moving, because you have the new family outside, waiting in vigil, and then the camera goes inside and you've got the inner circle -- the originals, the family -- and then Michonne at the door, and then the inner-inner circle of the father and son, and I loved the fact that everybody stood together in this crisis, willing this boy to pull through." ~ #AndrewLincoln #thewalkingdeadfans #twdcast #TWDFamily #RickGrimes #andylincoln #TWDDay
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍏 Monday's #AndySays is #TheySaidAboutAndy Josh McDermitt [on being welcomed by Andy his first day on set] "I think it was [S4] episode 10. So, by that time, the season's been going, everyone's kind of clicked in and everything, and I remember walking in thinking, 'Oh boy, I'm gonna be an outsider', and Andy Lincoln wasn't in the episode and he drove down to meet with me and Mike Cudlitz and Christian Serratos and to have lunch...and that always left a huge impression on me [and] when I saw Ross [Marquand] for the first time, I thought, I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna make sure I welcome him into the fold, because I know how difficult it can be." 💙 AccessHollywood - March 2015 📷 Josh McDermitt / October 2016 ~ #AndrewLincoln #TWDFamily #TheWalkingDead #thewalkingdeadfans #twdcast #andylincoln #twd #JoshMcDermitt #mcm (at Hollywood Forever)
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍏 Today's #AndySays [on creating a character] "I relate to all my characters because ultimately you do have to find some recognition or some part of you that you can draw on to play these people. Emotionally as well, I think [Barry, his character in 'Whose Baby?'] goes on a huge journey and I think that all of those emotions that we've hopefully conveyed properly and conjured up are real emotions, real as you can possibly be under the circumstances. I relate to him to a degree. He's not me, none of my characters are, but I'd like to think that I react truthfully in the scenarios, so obviously part of me is in these characters." 🎭 ~ The Scotsman, October 2004 Whose Baby? Publicity Photo w/Sophie Okonedo ~ #AndrewLincoln #TWDFamily #TheWalkingDead #thewalkingdeadfans #twdcast #andylincoln #twd #tbt
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍊Today's #AndySays [on his first on screen kill as Rick Grimes] "The first kill was actually the first day, which was Bicycle Girl. That was the very first thing we shot. I can vividly remember it being so extraordinary and weird. This opener was the second week of filming because my father-in-law was playing in town and he came and visited on set with my mother-in-law and sat behind [director] Frank Darabont for the whole day. Frank is this huge Jethro Tull fan, and I was in my own space trying to get the scene right that I didn't introduce them. And Frank has never forgiven me. They're even in a photograph together and I haven't introduced them. It was the most I'll-mannered moment of my whole life--with my in-laws and my new ingenious director. I'm still haunted by it." 🙈 #AndrewLincoln ~ #TheWalkingDead #RickGrimes #TWDFamily #AndrewLincolnQuotes #twdcast #thewalkingdeadfans #andylincoln
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lcwilli1 · 7 years
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Afternoon 🍎 Today's #AndySays [on The Walking Dead S6 Fan Premiere at Madison Square Garden in 2015] "When they said, 'We're doing MSG,' I was just like, 'What do you mean? Monosodioum glutamate? And then we arrived here and we had a rehearsal and it was the most mind blowing--it kind of dawned on me. Up until that point I hadn't been nervous, and then I stepped on that stage and I couldn't see the back. We're thrilled! I mean, look, if anybody told me when I became an actor that you would be playing Madison Square Garden, I would have laughed squarely in their face. I'm an actor, not a musician. So this is a huge testament to the hard work that the crew have done, everyone at AMC and of course this amazing cast, and you know, it's ultimately a fan night. This is for the fans." 🎉 #AndrewLincoln ~ #TheWalkingDead #RickGrimes #TWDFamily #AndrewLincolnQuotes #twdcast #andylincoln #twdfanpremiere #tft (at Madison Square Garden (1879))
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