#thanks for sending me these!!!!
virgo-dream · 1 year
48, 30 and 16 for the writer ask game?
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Last fic I read was The Knight of Cups by @softest-punk. Highly recommend it! 🍐
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Oh boy, not that I can remember, no! I'm afraid my fic writing is entirely for my own entertainment and all technical growth achieved is despite my efforts and not because of them lol
On a serious note, maybe Dream's anxiety attacks and dissociative bouts in May Dream, because I'm drawing from personal experience and it can sometimes be difficult to remember those experiences to write about them, but it is also terapheutic, somehow? I've also had to write plenty of things I wasn't interested in or that I personally did not enjoy in college and even at work, so I don't plan on doing much of that in my fics.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I'm a sucker for a highschool AU, but most specifically: I would love to read a Dreamling Heartstopper AU. Heartstopper is probably my favourite piece of media I've had the pleasure of finding this year (sorry Sandman!!) and I'm dying to read book 5, so I'd really like to see that :)
I think my favourite AU that I have read is, of course, the critically acclaimed (the critic is me) The Uses of Adversity by Monstrous Regiment on AO3. It was Goncharov before Gonch could ever Charov or something. In case you haven't had the pleasure of reading it, here's the author's summary:
What led Hob Gadling — at the time known as Robert Stranger, because he’d been in a permanent state of pettiness from 1889 to about 1904 and now he was stuck with it — to the dank, cold, and dark basement of the Burgess house on March of 1957 was not so much coincidence or fate as it was curiosity. Yeah. Cats isn’t the only thing it kills. Alright, wait. Back up. Let’s start from the beginning. It was 1957 and Hob Gadling was, by no action or choice of his own, sort of — it’s a bit embarrassing — a criminal master. Not mastermind! He hadn’t planned any of it. Honestly.
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cahootings · 7 months
“their relationship is too deep to be sexual” what’s deeper than dick in hole. please tell me
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femmeidiot · 7 months
actually you know what I'm just gonna say it I think a lot of y'all view most amab non-binary people as just men but have no problem respecting the non-binary identity of afab non-binary people and you should really critically analyze that tendency actually
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sofiaruelle · 2 months
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❄️☃️The SDV Girlies in their winter garb!☃️❄️
One side how i interpreted their lil avatars and then the other side is just me playing dress up lmao.
“Bois when?” Dunno. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I will if anyone donates screenshots.
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inkskinned · 10 months
i got my isbn today for the book. 8 months to go. my mom and i were talking about what the next steps are. i was eating trail mix, standing on one foot, phone tucked into my ear.
"yeah," i said. "the problem is that tumblr as a market is like, not something that can be studied." there's this weird wave of nostalgia and affection for this place that came up over me: how lovely we avoid consumerism. okay, it sucks as a creator. but also? keep stickin' it to 'em.
my mother made the sound at the back of her throat that i also make, the one that means i've got an idea. "you should figure out some kind of reward for presale amounts. maybe you give out poems or a mug or a signed book or something. would your followers like that?" my mother is sweet, and kind, and i have no idea how to explain on this website you can buy someone crabs.
i put more m&ms down the hatch. i had to speak through peanuts and almonds. "if it passes 25 thousand i will print the book out in its entirety and eat it live on camera."
"oh god. no, you don't have to do that." she was anguished. "just tell them that you'd love them to read it, and that they've inspired you to write. you got started on that site, and they helped you keep going. raquel, you love these people. the community? you talk all the time about the other writers and artists and whatever else. tell them that you're hoping for their support, they'll come through."
"no," i assured her. i discovered i had dropped an m&m, but an ant had already found it, so it belonged to him now. i will let his little life have a surprise blue treasure in it, too. "i'm gonna fuckin' eat the book."
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ariadne-mouse · 11 months
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barghest-land · 27 days
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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negraarmadura · 2 months
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rjshope · 1 month
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find something to love in your life as much as namjoon loves music (so much that he makes a heart above his head)
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milk-lover · 6 months
Sobbing uncontrollably reading through a dissertation about the college experience of students with ADHD. It is like reading a report about my life that just says over and over "My experiences are real. My hardships are real. I am not lazy, I am not dumb. My struggles were not my fault, and they were not a moral failing. The failure was with the system, not with me."
Here's a line that got me in particular:
"Hotez et al.(2022) compared the health, academic, and non-academic capacities of a nationally representative sample of U.S. first-year college students with ADHD and without ADHD. Students with ADHD self-reported lower academic aspirations and more feelings of depression and overwhelm, ranking themselves lower in their general emotional health. The fact that students with ADHD scored in the highest 10th percentile for many non-academic traits, such as artistic ability, computer skills, creativity, public speaking, social confidence, self-understanding and understanding of others, compassion, and risk-tasking, suggests that this population has strengths that are frequently underappreciated in academia."
(the paper is a thesis called "Understanding the Collegiate Experience for Students With ADHD" by Gia Long, 2022)
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obsob · 1 year
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love is stored in the parallel play
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salamispots · 25 days
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a rug hook commission for @stickynotebirds! :O (who also drew the original sketch/design and I tweaked it a little bit)
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trustyalt · 2 months
he can't do it when you're watching!!
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pangur-and-grim · 23 days
I have been behind on the times but have just binged your blog and firstly I hope your girls feel better soon, pancreatitis is rotten! Secondly, I am in love with your son and I am SO happy about his existence! Devons are my absolute favourite cat breed and I get so excited then they come into work. Crusty old devons are my weakness.
Ps, the photo of him sobbing on the vet table had me CACKLING. I adore him. I’m so happy for you. I’m sending strength to the ladies.
Xoxo your biggest fan + her half a dozen dogs (and these two)
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pancreatitis is so nasty. when they go off food, I wish there was some way to say "nooooooooo you need that to live!" and have them understand.
it's a huge relief that they're both home and eating now!
as for the new boy, he is perfectly healthy and happy, and having the first catnip trip of his young life
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honsool · 10 months
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just 2seok making yoongi smile so big 🥹 cr for and to @namchyoon
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wolvesandshine · 2 months
I’m so convinced that the only reason the Marauders find out about Remus being a werewolf is because of Regulus cause let’s be real all of them are dumbasses like this is how it prob went down
Sirius: My new best friend gets sick every month I don’t know what to do
Regulus *innocently*: oh so he’s like a werewolf?
Sirius *scandalised* : No-
Sirius: *thinking back to all the times Remus’s sickness coincided with the full moon*
Sirius: Oh fuck
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