#that deeply flawed people can be deserving of family and love and kindness
yavin42 · 5 months
some people love to pit black sails and ofmd against each other for a weird and unfounded battle over pirate show supremacy. but apart from the tonal differences and totally different perspectives of their main themes, and the fact that it doesn’t diminish either shows to recognise the other, it seems to me that in ofmd there are numerous quotes and appreciative nods to black sails in both dramaturgy and minor details (despite their differing genres) that make clear that it’s not the intention to be the “better queer pirate show” that some fans seem to read from it as an act of insolence but a recognition of the great work that at least in some way paved the road for their show. ofmd is in itself a transformative work both in it being in a way like fan fiction and its consistent commitment to giving tropes of incredibly popular genres of fiction (both the adventure/pirate story and the rom com - genres that come with a whole force of normative power) a different spin and a new reading.
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bkatlips · 8 months
Ranking and explaining my rankings of Mike Flanagan’s shows and how they make me feel in honor of spooky season and just finishing Usher!! Why not!! Everyone else is doing it!! I’m also going to give it a gay score based on how gay they are (which also includes how big of a role gay characters played).
Disclaimer: Every one of these shows is well-made in one way or another and deserves to be watched based on whether someone else finds the premise interesting and not whether I liked the show. Too often I see “that show was bad to me therefore you shouldn’t watch it” and I disagree with that line of thinking.
1. The Haunting of Bly Manor-I can already hear people screaming “Hill House is better!” In some ways, yes! In some very important ways, however, I disagree. The biggest being Bly Manor emotionally resonated with me a lot more. The themes, the found family (as someone who is an only child), and of course, the lesbianism. Dani’s story of compulsory heterosexuality may be one of if not the best in media and her love story with Jamie ended up being one of the best media has to offer, too. And really using a horror story and turning it into a love story is kind of brilliant (and annoying for the people who were just there for the jumpscares I guess). Don’t get me wrong the show has flaws (why the FUCK do Peter and Rebecca have so much screentime? was that eight episode really the best placement?) but the stuff that lands, really really lands. I’m still thinking about Dani and Jamie 3 years later. Hannah’s episode was very well done. The kid actors little Amelie and Ben were phenomenal. Upon rewatch you notice most decisions and dialogue in the show were made with some purpose and it usually relates to something thematic. Some people may say it doesn’t really have one defining central thesis therefore making it messy, but to me the fact it has many themes actually makes it more fun to think about. Gay score: 100000/10
2. The Haunting of Hill House-A horror classic that got me into Flanagan! This is Flanagan’s best series as far as making you pee your pants. That hat man is just scary! The character work is nice. Those first 6 episodes are incredible. Perfect. The thing that brings it under Bly Manor for me is honestly the ending. It left something to be desired for me. I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but it just did not conclude in such an emotionally resonant way as Bly Manor to me. Shout out to the Newton Bros because the music on this damn show (and Bly too but that’s basically Hill House music continued) is so so good. Also the character work is masterful because Shirley Crain is kind of a bitch but you do come to love her. In fact, there wasn’t a Crain I didn’t feel for. They’re deeply fucked up, sympathetic people. It’s a great show with some great thematic work but it just doesn’t speak to me quite as much as Bly, that’s it. I know that’s unpopular but it is what it is. A great good show nonetheless. Gay score: 8/10
3. The Fall of the House of Usher-This show is wild and honestly I couldn’t decide between ranking this one or Midnight Club third. I went with this one because the acting and technical stuff was so phenomenal. I’m not really into gore horror so this wasn’t like my thing on the surface but I do appreciate what a homage to Poe it is in the very limited knowledge of Poe’s work that I have. It was fun to see all the cast from previous shows back again especially T’nia. One of the downsides to this show is it doesn’t really make you feel a lot and so compared to the Haunting shows for me that makes it inferior for sure. But it’s a fun watch and honestly I need to rewatch the final episode because I had a hard time paying attention for that one. Gay score: really fucking queer/10
4. The Midnight Club-Ah Flanagan’s little dud. This one is really not very loved compared to the others, seems to be just about nobody’s favorite, however personally I liked it. I think people are a little unfair to it and while it may not be Flanagan’s best, I don’t think it’s awful. It doesn’t really tackle anything new when it comes to themes. There’s some death, grief, stages of acceptance, and cult stuff. I think the way it has these kids telling stories to deal with their reality was really brilliant in a way. There was one episode (six I think) that dealt with depression and suicide that made me sob and I thought was super well done. That one stuck with me.I think it would have benefited from a more likeable main character and also from the second season that was planned! Gay score: 6/10
5. Midnight Mass-To be honest, I probably could have gone without watching this show. It just didn’t really resonate with me and didn’t really entertain me save like the very last two episodes. It’s technically well-made and I appreciate what Flanagan was trying to do and convey with the danger of cults and religion. It was obviously a very personal project and was him working through his own experiences but it wasn’t for me. It had a few too many monologues and I don’t think monologues make an interesting character piece. However, it’s a critically acclaimed work so I recommend anyone who wants to check out Flanagan’s work still check it out! Especially if you like weird vampire stuff I guess. Also the acting especially from the priest was phenomenal. So there’s definitely pros to this show, but it didn’t add anything to my life for me! Gay score: 3/10 :/
Also, shout out to Mike because every single one of these shows is queer to one degree or another. He loves the gays! Ally! Bisexual wife probably helps too!
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veliseraptor · 3 months
Top 5 fucked up family bonds!
oh mannn. I feel like this one fluctuates depending on, like, what fandoms I'm focused on at the moment, but to try to shake it up a little since I've answered a question like this before (though that was specifically for siblings! and no shade! just challenging myself, mostly, since most of these are probably going to end up being siblings, that's just what I'm like)
1. Azula and Zuko. Since Avatar is in the air lately and I just queued a post about them, and I am deeply invested in their relationship even if I don't talk about it a huge amount these days - I think about this one in particular from Azula's persepctive. The way that Zuko is the negative that Azula measures herself against, that she pretends not to care about him but I think he occupies a substantial part of the way that she constructs herself in opposition to him, as everything he isn't, the negative model she will never be. But then there is Zuko's end of things, the push-pull between the ever-present comparison between them where he falls short and the fact that I think he genuinely does care for her even as he doesn't, I think, really know how to deal with her, or really understand her. And also any family relationship involving attempted murder is going to be like catnip to me.
2. Kinn and Vegas. Family dynamics where I am both very into the family dynamic and also kind of ship them occupy 3/5 positions on this list, which says something that I think is just about the way that sufficiently obsessive and entangled relationships between a pair of people is going to lure me into seeing what I can do to make it more fucked up (with possible fucking). But anyway!
I love how they make each other worse, all of the time. They bring out the absolute worst in each other, always; they fail to see each other clearly and perceive each other beyond their flaws but also beyond how their respective fathers have pitted them against each other like fighting roosters. They're mutually obsessed with each other no matter how much I think Kinn would like to pretend that he is aloof and indifferent. It's a mess. It's delightful. Also the only non-siblings on this list. Notable for the fact that in their first scene I failed to recognize them as cousins and assigned them ex-boyfriend energy.
3. Felix and Mildmay. Okay so I've included them on lists like this before but they deserve a mention anyway. Because boy! What a mess! From the beginning! They love each other so much and it's a disaster! Felix's attraction to Mildmay at least in part because he doesn't know how to love without sex! Mildmay's hopeless attachment to Felix despite all the cruelty he dishes out! They're just...I love them and I love their mess of a relationship and I also love how it develops over the course of the books into something better. Honestly the only one of these pairs that does that. Kudos to them.
4. Celegorm and Curufin. Okay, this one is built a little bit on a towering edifice of headcanon, but so sue me, and it's not entirely! There is on page content for these two! So there!
A friend of mine has the tag for these two #the other brotherwives and I feel like in some ways that sums it up for me - the way that they are, again, entangled in each other in a way where they always come as a pair, and their personalities both complement and contrast each other, and they're just so. All the sons of Feanor are a mess of codependent relationships but these two kind of stand out by virtue of always being paired, in everything, including all their worst choices, even their deaths. And again, I have a towering edifice of headcanon in particular about how their relationship both decays and calcifies over time, becoming both more desperately close and also more tangled with resentment at the way things fall out, but ultimately they can't be separated from each other.
5. Millions Knives and Vash. Throwing out a wildcard I haven't talked about much, but like. Wow! Another sibling relationship tailored to cater to me that came as a surprise out of left field and decked me in the face! I still need to read the manga but at least when it comes to Trigun: Stampede the sheer toxicity here, the fucked up love and protectiveness and possessiveness and guilt and the way that ultimately while Knives' goals exploit Vash it doesn't, I don't think, erase the love; I think he still sees it as for Vash's own good, even as he's doing much the same thing he deplores when humans do it. I have headcanons about part of Knives' motivation for crashing the ships has to do not just with self-protection but protection for Vash, and the way that decays over time is. Chef's kiss. Love it.
Bonus mention to Lucivar and Daemon and, because I just can't leave them off and they do still have a special place in my heart, Thor and Loki. But also for a non-sibling relationship again possibly out of left field, I actually think a lot about Loki and Odin too, and if I still have MCU feelings sometimes those are one of them.
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cer-rata · 3 months
If I could rework Ra's al Ghul conceptually, I think I'd make him occupy a similar place as Doctor Doom, an entertaining and difficult to deal with fact of life that represents a valid if flawed worldview. This is the direction I'd shift him in:
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-Incredibly intelligent and prepared as a rule
-Wildly well resourced
-Still an antagonist but with a moral framework that sometimes leans kind of blue/orange
-Has things and people that he truly cares about in ways that are deeply understandable and even admirable
-Honestly? Kind of has a point ideologically, the problem lying in how he goes about achieving it
-Big ego that he sort of deserves
-Has a master goal that makes sense for an immortal with lots of perspective, even if the drawn conclusion is wrong. This is a big one. You have to be able to believe that he truly could be so smart and experienced and decide to die on the hill he does, without just hand waving him as being crazy. The incoherent ecoterrorism based genocide plot works for hot mess era Poison Ivy, not an immortal, well read mastermind who has had thousands of years to actually come up with real solutions. (And even Ivy has moved on from that, like--)
-Maybe lean away from the Lazarus corruption angle because it's wildly inconsistent and unclear as to what effect it actually has and kind of provides an easy way out instead of forcing Batman and the reader to actually contend with his ideas.
And this is not to say he can't be an unfortunate influence in Damian and Talia's life. But I think it's all much more interesting if the Bruce/Ra's dichotomy doesn't have a wildly obvious moral high ground that positions Bruce as the white savior, swooping in with his evolved western ideals. I think Talia is more rewarding as an idealist who is truly forced to make a hard decision between two men she loves dearly, both as people and for the values they represent, and maybe ends up somewhere in between, coming up with a philosophy that works for her. For that to work their frameworks actually have to be comparable. Parents can mess you up even when they're trying their absolute best and love you dearly, he doesn't have to be cartoonishly cruel to their bodies and minds to get to the point of familial dysfunction.
I'm just going to say it, I think It's time we move on from the evil mystical Arab terrorist that doesn't value human life or women or the wishes of his own family and has no real constructive goal or politics--like I've only been implying it so far, but the inherent racism in the construction of Ra's al Ghul is A LOT to deal with and makes it very difficult to actually enjoy him as a character. Conceptually he's got too much potential to just be a caricature. We live in a world where the Joker is positioned as some kind of ideological foil to Batman, instead of a character with ACTUAL IDEALS.
And enough with the biological determinism stuff! Stop that! Stop that right now! I'm putting "nature vs nurture" on a high shelf until you can behave and not use it to be racist. It might not be coming back people! A thousand years in the dungeon! A thousand years of pain!
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whinlatter · 1 year
Any headcanons about Fleur? I feel she’s very underrated…
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Fleur is underrated, it's true! For me, what makes her interesting to think about, though, are all the ways in which she's flawed, complex, and elusive as a character and also, frankly, a bit of a dickhead with some room to grow. In some fandom spaces, there's a tendency to sanctify Fleur (coming particularly from the anti-Weasley sides of the fandom), and portray her as a victim of horrible bullying that she never deserved, which I don't agree with. Do Molly, Hermione and Ginny cover themselves in glory in their initial approach to Fleur? Of course not. But for all her many strengths, Fleur gets off on the wrong foot with Bill's family in part because she can be a bit of a rude and inconsiderate houseguest, thoughtless in her remarks, and occasionally vain in ways that make sense but that do demand a bit of introspection and self-improvement.
I do think it's clear that Fleur's experience coming of age in a world that sexualised her from a young age was both formative and deeply harmful in ways I think she would have to unpack and unlearn as an adult. Patriarchy conditions Fleur's worldview: it also shapes how other female characters respond to her. Everyone's losing. Whenever I've written Fleur, I've tried to give her lines that portray her as someone disarmingly honest, rarely meaning to wound, but certainly a bit tactless and bearing the unexamined scars of a childhood and adolescence that sexualised her young, hardened her and made her feel like appearance and looks are a currency. In Orchards, it's the line about Fleur giving Ginny her an expensive-looking French conditioner for her birthday. (‘It will help with – how do you say - ah, split-ends' - like, kind to give Ginny a present, but comes off as patronising and a criticism of Ginny's appearance, especially to an already unimpressed and unforgiving audience). The bit I just put in Beasts is me trying to flag this sense I work with her of her as a character: ''You are very pretty, even if you do not try,’ Fleur had said, that afternoon. (Her sister-in-law always did like her compliments backhanded.)' ‘Boys will like your ’air, if you do it nicely. Remember, if you take care of your looks, zey will take care of you.’'
A only have a couple of headcanons for ya, none of which are very ground-breaking, forgive me!
I think of Fleur as a solitary person, with a strong sense of self and little interest in explaining her inner life to others. I think Bill and Fleur's relationship is the meeting of two similarly self-sufficient people who find a sort of calm together, but that isn't defined by emotional co-dependency.
I like to think Fleur moved back to England for work as an adult because the Triwizard Tournament was both emotionally and politically formative for her. The circumstances in which the tournament ended struck at her own strong sense of justice, but she also felt drawn to a place where she had been changed, in some way. I think there's something in going back to places that changed you but that you feel you have unfinished business with. Her crush on Bill was secondary to her pursuing that more elusive feeling, following up on a question mark
I like to think Fleur benefits a lot from her relationship with her sisters-in-law as an adult, albeit slowly and quietly. While I love the idea of her and Ginny being able to talk about why they clashed years later, I don't ever really imagine Fleur as being best mates with Ginny, but I think both come to a place of mutual respect, unspoken but deeply felt, and that they admire each other as parents a great deal. I think a more mature and reflective adult Fleur would be intensely sympathetic to the ways Ginny was almost certainly harassed and sexualised in the wizarding press as a figure in the public eye.
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shadowjinx626 · 6 months
I want to talk about this page really quick.
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I find it wonderful that King Kuei only wants to get rid of the colonies for the sake of his citizens. It showed how he deeply cares about his people.
Which sort makes a good foil for Zuko, who not only is ruling a nation that hates him, but also has to fix the damage his nation caused. Zuko is so focus on restoring the peace for the other nations that he doesn't see how it could negatively affect his own people.
Specifically the colonies.
This makes sense for him to do when you considered his journey.
In The Storm episode, Zuko was very vocal about what was right for the Fire Nation.
"If I'm going to rule this nation one day, don't you think I need to start learning as much as I can?"
"You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?"
"Please, Father. I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!"
Since he was thirteen, Zuko cared for the Fire Nation. He wanted to do was best for them. But that attitude for his nation led him to an Agni Kai against Ozai. There he was punished for refusing to fight against his own father.
Despite this though, Zuko still cares deeply for his nation. After all he wouldn't say this in The Blue Spirit:
How, Uncle? With Zhao's resources, it's just a matter of time before he captures the Avatar. My honor, my throne, my country, I'm about to lose them all.
But then his journey in season 2 happens and he gets a bigger picture of how the war truly is.
He meets Song. Who was burned by a firebender from the Fire Nation. He meets Lee and his family. Who had to deal with bullies taking advantage of the village, that needed protection from the Fire Nation, and whose family member fighting in the war against the Fire Nation. He meets Jet. Who seems alright at first, but hated Zuko so much once Jet finds out he was Fire Nation. He meets refugees. People who are in terrible situations thanks to a war against the Fire Nation started.
These people shows him how Fire Nation negatively affected them and how they view the very nation he cared for and taught was a great nation.
Which leads to Zuko's speech to Ozai in The Day of Black Sun Part 2:
"No, I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it! We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness."
This does not mean he hates his nation however, just that his views of his nation that he cared about is different now. And that's a good thing if he wants to right the wrongs, he, his family, and his nation did to the rest of the world.
So when Iroh says this to Zuko when it comes to ruling the Fire Nation:
"You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation."
He of course takes it seriously. Despite his insecurities, Zuko made it his mission to bring back the honor his nation lost by doing what he did to right his own wrongs. Working with the other nations and the Avatar.
So if the Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes, and the Avatar want things to be separate, to be how it was before the war, then he'll do what is necessary. That's the trouble with this type of thinking though, things can't go back to the way they were. Especially not after 100 years culture built upon the war.
It also would make matters difficult when you remember one Zuko's flaws: he tends to be extreme with what he does. And sometimes that extreme attitude can cause others (and himself) to get hurt in the process. Even if it's not intentional.
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On the contrary to Zuko, Aang was the one to acknowledges how this movement will cause disruption towards other people's lives. Though just like Zuko, who has flaws, Aang's also has flaws. He sometimes cannot see the full extent of how certain actions can hurt others.
In the show, we never see Zuko interacting with the citizens from the colonies, and Aang only went to one in the first season. So their views about the colonies is rather nonexistent or limited. It makes sense they be nonchalant about removing the colonies for the sake of peace and restoration.
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festivalofthe12 · 11 days
mannnnnnnn IDK if it's just because I never fully finished the manga myself (sorry everyone;;) but I just. don't. really understand how Akito being just another one of Tohru's friends is supposed to. work. in practice. with Yuki.
Not because Akito is an ~irredeemable person who never earned her redemption~ or whatever. People being good is good!!! If Akito is legitimately a better person now, that's awesome!!! And frankly I love stories where legitimate kindness breaks through to save people who are shitty but also deeply deeply sad!!!!!
But to most of the cast, Akito was a pretty distant enemy. Yes, she'd show up in person now and then to be chilling and mysterious, but her primary source of contention was Being God. The way she ran the family and the rules she set up around it. Other characters might have spent a lot of time seething at her, but mainly to blame her for indirectly causing things to happen in their lives. Apart from a very small number, most have never actually had much experience just... talking to her.
Which is not true for Yuki.
Yuki has spent more time with her than almost anybody. By the end of the manga, she's still probably the person he's spent the most time in contact with, total, over his life. He literally could not get away from being in the same physical space as her.
His reactions to Akito aren't based on him blaming her for what she did to the Sohma family. His reactions to Akito are based on a very simple 'if I can see her, things about about to get very bad very quickly for me personally.'
At that point, it's not even really about whether he blames or forgives her, or what he thinks she 'deserves'. It is an immediate anxiety (let's be real: PTSD) trigger. It's neither conscious nor logical. He spent endless amounts of time waiting with horror for her to show up, unable to know or control when that would happen, and then having that horror fully justified. He was trained on it, endlessly.
I fully believe that Yuki would want to trust Tohru and respect her friendship with Akito and believe that everything has changed and it's all good now. But I just can't see him being him able to actually... act on that. In practice.
He never even really properly got to process it. Ayame did the classic oblivious parent thing of trying to override Yuki's negative emotions with happy ones before he was actually ready to move on. (Not critiquing Ayame; he's just a flawed human being in his own right!) Tohru comforted him and told him he didn't deserve it, and now she's friends with his abuser asking him to say everything's fine. If Kakeru ever fully found out what happened, it was off-screen, and not all that much time before this all went down.
I just. Really think that what Yuki needs is at least some time to just be better and angry, or at the very least openly mourn his lost childhood. And he needs to be able to do that without those constant triggers of anxiety from interacting with Akito. All things being equal, I think it would be for the best if he could just tell Tohru straight-up that he's fine with their friendship and he's not going to intervene but he just does not want to be in the same room with Akito ever again.
And... if I were to stretch this a bit further, and potentially really betray my unfamiliarity with endgame canon........... it is kind of hard for me to imagine Akito being okay with that.
Yes, Akito has changed. But surely she still needs time to grow and learn and figure out her new place in this world? And Yuki deliberately avoiding her would... be a difficult thing to accept. Firstly because she's still getting used to giving up that selfishness (especially towards Yuki), but also because it's a reminder of some of the awful shit she did. Which, if she's a changed person, should make her feel bad. Which again, she isn't qualified to process!!
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Akito twisted it around in her head to where Yuki really was her friend. Like they were in this together and Akito didn't always handle it well but at the end of the day, they're the only two who can really understand each other. Because Akito really didn't have that, either. (Kureno being... idk man he always seemed more like a guardian, or at least older brother figure than someone who was 'in the trenches' so to speak with her.)
Either way, it'd all place Tohru in such a deeply complicated position. Akito is hurting badly and needs Tohru to be on her side if no-one else is, because to be fair, that's not all wrong? (Kureno has always been there, but Tohru is her saviour.) But she can't really do that if she's enforcing Yuki's boundaries for him. I feel like Akito would really want Tohru to tell her that she's forgiven and that everything's good now, and if she hesitated even a little, it wouldn't go well. Because Akito only knows how to understand two things: obedience and manipulation. So having others set healthy boundaries - and dealing with the resulting feelings of rejection and shame and guilt - is something she still has to learn how to do.
It just sounds. A bit like a clusterfuck tbh. A clusterfuck that could, eventually, turn out okay!!!!!! But one that would take a LONG time and continued process of reflection and self-awareness (and, ideally, HEAVY THERAPY, but of course we all know nobody in the Fruits Basket universe ever gets that, so). Obviously like that's the happy ending and we don't need to extend it out for four more volumes of like 'Yuki and Akito undergo cbt separately via Tohru's infinite patience' lmfao but. Idk. It just seems to imply a lot in that happy ending that has not really set up by the story to be all that easy.
Unless I'm completely wrong and the last volume or two does in fact set this up perfectly. In which case never mind!!!!!!!!!!
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ongreenergrasses · 25 days
Ten Characters/Ten Fandoms/Ten Tags
tagged by @anosrepasi forever ago to do this one and it of course got buried, thank you for tagging me 💜 most of these aren’t really fandoms just different source media but whatever
1. Nile Freeman (The Old Guard). like does it surprise anyone she’s at the top of this list? idk. she is so brilliant because her flaws are also her strengths, and that’s how the world works but that’s really exemplified in her i feel. my beloved main character 💖 i miss her and i love that I’ve been writing her more with these prompt fills!
2. Leia Organa (Star Wars). what can i say. firmly believe she’s a candidate for character of all time. it bothers me when people make it so that women Have To Be Tough but she’s so, so tough and she has such an incredibly shit hand and she’s a princess and she’s constantly making wisecracks and she was kind of who i wanted to be as a kid when i wasn’t pretending to be Darth Vader
3. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games). also should not be a surprise if you’ve seen my blog recently but i do love her because she is just so. she is so many things but she is just so clueless. and I really do love that because if there’s one thing I remember about being 16-17 it’s how unbelievably self centered and clueless i was despite thinking otherwise.
4. Daisy Jones (Daisy Jones and the Six). there’s a lot of put together people on this list and she’s definitely not that and neither am i. she feels music so very deeply that it’s part of her like i do and she also has absolute dogshit taste in men like i do. she’s selfish she’s constantly trying to feel something she’s deeply artistic and deeply flawed and imo she’s probably one of the most interesting characters on this list
5. Jackie (Love Lies Bleeding). she is the toxic bisexual representation we all need and deserve!!! she makes things right she gets revenge on the people that have wronged the woman she loves she laughs and smiles she’s a hitchhiker motivated deeply by her dream and she’s a fucking body builder. she nearly had it all until she started murdering people and honestly good for her anyway
6. Iris West (The Flash). she’s just so cool, she’s a journalist! she’s a superhero! she’s kind and caring and her family’s moral compass and her family’s motivator and honestly her family’s rock and I will absolutely never get over how dirty the CW did her and Candice Patton. completely reprehensible shit.
7. Joan Watson (Elementary). there’s constantly talk about the best Sherlock Holmes adaptation blah blah etc etc but she is hands down the best Watson i think we will ever get. she nails the indulgent supportive exasperation of the character perfectly and the energy and individuality she brings to a character that is so infamous is something really special. i also genuinely love the questions she asks idk i think she just asks really very good questions and that’s exactly what you need in a Watson!
8. Idgie Threadgoode (Fried Green Tomatoes). i am deeply deeply in love with this book. i recently reread it and idk what was going on with me mentally before where i wasn’t obsessed with it but i am now and she has moved into my brain full time. she is so passionate and so fearless and feels everything so deeply and makes the life she wants for herself despite enormous societal obstacles and she is so very very loved.
9. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde). what can i even say that hasn’t been said probably more eloquently. one of the things i love about her most is that she’s a perfect example of how there’s no such thing as useless knowledge. everything you know is valuable and worthwhile and useful and everything you love and care about will someday come to help you when you need it. i’ve thought about becoming a lawyer for a while now but if i actually go through with it it’s down to her!!!
10. Louise Banks (Arrival). obviously Arrival is one of my favorite movies but the reason she’s on this list is because she makes the absolutely insane and incredibly brave choice that she wouldn’t change anything. she knows the future she knows what will happen she knows the devastation awaiting her and she makes the conscious decision not to try and avoid or fight that, but to welcome that. and that is one of the most metal fucking things i’ve ever seen.
tagging @goldheartedsky @godihatethisfreakingcat @nilefreemans @shatterthefragments @existentialdebbies
@constantlyfalling @lyricfulloflight @ghoulangerlee @aphroditestummyrolls and @flawlessassholes but as always no pressure 💖
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pinkandpurple360 · 5 months
[PDJ anon] that's a fair read tbh! I think a lot of us wanted to think the show was doing more with Stolas than it has but it's just gotten worse n worse. he could have been an excellent villain or antagonist, or an interesting character study of a deeply flawed noble struggling to be better than the last generation & right now he's neither
and you're totally right - Stolas has been like three different characters at this point, maybe even five if you count the instas
1 pilot Stolas - fairly flat joke character but does actually feel like a demon lord. worst he does is call Blitzo and get, uh, overenthusiastic on the phone
2 murder family Stolas - retains the demon lord demeanour and speech patterns, escalates to trapping Blitzo in a deal for sex. stone cold predator out to get laid
3 rest of S1 Stolas - not a great father tbh but wants to be one. complicated home life. has some dimension outside of just wanting sex but still objectifies and demeans Blitzo. deeply flawed but interesting and not entirely let off the hook by the story
4 S2 Stolas - never did anything wrong in his life. If someone thinks he wronged them, no he didn't. Blitzo led him on, apparently; it's not his fault he was duped into coercing a lower class demon into sex they couldn't refuse! sad wet cat
insta Stolas - the closest to a decent person Stolas has ever gotten. flirts with Blitzo but doesn't push it. actually knows the names of the rest of IMP and gives a darn about both them and Blitzo's interests. has movie nights and probably the occasional consensual casual hookup w/Blitzo. actually teaches his daughter magic once in a while
it's hard for anyone to know what they're supposed to think of Stolas at this point tbh. Idk if PDJ minds his lyrics being changed or his song being used to essentially promote stol/tz. he always thanks people for their support so I suspect he was just happy to have eyes on his music. I feel bad for him, though. idk if he still likes what HB has turned into but he deserved more than to have his name buried at the end of the credits. He wrote it! His song Liquid Gold for Lackadaisy had his name right front and centre in both the title and desc. Wouldn't have killed Viv to do the same. at least he's doing bigger n better things these days
(side note, good point that Blitzo could have easily been seducing Stolas to get out of his room alive. his confidence noticeably comes back when he figures he can take control of the situation; before that he's tense and even scared)
Thank you paranoid DJ for putting your talent and skills towards this project, you deserved full credit and unedited lyrics. I’ll check out liquid gold soon! Plus Ringleader was his best Helluva song by far, it was intense and it hit hard. But thankfully fizz doesn’t hate Blitzø that much, or their story would be very cut and dry.
I feel like one way this could be salvaged is if they took his substance abuse issues seriously. Those mood stabilisers that he abuses are supposed to suppress unhappiness, they might even give him a high. So when he’s on those at a normal dose, maybe he’s personality 3, he’s a super gentle kind loving father, he can get through the day, he doesn’t devolve. But when he is in withdrawal or ODs that’s when he starts obsessively “loving” blitz and needing to see him and nobody else, because he can get an adrenaline high from him, guilt free.
The best stolas is 100% the 3rd personality, with the occasionally delve into the 2nd one when nobody is around but the imps.
You just can’t write personalities 1 through 3, then get 4 out of nowhere, and pretend he was actually personality 5 all along. What the hell?
The Instagram guy sounds nice but that’s nothing like the canon and it’s too late to pretend it is. In fact I’m starting to think having an Instagram cast and a canon cast alongside each other was a bad decision. Especially if they are this inconsistent. Because now the only justification we have for his behaviour is inserting stuff from the non canon instagrams. Offscreen from our canon. Not to mention the silly insert of phone pictures and texts. For crying out loud have them discuss Ozzies in person not via text?? Text that nobody can read without pausing??
I cant name a single person in the fandom who was happy with that decision.
I think the most interesting route that could be taken was to have 2 be his dark side that introduces conflict and, his kindness towards Via just makes him a villain with a kind layer. It gives blitz a bigger reason to not just kill him, he’s conflicted that a family man can act like this badly. Even the most racist nastiest people are super gentle and kind to the people they select to be good enough for it. This also opens the door for more Octavia importance, she could be someone between the commoner and wealthy classes. Nothing about her screams royal at all.
Last point like—literally! The whole scene was horrible to watch and the fact they met one time as kids makes it plain disgusting to me. Like why is stolas sexualising this guy who has been a child in his mind this whole time? LooLoo land was the perfect opportunity for them to have met as adults and mention the book. It even works better in the timeline. Blitz leaves the theme park to become an assassin instead. And here’s how - steal that book. Idk it’s just weird. And having Paimon buy Blitzo like he’s nothing, just because stolas feels sad, is unforgivable to me.
“I recall how you like making an entrance 😏” you mean whe—-when he was practically a baby..? When he made a balloon horsey and was 7 at the oldest? That’s sexy to you?
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cow-rants · 3 months
With the announcement that Rooster Teeth will be shutting down, I just want to rant about the series they made and the way they contributed to my childhood and life overall.
I actually know what first introduced me to Rooster Teeth, in fact I remember my first video I watched. It was back in 2012 or 2013, around the time I was first getting into Halo. My dad had downloaded a Halo fan app on the family iPad. It just so happened to also include a series of videos called “Fails of the Weak”, by Achievement Hunter. I still revisit that series every now and then just for nostalgia. But after I finished watching everything that they had come out with, I decided to look for more things from them. And that started my love for Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter.
I watched Let’s Play for a few years before I discovered Red Vs Blue which instantly became one of my favorites. Not long after, I discovered RWBY. And the latter became my absolute favorite show ever. Both shows brought me joy and even taught me some things about myself that I hold close to me.
RvB showed me so many flawed and stupid characters that worked together, willingly or not, to do something to better the world and galaxy around them. It made me yearn for a group of people in my life, which I’ve found since then. Something about the freelancer arc specifically connected with me. Maybe it was Carolina and her father, maybe it was Epislon’s search for identity, or maybe it everything mixed together. Regardless, the show did a lot to make me realize how much I wanted a community. And further, that to be a part of a good community, I need to be a better person.
RWBY did even more than that. It gave me my favorite character, yet another group of idiots, and easily one of my favorite storylines ever. RWBY helped me discover my identity, it brought me to tears numerous times, and so so so much more. The show holds a special place in my heart as one of my favorite pieces of art ever. The idea that it could possibly end without a proper ending makes me scared, nervous, and melancholic. Ruby Rose specifically became my comfort character and is honestly the kind of person that I want to be.
Aside from their IPs, I really do wish the best for the employees that will be losing their jobs with RT's shutdown. I hope that they can find another, more stable place to support themselves and/or their families. They've worked so hard all these years to bring different ideas and visons to life for the public and created so many wonderful things.
While RT has certainly had its ups and downs over the years, and certainly no stranger to controversy, I'm still deeply saddened by the announcement of their shutdown. I wish everyone at RT luck in finding new places to work and hope that their IPs receive the endings they deserve.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to rewatch RWBY for the 30th time. Or is the 40th?
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
I have thought a little bit more about the various au ideas I sent awhile back and I think I do want to expand on “everything is the same but brambleclaw knows so nothing is the same” because I hate canon Bramblestar but love what he’d be if he were a legitimate antagonist/even just a heavily flawed protagonist.
because like, Brambleclaw has this leverage now. Leafpool knows he trained in the dark forest, he knows she had halfclan kits- leafpool wouldn’t have told anyone anyway, but he still has this new juicy thing to dangle over her and Squirrelflight’s heads. Everytime he’s doubted he can shoot back with “well you’re not so loyal to the code yourself” even if he knows it’s not the same, he’d convince himself of it. One of the traits I’d like if he were an antagonist is that the erins have unintentionally written it so that he’s deeply flawed but extremely good at excusing everything he does and justifying it.
Also, he’s pretty fixated on kin, especially family who looks like him. That’s all he has to go off of with hawkfrost and tigerstar (though I’m not saying it’s bad that he’d be curious about his biological family, just bad that he’d… keep hanging out with them because They’re Kin. Maybe he can’t condemn them because he’s more like them than he’d like to admit. Anyway). So would he treat the three just a little bit differently for not being his? And would squilf notice this and have it turn into a new battle for them? Brambleclaw being like “how dare you accuse me of loving my adopted children less just because they’re not blood related to me” when squilf has genuine reason to feel like that’s what he’s doing. This is all speculation anyway but
Also, it jeopardises his position as deputy to be holding this codebreaking secret, and we know he likes holding power over people. How far will he go to keep things as he feels they’re supposed to be- I’m kind of imagining an outcome where he reveals the secret or causes it to be revealed by telling someone else or hinting at it, OR where Hollyleaf reveals it like in canon but he turns on squilf and leafpool and acts like he never knew. Although I don’t feel like canon would stay the same, I just haven’t decided what exactly changes based on this little shift
also there’s some line in leafpool’s wish to the effect of saying brambleclaw *deserves* children and that’s why squilf should take the kits and like. THAT should be involved somehow. I think he’d be shitty about her being (seemingly) infertile in an indirect kind of way. I love it when they get divorced in aus and I think that would be happening a lot sooner in this idea
(Please feel free to tell me to stop rambling about my ideas if needed, I won’t be upset at all)
Oooh VERY interesting!! Big agree with the kin part, while I get it was a necessity for the plot, Brambleclaw still wanting to see the best in his father (or at least what his father could offer him) despite having been alive and seeing every he did is very interesting. I can definitely see him being a kin guy.
veeerrry interested in the potential familial drama, i feel like it could add some needed tension to early po3 slice of life writing! throw in some self-indulgent Holly tries sooo so hard to impress her father and he's nice but it never feels genuine snippets here and there
cat divorce is fun BIG yeah for cat divorce
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marian0 · 2 years
Don't even get me started on that boring as hell take that "Adult Jess is too good for Rory" even coming from Logan fans of all people. Like I've seen published reviewers say this shit with no issue and even go to say something like "you know who Adult Rory deserves? Teen Jess" or even defending their preference for Logan by saying that at this point, both Logan and Rory are trash so they should be trash together. Like why even say this insanely dumb thing? First off, Teen Jess doesn't exist in present tense, what are you even trying to say with this? And also, imagine the only justification that you even have for your preferred ship being "well they deserve each other!" like not even "I still love their chemistry and their history". That just tells me all I need to know about how deeply they feel for Logan and Rory as a ship if their only reasoning and excuse for them being a preferred pairing is "they're both trash".
I've long given up on the 'Adult Jess is too good for Rory and that's why they don't deserve to be together' cause I know their understanding of both Rory and Jess as characters and their relationship is DEEPLY flawed.
I think people really really underestimate the kind of impact Rory had on Jess when they were kids. The trust she had in him was so sincere that it stayed with him even after he had finally found a footing in his life.
Like if you think Jess who's whole life is filled with less than stellar decisions is gonna JUDGE Rory for not handling grief properly (she was really really close to Richard) and stumbling a bit professionally, then I'm sorry you do not have critical understanding of his character. And I stand by it.
Also can we please discuss that even though Teen Jess is not apparently good enough for Rory people still root for them but when it's Rory (a woman) who's not good enough for Adult Jess (a man) people are not granting them the same favor?
And don't get me started on Logan because I will never understand why WHY why would people want Rory to end up with him after he's repeatedly shown with his actions that when it's comes to their relationship its him and her, rather than them. And any conflict/dispute they face becomes a debate for him that he has to win. And please spare me with his character development bullshit cause everyone knows it was just a fluke. Him doing something just to PROVE something to Rory is not the romantic move Rogans think it is.
Fortunately/Unfortunately Rory is not seen as a complete character in gg fandom and instead seen merely as a self inert who is reduced to her love interest. People don't realize that saying liking Logan as a boyfriend and liking Logan as Rory's partner are two different things.
Maybe it doesn't matter to YOU that as a potential love interest family doesn't matter much to him, he makes promise he can't keep, that he'd fuck up but then make huge declarations of love to apologize to you and so on. Maybe you'd be okay with that but for Rory, we are SHOWN that it bothered her and we are SHOWN that she was just adjusting adjusting and adjusting hoping to prove that she was good enough for him. And that's not healthy.
Whether the fandom would like to accept it for not Logan really messed with her self esteem, making her question everything that made her 'Rory Gilmore' cause just that was not good enough to withhold his attention on her. And that's sad.
I could honestly go on and on about this but bottom line is I've stopped paying attention to opinions like they're both trash who belong together, Logan was her only mature relationship, Adult Jess is too good for Rory, Rory is a homewreker (without ever ever blaming Dean or Logan). These opinions are loud but half baked and are a huge disservice to Rory's character
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curvychicchronicles · 4 months
Embracing Your Beauty: A Guide to Self-Love for Big Girls
Body image and self-esteem are topics that often take center stage in discussions surrounding beauty and confidence, especially for big girls. Society's beauty standards can sometimes feel like they're tailor-made for a specific body type, leaving many women feeling inadequate or insecure about their appearance. However, it's essential to recognize that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and self-love is a journey that every individual deserves to embark upon.
Redefining Beauty
Let's start by debunking the myth that beauty is confined to a particular body size or shape. Beauty is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it's diverse, multifaceted, and deeply personal. As big girls, it's crucial to embrace our unique features, curves, and imperfections because they contribute to our individuality and make us who we are.
Embracing Your Body
Self-love begins with self-acceptance, and that includes accepting and appreciating our bodies just the way they are. Instead of fixating on our perceived flaws or comparing ourselves to unrealistic standards, let's focus on the things we love about our bodies. Whether it's our radiant smile, our curves, or our strength, there's beauty to be found in every part of us.
Nourishing Your Mind and Soul
Self-love isn't just about physical appearance; it's also about nurturing our minds and souls. Taking care of our mental and emotional well-being is essential for building confidence and cultivating self-love. This can include practicing positive affirmations, surrounding ourselves with supportive and uplifting people, and engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.
Practicing Self-Care
Self-love involves treating ourselves with the same kindness and compassion that we would extend to others. Incorporating self-care practices into our daily routines is a powerful way to honor ourselves and prioritize our well-being. Whether it's indulging in a relaxing bath, going for a walk in nature, or enjoying a delicious meal, carving out time for self-care is a form of self-love.
Setting Boundaries
Part of loving ourselves means setting boundaries and advocating for our needs. This might involve saying no to things that don't serve us or establishing boundaries in our relationships to ensure that our emotional needs are met. Setting boundaries is a form of self-respect and self-preservation, and it's an important aspect of practicing self-love.
Celebrating Your Achievements
Big or small, every achievement deserves to be celebrated. Whether it's reaching a personal goal, overcoming a challenge, or simply making it through a tough day, acknowledging our accomplishments is an act of self-love. Taking the time to celebrate our successes reinforces our worth and reminds us of our resilience and strength.
Surrounding Yourself with Positivity
The company we keep can have a significant impact on our self-esteem and overall well-being. Surrounding ourselves with positive influences whether it's friends, family, or mentors who uplift and support us can reinforce our sense of self-worth and encourage us to embrace our beauty and uniqueness.
Self-love is a journey, and like any journey, it has its ups and downs. Embracing our beauty as big girls involves challenging societal norms, redefining beauty on our terms, and prioritizing our well-being. It's about loving ourselves unapologetically, celebrating our strengths, and embracing every part of who we are. By practicing self-love, we empower ourselves to live authentically, confidently, and joyfully, embracing our beauty in all its glorious diversity. Remember, you are beautiful, worthy, and deserving of love exactly as you are.
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
Most Sylki fans I met insult Loki and call him fascist but ship them together anyway. Sylvie values freedom and she shouldn't be in relationship with someone like that.
I can't speak for all Sylki fans because I haven't spoken to every Sylki fan, but I'm very interested in which Sylki fans you're meeting, because Loki isn't a fascist. that just? doesn't really make sense? He Who Remains is a fascist. the Time Variance Authority is a fascist organization. I think that's the general consensus among a lot of Sylki fans, and maybe that's where you're getting confused, because Loki did try work with the TVA and he did try to save HWR's life, but he was against everything they stood for. Sylvie was actively fighting the fascist organization far more than Loki was, but that I don't think many people would argue that it makes Loki himself a fascist. It might mean Loki was on the wrong side of things — that depends on who you ask — but Loki was against the TVA's authoritarian regime; he just didn't want cause a multiversal war.
I think there are two main reasons you'll find Sylki fans insulting Loki. The first one is that he's a flawed person, and that's what makes him an interesting character. Some people do try to rationalize everything he's done to paint him in a good light and to act like he's the most selfless person to ever exist, but I personally think it's far more interesting to look at him as a deeply flawed individual who's made mistakes and done bad things for bad reasons, but that he's far more complicated than just "he's a perfect little angel uwu" or "he's pure evil and loves destruction and chaos and death."
And the other main reason you'll see people insult Loki is to strike back at the people insulting Sylvie. The same people who try to defend Loki's every action are often the ones who point out any possible flaw they can find in Sylvie to convince themselves and other antis that he's a perfect little cinnamon roll and that she's a horrible person who deserves nothing but the worst. Sylki fans sometimes like to turn the tables on that. A lot of times, when Sylki fans are elevating Sylvie and talking about Loki's flaws, it's in direct response to that kind of hypocrisy from the antis. We're saying "no, you're wrong about Sylvie; she's better than that," and we're also saying "no, you're wrong about Loki, he's not that perfect." But I don't think there are a lot of Sylki fans out there — and, again, I could be wrong; this is just what I feel like I've seen from the Sylki fans I know, but there are a lot more out there that I've never met — who think that Sylvie is just so much better than Loki. To steal a quote from Supernatural because I'm a cringe individual, they're just two people trying to do their best in a world where it's far too easy to do their worst.
And I think you're kind of twisting Sylvie's goal there at the end of your ask. Sylvie values freedom from the TVA. She wants to be free from the fascist organization that's been tracking her down her whole life; that killed her family and destroyed her world; that's forced her to live her life in the midst of literal apocalypses. But she's also incredibly lonely. She's like a feral cat in a way. She hasn't really been socialized because just talking to people could put her on the TVA's radar. And she thinks for the longest time that she wants to be alone, because that's all she's ever known, but the truth is that she longs for comfort and for companionship. I don't think it's ever more obvious than when she's talking to Loki on the train that she likes people and that she wishes she had her own special someone in whatever form that takes: a boyfriend or girlfriend, a best friend, a mother, the postman, whatever. But she doesn't. And she can't. And it takes her time to admit to herself that she can, that Loki's in the same situation that she is and that she can have him, and that's why it's so heartbreaking to her that they don't feel the same way in the citadel. She'd thought she found someone to see this through to the end with, and someone to spend her life with after, and she didn't.
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the-underworld-aes · 2 years
About Mafia 3
Some thoughts about characters and how some folks treat them:
John Donovan: Love this guy, wish I had more info about him that isn't all surface level and stuff I had to make up for a headcanon, but jeez I swear, at least on YouTube comments, it’s like people want to make him the Mafia games equivalent of Deadpool. Cause he’s “wacky” and “chaotic” and they want him to be the next games protag, once again, love this guy, but oh my god, NO! I think he works best as a side character and at most a secondary protag (like for Stones Unturned). If there was a game with him...what would it be? Just assassinate politicians in the 70′s simulator? Won’t be a Mafia game then would it unless he goes back to the Clay Family. That’s just YouTube comments I see though, but I got thoughts.
Vito Scaletta: I have to be clear, I DO LIKE Vito, but I think I liked him more in Mafia 3, very much Italian Uncle I deeply deserved in life vibes, I will admit though, even though I like him in M3, I feel like the devs leaned in on him being there as like, a selling point? While I enjoyed M2, I will admit as faves in order go, it’s Mafia 3, Mafia 1, and Mafia 2. Vito was getting dragged along for a lot of the events in M2 and boy, Joe was.... I wouldn't want him for a friend. Vito can be all messed up about what happened to Joe, but when I watched the cutscene movie for M2 I thought Joe was awful to Vito. Vito needs better friends :/ (also even tho I’m usually on team “RAIL THAT OLD MAN!” I think the Lincoln/Vito ship is odd, def not my thing and yet somehow not as offensive as the next character I’m about to bring up though.)
Giorgi Marcano: Oh boy where do I begin with him... I see...so many people sympathize with him or simp for him and it feels SO GROSS. (Imma be honest this mf is ugly he looks like a monkey with his busted hairstyle. Like if someone made a realistic Westernized Lupin the III but somehow removed all the charm from him). I feel like people seem to have forgotten he handed the Hollow over the the Dixie Mafia on a silver platter, that or they don’t care. The Hollow is the Black community in the game and the Dixie Mafia is all Southern Pride and Lynch mobs, all those Confederate flags... And I know that Giorgi KNEW THIS. I see people saying he was just doing what his dad said, and sure to an extent but it’s clear he enjoys what he does (He was so hyped to tell Sal what he did to Olivia), I will never forget what the Dixie boy’s did to Perla’s, to the young black women they forced to take drugs and exploited, the the specific targeting of the Black and Haitian communities in game, what they did to Casandra, etc. Giorgi was a spoiled violent Daddy’s boy that either was playing Lincoln, Ellis and Danny the whole time, or didn't care about them enough to even protest Sal’s orders against them. Even in his death scene, he never tried to apologize to Lincoln even if he knew the apology wouldn't have saved him. If they showed that, then sure I would at least admit he did care about Lincoln and all his friends that were killed, but no he didn't, just him and his old man. (PUTTING EEEEEVERRYYOOONE ON A LIST WHO SHIP LINCOLN/GIORGI! I CAME FROM THE FAR CRY FANDOM AND I’M SICK OF SEEING SO MUCH RACISM IN CHARACTER PORTRAYALS AND SHIPS! SICK AND TIRED!)
Game story and themes:
I will praise this game to the moon and back, despite it’s “flaws” like the glitches and game play. The glitches were not game breaking for me and I liked the game play honestly (I have ASD so that probably contributes to it). The driving is good despite me being a bad driver and I liked the how the weapons worked.
But I do have some thoughts about what I think was kinda lackluster and disappointing.
Lack of highlighting how horrible the Vietnam war was, condemning the army and the C.I.A. I know that’s so specific but you can’t have a Vietnam vet without having some kind of toll that it took on him, most of Lincoln’s trauma was mostly just centered around what happened to his family after he got back home, and some stuff in his childhood. Which is valid those things are traumatizing but idk, were the devs afraid? Also I know Donovan during the game is still technically in the C.I.A until he officially leaves in 1969, and he’s like, a big JFK stan, but like, does he know what Kennedy’s plans were for the C.I.A, is he blindly loyal? Was it game? I mean I know he does leave it but he’s been in the game for like 15 years, what’s going on? What’s all those war crimes for? Do the devs at Hangar 13 and 2K not wanna be put on some weird list? I don’t know, man.
My taste for found crime families keeps getting un-quenched: Looking back at the promo trailers showing Lincoln and all his under-bosses working together, with Donovan even tagging along, and seeing how the game actually played out... ow. The under-bosses hate each other, every convo between Lincoln and Cassandra feels like it leads to an argument, Burke was racist to Lincoln at the start, and....actually Vito seems like the most pleasant despite being a sad middle aged man so I’ve give him that. The most we get to them showing respect for each other is if you go to pick up kickback and talk more to them, then they’ll say nice things about each other.
Ex: Cassandra saying Vito isn't as bad as she thought, she thinks Burke is really fun. Vito thinking Burke is funny. And Burke having respect for what Vito's been through and weirdly enough, oddly respectful of her beliefs.
But that’s it, and they have no idea who Donovan is either even though he’s been working behind the scenes. And with how they are in game, I know they would NOT like him, I think Cassandra would hate him the most cause she gave Lincoln flak for willingly joining the army (I mean she’s right, I agree with her.).
So in that aspect I’m a little <:/ about. Not everything can be perfect.
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Stolas or Wilt
I'll do both, both is good!
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First impression: I honestly didn't know what to make of his design, at first: I remember I found it pretty weird, especially his mouth. Aside from that, I didn't think much of him. ^^'
Favorite moment: Aw come on, I'd have to make a list for this! Oh well, if I have to choose, I'd say when he sings a lullaby to Octavia in the second episode. Not only it's amazingly sung, but it's a first hint of Stolas' real character and inner turmoil. **
Idea for a story: One thing for sure: aside from his daughter and not yet lover, Stolas doesn't seem to have anyone else in his life. Does he have any friend? Judging from his current state of being and title, it seems Stolas finds it really hard to truly connect with others. It would be nice to see him being confident enough to try and bond with more people other than the only two in his life (no, his wife really doesn't count). It's what he deserves!
Unpopular opinion: I'll say this one and for all: comparing him to Valentino is a true disservice to the owl. Maybe at first it was fair, we didn't have a lot of info about Stolas besides his desires towards Blitzo, but now? It's clear as day that Stolas truly wants to be with the imp, but a posh, sheltered life coupled with his own sad love life has left him with little to no idea on how to approach Blitzo properly. No, he's NOT abusive. No, he's not malicious in wanting Blitzo as a partner. The reason their relationship is unhealthy is a combination of a huge social gap between the two and their own emotional turmoils. It CAN get better, but only when the two of them will be able to truly open up to each other. Stolas has MANY flaws, and cheating wasn't a good choice, but you have to admit that his family situation is awful, loveless, he feels trapped. His choice to cheat was impulsive and not thought out, but he never intended to hurt anyone. Sorry this got long, but Stolas as a character is often misread as irredeemable, and that just doesn't sit well with me. He's flawed, but he's very much loving and worthy of love just as much as Blitzo.
Favorite relationship: Two of them: I love Stolas' relationship with Blitzo and seeing how their bond evolves through its trials and tribulations. Despite how messy it is, I know they'll be able to heal together. I also love his relationship with Octavia: their family is crumbling apart, there's so many issues that Stolas has to face, but his love for his daughter is true and sincere. And while she's understandably cross at him for everything that has happened, it's clear she deeply loves him in return.
Favorite headcanon: I personally see him as in the spectrum: Stolas struggles in social situations, has got a whole deal of actions that act as stims (just look at how much he fidgets whenever he's on the phone with Blitzo!), not to mention his unique love for gardening and astronomy! He's definitely neurodivergent in my eyes!
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First impression: Always found him nice, but didn't think much of it.
Impression now: Oh sweetie, you deserve so much better than this. Also, oh no, he's just like me... o_o
Favorite moment: His moments in "Good Wilt Hunting" are a whole compilation of how awesome his character is. I especially love how he stopped everytime to help people on his way to the match. He had a choice to keep on going, and yet he stopped everytime to help, never expecting something in return, despite how grateful everyone was for his kindness. Wilt may not think so, but he truly is a great friend.
Idea for a story: Honestly I'm a bit at loss here. A lot of ideas have been explored with him. Maybe an episode where he and Jordan spend a day together and reconnect, while also seeing how much both have changed during the 30 years being apart.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure if it's unpopular, but, yeah, sleeping under a bed is not ideal. Wilt, ask for a bed all of your own! Man, he deserved that room...
Favorite relationship: He's like a big brother to Mac, and that's precious! Considering Mac's home life and Terrence, it's so good that Frankie and Wilt act so sibling-like towards him!
Favorite headcanon: I think this is pretty canon considering his history, but still... Wilt's compulsive need to help others and apologetic tendencies are not just out of genuine politeness: poor guy has low self love ever since his accident and separation from Jordan, and maybe that's why he can't bring himself to deny doing favors to others and stand up for himself. He's a people pleaser, and constantly wants to prove he's a good friend, even if his guilt doesn't allow him to really believe it.
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